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Manifestando i Rumatera @sanremo 2015
#se dobbiamo andare sul regionale evoco la mia regione di adozione#piazzo una carta coperta e termino il mio turno#sanremo
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Using Latin Chants To Summon Daemons: A Daemonolatry Info Post
This is something I've been wanting to make a post about for a while, but I completely forgot to write about it lol. It's been sitting in my drafts for forever now, thanks to my clusterfuck of an AuDHD brain. 🤪 I FINALLY got it finished though, so here it is!
Okay so I've been summoning daemons using Latin for quite a while now, and I thought I'd write about it because I figured other practitioners might like to try this out too!
Full post under the cut. ↓
~ What's The Deal With Latin?
Daemons have long been stereotypically associated with the Latin language. But why is this? Well, I speculate that it's partially because of the fact that many historical books on demonology and witchcraft were written in Latin (e.g. grimoires such as the Ars Goetia and Liber Officiorum Spirituum).
However, the link between daemons and Latin goes back further than this. It's most likely and primarily due to the fact that the Roman Catholic Church retained Latin as its liturgical language. Many of their scripture and rites (including the ones regarding exorcisms of mainly "demonic spirits") remained written in Latin. And so, daemons starting being conflated with the Latin language as a whole.
~ Why Summon Daemons In Latin?
Nowadays, Latin is a rather obsolete language and isn't largely spoken in most parts of the world anymore. As a result, some people may find that it adds an extra layer of mysticism between the practitioner and their magical workings. Given how ancient the language is (as well as its associations with daemons and The Devil in the modern day), this can give it more subconscious power when used in your craft.
I've personally found it helpful to evoke/invoke daemons in Latin, and I find that it helps me connect with them better.
~ Why Not Just Use Enns?
Personally, I don't like to use the well-known enns to conjure daemons. From what I know, the demonic enns seem to originate from the works of S. Connolly, and I'm not a huge fan of her books in general... Personally I feel that a lot of the information in her books is poorly researched, and that the Dukante stuff and demonic enns are likely fabricated, and I find that she's just a highly problematic and culturally-appropriative person in general, which tends to show within her books (in my personal opinion; don't sue me ffs). So I try to stay away from her stuff, as I'm paranoid that it might potentially negatively effect my craft.
This is one of the reasons why I actually came up with Latin chants to conjure daemons in the first place; I like the idea of demonic enns, but I personally just don't want to associate with any of Connolly's stuff whatsoever. But that's just me though. If you like using the enns and it works for you, that's okay! It's just not personally my thing.
~ How To Summon Daemons Using Latin
I came up with a specific type of Latin chant that can be used to summon daemons; It's called a vocatum.
The word "vocatum" literally means "called", "invoked", or "having been summoned" in Latin. A vocatum can be iterated as a chant in order to invite or request the daemon's presence, as well as to help you get into a meditative state so you can communicate with the daemon better. You could also just say the vocatum once, if that personally suffices for you.
Here are some daemonic vocatums I have personally come up with and used in my own practice:
~ Simplified Vocatum ~
✧ Vocatum: "Ave [Daemon's Name], vos invoco/evoco." ✧ Translation: "Hail [Daemon's Name], I invoke/evoke you."
✰ Example: "Ave Satanas, vos invoco."
~ Complex Vocatum ~
✧ Vocatum: "Salve, [Daemon's Name]. Magnus [Rank], reverenter vos invoco/evoco." ✧ Translation: "Greetings, [Daemon's Name]. Great [Rank], I reverently invoke/evoke you."
✰ Example: "Salve, Glasya-Labolas. Magnus Comes, reverenter vos evoco."
🌟 Note: Use "invoco" for invocations and "evoco" for evocations.
Here is a short list of the Latin translations for the daemons' ranks (mostly from the Ars Goetia):
King/Queen - Rex/Regina
Duke/Duchess - Dux/Ducissa
Prince/Princess - Princeps/Principissa
Marquis/Marchioness - Marchio/Marchionissa
Earl/Count/Countess - Comes/Comitessa
President - Praeses
Knight/Sir/Dame - Miles/Dominus/Domina
~ Difference Between Invoking And Evoking
Many people may consider evocation and invocation to be the same thing, but personally I differentiate the two. Here is my personal gnosis on the differences between them:
☆ Evocation is when you call upon a deity or spirit and ask them to preside during rituals or magical workings; You're basically asking them to come and hang out with you in your space.
☆ Invocation is more so a form of voluntary possession. You're inviting them into yourself, and they are (partially) merging their being with your own; They are manifesting within you, instead of manifesting alongside you.
If you're a beginner practitioner, I would personally hold off on invoking daemons before getting to know them better through evocation first; But that's just me. Some daemons' energies can be very intense and quite overwhelming, especially if you haven't met the daemon before.
E.g. Upon making first contact with Quing Paimon, I invoked them instead of evoking them, and their energies were quite heavy and overwhelming when they partially merged their soul with mine; I ended up feeling a little dizzy, became mentally exhausted rather quickly, and also got a mild headache (but maybe the headache was just from the incense I was burning LOL). I've had similar experiences with Count Glasya-Labolas too.
But once you get to know a daemon and adjust to their energies overtime, you should be fine. Please don't let my personal experiences discourage you from pursuing a relationship with the daemons you feel most drawn to!
Welp, that's pretty much all I had to write about regarding this topic. I hope you found this post helpful! And, as always... May you be blessed by whoever it is that you venerate, and I wish you all the best on your spiritual path. <3
~ ~ Ave Satanas ~
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#daemonolatry info posts#demonolatry#demonology#demons#demonblr#witchblr#paganblr#daemonolatry#daemonology#daemons#daemonic divine#demonic divine#paganism#pagan#demon vocatums#demon summoning
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Tumblr Italia, io ti evoco!
(Avrei voluto farlo in modo più professionale ma sono pur sempre una tumblerina...)
Per il mio ultimo (!!) esame della magistrale ho bisogno di raccogliere dei dati sull'utilizzo dell'italiano e dell'inglese online. Poiché sono particolarmente interessata agli ambiti della content creation, dell'arte e dei social, ho voluto trattare della pressione all'utilizzo dell'inglese! Purtroppo ho una scadenza stretta ma ci vogliono davvero pochissimi minuti per compilarlo☺
Il questionario è in realtà aperto a tuttɜ coloro, non solo CC, che hanno vissuto la maggior parte della loro vita in un periodo "post-Internet"! Semplicemente il focus è rivolto a quell'aspetto in particolare, che ha una sezione a parte nel questionario.
*NB: per Content Creator intendo chiunque crei contenuti per la pubblicazione online! Rientrano in questa categoria artistɜ, saggistɜ, divulgatorɜ, influencer. Ai fini del questionario, la definizione viene considerata a prescindere dal ritorno remunerativo di questo impiego o dal livello di esperienza nel determinato campo. Si può essere CC anche per hobby!
Ecco il link:
Siete incoraggiatɜ a condividere il questionario con altrɜ amicɜ creatorɜ! Sto anche cercando persone con cui condurre delle piccole interviste, per cui se avete delle opinioni sul tema sentitevi liberɜ di scrivermi, qui o per mail!
#tumblr italia#linguistica#italiano#lingua italiana#linguistics#inglese#linguistica italiana#questionari#surveys#urgente#università#destiel meme#itatumblr#tumbrlitalia
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Recuerdos que lastiman
En esta carta, plasmo los pensamientos que han estado danzando en el teatro de mi mente. Hace mucho que no compartimos palabras, y la realidad me susurra que debo liberarte. Entiendo que tu felicidad ya no encuentra su raíz a mi lado. Mientras mi corazón se agota, vierto estas líneas en mis notas para aliviar la carga que lleva.
Es grato saber que la vida te sonríe, mereces ese regalo, aunque mi sombra persista, y siento que mi última muestra de amor fue retirarme para contemplar tu dicha desde la distancia. Hoy, en la penumbra de mi existencia, evoco nuestras noches de risas y charlas, esos momentos en los que mi boca buscaba tu frente para expresar la alegría que emanabas. Reconozco que esos días no retornarán, pero en mi oscuridad, intento rescatarlos, recordándome que hubo instantes en los que la felicidad fue mi compañera. Uno de esos instantes era cuando nos acostamos y abrazamos aquellas frías noches de invierno, recordaras que siempre te decía que me hacías muy feliz, también te llamaba mi oasis (decía que mis malos momentos desaparecían junto a vos)
El recuerdo de nuestras vivencias me asalta en estos días sombríos. Lamento profundamente haber tenido que soltarte para que encontraras la dicha. En este juego de la vida, siento que perdí, y la justicia parece haberse extraviado en mi camino. Mi naturaleza aburrida y melancólica se teñía de colores con tu presencia, y hoy, en un gris constante, extraño la paleta de emociones que solías despertar en mí.
Finalmente, comprendo que no encarnaba lo que buscabas en alguien. Aunque mi amor por ti persiste, liberarte fue mi única opción para que hallaras lo que realmente anhelabas. Este desenlace apenado se convierte en mi epílogo, y me pregunto si merecía este destino o si es simplemente una página más del libro de la vida, donde las ecuaciones de merecimiento pierden su validez.
Con sincera tristeza,
Aquel a quien amaste
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Estoy cansada, cansada de amar en silencio, de llorar a escondidas, quizás te recuerde, aunque estés desterrado en este verso quebrado, en mis noches perdidas. Así entre suspiros, la tristeza me abriga, te acaricio en mis sueños, aunque muera por dentro, sabiendo que amarte es una herida, duele el pensarte y duele si te evoco. No sé si es amor lo que aún me mantiene, o una cadena que suma dolor, quiero respirar, pero el aire se niega, soy prisionera de esta condena.
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(sed de ti,
de tu risa, esencia y sabor.
de tus manías, miradas y vicios.
de tu piel, aroma, alma y sueños)
tus letras palpitan bajo mi lengua, evoco esas noches donde tu aliento rozaba mi oreja, y ansioso te sonreías mientras yo cerraba los ojos dibujando sobre mis labios tu risa.
Me quede entre dormida en el corredor de la casa. Es una tarde muy soleada, estuve planeando leer algunos libros en la mañana, pero me fue imposible. me sonroje al leerte,
(sed de ti,
de tu risa y sabor.
de tus manías y vicios.
de carne, alma y sueños)
tus letras palpitan bajo mi lengua, evoco esas noches donde tu aliento rozaba mi oreja y ansioso te sonreías mientras yo cerraba los ojos dibujando sobre mis labios tu risa. intento distraerme, paseo por el corredor, pienso en como el aire golpea las ramas de los mandarinos, pero su aroma me hace pensar en ti.. Quiero que tus besos caminen por mi espalda. Brotan amapolas en mi sonrisa, nieva un suspiro con el aroma de tu alma, danza la noche tan cerca del sol. Fantaseo con oír tu risa pagada de mi cuello, con ver tus ojitos y platicar un poco. Pero algo me dice que estas ansioso de mi, que buscas en cada linea de tus labios mi sabor. quizás deliro, pero, no puedo impedirle a mi corazón que sueñe, imponerle a mi alma que no se derrita entre ternura y deseo bajo mi piel escribiendo versos y caricias para ti. Me muerdo la boca, el sudor baja por mi espalda, el vestido se enrolla entre mis piernas, mis muslos se tersan. Tómame en mis sueños a cada latido. quiero que seas tu mi primer y único hombre en hacerme suya, así sean en estos sueños que son mas vivos que mi palpitar.
Te acercas a mi, estoy reclinada sobre el marco de la puerta. respiras sobre mis hombros mientras tu boca se desliza como un pajarillo en la miel. tus dedos se sumergen bajo mi vestido, como un manglar mi entrepierna se humedece, mis vellos se erizan, mi voz se adelgaza. Jadeas fuerte mientras tu corazón se gira en tu boca. giro apretando tus manos a mis brazos,
tus ojos, esos que sueño al mirar las nubes, esos que dibujo despacio sobre el aire.
respiro de tu boca; el aire es caliente, tu risa es clara y suave. mis labios rozan los tuyos, los muerden suave, los humedecen con mi lengua y sonrisa, mi alma se hace tu aire..
-todo lo que tengo es este corazón, y es tuyo. todo lo que poseo son sueños, es ternura, son estas ganas de tener una casita junto al bosque y despertar a tu lado cada mañana. todo lo que deseo es morder y besar tu risa, sentir en mis brazos los tuyos..-
susurro a tus ojos mientras nuestras manos nos desnudan. el calor de tu pecho me invade cada respiro, sonrió, beso en toques tus labios.. un beso profundo. Tus manos en mi cadera redondeando como el sol, derritiendo la nieve. el resplandor de tus ojos es tan suave, mi cuerpo se adhiere al tuyo, tu ser se sumerge en mi con cada caricia, bailan nuestros sueños como rio por nuestras piel. Aprietas mi cintura, besas mi cuello. abrazo tus cabellos. levantas mi pierna, humedeces las rosas con tus dedos, gimo en tu oído, sonrió entre tus mejillas. como gotita de miel muerdo tu cuello. Jadeas mas fuerte, tu corazón es poro en tu cuerpo, es vello en mi piel, sudor y risa... tus manos se bañan ante mi, con mi voz, con mi sonrojo, con mis deseos.. me llevas al piso, bajas por mi pecho, lames mis senos. mi corazón en tus dientes, se hace un remolino en mi ombligo bajo tu aliento, como abejitas a la miel. aprietas mis piernas, abres mis muslos, mi vientre invadido por tu aroma y esencia, besas y bebes de mi interior. Tu nombre en mi boca como plegaria, mi cuerpo ahora es mar en tu boca, arena en tus manos, mana en tu lengua, latido en tu latido.. me miras y no es solo el gozo de mi carne y placer, es mi alma bañándose en la tuya, es tu alma entregándose con el mismo amor a mi. Llevas tus palmas debajo de mi espalda, me levantas hacia ti, estrecho tu cuerpo a mi piernas, como el tornasol nace de los lirios, como la luz del día se mece en el aire. Acaricio tu cuello, tus mejillas, tus ojitos, tus cabellos, beso lentamente y muerdo con el silencio hecho sudor y gemido.. me siento en tu ser duro, en tu sed, en tus mares, siento centímetro a centímetro como entras en mi vientre, útero y alma. acaricias mi espalda, besas mis mejillas, bebes mi aroma, bebo tu aliento, nos fundimos en un beso. me muevo contigo, palpita tu carne en mi, tu risa se desnuda y se adhiere liena liena a mi piel..
-una vida, media hora, un siglo, todo, pero contigo-
como sentir bajar el agua por tu garganta, siento tu voz subir por mi vientre a mi boca. abrazo tu nombre mordiendo tu boca. húmedos, sedientos, unidos. fluyen tus cauces en mi y mi rio en tu mar.
-¡.. oh, por odios..!-
abro los ojos y me abrazo. Mientras pienso en tu risa, mientras recuerdo que se te quema el ultimo cookie. mientras te escribo una carta contándote de mi día, y que he visto unas amapolas hermosas entre tus ojos en esta tarde calurosa. Y me sonrojo al pensar que puedes leer mi mente y cuanto esta loca te ama, te desea y quiere. como decirlo; cuando ríes todo es mas suave, soy feliz.
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Como Casandra yo escuché tu paso en las baldosas de la galería. Como ella, adivinaba yo en los días y en la voz recurrente del ocaso lo que ocultabas y conozco tanto. Ciega, sola, atenta penetré en tu velado reino y consagré bajo sus plantas, al rencor, mi espanto. Transformabas el mundo en un desierto. Como a Casandra no quisiste oírme. Pensando junto al río sólo en irme, en la noche incesante busqué el puerto. Al ver los astros, con aristas, rojos, sabía que el infierno era mirarte y volver a tu lado y no olvidarte. ¡Ah, por qué no quemé más bien mis ojos! ¡Vanas son las mentiras y las guerras! Nuestros ojos traicionan nuestra cara; la vuelven transparente, fría y clara como el agua en la orilla de las tierras. No me perdonarás de haber llorado: no me lo perdonabas, yo tampoco. Tus noches y tus días los evoco. ¡Por qué con tanto amor me has engañado! Símbolos tiene la desesperanza, propiedades antiguas y suntuosas, A veces tiene cosas muy preciosas. Como la muerte, siempre nos alcanza. Con el rostro de piedra, de la ira, por tu amor me acerqué a sus pabellones. Ah, fue triste en los pérfidos frontones de sus oscuras torres tu mentira. Vi que en su primavera con glicinas, la languidez secreta de las ramas, las canciones del mirlo, las retamas, la vegetal constancia que germina, urden una ávida y común tortura a ejemplo de esos ramos en la muerte que simbolizan con un lujo inerte la soledad, el polvo, la locura. Vi al pie de las columnas los despojos de las fiestas en sueño, de la aurora; te seguí paso a paso, hora por hora, más que tu sombra guiada por tus ojos. Oscuros en tu cuarto me rodeaban los muebles habituales: los abismos labraban en desorden cataclismos mientras las furias su clamor callaban. En los iridiscentes labios rojos de alguna flor resplandecía el alma del céfiro purísimo en su calma: mas yo estaba cegada por tus ojos. La llanura, la nieve o la montaña me recibía reconciliadora: y persistía entre árboles sonora la dicha exigua que la duda empaña. Vi caras, muchas caras previsibles; todos mis diálogos fueron falaces; escuché de las voces los compases sin oír las palabras más sensibles; proyecté formas de mi destrucción. En las ciudades, en la calle sucia, en los sórdidos parques, sin astucia llegué al infierno con obstinación. Como alas nacen del cansancio arrojos busqué por todas partes el horror, el desencanto pacificador como los santos porque vi tus ojos. Y conseguí morir perfectamente sin ningún esplendor como soñaba sola en el iris gris que me aterraba viendo tus ojos incesantemente.
Silvina Ocampo.
#poesía#poemas#poetas#acción poética#libros#books#escritos#frases#citas#notas#literatura#argentina#buenos aires#uruguay#poetry#amor#desamor#pensamientos#sentimientos#arte#silvina ocampo
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Por tus ojos tristes,
El mar y el gentío, tabaco y café
Melodías remotas pintadas al color de tu voz
Líricas que iluminan el alma y escurrían por las habitaciones
Ser un pétalo vacilante, suscitando tus turbulencias
Manos de hielo siendo menester mi ternura
Evoco la sensación del cabello castaño cosquilleando mi piel
Un cuerpo delgado para estrechar con candor
Querido puerto el único testigo
Volví a mi bosque a rememorar y reposar
Hay cicatrices que sangran con cada sol, con cada luna
Recuerdame y di mi nombre
Recuerdame por mi lluvia.
#vamos fuckkk ojala alcance a hacer todos los poemas#ghostintheweb#chile tumblr#poemas#poesia poema#mis escritos#cosas que escribo#escritos#escrituras#letras#versos libres#versos#poemas de amor#amor#desamor#romance#verso abstracto#lectores#lectura#tumblr chilenito#chilegram#tumblr chilensis
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Yo también estoy hecha de sueños que he tenido que reprimir. Yo también tengo anhelos que le dan un sentido a mi vida. Tengo necesidades y huecos por llenar con comprensión y amor, con dulzura y con tiempo. Yo también tengo un alma que ha sabido aguardar, que ha sabido tener paciencia, que ha sabido amar a su manera. Yo también quisiera alcanzar esos sueños y así poder decir que ya me puedo ir tranquila de esta vida… Pero no, mis fantasías no sólo dependen de mí, yo creí que esas eran las mismas que tenías tú. Eso me hiciste creer y por eso abrí mis alas y mi corazón para volar a tu lado. Y de pronto tú ya habías cumplido tu sueño, de repente, empezaste a mirar sólo lo que te llenaba o te dolía. De pronto mi sueño ya no fue tu sueño y yo me encontré con una realidad tan cruda que se me desgajó la fe. Porque mis sueños también importan, mis necesidades también importan, mi dolor también importa y los he callado tantas veces por dar prioridad a los tuyos. Me he involucrado infinidad de veces en tu universo tratando de conocer más de ti y de tener una razón más para amarte… ¿Y tú? Cuándo has hecho el intento de involucrarte en el mío, no recuerdo que lo hayas hecho nada más que en el periodo de la conquista, en ese momento donde me robaste el corazón, en ese momento donde sentí que por fin lo era todo para alguien… En ese momento que ahora evoco como el delirio más real que pude haber vivido.
#un escritor dice#escritores en tumblr#cosas que escribo#cosas que siento#writers on tumblr#citas para dedicar#poetas en tumblr#un poeta dice#frases cortas#pensamientos tumblr#pensamiento#cosas que duelen
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Eres la única
Observando desde arriba, a través de la ventana, experimentamos una suerte de narrativa amorosa. ¿Alcanzas a escucharme? Recién has vuelto y noto que nos estamos distanciando. Anhelo tenerte cerca de mí. Todo lo que requería era el amor que compartimos, suficiente para afrontar un día más. Eres la única realidad que conocí.A veces, cuando evoco tu nombre, incluso en un juego, siento la necesidad de tenerte. Al escuchar tus expresiones, mantenerme cuando te veo se torna complicado. Este proceso demandará tiempo, y me pregunto qué es verdaderamente mío. Ya no puedo soportarlo más. Me pregunto si comprenderás que es simplemente el roce de tu mano tras una puerta cerrada.
#frases largas#frases cortas#bungou stray dogs#sentimientos#citas#notas#frases tristes#frases#recuerdos#escritos#escritos románticos#cosas que escribo#una chica escribiendo#frases de la vida#frases de amor#frases en español#texto triste#texto de amor#text post#notas de noche#notas de amor#citas de libros
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op: capo_miyo
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Seven Ways to Summon the Ghost King
Chapter Two: The Friend of a Friend
[1] [here] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
Summary: Dean wants his brother's soul back. Danny is ready to help.
Warnings: Some blood and the aftermat of a fight.
- - -
Dean left the shitty store and Doc. Roberts’ shitty ‘office’, standing in the middle of the convenience store that served as a front for the doctor’s more arcane business. “This better work.” He said to himself. “Messorum evoco qui me titigit.”
“Dean? What the Hell?”
Dean turned around, meeting his reaper once again after all these years. “What do you know? It worked.” She seemed to remember him well, if her choice to go with her human-looking shape rather than her ‘spooky bed sheet ghost’ attire was any indication.
“I was in Sudan!” Tessa exclaimed. “What’s with yanking me ov-” She stopped, actually seeing his current state, “wait, why are you dead?”
Finally! To the point. “Tessa, I need a favor.”
“Oh, you’re kidding. You died to ask me-”
“Tell your boss I need to talk to him.” The hunter hastily interrupted. Only three minutes.
“No.” Tessa said immediately.
“Where do you get the nerve?”
“Desperate times.” That was as simple as he could say it, since he didn’t consider the bread aisle next to the rotisserie chicken to be the perfect place to talk about it.
“He calls for us.” The reaper finally explained. “We don’t call him.”
“You make an exception!” Dean snapped, his patience was wearing thin.
“I can’t!” But even a reaper had limitations. There were rules they were bound to.
“Can’t or won’t?!”
“Hey, um, sorry to interrupt, but you’re Tessa and Dean, right?” A lanky guy that almost looked like Tessa’s little brother interrupted and- wait, was he actually her Reaper lil’ bro or something? To be here with them in Limbo…
“Danny?” Was what she said instead, gobsmacked. “I mean, sir-”
“Danny is okay, really.” The guy said, putting up both hands in front of himself, as a placating gesture and to fend off the formality. “Anyway, Death sent me.” That caught Dean’s attention. “I’ll take it from here.” Danny told her kindly. “You can go back to work, don’t worry.”
Tessa looked back at Dean, lips pursed and finally nodded. “Behave.” She warned the hunter one last time before disappearing.
“So, who the fuck are you?” Dean demanded from the new guy. “Can you actually do something or do I have to ask for the big boss again?”
“Woah, calm down, man. I just got here. My names Danny, by the way. Death’s busy so she delegated to me. What do you need?”
Ignoring the odd pronoun, Dean went right back to the chase. “My brother’s soul is in Hell, in the Cage! While his body is up here being a fucking psychopath!” He was breathing hard, closing his hands into fists and then opening them again. “He’s down there being tortured by Lucifer and Michael and I… I can’t leave him there.” He looked up to meet Danny’s eyes.
Had they been green a minute ago?
“Where is his body?” He said with a chilling intensity.
“You said his body is up and about, I need you to keep it in one place. I don’t know how long it’ll take me, but I need you to keep his body in one place: where?”
“… Singer Savage, in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.”
Danny nodded. “Go there, lock up your brother’s body and wait for me.” He commanded firmly. “Understood?”
At Dean’s nod, Danny put a hand on the hunter’s chest and-
-Dean came back with a deep gasp, as his lungs tried to compensate for the time his body had been starved of breath.
“I have to go.” He sat up shakily, just in time to avoid a shot of adrenaline. “I need to-”
“Aw, this was the best part.” The goth chick next to him grumbled, syringe still in hand.
“Oh, boy, you’re alright! How did it go?” Doctor Roberts asked him, and Dean felt his heartbeat accelerate.
“It was- great. Awesome. And I have- I need to go back to Bobby.” He made for the door, but Roberts put both hands on his shoulders and sat him back down.
“Dean, you are in no state to drive. You just came back from the dead, you need to recover.” He said, handing him a glass of water of dubious origin.
“No! What I need to do is go back with Bobby and keep Sam in one piece- place, and quickly. Danny said-”
“Alright, big boy.” The assistant drawled, smirking. “No need to throw a tantrum. I can drive you there.”
Dean seriously considered saying Cristo right then, because the smile Eva gave him was nothing short of devilish.
- - -
Dean stumbled into Singer Savage, thankful he had left his baby back here, otherwise he feared Eva would demand to drive herself back. That girl really was hell in four wheels.
“Bobby!” He called, entering the old house and looking for the old man. “Where is Sam?!
“Over here, boy.”
As he walked towards the voice, he noticed the disarray the place was in, with broken furniture and stuff thrown around all over the place.
He found Bobby sitting in front of a big metal door nursing his flask close to his chest.
“What happened here?” He asked in concern.
“Your baby brother is what happened.” Bobby said, pointing at the door with his thumb and taking a swing from his flask in his other hand. “Fuckin’ tried to kill me and failed!” He told him, with the last bit thrown over his shoulder towards Sam’s cell.
“So he’s there? He’s trapped?” Dean looked through the small window, finding a dirty and bloodied Sam sitting on the floor glaring daggers at him with heartless –soulless– eyes.
“As well as ‘can be since we don’t have a human-trapping circle yet. You know, other than walls.” Bobby extended his hand and Dean took it, helping the older hunter stand up. “Did you make it? You got the deal?”
“Yeah, I- I got the deal.” He put a hand in his pocket where the ring-
The ring wasn’t there.
Had the kid taken it while Dean didn’t notice? How could Dean not notice? Had he tricked him into believing he would save his little brother so Dean would back off?
A lump formed in his throat and his knees trembled. Had he damned Sammy?
“Move over!”
It happened in a flash. One second he was questioning all his actions that led up to this moment and the next his life of obeying his father was kicking in and he instinctually followed the order.
The next moment, both he and Bobby had a lot to process.
Not just because a glowing, white haired kid with a bruised face caked with a green substance had just passed through the steel door dragging an equally bruised, equally glowing Sammy, but also because he had left another person behind, laid on the floor just as bloody and bruised but not glowing like them.
“What the hell was that?!” Bobby voiced their thoughts.
“Adam?” Dean knelt next to the still form of his half-brother. The surprise and confusion were clear in his voice, not only for the fact that Adam was there but for his current condition. Was he actually alive? Was this his dead body and had his soul already left?
A blood-curdling scream tore Dean away and back towards the door, where he only caught a flash of bright light through the small window before he could finally find both Sammy and Danny thrown on the floor, unconscious.
Bobby turned to Dean, confused, “Son, you better start doin’ some explaining.”
- - -
“So, this half dead thing, how does it work?” Bobby asked Danny, handing him another ice-pack, this one going to his split lip.
“Usually better than this.” The young man replied with a grimace. Young man. An adult again, while his other half had been just a boy. “Usually I heal kinda fast, but I don’t think that’ll be the case this time.”
“Because you took on two archangels.”
Danny almost doubled over laughing, but his cracked ribs and Bobby’s firm hand on his good shoulder stopped him from causing himself more damage.
“Easy, boy.”
“Sorry, it’s just- I didn’t ‘take on’ two archangels. I didn’t even face them! I just, got in while they were at each other’s throats, distracted, snatched up the guys, and turned tail as fast as I could when they noticed.
“If I had actually tried to fight them, none of us would have gotten out.” His face had sobered, looking at his bandaged hand.
Who had he been holding with that hand? Would it had been Adam or Sam who got dragged back to Hell? Bobby shuddered to think that. These boys deserved to be finally free.
Speaking of which…
“But you still went to the end of Hell and back to get ‘em back. And I owe you for that. Thank you.”
The boy blushed and ducked his head, shrugging. “It had to be done.”
“No, don’t.” The weathered hunter gripped Danny’s shoulder more firmly, but still mindful of his injury. “Don’t undermine what you did, kid. You saved these boys. So, again, thank you.”
Ha had saved Sam’s soul, and if his soulless body’s previous attempt at patricide showed something, it was that Sam saw Bobby as a father as much as Bobby saw him as a son.
And maybe he hadn’t raised Adam like he had his boys, but he still was so young, with a whole life ahead of himself. He would have to come to terms with his mother’s loss and the years he’d missed but if he had that Winchester stubbornness in him he would be okay. Eventually.
“If there is anything I can do…” Bobby offered again.
“Uh, actually…” Danny’s sheepishness turned into outright embarrassment. “I could really do with a ride home. My friends and sister are at college and I really don’t trust my parents’ driving.”
Bobby huffed out a laugh. Of all things he could have asked…
“Sure thing, kid. Do ya mind if I call someone to pick you up? I gotta fix this place, and I really wanna keep an eye on these boys.”
“No prob’, sir, just, generally speaking, if we could keep the ‘half ghost’ thing between the people here, y’know, don’t let word get out, that would be great.”
- - -
Sam and Adam were still out cold, but alive. Dean had wanted to stay by their bedside, but Bobby left no room for arguing in that he had to thank Danny before he left for home. Home, which was his parents’ house in Illinois, when he wasn’t at college.
Was he seriously just some guy? Part-timing as a reaper… ghost… friend of Death of all beings.
Said guy was currently resting against Garth’s truck, eyes closed and face tilted upwards just basking in the sunlight after having gone to the depths of Hell and back. Because Dean had asked.
Yeah, he should thank him face to face.
“Hey.” He called out as he approached.
Danny looked back down and Dean finally got to see his busted lip and split eyebrow, which had been easier to ignore than the arm in a cast, but harder than the bad posture hiding his broken and bandaged ribs.
“Hey, man.” He said with a weak grin. “Ready to move on, huh?”
“Yeah, I already called my parents, told them I’ll be visiting… I didn’t tell them it’s gonna be a recovery visit, though, or they would have insisted in driving here.” Danny said with a grimace. “I’m just waiting for your friend Garth to finish talking with Mister Singer, and then we’ll go.”
Dean nodded along but on the inside he steeled himself, cowboyed up, and began, “Hey, listen, about Death’s ring, I know you already took it but-”
“I didn’t take anything.” Danny said calmly making the hunter pause. His expression was knowing and serene. “If you had something of Death’s that she wanted back, there was nothing you could’ve done to keep her from getting it back. Death is everywhere and you can’t escape her forever.” He said it so matter-of-fact and with such acceptance that it rankled Dean, who had already died and come back as well.
“Ok, well, then you still went to Hell and saved my brothers, and I know you told Bobby we owed you nothing and only want a ride home but-”
“Mister Singer owes me nothing, but you do.” The halfa interrupted him again, leaving Dean flabbergasted.
Was he really saying…? Well, it’s not like Dean wasn’t in the middle of offering anyway, but still…
The hunter nodded. “Okay.” He didn’t know what he was signing up to, but he had already sold his soul once to save Sam, and he would do it again if it came down to it.
“You don’t owe me because I saved your brothers.” Danny explained. “I’d have done that for free, any time. You owe me one for not telling your youngest brother that you didn’t even think of him when you asked me to go on a rescue mission to Hell.” Danny’s glare wasn’t hateful or even angry, just disappointed and disdainful.
Dean was still stunned, he closed his mouth then opened it again but no sound came out. He really hadn’t thought… hadn’t considered… fuck. Shit! Damn it!
He shook himself out of his thoughts and nodded again. He deserved whatever he got.
- -
Garth and Bobby wrapped up their conversation, and soon enough Danny was out of Singer Savage and headed back to Illinois.
They still had to deal with the angels’ war, and see what would happen with Adam, what he would choose.
His brothers were fine, they were safe for now, and they would get better soon.
Still, as he watched the back of the speeding truck get smaller and smaller, Dean was left feeling hollow.
- - -
The first bit of this chapter was directly taken from a transcription of "Appointment in Samarra", the episode where Death has Dean do his job for a day to teach him the lesson that murder is okay if done by someone better dressed than you! asdfghjklñ. I just added some descriptions.
There, Death asks him "which brother" to save from the Cage, since Dean tty forgot about lil Adam smh.
Let's just say that the setting (me, being the one to write this) demanded Danny to be Not Cool with that, so this is a little fix it. I did this for Adam and have no regrets. Youngest half siblings for the win!
#Danny Phantom#Danny Fenton#supernatural#Dean Winchester#Sam Winchester#Adam Milligan#Bobby Singer#SuperPhantom#ghostly-scrypts#ghost king au#but it's not mentioned here#Appointment in Samarra#fix it#fixing the part the bugs me out anyway#💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻#Danny Phantom Crossover#Supernatural Crossover
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Aunque ha sido un año difícil, mi alma no deja de evocarte. No negaré que, debido a la distancia, la pasión se apacigua, pero me basta un solo pensamiento para que se encienda con fervor. Aunque intento acercarme, el destino no me lo ha permitido, y este afecto hacia ti ha germinado por tanto tiempo que mi corazón te imagina como si ya fueras parte de mí.
Debo confesar que siento temor, cada vez que te evoco, un miedo profundo a no poder estar a tu lado y realizar cada sueño que he albergado contigo. En lo más profundo me reprocho por no haberlo intentado con más fervor, pero me contengo al pensar que para ti no soy más que un amigo. Temo al amor, pero me aterra aún más no poder recrear la perfección contigo.
Aunque no lo sepas y dudes, eres la dueña de mi corazón.
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No quiero que me ames, sólo quiero que me sientas y, si al sentirme, te evoco emociones fabriles que te hagan creer estar enamorada, escribe... vuela... baila... y canta. Pero, hazlo lejos de mí y de mi nombre, que yo, al final, seré nada.
I don't want you to love me, I just want you to feel me and, if when you feel me, I evoke fabulous emotions that make you believe you are in love, write... fly... dance... and sing. But, do it far away from me and my name, because I, in the end, will be nothing.
#poets#writers#authors#2023#el hombre de la soledad#escribiendo en soledad#escritores en tumblr#the man of solitude#writing in solitude#poetas en tumblr#writers on tumblr#poets on tumblr#pensamientos#poeticstories
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No había señales de que esto me podía suceder, o si? Tal vez si, pero me negaba a qué ya te habías metido bien dentro de mi, de mi corazón, mi alma, hasta el tuétano de mis huesos...
Te volviste mi amor, mi compinche, mi niño, mi todo... El hombre por el cual todos los días despierto con unas ganas enormes de vivir y también de verte y estar a tu lado.
Eres como el aire; esencial para que respirar pueda, y en cada latido vibras, en cada suspiro te evoco, en cada pensamiento te quiero, en cada sonrisa te amo...
Leregi Renga
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Como la mañana despierta. mis manos se enredan entre las sábanas, como un colibrí de lomos blancos que se sumerge en el olor de las mandarinas. suspiro el aire, entre cada latido escucho tu respirar, entre cada suspiro se estremece mi alma al saberte vivir, ternura, admiración, dulzura, deseo y amor nacen en mi al leerte y al sentirte. llevo mis manos en suaves caricias sobre mis labios, arrobo al aire en una sonrisa de mar y miel, beso mi propia piel blanda jadeando con tu aroma, recorro mis hombros envuelta como flor en tus letras. gimo, jadeo, sudo y me sonrojo dejándome en este latir que me habla de ti y me hace tuya entre cada bombeo. tus dedos desnudan mis poros, caminan por mi torso. se enredan en mi espalda, vibran las fibras de tus huellas; rozan y estrujan mi piel que en alma se sale de mis labios para orar en tu alma, para amarte en estos sueños que se hacen despiertos. te sueño tanto que es como el aire que respiro, te veo al solo palpitar, me sé tuya como solo me sé mía. sueño con hacer el amor vistiendo nuestros latidos en nuestras piel y existencia, sueño con hacerte reír cada mañana y compartir a tu lado cada detallito de la vida. sonrió con ternura con este amor en mí, cierro los ojos y me entrego lentamente al sueño que me besa a cada minuto, me entrego a mis manos y brazos que se vuelven tuyos y al sonido de tu nombre en mis labios... se desliza mi piel entre las sábanas suaves como tu piel desnuda roza mi cuerpo, tiembla la vida en mi pecho, evoco tus letras que me hacen el amor. tomas mis muslos entre tus manos, abrazas mis piernas entre las tuyas con fuerza, sonríe tus ojos al mirarme, mis manos adornan tu espalda, te hundes en mí... siento tu calor palpitar dentro de mi vientre, y a tus latidos vestirme. te mueves con mi voz y mi alma en tu boca y brazos. una misma alma, suspiro bañando mis silencios a tu espera, suspiro besando tus silencios con la esencia de mi ser. Exhalas en mis labios, respiras en mí, vives en mi cuerpo y alma, vivo en ti. muerdo tus suspiros como brisa. me impregnas de tu esencia y alma, de tu sudor y vida, de tus anhelos y tu placer. abro los ojos en tu aroma y entre mis mare hechos tuyos, y te abrazo en tierno arrullo. te miro y por Dios santo que este amor que sembraste en mi, que has escrito con tus manos y alma es mi corazón, te amo en estas palabras llenas de mi vida, de mis sueños, de alma y corazón,
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