#evil god
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"If there really is a hell, god will burn the longest."
And would be the one and only being who actually deserves it.
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ruckis-vandalizes · 4 months
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"Remember our deal, frogger. Get hoppy and go do something good."
@6clawdy6 ft. Sin
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i-am-trans-gwender · 2 months
I have a theory
God has a snake motif. He turned Aaron's staff into a snake, punished the Israelites by releasing a pack of snakes, when they ask for mercy he has Moses create a bronze snake that heals them.
The snake who told Eve to eat the fruit is usually said to be Satan but what if the Snake is God?
God got bored of angels being forced to worship him. So he created humans to have free will to stroke his ego when they worship him. He punishes humans for using there free will. Example: the flood.
God disguises himself as a snake, tells Eve to eat the fruit, Eve is blamed for bringing sin into the world and punished by being forced to be a house wife and for child birth to be painful. God then pretends to punish the snake and let's people assume Satan is the snake. He made Jesus to be a scapegoat so why not Eve and Satan?
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templeofthev01d · 3 months
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©️ ᐯ丨丂丨ㄥㄩ乂 - 2024
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boyilovesatan · 2 years
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Don't believe me? Read the Bible and you find out that Yahweh is an evil sadistic dictator.
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absentia123 · 1 year
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kidddcaptain · 3 months
Charak have you learned your destiny?
The world through a spiders eyes was something to behold especially when that spiders eye was of divine origin. Four eyes graced charaks features each glimpsing different layers of reality. All four turned into him grasping at his essence, all as it should be, his magic flowed perfectly and his soul twisted and toiled against itself the soul of one haunted by the essence of a god.
trying to find me? Good luck I'm many things but visible to you is not one the voice spoke in a tone as mocking as it was beautiful. Despite its origin being Charaks brain it reverberated through him at such an angle that it removed tension from his body. What was this voice'? Who was it? The thoughts consumed him swirling and expanding, a storm on his mind all other functions obscured like a fleet on the sea obscured from each other by thick fog and a thunderous cacophony. He was so distracted in fact that he had not felt the change in air pressure as a knife soared through the air at his head and still he dodged.
Charaks mind returned and, with these new eyes, he immediately saw his attacker. Thirty feet away he could make it but he would need to be cautious of his bad leg, Charak let his consciousness close around the joint of his knee the flow of his magic slowing focusing more in the knees strengthening them. He shot up and making use of the gathered momentum shot toward the attack jumping three stories of a building, crashing through the window locking eyes with a wire young woman holding two more throwing knives. Charak leaned forward and let the force of his movement keep him going fist outstretched colliding with the woman's cheek shattering teeth and jaw.
Yes spiderling fight, fight for me hone this body to perfection
"Shut the fuck up!!" He growled
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sashikouyume · 6 days
This video is truly emotional, it brought me to tears. Man, I love the internet today, it's so beautiful.
The original video is here: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV16x4y1479B/
Uploaded by Karasu https://space.bilibili.com/91542133 (Youtube is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNez2l12x8wXw19MT9CuSLg)
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briefbestiary · 2 years
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A wicked being, the amanojaku truly brings out the worst in people. One serves as a sinister creature in the tale of "Urikohime".
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darkprincehamlet · 2 years
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Obviously the first set of images would have to be of none other than my Dark Diamond! The worst gemsona ever created in the multiverse! You can see more of her here: DarkPrinceHamlet - Hobbyist, Digital Artist | DeviantArt
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untamedarts · 2 years
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My girl's gone evil.
At least in an alternate reality. But who knows? Maybe my players will wreak enough havoc and the goddess will be born anew.
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"I think I can honestly say that I haven't met one person that isn't morally superior to the Christian God." -- Jared Crowell
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spidermilkshake · 2 years
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Ancardian Pantheon Series:
Andor Drakon
Andor Drakon is the once-God of Bloodshed, and since his Fall he has become the Fallen God of Violence and Sadism, a vicious and torturous entity who has disassociated himself from his original purpose and connection to the reality of Ancardia. Whatever you may imagine “violence” or “sadism” means, be assured that Andor Drakon is the epitome of such an ideal in the most unbalanced, inconsiderate, and immoral way possible. The Lord of Chaos seeks bloodshed in the most useless ways possible—demanding blood sacrifice specifically from his cultic followers in order to promise the assistance of the Demonic Fiends that embody his Chaotic Evil. The primary tenets of this ex-God are to first Do What Harms, to second Find Joy in Domination, and to three Ignore All Doubts.
His form is unknowable—aside from the fact that it will always be distressing and disturbing to the eye. Copious distortion of the humanoid and muscular form, along with copious unsourced blood and gore, are common in his incarnations and visions. Strangely, Andor Drakon seems to prefer an approximation of a humanoid form however distorted and mutated, despite postulations of wanting constant form change, though he has also appeared as a mass of flesh with innumerable erratic black eyes, as well as that of a disturbing draconic figure half-engulfed in tiny limbs, wings, and tendrils and not much resembling a true dragon at all.
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nahomira · 1 month
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templeofthev01d · 3 months
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©️ ᐯ丨丂丨ㄥㄩ乂 - 2024
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tata1q3 · 5 months
The only reason why people get saved and even say that they love Jesus Christ is because there's a threat that they will go to HELL! Because there would be no incentive to love this so-called Jesus Christ🤮
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