#evil god
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"If there really is a hell, god will burn the longest."
And would be the one and only being who actually deserves it.
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ruckis-vandalizes · 10 months ago
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"Remember our deal, frogger. Get hoppy and go do something good."
@6clawdy6 ft. Sin
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issei145 · 2 months ago
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ayasenisan1713 · 25 days ago
Mr. Fool: *asking questions honestly*
Miss Justice: *asking questions too honestly*
Mr. Fool: Have I been too straightforward? Am I that bad at educating children? *questioning his life’s choices for a moment*
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nogetron · 4 months ago
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Cupray, the eclipse of dread. The upmost strongest and possible originator of the kunne-Kamuy, Cupray is malevolence incarnate. Cupray was known as the black sun, Its massive form gave off a fiery aura, with dark lighting blasting off from its overwhelming power. Its origins are shrouded in mystery, what can be gathered from sparse context clues was that its existence predates creation. While watching the creator Kotan-kar-Kamuy create the world, Cupray stewed in their venomous loathing. Cupray sought to destroy the world Kotan-Kar-Kamuy loved, and so plotted to burn it all down. So during the world’s first sunrise Cupray emerged from their vile pits and consumed the sun and its god Tokapcup-Kamuy, plunging the world into darkness, with all life losing its Ramat energy and begin to rot away. Kotan-kar-Kamuy noticed this, and confronted the demon. Kotan-kar-kamuy created a flock of crows to choke the monster, being able to use that moment to free Tokapcup-Kamuy and banish Cupray to the depths of Tenei-pokna-moshiri. Despite their defeat, Cupray will still rise from the darkness to consume Tokapcup once more, but is always banished by Kotan-kar-Kamuy. Though Cupray has tried many times to destroy the gods, he has failed everytime, even when using proxies like Uesoyoma or Moshiri-chik-Kotan-chik. Though when Cupray does succeed and totally consumes Tokapcup-kamuy, the world darkens and the Ainu gather together to help the sun, they use their Inau and splash water towards the sky, giving the energy the Kamuy needs to fight back.
Cupray in the original myth is never named, the transcriber; John Batchelor, instead called it the ‘devil’. John Batchelor frequently used Abrahamic terms to refer to some topics in Ainu culture, some have considered it an attempt by him to Christianize the Ainu, however in my opinion after reading his writings I personally think it was more of a mechanism he used to help himself understand and draw similarities to his own religion, even if it was misinterpreted. I had given the demon the name Cupray after the Ainu word for eclipse as a provisional name, translating to “sun death” or “the sun has died”, I do not treat this name as its original one, nor do I claim that it is correct, I merely use it as a way to refer to the figure. There are a multitude of other sun captured Yukara in the Ainu mythos, with some crediting the defeat of Cupray to Okikurumi. The modern day Japanese Yokai, Soranaki, owes its origins to Cupray, as early on its development it was conflated to the Ainu demon, and was further compared to in the game Okami, which depicted the two as essentially the same. The name Moshiri-chik-Kotan-chik may have been the demon’s original name, as it has been used in other sun stolen myths to refer to the demon perpetrator, however this is baseless conjecture as I have not found any sources stating whether or not it could be the case, as it may as well have been considered a totally different demon. It could be that since Okikurumi was seen as the supreme creator god in some areas, he was given the role of the eclipse demon slayer as a cultural transcription of the story, however like the former this is merely conjecture. It is possible that the reason that the Ainu never told John Batchelor the name of the demon was to keep him safe from unwanted evil, as merely saying the name of an evil Kamuy of that magnitude could bring misfortune and misery to those who hear it.
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agentbeenix · 5 months ago
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i have new oc’s!! the red one is literal satan and the yellow one is yes *god* anyways also to be clear @fantasy-artz made the yellow guy (they are my partner/gf btw) and they made an au where god is actually evil and practically manipulates satan and is horrible by killing his own children (no not jesus since he is not in this story but instead
this guy:
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the right is his normal form and the left one is his human form (yes he is an adult now since he was known earth from the beginning of earth itself)
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absentia123 · 2 years ago
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starryknight-dragonarts · 2 months ago
This is a great idea!
DnD Character Concept: A Cleric who insists stubbornly and earnestly that their obviously evil patron deity (I'm thinking Lolth or Asmodeus but really any Evil Greater God would do) is actually Good and Benevolent and Just and dismisses all evidence to the contrary as slander from rival deities. Their proof to their claim? Using their divinely granted powers for the most intensely Good tasks and quests they can find: feeding the hungry, protecting the weak, curing the sick- all done in the name of their Terrible Dread Lord and without any expectation of compensation or string attached.
The deity in question is all "???" but keeps granting the cleric power because all that free worship and influence from the people who now pray to them is nice, and hey if the cleric wants to put in the leg work to launder the deity's reputation what reason do they have to say no?
Only it turns out that the cleric is actually playing 4D chess because of the way faith works in Faerun (and most DnD settings). As more and more worshipers start believing The Terrible Dread Lord is actually a Good and Kind and Noble god they start to be influenced by that to become Good and Kind and Noble. Slowly but surely they find themselves warping to match the perception of the masses. It starts by just giving a few random blessings out of what they think is pity, or maybe sending a sign to help someone who is lost on what the deity insists is a whim....but it snowballs until you have Lolth smiting down slavers or Asmodeus sending out devil's to drag down a tyrant to the depths of hell and then they realize 'oh oh no' but by then it's to late: the religious reform movement within their flock is too massive and been ignored for too long as benign. They can't just turn around and smite their own followers- not only because it's tacky but because they feel... compassion and responsibility for those that look to them for guidece.
And then you have the cleric, who at level twenty is literally their most powerful agent and also the high priest of this out of control heresy smugly sipping their tea because, because they where right all along. Their faith in their deity is vindicated- after all what is faith if not believing in something so strongly, against all evidence, that it becomes truth onto itself?
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"I think I can honestly say that I haven't met one person that isn't morally superior to the Christian God." -- Jared Crowell
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valtsv · 19 days ago
i really do love those military jackets with embroidery that resembles a gilded ribcage they serve sooooooo much thanatological cunt it's unreal. the memento mori of it all. the bastardised martyrdom. the self-fulfilling prophecy of dressing yourself in silver and gold evoking the final, fragile shield between the most vital, vulnerable parts of you and annihilation, just to go to a place where the objective is to hack it to pieces as cruelly and efficiently as possible until you resemble nothing more than ground meat trodden into the dust you came from. fuck the military for real and forever but they went harder with horrifically ironic self-deceiving propaganda than anyone ever has or will. give it up for the old lie everyone!
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ayasenisan1713 · 25 days ago
Mr. Fool: *asking something out of pure ignorance*
Mr. Hanged Man: *overthinking*
Miss Justice: *knows the truth*
Miss Justice: Well, he’s just overthinking. He should be fine. *covers her mouth and looks away*
Mr. Hanged Man: *doesn’t know he has been abandoned and continues to overthink*
Mr. Fool: *mouth twitching* …What are these guys doing?
(Little Sun, listening innocently on the side: ?)
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ancient-tree-with-deathwish · 8 months ago
i think that the world is too vile, unjust, and evil for a good god to have made it.
but i also think it's to- beautiful, loving and fascinating for an evil god to have made it.
so it's either a mad god, multiple creators, or none at all.
Tucked away somewhere is the first picture you ever drew. Hold it in your hands and tell me to hate the demiurge.
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fraternum-momentum · 4 months ago
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give me your complete and unwavering devotion.
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izunias-meme-hole · 3 months ago
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Behold, Hikari Toriumi's take on Loki's Rivals design.
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kidddcaptain · 9 months ago
Charak can you resist? Do you dare?
He had been moving for days driven only by instinct, his mind had left him long ago to wander the darkest corners of his past. The mejah had abandoned their attack one he had began movement slinking back to the shadows for fear of divine retribution. It was a foolish fear if they had taken a single inquisitive glance at Charaks form they would have seen the thoughtless, mechanical smoothness that etched itself into Charaks being. It was movement separate from the consciousness. Charak did not move with his body he stayed where he had been thrown, the past.
Yet even in the past a voice came calling trying to pull Charak from the past it was soft and cold almost as if it was attempting to feign care to pull him back to his body. Charak had refused for a while listening to a random voice in his head always ended up with some poor bastard having less skin on his face then he was born with but after a truly unknown length of time Charak allowed himself to be pulled back to his body his energy for self-loathing quickly depleting and it really would be a shame if he couldn't hate himself anymore. When he had come back to his real eyes is head ached from the projectiles hurled into the weak skin around his face and his leg threatened to rebel at any step he wished to take, having a bad leg truly was a dick move on his body's part especially in a place like this, he often wished it would just fix itself but the break was magic that would never break. Not in a timely fashion at least so Charak skulked into an alleyway and collapsed stretching out his bad leg and sighing.
Charak a voice rang through his head bouncing off the ivory walls of Charaks skull must you resist my influence?
"Who the fuck are you?" Charaks heart began to pound if this was the ability of another cursed one he was going to die there was no way out not with his leg screaming at him but at that question his mind fell silent. No elegant voices. Charak was alone again and slightly disappointed. "Influence?..."
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deathofmydream · 7 months ago
Just looked him up. This short video is good
Hey other people raised by young earth creationists who want to learn actual science and be taught the real facts behind scientific theories should check out Forrest Valkai's YouTube channel. He teaches the fundamentals using videos from YECs to disprove the common talking points and does so in such a fun and easy way to understand! Even now in college I'm still working to learn a lot of the stuff I was lied to about as a child and he's been a big help in answering my questions.
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