#evie's domain
shookuna · 2 months
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teecupangel · 7 months
Jujutsu Kaisen and Assassin's Creed crossover! What would be each assassin's curse technique? What's their domain expansion? What grade are they?
I was half-tempted to make them Cursed Spirit just for the heck of it but let’s go for them being sorcerers in general. For this one, I’ll try to make their cursed techniques and domain expansion kinda like a reference to their games… Imma try anyway XD
So let’s talk about a brief description of each for those unfamiliar with Jujutsu Kaizen:
Cursed Technique: In a nutshell, sorcerers uses cursed energy to activate their techniques and that’s why it’s called Cursed Technique.
Domain Expansion: I am probably going to screw up the explanation but the main point is a Domain Expansion is a closed ‘space’ created from the mind of the user (usually a reflection of their mind) that guarantees to amplify their curse techniques (or evolve it or mutate it) and give it a 100% hit rate. Not every sorcerer can use a Domain Expansion and it’s noted as a sign that a sorcerer has reached the top of their capability (allegedly).
Grade: Each sorcerer has a Grade that shows their ‘capabilities’ and experience with 4 being the lowest (weak or inexperienced or your family is a pile of trash dicks who is keeping you from promoting), 3 is average, 2 is above average, 1 is the highest status… unless you count Special Grade which is reserved for those who are super dangerous, mostly those with immeasurable destructive power
(Since some curse techniques are hereditary, a bit of backstory would be necessary)
Note: All Cursed Techniques/Domain Expansion names are subject to change because I am bad at naming stuff and they were all translated by Cambridge Dictionary so if it’s wrong, blame them. Also, their Grades is not their final grade but their grade when the ‘story’ starts. In this situation, I kinda like the idea of Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton being the upperclassmen to Arno, Jacob and Evie. XD
Altaïr: semi-Grade 2, barred from promotion by the Sinan Family’s Elders
The adopted child of the Sinan Family who is rumored to have killed his adoptive father, Rashid, and is said to be under investigation, barring him from promotion until further notice.
Cursed Technique: Hollow Illusions
Altaïr is able to create illusions that cannot be distinguished from reality. It cannot physically harm his opponents but real objects may be hidden in the illusions (ex: hiding a time bomb in an illusion of a person his opponent loves). He can create illusions of anything he knows and have seen and his illusions can even copy living beings down to their quirks and habits using the knowledge his opponent has about them (it’s unsure how but Altaïr believes that his cursed technique doesn’t really create illusions but infects anyone with the ‘thought’ of that illusion and invades their mind for more information). He mostly uses this to confuse or debilitate enemies while using his sword to finish them. Hollow Illusions cost a lot of energy and Altaïr can only use up to 5 average human male size illusions per day… unless he pushes himself but this comes at the cost of harming his internal organs.
Domain Expansion: مكتبة الإبداع [Library of Creation] (“Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted”)
A pure white dome with bookcases filled with books and parchments as walls. Each book and parchments correspond to the ‘laws of reality’. In this dome, Altaïr has complete control over every law that governs the universe and the living beings inside and anything that is created in this domain can be stated as ‘real’ and any ‘real’ thing in this domain can be stated as ‘illusion’ at his whim. (if Altaïr’s theory that his technique invades the mind directly then this domain’s real danger lies in Altaïr’s ability to invade anyone’s mind and change it to his will… of course, that theory has not yet been proven).
Ezio: semi-Grade 2, Auditore Family
The second oldest son of the Auditore Family, an old sorcerer family that has been one of the most influential families in their world.
Cursed Technique: Auditore Family’s Light Absorption
Ezio can use his cursed technique to absorb any source of light, amplifying his cursed energy. He uses his amplified cursed energy to coat his weapons and deal massive damage. (He can even absorb the light of a phone’s screen, it does not need to be natural light)
Domain Expansion: Teatro della Tenebre [Theatre of Darkness] (“We work in the dark to serve the light”)
His domain absorbs all sources of light inside the domain, engulfing everything into darkness. Being hit by a spotlight means being engulfed in a pillar of pure cursed energy meant to deal severe damage (ala Moonbeam) if it hits anything other than Ezio. Being hit by the spotlight amplifies all of Ezio’s attacks and acts as a shield that negates all incoming damage. The domain is also able to absorb the light outside of it, ensuring that Ezio will have unlimited energy in the domain.
Ratonhnhaké:ton: semi-Grade 2
The illegitimate son of the missing Haytham Kenway, part of the Kenway family, a branch family of the Auditore family. He strives to become a sorcerer to find the Cursed Spirit who burned his village to the ground and killed his mother.
Cursed Technique: Auditore Family’s Light Absorption
Inherited from his ‘missing’ father, Haytham Kenway, Ratonhnhaké:ton absorbs light to amplify his own body, making him faster, stronger and more durable.
Domain Expansion: I can’t find any English to the Kanien'kehá:ka language translator but just assume his Domain Expansion’s name is from his native language and it translate to “The Night Hunt” (“We work in the dark to serve the light”)
His domain is engulfed in darkness and Ratonhnhaké:ton stalks his preys in the darkness, the amplification of his body shrouding him in cursed energy that seemed to take the form of different animals. Like Ezio (and anyone with a domain expansion from the Auditore family), he can absorb more light to amplify his cursed energy from outside the domain.
Desmond: Ungraded → Grade 4 (debatably: Special Grade)
Of course, we’re going to shower Desmond with affection by making his life ‘complicated’. Desmond is born of the Miles family, a branch family of the Auditore family with William Miles, his father, as the current head of the family. He’s the cousin of both Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton (of differing degrees) and his birth is shrouded in mystery for one specific reason: no one knows who his mother is. His mother disappeared (or died???) when he was 3 in an incident that everyone is forbidden to talk about (all they know is that Desmond is the sole survivor) and investigations concluded that his mother’s identity never existed. He doesn’t want to be a sorcerer and he actually ran away from the Miles family… until he got into another incident where every being in a closed room with him is left dead in varying degree of gore while he slept in the middle of the room, exactly as it happened back when he lost his mother. Because of this, he’s been given to Edward Kenway to survey and, if necessary, put down.
Cursed Technique: Auditore Family’s Light Absorption – Incomplete(???)
He can absorb light, sure… but it doesn’t amplify his cursed energy at all. No one knows why. Desmond cannot even use cursed energy at all even though he can see cursed spirit. For some reason, Desmond can also absorb cursed energy itself. Edward theorizes that this is the ‘final’ form of the Auditore’s Light Absorption, to absorb cursed energy from others. But they still can’t understand why Desmond can’t use cursed energy when it’s clear that he can absorb it. Some believes this is because Desmond hasn’t mastered it while others believe it’s a drawback of being able to absorb cursed energy.
Domain Expansion: “None”
As far as everyone can see, Desmond does not have a Domain Expansion.
Edward: Grade 1, leader/teacher of Altaïr, Ezio, Ratonhnhaké:ton and Desmond’s team
The ex-head of the Kenway Family (the current head is his daughter, Jenny) who has turned to instructing students and is the current instructor of Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton. He was given Desmond because of his mastery of the Auditore Family’s Light Absorption as well as a personal favor from William Miles who was unwilling to take Desmond back (“He wouldn’t want to see me. It might just make him more uncooperative if I was to try and take him back to our family. He is safer with you than he would ever be with me.”)
Cursed Technique: Auditore Family’s Light Absorption
He absorbs light and can coat the cursed energy taken from that light in any object. His primary weapon is pistols (4 of them, in fact) and his bullets are all coated in cursed energy. He cannot create bullets made of cursed energy but his mastery over the Auditore Family’s cursed technique means he can coat anything (object, living person) with his cursed energy and can absorb light immediately. Desmond’s pistol and bullets coated with cursed energy is from him so Desmond could protect himself.
Domain Expansion: Raise the Black Flag (“We work in the dark to serve the light”)
The domain is filled with cursed energy showing as black water that Edward can use at any time but acts like acid to those inside his domain. Rotting planks acts as ‘safe ground’ to them and the domain’s walls turn into cannons made of darkness, firing blasts after blasts to all enemies in the domain.
Arno: Grade 3
The son of a veteran sorcerer who died from a cursed spirit (probably?) while on his way to get his son from the park where he was playing with a mysterious red-haired girl. He finds his father’s body and is taken in by the sorcerers soon after.
Cursed Technique: Des Sens Partagés (Shared Senses)
Arno can share senses to any target and it doesn’t have to be human. Those with cursed energy are easier to share senses with and Arno can choose to make it one-way or two-way. He uses it more for surveillance and reconnaissance, acting as a commanding officer in the field.
Domain Expansion: Sens en Bouteille (Bottled Senses) – still incomplete
He’s still working on it but his domain is meant for him and his opponents to share everything with Arno being able to choose how ‘deep’ their bond is. Arno can also take his opponents senses, debilitating them. As a last result, Arno can harm himself to harm his opponent.
Evie: Grade 3
Evie will be our Maki Zen’in, unable to see curses but still wishing to be a sorcerer. She’s considered a prodigy in her own regards and has both an inferior complex and an academic rivalry with Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad because people like to say “If she could just use cursed energy, she would have been as good as Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad”. The Frye family supports her and is even pushing for her to be named the heir, making them a ‘joke’ in the eyes of many other sorcerer families.
Cursed Technique and Domain Expansion: None
She uses cursed tools and is granted a more durable and faster body than even high leveled sorcerers by Heavenly Restriction. Arno usually shares his senses with her so she can see cursed spirits but she has tools to help her if Arno can’t share his senses. If she pushed herself, she can be as fast as Ratonhnhaké:ton in his domain. However, the prejudice and mocking she received as a child makes her have a hard time with mental-heavy cursed techniques like illusions.
Jacob: Grade 3
Evie Frye’s twin and a sorcerer who joined because it was ‘tradition’. He’s friendly and doesn’t seem to take anything seriously. Underneath, he believes it would have been better if he was the one that can’t see cursed energy instead of his twin. He also can’t help but think the Frye family’s support of Evie is a show of how much of a disappointment he is.
Cursed Technique: The Frye Family’s Emotional Manipulation
A cursed technique of the Frye family that can manipulate emotions of the targets, make them calm to the point of not wishing to fight or stop someone from killing them. Jacob can only target 1 target at once but the common target is usually 3. He’s still ‘learning’ the ropes as he calls it but many believes his lack of progress is either deliberate to make Evie a worthy successor or he is being hindered by his own hidden inferiority complex.
Domain Expansion: The Fall of Terror – incomplete
A domain in which Jacob can freely control the emotions of everything in it. The final form of this domain would have every being fall into complete terror, paralyzing them and, in some cases, making them harm themselves.
Bayek: Grade 1
The headmaster of the ‘school’ Desmond is sent to. He lost his son to a group of organized cursed spirits that they are still hunting down. His wife has gone missing, presumably turning rogue to hunt the same cursed spirits without waiting for the approval of the council.
Cursed Technique: Soul Fire
Bayek is able to use his cursed energy to create flames that have the same mythical properties people believe Greek Fire to have. His main weapon is a sword that is covered in his Soul Fire. This fire cannot be snuffed out for as long as Bayek has cursed energy and can melt through the toughest of metal and even the strongest barriers recorded by the sorcerers.
Domain Expansion: آكل القلوب (Eater of Hearts)
His domain is shown to be ruins with the ground submerged in water. His Soul Fire turns into a large glowing snake that attacks anything in the domain and Bayek trades his sword for a bow made of the same flames. His arrows are purely made of Soul Fire as well and he coordinates his attack with the flaming snake that hunts the domain.
Basim: Grade 2
A thief who accidentally got mixed up in all these because the one he was stealing from had an object that contained a cursed spirit. This cursed spirit killed its ‘owner’ and was about to kill Basim. It unfortunately ate his partner in crime and childhood friend Nehal. Preliminary report stated that there is no evidence of any other person at all and many believed that this Nehal has been completely devoured by the cursed spirit before Basim’s current instructor, Roshan, got to the scene and saved Basim from the same fate.
Cursed Technique: Focused Strikes
Basim marks his targets in a specific radius and teleports to each of their location to attack in rapid succession. Almost always lethal but takes a lot of cursed energy. He can only mark up to 3 targets right now but, with enough training, he will be able to mark up to 5 targets.
Domain Expansion: سجن الجن (Djinn Prison) - incomplete
A domain haunted by a djinn that attacks anything in the domain. The entire domain is surrounded by shadowy figures that stand still while the djinn stalks and attacks everyone. The djinn cannot be attacked or killed. Because of the incompleteness of the domain, the Djinn will also attack Basim if it sees him.
‘Unknown’ Domain Expansion that killed everyone in Desmond Miles’ 3rd birthday party (his father was away on business) and Desmond Miles’ old workplace Bad Weather
Sole survivor: Desmond Miles
“A Reader’s Dream”
A domain expansion that creates hooded figures that kills everything in sight with a blade on their left arm. They can be killed with one shot but more will be summoned as time passes. Each figure wears a hood, keeping their faces obscured. The domain appears like a gray area shrouded in light mist and lines will start to form all over. The more glowing lines there is, the harder for anyone or anything in the domain to move. Each time this domain is activated, it seems to be larger, as if it had been receiving cursed energy from somewhere and had been storing it. The domain itself does not show its user.
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havocmadden · 1 year
descendants dnd au. is this anything?
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gcthvile · 3 days
Hayden - A Disney's Descendants OC
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Haden was born into a world where shadows loom large and legacies are hard to escape. As the son of Hades and Maleficent, his early years were marked by the absence of his father, who was preoccupied with his own fiery domain. This absence cast a long shadow over Haden's upbringing, leaving him to contend with the fiery legacy of Hades while navigating a life overshadowed by his older sister Mal's strong presence.
From a young age, Haden was a tempestuous blend of his parents’ qualities. His hair, a striking combination of brown fading into blue at the tips, was a visual reminder of his father's influence, even as he wrestled with his own identity. His demeanor mirrored the sarcastic, snarky edge of Hades, a trait that often put him at odds with others, including his sister Mal. While Mal focused on making her own path and fitting in with the VKs, Haden struggled with his anger issues and felt the weight of living up to his father’s infamous reputation.
Haden's fierce personality was both his greatest asset and his biggest challenge. He could be a loyal ally in battle and a force to be reckoned with, but his quick temper and tendency towards sarcasm made it hard for him to form lasting friendships. Despite these struggles, he found a sense of belonging among the VKs who appreciated his unique skills and fierce loyalty.
On the Isle of the Lost, Haden's life was tough. With his father Hades absent and his mother Maleficent focused on her own schemes, Haden often felt ignored. His fiery temper and sarcastic attitude didn’t help him fit in easily.
He was known for his sharp wit and strong abilities, though his anger sometimes got him into trouble. He had a complicated relationship with his sister Mal, who was more strategic compared to his impulsive nature.
Unexpected news
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Maleficent paced furiously in her dark, cluttered lair on the Isle of the Lost. Her eyes narrowed as she listened to the announcement echoing through the magical crystal ball.
“Ben, the son of Belle and Beast, is giving five children from the Isle of the Lost a chance to live in Auradon,” the voice from the ball repeated, “Carlos, Jay, Evie, Mal, and Haden will be chosen to leave the Isle and join the new world.”
Maleficent’s expression shifted from surprise to fury. She turned sharply to her children, who stood in the shadows of the lair. Mal, looking both shocked and apprehensive, met her mother’s gaze. Haden, his face a mix of excitement and anxiety, stood next to her.
“This is a joke, right?” Mal demanded, trying to make sense of the news. “We’re actually being given a chance to leave?”
“It’s no joke,” Maleficent snapped, her voice dripping with disdain. “Ben, the so-called ‘king-in-training,’ is trying to clean up his precious Auradon by taking us out of the picture. But he’s made a grave mistake.”
Maleficent’s eyes gleamed with a cold, calculating light. “If we want to take advantage of this opportunity, we need to act quickly. I want you all to get me the Fairy Godmother’s wand.”
“Why do you need the wand?” Haden asked, his tone a mix of curiosity and defiance.
“To break the barrier,” Maleficent said with a dark smile. “If we free ourselves from this cursed Isle, I can take over Auradon and show them the true power of a villain!”
Mal and Haden exchanged glances, both understanding the gravity of the task. Despite their own mixed feelings about leaving the Isle, they knew they had little choice but to follow their mother’s orders.
“Get ready,” Maleficent commanded. “You have a lot to do before you set foot in Auradon.
Life at Auradon
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When Haden arrived at Auradon Prep, everything felt way too perfect. The other kids were always polite and polished, which drove him crazy. He felt out of place and frustrated by the perfectness around him.
One big adjustment was dealing with magic. Back on the Isle, magic was a no-go, but in Auradon, it was everywhere. Haden’s hair would glow blue whenever he got angry, which made him even more self-conscious and irritated.
To cope, Haden started playing pranks on the Auradon students. He loved messing with their orderly lives—switching their stuff around, setting up harmless tricks, and mocking their perfect manners. It was his way of dealing with how uncomfortable and out of place he felt.
Despite his rebellious streak, Haden found some comfort with the VKs. They were the only ones who really understood him. Over time, Haden began to accept that while he might never fully fit in, he could still be himself and find his own way in Auradon.
Over time, Haden started to see Auradon in a new light. At first, he resented the perfectness of the place, but as he spent more time there, he began to appreciate the calm and order it offered. It wasn’t just about fitting in; he started to genuinely like the more positive environment.
Haden wasn’t alone in his change of heart. The other VKs—Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay—also felt the shift. They all decided to embrace the new opportunities Auradon offered and work on becoming better versions of themselves.
One surprising development for Haden was his growing interest in music. He was introduced to the guitar, and then tried his hand at the piano. To his surprise, he found he had a pretty decent singing voice too. Music became a way for him to express himself and connect with others in a positive way.
Eventually, Haden joined the music club at Auradon Prep. It was a new experience that allowed him to channel his energy creatively and find a place where he truly felt at home.
Back home
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As Mal adjusted to her new life as Ben’s girlfriend, Haden noticed her growing discomfort. While Mal tried to fit into her princess role, Haden also grappled with his place in Auradon. Even though he was happier than before, something still didn’t feel right to him.
When Mal confided in her friends—Evie, Carlos, and Jay—about her issues, Haden sympathized with her struggles. He admitted to Mal that he was also having trouble adapting to the “perfect” world of Auradon. While he was grateful for the opportunities and the calm environment, he still felt out of place and disconnected.
Mal’s use of a spell to change her hair color and her attempts to maintain a princess-like image made her increasingly uncomfortable. When Ben found out about the magic, it led to a major confrontation. Mal’s insecurities came to light, and she ended up in a heated argument with Ben, causing a rift in their relationship.
Seeing how distressed Mal was and feeling similarly unsettled himself, Haden decided to accompany her when she chose to return to the Isle of the Lost. Despite the Isle’s harsh conditions, Haden felt a sense of familiarity there. The Isle had changed in their absence, now ruled by Uma, the daughter of Ursula, with Harry and Gil, the sons of Captain Hook and Gaston, also making their mark.
Haden’s return to the Isle was a mix of old and new challenges. He had to navigate the new power dynamics while dealing with his own feelings of displacement. The Isle, with its new rulers and evolving atmosphere, offered a different kind of challenge for Haden and Mal as they tried to reconcile their past with their present.
Reunion with the past
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Haden was leaning against the edge of the docks, absently fiddling with a rusty piece of metal. The sound of approaching footsteps caught his attention, and he looked up to see Harry swaggering towards him with his usual cocky grin.
“Well, look who’s back,” Harry drawled, his tone dripping with false familiarity. “Haden, the Isle’s very own troublemaker.”
Haden’s expression darkened. “Harry. What are you doing here?”
Harry stopped a few feet away, leaning against a crate with a self-satisfied smirk. “Just heard you and Mal were back. Thought I’d drop by and see how you’re faring. You know, old friends catching up.”
Haden glared at him, his anger simmering beneath the surface. “Old friends? You’ve got to be kidding. The last thing I need is a visit from you.”
Harry chuckled, unfazed. “Oh, come on. Don’t be like that. I’m just here to see how you’re handling the whole ‘Auradon’ fiasco. Must be a bit of a shock to go from their perfect little world back to this mess.”
“Shock doesn’t even begin to cover it,” Haden snapped, his voice edged with bitterness. “And don’t pretend you care. You’re just here to stir up trouble.”
Harry’s smirk widened, clearly amused. “Maybe I am. Or maybe I just missed our little... chats.” His gaze lingered on Haden with an almost nostalgic glint. “Remember how much fun we used to have? You always did know how to keep things interesting.”
Haden’s eyes narrowed, his frustration bubbling over. “Yeah, well, not everyone finds your games charming, Harry. What’s your angle this time?”
Harry shrugged nonchalantly. “Just thought I’d remind you of the old days before I let Uma know you’re back. It’s always nice to see some familiar faces.”
Haden clenched his fists, clearly uncomfortable with the reminder of their past. “I’m not in the mood for your games. Just stay out of my way.”
Harry raised his hands in mock surrender. “Alright, alright. I’ll leave you to brood. But don’t be a stranger, Haden. We wouldn’t want to lose touch.”
With a final smirk, Harry turned and walked away, leaving Haden to seethe in his anger. The encounter stirred up old feelings and reminded Haden of the complications that came with the Isle’s less-than-idyllic past.
Before Auradon:
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Before Haden left for Auradon, he and Harry had a complicated relationship. Growing up on the Isle of the Lost, both were natural troublemakers, constantly getting into scrapes and mischief. They were often rivals, competing to outdo each other in pranks and schemes. Haden’s fierce personality and Harry’s cocky, flirty attitude created a dynamic full of tension and competition.
Despite their frequent clashes, there was an unspoken bond between them. Their banter was sharp and often had an underlying flirtatious edge, a way to mask deeper, more confusing feelings. They knew how to push each other’s buttons, but when it came down to it, they had each other’s backs. Whether it was a fight or a tricky situation, they could rely on each other, even if they wouldn’t openly admit it.
Their relationship was a mix of rivalry, grudging respect, and something more complicated that neither of them fully acknowledged. It was full of charged moments and unresolved emotions, making every interaction unpredictable and intense.
After Haden Went to Auradon:
When Haden left for Auradon, everything changed. For Harry, it felt like a betrayal. He saw Haden’s departure as a rejection of their shared life on the Isle, and it stung. Harry was left feeling abandoned and bitter, his playful, cocky demeanor hiding a deeper sense of hurt.
Haden, on the other hand, struggled with guilt. Leaving the Isle was a chance for a better life, but it meant leaving behind the people he cared about, including Harry. Even in Auradon’s calm and positive environment, he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was missing. The tension and unpredictable nature of his interactions with Harry had been a big part of his life, and without it, Auradon felt strangely empty.
Upon Haden’s return to the Isle, old tensions resurfaced quickly. Harry’s attitude was a mix of flirty cockiness and bitterness. He couldn’t resist teasing Haden, but there was an edge to his words, a reminder of the hurt and anger he felt. Haden’s resentment was clear too. He was frustrated, not just with Harry but with himself, for feeling out of place in both Auradon and the Isle.
Their interactions were now even more charged, full of unresolved issues and the weight of their history. The flirtation and banter were still there, but now it was laced with bitterness and regret. Every encounter was a reminder of their complicated past and the unresolved emotions between them.
Haden was in the old, abandoned hangout spot on the Isle, trying to clear his head. The familiar grittiness of the place felt oddly comforting. Suddenly, he heard footsteps approaching and turned to see Evie, Jay, and Carlos sneaking in.
“Haden!” Evie called out, her voice a mix of relief and worry.
Haden frowned, his anger simmering just beneath the surface. “What are you three doing here?”
“We came to bring you and Mal back,” Jay said, stepping forward. “This isn’t where you belong anymore.”
Carlos nodded. “We’re worried about you, man. Auradon is your home now.”
Haden’s expression hardened. “Home? That place never felt like home. I never fit in there. Not really.”
Evie tried to reach out to him. “But you were doing so well, Haden. You found your place in the music club. You were happy.”
Haden shook his head, his frustration evident. “Happy? Maybe for a while. But there’s always been something off. I don’t belong in a world that’s so perfect and ‘good.’ I’m Hades’ son, for crying out loud.”
Jay crossed his arms, trying to stay calm. “We get it, Haden. We’ve all felt out of place at some point. But running back here isn’t the answer.”
“Running back?” Haden’s voice rose in anger. “This is where I grew up. This is where I know who I am. Auradon isn’t real for people like us.”
Carlos stepped closer, his tone pleading. “But we’ve changed, Haden. We’re not just villains’ kids anymore. We’ve made friends, found things we care about. You can’t just throw that away.”
Haden’s eyes flashed with anger and pain. “You don’t get it. You’ve all found your place there. For me, it’s different. I can’t just pretend to be someone I’m not.”
Evie’s eyes filled with tears. “Haden, please. We care about you. We’re your family. Don’t shut us out.”
Haden looked away, struggling with his emotions. “I’m sorry. But I can’t go back. Not now. Not like this.”
The silence that followed was heavy with unspoken words and unresolved feelings. Evie, Jay, and Carlos exchanged glances, realizing they couldn’t force Haden to return. They had to respect his decision, even if it hurt.
“We’ll be here if you need us,” Jay said quietly. “Whenever you’re ready.”
With that, they turned and left, leaving Haden alone with his thoughts. He watched them go, feeling a mixture of relief and regret. The path he chose was uncertain, but for now, it was the only one he could take.
(i got lazy with writing the rest of the movie)
Haden’s Personality
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Haden has a fierce and fiery personality, inherited from both of his parents. He has a quick temper and doesn’t shy away from confrontation. His anger can be intense, often making his hair light up with blue flames, a clear sign of his inherited power from Hades. Much like his father, Haden is known for his sharp tongue and sarcastic wit. He often uses humor as a defense mechanism, deflecting from his true feelings with snarky comments. His sarcasm can be biting, but it’s also a way for him to connect with others, especially those who understand his background.
Haden has a rebellious streak a mile wide. He questions authority and has a hard time following rules, especially ones he doesn’t agree with. This rebellious nature was a big part of his life on the Isle of the Lost and continued to influence him even in Auradon. Despite his tough exterior, Haden is fiercely loyal to those he cares about. His bond with his sister Mal and his friends in the VK group is unbreakable. He would do anything to protect them, even if it means putting himself in danger.
Haden carries a lot of resentment, both towards his parents for their legacy and towards the world that judges him by their actions. This resentment can make him seem bitter and unapproachable at times, but it’s also a driving force behind his desire to prove himself. Haden is constantly at war with himself. He struggles to reconcile his villainous heritage with the person he wants to be. This inner conflict makes him complex and often misunderstood, as he battles his darker impulses while striving to find his own path.
One of Haden’s more surprising traits is his creativity. He discovered a love for music in Auradon, learning to play the guitar and piano, and even joining the music club. His musical talent became a new way for him to express his emotions and find solace in a world that often felt foreign to him. Haden values his independence and often tries to handle things on his own. He has a hard time asking for help, preferring to rely on his own strength and abilities. This independence can sometimes make him seem distant or aloof.
Beneath his tough exterior, Haden is deeply sensitive. He feels things intensely, whether it’s anger, sadness, or joy. This sensitivity is part of what drives his fierce loyalty and his creative expression through music. Once Haden sets his mind to something, it’s almost impossible to change it. His stubbornness can be both a strength and a weakness, as it drives him to achieve his goals but also makes it hard for him to adapt to new situations or viewpoints.
Haden is highly protective, especially of his sister Mal and his close friends. He sees it as his duty to look out for them, a trait that stems from growing up in a harsh environment where they had to rely on each other for survival. Despite his often gruff demeanor, Haden has a certain charisma that draws people to him. His confidence and intensity can be compelling, and he has a way of inspiring loyalty in those around him, even if they don’t always understand him.
Haden’s Powers
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Like his father Hades, Haden can control and generate fire. His flames are typically blue, representing his connection to Hades. His pyrokinesis is linked to his emotions, especially his anger. When he gets upset, his hair lights up with blue flames, and he can create and manipulate fire more intensely. Learning to control this power is a constant challenge for him, especially in situations where he feels strongly. Haden has inherited a natural affinity for dark magic from both of his parents. This includes spells and enchantments, particularly those related to fire and shadows. While he doesn’t rely on magic as heavily as his mother Maleficent might, he’s capable of casting powerful spells when needed. This magic can be both a blessing and a curse, as using it often brings him closer to the darker side of his heritage.
Haden possesses enhanced physical strength and durability, making him tougher and more resilient than an average person. This allows him to withstand attacks and physical challenges that would overwhelm others. It’s a useful trait, especially in confrontations, and complements his fiery nature. Haden has a limited ability to move objects with his mind. This power isn’t as strong as his pyrokinesis but can be useful in a pinch. He often combines it with his fire control to create more complex effects, such as launching fireballs or creating barriers.
Haden has heightened senses, particularly sight and hearing, allowing him to detect danger and navigate his environment more effectively. This heightened awareness is a survival trait from growing up on the Isle of the Lost, where being alert to threats was essential. Haden can project an aura that intimidates others, making them uneasy or fearful. This is a subtle power that he often uses unconsciously, especially when he’s angry or determined. It’s part of what makes him so formidable in confrontations, as his presence alone can be unsettling.
While not a traditional power, Haden’s affinity for music has a magical quality to it. His singing and playing can have a calming effect, even on himself, helping him to channel his emotions more positively. It’s a way for him to connect with others and express his inner turmoil without resorting to his darker abilities. Due to his parentage, Haden has a natural resistance to many forms of magic. This makes it harder for others to enchant or manipulate him magically. It’s a protective trait that has helped him survive the many magical threats on the Isle of the Lost and in Auradon.
Haden has a limited ability to change his appearance, a power inherited from Maleficent. While not as versatile as his mother’s shapeshifting, he can alter his appearance slightly, such as changing his eye color or hiding his fiery hair. This ability is more about blending in or surprising his enemies than full transformation. Haden can control and manipulate shadows, creating areas of darkness or using shadows to conceal himself. This power is particularly useful for stealth and evasion, allowing him to move unseen when needed. It’s a skill he developed on the Isle, where hiding from more dangerous individuals was sometimes necessary.
hope you guys like him!
@missstrawbs2001 @jackiequick @blueboirick @meiramel @aidanxsophxoxo @purpleprincessonfyre @ask-missparker @askstevella @therealdaydreamstark @rickb-chaos @luna-d-marsh @gaminggirlsstuff @eddysocs
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ogprettyprincess · 3 months
𝟅𝟈 some of my dr's ! welcoming potential mootties, lets chat <3 | last updated: 170824 12:07pm
✰ anime
⚘ one piece , (1st) genevieve e. blue , 17 , s/o: trafalgar d. waterlaw , trope: captain/crewmate -> lovers (slow burn) , devil fruit: (kūki kūki fruit)air manipulation / (2nd) alira andilet , 18 , s/o: blackleg sanji , trope: crewmates -> lovers (slow burn) , devil fruit: (dangan dangan fruit) bullet manipulation
⟡ blue lock , satoru jena , 17 , s/o: micheal kaiser , family: gojo, geto (parents) + 4 siblings, team: blue locks eleven
𖦹 mha , gojo satori (yes) , 18 , s/o: bakugou katsuki , trope: strangers -> pining -> lovers (slow burn) , hero name: arachne , power: spider , family: satosugu & their 4 kids
⊰ jjk , taira kazuha , 19 , s/o: nanami kento , trope: mentor -> friends -> lovers , technique: string & invisibility manipulation , domain expansion: illusion of fear & desire , family: ren & kyoto taira (parents) kenji taira (brother)
꧞ haikyuu , ukai kananami , 15 , s/o: tsukishima kei , trope: strangers -> friends -> lovers , family: kaito & ben ukai (parents) ukai keishin (brother) , team: karasuno boys volleyball
␥ aot , geneviève ackerman , 15 , s/o: jean kirstien , trope: strangers -> enemies -> friends -> lovers , family: charlotte & oliver ackerman (parents) levi ackerman (uncle) , humanity's second strongest soldier :P , role: the savoir
⊞ atla , aoki kazuha , 16 , s/o: un-named oc , trope: strangers -> lovers , family: aki & rolan aoki (parents) kian & kano (brothers) , element: all , main: air, avatar of 3000 (?)
✰ shows
❀ obx , geneviève lambert , 17 , s/o: rafe cameron (not psycho) , trope: childhood friends -> "enemies" -> friends -> lovers , family: lyla lambert (mom) logan westwood (step dad) , role: man in the middle
⪩ twd , charlotte grimes , 21 , s/o: daryl dixon (32) , trope: strangers -> lovers , family: oliver & evie grimes (dad & mom) rick grimes (uncle turned dad) carl grimes (cousin turned brother) judith (cousin turned sister) , main weapon: dual blades
✵ bcd (/behind closed doors ; original reality) , katara brown , 18 , s/o: nakamoto arito (oc) , trope: strangers -> friends -> lovers (slow burn) , occupation: assassin in training , role: the finalist
✰ games
✶ genshin impact , (1st) princess enver le'mistral , 21 , s/o: kaedehara kazuha (?) , trope: strangers -> playful enemies -> lovers , vison: anemo , home: sky city (og) + fontaine , family: nalani & alain le'mistral (parents) navida le'mistral (aunt) , position: champion dualist / (2nd) tashita jinx - [under construction]
✰ other
✦ youtuber , (1st) geneviève eden silvestrè , 18 , s/o: matt sturniolo , trope: strangers -> friends -> lovers , family: evangeline & antonio silvestrè (parents) leo + angelina + dom (brothers & sister) / (2nd) imani eden monroe , 21 , s/o: berlin edmond , family: nilani monroe (mom) angelica & clementine (sisters)
◎ footballer , violet dupont , 21 , s/o: elisa de almeida , trope: teammates -> lovers , family: jamais dupont (dad) claude & blaise dupont (brothers) , team: psg feminines + women's french national
☆ actress , (1st) violette eden irl last name , 20 , s/o: drew starkey , trope: costars -> lovers , family: leila (mom) anastasia & june (sisters) , main roles: charlotte in obx + edith in despicable me + peyton in the game plan / (2nd) valerie eden auclair - [under construction]
𐙚 kpop , (1st) jenevieve eden levesque , 19 , s/o: christopher bang , trope: strangers -> friends -> lovers , year: 2020 , family: nilani levesque (mom) leo + angelina + dontai + alias + charlotte monroe (siblings :3) , groups: nct, nct 127, nct x / (2nd) - [under construction]
ᡣ𐭩 teen fame , genevieve eden morgan , 14 , s/o: elisa de almeida (15) , trope: friends -> lovers , family: jeffery dean morgan (dad) , main rolls - [under construction]
一 that's all ! if you have any same / similar dr's feel free to talk about them or dm me so we can !!
❥ i didn't mention my waiting room cause that'll be another post, but it's basically a city shifting hub / giant waiting room for shifters from all different realities ! lemmie know if you wanna hear about it :)
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gofuschia · 1 year
Because I have questionable taste in men, haven't seen any jack content and NOBODY CAN STOP ME!!
Most of this is referring to jack post-mold infection, unless explicitly stated otherwise. So… keep that in mind and be prepared for some kooky behaviour.
warnings and prefaces; female reader, infected jack - he comes as his own warning lol, mentions of alcoholism & dysfunctional family dynamics, cheating, a little bit of angst
— He has this insecure complex about always needing to be in the dominant role within the family dynamic. Gets majorly pissed whenever Marguerite entertains male victims for dinner, and he hurries to get rid of them. Jack’s house is the place he is in control, his domain, where he has forged a comfortable little life with himself as the patriarch & figurehead. He perceives any and all male presence as a threat to its sanctity. Even Lucas, from time to time, needs to be put in his place. It’s a deeply competitive thing that stems from his childhood insecurities, feuding with his brother and father.
— Listen, he’s an old-fashioned guy. Sees women as the fairer sex and all that. He’s a little gentler with handling female victims for that reason. (throwback to mia being carried over his shoulder and ethan literally just being dragged behind in the mud LMAO). If he notices Lucas being particularly handsy with a female victim, he’ll start chastising him:
“Lucas, you goddamn gutter rat! I raised you better’n’that, boy!”
— He delights in taunting you with little innuendos and innocent sounding pet names while he tracks you around the house - sweetheart, dolly, sugar, little pig.
“Here, kitty kitty. Where are yo-o-ou?”
— Jack's definitely not a soft man anymore - but when it comes to you, he can be. It’s always very gratifying to see the man go from downright brutish to handling you with something almost approaching care. He’s ruthlessly, frighteningly strong; you’ve watched him shatter bones and sever limbs with barely more than a breath of effort. You can feel incredibly fragile in his grip, but at the same time, inexplicably safe.
— He could kill you easily, on a whim, and yet, you notice the way he takes care to measure the strength in his grip; consciously holding back from utterly destroying you. Jack will leave you with bruises, sure, but never broken beyond repair.
— Contrary to the way he presents himself, Jack actually wasn’t all that much of a fighter when he was younger. He was always built a little smaller than Joe, mousier, with poor eyesight. Instead of roughhousing in the yard with his brother or going out hunting with his Pa, he’d have much preferred to sit in with his Momma, shucking peas on the porch, nose buried in a book.
— But with a bully for a brother and an alcoholic, abusive father, it became necessary for survival in his household to toughen up, wean himself away from his mother’s forgiving gentleness. Not only that, but the constant comparisons to his brother and the need to appeal to his father’s uber-masculine attitude grated at him, and he eventually conditioned himself into being the football-loving man’s man that his environment demanded him to be. He met Marguerite, joined the military to seal the deal - and the rest is history.
— It’s heavily implied ingame that Jack has a bit of a drinking problem even before the infection. It’s an unfortunate trait he picked up from his own father who was quite a violent man. Jack’s always made a conscious effort to break these cycles and be firm yet fair with his kids - however, Jack can be an aggressive drunk… and Lucas has always been an ornery kid. They’ve never quite seen eye to eye and their relationship only grew more turbulent the older Lucas got.
So, Lucas is the one who usually suffers the brunt of Jack’s drunken black moods, and sometimes their clashing gets physical. This is just amplified tenfold post-evie and he gets weirdly competitive and aggressive with his son - especially when it comes to you. Jack doesn't like to share.
Lucas will most definitely take an interest in the new pet his dad’s keeping around - and Jack takes cruel pleasure in making vulgar jabs at his sons inexperience, taunting you before his eyes like a piece of candy in front of a kid:
“Aw, what’s wrong, boy? You want a piece of this sweet little kitty? Too fuckin’ bad – she ain’t for you!”
— Probably threatens to castrate him if he tries anything with you LMAO (which is a valid concern to be honest, lucas is a horny little bastard) or implies bringing the nature of your relationship up to Marguerite. The threat alone is usually enough to scare Lucas off as we all know Jack doesn’t bluff when it comes to cutting off limbs 😭
— Now, listen, we’re gonna have to suspend some disbelief here. Do I think pre-infected Jack would cheat on his wife? Never. He’s loyal and staunch as a bull and he ADORES Marguerite. Post infection, though. Maybe. I can see it.
— He still loves his wife, infection be damned, but we all know the unfortunate state of Marguerite’s genitalia, and gross as infected Jack can be, even he draws the line at sticking his cock in a bug hive 😭
— His excuse for his infidelity is “a man has needs,” - and with you being so pretty and so willing, how could he pass up the opportunity? Even if he did want to reject the carnal urge, it’s incredibly difficult for Jack to stop himself from enacting his basest desires. The mold completely screws with his head and free will, lowers his inhibitions and makes him do and say things that would otherwise be a passing intrusive thought while sober.
Excuses and justifications aside, he definitely still has a big guilty conscience about it in the back of his mind - and in his very brief moments of lucidity he probably cries about what he’s done. (ouch)
— Jack’s sex drive, among many other things, has been amplified a great deal after the infection. It doesn’t take much to get him aroused. Sometimes he’ll pop hard-ons just from the adrenaline of the chase, tailing your scared ass around the property, hot on your scent.
— Before, his sex drive was pretty average for a man of his age, not a huge priority for him anymore but indulged in a couple times a week with his wife after a long day of work round the ranch. Now, with the mold biggering his appetite, screwing with his hormones & testosterone levels, he’s as virile as a man several decades his junior.
— There’s fuck all else to do round that house anyway, besides the occasional murder, partaking in cannibalism, and entertaining Evie – so Jack likes to waste away some of the drawn-out hours between your legs.
— He’s actually quite the giver. Though infected Jack has no qualms about just taking what he wants, he is still, at his core, a southern gentleman - and this quality bleeds through even in the bedroom. It’s more fun for him when you’re visibly enjoying yourself too, is all. And he knows how to treat a lady.
— Definitely not lacking in experience. He’s old, has fathered two kids and knows his way around the female form quite confidently - you’re in good hands.
— Jack loves eating pussy. Everything about it. The taste, the smell, the way you clamp your thighs like a vice around his head. It’s all incredibly arousing to him.
— He’ll hike your legs up, grip cruel and bruising around your thighs, and just absolutely go to town. He’s relentless about it, too. Won’t stop till your cunt juices have soaked his beard through to dripping, and you’ve come multiple times around his tongue, clit swollen and oversensitive.
— If he’s in a really giving and indulgent mood, he’ll pat his barrel chest; invite you to shimmy on up and just sit yourself nice n’ pretty on his face, smothering him with your pussy and thighs. He gets to forget everything and just work his jaw, focus on nothing but the slick heat between your lips. The man is in heaven when he’s tongue-fucking you.
— Quite stalwartly dominant - he just really likes the feeling of being needed and depended upon. Makes him feel big and strong, feeds his ego. If you beg for him it makes him go nuts. He’s also not opposed to being called daddy every now and then in the bedroom - gives him that lovely little superiority kick.
— That being said, he’s not averse to you riding him every now and then. He loves a bit of cowgirl. The visual stimulation of your tits bouncing while you frantically get yourself off on his cock always drives him crazy… but by the end he can never quite stop himself from taking control; seizing you roughly by the hips and pistoning you up and down on his cock like a fuck-toy.
— Sex with Jack is an exhausting affair. He has a ridiculous amount of stamina now and as such he draws the sessions out for hours.
— Rough without meaning to be, sometimes. His amplified strength really shows at certain peaked moments of pleasure, where he tends to lose all restraint and just go absolutely fucking ham.
— Afterwards you will be sporting bruises in the shape of his fingers, stinging imprints of his palm on your rump; a multitude of aches and pains and a numb, dully throbbing cunt. Expect not to be able to walk until the mold has healed up your sore body.
— He enjoys it when you fawn over him like a loving little wife, he's a sucker for those sappy traditional dynamics. Run at him with your arms open and he’ll lift you up like a featherweight, sit you on his lap, let you tell him all about your day. He’ll let you take the reins if he’s in the mood to be taken care of, on your knees between his spread legs.
— Not groomed. It’s a bit wild down there in the hair department. Literally does not give a shit either way. Too busy serial murdering and being insane to trim and he never really tended to the bush much in the first place. He thinks body hair is natural, and likes the masculinity of it, so he doesn’t really care. He's also definitely a little bit stinky. (ok… probably more than a little bit). But let’s be honest, who isn’t a little on the funky side in the Baker house? You probably don’t smell like roses either.
— Gets rougher the more excited he becomes. When Jack’s on the edge of an orgasm he becomes downright violent. He tries to be careful with you, really he does, but he’s a slave to the base sensations and the jolting of his hips becomes a powerful, jackhammering force; big hands leaving purpling bruises along your hips.
Afterwards, he’ll kiss your sore spots apologetically, pet your head like a cat and murmur your praises; good girl, ‘atta girl, you took me so damn well.
— His hands are a marvel unto themselves. Big, broad, capable and work-calloused. They feel incredible dragging over your nipples and cunt; doling out pleasure and punishment in equal measure. He’ll spend hours with you bent over his lap, alternating between finger-fucking you relentlessly and spanking your ass with the flat of his palm.
— BREEDING KINK FOR DAYS… absolutely loves pumping you full with his cum. He’ll reach down to inspect the excess semen your poor pussy couldn’t handle, scoop it up and push it back inside of you.
Jack loves the idea of getting you pregnant and, in his words; ‘expanding the family’, or ‘giving Evie a new little sibling’. Of course, that’s a precarious subject given the fact he’s a married man… but Evie’s family isn’t your typical nuclear family, anyway. The dynamics are all fucked up, fickle and interchangeable as a child playing with barbie dolls. One day Marguerite carries the privileged title of mommy - the next, you or Mia. Some days both.
— Mostly he just likes the idea of it. He loves being a father, and he and Marguerite had always intended on having more than two kids - however, after a few traumatic miscarriages and sombre doctors’ appointments, they gave up that dream. He also secretly has a thing for pregnant bodies - he thinks they’re gorgeous, and it gives him a real kick of pride and possessiveness to see a lady all swollen up with his seed.
— He can be sadistic with your pleasure at times, edging you to the precipice of an orgasm and then abruptly withdrawing. You just look so pretty and pathetic when you squirm and beg. If you’re not reduced to tears, begging him to please, daddy, let you cum, then he hasn’t done his job right.
— Has a thing for over-stimulation, too. Makes a point of bringing you to orgasm so many times and fucking your pussy so raw that it becomes borderline painful.
— He can be merciful on occasion. If you’ve caught him in a pleasant mood and you give him the doe-eyes just right, Jack becomes a bit of a pushover. You’re just such a sweet lil’ thing, and he can’t resist you.
He’ll treat you real good. Whatever you ask him for, you get. You want your pussy devoured? Want to be fucked into next week? Take a seat - he’s more than happy to oblige.
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lizzisimss · 2 years
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Phoenix and Michael’s Home
CC used (list below) Crick Cabana in Willow Creek 20 x 15 2 bed, 1 bath $109,504
This build is part of the Lizzisimss Save File.
Aira - https://www.patreon.com/airacc
·       2 Piece Painting
·       Bear & Mountain candles
·       Daisy vase
·       Dogi Pot
·       Mini easel
·       Mirror with stickers
·       Vanilla dish rack
·       Vanilla egg tray
·       Vanilla flower candle
·       Vanilla toaster
·       Vanilla utensil holder
ATS4 - https://sims4.aroundthesims3.com/index.shtml
·       Canisters basic
·       Kitchen rack condiments
·       Kitchen rack washing up
Brazen lotus - https://www.brazenlotus.com/objects-d... :
·       BG Coffee bag
·       SP13 Laundry made essentials
charly pancakes - https://www.patreon.com/charlypancakes
·       The Lighthouse Collection
·       Lavish Merged
·       Miscellanea Merged
·       Modish Merged
·       Selection One merged
·       Smol Merged
·       The candle
Evi - https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/evi/
·       Hellenic wall E
felixandre - https://www.patreon.com/felixandre
·       Georgian Set
 house of harlix - https://www.houseofharlix.com
·       Orjanic Merged
·       Bafroom Merged
·       Baysic Merged
·       Livin’Rum Merged
·       The Kichen Merged
 harrie - https://www.patreon.com/heyharrie
·       Brownstone Collection
·       Country Collection
·       Halcyon Kitchen
·       Octave
·       Shop the look
·       Spoons
 Kiwisim - https://www.patreon.com/Kiwisim4
·       Block House
·       Piha
·       Surrey
 leaf motif - https://leaf-motif.tumblr.com
·       2202 Magnolia Bathroom
·       Aubrey Office
·       Botanic Boudoir
·       Calliope Bathroom
·       Devon Kitchen
·       Ivy Hallway
·       Rory Bedroom
·       Simblreen 2021
·       Starlight Crystals
·       Stellan Dining
·       Patron gift 1
·       Patron gift 2
·       Patron gift 4
·       Sunbeam Study
·       Sunny Corner
·       Twee Tableware
·       Vintage Crockery
 lilis-palace - https://www.patreon.com/lilis_palace
·       Intarsia Biedermeier set
 littledica - https://www.patreon.com/littledica
·       Rise & Grind Café
·       Sleek Slumber stuff pack
·       Deligracy cottage living update
·       Deligracy Delicato stuff pack
·       Roman holiday
 Madlen - https://www.patreon.com/madlen
·       Nuri Rug
 max 20 - https://www.patreon.com/Max20
·       Cozy Backyard pack
·       Master bedroom pack
 Maxsus – https://maxsus.tumblr.com/post/640662541333348352/download
·       Poolside lounge pack
Mechtasims - https://www.patreon.com/mechtasims
·       Bathroom set wall mirror
·       Aphrodite Set
·       Back to school
·       Cyber girl
·       Essential clutter
·       Groovy baby
my cup of cc -https://www.patreon.com/mycupofcc
·       Maple Manor The Modernist Collection Living Room
·       August 2021
·       Colour Talk Dining Stuff
·       Colour Talk Kitchen
·       Colour Talk Living Rm
myshunosun - https://www.patreon.com/myshunosun
·       Elle Office
·       The art room
·       Uma living
·       Dawn living
·       Gale dining
·       Lottie
Networksims - https://networksims.tumblr.com/
·       Giosue Tile Wall
NolanSims - https://nolan-sims.com/downloads
·       Strawberry Planters
Novvvas - http://ts4novvvas.blogspot.com/
·       Vintage floor
oni - https://www.patreon.com/oni28
·       Bakery Clutter
·       Cottage kitchen
·       Vintage living room
 peacemaker - https://peacemaker-ic.tumblr.com/TS4O...
·       Atwood living
·       Bayside bedroom set
·       Creta kitchen
·       Futura
·       Hudson bathroom
·       Kingston dining
·       Kitayama dining
·       Kitayama living
·       Mid-century eclectic
·       Mina kitchen
·       Province
·       Urbane kitchen
·       Bowed
 pierisim - https://www.patreon.com/pierisim
·       Calderone bedroom
·       MCM All
·       Oakhouse all
·       Living room mini kit
·       Tidying Up
·       Coldbrew Coffeeshop
·       Winter Garden
·       Domaine du Clos
renorasims - https://www.renorasims.com
·       xtreme shower
RVSN – https://ravasheen.com/
·       cup of cozy
·       smarts content
simplisticsims - http://simplisticsims4.com
·       Cottage roman curtain
·       Loloi Pink Rugs
·       RHckbreadbox
 sixiamcc - https://imfromsixam.tumblr.com/
·       Breeze of Greece
·       Oak & concrete kit
·       Charming Chalet
·       Home Basics
·       Home Improvement
·       Home Office
·       Retro Vibes
·       Teen room
 SYB – https://www.patreon.com/Syboubou
·       Bonbon
·       Galileo
·       Julie
·       Laundry
·       Nathalie
SurelySims - https://www.patreon.com/surelysims
·       Electronic citrus clock
Clutter Cat - https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/thec...
·       Busy Bee
·       Cat milk no 1 reloaded
·       Cat milk no 2 reloaded
Torque - https://www.thesimsresource.com/members/Torque3/
·       Aged wood floor
TUDS -https://www.patreon.com/TudTuds
·       Beam Parte 2 V01 Merged
·       Wave merged
 awingedllama - https://www.patreon.com/awingedllama
·       Apartment therapy inspired stuff v2 Merged
·       Paranormal plants
·       Blooming rooms plants
 MXIMS – https://mxims.tumblr.com/
·       Ikea Barso Wall Grid B
Warmthlu - https://warmthlu.tumblr.com/tagged/s4cc
Mini wallpaper set
237 notes · View notes
aoifeoffical · 3 months
Lady Earth Flow | Ethereal Blues AU
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Name: Golden Nosed Albino Rat Spirit, ½ Guanyin, Lady Earth Flow
Age: 960 - 1,519 years old (32–35)
Gender: Female
Race: Chinese
Theme: Blumenkranz
Nickname: Rat
DOB: ???
Height: 5'6 - 167cm (Real), 6'6 - 198cm (With heels)
Occupation: Empress
Family: Yìchén (Daughter)
Role: Villainess in JTTW
Reblogging is much appreciated!
"Humanity are such fragile creatures.."
Lady Earth Flow is actually the Golden Nosed Albino Rat Spirit who attained her powers after practicing Taoist arts for 300 years. She secretly ate the Candles of Redolent Blossoms at Vulture Peak and called herself "Half-Guanyin". She has fought and defeated by the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King, Li Jing, and the Third Lotus Prince, Nezha, is ready to finish to kill her. However, the Buddha told them both to spare her life and she has become grateful for mercy. Li Jing adopted the rat out of pity, thus she acknowledged Li Jing as her godfather and Nezha as her godbrother.
She moved to the Bottomless Pit at Flaming Air Mountain while self-proclaiming herself 'Empress' among the rat spirits and renamed herself "Lady Earth Flow". Years later, Lady Earth Flow had birthed the Golden Nosed Obsidian Rat Spirit/Yìchén and titled her as 'princess'.
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Lady Earth Flow owns different variety of swords made by the personal blacksmiths, found in her own civilization with its valuable metals that has extraordinary properties, including the ability to absorb, store, and release the large amounts of kinetic energy. Lighter than steel, conductor of electricity, and almost impossible to destroy.
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In JTTW, the pilgrims pass by Black Pines Forest, she disguises herself as a human damsel and uses Yìchén to attract the great monk's attention. Tang Sanzang takes pity on both her and her daughter, he lets accompany them to a nearby temple, but Sun Wukong sees through the demonic cover.
While the pilgrim rest and Yìchén is resting in a temporary temples as she has been feed with milk, Lady Earth Flow lured and ate six monks in three nights and was about to lure Tang Sangzang to try and seduce him, but thankfully Sun Wukong caught her in time as the two fought.
After numerous attempts, Wukong put her in a tight spot and he brought Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing to fight along side to corner her. Lady Earth Flow uses her time to distract them with her trick and captured Tang Sangzang and taking Yìchén back in her arms.
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With Tang Sangzang in her domain, she actually doesn't want to eat him for immortality. Instead, she wants to marry him. Her servants brought him vegan meals and clean water for him to drink, they went out to satisfy the basic needs for him to survive. Clearly, Tang Sangzang is very much committed to Buddhism and she's trying her best to persuade him to marry her and become Yìchén's stepfather so they can be a family together.
Wukong, being a small fly, tells his master that he'll go in the wine and once she's drinks it, he'll immediately kill her.
So she puts up a toast for the two to drank wine together, Tang Sangzang interfere her to don't drink it as Wukong's plan failed.
He ran to the sacred shine that has a tablet on it and Yìchén is playing nearby. Wukong was ready to destroy the tablet to get his impulsiveness out, he suddenly stop and read the tablet, belonging it to Li Jing and Nezha. So, he took the tablet and Yìchén with him to file a complaint to the Jade Emperor up in the Celestial Realm.
Up in the Celestial Realm, Li Jing was being accused that he adopted his daughter. Prove that Wukong is carrying the incense burners, tablet, and a literal baby in his arms as evidence. Li Jing is denying, saying that he only has three sons, Jinzha, Muzha, and Nezha, and he also claimed that he has a "seven year old daughter" whom she doesn't know anything about demons or monsters.
Wukong scoffed it off as he head on to the tablet to Li Jing. He did and his eyes turned to Yìchén because she does have a gold nose on her face. Aware that this evidence is real, he tried to take the tablet away from Wukong, but Wukong backed it off and he implied that Li Jing is trying to destroy it. If that doesn't work, Li Jing will execute Wukong for treason (obviously it didn't work he can't die.). Nezha stopped the assault as he admits that Lady Earth Flow is family. Nezha points to Yìchén and that newborn is also a part of the family, making her his adopted grandfather, who has nothing to do with this situation.
Li Jing apologized to Wukong for accusing him, but Wukong is adamant on suing both the father and son. But he will let it slide for their sake because he wants his master safe and sound while continuing he wants to continue onwards to the journey.
Meanwhile, Lady Earth Flow is trying and trying to persuade Tang Sangzang into marrying him and once he said, Lady Earth Flow snapped as she raise her dagger to strike him in the heart. She was stopped by Nezha and the celestial army. She plead for Nezha to spare, but how could he after the stunt she pulled after the first mercy he was halted.
OThis punishment cause Lady Earth Flow and the rest of the rat spirits were involved with the plot arrested by the celestial armies to face imprisonment, where she had to leave Yìchén behind to fend for herself in the later centuries.
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I don't know what will happen in LMK S5, but I doubt that she'll appear in it. But it was fun drawing her in my art style!
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Your nominations are in, your votes have been counted, and the WLW Webcomic Couples Bracket is assembled! There are 64 entries, broken up for early rounds into eight groups of eight couples or poly ships.
It will take me a while to find images to use in the polls, so keep the propaganda coming while I get them ready! (And if your propaganda includes original images from the webcomic that I can use, it will help the process go that much faster.) A text version of the matchups, along with a short note on seeding, is below the cut.
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The bracket is lightly seeded - the eight couples or ships with 10-15 nominations each were given the first seed in each group, then couples with 3-7 nominations were given second through fourth seed, and the remaining slots were filled by couples with two nominations. The exception is a handful of cases in which two couples from a single webcomic qualified, in which case they will go up against each other in the first round regardless of seeding.
First-round matchups are as follows:
Group 1
Undine and Kokoro (Sleepless Domain) vs Aarya and Liza (Facing the Sun)
Dani and Christy (My Dragon Girlfriend) vs Tess and Mira (Seven Days in Silverglen)
Sun and Babs (Unfamiliar) vs Arachne and Scarlet (Bugtopia)
Adrian and Hildegard (A&H Club) vs Mia and Grace (On a Sunbeam)
Group 2
Boo and Mimi (Rainbow!) vs Mina and Valerie (Paranatural)
Aya and Mitsuki (The Guy She Was Interested In Wasn't a Guy at All) vs Radiant Goddess and Acolyte (Lady of the Shard)
Almond and Peridot (Cucumber Quest) vs Sylvia and Jerry (Charity Case)
Becky and Dina (Dumbing of Age) vs Beau and Julie (Offbeat)
Group 3
Camille, Dendro, and Nyra (Muted) vs Jen and Rocker (Starward Lovers)
Daphne and Veronika (Lesbiampires) vs Claire and Robin (Hard Lacquer)
Sapphia and Odette (High Class Homos) vs Sapphia and Marla (High Class Homos)
Evie and Jack (Pandora's Devils) vs Faye and Bubbles (Questionable Content)
Group 4
Sunati and Austen (Almost Human) vs Honey Hart and Turpentine (Band vs Band)
Mari and Mica (The Four of Them) vs Fiona and Lia (YU+ME: Dream)
Tara and Darcy (Heartstopper) vs Shiina and Mimi (My Wish Is to Fall In Love Until You Die)
Hotaru, Kayla, and Elise (Shootaround) vs Selva and Alice (Namesake)
Group 5
Rose and Kanaya (Homestuck) vs Alex and Lucky (Finding Wonderland)
Delilah and Cheryl (I Want to Be a Cute Anime Girl) vs Hazel and Willie (A Week in Warrigilla)
Allison and Cio (Kill Six Billion Demons) vs Shim Chong and Madam Jang (Her Tale of Shim Chong)
Nell and Jolie (Cursed Princess Club) vs Tabitha and Poppy (Vampire Girlfriends)
Group 6
Lenore and Annabel Lee (Nevermore) vs Mica, Liv, and Red (The Greenhouse)
Ludovica and Luck (Tiger, Tiger) vs Jock, Prep, Nerd, and Goth (Boyfriends)
Roomie and Lillian (Go Get a Roomie) vs Lola and Sugar (Drop-Out)
Kat and Paz (Gunnerkrigg Court) vs Zimmy and Gamma (Gunnerkrigg Court)
Group 7
Rei and Hanna (Not So Shoujo Love Story) vs Claudia and Ava (Console Her)
Quinn and Hana (Encore!) vs Rina and Noa (Us Right Now)
Sun Jing and Qiu Tong (Tamen De Gushi/Their Story) vs Eliza and Darcy (Wilde Life)
Charo and Alesea (Dame Daffodil) vs Sophia and Olivia (It's Okay to Like Girls)
Group 8
Malori and Velverosa (Mage & Demon Queen) vs Connie and Carla (Rock and Riot)
Isaline and Theodora (Isadora) vs Penny and Bianca (Sunflowers & Lavender)
Ellen and Nanase (El Goonish Shive) vs Catalina and Rhoda (El Goonish Shive)
Lili and Sera (Monsters and Girls) vs Mad Spade and Miss Sunshine (My Sweet Archenemy)
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mysticstarlightduck · 7 months
Pyrite for the writer's meme! (Could your protag and antag ever be friends?)
Thank you so much for this ask, @littleladymab!
The Tag Game
Pyrite: Could the antagonist and protagonist ever be friends?
(I'll answer this one for some of the POV characters of my WIPs Enchanted Illusions and Of Starlight and Beasts)
I've got some pretty evil/screwed up villains in my WIPs, so the answer for most of my POV cast would mostly be a resounding no, for various reasons, but let's see why!
Enchanted Illusions
Augustus Grimmure: No, they would not be friends, not in a million years. Augustus may be a dangerous necromancer who has no qualms about killing his enemies, but he has a strict moral compass - everything he does is to protect himself, his friends, and the innocent people of the city of Ansburke. His methods may be unorthodox, but in the end, he has good reasons to do morally grey things. The villains of this story, on the other hand, are prejudiced, power-hungry people who prey on the innocent - they're exactly everything Augustus despises and swore to destroy. They would never be friends.
Agatha Greenwoods: If the situation was dire enough, she could pretend to be friends with/on the same side of the antagonists, if it meant she could discover more about their plans and find a better way to destroy their secret society for good. But she wouldn't be true friends with the antagonists, she would only pretend in order to achieve her goals and in the name of the greater good.
Evangeline Daemitya: Given that the woman who is responsible for most of her childhood trauma is affiliated with the antagonists' secret society (the Hemlock Society), I would say that never in a million years would Evie befriend those villains. Plus she is such a pure, kind-hearted girl, that I literally can't see any situation where she would even consider such an alliance!
Harriet Sharppe: Never. I think that Harriet's moral sense of justice, along with her extremely good heart, would never let her ally herself to the Duke or any of the members of the Hemlock Society, unless - and even then with extreme reservations - the lives and safety of her loved ones were at stake. Harriet would burn the world to keep her family, friends and her love interest (Augustus) safe from harm, and would even (if the situation was really, really screwed up and extreme) genuinely consider and accept a temporary alliance with some of the less screwed up antagonists in order to save her loved ones. But only in such a situation. When everything went back to normal and her loved ones were safe again she would immediately betray that "alliance" with the antagonists.
Thaddeus Lockhill: His whole life and purpose have centered around leading a secret revolutionary effort against that same Hemlock society. His cause has become the most important thing in the world to him - its what gives him his purpose in life. So allying himself with the villains would be a resounding no in any situation. He'd rather die a martyr than make such a "friendship". He might consider working with less than-moral people as informants or in order to achieve a certain mission, but he would never ally himself to the actual antagonists of the story.
Of Starlight and Beasts:
Corah Stormryder - As a knight, saving the realm and following her personal oaths is everything for her, it is her mission to defeat the Crimson Queen and keep her from killing innocent people. Corah can understand the circumstances that led Meira (the Crimson Queen) to become so vengeful, cold and cruel, but she knows that nothing can excuse what that woman has become, after so many innocent lives lost. Nothing in this world could make Corah even pretend to be friends with that woman.
Maryon Haell - As the daughter of the most influential man in their corner of the realm (a man known as the Serpent of the Frosts, due to his network of spies that leads to him knowing everything that happens within his domain), Maryon was raised to seize opportunities when they arise - I can see her definitely using whatever she can to her advantage to stop the Crimson Queen, even pretending to be her ally or something similar (much like Agatha from Enchanted Illusions), only to betray her later to save her people. She is opportunistic, but she also has a strict moral code, so I don't see her actually becoming friends with any antagonists unless: 1. she is faking it to achieve her goals (as mentioned before), 2. the antagonist in question truly has a redemption arc
Arammys Lochlain - The most forgiving and kind-hearted character in the book, Arammys believes that anyone deserves a second chance. Due to his memories of his past having been magically stolen, and his own tempestuous magic, the Crimson Queen could use a promise of "helping him get his past back" to try and lure him into a false friendship - but Arammys is very clever, and I can hardly imagine that he would fall for her scheme. While he believes anyone deserves second chances, that person needs to prove they truly want to redeem themselves, something Meira is not about to do, so they really wouldn't be friends.
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shookuna · 1 month
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krimsonkatt · 3 months
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Flon. Finally, Flon. Man, this one's a doozy. Firstly, she's a boss that is going to be in Chaos;Domain. But also she has a VERY complex and detailed backstory on why and how I created her that ties into religion, childhood trauma, and... Disney?
Remember the movie Pinocchio? You know, the 1940 classic? Well, child me had a very... INTERESTING interpretation of that movie's events, one that baffles me to this day. You know the blue fairy? You know, the one that serves as the "big good" of the movie and the one that grants Pinocchio life? Well, child me, having grown up in a strict religious household, (my parents have lightened up over the years, don't worry) I thought the blue fairy WAS AN AGENT OF THE DEVIL. Yes, seriously. I interpreted the events of the movie as poor Gapeddo LITERALLY MAKING A FAUSTIAN DEAL WITH THE DEVIL to bring Pinchochio to life and that Pinocchio was some unholy demonic abomination.
I thought the song "starlight star bright" was Gapeddo PRAYING TO THE DEVIL and that IRL that chant can be used to summon Satan. The song freaked me out to the extent that I had a super vivid nightmare where Tyler, my brother and my bunk bed buddy at the time, sang the song with his wish being to "destroy the world." His specific words in the dream were "Starlight, star bright, I wish upon a star tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might, I wish that this world would be destroyed tonight." This caused me to hate my brother and believe him to be the antichrist for years, all based on freaking Pinocchio. And please, Jagged Edge Productions, the makers of Winnie the Pooh Blood and Honey, if you are reading this DO NOT steal this idea from me for Pinocchio Unstrung without credit and monetary compensation. Thanks.
Anyway, I was traumatized by the movie for completely different reasons than most kids (the pleasure island scene, which the teacher skipped for its depictions of alcohol and smoking) and deemed the blue fairy not only as the secret big bad of the movie, but also an agent of Satan. I called her "Flon" (pronounced full-on like colon) and started a vendetta against all fairies including Tinker Bell, believing them to all be agents of the devil. I remember once incident in first grade where I saw a girl with a tinker bell backpack and cried out pointing at her "EVI! EVI!" which is my word for anything part of "Evil Villains Incorporated" back then, the main villain group of my fictional universe which I confused for reality. All fairies were part of EVI, so I called them EVI. I got in big trouble and got beaten up by the teachers and put in school jail for that.
Ironically years later in my late teens I grew a fascination of fairies years after I ended my silly vendetta and somewhere in my crazy brain I hold the halfhearted belief that I AM a fairy, or at least a changeling. Makes a lot of sense, considering my disabilities, weirdness, and affinity for the strange and unusual. Also, I developed an actual fairy fetish thanks to stupid sexy Tinker Bell, Adelle from Bravely Default II, and Eos from FFXIV during puberty, not to mention fairy transformation NSFW I stumbled across on the internet. I just like how cute, small, and fluttery they are and the pretty leafy/flowery outfits they wear. To temporarily shape-shift into a tiny fairy is a major fantasy of mine, and I do that thing a lot in lucid dreams.
But anyway, I haven't really decided what Flons strategy in battle should be during Chaos;Domain. Maybe an attack that makes you vulnerable to all elements? Weakness Sparkle? IDK. That game's development is a long ways away, so I can think about it then when I make the resprites for most of the bosses.
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empiricalsagipia · 10 months
"Happy Birthday by the way?" Hopefully, Rose doesn't mind getting an assortment of items from Evie, including a variety of books she thought she'd like... Although it was questionable as to how she got her hands on said literature or suitably witchy items, but... She at least tried to get her fun birthday gifts.
Oh, well thank you. I guess my birthday is public domain but I don't really try to advertise it. I like things low key as of late.
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Do you have a favorite fanfiction you've read?
I have several! I'm gonna list some of them, maybe too much-
The Blue Domain . It lives in my mind rent-free. I mean, look at this quote: (Harry Hook at Uma:) „With pleasure, I'll destroy what bothers you.“
Look at it, people!!
It also has Uma & Evie friendship which I am living for.
This series, which I remember as Noon at Sunset , for, well, Reasons. No I will not elaborate.
And this series about Sea Three!!
Dream Warriors , Harry Hook and Uma soulmate dreams.
The Perfect Plan - it makes me laugh every time I think about it! They are such disasters!
There are also two unfortunately unfinished crossovers which I haven't been able to get from my head: Percy Jackson one, in which Harry is the son of Nemesis, and Good Omens one, in which Uma-as-Crowley genuinely forgot that humans sre supposed to age and die. (I'm so sorry, but I can't find the links now)
And there was also this weird-and-interesting skater AU? I can't find it rn and it didn't have any description, but, holly hell-
Yeah, I might remember some more later and add them then-
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The article goes on to point out a number of bible verses that seem to contradict that notion as well as a couple of the aforementioned arguments but one I'm surprised to never see anyone bring up is: if god already knows whether or not were gonna follow his "rules" and either way were still following his "plan" then why impose rules in the first place?
[cont'd] I still don't find Abrahamic religions to be particularly believable for a number of reasons but I'd say this at least gives them a lot more internal consistency
[That is, regarding the Abrahamic god not having the "omni" attributes.]
The Abrahamic god was created to supplant polytheistic religions and their various gods, all of whom had unique interests or quirks or tendencies. The competing interests of those various gods could explain the unpredictability of the world. You pray to the goddess of the harvest for rain for your crops, but she's at war with the god of the sun, so whether your crops will grow or shrivel in a drought depends on the fates of the gods, none of whom was omni in nature, or singularly held power.
Monotheism consolidated these gods down into a single god, so that there is a single word of god, single doctrine, rather than the mishmash of devotees of the sun god, the war god, the harvest god, etc, etc, all with their own practices. Abrahamism attempts to control everyone consistently, and therefore makes one god responsible for all of it, made "omni" by granting it all the powers and qualities of all the gods combined.
The problem is that the world is not consistent, and the cracks in this mythology show much more readily. Especially around its omni-ness. The polytheistic pantheons had an excuse: all the various gods had domain over only whatever they had domain over. They were one of many. The contentions and relationships and drama between the gods may give you some rain but not enough for your crops to survive.
But a monotheistic god has domain over everything. It is solely responsible. If you don't get enough rain, it's because your omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, omnibenevolent, omnitemporal god somehow doesn't want you to, doesn't know yo need it, or can't give it to you.
Not being omni does make the story more internally consistent. But it also makes randomness more powerful than the deity, and undercuts the entire point of theism in the first place. Because if a god isn't in control of everything, then god doesn't have control of everything. And trying to explain randomness, due to people's discomfort with it, is one the key driving factors for religiosity in the first place. That there is some kind of order to the universe, that something is in control and will prevent it all from spiralling into utter chaos, as well as being able to seek some form of control themselves, that they can petition for help from, or the favor of, god. That there's a reason for the lightning, the drought, the floods, the infant mortality, not just the indifferent arbitrariness of nature. If god doesn't have those omni qualities, then nobody is fully in control, and help from above is bounded by limitations. This god is subject to the restrictions and boundaries of the universe, like anyone.
So, while it’s more consistent narratively, it’s more unpalatable to the believer and what they need from their imaginary friends.
The bible is explicit about predestination. It says it again and again that "Lord" doesn't just already know, but decided and made things, chose people to believe and those not to believe, right from the very beginning, before anything even existed.
Romans 8:29-30
For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.
Romans 9:11-22
(For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;) It was said unto her, The elder shall serve the younger. As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated. What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid. For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy. For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth. Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth. Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? For who hath resisted his will? Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus? Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction:
Ephesians 1:4-5
According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,
2 Timothy 1:9
Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,
"Lord" made unbelievers, deliberately makes people to not believe the purported "truth" of Xianity, even "tricks" them into non-belief.
2 Thessalonians 2:11-12
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Mark 4:11-12
And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them.
Matthew 7:13-14
Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
So it's not even just that this god already knows, and therefore it's all completely unnecessary, the bible is unrelentingly insistent that it's outright what it wants, what it intends, what this creator god, this "potter" who has "power over the clay," created by design.
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kalims · 2 years
EVIE!READER SO TRUEEEE, okay but they would probably bond over clothes (evie's a designer right?) with how accepting Evie is, ion think they'd seriously consider vil as a rival, UNLESS they're both competing for something (i don't know what to think of neige, i haven't seen him yet 🥲)
uma!reader's octo form's bigger than azul and the octotrio's never felt more fear (the tweels r mayhaps exhilarated at this sudden giant terrorizing octavinelle)
lilia's like 👁️👄👁️ @ mal (another child for me to adopt 👉👈?)
— ravy
yess!! I didn't mean to imply that evie!reader wanted to take the spot but from my vague memories of her she's one of the nicest characters I've watched 💓 evie!reader would absolutely be delighted once they find out about crewel. omg new dad alert but honestly evie!reader would just probs be satisfied once they prove everyone wrong who thinks of them bad/lookd down on them (e.g that one scene in-class?? I don't remember)
HELPPPP YESSSS I LOVE THE FACT THAT THE OCTAVINELLE TRIO WOULD FEEL INTIMIDATED SINCE THEYRE USUALLT THE ONES THAT INTIMIDATE plus i wanna imagine that uma!reader likes octavinelle more since u know their natural domain is water 😭😭😭 lilia out here adopting every single child istg, guys I'm the wife btw
I'd kill to see doctor facilier's kid & sam 😍
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