#everywhere in jianghu is beautiful
web-novel-polls · 8 months
Five Love Languages of Danmei: Flirting Bracket
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Yuling from Everywhere in Jianghu is Wonderful
Characters: Qin Shaoyu and Shen Qianling
I'm guessing few people know this couple especially considering good TL was deleted(sob) so first a quick intro: Shen Qianling is an actor from the modern world who transmigrated into a wuxia world. Worst part? The person he transmigrated as is engaged to a man! And the man is a huge weirdo! So Shen Qianling resolves to do everything in his power to break the engagement. You Can Guess How Well That Works Out for the MC of a danmei novel lol So the annoying flirt in question is exactly SQL's husband-to-be, Qin Shaoyu. He's constantly going "wife~" and making dramatic declarations of love... especially in front of others. Shen Qianling is onto his insincere ass! (They're really kinda theater kid x theater kid tbh, both are acting and pretending a lot.) Later it's actually revealed that Qin Shaoyu had a reason to act like that and provoke SQL all the time, but by that time SQL's (lack of) swag has deeply captivated him, so he just goes from annoying flirting(insincere) to annoying flirting(affectionate).
Additional Propaganda: Qin Shaoyu did not annoyingly flirt to the point of giving his (male) fiancé a pregnancy scare to lose the annoying flirt competition (via @verycharismaticdragon)
Carrd Link 
Manhua Screenshots
Liushen from The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System
Characters: Liu Qingge and Shen Qingqiu (Shen Yuan)
SQQ loves to be Constantly Be Annoyingly Flirtatious to his poor, flustered shidi, though the jury is very still out on how much of that is intentional/he is aware he is doing. (Denial is not just a river in Egypt to Shen Yuan.)
["Anti-Propaganda" that attacks other characters is NOT allowed. Please only give reasons to vote FOR a character/ship.]
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la-muerta · 2 months
Mysterious Lotus Casebook official douyin update – 23 July 2024
Some new behind-the-scenes clips for the first anniversary of MLC! As well as a message from Li Lianhua:
My friends in the jianghu, I start my letter with well wishes, hoping that you have had a peaceful summer. It's the lotus season again, and I imagine that after my final letter and failure to turn up at the East Ocean, you must all be worried. I know you are all concerned about my health, so I am writing this letter in hopes of easing your worry. In the year that passed, I have used my leisure time to visit all the beautiful sceneries, and have kept my ear out for all the odd things happening in the world, and have no regrets for the rest of my life, taking care of my vegetable and flower garden – there is no greater happiness. I hope that all of you are also happy and in good health. When I was travelling, I heard that my old friends have been looking everywhere for me. As I reminisce the summer of last year, that enjoyable time spent with my good friends, I am filled with deep feeling and a thousand emotions. If it is convenient for you, please send my regards to Xiaobao, Lao Di, A-Mian, and all my friends from Sigu Sect. By the way, how is Hulijing? She must still be as naughty. Recently, I had a dream that I was playing with her again. In my journey of the jianghu so far, it is my good fortune to have met all of you. All is well with Lianhua, please do not worry. – Li Lianhua
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rainhalydia · 2 months
Murder, tax fraud - take 2
I've posted a bit of this before, but I've retouched the part posted a bit since, so I'm posting what will amount to a first chapter at once here. Just finished writing this silliness literally this minute after MONTHS of nothing, so I'm very happy. Will probably post on Ao3 once I've edited it a bit.
Behold, Minshan and Wangji's modern AU sexcapade:
The Jianghu is located on a three-store building, the front a refined affair of muted colors and understated refinement. The reception area is more four generation law firm than gym. There is not a whiff of sweat in the air or grease stains anywhere. Even with coming here for a year already, Su Minshan is still shocked at… well, everything about it. These days, he makes an effort to hide his awe. He knows better than to show any appreciation for what others take for granted.
Old money does things differently. He has his own gym equipment at home – weights, mats, treadmill, an ergonomic bike when he feels like taking in some fresh air – but as with everything else, coming here is not about exercising. It’s about seeing and being seen. Networking. Casual conversation in the hallways. Someone vaguely remembering your face when you cross paths on an actual business setting, and that faint recognition landing you an advantage, however small. Things that don’t come naturally to Su Minshan, which makes every small step forwards all that more crucial.
A part of him still scoffs at such a thing as an exclusive gym. He would have thought the price would be the only real barrier, an invisible but almost insurmountable deterrent, but the elite can’t have any contact with the riff-raff, not for anything as mundane as cardio or weight training. It took bribing and favors to get an invite here. When it finally arrived, it came in a golden-trimmed scroll, a password written in perfect calligraphy. So expensive Su Minshan almost felt unworthy of touching it.
He knows he is worthy of it all. He has actually worked for all he has, earned his good fortune and success. He deserves it much more than the plethora of heirs and trophy wives here, it’s an objective fact. And yet, he always feels out of place among these people who should be his peers, their silence judgment or indifference weighting on him more than the barbell he’s lifting dutifully.
The feeling increases tenfold the day Lan Wangji walks through the door.
He turns heads as he passes, as it’s to be expected. His face is perfect, even more so than in his teen years, for not even that peerless beauty had escaped a few pimples. He’s filled out too, adolescent lankness replaced by bulging muscle. If the world was fair, Minshan would say Lan Wangji had been through at least a few lipo to attain such a completely sculpted shape. As it is, he can believe he is all natural.
Of course he doesn’t notice Su Minshan. Unlike the nightmare hall monitor, virtuoso musician, star athlete that helped parents shatter the confidence of all Chinese-American kids in school, Su Minshan had been a nobody. He studied hard, got good grades, and tried his best at extracurriculars, but nothing that could grab the attention of Lan Wangki, much less amount to something like a proper rival for him.
Still, something in him burns seeing his old one-sided nemesis walk by, long shiny hair flowing behind him like he carries his own portable, invisible wind-machine for a shampoo ad effect everywhere. It would be less humiliating if he had an actual wind-machine on him. Then Minshan’s own hair, plastered to his nape, wouldn’t be so offensive.
Before he can talk himself out of it, he positions himself next to Lan Wangji and watches, arms crossed, as he goes through a series on the bench press. Three repetitions of forty, three plates each side. No spotter.
He doesn’t wait for Lan Wangji to wipe away the sweat or put away the weights. He barely waits for Lan Wangji to vacate the bench. As soon as the man is up, Su Minshan takes his place.
He can bench six plates just fine, though usually with less repetitions. It doesn’t matter now. He copies Lan Wangji’s series, arms straining under the unfamiliar push on top of having done his own training already, and only stops when he has finished the whole thing.
There’s no helping the self-satisfied smirk on his face when he’s done. Take that, Lan Wangji! You’re not the only strong guy here!
The smirk grows when he sees that Lan Wangji has been watching him, as openly as Su Minshan had done.
With a nod, Lan Wangji goes to the next exercise – the abductor. Of course perfect Lan Wangji doesn’t skip leg day. Then, he looks at Su Minshan, making sure he’s watching, and starts his series.
It’s uncomfortable, this time, to watch Lan Wangji open and close his legs. It’s impossible to not notice the bulge in his groin, perfectly tucked in and yet so big that it cannot be hidden; the movements just draw the eye there! And of course Lan Wangji is not only bigger than Su Minshan, but bigger than most porn stars. That tracks with his life.
Still, Su Minshan watches, flustered and angry about it, until Lan Wangji is done. Then he does the same thing as before: jumps on the machine as soon as it’s vacated, repeats the exercise precisely like Lan Wangji did.
They go on like this through what must be Lan Wangji’s full routine, and then some.
At the final exercise, Su Minshan’s leg betrays him. His calf cramps, contracting painfully, and he falls on his ass instead of completing his squat.
He mutters a curse under his breath as he massages the traitorous muscle. Lan Wangji looms over him, undefeated. Nothing new about that, except for the conceited smirk on his lips. Su Minshan sees it as he looks up and almost forgets to be annoyed: barely there, it’s the most expression he’s ever seen on Lan Wangji’s face.
“Shower,” Lan Wangji commands, looking down on him, and turns around, effectively ending their impromptu competition.
Su Minshan splutters a protest, red-faced on all the wall-length mirrors in the room. He watches as Lan Wangji once again commanders all the attention from every eye as he exits, thankfully leaving Minshan to get up and drag himself around, leg still spasming, with some privacy.
A contrarian part of him wants to refuse to retrace Lan Wangji’s steps. Why should he obey him? Who is he to give Su Minshan orders? But he’s not a kid anymore. He’s not about to go home sweaty, disrupting his day even more, to give a figurative middle finger to someone not even looking his direction to see it anymore.
He gives his back a literal middle finger instead.
When he enters the bathroom, Lan Wangji is sat on a bench close to the lockers, a leg crossed over the opposite knee, arms crossed, a shower kit on his lap. Waiting for something. He doesn’t move when Su Minshan enters, nor does he turn his eyes away as Minshan undresses, uncouth and uncaring about it as always.
Su Minshan shoves his dirty clothes in his bag with haste, slipping quickly into a shower stall, feeling inadequate and judged. Maybe he’s not as chiseled as fucking Lan Wangji, but it’s not like he has anything to be ashamed of. Fuck stupid Lan Wangji.
To add insult to injury, the shower refuses to give him any hot water. He gets a violent lukewarm blast to the face and a gush up his nostrils.
Fuck this stupid shower. Fuck this stupid rich people gym.
He’s still coughing when he hears footsteps approaching. Then the stall door opening. He turns around, alarmed, and almost falls on his ass again when he slips on some leftover soap from somebody’s else shower.
Lan Wangji stops his fall by grabbing his forearm.
Casually, like he hasn’t just invaded another guy’s shower, he closes the door behind him. They stand in the spacious cabin, staring at each other, Lan Wangji’s freakishly long fingers around his arm the only point of contact between them. Lan Wangji makes no move to kick him out of his own shower. So, no, despite being completely naked, he’s not here to steal Minshan’s cubicle in some weird power play. Nor could he have miraculously predicted Minshan snapping his neck and decided to interfere to save the gym staff the clean-up; not even perfect Lan Wangji, the next stage of human evolution, has developed that kind of foresight.
Su Minshan is all out of ideas about what is happening.
It dawns on him all at once, though, when Lan Wangji reaches for his cock.
Su Minshan watches, fascinated, as Lan Wangji generously pumps him to half-mast with a soft palm that’s nonetheless dry as fuck. He’s had his own gym hook-ups, of course. He’s cruised before. Never in a million years he’d have acted like he did if he was trying to seduce someone into his pants. But that’s what passes for flirting on Lan Wangji’s mind.
It soon becomes clear that as mind-blowing as that insight into Lan Wangji’s thought process was, it’s also incomplete. Su Minshan watches with a sense of both amusement and doom as the gears clearly go on turning in Lan Wangji’s brain and translate into astonishing actions. Minshan’s lost their competition, true, and that apparently means a two-minute handjob is all he gets before Lan Wangji clearly grows bored with it. His dick is also, absurdly, half-hard despite no touching yet, despite Minshan’s hands lying flat and disinterested at the side of his body. He finds something about this bizarre bathroom adventure enticing despite all odds. Or perhaps he’s that horny behind his mask of indifference.
The cherry on top, Minshan reflects, is that having won their little dispute, Lan Wangji thinks that has entitled him to top. He abandons the useless pursuit of trying to arouse Su Minshan further and presses on his waist to make him turn around. When he doesn’t turn, he slips his hands behind Minshan to knead at his ass and graze fingertips at his hole. It’s a forceful touch, with much more strength than necessary, and yet Minshan hesitates. He could stop this now with a word. He’s no more inclined to like Lan Wangji than he was before entering the strange parallel universe of this shower stall, but the man is objectively hot. Out of Su Minshan’s league entirely, some would say.
In the end he turns, more out of curiosity than anything else.
Lan Wangji, it must be said, is efficient about it. He’s focused. Once he’s inside, he hones in on Su Minshan’s prostrate like a fucking precision missile. He pistons in and out like a man possessed. Like a sex machine.
Mechanical is the exact word that flows gently into Minshan’s mind as he’s plowed into.
The only hiccup is at the start, when Lan Wangji tries to enter him dry, despite the weapon of mass destruction he carries between his legs. Su Minshan has to turn back with a “hey!” and slather his cock with the gym’s expensive soap before he can damage anything. Aside from that, it’s perhaps the most perfectly choreographed quickie Minshan has ever lived through. Perhaps the most perfectly choreographed quickie in the story of all mankind.
Lan Wangji comes inside without asking, like the rude asshole he is. By then, Minshan has long since flagged. He’s counting the drops of water running down the wall tiles for entertainment when it happens: with a stronger thrust, Lan Wangji flattens his hips against his ass checks, going as deep as humanly possible, and groans on Minshan’s ear.
Orgasm makes him generous again. He’s barely pulled out when he reaches a hand around Minshan again to cup his flaccid cock.
“No need,” Minshan says, batting his hand away as he turns around.
Lan Wangji’s face shifts into smugness again, an unfairly good look on him. He clearly thinks that he’s some sex god that made his partner come untouched. It’s possible that that’s even something that happens to him, Minshan thinks; some people are into being used as a sentient fleshlight, and those kind of freaks would be in heaven with Lan Wangji, human jackhammer.
Su Minshan is willing to accept his own share of guilty in this case. His satisfied smile, fixed on his face despite his best efforts since Lan Wangji’s first thrust, is certainly doing nothing to disabuse the man of that impression.
He keeps smiling, somewhat more subdued, as he showers and dresses himself. He smiles as he nods goodbye to Lan Wangji, as he leaves the gym and walks to his car on the parking lot. He even smiles through a wince when he sits on the leather seat, at the reminder of the earlier act.
Lan Wangji is bad at sex. Perfect, unbeatable Lan Wangji who knows no defeat in any area of life, is terrible at sex.
Su Minshan raises a toast with the long-forgotten bottle in the cup-holder before starting his car. The room temperature tap water tastes like victory.
He glows the rest of the day.
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difeisheng · 3 years
hold the world to its best
Rating: G | Warnings: None | Pairings: None | Characters: Jiang Cheng | long after post-canon, light angst | 0.8k
    It takes Jiang Cheng forty years to reach immortality.
    He is the only one who does.
    Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji cultivate for many long decades, but at long last even the untouchable Hanguang-Jun's hair becomes touched with silver, and the youth of Wei Wuxian's second body spares him only mere years before he mirrors his husband. They die together, as they lived, in each other's arms.
    I'm glad I got another chance in this life, Wei Wuxian tells his brother, toward the end. I'll find you in the next. Jiang Cheng lets him go.  Everyone else already faded away. Nie Huaisang, Lan Xichen, secluded in their mountains. Wen Ning, perhaps dust on the wind.
    The younger ones, Lan Sizhui, Lan Jingyi, Jin Ling, grow up and grow tall, a hope for the Jianghu and all its mistakes. But Jiang Cheng stands still as the world moves on, and one by one even they wither away to time. Lan Sizhui is remembered as one of the great leaders of the Gusu Lan sect, and a healer worthy of the Dafan Wen. Jin Ling, though he lives for almost a century, gives way to illness after heaving Lanling Jin up from its well of lies and secrets. Jiang Cheng watches his nephew grow lines at the corners of his eyes, watches him grow old, older than he is, and the day A-Ling breathes his last is the day the sun sets for Jiang Cheng.
    At least, he thinks, A-Ling died from a life well-lived, not cut short by war.
    He lays Zidian to rest beside Jin Ling. The whip should have been his. A-Ling always refused to take it, saying it was a legacy of the Jiang and in the end, it should belong to Jiang Cheng's clan, but the last of them was Jin Ling.
   Jiang Cheng buries his name along with his family. He is, now and forever, alone.
    Centuries later, legends tell of a man who fights with the force of a river. There is a storm in his eyes, the weariness and rage of an unknowable past, though he appears only old enough to have the barest stripe of grey at his temples. Rarely does he offer a name, silent and solitary, but in the tales he comes to be known as Wanyin.
    Some say he is from an era that left him behind, when those with great spiritual power still reigned over the land. They claim from his bearing and sharp expression that he was a leader, a respected one, and from his accent some go so far as to say his domain was those ruins in the south. Only collapsed wooden beams remain of what would have once been a stronghold on the shore of a lake, a lotus carved onto their worn surface. Wanyin never goes near that place, though he has been seen everywhere in the kingdom and sometimes beyond. If the legends are true, his lineage is that of rangers, and so the wanderlust in his blood seems to endure.
    In every story, Wanyin is a warrior. Sometimes he battles spirits. Sometimes, armies and empires ask for his help, and he obliges. But no money or pleasure can keep him in one place, and eventually, he always leaves, two swords crossed over his back. One possesses beautiful metalwork, a sheath of violet scales and a hilt of silver snakes. The other has a handle of humble wood, but graceful in design and function. Many have attempted to ask what these weapons are to Wanyin, what led him to wield blades that are so markedly different. There is no explanation, he always says, a gaze older than the mountains, that you would understand.
    And always they believe him, for Wanyin does not age. Dynasties rise and fall, but the man who wears purple and mourning white remains unaffected by even a day. What has he seen? people whisper as he passes. And sometimes, in the dead of night, What has he lost?
    They do not ask what Wanyin has done to become immortal. History remembers enough of the Jianghu ,to know how he came to be. For what it cost, every elder in a village knows the struggle against life's horrors to see eight decades, much less the weight of how many years sit on Wanyin's shoulders. The legends answer enough questions. They say he is a man best left alone to his grief, and the bloody days in his wake. They say do not provoke him, lest you hear his sword sing.
    Still, sometimes, the curiosity of a child wins out over warning, and they will follow Wanyin's steps down the street, clinging to his legs, demanding answers to the tactless questions of the youth. People have feared what he will do in the face of such insolence.
    Instead, he will say, You remind me of someone.
    Instead, he will crouch down in the road, the eyes of the unknowably old meeting that of the impossibly young.
    Instead, he will smile, and a golden bell on his belt will sing in his ears with the echo of a long-gone child.
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joven-citrico · 3 years
Qin Shao Yu and Shen QianLing from Everywhere in Jianghu is wonderful by Yu Xiao Lan Shan
I love this novel, is beautiful, is very loving and funny 💖
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Manga/Manhua/Webcomic recommendations I have
These are either REAL gay or REAL Femdom you know. Maybe not in the erotic department, but in the Feelings~
So I’m recommending these cause I think they deserve more recognition and attention. If they do, the artist may get more big bucks to keep the ball rolling.
A lot of these are Chinese based novels that I got into after falling in love with Mo Dao Zu Shi and all of Mxtx’s works. I’ll link them, tell you guys the chapter number, and rate them so you guys can get an idea of what they’re like.  
College Student Empress, +32 Chapters
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9/10 Okay, talk about a smart dom. She is such a babe and so clever, I love her. She somehow gets reincarnated into an empress and has to brains her way out of not being assassinated by an unknown attacker while also maintaining the life of said empress. Art is gorgeous, surprisingly the hair styles are really cool. The only downside is that the emperor is a whiny immature little man child that everyone consecutively agrees to punch in the face. Maybe he’ll transform into a nice passive sub one day. Also, beautiful women everywhere and the MC is hilarious.
To Be Or Not To Be, +56 Chapters
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9/10 Ahh, this is a good one. The cover is very misleading actually. Another gets reincarnated into a royals body, this time around business man gets reincarnated into an emperor’s body of a book he reads who is supposed to be the villain. Very Scum Villain esque. Let's see, lovely art, great characters, very gay, plenty book subversions cause of that gay. And what- ah, what’s this? 
Lesbians?! In my 2020?! The year of Lesbians?!
Devil Wants To Hug, +56 Chapters
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8/10 A soulmate sort of story. Lovely characters, nice conflict, very very gay. Demons, gods, cultivators, the likes. Some fun amnesia thrown in there for the mix! Art is pretty in its own style. I personally really like when all the characters become chibis. Those are actually the first chibis that I have ever found to be cute.
I Accidentally Saved The Jianghu’S Enemy, +9 Chapters
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7/10 This one’s kind of fun. Both main characters are kind of little shits if I’m being honest and I like them for it. Gives off a very Mo Dao Zu Shi vibe to it. The boy in red is like Xue Yang and Wei Wuxian mixed really nicely together. It’s basically about a medical practitioner with a shady past saves the life of evil boy who is super shady. It doesn’t have much in the way of chapters right now, but the art style is very pretty and I can’t wait to see where it goes.
As Lovely As The Peach Blossoms, +24 Chapters
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6.5/10 Very cute. Very soft. Different than the rest of the other stories in a way, plot wise. Art style isn’t amazing, but it is pleasant and gentle. There is a smidge of homophobic actions, but it’s easy to push through. Its about these two who have known each other for a long time, finally get reunited. 
Silent Lover, +19 Chapters
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6/10, whaaa, is that a bad ranking. Nah, not really. There are other ones I have read that aren’t on this list at all and are no good! Now this one does have its strengths and weakness. Firstly the strengths, good plot, good characters, especially the antagonist, she is such a BITCH, I love her. Art style is very pretty. There is crossdressing and gay shit galore. Set in some timeline of ancient China. I honestly relate to the MC and find him to be very reasonable even if OTHERS think he’s too wimpy. Now, flaws. Uhh, it’s one of those stories where the top is pretty terrible at first and abusive. I think it’s some sort of romanticized theme that I’m seeing in a lot of these East Asian Stories. Makes me con-cerned. Thankfully it doesn’t last too long, as expected.
Villain Initialization, +60 Chapters
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10/10 would recommend! Holy shit, this one is so fucking funny and relatable. You got super powers, you got second chances at repeating your life, you got a villain- you got a hero maybe becoming... you know 😳. The art is awesome, all the ladies are god damn hot, the villain’s super suit fits in all the right places. Holy moly, I hope this gets adapted into something cause it is that fucking gooooddd!
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wilddaydreamingcat · 4 years
The Untamed 陈情令 - Translation of Chinese Subs - Episode 6
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The line breaks mostly correspond to each line of mandarin subtitles within the episode. However, I have switched some around so that the English translation can make more sense and flow more smoothly.
The Untamed Episode 6
Wei Wuxian:
Why are you so late?
Nie Huaisang:
I went to get some peanuts.
Brother Wei,
this liquor of yours is really not bad.
Wei Wuxian:
Of course it is!
In Gusu, one must drink the Emperor’s Smile.
The scent is mild; yet each mouthful is rich in flavour.
Gentle, yet not chilly; mellow, yet with no harshness.
Jiang Cheng:
If you are drinking liquor, just drink.
It sounds like you’re describing a person.
Nie Huaisang:
Brother Jiang,
in my opinion, I actually think that Brother Wei spoke really well.
It is said that rich liquor has been compared with beautiful women
since time immemorial.
Wei Wuxian:
Jiang Cheng:
According to what you said,
both of you should just follow the scent of the liquor to find your cultivation partners.
Wei Wuxian:
If liquor is available,
that’s fine too.
Jiang Cheng:
How would the people of the Gusu Lan Clan put up with you?
Wei Wuxian:
What’s wrong with me?
With standards like yours,
it’s more likely that no one can put up with you.
Nie Huaisang:
Brother Wei, what standards?
Jiang Cheng:
Wei Wuxian, don’t you dare say it!
Wei Wuxian:
A beauty! A natural beauty!
Jiang Cheng:
Wei Wuxian!
Wei Wuxian:
Gentle and understanding! Must be industrious and thrifty!
Jiang Cheng:
Wei Wuxian!
Wei Wuxian:
...also be of a good family background!
Jiang Cheng:
You dare say that again!
Wei Wuxian:
...mustn’t be too talkative!
Jiang Cheng:
Wei Wuxian, stop running!
Wei Wuxian:
...voice mustn’t be too loud!
Nie Huaisang:
Jiang Cheng:
You’re still running! Wei Wuxian!
Wei Wuxian:
...and cultivation mustn’t be too high!
mustn’t be too extravagant!
Jiang Cheng:
You dare to say more!
Nie Hiaisang:
Jiang Cheng:
Wei Wuxian!
Nie Huaisang:
Brother Jiang, you get up!
Lan Wangji:
What are all of you doing?
Wei Wuxian:
It is said that arriving coincidentally is better than arriving early.
Since Brother Wangji is here,
how about you take a seat and have a drink with all of us?
Let’s have a nice chat.
Lan Wangji:
The Cloud Recesses forbids liquor.
Wei Wuxian:
Lan Zhan,
don’t be so inflexible.
Today, all of us defeated the waterbourne abyss,
and obtained an achievement.
Let’s celebrate a little...
Lan Wangji:
All of you, go to the Discipline Hall to confess your wrongdoings.
Wei Wuxian:
What hall?
Jiang Cheng:
What hall?
Nie Huaisang:
Wei Wuxian:
Lan Zhan, look,
they’re so drunk.
They’re definitely unable to walk.
How about this,
you can sit down with me,
both of us can have a drink
and a nice chat.
Lan Zhan!
Lan Wangji:
If you are not going,
I will find someone to take you.
Wei Wuxian:
Lan Zhan...
Lan Zhan?
Lan Zhan!
Lan Zhan, come here.
Sit down, and drink up this cup of liquor.
I didn’t lie to you, right?
It’s good, right?
Lan Zhan?
Lan Zhan,why do you have such thick skin?
It’s so thick that your face won’t even blush.
Lan Zhan...
can you go back to your room to sleep?
Don’t sleep here!
To think that the normally aloof and distant Second Young Master Lan
would fall into my hands.
Lan-er, call me Elder Brother Wei.*
*Translation note: Wei Wuxian calls him 蓝二 (Lán èr), which literally means “Second Lan”. This a shortened form of his title “Second Young Master Lan” 蓝二公子 (Lán èr gōng zǐ). Wei Wuxian is using a very, very casual form of address, which, in normal circumstances, would have sounded very rude. Shortening the names/address like this is usually done if a) one is very close or intimate with the other person; or b) you are trying to be rude to the other person.
哥哥 (gē ge) is a casual, intimate way of addressing an elder brother. The way that Lan Wangji addresses Xichen: “兄长(xiōng zhǎng)”, which also means “Elder Brother”, is much more formal.
Lan Wangji:
Elder Brother Wei.
What is it?
Wei Wuxian:
You finally have a reaction.
Your headband is crooked.
Lan Wangji:
Wei Wuxian:
Let me help.
Lan Wangji:
Go away!
Wei Wuxian:
Ah, it’s crooked.
It’s still crooked.
Lan Wangji:
What are you doing?
Wei Wuxian:
I’m just helping you to adjust the headband.
Why are you so anxious?
Lan Wangji:
The headband is an important object.
How can those who are not my parents, wife or child touch it?
Wei Wuxian:
Lan Wangji:
What are you laughing at?
Wei Wuxian:
I’m laughing at your Lan Clan.
So many rules, and so unreasonable.
What woman would dare to marry you?
You’re going to be single your whole life.
Lan Wangji:
That’s fine.
Wei Wuxian:
I say, are you people of the Lan Clan,
all so humourless?
Your father must be as humourless as you.
If so, isn’t your mother really bored?
Lan Wangji:
I don’t have a mother.
Wei Wuxian:
How can you not have a mother?
Did you pop out from a stone fissure?
When I was four, both my parents passed away.
According to logic, I should at least start to remember things by that age.
But thinking back now,
I only remember the situations where I was chased by wild dogs.
I don’t even remember
how my parents looked like anymore.
I only remember one scene;
my mother, holding onto me as I rode on a donkey.
My father was walking in front.
It seemed like my mother told us a joke,
and Father laughed.
Lan Zhan, come,
I offer you this liquor as a toast!
Ah no, it should be a toast to both of us!
In this world, all of us are people of misfortune.
We should live every day as if it were our last.*
Here! Cheers!
*Translation note: Wei Wuxian is quoting lines from two different poems:
1) 同是天涯沦落人(tóng shì tiān yá lún luò rén) – lit: together in this world’s end, all are unfortunate. From ‘Song of the Pipa Player’, by Tang Dynasty poet Bai Juyi:
2) 今朝有酒今朝醉 (jīn zhāo yǒu jiǔ jīn zhāo zuì) – lit: If there is wine today, then today is the day to get drunk. From ‘Self Consolation’, by Tang Dynasty poet Luo Yin.
Lan Xichen:
Uncle must be tired from travelling for so many days.
How was the Discussion Conference?
Lan Qiren:
I met with Clan Leader Nie this time.
It was definitely according to our expectations;
similar incidents have happened in Qinghe.
There were also red cracks
on the necks of those people.
Lan Xichen:
Then, have they uncovered any clues?
Lan Qiren:
Clan Leader Nie is currently investigating.
Is everything well in Cloud Recesses?
Lan Xichen,
These days, the people of the Wen Clan have been quiet.
However, there was an incident of water spirits mutating
in Bi Ling Lake.
Lan Qiren:
Tell me the details.
Lan Xichen:
I was about to inform you explicitly.
A few days ago, I brought a few students
to Bi Ling Lake to exterminate spirits.
We discovered that the water sprites in the lake
had mutated and formed into a waterbourne abyss.
Such a thing has never happened before.
At that time, Young Master Wei deduced that
this could have some relation to the spirit-snatching incident.
Lan Qiren:
Young Master Wei?
Wei Wuxian?
Lan Xichen:
Precisely. Clan Leader Jiang’s head disciple.
Lan Qiren:
This...Wei Wuxian,
is he Cangse Sanren’s...
Lan Xichen:
He is indeed the son of Master Wei Changze and Cangse Sanren*.
*Translation Note: 散人 (sǎn rén) – lit: scattered people. This is an ancient title for a person who is idle or has no use for the world, or perhaps one who wanders freely. One historical figure who has the title ‘散人’ is Lu Guimeng (Jianghu Sanren), a poet of the Tang Dynasty.
Lan Qiren:
That explains why this Wei Wuxian is always full of cunning trickery.
He is exactly the same as his mother.
Lan disciple:
Master Lan.
Lan Xichen:
What is it?
Lan disciple:
Wei Wuxian instigated a few students
into drinking liquor secretly, and got caught.
Second Young Master was included with them.
Lan Xichen:
Wangji was with them too?
Lan Qiren:
Lan Wangji:
I, Wangji, have done wrong.
I request Uncle, and Elder Brother to punish me severely.
Wei Wuxian:
Teacher! Zewu-jun!
We did break the Lan Clan rules by drinking liquor secretly,
but Lan Zhan, he...
He is...
Lan Qiren:
You troublemaker!
Wei Wuxian!
Your confinement is not yet completed,
and you are again causing trouble!
What kind of mess will you create in Cloud Recesses
before you are satisfied?
Do not assume that just because your mother is Cangse...
Wei Wuxian:
You knew my mother?
Lan Qiren:
Shut your mouth!
Lan Xichen:
Young Master Wei is not from the Lan Clan.
But you are, and yet you disobeyed the rules despite it.
Lan Wangji:
I am aware of my wrongdoing.
Wei Wuxian:
It was me. I was the one who dragged Lan Zhan into drinking.
He wasn’t willing.
Lan Wangji:
I am aware of my wrongdoing. I am willing to receive heavy punishment.
Wei Wuxian:
Why on earth are you trying to get yourself punished?
Lan Qiren:
The ringleader Wei Ying;
you shall be beaten with the disciplinary ruler 300 times as punishment.
Lan Zhan shall receive the same punishment as Wei Ying.
As for everyone else,
each of them shall be beaten 50 times with the disciplinary ruler,
as a warning!
Wei Wuxian:
300 times?
Such a huge disciplinary ruler!
Will I even live to return to Yunmeng?
Lan Qiren:
Beat them!
Nie Huaisang:
It hurts!
Jiang Yanli:
you usually keep a strict watch on A-Xian.
Why did you fool around with him last night?
Jiang Cheng:
Sis, don’t mention it anymore.
When we get back to Yunmeng, please don’t tell Father and Mother
that I got beaten 50 times with the disciplinary ruler.
Wei Wuxian:
Then don’t mention that
I got hit 300 times either.
Jiang Cheng:
Wasn’t this incident caused by you?
Wei Wuxian:
Nobody forced you to drink the Emperor’s Smile!
Jiang Cheng:
Jiang Yanli:
All right, are both of you still going to argue?
Wei Wuxian:
Senior Sister,
I’m hurting everywhere.
Jiang Yanli:
This time, let it be a lesson for you.
Bear with it for a while.
I’ll cook danggui* soup for you
after the lessons.
*Translation note: Danggui 当归 (dāng guī) - Angelica sinensis is a well-known herb in traditional Chinese medicine.
Wei Wuxian:
Senior Sister,
with my injuries,
I’ll need to eat more meat to recover.
Jiang Cheng:
If it is danggui stewed with lamb meat, that’ll be even better.
Jiang Yanli:
Both of you...
Jiang Yanli, Jiang Cheng, Wei Wuxian:
Wei Wuxian:
Zewu-jun, did I break another Clan rule?
Lan Xichen:
Yesterday, all of you did go overboard a little.
However, Uncle was in a fit of anger,
and was rather harsh with his punishment.
That disciplinary ruler is extremely heavy.
The injuries on your back
will not recover without resting for ten to fifteen days.
Wei Wuxian:
My injuries need ten to fifteen days to recover?
Lan Xichen:
I’ll tell you of a place to treat your injuries.
It will aid you in recovering faster, so as to avoid affecting your studies.
Jiang Yanli:
Thank you, Zewu-jun, for your concern.
Wei Wuxian:
my mother...
Lan Xichen:
Young Master Wei,
Cangse Sanren was a classmate of my uncle years ago.
My uncle’s conduct was extremely stern and proper,
but your esteemed mother was...
I can only say that
she behaved in exactly the same way as Young Master Wei.
So Young Master Wei should not begrudge
my uncle for being more harsh with you.
In fact...
At that time, it was truly difficult
for my uncle to maintain his beard.
Wen Qing:
(Bi Ling Lake.
Waterbourne Abyss.
White pupils appear.)
Wen Ruohan:
So, that’s how it is.
Wen Qing:
The Yin Iron is within the water.
Wei Wuxian:
Lan Zhan!
Lan Zhan!
Lan Zhan!
Lan Zhan, why didn’t you tell me of
such a great place?
How unfriendly of you.
Lan Wangji:
How did you come in here?
Wei Wuxian:
Zewu-jun let me in.
Oh, it’s so cold!
It really is cold.
So cold!
It’s freezing!
Lan Wangji:
Stop flailing.
Wei Wuxian:
I know that.
But the water is too cold.
If I don’t keep moving,
my blood will coagulate,
and I’ll freeze to death!
Lan Zhan.
Hey, Lan Zhan,
you, seriously...
Fine. Although you’re usually
somewhat inflexible, pedantic, dreary,
and a little boring;
Actually, I really couldn’t stand you at the beginning.
But, after we’ve duelled twice
and fought to a draw,
I, Wei Wuxian, to a person I acknowledge,
would really like to be friends with you.
Lan Wangji:
There’s no need.
Wei Wuxian:
There’s no point in being like this.
Let me tell you this.
There are many advantages in being friends with me.
Lan Wangji:
What are you doing?
Wei Wuxian:
Taking my clothes off to treat my injuries.
Hey, don’t go!
I won’t disrobe, all right?
Lan Zhan, have you been to Yunmeng?
Yunmeng is really fun.
Yunmeng also has lots of good things to eat.
How about this,
if you come to Lotus Pier,
I’ll help you pick...
I’ll pick lotus seedpods for you, and water chestnuts, all right?
Lan Wangji:
I’m not going.
Wei Wuxian:
All right, fine.
Then I can only let you into an earth shattering secret:
Yunmeng has a lot of beautiful ladies.
Lan Zhan,
do you sense anything strange?
Lan Zhan!
Lan Zhan, what is this place?
Why is there a vortex to a secret passage under the cold spring?
What is this place? It’s so strange.
The water is so cold, yet it’s not frozen into ice.
Lan Zhan, wait for me!
What is this thing?
Lan Wangji:
The Chord Assassination Technique.
Wei Wuxian:
Chord Assassination Technique?
Isn’t this the specialised technique passed down by your Lan Clan ancestors?
What is this thing?
Why does it only come after me?
Lan Wangji:
(The zither has the forbidden seal of the Lan Clan on it.
It does not attack me,
probably because it can sense that I am a member of the Lan Clan.)
Why are the rabbits wearing the Lan headband on their heads?
Wei Wuxian:
(I heard that starting from their childhood,
all Lan Clan members must wear the headband.
The headband recognises its master, and it has some powers.
Why do even the rabbits wear the headband?)
Lan Zhan! The headband! Give me your headband!
I must see for myself what kind of treasure this is,
that doesn’t allow outsiders to approach it.
Lan Wangji:
Do not touch it recklessly.
This zither is a rare item,
imbued with powers,
which uses the Chord Assassination Technique to attack outsiders.
This might be the instrument of a Lan Clan ancestor who has passed on.
Wei Wuxian:
I’m just looking. I’m definitely not touching it.
Lan Wangji:
Put your hand down.
My ancestor’s instrument
should not be treated without proper respect.
Wei Wuxian:
How can I examine it thoroughly if I don’t pick it up?
Lan Wangji:
I have my own methods.
Wei Wuxian:
Inquiring the spirit?
I’ve heard previously that the people of the Gusu Lan Clan
have a special technique passed down
that allows one to communicate with the deceased by playing the zither.
Lan Wangji:
It’s her?
Wei Wuxian:
Cave Echo:
Qishan Wen Clan!
Cave Echo:
Gusu Lan Clan!
Cave Echo:
Yunmeng Jiang Clan!
Cave Echo:
Lanling Jin Clan!
Cave Echo:
Qinghe Nie Clan!
Cave Echo:
Kill the immortal abode! Destroy the Yin Iron!
Kill the immortal abode! Destroy the Yin Iron!
Kill the immortal abode*! Destroy the Yin Iron!
*Translation Note: 仙山 (xiān shān) literally means ‘immortal mountain’, but can also be taken as ‘the place where immortals live’. Therefore, I’m translating it as ‘immortal abode’.
Wei Wuxian:
Lan Zhan, what are these voices?
Lan Wangji:
I do not know. Be careful and take precautions.
Cave Echo:
Kill the immortal abode! Destroy the Yin Iron!
Xue Chonghai, hand over the Yin Iron!
Wei Wuxian:
It sounds like the Five Great Clans
are purging another clan.
What on earth is the Yin Iron?
Lan Wangji:
I have not heard of it before.
Lan Yi:
The Yin Iron is inauspicious, it is better to not mention it.
[Lan Yi, Gusu Lan Clan]
Lan Xichen:
Wangji and Young Master Wei
may not have met with anything unfortunate.
I have already sent out people to search for them.
Lan Qiren:
Wangji has been attentive and diligent since childhood.
He will definitely not fool around like Wei Ying.
Since both of them went missing at the cold spring,
I’m afraid that...
Lan Xichen:
Uncle is worried that...
Lan Qiren:
A storm is approaching.*
*Translation Note: 山雨欲来 (shān yǔ yù lái): This is part of an idiom 山雨欲来风满楼 (shān yǔ yù lái fēng mǎn lóu), lit meaning: The rising wind forebodes the coming storm. It indicates a feeling of foreboding that something terrible is about to happen.
Search Party:
Second Young Master Lan!
Young Master Wei!
Young Master Wei!
Young Master Wei!
Second Young Master Lan!
Young Master Wei! Second Young Master Lan!
Young Master Wei! Second Young Master Lan!
Second Young Master Lan! Young Master Wei!
Second Young Master Lan! Young Master Wei!
Young Master Wei! Second Young Master Lan!
Young Master Wei! Second Young Master Lan!
Jiang Cheng:
stay here and rest a while.
I’ll bring along some people to search over there.
Search Party:
Young Master Wei!
Second Young Master Lan!
Second Young Master Lan!
Young Master Wei!
Young Master Wei!
Second Young Master Lan!
Second Young Master Lan!
Young Master Wei!
Jiang Yanli:
you must find them!
Jiang Cheng:
Rest assured, Sis!
I’ll definitely find him
and break his legs!
Jin Zixuan:
Young Lady Jiang, be careful.
Lan Wangji:
I, Lan Zhan, junior member of the Gusu Lan Clan,
pay my respects to Elder Lan Yi.
Wei Wuxian:
So she is...
the sole female family head of the Gusu Lan Clan?
The one who created the Chord Assassination Technique,
Lan Yi?
I, Wei Ying, junior member of the Yunmeng Jiang Clan,
pay my respects to Elder.
Elder, so these rabbits that are wearing the headband
are reared by you.
Lan Yi:
These rabbits were actually reared to keep me company in the Cold Pond Cave.
These past few years, my spiritual powers have gradually weakened;
being playful, they often run outside.
Lan Wangji:
it was rumoured that you* had passed on* years ago.
*Translation Note:
Lan Wangji is using 您 (nín), which is a formal version of ‘you’. It is usually used to address someone who is well-respected and is of higher status.
仙去 (xiān qù) can mean ‘to become an immortal’ or ‘to die’
Wei Wuxian:
It must have something to do with the Yin Iron.
Lan Yi:
This incident
was the greatest mistake I committed in my lifetime.
And because of that,
I have also paid the price by using all my spiritual powers,
to suppress the Yin Iron.
Wei Wuxian:
what on earth happened regarding the Yin Iron?
those battle cries just now, where did they come from?
Lan Yi:
Now that the power of the seal is disintegrating with each passing day,
My spiritual senses are also gradually weakening.
And now, both of you are here.
Perhaps this is the will of heaven?
Wei Wuxian:
Lan Yi:
A few hundred years ago,
This piece of Yin Iron was not yet in fragments.
(The Yiling Burial Mounds of the past was an immortal abode.
And Xue Chonghai
was, at the time, a State Perceptor whose power was the greatest.
Incidents that happened hundreds of years ago can no longer be verified.
So, no one knew why
Xue Chonghai, whose name was famous during that time,
[Xue Chonghai]
would use the Yin Iron to absorb resentful energy,
sacrificing living people to it.
He controlled an ancient demonic beast, the Tortoise of Slaughter,
and massacred other cultivation clans without restraint.
In an instant, he plunged people into an abyss of misery.
It was a difficult situation to resolve.)
Wei Wuxian:
So, that was why the Five Great Clans gathered together
to kill Xue Chonghai.
Lan Yi:
Young Master Wei is indeed intelligent.
Xue Chonghai was killed and the Tortoise of Slaughter suppressed,
but corpses were strewn everywhere in an instant.
And the immortal abode of Yiling
eventually turned into a burial wasteland.
Lan Wangji:
then where was the Yin Iron located after that?
Lan Yi:
As the Yin Iron had snatched away too much spiritual senses from living people,
its resentful energy was difficult to dissipate.
Wei Wuxian:
Lan Yi:
That is correct.
The Yin Iron was a treasure of nature.
It absorbed energy from the heaven and earth.
Later, because Xue Chonghai sacrificed living humans to it,
it began stealing spiritual senses from the living,
even spiritual energy from cultivators.
This caused the Yin Iron to overflow with resentful energy,
with no possibility of recovering.
Wen Mao:
Hand over the Yin Iron!
Xue Chonghai:
Wen Mao!
Your fate,
will be the same as mine!
Lan Yi:
Later, the Five Great Clans
decided to suppress the Yin Iron.
They broke it into fragments,
placing them in locations that had abundant spiritual veins in four directions.
To prevent a repeat of this tragedy,
the Five Great Clans made an agreement,
to never mention the existence of the Yin Iron to their descendants.
Wei Wuxian:
Elder, please forgive me for speaking plainly.
If this Yin Iron
could really absorb the energy from heaven and earth;
if we are able to make use of it,
why couldn’t...
Lan Wangji:
Wei Ying!
Lan Yi:
I didn’t expect that
what I thought of at that time to be exactly the same as
what Young Master Wei just said.
I was born a woman.
Once I inherited the position as the family head of the Lan Clan,
I was made to suffer constant criticism.
There were hundreds of things that needed to be done at that time.
For many years, I strived to break from the old norms and customs,
seeking more innovative paths.
I dedicated my lifetime for the sake of rejuvenating the Lan Clan,
yet I encountered countless hindrances.
Later, while my close friend, Baosan Sanren, and I were having a long talk,
I heard her mention the Yin Iron by chance.
Wei Wuxian:
Elder, you were acquainted with Baoshan Sanren?
Lan Yi:
Baoshan was my one and only confidant in my lifetime.
However, I...
eventually disappointed her.
Wei Wuxian:
What do you mean?
Lan Yi:
After I gained knowledge of the Yin Iron,
I could not sleep at night.
I examined the Lan Clan’s hidden records dating back for hundreds of years.
Finally, from the phrases and scripts left behind by my predecessors,
I deduced the place where my Lan Clan ancestors
had hidden the fragment of Yin Iron,
after bringing it back.
The Cold Pond Cave is abundant with spiritual veins.
Cold energy from four directions are gathered here,
condensing into a pool of extreme cold that will never be frozen.
Not only is this the source of the cold spring,
it is also the ideal place to seal the Yin Iron.
Wei Wuxian:
That’s how Elder discovered
a fragment of Yin Iron in here.
Lan Wangji:
The Yin Iron can never be purified.
Why does Elder wish to find it?
Lan Yi:
At that time, I had the same thoughts as Young Master Wei.
I was young and arrogant back then.
Why would I have listened to the advice of other people?
Lan Wangji:
I fear the purification would be unsuccessful; on the contrary, you would be controlled.
Lan Yi:
Baoshan also warned me of it at that time.
But for my entire life, I had always persisted in doing things my way.
I only asked to have a clear conscience in my actions.
All I thought of was the need to override all dissenting views,
to develop and spread the knowledge of the Lan Clan.
And so, I ignored her advice.
I went personally to the forbidden grounds.
I didn’t expect...
In the end, I was wrong on this matter.
Wei Wuxian:
What happened after that?
Does Elder Baoshan know of this matter?
[Baoshan Sanren]
Lan Yi,
you know what the consequences will be
once you go there?
Lan Yi:
I am not doing this out of my own selfish desires,
but only for the sake of the Lan Clan.
Why are you stopping me?
The power of resentment in the Yin Iron is extremely dangerous.
Even your predecessors were unable to purify it.
Did you even consider,
once you release the seal and if you cannot control it,
Lan Yi:
I am the family head of the Lan Clan,
creator of the Cloud Assassination Technique.
The things my predecessors could not do,
does not mean that my generation cannot accomplish it!
Lan Yi:
You should be able to guess what happened later.
In the end, I could not purify the Yin Iron.
Not only could I not purify it,
I also caused a great catastrophe.
Once the seal on the Yin Iron was released,
it would be impossible to seal it again.
I attempted it countless times.
It was not only unsuccessful,
the attempts caused severe backlash
and injured me badly.
The Yin Iron was sealed by my spiritual sense,
but I could never leave this place again.
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rainhalydia · 5 months
Murder, tax fraud
I've done a fanfic poll a while ago, and I'm proud to say I've written words about it ever since! Less than 1k, but still, I'm pretty happy with myself, considering the ickness I've been feeling about my writing :D Here's what I got so far:
The Jianghu is located on a three-store building, the front a refined affair of muted colors and understated refinement. The reception area is more four generation law firm than gym. There is not a whiff of sweat in the air or grease stains anywhere. Even with coming here for a year already, Su Minshan is still shocked at… well, everything about it. These days, he makes an effort to hide his awe. He knows better than to show any appreciation for what others take for granted.
Old money does things differently. He has his own gym equipment at home – weights, mats, treadmill, an ergonomic bike when he feels like taking in some fresh air – but as with everything else, coming here is not about exercising. It’s about seeing and being seen. Networking. Someone vaguely remembering your face when you cross paths on an actual business setting, and that faint recognition landing you an actual advantage. Things that don’t come naturally to Su Minshan, which makes every small step forwards all that more crucial.
A part of him still scoffs at such a thing as an exclusive gym. He would have thought the price would be the only real barrier, an invisible but almost insurmountable one, but the elite can’t have any contact with the riff-raff, not for anything as mundane as cardio or weight training. It took bribing and favors to get an invite here. When it finally arrived, it came in a golden-trimmed scroll, the password written in perfect calligraphy. So expensive Su Minshan almost felt unworthy of touching it.
He knows he is worthy of it all. He has actually worked for all he has, earned his good fortune and success. He deserves it much more than the plethora of heirs and trophy wives here, it’s an objective fact. And yet, he always feels out of place among these people who should be his peers, their silence judgment or indifference weighting on him more than the barbell he’s lifting dutifully.
The feeling increases tenfold the day Lan Wangji walks through the door.
He turns heads as he passes, as it’s to be expected. His face is perfect, even more so than in his teen years, for not even that peerless beauty had escaped a few pimples. He’s filled out too, adolescent lankness replaced by bulging muscle. If the world was fair, Minshan would say Lan Wangji had been through at least a few lipo to attain such a completely sculpted shape. As it is, he can believe he is all natural.
Of course he doesn’t notice Su Minshan. Unlike the nightmare hall monitor, virtuoso musician, star athlete that helped parents shatter the confidence of all Chinese-American kids in school, Su Minshan had been a nobody. He studied hard, got good grades, and tried his best at extracurriculars, but nothing that could grab the attention, much less amount to something like a proper rival, of Lan Wangji.
Still, something in him burns seeing his old one-sided nemesis walk by, long shiny hair flowing behind him like he carries his own portable, invisible wind-machine for a shampoo ad effect everywhere. It would be less humiliating if he had an actual wind-machine on him. Then Minshan’s own hair, plastered to his nape, wouldn’t be so offensive.
Before he can talk himself out of it, he positions himself next to Lan Wangji and watches, arms crossed, as he goes through a series on the bench press. Three repetitions of twenty, three plates. No spotter.
He doesn’t wait for Lan Wangji to wipe away the sweat or put away the weights. He barely waits for Lan Wangji to vacate the bench. As soon as the man is up, Su Minshan takes his place.
He can bench three plates just fine, though usually with less repetitions. It doesn’t matter now. He copies Lan Wangji’s series, arms straining under the unfamiliar push on top of having done his own training already, and only stops when has finished the whole thing.
There’s no helping the self-satisfied smirk on his face when he’s done. Take that, Lan Wangji! You’re not the only strong guy here!
The smirk grows when he sees that Lan Wangji has been watching him, as shamelessly as Su Minshan had done.
With a nod, Lan Wangji goes to the next exercise – the abductor. Of course perfect Lan Wangji doesn’t skip leg day. Then, he actually looks at Su Minshan, makes sure he’s watching, and starts his series.
It’s uncomfortable, this time, to watch Lan Wangji open and close his legs. It’s impossible to not notice the bulge in his groin, perfectly tucked in and yet so big that it cannot be hidden; the movements just draw the eye there! And of course Lan Wangji is not only bigger than Su Minshan, but bigger than most porn stars. That tracks with his life.
Still, Su Minshan watches, flustered and angry about it, until Lan Wangji is done with his series. Then he does the same thing as before: jumps on the machine as soon as it’s vacated, repeat the exercise precisely like Lan Wangji did.
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