#everytime i get a better copy
batfleckgifs · 4 months
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THE COMPANY MEN Dir. John Wells • 2010
77 notes · View notes
jackmerrizzler · 10 days
happy birth lord of teh flies tha k u william ur book made me less depressed
13 notes · View notes
headroom-moods · 8 months
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Shoot me in the head and leave me in a dumpster.
17 notes · View notes
kanene-yaaay · 2 years
Bad Days and Good Nights
Warnings: This tickle fic contains angst, hurt/comfort, family tickles, fluff, family fluff, usual siblings shenanigans and cheer up tickles. (It happens after a few years of Mari’s accident. The story itself doesn’t focus on that but there are a few hints of how everything affected them). It has Lee!Kel and Ler!Hero with a quick Ler!Kel and Lee!Hero. Around 6.000 words.
Kanene’s notes: I am once again losing myself in scenarios w siblings being good bros and cheering each other up. So!! This one is for two of my faves boyos: Kel and Hero!!! yeshhh!!!
Tbh I don’t think that this is one of my best works but it still deserves its time under the spotlight. I hope you all enjoy the story!! Thank you for your attention <3
Today was not a good day.
Kel knew that. Deep down he was aware that his hands were more twitchy than normal, that his brain was really, really trying but all the words his teacher said simply stopped having meaning a long time ago and only felt like senseless background sounds being dropped in the room. 
He knew that when he took a sip of his usually tasty and favorite energetic orange drink and it tasted just like always but today the citrus felt almost unbearable on his tongue. He also knew that when he remembered that he was going to meet with his basketball group after school and how that usually would have him bouncing on his feet and smiling like crazy but that today it didn’t even make the bad heavy feeling on his stomach go away.
However, it was fine! That was no problem at all because everyone feels under the weather most of the time. It’s pretty normal and all you can do is just keep going with your life, act normally and anxiously wait for the moment when all the bad feelings will just disappear, right?
It must be. After all, it really did work! Even if sometimes (more often than not) the sadness would sneak back and cling on his back like a parasite, pushing memories inside his mind and making his chest ache about the moments that he would never be able to get back to and tremble with what that could possibly mean. But that doesn’t mean that the plan didn’t work in the first place! Just that… sometimes stuff takes effort to work. And it did work. It did. 
Most of the time. 
…Often enough.
Still, he just had to smile, push forward and wait for it!
The bell rang, an ear splitting tune that always made Sunny flinch and grimace (Kel wondered how he was doing) ringing all across the classes and signaling the end of the period. The boy felt a relieved sigh leave his lips, a bounce taking over his movements. See? Waiting really did work! He began shoveling all his textbooks and stray papers (eh, they would end up with wrinkles and tears but that was an inevitable fate of every piece of paper in the world), a pep on his step as he got up.
“Kel, please have a little more patience and wait for me to give you your test back before dashing through the door.”
Astonished blink. The rest of the classroom suddenly came back to focus as his classmates’ snickers filled the space. Everyone was still sitting down except for him and the girl with green strands of hair and a cool tattoo on her arm (she knew some very good shows and always carried a kind of game around. What was her name again?) folding a paper (her tests) and putting on her bag before heading to the door. His teacher looked at him with an arched eyebrow and an amused stare, lightly shaking his head when Kel chuckled and scratched the back of his head, a bit of embarrassment running hot on his face.
“Sorry, teacher.”
“Patience is a virtue, but we all take some time to conquer it. I know that I didn’t find mine yet.” The adult winked and went back to calling his classmates names, handing them their grades and saying one or two things that Kel couldn’t really - nor wanted - listen to, still feeling a flaming kind of hotness racing through his veins. 
(Usually it wasn’t so bad. Usually he didn’t mind any poke of fun. Usually he would even make one or two jokes to follow it. But today was a bad day. Today everything felt too sharp around the edges. Like just the tiniest push would make everything explode.)
It didn’t take too long before the classroom cleaned and he was the last one there. It was kind of predictable when his name was called.
“Here it is, Kel.” A C+?? That is not bad at all! It wasn’t any five stars grade or anything worth a celebration but it really wasn’t bad. 
“Cool. Thanks, teach!”
He tried to open his bag, failing. The zip was stuck.
“You know, Kel. I also was your brother’s science teacher.” Kel hummed in agreement, that was the case with most of his teachers since he and Hero had very close ages, just partially listening to the words while fighting with the zip of his bag that probably got stuck with one of the crumbled papers inside it. Ick. “Henry was a very good student. He is now studying to apply for medical college, right? I hope he gets in.” 
Kel tried again to open and close the zip without damaging the paper inside the bag. It got stuck again. Yep. At least he tried to be gentle. Now the paper had to go down. It was its inevitable fate since the beginning of the times.
“I think you also have a great potential, Kel. The points you bring on your presentations are really good and while grading this test I can’t help but feel like…” Finally! Kel managed to fully open his bag and then place the science test inside. His teacher seemed almost done talking to him anyway, which was good. He was kind of hungry.
“I expected more from you, Kel.”
Kel froze.
That was… fine. Normal. Teachers, parents, people in general weren’t ever very impressed at Kel’s grades. Or even happy. Or had any positive feelings about them in general.
“Hehe, sorry, teach.” The words came tumbling from his mouth before he realized what he was saying. Filling the air with a halfhearted laughter before the silence could get awkward. “I will try my best on the next one!”
(He had tried his best on this one.)
Yeah. He… he would. Science was one of his favorite subjects. He definitely could try better. Not that what the teacher said got into him or anything. It was fine! It…
It kind of stung.
Actually, it kind of stung a lot.
He said something else to which the adult replied, but once again it felt like the words tumbling right out from his mouth had no connection with his brain. He headed to the basketball court in the park, way too much feelings cutting and bubbling deep in his soul.
Irritation had always been normal to him, like a bug nipping at the corner of his brain and flaring its wings at any small kind of frustration or mean commentary thrown in his way. Now, however, it felt different. A hot, thick and slick kind of anger numbed his hands and filled his lungs, making him want to scream or do something stupid.
Today was not a good day.
Two hours had passed. He played basketball and it helped. The concentration, the methodic throws, constant running, sounds of sneakers hitting the concrete, mindless shouts and encouragement screams were good to push his thoughts away and let the adrenaline and feelings boiling in him explode all at once and gradually slow down until only a tired kind of exhaustion clung to his frame.
Kel arrived home, sighing in relief when he discovered that both mom and dad were out, probably buying groceries and having ice cream when mom complains that dad hasn't taken her out for a date in forever and how nowadays no husband tries to be caring and romantic anymore. Kel was just glad that he doesn’t have to show anyone his test to anyone right now.
His room was empty. Right. Hero was probably still out studying.
He hopes his brother remembers to take breaks and have a snack while he is there. He has been working too hard these last months. 
(It was great to know that at least one of them was trying their best.)
It’s nice to see him up and about again, the determined shine in his eyes subdued, but not completely erased, even if it took a too dark tunes sometimes. 
For all that Hero was smart and caring, he often forgot the simplest things, like that he is a human with basic needs.
His bag went to somewhere on the floor as Kel threw himself on the bed with a little too much force. He was tired. And should probably take a bath if he didn’t want to have a lecture about hygiene in some hours.
Oh well, sounds like a problem for future Kel, if he ever heard one.
The younger one fell into a dreamless sleep.
There were fingers caressing his hair, slowly pulling him back to consciousness and unfairly stopping the heavenly petting and beginning to mess the strand as soon as Kel showed signals of opening his eyes.
“Wakey wakey, Kel. It’s time for dinner.” Hero’s voice rang in a light tune and Kel incoherently grumbled in protest, mechanically sitting on the mattress with one swift movement. Not pushing the offending hand away only because he knew that doing so would just fuel the older to try to “show his giant brotherly love” further and Kel wasn’t quite in the mood for that right now.
He was feeling a bit slow. 
Better, but still slow.
Kel yawned, getting up and heading downstairs to the kitchen, missing the look Hero gave him, eyebrows furrowed in confusion and a slight tint of a worried something else.
The good thing about family dinners was that his mother was always more than happy to fill the silence with stories about the past, about her childhood, their childhoods or events that happened earlier on the day. His dad prodded him about his day and Kel mentioned the basketball practice before letting Hero take over with his talk about his studies and the clubs he was in. So he was free to just concentrate on chewing and thinking about what more he could do to fill the evening so he wouldn’t take another hour long nap and ended up waking up full of energy in the middle of the night. 
(Maybe he should try calling Sunny ag-)
Heading upstairs was uneventful and the shorter one stopped in front of the television in his room with a thoughtful pose. He could watch his comfort movie but…
Kel shook his head and marched with determination to get the already old DVD case. It’s been years since Hero last played the game they always did when that movie was passing on TV. He probably wouldn’t even remember about it nowadays. Even if he did, he would be too busy studying to-
“Is that Cosmic Boy? Wow, it’s been a long time since I watched it!” Kel yelped, jumping in the air with how the sudden voice of his brother cut the air.
“Hero! Don’t sneak on me like this. I almost dropped the case.”
The older one winced apologetically. “Sorry, I wasn’t trying to do that.” His features, however, quickly changed to a watchful gaze that ping ponged across Kel expression and body language, trying to find any hint about the reason of the quietness that washed over him during the whole dinner. “You are just very distracted today, Kel. Did something happen? You know you can tell me anything, right?”
Please don’t be about her, please don’t be about her I don’t think I am ready for this yet-
Kel shook his head with force, as if he could physically throw his thoughts from his brain with just this action, a habit both of them had, although it was unclear who copied it from who.
“It’s nothing.” 
There was a slight pause between the words. Hero never told Kel that but this was his biggest tell during his lies. Usually he was just so used to spilling anything in full honesty that when he tried to lie he always second guessed what he was going to say.
Besides, it wasn’t a ‘there isn’t anything’, but ‘it’s nothing’, so he was right, there was something that was really bothering his little brother.
While Kel moved his attention back to the TV, putting the DVD on the device, Hero subtly bit his lower lip, looking at his desk filled with books and papers scattered all across the place. The usual guilt of not studying at every single available moment in his life was already beginning to chew his brain.
Kel sat a few meters away from the screen, his orange basketball in hands, being clung to his chest in a shadow of a hug. He always looked so… small, sitting like that.
All the doubts vanished from his mind at this moment. There was just no subject or college in his world that could be more important than his brother.
He was not going to fail him again.
“I am going to get popcorn.” He smiled when Kel turned at him, pleased and surprised with the promise of a snack and company. “Mom is in a good mood today so I am going to try to convince her to open the box of chocolate she is holding on for the holidays.”
“I want the one with caramelized peanuts, the orange one and the big milk chocolate candy or also the one that taste like bananas-”
“That is dad’s favorite, there is no way for me to convince him to give it to us.” He chuckled as Kel whined as he fell on the floor, an annoyed pout blossoming in his face.
“It’s always dad's favorite. I wanted to try it.”
“That is the thing about favorites, Kel. they usually don’t change.” The younger one pouted more and rolled on his side to look at the TV, giving Hero his back in a grump style. “We can buy it the next time we go to the grocery store, you know? Just give me a reminder.”
Kel hummed, still looking at the screen, already uninterested in keeping their banter going. 
Yep, a very special cheering up and good ol’ brotherly bonding time was in order, then.
It didn’t take long, just a few charms, lots of puppy eyes and promises of buying another box and a nice something before he was sitting right next to the shorter one with a big bowl of popcorn and lightly nudging the boy to a more comfortable position to eat.
The movie started. Hero couldn’t lie, especially as he got older, but the film was nothing but just a simple animation with an even simpler plot too full of fond memories to be forgotten. Three friends being lost in space and finding - after years of their childhood being filled with rules, boredom and routines - a world with a colorful circus where they finally discovered what it was like truly being a kid and having fun.
When he was little, it had been one of his favorites and his love for it quickly spread to Kel, who were more than happy to weekly bother his older brother to watch it again and again, usually getting so excited about it that it was almost impossible to get him to actually watch the movie instead of just continue to jump around with his giddy energy, basically screaming the lines with the characters.
Most of the time it would take a while to get him to calm down and sit to enjoy the movie with him, especially because the little boy kept doing all the stuff to get him in his nerves. 
The older one glanced at his brother. It was almost unnerving how quiet and… not-moving he was now when he looked back at those memories.
… What did he even do to stop Kel from causing a ruckus and actually sit down to watch the movie?
There was a game, wasn’t it? How did it go, again…?
Mindlessly and lost in his thoughts, Hero stretched his arm to get more popcorn, which would be a totally fine and normal move if it wasn’t that movie and it wasn’t for that scene getting close, which meant that Kel had his eyes glued on him and his actions, knowing very well that if his brother remembered The Game, this usually would be the moment that he would start it.
That is why such yelp left his lips when Hero’s hand got closer, nerves buzzing and body throwing himself on his side while a hint of a smile grazed his mouth.
Hero only looked at him confused. 
“Kel? What wa-”
But before he could say anything else, the circus’ showman - one of the best characters of the movie - laughed and his excited announcement filled the space, taking, just like he always did when showed on the screen, all the attention to himself:
“A ride? Of course! We can visit any planet in the Universe! The planet of the infinite tickles, the planet of snickering elbows, the planet of the hilarious beetroots!”
The rest of the sentence disappeared as suddenly Hero’s brain was filled with plenty of giggling and squirming memories.
The planet of infinite…
Hero remembered, now.
Kel, who was busy squinting and watching his brother with suspicion, trying to discover if he was truly confused or pulling his leg, squeaked, immediately recognizing the gleam that appeared in his eyes and the predatory turn of his smirk, fastly making his limbs turn around and kicking his legs to run away.
“Nonono! Hero! Think about what you're about to do!!” 
And Kel may be the most athletic of the two, but Hero always was good at reading his movements. While the younger one had the anticipation and stamina on his side, which made him successfully scramble away in wobbly dodges and quick jumps,  the taller ran to put himself in between him and the door, knees bended and arms spread wide, ready to catch any giggling younger one that tried to pass through him in the only true way to escape from his fate.
“You can’t camp at the door! This is against the rules!” Kel jumped on his bed, spinning around to point at him accusingly.
“Is it, now?” Hero blinked in the personification of innocence.
“Yeah!! It is and you know it.”
“I don’t think I remember the rules very well, dear little brother of mine.” Kel groaned at the affectionate nickname and would have let himself fall on the bed and complain about how embarrassing Hero was if it wasn’t for his non-laughing-safety being at stake. “Why don��t you come closer and explain them to me again?”
Kel raspberried at him, not moving a single finger in his direction.
They stared at each other.
Well, Hero internally shrugged. He tried. 
“Oh no!” He hugged his stomach, making a show of groaning and squirming around. “Kel, I was visiting one of your favorite planets and I think something is wrong with me now.”
He had to lower his face and press it on his chest to stop the snickering that bubbled from him when Kel basically shouted that “The planet of infinite tickles is not my favorite!!” so he wouldn’t break his character
“I think I am sick.”
“No, you’re not!”
“Owwww. I am terribly sick, Kel, I don’t think I can fight it any longer.”
“Hero!” Kel tried to not let his smile show on his tune too much, but he wasn’t successful, especially when Hero lifted his head and grinned at him, making a tickly kind of electricity run on his spine. “This is dumb. I am not a kid anymore. I can say that you’re lying.” 
“Sick! So sick. SO so sick. There is nothing we can do now. I am infected with the Need-To-Tickle-Tickle-Tickle-My-Little-Brother-Immediately disease and it’s only getting stronger as the seconds tick by.”
Silence. Kel seemed stuck between laughing in disbelief and groaning at his dramatics. Yet he didn’t step any closer to him. 
“Kel, you need to escape.”
“Then, get AWAY from the door.”
Hm. Maybe Hero would have to jump to plan B.
He pretended to not listen. “You must run away and save your life. I can feel it getting stronger, making my fingers wiggle and asking for your squeaky giggles in my mind.”
As he gave a quick glance upwards, he saw Kel looking at the window with squinted eyes and a thoughtful face, considering. 
No. Definitely not. Time for plan B.
“There is just - urg- only one thing that can save me.” He made a show of pulling something out of his pocket. The chocolate wrapping glinted in the light. “The forbidden banana chocolate that I got for Kel but now it will have to be used for the greater good.”
A gasp.
Kel knew it was a trap. For real, he knew it.
But he also really, really wanted to know why his dad had been obsessed with this chocolate since his early memories. Besides, Hero was distracted with his theatrics. If he tried to zig zag his way to his brother he could get it, he was sure of that. There was a reason he was feared at basketball and it wasn’t only for his deathly aim, but also for how fast he could be when he really wanted.
He could do that. He definitely could do that. Just dash, grab the snack and immediately bolt back to his bed. 
 Easy Peasy.
Hero wouldn't even notice him before it was too late.
He took a deep breath, eyes full of determination. Hero didn’t move, still dangling the chocolate in the air and slowly bringing it closer to his open mouth.
One, two, three and… RUN!
Today is a great day, Hero thought, as he whistled and sat in front of the TV, grabbing the remote and going back to the part of the film that they lost because of all the shenanigans. 
It was a little bit hard, but with some struggles he managed to not be hit in the face by a kick.
Today was a really good day.
“Hero!!! Hero you can’t do this with your own brother! Hero!!”
The sun was already setting and that let a dance of orange, yellow and red fill the room. Such beautiful and calm scenery. 
The taller one adjusted the bundle in his arms, eyes still glued on the screen, a satisfied smile grazing his mouth.
“We can watch another movie! The popcorn will get cold and taste horrible and munchy and wither and then you’ll have to make another bowl and- No! Hero!”
One of the older's hands was lifted, his fingers clawing the air and chasing the squirming torso with a skill and tranquility of someone who played the same game a handful of times before and would keep playing it for plenty of times more.
He attacked.
Kel squealed, laughter immediately spilling freely from his lips as the wiggly, playful hands squeezed his sides non stop, fingers spidering and teasing the skin for a few seconds before chasing the lovely high pitched snickers that always appeared when Hero wormed his hands under his torso and tickled the base of his spine, prodding and poking his way to there and going back to attack his sides every time the younger tried to wiggle away.
As the clawing hands got bored, their curious fingers began hiking the sinuous patch to his armpits - being careful to scratch on each one of his ribs in the way, of course. What kind of a brother would he be if he denied their necessary dose of tickles? - which automatically made Kel titter non stop and his arms trash and skip around, in failed attempts to push such an unfair, horrible, tickly and silly attack away. 
However, everytime he tried to do that it was only to have the skittering fingers jumping away to dance on his belly, making his hands get out of the way and go back to clamping on his mouth to hide the traitor snorts away. This was the same technique Hero did everytime he tickled him and the fact that it still worked even after all those years only made his reactions grow stronger and giggli-er. Hero chuckled, starting, once again, the whole cycle of climbing and going back and then clawing up, up, up, getting higher every time the loop was repeated.
Uncontrollable laughter, tittering squeals, loud squeaks and high pitched yelps stumbled in the room in flocks and waves, stumbling right out of his mouth and spreading a funny kind of warmth all across his face and chest. A warmth that fought with the creeping cold that clued in his bones since the beginning of the day and scared away with a giddy, electric kind of energy the exhaustion on his moves, replacing them with kicks, wiggles and plentiful of squirms that always got him almost tumbling out of the lap and the trap he was in only for Hero to playful complain something about “running away from their brotherly quality time” and pull him right back at his previous blushy and giggly predicament.
And Kel remembered why this was one of his favorite movies. Because there wasn’t any Cosmic Boy without Hero, and there wasn’t any Hero without fun, without the sensation that he wasn’t alone, of a hand extended in his direction and attentive eyes that found and smiled at him on his quietest days. There wasn’t a Hero without the certainty that there wasn’t anything in this world that he couldn’t fix make it better by just being embarrassingly charming or a dork or an annoying older brother that would still try to get him to play his favorite game even if Kel was complaining about being too old and being insufferable the whole way.
So, Kel couldn’t really bring himself, even between his crackles because Hero kept focusing on this horrible, awful, terrific, unfair spot right in the middle of his ribcage and nononono! That is too ticklish! Very, very ticklish!! Get away, gehet away, stohohohop- , to mind the whole playful and honestly childish attack. 
That was when Hero got to his armpits, positioned his thumbs on the sensitive flesh and began drumming.
The resulting screeching was so loud that it made their windows shake.
Nevermind. Forget everything Kel said before, his older brother was evil and mean and this is the most horrible game to ever exist.
“Oh my god, I forgot how bad your armpits were.” Hero’s chuckles evolved to wheezes as he stopped his tickle attack to try to gather himself together and not fall in peals of laughter after such a loud reaction. 
Kel was still squirming, rolling from one side to another in an attempt to dislodge the offending hands out of his armpits and body instinctively jumping away when his own movements made the fingers graze and tickle the spot unintentionally, even if they stopped moving a few seconds ago. Yet, the knowledge that they were still there and that they could attack at any moment made tiny, buzzy shocks run across his torso and tickle his nerves and smile. 
Tears gathered on the corner of his eyes while airy chuckles intertwined freely with his protesting squeaky, fast laughter.
“Let me gohohoho!” But, his sentences couldn’t summon a single drop of true irritation or heat to fill them, especially when accompanied by such a gigantic, tittering grin and half hearted pushes. “Shuhuhut up!”
“Sorry, sohohorry! I swear I didn’t mean to laugh.” Hero said, laughing. “But your face was just-”
And he fell in a sea of sniggers again.
A sudden idea made Kel’s eyes sparkle and a teasy tune take over the corners of his smirk.
“Yeah? Bet it wasn’t as funny as this!”
And then his hands flew to Hero's sides, kneading there like there was no tomorrow.
Hero, in his turn, gasped in surprise at the feeling, his laughter getting stronger and quieter as the taller one tried to become a defensive ball, only to have his plans ruined by the younger boy laying still on his lap, his entire torso shaking with the force of his snickers and crackles.
"See? Pretty funny, huh? You can't even stop laughing!" 
Hero shook his head, the tip of his ears getting red.
"No?" Kel began crawling his hands downwards on the sensitive flesh until… there it was! Hero's head shot backwards, hiccups and snorts falling freely when Kel focused on delivering pinches on the hip bones with joy. "For someone who doesn't think this is funny, I think you're laughing a lot, huh, don't you think, Hero? Huh? Huh? Don't you think that this is funnyyyy~"
With an enormous force Hero managed to pull a whole sentence between his laughter. "I-I was supposed to snrk- to be the one cheering you uP!"
"And it's working!! Look how much happy I am for WINNING this fight and obliterating you with tickles right now! Ha!" Kel shouted triumphantly, letting the hips go in order to tease the unprotected neck of his brother.
However, he miscalculated Hero's stamina, and such a mistake couldn’t be left forgotten as two hands glued on his wrists with a firm grip and pulled them away. Shiny brown eyes found his.
"Oops." Suddenly, Kel’s voice got a much wobblier tune.
"W-winning the tickle fight, you say?" The way Hero's smile - even between breathless gasps and tiny hiccups - got shark-like made every siren scream in alert inside the younger's brain. "Lehehet me assist you, then."
"No! Wait!" But the other did not, in fact, wait, pulling the arms until they were pinned above his head, palms facing upwards. "Hero, I am already cheered up! I promise!"
“I don’t think so, Kel.” Hero positioned one of his hands on the other’s wrist, the tip of his fingers scratching the skin with soft and unbearable scribbles that made goosebumps run across his arms. Then, because Hero was an unfair meanie with no heart, he began walking the playful, tickly digits to the inside of his forearm. “Besides, the planet of the snickering elbows came all the way from the other side of the universe just to see you.”
“That doesn’t make sense. Planets can’t get people!!” Kel tried with all his will to pull his trembling ticklish arms from their torment only to feel a series of squeaky giggles climb up his throat, obliging him to concentrate all his efforts in not combusting in a mess of titters and giggles. 
“Do you think so? Because I think that the planet of the snickering elbows is getting closer and closer to someone’s very ticklish and very snickery arms…”
“I-I-I am nohot” He gave up, letting the uncontrollable and high pitched snickers wash them as his squirms grew stronger with all the giddiness filling his muscles and shooting like electricity across his nerves. “Tihihihihihicklish!! I am not ticklish!”
Hero’s expression got amused. “You’re not ticklish?”
His fingers focused in teasing and dancing happily on every inch inside his elbow, blunt nails creating and senseless doodles with every scribble and a couple or two of soft pinches that never failed to make the younger’s laughter get even higher and faster.
And still, Kel stubbornly shook his head. “Ihihi am not!”
“So, all these hilarious tickly-tickles aren’t affecting you at all?” Kel just continued to shake his head vehemently, laughing and smiling like nothing else mattered in his life, wrinkles on the corner of his eyes and nose scrunched up. “Not even a little bit? A silly-billy bit? A coochie coochie coo?” 
Kel’s kicks were renewed, the words falling between his lips being too much lost in between titters and squeals to be understood. If this was a protest against Hero’s embarrassing teases or the fact that his fingers were slowly and carefully crawling across his upperarms to his armpits was impossible to say.
Being the good, lovely brother who cared about his little bro’s wellbeing above everything else, Hero decided to keep doing both.
“Great!” Digging under his arms, Hero had to elevate his voice so he could be heard above the hysteric crackles of Kel. “Because the game just started. Do you know who else came to pay a visit to their favorite giggly boy? The planet of the hilarious beetroots…~”
Hands suddenly free, Kel only had a second before he felt his feet being held in a headlock. “And they would loooove to play This Little Pig with you again!”
And, of course, Kel should know that, in the position that he was, maybe it wouldn’t be the wisest idea to provoke the tickle monster that he called brother anymore.
But, the movie was still playing in the background, and soon enough they would be getting to the middle of it, which means that they probably would have to rewind all the way back to the beginning to watch it properly. And Hero had those dangerously joyful shine in his eyes that he hadn’t seen for a long time and Kel felt it would be a long time until he would be able to stop the chuckles and giggles that played run and catch in the room.
So, yeah, maybe if he stayed quiet, they would just go back to the game and soon everything would be over.
But he wasn’t much of the whole ‘being a quiet guy’ now, was he?
“Yohou’re sohohoho pfffft- hehe stupid!”
Hero’s smirk got wider.
And then, once again, he attacked.
“Hey, Hero?”
His brother hummed from his desk, showing that he was paying attention. It was night but the younger knew his brother would still pull one or two hours of study before following his lead and going to sleep. The lights of the room were still on but that was fine, Kel never had problems to fall asleep with them anyway. Especially after such an eventful day. He could already feel his eyelids droping close as he adjusted his blanket.
“Do you think that one day I will be as good as you?”
He didn’t look up, but by the sound of their old, badly lubricated office chair being moved, he knew that Hero was now staring at him.
This time, he waited in silence, not filling it with whatever word came to rest on the tip of his tongue.
Hero’s voice was soft as it floated in the night. “I think that I would be a very lucky guy… if someday I got to be half as cool as you.”
Kel snorted.
“Still,” he continued, “we’re both doing a good job at being just ourselves, don’t you think? It wouldn’t be very interesting if we just became like each other or you became like me. Your basketball group would certainly start a mutiny, and the fabric of orange joe would go bankrupt.”
“But… more than anything” and then Kel looked up, because that was Hero’s emotional voice and he could count in the fingers of one hand the moments he got like that (most of them weren’t good ones). “I would miss you a lot, Kel.” 
Kel smiled and it soon evolved to a fun kind of chuckle.
“Heh. Thank you, Hero. You’re not going to start crying over me, are you?”
“Old man.”
“Old and taller than you.~”
A calm sort of silence poured in gentle drops over them.
Kel took a deep breath.
“I got a C on my test today.”
“Really?” Hero’s frown quickly eased when he saw the conflicted gaze in his brother’s face. “And how was it?”
“I tried very hard and it was biology! I love biology. And it was not even a bad grade! I could have gotten a D or even a F and failed the subject.” As quick as it came, his irritation went away, body too light and too sleepy to cling to it for too long, anyway. “I got more than half of the questions right.”
“That is great.” Hero replied, sincerely, not having a single idea of how that only sentence washed over the younger one like a breeze of relief. “Hey, when your tests are all over, we should have some ice cream to celebrate, what do you think?”
Happier, Kel could already feel the dream realm reclaiming him, so, before he fell asleep, a quick, glad answer was pushed from his mouth.
“Yeah. We totally should.”
For a second, he could almost hear a fond sigh and a faint “good night”.
The day hadn’t started great, but Kel couldn’t really deny that last sentence.
This was a good night. Indeed.
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slumbering-shadows · 3 months
shoutout to the time one of my "friends" told me that having an oc or a story inspired by a song means you are unoriginal and can't come up with your own ideas and are therefore stupid and then I found a song that was, absolutely, beat for beat exactly about their current most precious OC like its not even funny. So I sent it to them. And they said it "doesn't count" because they'd never heard it before. but you guys will never guess who's yt playlist titled "writing" I found that fucking song on in the first place. bitch ass
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vixeneptune · 11 months
See yourself being perceived by others in this light bc you already are such a remarkable beauty to witness
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Pov : everyone who sees you says this about your looks
"Omg you're drop dead GORGEOUS 😍 "
"HOW are you so pretty 😭😭 what's your secret"
" you're literally the prettiest girl I've ever seen I'm not even kidding"
"Your eyes are so mesmerizing wow😍 ..I'm in love"
"U have the most perfect lips"
"Ur eyebrows are always on fleek"
"I love how long and thick ur eyelashes are"
"You're so beautiful I'm obsessed"
"Ur skin is literally FLAWLESS"
"I'm convinced you're a real life goddess"
"I looove ur hair it looks so healthy and soft and luscious "
"How are u even real? U look so ethereal and out of this world!"
"Ur beauty has me daydreaming and writing poems"
"Ur beauty alone leaves an unforgettable mark on everyone"
"I can't fathom how pretty you are"
"Everything about u is perfect, like youre unbelievably stunning"
"What's it like being the most beautiful girl in the world?😍"
"U have this kind of beauty thats so captivating, haunting and addictive to look at"
"I love ur stylee u always look so chic"
"You're such an eye-candy I could look at you forever"
"Ur face is literally my desired face, ur beauty is the standard"
"Girl I would kill to look like u"
"Ur beauty leaves me speechless everytime, how do u have that effect?"
"I don't think anyone who looks at u can resist falling in love w you"
"Has anyone ever told you how powerful your beauty is? Like it's dangerous how beautiful u are"
"Do you model? U literally have the body and looks for it"
"I love ur fashion sense , u give off IT girl vibes"
"Stop looking at me with those siren eyes 🫠"
Pov : people say this behind your back
"She's def the kind of girl who steals all the attention with her beauty when she walks into a room"
"Y/N had a huge glow up, she keeps getting prettier everytime I see her"
"She looks so stunning in pictures but wait till u see her irl its even better"
"I genuinely think she's the prettiest girl in existence"
"There's something about her beauty thats so hypnotic it sticks in ur mind"
"My heart starts beating so fast when she looks at me. Her beauty makes me nervous"
"Have you seen Y/N? she's the prettiest around here"
"She has that kind of beauty that everyone wanna copy"
"She's naturally beautiful like she doesn't even try"
Let me know if u want more like this 💫
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light-koe-pinsky · 11 months
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shaguro · 9 months
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♡ imagine onyankopon as your boyfriend... ♡
ony loves to pretend that he’s not completely obsessed with you, that you don’t have him wrapped around your finger but everybody around yall knows that’s not true. when you call he’s dropping everything to be by your side, doesn’t matter what he’s doing or who he’s with. you're his top priority, always.
acts of service is one of his love languages. any problems that you have, ony makes it his business to solve them. as his girl, you’ll never be stressed or be in need of anything because he’ll always provide, he’ll always take care of you. no independent woman shit round here. 🤭 “what’s wrong, baby? talk t’me, let daddy fix it.” “already told you don’t worry bout that shit.. i got it, mama.”
very attentive. surprises you with random gifts, usually things you’ll talk about and forget later on. (as long as you act right.)
definitely a “gimme kiss” type of nigga. lovessss kissing.
the sassiest nigga alive. loves using all the girl lingo. “yeah.. not too much.” “what you be saying? you ate thattt.”
as much as he loves expensive dinners and planned dates, he usually prefers to be home relaxing with you. ony is a homebody fr.
can’t sleep right if you’re not with him. and when he’s all cuddled up with you, you’re stuck there. better hold that pee till the morning.
possesiveeee. he tries to tone it down fr but he doesn’t play about you at all. anybody tries to push up on you, he’s ready to knock their head off. gets rowdy real quick.
steals your bonnets. like imagine you’d spent forever looking for your favorite one and you find him in the kitchen with your jumbo pink bonnet on his big ass head. “ony… take off my fucking bonnet.” “come take it off me, pookie.” knowing damn well you can’t reach him. 🙄
alwayssss buying you food. he loves to eat and makes sure you eat whenever he does. making you gain all the happy weight. “you ate mama?” “what you wanna eat? ima pick it up on my way back to the crib.”
you’ll always catch him staring at you. sometimes he can’t believe that you’re all his. and he doesn’t gaf, he’ll just be like “what? I can’t look at yo pretty ass?” “you too sexy t’not stare at, baby.”
big dommmm. loves manhandling you, he’ll let you take control sometimes but it’s rare. (gotta catch him off guard)
will fuck the attitude out of you everytime. it’s like you tempt him because you know he’ll fuck some sense into you. (and do!)
loves spitting in your mouth. like holding your face and letting it drip off his tongue onto yours. jus nasty.
not much of a moaner, he curses and grunts a lot. some moans definitely slip out when he’s really in the moment, though. 🤭
eats your pussy as a form of apology. the way you grind your hips into his mouth? and grip his head? he knows you’ll accept it everytime. nigga you ain’t shit
loves backshots but also loves pushing them thick legs to your chest, giving long deep strokes that you can’t run away from.
loves putting a thumb in your butt like future LMAO
talks you through it, very verbal during sex in general. big dirty talker. 🤭 “let it out, mama. cum on this fucking dick.” “mhmm, just like that, fuck.” “this all mine… this my pussy, huh? say it.”
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taglist: @kittyarmin @dionnethinks @90ekz @rintcrous @zuriayan @prettypixigrl @bey0nseh
@/hoesluvshanti, 2023. do not copy, steal or repost my content without permission.
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writerslittlelibrary · 5 months
Mob!Natasha x daughter!reader headcannons
a/n: I figured writing some headcanons was a bit less pressuring, and I enjoyed this so much! I’ll definitely be writing more headcanons in the future :)
You do not have my permission to repost, copy or translate my work
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Mob!Natasha who found you when you were just a baby. She heard crying coming out of the closet after she had just killed her target. Turns out, he had already found his next victim, you. Luckily, Natasha was just in time to save you from that horrible life and raised you herself
Mob!Natasha who raised you in the safety of her Russian home. Protected, hidden, and far away from the dangers of the world
Mob!Natasha who only allowed Melina, Alexei, and Yelena to see and know about you the first 5 years of your life
Mob!Natasha who started training you for active combat the moment you could stand, wanting you to be able to protect yourself, should you ever end up being mixed into one of her ‘jobs’
Mob!Natasha who loves you more than anything in the world, getting you whatever you want whenever you want it, yet still making sure you’re not becoming a spoiled brat
Mob!Natasha who puts her trusted bodyguard, Bucky Barnes, on any and every outing you go on. You leave the house for a walk? You better count on the fact that Bucky is coming. You want to go shopping? Don’t worry, Bucky will simply come to help you carry your bags. You want to have dinner with someone? Bucky will simply sit a few tables away from you, giving you privacy yet keeping a close eye on you
Mob!Natasha who is terrified when your existence becomes known after you and her are spotted going for a little shopping trip. She will upgrade her security everywhere, putting multiple bodyguards by your side every time you leave the house. Of course, she still trusts that Bucky is the best at keeping you safe, but just to be sure, you get a few more of her men
Mob!Natasha who sometimes allows you to sit in on her meetings, letting you sit next to her, or on the ground, whichever you prefer. It’s not like any of the people she is meeting with can say anything. That is if they want to keep their lives of course. Sometimes, if you forgot to bring something she will slide you her notepad for you to doodle on, or she’ll just stop the entire meeting and order one of her men to fetch you whatever you wish. She gets to decided how her meetings go, of course
Mob!Natasha who knows you adore her henchwomen more than anything. Your personal favourite is Natasha’s assistant, Maria. You know her and your mom have some more going on. You are not blind to the lingering touches and the sneaky looks they send each other. Of course, you are a big fan of Carol. She is just so cool and nice to you, even though she can kill someone with basically a glare. To you, she is the sweetest human on the planet
Mob!Natasha who knows you adore your aunt Yelena more than anyone on the planet. Because of that, she makes sure Yelena gets the opportunity to visit more than enough. Everytime Natasha has to leave for a slightly bigger ‘job’ she simply calls Yelena to keep you company. Natasha knows you don’t need a babysitter anymore, but she likes the idea of you not having to be lonely. Besides, it is much safer for you to be accompanied by your aunt Yelena
Mob!Natasha who knows how much you adore playing board and cards games, so she told her people to never deny you a game, were you to ask. Luckily, you mostly gravitate towards Carol and her girlfriend Valkyrie, and who were they to deny you a game? They loved your company, and they loved playing your card games with you
Mob!Natasha who, when you start dating someone, runs thousands of background checks, does hundreds of checkups throughout the day, and makes sure to give whoever you decided to date a little talk, letting them know exactly what’s waiting for them were they ever to hurt you
Mob!Natasha who had the best private tutors coming to your home to teach you everything you needed to know, giving you the highest level of eduction you’d ever need
Mob!Natasha who knows that you are financially set for life, but who still allows you to go to college if you would ever want to. Of course it would be an expensive, high security private school, but still
Mob!Natasha who takes you on the multiple holiday trips during the year. You want to go to Spain? Pack your bag because Natasha will have planned a trip next week. Obviously you both will simply take her private jet, but she needs a week to book some fancy holiday home for you two to stay at
Mob!Natasha who, despite her fortune, often books small, low budget holiday trips. Everyone knows those small holiday homes are the best and the cosiest. What kind of mother would Natasha be if she didn’t give you that experience?
Permanent tags: @marvelnatasha12346 @lesbionion @nova-kyle @darkstar225 @saraaahsstuff @marvelwomenarehot0 @screechcat @iheartjohansson @tia-thesimp @swaqcenix @karmasgxrl @marvel-lous3000 @hor1zond1ar1es @lorsstar1st @superlegend216
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romor · 7 months
I'm starting to think people don't understand that adaptations have to be different. Did netflix have the same amount of time as Book 1 to work with? Technically yes, but 20 episodes is for sure more than 8 so they didn't.
If you are constantly comparing it to the original and upset about the changes. Then for sure the netflix adaptation is not for you.
I've seen some bad adaptations over the years, for example my favorite book is Inkheart. Even the 2010 Avatar movie is a better adaptation than Inkheart's.
Conclusion it's a pretty good series, if you like the original, if you can watch it without constantly comparing it to the original you will enjoy it more.
Editing to add to this since so many have said something.
Inkheart is not a horrible movie, but it is a bad adaptation. Fantastic cast, with no loyalty to the source material.
There is a difference between adapting a story, and remaking it. This is literally being referred to as the netflix adaptation, so clearly it's not a remake. Because it is an adaptation, changes are expected. It would be stupid to expect a copy and paste story.
The changes make sense, because if you want book 2, and only have 8 episodes to work, you have to make a lot happen. The original show has clear start and end points for the events that occur (aka you know that start of the episode and the end). That's fine, when you have 20 episodes to work with, each 20 minutes. That doesn't work with 8 episodes each 1 hour (or about an hour). It doesn't translate to smooth storytelling. A lot of important things occur in book 1, but let's not forget that book 1 is also more episodic vs the rest of the series. In fact don't we often say "it gets better," about the book 1? What I am saying, a lot has to happen in the first season to set up not just season 2, but season 3. They did really good making sure those events happened.
I don't mind the mixing of plot because they didn't have much of a choice if they wanted a cohesive plot. I would also like to add I'm so glad the removed the northern air temple episode's setting. Never felt right with me.
I'm not saying don't compare them because it's impossible not to. I'm saying that if you are constantly going to be thinking of everything they changed, if you think the original series is so perfect. So unflawed, that how dare they even try. If you are going to be watching it already offended that they decided to even touch it. This adaptation is not for you.
If you were like me and wished that fire did in fact burn everytime it touched someone. If you are like me and thought the original series was too light-hearted for its plot. Then you will enjoy it. It's a fun adaptation, that keeps as loyal to its source material as it can be.
Yes I have my issues with it, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a fun watch.
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osachiyo · 1 month
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tw. fem!reader, reader is hinted to be chubby, cowgirl, praise, hinting at cum-eating at the end, fyodor basically worships the ground you step on, body worship, most likely ooc but it's whatever, just overall very soft n cute :) mdni
an. i always imagined fyodor with a chubbier reader, idk - i just love the contrast so much <3 so this is a drabble for my friend (love u maya ty for buying me nitro...) ^^ this has been in my drafts for way too long. 0.6k wrds
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fyodor took a sharp intake of air as he focused on the view in front of him — you, oh sweet you on top of him, lowering your hips onto him as your pretty little cunt swallowed more and more of his cock. his face was flushed to a pretty pink, pupils dilated in lust and sheer passion he held for you.
"mmh, you feel so good, love," he moaned softly, hand reaching up to knead the fat of your thigh. his breath quickened at feeling you clench from the genuine praise he gave you. your swollen, glossy lips parted to let out moans of his name, making his length throb inside your gooey walls.
"f-fedya," you gasped when he suddenly thrust up into you, his cock being pushed directly against your g-spot.
"ohh yes, darling — does that feel good?" fyodor cooed at the cock drunk look on your pretty face, it suited you so much.
god, you looked absolutely heavenly to him — the soft moonlight peeking through the thin curtains practically made you glow — not to mention how sexy your body looked. he loved how... soft you were compared to him — the delicate rolls on your back, your soft 'n squishy tummy, the plush of your ass and ugh, those delectable thighs of yours — it all made his head spin.
not to mention how your tits would jiggle everytime you bounced up and down on his sensitive cock, it made him want to bite them — mark them as his.
"oh darling, i just can't take my eyes off of you," he confessed, thin lips curling up into a smirk at the bashful look on your face.
you continued moving up and down on his cock, throwing your head back when fyodor decided to fuck up into you again — resulting in an almost pornographic moan leaving your lips.
he reached his free hand up to flick and rub at your clit, rolling the little nub between his slim fingers — making your pace stutter and pussy tighten around him. "you feel so good, моя любовь, " he tipped his head back into the soft pillow, biting down on his bottom lip as you gushed on his dick. you could feel him throb inside you, balls slapping against your ass, while you ground your hips onto him.
fyodor felt like he was in a trance — you made it look so good, and feel even better. "close?" you whispered, a moan getting caught in your throat when fyodor started thrusting up even faster — and harder than before.
fuck yes. fyodor was so close to hitting that peak that he so badly needed — but he wanted you to cum first. he needed you to cum first. could he really call himself your man if he didn't make you cum before him?
and make you cum he did — your pretty nails digging into his bony shoulders as you threw your head back from finally reaching your high, juicy cunt fluttering and pulsating around his throbbing cock — fyodor's hips stuttering as cursed breaths left him, trying not to clench his eyes shut as he admired the blissed-out look on your face.
"beautiful," fyodor moaned softly as he finally came deep inside you — his warmth filling up your sticky walls so nicely.
"you're beautiful," you breathed out, watching his eyes soften — a hearty chuckle leaving his pale, thin lips before devouring yours in a passionate yet hungry kiss.
you gasped loudly when fyodor laid you on your back on the silk sheets — kissing his way down from your soft tummy to your heavenly cunt. you sighed softly when he parted your legs, pupils dialating from the filthy view of his spent leaking down your folds and on his bedsheets —
how could he NOT have a taste?
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© 𝐎𝐒𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐘𝐎 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 ─ do not copy/translate/repost and/or recommend any of my works on different platfroms under any circumstances. reblogs greatly appreciated !
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hoshinasblade · 2 months
im going to need you all to send me happy thoughts please because i am having a very bad week and it's only monday lol anyway here's some angst. i know i have written a lot of stuff here already but so far this one is my favorite (despite me literally drafting this in my phone so expect some grammar errors or spelling mistakes), so if you can, let me know what you folks think. likes, replies, and reblogs are appreciated but i will bonk you in the head if you repost or copy any of my writings. THANK YOU ANON FOR THIS ASK!
you could bring a numbered kaiju into submission but it seems that your heart is an entirely different monster.
you should have known better than to fall in love with a colleague, and you should have known better than to fall in love with the third division's vice-captain. your own commander, gen narumi, threw you a dirty look when he found out about your intimate relationship with the bowl cut bastard, and as much as you want to come up with a good enough excuse, the best thing you were able to give is a cliched the heart wants what the heart wants. narumi scoffed at you upon hearing it, following it up with a personal vow to never be romantically involved with anyone in the force.
it didn't have to be said but hoshina still did the honors - there's not a lot of ground rules in your relationship but the first one is this: you and he are soldiers first, lovers second. you pondered if it was supposed to hurt you, and you asked yourself what the hell is wrong with you to say yes to such a set-up: all those love advice by your family and friends about how you should not settle with the bare minimum flew out the window. "i have a responsibility to my division. but i also know i love you," was what hoshina told you. in hindsight maybe you did not care about anything else he said except the part where he confessed he loves you.
you convinced yourself that nothing is more important than being loved by hoshina soshiro. and you persuaded yourself that if he could place you second in his priorities, you would be able to do so too. "i mean, i was a defense officer before i became your girlfriend," you agreed with him.
but there's no worse lie than the one we tell ourselves, you realised too late.
hoshina soshiro took you to dates almost every weekend although he is also almost always late. but you guess being one of the highest-ranking official in an anti-kaiju division burdens him with a heavier obligation than the rest of the officers so you did what a good girlfriend would do: you tried to understand his situation and offered him comfort whenever you catch him overly stressed or fatigued in his tasks. "i'll make it up to you," he would promise, and you would kiss him on the lips.
but after a while he stopped asking you out entirely, blaming it to his busy schedule - and yours - and a month after that, you would see hoshina soshiro only when there are inter-division conferences. narumi gives you his ugliest frowns everytime he spots the vice-captain walking towards you. "get a room," the first division commander rolled his eyes at you and your boyfriend one time.
to be fair, hoshina is good at making you disregard his misgivings. may it be with his tongue or his fingers, even for just a fraction of an hour, you cannot deny that hoshina makes you feel loved and taken care of. hoshina would tell you he loves you and nothing else matters again in your world but those three little words.
you could have perfectly proceeded in your charade of being fine if hoshina only remembered your anniversary. the straw that broke the camel's back, disappointment and frustration and heart wrenching pain consumed you when it came clear to you that hoshina was not planning for some surprise for you after not giving you a single greeting throughout the day - he simply forgot.
"so it skipped you that today's supposed to be our day, but you had time to go to lunch with okonogi," you accused him, feeling a bit guilty that you are involving another person in the argument. the trip to tachikawa base was not short, and your muscles are already killing you, but you made the effort to see hoshina in hopes you can salvage the occasion. the guilt died down after several seconds when hoshina replied.
"how is okonogi-chan a part of this?" he defended her. it did not escape you how he seemed to not be answering you at all.
"okonogi-chan?" you mocked hoshina. "jesus, i am so tired of this!" you did not recognise the sound of your voice when you shouted. "i - i know what i signed up for when i compromised with you, soshiro. you said duties first, i just did not expect i would be at the bottom of the things you care about. that's if i was even in that list at all."
"that's not fair -"
"what's not fair," you gritted your teeth, "is that you keep treating me like shit." you held back your tears; you refused to cry in front of hoshina - you had already given him the power to hurt you, it would have been to much handing him the knowledge that what is happening is effectively breaking you from you within. softly, you determined to get the bottom of things - fuck your dignity, the most you can get from this scenario is hoshina's honesty. "do you still love me?"
"you know i do," he declared too quickly. hoshina strode towards you, crossing the three, four feet distance to reach you. grabbing your cold hands and attempting to cradle it with his own warm ones, hoshina looked sincere and sorry, and you regret that you cannot for the life of you remember the last time he was this tender with you.
"actually i don't." you did not know how you're supposed to bridge the sea between you and hoshina as you withdrew your clammy hands from his touch. you chose to ignore the sudden sadness that crossed his face when you stepped away from him.
the loud ring of the alarm announcing a kaiju attack echoed in your ears. "i have to go, we'll talk more later," hoshina offered, his stare at you was surely meant to glue you in your spot but you did not let it so. "i love you."
"no, wait." you are a defense officer, and a good one at that, and you thankfully did not have to remind the third division vice-captain of that. "i'm going with you." even on the verge of heartbreak, your response is to stand beside hoshina. you almost winced at the implication.
you did not wait for his approval. narumi will be pissed, he joked after seeing you in a battle suit, helping you out a bit as you pick your weapon of choice. "hey." his grip on your elbow distracted you. "be careful out there," he whispered.
bodies break in the strangest of ways, you found out while fighting a considerable strong honju alone in the sector where you were assigned. you weren't officially in the area to be on duty, and protocol says you cannot be under hoshina's command so you had to be borrowed as a back-up to another platoon. your tenure and experience could easily place you as a team leader, that is why you were confident to face a number of those monstrous creatures at once. that is until the suit you were wearing - just a spare one that hasn't been used yet by a recruit - overheated.
"retreat to somewhere safe," you heard hoshina in your in-ear comms, out of breath. "that's an order." you wanted to assert that he isn't really your commanding officer, that he is not upon him to command you in any way but air feels like liquid in your lungs, the exhaustion catching up to you. in a minute or two the suit will lose its integrity after overheating, and you will be vulnerable to attacks of even the smallest yojus. "stay there and i'll send someone -"
you hoped you were not making a habit of interrupting hoshina as you mustered your strength to speak in a firm sentence - "the mission, is to neutralise the kaiju, sir." you screwed your eyes shut, ignoring the searing sensation of the wound in your shoulder.
throwing caution in the wind, hoshina did not relent. "i will come get you."
"soldiers first, soshiro." the static in your in-ear comms was deafening after you had called the vice-captain by his given name, and knowing that whatever you say will be broadcasted to the other officers, you continued. "to hell with what happens to us, right?"
you couldn't say you recall what happened next. dizzying darkness claimed you as your suit gave out, your combat release putting your body to too much pressure. when you came to consciousness, it was at a hospital - in a white room too big to cater to only one patient. tubes were attached to you, needles poking at the delicate vein in your wrist. it hurts to move, it hurts to discover you woke up alone.
the hours passed, each tick of the hands of the clock racing against your own thoughts. a nurse found you awake while in a roaming duty, and alerted the doctor. it was not after that when you saw hoshina again.
"how are you feeling?" you could sense his awkwardness from across the room. you saw his hesitation to come close to you; you cannot decided whether to feel satisfied that he seems to be in pain seeing you like this.
"i can't do this anymore, soshiro." your throat was dry from not speaking in ages, and your words sounded hoarse, as if you had to scrape yourself for them. "i almost died, and i can't do this anymore."
a piece of you wanted for him to tell you to shut up.
"i could have died, and you weren't there. and my god, this entire time i had to assess if i am just selfish, or greedy, and i know there are people to save, but soshiro, it's tiring to be the one who loves the other more," you exclaimed. "maybe it's my mistake that i am in a relationship with the third division's vice-captain but i fell in love with hoshina soshiro."
"i'm sorry." you didn't miss the slight tremble in hoshina's voice, and your chest tightened because after everything, he couldn't say you what you needed to hear.
"i would have died trying to save you, you know," you added weakly.
"i'm sorry," he repeated like a chant, like some mantra that would cure everything damaged for you and for him.
"me too," you replied, because there was nothing else left to say.
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Hello~ I was wondering if you could do a headcannon for a Crocodile x reader who has worked with him since Alabasta. As of late, after forming Crossguild, he's realizing that he has feelings for her and it pisses him off.
It's good I reread this because I almost starting writing you having feelings and it annoying him. Anyway I know headcanons are usually formatted different and worded different so I just tried to copy what i've seen. Sorry if it's weird, it's my first time. Be gentle 🥺. If i did something wrong just tell me. Also my first ask that isn't me squeee!
Crocodile the love struck (reptile) fool
Crocodile x fem reader. Crocodile isn't happy that this is an x reader because he's a control freak. 821 words.
You’re a hard worker, a competent worker, and a loyal worker. Those are facts, viable facts that could be proven in the fact that you work just as hard now as you do in Alabasta despite having less incentive to; despite having the opportunity to leave him when he was in Impel Down. It’s why he’s so in denial about these unwanted feelings at first, then angry that he has them. Things are already so hectic, he doesn’t need anything else to be out of his control.
• It started with your smile, as cliche as it is, the one you wore even though work can be anything but fun.
• He found it irritating at first, work is something to be taken seriously, but came to appreciate it.
• First because it meant you enjoyed your job well enough, something he likes since it means more loyalty.
• Now that he'a formed Cross Guild, it's because it brightens his own day; and to the point where now it’s like some sort of drug.
• One where if he doesn’t get it he gets on edge, making work even duller.
• It’s embarrassing, a fully grown old man like him getting cranky because doesn’t get a smile from a pretty girl he likes. Pathetic.
• It ends up putting him in an even worse mood when he notices it.
• Another thing that annoys him is how much he likes your voice.
• You’ve even started having to repeat things to him because he was too focused on how nice it sounds and feels to hear you talk to him.
• He wouldn’t be surprised if you thought he’d gone senile at this point…
• Thankfully you don’t show it if you do feel that way.
• Something he does wish you’d show is distaste for when any of the other men talk to you.
• He knows it’s mostly good work ethic communicating with them well, it helps now that you’re allied with other people, but sometimes he wishes you’d sneer at Mihawk or scoff at Buggy rudely.
• Show that you dislike talking to them, hate talking to anyone that isn’t him.
• There are the childish thoughts again…
• He’s 46 for gods’ sake, someone who’s killed both with his own hands and from his indirect actions.
• Not some schoolboy getting fussy that his crush is talking to someone else.
• Maybe feelings like “fussy” would be better though, would be safer for you; because they’re not always so childish.
• He wants you all to himself, you’re his anyway.
• You worked with him in Alabasta, waited for him while he was in Impel down, and work with him again in Cross Guild even if the work is more taxing; and less rewarding.
• You stayed with him, so loyal for him, so it makes sense that you’re his
• He wants to shower you with things you’d like, not just to dress his pretty girl up, but to guilt you into staying with him.
• To give him more of an excuse to be protective over you than just having feelings.
• What a terrible thing to think, but he’s never been a morally correct person.
• Either way, it’s not like he could actually do anything to hurt you.
• He’s tried, you can become a serious weakness for him.
• But everytime he tries there’s always an excuse.
• “She’s too useful.” “She’s a good worker.” “l still need her for this.” “It’d be a hassle.” “She makes my work easier.” “I’ll do it once I get my power back.”
• Though those are viable reasons that stop him, they aren’t truly the core reason.
• The reason is because he loves you, and it drives him mad.
• As mad as when you smile for others, or your hands brush together, or you call his name while looking up at him with those pretty eyes he wants looking nowhere else.
• You’re so beautiful, he loves you.
• He wishes that the feelings would just go away with time, with the fatigue he gets from working days straight.
• But they don’t, and they only get stronger.
• Especially when you do things to make even the smallest things easier.
• Making sure his cigar drawer is always full, bringing him water, telling him the time when he loses track of it.
• When he notices you telling him the time while looking sleepy yourself, he almost grabs you to pull you into his lap.
• Hold you, cage you into his arms and give you a kiss with all the emotion he’s been building up.
• But he can’t lose control, so he doesn’t.
• He just sends you off with a “Thanks, get some sleep yourself before you pass out on the job.”
• Once you turn, you can’t see the way his eyes follow you with a warmth he didn’t even know he had.
• And once the door is closed behind you, you don’t see the way he puts his head in his hands with a “Fuck.”
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flowerfreya · 7 days
The Office AU
part 17 - Poly!141 The men are trying to show reader that they like , but she has some issues reading the signs Pairing: poly!141 x reader
There has been a lot of causal touching. That you are starting to slowly freak you out. 
Everytime John calls you into his office to ask for a really simple and almost down right disrespectful task that he is asking for you to do. 
“Hey bird, need your help for something”, John calls to you , leaning against the doorway in his office. 
“Sure, let me just find a stopping point”, you could stop at any point but just wanted to seem like you were doing something, not because you aren't doing anything but because you always finish your work early in the day. Standing up and walking over to his office , he puts his hand on your lower back as you walk in, it has you stiffening up and developing a little sweat on your hands. You don’t know what he means when he touches you like this. 
Is he doing it on purpose? 
Does he always touch women like this or just you? 
Does he like me ? 
“Can’t figure out the printer again”, he says, a little too shameful. Considering you’ve shown him how to do this a couple of times already and he just seems to not be getting it. You go over the steps again , sitting down in his chair and you swivel around to him to see if he’s got it. 
“Does that make sense”, you ask him. Look up at him. He then crowds your space and points to the screen and asks a question but you miss it because all you can do is feel his body heat. 
He’s standing right behind you leaning over, which puts some weight on his body on your shoulder. 
You breathe in long and hard and swear you can smell his deodorant and a little of his natural body musk. 
You want to have an oxygen mask of just that scent and only have that survive. 
He brings you out of the haze when he lays his hand on you shoulder, “think I got it, hen” 
“Got what”, you ask. 
“Seems like it printed”, he says, then points to the door frame where Gaz is standing holding what looks to be about 20 copies of some order form. 
“Oh”, you let out quietly, standing up from his chair , “let me know if you need anything else”, you say as you walk out. Going immediately to the bathroom and re applying some powder because you know you are shiny after going through that tortuous 20 minutes. 
You do your nails almost every two weeks. Since you do it yourself it takes forever and you always had a design or too and you’ve been getting better at it. 
So when Soap grabs both of hands and stares at your nails, you forget that you did themand the only thought that is going through your head is that his hands are soft. 
“This look right good," he says , leaning on your desk and bringing your hands closer to his face. 
“Yer did it yourself?”, he ask and you know it takes a second to answer him but he’s still holding your hands and it’s kinda hard to focus. 
You answer and it gets you excited about your nails. You're super proud of them. 
Then god damn him , he starts giving your hands a massage. 
You were not prepared for that, letting out a quick but low moan. 
It has Soap stopping what he’s doing , giving your a little smirk , “feel good?”. 
“J-just surprised me is all”, it did feel good but you didn’t want him to know that, you don’t even know how he feels about you. 
He still flirts with everyone that comes in this office. And he’s playful. Maybe a bit too playful. You’ve done playful before and that just turn into taking care of all the important stuff because “your better at that stuff” and whole bunch of resentment. 
Pulling your hands away slowly , you thank him for the compliments and start to open your yogurt that doubles as your breakfast. As he walks away, “that yogurt is expired”, he says. Which has you looking down and you see the expiration date of two days ago. 
104 notes · View notes
2baabbies · 6 months
🖤 Snap Out of It (Felix x Reader) 🖤
Tumblr media
Crossposted under 2Babbies on Ao3 <3
Words: 6500
Summary: You are trying to give your ex-boyfriend a second chance after breaking up with him, but you find yourself questioning the decision when he continuously texts you during your night out with Seungmin. Luckily, Felix appears and helps you work through your emotions. He even gives you the perfect ultimatum: go home with your ex, or go home with him (inspired by the Arctic Monkeys song).
Humour + Smut + Fluff
afab + fem!reader
CWs: shitty boyfriend that is implied to be emotionally manipulative, breaking up with said boyfriend, judgemental bff seungmin (but he cares you I promise), drinking/alcohol consumption (reader barely drinks, felix is sober)
Smut Tags: safe sex/use of condom, teasing, playful sex, love confessions before/during sex, praise kink, vaginal fingering, doggystyle
Reposting this fic to other platforms, including as a translation, is expressly prohibited. Do not copy, alter, or claim this fic as your own. Absolutely no permission is given to anyone to post my works, even with credit, and this fic should only appear on Ao3 or Tumblr under my accounts. Reposting is not only plagiarism, but a direct violation of my wishes as the original writer and owner. Please respect writers and don’t steal!
Likes, reblogs, asks and comments are very welcome and appreciated <3
Seungmin’s eyes flick judgmentally between you and your phone as another text lights up the screen. You avert your gaze and pretend not to notice as you sip your water.
“Didn’t you answer him?”
Seungmin clears his throat.
“Your boyfriend? You answered him already, right?”
You slide your phone away as your friend attempts to decipher the messages from across the table.
“Yeah, he’s just worried.”
“Possessive is more like it.”
“He’s working on it.”
“Is he?”
You glare softly and open the texts. Multiple variations of ‘where are you’ and ‘I miss you’ grace your vision. You send a quick reply about how you are safe and having fun with your friend then place your phone, face-down, on the table. Seungmin stares at it and peers suspiciously as it buzzes on.
“He just worries about me. He’s anxious and wants me to get home safe.”
“He’s jealous. He can’t handle that you’re out with me.”
“That has nothing to do with it.”
He cocks his head.
“Really? Are you sure about that? Is this how he is everytime you leave the house?”
“No, it’s just late and we’re at a bar so there could be drunk drivers or something when we leave.”
“But you’re sober, and I’ve had one drink, so that should ease his mind a little bit. His problem is me.”
“No, it’s not.”
“Why are you being so stubborn?”
“He doesn’t even know I’m with you so it’s definitely not that.”
You stare at each other in silence before you take a long sip of your drink.
“You didn’t tell him you’re with me? Why?”
You shrug.
“No reason.”
“You can’t tell him you’re alone with a guy, right?”
“y/n, that is a huge red flag! Why are you back with this guy?”
Words fail you but you still scramble for an answer. 
“He’s trying- we want to make it work. He’s not a bad guy, we’re fixing our issues, he just gets a little emotional but we’re going to make it- I’m going to help him do better. We’re going to be better, for each other.”
Seungmin stares at you with a stressed expression.
“Are you mad at me?” You ask softly.
“Not mad.”
“Don’t say it.”
“Just dis- oh, hey Felix. Did you dye your hair?”
Your head snaps up as Felix steps up to the table. His eyes crinkle as he shoots you a smile. Your heart skips as you take him in. His usual bleached locks are dyed a striking blue and tied into a messy ponytail.
“I did, Seungmin. Thanks for noticing.”
You find yourself frozen. Was there something else different about him? You had always found Felix attractive but something had changed. You find yourself unable to look away as he rests one hand on the back of your chair and leans casually at your side.
“Um, blue? It’s hard to miss. When did you get back?” Seungmin asks.
“Just this morning.”
“How was Australia?”
“Oh, it was stunning. I spent every day on the water. It’s just gorgeous there in the summer, you know?”
The glow of Felix’s skin is nearly golden, his complexion is significantly tanner than when he left a month ago. Each freckle on his face looks more pronounced and draws your attention like scattered stars in the sky. Seungmin rises from his seat and toasts to the Aussie, finally snapping you out of your trance.
“Well, I’m glad to have you back. Now pardon me: I think I see Chan and, uh, I’m honestly not drunk enough for the lecture that needs to happen right now. So you have fun dealing with her.”
“Seungmin,” You plead.
He waves and chugs his drink as he makes his escape. Felix slowly turns to you with a pleasant smile as you sigh in frustration. He gestures to the empty chair.
“May I?”
“Go ahead.”
He takes his seat and brightens your miserable state as he rests his chin in his hands and watches you happily.
“You had a good time in Australia?”
“Yeah, thanks for asking. What about you? What have you been up to?”
“Um, you know, the usual…”
“Oh yeah?”
“Um, I broke up with my boyfriend. Then got… back together with my boyfriend.”
Felix’s brow furrows gently.
“You don’t sound happy about it.”
“I am. But we’re still working things out.”
You check your phone and purse your lips as you read the last message from your boyfriend: I’m coming to pick you up, send me your location and wrap it up for the night . You sigh and drop your phone on the table. When you look up Felix is watching you with the softest frown.
“Is that him?”
“You look upset.”
You clear your throat.
“I’m not. He’s just… a little stressed out.”
“Is he bothering you?”
“No, no.”
“y/n,” He says firmly, “Be honest, please. I’m not going to be upset with you.”
“He, uh, he wants me to come home.”
He nods.
“Do you want to go home?”
“Not really.”
You sit in silence for a moment. You tap absentmindedly at the condensation on your glass, drawing little shapes with your finger. He continues to watch you, his arms folded now on the table as he studies you with a sympathetic smile. You look up slowly when he speaks again.
“It’s not my place to make assumptions about your boyfriend, but I do know that when I was away everyone was very relieved when you two broke up. I think they saw that you were a lot happier without him. So I don’t care about the semantics of whether or not he’s a good guy or why no one likes him: are you happier being with him than you are without him?”
“I’m happy with him.”
“But could you be happy without him?”
“I want to be with him.”
“I’m not saying you don’t. But are you happy?”
You check your phone again. The volume of messages overwhelms you, so you drop it again.
“He’s tiring. I know it all comes from a good place but I wish he would just respect my space.”
Felix nods gently.
“Of course. Sometimes when people care a lot they don’t know how to respect boundaries. It’s really important that you can set boundaries with him, though. If he cares about you it shouldn’t feel like he’s controlling you.”
“I don’t know what to say. I don’t know how to say it so it won’t upset him.”
Felix extends his hand and you hesitantly hand him your phone. He reaches his other hand out and takes yours gently as your fingers drum on the table. He gives you a reassuring squeeze as he types out a message, then he places your phone on the table and slides it back to you.
“How does this sound?”
“I don’t think he’ll like that.”
You feel your chest stir as you look up at Felix’s warm gaze.
“I think he needs to hear it.”
You read the message Felix typed again: I’m still out with friends and I’m not ready to go home yet. If you still want to, you can pick me up later when I call you. I would really appreciate it then. 
“What if he gets mad?”
Felix’s thumb rubs a comforting circle in the back of your hand.
“He won’t. He shouldn’t. You’re allowed to decline his offer, and you shouldn’t do what he wants just to avoid a fight.”
Your finger hovers over the send button.
“What if he won’t pick me up?”
“Then I’ll drive you home.”
Your fingers clench into a fist as you draw your hand back from the phone. Felix watches the action then watches your expression.
“He really wouldn’t like that.”
“Right. Well, you can send the message if you want and we’ll go from there.”
“I don’t know, maybe I should just go home, Lix.”
Your stomach drops as another message comes in. The only relief is the unconditional patience in the smile Felix gives you.
“Why don’t I give you another option?”
“What’s that?”
“Send the message and put your phone away. Then, at the end of the night when you’re ready, you can either go home with your boyfriend or you can go home with me.”
“With you?”
He nods.
“But only if you send that message.”
You look back at your phone.
“Would you really let me spend the night with you?”
“Darling, of course. You don’t even have to question it. I want you to enjoy the rest of your night. Don’t let him control what you want.”
“I don’t know.”
“It’s your decision. I’m here to support you either way.”
You send the message, quick to rip off the metaphorical bandaid, then turn your phone over. Your eyes must be anxious, because Felix reaches across the table to take your other hand.
“y/n, I am so proud of you.”
“I don’t know. That didn’t feel good.”
“Take a deep breath,” You do as he says, “You did the right thing. Now, promise me you won’t look at your phone again until you want to leave?”
“I promise.”
You nod and free one of your hands to turn off your phone. He watches then gives you a congratulatory pat on your clasped hands.
“See? I knew you could do it. Good girl.”
You laugh softly and duck your head as your cheeks heat up. He gives you another pat then rises from his seat. He extends his hand and you rise as well as you take it.
“Come on, let’s go find Seungmin.”
Seungmin is at the bar with Chan and Hyunjin when you find him. The latter beams when he notices you and Felix.
“Hey Felix! Hey y/n!”
Chan looks over his shoulder and grins. Felix separates from you to give his friends a hug. Seungmin rolls his eyes and passes them to whisper to you.
“So, you look happier.”
“Um, yeah. Felix is going to drive me home, and I turned my phone off so I can have a good time.”
“Good, you should’ve done that at the beginning of the night.”
You roll your eyes.
“Aren’t you just full of great advice?”
“Are you coming to dance with me or not?” Seungmin complains as he wanders away.
“Just wait a second.”
You catch Felix’s eye as you turn towards him and he steps away from Chan and Hyunjin to whisper to you. His hand gently grasps your elbow as he hovers over you.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m just going to dance with Seungmin.”
He smiles, dazzling you for a moment, then replies. “Alright, have fun. I’ll be around. Let me know when you wanna head out, yeah?”
You nod and reluctantly part from him. He winks over his shoulder before taking his place beside his friends and you turn away to find Seungmin. 
You surprise Seungmin by poking his back when you find him again. He curses softly and turns to you, glaring as you mischievously giggle. You squeal when he pulls you along with him. You let him drag you around the dancefloor, into one of the lounges, then finally to the bar counter. You hang off his arm as he decides what to drink next from the bar menu, offering your opinions thoughtfully as he lists off drink names.
“Don’t order that. You’re going to be falling on your ass in less than an hour.”
He grins.
“Chan offered to drive me home.”
“He’s going to revoke his offer.”
“You know he wouldn’t do that. I can get as drunk as I want, he’s going to take care of me all night.”
“You’re insufferable,” You chide.
He waves you off then shows you the menu again.
“What are you getting?” “I’m not getting anything.”
“I’m not drinking tonight. I promised I wouldn’t.”
Seungmin’s face drops and he gives you a stony glare.
“I’m sorry.”
“Stop letting your shitty boyfriend control your life.”
“He’s not controlling my life…”
“He is. You’re literally a whole different person when you’re with him. It makes you lame.”
“I’m not being lame. Hey, I’m ignoring him now aren’t I?”
He shrugs.
“You shouldn’t have to ignore him. He should just let you live and be happy if you give him an ounce of your attention. That’s how men should be.”
“No man is like that.”
“Ken is like that.” “Ken? From Barbie? Ken is not real, Seungmin. And real guys don’t sit around waiting for validation from their Barbie. At least they don’t for me.”
“There’s one that would, if you gave him a fair chance.”
“Ew. No. Gross.”
“You know who.”
He tries to focus on choosing his drink again when he notices you staring expectantly at him. He rolls his eyes and thumbs over his shoulder without looking.
“Pretty boy. Six o’clock. Has an accent and blue hair.”
You follow the invisible arrow across the room to Felix, who is sitting with Chan and Hyunjin in one of the lounges.
“Felix? No way.”
“You’re so dumb.”
“Wha- hey!”
“Or maybe just blind… Hey, pardon me, I’ll take one of those please. Thank you,” Seungmin says to the bartender as they pass an order to the person beside you. He pays then he turns to you, “You think Felix wants to be here? The only reason he’s staying here is because of you.”
“What are you talking about?”
“y/n, he just got back from fucking Australia and where was the first place he went? A bar. Why? Because you’re here. He does not want to be here right now, he wants to be at home sleeping.”
“Okay, he doesn’t have to stay. I’ll tell him to go home if he’s waiting up for me.”
“You’re missing the point.”
“What do you mean?”
Seungmin repeats his thought, slowly.
“Felix. Is here. For. You. He came. To see. You.”
“Why… would he do that?”
“Because he’s your fucking Ken. He just went through a month of withdrawals being on a whole separate continent than you. He’s here for your attention.”
“Felix… doesn’t like me like that,” Seungmin glares, “Does he?”
“He’s too much of a gentleman to say something when you’re already seeing someone. You went ahead and got a stupid fucking boyfriend and he’s too good of a guy to tell you to get rid of him. Why do you think we have been trying to get you to dump that dick again.”
“You guys wanted me to dump my boyfriend…”
“So you would be single again by the time Felix got back. Then he would actually make a move on you. But you’re a dumbass so here we are.”
“Felix likes me…”
“A lot. God, I wish you’d snap out of it and lose the douchebag so you could have some fun for once. Felix never shuts up about you, I’m sure being away was just torture for him.”
“I guess I didn’t notice. I was trying so hard to force things into working with my ex, I didn’t imagine that anyone else could want me.”
Seungmin groans in agony. “I’m still not drunk enough for this conversation! Oh, thank you.”
He accepts his drink as the bartender slides it across the counter. You watch Felix from across the room, laughing at some joke Chan just made. Hyunjin’s follow-up comment has him doubling over in laughter. When he rises again his eyes find yours and he grins, unmistakably keeping his eyes on you. You are grinning back before you realize it and quickly turn away as your cheeks flush hotly.
“Felix likes me.”
Seungmin nods as he downs his drink.
“But I need to be single.”
“Can you help me break up with my boyfriend?”
Seungmin slowly turns to you with a glint in his eye and cracks his knuckles.
“I’m so glad you decided to come around. Give me your phone.”
You and Seungmin celebrate your new- hopefully brief- status as a single woman by sharing a drink and spending the next half hour dancing around the bar. As you suspected, Seungmin cannot hold his liquor and quickly becomes Chan’s responsibility. He swoops in to sling Seungmin’s arm over his shoulder and keep him on his feet as you say your goodbyes. Seungmin clings to the older like a baby koala and hides his face in his neck as you talk.
“Do you need a drive home? I’m sober.” Chan offers.
“Uh, no, Felix is going to drive me.”
Chan smiles.
“Oh good. I think Hyunjin is getting a lift with me. I’m going to take Seungmin out now; do you think you could tell him to meet us outside?”
“Yeah, of course. Seungmin! Have a good night, baby.”
Seungmin glares at your teasing tone and groans as he follows Chan away. You wave them off then turn your attention to finding Felix and Hyunjin. This task is easy, since Felix has not moved from the lounge. Hyunjin is draped over him, and both look ready for bed. You walk up to them and Felix perks up a bit.
“Hey again,” He greets.
Hyunjin looks at you and sits up to stretch.
“Hey. Jinnie, Chan took Seungmin outside. They’re waiting for you.”
“Oh, okay, thanks.”
He finishes his stretch then throws his arms around Felix, who squawks in surprise. You giggle as Hyunjin gives him a lingering squeeze then stands up. You accept his hug when he approaches and cackle at the teasing poke he gives you. He pulls back but surprises you when he keeps you locked in his arms and whispers in your ear.
“Seungmin texted me. I’m proud of you. Now, go get your man.”
He pulls back and smiles at your baffled expression, then pats your cheek before walking away. Felix stands and raises his eyebrow as he takes in your surprise.
“What did he say?”
“Um, nothing, I think he just drank too much.”
“Yeah. Hopefully he finds Chan okay.”
You nod in agreement then stare foolishly as Felix extends his hand to you. You quickly slap your palm into his and let him link your fingers as he laughs and leads you out of the bar. When you step out into the winter night you shiver. Felix unlinks your hands for a second to shrug his jacket off and throw it over your shoulders, then he slings his arm around you and pulls you close to him. You rest one hand on his chest to stop him as he goes to continue.
“W-Wait, Lix you’re going to get cold.”
“I’m good. It’s really hot in Australia right now so I got all charged up under the sun there. I don’t even feel the cold now.”
You laugh and usher him to speed up as you head to his car.
“I don’t think it works like that. You can’t hold a charge.”
His endearing smile drops into a contemplative pout as he hums and considers your logic.
“I guess… it must be your radiant smile keeping me warm now?”
You roll your eyes and laugh at his lame joke, but feel the heat rise in your cheeks despite the absurdity. He follows you to the passenger side of his car and holds the door open for you, then gently shuts it behind you. He lightly jogs around to the driver’s seat, making you giggle as he rushes to slam the door behind him.
“You are cold!”
You take his jacket off and wrestle him to put it back on. You rub his arms to help warm him up and shake your head as his teeth chatter. He digs his keys out of the pocket and turns the car over, then cranks the heat up. You laugh as he melts into his seat with a cozy smile.
“Much. Now take this back.”
You make an exasperated noise as he removes his jacket and throws it unceremoniously over you. You rearrange it like a blanket, then freeze as he leans over you. Your breathing stops as the space between your lips begins to close, then resumes as he draws back. You realize he was just securing your seatbelt for you and had leaned over to find it in the dim light. You hear the soft click then feel his hands gently tighten the belt over your lap. He tucks his jacket in around you then smiles at you.
“There. All good?”
“Good. You’re precious cargo.”
Feix winks and drops back into his seat to secure his own belt. He goes to put the car in drive, but hesitates as he looks at you.
“Oh yeah, where are we going?”
“Uh, your place. If that’s still okay?”
“Of course. I’m not going to take back my offer on you.”
Your hand flies to his arm, making him stop to look at you. His brow furrows as you squeeze gently.
“W-Wait. There’s something I want to tell you first.”
“What is it?”
“I broke my promise. I turned my phone on and I looked at my texts.”
His eyebrow pinches with a sympathetic frown.
“Oh, love, that’s alright. You didn’t have to tell me. I just wanted you to enjoy your night.”
“I did. I really did. But I did text my boyfriend back. Um, Seungmin helped me but could you read the message over? Make sure I said the right thing?”
He smiles kindly.
“I’m sure what you said was perfect. But I can read it over for you.”
Your hand trembles as you pull your phone out and open the messages. You hope Felix chocks your shakiness up to the lingering cold in the car as you pass your phone to him. He gives you another reassuring smile as he reads the message you composed. His brightness drops as he reads it over, then he reads it a second time and looks at you with a shocked expression.
“You broke up? Are you okay?”
You nod.
“But I thought you two were trying to work things out? What happened?”
You take a shuddery breath as anxiety coils in your chest.
“I don’t think we can work things out. I just don’t think we’re a good match for each other.”
He nods in understanding and brings his hand up to gently hold yours.
“And you’re happier this way?”
“Much happier. I think everyone was right that I was better off without him, and I agree. I didn’t really want to get back together with him, but I felt like he deserved one last chance.”
“You tried your best to make it work. You should be proud of yourself.”
“Are you proud of me?”
His smile is achingly sweet as he gazes softly at you.
“So proud of you, darling. So proud.”
Your heart skips at the purr in his voice as he praises you. He removes his hand from yours to finally put the car in drive and start the ride back to his apartment. You settle into your seat and let your eyes shut.
Felix startles you awake when he unbuckles your seatbelt. You did not intend to fall asleep and can only manage an incoherent question as he fixes his jacket around you and scoops you into his arms. You mumble softly as he carries you through his apartment door, which is already slightly ajar, and nuzzle your cheek against the thick plush fabric now covering his arms. You lean back to inspect the coat he must have thrown on when he unlocked the door then watch his expression intently as he sets you on his couch.
“You didn’t have to carry me…”
“I didn’t want to wake you, sleeping beauty. I’ll be right back.”
He throws a blanket over your lap then leaves the apartment. You shrug off his jacket, now too cold compared to the warmth of the apartment, and bundle yourself in a cocoon with the blanket before standing up. You only manage to shuffle a few steps when he returns.
“How are you feeling?”
You let out a long yawn then return his fond smile.
“Good. A little sleepy.”
“Come here. Uh, sorry about the mess.”
Felix opens the door to his bedroom and kicks some clothes under the bed. You giggle as he moves his half-unpacked suitcase away to make a clear path to his dresser, then hastily tidies his bed.
“Lix, it’s okay. I know you live here.”
“And what is that supposed to mean?”
You laugh at his dramatic pout, which quickly melts into a playful grin.
“Right. I’m going to take a shower, let me get you some jammies to change into.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“Oh, what, and let you get into my bed with your bar clothes on? Right.”
Your cheeks heat up at the casual suggestion as he begins digging through his dresser.
“I can sleep on the couch.”
“You could. But my couch is the worst. You know that. And you still need pajamas.”
“Where are you going to sleep? Don’t say the couch.”
“I’m the host and as the host you have to listen to me. You get the bed and I get the couch. End of story.”
He places the pajamas on the bed and looks at you. He props his hands on his hips and tilts his head as you cross your arms.
“What, darling?”
“You won’t get a good night’s sleep.”
“I’ll be fine.”
“You just got home, don’t you want to sleep in your own bed?”
“You don’t need to worry about me.”
“We should both just sleep in your bed.”
“Both of us?”
You pick the pajamas up from the bed and turn to see his astonished expression.
“Oh. We don’t have to if it’ll make you uncomfortable?”
“No! N-No, um, it’s fine. No worries. Sounds good.”
Felix darts out of the room, slamming the door behind him. You wait in silence until you hear the shower begin to run, then sigh to yourself in the silence. You quickly shuck off your clothes and don the pajamas Felix picked for you. You crawl into his bed and tuck yourself under the covers, then play absentmindedly on your phone until he returns. He peeks his head in the door first and waits in silence for you to notice him.
“What’s up, Lix?”
“Um, I forgot my clothes.”
“I just have a towel on.”
Your heart thumps.
“That’s okay. You can come in.”
“Ah, alright. As long as it’s okay with you.”
He enters the room casually with your assurance. You swallow and avert your eyes until he passes, then allow your gaze to return. You admire the defined muscles of his back and the freckles that scatter over his bare skin. His hair is damp, blue locks clinging to the base of his neck. You jump when he turns to look at you with a smile that creeps wider as your eyes meet.
“You can have a shower too, if you want?”
“No thanks, I’m already comfortable.”
“Yeah? You look a little nervous.”
You laugh as he turns away. You squirm in your spot as you watch him slowly search through his drawers. You clear your throat gently and he turns to you again.
 “Can you come here?”
“R-Right now?”
“I’ll be quick.”
A shudder ripples through you as he slowly makes his way over to the bed and tentatively sits beside you. He tilts his head and watches you with endearingly soft eyes.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I just wanted to ask you something.”
“Mhm, go ahead.”
“You’ve been really nice to me tonight. Like, especially nice. Is there a reason for that?”
He blinks then grins as he replies, “I just like you, silly.”
“Like me in what way?”
He chuckles.
“Ah, well,” He bites his lip then pokes his tongue through his teeth, “They’re not very good at keeping secrets, are they?”
You giggle as he leans closer and lounges on his side. He rests his chin in his hand and smiles up at you. You follow his lead and lay down next to him, trying to conceal your excited smile in the pillow beneath you. He reaches out to brush his thumb over your cheek and gently turns you to face him.
“Why are you being shy now, darling?”
“I don’t know. You didn’t answer my question.”
“I didn’t? Oh, I should probably do that then.”
“Maybe you should.”
“Maybe I will.”
“Felix,” You whine.
He chuckles and curls one hand around your waist to pull you closer. You follow obediently and stare expectantly at him.
“Is this okay? It isn’t too much, right?”
“Mhm, a gentle brush of the waist. How will I ever recover?”
“Aha, come on, darling. I know what I do to you.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” You fib.
He winks and inches closer.
Your hand trembles as you place it on his stomach, and you cower at his knowing smirk.
“Be nice.”
“I’m especially nice. You said it yourself.”
“I take it back.”
“Ha. Well, seriously though. Are you alright? Do you want to slow down?”
“I don’t know. I guess I imagined it would be a bit different than this. And I wouldn’t make a move on you the same night you left your boyfriend.”
You shrug.
“It’s been over for a while with him. You don’t need to hold back, Lix. I want to be here with you.”
“Well, that’s just you.”
He snorts but his cheeks still brighten with embarrassment. 
“So, how did you imagine it?”
You roll your eyes as Felix tries to feign innocence.
“You know. How did you imagine you would confess? I heard you missed me, you must have thought about it.”
He laughs dryly.
“Seungmin told you that?”
“Oh, so you didn’t miss me?”
“Oh, darling,” Felix breathes, “I couldn’t even begin…”
Your eyes flutter shut as he leans in. His shaky breath sweeps over your lips and your lip twitches when he hesitates.
“Would you like me to kiss you?” He asks.
“What do you think?”
Your eyes open only to catch a glimpse of his cheeky grin, then fall shut again as he closes the distance between you. You trade a few kisses, deep and needy, before he pulls away.
“You know I really like you, right?”
“I know. I like you too, Lixie.”
He steals another quick kiss then murmurs, “You do?”
“Mh-hm. So much.”
“Oh, good.”
You giggle and slide your hand over his back as he straddles your waist. Your thumb glides over his spine, then along the waistband of his towel. You blink up in adoration as he rests his forehead against yours.
“This isn’t all I want from you. Kisses and… what I mean is that I want you. But not just your body, I want to take care of you. Fuck, it’s way too soon to say this but I know I mean it.”
“Say what?”
“I love you.”
You stare in surprise as he traps you in his intimate gaze. He seems to come back to reality as the silence carries on.
“Y-You don’t have to say it back. I know it’s fast.”
“Lix… Do you mean it?”
“What? Of course. Yes, of course I do.”
“Then can you say it again?”
He laughs softly.
“I love you, y/n. It’s okay if you’re not ready for something serious but I-”
“I love you.”
“I know I want to be the one that cares for you. I want to spend forever with you, even if you don’t think that’s what you want it’s okay. I-”
“Felix. I love you.”
“I- I love you too,” He heaves.
You kiss the top of his head fondly as he buries his heated face in your chest.
“Mhm. Happy?”
“I can tell.”
His hips jump as you feel him hardening beneath the towel.
“Don’t tease me.”
You giggle.
“You’re getting turned on by me saying ‘I love you’. It’s adorable.”
He makes a strangled sound as you buck your hips up against his.
“Y-You’re unfair. If you knew how much I…”
“What? Want me?”
“Mhh-hhmn… Need you.”
He hums praise as you deliver a viciously slow swirl of your hips. He groans and settles into your lap while giving a tentative rock, and moans softly into your neck.
“So cute, Lix.”
“Ah… y/n, you have no idea how happy I am.”
His voice rumbles in your chest as your hips press together tightly.
“You could tell me? Or show me?”
“Hah… I’ve been waiting so long to tell you…”
He pushes himself up to brace himself over you, lips failing to make sound when your eyes fall on him. You smile and pull him down for a kiss, which he trails down to your neck. A moan escapes your lips as he nips his way to your ear and lingers there.
“I’m so proud of you. I knew he wasn’t good for you.”
“I wanted you to leave him so badly, and when you got back together I thought I missed my chance.”
He pecks your cheek then continues.
“You deserve so much better than him, you know? You deserve everything.”
“You’re so sweet.”
“I mean it.”
“I know.”
The next kiss leaves you breathless and writhing beneath him. His hands slip under your borrowed shirt and you pull it off at the first opportunity. He whimpers into your mouth between soft gasps and pants, his erection still nestled firmly between your shifting bodies. He dips his fingers beneath your pants and swallows the moan he draws out when his fingers slip past your panties. He teases your folds for a moment before breaching your sex.
“Fe-lix,” You cry when he circles your warmth.
“Ha… That good?”
“Ah-huh,” You babble dumbly, clinging to him as he strokes deeper.
He moves in, mouthing at your neck and wrapping his arm around you to hold you closer. Your hands find purchase over his back and shoulder blades. He brushes his lips over your ear and chuckles softly.
“Good girl. You like that, huh? You like being my good girl?”
“Oh, I knew you would. I knew you’d come around to me, baby.”
You sob softly and arch your back as he teases a sensitive spot.
“F-Felix, please!”
“You don’t have to beg. I’ll get you there, baby.”
“Fuck, h-hahah you’re a tease…”
He hums.
“I disagree. A tease would do something like this.”
He pulls his hand from your pants and smirks as you cry out in frustration.
You throw your head back and whimper as he kisses your taut throat. He begins sliding your bottoms off and you quickly follow his lead, kicking them off as he moves above you and removes his towel. You eye him up and giggle giddily as he presses his hips flush to yours. Your noses bump when you move in to kiss each other and you both laugh out. You forgive his teasing only long enough for you to suck a hickey into his neck as he blindly scrounges a condom from the bedside drawer. Once he has slipped it on and begins guiding your legs over his hips, you let out a pathetic whine.
“Don’t cry, baby,” He growls, his sultry voice conflicting with the light circles he rubs into your hips, “Be a little patient, yeah? We have all night.”
“Mhm…But I thought you needed me?”
He seems surprised but grins at your comment.
“Oh, darling, I do. But let’s take it slow the first time.”
“That would be so romantic if I wasn’t totally losing it right now.”
Your thighs tremble as Felix ruts his cock between your folds. You moan loudly and hook your arms around his shoulders to draw him closer.
“You’re so lovely, darling. How did I ever get so lucky?”
“Mhm… You could be getting lucky right now.”
“Alright, alright.”
He chuckles and pecks your jaw as he finally eases into you. You gasp and lock your legs behind his back as he starts a lazy rhythm. You turn your head and let your eyes flutter shut as he presses a kiss to your forehead and thrusts himself deeper. You mumble his name dazedly then smirk at the moans and grunts that spill from his lips. One of your hands slides up into his hair as he cups the back of your neck sweetly.
You make a noise of affirmation as another giggling moan bubbles up from your chest. The tension in your abdomen swirls and tightens as you listen to his soft sounds. He laughs breathlessly and plants messy kisses along your jawline, drawing another pleased noise from you.
“That good?”
“Yeah, roll over for me, beautiful?”
You stifle your complaint when he pulls away then guides you to flip onto your hands and knees. One of his hands slides around your hip and between your legs to toy with your clit. The other finds purchase on the pillow beside your head, as you melt from his touch and bury your face there. He turns your head and lovingly brushes stray hairs from your face before curling his body over yours. He links your hands as he enters you again with a swift push of his hips.
The room fills with the sound of timed thrusts and erratic moans. Felix’s hand between your legs helps keep your back raised while you let your torso sink into the bed. You place one of your hands on the headboard to push against him as his pace intensifies. Your legs quiver as your climax approaches, and he pulls you from your cock-drunk state by wetly kissing your ear.
“Still good? Should I, ngh, slow down?”
“Don’t, hah, stop.”
“S-So close.”
He kisses you, although his heavy moans prevent you from keeping your lips locked for more than a few seconds. It dissolves into a sloppy brush of his lips on your chin and you both giggle again as you come more undone for each other.
“Felix,” You chant softly, “O-Oh my God.”
“That’s right. That’s my girl.”
Your hold on his hand tightens moments before your climax washes over you. Your knees buckle and you sob from the stimulation on your clit as his movements become more desperate. You bury your face in the pillow with a pitiful nuzzle and splay your palm against the headboard.
“Y-You okay?”
You give him a thumbs up and hear him wheeze as you whine shamelessly. The overstimulation is intense but you love it all the same.
“Oh, fuck, Felix,” You groan as he buries himself to the hilt and stills behind you.
His only response is a pitchy sound that dissolves into a groan as your throbbing heat brings him to his climax. You drowsily turn your head to kiss the back of his hand as he noses at your shoulder. He manages to kiss the back of your neck before pulling out and collapsing beside you. He laughs softly as you catch your breaths.
“I love you, Felix.”
He grins and pulls you into his arms to nuzzle his nose against yours.
“I love you more.”
“Mhm… Thank you for waiting so long for me.”
He sighs dreamily.
“I’m just happy to be with you now, love.”
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snzhrchy · 2 years
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— ☆ Ill-Fated !
chishiya shuntaro x gn!reader
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summary; you and chishiya surviving the borderlands together. themes; friends to lovers; coworkers; trusting eachother with their lives; death; slowburn; one of two parts. notes; back from hiatus (maybe) i got carried away w/ this lmao - i jus love chishiya so much <3<3
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You first met Chishiya in your first year at medical school: you were studying to be a neurosurgeon while he was studying to be a general surgeon. You both met during a theoretical session about the brain and how to remove tumours from it.
You both sat rather close to one another in amidst the lecture hall. Every now and then, he'd glance at you but would immediately look away once your eyes landed on his figure.
He was infatuated with you from the moment he saw you: unlike the other students he'd met, you were the only one that seemed different. He really wanted to get to know you better which was not like him at all and it made him want to know you even more.
Fast forward a few weeks, Chishiya is still admiring you from afar when you finally spark up a conversation with him: 'Could i borrow your notes from the past few lectures?' you asked him in the middle of the lecture. He was surprised to hear such a request from you - he'd always assumed that you were one of the smartest in the class. Nonetheless, he still gave you his notes to copy off after the lecture without asking for anything in return.
The rest of your first year at medical school was spent with you both having small talk in the middle of lectures - it never exceeded past that but you both did get a little closer. Until, in your second year, you asked him out for coffee. He agreed:
The tedious lecture was finally over and you grudgingly dragged yourself out of the class. However, as you carried yourself, you noticed a familiar white-haired man walking leisurily in-front of you. A rather odd idea popped into your head and you jogged up to the man, asking him a question you never thought you'd ask.
'Say, Chishiya, would you want to go out for coffee?' His slow pace immediately came to a halt as he turned to look to you with a small smirk on his face. 'Are you asking me out?' he asked, in turn. 'I guess,' you sighed, averting your gaze. 'Sure, why not.'
Though, your relationship with Chishiya mainly remained platonic throughout your school and medical years, Chishiya's infatuation never really left him. You were the only person he trusted and he trusted you with so much personal information of his. He'd always turn to you for comfort. You were the only person he ever considered as a "friend."
That is, until you both were going to a cafe for brunch on a comfortable, tranquil afternoon when you both saw a weird light travelling in the sky. 'What do you think that is?' you asked as you pointed to it. 'Unsure. Come on, let's go,' he brushed it off as you both continued to walk to the cafe but once you both entered it, it was completely barren - no customers, no clerks, nothing, no one.
You and Chishiya had now unfortunately landed in The Borderlands.
Your first few days were filled with dread, you both had barely any idea what was going on. All you both knew were that you both were fighting for your lives.
A few weeks later, you and Chishiya found out about The Beach and were taken in as members with him being number 11 and you being number 12.
Your time at The Beach was rather boring and mind-numbing. Your days were filled with dread since during the days, everyone would be drinking and partying and they’d do the same at night too. It was almost as if the people had forgotten their lives were at risk. You despised every second of it.
Most of your time spent was with Chishiya or in your room, you barely left it unless you were hungry. You’d be accompanied by Chishiya everytime you left your quarters.
During the Ten of Hearts game, you mostly kept to yourself and observed the players descending into madness. Nearly everyone was running for their lives away from Niragi and the few people with weapons. Luckily for you, you didn’t get into much trouble.
Once The Beach was deemed uninhabitable due to the fire nearly demolishing everything, you couldn’t help but be glad. For the first time since your arrival, you finally felt glad that the hellish nightmare that was The Beach was finally gone.
Chishiya was the first ( and only ) person to pick up on your rather joyful mood, he chuckled at the sight of you watching the house burn down with a smile spread across your face.
‘Enjoying this a bit too much, aren’t you?’ He asked as he sat beside you. ‘I’ve always wanted to watch that place burn,’ you responded.
However, your happiness was short-lived since the moment the 10 of Hearts game was cleared, the next stage was announced. It started quite eventful as well with the King of Spades shooting everyone in sight.
You and Chishiya barely survived with your lives and you both got separated from your group. Things weren’t in your favour today.
Luckily, Chishiya had managed to find a safe space in the farther ends of Tokyo — away from The King; you both decided to spend the night there before figuring out what to do next:
The night was quiet, quieter than usual. You didn’t enroll Chishiya into meaningless conversations nor did he have a remark for any of your actions — it was unusually quiet and you were quite grateful for it.
Morning came faster than you wanted to. Since you both were still in excellent condition, ( aside from the fatigue due to the past few games ) you suggested that you both should try defeating some other games: ‘he’ll kill us eventually so in the mean time, why don’t we kill a few of his friends?’
This lead you both to join the Jack of Hearts game. Since Hearts was your speciality, you were pretty excited to see what this game had in store — you couldn’t mask your excitement at all.
Once the game started and the rules were explained, unlike everyone else in the prison, you were very calm. You’d made your way into the food area and began to munch on some cookies you found while Chishiya trailed behind.
‘You’re really calm for someone who’s in a life-or-death game,’ he said as his eyes scanned your figure. ‘Why should I be? After all, I’ve got you,’ you responded, not even bothering to look at him.
‘What if I lied? Or, what if I was The Jack?’ He implied. You chuckled at his futile attempts to make you panic, ‘I’ve known you for 7 years, I don’t think you would. Besides, if you were to kill me then you’d also lose your chance of survival here.’ ‘Fair enough.’
The game went on, everyone started to betray one another, only 6 people remained, including you.
The interval for the game had begun, you and Chishiya lounged in the food area, observing the remaining 4 players.
‘Who do you think the Jack is?’ you asked Chishiya, ‘this is most likely the final round so he might make his move now.’ ‘Enji,’ he simply replied, not giving you an explanation. You simply nodded in his direction since you understood why he suspected Enji.
Once The Jack revealed himself and was being interrogated by Banda and Oki. You both left the game venue, feeling pleased with your efforts.
In the process of going back to your hideout, you and Chishiya got attacked by The King of Spades which resulted in you getting fatally shot in your left leg.
You both barely made it out alive but atleast, Chishiya had gotten you back to the hideout, safe and sound.
Immediately after confirming that The King was gone, the first thing he did was tend to your wound. He searched the place for a rag or fabric but failed.
Ultimately, he wrapped leg with a make-shift bandage made from his shirt.
The entire day was then spent with him looking after you even though you reminded him multiple that you, too, were a licensed doctor like him. He didn't care. He was far too worried.
The following morning, Chishiya informed you that he would be leaving for another game - The King of Diamonds game, that is.
Though, it killed you both to leave eachother but you both knew it was the only way so reluctantly, you let him go.
You were propped up against a wall with pillows to comfort you - the bullet wound in your leg wasn't getting any better, you could barely walk.
Chishiya told you that he'll be leaving soon for the King of Diamonds game and you tried to make him stay but he didn't budge.
You then suggested that you join him in the game but he forced you to stay and rest since the details of the game were unknown and he didn't want you to struggle in it.
Though you were very against his plan on defeating The King, you still trusted him. You knew that he would be successful.
Painfully, you stood up with one hand attached to the wall behind you. Once Chishiya noticed this, he immediately rushed over to your side to help you; one of his hands were on your waist while the other was free.
Your faces were merely inches apart and on impulse, you closed the gap between you two with your lips connecting with his.
After a few moments, you both pulled apart, your cheeks were tinted pink but Chishiya seemed unfazed.
'Good luck,' you smiled as Chishiya let go of his grip on you and began to walk away, leaving you. Making you feel as though you had destroyed a 7 year long friendship.
The entire day was filled with unease. Your overthinking got the best of you which lead you to think that the unthinkable had happened to Chishiya.
Until, you heard movement coming from near the area surrounding your hideout. You took your make-shift cane ( which you had made in his absence ) and limped towards the source of the noise.
You were expecting the worse but it was just Chishiya. Safe and sound.
You rushed over to him, as fast as you could and enveloped him into the tightest hug ever as relief washed over you.
The Borderlands weren't a place where you thought you'd find your happiness but you were so glad for Chishiya.
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