#everytime i buy it im like 'oh i should get some of this' and in the end ive bought 2x as much as i planned for and its 90% veggies
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imjustli · 2 months ago
This is a terrrible meme, but it cracked me up when I thought of it while eating my over-vegetabled pasta salad in a nature reserve sheep pen surrounded by massive stores
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nanami-is-nanamean · 1 month ago
Hi. I have seen a nerdjo fanart and went a little insane.
I specifically saw this art--
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and like LJKHFGLKJSHLDFKhGKLSD i know its satosugu or some kind of self insert bUT HEAR ME OUT OKAY--
the thought of a nerdjo nanago where GOJO is the straightlaced person in the relationship while NANAMI is the "bad influence" rough and tough bad guy iS SO GOOD TO MEEEEEEE
we all collectively hc nanami as being some kind of emo punk in hs or at the very least got into some bullshit during his uni/college years when he got out of juju tech and this is just its Natural Conclusion OKAY-- IM NOT INSANE BUT I WILL ADMIT THAT I AM GOING FERAL
Because like-- imagine a college au where gojo and nanami are assigned to be each others tutors in their respective fields (gojo with physics and nanami in economics). Gojo is painting this picture of a mean, money focused economics student that would rather look at the stock market than entertain theoretical physics, a subject that wont really affect his life before meeting him
But then they actually meet each other for their study session for the first time and oh god gojos never felt this gay before-- other than the time that gojo discovered he was gay, dear LORD he didnt feel that bad before KJLGSDGDL
Because while yeah, nanami did show up rockin the stereotypical hoity toity econ student fit-- glasses, collared shirt, watch, shined shoes-- he didnt expect him to be built like a brick shithouse, okay. And even as he fell back on his tried and true method of getting back into focus (which is breaking things down using physics to figure out how they interact with the world), even that failed because he started wondering about the physics of fabrics and how they didnt rip yet from such huge rippling muscles
He does manage to get through the tutoring lesson safely and, thank god it was the physics lesson first because if he had to sit there listening to nanamis voice talk about literally anything for extended periods of time, he may turn into a puddle. As gojo packs up, both his materials and his thoughts that are steering WILDLY into inappropriate territory, he resigns himself into being the fushiguros babysitter for the next 3 weeks because cleaning up baby diapers are the fastest way to get rid of a boner and he cant be popping those everytime hes around nanami
So imagine gojos surprise when nanami hesitates a bit before he leaves. "Are you busy tonight?" "...what?" "Are you busy tonight." "Uhm..."
Is this it? Is his 1 to 2 hour long crush discovered? Is nanami actually straight, found out his gayness, and decided to destroy him????
"...I noticed you didn't have anything down on your planner. A friend of mine got sick, so now im kind of going alone to this concert." "...Oh! Aren't you gonna--" "Sell the ticket? No, its... not really a concert, its an underground diy venue. its more live music in a bar, than an actual concert you buy tickets to. you get to find a lot of small starting artists. its pretty good." "...so youre saying is, there's no ticket to sell?"
gojo's breath hitches, as his deep chuckle graces his ears. "yeah, no tickets." his face is warm, and he has no idea if it shows. nanamis eyes tear themselves away from wherever they roamed and met his again. "you wanna come?" "y-yeah! yeah sure, im down."
he really fumbled the delivery on that one, but thank god nanami seems to like clumsy people because that just widened the small smile on his face. "that's good. see you 8 down at the lawsons?" "8 at the lawsons, yeah sure okay--" a nod, a grin, and he walks off.
Triple Threat Tokyo Groupchat
Sight Impediment: @/Dr. House Kinnie @/The Ball Vorer help what should i wear to an underground bar Dr. House Kinnie: wtf happened on that tutoring session gay boi The Ball Vorer: what else dude, he was being gay Sight Impediment: YOU GUYS ARENT HELPING
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cupiohearts · 9 months ago
AND NOW IM OFF TO THE RACES ?! - pointing out moles with ace, malleus, and vil
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ACE is obnoxious. he might be your boyfriend but sometimes you feel like decking him in the face sometimes. "hey dont roll your eyes at me!" he says as you switch out of your jacket for the fifth time. you hear his back hit the bed. (it was a very loud screech since your bed is hard as rocks)
"gah!" he brings his body off the bed and deliver a small punch to it "crowley needs to get you a new bed."
"and a new budget" you chime in. sighing as you go through your closet filled with clothes. not like you bought them yourself. it was from kalim, and vil- and just about every other rich student on campus buying you things.
"oh come on! we're gonna be late to riddle's unbirthday party!" he whines as he stares at your back.
"hes not gonna get angry at me. im his favourite now shut up and tell me which looks better!"
you expected him to reply with a sassy comment like he normally does. but youre met with silence. "ace?" you ask as you pause and stare at the ceiling with a raised eyebrow.
after a moment of silence, his voice can be heard in something just slightly above a whisper. "did you know you have a mole on your back? its right-" he gets off the bed. it makes a slight creak as he moves towards you. "here" he finishes.
his finger touching a spot in the middle of your back just a bit to the right. you turn your body around to attempt to look at it.
"i cant see it obviously! my head doesnt spin 360 dummy" you flick his forehead. "now stop looking at my back and focus on the clothes!"
he mimicks your voice in a more high pitched tone before going back to sitting on the bed. "you should show me more of your moles. its like finding shells on beaches."
you were forced to sit down as VIL does your skincare. "i dont think i wanna do this.. im so tired." you complain to your boyfriend.
"close your potato otherwise youll get a mouthful of foam" he commands you while he starts to lather the foam all over your face. you sigh as you close your eyes, feeling the motion of his hands on your face. rubbing in whatever product he was using.
the feeling of his hands circling your cheeks and then back to your forehead and then your chin almost made you fall asleep if it wasnt for the cold water hitting your face.
you opened one eye as you feel his fingers poke at your face. "hm? what the heck why did you poke me!" you say as you open both your eyes and huff at him.
unfortunately he had placed your hands in a covering because he was also putting hand masks on your hands.
he raised an eyebrow at you. geez he was so hot. "i didnt realize you had a mole there prefect" he says as he looks more closely at it. "well yeah- its tiny" you say as you pull your head a bit away from his face. sweating bullets at the sight of the queen himself looking at the mole you had.
"its cute." he simply states before slapping your face with some cream again.
perhaps he thought you didnt realize how his fingers seemed to pay special attention to your mole everytime. whenever he gives you goodbye kisses when the bell rings, he leaves a ring of lipstick around your mole.
he notices it if you cover it up with some makeup or what not. a frown getting on his face as he immediantly swipes at what covers it.
"why did you cover it? its a lovely place for a mole. you shouldnt cover it up. did you know theres a myth that moles appear when our past lover had kissed up before?" he asks you while his eyes were still focused on the mark.
MALLEUS notices your mark when he looks at your foot while you two relax at the lake. he notices it every single day, discreetly (or not) staring at it whenever you go on your rambles about your day or possibly how annoying ace and deuce can get sometimes.
you know he noticed at first because he paused mid conversation to lower his gaze down your foot. it took him a minute or two to snap out of it and stop blanking out on you but the good deed was done.
after that day you decided that his gaze on your foot started to freak you out a bit more so you suggested less water and more shoes rather than sandals.
you didn't think he would notice but while you two hung out in your spot after a week or two. he would start staring down at the spot where he knows where your mole is. he specificallly remembers it and frown.
"child of man take off your shoes"
"tsunotarou we talked about this you cant steal my shoes i only have one pair"
he shakes his head this time. kneeling down at your feet as he slips your slippers off. slipper because you wore them to feel comfortable at night. his hands holding your foot in his hands while your shoe is in your other one.
you gasp and try to take your shoe back from him. your hands no match for his years of experience from doing bits of swordfighting however.
"tsunotarou i need my shoes back! my foot is cold" you whine to him.
"but the dot. you have a beauty mark on your foot"
darn his sad dragon eyes. you wouldve probably hurled a rock at him if he wasnt so naive and confused. you poor poor soul malleus.
"yes i have beauty mark on my foot i have them everywhere on my body tsunotarou. now give me back my shoe" you say with a furrowed eyebrow and a frown etched onto your face huffing.
he lights up at this. the opposite of what you wanted (what you really wanted were those slippers in his hands).
after that day he did give you your slipper back but he started to inspect your body. not as creepy as it seems but whenever he thinks youre distracted he looks everywhere on your body for a darker spot.
god forbid you allow him to do this with free will. sometimes whenever he thinks he hit jackpot on finding a new one, he pulls on your clothes tugging it down or off to look at it without it being obstructed.
youve had very awkward stares about this that you dont wish to describe.
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crushedsweets · 2 years ago
i am so so sorry for the sheer amount of headcanons i'm making you crank out, HOWEVER... i am so curious as to if you have any headcanons for nina and natalie as a duo. i love the way you perceive them and write them it genuinely makes me so happy
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i had to doodle them . ok. lets go..
nat was one of the first people nina met from jeff, since she and jeff lived in the barn together.
nina thought nat was a lesbian when they first met . that is literally the only reason why she wasnt mad jeff was living with a woman.
although nina was like, one of the ONLY people to notice toby/nat tension and was sooo heartbroken when she realized they were never getting together..... but then was relieved they didnt get together when she got over jeff because 'well i can't be the only single one!'
again, natalie grew up with 0 girl friends, only hung out with her brother and boys. even after meeting the creeps, theyre still mostly guys. so she's just kinda really awkward and weird around girls. not in a like, 'oh girls r so annoying' way but like... she just doesnt know how to fit in. she just feels so different in the worst possible way and always has.
and nina is very girly, outgoing, touchy, friendly, cute, etc. so it was very like UMMM?!? idk. natalie kept snapping at her, assuming she was fake and weird and just trying to get something from nat, but nina was so persistent and just. friendly. it started making natalie feel warm.
nina's presence started to heal natalies inner little girl. she had it stolen from her time and time again, from her dad, her brother, her peers - the operator, too.
so the two are eventually actual friends. they'll text and play mobile phone games together. sometimes they'll just sit on call and nina will be talking her head off while nat does her own thing at home. one time nat was at tobys cabin and nina was talking about toby on speaker and toby walked in and was like 'hey nina' .... nina almost threw up she was so embarrassed.
nina loves visiting nats bar because everyone is always talking to nina and giving her attention and buying her drinks, and at first nat was irritated but it kinda got nat some better tips since the customers started realizing ninas her friend. so nat was pleased. LOL
nat was never the type to go shopping, but she'll follow nina around and sit while nina tries on clothes and carry around all her bags that she buys LOL... ninas made jokes about nat being boyfriend material and nat just flatout says smth about how nina should get over jeff cuz he would never.
nat is friends with jeff but she's oddly comfortable just telling nina that he's a piece of shit. and ninas always like NOOO U DONT GET IT U DONT SEE WHAT I DO and nats always just .. not... impressed..
nina's always inviting nat out to try new foods. nat grew up just eating bread and noodles with butter half the time so it's fun. nina always tries to pay bc 'well i invited you!!!'. sometimes toby tags along but he feels a way abt going in public places..
nina rarely visits jack cuz she has no reason to, but nat is friends with him so sometimes nina pops in and she's always like ^_^ HELLO TALL MYSTERIOUS SLIGHTLY MONSTEROUS MAN... <3... nat smacks the back of her head cuz she's being dumb and drooling over a bunch of rando freaks. ... . ok i love nina and she owes jeff nothing but she is def not loyal LOLLLL AND SHE HAS THE RIGHT TO FAWN OVER EVERYONE she's a fangirl at heart.
they watch a ton of shows together. nina got nat into horror kdrama stuff, but they have to watch in dub cuz nat cant read the subtitles fast enough . . . at first nina cringed but now she doesnt care.
nat's painted/drawn nina several times, and nina almost cries everytime. she's put the drawings up on her wall before but anytime nat's at her apartment, she takes it down bc 'i dont want my art on ur wall stop it' LOL... kinda rude but whatevs.
ugh theyre just so fucking cute guys im sorry i love them . holds them. brushes their hair.
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veronimouse · 9 months ago
✨my experience with loa (law of assumption)✨
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long narrations ahead
when i was younger, i think i was about 5 years old, i used to tell kids my age and everyone i meet one thing about me when asked to introduce myself. i was like “my name’s maddy!! and im a very lucky girl 😄”
they would be like “aww, god must love you so much” and i always say “no, the moon goddess does” (i’ve always been fascinated with stars and moon, or should i say astrology way before i even knew about it. and u cannot tell me that the moon goddess doesn’t really adores me !!)
some just shrug it off and just smiles at me, but some elders would scold me because that’s disrespectful to “god”.
so back to the real deal, since i used to say and believe that im lucky and everything goes my way, everything actually does.
and when i say im lucky, i really am.
i used to join pageants when i was a kid, and everytime, i always won. either it’s minor awards or major ones.
whenever i want to buy something, and i dont have any more money, i would always believe that i will find cash at home or even outside whatever happens, and i actually find some.
one time i had a fever the night before the school trip, and my mom told me to not go because i wasn’t feeling well. i went to sleep fully expecting to be perfectly fine the next morning, and yeah, i indeed woke up perfectly fine and was able to join the trip.
during Christmas, i always always always get the best gifts at school (we used to do random exchange gifts at school). and im also always unexpectedly winning games, even the ones im not good with.
oh, and don’t forget when there are tests and i didn’t study, more specifically in math because im literally just not that good in it, guess what? i still manage to get passing scores. and when i say i don’t study, i really don’t and just use my “gut feeling” when choosing the answers lmao.
those are just some of my experiences as a certified lucky girl.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙* ˚ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. ˚ *•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
4 years ago, it was the start of pandemic, i got into shifting, manifestation, astrology, and some other stuff. that’s when i found out about loa.
i was like “isn’t this too easy?” because i’ve been doing it my whole life.
i realized that i’ve been doing loa before i even knew about it (2)
you know what’s crazy? whenever i talk about stuff like this to my friends, they look at me like im having psychosis.
it doesn’t really bother me that much. im just like, okay whatever, you do you.
i actually feel a very strong and deep connection between me and the moon goddess ever since i was a kid, and i feel it deep in my soul.
i even talk to them at night whenever i have the time. it’s like you know even if u can’t physically hear or reach them, you know deep inside that they’re listening and are there for you.
this might be the reason why i don’t have much friends my age in real life, but oh well. i really don’t stress over it that much.
and i know that some of u are atleast gonna say “are you sure you’re lucky? or you’re just really smart and good at everything” type of shit.
and to answer that, yes, i do believe that it’s also because of my hardwork and abilities. but it’s also because of the fact that I ALWAYS BELIEVE IN MYSELF. yes, there also times where im having doubts, but my subconscious knows well that those doubts aren’t enough to ruin my self confidence and the trust i built with myself long ago.
i’m not really that pro when it comes to explaining things, so i hope u got what i wanted to say. happy shifting, my love 🤍
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greenteaanon · 1 year ago
I'll love you no matter
Scaramouche X reader
2/18 promised fanfics
Slight angst WITH FLUFF!!! Also a fuck ton of red flags
(s/c/n) - Scaramouche's chosen name
This is made out of spite for @scarazone yea i know it took a year
This rotted in my drafts (Rushed ending so i can post this dumpster fire)
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You and the Balladeer we're inseparable, so inseparable in fact that you and him still felt like the star crossed lovers you were even after multiple misunderstandings and betrayals. Something you never did but he did, everytime you forgave him because deep down you knew he didn't mean to hurt you.
But as the time passed you start to think. Does he actually care about me or am I just another one of his followers?
He no longer stopped by with Sumeru Roses or Sweets, Even so far as tolerating Dango which he openly expressed is not a fan of. It made you—
..what was I talking about.... You thought, you don't remember the last thing you remember was a mental note to go on errands.
Taking your woven basket, you thought about where it came from.
'I think I saw this at the flower shop a while back....ehh I probably forgot about buying a boquet' you continue to ponder on the idea not realizing the blonde traveller calling you.
That was until they grabbed your arm. "Oh Sorry Traveller I didn't see you there, do you need something?" You turn to face them properly.
"No no it's ok!" Little paimon squeaked, slightly panting from chasing you They ask "Do you know the Balladeer?" Your eyes widen in shock and confusion. It felt so familiar.
"I feel like I do....But I don't remember what or who....it was" you mumbled the traveller seemed to be glad you remember something even if it's just a little. Rushing they grabbed your hand "No time to explain We need to get you to Nahida!" Rushing past crowds up the stairs past scholars to the Sanctuary of Surasthana.
"Wait we're meeting with Lesser Lord Kusanali!!??" You shrieked going to fix your hair and clothes to be a little more presentable, They pushed you inside in a rush.
"You guys slow down, atleast explain what's going on!" you resisted trying not to trip while they pulled you harder. "Don't worry, The traveller will explain everything for me" nahida spoke up.
"Lesser lord Kusanali! It's a pleasure to meet you!" placing a hand over your heart and bowing. "Don't worry! Its nice to meet you too, I guess that the traveler brought you here because of some recent events.."
"I still don't get what's happening.." you repeated. "It's ok we can explain everything now" Paimon said.
They sat you down and explained everything "But how did you find out about me? Compared to you I just a random person" You asked
Nahida stepped forward "I hid some stories about a wandering prince and a lady that lives in a flower, I made it to look like a kid's fairytales to avoid being erased, sort of like a back up file" she placed a finger on her cheek with a wondering expression.
"A lady that lives in a flower..." You giggled sweetly. "It's how he described you" Nahida shrugged. "No..no..its all right! It really does sound like something he'd say" you smiled holding back more giggles.
"WHAT! THE BALADEER BEING HAPPY AND SWEET???" Paimon screeched. "I've never met him any other way-" you spoke incredibly highly of him, of course you loved the man, no matter what.
"Would you like to meet him again?" The traveler asked reaching a hand out for you. Your eyes widen and then you smiled "If its not a problem with you then sure, I'd love to! But id rather stay here with lesser lord kusanali...im not very fit to be honest" you muttered. The traveler allowed you to. As both of you patiently waited for them to arrived you heard a high pitch voice scream. "WE'RE HERE!!!"
Your head whipped to see The Balladeer sporting a teal version of his outfit, lacking the fatui insignas, of course. Lacking the words to talk to him, your mouth was left agape.
He slowly walked towards you. "I- I feel like I should....know you," reaching out his hand hesitantly. By instinct, you pull him close for a hug. "Pretty boy! You're back!!" Giggling and squealing as you're hugging him tighter. He stutters,flustered as he hugs you back. But that's when they can see a soft, gentle smile on his face.
"Wow....If i didn't see this... I wouldn't believe it to be true!" Paimon piqued. Nahida looked over, smiling. "I dont get it. What's...happening...I need to go back and help at the shop, " he said, not noticing he was holding onto your arm. Nahida stepped up and started to explain.
"What...I...I did what?" His eyes wide and hands shaking, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "If you accept that this is a part of you...i can give back the memories."
He accepted and as the giant robotic body that seemed to have his old motifs on it start to move on its own, the traveler tried to keep you and the others out of harm's way as you stood behind Wanderer having a breakdown.
The ray of light came coming towards you. It was then he stood up with new found power of Anemo he'd finally accepted his past. Now he was trying his best to protect you. His one and only.
After the situation died down both of you now stayed in Sumeru to live both of your lives together.
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Happy one year anniversary to this draft
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afortoru · 2 years ago
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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒈𝒆𝒔 𝑩𝒆𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒏
𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺: 𝖺𝗇 𝗂𝗇𝗍𝗋𝗈 𝗈𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗅𝗂𝖿𝖾 𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗌𝗂𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗉𝖾𝗈𝗉𝗅𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾
Pairing: ceo!Toji Zenin x reader
Genre: fluff, a bit of angst
Word count: 2.2 k
Warnings: old memories both happy and sad ones ig
Note: I wrote an hardcore family fluff...yaay! also im sorry Sukuna stans for making him your brother in this fic TT and if your are reading this, i love you *mwah*
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The Zenin Group Pvt Ltd is one of the most infamous company in this world of bussisness. Everyone who's associated with it, gains nothing but tons and loads of money as being there slaves. Even there rivals have given up. Everytime there bussisness rivals try to took them down, something happens to their own company and they'll suddenly loose there shares and shareholders. Even a thought of having The Zenin Group as there rivals would make them shiver, causing them sleepless nights. 
But who wasn't affected by this so called infamous company was The Ryomen Interprises Pvt Ltd. The Ryomen's was on top with their business as much as the Zenin's were. They were infact the only rivals who were standing long and tall infront of the Zenin's. The two groups who couldn't bring each other down to hell by there little games decided to play with your's and the upcoming young ceo of the Zenin group, Toji Zenin's life. 
You were the only daughter and the second youngest child of the family with your older brother Ryomen Sukuna. 
Sukuna was one hell of a cold guy, ignoring the girls lurking around him to get his attention, not giving in into cheap pleases from the business partners and the list goes on. For the the outside world he was a stone cold narcissistic rich guy but the one's who got to see his soft side were the one's he loved the most, his dearest little sister,you and your mother. 
Sukuna hold you two like his life depends on you too and it did. Your father, Mr. Ryomen would also get his cold looks and an 'idgaf' attitude. Since Sukuna knows his father oh so well and what that man could do to continue his legacy.
That's why he didn't thought for a second when your father finally wanted him to take over their business and become the ceo. Sukuna thought he could finally make things right with the company under him but later did he knew that some decisions were still under your father's hand.
You were busy checking up the decorations for the party held for your brother being the new CEO.
"I see you're pretty excited about this, huh!" you can tell how annoyed he was with all the preparations. "Atleast let me pretend like I'm preparing for my big bro's wedding or something like that" you said walking towards Sukuna whose expressions has turned from annoyed to confused. "Well looking at the way you 'shoo' people around you specially women, I don't think so you're getting married any soon" listening to your words he looked at you with a annoyed grin "so is that what my sister wants from me now huh, what else do you want, should I rip my heart out for you" he stated "you should totally, maybe then I can sell it to buy myself the new book in my wishlist" you winked at him. Sukuna stood their with a shocked face thinking how can his lovely sister be so mean, oh wait you're his sister there's going to be something about you that's in his personality too. 
You went back to look over to the decorations as squeeled from your place as you felt someone's tickling you. "You really gonna be this mean to me huh, never thought this much money couldn't buy you a book but my heart would huh?" he jokingly mentioned while you were on the verge of tears from laughing. "Sukuna stop please, I'm sorry stop...ahhh you idiot I'm gonna tell mom, MOM" you made yourself free from him as you started running outside to the grand house garden. 
"Wait you-" he called you out as you made your way towards your mom looking back at him with a funny expression on your face. "I gonna tell mom you're- , ahh!" You weren't looking in front while running as you felt someone stopping you. 
"What's so funny kids?", you looked to see the face of the man your brother hates the most, your father. "Why are you running after her like that my son?" he stated with a smile on his face. Sukuna didn't mind his words as he took your hand about to leave but you pulled away. "Nothing dad, we're just going to see mom" you said not wanting to be rude to your father. 
He gave you a gentle smile and then he started walking towards Sukuna "Son i know you don't like me but atleast try to act not that mean, can't you?" , "I don't like you?, I hate you... stop being delusional." Sukuna states with an annoyed expression.
"What's happening, I heard Y/N call me. Why'd you call me dear?" you with both the men standing with you turn towards the voice coming from the other side of the hall, you mother Mrs. Ryomen. 
She walked towards you and the two men with a gentle smile. Sukuna looks at his mother and then he sees your face, she's exactly like mom, he thought to himself. 
She greets your father with a gracious smile, as he nods and smiles back. "Why'd you call me dear?". You pointed towards your brother, faking a pout "Kuna, he was tickling me, i told him not disturb me while I'm working for ceremony held for him and here he's not even a little pounce of gratitude on his face", he grunts listening you complaining like a little kid "hell I'm not , and did I asked you to do this decorations when we already have so much workers around" he says as he pokes you on your cheeks." Mom, you see how rude he'd became now,I-".
"My dear son you should be glad your sister is happy and helping with arranging the ceremony of you being the new ceo, am I right darling?", your father directed this question to you mother, she just noded instead of giving any answer. 
"She's not actually happy-", he was interrupted by your mom. "Um Sukuna, dear I need you and Y/N with me right now, please excuse us dear", she asks as a permission from Mr. Ryomen to leave.
You slightly smiled towards him before you started following your mom and Sukuna. As your father stands behind knowing that he won't ever get the same closure from you and Sukuna the like you give your mother. He still appreciated your kindness towards him, atleast you try unlike Sukuna. 
He sighs as he walked around the house checking the preparations being held for his son's being the new ceo. 
Mr. Ryomen won't say that he loves power, but you knew he does and he'll put his family on the line for this forsaken company. He won't even think once to choose his company, established by your so called forefathers over his wife who sacrificed her career, his daughter who was kind enough to still smile at him and his son who'll put his life on the line for his family. 
Sukuna sat with your mom on the edge of the bed as you were trying to find something in the wardrobe. "Mom you sure you haven't lost it and kept it in the wardrobe?" you have been looking for whatever it was and you can sense Sukuna's being impatient. 
"Mom, I don't think so this dummy would find whatever it is, you should go and check" he asked her receiving a "shut up" from you.
Your mom was about to get up to help you find it before you exclaimed, "I found it! Here!". Sukuna examine a medium sized, maroon coloured box that you were holding.
"Here mom, kuna this is for you…me and mom got this for you", you handed the box to your her. She looked towards Sukuna, who was now confused on what and why you two got any gift for him.
Your mom's hands moved towards his face as she gently ruffles his hair and places her palm on his now slightly blushind cheeks " for you my dear son" , she says with a motherly smile over her face as she hand overs the gift to Sukuna. 
"B- but w-why…i mean is there anything special?", you chuckled at his stuttering."Open it first big bro, don't you wanna see what we got for you?" you reminded as his gaze went towards the box, what could it be, Sukuna thought to himself as he starts unwrapping it.
"I- it's a w- watch, but w- why?",his question made you walk towards him as you sat on the other side of the bed beside him. 
"Because we love you and wanted to give you something since we know you're doing all this for us that's why me and mom decided to surprise you with this little gift", you said with a sweet smile as you can see his expressions soften. 
"Thankyou so much both of you!", Sukuna felt he's about to shed some tears but he contained himself as he quickly held both of you and your mom in his arms into a hug.
"We know why are you taking the position of the ceo in your father's company, son. M- mom's s- so proud of you, she's so sorry she couldn't-" Sukuna shushed as she's now sobbing into his shirt. 
"Mom you did enough for the both us, please don't say like this. Whatever we do, it won't be enough to what you did so please don't speak like that", he uttered as he hold the both of you more closely and tightly like his life depends on it.
"Everything is fine, big bro but I kinda being suffocated, you should do a little less exercise", your words made your mom and Sukuna chuckle as he let go the both of you."If I won't exercise then who's gonna protect you, huh?" he questioned with a smirk with his look diverted towards you. 
"I can protect myself, alright. Don't go on this pretty face, i can beat some asses too" you stated proudly pointing a finger towards your face."And who said you're pretty?", Sukuna's word made you pout, gaining a chuckle from your mom. 
"Hey! mom not you too" you whinned.
"You're the prettiest, dummy…happy now?", your pout turned into a very much satisfied smile from his words as you nod. 
Your mother on the other hand can't believe how lucky she got having you and Sukuna as her kids. She cherish you two too much than she already do. Everyday you two get older, she can't help but want to spend more time with you two, see you bickering, fighting, laughing, just the desire to see you both increases and she can't help it. She knows that one day her daughter and son would have there own family, their own kids and maybe you two won't have enough time for her but she's just happy with the thought of you two being settled down with your spouses oneday.
"Mom, why the teary eyes?", she was snapped back to reality as you wipes her tears away, she didn't realised she was crying.
"N- nothing, just you two make me so happy I can't get enough of you two. Always stay like this together, protect each other, always stand for each other and never let anyone else break this bond between you too…mom loves the both of you so much" she sniffles as she pats one hand on your head and another on Sukuna's.
You and Sukuna looked at each other before hugging your mom exactly how you did it when you were kids. You two used two jump on her everytime you came back from school or in any occasion when you missed her. She would always take you two in her motherly embrace and the what you two felt in her arms is something you can say that's better than the feeling of even being in heaven, so warm, so tender.
It would be true to say that the three of you don't wanna break from this hug, maybe an eternity would feel less cause this love is something you could never get tired of. 
Your mother is so lost embracing her most precious possessions.
You were glad to have a family, who loved you so much that you couldn't imagine anyone else to live you more than then. No there's no way anyone who could give you there heart like your family, or was there?
Sukuna on the other hand can't believe how he got so lucky to have you as his sister and her as his mother. The more he's with you two the more he wants to protect you two from this world. He want to give everything best in this world to you and your mom. Sukuna might not be able to fight his father or change the past but he promised to himself that he would never let his mom suffer again, she is happy now but he knows what she's been through for the both of you and you, he lives to protect you from anyone who even thinks to hurt you. He swear they won't see the sun if anyone would even dare to think about you wrongly. He had taken this unspoken pledge to shield you and you too believed you would not find any men like you brother in your life until you met him.
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Tagging my babies:
@lotus-n-l0ve @luvjiro @luckimoon @vagabond-umlaut
I'm still an amature writer so feel free to advise me please.
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woojungz · 1 year ago
gamer bf yujun! 🎮🫧
❝ yujun x gn!reader
𓂃𓈒 something i thought of after watching yujun's daily_x vlog! word count: around 600(◜⁠‿⁠◝)♡ im also trying out the bullet list format in this one !
( likes and reblogs appreciated!♡ )
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a thing i didn’t expect from yujun is for him to be a league player like…😭 anyway, i wonder if he also plays other fps games like valorant or whatever. and the biggest question is which character does he main?!
he also mentioned playing terraria and other ps5 games with jinsik
let’s say this whole situation started when you guys have that one hangout together as a couple where the both of you just do your own thing. maybe yujun invited you to his room, you’re just chilling on his bed while he tells you he’s gonna play some pc games.
at first it was completely peaceful, save for a few typing sounds of his keyboard and mouse clicking. your soul almost left your body when the silence was shattered by his sudden scream, snapping your head towards the back of his chair.
and when you go and approach him, he just gives you that cute eye smile of his.
“y/n! i just got a double kill!”
he really just dramatically startled you for that. when he saw you sigh before leaving him alone, he asks you if you wanna try playing together.
“you’ll get it if you try playing this game i promise!”
and that’s how he ended up convincing you to buy your own pc. you also have him to thank for the mess of pc parts scattered all over the floor. yujun wanted it to be a cute couple activity so he asked if you could build your pc together. you agreed, trusting that he knows how all this stuff works.
well, he never actually said he knows how… so he sheepishly smiles at you and rubs his neck shyly. he should be thankful he’s cute or you would’ve tackled him already. oh, and it absolutely did not help that yujun is probably the clumsiest person you know.
when you finally feel like building the pc is in smooth sailing, some random part you need would go missing. just to find out that yujun accidentally sat on it. it was far more stressful than it should be, but yujun was trying his best to cheer you up and remind you of all the games you could play with him once you guys get the thing done.
finally you get the thing built in a day, almost thinking you’re never gonna finish it with him around.
the first time you played fps games with him was such an experience. he lives for the way you panic sometimes that you just freeze on your position and ask him for help, yujun standing behind you as he comes closer and moves your mouse and keyboard by himself. you feel like you’re probably ruining his gaming sessions because everytime you come along, he loses more than he wins matches.
but he doesn’t care about victories in his games rn!! what he really enjoys is the time he’d spent with you, and he tells you he loves gaming more than ever because you’re playing with him!
sometimes the other members would tag along too when you guys play
oh, after school gaming sessions at pc cafes are becoming a frequent thing in your relationship!
and it’s also really really cute to witness yujun being all giggly and excited when starting a game, but then halfway through he’d get serious, brows knitted together and all. such an intense expression on his face, but would startle you sometimes when he cheers after getting a kill or whatever
if you're into chill games, he'd also have fun playing it with you! whether it be stardew valley, animal crossing, or minecraft.
accidentally lets a creeper into your minecraft base
he'd offer to rebuild your base for you but you stop him when you see the huge gap between the taste you have for your minecraft builds. you guys just have contrasting aesthetics when you build your minecraft base.
like you'd be making a cute house on the side while yujun builds his own with diamond blocks.
anyway!! i’d give gamer bf yujun a 10 outta 10, the cutest :(
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wackpedion · 7 months ago
atcually im sending more characters i wanna see u talk abt them tell me abt stan or fiddleford or bill for the ask game
OKOK I JUST ANSWERED FOR FIDDLEFORD OKOKOKOKOKOKOK im so excited i love them. okok ok OK OK ok so from this ask game:
favorite thing about them
How he loves the kids soso much ouhho vh oh o my ghod Not What He Seems tear my heart out rn. like theyre his world its so... ouhgkhjhbjh........ makes me ill. the way he loves his family as a whole is SO important to me like like like like he values his family so much theyre his world the way he spent 30 years getting ford back GOD dont remind me of of the portal incident i cant hhhrrrr
least favorite thing about them
I suppose how stubborn he is with Ford but like, idk i get it man. hes been thro alot and the two are on rocky ground up until the end so ofc hes gonna act like that and hes not gonna be all that emotionally mature about it.
favorite line
goddd he has so many good lines hes so funny. "Soos, would it be wrong to punch a child?"
fiddleford mcgucket i need them to be friends u dont understand. i need this so badly
ermmm No One ? ive seen some stanbill which i find funny but im not all that invested in it
pinecest 👍
random headcanon
As kids he and Ford would often do the twin switcharoo as a fun kid prank, they thought it was the funniest coolest thing but they were actually very easy to tell apart past a first glance because they weren't all that good at lying and pretending (yet)
unpopular opinion
ig its only loosely stan related but roadside attraction should NOT have been aa episode with focus on stan WHERE IS FORD. THE EPISODE BEFORE THE BIG ONE THAT KICKS OFF WEIRDMAGEDDON AND THERES NO FORD!?!?!? kmsing kmsing but you already know how ifeel about it i told you all about it I Miss Ford. I miss my wife tails.
song i associate with them
LUSH BY MINDLESS SELF INDULGENCE "everything i touch falls apart and i am left with nothingg everything i touch it turns to total garbage and i cant with and i dont know whyyyy!!!!" like like his insecurity about being the total screwup of the family, his many many failed businesses, the fact he broke fords project and also ended up pushing him into the portal, juistghfhbvhjhbb
favorite picture of them
i like him with his sailing outfit esp the the beanie its cute :3 and EEEE THE BROTHERSSSS <333333
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favorite thing about them
whatever the fuck he has going on ford jesus christ what the fuck who let them get away twith this hello. hello. i cant elaborate cuz id just end up talking about billford forever but fjesuffucking christ
least favorite thing about them
Honestly sock opera didn't make much sense, like he wanted to destroy the laptop and journal cuz dipper was getting "too close", but the journal was needed to operate the portal which was what he Needed and Wanted. my best guess as to why he did that is cuz he didn't want them to find and go off the warnings Ford wrote esp in invisible ink but i dunno. perhaps its that the journals (esp journal 3) wrote of a way to destroy him, im guessing, since ford tosses them to dipper in weirdmageddon saying theres a way to destroy bill, but still. odd. Still my favourite episode tho!!!!
favorite line
"Fordsy, nobody else really gets you, do they? Without me, you'll always feel unseen, surrounded by dolts who don't recognize your full potential. You've always felt alone in a crowd, haven't you? Who else will give you this feeling again? Even if you got rid of me, you'd miss me. Admit it, you'd miss me."
"Reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram buy gold BYEEEEE"
"I have some children I need to TURN INTO CORPSES"
also. just his "Yello!" gag in the dreamscaperers. its so sutpid i love it
honestly UGHH hes so quotable i love like every one of his lines everytime hes on screen its a joy. any episode is a good episode with bill. hes such a good villain
None reaally? I guess I would've loved more antics with the henchmaniacs, like that one deleted scene, I found them pretty funny
None I think, i guess fiddleford and bill but i said that already and tbh im mostly indifferent to it
random headcanon
iii havent fully cvuaght up on all the code and lore cracking of TBOB but from what ive picked up he had to take medicine as a kid which affected his eyesight? so my hc is that he has some lasting damage with his vision from that
unpopular opinion
yes the book of bill gave us bill euclydia dimension lore but no that doesnt ruin his character sure his backstory is sad but like. its not his focal point. it gives him depth and an explanation its GOOD. hes still the villain whos evil because! who does whatever he wants! for fun! a sad backstory and a charming villain whos motivation is Fun can coexist its not the end of the world
also this is directed at like One thing i saw on twt but He Would Fucking Not listen to msi oh my god he canonically hates synthesized music i hate you
song i associate with them
GOD i have a few ermm.... theyre like billford related tho so. hope thats cool. the one ive been obsessed with is New Invention by I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME its SO GFUCKING THEM DUDE ITS SO THEM LISTEN TO IT. NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! pls
favorite picture of them
every picture but ig if i had to choose him playing faggot piano for ford is up there
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arttrampbelle · 8 months ago
Don't buy or go by anything nrs be selling in mk12/mk1
It completely ruins all the characters,lore,and build up over the 30+yrs it's been around.
Go by your own stories and be done with it.
Rejecting "canon" and not buying their games is the best thing to do now as a fan.
Besides we got more important things to do than that rn. (Even as a mk fan i hate what they are doing to shang tsung. They are legitimately ruining him by trying to make him like every other fucking character BUT his own)
So yeah your hcs now? Cool,not my cup of tea nessicarly,but I'd sooner take them than whatever nrs is doing atm. For the most part i like what people be cooking.
Because guess what? Fans know they character sadly better than the current writers. Why? Because they give a fuck.
Not all of them truly encapsulates the character. But by god they get his gusto,his energy,and his hutspa so to speak. They understand the fundamentals and core basis of the character. They understand nuance and not making him to be a copy paste of every other villain and antag in the Franchise.
AND THEY DON'T BLAME HIM FOR THE CURSES AND PROBLEMS HE'S IN. mortal kombat is a brutal world. But nrs sure dont fucking act like it. Shang tsung is a fucking survivor. Period. Dark magic is actually honestly in that world,at least it makes sense to be. The fucking most destructive,easy,force. And what better way to dispose of a foe? You guessed it,soul magic and spells to absolutely obliterate your opponents.
Im not saying he didn't have consequences. Oh of course. But nrs writes it now so fucking cheesy and takes the easy route.
Yes he has set backs. But it's not because of his own doing. No. It is technically the gods fault. Thats how it's been. It's actually pointing out that he was put into this position. And they were mad he took a different path. It's legitimately going against what you are told you should do. And doing what you personally feel is right for you not what society or peers tell you is "acceptable"
God ffs people. Shang tsung is so fucking luciferian coded it's not even funny. But y'all at nrs misinterpreted that (and some fans too).
Like i could go on about the complexities of shang tsung and how i feel fucking nrs/boon/and the like do not fucking deserve such an amazing and deep antagonist like shang tsung. But I'd be here all day.
I'll leave it at.
Mk12/mk1 shang tsung sucks outside of his voice and aesthetics. Nothing else of the character is truly worth it. Some ideas for him are best left to be in the draft paper. And never touched until someone with a brain,media literacy and respect can't write him. Whomever that may be.
He can be driven to madness by soul magic. But that's not what kickstarts it. No the gods put him in a corner and the only way out was to rip n tear. Literally. Like he made his hell his home. He was emperor of his dominion. He is lord of souls(basically). Like he said "fine you want bad!? I'll show you bad!!!" And bad he became. But deep down,he doesn't want this. He wants peace. He wants to live,he can't. Because the gods won't let him because he plays the game better than them. Like i have so many fucking ideas for him and i feel that everytime i see someone,fans or offical sources say something that just feels like it could have been for another character and fits another character better. It pisses me off.
Like shang is amazing,but either actually write some for him,and his character,that actually fits or make an oc or write it on another character.
Anyways enough rambling.
Some fans and especially netherealm studios don't fucking deserve this character
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I just have so many ideas. And so much to say about this characters persona and the intricacies on shang's mind and good fucking god i wish i could safely infodump with someone. Especially on HOW HE BECAME WHO HE IS AND HONESTLY I HAVE SUCH A CAREFULLY CRAFTED BACKSTORY FOR SHANG TSUNG. And how his well magic works and WHY he's such a master at it. I wish i could infodump with someone fr.
I have so much love for this character. I wanna write for mortal kombat so bad. But at very least for shang tsung.
Good lord.
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cwtchzl · 10 months ago
i’m hiding from a tornado so you should share stozier headcanons 🥺
oh i'm so sorry to hear that. be safe all at costs!!!!!!!!! but i'm glad you wonder my hcs because IM FULL OF THEM >:3
first of all, stan gets along so well with richie's parents. maggie loved him from the time richie first introduced him to his mother when they were in kindergarten. she trusted stan more than richie most of the time, and every time richie left to do something maggie would ask if stan was there. after a while of every answer being 'yes', she just started telling richie to say hi to stan for her. maggie tells richie every time that keeping stan as his best friend was one of the few good decisions he made. richie would roll his eyes every time but he knew it was true.
wentworth likes stan because of his unique sense of humor and because of how teachable he is. he would be fixing up his truck and 11 year old stan would sneak up beside him, watch him for a few minutes, bring wentworth the tools he needed and do it as good as he can when wentworth gave him the tools and instructed him. stan would love wentworth's special sandwiches and sometimes wentworth would send richie to the market to buy stuff he needed for his sandwiches when he heard stan was coming over.
richie would be extremely ticklish and stan would use that to his advantage everytime. told something dumb? poke him in the stomach. boy's laughing. being overly flirty with someone? give his neck some tickling and boy is wheezing. it was incredibly fun for stan and richie would punch his shoulder every time he did it. it didn't stop stan though.
when they were alone in the club house, they would lay together in the hammock with richie's head on stan's chest and stan's arm around richie's shoulders as he read whatever book he brought. richie's radio would be softly playing in the background while stan gently played with richie's hair and read his book.
richie realized he liked it when someone played with his hair because of stan.
but when he let the people he dated touch his hair, it didn't give him the same sensation and the relaxation he got from the times when it was stan who played with his hair. his body went all limp when stan brushed his fingertips on his scalp or untangled his locks by running his fingers through his hair, but he just felt uncomfortable when someone else did it. he didn't know why for a long period of time.
richie is clingy in his sleep and he needs to contact someone physically in any possible way.
also richie sleeps like a fucking dead man. like, play a trumpet over his head and he won't wake up. he is a night person so he needs to sleep until 11am AT THE LEAST, when stan is a very light sleeper and wakes up to the tiniest sounds and prefers mornings.
richie is a pepsi and stan is a coca cola gal. don't even ask
they would get random albums from any place they could find and go home, listen to it and rate it. i can easily picture them sitting in richie's room doing their own thing while music plays in the background and richie stopping whatever he was doing just to say 'that bar was ass' and stan nodding 'would be better if she rhymed it with 'swan'' and continue.
my brain is %97 stozier so. don't hold back about asking for hcs and other things. its not even the beginning
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aettuddae · 10 months ago
cute little serim 🫶🫶, the idea that serim has snsd PLANT version is amazing, i love it, gardener put it back on!
thinking about how ever since theyve met eo, jimin and serim privs have just been tweets about each other
KARINA NOT EVEN ATTENDING THE FUNERAL DESPITE LIVING IN THE SAME PLACE AS SERIM WHQAHSHSHSHSHS (she just killed another shes officially a serial plant killer 😪😪)
serim girltwink confirmed
ningning undoing the bottom button on her pjs serim pls give this girl some attention 😭😭
OH WOW 😲😲😲 them kissing before they start even just enjoying the other presence 😭
hiro:1 serim:0
(ALSO HARU AND LONG CHAT LMGNFBDBD IM SORRY THAT WILL ALWAYS BE MY STUPID SILLY BARNEY/SPONGEBOB/PUPPY BABY 😖😖 i think about her all the time, harumin come home the kids miss u…)
im also very stressed trying to figure out which version of the album i should get 😭😭 MIND U i dont even own a cd player…
- 🕷️
my favorite gardener sone, i just know yuri would be proud of her
they're obsessed with each other omg what happened to tweeting about the weather and one's bad luck? 🫴🏼
i picture jimin on that very specific pajama she has (i know you guys know which one i mean cmon) with messy hair, passing by the balcony while serim is on a black dress with a veil crying to a box with dirt and some leaves and then wondering when she went wrong to end up like this
serim has an official girl twink license.
ok i feel like if you play a random musicals playlist serim is the kind to know all songs 😭 i don't know why i got this random idea of her not being able to fight the urge of starting to sing empty chairs at empty tables everytime she sees a free table (?
BUT, she enjoys musicals like hairspray, kinky boots, chicago (merely bc tiffany played roxie on it), the producers, moulin rouge, even heathers kinda. but maybe i'd say the rocky horror show as her favorite one. although she cries with rent.
hope it makes some sense..🧍
this close 🤏🏻 to turn the smau into ningning x serim i can't keep seeing this kid like this
sometimes your biggest enemy is hot, okay? and you could kiss them
SHUT UP I HEARD LONG CHAT, THEN READ THE LYRICS AND I WAS LIKE HARU WHERE ARE YOU MY SWEETHEART 😭 i'm truly so fond of her and hole in one i can't do this anymore i'm closing my blog
then buy the cdp duh 🫴🏼 (maybe it will arrive SOMEDAY 😭 can't believe it's not shipped intl). saw that the MY power version is the most complete one !! hope you can figure out, then come and brag about it 🫶🏻
(long ass answer btw sorry for yapping so much)
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simpjaes · 1 year ago
aurrr i spent the whole day thinking u ignored my ask or hadn’t gotten to it yet, but turns out it didn’t show up in my feed…hate this app fr 🙄 but yes yes i love infidelity, love triangles, and just any type of angst with another love interest. my irls who read books and all say they hate books with “the other woman” plot because the guy should be so obsessed he doesn’t look at anyone else. they also hate cheating. i get it, irl if a man cheats on you, DUMP HIS ASS!! 🗣️ BUT if it’s in books, i eat up that angst. if i don’t feel the angst in my stomach i don’t want it. can’t wait for the fic!!!
anyways hard thoughts about jay before i study for the next 4 hours 💔:
(also forgive me ik we see him as a switch on this blog but i am an advocate of the dom jay agenda)
(these are also not super crazy. i’m sorry if you wanted something more feral)
- him constantly buying you lingerie for you to model for him. he sits back in his chair, manspread as you do a little twirl for him in the matching black lace set he got you. when he really likes a set he will have you wear it again and fuck you in it. and that’s where those polaroids in his wallet come from 🫢
- he sets up a cute picnic being the romantic guy he is but it’s not very cute when all of a sudden you’re riding him on the blanket, his hand covering your mouth so no one hears. he treats being caught as a literal joke.
- sugar daddy jay who’s the head of some big company and keeps you pushed up against the window of his office, fucking into you from behind everytime you visit. let’s just say you try to see him at the office at least 2-3 times a week.
oh oh oh, you may have misread me. When i write infidelity fics, you're not the one being cheated on usually. You're the one cheating tho, because if there's anything better than one possessive man, it's two possessive men.
I would never in my life condone cheating in real life, but in fantasy? I can have whatever i want and if i wanna date jake, then notice his hot taller friend sunghoon eyeing me, imma date him too, and then if i notice jay in the corner with a boner? bam, third boyfriend idc.
also, u misread me again possibly. i don't think u know how rare it is for me to write men as dominant, or to see them as switches considering i prefer to be the more dominant party lol, i 100% see jay as someone who can and will take control. me seeing him as a switch is just like, a base level feeling. i just don't like to be dominated by men that pretty tbh (but im lying, i do like it and that's why I'm writing more of that here)
the second thought sticks with me more than the others tho. public sex bc either you or him are too desperate to wait? mannnnn, even better if you're poking, pushing his buttons, trying to tease him and be a brat because you know he won't fuck you right there, on the blanket in the park.
and by the point he's actually pissed, you freeze when he's like "what, you think I won't?" all while pulling you into his lap, pulling it out, stuffing you full, and holding your mouth. "you really thought I wouldn't, didn't you?"
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pwblogarchive · 8 months ago
January 2004
January 9, 2004
“young hearts be free tonight”
the only thing that makes this worth it is doing things for my friends and family. Everytime they get to meet someone that they idolize or I can buy them or hook them up with something they wanted. Everytime they can brag to their friends about it or hook their band up or name drop them to whoever... It brings a smile to my face. I only do this for you.
the new academy songs are amazing. it's snowing out but it looks fake just like in the movies (it's got me looking for the cameras).
I got a kiss on the corner of my mouth for you wendybird.
love peterpan
January 11, 2004
“hello, i hope you're doing well. i'm fine, thanks.”
5 am. a good time to still not be asleep, wouldn't you agree? i did some prime hanging out today. it was prime i tell you. i picked up a few cds today. i reccomend the new phantom planet. it's divine. if you live in chicago i also reccomend eating at calliope cafe. it's a sandwich joint on diversy i believe. very good. i'm excited to play a show. i'm excited to visit friends. i should get to bed. peaced out.
January 12, 2004
“and now I'm feeling quite ghoulish”
So the show in chicago. Thanks for making me feel okay (see also: thanks for the tshirt and baby panda). The show was amazing. I know everyone might not have been into all the bands that played but I appreciate that everyone was cool and gave them a chance. I wrecked my back yesterday so sorry if it seemed like I was off. Thank you for making me feel okay (see also: vicoden and muscle relaxer). It was good to see old friends, I have missed you. Some kid emailed me to tell how lame we were for saying "I say whatever cause it makes me feel cool". Take a class on sarcasm. If you know me you know how uncool I am. I stutter, wear bad clothes, make bad jokes, make conversation uncomfortable, the list goes on. Thank you for making me feel okay (see also: nightmare of you).
Go listen to: www.nightmareofyou.com
It will make all this feel worthwhile.
I only hang upsidedown because I wish I was a bat. I only think about you all the time cause you're my fix.
Peter lewis kingston wentz
January 14, 2004
“we're chemists and we've found the perfect formula to make your heart swell and burst”
went to bed at 4 am. woke up at 530. on the road by 6. met up with hey chris at 630. loaded into q101 at 7. the show was fun. i got free donuts and to pet a monkey and an alligator. now i am gonna sleep and then drive to new york.
i dont get to get online as much anymore so sorry i am slow about answering emails, but thanks for caring enough to write one. go and listen to music and think about someone who makes you feel dizzy.
oh yeah if you wanna hear what i thought about music this year go here: www.trustkill.com/home - top ten list
January 14, 2004
if you want to find out what I thought about music this year, look no further than here:
i liked it sometimes. other times, not so much. but what can i say, im a real sucker for anything brass and jazzy. brazzy. i reccomend novena. they're hott!
January 18, 2004
“my head was spinning. the car was spinning.”
i could only think of you.
we are sneaking into detroit tommorrow morning early and filming our video...
peter rabbit
January 20, 2004
“the tides out, the ships have run aground. we're drowning the traitors in shallow water.”
for your eyes only: snowflakes, breath in the air, stalker, the woods in michigan, gorgeous girl - where is your boy tonight coming to a screen near you very soon.
if our hearts are handgrenades
pulls the pin.
January 21, 2004
“moly holy”
i just tracked two songs worth of guitar for new demos. wow, im finally excited about them cause they kinda make sense now and don't sound like heaps of noise anymore. it also helps that since our last record to now i learned how to play guitar a little better.
i hate insurance compaines.
January 23, 2004
“i only write this for the loveless.”
hand over my heart, gun to my head i swear to fucking god i'm through with you and this town (i'm the worst liar). ill be at your stairs late at night to kiss you on the mouth and keep all those secrets from coming out. i want to watch you undress through key holes. i want to stop myself from only thinking of you. get me to a hospital. get me to a church. i want to be bandaged and blessed. i want to see the country from a hearse.
fuck it if you ever read this thing, this isn't about you.
none of this is for you.
oh yeah just for an update besides all the complaing: we are in the studio and it is going really well. we have fallen in love with the new songs. p to the e to the ter
January 24, 2004
yesterday i had it bad for you. today we are recording new songs and i am in love with them instead.
oh yeah, you wanna know something about FOB, sex, or the world: ask hey chris
January 28, 2004
“autographs and apologies.”
we leave on tour today. i don't want to talk about that too much. i just wanted to say to all my friends both really old and ones that i have just met, that i am sorry that i have been such a shitty friend lately. my time is totally consumed and i have not been returning calls or emails or whatever. this is my apology. so thank you for being there, i know i don't deserve it often- when this is all over i hope we still know eachother.
January 28, 2004
“so this is sorry.”
we leave on tour today. i don't want to talk about that too much. i just wanted to say to all my friends both really old and ones that i have just met, that i am sorry that i have been such a shitty friend lately. my time is totally consumed and i have not been returning calls or emails or whatever. this is my apology. so thank you for being there, i know i don't deserve it often- when this is all over i hope we still know eachother.
January 31, 2004
“you got me and it's not just the sun and palm trees”
First show back. Lots of driving. No snow. The show was amazing. Thanks to all the kids for making us feel at home and a lot better after the wreck. peterpan
"They say if you love something than you should set it free. And I love myself so I'm getting rid of me..."
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seangelfish · 1 year ago
YOU WOULD BE WRONG ACTUALLY ‼️ im not from either of those but i do have family in scotland and am half scottish although you wouldnt guess it 😞🙏
YOU SOUND LIKE YOURE SPONSORED BY BUYEE IT MAKES ME LAUGH, the whole free shipping for 2000 yen really sells it at the end so i believe i may just have to look into using it 👁️👁️
THE PRICES ARE SO SURPRISING CAUSE KNIGHTS IS FAIRLY POPULAR ??? and also leo is a really popular character but his merch can be so fairly priced but also crying about the ritsu merch BOOO LET ME JUST HAVE THEM BOTH 😡🫵❌
oh my god also my merch i ordered came the other day THERES SO MUCH like a whole load of arashi pashas, a lot of izumi merch, some misc knights merch and then 2wink merch BUT I GOT LEO PINS THAT CAN GO IN MY SILLY LITTLE BEAR BAG OF HIS hes such a cutie
ainon has also unfortunately fallen ill aughhh big L on my part 😞😞 its probably just like a really bad cold or flu so ill be up and alive again in a few days i just havent left bed the whole weekend
the recent fics ALSO AUGUGUHHUH YOU 🫵🫵🫵 never fail to impress im so serious !! the tatsumi flower prompts were so sweet ahhh AND THE JEALOUS HCS RINNE THINKS HES SOOOO FUNNY 👎👎👎 but i also did giggle at his stupid behaviour hes so goofy i love him
CONGRATS ON REACHING 300 FOLLOWERS YOU DESERVE THEM ALL !!! the 300 followers event sounds so interesting and id love to know more about it !!!
- ainon ᡣ𐭩
Wow, then I have no idea LOL those are all my guesses... o(TヘTo)
I ALWAYS THOUGHT OF THAT WHENEVER I TRY TO GET MY MOOTS TO USE BUYEE LMAO they should really sponsor me, I'm bringing in BUSINESS! ( ` ꒳ ´ )✧ But it's really good. The first merch I bought on Buyee was a Kanata Shinkai badge set! Also, if you're buying multiple items, always consolidate when they all reach the warehouse so you won't need to pay shipping everytime!
Omg, that sounds like such a cute haul!! 🥺💕 I wish I could see them, haha! <3
Aw, hope you get well soon, ainon! I've been sick for the last 4 weeks LMAO but it's finally clearing up now. So just get some rest!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! It was kind of hard writing for Tatsumi, so I'm really glad you liked it! The Rinne one haha he really is goofy LOL
AND THANK YOU AGAIN!! 🥺💖💖💖 The event announcement is posted so you can check that out! Hopefully I see you request something for the event. You're literally like one of my OGs on this blog 😭💕
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lunarsun12 · 1 year ago
Felix New Twin
We all wondered where has Jake went too…the night before the fashion show! In the midst of him chilling at the food market, he made friends with Felix. Who took pity on him that what his Appa Heeseung has done!
How will the SKZ family will react to this news?
This does not represent the idols real persona and is exaggerated for entertainment purpose. They are non idols in this storyline
SKZ Family Chat
Today 12:00pm
Seungmin🐶: What? Two lix’s? How?
Hyunjin💁: I was about to come in Lixie room to give him a hug and I saw two humans! THEY GOTTA BE TWINS
I.N🥺: I hope he is not evil
Lee know😎: There is no twin, I would have known. I do daily checks on you guys
Seungmin🐶: Hyunjin remember you thought you saw a lion one time on the street?
Seungmin🐶: You called the police on the poor guy…because of his hair
Hyunjin💁: I did wonder why this lion was wearing clothes
Lee know😎: I don’t care whoever this person is. If Lix bring him here means he is nice. I trust my Lix
Bangchan🐺: By any chance he has puppy aura and is extremely polite?
Hyunjin💁: How would I know? I was busy on shock we have a twin!!
Lee know😎: Kids we are visiting Binnie
Hyunjin💁: I want to meet that twin!
Seungmin🐶: I don’t care about the new twin plus I don’t want to visit Binnie. He can be so whiny
Bangchan🐺: Oh no Lix what have you done! You kids go with your Eomma and Lee Know don’t beat Han for trying to make duck noise. It’s his way saying hi 
Many hours later
Back at the Felix private chat with Jake
Bangchan🐺: So you ran away from home because your appa didn’t say I love you?
Jake🕺: Not that, he always make me do mean things and I don’t like it!
Felix☀️: Its okay bro! I heard about your appa he seems scary
Bangchan🐺: Have you tried talking with him? It will help
Felix☀️: He tried and his appa never listens! This time he lied to Jake about buying him a dog
Jake🕺: I ran away to see if he actually comes looking for me. The chances are slim
Bangchan🐺: A’right I guess you can stay with us. Just stick with Lix all time. There are two people in this household you should probably avoid. One is Hyunjin, if he doesn’t get what he wants. He can do some serious damage (he managed to break a full grown man into tears. As he refused to sell him that designer shirt). The last one is Han, he is an oddball, just don’t take food from him more likely poison
Felix☀️: We gonna have great time Jake!
Jake🕺: Yesss best sleepover ever!
Bangchan🐺: Such sweet friendship
Back at skz family chat
Han🐿️: I was hungry
Changbin💪🏻: I’m never inviting you all again!
Seungmin🐶: As if we wanted to be here anyways
Felix☀️: Hyunjin hyung can you stop pretending to be Aussie. You scaring Jake
Hyunjin💁: I don’t want you mean mate
Felix☀️: Just stop coming into my room. Jake has to run everytime he sees you
Hyunjin💁: Why run? Not like I do anything to him
Hyunjin💁: And Lix he better not sleep next to you tonight
I.N🥺: Yeah Hyung stop scaring my new friend. Finally someone who is normal in this house!
Jay😭: Oh my goodness Jake I found you!
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