#everything in me was just sadness…my tears hurt and I just couldn’t continue reading
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I don’t know nor wanna know how this fits into the wedding AU but if you are one that loves your heart to be broken, stepped on and literally tear apart… this one’s for you 💀
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Dull Blades
benjicot blackwood & targaryen oc
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UPDATED! First chunk of this just? Disappeared??? So, edited it to include the missing first part!
warnings: angst?? no warnings, really? fluff & drabble for now & soft ben ~
I got this idea for a drabble from S2 of GOT when Catelyn Stark finds her son in disarray after hearing of his father. After watching the last couple episodes of HOTD (and reading Fire and Blood recently), it’s hard not to think about all of the heartbreak between the two sides. This little drabble follows an OC I’m creating, Rhaenala, having a moment to really feel and let out her frustration and sadness. She wanders off to the woods on her own once settling into the Riverlands only to then be discovered by a certain Blackwood. Also, I know, I know, okay! I know our boy didn’t turn out to be our boy, BUT LET ME COPE, OKAY. : ‘ )
Also, part 1??? Thinking about making a second part to this…
Swing after swing the blade got duller and even more damaged. The log had had it. She couldn’t help it though. Everything was falling apart as she knew it. Her house, her family, everything. It wasn’t fair. None of it was fair.
Her breath heaved as she swung her sword. In the distance, she could hear footsteps brushing along the grass and leather moving against each other as a voice called out.
She wiped her eyes, removing all evidence of frustrated tears.
“Hey!” She heard the voice as it got closer. It was a husky voice, perhaps a young lad.
“Hey! Princess!” Lilac eyes snapped up to meet the unknown voice. Her chest rose up and down quickly as she leaned over to rest. Who was this? This lanky, dark-haired man? Rhaelana was stunned by his boldness yet captivated.
Piercing familiar eyes met hers. “We need that sword, Princess. We need every sword necessary to end every life that defends the usurper. And…” he trailed off, his eyes scanning the blade in her hands. “You’re letting that one go to waste,” he finished his sentence softly as he slowly approached closer.
Blackwood. Benjicot Blackwood.
She remembered now. Head of House Blackwood. How could she be so dense?
The princess was sent by her mother to aid their allies with the battle against the Lannister army. Benjicot had sent ravens to the queen not long before asking for aid, so Rhaelana was drafted with Valax, her grown dragon with black onyx scales. The two were a formidable pair and more than capable of assisting their Riverland allies.
Her mouth parted with a bewildered cackle, laughing uncontrollably out loud. She couldn’t help it. This truly was a sightly scene for the young lord to find his princess, wasn’t it?
She sheathed the sword as she stood upright. “My apologies, my lord. I shall be more mindful,” her voice quivered on the last word, almost making her lose her composure. He could see that, of course. It wasn’t difficult to see that she was hurting, being torn apart in every direction. Most of all, she was grieving. Grieving for those that were already lost. Grieving for those that would welcome death soon enough. And what better way to let go than by hitting something? Oh, Benjicot knew that feeling all too well.
“Princess?” He continued to walk towards her, stepping slowly only inches apart now as they stood in front of each other.
“I should be going now. There’s people expecting me and—“ But as she began to step past him, an arm reached out, hand wrapping itself around her wrist.
“I wept,” he began to speak, answering the puzzled look on the princess’s face. “The first time I lay eyes on all the bodies. It was my first time on a battlefield and afterward I felt nothing but sorrow.” His words hung heavy in the air. “War is war, princess. And with family? I dare not imagine. But you have us. You have me,” he spoke softly while searching her eyes.
The young lord realized he still held her wrist and released her, snapping the princess harshly back into reality as he let her go.
“Benjicot Blackwood,” she spoke his name sternly. The young man straightened up, gaze never faltering hers.
“Thank you. I hope to see you at the meeting,” a hopeful gleam shined in her eyes as she spoke. Her body then glided past him, her shoulder brushing his arm as she passed.
The current state of her family was doomed. But her mother’s rightful place on the throne didn’t have to be. No, she was going to fight. She was going to fight with any and every weapon possible, dull or not.
A smile danced at the corner of the young lord’s lips as she passed by. His head bowed for a moment as he responded, “Of course, princess.”
Her figure walked away from him, towards the direction of camp. If there was one thing for certain, Ben knew they’d succeed with the princess at their aid. He recognized the look in her eyes all too well. The princess was proving to be all the more captivating than he could have hoped.
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yanderenightmare · 1 year
can we have more yan DEKU who terrorises his exgirlfriend? like, he sends her creepy letters and gifts, without mentioning it's him of course, scaring her straight back into his arms??
Deku - Midoriya Izuku
TW: yandere, hints of dubcon/noncon, size difference, stalker, mental abuse
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Green Paisley
You’d felt watched lately, and things were rarely where you remembered putting them. But thinking it was all in your head, you’d ignored it until you received the first gifts and saw the pictures. Eyes peeled while reading the letter with a shaky hand covering your mouth, you dropped everything on the steps to your apartment when quickly reaching for your phone.
I wasn’t going to write you any letters. I was happy just watching because I knew you were already spoken for. But I’ve noticed that the green-haired guy hasn’t come over lately, and I feel so sad knowing you’re home all alone…
You contact the police, but all they tell you is to invest in a new alarm system. After a little crying at the station, they show you enough sympathy to post a squad car in your neighborhood – but all in all, you’d say they didn’t seem very convinced.
That green-haired guy is a fucking moron. If you were mine, I would never let you go. I would take care of you, much better than he ever could. I would give you only the prettiest gifts and call you only the sweetest names. I’d treat you how someone like you deserves to be treated. Keep you safe and sound and happy to be mine…
You read the stalker’s letter again while browsing ways to upgrade your security – your thumb in your mouth, nail bending where you chewed on it – eyes panning over the photos that came in the box. Taken through the window – some innocent enough, candid pictures of you cooking in the kitchen or watching a movie on the couch. 
Others were not so innocent.
Your nail broke between your teeth as you looked at the revealing pics of you in your bedroom – wearing nothing but flimsy underwear. 
You looked back to the screen and continued scrolling through deals – but more than that, you were trying to distract yourself from what you really wanted to do…
Izuku had always been a source of comfort when it came to safety, and you know he’d come if you called, but since you broke up with him only a couple of months ago it seemed too selfish to ask. Besides, the reasons you broke things off were all because of his derogatory tendencies, and to beg him over because of something like this would only prove his point.
You couldn’t call him over. He’d see it as a win, and you’d decided you wouldn’t lose to his patronizing ways any longer. You needed to do this on your own – without his help.
You had to wait through the weekend until Monday to call a guy. A new box came both days, each one more terrifying than the last. But after installing a new alarm system you felt a little safer.
But the next box stripped that safety away.
I know I must be creeping you out. After all, you have no idea who I am, whereas I know you so intimately. But you shouldn’t feel scared. I would never hurt you. My gift to you today is proof of that.
P.S. Security systems aren’t enough to keep me away from you. 
Beneath the letters were more pictures of you – this time sleeping – inside the house. 
You fell apart – caving in, calling Izuku in tears, begging him to come over in a hurry. “Izu- please, please, please come home-”
He’s sitting on your couch only a curt fifteen minutes later, a tight arm around your midriff, holding you close for comfort while you sobbed against his chest – a furl deepened his brows while reading, holding your stalker’s letters in the other hand with green eyes narrowing for every sentence he finished.
I dream of making you mine. As I watch you sleep, I wonder what you dream of. You look so lonely lying there. Maybe if I keep you company, you’ll start dreaming of me too.
“How many of these have you received?” He questioned when done, looking around at the gift wrap on the floor, green-paisley-patterned, and the several boxes filled with crepe and untouched pieces of what looked like different arrangements of lingerie, candy, and sex toys.
“Four, I think…” You muffled against his tear-soaked shirt, clinging to him with your legs tucked onto his lap.
“Four? Why didn’t you call me sooner?” He echoed, looking down at you with heavy curls shadowing his eyes.
You looked up at him through the blur, lip sucked between your teeth before answering. “I- I went to the police-”
“The police? You went to the police instead of calling me?” He cut you off harshly, making you flinch.
“I-I-” You stuttered, crying, and he shook from his misplaced anger and took your face in his palms.
“Shh-sh- I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you.” He apologized with a kiss on your forehead before pulling you close to his chest again. “It’s just… this is exactly what I warned you about. You should have called me sooner.”
“I’m sorry.” You whimper, calming down to the warm strokes his large hand smoothed across your back.
“Shh- it's okay… I’m here now… and I'm not gonna let any sicko touch you. I promise.” He soothed – his voice a calm and strong anchor for you to grip onto. “Come, I’ll help you pack a bag. You’ll sleep at my place tonight.”
“Okay…” You sniffle. “Thank you.”
He drove with only one hand on the steering wheel, the other on your lap, holding your hand – your bag by your feet – and you’re reminded of the first days you started dating. Sleepovers and overnight bags – his hand between your thighs on the drive.
His new place is bigger than the last – like something out of a magazine. Modern and simplistic – a little too clean, maybe, but very stylish. 
You knew he’d been climbing the ranks a couple of spots a week since you broke up with him, but you hadn’t known the new paychecks could afford something like this. It made you feel a little guilty thinking about it, then a little embarrassed, causing you to flush – standing there in guest slippers, bag in hand – your presence sticking out like a sore thumb.
“You hungry?” He asked, shaking you out of your meekness, where you looked up with a small nod and a slight hum.
He smiled, turning to the kitchen. You were so cute.
At dinner, it almost feels like old times. Izuku plays with your legs under the table even though you give him a look. He gets you to giggle after a while, surrendering to his hopeless flirting. You help him carry the dishes after you’ve finished – and even though he has a washer now, you slip right into that old routine and start filling the sink with warm water and soap. And then you stand there, the two of you – shoulder to elbow, and your chest flutters, wondering if he was always that tall.
You blushed and ducked your head, not wanting him to see you getting so flustered. You pretended to be throwing some scraps in the trash and that's when your eyes caught hold of it.
Green paisley.
You’re stunned for a moment. Still crouched down, your head hovering over the trash – face blank, body still.
“You weren’t meant to see that.” Came a voice.
Izuku stood next to you. Washcloth in hand, dripping soapsuds on the floor.
You’re breath shivers in your throat, and you drop to the ground with a gulp, looking up at him – now with building fear accenting your still shocked expression.
You blink a couple of times, trying to make sense of it but getting nowhere. “W-why?” Left you then, along with sudden tears that started slipping down your cheeks.
And it really was the only question you had. Why would he do this? Why would he torment you like that? Why would he-
“’Cause you left… And I needed a way to get you back.”
You cringed. Feeling sick – almost sick enough to turn around and throw up the entire dinner in the trashcan, all over that stupid green paisley print. But you didn’t. “You’re pathetic.” – is what you said instead.
You got up from the floor. Upset tears still rolled down your face, but you were mostly just pissed – kicking off your guest slippers, you sat down atop the shoe bench and started doing your laces.
“I’m leaving. Don’t call me. If I ever see you near my place, I’m calling the cops.” You uttered, grabbing your bag before yanking the door handle.
It didn’t budge – some strange new type of locking mechanism, which really made no sense to have on the inside.
“I’m going home, Izuku. Unlock the door.” You huffed, turning around to look at him sourly, only he’d approached you all too silently – making you gasp to see him standing right behind you.
“You’re not going anywhere…”
You’re taken to the bed, kicking and screaming – then pinned by hands thrice the size of your own beneath the big-boned body they belonged to. And now you’re really feeling scared.
Before, it had been such a distant threat – something you could pretend wasn’t there for most of the day and otherwise deal with by the soothing presence of a weapon in your house or a quick phone call to the police. But now – there was no comfort to be found anywhere.
“Shh, baby~ don’t fuss. It’s better this way.” He tried soothing, holding your fighting wrists tightly above your head in one fist. The other kept your lips shut, muffling all screams. Barring your thrashing legs beneath his own. “You need me- you couldn’t even last a single week without calling me.” He justified, hunched over you with his mouth only an inch above the knuckles draping your mouth. “But that’s alright, I don’t mind it. I always planned on taking care of you.” He cooed, rubbing his nose sweetly against yours despite you trying to shake away from it. 
You felt something rub against your thigh, and you knew all too well what it was. Fat tears streamed down your cheeks, facing the next events.
But Izuku shared none of your discomforts, rocking the bump against you with a moan slipping into his rant. “You like the new place I got, don’t you? You can stay in all day- I’d give you all you’d ever need or want- you’d be so comfortable you wouldn’t ever even want to leave-”
He sounded just like the letters.
And where it had ached you to know that he’d been the one to write them all… now it terrified you to understand how he’d meant every last word of it, too.
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yeonzzzn · 3 months
for astra: park sunghoon
part two of for astra | spotify playlist
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pairing: sunghoon x afab!reader word count: 2.4k
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synopsis: sunghoon finds himself waking up and repeating the same day over and over again until he finally breaks the cycle and finds himself on a space station called ‘astra 1’. he soon learns he is one of the few who are still alive and that they aren’t alone…
genre: space!au, survival!au, neurologist!sunghoon, neurologist!reader, strangers to lovers, angst, smut.
warnings: swearing, blood, m*rder, guns go pew pew, other life forms, some science talk, unprotected sex, biting, hair pulling, sunghoon fucks reader against the wall, adding more as the story progresses, MINORS DNI!!! (these tags will be on every part even if they do not consist of said tag)
intro | part one | part two
this is part TWO for the series, please read the INTRO and part ONE before this part!!💜
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Sunghoon opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was his reflection with the infinite space staring back at him through the windows. Everything felt fuzzy as his eyes and brain adjusted. He blinked a few times and tried to move, eyes whipping down to his wrists and seeing them bound to the chair he was locked in. 
He tried to kick his legs, finding they too, were bound to this chair. 
Sunghoon’s heart raced as he thrashed around in the chair, trying hard to break free. His eyes wander around the…lab? He was in a lab. Neuromods sat on the counter to his left along with testing beakers of what looked like the Typhon’s blood. X-rays hung above the counter that he could only assume were his. He continued to thrash around in the chair, taking notice he had IVs also hooked in his right arm at the crease of his elbow and the sound of a machine buzzing as his left arm was squeezed, assuming for taking his blood pressure. 
“What the fuck…” he whispers, continuing to try and pull his arms free. 
“I wouldn’t continue that if I were you,” the voice startled him, his head whipping to his right and seeing another male, their back facing him and typing away at the computer in front of him, “You need to keep that IV in.” 
That voice…
It couldn’t be…
The male turned around, leaning against the desk and crossing his arms over his chest, that ring placed directly on his middle finger. 
Sunghoon was staring back at himself. 
“What the fuck!!!” he yelled, trying to force his wrists from the restraints, them digging into his skin and a mixture of red and black blood dripping from the top of his wrist. 
“I’m going to need you to calm down,” The other Sunghoon said with an eye roll, “You and I are the same person, there’s no need to be acting a fool.” 
Is this how it felt to be employed by him? 
“I died!” Sunghoon snapped, shaking his head, “Where the fuck am I?! Who the fuck are you?!” 
The male sighed, looking down at the floor. A white ball floated up to Sunghoon just then, tilted to its side. He couldn’t explain it, but he felt the sadness radiating off this small little ball. 
“Nov!” he cried, pulling once again at his restraints, “Get me out of here!” 
The ball turned and looked at the other him, another sigh leaving his lips. 
“That’s not November,” The male said, tucking his bottom lip between his teeth. 
Sunghoon glanced back and forth between himself(?) and the bot. He felt betrayed. 
“Been a while, hasn’t it?” the bot spoke. Sunghoon’s eyes widened.
“He-Heeseung?” his voice was barely above a whisper, tears swelling his eyes. 
Heeseung floated closer to him, “Everything is okay,” he said, a hint of hurt behind his voice, “We’ll explain everything.” 
“You’re dead,” Sunghoon shook his head, “I saw the videos! I saw how that phantom took over your body! I saw it in the trauma center!” 
“Just…” his best friend backed away, tilting himself to the side, “Just let us explain.” 
Sunghoon looked back at himself, “Fucking explain what the fuck is going on!!” 
The other male sighed again, giving a painful expression, “What you just experienced was a mixture of my past memories and a simulation.” 
Sunghoon furrowed his brows, “That’s not possible,” he shook his head, “That’s not possible!!” 
The other male tilted his head, “So were the neuromods,” his eyes glanced at the few sitting on the counter, “And we made it happen. You saw it firsthand in the simulation.” 
Sunghoon looked down at the floor, squeezing his hands into fists, “How are the two of us?” 
Heeseung sighs, “The same way I am in this bot, psyche transfer.” 
So his best friend was still dead. His mind was just backed up into a fucking neuromod and shoved into a fucking ball. Sunghoon could feel his heart ripping. 
But does that mean…?
Sunghoon quickly shot his head back up and looked at the man standing at his side, seeing the same pained expression looking back at him, “I’m a copy, aren’t I?” 
The real him nodded, “You are part of my psyche that I transferred into a phantom. Our psyche is so strong, you took over the phantom’s body,” The real him walked across the lab, fidgeting with the neuromods, “She was one hell of a neurologist, wasn’t she? Couldn’t have made any of this possible without her.” 
You. The way other Sunghoon spoke…you were truly gone. 
Sunghoon watched as the real him went back to the computer, typing a few things in, then turned back around to face him. Sunghoon studied his own features, seeing the real him hadn’t slept for who knew how long. 
Sunghoon looked back to the floor, “Why did you do this? How do I even look human?” 
Heeseung moved closer to him, “Since your psyche was so strong and took over the phantom, your body morphed into a human state, completely taking over in every aspect.” 
It made sense. Sunghoon always knew he was strong-willed, and he guessed this body was living proof of that. 
“Why are you doing this, Sunghoon?” he asked the real him, glaring up at him, “Why did you put me through hell?!” 
The real him swallowed, eyes swelling and clearly looked like he was fighting against his own demons deep within, “To save her.” 
He didn’t even need to ask who he meant. He shared a heart and mind with the man across from him anyway, “How?” it was all Sunghoon could ask.
“These simulations,” the male said, running his hand through his hair, “Of making you relive our memories in hopes of finding a way to save her. To gather more pieces of her psyche through us.” he pointed his finger between the copy and real him, “If I can gather enough of her psyche, I can upload it into a neuromod and bring her back.” 
Sunghoon scoffed, “Simulations. Plural. Mean’s you’ve put me through this multiple times?” 
The other Sunghoon nodded, “And each time you reach the end, I am a step closer to bringing her back.” 
Sunghoon couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Couldn’t comprehend what he was even being told. He’s a phantom? He’s relived watching you die over and over again? It’s no different than what those damned scientists put him through. 
He looked over at Heeseung then back at his real self, “Heeseung is dead, how did you get his psyche?” 
“He…he killed the phantom that took over me,” Heeseung quickly said, “And stripped out the neuromods I planted into myself.” Sunghoon didn’t need to hear the rest to understand what the real him did next. Probably separated the phantom and Heeseung’s psyches and then uploaded them into the bot. 
“One of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do…killing my best friend to free him from that creature.” the male mumbled, looking off into the infinite space, “The hardest thing for sure, is the fact I couldn’t save YN. I wasn’t strong enough to pull her back into the station.” 
He had a realization then, “After that panel closed you escaped to the shuttle bay, like she told us to.” 
He nodded, “Ran as quickly as I could. November followed behind me and reminded me about the ship that had a lab, which is where we are now. I knew then what I had to do.” 
And the rest is history, I guess. 
The real Sunghoon glanced back at him, releasing a sigh, “Heeseung, prepare for the next run.” 
The next run? 
Sunghoon shook his head, “What do you mean, the next run?!” 
“I will continue to put you through the simulations until I’ve gathered enough of her,” he turned back around and typed at the keyboard, “I will bring her back.” 
Sunghoon started thrashing around again in the chair trying to get free. He couldn’t do this. Not again. He knew exactly what had to be done for the simulation to even work. He can’t do it. Refused. 
Heeseung hovered over Sunghoon, a small mechanical arm extending out of his body that came to three prongs at the end. 
No. No. No. No. 
He closed his eyes and slammed his head into the headrest, squeezing them so tight and rocking his head side to side, “No!!”
“Sunghoon,” Heeseung said, “Look at me, please.” 
He didn’t understand why, but hearing his best friend's voice…he slowly reopened his eyes. He didn’t see Heeseung, but saw multiple paper butterflies hanging from the ceiling, “Butterflies…” 
The other male looked up as well, a weak smile curled at his lips, “YN loved them,” he let out a small laugh, “She used to make these paper ones and left them all over Astra 1 for me, Jake, and Hee to find. It was a silly game of hers and I’d give anything to play it again.” He then turned and looked at him, “That’s why every time you saw a butterfly in the simulation you’d black out. It was our psyche fighting back the trauma of losing her.” 
It made sense, all of it did. Seeing the inkblot butterflies, seeing your face for the first time…Sunghoon’s eyes teared up as he looked at each butterfly. Small pieces of you are still kept alive through them. 
The real Sunghoon clenched his fists at his side, “I miss her, so fucking much,” his voice cracked with pain, and his body started to shake, “I can’t…I can’t live without her,” he smiled weakly again, rubbing the back of his hands against his eyes, “I remember meeting her like it was yesterday. We hired her based on her background. It was so impressive,” he crossed his arms over his chest, staring at the floor, “Hired her immediately. It wasn’t even a question. I didn’t fully meet her until Astra 1 was put into space. Heeseung promoted her to being the head neurologist beside him and me, of course, to help run the neuromod division and transferring of the psyche. Jake was also so impressive, it was a no-brainer why YN and him were best friends, both were so smart.” he smiled again, “Jake was obsessed with slasher films. Even created a ghost face mask out of printer paper and stole a couple of black table clothes to make a ghost face suit. The man was a nerd, but I loved him too, nevertheless.” He took a deep breath in, “YN and I always just passed each other in the hallways and barely said a word to each other when I would visit their division to check up on the neuromod progression. Always made small smiles and stole glances at each other. The attraction was there and only a matter of time before something really sparked between us both.” 
Sunghoon could feel his heart really starting to break now, hearing the way his other self spoke about you and how shakey his voice was…
“I knew I loved her the minute I saw her really smile for the first time. It was the same day she and Jake perfected the neuromods, or well, proved that it could be done. They just had a first successful trial run. And good god the way she smiled…She owned my heart then and there. Heeseung had to convince me for days to ask her out, and when I did…I couldn’t let her go after that. She became my reason for everything,” Real Sunghoon changed his facial expression to soft and sad, to hard and eager, “So I will do whatever it takes to bring her back. I don’t care how many simulations you’ll need to go through. I will continue to wipe your memory of it and shove you back in over and over again.” 
Tears now filled and fell down his face, shaking his head back and forth and started fidgeting again in the chair, pulling and licking his legs to break the restraints, “No!” he shouted, “I can’t do it!! I can’t watch her die again!” The tears flooded out now, his vision going blurry, “I promised!” he screamed, “I told her I wouldn’t forget her ever again! I told her I wouldn’t forget! I promised!” 
The real Sunghoon knelt down in front of him, cupping the sides of his face between his hands, “Shhhh,” he whispered, his own eyes filling with tears, “This needs to happen, so she can live again.” 
Sunghoon shook his head the best he could between the hands, “I love her…I can’t do it again…not again.” 
The real him gave him a sad look and then said, “Heeseung, hand me the serum so I can inject him with some and knock his ass out.” Sunghoon shook his head, seeing out of the corner of his eye, another small arm extending out of the other side of Heeseung’s bot body and reaching on the counter to grab a syringe and hand it to the real him, “I truly am sorry,” he cleared his throat and stuck the needle into the IV connected to his arm, “But I will save YN. She will be with me again.” 
Sunghoon felt himself relax, his vision slowly starting to blur. He studied his face, seeing there was no way of talking himself out of this decision. That the real him has completely lost himself, all in the name of love. All for you. 
He blinked a couple of times, trying to fight back the drowsiness but knowing he was going to fail anyway. The last thing he saw was the real Sunghoon walking away, and looking at his reflection in the window, seeing dark purple eyes staring right back at him. 
Heeseung hovered back over him, the three prongs leveling to his right eye. His vision completely blurred, and his hearing faded in and out, he heard Sunghoon say, “Reupload project Astra.” 
Then everything went dark. 
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[ … ]
[ … ]
[ … ]
[ ****** ] 
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[ … ]
[ 𝙔𝙀𝙎 ]
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Sunghoon’s eyes fluttered open, wandering them to the glass sliding door leading out to his balcony. The morning sun shone brightly into his studio apartment. With a sigh, he pulled himself out of bed, dragging his feet across the floor towards the bathroom. Stretching out his arms and letting a small yawn leave his lips. 
He really didn’t want to go to work today.
thank you so much for everyone who has followed along with this series!! even tho it was short, I enjoyed every moment writing this and I hope everyone enjoyed reading it as well. thank you again for everyone’s undying support of my works!! much love!!!
intro | part one | part two
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— perm. tlist: @alvojake @ikeuverse @woniebae @shawnyle @jwnghyuns
@in-somnias-world @zyvlxqht @aaa-sia @wonniethepoo @addictedtohobi
@eneiyri @skzenhalove @fakeuwus @cherry-park @vousty
@ladyartemesia @criminalyun @cmoundiamante @enhaverse713586 @wondipity
@lhsvibez @jaeyunq @rikizm @kaykay11sworld @pockettwinzz
@vixialuvs @seunghancore @enha-cafe @ppanghoon @sunpov
@zeeloveshee @hxxsxxng @moonrisearies @brownsugarbaybee @nshmrarki
@vveebee @teddybeartaetae @kookify @abysofsteel @aileeeeeeeeeeeee
@hee-lvrr @1309zip @moon0fthenight
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spid3namy · 11 months
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pairing : e!42 miles x mixed!female reader
summary : miles had a bad day so you comfort him in the best ways you know how
contains : angst , fluff , cussing , head kisses
word count : 867
notes : i was just like bored and just thinking cus ya know, why not? i thought of this and felt like it was good so then this was made 😍 
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Miles wasn’t one to make a big deal out of something that was so small.
He wasn’t one to talk about his feelings. And he definitely is not the type to cry in front of anyone. So why did he break so easily around you? Why was it that every time you asked him something, he would tell you? Maybe it was because he knew how worried you got. 
Either way, he hated the power you held over him. He hated how easy it was for you to see past his tough exterior. 
He was so hard to read in the eyes of everyone else. But not you. You always knew how to tell if he was upset over something. It made him feel weak. He was your boyfriend, he was so supposed to be strong for you. Yet, he was weak and he knew you knew it. It sucked.
“Hey, boo. Snap out of it”
Your fingers snapping in front of his face is what caused Miles to pull himself out of his thoughts. He blinked and looked over at you, a faint smile on his face as he looked at you. He didn’t know what happened. All he knew is that he was apparently crying. 
“What’s wrong, Miles?”
Miles shook his head and wiped at his eyes, feeling that crushing feeling in his chest again. This happened a lot. That vulnerable feeling caused this weird crushing feeling to fill up his chest. 
He hated it.
You give him a look. One he knew very well. Miles merely shrugged and moved his attention away from you. Miles stared at everything but you. He knew you were gonna get the truth eventually. You always did.
“Miles, love.. Look at me”
You gently grab his chin and turn his head towards you, pretty much forcing him to look at you. Miles looked at you with sad eyes, there was clearly something wrong.
“Bad day?”
Miles merely nodded and averted his eyes away from yours. You hum and soon let go of his chin before you move closer to him on the couch, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. 
“That’s okay..”
Miles allowed his shoulders to slump and his eyes to stay away from you. He was less tense than earlier. That was a good sign at least. He still wasn’t talking though but you already knew he just needed some time before he spoke to you. 
“It hurts, ma..”
Miles’ voice is low and soft, the sound causing your heart to ache. You nod your head and hum lightly, your fingers playing with the ends of his braids gently. You two sit in silence for what seems like forever. And it did feel like forever. 
“You put too much pressure on yourself, boo.”
Miles shook his head at your words and let out a sigh, his eyes staring down at his hands. And before he knew it, his eyes were welling up with tears and he was crying. Why was he crying? He had no idea. All he knew was that the tears were running down his face and he couldn’t stop them.
You pulled him closer and allowed your arms to wrap around his frame, rubbing his back gently as he sobbed onto your shoulder. You didn’t care how wet your shirt was getting or all the snot that was definitely gonna be on your shirt, you were too focused on him. And how much you wanted Miles to be okay. 
“I ... I fuckin’ hate how you make me feel, ma.”
“How do I make you feel?”
“You make me feel so fuckin’ weak all the damn time.”
You merely hum in response, not even fazed by his words. It wasn’t like you really could change that. It was just impossible for you to change how he felt so you would just have to deal with it. Not that you really thought it was a bad thing. 
Miles continued to cry on your shoulder, his arms wrapped around your waist and holding you tightly. It was almost like he was scared that you were gonna disappear if he let go of you. And he didn’t want that to happen. 
“Shh.. it’s okay, my love. You’re okay..”
Miles broke at the sound of your voice, a choked out sob coming from him and his gripping tightening on your slightly. He could feel his body shake when you pressed a kiss onto his forehead. 
He didn’t understand why he was crying so hard but he did know that he was happy that you were allowing him to cry on your shoulder like this. His tears and snot were soaking your shirt but you didn’t seem to care, something he found very sweet. 
He knew being vulnerable with you wasn’t really a bad thing. He hated being weak in front of you though. Hated how it made him feel. Hated how he thought that you would hate him when you see him being vulnerable. 
But now, in this moment, he didn’t care. He felt safe enough with you to cry all his stress out in front of you and he was thankful that you made him feel so damn safe.
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heartsforhavik · 9 months
clean (sub zero, scorpion x reader)
warnings: self harm, slight angst to comfort
pairings: bi-han and kuai liang x gn reader (separate)
a/n: this is a bit self indulgent, i am now 10 months clean as of today. i usually don’t write kuai liang, but i thought he’d be one of the most comforting characters to have by your side. i hope this can provide some comfort to those struggling.
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(please read the warning before you continue.)
bi-han walked into your bedroom and saw you looking down at your old wounds. they looked to be self-inflicted, as they were all faded straight lines covering your arms.
bi-han is no stranger to scars. as the grandmaster of the lin kuei, he has grown used to the injuries he gains in kombat.
but he was not aware you had scars of your own. especially self-inflicted ones.
you quickly hid your arms as soon as you heard your boyfriend’s voice.
“good evening, bi-han. how are you?” you asked, pretending he saw nothing.
he went up to you and gently grabbed your arm, taking a closer look at your scars.
“what is this…?” he asked. he already knew the answer, but he hoped he was wrong.
you went quiet. there was an uncomfortable silence between you two, as the only sounds you could hear were his deep breaths and the wind blowing outside.
“a few months ago…” you took a deep breath, preparing for the worst. “i… wasn’t doing very well. so i resorted to the only thing i thought i deserved. i felt like such an idiot at the time. i was making so many mistakes, so i just decided to give myself a… punishment. i haven’t done it since, i swear-”
your boyfriend interrupted you by pulling you in for a hug. he knew you were most likely better now. but would hate for you to think he doesn’t care about your feelings.
“if you ever feel that way again, please let me know.” bi-han whispered, holding you tight. he never cared about someone like this before. and now that he’s had a taste of what it’s like to love, he doesn’t wish to part from it.
he has also never been in your shoes, so he wants to comfort you as best as he can. but he doesn’t exactly know how to comfort someone, so he hopes he can hold you in his arms and it’ll be enough.
you are enough. he just wants you to know that. even if he has to remind you over and over. even if he ever loses his temper and you get into a fight. he would still love you. he always will. bi-han cherishes you as one of the only people that truly make him happy, so he hopes what happened to you in the past won’t have to happen again.
kuai liang felt sick when he saw your scars. he hoped they were old. but whether they were old or new, he should let you know that if something was going on, he would be there for you.
he wanted to tell you that immediately.
“my love..?” kuai liang called out, trying to hold back tears. he tried not to cry, knowing this was about you, not him. but he couldn’t help but feel a wave of sadness wash over him at the thought of you hurting yourself. he cared about you so much, his biggest fear was losing you.
“yes? is there something wrong?” you asked.
upon seeing you, kuai liang immediately embraced you as if he hadn’t seen you in years.
“do you understand how much i love you? i will always be here for you. at your happiest and lowest. no matter what, i will always help you when there is something wrong. even if i cannot solve the problem, you know i will do whatever i can.” he whispered, as he looked you in your eyes, the ones that he loved very dearly.
“what is this about?” you asked nervously.
“i saw your injuries…” kuai liang mumbled.
his gaze fell down to your arms. there were so many scars littered across your skin. they were faded, but that doesn’t mean they were never there.
“i just…” kuai liang sighed. “…wanted to let you know that i am always here for you, if you ever feel that way again. i am so sorry that your emotions drove you to the point of self-harm. i am not judging, but i do not it to happen again. i’ll do everything i can to prevent it.”
you were better. you had no desire to harm yourself again. sometimes the thought pops into your head every now and then, but you refuse. even though you were better, you still appreciated kuai liang’s support and determination to prevent it from ever happening again.
“it’s been 10 months.” you mumbled, sitting down against the wall.
kuai liang gave you a ‘hm?’ sound, as he sat down next to you.
“today marks 10 months since i last did it. i’m 10 months clean, kuai liang.” you explained.
“i’m proud of you. let’s make sure that number doesn’t go down, okay?” he encouraged, patting your back as a sign of support.
“yeah.. i try. i always try.” you admitted, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“i know, my love. i know.” kuai liang smiled, giving you a kiss on the forehead. he truly was proud of you. you were so strong, and he admired your honesty throughout the conversation. he understood that your past was difficult, but he believed that someone’s past does not define who they are.
even though you have been through tragedy, your existence is not a tragedy.
kuai liang accepts you wholeheartedly, and he’ll always be there to support you.
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weirdsht · 1 month
Die With A Smile - Cale/Reader
a/n: yes it's from the new lady gaga and bruno mars song. I noticed how reader always seems to be on the dying side in my fics so...
oh and I cried to the point of dehydration when I wrote this lol
tags: reader gender not specified, angst, tragedy, injuries, possibility of death, open ending
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are currently closed but my ask are still open (read pinned)
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Cale Henituse is such a selfish person. 
He continues to make unreasonable demands even when in this crucial moment.
Can’t he see the tears streaming down your face? Can’t he feel the sadness and grief overtaking your entire being?
Can’t he tell that his the reason why you’re in this state?
He probably could. His Cale Henituse after all, the ever so intelligent commander. The young master that can ensure everyone’s survival even in the direst situations.
Everyone but his.
And that’s why his so so selfish.
“Are you really telling me what to do after you’re gone?”
You cried as you felt his weak hand caress your cheeks. His hands are soft, pampered. Unlike his hands when he was Kim Rok Soo; rough and calloused. Not that it mattered much.
As long as it was him, the man you loved, it didn’t matter what his hand felt on your skin.
Cale Henituse chuckled lightly as if nothing was wrong. As if it was just a normal day in the underground villa where the two of you are lazing around.
It made you wish that Raon was here to smack some sense into him.
But alas he wasn’t. In fact, no one was around. It was just the two of you. No Raon, no Choi Han, no Eruhaben, no Rosalyn.
No way out of this damned cave.
“Stop laughing! I’m not joking!”
You couldn’t help but shout at him. You’re hands working hard to wipe every blood that comes out of his mouth, his eyes, his ears, his… 
You can’t tell where the blood is coming from anymore. 
His blood-soaked hand continued to caress your cheek. Blood smearing everywhere, but you didn’t care. You can’t when you can feel his hand growing colder with each stroke.
Your lover was so selfish.
Oh so so so selfish.
“We’re both injured you dipship.”
“You have a higher chance of survival than me. I made sure of it.”
Despite everything, he still thought of you. Yet he failed to think of what you would be if he were gone. Never considered how grey your world would become without his unprompted snarky remarks.
“Is this your payback for me dying back on Earth?”
You laid down beside him. The ground was hard as you already sacrificed every piece of clothing you both had to make Cale comfortable. Everything was quiet and peaceful. If it weren’t for the fact that both of you were injured you would have relished in it.
“Maybe… perhaps I wanted you to know how I felt that day– Agh! Fuck it hurts!”
Cale tried to joke but was cut off because his entire body shook with pain once more.
Trying to ease his pain, you held his hand. Squeezing it as you felt your own injuries hurt and throb. Both of you found solace in each other in this dark cave.
“How are your injuries? Especially the one on your side?”
The redhead inquired as he felt your hold tightened. He was probably in so much more pain than you are. But still… still, he insists on prioritizing you.
“Better than your plate could ever be.”
You omitted the part where your side is still profusely bleeding. He didn’t need another stressor when he was already one foot on death’s door.
Turning over to your side hurt, especially since you’re now crushing your wound. But you did it, just so you could stare at his face for probably the last time in this life.
“I know that it’s bleeding. I’m not dumb, lie on your back.”
Silence lingered in the cave as you said nothing. It was enough to tell Cale that you’re not gonna follow.
For what felt like hours, the two of you simply held each other’s hand. Racing to see who will give in the their injuries first.
Cale rested his forehead on yours. It felt magnetic, or maybe that was just the sticky blood. You aren’t so sure, but it felt comforting.
That was until he opened his mouth once more.
“Hey what if I pass over my ancient powers—”
“Don't you fucking dare.”
Both of you could barely speak, yet here you are still arguing.
It reminded you of all the times the two of you bickered over the smallest things.
Then it reminded you of how this was probably the last time you would be able to do so.
Cale seems to have a similar line of thoughts as he shuts up once more. A faint smile was visible on his face, probably remembering the times you spent together.
You squeezed his arm as black spots began dancing around your vision. They looked tempting, they looked like they could relieve the pain you were feeling.
But you resisted, if Cale was fighting then you’re fighting too.
Cale Henituse started again after a few minutes.
“I don’t like this pain anymore…”
“You never liked pain…”
The love of your life chuckled because it was true. His chuckle was weak, almost lifeless. You tried to laugh too but couldn’t for you know the implication of those words.
Cale Henituse is reaching his limits.
And honestly, you were reaching yours too.
But you didn’t like that. You want for the both of you to live, to get out of this hellish place together.
“...I don’t like this pain anymore too.”
“See… I told you haha…”
You had no choice but to admit it. You don’t know what will happen after this. Cale said he ensured for you to have a higher chance of survival but it’s been hours. It’s a miracle none of you have dropped dead yet.
Removing your forehead from Cale’s you lifted yourself a little. It was so that you could kiss him.
Again, for possibly the last time in this lifetime.
You used the strength you didn’t have to land that one last kiss. Both of you are weak, but passion dominates the kiss. As if each of you were trying to put in the last of your vitality in this kiss. Trying to give it to the other person so they can live longer.
“I love you.”
“You’re my everything.”
Cale and you simultaneously muttered as the kiss broke. You laid back down once more to try and ease the pain that flared up over your little stunt.
Everything hurts, there’s a puddle of blood underneath the two of you, Cale was slowly losing consciousness.
But the two of you had smiles on your faces.
Because the two of you got to experience your last moments in each other's arms.
That was better than dying alone in this cold and dark cave that held you hostage.
However, tears fell from your eyes as you witnessed Cale desperately blinking to stay awake. It was finally sinking in that at least one of you might die here.
Both of you might die here.
There were still so many things the two of you didn’t do. Both of you had promised to take the children on another shopping spree next week. You promised Lock and the other wolf children that you would teach them some martial arts you learned back on Earth. Cale promised Choi Han that they would replenish the flowers in the cemetery in Harris Village.
Though that last one might turn into Choi Han having to lower flowers for both of you.
“My love… my dearest…”
You were so weak that you couldn’t continue your words. But Cale didn’t need words for he could understand you from your breath alone, and you from his.
“Don’t… cry…”
How dare he have the nerve to say that when there are tears streaming down his face too?
Cale used the very last of his strength to bring your joined hands towards his lips. It was his last act of comfort. His last act of love.
“I love… y ou… I’ll… al way s  will…”
With that Cale Henituse’s eyes closed. His hand still holding onto yours. Still pressed against his almost blue lips.
“I… I lo ve… you too…”
Then you followed suit.
As you closed your eyes you think you could hear desperate screams break the silence in the cave. Desperate and anxious screams that oddly sounded like Eruhaben. Then mixed in it are tensed orders from someone who sounded similar to Alberu.
But you didn’t have any strength left to check if you were hallucinating. So you closed you eyes and gave into the abyss waiting to comfortably embrace you.
You shouted the moment you woke up. You think you sat up but you weren’t sure. Too disoriented from your injuries and painkillers. 
You think you could feel hands trying to make you lie back down again but you weren’t sure. Even if you were, you didn’t care.
Ignoring the hands trying to subdue you, you tried to feel around for Cale. There were bandages covering your eyes, you realise just now. It seemed like you’re lying down on a bed as it felt soft.
But those weren’t the things you were looking for.
“Cale!? Where’s Cale!?”
You shouted, despair and anguish evident in your voice. There’s a bunch of textures you can feel. Lots of scents you could smell. Tons of voices you could hear.
However, none of them were Cale’s.
Not a single one of them felt like your lover’s.
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Halo (Matt Murdock x fem!Reader)
Author’s Note: Howdy, folks! In my slow sift through and re-editing process of fics on my laptop and in my notebooks, I've re-come across this fic. It's probably been written for, what, a year and a half? Two years? and I've waffled on it because I didn't know if I should post it. It's a continuation of Angel, but if you've read it and want to stay sitting in the angst, you can. It's still angst, but, it might make you feel better? Idk. I cried writing it and then every time I've re-read it, and I think id I tried to write more, I'd be a vicious cycle of tears. Not my best editing, but. Enjoy!
Summary: Matt is grieving your loss hard even months after your death. It's like a non-stop film reel in his mind. He's wracked with despair, and ready to submit when his angel comes to his rescue.
Warnings: ANGST (dead dove, do not eat), talk of death, wounds (stab wound, gunshot wound, blood--canon typical violence), a lot of crying, hurt comfort?, Matt has a lot of self hatred in this from guilt
Other Characters: Father Lantom, Foggy Nelson
Word Count: 1,635
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Everything is too loud and too quiet at once. It’s been like that for the last couple of months since you died. His surroundings have been simultaneously amplified and dampened. He doesn’t know how to function. He hasn’t been able to figure out what life means without you. He doesn't feel as if he's living anymore.
Matt can feel when Father Lantom sits down next to him. He's been coming to church more often, as if his desperate prayers will change the past and bring you back to him. He can feel every last bit of the polyblend fibers in Father Lantom's black clothes, but it just feels like static to him. An indistinct haze. But even for as hazy as it is, for as much sensation as it is, it just makes Matt feel more numb. He tunes out Father Lantom’s words, and only when he feels his hand on his back does Matt actually pay attention to what his priest is saying.
“I was playing pool with a man once—a unique fellow with an insightful mind,” the priest starts with a breath. “He imparted words to me that were so incredibly wise it made a priest speechless. It was a simple question: ‘What is grief, if not love preserving?' As I let that sink in, he continued. He said that all those feelings—the anger, the sadness, even the hollowness, everything that brings a person to tears—that is all the unspoken love that you still have for someone. It’s a good thing, Matthew. Love . . . Love isn’t something you switch on and off like a lamp. It’s shouldn’t be—if it is, it isn’t love.”
Matt sits in the pew, his heart heavy, hurting, and crumbling.
“I keep thinking I’m going to find her at home,” Matt finally sniffles, his voice trembling. “I keep hoping that this is a nightmare and I’m going to wake up and we’ll be in bed and she’ll hold me the way she does after I have a bad dream. That she’ll make every bad thing I’m feeling go away.”
Father Lantom puts a careful hand in Matt’s back, and it’s enough to have him break down. 
“I miss her so much,” Matt weeps in the empty church. “I-I can’t—I don’t know what to do.”
“Matthew . . .”
“She died in my arms,” he sobs. “I couldn’t—I should’ve—I need her. I’m lost without her.”
Father Lantom knows there’s nothing more to say as Matt lets his grief take center stage, feeling the pain course over him in violent wave after violent wave rather than pushing it down. 
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This is it, he thinks. This is where he dies, on some random rooftop.
And you know what? He couldn’t care less. Being a lawyer, fighting this fight, day and night, it’s pointless. How can he try helping others when he couldn’t help the person he cared about most? When she, dying in his arms, was comforting him? This is what he deserves—it’s better than what he deserves, he thinks. This is a relatively clean death—a little bullet hole in his flesh. You were all but sliced in two. He deserves to be torn to bits for what he let happen to you . . . He deserves so much worse. But, as he lays there, bleeding out, all he can thing about is how he never deserved you. How you would have been so much better off without him.
How you’d be alive had the two of you never met.
“Matty?” he hears a gentle voice say. “Matty, I’m gonna help you sit up.”
No . . . This isn’t happening. The voice, he knows it. He thought he’d never hear it again. 
“God, you’re heavy,” you grunt as you help him sit upright, a careful, warm hand over where he was shot as the other is firm on his back. 
“Wha—Huh?” he starts to groan, panic quickly starting to bubble. 
“Matt, calm down, it’s okay,” you urge. “I’m here, angel, don’t worry. You’re okay.”
He sputters your name in disbelief. “Is that really you?”
He feels how your fingers run through his hair and down to a loving grip on his forearm. 
“Hey, Matty.”
“Sweetheart, wha—?”
“Matt, I know it’s a lot. I know. But it’s okay. I’m right here.”
“H-How?” he asks with tears in his eyes. “How?”
He listens to you let out a sigh, how your brows furrow, trying to find the best answer to his question. “Divine intervention?”
“Y-You died, (Y/N).” He smells the salt of your tears in the air. “You died in my arms. Why didn’t you hold on?” 
“I tried,” you tell him. “I wanted to. You were so scared Matt. God, I—.” You sniffle and bite your lip, a tear rolling down your cheek. “I would give anything to forget the pain on your face, Matty. But then I wouldn’t have been able to see my favorite person.” You wipe the tears away from his cheeks. “Matty, I’m not gone. I’m with you always, you know that, right?”
“I couldn’t save you.”
“You saved the city and the world from a frightening reality. You’ve done it so many times, angel.”
“That doesn’t change what I failed to do.”
“Forever the Catholic—full of guilt.” You cup his cheek with your hand. “Matty, look at me. You are the best thing in the world that ever happened to me, you understand that? You made me feel so loved, so cherished, so safe, and so valued. I never felt more myself than being with you. Everything that you made me feel . . . Matt, that’s love. That’s what love is, what it does, and what it feels like. And I’m sorry I couldn’t stay longer to have you realize that and feel the same.”
“I did, sweetheart, I felt it.” 
“Then you need to remember that feeling and let it guide you. I want you to be happy, Matt. I don’t want you to be sad forever. I can’t have that.”
“I miss you so much. I don’t think that’s ever going to stop.”
“It’s only a beautiful thing. It’s all the unexpressed love. We never get enough time with each other, Matt. But the best part of it is, Matt? We’re going to see each other again. It’s gonna be a while, but when we do?” Matt can taste the salt in your tears. “Be there as much as possible for one another, Matt. Okay? Don’t shut people out, don’t push them away because you want to protect them or because you don’t feel like you deserve happiness, because you will mourn that time you lost. Open up your heart again. It’s one of the most beautiful things you can share.”
“I don’t want to leave you,” he cries as he holds onto you. “I don’t want to go back.”
“You know you don’t mean that.”
“I can’t . . . I miss waking up next to you. It keeps getting harder. It’s all crushing in on me.” He sniffles. “The apartment is loosing your smell.”
Tears roll down your cheeks at his distress. “Matt . . .”  you soothe. “I miss you more than I can say. There are absolutely no words in any language to tell you how much my heart hurts that I’m not physically with you every day.”
“Then let me stay. Don’t make me go back. Please let me stay here with you.”
“I can’t make that decision. If . . . Matty, I know you know that you’re not finished on Earth.”
“Angel . . .”
“Matty?” you say softly. “Can you open your eyes for me?”
Tears stream down his face as he looks at you, his pupils locking onto yours for the first time. His hand carefully cups your cheek, afraid to touch you—like you’ll disappear. He gently touches your hair next, tucking it behind your ear before his thumb traces over your nose and cheek, finally brushing against your lips.
“(Y/N)?” he croaks.
“Hi, Matty.”
Holding your face in his hands, he leans in for the kiss of a lifetime, pouring every ounce of love he has into in.
“H-How . . .? I don't . . . You’re more beautiful than I could have ever imagined,” he sniffles as he moves to rest his forehead against mine. “God . . . You’re just . . . You’re here. You’re perfect.”
“Those are some super senses, huh?” you joke with a wet chuckle as you rest your foreheads on one another.
“I love you so much, (Y/N). I love you more than you’ll ever know.”
“Pull through for me, Matt,” you plea. “You’re not done yet, my angel. I know you’re not.”
“You’re gonna be with me, huh?”
“Forever and always, every step of the way. And hey—I better not see you again until it’s your time. Actually your time.”
“Promise,” he says with a soft smile, holding your face in his hands as he looks at you with tears in his eyes, desperately trying to memorize every last detail in your face.
“Love you, angel.”
“Love you more.”
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He feels the burning, piercing pain in his ribs before anything else. Then, it’s the dried blood on his skin. Foggy’s muttering to himself in the kitchen about how he needs to find better friends that don’t dress up and prance around at night in ways that bring them two steps away from death.
When Matt’s eyes flutter open into a darkness he’s become accustomed to, tears begin to sting at his eyes as a fresh, strong whiff of your scent hits his nose in his apartment as if you’re walking by him like you’d done so many times before.
Forever and always.
While it hurts, Matt knows from that point on things will start to get a little easier. You're here with him, after all.
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Matt Murdock Taglist: @two-unbeatable-beaters @loves0phelia
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mynameismckenziemae · 4 months
All of Me
Part 10
(previous part here, next part here)
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x You
Summary: A missed turn is the start of something more.
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Warnings: 18+ MDNI! Smut, teasing, femdom, orgasm delay/edging, use of a makeshift gag, honor bondage, oral (m receiving), ass play, a little exhibitionism, talks of blood/medical stuff.
“So…” Jake sets the cruise control once he gets on the highway, “you like-like me, huh?”
“You were awake? The whole time?!” You laugh and smack his arm when he nods with a smug smirk. “You ass!”
“I know,” he agrees. “I’m sorry. I was going to make it known, but then…I didn’t want to embarrass Drew.”
You nod and take a deep breath as your stomach flips like you’re on a roller coaster.
Here goes nothing.
“I do like you, Jake. More than a friend.”
“You already know I like you too. More than a friend,” he grins, “and Drew was right. I’ll do everything in my power to never hurt either of you.”
“Okay,” you whisper as you try not to cry. Again.
In the comfortable silence of the car, your eyes close as your thoughts drift to one of the last verbal conversations you had with Andy before he lost his ability to speak.
The sun was just coming up when you got home from a 24-hour shift at the hospital. Utterly exhausted at 7 months pregnant, you crawled in next to Andy in his hospital bed.
“Hey,” he says, lips twitching in his attempt to smile.
“Hi,” you whisper, pressing a kiss to his forehead before laying your head on his thin shoulder.
“How’s my boy?” He asks, his speech slow and slurred and getting worse by the day.
“Good,” you answer, rubbing a hand over your swollen belly, “sleeping now after he danced all night on my bladder.”
“Tired himself out,” Andy replies. “So. I’ve been thinking.”
“Yeah? Did you hurt yourself?” You tease, giggling at his exaggerated sigh.
“I was thinking when I die,” he continues, making your heart squeeze painfully in your chest, “that you and Bradshaw should get together.”
“What?!” You nearly shout as you try to sit up, but you struggle with your pregnant belly in the way.
You knew ALS could change his thinking and behavior but this is way out of left field.
When you finally can get up enough to turn and look at him, he’s shaking with silent laughter.
“What the hell?!” You ask, unable to keep from laughing too. “I thought you lost your damn mind.”
“Sorry, I couldn’t resist,” he explains when you lay back down on his chest. You commit to memory the steady beat of his heart for a few minutes before he continues. “I do want you to be happy though.”
“Andy…” your voice breaks with the tears filling your eyes. Dating is the last thing on your mind right now with being pregnant and married. Even though he’s dying.
“I know,” he answers, reading your mind. You reach back and pull his arm around you when you feel it trying to move at your back. “But someday, you might want to; and it’s okay.”
“Okay,” you whisper, unconvinced. “No one could ever replace you though.”
“If you say so,” he teases softly.
“Will you send me a sign?” You half-jokingly ask a few minutes later. Your eyes are closed, lids too heavy from exhaustion to open.
“If I ever date again. Send me a sign from heaven,” you reply sleepily with a yawn. “So I know you approve.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” he chuckles as sleep pulls you under.
A sad smile (as Drew would say) graces your face as you come back to the present. You slowly blink your eyes open to the sound of Jake’s voice.
“I hate Apple Maps,” he grumbles, trying to zoom out on the screen. “Never told me to turn and now it’s re-routing us.”
“Yep,” you agree, pulling out your phone. “Same thing happens to me all the time. I’ll try pulling it up on mine.”
Jake’s low whistle has you looking up a moment later.
“Look at all those flowers,” he says, nodding his head to your side of the car.
“It’s beautiful,” you murmur.
To your right is a field with row after row full of yellow flowers.
Jake wordlessly turns into the driveway at the end of the field, parking the car near a small shop. It’s closed but there’s a note stuck to the door stating, “Sorry, we’re closed! Feel free to look but please don’t pick the flowers so everyone can enjoy them.”
“Daffodils,” you realize as you walk closer to the edge of the field, Jake at your side. “Wow. I’ve never seen so many.”
“Me either,” Jake murmurs, lacing in his fingers in yours.
You walk down the aisles hand in hand, enjoying the soft sounds and calmness of nature that you don’t often get to experience when living in the city.
At the very end of the last row, there’s a sign. A peculiar, almost precognitive feeling has your heart beating faster with each step as the two of you draw nearer to it.
Symbolizing both hope and resilience, daffodils are strong, little things that manage to survive long, dark winters; waiting to pop up with a fresh start and renewal that spring brings.
Let this be a sign to not let fear hold you back and to embrace new beginnings with open arms.
The words have tears spilling from your eyes as Jake reads them out loud.
“Oh my God,” you say and a laugh escapes despite your tears.
Well, you did ask Andy to send a sign. You didn’t mean literally but you’ll take it.
“What?” He turns to you, concern furrowing his brow when he sees you’re crying. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you whisper as he turns your chin toward him so he can wipe your tears. “I don’t even know how to explain it but I’ll try in the car. Ready to go?”
“I know it’s probably just a coincidence,” you murmur after relaying the memory to Jake, now feeling a bit vulnerable.
“Thinking of that specific memory, missing our turn, ending up at a field full of flowers that symbolize hope and resilience, and then seeing that sign?” Jake says, glancing at you before looking back to the road “Feels like more than a coincidence to me.”
“Me too,” you smile softly and place your hand over his. “So Jake, will you be my boyfriend?”
You pick up food on the way home for an early dinner before spending the rest of the evening in bed. It’s different than before; softer, unhurried, and more intimate after the emotional
“Do you want me to stay?” Jake asks after cleaning you up as his fingers play in your hair. His appetite for you is sated; at least for now.
“Yeah,” you reply, nuzzling into his chest, “if you want to. I’m on call tomorrow starting at 8, but I don’t have anything else planned.”
“I do want to,” he says, already sounding tired. “What do you have to do when you’re on call?”
“Not much. I just have to answer my phone if it rings and give the nurse orders or talk to the patient,” you explain, unable to stifle a yawn.
“I’ll keep you company then,” he replies as he drifts off.
“Mmkay,” you mumble before succumbing to sleep too.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” Jake whispers before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You smile at the use of a pet name, slowly blinking your eyes open as you stretch, feeling more rested than you have in a long time. “Morning. What time is it?”
“Ten to 8,” he replies, handing you a cup of coffee. “I wanted to let you sleep.”
“It’s okay. I haven’t slept that good in a long time,” you say, noticing the lack of sun coming through your curtains. “Is it raining?”
“Yeah, I checked this morning. It’s supposed to last all day,” he replies, settling next to you. “It’s nice and sunny up by Drew though.”
“Good,” you smile into your coffee cup. “On the bright side, we won’t have to feel guilty about spending all day in bed now.”
“True,” he agrees, setting your coffee on the nightstand before returning for a kiss. He guides the tee shirt you stole from him over your head before pulling you down with him.
Goosebumps follow your fingers trailing over his chest and he sighs into the kiss when you find his nipple.
You love how responsive he is to your touch and it reminds you of the package under your bed that arrived earlier this week.
“Hey, I ordered…something to try,” you say breathlessly before kissing a line down his neck. “I think you’ll like it.”
“Mmm, what is it?” He asks breathlessly as his hips press into you, precum already staining the front of his boxer-briefs.
You lift off him to dig through your bedside drawer, finding your black satin sleep mask and holding it up.
“Let me surprise you?” You ask, nodding to the mask.
His eyes darken as he nods.
You cover his eyes and reach for the box under your bed, setting it next to him while you gather everything else you need before crawling over the bed to him.
“Keep your hands here,” you murmur as you pull his arms above his head to grip the headboard.
“Yes ma’am,” he replies breathily, flushed already.
“Always so good for me,” you purr, leaving a kiss on his lips. He chases it with a whine when you pull away.
“You can tell me to stop at any time, and I will, okay?” You say as you kiss a path down his eager body before settling between his legs.
He nods before hissing when you suddenly suck sharply on his hip bone, leaving a dark bruise. “I can’t hear you nod.”
“Y-yes ma’am. Sorry ma’am,” he replies shakily, sounding fucked out already and you’ve barely touched him.
“Fuck!” He cries when you suck the head of his cock into your mouth without warning.
You hum around him as your head lazily bobs up and down his shaft, pausing only to place a generous dollop of lube on your finger.
“Oh,” he breathes when your index finger presses his rim, circling the right ring of muscle before pressing in. You smile as he opens his legs a little further before bringing them up to give you better access.
Your mouth goes back to his cock as your finger works in and out of his hole, occasionally brushing his prostate to keep him on edge. “Can I add another?”
“Yeah-I mean, yes ma’am,” he stutters, correcting himself before you can.
The thick muscles of his arms flex and another breathy curse leaves him as you slowly push two fingers in.
“You’re taking it so well,” you praise, rewarding him with a touch to his prostate as you lick the precum beading at the tip before swallowing him to the back of your throat.
“Fuu-ckk,” he says brokenly, clenching around your fingers as his hips jerk.
You swallow again before pulling back, smiling at his frustrated whine before doing it again and again, bringing him to the edge over and over until he’s begging.
“Please, ma’am, please let me cum?” He whines when you pull off again.
“Not yet,” you murmur as you remove your fingers from him to pick up the toy and coat it with more lube.
“What…is that?” He gasps, flinching when he feels the cool silicone pressing against his sensitive rim.
“A prostate massager,” you reply, pushing it in when he relaxes. “Feel okay?”
“Yeah,” he replies, shifting his hips and sucking in a breath at the feeling.
You haven’t told him it vibrates.
“Good, I’ll be right back, just gonna wash my hands quick,” you murmur, pressing a kiss to his lips.
Your phone rings as you walk back into the room from the en suite.
“Damn it,” you mumble when you see your work number. “Hang on, hopefully it won’t take long.”
“Yes ma’am,” he replies, cock still hard and dripping precum into his stomach.
“Hi, this is Dr. Kerner,” you answer, sitting next to him on the bed.
“Hey, it’s Shannon. I’ve got Lt. Luke Thompson, date of birth: 2/21/1991 calling with a nosebleed that started this morning when he woke up, no known injury, not on any blood thinners…”
He gasps when you reach over and start stroking him idly as you listen to her give report.
“Sounds good,” you say when she’s finished, “You can put him through.”
“Okay-shoot, we got disconnected. I’ll call him back and transfer him to him,” she says.
“Thanks,” you reply, hitting the red button to end the call.
“Can you stay quiet for me while I’m on the phone?” You ask, still stroking him.
“I-I’ll try ma’am,” he breathes.
“Mmm, I don’t know if I can trust that,” you reply. He whimpers when your hand leaves his cock, but he can’t see that you’re removing your underwear. “This outta do it. Open your mouth.”
He shudders but does as asked, groaning when you stuff the lacy fabric in his mouth.
“If you want me to stop, just let go of the headboard, okay?” You ask as your phone starts to ring again.
He nods eagerly as you swipe to answer it.
“Hi, Lt. Thomson? I’m Dr. Kerner. So you’ve got a bloody nose that started when you got up this morning. What time was that?”
“A little less than an hour ago,” the patient replies nasally as you pick up the toy’s remote.
“Okay, so I want you to pinch your nostrils shut and lean forward,” you instruct as you click on the vibration to the lowest setting.
Jake’s entire body jolts at the sensation, his sound of pleasure muted by the makeshift gag.
“Yeah forward. I know it sounds weird, but it’ll go down your throat and upset your stomach if you tilt your head back,” you continue on autopilot as arousal pools between your thighs.
The muscles in Jake’s arms strain further as his grip tightens, and his heels dig into the mattress with a muffled curse when you click it again. He shakes his head and it sounds like he’s trying to say “I can’t”.
Yet his hands don’t let go.
“Are you feeling dizzy at all? Lightheaded?” You ask, struggling to keep your voice even as you watch this big, strong man struggle under your control
“Okay good. Stay like that for another 10 minutes or so,” you continue. “If it doesn’t stop, you’ll have to go to urgent care to get it packed or cauterized”
Jake’s entire body shakes as he fights the urge to give in to the pleasure.
You end the call as you click it to the highest setting and watch as he unravels.
The fabric shoved in his mouth is does little to muffle his uninhibited, throaty groans as his hips flex, cock twitching as stripes of cum paint the valleys and ridges of his abs.
A/N: So, they’re officially official! What did you think of the literal sign Andy sent? Also, while looking up flowers that symbolize hope/resilience I found some daffodil farms in California and now I want to go there 😂
I’m also aware this was super inappropriate of Reese to do this while on the phone with a patient. This is purely fictional/fun and I do not condone this IRL!
As always, any interaction is appreciated but I love hearing what you think in the comments/reblogs!
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onlymingyus · 6 months
I Hate to Admit
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• pairing; lee jihoon x f reader • genre; angst • warnings; alludes to cheating in the past, arguments, tension -- no happy ending • w/c; 770 and some change  • i hate to admit - bang chan • don't listen in secret masterlist • a/n; this song is one of my favorite songs. it hits me right in the feels every single time. i was in a sad place when i wrote this, so i am sorry for that. thank you to @onlyhuis for betaing. i also hope you all don't mind a bonus posting 💕
before continuing remember reblogs are incredibly important and please read how to support me here
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He took the same path every day, rarely looking up, but your voice caused Jihoon’s heart to clench and his eyes to lift today. You were talking on your phone, a pretty smile on your face. Ending your phone call, you slide the phone back into your pocket only to stop when you find the man looking at you. 
He missed you so much. He wanted to tell you that. You instantly put a smile on his face that he couldn’t hide. You made his heart beat faster, and his palms sweat. He felt warm around you as if you were the sun. 
Your voice was quiet and timid, but that was to be expected after the fight and his avoiding your calls and texts. He didn’t want to read another text about how sorry you were when he knew it wasn’t real. 
Jihoon clears his throat, lifting his hand to run his fingers through his long hair. He knew he needed to get a haircut, but with everything going on…it had become the least of his worries. His eyes move over your face as he takes a step forward, his hands sliding into his hoodie to hind how nervous he actually was about seeing you now. 
“You look…really good, Jihoon. I–did you get any of my calls?” 
You watch as the man in front of you nods to answer your question. It made his answer sting that much more. You knew you didn’t deserve him to answer the calls or to even call you back, but it would have made things feel better. Easier? 
“I see–” 
“You look pretty, Y/N. Uh…” 
Jihoon’s words cut you off causing you to furrow your brows. He felt confused and in pain looking at you. He loved you so much and yet just looking at you hurt. He wanted to give you a second chance more than anything, but he had spent his time trying to forget. You watch Jihoon’s mouth start to open only for it to close again. 
He wanted to say something more, but you could see him processing it in front of you. In his mind, Jihoon was considering if you’d go out to coffee with him, and talk through everything that had happened. If maybe that could get you and him back to where you had been before it had all gone to shit so quickly. But as soon as the words started to form on his lips, Jihoon pushed them away knowing it was a bad idea. He hated to admit to himself that there was no saving this. 
“I hope you have a good day. I should get going. I gotta get to work.” 
Jihoon doesn’t wait for you to argue. He can see the hurt in your eyes, the way you want to try to change the past and present. He wanted to change it too, but he had spent too many nights already trying to do that. Walking past you, Jihoon doesn’t look back and you blink the tears from your lashes knowing it was what you deserved. 
With his studio door shut behind him firmly, Jihoon lets out his uneven breaths as his own tears threaten his eyes. He hated knowing that he had probably made you cry. That was one thing he had promised you while you were dating that he’d try not to do and yet he had lied. He had lied because you had lied. 
Sliding down in his chair, Jihoon blows out a deep breath before closing his eyes trying to push you from his head but instead, he can only remember more. He pictures your hand in his, your body against his, your lips meshing with his own. Fingers clench at the arms of his chair and Jihoon remembers asking you “Why, him? Why, Seokmin?” 
He remembers your eyes full of tears as you tried to think of how to lie your way out of it only to break down into apologies because you had been the one to cheat. You had cheated on him with one of his best friends. You had said you loved him and it had been a lie. 
Lifting his hand, Jihoon groans in annoyance pushing tears from his cheeks as he mutters to himself that he has to stop this. He had cried over you too many times. Every time a text came to his phone with another apology. Every time you had called him trying to tell him how much you loved him, Jihoon had cried because he loved you. 
“I gotta forget her. She's changed, just gotta let go.” 
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© onlymingyus - all rights reserved. Reposting/modifying of any fic, or pieces of original writings posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations not allowed.
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filmbyjy · 8 months
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SYNOPSIS > being the new CEO to the ‘Sim Corp’ was hard and stressful. jake didn’t have much time to spend with layla and so he decides to get a dogsitter, you. though, you were originally already his secretary. how will dog sitting bring you two closer?
— continuation from chapter 34 (please read if you haven’t)
you had walked out of the passenger side of the car and faced the view. you breathed in and out. jay didn’t say much, he just kept quiet and watched the view too.
“do you like jake a lot?” jay suddenly asks.
did you like jake? sure, he was everything you ever dreamt of the perfect and ideal type of boyfriend but he came with many flaws. which was normal. however, after breaking your trust and heart twice, you can’t help but feel lost…confused even.
“I don’t know.” you quietly whispered. the softness of your tone went with the beautiful scenery in front of you.
“you don’t know?” jay says in slight confusion.
“I know what my heart wants but…I can’t bring myself to physically accept him after he hurt me twice.” you explained. jay hums in acknowledgment. he understood where you were coming from and quite honestly, if he was in your position…he wouldn’t even forgive jake.
“so what are you going to do about it?”
“let him go.”
jay hums once more, “whatever you desire. you know what’s best for yourself and I’ll go along with it.”
“I don’t know what’s best for myself, honestly. I feel like I should just give up.”
“well, if your heart is telling you do so then you should. you’re someone who needs to be treated right,” jay says.
you looked up at him. “really? because I don’t feel like it. everyone that I fall in love with always leaves me in the end.”
jay shrugs, “they’re too blind to realise they’ve lost someone amazing.”
you snickered, “is this how you deal with all the ladies coming after you?”
“I don’t have anyone who likes me. My love life is kinda sad, honestly. The girl I like doesn’t like me back and all the dates I’ve gone to all just want me for my wealth and to get into my pants.” jay sighs.
“I’m so sorry.”
“it’s alright.”
“what about the girl who doesn’t like you back?”
“I would sacrifice her happiness over mine.” jay simply says as he directly looks into your eyes.
“shouldn’t you have some self-respect for yourself?”
“for her, I don’t. I want what’s best for her…even if she doesn’t like me.” jay smiles.
“whoever this girl is…she’s really unlucky. she should realise you’re the real deal.”
“yeah, she should…but I’m fine with it. As long as she’s happy with her decision.”
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as you looked down at your phone in the cafe that you had set up…you realise that there was something more to life. chasing after a guy who you thought was the one for you. clearly, that didn’t work out.
since, you had left Sim Corp. your life was…a little different but quite the same. you were your own little boss as you managed the cafe. when you first left Sim Corp. tons of the friends you made were reluctant to see you go. however, they understood where you came from. no one wanted to stay to face the love that wasn’t theirs.
scrolling through your gallery, you clicked on one photo. you would’ve deleted it but it would hurt you too much if you went with it. so here you were, staring at it. nearly bringing tears to your eyes. it was a photo of jake and layla. you were pathetic for still somehow having feelings for him after all these years. however, your heart just couldn’t give up on him.
everyday, you tried to live your best life. moving on and even trying to go out on dates to forget the pain that you withheld. however, it was no surprised that at the end of the date, your heart yearned for your true love. which is why…despite having a chance to possibly date jay or any other guy, you didn’t. for jay, he knows you can’t forget about jake. you thought you were stupid for still being stuck on him.
jay denies it. it just shows how much you really liked jake and quite honestly, he said if he was jake. he would be flattered. but alas, you had drifted apart from jake. never contacting him again after you left the company.
you could hear the bell to your little cafe door ringing, indicating someone had walked in.
“welcome to Lily Cafe-” the words that were supposed to continue after quickly died the moment you had laid eyes on the person who walked on.
Sim Jaeyun
he still looked as handsome as 5 years ago. you looked away and just went to the counter to attend to him as he still was a valued customer. jake stood in front of you (at the cashier) in awe. you still looked beautiful as ever. there was barely any changes to you and yet somehow, he felt like you were different.
“what would you like to have, sir.” jake swore his heart stopped. he missed your sweet voice.
“umm, it’s my first time here so what are the specials. umm any recommendations?”
“I believe the best recommendation I can give you is a simple vanilla latte and also along with the red velvet cake.”
“then can I have a cold vanilla latte and one red velvet cake?” you nodded and ringed up his order. your employees helping out to make the drink and also packing the cake into a box.
“would you like 1 fork to share with your significant other?”
“I don’t have a significant other.” he says. the air felt still, a clear tension between you two that causes your staff to start gossiping and moving over to the staff room.
“I divorced her a year later into our contractual marriage.” jake explains.
you didn’t know why it made you at ease and why he needed to tell you this. it was none of your business.
“alright, then I’ll just put one fork for you-” you reached to placed the fork into the bag.
“layla misses you.” jake says. you freeze. ah layla, the ever so cute puppy. she’s definitely not a puppy anymore, she would probably be an adult now. a grown dog. “I miss you.”
“there is no point of saying that. we never started anything and you got married to your childhood sweetheart.” you bitterly say.
“I already said I divorced her and I only loved you truly.”
“jake, let’s not talk about this when people are here.”
“then.” he grabs your hand (whilst also grabbing his drink and cake) “let’s go somewhere private.”
“w-what?” and so jake drags you somewhere secluded but still somewhere in public considering he didn’t want to look like some serial killer. despite him holding a cup of latte and a box of red velvet cake.
“let’s clear the air now. I love you.” jake doesn’t waste a single second.
“you can’t just say that after 5 years of me not seeing you.” you say.
“I can and I will. I love you and I want to be by your side till the very end. I never liked her, I was forced to get married because of my fucking dad. He’s the worst.”
“you don’t have to explain. there is no point.”
“what do you mean there is no point?! (name), i fucking love you. I got divorce from her because I didn’t love her, I love you and only you.”
“stop talking nonsense. you should go back.”
“there is no going back, you’re my home and my safety. I can’t leave you anymore.”
“please.” jake begs. it looked too pitiful. his eyes filled with tears just brimming and ready to fall. “I can’t lose you again…” his voice was shaky, this was the first time you saw jake being vulnerable.
did you want to possibly get hurt again?
you were dumb enough to continue to love him.
“sim jaeyun, you asshole.” you had whacked his chest and cried in his arms. “why do you have to be so mean to me.” you sobbed out.
murmurs and apologies were just simply said to each other. once again, sim jaeyun never fails to appear into your life again. he was a virus…
a good virus.
EPILOGUE (that you guys never got)
— takes place 4 years later
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a/n: finally ‘Collie Duty’ has legit and officially ended🥹 I am currently planning for ‘MineStream’ right now so look out for that whenever I upload the masterlist for it!!
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orikiys · 10 months
✿ ✿ 〞pretty little seedlings
✰ pairings: bf!seungmin x fem!reader
✰ genre: romance, angst, hurt comfort, fluff
✰ warnings: mentions of reader have a really stressful day, crying, comforting
✰ word count: 800 + words
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the room was dark and dreary, with heavy, thick curtains that blocked out any sign of light. the air was thick and stale, as if the sun had never shone through that room for years. the walls were a depressing shade of grey, which only added to the gloomy atmosphere.
the bed was situated at the centre of the room, with a large, heavy canopy that blocked out any natural light. the bedsheets were a depressing shade of dull yellow, the only source of light in the room was a dim, flickering lamp that was barely enough to illuminate the darkness. underneath those bedsheets was you, huddled up and wrapped like a burrito.
the tears threaten to spill out of your eyes and it’s pretty evident with the eye bags underneath your eyes that your sleep schedule was not relatively good these past few days.
stressful would be an understatement. you felt the burden of everything on your shoulders. the worst part? you don’t know where to start from. you don’t know what to do. it’s that time when things couldn’t have been any more worse and all you want to do is to stay in your bed all day long. your phone is on silent ever since you read the mails for submissions of your work when at this point all you’re doing is cramming.
how you wish you could call seungmin and ask him to come, but you can’t. he probably won’t be free. so you rather chose to cry about it on your own.
hugging seungmin’s plushie tighter you bury your face further into the pillows and let out a muffled sob. your body shakes as the sobs get stronger and you have to hold back a shriek when you feel a cold hand rubbing your back. you can’t see the look on his face but you feel him pull you to him as he hides your face in his neck, allowing you to further cry. but with him. not alone.
your arms instantly engulf around his torso as the sobs increase. your throat probably hurts from all those hours of crying but you need to get it all out at once. his soft breathing distracts you as he holds you tighter. his fingers comb through your dishevelled hair and you feel the sobs slowing down their rate.
upon noticing this, he pulls back a bit and cups your face. his eyes staring straight into yours and his expression rather gloomy, just like you. he hates it when you cry. he hates it when you don’t give yourself enough credit. he hates it so much especially when he isn’t there to comfort you and calm you down.
his fingers caress your cheek before he mutters softly, “i don’t know what happened that made you this sad but i want you to know that i’m here. always. whenever you need me and even if you don’t, i’ll be there for you when you need me sweetheart.”
it’s the way he wipes your tears with his thumb before taking your hands in his and pressing his lips to your knuckles. he does that twice before he leans your head on his shoulder. the soft humming and his affectionate behaviour never failed to make your heart warm.
“did you know that in the world of plants, the sprouting seed is a symbol of hope, growth, and transformation?” seungmin begins making you look up at him expectantly. “it starts with a tiny speck of life that has the potential to blossom into so much more. when the roots have grown, the sprout breaks through the surface of the soil, reaching out for the light. as the sprout continues to grow, the small root system expands and branches out, reaching deeper into the ground to absorb nutrients from the soil. the leaves unfurl, expanding and absorbing sunlight, while the stem rises up, reaching for the sky. each day brings new changes and developments as the plant grows taller, stronger, and more beautiful. just like you, my sweet. each day is going to be different. some days might be ew like today and some might make you smile so hard that your cheeks will hurt,” you let out a choked giggle at his words and wipe your tears.
seungmin chuckles at that and lets you take your time. he physically and mentally supports you by staying by your side. there’s no words exchanged just a comfortable moment of silence before you find yourself smiling between sobs.
“you’re going to make me cry too,” he mumbles and looks up at the ceiling to prevent the tears from dripping. you hit his chest softly and hug him again.
for the rest of the night all you hear is the sweet mumbles of compliments in your ears and the soft touches of affections is your comfort place. it reminds you of the sound of rain, like sitting in front of a fireplace and he is everything you ever wanted. everything you ever loved. everything.
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hopelessromantic5 · 6 months
Arthur is found by a little old witch in the woods, and is cared for.
But the witch realizes that her magic is no good on him.
She hovered her hands over Arthur’s body, with her eyes closed. Arthur could see the light cascading out her fingertips but he could not feel anything.
“Ah.” She said, smiling at him sweetly. “You are protected by one very great indeed, young warrior. My magic cannot even help you, let alone could it hurt you.” She giggled, as if this was something funny.
Arthur, high on pain and unable to move at all without searing hot flashes of it, was a tad put out.
“Is there something wrong with me?”
She shook her head.
“The opposite. The magic that protects you is more powerful than any I’ve felt, in all my years. And there were a lot of years, believe me. The person watching out for you, Arthur Pendragon, must care for you a great deal. Especially in knowing how you feel about the subject of sorcery.” She rattled these things off as if it were idle chitchat, as she went about the room collecting herbs and creams and throwing them into the pot in her hands.
Arthur was extremely confused. About everything that was said, but definitely one thing.
“You know who I am?”
“Of course. I wouldn’t invite anyone into my home without knowing who they were.”
“You helped me anyway? Knowing my father executes magic users?”
Arthur could not find it in himself to be afraid, he knew he was in no danger, and she’d just said she couldn’t hurt him or heal him with magic. So that’s good at least. She could’ve left him for dead, another reason to be thankful.
He had no intention of mentioning any of this healing excursion to his father.
“You would not turn me in. I know you have a true and noble heart. You are the Once and Future King.” She smiled over her shoulder at him and continued on her way.
Arthur played back the entirety of what she’d mentioned previously and his brows furrowed even more, if possible, giving him a slight headache.
He didn’t mean to appear rude but the question just came tumbling out of him.
“Someone powerful is stopping you from using magic on me? With magic?”
She turned back to her work station, which faced Arthur’s bed, and nodded again.
“Your guardian angel.” She smiled again, very sweet but also secretive. A smile of knowing things that Arthur had yet to even begin to comprehend.
Arthur was struck back to his fathers voice saying that same phrase. And all the numerous times he’d come away from a battle he thought lost, with nothing but a few scratches.
Someone was saving him.
Time and time again. Someone was always there.
But who?
The woman’s head snapped up from her working hands as if reading his thoughts. But still no malice was found in her eyes, only concern.
“Heed my words.” She began. Nothing good ever started with that. “They are not your foe. They have been there time and time again, you know it. In your heart of hearts. A moment will come when you must make a choice. If you turn this into a war, as your father did, everything you hold dear will be lost. Your kingdom, your happiness, the color of the world through your eyes. You will see nothing but grey ash.” A tear slid down her cheek and Arthur could feel them welling in his eyes, though he didn’t know why.
“But,” she smiled wetly. “If you choose to trust your heart, and open it to them willingly, you will prosper. Even in death, you will not truly die, as so many men do. You will be the Once and Future King, and your soul will live forever.” Arthur blinked, and he felt the wetness because he knew he was crying. But he didn’t feel sad, he felt ecstatic. Like it was bursting out of him, but he couldn’t move. Because everything was still broken and sliced open, making him vulnerable to everything. Even the feelings in the air, which Arthur usually held a dutiful immunity to.
“Who?” He managed to croak out, when he regained his princely manner.
“I will not tell you, Arthur. And you would be wise not to go looking. The answer to your question will come in its own time. For now, keep learning.” And then she winked, like Arthur was supposed to know what that meant. And how was he supposed to just keep going with the knowledge that someone close to him, or someone who thinks highly of him, has protected him even in knowing they could be caught at any second, knowing they would die. All to save Arthur.
At the thought, he wondered why his life was worth so much. Yes, knights uphold their honor and would fight and die for Arthur or Uther. But Arthur didn’t meet many sorcerers with loyalty of that kind.
Or maybe he didn’t really meet any sorcerers. Unless they were heading to the pyre and looking down their last minutes.
Of course, the sorcerers he’d come in contact with didn’t fancy a chat, because Uther never offered it. There was never a question. Magic equals death. It didn’t matter if it was healing, or helping a dying crop, or growing a shade tree for the children.
In the low light of the old woman’s tent, everything made perfect sense.
But it didn’t.
Because, not very many people knew that Arthur didn’t always agree with his father on these matters, Uther would never allow that to be made too public.
Maybe guards had heard something and whispered their secrets to handsy maids, or stable boys. Whatever the preference.
It would be entirely possible for the staff of the castle to know things that they shouldn’t.
So that narrows it down to about…three hundred people give or take.
Arthur took a deep breath and heard the old woman’s words in his head.
So he stopped thinking of it, stopped trying to find an answer and just waited for it to come to him. Or for death. Whichever came first.
The next day, as he woke, he almost startled realizing he wasn’t in his bed, and wouldn’t see Merlin first thing, but then didn’t because it hurt too much.
“Do not fret. It is almost time for you to go, Arthur Pendragon.”
“What do you mean?”
Then he heard it. A faint voice. Like music to his ears.
Yelling his name.
Oh thank heavens.
Merlin found him.
He always found him.
A pang of…something hit his heart before he could stop it and it upset him deeply.
But then the smile returned, because he was about to go home.
The woman came and helped him up, dressed his various wounds with her mysterious poultice once more, and then turned to look him straight in his ocean blue orbs. Right into the very depths of him. Hers were almost clear, like the sky.
“I know you have love for your father, but he lives in fear every day of his life. All of his decisions are made out of that fear. You cannot be the King your people need you to be if you follow in his footsteps. Choose love instead. Always. Even when it’s most difficult.”
She walked him out of the canvas tent and into the cool winds of spring morning.
“I wish you the best of luck, my King.” She bowed her head. The first sign of respect for any title, she had ever shown him. He almost blushed because of it. And he felt proud. To have someone like her rooting for him.
He would think about that old woman and what she told him, for years to come.
“Arthur?” The voice was getting closer. Then a lanky body burst through the line of trees and found him standing there, strapped together with bandages.
Arthur turned back to introduce the woman to Merlin, but she was gone.
And so was her tent.
It had all vanished.
For a moment he thought he was insane. But looked down at the helpful linens that were holding ointments on his carved skin, and knew that he hadn’t made it up.
“Arthur!” Merlin ran straight for him, but stopped a few feet off, clearly seeing he was hurt.
“Thank God you’re alive. I mean I knew you were, I knew you wouldn’t leave without sending me to the stocks one last time for good measure.” Arthur was smiling, he could feel it. He’d missed his friend. More than he should’ve.
He wished he could hug him, but as previously stated, he could barely move.
“I could go for a hug,” he admitted. “But I can’t really move anything without…ya know, pain.” He was still a little woozy and wanted to just get on with the journey.
“Guess I’ll have to help you on your way then.” Merlin sighed, but smiled anyway and looped Arthur’s good arm around his shoulders.
Then they walked.
And walked and walked and walked.
And neither of them said anything.
Arthur was lost in his own thoughts about destiny and the people that would one day rely on him for protection and peace.
Merlin had issues of his own he was meddling through, Arthur assumed.
And when the limping boy realized they’d been walking all day in complete silence, and hadn’t stopped once.
He finally voiced a question.
“Were you wounded?”
“What?” Merlin asked quietly.
“In the battle. Trying to get away, were you wounded?” Arthur’s eyes scanned his body and did not see any marks on his pale skin.
“No, I got away unscathed. Can’t say the same for you though.” He looked down, assessing Arthur’s own wounds.
“Did someone help you?”
“Yes.” He answered shortly. “An old woman. She was very kind.”
“She looks like she knew what she was doing. So I’m glad.” Merlin didn’t ask any more questions, Arthur was grateful.
“How did you find me?”
Merlin looked sheepish for a moment, but schooled it, and managed to get the redness out of his neck before it spread to his face.
He shrugged.
“I’m not really sure. I just had a feeling. Like I said, I knew you weren’t dead. So I just, kind of, followed my gut. And it led me to you standing in a field all by yourself.” He chuckled, as if the scene were funny.
“Hmm.” He said. Then looked around, and noticed there was water running somewhere.
“There’s a stream nearby, and it’s getting dark. We’ll stop and finish the journey tomorrow.”
“Alright. I’ll gather wood for a fire.” Merlin led him to a log and leaned him up against it for support.
Arthur could only watch as Merlin went about gathering dry wood where he could find it.
In the process of that, Arthur fell fast asleep.
In the darkness, Merlin crawled to Arthur and began to heal all his many wounds. Black smoke rising from them as they closed and left nothing but a scar.
Arthur would think the old woman’s poultice worked well. And they would be able to get home that much quicker.
Before Arthur opened his eyes the next morning, he knew something was different.
He tested his leg and it moved without delay or surging pain. His arms in the same strong condition.
His eyes flung open, and he ripped the bandages off to reveal closed skin.
Arthur might be a bit dull sometimes but he knows fairly well that nothing of any mortal nature could heal him so quickly.
But the old woman. She’d said no one could touch him with magic. Helpful or otherwise.
So what had done this?
His eyes glanced his surrounding and found only one clue.
A body curled in on itself with dark curls springing out.
But it couldn’t be. Merlin might not be as much an idiot as Arthur usually claimed. But he was no sorcerer.
Was he?
The pieces started clicking together. Merlin was always the one to conveniently drag him to safety.
He’s always the one there when unexpected victories are won.
Of course.
Something in Arthur must’ve known. Because he was not surprised even for a second. It almost seemed right in his mind. Merlin. Magic. Of course.
But that means Merlin’s been the one risking his life every single day, just to do what? Muddle about and polish armor? Muck out the horses?
If Merlin was as powerful as the old woman said, why did he stay? And why didn’t he trust Arthur with his secret?
Merlin started to rouse.
Arthur had to make a decision.
Confront him or act oblivious?
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worseforwords · 2 years
Barcelona Breathlessness (Ona Batlle x Reader)
Here it is: the fourth and final part of this series. I strongly recommend you read the other parts first. You can find them here: Part 1: Manchester Meet-cute, Part 2: Manchester Memories, Part 3: Barcelona Beginnings.
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“Hi, come in.” You said softly, the expression on Ona’s face sending shivers down your spine as you stepped aside to let her into your new home. “Want something to drink? Coffee, tea, water?” “Just a water, please.” She said as she stiffly sat herself down on your couch. You poured two glasses of water and joined her on the couch, leaving some space between the two of you so you could turn and look at her. Ona however, kept her gaze straight ahead, fidgeting with something she was holding. When you looked down at her hands to see what it was, you felt your stomach drop: it was the little lion necklace. “I wanted to give this back.” She said numbly when she noticed you staring at her hands. “Oh.” Was all you could manage to get out as you felt your heart shatter. You sat there in silence for a bit, both avoiding eye contact. You knew she was with someone else, which kind of hurt, but this felt like an unnecessary added punch to the stomach whilst you were already down.
“Why did you keep it all this time?” You finally managed to get out. “It was a nice reminder to make the most out of everything and not to worry too much about the future. You know, Hakuna Matata.” She finally looked at you when she said those last words, only to quickly look away again when she continued. “But now, when I look at it, all I do is worry, so you can have it back.” She handed you the piece of jewellery. For a second there, you thought you caught some resentment in her voice. Your heart sunk to the floor at her harsh words as you tried to fight the tears from flooding your eyes. Once again you attempted to push down everything you felt, sending you into a numb state of coldness. When you didn’t move to take the necklace from her, Ona put it down on your coffee table. Even though very few words were exchanged, the actions spoke loud enough and it had become clear as day to you that she didn’t want anything to do with you anymore. “So did you come over just to give me that?” You asked heartlessly, pointing at the necklace on the coffee table. She looked up at you in disbelieve. “How do you do that?” She asked in a defeated tone. “Do what?” “How do you just turn everything off and become completely cold? At first I thought you might have changed, but I refuse to believe this is what you have become.” You thought about her confrontational question for a bit before saying: “I am just trying to protect myself.” “Protect yourself from what?” She asked, bewildered. “From you, Ona.” You said quietly as you deliberately kept your gaze away from her. 
When no sound came from the other side of the couch for the next minute or so, you couldn’t help but to turn back around and check on Ona. You were met with the heartbreaking sight of Ona with her face buried into her hands and you noticed some tears escaping. You couldn’t maintain your numbness, as the sight immediately tore down all the walls you had just built up. “I’m sorry.” You said, as a single tear now also fled your eye, whilst you tried to find the right words to say. “Look,” you started. “back in Manchester, we had a magical time and I fell for you and your beautiful hazel eyes way faster than I have ever fallen for anyone.” She finally removed her hands to look up at you with said hazel eyes and you swallowed before you continued. “It was short and sweet, so, so very sweet, but also very short. It was sad when it ended, but we always knew that was going to happen. I always have cherished the memories we made and I never regretted it for a single second, but when I got back to my normal life I moved on, I truly did.” She looked up at the ceiling as you saw tears filling her eyes again, so you quickly carried on. “But then I saw you again earlier this week and it was like the old butterflies I had for you instantly woke up from their 4 year coma.” Her gaze went right back to your eyes, as if she was verifying that you were being genuine. “So, I don’t think I can be just friends with you, Ona. I tried to be platonic but it just came out as cold and heartless.” Ona remained quiet, now staring at her shoes. 
“Can you please say something?” You pleaded. You knew she was probably just gathering her thoughts before speaking, but the silence was killing you as seconds felt like hours after everything you just confessed. You were focussing on keeping your breathing in tact, when Ona suddenly rose up from the couch. Thinking she was going to leave, you also got up to try and stop her. “Ona, please don’t - I - I take it al b-” You were stopped in your blurting when you noticed she wasn’t leaving, instead taking two steps towards you. She was now only a few inches away from you, and whispered “Don’t.” whilst softly grabbing your chin in between her thumb and index finger. You slightly opened your mouth, but no words came out as your heart started racing due to the close proximity you were in, desperately awaiting her next move. She used her thumb to pull your face down, which could only be a sign that the smaller girl wanted to have your lips at an approachable hight. Your breath hitched as she slowly moved closer to you, almost closing the gap between you when you gathered all your courage to abruptly move away from her. “Not like this.” You said as she send you a puzzled look. “Not like what?” She asked. “Not when you’re with someone else.” You said, standing your ground. “When I’m WHAT?” She said stumped. “Don’t act all innocent now, I know you’re with someone, I saw the photos.” You said, to which Ona’s eyes widened instantly. “I can’t believe it. That’s what this was about? Oh my god Y/N why didn’t you just ask me about it?” She exclaimed, now pacing the room. “I guess I just didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.” You said softly. “Well you need to stop doing that, it’s clearly not working!” She shouted. “Clearly.” You mumbled. “Y/N,” she stopped her pacing to turn back to you and firmly grab your face with both hands, as you were obviously still clueless as to what she was trying to say, “we broke up almost two months ago!” 
Time stood still for a second as all you wanted to do was smack yourself in the face with the most solid object you could find. This was all your fault. Once again you had managed to ruin something that could’ve been great thanks to your lack of communication. Ona was right, if only you had listened to Amy and just asked her about it. Your mind went back to the present as you realised you must have been staring into space all flustered with wide eyes for at least a minute, looking like some kind of maniac. You noticed Ona staring at you frantically, awaiting your respons. You cleared your throat. “I-” You started. “I really don’t know what to say. I’m sorry?” “Was that a question?” She scoffed. “No, no, I’m sorry. I really am. You’re right, I should’ve asked instead of making assumptions. I’m sorry for ruining everything.” You breathed out, and her frantic expression started to soften ever so slightly. “Did I though? Ruin it, I mean?” You asked carefully to which a soft expression with a hint of compassion appeared on Ona’s face as she contemplated how to answer your question. 
Before she could answer however, you walked over to the coffee table to grab the little lion necklace. “May I?” You asked, slowly moving it up to her neck. She nodded, and you softly held the little lion onto her collarbone, moving one hand to the back of her neck to close the golden chain. You struggled with the clasp for a second, making her giggle slightly. When you finally succeeded, you left your hand where it had been, now softly caressing the back of her neck. You leaned down slowly, to place a delicate kiss on the little lion rested on her chest. When you noticed Ona closing her eyes, you moved your mouth to her ear. “Hakuna Matata.” You whispered, before gently kissing her cheek. Her breath hitched at your subtle touches, and you placed another kiss on her cheek, to then slowly move down her jaw. The kisses were brief and so very soft, but you could still taste the saltiness from the previously shed tears on her skin. You continued until no part of her face was left untouched by you lips, except from her mouth. The latter you bypassed because you didn’t want to move there without her reciprocation.
When you eventually moved away, Ona slowly opened her eyes, glancing into yours longingly straight away. You both simultaneously let out a deep breath, trying to calm yourselves down a bit, before Ona pulled you into a tight hug. “You didn’t.” She whispered, finally answering the question you asked earlier. A soft smile appeared on your face as you pulled away from the embrace to look at her again. Your eyes started watering once more, but this time with tears of relief.
“So, erm, what now?” You asked, to which the both of you started giggling. The laughter felt great, finally enabling you to release some of the tension built up in your body. “I have a day off tomorrow, want to go do something fun?” She asked. “Yes, it’s a date!” You answered, making the both of you chuckle again at the reference, before her face returned to a more serious expression. “Let’s take things slow this time, actually built something, okay?” Ona said wisely, to which you nodded in agreement. “Shit,” Ona’s expression suddenly changed as she glimpsed at the clock, “I have to go, training.” She hurried herself out the door, but not before hugging you one last time, squeezing tightly. “See you tomorrow, Y/N.” You closed the door when she was out of view and immediately plopped down on the couch, letting out a big sigh. The rest of the day went by quickly, and by the time you were in bed, you still had a big, fat grin on your face you could not get rid off even if you wanted to. 
For your distinctly labeled date, you decided to have a nice beach day. Once again, you nervously shot up straight upon hearing the doorbell. This time however, it was a good kind of nervous, the excited kind. You quickly grabbed your bag and ran towards the front door. “Hi!” You definitely preferred this cute smile on the girl standing in front of you over yesterdays expression. “Hi, Ona.” You smiled back broadly as you both got in her car to drive to the beach. 
The weather was perfect, which was of course to be expected on a Barcelona beach day: blue skies and sunshine. Ona had taken you to a beach a bit further away from the city, so it was rather quiet. You both put your towels down on the sand, and you rummaged in your bag to find some sunscreen. You applied some of it on your face and arms, and then took of your shirt to rub some on your belly and chest, thereby exposing the bikini top that you already had on underneath it. You looked to you side to see Ona had stopped doing whatever she was doing before, and she was clearly eying you up, before quickly looking at the sky when she noticed you had caught her. “Something wrong?” You giggled. “Wha- I wasn’t-” her face started heating up. “I think those cheeks could use some sunscreen too.” You interrupted her nervous rambling, handing her the bottle, which she then snatched out of your hands. She took off her shirt as well and you swallowed hard. It was now your turn to try to hide the flustered expression on your face as your eyes scanned her abs that had only grown more toned in the past 4 years, her soft skin that you had gotten only a small taste of yesterday and her strong arms that could easily pick you up, or pin you down, or so many other things. “Can I help you with your back?” Ona asked, waking you from your daydream, only just before you started drooling. “Yes, please.” You quickly turned to lie down on your stomach, not missing the smirk on her face in the process. 
She started off softly, dainty little strokes of cold lotion, sending shivers down your spine. She took her time, gently caressing every inch of your back until the friction and the sun started warming you up. She slowly added more force to her movements, firmly pushing her thumb into all of your back muscles, massaging you into a state of pure bliss. You soon woke up from this state however, upon realising how your muscles must feel like tiny pockets of mashed potatoes to her and her athletic body, so you quickly turned around. “My turn!” You yelled as you basically launched her off of you, rolling her onto her stomach, making her gasp and then giggle at the sudden movements. You took a moment to admire her figure, before tracing her tattoos with some sunscreen on your fingertips. Some you recognised, others were new. You felt Ona tense up slightly when you moved towards her left shoulder. You stopped moving your hands when you saw why. “How long have you had this?” You asked softly. “About 4 years.” She mumbled, looking as far away from you as possible. You moved your hands to her arms and leaned down to place a gentle kiss on the tattoo on top of her shoulder. “Hakuna Matata” it read. 
When you were both fully covered in sunscreen, you decided to take a dip in the Mediterranean Sea. Ona of course, being a both an athlete and a Catalonian, swam like a mermaid whilst you tried to keep up with her, splashing around like a dog. You laughed as Ona attempted to impress you with an underwater handstand and summersault, and she laughed when you desperately held onto her as the waves almost carried you away. You swam around and played with a beach ball for a bit, until both of you got tired, well, you were pretty sure she just pretended to be tired to make you feel better, as she carried you out of the water and all the way back with her strong arms.
She laid you back down on your towel before plopping down next to you. You lay on your stomach, head resting on your arms and you glanced at the Catalonian girl you never wanted to stop staring at whilst the sun heated up your body. As your skin absorbed the warmth, you felt your body relax and your brain becoming foggy. You closed your eyes and the world faded away for what felt like a second, before the smell of Mediterranean herbs woke you up. You opened your eyes to find an empty towel next to you and you slowly lifted your head. “Hi there, sleepyhead” A soft voice called out from behind you. You turn around to discover you had been out for a while, because Ona had prepared you a whole picnic in the mean time. She had brought some home cooked meals, like a Spanish omelet, some bread and dips, and even some wine. “Hi,” You spoke softly, “what’s all this?” “Well, dormilona, you don’t go out with a Spaniard without them bringing lots and lots of food.” You looked at her with the tenderest of smiles, while you sat yourself up straight. “Ona,” you said wholeheartedly, “this is adorable. Thank you so, so much.” 
When you had both thoroughly filled up on the delicious food and wine, you sat back in silence for a bit, as dusk began to fall, before Ona got up and held her hand out to help you up as well. She dragged you along for a bit, eventually ending up at the far end of a pier. There you stood, amid the quietly rippling sea, with a dazzling view of the setting sun, and an even better view of the girl still holding onto your hand. “Wow.” Was all you could say, breathing in deeply to inhale the smells of the salty sea whilst taking it all in. “I feel like I’m dreaming.” “You’re not.” Ona replied as she put her other hand on your cheek, turning you to fully face her. You softly settled your free hand on her waist as you locked eyes and you slowly leaned in. She tilted her face up slightly, thereby making her lips accessible to yours. You closed your eyes and your heart started racing as you savoured the drumroll right before closing the final bit of space left between you, landing into a gentle kiss. At first you both remained still, carrying each other’s lips like you would in a tight embrace. You both woke up from the initial tranquility when you let go of Ona’s hand to move your now free hand up to the side of her neck, tracing her jaw with your thumb. Both your lips engaged in a delicate dance of lustful lips, noses inhaling the same fragment of air left between the two you. Hands were now clutching onto jaws, necks, hair and waists desperately, not wanting this moment to ever end. When you did eventually pull apart, the sun had almost fully set. “Wow.” Ona broke the silence. “Wow indeed.”
You packed up your towels and belongings and drove home in a comfortable silence, as you were both still speechless from the kiss. When you arrived at your doorstep, you fell into a tight embrace, with neither of you wanting to let go. You hesitated for a bit, knowing very well what you had agreed upon yesterday, before asking: “Do you want to come in?” “Yeah.” She answered, and you held the door open for her. No time was wasted on movies or drinks this time, as she immediately lifted you up by your hips to push you up against the wall once the door was closed.
You woke up early to a beam of light shining into your eyes and the feeling of warm skin underneath your face, slowly moving up and down. Once you came to your senses, you realised you must’ve been too distracted the night before to close the curtains in your bedroom, to which you giggled softly. Your brief and minor movement apparently caused Ona to wake up as well, as you heard a soft groan beneath you. “Good morning, guapa.” You said, looking up at her as her eyes slowly opened up, frowning at the light. “Bon dia,” she replied, smiling, “let me make us some breakfast.” “But we're at my place, I should make breakfast.” You replied. “Please, I’ll figure it out. After all, I have a feeling I might become a regular here.” She smirked, as she got up from your bed to quickly put on some clothes, leaving no room for you to argue.
Whilst you remained in your bed, you could hear Ona rummaging through your cabinets, expertly preparing something that would undoubtedly turn out delicious, whilst speaking to someone on the phone. At first you mostly heard laughter, but it soon became more quiet and Ona suddenly sounded rather anxious and frustrated. You swiftly put on your sweatpants and a jumper and you went downstairs to see what was going on. “Sí, lo sé, pero-” She stopped talking when she noticed you walking into the kitchen. “Tengo que ir, chao.” She said to the person at the other end of the line before hanging up. “That sounded serious, what was it about?” You asked carefully. “Nothing, it was just one of my teammates. Don’t worry about it.” She said, deliberately keeping her eyes on the breakfast she was making. “Ona, that just makes me more worried. You can tell me what’s going on, you know.” You grabbed her cheek, moving her face so she had to look at you. “Okay.” She started as she grabbed your wrist, nervously dragging you towards the couch to sit you both down.
“Here’s the thing. She mentioned something to me, and now I am worried about us. My schedule is very busy, and I have very few weekends off. Not to mention being away a lot for national camps and stuff. It is why I dated a teammate for so long, it’s why so many of us do. It’s not easy to have a girlfriend who is a footballer, and I don’t know if I can give you what you need, or better, what you deserve.” She rambled anxiously. “Girlfriend?” Was all you could answer, widening your eyes in expectation. “Y/N. You’re focussing on the wrong thing.” Ona grumbled. “You want me to be your girlfriend?” You asked with a small smile on your face, still not wanting to let her slip of the tongue go. “Well yes, but-” “Okay, my turn.” You interrupted. “I know what I am getting myself into. I know you’re busy, I know football is the most important thing to you right now and I would never ask you to change that. But I want this Ona. I want to be a part of your life, even if I am just a small part. I want to try. Please let me try?” You asked, looking at her with your very best puppy dog eyes. “Yeah, okay.” She smiled. “And you won’t just be a small part, I promise.” She added, to which you both smiled softly.
“Soooo,” You started. “girlfriend, huh?” You giggled. “Well I wasn’t planning on asking you this way, or this soon, but I guess there is no way out of it now.” She chuckled. “Y/N,” she started, grabbing both of your hands, facing you and directly looking into your eyes, “will you be my girlfriend?” The smiles on both your faces grew wider by the second. “Yes, of course I will Ona.” You said as you leaned in for a soft but passionate kiss, before pulling her in for a tight hug. You both chuckled. “So much for taking things slow.”
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pink-sparkly-witch · 1 year
The One That Got Away - Chapter Eleven
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Warnings: angst, language, fluff.
Word Count: 1.6k
Pairing: Firefighter!Dean Winchester x Female Reader
A/N: I didn’t have a beta for this, so all mistakes are mine.
You can catch up here!
 My Masterlist AO3    Ko-Fi
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“Are you only here until your father goes, or are you back for good?” Dean asked, and Y/N bit her lip and furrowed her brow.
“It depends,” she finally responded.
“On what?”
“If you and I can be okay,” Y/N said, deciding complete honesty was the best way to handle this, and lifted her eyes to meet his. “I’m not expecting things to go back to how they were, De. Too much time has passed for that, but I’d like us to try to be friends again. But I also need to be completely honest and tell you I never got over you.”
“Please, just listen,” she begged, “you read my letter, and you know I had some unhealthy coping methods. I’ve only had one serious relationship since I left, which ended when I turned down his proposal three years ago. He told me that he loved me, but I was emotionally unavailable, and he couldn’t stay with someone who couldn’t love him the way he loved them,” Y/N explained.
“When I finally started dating again after that, I always sabotaged it before it could get serious. That was when I knew I would never let anyone in the way I did you, and I’d never get over you. I understand this is a lot, and I get that you might not feel the same, but if you want to try and be us again, awesome. If you want to try and be friends again, great,” she paused and took a deep breath, licked her lips before speaking again. “But if you don’t want me here… if me being here hurts you, and we can’t fix things between us, I can’t stay because I can’t be this close to you and not be part of your life. It’ll kill me.”
There it was. Everything Y/N needed him to know before they made any decisions on their future. This was where her heart lay, shield and armour down, vulnerability showing as she laid her cards on the table and bared her soul to him.
Now it was his turn.
“Y/N, I…” Dean began, grabbing her hands and smiling softly as her watery eyes found his. “I never stopped loving you. I tried to move on, but I couldn’t. None of them would be you. Not even close. Every day since you left, I have regretted not asking you to stay or coming with you. Even now, having read your letter and knowing it was the best thing for us, I still regret it. I hate that making that decision meant I couldn’t comfort you after the nightmares or stop you from drinking away your pain. The sex thing? Well, I’m just pissed that I missed out on what sounds like it could’ve been some kinky shit!” Dean joked, chuckling as Y/N threw her head back with laughter.
“But,” he continued, “seeing you now, your smile reaching your eyes, the constant pain and sadness in them gone, and the confidence you’ve gained. It makes me realise that as much as I will always hate myself for letting you leave… letting you go… it was the right thing to do because you and I wouldn’t be where we are. You…”
Dean swallowed hard, hating even the thought of what could’ve been. “You would be living your life completely in my shadow, or I would be in prison, and you probably wouldn’t be here at all,” Dean said, wiping away the tears falling down his cheeks.
“I know, Dean,” Y/N smiled sadly. “It broke my heart, and I won’t pretend otherwise, but it was the right thing for us to do. Please forgive yourself for that. I do. We needed to grow on our own. I had to learn to protect myself and not rely on you to fight my battles. I had to learn to take care of myself for once, to put myself first and fix myself. I might have taken the wrong path once or twice, but I righted myself and am incredibly proud of who I’ve become.”
“Seeing you at the hospital and tonight, I love who you’ve become, and I can’t wait to get to know her better. I would be honoured if, once I’m fully healed, you’ll let me take you out to dinner so I can continue to get to know you again,” Dean smiled, anxiously awaiting her response.
“I’d like that,” Y/N smiled bashfully.
“Just so we’re clear, I mean as a date,” Dean grinned.
“A date?” she questioned, “Dean, are you sure?”
“Yeah, I am, Princess. I meant it when I said I never stopped loving you. You’re still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, and I wanna get to know you again. Try us again. So… what d’ya say? A fresh start?” Dean grinned at her bashful giggle before she lowered her eyes and looked at him through her lashes. His breath caught in his throat as he was taken back to their teenage years when she looked at him like that often.
“A fresh start would be perfect,” Y/N smiled as Dean’s face broke into a joyous grin.
“But,” she continued, and Dean’s smile faded slightly. “I think this has probably been enough excitement for you on your first night out of the hospital, so I’m gonna go home and let you rest,” Y/N smiled softly.
“Come on, sweetheart! I just got you back,” Dean protested, and she chuckled.
“Dean, you look like you’re gonna fall asleep in your seat!” Y/N reached her hand out to cup his cheek and smiled fondly as he leaned into her touch and closed his eyes.
“You’ve got my number now. You can call or text me anytime. I’m heading into four night shifts, so please don’t think I’m ignoring you if I don’t reply right away.”
Dean nodded in appreciation that she’d thought to tell him that. If he had texted or called her and she didn’t answer, he would overthink everything and convince himself that she’d changed her mind about starting over.
“Alright, you win,” he pulled back reluctantly. “I’ll call you in a few days, and maybe we can arrange that date?” Dean smirked, and she giggled.
“I thought we were waiting for you to be fully healed?” Y/N teased.
“Oh, trust me, sweetheart, I will be,” Dean replied.
“Still cocky, I see,” Y/N smirked and leaned forward, kissing Dean's cheek. Standing from the chair, she put her jacket on and slung her purse over her shoulder. 
“No, don’t get up,” she protested as he moved to stand. “I can see myself out.”
“You will not. I’m walking you out,” Dean grunted as he stood, the pain in his chest throbbing after sitting idle for so long. One glance at Y/N had him roll his eyes at the ‘I told you so’ look on her face.
“Look, I was gonna have to get up anyway to lock the door behind you and go to bed. I might as well do it now and make sure you get to your car okay at the same time.” Dean opened the door for her and leaned against it.
“I suppose I can’t argue with that, can I?” Y/N chuckled.
“Nope,” Dean said, popping the p.
“Goodnight, Captain Winchester.”
“Goodnight, Nurse Singer.”
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The next few weeks passed in the blink of an eye. To everyone’s surprise, Dean had done what the doctor told him and taken it easy until Dr Clark cleared him to return to work. Bobby had put him on light duties on his first shift back, which he’d hated at first, but about sixteen hours into a twenty-four-hour shift, he was grateful that he had it that little bit easier after being out of the game for four weeks.
Y/N had adjusted to life back in Lawrence well. She was in a good routine with work and had stopped taking as many overtime shifts as she had when she first came back. She filled her days off, reconnecting with family and friends and making plans with the new friends she’d made since her return.
They’d kept in regular contact, texting and calling every day. She’d been to his place a few more times in the past few weeks, always, she insisted, to help him around the house or to make sure he ate a decent home-cooked meal. Dean didn’t complain because he got to spend all this extra time with her.
Y/N’s impromptu visits were filled with remembering the old days and catching up with everything that had been and gone since they’d last seen each other. Their disastrous dating lives had them in tears of laughter, and the stories of her time before therapy had them in tears of despair.
They knew these conversations needed to be had, and if Y/N was honest, she’d much rather they have them before they tried their fresh start. If they waited until they were officially dating before having the difficult conversations and Dean changed his mind about wanting a second chance, wanting her, she knew she wouldn’t survive his rejection.
After several heart-to-heart conversations and everything Y/N had gone through in her first few years in Chicago aired to Dean, the relief she felt that he still wanted to go on a date with her took her by surprise. It made her realise just how much he, and this second chance, truly meant to her.
It was overwhelming because her entire future depended on things working out between them. Y/N meant what she said, if Dean didn’t want her, she couldn’t stay in Lawrence, not even as his friend, because it would kill her. There would always be doors open for her in Chicago, and she knew that, but she was done running.
Next Chapter >>
Tags: @acitygrownwillow @akshi8278 @ashbatz @candy-coated-misery0731 @chriszgirl92 @deans-baby-momma @deans-spinster-witch @deansbbyx @deanwanddamons @duncanhillscoffeecups @foxyjwls007 @giggles1026 @globetrotter28 @hobby27 @hoboal87 @impala67rollingthroughtown @iprobablyshipit91 @jackles010378 @jamerlynn @jc-winchester @k-slla @kazsrm67 @kmc1989 @lacilou @ladysparkles78 @leigh70 @lyarr24 @maliburenee @michecolegate @mrsjenniferwinchester @nancymcl @negans-lucille-tblr @nelachu2423 @octoberclidan @perpetualabsurdity @roseblue373 @sandlee44 @sexyvixen7 @snackles87 @spnbaby-67 @spnwoman @stixnstripesworld @stoneyggirl2 @suckitands33 @synmorite @tristanrosspada-ackles @twinkleinadiamondsky @waters-2567
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fruitylo0pz · 2 years
A New Start pt. 3 (NSFW)
(Part 1 | part 2 if you haven't already read them)
Larissa Weems x fem!Reader
Warnings: smut, NSFW, 18+, angst, sub!Larissa, degradation kink, praise kink, fingering, strap-on, masturbation, cunnilingus
A/N: I am SO sorry this took so long, but I have just had a lot going on and I didn't really feel inspired enough to write. It's not as long as the others, and I'm not entirely happy with it but I loved the support and how much people seem to like this story, and I really enjoy writing it. It has a bit of an angsty and sad ending, though. But hopefully I'll come up with the next part faster this time! I have proofread it, but there might be some mistakes. If so, apologies in advance! Hope you enjoy, and again thank you so much for the love!
Word count: ~2.7k
It had been three weeks since you heard from Larissa. You saw her in town, but it was as if she was ignoring you and you couldn’t fathom why. The last time she had visited you was like it always was, and you were on good terms when she left. Then, complete silence. You didn’t want to push her, after all she was still married and you didn’t want her to end up in trouble. Luckily, you had another big project at work that kept you occupied and distracted enough not to let it get to you too much, but the evenings were worse. For months, you had been so used to having her near, if only for a few hours and now the bed felt cold and the emptiness filled the entire room. You had just entered the store to get some snacks for a solo movie night when you saw the oh so familiar figure staring at you in complete silence. 
She approached you discreetly, pretending to look for something in your aisle. “I need to talk to you, Y/N. I’m sorry.” her voice was low, and she sounded sad. 
“Come by after you’ve been here if you can. If not, please text me so I don't have to wait up.” you realised that you sounded cold, but you couldn’t help but feel hurt even though hearing her voice made you feel like the first time you had seen her. 
You went home and found yourself anticipating her visit, even if your hopes weren’t that high. Maybe she had met someone else? Maybe her marriage was doing better? The thoughts racing through your head made you agitated and you decided to find a beer when all of a sudden you heard knocking on the front door, and there she was. She just stood there, looking at you with teary eyes.
“Please come in, Larissa. It’s cold.” You grabbed her hand gently, and she followed you without saying a word. “I’ll make you a cup of tea. You look like you’re freezing cold.” You helped her off with her coat and led her to the sofa.
“I am so sorry, Y/N. I’ll tell you everything, I promise.” Her voice was so gentle you could barely hear what she said, but looked at her and nodded. You finished making tea and sat next to her. You kept some distance in case she would feel uncomfortable, and just gave her a questioning look. 
“I should have texted you, at least. I know that. You didn’t do anything wrong and you didn’t upset me. I don’t know what made me pull away, but the thought of leaving you after spending the evening with you always gave me such a heavy heart. It felt so wrong, so I pulled away. It was almost easier that way. I know it isn’t fair.” She started crying, and buried her face in her hands.
You gently rubbed her back and moved closer. “Hey, Larissa. Please don’t be sorry. I knew this wouldn’t be easy when I agreed to this whole thing, and I know what you mean. I have always hated seeing you leave, and I wish you could stay here. In my opinion, it’s where you belong.” You lifted her chin up with your fingers and dried her tears. 
She smiled gently and stroked your cheek. “You are always so understanding, darling. I never deserved you. I am so sorry about just leaving you like that, and ignoring you. It killed me to see you in town and not be able to talk to you. Touch you. Kiss you. Just be near you and feel your warmth.” She continued stroking your cheek, and stared at you with those deep blue eyes. You swore you were swimming in her deepest and most sacred chambers when she looked at you like that, and oh how you had missed it. 
“Come here, let me hold you. I know you can’t stay long, but it will at least make up for our lost time a bit.” She leaned into your arms and rested her head under your chin. You stroked her back and she sighed. You could tell that she already felt safer, warmer and more comfortable by the way she rested her hand on your thigh, just to make sure that you were really there. 
“I have missed this so much. I have missed you so much. When I’m not with you, I don’t feel like myself. It’s like a part of me is missing, and there is no one else that could ever fill that space. You have become so important to me, and it is just as important to me that you know that.” She looked up at you and you smiled at her before kissing her and gave her a reassuring look. 
“I have missed you too, Larissa. So much. And I feel the same way. I never thought I would become this attached to someone as I have become with you. But I also like the feeling, even though I have to miss you every now and then. It makes these moments so much more special.” you stroked her hair and kissed her forehead before wrapping your arms tight around her. 
“Y/N, will you please take me to bed? I have missed your touch so much. I have been thinking about you every night and I need you to use me.” She looked at you with begging eyes, and you nodded before you took her hand and led her to your bedroom.
She leaned down to kiss you and you swiftly opened the zipper on her dress. You wanted to take your time, but you knew she couldn’t stay the night and truthfully you had missed her too much. You skilfully pulled down her dress and unclasped her bra, making her shiver at your touch. You bit her lip and she let out a low moan, making you smile. 
“Be a good girl and lie down and remove your panties for me, Larissa.” You looked at her with a sly look, and the sight of her almost naked body was intoxicating. You stood there staring at her, just drinking in the sight of her body so you could save a mental image of her looking so beautiful on her back for you.
She gave you an innocent look while maintaining eye contact with you, knowing how much it turned you on. “Miss, I have a request, if I may?” She always had a certain seductiveness lurking in her voice, despite sounding soft and gentle whenever she wanted to ask you something in these settings.
“Yes, Larissa?” You stood there looking at her, anticipating her request and you already knew you’d like it. 
“Please let me touch myself for you, miss. I want you to watch me warm myself up for you before you use me.” Her request sent shivers down your spine.She loved touching herself for you, almost as much as you loved watching her. 
“You may touch yourself, darling.” You sat down, impatiently awaiting the show she was about to give you. 
She let her hand wander down from her neck, over her breasts and down her waist. She then spread her legs, and you could already tell how wet she was. Her fingers started circling her clit slowly while her other hand pinched her nipple, making her gasp. Her fingers went faster and her moans got louder. Watching her touch herself like this made you want to take over, but you also enjoyed it when she made herself cum. It reminded you that this is what she looks like when her thoughts wander and she’s not with you. This is what she looks like when she’s touching herself while thinking about you, about the things you do to her. You could tell that she was close by the way her breath started shivering, and she came with a loud moan while bucking her hips. 
“You are such a good girl for me, Larissa. You just love to please me, don’t you?” You moved towards the bed while undressing yourself and she nodded.
“Use your words. You know better than this.” You snarled at her and gave her a stern look.
“Please forgive me, miss. Yes, I love to please you, and I am trying my best to do a good job. I am sorry for slipping up.” She looked away, and you loved it when she showed you that she knows her place in the bedroom. You always treated her with respect, but she would always be submissive to you. 
“That’s better. Now, spread your legs wider for me. Show me how wet you made yourself for me.” You sat down at the end of the bed and watched her spread her legs more. She wanted her to look, and you knew how much she enjoyed it. 
You leaned forward and let your fingers slide up her slit while staring into her eyes. She was desperate for you to use her. Desperate for you to make her yours, as you did over and over again every single time you were together. You slowly slid two fingers in, making her let out a deep groan. You started fucking her slowly, knowing how frustrated it made her. She tried meeting your movements but you stopped enough for her to know that you were in charge of her pleasure. 
“Beg.” You loved hearing her begging, knowing how needy she was for you to pick up the pace.
“Please, miss. Please fuck me harder. Please fuck me until I can’t hold back. I need to feel used like the whore I am for you.” Her voice was shaky and desperate. 
You added another finger and picked up the pace slightly, feeling how her walls clenched around your fingers. She spread her even more, inviting you deeper. You shifted position and started fucking her harder, making her clench the sheets and arch her back. You knew you had hit her magic spot when her breathing got more erratic, her moans got louder and her hands clenched the sheets even harder. 
You smiled to yourself and continued in the same steady pace until she came with a loud scream, clenching even tighter around your fingers. “I’m not done with you yet.” You smiled before you sank down between her legs, kissing her inner thigh before your tongue started circling her clit. Usually, you loved taking your time with her, torturing her before you devoured her, but you were so starved of her taste you couldn’t wait. You lapped up her arousal and she was already moaning uncontrollably. Her taste was so intoxicating, making you feel like you could never get enough of her. You could feel how she was so wet it was running from her, and you let your tongue slide up her slit to take in even more of her. You grabbed her thighs and pulled herself closer, holding her still as she started to squirm. Your tongue worked faster and harder when you realised she was getting closer and she suddenly came, sending yet another warm wave of arousal into your mouth. You eagerly licked it up, knowing she would cum again if you continued like this. She whimpered as she came again, but you knew you needed more. You let her calm down while you got up and walked over to the drawer.
She knew what was coming and she had learned exactly what to do. You picked up the harness and fastened it, and as you turned around she had already turned around and was on all fours, facing the headboard.
“You know your place so well, Larissa. You are such a good slut for me.” You positioned yourself behind her, teasing her with the strap. You spanked her as she tried to push herself onto it, once again reminding her that she is in no way in charge here. After teasing her, you slipped it in slowly, letting her adjust to it. She let out the most delicious moan you had ever heard as you bottomed her out, and you started thrusting harder. You grabbed her hips and she gasped when you started fucking her deeper. 
“Oh, I-I love feeling so used, miss. You feel so good inside me.” Her voice sounded even more needy, and you loved that you had brought out this dirty side of this otherwise sophisticated and upper class lady. You continued fucking her raw, hard and deep, making her moan out loud with every thrust. You knew she was close so you maintained the same pace until you tipped her over the edge and she threw her head back in an explosive orgasm making her collapse on the bed. You pulled out and leaned forward to kiss her shoulder.
“Just stay here, darling. I’ll clean you up.” You went to the bathroom to fetch a warm washcloth and gently cleaned her up. She was still collapsed on the bed and you chuckled before kissing her. 
“You really wear me out, and I love every second of it, Y/N. You make me feel so good.” She looked at you and blushed. You knew she meant it, and that meant the world to you. It secretly killed you that she couldn’t stay, but you valued every second you got to spend with her. 
“I’d do it every night if I could, Larissa. You’re a goddess, and I’d worship you every second of every day if I could.” You kissed her and gently caressed her cheek. A small touch or a simple kiss on the forehead meant the world to her, you knew that by the way she would always smile afterwards. 
She started getting dressed, and the moment you always dreaded was here. You both knew it was coming and you didn’t speak of it. It had to be like this, but you chose not to ask her to stay because you know it also made it harder for her. You put on a pair of pyjamas and gave her a gentle smile, reminding her that you’d be exactly where you are waiting for her. You always did this to reassure her, to make her feel less bad about leaving because she disliked it just as much as you. You followed her downstairs and helped her with her coat. You stood there just staring into each other's eyes, wishing it didn’t have to be like this.
“Thank you for tonight, Larissa. Thank you for spending the evening with me. It has been wonderful, and I can’t wait to see you again.” You kissed her hand and she leaned down to give you one last kiss for the evening.
“I’ll try to keep in touch, Y/N. I won’t let this happen again, I can’t stand missing you like I did these last few weeks.” She gave you a gentle smile before opening the door. 
You both stood there in shock when you saw him. Completely paralysed, unable to speak or think. 
“I was hoping the rumours weren’t true, but I should have known. Do you have any idea what this will do to my reputation? You know damn well how important I am in this town. You’re coming with me now. Our marriage might not be perfect, but I won’t let an affair ruin my image.” Her husband was furious. You were afraid he might harm her, but she looked at you to reassure you. You knew you couldn’t stop this no matter what you did. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m so sorry.” She turned around and walked to his car. She got in, and they left. You felt sick to your stomach. How the hell did he find out? You had been careful. You always made sure no one saw anything, but someone must have seen you. It was as if your heart sank. Your chest felt heavy, yet empty at the same time. It felt so tight, you could barely breathe and you just sank to the floor. Now that you finally got her back, even if it was just after a few weeks away from her. You couldn’t stand the idea of losing her. Not now. Not her. Would you never see Larissa again? Was this how it would end?
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