#everyone thought we had been a couple for years and broke up romantically
musiccokeandfrench · 2 months
The media is tripping over a neurologist visiting the White House, and all I can think about is how I made out with the guy's son back in college
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theostrophywife · 23 days
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🤍 pairing: theodore nott x reader.
🤍 song inspiration: wonder by shawn mendes.
🤍 author’s note: you don't want to miss this one 😏
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Step 4 of Pansy Parkinson’s Perfect Plan of Plotting
One Bed — : A narrative device used primarily in romance and romantic comedy genres, where two characters, typically with a burgeoning romantic tension, are forced to share a single bed.
The halfway point. So far, we’re four days in and my devious schemes are already proving fruitful. The tension between Theo and Y/N has been off the charts lately, but it just needs one final little push. After my minion informed me that Theo has been cheating the system by sleeping on the couch, it’s time to take away that barrier once and for all. 
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Fourth Year, Slytherin Dormitories
“I look ridiculous,” you murmured at your reflection. 
“Ridiculously hot,” Pansy corrected. 
Behind you, she curled a section of your hair with her wand, letting it fall in soft tendrils while you fretted in front of the mirror. Tonight was the night. Ever since the start of term, the Yule Ball was all anyone could talk about. At first, you were just as excited as the rest of your classmates, but the closer it got, the more anxious you felt. 
You swallowed thickly, wondering why in the bloody hell you allowed Pansy to rope you into buying this dress. Examining your reflection, you smoothed down the front of the baby blue ball gown, fingers trailing over the plunging neckline delicately covered in white lace.
The dress was a lot more daring than anything in your wardrobe, but Pansy insisted. She was convinced that it was perfect for you, but you couldn’t help but feel a little self-conscious. The ball gown certainly left little to the imagination. It cinched your waist like a lover’s embrace, the blue fabric resting right above your left thigh in a high slit that accentuated your legs before flowing into a dreamy tulle train. Still, you couldn’t deny that it was beautiful. 
“This dress was made for you, babe.” Pansy declared as she finished pinning your hair up. “Graham is going to die when he sees you.” 
At the mention of your date, you blanched. It wasn’t that you didn’t like Graham. Since the beginning of fourth year, you’ve gone on a handful of dates with him and they’ve all been relatively pleasant, but that was the problem. There was no spark, no excitement, no butterflies. No matter how hard you willed it into existence. 
There was only one person who made you feel that way, but that was a complication for another day. Theo already loathed Graham enough — truly, he loathed any guy that showed interest in you, but Graham had been the first one that your best friend hadn’t successfully deterred. When he asked you to be his date to the Yule Ball, it only seemed natural to accept. Now that it loomed close, you felt sick to your stomach. 
Still, you tampered down the anxiety and turned to your friend. If anyone had a right to dread the night ahead, it was Pansy. 
“Will you be alright tonight?” 
In a rare display of vulnerability, Pansy's smile dropped as she met your gaze in the mirror. Instantly, you pulled her to the edge of her bed and knelt down next to her. “You don’t have to go if you don’t want to. We can stay in and watch movies. Just say the word and I’ll cancel, Pans.” 
Just a few days ago, she had broken things off with Padma after the Ravenclaw announced that she would be attending the Yule Ball with Ron bloody Weasley. It came as a shock, given the fact that Padma and Pansy had been seeing each other since term started. 
You thought things were going well. Pansy had been out to your group of friends for a couple of months now and while everyone had been supportive of her journey, Padma was reluctant to make things public. Her own twin hadn’t even been aware of their relationship. You understood that coming out looked differently for everyone, but it broke your heart to listen to Pansy doubt herself. She didn’t deserve to be kept as a secret. 
“And forfeit the chance to show my ex-girlfriend what she’s missing out on?” Pansy said, sniffing haughtily and squaring her shoulders back. “Not bloody likely.” 
“There’s the Pansy Parkinson I know.” 
Much to her annoyance, you pulled Pansy into a hug. Sighing, she relented and squeezed back as you grinned. “You know, I thought Ravenclaws were supposed to be smart. Patil’s an absolute idiot for ever letting you go. You’re the smartest, funniest, and hottest witch I know. You’re the motherfucking Pansy Parkinson. Any witch in this castle would kill to have you as their girlfriend.” 
Your friend chuckled. “Thank you, Y/N. It feels strange to be on the other end of a motivational speech. Does it always feel this way when I do it?” 
“Well, you tend to be a little bit more forceful,” you teased. “But I love you for it.” 
“I love you too, Y/N.” 
Just as you pulled away, a sharp knock startled you out of the tender moment. You and Pansy stared at each other. 
“Come in,” Pansy called. 
Draco stumbled through the door, his platinum blonde hair uncharacteristically tousled and his pale complexion tinged with a deep flush. The Malfoy heir looked like he just finished sprinting through the castle. “It’s Theo,” he breathed.
At the mention of your best friend, you sprang to your feet. “What happened?” 
“He just received a patronus from Rome,” Draco explained. “Nonna is in the hospital.” 
Your heart dropped to your stomach. “Is she alright?” 
“Theo didn’t say much, but he’s with the headmaster right now. They’ve given him permission to floo to Rome.” 
“I have to — I have to go —” You couldn’t breathe. Fear threatened to overcome you entirely, but you fought against it. Theo needed you. “I can’t let him be alone.” 
“I know,” Draco agreed. “Professor Snape said he’s leaving within the hour, so we have to hurry.”
As quickly as possible, the three of you rushed out into the corridor. The sound of your heels clicking against the marble tile echoed as you and Pansy followed Draco’s lead. In his haste, Draco stomped down the staircase and nearly collided with the person waiting at the bottom step. 
At the landing, Graham stood at attention. Your date was wearing a perfectly tailored deep blue dress robe with shiny leather shoes, which made him appear taller than he actually was. His dark hair was slicked back and away from his green eyes that now roamed over your figure. In his hands was a delicately crafted corsage, presumably for you. 
“There you are,” said Graham. He straightened the front of his robes, impatience flickering through his expression. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” 
“I’m so sorry, Graham, but now is not a good time.” You rushed out as Draco tapped his watch, signaling the hour. Theo could be stepping through the floo any moment now. “I have to go. It’s an emergency.” 
Graham frowned. “What’s happened? What do you mean you have to go?” 
“Theo’s grandmother is in the hospital. I don’t have time to explain, but please know I’m very sorry to miss the ball.” 
“Miss the ball?” He repeated in disbelief. “You’re ditching me for Nott?” 
Graham was well aware of Theo’s dislike of him. In fact, the feeling was mutual. He didn’t like that the two of you were so close, but there was nothing to be done about that now. 
“Of course she is! This is a family emergency, you twat. Y/N would never leave Theo alone at a time like this.” Draco growled, frustration written all over his face. “Now get out of the bloody way, Montague.”  
“This can’t be happening.” 
“Look, we can talk about it when we get back, but I really have to go.” 
“No,” Graham firmly stated. He gripped your wrist and held you in place. Fury like no other surged through you. “You have to choose. It’s either me or Theo.” 
Without thinking, you snatched your arm away and leveled Graham with an icy glare. “Theo. I pick Theo. You may be my date for tonight, but he’s — Theo is — Theo is my person.” 
You didn’t wait for a reaction. You couldn’t care less about the fallout. Graham should’ve known better than to give you an ultimatum. In your mind, there was no choice other than Theo. You would always pick him. Shoving Montague out of the way, you sprinted through the castle with Pansy and Draco following closely behind. When you reached the headmaster’s office, the phoenix statue standing guard over the entrance gave you pause. 
“How do we get in?” you asked frantically. 
“I don’t know,” Draco admitted. He examined the stairs, looking for any sort of opening. 
Pansy stomped on the spiral staircase in an attempt to get it moving, but nothing happened. With determination, you plucked your wand from your dress pocket and instructed your friends to move. If you had to bombarda the bloody thing, you would. 
“Drop your wand, Miss Y/L/N.” 
You whirled around to find the head of your house staring down at you in disapproval. Professor Snape stood between you and the door, his impenetrable gaze sliding from your wand to the phoenix statue. You held your chin high and your wand even higher. In all your years at Hogwarts, you had never defied Snape so openly, but you were determined to get into that office one way or another.
“What exactly is your plan?” Snape asked with his arms crossed. “Decimate the headmaster’s beloved statue to gain entrance?” 
“If it came to that, then yes.” You held your wand steady even though anxiety and apprehension brewed within you like a malevolent storm. 
Draco shot to his feet. “She just needs to see Theo, professor.” 
Snape appraised you for a moment. You made no indication of standing down. “Follow me, then. The headmaster has been expecting you.” 
Without further explanation, Snape climbed onto the spiral staircase. Pansy and Draco squeezed you into a hug and wished you luck. You promised to send them word as soon as you could. As the stairs began to ascend, you watched anxiously as their faces disappeared from view. 
Inside the headmaster’s office, Theo paced back and forth while Dumbledore attempted to comfort him. He was dressed in a black tuxedo with a baby blue vest and matching tie, the latter of which now hung loosely around his neck as he tugged at the silk. The sight of it was heart wrenching. Even though his expression was cold and distant, you could tell that Theo was worried beyond belief. His fear was as palpable as your own. 
Relief washed over Theo as he turned to find you standing before him. Your best friend gravitated towards you, his lower lip trembling as you surged forward to gather him in your arms. 
“You came,” he murmured in a broken whisper. 
“Of course I did,” you assured him as you rubbed his back. “I wouldn’t leave you alone at a time like this.” 
Theo took a deep breath as you cradled his cheek. His gaze roamed over your dress, apprehension written all over his features. “I’m so sorry, fragolina. I didn’t mean to ruin your night. I know how much you were looking forward to the ball. Fuck, Montague must be furious —” 
“To hell with Montague,” you stated firmly. “You’re more important.” 
Your best friend slid his hand into yours, squeezing tightly as he faced Dumbledore and Snape. “We’re ready to go now.” 
Within a few moments, you found yourself stepping through the lobby of a hospital. Healers milled about in the large, brightly lit room, rushing off to care for their patients. The sight of the yellow robed witches and wizards gave Theo pause. You could only imagine that their presence brought forth traumatic memories of his mum’s frequent trips to St. Mungo’s. 
Steeling yourself, you marched right up to the front desk and greeted the elderly witch sitting behind the counter. She gave a wide berth at your overly formal attire, but smiled politely when she caught herself. 
“Buonasera, siamo qui per vedere Serafina Conti.” 
“Qual è il tuo rapporto con il paziente?”
“Grandson,” Theo rasped. “I’m her grandson.” 
The healer checked the records, her eyes skimming over the patient charts. “Serafina is under heavy sedation. The rest of your family has been contacted and should be arriving soon.”
“What exactly happened?” 
“Your grandmother contracted a case of Forest Cough. Typically, the cough is very mild. Had Serafina sought treatment earlier this week, she would’ve been perfectly fine, but since she waited, it developed into a fever.” 
You swallowed thickly. “Will she be alright?” 
“Her healer has her on a dose of magical antibiotics, which also acts as a mild sedative. With a few hours of rest, Serafina should recover quite quickly. If any other symptoms arise, we do advise that she seek treatment as soon as possible. The worst thing you can do is wait.” 
“Thank you so much.” The weight on your heart lessened at the reassurance. Nonna would be alright. That was all that mattered. “Could we please see her?” 
The witch nodded. “Of course. Follow me.” 
The two of you followed the healer through a long corridor. The walls were painted a cheerful yellow color that matched the healer’s robes, but even its sunny shade couldn’t mask the cold and sterile feeling of the hospital. Beside you, Theo tensed as you passed room after room of patients, his gaze lingering on the still bodies within. 
You squeezed his hand, distracting him from his own memories. “It’s alright,” you murmured. “Nonna is going to be alright, Teddy.” 
Theo tore his gaze away from a pale witch laying still on a stretcher, his expression shifting from worry to relief. He nodded in agreement and squeezed your hand back. 
Just then, the elderly witch led you into a private room. She poked her head through the door, alerting nonna of your presence. “Serafina, there’s visitors here to see you.” 
As she ushered you in, you couldn’t help but notice how small and fragile nonna looked. To you, Serafina Conti had always been larger than life, but right now, you realized that even a strong woman like her wasn’t invulnerable. Be that as it may, nonna haughtily sat up in her bed and crossed her arms as though she owned the place. 
With a look of disapproval, she tutted at the both of you. “Why are you here?’
“Aldo sent a patronus,” Theo explained. “He said you were in the hospital. We were worried sick!”
“You know how your cousin loves his theatrics,” Nonna said with a nonchalant wave. “I’m perfectly fine.” 
“They said they had to sedate you, that you had Forest Cough and you waited so long that it turned into a fever —”
“The healers are overzealous, as usual. All this fuss over a cough. It’s ridiculous, really.” 
“Stop treating it like a joke!” Theo snapped, his voice echoing off the walls. You had never heard him speak to his grandmother like this, which told you how truly upset he was about the entire situation. “I could’ve lost you, nonna. I can’t — I can’t go through that again.” 
Nonna’s expression softened. She knew more than anyone how the loss of her daughter nearly broke Theo. “I’m alright, Theodore. I apologize for worrying you, but I promise that everything is fine.” Theo’s shoulders slumped, the tension easing from his body as his grandmother held his hand. “Besides, you can’t get rid of me that easily. Who’s going to help plan you and Y/N’s wedding?” 
A choked sob broke free from your throat. You hadn’t even realized that you were holding in tears until this moment. For the past hour, you were focused on doing whatever it took to get to Rome. Now that you were standing before nonna, the possibility of losing her crashed over you all at once. 
You sniffled and wiped an errant tear away as she took your hand. “Don’t cry, piccolina. It’ll take more than a silly little cough to take me out.” 
“We were so worried,” you confessed. “We just wanted to make sure you were okay.” 
“I’m alive and kicking,” she joked. In a softer tone, she said, “Thank you for accompanying Theodore. As upset as I am that you both skipped the Yule Ball to be here, I am glad I got to see the two of you like this. You make a beautiful couple.” 
“Nonna,” Theo groaned. “Now is really not the time.” 
Nonna rolled her eyes, ignoring her grandson. “So, tell me. When did Theodore finally pluck up the courage to ask you to be his date?” 
Theo sighed, knowing that there was no stopping his grandmother. He busied himself with tidying up her surroundings, flinging the curtains open to reveal a stunning view of the city. Rome was a beauty to behold, its ancient streets thrumming with excitement even at this late hour. In the distance, you could make out the Sistine Chapel under the glittering stars.
“I was actually supposed to go with someone else.” Up until this point, you had completely forgotten all about Montague. You knew you’d have to deal with that when you returned, but he seemed rather insignificant given all that had occurred. “Graham Montague.” 
Nonna wrinkled her nose. The gesture told you all you needed to know about her opinion of him. “If you were going with the Montague boy, then why are you and my grandson matching?” 
Your gaze flickered up to Theo’s baby blue vest and tie, which were both a perfect match to the color of your ball gown. “I don’t know, actually. Teddy never saw my dress. I might have mentioned that I was wearing blue, but not the exact shade.” 
“This is the shade of blue that you always say you look best in,” Theo explained. “It’s your favorite color. Everyone knows that.” 
“Nobody knows that.” 
“Well, I know that.” 
Graham certainly hadn’t. You had shown him the exact color, yet he still picked the wrong shade to wear. You thought that perhaps boys were just clueless when it came to this sort of thing. After all, blue was blue. But Theo knew. Of course he knew.
An amused smirk appeared on nonna’s face as she watched the interaction. She was outright grinning when Theo busied himself with her pillows, fluffing them quite aggressively to hide the flush on his cheeks. You couldn’t help but smile. 
An hour later, Theo’s cousin Aldo finally arrived from Vallara. It had been a nightmare to journey to Rome, given that the floo station in the countryside closed earlier than most. Aldo had to travel to Amalfi by apparating, which took quite the toll on him. Regardless, he was glad to see that nonna was in stable condition. 
The rest of Theo’s cousins piled into the small room, nearly causing a fire hazard from the sheer amount of people packed in such a tiny space. The two of you gave them time to fuss over nonna, happily changing into the extra clothes they had brought. The ball gown was a feat to remove, the tulle and silk nearly suffocating you as you tried to maneuver out of it in the bathroom stall. In the end, you prevailed. Despite the fact that Theo’s sweats and hoodie nearly swallowed you whole, you were thankful to be in comfier clothing. 
After chatting with his cousins and ensuring that nonna would be properly cared for, the two of you said your goodbyes. You wished you could stay longer, but it was time to return to the castle. Under the silver moon, you and Theo walked through the empty streets, marveling at the beauty of Rome. 
“I never got to tell you,” Theo said suddenly. “You look beautiful tonight.” 
“Looked,” you corrected. “No offense, but my dress was a little more fashionable than this outfit.” 
“You could wear a plastic bag and I’d still think that you’re beautiful, bella.” 
You flushed at the compliment, hiding its effect behind a curtain of hair. “Thank you, Teddy.” 
“No, thank you. I couldn’t have gotten through all of that without you.” Theo took your hand, twirling the emerald ring on your finger with a small smile. “I’m sorry that I messed things up for you with Montague.” 
“Don’t lie, Teddy. You’re not sorry.” 
Theo smiled sheepishly. “You’re right. I’m not.” 
“It’s alright. It probably wouldn’t have worked out between us anyways.” 
“Why do you say that?” 
“I don’t think he really knew me,” you mused. “He couldn’t even remember my favorite color.” 
“What an idiot,” teased Theo. “Still, you must be bummed about missing the ball. I know you were looking forward to it.” 
“There will be other balls,” you responded. “This was more important.” 
Theo lifted your hand and brushed his lips against your knuckles. “I’m really glad you’re here with me, bella.” 
“Me too, Teddy,” you whispered softly. “Me too.” 
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Day Four, The Clay Cliffs
Laughter emanated from your phone while you recounted the events of the past few days to your parents. When you described the trip to the Temple of Cupid, your mum teared up as your dad comforted her in the back garden. The two of them were having afternoon tea when you called, which was the perfect time to chat and catch up. 
Attempting to lighten the mood, your dad peered into the screen. “Is that the infamous convertible?” 
You grinned and panned around the baby blue car, which you were currently lounging in as you waited for the rest of your friends to arrive. Theo insisted on driving up the Clay Cliffs, while Pansy and the boys rented bikes to take the more scenic route. You had absolutely no desire to struggle up the cliffside, so you opted to accompany your best friend instead. 
As if on cue, Theo bounded back into the car after begrudgingly helping a group of tourists with directions. “Hi Laurel! Hi Alistair!’” 
Your parents waved as Theo slipped into the driver seat. He grinned into the camera before snatching your favorite heart shaped sunglasses off your head and placing them over his eyes. “Hi, Theo. Congratulations on the car. She’s a beauty!”
“Theo hasn’t hit a single curb our whole trip. The driving lessons finally paid off, dad.” 
“I’m proud of you, son.” 
Beside you, Theo flushed and shyly thanked your dad. Shifting in his seat, he grabbed the phone from your hand and squeezed himself into frame. No matter how many times you explained the technology of video calls to him, Theo still wasn’t convinced that it wasn’t a form of magic. 
“The garden looks great, Alistair.” Theo lowered his sunglasses and squinted at the screen. “The cherry tree looks like it’s blooming.” 
You furrowed your brow. “When did you add a cherry tree?” 
“The start of summer,” your dad answered. “Theo helped me plant it before he left for Vallara.” 
“He also cooked us a fantastic dinner,” your mum added. She looked wistful, probably fantasizing about your best friend’s cooking. “I still dream about that carbonara.” 
“I promise to cook it for you the next time I visit.” 
“Speaking of which,” your dad interjected. “Are we still on for Sunday tea when you’re back in town?” 
“Of course,” Theo assured. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” 
“You guys are having tea without me?” you asked incredulously. 
Your mum nodded. “Well, we have to do something to fill our time while our little girl is off at Oxford.” 
Theo nudged you, smiling. “Don’t worry, bella. Now that I have my car, I can come and kidnap you during the weekends.” 
You beamed. “Thanks, Teddy.” 
Just then, you heard bells ringing through the clearing. The rest of your friends had finally caught up, racing up the narrow trail in colorful bikes. 
Mattheo honked his horn, the wind plastering his curls to his cheek as he pedaled uphill. “Come on lovebirds, it’s time. Last one to dive off the cliff owes the group a round tonight!” 
Your mum let out a surprised squeak. “Please tell me you’re not jumping headfirst off a cliff.” 
“I would, but then I’d be lying.” 
“Y/N  Y/L/N!” 
“Hm, what was that, mum? I think you’re breaking up.” 
Theo snickered as your mum began to lecture the two of you. Fortunately, your dad talked her down before she could continue her rant. “Bye, sweetheart, have fun! You too, son. Take care of our little girl. Love you both.” 
Your best friend waved at your parents, a grin present on his face. “Always! Love you, miss you. See you soon!” 
“Love you mum and dad. Talk to you later!.” 
After bidding your parents goodbye, you and Theo made your way up to the top of the Clay Cliffs. At the peak, Mattheo waved you towards the cliff’s edge. Cautiously, you made your way over to where the rest of the boys stood. The four of them were busy placing bets on who could do the most flips before landing. 
Pansy rolled her eyes. “Just make sure you don’t break your neck. It would put a damper on my holiday.” 
“My money’s on you,” you stated as you draped an arm over her shoulder. You don’t know why the boys bothered. Pansy was by far the most athletic out of all of you. 
“Are you making the jump this year?” 
Your stomach flipped as you peered over the cliffside. The drop was at least fifty feet, which was intimidating enough without your paralyzing fear of heights. Still, you were determined to face this phobia of yours once and for all. You didn’t know when you’d get another chance to share this moment with your favorite people. Despite your determination, it didn’t make the task less daunting. 
Steeling yourself, you nodded. “Yes. It would be a shame to come all this way and not do it.” 
Pansy smiled and squeezed your hand. “You’ve got this, babe.” 
The support gave you a little boost of confidence, especially after the boys assured you that they’d all be waiting at the bottom and cheering you on. You watched in anticipation as Blaise and Draco went first, their dives perfectly synchronized as they flipped two times in the air before slicing through the water. 
“Showoffs,” Mattheo muttered as he kicked off his shoes. He squinted at the waves below, no doubt calculating if he can beat Blaise and Draco. 
“You’ve got this, Matt,” you encouraged. “You’re by far the most obnoxious competitive person I know. Show them how it’s done.” 
“Thanks, I think?” Mattheo responded with an amused chuckle. He raised a brow as a mischievous grin tugged at his lips. “Mind giving me a good luck kiss?” 
“I will kick you off this damn cliff,” Theo threatened.
With a smirk, Mattheo saluted the two of you before joining your friends below. Just as you predicted, he executed three flips on the way down. Enzo went shortly after and tied with Mattheo, much to the latter’s annoyance. Pansy gracefully followed with a series of four flips that had you cheering and whistling. 
Finally, it was your turn. You slowly peeled your dress off and carefully arranged it next to everyone else’s clothes. Theo tugged his shirt off before flinging it in the same general direction. You shook your head as you folded it up for him, rolling your eyes fondly while he apologized with a sheepish grin. 
Those familiar watercolor eyes snagged on your blue dotted bikini, the heat of his gaze sending shivers down your spine. You couldn’t help but return the favor, cheeks heating as you shamelessly scanned Theo’s toned chest and chiseled abs. When he was younger, Theo often complained about his lanky build, but you liked how tall and lean he was. He’d certainly grown into it now. As if those mesmerizing eyes and sex tousled waves and impish grin wasn’t enough, Theo also had to be funny and kind and sweet. 
Truly, it was unfair to the rest of the world. 
“Are you nervous, bella?” 
You shook off your daydreams and returned to reality. “A little.” You made the mistake of looking down at the waves below. From this point of view, everything seemed that much more terrifying.  “Is it silly that I’m scared?” 
Theo gently grabbed your hand, prying you away from anxiously twisting your emerald ring. “I don’t think it’s silly at all,” he replied. “It’s normal to feel scared.” 
“But you’re not scared of anything.” 
Your best friend chuckled. “Are you kidding? I’m scared of everything, all the time. I just act like I’m not.” 
Theo nodded. “Do you remember the first time I met the guys?” 
“At Malfoy Manor, right? When we were eight.” 
“I was so scared that they wouldn’t like me, that they wouldn’t understand my accent, but mostly I was scared that you’d figure out that they were funnier and smarter and cooler than I was and I’d lose my best friend.” 
Your expression softened. “You could never lose me, Teddy.” 
“I know that now,” Theo said with a smile. “But back then, I was terrified. Until you told me that we were a package deal. That if they didn’t like me, then you didn’t like them either because we came as a pair. You couldn’t have one without the other.” 
“I was only stating the obvious.” 
“Maybe, but you don’t know what that meant to me. Besides mum, no one has ever stood up for me like that. I remember you threatening to push Flint into the garden fountain when he said I sounded funny even though he was older and bigger than the both of us combined.” 
The memory made you chuckle. “If only I had that courage now.” 
“You do,” Theo assured you. “My point is, you’re the bravest person I know. I’m never scared when I’m with you.” 
“You’ve never told me that before,” you said softly, sniffling a little. You couldn’t help it. Theo knew exactly what to say to put your mind at ease. 
“I was saving it for the view,” Theo replied cheekily. “It really gives it that theatrical effect.” 
Though you could still feel your heart beating against your ribcage, your anxiety lessened. You squeezed Theo’s hand, mostly to remind yourself that he was here with you. His presence always grounded you. 
“Will you jump with me?” you asked shyly. 
Theo’s smile was like a shot of espresso, warm and soothing as it surged through your nervous system like caffeine. You could see why people said that coffee was as addictive as the next hard drug, because you were pretty sure that you’d chase this high for the rest of your life. 
Your heart soared as he squeezed your hand back. “Of course, fragolina,” he declared proudly. “I’d be offended if you didn’t pick me to do something so stupid and reckless with.” 
“You’re quite right. The most stupid and reckless things I’ve ever done in my life have included you in some way or another.” 
Theo grinned and kissed the back of your knuckles. “You’re stalling.” 
“Maybe a little bit.” 
“We’ll do it together,” he said. “Like everything in life. On the count of three, we jump, okay?” 
“Wait, jump on three or after three?” 
With a scream, you and Theo broke out into a sprint and leapt off the cliffside. Your stomach turned inside out and upside down while your heart galloped in your chest. The adrenaline kicked in as you plunged through the water, the waves splashing all around you as you kicked back up to the surface. 
It was scary, it was exhilarating, but most of all, it was reassuring because when you broke free, Theo was still holding your hand.
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Later that night, you found yourself ducking into the mouth of a cave. Behind you, the boys grumbled as they crouched, nearly hitting their heads on the jagged rocks. Draco mumbled something about sullying his expensive silk button down, while Enzo mocked his cousin with an overly snooty accent. 
“Are you sure this is the right place?” Blaise asked warily. 
“Have I ever steered you wrong, Zabini?” 
“Do you want me to answer honestly?” 
To be fair, you couldn’t exactly blame Blaise for doubting your best friend. Theo promised to bring you and your friends to the hottest party in town only to lead you into the heart of a cave. 
Theo rolled his eyes. “Just a little more,” he urged. “Then you’ll see that Theodore Nott always delivers. Isn’t that right, bella?” 
You scoffed. “Well, Theodore Nott needs to deliver a little faster, because my feet are absolutely killing me. Had I known we were going spelunking, I would’ve opted out of heels.” 
“I second that,” Pansy huffed in annoyance. “I’m honestly considering throwing my stiletto at your head, Nott.” 
“Keep your shoes to yourself, ladies,” Theo warned as he led you further into the cave. 
In the distance, you could hear the muffled sound of music and the thump of the bass echoing through the rock. You gaped as the crowd came into view. Lights flashed along the cavern, pulsing to the beat of the music. The inside of the cave looked like a club, complete with a DJ, a fully stocked bar, and a makeshift dance floor. 
“How did you even know about this?” Draco asked. 
“I was invited by a local,” Theo responded slyly. “Speaking of which, here’s our host now.” 
The local was none other than Dante, who was now strolling up to your group with a tray full of limoncello. You watched in confusion as Theo exchanged cheek kisses with Dante as though they were old friends. 
“Well, this is a pleasant surprise,” Pansy greeted. 
“Indeed,” Dante agreed. “I must admit, I was surprised when Theo called me up after your visit to the vineyard. I got the feeling that he wasn’t too fond of me.” 
“What would ever make you think that?” quipped your best friend. 
Dante chuckled. “After he proposed a fresh start, I couldn’t help but agree. Besides, there is no way I’d pass up the chance to show you the hottest party in town. Welcome to Vallara’s most exclusive club, my friends.” 
“Wow,” Mattheo exclaimed. “This is sick.” 
Enzo nodded in agreement. “Is that a body paint station? Did that girl just take off her top — where are you going, Mattheo? Hey, wait for me!” 
You chuckled as the two boys hustled to the other side of the room. Theo rolled his eyes and apologized for their behavior, but Dante merely waved it off before passing out the limoncello. 
“To new friends,” Theo proposed. 
Dante clinked his glass with his. “To new friends!” 
The limoncello was dangerously sweet and smooth, its tart aftertaste causing your face to pucker. The drinks flowed after that as Dante introduced your group of friends to the crowd. For the most part, everyone in attendance was a local, which made you feel honored to be welcomed into their midst. 
As always, Theo was a natural at working the crowd. Your best friend seemed to have taken your advice to heart, because he and Dante were currently laughing and chatting with yesterday’s not-so-great first impression clearly forgotten. From the glimpses you stole from the dance floor, Theo was currently trying to play wingman, talking Dante up to a very handsome local. He took the job quite seriously, politely declining any attention thrown his way. 
“How is it fair that Nott is turning girls away while none of them will even look at me?” complained Mattheo. 
“It’s because you reek of desperation.” Draco responded honestly, brushing off a nonexistent piece of lint from his shirt. 
“And he doesn’t?” Mattheo exclaimed. “Theo’s been following Y/N around like a lost puppy all summer. Hell, all his life.” 
“That’s not desperation, you dolt,” Pansy scoffed. “That’s love.” 
You rolled your eyes. “Theo’s not in love with —” The protest died in your throat as Theo caught your eye from across the room. His face lit up when he spotted you like you were the beacon he’d been searching for in the dark. 
Mattheo ignored your comment entirely. “So if I fall in love, girls will flock to me?” 
Draco shook his head. “That’s not the point. When you fall in love, no one else matters. You can’t even see anyone but them. You just know deep down inside that you’ve found your person.” 
“Y/N.” You startled as Theo hugged you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder. 
“What?” asked Mattheo.
“My person,” Theo clarified. “It’s Y/N. That’s what Draco was talking about, right?” 
Draco smirked. “Told you, Riddle.” 
The shit eating grins remained on your friend’s faces even during the walk home from the cave. It didn’t help that Theo insisted on giving you a piggyback ride through the cobblestone streets after one too many complaints about your aching feet. As he set you down on the bathroom counter, Theo shook his head. 
“I will never understand why you choose to punish yourself this way, bella.”
You shrugged, watching as your best friend removed the death traps from your feet. “Beauty is pain, Teddy.” 
“Must be why I’m always aching,” Theo remarked with a dramatic sigh. “Pretty hurts.” 
You snorted as you jumped off the counter and began your ten step skincare routine. Theo traded places with you, swinging his long legs while he handed you product after product. He grinned like a little kid when you swiped toner, moisturizer, and serum onto his face.  Not that he needed it. Irritatingly enough, his skin was clear as day without the aid of expensive products. 
After you finished brushing your teeth together, the two of you changed into pajamas and settled for the night. You buried yourself in bed, sighing at the cold sheets and fluffy pillows. Theo made his way over to the love seat that he’d been sleeping on for the past few nights, but it was gone. Nowhere to be found. He stared at the empty spot in complete bafflement. 
“Is the couch…”
“Completely gone?” 
“Disappeared off the face of the earth.” 
“Seems like it.” 
“Oh god,” you groaned. “I’m sorry, Teddy. I have a feeling this is Pansy’s doing. She’s been scheming all summer. First the honeymoon suite and then this.” 
“It’s okay, fragolina,” Theo assured you. “I can just sleep on the living room couch.”
You shook your head vehemently. “You shouldn’t have to sleep on the couch.” 
“I’m fine, bella.” 
“Theo,” you whisper, your voice disrupting the blissful bubble of silence. “I don’t want you to sleep on the couch.” 
Realization flooded Theo’s features. He smiled softly, shy and sweet as he made his way over to you. Making room for him, you threw the blankets back and watched as he crawled into bed beside you. Theo settled on his side, his head resting on the pillow as he faced you. 
You mirrored his action, suddenly feeling vulnerable as those piercing blue eyes flitted over you. “Hi.” 
Theo grinned. “Hi.” 
The two of you stared at each other for a moment. The serene sounds of the countryside lapped all around you; the gentle breeze swaying gently through the open window, the soothing lull of the waves kissing the shore, all of it syncing with the rhythmic beating of your heart. 
The moonlight streamed into the room in glittering strips of silver, its light bathing Theo in its ethereal glow. His fluffy hair, his boyish grin, his sleepy eyes. You had never seen anything more beautiful and breathtaking in your life. 
“You’re my person, too.” 
The smile on his face would’ve put the stars to shame. The gravity of it was magnetizing, drawing you in like an inevitable force. 
“Do you know that you’re my favorite person in this entire world?” 
“I had a feeling,” Theo teased. You scoffed and rolled your eyes, preparing a sarcastic response, but you stopped short when he leaned closer. His knuckles brushed against your cheek. “I’d say the same, but it seems like an understatement to call you my favorite person in the world when you are my world.” 
“Too cheesy?” he asked with a boyish grin. 
“No, it’s perfect.” You took his face in your hands, cataloging every freckle and mole as though everything about him wasn’t already seared into your mind. “You’re perfect.” 
You didn’t know who moved first. It might’ve been him, it might’ve been you, but at the end of the day, all that mattered was that his lips were on yours. As Theo kissed you, you realized then that you’d never truly known what it meant to hunger, to crave — not truly. Not like this. 
The kiss itself was soft and gentle and sweet, but it was also all-consuming. The pressure of his lips against yours brought you relief. It was the breaking of clouds, the pattering of rain, the downpour after an endless drought. 
Your fingers slipped through his silky locks as Theo tugged you closer, his hands snaking around you in a tight embrace as though he was afraid you might disappear. You wanted to tell him that you weren’t going anywhere. You couldn’t even if you tried, but you were too drunk on him — his scent, his touch, his kisses. 
This, you thought, was exactly what you were made for. 
Theo pulled away, his gaze tender as it flickered over your face. You touched your fingers to your lips, already missing the absence of his kisses. 
“I’ve been waiting for that all my life,” Theo whispered in awe.
“I had a feeling,” you teased back.
“I like when you’re cheeky,” Theo chuckled, burying his face in your neck. He placed a kiss under your jaw. “And I like how soft your skin is.” Another kiss on your cheek. “I like how red and flushed you get when I compliment you.” 
Theo pressed his lips against yours Once, twice, three times. Just because he could. Just because he wanted to savor the taste of your cherry chapstick, to swallow the soft little sigh that escaped your mouth every time he kissed you, to acclimate himself to the new reality of getting to snog his best friend whenever and wherever he wanted. 
“I just really like you.” 
You smiled into the kiss. “I really like you too, Teddy.” 
The confession was the tip of the iceberg of how you felt for him, but it would do for now. As Theo held you in his arms, you listened to the rhythmic pulse echoing in your chest. 
Your heart thumped to the beat of his name. Theo, Theo, Theo. 
It always had and it always will.
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femdomlieeh · 8 months
Crown (m)
Sub!Heeseung (ENHYPEN) x Dom!F!Reader
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WC—5.8 ✧ k
WARNING—bathtub sex ✧ role-play (lovers/ gf & bf) ✧ blindfolding (m) ✧ stripping (m) ✧ unprotected sex (be safe yall!) ✧ piv ✧ light S&M ✧ dacryphilia (m) ✧ body worship (m) ✧ nipple play (m!r) ✧ light spanking (m!r) ✧ breath play (m!r) ✧ lingerie (f) ✧ teasing (m!r) ✧ thigh kink ✧ tattoo kink (?) ✧ brief begging ✧ biting (m!r) ✧ praise (f!g) ✧ marking (f!g) ✧ pet names (mami, prince, baby)
THEMES—smut ✧ best friend au ✧ fwb for one night agreement ✧ a little angsty
NOW PLAYING—imagine ✧ Ariana Grande
A/N. This is actually my favourite smut I’ve posted so far so I hope you enjoy!
Old Seungwoo version
M.LISTS—enhypen ✧ latest updates ✧ read on wp
All rights reserved © femdomlieeh
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Valentine’s Day.
The happiest day of the year for couples.
Couples could finally do PDA and have people cooing at them in either cuteness or jealousy, but never disgust because PDA was allowed on Valentine's Day.
People could finally have an excuse to do something special for someone, like making a grand romantic gesture or even proposing.
It was supposed to be that way, right?
I was going to have a corny day together with my boyfriend of three years, Yeonjun. Every single detail all the way from the restaurant to the hotel room had been thought out by me, because – not only am I romantic – I always like to be prepared.
Not to sound cocky or to flatter myself, but the plan was so good even I was impressed with it.
Except not everything went to plan.
My lover decided to break up with me one month before the awaited day. One month before Valentine's Day! Only two weeks into the new year! He had "grown out of love" as he'd said. Guess one of his New Year's resolutions was to break up with me.
My parents had met him and accepted him — which said a lot, since they've always had high standards and never liked any of my previous lovers — so it was safe to say that I felt lost.
For two weeks I'd avoided contact with my family, so I wouldn't have to tell them the news yet because I was embarrassed, I was single right in time for the day of love. The only person who knew, other than me and Yeonjun, was my best friend Heeseung.
Since the moment I told him, he made it his daily routine to come to my place with open arms and a warm embrace. I never cried in front of anyone but him. It isn't weak to shed tears, in fact shedding tears takes a lot of strength, I simply don't feel comfortable showing myself vulnerable to others, and especially not after being hurt by someone I trusted.
With Heeseung, it was different, however. We've known each other for so many years and we know most of each other's secrets already. I know that when I cry in front of him it's without being judged and he knows the same goes for him.
One day when he, like normally, went to my place, his smile was abnormal. It was fake. I knew it was fake. After all these years of knowing him, I could distinguish his fake smiles from his true ones faster than Eminem can rap.
Being the caring best friend I am, I asked him what had happened. At that, he broke down and let go of the fooling smile; he can never lie to me for more than a few seconds. His girlfriend, Karina, had broken up with him. Honestly speaking, it was understandable why she wanted to break up with him: 1. He spent too much time with me, 2. He never told her about his thoughts or what bothered him, 3. He didn't treat her like the queen everyone knows she is
Heeseung was mature and didn't beg her for a second chance because he knew she deserved someone better; someone who not only knew she deserved to be treated like a queen but treated her like it. But no matter how mature he was, it didn't make the pain smaller on his part. He was disappointed in himself for ever being in a relationship where he didn't treat his lover right.
And so it was my turn to comfort him. For a couple of days, I had opened arms and a warm embrace for him to find comfort in until he had calmed down.
Impulsively, we went to a tattoo shop and got him a tattoo. It wasn't the I'm-heartbroken-and-need-a-tattoo-to-look-good tattoo, it was the I-need-some-inspiration-in-this-dark-place tattoo. After brainstorming for a long ten minutes, he got the best idea. Don't lock me up, in italics right under his collarbone, above his heart to remind himself to not lock up his feelings.
He had been in great pain for the quarter of time it took to do the tattoo, but he didn't seem to mind... Judging by the way he was biting his lower lip, he was holding in a pained whine, seemingly trying to impress me by handling the pain. When the torture finally had come to an end, the final product made him smile truly – although that part of his body had to be covered with plastic and some tape whenever he so much as wanted to shower.
A week away from Valentine's Day, Heeseung and I made a pact; the kind of pact we never would have planned to have with each other. During the holiday we'd do all the cheesy things we had planned to do to our now-ex-lovers – but the most crucial parts was that A) the other person wouldn't judge and B) next day all of it would be forgotten. Wow. We had grown so dependent on each other's care that we made the kind of pact we never would have planned to have with each other...
It was probably stupid to do such a thing with a best friend of so many years, but it was also the 'healthiest' thing to do for us two. Although I, at this point, had convinced Heeseung that I was over Yeonjun, I still hadn't convinced myself. And the same went for Heeseung; he had convinced me that he was over Karina, but not himself.
My plan for Valentine's Day was sublime and if I didn't go through with it, I would regret it — and, damn, I couldn't wait a whole year for the next opportunity (if I even would get the opportunity)!
And that explains this. Us standing. A week later. On a romantic rooftop. Dressed nicely. Smiling awkwardly at each other. On Valentine's Day.
"Since you're my boyfriend tonight, let's go down to the room I rented, shall we?"
"This feels weird," he giggled lightly.
"Play along!" I held out my hand for him to hold and flashed him a smile. He reciprocated my smile and took my hand, following my lead down the stairs to our hotel room; the room I had booked for me and Yeonjun.
Our hands were sweating. It wasn't the first time Heeseung and I held hands, but it was the first time we ever did something like this together; something normal best friends don't do. The affection we've displayed to each other throughout the years had been mostly words and hugs and sometimes cuddles. But now...we were going to show affection in ways we've only done to lovers.
I held out the black card key in front of the sensor above the golden knob but retracted it before the door unlocked.
"If you want to turn back, now is the time to do so. I don't want to go through with this if you don't want to," I said and looked at him.
His eyes told me that it was OK, but I needed his consent to be sure he was OK.
"I want to do this, don't worry," he smiled a little as his heart pounded.
Without breaking eye contact, I put the card in front of the sensor again and waited a few microseconds for it to unlock. I turned the knob and opened the door to the pact.
"After you," I gestured him to enter the room.
"Why thank you," he blushed and hurried inside so I wouldn't catch a glimpse of his flustered state.
But I did.
And I smiled when I saw it.
The room was big and open. Simple, but just perfect. Knowing me and my cheesy nature, Heeseung had expected perhaps some rose petals on the bed or a few scented candles by the bed but, to his surprise, he saw none of that.
I pushed him down onto the soft bed with silk sheets, distracting him for the real surprise, and sat beside him.
"Before we do anything, we need safe words."
"Safe words?" he inquired and raised a brow unknowingly.
"A word to say in case anyone goes overboard or passes the limits," I explained shortly.
"Alright, mine is apple."
"Why apple though?" I giggled at his randomness.
"I ate an apple today." (It was true, he'd had a green apple because he once read that green apples make your breath smell better.)
"If you're going for a fruit I am too. My safe word is peach."
"Why peach?" he raised his brow at me stealing his fruit idea.
"Your peach looks really good in those pants, so it was the first thing I thought of," I replied and laughed at his flustered self.
He knew he had a plump peach.
It was just embarrassing hearing it from me since I, as his best friend, am supposed to not acknowledge how incredibly handsome he is – and especially when it comes to body parts such as peaches!
I put my hand on his thigh to get his attention away from the embarrassment.
"Tonight, I'm not your best friend anymore, Prince," I said with a newfound tone that sent shivers down Heeseung's spine.
I neared him and whispered in his ear, "Tonight, I'm your Mami."
He gulped. I had always been a very dominant person in everything I did, so he expected nothing less than that in bed — but the foreign titles took him by surprise. But it made sense for me to use titles in bed, because I was classy like that.
"What's your safe word?" I asked to make sure he knows he can use it whenever he wants to. After all I didn't know what was out of his comfort-zone.
"If you feel uncomfortable you know you need to say that word, understood?"
"Yes, Mami," he answered, a blush creeping up his neck to his cheeks.
With his green light I continued, "Good boy."
At the praise, his cheeks matched the floating rose petals. I loved how responsive he was already. Before tonight I wasn't sure what kind of partner he would be but finding out what he likes step by step excites me – more than I thought finding out my best friend's kinks would excite me. I want to know everything. What turns him on, what makes him scream, what makes him cry; everything.
"My best friend's into praise, hm. Who would have thought?" I teased and squeezed his thigh lightly.
"I'm not your best friend anymore, Mami. I'm Prince, right?"
I looked into his eyes and saw something I'd never seen in them before. Was it lust? Was it something else? How could I be sure of what it was if I hadn't seen him like this before?
"Indeed, you are, Prince," I smiled, slowly feeling my hand up his thick, muscular thigh.
He followed my hand's path with his gaze and bit his lip like back in the tattoo shop. Was he holding in a moan, perhaps? When my hand was at the top, soon on his V-line, I heard how his breathing grew louder and more unsteady.
He seemed to enjoy his thighs being touched.
I noticed how his pants were forming a tent in the prince area, and smirked. To tease him, I let go of his thigh and walked up to the door to the bathroom. He tensed. Maybe he wanted me to touch him some more?
"After you, Prince," I said and opened the door for him.
Once again that stereotype-breaking gesture had him blushing ferociously.
He went into the new room, not expecting much other than grabbing a condom. But when the sight he was met by was nowhere near what he expected, yet it didn't shock him one bit. A large bathtub filled with atypical pink water and typical red rose petals floating on the surface.
He chuckled, "As expected, my best friend is a cheesy person."
"I'm not your best friend anymore, Prince. I'm your Mami, right?" I asked with a confident smirk.
"Y-Yes," he stuttered and turned away from me so he could avoid my powerful gaze.
"Yes what?" I pushed a little to see how comfortable he was with the title.
"Yes, I'm Mami's Prince," he said under his breath.
I went up behind him and wrapped my arms around his torso, feeling the expensive fabric under my fingertips. "Want to take this off for me?"
"Y-Yes, Mami."
I smiled, "Then give me a little show." He gulped as I sat down on the edge of the tub to get a full view of him. With adrenaline coursing through his body, he let the blazer fall off his shoulders and land on the floor, followed by the ivory dress shirt. As soon as his skin was touched by the air, goosebumps formed, and he flexed his abs. He sure had worked hard to get flex his muscles like this.
Biting my lip, I pointed at his ivy pants, "Take those off too." The way I bit my lip made him feel confident. I didn't bite my lip to prevent honest sounds from falling out like Heeseung did, I bit my lip to prevent myself from ripping the rest of his clothes off. He undid the belt and let the pants pool down around his ankles. Now, in front of me, was he standing in nothing but a pair of black boxers that were fitting all too tight due to those thick thighs and the clearly big erection. He was gulping under my gaze, waiting for me to instruct him on what to do.
"Show me your prince part, Prince." Blushing at the euphemism, he put his fingers under the waistband and pulled his boxers down. He was fit and attractive. Each muscle on his body was visibly hard, including his dick that was high and proud in the air. "You're so handsome, Prince," I praised and watched a small smile break out on his face.
He walked to me with his head down and stood with his tall figure in front of my sitting posture. "Do you want me to touch you, Prince?"
"Yes, please." At that, I put a finger in the middle of his chest and traced it down his abs and to the tip of his dick. He bit his lip again to stop any embarrassing noises from escaping; he wanted to impress me by being good. But I didn't want to give him too much pleasure yet.
"Let's get wet now, shall we? I didn't fill this tub for aesthetics..." He laughed lightly, feeling more at ease at the small joke I made. Listening, he slowly set foot into the tub and tried not to spill so much as a drop of the water. It took him a good half minute to fully settle down since he's so tall and big due to his muscles — but that was good, because it gave me plenty of time to prepare additional surprises for him.
When he averted his attention from the pink water and back to me, he was met by an astonishing, breathtaking, life-changing sight. Me. In lingerie. With a red silk blindfold in hand. This specific lace lingerie was Yeonjun's favorite, so I naturally chose to wear it now – in red to match the theme of the holiday. I felt the most comfortable in it. In this color. In this fabric. Everything made me feel sexy. But the memories of what me and him had done while I was in it brought back a gloominess.
Heeseung didn't know how to react. Did I pick the color red because it was the traditional color of Valentine's Day or because I knew it was his favorite color? For some odd and unknown reason, he hoped for the latter one.
"You look so handsome like this, Prince, but I think you'd look even better in this," I winked and held up the red blindfold. He shuddered. The little piece of fabric was something different. Never had he ever used one in the bedroom — only in fun games with friends, where you had to trust your teammates. Now, however, he was going to put his trust in me.
"What's your safe word?"
"Apple," he answered, "I trust you. You don't need to ask me about it all the time, I'll tell if you need to stop."
"But we've never done this before so I'm scared of it going wrong," I admitted.
"I trust you. Trust me too, Mami."
"As you wish, Prince," I replied.
Once again, I sat down on the edge of the bathtub. I lowered the love blindfold to his face, holding it right above. He was looking at me with those big, curious eyes, filled with anticipation for what was going to happen. How long I was staying still was quickening his heartbeat; he knew I wanted him to be verbal.
"Please," he said, feeling slightly impatient; his heart would jump out his chest any second now. Smiling, I finally put the blindfold on him and tightened it behind his head, making sure it wasn't too tight since I didn't want to ruin his beautiful hair or innocence too much. Oh wait, scratch the last one. I petted his hair, which was equally smooth as the silk around his head. "Does it hurt, Prince?" I asked, referring to the blindfold.
"No, Mami." The silk was smooth against his skin and, although all he could see was darkness, it was magical; all the other senses were heightened. He could hear me breathing and even imagine what I was thinking whilst I was touching him this gently. Maybe I was thinking of how much I loved him as a best friend. Maybe I was thinking of how I'd ruin him. Maybe I was thinking of what to do next.
Slowly I proceeded to his neck. He could feel my presence, through my breaths on his skin, and thus elongated his neck for me — he couldn't see me, but he could sense what I wanted. I began placing small kisses up his neck to his well-defined jaw, while he tried to keep his breathing in control. The kisses were small, yet they made such a big impact on him since his sense of touch was thousands of times greater than normal.
"Yes, Prince," I said between kisses.
"Can I...touch you?"
"Not yet," I smirked and moved further down to his collarbone. I left open-mouthed kisses all over it and stopped to admire his tattoo. Technically I had been the one who had encouraged him to get it. It was so small, but it held so much meaning behind it. My fingers were tracing along the tattoo, soothing Heeseung. He felt calm. He felt at peace. He felt connected to me. When my fingers traced lower and experimentally touched his nipple, he let out a whimper. Bingo.
"Sensitive much?"
He didn't answer, embarrassed.
"I asked you something, Prince," I said with a less kind voice.
"Yes, Mami. I-I'm sensitive, but you already knew that."
It was true. Since the start of our friendship he had showed his vulnerability and sensitivity. He never liked it when I jokingly roasted him, only being into compliments and praises. Praising. I bet he'd be into that.
He whimpered out a 'Mami' when I attached my lips to his nipple. Trying to not shock his body too much, I only gave a quick kitten lick, yet it seemed to affect him a lot when he couldn't hold back a sole whimper. I couldn't tell if it were because of the sensitivity provided by the blindfold or because he had sensitive nipples. Either way, I wanted to test how much I could make him feel.
To give him a little sensation without touching him, I breathed on the wet nipple so he shivered a little at the coldness. He put both of his hands on each edge of the tub to stabilize himself, feeling like he could lose the bare control he had now that I found a weak spot of his. I flattened my tongue and licked against him, making him quiver.
"M-M-Mami," he stuttered breathily. He wasn't trying to call me, nor was he trying to tell me anything — my actions simply lit a part of him that seemed to love my title. He knew exactly how to turn me on and this was the first time we had ever been intimate. It was actually cute how my best friend was so accustomed to both mine and his title. Yeonjun's title, I meant.
I reached my hand under the surface of the water and felt up his thigh. He moaned. Yes. Moaned. At a simple touch. Ashamed of the moan, he let go of one of the edges and brought his hand over his mouth, making him lose a part of his balance. "Don't keep your sounds to yourself, Prince. Give them to me," I ordered.
Smirking against his skin, I started sucking which caused a gasp to erupt at the sudden stimulation. "M-Mami, Mami—" he whimpered loudly. He had tried to keep his noises to himself until now, but although it hurt his pride a little, he liked pleasing me.
How could whimpers sound so beautiful? They were so angelic and graceful, contrary to the scene of sinning. I retracted from him to admire the view. One nipple was red and swollen and the other one was left untouched. Each muscular arm was resting on each edge, trying not to move a millimeter. The blindfold was covering part of his face yet matched with his feverish blush. His mouth was agape, letting the whimpers I loved oh so much out every now and then. I was happy I hadn't gone for the cliché bubble bath, because now that the water was clear I could see his naked body — every part from his beauteously tattooed upper body to his thick stone-hard thighs and dick.
But there was one part of his body that I couldn't see. One part that was magnificent and that I needed to see. "Turn around," I whispered in his ear.
"Turn around and show me your butt, Prince," I clarified and waited for him to move.
Unsurely, he supported himself on the edges and sat up. Although he couldn't see he could feel, so he had no difficulty turning around and putting his hands on the edge he had been resting his back on until now. He arched his back, adding to the sex appeal that the tub already delivered. Damn, how could an ass be that good-looking? How could—
"C-Can you spank me?" he interrupted me from my thoughts.
Did I even know my best friend? Or did he know me so well that he knew that was exactly what I wanted to do in that moment?
"What do you say, Prince?"
Good boy knew the answer, "Please."
"You'll need to beg a little more than that," I said teasingly, making him swallow yet another piece of his pride.
"Can you, please, please, spank me, Mami? I've been so good until now; don't I deserve it?"
He made a fair point. And he also confirmed my theory of him having a praise kink.
"Yes, you do, Prince. You've been so obedient until now, of course you deserve a little pain."
His cheeks tinted pink. Yes, he did indeed have a praise kink.
Suddenly I spanked him, creating a loud echo of skin-to-skin sound. He jolted forward with a whine, not expecting the hit since he couldn't see me or my hand in the air. His cheeks jiggled and I swore that my ex had never made me this wet before as I felt my wetness drip down my thighs.
"H-Harder, please, Mami."
"Since you're such a good prince for me, of course!" Those words. He loved hearing them. He knew I probably had those thoughts already, since he's aware he's a good boy, but hearing me say them made his heart race. Once again, I hit his skin and made him jolt forward from the harsh touch. Except this time, he moaned out my title louder. He held his head down, adding to the submission.
"You want more, Prince?"
"Yes, plea—"
Spank! Before he even could finish his answer, my hand was back on his cheek again — I had already predicted his answer. Now one of his cheeks had my red handprint on it, matching his blindfold and blush, whilst the other cheek had no mark. And I was going to keep it that way. Asymmetry is beautiful.
His blindfold, nipple and cheek weren't the only things red. The part of his body that needed me the most hadn't gotten any attention yet. His dick's color stood out from most of his body and the way he reacted to small touches could only hint at him needing me to touch it.
"Turn around," I ordered him again.
"W-What— But you haven't—"
"Do you want me to touch your prince part?" I disrupted him.
"Then turn around and show it to me, Prince."
He let go of the tub and turned around in the water, making sure to be comfortable when resting his back against it because he knew he'd stay in that position for a while. He heard how I got into the tub too. The water was rippling, and my feet were touching the tub; he could both feel and hear that I got in. Slowly, as to not drive any water out, I sank down onto his lap and put my hands on the tub on either side of his head. The feeling of my smooth skin on his indicated I had taken off the lingerie. That only meant one thing. I drew closer to him and whispered in his ear a million-dollar question: "Do you want your dick inside me?"
Gulping, he nodded promptly.
"Use your words, Prince," I sang.
He took another gulp before speaking, "Y-Yes, please, Mami."
"Good boy," I praised and watched as his true smile made an appearance like it'd done many times tonight.
Only to form an 'o' and let a long moan out as I sat down and got filled up by his dick deliciously. "Ah~ M-Mami~" The sensitivity of waiting and being blindfolded added with my tightness was what brought out his embarrassingly loud moan.
I needed to get used to the size since he was bigger than my last lover. In the meantime, I decided to get back to his stunning neck and kiss it. He had two prominent birthmarks under his Adam's apple; the left one was higher up and the right one was closer to his collarbone. Since I can remember I had liked them. They were a distinctive feature of his, just like his tattoos. I kissed both birthmarks and started moving up and down slowly on his dick. This wasn't going to be a hard fuck session; this was going to be a slow and soft lovemaking session because he was my prince. For tonight at least.
He sporadically let out moans that ranged from high to low pitched, long to short lasting — all of them were music to my ears — a love song I'd think of every now and then when I didn't have my prince by my side. The sound of the water moving each time I did was the background music. I started marking his neck with beautiful love bites, not hickeys, because these marks were out of love. Love and pride, as I wanted everyone to see that he was mine.
As I sucked harder on his neck, his moans turned into constant whimpers. He didn't know what this feeling was. Never had he ever made love with someone before. Sure, he'd been caring in bed but never had he felt this cared for before. On the other hand, it wasn't my first time. I had done this to Yeonjun every time I wanted him to know how much he meant to me (all the time). But, although this was an illusion me and Heeseung had created, it felt real.
"Ma-Mami, can you go rougher on me? Please?" At that I sunk my teeth into his collarbone, not the one with the tattoo, but the bare one. I didn't want to cover the meaning behind the tattoo, instead I wanted to cover the other part of skin, so I'd be the one who in a way adorned both sides. The friend in me was in his tattoo and the lover in me was in his mark. He bit his lower lip to try to conceal the pathetic whimper, failing while doing so. Sure, he loved being taken care of, but he also loved pain.
My thrusts were slow, yet long lasting, like the memory of this night would be soon. This felt surreal. Our connection. Our love. Our everything. The love bites on his neck and the literal bite mark on his collarbone would be enough proof the next morning when Heeseung would wake up that this night in fact had happened.
He let go of his lower lip and let the whimpers out freely, not caring that it hurt his pride because when you're in love your pride doesn't matter as much as it did before. He was reaching his breaking point and so was I but we both purposely held our orgasms back. We didn't want this to end. We wanted this love to last as long as it possibly could. We knew that the next day we would go back to being best friends; there'd be no more Prince and Mami. We knew that we would be gone like the pink water in this tub would be in the morning. The marks would remain on his neck and shoulder the next morning...but the illusion of love wouldn't.
"A-Are you cumming?" I asked, drunk on love.
"Y-Yes, b-but I can wait." We had already been at it for longer than an hour — even the water was cold — but that wasn't enough. We were both exhausted, both mentally because it was late and physically because of the lovemaking.
"I know you want to cum, Prince," I said, not wanting him to wear himself out.
"C-Can you choke me first, Mami? Please, I've a-always wanted y-you to do that to me," he mumbled.
I didn't answer him, instead I let go of the edge and circled my fingers around his neck. For most people, choking was some kinky shit. But for us, it was romance. I was quite literally holding his life in my hand and he trusted me with it. He trusted me with his whole life, and I didn't let him down. That's a part of love; letting yourself into a vulnerable position, knowing the other person can hurt you, but staying because you have faith in that they would love you instead.
In this moment, he had everything he didn't know he wanted. He felt like he'd arrived in utopia by accident. There was nothing he wanted to change. Nothing. And neither did I. His marks were asymmetrical, but that was in my eyes perfect. I tightened my grip on his neck a little, making him choke out a small whiney moan. At the same time, I felt my core aching and his dick pulsating. We needed to cum. Physically we needed to. But emotionally we didn't want to.
"Let's cum together," I said and let go of his neck
"Please, just a little more," he begged.
"We can't hold back, and you know it," I stated.
"Please, Mami," he cracked his voice. I looked at his face. His face was red, and the blindfold had wet patches. The patches weren't there because of the water splashing on him (I had made sure to not splash any on his face), they were there because they'd gotten out of his eyes. He was crying, not wanting us to come to an end. But we needed to. He wasn't my boyfriend; he was only playing the role of my boyfriend. I treated him as if he were Yeonjun, not Heeseung.
For the first time ever, I kissed him. Not on his body, but on his lips. He returned the kiss with just as much thirst as me. Surrounded by water, yet we thirsted for each other. We needed to savor this before it ran out. I tangled my hands into his soft hair, not caring if I ruined his hair anymore. I didn't care. All I cared about was this moment. For the first time this night, he let go of the tub fully and put his hands on my skin, letting them relish and remember every curve and edge before he'd never get to touch me like this ever again.
I paused the kiss and said for the last time, "Let's cum together."
"Can you take th-the blindfold off first?"
Truth was that he wanted to see me so he could have a visual memory of that one time he made love with his best friend. During all of this, he'd had a blindfold and although he felt that everything was real, he wanted to know for sure he wasn't dreaming. I untied it and threw it away to who-cares-where. He opened his eyes and took in the view of me. I was naked. I was raw. I was vulnerable. I had no layers shrouding any part of me. "I love you," he said, looking into my eyes.
Holding his face in my hands, I said, "I love you too."
And there we reached our climax.
The end.
{One year later}
Valentine's Day.
The happiest day of the year for couples.
I walked into our bedroom and was met by a wonderful view. My real boyfriend was standing in front of our bed. "I missed you so much, Baby," I smiled and kissed his cheek as per usual.
He was clad in only a pair of boxers and nothing else. "I have a little surprise for you."
"Oh really?" I asked, amused, and sat down on the bed as he stood in front of me.
He coughed to clear his throat and looked serious, "I've been keeping a little secret from you for a little while now..."
What did he mean? Had he been reconsidering our relationship? Was I going to relive the same heartbreak as last year?
I must've looked worried, because suddenly he broke out of the serious trance he tried to be in and smiled at me. Slowly he pulled down his underwear to reveal the little surprise.
Right on his V-line.
A tattoo.
Of a little crown.
Because he is my prince.
✦ ੈ ✧ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✧‧₊˚** ੈ ✧ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✧‧₊˚** ✧ ੈ ✧
“Me with no makeup, you in the bathtub
Bubbles and bubbly, ooh
This is a pleasure, feel like we never
Act this regular
Kiss me and take off your clothes
Imagine a world like that”
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fanficimagery · 2 years
Girl in the Painting
After taking a closer look at Xavier's paintings, Wednesday realizes he wasn't having dreams of her at all. But she does know the girl in the paintings and she's decided that this one good deed shouldn't kill her.
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Words: 6.6K Author's Note: Wednesday AU. I'm well aware Xavier never had dreams of Wednesday; he just painted her because he'd seen her and "instantly fell in love". For this, however, I'm saying he's dreamt of her, possibly even before she showed up to Nevermore, and she realizes later on she was never actually the center of his dreams. Also, TRIGGER WARNING for mentions of past attempted sexual assault. It's brief.
As the students of Nevermore are packing up and readying themselves for their trips home, a group of girls are sitting around the charred fountain in the courtyard.
"So what are your plans for summer?" Bianca asks, fingers skimming the water. The dark skinned siren smiles when Enid blushes prettily, her gaze immediately darting to the ever stoic Wednesday. She's been wondering, as of late, if Enid's feelings towards Wednesday were leaning towards romantic rather than platonic.
"Going to Wednesday's home," Enid finally says. "Gonna spend a couple of weeks with the Addams' family."
"Yeah? I didn't think our resident living dead girl was into slumber parties."
"It's going to be a blast," Wednesday deadpans. Yoko chuckles, sipping on whatever concoction she's mixed up that satiates her bloodlust. "You two are more than welcome. Apparently the more, the merrier."
"Sorry," Yoko muses, "but the coven's gonna travel all summer. I'm quite looking forward to it."
"Mmm. And as much as I'm loving the new attitude, I got some things to take care of before we come back to Nevermore," Bianca says, her silver eyes glowing just the faintest. She really couldn't wait until she finished this favor for her mother and her new creep of a husband. "Besides, I can't be seen painting the nails of the girl responsible for my break-up with Xavier so soon. I at least gotta make it seem like I've made you sweat."
Wednesday just blinks at Bianca's reasoning, but Enid frowns. "Wait, what? I thought you broke up because Xavier was being his emo artistic self?"
Yoko grins around the straw of her drink. "She wishes."
"I actually found a sketch of Wednesday in his journal before I even knew who Wednesday was," Bianca confesses. "Here. Look." She takes her phone out of her pocket, scrolling through her pictures. "I snapped a pic to see what I could find out online, but shockingly nothing was solved until Wednesday showed up here."
"I find social media to be a soul-sucking void of meaningless affirmation."
"Yep. Sounds like you," Bianca says. "Look. See? He drew this before you even stepped foot behind Nevermore's gates."
Wednesday takes the phone and Enid leans closer to take a look. Both girls scrutinize the sketch, both equally baffled to see who everyone has assumed was Wednesday herself smiling. But just as Wednesday is about to hand the phone back, something catches her eye and she brings the phone closer to her face to scrutinize it.
"I can see why you thought this was me," Wednesday says, "but I assure you, it is not me who's apparently caught Xavier's fancy."
"No?" Bianca huffs. "Sure as hell looks like you."
Yoko nods. "Could have fooled me."
"I thought it was me as well, but this sketch proves me wrong. Look here." Wednesday zooms in on the picture, focusing on the right eyebrow. "You see that scar? I don't have it."
Bianca stares before rolling her eyes and reclaiming her phone. "So Xavier gives you a flaw and you immediately don't think it's you?"
"It is not a flaw. It's a sign of strength." Bianca, and the ever-smiling Enid and Yoko frown at the tone Wednesday has now taken on and the steely glint in her eyes.
"What are you talking about?"
"A couple of years ago, me and my siblings decided to walk into town after a tiring day at school. A group of older teenage boys cornered us down an alley, and they held me and Pugsley back while making us watch as they tore at the clothes on my sister's back. They mocked her tears and promised that whatever they did to her, no one would believe her since even our sheriff hated outcasts like us. They wanted to break her because we were different. But in a bout of bravery that I will forever be proud of her for, she took the small blade our uncle Fester gifted her and stabbed one of her attackers. In return, they hit her in the face with half a brick and fled with their friend."
"Shit." Bianca blinks in surprise. "Is your sister okay?"
"She's fine. They only left her with a scar and a fear of normies. She used to have the social personality that Enid possesses, but now she haunts the halls of our home rather than leaving it. I tried to get her to attend Nevermore, but even I failed in doing so. Xavier's sketch though, it shows her smiling. That tells me she will be okay."
"So… Xavier only thinks he's infatuated with you?" Yoko wonders.
"It appears so. But if I can manage to get him to my home, maybe he'll see for himself it wasn't me he was having dreams of."
Bianca huffs a laugh. "Sounds fun. Now I'm really glad I can't make it to your slumber party. The breakup is still too fresh to see him fawning over someone else. Maybe the time away will do me some good."
"This sounds like my kind of drama." Yoko sighs wistfully. "Too bad I'll have to miss it."
"Yes, well, Xavier did gift me this phone." Wednesday pulls out a sleek iPhone. "Perhaps if I had your number, I could text you updates. Or death threats."
"Done and done. Gimme." Yoko happily takes Wednesday's phone, typing her information into it. Then taking a selfie, she hands the phone to Bianca who does the same, but makes sure Wednesday understands that she doesn't want any updates.
"We're going to have so much fun!" Enid happily bounces in place, accepting Wednesday's phone to type in her own information. "I can't wait to meet your family."
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At 001 Cemetery Lane, a gothic looking manor stands tall and proud behind a sentient gate.
With your fingers running through the dust along the wall, you quietly walk down the hallway as your sister's friend can be heard babbling on and on. Enid Sinclair had shown up only a couple of days ago, her bubbly personality breathing life into your usually dark home. You'd have kept your distance had you not learned she was from Nevermore, but upon learning she was a werewolf, you found yourself leaving your room while there was a guest in your home.
Halfway down the staircase, the doorbell ominously tolls and Lurch appears from the next room over to answer it. You freeze, wondering who would dare walk up to your house.
Lurch opens the door and your breathing ceases for a moment at the sight of a teenage boy standing there. He's around six feet tall, give or take a couple of inches, and he sheepishly runs a hand through his chin length hair.
"Hey, uh, is Wednesday home?" He's staring up at Lurch who's towering over him, nervously tugging at the sleeves of his coat which seem to be torn on one arm. Lurch turns and looks up at you, and you startle when the boy's gaze lands on you. His brow furrows before he smiles. "Hi. I, uh, I think your gate tried to eat me."
Your lips faintly twitch and your heart rate starts to slow. If he knows Wednesday and isn't freaking out too much about Gate, there's a good chance he's from Nevermore as well. "He's temperamental. You need to be quick to avoid his swing." Then without waiting for a response, you turn around and call out, "Wednesday! There's a boy at the door for you."
A small weight lands on your shoulder and you grin at the sight of Thing. He trembles excitedly, tapping and pointing and making gestures as you giggle at his enthusiasm.
"Oh, hey Thing! Long time no see." When you glance back at the door, the boy is now inside your home with the door shut behind him and Lurch nowhere to be found. Thing scrambles off your shoulder and rushes towards the boy, and it's not until the boy squats down to fist bump Thing that you catch yourself admiring how cute the boy is. Immediately you shut that thought down and wipe any form of amusement from your expression. Then when the boy glances back at you, he stands tall and smiles yet again. "I'm Xavier Thorpe," he then introduces himself.
"YN," you deadpan. You hear Wednesday's nearly silent footfalls behind you and nod at him before you take a step back up the staircase. "Enjoy your stay here. Don't touch Mother's plants. They bite."
As you turn around, you're unsurprised to find Wednesday looking right at you. Her eyebrow twitches, your eyes narrow, and you clasp your hands behind your back before marching back up the stairs.
At the top of the staircase, Enid is practically beaming at you. "He's cute. Right?"
"Ask my sister. He's her guest."
"What? They're not-"
But you pay her no mind and trace your steps back to your room.
At the bottom of the staircase, Xavier watches as Wednesday's sister disappears. "How long have you known?" He asks.
"That it was my sister you've been having dreams of and not me?" He gives her a deadpan stare and Wednesday nearly smiles. "Only since our last day at Nevermore. Bianca showed me the first picture you ever drew and the scar in her eyebrow tipped me off. You're welcome."
Enid skips down the stairs, sighing as she approaches her friends. "Well you're going to have your work cut out for you, Xavier. She thinks you're here for Wednesday."
"Technically, I am." He shrugs.
"And now you're here for her," Wednesday says. "Protect her heart. You so much as bruise it and I'll dissect yours."
Xavier blinks in shock and Enid giggles, skipping to his side and hooking her arm with his. "Let the wooing begin."
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Over the past couple of days, you keep your distance from Wednesday's friends. You've heard them around the house, sure, but only managed to really be in the same room as them when you all had dinner as a family. You always sat between Wednesday and Pugsley, across from Enid and Xavier, but your eyes never strayed too far from your plate.
One morning, you have the urge to visit what used to be your favorite part of the manor.
The sunroom towards the back of the manor used to be your space- filled with vibrant flowers, plants, and vines and even a small fountain in the corner. But ever since the incident, you've tried to find solace in the one place you loved, only to have everything you touch wilt right before your very eyes. And now- now the sunroom is filled with black and gray and brown plants.
Finding what used to be a rose, your mother's favorite flower, you pick it up and gently cradle it in the palms of your hands. One of its petals crumbles beneath the pad of your thumb and it takes everything in you to not cry.
"I was wondering where you've been sneaking off to." The voice startles you and you turn to see Xavier standing under the archway of the entrance. His hair is pulled back into a small knot at the back of his head, a few strands left loose, and you quickly squash down the thought that he looks really cute like this. "Sorry," he then apologizes. "I thought you would have heard my footsteps."
"...no worries."
You turn back around, gently laying the dead flower back down. Exhaling softly, you then move towards the door leading outside, unsurprised when you hear footsteps following you. "So this place is… awesome."
You huff a laugh, stopping just inside the door and only peering outside towards the family cemetery. "Believe it or not, it wasn't always like this. I used to be able to breathe life into this room."
"Mhm. Now everything I touch seems to die."
"Oh I wouldn't say that."
"Really? Take a look around, Mr. Thorpe. I did this." Xavier takes a look around, frowning and trying to understand you. Exhaling softly again, you paste on a friendly grin and turn to face him. "If you're looking for my sister, she and Enid have Uncle Fester in the electric chair up in the attic."
He barks out a surprised laugh. "What?"
"He loves it." You shrug. Then as you're walking away, you say, "Fair warning; if Uncle Fester tells you to pull his finger, don't."
"Why? Because his farts are killer?"
"No. Because he'll electrocute you."
You leave Xavier chuckling in your wake, finding it a little easier to be in your sister's friends presence.
Then two days later, it's your turn to find Xavier in the sunroom. His hair is back in the little knot that you couldn't stop staring at, dressed in paint splattered clothes as he stands in front of an easel.
When he catches sight of you, he offers you a smile before he focuses on his canvas once more. You continue walking closer and when he doesn't say anything, you walk around to see what he was inspired to paint. Surprisingly, it's a black and white portrait of your sister sitting behind her cello mid-stroke.
"Oh wow," you breathe in awe. "Xavier, this is amazing."
"You think so?"
When you chance a glance at him and notice the faint pink surrounding his cheek bones, you smile genuinely at him. "Of course. You're really talented."
"Glad you think so." Xavier steps back, looking at his work as he stands side by side with you. "Wednesday, uh, she played the cello one night and it was amazing. No one thought her capable of it."
"Why? Because she's death incarnate?"
Xavier chuckles, bashfully averting his gaze. "Something like that." Then looking at the painting once more, he says, "Your mother saw one of my pieces at Nevermore and asked if I could recreate it so she could hang it here."
You nod in understanding, unable to tear your eyes away from the way Xavier has captured your sister. Then right before your eyes, the painting slowly comes to life- Wednesday's bangs blowing in the wind, one hand pushing and drawing the bow across the cello strings as the other holds down certain strings in a muted song.
You quietly gasp, eyes widening in surprise. You watch in awe before turning towards your companion, only to find him holding his hand out towards the painting with his eyes closed. "Oh." You utter in realization. "You're gifted and then you're literally gifted."
Xavier's eyes open and he nods, eyes sparkling. "I have the gift of animation."
You continue staring at the painting, finding the foundation of your walls quaking and feeling a bit more comfortable in the presence of the boy who has decided to share his power with you.
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You're so used to sitting between your siblings at dinner that you're thrown for a loop when you find Enid in your usual place. Your eyes narrow suspiciously, but Enid and Pugsley merely smile while Wednesday arches an eyebrow at you.
Xavier fidgets nervously in his chair, smiling sheepishly at you. "Come on. I don't bite," he muses as he gestures to the empty seat.
Against your will, you blush.
"Pity," Wednesday drawls. "I think my sister would have quite liked that."
"Wednesday!" Your mortification makes Enid giggle. You nervously take your seat before your father takes your mother's hand, pressing kisses to the back of her hand and all the way up her arm where he then proceeds to mockingly bite her. "Oh my god. You're all so embarrassing."
"They're cute." Enid beams at your parents' affectionate behavior.
"Someone drown me," you mumble.
"Only after dinner," your mother says.
Xavier snorts and you briefly flash him a grin before fiddling with your utensils.
Lurch brings the food out, everyone having a pasta dish with the exception of Enid who'd been brought out a medium-rare steak. You quietly dig in, gaze darting from person to person as the conversation flows around you.
Eventually, when the dessert is brought out, Enid addresses the younger crowd.
"So the cinema is playing a werewolf movie and I really want to go see it and make fun of it. Is anyone else interested in going?"
"Sure." Xavier shrugs. "Sounds fun."
Wednesday sighs. "If I must."
"I have plans with Thing," Pugsley says, smiling apologetically at Enid.
All eyes turn towards you and you fight the urge to shrink in your seat. You gulp, but before you can come up with an excuse to not have to leave your house, your mother is urging you to go. "It sounds like fun, sweetheart. Surely you'd love to go with your sister and friends."
It's been years, darling," your father says. "I think it's time to get back out there. You're not that naive little girl anymore, mija."
You let your mouth close, everyone ignoring Xavier's, "Am I missing something?"
Wednesday's giving you her usual deadpan stare whereas Enid is smiling and nodding, encouraging you to go. Both your parents are smiling, anticipating your answer, but what makes you cave is the fact that a part of you actually wants to go. You want to be somewhat of a normal teenager, being out and about with your sister, Enid, and a cute boy.
Reluctantly, your shoulders sag and you give a nod. "Fine. I'll make an attempt."
"I'll take it!" Enid blurts.
Wednesday looks pleased with your answer and you finish the rest of dinner without uttering another word.
Then the next evening, you're being picky about what outfit you should wear. You'd taken to wearing different shades of black and gray, but tonight you want to look good. All your dresses and skirts are out of the question, and eventually you settle on a pair of burgundy plaid leggings and a black sweater crop top. You fix your hair to your liking and then slip your feet into a pair of black combat boots before lacing them up tightly. Then deeming yourself ready, you shove your phone, cash, and ID into a miniature backpack that is adorned with skulls and crossbones.
Inhaling and exhaling deeply, you finally make your way downstairs.
Wednesday, Enid, and Xavier are waiting for you, and when Wednesday sees you… a smile slowly blossoms as she takes you in.
"What are you-" Enid turns around and her jaw drops. Then she beams and practically hops in place in her excitement. "You're wearing something other than black!"
Xavier turns, his gulp very obvious. "Wow." You think he must've wanted to keep that to himself because he blushes and nervously runs a hand through his loose hair. "You, uh, you look nice."
You arch an eyebrow at him, grinning. "Thanks."
Walking past them, you walk outside to where Lurch is waiting by the car to drive you into town. He hums when he sees you and you wrinkle your nose at him as he opens the back door for you. You climb in to sit on the bench seat directly behind the driver's seat, holding in your surprise when Wednesday and Enid shove Xavier in right behind you. He practically falls into his seat, righting himself as smoothly as he can, and Wednesday and Enid take their seats across from you.
Enid and Xavier keep the conversation flowing with you and Wednesday occasionally humming in response.
After several long minutes of driving, Wednesday is instructing Lurch where to drop you all off. It's a couple blocks away from the cinema, but your sister apparently wants to go for a brief walk. Though the second your feet are on the pavement and Lurch drives away, you freeze.
"Hey. You okay?" Xavier asks.
Your hands are gripping the straps to your backpack and you gulp, subconsciously stepping closer to him when he gently touches your elbow. "Y-Yeah."
"Come on. Wednesday will leave us behind if we linger."
Gently pulling on your arm, you stiffly follow Xavier. Your eyes are peeled for anyone staring, hands tightening on the straps of your bag. The only time you feel yourself exhaling with relief is when Xavier puts himself between you and the street, letting you take the part of the sidewalk that's closest to the buildings.
Enid and Wednesday are walking in front of you, elbows linked, and occasionally Enid giggles over her shoulder when she glances back at you. But you're too paranoid to pay her any mind and try to focus on the silent strength that Xavier is unknowingly offering up.
At the cinema, Enid asks for four tickets to the latest werewolf thriller, and she happily claps when Xavier pays for everyone. At the snack counter it takes everything in you to not bolt or hide out in the bathroom, but you shakily manage to retrieve your own cash to pay for some nachos and a drink.
So far no one's stared or shouted and you find yourself relaxing, especially when you take a seat in the movie room and everyone is paying attention to their people that they showed up with.
Sitting between Xavier and Wednesday, you find yourself breathing a little easier.
Enid has several hot dogs balancing on her lap, Wednesday is chewing on black licorice, and you and Xavier had the same idea to get nachos. He, however, also nabbed several boxes of candy and a bucket of popcorn.
"I hope you choke on a kernel," Wednesday says as she watches him stuff handful after handful of popcorn into his mouth.
You giggle, licking the cheesy goodness from your fingertips and sipping on your drink.
And halfway through the movie, you hear Xavier actually choke. A laugh slips out of your sister before her lips are pressed closed once more, and you offer Xavier your drink. Sharing a straw doesn't bother you, so you nod in reassurance as he stares at it.
For the rest of the movie, you and Xavier share your drink. And when you run out, he quickly leaves the darkness of the room to get you a refill.
After the movie, you're standing outside in front of the cinema as Enid talks about the horrible cosmetics they used to portray a werewolf. Wednesday is tapping away on her phone before she puts it away, cutting Enid off mid rant and giving her a nod. She squeals and happily claps her hand, and you stare at them in confusion.
"There's a fair going on," Wednesday says. "Enid wants to go."
You slowly tense up. "Oh."
The bubbly werewolf's smile falls. "But if that's too much for you, we don't-"
"No. It's fine," you assure her. Your hands are back to gripping the straps of your backpack. "We can- we can go."
Enid is back to happily clapping, but Wednesday curiously studies your demeanor. And when she sees you're not about to have a meltdown, she turns and follows after her friend.
"We can always hang out front of the fair if you really don't want to go in," Xavier says. You startle, somehow having forgotten he was there. "I don't mind waiting with you."
"It's okay. Really." Your smile is shaky as you look up at him. "Just, uh, maybe don't leave me alone in there?"
"Stick by your side. Got it." Xavier grins as he offers you his elbow and you're quick to latch on. "I'll even win you the ugliest prize we can find if you're up for it."
You chuckle and let him lead the way, occasionally glancing up at him. "Christ, I forget how tall you are sometimes."
"I'm not tall, you're just really small."
"Ha. Ha."
When you eventually make it to the fair, Xavier hesitates with you as you warily glance around. Then taking a deep breath, you press on and practically make yourself flush against his side. You walk around for a bit, smiling when you see Wednesday and Enid pass you by, Enid already holding tightly to a stuffed unicorn.
As you're walking around, your eyes are drawn back to a green and black dragon that's about half your size. Xavier must notice because he decides to try his hand at basketball in order to win the prize and it takes him four tries to win it.
You don't know what it is about Xavier that makes your guard start to drop, but you find yourself smiling and laughing a bit more easier. He tries winning a panda next, but in between his dart throwing, he notices as you keep your back to the game and are staring from side to side.
You're too distracted to notice he's watching you, your arms wrapped around your dragon as you nervously chew on the bottom corner of your lip. He sighs a little dejectedly, turning around so he can see where you're staring off to. "So who's the lucky guy… or girl?"
"Excuse me?" You look up at him, brow furrowed in confusion.
"You keep glancing around." He faintly grins. "Are you waiting for someone?"
You study his features, eyes subtly widening when you notice something. Was that- was that jealousy clouding his expression? "Wednesday didn't tell you," you then mumble in awe. You for sure thought he knew why you never left your home. After all, Enid did.
"Tell me what?"
You gulp, glancing at the carnie listening in to your conversation. "Let's go for a walk. I'll fill you in." Shakily exhaling, you gesture for Xavier to follow. Side by side, he walks with you with his hands tucked away in the pockets of his coat. "A few years ago, Wednesday, Pugsley, and I were attacked by a group of normies. It… wasn't a pleasant experience for me and it's actually how I got this," you say while gesturing to the scar on your eyebrow. "They were ripping- uh, they were ripping off my clothes, so I stabbed one of them." Your breath hitches and when you chance a glance up at Xavier, you find that his jaw is clenched. "I stopped them from doing that to me, but they managed to hit me with a brick before they ran away."
You make it a few more steps before you're being tugged to a stop and then Xavier is walking to stand in front of you. Gently cupping one side of your face, you manage to hold back a flinch when his thumb brushes over your scar. "You're safe with me. You know that right?"
"I'm starting to realize that."
"That was a shit thing those normies did and I'll be damned if they do anything on my watch." When you meet his gaze, he offers you a small smile. "Now let's go win Wednesday the brightest stuffed animal we can find and make her take a picture with it."
Slowly smiling, you chuckle. "Okay."
And by the end of the night, you and Xavier have won the most terribly bright and fluffy stuffed animals, shoved them near Wednesday's face, and had Enid hurriedly snap a picture of your glaring sister.
You're smiling and skipping alongside Enid towards a waiting Lurch, laughing with all the stuffed animals crammed between your arms and bodies before crawling into the idling car.
For once, in a very long time, you've had fun and didn't worry about any normies looking in your direction.
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Xavier's just got off the phone with his father when a familiar song being played on the cello draws him towards Wednesday's room. The door is open, the room is empty, but there's another door that leads out to a balcony.
Following the music, he's not surprised to find Wednesday playing Paint It Black while Thing turns the sheet music for her. Gomez, Morticia, Pugsley, and Enid are also on the balcony, staring at something down below.
"What's going on?" He asks, stepping closer to the railing.
Enid glances at him, beaming. "Take a look for yourself."
Xavier glances down, gaze falling to the gazebo that's been strung up with white fairy lights. But what draws his attention is the twirling figure inside the gazebo, adorned in a black leotard and a multicolored tutu. His jaw subtly drops. "She dances?"
"She dances." He looks over at Morticia Addams, tears glistening in her eyes. "It's been years since she's put on her slippers though."
"This week and a half with you and Enid have brought our daughter back," Gomez says. "Thank you."
Paint It Black fades into Nothing Else Matters and a majority of the white lights darken into purple. Xavier is entranced by the way you twirl on the tips of your toes, the stretch of your neck whenever your head is thrown back, and the long stretch of your leg when you twirl on the tips of your toes only on one foot.
As the music fades out, Enid breaks out into applause.
Your head snaps up at the sound of clapping, chest heaving, and your face burns when you see everyone watching you. Your little brother whistles as he claps too, but it's your parents' beaming and tearful expressions that keeps you from fleeing. Well them and Xavier who looks more than a little awed.
So before you do take your leave, you give them a little bow and then rush back inside the house.
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Sitting on the floor in the middle of the sunroom, you're staring at the lockscreen on your phone. You never saw when the picture was taken, but apparently Enid had been keeping tabs on you and Xavier when you were at the fair, and now it was one of your favorite pictures.
In the picture, you and Xavier are walking side by side, one of your arms wrapped around your stuffed dragon with the other arm looped through his. You're looking up at him and he down at you, both of you smiling. But what made you grin at the picture the most was the height difference between you and Xavier. Enid was spot on when she described you two as tall and smol.
Hearing approaching footsteps, you block out your screen and climb to your feet… and speak of the devil.
Xavier walks in, smiling. "Knew I'd find you here."
"Did you now?" Walking over to a bench seat, you gesture to the space beside you. "What's going on?"
"Nothing. Just wanted to see if you were up to going into town. The cinema is showing this new cheesy horror flick and I thought you might be interested in going before my time here is up."
"Oh. Uh, yeah." Your heart starts to hammer in your rib cage. Could this be a- "Just us or are Enid and Wednesday waiting for us out front?"
"Just us?" His answer is more of a question, his cheeks tinting pink the longer you stare.
Eventually you grace him with a bashful smile. "Sure. I'd like that."
"Yeah." You laugh. "Are- are we leaving now?"
"Yeah. We can, uh, window shop and all that fun stuff before the movie."
Warmth surges through you, at the thought that Xavier wants to spend time with just you. You're not sure if this is actually a date, but you're looking forward to one on one time without a family member lurking around the corner. "Alright. Let me just go get a bag." As you stand up to leave the room, a vine falls over the entrance. But not just any vine- a vibrant green vine that hadn't been there moments before.
"Huh." Xavier huffs. "That's the first colorful plant life I've seen in this room."
Your eyes widen and you glance all around the room, taking notice how the dead plant life isn't looking quite so dull anymore. "No way," you breathe in awe. Turning towards where the fountain sits, you rush over and pick up one of the dead water lilies. Cradling it in the palms of your hand, you notice a couple of changes in the once dead flower. Feeling Xavier walk up beside you, you ask, "Remember how I said I used to be able to breathe life into this place?"
"Watch." Bringing the water lily closer to your face, you let your eyes fall shut as you inhale deeply. Then slightly pursing your lips, you blow out slowly and you can feel the water lily coming back to life right there in the palm of your hands.
"Wow." Your eyes open upon Xavier's exclamation. "And here I was thinking you had a green thumb or something. Not that you actually breathe life into them."
Huffing a laugh, you blink your tears away and gently lay the water lily back in the fountain. "I haven't been able to do this for years. I guess I had a mental block and then you- you and Enid show up and I feel more at peace than I have in a while." You step up on the side of the fountain then, turning towards Xavier as you smile. "Thank you." Then leaning in, you press a kiss to his cheek.
He suddenly turns bashful, angling his face downward so his hair shields his blushing cheeks. "I never realized how small you were."
"Shut up. You're just freakishly tall."
As Xavier glances at you through his curtain of hair, you wrinkle your nose at him and then hop off the fountain siding less you do something to ruin the moment.
Like kiss him on the lips rather than the cheek.
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Spending the day with Xavier alone goes so much better than you had expected, so much so that you find yourself incredibly sad the day he is set to leave. It was clear to your entire family that something had shifted between the two of you when you'd come back home, hand in hand with a never-ending blush staining both your cheeks.
Enid was more than ecstatic and Wednesday took to sharpening her short swords whenever possible.
You're in the sunroom, clipping roses with your mother when Xavier walks in. In hand, he has a covered canvas.
"I have something for you," he tells you. "But I'm sure your mom is going to take ownership of it after she sees what it is."
You smirk at him, setting down your clippers and walking over to him. Your mother isn't far behind. "Did you paint me something?"
"I did." His hands dig into his pockets after his hands are free when you take the gift from him. You stare at the covered canvas, trying to figure out what it could possibly be. "You inspired me the other night and I just had to capture the moment."
You glance up at him, eyes narrowing though you continue to smile, and pull the cover off your painting. Your mother's delighted gasp is what makes you glance down and you're struck speechless.
The painting… is of you.
Specifically you dancing in the gazebo with the only color in the painting being that of your tutu.
"Xavier, this is…" You trail off, staring in awe. A moment passes and he brings the painting to life. Your mother starts to clap, even more delighted now as the miniature version of you dances away. "This is amazing. Thank you."
"I must show your father. This is just splendid." Your mother takes the painting, but not before gently grazing her nails along Xavier's jaw and smiling at him. "Thank you, young Mr. Thorpe."
"Y-You're welcome, Mrs. Addams."
Your mother sighs wistfully before glancing at the painting and then leaves the two of you alone. As soon as she's out of your sight, your hands are reaching for the lapels of Xavier's coat, his hands are clinging to your waist, and he's leaning down to meet you in a kiss.
You giggle when his hair falls forward to tickle your face and it makes Xavier smile.
"We really should have started this sooner," he says as he hesitantly straightens himself out. "I'm gonna miss you while I'm at Nevermore."
"What if… what if you didn't have to miss me?" You ask, your hands smoothing down the wrinkles you'd made on his coat.
"What if I came to Nevermore?" He's quiet a little too long for your liking and you start to feel like maybe you read too much into whatever you two were. "Or not. I just thought-"
"Are you kidding me?" You barely manage to hold back a wince and Xavier's sudden laugh has you wanting to crawl into a hole. But when you chance a glance up at him, his expression is not what you were expecting. He's actually excited! "You're going to Nevermore?!"
You shrug, grinning sheepishly. "Mom's been talking to Principal Weems. I have a meeting with her in a couple of days to see whether or not I'll be a good fit."
"Hell yes." His smile is boyish and you can't help but giggle. "You'll make it in. I know it."
"I hope so. I love my parents, but they're not the greatest of teachers."
"You're gonna love it. I can introduce you to my friends and show you all the cool hang out spots. We can-"
"Xavier. Xavier!" You laugh, trying to talk over his excitement. "We don't even know if I'll get in."
"I'm telling you, you will. And if Principal Weems denies you, I'm pretty sure Wednesday will bug her until she grants you a place at the school."
"Oh. I forgot what going to school with a sibling was like." This time, you do wince. "People are going to dread another Addams roaming the halls, aren't they?"
"Some will." He grins. "But once they get to know you, they'll grow to like you."
You sigh but end up shaking your head in amusement. "If I do get in, how shocked do you think everyone will be if Wednesday's sister shows up dressed like Enid?"
"You'll confuse the hell out of everyone. Do it."
"I will. Now come on. We got away with one kiss. I have a feeling if another happens, a dagger will whiz by out of thin air."
"Xavier." The boy in question flinches as your sister pops up out of nowhere. "Your ride's here. Stop sucking my sister's face and go home. You'll see her soon enough."
He rolls his eyes, even as you laugh in the face of your sister's glare. "Always a pleasant encounter, Wednesday."
"Not really."
He huffs and glances back down at you, his gaze falling to your lips. But before he can get carried away, Wednesday's grunting and dragging him away. "Okay. Okay!" He laughs.
"You're gross. I never should have introduced you two."
You follow after them, trailing behind until you're standing under the archway of your front door. Wednesday pushes him down the steps and he walks to the car that Lurch is putting his suitcases in. He offers you one last look, one last smile, and one last wave before climbing into the vehicle his father had sent for him.
Once the car drives out of the gate, Wednesday turns towards you. "Are you happy?"
"Uh, yes?"
She quietly groans. "And here I was preparing Enid to hide a body in the family cemetery. She'll be let down that all that studying was for naught."
You bark out a laugh. "Stop corrupting Enid, Wednesday."
"Never." Her lips twitch in amusement. "Now come on. Let's go visit Principal Weems."
"But my interview is still a couple days away."
"So? She needs to be kept on her toes. She'll have to grow used to having two Addams' in her school."
"If you say so."
"I do."
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jjsmaybank20 · 9 months
Celebrity News 2
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Jenna Ortega x GN!Reader
Summary: Once again, everyone thinks that you and Jenna broke up. In reality, you just wanted to cause some drama.
Warnings: literally all fluff, and my shitty writing
Word Count: 706
A/N: woooo part 2 cause I couldn't help myself. also, im back from the dead! for a bit. i have midterms right now which are whooping my ass so... wish me luck!
Part 1
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Y/N_Y/L/N: Sadly, after 1 ½  wonderful years, Jenna is not my girlfriend anymore. We are still on good terms, I promise, but I just thought I would let you guys know.
User32: This is not happening. What the actual fuck.
y/n&jenna4life: No i refuse to believe this
arianagrande: I’m so sorry, Y/N/N!
jenniferlawrence_: dude that sucks! Hope you’re doing okay
>Y/N_Y/L/N: i’m okay, thank you for thinking of me
According to an instagram post Y/L/N posted last night, said actor and Wednesday star Jenna Ortega have split. A couple months ago, there was a false alarm in the end of the two’s relationship, caused by a hilarious dispute over a game of Monopoly. Well, this time, it seems that no one will be laughing. Ortega and Y/L/N are scheduled to be on The Late Night Show with Jimmy Fallon tonight, so maybe they will provide some insight as to why the seemingly perfect couple has split. 
“You guys are on in 5!” A stage attendant calls into the dressing room, prompting you to stand up at the same time as Jenna. You grab her hand and bring it to your lips, pressing a chaste kiss to it. She smiles at you, blushing, before squeezing your hand and making her way out of the room. You follow closely after Jenna, excited to talk about your new movie with her. 
The introduction music begins to play, and you hear Jimmy Fallon calling out both your name and Jenna’s. Jenna walks out first, waving to the crowd, and you follow behind, buttoning your suit jacket and winking at some of the people in the  audience. 
As the two of you take a seat, Jimmy jumps right into the interview. He asks you questions about your roles, and just about the film in general. He also asks Jenna some questions about the second season of Wednesday. Finally, he gets to what he had been wanting to ask the most. 
“You guys were absolutely amazing in this film, but I have to say. It must have been difficult working together, at least for a little while.” Jenna gives him a confused look, and you fight the smile that is trying to make its way onto your face as best you can. “Why do you say that?” Jenna questions.
Jimmy gives her an odd look, explaining, “Well, because the two of you broke up, right? At least, according to Y/N’s Instagram post.” You still manage to keep a straight face, even when Jenna whips her head around towards you. “What the hell did you do, Y/N Y/L/N?!” 
You look around as if you can’t see her before turning back to Jimmy. “You know, sometimes I can still hear her, nagging me as if she were my girlfriend or something.” She finally breaks, letting out all of the laughter that she had been trying to hold in. Jimmy and the rest of the audience laugh with her, but they are clearly confused. 
Jenna rolls her eyes at you, ignoring your laughter. She turns to Jimmy to explain. “Ignore this little shit, they think they’re hilarious. So what happened is, Y/N is not my partner anymore.” Jimmy becomes even more confused, exclaiming, “So what is it?!” Jenna holds up her hand, revealing the glittering ring that you had purposed with only a short while ago. “They’re my fiance.” 
Jimmy gasps, not expecting this at all. “Oh my god! Congratulations!” You have finally recovered from your amusement, and you thank the man for his kind words. As soon as you fully sit up, Jenna smacks the back of your head. You wrap up the interview, and you and Jenna head home.
As you get ready for bed that night, Jenna turns to you. “You’re a fucking dick, you know that?” You just grin at her, replying, “But you love it. You love me.” Jenna can’t help but smile at you. “Fine. I do love you. So much.” She presses a kiss to your lips before heading into the bathroom. You just stand there in your room smiling. Life couldn’t get much better than this.
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verstppism · 5 months
Boy's Talk (About You) - Chapter 8
Chapter 8 - take me anywhere but home
word count: 1957
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synopsis everyone has their secrets, a group chat formed by charles leclerc, pierre gasly, alex albon, lando norris and george russell knows all of them. the 'kill the grid' chat has only one purpose: gossiping about other drivers' lives, romantic and social
or, a casual chat leads to charles confessing a crush on max, who's has been his rival since childhood
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If Charles was still half asleep, the iMessage notifications coming from Max definitely woke him up. All the nervousness and anxiety from last night made sense: Max was leaving Brazil and his girlfriend to spend New Years in Monaco. But what were his intentions behind such a sudden decision? If Max really broke up with her, then he wouldn’t be texting the older one on a cold December morning. Or would he? Max Verstappen was a confusing person. One night, he says he’s not happy with his girlfriend, the other he goes on a private padel match with his ex-rival. Things seem to go well between them.
It’s when he posts a photo with his girlfriend after the race that tears everything apart. Still in his racing suit. Messy hair. Still sweating. Everything that belonged to Charles and to him only. In fact, Max was his. Who does she think she is? Charles only thought about how he could talk so casually about Kelly right before calling him “Charlie” and pushing him as far away from Lance as possible in the sprint podium. It was driving him insane — More than he already is. After eternal minutes discussing his own love life and its frustrations, Charles notices he left Max on read, he had accidentally opened the app and his conversation with the other one.
“charlie: good morningg “
“charlie: i am! are u okay? “
Charles was really at a loss at words, so he decided to pretend that he didn’t know where Max was nor that he was a few meters from the blonde’s house.
“maxiee: yeah “
“maxiee: just had a little change of plans and came back to monaco “
“charlie: oh really? “
“charlie: did anything happen or? “
“maxiee: can we talk about this in person? “
“maxiee: we can go to that café you mentioned in the padel match “
He… Remember. Their meeting (date?) was months ago, and he remembers it. Something he slightly mentioned once in a lifetime, and he recalls it in perfect detail. Charles wonders if Max remembers everything that pondered his mind. He asks himself if he recalls their discussions back in their karting days, or when they slowly started to use pet names for the first time. In the end, did Max realize that they were made for each other, even though they were predestined to fight for a whole life?
“charlie: of course! what time? “
“maxiee: im just getting ready, i’ll be there in a couple minutes “
“maxiee: nothing is too far here “
Charles giggles at the last message, like he always did when he exchanged messages with his beloved. After all, it was more of a date orchestrated by Max — he is good at setting up dates so subtly. Or maybe Charles just accepts every invite from the other. — and again, alone together. A more casual reunion this time: without any sport or anyone that could get in their way. It seemed like a dream, Charles hoped it wasn’t.
He didn’t even mind telling his friends of such an important event, just got up from his bed and quickly got ready. Casual clothing and sunglasses to go unnoticed. It wasn’t easy to go on a date in broad daylight in a city as small as Monte Carlo.
It really didn't take long for them to meet. That little cafeteria was one of the secret gems of Monaco, hidden between beautiful historic buildings. As Charles arrived, he already could see Max, stirring coffee and sugar on the delicate little cup. He was looking down, his face with little to no emotion, more like hesitant of… something. 
The doorbell ring filled the quiet place when the older entered the place getting the other's attention, which gave a soft and kinda sad smile to him. A smile that wasn't common as the post race ones or those shared in press conferences. ‘This is not the moment to overthink your relationship with him.’ Charles thought. 
“I’m not late this time. '' Leclerc broke the awkward silence between them as he sat down. “Yeah… I mean, you live around here, no?” Max sounded somewhat different. Nervous? Sad? Reading his feelings through his face wasn’t Charles’ best ability. “So remember when I told you I would spend New Years in Brazil?” 
“Of course! I was also about to ask you about it. Why did you come back home?” He said as he sat down. Home. Not the best wording at the moment, given that he’s actually Dutch and we are somewhere around near South France. It’s what they say: ‘home is where the heart is’. “Like… Did anything happen?”
“Yeah, uh…”  Apprehensive. A worried tone filled his voice. “Me and Kelly had a little fight right after Christmas and I thought it would be better for us to part ways. She wasn’t very willing to but… Can I be honest? I was growing tired of being stuck with her.”
Stuck with her. Stuck. Max was tired. Max doesn't like her. At All. Charles felt like his chest was collapsing in the best way possible. How was he supposed to act normally and feel pity for them when butterflies filled his stomach?
“And you know, I only kept the relationship up because of her daughter…” Verstappen smiled while looking at the cup. The older’s intrusive thoughts were telling to adopt a child with that man. He was such a good dad after all! “And PR too. I think our love wasn't reciprocal… I was there for the kid and she was for the status of being a Formula One driver's girlfriend.” 
“Oh Max… That's too bad. I’m so sorry for you” A pitiful look surged on Charles’ face, trying to show empathy and not that he was going insane over all of this. “I’m sure you and her will be able to meet again.” A shy smile appeared on the younger’s face when ocean and emerald eyes met. A comfortable silence surrounded them, only the ambient sound and smell of fresh coffee filled the empty café.
“Now that we are on the topic, it may sound rude but I need to get this off my chest. I doubt you two would still be together if you didn't win in 2021.” Still apprehensive, Charles felt safe to talk shit about Max’s ex-girlfriend. When he saw the other’s eyes glitter at the comment, he was sure: the blonde has been waiting forever to do this. “You doubt? I'm 100% sure! After we left RedBull’s party she started talking about marriage, mate. Can you believe that!?” 
Minutes that felt like hours passed by. Charles and Max talked about many secrets they've kept for each other for the mere thought of “this is not something you usually tell your best friend, especially when he’s dating a person you don’t really like”. In fact, they would never get to these specific topics – mostly about relationships. Maybe both were scared of oversharing and confessing their true love, ruining it all for once. The older didn't know if delusional thoughts took over, but he felt things were getting intimate, at some point, their feet touched and so their legs proceeded to slightly intertwine. 
They didn’t even bother to order food or anything. — and so the waiters did not ask them to. Perhaps it was an obvious date to whoever passed by. When leaving, Max only paid for this coffee cup that was now cold, half drunken and long forgotten on the table. Both got so deep in conversation they forgot the world keeps spinning, and the day goes by, like they always do. Like it always happens. If you didn’t know, you would guess that they were long-distance boyfriends meeting for the first time.
It was almost dusk when they left the café. The orange-ish colors in the sky implied the sun was setting, and so Max and Charles decided to walk home. Staying side by side on a very narrow sidewalk made their shoulders brush at all times.  
As they got closer to Leclerc’s house, he noticed that Max started to tense up. Was he scared of something? Scared of leaving Charles? That reaction started to worry him but as soon as they got to the older’s doorstep he spoke up, point blank:
“I… Charlie, the true meaning behind this all-of-a-sudden meeting is that… You are the love of my life. I’m sorry for not noticing it earlier.” Max stuttered, a subtle way to let the other know it was hidden and buried deep inside with fear for years and years. Maybe even his whole life. It drove Charles insane. It’s like he was feeling every single emotion at the same time. He swore he was dying or something. The older man fought every desire to kiss him right here in the middle of an empty sideroad right in front of his house, but he knew it would appear in every headline in worldwide newspapers. “Charles ‘il predestinato’ Leclerc is found kissing Life-long rival Max Verstappen”. That is not the best way to be in the news, probably something that would end their careers or worse: their friendship. With no words left to say, Charles just hugged him tight as if he would disappear at any time. “Je t'aime moi aussi, mon amour” He said as one or two teardrops slid across his cheek.
Feeling something wet hit his shoulder, Max broke the hug but still kept their bodies suspiciously close. He held the other’s face with both big hands as their eyes met once again, but now with much more compassion. After all they’ve gone through, all their ups and downs brought them to this moment. What they’ve been waiting for. 
“Wait wait wait.” Charles popped the little bubble they builded to protect themselves from the rest of the world. “Can we get inside first? I mean, it’s very romantic to kiss in the middle of the crosswalk I know but we’re kinda famous so yeah…” Max chuckled at the comment. “Of course we can, schatje”
He unlocked the door and let Verstappen enter as if nothing almost happened a few seconds ago. “Uh… So are-” He’s interrupted by the softest of lips crashing into his own, almost cornering him into a wall like a (ironically) raging bull. For the very first seconds they are both surprised by the feeling but locked in very quickly. This kiss felt like heaven, the way both mouths swayed together felt like they were pieces to a puzzle, just waiting for it to be finally found and placed together. It was definitely not what Charles thought it would be like but it was good nonetheless. 
They only broke the kiss when there was no oxygen left in their bodies still, they stayed close, panting and hanging on by a thread of spit. Leclerc hid his face on his lover’s shoulder and started giggling, ending up with a lowkey confused Max.
“Why are you laughing?” He said, with a broad smile on his face. Charles’ laugh was contagious.
“This is so stupid. Why did we take so long to do this?” 
It all came down to them snuggling together in Charles’ bed. The moonlight that invaded the room through a slightly opened window shines in their features, giving both an godly look. After a whole day spent with Max, Leclerc seemed to forget about his friends, who might’ve gone insane by his disappearance. So he was right: when checking his phone he’s welcomed with 86 missed calls, – all coming from 4 different people – and at least 300 messages coming from his group chat, Kill the Grid. Charles opens it, doesn’t read any of the past messages and starts typing.
“charlie: guys, youll never know what just happened '' Send it.
taglist: @mrsbrxkkxr , @nyxstice , @thedecalcomania-blog ,@sebastianize <3
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buckera · 5 months
Just curious because I'm always wondering about that.. If you think tommy picked up on their crazy close dynamic in such a short time, do you think the others have too? Or is that just buckandeddie to them and they don't think anything of it? Hen's "about time" comment made me wonder what she thinks, if she had eddie-suspicions over the years or if she just picked up on a general vibe from buck
I think it's a bit of both actually. because Buck and Eddie? they are absolutely cuckoo insane about each other, like genuinely not-normal.
it becomes the most obvious when other members of the team are in danger; Buck stays relatively calm no matter how worried he is, he makes a plan and tries to scheme to save them.
like in the crossover episode, he waited for hours and then tried to steal a truck when everyone was out or sleeping, even though Hen could've been long dead. and Buck loves Hen, like a lot, a lot, they are family!! and when the Jonah thing went down?? with Hen and Chim? he was on the tailend of it, worried and upset and when Albert got hurt in that car accident? when Bobby was trapped inside a burning building with an active shooter and Athena went in there after him?? these are all people Buck undoubtedly loves like family.
he was worried, but he kept it together every time.
when the well collapsed on top of Eddie, he tried to dig through 45 feet of loose mud to get to him by hand. when Eddie got shot and was in the hospital, Buck flipped out and broke down more than once, but most notably when telling Christopher about it after finding out that Eddie's gonna be okay.
similarly when the lightning hit Buck, Eddie ran up the ladder without a safety line and tried to pull him up by hand; Buck weighs like 200+ lbs plus the gear, there was no chance in hell he could've done that and Eddie isn't stupid, he knows that too. Bobby had to banish him to the driver's seat to make sure he wouldn't be in the way, then Eddie barely parked the ambulance when he was already on top of Buck, taking over CPR, then proceeded to spend the next couple of days by haunting the hospital's walls like a grieving widow.
when the truck fell on Buck's leg, Eddie wouldn't let go of his hand and when he coughed up blood, he looked more than just concerned for that split second we saw him. when he spotted Buck after the tsunami and thought that he lost Christopher? there wasn't an ounce of blame on his face.
in conclusion, they have been always just very unhinged about each other, but I think because they all work in close proximity with each other day in and day out, it's harder to differentiate these things because even in real life, firefighters are like a family; they eat, sleep and exercise together, their blood family is just as involved with each other as they are, because that's just how close you get when you have to put your life into each other's hands all the time.
but Eddie and Buck (as pointed out above) are just taking it to a whole new level when you consider all the family stuff they do together and the will... I think at this point it's sort of a "well this is just Buck and Eddie, they might as well be married" thing for the 118.
I don't think it's something they actively consider to have romantic/sexual undertones, but they all understand that their bond is extremely strong, so they wouldn't be surprised if the relationship progressed into that direction.
in Buck's case specifically, I think Hen saw the signs before Eddie even joined the 118. especially since Buck admitted that he always checked out hot guys — I don't suppose that goes unnoticed when you spend half your life with the same group of people.
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redclercs · 1 year
vi. do i really have to tell you how he brought me back to life?
— the one where he ain't reading what they call you lately.
warnings: anxiety tics and symptoms, i–unironically–listened to the lakes a lot while writing this. 3k words.
masterlist ✢ next
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By Marie Nichols
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The first news we got about actress y/n y/ln's new romance came at the start of this month, when she was seen at the Miami Grand Prix with Ferrari's sponsor Elix. What appeared to be only rumors, since y/n and Ferrari driver Charles Leclerc were single at the same time, have been confirmed little by little.
Although it is not like y/n to soft-launch a relationship, she's been hinting at it for several weeks now. From staring lovingly at her new boyfriend as he receives the winner's trophy in Monaco's Grand Prix to instagram posts saying she 'feels like a princess', the last confirmation we needed came yesterday when Twitter went crazy over user @/formulacharles' picture of the new couple, on a romantic date around Monaco.
Opinions are divided on this couple as both #y/nIsOverParty and #YNCHARLES trended at the same time. Most of the negative views on this flourishing romance come from Aidan Kim's fans, who claim it has been happening since before Kim and y/ln broke up around March after dating for three years.
We have gathered some of the best tweets from both sides, to help us make up our minds about the whole situation.
❝@/aidankimluv: I can't believe y/n is rubbing her new relationship in everyone's faces like this! she can't be single and it shows❞
❝@/gr4ndekim: the timing still rubs me off the wrong way, this has been happening for way longer than she wants us to know❞
❝@/ynselixcan I need y'all to touch grass for a second and realize men and women can be friends, and if they are dating it's none of your business anyway❞
❝@/leclercsdiary: they are cute together but tbh without knowing much about y/n... i don't want her to mess with charles' head❞
We are still hoping for an official confirmation, although pictures speak for themselves. Will y/n ever be brave enough to admit she dumped Aidan Kim for a Formula 1 pilot? We'll keep you updated!
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[text to speech assistant voice]: ❝(...) someone on twitter took this picture of them at a famous rose garden in Monaco and the second clip is charles dropping y/n off back at her hotel. i guess all the rumors are true and we have a new grid couple... a frankly problematic couple at that.❞
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May 30th, Montecarlo, Monaco.
It was, in all honesty, a little dumb to believe that you could keep it lowkey if you were going to hang out with Charles.
First, Victoria who normally remembers close to nothing about the nights she gets drunk, remembered perfectly the 'moment' you shared with Charles when he offered to show you around. The whole rebound conversation happened again, much to your dismay.
Then, there was the car. Charles' custom Pista Spider is quite literally, the opposite of lowkey and apparently the only option he was willing to offer for you two to move around Monaco.
Which makes perfect sense, no matter how much you hate it.
There was also the timing. Which was really, really bad, and you blame your ignoring this on the fact that you had a lot to drink the night you said yes to his offer. On a normal basis Charles is the most sought after person in Monaco, him being the Grand Prix winner from two days before, multiplied the attention by a million.
Yet when he called you on Monday night to make sure you were still up for the next day, you couldn’t find it in yourself to say no. He was being nice and friendly, and you had no reason to deny him other than the anxiety you felt in the back of your neck every time you thought about what people would say if they found out.
And people would find out, sooner or later.
But you are not committing a crime, you tell yourself in front of the mirror. Charles is becoming your friend, which is something you really, really need at this point in your life. Granted, befriending the guy that you’re tangled up in rumors with isn’t the best idea, it’s neither your fault nor his.
So you take a deep breath and fix your hair for the last time before leaving your hotel room. Charles called you a few minutes before to let you know he is waiting in the lobby, and you can feel your palms sweating already.
Charles is nodding attentively to a child with a Ferrari cap who is telling him all about his Monaco GP experience when you step out of the lift.
He waves at you, and his eyes register your appearance in seconds before they return to the child.
“This is my friend y/n,” he tells the little boy as you approach. “She’s a huge Ferrari fan, too.”
The boy smiles brightly and his focus shifts to you, asking what your favorite part of the Grand Prix was and whether you think they can win in Spain. You give him the best answer you can come up with, that the best part was seeing Charles win (to which both Charles and the boy smile) and that yes, you believe it’s Carlos’ turn to win his home race.
Once Charles finishes signing his merch and he makes sure the kid has returned to his parents safely, his whole attention is devoted to you.
“You are really pretty,” he smiles, his accent coming out in the way he pronounces “pretty”.
Lowkey is the word of the day, and that’s also what you had in mind when picking your outfit. A sage green sundress with matching short-heeled shoes. Nothing too garish, but that still makes you feel confident.
“Thank you, you look good yourself.”
It’s a half-assed compliment that comes out of your mouth out of sheer anxiety. He looks incredibly handsome in a light blue shirt that brings out the blue in his eyes and a decent pair of jeans instead of the horrible ones he wore on Sunday.
Charles smiles wider, "Thank you, y/n."
You bite the inside of your cheek in embarrassment, and Charles' eyes go small in amusement.
"Are you ready?" he asks, ending your torment as you feel heat creep up your neck. Charles hesitates in offering his arm to you, and instead puts his palm out for you to walk in front of him.
You nod, starting the walk towards the exit. His car is right outside the door to the hotel, and there are people surrounding it, taking pictures and craning their necks to look inside. It's your turn to hesitate as you stop in your tracks, Charles' chest millimeters away from your body as he comes to an abrupt stop and avoids crashing into you.
"Let me," he says, his semblance more serious as he moves you aside gently. The doorman nods at him and opens the door.
Your anxiety rises as Charles leads you out of the hotel, apologizing in both French and Italian about not taking pictures as he opens the car door for you.
He continues smiling and saying 'thank you' and 'i'm sorry' as he walks around the car, to the driver's seat and climbs inside. The car offers little protection from the outside, but you're grateful for whatever refuge. It's not like you to act like this, but wherever your name appears on the internet lately is full of vile stuff. The mere thought of it makes your hands shake, you're afraid of what they're going to say this time.
"Are you okay?" he asks softly, watching you put your hands on your lap, palms down so the skirt of the dress wipes your sweat.
"Yeah, I'm fine," you reassure, more to yourself than to him. "Where are we going?"
"You'll see," Charles smiles again, shoulders relaxing as he steers the car away from the crowd.
You look at him, feigning insecurity and he frowns for a moment before you chuckle. "Don't worry, I love surprises."
"What do you think of Monaco so far?" he asks, squeezing the wheel a couple times. If you didn't know better, you'd think he is nervous too.
"Are you kidding? It's beautiful. The Grand Prix was something else, and everywhere I look there's luxury." You gesture around, but the prime example is the car you're riding right now, and the driver who's wearing a $2 million watch.
Charles laughs and nods, "It never stops being beautiful, no matter how much time you spend here. I miss it every time I'm away."
You understand. Because you miss New York so much, it doesn't matter how overrated people say it is. It's become your home and you hate being away from it, especially considering the circumstances that exiled you.
The very good thing about Monaco is that car rides are short. So when you get to your destination, you've barely had time to make things awkward with small talk.
You wait patiently for him to walk to your door and open it once you’ve parked. Charles has put on a pair of sunglasses and you think it’s a shame you can’t see his blue eyes anymore. You discard this thought immediately though, you’re not going to think like this about someone you’re befriending.
“So?” You ask taking his hand as he helps you out of the car. “What place were you so keen on showing me?”
Charles holds on to your hand for a moment too long, and you stare down at them. He lets go, repeating the gesture from earlier to let you walk in front.
“It’s a rose garden,” he begins explaining, leaning a bit forward so he doesn’t raise his voice. “The Princess’ Rose Garden, I saw your picture saying you felt like a princess. I thought you would like it.”
You turn around to face him and this time he isn’t quick enough to avoid crashing in to you. So much for an F1 Pilot’s reflexes.
“You’re not allergic to flowers are you?” He questions, the panicked undertone makes you smile. “y/n?”
“No!” You throw your head back laughing, “I just think it’s adorable how you related the ideas.”
There is a newly installed shade of pink in Charles’ cheeks and he runs a hand through his hair, sheepish. “Well, I’m glad I got it right.”
Your cheeks hurt from smiling and you are genuinely so excited so clap your hands a little. “The Princess’ Rose Garden! Let’s go!”
Charles still lets you lead, following wherever you go and translating whatever signs aren’t in English already. He too, is genuinely happy to see you so bubbly and excited as you marvel at the colors of the flowers and the arches, and the statues. He’s proud of himself for picking the right place.
“Let me take a picture of you,” he says, as you walk through a white arch speaking excitedly about how this reminds you of Alice in Wonderland. “y/n?”
You look at him over your shoulder with a smile and he snaps the picture before you can react properly or pose.
“Oh no Charles, delete that!” You whine, walking back to him to look at his phone.
“No, you look perfect,” he replies, showing you his screen. “See?” He does not regret a word that has come out of his mouth and it makes you pause, face warming up at the statement.
“Let me take a picture of you, then,” you say, pointing him towards the arch. He’s quick to comply, walking towards the arch and smiling at you, without looking at the camera.
You show him the screen of your phone and he seems satisfied with the picture, as he doesn’t ask you to retake it.
“Should we go down to the lake?” He asks signaling down the path.
You nod, putting your phone back in your purse and resisting the temptation to look at the notifications that crowd your lock screen.
Charles takes your hand once again as you arrive at the lake.
"You might slip in the grass," he explains, clearing his throat.
"Right," you chuckle, but he's right, the little hill you have to pass to get to the edge of the lake looks like a worthy rival to your heels. You know who'd be losing. "Thanks."
You sit down so close your shoulders are touching, but neither moves or speaks for a few minutes. Taking in the way the golden hour falls in the garden, the sun reflects off the surface of the lake and colors your face amber.
You're glad Charles has removed his sunglasses, because you can see his eyes again. The green is more visible now thanks to the golden in the environment.
"Thanks for bringing me here," you finally break the silence, "I really like it."
"I'm glad, y/n," he says, both dimples showing as he smiles. "I'm sorry I couldn't show you more places, though."
All Monday and a big part of today he was busy with interviews and photoshoots, all to celebrate his breaking the Monaco curse. You don't mind, he deserves to be celebrated.
"Maybe another time," you add.
"Whenever you want," his smile widens, and you have to look away from him. Your brain is swarmed in thoughts of how pretty he is, and you wish you could just leave it blank for a minute or two. "Thank you for agreeing to come."
The impulse of saying something that will ruin the mood is greater than your self-control, and curiosity keeps eating you from the inside since last Thursday.
"Can I ask you a question?"
Charles nods calmly, resting his chin on his hand as he faces you. "Anything."
"Do you really not care about... well, what everyone is saying?"
Charles tilts his head slowly, and frowns. "About what?"
"Me. You. Us." you whisper the last word, embarrassed. It feels a lot like 'Us' means something completely different than just being thrown together in a hurriance of wild rumors and lies.
"I don't," Charles doesn't even hesitate, "I don't read all of that. Carlos keeps me up to date, which is ridiculous."
You pinch your thigh lightly, ashamed that even his teammate knows everything that's been said about you.
It's the first time all evening that Charles wishes he could take his words back. "What I mean," he continues quickly, "Is that I don't let people on the internet form my opinion on someone, you, especially."
You return your gaze to him, "I'm sorry people have dragged you into this."
"You don't have to apologize for things that aren't your fault, y/n."
"Well, it does feel like it's my fault." You admit, and you hate the way your eyes sting, you don't want to cry in front of Charles. You really are ruining the whole mood.
"Is there anything you'd like me to do?" Charles is more serious now, trying to catch your avoidant eyes as you blink the tears away. "Something you want me to say? Because I will."
You shake your head no. You don't want him to actively participate in this mess, it's a PR nightmare and Ferrari and him have enough on their plates already.
"Unless you want to say something, Charles."
"There is a lot I want to say," he mutters through gritted teeth, and you're not quite sure what he means.
"I'm sorry."
"Stop apologizing," he repeats, more lighthearted this time. "And stop whatever it is that you're reading about yourself, too."
"I'm not—"
Charles shuts you down with a look, there is no point in lying to him when, like Mati, he's weirdly capable of seeing right through you.
"You're sweet and talented, and hard-working, and many other positive things I'm hoping to continue witnessing first-hand." He speaks so fast his accent slips in several words.
"Thank you." you say sincerely, and you reach for his hand for the first time ever, giving it a squeeze before letting it go, something he accepts albeit reluctantly.
You sit together for a while longer, the awkwardness from your previous moments together alone is a distant idea, as you don't need to fill the silence anymore. Charles doesn't make your hands sweat in the way that feels wrong, your fingers don't prickle or go numb, your heartbeat—although fast—doesn't make your chest feel tight.
It's okay, you remind yourself, Charles likes you enough.
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"Hello?" you're taking your shoes off, holding the phone between your ear and your shoulder.
"y/n!" Vic yells, making you wince, your phone clatters to the floor and you're glad the rug breaks the fall. "Are you back from your date?"
"It was not a date, Vic," you opt to put her on speakerphone, "And yes, I'm back."
"How was it? I saw on Twitter that you were in a garden? Was it cute?"
You sigh, of course this is on Twitter already. "Vic, I'm so serious right now, stop with the Twitter stuff."
"Sorry y/n," she sighs, her tone like a regretful child apologizing to their mom. "But my timeline is just full of them, honestly, I wish I could just reply to people and tell them to back off."
"Just ignore them, please, Vic,"
"I promise. But how was it, your not date?"
"It was great," you immediately regret the sigh that escapes your lips. "Charles is very nice, and the place was super pretty. We went to dinner after which was pretty cool too."
"That is a date, y/n," Vic giggles, "That's amazing! I'm glad you had a good time."
"Thank you," you let yourself fall back on the bed. It was not a date. The anxiety that Charles had helped soothe is back now, it feels like cold water running down your back. "What about you, what did you do today?"
It's 10 pm in Monaco, which means it's around 1 pm in Los Angeles.
Vic starts going off about her day, how she hates the smell of the new face cream she was supposed to release to the public two weeks ago, her trip to the gym with Holly and that other girl whose name you finally learn again—Deanna.
"When are you coming back to LA?" she asks.
You're picking up your stuff from around the room, you have to take a flight tomorrow and you'd rather sleep in, than wake up early to finish your packing.
"Soon I hope," you yawn. It makes no difference to you, spending time in hotel rooms and Vic's house, neither are home. So you're not rushing to go back to her.
"y/n, you promised you'd be here for the opening of the store," Vic is serious now. "You promised."
Closing your eyes, you battle that uncomfortable feeling on your hands. You're sure that you won't get any proper sleep if it doesn't go away.
The opening of Vic's first Presley Beauty store is on Friday, the same Friday you're going to be in Spain.
"I know Vic, I'm sorry. But I have to be with Elix, violating a contract at this point is not a good idea."
"Babe, you said you'd be the ambassador for the first store. People will come if you're there!"
You're not too sure of that right now. Maybe people would show up to throw tomatoes at you, if anything.
"I really am sorry, Vic."
She falls silent on the other side for a few minutes, and you continue packing, waiting for her to gather her feelings. You know you're in the wrong here, breaking a promise to your best friend, but you'd rather not mess up the only job you have right now. Plus, you are certain the publicity her very first store would get from you wouldn't be a good one right now.
"Okay, apology accepted," Vic exhales so hard it makes the microphone crackle. "But you do have to come to the store later, PROMISE ME."
"I promise. I'll be back in LA next Monday and I'll go straight to your store and steal everything."
Vic laughs and you're glad her anger has vanished.
"I'll call you tomorrow, okay? After I land in Spain."
"Sure babes," Vic is her cheerful self again, "Have fun and also, say hello to Charles for me."
You roll you eyes. "Bye Vic, love you."
"I love you too, babe."
For the first time in days, you turn your phone off before getting ready for bed. You are not going to scroll endlessly through hashtags with your name. You're not going to read what they're calling you lately, because your friends—at least some of them— aren't.
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─── team principal radio: ❝hello hello, thank you for reading! i hope you've enjoyed this chapter. The slow burn is slow burning friends. I would love to know your thoughts.♡❞
✰ paddock club members: @sassyheroneckgiant @flowerchild-96 @fangirlika @shegotboreddsoo @roseamongthorns13 @cissyp @chimchimjiminie16 @saturnsrinqs @roni-midnights @gayyvodka6 @studioreader @its-ash-not-grey @lu-morningstar-2 @ferraribabe @reidsworld @feelslikestrawberries @celestialams @kosmosgalore @heesung-baby @missenclod @buendiabebeta @mycenterfold @aces-tattooartist @burningrred @you-bleed-just-toknowyouarealive @rainybabe25 @ru-kru @lazybot @teenagedreams-cl
want to join the paddock club? click here!
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giamee · 4 months
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ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 prev. OG 5 GIRLS INTRO!
masterlist. next. ᯓ ᡣ𐭩
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"HI i'm y/n, i'm 21 and from teyvat. i'm a student, so yay summer break!"
"i'm here for what i hope is a good time. i've had a couple boyfriends before, in fact i broke up with my last one just a few months ago, so i'm really just looking to get out there again and what's a better way than to be here with all the hottest guys in teyvat?"
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"hey, i'm ganyu!! i work as a secretary and i'm 21, i live in liyue!!"
"i've never really had a boyfriend before haha, but maybe i'll find one here! my friends say that i'm a workaholic, and i feel like if i were to have a boyfriend he'll have to be able to handle the fact that i have a busy work life, or maybe just have one of his own."
"i'm not really the type to go out much, i definitely prefer a night in haha."
"my type? i like sweet guys, sort of a classic romantic type of guy who will make me feel special and understands my needs. that's all."
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"yo, i'm hu tao, my friends call me tao! i'm from liyue, i'm 19, and i'm a funeral director. didn't expect that one did you? you ever had someone on the show with that job before? yeaahhhh, thought not."
"one thing about me is i love a good prank. i've always kind of been a trouble child, ever since primary school. nothing too crazy, just enough to keep people on their toes."
"i like people that are funny, can match my vibe. i don't like boring people. we're here to have fun, aren't we!?"
"one ick i have? to begin with, people who call them icks. and uhh... i also hate when guys make it a point to say how strong they are by comparing my own strength?? like yes, you can curl my bench, i'd hope so or otherwise we'd both be weak as shit."
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"hey, i'm rosaria, i'm from mondstadt. i'm 26, and... well i've had a lot of jobs over the years. it's a bit of a funny story, actually, i used to be a nun. clearly that was meant to last 'cos i'm on this show now. right now, i work as a bartender. it's quite fun, getting to know the regulars. i can do most of their orders off the top of my head now."
"one of my icks in a guy? i don't think this really counts, but you won't believe the amount of guys i've met who are just... can't get over the fact that i used to be a nun. it's not that serious, like? i get it, but this isn't a porno."
"my type? good question. i don't know. but the last guy i was talking to had a bunch of tattoos and this really hot beard so, maybe that."
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"so... i just talk into this mic? okay."
"hello.. everyone! i'm jean, i'm 26, and i'm an office worker. nothing too glamorous, haha. oh yeah, and i'm from mondstadt"
"my type in a guy is someone who's a bit more mature, you know? i'm not a teenager any more, i don't have the patience to date around with idiots anymore!" (chuckles)
"growing up, my dad and my brothers always made sure to treat me really well so that when i'm older i'll know how a guy should treat me. i guess you could say that my standards are pretty high, yeah"
"ooh, an ick? if a guy wants to go 50/50 with me. if you're broke, just say that"
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𝜗𝜚 gia's notes :: the banners r kinda ugly o well. graphic design is my passion 🤓 also i left the y/n bio kinda blank so it's not too specific :)
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 8 months
Ari everything you write about Clark is an absolute dream! Thank you so much for sharing!
"What is it with you two, anyway," Clark asked, watching you navigate the downtown traffic at speeds that had him fidgeting with his seat belt.
You shrug carelessly, "When we were kids it was just easy to be friends. We were both too smart for our own good. And after his parents died; well. Shoving Bruce into whatever I was doing got him out of the house. And Jackie was a capable sitter and kept us out of too much trouble. So it gave Alfred a break."
Clark nodded. There was more. Everyone knew that. That had been Bruce's story for years. He'd ALWAYS talked fairly openly about how important you'd been to him. Especially then.About how much Alfred had adored you. Trusted Jackie. What he wanted to know was about Selina. That's what didn't add up. On paper, you and Bruce were a perfect match. The playboy and the Athlete. Young. Beautiful. Driven. Childhood Bestfriends. Beacons of a new and brighter age... If he tried he couldn't dream up a better story. Hell. Papers had been doing it for years. But instead, you were tooling around Metropolis thinking about getting a nice apartment there. And Bruce was still calling your phone and being ignored.
"When we got older of course, Bruce started to make other friends. Upper crusty, fancy friends. And that's where Oliver Queen came in. And about that time Selina was working her way in." You snort. Ollie, Bruce and I tended to make just enough trouble to be Salacious but not dangerous. To make a headline or two. Feed the Paparazzi. Get a little rambunctious. And between their money and my dimples we could get away with anything short of a felony."
"I believe it," Clark huffed. He'd been the victim of your pouting too many times to believe it had much to do with the money. You were too cute and too sweet looking when you looked up at him all doe-eyed and "Please, honey?" It was dangerous. He rolled over every time. And you knew he was gonna. Thankfully, you didn't exploit it for much more than getting him to carry you to bed. Or convincing him to clean your car off in the morning when it was frosty.
"And With Bruce being an awkward aloof little weirdo before he figured out how to act like a whore, it wasn't a bad thing having a couple pretty girls just in rotation. We laughed at his jokes. We teased him and made him blush- we made him human instead of an oddity."
"Until," you sigh, "Selina wanted him to herself and made it a competition. She wanted what I had with Bruce but she didn't understand what that WAS."
"Not romantic?"
"God no," you scoff, "At least not on my end. It's hard to want to kiss someone when you spend most of the time you talk to them wanting to choke them."
"Fair," Clark chuckled, refraining from pointing out that you liked that sometimes.
"I love Bruce. Dearly. But I'm not in love with him. I just- sometimes I feel more like I'm a security blanket to him than a person. Selina is a person. She gets to be complicated. She gets to be messy. She gets to fuck up. And I get to be there to put him back together."
"That doesn't seem fair," Clark said frowning.
"Life's not fair."
"Even after Jackie-" Clark broke off, biting his tongue. It was a sore subject. Painful. And he heard your heart stutter just at the thought. The sharp exhale, like it was still a gut punch made his own stomach clench.
"He wasn't there," you say simply. "He was training. He didn't even know- Alfred tried but. It's not like anyone could just call him. No one knew where he was. He just came back twice as ripped and twice as angry."
"And you were alone?" Clark said incredulously, "That whole time?"
"Alfred was there," you remind him. "And I did- do have other friends I just- it was hard."
"I know you told me to stay out of it, baby," Clark grumbled, "but Bruce really deserves-"
"What good would it do?" you challenge, "aside from make it harder for you to work with him later? I'm a big girl. I can handle it. And I will. In my own time."
"Alright," Clark said, claiming the hand that wasn't on the steering wheel and kissing it softly. "But. I'm gonna step in if I feel like he crosses a line."
"Which line?"
"One I really don't like."
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cheeseceli · 1 year
Moving on
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pairing: ex!Changbin × gn!Reader
genre: angst, small drabble
Description: you found out that Changbin has moved on, and maybe it's your time to let your love story behind
Warnings: none i think? Not proofread
Request: yes!
A/n: probably not my best work but I liked it nevertheless, hope this is what you wanted!
Pt 2
You didn't believe the news when you first saw them. You thought it was some sort of clickbait or a marketing strategy, but it was true. After looking up in every website you could find, you finally understood that Changbin was going to get married.
You were looking down the Stray Kids' instagram, seeing the photos that announced oh so happily that Changbin, the man who is used to be the love of your life, was now an engaged man. The photos were beautiful. Both looked happy. Of course they were.
You should have stopped scrolling down the social media because now you were too deep down. You saw every single picture the couple had together and, you're not one to lie, they looked cute together. You read every comment you could find congratulating the two of them. The other members were so excited with the news. Everyone was filled with joy.
Why couldn't you?
You two broke up more than three years ago, and you did so in good terms. There was no thing such as a horrible fight, or external influences like jealousy and it wasn't toxic. Actually, that relationship was the most perfect thing you could have had in your whole romantic life and Changbin was your dream man. But sadly you were not born to the wall of fame.
The relationship ended because you didn't want your faces in every gossip magazine. You wanted to have datings without being followed for paparazzi. You didn't want fans nor haters. Gosh, once the media found out you were dating one of the best rappers in the kpop industry you even gained your own fan club. Of course, Changbin and JYP crew tried to give you as much comfort and privacy as possible, but there is a certain limit to what they could've done. It wasn't enough for you. You wanted to be away from the public attention. The only possible way to have it was to be apart from your now ex boyfriend.
God knows you both tried your best. But he was made for the stage and it would be selfish of you take it away from him. But you didn't want anything related to fame, and it would be selfish of him to ask you to stay. You would break up, stay as friends and then maybe, in the future, you could try again.
Sadly, future didn't wait for you. Now he loved someone new and would soon settle down with them. You knew it's been a while but you weren't expecting to see this happen. You were not prepared.
What hurts more to see was that the new love of Changbin's life wasn't famous. You were expecting to see another idol, an actor or a model, but you met a normal person. Someone who lived a life away from the spotlights but didn't mind seeing Changbin shine. And you knew you shouldn't be comparing but you couldn't help but think: if I had endured the pressure, would we still be together?
If only you were a little bit stronger back then.
But you guys were friends. That's how you decided it would be. You talked with each other occasionally and the person he is now engaged with has even met you already. It was a healthy situation. So, you had the obligation to congratulate him even though you were dying inside.
"Hey" you texted him "I saw the news. Congratulations Binnie, you guys deserve all the happiness in the world."
Binnie: "Y/n, hey. Thank you so much!! How are you by the way? It has been a while since we last talked"
You laughed through the tears that were forming in your eyes. How were you supposed to reply? How could you just text him something like "I am heartbroken as we speak because I wish that you were marrying me instead" or "I feel horrible because I wanted to be happy for you but I can only feel sadness and even jealousy"? No, you couldn't say that.
You: "I'm fine. I certainly do not have breaking news like you lmao"
Binnie: "Haha, fair enough."
Binnie: "Also, I wanted to ask you before I lose my courage, would you like to come to the wedding?"
For a second your mind went blank. You couldn't belive he had just asked that.
Binnie: "I know that this is probably super awkward considering that we are exes, but I swear it's fine with us! Actually, my partner is the one who gave this idea. They like you a lot haha."
Binnie: "But it's okay if you don't want to."
You: "I'd love to." No you wouldn't. "Just send me the invitation and I will be there."
Binnie: "Really? That's amazing! Once everything's ready we'll send the informations to you!"
You: "I can't wait."
You don't know if he sent you any more texts. Truly, you didn't want to know. Even if you did, you wouldn't be able to read the message with your teary eyes. What the hell were you doing? Going to your ex's wedding only to see the man you still love confessing his feelings to someone who isn't you is only going to break your heart even more.
But maybe that's exactly what you needed. You needed to break your heart so much so he could get out of there, so you could move on. After all, you shouldn't spend all your years loving someone who isn't available for you, and will never be. You're still allowed to be part of his life and that should make you satisfied. You would pretend to be happy for him until those feelings became true.
And maybe, after everything, you'd be able to fall in love one more time. With someone new, someone who would make you forget the man you cannot have now.
feedbacks and reblogs are very much appreciated!
what if i make a part 2 where y/n gets to be with this someone new?
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respectthepetty · 1 year
What Color Did You Wear Yesterday?
Because we are getting a second season of What Did You Eat Yesterday, I thought it was time I committed to watching the first season, the special episode, AND the movie, so I could finally see the hype surrounding these color-coded boys men in love and the balance they bring to the table (and each other).
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Shiro is a Brooding Boy Man. He is a lawyer, frugal, and normally in dark solid neutral clothing.
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Kenji is a Happy Human. He is a hairdresser, extravagant, and normally in bright colorful clothing with some patterns.
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When they first met in the club, Shiro was dating Kenji's friend, but that relationship quickly fizzled out because Shiro is a frugal brooder.
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Yet months later, Shiro ended up in Kenji's salon chair, and after several dates, Shiro made the practical decision to ask Kenji to move in after Kenji told Shiro he had to move out of his apartment. Kenji moved in on Christmas, and although it was awkward, Shiro made Kenji a Christmas feast to celebrate their new living arrangement.
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However, now that Shiro and Kenji have been together for over three years, Shiro's personality has started to brighten up, and so has his color because everyday Kenji brings light into his entire world.
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But when out of their apartment, which is their safe space, Shiro is his darkest because he constantly worries about the prejudice he'll experience if people perceive that he is gay.
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Their wacky and kinky friends share this same color dynamic. Daisaku is a Brooding Boy Man, while his younger, rude, and bratty boyfriend Wataru is a Happy Whiny Human. (I love them!)
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Neither Kenji nor Wataru trust their handsome brooders alone with each other because they believe everyone wants their suit-and-tie guy who can throw down in the kitchen, so they make sure to always be by their guy's side even though their brooders only have eyes for them (well, and a famous actress, but these men are aggressively adamant that they are gay, not bi, so . . . Kenji and Wataru are still on the defense!).
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Luckily, Shiro and Kenji are comfortable around their friends, and it shows in their color dynamic.
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But they struggle slightly with Shiro's parents since small barriers divide them, and Kenji feels the needs to dress more like Shiro to not scare them (since they believe one of them has to be the woman of the relationship and wear woman's clothing. They are kind people, but they deliver the cringe sometimes).
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Although Shiro's parents love him and recognize Kenji as his partner, even Shiro struggles staying light around them.
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Kenji also struggles with his color when him and Shiro are at odds, like when Shiro got upset that Kenji invited his clearly gay friends to a public restaurant to eat where everyone could see them.
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Or when he wanted to impress Shiro with his cooking since Shiro was sick.
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Or the time he thought Shiro was cheating on him (He wasn't. I already told you that Shiro would NEVER!).
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Or when he knew Shiro went to a wedding and all the women hit on him.
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Basically, Kenji stays worried about Shiro (remember him and Wataru hilariously think everyone wants their man), but it's because Shiro doesn't openly express how much he loves Kenji. Instead, he saves all his money for their retirement, gets plenty of peaches and apples because he knows Kenji loves them, and makes him a Christmas feast on their first night of living together. So when he realizes Kenji is bothered by women thinking he is single, he suggests a practical solution - couple's rings.
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And even though he isn't overly romantic and struggles with his color outside of their home, he knows who the light of his life is.
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He told his bargain buddy Kayoko that although Kenji would be outwardly devastated if they ever broke up because Kenji wears his heart on his sleeve, Kenji would be able to easily move on to another person while Shiro would never recovery or find another. Which, sidenote, but when is Kenji gonna meet Kayoko because we cannot have her believing that Wataru is Kenji?!
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Although he can't say it, Shiro loves Kenji.
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That's why even when they are at odds, Shiro's color is still lighter.
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Because he appreciates the love and light Kenji has brought to their home.
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So that's why Shiro tries to take that light outside every now and then to show Kenji he doesn't just love him at home, but all the time, like a public cafe where everyone can see him being gay with the light love of his life.
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And even though Kenji, with his bomb ass new hair style, still tries to tame his personality down in public, so Shiro isn't anxious,
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In the end, Shiro embraces his lighter side, and knows the biggest reason his self-acceptance was possible was because the constant color and light beaming from Kenji.
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This post was brought to you by the best grocery store worker, the Employee of the Year, and the love of my life.
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She has no name yet, but when she takes my last name, that little conundrum will be easily solved!
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i9messi · 2 years
Hey, can you do a Haaland one where you break up but with a happy ending pls
A second chance — Erling Haaland
a/n: I hope you like it!!
word count - 1,5k
erling's masterlist
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"I didn't believe in soulmates until I met you." Ironic. You said that to Erling the night before you two broke up.
Things had been good, Erling was a caring man who made you feel happy at his side. Until one day, you knew you couldn’t go on with that relationship anymore. The media didn’t know that Erling Haaland had a girlfriend, only your closest friends and family knew you were his girlfriend. And in the case of Erling’s family, only his parents knew. At first you understood that he wanted to keep the relationship private, because people could be cruel. However, after a year and a half of dating, you no longer liked anonymity.
You wanted to be able to have what other couples had: walk in the streets holding hands, take romantic pictures and post them on social media, and, above all, be able to say that you loved him in front of everyone. But for Haaland, it wasn't an option.
After so many discussions, you had left the issue aside, but that morning you saw that on social media they were talking about Erling and his new partner. Long story short, they had taken a picture when you had gone to take out the garbage together and believed that nobody was looking. Your face wasn't in the picture but it was you. You were kind of excited, because you thought this was the initiative to expose your relationship. So, the first thing you did was text your boyfriend.
"Babe, we need to talk."
Erling arrived about forty minutes later. And yet, after asking him what he thought, the footballer told you he didn’t think it was a good idea to make things public. That he was at the most important point in his career and everyone would do everything to blur him and bring out his weaknesses. You were his weakness. And for that reason, he couldn’t let the others know who he was dating.
You were tired of it. You wanted everything or nothing, and you let him know.
"Choose, Erling. I can’t keep doing this any longer. I want a real relationship."
"What we have is real, is real love."
"Real? We can’t go outside, we constantly are keeping others from taking pictures of us. None of your teammates know you’re not single. This is not real, it’s just an illusion."
And just like that, you decided to finish what you once had. It was a lie if you said you hadn’t thought about Erling. Something always reminded you of him. The cold reminded you of the way you curled up in bed and hugged his big chest, the times he warmed you with his hands. Manchester was feeling empty and incredibly cold without him.
However, one of your friends had invited you to a party, because he said you needed to get out of your comfort zone. According to him, you had to get over the breakup. Sometimes, you thought it would have been so much easier if you had fought, but the way you broke up with Haaland was peaceful and sad. You didn't have anger or hatred in your chest.
There you were, standing in one of your best dresses and having a nice conversation with a woman you’d just met. There were a lot of people in that house and unlike what your friend had told you, it was not something so casual. There were even familiar faces, some football players. You thought you heard his laughter, but it wasn’t possible, fate couldn’t be so cruel. You’d avoided going to his favorite places. There was no way Erling was there, you couldn’t stand it.
When you least imagined it, a person came along accompanied by the blond who had once been your boyfriend. You could feel your hands shaking. It was the first time you’d seen him in months and he still had the same effect on you.
"This is Erling Haaland."
A man introduced him and you acted like you didn’t know him, after all, that’s what everyone else thought.
"Nice to meet you, Erling," you said with the most fake smile you could put on.
"Don't do this."
You raised your eyebrows. There were people watching.
"What are you talking about?"
He swallowed saliva and there was an uncomfortable silence among all present. Erling said nothing more, but you could feel his gaze on you all the time. Having the one who had once been your boyfriend in front of your eyes caused a pain in your chest. You kept loving him.
"Sorry, I’m leaving. I have to get up early tomorrow," you told your friend, faking your excuse.
Moments later, you went outside and waited for an Uber. You heard a few steps approaching you.
"I’ll take you."
You turned to see him, with his height it was impossible not to notice. He had his hair tied and he was well dressed, with a white shirt and black pants.
"It’s on my way."
"You and I both know that’s not true."
"My proposal still stands."
You let out a sigh, "Okay."
It wasn’t even five minutes, when you fell asleep in his car. Erling was looking at you and seeing your face lit up by the city lights. You just woke up when you felt some little touches on your shoulder. You saw his face, his eyes and his red lips. You also saw his blonde hair, some strands falling on his face. So many mornings you had woken up with that beautiful vision and you always ended up entangled in the sheets for a while. You've missed him, his smell, the vision, him.
"You have fallen asleep."
"Oh, I’m sorry. Are we there yet?"
You saw your home through the car window and you unbuttoned your seat belt. You didn’t know what to say, so you started opening the vehicle door.
Erling held your hand.
"I want everything with you. There is no day that I do not regret what happened. I know I should have listened to you, that I should have understood what you wanted and understood you. I thought we’d always be together, together for life and now that we’ve been apart for the last few months... I don’t want to go on like this. I want us to be back, but this time I want everyone to know we’re together. I don’t want to hide it anymore."
"Do you want this now that you lost me?"
"I want to this because I love you. I love you as I never loved anyone and as I will never love anyone else. You said, we are soulmates."
You swallowed saliva. Tears fell from your eyes.
"Erling, this is complicated."
"Come see me at the next game, please, that’s all I ask."
"Okay, I’ll see you at the next game."
You looked at him one last time.
Manchester City’s game was over, giving Erling a superior win. He had made a hat-trick. The fans chanted the name of your ex-partner and being there gave you a feeling of nostalgia. Many times you had been there, but in a very different position. In the past, you had worn his jersey and no one had known what your relationship with the Norwegian was. In the present time, you saw him celebrate with the other City players, all happy for the big win.
But something was different this time. Erling looked for something or someone in the sea of people. Your ex-boyfriend found you. Erling Haaland walked up to the location you were in and you thought for a moment that he was addressing the fans, that he was surely going to give his jersey to some fanatic. Yet he stood in front of you.
"Give me a chance. to prove that I really want this. Just give me one chance."
"I love you, I don’t know what I can do to prove it. I love you and I need you."
"Just kiss me."
You smiled. Your heart was melting. He kissed you, in front of all. You kissed him back, all the memories came back to your mind. You loved him, you loved him so much you could give him a second chance to make things right. People screamed and asked questions that you didn’t know how to answer. You focused only on Erling.
"Remember when we first met?"
Haaland remembered perfectly that day, he had it tattooed on his brain, he answered without hesitation, “Yes, of course. That was the day I fell in love with you. That exact day."
"I fell in love too. And it's something I can't change, no matter how hard I try. I love you, Erling. I love you so so so much that it hurts to not have you around."
"Could you give me another chance? I promise in front of all, in front of you, that my purpose is to make you happy."
"I'll give you another chance, just… don't break my heart."
"I won't. I can't wait to show everyone you’re mine.”
He kissed you again.
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hello! may i request something where the reader is stargazing with ghost & they accidentally knock the telescope off the roof ?!
the way. i forgot. to save my draft and i was halfway finished. sorry this took a while anon, technical difficulties!!! thank you for requesting!! :3 xx
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x reader (GN)
Reader decides to surprise Simon with a special date night but.. wait, oops, they might've ruined it.
Simon had been with his partner for almost two years now. He never realized how romantic they could be, or how clumsy they could be.
TW? ; None, just fluff
Side notes ; No use of y/n, this isn't wattpad, no beta we die like men, use of 'you' in place of y/n
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You were never quite the romantic type but today was special. It was your anniversary with Simon! After two years together, through thick and thin, you thought you might put in some extra effort tonight. It was all planned out in a grand scheme, starting with subtle hints.
"Si," You began, leaning on his shoulder as he was busy with paperwork.
"Yes?" He replied, Simon's mind went on autopilot whenever he did paperwork, so you made sure to get his attention by rubbing your cheek on his scruff for a couple seconds. When his blue eyes flickered to you, a ghost of a smile on his face, you knew.
"What's your opinion on stars?"
He looked back down to the stack of papers. "They're.. ok, I guess."
It was the perfect guise, Simon knew you liked to ask him random questions, out of the blue, when he asked you why, you would always just respond with, "'Cause it's fun."
You rolled your eyes at his uncertainty. "Just ok?"
"Yes, just ok."
With a deep, dramatic sigh, you stood. "Ok.. well remember our plan tonight! We're gonna go out on a drive. Dress nice and warm."
Simon shook his head at that.
The hours flew by and by the time the sun had began to fall, sweat was running down your face. Preparing everything had really been exhausting. The telescope had been stowed away but the most work was making the food. They were just snacks but you wanted them to look pretty. It didn't help that the house's AC broke.
Realizing the time, you put away the rest of the food in the basket and carried it to the front door. Running upstairs, you almost tripped on the stairs. A yelp of surprise made it's way to Simon and he got up, shouting out.
"Are you okay?!"
"Yes!! I'm fine!" With your reassured response, he promptly sat down and continued working.
You sighed, relieved. This day can't be ruined. As soon as you reached the room, you were hurriedly changing into the formal attire you had chosen.
When you finish, you walked down the stairs, shouting out, "Simon! Go get ready!"
He grunted in response, setting his pen down. Although his face didn't show it, he was a bit excited to see what you had planned.
You grinned, standing outside the house with everything packed up and ready to leave. Simon walked out of the house, quickly locking the door before turning to you with a ghost of a smile on his stubbled face.
"Ready to go, love?"
"Of course." You replied, heat rising to your cheeks. With that, you both got into the car and without more than a few words on how to get to the destination, he drove off. It took nearly an hour to which he began to ask, "How far away is this thing?"
"Not much longer, hun."
Once you had arrived, his breath was taken. The sun had fully set, a shade of purple filling the sky. You laughed softly, "Just wait, it gets better, come with me."
He grumbled something about how 'it's alright, I'm not impressed or whatever,' under his breath as he took your hand. You had reached a stray building, basically crumbling on the sides. It was very old, and Simon seemed a little shocked on how you even found this. So you explained after a couple raised eyebrows and inspecting the cracked, moss ridden walls.
"Well, me and my friends in college did this trip, we passed by here but everyone was curious about this building, it was in better condition back then, of course, but still. The view from the roof is probably the best thing I've ever seen."
He nodded, keeping quiet as you rambled, his heart expanding at the sound of your voice, the tone of remembrance. This while, walking up many flights of stairs. By the time you had arrived at the top, you were out of breath, a little giggly.
"... Ah.." You sighed, "They were really good friends, I miss them sometimes, but the life I chose is really good as well." Eyes stared up at Simon, love filling your chest. He only stared back, smiling softly.
"Well, let's go then, don't you have a surprise and what not?"
You broke the eye contact, nodding and opening the door. Quickly covering Simon's eyes, you chuckled. "Ok, let me set it up first then." He nodded.
"Do your thing, lovie."
It took about 25 minutes, to set up the blanket and food. Everything was going according to plan, the layout looked pleasant and wasn't cluttered. With a soft smile, you began to unpack the telescope. Simon groaned softly, "Are you still working on it?"
"Yes, just give me a few minutes, I'm almost done."
To that, he only could shake his head, exasperated.
Nearly finished, you put the telescope on the edge, and as you fished out the lens, you heard a 'woosh'
Crack! The sound echoed and you shrieked. "No! You've got to be kidding me." Already near tears, Simon uncovered his eyes scrambling to you. He dragged you away from looking over the edge.
"No,no,no, Simon! That was the whole point of this date! Oh my god, it was so expensive too and now we can't even look at the stars I didn't even bring my binoculars either aw fuck i'm so sorry hun I didn't mean-"
Simon put a finger on your lips. "Darling, listen," He wiped the stray tears from your face. "It's okay. Don't even worry about that. I'll replace it later, we'll see what happened to it after. You worked too damn hard on this for the night to be lost." Simon held you close, kissing the crown of your head.
"Are you sure? What are we even going to do?" You whimpered quietly.
"We can still see the stars, right?" He whispered, "Whatever we do, I'm just glad we're together."
Simon led you to sit down on the blanket, sharing the food you had made. The night was filled with laughs and soft kisses, promises made to fix the telescope and all in all, you enjoyed it.
When the sun began to rise, you and Simon had already taken everything and stashed it away, now you were just staring at the telescope. Its mirrors had all been shattered, the legs were contorted. It was just a big mess, your heart broke a little for it. Simon wrapped an arm around you, shaking you.
"It'll be alright. I told you I'll replace it."
You only nodded. And within a week, a brand new telescope appeared in your room.
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jjsmaybank20 · 1 year
hiii 😊 i have a request!
celeb!reader x jenna pretty please
reader and jenna unfollow each other on socials and everyone’s confused because they think they broke up, but in reality jenna beat them at uno or wtv (something simple)
& reader goes live and everyone’s like “oh em gee did u and jenna break up” blah blah blah
that’s all i got my brain can’t think of anything else
thank u! and i luv u! 🤭
Celebrity News
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Jenna Ortega x GN!Reader
Summary: Everyone thinks that you and Jenna broke up, but in reality, she's just a sore loser.
Warnings: literally all fluff, and my shitty writing
Word Count: 757
A/N: This is for u, bby! Pardon my shitty pic editing, ur much better at it than I am.
Swear to god I thought I posted this yesterday, but I guess not. Enjoy!
navigation  celebrities (romantic) masterlist
 This past weekend, fans of Jenna Ortega and Y/N Y/L/N were shocked when the couple unfollowed each other on social media. The couple (who had been going strong for almost a year) have earned a special place in fans hearts, making this news even more heartbreaking. We still don’t know why they have unfollowed each other, but it can’t be good. 
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JennaOrtegaNews: I can’t believe they broke up! They seemed so in love. My heart is broken right now.
y/ns_lover: Noooo! They were my OTP!!!
Scream47: Maybe Jenna will date me now
Bebop218: You’re funny Scream47
ChristianMom: Good riddance. Those two were actively against God. Finally some balance has been restored.
y/n&jenna4life: Get ur homophobic ass outta here
JennaOrtegaWifey: Gonna miss them so much. Hope they’re doing okay.
You sit on your bed, bored out of your mind. Jenna was in the kitchen making some food for the two of you. You think about doing a livestream, and you walk towards your girlfriend to run the idea by her. When you enter the kitchen, you see her dancing around, making you smile softly to yourself. 
You wrap your arms around from behind, making Jenna jump slightly before melting into your arms. You sway with her for a second before pressing a kiss to her temple, which makes her turn around so that she can press a soft kiss to your lips. 
When you break apart, you finally remember why you came into the kitchen in the first place. “Baby, do you want to do an Instagram live with me?” She nods her head and says, “As long as I can keep cooking.” You grin at her before setting up your phone. 
Jenna is out of the frame when you begin the livestream, making you realize that you want to surprise the fans. You signal for her to stay as quiet as possible and stay out of frame, and she nods in understanding. You watch the number of people watching shoot up faster than it ever has, catching you slightly off guard.
“Did something happen?” You mutter to yourself, trying to catch some information from the comments speeding past. Finally, a couple of them slow down. I can’t believe you and Jenna broke up! You choke on your spit when you read that, now really confused. 
“Who said we broke up? Where’d you hear that?” The comments continue to stream past, most of them interpreting your reaction as not knowing that the news of the break up had gotten out. Really though, you were just lost. 
Finally a comment stops on your screen that explains everything to you. You two unfollowed each other on Instagram. Didn’t you break up? You let out an exasperated sigh, realizing what had happened. You glance over at Jenna, who is still occupied with her baking, none the wiser as to what is going on in the livestream.
You pick your phone up and point it at her, making the viewers become extremely confused in the comments. “This little shit was mad that she lost at Monopoly, so she unfollowed me on Insta. I unfollowed her in revenge.” Finally Jenna realizes you’re talking about her, and when you say this, she turns around with an offended look on her face.
“You liar!” She then snatches the phone from you and shoves her face right up in the camera. “This liar actually cheated at Monopoly, and that’s a fact. It’s the only way she could have beaten me.” You roll your eyes, easily taking your phone back. “Or maybe you’re just really bad at Monopoly.” 
Jenna thinks about it for a moment before shaking her head and turning back to the oven. “Not possible.” You laugh before finally turning back to the livestream. Messages of relief and amusement are flooding the screen, and you have to giggle at some of them. 
It’s okay y’all! Mom and Dad are fine.
That was a close one! false alarm. 
Yeah, they’re okay. Fighting like 8-year-olds again.
Finally, you decide to sign off of the livestream. “Thanks for checking in, you guys! Jenna and I are fine, no worries. Hope you guys are doing great and have a wonderful day!” When you shut it off, you turn to Jenna and wrap your arms around her. 
“We almost started some massive celebrity news by accident, babe.” Jenna giggles to herself, making you smile. Yeah, you would have to be an idiot to let her go.
@lovelyy-moonlight @pnsteblnme @MrsLillithy @alotofpockets @theenglishswiftie
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kitty8804 · 4 months
My sibling and I just watched Tinker Bell and the Pirate Fairy and we came up with a bunch of sexuality and dating headcannons based on it. The conversation was very funny so I thought I would share our final consensus on this.
Tinker Bell : Pansexual
Get it? Because of Peter Pan. Tink just doesn’t really care. She has always done her own thing and that also applies to who she likes.
Silvermist: Bisexual
I originally thought of her as a lesbian, but her outfit in the Pirate Fairy was the Bi flag colors so she has to be Bi. I think she is a huge disaster bisexual, but is also denser than a brick. You could scream that you are in love with her and she will not get it.
Iridessa: Queer
She definitely isn’t straight. But neither of us can figure out what her sexuality is. We like to think that Iridessa identifies as queer because trying to commit to a single label gives her too much anxiety.
Fawn: Lesbian Asexual Gender Non Conforming
Look at this girl and tell me she doesn’t like girls! I dare you! I just can’t see her dating men at all. As for asexual we decided to use it as an umbrella term. I’m not sure where she lands on the spectrum. She definitely isn’t sex repulsed though. Also I think Fawn identifies as a girl but that doesn’t really mean anything to her. She sometimes uses they/them but very rarely.
Vidia: Lesbian
This girl gives mean lesbian vibes and we all know it. Also she has definitely kissed everyone in the main friend group at least once.
Rosetta: Bi-curious and Trans mtf
To my sibling she gives off huge trans girl vibes and I can definitely see it. I feel like it didn’t take long for her to transition after being born in Pixie Hallow. Maybe a couple months. A year tops. When she did come out everyone was like “Finally! She transitioned!” As for her being Bi-curious we think that she genuinely didn’t realize that girls were an option. It took two of the girls in the friend group dating for Rosetta to realize that she could date girls, and that she her completely normal thoughts about her friends were not as platonic as she thought. I like to think Fawn helped her figure some stuff out. But she does still like men and probably prefers them, even if only slightly. She is still with her boyfriend Sled.
So we came to the conclusion that Tink and Vidia dated for a bit, but broke up. No one really knows this because they kept it quiet since they have the same friend group and didn’t want things to be awkward if it didn’t work out. In the end the two are just not compatible romantically. Their tempers were the main reason. They joke about it now though.
We came to the conclusion that Tinker and Terence eventually do date. They are both polyamorous and are looking for a third, but no one seems interested.
Silvermist and Fawn are two dumbasses in a pod. They get into so much shit together. They love each other and have no shame.
Finally when watching the Pirate Fairy we noticed that Vidia was usually the one calming down Iridessa when she was having an anxiety attack and it was cute. I actually think they were the first of the friend group to start dating, but were very low key about it. When everyone found out Silvermist and Fawn started dating everyone said that they were the first of the friend group to start dating each other and Vidia just looked at everyone and stated that she and Iridessa had been dating for over a year. Everyone freaked out.
Periwinkle: AroAce
Girl thinks she is Pansexual like her sister because she feels the same about everyone. But she doesn’t realize that the feeling is platonic and lack of romantic and sexual interest.
Bobble: Gay Trans ftm
According to my sibling this man is too much of a twink to not be trans. Also this man is totally married to Clank and you can’t tell me other wise.
Clank: Gay
Like I said he and Bobble are married and that’s that.
Queen Clarion: Bisexual
I don’t know. She gives off mom bisexual vibes. I actually think she might have a slight preference for girls. She is madly in love with her boyfriend though.
Fairy Mary: Lesbian
She totally had a huge crush on Queen Clarion, but never pursued it because she could tell that Queen Clarion was not mentally ready for a relationship even if she didn’t know why.
Zarina: Bisexual
This girl is definitely not straight. I feel like she might be interested in being the third that Tink and Terence are looking for idk.
Terence: Just Ken
He is either the straightest dude bro ally in history or he’s Bi. There is no in between.
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