#everyone pls start doing this as well if u want so i feel less cringe about it LMAOO
whatever language i write in the tags of posts is a complete gamble between spanish english and french and and it is entierly dependent on which language im thinking in at the time and how cringe i feel in that moment about not speaking english in tags of (normally) posts by english speakers lol also one day i will be strong enough to throw japanese into the mix, god bless
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kirislut · 4 years
Hiiii, it is me 😎✌️ I had this request in my mind for a while, and when I found ur page I was like, I feel like you’d write it perfectly!!!! The request: Bakugou or Todoroki having a very tough day, then when their S/O tries to bring them like soup or smth, they throw it on the floor, and the glass cuts the S/Os hands and they try to hide it while picking up everything, and when the boy sees their hand w a bandage later on in the day, they feel SO GUILTY!! Also, w fluff at the end pls! Thank u!
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a/n: heyyy 😎✌️, first, thanks for this request! second, i don’t know if i can write it perfectly but i hope you like it absksj. definitely don’t feel any pressure 😳 (i got too excited and wrote a lot....whoops)
warnings: bakugou(swearing), mention of getting cut, mention of blood
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Katsuki Bakugou
bakugou is an angry guy, everyone knows that. but today he was especially pissed off. he had gotten into a heated argument with kirishima after training. usually he didn’t care but this time he knew he was wrong but was too damn stubborn and prideful ever admit it.
so instead of working it out with his best friend he was just extra pissed off today. which was unfortunate for you.
when he came back to the shared dorms, you were busy cooking some spicy ramen for the both of you. luckily you had finished training earlier that day, so you and time to surprise your boyfriend!
stomping feet could be heard as you dished yourself and bakugou up, and hearing the stomping meant you knew he was close by. lucky for you he was actually sitting at a nearby table, grumbling to himself about something. you didn’t know what however.
excited to surprise your lover, you practically skip over to the angry blonde. “katsuki! i made some spicy for you~” when you set the bowl in front of him he just grunted and swiped it off the table. “leave me the fuck alone.”
he didn’t even spare you a glance as you just gawked at him, what had you done wrong? gulping nervously you’re just turned to start cleaning up. you used napkins to pick up and wipe up the spilled ramen then started to pick up the broken ceramic.
you didn’t notice that a particular piece was sharp, grabbing it caused you to feel a stinging situation in your palm. so when you pulled away it dragged, creating a now bleeding gash in your palm.
a whimper escaped from you, quickly applying pressure to the wound to delay the bleeding. you moved to the kitchen and used paper towels to clean up your bloody palm, all while bakugou sat there blissfully unaware.
as you cleaned yourself up, the still extra angry male got up from the table and stomped off to his room. he scolded you to leave him alone, because he was actuallt considering apologizing. that thought was pissing him off, and not to mention thinking about how to be kind for once was a slight challenge. only because he was stubborn in this matter.
by the time bakugou was in his dorm room, you had finished up cleaning and were now wrapping up your hand with some gauze because a bandaid wouldn’t suffice. even if bakugou didn’t eat the ramen, didn’t mean you would let it go to waste.
but as your began to ate, you were replaying the situation to try and figure out what went wrong. sure bakugou has a bad temper but this was a different kind of anger which you haven’t seen before. you were absolutely certain you didn’t do anything wrong, so why was bakugou upset?
quickly finishing up your meal and putting away your dishes, you went to bakugou’s room because you were worried about him. it was honestly kinda crazy on how you weren’t even angry or upset with the male, just worried for him because you loved him that much.
everyone has their moments and slip ups were they release their anger on to someone else unintentionally, and you knew that very well. because of a certain boy.
standing in front of your boyfriends door, you knocked. when he didn’t respond after a few seconds you just opened the door and proceeded.
“oi! who said you— oh.” his angry expression faltered when he saw you standing there. lucky for you he was able to calm down after thinking it through and developing a plan. a perfect plan to be precise. nothing less from the ambitious guy himself.
“about earlier, are you okay? you haven’t eaten yet and i know you’re angry.” you shut the door behind you and join bakugou on his bed. bakugou lets out a sigh, leaning back against his headboard and staring at the ceiling.
“you a stalker or something? how can you always read me so well.” bakugou let out another sigh, this time more of a huff as he patted the space beside him. signaling you to sit by him.
as you scooted over to place yourself by him you responded, “i’m your lover katsuki, i think it would be bad if i didn’t know you well wouldn’t it?” the blonde glanced at you then did a little nod. he knew you knew him well, and he kinda loved how sometimes you could practically read his mind.
“i got into a fight with shittyhair, i don’t want to say more because i know i’ll get mad again.” as the spiky blonde explained, he noticed the gauze around your hand. he immediately grabbed your wrist, being gentle, and brought you hand up. “what happened.”
hearing bakugou’s stern tone made you gulp, “i cut myself that’s all! just need to be more careful.” even though you were playing cool bakugou also knew you too well as well. he thought back to when he spotted you in the kitchen, you didn’t have this before. even if you thought bakugou didn’t spare you a glance, he would always look at you once. whether you notice it or not.
his jaw clenched when he realized that he was the cause of this, great today he fucked up twice with two of the people he valued deeply. his silence was definitely worrying you, was he going to yell? you weren’t sure what to expect for once.
his next move you did give you a bit of a surprise. your boyfriend leaned forward and pressed such a soft kiss against your forward. you never knew his kisses could feel so gentle yet loving. “i’m sorry.”
even if his apology was simple, it was all he needed to say. the rest was communicated with his actions. you smiled brightly at bakugou, reciprocating his actions, you pressed a loving kiss against his lips.
the rest of the night was filled with lots of kisses and a plethora of cuddles.
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Shouto Todoroki
there is no beating around the bush here, todoroki was having an absolutely terrible day. he was supposed to visit his mother but his father visited him instead. he lectured his son about how he needs to focus on becoming the number one hero, not messing around with a lover. this led to an agruement which also stopped him from seeing his mother because visiting hours had ended by the time he got there.
so when he came back to the dorm, after an entire day basically going garage. he was not happy, in fact he was quite pissed. he didn’t even try to hide his scowl as he passed by you.
“sho? hey sho what’s wrong?” your boyfriend stopped to look back at you. “(y/n) i’m fine. just a little tired.” todoroki went to turn, but you grabbed his hand.
“are you sure? you should eat dinner before going to bed at least. i even have some left over cold soba!” before he could reject you you dragged him off into the kitchen and served him the left over soba you made for yourself not to long ago.
“(y/n) i’m not hungry.” he replied simply. but you weren’t going to let him get off that easily. “sho please eat.” you insisted.
this turned into a banter of back and forth between you two. you kept insisting he ate, whike todoroki kept refusing. he was losing his patience with each time.
as a last cause resort and grabbed his hand and placed the bowl in it, “shouto you need to eat!” your tone was raised and more stern this time. you weren’t angry but just concerned and worried.
but this pushed todoroki over the edge. his hands trembled for a moment before he chucked the bowl at the ground, “(y/n), you don’t need to act like a parent. i can do whatever i want.”
the fact that todoroki didn’t even raise his voice at you, yet it held so much anger, made you tremble in fear. you stood there frozen in shock as your boyfriend proceeded to walk away.
your fists clenched at your sides, now you were getting upset like todoroki was. how could he just throw the food on the ground? besides he was never one to act like this. sure he got angry, as everyone does, but it was another level.
you crouched down and started to pick up the broken pieces of the bowl. trying your best to be careful. but as you reached for a piece of ceramic, another piece of the broken bowl dragged along your finger. immediately you pulled your hand back, cringing at the stinging sensation. there was another piece of bowl beside the one you were reaching, which had a sharp edge sticking up towards you.
you swore under your breath as bleed started to leak from the wound, getting up to take care of it before you finished cleaning up.
on the other hand, todoroki was cooling off in his room. and now starting to feel guilty for what he had said and done. he knew he shouldn’t have been so harsh with you. but you just happened to push him over the edge.
he wasn’t angry with you, no, mostly at himself. he knew he should’ve informed his father himself that he started dating you, but he never got around to it. which led him to finding out on his own and the previous agruement to occur.
but even if his father disagreed, there was no way he was going to lose you. he would prove that you were no distraction, and in fact motivation. before he could prove that, he need to apologize to you first.
leaving his room, he went back down to see if you were still in the kitchen area. but you weren’t, so he went back up to the dorm rooms.
when he got to your room, he didn’t bother knock and just opened the door. “(y/n)?” hearing todoroki’s voice made you look up from your phone. you were just scrolling on social media to take your mind off you little fight with your boyfriend
“shouto, do you need something?” you watched as he came into your room, shutting the door behind him, and going straight to you. he sat himself down across from you, looking at his lap as he thought of how to say what he wanted.
“i’m sorry for throwing your soba. i’m sure it was amazing, but i was just angry. before i was able to visit my mother, my father stopped me give me a scolding about how he disagrees with our relationship.” todoroki looked up at you as he finished, surprised to see how sad you looked.
“but (y/n) don’t worry, i’m not letting him stop our relationship. i can never give you up, please remember that i always love you.” he reached out and gently held your face in his hands, not wanting you to think that he would ever let someone like his father get in the way of you both.
your frown was soon replaced with a smile, honestly you were slightly embarrassed to let yourself think that todoroki would give up on your relationship just because of his own dad.
nuzzling you’re face into his touch, you reached up and covered his hands with your own. but as you did so, todoroki was quick to notice that your finger was covered up by a large bandage.
“was that from me?” todoroki asked as he frowned, letting go of your face and carefully taking your hand so that he could look at your finger.
“no sho! it was my fault, i was careless.” you watched as todoroki lightly shook his head. “no it’s my fault my love, i’m sorry again.” he brought your hand up to his face and placed a warm kiss against your bandaged finger.
watching him made your heart flutter, how did you end up with such a caring boy? todoroki didn’t stop kissing just your finger. he kissed the back of your palm then moved forward to kiss your forehead, then your cheek, then finally your lips.
you smiled happily against his lips. you just so happy to know that nothing could get between you and your beloved. not even his father. and not even a bowl of soba.
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lochnessies · 3 years
ok here’s a dissection of a post an anon sent me the link to and bc i have the worst time management possible and i completely forgot i had it lol so sorry anon here you go ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
I am constantly thinking about how Edelgard just doesn’t seem designed to appeal to cishet men.
i hate to be the one to break this news to you op but just because a character doesn’t show skin like charlotte fire emblem doesn’t mean she isn’t designed to pander to men. she’s very much designed to pander to the (majority straight male) player base with her ‘uwu i only trust you professor omg did u see that rat? pls don’t look at my painting of you uwu’.
then there’s the whole edelgard c support in japanese where byleth makes reference to having come to her room for ‘yobi’ which is
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there’s also the scene where byleth can make an unsolicited comment about edelgard’s breast size. which is… uhh… gross.
edelgard also has cipher cards that go from slightly fanserviceie to full on suggestive
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and also her breast armor that my sister relentlessly mocked lol
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and here’s a chart from the 3h subreddit about gender/sexually in regards to edelgard and edeleth. it’s extremely straight male. op might have just overlooked this since they probably don’t go on reddit and stay on tumblr (which unlike reddit is mostly female and has a high lgbt demographic).
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Like the joke is that Bleagles is the Gay House, but everything about her feels deliberately non-hetero.
i don’t like where this is going…
She’s dressed in sharp outfits covering her upper body, with proportions that don’t seem exaggerated.
so women who cover up must be lgbt because straight women are naturally more revealing? oh y i k e s
Her poise and the way she effortlessly flourishes her axe exhibits an air of coolness. While titties out =/= character of no substance, Edelgard being dressed more modestly suggests that she wasn’t designed with male-centred fanservice in mind.
“titties don’t equal no substance but here’s my post on how she has more substance because she doesn’t show titties” ok
And she still looks absolutely stunning in her more modest attire (like seriously, I haven’t felt the need to return to cosplay in years but I want to do her academy look so bad). 
yes she does. amazing design 10/10. i have a feeling this is the only part i’m going to agree with
Edelgard is intense. She does not mince her words and she is constantly evaluating you. Though she tries, she has a difficult time understanding her peers initially. Early on, she talks about how she would sacrifice herself and others in the name of some greater good. She is terrible at communicating with her peers. She has to be seen as infallible. Her heart has been hardened for years and she assumes she has to stay that way. She also assumes everyone mourns the same way she does - which is why she (kind of insensitively) insists you move on when Jeralt dies. Because to her, grief has to be channeled towards action, or else you’ll get lost in it. This attitude is demonstrated time and time again as she presses on. It can make her come off as cold and unfeeling - but look closer, and she’s anything but.
don’t really have anything to say at this part. it is pretty on the nose though i would slightly disagree with that last sentence a bit. i wouldn’t say she’s as i feeling as hubert is but all of her talks of the war boil down to how she feels and never her victims.
Her story is ultimately about her realizing that to achieve her goals, she needs to let people in and allow herself to want things like cakes and tea parties and lazy days in peace. 
????? what ????? her goals include imperialism, ethnic and religious targeting. her story is about having a set of beliefs and mowing down anybody who stands in her way. that has nothing to do with tea, friends, and lazy days. also am i supposed to be sad that she has to get up everyday and work? i do that and i didn’t start a war and only throw a pity party for myself
The game leaves the player guessing as to how involved the Flame Emperor was in each Part I event, makes you feel hurt by her betrayal, and leaves you with a choice: do you follow the orders of the woman who tried to make you a god without your consent, or a young girl with questionable morals about to throw the world into upheaval?
this isn’t an ideal situation but i think i’m going to stick with the woman who tried to make me a god since i’m not selfish and i know it’s not only my desires and life at stake here. plus the green hair slaps ngl
Choosing her of your own volition (not for completionist reasons) requires the basic ability to sympathize with a woman’s pain. It also requires the player to read beyond her unwavering will and dubious methods to get a sense of how deep that pain goes and how the theme of humanity relates to her differently in each route.
i’m not going to touch this since @nilsh13 made a post on it that i’ll link here. i agree with everything he said so to repeat it would be redundant.
The player must be able to see a young woman’s desperate resolve to change the world so it stops exploiting people and ruining lives. They must be able to accept the fact that women can make the same morally wrong and ambivalent decisions that complicated male characters get to make all the time and still be the one to root for.
literally the same reason i love rhea lol her goddess experiments are dubious at best but her reasons are the same you mentioned. i would say that i like this quality in edelgard too if her ending, while bloody, actually ended in a good outcome for fodlan.
This is not unique to LGBT+ people, but this population is likely to understand why Edelgard feels so strongly about why she has to change the system. 
i understand wanting to change a system, i really do. like edelgard, i’m an opinionated bisexual woman (who’s also physically disabled) so yeah i get it. and change can be good but it can also be terrible. even if the church was the boogeyman edelgard treats it as she still replaces it with her own shit regime. so it’s the same circus just with a new conductor.
I don’t think “Edelgard gets undue criticism because she’s a woman” captures the full picture. An important aspect of her treatment by certain parts of the fandom is that she’s a radical woman.
or maybe she does some pretty fucked up shit and it goes unacknowledged in her own route. and yeah she’s radical but in all the worst ways.
Her hatred of the Church and the Crest system resonates way harder with people who have been hurt by institutions that are deeply engrained in our society. 
and what about people who have been hurt by systems where their ‘merit’ didn’t measure up and they were left behind? what about people from nations that experienced imperialism?
Siding with her means siding against the Church - which, while different from real world religious institutions, still invokes language about “sin” and “punishment.
yeah the ‘sins’ and ‘punishments’ are used in relation to attempted murders which i think everybody can agree is a bad thing that needs to be condemned.
Choosing Edelgard will likely hit different if homophobic and transphobic Christians used that rhetoric against you.
it has literally nothing to do with ‘sins’ and ‘punishments’ in regards to being gay or trans. that’s you projecting. especially since the church has 2 canon gay characters and two coded ones.
like i can understand why having a church condemn you can be uncomfortable but i’m begging you to please look at the context of what’s happening.
I’m willing to go out on a limb and say that the reason F/F Edeleth is the more popular iteration of that ship because most people who would choose to S-support Edelgard are LGBT+ themselves. This is not a revelation. To anyone in the community, it’s fairly obvious. 
i was talking to nilish and he said
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so yeah… while there is definitely sapphic femleth shippers out there, there’s still a whole lot of weird fetishizing going on from straight men about edelgard.
Crimson Flower was my first route. I went into the game knowing absolutely nothing. I played it during the last week of 2020 and hoo boy was it cathartic. 
i can tell. this wasn’t supposed to be a dig but it came out that way and i’m not taking it out.
I felt like I was living out a gay revolution power fantasy, where I could truly change systems of oppression while fighting alongside a group of troubled students I’d shaped the lives of.
so a gay revolution power fantasy (cringe) goes hand in hand with imperialism and installing a dictatorship? also the war had nothing to do with sexuality.
Through your unwavering support, Edelgard learns that she needs to be human, that she must listen to her friends, and that she’s allowed to enjoy the world she’s creating.
edelgard gets to learn how to be human all while hunting those who don’t. and she doesn’t listen fo her friends. she doesn’t even trust them. she’s willing to talk to byleth but keep the people who’s been by her side for five years in the dark about everything. and yeah she gets to enjoy her new words since she’s on top. hate to be a commoner under her rule after she burned down my village in her war.
I love this character so much.
clearly. and i honestly don’t care if somebody likes her. i do as well even if my sometimes scathing words can make it seem otherwise.
It has been six months since I first played and I am still analyzing her,
me too. please help me escape i’m losing my mind
because there’s so much depth. Yet so many people fail to see that depth and dismiss her as evil,
i mean, she does some fucked up shit that goes beyond any of the less than desirable actions of the other main characters and does an extremely poor job in trying to make herself seem innocent. i personally don’t think she’s pure evil but i completely understand where the people who say she is are coming from.
because they never had the will to understand complicated women in the first place. 
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that’s big talk from somebody who implies that a gay pope is comparable to homophobic and transphobic irl religions and that leads an oppressive regime all because she uses the vague terms of sin and punishments that you have to gay power fantasy your way out of
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snkpolls · 5 years
SnK Chapter 126 Poll Results
The chapter 126 poll closed with 1,647 responses. Thank you for your support! This month’s poll results were compiled by @shifter-lines​ , /u/alooulla,   /u/_Puppet_, @manerein and @momtaku.
  RATE THE CHAPTER 1,514 responses
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“Rate the Chapter” is a genuine bell curve this month instead of having its more typical overwhelmingly positive skew. While not terrible by any means, the response to chapter 126 was the most lukewarm since chapter 107, and it was the second worse performing chapter since we started the poll.
(Kazoo Avengers theme)
By far, this was the chapter I enjoyed the least, I just hope that the ending feels realistic
Definitely fast paced, but definitely needed to finally kick things into high gear. The Calm Before The Storm…
it was pretty disappointing by aot standards, but the last 15 chapters were amazing, so what am i even complaining for.... i just hope that isayama can write a decent ending.
I feel like this is either one of those chapters that will be more rewarding in hindsight when we have more info or was just straight up moving forward so we can get to the good stuff faster and we will have to suck it up and move on. All in all I think it was a good chapter even if a little rushed.
Easily the worst chapter in years due to the fast pacing, convenient plot developments and cliche and very cheesy and cringey ending page quote.
In the anime they could make a whole episode out this single chapter instead of using two chapters to make a single episode
Haha pie
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After nearly a year of absence Levi and Hange were finally back in the story so it’s no surprise that “Everything with Levi and Hange” topped the list of favorite moments with 22.1%. “Avengers Assemble” was a distant second with 10.6%. Confirmation that Levi was alive came in third (10.2%).
Pieck and Hange teaming up? Eren better watch out because those two together are gonna KICK SOME ASS!
Hange needs so much more appreciation, she is such a good person. I hope she and Levi both survive this shit.
I loved everything that happened, it just desperately needs some more detail filled in.
I loved Levi and Hange interactions
Annie eating pie is just perfect
It was so good to see Levi and Hanji again and together. They suffered so much, i need an end where they both survive and can have a restful retirement
Glad to see that Connie is still a good guy. Also that he is trying his best becouse of his Mother.
But what Pieck Pieck? The greatest tragedy is that Isayama took that from us, y'know not that Eren is destroying the world or something...
I really loved to see Armin and Annie together!
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Talk about polarity. “Avengers Assemble” may have been the second most popular “Favorite Moment” but it was also  the landslide winner for “Least Favorite” with nearly 22% of the fandom selected it as the worst moment of the chapter. “Floch’s Speech” (13.8%) and “The Ragako Subplot” (13.5%) rounded out the top 3.
everyone called them the avengers but lets get real they are a fuckin Suicide Squad
Why are we wasting time on Louise
Avengers Lowcost version
Didn't understand Magath reasons to join forces with his enemys. It felt like some story in between was missing.
Can I just say I hate what Isayama did with Connie's character? I've never seen a character as bipolar in his development
Floch was the only good part....
  WHO WAS THIS CHAPTER’S MVP? 1,503 responses
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Hange (23%), Jean (16.2%) and Armin (13.4%) were our top three favorite characters this month. It needs to be said that “Pie” came in at number four with nearly 10% of the fandom selecting it.
it WAS nice to see characters choosing to be their best selves for the sake of others. For that reason, it was difficult to pick an MVP -- but I gave it to Onyankopon because he crystallized so eloquently exactly what I had been thinking since Eren started the Rumbling.
Levi and hange tho
So much Erwin nods!  Yesss <333
Still love my boy Jean!
Some characters are still acting consistent: Jean, Magath, Levi (still not over killing the BT and that's good), Onyankopon and Floch.
Connies growth, Jean's motivation, I'm glad these boys are reclaiming their almost-lost humanity!
Levi. That is all.
Oh, also, I want pie.
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“Hange suggesting that they live in the woods together” (27.2%) was the favorite campsite moment, followed by “Levi’s words upon waking up” (23.3%).  “Hange sniping while shedding a tear” was third (19.6%))
I'm giving this 5/5 solely for Yams finally feeding the LeviHan shippers some good fucking food after so long.
I ship Levi and Hange. It's so cute when Hange realized that Levi was listening to her/him while pretending to sleep.
Shirtless Levi round two! Wit, you better do the job correctly this time!
We need a Historia chapter but it’s great to see Hange and Levi being back.
  PIECK… FINGER? 1,492 responses
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Pieck Finger. Pieck Finger everybody. You know how a common response to trauma or awkwardness is humor? Well 42.6% of you are primarily concerned with how “Pieck Finger” will be memed. 24.7% of you accept the trauma and say you wish she would’ve just stayed “Pieck”, and 20.6% of you are glad she has a last name, but did it really have to end like this? 6.5% of you think it’s a “cool and realistic last name”, and I think you guys scare me more than the people who vote “Snapchat” on the last question every month. More on that later.
"pekfinger" is swedish for "pointer finger" too. oh lord
Back when Pieck was supposed to be a dude, the working name was "Oliver Pieck", at least from what I read on the AoT wiki. I feel like Isayama could have just switched the first and last name around to make it "Pieck Oliver." That would've sounded far less weird.
I know a guy named Buck Ramming. Pieck Finger is fine by me lol
It's an instruction not a name.
Levi sure could use a couple of Piecks right about now heyoooooo
the fact that she got the worst titan and now also the worst name it’s so funny
What kind of a first name is Pieck?
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The Ragako subplot did little for the readers with nearly one-third of the fandom calling it a complete waste of time. The majority (46.2%) were slightly more charitable selecting “It was ok. I’m glad it wrapped up quickly”. Only 17.5% loved the moment. The write-ins were pretty damning.
Good plotpoint, really bad execution
I cringed the whole time.
I liked the outcome, but it was handled too quickly
A complete waste of time: Connie's arc? Sharted over. The consequences about Falco? Sharted over. Possibility to exploit serumbowl or Ymir's memories? Glossed over.
All of this made no sense and it was solved so quickly it seemed unrealistic. YAMS WE NEED PROPER CLOSURE PLS DON'T WASTE MORE INK
Connie changed his mind a bit too quickly, but it was good nevertheless
Connie deserved better writing.
Felt too shallow for how quick it sprung up, needed more development. As it is now, it could've just not happened
I'm glad that Connie hasn't died yet because I appreciate him, but there's been wasted potential. Ymir's memories and Porco and Colt's deaths have been reduced to a single vignette where we can only speculate and write fics.
Missed opportunity to actually develop Connie's character. We didn't learn anything we didn't already know about Connie.
This feels like what the anime did to the Uprising Arc. It happened way too fast and honestly felt like Isayama was just checking it off a list, so to say. Which is honeslty a bit uncharactieristic of his writing. I really hope this doesn't start, or continue, a trend...
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Before I talk about the numbers, I just want to shout out the one guy who responded “Other” and just said “why”. Anyway, a solid majority of you guys’ favorite dental hygiene moment was Hange asking Pieck rude lady questions, which frankly sounds much worse than it actually is. The next most common answer, getting just over 25% of the votes, was Connie’s Master Plan™, followed by “Both”, followed by “Neither!” I still like the guy who just said “why”.
I didn't mind it, but I heard that Isayama did this so he could get a toothbrush merch campaign going lol
Isayama has a teeth fetish confirmed
Holy Fuck what was Connies face doing when he was talking about titan teeth brushing.
Why, just why
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The fandom is almost evenly divided over Mikasa’s actions towards Louise. By the narrowest of margins, Mikasa’s compassionate nature took the majority (26.8%). The other extreme, “Mikasa should’ve sucked it up and let the girl be happy”, was second with 26.2%. A quarter of the fandom instead chose to focus on Louise. “Louise was crazy and deserves the cold shoulder” was third (23.9%).
It's not surprising that Mikasa ran out of f*cks to give. There are only so many lives she can value, and right now she doesn't have the time to spare, or room in her heart.  
I don't think Mikasa had any responsibility there, and the scarf is hers. Given its significance, and that she owes Louise nothing, it seemed like the moment was morally neutral.
I really didn't care. Louise is barely a character, and Mikasa had no duty to be nice to a person who enabled and supported a bloody coup just because she saved her life once.
I don’t blame Mikasa. I don’t like and want to spend time with my stalkers either
I felt bad for Louise. She’s dying, let her think you care about her, Mikasa
I felt like Louise is completely obsessional but Mikasa is just as much. To me these kinds of moments show that Mikasa has completely lost it recently
I'm concerned about what this says for Mikasa's character development thus far, and I felt kind of bad for Louise
I'm sick of the scarf back and forth
It actually seems quite obvious to me that Mikasa pitied the poor girl, but there was nothing she could have done for her. Because she simply lacks the time necessary to care for Luise, or change her mind or make sure that she's ok.
That this is about Mikasa’s compassion or lack thereof I think says more about how we feel women should feel. I think it was fine, she barely knows Louise and there is a lot more going on. Louise is a grown woman that made her own decisions.
the most interesting part about it is that Eren asked Louise to throw the scarf away. that's it.
Mikasa already did a good gesture by visiting Louise, no one would ask Jean to do the same with Floch, so I don't see the big deal. Both cases are "protagonist sees themselves in antagonist, and realise how they mustn't become like them".
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“Mikasa wants it back for other reasons” was the selection of nearly half of respondents, since “wearing it” and vague malice towards Louise were the other two options.
Eren wants her to throw it away, so she's making her own decision and going against his wishes on purpose.
I don’t know if she’ll wear it again, but it’s always been her scarf and she’ll decide it’s fate when she’s ready
I think she wants to give it back to Eren.
It's still important to her. She may let go of Eren but the scarf is always gonna be there to remind her of what was and the family she once had.
It’s just simply that it’s hard to throw away a possession you held dear for most of your life. It’d be more out of character for her to throw it away. I don’t think she ever planned on abandoning the scarf—setting it aside was rather Isayama’s way of showing Mikasa’s conflicted thoughts on her relationship with Eren.
Ultimately, Mikasa's the authority on the scarf and it's emotional weight, while Louise was trying to squeeze her own meaning out of it. It wasn't Louise's place to do so, and it wasn't her scarf to take. Whatever is to be done with it, to see it used again, given to someone else, or see it thrown out or destroyed, is a choice only the scarf's real owner, Mikasa, should make.
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The reunion with Annie was another chapter moment that fell flat for the majority with only 21.8% expressing approval with it. The majority (31.8%) thought it would’ve been ok if there was more time for conversation and reaction and 22% were primarily bothered by the coincidence involved in the reunion. The remaining 20% found the lazy writing unforgivable.
There was way too much build up just to have it end in a gag. It was cute, but it... just doesn't work?
Are you telling me that every time you talk about Robert Downey Jr. he doesn't just appear right next to you?
Humor was not appropriate in this situation
I fucking loved it
I think it's lazy writing but it made me laugh pretty hard so I'll give it a pass
It was a funny moment but definitely not how I had imagined nor hoped Armin/Annie's reunion would happen
Sitting together like nothing happened before and eat and laugh… are you serious?!! It’s not funny
SNK has always had funny moments like this woven into it, especially when the 104th were still trainee's, and it's nice to see a tonal flashback to the past like this.
Stranger things have happened. Floch's hair, for example.
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Fruit. Definitely fruit.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
What's the point of this question?? I'm confused
What the fuck is a meat pie?
We're missing PIEces of the puzzle still
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Apple (23.9%), and chocolate (16.2%) are our favorite pies, with Meat and “I don’t like pie” tying for third (11.4%). Several respondents were rather vocal about this even being asked. To them I say Isayama is the one who started this :P 
Apricot, you American heathens
Duh. Pineapple of course
I'd be more worried about getting home to my dad before he's crushed by a psycho
Marleyan organ pie made by the Usurper Chad himself!
nectarine pie.... you should try it
Rhubarb pie. Best Pie Ever.
Sweet Potato Pie!
There are so many interesting questions you could have asked in this poll yet didn't, but you're asking about pie?  (A/N: There are so many interesting things Isayama could have drawn in this chapter yet didn't, but he's drawing about pie? )
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While the majority thought it was a good way to write her out (36.3%), there was plenty of disappointment (26.2%) and many who thought it could’ve been handled better (16.6%). A segment of the fandom (18.5%) thinks she’ll be back since there is more she has yet to do.  
Perfect. She is always left behind throughout the series. The continuation of this makes sense.
Does the lack of Hitch means the lack of pies? Because this is unacceptable.
Glad that she'll survive probably, but she was such an interesting character
Annie and Hitch were my new otp, so just sad feels
Hitch is safe from now on. Ok for me.
I felt so sorry for her, because Annie's disappearance reminded me a bit of Hitch's relationship with Marlowe. Once more it seemed like the Survey Corps was taking someone precious away from her, off to an unknown and risky fate
I never had pie so Idk.
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For this question, 21.5% of you were a little nervous that Jean might join the Jaegerists, but a much more significant 69.2% understood the implied fact that the Jaegerists only accept humans, and Jean is a horse, and therefore there was never any threat of him allying with them. You’d think that with like four hundred years of this series being out, I’d think of a better way to make that joke, but here we are. Anyway, the last 9.3% of you think Jean would do more to help Paradis if he joined the Ab Church, which is an excellent parallel to the Wall Church in the beginning of the series, I might add.
I still wish more time was given to the subplots such as more time to stew on Jean joining the Yaegarists
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Remaining in the strong majority, 72.6% of you guys think there will be some sort of confrontation between Jean and Floch, though whether that means you think Jean will be the person to “take down” Floch or not is beyond me. I don’t know. I didn’t write this question, I’m just writing the blurb for it.
I'm still betting on Floch shooting Jean in the head as a punishment for not going along with the flow
take down Floch please!!!! ..
  FINAL WORDS. WHO DID IT BETTER? 1,479 responses
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With 43% of the vote, Onyankopon’s... several... words? beat out Yelena’s strong and (mostly) silent type response (which got 33.1% of the vote, by the way) at their “execution''. 23.9% of respondents said “Both”, and while technically “both” couldn’t have done it “better”, I’ll let it slide, because they were both pretty cool, and semantics don’t matter.
Best boy was Onyankopon. We only used to get glimpses of him and finally he has rebelled, showing that he has more guts than some of our main characters.
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Three-fourths of the fandom expressed some disapproval of how the offscreen planning of the escape from Shinganshina went down calling it sloppy(18.1%) and confusing (13.9%). Of those, the majority (39%) will be ok with it if a future chapter provides more details. Only a quarter of the fandom completely loved the handling of this.
Even if flashbacks fill the gaps later, they won't make 126 a better chapter.
How did they even communicate? I thought it was all planned between Jean and Mikasa
on the page with the titans marching at night, you can see a figure standing outside jean's window. could be hange coming to discuss plans
I liked it, but I think I like it even more if it's explained in the next chapter(s).
I think he did it that way to add surprise. I feel like lately he has been in general illustrating with a more cinematic eye and by writing the scene this way it will play better in visual media. Lately I feel like he has been thinking this way, it’s been a trend for a while now.
This is why you shouldn't cram up 3 chapters worth of content into one. I don't care if Isayama has to end his volume on some goddamn awful page. You don't mess with certain parts of the narrative.
It was fine, it wasn't necessarily a scene that needed to be included so I'm fine with it.
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Who was the person in the window? Was Chapter 116 the last time we’ll ever see Eren transform into his Attack Titan? How to turn into a titan without alerting the military police??? When will I stop asking questions? Right now!
Just under two-thirds of the votes for this question went to Shadis. Following Shadis at a clean 10% is Zeke, trailed by Zombie Erwin at 9.6%. Given the theories about Eren’s body at the end of 117 being a Warhammer clone, I never thought I’d see the day when Zombie Erwin beats Eren in a “who is the mysterious character who is not inside Eren’s Titan” question, but here we are!
Keith Lurkdis
Erwin never died! What even is that option 'zombie Erwin'???
Idk but whomever it is I hope they're a good guy.
Male adult figure... Must be my man Shadis. There's no way Zeke would wear so many clothes.
Ugh I have no idea. I’m not going to pretend I can predict anything anymore.
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Why did Magath bring Yelena back with Jean and Onomatopoeia? ~20% of you thought it was because she’s need for a plan involving Zeke, ~17% think he wants the details of Zeke’s plan from her, just over 14% said  he wants information about Eren, 4.4% of you think he wants her as a prisoner, and the overwhelming majority, at 44.6%, think it’s all of the above.
My theory is that Yelena is Magath's daughter
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Another close one. If we disregard those who selected “Avengers Assemble”, which even though we added it I have no idea if it’s meant “Hell yes, can’t wait to see the Hulk and Black Widow together again” or “Please let Tony Stark’s legacy RIP.”, The “I didn’t like it” beat out the “I liked it” by 0.3%. However you look at the data, it’s astonishing that essentially one-third of the fandom did not like this ending.
Get in loser, we're going to save the world
A nice cringe to start my day with :)
The old gangs back together but with ADDITIONAL TRAUMA
I think it was supposed to be satirical. A lot of us expected that the warriors and the 104th would unite again so I think Isayama made it as cliché as possible to 1)offer the readers some comic relief, 2)maybe mock his own plot and show that he's aware that this alliance is kind of cliché.
At what point did Annie and Reiner deserve to be forgiven and taken in by the SC? And why do they think they actually can (or even should) stop the Rumbling?
Marvel copied the last panel
It is a reference to Reiner’s long time ambition, and an indication to his next role. Helos perhap. But I don't think isayama would let him save the world happily. Maybe he will save the world in an ironic and tragic way.
Brilliant !!! Finally it's Connie's turn to shine.
Can't wait to see this optimism crushed. Great moment, though.
I don't understand why people think it's such a cheap cheesy ploy when it's honestly kinda obvious that they're being set up for a fall. Optimism almost always meets at the very least a bittersweet reality in this story.
It's cheesy, but people don't consider it's Connie who's saying this who is an idiot
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Nearly 70% of you believe that Final Panel Gang have a plan, while just over 30% think they’re just gonna wing it. Get it? “Wing it”?
For more serious commentary, we’re normally used to seeing “Yes/No” questions a little more perfectly split, especially the ones that involve Eren. It’s interesting to see a more unified response, even if it means that SOMEBODY on Reddit is going to say “Nice.” about the Yes vote.
Isayama will probably do a flashback of the plan, he likes doing this sort of thing lol. It was fine.
It's fine IF the planning is shown in the following chapters, but if not then it'll feel like Isayama couldn't come up with solutions and did everything off screen just because of that.
Telling the plan to the reader only works, if the plan fails.
I feel like the pacing of the chapter was this fast so that Isayama could end with the "Avengers Assemble" scene as the big volume cliffhanger for the next one, so he tried to get through the events quickly to give it that poetic ending. In that case, it's possible Isayama might show how some of these events unfolded in the next chapter or two; he usually does that kind of thing when showing big events for the first time. If the next chapter fleshes some of the scenes from this chapter more like showing Jean discussing the Avengers' plan with Mikasa and Armin, I think that could make this chapter better when we look back on it.
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Remember what I said about being accustomed to more split votes? Well, 39.5% of you said that you would prefer this chapter have been split into two, citing a lack of development, while 39.2% of you said that you’re glad Isayama is, *ahem*, moving forward with the plot. The near-perfect divisions breaks off a little bit when we consider that another ~12% said no, blaming the plots themselves for the problems with chapter, and 6% effectively voting yes, saying that the chapter should’ve been split into three.
Ask me again in a few months when we see how the whole plot wraps up and if Isayama adds any additional details via flashback.
Honestly all of these plot points could have been arcs within themselves and i wish it had been given enough time to become that
I like that the plot is progressing but i don't like the subplots being rushed
I'm happy it's going forward and not dragging on, but I would've loved more of an interaction between the scouts and annie/reiner.
One and a half
There are various holes (lack of reaction during Annie's appearance, poor coherency of when Eren managed to speak with many people) but Isayama is giving us cool alliances, so it's half okay.
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A fairly close call here, with the trip to Ragako Village being out in front with 42.6 percent of you claiming this is the subplot you would drop; Louise and Mikasa’s plot about the scarf is close behind on 36.2 percent. Perhaps readers feel the time for small subplots is done, since there’s so much still to do with the main plot we do not understand? A lot of responses indicated Mikasa’s perceived ‘cruelty’ (you’re all wrong, just so you know!) towards Louise, so perhaps this is indicative of why so many people would choose this event to be the subplot to drop.
Mikasa is just dead inside atm, but i feel bad for Louise
Mikasa knew Louise wanted that scarf, but she knew she needed it more. Plus I can barely remember Louise lol
Mikasa's behavior isn't good, but it's understandable---there are numerous mentally taxing events occurring.
Ragako stuff kinda sucked.
Goddamnit, this chapter was smelly poo. Not only we spent 3 months for nothing with that stupid Ragako plot and now everybody is holding hands just like that. If you're bringing an alliance you're not gonna make it happen offscreen with no detail whatsoever?
Ah and the Ragako subplot missed addressing the serumbowl as well: all we got is Armin whining about not being like Erwin and that's it. No Bert, no Ymir being addressed.
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Another close one! “The Armin and Annie reunion” is the subplot the majority wished for more information about with nearly 30% selecting it. “The conversation with Hange and Magath” was second (25.2%) and “Escape from Shiganshina” (17.7%) was third.
I was just expecting Levi, Hange and the corps interaction would be more surprising. The same goes for Annie and Armin's convo.
The mikasa scarf submit definitely could’ve happened in another chapter. This was too rushed and I really hope no other chapters feel this way. This chapter should’ve just been the Tagalog subplot, and then Annie and armin reunion. Then another chapter with hange/levi, Jean/flock and how they all came together to join forces.
It's so obvious this mad lad Isayama wanted to break the tension from the Armin / Annie reunion scene. We never know where he's going to trick us, do we ?
I do think that many things were kind of glossed over to save time. I'd prefer that things slow down a bit, just so we can soak up all that context. For example, the conversation between Hange and Magath, Annie and Armin's reunion and others.
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A mere 17.5% enjoyed how easily the alliances were formed. The majority (43%) called it “OK” while a more than a third of the fandom (36.2%) hated it. Some folks seem to indicate it was expected and just needed to happen quickly so the story could move along. However, the amount of people who hated it was too large to ignore; and largely for similar reasons, that it appeared too easy. Maybe the mistrust and emotion will come as the story moves along? Some of your responses indicate trouble ahead, if not behind.
Also Hanji sides too many times with "benefactors". I'm expecting the alliance to be shaky, with probably backstabbings and double-crossings. They seemed to make an agreement over killing Zeke (since no side likes him), and I doubt characters like Mikasa, Armin or Jean would be ok with killing Eren.
I don't get all the madness over the alliance, It was obvious it would happen. Also it's obvious all the things glossed this chapter will be shown in Flashback if important, like what lead Annie join them, on how Hanji contacted Jean (although i think a lot of people didn't notice the shadow in the window on that panel of Jean in the bed).
It was warm and fuzzy and I really needed that, but the actual details of the new alliance will absolutely need to be expounded upon soon.
it wouldve been better if connie's mom plot didn't exist we could've got a better build up to the alliance
Overall, things were way too rushed, as if Isayama just wanted to get to the last page.  I'm expecting to see how this alliance was made in flashback form, as is typical for Isayama, but that won't fix the inherent issues of this specific chapter.
Hange getting so along with Pieck, who fought against them when Erwin was killed, was a complete joke.
I don't get all the madness over the alliance, It's was obvious it would happen. Also it's obvious all the things glossed this chapter will be shown in Flashback if important, like what lead Annie join them, on how Hanji contacted Jean (although i think a lot of people didn't noticed the shadow in the window on that panel of Jean in the bed).
I love seeing them all but oh heckin it was just a little too fast
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“Jean remembering Marco” (31.9%) narrowly edged out “Annie kicking Reiner”(30.3%) as our favorite throwback. Levi remembering his promise was a distant third (16.2%).
That Marco’s  throwback really hit me . *SOB*
I didn't like the Erwin reference when Armin tried to sacrafice himself for connies mother, instead of falco being eaten.
Armin recognized a very important thing to himself (he can't stay trying to Erwin, he suck on that, he needs to do what he is good on it, but as his own person and not shadow of Erwin)
Where was Jean at the end there? I want him to confront Annie over Marco. Poor guy had the worst death in the series. He was murder in cold blood and then it got covered up. Plus, the only person trying to solve the mystery is Jean. Bless Jean he is such a good friend
It makes sense that Connie would say that to Reiner of all people (that line come back to his childhood trauma). Fandom freaking out and fearing a cheesy happy ending is ridiculous.
I didn’t think it was cheesy at all. It circles back to Reiner’s declaration to Keith back during the training arc.
I'm kinda sick of Reiner's Kick The Dog treatment too. I know Annie hates him but still...
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Fans proving as ever, that they are a divisive bunch! However, it's clear that the smallest amount of responses favour the rumbling being stopped and world peace occuring (hippies!). Some responses indicate that this chapter made them nervous for the ending being overly optimistic, even with Eren as the apparent antagonist. Endings where Eren achieves an extreme form of Brexit (Paradexit?) with a victory over the armies of the world have a fairly even spread of positive responses, proving that he still has a lot of fans on his side. However, most of you responded in the vague sense of feeling like Isayama knows best and at this point, just seeing where this wild ride takes us.
I keep seeing this popular prediction on almost every platform: Eren destroys the world outside Paradise, goes back to Historia and her newborn kid (in this sort of prediction it is always assumed that he's the father), tells his kid (who is also thought to be reborn Ymir) "you're free" and goes on to be a good dad - End of story. Honestly the thought of this type of ending pisses me off so much. Not only because its reeks of typical shonen ending, but because it goes against all the themes and ideas that Isayama has written into the story over the years.
I would not be upset with a 'golden' ending. Some part of me wants that to happen.
It setup the shonen cliche route and can ruin the ending
It was very unusual for this manga. I hope that the author will come to the most logical ending and will not use the power of friendship.
Least exciting chapter I can remember; it has me apprehensive about the ending.
I hope Eren's conclusion will end with him winning, however I do not him accepting his morality and to be shocked at what he's done but to come to terms with what he's done.
While I'm more supportive of Eren, I'm fine with whichever side comes out on top of this as long as it doesn't involve Eren being stopped through Power of Friendship or Talk no Jutsu. That would feel too cheap.
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While the Ragako subplot wasn’t exactly loved, Connie’s rallying cry was the fandom favorite (28.4%). Hange’s plea to Magath was a close second (26%) while Floch’s message of freedom was third (25%).
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The pacing of this chapter and the way its implications relate to the entire manga was, if I may be so bold, one of the more talked about meta points this month, from what I’ve seen. Maybe that was the thought process behind this question. I don’t know. I didn’t write this one either. That’s a good thought process though.
Anyway, a borderline overwhelming majority of you said that the manga will end around Chapter 134 (48.4% of you). The next most common answer was Chapter 138, which would give us 12 more chapters. Chapter 130 got the least amount of votes, at 7.3%. The remaining votes went to Chapter 142+, and I appreciate that optimism, because I for one hate thinking about this question.
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“Historia when?” (26%) tops the list followed by the long awaited Eren POV (23.5%). “Details on things glossed over this chapter” was the third pick (22.7%) followed by “Zeke, Eren and OG Ymir” (11.6%).
I can't wait to see Zeke's reaction at seeing Levi AGAIN ready to fuck him up.
Historia when?? Also, Hange needs a hug, Levi needs sleep, Armin and Annie need to talk, Falco needs to deal with his brother's death some more, and we all need Erwin to come back :(
I hope we get flashbacks to explain all this off screen development.
Isayama please for the love of god remember that Historia exists.
where is zeke?
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Reddit continues to dominate this question, pulling 44.9% of the vote. “I don’t” actually takes second place this month, with Tumblr coming next, followed very closely by Twitter, which is in turn followed closely by Discord. In descending order from there, we have real life, 4chan, Youtube, a two-way tie between Instagram and Facebook, and everything else has less than 10 votes.
Before I move on though, it’s absolutely critical that I draw your attention to last month’s poll. Last month, I said, and I quote,
“Lastly, something ominous is going on in the Snapchat cult, because there were only two of you this month, down from five last month. That’s still enough to reproduce though and it makes me uneasy.“
“Why are you bringing that up?” you may be asking yourself. I’m bringing it up because Snapchat got SIX votes this time. “Why does that matter?” you ask yourself next. I’m glad you asked. That’s a 300% increase. If that rate continues, in just five month’s time, there will be more members of the Snapchat cult than the rest of you COMBINED.
That’s not to say anything more than it says, but I should add that I was totally vindicated on the Snapchat cult reproduction theory. Having done the math, you guys DEFINITELY scare me more than the people who liked “Pieck Finger”.
Remember kids, the world is currently supposed to be ending
I know most people hated how rushed it felt, but honestly, I'm glad this wasn't split into 2 months. This leaves more time for the conclusion, and would much rather the alliances be rushed rather than the ending.
While it's certainly sad that Louise may not be long for this world, I also don't think Mikasa owes her anything. Mikasa seems to see a lot of traits she dislikes about herself cranked up to 11 in Louise, and I think it's understandable to need to distance oneself from toxic ideas or people. Mikasa and Louise were never friends, they never really knew each other, and never really cared about each other. Sure, Louise idolized an idea of Mikasa, but she put herself as separate from the real Mikasa, lesser. These two strangers never had a real chance to truly know each other, and that's okay, sad but okay.
While the panel of Annie with a face stuffed with pie is a gem, I think it seemed almost too good a coincidence. Both parties (Armin, Connie and the kids and Hitch & Annie) happen to be taking a break from their travels at the same time in the same city at the same festival. Seemed a bit too lucky.
Isayama has a bias against the yeagerists too. Portraying them as mindless dumbasses that are evil for no reason. Look at Floch everytime he has a moment it gets cut short for a "oh look at this dumbass" type of conclusion like him missing the shot at Shadis and getting duped by Jean and the 104th.
my dumb shipper’s heart wants Pieck’s reaction to Porco’s death.
this chapter felt too 'super hero movie' to me, in the sense that it was way too optimistic and cheesy, nothing like the Attack on Titan I know and love. Isayama's been watching too much Marvel.
A rushed chapter, Isayama may have messed up some timelines (e.g. Louise's talk with Eren, the changes in day and night), maybe Isayama was too focused on SAUNA SAUNA SAUNA when he was drawing the chapter but anyway, if the chapter was rushed because he wants to move to next plots (eee....east...eeeek...Ki....), I'm fine with it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Chapter Would've been terrific if it weren't for the rushed forced alliance. Mikasa's character also seemed out of place this chapter.
is not a bad chapter but at the same time is not a godly chapter like others but i have faith on isayama that he will blow our minds
Felt very disappointed and it is as if this story is moving to black and white territory again.
Good fast development, optimistic that what was glossed over will be addressed. A bit antsy that this is a setup for some tragedy but I don’t expect total senseless ruin for the characters.
I don't really see where all the complaints are coming from, to me the chapter must be one of my all time favorites ever since I've started reading the manga at the regular monthly pace. I think the build up and the tension have been steadily increasing slowly enough up to this point, and now we've finally reached the top of the roller coaster tracks, and it's time for the ride to the conclusion. I loved the mysterious plan, it reminds me of the uprising arc (ah the good old times).
I hope the author just got a bit lost and had to put things back on track quickly. I want to feel for these characters, not find out that I followed their struggles for chapters to see them dissolve for the sake of the plot.
Eren has suffered a lot over the years and a lot of things have been TAKEN from him - but do you remember "In order to achieve something, you have to give up something important"? I don't think Eren has ever GIVEN up something of his. He's always been a little maniac intent on killing the enemy (which is what he is doing right now). There have been so many characters in the story that have given up their dreams and finally their lives, why is Eren the one that gets to have his cake and eat it too?
I love it cause we need some time of just relax and be happy before the sad ending
I’m hoping the next chapter will make this one better by fleshing things out. Also seeing Annie and Reiner reunite made me deeply miss Bertolt this month.
Reiner getting kicked in the face to wake up and understanding nothing is all of us
The more things don't seem to add up, the more you have to pay attention, that's what I learnt reading this series. And a whole lot didn't seem to add up in this chapter so I'm super hyped!
This is easily one of the weakest chapters Isayama has ever written. After creating all of these subplots that we were expecting to go somewhere and hold emotional weight for the characters were written off into cheap one-liners, off screen reactions and discussion, and just overall completely weak subplots that left us with no emotional payoff.
Boii I'm glad the development on the characters matters only when its relevant to the plot, I almost forget that I used to like them. If Reiner of all people doesn't point out how creepy and disgusting it all is I don't know what to say, what a waste of time of a series.
Connie mentioning Sasha made me cry! Actually makes me wish Eren pulls some time travel shit so that we can have our girl back.
Can I just say I find it funny, and I really love Pieck regardless, it is just a last name after all.
Good, but the former-enemy to friendly-pie-eating turnover rate was wayyyyy too fast!
I thought this chapter was it for Connie, who has been one of my favorites since the beginning. It was a bit sudden but I'm glad him not feeding Falco to his mom is Canon AND that it strengthened his bond with Armin.
It feels like none of the Jeagerists really see clearly what the situation is, or at least don't have an ounce of understanding or sympathy why everyone else is scared and freaked out by what has happened. That in turn makes it harder for non-Jeagerists to act with sympathy, what a vicious cycle.
What bothers me the most is not the way Mikasa interacted with Louise, but the fact that she wanted the scarf back. On a symbolic level, she left it behind a few chapters ago, which meant that she no longer put Eren first and started thinking about herself. She recognized that her bond with Eren was severed. So why take that scarf back now, when it's not supposed to have that much importance anymore?
I can see either the next chapter or the one after showing a flashback of Jean, Armin, and Mikasa discussing that plan. Cutting some parts of a scene and showing it in the following chapter or two is usually an Isayama thing to do.
I don't know why everyone's expecting every single piece of exposition to be laid out for them like meeting minutes. This isn't the first time we've understood what's been going on behind the scenes after the fact.
At the start Connie struggles to hold his emotions, and suddenly he's a hero, cheesy and cliche
Excuse me but can we stop making Gabi involved in everything? Shes so OP at this point
I loved the mockery of the cliche superhero assemble bullshit
The cringe made me develop a permanent seizure. Also both my eyeballs are still stuck in the back of my head because of the excessive force I used trying to roll my eyes.
The team-up should have been given more time to develop. It wasn’t all bad though.
X-Men on their way to stop Magneto (Eren)
The problem does not lie so much in the pace as in the script tension, which Isayama killed a little in this chapter but intentionally I think. I mean the guys are literally sleeping and eating like it was a party during the freaking end of the world, do you really think he would have let such a thing slip out of clumsiness?
I'm pretty sure that Levi will have the role of "Helos", and Hange his 'Tybur' collaborator, because she's holding a hammer like the guy/girl next to Helos during the play (ch99).
Not the usual quality.
8/10. I liked annie's reunion the best, but wish that hitch had more characterization and wasn't written out so quickly. Ragako subplot was fine but predictable. Louise subplot kinda boring. Avengers assemble at the end was very anime and I liked it.
A peaceful chapter before the storm
A thought: What if Ackermans are the only ones able to actually kill off the Nine Titans? We know they’re byproducts of titan science, maybe they were created to annihilate them? That’d be devastating to see Levi or Mikasa kill Eren and Armin. I’d love it. 😂
Annie is the best girl
Anyone pretending this chapter wasn't utter shit is in hardcore denial.
Did not like the assemble. Nobody can forget what happened in the recent past of Paradis and what the warriors did. But have hope in Isayama
Do Gabi and Falco know that Armin is the Collosal Titan? I thought Connie might let that slip to them and it might create tension between Gabi and Armin but.... No. Everything about that subplot was insanely rushed, there were a lot of ways it could have played out.
Aforementioned last page quote that is so unlike SnK up to this point. Cringey and straight out of an Avengers movie, I can't believe there are people who actually like this development.
I hope Isayama isn't overworking and rushing himself to finish the manga just for the sake of finishing it this year, but I still believe he will finish SnK in a satisfactory manner that will be memorable for decades. However, this chapter as well as 125 were very disappointing and lowered my expectations considering how good the entire final arc had been up to this point.
game of thrones level of trash, i hope for god that the aot ending isn't as bad as final season game of thrones
I didn’t like the Ragako subplot, but I did like Connie saving Armin and their heart-to/heart afterwards.
I don’t think the chapter was rushed. Glad to see Armin finally doing SOMETHING, and I hope it was more a gamble than him wanting to die. Hange’s monologue was so out of character, everyone knows Hange would never want to live in the woods, yet it looks like Hange always  gets discouraged and needs encouragement from somebody else. Seriously, that’s not the Hange we all know. Where’s the ‘defeat is all the Survey Corps ever knew, let’s kick asses!!’ Hange?? that interaction with Pieck brought some of it back thankfully
I don’t understand why everyone is complaining lol
I enjoyed how quickly it moved. We’ve been down in the doldrums since December, so I’m glad to see the characters & the pace picking back up again.
I hate how quickly Hanji becomes depressed. Armin, Jean - they overcame their doubts by themselves. Yet Hanji always needs someone else to tell them to stop being ridiculous. It’s like Levi is babysitting Hanji :/ I miss good, old, badass Hanji
I miss hitch already
I noticed that the way Floch gesticulates during his speech was very reminiscent of how Hitler gave his speeches
I really like Hanji and Levi’s friendship and how Levi always knows what to say to encourage his friends but can we please stop with Hanji being so emotionally weak? I love Hanji, but c’mon- Levi was seriously injured and still needs to treat Hanji like she’s a wounded kid. Jean came to his senses on his own, same for Armin and Mikasa. All they needed was to remember people who died, did Hanji not lose enough comrades to find her strength from? Hanji is one of two veterans left and the commander(!), it really hurts to see her so pathetic, that was hard to read. Glad she looks more like old Hanji at the end of the chapter
I wanted more Annie and Hitch adventures and feel deprived.
i wish there was more to the reunion of Annie & co, but whatever, let’s just move on with this plot.
I'm in the minority here, but I actually liked the chapter. Sure the pacing was a bit off, but this may be because we're getting a detailed explanation for it in an upcoming chapter. Other than that I find it somewhat amusing that so many people that a team-up wasn't happening. Like there was so much goddamned FORESHADOWING about it. Plus the fact that Isayama basically flat-out admitted that he was going to create a team-up a-la Guardians of the Galaxy. I'm not expecting roses and fluffiness at the end of the road, I see a lot of people dying. And I still don't know who's gonna be the victor at the end. It just seemed really clear to me where these character arcs were/are heading. I still have faith in Yams. He hasn't disappointed me yet, so let's just see what he has in store for us.
It feels like Isayama is rushing to finish it off just like Kishimoto did with Naruto Shippuuden and that makes me very sad. I'm worried he'll destroy everything he did until now.
It felt incredibly unrealistic. What I have appreciated most about SnK is its narrative integrity and ability to produce results proportional to the protagonists' abilities. Currently, this feels rather forced. When did they come up with these plans? How could they possibly have alerted Jean ahead of time without anything being shown? It feels like a cheat. Also, I don't like that its just them going after Eren. Realistically, in SnK, a small group of characters, even with their level of power, shouldn't consider going after him how they have. If anything they need to face reality and prepare for the world to come after the rumbling, since if I think anybody in their position would think it is utterly impossible to stop it.
I feel like the pacing of the chapter was this fast so that Isayama could end with the "Avengers Assemble" scene as the big volume cliffhanger for the next one, so he tried to get through the events quickly to give it that poetic ending. In that case, it's possible Isayama might show how some of these events unfolded in the next chapter or two; he usually does that kind of thing when showing big events for the first time. If the next chapter fleshes some of the scenes from this chapter more like showing Jean discussing the Avengers' plan with Mikasa and Armin, I think that could make this chapter better when we look back on it.
It was warm and fuzzy and I really needed that, but the actual details of the new alliance will absolutely need to be expounded upon soon.
It was...fine.
It wasn’t so bad, the hate is really annoying.
It's clear SNK is ending soon so before we see Eren and what else is going on with the rumbling Hisayama wants to close plots with other characters BUT IMO the price of this is giving us less hyped chapters since the walls broke and we still have to see the new Eren titan form…
Just to clarify, "Which throwback did you enjoy most chapter" is intended to be an English sentence, yes? Quality work here as usual, tumblr/reddit big-shots. I hope no one lets you guys near an actual workplace where what you do matters. (A/N: Well you didn't capitalise Tumblr or Reddit so who is the real villain here?)
Let Levi kill that ape. Please. He’s gone through so much and lost everything. Give him just this one little thing
Let's say we generally agreed that this chapter is bad.
Not nearly as bad as people say it was like Jesus heck calm down. I mostly feel bad for isayama tbh he’s probably being pressured to wrap it up and he’s not usually one to not give moments like this chapter proper time.
It's hard to say why Isayama decided to wrap up things fairly quickly, whether he has later flashbacks planned or whether he was overwhelmed with time pressure/suffered a writer's block of whatever. I think, in the end, if the rest of the story wraps up strong, it doesn't matter much.
I'm happy with what happened in this chapter, except the fact that it was rushed and Levi's plot armor, I mean Ackermann blood. He should have lost at least a leg...
The only solace I take in all of this is that the plot can finally move forward. This has been an entire volume of seemingly pointless side quests and I'm ready to focus again on the main story. Frankly, I'm exhausted. I just want answers and I want to know how the story finds resolution.
We had several excellent chapters recently, a subpar one is understandable. Hopefully the Anime will expand on it a bit
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beigejournals · 4 years
Season 5 Lucifer
welcome to my unsolicited thoughts about Season 5 of Lucifer.  
as an avid and veteran series binger AND a talker-while-watching-a-movie-or-series-but-does-not-want-to-spoil-anything-for-my-friends type of person, i have finally dedicated a space and found a good way to let all my thoughts out as i watch a movie or series when i am alone when i can’t bother a lot of people because (1) they don’t want to be bothered and (2) i don’t want to spoil things for them.
so here are my thoughts, and of course, SPOILERS AHEAD.
BTW, i LOVED all of Lucifer! but this season was a slow burn for me. 
drug scene at Lux; is Amenadiel mean now?
so is Lucifer himself in his own hell loop when he became the ruler of hell? his own guilt towards his father? idk (to be frank, i don’t remember the past episodes except for the fact that he is now back in hell)
the premise of the first episode is cute!
side note after the title card: i remember how much i loved the soundtrack for Lucifer!
Maze is still hot.
I love how Maze and Chloe’s relationship developed and how they don’t have to use words to communicate.
Amenadiel’s and the Psychologist’s house HAHAHAHA i love it.
is Charlie Jesus? His mom’s faith in front of Ella is like every mom plus every religious person ever haha
self-improvement is now a meme, huh?
Dan is me.
comment on drug scene: Amenadiel is still the same, haha!
Maze and the card, haha!
how was the guy in the mask face (did i just say mask face?) blurred but in the party, Los Angeles was in perfect accuracy. excuse me.
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coming out of the dead: “oh sorry, that’s so gross!” LORDT HAHA
love you, Charlie! hope you don’t feel like you have to perform because your mom expects a lot from you and that’s so ironic because she’s a psychologist!
Dan’s speeches about parenting: i get it tho, parents try to love their child, sometimes, they just don’t know how
also, i think it’s the sister but Chloe’s just a softie
lol Maze is jealous that Chloe got to talk to Lucifer and trying to say that they don’t need Lucifer.
i forgot about what happened with Eve.
the amount of projection as defense mechanism in this episode is too much it feels like it’s too on the nose.
but i do love the parallel between what’s happening on Earth and in hell.
the amount of layers in this question either it’s Lucifer’s or his or his sister’s (assuming it is his sister who was behind his murder)
ok apparently it’s not his sister.
me in law school:
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sana all kaya kang mahalin na babalik from hell. kilig aq.
also, after all these years, Lucifer’s house has been so clean!!! wala man lang alikabok
if she’ll be fine without him then who tf is that?
ok i read the synopsis for the next couple of episodes. i don’t like spoilers. don’t make the same mistake.
i’m Ella when it comes to my friends’ special people HAHA
also, i love the slight lean to one side to show us that this is not the real Lucifer.
why does he have to be naked???
it’s so funny for me how they have to reestablish him. LUCIFER NEVER LIES HAHAHAHAHA yes we can remember now after you repeated it 3x.
Oh Michael. Nice. Was he an archer? We love the American accent.
how can Amenadiel not know that was Michael? GANON KA IDENTICAL SIZ?
we love the unnecessary car chase just to  reinstate the fact that this is a crime show
that slomo with the wings!!!
also everything is so slow with this show!!! idk why but everything feels just a little bit slower (or maybe i just want lucifer and chloe to be together? idk)
gwapo ni lucifer nung nagmomol sila ni Maze pls
cringe ng elevator scene
ykw. i think it’s because i like the lucifer character that’s why i’m impatient. he hasn’t been appearing the way i want him to.
see. you don’t have to remind me so much about the show because i know he was supposed to say “what is it that you truly desire” not fear. I FEEL LIKE THIS SEASON IS DUMBING THE PEOPLE WHO LOVED THE SHOW FOR SO LONG. okay sige.
either she knows it’s not him or SHE’S REALLY THAT NICE AND POWERFUL OF A HUMAN BEING.
oh i’ve been questioning whether they had sex already and this episode answered my question
CRINGE coffee scene: the spoon???
random question: are angels virgins? so is Michael a virgin?
what kind of a person would just go deep on someone else’s pocket just because they ran out of money?
knew it Maze won’t do Chloe dirty like that!
thanks Chloe. u know better than that. (full disclosure: I THOUGHT SHE WAS ACTING BADLY APPARENTLY A GOOD ACTOR CAN ACT BADLY TO PROVE A POINT?)
literally just liked it and now there’s a new secret that was said too soon.
God baka naman pwede mo ko gawing Chloe Decker char.
AH so interesting. Lucifer = Desire. Michael = Fear. Too on the nose again but that time, i needed the guidance because i am a dumbass.
God ain’t raising his children right!
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yes explain everything to me it’s literally not like we have been binging this show for 2 hours straight
see, the Lucifer character is really endearing. i’m enjoying myself again hahaha. (well, i guess Lucifer when he’s with Chloe?)
can i just say that Tom Ellis was born for that role. he fits is so well that him acting as his own twin doesn’t sit well with me.
i just feel like this show was written by a psychologist who liked watching murder shows.
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it’s Lucifer, Chloe!!! siya yon.
love Lucifer-Chloe tandem!
we love how the actors can sing and the show gives them a chance...
one thought: is everyone going to play a double of who they are?
also is Maze the daughter of Lucifer?
i love how they’re transcending mediums, reminds me of Community with their random episodes.
there you go, Chloe’s doing the double acting too.
Now it’s Linda. (so maybe this is the episode i was asking about earlier).
Now it’s Ella.
omg is this why i loved fleabag, it took forever for the Priest and Fleabag to finally do it? no. i just love the Priest.
Charlotte’s back! and the distance from the table shows how not okay they are. okay.
green screen while driving i love it.
now, Daniel!
we love gender fluidity? i guess. i’m not sure how you call it but i appreciate.
Lilith’s dress for the second song. OMG.
there again to make us dumb. after we just watched the whole thing happen, they retell the whole story again. damn. they think we dumb.
literally this season is making every girl kiss Chloe.
why did she blow the ring? was that her life?
what’s that song in the end?
OH that was the reason why she was retelling everything.
damn celestial beings are the worst parents.
i wanna be Dr. Linda Martin please.
i appreciate Lucifer wearing the bracelet until now. (but i expected nothing less)
i’ve always loved how people reacted to Amenadiel. he always seemed nerdy but these are times where he truly shine and im so happy.
i forgot.  i think i was showering that time that Michael and Lucifer fought and theyre hella dumb. ok lets go toxic masculinity mixed with daddy issues.
i know they’re too on the nose ABOUT EVERYTHING but i do like the debate about free will and predestination
honestly i don’t know what’s Chloe’s issue is with being made by God probably just because i’m lazy and i just want to lay everything in His hands but coming from a very atheistic perspective where she comes from i kinda get it. i guess my only reasoning why i’m okay with God’s reason is with her is because of my fear of the unknown; my current fear with not knowing my true purpose. at least she got hers! what is she complaining about?
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oh i get it now, but that’s why there’s free will Chloe (or idk, idk how God works; there’s currently no electricity in my house rn. i don’t get how that works even if we pay for our electricity all the time, how am I suppose to know God’s plans?)
but aren’t well created for something else? looking at a selfish perspective, maybe He created all of us just because He wanted to.
wow. literally when the nun kissed Amenadiel, the lights in our house opened up. if that ain’t God. idk who that is.
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wow that’s so interesting.
“There are no shortcuts.” 🥺
he exposed himself i’m interested. what if i were the one to whom that was exposed to... how would i react?
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another sample of them explaining to us WHAT WE ALREADY CAN INFER FROM THE SHOW (the conversation actually continues to dumb it down for the audience) but i get it. it’s religion and fiction built together.
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oh i just cringed i almost vomited with this 
also can i just share these. these are the funniest thing Chloe said on the show.
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OOF what a horrifying way to start the episode (after the beach fiasco)
they’re holding us. that’s so adorable!!!
ugh. im still cringing.
yes jowa for ella yes pls. ELLA YOU SAID YOU WANT A NICE GUY!!! HE’S THERE!!! i’ll take him if you won’t!
Chloe if you don’t want Lucifer, i’ll take him too!
can i say how proud i am of Chloe and Dan’s relationship. it’s very healthy for what they are. add Lucifer and Dan to that too! we love men.
also the women in this show have bad taste in men. (except for who Linda married, i guess)
we love the seasonal girl’s night!
that whole charlie thing being amused by lucifer’s devil face is the best bit
was it Michael calling? and oh noooo ;(
ngl i could have waited for another season for them to have sex on season 6 episode 6 but sure have it at season 5.
we love a person who wakes up and is not pretty. princess anna who? (i mean she is wearing full on make up, but we’re okay with that snore)
Deckerstar!! they made a word for it
our mojo??? does it only work on lucifer or does it work when she does it to others as well, we shall find out.
oh no! Lucifer’s isn’t working at all HAHAHAHA
it’s currently 2:19 AM. i am tired and sleepy.
Dan talking to Charlotte 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Fucking Michael
oh he emphasized archangel Michael. with my limited knowledge being raised Catholic, i was going to ask earlier if he was an archer because he had crooked shoulders. AND I JUST CHECKED. ARCHANGEL MEANS HIGH RANKING ANGEL NOT AN ANGEL WHO’S A FUCKING ARCHER. me being raised Cathlolic means nothing. HAHAHH
now i’m realizing if i see an angel, maybe i won’t be in the situation where i’ll see Amenadiel but Michael
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i love this HAHAHAHAHA
knew it. called it! worked on lucifer ONLY. HOW CAN TWO PEOPLE BE THAT MADE FOR EACH OTHER. LORD BAKA NAMAN.
i’m ella shipping them.
what song was that? “When it hurts, just to breathe” same
The Shining reference no thank you pls
NAAAH i really can’t do horror things especially not with things i truly fear and when i don’t have a curtain on. No thanks.
14:54 and i’m watching again open the lights bro, it’s easier to find clues that way   also i do get that they’re closing it to ensure that the killer is not there but theyre also moving like the killer is not there anyway so better open up the lights! tho i really know nothing about crime solving (i just typed crime solving instead of solving crimes didn’t i)
we stan ella’s healthy relationship!!!
can i just say there was a time where i can’t even say serial killer out loud so this is really hard for me to watch alone
i know that he’s vulnerable around the detective. BUT SHE SAID HE CHOSE TO BE SO BY NOW HE SHOULDN’T BE AFFECTED BY WHAT HE DID.
Fucken Michael.
how attractive can you be that even in slow motion, you look great.
oh apparently he did not die.
you know that montage of people just studying and it’s now happening to chloe trying to solve a crime. that’s my cinematography goal HAHAHA. it’s been awhile since i’ve been invested in studying like that.
Lucifer can be just so immature some times
is KillShare based off of SkillShare?
also i’m thinking that Chloe was either taken by Michael or Dan or the SK.
that ring of Lucifer on Maze is probably the longest ring someone has waited for.
i love Maze’s eye make up! ALL THE TIME!
if the lady here is not detective and they’re relieved. that’s just fucked up, man. they were slightly relieved. that’s good acting HAHAHAHAHA.
his mojo is back, does that mean Chloe is gone? 😢
kamukha niya pa si Penn Badgley, nice.
AH NO. i think he genuinely likes her. except that she... you know found that he’s a fucking murderer
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right??? why does this show have to say everything out loud like don’t already know.
oh he just used her but then he liked her. idk. the way he speaks too, so nonchalant.
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preach, ELLA!!!! shout out to those who had crappy childhoods and are not serial killers! that’s the bare minimum i guess.
go, Ella!!! know your worth!
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lol made me love Pete, he’s funny.
ok my assumptions were right-ish.
HAHAHA, his american accent.
his choosing to be bot vulnerable around her anymore, Michael, i think is a way of him staying alive for Chloe but ofc Chloe will think that Lucifer would rather have his vulnerability than to be with her.
MICHAEL STOP. Michael the shit stirrer. we all have that one friend.
awa me kay Maze. she’s like a lost dog throughout the show.
does Michael want to be God?
skipped thru the speech. cringe.
what’s Amenadiel’s problem with his child having a normal cold? what’s wrong if he’s a mere mortal?
WHY IS EVERYONE IN THIS SHO’W SO INSECURE. i get so annoyed every time Chloe’s mad that Lucifer doesn’t get what he wants
it’s just that i resonate with Lucifer. it’s hard for me to say i love you and now i think Amenadiel stopped time.
oh. i thought Amenadiel’s fears about Charlie being mortal was superficial, i just realized that he was afraid that his child was going to die. but, he can take him to heaven like what he did with Charlotte, right?
oh Michael.
MAZE! MICHAEL IS A PATHOLOGICAL LIAR!!!! you’re fine! i don’t have a soul either.
celestial beings and their daddy issues and inability to communicate with one another and the desire to fight it out as if that’s the solution
itong si God ngayon lang magpapakita anuna siz.
ep 8 should have been called blueballz tbh
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Not Nineteen Forever (3) (Branjie/Scyvie)- Ortega
a/n: (Snoop Dogg voice) greetings, loved ones. welcome to part 3 of the self-indulgent chaos that is N19F! thank you so much for the ridiculously undeserved love for this fic, it’s fast becoming one of my favourites i’ve ever written. in this chapter there’s a group chat revelation, a disturbance in the library, and bonding over a Strongbow. also pls note this chapter isn’t very Scyvie-heavy so if you’re more into that then u could skip this one? idk, as always i know how to sell my fics well xo hope u enjoy and lmk what u think on here or over at @artificialortega! much love xxxxx
p.s. Vanjie’s clapback to the posh girl in the lib is credited to @djoodimattel (Luci on AQ). this was literally what she said to some girl that was staring her down and she is my abso hero so thank u Luce
Summary: Brooke, Yvie and Nina are three flatmates who forged a friendship in their first year of university and picked up some other waifs and strays along the way. Now in their final year, there are feelings that need to be unravelled and confessions to be made whilst navigating drunk nights, hungover mornings, takeaways, group chats, library meetups, cafe gossiping, and the small matter of getting a degree.
“Are you still mad at me?”
Brooke rolled her eyes and stared at Yvie. “I will be if you keep trying to talk to me while I’m in the middle of this.”
Yvie looked at her expectantly. There was a pause. “So is that a yes, or…?”
“So is that an apology, or…?” Brooke raised an eyebrow, then immediately cringed as Yvie exhaled loudly, causing several heads to turn their way.
“Oh my God, Brooke, I said sorry like the moment it happened,” she hissed in exasperation.
“You fell out with me in the smoking area because you said, oh…wasn’t it something along the lines of ‘I’m sorry for trying to speed up your relationship with Vanjie, you ungrateful bitch’?”
“It was ungrateful cunt, actually,” Yvie tapped away at her laptop and Brooke rolled her eyes. Stifling a smile, Yvie looked at her friend and then reached across to take her hand. “No, listen. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for making that comment about you and Vanessa and I’m sorry for calling you an ungrateful cunt. They were both really out of line, uncool things to do. Can you please go back to normal with me before Nina goes into anaphylactic shock?”
Brooke laughed and squeezed Yvie’s hand. “Okay, fine. You’re forgiven. I’ll only bring it up like…seven more times to make you feel bad.”
Yvie chuckled. “Deal.”
Brooke turned back to her own laptop, her design in front of her but untouched for a solid forty minutes as her thoughts had swirled round her head. It was Monday, a new week, and the atmosphere in the flat had been tense over the weekend, as all three of the flatmates recovered from the aftermath of the scathing drunk row Brooke and Yvie had got into. Yvie hadn’t meant to make Brooke feel shit at pres on Friday, she was sure, but the comment still ran through her head and made her wince with cringe- unless your name’s Brooke or Vanessa. Okay, Yvie had almost definitely said it to take the heat off herself, but there had been absolutely no need. There was even less need to call Brooke a cunt, but Brooke knew Yvie had only done that because she felt bad and was covering up her own guilt with barbed attacks and a shit apology.  
She couldn’t stay mad at Yvie, and she couldn’t dwell too much on the comment, not least because Brooke’s head had been occupied by something else that had happened, another drunk revelation that had knocked her for six.
“Brooke Lynn. Duh.”
The most fuckable person in the room, Plastique had asked, and Vanjie hadn’t held back on the answer. Brooke had barely been able to stop thinking about that information since it had been revealed, and it was somehow made worse by Vanjie being completely normal with her for the whole night they’d been out. Okay, for Vanjie, normal still meant cheek kisses and dancing too close and enough compliments to sink a ship with, but part of Brooke wished she had had the confidence to ask her what she’d meant to achieve with her answer. Part of Brooke wished she’d had the confidence to say Vanjie’s name when she’d been asked who she’d most like to fuck in the room, but Nina was a safe answer that deflected the implication. Scarlet was right, it had been a shit one, but a shit answer in a stressful drinking game was far more bearable than dealing with the fallout of an honest one. Part of Brooke- actually, all of Brooke- wished she had more confidence, period.
A sigh from beside her tugged Brooke out of her own head. Yvie was looking at her laptop with incredulity, as if it had done something to offend her. Brooke stifled a laugh. The library really showed you every possible variant of raw human emotion, and if her eyes needed a break she liked to just scan the room and watch people’s faces. Across from her, a boy had his head in his hands and was exhaling deeply. Just deleted the paragraph he’d spent six hours writing. Diagonally opposite, a girl was biting her lip and frowning. Just received an email from her tutor that provided absolutely zero help. The boy beside Yvie swigged from his second energy drink of the day. Right on the tailend of a brutal all-nighter for an essay he has to hand in at midday. It was peak uni, and she loved it.
Giving herself a shake, she turned back to the laptop screen. She had to get this finished so she could get a prototype done by at least the end of the week, and that would be one less thing to do on her now-mountainous list of deadlines. The minutes ticked by and she began to make slow progress. The issue with Brooke studying Fashion and Design was that she was a complete perfectionist and an overthinker, which was both a blessing and a curse when it came to designing things. The essays she could do- they were just her opinions backed up with some articles, and she could fire them off easily enough. Designing was trickier, and that was a problem considering it was what Brooke wanted to do when she left uni.
She was distracted by a flailing beside her from Yvie and a completely speaking-volume pitched “Oh my God” which was deafening on the silent floor. Brooke cringed as the pair received another judgemental look and Yvie tapped her finger against Brooke’s phone rapidly.
“Check the chat. Now,” Yvie not-quite-whispered, Brooke immediately following her instruction. A sick feeling built in her stomach as she opened up her phone, not knowing what to expect or if it was good or bad. She needn’t have worried though, as she opened the chat and saw what was there.
Plastique Bague: so um
Plastique Bague: this happened
Brooke clamped a hand to her mouth as a selfie of Plastique and her flatmate Ariel, naked from at least the chest up with the duvet over their chests, filled the screen. Plastique was pulling a comical smile and throwing up the peace sign, and Ariel was doing the same, but mid-laugh. Brooke looked to Yvie, who burst out into a hushed laugh.
“Oh my God,” Brooke gasped. She was close with Plastique- they’d been on the same course since first year- but she’d had no idea that Plastique even liked girls, never mind having designs on the girl she lived with. Brooke expressed this to Yvie, who snorted and rolled her eyes.
“Bitch, really? I’m starting to think it’s a legal requirement of our friendship group to be at least 20% gay.”
Brooke thought about the most boy-crazy, thirsty bitch she knew. “Silky?”
“Oh come on, we all know Silky would go there with Akeria if she was drunk enough,” Yvie shook her head, Brooke rubbing her forehead and trying to stop the conversation going down a path she didn’t want it to take. She looked back at the chat. There had been fifty new messages in the space of about three minutes.
used Tampon: Omg Plastique!!!!!!!
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: oh my god Plastique
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: ASDDFGHHLLIUEW919191SJSJAAQUWE7FICKC
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: AKXICOOEOEOWQI2B33 4BRR9SOSSKCNVV
Dave the Laugh: please explain
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: ADDFKGLVLCOSAIQJAN
Dave the Laugh: please, please explain
used Tampon: Silky is your phone broken? xo
FORD TRANSIT VANJIE: Haaaahahahahaha Scarlet
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: Plastique you can’t just drop this information on us and not elaborate
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: I’m sure that’s a human rights law
Plastique Bague: i’m waiting until everyone’s here
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: FUCK THAT I WANT DETAILS IMMEDIATELY
Dave the Laugh: Nina will be teaching
Dave the Laugh: she doesn’t finish til 3
FORD TRANSIT VANJIE: Am I FUCK waiting til 3!!!!!!!!!!!
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: Oh hell no
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: DONT MAKE ME FIND U
Plastique Bague: u won’t be able to find me
Plastique Bague: i’m under her duvet xo
Dave the Laugh: please don’t
Plastique Bague: about to start round five xo
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: FIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
used Tampon: Round five oh my GOD!!!!
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: FIVE!!!!1111111
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: Round FIVE what the hell have you been up to???
Plastique Bague: well
FORD TRANSIT VANJIE: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plastique Bague: came home from being out on Saturday morning
Dave the Laugh: oh shit here we go
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: Strap in folks
FORD TRANSIT VANJIE: Omg I’m so ready!!!!
Plastique Bague: and she’d been out as well so we were talking in her room
Plastique Bague: u know just flatmatey things
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: #justflatmateythings
Plastique Bague: i was telling her about the question game
Brooke joined in, completely amazed at the turn of events.
mose: This is all amazing Plastique I’m so proud
Plastique Bague: thank u mose
Plastique Bague: so i was telling her about that question u guys had asked about fantasising about a friend
Dave the Laugh: mose ahahaha
FORD TRANSIT VANJIE: hey mose xoxoxoxo
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: Why do i still find mose so funny
Plastique Bague: and i was like to her have u ever thought about a friend like that
Plastique Bague: and she’s like
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: oh my god this is so intense i feel like i have to whisper
mose: You're…typing
Plastique Bague: i think it was because she was drunk
FORD TRANSIT VANJIE: The only time Silk has ever typed in lowercase in her entire existence
Plastique Bague: but she was like yeah i’ve thought about you like that before!
Plastique Bague: and i’m like…oh! have u now!
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: THIS IS TOO MUCH IM BACK TO SHOUTING
Dave the Laugh: this is so hot omg
mose: Oh my god get it girl!
Plastique Bague: and she’s like have u not thought about being with a girl ever? i’m like yeah but not with u bc ur my friend
Plastique Bague: (this was….a lie)
FORD TRANSIT VANJIE: That’s a damn lie Plastique and you know it!!!!
Plastique Bague: she’s like well are u thinking about it now?
used Tampon: I can’t deal with this in ANY WAY!!!!!
mose: Bitch this is hot wtf she’s good at seduction
Plastique Bague: and then i was like well…yeah bc we’re talking about it
Plastique Bague: so then she’s like well do u wanna see what it’s like? i’m like…OKAY THEN
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Dave the Laugh: you did not actually respond to that with okay then
Dave the Laugh: tell me you didn’t
Akeria Sainsbury’s Bag for Life: Okay then ahahaha you’re adorable
mose changed the nickname for Plastique Tiara Edwards to Okay Then.
Okay Then: no i just sort of started kissing her instead of replying
Okay Then: so four times over the weekend
Okay Then: i am…very bi
Okay Then: her mouth is amazing wtf
FORD TRANSIT VANJIE: Omg my pussy just exploded
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: we don’t need that much detail thanks
Akeria Sainsburys Bag for Life: from either of u
mose: 2 kinds of people
Brooke turned away from her phone and looked at Yvie who looked back at her and laughed. Brooke screamed silently, her mouth wide.
“I can’t believe that’s happened,” she said, her voice excited but controlled in the silence of the library.
“It’s like…the juiciest thing to happen to any of us in months,” Yvie bounced in her chair, her laughter getting ever so slightly louder and causing more heads to turn at the odd sound. Opposite them, a boy got up and left.
“I’m so proud of her. I didn’t think she had it in her.”
“What, Ariel’s fingers?”
“Oh my GOD-” Brooke suddenly burst out laughing, her face flushing red as she watched the people around her grow more and more irate. She dropped her volume. “So that’s why nobody heard from her all weekend? I just thought she was too hungover to move.”
“What do you think will happen? I mean, it is her flatmate, she’s kinda screwed if things get awkward.”
“I’m gonna ask her. No!” Brooke exclaimed, thumping her table lightly. “I’m going to mute the chat and actually do some work.”
Turning to her phone in preparation to be responsible, her heart gave a little leap.
FORD TRANSIT VANJIE: hey anyone in the lib?? i gotta try n get this essay started sooner rather than later
Yvie turned to Brooke, fluttered her lashes and raised an eyebrow. “I’m gonna be the best wingwoman in the world because I’ve gotta leave for a lecture, so this seat is allll Vanessa’s.”
Brooke smiled, blushed, and mouthed a thank you at her, before hopping back onto the chat.
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: HOW CAN U GO LIB AT A TIME LIKE THIS
mose: Seat free next to me on floor 4, i’ll put my bag on it if you want?
Vanessa responded with six heart eye emojis. In the space of ten minutes, Yvie was gone and Vanessa was striding across the fourth floor of the library like Ariana Grande opening a concert, huge camouflage coat almost-but-not-quite covering her dark blue skin-tight ripped jeans and her oversized Rihanna jumper.
Her face lit up as Brooke leant back in her chair and gave her a wave as she stretched. “Hey Brooke Lynn!”
Brooke was relieved to find Vanjie using at least an attempt at a whisper, even though it still drew a couple of looks her way. She felt her heartbeat heavy in her chest as Vanessa leant forward and gave her a hug. “Hey girl. How are you?”
“Big time shook over the whole Plastique shit, can you believe it?!” she gasped, Brooke amused at how full of almost childlike amazement her expression was. “What do you think’s gonna happen there? I think Ariel’ll be down for it to happen again but maybe Plastique will start to panic and overthink once the high of her fifty fuckin’ orgasms wears off. I mean it is her flat so if things get really awkward she can always evict her. That’s a joke, by the way. Laugh.”
Brooke gave a quiet chuckle as Vanjie reached inside her bag and produced a tiny, lightweight Macbook with a purple galaxy cover. “I thought you were here to do work.”
“I was, then you started talkin’ to me and distractin’ me,” she raised her eyebrows disapprovingly. Brooke gave a cry of incredulity and Vanessa cracked up laughing. Opposite them, a girl got up and left. Brooke wondered just how long it would be until they evacuated the entire floor. “Kidding. Of course. Nah, I need to start my essay, it’s due Friday. It’s like two thousand words, though, I should be fine.”
“Two thousand, Jesus. I forgot it’s a fucking Mickey Mouse degree you do,” Brooke rolled her eyes, Vanessa slapping her on the arm. “Hey! I can joke too, see! Laugh, bitch.”
Brooke smiled as Vanessa pressed her lips together in a smirk, looking every inch the disgraced, told-off student. It made Brooke involuntarily squeeze her thighs together. Suddenly, she felt a pair of eyes on her and looked up to see a girl with huge lips full of filler, that had taken the chair that the boy opposite her had vacated. She was giving Brooke and Vanessa a dirty look, as if to convey the information that her degree was much more important than theirs, and could they kindly keep the noise down? Brooke cast a glance to Vanessa to see if she’d noticed. She had. An idea coming to her, Brooke ripped a page out her notebook and grabbed one of her coloured pens, scribbling down in her messy writing.
We’d better shut up in case Katie Price shouts at us
She then folded it and pushed it towards Vanessa, who eagerly pounced on it, opened it, and then grinned. Shuffling around in her bag for a pen, she typed her password into her laptop and then wrote back.
that’s the face of a girl who needs to get laid x
Brooke ran her tongue over her teeth as she looked back at the girl opposite her and snorted. She grabbed her pen again.
That’s the face of a girl who’s constipated.
She slid the note across to Vanessa, who let out a stifled explosion of laughter into her hand, covering it up as a cough. She wrote back instantly.
nah that’s the face of a girl who’s got cystitis x
Brooke sneaked another look at the girl, instantly noticing the two litre bottle of water on her desk. She bit down hard on her lip to keep from laughing, looked at Vanessa who shrugged smugly, and gave a squeak. Something occurred to Brooke and she wrote again on the piece of paper.
It’s not cranberry juice. Theory debunked.
She pushed the paper across the desk. Vanessa opened it, snorted, and wrote back.
next time on Buzzfeed: Unsolved x
Brooke couldn’t stop the giggle that bubbled out of her mouth. It wasn’t even that funny yet here she was, her stomach muscles aching from trying to hold in laughter like she was back in GCSE Biology all over again. Her outburst had attracted the attention of the girl opposite and she was staring at them both again, nostrils flared and eyes narrowed. Looking back to Vanessa, Brooke was shocked to find her staring the girl down, her hackles clearly up.
“What are you looking at?” the girl hissed across to her in a posh, affected London accent.
“Not fuckin’ much, apparently,” Vanessa shrugged, Brooke unable to help herself and suddenly doubling over in her chair, laughing loudly and openly in the silence of the library, Vanessa soon joining her. Brooke could feel almost everyone’s eyes on her and, for possibly the first time in her life, she wasn’t a single bit bothered. Was it because she was with Vanessa? Potentially. She didn’t want to say for sure.
Dropping her voice again as she looked back at the furious face of the girl she’d just insulted, Vanessa laughed and grabbed Brooke’s arm for a moment before bundling her laptop back into her bag. “C'mon bitch, we gotta go before someone kills us.”
The girls packed their bags as quickly as they could and sped down the stairwell, howling with laughter and gasping for air as they went. They dashed out of the lobby and out into the square, where they stood recounting the situation to each other for several minutes. As their laughter died down, all that was left was Brooke staring at Vanessa with a big dumb smile on her face and Vanessa smiling back at her, and Brooke swore she’d never been closer to kissing her in her life.
“Uh, so work went well,” Vanessa chuckled, rubbing the back of her neck in embarrassment. “Sorry I distracted you. And very possibly got us both barred.”
“Barred from the library? Shut up. I’m not sure that’s even possible.”
“We could make history, bitch! You never know,” she laughed, starting to walk slowly down the cobbled road that led toward the union. Brooke followed beside her, matching her pace. “Anyway after all that lack of work, I think I earned a drink.”
“Oh, of course,” Brooke said sarcastically, cocking her head and making Vanjie laugh bashfully.
“You wanna grab something?” she smiled up at her, a hopeful shine to her eyes making it virtually impossible to say no.
So ten minutes later Brooke found herself sat upstairs at a table for two with Vanessa opposite her, both of them sipping away at pints of Strongbow Dark Fruits and talking easily, the conversation flowing and making Brooke happy as if she was sitting in the sun on a hot day. There was a lull in the chat where Vanjie looked down through the bannister at the bar below them.
“It’s so crazy to think that without Silky, we might not have met,” she said quietly, then sort of looked at Brooke shyly and corrected herself. “All of us, I mean. Our friendship group.”
Brooke smiled, remembering the moment they all met back in first year. It had been a couple of weeks after freshers’ week and Brooke, Yvie and Nina had sort of all latched on to each other. They had decided to go out to the union for a night out, the three of them preing together in Brooke’s tiny room and ignoring the big party going on in their floor’s kitchen. It was only after they’d paid entry, grabbed a couple of blue VKs, and were dancing to some sort of cheesy Noughties song (either Move Your Feet by Junior Senior or Boom Boom Boom Boom by The Vengaboys- Brooke couldn’t remember) that Brooke and Vanjie’s friendship groups literally collided. Nina had been suddenly bowled over by a big girl crashing into her, her long, wavy black hair flying into her face and the force of her bumping into her sending Nina to the ground. Yvie had immediately squared up to her, her hot temper rendering her prepared to fight, but was held back by Brooke as another girl with straight, blonde hair (at the time it had been cut into a short bob) and bright, perfect makeup had cut in and apologised to Nina, helping her up from the sticky floor and explaining the whole thing had been her other friend’s fault, who’d been excitedly trying to jump on the girl to get a piggyback. The girl had offered to buy Nina, Brooke and Yvie drinks and they’d sat at the bar and chatted for a considerable amount of the rest of the night- introducing themselves as Akeria, Silky and Vanjie. That was really where Brooke’s crush had began, although she hadn’t known it at the time, as the two girls had talked drunkenly and excitedly opposite each other at the end of their table and formed one of those deep connections that Brooke considered rare to come by. That was how they had all become friends, Vanessa and Brooke swapping numbers and the rest of the girls taking their cue from there. Admittedly, there had been teething problems getting Yvie and Silky to gel, but they both seemed to decide to mature a little in second year- Yvie becoming less blunt and Silky becoming less bitchy- and they’d got on almost perfectly ever since. Brooke knew Yvie couldn’t stop herself from making the odd catty comment every now and then, and Vanessa would probably tell her the same about Silky.
Brooke took a sip, not trusting herself to look at Vanessa. “I’m so glad we met.”
“I know, I love our fucking useless squad,” Vanessa laughed in reply, affectionate. Brooke risked turning her head to look down at the paper coaster under her glass.
“No, I mean like us. You know. I love hanging out with you. In a weird way, I feel closest to you out of everyone,” Brooke shrugged, trying to keep her tone level. Why did she feel the need to say all of this? Probably because she was drinking cider on a nearly-empty stomach in the middle of the fucking day. She risked looking up. Vanessa smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Aw, that’s cute. Really?”
“Well, yeah. Plastique and I obviously do the same course and we get on, but we don’t click as much as I do with you. Same with Nina and Yvie. Akeria and Silky I obviously love to death but they’re much closer with you than they are with me. Scarlet I-”
“- barely tolerate,” Vanessa cut in with a judgemental eyebrow, making Brooke cry out in protest.
“No! No, not at all, she’s sweet. Again though, she’s kind of Yvie’s friend first and all ours second. So…I don’t know. Yeah. I just feel closest to you, I guess,” she finished awkwardly, feeling her ears grow hot as Vanessa smiled back at her, happy.
“You’re adorable,” she cooed. She took a sip of her drink then shrugged. “I’d say I’m closest to Silk, though.”
Brooke yelled and thumped the table, causing it to wobble and both the drinks to slosh about in their glasses. Vanessa laughed, squeezing her hand quickly and then pulling it away. “Nah, I love us. I love our friendship, we’re so cute.”
Brooke felt something inside her fall. It was like toppling into bed after a long day and feeling the bounce of the mattress underneath her, the soft pillow against her cheek, the light scent of fabric softener. She tilted her head and looked at Vanessa warmly. The other girl gave a giggle and continued. “No, but like…it’s different to what I got with Silk and Akeria. It’s like we’re the same person, and we ain’t afraid to be open with each other, and sometimes we flirt but it’s like, you know, as friends? I think that’s why the girls always joke about us getting with each other and stuff. You know?”
Brooke suddenly felt as if there was a pane of glass forced between her and Vanessa. Christ, she’d been so stupid. She’d been worse than every sort of boy that girls complained about- building a friendship with a girl on the fact she had a crush on her, keeping everything going in the futile hope that maybe she liked her back. She was a total asshole. Brooke felt a bubble of panic rise in her throat, then pop as she saw the happiness in Vanjie’s eyes. And yet. Brooke, technically, didn’t know if Vanessa liked her back or not. And as much as her mind and common sense told her that she didn’t, Yvie’s constant insistence that she did gave her something to hang onto, a maybe, a what if.
Brooke realised she hadn’t reacted to what Vanessa had said. She nodded wordlessly. Vanessa suddenly frowned.
“Hey. You okay?” she asked her, laughing awkwardly. “Shit, I didn’t mean to put you in your feelings, boo, I’m sorry.”
“No, I uh,” Brooke shook her head, giving a laugh she hoped didn’t sound as fake as it felt. “I was just thinking about the whole Plastique and Ariel thing again.”
Vanessa smiled, then looked at Brooke with interest. “Would you?”
“Would I what, fuck a flatmate? No, never. Yvie and I would just bicker and laugh too much to ever take it seriously, and Nina would fucking tuck me in, bring me hot chocolate and read me a bedtime story.”
Vanessa burst out laughing, Brooke joining in and feeling a little better about things. Vanessa ran a finger around the rim of her pint glass. “Not fuck a flatmate, like…sleep with a friend. In general.”
Brooke narrowed her eyes. She wondered where this was going. Her eyes darted quickly to Vanessa’s glass. It wasn’t even three-quarters empty. “Well, it’d depend on the friend, obviously.”
Vanessa nodded, picking at her damp coaster and then flipping some hair over her shoulder. “I’ve thought about it with all of you bitches.”
Brooke choked on the sip of her drink she’d just taken. Vanessa quickly continued. “No, no, not like that! Just wondering what everyone would be like. Silky would terrify me. She says she’s a bottom but I think she’s really some sort of dominatrix that would physically torture you before fuckin’ you.”
Brooke held her stomach as she crumpled over with laughter. Vanessa continued.
“Yvie would be secretly bratty I think, that wouldn’t work.”
“How come? You’d end up slapping her?” Brooke laughed, choosing not to reveal the fact that she’d heard Yvie and the some of the girls she’d taken home through the walls of the flat and that she was just as intolerant of whining in the bedroom as she was in real life.  
“Nah, because it’d just be us pouting and whining at each other for an hour and nothing would get done about it,” Vanessa laughed, a lick of heat suddenly tingling between Brooke’s legs.
“You are so not bratty in the bedroom,” she objected, trying to inject as much platonic humour into her tone as possible. Vanessa seemed to consider this.
“I have my moments, girl. I’m either bossy or bratty, there ain’t no in between,” she concluded, Brooke trying to push all thoughts out of her head and simultaneously restrain herself from asking further. “Akeria would put some fuckin’ R&B playlist on that’d be weird and unsexy and kill the mood. She actually does this, I’ve heard it through the walls. Don’t tell her I told you that, she’d kill me.”
Brooke pressed her lips together to keep from laughing and nodded. Without knowing what possessed her, she raised an eyebrow and leaned back in her seat. “What do you think I’m like? I’m curious.”
Vanessa held her gaze and it made the hairs on the back of Brooke’s arms stand on end. She paused a minute before she smirked and took a sip of her drink. “I think you put up this Lil’ Miss Perfect front in the daytime and then at night you’re a mess. Like you got your hair all over your face all nasty and you talk dirty.”
Brooke held her gaze, not giving anything away. The heat between her legs was now impossible to ignore. Vanessa laughed and kept going, her voice low and quiet and almost as if she was playing with Brooke.
“You are…such a perfectionist in real life that I think you’d die if you weren’t in control so you’re definitely a top. I feel like you have your moments though. Like sometimes you like getting dommed the shit out of. I don’t know, girl, am I getting warm?”
Brooke gave a quick smile before taking a long drink of her cider. Vanessa was looking at her intently, as if she couldn’t tear her eyes away. Brooke wondered if she’d been looking at her like that this whole time or if something had changed within the past five minutes. Putting her glass down, she shrugged. "Not telling.”
“Damn, well I guess I’m gonna have to find out for myself one day,” Vanessa shrugged, making Brooke’s heart give a start almost like it had been crashed into. And then the moment was gone as Vanessa laughed loudly, reminding Brooke that this was all just a joke to her, just a hypothetical conversation.
A conversation between two friends about fucking each other. That was perfectly normal.
Brooke’s phone pinged and Vanessa’s buzzed against the table, both girls peering to look at it.
Kim Kardashian-West: I!!! HATE!!! MY!!!!! DEGREE!!!!
And all at once, Brooke and Vanessa were in hysterics, typing away on their phones, and the moment was gone almost as soon as it had been created.
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nancywheelxr · 6 years
Batfam Week: Day 2 - Trapped
through different colored glasses
The Justice League, Hal Jordan and Oliver Queen in particular, love to say that Bruce is too serious.
They say he needs to lighten up. They say he is too anal about things. They say he is too strict. They say a whole lot of things.
But Hal Jordan and Oliver Queen do not have to deal with things like this.
“Bruce, I’m telling you,” Tim says, frantically, “this is in no way my fault. If I had to blame anyone, it would be Dick anyway!”
“Me?” Dick cries, scandalized that his brother would throw him under the bus like this, and almost lets the ice pack slip from his black eye, “why is it my fault?”
“I don’t know,” Jason drawls, sounding utterly bored by the whole situation, “I think I agree with Replacement on this.”
or, alternatively, Bruce confiscates Jason's rocket launcher and sets off a chain reaction, Dick somehow gets dragged into Jason's mess, Tim wishes his brothers weren't maniacs, and maybe it's really a matter of points of view
The Justice League, Hal Jordan and Oliver Queen in particular, love to say that Bruce is too serious.
They say he needs to lighten up. They say he is too anal about things. They say he is too strict. They say a whole lot of things.
But Hal Jordan and Oliver Queen do not have to deal with things like this.
“Bruce, I’m telling you,” Tim says, frantically, “this is in no way my fault. If I had to blame anyone, it would be Dick anyway!”
“Me?” Dick cries, scandalized that his brother would throw him under the bus like this, and almost lets the ice pack slip from his face, “why is it my fault?”
“I don’t know,” Jason drawls, sounding utterly bored by the whole situation, “I think I agree with Replacement on this.”
Bruce should intervene before it escalates further, he really should. Even if it’s nearing four in the morning and he has a board meeting at 8 am. Alfred wouldn’t be happy if Bruce just went back to bed and left them to resolve this on their own. He sighs, rubbing his eyes, “keep your voices down, Alfred is sleeping. Good. Now, start from the beginning.”
Dick and Tim immediately begin talking over each other. He doesn’t know what else he expected, really. “One at a time.”
“Fine,” Jason says, leaning against his rocket launcher, “I’ll start.”
All Jason wants is to get Roxy back.
She is an integral part of his arsenal and she has so many memories attached to her. The emotional value is priceless. Like, remember that time he tried to blow up an entire building with Black Mask inside? Good times, he knows.
So yeah, Jason wants Roxy, his beloved rocket launcher, back.
And in all fairness, Bruce had no business confiscating it this time. He hadn’t been planning on firing her against Penguin’s stupid warehouse. It was just for intimidating purposes, mostly.
But getting her back, it’s not gonna be easy, Jason knows. Since the last time, he bets Bruce won’t simply lock her in the armory.
Since asking is not an option, and apologizing is entirely too unfair on his part, Jason does what he has to do. He waits until everyone is out on patrol and Alfred is down in the Cave, and sneaks into the Manor.
It’s quite easy, in fact. Less than fifteen minutes and he’s silently roaming the empty hallways.
You’d expect more, it being Batman’s house and all.
The tracker says it’s not downstairs. Jason walks around aimlessly, watching the tiny red dot blinking on his phone as it grows and shrinks with each turn.
Not in any of the bedrooms, not in the living room, not in the pantry. The second floor, past the music room, past another row of unused bedrooms, past Bruce’s study, past–
Finally. In one of the old ass broom closets.
Jason opens it slowly, cringing at how loud it creaks in the otherwise silent house.
Peering inside, he sighs in relief. There she is. Cue in shitty cliche music. Roxy, in all her rocket glory, stands in the corner of the room, the only shiny object among all the dust-coated, forgotten things.
Ah, how long have they stood there? Forsaken by mankind, refused by society. Sitting in a shrine of dust and cobwebs, never to see sunlight again–
“Oh for the love of god, Jason,” Tim kicks him in the shin, wincing when the movement jostles his sprained wrist, “quit bullshitting, your prose sucks.”
Bruce feels the beginning of a headache growing at the back of his head. Stress then. “Jason, please,” he sighs, “just cut to the chase.”
“Fine, fine. Jeez, talk about a tough crowd.”
Anyway. Where was he?
Oh, right.
So, Jason steps inside. And promptly dies a little more inside. Cobwebs stick to his everything. They get in his hair, on his clothes, even on his damn shoes. Of all the days to leave his helmet behind.
But he powers through. All for Roxy, do it for Roxy, he tells himself.
Finally, after crossing miles of disgusting cobwebs, Jason is reunited with his baby. She looks as gorgeous as the day he bought her, shiny and cool and deadly.
With his mission accomplished, he steels himself for the trek back.
In a totally unrelated note chain of events, a vase is knocked out by something– that may or may not have been Roxy as Jason turned around, but no one can prove that, so– and ends up falling to its side, knocking out a row of boxes that had been beside it on the highest shelf in the process, and then, as it topples down, one of the boxes falls open, letting a bowling ball roll away.
And, in a true feat of the Universe deciding to fuck over Jason, the ball hits the door. Or, more specifically, it hits the doorknob. Breaking it right off.
“Fuck no,” says Jason, with feeling. He hugs Roxy closer, cursing every god in existence and a few fake ones too, just because. If this was anyone else’s house, he wouldn’t think twice before kicking the door down.
But, as previously stated, this story is set on Batman’s house. Jason doesn’t trust an of the doors not to have some freaky sensor thing that’ll alert the big, bad Bat of any disturbance. He’s half convinced it already might have. For all he knows, Bruce could be a second away to breaking it down himself and yelling at Jason.
Even ignoring that particularly upsetting prospect, there’s a lot of ways he could open that door. He could pick the lock, he could unscrew the hinges, he could blow it off with Roxy. The only problem is that all of them are way too noisy for this way too silent place. At this hour Alfred is probably back upstairs, making post-patrol snacks. He would most definitely hear any attempt of messing with the door, Alfred has superhearing when it comes to the Manor, everybody knows that.
And Alfred Pennyworth’s wrath is way worse than Batman’s.
Jason checks the time. While breaking in had taken no time at all, wandering around certainly did. If tonight was slow, and it sounds like it was, they will all be back soon. He turns on his comm, just to check. Tuning in the frequency, he listens as Dick babbles about his stupid day job. Jason turns it off, cursing. If the idiot is babbling that much already, they must on their way back.
Now there really is no way out. Nothing that Jason knows would be fast enough to get him out before they all arrived. You can’t outrace the Batmobile. He is trapped.
Sliding down the dusty, moldy wall, Jason wallows in well-earned, very justified, self-pity, and waits.
Time seems to slow down to spite him further, a way for the Universe to fuck you in big, bold, neon letters. Well, fuck you too, buddy. He waits and waits and waits and waits, but nobody comes his way, because Bruce lives in this unnecessarily, ridiculously giant ass Manor with an unreasonable number of empty ass rooms.
Fed up with the whole situation, Jason ponders his options. On one hand, he could stay there forever, trapped in this tiny, disgusting broom closet, which by the way, has no brooms whatsoever, and waste away into eternity. Maybe he could live off the spiders for a bit, rats if he’s lucky. His arm too, he won’t need two to live in a closet. It might buy him a few months. Or, on the other hand, he could swallow his pride and call someone to come let him out of the damn closet.
He eyes the cobwebs on the upper right corner. Yeah, no, too disgusting. He can’t eat spiders, too creepy, too many legs, too many eyes. Nope, not gonna do it.
Calling someone it is.
Bruce is a no-go, obviously. The Brat, too. He would lord it over his head forever. Alfred? Nah, he would give Jason his disappointed look and shake his head in that sad way, and Jason would be left feeling like the worst person ever. Cass? Fuck, no, she’s still in Hong Kong. Tim, then? Maybe. The kid would definitely be the less annoying option. But he would also be a little shit about it, Jason would never hear the end of it. So that leaves… Dick? Really? Is he that desperate yet?
Let’s be real, he is.
But then again, Dick can be persuaded not to tell on him. If Jason uses the brother card right, maybe he can convince the idiot to keep quiet.
Yeah, he can do this. He survived being exploded, he can survive this.
So he sends him a text, help pls.
To which, Dick answers with a call. Jason declines, they’re operating in stealth mode here. Cant talk, u at the manor?
Yeah where are u? Whats going on? Are u hurt? His phone is thankfully on silent, buzzing with the new messages.
fine, he sends. Then, come to the broom closet next door to the next study after Bruce’s.
quick no time for questions
Sighing deeply, Jason buries his hand on his hands. This is a nightmare. This is all his bad karma kicking his ass. This is hell, this is purgatory– in fact, this is the lovechild of hell and purgatory.
Then, just as he was about to despair, there’s a soft knock on the door. “Jason?”
“Shhh,” he winces at the loud voice, “in here.”
Dick opens the door unceremoniously, not bothered by the creaking hinges. He stands in the doorway, disheveled in his stupid pajama and looking confused like a stupid, lost duckling, “Jason, what do you think you’re doing? At this hour?” He asks, hands on his hips, sounding just as stupidly confused.
“This is an ongoing rescue mission,” Jason explains slowly, because it’s important not to rush Dick, best to let him process things on his own time, “and I needed you to bust me out.”
“I’m bringing Roxy home, but the doorknob fell off on my side.”
“Oh,” Dick steps inside, examining the other side of the door to confirm that, in fact, the doorknob had indeed fallen off and Jason hadn’t hallucinated the whole thing, “it really fell off,” he says dumbly.
“Yeah, well, thanks for opening up the door,” Jason gets up, dusting himself off and then picking up Roxy, “and I’d appreciate if you would keep this, you know, between brothers? Great, now it’s time to scram.”
“Uh, Jason,” the idiot stammers out, looking panicked at Jason and pointing, “don’t freak out, but there’s a huge spider on your shoulder.” He takes a step back, totally freaking out, and bumps on the door. Slamming it shut. “Uh, this is bad.”
“No shit, Sherlock,” Jason glares at him, easily flicking the small spider from off his shoulder, “congratulations, now we’re both stuck.”
Then, Dick wails in despair.
“Jason, that is not what happened!” Dick launches himself across the bed, trying to reach his brother but only managing in scaring Tim into climbing up the headboard, “stop telling everyone I’m dumb!”
“To be fair,” Jason says, watching amused, “you make it real easy.”
“Stop jostling the bed!” Tim complains from where he’s perched, cradling his injured wrist. He is going to fall, and it’s going to hurt, mattress or not, but Bruce doesn’t have the energy to get him down himself.
“Tim,” he warns, “if you fall and aggravate your injuries, you are going to tell Alfred yourself tomorrow.”
The teenager grumbles, sending Bruce a betrayed look, but slowly climbs down, scooting as far back as possible.
“Fine,” says Dick, frowning. He and Jason hadn’t stopped bickering yet, but Bruce hadn't expected them to. “here’s what really happened.”
Staring at the door, Dick can’t fathom what the hell Jason could be doing inside an unused broom closet. True, his brother can be a unpredictable at times, but this a new level of random.
He knocks at the door, just to be sure. Prank wars aren’t that rare around the Manor.
“In here,” Jason calls quietly. That’s never a good sign.
The door opens with noisy hinges that would probably make Alfred cringe. Dick takes in the scene. Jason is sprawled in one corner, hugging a rocket launcher. Near his feet, a bowling ball sways. Weird, he didn’t know Bruce used to go bowling.
Right. To more important things, “Jason, what the hell?”
“I’m rescuing Roxy,” Jason says unhappily, as if offended that how come Dick didn’t immediately jump to that totally reasonable conclusion, “and I needed you to bust me out.”
There are so many things to address, Dick isn’t sure where to begin. What even. Okay, first things first, “you named your rocket launcher Roxy?”
“That’s what you got from what I said?”
“Would you rather I focus on the fact you were trapped in a broom closet?” Dick rolls his eyes. Tonight patrol had been almost dull, suspiciously so. He should’ve known better.  Clearly, Gotham seen Jason hiding in there and had taken pity on Dick, knowing the kind of wravoc Jason is undoubtedly going to bring down. On that note, “how did you manage that, by the way?”
Jason makes a non-committal noise, gesturing vaguely in the direction of the door as he gets to his feet with dramatic groans. Dick steps inside to take a better look at the thing, almost tripping on the bowling ball and sending it rolling to the other side of the room. The doorknob is missing and the metal is dented around where it should be. Really? How the hell did he break the whole thing clean off? “It fell off? How?”
“Sometimes,” Jason says, “it be like that. Now, if you could keep this just between us, I’d really appreciate it.”
Dick snorts, already expecting that, and shakes his head, turning around in time to see his brother dusting himself off and grimacing at the cobwebs sticking to his fingers. Gross. But then, something catches his eyes. Crawling its way up Jason’s shoulders, a black spider is quickly reaching his neck. Dick shudders, resisting the strong urge to check himself for any insect, “hm, Jason?” His brother looks up. “Don’t freak out, but there’s a spider on your shoulder.”
And, of course, Jason loses it.
“Shit, I said don’t freak out,” he rushes to stop him from tripping over anything or knocking any of the shelves down. Jason keeps trying to bat the thing off, but the cobwebs stick to his hand, leaving the spider dangling in the air, almost landing on his leg. “Hold still, stop squirming, you’re gonna– jesus christ.” In his frantic flailing, Jason manages to hit him with a painful elbow to the eye, causing Dick to stumble back and almost lose his balance.
Unfortunately, backing away means bumping right into the door. It closes with a loud thud.
“Okay,” Dick sighs, “this is bad.”
“No shit, Sherlock,” Jason says, having stopped his ridiculous flailing around, “congratulations, now we’re both stuck.”
They watch in silence as the tiny black spider crawls across the room and up the wall. She’s surprisingly fast, and it makes him think of Wally, even if his friend would probably disagree with the comparison. Well, Wally isn’t here to see the little eight-legged speedster himself, therefore, he has no base for opinions, agreeable or not.
“I’m not eating spiders,” says Jason, out of nowhere and with no context whatsoever, “or my arm.”
“That’s good, I suppose,” Dick shrugs, because what else is he supposed to say to that, “cannibalism is generally frowned upon in most societies. And spiders are generally gross, even when they’re like Wally.”
“I really don’t wanna know,” he frowns, sitting back down where Dick first found him and beginning to check his rocket launcher for any damage, “but anyways, you wouldn’t know if Bruce boob-trapped the door, would you?”
Dick wants to say no, he does, but after spending his teenage years in the Manor, he can’t honestly say that’s not something he wondered in more than one occasion. Bruce’s absolute perfect timing used to border omniscience. It was almost supernatural. Every attempt at sneaking out after curfew was foiled before he could even make it to the gates. “I mean, I don’t think it’s going to blow up on our faces if we try to pick the lock.”
“But it might trigger a silent alarm,” Jason concludes, sounding resigned.
“How pissed do you think he’s gonna be?”
“With you? Very. With me, though? Astronomically.” He sighs, rubbing his eyes, “I don’t really feel like being lectured at three in the morning, how ‘bout you?”
“Think I’ll pass, too.” Dick should’ve been sleeping now. On his bed. Getting some rest before his shift tomorrow. He should’ve been sleeping, not sitting on a hard, dusty floor.
“Guess there’s no other way then, uh?” Jason says, like Dick is somehow supposed to know what the shit is going on in his head. Dick stares blankly at him until he huffs, annoyed, “we gotta call the Replacement, he’s the only one left.”
“No, wait, don’t wake him up.”If Dick remembers it right, Tim should be fast asleep by now, safely tucked in his room. No need to drag him into this disaster in the making. “God knows it’s an uphill battle to get him to actually sleep.”
Jason snorts. “Too late. He’s on his way.”
“What?” Son of a– ,“he was already awake, wasn’t he? Damn it. I really thought Alfred put something on his coffee.”
“Sounds healthy.”
A knock on the door echoes loudly on the small room, startling Dick. He glares at Jason snickering at his side, and calls, “we’re in here!”
The door swings open silently for once, revealing Tim still on the frankly way too coffee-stained sweatpants he found earlier in the cave and a baggy NASA shirt. Specifically, a NASA shirt that belongs to Dick. A NASA shirt he distinctly remembers going missing years ago. And when he says years, he means before Tim had even stepped inside the Manor. Which means–
“Oh my god, you little shit,” Jason is saying accusingly to Tim, “that shirt is mine!”
Dick hadn’t been doing anything at the moment, but he screeches to a halt all the same. In spirit, if you will.
“No way,” Tim crosses his arms, “I’ve had this shirt since forever.”
“Fuck off, Replacement,” Jason points a threatening finger, “I remember tearing that hole trying to climb down the window.”
“How dare you,” Dick finally gets his voice back, whirls on Jason, “how dare you, you hypocrite lying liar who lies.”
Jason gapes. “What the fuck.”
“That shirt was mine and you know it,” he can’t believe this. No, no, actually, he can. Easily. “I distinctly remember asking you if you’ve seen it, and then you looked me in the eyes and said I don’t know, I ain’t your housekeeper. And then you flipped me off.”
To be fair, Dick mostly remembered that day because it had been one of the few times he had been visiting the Manor before Jason, you know. Passed away. So yeah, he remembered it.
Now, though, seeing his shirt going from thief to thief, Dick isn’t feeling too charitable, death or no death.
He realizes Jason had gone quiet, looking as if trying to recall the incident. “I don’t really remember,” his brother finally says, “but it does sound like something I would do.”
“Oh my god, I hate you.”
“I mean,” Jason raises one of his hands up in a placating gesture, the other still cradling his stupid rocket launcher, “it’s not like you’re my favorite person either, Dickhead. ‘Sides, I wasn’t the only asshole back then.”
Shame and guilt rise in tandem, swallowing his gut in acid. Jason’s right. Dick has no right to sit here and call him out on being a jerk, not when he’d been just as guilty. He had been so caught up–
“Can we please skip the guilt trips?” Tim asks tiredly, “it’s almost four in the morning and your argument is moot anyway. The shirt is mine.”
It’s a testament for how tired he is that Dick doesn’t immediately restrains Jason when he goes silent. And, to be perfectly honest, that shirt is not freaking his.
“Jason, put the rocket launcher down,” Tim continues, unfazed, or maybe reaching the apathetic stages of lack of sleep, “you know how Alfred feels about weapons upstairs.”
“Why does everyone think I don’t sleep!” Tim glares at the ceiling, shifting so he can stretch on the bed more comfortably and kick Dick on the side, “I do sleep! All the time!”
“I don’t know,” Jason shrugs, wincing. He hides it well, but now that Bruce is paying more attention, Jason is leaning rather stiffly against his rocket launcher, standing as still as possible without being too obvious about it. Bruce sighs, he should’ve suspected; Jason has always been one to hide injuries. “Never seen it. Methinks the lady doth bullshits too much.”
“Jason,” Bruce begins cautiously, he doesn’t want to spook him. “Why didn’t you say you were hurt?”
It’s the wrong choice of words, it comes out more accusing than he intended, and Bruce can see Jason shutting down, face going blank. “I’m not hurt. And it wouldn’t be any of your business if I were anyway.”
Dick is giving him a sad, disappointed look. Completely unnecessary, Bruce knows he screwed this up. It seems to be a pattern when it comes to Jason. “If you sprained your ankle, there’s a perfectly good bed for you to sit.”
“Oh yeah? Good thing I ain’t hurt then.”
Out of the corner of his eyes, Bruce sees Dick burying his head in his hands, ice pack forgotten beside him on the bed, already melting and soaking the covers.
“Jason,” Bruce tries again, taking a moment to find a better way to phrase it.
Before he can say anything else, Tim kicks the rocket launcher, forcing Jason to put his weight on both legs to regain his balance. He curses loudly, clutching the bedside table to stay upright, and glares at his brother. Dick still refuses to look up.
“Get on the damn bed, idiot,” Tim scoots over, making space, and pushes Dick further down to the foot of the bed, “you know Alfred will have our heads if he finds out you were standing on that ankle.”
Jason grumbles and huffs, but climbs on the bed, crossing his arms over his chest. “You’re such an asshole, Replacement. This entire fucking family, I swear to god. All assholes. Except Cass. And Duke. Probably because it hasn’t been long enough for them yet. Fucking assholes.”
“Language,” Tim elbows him, “now all of you, shush. It’s my turn.”
Tim watches them argue with little interest. This shirt had been down in the Cave when he found it and thus, by the unspoken laws of the Manor, had been fair play.
It’s his now and Jason and Dick can both cry him a river.
Honestly, it’s just a shirt. A remarkably comfortable one, sure, but just a shirt. Besides, NASA shirts are all the rage now. Walmart probably sells them at a reasonable price.
Tuning back in the conversation, Tim catches the tail end of Jason’s retort and the beginning of Dick’s knee-jerk reaction to all things before. Crushing guilty and vitriolic regret. And it’s always worse in times like these, when Jason isn’t trying to kill anyone, when it almost feels like family.
Either way, Tim should stop them before it inevitably spirals into a real fight. Which would be so not good in such a tiny room and with Jason holding a rocket launcher. “Can we please skip the guilt trips?” He pauses, resigned. “It’s nearly four in the morning. And it doesn’t even matter anyway. This shirt,” he points down at his own chest, “is mine.”
Jason falls silent, and that’s not a good thing, but Jason is also thankfully very, very predictable, so Tim simply raises one eyebrow, “Jason, put that damn thing away,” he yawns, unimpressed by the rocket launcher aimed at his face, “you know how Alfred feels about weapons upstairs.”
He grumbles, muttering under his breath, but lowers the ridiculous thing back on his lap. Dick looks vaguely ill, scooting away from the rocket launcher. Tim supposes that’s fair, although he doubts it’s loaded. For a brief moment he entertains the idea of calling Jason’s bluff, but dismisses it in the end. Dick would probably have a stroke.
On that note, “how did you get a black eye?”
“Oh shit,” he raises a hand to gingerly touch the rapidly bruising skin, wincing, “is it that bad?”
“Yup.” Tim pauses, decides he doesn’t want to know, “now, are you two getting out today or…”
Dick and Jason scramble up, dusting themselves off. Cobwebs stick to their clothes, and something runs from where they had been sitting– Tim wrinkles his nose, figures it’s better not to mention it.
“How the two of you managed to break the doorknob is beyond me,” he comments as they pass him, “but somehow, I’m not surprised.”
“Whatever you say, Replacement,” Jason waves him off, stretching, “but damn, it’s good to be free.”
“You know what’s gonna be even better?” Dick asks, his question trailing off in a yawn, “sleeping in a real bed.”
“Shit, did you hear that?” Jason stops mid stretch, frowning, “shit, shit, someone’s coming.”
They all look at each other panicked. Tim doesn’t even know why he’s panicking, he’s done nothing wrong here besides letting himself be talked into helping these two morons out. Which he now sees was a terrible mistake, worse even, a rookie mistake. But maybe it’s being awake at 4am wandering an empty hallway that gives off this feeling, like he’s doing something he’s not supposed to do. It reminds him a little of the times he snuck out of his parent’s house after lights out to shadow Batman and Robin around.
Or maybe it’s the fact Jason is still carrying around the damn rocket launcher like a newborn baby. That definitely would count as a bad thing on Bruce’s point of view. And no matter what they might say, the man would certainly write Tim and Dick off as accessories to the crime. Well, they did learn of the crime after it was committed and they are kind of aiding the criminal in scaping.
Sighing, Tim lets himself be dragged back to the broom closet by a frantic Dick. He adds helping the criminal conceal the crime to the list. The door closes with a soft click just as the footsteps get closer. Whoever it is, probably Bruce by the heavy steps, turns the corner, and then walks past them. Somewhere still uncomfortably near, a door opens, then closes.
“He’s in the study,” Dick sobs, “and we’re stuck here again.”
“We’re never getting out of here,” Jason says, sitting down again, “one day Alfred will finally come clean here and find our decomposed bodies.”
“Gross,” Tim wrinkles his nose at the mental image, “come on. Let’s just pick the lock.”
“No!” They whisper-shout at the same time.
“What the fuck.”
“It’s booby-trapped,” says Jason.
“There’s silent alarms,” says Dick.
Oh right, all of his brothers are paranoid lunatics at heart, how could Tim have ever forgotten that. “This place looks like nobody used it since before either of us were born. Why, oh why, would B put it under surveillance?”
Silence. Jason hugs his rocket launcher closer, sharing a look with Dick. Great, and they’re a united front now. “Listen, fine. You don’t wanna pick the lock. Fine.” It’s always best not to contradict a crazy person, let alone two. “What do you suggest, then?”
“Living off spiders.”
“Call Damian.”
“One, gross. Two, I’d literally rather die.” He begins, “three, you all are useless to me.”
They need a plan, and they need it fast. Before one of those two finish spiraling into cabin fever. Looking around, Tim tries to think of it as any other mission. There’s a small window in the on the right wall, probably connecting to the adjacent room, which Tim thinks might be a bedroom. It was probably a leftover of some old renovation, it might’ve led outside once upon a time, but now it’s likely their only way out. It’s very small, Tim might go through it with little problem, Dick too, but Jason is too broad shouldered, he might get stuck. If only they could remove all the bars, it could give them just enough space.
Okay. They have an exit. All they need is way to get up there and the tools to deal with the bars. He turns to his brothers, “I think I can get us out. There’s a window behind that shelf.” He points at the glass visible between two boxes, “but I need some sort of ladder and a tool box.”
Apparently the prospect of a real plan is enough to shake them out of their stupor. Jason jumps to his feet, begins rummaging through the scattered boxes. Dick busies himself with pushing the shelf out of the way, clearing the path to the window. Satisfied, Tim begins digging inside the nearest box in search of anything useful.
By the time Dick manages to push the shelf out of the way, Jason has found a hammer and a phillips screwdriver. He did find a crowbar too, but that was quickly discarded and buried under a pile of old books. Deciding the boxes are sturdy enough, hopefully, to hold their weight, Tim piles them up in the best makeshift stairs he can make.
Is it wobbly? Yes. Are they going to fall and break their necks? Probably. But better be dead than ask Damian for help. The little demon would never let him live it down for the rest of their lives and probably in the afterlife too.
Once again tuning out his brothers, Tim begins the quickly climbing up the boxes. It’s more stable than he expected, so he starts unscrewing the metal bars–
“Of course it was stable!” Dick exclaims, throwing his hands up and then falling down on the bed, “we were holding it in place!”
“You weren’t even listening to us, you ungrateful–”
“I got us out, didn’t I?” Tim snaps, “god, everyone’s a critic. Can I go back to the story, please? I’d like to finish telling it before sunrise.”
“God, yes, please.”
The metal bars and the stained glass panels fall apart easily, as expected from such old, unused things. The space left looks wide enough to let them through, maybe. If they’re lucky. “Okay, I’m already up here, so let me go first.”
Tim doesn’t wait. He hoists himself up, diving face first through the window. It gets him a mouthful of dust and sand, and then he’s free falling–
There’s a second of panic, in between falling and landing, where Tim recognizes waiting might’ve been a wiser course of action and that maybe he should have looked before jumping.
–right into a bed.
He had been right. It did lead to an old bedroom. The bed was covered in sheets, just like the rest of the furnitures, but it works to break the fall, even if a cloud of dust rises in the air when he lands, coating his lungs with filth.
Laughter bubbles up, a little hysterical, a little relieved.
“Are you okay?” Dick’s head appears through the hole, “are you hurt?”
“My wrist hurts a little, I think I sprained it when I tried to break the fall,” Tim shrugs, rolling off the bed, “but I’m fine, really.”
“Hold on, I’m coming through.”
Dick falls with a huff, his breath knocked out of him in the landing. He groans, “shit, that’s gonna bruise.”
“Cool, you’ll get a matching set,” Tim gestures his black eye, “but you might wanna make space, it sounds like Jason is on his way.”
And true enough, as soon as he had forced himself out of the bed and limped away towards Tim, a rocket launcher lands on the bed with a heavy thud, and then Jason appears. Although only half of him makes it through. He dangles, arms swinging uselessly, stuck in the window. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Seriously?”
“Oh my god,” Tim wheezes, “tell me someone has a camera.”
“I feel so much better already,” Dick giggles.
“Oh come on,” Jason snaps, flipping them off with both hands, “a little help here? Assholes.”
To be fair, it only takes a little wiggling and a little pulling to get him out of there and into the dusty bed. By now the air is more dust bunnies and promises of allergies.
“Tell me it’s over now,” Jason says, then changes his mind, “no, no, no. No one say anything, it might jinx it.”
“Please leave,” Tim tells him, “you have an apartment, I know you do. Please.”
“Are you kicking me out, Replacement? Really?”
“You just put me through the most traumatic hour of my life and I don’t even know why. So yes, please.”
“What he means,” Dick intervenes, “is that–”
“All of you have a lot of explaining to do.” In the now open doorway, Bruce stands, looking like your regular angry father if your regular angry father was the Batman.
“Oh crap,” Jason says, and Tim wholeheartedly agrees.
“And the rest is history,” Tim says, yawning, and then turning to Jason, “I can’t believe all of this was because of your stupid rocket launcher.”
“Excuse me,” Jason sounds affronted, “Roxy has emotional value.”
“Your unhealthy attachment to that thing gave me a sprained wrist so excuse me for being a little salty.”
“Can you guys not fight for ten seconds, please,” Dick, in turn, sounds tired.
“I don’t think I need to say in how much trouble all of you are, do I?” Bruce finally says, gathering the attention of the three. He glances at his watch, it’s nearing five in the morning, then back up at the bed. Jason is laying with his leg propped up in a pillow, looking harried and tired and less antagonistic than before, Tim is at his side, curled up around a pillow and his injured wrist carefully cradled on his chest, and the story seems to have drained the last of his energy, as his eyes close for longer and longer periods of time. Dick is sprawled at the foot of the bed, laying sideways and currently wrestling a pillow out Jason’s grip.
Bruce looks at the scene in front of him, three of his children together at peace, or the closest thing to it they’ll ever get, and something inside him softens. Seeing them like this, getting along, no trace of masks or capes, it feels almost like a normal family.
It feels warm and golden.
Unwilling to disturb the fragile peace, he gets up from the armchair, heading for the door.
“Where are you going?” Dick, the more awake of them, asks, “aren’t you gonna yell at us?”
“As I said, you all know you are in trouble,” Bruce answers calmly, “but there’s going to be time for that tomorrow, at a more reasonable hour.” He suppresses a smile, “I am going to retrieve some blankets. It looks like you’re not going back to your rooms tonight.”
Dick looks around him, finding Tim already asleep and Jason yawning. He smiles, “you might be right. Thanks, B.”
Bruce nods, but as he leaves the room, a thought suddenly occurs to him, “oh, and Dick?”
A sleepy noise comes from the bed.
“You were all wrong.” Another inquisitive muttering, a little more awake now. “That shirt? It used to be mine. It was a special edition, confectioned after the moon-landing. You stole it from me.”
Shaking his head, Bruce prepares to leave, but a voice stops him just before the door closes, “I know, but you know the rules. If it’s down the Cave, it’s fair play.”
Laughter echoes quietly in the hallways at the Manor, bouncing off the walls and filling all the empty spaces.
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hamilton-one-shots · 6 years
Hamilton High School AU 22
Alexander popped the phone onto a charger and waited for the screen to light up. When it did, he saw that the lock screen was Lafayette and a few old friends in front of the Eiffel Tower. He looked happy. At least, he looked substantially happier than the last time Alexander saw him. He sighed and added Lafayette's new number before texting him. [Laf: hey, its alex. marta gavme ur old phon. can we tak l8r? its imprtnt.] Then he switched to texting John. [John: hey, marta gav me lafs old phon 4 now.]
Both were headed back to class after lunch, though Lafayette was more nervous to respond. [Yes, of course, but it will have to wait a while. I have drama and we're talking to John after that.]
[I'm glad to hear that. I missed you. : )]
Alexander opened his laptop to work on something for the debate society, cringing as Lafayette's text tone rang through. 'Salut! New message, Monsieur! Meow!' Even Lafayette now would be annoyed by it.  [Laf: it ok. I jus wana tak. Hav fun in drama :)] He hoped he sounded friendly enough. The last thing he wanted to do was panic Lafayette. [John: i talked 2 marta a lot. I feel beter 4 it. Oh! Also took my meds] [...do u thnk Tomas gets angry spels?] [no, ignor tat. It's dum. Jus thinkin 2 much. Bored @ hoem.]
Lafayette was the first to respond with a simple [Thank you, I'll see you then.]
[I'm glad you feel better! Can't have my love feeling too bad ❤] [I'm also proud of you for taking your meds 💗] It was mushy, but it was John. He was usually like that. At least he was with Alexander. When the second set of messages came through, he frowned a bit. [Jefferson's just a stupid bully. I've known that for a while now, you know.] [Don't let him get to you.]
Alexander sighed. He couldn't blame John for thinking that way after what he did to him. [sry, just didnt tink ne1 cud b tat much of n ass w/out reson]
[I see where you're coming from, but Jefferson isn't like you. He doesn't care.]
John had a point, but... It was worth a shot. He logged into Facebook and pulled up his messages with Jefferson. [dnt b men to laf in drama]
[Anything for you <3 xx]
[dnt do tat. im tryin to b sivil]
[You just wanted to message me, didn't you? ;) xx]
[Why? Besides, I'm meant to be working, boo <3 xx]
[4get it] Alexander dropped back to his pillow with a huff, holding the phone to his chest. This wasn't going anywhere. [jus bored. Go bck 2 studyin]
[Yes sir <3 xx] Thomas chuckled and strode into class with Lafayette and Hercules, where Alexander usually joined them, and sat beside the pair. "Smile, Mulligan. You use less muscle."
"When you drop, I will." He shot back.
"Now, now, I've been given specific instructions to be nice to Laf. I plan on following them." Thomas grinned.
Lafayette shifted to be a bit closer to Herc. He didn't feel like starting a fight with Thomas that day and didn't want Hercules to feel he had to. "If you really wanted to be nice to me, you'd kindly fuck off." He smiled, speaking low enough so that the teacher wouldn't hear, but loud enough for Thomas to hear him clearly.
Thomas nodded. "As you wish." And he... actually left?
"What's up with that?" Hercules asked.
"I don't know.. Maybe we should just enjoy this while it lasts."
[Laf asked me to move and I did. That's being kind, right? 😉 xx]
[i gess... thnx?].
[Don't mention it. See? I can be nice 💗 xx]  [What am I going to get in return? Or do I move back to sitting next to them? xx]
Alexander froze, feeling his heart jump wildly in his chest. [wat do u meen...?]
[I mean xx] [Either we start 'getting along' if you catch my drift, I'll play nice. I'll be nice to Laf, I'll be nice to Herc; hell, I'll even be nice to your Johnny 💗 xx] [We've just got to spend some time together, that's all xx] [Or I can go find John now. He's probably in the library, right? xx]
[nO] [dnt do that] [pls] He panicked, typing back quickly, biting his lip.
[Then let's hang out. Sit with me in lunch tomorrow when you're back. Then come to mine after school. I'll even drive us. OR I'll get John. xx]
Poor Alexander whimpered in panic. This wasn't what he wanted. Not in the least. [ok] He looked back to his conversation with John. [John, u cnt come ovr 2day. im 2 sick.]
John furrowed his eyebrows and took a break from drawing. [What? Are you sure? I asked Martha earlier and she said it'd be fine if I went over and visited you...] [And Lafayette asked me to come over, probably to talk about what they know.]
Crap, that was right. Alexander almost forgot. [sry, just havn an episod. frekd out fr a sec] He curled up and whimpered. He was scared... And he needed John now more than ever, but he wasn't going to let Thomas come near him, not after what he'd done to him. He had to take care of this himself. He switched back to Facebook. [tomas, im not sure about this...]
[So you'd rather me go back to sitting next to him and start something? Ooh, I know, I could tell him how hot he looks in skinnies 😉 xx]
Alexander jumped up. [no dnt] [sorry jus] [pls dnt do nythin] [pls] [tomas?] [thomas] [anser] [o god] [dnt hve dne nything] [pls] [tomas!]
[Chill. Eacker was looking this way so I had to hide my phone xx] This was a lie. Thomas had waited a few minutes before responding purposefully to scare poor Alexander. [Good to hear you screaming my name tho xx]
[stop pls]
[How'd you manage to misspell my name when it's on the screen in front of you? 😜 xx]
[Aww... don't panic 💗 I'm gonna look after you, I promise xx] He looked over at Lafayette and Hercules and smiled.
Lafayette glared back at him. "I'm going to get to the bottom of this..."
"Please be carerful.." Hercules kissed his cheek.
After school, Lafayette took a chance and sat beside Thomas for drama. "Hello, Thomas."
Thomas raised an eyebrow at him. "Since when do you talk to me?"
"I just thought I could ask you for some advice. Do you have any tips for playing Veronica sawyer?"
This sparked his interest. "There's not much to it. She's a high school chick trying to fit in. Sort of a sassy girl next door."
"I see.." He nodded. "And I wanted to apologize for our prank last night. I remember how hard it was for John to have to raise his siblings."
"Forget about it. Lucy's a kid. These things happen." He pulled out his script. "So, are you okay with Dead Girl Walking? Because we're going to have to practice that scene at some point and I don't want it to be awkward when we do." As if he cared. He only had to be nice to Lafayette.
Laf couldn't help but shudder a bit ,though he was able to keep it to himself. "It's just acting. No harm done. I'm sure Herc won't mind."
Thomas nodded. "You're right. He shouldn't."
Before Lafayette could comment on what Jefferson was obviously trying to do, Eacker stumbled in, apologizing for being late once again before announcing their roles. Of course, Lafayette was Veronica Sawyer and Thomas Jefferson was Jason Dean.
"See? You know me. It won't be so bad."
Though, of course, it was the fact that Lafayette knew him that made it bad.
"What scene are you two talking about?" Eacker asked as he passed the pair.
"Dead Girl Walking. Just hoping it won't be too awkward."
Eacker smiled. "Well, nothing like breaking the ice."
Wait, what?
"We're all friends here. We were going to head on stage anyways to practice a few scenes. Why not this one?"
Oh, god, were they really doing this now? Lafayette stood up and took a deep breath before following everyone out to the auditorium. It's just acting.
Thomas was too busy texting to worry.
[i dnt like tis] [im scared] [pls dnt taek it owt on laf] [i jst dnt want 2 go hoem w/ u] [sorry sory sorry] [nything els, u got it] [jus dnt ruin drma 4 laf] [dnt go neer Jhon] [John*] [pls] [pls] [pls]
[No. We've got a deal, babe. I'll behave if you do as I say. Laf's acting now; y'sure you wanna go back on this nooooow? 😉 xx]
[nO] [pls] [leev hm aloen] [il b good] [its fien] [il go w/ yu] [srry]
[Good choice 💗 xx]
Alexander changed the password on the phone to some complicated pattern before putting it down on the bed... then beginning to tremble. He hopped up from the bed before practically sprinting across to Lafayette's room and launching himself at John. Poor Rosie barely had time to leap out of the way. She hissed disapprovingly as she knocked her paw before returning to her basket as Alexander buried his face in John's chest, shaking like a leaf. He kept his arms wrapped around John's waist in the same vice like fashion he had before when he was scared John would leave him.
John didn't ask any questions. He didn't have to ask what happened. He had a good feeling. He texted Jefferson to confirm his beliefs. [What did you do to Alex? Leave him alone. If you're doing this to hurt me, just come after me instead. If you're not, come after me anyways. Leave him out.]
Thomas chuckled. How cute. But he couldn't respond yet. He got on stage with Lafayette and watched him act as the song began.
"The demon queen of high school has decreed it. She says Monday, 8 am I will be deleted. They’ll hunt me down in Study Hall, stuff and mount me on the wall. Thirty hours to live. How shall I spend them? I don’t have to stay and die like cattle. I could change my name and drive up to Seattle. But I don’t own a motorbike. Wait, here’s an option that I like. Spend these thirty hours getting’ freaky! Yeah! I need it hard, I’m a dead girl walking! I’m in your yard, I’m a dead girl walking! Before they punch my clock, I’m snappin’ off your window lock. Got no time to knock, I’m a dead girl walking." As much as Lafayette dreaded the scene, he wasn't about to half ass it.
"V-veronica..? What are you doing in my room...?" It was... unclear if Thomas was acting or not. It was either excellent acting ability... or Lafayette had genuinely caught Thomas off guard and scared him half to death. Either way, it certainly fit the role.
"Shh!" Lafayette looked back at Thomas with a sultry expression, grabbing his shirt collar. "Sorry, but I really had to wake you. See, I’ve decided I must ride you ‘till I break you ‘cause Heather says I gotsta go. You’re my last meal on Death Row. Shut your mouth and lose them tighty whiteys! Come on! Tonight I’m yours! I’m your dead girl walking." He pushed him down to his knees, lost in the role. "Get on all fours, kiss this dead girl walking. Let’s go, you know the drill. I’m hot, and pissed and I'm on the pill. Bow down to the will of a dead girl walking." He kneeled down and held his face. "And you know, you know, you know, it’s cause you’re beautiful. You say you’re numb inside but I can’t agree. So the world’s not fair? Keep it locked out there. In here it’s beautiful! Let’s make this beautiful!"
"Shh!" Lafayette looked back at Thomas with a sultry expression, grabbing his shirt collar. "Sorry, but I really had to wake you. See, I’ve decided I must ride you ‘till I break you ‘cause Heather says I gotsta go. You’re my last meal on Death Row. Shut your mouth and lose them tighty whiteys! Come on! Tonight I’m yours! I’m your dead girl walking." He pushed him down to his knees, lost in the role.
Thomas felt his knees click as he dropped, but it was totally worth it. Lafayette looked an image of perfection and coupled with those lyrics... Thomas felt like he could take him there and then.
"Get on all fours, kiss this dead girl walking. Let’s go, you know the drill. I’m hot, and pissed and on the pill. Bow down to the will of a dead girl walking." He knelt down and held his face.
It took all of Thomas' restraint not to go back on his 'deal' with Alexander. Whether or not getting in Lafayette's pants was his focus, he was undeniably gorgeous.
"And you know, you know, you know, it’s cause you’re beautiful. You say you’re numb inside but I can’t agree. So the world’s not fair? Keep it locked out there. In here it’s beautiful! Let’s make this beautiful!"
"Th-that works for me!" He exasperated before yanking Lafayette into a kiss. It was rough and messy... but at least it fit the scene.
It was going to take the power of every god to wash that taste from Lafayette's mouth. It tasted like.. Like.. Jefferson. And he hated it. But he didn't act like it. He kissed back just as roughly because it wasn't Lafayette kissing Thomas, it was Veronica kissing JD. And it was too late to back out then, so he kissed back and continued the song afterwards. "Yeah! Full steam ahead! Take this dead girl walking!
"How'd you find my address?"
"Let’s break the bed! Rock this dead girl walking!"
"I think we tore my mattress!"
"No sleep tonight for you! Better chug that Mountain Dew!"
"Okay, okay.."
"Get your ass in gear! Make this whole town disappear!"
"Okay, Okay!"
"Slap me, pull my hair! Touch me there, there, and there!" Lafayette didn't know what was worse, the fact that Thomas' hands were all over him or the fact that he was the one guiding them. At least he got to slap him. "No more talking!"
"Love this dead girl walking!"
"Woah, woah! Hey, hey! Yeah, yeah!"
"Love this dead girl walking!"
"Love this dead girl! Woah, woah! Hey, hey! Wait, wait!"
They finished out the song in sync. "Love this dead girl! Yeah, yeah, yeah!"
As soon as the song was over, Lafayette got off of Thomas and caught his breath, smiling at the class a bit. He knew they did amazing. And he hated it.
Thomas looked like a mess. His hair was sticking up all directions and his face was glowing crimson. Thomas was no virgin, but he hadn't expected Lafayette to carry out the scene so well, or convincingly. He pulled himself to his feet, joining the applause for Lafayette and himself before offering a hand to help pull Lafayette up from the floor.
"See? You're both fine. Nothing to worry about." Eacker chirped with praise. "It helps when it's a friend there, right?"
"Right." Thomas piped back before returning back to his seat with Lafayette. "...so do I owe you a cigarette or...?" He laughed lightly, attempting to tidy his hair.
Lafayette rolled his eyes, holding his arms that much closer against his chest.
When class drew to a close, Thomas put his script back into his rucksack and swung it over his shoulder. "You're a great actor, Laf. Really. I mean that. I'll catch you tomorrow.," he complimented before waving him off and leaving the room, finally texting John back. [/I've/ done nothing. I haven't seen him today. Besides, he's /your/ boyfriend. You fix him xxx]
As Lafayette followed behind him, surrounded by his classmates, he felt conflicted. He loved acting, but it felt wrong doing that scene with Jefferson.
When Lafayette came out of the classroom, surrounded by various other drama members full of praise and compliments, Hercules bit his lip. This was something Lafayette was 1. Obviously passionate about and 2. Very good at. Hercules's jealousy would have to step aside. Instead, he greeted Lafayette with a supportive smile, pretending he hadn't just seen that scene. "Hey you! Someone's popular!" He hummed. "John headed back to yours early to see Alex. Are you ready to go?"
He nodded and faked a smile. "Yes. Let's go." He kissed his cheek and walked home with him.
When John and Alexander heard the pair arriving, the latter froze up a bit. Not only did they have the talk to do, but he hadn't gotten around to apologizing to Lafayette and he believed him to still be mad.
They entered the room and mumbled a few greetings before sitting down, even Rosie leaving the room as she sensed the tense atmosphere.
John was the first to break the silence.
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swearronchanel · 8 years
I apologize in advance: this will be lengthy  LONG AF, as it’ll be part-my thoughts watching live & part-post comments to certain thoughts
ALSO** DISCLAIMER** I SHOULD’VE SAID THIS A WHILE AGO BUT I’LL SAY IT NOW that I type my thoughts VERBATIM, which is why it’s never in essay format because eh, it’s not me. IT ALSO MEANS I CURSE A LOT IM SORRY IT JUST COMES OUT, I’M NOT ELOQUENT ENOUGH TO MAKE MY POINT WITH BETTER WORDS .. Anyway I shall begin, feel free to comment on anything *just don’t come @ me for literally just thinking something* 
Ready @flyingnonny, @marialujan22
Cute little community, alright let’s see what’s going down
Chinese laundry a little stereotypical but I get it
“dear Patrick!” Laura is so adorable I can’t
The smiles in the mirror!! *shit after I think about it, more parallels. Shelagh’s looked in the mirror in so many of her great scenes. Series 1! & 2! & was that 4 with the nurse’s uniform the first time! Ah my bby growing up 😭
Lol sister Ursula’s annoying ass still here .. not for LONG THOUGH😊
dead @ Patrick’s reaction, someone gif it
Her mother in law looks mean as hell
Is Lucy mixed?
ah yep called it. Damn deported? Too relevant today..
I just get so excited now I love her
Lmao remember when I legit didn’t like her because of her comments to Shelagh before she came back to nursing. DONT WORRY IM OVER THAT
Shelagh looks so pretty!! More of her in cute outfits with the hair down pls 😍
Here for her 1962 wardrobe
Lol lullaby type music what’s she pulling out
“Tempting fate” stop! No bby everything will be okay if not I’m losing my shit
Sister J & Shelagh moments are precious ** Ah you guys reminded me of again another parallel I’m so here for it.
But like if she’s almost halfway as sister j says, has she told everyone already? we shall see, or maybe it’ll be implied
Shelagh saying “WHAT?” is most of my internal monologue in just about all my classes
Phyllis’s hand raise tryna avoid actually saying “no offense” to Dr Turner is gold
I will bet all my the cash in my wallet (prob $30 at most) we’ll see a soft side to her and Ima still be like “adios puta”
Shelagh’s like “we have a game plan” aw she is pure gold, protect her at all costs what the hell!¡💖
Also if no one at nonnatus knows this could’ve been a perfect chance to tell them, or someone could’ve been eyeing her walking around the table and suspecting? Like Phyllis would notice, she knows everything
Shelagh looking at Patrick literally like “is this bitch serious??”
This isn’t Downton Abbey, I never hated a ‘main character’ (don’t come @ me I hated a few characters but still loved the show)
Yo did sister Julienne really not slide Shelagh a new uniform? She’s in a cute outfit but c'mon
Lol this lady knows she’s pregnant
Fred angrily spinning the wheel, I feel
20 min visits, “OK”.
Oh no. I sense a sad story coming
Phyllis’s little run, precious
Sister Julienne spilling the tea, but again I don’t care about sister Ursula’s feelings or backstory
WAIT WHO CALLED A THREAT OF GETTING SHUT DOWN THOUGH? IT WASN’T ME BUT I REMEMBER READING IT? Lol score for u because I didn’t see this coming (even though I know damn well they’re not shutting down, like the show would be over)
she’s my hero anyway, no disappointment
Angela is precious
Tim trying be funny lol but we actually hate sister Ursula
HA NO SQUIRRELS , WAIT so today literally a squirrel ran across the feet and I freaked out. My campus is full of squirrels but like I’m from NYC I don’t fuck with them.
Ok, A) Shelagh’s shoes kinda don’t match but I’ll let it go & 2) is it implied everyone @ nonnatus knows? Like how has she not had a checkup this whole time. I guess Patrick could but that’s doesn’t seem likely
Toad in the hole??  que eso?
I think I said the other day I think she’s watching tv somewhere
The table: *collective gasps* me: *LOUDER GASP*
Why is babs taking it to heart? Like she sucks anyway
I love Phyllis damn it, not in a way I love Trixie and Shelagh though, it’s different I can’t explain it
I need Phyllis to encourage me to stay in university PLS (some one meet Linda Basset & send me a video of it)
Ah “delightful” screams. This show terrifies me to think about being pregnant one day lol. Like I thought my mother’s stories were bad enough but nah
Shelagh: *is frustrated* me: *gets frustrated* RELAX BBY
Also someone get her a new uniform she’s going to dirty her nice clothes
When did scrubs become a thing ?? my mother has like a zillion pairs & I can’t imagine her working in a dress all day. Omg I gotta find a picture one day from when she graduated nursing school she had such a similar style uniform to the nonnutans, I love it 😂
Patrick needs to put his damn finger down im tired of that shit. If he ever does it again with Shelagh I’ll flip a lid
Did she not want a girl?? @ in law
“no, a girls very special” aw
“She wouldn’t appreciate the term Elderly primigravida” ha true man, remember she said that last series
lol I wanna see her reaction if they ever label her again
get the fuck outta here, let them send sister MJ away I will revolt
Saw this scene haha, hope Ursula falls off
Damn came at Lucy, what’s wrong with Linda haha, that’s my gram’s name
She’s so chill about that, me? I wouldn’t let that go. I’m also so damn extra & annoying
Not the same as Phyllis saying “Hells teeth” but that’s catchy
Also Patrick can’t type that’s funny
“mending your dress” FIRST OF ALL PATRICK, SHUT UP
“Cool, calm, collected & professional” love her
You guys don’t understand, i need to screenshot a conversation with one of my friends. Her and I only ever use CtM screenshots for message reactions it’s so funny but also weird in a way😂 sometimes their cringes are better than basic memes
But to be honest they really have never fought? Lmao that moment could’ve been a little argument but they got over it too quick, bc/ how do they ALWAYS agree/get on? (Excluding the adoption issue but whatever)
Lol why did she have to get up, you get up Patrick
Her outfit is so cute !! My bby
AW!, they’re cute, I’ll forgive him
former nun sitting on a mans lap I love it!¡ without context it sounds funnier
“We’ll pull through, we always do” better be some foreshadow for something good!
I don’t think she has postpartum though
*SUCKS TEETH* UMM BABS not checking the baby is prob a bad move
Shelagh definitely has a baby bump at that angle, DOES EVERYONE KNOW or not WTF?
Bby you feel pain that’s not good u know this !
seriously does Barbara not see it
“Have you all been speculating?” HAHH
“Well I don’t approve of gambling on the premises” SHELAGH YOU ARE A GEM
seriously protect her at all costs, I know it’s coming but I don’t know when or how
shit they screaming, calm down ladies
lol Patrick trying to play it all off like he’s calm, cool and collected
no one asked u to be honest keep it pushing
Also it’s 31 MINS IN & TRIXIE IS NOT HERE YET? like when is she coming? I’m less hopeful of her saving the day the more time goes bye :/
“how can you [maternity home] compete with that [hospital]?”
Don’t blame yourself Barbara :/
Again Shelagh’s having pain, it’s going to be soon isn’t it?
This better not be the heart to heart Laura mentioned ** ah we’re good it’s not
Shelagh is going to the bathroom OMG SHES GONNA BLEED NOW RIGHT
she’s so scared, I cry for her
“Hello nurse Crane, it’s Shelagh..” *omg she rarely introduces herself & even less as Shelagh & I feel no one calls her that but Sister J & Patrick?
why St Cuthberts vs the London?
Phyllis being a badass simply walking down the hall
I hope this baby lives omg
I mean baby Lin, baby Turner will happen
Shelagh in the hospital bed is breaking my heart I swear I don’t have
I wanted it to be Trixie but IM NOT MAD LETS GET IT PHYLLIS
ugh pls save the maternity home
my poor girl looking so sad **** also how did she get all her things on the table?
Give Laura Main every damn award this series, I don’t care if we’re only 3 episodes in.
Her bump looks more visible in the hospital gown? do you think it’s a pillow or something lol
SHIT ITS SO SAD omg, I’m cryin
AW babs we all feel
Phyllis protecting Barbara aw
There’s not been as much Trixie as I had hoped 💔
But she’s back bitches and I’m happy I missed her
So Barbara smokes for real now, but Trixie doesn’t share her black cigarettes haha
Take your weak apology and go
they put a bench out for her how sweet
Sister MJ saying “silence” then “shh it’s starting” is me every week watching this damn show
It hurts that I am so invested in this show
How did it happen I don’t know but I love it so much 
Barbara’s ring is pretty
All is well & everything is almost back to normal and lovely *for now*
Sister Julienne is so faithful, like I really would struggle to be so compassionate
Sister Ursula is upset and I’m awful because I do not care
I knew they’d show her vulnerable side so we’d change our minds but I can’t
Sister Julienne you’re so great
It wasn’t a leak??
“I’m going to the mother house” *squees* YES ENJOY, THANK YOU FOR THE DISTRESS, PLEASE BE ON YOUR WAY
Sister Julienne don’t ask her to reconsider
This was a sweet moment but still don’t like Sister Ursula
she’s so pure, protect her!
Nice leaving the door open Sister Ursula
Phyllis driving her is only right
Trixie’s concerned, WHERE IS SISTER MARY CYNTHIA?? ** I really thought Trixie was going to play a bigger role in this episode & I thought this was going to be a longer scene but there’s 5 more episodes, I won’t complain I’ll just be patient. LOL JK UM when is Trixie going to get some time to shine
Oh Shelagh 💔
Aw the Chen’s
OKAY THEY’RE CELEBRATING & EVERYONE’S HAPPY BUT DO THEY NOT KNOW ABOUT SHELAGH? ** **I’m still not sure if they even know she’s expecting but why was Sister Julienne not told she was in the hospital? I know it happened fast but there was time. I don’t like how this played out like it seemed pushed aside but I guess that’s what next episode will address (I hope)
Otherwise, excellent as always
“We are all traveling through one another’s countries but it is no matter if we meet as strangers, for we can join forces and learn to love..” ah this so applies today ugh the world is insane
New midwife = Valerie’s coming back which is cool but also she’s going to be problematic so *hmm* maybe not
Fred and Violet are cute but still cringing & laughing about them in episode 1
finding out Tom’s past will be interesting, I’m thinking his mom almost gave him away but then didn’t? probably was raised with out a dad maybe? We’ll see
“We were happy enough before and we’ll be happy again, whatever happens” I don’t freaking know if this is Patrick comforting or breaking but I’m going to BAWL NEXT WEEK. Shelagh’s face omg💔 I can’t take this like she’s been through so much! They’ve been through so much heartache, what more can they take. UGH WTF I feel like they never get to enjoy anything, & I know “that’s life” & “it’s a drama” or whatever you say but damn. I love this poor character so much (why?¿!) & she’s usually sad in every series !!
The End.🙃 it’s 1:52am, I should go to bed.
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