#everyone i talk to immediately they/thems them
theohohmoment · 2 days
A parallel I haven't seen much is Steve Harrington and the Flashlights.
At the Creel House, everyone is holding flashlights and Steve asks 'Where'd everyone get those?' and Dustin's reply is 'Do you need to be told everything? You're not a child.' Before he hands him his backpack and tells him there's one in the pocket.
No one thought beforehand to check Steve had a flashlight or ask him, he's the one that has to ask, and even then he only asks where they got them (which is honestly a fair question because they were all at the wheeler house before this and apparently the wheelers had 4-6 flashlights sitting around?) and the response he gets is a sarcastic insult. He isn't even given a flashlight, just told where to get one himself.
Cut to the boat scene and Steve preparing to swim to the gate. Eddie immediately begins pulling out a plastic bag he can empty and wrap the flashlight for Steve to use. And just gives it to him.
Eddie doesn't ask if he needs one, he just sees what Steve is about to do and supports him, no questions asked. He knows he's going into a dark lake so he finds a way Steve can use a flashlight underwater and gives it to him. There's no sarcastic comments, no condescending explanation, no disagreeing with him, he just hands him the flashlight with a 'Good Luck'
It is such a big example of the difference in the way Steve gets treated by Eddie compared to the others. And Eddie continues to treat him that way. Supports him no questions asked. Sees he's vulnerable in a hostile environment, here's my vest, no questions asked. Steve doesn't ask about Dustin but Eddie tells him 'Kid worships you', Steve doesn't talk about Nancy but Eddie tells him she loves him. He never questions Steve's ability or treats him like a dumb jock, instead 'Harrington's got her' and 'Make him pay'. Just support and trust.
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pnutbutter-n-j-elyy · 22 hours
When They Call You Clingy So You Distance Yourself| Maknaeline Pt3
Warnings: Mentioning of needles in a medical sense, Cursing, Mentioning of death
Pt1 Pt2 Hyungline  (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
The room was bright, and everyone of Jisung's senses were clouded slightly when he woke up.
He looked up to see Chan looking at him concerned.
"You passed out and hit your head. You've been out for a minute. You worried us."
Jisung's face scrunched as he looked at Chan. "I didn't mean to...why did I..." The events of right before his fainting spell came to him at once and Chan watched as his face slowly crumpled.
"N-No no! Jisung don't cry please! She's okay! She's okay!"
Jisung's heart rate monitor kept hiking up. "St-Stop ly-lying to me! Sh-She's gone!" He wailed- his heart rate reaching extreme levels that spurred the appearance of three nurses.
They tried to calm him down and Chan talked to a nurse about giving him something to calm him down.
A subtle sedative was injected into one of Jisung's flailing limbs and within a few minutes he was calmed down enough to be considered safe.
Chris sat by Jisung's bed as he fell in and out of sleep, the exhaustion of the past day hit him.
He looked at his phone as Minho was calling him. He looked at the boba eyes boy, who's eyes were closed in what he was assumed was sleep.
"Hello...hey...yeah we're still here, Jisung passed out...yeah...she's okay...I've been splitting my time between his room and her's...both of her femurs are fractured and she's cut up and bruised, and her arm is broken but she'll be okay...I'm trying to wait until he's calm enough to bring him over...he won't even listen to me he's that distraught..." Chris sounded tired. "I hate to them both hurting...I'm going to cancel to schedules...no one should have to work after this...maybe apply for hiatus of Jisung..." Chan stood up and looked at Jisung who was staring back at him with wide eyes. "Minho I'll call you back."
Han sat up and looked at his elder. "Y/N...Y/N? Where is she-" He swung his feet over the bed, not even flinching at the frozen floor as they connected with his bare feet.
Chris guided Jisung by the shoulder and brought him to room a few halls down, nodding politely at the ladies at the desk; silently praying they wouldn't point out that it was past the time for any types of visitors. He led him in front of your door, and knocked lightly. "She might be asleep...I have to run back to the dorms real quick to grab you a change of clothes and update the boys they're worried sick."
Jisung nodded and looked at the bags under Chris's eyes and saw how dark and droopy they were. He looked like a tired dad, and that only hurt Jisung more.
Chris gave him a hug and gave him a peck on the head. "I'll be back soon, Jisung." As he walked away Jisung immediately walked into the room. His heart dropped when he saw you laying there on the bed- legs elevate and your arms as well, your eyes closed.
He almost couldn't recognize your face at first, with the purplish bruise and large cut on your cheek.
He walked over quietly and sat down in the chair next yo your bed, just quietly weeping next to you.
Tears of joy, relief, praise, sadness, pain, and heartbreak.
God thank you. Thank you. Thanl you.
He continued to weep quietly, as he reached for your hand on your uninjured arm to hold it.
He felt calloused and scabbed skin when he put his hand in it and looked down through his tear.
His index finger traced the dark scabbed that decorated your palm, and he felt a hollow pain in his heart. Despite all the other injuries this one hurt him the most, knowing that he was the direct cause for this specific one.
You fluttered your eyes open and looked over to see the love of your life crying over you hand.
"JiJi?" Your voice was raspy, and he instead of saying anything he started placing kisses on your palm in a silent apology.
"It's okay, love. I'm okay."
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Y/N...it's my fault."
You shook your head viciously and winced with the neck pain; mentally kicking yourself for moving at all.
"Its not your fault Jisung. You weren't the one drunk driving. Nor were to the one distracted behind the wheel. Things like this happen in life; you just have to be grateful to be the ones that get through it." You swallowed and started blinking back tears. "I'm sorry I worried you so much-" You croaked. "Channie said you fainted and hit your head? Are you okay?" Your voice was heartbreakingly warm, and Jisung couldn't fathom why you were so kind to him at a time like this. When you were hurting so much physically, mentally and emotionally; you were still concerned about him.
He kissed your palm again and let out a shaky breath. "Stay with me."
You give out a small chuckle, but it hurts your chest so you decide just to smile.
"Sungie...I can't even walk." You joked. "My femurs are pretty messed up right now." Jisung continued to gently hold your hand as if it was something priceless; something extremely fragile and breakable. He rested his forehead against is and murmured.
"Then when you can walk again, don't leave. Stay. Cling to me. Walk towards me instead of away."
You smile. "Walk towards you dressed in white?" You joked.
"Yes." He said with 1000% seriousness in his voice. "I thought I lost you. That was a pain that I couldn't even begin to comprehend. If I ever lose you again...I don't know how I would deal with it...if I could...especially if I knew you left by choice..."
You felt your heart thump at a faster rate and cursed it quietly since it would bring the inevitable visit of a concerned nurse.
"I'm sorry. I truly am." He said, his eyes looking at you. They softly traced all the injuries, all though none of them compared to what he was feeling in his heart, what you were feeling in yours.
"I love you." You said quietly, those three simple words filled with so much that it quelled the negative feelings that were churning in his heart.
And even though he knew it wouldn't be something he could ever truly forgive himself for - even if you did - he was selfish enough to push that aside if it meant that he could be with you.
If it meant you would stay with him.
He kissed your palm once more, before laying his head near yours. His nose gently nuzzling your face.
"I love you more."
When Felix walked into your home, he wasn't expecting you to be there.
But what he defintely was not expecting at all was you struggling to put together a new gaming station for him, looking at a super complicated instruction sheet for a chair and while sitting next to a bag filled with other electronics.
"Y/N? What are you doing?"
You turned as the rich and deep voice you loved so much reached your ears. It had been days since you had gotten to hear it.
"It-It was supposed to be a surprise." You said standing up, bracing yourself for him to yell at you, or scold you. "I'm sor-"
You almost had the wind knocked out of you as Felix threw himself into your arms, inhaling deeply.
You hugged him back, feeling just how much he needed it.
His breathing was shaking as you heard him apologize quietly.
He reached for your hands to see if they were red from cleaning so much.
"I'm sorry baby. But sorry doesn't fix it. So what can I do-"
"I love you." You said. "I understand you were angry...it's understandable. So I went to go fix it!"
You pulled away and Felix was in disbelief of how positive and sunshiny you were. He would consider you even more like sunshine than he was.
And with that he felt and overwhelming sense of love and appreciation to the one in front of him, as he watched you explain to him what you had been doing the past few days (odd freelance work for extra money) and how you had went to buy him replacements for all the things you had ruined by accident.
"I thought you'd like this one cause it was blue but I'm not sure..." You mumbled. "It wasn't as expensive as you last one so I'm sorry if it-"
You looked up to see Felix crying with a smile on his face as he bent down to look at you while you knelt on the ground organizing pieces.
"Lix, are you okay?"
He nodded, his freckles scrunching up as he smiled even more, reaching to cup you face with his cool hands.
"I'm more than okay, Y/N." He said. "More than okay."
You looked at him with wide eyes and he couldn't help but plant a bunch of kisses on your face as a musical giggle escaped the lips he soon captured in his own.
You looked up at him as he rolled over onto the ground next to you, grasping your hand in his.
"I bought replacements angel..." He said, a smile playing on his face. "So now that we have two... we can take my old PC from storage and I can teach you how to play...?"
You looked at him. "But isn't gaming time your you time? I thought thats why you were so upset, since I had ruined something that was giving you detox time..."
He shook his head. "I had gotten into an argument with Hyunjin..." He said rubbing his thumb across your hand. "And I didn't manage my anger well towards you. I'm sorry, again."
He turned to face you while resting on his elbow.
"You're too good you know?" He murmured quietly, moving a few strands of hair out of your face.
"Lixxie...you're entire fandom call you sunshine..." You say, feeling your face heat up.
"Well that's because they don't know you well enough. But once they do they'll realize that you're the true sunshine in the Stray Kids world. Since you're my world..." He said leaning over again, resting his elbows on either side of you as he connected his lips to yours again; both sets upturned into a smile.
"I could never be mad you love...how would it even be possible?" He asked as he continued to press his lips against your face in a cute, but chaste manner. "It is impossible."
You giggled as he blew raspberries on you and you got up and looked at the boy you loved so much, knowing that you meant just as much to him as he did to you.
And you knew that you could rest assured that you would be okay no matter what.
"Do you want to play games...or cuddle?" Felix asked, pulling you up, already reaching for the blanket you kept draped over your desk chair; knowing your answer would be exactly what he was hoping it would be.
"Cuddles." You said clinging to him. Intending to do that for the rest of the night.
And Felix intended to make sure you kept true to that promise.
The crowd was static with a murmured excitement. The result of hundred of Stays conversing just before the group walked on stage.
You made your way to the front of the arena. After selling the ticket you had intended to use to get back at Seungmin; you had made quite a bit of money from the upsale and the desire of some crazed stan.
And you put that money towards flying across the world, to come to this concert, and surprise him.
Hopefully easing the growing rumors but mostly easing his heart.
You called the Kids manager, asking to get you in closer to the front, and was praying that Seungmin would be able to spot you. Or a fan would spot you and it would spark the little "Where's Waldo" game that would get back to him - or more importantly the camera men.
You just wanted Seungmin to be assured you weren't leaving him.
Rather you hoped after tonight it would be the complete opposite.
As security pushed their way through the crowd with you encircled in them people tried to peak through to see you.
When a few curious eyes met yours you waved, and those eyes widened in the ones who recognized you.
It was almost like they were relieved.
And just with that you could tell how much the fandom cared about the boy.
Almost as much as you cared about them while knowing all of them on a personal friend level. And an even more intimate level with Seungmin.
The crowd buzzed with energy up until the moments to boys ran out on stage. You were close enough to see just how tired Seungmin was; but he still put on a smile.
There was almost know build up as they immediately started performing, Seungmin on the complete opposite side of the stage. The crowd was extremely loud- so yelling out to the closet member to you - Hyunjin - wasn't going to do you any good, even if he could easily recognize the voice of one of his closest friends' significant others; he wouldn't be able to hear it over the sea of others voices and screams.
So you decided to head back towards the dressing room.
Seungmin returned to his dressing room after the show, his heart racing with excitement after the show. But he still had that underlying hurt.
Should I call her? I miss her so much I'm imagining her perfume...
He stopped and turned his nose upwards. Y/N?
He rushed into his dressing room and saw you standing up, folding one of his shirts.
He immediately ran into your arms, burying his head into your hair, a wet spot forming on the crown of your head.
"Baby...are you really here?" He whispered, the vibration of his voice tickling you slightly.
You nod and pull back; feeling a bit proud to straight out apologize so instead get to what you came here for.
He looked at you as you squared your shoulders and adjusted your dress so it covered you properly as you knelt down onto the ground.
"Jagiya...?" He said instinctively kneeling down with you reaching for you, but instead you motioned for him to stay standing.
He looked at you with confusion, a bead of sweat dripping down his neck to his exposed collar bone, making you even more nervous than you were a second ago.
You pulled a small box out of the pocket in your dress and noticed Seungmin's puppy eyes widening as you held it out to him with a shaky hand.
"Marry me, MinMin?"
His jaw twitched and he just stared at you in shock and you fumbled to open up the box, a simple deep gray colored band laying in there.
"Um...I mean will you marry me? Please...?" You rubbed your forehead feeling your face get warm at Seungmin's extended silence.
"No." You felt your heart nearly crumple in embarrassment until he corrected himself.
"I mean yes- like no as is in you - like - yes I want to marry you but- just get up from the floor Jagiya..."
You stood up and you held the box in your hands, and they were still trembling, and he wrapped his large hands around yours.
"I meant no as a reaction to you proposing instead of me. I wanted propose to you. I mean...I'm the man in the relationship and-"
"I'm breaking societal norms, Minnie. If we both love each other why does it matter?" You ask bluntly, earning a laugh from Seungmin.
"And I'm proud of you for that, even if it'll earn me relentless teasing from the guys." He laughed out, a few tears falling from his face in happiness, as he rested his forehead onto yours.
"These past few weeks," Seungmin started, "Have made me realize that it's me who is clingy to you." He says, kissing your nose, lightly. "I felt that I lost myself when the prospect of losing you was in front of me."
You looked at him and knew this was his apology.
"I don't want to leave you. And I don't ever want you to leave me. That's why I got this for you." You said taking the ring out. Seungmin pulled back and stepped into character, placing a hand over his mouth in mock shock and daintily putting his hand out for you to slide the ring onto his finger.
He couldn't help the smile that broke out on his face as he watched your face be completely painted in a blinding happiness. He couldn't help but kiss the lips that were stretched so wide.
"Do I have permission to break the news to Stay via instagram post?" He hums. "They've been suspecting we broke up due to your concert absences..." He looked at you, his eyes wide and bright.
"Yes of course, as long as you tell the guys in person. I want to see their reaction. I'm sure both Stay and the guys will be amused that I proposed." You winked.
"Yeah," Seungmin chuckled as he looked at the ring with a deep admiration and love. "They will be...speaking of this though. You must have paid an unecessary fortune for flying here, buying the ticket, hotel stay...and you request off work during concert season so you aren't getting paid. Where did you get the money? If it was from your saving let me fill it up again." His top lip curled in as he waited for your answer.
"Uh...you could say I made a profit of sorts..." You mumbled, thinking about the slightly illegal act of scalping the ticket price.
Your fiancé tilted his head to the side, waiting for an explanation, but the deciding to forgo it with a chuckle and just kiss the woman he loved and missed so much. The one he'd spend the rest of his life clinging to.
You stood there the needle in your hand as Jeongin slowly walked towards you.
"Y/N? What are you...?"
You disposed the needle and adjusted your shorts to cover up your thigh.
"I was taking insulin." You said walking past him out of the bathroom, to go grab a paper towel since the towel in your bathroom was in the wash.
You felt the presence of your boyfriend behind you.
And you could instantly tell he felt bad, so you turned to him, his dark eyes wandering over you as his lips turned into his recognizable pout.
"I'm sorry for worrying you, Innie..." You said standing there. "It wasn't right for me to ignore your calls. Or blow up your phone in the first pla-"
"Stop." His voice was firm and missing the playful undertone it almost always had. "You didn't do anything wrong. It was me."
He swallowed. "I was embarrassed because of the guys and their teasing. And I called you childish when it was really me who was being childish for caring so much about people recognizing how much we love each other. How much you love me..." He's within arms length and you can feel his cool breath hit your face. "How much I love you. I'm sorry."
For the rest of the day you and Jeongin lounged around your house, him taking a nap on you lap at one point due to the pent-up exhaustion of the previous week.
You had shake him awake gently when you realized it was time for you to inject youself once more since you had finished eating a while ago but pushed off medicating yourself so Jeongin could get some rest.
He opened his eyes and whined as he shut them again, burrowing further into you.
"Baby, I have to get up and take my medicine."
He immediately shot up and the expectant yet worried look on his faced caused you to grin.
"Do you wanna help?" His head bobbed up and down as you got up, pulling the mischievous eyed boy with you towards the bathroom.
As you got everything, he observed with a bubbling anxiety.
"You won't like...die from this or anything right?" His voice was soft, lacking the confidence it usually carried.
"No, Jeongin, I won't die from my diabetes." You laugh. "Do you think I would let it take me before I get married and have kids, and grandkids and live." You say this purposefully to hint to Jeongin that it was him you imagined this with. Hoping it solidified his assurance in your forgiveness; since he had been asking all day if he was truly forgiven.
As if its his fault I have diabetes... You laughed to yourself.
You placed the glucometer in his hand and held out the container of strips.
"Just place that in there." You instruct softly, and he does so showing it to you to double check.
"Okay, so now we have to put the lancet in...here..." You say, your boyfriend focusing on placing it in correctly.
He takes your hand in his and when he presses the button to prick you he winces rather than you.
"Are you okay?!" He frets, looking at the extremely miniscule - too miniscule - drop of blood on your ring finger.
"Mm. Squeeze a little more out?"
He gently squuezed enough blood out of your hand and tested you blood sugar - then measuring out the appropriate amount of insulin and pulling your shorts up slightly to give you your injection with gentle hands after cleaning the area.
You watched him focus on the task at hand so seriously; his brows furrowed, and tongue sticking out of his lip slightly. He was so close you could smell his shampoos and count his eyelashes if you wanted to. You felt a strange longing for him even though he was right here. You missed him even if his body was right here next to, gently making sure he didn't leave any marks.
And you couldn't deny how much you loved him. So much that you had to express it.
"I love you forever, Innie..." Through his lashes he studied your expression. Feeling the love exude from you.
"I love you, forever and even longer." He said, his face breaking out into a smile. "My beautiful princess."
You laugh and that causes Innie to laugh as well.
"You're too sweet, love." You said placing a kiss under his eye.
"Does that mean I need to get you another dose of insulin?" He asked, looking up at you with a devilish grin.
This time you place the kiss on his lips his eyelashes fluttering shut as he sighed with contenment.
"I think I can manage."
@sleeping143 @artist2181 @abovenyx @wolfs-archive @oddracha @iyeeeverydee @parisanmorovati @seungmincenteric @panbish-1209 @fxiry-vtt @sseawavee @shuporanporang @amarecerasus @softkisshyunjin @whoa-jo @meanergreener @rikibun @ayyonoona @shinywombatcrusade @y4yayael @skzstan12345 @mariteez @allys-reads
@jaythegay26 @gay-littlemushroomlover @armystay89 @sara6767776 @wildtokay
@kyrennetwork @stay-tiny-things
@piscesrising01 @0325tiny @hannamoon143
@chimchxmni @ka0ila @jazziwritesthings @skzstannie @yongbokkiesworld
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lady-ashfade · 2 days
Things Modern Hotd Characters Do.
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´*: ・゚⋆˒ Character: Jacaerys Velaryon, Aemond Targaryen, Lucerys Velaryon, Alicent Hightower, Rhaenyra Targaryen. (X reader)
╰・゚✧☽ Literally just some random thoughts that came into my head, and it’s a modern au.
╰・゚✧☽ warnings: lromantic, short, cute and fluffy.
-`。゚˘: ゚⋆ ––✷☽ ᱬ ☽✷––⋆ ゚: ˘ ゚。.`-
✬—Jacaerys Velaryon
You already know my boy is a jock of some sort, it’s a given. So he gives you his jersey to wear and I see him in hockey.
He also is the type of guy to at first watch you when you are around and at first he is shy about it and tries not to get caught. Then it’s just known to everyone that he is admiring you, like a drooling dog.
Gets shy when his friends bring it up.
You think you’re allowed to drive? Nope, his passages princess (no matter the gender)
I also see him proposing as soon as you both graduate, or when you both are still in your early 20s.
✬—Aemond Targaryen
Leather jacket. I don’t make the roles and has a motorcycle- The person the school fears after sending a kid to the hospital in middle school.
Before the relationship he talks to you at some points in the day, and then people literally stay away from you because they are scared of Him. So no bullies coming your way.
Takes you shopping because he likes to see you happy, and not the best at expressing his lives. So gifts and acts of service are his love language.
Keeps a photo of you in his wallet- don’t tell him I told you.
✬— Lucerys Velaryon the man I did this all for.
Watches all the Barbie movies with you while you play with his hair, and put it in weird and cute hairstyles.
One of the boys who is shy but will let you do anything to him. Like letting you putting makeup on him or carry you around.
He is so fucking shy but also a little shit. He’s so two faced. He will be pouting one minute and blushing like crazy when you kiss his cheek. And the next knocking you to the side and racing down the stairs.
Pulls pranks all the time that you didn’t talk to him for weeks but you can’t resist that cute face.
Walks everywhere while holding hands so you both don’t get separated 🥺
✬—Alicent Hightower
She’s the neighborhoods widow. And also on the watch council, so she is big into the community. She has been so sweet to you for years since you moved and always find yourself seeing her.
Goes out into her yard and gardens while watching you, not in a creepy way tho- just making a excuse to talk to you out of the blue.
Brings you sweets a lot and goes on coffee dates before dating.
Is so happy when you show her a real love relationship, and how you put her above everything. So she spoils you the same.
But keeps you away from her “stepdaughter” because she is afraid you’ll leave her.
✬—Rhaenyra Targaryen
Someone say mommy- the type of woman to buy you drink after making you flustered just by staring at you from across the bar. Like that cocky smirk of “i want to make you nervous” sexy smile you know?
Doesn’t let you think she is just a one time and dip. So she starts to send you gifts, to your work, house and almost anywhere. Texts you so much about going in dates.
You know kinda like a sugar momma for sure but loves you.
This girl will punch another woman for flirting with you and drag her by her hair- she’s so possessive.
Introduces you to her kids when you start dating because she wants you all to get along, and if you just immediately sweep them under your wing?
Already planning your wedding.
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If you want more characters pls send them in the inbox.
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giannaln4 · 16 hours
Make You Feel Better
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lando norris x fem reader
summary: Lando wasn't feeling the best after a long day of media duties, but he could always count on you to make him feel better. (915 words)
warnings: mdni, + 18, smut, unprotected sex, needy!lando
a/n: heyy everyone! sorry for disappearing after posting literally just one fic, but with uni and then summer i didn't really find the time to write but i'm working on a few fics right now! anyway please send some requests!
↺ back to navigation— send me a request!
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Some days were better than others, and Lando always tried to be positive around you, but today just wasn’t his day. He had a long day; media day wasn’t his favourite, too many people to talk to, cameras all around at all times, and on top of that, he was feeling a little under the weather. 
It’s not like he always felt that way, it was a part of his duties and he liked to meet fans. He loved seeing the people that supported him unconditionally so happy just by seeing him. He knew he had to do it anyway, but the triple header was getting to him, and it was only the second weekend.
He dragged himself back into his hotel, dragging his feet out of the elevator and through the hallways. He wasn’t expecting to see you awake, still waiting for him, but he was almost relieved when he spotted you sitting in his bed.
“Hi” You happily greeted him when he entered the room, putting your phone down to pay attention to him.
“Hi” He replied, not as happy as you. You could easily see that he was having a bad day. 
He dropped his bag next to the door and made his way to the bed, collapsing in your arms as soon as he got there. “Bad day” was all he said and you didn’t push it any further. You let him settle in your arms, rubbing his back as you both sink into the mattress.
“It’s okay, baby. You should get some rest, I know you haven’t been sleeping as much as you are supposed to” 
He shook his head into your chest “I had something else in mind”
“Go on” You knew where this was going, and honestly you couldn’t complain.
“I was thinking, uh- you could help me feel better” His voice was a little hesitant, but his hands were confident when they found your hips, squeezing them as if he was trying to give you a hint of what he wanted.
“Yeah? How?”
“I need you, please”
You smile down at him, suddenly needy for him “Is that what you want?”
He nodded desperately, and he immediately lifted his head and reached for your chin, pulling you in for a kiss. It started rough and passionate, you could barely catch your breath. You climbed into his lap, placing your knees to his sides.
“How do you want me?” You managed to ask in between kisses.
“Ride me”
As soon as he said that you got up, taking a step back and slowly undressing in front of him. “Are you gonna keep your clothes?”
“Uh- no” He quickly got rid of them, keeping his eyes on you the entire time.
You were both naked, and you returned to your previous position on his lap. After a moment of making out, you softly pushed him into the mattress and leaned down to meet his lips again.
“Want me to help you feel better? You had a bad day so you need me to ride you?” Lando’s eyes widened and he nodded quickly, bucking his hips up.
You shook your head, pulling away “Words, Lando”
“Yes. Baby, please” He begged, his hands on your hips again.
You smirk, satisfied with his answer. He was still holding onto your hips as you began to get comfortable on top of him, he then placed his hands on your tits, massaging them softly as you started to stroke his needy cock. He let out a loud moan at your touch.
Your pussy was soaking wet, brushing up against his thigh. The contact made you moan softly and you couldn't help but put more pressure, relieving your need a little bit. You kept rubbing your core against him as he let out soft whimpers, your hand still stroking him, but the relief you were giving him wasn’t nearly enough. “Please, baby” Lando moaned as you placed your hands on his stomach.
“Please what?”
“Please fuck me”
That was all you needed to hear, so you situated yourself and slowly sank down on his cock. He moaned loudly, and your hands moved up to his chest, as you began to roll your hips. His hands moved to your hips again as his own bucked up into you, making you whimper as loud as he was.
“You always make me feel so good” He cried out.
Your mind was too focused on your own pleasure you didn’t even answer him. You continued moving, a string of moans of his name leaving your lips. He was deep, deep inside of you and he just hit that place where you both feel incredibly good. 
“Fuck” Lando said with furrowed brows, his cheeks red and forehead full of sweat. His curls were stuck to his forehead, making him incredibly sexy. “I’m gonna cum,” he said when he started to get that feeling in his lower abdomen.
You didn’t say anything but you picked up your pace, bringing Lando even closer to his orgasm. It didn’t take long for him to shoot his release inside you, making you come closer to your own release.
He moaned your name repeatedly, and you collapsed on his chest when your mindblowing orgasm finally hit you. You were barely moving your hips now, dusting off your high.
You finally stopped moving and you stayed like that for a while, catching your breath as your cheek was pressed on his chest.
“Feel better, baby?”
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jungkit · 2 days
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SYNOPSIS: you lived your life buried in your parent’s routine for you. a perfect princess with a perfect life…or so one would think. now you’re being married off to the prince of valdenia for a trade operation. problem is, he already has a girlfriend, and he is not happy.
pairing: prince!jungwon x princess!reader
genre: royalty au, arranged marriage, enemies2lovers, non-idol au
word count: 8.1k
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You don’t know what you did to deserve this. Here you are, a young woman with ambitions and dreams, being married off to some low-life prince. 
Being a princess is not easy, fuck everyone who says it is.
  From age 5, you have been taught, more like forced, to be a good princess. 
Following every rule, never stepping a toe out of line. 
You learned how to walk, how to talk, how to eat, how to be.
You were heavily reprimanded and punished if you ever appeared in a way your parents didn’t like. 
You can only be yourself when you’re alone, in your room. 
You are not allowed to indulge in your interests in front of your parents, who will shut you down immediately. 
  Your most immense love is art. You remember being ten years old and admiring the paintings your family kept in the palace. You pointed out every stroke, every color, every detail your eyes could find. When you told your parents you wanted to paint, they scolded you. They said art was a waste of time and that you had better things to do.
The following week, your parents had a professional painter come to do a family portrait. 
You got scolded for not holding still because you wanted to watch the painter. 
  The only good part of your life was Estelle. She was the head maid, and you loved her. 
She treated you as her own and let you indulge in every interest you had in secret. 
One day, Estelle showed up in your room with paint and a canvas.
You were so thrilled you almost screamed. 
You spent the rest of that day painting. Of course, you weren’t good, but that was okay. 
As time passed, you garnered a collection of paintings you had done, inspired by the ones you saw in the castle. Eventually, you got good! As much as you wanted to show your parents, you knew they would disapprove. And you didn’t want Estelle to get in trouble either. 
  Here you are over ten years later, still hiding your paintings in your room. You’re not worried about your parents finding them because they never enter your room. 
It’s almost time for dinner, and your parents said they had important news to share. 
As you make your way down, a pit forms in your stomach. Something suddenly doesn’t feel right. You do your best to ignore it, entering the dining hall. 
Your parents barely acknowledge your presence. 
“Before we start dinner, you must know something, Y/N,” your father says.
“Does this have to do with the news you told me about?”
“Yes, you’re getting married.” Your mother responds. 
  What? Did they say married?
“What are you talking about?” You ask, and that pit inside your stomach grows.
“You’re getting married to the prince of Valdenia. This is an opportunity to do business with them, and they only offered if we gave them your hand in marriage.”
  “Are you kidding? I'm being sold off for a business deal?”
Your father stands abruptly, slamming his hands on the table. “Don't speak to us that way! You have no choice in the matter!” 
  “This is my life we’re talking about. Who are you to give it away!” You can feel your eyes prick with tears.
You knew your parents didn't care for you the way they should've, but this was too far.
“We’re doing what's best for the kingdom!” Your mother argues.
“So, giving me away is what's best for the kingdom. I knew you didn't love me, but this is sickening!”
  With that, you rush out of the dining area.
You can feel the tears rushing down your cheeks.
Slamming your door shut, you climb onto your bed, still sobbing. 
  After five minutes, you hear your door slowly open. 
You figure it's your parents, and you're ready to tell them to get out until you hear a soft voice call your name.
You look up and make out Estelle’s figure through blurry eyes.
You spring up off your bed, running into her awaiting arms.
“Estelle, they're marrying me off,” you sob, burying your face into her dress.
“I heard, sweetheart. I hate to be the one to say this, but this could end up being a good thing.”
  You sniffle, looking up at her, “What do you mean?”
“I mean, maybe you’ll find love. A love who will cherish you and let you be yourself. Look at this situation with an open mind. You never know what’s in store for you.”
  You stop crying, taking Estelle’s words in.
Could this be a benefit to you?
Could your life take a different turn?
You go to bed that night, a million thoughts racing in your mind. 
The following day, you don't speak to your parents as they tell you that you’ll all be meeting with the king and queen of Valdenia, along with their son.
Of course, they're acting like nothing happened. That's what they always do.
You're in one of your best gowns, a beautiful blush pink ensemble.
Unfortunately, Valdenia is a long 3-hour carriage ride from your kingdom.
The only thing you have to cure your boredom is a book.
  As you read, no one speaks. You're surprised your parents aren't whispering to each other as they usually do.
Time passes slowly. When you finally look up from your book, it’s mid-day. 
Looking outside the carriage for the first time, the once dull gray that was painted in the sky turned brilliant blue. 
  The kingdom of Valdenia comes into view. As your carriage rolls through, you see people all along the streets. Kids, vendors.
Every person you see has a smile on their face.
Compared to the people of your kingdom, this looks like paradise.
  Outside the palace doors, the king and queen stand alongside their son. 
Your parents step out first, and you follow.
Coming face to face with their son, he looks away from you, not meeting your eyes.
You scoff, looking down at your heel-clad feet.
  You're broken out of your trance by the queen's loud voice. 
The queen cups your face, squishing your cheeks together.
“Look how beautiful you are! Isn't she perfect, dear?”
She turns to her husband, who smiles, gracing his features.
  They both usher you and your parents inside. 
The prince follows you grudgingly.
As you enter the palace, you are welcomed into their charming dining room, where tea and finger foods have been prepared for your enjoyment. 
  You end up sitting across from the prince as your parents make small talk.
  You can feel him glaring at you. 
It’s so obvious, yet everyone seems to be ignoring it. 
You look up, finally meeting his eyes.
He doesn’t look away or soften up. He continues to glare. 
You haven’t even introduced yourself, and he’s already looking at you with hatred. 
You won’t stand for that, so you quickly slip him your middle finger.
His expression finally changes from anger to surprise before he’s frowning. 
  Jungwon’s never hated someone so much.
You’ve done nothing to him, but your existence already hinders his life. 
And here you are, flipping him off.
How rude!
  Yes, he was glaring at you, but even so, that doesn’t mean he deserved that!
He’s about to say something, hoping to get you in trouble, but he’s interrupted.
“We’ve set your wedding for next week,” his mother says.
“Next week!” You both say simultaneously.
Your parents send you a ferocious glare, making you shut your mouth.
“Yes, next week. Y/N will be moving in as well. We’ve already arranged for your things to be packed and brought here for tomorrow.” Jungwon’s mother gives you a genuine smile, and you almost feel a twinge of relief for a second.
  You can't remember the last time you had a genuine smile directed your way by your parents.
Maybe moving here won't be so bad?
“Can I say something?” You ask out into the open.
Your parents send you another glare, but the king of Valdenia nods, signaling you to speak.
  “I’m honored that you're opening up your home to me. Can I ask that I bring someone with me?”
  “And who would that be, dear?” The queen asks, looking at you with warm eyes.
“Our head maid, Estelle. She’s someone I rely on very much, and I'd hate to be without her,” you respond.
You look at your parents for approval, as do Jungwon’s parents.
“If you are okay with it, then we are as well,” your father says, gesturing to the king and queen.
  “Then it’s settled!” The queen claps; she’s delighted.
As both families continue discussing arrangements and wedding planning, you zone out.
This could either go good or bad.
You'll have to wait and see.
  All your belongings had been moved into Yang’s palace by the next day. 
Your room is enormous, more extensive than your own at home.
Or should you say, your former home?
Your parents didn't even say goodbye to you; although you expected it, it still stung. 
Luckily, you had Estelle.
She, with her belongings, arrived in Valdenia that morning. 
You rushed out to meet her, squeezing her tightly.
“Thank god you're here. I don't know if I could do this without you.”
  The Yangs (minus Jungwon) welcome Estelle with open arms. She helps you unpack, hanging up your dresses, blouses, and pants in your closet.
Meanwhile, you rant to her while sitting on your freshly made bed.
“He didn't even let me introduce myself! He left the second the meeting ended, even when his parents told him not to!”
  “Maybe he's shy, darling.”
  You huff dramatically, “He’s not. He was glaring at me with such hatred in his eyes. If looks could kill, I'd be buried 6 feet under!”
  Estelle sighs, “Maybe he just needs time to adjust. This is probably sudden for him, too.”
You take a deep breath and nod your head. Still a workaholic, Estelle leaves for the kitchen to see if there’s any work she can do.
Boredom finds you quickly, so you leave your room to tour the castle. 
You hear hushed whispers as you reach the end of a long corridor.
You lean in, straining your ears to hear the conversation. 
“I know this is upsetting, my love, but we’ll figure it out.”
You immediately recognize the prince’s voice, but who’s he talking to?
“I just want us to be together like we promised, and now you’re being taken away from me.”
That’s definitely a girl’s voice. 
It’s easy to piece two-and-two together. This is the reason why Jungwon hates you.
He has a girlfriend.
Jungwon speaks again.
“She’s not gonna come in between us. She’s nothing compared to you, Maylee.”
You can’t help but scoff. It’s not like you’re hurt, but he doesn’t even know you. 
“It’s not like you can tell your parents no…just marry her. We can still be together. It’s not like you love her.” Maylee chuckles, and you roll your eyes, silently mocking her.
  As soon as you hear the sound of lips smacking, you rush out of there and go back the way you came. 
You return to your room, staring at the paintings leaning on your desk. You managed to smuggle them out of your old room without your parents noticing. Maybe now you’ll be able to indulge yourself in your art.
  There's a knock at your door.
“Come in!” You shout.
The open door reveals Mrs.Yang, and she smiles at you warmly.
“I came to see how you're settling in.”
She spots your paintings and is immediately intrigued.
“Did you paint these?” She asks, taking one into her hands and admiring it.
“Yes. I've loved painting since I was little. My parents never allowed me to indulge, so I had to do it secretly.”
  “They're amazing.” The Queen gawks, and you feel a twinge of pride. 
 “You must keep painting!” She says, “I'd love to hang up your paintings in the palace.”
  Your eyes widen at her suggestion, “Oh no, I’m not that good. I’m nothing compared to the professionals.”
  “Nonsense.” She waves her hand, “You must allow me to display these. You deserve to be praised. And please allow me to buy you more supplies.”
  You try to decline, but she insists, and you don't have the heart to tell her no.
By the following day, you see your paintings hung in multiple areas of the palace.
  You decide to explore outside the castle, finding yourself in its large outdoor area.
There's a beautiful garden in front of you, and you take your time smelling every flower.
There's a bench in the center, and you sit down and take a deep breath.
  “You can't be here,” a voice behind you says.
Turning, you look Jungwon directly in the eyes, “Says who?”
“Says me, you're not welcome here.”
You bring your finger to your chin, pretending to look up in question.
“Hmm, according to your parents, I’m welcome anywhere and everywhere in and outside this castle. You wouldn't wanna go against their authority, would you?”
  You see his jaw clench, “Can you just leave? This place is reserved.”
You gasp, “Ah! This is you and your girlfriend's little spot, right?”
His eyes widen as he starts to sputter.
“Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me…or is it?”
With that, you get up making your way back inside the castle.
It takes a few seconds before you hear his footsteps rushing to catch up with you.
He grabs your arm, spinning you around to face him. 
  “You’re not gonna say a word about her to my parents, or else.”
You pout playfully, tilting your head, “Or else what?”
He can't help but chuckle in disbelief. He’s never been faced with this kind of attitude.
“I will make your life a living hell.”
It's your turn to chuckle, “I'd love to see you try.”
You take his silence as your cue to leave.
  That night at dinner, Jungwon eats his food roughly, pissed off.
How dare you speak to him the way you did! I mean, are you crazy?
Now, he can't help but keep his eyes on you, praying you don't expose his relationship.
“What did you do today, Y/n?” Mrs. Yang asks.
“I spent some time outside today, in the garden. I ran into Jungwon, and we had…a lovely conversation.”
Jungwon can feel his heart speed up. This is it. You're going to expose him. 
“Oh? What did you talk about?”
You smirk at him from across the table, “Just how excited we are for the wedding!” Only five days to go!”
  Jungwon visibly relaxes, and you catch his eye, sending a wink. 
He glares at you, sucking his teeth.
The eye contact is broken once his mother squeals, clapping her hands excitedly.
“I’m so happy you're both excited! It’ll be beautiful. We’ve made sure of it.”
  “It will truly be magnificent,” his father adds, patting Jungwon on the back.
He smiles, trying to hide his anguish behind his wine glass.
Dinner continues with Jungwon’s mother raving about the wedding: cake, decorations, guests.
“Mrs. Sim said she’s ecstatic to see you get married!”
Wait…the Sim’s? Jungwon suddenly starts to panic inside his head.
“The Sim’s are coming?” He asks, looking at his mother.
“Of course they’re coming, dear! You, Maylee and Jake were the best of friends growing up!”
  A lightbulb suddenly goes off in your head. 
Maylee? Of course, his girlfriend was his childhood friend. This new information sets a fire ablaze in your mind.
You smirk to yourself, shaking your head at the thought. 
“What’s got you smiling, honey?” Mrs. Yang asks.
“Nothing! Just thinking about my dress. I know you said it comes from the best in the world.”
  “Oh absolutely!” And she starts a long tangent of how renowned the maker of your dress is. She tells you small details so as not to ruin the surprise. Maybe it’s weird you haven’t seen your wedding dress, but you trust her word.
  Your eyes meet Jungwon’s again, and you blow him a kiss, chuckling as he looks at you in pure disgust.
  When you wake up, your ladies-in-waiting immediately rush you into your bathing chambers. Your hair and body are thoroughly washed and scrubbed, your teeth are brushed, and your skin is prepped.
They bring you to Mrs. Yang’s room where you’ll be getting ready.
She smiles at you, ushering you forward. 
“Are you ready to see your dress?”
You nod, and your nerves are playing with you for some reason. Why are you nervous? 
  She unveils it, and you gasp in disbelief.
It’s beautiful. The neckline dips into a beautiful bodice with a butterfly in the middle. The design continues into the middle of the dress and its sides, with another butterfly at the bottom.
The sleeves are loose and flowy, and the skirt shines.
  “Mrs. Yang…it’s stunning.” 
“Only the best for a stunning girl,” she says, “I noticed that you paint a lot of butterflies, which is why I requested they be incorporated into your dress.”
It’s true. You do love butterflies. You loved trying to catch them when you were younger.
  Your mind begins to wander a bit. You remember imagining the day you’d get married. You didn’t expect it to be arranged, but the one thing you always hoped for was for your mother to be the one to see you in your wedding dress. 
She wasn’t here, yet Mrs. Yang was, and that’s more than you could ask for.
  Mrs. Yang brings in the stylists. They sit you down and begin to dote on you.
You see Estelle out of the corner of your eye and smile at her, giggling as she responds with two thumbs up.
Once your hair is dried and styled, they move onto your makeup. You decided on a light style, not wanting your makeup to outshine your dress.
Once it’s finished, they get you into your dress.
It fits you perfectly, and you almost squeal at how beautiful you look. Not to brag, but you think you look amazing. Once they place the veil on your head, you look complete—a perfect bride.
  The wedding is being held in the palace courtyard, with friends and family of the Yang’s filling up both sides of the seating. 
You’re not surprised to learn your parents didn’t come. 
But you have Estelle, and that’s all that matters to you.
  You make your way to the palace doors, knowing it has begun when the music starts to play.
Estelle stands by your side, ready to walk you down the aisle.
“You look beautiful. I never thought I’d see this day.”
“You’re all I need, Estelle. Thank you.”
As the doors open, you see everyone standing and looking your way.
You keep your gaze forward, walking one step at a time.
  Jungwon looks handsome. You can’t deny it. His suit is white to match your dress, and his black hair contrasts beautifully with it.
As Jungwon stares you down, he can’t deny you look beautiful.
You hear gasps and whispers as you make your way past the crowds. 
“She looks stunning.” 
“What a beautiful girl.”
“Jungwon is a lucky man.”
You chuckle to yourself if only they knew.
  Once you reach the end of the aisle, you stand across from Jungwon as Estelle takes her seat up front at your request.
Jungwon carefully lifts the veil, putting it behind you.
As you look into each other's eyes, you see something in his, an emotion you can’t put your finger on.
The minister clears his throat, bringing everyone’s attention to him. 
“Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to witness the union of Y/N and Jungwon. Two souls brought together to become one. One soul, one body, one heart, and one mind. If anything should object to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace.”
  No one says a word. The silence is almost deafening.
  “Let’s begin. Marriage is a partnership of trust and dependence to one another while walking life’s long path. Marriage is about communication and commitment, sacrifice when needed, and love in the best and worst times. 
It takes time to build a good marriage, and we hope for nothing but the best for our bride and groom.”
  The minister turns to you.
“Y/N, do you take Jungwon to be your lawfully wedded husband? Will you love and cherish him; trust and commit to him, through joy and pain, in sickness and health, for as long as you both shall live?”
  You take a deep breath, “I do.”
“Jungwon, do you take Y/N to be your lawfully wedded wife. Will you love and cherish her; trust and commit to her, through joy and pain, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?”
  “I do,” he says, and as he smiles at you for a second, you almost think it’s genuine.
“Then, with the power invested in me, I pronounce you, huband and wife. You may now kiss your bride!”
  Kiss? Nobody mentioned a kiss.
Jungwon knows what his parents expect, so he takes your face into his hands with a heavy heart, pulling you forward and molding his lips to yours. 
You want to feel disgusted, but you can’t. You kiss him back, wrapping your arms around his neck.
The cheers in the background drown out as your lips move passionately.
What’s happening? Are you and Jungwon not supposed to hate each other? 
  As you pull away, you notice your lipgloss has transferred onto Jungwon’s lips.
Instinctively, you raise your hand to wipe the lipgloss off, making the crowd chuckle.
Jungwon takes your hand as you turn to the crowd, waving as pictures are taken every second.
You walk back down the aisle, entering the castle for the reception in the grand hall room.
There’s food, drinks, music and most importantly the cake.
Everyone sits to eat. There’s a large selection on the menu.
You decide on a crab-based dish, putting on a bib to avoid getting anything on your dress. 
Jungwon sits beside you, eating his food and being quiet.
  Once everyone has finished eating, people start chanting for you to cut the cake.
You and Jungwon, along with everyone else, gather around it, and you cut the cake together.
Cheers erupt, and without thinking, you put some frosting on your finger before smearing it on Jungwon’s cheek.
Laughter fills the air as Jungwon looks at you in shock.
He doesn’t hesitate to fire back, targeting your cheek.
  You laugh as he kisses your cheek, smearing the frosting.
After enjoying the cake, a delicious vanilla custard that you adored, you make small talk with all of Jungwon’s family and relatives.
“Where are Jungwon, Jake, and Maylee?” Mrs. Yang asks. 
“Those three are always doing something secretive. Y/N, would you be a dear and go find them?” Mrs. Sim asks you, and you nod, getting up and leaving the room.
  You don’t care to find them, so you wander the halls aimlessly until you hear shouting coming from an empty corridor.
“What the hell was that?” That voice definitely doesn’t belong to Jungwon so it must be Jake.
“What are you talking about?” Jungwon asks, confused as to why he’s being yelled at.
“You were practically all over her!” Jake yells.
“You looked so in love,” a feminine voice says, that must be Maylee.
  “I’m not in love with her. We hate each other!” Jungwon insists, looking between the Sim siblings.
“Well, it didn’t look that way to me!” Jake retaliates.
“I just watched you marry and kiss another girl. Don’t you realize how terrible I feel?” Maylee asks.
“I get it,” Jungwon says, “But I had to look convincing to my parents!”
  “That bitch certainly didn’t seem to mind having you to herself,” Maylee says.
You clear your throat, smirking as the three look at you like deer caught in headlights.
“The next time you wanna argue and talk shit about somebody, maybe don’t yell and cause a commotion about it.” 
You walk forward, standing in front of Maylee, who’s between Jungwon and Jake.
“And next time… come say it to my face. Don’t be a pussy.” You throw the bouquet in her face, turn around, and walk back.
“You may need that,” you say as you leave the three dumbfounded.
  You devise some weak excuse about how you couldn’t find them, but within a minute, they all come shuffling back into the grand hall.
The night ends with everyone congratulating you and Jungwon as you hang off his arm. You catch Maylee’s eye as the Sim’s are leaving. You can’t help but be petty, shooting a wink and waving her way. She glares ferociously before being ushered out by her mother.
  You yawn, the day's events catching up to you. 
“Are you tired, sweetheart?” Mrs. Yang asks, cooing at you as you nod sleepily.
“You’re in luck. We just had your bedroom cleaned and prepared for you both,” Mr. Yang says.
“Wait,” Jungwon interrupts, “What do you mean for us both?”
“Well, now that you’re married, it only makes sense to share a bedroom!”
  You and Jungwon look at each other and then back to his parents.
“I understand your point, but we still barely know each other. Isn’t it a bit soon?” you ask, Jungwon nodding in agreement. 
“Nonsense! If anything, this will help you get closer!” Mr. Yang responds.
  Before you can argue any further, they bid you both goodnight. 
You both stand there for a few seconds, taking in this absolute setup.
“We could just not sleep in the same room? They don’t have to know,” you suggest.
Jungwon shakes his head, “They’ll know. They’re parents, they know everything.”
  “So you wanna sleep in the same room?”
“I don’t want to,” Jungwon says exasperated, “But we’ll have to.”
It turns out that the bedroom is the second-best in the castle, only after the king and queen’s.
“We can move all our stuff in here tomorrow. Let’s just wash up, get changed, and go to bed,” Jungwon says before making his way to his now-old room.
  “Wait!” You call out.
He turns around, raising an eyebrow.
“Can you unzip me? I can’t reach it.” 
Jungwon doesn’t think anything of it, reaching to unzip your dress.
That is until he sees the expanse of your smooth skin. Before he can stop himself, he’s gently running his hand down the middle of your back.
You freeze, not expecting his touch.
He snaps out of it and, before you can say anything, runs, leaving you in the corridor.
  You turn to your room, undressing and wearing comfortable sleepwear.
You enter the bath chambers and wash off your makeup, putting your hair into a protective style.
You return to the bedroom, finding Jungwon hasn’t arrived yet.
  The room is even bigger than yours. When you check out the closet, it expands even farther than yours.
The bath chamber has a tub, a separate shower, and two sinks. On one side of the room, there’s even a couch.
It’s perfect for two people.
  You hear the door close behind you, and Jungwon clears his throat.
“I can sleep on the couch so that you can sleep in the bed,” he says, already making his way to it.
“No, I’ll sleep on the couch!” You protest, grabbing an extra blanket from the closet.
  “I can’t allow that. As much as we don’t like each other, I can’t let a lady be uncomfortable.”
You sigh, “Then we’ll both sleep in the bed, just keep some space between us.”
Jungwon nods, and you both make your way to the bed.
You get in first, making yourself comfortable, and Jungwon follows suit.
Neither of you say anything, nor do you say goodnight.
Sleep overtakes you quickly.
  When you wake up, you notice an arm around your waist.
Looking beside you, Jungwon is still fast asleep.
You carefully remove his arm around you and leave the bed.
Heading to the bath chambers, you quickly shower, brush your teeth, and wash your face.
Jungwon is still asleep when you return, so you head down to breakfast without him.
  The king and queen are nowhere to be found, but breakfast is still laid out, ready to be eaten.
You sit down, preparing your napkin before digging in.
About ten minutes later, Jungwon enters the dining hall, hair disheveled and pajamas slightly unbuttoned.
He says nothing as he sits next to you and starts to eat.
He looks cute, you hate to admit.
His eyes are puffy from sleep and his cheeks are slightly bloated.
  “What are you staring at?” He asks.
“Nothing!” You respond, quickly turning back to your food.
It’s quiet for a few minutes before you speak again, “You must’ve slept well last night, considering I woke up with your arm around me.”
Jungwon freezes beside you, side-eyeing as you try to hold in your chuckle.
  “I normally hold a pillow when I sleep. It must’ve been an accident.”
You hum, not believing him for a second.
“I ran into my parents before coming here. They said we’re having dinner with the Sim’s tonight.”
  You sigh, “Do I have to deal with your girlfriend and her brother again?”
“No, but maybe don’t provoke her either?”
“But it’s fun,” you pout playfully. 
“Not for me. I get all the backlash!”
“Well, maybe tell them to knock it off!”
With that, you get up and finish your breakfast.
You go to your old room where all your clothes reside and bring them into the new room.
Jungwon had the decency to take up only one side of the closet with his things.
  Next is moving your paintings. The room has enough space to line them up nicely by the large window.
You prepare for the rest of the day, taking a long, hot shower and getting dressed in one of your gowns.
You head to the garden, sitting on the bench with your paints and canvas.
The sky is still shedding its orange rays.
So you sit, and you paint.
You paint until your hands become numb from holding your palette and brush. 
  By the time you’ve finished, the sky has shed its previous colors and welcomed a beautiful blue.
You paint that as well, blending the colors seamlessly. 
You paint the clouds, their shadows, and the scenery before you.
Each flower is painted with details someone else might never see.
But you see everything.
  You hear footsteps approaching from behind you, and Jungwon’s voice graces your ears, “The Sim’s are here. I was sent to get you.”
  Your eyes widen. How rude of you not to be there when guests arrive.
You quickly gather up your paints, brushes, and palette.
Finding your hands full, you look to Jungwon for help.
He takes note and carefully takes your painting into one hand, his other occupied by your easel.
You take numerous fast-paced steps ahead of him, rushing to get inside.
“Calm down, they’re not upset.”
You send him a glare as you walk even faster.
  When you reach the bedroom, you put everything away, Jungwon carefully setting down your easel and painting.
You stand in front of the full-length mirror beside the closet door and fix your appearance.
Rushing wasn’t a good idea as your hair is now disheveled, strands flying everywhere.
You brush your fingers through it, calming any flyaways and loose hair.
  Turning around, you see Jungwon still there, staring you down.
“What?” You ask. “Is there something wrong?”
“No, you look fine. Let’s go.”
He holds out his arm, looking for you to interlock yours. 
You do as such, putting your other hand over his.
When you arrive in the dining hall, the Sim’s, minus the siblings, look at you both warmly.
Jungwon pulls your chair out, and you thank him quietly before he sits beside you.
  Everyone begins to eat while the parents start a quiet conversation.
You can feel eyes on you, but you don’t look up to catch them.
“So,” Mrs. Sim says, “How’s married life treating you both?”
You put on your “fake but real” smile. “Well, it’s only been a day. I don’t think we’ve experienced any real marriage life yet.”
Mrs. Yang interrupts you, “Nonsense. I heard them having a couples spat the other day. Of course, I don't know what it was about, but it’s not my business. They’re both adults. They can keep it between themselves.”
  The Sim’s laugh, and the Yang’s as you and Jungwon smile awkwardly.
“Oh, and they don’t know this, but I went into their room to check on them this morning. It was so cute how Jungwon wrapped his arm around you while you slept,” Mrs. Yang says, turning to you.
  Jungwon suddenly chokes on his food, coughing violently as you hit his back.
Mrs. Yang looks at Jungwon, “Careful, sweetie. Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything, but I couldn't help it! My baby boy is embarrassed,” she coos.
“Mom,” Jungwon grumbles as he finally stops choking.
He looks at Maylee to find her glaring straight at him, and he gulps heavily.
  “Excuse me, I have to use the restroom,” Maylee says, quickly ushering herself out of the dining hall.
After five minutes, her parents question her whereabouts, and Jungwon takes this as his chance.
“I’ll go look for her!”
He rushes off, running through the corridors looking for her.
Suddenly, he hears a crash coming from the bedroom.
He darts to it and finds himself in the middle of Maylee destroying your paintings.
“What the hell are you doing!” He yells, dragging her away from the now slashed canvases.
His yell alerts everyone still at the table, and they’re rushing in within seconds.
  You get one look at your destroyed paintings before you collapse on your knees, tears streaming down your cheeks.
“What did you do?” you ask, looking at Maylee and Jungwon.
“This is what you get for stealing my man, bitch!”
The Sim’s and Yang’s look between you and Maylee before Mrs. Sim speaks up, “Sim Maylee, what on earth are you talking about!”
  “You wanna know the truth,” she starts, “Jungwon and I have been dating for three years. 3! And all of a sudden, this bitch makes her grand entrance as his soon-to-be wife? Are you fucking kidding me? She’s been cuddling up to him this whole time, and I’m sick of it!”
  You get up, and before anyone can blink, you slap Maylee across the face, “How dare you. You’re mad about our arranged marriage, so you destroy my life’s work?”
She holds her now red cheek, staring at you in disbelief.
You turn to Jungwon, “I know you hate me, but this is too far.”
With that, you turn and leave the room, running through the corridor and leaving the castle.
You run and run as far as your feet will take you.
  Jungwon turns to Maylee, “This…this was too much Maylee.”
“So it’s true?” Mrs. Yang interjects
“Yes, mother, it’s true. I said nothing because I knew we’d be forced to break up if you found out. We planned to keep our relationship a secret even after my marriage.”
He turns back to Maylee, “How could you do this?”
“Why are you defending her?” she shouts. “I’m your girlfriend; you should be on my side.”
  “But you’ve crossed the line, Maylee, and dragged me into your mess, too!”
Mrs. Sim crosses the room and yanks her daughter by the arm. “Let’s go! Say goodbye because, as far as I’m concerned, you two will not see each other anymore.”
She drags Maylee out as she struggles in her mother’s hold while Mr. Sim puts his hand on Jake’s shoulder, dragging him out as well.
  The Yang’s are left in the room, glaring at their son.
“I’m very disappointed in you,” his father says.
Jungwon hangs his head in shame, “I know. I just… didn’t want to end my relationship with Maylee. We fell in love over time and never had the guts to tell any of you. But I don’t condone this! I would’ve never done something like this!”
  “You need to find Y/N and apologize to her immediately. You should’ve stopped Maylee’s actions when she first showed hostility.”
Jungwon nods, and with that, he begins his search for you.
He passes some maids, asking where you went, and they tell him you ran outside the castle.
As he makes his way outside, a guard rushes up to him. “Prince Jungwon, the princess ran out here in a frenzy. We tried to go after her but were ordered not to leave our post. She ran into the woods outside the castle!”
  Jungwon books it, running as fast as he can, shouting your name. He runs through trees, swatting branches out of his way.
Then, he hears it. Soft sniffles came from in front of him.
He approaches you carefully, not wanting to startle you or make you run away.
  You turn around, glaring once you see it’s him.
Standing up, you begin to walk away from him, but he’s faster and grabs your arm.
“Wait! Please let me explain! I had nothing to do with Maylee destroying your paintings. I didn’t tell her to do it. I didn’t participate. I don’t hate you. I’ve been in the wrong this whole time. I treated you terribly when you did nothing wrong, and I’m sorry.”
  “Those paintings were priceless to me, Jungwon. What am I supposed to do now?” 
He takes your hand, “Make new ones and new memories?”
You bite your lip, “You’re right, and I’m sorry, too. I was hostile towards you when you were also in a shitty situation.”
He waves his hand, “Let bygones be bygones and regarding Maylee, I think it’s fair to consider her my ex now.”
  Jungwon holds out his hand, “Let’s go home?”
You take his hand, and the both of you make your way back to the castle. 
Mr. and Mrs. Yang welcome you back with open arms, literally holding you in their arms. For the first time in forever, you feel like you’re with family. 
Estelle helps you and Jungwon clean up the destroyed paintings. You decide to throw everything away, wanting to make new memories like Jungwon said. 
  That night, you and Jungwon get into bed with a newfound friendship.
  The morning light shines through the curtains, and it makes you squint. 
You look beside you and see Jungwon is gone.
Sitting up, you stretch before preparing to get out of bed. 
“Hold it right there! Breakfast in bed for the lady.” Jungwon comes in with a whole tray of food. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, and toast, with a glass of orange juice.
“Jungwon, you don’t have to do nice things for me. We’ve forgiven each other for past mistakes. There’s no need for this,” you say, smiling at him.
  “I want to do this. I want to make up for my wrongdoings, so please, just let me,” he pleads.
He sets the tray down in front of you. 
You pick up your fork and knife, cutting into the pancakes. You hold out your fork for Jungwon, “Say ah!”
A light blush dusts Jungwon’s cheeks, but he accepts the food graciously. 
You gesture for him to sit next to you in bed, “Let’s talk.”
He complies, “Talk about what?”
“Anything,” you say, “What are your plans for today?”
  “I didn’t have any plans for today. I thought maybe we could go out and paint! I’ve never done it before, but it looks fun!”
You smile as you eat, “I think that’s a great idea.”
When you (and Jungwon) have finished breakfast, you gather all your art supplies again and make your way outside the castle, this time with Jungwon in tow. 
“So, first things first. There are no rules when it comes to art. You can do whatever you want, as long as you like it.”
  You’re facing the woods, so you tell Jungwon to paint that. He begins, and within half an hour, he’s finished. He presents his final product to you like a shy kid, and you can’t help but coo.
Surprisingly, it’s not bad for a complete beginner.
“So right off the bat, I can tell you understand color. What you’re missing is lighting and shading. Notice how some are lighter when the sun hits the trees while the branches in the back are darker?”
  As you ramble on and on, Jungwon can’t help but think you look beautiful. You’re talking passionately, and he can’t stop staring in awe. 
He doesn’t even realize you're calling his name until you snap your fingers in front of his face.
“Are you listening? This is important!”
“Sorry,” he says, shaking his head. “I can just tell how much you love art, and I think it’s cool.”
  You hum, “Well, thank you. What about you? What’s your favorite thing?”
Jungwon contemplates momentarily before looking down at the grass, “I don’t have one.”
You frown, sitting next to him on the bench.
“That’s okay!” you say. “We can find your favorite thing; we just have to experiment!”
  Painting class for the day officially ends there, as you’re now determined to help Jungwon.
As you walk the corridor castles, you ask, “So, what do you like to do?”
“I like sports. The guys and I usually play rugby when we’re all free.”
You recall being introduced to 5 other boys who Jungwon said he grew up with, Jake included.
“I don’t think you can teach me that.” You laugh as Jungwon smiles shyly beside you.
“What else?” You ask.
“Well, I like to sing.”
“Really?” You ask, surprised.
  Jungwon nods, “I always loved putting on performances for my parents when I was younger.”
“Well, sing for me!”
“But I’m shy,” he says, looking down as his cheeks become red.
“Come on,” you whine, dragging out the n, “I’m your wife. You don’t need to be shy in front of me.”
“Not you pulling the wife card.” He laughs.
“Please.” You pout, putting on your best puppy eyes.
Jungwon takes a deep breath before he starts to sing, and you’re immediately captivated.
  His voice is like honey. It’s smooth but slightly raspy, and it’s like an angel singing in your ears.
When he finishes, you clap excitedly.
“Jungwon, you’re so good!”
He gives a small thanks while you keep walking.
You think you’ve found a new obsession.
  Jungwon sits on the picnic blanket beside you, singing quietly to you as you watch the sky.
You sit up abruptly, causing Jungwon to stop.
“Do you think in a different universe, we would’ve been friends first before anything?”
Jungwon ponders for a moment, “I don’t see why not. Let me ask you something: do you think we could make our marriage work?”
  You turn to Jungwon, eyebrow raised, “You mean, like, romantically? I didn’t know you felt that way about me.” You smirk, causing Jungwon to turn away quickly.
“I mean, you’re beautiful. I can’t help but think, now that things are good between us, maybe it wouldn’t hurt to try. The last thing I want is to be in a loveless marriage.”
  “Sure, we can try.” You turn yourself towards Jungwon, touching his cheek to make him face you.
“Kiss me,” you say.
Jungwon’s eyes widened. They dart to your lips quickly before finding your eyes, “So suddenly?”
You figure he’s not going to do it, so you do.
Leaning forward, you capture his lips with yours.
He kisses you back, pulling you closer with a hand behind your head.
His lips are soft, and he tastes like the strawberries and chocolate you had.
  It’s passionate. It feels like sparks are going off. This kiss is different from the one you shared on your wedding day. This one feels natural like it’s a kiss with love and not for show.
Before it can go any further, you pull away, giggling as Jungwon chases your lips.
He whines, “Don’t tease me!”
“I’m sorry! You’re just too cute.”
“Don’t wanna be cute to you,” he mumbles.
“You don’t wanna be cute? Do you wanna be more than that? Like what?”
“Handsome, hot, sexy?”
“Who said I don't find you hot, handsome, and sexy?”  
  Jungwon smirks, “Do you?”
You push Jungwon’s shoulder back, throwing your leg over his, straddling his lap.
He brings his hands to your waist, holding it tightly.
“What if I said I think you’re the sexiest, hottest, most handsome man I’ve ever seen?”
He rubs circles into your waist, “I'd say you're the sexiest, hottest, most beautiful woman I've ever seen.”
You lean in for another kiss, nipping Jungwon’s bottom lip. 
  God knows how long you spent there. After coming inside, you sit down for dinner with the Yang's.
“So, what did you two do today?” Mrs. Yang asks.
“We had a picnic!” You respond. “Jungwon prepared everything, and it was amazing.”
Mrs. Yang asks for details, and the two women talk excitedly while Jungwon looks at you with fondness. 
  As you lay in bed that night, you think about how drastically your relationship with Jungwon has changed.
You dreaded this marriage, being forced to be with someone you didn't love. And now? Your perspective has completely changed. 
Jungwon is a fantastic person. You wish you had seen it earlier.
  Do you think you could fall in love with Jungwon? You believe you already have. While the thought almost scares you, your feelings for Jungwon overcome that.
Your thoughts are interrupted when Jungwon comes out of the bathroom, having thoroughly washed up.
He joins you in bed, turning to face you as you smile at him.
“What?” He asks, smiling back at you.
  You raise your hand, stroking the area above his eyebrow, moving the hair in the way. 
“I think I love you, Jungwon.”
Jungwon's eyes widen, and then they soften.
“I think I love you too, Y/N.”
You don't say anything else as you lean in, kissing him.
“Goodnight, my love.”
Jungwon plays with your hair as your head lays in his lap. His nimble fingers find their way to your cheek, grazing over it. 
You look up at him, meeting his eyes.
Puckering your lips, he laughs, bringing his to yours in a sweet kiss.
“There's a festival in the town tonight. Do you wanna go?” He asks.
“What’s it gonna be like?”
“Games, music, food, the works.”
“Sounds fun, I'd love to go!”
  Night comes quickly, and you've just finished preparing for the festival. 
Jungwon comes out of the bathroom, ready as well. 
“You look beautiful, my love,” he says, coming up behind you to wrap his arms around you. 
“And you look dashing.���
  The festival is in full swing by the time you and Jungwon arrive.  
People greet you as you pass, giving you gifts and free things. 
You take them all graciously, thanking them for their generosity. 
  You and Jungwon find a private spot, taking time to admire the view of the town ahead. 
“I got you something,” he says.
You turn to him, eyebrows furrowing when he pulls out a small box.
  “I know we had a rocky start, but I have to say that these past few weeks with you have been some of the best I've ever had. I know our vows weren't exactly the most genuine, but now, I mean those words genuinely. You are an amazing, passionate, loving, caring woman, and I love everything about you. I truly promise the rest of my life to you.”
  With that, he opens the box, presenting a beautiful gold necklace. You gasp in surprise as he shows it to you. 
“Jungwon, it's stunning.”
“I got our initials engraved on it, so we're always together no matter what.”
  As he puts it on you, you think to yourself, maybe this life was meant for you.
In the end, you got your fairytale ending.
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note: this took me entirely too long but it's done!! i hope you all enjoy!
taglist: @jiamini @dokidokior @26796i
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pettydollie · 17 hours
rapper!chris x singer!reader hcs
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a/n: lowkey a collab with @bambi-slxt bc of all the headcanons she sent me LMAOO thank u sweets!! <3
chri$ is definitely one of the more "soft" rappers. everyone knows that hes a lovesick puppy for you. he doesnt have ONE line including the words "my bitch". instead he replaces them with "my girl" OR "my wife" :((
i think he would 100% make an album fully dedicated to you. kinda like tyler the creator's "call me if you get lost" in a way. for example, in the song "HEAVEN TO ME", tyler explains his dreams. chris would rap about all of the things he wants to do with you and how he sees you in his life forever
he has many features on peace on the beach with my peach since its partially about your guys' sweet relationship! theres moments in the record where there are beautiful beats paired with your heavenly vocals and cute voice cracks while chri$ is dropping barssss (ill make a post ab lyrics i think he'd add)
sososososo supportive of your creative journey. he was with you as you wrote and planned out your extremely personal debut. he even helped out at the studio :c
but then you started adventuring some time after your 2nd-3rd album. you started experimenting with different genres/styles. you created storylines and visuals along with your music.
out of the two of you, chri$ is definitely more famous. anyhow, he got invited to the met gala and had u has his plus one obviously, where you both looked drop dead gorgeous!! i literally cannot see him wearing a basic ass suit and tie to the met. he has to be on your level and match your uniqueness which make you two stand out so much!
when you both got up the steps, he was being interviewed by emma chamberlin, who was also a fan of his. she asked about the creative process of his newly released album and he totallyy put you in the spotlight, saying "yn helped me a lott honestly. she's... literally a genius." he grins, turning to you while keeping his hand on your waist.
you guys like toying with the paparazzi when they're bothering you. you goofballs make silly faces right in the cameras so they back off
one time when you were being interviewed, your sweet boy wrapped his arms around your waist as he listened to you talk. you were a little nervous and stuttered a bit, but chris consoled you by rubbing small circles into your waist and whispering a gentle "it's okay baby" to your ear.
you fangirl on stage when you catch your boyfriend's eyes in the front row. sometimes you entirely stop what you're singing just to giggle and squeal "hiiii honey!!" while twirling your hair like a little girl. the audience cheers with screams when they realize chris is with them in the crowd-- but feels like its only you two in the stadium when he blows you a kiss (some corny shit he never thought he'd do) and mouth the words "i love you".
for the holidays, u two visit homeless shelters and childrens hospitals and perform for everybody <3
imagine just hanging out at the studio with him and your guys' friends. he's manspreading on a leather couch while massaging your feet resting in his lap as you write lyrics in your lap, your friends helping you out as you do.
you knew that somewhere down the line there was going to be some kind of beef. a popular rapper decided to call out chris for something he did years ago as a literal child. you both ignore it until he sends out a tweet about you. something around, "nd his bitch bad asf id hit fs but she a fuckin weirdass childish mf"
you ignore the fact he called u a "weirdass childish mf", you cant care less, many people dont vibe with ur ideas and thats okay!
u do however care about how his girlfriend would react to seeing him wanting to fuck you. and you'd met her before too, she was a little snobbish, but respectful nonetheless. you joked to your boyfriend about dropping your own diss track on him, but he actually seem intrigued. you shut it down almost immediately though, you didn't wanna make something small such a big deal
but at the next big event you guys went to, you found the rapper's girlfriend and showed her his tweet. she thanked you with a furious scowl on her face before she ran off and slapped the shit out of him in front of everybody
chris gets a custom made $500k chain that has ur name and little details that remind him of u around it :((
speaking of that chain, he wears it whenever he pounds into you so you'll be reminded of how he's yours.
chris loves ur vocals so much on stage! he finds them beautiful, but he loves them even more in bed.
"cmon mama lemme hear that pretty voice"
in fact, you two created a song just to have playing in the background while you two get intimate
chris audio recorded him eating u out once and you saying, "oh, fuck chris, it's so good!" and he decided to use that as an adlib in his favorite songs OR disses he wrote about someone being a jerk to u
watching chris perform did things to you. seeing him sweat, brushing his gorgeous hair out of his face, putting in so much energy into his performance... it's intoxicating! sometimes you wish he'd just drop the mic, pull you onstage, and make love to you infront of the world.
he talks about marrying you while he's balls deep inside of your wet cunt :( saying how he wants to drop a humongous bag on your ring, give you the wedding of your dreams, and how he desperately wants to hear "missus sturniolo" from others' mouths
chris will totally pop up behind stage after a show and guide you to your dressing room not so subtly. you apologize to your manager before rushing to your private room like a giddy teenager. "wanna see her sweetheart, she wet for me righ' now? oh, there she is.." he coos as he bends down to his knees right in front of your pussy when you pull down your pretty pink stage costume.
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@leah-loves-lilies @1everythingmustgo @star-sturn @junnniiieee07 @mattsneezing @freshloveee@freshsturns@emma4eva @r6diosturns @matthasmywholeheart @donthugmeimhot @blahbel668 @chrissturnsss @joanofarcily @mattscoquette @slutsturn @sturnioloremarker @ashley9282828 @jnkvivi @sturncakez @lanasturn @riasturns @st7rnioioss @strnlxlqve @starlace111 @mattsfavbigtitties @stvrlighht
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lessi-lover · 2 days
the not so very well hidden II b.mead x v.miedema
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summary: beth seeks help on how to manage with a newborn baby ★ the not so very well hidden II b.mead x v.mediema
beth and viv hadn't exactly tried to hide you away from anyone. it was just how it seemed to work out in the scheme of it all. with the amount of commitment it took to get through not one but two acl injuries, announcing you was the last thing on their minds. and so, you stayed in shadows away from the media.
beth didn't exactly know how comfortable she felt sharing her and viv's journey of adopting you a couple months past the first round of surgeries, and she definitely wasn't sure of the reactions that would spur if they did tell end up telling anyone.
on the other hand, viv wasn't at all bothered about telling people that they had decided to adopt a baby girl. she honestly enjoyed watching the attention you relished in by her friends and family, although she didn't think she'd get used to them showing up unannounced.
they had kept it tame, only introducing you to a couple of family members, then their cousins and aunts and uncles, and then finally a few close friends. it had all gone perfectly, you and your inherent bubbly nature entertained all of their friends to no end and nobody could stir away from your toothy grin and loud giggles.
it was only when photos of beth and viv walking around with a toddler surfaced on twitter that beth realised how much you would actually be exposed if they were to reveal you to the world.
she didn't like the thought of that.
she wanted to keep your smiley face and bright eyes away from the cruelness of social media. she wanted your first steps and your first words to be a private moment that would just be for her and viv, so they kept you a secret.
"what's on your mind beth?" steph, one of beth's closest friends asked. the two of them had been sitting on the porch, the both of them sipping their tea in silence as they watched the last of the sunset.
the australian had been worried about her friend for a few weeks now, the usually cheerful blonde always the one to make everyone else smile, but lately she just seemed so distracted and out of it from what steph knew of her best friend.
beth sighed, setting her cup down on the wooden table. "it's about y/n." she began, her voice warm even as she spoke so worriedly. "i've been thinking a lot about whether or not we should tell everyone about her."
steph nodded, understanding immediately what her friend was talking about, she had seen a few posts about the 'mystery baby' online but chose not to mention it in spite of comforting beth. "you and viv have done a great job keeping everything private. but why the sudden concern?"
"photos of us with y/n are all over twitter," beth admitted. "it just made me realise just how much exposure to the public she would get if we went public with the whole adoption. i don't want to expose my baby to the harshness of social media."
"viv's not as worried about it," beth continued, trying her best to explain how she felt in hopes her friend could offer the advice she usually would. "she enjoys seeing buttercup interact with our friends and family. but for me, it's different."
steph was on the edge of her seat, her hand moving to beth's knee as she saw a few stray tears escape beth's eyes, the tears dampening her top as she tried to muffle her cries.
"mum never got to meet her, and that still hurts. by the time i realised how sick she really was, the adoption was out of the question and i just wanted to be with my mum."
steph squeezed beth's hand, her expression softening from the one she sported just ten minutes ago, never having seen the fellow blonde so distraught and upset. "i can’t imagine how hard that must have been for you, beth. your mum would have loved y/n."
beth nodded with her lip between her teeth, tears welling up in her bright eyes. "i know she would have. she always wanted to see me happy and having a family of my own. it just feels like sharing buttercup with the world is letting go of something so personal, something my mum never got to be a part of no matter how hard she tried to stay with us."
steph took a deep breath, choosing her next few words carefully, she didn't want to mess anything up given how hard it must have been for beth to share this with her. "you know, sharing buttercup doesn’t mean losing those moments you have as a family. you and viv can still have those special memories, you can control what you want to share and what you keep just for yourselves."
beth nodded, appreciating steph's support even when she had just thrown this into her hands with no warning. "viv and i didn't exactly hide buttercup. it just sort of happened with how everything ended up coming together. two acl injuries and the adoption process.. it was overwhelming to say the least."
"you've both been through a lot," steph acknowledged beth's words, nodding along so the blonde knew she was listening. "how did the the introduction to your family go?"
"it was perfect. little one charmed everyone who came. they couldn't get enough of her actually," beth smiled fondly at the memory. we started with close family and then we moved on to our other friends and of course you."
"see, she is already loved by so many," steph pointed out, remembering how you giggled when you first saw her and reached your small hands out to grab her hand to pull her even closer than the aussie had already been. "maybe it's time to let the rest of the world know. on your terms, of course."
beth sighed, deep in thought. "i just want to keep the special things private. those moments are for us to enjoy."
"and they will be," steph assured the blonde. "no matter what, those moments will always belong to you and viv. nobody can make them any less special than they are to you. you can control how much you share with the world."
beth looked at steph, her eyes filled with gratitude. "thanks, steph. i needed to hear that."
"anytime, beth. whatever you decide, i'm here for you," steph said, giving her friend a reassuring smile.
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azzibuckets · 3 days
the not so pleasant part of falling in love [pazzi]
paige bueckers x azzi fudd
summary: it’s late at night and paige starts to spiral
a/n: ignore the fact that i haven’t finished part 2 of anything yet 😩
word count: 840
Everyone talks about the pleasant parts of falling in love. The butterflies, the intimacy, the attachment. But no one ever bothered to tell Paige about the grappling fear that comes with it, the loss of power felt when someone has taken utter control over your heart. Paige thinks it’s beautiful in a way - loving someone so much that you trust them with the ability to ruin your life. But then her mind starts to wander, and her chest feels heavy with what-ifs. What if Azzi stops loving her back? What if Azzi eventually leaves her to find someone better? Because Azzi deserves everything in the whole fucking world, Paige thinks, and sometimes I feel like I’m nothing.
So Paige hates herself. She hates herself for being in love with Azzi’s innocent doe eyes and how expressive they are, always betraying her emotions.
Paige hates herself for loving Azzi’s smile. Because if Paige will do one thing, it’ll be make a fool out of herself just for a chance to see Azzi’s dimples. When they’re alone, she’ll make the stupidest jokes to keep Azzi laughing, so that she can reach out and cup her face and run her thumb over those damn dimples and kiss them over and over again. But most of all, Paige loves the way that Azzi has a soft smile reserved solely for her, where her eyes and nose will scrunch up and Paige’s heart will start careening out of control.
Paige hates herself for being utterly obsessed with touching Azzi. Their teammates roll their eyes whenever they show PDA, but it’s not Paige’s fault that she can’t help but slip her hands around Azzi’s waist whenever she’s behind her, burying her nose into Azzi’s neck in order to inhale her scent. She can’t help that she finds the baby hairs at the nape of Azzi’s neck so fucking adorable, running her fingers through it whenever they kiss. She can’t help the fact that in order to fall asleep in the car, some part of her has to be touching Azzi, whether it’s holding Azzi’s hand as she drives, or laying her head in her lap when they’re in the back seat. But wait, you can’t mention sleep, because Paige could start a whole tangent about how she loves napping with Azzi because then she gets to wake up to Azzi’s face, which is a glorious thing that no one else is able to experience. Paige feels bad for the rest of the world sometimes, that no one has their own Azzi, but then she feels pride, because of all the girls Azzi chose to be her person, it was Paige.
Paige hates herself for how she loves every little bit of Azzi Fudd. She could talk about her girlfriend for hours, about how hard she works and how she hasn’t let her injuries stop her. Or how kind and selfless Azzi is, always a shoulder for the entire team to cry on. Or how Azzi is the best basketball player in the nation world, and she hates that people don’t recognize Azzi for the pure talent and skill she has, but it makes Paige all the more excited for the next season, so that they can dominate the court together and finally prove it to everyone.
Paige hates the way she loves to bicker with Azzi. They could go back and forth, stuck for hours in the most useless and trivial argument, but because both of them are stubborn hard asses, neither of them will give up until Azzi inevitably threatens to make Paige sleep in her own bed that night, and Paige immediately crumbles because she can’t bear the thought of not cuddling Azzi to sleep. “You’re right about everything,” she’ll admit with a pout, letting herself fall into Azzi’s arms and showering kisses all over her face. “I love you. Don’t make me go to sleep in my bed, all cold and alone.” And Azzi will roll her eyes, but affectionately, and then smirk to herself because she knows that she’ll never actually do that to Paige, not for something as simple as a dumb argument. But it’s funny how much Paige believes it, and she also loves seeing Paige be a total simp.
Paige hates all of these things, she concludes as she stares up at the ceiling. But then she looks to the side, and Azzi glances up from her computer, meeting her eyes and giving a little grin before going back to her homework. And in that moment, as Paige studies Azzi’s goddamn gorgeous face lit up by the weak light of her laptop, she realizes that she doesn’t give a flying fuck about how she hates these things. Because Azzi Fudd is completely hers, and Azzi Fudd will never leave.
Paige rolls over and buries her face in Azzi’s shirt. The younger girl is surprised at first, but she laughs and starts stroking Paige’s cheek with the pad of her thumb. “What’s gotten into you?”
“Nothing.” Paige buries her head further. “Just thinkin about how much I love you.”
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jellinuy · 3 days
(saw your announcement so imma get this in real fast) post jjk! ( everyone lives bc gege is a menace) gojo, reader, and suguru living together :3
( roommates! )
౨ৎ incl. satoru and suguru.
౨ৎ a/n. first time i've actually written something that's NOT a drabble in like forever. can't decide on a format!! also i thought of reader being like their shoko, so this is completely platonic! urrghhh sorry this took me forever
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living with the strongest duo would include...
Big house, first of all, because Satoru bought it. I’m talking, like, the three of you live in a penthouse, big.
Two VERY different sides of the house. Satoru's messy room consisting of strewn socks on the floor and food containers littered across his desk and an unmade bed and not a single cell in his brain to fix any of it until you or Suguru get on his ass: he says he has other things to worry about.
On the other hand, Suguru is something of a nagging mother when it comes to his sector of the house. Clean sheets every week, clothes in the hamper immediately after taking them off, shoes in his closet in a neat row, etc. You and Satoru like to joke about him having OCD.
Late night snack runs!! It usually starts with one of you complaining about being hungry at an ungodly hour, way too late for snacks but craving snacks anyway. It’s usually Satoru who gets you two up by video calling you from his room, making noise until you can’t take it anymore and decide to get up.
Suguru does most of the cooking. Satoru isn’t bad at it, per se, but he’s too lazy to try and so are you, let alone make big enough batches for three people.
Suguru is also lazy at times, but less than Satoru, so you two designated him as your personal chef.
Of course, there are always days when none of you feel like cooking — those are Satoru’s favorite days. You’ll order takeout (with his money), heaped in a tangle of legs and arms across the couch as you eat and binge watch whatever you three happen to find.
Suguru usually makes you guys lunch for work or school if you ask. Or even if you don’t.
Pillow fights! Or any kind of play-fight that involves throwing things at each other. They're usually initiated by Satoru when the mood strikes, and he'll literally beat you and Suguru over the head with pillows until the stuffing is everywhere or until you physically can't breathe.
A group chat! Satoru’s a frequent texter, Suguru not so much, whether it’s to show you two a picture of a stray cat he found, to ask what’s for dinner, or to beg for something.
Strangely though, when you or Suguru question him on why the trash isn’t taken out, he goes quiet.
Those two are the kind of boys who come into your room to knock something over and just leave without closing your door.
Movie nights are a must on weekends, unless one of you is extremely busy. That’s how the three of you unwind without really saying you need to unwind. You cuddle up on the couch in pajamas in one big messy heap and turn on a movie (based on who wins rock-paper-scissors) with a mountain of sugary and salty and spicy snacks at your disposal.
The three of you trust each other completely, so deep conversations are occasional, but comfortable. Neither of them would judge you for crying or being anxious or anything, and vice versa. When you need a hug, they’re there for that, too.
It’s not rare for the three of you to share a bed, or even cuddle. Granted, it took some getting used to at first, but now none of you find it weird, and it’s comforting to have a 6 foot heated body pillow, especially during the winter.
You three have an insane amount of inside jokes, and you bicker like siblings. Anyone who doesn’t get it would probably be concerned how much you insult each other.
“Shut the fuck up Suguru, didn’t you used to swallow balls?”
“Oh, shit.”
“Satoru, aren’t you still a virgin??”
“Fuck you! Y/N, what the hell are you laughing at, didn’t your date flake on you the other day??”
“Suck my dick!”
And then you’ll go back to whatever you were doing before like it didn’t even happen.
Whenever you or Suguru need to go shopping, you usually ask Satoru to Cashapp you before you go. He pretends to put up a fight, but to a guy who sees $2,000 as pocket change, he really doesn’t care. Hell, take one of his cards, go nuts.
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unluckiestmember · 3 days
Arcane x Ransom! Reader
Summary: How would the Arcane characters react if the reader was held for ransom?
Characters: Jinx/Powder, Violet "Vi", Caitlyn Kiramman, Viktor, Jayce Talis, Sevika, Silco and Licker (mention).
Warning: Slight cursing and suggestive themes/implied sexual themes.
A/N: I literally got the idea for this request from Helluva Boss, particular episode 6 of season 2. I hope you all enjoy this though, I know I did!
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“You have who?! Where are they?!… You want me to pay you for them? Oh I’ll pay you alright!”
Jinx doesn’t take the idea of you getting hurt lightly. She already is super overprotective of her little trinket, so when she heard that you were being held for a price, she wasted no time grabbing Pow-Pow, Zapper and a bunch of chompers to aid her in her “heroic rescue” for her princess/prince. As soon as she is where you are held, you don’t have to see her to know she’s there for you. Don’t expect any talking, just laughter and hollers followed by gunfire, screams for mercy and explosions.
Before you know it, the Loose Cannon is standing in front of you, pulling you into the tightest hug ever and dressing your face with kisses. She will ask you countless questions while freaking out, beating herself up over you being in such a position. But when she feels you touch her and assure her you’re okay, she’s on cloud nine. As soon as she laces the area with bombs to blow it to kingdom come, she’s back at her hideout, being super affectionate and touchy the entire night. Don’t expect anyone to be touching you for months unless they want their head blown off.
Violet “Vi”
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“… What?… You… You just pissed off the wrong woman.”
First word that you were kidnapped, Vi wasted no time hunting your captors down and beating them to a bloody pulp. The woman is like a bull seeing red knowing you were somewhere cold and scared away from home and her arms. So until you were back to her, anyone was able to get a personal greeting from the pink haired fighter. Vi is pretty merciful, but in situations like this, she isn’t afraid to push the envelope by giving life threatening injuries to the bastards that hurt you.
When she found you, she didn’t bother asking any questions or giving any money to your kidnappers, unless they counted a mouthful of fists and kicks as payment enough. When she’s done with her punishment, she’ll immediately scoop you into her arms and take the both of you back home, where she checks you for injuries and asks if you are okay. Please comfort her. She may act all tough and cool, but the situation scared her due to thinking she lost you just like everyone else. As soon as she knows you are alright, she’ll promise no one will ever do that to you again.
Caitlyn Kiramman
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“You kidnapped Y/N? Why would- Who do you think you are? You better let them go right now!”
Caitlyn was used to people being kidnapped on the job, having to save them or negotiate with criminals for their safety. But she would have never imagined such a thing happening to you of all people. When she was told you were being held for ransom, she understandably panicked before taking deep breaths and thinking of how to get you back to her. The enforcer can easily scrounge up the money for you to be freed, because you were more important than any coin that reaches her pockets.
So when she arranges a meeting with your kidnappers and finds you so scared, she finds it hard to stop herself from grabbing you and making a run for it. If the kidnappers pull a fast one on her though, all bets are off and bullets are flying. When she has you back, she will watch you like a hawk and be on the defensive for a while. But if you assure her enough that you are okay, she will lighten up. On the bright side, after the incident she’s more romantic and spends more time with you in and out of work.
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“Look, I’m sure we can talk about this. I’ll get you the money, just. Please don’t hurt them…”
Viktor beat himself up when he heard you were taken away from him for monetary purposes. He just doesn’t understand how he would let this happen- How he would let someone easily take you under his nose and put you in harm’s way?! He could’ve waddled in his sorrows, but he couldn’t. He had to save you and he had to act fast! It would hurt him, but he would ask for assistance from Jayce and the council if he can. And if they can’t help him? Well. Maybe it was time to break out those so-called dangerous machines Heimerdinger warned him against using.
When he finds you, he’s wasting no time trying to negotiate a way around matters so you could be freed. And if those negotiations don’t go according to plan, then he’ll use his machinery and his brain to outsmart the criminals into freeing you. When you are back together, he’ll just. Hold you. Like you are a precious gemstone. He’ll promise you this will never happen again. No one will ever lay their hands on you again…
Jayce Talis
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“Is this supposed to scare me? If anything, you should be the one scared- Do you know who I am?!”
Jayce does not take threats lightly, especially when it comes to his family, friends and his loved ones. As soon as he was told you were held for Ransom, he let his anger and determination to get you back fuel him to do anything to send a message and bring you back to safety. You will immediately know your boyfriend got the message because in a matter of hours, enforcers are barging into the area you were held like they were entering a war, shooting, punching and slamming anyone who got in their way from their goal; You.
And Jayce is in the middle of it all, swinging his hammer without remorse before running to your rescue as your knight in shining armor. As soon as you grab his hand, he’s walking you back to his place casually through the enforcers destroying everything in their sights and leaving a message for the assholes that took you; Never. Ever. Touch the councilman’s lover. Don’t expect to go anywhere without guards following you if Jayce isn’t, whether you want to or not. Jayce just can’t take the chance for you to be taken again. Is it extreme? Yes. But it was worth it.
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“Ransom? Seriously? Please, that’s nothing. And I’m about to show you why.”
When it comes to ransom, Sevika wasn’t new to having her friends or past lovers be kidnapped for money. So when she heard you were being held hostage, she casually grabbed her poncho, fixed her arm for a brawl and headed outside to round her co-workers up. When she found you and the ones that took you, she wasted no time kicking in the doors and sicking her co-workers on everyone before she made her way towards you after knocking some skulls in. She’ll ask if you are okay and especially check you for any injuries before grabbing you and joking how you found yourself in this predicament.
The fight rages on as soon as she places you outside for safety. Saving you wasn’t enough. No, she needed everyone to know that when someone messes with you, they have to deal with her and the rest of Zaun. When everything is over and done, Sevika will take you both back home and treat any injuries you want before kissing your cheek and simply talking as if you weren’t kidnapped to begin with. If you think she doesn’t care, then hoo boy. The way she’ll treat you that night in bed will make you think otherwise.
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“Hmm… If I were you, I’d beg for mercy when I get there…”
Silco is never one to be threatened because he’s always the one making the threats. Hearing about you being held for Ransom made him immediately go on the move to round up Sevika to follow him in bringing you back to him. If he gets there and doesn’t find you anywhere, he will deliver a silent signal to bring the house down. But if you are present, then he won’t need violence to be delivered by his Right Hand. He’ll just need to put the fear of gods into your kidnapper.
He’ll paint them a picture of how he’ll find their families and let them listen to the melody of their bones breaking. How he’ll have Licker carve paintings into their bodies and let them choke on their own blood as they beg for mercy. What do they think of that? They wouldn’t like that at all. As a matter of fact, they would hate it so much that they would release you and fade from existence right there. As soon as you are back to Silco, he’s going to take you back home as if this was only a minor inconvenience. But as soon as you two are behind closed doors, he can’t help from keeping his hands to himself and make promises against your skin.
If you have any requests for Arcane, X-Men '97 or Blue Eye Samurai, send them my way!
Likes and retweets are always appreciated! I love you all, stay safe, stay hydrated and have a good day!
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While unsurprising, the rhetoric being spewed by Louisiana's lawmakers is fucking terrifying to me.
I feel so lucky that I was raised by a bunch of atheist because honestly I managed to go the majority of my childhood happy, without being shamed or acquiring a persecution complex...but now looking out at the current climate we live in...damn, they really hate us, don't they? I mean "godless" is one of the main insults getting thrown around on most campaign trails, which isn't new it just hurts.
I feel like I am a bad person because I only just found out about what's going on in Louisiana.
Sorry, just screaming into the void a bit. I hope you have a good day
For anyone who's not aware, Louisiana just passed a law requiring every single public classroom in the state, from kindergarten to college, to display the Ten Commandments.
Unfortunately, this is just the latest in the rapidly-escalating war between Christofascists and secularism. Multiple states have proposed this law, Louisiana is just the first to actually pass it. Oklahoma's Department of Education is claiming that they're going to force teachers to start teaching from the Bible. Seven states have passed laws requiring schools to display "In God We Trust" signs.
Here's the thing I think a lot of people on this site are too young to remember or weren't involved enough in religious politics to notice, and the reason the "edgy atheist who just hates religion" stereotype has gained so much traction on here: The New Atheist movement was very much a response to constant barrages of shit like this. Getting America to be even as secular as it is has been a constant struggle. Conservatives have been openly blaming atheists for school shootings, mass murders, and serial killers for decades. People who stand up and try to get religion taken out of schools and government immediately become targets for massive hate and harassment campaigns. People - conservatives and liberals alike - react with hatred and anger whenever someone stands up to get religion out of places where it doesn't belong. I think the past fifteen years or so have gotten a lot of people believing that separation of church and state is an obviously "safe" position that almost everyone is in favor of, but it very much is not and never has been.
I believe that conservatives are going to try to use the current Supreme Court to essentially abolish the separation of church and state, largely because many of them are openly stating their intent to do so. Louisiana is already being sued about this - if it makes its way to the Supreme Court, I think there's a decent chance of the current court ruling in favor of Louisiana, which is going to unleash the floodgates of Christian propaganda in public schools. It is frankly a dire situation, so I'm sorry if you were here looking for reassurance lol.
As always, the best action I can recommend is to get involved. You're definitely not a bad person for not knowing about this! But if you want to stay on top of religious news, I recommend the Friendly Atheist blog. The Freedom From Religion Foundation fights to get laws like this taken down. You can check your local city for secular humanist meetups. You don't want to burn out or enter a doom spiral by only ever dwelling on bad news, but I find that having people to talk to or action you can take is a good way to ward off despair.
And please, please, vote. Vote in federal and state elections, vote in your local city council elections, vote in your school board elections. A LOT of this is happening at local levels, and being involved in your local politics is possibly the most effective thing you can do!
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paiges-1vur · 16 hours
Pazzi fic please🙏🏼🙏🏼
Ask and you shall receive my loveee
a/n: this is my last writing before i leave from June 28-July 7. please feel free to spam my anons because when i come back i will be back to posting regularly!! love you all and like always please enjoyyy. Also im buzzed as fuckk so lets hope this is good.. 😆
ps: i was listening to “Just a Little Bit” while writing this so its based off of that song!!
The bar was packed. Teds was always busy on a friday night, but today it was especially loud. The girls had just bagged a close win and they were ecstatic to say the least. Paige was about 5 shots deep and ready to party. Azzi on the other hand, decided to take it easy per usual. Paige was always the party animal, and guaranteed to have a good time when there was drinks involved.
The girls were sat at a table in the corner of the bar, and the girls who weren’t sitting were out and about talking to students and having a good time. “Anotha roundddd” Paige yelled out. The whole table laughed and the girls shook their heads.
“Im tapping out girl, but your brave and i love that” Kk laughed. “fuck it we ball. one last round” Azzi responded to P. The blonde smiled at this and went over to the bartended to order two more shots of the bars finest tequila.
They knocked them back easily, before the girls ventured to the dance floor. The music blasting in the bar only elevated Paiges confidence. She grabbed the brunettes wrist and dragged her to the dance floor.
“Wait P i have to pee,” Azzi admitted. “I gotchu baby.” Paige directed her to the bathroom, still holding onto her wrist the whole time.
As they walked into the empty bathroom Paige immediately attacked her lips, pulling her into a deep kiss. “Pai-”
“Change of plans.” Paige smiled at her. Azzi couldn’t help but laugh at the girl, so eager to feel her kiss. “Please let me pee first at least.”
Paige whined but complied, waiting for her to finish. As soon as Azzi finished drying her hands Paige grabbed her by the hips.
“Come on ma just give me a little bit.” Paiges hands traveled from Azzis hips to her waist. She went back to kissing her before moving to her jaw and places kisses down her neck. She became antsy, pressing her hips against the brunettes which earned her a groan from Azzi.
“I dont want to burst your bubble Paige, but cant you wait untill we get home?” Paige looked up at the girl and cupped her face with her hands. She gave her the most irresistible puppy dog eyes, but Azzi was immune to it. “Please just wait,” She leaned into Paiges ear whispering, “I promise ill make it worth it. You can play with me as much as you want when we get home.” She said in a low seductive voice.
Although her words came out as barely a whisper, Paiges eyes widened. She nodded eagerly, before opening the bathroom door. As the girls walked back to the dance floor they noticed that the rest of the team had sat back down. The girls were all just talking and laughing having a good time. Before Azzi could even sit down Paige spoke out.
“We are going home. Everyone have a great night and enjoy yourselfs!” She said hurriedly. The girls all gave her a suspicious look and laughed. They turned to Azzi and shook their heads, knowing she was about to be in for it. Azzi rolled her eyes as she got dragged out of the bar.
As the two girls left the rest of the team laughed watching Paige stumble out of the bar to get into the uber. “Azzi better get ready, Paige looked very ready to leave” Nika said laughing. All the girls knew exactly what, or better yet who Paige was going to do when she got home.
ruh roh this was not what i expected, i sort of just went with the flow on this one but i hope yall enjoyed this little scene
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buckleygracechan · 1 day
The lightning strike arc for Buck really is one of my favorites.
I just finished rewatching it and my god. The way Eddie screams Bucks name HAUNTS me. The way he tries to pull Buck up, realizes it doesn't work and then rushes down only for Bobby to tell him to go and drive.
And then the coma dream, which is just so trippy and disturbing but also really important because Buck realizes how important he is in everyone's life's. Don't even get me started on the scene with Chris talking to Buck and Eddie crying because PAIN.
Then Buck comes back and everyone is so worried about him that they basically suffocate him. But he knows there is one place he can go to unwind. Eddies house.
As soon as he walks through those doors I'm having heart palpitations because how are they so domestic!? Bucks is so exhausted and Eddie gets it. He just offers him a beer and when Buck just immediately falls asleep Eddie's just like fine I guess I'll let him rest. Then Buck wakes up to go find Eddie in the kitchen making sandwiches and the way they interact there is just chefs kiss.
You can just sort of feel that the lightning strike changed something. Not just in Buck but between them. Or is it just me?
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Darry Curtis has been twenty since he was eleven. He never really truly was a kid. And when his parents died everything happened so fast that suddenly he was a brother, a mother, and a father all at once and between two jobs and the emotional turmoil of two teenage boys you don't really have any time to be a 20 year old. He couldn't afford stupid, fun mistakes. He was busy being everything for everyone all at once and I don't think he was ever given the opportunity to process that. He also never had anyone there for him. Like not only was he the oldest of the gang but he was just the support system for all of them. He had no one to go to because everyone was coming to him. He was severely overworked and severely overlooked and it is honestly heartbreaking how little we talk about that. He gave all of himself up for those boys. He sacrificed his youth to provide for his brothers. He wasn't a kid, not even a teenager. He was a man. And even as a man he had to say goodbye to his future entirely because of the roles that were put upon him before he had a chance to say so. Even if it was his choice there really was no other choice to make. He didn't even get a chance to grieve his parents death because he immediately had to take their roles. It's so heartbreaking and we do not give him enough appreciation or credit.
I love you, Darry Curtis
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I know you’ve been receiving a lot of Malleus asks lately, but do you think Malleus’s overblot will really play with the idea of overblots being dangerous to the overblotter’s health? Having him suffer from health complications after his massive magic expenditure would help take him down a notch in preparation for whatever follows in Book 8. We can’t have him solving everything with his ridiculous magical might after all.
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I don't really think they'll "really play with the idea of OBs being dangerous to the OBer's health" beyond making Malleus conveniently incapacitated for a short enough of a time to not defeat Grim in a single flick of his pinkie finger. (I also want to point out we don't have confirmation for a book 8 with OB Grim quite yet, so I'd rather not make assumptions on what's to come.)
The reason why I think this is because none of the other boys seem to have suffered the physical consequences following their own incidents. Not a single one as far as I'm aware, at least not in a significant way. It's also odd when you consider that both Riddle and Vil's books highlight that they are seemingly back to full health again "a few days later", implying that it only takes a few days to totally recover from the exertion and anguish that they were just under. The worst of it was Vil mentioning his group did not perform as well as they could have since they were all exhausted.
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More damning, however, is Leona's circumstances. He actually recovers almost immediately after the defeat of his OB form (barring a trip to the school infirmary; this is more explicitly shown in the Episode of Octavinelle manga) and even has enough magic to spare to rejoin the interdorm tournament that's going on that same day. And, mind you, they are playing a sport which requires the use of magic… meaning Leona still pushes himself and uses magic when he just overblotted a few minutes ago??? Trey and Jamil even talk about how since the Savanaclaw students took such a beating, it'll be easier for the rest of them to have their revenge on them for playing dirty before the tournament's start. Is… Is no one concerned Leona might OB again from playing?? No?? Just me?? Okay…
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Now of course Malleus is on a completely different power level than his peers. We can’t be sure how his body would react post-OB compared to everyone else, same as how Idia notes in book 6 that the memory wiping technology STYX has on hand may affect fae differently. Solely basing my thoughts on what we already know of other characters though, the mage’s health is not treated like a huge concern in the aftermath. We don’t observe devastating side effects either.
I think we can assume they’ll be fine granted enough rest and food, with maybe the one notable exception being physical hindrance/tiredness in the period right after. That’ll probably be long enough for Malleus to not Save The Day Instantly whenever it is that Grim loses it and rampages, thus giving the other boys a chance to team up and help out. Again, really plot convenient (*stares at the feats Leona was able to pull off in his “tired” state*) but whatever makes the story move forward, I guess 🤷‍♀️
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syoish-aot · 2 days
"I Found You" - EREN/READER - REVERSE ISEKAI (part 4)
reverse isekai, time travel, memory loss
post canon (in a weird roundabout way)
word count: 1411
** note: I edited and moved around some stuff in part 2 and part 3 (that's just how it is when I'm posting rough drafts) so it might be worth going back to reread those parts. The important changes are: they're actually at the soft open of Niccolo's restaurant, Mikasa isn't there yet (because she's flying in from out of town), and I took out the Sasha/Mikasa engagement because I have another idea that works better for later. **
<- PART 3
“The fuck do you mean ‘awake’?” Eren asked after Armin and Jean had immediately pulled him into the bathroom, since it was the only place they’d have some semblance of privacy.
“Eren it’s-- um…” Armin stuttered as he began to fiddle with his hands before he turned to Jean. “Y-You should-”
“Already did it.” Jean quickly said as he slid his phone into his back pocket.
Eren scowled. “Did wha-” 
Suddenly the door burst open. “I JUST GOT JEAN’S TEXT IS EREN REALLY--” Connie cut himself off as he stood in the doorway- eyes wide, face flushed, staring right at Eren. “...holy shit…” He mumbled.
Eren continued to scowl, still extremely confused.
“Move! Move! Move!!” Sasha pushed past him, causing Connie to stumble out of the way and fully into the bathroom. “I knew it would happen soon! I fucking knew it!! I have a sense for these sorts of things you know. It was the same thing when Jean woke up. I had been craving baked potatoes for weeks and then-”
“Sasha, calm down.” Armin cut her off. “We don’t want to overwhelm him, alright?”
“Overwhelm me with what!?” Eren exclaimed. “Seriously what the hell is-”
“What’s the last thing you remember, Eren?” Armin asked as he placed his hands on Eren’s shoulders and forced the other man to look at him.
Eren’s stomach sank as the memories flooded his vision. Smoke. The stomping of footsteps. Streaming from the people below him. A blade drawn lightning quick.
And then nothing.
“I--...” Eren’s head fell as his hands trembled at his sides. “I remember-- I remember everything.” His voice hitched. “Everything I did. Everything I forced all of you to do because of it-- all those people I killed and-”
Suddenly Armin’s arms were wrapped around him, pulling him tightly into a hug just like the hug he’d given him the last time they’d seen each other but also-
…also nothing like that at all.
“It’s alright now.” Armin told him softly. “None of that matters anymore.”
Eren scoffed. “How can it not matter?”
“Because none of that happened here.” Armin told him. “We don’t-... we don’t really get it either but for some reason after we all lived our lives back then, we came here.”
“But…” Eren practically whispered. “...where is here?”
“Here is where everyone is alive. Where we’re all together and we don’t have to worry about death or fighting or titans or anything like that. Here we can just-...” Armin pulled away from his friend and smiled at him, eyes glistening with tears. He looked so relieved as he finished his words: “... here is where everyone can live, Eren.”
“Everyone?” Eren asked.
“Yeah.” Armin told him. “Everyone.”
Eren’s eyes moved from Armin to Jean, Sasha, and Connie. Outside of the room there were more people too, more people he knew from his past life that had somehow ended up here. Everyone in the restaurant was someone he’d crossed at some point in his past; someone who, apparently, had memories of that past but understood it was different from where they were now.
Everyone except for one of them.
Except the person Eren didn’t know from his past, and for some reason had only met in the future.
He’d watched you get ready that morning. Smiling and joking around as you filled him in on the most random gossip of the friend group. A group of people that you were apparently a part of. The way you talked about everyone indicated that you knew them well, maybe even as well as he did.
Eren’s eyebrows tightened together in frustration as he thought of you. He had to know: “Then who’s-”
The bathroom door suddenly burst open.
“There you guys are!” You exclaimed. “Not to ruin your secret bathroom meeting or anything, but Niccolo wants to make a toast.”
Everyone’s eyes were locked on you, each one of them resembling a deer in headlights. You can’t help laughing at their expressions. “What?” You asked.
Armin took a quick breath.
Jean swallowed a lump in his throat.
Sasha coughed.
Eren tried to avoid your eyes, feeling unsettled by the idea of meeting your gaze. The way everyone else was acting indicated that you didn’t know anything about this. About them. About how, apparently, all of them had wound up here in some sort of second chance at life. 
They couldn’t raise suspicion.
So Connie bravely broke the silence: “It’s um-- It’s Jean,” he stuttered. “He’s--... he’s constipated!”
Yeah that wasn’t suspicious at all.
“So… um, I guess that’s all I have to say.” Nicolo concluded his toast with an awkward laugh. “Thank you all for your support, even when that support-” he turned to Sasha, who was tucked under his arm and smiling up at her fiance as he addressed the room, “-sometimes means eating all of my imported truffles.”
“I told you that was an accident!” Sasha defended, playfully smacking him on the chest.
Niccolo laughed and kissed her forehead before everyone raised their glasses in a toast.
You grinned as your arm fell and you took a sip of your champagne. Your nose scrunched at the bitter taste. Wine had never been your thing.
You turned to Eren, who was standing next to you staring into his own glass. 
“Don’t tell me you’re already considering cutting yourself off.” You teased. “Last night you were raving about how you were going to drink Jean under the table again.”
“Yeah..” Eren mumbled. “I um… yeah.”
Your smile fell as you watched him. He looked so trapped in thought. Thoughts he would normally share with you, but right now you knew there was no way he’d do that. You’d spent all morning trying to get into his head and having him push you out.
Eren was right next to you.
But… he’d never felt so far away. 
“I don’t know what happened.” Eren told you, when you were nineteen and he disappeared for an entire night.
“What do you mean?” You asked.
Eren shrugged as he poured himself a glass of water and leaned against the kitchen counter. “I wanted to go for a walk, so I did and then- I dunno. Must have hit my head or something because I woke up back in bed.”
“Eren, you’re acting really casually about this. Maybe we should call your dad…”
You watched Eren’s body tense, just like it always did at the mention of Grisha Jaeger. 
Eren stared into his glass of water, getting lost in his own reflection. For a moment you didn’t recognize him. For a moment he was a stranger.
You didn’t know what else to say, so you said nothing.
Thankfully, after that he bounced back. After that he was Eren. Just Eren.
Until right now, almost six years later, he wasn’t “Just Eren” at all.
He was someone else. The same “someone” that had gotten lost in the woods all those years ago.
Your hand slowly moved from your side and your fingers brushed softly against his. Eren jumped, as if your touch was something intimidating as opposed to comforting.
You began to pull away from him, worried that you’d make things even worse if you continued to push.
But, just as your fingers parted from his, his hand quickly reached out to take yours.
“Don’t.” He told you softly, still staring into his untouched glass of champagne. “I-...”
Eren’s heart clenched as your hand curled against his, returning his hold and sending a wave of warmth up his entire arm. He still didn’t know who you were but he knew this. He knew you hand in his and the way it made his heart soar. 
“It’s okay, Eren.” You said softly as you gave his hand a soft squeeze. “I’m not going anywhere.”
For some reason, those words made everything seem okay.
Mikasa pulled herself into the taxi with a short sigh. Her flight hadn’t been long, but flying had always made her uncomfortable. Thankfully it was over, and soon she’d be celebrating with her friends.
A small smile tugged at her lips at the thought of seeing everyone again. She stared out the window, watching  the city pass by in a blur.
Her phone buzzed and she looked down to see a group chat notification.
Expecting it to be Sasha, likely asking how much longer she was going to take to get there, her eyes widened when she read two simple words:
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