#everyone goes NUTS
willowser · 3 months
i love the idea of there being this big huge secrecy regarding you and bakugou's relationship for years, like it's not something he ever officially confirms or denies. the few times you've been spotted out in public aren't intimate enough to prove anything, and every single time he's asked about you, he's either walked away from the question or demanded a new one (in those forced interviews he begrudgingly gives in to).
he's so incredibly private about his personal life and he wants to keep it separate from his career, works very hard to, though it does nothing to quell the prying—especially after pictures surface of you out and about, obviously pregnant.
nobody says anything, not even his friends (and the media tries them, too), and despite continuous efforts, mum's the word. you'd never know, if not for the here-and-there articles that come out speculating about his family, his private life.
but the internet goes absolutely berserk after he agrees to some magazine spread—a men's health issue, about workouts and how many meals he's eating a day and how it all affects his quirk—and this comes out:
what's one cheat food you just can't seem to avoid?
the pro-hero has to think for a moment, because he doesn't look like the type of guy that even knows the meaning of 'cheat food': "these little cinnamon cookies my son eats," he says casually, with a shake of his head. "i'm always sharing that **** with him."
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zarla-s · 1 year
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Spy has such a big smile on his face when he Spycrabs! I just like that he enjoys being silly (on his terms).
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qrevo · 5 months
Its so cool that you're from brazil. I heard there's this TV show host there that brazillians make fun of and imply that he did 9/11
Celso Portiolli literally did 9/11 btw. the truth is out there for everyone to see
for those who don't believe he did it, this photo is sure to shatter all remaining doubt:
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we still have hope that, one day, justice will be done and he will finally pay for his crimes 🙏
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pastafossa · 1 year
Me, to friend: don't you hate it when you have those days where your heart is just mad and it beats REALLY hard at random moments, even when you're just sitting there, like not FAST but really hard and it is VERY UNCOMFORTABLE for no reason? Friend: you know that's not normal right??? Me: you mean that doesn't happen to you? Friend: NO, IT DOES NOT. Me: ...please hold. *five minutes later* Me: so I talked to my mother and this might in fact be a highly hereditary genetic issue that both her and my grandma and my great grandma all had, who knew??? Anyway I need to see a doctor and I might need heart medication. Friend: YA THINK?
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The woman's voice in earbuds: Battery Low Arthur: So you're just going to leave me. Just like everyone else
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weneedatdcharacterwho · 5 months
We need a total drama character who wants to wants to find Zeke not out of being nice and wanting to put him in rehabilitation but to do evil fucked up experiments on him
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marc--chilton · 6 months
(mgv) oauaughh what if wilson is the first one to tell when house is in pre-heat (haha. like an oven. this will be funnier the more you read) because house's dirty jokes directed at wilson take on a more domestic edge........ "weird how you and your wives never managed any pups" [wilson corrects him, "kids, house" because house never calls them pups unless he's being patronizing or he's going into the cycle] "did you even mark the last one? is that why she turned to another alpha? you know, besides the fact you were spending all your time with me. maybe their bodies knew you couldn't commit so it never took. well--" and wilson tells him to stop. and house does. and then wilson knows why he's saying these things specifically without them having an inciting incident to start it all up like what normally happens between them.
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howlinchickhowl · 7 months
Regarding your tags on peak Gallavich hotness -- I'd like to also submit 7x11 as a strong contender.
what...these guys?
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fresh haircut clear skin clear heart clear eyes mickey and his financially responsible car lover who bottoms now? Yeah they're good lookin' I won't deny.
There is something for me about their physiques in this post you were referencing that just edges these guys out in terms of collective hotness, but are they soft and lovely and in love and ready to risk it all to be together? you betcha!
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cherry-pop-elf · 2 months
Everyone! Meet
((In order))
Olive Weasley with her iconic violin
Chris with his Cello
Riley with her own Violin
Last two OC’s belong to @arrozconlecheeee
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vermillioncrown · 1 year
On BIL: Is Kagami just gonna go on continuing to normie the shit out of these Ball Sport Mad Idiots? Because I think he would. He would totally normie them all the way to his victory. He would normie so hard that this weirdo troupe Generation of Chuunibyous would completely go batshit crazy trying to "figure out" what his "special ability" is. Which by the way is actually just Kagami's (absolutely incomprehensible) ability of his to actually be Human OMG 🤯
to not normie is to go counter to the central premise of bil, thus he must. it's pretty logical and i'm not fond of pulling the rug from under people in a story
him pushing back against having a "special ability" like how they emphasize in canon is half kagami being kagami against all ball sport nonsense, and half his personality trait to never own up to anything ever -> and that comprises of another two parts (1. never let them know your next move 2. it's unhealthy to base your self-worth on One Thing You're Good At...for now)
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genericpuff · 2 years
oh woooow who could have foreseen this 🙄
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(meme courtesy of a ULO pal)
lmao okay so for context, since the 2 week hiatus was announced, people in the main sub have been insistent that the free readers are still gonna get their update this week. Even though I've explained it to them multiple times as clearly as I can that there isn't going to be any releases this week or next - that just because Rachel didn't post the notice in the free episode doesn't mean that the free readers are absolved from the hiatus and that they're still gonna get a free episode, because that wouldn't make sense if Rachel is trying to rebuild a buffer. The fact that she didn't edit the notice into the last free episode doesn't mean "free readers still get updates!" it just means Rachel doesn't bother to go back and edit her episodes when unplanned hiatuses happen, sorry if that's upsetting but you're gonna have to be mad at Rachel about it because she never has the foresight to think of these things that would benefit her audience.
Like, if it were a season or mid-season hiatus, yes, the FP episodes would become free because typically when series return from those planned breaks, they will 1.) want everyone "caught up" to the same point in the story for when it returns, and 2.) will post 1-2 free episodes plus three FastPass episodes so the FP readers can get a headstart.
There will always be a minimum of 3 FastPass episodes ahead of everyone else. This is a basic ass concept for anyone who knows how Webtoons works. If a creator is trying to rebuild a buffer, it would not make sense to put FastPass readers on break, have the free readers catch up, then have to put the free readers on break to release 3 more FP episodes to keep that 3-episode minimum headstart. That is the complete opposite of what rebuilding a buffer is meant to achieve and if Rachel did that, she'd be even worse off than she was going into her 2 week break. It's way more productive to just put everyone on break at the same time and then resume releases like normal without having to 'reset' that 3 episode buffer lead for FP readers.
Still, I've had people insisting with me that "no, the comic will still update for free people! They'll just take a break later after the FP break!" and "Well the episode still SAYS it's gonna go up in 4 days!" and completely not believing me as if I'm just trying to be an asshole. Even though we literally go through this routine every goddamn time there's an unplanned hiatus.
At this point I'm like, aight, suit yourself. Enjoy your new episode in... 14 days, which it's now been updated to and people are confused over as if I wasn't telling them this was exactly what was gonna happen LMAO
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anyways, LO might not be updating, but Rekindled sure is so I hope y'all enjoy tonight's episode <3
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riacte · 9 months
my repost of the xkcd “your moon is here” comic has reached 10k notes ♡ They Don’t Know i made it thinking of spopera false and ren ♡
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lunaremy · 1 year
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guy thats going through hell and back in the present vs guy that went through hell and back in the past except guy 1's issue is "im so tired of protecting people please let me rest" and guy 2's issue was "i hate people so fucking much please let me kill people"
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wispstalk · 10 months
some friends planned a cookie exchange thing. i asked my bf what kind he's making for the party. after a full 8 seconds of staring at me he says i.....dont....know..... and then typed "recipe" into Google
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ramblebrambleamble · 11 months
Somehow, several kkomas end up Loose in the Industrial Complex. Secretive Plotter zips them back up pretty quickly, but the whole time they were arguing loudly and incriminatingly with each other and now everyone knows who he is, but, more importantly. There is nothing he can say to anyone that will convince them that he is not, in fact, a conglomeration of gnomes in a trenchcoat.
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chooh2 · 11 months
personally like to think that nomads do Trunk-or-Treating on Halloween :)
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