#everyone go tell Beth how amazing these are I’m obsessed
ascendingtostardust · 7 months
Yet To Wander - Sam’s profile
A super special thank you to @sammykiszkamyass for making Sam’s profile from the story come to life!
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withahappyrefrain · 8 months
Positivity night can’t continue without giving a shoutout to @sailor-aviator @goldenseresinretriever @teacupsandtopgun @horseshoegirl
Wickett was the first one to turn me around on OC. Her beautiful story “Damn Those Dog Tags” came at a time where I had lost my grandpa. Her story about learning to live with your grief and embracing it rather than running away from it found me at a time where I refused to acknowledge mine. It has helped me immensely and every chapter is like a love letter. I cry, i giggle and i blush. It also helps that we got a sexy Jake Seresin who was doing his best to get Liz to be his and who acknowledged that he needed to change and grow for the better. Plus she gave us an adorable little bug that makes me question my decision to not have kids. I am so sad that their story is coming to an end soon, but I am BEYOND excited to see what else she comes up with.
Beth’s story of Jake and Felicity has captivated me ever since I finally started reading it. Flick is such an amazing strong as hell character and I want to be her so bad. So confident, hilarious, smart and just…10/10 I’m obsessed with her. Reading her relationship with Jake flourish has been an absolute delight. Another favorite part of her story is Jake’s background!! You don’t normally get to see male characters be victims of emotional and psychological abuse, and while it has been absolutely heartbreaking learning what Jake had to go through…it just means his love and trust towards felicity is real and strong. His character development makes me want to cry in the best way. I love these two so much and their story and I just want to give everyone a hug.
Ruthie’s story of the San Diego Daggers has me on a chokehold currently. The way that she has me rooting so fucking hard for Jake and Bugs is actually embarrassing. Bug’s story while it remains a mystery tug at my heartstrings because I just know that she is trying her best, and just wants to do what she loves, which is sports medicine. Also Bugs is so fucking funny (running over Mav, complimenting Jake on his tits) her banter between characters has me dying of laughter and also crying. Crying because once we learned how Jake was betrayed and played by his old team? Girl. As someone who trusted a sports coach many many many years ago, whose actions only put me in an incredible dark and depressive state…it hurts. Because these are the people you trust with your well being. Anyway, the team dynamic is just too incredible and while they are still a new team, you can tell they have each others backs. I cant wait to read more of her work as well as Jake and Bug’s relationship (if I ever stop blushing from their flirting)
Now on to my dear dear Liz. What can I say about Liz that I haven’t said before. It all started with Jake Seresin as an outlaw in the old wild west and a little character named Scout whose storyline hit close to home. I mean what’s not to love about it?! But then she introduced us to Bob, Bradley, Birdie and Bunny and let me tell you I’ve been a goner and a fan ever since. Her ability to build the worlds in her stories by using history and fantasy is unmatched. Her gals are so unique, strong and hella smart all in their own ways. Every chapter she posts leaves me running to her DMs and to a long ass Reblog where I just vomit all my feelings. Her other stories Fool’s Fare and Meet Me At The Sea currently also have me on a chokehold and i day dream about them constantly. I know I said this already…but Liz’s storytelling is so fantastic and she’s so incredible at incorporating magic and fantasy aspects that continue to make me cry and beg for more. Liz never sleeps and is always down to explore Drabbles, constantly asks us for our opinions and is always down to try new and different AUs. I just love her so much. Also if you haven’t yet, check out her OG work, it made me cry and it’s just so good about exploring what makes us human and why as humans we need to preserve and learn from history’s
There’s so many more authors that I love and adore as well as their work, but just wanted to give a shout out to them. I’m forever grateful that I found people just as obsessed about these actors and characters. It makes me feel so validated. Anyway love you all!!
This is such a sweet, wonderful shout out!!!! I cannot wait to dive into their writing? ♥️♥️
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peachraindrops · 2 years
Hiiii! I was wondering how would you rank the seasons of GG? ☺️
Hey Anon! Thank you so much for thinking of me here. I’m not great with formulating run on thoughts into words but this is the scattered web my brain weaves when thinking about good girls from best to worst. 
Season 5 – Yes, I know we didn’t actually get to see it lol. But in my world, s5 would have been Beth finally realizing Rio has intense feelings for her and with the shift in their (mostly her) dynamic, she would finally have the headspace to realize the same. I think future seasons could have seen AMAZING things with Beth and Rio working together instead of against each other. The anarchy they would have created would have probably been unmatched. They’d be running Detroit for sure and just like ficland, they would have branched out and probably into Canada. I’m picturing Beth out in the community, getting her hands dirty and Rio taking full advantage, just watching them drain everyone around them of everything they have. Watching the city burn together. Then, Beth in Nick’s old office at his once desk with Rio getting her on top of it and just, WE WERE OWED THIS SCENE. They’re definitely crime soulmates and the chemistry was insanely palpable. 🥵🥵
Season 2 – Because well…. Season 2. 🍑🍆. Do people still use these? I feel like they don’t. Anyway, the bathroom scene. The ‘vette scene. The bedroom scene. Rio’s apartment. The couply bickering. It was all just chaotic and them, sooo peak Brio. Rio had strong and fresh feelings he obviously didn’t know how to handle, and he really just let it all hang out which he didn’t do again in the same forceful way until s4. He was consumed by her and so LOUD about it, it gives me chills just to think about. He would have given her the world if she would have paid attention. Also, Mary Pat? I get salty because she had the guts I wished Beth had all along. She was ok with pretty much anything she had to do to support her family and Beth could have taken a page or two out of her book.
Disclaimer that the s2 ending had me considering putting s2 at the bottom of the list but luckily for me I’m good at dissociating and compartmentalizing. 🙄
Season 1 – Season 1 started so strong and mildly stroke out to this day when I think about the energy of Rio’s scenes in episode s1e1. He was chaotic and magnetizing, but mostly just…unexpected? The soundtrack in s1 was bomb and Beth’s look was off the charts… prooobably why Blazerville USA in s2 sucked so hard for me. She had this vibe in s1 of revenge and fierce female anger that was perfectly reasonable given the situation and I was here for it. The writers got amnesia over the summer though and that was pretty much all gone from there on out. Also, s1 Beth actually had a personality beyond exhaustion and overconfidence. I think back to Beth telling the whole story about how she went back to Canada and her van was full of paper and Ruby and Annie just 😳😳🤯🤯 until Beth lost it. Why didn’t we get that more? It was endearing and humanizing in a way they forgot to commit to in later seasons leaving Beth unrelatable and dry at times.
Season 4 – Season 4 had some unexpected goodies, but the therapist and dean pretty much ruined most of it for me. Dean had WAY too much screentime with his little buddies and I think everyone here must remember how I feel about Dean. The therapist storyline, was that supposed to develop Annie’s character? Because it didn’t. I’m imaging sending her to jail for a few months “over summer break” doing 100x more than making us sit through 10 episodes of her obsessing and entangling with her therapist before finally presenting him with a dead smashed-up butterfly and checking out. What in the actual fuck was that?  The best part of s4 to me was getting to see parts of Rio that we obviously never got to see before. They still missed the mark completely on developing him as a character and I’m not even going to get into all of that right now, but meeting Rosa and Nick gave Rio a layer that I was deeply missing before. They again missed the mark on developing the brother/cousin thing and I think even one fully Rio-centric episode to show the cause of his family dynamic would have changed everything for me. Why didn’t they fill in any gaps between Nick’s “now we can do anything we want” comment and Beth finding Rio waiting for her in his kitchen? How long was he in FCI Milan? What was that like? How did come up so fast after that? What did Rosa have to say about it all? That’s what I needed to see. His transition and his backstory but in true GG writer fashion, they forgot all about it. 
Season 3 – At least we got the car wash scene and the “show me”. I wasn’t nearly as bothered by Lucy’s death as most people because it just made sense to me. After s2 ended, someone in her circle had to die and we all knew Rio was never going to kill Beth. But I can understand why people hated seeing Lucy die. It needed to be done IMO and she just didn’t add enough value for me to feel the need to keep her around so she was that person. My problem was mostly the hitman storyline and s3 starting with Beth befriending Rhea like that. Whaaaat the fuck. Not only was it weird, it aided in softening her character at a time they should have been trying to build up more momentum since the damage was already done. But back to the hitman storyline…it was just…lazy and all-consuming. Not only that, but it went on and on and nothing even ended up happening?! At a certain point, I almost just wanted him to shoot Rio and get it over with (stick with me here). I love Andrew McCarthy so if the storyline could have been 1-2 episodes before Beth realized she was crazy and that’s not what she ever wanted and she finally took a step back to strategize like the mastermind she was capable of being, I would have liked that.
Anyway, I think I rambled way too long but in all honesty, I’ve barely said anything I wanted to say. Maybe I’ll elaborate more on this later just for my own benefit and then put it out there in case anyone else here might want to read it too. Lol. 
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myhoneststudyblr · 4 years
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something crazy just happened...
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i started this blog a year and a half ago and i honestly never imagined i would reach 100 followers let alone 15k!!! so i want to thank you ALL for being so lovely, welcoming and supportive - whenever i come on to tumblr, the studyblr community never fails to make me smile
this studyblr has been such an important journey for me and since i’ve made it i’ve grown as a person and as a student. it has taught me so much, from good study habits and self-care tips, to even some things about who i am as a person!
since i’ve created this blog and particularly in the past few months I've had the honour to meet and get to know some truly incredible people and i want to tag some people who i love and im so thankful to for being so kind: 
(you should all go follow their blogs if you haven’t already)
(btw it is probably gonna be quite long cause i have so much to say about these incredible people!!! sorry but im not really sorry XD)
@redlitmusbluelitmus MIA!!! i have already told you so many times how glad i am that you are my friend but i am going to do it again right here cause i can!! you are quite possibly the nicest, funniest and supportive people i have ever had the pleasure to meet. we haven't known each other for that long but in that time you quickly became an amazing friend and we have always just *got* each other!!! 💕💕💕
@study-van yasemin - our first conversation was pretty much a car crash and every one since has made me laugh and look like a proper idiot cause im usually just staring at my phone! i’ve followed your blog for so long and i’m so proud of all the amazing things you are doing and i’m so glad to have you as a friend after so stalking your blog for so long 💕
@museeofmoon zainab!!! we’ve known each other only for a short time now but our friendship was pretty much immediate!!! our conversations are filled with emojis, emoticons, capitals letters and XDs and i wouldn’t have it any other way!!!!! your posts are works of art and i will forever stan them <3
@headgirlstudy Ellie - discovering your blog was one of the best things to come out of my 2020 quarantine challenge cause you have this incredible style and simple beauty to your posts that i just can’t get enough of! i’ve loved having our fangirl conversations about taylor swift and all her incredible songs! you probably don’t know this but one of those conversations took place when i was feeling very low but discussing all the songs with you lifted me up so much so thank you xxx
@jeonchemstudy DAPHNE!!! if i ever create a bujo, i want it to look like yours because honestly, i don't understand how you managed to create such beauty!! we are interested in such similar things and it’s been so cool to find a fellow Gallagher girl lover (i was so shook when i found out you loved the books cause i usually feel very alone in my loved of them XD) and someone who is obsessed with last week tonight as me!!! x
@bulletnotestudies sabrina... you are just incredible and such a joyful person!!! i will always remember you messaging me when i posted that i was stressed about an exxay exam and your message was the last thing i saw before doing it and honestly if gave me such a boost! you’re positivity and supportiveness blows me away and i want many many more conversations with you xxx
@lattesandlearning laura - you were one of the most dedicated posters throughout the quarantine challenge and i loved seeing each and every one of your posts! i’m so glad to be following your journey and seeing what you’ve accomplished even in the short amount of time that I've known you <3
@upside-down-uni mo!!! another incredibly dedicated poster in the quarantine challenge and one that i always specifically looked out for! you and your blog have truly opened my eyes to other experiences and educated me more than you know just from your responses and posts! i always see that you like my posts and even on my dumb little text posts you often reply and it always makes me smile! i’m so glad that you’ve created this officially studyblr and thankful to you for making the community even more colourful 🌈
@coffeeandpies pat, i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again but you are the basically the third person that i followed in the studyblr community and to think that we’ve actually had conversations and we are friends and mutuals is downright crazy to me because you are imo just one of those iconic blogs!!! you are a beautiful person inside and out and your text posts are hilarious and tell the best stories. thank you so much for being so lovely <3
@coralstudiies you were the first person ever to really message me on tumblr and i remember being so shook because i think your blog is just mind blowingingly incredible! every picture of your notes looks like a work of art and i don’t know how you manage to make them look so perfect!!!
@problematicprocrastinator beth, you are a pillar of positivity in this community and your supportiveness and openness is at a level that i aspire to! your morning messages are usually the first thing i see (at least when i still was going to school on the bus every morning before all of the corona stuff) and it always gave me a little boost for the day! you are an incredible writer and your dedication to supporting everyone in this community is amazing <3 (also your blog name is probably the best one i’ve ever seen and i’m so jealous ngl)
i could wax lyrical about every studyblr i know but this post is getting really long so here are more of my favourites (just know that if you are in this list i have a little monologue about how amazing you are in my head and i appreciate you so much 💕💕💕)
@chazza-studies-alevels @stuhde @captainofstudies @sosiaalitieteet @elleandhermione @mid-afternoon-tea @athenastudying @learning-to-think @serendistudy @philology-studies @rivkahstudies @emili-a-a @nabasynth @divinity-study @cals-desk @abbieestudia @studywithprincess @studybuddiesareoverrated @casual-minimalist @stu-dna @coffe-in-cup @adelinestudiess @intellectys @eintsein @einstetic
there are so so many more that could be added to this list and i’m sure i’ve forgotten people!! basically i ADORE every single person in this community and i’ve loved getting to know all of you and i hope i’ll be able to meet more people in the next few years 💕💕💕
Now here’s the blograte celebration!!!
I did a blogrates for 10k followers but i enjoyed it so much and it was a while ago now that i want to do it again with all you amazing people!!!
Must be following me although new followers are welcome too!
Must be a studyblr or at least mostly (cause I want to find some more studyblrs to follow)
Reblog this post
Send me an ask : in the ask begin with your favourite emoji so I know it is a blog rate then tell me a funny story! 
Please don’t send anons - if your studyblr is a side blog just tell me this in the ask
Please let me know what you tag your original content with (specifically if it is not in your bio) 
Please be kind and patient! i am very busy this summer with lots of work as well as running my Summer Studying Challenge so it may take me a little while to do it but hopefully, i’ll get it done as fast as possible
I will be doing these blogrates until Wednesday 22nd July 
URL | not my style | I kinda get it | awwww | I’m loving this! | how did you even come up with this masterpiece!?!??! |
Icon | what is it? | nice | aesthetic™️ | *heart eyes* | I WANT IT NOW THIS IS SO GORGEOUS |
Mobile theme | eh | nice | good | amazing | aesthetic af |
Desktop theme | default | nice | good | amazing | give me the code pls |
Following | no sorry, but you’re still amazing! | I am now omg! | how could I not?!?!! | forever and always ❤️ |
Original content | couldn’t find any :( | nice | great | well done! | I LOVE! | ABSOLUTE GOALS!!! |
i will be tagging my blograte posts with #myhoneststudyblr15k if you wanna blacklist them so your dash doesn’t get filled up!!
Thank you everyone!! <3
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st-just · 4 years
Semi-coherent Queen’s Gambit thoughts
Overall I really did enjoy the show, even if it might be a bit shallow, once you dig into it. Or, well,, having thought about it I could write a damning denunciation on request, anyway (but that’s true of basically everything I watch, so). Aesthetically gorgeous, of course. But honestly, what’s most interesting to me is how, like, deceptively upbeat and optimistic and generally joyful show it is?
Okay, so firstly – I really do mean it when I say it’s aesthetically beautiful. This show has singlehandidly convinced me that every change in fashion since the ‘60s has been a strict downgrade. The soundtrack’s absolutely sublime as well, both the licensed tracks and just the score – I’m almost certainly going to just be listening to the soundtrack as walking around music for quite a while. I’m no expert on cinematography, but there were a few scenes that were absolutely just showing off, and I sure as hell enjoyed the show (the American championship montage, obviously, and the pull-out in the Moscow hotel. And, well, pretty much every important chess game/tournament). Anna Taylor-Joy absolutely makes the show, and literally anyone whose watched more than two minutes of it probably agrees. Has one of those faces that is just amazing at getting across emotions and ideas without actually saying anything (and without looking like an idiot trying to do so). Really, the comparison that springs to mind is Mathew Rhys and Kerri Russel in The Americans, which is just about the highest praise I, personally, can give. So, yeah, give her and the people in costuming and set design Emmys, at a minimum.
And – getting critiques out of the way, in descending order of how much I care. Jolene is absolutely the most stereotypically Black Best Friend sort of character imaginable, and the conversation where she basically looks at the camera and says she doesn’t just exist to be Beth’s guardian angel doesn’t actually help that much. Beth finally summoning up the self belief and willpower to flush away her lifelong pill habit in the middle of a tournament and playing the next day without any sort of problems was a bit twee. Between the show’s utterly despair inducing vision of the life the women Beth went to school with have and Julie’s whole vitriolic anti-model spiel the show can come off a bit #notlikeothergirls (incidentally, whoever got the French a national stereotype of being sexy, well-dressed and sophisticated deserves a bigger statue in Paris). And, yeah, it’s not unjustifiable or even, like, unusually bad, but Beth hitting rock bottom does end up looking a lot like a playboy spread.
But, okay – when I say the series is remarkably upbeat what I mostly (magical addiction-curing character development aside) mean is that the world (or at last, the world of chess) is shown as fundamentally uplifting, kind, and pure. The conflict of the show is either the result of forced interactions with the rest of society, or Beth struggling with her own damage. Her birth mother and father, the orphanage, her utter piece-of-shit of an adoptive father, the other girls at school – these are all, broadly, terrible. But chess itself is an entirely positive part of her life, and while some of the people she meets through it are rude or condescending at first, they basically all very quickly grow to respect her and become extremely invested in her well-being and success (her relationship with her adoptive mother also becomes more positive and loving basically entirely in proportion to how supportive she is of Beth’s chess career). All of her rivals turn out to be gracious losers and perfect gentleman, and also usually fall in love with her (which, well, fair), and the closest things the series has to a defined, hateable villain (beyond Beth’s self-destructive tendencies) is her adoptive father,  not anyone in the chess world that consumes the vast majority of the plot.
The show’s take on gender roles and period-appropriate patriarchy. There is, to borrow and probably butcher (I believe) Kate Manne’s there is quite a lot of sexism in the show, but almost no misogyny. Which is to say, Beth has to deal with plenty of condescension, double-standards, suffocating expectations, and generally being being looked at askance, and the show is absolutely crystal clear that actually living up to those expectations is a miserable, soul-crushing, dream-killing husk of a life. But when she ignores them and demands to be accepted as a serious chess-player, once she shows that she’s as good as she acts like she is, everyone just, well, lets her. There’s no enforcement mechanism to the patriarchy, or if there is Beth is too exceptional to ever even see it. And no one ever becomes hateful or violently insecure when shown up by her – quite the opposite, really.
Semi-related, but for a show set during the Cold War it’s got an oddly positive view of the Soviet Union. Benny’s rant about how people actually care about chess and give it prestige, and how chess players there actually work together and cooperate instead of being obsessed with individual achievement (which the rest of the show goes on to make very clear is a virtue and something worth copying). There was a bit in the last episode along the same lines that actually made me smile – when the State Department/CIA goon asks Beth to tell the reporters how being in Moscow has made her proud to be an American, when she clearly (imo) is rather fond of the sudden adoring crowds and the reverence her sport is treated with.
Beyond jokes about the there being another universe 10 degrees off from this one where the whole thing is a VN where you beat each potential love interest in chess to unlock them, the comparison that comes to mind is honestly Among Others by Jo Walton. Not for, like, tone or subject matter or anything, but just for the general arc of ‘Weird Girl in mid 20th century deals with horrifying childhood trauma and alienation from the social life expected of her by diving headfirst into nerdy/esoteric subculture”.
But yeah, anyway, gorgeous, enjoyable show. Would watch again. Give Taylor-Joy an Emmy. Thank you again to @triviallytrue and @rox-and-prose for the recommendation. 
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sapphiics · 3 years
2020 mutual appreciation post!!
if you thought i wasn’t gonna copy my entire dash, you were sorely mistaken! who cares if we’re like over two hours into 2021? not me, so let’s begin:
first a very fun moodboard i made to sum up my quarantine
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now for my moots:
@multi-mess-of-a-person Nellie!! you hold such a sacred place in my heart, because i feel like we’re really alike and think similarly, and even if we don’t talk often i love conversing with you and am very glad that we started talking! i love you so much, and you were like my first friend here! also i refuse to say anything bad on hotchniss when you’re on the dash because I love you too much
@greenaway-lewis Lucy🥺 lucy i love you so much, you’re incredibly hilarious and really fun to talk to(even if you do crap on all men🙄) and i’m so glad we started talking! i’m never bored when it comes to you and i care about you so much!! I love your writing style a lot your elle fic was super good! you make up for not being a hardcore morcia stan with your amazingness and the fact that you love temily and tara in general
@thestrawberrygirl elle i’m so glad we started talking even if it’s only been for a little bit so far! you worked your ass off to get on my biggest fans list(which i absolutely adored thank you very much🥰) and you’re such an incredibly interesting person i couldn’t imagine ever not wanting to hear what you say!
@kermitsaysgayrights sophia i love you. you’re such a sweet person and not only do i just adore your energy and personality but you are also the penemily widen and i love all of your content for them you practically raised the ship from the ground up!! i’m so glad we started talking recently and i really love you (and the rest of the mafia🥺) i love your blog so freaking much. the diner au has a sacred place in my heart
@marry-me-prentiss Jaz!!! I love you so much! you are such a nice and caring person and never fail to send me a good morning every single day(i love attention it means a lot to me) I’m so glad we’re moots.
@ssaemxlyprentxss the very first blog i followed🥺 viv when i tell you i had the biggest blog crush for so long i was so shocked when you followed me!! not only are you super talented but you’re funny, gorgeous, and very caring to everybody. and you’re a good writer like objectively good like getting me to read jemily good which is mucho wild.
@agentshortstacc where do i begin joey? my love, my partner, the apple of my eye the ying to my yang!! i’m so glad we’re moots(and in love ofc) and i love your fics and headcanons!! like i’m super particular but i love your stuff so much! you’re also such a nice person and i love you extremely so.
@gothwyfe i cannot even begin to explain how cool you seem to me i see all of your posts and i want your energy so bad. you’re funny as fuck and seem absolutely lawless.
@gaymemeaesthetic pluto first and foremost you were carrying the dash in memes when i went on my **** dive. you’re extra hilarious and i love your blog so much. i didn’t even know you followed me and i was super surprised to find out that you did you’re somebody who i like all of your posts. i love you🥺
@babey-jj you’re blog is so funny and great that i can completely forget about the fact that hey there delilah was your most listened song 2020(🤨) but for real i love you and i think you’re such a cool person.
@peanutbutterworm We only started being mutual every recently but absolutely everything you say about morcia and penemily speaks to me on a deep soul irhbdbdjdjdh why weren’t they endgame type level i think you’re amazing and hilarious.
@haleymalaffey haley haley haley. i could write a whole paper on how much i think the entire world of you. First and very foremost you completely match my morcia obsession on a level absolutely unparalleled i thought i was very much going crazy with how much i loved them until i found your blog and i was immediately smitten even before knowing how much of a caring and perfect person you were. you’re incredibly nice to everyone on here and i’m so grateful for you every single day. i love you so fucking much. i type this as i listen to the playlist you made for me (specifically You’re my best friend by Queen) and i can’t even comprehend how amazing you are.
@fuckshitupm8-deactivated3728 Maggie!! i love you and your blog so much you are like the prime minister of the moreid fan club. you’re such a positive person on here and fill me with so much joy interacting with you🥺
more people i very much love even if we barely talk @sunlightgalaxy okay nic you gave me this really nice review of my fic and i read it like 5 times and almost cried so thank you so much it meant everything to me
@rosesonmyheart i love your blog so much!!! it’s not only a nice break from all the cm but also morcia morcia morcia which is what clouds my brain daily
@hotchsbabygirl cj sometimes i swear you’re only there to cause me physical and mental hurt with all your morcia stuff i cannot handle it they keep me awake at night with all their wasted potential. i love your blog an insane amount it’s almost unreal.
@penelopeminded I really like your blog( i am also very obsessed with lists so it’s perfect for me) so much that i can excuse ranking hotch and beth over misty(nothing beats misty😤)i like get excited seeing you in my notifs.
@screechingshepherddeputygoth love, you like all my posts shitty, random, totally balls off the wall all of them you are a trooper! also when you sent me that ask i was so incredibly touched and i still think about it🥺 thank you and i love you
@thejeidhater annie you are so sweet! we just became moots very recently but i think you’re such a nice word on and i’m very excited to only get to know you more
okay that is it y’all i am so freaking sorry if i forgot anybody, i love all 170 of you guys and i’m so grateful for this blog🥺
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pynkhues · 4 years
A 2.06 Reading List
As a part of the re-watch, I’m now doing little fic rec posts focused on stories that were written around, about or for each episode! You can read the 1.06 - 2.05 posts here, and check out the 2.06 recs below!
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Nothing But Trouble by vuucijl / @lilliloves​
(~4k words. Beth Boland, Rio. Beth x Rio. Explicit).
After negotiating their deal at the end of 2.06, Beth asks Rio out for a drink instead of going home to Dean.
One of the things that is so enticing to me about Beth x Rio as a ship is that they’re so many things all at once, and @lilliloves​ captures that so well in this terrific story! There’s such an energy to it which travels from push-pull to companionship to intimacy to sex, and these transitions are all written in such a compelling and satisfying way. You really feel the complexity of their existing dynamic, which has only just been made more complicated by the events of 2.06, and it just builds and builds into something really special.
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Silent Wars by @alittlespy
(600 words. Beth Boland, Rio. Beth x Rio. Explicit).
Beth always wants the upper hand, even if he’s never extending his to her.
I somehow completely missed this fic when it was first posted, and only discovered it while going through ao3 to organise fics for this rec series, and oh my gosh, I’m so glad I found it! While it’s short, the author captures so much of Beth’s obsession, her need to be seen, to not concede, to win when it comes to Rio, and it’s realised so richly in such few words. It’s so full of character, and I really loved it! 
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Lanes by @nakedmonkey​
(~1k words. Beth Boland, Rio. Beth x Rio).
An alternate version of 2.06 – Beth calls Rio out for telling her to stay in her lane. 
@nakedmonkey​ honestly writes some of the best back-and-forth banter, and this fic is teeming with it! It’s such a fun alternative to the confrontation at the end of the episode (this fic was written based off the promo + sneak peaks for the ep!) and Beth and Rio crackle in all the ways we’d expect them to. 
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Thinking of You by mintletters16
(~4k words. Ruby Hill. Stan Hill. Sara Hill. Beth Boland. Ruby x Stan. Beth x Rio. Beth + Ruby).
Ruby and Stan celebrate an anniversary, while Ruby sweats on her decision to work with Turner. 
There’s not a lot of fics that centre Ruby and Stan’s relationship in this fandom, so it’s always an absolute treat when one does, particularly when they’re as tenderly written as this one by mintletter16. They do a wonderful job of exploring Ruby and Stan’s history, while also capturing the tensions that existed around 2.06. It makes for a wonderfully evocative story with everyone’s favourite couple. 
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There’s a Lonely Blackbird by openhearts
(~3k words. Beth Boland, Rio, Dean Boland. Beth x Rio. Beth x Dean. Explicit).
From 2.04 to 2.06, Beth navigates Rio’s obsession for her and starts to explore her own power in that relationship.
This fic has a pretty different but really compelling take on Rio, and it navigates his obsession with Beth in a way that really makes him feel a bit younger, a bit more wide-eyed, a bit less in control. It creates a really interesting interpretation of their shifting power dynamic and builds to this really sharp edged conclusion that works. It’s some straight up magic! 
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The Moth & the Flame by lsquared80
(~4k words. Beth Boland, Rio. Beth x Rio. Explicit).
Post-2.06, Beth and Rio’s new partnership faces a test. 
I really love fics that delve a little more into crime storylines, and this one has a fun set-up that plays around with Beth’s newfound confidence after 2.06 in a way that builds to a fast-paced action sequence, and then a pretty great, more languid recovery, clean up and sex scene. It’s delightful, and has a lovely energy and chemistry to it.
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When We Fall Asleep Where Do We Go by thatbluenote
(~3k words. Beth Boland, Rio, Dean Boland. Beth x Rio. Explicit).
Set directly after 2.06, Dean can’t get her off, but Rio can. Even better, he can do it in a storage unit full of money. 
My thoughts on this fic typically tend to be just !!!!!!!! haha. It’s SO MUCH FUN, really diving deep into Beth and Rio’s sexual attraction to one another, but also steeping it in Beth’s unhappiness with her marriage, how tied financial security and making money is to her confidence and sexuality, and her grappling with the knowledge that she knows, if nothing else, Rio can make her feel good. Plus, y’know, they literally bone on a pile of money which is amazing. 
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Don’t Look by @foxmagpie​ 
(~1k words. Beth Boland, Rio. Beth x Rio. Explicit).
Post-2.06, Beth fantasises and Rio swings by. 
This short prompt fill crackles with sexual tension in all the absolute best ways. It’s fun! Flirty! Charged with all of that electricity we know and love. I really love the idea that Rio’s retaliation for Beth strongarming him was to work her like crazy until she wanted less responsibility too, and this really sort of crests on that idea in a satisfying way. I love it! 
As always, I’m sure I missed a few, so please reblog with additions! :-) 
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allthingsfangirl101 · 4 years
Wish I Were Heather–Zac Efron
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Inspired by the song, Heather by Conan Gray
Dating a famous actor is tough. Now, dating him in secret is just sheer torture. Everyone, literally everyone, has an opinion about who he should be with and who would look great on his arm. And I am not even close to them. They are all beautiful, famous, rich, dropped-dead gorgeous women. I'm just average.
The recent girl that fans want Zac to start dating is his costar, Heather Manning. She's a rising star who started off as a model. She had a few cameos in tv shows at first, but her career shot off from there.
Anything anyone can talk about is Zac Efron and Heather Manning. People are obsessed with the leaked set photos that have been released. They love how the two look together.
Zac's fans think I am just his friend who is always around. They actually hate me. They think it's annoying that I follow him around, not doing anything. When asked, he tells people that I am his lifelong best friend who moved to LA with him.
They don't know that we've actually been dating since before his career. It all started junior year of high school. I had been studying so much for my AP test, ACT, and SAT that I got sick and ended up fainting in the middle of class.
Zac rode with me to the hospital and sat next to me every day I was there. When I was released, he was at my house 24/7, constantly around me to make sure I was taking care of myself. About a week after it happened, I asked why he refused to leave my side. That's when he admitted his feelings for me and I confessed mine for him.
In the first few months of his career, we had a long-distance relationship. The second I graduated high school, I went to LA to live with him. We talked about it and agreed to keep our relationship a secret from all of Zac's fans.
It was actually Zac's idea. He hadn't wanted his fans to try and get in the way of us or try and influence us. He wanted our relationship to be just that; us. Even though I agreed to keep our relationship a secret, it was hard. Everywhere I turned, someone was hitting on Zac, asking him out, or trying to get him to ask them out.
I tried to act like it didn't bother me, but of course it did. After a while, it started to get to me. It's exhausting trying to act like it didn't bother me. Zac is a famous actor and I'm just me.
I got a degree online in marketing, but I don't do anything with it. All I do is sit at home and do random chores around the apartment while I wait for Zac to come home.
I still remember, Third of December, Me in your sweater. You said it looked better on me than it did you, Only if you knew, How much I liked you.
"Hey, babe." I looked away from my book to see Zac walking in the door.
"Hi," I said softly. I put my book down and pulled my legs under myself as he walked over and sat next to me.
"How was your day?" He asked, reaching over and putting his hand on my knee.
"It was fine," I said under my breath as I looked away.
"Hey," he said gently. "You okay?"
"I'm fine," I said, not even convincing myself. I sighed as I looked back up at him. "What?" I asked when I saw the way he was smirking at me.
"You're wearing my favorite sweater," he chuckled as he scooted closer to me and put my feet on his lap. I smiled as he rubbed my calves.
"I was cold," I shrugged. He laughed as he leaned over and pressed his lips to mine in a short, gentle kiss.
"Well," he said when he broke the kiss. "It looks better on you anyway."
                       * * * * *
But I watch your eyes as she walks by. What a sight for sore eyes, Brighter than a blue sky. She's got you mesmerized. While I die
"They just sent me the trailer for my new movie. Wanna watch it?" Zac asked as he laid his head down on my lap and propped up his phone. I sighed as he pressed play.
I tried to be supportive and watch it, but it was too painful. Instead of watching the trailer, my eyes never strayed from Zac. It was hard to watch the smile on his face.
"So," he laughed as he sat up when the trailer ended. "What did you think?"
"I love it," I smiled through the pain. "It's going to be an amazing movie."
Zac turned towards me and grabbed my hands, intertwining our fingers. "Babe, you know that this is just for show, right? I mean. . . It's just for the movie."
"I know," I laughed it off. "We already talked about it before you started filming. I know that every cute moment, every kiss is just for the movie. I trust you, Zac."
"Damn, I love you," he laughed as he leaned over and pressed his lips to mine.
Why would you ever kiss me? I'm not even half as pretty. You gave her your sweater. It's just polyester, but you like her better Wish I were Heather
I broke the kiss when the image of Heather kissing Zac was stuck in my head. I smiled as I leaned back and grabbed my book. He watched me for a second before turning his attention back to his phone.
I have been supportive of Zac and his career through every moment, but it's getting harder. Watching the love of my life on screen with a beautiful actress was torture. It just reminded me that I wasn't anywhere near to being part of his league.
                       * * * * *
Watch as she stands with Her holding your hand. Put your arm 'round her shoulder, Now I'm getting colder.
I smoothed out my dress, trying to wipe away the nerves. Zac walked into the front room and smiled. "Wow," he chuckled. "You look beautiful."
"Thanks," I blushed as I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. I smoothed out my dress again, looking down at my feet.
"Nervous?" He smirked as he walked over and grabbed my hands.
"Always," I chuckled. He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to my lips.
"It's going to be okay," he smirked when he broke the kiss. "Besides, I'm the one who should be nervous. I bring you along with me so you can keep me calm."
The whole drive to his premiere, my stomach was in knots. The idea of constantly being around my secret boyfriend and the girl I've been secretly comparing myself to made me sick.
We pulled into the theater and everything happened as if someone was fast-forwarding through the night. We walked the red carpet, but when we got to the paparazzi, he was taken away from me. They didn't want pictures of us. They wanted pictures of Zac and Heather.
I stood to the side, my arms wrapped around myself as I watched them take pictures. The more poses they went through and the closer they seemed to get together, the lower my stomach dropped. When it got too much, I turned on my heel and walked inside.
                       * * * * *
But how could I hate her? She's such an angel But then again, kinda wish she were dead. As she walks by, What a sight for sore eyes, Brighter than a blue sky. She's got you mesmerized, While I die.
The entire time we watched his movie, my heart was in my stomach. I found it incredibly hard to watch Zac on-screen fall in love with a girl ten times prettier than me.
I know how much my boyfriend loves me. I know he would never cheat on me or hurt me. I know I was being insecure, but I couldn't stop. I couldn't shake the feeling that I was the off-brand version of Heather Manning.
Zac's new movie, The Lucky One, is based on the book written by Nicholas Sparks. Zac plays Logan Thibault, a US Marine who finds a photograph of a young woman while serving in Iraq. He carries it around as a good luck charm, and later tracks down the woman, Heather's character, Beth.
Watching Heather act was almost bewitching. I say almost because it's as painful as is it bewitching. I fought the tears as long as I could, but the longer I watched the man I'm in love with fall in love with another woman, the harder it got.
The tears finally started streaming down my cheeks as the movie came to an end. As Zac's and Heather's characters lived "happily ever after", I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed my bag and ignored Zac's questioning look as I ran out of the theatre.
                       * * * * *
Why would you ever kiss me? I'm not even half as pretty. You gave her your sweater. It's just polyester, but you like her better. I wish I were Heather
"Y/N?!" Zac called out as he ran out of the theater following me. "Stop. Please!"
I froze but didn't turn around. I wrapped my arms around myself as I waited for Zac to speak up.
"Babe," he said, his voice barely audible. "What's going on with you?"
"Nothing," I stuttered.
"Y/N, come on," he sighed. "You've been acting kind of weird the past couple of weeks. Months, really. Talk to me, Y/N. Please? What's going on?"
"I can't do this," I whispered, more to myself than to him.
"What?" Zac asked, the annoyance building in his voice. "Just talk to me, Y/N. What's going on?"
"I can't do this anymore, Zac!" I yelled as I turned around. He froze when he saw the tears streaming down my cheeks.
"Y/N," he said softly, my name getting caught in his throat. "What are you. . ."
"All I hear about every day is which beautiful actress your fans want you to be with, what girls are worth your time, and what kind of girl should make you happy. And guess what! I'm not even close to any of them."
"Y/N," he tried to interrupt, but I didn't let him.
"And the worst part is that I agreed to this!" I laughed sarcastically. "We talked about it and both agreed to keep us a secret. But I wasn't. . ."
"Y/N," he tried again.
"I didn't know how hard this would be, Zac," I said, not skipping a beat. "Because it's incredibly hard. Keeping us a secret is emotionally draining and exhausting. I love you, Zac but. . . I don't know how much longer I can do this."
"Y/N, please," he said desperately. "We don't have. . ."
I shook my head, the tears no longer streaming down my cheeks as I slowly walked away from him. "You should be with Heather or someone like her. . . Not me."
"Y/N, what are you talking about?" Zac asked, running his hands through his hair. "Just. . . Slow down, okay? Can we sit down and talk about this?"
"No," I said, taking another step back. "This has been going on too long, Zac. And you know it. I can't. . . I'm not good enough for you. You deserve a beautiful actress or a model. And I'm not like that. I'm average. I don't even have a job."
"So?" He scoffed. "I don't care about that! We've known each other all of our lives, Y/N. And you aren't average. You're my best friend, the love of my life. Besides, I don't want some girl who's looking for her next big career move. I want someone who really knows me. I want you."
"Zac, please just stop," I said, my voice getting caught in my throat. "Why would you ever want me?"
"Why wouldn't I want you?" Zac laughed awkwardly but stopped when he saw the look on my face. "Y/N, baby, please. . ."
I shook my head as I took a few steps back. Before he could say anything or do anything, I turned on my heel and left.
                       * * * * *
I was laying down on our couch, my knees up to my chest. There were dried tears on my cheeks as I numbly watched the tv. I wasn't sure what I was watching or what was happening, but I didn't care.
I sucked in a breath when I heard the lock click and the door open. I resisted the urge to look at Zac as he walked in.
"Hey," he whispered. "I'm kind of surprised you're still up."
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him take off his suit jacket and drape it over the Lazyboy. I bit my lip as he sat on the couch by my feet. I heard Zac sigh before laying down and pulling me into his chest. He spooned me, wrapping his arm around my waist.
"Can we please talk?" He whispered. I shrugged, knowing my voice would fail me. Besides, I said everything I had to say back at the theater.
"I had no idea that this was so hard on you," he sighed. "If I had known. . . I'm so sorry, babe. I should've known that keeping us a secret would be hard on you. But I. . . Damn, I've been really selfish, haven't I? I've been a horrible boyfriend," he whispered, rubbing his hands up and down his face. "I've been selfish and. . . I haven't. . ."
I finally looked at him when he sat up, but he didn't look towards me. Instead, he stared straight ahead, probably overthinking all of this. And that made me feel guilty.
"I am so sorry, Y/N." He shifted more towards me and grabbed my hands. "Things are going to be different. I promise. I am going to announce that we are dating, living together, everything. I am going to set up an interview to only talk about you. I'm going to take some time off so we can spend more time together. I'm so sorry I've been horrible to you."
"Zac," I said gently, interrupting him.
He stopped talking and waited for me to continue. I smiled as I reached up and cupped his cheek in my hand. I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his. He deepened the kiss by wrapping his arms around me, pulling me closer to him.
He broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against mine. "I'm so sorry," he repeated. "So so sorry, babe. I should've. . . And I. . . I'm sorry."
"Hey," I said, leaning back so I could look at him. "I love you."
He smiled, looking as if he was relieved. "I love you too, Y/N. I'm so sorry."
"So you've said," I teased him. "Besides, I agreed to keep us a secret. I should've talked to you sooner instead of running out of your premiere. I'm sorry."
"You have nothing to be sorry for," he said instantly. There was a brief moment of silence before Zac asked, "So. . . We're okay? I mean. . ."
I laughed as I cupped his cheek in my hand. "Of course we're okay. I love you, Zac. Always have, always will."
"I love you too," Zac whispered as he leaned in and pressed a short, gentle kiss to my lips. "Besides, why would I want Heather when I have you?"
Heather tried to kiss me. She's not even half as pretty. Yes, I gave her my sweater, But it's just polyester. And I like you better. I don't care for Heather.
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saharamae21 · 4 years
Under My Spell (October Challenge - Day 4) - Topper Imagine
Hey guys. I’m doing an October writing challenge - an imagine a day! Each will be supernatural, horror, or fall themed!! Here’s day two!
My challenge is subject to change prompts and orders as I see fit!!! (I’m using a number generator - not going in order)  The list I posted is simply a rough outline.
Word Count : 1583 Words
You had been in love with him for years, but he only ever saw Sarah Cameron. No matter what you did and what you didn’t do, nothing mattered. It didn’t matter that you had spent your whole life in the Outer Banks. Or that your parents were rich and you came from a prominent family. Nothing you did could compare to the kook princess in his eyes. You were living a one sided love.
After 6 years of crushing on Topper Thornton, you had finally had enough. Even though Sarah was happily dating John B, Topper still wouldn’t look your way. Was it that you weren’t pretty enough? Or that your family didn’t have as much monetary value as the Camerons? Was that your older brother wasn’t his best friend like hers was? You just couldn’t figure it out.
That night you laid in bed, endlessly scrolling through social media. You had done a pretty decent job of getting your mind off of Topper, but then his picture popped up on your feed. It was a picture of him and Rafe at the beach. He was shirtless as the sun shone down on the two. You stared at it for a second before double tapping the screen and moving past it. You sighed, knowing that he never liked your pictures. What could you do to get his attention? You were willing to try anything at this point. Maybe that’s why when the only advertisement popped up, you clicked on it.
The post showed a picture of this strange pink liquid. It was being advertised as a love potion. You couldn’t help but to wonder if it would actually you and at this point you were desperate. After six years of pining after this boy, you just wanted to see what it would be like. You added the potion to your cart and bought it for fun, not believing it would actually work.
A few days later, a package waited outside your door. You picked it up carefully and opened it. Inside the box laid a small vial filled with pink liquid. You read the instructions carefully and slipped it into your bag. You had no faith in the small purchase you had made, but it wouldn’t hurt to try right?
That night you walked into the Cameron household. Rafe greeted you at the door with a small smirk. You had dressed especially nice tonight and he was aware of it. You could feel his eyes following you as you walked away. You wanted nothing to do with him though. You spotted Topper from across the room and smiled, trying to find the confidence to walk up to him and start a conversation. You gripped the tiny vial in your hand tightly and wondered if this was a good idea or not. It was now or never though.
“Hey, Top!” you said, flashing him a smile. He looked at you and returned your grin. He asked you if you wanted a drink and you gladly accepted. You patiently waited for the right time to slip the potion into his drink, but the right moment never came.
Finally, a few hours into the party, you managed to pour the potion into his drink. You instantly felt guilt as he downed his liquid. You regret ever doing anything, but there was no obvious effect from your action. You waited and waited, but it didn’t work. Nothing was happening.
You went home that night, feeling relieved that nothing bad had happened. Maybe this was for the best. Topper Thornton would never be into you like that and you couldn’t force him to be. Maybe it was time to just get over Topper, but that was easier said than done.
The next morning you woke up to your phone going off. The alarm you had set disturbed every ounce of sleep you had and ruined the morning. You cursed as you shut it off and stared at the ceiling. You didn’t feel like doing anything with your day, but you knew you couldn’t just lay in bed. You forced yourself up and got into some casual clothes. You greeted your parents as you walked down the steps and to the front door, telling them you were heading to the beach. Just as you opened the front door though, Topper appeared. He looked like he was about to knock, but you had caught him red handed.
“Hey, y/n. Can we talk?” he asked. You nodded and followed him outside. He fiddled with his hands nervously as he looked for the right words to express what he was feeling. “Ever since last night, I can’t get you off my mind.”
Your jaw dropped at his worlds. A bad feeling began to well up in your stomach as you looked at the boy in front of you. This could not be happening. You had been waiting for this moment forever, but now that it was happening, everything felt wrong.
“Are you serious?” you asked him. Even though you knew that this was wrong, you wanted to hear what he had to say.
“Yeah,” he said. He smiled at you with that perfect grin. Your knees almost went weak at the sight. “The way you smiled at me yesterday, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. I honestly just can’t get you out of my head. Want to go grab something for lunch?”
“Yeah,” you said before even thinking about it. Every sense of right and wrong was gone as he asked you out. The excitement in you completely dispersed the horribleness of your reality. It made you forget all about what you had done to get here.
Lunch was amazing and so was walking around the beach afterwards. You loved the feeling of his hand in yours. You were so distracted by the whole situation to realize how wrong everything was. That distraction didn’t last though. As hours turned into days and days turned into weeks, you began to see how badly you had messed up. Topper was a new person, only focused on you. It’s almost as if nothing else mattered to him other than you. This was an obsession not love.
The first time you noticed it was when he began to get clingy. He didn’t want to be without you by his side. You were supposed to go to a family dinner with some friends, but he insisted on being with you. He almost got upset when you told him you had to go. Then there was the change in his future. Everyone knew that Topper wanted to go to Chapel Hill for college and eventually move back to the OBX, but then he started talking about you and him getting married and settling down. Everything was happening way too fast. Then there was his behavior. Top used to be the life of the party. He loved being around his friends, but now he only wanted to be with you. You wanted the old Topper back, even if he wanted nothing to do with you.
You grabbed your phone after getting home one night. You searched and searched until you finally found the website you bought the potion from. There had to be a reversal. You needed there to be. Luckily, there was one. It warned you that once you use this potion, the effects of the previous one would wear off and you could never use another one on that person ever again. You knew what had to be done. You ordered it right away and waited for it to arrive.
When the box came, you opened it and invited Topper over. When he got there, you asked if he wanted some lemonade. Then when you were grabbing him a glass, you poured the new potion into it. You smiled at him as you handed the glass over to him. He drank the contents, but nothing changed. You knew that it would take a little bit before he was back to normal, but you were ready.
After he left you wondered what you two would be like the next time you saw him. You wondered if he would go back to forgetting you ever existed or not. You knew one thing though, nothing would ever be the same.
The next morning, Topper paid you a visit. He smiled at you like he had done the past few weeks, but there were layers behind it. It had depth and emotion to it.
“I’m sorry that I’ve been so crazy the past few weeks,” he said. He chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck. “I think since I’ve liked you for so long, I went a little overboard.” “You what?” you asked as he confessed to you.
“Ever since Sarah, I didn’t think I would date again, but you were always so sweet to me. Asking if I needed anything or someone to talk to, I guess I started to really fall for you,” he said. Your heart rate began to rapidly increase with every word. “So when you said yes when I asked you on a date, I dived in a little too fast. It was almost like I was under a spell or something. Can we start over?”
“Yeah, I’d love that,” you said, smiling at him. You knew you should be honest with him, but you didn’t want to risk ruining the moment. You would tell him about the potion… Eventually.
Tag List : @justcallmesams @jellyfishbeansontoast @prejudic3 @queenieloveswriting @jjtheangel @infinitydols @simpingforrudypankowonly @waywardbarbie @outerbankslut @outerbongs @ilovejjmaybank @beth-winchester21 
Tagging people who seemed interested : @jiaraendgame @maybanksbaby @rudyypankow @tomhardybby @crxstalreeds @mayraki
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bensonstablers · 3 years
What is your fav brio scene? . Also your fav good girl ep in general.
Ooo, I am a very indecisive person, haha, but this was actually a ton of fun to think about and has me excited for all the new content we could get! Also, before I hop into this, I just want to say thank you for asking but also feel free to share your faves with me! :)
So, for the episodes, I actually made this gifset of my top 3 episodes per season and I still stick by it. For this ask, I was going to rank them from least favourite to most favourite but it was too difficult lol
As for my fave brio scene, there’s so many! So, below, I’ve picked my top scenes per season :) I’ve put in bold what the scene actually is (and the episode it comes from) so if you want to skip the why you can see at a relatively quick glance what my faves are!
Season 1 (Most fave to least fave!):
Both park scenes from 1x06 but particularly the second one because of the whole “because you delivered” moment. Her smile afterwards makes my heart soar, haha. And also I love him saying that school isn’t in session but still getting up to talk anyway.
The scene in Beth’s car in 1x05. The whole conversation is wonderful but the way she stutters and trips over her words and Rio just grins gets me every time, haha.
The speech Beth gives to convince Rio not to kill her, Annie, and Ruby in 1x02. I just love the way she says it as well as how she holds herself and the way he looks at her and shifts his position slightly and that little shake of his head that he gives to Mick... Amazing.
Season 2 (Most fave to least fave!):
I couldn’t pick 3 like the other two seasons lol. There are just too many good moments :’)
All. Of. 2x09. Haha, but no, specifically the first bar scene. The honesty, the sadness, the looks they give, ugh, just everything about it.
The “are you going to kill me?” scene outside Beth’s house at the end of 2x02. It makes me feel a lot of things every time I watch it, particularly how open she is in that moment and he technically is as well and how they’re just alone on her street and it’s not long after she snaps and hits that stop sign. Ugh, so good.
The confrontation in Beth’s house at the end of 1x10/beginning of 2x01. (I do prefer the 2x01 version because there’s more to it!) It never gets old!!!! The dialogue, their expressions/body language, the touching!!!! The fact she gives him the gun and just stares at him after he pushes her hair out of her face and the way she visibly breaks when Dean is shot. I’m obsessed :’) (Also, the “this stuff’s medieval, darling” speech is possibly my favourite in the whole show?)
The first bar scene in 2x04 when Beth gives the key back to Rio. I mean, listen, I love the bathroom break like everyone else and I love how it was filmed but I do like the earlier scene a little more if I’m being honest.
Rio in Beth’s office trying to get his drugs back in 2x06. The energy radiating off Beth in that scene is just *chef’s kiss* and I love everything about it.
Season 3 (Most fave to least fave!):
3x04 bar scene!!! Brio and bars is like the ultimate otp and I’m pleased we’re getting more in season 4. I also love when they’re possibly a little flirty but mostly just sad and together like they are in this one, haha.
The “you, me, we... it’s just business” picnic table scene in, I think, 3x06? Is that right? Either way, amazing. Again, brio being sad and together, so of course I love it lol but I do really like how they’re positioned on the bench and him telling her she gets no say anymore after putting three slugs in him.
3x08 bar scene. Him sitting at the bar and her in a polka dot dress being similar to 2x04 and how, despite everything, she gets him to laugh and they’re just ridiculously cute in that scene :’)
Honorary mentions go to Beth opening the dubby in 2x07 and the 2x13 phone call (mostly honorary because Rio isn’t physically in them) :)
Every time she opens that package I know what’s inside and my brain and heart still goes !!!!!! when I see the pink of the blanket, haha. I mean, he didn’t know that was what was left in the car so regardless of why he went to the drug dealers (to warn/threaten them? to smooth things out? to be sure they didn’t have Jane?) he still took the dubby and sent it back to Beth and I’m obsessed.
And with the 2x13 phone call, I genuinely think it’s one of the most in-character scenes on the show regarding Beth and Rio. The dialogue is superb and both  Christina and Manny’s delivery is amazing (especially with the latter being voice only) and I loved the way Christina/Beth moved around the space and her body language as she spoke. If I was to add this to the list (and not just as an honorary mention), it might be my fave brio scene overall :) — And also, I actually quite love the two scenes that show the confrontation in Rio’s apartment. It’s not properly listed here though because I don’t like it as a whole, but just snippets of it :’)
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cantfightfatetoo · 4 years
My thoughts on Dare Me 1.06 Code Red
This is gonna be rambly and all over the place, lol sorry!
Beth is back as top girl!!! That makes me happy. Tacy feels like the odd man out and she should. Completely messed up what she did. Colette telling the girls no one is to blame is bs. Colette is ambitious, and nothing can get in the way of regionals so she will tell the girls anything if it means winning.
Addy learning Riri's dance routine was cute. Faith Hanlon is amazing, the only good parent in the whole damn show! I liked her line "They are not friends, they're adults and they want something". Addy is naive and being fooled by Colette, and can't see the forest for the trees. Normally, adults just don't hang out with teenagers,outside of professions. (Family doesn't count obvi) I'd sideye an adult if they are constantly hanging around teens.
Beth is jealous and resents Colette on account of Addy not being under her control. Beth making the shady comment about Addy getting Riri's spot wasn't really what bothers her, its the fact Addy's influenced by Colette and not her.
Girls like Tacy would be getting jumped lol if they acted the way she does. Addy getting in her face was funny, "Bitch, you crushed her face" I was laughing. Even Beth was like "oh shit". Addy feels guilty too, I mean it's awkward performing Rir's lead position as Riri is watching her... Poor Riri. The used tampons in Tacy's purse were gross but Karma.
Will is losing it and I felt bad for him. Seeing Colette with her family wrecked him. I'm glad he told Michael the truth and didn't sugarcoat things. I actually like Will, I know he dies.
Beth, man I wish she'd tell someone what happened to her. I want to hug her... Beth breaking down on her run...chills.
The fight!! God, I cheered each time Will got Kurtz good. Kurtz is right tho, Will is a predator in a different way. Kurtz, is a sexual predator while Will preys on young impressionable kids hoping they'll enlist.
Will showing up at Colette's house!!! Yikes, my dude has no chill. Having sex in the house with Madison and Addy right next door. The adults are beyond trash. Colette enjoys the power she has over him and Will is a game. She doesn't love him, its all about her, Colette is an ice cold narcissist. "If you love care about me, you'll do what I ask"... Colette is a psychopath and a damn good one at that. How she manipulates everyone around her is very fascinating to watch. Colette shows no sign of remorse over her mistakes, has no empathy, no guilt, and if she does its only on an extension of herself. Its always about her and how she relates. A consistent theme in Dare Me is creepy obsessions with people and how far they will go for them.
Colette touching Addy, makes me mad. She knows Addy has a bizarre fixation on her and exploits it. Stop.touching.her.challenge!!
JJ Curtis is a mama bear and I support her. I'd be pissed too.
Beth's dream... Ugh. Heavy stuff. Beth's mom.. Checked out on booze and prescription pills doesn't care enough to realise its regionals and not state championships...Marlo Kelly is fantastic and I'm impressed with how well she plays Beth.
Okay, I 100% believe Colette purposely ran into something. Am I the only one thinking this? She's good at slyly using people and getting what she wants. Colette isn't above staging an accident gaining sympathy from her husband and skirt around what she's been up too. On the same note, Matt standing up for his wife was sweet. She doesn't deserve him.
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almondbiscotti · 3 years
Top 10 Netflix Watches in 2020
A roundup of my favourites from what I’ve watched this year on Netflix.
 1.       Alice in Borderland
I only recently finished this (in like 2 days) and it is the best thing I watched this year. 10/10 will recommend, will pine for season 2, will attempt the webtoon even to keep my obsession at bay.
If you have not heard of AIB, you must be living under a rock. Or don’t have Netflix which is close to the same thing. The premise of AIB is that 3 friends suddenly find themselves in an alternate Tokyo where all the residents have mysteriously disappeared. They quickly realise they have to play pretty sadistic games to in order to survive and lives are dispensable. It has elements of Battle Royale (hey, also Japanese! The Japanese have some serious issues.) but I found AIB more engaging and suspenseful than Battle Royale because unlike Battle Royale which can be thought of as one long killing game, AIB is a series of many, extremely stressful but shorter games that aren’t just about killing each other.
What works so wonderful for AIB is the storytelling. It has AMAZING storytelling. How the characters progress from stage to stage and the mystery behind this “country” they’re in is kind of slowly revealed, how there are parallels with Alice in Wonderland, the playing cards, the excellently fleshed out characters. *Chef’s kiss* Chishiya is my favourite character. LONG LIVE CHISHIYA! I don’t care if everyone else dies but CHISHIYA MUST LIVE.
There are things I didn’t like about it, but it’s less to do with the show and more to do with Japanese acting/dramas in general. I find it very unnatural when the characters give very dramatic outbursts or attempt to act gangster-ish but I find this is very common in most Japanese shows. So I like to believe it’s a cultural thing. I also didn’t like the pointless skin showing and sex. I mean, we get an entire scene where a girl in a bikini fights a katana wielding mad man. But I think it might be more because it was adapted from a webtoon and it’s just adapting the anime style? And EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER has a depressing backstory, like every single one has some weird ass issue. (Tell me it doesn’t sound like Battle Royale.)
But overall, AIB’s winning combination of great world building, excellent storytelling and likeable characters, makes it my favourite in 2020.
 2.       Kim’s Convenience
I’ve talked about Kim’s Convenience before so I shall not go too much into it. It’s great, just watch it. If only for Appa. Just watch it for Appa. Appa is best. I love Appa.
 3.       Kingdom (S2)
I started on Kingdom quite a lot later than most people. Mostly because I’m a coward and horror is well, horrifying. So I watched Season 1 about 1-2 weeks before Season 2 was released. Must say I’m glad I did cos hello cliff hanger much?!?!
S2 was great too. Has all the elements I loved in S1. Excellent storytelling, the suspense, the build up, NO ROMANCE (makes it a frickin unicorn in Korealand), believable villains but the thing I enjoyed the most about Kingdom is the relationship between characters. SO PURE. SO REAL. SO AMAZING. MUST PROTECT.
The one thing I didn’t like was how the damn characters like to do this thing where they’d just freeze and AIIIISIH FFFFFFUUUUCCCCKKKKK and draw out the suspense when a literal tonne of zombies are coming for them. Like dude, RUN. But no. They will pose there like fucking idiots for like 2 minutes while the zombies come closer and closer till FINALLY, someone goes “RUN, YOU FOOLS” before they move a muscle. It’s nonsensical, it’s frustrating but it happens in every damn Korean show so… I’ll give it a pass. It’s not the show, it’s Korea.
No news if there will be a season 3 but there is a special episode being released next year, a side sequel of sorts. So… yay?
 4.       Queen’s Gambit
This baby made chess sexy. How it did it, I have no idea. But 10/10 will recommend. It made chess so alluring, I downloaded a damn app and played 2 games and remembered how much I sucked at chess and promptly deleted the app again.
Anya Taylor-Joy is beautiful. Will recommend just for her face alone. And the beautiful cinematography. Beautiful, the whole thing is just beautiful.
I didn’t like the guy that played Benny though. Seriously what a weird casting choice. Dude is supposed to play some devil may care gangster but he looks like he’d fall over if breeze came by.
I think what makes Queen’s Gambit so appealing is that you see Beth succeed and rise up, then falls dramatically down but she comes back and triumphs over her chess opponents and her own issues. It’s essentially a story of overcoming adversary, of triumph. Gives you hope. Gave me hope. Made me want to play chess. Made me watch entire Youtube videos explaining the chess games featured in it. I’ll say that’s a win.
 5.       Sweet Home
My (and apparently the rest of the world’s) latest obsession. Well, my obsession is actually less the show, more just one character/actor.
CHA HYUN SOO IS A PRECIOUS BEAN THAT MUST BE PROTECTED AT ALL COSTS. So frickin precious, with his broomstick spear and mismatched socks. I. LOVE.
But honestly, it is a pretty good show, my obsession with Song Kang (the actor) aside. The world building in Sweet Home was pretty well done, characters were compelling though as with Kingdom, characters do the same thing where they just stand there and freeze when danger is about to descend on them. Seriously, I lost count of the times I yelled HELLO FOOL RUN!??! at the screen. If the Spanish have magical dicks, then Koreans have idiotic legs.
I think the director/writer made a deliberate decision not to explain how the infection (if it’s even an infection) occurs, how monsters can be defeated or if they can even be defeated, and how the monsters’ abilities/traits are determined. And I enjoyed the mystery of not knowing and could understand the characters’ despair better because they were just as bewildered as me. (Me being me of course went to read a bit and it is explained more in the webtoon the show is adapted from but, I like to think the two are different.)
I find myself comparing it to Alice In Borderland quite a bit. Might be because I watched them one after another but also, the main characters share such similar traits, they even look similar. And with that comparison, AIB won. AIB has better storytelling and pacing. But Sweet Home has more characters you feel for and more deaths you care about. I cried a FUCK TON watching Sweet Home.
It’s good. Would recommend. If only to stare at Song Kang’s perfect face. 😊 Oh oh oh and the Soundtrack is also 10/10.
 6.       Derry Girls
I did not expect to like Derry Girls as much as I did. This was supposed to be a mindless Circuit Breaker watch for me but it was SO FUNNY! I related so hard to the characters because I was from an all girls catholic school in my youth.
Each episode is a bit of a standalone so you don’t even have to watch the episodes in chronological order. But they are all SO DAMN FRICKIN FUNNY. That’s what I loved the most about Derry Girls. It’s just funny. Watch it if you want something to make yourself happier.
Also, Irish accents are LOVE. That alone is worth the A grade.  
 7.       Criminal United Kingdom S2
Depressing as fuck but so engrossing. It’s literally watching a mystery unfold. The acting is also 10/10. Though the episode with Kunal Nayyar (Raj from BBT) made me very uncomfortable because I couldn’t unsee Raj.
What makes Criminal even more amazing is that there is only one set, an interrogation room. So the show can only rely on the writing and acting to be good. And it is really really very good. Not light watching but feed your soul with the excellent artistry.
(S1 is just as good as S2. 100% will recommend the entire Criminal Series TBH. France, Germany and Spain all are good.)
 8.       Teenage Bounty Hunters
CRACK. 10/10 SOLID CRACK. The show is as ridiculous as the title suggests. But I enjoyed it because it was so engaging! Storytelling was great, characters were great and IT WAS SO FUNNY. Great light watching. 😊
 9.       Dirty Money
ALSO DEPRESSING AS FUUUUUUUUCK. But I learned so much from it. Will not recommend watching it all at one go but it was hella educational. I feel like it opened my eyes to many things.
 10.   Dr Jason Leong Hashtag Blessed
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runswithwolvesx · 5 years
a gratitude/follow forever post!
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Seeing as it’s been a few, good months since I’ve created this Stiles blog, I wanted to take the time to admire some of my writing partners and followers. While I have yet to really reach a certain number of them, no real achievement for that, it’s not about how many people follow me but rather, the content you guys have given me and allowed me to write with you. So, since it’s nearing the end of the year, I wanted to love on everyone who has given me such joy writing Stiles and those of you who genuinely brighten my days. This post is going to be a loooong one, feel free to skip it if you like.
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@lionheartedxvixen​ [+every single blog you have, girl]; Nelly, you are already aware of how much I love you since I love to be a cheeseball and just tell you from time to time. I’ve written plenty of those corny posts over the years on my personal blog, every single time we wrapped up another year and hit another milestone together. Your 13+ years of friendship has and always will be something I cherish, something I’ll honestly carry with me forever. And, I adore your portrayals of every character you’ve ever written! Every interaction we’ve ever had has always left me excited and wanting more (yeah, I’m greedy, sue me). From Brucas, to Brachel, Steroline, Steferine, Forbinski, Barlia and Stalia (plus the many other friendships, family, enemies, whatever!), I adore them all. You will always be my best friend and I’m always gonna wanna follow you to new places, give our muses new adventures and just love the hell out of you and your writing. Thank you for everything you do and have done for me. I truly believe you’re like one of my soul mates.
@kisscflife​; Moira, even though we don’t interact too often, I love you and appreciate all your support and genuine love for me. Your support has been so important to me this last year, especially with my transitioning. I want you to know that I greatly appreciate it and I’m glad we get along so well now. I’m blessed to call you a sister, but you’re always also going to be a friend. You should also know that your writing is amazing and you’re far more talented than you believe. You put a lot of thought into your OCs, which I love about them all. And I love laughing at the crack ideas of our characters, even if we don’t always make threads for them or write them out. Just the actual thought of some of the things we’ve talked and laughed about makes my day, every time. Don’t be hard on yourself, you are loved.
@ofherblueeyes​; Effy, my Stiles muse was half alive, half dead when you approached me about wanting to plot something and write together. My activity has now gone through the roof once more and I’m serious that you are partially to blame for this! I’m already having far too much fun with every thread we have made. They give me the feels, the joy, the sobs, the pain, the giggles, EVERYTHING. Thanks for reaching out and giving me the opportunity to write with you! Your Malia seriously makes me laugh and smile, and those damn painful posts make me wanna give her a hug. Or, rather, let Stiles (or even now Isaac) love on her! I look forward to more fun ideas, whether they’re on tumblr or discord, I don’t care. JUST GIVE ME EVERYTHING!
@literally-lydia​;  Kaliya, you were the first Lydia player who wanted to interact with Stiles on my mumu. While we haven’t written much lately, you are far too sweet for words and the time you spend writing out these replies really shows how much you love your muse. I enjoy reading your replies, though we haven’t done too much yet, you also make me smile in pms! Thank you for enjoying my Stiles and my writing, ‘cause I appreciate you and yours, too! 
@kanima-claws​; Jackson constantly either amuses or produces such feelings in me. Your writing and the amount of love you pour into him really shines, it just makes me miss the damn guy so much! Our thread hasn’t seen the light of day for a while (because I have been so bad at remembering and switched blogs and blah), but it is easily one of my favorites! Especially since Jackson ripped into Stiles about the Star Wars figures and pretty much thinks he’s the biggest loser known to mankind. ROFL I can’t wait to explore their dynamic more and just have all the funny things and hope they can learn to get along. I mean, they need to at some point. Thanks for being so sweet out of character as well, you are a geeeem in the rpc. I mean that!
@bansheeintuition​; Stephanie, oh my word, you are beyond talented at what you do. Every reply you respond with honestly blows me away because of your writing style and your grasp on Lydia. Our zombie AU literally became my obsession for some time and I adored it so much! The descriptions, the dialogue, just everything was so vivid and beautiful that it really was brought to life! I know we haven’t interacted too much since but I am always down for plotting and writing together because I love your portrayal and blog to bits! You are also far too sweet out of character, and so considerate and friendly whenever we’ve chatted, be it through tumblr or discord. Thank you for loving on Stiles and allowing me to bring him to life with your Lydia. <3
@thewailer​; Kate, UGH our thread and plot makes me stoked! I know it’s been slow going and you’re currently on hiatus, but just plotting it out and the overall feel of it and ideas for it are so great, I literally want to bask in all of it forever and a day. I love AUs and this idea is like, the AU of the century! Stydia investigating supernatural/paranormal things in the 1940s? Yessssss. Grabby hands! Gimmie! I love that you send in memes and answer them as well and just put so much effort into your portrayal and writing! Your muse gives me muse and gives me the creativity to want to write better. Plus, I love answering those memes and making little headcanons about Stydia (like the one where they blindfolded each other in the woods!). Thanks for being great out of character as well, and so patient with me when I had been away for a while. I look forward to you on my dash when you return and I hope life is treating you well! 
@deadbrcther​; Uggggh, your Isaac literally makes me MELT! Isaac is my absolute favorite next to Stiles and your writing really brings him to life. I know we haven’t written much together but I also admire him from afar and just enjoying being able to see him (and Noah) on my dash, whenever you’re around! Yes, I read their interactions at times, just to silently sob about how much Isaac deserved and didn’t get. I need more Stisaac in my life as well, and am always interested in them if you’d want to plot or work on something! :D
@ofnoblehunt​ / @haleontheprowl​; Rachel, I honestly didn’t think I needed more Stallison in my life, or even Stora but, your writing and muses are too good and I would honestly love to do more together! Those memes and your replies, even though we literally barely started interacting together, really gave me some legit feels. You’re also fun to chat with ooc and while we haven’t lately, I hope you’re doing well! I look forward to writing more together in the future and will love on both girls for as long as I can. :3
@willsavethem​; Meaghan, let me tell you something about Scott McCall and your portrayal of him: I. LOVE. YOU. Honestly, I get so excited whenever I see him on my dashboard and whenever you reply to just about anything possible. I would definitely love to pick up some more Sciles and am always up for working on something together. Just know that I creep on your posts and bask in them from afar because he is far too precious for this world and deserves all the good things. 
@perfectioncursed​; Beth, I haven’t even watched Riverdale yet, tbh, but Betty and Stiles give me liiiiife! -insert a sobbing face- While I know they’ve only had the few interactions, just their banter lifts me up and makes me want to explore their dynamic more. I wanted to appreciate you also as a writer, because I do peep on those posts when I see Betty on my dash. 👀 I love her and the fact that she would totally write a list about Stiles. (Plus, you know, that time he finally caved and let her look at his broken down Jeep? Yeah, that was greeeeat!) I look forward to more things, honestly. Feel free to throw anything at me, I’m game!
@oftroubledsouls​; Just chatting about Sterek the other day honestly made me so happy. Like, I know we haven’t interacted yet as I just took that Derek starter but, ugh. I am looking forward to it! Like, I need that goodness in Stiles’ life and it’s just gonna be a good time, I feel it. I also love seeing your muses on my dash and read them whenever I can. :) Feel free to hop into pms at anytime, even if just to ramble with me about Sterek and how much chemistry they had, UNF.
@leftinthedcst​; Kait, your blog on my dash makes me so happy! I like to read most of your interactions, as I find them so engrossing and just fun to see. Your characters are on point and while we haven’t interacted all that much, I would love to do that and plot some things out. I just wanted to take a moment to admire you because you deserve it and I hope you have a wonderful day. <3
other honorable mentions and people I either have chatted with/would love to plot with/simply adore on my dash are; @supernaturaliisms​, @survivingpierce​, @redemptivexheroics​, @tooxmanyxfaces​, @rosefromdeath​, @changedback​, @astormofagirl​, @monxsterxhunxters​, @vandbaerer​. 
Honestly, if you aren’t mentioned and I follow you or we have yet to break the ice, just know that I followed you because I’m interested in your blog/your muse(s) and would love to establish something together! My followers list is honestly not that long at all, it’s barely 50 people rofl but every single one of you is there for a reason and I adore the heck out of you all. <3 Thanks for being you, for enjoying and following Stiles and giving me so much to look forward to when it comes to being in the rpc.
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verai-marcel · 5 years
You fuel my obsession for rdr2. And honestly if you wrote anything linked to a film noir style thing in a club where reader is a singer/dancer, I would do anything. A n y t h i n g *leans in creepily close and whispers* anything...
My Song Bird (RDR2 Fanfic, 1940s AU, Arthur x Fem!Reader, 18+ ONLY)
Summary: You’re one of the backup singers for a club in St. Denis, owned by the infamous Van der Linde family. Their enforcer, Arthur Morgan, is often seen hanging around the club to protect everyone that works there. He takes a special interest in you, which makes you feel a little uneasy, for he’s a large and intimidating man. Why is he so interested in a little song bird like you?
Author’s Notes: My dear @pixieisonline, I have zero idea of how to write a film noir-style thing. But I tried. I did. 
Tags: medium honor Arthur, singer reader, size difference, smut, doggy style, dominating sex, possessive sex, 1940s AU
AO3 Link is here, kid.
You stood on the stage, taking a deep breath. The club was not yet open for the night, but you had to get your courage up; Hosea had asked you to fill in for the lead singer, who had fallen ill. Staring out at the empty room, you saw your coworkers bustling around, getting the place ready for a busy Friday night. Tilly and Mary-Beth were getting the tables ready. Karen was wiping down the bar with Sean, who snuck a peck on her cheek when he could. You could smell whatever Pearson was cooking in the kitchen. Strauss was probably upstairs doing accounts, and who knew where Swanson was. But he was always back in time for opening, and he was a good host, so you didn’t care. 
Everyone else was probably at the other business with the owners, Dutch and Hosea. They were off overseeing one of their other properties; this club was a smaller venue, and probably didn’t bring in as much as their gambling parlour. But still, you liked it here; it was much better than working for the O’Driscolls. You shuddered at the memory.
Over in the back corner were a few of the hitmen of the Van der Linde family: Javier, Charles, and… him.
The head of the Van der Linde’s hitmen, the enforcer, the man who could and would get anything done for the family: Arthur Morgan. Standing in the corner of the room, he looked rather handsome as he leaned against the wall, lighting a cigarette. He wore a brown leather jacket over a blue casual collared shirt, a fedora, trousers, and dark brown oxfords. But you knew what he was capable of; his looks belied a cold, ruthless killer. 
You had first met him when the O’Driscolls and the Van der Lindes had a shootout in a club you had been forced to work at for Colm. Hiding under the bar until the smoke cleared, you had curled up into a ball and trembled, even after Arthur had found you and told you that you were safe, that you were free from Colm forever.
With a blood splattered shirt, he had held his large hand out to you, you remembered that he had just strangled a man to death before your eyes, and you started to cry, thinking he’d do the same to you.
Instead, he had gently coaxed you out from under the bar and held you softly, petting your hair and murmuring comforting words as he guided you out of the building and into his car, where he drove you back to your meager apartment. He gave you a card with an address, telling you that if you needed work, the family would take care of you, as long as you were loyal.
And so, here you were. And after three months of working with them, you decided that they were much, much, much better than working for the O’Driscolls.
Your eyes met a certain pair of blue ones, and you quickly looked away. Arthur still scared you a little, even after all this time. Sure, the other men were just as big as he was. But that was just physical; Charles was gentle, though quick to anger at certain subjects. Javier was blunt, but he was charming, and played the most wonderful guitar music. 
Arthur, however, was just plain intimidating because he knew how to use his size. The way he stood, the way he walked, revealed a man who knew he could handle anything, who could muscle his way out of a situation if he couldn’t threaten someone to stand down first. He didn’t speak much when he was on duty, and even when speaking normally, he still sounded rather gruff. Although he was kind in his actions; he would run errands whenever requested, and he often asked after everyone’s health.
But he was always gentlest with you. His voice turned to butter, a low, soothing sound when he spoke to you, and you noticed that he only used that tone with you alone. As if he were speaking to a fearful animal, his dulcet tone would seduce you into thinking you were more than just a coworker; for a fleeting moment, whenever the two of you spoke, you thought that perhaps he cared for you in a special way.
Then the conversation would end and the trance was broken, and he’d go back to barking orders. He’d be set up in his corner, watching the club and sending over his men to keep the peace. If things got real dicey, he’d come over himself, and whoever was causing trouble generally wasn’t seen in the club again.
You shook your head to clear your mind of the duality of your thoughts about Arthur. You had to sing. You had to carry the night. Stepping up to the microphone, you took a deep breath and sang one of your favorites. You closed your eyes and felt the song come from within your soul, and let it spill from your lips, your voice wrapping around the room like velvet.
It’s that ole devil called love again
Gets behind me and keeps giving me that shove again
Putting rain in my eyes
Tears in my dreams…
Opening your eyes as you finished your song, you scanned the floor. Everyone had stopped working and was staring at you.
“I… S-sorry, I wanted to see what it would f-feel like being center stage, for once,” you stammered, surprised that you had gotten their attention.
Karen erupted into raucous applause, causing the others to clap as well. “That was amazin’, sugar! I can’t believe you haven’t sung solo before!”
You smiled and bowed, then quickly backed away from the microphone, leaving the stage. As you passed Arthur, you felt his gaze upon you, a simmering look that you couldn’t read, but it both frightened you and enticed you. Glancing up at him and then looking away quickly, you nearly ran the rest of the way to the dressing room.
Shutting the door and leaning against it, you took a deep breath. Clutching your chest to calm your frantic heartbeat, you took a deep breath. There was no need to be nervous; it was just one night, you could do this. You had sung on this stage for so many nights, it wasn’t going to be any different. 
Except you were center now. Everyone’s eyes would be on you.
You remembered Arthur’s look as you left the main room.
Your heart raced again, and you sank to the ground, clutching your knees. You loved to sing. But you sang better with others. You sang better in the background.
Though that wasn’t the reason your heart was racing, and you knew it.
There was a soft knock on your door.
“You alright in there?”
Arthur’s smooth tone carried through the door, and you felt your heart spike. Getting up and opening the door a crack, you looked out to see him, a worried expression on his face.
“I’m alright. Just a case of the nerves, I’ll be fine for tonight.”
He watched you for a moment longer, looking as if he might argue with you, but then chose to accept you at your word. “Alright then.” He stepped a little bit closer to the door, closer to you; he lowered his voice, speaking softer. “If you need anything, you let me know, okay?”
You nodded. “Yes, Arthur.”
He gave you a look that you couldn’t discern, then closed his eyes and nodded. “That’s my girl,” he said, and walked away. 
You closed the door and grabbed your heart again. 
That’s my girl?!
The night went splendidly well; so well, that you came out for two more encores throughout the night. You wore a gown that attracted everyone’s attention, thanks to Mary-Beth’s fashion sense, and you sang your heart out, ending the night to a standing ovation. You’ll be the first to admit that you botched the first few lines of the first song, but you quickly recovered and just focused on singing, and noted that the crowd grew and grew as the night went on. 
As you stepped off the stage for the last time that night, you were stopped by someone grabbing your arm.
A drunk patron, of course. He was easy on the eyes, but he stank of whiskey and had a dopey grin on his face as he leered at you.
“Sweetheart, you were amazing,” he said, pulling you closer to him, his hand like an iron manacle around your arm. “Come with me, I’ll make you a star.”
You tried to pull away. “Thank you, but no, I’d like to stay here.”
He grew angry at your blunt refusal. “Do you know who I am?”
You kept pulling, but now he had another hand gripped around your other arm. “No, I don’t, and I don’t take kindly to you handling me like this!”
“And neither do I,” a gravelly voice said off to your right.
You looked over to see Arthur glaring at the man, his arms crossed. He stepped closer, using his hulking form to intimidate the other man. “So I suggest you let the lady go, or I show you what happens to men who don’t respect a lady’s wishes.”
At his threatening figure, the man pushed you away into Arthur’s chest. Arthur held you steady as the two of you watched the man huff and walk out of the club, looking back one last time to glare at you before slamming the door.
After a few moments, you realized that Arthur’s hands were still on your shoulders, the heat warming your skin through the sheer fabric.
“You okay?” he asked, leaning down to look at where the other man had grabbed your arms.
“I’m alright, thank you,” you said, stepping away from him and quickly fleeing to the dressing room.
You breathed a sigh of relief as you took off the gown and changed into your dark blue polka dotted shirtwaist dress and oxfords. Checking your watch, you realized it was three hours later than when you usually went home; finding a taxi at this hour was going to take longer than usual. You exited the room and went back downstairs to say goodnight before going home. 
As you turned the corner on the staircase, you nearly bumped into Arthur, who was coming up.
“Sorry,” you mumbled, moving aside. He followed your movement, looking up at you. 
“I came to see you.”
“Can I take you home? It’s later than usual for you, songbird.”
He held his arm out to you. You tentatively reached out, and delicately placed your hand on his arm. Escorting you back down the stairs, he told Charles he was taking you home, and to take care of things here. Charles glanced at you for a moment, then nodded. 
“Y-you don’t really need to…”
“I do, darlin’. That man might still be around, and I want to make sure you get home safely.”
You blinked and then smiled at him. He really was a good man.
He walked you to his car and drove you to your apartment. He got out and opened the door for you, holding his hand out to you like a gentleman out of a movie. You took it, and felt a warmth blossoming in your heart. Walking to your apartment door, he stood close by with his back towards you, his eyes looking around for anyone who might be stalking you.
When you had unlocked your door and stepped into your apartment, you turned back to him. He had turned to you, watching you with those ocean blue eyes of his.
“Keep your door locked, don’t open it for strangers.”
“Yes, Arthur.”
He took a step closer, slowly reaching out for you. Holding your breath, you let him tip your chin upwards. 
“Whenever you say that, makes me want you more.”
Your eyes widened as he caressed your cheek with the back of his knuckles. He looked at you as if he wanted to eat you up, but then he let out a small sigh and suddenly looked sad.
“Yer such a sweet little song bird.” He took a step away from you. He tipped his fedora. “Good night.”
You watched him turn and start to walk away to his car.
He stopped, but didn’t turn around.
“Would… would you like to come in? For some tea?”
He turned around this time. “Are you sure? Yer invitin’ a big bad wolf inside, little bird.”
You nodded. “I know.”
Arthur slowly walked back towards you. As you stepped aside to let him in, he paused and gave you a heated look. 
“You don’t actually have any tea, do ya?”
As you closed & locked the door behind him, you gave him a shy half-smile. “How’d you know?”
He stepped closer to you, his bulk making you feel even smaller than you already were. Leaning down, his lips were dangerously close to yours. “Because you look like you want to get eaten.”
He kissed you, gently, tentatively. When you kissed him back, a switch was flipped, and he wrapped his arms tightly around you and held you close as his kisses became a torrent of passion. He devoured you, your every whimper, your every breath, he took it all and gave you a fire low in your body, a forbidden hunger that had overtaken you.
You looked up at him with your eyes hooded with desire, and he lifted you up in his arms and carried you to your bedroom.
Laying you gently on your bed, he covered you, his legs straddling yours as he started to unbutton your dress. You lay still, your fingers gripping his shirt as he stripped you, working his way down your torso, kissing you until he got the last button undone. Pulling you up into his lap as he sat on the edge of the bed, he tossed your dress aside. You were straddling his legs, just in your slip and undergarments, breathing shakily.
“Get up, darlin’. Take that slip off for me,” he commanded as he guided you to stand before him. You did so, and instinctively moved to cover yourself. He grabbed your wrists and shook his head.
“Do as I say,” he said gently, and released your wrists. You took the shoulder straps and slid them down, slowly revealing your skin and bra and panties to his starving gaze. The slip pooled at your feet, and you stood still, waiting for his next command. Reaching out to your panties, he glided them down your body, his thumbs caressing your thighs as they went. You stepped out of them as they fell to the floor, and you looked back up at him. He gestured for you to climb onto his lap again, straddling his strong thighs, your core hovering over the bulge in his pants.
He kissed your neck, then your shoulder. Then he started to work on your bra.
Feeling like you needed to catch up, you started to unbutton his shirt.
“Hold on,” he said, and grabbed your wrists. “I call the shots. Now you sit there and just do as I say, alright?”
“Yes, Arthur.”
He held your chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Good girl,” he rumbled as he ran his thumb along your lips.
Then he slid the bra off your shoulders, flinging it away. Grabbing a hold of each of your breasts, he kneaded them, bending his head down to lick and suck on each of your nipples in turn, making you sigh and whimper, your body aflame with the desire building inside you. His hands then slid down your body slowly, until he was grasping your hips. One hand slipped between your legs, gliding up and down both your thighs, teasing the sensitive skin.
You moaned.
“I knew you’d sound pretty when touched,” he muttered, and teased your opening with his fingertips. You gasped at the feather touch, two of his fingers gently caressing your nether lips, spreading your juices around. Then he pushed a finger inside of you.
“Ahh!” you cried out, your hips jolting forward, loving the way he was exploring you, his eyes watching your reactions intently.
“Such a sweet cry.” He pushed another finger inside you. “Wonder what other sounds you can make?”
You made all kinds of sounds when he finger fucked you, his thumb alternately pressing and stroking your clit, controlling your highs and lows as he played you like an instrument.
Just as you were reaching that delectable peak, he pulled his fingers out, and you whimpered in loss. 
“Now now, darlin’. Just gettin’ you ready for the main event.” Arthur lifted you up by your waist and sat you down on the bed. You watched as he unzipped his fly and pulled out his long, thick manhood. He grabbed your hand and wrapped it around his cock; you marveled at how it felt like heated velvet against your skin.
He wrapped his hand around yours, teaching you how to stroke him, quiet murmurs of instruction as you got the hang of caressing him, where his sensitive spots were, how to pace yourself as you switched hands after one was starting to get tired. As you were stroking him, he took off his clothes, stopping you just long enough to lose his pants and kick off his shoes.
“Lay down on your back and spread your legs,” he ordered once he was fully naked. 
“Yes, Arthur.”
He stood above you, his shaft hard and ready for you, as you laid down with your legs spread, feeling like a wanton woman. He looked so powerful and imposing as he looked down at you, an arrogant smile on his face.
“Perfect.” He leaned down and nudged your wet entrance, pushing forward as your body resisted the invasion. You took deep breaths to relax yourself, but it still hurt, he was so big.
“Arthur…” you whimpered.
“You can take it,” he crooned, grabbing your hips and pulling you towards him as he shoved himself forward.
You screamed; he was filling you, breaking you on his huge cock.
“There ya go,” he crooned. He pulled out a little bit and rammed back inside. “So tight.” He fell forward onto his elbows, his hands on your shoulders, tucking your arms next to your body. You were covered entirely by his burly torso, trapped underneath him.
And then his hips started to thrust in a steady rhythm; you felt his every movement, every inch of him taking you, making you his. You felt a hand grasp your hair, pulling your head to one side as he breathed on your neck, licked your earlobe.
“Yer so good, darlin’.”
You could feel Arthur’s heavy breath against your skin as he fucked you, crushing your body beneath his as he reached for your throat. He gripped you just enough for you to know how big his hand was, how small your neck was. He could break you so easily.
Then he let go, lifting up enough so you could breathe easier as he slowed his pace, watching your eyes flutter as he pushed in to the hilt and ground his hips against you.
“Fuckin’ beautiful,” he growled. Pulling out of you and standing once more, he flipped you onto your stomach, your legs hanging off the bed. You felt him slide inside of you once more, the new angle making your body quiver with pleasure as you let out a high pitched moan. He wrapped an arm around your neck, arching your body, pulling it against his hard chest. He kissed your temple. 
“Moan more for me,” he ordered, his lips against your ear. You cried out as he drove into you hard, the slap of flesh against flesh resounding in your small bedroom. The sounds you made were music to Arthur’s ears, and he slowly lost control, his grip on your body becoming rougher with each melodious sound he wrung from your throat.
Each time he shoved himself inside of you, the lust ravaging your veins pulsed louder and louder, your whole being tied to the erotic rhythm of his thrusts until you felt like your heartbeat began to match. As he took you faster and faster, driving both of you towards a cliff that you heartily wanted to fly off, he took his arm away from your neck and grabbed your hips instead, pumping harder than ever before. 
Then he pulled your hair and growled into your ear. 
“Mine, yer all mine, little bird.”
You came from his possessive words and the way he was grabbing you, your strangled cry of release eliciting his own intense grunt followed by cathartic moaning as he came, his hips jerking as he poured everything he had into your welcome heat.
He collapsed on top of you, but quickly rolled over so he wouldn’t suffocate you under his weight. Keeping his arms around you, he lay on his back, draping you over his body. For a little while, you were both silent, the room filled with your entwined breaths.
“Did you mean what you said?”
“That yer mine?”
“Of course I did.” He reached down and began to rub your pussy again, making you mewl in his arms. “I ain’t givin’ up a pretty little songbird like you.”
It was going to be a long night. But you were glad you invited him in for tea you didn’t have.
End Notes: I DON’T KNOW WHAT I’M DOING, I’M SORRY. I hope this sort of fulfills your request, @pixieisonline????
Also, using Billie Holiday’s song “It’s That Ole Devil Called Love Again” because it’s on the LA Noire soundtrack (hey, linkin’ back to Rockstar games, lololol)
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Why? ~ F.W. (part 2)
A/n: You might think nothing's happening now but yaaaaaaaall I'm SO EXCITED FOR THIS SERIES!! This was hard for me to write because I'm so excited for future parts but hopefully you guys enjoy it as I did thinking it up :)
Word Count: 5600+
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Most days I was easy to wake up. All the Headmistress has to do was open my door and say my name and I was instantly stiff and alert and jumping out of bed. And those were lazy days. Summers were hard because I never slept well at the orphanage. I was usually awake even before anyone came to get me.
At the Diggorys' though, I slept so soundly that it was near impossible to wake me up. Cedric sometimes has to tickle me awake, pulling blankets off of me and jumping on the bed as he screamed my name, half laughing. A few times he'd given up and just carried me to the breakfast table, plopping me in a chair with messy hair and heavy eyelids and blanket wrapped around me and all. Those were Amos' (Diggory's dad) favorite mornings. He laughed for several minutes as I tried to open my eyes and say good morning through my thick tongue covered in sticky morning grossness.
All Summer, Cedric and I had been bonding. He found out my birthday was June 16 and he threw me a little party. We made a cake together after he woke me up with chocolate chip waffles (a delicacy I'd cried over the first time I'd had it because it was SO GOOD) and had even gotten a present - A locket with a 'D' carved on the front. Inside was Amos and Cedric. That day we were doing different dorky things I'd always wanted to do. Arts and crafts, where he made me a hairpin and I made him a little clip to put on his tie and a little ring he'd put on a chain and wore around his neck because it was too small for his fingers. He did a puppet show but magic style, where he had the shadows he made become their own characters even when he put his hands down, talking to me and raising my hair by hitting at my shadow's hair. He gave me a piggyback ride which I immediately became obsessed with and Amos joined us when we began to exchange terrible jokes, going back and forth until I was on my back, face beet red because I'd stopped breathing for too long. Overall it was an amazing day.
One day he gave me flying lessons because I was struggling with brooms. Another day he taught me to clean with magic, levitating and instilling patterns and instructions into inanimate objects. Another day he taught me how to properly tie a tie- apparently, I'd done it wrong my whole first year. Sometimes we'd get in a fight over something ridiculous or he'd be busy or tired or I'd get sucked into a book he'd suggested me and we spent several days apart, but by a week's time, we'd met up again and started up as if no time had passed.
Now Summer was over though. We'd gone shopping for our new things for this year and were all ready as we headed to the train station. Amos gave me a goodbye hug and a kiss on the forehead - which felt so fatherly I nearly cried. I managed to pull myself together enough to be escorted by Cedric to the train as he talked about licorice wands. "Muggle candy is so much worse than that." I laughed and he tilted his head. I began to tell him about licorice in the muggle world and he stopped me mid-explanation, fingers in his ears, singing 'lalalala' on the top of his lungs. I couldn't breathe for a second I was laughing so hard.
As we talked, I bumped into a girl. I caught my breath to turn and face her. "I'm so sorry."
She had platinum blond hair and soft blue eyes and a sort of distant look in her eyes. "It's okay." Her voice was high and smooth. "Quibbler?" She tentatively offered me the magazine and I looked down.
It was colorful and had some weird names of things I'd never heard before. "I would love one," I told her, taking it. "What's your name?"
"Luna Lovegood," she answered. "Yours?"
"Ylva Black."
Her eyes light up. "What a nice name. Did you know that Ylva means 'she-wolf' in Swedish?"
I blushed. "I- I did." That was something I didn't want anyone to know... but here we were. "How did you know that?"
"I know all sorts of things," she shrugged. "Like how you're a Slytherin and your favorite color is green, which I think is a wonderful coincidence." Cedric and I both paused to see if she would retaliate but she didn't seem bothered by me being a Slytherin like most people were. "Well, I'll see you around." She moved away and Cedric and I waited for her to be out of ear shot to look at each other. The second our gazes met we covered our mouths, trying not to be too loud as we giggled.
Moving into an empty compartment, we continued our conversation about some of the creatures in the Quibbler. "Have you ever heard or Nargles?" I asked, eyebrows pushed together and head tilted.
Cedric scoffed. "It's all bogus. It's just loads of weird things that don't exist and gossip that doesn't matter." He rolled his eyes but I ignored him. It was interesting to learn about things, even if they may not be real.
The compartment door opened and I looked up to see Fred come in. "Hey Fred," I greeted, smiling.
He seemed dazed for a second as he looked at me and I frowned, momentarily worried about him. He seemed to snap out of it though, blinking and softly shaking his head before coming to sit down next to me. "Hey, Liv. Cedric. How was your summer?”
"Brilliant," I answered, grinning at Cedric. He nodded in agreement. "I have to say, my twelfth birthday really was the best one thanks to Ced and his dad."
Cedric's smile softened, warmed. "I'm glad."
The three of us fell into an easy conversation that flowed naturally and easily. Sometimes we fell into silence and it was fine. Comfortable. Just like silence always was with these boys. Fred was just telling us about some of his most epic pranks when I noticed that we were probably almost there and should change into robes. We parted ways to do so and then returned just to get right back into it with ease, like we hadn’t even stopped.
Finally, I realized something that gave me a reason to interrupt. "Why aren't you with George?"
He shot me a look, smiling as he jokingly said, "I could leave if you want."
I rolled my eyes. "You know I love having you here, but I mean... you and George are usually pretty impossible to separate aren't you? You talk about all your pranks with him there. Every prank idea you have, he's involved. Every time I've seen you, you're nearly always by his side. I just don't want him to be all lonely- he can come too if he wants to hang out." My voice grew soft as I realized that maybe it wasn't that Fred didn't want him here more than George didn't want to be here... because I was. I swallowed.
Fred put an arm around my shoulder. "Oh, he's busy with Lee Jordan. Those two get along fine without me. We can have different friends and do different things, sometimes." I nodded, feeling sick. "You have to keep in mind though that if you're going to be friends with me he will be around sometimes though. He is my best friend." He smiled and I felt like that was his way of telling me that George didn't hate me. I wasn't sure but either way, it comforted me.
"I wouldn't mind that."
Fred didn't drop his hand from my shoulders as we moved off of the train, him capturing my attention until Cedric called my name to wave goodbye as he moved away to join his other friends. I waved back as Fred guided me to his friends while we walked. I didn't mind and they didn't seem to either so we stopped by them and the two of us chatted and giggled as he talked about how amazing at Quidditch he was. I guess the talk pulled over other players because Harry popped up. "You should come and watch! I saw you at one game last year but then you never came again."
"I kept getting distracted by homework," I sighed. "Plus after all the anxiety your first game caused me when you were nearly knocked off your broom, I wasn't keen on returning."
Harry rubbed the back of his neck and I wondered if I dredged up an unpleasant memory. "Yeah, well, nothing like that should happen again."
Fred jarred me a bit to get my attention again. "Oh please, Liv? You can see my mad skills!" He was grinning so wide that I couldn't help myself.
I gave in. "Oh alright."
Harry and Fred cheered and I laughed. Their loud noises brought more people over. George finally popped up, which is when I met Lee Jordan officially for the first time. We went to the castle together, parting as everyone else went to the Gryffindor table and I met Sam and Beth halfway to Slytherin. Sam couldn't keep in contact over the Summer (and his brother was glaring at us as we approached) but Beth had told him summaries of the summaries I'd told her. Now I told them both in detail about my Summer. About the Diggory house and Cedric and my birthday.
That caught Beth's attention. "When's your birthday?"
"July 16," I told her. She nodded. We'd sat at the table at this point and now we grew quiet as McGonagall came in with the first years. Instantly I felt all the happiness drain out of me as she began the sorting ceremony, reminding me of my own. My eyes searched out Fred and George at the Gryffindor table as my ear kept open.
"Sylvester Plyth."
The boy had strawberry blonde hair and brown eyes so dark they were nearly black. His jaw was a little uneven and he tripped as he walked up. I always tried to guess someone's house just by the way they walked and handled the attention of being in front of everybody. This boy keeps his eyes on the floor, shuffling nervously as people looked at him and the hat spoke in his head where no one else could hear. I guess maybe Hufflepuff.
My grin was wide. Our first new student of the night. The people around me cheered - and I did so maybe loudest of all, especially when I noticed Fred and George respectively clapping, little smiles on their faces. Fred and I made eye contact and exchanged wide smiles.
Maybe I didn't hate the Weasley twins as much as I’d first thought.
The ceremony passed and a first-year girl sat next to me, shaking in her seat. I put an arm around her but didn't look over, still trying to preserve her pride without drawing attention to the exchange. That helped a lot. After it was over, Dumbledore introduced the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher- Professor Lockhart. I'd heard of the man of course, but he was even more ridiculous and repugnant in person. I did notice the girls around me sighing and I wasn't sure why. He could be our father. And the way his eyes moved across the crowd, basking in the glory of those admiring him... I didn't care what he'd done to be considered so great, his arrogance and self-righteous attitude overshadowed it. I was relieved to see all the boys rolling their eyes and also some girls who seemed to stand on the same floor as me.
The feast that officially started my second year at Hogwarts ended and it was time for bed. Second-year dorms weren't that much different. I sort of liked the small changes. It meant I was progressing.
School was normal. Fred has officially joined Cedric’s and my study session, so it could be officially considered a study group. He'd never asked to bring anybody else and he never tried to. I liked that it was just us three.
My casual friendship with Harry allowed him to update me on the drama that was happening even if I suffered none of it first hand. One day he lay down everything he'd gone through so far this year, rolling his eyes at Lockheart same as I did. We talked about him quite a bit since he seemed so refreshed to see a girl not under the blonde teacher's spell. "I wonder if he charms them," I joked at one point. "Do you think Dumbledore would fire him if he did?" We both laughed. He also told me about Draco, which darkened the mood quite a bit.
"But not all Slytherins live up to their reputation."
We exchanged smiles the tension eased. "Not all Slytherins," I agreed.
Classes were pretty normal. The first day of Potions I called Neville over, patting the seat next to me. It was the first time I'd seen him smile in this class. And the last. It hadn't been long after the start of class, but it was already clear that Snape wasn’t going to lay off too much this year when I groaned after Neville messed up a potion. The sound had been quiet but Snape was right behind us. I tensed when I felt him sidle up to our desk, readying myself for him to threaten or insult. But he didn't. He just hummed disapprovingly and the look he gave Neville was nasty enough that the boy went pale. But then he just moved on. Perhaps we’d catch the smallest of breaks.
I scooted closer to Neville. "It's okay, we'll get it right this time."
It seems so normal and easy, that first month before Halloween hits. It passes by easily and then it's pumpkins and ghosts and scary stories and sweet treats and pranks and scares and everything in between. Nearly Headless Nick's Death Day party I heard is usually uneventful for the living, but the feast is fantastic. There was laughter and screams and teasing and... Mrs. Norris hanging from a wall, petrified.
I didn't even know it was a word until I'd heard she was it.
The mood in the whole castle seemed to drop a bit. Just a bit. I mean she was just a cat but petrification was kind of a chilling concept. Not to mention the blood on the wall, the water that covered nearly everywhere, and Harry Potter who was found in the middle of it all.
It was soon forgotten at the coming of the first Quidditch game of the year, though. It was Gryffindor versus Slytherin and I shouldn't have been torn but it was. Fred waved to me and I wiggled my fingers in response. Someone a few seats away cheered for Draco. Our new seeker. I looked over as the platinum blonde arsehole took to the sky with a smirk that was too proud and self-satisfied for his own good. I tried not to glare at him. When I looked back at the others, I caught Fred looking at me. He pointed at Malfoy and rolled his eyes. I nodded, shaking my head. He paused before lifting his club, slowly swinging it. I realized he was mining hitting Malfoy over the head. I felt only a little bad for laughing.
The game started and the jokes stopped. I could tell Malfoy was antagonizing Harry and it irritated me so much that I almost wanted Slytherin to lose just to wipe that smile off of Malfoy's face.
Almost. I still had pride for my house.
Beth found me as the game started. Just as I diverted my attention from the Seekers to the others- it was weird how my gaze was drawn to the twins and no matter how hard I tried I sat there and just watched them- she grabbed my arm. "Who are you watching so intently?"
"No one," I brushed off, frowning at her. My face felt warmer than it had before. I coughed and she rolled her eyes, humming in a doubting way. She did drop it though and I was glad.
I was getting into the game. Lee Jordan's shouting and the zooming and rushing was impossible to deny. I was cheering and screaming in outrage with the rest of those in the stands. Sam joined us at some point, sitting on the other side of Beth. We kept smacking each others' arms and grabbing hands and forearms to balance us when we shot to our feet or leaned too far toward too suddenly and lost our balance. I was having a lot of fun actually.
Then the Bludger decided to kill Harry.
Slytherin was in the lead and I was stoked about it... but then the Bludger broke Oliver Wood's - the Gryffindor Keeper - broom by slamming into it brutally, knocking him out of the sky. The victory so far was wiped from my head as my smile wiped from my face as Harry took off, racing as the Bludger followed loyally behind him, apparently out for murder. "What's going on?" I asked, leaning forward.
"I..." Sam paused, tilting his head, trying to think. Beth looked between us, more unsure than worried. "It looks like someone's spelled the Bludger to follow him."
Dread filled me. "Could it hurt him?" The look Sam gave me made my body go cold as I looked back to Harry. He cut through the Slytherins and we all screamed, leaning away from the middle to leave him room to pass us. The passing Bludger was moving so fast with so much force that its projection stole the air of my gasp and made it hard to take a breath in again, moving my hair as both boy and ball zoomed past. I spun around, gasping, to keep him in sight. The ball tore through the sides of the stadiums and I held my breath... thankfully none fell. Harry wasn't having the same luck though. Finally, he stopped in front of Malfoy. He ducked and the Bludger soared mere inches from Draco's head. Then he dived. This movement was more purposeful- not dodging... chasing.
"He found the Snitch," I breathed out. Malfoy was on his tail, slamming into him as they went for the Snitch and the Bludger went for them. I stopped breathing. They ducked under the stands and I swallowed a groan, not moving a muscle until they resurfaced. They dropped down again too fast for me to catch my breath. There was too long of a pause and then Malfoy shot up from the below place they were flying around in. It looked like he'd crashed as he hit the ground hard, rolling and holding his stomach like he was going to be sick.
Finally, Harry popped up and I let my air come normally as I tried to seem normal. Would my fellow Slytherins hate me even more if I cared what happened to a boy who was twelve years old just because he was Harry Potter? Just because he was a Gryffindor? Just because he WASN'T a Slytherin? I couldn't bring myself to care enough to really hold myself back though. Right now all I could think about was Harry and if he was okay.
He reached out and it seemed like he was very close to grabbing what I could only assume was the Snitch since I couldn't see it. I did, however, see the Bludger slam into his arm. I shot to my feet and screamed, "HARRY!" Beth jumped in surprise next to me.
The boy steadied himself and then slowly but surely reached out his other arm. Reaching... reaching... He bucked forward and lost balance, slipping upside down so he held onto his broom but looked up at the sky before skidding on the ground a few times and then falling off entirely. I was frozen in place, unable to move or think, barely able to breathe.
"Harry Potter has caught the Snitch! Gryffindor wins!" I nearly laughed, shaking my head. The complete moron WOULD catch the Snitch even after all of that, wouldn't he?
It wasn't over yet though. The Bludger was still after him, crashing down again and again as Harry rolled around, desperately avoiding it. I saw a spell fly and looked over to see Hermione running into the field... actually, a lot of people were on the field now. My smile faded as my worry took over again. It still hadn't registered that Slytherin had lost.
There was a commotion and Harry was carted off, the crowd of his friends going to follow after him. The game was over and I wanted to check on Harry so I went to move through the crowd, hurrying to get to the Hospital Wing. I was interrupted when fingers gripped the collar of my robes, pulling me close to a face. "Tristen," I gasped, eyes wide. Sam's older brother.
"What's with you?" He demanded nastily. "Cheering for the Gryffindors. Standing up for that snot nose brat in front of Snape. Were you actually concerned for that Seeker? Are you even aware that we lost?"
"Let me go!" I screamed. The Slytherins around us watched, eyes wide but not moving to walk away or step in.
He shook me and I blinked as the world started to dot in black spots. I felt suddenly dizzy. "You're no Slytherin! You're a disgrace to those colors! To the man who started this house! Are you even a Pureblood?"
The blood rushes to my head. I locked my jaw after I bit my tongue, tasting blood. I closed my eyes, trying to breathe evenly, taking advantage of the time he was giving me while he demanded questions. He spoke slowly, each word enunciated and seething with disgust and hate and anger. I finally got orientation just a bit. I brought my knee up to his groin. He let go and I landed on my feet. The world was spinning and I had to grip the bar behind me to stabilize myself but I pulled my wand out, eyes wide as I took long, even breaths to try and get my vision back to normal. "I said," I snapped. "Let. Go. Of. Me." He looked up at me with wide eyes. He was a seventh year, five years older than me. He was tall and maybe not the strongest kid but he must have been three times my weight between age and height alone. But he was on the ground and I was armed. I was in control. "And do not EVER lay a finger on me without my permission ever again." I was gasping but everything was going back to normal, so that was a relief. After catching my breath and regaining my stability, I kneeled down in front of him, the top of my wand denting the skin under his chin. He was actually quite attractive but all I could see when I looked at that pretty face was the murderous look from earlier flipped 180 into a look of fear now. "You're a coward. You attacked me because I'm smaller than you and you thought for sure I'd be helpless. Well, let me tell you, Tristan, if you ever even threaten me again or even just give me a look that makes me uncomfortable, I WILL kill you. Do I make myself PERFECTLY clear? Is that Slytherin enough for you?" He didn't respond so I pushed my wand further into his skin.
"Yes!" He choked out.
I stepped back. "Good." I walked away, a sick feeling in my stomach as I did so.
Not long after the Quidditch match, another student was petrified. A first year. That put everyone even more on edge. Lockheart, in an attempt to distract and cheer us, started up a dueling club with Snape. There had been so much tension in my life that I'd started to avoid everyone. One day Sam talked to me and then showed up for dinner with a bruise on his jaw. I'd gotten him to admit "someone" he hadn't seen had given it to him after calling him a traitor for being friends with me. After that, I stopped even talking to Cedric. Everyone was concerned. I could see it in the faces of the friends whose eyes were trained on me at meal times and now, during our little duel club.
Harry and Malfoy went up first. It went well for a while. A good distraction. But then Draco summoned a snake. And Harry started talking to it. I felt a coldness toward the Boy Who Lived rising up in me. The Petrificiations and now this? I flashed back to the first victim. Mrs. Norris. The blood on the wall.
Enemies of the heir, beware.
The rumors of the heir of Slytherin and the Chamber of Secrets. The talk about how Salazar Slytherin was one of extremely few who could talk to snakes. A talent only his own descendants had had since.
Was Harry Potter the heir of Slytherin? A Gryffindor?
Later, when Harry would be found at the site of Nearly Headless Nick and Justin Finch-Fletchley, a Hufflepuff, who were both petrified, it became even harder to not believe the possibility of it.
The thought changed everything.
It was Hermione who found me. After I'd snapped Cedric's head off he'd finally given me my space, telling me that he understood I was under a lot of pressure since I'd told him (very few details) of the run-in with Tristan the day of the Quidditch match that seemed some forever ago now. After that, I'd spent most of my time alone. Now Hermione sat across from me. Her face was so full of worry and tenderness that I couldn't bear to be angry at her. "Hello," she greeted softly.
I swallowed. "Hi."
She paused. "I overheard Neville talking to one of his friends. And of course, there's Fred and George. I mean to say, you're not alright are you?" She sighed. "I mean to say, they're worried about you. We're worried about you. And I was wondering if maybe... maybe I could help in some way?" She looked down at my work. "I could help you study."
I looked down at it too. "I appreciate the offer, but I'm afraid..." I looked up at her. "Being your friend would make my situation... worse than it already is." She nodded, understanding but not happy about it. "If you have someone who doesn't care that I'm a Slytherin and still accepts friendships from people of other houses that isn't a Gryffindor, THAT might help."
Her eyes light up. "I actually do have someone in mind. If you were being serious?"
I paused for a long time. I had been joking before, but if she DID have someone... well honestly it was a good idea. "They'd have to be easy to be around. I can't tolerate hyper people, they annoy me."
Hermione grinned, standing up. "I'll send her over. Do you trust me?" I paused a second and then offered a small smile and nodded.
And that was how I became friends with Luna Lovegood of all people.
Luna was the one who told me Hermione was petrified. She was also the one who helped me deal with my Slytherin issue, reminding me who I was and my vow not to let what other people said affect me. She was going through something similar herself so it was only too easy to level with her. She reasoned me through my anxieties and at every revelation of myself to her, I was stunned with how she took it in stride. She still didn't know everything, but what she did know did not bother her. She was the only person who could truly defuse my pent up, hot emotions and calm me down. She was just so odd yet reasonable. It seemed like she knew every secret of the universe. It was through her I got talking to Fred and Cedric again. She joined our trio, showing up to weekend study sessions and free time hang outs. As Luna kept us calm and open-minded and Fred kept us fun, Cedric kept us responsible. I kept us alive. Despite all the jumps and scares and creepy uncertainties of what was wrong, it was easier with them in my life. It was easier with Beth and Neville.
No one could make it easier with Sam. He did pull me aside one day. "I can't be your friend this year." It nearly broke my heart and I was stunned into silence. "Not really. I mean, I expect updates from Beth still, and know that I still think of you as my friend, but... well, in years to come, Tristan won't be at Hogwarts anymore. He won't be there to push me around and make life Hell for you. I'm just tired of both of us hurting because of my brother's nastiness. Do you... understand?”
I smiled. "Yes, I do."
Beth and Sam promised to check up on me during the Summer, but for the rest of the short year, they'd keep their distance. That was okay. I had my brother and my two best friends to keep me company. Everything was fine.
Near the end of school when things reacted an all-time high level of bad, everything seemed to change. Fred tackled me in a hug. He was shaking.
Instantly my attention was diverted from my upcoming end of the year exams. "What's wrong Freddie?"
"Have you heard about Harry and the Chamber of Secrets?"
I hesitated. "I've heard rumors." He took a deep breath and it was odd because he was SO much taller than me. My body curved against his and I stood on my very tippy toes. His arms were strong against my back. "What happened? Tell me, I'm here. I'm listening." I had a HUGE soft spot for Fred that had grown over this year. Every time I even looked at him I felt... soft. Warm. Sometimes it agitated me. Sometimes it put me on high alert, like now, when I was worried about him. Sometimes it calmed me down. Usually not though.
"Ron told me there was a Basilisk. Harry hadn't said much but... big snake. Ghost of someone's past. My sister got possessed. Almost died." He said it all very quickly and very quietly in a tone that conveyed he was having a hard time believing it, even though he wouldn't doubt it happened because he trusted the source of the knowledge to tell him the truth.
"Merlin's beard, Fred." I held him tighter, one hand rubbing his back.
"I feel so weird. Thinking of them down there. I know they're safe but... I can't explain it."
I soothingly hushed him. "It's your two youngest siblings facing potential death together. I don't blame you for being upset by that idea Fred. But they're okay, yeah? You said it yourself. It's okay to be upset though. Just know they're okay. Both of them."
He relaxed. "Your hugs make everything better. I can't believe I haven't hugged you before."
I chuckled. "Well Freddie, you can hug me anytime you need okay?"
He smiled. "Yeah okay. Cool."
I don't know what drove me to do it. Maybe the way his voice broke or the watery look in his eyes or the shake of his smile. Whatever it was, I popped up with a little bounce and kissed his forehead. He blushed and suddenly the gesture didn't feel as platonic as I'd first meant it to be. "Sorry," I stuttered. "I- I don't know what- you just- um-"
"No need to apologize." Despite his blush, he was smirking. "You can do that whenever you want as well."
I shoved him. "Shut it, Weasley."
He seemed to be joking and as I joked back the mood changed and the awkwardness passed and was forgotten. How odd a moment to exist at all really.
Once it all ended, all that was left was to go home. The Diggory's offered me to stay with them again but I got another offer from the Weasleys. Hermione and Luna were also added to the list of people who wanted letters from me to stay in touch. It was encouraging, knowing that I was making friends and making an impact.
Just like last year I met Cedric on the train, Luna joining us shortly. At first, I thought Fred wasn't coming but then Harry and Ron passed, Hermione behind them, the Weasley horde behind them. Fred paused in front of our compartment and went to join us, which brought George along too. Ginny turned around and she plopped down as well, introducing herself to me for the first time all year. "What's going on in here?" We all looked over to see Hermione, Harry, and Ron behind her.
I grinned. "Want to join us?"
"I don't think there's room for all three of us," she sighed. "But thank you for the offer. An owl at least every month, yeah? You promise?"
"I promise."
She nodded and then turned around. Harry waved goodbye and I returned the gesture. I'd dismissed my theory about him being the heir of Slytherin, even if I didn't know the details of everything. He was too... Harry.
And so my second year of Hogwarts ended.
I have to say, not too bad. Not to bad at all.
Tag List: @reddie-steddie-go
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r-ahh-mi · 5 years
He // Chapter 1
Prompt II Chapter 2
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Rami Malek x OC(Beth)
A/N: Here is the first official chapter of ‘He’ which is going to be a Rami Malek x OC fic. I have included the links above to two other pieces of writing that go along with this story line - read them if you feel so inclined to do so, which i highly recommend so you can know a bit about the direction this story is taking. Also, although some portions of this fic will depict things that actually happened, the timeline will not be the same as the original time the events took place. Lastly, there will be some flashbacks all through out this story, so the dashes symbolize the beginning and end of flashback. Hope you enjoy & I would adore your feedback xx
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2.3k
I’ll start off by saying that I don’t blame him..at least not entirely. I understand he was simply going after his dream and he had to make sacrifices in doing that - truly, I get it. However, no matter how much I can understand where he was coming from, it still hurts. It hurts that he sent a simple text–no, he had his assistant text me to tell me that me and him could no longer be together. So many fucking years together and he can’t even muster up enough balls to tell me that he doesn’t want me anymore, that he doesn’t love me anymore. It was terribly out of character for him, which only made this worse. Rami was never one to do a thing as shady and unpredictable as that. 
People always say you see ‘red flags’ or early signs of a disaster about to strike, but that wasn’t the case with us. We were fine, better than fine, we were amazing. We talked about getting married, having children, where we would want to live when it came time to settle down and enjoy life. Never, ever did it occur to me that Rami would abruptly break up with me when he was away filming the movie that would crank his stardom from a average number to being one of the top male actors in the business. 
I stood by him when he was no one to everyone, except to me. To me he was everything. Fuck, he still is my everything.
I guess that’s why I haven’t even thought about anyone romantically since he broke things off. It was the furthest thing from my mind to capture anothers heart like I had thought i’d captured his and, although, I knew at one point he loved me like I loved him, he just didn’t love me anymore. Well…I guess now I wasn’t so sure.
See, Rami was one to fall head first into a relationship and that’s something I could admire him for. He was never really afraid to show someone his heart and who he was; never ever bashful in expressing his feelings and when he knew he loved me he told me right away, without hesitation, despite my own apprehensions about it all. He let me take my time and gradually, my heavy stone wall was broken by this boy who had stumbled into the wrong dorm room one fateful Saturday night after he got drunk off of cheap beer.
I was so annoyed when he had loudly barged into my room and plopped down directly on top of my once sleeping form, now I couldn’t be more grateful that he had accidentally gone to the wrong floor of that old stuffy dormitory. We were crazy back then, we really were. I felt so fearless and he was the one who made me feel that way, which was both scary and intriguing that another could make me feel such a way about life when I was anything but carefree, but with Rami, it was easy. Except now things were different. Everything was the opposite of easy; everything was complicated, really, really complicated.
Of course, I could only really speak on my experience of being apart from him and pretending he never existed and that we never existed. I remember how hard it was to not call him whenever I needed someone, he was always the person that I went to with any issue I had, but not anymore….well, except for last night. My head was still dizzy and tired and at times I was entirely positive I was making the entire evening, of him phoning me, up. However, a quick glance through my recent received texts was convincing, and if that wasn’t enough, my call history was sure to smash it into my brain that it happened.
I’m sure you’re wondering what the call was about and even i’m not entirely sure. It was full of sleepy Rami voice which I had missed dearly, but even more importantly I could hear him crying. That hurt, it really fucking hurt, especially knowing that I wasn’t there to give him whatever he was needing in that very moment, but I had to remind myself that I would have been right next to him had it not been for his actions and his wishes. So, guilt was quickly evaded from my memory and worry soon began to take over and it would never leave, i still felt it right this very moment.
He was vague. Extremely vague to me as he expressed his need to just see me. Even now, a mere night’s worth of sleep, and my pulse was speeding up just thinking about him wanting to see me again. It was just too shocking to process and I wasn’t even sure if I had answered him or not, but all I knew is that he texted me my plane ticket information early this morning, that I suppose he had booked last night and now I was in some over priced Uber to JFK airport headed for LAX.
The shaking was bad, the anxiety was even worse, and I had no clue why I had let myself agree to this (if i even had because, again, i don’t recall a lot of what i said during the conversation), but yet I wasn’t protesting to my driver to pull over. Not to mention, I never once thought about just ignoring the plane ticket purchased and letting that be my revenge for him breaking my heart the way he did.
In fact, I’m scolding myself this very moment for not even letting that thought cross my mind earlier..that would’ve made everything so much easier..I could’ve just continued on working my job and eating the same take out twice a week and running around the same park every morning and wallowing around in self pity on the weekend when I wasn’t attempting to be social with my friends.
Who was I kidding, it wouldn’t have been the same. The second I answered his phone call I knew that I wouldn’t be okay, at least not fully and when i chose to date him, I knew I was letting in this incredible human being that would forever leave a lasting impression on me, I just didn’t know, way back then, that that impression may not have been the kindest to my heart no matter how much I wanted the thought of ‘us’ to be a good thing in my mind. Again, he made that decision though, not me..so I shouldn’t feel any blame for it.
Funny how we repeat things to ourselves in order for them to sink into our brains isn’t it? Not like it ever truly works anyways.
I’d never experienced a plane ride quite like that. The couple of hours it took for me to get from one part of the country to the next felt as though a full twenty-four hours had gone by and I wasn’t sure what I was more tired of; physical exhaustion or mental exhaustion. My leg was still twitching, i’m going to assume, because of the hours upon hours it had been bouncing up and down due to the constant stream of anxiety that was running like a current through my body. Not to mention, my nausea due to my motion sickness that never failed to pop up every time the plane landed.
However, despite the numbness in my leg and the frazzled shock coursing through my blood, I kept persisting as if my life depended on it as I walked through the familiar airport. The smell of the various food vendors and even the plainly colored walls and floors all made me smile and think back to the various trips I had made here to visit Rami before we both decided to move to LA together once we had both graduated college so many years ago.
So much money was spent on me going to see Rami at least once a month, but I never dreaded it. In fact, I much preferred California to my small hometown in Indiana, so I didn’t mind flying out to see him, especially if it meant him getting to show me everything he grew up seeing and doing and loving. Not to mention me and his family had gotten very close since my first visit, Christmas my sophomore year of college, when me and Rami were just friends. California started to feel more like a home to me more than shitty Indiana ever did, which is why I never hesitated when Rami brought up the thought of us potentially moving in with one another in LA. 
- -
“So I was thinking..”
“Spit it out Rami, you’ve only repeated that exact phrase three times now.”
As I balanced the phone between my shoulder and cheek, I couldn’t help but hope he was finally asking me the words i’d been dying to hear. After a year of not living near each other, I was half tempted to move myself out to LA all on my own and surprise him. Our relationship was an open one and I was positive he wouldn’t have minded that I moved both to be near him and to further my career as an actress. Lord knows Indiana wasn’t doing me any favors in either of those departments. 
“...I was thinking..that you should move out here.”
I couldn’t help but sigh happily at his confession, “You know I would love that.”
“Then why haven’t you moved here yet? Do you enjoy making me suffer and have to live with only having contact with you from a phone.”
“Hey! I fly out as often as my paycheck allows it.”
“I know baby..”, His voice was so tender and thoughtful, it made me feel a little less obsessive as I had already started throwing a few of my belongings into a suitcase.
“So, when should I plan to leave?”
It was silent for a moment until Rami suggested me coming down to visit so we could both look at apartments together, just to ensure this was 1000% something that we both were prepared and wanting to do. Although, I already knew I was ready. Honestly, I never even needed to go see the semi-shitty apartment we were about to live in for the next 5 years because I would move anywhere and live anywhere as long as it meant I could be near him.
You could definitely say I was whipped and i’d proudly admit that.
- -
Suddenly, the airport began to seem terribly overcrowded with both people coming and going and I knew I had to be close to where Rami had told me to look for the driver.
I obeyed every single one of Rami’s requests - off the plane, head for a selected Terminal, and then look for a man holding a sign with his last name on it near the main exit doors.
I still wasn’t adjusted to the fact that Rami had afforded a plane ticket and a driver just for me. Not too mention my plane ticket was one of 1st class, not an easily afforded privilege for someone like me, but I had to remember, Rami wasn’t the Rami I knew anymore. He was Rami Malek, a multiple award winning actor; something I was both proud and jealous of, I had to admit, but I saw this coming. In college, there was no denying the talent I saw the very first I watched him give a monologue in front of our class. Everyone in the auditorium styled classroom had goosebumps, I was positive, and we all saw him as competition, except for me.
Of course, down the road we both engaged in some slight competition with who could get the best roles in plays and who would get the best acting gig right outside of college, but when I first witnessed his acting capabilities, I was more curious than anything. Curious to get to know him and speak with him; just to pick at his brain sounded terribly ideal to me and engaging in a some other activities didn’t sound half bad either..
My shoulder suddenly collided with someone, much to my surprise, dragging me from my trip down memory lane to staring at the man in front of me wearing aviator sunglasses and holding a white board in his hand. I examined the man to make sure he was alright, that is until I saw the words ‘Malek’ scribbled on the object in his hands. 
Just seeing his last name written out gave me a pitiful feeling in my stomach and I wasn’t able to blame it on the motion sickness now that my feet were firmly planted on the ground.
“Uhm..are you the driver for Malek?”
My mouth stuttered slightly as I spoke his last name, proving saying anything relatively close to his full name would be difficult. I’ll need to make a mental note of that later before I embarrass myself any more than I already have...
The mystery man gave me a brief nod, “Are you Mrs. Malek?”
I must’ve looked like a purely insane individual as I just stared at him, dough eyed and trying to maintain brain function as my stutters returned.
“I--I’m not--No you see we are not--”
“Or are you just another one of his girls?”
And with a snap of invisible fingers, my mood shifted from frazzled to angered, but I shouldn’t have been shocked, I really shouldn’t have been. Rami was no longer the baby faced young man I grew to love, he was a much older, much more matured male who had grown out of his baby weight and into a muscular, beautifully structured bachelor that, i’m sure, every woman in Hollywood was dying to fall for, or rather get on their knee’s for.
“I’m definitely not one of his girls”, I retorted with possibly too much annoyance as the driver silently turned around and began walking towards the exit. Supposing I was meant to follow him, I got hot on his heels as he led the way out of the large main double doors.
No turning back now.
Tag List: @frami-mercury-malek @hazeleyedbeth @sassystrawberryk @amcquivey @cleopatra-knowles @lovelymalekk @mezzomercury
If you’d like to be added to the tag list for this serious, or to be on my permanent tag list, let me know and I will gladly add you xx
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