#everyone gets to see the sky being funky!!
jeoncasino · 1 month
⋆ †₊ 0.1
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Tired of life and all it had to bring for you, things take a turn when you find out two of your friends start to take a liking to you. With newfound emotions and a whole lot of drama, what happens when they start competing for your love?
Pairings: JJK x fem! reader [x KNJ]
Genre: college au, love triangle, friends to lovers, fluff, angst, slow burn, eventual smut.
Tags: rich! jjk, law student! jjk, dark hair! jjk, sweet! jjk, jealous! jjk, needy! jjk, obsessed! jjk, but also dom! jjk, slightly toxic! jjk, english major! knj, boy bsf! knj, co-worker! knj, husband material! knj, brown hair! knj, sweet! knj, jealous! knj, sad knj:(, pet names, everything’s so complicated and everyone’s in denial, jk's love language is physical touch and acts of service, jk has mommy issues so he's too attached to oc, joonie is so sweet i feel bad for him, gguk will try everything in his power to make oc his, ggukkie lowkey hates joonie lol, this is an actual slow burn yay!
Warnings: mentions of drug use.
⋆ †₊ Series Masterlist
Minors do not interact.
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Smoke surrounds you. For a moment, the noises and lights from the party, once a chaotic blend, seperate distinctly. Each sound creates its own frequency, each beam of light cutting through the haze in sharp lines. Everything around you slows down, the moment captivating you in a trance that would otherwise not been achieved without smoking a certain plant.
Elaine, your best friend, who was sitting to your left, seems to be talking to you. You can't quite grasp what she's saying, but she leaves shortly afterward, leaving you alone in the beautiful backyard of this otherwise dirty frat house. You really were avoiding going inside—the floors were sticky, and it smells funky. Honestly, you didn’t even want to be there. Frat parties aren’t your thing. But Elaine, in apparent need of de-stressing (though later confessing she just wanted to see her latest infatuation, Zia), had dragged you out on a Thursday night. You thought about getting mad and leaving, but she’s your best friend—and every guy here looks like they’d spike her drink—so you stayed. Plus, she bought you a blunt, so it evened out.
As you gazed at the dark-glowing canvas of the night sky, you felt a presence beside you. Skeptically, you glanced to your right, only to find a man staring at you. You jumped.
“Oh my god?” you gasp, eyes wide, hand over your heart.
The guy laughs, clearly amused by your reacton. Trying to figure him out, you took a look at him. He wore a loose white shirt and baggy jeans. Dark hair framed his face. Two rings pierced the right side of his mouth, his right arm covered in tattoos. Honestly, you felt intimidated—frat parties drew all kinds of people, you know? But when you finally met his eyes, the softness of his gaze made him seem far more approachable then you originally thought.
“Will you quit staring?” He teased.
Your cheeks burned. “Oh please, I’m on drugs,” you muttered, looking away, “Don’t flatter yourself.”
“Oh, I know. Thought I’d join you on your trip.”
Confused, and extremely thirsty, you asked, “Who are you?”
“Seriously?” He replied, somewhat annoyed. “Jeon Jeongguk. We share a class—U.S History with Mrs. Webster,” He paused, anticipating an answer. He met silence. “No?”
You sighed. “Look, I’m sorry, but I’m too high to remember anyone from that class.” Thinking it over, you added, “Seriously, though, I don’t think I’ve ever talked to you.”
And that’s because you hadn’t. Jeongguk, though quite popular, found himself completely partner-less tonight. He didn’t like being alone, so when he spotted you, high and alone, he thought he’d try his usual trick with you—pretending he knew you from somewhere. It usually worked.
Not today though. At your response, he was utterly offended. Did you seriously not know who the Jeon Jeongguk was? Even he recognized you—the sharing a class part not being a lie—so it made no sense. Although, he didn’t know your name either, so maybe you did know him, just not his name, and the drugs are clouding him from your memory.
Yeah, he thought, it’s definitely the drugs. “Did you know marijuana causes memory issues?”
You snorted. “Just say you’re offended.”
He shrugged. “What’s got you all alone out here?”
“My horny friend, I guess.” You turn to face him. “You?”
“I was taught to never leave a pretty girl like you alone,”
“Okay, Mr. Charming, please be serious.”
He laughed. “My friends ditched me too.”
“Hm,” You didn’t know what else to say. Usually, you were good at small talk, but you were literally in cloud nine and too thirsty to properly think. “Do you mind getting me some water? I’ve got cotton mouth and don’t want to go inside.”
“It smells wierd doesn’t it?” He scrunched his nose as he replied. You nodded. “I’ll be right back.”
Many chit-chat’s and half a bottle of wine later—Jeongguk found it somewhere in the frat—you both bid goodbye with teary eyes and warm embraces, somehow convinced you’d never see each other again after this party. Both of you not letting go, Elaine and his friends have to literally pry you guys apart, causing everyone to fall comically like dominoes.
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Attempting to open your eyes you rubbed them, immediately closing them as the morning sun assaults your vision. What even happened yesterday? Your head pounded, nausea swirled in your gut. You felt horrible. Trying to go back to sleep, you turned in your bed, feeling the dreaded build-up of saliva once you layed on your side. Uh-oh.
You rushed to your bathroom just in time.
“Elaine?” you half-yelled, wiping your mouth with your hand muffling your voice.
No response. You stumble out of your room and head for the kitchen. There, your find an already-ready best friend cooking god-knows-what.
Looking up at you, she said, “Good morning, Mrs. Jeon,” her tone dripping with mockery.
“What? Mrs. Jeon?” Confused, you try to piece together last night’s events, but it’s no use. Panicking, you exclaimed, “Oh my God, Elaine, what happened yesterday?!”
She looked at you unimpressed. “Oh, nothing much. Just that you and Jeongguk were all over each other yesterday!”
“Jeon who?” You asked.
“Be so serious right now,” She couldn’t believe you. “Y/n, he’s like, super well-known around campus. Rich as hell and a jerk.” She added, “Cheated on Jayla, rejected me when you bet me to hit on him for five dollars.” Elaine huffed with her arms crossed.
Recalling how hilarious that day was, you laughed so hard your headache worsened tenfold. “I might die if I keep laughing,” you stuttered, gripping the kitchen counter for dear life. “Is that why you don’t like him?”
“This isn’t funny! You guys made fools of yourselves last night. I genuinely thought he laced your drink.”
Drink. The word triggers flashes of last night—Jeongguk approaching you, him bringing you water, a bottle of wine somehow appearing in your hands. Blood drained from your face as you remembered how you parted ways—throwing yourself into his arms, him not letting go, literally shedding tears as Elaine dragged you out of the frat’s backyard.
You’ll make sure to never drink again after this.
“Elaine, did I really—”
“Yes, Y/n, you did! Do you know how embarrassing that was? Don’t even get me started on the reputation you just gained yourself.”
“What are you talking about?”
“All his closest friends were there,” she said, serving her plate with freshly cooked eggs. “They thought you guys fucked or something.”
“Did you really?” The question almost offended you.
“Stop! God, no, obviously not,” you shuddered. “Just because we hugged?”
“No, because Jeon fucks everything he touches,” she replies matter-of-factly. “He also got a little possessive, he wouldn’t let go.”
“Of me?”
“Yeah, we all fell to the ground because y’all wouldn’t budge. My biceps are sore, no joke.”
You slumped against the counter, hiding your face in disbelief. “Wait so, now people think I’m easy?”
“Yes. Now let’s just hope the rumor didn’t spread outside the frats,” she said, walking out of the kitchen with her plate full of eggs. “People were watching, you know? I almost left you there with that whore. Anyway, you better get ready—your first class starts in 20.”
You sprint to your room.
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“Thanks for saving me a spot.”
Namjoon lifted his backpack from the seat next to him as you slid into it, placing your own bag on the floor.
“No worries, buns,” he said, noticing your wet hair immediately. “Were you in a rush this morning?”
“Tell me about it,” you muttered, rubbing your temples.
“Did you have a night shift yesterday? I don’t recall scheduling you late this week.”
“No, it’s just that Elaine dragged me to this party and I—” You stopped yourself. Were you really going to expose your half-secret to Joonie out in the open? Nuh-uh. “I’m just so hungover. Let’s talk later. Focus on class.”
Although curious as to what happened last night that got you this flustered, Namjoon chose to not push the subject, both of you focusing now on whatever the professor was droning about.
You liked that he always walked you to class. Obviously if his class was far or if he got busy he wouldn’t, but for the most part he did. You found it chivalrous, a trait that most men nowadays lacked. That’s why you liked Namjoon—he was friendly but polite, not shy to ask about your personal life but never stepping any boundaries. Not to mention his other great qualities, like how intelligent or hard working he is. You both had gotten originally close through Yeyo’s café—he trained and guided you along the harsh path of being a first-time barista—and having worked most shifts together, you became each other’s favorite co-worker, mingling whenever and hanging outside of work at times. At these occasional dates, the both of you learnt you shared similar struggles, like not having anyone support you financially or having complicated relationships with your families. All these things made relating to him easier. He never failed to make you laugh or help you see the good in the bad, and for him you were grateful.
Now you’re here—two months later, at the same university—him walking you to class while you complained about the workload your professor just assigned.
“I mean is he kidding? Not everyone has free time like him. I’ve got work!”
“I think his wife’s divorcing him or something,”
You gasp. “Wait, really?”
“Yeah,” he chuckled at your reaction. “You know the professor’s assistant?”
“Oh, the one who wants you?” you teased with a grin, wiggling your eyebrows playfully.
Namjoon elbowed you gently. “Stop it,” he muttered. You laughed at his flustered expression.
“Anyway,” he continued, eager to change the subject, “the other day, I stayed after class to ask her for some extra points, but she got off track and started telling me all sorts of things about him.”
“Like what?” you asked, leaning into him with interest.
“Why do you sound excited?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Don’t act like you don’t indulge in professor drama,” you retorted, crossing your arms.
Namjoon chuckled. “You’re cute when you’re mad.”
“I’m not mad,” you shot back, avoiding his gaze.
“Then why won’t you look at me?” he teased.
“Okay, fine! Just tell me what she said, please,” you pouted, grabbing onto his arm, feeling the firmness of his muscles. You knew that whenever you did this, he’d give in—like that one time at the fair when you’d been so thirsty you begged for a water bottle that cost him twenty bucks.
He sighed, giving in as expected. “Well, according to her, his wife wanted a Chanel bag, but the professor wouldn’t buy it for her. Then, she thought he was having an affair, so she looked through his things, but she found out he lied about how much money he’d inherited, so now she’s filing for divorce.”
“Gosh, I almost feel bad for him,” you said, the corners of your mouth lifting. “Almost.”
“Meanie,” Namjoon grinned and squeezed your nose.
“Hey! Stop, you’re—” About to punch him for ruining your makeup, he darted away as fast as he could.
“I’ll kill that motherfucker,” you muttered, opening the door of your next class.
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“And I was like, are you dumb?” Elaine exclaimed through the phone.
After your last class, you decided you’d stop by the nurse’s office to get something that would soothe your headache, when you recieved a call from your best friend. Though spontaneous calls weren’t surprising, what she had just informed you was.
Apparently, she met up earlier with Zia, who had the audacity to ask her if she found it embarrassing to have a friend who had slept with Jeongguk. And obviously, her being the bestest, most protective friend ever, denied the rumors going around the frats in attempt of clearing your name.
As you walked out of the nurse’s office and into the bustling campus, she continued, “And I swear, in that moment, I was about to punch her. I mean, I always knew Zia was a little dense, but this? Ugh, it’s infuriating! I don’t even know why we fucked anymore.” She sighed heavily.
You found a bench under a large oak tree and sat down, needing to process everything. You’d been too busy with classes to think much about the previous night’s events, but now, with the day’s tasks behind you, the anxiety started creeping back in.
“Did you guys actually fuck yesterday?” you asked, leaning back against the bench.
“No, we had literally just fucked at the sorority, when she started asking dumb ass questions,” Elaine huffed. “I think I’m never finding love.”
“Don’t say that, E,” you replied, rubbing your temples. “You’ll figure it out, don’t worry.”
Elaine’s voice softened. “How are you holding up, though? I’m sorry for everything. I can’t help but feel responsible,” she added, and you could practically see her pouting on the other end of the line.
You took a deep breath. “Honestly, I was too busy this morning to even care, but now that I have time to think, I kind of just want to hide from everyone.”
“I’m sorry. I love you, okay? Don’t forget that.”
“I love you more.”
“Well I got to go, I’ll see you back at the apartment.”
Listening to the ring which notified the call was over, you finally had some time to process everything. Trying to find where you went wrong, the most controversial thing that happened all night was the fact that you were hanging out with… Jeongyeo? Or was it Jeongyu? Uh, you’ll make sure to ask Elaine later. Anyways, you saw no harm from having an innocent chat with him. All you did was drink with a rich frat college guy— and basically cry to each other but that was too embarrassing to even think about—so your ever crumbling reputation made no sense. You guys didn’t fuck, most certainly didn’t kiss, and by now the guy should’ve cleared the rumors, so why were they making such a fuss over it?
It was all so childish. Yet, despite your attempts to rationalize it, your stomach churned, your hands grew clammy, and your mind raced with anxiety. Every passerby seemed to stare at you with judgmental eyes.
You sighed deeply. This felt like high school all over again. You had to pull yourself together. If these people wanted to make a fuss over nothing and use you as their entertainment, then so be it. You had bigger things to worry about—like paying your bills or pursuing a career. So, with that, you decided to push the drama to the back of your head and refocus on what really mattered, finally finding peace once again in your mind.
And at peace you were.
At least that was the case until you got back home, because as soon as you walked into the apartment, Elaine rushed over, breaking the news to you. “Y/n, you won’t believe this. That miserable old landlord is raising our rent!”
You blinked, trying to process the new discovery. “What? Why?”
“I don’t know,” Elaine threw her hands up in frustration. “I begged him to exclude us from the raise, but he wouldn’t budge. He said it’s either pay up or move out.”
Trying your hardest not to kill him right now, you paused. What were you going to do now?
Trying to keep an optimistic outlook, you replied, “Look, I know it’ll be hard, but we can do this. Let’s just take extra shifts at work and start looking for an affordable place to stay at.”
She wasn’t sure about your proposition. You both worked long hours as is, not to mention how time consuming and disrupting it was for school.
“Y/n, we barely get to sleep some days,” Elaine said so lowly it was almost a whisper. Finding the situation impossible, she added, “I’m dropping out.”
You scoffed, “Are you crazy? You’re not doing that,”
“What else is there to do Y/n?” She frowned.
Lips pursed, you racked your brain trying to come up with a solution. Dropping out was not an option, and if keeping your education meant being homeless, then so be it. You both had a car, so maybe you guys could sleep there until you found a new place. And if you had to shower, you could probably just ask Namjoon if-
“Oh my god! Namjoon!” You yelled as you reached for your phone.
“What? Y/n what are you doing?”
Dialing Namjoon’s number, you replied with a smile on your face, “Pack your stuff, we’re crashing Joonies place.”
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Author: pls this took me long enough to post and im not sure i even like it lmfoaoaoa. nobody told me how hard and time consuming this was. anyways yall if it sucks LMK ! i’ll make sure to burn this post down if it sucks ass. shout out to anyone who finished reading the first chapter of this series ! omm ilysm. i’ll also try to comment the people who wanted to be added to my taglist, hopefully it works. bye !
This is a work of fiction. The scenes, characters and events depicted are purely fictional and not intended to represent real-life procedures or individuals. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Do not use this story as your own.
@jeoncasino 2024 ©
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 6 months
I sincerely hope I’m sending this request correctly. I wanna ask for a pokemon request where reader has a full Unown team with the Paldea crew reaction(Arven, nemona, penny) and maybe the blueberry academy crew reaction. I love unowns they’re my funky little letter guys. Basically the reader is an Unown enthusiast who only ever has unowns and only ever used Unowns. They have all the forms but the six they use are just the ones they took with them to Paldea. They went through Paldea and became champion with a full Unown team. Same with the bb league. I just think it’d be funny to see everyone’s reactions to that. Their partner mon would be Unown O and the other five you could pick cuz Unown O is my favorite letter. And also if u could write the unowns being affectionate with the reader and vice versa. I just like seeing trainers bonding with their pokemon. Thank you and I enjoy your writing!
(Side note: Honestly if ScarVio was able to have unowns in it you’d bet your ass I’d do a full Unown run. I’ve done it for other games. Was disappointed and sad I couldn’t have any unowns in them, sword/shield too.)
I LOVE the Unowns omg. I got a plushie of V and I'm still trying to get shinies and alphas in PLA
My favorite is F because it looks like a little stick figure but I adore all of them very much <3
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Ever since discovering the Unown in Johto (Ruins of Alpha) and the two additional forms in Kanto (Tanoby Chambers), you found your calling as a trainer.
An Unown trainer, to be precise.
Unown O was the first one you caught, and has been your battle partner ever since!
You've become something of an enthusiast, asking researchers what they've discovered and documenting the Symbol Pokemon as you collected them.
You've caught so many that you actually encountered a shiny or two--each capture being a success.
Their existence, connection to Arceus, home dimension, and "secret power" when more than one are gathered were all fascinating to you and made you wanna learn more.
You even incorporated some of their designs into your outfit: like gloves and socks that had symbols printed on them, keychains and charms on your jewelry and/or backpack..etc.
All 28 Unown grew to love you, and the ones in your party are super affectionate when you bring them out.
Their favorite game is hide n' seek (taking after their "ancestors" from PLA) around your home, and you like to play along.
Ofc people are wary around Unown given their mysterious nature, but you vow to break that stigma by feeding them treats and letting them nuzzle up to you, showing others that they're just like any other Pokémon: companions who deserved as much love and affection as a Pikachu.
After parting ways with your friends in Kanto and Johto, you don't leave without gifting them an Unown that was the first letter in their name (for Blue you left him a Shiny Unown B...which he still brags about to this day).
You decided to move to Paldea to take your Pokémon training more seriously, attending school and showing off your Unown since they're not native to the region.
Your team consisted of O, as well as N, E, F, R, and M--referring to what all 28 are collectively called (One Form).
Despite knowing they can only use Hidden Power and nothing else (plus the drawbacks from having a psychic-only team), you defied all the odds when you took on not one but TWO championships and won.
And of course, the friends you've made during your journey all got to know the Unown personally.
At first, he thought your Unown team had more to it...until he realized that was ALL you brought to the battlefield.
Just funky letters that only knew one move.
"Oh come on, you're never gonna win with a team like that-"
And then you go and beat him with a team like that, and it shuts him up.
But Arven just rolls his eyes to the sky, making the excuse that he's not used to battling, and moves on.
As you get closer to him, though, and help him take down the Titan Pokémon around Paldea, he warms up to your team and admits they're kinda cool.
He'll only shoo them away if he's making a sandwich, not wanting to be crowded (but tbh he can tolerate Unown O's presence more than your 'raidon's).
You presented him with picks inspired by the designs of some Unown (I, K, T, Y, and !) to hold the ingredients together, and he's thoroughly impressed by your dedication to the craft.
You joked about selling them if you ever went into the art of culinary--yet Arven tells you to seriously consider it.
After the fight with the AI Professor in Area Zero, he sees your entire team pop out of their pokeballs, clearly stressed from being locked inside due to the Paradise Protection Protocol.
You never did a battle without them and were afraid they couldn't protect you, but you reassured them you were okay, letting them stay out during the journey home.
Only then does he realize that sure, they're weird little guys that don't seem all-that powerful, but you treasure them all the same.
While she was confused about you not using the Paldea starter the Director offered you..she's HYPED when your real team comes out to play during your first match together: One made entirely of Unown, a Pokémon not even native to Paldea.
She may have read about them in some textbook unrelated to battling and glossed over them.
But to see them in battle left her extremely impressed and asking you dozens of questions afterwards.
They could just change their type when attacking??? She read about Arceus supposedly having that power, but it's awesome that these little letters/symbols can, too!
Despite thinking you'll bore her by having no strategy except "use hidden power", Nemona NEVER wants you to feel discouraged!
She wants to battle your team every time.
As you fight your way through the Pokémon League and all the way up to the Elite Four, she's rooting for you 100%, praising your Unown for overcoming even the toughest terastalized foes.
Knowing your party members, they LOVE praise and are very friendly towards her and her own Pokémon.
If any of them have timid/lonely natures..her words give them a big confidence boost.
And it reflects in their reaction times and how often they'll heal their own status conditions or tank OH-KO hits.
She says you're helping them get stronger every day, but you give her lots of credit, too, for helping you get this far.
While dealing with Team Star, Giacomo's dark team put your Unown through a world of hurt...
Penny had been watching the battle, worried that he was going to be the reason you failed to squander the organization.
Yet by some miracle, your team came out on top!
Only then does she realize you were more than capable of taking down all the bases.
Unown P comes out to greet her while you've doing an LP exchange, and it scared her pretty badly.
Especially as it just...stares. Occasionally blinking once or twice as she tries talking to you.
Conversations are hard enough for her already, and staring doesn't help matters, so she gets ready to leave-
But then its tune changes when you pat it on the head(?) and it trills happily, snuggling up to you.
Penny had to do a double-take, wondering how it managed to look so cute..but she dismisses your concerns when you asked why she made that face.
Later, after revealing she's the leader and becoming your friend thereafter...she still gets anxious around the Unown from time-to-time, but eventually warms up to their presence.
You don't treat them any differently despite their mysterious nature.
If anything, you care for them just like anyone would a cute Eevee: by spoiling them with love, treats, and sweet words of encouragement.
Penny felt like a hypocrite for being scared of them, considering people used to be scared of Team Star--yet they aren't as evil as everyone made them out to be.
They used to be lonely and misunderstood, just like the Unown were before you found them.
BB Academy
When you showed off your team for the first time, Kieran was stunned.. remembering the things he read about them but didn't know they could actually be caught.
All he says when you show him Unown K is "wowzers".
And the journal entries you've logged turned his eyes into stars.
You show him all the photographs of ruins and Unown blending in during your trips to the signboards, rambling about what you've seen and discovered.
He loves listening to your tales..and wishes he could see those places with you.
But what he didn't like, however, was whenever you two had a battle in which your Unown only needed one command to win. You didn't have to try at all.
Even with his team's most supereffective attacks..speed and dumb luck were on your side, crushing his confidence and making him jealous.
It doesn't help when you still decided to keep Ogerpon despite you saying you only ever used Unown.
It wasn't fair.
And ofc by Indigo Disk, Kieran wants nothing more than to destroy your team, insulting them under his breath when he thinks you can't hear him.
You just scowl and cover their nonexistent-ears while they nuzzle up to you--although deep down, you knew he didn't mean those words.
He's just pissed off that he lost sleep and his appetite over training his team, giving them the best moves and items to utilize on the battlefield..only for you to sweep the BB League with a simple command.
He managed to OH-KO one Unown with Incineroar's Darkest Lariat..and that sinister grin you saw on his face was most unnerving.
But you still claimed victory over him and he takes the loss hard.
Down in Area Zero, he's convinced that the "Hidden Treasure" Terapagos can take down your "Hidden Power" team..
But after seeing them form a shield (similar to the crystal one in the Spell of Unown movie) that protects him when the legendary goes rogue..it changed his perspective.
Only then he understood why they were so powerful.
As the Unovian Pokedex said: Alone, nothing happens..but together, Unown are strong and invoke a great power.
When the dust settles, O floats into Kieran's hands, healing the pain in his wrist caused by Terapagos breaking the masterball.
He felt so so guilty for the name-calling and his desires to hurt them. Yet they've all forgiven him.
In a way, Unown remind you of him: small and unassuming, at first glance..but full of great power that's waiting to shine.
During Mochi Mayhem, K stays by his side while he holds off the possessed townspeople and you capture Pecharunt, growing quite attached to him.
And after coming back to the academy, you decide to trade him that Unown, hoping he incorporates it into one of his teams. Be it casual or competitive.
Back in Kitakami, she laughed at your "puny"-looking letter Pokémon, thinking them to be weak as she sics Poochyena and Polteageist on them.
While their dark/ghost moves hit the Unown hard, it's Unown O who takes them down with critical hits..and Carmine got LIVID.
She impressed you're sticking with a team that appeared in ancient texts, although that doesn't dissuade her from teasing you about them for a while.
Ngl you nerding out over Unown facts and studies you've recorded reminds her of Kieran infodumping about Ogerpon.
Your Unown just glare at her, and you gotta call them back to your side before they try attacking her outside a battle.
However as time goes on and she warms up to you, meets Ogerpon, etc..she grows to like them more, too.
Eventually she's cheering them on as they take down the Loyal Three and tank their poison attacks.
By Indigo Disk's events, she comes around to genuinely smile at their presence.
Although she had concerns Kieran's new team would be too overwhelming for them...
Yet your team of hieroglyphics won anyways.
And down in Area Zero's underdepths, they invoked a great power to shield the siblings from Terapagos' attacks, protecting the two people who once hated and mocked them with all they had.
As they both break down in tears, some Unown come out of their pokeballs to comfort them, and O stays on your shoulder as you exit the cavern together.
A few photobomb the selfie you take with the twins back at the academy (as well as Kitakami's festival), but it's alright.
Carmine will allow it because you treasured them and they DID save her and her brother's skin.
While you did struggle during his trial (due to his "Terarium Pokemon-only" rule), the actual battle caught him by surprise when your Unown swept the floor, taking down his dragons.
How Unown F was able to withstand an Electro Shot was beyond him, but it was sturdy enough to finish the fight with a Fairy-based Hidden Power.
After winning, you both take a selfie in commemoration, with you passing F to Drayton like "can we get an F in the chat" and him humbly accepting it.
It was all in good fun, and looking back on it in your scrapbook made you laugh.
But what you didn't feel good about was him rubbing your victory in Kieran's face after you win the championship, further shattering the kid who nearly keeled over trying to make the perfect team to beat you..only for some "letters" to kick him down into the dirt.
"Wow, that's tough..now are you gonna take the F or L, ex-champ?"
He forgot this kid doesn't understand much internet lingo, but Unown F and Unown L didn't appreciate his jokes, and neither did you.
But after the events in Area Zero, you let it go, eventually deciding to trade him Unown D as your way of thanking him for helping you get close enough to knock sense back into Kieran.
Let's face it, he's gonna be staring at your Unown like a Magikarp out of water and ask how they eat..
Or if they eat at all for that matter.
Their eyes just blink and poof, their share of the meal is already gone.
He knows they're psychic Pokémon, but still...
His favorite ones are definitely C (bc of his name) and S (for Spicy), though he's eager to see how your team fairs in battle when you clear his trial.
You warn him it might be "boring" but he acts like you insulted his cooking and begs you not to say that again.
"Every Pokémon battle gets me fired up!!!!! Don't downplay yourself!!!"
Even when your Unown easily douse his Pokémon's flames with Water-based Hidden Power (and Fire for his Exeggcutor), he still had a blast battling you, realizing those little letters are full of vigor and surprises!
He's eager to see what supereffective type they're gonna use next.
When you eventually decide to trade, you contemplate giving him an extra Unown F you had..or a C.
But you settle for the latter, and Crispin promises to feed the little guy well!
Unown are small, simple, and make trilling noises...all checking off her criteria of "cute" Pokémon!
Although knowing they're connected to Arceus--the literal god of all 'mons--is an unnerving fact, she agrees that they're adorable and deserve to be treated as such.
She gets to learn your team's different natures, and likes how you're trying to convince people that they're not as scary as the old legends present them.
They love nuzzling up to you, resting on your shoulder and/or head, twirling around, and playing with the local Minior.
That being said..Lacey gets shocked at the punch they pack during battle, with them using Poison or Steel-based Hidden Power to take down her fairies.
It's always the most unsuspecting Pokémon who are the most powerful.
Even if you worry about the battle being boring since all you can give out is one command, she's gonna turn your pessimistic thinking around!
Unown F is her favorite since it's looks like a stick figure, but Unown L is also pretty neat..yet she wonders why Unown ? and Unown ! look tired all the time...
When you trade her a letter/symbol, she's thrilled to welcome yet another cute Pokémon onto her team!
Considering their affiliations with ruins and Arceus, the existence of Unown have always piqued her interest.
And you so-happened to be a walking encyclopedia of anything related to the Symbol Pokémon, given the journals you've written on their mannerisms.
Amarys likes reading them over, and thinks a quiz involving the Unown Alphabet would be good to have at BB Academy.
On the other hand, after your battle to climb the League rankings, she wonders if you've ever used other Pokémon..only to find out that you never did.
All you know are Unowns.
She won't force you to change your team members, seeing as they were able to beat ALL of the league members--including Kieran.
But she suggests you had one Unown use Hidden Power on its battle partner, who could hold onto a Weakness Policy.
Yet you're adamant, saying "why would I want one Unown to hurt the other just for a temporary attack boost? :((("
Your team members are besties, your cuddle buddies..how could you do that to them???
Amarys is genuinely touched by how much you care for your Unowns, and vice versa.
Speaking of which, Unown A started hanging around her more often..and she cautiously tries to pet it, surprised by its happy trills, but otherwise acts nonchalant.
When you both decide to trade, you give her that Unown and she promises to look after it.
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glassartpeasants · 4 months
The Fire Will Pass
Trafalgar Law x F!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, hurt to comfort i think, spoilers for Law's backstory, mentions of death and blood, not edited cause my computer was DYING
A/N: Alright so i already posted the first part of this a hot second ago but i deleted it so i could write the rest of it cause i ended up loving it to much to let it not be finished. @mandiemegatron here is the gift. its the amber lead reader story i said i was gonna do centuries ago.
“Why is everyone avoiding that girl? Is she sick or something?”
“Don’t go near her! She’s contagious!”
Once again, here you were, treated like some sort of plague. Like something to be feared. New town, same reaction. No matter how hard you try to convince people, no one will listen. Even if there had been books and research about the disease you’ve been cursed with, they all see you as a walking sickness.
You supposed you did look contagious. Patches of white cover your body, and burns cover your already marked body. What happened that day that caused all your grief replays in your mind like a broken record.
“(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Wake up!” The smell of smoke invades your lungs as your eyes flutter open. The scene of your frantic mother shaking you awake was the only thing you saw.
“Mom? What’s…what’s going on?” You were ripped from your bed as your mother held you in her arms—something she hadn’t done in years.
“Mom! Wh-”
“Shush! Baby, we need to be quiet.” The hushed whisper of your mother sent shivers down your spine. Never in your life have you heard your mother sound like that. And when you looked into her eyes, all you saw was fear.
Your mother hid your head in her shoulder as she rushed down the stairs. The only thing you managed to see your childhood home was the bright light of flames. Its heat burned your lungs as you let out a cough.
Opening the door, your mother ran out of the house quickly. Dry coughs slipped past her lips as you held onto her tight.
“Mom…I’m scared….” You whisper into her ear as your body begins to tremble.
“It’s okay, baby, everything will be okay.” Petting your hair, your mom held you tighter.
Looking up, all you saw was a black, smoky sky. Your eyes darted from place to place as the horror of everything going on around you began to sink in. Flames ate away at the buildings around you, and what you could only begin to realize were the lifeless bodies of your friends and neighbors, lying along the cold ground with patches of white dancing along their skin.
You were speechless as your eyes widened, seeing flames eat away at everything you’ve ever known.
Tears rim your eyes as you struggle not to sob. Why was this happening? What was happening? Why was the sky a mucky grey and the streets a ruthless red? It was a sunny and beautiful day earlier. People talked with happiness, but now those same people were lying lifeless on the street, their voices forever silenced.
You desperately looked along the streets for a certain boy with a funky hat, yet you couldn’t see anything through the flames. The flames burned brighter as ashes fell from the sky, each one you feared would be the remnants of the home of your only friend. 
As the buildings collapse from the fires eating away at them, you try to pinpoint where exactly you are. But as more buildings fall, everything seems the same until a red cross catches your attention. Your eyes widen as you see your mother, and you get closer to the hospital where you knew the boy’s parents worked at. A sense of hope filled your being as you stopped almost in front of the hospital. Opening your mouth to scream out and pray that he heard you, you were cut short as an explosion from inside the hospital caused the fire to burst out all windows, the glass shattering. 
“Their….dead…” Your voice barely came out as it felt like the air was stolen from your lungs. The world spins as the heat of the blaze fans your face as you look on in horror. All of them gone, yet here you were, alive as your mother ran down the dark streets of Flevance.
The cold water of the new world licked at your feet as you dangled them over the edge of the wooden dock. Patches of white decorated your skin, even though you wished the water would wash away the painful reminder of how alone you would forever be. Not a soul to call your friend, let alone love.
Why were you alive? Based on what research you were able to do and what you saw, you were supposed to die as a child. Why were you 23 and only a month away from 24? How dare you live while the rest of everyone you ever knew decay and rot away.
You look out to the sea and wonder that maybe, just maybe, there was another. Someone else like you. Another soul that survived the massacre thirteen years ago. Maybe they were immune just like you.
You didn’t know how or why, but despite showing the physical changes the amber lead did to your body, you’ve never had any symptoms. No weakness, coughing, just nothing. The one thing that showed you were a survivor of the disease was the white blotches that stained your skin.
“Hey! You!” Your body went rigid as you heard a voice call out to you. Swallowing a lump in your throat, you turn your head to look over your shoulder. A million things you were expecting, but a waving polar bear was not one of them. You rub your eyes to make sure you aren’t seeing things.
“You! You're the sick girl, right?” A frown worked its way on your face. Even though you’ve heard it countless times, it still didn’t make it easier to hear.
“What’s it to you? Come to mock me?”
The polar bear shakes his head. “No! Not at all! I just wanted to let you know that my captain can probably help you!”
“What I have can't be cured. So it’d be useless to try.”
“Come on! What do you have to lose?”
“Mom, please, we’re almost there!” You whisper as you try to drag her faster. Yet, with every step you take, your mom gets slower. Using both your hands, you grab your mom's as tears rim your eyes. Trying your best, you start pulling even harder.
You turn your head to talk to your mom. “Mom, we have to-” The words stop short as you see your mom's once white shirt splotched with ever-growing red. Time seems to stop as you try to comprehend what you're seeing.
Stumbling, your mom turns you around. “Run baby. Run and don’t stop till the smoke is no more.” Tears stream down your face as everything seems to stop.
“No! I won’t leave without you!” You cry as you try to turn around, but your mom keeps her grip tight.
“Please, baby, you have to go on without me. You need to live. Live for the ones that couldn’t make it. Live for me, baby.” Your mother presses a kiss on your head as her grip turns light. A final gasp escapes her lips as you hear her collapse behind you as you begin to run through the flames.
“Live for Flevance.”
“Alright. I’ll go. Show me the way.”
The polar bear smiles before grabbing your hand. “You won’t regret this!” He exclaimed as he started to pull you to another end of the dock. The action making your eyes widen and pang shoot through your chest. His ‘hand’ was in yours even though you were obviously sick.
How many years had it been since your hand has been held? Since youve felt the touch of a living person?
“Your not scared of getting sick?” A whisper escapes from your lips.
“Oh…” The sound of your footsteps hitting the wooden dock did nothing to calm the rapid beating of your heart.
“It’s just up ahead!” The polar bear grinned as he ran faster. His happiness was contagious as you couldn’t help the smile spread on your face. For some reason, this time felt different. Like hope had filled you once again after all these years.
The closer you got, the more you see what he was dragging you too. A yellow submarine with black markings along it. Odd shapes but you kept yoru mouth closed. Now wasn’t the time to insult or question. But you notice that you feel an overwhelming pull to it. Like your heart was trying to jump out of your chest to it.
The polar bear stopped in front of the submarine. “Here we are! The Polar Tang!”
“The Polar Tang?”
“Yep! Now come on!” You watch as the bear climbs up and opens a hatch before motioning you to follow. With an exhale of breath, you follow. The cold metal making a shiver run down your spine. The ladder felt shaky even though it was simply yourself as you begin to grow nervous.
Finally stepping on teh metal ground the bear once again motions you to follow. As you walk with him, you realize you never caught his name.
“Um, you never told me your name?”
The bear looked over his shoulder. “Oh, I didn’t? Sorry! But my names Bepo! Yours?”
“(Y/N). (L/N) (Y/N).”
“Perfect. I’ll let the captain know.” With a hum,you follow the bear to an office around the corner. You watch as teh bear knocks on the door.
“Captain! Are you busy? We really need you!” You hear a sigh from behind the door before the doorknob turns.
“Bepo I’m really busy, what do you-” The captain stood quiet as he looked at you. A look of horror and shock in his eyes. Your heart beat against your ribs as time seemed to stop. With your eyes scanning the captain, your eyes stop at his hat. It looked so familiar…
“Bepo leave.”
“What? But captain-”
“Go!” He points away from him before turning back to you. “You stay.”
You watch as Bepo leaves and you can’t help but feel like your being crushed. The air seemed tense between you and him. But before a word left your lips, a cold hand grabs yoru wrist and pulls you into his office. Locking the door behind him, he begins to pace.
“This isn’t possible…this has to be some sort of nightmare….” Taking off his hat, he runs his fingers through his hair. Soon he turns to you, a bewildered look in his eyes.
“That’s amber lead disease isn’t it? The white patches…” Swallowing the lump in your throat, you respond.
“Yes.” Your answer only seemed to make it worse.
“Thats not possible! No one was supposed to survive after the government…” He trails off and you can’t help but feel tears gloss your eyes. Clutching your hands into fists, you look down.
Suddenly, you feel him grip your shoulder. “No one was supposed to live to see fifteen! So how are you alive?” His voice desperate.
“I don’t know.” You spoke with a soft voice as the tear begin to slip down your cheeks. “I don’t know.”
“Did you eat a devil fruit?” While still frantic, his voice was much more gentle. 
“No. I’ve never even seen one in my life.” There was a few seconds of silence as you watch teh gears turn in his head. “How do you know so much about Flevance?” You asked as you looked into his eyes. His golden orbs almost hypnotizing.
“I’m from Flevance.”
“I’m from Flevance.” Your body seems to shake as you gently place yoru hands on his arms. The world seemed to spin as your eyes look into his own, trying to see for any lies.
“What’s your name?” He looks hesitant for a second before answering.
“Trafalgar Law.” Your hands fly to your mouth as it all begnis to make sense. The familiar hat, the pull you felt when you neared the sub, his eyes. All the pieces fit together. The boy you once thought was gone, now stood in front of you all grown up. Your heart jumped in yoru chest as what used to be tears of pain, were now tears of joy.
“Your alive…I can’t believe your alive!” A huge smile lays across yoru face as you grip his arms tighter. “I thought you died all those years ago but you didn’t! Your here with me!” Law looks at you intensely before his eyes widen.
“(Y/N)?” You nod and let out a shaky laugh. “Yeah.”
Without second to spare, Law pulls you into a tight hug. Wrapping his arms around you like you’d disappear if he so much as lighten his grip. You wrap your own arms around him and begin to sob uncontrollably. Despite his cold touch, knowing that he was alive gave you an unbelievable warmth.
After spending years alone, wandering around the world, you finally had someone. The feeling of behind hugged for the first time in thirteen years was overwhelming as you criedd into Law’s shoulder. You can hear him crying as he cried into your hair. Both your bodies trembling as the combined sobs echo in his office. Cries of pain and the finally ending loneliness slipping down your cheeks.
“I thought i was all alone. That i was the only one left.” You whisper into Law’s shoulder. Law said nothing and only gripped you tighter. His sobs echo in your ears as the two of you subconsciously begin to sway side to side.
“How did you get out? They had everything fenced in and guarded. How did you escape?”
You ran as fast as you could along the bloody flame ridden streets. Everywhere was a dead end or was guarded by the government who wanted you dead. It seemed like you were stuck in an endless loop as you went in circles trying to find an escape.
As you ran forward, a big wall of burning hot flames raged before you. Yet, beyond the flames, you could see the port. The water reflecting the horror that is your crumbling home. This could be your only shot.
Looking at the wall of flames, you took a breath before running into the heat, determined to get to the other side.
 “I managed to hide in a crate on a navy ship. And the next stop they went to after Flevance I got off.” Looking you at him, you sniffle. “What about you? How did you escape?” You watch as Law grows silent and clings to your shirt.
“If you don’t wanna say it’s okay. We’re already been through enough.” Rubbing his back, you try to soothe him.
“It’s been so long since I’ve been hugged, thank you Law.” You’ve never felt so calm since you were a child. Such safety in his arms.
“I don’t understand though, how did you survive the Amber Lead?”
Law lets out a shaky breath.”It’s a long story, but to keep it simple, I ate a devil fruit.” You pull your head from his shoulder and look at him with shock before stars appear in your eyes.
“You have devil fruit powers?! Really?! You must show me!” Law looked at you, a smile on your face. He can see the tired look in your eyes and the heavy burden you bear with teh more noticeable spots then his own.
It intrigued him: how you could still have such prominent spots that look like you're still fresh with the disease, but you're still healthy, walking fine, and showing no signs other than the spots. Could you have truly been immune?
Law goes to say something but he watches in shock as you examine his office before standing in front of his doctors licsence.
A shock gasped leaves your lips as you turn back to Law. “Is this real?! Did you really become a doctor?!”
“Yeah.” A chuckle leaves his lips before a silence falls between he two of you. Suddenly a sigh leaves your lips.
“I’m sorry if this is awkward. I just…I didn’t think I’d ever met someone from Flevance who was still alive and lived to tell the tale.” You say with a shaky tone. “And I know I’ve already said this….” With a trembling lip, you run up and pull law into another hug.
“I’m so happy your alive!” You wail as your legs grow weak. The inside of your head pounded like a drum as you struggle to breath through your sobs. With your legs finally giving up, your knees hit the ground taking Law with you. 
Law’s heart hits against his ribs at your words. After years of feeling so alone and hiding what truly happened that night, there felt a bright warm feeling in his chest.
“Please, I’ll do anything. Just let me stay with you.” Law hears your sniffles as you cry into his shoulder.
He hadn’t about that. What would happen now? By the looks of it and what you’ve said, people still treat Amber Lead like they did all those years ago. Medicine has advanced so much, and yet you were still stuck with a painful reminder of what you’ve lost.
“Of course, don’t worry.”
“Hello Mrs. Trafalgar! Is Law available?” The sound of your voice breaks through Law’s study session. Knowing his mom would let you in the house with no questions asked, he began to panic. He looked around his room and saw the slight mess that it was. Jumping from his seat, he begin to pick up the dirty clothes and quickly make his bed.
A few knocks reach a Law’s ears. “Law? Can I come in?” Your voice echoes in his room. Whipping his head around to check his room to see any mess, he pulls off his hat to straighten out his hair before throwing it on his bed.
“Yeah!” Law hit his head as he critizes himself for sounding too excited but quickly straightens himself out as you enter.
“Oh wow, your room is so clean!” You say as you look around before turning to him. “Hey, where’s your hat?”
“I just took off for a second.” Law says with a nervous chuckle. He watches as you spot his hat on his bed before grabbing it.
Going up to him, you put it back on his head. “There we go. Much better.” Your smile made his heart beat heavily as he swallows.
“How’s your studying going? I heard from your mom that if your not hanging out with me, your studying. Am i just that awesome?” Your teasing and smug smile makes his heart beat even faster.
“She doesn’t know what she’s talking about!” Law exclaims as his face feels hot. “She’s making things up!”
“Alright calm down. I’m just teasing!” Grumbling, Law looks away.
You laugh before moving towards his desk after something caught your eye. Once your eyes finally got a good look, you squeal.
“Is that the new Sora: Warrior of the Sea book?! Why didn’t you tell me you got the new volume?!”
“I was walking for you to come over…” Law whispered.
“I forgot. Lucky for you, I haven’t read it yet so you get the privilege to read it with me.” Crossing his arms, Law tries his best to exclude confidence. Not wanting to show just how excited he was to read with you.
“Well what are we waiting for?! Let’s read it!” Grabbing the book, you sit on teh bed before patting the spot next to you. With a leap of his heart, he goes to sit next to you.
“Law?” Your soft voice in his ear pulls him from his memories and back to the present.
“Hmm?” He feels you pull back from teh hug, eyes bloodshot from tears as some still streamed down your cheeks.
“You wouldn’t happen to have any Sora comics would you? Do you still like Sora?”
Law’s heart beats even faster at yoru question. “I probably have some somewhere, why?” He didn’t want to tell you just yet that he had every single volume in his room safely stored in a book case. Along with many, many action figures.
“Well, we, or I, have never finished reading that volume or have read them since. Do you think we can read them together again? Like we used to?”
“I’d like that.”
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mxqlss · 8 months
Sypnosis: In which, you wish you were in Heather’s shoes instead of being the third wheel in Heather and Quinns relationship with each other.
Pairing: QH43 x HEATHER // BSF!READER x QH43
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jess' song choice:
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December 3rd, 2023
I still remember the third of December, me in your sweater You said it looked better on me than it did you Only if you know how much I liked you
It was the third of December while Quinn and I were taking a walk around Vancouver sightseeing all the places in Vancouver I wanted to go check out and see.
"Y/N, you're freezing!" Quinn said as he pulled me to a stop, my body slightly shivering. I was wearing a jacket that wasn't made very well for the winter in Vancouver, "I'm sure I'll be fine!" I reassured him.
He shook his head at me while he took his sweater off and handed it to me. "Quinn, you'll be freezing!" I said shaking my head no as he offered me his sweater, "I'm wearing a more winter-style jacket for Vancouver, I'm sure I'll be fine" he smiled at me.
I gave in as I took his sweater and put it on, "It feels so funky, how are you comfortable in this and at the same time look good?" I asked as I fixed it to make it more comfortable around my body.
"Not sure, but I know for a fact that it looks better on you than me" he let out a soft chuckle. As we both stood there, Quinn's mouth let out a heavy breath. I looked at him in confusion as I turned around and saw one of our friends, Heather.
But I watch your eyes as she Walks by What a sight for sore eyes Brighter thank the blue sky She's got you mesmerized while I die
As she walked past she gave us a smile and wave, Quinn handing one back as he watched her walk away, he looked at her like he was in love with her every time he would see her.
Every time we would hang out with her, he would be so focused on her, mesmerized by her all the time while he forgot all about me, during parties or as a matter of fact. Anywhere we were with her, he would forget about me. She would have him mesmerized by her while I stood off on the side like a third wheel, dying on the inside.
Why would you ever kiss me? I'm not even half as pretty
July, this year. Quinn had kissed me at the lake house while everyone was gone out doing god knows what. Quinn kissed me, but why me? I wasn't even half as pretty as Heather. Compared to Heather I was nothing, so why did he kiss me and not Heather?
Did Quinn kiss me just to imagine him kissing Heather? I never looked like Heather, talked like her or even acted like her and I can't even be compared to her. No one can be compared to Heather, she was just so pretty and mesmerizing. Why did he ever kiss me when I was nothing like Heather at all?
You gave her your sweater, it's just polyester But you like her better Wish I were Heather
December fifth. It was the day where Quinn, Jack and Luke would play against each other, I was invited to watch on Jack and Luke's behalf while Quinn had invited Heather. I had rode with Jack and Luke since I spent my day with them leading up to the game hour
When Quinn and Heather arrived I felt my heart drop, she was wearing his sweater. The sweater he gave to me to use a few days before when I felt cold. The sweater made me feel closer to him. Heather was wearing it.
Watch as she stands with her, holding your hand Put your arm 'round her shoulder, now I'm getting colder But how could I hate her? She's such an angel But then again, kinda wish she were dead as she
They were together, Heather wearing his sweater as she held his hand. Quinn had put his arm around her shoulder, and I felt more colder and more distant. I wanted to hate her, but she was such an angel I couldn't. I wanted to cry in Jack and Luke's arms at that moment
I wanted her dead, but she was such an angel, so sweet and yet so caring. How could anyone hate her? She was Heather, always sweet and light as a feather. No one hated Heather, they all loved her to bits and pieces which made me want her dead even more
Walks by What a sight for sore eyes Brighter thank the blue sky She's got you mesmerized while I die
As Heather walked away to sit in the WAGS box, I stayed behind to give all three hughes boys a good luck hug, but as Heather walked away I saw Quinn do it again. I watched him as his eyes followed her walking away to the box
It had hurt me to see him mesmerized by her and yet only see me as a friend, or best friend. I felt Jack's hand on my back rubbing him softly as he knew how much I liked Quinn. Jack and Luke were the only people who knew I liked Quinn, and they didn't mind me liking him
But Quinn didn't seem to like me back so I hid it away and just stayed as his best friend for years on end, supporting him throughout his career of hockey. I always wished I was Heather, having Quinn look at me the same way he looked at Heather. I wanted to be Heather, but I guess there were different plans for me and it was to stay as his best friend.
Why would you ever kiss me? I'm not even half as pretty You gave her your sweater, it's just polyester But you like her better I wish I were Heather
I had gotten a new job, out in California. I had packed my stuff as I heard a knock at my door, I turned around in confusion slowly opening the door to be face-to-face with Quinn.
"You... You're leaving? For California?" Quinn asked me, I never told anyone except Jack, which I'm sure Jack told Quinn and Luke. I nodded in response "Yeah, they offered for me to work on the Anaheim Ducks Social Team"
"So, this is goodbye?" Quinn asked, his voice slightly cracking, making me want to sob in his arms right then and there. "Yeah. I guess it is" I let out a small smile. Most of my stuff was in the moving truck and I had my suitcase in hand since my flight was for today
"Oh, I forgot to hand this to you. I'll see you soon, Quinn" I said giving him a hug and handing him a little letter. There was where I had put my feelings away and left.
'I know you like Heather and that you both are together, but I just want to say I love you so much. But you like her better, right? I just wish I was in Heather's place. I really wish I was Heather. xoxo y/n'
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authors note! : I lowkey just choose a song from an angsty playlist I had made with my friend and wrote something that just seemed to fit a specific hockey player. (In this case, it was Quinton)
Anyways! I'm trying to get my writing more fluent and better than it is currently, so tips would be greatly appreciated!!
xoxo, jess
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wanderlustmagician · 9 months
Some Modern AU thoughts;
> Twi has braces. He hates them, refuses to smile.
> Hyrule gifts Sky a bunch of silly bandaids because he always nicks his fingers while carving. So Sky always has at least five fingers between both hands bandaged in silly bandaids
> The younger boys will steal clothes at the drop of a hat. What do you mean it’s too big? That just means it’s more comfortable, don’t be such a baby Warriors
> Four is also a member of the bandages on my fingers club, but always got the plain ones cause they’d get dirty. He caves to the “fun side” after meeting Hyrule.
> The Necluda Four (Sky, Wild, Twi, and Hyrule) all have various knickknacks and souvenirs that Legend has given them. Marin and Ravio have also participated in this for fun and embarrassing Legend. (Marin likes to find them flower crowns from the various regions they’re in, Ravio gets them funky accessories from each region).
> Time feels bad about being rude to Twi over the phone and tries to make up for it by being very bad at being Cool with him. Twi is just stressed.
> Warriors keeps a journal on his phone. It helps with his stress levels. The journal is mostly him having meltdowns over how reckless they are and how worried he is.
> Wind isn’t claustrophobic. He’s an islander. Close proximity to everyone is his norm. The mainland freaks him out because he can’t see the horizon.
> Sky knows every constellation. For every phase of the sky. He knows the stories, the science. All of it.
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gsstories · 5 months
High of the Shroom
Josiah was lost… again. He had wandered off into the nearby forest and had no clue where the way back to the herd was. He mentally scolded himself for doing so knowing full well that his sense of direction was shit. And he was getting so hungry too…
“There must be something here to eat…” The albino deer mumbled as he walked around the forest, looking for some food as to at least make his stomach stop growling when he came across some large mushrooms. “Huh? Mushrooms?”
The mushrooms were pretty tall and rather thin, though the cap was larger than the rest of it. It was a sky blue color with some purple fade and small white spots at the cap. It looked pretty weird but…
“Ah, screw it. I’ll end up starving before getting to the herd.” Josiah huffed as he plucked out two mushrooms and started eating them. “Blegh, could taste better…”
Even through his disgust, he completely ate the mushrooms satisfying his hunger for the time being before resuming his journey out of the forest. He appeared to only get more lost though. Damn.
Meanwhile back at the herd, the rest of the centaurs were just hanging around, the fawns running, playing and causing their little chaos as always. Sun was tending to the young ones while Moon and Eclipse kept an eye on everyone, making sure everyone was safe and checked out. Moon, however, noticed they were missing someone.
“Who is…?” Moon mumbled before suddenly deadpanning when he took notice of the forest nearby. “Of course he got lost again…”
Huffing in frustration, Moon ran off into the forest to try and find the missing centaur.
Speaking of the latter, things were going a bit… weird for him.
“Why is the sky yellow…? Was it always yellow??” The white deer asked as he looked up at the leaves. They were leaves. Not the sky.
Josiah’s eyes were swirls as he kind of stumbled around, holding onto trees as to not fall as everything looked kinda funky. The ‘sky’ (which were just tree leaves) looked yellow, the ground seemed to move like a kaleidoscope, and the trees looked like they had faces! Or maybe that was just the pattern of the wood, he didn’t know, everything just looked so odd!
“I FeEl weeeeIRd…” Josiah said, his speech slurring a bit before he started laughing. “Hahaha, this funnyyyy!”
The centaur laughed loudly as he stopped walking for a moment and started crying at the same time. It was a bit… disturbing to watch.
“JOSIAH!” A familiar voice broke the intoxicated deer out of his daze, looking around for the source of the voice. “Josiah, where are you?!”
“Heeeey Mooooon!” Josiah exclaimed as he appeared where Moon was, startling the bigger centaur who quickly composed himself and crossed his arms, narrowing his eyes at the albino.
“How many times have I told you not to wander off? You keep getting lost in these places.” Moon said, not yet acknowledging the fact Josiah was high as a kite.
“Sorryyyyyy, I got curious of the plaaaaace!” Josiah said as he walked away from Moon, stumbling around once more.
Moon DEFINITELY noticed how weird Josiah was acting now.
“Are you okay?” Moon asked.
“Just peachy! There was this- There was this thing! It was blue with purple and white and it tasted funny and I feel funkyyyy!” Josiah said as he giggled as tears ran down his face.
“Don’t tell me you are a poisonous mushroom…” Moon groaned in annoyance.
“I can see the light SPECTRUM!” Josiah exclaimed.
“You ate a mushroom.” Moon confirmed and sighed as he approached Josiah and grabbed his arms. “Come on, we have to go back to the herd.”
Josiah, however, pulled his arms away.
“I don wanna!” He whined as he huffed.
This was starting to frustrate Moon. Josiah was intoxicated off his ass, he was acting weird and was being extremely difficult right now.
“Josiah, I do not have time for games. We have to get back to the herd.” Moon said. “And you have to seriously get that mushroom out of your system.”
“Moooshroom. It was gross.” Josiah said as he made a disgusted face.
“I know, which is why we have to go back so you can rest and hopefully not be so… intoxicated.” Moon said.
“Okaaaaay…” Josiah said, kind of dejected.
Moon sighed as he grabbed Josiah’s arm and started leading him out of the forest. It took a bit but they eventually made it out and got back to the herd. There, Moon had to force Josiah to lay down under the shade and take a damn nap. Once he made sure Josiah was knocked out cold in his sleep, he continued patrolling around the herd, making sure no one else got separated from the herd.
Once Josiah woke up, he stood up, ran behind a tree and threw up his digestive system. He moved away after a good 20 seconds of vomiting, feeling like shit as his stomach grumbled now that it was empty again.
“I hate mushrooms…” The centaur mumbled as he went to take another nap.
Celestial Herd AU belongs to @missterious-figure!
Josiah be mine!
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Team Sky Anon: Chiaki what's your thoughts on the Minecraft movie trailer? I'm personally excited for it
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Alright, I knew people were going to ask me about this...Strap in boys and girls. I'm gonna try and make this brief, but fair warning, you might not like what I'm about to say.
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I'm going to explain something VERY CAREFULLY before I give my take on this movie.
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Because more often than not, I don't have heavy, or strong opinions on things, especially games. I enjoy games, regardless of how good or bad they are, and the same applies to movies or TV shows based on those games.
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But when I DO have an opinion on something, and people ask for me to explain it, I try to remain 100% completely honest when I give my takes, regardless of the risk of getting backlash, or starting arguments. I just straight up avoid these sorts of conflicts, like I should, but I'm never afraid to state what I believe.
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Because at the end of the day, it's my opinion, and if you disagree, that's totally fine, because it's just a game/movie. We're not talking about genuine politics here.
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This time is no different, so all I can request is that you hear me out, because it's of my understanding that the internet absolutely despises this trailer, and...it's not like I don't understand why. It's just another case of Warner Bros being stupid and problematic.
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But...when I watched the Minecraft movie trailer for the first time...I really, REALLY liked it...!
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And that's basically my take in a nutshell. I don't think this trailer comes anywhere CLOSE to how amazing the trailer for Sonic 3 was, but I still think it was a great teaser.
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I definitely have some concerns and questions, like why aren't the human's blocky, why do the greenscreen effects look so...off, and why does Jason Momoa look like he's trying to cosplay a Barbie Girl?
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But this is just a TEASER trailer. This won't give us any of the answers we're looking for. The OFFICIAL trailer will.
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But besides the point, let me just try my hardest to explain myself, and explain why it is I like this trailer.
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So, right off the bat, the first thing I love is the world. Minecraft itself. Everything in here looks so detailed, and the production design is fantastic.
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Another thing I like is also the cast. The main 5 actors that we see in the trailer are Jack Black as Steve, Jason Momoa as Garrett, Emma Myers as Natalie, Danielle Brooks as Dawn, and Sebastian Eugine Hanson as Henry.
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Sebastian is relatively new to the acting scene, and I know people have their concerns about the way this cast is presented in the teaser, but as a reminder, it's very rare for Jack Black and Jason Momoa to phone in a bad performance, Emma Myers is incredibly famous for A Good Girls Guide to Murder and Wednesday, in both of which she's awesome, and Danielle Brooks is an actual Oscar Nominee.
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All in all, I like this cast, and I think they're gonna give us a really fun show.
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And the last thing I love, as a gamer, is the Minecraft easter eggs in the teaser. Such as breaking down a block and having it turn small, crafting stuff on a crafting table...
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E-Even if that looks a little funky...
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And the creatures too. People keep dissing the sheep online, but I'm sorry to break it to you, if a Minecraft sheep was real, THAT'S what it WOULD look like. And the Creeper too! The Creeper gave me a huge smile!
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But again, the hate for this trailer is astounding, and again, I understand it. But also, at the same time, I think it's a little overblown. All of this discourse and for what? Because people don't want a live action movie cast in an uncanny valley world made of cubes? Because the mobs look "ugly?"
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I understand that I probably just look pretty simple minded right now, and for the record, I would prefer an animated Minecraft movie, but let me make it clear that I don't hate this.
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And I am more than open to talking about this movie, and people's opinions on it, but my biggest question is...what exactly was everyone expecting? I know people are mad, but we got basically exactly what we were promised from this trailer, and this is exactly what it would be like if humans entered the Minecraft world.
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wisp-of-chaos · 4 months
Meet the OC - Solis Caecus
What is this? Another OC introduction? It's more likely than you think! (Someone stop me I have far too many of these little gremlins)
Anyway, as usual, OC lore under the cut my lads!
Solis is a OC from the Guild Wars 2 Game and part of the sylvari race.
Instead of being the Commander, she is a Second Born. Her Wyld Hunt is to travel to Elona and rid it from Palawa Joko's tyrannical rule, which is why she joined the Order of Whispers to get access to the Crystal Desert.
There, she lives under the guise of a Joko loyalist noble of Amnoon going by the name Njedah Salehi and gathers intel wherever and however she can to thwart his rule. She made quick friends with the remaining Sunspear's and is a honorary member of the Order of Shadows.
Solis doesn't have many friends end prefers to stick to herself as well as the shadows and illusions of her magic.
As a sapling, she was very self-conscious and insecure about her facial looks and tended to hide from her siblings in the Grove. Until she recieved a gift - an orrian mask enchanted with a concealing spell that allowed her to see through the metal while hiding her face from everyone else - from Trahearne which greatly impoved her social life.
Trahearne and Malomedies were the only two other sylvari she ever truly called friends and trusted enough to confide in.
Most of her early years in the Grove were spend learning and growing and consulting various Dreamreaders about her dream. In the end, it was Trahearne again who gave her the final clue to fulfilling her calling when he directed her towards the Order of Whispers; knowing that they possessed the knowledge and skill to pass the border to Elona without notice.
Solis was beyond happy to finally getting closer to fulfilling her Wyld Hunt and joined the Order; learning and rising among their ranks just as quickly until she was entrusted with the task to travel to Elona herself and work towards Joko's rule from within.
She has a deep rootes afscination for the starts and sky; likes to venture into the golden dunes of the desert on her own and enjoys her coffee as dark and strong as possible.
Solis never quite enjoyed the humid heat of the Maguuma Jungle and feels far more at home in the dry climate of Elona.
Over the years working as a spy, she gathered quite the collection of ancient artifacts (some of them were direct gifts from Joko for her deeds in his name) and poems, which she keeps with the intent to give them to Trahearne should they ever meet again.
Her favorite snack is Lokum (she enjoys all variations of it but likes the common, plain one with pistacios best) and she has a black cat called Bastet.
When she was born, she was called Caelis by the Mother Tree but later on given the nickname of Solis by her friend and teacher Malomedies and stuck to it. Only her most trusted allies and friends know her "true" name.
She war furthermore born with a male body but it never felt quite right to her, so she opted to become a mesmer and cover herself with illusions to make her appear more like her true self.
A very cute visual of her can be found here:
Done by a wonderful and dear friend of mine <3 (aka @unaarista)
(Note: this is her canon/main lore and doesn't account for any of all the funky little AU's I've made for her over the years)
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doctorstrangereview · 28 days
Mini-sode bonus! Fantastic Four #27
Cover Date: June 1964 On-Sale Date: March 10, 1964
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As promised in the final caption of the previous Doctor Strange story, our magician guest stars in this issue of Marvel's flagship series, Fantastic Four. This is Doc's first appearance outside his own series establishing him as a presence in the larger Marvel shared universe. Make no mistake, this is a Fantastic Four story in which the good Doctor has a small, but significant role. We get to see Jack Kirby's interpretation of the character. I don't particularly like it.
The story begins as a typical FF yarn. Reed has invented and is testing some new gadget. Ben tries it out and hilarity ensues. Reed's mental projector has shown an image of Sue. Ben and Johnny chide Reed for not having popped Sue the question yet to which Reed responds he's going ring shopping that very afternoon.
Coincidently, Namor is brooding about Sue in Atlantis. If he had Sue as his queen, he could deal with the fact that his terrible personality has driven away nearly all of his subjects. Damn, Namor! That's some serious shit!
While Reed is out ring shopping, Namor invades the Baxter Building. Apparently Reed hasn't upgraded the security yet. After easily overcoming Ben and Johnny, he kidnaps Sue. Reed returns shortly after and wonders why his buddies are moping at the table. You see, Ben and Johnny prefer to sulk in their depression rather than immediately tell their best friend that Namor broke in and took Sue. You'd think that Johnny, an incredibly powerful hero, would immediately go after her, but sitting at a table with his head in his hands is a better use of his time.
Reed does jump into action immediately (both literally and figuratively) attempting to locate Namor. He tells Johnny and Ben all the things he should have been telling Sue over the last two years. "Uh Oh! Namor's gonna pulverize Reed if he goes alone!" says Johnny. "We gotta get there first! How we gonna do that?" replies Ben. "I got an idea!" says Johnny who flies out the window and leaves a giant flaming message in the sky for Doc. At this point, the FF aren't even sure Doc actually exists. Johnny thinks it's a good idea that this ultra-important mission be left to someone who is possibly a legend.
Fortunately for everyone, Doc does exist. He's gets Johnny's message. By looking out his window? No! He's looking into a crystal ball on a table. He immediately sits in a funky chair (Kirby and Ditko appear to agree on this point, even if Kirby's Sanctum Santorum looks nothing like Ditko's. The chair is mostly obscured by captions and dialogue so I don't know if this is a new chair or one of Ditko's previous designs.) and emits his ectoplasmic self. Kirby breaks with Ditko's convention of not having an astral version of the cloak and ghost Doc flies away, giant ghostly collar and all!
Doc sees Reed leave in a helicopter. As Reed isn't who summoned him, he walks through the walls of the Baxter Building. Fortunately, he's chosen to enter the building in the same room that Johnny and Ben are in. What Luck!
After some long-winded exchanges, Doc is aware he must locate Reed and Atlantis. He does this by reading the minds of fish. You go Doc! Give Aquaman a run for his money! He finds Atlantis and locates Namor and Sue. Being a ghost there's nothing more he can do except see Reed arrive and go "Oh, damn! I need to hurry or it'll be too late!" As Doc speeds to the surface, Reed and Namor have a funky battle.
Doc returns to the Baxter Building. He tells Johnny and Ben, "Wait an minute! I need my body to do what I need to do!" and returns a few minutes later, All-Purpose Amulet, flowing cloak, orange gloves and all! (Ditko is much better at drawing the cloak. In fact, Doc's whole look is simplified by Kirby. I guess he wasn't a big fan of the character.) "Well, you need to get there quickly! I know, I'll zap you there!" Johnny and Ben vanish in a puff of smoke and pop up in Atlantis a moment later to see Reed doing his imitation of The Legion of Superheroes Bouncing Boy evading Namor's soldiers. Ben and Johnny join the fray.
As Reed and Namor continue their battle/frottage, Johnny frees Sue. Namor attempts to drown them by flooding their chamber, but Johnny and Sue combine their wits and powers to stop it. Sue has to give a backhanded compliment to her brother. The battle becomes really protracted at this point and Namor seems to have the upper hand, but Sue is protecting her teammates with her newly discovered invisible force-field.
Doc has been watching all this time. As Sue declares that she loves Reed, not Namor, Doc zaps them away from the situation and then whisks Namor's palace to an unknown area of the sea. On their way back to the surface, Sue says cagey things about her feelings for Reed and Reed is not entirely confident about them. In a thought bubble she admits she loves Reed, but where's the drama in admitting that out loud?
It's kind of a mess, but we're here for the Doctor Strange. I think Kirby's portrayal is more or less faithful to Ditko's. I suppose it helps that Lee is involved in both to a degree. He seems to have an even larger rod up his rear than usual here. Visually, Kirby should do his best to avoid portraying Doc. I don't know if it was the colorist's choice or Kirby's, but coloring Doc green on the color was a bad idea. The issue is mainly a historical artifact that brings Doc into sync with his fellow costumed New Yorkers. It's an amusing curiosity where Doc is more of plot device amidst the ridiculous melodrama that was the earliest Fantastic Four.
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senblades · 2 months
21, 14, 18
21: Can you accurately predict how long your fics are going to be? If you can, what's your secret?
I absolutely cannot!
Even now, I have no idea how long fftsr is gonna be. I'm sweating that it's gonna end up over 100 chapters LMAO I don't care about the wordcount (guessing.... 500-600k..... maybe....) but for some reason the idea of the chapters being in the triple digits is a major concern (an arbitrary one, but I don't control my brain hfjkdshf)
14: Write and share the first sentence of a new fic. Just that.
oh shit uhhhhhh-
The green sky doesn't really bother him like it used to.
someone kiiiiinda beat me to the premise of this fic, so it's lower on my priority list, but, hey! two cakes, or something, if I ever get around to it. (guess the premise lmao (it's another longfic someone help me))
18: First, second, or third person?
Third! though, I do like second for like, funky stylistic stuff. it's a good vibe. (points eagerly at Slay the Princess)
I think i've been put off first person thanks to, like.... idk, really, the stereotype of it? Like, a lot of books aimed at preteens and younger are in first person, (and so I can only think of 10-year-old me when I see it hfdjkshfsd) everyone jokes about first person fanfic, etc, etc- but there's obviously nothing wrong with it implicitly; I just don't think I could ever get my brain around writing it (I'm giving everyone who can write in first person the biggest salute of respect idk how y'all do it)
in saying that, the way that I tend to write third person is like.... basically just first person with third person pronouns since I do third person limited lmao. the way and reason I do things is an enigma even to myself I have no idea what I'm doing HAHAHA
ty ty for the ask! <3
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maverickkkkz · 1 year
EUGHHH time to talk about Power Rangers!!
So I've been watching Power Rangers SPD and I wanna talk about Sky because I love him very much and he also has issues LOL. My memory is shit so I might be making half of this up but HERE WE GO!!
Sky Tate has so many issues from his dad, not in the way that his dad was a terrible person or father but because Sky set himself an impossible goal and really high self-expectations because of who his father was. Of course, that wasn't his dad's fault but yk here we are! Imagine being a child and expecting to be this great ranger, as great as your late father, and then you grow up and suddenly that whole idea is crushed! Ripped away from the palm of your hands!
Sky worked so hard to be the Red Ranger, but it caused arrogance on his part, and just because he had the dedication to SPD and his father was the Red Ranger didn't mean he automatically had rights to the title or position of Red Ranger. Of course, it was sad to see his dream stomped on, failing to live up to the expectation he set for himself and the expectation he might've felt his family held for him because, after all, he was his father's son. Or maybe feeling like he failed to prove himself, because his family were against the idea of him being like his father, due to his father's death in the line of duty. Either way, it is sad, even if he wasn't ready to be the Red Ranger because of his immaturity, arrogance and behaviour! Of course, it was gonna cause issues between him and Jack, Sky is a control freak, maybe because he couldn't control what happened to his father? For all of that to happen, the loss of control and the failure to himself, he was never gonna get along with Jack OR Z at the drop of a hat, because they swooped in with zero training, with powers that he believed were unique to him, Bridge, and Syd, and took over where Sky believed he should rightfully stand.
It isn't an excuse for the way he treated Jack or butted heads with him but it is a reason, and of course, Power Rangers is just a kids show so they wouldn't talk about it, but I talk about it! It shouldn't have been brushed over, and if it was a real-life situation it definitely wouldn't have been. Sky has trauma from his father's passing, and probably has something funky going on with his self-worth, he really did work hard for Red Ranger, and he didn't get it, he's allowed to be disappointed. However, the moral of the story, he REALLY needs to see a therapist (like everyone else on B Squad)! It also might've done him good to talk to the others about it a bit more rather than basically just being seen as an asshole, iirc they might've understood somewhat in the show (?) but I can definitely see them and a lot of other people just brushing Sky off as that arrogant, bratty, child of a Red Ranger with a stick up his ass rather than someone who is a good person underneath all of that and just needs some help.
In the long run though, Sky not becoming the Red Ranger straight away WAS good for him. It taught him how to be a better person, to grow up from that child he still sorta was with stars in his eyes whenever he saw his father on TV saving people (and I can imagine the day his father died, his mother had to turn the news off). And in the end, he did get there, he reached his goal after a lot of good, solid character development and I really really enjoy his character arc! For a Power Rangers series, the SPD B Squad characters, and the other characters around them, have complicated stories and development and I love that so much!!
I'm also a little delusional at the end of the day :D
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foxtrotstar · 2 years
Sharkboy and Lavagirl details only I care about! Part 1/?
Edit: If you’re interested have a side blog for SB&LG related things @stellarf0x
I’ve been wanting to do a sort of review or analysis of this movie after I rewatched it. There’s just a lot of details I haven’t seen any one mention! So I’ll try to go character by character for this.
From the very beginning we see Max’s reluctance to have moved from his old home, though we don’t get any information on it or if he had any long lasting friendships. But what I find so interesting is how Max’s daydreams started.
We see the origins of Sharkboy and Lavagirl over the summer, so from here we can easily say “Max just moved, so he’s making his own friends” simple right?
Not exactly, Sharkboy and Lavagirl were created when Max was experiencing an unstable household, overhearing his parents fighting late at night.
Max first created these daydreams as a form of escapism from his collapsing stability at home and to ease his loneliness.
And later in the movie thanks to a conversation between his parents, we can figure out that there were also money issues, with Max’s mom insisting her husband find a more stable job compared to creative writing. This could also be the reason they moved.
So combining an argumentative marriage at that point along with even more isolation due to the circumstances, it would create a very unstable emotional state for Max. 
It doesn’t get much better at school. We see in the beginning of the year Max has mostly been the sky quiet kid, either that or kids avoided him due to his attachment to his dreams, insisting they’re real. And for him they are real. Everyone in Max’s life have dismissed his love for his dreams and creativity. Mr.Electricdad says he’s a good kid. He urges Max to face reality and make friends, he just can’t keep his head in the clouds.
Mr.Electricidad means well, but this is only sounds like more the same for Max. But Max finally decides to accept that he shouldn’t dream. At least on the surface for now. So that brings us to his internal breakdown.
After his dream journal was stolen by Linus, Max goes back home dejected. It should also be mentioned I think his dream journal acted as a anchor for him, to reassure himself that even if his reality isn’t all that great—he still has his dreams.
His dreams seem to be filled with struggles as the movie focuses on the seemingly non existent storm sounds outside and Max’s friends urging him to wake up. Max goes downstairs to find evidence of Sharkboy and Lavagirl. His parents think otherwise, and send him back to bed. ( I’ll come back to this scene when discussing his parents ).
With conflicting internal feelings about Sharkboy and Lavagirls existence in his mind, this is the start of the both literal and figurative storm.
This entire movie is Max going through his depression, loneliness, and his strained relationship with his parents. And it all culminated into a super-powered breakdown.
He’s been faced with a hard reality shoved in his face. And now losing his confidence in himself while being constantly rejected by those around him.
To get into the details even more I’ll have to discuss the other characters.
If anyone want to send asks about this feel free to! I’d love to continue writing more for this funky 3D movie.
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rav3nston3 · 10 months
hi i'm gonna try keep this part brief
i have a (latest version, currently 1.20.4) minecraft server:
✨ rav3nston3.apexmc.co ✨
it's just a silly little map made to be a big playground since i can't really hang out with anyone irl (i tend to call it my "tag map" because there's a datapack that lets you play tag! but there's lots of other stuff too) and i wanted to finally kinda release this! i'll be streaming on my twitch from it (mostly building but i could do some tagging/showing folks around if anyone shows up) around when this post goes up so come check it out maybe! (also there's some, Things on it- everyone makes dicks in minecraft don't judge me- so if that would make you uncomfortable then sorry! i guess!)
i'll try to update this post with some information regarding the map under the read more in the future, leaving it pretty short at first so i can post it Now, if you're seeing a reblog it might not be up to date and you should click through to this original post!!!
down here is where the information Will go, for now i’ll just say that it’s not particularly beginner friendly? the spawn area has quite a bit of reading and it’s easy to accidentally breeze through it and not actually see any of the important stuff… also some Very important things are left out like talking about the Random Events or how most of the animals have fun and funky behavior… i’ll try address this soon!
edited March 8th, sorry for the wall of text
the base mechanics of the map include, tag, radars, random events, a "sprint meter", randomly spawning item boxes/animals, custom advancements, shops, and more i'm probably forgetting at the moment!
Tag: there's 1 "It" player and everyone else is "not it", y'know like tag, when not it players are tagged their spawnpoint is set to that location, there's also a slight grace period where tagging someone back is less beneficial, and some events are effected by being it or not, as well as a few "doors" being open depending on your it status
Radars: all players get a "radar" of some type that points to the nearest/all/??? not it players (depending on the radar type, this is explained more on the actual map), when you've recently tagged someone the grace period stops you from being tracked by the new it player for a bit
Random Events: currently there are 12 randomly occurring events, they can happen every 90 seconds, they range from a "group hug" event that teleports every not it player to one not it player at random, to everyone getting levitated into the sky, to a server wide game of rock paper scissors, and more!
Sprint Meter: when sprinting there will be a meter that fills up above your hotbar, your speed will gradually increase (in steps) until the bar fills, the bar will go back down twice as fast as long as you're not sprinting (or sneaking), and sneaking at the highest few levels of the meter will grant you jump boost!
Random Spawns: item boxes and animals (chickens and sheep) will randomly spawn around the map. the item boxes can be "opened" (they're shulkers, so you kill them) for various drops, they come in various types that are area dependent each with different loot tables! the animals have unique effects (with some very minor exceptions), all chickens will instantly die upon getting close to them (unless they're babies, or "The Chucken"), and all sheep spawn with a land mine on their backs (unless it exploded and they somehow survive, steer clear of sheep or try to activate them from a safe distance)
Custom Advancements: there's advancements for dying to various sources, looking at various things through a spyglass, and other (hopefully) fun activities, you can even reset your advancement progress at a special location for some extra loot
Shops: there's currently 5 shops on the map, one that sells chicken, one that sells explosives, one that trades eggs and chicken for gold, a secret weather charm shop, and a prize counter at the carnival. 4 of the 5 work by putting your currency on the counter (each shop might take different currency depending on what they sell/trade) and clicking the items you want to buy, the 5th works like a villager (shhhhhhh)
Some other things to note: there's a custom resource pack on the server, it's mostly there for custom hats but there's some other stuff too! if you're interested in playing, feel free to send me an ask! i'd be happy to show anyone around :3
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fairyhaven13 · 1 year
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I rewatched Rise of the Guardians a couple months ago and it made me revisit my story I had been working on. I did a ton of research for my idea of Mary, Jack’s sister, becoming a Deer Woman and a Guardian, but it just... wouldn’t stick. I still like the idea and plan to use it eventually, but not as the main story. It just felt weird. I’m white and Mary’s white and I don’t feel right using Native American culture as her cryptid role. It needs reworking to make it usable.
Luckily, soon after watching the movie, I had this funky dream where Pitch Black got stuck in a nightmare he couldn’t control and had to work with some humans to escape. I woke up going, Whoa, That was Fun! So, I’m working on that idea instead. I really like it so far. I’ll put more about it and this character pictured here under the cut. For those who don’t want to read all that, Lace is my Guardian OC, the Guardian of Comfort! She’s a Naiad. :)
The concept so far is that after the movie, some other cryptids who feed on fear--in this case, Rakshasa--yoink a weakened Pitch into their nightmare pocket dimension. His whole fiasco launched a new wave of fear in humans that made the Rakshasa more powerful, and with him in their clutches, they can up the ante on their own nightmares to feed more.
The pocket dimension works as a trap pulling humans in and keeping them afraid. When Pitch realizes there’s no reasoning with the Rakshasa, he’s forced to work with the humans trapped there to break the nightmarescape and get out. The girl here is Lace Solaris, an OC I’m extremely proud of the design for. She was the first human to accept working with Pitch, and in fact rescued him when they first met, leading him to think having backup might not be such a bad idea. He’s scornful of how genuinely kindhearted she is and mostly sees her as canon fodder at this point. She knows he’s the Boogeyman; he’s clearly not human, and all the other nightmares in that dimension give her no reason not to believe in him, so she sees him. But, she also knows he’s not her enemy at the moment.
Lace is good with puzzles, a patient thinker, and most of all, bent on soothing and comforting everyone. When she rescued Pitch the first time, he woke to her trying to sooth him like a cornered animal to keep him from flipping out, which was just baffling to him. She’s constantly hiding her own struggles to make others feel better and it takes a toll on her. Eventually, Pitch realizes that she’s not helping him as efficiently because she’s breaking down herself, and he’s forced to be more considerate just to try and get her to keep up with him. Being forced to make her honest about her feelings and--ugh--talk about them makes him also forced to slowly actually care about her. Especially since she won’t share her own feelings unless he does first. It makes for a lot of bonding time between running from horrors.
I have several ideas for them escaping the Rakshasa. First, the pocket dimension won’t have proper access to moonlight, or else Manny would easily break it open. So, they need to open up access to the sky; cause “sunrise,” for lack of a better term, since the moon also tends to be out during the day. Second, Pitch has no idea how to work with a team, and so Lace eventually finds an artifact (a necklace or something?) that gives them brief access to talking with the Guardians when charged with moonlight. Pitch hates it, but acknowledges they need the help, and the Guardians hate him, but want to help the humans, so they reluctantly work together.
Third, in order for Lace to become a Guardian, she needs to die to her Guardian Core. In this case, comfort. I’m thinking at some point there’s a monster that sniffs out fear to eat and so Lace needs to keep Pitch and the group calm. She shuts them in a walk in closet or something and says comforting and soothing things through the door. Pitch realizes that the monster isn’t going away after a minute, but has no choice but to wait, since reacting would make the monster attack everyone, including him. When Lace eventually says to open the door, he finds her bleeding out from the monster’s attack. He has to take her to the safe spot they use to charge the moonlight token (to talk with the Guardians) in order for Manny to have a chance to revive her. That’s when she becomes a Naiad and gains the title of Solace, Guardian of Comfort.
Pitch also gradually realizes that his working with her out of efficiency becomes more than that. Their teamwork becomes banter and philosophical questions, Lace’s calm focus and quiet grace are sweet to be around, and on top of that she’s hilarious with a dry wit that shocks anyone unprepared. She’s kind, but not naive, and is well aware that Pitch has done awful things, but keeps saying that moving forward is what matters. She’s so comfortable with him and he doesn’t know what to do with himself when he unwillingly falls in love with her. Ultimately, when they find the key to escaping the pocket dimension, he sacrifices himself to give them time and Manny revives him as the next Guardian: Guardian of Bravery.
Together, he and Lace are the protectors of lost, neglected, abused, or mentally unwell children. His lair becomes more of a sanctuary, still with soothing shadows, but also with a waterfall and lagoon for Lace, and plenty of safe nooks to hide and rest in.
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nerdyenby · 1 year
Purple time :D I’m watching Jimmy
Purples Posies 😭
Jimmy, horrified: “Are you demanding money?” Martyn, without hesitation: “Yes” Jimmy: “Same”
This team is gonna be peak chaos in so down
Also coincidentally the only team I saw do a 4/4 practice session
Scott flirting with Shane and then calling Jimmy and Martyn his husbands, more like purple polycule, am I right???
I didn’t even bat an eye but Scott being awed that MCC is something someone would use Make-a-Wish for is so <333
I am living for this chaos
Martyn: *talking about his wedding* Jimmy: “awww” Martyn: “What are you ‘awww’-ing for, you were there” Scott: “I wasn’t there, I wasn’t Martyn’s bestie at that point” Shane: “I wasn’t born yet” 😂
INSTANT disconnect lmao
Grid Runners
The way Jimmy was running around clueless during the first room and they still finished it first
They popped off, that’s simply all there is to say
“Four bros chillin’ in a hot tub, five feet apart because… one of them’s gay” “You changed that” thanks for noticing Jimmy 😂
Parkour Warrior
It’s fun how close Jimmy, Martyn, and Scott are staying to each other
Jimmy’s doing so well!!
Yeah the snake is so counterintuitive this time, kinda love it tho
Me, who has never played minecraft on pc, backseat gaming like a madman: “just flick the mouse, Jimmy”
It would actually be so cool to see a late pkw, it would suck but it’d be interesting
Shane talking about funky symptoms he got while exercising the other day and it being the exact same stuff I just got a diagnosis for ✌️(I doubt Shane has what I do, I get that literally every time I stand up lmao)
Sands of Time
Jimmy’s so excited to be Sam’s daddy 😭
The synchronized “Hi HBomb” :))
I love Jimmy but it bothers me to no end that he doesn’t fill the timer all the way, I can respect keeping one sand just in case but there’s no reason to not fill all the way when you have nine in hand
Solid performance all around, they had good comms and plenty of time
Ace Race
The way the just started talk-singing Hall of Fame 😂
The Kermit impression is solid
I feel like I haven’t watched a team where no one mutes in a while
Shane and Martyn 9th and 10th!!!
Jimmy 15th overall!! Stop putting yourself down, that’s great!!
Martyn is MIA and Shane is just singing Taylor Swift’s Blank Space as Kermit 😭
Rip, definitely not the worst I’ve seen though
Why are they all doing Mumbo impressions???
Battle Box
I think this team will do well and I’m very excited to see people pop off because the only pov I’ve watched so far is cyan and their bb was… rough…
This team either destroys or gets destroyed, there is no in between
Something about the WWWLLLWWW is unreasonably satisfying to me
Dang it, now I wanna look into what games have the highest coin differentials, obviously pvp games are at top but I’m wondering what’s at the bottom
ALL I DO IS WIN WIN WIN NO MATTER WHAT!! (Fun fact: I only know that song because we played it during football games in my high school marching band)
They’re so chaotic I love them
Sky Battle
“So… where do we wanna go?” “Home… home please” so true Martyn
Fighting lime while in the bubblevator is the most disorienting fight I’ve ever seen and that’s saying something
They’re doing a really good job dividing and conquering and allocating resources
Comms got clogged but they held together, apd went hard tho and I could not for the life of me understand what Scott was trying to say lol
Shane’s keyboard 😭
That ending was so chaotic oh my goodness
Everyone being self-deprecating and Shane just saying “You guys- you guys were there” 😂
Hole in the Wall
I have no idea what all they’re singing but they sound good
This team has such good comms :)
Them all hyping up Shane :)))
No 👏 funneling 👏 /pos
Grian’s message :((
“No, not that one, the football one” “I don’t- I’m gay” Scott sounded so confused 😭
Gosh, I love Shane, I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone be so excited for a teammate hitting a shot in a 4v4
Martyn joking that he doesn’t know how to run and Jimmy absolutely floundering “Move your legs and move- move your body in… in order to each other” 😂
Gumi’s dodging is wild
Shane hyping up his teammates is everything
My little cringefail loser winning the most statistically competitive mcc in history is so him
Callum’s manifesting worked :)
Jimmy prophet arc real
AIMSEY!!!! I wasn’t expecting him to show up but she has teamed with Jimmy and Shane in the last two mccs :D I love xem so much <333
“‘Martyn, we’re you sick this time?’ Yeah, sick of my teammates” I freaking love this team, their banter is everything
I know too much about mcc these days, Scott can say the last time he teamed with Martyn was when he blew him up with the tnt and I instantly knew they were talking about MCC7 lmao
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thepaintedsable · 2 years
Warrior OCs REDRAW
More warriors stuff >:)
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Artwork and Explanation below!
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This is something I had done between the years of 2017 to 2019. I honestly could not tell you where or when. I wasn’t really good at keeping track of or dating my artworks/sketchbooks, so I’m basing this off of the ages of the characters and the quality of art.
This is when I had been neck deep in the Warrior Cats fandom for the very first time, and had my main totally rad not-a-Mary-Sue totally original character: HiddenPelt. Big, muscled, lightning-striped mama who apparently liked to eat snakes in particular. I’d used her NON STOP back then (being kind of a really weird, really rude kid, not gonna lie. Couple of regrets from back then.), but she isn’t actually depicted in this piece! These are two of her kittens that had been conceived in an old roleplay I was in. I couldn’t be normal, so these were two of SIX babies she had that I tried to play as all at once lmfao. That’s actually one of the more fond memories I have, especially for everyone tolerating me.
CricketPaw and ???Paw are at a training clearing, and Cricket gets some revenge. This is one of the FIRST fully colored, “large” scenes I had done that was not forced upon me. This piece singlehandedly kickstarted the little colored warriors comics I’d continue to do (most were never posted).
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In 2021, I got a wild hair and decided it was fine time to redraw that old mess to see how I’d improved. This time with my new medium of choice, alcohol markers, and equipped with far more drawing experience, I redrew the two!
I can definitely say I’d done something right it making them look like they’d been fighting. I was highly focused on the characters over the background: making them the right size, giving them funky fur colors and more natural patterns, more dynamic poses, showing full bodies, actually shading, showing the mouthes, giving actual expression! But, the background was very lacking. Foreground leaves come out of nowhere, strange shading, the tree leaves are in the wrong spot, gaping hole in the right tree instead of a knot, the bushes just hide endless liminal field space, and there’s even a cheeky little circle+rays sun haha.
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Finally, TODAY! I chose to do it with watercolors on a square sheet of paper, because each time I’ve done this I’ve chosen my preferred/most comfortable finished-art medium at the time.
This time, I was going FULL background focus. Setting up the trees properly, making the grass form around things, putting leaves where they’re actually supposed to be, having at least a few more bushes in the background, adding interest to the sky, etc.
After that was done, I set the characters inside. No, i did not thumbnail or plan like I probably should have. I didn’t do it with the prior two, so it wasn’t happening for this one either. This is just for fun and planning makes me bored. I do miss the second one’s pose for ???Paw, but CricketPaw, my beloved son, is looking as sassy as ever and I’m living for it. He meant to claw his rat faced sister, and he will do it again. Additionally, I made the choice to place a third character watching over their training so it isn’t just two apprentices who wandered off. Probably their brother, so it’s actually three apprentices who wandered off, but I promise this one is responsible actually.
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I’d like to say I’ve improved, yeah? :)
Weird to think I came from drawing jelly beans with noodle limbs to what I do now. And hopefully in the next two years I’ll be able to upgrade upon myself once again!
Also, I’m thinking about doing some Clan Gen stuff in my scene style! I’ve been playing around with it a bit on the browser version, and I ended up having JUST ONE couple produce, like, 11 kittens in total, and then each of those kittens producing kittens or just bringing home kittypets and loners so the clan was HILARIOUSLY LARGE.
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