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carlosmorenophotoblog · 5 years ago
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Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting, prayer, reflection and community. Ramadan began on Thursday evening and will end the evening of Saturday, May 23rd. — Here are some photos of the Muslim community in San Diego, California and Tijuana, Mexico both at home and at the U.S.-Mexico border taken over the years. — #usmexicoborder #mexico #tijuana #tijuanamexico #archive #playasdetijuana #murofronterizo #frontera #fronterizo #sandiego #california #edca #everydayusa #everydaymuslim #everydayamericanmuslim #everydayeverywhere #everydaymexico #everydaylatinamerica #everydayreligion #everydaysocialjustice #everydaymigration #reportagespotlight #myfeatureshoot #photojournalism #fotoperiodismo #documentaryphotography (at Tijuana Y San Diego) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_bRWIQlfAb1XpXtB4s7uAQoyE0CZ4Ad802fk80/?igshid=pozprlelt1v0
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everydaybronx · 7 years ago
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Welcome to #shoutoutthursday! Today we are featuring our friends @everydayamericanmuslim. Welcome to the Everyday Projects family! ・・・ Khaliah Saleh poses for a portrait after Eid al-Fitr prayer on July 25, 2017. Photo by @_eslahlahlah. #everydaybronx #everydayeverywhere #bronx #thebronx #bx #everydayamericanmuslim FOLLOW OUR FRIENDS: @everydayafrica @everydayamericanmuslim @everydayasia @everydayaustralia @everydaybrasil @everydayclimatechange @everydayecuador @everydayegypt @everydayeverywhere @everydaygolshahr @everydayguatemala @everydayincarceration @everydaylatinamerica @everydaymacondo @everydaymexico @everydaymiddleeast @everydaymigration @everydayamericanmuslim @everydayphilippines @everyday_puertorico @everydayruralamerica @everydayvietnam
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amivitale · 5 years ago
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I'm excited to be sharing more stunning photos from the Print Sale I'm part of in collaboration with The Everyday Projects (@everydayeverywhere) and @magnumphotos. Over 100 museum-quality prints from some of the world's most incredible photographers are available this week only through Sunday, April 12. A percentage of proceeds will be donated to @doctorswithoutborders and to the nonprofit @everydayeverywhere to support COVID-19 coverage (Link in profile). Please spend some time with these sale images by @tasneemalsultan @wissamgaza @yagazieemezi @yolafotografa @yoriyas @zoshiaminto @zunleephoto @natgeoimagecollection @nikonusa @thephotosociety @everydaymiddleeast @everydayafrica @everydaylatinamerica @everydayamericanmuslim @everydayblackamerica @everydayextinction #printsale #everydayafrica #africa #kenya #photojournalism #amivitale #nikonambassador https://www.instagram.com/p/B-zxPU8Bm1Y/?igshid=8be86r3cmnrb
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syedyaqeen · 6 years ago
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Image from the @headwrapexpo #portraitseries aims to question what we see, what we assume and what we believe about the people around us. Particularly those who choose to wear #headwraps and #headcoverings. . Together we can work on understanding and it starts with us examining our thoughts closely. . What are your thoughts? . photographer @syedyaqeen . . . . . . #americanmuslimexperience #documentaryphotographer #editorial #editorialphotography #focusonthestory #thisisAmerica #everydayamericanmuslim #nppa | #portraitpage #hijabifashion #portraitmood #portraitsnyc #repotagephotography #portraitfeed #facesobsessed #ig_portrait #portraitseries #portraiture #portraitphotography #socialjustice #portrait_ig #morethanaheadwrap #morethanaheadwrapportrait http://bit.ly/2UCP5O5
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instagram · 8 years ago
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Exploring Everyday Life for American Muslims
To see more of her work, follow @zoshiaminto on Instagram.
Scenes from a community center in Maryland. A surprise 70th birthday party in Virginia. Peaceful protests in Philadelphia. These are the types of moments you’ll find on Everyday American Muslim (@everydayamericanmuslim), a collective photo project founded by Baltimore-based photographer Zoshia Minto (@zoshiaminto) in early 2015 after three young American Muslims were killed in North Carolina. “It’s a platform for people to have a dialogue,” she says. “There’s so much negativity and misinformation out there. This is a way for people to simply appreciate that there are other aspects of American Muslims that you’re not seeing in the mainstream media.”
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lorenashares-blog · 6 years ago
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everydayafrica · 8 years ago
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For #followfriday we're featuring images taken by our followers and hash-tagged #everydayafrica. Here, images by Miora Rajaonary @miorarajaonary from South Africa Fashion Week. Follow her to check out more great documentation of Fashion Week as she continues shooting! #everydayafrica #everydayeverywhere #southafricafashionweek #fashionweek #fashion #johannesburg #southafrica Check out our friends @everydaybayarea @everydayamericanmuslim @everydayzimbabwe @everydaymigration @everydayhornofafrica @everydaymacondo @everydayasia @everydaylatinamerica @everydaymiddleeast @everydayeasterneurope @everydaybronx @everydayeverywhere @everydayjamaica @everydayegypt @everydayincarceration @everydayblackamerica @everydayclimatechange @everydayvietnam @everydayphilippines @everydaynepal @everydayrussia @everydaymoldova @everydayguatemala @everydayecuador @everydaybrasil @everydayaustralia @everydaydprk (at Johannesburg, Gauteng)
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فارسی،German,English این پروژه جدید گروه خبرنگاران افغان (Newsgroupafghanistan)است.در این پروژه میخواهیم اشتباهاتی را که اداره مهاجرت و پناهندگان المان (بافم ,Bamf)در تصمیم گیری پروسه پناهندگی مهاجران افغانی که جواب منفی گرفته اند انجام داده است جمع آوری کنیم و همچنین جمله ها هایی که در پروتوکول ویا جواب اینترویو شما نوشته شده که هیچ معنا و مفهومی ندارند و همچنین جملاتی که شمارا خشمگین و عصبانی ویا رنج داده و غمگینتان کرده را نیز جمع آوری میکنیم. اگر شما میخواهید برعلیه دیپرتی مهاجران افغان مبارزه کنید پس به ما بپیوندید. راه های ارتباطی ما: [email protected] ویا به فیسبوک ما مراجعه کنید. This is Newsgroup Afghanistan's new project: We want to collect the mistakes that Germany's asylum office (BAMF) has made in many Afghan refugees' asylum cases. Are there sentences in your negative answer (denial) or in the protocol of your hearing that make no sense? Sentences that make you sad or angry? Do you want to fight against deportation? Contact us at [email protected] or find us on facebook. Das ist unser (Newsgroupafghanistan's) neues Projekt. In diesem Projekt wir wollen die Fehler sammeln, die das BAMF bei den negativen Antworten von afghanischen Geflüchteten gemacht hat und auch die Sätze, die in Eurem Bescheid / Antwort oder in Eurem Protokoll stehen, was keinen Sinn macht, und was Euch wütend oder traurig macht. Wenn ihr gegen Abschiebung kämpfen wollt dann kontaktiert uns unter [email protected] oder auf Facebook. #Bleibistan #everydaymigration #heretostay #stopdeportation #afghanistan #deutschland #refugeeswelcome #afghan #german #bleiberecht #journalismus #jugendmedien #youthmedia #artagainstracism #عکاسی، #عکاس,#فوتو، #مهاجرت، #افغانستان #مهاجرافغانستانی ،#عکاسی #تاتر #هنرمند # @newsgroupafghanistan, @jamalsajjadi, @ahmady_hadi, @nefrat_ali, @shakiba_photography_pv @atefehhassani95 @everydayamericanmuslim @sadeghi5488 @vorefugees
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instapicsil2 · 8 years ago
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Scenes from a community center in Maryland. A surprise 70th birthday party in Virginia. Peaceful protests in Philadelphia. These are the types of moments you’ll find on Everyday American Muslim (@everydayamericanmuslim), a collective photo project founded by Baltimore-based photographer Zoshia Minto (@zoshiaminto) in early 2015 after three young American Muslims were killed in North Carolina. “It’s a platform for people to have a dialogue,” she says. “There’s so much negativity and misinformation out there. This is a way for people to simply appreciate that there are other aspects of American Muslims that you’re not seeing in the mainstream media.” This month, Muslim communities around the world are coming together to commemorate Ramadan, a holy month of fasting and prayer. Watch our Instagram story now to see more. Photo by @everydayamericanmuslim http://ift.tt/2rX7J7N
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instapicsil3 · 8 years ago
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Photo by @jaheezus A #Muslim #woman climbs down the steps following Jum'a Ramadan Prayers at #ADAMS - All Dulles Area Muslim Society - on Friday, June 2, 2017, in Sterling, #Virginia. #AllDullesAreaMuslimSociety #Ramadan #Juma #everydayamericanmuslim http://ift.tt/2rnW9lj
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hobobuzz · 8 years ago
New #hoboken tweet. A playground friendship slowly unfolds. Hoboken, NJ. @zoshiaminto #everydayamericanmuslim #americanmuslim https://t.co/5p4p8fW2w9
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carlosmorenophotoblog · 5 years ago
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On Sunday, December 22nd 2019, U.S. Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, Democrat from Michigan, gathers and speaks to Border Church and Mosque organizers along with deported U.S. veterans along the Tijuana side of the U.S.-Mexico border in Playas de Tijuana. Rep. Tlaib told the crowd of interfaith christians and muslims that she can hear them and knows their pain; as she herself experienced such pain in Palestine, where her grandmother and family live. She spoke to deported veterans and was given a tour by them to see the border fence that ends at the Pacific Ocean. Tlaid participated in religious services done by both the christian and islamic faiths along the border fence that divides Tijuana and San Diego. — #everydayeverywhere #onassignment #everydayusa #everydaylafrontera #everydaymexico #edca #everydaylatinamerica #everydayamericanmuslim #sandiego #politics #religion #muslimsinmexico #deportedveterans #usmexicoborder #tijuana #tijuanamexico #mexico #reportagespotlight #everydaysocialjustice #everydaymigration #photojournalism #fotoperiodismo #documentaryphotography #myfeatureshoot #frontera #fronterizo (at Muro Fronterizo En Playas De Tijuana) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6ZpRF4Fxij/?igshid=1kxzvmga5f7k3
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everydaybronx · 4 years ago
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For #shoutoutthursday we are also featuring our friends @everydayruralamerica • Up until game day, Scott City players were tagging their hopes for the football season with a pandemic caveat. This year, you just never know.⁣⁣ Photo by @tylergraef ‏ #everydaybronx #everydayeverywhere #bronx #thebronx #everydayruralamerica #ruralmissouri #Missouri #coviddports FOLLOW OUR FRIENDS: @everydayafg @everydayafrica @everyday.amazon @everydayamericanmuslim @everydayandes @everydayasia @everydayaustralia @everydaybahrain @everydaybayarea @everydayblackamerica @everydaybrasil @everydaycalifornia @everydaychl @everydayclimatechange @everyday.dr @everydaydprk @everydayeasterneurope @everydayecuador @everydayegypt @everyday_energy @everydayeverywhere @everydayextinction @everydaygolshahr @everydayguatemala @everydayhornofafrica @everydayimpunity @everydayincarceration @everydayindia @everydayiran @everydayiraq @everyday_italy @everydayjamaica @everydayjapan @everydaykachin @everydaykandahar @everyday_karachi @everydaylafrontera @everydaylatinamerica @everydaymacondo @everydaymadagascar @everydaymexico @everydaymiddleeast @everydaymigration @everydaymoldova @everydaymotorcity @everydaymumbai @everydaynepal @everydaypakistan @everyday.paraguay @everydayphilippines @everyday_puertorico @everydayraajje @everydayruralamerica @everydayrussia @everydaysanluispotosi @everydaysrilanka @everyday.turkey @everydayuruguay @everydayvietnam @everydayyazd @everydayzimbabwe https://www.instagram.com/p/CLuxcjWl70s/?igshid=uf422o5jd96w
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carlosmorenophotoblog · 5 years ago
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On Sunday, October 27, 2019, a gathering of 50 muslims from both San Diego and Tijuana through the Latina Musulmana Fundación came to pray at the Playas de Tijuana Wall that divides the U.S. and Mexico. Iman Zaid of San Diego (formerly of Syria) leading a prayer of devoted followers, whom believe “borders should not exist and there should be no child separations because it is against Allah’s wishes.” The foundation is expected to open a new shelter for migrants of all nationalities in Tijuana in the next three months for all those who might need a place to stay as they seek to migrate to the United States. — #everydaymuslim #everydayamericanmuslim #everydayeverywhere #everydaymexico #onassignment #everydaylafrontera #everydaylatinamerica #edca #everydayusa #everydaymigration #everydayrefugees #everydaysocialjustice #streetphotography #photojournalism #fotoperiodismo #documentaryphotography #migration #mexico #tijuana #tijuanamexico #sandiego #usmexicoborder #frontera #fronterizo #myfeatureshoot #reportagespotlight (at Muro Fronterizo En Playas De Tijuana) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4JI6Z2FjgM/?igshid=1be7n63gjgi54
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everydaybronx · 6 years ago
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For #shoutoutthursday we are also featuring our friends @everydaymacondo Contaminación. ••• MobilePhoto: @ESCOBARMORA - CHRISTIAN ESCOBARMORA #everydaybronx #everydayeverywhere #bronx #thebronx FOLLOW OUR FRIENDS: @everydayafg @everydayafrica @everydayamericanmuslim @everydayasia @everydayaustralia @everydaybahrain @everydaybayarea @everydayblackamerica @everydaybrasil @everydaychl @everydayclimatechange @everyday.dr @everydaydprk @everydayeasterneurope @everydayecuador @everydayegypt @everydayeverywhere @everydayextinction @everydaygolshahr @everydayguatemala @everydayhornofafrica @everydayimpunity @everydayincarceration @everydayindia @everydayiran @everydayiraq @everyday_italy @everydayjamaica @everydayjapan @everydaykachin @everydaykandahar @everydaylafrontera @everydaylatinamerica @everydaymacondo @everydaymadagascar @everydaymexico @everydaymiddleeast @everydaymigration @everydaymoldova @everydaymotorcity @everydaymumbai @everydaynepal @everydaypakistan @everyday.paraguay @everydayphilippines @everyday_puertorico @everydayruralamerica @everydayrussia @everydaysrilanka @everyday.turkey @everydayvietnam @everydayyazd @everydayzimbabwe @everydaymacondo https://www.instagram.com/p/BwItB-flsRZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=49ww1i5nv36z
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everydaybronx · 6 years ago
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Welcome to #shoutoutthursday!  Today we are featuring our friends @everydayjapan Photo by @tatsuo_suzuki_001 #everydaybronx #everydayeverywhere #bronx #thebronx FOLLOW OUR FRIENDS: @everydayafghanistan @everydayafrica @everydayamericanmuslim @everydayasia @everydayaustralia @everydaybayarea @everydayblackamerica @everydaybrasil @everydaychila @everydayclimatechange @everydaydominicanrepublic @everydaydprk @everydayeasterneurope @everydayecuador @everydayegypt @everydayeverywhere @everydayextimction @everydaygolshahr @everydayguatemala @everydayhornofafrica @everydayimpunity @everydayincarceration @everydayindia @everydayiran @everydayiraq @everydayjamaica @everydayjapan @everydaykandahar @everydaylafrontera @everydaylatinamerica @everydaymacondo @everydaymadagascar @everydaymexico @everydaymiddleeast @everydaymigration @everydaymoldova   @everydaymotorcity @everydaymumbai @everydaynepal @everydayparaguay @everydayphilippines @everyday_puertorico @everydayruralamerica @everydayrussia @everydaysrilanka @everyday.turkey @everydayusa @everydayvietnam @everydayyazd @everydayzimbabwe https://www.instagram.com/p/BnZ2YPCA-PF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13mhb9b39k8tx
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