Ami Vitale Photography
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amivitale · 2 years ago
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My dear friend, @dylanhabil (right) who works as a conservation filmmaker at @Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya has been admitted to a prestigious film school in the UK! He is extraordinarily talented and this opportunity is critical to his development as a filmmaker and conservationist. He needs help with the admission fee and living costs. Every contribution, no matter how small, will bring him one step closer to fulfilling his potential. Who gets to take the photos and tell the stories matters. Which stories are included, what’s emphasized and what’s ignored depend on the narrators themselves. We need Dylan's voice in the conservation space. Help him fulfill dreams by visiting (link in profile.) Thank you for your consideration and your generosity!
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amivitale · 2 years ago
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Photos by @amivitale. My heart is full of gratitude. This week was an emotional moment when my dear friend @zacharia_mutai came to Montana where he was honored by the International Wildlife Film Festival (@wildlifefilmfest), as the star of "Remembering Sudan". He received the 2023 Special Jury Award and a standing ovation for all of his selfless work. On top of all this, he also built his first snowman, made snow angels, rode a sled and saw bison. There is nothing more beautiful than to see him being recognized and I want the whole world to know about all the people at @olpejeta who do the work to keep some of our most treasured creatures safe and healthy. Thank you @zacharia_mutai @jemu_mwenda @wachira.joseph and the whole team of @olpejeta conservancy and thank you to everyone who has supported their work and made this all possible. If you'd like to learn more or get involved, tickets for "Remembering Sudan" and to watch our recorded livestream are still available (Link in profile.) Please help spread the word and keep this Zacharia Mutai celebration going. Thank you to @zacharia_mutai @olpejeta @danehenrydigital and @mediastorm for your beautiful collaboration. @safariparkdvurkralove @biorescue_project #rememberingsudan #northernwhiterhinos #amivitale #dontletthemdisappear #documentaryphotography
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amivitale · 2 years ago
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Photo by @amivitale. Every day is Earth Day! If you would like to find a way to celebrate our shared life raft, planet Earth, consider tuning into a short film I made to honor the people of @olpejeta Conservancy. Reserve your space for "Remembering Sudan" on Monday, April 24. We will be streaming the film and afterwards having an inspiring conversation with Zacharia Mutai, head keeper at @olpejeta and myself to talk about the fate of the northern white rhinos. Tickets are available at (Link in profile.) Thank you to @zacharia_mutai @olpejeta @danehenrydigital and @mediastorm for your beautiful collaboration. @safariparkdvurkralove @biorescue_project #rememberingsudan #northernwhiterhinos #amivitale #dontletthemdisappear #documentaryphotography
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amivitale · 2 years ago
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Photo by @wachira.joseph. Saying goodbye to Sudan, the last male northern white rhino, as he passed away was one of the most difficult moments of my life. On that day in March, 2018, we were witnessing not just the death of this majestic creature and the functiopnal extinction of a subspecies, but also watching our own demise. We need to start recognizing that our fate is linked to the fate of animals. Without rhinos and all wildlife, we will suffer more than loss of ecosystem health. We will suffer a loss of our own imagination, a loss of wonder, a loss of beautiful possibilities. I hope that this moment will mark a moment when humanity recognizes how interconnected we all really are. Please follow @biorescue_project, @safariparkdvurkralove and @olpejeta to learn about their extraordinary work to save the species. Thank you @wachira.joseph for capturing this moment, and thank you to the team at @olpejeta for allowing me to document this journey. Learn more about the ways you can honor Sudan and support the work to revive the species at Thank you to @zacharia_mutai @olpejeta @danehenrydigitaland @mediastorm for your beautiful collaboration. @jemu_mwenda @safariparkdvurkralove @biorescue_project #rememberingsudan #northernwhiterhinos #amivitale #dontletthemdisappear #documentaryphotography #rhinos
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amivitale · 2 years ago
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Photos by @amivitale. Today, there are only two northern white rhinos known to be alive. Since August 2019, @BioRescue_Project has been conducting regular oocyte pick ups and to date they have created 24 pure northern white rhino embryos that are awaiting implantation in a southern white rhino surrogate. Thanks to their work, a species that was once doomed to extinction may well be saved. Every day, the hope grows larger. We will be discussing this exciting development and more in our April 24, global viewing event for the award-winning short film, "Remembering Sudan," which documents the incredible bond between @Zacharia_Mutai, the head rhino keeper, and the last northern white rhinos alive on the planet. Following the screening, you can join @Zacharia_Mutai from @OlPejeta Conservancy and myself for a short discussion. Zacharia Mutai has been on the front lines of this bold efforts to restore the species and will discuss how it feels to be a witness it. The virtual global viewing event will be live-streamed at 10 a.m. MT/ 12 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. GMT. Consider making a donation to attend! It will benefit @OlPejeta Conservancy, which cares for the last two northern white rhinos. Tickets are available at Thank you to @zacharia_mutai @olpejeta @danehenrydigital and @mediastorm for your beautiful collaboration. @safariparkdvurkralove @biorescue_project #rememberingsudan #northernwhiterhinos #amivitale #dontletthemdisappear #documentaryphotography #rhinos
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amivitale · 2 years ago
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Next Monday, April 24, I will be hosting an online, global viewing event for the award-winning short film, Remembering Sudan, which documents the incredible bond between @Zacharia_Mutai, the head rhino keeper, and the last northern white rhinos alive on the planet. Following the screening, join @Zacharia_Mutai from @OlPejeta Conservancy and filmmaker Ami Vitale for a short discussion about the work of Ol Pejeta Conservancy and the future of the northern white rhinos. The virtual global viewing event will be live-streamed at 10 a.m. MT/ 12 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. GMT. Consider making a donation to attend! It will benefit @OlPejeta Conservancy, which cares for the last two northern white rhinos. Tickets are available at Thank you to @zacharia_mutai @olpejeta @danehenrydigital and @mediastorm for your beautiful collaboration. @safariparkdvurkralove @biorescue_project #rememberingsudan #northernwhiterhinos #amivitale #dontletthemdisappear #documentaryphotography
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amivitale · 2 years ago
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Photo by @amivitale. Fatu, one of the last two northern white rhinos known to be alive, rolls in the mud on a delightfully wet day at @Olpejeta Conservancy in northern Kenya. Fatu is crazy about mud baths and is known to get frisky when the rains come and head right for the mud holes to wallow. We are less than two weeks away from an exciting, online, global viewing party for the award-winning short film, Remembering Sudan, which documents the incredible bond between Zacharia Mutai and the last northern white rhinos. After a screening of the film, there will be a live discussion with Zacharia and filmmaker Ami Vitale who has spent the last 14 years working with the rhinos and Ol Pejeta conservancy, where the rhinos currently live. This will be an empowering talk for adults and children and leave you affected with ideas and inspiration for creating positive change in your own communities! The virtual event will be live-streamed at 11am MT/ 1pm ET / 6pm GMT. Make a donation to attend and it will benefit Ol Pejeta Conservancy, which cares for the last two northern white rhinos. Visit Leave the questions you'd like us to talk about in the comments 👇 Thank you to @zacharia_mutai @olpejeta @danehenrydigital and @mediastorm for your beautiful collaboration. @safariparkdvurkralove @biorescue_project #rememberingsudan #northernwhiterhinos #amivitale #dontletthemdisappear #documentaryphotography
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amivitale · 2 years ago
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Photo by @amivitale. With the passing of Sudan, the last male northern white rhino in 2018, head rhino caregiver @Zacharia_Mutai has become even closer to Najin, one of the last two northern white rhinos on the planet. Najin is a cool, calm, sociable lady who likes to be around her daughter and Tauwa, their southern white rhino companion. She gets very excited by the water and rain. Due to deformities in her hind legs, she can’t run as fast as she’d like to keep up with her daughter Fatu. She loves food and can occasionally be a little naughty, earning her the moniker Naughty Najin. This print is one of four fine-art photographs I am currently offering for sale as part of the @vital.impacts fundraiser for @OlPejeta. Sales will support the conservancy which cares for the last two northern white rhinos on the planet, the largest black rhino conservancy in east Africa and other endangered species. Learn more and buy yours today at (link in profile). @safariparkdvurkralove @biorescue_project #rememberingsudan #northernwhiterhinos #amivitale #dontletthemdisappear #documentaryphotography
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amivitale · 2 years ago
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Photo by @amivitale. @zacharia_mutai, the head keeper of the last two northern white rhinos, checks on them from sunrise to sunset at @olpejeta Conservancy in Kenya. He says, “Each species on this planet plays its own role. And if one species is missing, the ecosystem is no longer balanced. We all share the same planet, and if we no longer have any wild animals, we will be in total darkness.” I have just launched the new short film “Remembering Sudan,” documenting the heartbreaking crisis facing the northern white rhinos, the incredible efforts to save them, and the work of all the keepers at @OlPejeta Conservancy, who sacrifice so much to protect them. I hope that you will take time to watch it. All ticket sales go to supporting @OlPejeta, which cares for Najin and Fatu, the last two northern white rhinos on the planet. Visit or click on the link in my profile to watch today. @safariparkdvurkralove @biorescue_project #rememberingsudan #northernwhiterhinos #amivitale #dontletthemdisappear #documentaryphotography
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amivitale · 2 years ago
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The bonds between @zacharia_mutai and the northern white rhinos he cares for are profound. Zacharia grew up only a mile away from @OlPejeta Conservancy in northern Kenya and as a child, had the dream to work with wildlife. Today, he is the head rhino keeper and spends more than ten months a year with the last two northern white rhinos. “I’m the voice of these voiceless animals. They don't speak, but I speak out on their behalf,” says Zacharia. I have just launched the new short film “Remembering Sudan,” documenting the incredible bonds between Zacharia and all of the keepers who sacrifice so much to protect these precious creatures. They have a profound commitment and a heavy responsibility knowing they are the last of their kind. Visit or click on the link in my profile. All ticket sales go to supporting @OlPejeta, which cares for Najin and Fatu, the last two northern white rhinos on the planet. @safariparkdvurkralove @biorescue_project #rememberingsudan #northernwhiterhinos #amivitale #dontletthemdisappear #documentaryphotography
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amivitale · 2 years ago
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Photo by @amivitale. Presidents, leaders, celebrities, and schoolchildren traveled across the globe to meet Sudan, the last male northern white rhino. But the people with the closest relationship to him were his keepers. The guardians at Ol Pejeta Conservancy spend more time with the animals at the conservancy than with their own children. Five years ago, Sudan’s passing was met with tears and a profound love. Here, Zacharia Mutai says goodbye. I have just launched the new short film “Remembering Sudan,” documenting the heartbreaking crisis facing the northern white rhinos, the incredible efforts to save them, and the work of all the keepers at @OlPejeta Conservancy, who sacrifice so much to protect them. I hope that you will take time to watch it. All ticket sales go to supporting @OlPejeta, which cares for Najin and Fatu, the last two northern white rhinos on the planet.Visit or click on the link in my profile to watch today. @safariparkdvurkralove @biorescue_project #rememberingsudan #northernwhiterhinos #amivitale #dontletthemdisappear #documentaryphotography
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amivitale · 2 years ago
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Photo by @amivitale. Presidents, leaders, celebrities, and schoolchildren traveled across the globe to meet Sudan, the last male northern white rhino. But the people with the closest relationship to him were his keepers. The guardians at Ol Pejeta Conservancy spend more time with the animals at the conservancy than with their own children. Five years ago, Sudan’s passing was met with tears and a profound love. Here, Zacharia Mutai says goodbye. I have just launched the new short film “Remembering Sudan,” documenting the heartbreaking crisis facing the northern white rhinos, the incredible efforts to save them, and the work of all the keepers at @OlPejeta Conservancy, who sacrifice so much to protect them. I hope that you will take time to watch it. All ticket sales go to supporting @OlPejeta, which cares for Najin and Fatu, the last two northern white rhinos on the planet.Visit or click on the link in my profile to watch today. @safariparkdvurkralove @biorescue_project #rememberingsudan #northernwhiterhinos #amivitale #dontletthemdisappear #documentaryphotography
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amivitale · 2 years ago
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Photo by @amivitale. Presidents, leaders, celebrities, and schoolchildren traveled across the globe to meet Sudan, the last male northern white rhino. But the people with the closest relationship to him were his keepers. The guardians at Ol Pejeta Conservancy spend more time with the animals at the conservancy than with their own children. Five years ago, Sudan’s passing was met with tears and a profound love. Here, Zacharia Mutai says goodbye. I have just launched the new short film “Remembering Sudan,” documenting the heartbreaking crisis facing the northern white rhinos, the incredible efforts to save them, and the work of all the keepers at @OlPejeta Conservancy, who sacrifice so much to protect them. I hope that you will take time to watch it. All ticket sales go to supporting @OlPejeta, which cares for Najin and Fatu, the last two northern white rhinos on the planet. Visit or click on the link in my profile to watch today. @safariparkdvurkralove @biorescue_project #rememberingsudan #northernwhiterhinos #amivitale #dontletthemdisappear #documentaryphotography
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amivitale · 2 years ago
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Photo by @amivitale. In 2015, Ringo, a baby abandoned southern white rhino calf, was introduced into the same enclosure as Sudan, the last male northern white rhino at @olpejeta Conservancy in Kenya. Ringo’s youthful energy rubbed off on Sudan but tragically, Ringo died an early death in 2016. It left Sudan without his best friend and seemingly heartbroken. Follow along as we share the stories of Sudan and the impact he had on the world. I have just launched the new short film “Remembering Sudan,” documenting the heartbreaking crisis facing the northern white rhinos, the incredible efforts to save them, and the work of all the keepers at @OlPejeta Conservancy, who sacrifice so much to protect them. I hope that you will take time to watch it. All ticket sales go to supporting @OlPejeta, which cares for Najin and Fatu, the last two northern white rhinos on the planet.Visit or click on the link in my profile to watch today. @safariparkdvurkralove @biorescue_project #rememberingsudan #northernwhiterhinos #amivitale #dontletthemdisappear #documentaryphotography
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amivitale · 2 years ago
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Photo by @amivitale. Sudan, the last living male, was lovingly called “The Most Eligible Bachelor in the World” on the dating app Tinder. He had become an international celebrity because he represented an entire subspecies that was about to become functionally extinct. Now the hope for the entire species lay on Sudan, but sadly, after a series of tests in 2015, it became clear that his chances of fathering offspring were decreasing with every year. We have just launched the new short film “Remembering Sudan,” documenting the heartbreaking crisis facing northern white rhinos, the incredible efforts to save them, and the work of keepers like Zacharia Mutai of @OlPejeta Conservancy, who sacrifice so much to protect them. I hope that you will take time to watch it and support the important conservation work of Ol Pejeta Conservancy. All ticket sales go to supporting @OlPejeta, which cares for Najin and Fatu, the last two northern white rhinos on the planet. Visit or click on the link in my profile to watch today. #rememberingsudan #northernwhiterhinos #amivitale #dontletthemdisappear #documentaryphotography
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amivitale · 2 years ago
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It's your last chance to own these breathtaking prints and support tomorrow's environmentalists. The @vital.impacts Winter Collection ends this Friday, March 31. Photos by @kpunkka @joshuacogan @melaniedunea @chiaragoia @tamaradean @petrichor.mb @paulhartartist @steve_woods_photography @yamashitaphoto @andyparkinsonphoto Our open edition photographs are printed by award-winning labs using archival inks on @CansonInfinity Etching Rag, ensuring museum quality prints. We use sustainable packaging and @PaperandInkStudio plants a tree for every order. Shop now at (link in profile.) #conservation #environmentalism #documentaryphotography #vitalimpacts
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amivitale · 2 years ago
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Photo by @amivitale. This photo is from 2009, moments after Sudan arrived in Kenya at the @olpejeta conservancy and took his first mud bath since leaving the African continent 35 years earlier. Sudan was taken from Sudan as a two year old in 1975. The decision to move Sudan to the Dvůr Králové Zoo (@safariparkdvurkralove) may have saved his life; the last known wild northern white rhinos were poached on the border of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 2004. We have just launched the new short film “Remembering Sudan,” documenting the heartbreaking crisis facing northern white rhinos, the incredible efforts to save them, and the work of keepers like Zacharia Mutai of @OlPejeta Conservancy, who sacrifice so much to protect them. I hope that you will take time to watch it and support the important conservation work of Ol Pejeta Conservancy. All ticket sales go to supporting @OlPejeta, which cares for Najin and Fatu, the last two northern white rhinos on the planet. Visit or click on the link in my profile to watch today. #rememberingsudan #northernwhiterhinos #amivitale #dontletthemdisappear #documentaryphotography
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