#everyday i wake up and feel like a failure
aintmyjewelry · 7 months
I do think i need to delete instagram
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fhrlclln · 2 months
I’ve been living for the Qimir fanfics. Can you write one where reader and him were lovers in the Jedi together, he thought she died, but actually the Jedi wiped her memory. When he bumps into her again he’s FURIOUS but also just happy that she’s alive and tries to get her memory back. Lots of angst but with a happy ending?👀
and here you stand | qimir
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SUMMARY -> a man in your dreams feels like a distant memory you cannot seem to touch upon but when a particular meeting with a man in the streets of olega might be the answer to everything.
qimir x fem! reader
GENRE -> angst & fluff
WC -> 2.85k
a/n: aNONz i hope this fic is what you requested for!!! i tried my best with the angst 😩🤌
likes, comments and reposts are greatly appreciated !! <3
enjoy !!
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the dream always started out softly...
a glimpse of a man with short black hair, dawning a padawan braid, smiling and laughing with you in the gardens of the jedi temple in coruscant. he’d always kissed you and for a moment in the dream, you could feel his hands gently caress your cheek and see the loving gaze of his eyes on you. but the dream was always somewhat blurry... you can't remember the young man's face but his laughter, his love you feel is everything to you. it was comforting, it felt like home but the moment his laughter ends, the dream did as well.
and you wake up with a longing feeling stuck in your chest.
you'd try to remember your times as a former jedi, a former padawan in your time in coruscant. hoping you could somehow remember the man in your dreams, for it felt it was a distant memory than a dream but it always ended up with no avail. it was painful enough that you missed being back in coruscant and to reoccur those memories again in hopes of remembering who the man in your dreams makes it even more painful.
that's until you had just given up at some point on remembering him.
you now reside in a humble planet called olega. the city was large enough for you to explore it in your first days of living there. you opened up a merchant stall, selling the local fruits and vegetables for consumption. leaving the order was a tough decision the council had made upon you, you were a gifted student, gifted with the force. it was strong within you but alas, you failed, you could not somehow learn to control your own self- your own emotions. you can't remember why back then and it haunts you to this day of your failure as a jedi.
but that didn't matter now.
your quiet life of being a merchant had its perks. you were not bound by an order anymore. there were no more responsibilities and expectations placed upon you. you didn't need to train every single day- but sometimes you missed your training lessons. you did miss your former master and padawans, for they were the second family to you. even if it was told that at that time, familial or romantic feelings were forbidden, you still saw them like that.
granted, it was hard to fall back into the normal routine of an everyday civilian. you had been with the order since you were a child. you still would close off your emotions from time to time with the people you grew to know with in olega, but you got the hang of it eventually in the years of living here. but sometimes you wished to go back to coruscant, hoping if you'd visit the gardens and the great tree, you might remember the man in your dreams.
but here you are, standing behind your stall as you packaged the fresh fruits for a customer. you handed to them with a smile on your face and humbly accepted their credits. you sigh, sitting on your stool as you counted your savings to see if it would cover the rent you have to pay for this month. it was enough, your stall was popular in demand because of how fresh your picks was and you were grateful for that. you stand up again, noticing that you had to close now, seeing that almost all your merchandise was sold.
"closing off early again?" the cheery voice of your fellow merchant quips. you laugh, shrugging as you started packing away.
"i am!" you chuckled, checking if everything is in place before you could leave. you adjusted your satchel as you put on your hood, bidding your fellow merchants a kind goodbye as you went off.
a hot meal would be nice, you think to yourself, before you'd head home. walking through a crowd, you squeeze yourself in as you excused yourself to get by. the heart of the plaza certainly was always full of people at this time. for a moment, a watchful feeling washed over your senses as you look up ahead.
your eyes meet with a man’s. his black hair is slightly disheveled and greasy and the way his eyes were set upon you made you confused for a moment how hard his stare was. you look away, getting out of the crowd, an uneasy feeling settling in your chest as you walk away quickly.
qimir stands still in the middle of the plaza, his heart is thumping loudly against his ribcage. it couldn't be you. he doesn't know if the glimpse of you in the crowd was a mere apparition of the force but the way you looked at him had him thinking otherwise. you disappear from the crowd and he is hot on his feet to catch up to you.
he watches you go into an alley way, he follows in-suit, thinking that you’re trying to escape him. his nostrils flare, his agenda for today to go to the local apothecary is out of his plans as he follows you.
he watched you die.
he was sure of it, that memory of you of pushing him into his own ship whilst you stand guard to help him buy him some time to get out of coruscant never left his mind. it haunted him until he lives and breaths and it enraged him that you foolishly given your life for him to flee before his own former master would have killed him.
you were supposed to be together, right?
he thinks bitterly as he squeezes in the alley way. a lot of questions pop in his mind, were you still with the jedi after all you and him have suffered through because of them? that you willingly stayed? that you faked your own death just to leave him? those thoughts made him feel betrayed. you were his light when he was in the darkness. you were the one that understood him despite your refusal to let yourself be seduced by the dark path. he understood you as well yet he hoped that you would see truth that what the jedi do is all a lie.
he quickens his steps and your figure is starting to inch closer to him. he immediately reaches out to grab your arm and push you towards the wall making you gasp as you struggled in his tight death grip as he cages you with his whole body before you could defend yourself.
“let go!” you yelled at him as he ignored your angry yelps as you tried to get out of his grip. he merely stares down at you as you looked up at him. he observes, waiting if an emotion of guilt would cross your face… but there was none? only confusion and annoyance were plastered across your face. and he somehow indulges in your close distance, the feeling of you in front him again has him weak. here you are, warm and smelling the same after years since he had fallen into a rabbit hole of revenge and hatred for the jedi that he thought they killed you.
“i said-“ you weakly tried to pry him off you. your heart was beating so loudly, fearing what this unknown man would do to you. you wished for a moment that the force could help you. he was much stronger, you could tell, even if he looked like a twig underneath his robes. “-let go!”
“you… you’re supposed to be dead.” he breaks his silence. your brows raised with confusion. dead? you wonder if this man was crazy for thinking of you like that. not once did you remember angering any person here for this kind of response.
“i’m standing right here, buddy.” you roll your eyes as he lessens his grip on your arm. and here you do stand, qimir thinks. you relax for a bit as the hard stare he gives you softens slightly. something in him tells him that you don’t even recognize him. and that makes him worried.
“do you know me?” he tests his theory, hoping it was not true. you know him, you would never forget about him.
you two were your other halves of each other’s body, soul and mind, never to be separated even if the cosmos were in between you two. you would always find each other in the end. even in death, you were his other soul, the half of his battered and broken heart. he knows you vow the same as he heard those vows underneath the great tree in the gardens of the jedi temple in coruscant.
i will never forget you. as you had said to him when his lips last touch yours before you threw him into his ship, leaving him in agony seeing you turn on your saber before his master slashes you with her saber.
i love you, qimir.
he blinks wetly. there’s a hollow feeling inside his chest when he sees that you don’t genuinely recognize him the slightest bit.
“…no? no, i don’t know you. look, sir, if you have any problem with me or you want money, i have some credits-“
“what i want is for you to tell me the truth.” he cuts you off, wondering if you were lying as he tries to peer into your mind. he feels furious, furious that you are acting like this but the desperation… the desperation of trying to see you at least recognize him is taking over. you feel the hum of the force, so familiar even if it had been years since you trained. but it wasn’t just that, his force felt familiar.
“…you wield the force.” you say as your eyes widened when you feel him try to pry in your mind. an instinct in you erupts as you somehow managed to surprise him by grabbing him by his arm and the collar of his robe then pushed him into the wall that you were pressed against, making the roles reverse. qimir lets you do that as he looks down at you, a sadness in his eyes as he realizes that you don’t remember him.
what happened to you?
“you don’t remember me…” he whispers, defeated. he grips your wrist gently as a congested look of hurt is across his face.
“and you know me?” you ask, somehow feeling like he knows you more intimately than you had expected. confusion is breaking your calm mind, it frightens you that somehow you feel like what he’s saying is so close to the truth but you can’t discern it clearly. you know nothing of him. you let him go and qimir almost wobbled in his knees when your touch is gone.
he nods and your chest suddenly hurts. you back away, frightened and confused, it was overwhelming that you feel for him but don’t remember him. before qimir could utter anything else, you walk away. he watches you go, sensing that something was wrong. something had been wiped away in your mind with the memories of him and he feels lost. the one person that had stayed with him throughout his grievances and frustrations, the one good person he thought dead and the one woman he loved doesn’t remember him.
he’ll have to talk to you again when he wills himself.
it had been days since you last saw that strange man and your dreams have been getting even more vivid.
it was scaring you.
remembering the look in his eyes, you saw that he did in fact know you. but you don’t know him. sometimes when you wake up now after dreaming of that young man in your dreams, it felt like something in you was lost. and that your mind was actively trying to remember, trying to hold on what was missing but it always fails. and it leaves you feeling so lost and confused.
you sit by your bed now. you haven’t started your day like the usual. you felt sick, nauseous and incredibly exhausted of trying to will yourself to remember that strange man. his touch felt familiar when you remember it, his voice was somehow a comfort and his gaze… you know you would be in trance with those dark eyes of his that spoke of tenderness.
your eyes felt heavy as the sun peaks through the blinds of your windows. you sigh, weakly trying to get up. you felt you were about to fall back onto your bed again until a knock on your door surprises you. you freeze, the knocks then grew more louder and you sighed, thinking it was your landlord as you get up, wrapping your cloak around you.
you push the red button on the control panel as the sound of your door swiftly opening doesn’t ready you for him to be standing by your doorstep. you freeze, seeing that he’s dressed in another way-too-huge robes on him. he looks at you for a moment, taking in your face of confusion.
“i just want to talk.” he pleads and you stay frozen in your spot for a moment, wondering if you want to talk with him. but deep inside, your heart is telling you yes as it beats loudly.
“okay.” you say quietly as you let him in. qimir relaxes as you close the door once he crosses the threshold and he stands inside your small apartment.
“how long have you been living here?” he asks, looking around the place. “in olega… i mean.”
“seven… eight years, i think?” you answer as best as you can. “i stayed in coruscant for a couple of months before moving here.”
“why?” he asks further, confused.
“i left the jedi… i used to be a jedi.” you shrug. “it was the council’s decision why i couldn’t continue my training.”
“…i- because they said i didn’t control my self, my emotions.” you sighed, not liking that you were telling this stranger of your failure. a stranger that you somehow know. you remind yourself.
“and you’re sure the council had told you that was their true reasons for letting you go?” he faces you, understanding bit by bit what happened to you. "they lied."
“why do you ask me? are you a jedi or was- as well?” you ask him now.
“i was.” he nods bitterly.
you blink. “then how do you know me?”
“we were…” he starts, finding his words to try and let this information on you easily. your memories were wiped as far as he could tell. he thinks that vernestra orchestrated to do this to you when they had disarmed you at some point after he had escaped. for it was to conceal those outside the jedi order of his existence and that it may put them in a political disaster. he scoffs at that in his mind. he wills himself not to go to the local jedi temple and slaughter master torbin himself for this, out of spite he’ll kill them all in there.
“you and i, we shared a bond.” he softly says as he nears you and you let him. “a bond that the order told us that it was forbidden.”
you blink, understanding what he meant. did the jedi lied to you? you think, feeling betrayed by the order that you had respected could do this to you. his soft gaze felt familiar and you reel in to his gentle voice. qimir’s chest filled with hope seeing you slowly start to understand him even though you still don’t know him.
“i am yours.” he takes your hand to his, placing it above his chest. “and you are mine.”
“and together…” those words leave your lips without even you registering it for a moment as he presses his forehead against yours. you shudder, your eyes welling up with tears, feeling overwhelmed as this felt like the scene in your dreams. this man was the young man in your dreams. you realized, why you somehow feel like you know him.
vows in the gardens, whispering it underneath the great tree. two padawans’ hearts beating with one another and the sweet song of love fills their chests as they become one. bound to eternity forever.
“we are bound to each other forever.” he finishes as he wipes the tears streaming down your face.
“i want to remember you…” you sobbed, your own chest hurting for not remembering him. this man that you had just met days ago but felt like you’ve known him forever. qimir smiles sadly as he pulls you into his arms. you cried on his shoulder, loving the way his arms felt around you.
you don’t even know his name and it breaks your heart again.
“i’ll help you remember. we found each other again.” he vows and promises he’ll make you remember. his own eyes wetting with his tears as he nuzzles his face on your soft hair and he whispers. “i promise.”
but all that matters now is that you are with him at last.
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angel-purger · 7 months
⁰¹ As Lovers Do - Yandere! Geto Suguru x Gn! Reader
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      Cross-posted on Quotev (@.oc34n1d) and Wattpad (@.heart-stricken)
      9,100+ Words.
      —    Request by the very pleasant Nana ! It took me quite some time to be able to finish this but I really liked how this turned out and I hope you all did too. Again, if you want more detailed one-shots or headcanons, don't be afraid to explain to me in detail about what you want! Writing Geto's shift to obsession was really enjoyable and he's a really complex character. Alongside that, but accurate characterization for both the reader and Geto is so hard to write, so apologies if this took some time to be published. Scroll down for more notes.
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⠀ ⠀Protect human lives, sacrifice your own if you will; devour what is evil. Protect humans, do everything in your power to do so, but never expect to  be appreciated by the public eye, shun away from society's admiration— instead being a topic if scorn for being different. 
⠀ ⠀Geto abides by his ideology, engraving it in his mind without thought.
⠀ ⠀Protect humans, you are a jujutsu sorcerer for that sole reason.
⠀ ⠀Are human lives worth saving? 
⠀ ⠀He can never eviscerate the bitter taste of curses. An unwashed, soiled, and iniquitous taste of death. Like a rag used to repeatedly wipe vomit, feces, and every vile chemical mixed into one. He can taste death, he can feel it lump at his throat at every second; ascending gradually with its acuate, protruding claws. He wants to cry, but every time tears well in his eyes, he is faced with the constant reminder of her death.
⠀ ⠀Riko Amanai, a failed mission, a dead vessel, subsequently leading to the stillbirth of immortality's mortal body to be renewed with Riko's body. Subsequently leading to a doomed future for the lives of people within Japan— a haunting reflection of his failures, failures he could've avoided if he was fast enough, strong enough to predict that fucking bullet.
⠀ ⠀Why wasn't he fast enough?
⠀ ⠀The very morals he so pridefully upheld, all crushed with one single mission. He is a disgrace.
⠀ ⠀Gojo was wrong. Geto and Gojo will never be the "two strongest" sorcerers. There can only be room for number one, and Geto will always be second. Second strongest, second best— so much so to the point that his presence doesn't shine as bright as it ever will be once Gojo is in the room. But that's alright, right? After all, he believes that working under the shadows to mitigate human deaths, without the feel to need gratitude from the very lives he saves, is what is right. And what is right is what is just, right?
⠀ ⠀He discovered that the water inside the shower is frigid when you are alone with only your thoughts accompanying you; like ice shards expending down on his back, like the stab of that human monkey (who defeated him so easily, he can't bring himself to admit). It stabs and it stabs and it stabs. And then he spirals, eyes diluting at the images of defeat. Then suddenly the world around him becomes an audience to his silent suffering. He can hear the cult members smiles, feel every bit of bile rise up his throat, taste the sin of death once more.
⠀ ⠀Geto is done showering.
⠀ ⠀Every day is a loop. Rinse and repeat. Wake up, eat, bathe, missions, more missions, explore some uncharted areas of the city, guarantee that it is safe from curses, go home, rest, dinner, sleep. There are moments where they interchange, but they never change.
⠀ ⠀Very few mention Riko Amanai. After all, she is a topic taboo now, especially since it heavily affected both Gojo and Geto's mentality. In more than different ways in fact.
⠀ ⠀He wants to stop thinking about her. Distractions are not needed in an era full of brimming human life— life that Geto has to, again, protect.
⠀ ⠀Just as he is about to leave his dorm after putting on his everyday school attire (making a mental note to skip breakfast and eat lunch alone), he is notified of a mission. A mission where he has to accompany a rookie sorcerer, a student like him admittedly, and it was a concept he wasn't accustomed to. After all, he was surrounded by talented people, and in a sea of talents, he felt more like a drop of dew— so maybe, despite the strange request from his Sensei, Masamichi Yaga, this would provide him a new opportunity.
⠀ ⠀He hopes it does. Your profile exhibits your meek countenance, like any normal civilian, but you seem strong enough to be scouted. There's not much of a significant presence you display when he read through your documents. Or so he thought.
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⠀ ⠀You became his new, temporary partner (he insists on that status on you, donning a pretty fake smile through his growing eyebags). It was surprising, really, to see you up close after reading through your files. The moment he met you eye-to-eye did he realize you share the same height as him, a few centimeters taller, he could estimate.
⠀ ⠀Geto's preliminary view of you was taken aback when you, albeit awkwardly, mingled with him after both greeting each other. You treated him warmly- like any normal person would- despite being strangers in the eyes of passerby's. Walking on the sidewalk, pretending that the mission you both (more-so you, than him, as he was simply there to accompany you in case of a problematic event) were to undergo didn't involve harrowing exorcism and countless condolences from any deaths involved.
⠀ ⠀Before he could mutter anything further, to proceed on the site of your mission, you'd drag him into, as you state, your favorite chain of street foods. Did you want to distract yourself from furthering your shared mission, or were you idiotic enough to forget to eat breakfast that you'd have to drag his bleary body elsewhere to satisfy your needs? He was pleasantly (or was it hesitatingly?) surprised when you beckon him closer to buy any street food that catches his attention, as long as it is within your school allowance.
⠀ ⠀As he was about to differ from your offer (he didn't want to seem rude to you), your lips thin to a line and your eyebrows furrow (though your entire expression does not scream of angered. Perhaps you are befuddled with yourself?), and you beat him to it, insisting that he was going all his way to entertain you and all; that despite being acquainted only for a short while did you notice how his stomach grumbled loudly and how he didn't even notice the noise his own body made. He realized he was the idiot here, that he ignored his human need to consume actual food rather than curses.
⠀ ⠀Prior to his knowledge of you, you're more caring than what he envisaged. Soft. The qualities very unlike a jujutsu sorcerer should possess unless one wishes for death. Yet, that momentary lapse of emotion in your face tells him you are more than experienced in the field work of jujutsu than what he expected— you are soft, but you are dominating. Caring, but challenging.
⠀ ⠀His mind blanks.
⠀ ⠀Then he finds himself licking off the residue of the bits of fish flakes on the side of his mouth after you both decide on takoyaki. You're both on the sidewalk again, with him stealing (prolonged) glances at you— you acting like nothing has happened, matching his pace as- as equals would.
⠀ ⠀It was strange, for him, to experience this type of casual kindness after a period of solitary confinement from his peers. You were merely treating him, as one co-worker does when wanting to pay a favor to a higher up after given assistance. But why, compared to his other classmates, who in more cases than one pay for their occasional food excursion, does he like it when you domineeringly persisted that you should pay for him. Was he becoming soft? Or was it you that tamed a part of him that he swore was nothing?
⠀ ⠀There were cases your body draws nearer to his whilst you try to make small talk - could you even sense how much he could sense you? - where he could feel the visceral heat off the barrier of the pitch-black fabric you wear. Geto swears he didn't mean to, but he could smell the faint perfume you're donning— it was way different to the smell of crimson he's perpetually exposed to.
⠀ ⠀Your smile. The indistinct crinkle of your eyes, eyes that bounce bashfully from his eyes to the surrounding nature. It's as if, despite your mouth moving automatically, attempting to forgo the small-talk that he started, those sneaky eyes of yours always find it way back to meet his.
⠀ ⠀Were you perhaps admiring him after he regained some energy? It wouldn't be the first time. After all, compared to his white-haired best friend, he was always the more charming one of the two, often attracting ladies he seemingly never bat an eye on. And maybe you were just like them; he would forget you after this mission, and you would simply see him as an unreachable force, a special grade sorcerer whose talents would be a force to reckon with—
⠀ ⠀But maybe he wanted you to idolize him, in a way where you couldn't stand as an equal in power, but you could stand beside him with the power to overcome him more intimately, just like how you, a few moments ago, stood your ground; softly glaring at him like how a lover would to their naturally self-neglectful partner. 
⠀ ⠀What was he thinking?
⠀ ⠀If- if maybe he could have known you longer then he would've loved to share his ideologies with you more, share a deeper questioning of society. With how understanding you are, you would empathize with him in a heartbeat. With how quick you slip into the grasp of blunt truth, how easily your eyes would flitter about once faced with a ridiculous statement ("I think it's funny how oblivious humans are, no? They could be killed at any opportunity by curses. How unfortunate is it to be born with nearly no cursed energy... Shouldn't- shouldn't sorcerers just let them be? To rot? After all, saving them means attaining nothing on our part.") he would docilely express— you'd rebut him, but at the same time you would do so with the thought of his ideas in mind.
⠀ ⠀How invigorating must you be?
⠀ ⠀If you share the same sentiment with him then—
⠀ ⠀Then he'll finally have someone to rely on. In a world full of corrupt notions, you could be the only one who would comfort him
⠀ ⠀And God, your presence was really relaxing compared to the odd bunch he surrounds himself with— like a breath of fresh air amidst the fetid scent of curses he devours.
⠀ ⠀The most tantalizing part of you? You haven't even demonstrated your cursed technique, nor your fighting style to him— you've both just arrived at the scene of the crime too. Yet he's convinced that you seem to hold a lot of power over him.
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⠀ ⠀Protect human lives, sacrifice your own if you will. 
⠀ ⠀The more that oh-so inspiring phrase repeats itself in his head like a broken record, the more he's stuck in a predicament of wanting and unwanting the want. He should protect them, the people, no?— God, humans are filthy, they're weak. And sorcerers; they don't deserve to be hidden, treated less...
⠀ ⠀You don't deserve to be undermined, especially by that loathsome family of yours.
⠀ ⠀A few days pass and he finds himself seeking your presence out, alas he couldn't. You were a lower rank than him, stuck with lower-ranking missions— and he's a special grade, dragged into countless complex commissions that would surely tire anyone. Anytime he tries to seek you out, he would find himself in another mission assigned by those abhorrent superiors; and that is merely another day without you.
⠀ ⠀Another day where he drowns in melancholic thoughts in the shower; drowns in what-ifs and the motifs of his supposed success of saving Riko. Yet the more time he spends in the showers without seeing that demulcent, yet potent expression of yours; Geto's imaginations drift from the need to finding any meaning of being a jujutsu sorcerer to yearning for the normalcy you unveiled.
⠀ ⠀When was the last time he was able to inhale so freely without feeling the sharp claws sinking its ways to his hard? When was the last time he exhaled without bile climbing up his throat? It's you he's thinking of again. You he associates with peace.
⠀ ⠀The erratic sprinkle of water from the showers doesn't sound like the cult members' laughs anymore... When he turns it off, the accustomed silence accompanied by pitch-sharp wringing was replaced by whispered voices; all the same sounding, yet they make his tense muscles relax. They all sound like you.
⠀ ⠀And...
⠀ ⠀The urge to strike another conversation with you struck itself into his nerves once more.
⠀ ⠀But he couldn't, even if he wanted to- definitely would.
⠀ ⠀So he- he simply has to find another way to know more about you; to check if you always wear that expression of yours, the one he wishes to engrave in his brain. Not only that but, he needs to evaluate your strengths so he could - in his mind - protect you, right? All throughout the mission you were efficient with utilizing your cursed technique, but in the end you had still ended up with minor injuries; some bruises, others scratches. They could turn major if he wasn't there to watch over you once you're faced with stronger, more complex opponents, no?
⠀ ⠀The idea terrorized itself into the core of his amygdala. He feels fear. He has to know more about you.
⠀ ⠀Because he couldn't find you in the period you both are working, with minimum time for breaks, Geto convicted himself to obtrusive methods of locating you.
⠀ ⠀By locating, that means he simply resorted to stalking you, hence how he discovered your not-as-kind family.
⠀ ⠀Your parents, monkeys, with no ounce of cursed energy whatsoever. Whose talents don't even do jackshit for society— who has the audacity to ridicule you like you're nothing but dirt. Rummaging through files he shouldn't have access to, Geto was revealed with information that you were scouted by the school after they found you coping furiously with your cursed technique after an argument which led you to being kicked out of the house you used to live in.
⠀ ⠀You were unaware of your skill, yet you managed to achieve what other sorcerers take time to master. He finds you not only endearing, but enough to be revered by others. But his prior admiration turned into aggravation soon enough after scanning through your files again.
⠀ ⠀You have nowhere to live other than the highschool you both reside in, no one else for a support system, nothing at all. Hell, you're even financially dependent on the allowance of the high school, yet you even went as far as to treat him like it won't cut your budget. Again, you have nothing. 
⠀ ⠀But he could change that. 
⠀ ⠀He will give you everything you want.
⠀ ⠀If he finds a way to at least convince the higher ups to be given missions that require your presence - he could convince them that he shall be your temporary, no, longterm mentor - then he could be everything for you, and you could care for him too. You both could depend on each other, and he won't be so lonely, no? Won't feel so utterly useless, with no meaning to live life. You could be the very reason he still maintains his cool, the reason why he hasn't killed off those monkeys yet.
⠀ ⠀He will find a way.
⠀ ⠀Geto Suguru always finds a way. He is, after all, a jujutsu sorcerer.
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⠀ ⠀And so you were suddenly wormed beside Geto once more, though you were convinced that this wouldn't be the last time you will be paired with the mysterious man who keeps a composed smile, opposite to when you first met him. His eyebags, too, were smaller, like he has been regaining sleep once more. You couldn't deny that it made him even more handsome than your first impression of him.
⠀ ⠀His curt smile broke into a beam once he noticed you eyeing him up and down. 
⠀ ⠀Compared to last time, he seemed healthier. Was there something that induced a sudden change in him? Of course, you can't really assume anything since you have met him only once, but there's something about him that you couldn't pin-point. Despite shining brighter than before - you could describe him akin to the serene atmosphere of winter - there was a hidden undertone to him that scorches you, and you don't know why but you chose to ignore it in favor of prioritizing the newly assigned mission.
⠀ ⠀Looking back, the superiors' evaluation of you suddenly increased; and now you were paired with the special grade again, with no arbitrary explanation as to why him specifically. But it didn't really affect you personally, so there's no need to worry about anything.
⠀ ⠀In the blink of an eye, he was meticulously closer to you, right hand finding its way to your chin as his index finger beckons you to stare into his eyes. He mutters something under his breath, words you couldn't catch on. Then his smile grew wider than ever, you couldn't deny that it charmed even you.
⠀ ⠀"You sure do love staring at me, huh?" Despite the back of his fingers tenderly rubbing the sides of your chin, you couldn't bring it in yourself to pull back, a magnetic force compelling you to linger in your compromising position. Noticing barely any signs of discomfort, Geto's left hand finds itself holding your right and he brings it up near your chest and squeezes it affectionately.
⠀ ⠀Is he flirting with you?
⠀ ⠀"You must be undressing me with your eyes." He purrs, taking it further and kissing your knuckles whilst maintaining eye-contact with you. To that, you unhurriedly take your hand away from his grip (you swear that you nearly feel his clasp on you tightening for a slight second), and chuckled lightly.
⠀ ⠀Your response was curt, "Well, it feels like you are doing the same thing, no?" It's as if you were pretending the abrupt, sensual action he did didn't affect you one bit. He is, you couldn't deny one bit, incredibly attractive and you'd love to reciprocate the flirting but a reminder that he was a year above you and that you barely even know him clashes its way to your mind. And, for the most part, you only met him once. In that one singular meeting did he not display such provocative insinuations. It was just now that there was a sudden fondness that was triggered.
⠀ ⠀Can you really stand your ground against such a courteous man? Although he was a tad raunchy, maybe it wasn't only towards you? Does it really matter?
⠀ ⠀You're overthinking it, you figured as you snap out of your trance. Looking back at Geto once more, you gaze at him, leisurely, with not a negative thought but instead with goals aligning to your mission once more.
⠀ ⠀It was back again, your tender visage salted with rationale mentality. You've no knowledge about Suguru's increasing fondness of you, but you do know you would, by all odds, reciprocate his adoration of you soon enough.
⠀ ⠀Geto Suguru is a man who works between the line of preservation and consumption. To preserve the preciousness of human lives is a goal he doubts, and to consume curses is an everyday activity he comes to dread— but he was willing to preserve only your life whilst ultimately letting the image of you consume him.
⠀ ⠀Instead of you treating him to a snack before your mission, you find yourself entangled with Geto-kun - he insists on you calling him informally albeit the short time spent together - in your favorite restaurant, ordering your favorite foods and beverages, and chattering with him casually as "friends" do— after the mission. You were about to refuse his invitation but you halted as you were well aware that you did the same for him and it would be hypocritical of you.
⠀ ⠀Geto snickered lightly at your modest display, but was most definitely pleased as he reiterated what you said at your first meeting.
⠀ ⠀"Your stomach grumbled on our way out. You should eat, my treat. After all, a way to a man's heart is through food, yes?"
⠀ ⠀At that statement, you smacked him lightly in the arms and glared, amused, at him with thin lips— your expression then broke out into a laugh as you walked alongside him.
⠀ ⠀At least you could confidently say that by the end of the night that you had thoroughly enjoyed conversing with him. He was not only intellectual with words, but he was persuasive all throughout your debates with him in the restaurant. There were moments you disagreed with his sentiments, especially about humans born with no cursed energy, as you did. Though if you were to weigh it all out, you have made more agreements with him than disagreements and you weren't afraid to voice out your reasonings without invalidating him; he seemed to really like that about you, as you note his pleasant smile all throughout. He never broke his eye-contact with you too, eyes following your mouth forming the counterarguments whilst also acknowledging his assertions.
⠀ ⠀This was the first time in a while that actually liked the concept of debates, since Geto was so pleasing, so receptive of the things you say; like every word matters.
⠀ ⠀You really, really like this man.
⠀ ⠀Since you're aware of the new position assigned to you as his colleague despite not being in the same grade— you find yourself wishing for these "dates" to occur more often by the near future. And by future, you mean at least every week.
⠀ ⠀Perhaps it was a shared sentiment, but you really do feel a spark between you two, a linked closeness that transcends more than just acquaintances despite it being a second meeting. Or... you are perhaps consumed by fatigue from the mission as it is trickier by default when you find yourself working with a special grade.
⠀ ⠀And... Maybe your brain was too preoccupied, but you have never once had the thought of Geto knowing all your favorites cross your mind.
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⠀ ⠀Hours turn into days, days into weeks, and finally weeks turn months— and within that time frame did Geto Suguru experience a blizzard of emotions. All these burst inside of him like fireworks blazing through the midnight sky.
⠀ ⠀Everything was going well with you, of course. Every single day was a period of time where he was able to keep track of you; the time you wake up, eat, shower, even sleep. He knew your hobbies, too, after visiting your dorm whensoever. He even memorized the smell of your room, the various trinkets plastered around your walls, he could locate your bed without hesitation even with a blindfold— Geto could even recall the spots where the early sunlight hits your bed.
⠀ ⠀Every moment spent with you was an opportunity to know you better, on more personal levels. He was the first to know about your habits, those that you typically hide at face value, the ones you were embarrassed to show to your friends— ones only he (not even you were aware) notices and treasures. 
⠀ ⠀It was only fair that he lets you know about him in an equal amount. After all, every known boundary he has ever set were practically nonexistent when it comes to you. 
⠀ ⠀So he lets you in on his deepest darkest secrets. He whispers to you, nightly, about his interests, about his passions, about his greatest fears— the one thing he fears the most, one he has never told anyone; not his family, not his friends, nobody but you— is the alienation he feels from everyone. He has been through everything, he tasted death, and no one could relate to the taste of rot, not even his closest friends. Only you would know, you'll be the only one who holds his heart in your hand, even if he knows that you could betray him at any given moment.
⠀ ⠀But you won't.
⠀ ⠀He tells you all about all the vulnerable parts of him in hopes of garnering your attention on him. And yes you did, every part of you felt pity for him, and he loves the way you react. Geto loves your expressions. Loves the way your face twists to disgust one time, when he described what a mouthful of curses taste like. Or when you'd press your body behind him (he loves just how much you trust him enough to be intimately close to him), arms wrapped around his back, eyes tightly closed, and mouth slightly agape as the cool breeze of the air hits your face violently, as he flew both of you to take an arial view of the city at night, using a curse, of course.
⠀ ⠀Every face you make, obscure or not, triggers intense reactions from the man. So much so he feels like he could die from perspiration the first time you reciprocated his flirting, by kissing his cheeks, taking him aback. Goodness, he won't ever let anything get in between you two, and he most definitely would never forget the instance you smiled lopsidedly at him right after, a slight flush on your face.
⠀ ⠀Menial conversations became in depth discussions when it came to you, even if your responses would sometimes have frivolous undertones in them; Geto would still want to crawl deeper into your brain, have a need to disect every single information you know. Every course of action you make, the black-haired man would always find examples to love about you. Sometimes, it feels like you're a specimen living under his care, but God does he worship you like you are divine in every way.
⠀ ⠀And Geto wasn't merely a special grade sorcerer for nothing (and they are known for using eccentric methods to get what they want). He was right to assume that the more he initiated on displaying his liking for you, through actions especially, the more you grow increasingly fond of him, but not to his levels of... obsession.
⠀ ⠀But you bask in the attention of your sensual sorcerer, so it wasn't a surpise that, well—
⠀ ⠀It only took a little bit of time to pass - though it felt a very long period of Geto; he had to remind himself that patience and perseverance is key - and then suddenly you two were finally official.
⠀ ⠀And like lovebirds, everywhere you went, you were accompanied by Geto. Hand holding, hands on your waist, eyes finding its way to look at only you, even if there is another person in the room trying to talk to him— it's like he wants to connect himself to you in every way possible. You don't mind it at all, though, already aware enough of his circumstances when it comes to attachment issues.
⠀ ⠀You have been so close before, but even more intimate now, to the point his colleagues and teachers alike were aware of your tight-knit relationship. Even Gojo Satoru, resident tormentor of Jujutsu Tech, teased Geto about his increasing PDA with you, often guffawing in the background whenever he spots you two inseperably cuddling and pressing kisses into each other's cheeks like immature, hormonal teens.
⠀ ⠀You had even slept in the same bed as him.
⠀ ⠀When he woke up the next day, with your head nuzzled into the crevice of his neck, his arms squeezing your body against his, warm sheets entangling both of you together like a cocoon... When you utter random noises in your sleep, snuggling closer to him whenever your dreams become unpleasant... He watches over your slumbering form, sometimes even shifts to make sure you're in a better position, to make sure that the duvet covers you entirely.
⠀ ⠀Geto has never thanked any being above, never intended to, believing that sorcerers are the truly divine beings that humankind should worship— but he laudes whoever is out there, his ancestors perhaps, that for once he was endowed with someone beyond anything he would ever want. You are everything Geto needs in his life.
⠀ ⠀So why is it that..?
⠀ ⠀With everything going so well, so perfect...
⠀ ⠀It was all so perfect until...
⠀ ⠀The notion of prosperity came tumbling down, like a world-ending meteor, when one of his close juniors died from a curse, with his fellow partner in the mission suffering gravely after him. Haibara Yu, a bubbly underclassman who you was also your classmate, so it was no doubt that you, too, grieved.
⠀ ⠀He never wants to see that solemn expression in your face again...
⠀ ⠀The lump of flesh that was presented to Shoko Ieri and the other students, all shoved inside a cadaver bag, reeked of flesh— a scent all jujutsu sorcerers were accustomed to, but never coped with if they bare the knowledge that that someone is familiar with them. He shouldn't have been so affected; in ways where despite caring for his junior... He feels a mixture of animosity brimming inside him.
⠀ ⠀He shouldn't have been so jealous of a corpse gaining the slightest bit of your spotlight, shouldn't be so envious of the way you spill tears over someone else... But most importantly, he hates it when you'd be stuck in a dissociative trance afterwards, just like the one he was in when Riko died. 
⠀ ⠀Everything snaps the moment he remembers his discussion with that fellow blonde-haired special grade, the dead-beat who never did her job. Geto didn't enjoy conversing with her, finding her reasonings meaningless, her words of persuasion only reserved for her interests. He didn't indulge in her as he did you. But that particular conversation cemented itself in his brain, and now he's stuck with questions swirling his mind, questions he knew would be answered with vehement solutions.
⠀ ⠀Then he was back at it again, after rediscovering his memories, in a spiral of neverending speculation. Why do sorcerers need to protect those foul monkeys? Why is it that it is the sorcerers who have to adjust to the norm? Why are they regarded as the odd bunch? Why do they have to die for useless beings lower than them?
⠀ ⠀Amidst all the questioning he does, there were relevant ones that struck a particular nerve in him.
⠀ ⠀It all circles back to you. You, you, you.
⠀ ⠀Why would it not be you?
⠀ ⠀And what if...
⠀ ⠀What if you had died instead of Haibara?
⠀ ⠀Tears, salty and brimming with bitter feelings, for the first time in ages, trickled out his eyes, sliding uncomfortable against shivering skin. Uncontrollable and inevitable. What came with despair was also hysteria.
⠀ ⠀He couldn't cope with that idea. No, not at all— he wants to extinguish the very possibility that you, of all people, could die very early just because— because you would forfeit your life for worthless ones. You're way more than just a sacrificial lamb; you're Geto's everything. He couldn't afford to lose you, couldn't even grasp the prospect of your death.
⠀ ⠀The shower water plummeled down his head like a hailstorm, to his torso, until it nipped on his feet with its unforgiving frost.
⠀ ⠀But he knows you. He's aware that despite the rocky relationship you have with your family, or the demeaning comments from your supposed friends, that you would die for those untalented monsters. You're too considerate. He wants that consideration all for himself.
⠀ ⠀ He hates it, he hates everything whenever you consider everyone but yourself. He will take care of it, of you. But how could he? Not when you insist on sitting quietly and receiving all those harsh treatments forced on you.
⠀ ⠀ He has never felt so helpless before. It devours him, inside and out, like insects crawling on his skin, nipping and biting flesh— like he himself was merely a corpse for maggots to pig through.
⠀ ⠀ It's almost class time, and even if he dreads coming to the class of three (minus one, as Gojo is now consistently busy with missions), burden running down his spine at the notion that you would be in a separate class.
⠀ ⠀Geto overlooked the fact that, despite suffering from the solitude of the bathroom showers, ​​​​​​he isn't as alone as he thought, not anymore. For in his misery, you share the sentiment.
⠀ ⠀ You await him, in his room, eyes sore from incessant tears, body especially nearly letting you down after countless bouts of harming yourself over being unable to comfort your boyfriend over his turmoil. Yet you're unwavering from your seated position, ready to confront your boyfriend shall he ever lead into a path of self destruction.
⠀ ⠀Geto stumbled out of the showers, somber mind neglecting the very schedule he has plastered all over his head, a display of utter patheticness. At this time of the day, you were always loitering around his dorm.
⠀ ⠀ How could he have forgotten? As he rubs fatigue off his eyes, he ceased in his tracks, ears picking up a slight wringing. His wet hair drenched the t-shirt he threw on, but the sharp, frore water isn't the cause of his shivering— it's you, who he saw in the corner of his eyes, sat on his bed.
⠀ ⠀He should've expected it, it was already part of your daily routine to visit him, yet it still shook him when he found a blob of your hair color in his peripheral vision— so much so to the point that even breathing betrayed him.
⠀ ⠀Why was he crying again?
⠀ ⠀ There's no other way to describe Geto's situation, other than that of a trapped dear, with no way to outrun a speeding car in the middle of the road— but you're not the type to harm him - maybe in bed you would, pleasurably - but you wouldn't hurt him because you wanted to. Yet he still fears showcasing vulnerability, afraid of betrayal, especially from you. So all he could do was stand, feet losing sensation, unable to move an inch; to even breath was to move, and he couldn't.
⠀ ⠀ But it was you who cut into the thick atmosphere, standing up, footsteps unheard, towards Geto who was rooted on the floor, body tense.
⠀ ⠀ The first thing he saw when he glanced up with ruddy eyes was your gentle gaze.
⠀ ⠀ He visibly relaxed, albeit unmoving. It doesn't matter, though, not to you at least— because you see his tear-stained cheeks and puffy, tired eyes and uptight body that tells you he won't be emotionally recovering soon. You want do to nothing more other than to spoon him wholly and tell him you'll deal with everything. But you can't. You can't because you're not of the same status as him, not strong enough you stress. And you can't because you're tired, too, just like him and all the others, but especially him. And although you tell yourself that you're an intrepid Jujutu sorcerer who should bare no weaknesses; you can break as easily as the others.
⠀ ⠀ But you have to be strong for him.
⠀ ⠀ Holding his hands in yours, you give it a gentle squeeze, looking down on him with loving eyes. You beat him to it, beat him at his game and questioned him if he's alright, if he needed space to think. To which his answer was to strongly grip your palm a second after the question, gaze hardened on you, as a confirmation that he did not, in fact, want you out his room, for others to look at you and comfort you.
⠀ ⠀ You ask him what's wrong, only for you to sputter back and tell him that he's not​​​​​ obligated to answer any of your questions should he not be stable enough.
⠀ ⠀ Not a single response... You ask again, eyes now harboring a demand for answers, but there's nothing.
⠀ ⠀ Slight irritation follows your countenance when all you were met with was silence...​​
⠀ ⠀Then your stark personality displays itself once more, your voice a deeper octave as you palm his face and stare deeply into his eyes; he falls in love all over again That's when you began mumbling to him, like you're sharing secrets nobody else could access. When you tell him that he has every right to grieve and be frustrated at the same time, that he shouldn't hold back tears; he felt bare naked in front of you. But you weren't scrutinizing him, even if all that comes out your mouth is the truth, ones that should've hurt him for making him feel defenseless in the arms of danger, but didn't. Because those words were from you.
⠀ ⠀Your word is God, and he calms down just enough to stare back at you, shaky figure and everything, and brings his hands to cup your palm, rubbing lovingly.
⠀ ⠀ You peck his cheeks, giggling when you felt the sheer wetness it was drowned in. But before you could pull back as quickly, Geto's head moved faster to kiss your mouth, passionate and seering, hands resting on your waist. It took a few seconds of nuzzling into each other, but it felt like eternity before he withdrawed, palms tenderly rubbing your cheeks.
⠀ ⠀Geto Suguru didn't just love you— he loves you, every part of you. And he decides, from now on, whether you'd consent or not, that you'll never leave him. Familial bonds are nothing to you, now that your parents have finally passed away (and you've no idea on their cause of death, nor the fact that they were brutally mauled by an amalgation of curses), your friends are nothing compared to him— you are the- the only one that matters to him, and he wishes you would reciprocate that notion. 
⠀ ⠀So a choice (one where you, perhaps, will never have a say in) was set in Geto's persistent mind; now or never.
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⠀ ⠀Geto hopes you would forgive him after everything. He hopes that you wouldn't mind it if you were to be permanently separated from the entire civilization, only to be admired by his greedy eyes.
⠀ ⠀ 'Protect human lives?' No, he will not even spare a glance at to those monkeys. He'd prioritizes on a new goal— to protect your life, firstly. From any harm, any danger; from something as small like a prick of a needle to even death itself.
⠀ ⠀ He loves it when you look at him, eyes shining with adoration every time he saves you from momentary danger. So he'll do it again. Though, only now will you be permanently safe, where no filthy nothings may lay hands on you.
⠀ ⠀He hopes that you wouldn't notice how he has an apartment set up just for both of you, that you wouldn't wonder why all your belongings - that were left in your bygone, desolate house - were now moved into the multisectioned rooms designed just for your taste.
⠀ ⠀ He sets a date on his calendar for the day you would be relocated in a new space far more homely and spacious than the dorms in Jujutsu Tech.
⠀ ⠀ By the time the moon engulfs the sky with its dim light, he'd drug your favorite dinner whilst you're comfortably oblivious to his ministrations. He'll be conversing with you while sometimes feeding you portions of his food, as couples always do (except for the part his tongue would linger a bit long on his chopstick after he fed you with it), laughing tenderly with each others' jokes and simply enjoying the solitude of being together... Then after a while you would be too hazy to comprehend anything, and Geto, being your ever-so loving boyfriend, will guide you to your now shared dormitory, and he'll tuck you in, not after you briefly snuggle with him in bed— and, well, he didn't want to get up from your tight embrace. But he has to, for the sake of your safety and his sanity.
⠀ ⠀ The travel would be made as smooth as possible, with silent promises that you won't even feel a wee bit of discomfort despite your heavily drugged state; he'll guarantee you won't awake from your slumber— he would curse himself if he wasn't gentle with your while you were in your most vulnerable state. The look he has on his face as he stares at your closed eyes and stable breathing is so soothing, just like all the times you've treated him nicely. He'll be so... so good to you. He'll secure himself with the position as the only one you'll ever need in your life. If he can't abide by his promises, then he doesn't deserve to be called your lover. 
⠀ ⠀ You'll- you'll give him another chance, wouldn't you? Even if the chances see your friends (they're unworthy of your presence, never appreciating you for all the things you've done for them) or family (as if you have any to come back to; he eliminated those worthless beings) would be zero— you'll understand, no?
⠀ ⠀ You don't have to do any arduous chores inside the apartment. Everything would be given to you as long as you stay with him. Everything. You'll be granted limited access to internet, with all your history rooted into his tracking devices— though you'd have every means of entertainment you want. Food isn't a problem, your device would only have access to Geto's phone, so you could call him any time your stomach buzzes with hunger, and the fridge is always stocked with your favorite snacks. Every hobby you would garner would be indulged in— you had once briefly mentioned your interests in crocheting, but never having the opportunity to due to clashing schedules between school and personal life. Now is the perfect opportunity to do anything, as long as it stays within his radar.
⠀ ⠀ All you have to do is, as hard as it may be, is to accept your new living environment. Nothing else would change, even if you choose to fight him back at first— because Geto loves you, and he'll deny his heart the turmoil of ever losing you.
⠀ ⠀ So once you'd arise from the bed with an unfamiliar, yet cozy blanket, (that he bought specifically catering to your tastes), he would be at your beck and call before you could even properly sit up (still sober from the heavy dosage of sedatives your boyfriend forced on you without your knowledge).
⠀ ⠀ Any concerns you would ask, it would be entertained with Geto plastering a silvery smile, even if your tone harbored unease. If tears ever came running down your eyes, Geto wouldn't shut you up, but he definitely wouldn't leave you be, to your thoughts alone - like he was back then - not at all. He'd approach you so steadily, careful if you'd flinch the slightest bit once his legs hit the mattress, and he'll hold you so tightly (worst part is, you've no chains or ropes tied on your limbs, no evident scars that was whilst Geto was on the process of kidnapping you. You have nothing to be mad about. He is just so gentle), apologizing profusely as if he wasn't the reason why you're even weeping in the first place once he thoroughly explained the reason for your abduction.
⠀ ⠀ He hates it when you cry, but God does he love it when, despite susceptible state of anguish, you'd reciprocate his hold; as if even your mind, body, and heart couldn't deny that it ultimately belonged to Geto.
⠀ ⠀ So you have to bargain your way through this, not out of it— you're logical enough to know your strengths and weaknesses and you know that in terms of strength, your lover would win. You know him better than everything, and you don't accept easy defeat, you want to fight your way out of this but... The look of adulation in Geto's eyes is way too familiar, that you're the one falling in love again, albeit the strange circumstances.
⠀ ⠀ Then you weigh everything that has been happening for the past for months, and all the signs hits you in the damn face. Geto didn't flirt with you with the intentions of playing with your heart as you have thought so in your second meeting— because if he did, he wouldn't have known all your favorites, didn't say all the words you wanted to hear. He planned everything from the start. Yet you don't feel an ounce of malice from him, you didn't do anything wrong— you weren't abducted because he wanted to torture you; you were abducted because he wants you. For himself, away from the world that wants to tear you to shreds. You brought this onto yourself, so willing to give your heart and soul to the man you thought you love, the man you still do love.
⠀ ⠀ Fuck. A new batch of tears painted your already tear-stained face. You stare at him, his furrowed brows, his handsomely sculpted countenance - the one you held so fondly, kissed a thousand times, worshipped eternally -  yours so incredulous, so filled with utter disarray. Why do you forgive him after everything? Why, nothing more or less, do you want him to tell you everything is alright, since he's there for you?
⠀ ⠀ Perhaps it's the emotions building inside you that bursts like a dam. The resentment you built upon your childhood, or the tears you've wasted on past crushes, or the whole entire world pressuring you to endure through its own faults. Maybe you were similar to him in more ways than one.
      And maybe that's why instead of convincing him to let you go, you tell him you won't be going anywhere. His appalled reaction motioned you to continue, to tell him that you're tired, of life, of everything that's been going on so far. You never wanted to be a sorcerer, but you've no choice lest you wish to sleep on the cold sidewalk of the streets. Every single day was constant pressure, dread that one day you may be disposed of by the high school you reside in shall you ever display a single flaw.
      All the built up secrets that you confided in him shattered his heart to pieces. And it breaks him even more knowing he shares the same sentiment with you. No more. The abrupt kiss to your mouth promptly shut you up, before you could even continue, and you let it be. You willingly open your mouth when he softly nibbled on the bottom of your lips, wet tongue already attacked by another the moment his entered your mouth. The bitter ache in your heart receded. You let him be.
      There was nothing inherently sexual with his and your actions, it was nothing but romantic in your eyes. Tongues entwining, saliva mixing, choaked moans, and all doubts and burdens ceasing in one heated moment— your kisses never lasted long, nor did it ever lead into a make-out so intense like you're both fusing; but it's exactly what you need right now: To get drunk off the passion of Geto's heavy lips and the lack of oxygen that comes after...
      It's enough to make you sleepy, as you gently push your boyfriends slightly ruddy face off of you, at a distance where he was close enough that your noses could still touch. Your face flushes even more at the string of saliva interconnecting both your mouths, but your eyes find itself back into his already piercing eyes, clouded with dizzying passion. Every part of you feels like it would burst into flames the more you relish under his intense gaze, so you opted to move quickly and bury your head into the side of neck, hands lazily plastered on his waist, mouth readily nearing his ears. He reciprocated your actions, chuckling fondly at your affectionate gestures as his knees adjusted to pin both your thighs together, whilst his arms act as a cage to trap you against his chest.
      Before you could utter a word, Geto beats you to it, telling you that you should both sleep already. Despite you having been knocked out for an entire day, with a buzzing headache and numb limbs, it's no doubt you were still tired, and he was too... You move your head from the comfortable position nested on his shoulders and look back at him, at the small eyebags that once again found itself on his face— it takes you back to when you first met him. Burnt out, mellow, but undeniably handsome. You kissed him again, shorter and sweeter this time, nodding as you shifted to lay on the bed, leaving space for Geto, who is still seated, watching you with an indiscernible expression.
      Beckoning for him him drowsily, to join you, you've promptly felt the confines of sleep taking you further into the world of dreams. Dreams where you'd wake up with your loving and compassionate Geto, rather than that of escaping the cage he set up for you. It took a few seconds for your boyfriend to finally move, laying down beside you with arms creeping to your waist. Not a single word was said, only the ruffling of the blanket was heard. You're the one who spoons him when it comes to sleeping in a shared bed together, but his hands found itself moving your head to his chest - the thumping of his heart entrapped in his ribcage tells you he's calm enough, trusting that you won't escape from his ministrations - as though to tell you that only you can have his heart in your hands, nobody else. It didn't take long for you to slowly shut your eyes once more, admitting that his heartbeats was a comforting source for slumber.
⠀ ⠀'You're just so adorable,' he thinks to himself, drifting into the same land of dreams as you, holding you tightly and never letting go.
⠀ ⠀ ...
⠀ ⠀ Geto Suguru is a man of a few words, who dons a plethora of promises, shall you ever be wanting. When he first saw you whilst looking through your files, he at first thought you were average, unmemorable by standards. But even in first impressions would there always be a magnetic draw, strong enough to make it last eternally. (Un)fortunately for you, Geto has always loved you without even knowing it, and the way your first night together - you being away from the tainted hands of civilization - was beyond tranquil, unnatural traits from a prey who was taken unwillingly.
⠀ ⠀ But nothing else matters. Not the concept of healthy relationships, nor the opinions of family or friends, and most certainly not the ridiculing of society's norms.
⠀ ⠀ Nothing matters other than the two bodies entangling themselves on a bed for two, settling in for the night, as lovers do.
​​​╭── ⋅ ⋅ ────────── ✩ ────────── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮
      —       PLEASE ! Leave comments, follow me and share this to anybody if you enjoyed this one-shot. It would be appreciated greatly. I've been through writer's block for nearly a year or two now, and writing this helped me combat it. I thoroughly enjoyed making this, and I hope that it's good enough for the readers too! It took me very long to write all these out, as I am rusty wirh writing (and I struggle with English), but really, I would appreciate interaction and likes over anything else! I might publish this as a stand-alone one-shot in a separate book. As always, don't hesitate to request! Thank you for reading this!
26.1 Pages
Published: 02/25/2024
Word Count: 9100+ words
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ────────── ✩ ────────── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
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causenessus · 2 months
try again
“she starts her day with music. she always does. when she wakes up, on the way to work, even while she’s at work, she plays songs in her waiting room. she can’t hear them, but her clients waiting outside can, and she hopes they enjoy them. she’s always trying out new playlists, looking for new songs, trying to expand her music taste. it’s not like any of them really mention it or talk to her. they probably barely pay attention to the lyrics or know what the songs are about, so it’s like an inside joke with just herself. after her last client leaves, she sits in her own waiting room for a little bit, waiting for the current song to finish before she shuts off her speaker. she doesn’t need to put this much effort into something simple. no one cares, but she hopes maybe someday someone will notice them and ask her for a song that played, or about the playlist she’s using. she'd be grateful for anything.”
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sometimes he wakes up in cold sweat still thinking about it. 
the day will haunt him forever. every time he’s on the court and his arms stretch behind him as he prepares to jump. it is behind every spike, every sharp prick of frustration he gets in his neck every time he starts to get stressed; it is always there.
he knows stress is normal. it’s a part of everyday life and every single game he plays. the stress of winning, of trying to outmaneuver his opponents, get past their blocks, and read their minds as well of the minds of his own teammates as he tries to work fluidly with them.
but now there is a chill that runs down his spine every time he feels himself getting a little too frustrated, or feels the suffocating feeling of being shut down again and again, and his heart rate quickens at the thought of the numerous effects his failures are having. and then there is the single thought that runs through his mind, as he can’t help but steal a glance at his coach, sitting on a metal bench nearby. a silent plea, in response to whayever the man is thinking, watching his performance, ‘please don’t bench me again.’
he never wants to be on that bench again. never wants to feel the cool metal against the back of his legs contradict the red-hot anger flooding the rest of his body. never wants to feel the relief in his legs when he finally sits down again; because he would rather stay on the court and destroy his body, running, diving, jumping, doing anything until he is physically unable to move another inch again. he had always been one to prioritize care for himself over anything else, but not since that day.
the one day that has haunted him ever since–the day they stopped him before he was ready to be done.
the day they took him out of the game. when he heard that whistle, and looked to see who was being switched out, everything stopped when he saw his own number staring back at him: 15. everyone on his side of the court froze, watching him walk to take the sign. he doesn’t even remember who switched with him; the moment he stepped off the court his vision was spotty, and the only thing he could hear or feel was the blood pounding in his ears.
he was numb all over otherwise. he didn’t process his own feet moving, dragging himself to sit next to his coach, who had pointed at the spot next to him on that silver bench.
“you need to calm down, kiyoomi,” he barely registered the man’s voice, or his own name. it sounded grating against his ears, and his vision was still focused on the ground beneath him, a single thought going through his mind, ‘i need to get back on the court. now. now. now–’
he looks up this time, to his coach, but his hands are balled into fists, nails digging into his own skin. he’s not even sure what he’s feeling. if it’s blinding anger, disappointment in himself, both, or everything at once. if he’s angry, he doesn’t know at who. at his coach, for taking him out, at himself, for getting himself here, or his teammates; he’s not one to blame others, but he can’t help but feel they’re all out of alignment today. or maybe it’s just him that’s not fitting in today.
“kiyoomi listen to me. you’re getting too much in your head. you’re making irrational decisions that are costing the team points. you're not telling anyone what you're doing or planning and it's making everyone else uptight because they can see how angry you are. you need to calm down,” his coach is talking again, and his throat closes up.
his knee is bouncing, and he’s restless, looking at the game go on right in front of him and yet he’s not there. he’s not on the court. he's on the sidelines, like a weak, useless bystander. “i understand,” he forces himself to say. “i can calm down. i’ve calmed down. i see that i was affecting my teammates. i will communicate with them and think more about my decisions. will you put me back in the game?”
it’s his coach’s turn to not respond, and kiyoomi feels like his own life is being taken from him right in front of his eyes and he can’t even do anything about it. he forces himself to breathe normally and clear his mind without losing his focus on the game. he relaxes his shoulders as best as he can and he ignores the choking feeling in his chest. he's hidden all signs of his anger, but it’s still stuck in him–he can feel it–but that doesn't matter, as long as he gets back on the court. he tries his best to appear calm and relaxed, hoping his coach will see and let him return to the game.
but he doesn’t.
sakusa kiyoomi sits on that bench for the rest of the game.
not allowed to go back.
ever since then, he’s learned to catch himself before he gets too angry. he’s learned to hold in all of his pent-up feelings. he keeps them buried deep down inside of him where no one will ever see them and maintains a calm face. he knows not to let it show until the game has been finished, and he has bowed to the stands and retreated back to the locker rooms.
he’s always the first one in there, trying to grab his things as quickly as possible and be the first one out, too, while the rest of his teammates are still out on the court cheering. he hears their voices the entire time until they near the locker room and hush, knowing he’s in there. he slams his locker door closed in a futile attempt to relieve some of his anger, leaving before anyone can talk to him, and so that they can talk to each other without feeling like they’re walking on eggshells around him.
he doesn’t want to be treated like glass–as if he can’t handle being around them–but he knows they’re better off without him, anyway.
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extras <3
I FORGOT TO MENTION IN THE PROLOGUE that the way i'm doing song reccs this smau around is very much inspired by the way they are done in static by @eggyrocks !!! you should definitely check out their works <3
i included the tiniest "previous texts" in the peas in a pod gc mainly just to show that omi and the whole group is still silly :) he's just going thru it (there used to be another snippet of previous texts between atsumu and omi but i removed it)
atsumu is definitely playing cupid and is purposely witholding names so that neither omi or y/n know they're going to see each other
it's like a blind date except for it's therapy
y/n is very prone to texting in a very "professional, therapist" voice but then will switch up on accident. she does it to everyone all the time and sometimes it is a little unnerving bc out of nowhere all of a sudden she'll start ending her texts with periods and you think you've done something wrong
apologies for any pacing issues!! i've changed things like 15 times and i'm tired now
taglist: @wyrcan @guitarstringed-scars @strawberryuri @violetesensou @kakeru-eem @glmge @heytheredemonsss @mollyrolls @bemebiu @daszy @snail-squasher @0moonii @thiisisntlovely @todorokiskitten @rory-cakes @hyenagoated @iatethemochi @yuminako @savemebrazilhinata @kismyscars  @bokutoko @nobodybutnnoorr @wolffmaiden @daisy-room @softpia @lees-chaotic-brain @v3nusplanetofluv @crispchocolates @phoenix-eclipses @hhoneyhan @encrypta @rockleeisbaeeee @cr4yolaas @zombriesworld @localgaytrainwreck @moucheslove @hibernatinghamster @notverymarley @certaindreampost @akaakeis @ciderscape @lucien-luna @strawbrinkofdeath @wave2mia @samuel1004 @01trickster10 @dazqa @cosmiicdust @chemiru
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jakesangel · 2 months
꣑୧ your big sister's advices ꣑୧
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diet advice
my diet
night snaking
healthy meals
whne to feel full
how to lose weight
eat less sweets
tumblr tips
how to start posting
make smau's - how to use twinote
how to have a pretty layout pic
beauty management - workout tips
random tips - another one
hair care routine
sore muscles - what i use
my workout videos
health influencer i look up to
health/routine tips
new pilates routine ᵎ
life advice - mindset advice
feeling overwhelmed
stay optimistic
not giving up
feeling tired everyday
how to be humble
feeling like a 'failure' at staring something
get back on track
sunday/reset routine
study tips - time management
study tips
my daily routine - how to handle everything
waking up early
sleeping early
language learning advice
learning korean 1 2 3 4
korean vlogs
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strniohoeee · 10 months
hey, can you do some fluff like yn has anxiety, and Matt helps her, thanks @stupendousoperatorwolfathlete
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Y/N is suffering from anxiety silently until Matt takes notices and talks with her🫂
Warnings⚠️: None just mentions of anxiety. I would say this is more of a blurb because it’s really short, but hope you enjoy still🫶🏽
Song for the imagine: I’m God- Clams Casino, Imogen Heap
It’s what
I think
Bite tongue, deep breaths
I was sitting with Matt watching The Breakfast Club when suddenly my thoughts started to race. This has been happening to me frequently. I would wake up feeling anxious and sick, and I would try and focus on something else. It would work for a while, but then that feeling came back
These last two days I’ve been suffering from the worst anxiety of my life. I couldn’t exactly pinpoint what was causing it because my thoughts were just constantly racing. I felt the feeling creep up behind me working its way from my stomach up to my heart and chest and then into my brain
My breathing would quicken, and I would shut my eyes as my hands began to shake. I tried my best to calm myself down doing everything Matt would tell me to do in instances like this. Usually it would work, but these last two days it hasn’t been working the best
I sat next to Matt glancing over at him to make sure he couldn’t see me freaking out. I loved Matt, but I hated being a burden as far as my anxiety. He had his own anxiety to worry about, and I didn’t want mine to affect him at all
My breathing began to pick up, my chest rising and falling rapidly. My hands began to shake and my stomach began to turn. I tried my best to calm myself down. Shutting my eyes and breathing in through my noses
Suddenly I let out a sigh that I didn’t mean to, and Matt instantly looked over at me concern written all over his face
“Are you okay?” He asked pausing the movie
“Yeah I’m good, sorry” I said in a whisper
“That was an anxious sigh, I know you babe. What’s wrong?” He asked me turning towards me more
“I’m okay I promise” I said giving him a smile
“Talk to me” he said grabbing my hands to stop them from shaking
“I’m not so sure. I just have been feeling really anxious these past two days, and for no reason. I don’t want to burden you with this” I said shaking my head
“This isn’t a burden at all if there’s anyone in your life who can really help you it would be. Don’t ever feel that way” He said smiling at me with sad eyes
“I know, I just hate this feeling and I wish it would go away” I said swallowing thickly
“Well what’s on your mind?” He asked me
“I don’t know, I always feel like I should be doing more with my life, I feel like I’m slowly becoming a failure and I feel like you’ll leave me because you’re going to get bored. And then I think about the future. Where will I be? What will I be doing? Are you there with me? It just keeps my mind racing” I said letting a tear slip
Matt wiped my eye
“Baby I will never leave you okay. You’re not a failure and you never will be. You have done so many amazing things and you continue to do amazing things. And as far as the future goes, you can’t control that okay. You have to stop worrying about controlling what’s out of your hands. We just have to live everyday one by one and see where the wind takes us” he said giggling at his corny little metaphor
“You’re right. I’m sorry there’s no reason for me to be this way” I said giggling too
“It’s normal okay. Every human being feels this way from time to time, and that’s okay. Never struggle with this alone I will always be right here for you I promise my love” he said pulling me and hugging me
“Thank you Matt truly for everything. You make everything better” I said pulling away from the hug and kissing him gently
“I love you too. Just how you’re my rock I’m your rock too” he said smiling at me
“I love you” I said blushing and looking away for a second
“My beautiful girl what would I without you” he said pulling me and snuggling me in closely
“You’re too good to me” I said nuzzling in closer to Matt’s chest
He placed a kiss on my forehead, and unpaused the movie. Matt and I finished the film and decided to go for a drive to enjoy the scenery and get something to eat
It was so crazy to me how Matt made me feel so safe, and instantly was able to make me feel better about myself.
He’s the love of my life.
The End
I hope yall enjoyed this one! And I’m sorry it was short, but I’m not too sure how to make something like this lengthy. I also have two other imagines like this on my page, so I don’t want to get redundant🥹🖤🖤
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crusty-chronicles · 1 year
Airheaded S/O Headcannons #9: Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho)
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He wants you dead at first
But that's just because he's a bit standoffish
You'd waltzed in right as he had Yusuke suspended in his clutches at a warehouse.
"Yusuke, you left your calc homework on your desk, you ditz!"
And then you looked up and saw the three eyed demon and your friend.
And he was a little shocked that a human had found his hideout, even with his manipulated spirit energy.
"Kinda in the middle of something here," the greasy haired boy responded.
"Well cut that out for a second. I've got places to be."
Like you weren't just witnessing him about to be killed
It was so baffling how you just completely dismissed the situation, that Hiei's powers actually faltered and let the detective get away.
What the actual hell????
"Get out of here, now!" Yusuke warned.
And you'd just frowned
"Dude, it's not that deep. Why are you even here?"
Now was Hiei's chance to attack
But when he disappeared and quickly reappeared behind with his sword raised, you just caught the blade and glared at him
"Can you back off, I'm trying to talk to my friend."
You shooed him away like a pest.
And that was the moment he decided he wanted you dead.
A strong believer in survival of the fittest
And what the hell, because you had not a single working brain cell but were somehow stronger than him????
Kuwabara is your best friend and the two of you combined are stupid²
And it's horrible because there's only so much stupidity Hiei can take.
During the time he's still conforming after being caught, he spends most of it in the human world scouting you out for any weaknesses.
He still holds a grudge from the first time you met
But he's so damn surprised to find out that you're a walking hazard
How does one leave the stove, microwave, and oven on?
How does one forget that they're all on at the same time????
It would be so easy to let your own recklessness kill you
But his damn pride won't let that happen because he wants to be the one that defeats you
So, you wake up from your nap to see all your appliances turned off
Which is surprising because you vaguely remember cooking something before you feel asleep.
You do earn his respect eventually
It's when Yusuke is tasked with defeating the Saint Beasts
All of you were struggling to keep the roof up from collapsing
Yusuke had suggested Hiei be the one to pull the lever because he was the fastest.
And you'd said something then. Something that made him not want to kill you anymore.
"I might be able to hold the whole thing by myself. You all have to be really fast though."
"Are you crazy?!? There's no way we're gonna leave you behind. We're in this together or not at all," the oaf had protested.
You gave a dopey smile and released all your spirit energy at once, lifting the ceiling with all your might and alleviating the pressure from all the others.
"You scared, Kuwabara? People die everyday. What's one more?"
Hiei had never moved as fast as he did when he pulled that lever down.
You were a fool for risking your life over the others.
A fool for wasting your power on the weak.
But you weren't scared of death, of dying for your morals
And that had his respect.
Hiei does not baby you and finds great amusement in your failures
After all, you're not his responsibility
You accidentally got captured by a demon?
Good luck to whatever idiot thought they'd last more than a minute in the same room as you
You swallowed a poisonous plant Kurama was growing because you were hungry?
That's what you get for giving into your human whims
You threw a punch at an enemy that missed and hit Yusuke instead?
You should've hit him harder
Uses your naivety to his advantage
The tape with Yukina?
You'd told him without much thought about the situation
Only for Hiei to drag you towards where she was being held captive.
"Ooh, where are we going?"
"Just quiet down and follow me, human."
It's because you can sense spirit energy a little better than he can.
That and if he's spotted, he can just pass it off as you dragging him along to see Kuwabara.
Surprisingly, you're quiet and don't make a sound that gets the two of you caught.
And maybe he's a little grateful you don't question him about it.
You don't question why he wants to save this girl you've never heard of up until a few days ago.
You just go along with it because 'We're friends.'
You're so stupid for trusting him that easily when he wanted so badly to kill you not long ago
So unbelievably stupid for following around a demon just cuz
You had a fool's heart, that was for sure.
You were a trustworthy ally during the Dark Tournament, a strong warrior during the battle with Sensui, and a true fighter during the demon tournament.
It's the last event that he realizes he values you a little more than he should.
He had just barely beaten Mukuro and was set to fight you next.
The thing was, Hiei could barley stand with his injuries, while you hadn't broken a sweat.
This was the one fight he looked forward to the most, besides the one he wanted with the spirit detective.
But there was this look on your face
An uncomfortable yet sorrowful look.
Why weren't you as excited as he was?
He shrugged the feeling off as the announcer told them to begin.
His sword was long destroyed, so he resorted to basic combat skills instead.
He lunged, fist clenched to hit, but you just dodged with that same look
He tried again and the result was the same
You didn't even try to block his attacks, just moved out of the way.
Like he was beneath you to even try.
He recognized the look now
It was pity
And that infuriated him.
"Why won't you fight back!" A kick aimed for your side.
"You think you're so-called friendship matters here? Your emotions mean nothing. Not in here. So quit acting like a fool and fight!" A punch aimed at your throat.
You stopped it this time, but didn't attack him back.
You were making a fool out of him.
And before he could berate you again, you spoke.
"I don't care if we're friends or not. Either way, the fight still isn't fair."
And that had temporarily halted his anger.
"What do I gain from beating someone so injured, they can't stand up? What do you gain from fighting when you have no power? Think about it."
You didn't want to fight because you wouldn't enjoy it?
It wouldn't be a win for you
"It's not fair to either of us if we fight like this. We'd never get to find out who's really stronger."
Hiei was the fool.
He'd lashed out at Mukuro for letting her feelings get in the way and here he was, doing the same.
Letting his pride get in the way of rational thought
He'd been the one to get upset that you weren't fighting him as an equal, when the condition he was in clearly said otherwise.
"I know you don't want to lose the tournament, so I quit. But I want you to heal up and get stronger. Don't die because next time I see you, I'll kick your ass the way you want. Got it?"
Don't die
You and that oaf shared the same moral code.
But something about it being you made him tolerate it.
"...I surrender. I'm in no shape to continue. Y/n, you better not hold back next time."
Much to the dismay of the audience, the two of you walked back together. The outcome of the match: no winner.
There was something for him to look forward to now. A new goal.
He'd surpass you and then Yusuke.
Following the events of the demon tournament, he's a little softer towards you.
You and that stupid human heart of yours had him observing you from the trees.
He was unused to the heaviness he felt seeing you visit Yukina and making her laugh.
He couldn't understand the warmth consuming his face when you would fight a stray demon and win.
He didn't know why he used his Jagan to see you while he was in demon world.
But he did know he didn't like seeing you and the idiot duo hanging off of each other, cackling at something one of them said.
Don't count on him acting on his feelings.
He would never tell you.
But his actions towards you are more than enough to let the others know you're his.
He calls you fool(derogatory) and if he's feeling sweet, just by your name.
Jealousy is a big one.
Hiei's never had something special he's been allowed to keep.
So if you're spending a little too much time with Kuwabara, don't be surprised to see him at your window the next day.
He'll deny to his dying breath that he came all the way from demon world just to see you.
He'll also deny leaving some of his own clothing or even his sword at your house just so it smells more like him than it does your (just as stupid) best friend.
Hiei leaves for months at a time and without fail, will always come back the day after you went crying to Kurama that you think he's died.
(Thanks to his Jagan that is. There isn't a day he doesn't check up on you so he's bound to know when you miss him.)
Kurama is his best friend, but that doesn't stop Hiei from getting upset when he comes to get you and sees you sound asleep on the fox's bed.
You just smell so much like the other demon now, it pisses him off.
"Keep your scent off my human."
And Kurama finds immense joy in his childish anger.
"Maybe if you would physically see them more, they wouldn't come by so often."
And Hiei's grumbling as he picks you up, still dead asleep, to bring you back to the home that would restore his own scent back on you.
The time spent when you wake up is for sparring.
He can't find it in him anymore to fight you for real
But that doesn't mean he won't enjoy the false matches you have with each other.
He refuses to take you with him to demon world.
You have a life here
And though it's tempting to take you where you wouldn't be very far away from him, he knows you wouldn't be happy away from everyone else.
So, the one and only thing he does that hints at his feelings for you is give you the makeshift necklace made from hiruiseki stone. His to be exact.
"Take it."
"Why?" Your small little brain was struggling to figure out why he would want you to have it.
"It represents a promise. A promise that I'll be back for you no matter what. So take care of it for me, human."
NEXT UP: Kurapika Kurta
An: Yall sorry it took so long, i deadass got sick last week.
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myfandomprompts · 8 months
Hi, would you be willing to do any more Headcanons with Ewan's characters?
I thought about something like this, how each of Ewan's characters would react and act if he (the character) really liked the reader (I mean on a level of suffering for love), but the reader didn't reciprocate those feelings.
Hi anon! Of course, here we go:
Unreciprocated Love reaction - Ewanverse Headcanons
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He had set his eyes on you, it would be easy winning you over. But he hadn't expected the reader to refuse him, and he hadn't expected his infatuation to develop into extreme fixation. Suddenly when you're not around, he needs to know where you are, what you’re doing, with who. He hates not knowing. You don’t like him? Then maybe he’ll make you see that he is the only one for you.
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He does not often fall in love, and he doesn't accept failure, so he must be certain his feelings are reciprocated. When it's clear it's not, he bids his time, denies his enragement to the world and waits for you to have no choice but to fall in his arms. You will eventually, he is sure of it, he had never stepped down to a challenge, and you're the greatest of them all, he needs to have you.
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Billy Taylor:
Is sullen for months. It had taken so much time for him to gather the courage to confess, to tell you how much he cares about you. And it was all for disappointment. He doesn’t think his young heart can take it, and he doesn’t think it will ever heal either. Starts to pick up things you leave behind to collect them, because it reminds him of you.
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Billy Washington:
Absolutely crushed. But he isn't even surprised, he never had any luck in life, so having someone like you love him back would have been too good to be true. He tells himself he will be fine, get over it, but it doesn’t. It hurts when he learns you’ve gone out with one of his friends two days after he confessed and it hurts more that he has to see you everyday. He starts to be mean to his friend, real mean and soon he is afraid he’ll lose it in front of you. He can’t stand it.
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He doesn’t really understand the feeling, this sensation in his stomach when he looks at you but he knows he wants more. He has to obey his body, because it feels so good, and refusal is not an option. He won’t get angry, he won’t be violent, but he will stalk, and he will watch. At first. Then it’s just you and your incessant habit to ignore him and he can’t take it anymore. He has to do something about it. He’s just not sure you’ll like it.
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He knows his flirting technique isn’t perfect, but he at least expected something, some semblance of interest. Not indifference on your part and then complete avoidance. He admits that hooking up with one of their friends out of spite was not one his smartest moves, but at least he discovered from the jealous expression on your face that you might care after all. He’ll make you regret it at some level.
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Michael Gavey:
He knows there is no chance you like him back, no chance you would even consider it. But he can't help but ask one day. He had to, it drove him crazy: how he thinks about you every single hour of the day as well as during his waking hours at night, how every time he sees you he has a cold sweat. It falters his focus far more than he allows himself to, and he has to do something about it. But the rejection hurt more than any others, and now he just has to try and not being a fucking creep about you until he finished uni. Easier said than done.
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He doesn’t even know what to answer to Finan and Sithric when they ask him why he is sad all the time. How could he admit that it’s because he had suffered the greatest heartbreak of his life? How can he explain that he doesn’t feel like he couldn't live happily if he does not see you everyday, get to be close to you, talk to you. He wishes he could forget you ever existed. Maybe God will grant him this wish. But it's just a silly hope, and he is cursed to watch you from afar.
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Tom Bennett:
Pretend he would get over it soon. Tells himself that you were "too good" for him anyway. But then time passes and he doesn't feel like this for anyone else but you, so he starts to unconsciously live his life around you. He thinks he will grow out of it eventually, but it doesn't. The disappointment makes him crave for what he would have had if he was with you, but despite the frustration he doesn't let it bring him down. Tom Bennett is never discouraged after all, and he will continue being his charming self with you whenever he can.
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He tries. He really tries to let go and move on but knowing you don't feel the same is gnawing at him. Eventually he starts to feel angry, all the time and he blames you first, then himself. You were so nice to him, and now you act cold and distant. Soon there is only one thought in his head: he has to fix it.
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disciplined-cornfed · 6 months
Mantras to live by
Challenge all to say even a section of these daily every day and night and see how they change. Unleash the beast
Im a fucking work horse
I trot along and work.
I love working hard
I trot along and work
I love getting dirty
Sweat is the sign of high work ethic
I work fucking hard
Every fucking day
I love to lift
I live to lift
I make lifting a priority
A number one priority
Lifting brings me joy
Lifting gives me strength
Lifting gives me power
Lifting is my life
I love to lift
I live to lift
Lifting is a passion
I love to do pushups
I love to do crunches
I do pushups everyday
I do crunches everyday
Lifting is a priority
I love eating heatlhy
Eating healthy is right
It makes me feel right
Lifting is right
It makes me feel right
I live to lift daily
I lift daily
I lift daily
I never skip
I always lift
I lift daily
Everyday i lift
I love to lift everyday
Lifting brings me joy
Lifting is my passion
I love the pain i feel when i lift
I love the resistance
Pushing through the resistance is strength
I use proper form
I love to use the proper form
I use the proper form in absolute excellence
I lift and love to do it
The sound of weights brings me joy
The sound of weights brings me peace
When i lift i get in the zone
I push myself to the absolute
I push myself hard when i lift
I lift consistently
Cause i must lift consistent
Lifting consistently is the only path
I lift everyday and i love every moment
Lifting is my life
Lifting is everything
Lifting is my number one priority
I must lift
I love to lift
Studying is a number one priority
I love to learn more about lifting
Learning about lifting provides me more
So i learn more about how to properly engage with lifting
Learning about lifting and fitness is a priority
An absolute priority
I love watching lifters
Watching lifters brings me joy
I love talking to lifters
Cause they keep me focused on the important things
Lifting is a priority
I have a love of combat
Combat sports brings me joy
I love watching combat
Learning from failure breeds success
Watching others fight teaches me knowledge
Fire within lit
Be the workhorse
Be strong
Be better
I embrace the daily battles
The daily effort
The daily battle is everything
Absolutely everything
The daily battle is my life
The daily battle is my goal
The daily battle teaches me patience
The daily battle is rewarding
Effort is everything
Im a man of Discipline, of worthiness, and absolute respect
Im a man of excellence who always keeps his word
I exude discipline
I exude worthiness
I exude respect
I will always succeed
Everyday I challenge myself is a day I get better
Challenge is the blood of life
Challnege gives me energy
Challenge is motivating
Keep chiseing away
You’re not finished yet
You are not finished yet
You will never be finished
You can always be better
Every single day
Keep chiseling away
Away with the old
in with the new
Keep going
Push on
Chisel chisel chisel
Keep pushing
Keep going
Become unrecognizable
Change every day
Relentless forward progress
Discipline is waking up early
I dress disciplined
I wear gym clothes to the gym
I wear professional casual attire when i go out
I dress like a man
I am a well dressed man
I am structured
And ordered
I am disciplined
My mind is strong capable and disciplined
I am disciplined
I am traditional
I am honorable
I am amazing
I define my life by discipline
I always have a plan cooking in my mind
I do business
I live like a king
I fuck like a king
I make money like a king
I stand my ground and call shit out
Im unshakable in my beliefs
I call out all bullshit.
I am a fucking badass
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tears-grow-gardens · 1 month
TW- ed rant
This is my first ever tumblr post. Normally I'm just a wall flower, sitting quietly in the tumblr corner reading other peoples posts and thoughts hoping to feel less alone in my own mind. I'm not even sure what I want to say but for the past 4 years I have struggled with my eating, some days are really bad and other days it's just like an itch, like I know all the rules, fear and guilt that has stained me but I feel stronger not to let it win. 2-3 years ago I was at my worst, I was in my 3rd year of University, I had lost all hope and drive in my life and I let everything crumble through my fingers, I was failing classes, isolating from everyone, loosing sight of my dreams and what mattered to me. I don't know who was holding the wheel to my life but I felt I had lost control with all of it. I didn't know how to change or help myself, I was so tired of always feeling like a failure to myself and everyone around me. I had been dealing with depression and anxiety for so long and serious case of undiagnosed ADHD and all these feeling felt so permanent, like they would never go away, so I turned to something I felt I could control, which was food. There was nothing I hated more in the world than myself, my body, my face, the way that I believed people saw me. I hated every inch of who I was. I thought that if i could control what went in i would get the results I've always wanted and maybe even get to like the way I look. And the results came, it felt so good to be able to get something right, like for the first time in my life I didn't feel like a complete failure. The feeling of hunger gave me power, how I didn't have to say words to people that I was hurting inside because they could see it from the outside. Wake up, look in the mirror, walk, workout, coffee, walk, coffee, porridge, starve, walk, mirror, bed. This was my life but fortunately or unfortunately I was sniffed out like a rat from one of my house mates who confronted me, it felt like I was standing there naked and exposed with all my secrets written on my skin. After that I felt I had to change, I felt watched and analysed with every move I made. My weight goals put into a box, I tried to make amends with my body and mind but from the years to follow the voices never left my head. Sometimes the voices are merely a whisper and other days the voices are so loud it feels like everyone else can hear them too. Now here I am on tumblr 4 years later writing to say I have relapsed, not that I think I ever recovered but more I was idle with temptation to destroy myself and now I'm back, born again to hack my body to pieces. Ive found myself almost everyday purging in the bathroom, even if its been a normal, healthy meal. I just want to crawl out of my skin and shrink into nothing. I don't want to die and I don't want to live like this but i feel years of rage within me of unnoticed pain that I want to scream to the world and let them know. I have dreams and I want them to exist one day as true but I don't know how I'll ever rid myself of these dark paralysing thoughts. I'm so tired of feeling unloved and lonely, in my 22 years of life I have never known what it is or what it feels like when someone choses to love you. Im so convinced by my own hatred for myself that I believe everyone else sees me the way I do. The toxic thing is, is that I want this for myself, I want the hunger in sanctuary of starving, I want to feel small and fragile and i want people to worry, i want them to say "she's lost weight", while they ponder on how hurt I must be to have lost myself this far.
Anyway enough for one day. idk if anyone reads these long word vomit tumblr posts but thank you if you've read this far and welcome to my fkd up mind.
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wumblr · 3 months
what are those extreme chances where you have the possibi of changing other peoples minds?
lord, i don't know. i pulled my abusive mom halfway out of mormonism because she loved the idea of having children so much that it quite literally physically and medically broke her heart when i went no contact. and she still died avoiding responsibility for what she'd done, not knowing me very well at all, and saying things like "if i have a being after i'm gone," "some parents have like a sixth sense when something is wrong with their kids but i never understood that," and "my therapist said it's best not to burden children with any of that religious shit" (all signs that she did not interrogate any of the core underlying causes nor uproot the underlying beliefs. but also, signs of the half-distance she was able to cover)
obviously this did not go well and i can't say i recommend it, but i have to admit i did get further than people whose parents simply disown them. i have no explanation for why. my inability to theorize or develop a model that can explain or fix this kind of thing feels like a capital-G Great Failure. but it speaks to this unacknowledged and brutal reality that there are maybe a handful of people in someone's life who can really get them to stop, question, or pivot to change their underlying philosophy, moral core, or behavioral structure
if you acknowledge that, then you can't call shouting on the internet "activism." so i understand why people don't. because the painful truth is that we do not have any capacity to steer this sinking ship and we never did, it was always going to steer on towards war profiteering til it sank itself no matter what anybody said or did. the hard fact is that billions of people are throwing their lives away at this problem and the sum total of all their efforts is precisely nothing
i'm probably wasting my time stating this on the website where 95% of people do not read the news for their mental health because 80% of them would rather imagine fictional characters from the propaganda machine having sex. which is where they get the redemption arc shit. because they watch 70 tv shows a year that narratively hinge on these far-extremal experiences. of course i can see it would be nicer (for my mental health) to believe people can change. and i do. but i believe it's much, much, much, much rarer than anyone wants to admit, and for the vast majority of those extremely rare cases, they half-ass it. because whole-assing it involves ego death and facing mortality. which is painful, in an insultingly mundane and everyday way. you don't ever get to wake up one day having done all the work with the problem solved. that's why narrative fiction is so seductive. you get explicable character pivots and satisfying endings
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freyjas-musings · 6 months
For Day 7 of @gwynrielweeksofficial I have something different , this is a drabble from Gwyns POV ... it was a concept that was in my head and it's inspired from a movie I saw years back ( I don't remember the name or language sorry!!! )
@aldbooks thank you for making this possible and presentable.... without her I wouldn't even have posted it... its my first attempt at creative writing (Please be kind 🤗)
You can read it on AO3 here
Lone leaf in the Autumn 🍂 Wind
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The autumn wind howled outside while Gwyn sat by, staring out the window. She had been here two months they said, but she hardly realized- time didn’t matter to her anymore. If she was being honest nothing mattered to her anymore.
The days had bled together and the only emotions she felt were swinging between excruciating pain at the loss of her sister, or numbness out of fatigue; she existed and that’s all she had the strength for. Only one question was on her mind- why her? Why was she still here while so many others, more worthy, more deserving even, had not made it.
As Gwyn stared out the window all she could see was the lone leaf on a tree outside of her dormitory holding tight to the tree while all of its other companions had succumbed to the wind. How long would the leaf hold on, she thought. How long would it last against the onslaught of the roaring wind? Did the leaf want that? To hold on? Would it be easier for it to give up and join the rest, fly away with the wind. Stop struggling, stop fighting, stop feeling …
Everyday, Gwyn went about the same routine. She was yet to say a word apart from the initial conversation with Mor, Clotho and Rhysand- she couldn’t get herself to. Everytime she sat in front of the counselling priestess all she could do was cry and scream, rage at her failure. At her inability to save her sister. Clotho had offered her a position to work under one of her head researchers. Gwyn hadn’t accepted it, nor had she rejected the offer. The truth was she didn’t know- didn’t know what she wanted anymore. She was lost. Except going to the counsellors chamber she never went out. When she wouldn’t turn up in the communal dining hall, food was sent to her. All Gwyn did was sit at the window staring at the lone leaf wondering how much longer.
And, more importantly, why? Why hang on?
Nights weren’t much better, the bloody memory and her sister accusing her of failing her plagued her mind. She couldn’t sleep and if she did for a brief minute, she would wake up with a nightmare. One such night she woke up, body covered in cold sweat and heart pounding, and her entire being trembled. All she could do was sob, she went to the window and the lone leaf fluttered, struggled, yet stayed put; and Gwyn asked the mother why? Why not end the struggle?
Days later, Gwyn stared at the leaf still valiantly fighting, tears streaming down her cheeks. Where did the leaf find the strength, she thought. What motivated it to stay put, she wondered. Was it simply in its nature to never give up on life? Or was there a reason, a purpose greater than what it realized.
It was then that she felt it. She jolted as she felt a cool whisp of air caressing her cheek, as though in comfort. As she looked at the source, she realized what it was; a shadow. Strangely enough, she recognized it like her very being responded to it. She somehow knew who the shadow belonged to- its master. The Shadowsinger.
He was the one who had pulled her out of the wreckage of Sangravah, her temple now in rubble. He had looked like an angel of death sent by the mother herself to avenge the loss of her children. Gwyn had seen him cut through them within minutes. They died too quickly, she thought, but he made sure it wasn’t painless.
What, she did not expect, was the life altering snap she felt when their eyes met, the bond now permanently tying them together. He seemed oblivious to the bond- a small mercy, given being shackled to her was a punishment. She had nothing to offer. She hated herself and hated that she survived. So, she kept silent.
When Mor healed her and spoke to her, she had confessed to her. Perhaps it was Mor’s magic, the power of truth that had pulled that confession from her. Thankfully she had promised Gwyn to keep the secret; to let her decide. To never betray her trust.
The shadow caressed her cheek again and Gwyn, for the first time since arriving, whispered, “did he send you?” Her heart was pounding. She couldn’t think of why he would, but the shadow moved sideways seemingly bobbing its head as if to say no.
She then whispered, “does he know?” Again, the same answer, which she assumed was no. Relief washed through her. She looked at the shadow now and asked, “why are you here then?” The shadow zoomed to the window, as if pulling her attention to something.
As Gwyn looked to where the shadow was pointing, her heart almost gave out, because the shadow was pointing to the lone leaf. And, as she looked closer, she realized there was another little shadow circling the stem of the leaf, holding it to the tree. It had protected the leaf from falling off. Had held it for Gods knew how long. She wondered how the shadows knew?
Had the wind whispered to them? How they had known, she could never guess. Yet something restless settled in her, knowing the shadows, his shadows, had gone to those lengths for her. For the first time since arriving Gwyn thought, maybe … Maybe it wasn’t so bad to just try. Just try to fight, find a purpose. If not for her, then for her mate.
She looked at the shadow and smiled.
The next day, Gwyn went up to Clotho and accepted the offer to work. Thanks to the lone leaf in the autumn wind, she found a reason to at least try ……
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bardicious · 3 months
Not feeling all that coherent right now, but it’s on my mind. Thinking about how as you age, years really start blurring together. Something that happened to you five years ago can feel as recent as today. And I still get nightmares about elementary school of all things and people gone by, with the additional bonus of nightmares including but not limited to: death, nuclear war, murderers, everyday woes in the mix.
Makes me wonder what Jim Kirk dreams of. Does Tarsus come to him every night? Every week? All his most horrific failures jumbling together, meshed in with a messy relationship or a current one. Does he wake up every morning and need to talk himself down from a stressful night. Or get reminded by something horrible by just a word or a sight.
And how frequently would it affect his diet as well? The lovely part about that being, it’s canon that Bones has him on diets because for whatever reason he can’t regulate himself, too busy worrying about the rest of his ship to actually take care of himself. And how lucky he is to have Spock and Bones who do it for him. But then, again, how does he fair without them post-TOS, pre-TMP, when he’s depressed and alone and only has his memories to keep him company. Feeling maybe like some days he’ll wake up and be on that ship again.
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lunar-rcp · 6 months
Any amber hcs?/nf
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𖦹 🌷 ˓ ミ Amber headcanons ໒꒱ ‧₊
♡ !! Thank you for this ask! I love amber a lot!! She needs more attention,,
cw: parental death
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✦ Has the best fashion sense out of the team. Having a fashion crisis? Just come to Amber, she'll help out! Sometimes she even likes to design her own clothing.. however, she does need her own models of course! That being, none other than the rescue team! (Roy & Poli are forced to wear dresses sometimes) (Someone please draw that actually)
✦ It may not seem like it, but she can be a TOTAL flirt. She can be bold, and she's not afraid to do so! Which leads to Poli and Roy mostly being flustered by her sparkle.
✦ The opposite of Roy, Amber actually enjoys spicy food. Whenever they both order something, she helps Roy with his serving if something happened to be spicy in it.
✦ Honestly, I don't think this is my own headcanon. We should all agree Amber would be absolutely terrifying when she gets angry.
✦ Amber beats herself up whenever she messes up something. She's afraid of failure, and she despises it. However, the team will always tell her that it's okay to make mistakes.
✦ Literally smells like roses and flowerly perfume. She's a clean girl i'm telling you.
✦ When she met Sandy, she was EXTREMELY overjoyed. To think there would be an another girl in a rescue team had her on cloud nine. Sandy, Amber and Jin often like to do girl hang outs, gossiping about the guys lol (poor them)
✦ Loves to collect crystals and has an entire collection of them. She even gifted crystals to the rescue team members, they treasure it dearly. Here's the crystals she gave to them
Poli - Sodalite
Roy - Red jasper
Helly - Chyrsoprase
Jin - Sunstone
✦ She can be a bit of a nerd, but that's a given. She sometimes goes off about rambling about random things like gemstones and such, but the others happily listen to her rambles. Even if she gets a little embarrassed when she finds out she's been rambling.
✦ Has the healthiest sleeping schedule out of the team. Wakes up early, and goes to bed early. Poli might wake up the earliest, but does he go to bed early? Well..
✦ Enjoys a green smoothie everyday. She tries to suggest the idea to the others. (She was met with Poli, Helly and Jin in utter disgust. However, Roy enjoyed it.)
✦ While I imagine roy as the cook for the team, she's the BAKER for the team! Absolutely makes the most godly desserts that cease to exist. The team adores it. She's in charge for birthday cakes.
✦ When Amber was little, she had to face her mom being pretty sick. Her mom unfortunately passed away when she was a teenager. This was the main reason why she became a nurse, to protect others.
✦ She comes from a big family! She has 5 other siblings, and she's the oldest. Even if it's a lot, she all loves them dearly with her heart.
✦ Adores jewerly. Whenever she has the time, she loves making little bracelets out of gemstones for the team. She's really creative whenever it comes to making accessoires.
✦ Amber dislikes sea food. Especially octopus. She can't really handle textures of certain foods sometimes.
✦ Whenever she's the one who gets sick, she's forced to face the team go into a mindless panic. Even if it's chaotic, it does make her feel better that they care so much for her.
✦ When the others are sick, she knows exactly what to do. She makes sure they have ALL the comfort they need. To kidshows or humming songs, she got them.
✦ Speaking of humming songs.. Amber can sing really well. She doesn't do it often, but whenever they have karoke nights thats when her voice really comes out.
✦ Good at archery! She has a really good aim. Watch out.
✦ Amber feels like she's the weakest of the team since she can't carry heavy stuff without her arms giving out. She feels like she's just supposed to stand on the side for aid rather than help, because she'll just mess it up.
✦ Sometimes a little TOO forgiving. She tries her best to not easily forgive, but it's hard for her.
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noosayog · 2 years
[Liar Liar] you can lie about anything in your life. except for your boyfriend ft. Miya Osamu
wc: 800
warnings/content: silly reader, fluff i guess?
noos's notes: thinking abt writing a version of this for Iwa but reader says "my boyfriend is a trainer for olympians." and acquaintance shuts the fuck up
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“Stop shaking yer leg, annoyin’” Osamu says.
You shoot him a glare, but your leg continues to bob, a habit when you're anxious. You’re about to shoot a nasty comment back, but it’s then that your lunch plans arrive.
Your acquaintance from high school; you’ve always been competitive but something about her brings out the petty in you. When she had reached out to catch up, your boyfriend asked if he could come along to meet your friend. You agreed.
It’s been almost 10 years out of high school, but you feel the irrational urge to show that you’re successful and happy with your life.
When she shows up, her tall, rich-looking boyfriend by her side, you’re glad you brought Osamu along.
“So how have you been?” she asks when she settles into the seat across from you.
The boys introduce themselves and four of you play catch up.
“What have you been up to? My boyfriend and I love to hit the gym after work together. You know, to stay fit!” she punctuates the sentence with a giggle and coy look at her boyfriend.
You pinch your face, “Yeah, I wake up at 5 everyday to go to the gym, too! I love to go… lift!”
You get up exactly at 8:54 am everyday because that’s the absolute latest you can afford to get up to start your 9AM work-from-home job.
You feel Osamu’s eyes bore into you from your left. His hands come over your shaking thigh in a warning squeeze.
And so lunch goes much the same way. She pulls, you push.
“I do so much great work at my job working with children and such!” she says.
“Yeah, totally get the whole making a difference thing. My role really supports the success of my company!”
You work in accounting at a regular corporation.
“I love to volunteer at the senior home on the weekend. All the people there are so lonely but sweet!”
“Totally, I go to the soup kitchen every Saturday to serve… soup.”
You sleep in on the weekends while Osamu cleans the house.
“I recently joined a book club and we’ve recently read The Feminine Mystique. It was so rewarding to be with like-minded girl bosses!”
“That’s soo inspirational of you! I’ve recently read The… Communist Manifesto. You know, the failure of free markets and all that.”
You watch the Great British Bake Off in bed every night.
You glance over to see Osamu practically shaking in laughter. He has his mug up to his face to hide the guffaws and you want to smack him in the head.
“That’s amazing! Well enough about us, what about your boyfriend? Mine works in investment banking. He’s such a hard worker. One of a kind, babe” she says, resting a french-manicured hand on her boyfriend’s bicep.
You pause, not sure how to go about this. There’s a lot of silence as you close your mouth and look down.
“I own a restaurant,” Osamu finally answers for you.
Osamu’s hand has left your thigh and he was no longer laughing. He didn’t sound very happy either. You wrap up your lunch, Osamu mostly sitting in silence for the remainder of the meal. You say your goodbyes before long and you and Osamu make your way home to your shared apartment.
At home, Osamu is uncharacteristically pouty for the rest of the day.
“What’s with the attitude?” you prod. He’s probably just hungry or something.
“Oh, attitude,” he mocks. “Is that why ya had nothing good to say about me at lunch? Because I’m embarrassing to yer perfect life ya want people to think ya have?”
You flinch a little. In truth, you had been feeling a little guilty about that.
“‘Samuuu,” you whine.
You sidle up to your boyfriend, who leans away from you. He’s putting on a dramatic pout, but you can tell he's hurt.
“‘Samu,” you cup his puffed cheeks in your hands. “I didn't wanna say anything about you because I was lying about everything else and I didn't want you to think the stuff I say about you is a lie. I wanted to say that you’re my buff, hot, cooking, Onigiri man. You have your own successful business, you're kind and thoughtful, and you have the hottest dad bod ever.”
Osamu scoffs, “lying. Understatement.” But you can see the corner of his lips upturning. One more push.
“And I love youuuuu,” you pinch his cheeks.
Osamu lifts you by the thighs and you wrap your legs and arms around him. “Well you better tell yer friend all that stuff ya just said about me next time. Don’t want her thinking her investment banking boyfriend has a one-up on me.”
“Hell no, I’m never seeing her again.”
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The L Word
Pairings: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1,273 
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Warnings- Season 5 spoilers
You awoke with a deep gasp, your heart pounding and eyes wide. Sitting up and looking around the room you realize that you’re ok. Sam was asleep on the motel bed next to you, while Dean slept peacefully beside you. His chest rose and fell steadily, and you were more than grateful that you didn’t wake either of the boys up. 
This hunt had been particularly difficult, and you knew the boys were exhausted and they needed their sleep. You were also exhausted, but the nightmares that usually occurred stopped you from being able to sleep. 
The truth is, you were defeated. You and the Winchester brothers were working non stop and it was beginning to be one hunt after the other without a break and casualty after casualty with more lives lost than saved. It was kind of Sam’s fault that the world was coming to an end, but he received so much backlash from everyone you figured he’s been punished enough. 
You couldn’t help but sigh softly and buried your face into your hands, then running your fingers through your scalp in frustration. Tears pricked at your eyes and you tried desperately to hold them back. All you wanted to do was sleep and get some well needed rest. 
“Y/n? S’matter?” 
You looked to your right to see Dean looking at you with squinty and sleepy eyes. Guilt coursed through you. “M’sorry De. Go back to sleep I’m alright.”
“What happened? Another nightmare?”
You look at him confused but he knew you better than you knew yourself. “We share a bed at every motel we stay in, and when we aren’t staying in a motel we’re living in the car. If you think I don’t know you by now or picked up on the fact that you’re not alright, you’re crazy.”
You quietly sigh, and look to your arms that were holding onto your legs. “You’re right. M’not alright. I haven’t been for some time.”
“I know.” He says teasingly with a smile playing onto his lips and yours did the same. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“No,-” You shook your head. “But..I really should.”
“I know I’m not the best person to talk to or get advice from. Hell, I bottle everything up and explode when I can’t take it anymore, but take it from me. Talking about your issues is way better than letting your mental health go down the drain…”
“I just…I feel like a failure. We’ve lost so many people in the last few years and with everything going on with the apocalypse… I feel like were losing more casualites than actually saving lives..”
The way he was looking at you was making your heart melt. His complete attention was on you, no distractions and every word you spoke you felt more and more comfortable expressing your feelings to him. You should’ve talked to him more, but you were stubborn just like him. 
The truth is, your heart belonged to Dean and it always will. You’ve had your fair share of hookups with him and you knew that’s all you would ever get. Let’s face it, hunters don’t get a happy ending and he made it perfectly clear that it was a friends with benefits relationship. 
Everytime he got close to someone it ended up in hurt and death. It’s the reason why he and Cassie never worked out, or why he had to walk away from Lisa. He knew he would never be able to get anything real and that’s why it was easy with you. No feelings or strings attached and you knew about the Supernatural so you understood the life. 
Everything went well except you broke the number one rule of your friends with benefits relationship. You grew real feelings. Of course you wouldn’t say anything to Dean, because having him as a friend was better than not having him as anything at all. 
“I just… I don’t know how to move forward. Trying so hard to save the world everyday and knowing it’s all on our shoulders is putting so much pressure on me. The clock is ticking and we’re running out of time. Jo and Ellen are dead because of us, Bobby can’t walk because of us…at his point I feel as if the world would be a better place without me” Your eyes welled up with tears and you were desperately trying to push them down. 
“Hey hey hey, c’mere…” He cooed gently and pulled you into him. You turned to face him and wrapped your arms around his torso while burying your face into the crock of his neck. 
He felt the tears sliding against his skin and his heart broke at the silent sobs that racked your body. He was so in love with you and it terrified him. He fell in love with you at the first hello. His past relationships never worked out but he couldn’t hide his adoration for you. He didn’t want to see you get hurt or to lose you so he figured innocent flirting and hooking up would do no harm. 
You meant way more to him than just a hookup. He was scared as fuck to tell you especially now. If he told you how he really felt knowing his luck you would die on him tomorrow. 
“Sweetheart, you have no idea how wrong you are..” He says softly. “The world would be a worse place without you in it. It would most likely already be destroyed if you weren’t here. No, this isn’t easy and it takes a toll on me too every single day. But I know for a damn fact without you, me, Sam and Bobby..it.. It wouldn’t be half the world it is. No, things aren’t the best with Bobby but unfortunately in our line of work it’s unpredictable and anything can happen at anytime. I really thought I would be dead by now and here I am at 30 alive and kicking. We’re doing our best and I can’t promise that any of us are going to make it through it, but I know for a fact we’re going to stop the apocalypse. If we go down, then we’re going to go down together and swinging…”
Your silent cries turned into tears, which eventually turned into occasional sniffles as he spoke softly. He always knew the right things to say to make you feel better. “Thank you…” You sniffle quietly and he wraps his arms around you tighter. 
“I wish our lives were different sweetheart, because I would love to be normal with you…white picket fence with a dog and some kids..”
You look up at him and the amount of vulnerability in his features made your heart flutter. “I want that more than anything too De…I have strong feelings for you and it scares the shit out of me…”
“I, I feel the same way. I want to use the L word so much…because you deserve nothing more than to hear it every day…but I can’t. M’ scared to shit that if I tell you you’ll be taken from me and I can’t…” He took a deep breath. 
“It’s okay De. I understand.” 
You snuggled deep into him as much as you could while burying your face into his neck once more. He placed a kiss to the top of your head while wrapping his arms around you snugly. 
“If somehow we do make it out of this…things will be different. I promise.” He spoke and now you had a reason to want to make it through this and live.
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