#every time she sees him shes like. ppl used to discriminate
altf4d3lete · 4 months
Episode One this is single-handedly bringing back my obsession even though it never left
- its 2022. Why is everyone freaked out bc a girl wears all black. Like people do that on a daily basis nowadays
- “I want names” didn’t you JUST see them walking away from the locker
- Stop shoving him in a locker tied up is actually so mean wtf
- I see people use this piranha scene as justification that she’d be okay with murder, but really it’s justification that she wouldn’t be okay with people hurting her friends and those she cares about AT ALL. She’s trying to KILL these guys just for bullying their brother. Imagine what she’d do to Tyler for hurting Eugene and Enid.
- The intro is SO fucking cool
- Emma was so far down on the list of actors and now my girl is #3 behind Jenna and buscemi. She’s a main character now B)
- If I were Wednesday I’d be pissed too. I CANT with the parents. Like I love you but RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER 😭
- It’s five minutes in and I have so many notes
- Have to say again with the “terrible, they’d know I didn’t get the job done” that Wednesday is MORBID, not okay with murder unless she deems the person deserves it
- Ergh there is clearly so much discrimination against outcasts
- Weems and morticia r lowkey giving homoerotic rivalry…
- I genuinely can’t even like… I CANT WHY DID WEEMS PAIR HER WITH ENID 😭
- Guys Enid is SO cute holy fuck. She is UNPHASED bro, she’s just so excited to have a roommate she’s so cute I’m sobbing. She just wanted to accept Wednesday.
- Wednesday just lies about killing two kids to Enid and Enid just moved on like nothing happened.
- Also HELLO? THEIR BANTER? Enid takes NO shit 😭
- Hmm part of me wonders if those wolves howling were making fun of Enid.
- They’re literally leaning into each other wha
- “You better watch your back” and Wednesday is behind her that’s so funny
- How do you go from “cute but clueless” to “obsessed” enjax was lowkey forced whereas wenclair had chemistry from the beginning
- Wednesday being a housewife will NEVER make sense
- I know people hate the relationship between Wednesday and morticia but it’s very realistic. You can easily tell they still love each other despite the harsh words.
- YEESH THE HYDE TORE HIM APART (I think this works with my theory that the more Tyler is aware of the Hyde, the more controlled his attacks get. Which also means that he knew what he was doing when he killed Kinbott, leaving her alive to taste her fear. And he knew what he was doing in the forest when he tried to kill Wednesday and nearly attacked his father)
- when did Wednesday check out enid’s blog. How and why.
- THE LITTLE SCOFF BEFORE “you mean emojis?”
- Enid huffing is crazy girly is ANGRY
- The way they just stare each other down is crazy wenclair is SO full of banter I forgot how hilarious they are
- Bianca lowkey eating everyone up…
- Bianca is so aggressive in her fighting style, whereas Wednesday is precise. It’s really cool
- THE GASPING IN THE BACKGROUND AFTER “let’s see if you bleed in black and white.”
- Xavier scoffs so much in this show and every time he does it lowkey makes me hate him more
- “No good deed goes unpunished” okay elphaba
- Girly was smiling when she was about to die.
- “Call it instinct” shut up actually
- Bro she had NO clue who Xavier was 😭
- It bothers me that ppl think she cared Xavier was in the coffin. She just wanted to see the godmother come back to life fr
- I would be flabbergasted if my therapist read the equivalent of my journal before our sessions. She never should have been sent that.
- Ergh Tyler…
- The deep voice lowkey sounds really forced, idk what it is about Tyler’s voice but it bugs me. I think it’s the way his lines always kinda have the same delivery.
- Twenty bucks when he probably makes that in like half a day of work 😭
- The pilgrims look like such dorks bro who are they tryna scare 💀
- Why are they asking her if she’s “been with a normie” that’s so weird
- Her playing with the necklace means everything to me
- Damn the hiker was the third victim
- The sheet music doesn’t match what she was playing but that doesn’t rly matter
- Love that enid went from disgusted to things bff
- Their roof scene is so meaningful to me. They work so well together. Enid doesn’t need anyone but Wednesday and Wednesday doesn’t need anyone but Enid. Enid teaches her how to relate to others and feel empathy and Wednesday teaches Enid to unapologetically be herself.
- Nero :(
- Them bonding is so cute 😭 this is rekindling my obsession
- Notice the immediate disrespect from Tyler but Enid gets close with thing so quickly
- Damn Enid is suspicious. Bro has some killer instincts
- “Hint taken” and Xavier proceeds to KEEP talking to her
- So Wednesday gives Tyler a time and place and you’re telling me it’s just a coincidence that those three pilgrims show up at that exact time at place? Literally there WAITING? No way. Tyler had to have told them, sorry about it.
- I lowkey feel bad for Weems. She’s a little controversial but she was just trying to do her best for nevermore
- Nah man that was an absolute ploy. There’s no way they just happened to know where to be. Tyler was trying to keep her from leaving. He already knew who she was by then and that they needed her.
- Rowan was so conflicted he didn’t deserve to die. He was just trying to protect people
- The way she scrambled over to him even after he tried to kill her :(
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angy-grrr · 4 months
I'm glad that someone pointed out that Izuku is definitely feeling really lost rn. And also that Ochako was also not the only person with the kind of goal he had, and that there's still quite a lot of stuff to be shown.
im surprised most ppl arent talking about it! But well, many are focus on Shigaraki or just disliking the manga, sooo....
And yeah, even tho he didn't talk about it directly with him, he knew Shoto's intentions -the difference is that theres a familial connexion between him and Dabi, so Ochako's link to Himiko looked more similar to his and Shigaraki (even tho we learn there are huge differences). I'm curious to see if they do end up discussing it, and if she'll be honest about her closeness with her -how they had mutual feelings, etc-, or if Hori will decide to keep them more separated. What I mean by this is, instead of repeating the cliff scene, show us what's going on with togachako without Izuku being involved.
I'm guessing this is the route for Shoto and Dabi, and the rest of the Todoroki family -developing their arcs outside of Izuku, and him being the one who needs to express himself out loud, or something similar.
Right now, the questions to cover:
Izuku's feelings -including the taboo ones, like rudeness, rage and selfishness-; is he going to express them openly? Will someone assign him a therapist? Is the new character going to make him confront what he hides?
The new character -who is this person? What is going to happen? Personally, I expect this to be kind of a test. Are they going to hide him and pretend people like him dont exist? Or are they going to help? Could there be people who want to change things, and people who prefer to continue with the status quo?
The All Might vestige Katsuki saw -wtf was that. In the past chapters, every time he appears someone comments on how it makes no sense that he is still alive and can move (Sero, Mitsuki, Club Penguin doctor, Present Mic, if I remember right even kinda AFO and All Might?). Is this foreshadowing?
Izuku's quirklessness - is he going to get a new quirk? Keep OFA somehow? Become quirkless and a hero? Will there be discrimination and challengers because of this?
Dabi and the Todoroki family -are we confirming he is alive in the next chapters? If he is, is he going to just be unconscious, or is he waking up? What will be his reaction to see his abusive father? And his siblings? What about his mom? Is he getting therapy, because of his suicidal tendencies? Is he going to jail?
Himiko and Ochako -where is she? Alive, dead, unconscious in the hospital, recovering there, or in jail? Could she be free in another place? Are they going to talk, or are they seeing each other regularly? Is she going to be considered an adult in a trial, or is she going to be seen as the teen she is? What kind of life could they have? Is there any possibility Himiko attends UA?
Spinner -is he okay? Same previous questions apply to him. Is he going to react to Shigaraki's death? Will he create a new League and look for revenge? Is he going to connect with other ppl with mutant quirks?
Their world -will it really change? Will they find resistance from the status quo? Is the hero system going to disappear? In that case, what would bkdk's dream look like?
These are the main points I can think about at the moment. Maybe also discuss Present Mic and Aizawa, or All Might's future. There's a lot to cover, and im glad we'll get probably another volume!
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kendrixtermina · 11 months
Why are you banned from cuba?
I didn't do anything cool to get banned or anything, since I was, at the time, a 10 month old baby.
From what I've been told, there is, (or there was in the 90s?) a rule that if you flee, you can never come back, due to "betraying the revolution" - or because your parents did.
Though normally they don't let children out at all (and the law is if you're born in Cuba you get ONLY Cuban citizenship, no matter what your parents have), some trickery was required to abscond with a baby. My father was supposed to do a postdoc at a European university & come back, he pulled some strings to be able to bring his wife & kid. He'd come back willingly from a previous student exchange to Canada, so maybe that's why they left him.
Even so, mom had to skillfully distract the guy controlling her luggage so she'd be able to smuggle out my father's medical books.
And even then they probably only let us out because tensions were high in the mid '90s, every couple of years they let some ppl out so they don't start rebellions.
Thus, my parents were happily reunited and proceeded to almost immediately conceive my brother in their rejoicing. (my mom likes to joke that she's lucky my bro ended up taking after the paternal side of the family or there may have been questions about the timing)
Though my mom was shocked to see my father looking all thin, as he had been saving money for the plane - that was before he got his doctor credentials recognized so he took a student job at a pizza parlor.
Eventually, though, he got his permit, and in the end, they filed for asylum before they were supposed to go back. I think he claimed discrimination due to being catholic? (which there really was)
We even ended up in a refugee center for a few days. But since the Cubans wouldn't take us back, they more or less had to give us Asylum as there was nowhere to send us back to.
We were lucky cause my father was a Doctor & at the time they prided themselves of their medical system & sending doctors to prestigious foreign exchange programs etc.
He applied to programs both Germany & Japan, and even for a green card. I think he got accepted to all but picked Germany because it has less natural disasters. No earthquakes or Hurricanes etc. If things had got differently we may have gone to Japan. He even prepared himself by learning both languages.
A lot of people can't even temporarily get out and try to swim or boat to Florida, and get eaten by sharks. That's not joke in the least, btw. The keep finding human feet in Sharks' stomachs around there.
My only "contribution" to our daring escape was to be an adorable baby, which, together with some suggestive winks from mom, distracted the guy checking our papers enough that he didn't go through our luggage.
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hwaflms · 3 years
Fav Emoji: 🗡
Hi!!! I was wondering if I can get a ship for txt, nct, and ateez pls? I’ll really try not to make this long, but it’s hard sometimes lol.
Anyways, I’m an 18 year old 03’ liner and I’m 5’6. As for looks, I’m african american so i have dark skin, brown eyes and cinnamon colored hair. I cut my hair really short above my ears. I look rather young for my age (unfortunately). I’m rather slim and i have long legs and arms so people say I look even taller than what i am. I have large round eyes a big forehead, a button nose, and thick(ish) lips with round cheeks(ok now i understand why ppl think i’m vv young 🙄) But nowadays i’m more confident in myself and it’s no longer an insecurity of mine. I’d like to say i’m very stylish yet i can’t pick an aesthetic for the life of me.
To sum up my fav aesthetic/style, i would have to say something that’s dark but sophisticated. Like dark academia, but add a bit more of an alt/goth style to it. I like listening to visual kei and rock music, but to be honest, I love all music, even country some times.
I’m from the south of usa, so that has influenced how i am A LOT. I usually don’t have an accent, but whenever i feel a really strong emotion, I get a really strong southern accent and it’s kind of funny. I also tend to go outside without any shoes or socks. I like playing with my pets outside the most, I have two dogs (one is a rottweiler and one is a bull dog), my cat (just a black cat) and my bird. I love love love animals. I love everything to do with nature as well, i feel a deep connection with nature, and once, i even cried while watching bees pollinate flowers help lol.
My psychic said my aura was multiple shades of green, which i think it fits, seeing that green auras represented healers and earth lovers. My dad tends to call me a hippie lol. Astrology wise, I’m a leo sun, leo moon, and scorpio rising. My personality type is INFP-T. My friends say i’m quite funny, and they like to point out, “she’s really really smart, but like everyone, she has her dumb moments, but her dumb moments are the dumbest of the dumbest.”
I’m very sensitive, and not in the “i’m always crying way”. Yet, when i do cry, i tend to cry over the smallest of things, like the bee one. I cry over animals being cute, and I cry when i’m rlly rlly excited. Yet if i’m rlly sad, i can’t cry for some reason, and i’m just 😐. But, I try my hardest to comfort others and help others because there seriously is no other happiness in the world that makes me more happy than making others happy.
I like to talk a lot, as well (as you can see), and i’ll talk about every topic. I tend to talk most about child birth and genetics weirdly enough, it’s so interesting to me. But i also love to talk about astrology, space, and conspiracy theories. I’m highly spiritual. I’m also highly creative. I love drawing, singing, dancing, acting, all of that. Drawing has always been my strongest suit before i somehow got bored of it, but i still draw every once and a while.
I also like playing sports, as i’m naturally athletic. I did ballet, tap dance, gymnastics, track and field, cheerleading, soccer, and softball. (i think cheer is a sport and i’ll argue with anyone on that). I’ve lived in america, germany, and south korea, and i want to travel to so many more places as i grow older.
As for relationship stuff, I’ve never been in a relationship. I’m scared of boys to be honest. I was bullied in school a lot for being “ugly” and it was always by boys so i’ve never really had the best experience with them. I’m still trying to gain my confidence so that i could try dating.
My ideal type is someone smart (though i don’t hate himbos lmao), but i like someone smart and mature. I like someone who works hard, but not someone who’s too serious. With people, i like to have those love/hate relationships lol like we make fun of each other but we also have our soft moments. As for looks, i don’t rlly have an ideal type, yet there’s a couple things that i would go for. I like someone who’s taller than me, has bigger hands than me (mine are 18cm 😥), and has nice legs (i tend to like thicker legs, but i don’t discriminate). I do think smaller guys around my height are so cute too tho, like UGH I CANT CHOOSE.
My ideal date would probably be anything other than going to a restaurant. Maybe later on in the relationship that would be fine, but to be honest, i’m very awkward and shy at first, so it would just be weird. I find that doing something fun together really let’s you find out more about a person rather than just talking. So maybe an amusement park, or even doing an escape room together.
As for love languages, i’m not a very touchy person. Sometimes, i’m STARVING for a hug, but most of the time i don’t like to be touched. I think my love language is acts of service, and idk what’s it’s called, but just trying to find out abt someone. Someone would really know i like them when i ask for their whole zodiac chart, personality type, weekday of birth, everything.
Tbh, i’m very much like a tsundere. I don’t like showing affection very much, and i’d rather insult the ppl that i like than compliment them. Though, this is probably the reason ppl think i don’t like them when i first meet them. Sometimes i might get rlly mushy and cute and stuff, but most of the time, i’m just not used to showing affection, so i feel kinda uncomfy when i do.
Ok, that’s all, i really hope it wasn’t too much for you to read, i tend to get carried away ❤️ have a nice day ily
୨୧ 𓂃 : 🐇 :┊ i ship you with . . .
💌 — huening kai ♡ txt.
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𖥻 the last thing a relationship with hyuka would be is boring. he gives off very "best friend who also happens to be your boyfriend" vibes, so there would be a lot off playing around and goofing off. he can be affectionate but also likes his space, like you, so you would be able to find a middle ground. he would like is your relationship was light and fun, teasing each other and making fun of each other. if you ever felt insecure, he would make you feel better in a less "let's talk about it" way and a more "ugh you're so silly, why would you think that when you're perfect??" way.
💌 — johnny ♡ nct.
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𖥻 johnny is a chill and laid-back person, so conversation with him would come easy. there wouldn't be an awkward stage with him because johnny is a pretty smooth talker and he would make it easier for you to talk to him. johnny would NEVER make you feel insecure, if anything, he'd be the type of boyfriend who would be hyping you up all the time, even when you're doing absolutely nothing. johnny loves music too so, while he might make fun of you a lil for listening to country, he would love vibing to music with you. we all know johnny is mf hilarious, so he could definitely joke around with you and insult you playfully often ! plus johnny is a sexc tall boy and he has legs for days D:
💌 — hongjoong ♡ atz.
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𖥻 hongjoong has the perfect balance of being mature and hardworking while also being playful. he knows how to take a joke and return the favour by teasing you, so i think in that aspect, you will have an easy-going relationship. he also will definitely be so supportive of you, and will be there for you whenever you need it. the kind of dates he would prefer would be more indoor ones, especially just in his studio !! he would show the amount of affection you're comfortable with, never pushing your boundaries or pressuring you.
♡ 𓄹 ࣪ ˖ i hope you like this !! and also, i just wanted to let you know that you are so so beautiful, okay, ilysm <3 boys suck, pls ignore them >:( thank you for sending this in, stay safe ^_^
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m143ui · 4 years
so hello friends on the other side
I understand some of the major concerns regarding characters like piper and the feather and hazels description but when you bring Leo and Reyna into the fucking conversation I have lost all respect.
Reyna is not a negative stereotype, she isn't defined by being latina and neither is Leo, he isn't a stereotype simply because he’s latino and was abused. also him being called an elf was because he was short, which had nothing to do with him being latino. also the mamacita comment like y'all hide under the label “progressive” but ignore that mamacita has been a thing in Latin American communities for a fucking while. its not an insult dammit. its something that happens in our communities!!! its like saying muchacho y'all don't see men bitching about that.
also shocker I read the mamacita comment and I can proudly say I didn't go
things that actually happen in communities aren't racist
and before any of y'all come at me with the usual you’re white excuse, hello friends im Peruvian and Paraguayan.
I don't think he’s perfect but bitching about characters like Leo which gave many of my Latin American friends hope for similar characters destroys your “listening to minorities” argument
also the lol “hes Mexican taco bad” argument like I live in Mexico we eat tacos like every fucking day. its literally a fact. and Leo isn't just defined as taco man.
believe it or not us latinos respect rick because he gave us role models and characters like us. we don't define a character by one line and instantly call discrimination. like yes a asian character can be snobby it has nothing to do with ethnicity. y'all are making this about ethnicity. an asian character can be anything, just like a white character or a black character or a gay character. people are not simply defined by their labels like ya’ll think. y'all are just a bunch of easily triggered snowflakes that can't live with that. they can be influenced but in the end labels are labels we are all human and should be treated as such.
another thing Reyna was never officially a lesbian that was YOUR interpretation not riordans. IF HE DIDNT STATE IT , SORRY HONEY IT ISN’T CANON! I don't care about how she was “lesbian coded” if he didn't state it it isn't canon. 
I am so sick, as a lesbian, to see people use ALL QUEER DEATHS as a bury your gay tropes, what happened to seeing us as humans? why can't we be treated like any other character? if we die we die, it isn't always “haha gay evil boom death”. sometimes fully fledged characters have to die friends.
Nico isn't a bad gay character, he’s just a normal character who happens to be gay and has suffered major trauma. HIS TRAUMA WAS CAUSED BY HIS UPBRINGING, Nico isn't a 2000′s character, he’s from the 30′s, so obviously he woudn’t be perfect with his sexuality for gods sake it was the 30′s. the exact same thing happens with hazel, she isn't a modern black woman, she's a 30′s black woman. Nico’s coming out isn't him as a 21st century teen its from the time when the GOVERNMENT KILLED YOU FOR BEING GAY
also saying there are no lesbian characters? like wow look emmie and jo don't exist. Lavinia doesn't exist. poison doesn't exist. thanks fam you really make yourselves look smart here. simply because rick never said the word gay doesn't mean the gay characters don't exist friends. they are just labeled as what gay characters should be labeled as.... human.
im not educated in muslim or black culture so I won't mention characters like sam and hazel and piper because I respect and I am highly critical of what rick put in his books to describe these specific minorities.
HOWEVER saying rick is a lesbophobe, a homophobe, a racist a sexist cis guy is like do y’all wanna be taken seriously? use arguments don't hide behind words.
rick isn't a perfect writer but y'all really don't know how to criticise, y'all just hide behind big boy words and back it up with no evidence, just opinions.
rick doesn’t have the best minority rep out there but he is damn well trying and I respect that unlike all you fucking idiots.
now onto ships.... yay
frazel: im not gonna censor it like you pussies, believe it or not 13&16 year old relationships exist. they might not always be healthy but they exist. to deny this is to be stupid
solangelo:  another ship that is censored..the main argument I've seen is that it isn't developed and will isn't even a character... he was in last olympian and lost hero not my fault y'all have fish brains. I don't care if you dislike it but don't be like “ANYONE WHO SHIPS THIS IS AN ABUSIVE WHORE” like wow you always preach about accepting all ships and then throw this? also if you hate solangelo because of the “abuse” but ship percico like hi friends Nico is 4 years younger than Percy.. if y'all hate frazel because of the 3 year age difference y'all should hate this too.
not every character minority or otherwise is gonna be the way you want them to be, believe it or not any character can be anything, black characters can be loud, white characters can be loud. if they're only loud because “haha black” then THATS an issue not the simple existence of a loud black woman who has a loud personality.
y'all be here bitching about drew and I've never heard the asian perspective of this? just a bunch of black and white people telling asians they should be offended. was that just an uno reverse?
also last point stereotypes aren't always a negative thing and y'all need to get that in your heads.
anyway stay mad hoes <3
from a sane Peruvian <3
I saw this beauty and had to comment on it
“having LGBT characters experience abuse and violence. nicos forceful outing rubs me the wrong way, especially because hes called a coward for being in the closet. its violent and kind of disturbing to make your gay character come out of the closet by force. maybe write better. additionally, alex's abusive father and subsequent homelessness because of her being trans is badly written.”
oh noooo gay characters can't deal with homophobia anymore ! like I can tell you have never been punched for being gay. is it bad to showcase how trans and gay ppl are 40% of homeless youth? or is even mentioning that discrimination? believe it or not some of us live in countries where people try to kill us. you have an advantage and it shows. about the coward thing... 
maybe stop spewing bullshit <3
(so I get that this scene can remind people of being outed and it can hurt them however this scene was never intended to be a good thing it literally says Nico is scared of facing his emotions)
oh boy rick really pissed off the snowflakes that I share a fandom with
“give Nico to the gays” no? he would be a femboy and they would yeet his trauma like ssrsly?
also hate rick? bitch no one is forcing you to read his tweets.
death of the author is such a toxic thing like the mans is alive boo he aint going nowhere..like What the fuck 
anyway final thoughts on this :
nico insn’t Uwu gay and its an insult to his character
Reyna is not a lesbian canonically (neither is Thalia)
Leo and Reyna are not racist
none of ricks characters are  written as insults to their communities
and if I see one more “but ....phobia/ ...ism I will do very illegal things
peace lol
congratulations rick antis! you have successfully harassed a  56 year old man into leaving social media! wow so progressive!!!! this totally won't backfire or anything!!!
all jokes aside all of you who harassed rick to the point of someone else taking over his social media should feel ashamed
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hxneydreamers · 3 years
Hello dear ! I have read your blogs. You are amazing !!!! (10000x 💞 for you ). I wanted to ask a question . Neville goddard said that time doesn't really exist in manifesting . So actually my sp who is celebrity is very very older than me . Like we have a age gap of 12 years. 😥 as said i am minor. I decided to manifest him when i am 18 . But sometimes i get impatient but then i feel a bit upset and it's not legal to date a minor. Plus he lives in korea . As i have indian parents they never will allow me to even fly to korea. And even if we get in a relationship . They will never like him. Tho my mother is into the group (he is in a group ) she won't ever. As being in india , india is pathetic country with bs Trash . They ( the group is seen as bunch of gays) and most hurting thing is lgbtq is not accepted in this fuking country . Ppl tread them as trash not human. They get so much discrimination ( most of them are transgender ) and hate . Like they have to live together because thier parents disown them and stuff. Makeup is gender less. But in this country men have to be men. like all the fking indian celebrity don't ever wear makeup (males) . (Not gonna lie they all don't even have clear skin like korean ) Skin care is not menly . Men shouldn't do it. The mentally in this country is fucked up.
Now back to the topic.
- how my parents will judge him ? (Most my papa because mom knows a lot about korean cultural but she won't stand with me including some mfs relatives who judgemental af . Relatives ohh my these bishs are hella judgement (most the old one) doesn't matter how they themselves look or personality )
- is he gay ? Why he so feminine ? He is uses makeup damn sure he is gay or somthing he is a girl for sure !!
Doesn't matter how successfully he is and his personality . Doesn't matter how much more he is successful more than you. (Relatives and parent) don't matter if loves your beautiful daughter. doesn't fuken matter if he is caring and financial stable.
- as i minor they won't let me go to even study in korea !
- tbh my plans are to skip 12 or 10 grade (i am in 8 th grade now) and study in korean university as it's one of my dream. Then work as cosmologist here . I want to to have family here.
But but but
My parents hahah never i even asked them they even made fun of my dreams and they said it's gonna take 20 years to reach there .
I am extremely discouraged .
Then on the other hand i also want to desire body before everything happens . Like going to korea and stuff.
I suck at affirming and visualizing . I habe never got results from scripting.
Plus i got my school too. Omg also learning korean too.
Omg i am so done !! 😭 please help me and guide me. And advice me ! i am extremely sorry for my bad english . I am not a native.
Everything is so hard
Hey! Thank you so so so much for reaching out to me! I really appreciate you coming to me for advice! Don’t worry, your English was fine!
*I'm going to begin this post by clarifying that whilst it is possible for you to manifest anything in your reality, I do not encourage you manifesting this person if you are underage and they are much older. You have said in your question that you will not manifest them until you are 18, which is good, however I will just make it clear that this post is to help you manifest the other circumstances in your reality, and not the person or the age gap.*
Let me start by telling you I obviously haven’t experienced this as intensely as you have as I live in a country where people are much more open-minded about sexuality and ideas of masculinity, but I have stories to share with you from my own life that are very similar to what you want to manifest! They might encourage you! (PS, these following stories all took place from when I was at the age of 19 and up.)
(This story is before I knew about manifesting). My parents are very strict and traditional and I always wanted to go overseas to study in a specific country for at least a few months. My parents forbid it and I never would have been allowed to go, but I wanted it so badly that it was all I thought about and dreamed about! I started watching a TV show set in that country every single day. I even learned the language for fun. I somehow manifested it, because the next year, I took a semester off university and I went to that country for 3 months to live. So no matter what your parents say, you can 100% manifest this.
I had a celebrity crush in that country and I wanted to meet him and be with him SO BADLY! I didn’t know about manifesting until afterwards unfortunately, but guess what? I manifested seeing him MULTIPLE TIMES on the street, because I constantly thought about seeing him there and bumping into him! I even messaged him once and he responded. I also had one of his best friends on snapchat because I met him when I was there lol. I never got the celebrity crush because I focused too much on negative things. If I knew about manifesting, I would have gotten what I wanted.
My (specific person) SP who I am currently dating is actually someone who my parents also didn’t approve of for a long time because of sexuality and he is not stereotypically masculine! They also kept telling me negative things. The good news is that now my parents accept him and are happy for us!
Thank you for giving me the background information on your circumstances, it helps me understand your situation much better, and it also shows me how you’re thinking about the situation as well, which is the most important thing.
The beliefs you have are these:
Parents and other people not approving of the kind of people you are interested in.
You don’t think you can go to Korea for a long time
I’m happy to tell you that YOU CAN CHANGE THIS SITUATION!
As I said in the beginning, the age gap is illegal and should not be manifested. So as a result, you should begin with your beliefs about your family's negative opinions and your ability to travel in the future.
You need to stop mentally reacting to what they say when it’s negative about men who are not stereotypically masculine etc, and also when they say negative things about you ever traveling. They are only saying these things because in your mind you believe this to be true. Reality is an illusion and you need to know that if you really push through and persist, even if it feels extremely difficult, you can change this!
You should start by affirming your self-concept, something like this (you can also affirm in your own language if you prefer so it's natural to you :) whatever is comfortable for you!)
I am capable of anything!
I am a master at manifesting!
I always get what I want easily and effortlessly!
Everything always works out how I want!
Then I want you to affirm for your circumstances:
My family is always extremely accepting and encouraging!
I’m so happy that I’m going to Korea!
If you find it hard to visualise you can just affirm. I know you may feel like you’re bad at it, but if you practice it will get easier. Set a timer for 5 minutes and say your affirmations over and over! Make sure you don’t have any distractions. Focus on them. Do this several times a day, every day.
Also, if you can get the app ‘ThinkUp’ record yourself saying your strongest affirmations, and listen to them at night when you sleep. Start with your self-concept affirmations only for maybe 2 weeks! Then you can add your other affirmations.
Your goal is to change the way you feel and think about yourself and what you are able to do, your surroundings and your family’s opinions. Start with these things. Really persist in them.
I hope this helps in some way! If you ever need to reach out to anyone, so many people on Tumblr in the manifesting community are here to listen! We all want each other to succeed and I know that if you put the work in to do this, you will too!!
I also recommend you start binge-watching one of these youtube channels:
Sammy Ingram
Manifesting With Kimberly
Manifesting Secrets
Dylan James
Create Your Future
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hxseok-honee · 4 years
peripeteia | how the idiots came to be
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okay lets get the easy ones outta the way : 
- namjoon and y/n deadass met on the train 1st year it was the most boring meeting of them all
- actually im a liar , she was in a compartment already just minding her damn business when all of a sudden
- a feral “YEET” was heard just outside of her door, followed almost immediately by some first year boy hitting the ground like a high-speed sack of potatoes
- all of his shit was everywhere and he was just face down on the ground not moving at all 
- like is he dead or nah 
- so y/n opened the door to the compartment and went
- so he responded by rolling over, in the middle of this train hallway thing, and stared up at her for a second before flashing her this cute ass little smile and said
- “i think the world wants us to be friends”
-ok and then namjoon and hobi met bc theyre roommates 
-but hobi was kinda spooky bc hes aggressively smart and namjoons like how the fuck did i not end up in hufflepuff 
-but then within the first month of classes they had at least two major nerd battles and a showdown in the courtyard about the politics of whether or not a hot dog is a sandwich 
- which actually has never been resolved but its fine they fight about it once a year its healthy for them
- and then hobi met y/n bc one time he came back to his room and she was just sitting there talking to roger,, and namjoon wasnt there so he was like okay are you rogers friends and she was whats a roger and roger really deserves better thats all i gotta say
- and then she said smth to him along the lines of “you got a big mouth bro, how many marshmallows can you fit in that thing”
- and jung hoseok never turns down a challenge
- anyway by the time namjoon [who didnt even invite her there] got back there were marshmallows everywhere and they were both knocked out on the floor and roger was sitting in a corner looking very afraid 
- yoongi and jin met, again, bc roommates
- but yoongi had gifted him a little potted plant as like a “hey we’re gonna be roommates until we leave this place, lets be friends!!” kinda gesture
- and jin was just so confused bc how can one person literally radiate sunshine and warmth
- and he was already a grumpy, sleepy kid so he was like uh thanks im jin?
- and then one time forgot to water the little plant and woke up to yoongi standing over him with a menacing glint in his eye
- he never forgot to water that plant again, its name is Cappuccino and it is doing just fine
- he also actually wasnt a coffee drinker until the middle of first year when he and yoongi really needed to study for an exam but it was 3am and he was ready to fall asleep which is impossible next to yoongi who just breathes naturally produced energy hes like a plant for energy he never sleeps
- so he dragged jin down to the kitchens and convinced a house elf to make jin a coffee 
- he convinced her with a plant and his litto gummy smile bc she definitely did not want to give an 11 year old caffeine but she eventually did 
- and so CoffeeJin was born
- so the hufflepuffs actually met the ravenclaw-y/n trio the day of the Hot Dog Showdown
- after some of the profs got tired of seeing these two dummies argue and actually stir up quite the crowd bc this is a very controversial topic, they made everyone get lost 
- but jin and yoongi stayed behind and asked the three of them if theyd ever want to get a midnight hot dog snack tg and continue the battle
- so every friday night they would sneak out as a squad of 5 and just sit in the kitchens talking about random shit 
- also they had a precise 35 minutes of that time scheduled for whatever food topic they wanted to argue about that week
- jin and y/n still get into it regularly about the “milk or cereal first” question
- and thats how the older kiddies became friends!
as for the younger babies :
- jimin and tae met on the train
- actually they just battled on the train, they didnt really meet properly until they were both sorted into slytherin
- and by that point they hated each other
- “there can only be ONE troublemaker in this school”
- soooo for about a month into their first year the school was a huge mess of them fighting it out 
- and jungkook had gotten caught in the middle of their first train battle so he already knew and kinda liked them even though they were snakes and he was a lion
- he just kinda liked their vibe
- so one night on his way to the kitchens he came across them fighting it out in the corridor and just kinda interrupted with a litto 
- “uhm,,,, excuse me--”
- and they were like oh shit its that kid from the train that we definitely exploded a pumpkin onto 
- “why dont you guys stop fightng and just work together?? isnt that more fun”
- can you imagine a little jungkook  with a big ass coconut head just kind of casually interrupting a battle between two rabid slytherin idiots and suggesting they work TOGETHER
- bc jimin and tae laughed their asses off
- and then they were like wait a minute the coconut has a point 
- so basically jk is responsible for their entire relationship not fate im calling it rn 
- and they just kept bothering him after that tbh until he said fuck house discrimination im gonna be besties with some slytherins
- okay before we get to yoonkook lets talk about y/nkook theyre adorable
- they met bc gryffindor but really they met bc y/n was this cool older girl that was never hanging out with anyone in her actual house and instead was friends with a bunch of ppl in other houses
- and jk was a very shy babie before the thing w jimin and tae, so he had a hard time making friends
- and y/n did actually notice this bc he ate alone and did work alone and would only hang out with two troublemaker slytherins from time to time
- so one day she invited him to sit with her and the older bois during lunch and he was like ???? me????? 
- so he just sat there with his head down and was like eating quietly and kinda listening to them talk and kinda responding to y/n when shed talk to him but really he was quiet and didnt really look at anyone bc he was like why are these second years asking me to eat w them im scared mom come get me
- and when he was done eating his sandwich he was like ok i should go do hw or smth so he was gonna get up
- but then a little hand reached out and put another sandwich on his plate and then a little voice said “dont leave yet !! you barely ate, and lunch isnt over for a while -- stay and talk to us?” and when he looked up
- oh boy we love a yoonkook meeting 
- and from that moment on, jungkook was Obsessed 
- and kept asking y/n to sit with them during meals so he could talk to yoongi
- so over time he naturally just became one of them 
- and then at some point jimin and tae were like he ABANDONED US 
- and tried to confront him but it was in the middle of one of jk’s creepy stalking moments so jk just 
- took them with him
- that day, yoongi had three stalkers
- and also caught them
-and he was just like “oh hi friend !! and other friends of friend !!” 
- and it was so cute that for like a week jimin and tae were ALSO obsessed with yoongi
- but theyre not very sneaky so yoongi kept catching them
- and eventually was like “hey do you guys wanna sit with us at lunch??”
- and thus the group was Born
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darkgeminisworld · 4 years
This is gonna be a rant about a probably toxic friend so if you don't wanna read it, this is a heads up.
Okay so for several reasons, most of them being that I need to move on, I decided to write this lengthy rant about a friend I'm pretty sure will not be a friend of mine for much longer, which sucks bc he's almost my only irl friend but also feels good bc he's exhausting and I'm pretty sure he's also toxic.
I've met this guy like 6 and a half years ago, and we pretty much bonded over shared interests pretty fast. The first thing that bothered me was that he'd always be late, which would be absolutely fine if he'd been honest about it. But writing that it's five minutes until he's there and then showing up 30 minutes after that, or writing "I'm on your doorstep" and taking another ten minutes to show up, almost every single time, isn't, especially since I strained to be on time the first months (meaning I'd be too early bc my brain only does too early or too late, nothing in between). And his being late wasn't just 20 or 30 minutes, several times he was over an hour late. Oh, and once when we had agreed to meet he legit wasn't home and I waited around 2 hours, which I really should have held a grudge for back then and been way more pissed at him.
The second thing that bothered me was that he was way too nosy. He'd ask if I'm free to meet and play video games or whatever and whenever I said no he'd ask what I'm doing and if I can't manage my time another way to make time for him. And the thing is, not only did I not ask several times after he told me that he's busy that day, but I actively told him, several times over the course of about the last two years, that it bothers me and asked him to tone it down. My problem here is only that he didn't stop after I asked him to, bc before I told him and asked him, how was he supposed to know.
Coming out to him went well, though he did ask me whether I'm into him, which... No. Obviously it could've gone a lot worse, but still.
The next is more a small annoyance, a small itch, although it might have been a warning sign. He couldn't handle defeat very well. In most video games he was better, but he low-key aggressively denied it when I pointed out the win-lose ratio in my all-time favourite video game series and he'd try to cheat at other games. If it was only about him being competitive I'd understand, but that doesn't mean trying to rewrite the past by blatantly lying about it and ridiculing me for pointing out that that's bullshit, especially since it's only games, played for the fun of it.
We also went to the cinema sometimes, though if it had been up to him it'd have been way more often and that's another point where he really didn't let it go after getting a no. Whether he wanted to watch a horror movie after being told, several times, that I really don't like horror movies, or just the general question of whether we'd be going to the cinema, he'd ask again and ask what I'm doing, why did I not want to go, would another time be good, couldn't I ask my parents for money (which, to be fair, I could have. But I preferred not to bc back then it was really stressful bc we had to move and renovate and I just didn't wanna add more frustration if that makes sense? Plus I wanted to get my hands on some things, which required to save up) etc. Almost every time we did end up going, it was he who initiated it. I mean, don't get me wrong, I wanted to see some of the movies just as badly as he did, but... And if he can't even accept "no" from a friend of several years (also a 100% guy friend as far as he is aware bc I didn't start to address gender issues with him), I'm worried about other contexts with that word. Also we did some kind of text role play (just texting back and forth with OCs inserted into several fantasy works like the Inheritance Cycle, who would parttake in the storyline, no set rulebook or anything) and his characters did some questionable and even outright deplorable things and when I wanted his character to suffer consequences, he always wanted him to get away with it. Like, his idea for one of his characters "pranking" mine in reaction to a prank which in itself was a retaliation to his character's pranks was kidnapping and waterboarding my character. And he kept defending it as a prank and demanded that my character should just forgive his character, like... It really made (and continues to make) me wonder and worry just how much of his darker thoughts I don't know about. And I don't know how accurate it is but I once saw a post with a quote that went along the lines of "man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth." (btw I couldn't think of a satisfactory way to phrase it so I ended up looking up the quote and apparently it's from Oscar Wilde)
So I spent a fair amount of time arguing with him over that and trying to explain to the best of my ability why it was wrong, and for some time it went better.
Fast forward a few months to the blm protests or more specifically news coverage of it and info I sent him. He defended cops and blamed the protestors and even justified the atrocities of the cops, so that was the first instance where we had a huge fight. I practically drowned him in links and videos etc and some weeks into that I thought I'd managed to get through to him (Spoiler: I didn't really get through to him) so I kept it in mind but continued to have contact with him and everything (bc at the time I didn't know that I didn't really get through as much as I thought).
From there on it pretty much went downhill. We had been thinking about doing a trip to London for a few days (his idea but at the time I really wanted to go, it was around 2 years ago when I still practically worshipped that one author, she who must not be named) and to this very day he's not letting it go completely. Even though the pandemic puts lots of obstacles in the way and I have more important things to worry about, namely final exams and applications. Even though London is expensive as shit and I still have no way to earn money atm. And about the vacation, I finally canceled last summer (and gave the aforementioned reasons) and he completely lost his shit and got super aggressive, insulted me and tried to guilt-trip me into taking that back and agreeing to still go on that vacation with him. Then we got into another fight where he wanted me to cancel the vacation with my grandparents, which was already planned and booked and everything in order to make time for the vacation I'd already said I don't want to go on with him anymore and aggressively demanded (he didn't ask, he sent a demand and bombarded me with exclamation marks) to know when exactly I'd be going on vacation with them. Then he went offline after I refused and ignored the next few messages I sent him and only replied when I asked "what I'd I reconsidered my stance on the trip?". I mean, baiting him with that definitely was shitty of me, but the result showed that that was basically what he wanted, pressure me into still going on that vacation. That specific conflict had been going on for weeks, bc despite me telling him that it's counterproductive and detrimental to my mental health to increase the pressure and therefore my anxiety about getting a job to pay for the trip, he kept pressuring me while acknowledging that he's giving me lots of pressure and anxiety and even using that against me.
He also didn't acknowledge that most times we try to meet, he goes offline for hours before replying and disappearing again. That would be absolutely fine if he didn't accuse me of doing that, which btw is his standard technique and it took me a long time to realize that. He always tries to shift the blame to make me look like the one at fault, and he always, always demands that I apologize when we had a fight via WhatsApp.
And when I started enforcing my boundaries and telling him to stop asking again and again why I can't meet, what I'm doing, or demanding other explanations, he started to attack me for the kind of language I use, so when I'm ever so slightly sarcastic he immediately latches onto that and creates a new conflict.
But this still isn't all, oh no. He's also basically an ecofascist, and is fully okay with sacrificing social justice to save the environment, completely choosing to ignore that the people he's protecting are the ones at fault and that the ppl who contribute the least are the ones experiencing the hardest ecological consequences.
He's said multiple times that he thinks both sides are equally bad, in the context of left and right in general as well as antifascism and fascism and that he doesn't "condone the oppressed defending themselves with any means necessary" bc that, too, would include violence. He's defending the "right to free speech" even when right-wingers say really disgusting shit, he disagrees with prohibiting demonstrations of ppl who think that Corona is a hoax, he has zero empathy for ppl who are affected, who suffer long-term consequences from infections, not even for ppl who die from it (he literally said "people die anyway, that doesn't justify imprisoning everyone else") and somehow still thinks he has the moral high ground.
And the last bit he did was explaining to me, from his endocisallohet white guy perspective, how I'm "not discriminated against" bc gay ppl in my country can get married (only since 2017 btw) and when I, despite the fact that I shouldn't have had to and that it was a real blow to my mental health, wrote him a message that was almost the length of an essay, he calmly started to question my replies with the detachedness of someone who's discussing whether pineapple belongs on pizza and demanding further explanation. To top it off, he said that marginalized ppl have to always reply to everyone calmly and politely, no matter if it was offensive bc the person asking might be unaware of that. Otherwise, he said, everyone would be right to stop listening to us. Like, he literally said that we don't deserve human rights if we're not licking the boots of our oppressors if that way of thinking is followed through to the end.
I almost forgot, he also thinks that white ppl should have a say in whether something is a racist slur, or whether something is racist in general (we're both white, but at least I'm trying my best to unlearn what my upbringing taught me instead of being the cliché of the white person who goes "how dare you call me racist, I've never been more insulted in my whole life!", which is basically his reaction)
So up until this last fight, I conceded some ground to him to end the fights and keep him as a "friend" not only bc I feel horrible when I imagine losing one of my only irl friends but also bc I was hoping I could get through to him and educate him, to the best of my ability, on how to be a good ally to marginalized people. But the disregard with which he treats my explanations why the way he talked (wrote) about marginalized people is absolutely not okay and the fact that he just told me that he genuinely doesn't see how he did anything wrong even after I explained it to him in detail is just too much to bear at this point.
Oh, and while looking through the chat to prove him a liar I found that apparently, to him a promise is a promise, no matter whether it was given under pressure or voluntarily, so do with that what you will.
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littlebigmouse · 4 years
Boku No Hero Academia first impression:
In no particular order, covering the first 4 episodes, because I FINALLY watched them. it got kinda long and kinda critical, but I do see why ppl would like the show:
- I absolutely adore the art style and animation - the hero and villain design? awesome, I swear - that scene where Miss Mountain gets introduced and everyone just takes pictures of her butt, like, why did we need this scene? Really? Isn’t it time for the Shonen Genre to grow up a little? - All Might - I repeat, All Might as this skinny guy because he’s badly injured? Awesomeness - 80% of people have a Quirk, that means that 20% of people don’t have one, which means that one in five people actually don’t have superpowers so it is highly improbable that Deku’d be the only kid without a Quirk in his class/he and the bullies seem to know - would people with useless quirks be discriminated against as well? And shouldn’t, statistically speaking, most quirks be flippin’ useless in most cases? - on that note, I’m just so dying for the topic of Quirkless people in the population being discriminated as a whole? I mean, judging by how people treat Deku, I think they are, but at the same time they don’t appear to be at all? - What did the Quirks do to classic Beauty standards? Since it’s fairly normal for people to look abnormal, yet at the same time the crowds only ever consist of regular people in suits? Idk, waiting to see more on that I guess? - Did I mention the cinematography? A+ for the light effects in the junk yard scene - wayyyy to many flashbacks repeating something I saw 2 minutes earlier though - Deku studying all the heroes is pure and smart and actually getting him to his goal and I love it - Okay, but how come Deku appearantly never had the idea to work out before? Look at One Punch Man, it worked for him too. - Kacchan has zero chill and it is honestly getting a bit annoying already - what the heck is wrong with the teacher. Good lord, that is one heck of a bad teacher. Fire him, like, right now - seriously tho “Kacchan, you aren’t allowed to use your powers in class, oops, you set the wimp on fire, happens, I guess” (are we not gonna talk about how dangerous these powers can be? Kacchan has the ability to set people on fire and no one is like “Dude, you gotta chill and do something about your anger management, how you haven’t accidentally killed anyone is a miracle”) - Idk what that relationship between Deku and Kacchan is supposed to be, everyone calls them ‘rivals’ and ‘childhood friends’ but, just, NO. Kacchan told Deku to kill himself in his second major appearance, they ain’t no friends. - idk what Kacchans real name is, I forgot already - if no one calls Kacchan out on his bullshit any time soon I will riot. The difference between ‘Rivals’ and ‘Enemies’ is that only one of them is supposed to want to see you dead - the fact that Deku just gets to inherit his powers from All Might is a bit underwhelming. “So you are genetically at a disadvantage compared to most of society? Here’s awesome magic to give you a genetic advantage (once you learn to control it).” I’d love to see what they’d done if Deku had no way of getting actual superpowers and just had to train hard - basically, BNHA would have made an awesome Mumen Rider prequel - yes, overexerting yourself a few hours before your great exam sounds like a wonderful idea - NOT - I’m not saying it’s not relatable, I’m just saying I don’t think either of them gets to have the braincell in this show - ahahaha, Deku had to eat All Mights hair, that is both awesome and gross on so many levels - I don’t care how much magical healing they have, I call bullshit if not at least a few people get killed by falling debris every year during this exam - the girl is trapped. Deku has to save her! except. she has levitation powers. Just levitate the rock off your leg. - WHY DOESN’T SHE JUST LEVITATE THE ROCK. she can’t even feel ‘too sick’ to do it because she saves Deku afterwards anyway, so the author plain forgot about her powers there, or she has lower regard for her own life than she has for Dekus, and I’m not sure which option I’m more comfortable with, since they literally only just met and he wouldn’t even have been in danger had she just levitated the rock off her leg - im just saying, were she a male character, she would’ve been able to get the rock off her leg because of the power of determination or whatever because she wants to pass badly. But because she isn’t she gets the power of determination to save the main character, not herself. - yes I will complain about sexism in shonen anime, fight me. - the show underestimates how much broken bones HURT. Deku broke all of his bones in three of his limbs, he should have passed out from the pain a bunch of times during his fall - the flapping of his broken limbs was so painfull to watch, ahhhh - please let there be consequences for injury, please let there - oh damn it - Dekus Mom is so super supportive of her sons dreams and fretts with him over the letter and the heroes and all, but of course he doesn’t tell her about his encounter with All Might, not even that he is now training, and leaves her in front of his closed door while he opens the letter from the UA, but, but why? They seem to have a good relationship with each other so far and she is super supportive, so why doesn’t Deku open up to her more? As far as we know, she is his only ally anyway since he didn’t have any friends in middle school. It either gets adressed or it WILL bother me to no end - on that note, glasses dude with the freaky legs already looks super promising and is probably gonna end up high on my fav characters list - Deku very clearly failed the exam in every way, but passed because he had good intentions. I see where they’re coming from since he did something heroic, but he absolutely risked his life recklessly and while that is heroic, it’s also so super stupid, if all the heroes constantly pulled stunts like this, there would be no UA - what kept All Might from giving Deku his hair like, a week prior so he could test out what the heck he could even do? It’s not like Deku suddenly became shredded in the last week, they wouldn’t have noticed a huge enough difference in that last week alone to make the muscle mass argument stick (since All Mights calculations were off anyway since Deku overexerted himself and all that) and it’s just so goddamn irresponsible and dangerous coming from a character that didn’t seem stupid enough to be that irresponsible - I know All Might probably counted on Deku being heroic instead of powerful, but that still made the entire thing super risky and dangerous. Rarg. - my suspension of disbelief is officially stretched beyond ever needing to worry about any of these character’s health, because clearly, they’re gonna make it as long as they have good intentions. yawn. - I know BNHA is a very classical shonen show in this regard, but it’s not like very classical shonen weren’t able to be at least a bit reasonable about the amount of injury a character survives within the first four episodes (for all its faults, Soul Eater was awesome about that, now that I think about it. One Piece meanwhile just convinced me right off the bat that injury is purely an aesthetic thing) - I think Mob Psycho may have ruined me for shonen forever :/ - They keep teasing really good ideas only to go ‘sike!’ and do the least interesting thing. - Like, Deku has no powers, but keeps books upon books filled with analysis of his fav heroes. That’s awesome! Do something with that! Have him work out and be smart and prove that people with useless/no quirk can be just as good if they work smartly! Have him fake a quirk to get in, or get in on All Might’s reccomendation, or- - or don’t have him get in because of the systemic discrimination and have Deku become a real, classic vigilante, protecting the quirkless and fighting systemic oppression. Or have him become a villain. - I bet there’s fanfic for that. Might check out. - On that note, how do people with non-combat powers ever get into the school. “Yes, I see that you have super healing, empathy, can calm other people down, paralyse them and would in general be an awesome hero to deescalate situations. But we prefer people with the power to punch things really hard.” isn’t there a mind control guy later in the show? How’d he get in? - on second thought, the school and the test make perfect sense because entrance exams be like that. Hnnng. I dropped the show. I’m not vibing with it :/
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leftnipsdoodles · 5 years
with Eris coming back i wanna give some attention to Asher bc im Like That
specifically, the fact that he might very well be the person Eris referred to as her cousin back when they were both alive. and i’ll get to sth abt that in a second, but first, here’s what the lore regarding this person says:
Undelivered, lost.
Cousin, do you remember the streets of the Last City? Do you remember eating fresh red grapes and playing tag between the market stalls? You cannot. We grew, we died, we were reborn. But I remember. It is the one thing I know is true. You used to LAUGH. What manipulation of the fates has led us each to our own calamities? [Forceful, looping script.] I listen to Vanguard channels every day for news of your death. If and when that news comes, I will fly to you at once, no matter where I am and no matter what front I fight on. [Aggressive pressure, carved deep enough into the paper to tear it.] I swear it.
- lore entry ‘Letters’, presumably letters Eris wrote and tried to deliver to several different people
3. I submit to you now photographic and video evidence recovered from civilian family albums, historical archives, and extant Ghost recordings originally captured in the Last City. Behold, ERI-223: a child of the Last City, born to civilian parents in a mortal-Guardian integrated neighborhood. Behold, too, tiny VIP #1786—though he is almost more unbelievable than ERI-223, if you look at his smile. 
- lore entry ‘Forgeries’, dissecting and fact-checking the Truth to Power lore (in this case, confirming what Eris said abt her backstory in Letters)
i highlighted the contextually important parts here.
We grew, we died, we were reborn. -> Asher confirms multiple times that he’s never been to the Reef and goes above and beyond to distance himself from Reef Awoken. while this might mean he just died on Earth and doesn’t remember being at the Reef, it’s equally as possible he’s simply Earthborn.
You used to LAUGH. What manipulation of the fates has led us each to our own calamities? / [...] though he is almost more unbelievable than ERI-223, if you look at his smile. -> I used to think Toland was a good contester for being the person she talks about, since he’s also suffered a pretty bad(ass) fate like Eris, so she could be referring to him. But, we do know he’s still as... jovial, as ever. Asher on the other hand is known to be a big ol’ grump. The only time he does anything close to smiling is when he’s being condescending lol
I listen to Vanguard channels every day for news of your death. -> Eris obviously knows what’s going on with Asher’s ‘disease’. The first time we hear about him is in the grimoire where she visits him at the hospital while he’s in a coma after the whole Brakion thing. Toland’s already dead more or less but more importantly, the Vanguard wouldn’t report on him since he’s not affiliated with them because, yknow. He’s a ball. Asher on the other hand (heh) is specifically said to work under the Vanguard and his death would definitely have to be relayed to them.
now, the only reason i’m not 100% on all this is because, as always, the timeline in Destiny is a mess. I’ve talked abt it before but unless we get confirmation that Ghosts are able to revive someone at an age they never were (bc they died early or whatever), i dont see it adding up. Asher looks old, bruh. and he’s Awoken. we do know that while they do age outside of the Distributary, they do it at a much slower rate than humans. so for him to look this old, he must’ve been around for centuries before dying (since humans’ lifespans in this universe are already tripled). but the way the Awoken lore is written, it doesn’t sound like they have been on Earth long enough to warrant him ever getting this old before dying and being rezzed as a Guardian. and by his own admission, he’s been a Guardian long enough to see 6 different Hunter Vanguards come and go, which, while Hunter Vanguards change more quickly than the others, would still give us a rather long timespan. i will point out that all this COULD still add up, just because the timeline in Destiny has always been incredibly vague. so even if it doesn’t seem to add up now, the author’s intent would overrule any inconsistencies.
the other thing i want to put up for debate is the familial aspect of it, since I feel like these two being related feels ‘unbelievable’ (not that it has to be, but lbr). bear with me for a second, im gonna throw a lot of speculation at you but i hope you can understand that im doing my best to keep it in line with what we know: Awoken seem to face some sort of discrimination on Earth. 2 NPC lines hint at this: 1) ‘Who cares if he’s an Awoken? We’re in love, mom!’ 2) ‘I can’t believe it. I don’t mind that he was Awoken, but an artist? I mean, come on!‘ this is today, in a time where Awoken have been on Earth for a while. it was probably worse when they first got here, even tho in the lore, it is mentioned that generally the arrival of the Awoken was seen as something positive (since they came in a time of need, specifically to help. so not only were they seen as actual aid, but they also brought hope that not everything from outer space is here to kill humans). however, i’d say that especially in a day-to-day context, they would still be mistrusted. especially once they started banging humans. we all know how ppl react to outsiders ‘stealing’ things from them.
now, since we’re told that Eris grew up in a ‘mortal-Guardian integrated neighborhood’, when we know that most civilians outside of the Tower tend to be wary or even fearful of Guardians, i think it’s safe to assume she was born into a more ‘progressive’ environment. meaning it wouldn’t be a stretch for her to grow up around Awoken.
we don’t know for sure whether Eris is Awoken or just a Human with a very pale complexion (her being transformed by the Hive doesn’t help). either way, what I’m getting at with all this is that ‘cousin’ doesn’t have to be a familial term. ‘cousin’ is used by the Reef Awoken to refer to Awoken Player Characters (who, even tho it’s later hinted that we’re from the Reef ourselves, are presumed to be Earthborn by said Reef Awoken). ‘brother’/’sister’ is used as well.  if we think Eris is Human, her calling an Awoken kid ‘cousin’ would fit in with her being from an integrating neighborhood. (EDIT: we even have the lore mentioning humans as ‘cousins’ of the Awoken: ‘Those who left went to scour the ruins for lost history and give some succor to their Human cousins [...]’ -lore entry ‘Revanche V’) if we think Eris is Awoken herself, her calling another Awoken ‘cousin’ wouldn’t feel unusual either. on the other hand, there’s the untapped potential in Awoken-Human hybrids that are mentioned by the lore but just *clenches fist* never fkn explored. so her looking so different from him could have a number of explanations and doesn’t necessarily mean they’re not related. but like i said, i think the majority of us can’t see it lmfao
ANYWAY what im saying is that whether ‘cousin’ is meant literally or figuratively, it wouldn’t disprove the possibility of Asher being the cousin Eris mentions as part of her past.
so uhh, these are all my thoughts on the matter. feel free to tell me your own if you disagree or feel like adding sth!
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merlinthoughts · 6 years
Season 1 Episode 4 - The Poisoned Chalice
- god fucking dammit here we go again, i'm bloody done with my life and do not, at all, want to see merlin die bc i don't remember anything except that, yeah, he dies and someone has to get off their ass and save the motherfucking day and kiss him
- i realise how much i swear in these posts bc 1. when do i not? 2. i'm emotionally invested 3. i have no other excuse i just like swearing
- id recognise her in a split second tbfh, she aint subtle
- *heterosexual tension*
- merlins skin be looking so smooth this episode, this boy be wearing lots of Dove
- he looked so excited to be in the banquet, then arthur just fucking slashes him with “not quite” and his hopes and dreams are destroyed
- “wanna see what you’ll be wearing tonight?” arthur says as he's behind the fucking changing curtains, about to get undressed and show merlin his birthday suit
- i honest to god thought that was where he was going, but no, he was just getting something from behind it
- “tonight you’ll be wearing the official ceremonial robes of the servants of camelot” IT'S A FUCKING DRESS ISN'T IT
- aw damn id have preferred a dress
- that smile shared between them was the most adorable scene
- god
- i
- fucking
- love
- their
- smiles 
- sm
- best thing ive ever seen
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- i mean… hunty look at that piece of glistening butter beauty
- wow ok back to the episode:
- bros being bros and giving each other a handshake to destroy the mortal enemy pack and put together a family, we stan.
- as if a servant who has only had eye sex with another servant ONCE would trust them enough to say that one of the chalices were poisoned. like??? “ur the only one i could tell” LMAO NO?
- she's a sly fucking dog tfbh
- “if he kills arthur, uthers soul will be broken and camelot will fall” at this rate uther prob wouldn't care if his son dies or not, look at him, he's already mentally broken. he has anxiety and paranoia over magic. child services where u at in the medieval ages?
- i wouldn't believe a word she said, or well, id have believed it was poisoned but id say yeah no damn way you aren't in on it if you know which one it is. bayard wouldn't tell a fucking servant.
- yknow what we say here folks? U DO U MERLIN
- okay i was fine if uther made bayard drink it but like the moment uther said “mmmh… no.” and slowly turned to merlin i think my arteries just crunched together and died so
- “if it is poisoned, he’ll die” HE'S FUCKING SCARED MERLIN WILL PASS AWAY ISN'T HE?
- “it's fine” he says, then starts to fucking choke
- ah fuck he's down
- my boy is down
- lmfao bayard looks so shocked, his face is in disbelief and confusion, he's like who tf done me bad
- arthurs carrying merlin fireman style this is what i live for folks
- did like nobody notice the flower stuck on the inside of the cup? like honestly if you take a sip you’d kinda spot it or perhaps even the person pouring the drinks would have been “is this chamomile tea? no? then what the fuckery-doo is this leaf in here for?” yknow. it's like that scene in Matilda when the angry buff lady completely missed a fucking salamander in her cup when it was the size of her bloody hand. it brings out the same mood honestly
- does gaius have an index for these books or does he just have every page memorised and know exactly what page to go bc I FUCKING NEED THAT it would make bio so much easier if i knew what page it was on instead of looking back and forth from the homework sheet to my textbook, then closing it by accident and having to find the index again for that specific page i need
- arthur wants to fucking go on a life-or-death journey to save merlin i've never been so happy
- this is honestly my favourite episode, like it may be really fucking angsty but i love it so much
- arthur betrays his dad and leaves his room even after being told not to just so he can save a servants life is literally my new moto
- okay so while i'm waiting for my shit to load, i just discovered the new fucking tumblr rule starting dec 17 and i'm like 0.2 inches away from just spamming NSFW pics on here just for laughs
- like hunty, that won't stop people from posting elsewhere or for thinking about sex bc like??? whatchu gonna do tumblr?? get the fbi to erase it from our minds
- i think nOT thot
- watch me get flagged for just using the fucking term “NSFW”
- i'm gonna end up asterisking everything (is asterisking a word? wow it has red under it so like probably not but i just added it to my dictionary so uhh it is now)
- by asterisking i dont mean furry kin shit ew no
- i mean like N*FW, s*x, t*mblr, m*rthur
- god it took me like 20 minutes to calibrate my fucking wifi and fix the connection problem
- wow the stage for the poison increased by 75% in 30 mins, damn
- merlins like like having a conniption on his bed lmao, chanting arthurs name and sweating lot
- do we ever find out how uther gets that scar bc i'm like 100% positive arthur was a little child and swayed his fucking sword too hard just as uther rounded the corner. the sword then collided into his fucking brain and destroyed a good part of his intelligence, targeting especially his morals on how to accept people and how to be a good father
- that’s my theory
- merlin starts talking enchantments in his sleep while gwens watching, and gaius is just there like wtf merlin ur blowing ur cover “oh! gwen!! uhhh sorry. he’s just... in a latin study group in his pastime and has an oral presentation in minutes”
- omg, nimueh, stfu
- i didn't know dinosaurs existed back then, this reptile be whack
- y’know what's funny? ppl thinking dinosaurs didn’t exist. i find creationism very very very intriguing bc how fucking stupid could you be
- that sword throw was faker than my moms tits
- arthur could have done better
- k but like what if merlin’s hand wasn’t under the covers? like he was just throwing that blue ball around right in front of gwen
- can arthur like not hear her? nimuehs literally enchanting the rocks right behind his ear lobes and arthur acts nothing of it until those said rocks collapse and he gasps and suddenly he realises shes evil
- also his fucking hair in this scene looks glorious. perhaps bc it's pushed back rather than his bowl cut, but its doing things to my abdomen
- i thought for a second she was pulling off her mask to say “nimueh” and arthur was gasping bc he only recognised her after her hair was shown, just like in that scene with joker and harvey in the hospital
- i’d be dead if those spiders came crawling up to eat me lmfao
- k so nimueh went from :) to >:D in half a second
- i'm smelling up those symbolisms, boys
- watch out pals cause here are some of them:
- merlin is the LIGHT of arthur’s life
- he LIGHTS up the party
- he gives arthur a BRIGHTER future
- he's the GUIDE for his path
- hahhahahaha
- i'm serious when i say i have a huge fear of insects (spiders count in that too, no discrimination) so i'm just putting that there, saying to yall id be fucking terrified
- gaius would be so confused, like we don't see his face here but merlins close-up sweaty concentrated frown, but he’s literally just screaming “ARTHUR!!” “FASTERRR!!” “YESS!!” “CLIMB!!!” gaius would be looking like he walked into something he wasn't supposed to. prob thinking he should just let the kid die so he doesn’t have to deal with this shit anymore
- that's grounding???? throwing ur child in prison???
- yes 999 can i have child services on his ass
- gwens so smart honestly i love her
- pretending to be a maiden for the food, god what a queen
- arthur buying it and saying “yuck you say this is food?! disgustang!”
- the fact that i misspelled disgusting but it autocorrected to disgustang (which is originally what i wanted but autocorrect shouldn’t have known) makes me consider if i should really check my dictionary…. who knows what words are on there
- they’re so smart
- and then this fucker ruins it all while eating his food, checking her out and saying yeah arthurs a prick, hyuck hyuck, realising only that wait fuck u aint the maiden
- how’d they know GWEN was the one not supposed to have delivered the food, what if it was that chick right there???
- welll….. maybe it's because gwen took her sweet time up those steps, staring as if she couldn’t blink at the guards below
- i forget what happens at the end of this episode besides the kiss, and there's like 9 minutes left my fingers may rot at this point
- wake him up! wake him up!
- i keep forgetting to switch up the cap locks, sorry if it seems im screaming im legit using my inside voice for most of the time just emphasizing my words a little more
- goddamn, everytime they say mercia i just think of “murica”, like those americans on the 7th of july or whatever date the “we love our country” day is, chanting it as they throw around beers and fireworks as people gather round in jerseys or crop tops
- it's not that hard to spot the european on here
- the most celebrated holiday here which contains a lot of beers and big pub gatherings (besides every fucking night honestly) is either new years, lowkey stereotypically correct saint patricks, and ig easter monday but that's more for the kiddos
- i mean ofc christmas and all that shit but im not the most devoted christian, i just like presents and small gatherings among good friends
- wow okay it wasn't the 7th of july
- i mean at first i looked up “USA day” (i couldn’t remember the name) and it popped up today’s date, and i was like no thats not it at all. dec?? its in like july i think. and i was close! it was july 4th.
- uther damn knows it's nimueh!!!
- i mean, he just overheard morgana and arthur talk about it, and initiated himself into a convo about it once morgana left, as his sneaky ass just slithered up like “hey man, u know that woman? yeah uhh, what she say? anything about me? no? k i know who it is tho”
- i thought he was going to apologize or like explain to arthur what's the sitch, but he just waits for five whole seconds before saying. “those who practice magic know only evil. they despise and seek to destroy goodness wherever they find it.”
- arthur, confused: sounds as if you know her
- uther, walking away: i do
- arthur:
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- wow k lots of fucking quotes here cause it's the merthur reunion
- get ready babs
- arthur: still alive then?
- merlin: oh yes, just about… i understand i have you to thank for that
- arthur, leaning on the chair merlin is sitting in, stifling a smile: ah it's nothing, a half-decent servant is hard to come by. i was only dropping by to make sure you’re alright… i.... expect you to be back to work tomorrow
- merlin, watching arthur as he slightly walks away having embarrassed himself: arthur... thank you
- arthur, slowly: you too
- they stare for like 5 whole seconds
- arthur, uncomfortable: well… get some rest
- there we go folks: my eulogy.
- hope someone reads it at my funeral
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loucifieri · 6 years
Disaster disaster chatfic (v3 HPA AU)
I… I made a chatfic tie-in of my HPA AU. It’s to make up for the lack of exposure of the other v3 kids in the comics ;w; also, chat fics are fun (and easier) to write (since my strength is with dialogue– I’m not really good at writing descriptions that’s why i just draw them lol) 
The groupchat was created around 2 weeks after the start of classes.
04/21/18 07:19PM
Akamatsu Kaede added Saihara Shuichi, Yonaga Angie, Chabashira Tenko, Harukawa Maki and 11 others to the chat.
Ouma Kokichi: WHOMSTVE???
Harukawa Maki: for what is this, akamatsu?
Akamatsu Kaede: Hi guys!! I just thought that a group chat would be a great way to even get to know each other.
Ouma Kokichi: we live in a dorm together, we all go to class together… what MORE do you want piano baka
Amami Rantaro: she just needs an excuse to talk to a someone
Yonaga Angie: oooh Angie wonders who that might be~~
Akamatsu Kaede: Amami-kun, shut
Akamatsu Kaede: Okay, maybe a groupchat is redundant but
Akamatsu Kaede: the upperclassmen have one per class and it sounds fun??
Harukawa Maki: they're just going to use this to send each other memes
Ouma Kokichi: spot on assassin-chan!! you know us so well already, how sweet
Harukawa Maki: die
Momota Kaito: harumaki we talked about this
Harukawa Maki: but this is Ouma we’re talking about
Momota Kaito: fair enough
Ouma Kokichi: OI
Akamatsu Kaede: Okay, I don’t mind you guys using this to fool around but please don’t text during class!!
Iruma Miu: booooring,,, didnt think ud be a stick in the mud bakamatsu
Ouma Kokichi: yea ikr
Ouma Kokichi: lets fix that
Ouma Kokichi removed Akamatsu Kaede from the chat
Iruma Miu: LOL
Amami Rantaro: what a power move
Saihara Shuichi: Please don’t be mean to Kaede-san, she’s doing her best
Saihara Shuichi added Akamatsu Kaede to the chat
Shirogane Tsumugi: Saihara-kun used lesser revival potion! Akamatsu-san’s back with 25% HP
Akamatsu Kaede: this was a mistake, making this groupchat and being resurrected
Gokuhara Gonta: Hello everyone! Gonta just went online and is happy to see that we have a groupchat! Gonta wants to be better friends with everyone!
Akamatsu Kaede: Actually! I regret nothing now.
Saihara Shuichi: Hi Gonta-kun
Harukawa Maki: finally this groupchat seems bearable
Shirogane Tsumugi: Gonta-kun is best boy!
Gokuhara Gonta: Thank you Shirogane-san!
Ouma Kokichi: k this is getting boring so lemme spice it up a bit
Ouma Kokichi changed Ouma Kokichi to Lord Panta
Amami Rantaro: first sign of the apocalypse
Lord Panta changed Amami Rantaro to imma meme
imma meme: no complaints here
imma meme: its pretty bland actually,,
Lord Panta: is that a challenge
imma meme: if you're going to make an avocado reference then don't bother
Lord Panta: damn
Lord Panta: i'll think of something better but for now youre a meme lord
Lord Panta changed Harukawa Maki to stabs ppl
Lord Panta changed Momota Kaito to stab me Maki
stabs ppl: fuck you Ouma
stab me Maki: u lil shit
Lord Panta: boi im bein a wingman here
Shirogane Tsumugi: Let their romantic development happen naturally!!
stab me Maki: yeah what she said
Lord Panta: whatever boring ppl
stab me Maki changed stabs ppl to Maki Roll
stab me Maki changed stab me Maki to starlord
Lord Panta: rly wanted to strangle starlord in Infinity War ykno
Maki Roll: I still dislike this name but its kind of Ok
starlord: :D
Chabashira Tenko: I go online and this is what welcomes me
Chabashira Tenko: a degenerate harassing a beautiful girl
starlord: i wasnt harassing harumaki!!!!
Lord Panta: tone down the gay there chabs u already have yumeno-chan
Yumeno Himiko: ….....nyeh
Chabashira Tenko: gtfo shota
Chabashira Tenko: And dont call me chabs
Lord Panta changed Yumeno Himiko to Jingle Jangle
Jingle Jangle: …......thanks..... i hate it
Shirogane Tsumugi: do you still watch that hot mess of a series
Lord Panta: nah stopped watching ages ago, thats the last time im taking series recommendations from Angie-chan
Yonaga Angie: Pardon my french but Atua says you're a b i t c h (ಠ_ಠ)
Shirogane Tsumugi: how much of the audience do you think would get that reference then
starlord: shirogane wat
Jingle Jangle changed Chabashira Tenko to chaotic lesbean
Jingle Jangle changed Jingle Jangle to Do You Believe In Magic
chaotic lesbean: Tenko loves it!! thank you yumeno-chan <3
Do You Believe In Magic: np.............
Lord Panta: wow is it me or is the atmosphere here getting gay
Lord Panta: hey hey akamatsu-chan did you intend for this to be a breeding ground for couples
Akamatsu Kaede: No???
Saihara Shuichi: Don't mind him, he's just bitter he doesn't have anyone to be gay with
Akamatsu Kaede: hasahshhaha OMG
imma meme: asdndals;dskbdbjk
Yonaga Angie: Even Atua did not see that coming!
starlord: hahahahaha thats my sidekick!!
Maki Roll: nice
Lord Panta: i'll have you know i have ranty!!
Lord Panta: right babe? ;)
imma meme: went offline
Lord Panta: >:C
Lord Panta: hmph back to name changing then
Lord Panta changed Akamatsu Kaede to dumb blonde
Lord Panta changed Iruma Miu to dumb blonde slut
dumb blonde slut: h-huh
dumb blonde: OUMA-KUN
Saihara Shuichi changed dumb blonde to Treblemaker
Saihara Shuichi: I gotchu
Treblemaker: Thanks Shuichi-kun!
dumb blonde slut: hey what about me
Yonaga Angie changed Yonaga Angie to bitch I am the WAY
bitch I am the WAY: (◔◡◔✿)
Shinguji Korekiyo: Well this has been an interesting conversation so far.
dumb blonde slut: whoop the stalker's here
Shinguji Korekiyo: I've always been here, from the very beginning. Just... Watching.
chaotic lesbean: Tenko is filing a restraining order tomorrow
bitch I am the WAY: Also!! Angie thinks your nickname suits you Miu!~ Atua does, too~~
dumb blonde slut: eeeeehhhh
Treblemaker changed Saihara Shuichi to The Only Hope For Me Is You
The Only Hope For Me Is You: eeeeyy thanks Kaede-san!
Lord Panta: geez we get it, you're both so gay for each other
dumb blonde slut: someone's salty
Treblemaker: What no
Treblemaker: I am gay tho
Lord Panta: OwO)???
chaotic lesbean: GLORIOUS NEWS!!!!!!!
Maki Roll: isn't @The Only Hope For Me Is You an MCR song?
The Only Hope For Me Is You: Harukawa-san gets it
imma meme: “Still in their Emo Phase” Solidarity!!
Maki Roll: not another word from you Amami
Do You Believe In Magic changed Shinguji Korekiyo to Kork
Kork: …
Kork: I suppose this will suffice.
Kork: It's not as tasteless as Iruma-san's nickname.
dumb blonde slut: EEEHHHHHHH
bitch I am the WAY: she is truly screaming
Maki Roll: it's bordering on a moan actually
Idabashi Keebo: I hear an unsettling distress call... what seems to be the problem?
starlord: theres no problem keebs just ignore it
Gokuhara Gonta: Hello Keebo!
Idabashi Keebo: Greetings, Gonta-kun.
Shirogane Tsumugi: This is so Pure™
Lord Panta: Do you ship it
Shirogane Tsumugi: stop
Shirogane Tsumugi changed Shirogane Tsumugi to [anime reference]
Lord Panta: ehhh boring!!
Lord Panta changed Idabashi Keebo to Do Robots Have Dicks
Lord Panta changed [anime reference] to Nani the FUCK
Nani the FUCK: kdajkdjdsl; OUMA
imma meme changed Nani the FUCK to Weeaboo Mastermind
Weeaboo Mastermind: Rantaro-kun you baka we're Japanese
imma meme: ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
Do You Believe in Magic changed Weeaboo Mastermind to ShirogaNYEH
chaotic lesbean: that's wonderful yumeno-chan!
ShirogaNYEH: this will do for now I guess ;w;
Do Robots Have Dicks: I do not like this name :(
Lord Panta: its a valid question keeboy
starlord: why do i hear sobbing from the next room
Treblemaker: Look what you've done Ouma-kun
chaotic lesbean: do you want Tenko to break his legs
Treblemaker: Uh, no need Chabashira-san!
Treblemaker changed Do Robots Have Dicks to Robot Rights Activist
Robot Rights Activist: Thank you Akamatsu-san!
Robot Rights Activist: I am sorry for crying
ShirogaNYEH: constant mood
Robot Rights Activist: But next time I won't be tolerant of such discrimination against my robotic creations!
Lord Panta: whatevs
Tojo Kirumi: A pleasant evening to everyone. I just got back from grocery shopping and re-stocked the pantry. If any of you require my assistance, you may reach out to me through this group chat.
The Only Hope For Me Is You: Welcome back Tojo-san
Lord Panta: MOM!!! did you get me something from mcdonalds??
Tojo Kirumi: I told you, we have food here.
Treblemaker: She did buy a single black coffee from Mcdo though
Kork: Well then
chaotic lesbean: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Lord Panta: uuuuuuuuuuu eeven mmom is bullyinnng mmmme :'((((
Lord Panta: i hhaaaate thiisss faaaamilyyy uuuwaaaaaaaaa
Maki Roll: then leave
Lord Panta: wow no need to be a cunt, harumaki
starlord: oy im the only one who can call her that!!
Maki Roll: only Momota can call me that
Lord Panta: cunt or harumaki???
Maki Roll removed Lord Panta from the chat
starlord: NICE
Maki Roll: do you want to die shirogane
Kork: Good riddance.
Do You Believe In Magic changed Tojo Kirumi to Mother Knows Best
Mother Knows Best: I suppose I will just have to contend with this nickname as most of you do act like children.
Imma meme: dont worry tojo-san, akamatsu-san will be there with you every step of the way :3
imma meme: OH SHIT SHES BREAKING INTO MY ROkjdjksfbjksdkladladhrwt4eqio
chaotic lesbean: he's good as dead im sure
The Only Hope For Me is You: Uh where's Hoshi-kun? He hasn't said anything yet, I'm worried...
Gokuhara Gonta: Oh! No need to worry Saihara-kun! Hoshi-kun is with Gonta out the garden, he didn't bring his phone that's why he is silent here!
Gokuhara Gonta: We are catching some fireflies!
The Only Hope For Me Is You: That is so pure oh my gosh
starlord: its not manly but there are legit real tears in my eyes
chaotic lesbean: you must be protected at all costs!!! the only non-degenerate male here
The Only Hope For Me Is You added Lord Panta to the chat
chaotic lesbean: WHY
starlord: this betrayal... whyd u do it sai
The Only Hope For Me Is You: I'm sorry, I'm not... strong enough
starlord: and this will make you strong??
Lord Panta: he means hes not strong enough to resist my charms *finger guns*
starlord: sure jan
The Only Hope For Me Is You: He's right
Lord Panta: wait rly??????
bitch I am the WAY: Atua did not see this coming too!
– nickname guide Lord Panta: Ouma The Only Hope For Me Is You: Saihara Treblemaker: Akamatsu bitch I am the WAY: Yonaga starlord: momota shirogaNYEH: shirogane Mother Knows Best: tojo imma meme: amami Maki Roll: harukawa Do You Believe In Magic: yumeno chaotic lesbean: chabashira Kork: shinguji Robot Rights Activist: idabashi dumb blonde slut: iruma N/A yet: gokuhara & hoshi NDRV3 HPA AU Character Design Masterlist here and background information here [Facebook] [Instagram] [Twitter] [Blogger] [Kofi] will probs post this on AO3 too idk lol
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glvndas · 6 years
                     i’m a storm with skin.                      it’s getting windy again.
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✧*:・゚✧  merlin! is that KIERSEY CLEMONS? no, it’s just GLENDA CHITTOCK the SEVENTH YEAR RAVENCLAW ( MUGGLEBORN ). we’ve heard rumors that SHE/THEY ( GENDERQUEER ) is PASSIONATE, INDIVIDUALISTIC & STREETSMART but can also be very PACIFISTIC, RAMBUNCTIOUS & SELF PRESERVING if i had to pick one song to describe SHE/THEY it would CHERRY BOMB BY THE RUNAWAYS. Good luck with the rest of your time at Hogwarts.
INSPO: pinboard and stats page.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: alcohol, drugs (slight mentions, explicit ones will be marked)
AESTHETIC: wind clashing against your window at night, distressed jeans, a radio playing in the background, messy handwriting, an angry yell, rainbows, wanting to play guitar but never practicing, crumpled up paper, the calmness after and the hysteria during crying, a storm in summer
ironically, she’s not born on a day where the world rages or storms to match her spirit, but on a calm summer morning when everything is pristine and fragile. glenda is everything but that, even at a young age: she’s loud and passionate and brash, so much more similar to a hurricane than a quiet summer day.
her mother leaves when she is three. glenda and her younger sister are left with their dad, who’s wonderful – yes – but a brokenhearted and absent one. after all, there are too many bills to pay in order for him to look after his little girls, and he spends more time at his job than with them. daisy, her sister, and glenda see little of him and learn how to be independent at a young age, learn how to deal with neighbours who are forced to keep an eye on them and family members who let them run around their house. they don’t resent their dad, know that he’s working this hard for them.
and so glenda grows up, without a mother and with an absent father. she lives in a bad neighbourhood, one where crime and racism and poverty and drugs are all around, where unhappiness is the norm. she learns here that she cannot be fragile. her grief about her mother leaving turns into anger, her sadness about not seeing her dad as much as she wants to, into acceptance. she becomes independent, learns how to look after herself, how to wield her emotions into tools rather than weaknesses, how to walk those dangerous streets without getting into trouble. she curls her back with pride and locks her fears away.
strange things happen, though, as they tend to with muggleborns. she laughs about them, thinks them part of her hectic every day life, rather than something that’s actually serious. but then, when she turns eleven on the sixth of august she learns the truth. glenda chittock is not only a student who gets in more trouble than is good, is not only someone who minds little when her knees get dirty or scabbed, not only someone who once stole a Rolling Stones cassette tape that she hides in her pillow, but she is also a WITCH. when she finds out, her first reaction was to laugh, but she knows it’s true when her laugh dies out and things turned quiet.
she leaves for hogwarts a little over a month later and cries when she says goodbye to her sister. sorted into ravenclaw for her streetsmart ways and creative potential, glenda flourishes!!!! she finds skills in things she never expected herself to be good at — comc, for example, soon becomes her favourite subject — and she navigates the hallways with a broad smile, joining a lot of clubs and dropping them more often than not. she’s flighty and quick, always trying to be somewhere, 
she’s in her seventh year at the moment and honestly has no idea where she wants to go after graduation. glenda’s not really a good witch, to be honest; she’s good at making sure plants don’t die and can accio stuff, but she’s not really good with the whole magic stuff (giving some purists more ammunition! ayo!). she’s intelligent, though, very streetsmart, and she can be very eloquent when she feels like it, and all that just makes her wonder if she should even LOOK for a career in the wizarding world? she’s thinking of maybe doing something in the journalism sphere of things -- muggle or magical, she doesnt know yet -- as she’s very interested in the news and stuff, but honestly? she has no idea.
over the years, glenda has grown v passionate about human rights. she reads about house elves, so-called ‘half-breeds’ and muggle discrimination at hogwarts and about environmentalism, racism, sexism and queerphobia in the library at home ( a place she hadn’t stepped foot in before she turned fourteen ). she comes out of the closet as gay, becomes a vegetarian, starts thinking about gender and her own gender with a new mindset, and starts to form her own ideals, her own thoughts and views. she’s outspoken, honestly, and uses her loud voice to talk about the topics she cares about. it’s the only things he really seems to like: to actively talk abt what she cares about. she goes to her first protest the summer before this one, and she feels more alive than ever before.
honestly spends most of her days at hogwarts procrastinating her homework by either having fun with people around her or reading about the above mentioned topics! she’s not too fussed abt newts -- someone pls shake her and make her study more -- and she’s def that ravenclaw who just?? doesnt rly care abt coursework bc look! at all these other things to learn! glenda is very carefree on a shallow level and it shows, especially now that things are Getting Real. she just wants to hang w ppl who inspire her and smoke a lil weed and have a laugh? 
conclusion & ramblings
glenda is a little hippie, alternative bean who loves talking about everything!!!! just a loudmouth, tbh, who can talk endlessly about anything that intrigues her even a little. cares a lot about a lot, but is also v self-serving so sometimes she compromises her ideal to stay safe. which, i mean, in this economy? not the dumbest thing to do.
loves all kinds of music. donna summer and diana ross are Icons, but she also loves joan jett and debbie harry and just!!! everything!! jsut really into this generations’ music and has been FOR EVER. disco is amazing, btw, just so you all know! 
likes plants a lot. this includes weed. lmao.
dr martens with woollen socks aesthetic.
is genderqueer, but hasnt really found the right terminology yet. she knows she does identify with being a girl/woman, but not fully, and she’s learning about gender a lot more now that she knows that she’s wondering about her own gender as well? glenda doesnt know exactly what her gender is, but she knows she’s not a cis-woman, and that gender-neutral pronouns do feel good to her as well.
will fight a Man but only with words tbh she’s shit at physical fights??? lmao.
honestly not the Best Witch out there, wishes she was more talented but also?? she’s SMart so who cares that she can’t transfigure a cup into an animal or the other way around, that’s … fucking useless ( @ minerva mcgoogles !!! ). like she’s successful either way so!!
angery and scared abt the war. like. she’s super idealistic, so she’s ENRAGED that this is happening, and that her being a muggleborn will and has put her in a shit position? but glenda is very self serving and is not going to join any rebellion groups ( she also doesnt believe in fighting fire with fire & is v pacifistic ) bc she’s like! yeah! i’m not gonna put a sign on my back! more on this nature later
chaotic neutral AS FUCK. serves herself, but she has Good Ideals so that’s not necessarily a Bad Thing? it’s just kind of hypocritical at times, because she doesn’t always stick to her ideals out of selfish motivations, but it’s also just a rly tough time to live in. glenda also comes from a really shit neighbourhood, like she’s learned to fend for herself + the ppl she loves (mostly her sister) there. she knows when to keep her head down and keep on walking, and this definitely shows in her position re: the war.
there’s some anger and pain in glenda, and a lot of fear too, but she’s generally just a ? good person to be around (unless youre a blood purist, then you can GO in her eyes). she’s outgoing and cheerful and likes joking around n stuff, can Also get down to business and have more serious talks -- she’s not Extremely open, but will talk abt shit with people -- when needed and yeah. social kid. 
i love a gay hippie icon!! that’s all!! 
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herotheshiro · 4 years
[cw for this review: rape]
finally read the eng translations for anti alpha and i’m honestly kind of pleasantly surprised that it’s not how i thought it was when i read only the raws a year or so ago? i had been purposely not checking the translations bc my impression of anti alpha was that it was (emotional) torture porn, basically the omega main gets raped and used by the alpha bc the alpha wants only to dominate the omega and somehow the omega still falls in love with the alpha in the end which is a p common trope in abo BL stories so i mean it’s natural (sadly) to assume that. but that’s not actually accurate ?? i mean there is still rape (no clear consent in some of these scenes) which is inexcusable but i was surprised to find out that the alpha (sena, might as well start using their names) actually kind of had feelings for/was interested in the omega (kamashiro but i might just use his first name rei from now on bc i’m too lazy to type the entire last name out every time) before finding out rei was an omega. and he fucks him not really bc he wants to see rei as an instinctual omega during sex but more bc he thinks it’ll get rei to like him back (??? unclear but i’m going off of BL logic here) i mean rei’s struggle abt accepting his status as an omega was p clear in the raws despite me not knowing japanese but idk i guess the manga sits better with me knowing that sena kind of has pure intentions and isn’t a jerk who’s trying to brute force what he wants. and i’m glad i was able to confirm through ppl commenting on the manga that the childhood friend’s (seino? forgot the name lol) rejection of rei was amicable bc i was a little afraid that rei had been terribly rejected and he basically crawls back to sena with his tail bw his legs.
anyway overall a surprise and i’ll be following the eng translations from now on. i was surprised bc even though okuda waku does have some more fluffier works (itonaga-kun), i just know her for that one yakuza piece (cw: heavy rape, implied age gap) and that other piece that didn’t rub me right abt the main who is hooking up with someone but then falls in love with someone else, also that first someone hooks up with the main’s younger bro who is also kind of sketchy bc he wants the main to be below him? i mean it’s nothing compared to the yakuza piece but it didn’t sit right with me. anti alpha isn’t exactly fluffy per se but i def thought it was humiliation-heavy and i don’t really like reading that kind of stuff ... it still kind of is here with my new understanding but the vibe is different. despite all that, i feel like it’s still okuda waku-like bc of the kind of abo world she chose to do ... like when they were like ‘yeah the school nurse is the only omega in the school and thus has to satisfy all of the alpha students’ urges when the need comes up’ .... that’s fucked. i was like this is so messed up and that nurse better be getting paid big bucks for having to do this but alas you know he isn’t bc of omega discrimination.
but also looked at the raws for the 2-ch sequel (not the actual spin-off anti alpha another) and yeah that’s where okuda waku went off the rails lol. i understood the stuff abt the uncle bc yeah you prob want to conclude his asshole story but her adding in the stuff abt rei’s fam ... jesus. also the scene where the uncle tries to rape rei but rei basically close to bites off his finger in response and it’s like ... idk spanish (that was the language of the raws) but it was basically like ‘haha that’s my violent omega’ (sena) and i’m like bro we ain’t gonna talk abt the system that’s being normalized here and instead be like ‘good for you for being violent when you’re fighting off a rapist’?? i mean idk spanish so maybe i was interpreting it wrong but i can’t really see how it’s gonna be any better even knowing the english translation.
on a more general note, abo stories are always so whack sometimes ... like. they live in a world where abo-blood is normal and has been the norm for literal centuries. wouldn’t they have developed medicines/suppressants that actually work and have also worked on campaigns to stop normalizing alpha rape of omegas? like even if you take out the actual racism aspects by making everyone the same ethnicity/skin color ... there can’t possibly be no alpha families who haven’t spoken up against this shit. and omegas just as a whole accept all that too? sure, even if it’s a reflection of things like ‘oh rich/celebrity ppl can get away with anything’ ... irl there are still elite ppl who do fall out of favor in the public due to certain behavior (i mean it is on the rarer side but). like i get it, we all just wanna see the sex but ... bro. it really should be at the point where it’s like abo-blood doesn’t exist, but just social conflicts happen bc of abo in name only (i.e., you may not be emitting alpha pheromones but you’re an alpha in blood so you should be top). and pheromone stuff should be like periods, just stuff you have to deal with every so often but it’s able to be handled relatively easily (assuming a certain social and money norm). i know that’s asking a lot of BL and abo BLs where maybe all you wanna see is just someone coming in someone else but ... dude. i wanna see good writing in addition to ppl getting it on ok. this is also ignoring the other abo trope which is fated pairs which, gut instinct, i like bc i love soulmates and that kind of shit; but on the other hand... makes no sense if you think abt it from a biology standpoint. again, i guarantee NO ONE is thinking about it like that but as someone who used to major in STEM ... come on
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ssaalexblake · 7 years
12, 2, 15?
2 - Villains
Lilah Morgan. Like, no contest, number one. Totally evil, intelligent, fully rounded, humanised, in relationship with (for the most part) good guy, but like, still evil.
Mariah Dillard, just, luke cage was an incredible, incredible show and i don’t think i’d do it justice to describe why i love her so much here, but alfre woodard killed it. 
AIDA/Ophelia, in agents of shield. I haven’t sworn at my screen so much at a villain for???? a long long time. She was awful, manipulative, abusive, and also, understandable. Like, a total hypocrite, an awful gaslighting hypocrite, but her motivations were understandable, if a little sci-fi cliche. I hated her. It was great writing, actually. Aside from the whole woman in her 20′s and an old man pairing. I mean, it was horrible, had disturbing stuff in the plot, and made me want to flip tables, but like, in the good way.
Dolores Umbridge. I cringe just thinking of that name. I think first reading that book, the same age as Harry at the time, with a teacher far too similar, solidified that one tbh (i used to refer to said teacher as ‘satan’s love child’ so...)
Debbie Jelininsky, from the addams family values. Honestly, she was just fun. I enjoy a good fun villain every now and again, and in a series where the protagonists are morbid and dark, it forces the villains to be different, and it was nice. 
12 - Who I think deserved better endings (any woman who got fridged)
Cordelia Chase (and charisma carpenter fuck y’all creative team), because, like, really??? Cordelia’s development throughout btvs and ats is one of my favourite character arcs of all time, it’s incredible, except... you know... the mystical pregnancy trope ugh... with a side of workplace discrimination against a pregnant woman. She deserved better than to have her memory wrest from her just for the dudes to angst over, then to have her body be hijacked by a demon, then be used as an incubator for another demon, and to then slip into a coma and die. Anyway i cannot think of one instance of the mystical pregnancy trope that isn’t misogynistic in any way so sci-fi/fantasy need to desist.  
Alex. I could devolve into a puddle of Alex anger right now, but like, my feelings on how poorly alex was treated/written out have been hashed out more than once on here,so i’ll save it. Alex Blake deserved more than this shit. 
Elizabeth Weir. throughout the 15 seasons of sga and sg1 put together, ‘we don’t leave anybody behind’ is a HUGE facet. People defy orders, do monumentally stupid crap, all in the name of not leaving that person behind. So, naturally, elizabeth is left to be replicator chow (or whatever they did to her tbh they don’t eat so??) because Sheppard just... left. He left her there. Bullshit. And then Higginson won’t come back because of the disgusting creators so they bring her back~ in another replicator body who Sheppard then spaces??? sure. sure ok. 
Jenny Calendar. Like, i’m aware that since she was trying to restore Angelus’ soul, and he found out, is why she died, and therefore she doesn’t qualify as fridged, but i can still be mad because i read that it was oz they were gonna get rid of but ppl liked him more so they killed Jenny. Plus this horrified me as a child. 
This is, oddly subjective. But Clarice Starling. I’ve always taken a less ~happy route than some and less~ugh fuck no route than others when it comes to how her story ends. I personally think it’s intensely depressing that she just... Doesn’t win, and have always taken that to be the point. Nothing she fought for or wanted happens. I mean, technically she’s happy (technically, lecter is a shit) and honestly she wouldn’t get any happier than that, but that’s actively why it’s depressing. She never got the respect she sought, she never gets treated fairly, people never stop being shit in general and to her. The happy ending designed for her, she never sees a second of it. She ends up in Argentina with a cannibal who may or may not have drugged her into it, and we get to realise she wouldn’t have had it better anywhere else, tbh. This is subjective because in terms of how i view it, i actually like the ending, but actively /because/ she deserves so much more than that but does not get it. She deserved so much more, as did every other woman in this series, but it’s not like they get it. 
15 - I want to rescue from their horrible narratives
Dana Scully. I have decided the x files is my bad boyfriend, i want more, but shouldn’t because it’s never satisfying and leaves me wanting better than i get. But txf’s use of the incubator trope, again, and it’s constant, constant, barrage of crap aimed at her to mostly hurt mulder, tbh, and i’m done. there is too much to cover, but like, the bit that annoys me is seasons one to ten. I’m sure 11 will join them soon. 
Sansa Stark. Not even gonna begin to go there. 
A minorish one, but in madam secretary the way they treat their son Jason is a million times less harsh than the shit they throw at stevie and Alison, and i’d kind of like to rescue them both from sexist parenting??? I think the pinnacle of that one was when Stevie dropped out of college because the abuse and crap she got from strangers just because of her mother’s job got too much for her, was treated disdainfully by the narrative and never acknowledged by said mother in a decent way, but their son Jason punched a dude and got expelled for basically the same reasons and got like... a pat on the back??? Son commits violent act: oh wow ok team us!!! Daughter suffers b/c of parents’ action: how dare u be such a screw up Stevie!  Plus, they keep fucking with Stevie’s narrative to keep her in the show and it’s stunting her character. They want to keep their 23 yr old daughter on the show so she can’t go to school or anything. It’s annoying. (tho there is a fantastic x files joke in there about stevie so it’s almost forgiven). 
Laurel Castillo, like, honestly writers???
Tara McClay, there was good stuff, stuff i greatly appreciate, but honestly, really, what the fuck???? First her family, then glory, then willow, some extra willow b/c she never did admit she did anything wrong, and then, oh yeah, death, for willow. 
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byeoltan · 8 years
Did You Know?
that in BTS ‘봄날 (spring day)’ MV, the train station that showed taehyung waiting in the beginning is actually a real train station, iryeong station in yangju city, gyeonggi-do, albeit an abandoned one, since they only transport cargo now.
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and that the music video is one helluva train ride to a place where there stood a tall tree, the place where they got together and come in terms with grief and hardships in life because the cold winter does end at some point, and spring comes. but let’s talk about that later :) lets, lets talk about the very first lines namjoon uttered so carefully, such vulnerable words
i miss you saying it like this makes me miss you even more even looking at your photos, i miss you ain’t time so heartless i..hated us the us who now can’t even look at each other’s face even once
보고 싶어/bogoshippeo means ‘i miss you’, an informal, casual tone that you can use freely to significant others, friends, families, it literally means ‘i want to see you’ but essentially, it means, ‘i miss you’, here, though, namjoon used 보고 싶다/bogoshipda, which is also an informal word, but a non-conjugated form of 보고 싶어/bogoshippeo, it holds a slightly different meaning than just ‘i miss you’ because it’s not a verb. 보고 싶다/bogoshipda for lack of better words, is an expression of longing, and carries a deeper emotion than just i miss you, kinda like a monologue (?) cos he’s not saying it to someone in particular, the expression feels a bit colder, which is ironic cos then he went on about how cold time is for making him missing someone.
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this place is all winter, even in august winter comes it’s like my heart/mind races with time the lonely ‘snowpiercer’ who travelled to the south (i want to) while holding your hands, go all the way to the other side of the earth i wish i could end this winter, i wonder, friend, how much does the longing should fall like snow for spring day to come?
설국열차 is the korean title for the movie ‘snowpiercer’, also the name of the train in the movie that holds the last remnants of humanity after an attempt at climate engineering in order to stop global warming has unintentionally created a new ice age. essentially, ppl in the train thought no life can exist outside of the train, not knowing there is (a polar bear), which showed up at the end of the movie. i thought it was brilliant how namjoon referenced this movie, it’s like he’s saying no matter how hard circumstances can be, no matter how hard you think you have it, there is always hope, there is always a way out, there’s always spring after a cold cold winter, even when it seems impossible, you can have your cake and eat it
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(or not ;p) 
the lyrics in this song isn’t that hard to comprehend tbh it’s quite straightforward but the way they express it is both poetry and cynicism at its best, and despite the repetitive chorus the song is atcually quick and full, leaving nothing short of amazement. 
like the tiny dust that floats/flies in the air if i’m the snow that flies in the air  i would’ve reached you a little faster 
my heart swells a little here, because they are reiterating what namjoon says about wanting to hold hands so we can end this winter together, that they want to, if only they’re with us, doesn’t it soothe your heart a little? knowing there are people out there who knows how cold life can be, and wants to get to us quickly so we could the end it together 
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and when some of the members lament
the snowflakes are falling little by little bit more, they fall i miss you (i miss you) how much longer do i have to wait and how many more nights do i have to stay up, to see you? will i ever get to meet you?
the others be consoling like, well,
after we pass by the end of cold winter until spring day comes once again until the flowers blossom at that place (even when it’s cold/even when you have to wait long), for a little while, please stay please stay
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but then yoongi’s part came and i sobbed a little because it’s so??
i wonder if you have changed, or if i have changed. perhaps, i’ve changed. i hate the time that’s flowing at this very moment  i guess we have changed, huh i guess everyone does that, huh yeah, okay, i hated you but even when you left, there was never a day that i’ve forgotten about you and even though i actually miss you, i’m gonna erase you now cos that’ll hurt way less than blaming you
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and it doesn’t help when both seokjin and jimin go on to say
i try to blow away the cold you who is like smoke, like white smoke even when i say i’m going to erase you the truth is i still can’t let you go
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 /crieS/ which is why the ending gets me because
you know it all you’re my best friend the morning will come again no matter what kind of darkness or (bad) seasons  they can’t last forever
(and) it looks like cherry blossoms are blooming (now) and this winter too, is coming to an end i miss you  if i wait just a little bit longer if i stay up just a few more nights i will come to see you i will come to take you (away)
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after we pass by the end of cold winter until spring day comes once again until the flowers blossom at that place (even when it’s cold/even when you have to wait long), for a little while, please stay please stay
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i want to mention here that omelas referenced in the mv as we are all prob aware of by now, tells a story of how a child was kept hidden in a secluded place in the omelas city, with horrible conditions, in exchange of happiness of the entire city. and that the same tragedy also shares with children in the movie snowpiercer itself, where they were enslaved and used as replacement parts to keep the train functioning. to put it simply, children depicted in both stories were convinced to give their life for the continuation of a way of life that was totally oppressive to their own circumstances, which is extremely radical in a way that has deep resonance for our real world, like how can you stand being together in a society that is built from abuse and discrimination, entrenched inequality, and do nothing?
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and it is precisely because of this, bangtan continues to voice out their opinions as they did in previous albums, and call out the perpetrators as well as the bystanders for everyhting that has gone wrong, that could go wrong, and that is going wrong in the society, especially in the events relating to their home country south korea
let me bring you back to the music video where jimin picked up the white shoes from the winter sea
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the white shoes that middle-school/high school students wear in south korea
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and how he carries the shoes all through out the mv
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before he brought them to a tree after they all got off the train 
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and hang them
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these scenes imo is very much referenced to the sewol ferry tragedy that took place in april, 2014, the incident that had resulted in more than 300 deaths, including 250 second-year high school students and their teachers from danwon high school who were on a field trip that day, and is recognized as one of the most devastating maritime disaster in decades, and it’s not just because of a sinking ferry itself but because of willfull negligence and corruption.
fyi when the ferry was sinking, the captain of the ship and a number of cabin crew made announcement for the passengers to stay where they were when they themselves chose to abandon the ship while hundreds of people were still trapped inside. and being good citizens they all remained at their cabin, where they waited for further orders, which never came 
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the members of crew who stayed to help passengers were among those who died. 
and the disaster doesn’t end there. it was found out later that the ship itself was illegally modified and was carrying almost double its legal limit with inexperienced crew and a questionable relationship between the ship operators and state regulators. the investigation was also conducted behind closed doors where the families are not permitted to observe the recovery operation, these allegations as well as  the way the government lacked transparency adds more to the lengthy laundry list of grievances souht koreans have against park geun hye’s administration. there were questions raised as to where she was when it happened that morning and why wasn’t the issue addressed publicly even 7 hours afterwards.
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the yellow ribbons symbolize hope and solidarity with the families victims and i think it’s genius how they incorporate this knowing very well that they can be blacklisted from the government which is ridiculous at every level. the government was highly blamed for many lives lost that day, what with the lack of safety standards in the country, the families were also mostly left out of the investigation, there’s just so many dissatisfaction ppl have over park geunhye’s administration, and that itself is an understatement. and with bangtan and bighit donating 100 million won (approximately $85,000) to the sewol ferry disaster 416 family council, they are probably blacklisted already :/ 
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the pile of clothing could also be a metaphor to ppl who left this world as exhibited by french artist christian boltanski’s work entitled ‘personnes’ as part of monumenta in 2010. i quote, “These grouped clothes may represent mass graves, or corpses arrayed for identification in the school gym, but they also constitute a kind of cemetery. For the experience is just the same: that there is nobody here and yet the place is crowded. Personnes, the piece is called: people, but at the same time no one.”
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which is why even though tying shoes high on a tree branch or power lines have variation in meanings for different country and culture, there is one famous belief taht i think is what is meant here; that tying shoes high on a tree branch signifies someone has died and that the shoes belong to the dead person. that the reason they are hanging, is so when the dead person’s spirit returns, it will walk that high above the ground, that much closer to heaven 
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and it would’ve been fineeeee to just reference spring day like this as a remembrance to the passing of the passengers and the beautiful children because the song DOES talk about grief and hardships in life, and that no matter what kind of darkness or (bad) seasons they can’t last forever 
but then bangtan had these lines that are repeatedly voiced melancholically all throughout the chorus until the very end of the song and i just–
after we pass by the end of cold winter until spring day comes once again until the flowers blossom at that place (even when it’s cold/even when you have to wait long), for a little while, please stay please stay
it’s as if bangtan is throwing shade at the captain and his crew for being dishonorable, asking the children to stay where they were ‘until the rescue boats arrive’ when they themselves were up and about ready to get out of the ship, 
it’s just. 
when the boys say these last lines it’s as if, it’s as if the boys are saying to the children that they know it’s hard to wait, but just stay there. it’s okay to stay there, i’ll come to you instead, yeah? just you wait there till i come to you so we can end this suffering together
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