#every time i tried to ask my coworkers what’s going on for the past MONTH with this guest artist. ALL of them said ‘i have no idea’
dyketennant · 11 months
i’ve literally never wanted to stay home and do laundry soooo bad before but nooooo i have to go to this workshop/screening event for work because we need more attendance and my coworker said they’d feel better if i was there. life is so hard being your job’s emotional support goth
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wannabeschyulersister · 9 months
in a world of boys he’s a gentleman
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Despite only dating for six months, it often felt like you and Carmy were on the same wavelength. There were times where you both could communicate what you were thinking with a simple look. He often could tell what you were feeling just by your body language. 99% of the time he was right.
Which is how he knew as soon as you walked through the back door of the Bear that something was wrong.
“Hey, what’s the matter?” He asked you as you started taking your coat off.
Carmen grabbed your hands to stop you, “(Y/n), what’s wrong?”
You huffed, “Nothing is wrong, Carmen.”
Carmen. Not Carmy or Bear. Not Babe.
It definitely set off his inner alarm.
“I’m not lettin’ you into that kitchen without you telling me what happened.” He stood his ground. You knew he was being serious.
“There’s this construction worker at the new bakery down the street that tried to catcall me nearby. He’s just an idiot and wouldn’t shut the fuck up.”
“Did he touch you?”
“No, nothing like that. He just didn’t catch the hint that I’m not interested and then called me a “bitch” because I ignored him.”
In that moment, you could see the fury ignite in Camry’s eyes.
“I’ll be right back.” Before you could grab his arm to stop him, he brushed past you and out the back door.
“Richie!” You shouted as you put your coat back on.
It was only a matter of seconds before Richie rushed to you, “What’s goin’ on?”
“Your cousin is about to do something very stupid.” You answered him.
“If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard that fuckin’ sentence.” He said before leaving out the door with you right on his heels. You could see Carmy was already ahead of you both at the end of the alleyway. He turned to his left and made his way down to the new bakery.
“Carmen!” You shouted as you hurried to try and catch up to him. You knew he wouldn’t stop.
“Yo! Cousin!” Richie ran faster than you did and was closer to Carmy but you hurried as quickly as you could.
As you turned left, you could see that Camry was at the bakery. The construction worker that hit on you was standing outside. He was taller than Carmen but lankier. Thankfully, he was alone.
“Are you the fucker that called my girl a “bitch”?” You heard Carmy ask the man as you caught up to them.
“And if I did?” The guy dropped his clipboard on the ground and stepped up to Carmen.
Richie quickly stood between Carmy and the asshole that started all of this mess. Camry tried to shove Richie away.
In that moment, a million different scenarios ran through your mind. The majority of them didn’t look good. You didn’t want Carmen to get hurt by some dumb idiot that didn’t know how to respect women.
You placed your hand around Carmen’s bicep and tried to pull him towards you, “Carmen, this guy isn’t worth it! Let’s go back to the restaurant.”
Carmen was practically seething at this point. He wished he could’ve had a few minutes alone with the creep to teach him a lesson. He was partially mad at himself because he normally walked with you to work but he needed to be at the restaurant earlier than you that morning.
He was positive that creep wouldn’t have said shit if he’d walked with you.
“Call my girl out of her name again and I’ll fuckin’ smash your head on this cement!”
By now, a couple of the creep’s coworkers came out of the store. They grabbed him and started pulling him back inside. You heard one of them tell him that he was already on his second strike with their boss.
“Cousin! It’s time to go. You better be glad that I was here because that dude would’ve whooped your ass.” Richie tried to joke to made light of the situation.
“Fuck off.” Carmen told him before he grabbed your hand, “Are you okay?”
“You shouldn’t have done that, Carmen.” You mumbled as Richie walked ahead of the two of you. You just wanted to get back to the restaurant and forget about what just happened.
“I wasn’t going to let some idiot disrespect the woman that I love.” Carmen explained to you.
You didn’t say anything else on the short walk to the Bear. Richie was already inside telling everyone what happened. You were positive that you were going to hear about it all day.
“Hey, c’mere.” Carmy grabbed your hand again and led you to the small office. He closed the door after you stepped inside, “Are you mad at me?”
You shook your head, “No, of course not. I just don’t think it was a wise idea for you to confront that guy.”
Carmy walked towards you and cupped your cheek lightly with his right hand, “I don’t care if it wasn’t wise. I’m not going to let any dumb fuck ever call you out of your name.”
You leaned into his touch and he brought his other hand and placed it gently on the back of your head. You rested against his chest. “Thank you, Carmy. My protector.
He felt a little better that you were calling him by his nickname again. Carmy kissed the top of your head, “Anytime, (Y/n).”
You both took a moment to bask in the silence while still embracing. The rest of the day was sure to be filled with the loud noise of the kitchen but the moment between the two of you put you both at ease.
After sharing a few soft and meaningful kisses, you pulled back and sighed a little, “We probably should get out there. I’m sure everyone is wondering what we are doing.”
Carmy reluctantly let you go, “Yeah, let’s go and get the day started.”
You took off your jacket again and set it on the coat hook, “You should get Richie a nice gift.”
“What? Why would I do that?” Carmy asked confused.
“Because that guy would’ve beat the shit out of you.” You joked.
Carmy cracked a smile as he gave you a tap on your behind, “Is that so?”
You nodded playfully, “Absolutely. I probably should be thanking Richie right now instead of you. Actually, I think I’ll go do that now.”
Carmen quickly grabbed you by the waist and drew you closer to him again as you laughed, “Well aren’t you hilarious.”
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xhoneygirlxx · 1 year
In My Feels
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Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
summary: Steve’s heart now belongs to the pretty woman who always comes in with her two adorable kids. When he finally decides to make a move, he’s shocked to find out she’s not their mom.
warnings: fluff. Barista!Steve. Reader and Steve are both in their 20’s. Nanny!Reader. Modern!au. Readers ethnicity/skin tone is not mentioned. Pictures above are used for aesthetic purposes only. Shitty writing/grammar errors, not proofread.
*if I miss anything please let me know.
a/n: day two of my birthday bash has finally arrived!! I’m so grateful for the amount of love and support you guys have given me. Although this is my birthday week, I wanted to spend it with you guys and give us both something we can enjoy :) I love every single one of you guys and I hope you like this!
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Now I’m in my feels 
Way up in the clouds somewhere now 
Don’t know what’s real 
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Working at the Java Cup, Steve dealt with a lot of different people. Tired students, doctors and nurses coming and going from shifts, and everyone in between. During the six months of his employment there only one customer seemed to catch his attention, you. 
From the moment you walked in he knew he was fucked. With one kid on your hip and the other in the stroller, you already had him in the palm of your hand. No matter what, rain or shine, you and your two kids always came in with bright smiles. Although a lot of your interactions were small talk or your older son trying to, his heart infatuation for you every single time. 
You were so fucking beautiful and Steve was nothing but a fool for you. So many times he would go home and just pray that you weren’t taken, that maybe somewhere written in the stars there was a chance for him. 
Steve wanted to ask you out but every single time he chickened out, throwing out multiple cup sleeves that had horrible puns written on them in the process. Ever since getting broken up with by Nancy, his self esteem and confidence dropped. No matter how many times his best friend and coworker, Robin, tried to talk some sense into him, he just couldn’t do it. 
It was comical watching him stutter and blush scarlet every time you would speak, tripping over his words like it was his first time ever talking. Because he was so smitten with you, his insecurities grew and poking fun at him any time he would think about possibly asking you out.
Here you were, a pretty mom with two adorable kids that he adored, so sweet and kind to him, and so far out of his league. There was no pot at the end of this rainbow for Steve, but he continued to chase it in hopes that maybe, just maybe he was wrong.
Now it's been six months and Steve has run out of steam, his legs growing tired and his lungs burning with exhaustion with how long he's been running. So, he's decided that it's time to give up on his mission to of getting to the finish line.
There was no point to continue trying, not when you're probably more than happy with the father of your children, going home to your white picket fence and happy home. So he pulled back, watched from behind the counter, and continued to daydream about the life he's always wanted.
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“You know you could just go talk to her, right?” Robin’s voice is louder than she thinks, the low music and hum of the espresso machine doing little to cover it up. 
“Say it louder, why don’t you.” Rolling his eyes, Steve continues to wipe down the counter that he’s been working on for the past ten minutes. 
“I’m just sayin’, it’s kind of pathetic and creepy that you’re always staring.” Shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly, the brunette girl runs her hands down her black apron. “Besides, what’s the worst that could happen?” 
“What’s the worst-” Turning on his heel quickly, Steve stares at his best friend with wide eyes, “Robin, there is a laundry list of things that could go wrong.” 
“Yeah? Try me.” Crossing her ankle over the other, Robin leans on the sink with a waiting look.
“Firstly, she could be married,” Steve starts counting on his finger. 
“No ring on her finger.” Robin counters. 
“Well she’s a mom with two kids, I doubt she has time for a twenty something, no good, barista that barely has his life together.” 
“EEEEEEEE WRONG,” She makes a loud buzzer noise, “One you aren’t no good, you’re actually a really great person who needs to see just how amazing he is. Two, you may be a barista who can barely keep his life together but, you’re reliable and take care of yourself, not to mention you have your own car and place, more than other twenty somethings. And lastly, you’re also a mother to a group of teenagers, so it works perfectly.” 
Dropping his hands down to his sides, Steve lets the words settle into his heart. He was a good person, he did have a good impression with the gaggle of kids he sometimes watches, and he did have some of his life together.
“Okay well, she could reject me and I will not only lose more of my confidence but I’ll also lose my favorite customer.” Sighing in defeat, he whips the rag that still sits in his hand over his shoulder. "Either way, I gave up on that dream a long time ago."
Robin shakes her head, stepping forward to the boy she calls her best friend and shakes him by the shoulders. “You are Steve ‘the hair’ Harrington! There was a reason everyone called you king Steve and it wasn’t just because you were a huge dick.” 
“Hey!!” Steve raises his voice in defeat and she waves him off continuing her peptalk. 
“Listen, I know that lady killer is somewhere in there,” She pokes at his chest, “So you’re gonna put your big boy panties on, walk up to her and ask her out! I’m sick and tired of watching you look all sad and depressing, so you’re going to do as I say or I’ll do it for you.” Smiling brightly at him, the girl taps him lovingly on the shoulder.
Robin may be a lot of things, including annoying, but a liar is not one of them. Steve knows that she will one hundred percent walk up to you, throw him under the bus, with a mega-watt smile as she does it.
Watching his friend walk around the counter with a broom and dust pan in hand, her head turns to wear your sat at a table by the front window, talking to your older son, rocking your baby in the stroller with your foot. Turning her attention back to Steve, she smiles wickedly and turns slightly like she’s heading your way. Anxiety rises in the back of his throat, heartbeat picking up and banging hard in his chest.
“Fine, I’m going just- fuck off.” It comes out through gritted teeth. Running a shaking hand down the front of his apron, Steve rounds the counter muttering something under his breath.
As he walks to the table, Robin gives him two thumbs up and an exaggerated smile to which he replies by simply throwing a middle finger up at her.
As he steps closer to your table the thought of turning back around and hiding in the back room comes into mind.
There’s no pot of gold here, only gray clouds and roaring thunder. He can turn back now and continue his sorrowful journey of pining.
But then he looks at you, smiling and laughing at something the young boy next to you said, eyes squeezed shut and head thrown back. What a beautiful way to die, Steve thinks. The thunder and lightning is all worth it when he gets to see you as he takes his final breaths.
“H-hey,” His voice is wobbly, nervousness clearly showing as he speaks.
“Hi Steve.” Your eyes meet his, saccharine smile tugging on the corners of your lips.
“Hi steeb!” The young boy next to you waves while clutching a red crayon in his tiny hand.
“Hi Aidan. How are you little man?” Steve seems to loosen up a bit, the presence of your son lets him exhale just slightly.
“M’colorin a pixture.” The small boy’s tongue pokes between his lips, eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he draws what looks like a demented stick figure.
“It looks good, little dude.” Steve encourages, cooing sweetly at him.
“Fanks.” Still focusing on his picture, the smaller boy grabs a different crayon from the box that sits on the table.
“What’s up, Steve?” You ask, still rocking the stroller back and forth with your tennis shoe covered foot.
“Oh-h yeah, um I was just gonna ask, ah what you were doing.” Just like a switch, he’s back to being a fumbling doofus.
You giggle at him and he feels his cheeks tingle with heat. Looking between the two kids, you look back up to the older man in front of you.
“Well, I’m enjoying a coffee while Aidan colors and Bella naps peacefully.” You nod your head slowly, eyeing the barista questioningly.
Steve wants to slap a hand on his forehead, embarrassed by the fact he can’t even formulate one sentence.
“Yeah, no I see that. Seems fun, I mean not fun but like ya know, seems-“ His stammering is cut off by your soft voice.
“Are you okay? You seem really nervous.” Your eyebrows are pinched together, worry painted on your features.
“Me? I’m great, fantastic!” It comes enthusiastic and way louder than he intended, so loud that Robin hears and instantly facepalms.
“Well, that’s great Steve.” You’re still eyeing him suspiciously and he really wants to jump ship.
“I’m just gonna go and do my ugh, my stuff.” Hooking a thumb over his shoulder, spinning on the ball of his feet leaving before he can say anything else embarrassing.
No, he can’t leave now, not when he’s made it this close to the finish line. This is what he’s been waiting for, the treasure he’s been searching for. It’s no or never and he can’t go back to praying the same prayer that somewhere in this universe you two were destined to be.
With a new found confidence, he turns right back into the eye of the storm and faces it head strong.
“Actually, I came over here because I wanted to know if maybe you���d like to go out sometime.” His chest is puffed out like, more sure of himself than he’s ever been.
The confidence that’s surging through him starts to falter when he reads your expression. You, and Aidan who has now stopped coloring, stare at him with bugged out eyes and gaping mouths.
“Only if that’s okay with you and all. If you want you can bring the kids along and we can go get ice cream and stuff but if you need it I have some friends who are great with kids and who will be willing to babysit for you.” He’s back peddling, trying to give you a way out in case you want to reject him it won’t hurt so bad.
“Oh Steve,” it’s said with pity and he knows the lighting strike is about to hit, “I-I’m not their mom.”
“Yeah no I get it, sorry if I- wait..” Stopping in his tracks, he looks back and forth between you and the small boy, connecting the dots in his head. “You’re not their mom?”
You and Aidan share a look before giggling together. Gazing back up at the flustered man in front of you, you smile kindly at him.
“No, I’m their nanny, Steve. Although I love them like they’re my own, they’re not.”
“Oh.” Steve continues to stare at you, his pretty pink lips in the shape of an O.
“Yeah, I just watch these little guys.” You shrug your shoulders.
“That’s still cool, I mean the offer still stands.” Even though he’s confused, his voice is a little shaky when he asks.
“Do the kids still have to come?” You ask and Aidan shouts an offended “hey”.
“I mean they can if you want, it’s all up to you.” He eyes you, waiting for your reaction but your expression doesn’t give him much to go on.
“Hmmm, I’m going to have to ask my trusted right hand man.” Holding a finger up at him, you leave over to the smaller boy next to you.
Aidan covers you hear with a small hand trying to cover the movements of his lips, even though Steve can still his his muffled whispers from where he stands.
Shaking your head, you repeat back uh huh’s to him, taking everything that’s being said seriously.
Moving back to your upright position, you stare at Steve with a serious gaze.
“Well, my counsel says I should go but you have to buy me ice cream. No buts about it.” Your straight face begins to falter when Steve’s white teeth shine at you.
“Yeah, I’ll get you whatever ice cream you want.” Steve bobs his head, cheeks flaring pink and eyes shining brightly.
“You can’t kiss, only mommies and daddies do dat stuff.” Aidan pipes in and Steve can’t help but chuckle with how the little boys face is scrunched up with intensity.
“Yes sir.” Steve gives the little boy a solute, while sending you a sneaky wink, and the kid quickly accepts.
“So, I’ll text you?” Steve asks
“Yeah, I’d like that.” Your bottom lip is tucked between your teeth as you say it.
“Okay, cool cool. I’ll ah, see you later.” Steve nods his head, backing away from the table slowly.
Sprinting to the backroom, he sees Robin who pretends like she hasn’t been listening in.
“Robs, I fucking did it!” Steve whisper yells, still cautious knowing your still out there.
“I honestly thought you were gonna back out for a second! I’m so proud of you for hanging in there!”
The two of them start hopping around like jumping beans, beaming so brightly they can outshine any star in the sky.
“So you got her number?” Robin asks, heavily breathing from all their excitement.
“Fuck-“ stopping dead in his tracks, Steve bolts to the door and back out to the front.
That’s where he finds you’ve already left and he’s heartbroken. The only memory that you were even there is your lingering perfume that sticks to the air.
You’ll probably be back some time soon but he’s still a little let down knowing he didn’t fully seal the deal. Looking closely at the table, he notices Aidan left one of his drawings.
Picking up the paper, he looks at it closely realizing Aidan didn’t leave it, you did.
You left before I could give you my number. I didn’t want to disrupt your little party or anything.
Can’t wait to get that ice cream.
-your favorite customer
Folding up the paper, Steve sticks it in the pocket of his apron.
“Don’t worry Steve, she’ll be back.” Robin calls out from behind the counter, apparently not seeing the little not that was left.
“I know she will.” It’s said quietly but the smile on his lips isn’t.
It’s beautiful on this side of the rainbow, Steve thinks, the pot of gold was so worth all the work. Robin was right, he still had it.
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Thank you all for joining me on this second day of my celebration!!! I hope you all enjoy!! Love you all ❤️
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buckyalpine · 2 years
Work Wife
Bucky x reader 
Some angst, past crappy relationship with cheating but Bucky is a sweet baby and makes it all better. Lots and lots of fluff
“See you soon doll” Bucky pecked a kiss onto your head before making his way out to a new job he had taken up at a small bookstore. He’d taken a few months off of missions, needing a break from it all and the store that wasn’t too far from the compound was perfect. 
You smiled watching him run off, not wanting to be late. It warmed you seeing how happy he was, it had only been a couple of weeks and he was glowing. 
He clearly loved it. 
Every day he’d come back, excited to tell you about how his day went; the new book he read, how his coworker, Rosa, introduced him to a new coffee, the puppy that visited the store, the new café he went to with Rosa, how to processed an online order for the first time, how Rosa walked him through the whole thing. 
You were curled up in bed with Bucky, your head on his chest while he cuddled you close, telling you about the most recent events that took place that afternoon (which of course, included Rosa). He laughed about how the owner of the store, Dave, told them to stop flirting so much, it was going to make the other customers sick. 
“Almost followed her home today, she made these almond cookies that were so good, I wanted to bring you some but Dave finished them” 
You hummed, shaking off the tiny inkling of insecurity and jealously that had started to crawl up your spine. You were over thinking. It was nothing. Rosa was a coworker.
Bucky would never cheat. 
He loved you. 
“Come visit soon?” He whispered, before kissing your forehead and turning the lamp off so you could both fall asleep. 
“I will” You kissed his chest, biting your lip, wondering if it was a good idea. You had been meaning to visit for ages but missions and recovery had taken up your time. Now you feared actually seeing everything in person would make everything too real. 
You didn’t know if you could go through that again. 
“Sounds like you have a work wife” Tony snorted, over hearing bits and pieces of Bucky’s day at the book store while you both sat at the kitchen island, eating dinner. 
“A work wife?” Bucky looked confused, having never heard the term before, he was already on the struggle bus trying to find the courage to make you his wife, what was this additional fuckery. 
“Y’know, like a close bond you have with someone at work and it almost feels like you’re married to them cause you get each other and there’s some banter and bickering in there. Like a wife”
Bucky nodded, it made sense. His relationship with Rosa was sort of like what Tony was describing and he certainly felt a deeper connection with her than just someone else he worked with. 
“Pepper says Nat is my work wife but Nat said Steve is her work husband, Cap still doesn’t understand the concept, so we’re all in a bit of an entanglement until further notice” 
Your heart started to hammer in your chest. You knew they were all just joking and you kept reminding yourself that Bucky would never, never cheat but...
That’s also what you thought in your last relationship. 
When he said they were just co-workers. 
When he literally introduced you to her as his work wife.
She was in every single one of his stories. 
His day wasn’t complete unless she was in it. 
You tried to give him the benefit of the doubt but surely being a work wife didn’t entail sending each other nudes. 
You swallowed thickly, trying to calm yourself down before you got ahead of yourself, Bucky was different. 
“So...” You fidgeted with your fingers, watching Bucky get ready for work, letting your curiosity get the best of you. “Whats-whats Rosa like?”
“She’s super sweet. We have a lot in common, its incredible. I don’t think I’ve had that type of connection in a long time. She’s caring, she listens, more patient than I am, that’s for sure” Bucky snorted to himself, embarrassed over the number of time’s he had asked her to help him go over the system they used for returns. She didn’t mind, showing him again, every single time. 
“Oh” You felt your heart sink, you didn’t know what answer you were expecting from him but his words felt like salt rubbed on a wound. You didn’t want to dump your insecurities onto him, it wasn’t fair when he hadn’t done anything wrong. He gave you a kiss good bye as always before heading out the door. 
It was getting late. Bucky was never late. You couldn't fall asleep, your stomach churning at the number of reasons he could be late but nothing brought you comfort. 
“You’re still up?” Bucky had walked in quietly, expecting you to be asleep but you were up, reading a book, still waiting for him. “Sorry baby, I got caught up with Rosa, I lost track of time. She really is like my work wife” He strode over to the closer to change out of his clothes, not seeing the tears that had welled in your eyes. 
That did it. You couldn't swallow the lump in your throat or mask the sniffles that escaped you. You tried to bite your lips shut but you couldn’t hide the tiny whimpers that slipped through.  
“Doll?” Bucky frowned when he heard your soft cries, rushing out to come by your side, his heart racing when he saw how distraught you looked. “Babygirl what’s wrong”
“It’s-it’s nothing, it has nothing to do with you” You shook your head, not wanting to go into the way you had trusted your past boyfriends so much, only to end up hurt every single time. You were practically watching history repeat itself and you hated it. 
“Babygirl, talk to me, please” Bucky pulled you into his lap, doing his best to soothe you but it didn’t seem to work. 
“W-would-would you ever-ch-cheat on m-me?” You hiccupped between sobs. 
“Never doll, I’d never do anything to hurt you baby, you’re it for me. No one else comes close to you. Where’s all this coming from sweet heart” 
You sucked in a breath, your body feeling hot, almost embarrassed to tell Bucky about your past relationship but he had to know. You told him about how your ex endlessly spoke about his coworker and how amazing she was. It started off fine. Then he started coming home late. He gave her that glorious title. Then he tripped and put his dick in her. 
“You-you said work wife, I guess it just reminded me about him” You shrugged, “I know you like working with her a lot, Its just hard because I trusted him when he said there was nothing between them” 
“I’m so sorry you had to go through that baby” Bucky wrapped his arms tightly around you, peppering kisses onto your face. “I promise you it’s nothing like that with Rosa” He could tell by your face you were not convinced even though you were trying hard to believe him. You nodded against his chest, closing your eyes, hoping sleep would help you feel better. 
“I think you should me et her” Bucky smiled softly while you blinked up at him, his sweet hopefully eyes looking down at you. “Please?” 
You gripped Bucky’s hand tightly as he walked with you down the sidewalk, your heart racing while his was jumping with excitement. The bell jingled as he opened the door, the soft scent of books immediately evading your senses, calming you slightly. Soft music from the 40′s played in the background on an old record player. 
“Rosa!” Bucky called out, grinning when he heard the tiny footsteps rustling between the rack. 
“James! It’s your day off darling” A tiny old lady popped her head from around the bookshelf; she was wearing a soft pink cardigan, her grey hair tucked in a bun and thin gold framed glasses perched on top of her head. She was half Bucky’s height, standing on her toes to pinch on of his cheeks before looking at you with bright eyes. She was adorable. 
“Rosa, this is my girlfriend, y/n” 
“Oh! I see why you call her a doll, what a sweet heart” She didn’t hesitate to pull you down for a hug, cupping your face gently in her soft hands “He talks about you so much darling” 
“Y/n, this is my work wife, Rosa” You felt your cheeks heat up while Bucky smiled bashfully, excited you finally got to meet the people and see the place that brought him so much happiness. 
It all made sense now. 
Of course she understood him well. Of course he felt happy here. They reminded him of all the things he had missed out on. When he was with them, he felt like he had a small piece of his old self back. 
“What are you doing here Barnes” Dave snorted, shaking his head “Here to flirt with my wife again?” An older gentlemen made his way over, cane in hand, dressed handsomely, nudging his wife playfully. “I hired you to work here, not flirt with the punks that come in here” 
“We’ve been married 60 years, he still insists we’re just colleagues” She shook her head, elbowing his side while Bucky chuckled, enjoying the typical banter between the two, something he hoped he’d have with you one day. 
“When you’re on the clock you work for me” Dave shrugged, giving her a gentle kiss before sitting down and sorting a pile of books. “Shouldn’t have hired this one to work here, he’s been distracting you” 
“Can you blame me, look at how handsome he is” Rose threw him a wink before helping her husband while Bucky blushed beside you, walking you through the store. “Handsome little devil” 
“He’s a little shit” 
“They won’t let me call them Mr. or Mrs or Sir or Mam” Bucky shook his head, thinking back to the utter struggle her had the first week, getting bonked with Dave’s cane every time he slipped up. 
“Don’t age me, I’m younger than you, if anything I should be addressing you as Sir, Sergeant. You were already in your 20′s when I was born” 
“They’re so sweet” You giggled, squeaking when Bucky tugged you to the back of the store. 
“They are” Bucky hummed, wrapping his hands around your waist, pulling you closer “I-I want that with you some day doll” He whispered, nervous with what he was hinting at. 
“and what’s that my handsome devil?” You stood on your toes, kissing his lips sweetly, your heart fluttering while he rested his forehead on yours. 
“Be happy with you, love you, grow old with you” 
“I want that with you James”  You could feel your eyes sting a little, snuggling into his chest, nothing would have made you happier than getting to spend the rest of your life with your soldier. 
“Propose to her already!” 
“Shut up and let the boy be” 
Bucky chuckled, his eyes twinkling as he looked down at you, giving you a few more kisses before spending the rest of the afternoon, cuddled up with you on the couch with some coffee, books, and his mind planning how he wanted to ask you to marry him. 
(and eventually he does propose to you. At that very bookstore. Dave and Rosa are 100% at the wedding. They’re more excited than anyone else that their son is getting married because Bucky is like their baby now. Your babies call them grandma and grandpa. Bucky still teasingly calls her his wife and she blushes like a little girl every single time)
@glxwingrxse  @hungryyeyess  @sebsgirl71479  @beabutterfly987  @teambarnes72  @witchywhore @jamesbuckybarneswify @slutforsexyseabass  @chrisdrysdale @littlemarvelmenfan  @buggy14  @whimsyplaty92  @sergntbarnes @inkedaztec   @pono-pura-vida   @moonlightreader649 @brooklynscherry-z  @elle14-blog1 @justsebstan @littlelightnings @psychomanniac-blog  @happyt0exist   @emmabarnes  @bethyruth @matchat3a  @cjand10   @getwellsoontana  @cherryschaos   @lokisasgardianvampirequeen  @ashenc-blog  @buckybarnessimpp   @potatothots  @goldylions  @high-functioning-lokipath @morganemorganite-blog  @kingfleury   @peaches1958   @spiderman-stilinski   @peaceinourtime82  @gublur   @wintersmelodie @geeky-politics-46   @lolawassad  @almosttoopizza   @a-poor-gryffindork @alternativeprincess   @buckycallsmeaslut    @kamaria-sweet-writes  @charmedbysarge    @xnorthstar3x  @kryoee7 @alina02  @gh0stgurl    @polishprincess999 @jessybarnes @alltheficsiwant @chemtrails-club
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There's a 100% Chance I'm Gonna Marry You | Spencer Reid
Add yourself to my taglist! | Here’s my masterlist!
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Summary: The team doesn’t even know of her existence but when Spencer can’t get a hold of her, he gets worried. Now he has no other choice than to tell his coworker about her.
Warnings: worry, guns, kicking down doors, mention of Maeve & Haley's death, fluff!
Author's note: I kinda love this like a lot???
Words: 3.4K
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Spencer was happy. Considering the things he had gone through in the past ten years, no one had expected him to ever come back to his incredibly happy and constantly smiley self. No one had ever seen him so giggly and teasing his colleagues every single day. 
If you asked his coworkers, all of them would say something different. JJ, Alex and Penelope all swore he was simply in love. Hotch and Rossi knew what was happening – years of profiling in their back pocket that would catch onto the tiniest signs and being his boss had its perks. Morgan believed he was just getting laid, finally. 
If you asked Spencer, he’d simply shrug and say, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
The truth was that he was in love, just like his female coworkers had guessed. 
He had met her a few years earlier at a bookstore. The two of them had reached for the exact same book at the exact same time, causing their hands to bump. Apologies floated through the air, followed by their awkward giggles when their eyes locked. Spencer offered to buy her the book that day and she insisted they read it together over a cup of coffee. Of course he didn’t decline, and neither did he alert her that he read as fast as lightning. For her, he’d read at her pace. 
Ever since that day, the two of them had been hanging out non-stop at bookstores, coffee shops, and eventually at each other’s apartment. It took them a good six months before finally sharing a searing kiss that sealed their relationship. 
That kiss was about a little over a year ago and now, the two of them were living together. Albeit, she kept her old address, with the help of Hotch who had called in favor, just to throw anyone that snooped into their personal affairs off. 
Without any of his colleagues knowing. 
At first, he didn’t want their relentless teasing, but then he was reminded of how the BAU’s family and partners were put in constant danger over being even slightly connected to them. Spencer almost wanted to break up with her over it, just to keep her safe. And they did, for a good week, until Spencer realized he couldn’t live without her. 
She was fine with being his little secret. Though sometimes, she wanted to get to know his colleagues after all the stories she heard from him. The gruesome details about those stories, however, she’d rather forget immediately. 
That was why the two of them kept in touch as much as they could during his cases. Quick phone calls, just to check in with one another, constant text messages, … There was never a moment where the two of them didn’t hear from one another. 
When one day she didn’t answer him, he grew immediately worried. 
That day had started early for Spencer. He'd been woken up at five am by a call from JJ, telling him to come into work as soon as he could, but not to bring a go-bag. Her eyes had fluttered open ever so slightly, but he shushed her and kissed her forehead. 
“Go back to sleep,” he whispered and tried to pull away, but her arms snaked around his neck, pulling him back. 
The girl whined and though her eyes were closed, her lips were pursed. “Gimme kiss first.” 
Chuckling, Spencer leaned down and kissed her on the lips sweetly. “I love you.”
“Mmh, love you too. Come back to me in one piece, Doctor Reid.” 
She tugged at the duvet to cozy up and doze off again. For a couple seconds, he watched her with a tender smile plastered on his face. He hated leaving the girl he loved behind. He’d much rather cuddle up to her underneath the covers. 
“I promise,” he whispered and kissed her head again before finally turning on his heel and walking out the apartment. It was always with a heavy heart that he left the apartment, but his mind was quickly occupied by the case at hand. 
It wasn’t until 10am when he received a text from her. The initials “L.G.” flashing onto his screen. It was her contact name that she had added. It stood for Lover Girl, she had told him, while putting his contact name as P.B.; Pretty Boy. 
L.G.: I actually slept until now. Got any statistics on that, Doctor? 
A smile took over his entire face. She often asked him for any statistics about whatever she was thinking about. It was her favorite thing to do, listening to him ramble off facts and statistics, which was why she’d asked for it. Even if it was merely through text.
P.B.: 55% of people oversleep at least once a week and 75% of those have missed work. A little over 30% said they oversleep once a week and 24% do it multiple times a week.
He waited a minute, she usually answered within a couple minutes and he and Morgan were waiting for their colleagues to compile their theories anyway. When her message popped onto his screen, he couldn’t help but smile even wider. 
L.G.: You never disappoint. – Thank GOD for bank holidays. ;-) 
Spencer chuckled before starting to type up a response. 
P.B.: What are you up to today? 
Before her reply came in, their colleagues filed into the briefing room where he and Morgan resided. He quickly chucked his phone in his pocket and focused on what his coworkers were saying. It took a couple of minutes as they put their heads together and piece together some of the evidence they had found. 
“Morgan, Reid, I’m gonna need you to go to the apartment building and ask around if anyone has seen Peter in the hallways that night. Alex and Rossi, you’re on the new crime scene. JJ and I will head to the M.E.”
Everyone nodded at their assignments before they got up and filed out of the briefing room. As Spencer followed Morgan out to the SUV, he grabbed his phone to check her message she had sent. 
L.G.: Just going to run some errands. Do you need anything from the grocery store? 
P.B.: Can you get me some of those rice crispy treats, please, angel? 
He put his phone back in his pocket before turning to his coworker next to him, who was sneaking glances at him whilst driving. “I do still wonder who you’re always texting with that dopey smile on your face.” 
Spencer coughed. “My-my mom.” 
“Are you ever gonna tell me the truth?” Derek asked, his thick brows raised. There was no answer at the top of that genius brain of his, so he simply grimaced and nodded his head. 
The two of them focused back on the case and went door to door at the apartment building, asking everyone if they had seen who they were looking for. None of them were much help and when they were done interviewing the inhabitants, one hour had passed. On the way back to the car, Spencer checked his phone again, but no messages from his Lover Girl this time. 
He frowned and sent her another text. 
P.B.: Back from the store yet, L.G.? Did you remember my rice crispy treats? 
It wasn’t usual for her to take this long to reply, especially when she had a day off. Her phone’s sound was always on and she had it closeby at every moment. Worry settled on his chest. He couldn’t act on the anxieties swirling around in his mind as he couldn’t just rush home mid-case. 
When there was no answer another hour later, Spencer knew something was up. He tried to call her when he and Morgan were waiting on the rest of the team to regroup, but it went straight to voicemail. 
“Hiya! You just missed me, but leave a message and I’ll call you back when I can.” 
The sound of her voice calmed him down a little bit, but the fact that it was her voicemail only made his worry grow. Two steps forward and one step back, it felt like. 
“You okay, Reid?” Morgan asked when he noticed his coworker in distress. 
Spencer internally groaned at the fact he couldn’t tell Morgan what was stressing him out because he had decided to keep his girlfriend a secret. Especially at a moment like this when there could be something wrong with her. For all he knew, she could be hurt. The exact reason for keeping her a secret in the first place.
“Uhm, yeah,” he lied. “Yeah, I’m okay.” 
It was crystal clear that Morgan didn’t believe his coworker but with the height of the case nearing, he decided not to press any further. It was only hours later, when they closed the case, and Spencer was clearly spiraling that he decided to ask further. 
“Reid, seriously, what’s going on?” he asked when Spencer hung up his phone for a fifth time, not getting the answer he wanted. 
Spencer sighed and chucked his phone in his pocket, his hands trembling as he did so. “I-I need to go home. Something’s wrong.” 
“With your mom?” Morgan asked as he watched Spencer rush out the BAU. The resident genius didn’t even bother to answer, which left Morgan with no other choice than to simply follow behind him. “Hey, Reid!” he called when he caught up to Spencer near the SUV. With furrowed brows and trembling hands trying to unlock the car, the younger man looked up. “Let me drive.” 
And with that said, Derek and Spencer got into the car and drove off to Spencer’s apartment. Derek wasn’t even sure what he was in for, but he trusted Spencer enough to follow him blindly. The two of them entered Spencer’s apartment building and rushed up the stairs to apartment 23.
A scream echoed through the door and reverberated in Spencer’s chest, causing his heart to plummet to his stomach. Derek and Spencer both reached for their guns, ready to shoot whoever’s hurting this screaming person. Another scream came from inside and Derek quickly and swiftly kicked down the apartment door. 
Another scream, but this time because of the sudden disruption. Once Spencer was certain there was no immediate danger, he holstered his weapon, as did Derek. His eyes scanned over his girlfriend. She had her hair scraped back into a messy bun, an old CalTech shirt of his that reached just beneath her bum and underneath it the tiniest of shorts that were barely visible. 
Once her heart had calmed down from the near-heart attack, she tugged the earphones out of her ears. “Fucking hell, Spence, way to give a girl a heart attack.” She threw a cushion from the couch at him. 
“Me?! You weren’t answering any of my calls or texts! I thought you were kidnapped,” he argued before stalking up to her and taking her into his arms into a much-needed hug. 
She pressed a kiss to his jaw. “I’m sorry, I was too wrapped up in that new Taylor Swift song and singing along.”
“Ah, that was the screaming about,” Morgan muttered, shaking his head with a chuckle.  
“I’m just glad you’re okay,” Spencer whispered and kissed her head before remembering there was someone else in the room. Coughing, he looked up at his coworker and only slightly let go of her, keeping an arm around her shoulders. 
“So, you’re ready to tell me the truth now?” Derek asked, a smirk on his face. 
Spencer smiled down at the girl. “Morgan, this is y/n, my… girlfriend.” 
The girl reached out a hand for him to shake and Derek did, but not without eyeing her up and keeping that teasing demeanor. “It’s so nice to finally meet you. Spence has told me so much about you.” 
“Wish I could say the same about you, but unfortunately, Boy Wonder never mentioned you once,” he told her, chuckling. “How did you keep this a secret from all of us?” 
Spencer shrugged. “I thought it would be better to keep our relationship a secret from everyone to keep her safe. We all know what happened to Haley, I don’t–” He inhaled sharply, unable to get the words across his lips. Noticing his sudden tensed shoulders, she interlaced her fingers with the ones on the hand on her shoulder, squeezing them reassuringly. “She kept her old address, just so no one could trace her back to me. Only Hotch and Rossi know.” 
“I wish we could’ve met under better circumstances,” she told him, gesturing to her appearance. 
“Shut up, you look cute,” Spencer reassured her and kissed her temple again. 
The smile never left Derek’s face as he looked at the sight in front of him. “I’m happy for you, Reid, you know that, right?” he asked happily, a hint of pride in his tone that caused her insides to grow mushy. 
From Spencer’s stories, she could tell the team cared about him a lot, but hearing it in real life and seeing it in Derek’s eyes and face meant the absolute world to her. She knew he was safe whenever he was with them, she knew she didn’t have to worry too much when he was out at work. They would protect him no matter what. 
Sensing Derek wanted to talk to Spencer alone, she excused herself and removed herself to the bedroom where she looked for something more appropriate to change into. All while keeping an ear on the conversation between the two coworkers. 
“I know,” she heard Spencer mumble. “I’m just scared, you know? She’s the best thing that has ever happened to me and I don’t want that to be taken away from me… again…” Heat crept to her cheeks as she listened to her boyfriend talk about her. 
“I get that,” Derek said. “She’s important to you – she’s family. Family of yours is family of ours, Reid. You don’t want anything to happen to her, and neither do we. We’d do anything in our power to protect her.” 
“Like we did Haley and Maeve?” 
She knew all about Maeve and Haley. Spencer had explained everything to her. It scared her to death that something like that could happen to the family of the BAU agents as much as it scared her something terrible could happen to Spencer. 
“You know that was out of our control, Reid,” said Morgan. 
A short silence fell and she knew Spencer inhaled deeply before continuing. “I know, but what if the same thing happens to her? I can’t lose her, Morgan. I wanna keep her safe, out of harm’s way.” 
“Don’t you think your best shot at keeping her safe is to have us informed about it? At least then, we can keep her safe and help you protect her,” he explained and she couldn’t help but agree with her. With her heart a little heavier and her outfit changed into jeans and a top with her hair down, she walked out into the living room. 
“He’s right though, baby,” she mumbled, capturing the boys’ attention. 
Spencer sighed, “Y/N.” He shook his head. 
“Don’t “y/n” me, Spencer. Your little family sounds amazing and I wanna be part of that, too.” She wrapped her arms around his waist, placing her head against his chest. “I know you wanna protect me, but don’t you think we both got a better chance if we got them in our lives, too?” 
Another sigh heaved Spencer’s chest, causing her head to move along with it. “Okay, you’re probably right.” He kissed the top of her head before looking at Morgan again. “Text everyone to come over here for dinner.”
“We don’t have enough food for that many people, honey,” she gasped, almost in a panic. 
Spencer shrugged. “We’ll order Chinese.” 
Within half an hour, the entire team had arrived at Spencer’s, one by one getting acquainted with the one he had kept secret for so long. Neither one knew why they were invited to apartment 23 but when they did find out, their reactions melted y/n’s heart. 
First, it was Penelope. The chirpy, colorful blonde she had heard so much about. 
“What’s the emergency? Are you okay, Reid? I–” she stopped in her tracks when her eyes landed on the girl beside the resident genius. “Who–Wha–” she stumbled over her words, her brain short-circuiting. 
With a smile, she reached out her hand to shake Penelope’s. “Hi, I’m y/n.” 
“Reid’s girlfriend,” the brunette that had come up behind her moments after, deducted. 
Penelope’s eyes widened before taking the girl into her arms. “Oh, my God! I knew it! I knew our Boy Wonder was in love!” 
Giggles filled up the apartment. Spencer and y/n couldn’t help but lock eyes, happy this was the reaction from his coworkers to his news. “Happy to meet you, too, Penelope.” 
“Hi,” the brunette greeted when Penelope pulled away. “I’m Alex Blake.” 
One by one, the team filed in, greeting y/n as though she was part of the family. With Chinese food scattered around the dining room table, the whole family sat, ate and asked the couple all the questions they needed answers to. 
“When did you first meet?” The blonde y/n has come to be known as JJ. 
Y/N glanced over to Spencer and took a hold of his hand, entwining their fingers in his lap. “We met at a bookstore, we were reaching for the same book–”
“Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver,” Spencer interrupted. 
“That one,” she concurred with a giggle. “He insisted on buying it for me and I insisted we read it together.” Her nose scrunched up while her lips pressed together, remembering how adorable Spencer was that day, and still was. 
“Damn, boy,” Derek commented. “Didn’t know you had game.” 
“What do you do?” Alex then questioned, moving on from their meet-cute. 
“I’m a primary school teacher,” she responded. “I try to mold and form these brilliant little minds to become something that somewhat resembles this genius’ mind.” She placed her free hand on Spencer’s head and lovingly squeezed. 
A collective bubble of laughter spread through the apartment, causing y/n’s heart to flutter. She loved being around Spencer’s friends. They were lovely and brought out the best in Spencer. While he always had his guard down when he was with her and showed her his soft side, his friends brought out a completely different side in him. A side she had seen before, but never with people other than her. 
For an entire night, the team asked the couple questions, told stories about Spencer even she didn’t know yet and she easily returned the favor. It turned out to be a lovely night that would be grafted into the couple’s minds for a long time. 
“I enjoyed spending time with your friends,” she told him when they were cuddled up in bed afterwards. 
As soon as they hit the mattress, their limbs entangled and her head ended up on his chest. While his hand trailed up and down her back, hers was drawing patterns on his chest. A position they had found themselves in almost every night. 
“Mmh,” he hummed. “They loved you.” 
She let out a giggle. “Of course they did.” 
A laugh rumbled Spencer’s chest, reverberating through her head. It was her favorite sound and feeling in the whole wide world. She lifted her head from his chest to properly look at him, finding him looking up at the ceiling. From this angle, she had a perfect view at his sharp jawline, his curls sticking out here and there, and his long lashes fluttering to keep himself awake. 
“Got any statistics, Doctor?” she then asked, putting her head back in place, right over his heart to hear it beat just for her. 
She could feel him turn his head to look at her. “About what?” he asked. 
“Anything,” she answered. 
He sighed. A content sigh, one where you could hear the smile in his breath. “There’s a hundred percent chance I’m gonna marry you,” he muttered and kissed the top of her head. 
A smile curved her lips upwards while her eyes slowly shut. Her body was completely relaxed, her heart fluttering in his presence. She could see their entire future flash before her eyes. Spencer getting down on one knee at the bookstore, her father walking her down the aisle while his friends and coworkers and his mom sat in the pews. She could see ten tiny toes and ten tiny fingers. 
She could see forever with him. 
“There’s a hundred percent chance I’m gonna say yes.” 
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Everything taglist: @calamitykaty @littlemissaddict @n0wornever @wanniiieeeee @unnowhatthisistbhh
Criminal Minds Taglist: 
@boimlers-gonna-boimm @samsbirks @tinaasthings @dysphoricsanity @love4lando @elenamoncada-ibarra @r-3dlips @magstheslayer @astess 
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alcoholfreenayeon · 1 month
Hi! Could I request a Wendy(Red Velvet) imagine where you two get into a heated argument and you end up taking off your wedding ring and throwing it at her before leaving the apartment you two share and after her initial shock she tries to go out and look for you…can you make it a happy ending please?🙏 thank you
Better Judgement
CW: Wendy x Reader, Angst, fluff
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A/N: I’m so sorry! I know this is SO late😭
You were on your desk, annoyed because you had just gotten some more work assigned. Like you already weren’t doing enough. It’s not your fault that half of your coworkers are useless and can’t complete their tasks on time but somehow it’s your responsibility. You sigh and begin, already knowing it’ll keep you busy the rest of the evening and night which means you can’t spend time with your fiancée properly today as well. An hour later, you go to the kitchen to have a snack when you spot Wendy, sitting on the sofa looking upset, fidgeting with her hoodie restlessly.
“Everything ok baby?”, you ask taking a sip of your soda.
“You tell me…”, She said with a pout.
“Just work, they dumped some more on me…”, you rant.
“Why don’t you tell them it’s too much. You are only one person after all”, she suggests, feeling a bit more annoyed.
“It’s not that simple as that”, you point out.
“Of course it isn’t. Every single thing is complicated and unavoidable except me. I’m simple and can be put off for everything else.”, Wendy snaps, folding her arms and glaring at you.
You sigh, “No, it’s not like that. And you know that. It’s work”, you throw your arms up in frustration. “I can’t put it off like that but we can go on a date another day. It’s different. Why are you mad at for that. It’s not like I asked for it.”
“Because you rarely are here anymore. Always doing this or that and never taking a break. You are lost in your own world. You are here but you might as well not be with the way you have been the past month”, Wendy grumbled.
You clench your jaw, “I can’t help it if that’s the work I’ve to do. Not like you are always present either. Going off on your little trips and vacations. Concerts…Comebacks. Not every job is like being an idol. Some of us don’t work in a protected bubble.”
Wendy gets a pained look, “That’s not the case. You know I don’t think that. I’m only complaining because I generally don’t get this much free time and you are so busy in it.”
“How’s that my fault. Not like I was parading my boss to give me more work because I know you are free and have nothing to do.”, you snap at her.
“Stop being like this!”, Wendy says quietly, her voice quivering a little, “Fine then. If it’s that much effort for you to make a little bit of time with me then I won’t ask you anymore. Do what you like.”
“If I was able to do that do you think I’d be sitting here?”, you grumble.
“I don’t care anymore”, Wendy says with a shaky voice, “you just don’t care. I’m trying my best but…”, she looks at you, tears in her eyes.
You sigh, hating to see her this way, your heart aching. You want to hug and comfort her, tell her you are sorry but your pride isn’t allowing it. You felt like you were not in the wrong so then why did you have to be the one to make amends especially when you didn’t start this, “Yeah right, I don’t care…”, you say coldly, hating yourself the moment the the words leave your mouth.
She takes a shaky breath, trying her best to not cry, your words like daggers to her.
You turn back to your work, trying to leave this behind for now so you can cool off a bit before you decide what to do next to solve this argument.
“Atleast you are honest now”, she bitterly said as a single tear rolled down her cheeks.
You freeze and then slowly turn to her, clenching your jaw and gritting your teeth, your slowly take off your engagement ring and slam it at the table, “There. That’s what you want right? For me to go. I’ll do what you want then.”, you turn back and leave, walking angrily towards the door and leaving, slamming it shut.
Wendy stays still in shock, unable to register your words and actions at first and slowly breaking down as she realizes.
You storm out, walking aimlessly trying to calm yourself a little but you weren’t successful. It wasn’t fair at not. If you had your way you’d spend every waking moment with her. But unfortunately no one has that luxury and we all have to make do with what we have, trying our best. And evidently sometimes that isn’t enough.
You keep walking, sulking about till you reach a convenience store and walk in to get a snack. You buy your favorite chocolate and a soda before heading towards a nearby park. You find an empty bench and sit on it. You feel your phone buzz but you ignore it. You just wanted to be left alone right now. So you just sat and stared into the little pond, watching the birds while fighting with your thoughts and feelings. You didn’t realize how much time had passed until you noticed it was dark now. You sigh, noticing you haven’t had your chocolate yet so you take it out, tearing off the wrapper slowly. You are about to take the first bite when you suddenly think how Wendy always magically appears whenever you have chocolate. You almost smile and turn your head, expecting her to be there and just as quickly that burst of familiarity turns to dreaded pain. You take a small bite and fidget with your fingers, feeling even guiltier when you remember you had taken off your ring.
The chocolate doesn’t taste as sweet anymore and you just feel pained. You took out your phone to see a few missed calls and texts from her. Yet now your pride out of nowhere stops you from calling or texting her back even though it’s hurting not to. Frustrated by this confusion, you get up and take another quick walk, going up to a little hill nearby, it was a pretty spot but it gets pretty crowded in the day so you weren’t going there as much anymore.
As you look at the night sky, you decide you will go back home, apologize and try to make amends. Yes you weren’t completely at fault but if you had to be honest with yourself, then you were ready to take the blame for anything if it meant you and Wendy would stay together. You hated seeing her cry and instead of comforting her and explaining to her better, you snapped.
Lost in your thoughts, you feel a gentle tap on your back and turn to see an anxious looking Wendy standing nervously.
“H-hi.”, she said quietly, “I finally found you here the second time looking”.
You stay still for a moment, just looking at her and feeling guilty, the way she seemed excited yet hesitant to see you right now, the way she’s breathing harder than usual from walking uphill…god you just wanted to squeeze her so tight.
“Wendy, I’m sorry”, you suddenly apologize, hugging her tight.
She gasped softly from your embrace but then hugged you back tighter, “No I’m sorry too, I shouldn’t have been so cranky and demanding. I’ve seen how hard you work everyday and I just felt annoyed at your boss for taking you away from me so much. But I ended up snapping at you. I’m so sorry. Please don’t be mad at me anymore.”
“I’m not. I can’t stay mad at you. I love you too much….I’m sorry took off the ring and I’m so sorry I made you cry.”, you say quietly, holding on to her like your life depended on it.
She looks at you, smiling a little, “thank you sweetheart, my heart feels lighter now. Let’s go home, I feel like it’ll get cold really soon…”
You smile and kiss her quickly, “Yes let us, I still have so much work left”, you tease with a poke.
Wendy sighs with a smile, “I swear, I’m gonna hit you with a pan.”
You chuckle, “You didn’t let me finish, I meant to say I have work left for tomorrow. Tonight is just for us to cuddle and watch a movie.”
“I’d like that so much…”, Wendy says happily, linking her arm with yours as you both walk back home, all of your troubles gone and just eagerness awaiting as you can’t wait to spend some real time with her.
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pinkthrone445 · 2 months
-¿Baila conmigo?- Part 4
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender:Soft, hurt
Warnings:Mention of sex.
Summary:Mel finds you sad in a bar and decides to step in, not knowing that life will bring you back together again. After letting some time past from her breaking your heart, you have the strength to see her again.
Tags: @idkifimasub
@melanielaufeyson thanks for the song idea!
@neverfindmegone (my number one fan, my wife💕)
The day after you broke off your non-existent relationship with the redhead, Janine invited you to a bar with the others to have a few beers and have a little farewell/goodbye to you. Without thinking twice you agreed, you needed an excuse to drown your sorrows in alcohol and you preferred not to do it alone.
-"Shot! Shot! Shot!" - Ava and Jacob were screaming as you took your second shot in a row. The burning throat was followed by a few cheers of happiness as you rested the empty glass on the table-"Yeah!! That's how is done!" - Ava screamed and Barbara looked at her a little embarrassed-"How many fingers I'm holding up?" - The principal asked rasing two fingers to you
-"Two?" - You asked and she denied with her head
-"But it is two" - Janine said while Ava order a few more shots
-"Exactly, that's bad, that means she isn't drunk enough yet, she needs more shots" - The principal said making you laugh a little.
All your coworkers were there, everyone except the redhead, and as much as you were angry with her, every time the door to the bar opened you couldn't help but look to see if it was her, maybe coming to apologize, to say that she had feelings for you and that she was just scared, to beg you to stay, but you knew none of that would happen, and yet you kept looking at the door every time it opened.
Supposedly she had told the others that she was sick and that she couldn't go, she lied and everyone believed her, but still your stupid heart was still hoping to see her one more time.
But that didn't happen, when the night was over you were drunk enough to forget your own name, drunk enough to forget everything else but the redhead. Who never came to say goodbye to you and you never saw her again before leaving.
6 months later
Heavy breaths filled the room, followed by a few moans of pleasure and wet kissing sounds
-"Stop, stop it! This isn't working" - The redhead commented irritatedly, causing her new company of the night to stop his previous actions and look at her confused
-"But this is what you told me to do" - He said wiping his chin with the back of his hand
-"Yeah, but you are doing it wrong" - Melissa said angrily, getting out of bed and putting on her robe to cover her naked body, feeling, like every night when someone new was in her bed, a little embarrassed and nostalgic trying to find someone who could match your ability to fuck and how well you treated her afterwards.
-"You can go home now" - she said to the new guy that was putting his clothes on.
-"Don't call me again, never" - He said with his broken ego leaving the house
-"When I have the need for a faked orgasm and a unpleasant night, I will think about calling you" - she answered grabbing a bottle of beer from the refrigerator
-"Fuck you" - He answered
-"I might have to, I'm really unsatisfied" - she barked back taking a swing on the bottle while he slammed the door closed.
Since you left, she would often go to bars to drink and try not to think about you, but then she would end up in bed with someone else while she thought and missed you. She tried men, women and all in between but nothing worked because no one was like you.
From the day you closed that door she didn't see you again, but she didn't stop thinking about you for a second, coming to the conclusion that if she missed you like that it was because she really loved you but her fear prevented her from admitting it and from love succeeding, in other words, she was coward and pushed you away.
The redhead tried to contact you again but you had blocked her, moved and no one else mentioned you when she was around, so she had no idea where you were working or where you had gone. The only place she knew where you were, was her head all the time.
She thought she would never see you again until one day, in the least expected place, her heart came alive again because she saw you.
As another year was ending, another Avafest arrived and with it many preparations and plans that the redhead did not want to attend, but she did it anyway. This time it was a little different as not only did Ava plan it, but the district joined as well, as they said it was good for morale and to raise money, so it was a bigger party than the previous ones.
The music was loud and mixed with the murmurs of the people while Melissa was talking in a corner with Barbara. Every now and then her eyes scanned the crowd before returning to her friend again, sometimes her eyes crossed with familiar faces who waved from a distance without generating more interaction with her.
An hour after the party started, Ava arrived fashionable late as always and the heart of the redhead almost escapes from her chest, not because of the principal, but because of whom she was holding hands with, you. After 6 months of not knowing anything about you, you reappeared, seeing yourself more beautiful than ever, hand in hand with Ava.
Suddenly the lights went out, but to her it didn't matter because your smile lit up the room, the music cut out but your laughter filled every empty space, your eyes met hers and you let go of Ava's hand to walk to where she was, the redhead stretched out her hand, controlling herself not to run and hug you and kiss you. Her heart finally felt calm after so long...
-"Melissa!" - Her friend called her back to reality, making her feel lost
-"Huh?" - she looked around, the lights were on, the music very laud and you were still holding Ava's hand, unaware of the presence of the red head on the corner of the room. She was right there, why couldn't you look at her, your sight danced over the room but never landed on her, meanwhile she couldn't take her eyes off you, as if doing so, might make you vanish forever. You were so far away and yet so close...
-"Are you okay? You seem pale..."-Barbara asked and followed the gaze of her friend, landing on you-"Look! It's (Y/N)! I didn't knew she was back. Let's go say hi!" - The eldest grabbed the redhead's hand pulling it to where you were but the redhead's feet did not respond, she was frozen in place and her friend did not understand why, since Melissa never got to tell her everything that had happened in the "friendship" you had-"Come on Mel, I bet she missed you the most, you were really good friends" - Barbara insisted and the redhead felt pain in her chest because of the word friend
-"I bet she doesn't want to see me" - she murmur
-"Why? Because you didn't went to her good bye party? You were sick, she doesn't blame you for that, I bet she already forgot about it, come on" - Her friend insisted, pulling her hand harder, finally getting her to start walking until she arrived in front of you and Ava
-"Sweetheart!"-Barbara screamed in front of you scaring you a little, pulling you in a tight hug making you let go of Ava's hand
-"Barbs! Long time no see" - You said hugging her back. When she let you go, your eyes landed on the redhead, that if it weren't for the sadness in her eyes, she would be the same as always
-"Hi..."-she said weakly will
-"Hi" - You said dry without doing any movements to have physical contact with her, she tried to at least reach her hand to you but you ignored and looked at Ava-"Let's go for some drinks?" - You asked grabbing her hand and she noded flowing you.
Mel still didn't understand your relationship with the principal, but she couldn't help but follow you two with her eyes all night, the way your hands almost never parted, the way you laughed at the jokes she made, how some snacks were shared in your mouth, the little secret comments you made in her ear... It seemed like a romantic relationship but at the same time she refused to believe that you had forgotten her and had fallen in love again, with Ava. Your smile with her was bigger and your laugh louder that when you were with the redhead, it almost seemed forced and exaggerated. More than jealous she felt sad and confused, it was not until she saw you inviting Ava to dance that her heart ended up shattered completely, dancing was her special thing with you...
A bachata song began to play and it looked like a knife twisting the redhead's insides. In the time she had been with you she had learned to understand a lot of Spanish, which made the lyrics seem like a narration of what she felt all this time you were apart.
Your hip stuck to Ava's hip and your hands intertwined so you could guide the dance, you smiled in such a mischievous way listening to the beat...
"5 in the morning and I haven't slept at all, thinking about your beauty, crazy I'm going to end. Insomnia is my punishment and your love would be my relief. And until you're mine I won't live in peace.
Today I met your boyfriend, little and not good looking and I know he doesn't love you, by the way he talks.
Besides, you don't love him, because he doesn't measure up. He doesn't know how to please you like I would. But I'll be patient, because he's not competition. That's why there are no reasons
For me to respect him... "-The music played in Spanish while you danced and sang with a big smile, you always seem in your element every time you danced, like a fish swimming, that's how natural it looked in you when you moved, like a bird flying that's how free you felt every time you heard the music.
The song continued talking about how he tried to look for or contact the girl but he couldn't, he called her and went for her without any success... Melissa couldn't help but relate to the words, just as she couldn't help the jealousy she felt every time you sang the song within inches of Ava's face.
At no time during the night did you leave the principal's side, very aware of the redhead following you with her eyes to catch you alone to talk, thing you didn't wanted to do.
When your body was tired of dancing so much, you decided it was time to go home. Ava walked you to the door of the school to say goodbye to you
-"Do you think she buy it?" - You asked Ava a little bit insecure and she laughed
-"You dancing inches from my face in that sexy way? Judging by the fact that she already left the party before you, I would say yes..." - The principal said and you laughed hugging her
-"Thank you for staying with me all night pretending to be my girlfriend, I really missed you all and wanted to see them and I couldn't have done it alone. You are a great friend" - You told her with a sweet smile and she rolled her eyes
-"Yeah yeah, I'm amazing, I know. Now it's your turn to keep your part of the deal, send me your coworker's number when you get home... Also let me know when you get there safe..."-Ava said waiving good bye and you smiled
-"I love you!" - You yelled
-"I love you too, stupid" - You saw how she turned the corner and you got out to your car smiling to yourself. Ava had been a really good friend since you started working there and continue being a good one even when you left.
You were really happy for seeing your friends again and for successfully avoid the redhead, but your body froze when you saw her leaning on her car in the middle of the cold, smoking something, her car was almost right in front of yours. She looked at you with such sad eyes that you felt sorry for her for a second
-"I thought you had quit smoking" - You said looking for your keys in your purse
-"I have... This is just the stupid air electronic cigarette that Jacob brought to quit smoking... It doesn't do anything and it doesn't have nicotine, but the body motion sooths my anxiety in a way..."-she said with a weak voice and you nodded still looking for the fucking keys-"I missed you..."-she talked but you didn't even looked at her-"I still do..."-she insisted and by this point you were questioning if you even put the keys on your purse-"Losing you was like being stuck in an endless nightmare that I can't wake up from...I tried to contact you but you move and nobody wanted to give me your new number..."-The redhead took a step closer to you
-"You didn't lose me, you pushed me away" - You firmly said finally looking at her
-"I know... I fucked up really bad...and I'm so sorry..."-she started talking with a sincerity you haven't seen in her before-"I didn't realized how much you mean to me until you left... I'm deeply sorry for hurting you. I realize now that my actions were thoughtless and caused you immense pain. I understand that I broke your trust and shattered your heart. I regret my mistakes and take full responsibility for them. Please know that I value and cherish the time we spent together. I remember the laughter, the adventures, and the quiet moments we shared. I'm so sorry that I tarnished those memories with my thoughtless. If I could go back, I would do things differently. I would be more mindful, more empathetic, and more honest with you and with myself... I was absolutely scared of open my heart to someone again, and because of that I ended with a broken heart and I broke yours too... But I know I can't turn back time. All I can do is promise to learn from my mistakes and grow as a person. If you're willing, I'd like the chance to make amends and work towards healing and rebuilding our relationship. If not, I understand, and I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me someday"-she talked so fast that it surprise you, it was like if she had practice that conversation over and over again with herself-"You deserve love, care, and respect, and I hope that if you decide not to give me a chance, you find that with someone who will treat you with the kindness and compassion you deserve, someone that realize how amazing you are and doesn't let you go like I did... I will regret that for the rest of my days... "-by the time she ended talking, she was right in front of you. You took your hand out of the purse to put it in your pockets, finally finding your keys, if you wanted to scape, that was the only thing you needed, but you couldn't move, those words were the only thing that you wanted to hear for the past 6 months. You came to this party with Ava because you knew that you wouldn't have the strength to say no to Melissa if you were alone, that you would forgive and forget everything, and now here you were, alone with her, with trembling and weak walls about to fall down and let her in again, and you knew you wouldn't have the strength to walk away again if she walked in.
-"Melissa..."-you said with a very weak voice making steam come out of your mouth because of the cold
-"Please...forgive me..."-she insisted and another brick of your wall fell
-"Mel..."-you said
-"Please..."-she put her cold hand on your cheek looking deeply at your eyes, a whole pilar of your protection wall came down
-"I..." - you didn't even knew what to say, how much you missed her eyes on yours, her soft touch on your skin...
-"I love you... I have been in love with you from that first time on that bar when we danced together...And I'm sorry it took so long to say it" -she confessed and the whole wall fell down, giving her an easy access to your heart
-"I never stoped loving you..."-you said with watery eyes
-"And what about Ava?" - she asked
-"I just wanted to push you away, to make you hurt, to make you believe that I had moved on... But every thought and second of my life is ocupided by the gosth of you..."-You said honesy and a tear fell down, she quickly dry it with her thumb
-"I promise I will make up for the pain that I caused you if you give me another chance" - she kissed your forehead, not wanting to push you away again being to forward, even if her lips begged to feel yours again
-"One last chance..."-you said and she smiled hugging you
-"That's all I ask, I promise I won't fuck up again..."-she smiled even more when she felt how you hid in her neck-"I love you... And I will let the whole world know..."-when she finish speaking, her phone rang, without stop hugging you, she looked at the notification
Ava Coleman:"If you hurt her again, I will make your life a living hell"
Melissa frowned reading the message and when she looked up she saw a camera on the parking lot pointy directly at you two, knowing that the principal was observing you from the other side and that the threat was very real.
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14buddy22 · 8 months
“Ours” by Taylor?? Reader is in a relationship with Aaron despite others saying it wouldn’t be a good idea since he isn’t there all the time and has an unreliable schedule. Maybe even Aaron doubts the relationship working since Haley didn’t understand it sometimes either but reader pushes for the relationship to work and continues to love even others don’t believe it’ll last :,)
Meeting the love of your life at a bar wasn't what you thought was going to happen to you. You always figured you'd meet your dream husband at the book store or a local coffee shop, not a bar.
It's not that you despised bars, you actually like dive bars. But you never thought you'd meet the love of your life here. Love works in mysterious ways.
You and Aaron Hotchner had been dating for 6 months. You learned his busy schedule and you knew he was not going to be there all the time.
Canceled dinner dates, last minute texts saying your weekend plans would be canceled. Everything in between, yet you understood and were never mad.
Aaron always wondered how long it would be until you finally snapped at him for his busy schedule, but you never did.
Until you did worse than snap, you cried to him. Started having self doubt, and this is how it all went down.
You were at a bar on a Friday night with your coworkers. You all loved going out after the work week. Sometimes everyone invited their spouses, some nights they didn't, it all just depended.
Tonight was a night that no spouses came, which was a little upsetting because Aaron actually was in town this weekend. Which you know you should be spending with him, and a part of you felt a little guilty for it. But he told you that this was your guys' thing and that it's okay to go out with your friends, he'd be waiting for you to text him when you got home so he could call and say goodnight to you.
The minute the conversation at the table started going, you knew where it was leading too.
"My husband's schedule is opposite of me, which is perfect so we never need a sitter."
Everyone was talking about their significant others' schedules and you were just sat there.
"How long are you going to stay with Aaron? You can't put up with his schedule for the next 20 something years. The late nights, the missed dates, long weeks without seeing him. You should dump him now, or soon it'll be your 1 year anniversary and you'll feel stuck with him."
You never felt stuck with him. He told you about his ghosts of the past. He told you about Haley and why Haley left. You wouldn't have been with him if you weren't prepared to commit for the long run.
"I love Aaron. And this won't be his schedule for the next 20 years. Maybe the next 10. He'll be able to be section chief if he wants it or he'll put in for early retirement. The offer still stands ever since his ex-wife passed away."
"Don't you want someone there for you all the time? How can a relationship be built when he's never with you?"
Aaron tries. He really does. You were so happy with him. Weren't you? Maybe there was this lie being built. Trying to believe in something maybe you didn't.
No, no, you loved Aaron. You couldn't doubt yourself. There is nothing to doubt about. You wanted to be with Aaron forever, regardless of his busy schedule. They don't know that he sends texts to you every single day, calls you every night, sends flowers to your home once a week if he can't deliver them in person. Aaron loved you and you loved him.
"I'm very happy with Aaron and his schedule is not going to be the thing that makes me leave."
You just wanted to go home to him now, so you were paying for your tab and saying goodbye to your friends shortly after the conversation.
When you called Aaron, asking to come to his apartment, he told you yes, saying he would love it if you spent the weekend with him since Jack was at Jessica's.
When you walked into his apartment, he was greeting you with a kiss, hug, and flowers.
You loved this man, a schedule would never change that.
"You never call it early with your coworkers, what happened honey?"
You explained everything to Aaron. He listened intently. You saw the fear sitting behind his brown eyes. He didn't want you to break up with him. He was in love with you and he knew that you were the girl that he'd been waiting for. You were perfect.
When you wiped your tear after saying they wanted you two to break up, he hugged you. When he pulled away, he said, "No matter what decision you make, someone will always disapprove. It's true when people say you can't make everyone happy. Someone will always want to go against what the decision was."
You kissed him and said, "I will never leave you because of your schedule, it's going to take a lot more to get rid of me Hotchner."
You both chuckled and he pulled you into his arms.
"Don't you worry your pretty little mind. People throw rocks at things that shine. Life, well that makes love look hard. This love is ours. No one can take that from us, sweetheart."
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yangbbokari · 10 months
Pairing: any skz member x gn!reader Genre: Angst no comfort WC: 1.3k Warnings: Cursing, yelling, self-harm, death, crying, reader referred to as y/n and member referred to as (name) Summary: Of all the questions you’ve asked him, he wished he answered truthfully A.N.: Just some thoughts I had !NOT PROOFREAD! As always
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He’s regretted every thing he’s ever said leading up to this moment. He hoped you didn’t take him seriously but you did. Now he had to suffer the consequences. Alone. ~~~
You loved him, you did. And you tried to show it all the time. But maybe love wasn’t made for you in this life.
As your tired boyfriend trudged through the door, you looked over at him with worry in your eyes.
“If you’re hungry I can warm up some food for you.”
“I’m fine. I already ate with my coworkers. I’m not that hungry.”
He made his way to your shared bedroom without saying another word. You stood up and yelled out to him.
“If you need a bath I have one set for you. With your favorite scent and bubbles!” You smiled, sure you’d get his favor this time.
“I’m just going to take a quick shower. I’m too tired for a bath. You want me to drown?” He yelled back.
You felt your heart begin to crack apart. “Oh, okay. Well… If you need anything just call for me.”
With a loud and clear sigh, your boyfriend yelled at you. “If I needed something then I would call for you! Quit being annoying and shut the fuck up.”
A small and quiet, ‘oh’, left your lips as you sat back down, holding in your tears. This was a side never shown in your relationship so it left you feeling quite shocked.
So you blamed it on stress.
But over the next few months, the cycle repeated. He’d come home and yell at you. Each and every time.
Each day your heart cracked a little more until he stepped on it and it shattered completely.
In the middle of a heated argument, you yelled at him and he yelled back.
“If you really love me that you wouldn’t treat me like this!”
“Well maybe I don’t love you as much as I initially thought!”
You went quiet. You just turned around and went back to cooking dinner. He ignored you for the rest of the week and he never apologized. So you did.
“Baby, I’m so sorry for how I acted the other day. I was just feeling a bit insecure.”
“I don’t care. Just never act like that again.”
You nodded your head in shame as he brushed past you. Slowly, your ‘if’s’ became ‘sorry’s.’ ~~~ Your boyfriend came storming through the door, shutting it loudly behind him, causing you to jump.
He looks at the table, then looks at you.
“Where the fuck is my dinner? God, y/n. You always claim to have this and that; and the one time I want it, YOU NEVER HAVE IT!!!”
You scrambled to your feet, rushing to the kitchen. “I’m sorry, baby. I’ll get it done right now. Just take a shower and before you know it, dinner will be done.”
He huffed his breath before making his way to the bedroom. He came back out, stomping.
“What the fuck, Y/n! You don’t have dinner ready but you can’t even prepare me a fucking bath!? God, you’re so fucking useless. I don’t even know why I ever started liking you in the first place!”
You sighed heavily. “I’m sorry. I’ve just been out of it today.”
“Clearly! Now if you don’t have dinner done by the time I come out, don’t expect me to stay here tonight.” And he went to shower.
“Sorry…” ~~~ It began to get too much for you. You couldn’t take it. It was overwhelming and heartbreaking. You missed the old (name) you used to know. You just wanted him back.
You slowly stepped in the bath and settled down before calling (name). He picked up. Surprisingly.
“What do you want, Y/n? You already know how busy I am. It better not be any bullshit.”
“I just want to ask you a few questions.” You voice wavered and you hoped he couldn’t tell that you were crying.
“Well, then get it over with.”
You took in a deep shaky breath.
“If I left you, how would you feel.”
“I don’t know, y/n. Ask me when I get home.”
“WAIT! P-please just listen… I just need you to listen as I ask.”
After a moment of silence, you continued.
“If you could never see me again, would that hurt you? If I died, would you care?”
You could hear a loud sigh coming from the receiving end.
“I don’t know. You act like you’re dying. I’m hanging up. I’m tired of you.”
*beeeeeeeeeeeeppp-* ~~~ When the call ended, (name) didn’t know what to do. He grew a bit worried. He knew he shouldn’t have talked to y/n like that. Work’s just been taking a toll on him and he took it all out on y/n.
He knew you should’ve apologized but his ego stood in the way so he never did.
But he couldn’t shake that horrible feeling that something terrible would happen. So he grabbed his coat, locked his office door, got in his car, and drove off. ~~~ The call ended. Any hope left that you had, hoping (name) still loved you, gone.
You grabbed the box cutter from the side of the tub. Tears blinded your vision and your pained sobs could be heard from miles away.
“I’m sorry, mom. I promised I wouldn’t join you so soon. But it hurts. It hurts so much. I don’t know if I can take it anymore. I can’t take it anymore. I’m tired. I don’t want to hold on anymore.”
You sobbed even harder as you slid the blade out. “I’m sorry that I love you, (name).”
Then you slit your wrist.
You could feel the blood dripping from it. It was warm like the water you were currently in. You felt your body slowly become colder as you heart beated rapidly. Your eyes began to droop and your breath became ragged.
You saw your memories come flashing by. Most of them being the happy memories you shared with (name). You smiled. You were dying and you smiled. At least the pain was ending and you no longer had to hurt. You guessed this was what people meant when they said that your life flashes before your eyes as you die.
You looked down and the water had become red already. The blood was sill draining from your body.
Then you heard someone burst through the door. You couldn’t tell who it was and you could barely hear them as they lifted you from the tub. ~~~ (Name) rushed into the house and he had to break through the bathroom door when you weren’t responding.
“Y/N!!! Oh, god. Y/n…”
He wanted to scream but he knew he had to stay calm. He was scared. This was all his fault.
“Y/n, y/n baby. Stay with me, yeah. It’s okay. It’s okay. I’ll get you out of here soon.”
He grabbed a face cloth and wrapped around your wrist to stop any further bleeding. Then he lifted you up and out of the tub.
“It’s okay, love. It’s okay, I’m here. You’ll be alright. Everything will be just fine.”
He wasn’t sure if he was saying that for you or for him, but it worked. What he was sure of though, was that he was thankful that y’all chose an apartment not to far from the hospital. About a 5 minute drive.
He rushed you to the hospital and they hooked you up but it was already too late.
You died as they were trying to put you on the hospital bed and give you blood. You were gone.
You were gone and you left (name) all alone.
He couldn’t believe it. He knew that he was the reason and the guilt ate at him. He already promised your mother to take care of you and he couldn’t even do that. He hated himself. He hated all of it.
“If you can hear me, I’m so sorry, y/n.”
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anotherstudtouse · 29 days
What Are Friends For?
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SUMMARY: When your coworker, Lex Foster, asks you to pretend to be her girlfriend, you agree against your better judgement.
WARNINGS: None that I can think of?
Toy Zone -- As many complaints as you have about the place and its owner, it was one of the only places hiring seven months ago when you desperately needed some extra cash to help pay for the online classes you were taking. It wasn't much -- and still isn't -- but it's enough to get by. Sure, there are other (arguably better) places hiring now. Sure, your boss, Frank, can be a bit of a jerk at times.
     You've definitely thought about applying elsewhere a couple times, but the urge is always squashed not long after starting another shift. You can't imagine working somewhere else and no longer seeing Lex as much as you've grown accustomed to. If you could go back in time and tell your past self that Lex Foster, of all people, means as much to you as she now does, your past self would've checked you for a head injury or several. Although the two of you had attended the same high school (until she dropped out), the circles you'd each ran in had never intersected. As she affectionately teases you now, you've always been a bit of a nerdy prude.
     Seven months into your job at Toy Zone, though, you've grown to really know -- and really like -- Lex. You love her dry humor, strong heart, and love for her sister. You love the way you can see her lock eyes with you over Frank's shoulder as he rambles on about the newest toy that's sure to fly off the shelves if you could just stock them faster, rolling her eyes before launching into a ridiculous imitation of him that you have to bite your lip not to smile at. You love the way she always waits for you to take your breaks together so that you can stand out back with her as she smokes, always making sure to blow it out away from you. You love the way her eyes light up when she talks about her sister, you love the way she cares so much about things even if she tries so hard to act like she doesn't, you love how strong she is, you--
     You need to focus, and you definitely need to stop thinking about your coworker and friend so much, because the more you think about her, the more you realize your feelings are becoming more than simply platonic, which is a problem. It's a problem not only because Lex only just broke up with her boyfriend a month ago, but also because she's, as far as you know, straight. The risk of ruining this friendship you've grown to cherish is just too high. Besides, it would make working here too awkward when she inevitably rejects you, and then you really would have to look for another job.
     "Come here often?" a playful voice sounds off behind you, the only warning you have before the owner of it is sliding between the stack of 'Sugar-Gliders' toys beside you and yourself. There's not a lot of space, however, so as Lex leans her shoulder against the shelf, you can feel her Toy Zone vest brush against your arm.
     You glance at her as you finish straightening some of the boxes in front of you, an amused smile spreading across your face. "Considering I'm here almost every day, you'd think I would've made an impression by now. Now my ego's bruised."
     "I'll kiss it better if you go on break with me now." The comment is an obvious joke, delivered as offhandedly as the multiple other flirtatious comments Lex has made toward you in the past couple months. Even if she doesn't mean it, it momentarily makes it harder for you to breathe nonetheless.
     You laugh it off, trying to ignore the warmth you can feel in the tips of your ears. Picking up another box, you mull over her request. "I should finish stocking these first or Frank'll chew me out."
     Even as you speak, she's plucking the box out of your hand before placing it back on the stack. "I'll tell him I made you do it; he already thinks I'm a bad influence on you."
     "And you don't?" You raise your brows at her, your gaze lowering pointedly at the box she'd literally just taken out of your hand.
     She scoffs, her hand flying to her heart. "You wound me, Y/N. Now I'm the one whose ego needs kissing."
     Shaking your head, you step back out of her space. All this talk of kissing, joking or not, is making the close proximity way too overwhelming. Maybe a break would be a good idea after all. "Come on before I change my mind, drama queen."
     As you lean back against the wall out back, Lex doing the same a few feet away with a lit cigarette between her fingers, you can tell there's something on the shorter girl's mind. She's been unusually quiet, and you can see her glancing at you every few seconds out of the corner of your eye. You click the side of your phone, turning the screen dark as you slip it back into your pocket. "You okay?"
     She almost seems startled when you speak, apparently not realizing how obvious she's been. "Oh, yeah, yeah. Just -- I've got this favor I gotta ask, and I'm trying to figure out how to ask it."
     Well, now you're really curious. Lex has never asked you for anything other than occasionally covering a shift for her before. You turn to face her, leaning your shoulder against the wall. "People usually start by saying what the favor is," you joke in an effort to lighten the mood. It seems to work, the corners of Lex's lips quirking upward as she mirrors your movement and turns to face you.
     "Okay, smartass." There's a pause as she takes a hit of her cigarette, the movement drawing your eyes to her mouth. You swallow, gaze quickly returning to her eyes. She doesn't seem to notice. "I need a girlfriend."
     What the fuck? You didn't hear that right. You couldn't have. Your lips part but no words come out for a second, then two, then three. Then, "I-- And that's-- Huh?"
     Apparently your stammering has put her at ease or something because she's chuckling now, taking another hit of her cigarette, and Jesus Christ does she have to be so hot when she smokes?
     "Relax, Y/N. I know you're not into girls; I'm not really asking you out. It's just -- You remember Ethan, right?" There's another pause to take another hit, as if she's giving you time to remember him, as if you could forget the guy you'd been jealous of for months leading up to their break-up. "He keeps trying to get back together. He thinks if he just keeps trying, I'll come back to him eventually or something. I just thought maybe if he sees I've moved on, he'll give up."
     Okay, so there's a lot to unpack there. You don't know where she got the idea that you're not into girls, but considering the one relationship you had in high school was a secret one with a girl deeply in the closet, you suppose you can't fault her for the assumption. You try -- and fail -- not to feel disappointed at the explanation that Lex isn't actually, truly asking you out for real.
     She looks a little anxious again, watching you, waiting for your reaction. You know you should say no. This could really only end one of two ways, after all -- Either it ends in a fake break-up and you have to learn to live with the knowledge of how it feels to be loved by Lex but without the reality of it, or it ends with your real friendship becoming too awkward and loaded to survive.
     But if you say no... If you say no, this guy keeps bothering her. If you say no, maybe she asks someone else, and as wrong as it would be for you to say yes, you don't want her to ask someone else.
     "... Okay," you finally answer with a resolute nod.
     "You totally don't have to," she's quick to reassure, dropping her cigarette and stomping it out before stepping closer to you. Despite her reassurances, she looks relieved with your answer. "I can ask someone else; I just-- I dunno, I don't really trust anyone else."
     You give her a smile that you hope is just as reassuring to her as her words are to you, trying to ignore the way your heartbeat has begun to pick up speed. This is a bad idea. This is a bad idea. But it's for a good cause, right? That's why you're saying yes. No other reason. "Lex, it's fine. I'm happy to do it."
     "Thank God." Another step closer brings her into your space, and before you know it, she's tugging you into a hug. You can smell the cigarette smoke sticking to her leather jacket coupled with the faint scent of the forest. It's got to be some kind of cologne or something, you think. The forest scent, not the cigarette smoke. "I really didn't want to have to ask someone else."
     With one of Lex's arms firm around your waist and the other wrapped around your shoulders, you relax into her embrace and return it. Hopefully she can't feel the pounding of your heart against your chest as you reply, "Of course. What are friends for?"
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thevelria · 1 year
Are you looking for a vampire? (vampire!Gojo x fem!reader) (SFW)
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Author's note: I've never written vampire Gojo before and I haven't even seen too much of fics with him as a vamp. So I wanted to try something new since I love vampires and I love Gojo.
Also huge thanks for my lovely @ladycheesington as always <3
warnings: mentions of blood but other than that it's pure flirt and fluff
Big yawn and an even bigger stretch eased your pain. It was dark, late at night but you were still working on the research. As a journalist at a famous newspaper you had to sacrifice your sleep from time to time. You never complained, though, because you loved your job, your coworkers and surprisingly you had a wonderful boss. 
Supernatural stories of yours made into a series in the magazine. Your readers loved your work and nudged you for a while to come up with something about vampirism. Weeks, even months have passed and you kept searching for any proof of their existence.
As you were walking down the street you felt like someone followed you. The bit of a rainy night, the chilly wind and your lack of sleep made you think your mind played a game with you. 
The key slid easily into the lock and heard that clicking sound before opening your front door. As you stepped in you took off your shoes and placed your umbrella into its holder a funny feeling rushed through your body.  “I’m so tired.” you mumbled as you walked into the living room and turned on the lights. 
Crystal white hair and a pair of piercing blue eyes greeted you. Instantly you froze in your action as the shock took over your body. You wanted to scream or run away but instead you stood still without a slight move. A few seconds passed when you grabbed your phone in your pocket and tried to dial the number of the police. Before you were able to hit the call button the device simply disappeared from your palm. Your eyes widened and your lips parted. 
“I’ve heard you were looking for a vampire.” the raspy voice broke the tense silence and you snapped your head to the unknown man. The second you noticed your phone in his hand you frowned. “Okay, this is interesting.” you thought to yourself. 
“Who are you?” you breathed heavily. “What do you want? Why are you in my home and how did you get in and…” you kept shooting all the questions without a break. 
“Easy.” he chuckled. “As I said I’ve heard you were looking for a vampire, so  thought I would visit you.” 
Insanity? Probably. But you walked slowly to your desk, grabbed your laptop and placed it on the table before you took a seat right in front of the unknown handsome man. “I swear I’ll be so ashamed if he’s going to kill me.” you thought.
“Are you trying to say you are one of them?” you frowned.
“I’m not trying, I am literally saying that.” he smirked and flashed his fangs slightly. Your eyes widened and you gulped big. 
“Well, I might regret this but would you give me an interview then? First you could start with your name…” you clicked your tongue but regretted it instantly. Maybe giving an attitude to a vampire wasn’t the best idea. On the other hand he just chuckled and nodded. 
“I’m Gojo Satoru, nice to meet you.” 
After a few minutes of basic and boring questions, such as how old is he, where he comes from etc, you asked him about his past. Gojo surprisingly answered every question you asked him. He talked for hours about his home, he described the centuries he lived in with so much detail it amused you. 
“You’re telling me you were turned in the 1700s?” your eyes widened. 
“Exactly. It was a messy night. I was drunk and reckless and blinded by those big, fat boobs.” he cleared his throat. “I mean I was tricked…”
You pulled a slight smirk while shaking your head a bit. “Power of the boobs.” you whispered.
“You know I can hear you, right?”
“Sorry.” you felt as the blush crawled upon your face.
After talking about the 1700s he stopped out of the blue.
“Why did you stop?” you looked up at him confused. You noticed him staring at your neck like a beast gazes at its prey. “Uhm, it would be a shame if you killed me now.” you tried to hide your nervousness. “You know, before I publish your story and all…”
“I would never hurt you, darling.” he growled. 
“Will you continue? I think we just got to the end of the 1700s.”
“No, not tonight.” he slowly stood up and pushed back the chair. The confused look on your face made him chuckle. “I won’t tell you everything at once, so I can see you tomorrow night too and the day after.” he smirked. 
You blushed from head to toe, you had no idea what was gotten into you but this crystal white haired man definitely had an effect on you. 
The next night you were more eager than you expected. You were sitting in the living room waiting for the vampire. Excitement and fear were mixed in your mind and you had to admit it was going to be harder to handle than it seemed in the beginning. Sweaty palms rested on your thighs, slightly squeezing your own flesh and hoping to ease the tension. Then like a flash of light he appeared in front of you, sitting on the chair lazily once again. 
“Shall we start?” he crossed his legs as he laid back in his seat. 
The upcoming nights seemed exactly like this. You were sitting and waiting for him. There was one thing, though, that kept changing night by night. The feeling of enjoyment. The euphoria he gave you every single time he appeared in your home. You started to feel more and more comfortable around him. He never even once showed any sign of threat, he always acted polite and gentle and maybe he flirted a bit but you weren’t sure about that. 
The realization hit you hard when you noticed it was supposed to be the last night you met him. The story, his story, was about to come to an end. You didn’t want that at all. 
“Hello, beautiful.” he greeted you with his typical sweet smile, flashing his mesmerizing blue eyes at you. “Before we start I have a question I need to ask.” 
You nodded without any words. 
“Would you like to go on a date with me?” he said it as if it was all natural to ask.
“Excuse me?” your eyes widened.
“I like you and you like me too.” he shrugged.
“How do you know that I like you?” you raised one of your eyebrows.
“Oh, drop the act, sweetheart. I can hear your heartbeat. It speeds up the second you see me, whenever I smile at you or compliment you. Oh, just like now. It’s really sweet, you know.” he kept teasing. 
“Okay, okay, fine. Stop it, please.” your cheeks became as red as a tomato. 
“I take it as a yes.” he chuckled as he reached his hand out for you to take. 
There was a huge ferris wheel in the city with cabins which seemed like the perfect place for a date. While you were sitting in it he told you the rest of his story. The way he got into this city and how he heard about you. You tried to focus on his words, you really did try but couldn’t take your eyes off his pinky rose lips. The single thought of feeling his lips against yours drove you wild. Gojo noticed it and playfully made a joke.
“You should take some notes, darling. but you can taste my lips later, if you still want to.” 
Suddenly you choked on the air and cleared your throat. “I wasn’t looking at them like that.” you snapped back. But you both knew it was a lie. You were definitely looking at them like that. 
Satoru leaned so close you could smell his minty breath. “You sure?” he whispered. His words sent shivers down your spine and you lost it. With one quick move you grabbed the back of his neck and crashed your lips against his. His lips tasted just as you imagined if not even better. The second you felt his tongue entering your mouth a soft moan escaped you which encouraged him to keep going. 
After a few sloppy kisses the ride ended you had to leave the cabin. Satoru kept silent but frowned his fingers with yours and you walked to a park hand in hand. 
Billions of thoughts were rushing through your mind when you arrived at a bench and you decided to sit down. The charming vampire kept talking and talking, adding bits of details to the story to be full. A slight smirk crawled upon your face as you started to draw little circles into his palm. Satoru read you like a book, he knew what you were thinking about.
“Are you really sure about this?” he leaned so close he was able to lick your neck. 
“Please!” you begged as you tilted your head a bit, giving him more access. 
At first it felt painful and weird but just a second later the uneasy feeling was replaced with joy and pleasure. You couldn’t help but moan into the night as he kept sucking gently on your neck. Everything happened so quickly you didn’t even realize when it was already over. 
Not even a single drop escaped, he savoured all of it. Maybe the adrenalin, maybe the lack of sanity but you wanted to kiss him more than anything. And so you did. You kissed him. It was a sloppy kiss, an aggressive one and you still tasted your blood on his tongue. 
Even if you were ready to spend the night with this charming vampire he appeared to be a gentleman. 
“We should stop before I lose my control, darling.” he broke the kiss and laid back a bit. 
“What if I want you to lose control?” you teased as you bit his lower lip. A dangerous growl escaped his mouth. His super speed allowed him to take you home in a heartbeat. 
Before you even realized you were laying on your bed and were about to experience how a vampire acted when he lost his control. 
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Aita for casually teasing my friend?
I (27F) met this woman (32F) first day at work and soon enough we started hanging out aaaall the time to the point other coworkers assumed we knew each other beforehand. We were immediately best friends which happened faster than I was comfortable with, basically she was too attached to me and I didn't want to reject her so I tried to do the same for her but because of my past trauma I couldn't be affectionate with her, so instead I chat with her whenever I could and joked around and teased her. Basically I noticed that she was super forgetful so I'd joke about it whenever I remind her of something. I jokingly called her things like absent minded, joked about how she needs me all time, and things like that because I had to save her whenever she forgot something important, which sometimes happened in front of other coworkers. Thing is, I don't usually poke fun of other people, my tongue slipped the first couple of time because of how much she forgets, but she always replied with laughter and responds to my teasing in ways that show me she doesn't mind it, for example when I myself forget something once in a while, she would joke about how she infected me with her forgetfulness.
Six whole months passed by peacefully then she started to lash out sometimes every time I say something slightly negative or things that have nothing to do with my teasing her, such as that one time she yelled at me in front of coworkers and customers for not wanting to do HER work anymore, then proceeded to rant about me to other coworkers for one whole hour.
I finally had enough and told her we can't be friend anymore because of the way she's been treating me lately. So she once again lashed out that the reason she was treating me that way was just her way of reacting to the way i was treating her and about how much I embarrass her in front of others, which was a surprise to me since she always responded positively when I teased her? I even asked her if I was imagining her laughing and joking back whenever I did it because I honestly assumed we were just having fun like friends usually tease each other and she also does it, other coworkers also do it. She responded that no, she honestly didn't think much of it and it didn't start to bother her until recently, that why she always laughed when I did it but it started to upset her because she thought I had gotten too far.
Yes I may have overdid but I only did it because I thought it didn't bother her and that it was just just harmless fun, and it wouldn't escalate if she didn't joke with me too or initiate some of the jokes herself. She made herself the butt of the joke with that attitude.
Other things happened between us but this is the main reason she doesn't talk to me anymore. It's upsetting because unlike me, she an extrovert so she talks to everyone, which means she told everyone about how mean I was to her, she also spread so many lies about me for example she told them that I was trying to upset her on purpose because I didn't want to be friends anymore. She gave everyone the wrong idea about me and I go to work everyday wondering if my coworkers secretly hated me. Aita?
What are these acronyms?
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abibliophobiaa · 6 months
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the ghost of you
eddie munson x f!reader. (1.2k words).
warnings: grief; angst; major character death.
It always rained on crappy days. The ones where clients yelled, your boss had you contemplating how much you really needed your job, when coworkers had you ready to toss your notebook across the workroom and shout into the open air just to expel some of the stress radiating from your form.
It also happened to rain on a day you thought you might try and get some fresh air for once, what with the weather warming in Hawkins after a brutal few months. You regretted that decision now — regretted even more so that you left your jacket at home, deeming your blouse enough to keep you warm from the slight chill still clinging to the air as spring turned into summer.
That same blouse clung to your form now. Felt like it was pasted to your body as you flicked on the light to your apartment, illuminating the space. Take away boxes lined the countertops. Your coffee table still had one too many mugs on the surface. The dishes were piled high in the sink. The garbage probably needed to be taken out soon, but you decided that was for another day.
You huffed a sigh, stripping down to your bra as you marched down the short hall into your bedroom, brushing your fingers along the strings of Eddie’s guitar as you always did before pulling out a long tee shirt and slipping it over your form. Jeans were kicked off your thighs and shorts were tugged on to replace them, feet sliding into a pair of slippers on your side of the bed.
Humming to yourself, you began washing the dishes in the sink, listening to voicemail after voicemail left on your answering machine. The last of which being Steve’s voice spilling through the speaker, “Hoping today went well. First day back, right? If you need anything, let us know. Rob and I love you, okay?”
A smile quirked your lips, growing further as a pair of arms slipped around your form, pulling you against a firm chest. “Careful with that knife, baby. You know what happened last time. Can’t afford another ER bill.”
You huffed out a laugh, dropping the knife into the dish rack. “Maybe I wouldn’t have needed three stitches if you hadn’t distracted me that day with your wandering hands, would I?”
“Touché, sweetheart,” he snorted, hopping up onto the counter. “Rough day?”
“Everyone…was fine.”
“Just fine?”
With a nod, you said, “Just treated me differently. Like I was, I don’t know, fragile. Walked around me like they were all on eggshells.”
“And how are you feeling?” he asked, head tipping to the side. “Today was a big day.”
It was. First day back, just like Steve said. “I’m…okay.”
“Just okay?”
“Just…okay.” How could you be anything but? “I missed you. I always miss you.”
“I know,” Eddie sighed. “Baby, you’re wearing a mark into that dish.”
“I’m sorry,” you whimpered out. Tossed the dish into the sink. Sunk down with your back against the kitchen cabinets, knees curled tight to your chest. “I thought I could do it, but I can’t.”
Eddie appeared near your hip, a hand on your shoulder, lips at your temple. “And that’s okay. No one said it needed to be today — or even next week. Hell, not even next year. There are no timelines on this shit.”
“There should be no timeline at all,” you cried, pushing into the heat of his body, the circle of his arms. “It shouldn’t have happened at all.”
“Life is cruel. We don’t always get what we want. We make plans and the guy upstairs laughs, right?” Eddie chuckled weakly, a watery thing, a sound that cleaved your heart. “But you tried. And that’s all that matters. I’m proud of you.”
“It's just…I hate this.” Your head fell against his lap, his fingers curling with your own, his other palm resting against your hip. “It feels like there’s this giant hole in my chest and it’s never going to go away. Every time it beats is a reminder of how different everything is — how unfair it all is. How I’m like this and —”
“It won’t always be this way,” he whispered, holding your fingers tighter, holding you closer. “It’s hard now. It feels like shit now. But every day you’re doing better. You’re smiling more. You’re taking care of yourself. Laughing — and you know I love that laugh. There will be those moments where you’re back there, where you remember. And you’ll always remember. One day you’ll find it won’t hurt as much. It’ll still be there, it’ll have happened, but it won’t feel like this impossible thing.”
“That scares me the most,” you choked out, back of your hand swiping at your eyes. “The pain makes it real. It makes us real. It makes you real. If it goes away…I’m afraid I’ll start to forget. That it’ll have all been a memory.”
“I don’t want to close my eyes some nights, because that’s usually when I daydream, and I’m starting to forget all the lines of your face. The dimple in your smile. Exactly how your hair falls. I forget the sound of your laugh, your voice…I miss the sound of your heartbeat every night.”
You breathed in a shaky breath, heart shattering in your chest. “I’m afraid I’ll wake up one day and you’ll be gone. Forever this time.”
At least now you have him like this.
Like a ghost you dance with every night in your living room.
“I’ll always be with you, you know?” He pushed at your shoulder a little, rolling you onto your back, your head still in his lap. His hand rested over your sternum, over the space behind your ribs where your vital organ twisted painfully. “Right here. Corny as it is, but I’m allowed a pass because I’m —”
“Don’t say it,” you pleaded, cupping his cheek with a palm.
You couldn’t feel him — not really. But you pretended when he visited you like this. Tried to remember, tried to hold on to what once was — what would no longer be.
“I’ll love you forever, you know?”
Tears glowed in his eyes.
Unshed, yet there all the same.
“I died loving you,” he continued, “so it’ll always be true.”
“I think you took some of that love with you,” you whimpered, trying to remember the way his forehead felt against yours as you leaned up to rest yours against his.
“You’ll love again,” he said, though you vehemently shook your head ‘no.’ “Your heart's too big to keep it shut forever.”
“I don’t want to talk about this.”
He smiled softly. “Then we won’t. Not today, okay? Come here. Let me hold you.”
He stood to his feet, holding out a hand to you. You stood in the circle of his arms, cradled in his love, praying that this wasn’t the last time. Just like you did every time he came to visit before it.
“I like this with you — dancing with you in our kitchen.” He whispered the words against the crown of your head. You rested your ear against his quiet chest. “I wish I had told you more…before.”
“You can tell me now.”
“I like dancing with you in our kitchen.”
“Me too,” you told him, swaying to the sound of the rain falling outside. “Please tell me you’ll be back.”
“I will.” A promise. “One day I won’t be, though. And you’ll be okay.”
“But not today?” you pleaded, looking up into those eyes you missed so much.
“Not today.” He sealed the promise with the whisper of a kiss. “Today I just want to hold you.”
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bokutosbabe · 1 year
Oh please, can I request the first time s/o rubs her nose against tecchou’s nose?
You don’t have an idea how I love tecchou’s fluff, like, everyone agrees he’s the most affectionate guy😭how I love my baby
AAHFSHSHSVSV I LOVE TECCHOU SM THIS IS SO CUTE. i had a pretty bad mental health week recently so i’m sorry for not finishing this earlier!!
nose to nose–
tecchou suehiro x gn! reader
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a/n – this ask was too cute and i actually sobbed bc i love tecchou more than words can describe 🫶🏼
content – tecchou fluff, fem! reader, really just cute relationship type stuff, tecchou calls reader ‘sweetheart’ and ‘ my love ’ ,added backstory for absolutely no reason,i think that’s it! lmk if i missed anything!
synopsis – cute lil nose bumps with tecchou :)
when tecchou had first met you, he didn’t understand why his stomach felt so queasy. was it the soy sauce he’d put in his coffee? no. it couldn’t be that– he’d drank it many times before, so what was different about today?
you–a new addition to the hunting dogs– you were the only new thing about today. his daily rituals of working out during meetings, going on his own little adventures after getting a mission done a little too quickly; all of that would now be thrown off balance because you were here.
this feeling in his stomach would go away sooner or later
or– that’s what he’d thought.
even then; two months after you’d arrived into their little group of strangely strong super freaks, the weird queasiness never subsided within tecchous stomach.
the way you smiled at jouno made his stomach churn in a way that could only be described as anger, but why would he get upset over two of his coworkers just chatting? he wasn’t sure what was wrong with him, so he went to the one member of the hunting dogs who hadn’t been so wrapped up in their space; tachihara.
tecchou went up to the fake ginger and asked him simply about why his stomach burned every time you were around him, yet it also burned with anger when you talked to anyone that wasn’t him.
“i dunno man, sounds like you like her to me-”the other male shrugged. which led to tecchou realizing that he did, in fact, like you.
and that’s what led to now, three months after tecchou had so bravely walked up to you the same day he’d found out that he actually liked you and asked you for “the honor of being his girlfriend” and who were you to tell the (arguably) cutest hunting dog no?
the two of you were sat on your couch, watching another stupid movie that tecchou had picked out. he refused to watch any high tense hostage or action movies; insisting that he “hated people getting tortured for no reason”
you’d been staring at your boyfriend for the past two minutes, trying to telepathically tell him that you absolutely did not want to watch this movie anymore, but he obviously couldn’t get your wavelengths.
the male kept shoving his face full of his buttered popcorn mixed with mustard– something that had his breath smelling disgusting and you avoiding every kiss he’d tried giving you.
“ ‘hiroooo ” you whined out towards your boyfriend, which made him finally turn his attention towards you, popcorn crumbs and mustard stained over his mouth and somehow even on his nose. you could never understand how your boyfriend got so messy while eating; it was a true mystery.
“ yes, my love? ” he’d chirped out, titling his hair so his fluffy hair that you could play with for hours upon hours. “can we change it? this is so boring!”you sighed, leaning closer to him, trying to take the remote that was placed on his lap.
“but i like this–”the males words stopped short when you got closer to him. try as he might, tecchou suehiro was the type of man to basically malfunction whenever you got closer to him. his hands found their way to your waist, moving the remote off his lap, causing you to let out a groan. you were so close and of course your puppy of a boyfriend couldn’t realize what you were doing!
the male moved you onto his lap with a ease, looking up at you as you stared down at him,“ you’re so pretty, y/n.”he leaned up, going to kiss you. and even though you loved your boyfriend, you weren’t going to kiss his popcorn and mustard filled mouth.
you slightly turned, shaking your head before putting your forehead on his, rubbing your nose against his. and let me tell you, tecchou was gobsmacked.
he looked up at you with a small frown, still staying close to you,“my love, do you not want to kiss me?” he asked as you let out a laugh. “you’re breath stinks, ‘hiro. ”
tecchou was never the type to complain, so he’d take the smallest of nose rubs from you, even if it confused him for the first six seconds it had happened.
“ if i go brush my teeth, can i kiss you?” he asked softly
you never did end up getting that remote.
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the ending kinda sucked, i’m sorry! but i hope you enjoyed it nonetheless!
likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated, thank you!!
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judysxnd · 1 year
I have an idea for pedro × reader
They get into a fight about something and the reader leaves the house . She comes back hours later and see pedro worried and angry searching for her for hours so he is mad but they finally make up . ( romantic ending please)
I’ve seen another person writing one similar request. I like the idea ! I actually like better what I wrote here than the smut (if we can even call it that) I wrote last night 😂 is this romantic enough at the end?
I’m coming back to my place tomorrow hopefully I’ll feel better than this past week at my parents!
You were sitting on the couch, watching tv when your phone rang. Pedro was in the kitchen, cleaning the dishes from lunch. You got up, thinking your phone was on the coffee table, or even the couch, but nothing.
“P? Have you seen my phone?” He turned around, looking for it.
“Yes on the counter”
“Thanks!” You said, grabbing your phone. It was work. Pedro might have seen it too because of what he said.
“Why is your work calling you on a Sunday afternoon?” You simply shrugged, showing him that you didn’t know why. But you actually knew why. You were on a big project. You had to organize a presentation, prepare an entire event on it, and at the same time, write at least twenty pages about it. You loved you job, you really did, but you hated those periods because you had to do everything alone. You had no coworkers on this, it was a one person project.
Every month works like that. Each month it’s a different person, thank god you are around twenty to work there, but it obviously had to be you at some point. Pedro knew how important it was for you, but he didn’t like how nervous and stressed out your were. You became a workaholic during this month, spending most of your time working, and doing nothing else.
It didn’t help knowing that it was actually a slow month for Pedro too. He didn’t have anything big, just a couple of interviews and photo shoots here and there. He had a lot of free time, but that wasn’t your case. Pedro was being very nice about it, you had to put with his crazy schedule the rest of the year, he could live with it for you just for a month. It was hard, but manageable. You also made a deal. Next weekend, you were going out. He found a tiny cabin lost in the woods, and thought it would be a good way to disconnect a little. So he rented it for next week.
You hoped you didn’t get the phone call you were actually having. Because even if you knew it was about your project, you didn’t know that they had move your schedule. Instead of having two weeks to finalize everything, and write your report, you only had one. They apparently had to, they had no choice, “corporate took their decision”. Sure. And it had to be you. So now, you had to find a way to tell Pedro that you couldn’t leave next week, because the event was now on Saturday.
He must have sensed it. Probably the way you walked back to the kitchen, the way you were playing with your phone, how you avoid eye contact, and how your mood changed.
“Bad news right?” You nodded. You leaned on the counter behind him, playing with your phone. He wasn’t even looking at you anymore.
“They changed my schedule” now you were staring at him, waiting for any kind of reaction, but nothing. He didn’t realize it was about next weekend. “The event is now next week” he finally turned around, looking at you.
“Are you going to be okay?” You were confused
“I’m a little behind but I think I’ll manage, but- are you?”
“Me? Yeah why?”
“My event. Is next week.. end” he suddenly stared at you
“Next Saturday?”
“And you said yes”
“I didn’t really have the choice”
“Corporate, apparently”
“That’s just some lame excuses. So what’s the real reason?”
“I don’t know that’s what they told me!”
“You didn’t ask?” Pedro was getting really annoyed. His voice got a little bit lower, but louder.
“I tried!”
“I didn’t really hear you try”
“Why are you mad at me? It’s not my fault!”
“You could have said no maybe?”
“Oh yeah so they could fire me and find someone else to do my job?”
“They would not fire you for that”
“Oh yes they would! It’s not acting here, I can’t do whatever I want, there are rules”
“Because there are not in my career?”
“I never said that!” The fight was going nowhere, you were just pissed and saying the first thing coming to your mind. It didn’t really make sense, for the both of you, but you just went with it anyway.
“Can’t you call them back?”
“For what? They chose to move the event one week sooner. I just have to get ready for it”
“But we rented”
“Can’t you call them?”
“What if I don’t want to?” Pedro was getting sassy
“And what if I don’t want to?” You crossed your arms “why do we have to do what you want, never what I want?” Pedro didn’t say anything, you couldn’t stop staring at him. “You know how much I love my job. And he’ll, you’re the one always on the move, working your ass off 24/7, and you don’t hear me complaining! I do it for one month and you can’t deal with it?” That’s when you had enough. You didn’t want to hear what he had to say. You let go of your phone and left towards the door.
“Where are you going?” You didn’t say anything. You grabbed your keys, and just left the house. “Y/n wait!” Pedro ran outside, but you were already in your car, leaving the house.
You drove for what seemed forever, not even knowing where you were going. You kind of dissociated the entire time. You finally stopped, feeling thirsty. After buying an iced coffee, you went back to your car, thinking. You and Pedro never really fought. They were some misunderstandings sometimes, some disagreements, but never big fights like that one.
It is true that you never said anything while Pedro was away filming or doing press tour or interviews or whatever. But you realized that’s because he was always calling you, sending you some gifts if he was in another country, or even making you fly to him every time you could. Maybe you needed to find more time for him too, to find a way to prioritize him like he did with you.
While you were away, Pedro was pacing in the house. Feeling a huge amount of guilt. He got scared he pushed you away too much, that it was your last straw, that you were leaving for good. After thinking, he found his reaction childish. So what, you were working a lot for a short amount of time and he couldn’t handle it? After everything you went through for him? The rent was just an excuse. Oh the many times he had to delay dinner, the dates you never had because he had to film longer than expected. Maybe you should wait for y/n’s project to be over before renting anything.
At some point he decided to call you. But after hearing your phone on the counter, he got pissed. The only time you forget to take your phone with you. What if something happens? An accident? Anything! He would not know.
So he grabbed his keys, and decided to go look for you. He first went to your favorite place, a spot he had found outside of town, hoping finding you, but nothing. He then went to your best friend’s house, but they were no cars, so you weren’t there. He went to the planetarium, he remembered how you loved watching stars, and how much you were amused by the animation they had of the planets, but you were nowhere to be found.
He decided to go back home, you could be anywhere, the city was to big to find you. At some point you had to come back, so it would be better to wait at home. Once he was there, again, he couldn’t stop pacing. The sun was setting, and you were still not back. He kept looking at your phone, wishing you had taken it. He also smoked a lot, being extremely anxious.
Finally you came back home, around 8pm, more 9pm actually. Pedro didn’t eat, neither did you. You got tired driving around, the anger had left your body, you were calmer so you decided to come back. You barely entered the house that Pedro ran to you, and hugged you tight.
“Oh thank god you’re back” he whispered. You felt guilty, leaving like that. “I thought something happened, you didn’t have your phone, I looked everywhere for you” you parted. He played with your hair, looking at you anxiously
“I’m sorry, I needed some air, and I got coffee and just kept driving arou- wait you said you looked for me?”
“Yes! I went to your favorite places, but I didn’t find you”
“I’m sorry” you said hugging him again. “I shouldn’t have left like that”
“Yes please do not do that next time. I think we both overreacted on this one, but don’t scare me like that please”
“I’m sorry” you stayed silent for a few seconds. “And you were right I’m sorry”
“No I wasn’t, I’m never here, I work way too much, for once it’s your turn, I should handle it, it’s just that you really need it, and I miss you”
“I’m sorry, I miss you too” you we’re still hugging each other. “But also, I should be able to find time for you, like you always do for me”
“Then it’s settled, no more complaining and more time for us” you looked at each other smiling
“Yes. I love you too much to fight over stupid things like this”
“I couldn’t agree more” he said, caressing your back with his right hand, while the other was on your cheek. Pedro kissed your forehead. “And I love you more” you blushed
“Did you eat?”
“Good. Because I’m starving”
“Do you feel like cooking?”
“Hell no”
“You read my mind” you both ordered your food, and devoured it in front of a movie on the couch, sitting next to each other.
Sometimes when you’re both worked up it’s hard not to lash out on the first person you see. Guess you both did that to each other. But you felt better, you both did. Releasing this tension.
You spent the evening chilling like that, not thinking about the extremely hard week coming for you, just enjoying your time with your boyfriend, in your own bubble. Nothing else mattered at the moment.
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And it feels like home
Chapter 2
Summary: Peter Parker makes a friend
Warnings: foul language, mention of injury? Not graphic or anything though
Again, possible spoilers for Spider-man: No Way Home
Days blur together when each day is the same, when there is no one you can share those days with, but unlike his coworker, who'd been stuck in a loop of shock, Peter's brain was finally knocked out of the loop.
For the past couple of months all that had really brought Peter joy was getting into bed and enjoying his few hours of peace, any inner turmoil didn't have a chance to keep him up at night when he was a second away from nodding off at all time. He'd been walking around a zombie for a while now, avoiding everything by filling his time and pushing himself to the limit and beyond, but now he felt something different, something good, even if it was just the itch of curiosity in the back of his head.
It was something.
This strange man with the weird costume and the many, many wounds, which he seemed completely unperturbed by, was a walking question mark, a puzzle to solve. Peter had forgotten how much he loved a good puzzle, how good it felt to scratch that itch of curiosity by getting answers.
When Peter put on his suit that night, he didn't even think about the possibility of throwing some punches, all he could think about was how he was going to find the man in red.
The temporary lack of bone deep emotional anguish and the replacement of exhaustion with excitement should have been enough warning for Peter that something was going to go wrong.
Peter had barely just swung out of his apartment when he ran out of web. A street light broke his fall. It also broke one of his ribs.
All of a sudden he was lying on his back staring at a starless sky and wishing he could stay like that forever. He couldn't hold his breathe forever though, and even though he tried to move as slowly as possible he felt a stab of pain in his chest.
Peter gritted his teeth and felt his eyes welling with tears. Pathetic pathetic pathetic pathetic pathetic. Every part of him was tense with burning hot rage. I am motherfucking spider-man, I have a job to do and-
The anger faded and all that was left was pain and tears. I am Peter Parker and I want answers. Peter sobbed quietly as he felt the pain, the pain he'd been feeling a long time now. There are so many answers I will never get but goddammit I am going to get this answer if it fucking kills me.
Peter took a deep breath, a mistake really. He waited a minute for the pain to die down before slowly getting up on his feet. He leaned against the lamppost and held out an arm to hail a taxi.
Once inside Peter slumped in his seat.
"Where to-" The driver glanced back at his new passenger.
"Take me to [insert street name here] or I'll-"
"No need for that! I'm a big fan of your work, spider-man," the taxi driver said with a smile, offering Peter a handshake, an offer Peter accepted. "My name is Dopinder."
"Nice to meet you, Dopinder." Peter felt a surge of something other than pain in his chest. It felt good.
"I'm happy to offer my services as an amateur mercenary to you any time, Mr spider-man, but I have to ask, why are we going to a high school?" Dopinder asked as he drove away from the curb.
"I uh," Peter hesitated for a second before giving up with the scepticism, he was too tired and lonely to refuse a chance to talk to someone. God knows it had been too long since the last time he'd had an honest conversation with someone. "I borrow their lab supplies sometimes. To make my web fluid."
"Ohh, so you don't make it naturally?"
"I mean I don't, I used to know a guy who did though."
Dopinder tapped the steering wheel in time with the music playing on the radio.
"So what inspired the spider theme?"
"I got bit by a spider?"
"Oh." Dopinder was quiet for a bit, as if in thought. "My cousin got bitten by a spider once. It was one of the happiest days of my life."
"O-oh, okay."
The rest of the drive was quiet and Peter felt only mildly awkward.
"We are here, that'll be-"
"Yeah, I have no money."
Dopinder nodded.
"Somebody needs to start giving superheroes decent pockets in their super suits," he said with the tired tone of someone who encountered this problem frequently.
"No, I just- I wish I could pay you but I literally don't have any money." A little sheepishly, Peter added, "I was going to threaten you to take me here, and then run off."
Dopinder shifted in his seat to look at Peter. "I've always wanted to know what it feels like to fly."
"I'm a bit injured right now, but next time I see you I'll give you a ride spider-man style, does that sound good?"
"Well then, it was nice meeting you, Dopinder." Peter carefully got out of the car, wincing slightly at the movement.
"Anything else I can help you with? I've always wanted to break into a building under the cover of darkness."
"I'll be alright, thanks." Peter chuckled slightly. "Unless of course you know a guy who wears red leather and seems to be immune to pain."
"Oh. You mean Mr Pool?"
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