goodness gracious
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Do unto your tires as you would have them do unto youKaya, late-20s, she/her, rpf zoneao3
Last active 60 minutes ago
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tiredeg · 2 hours ago
All I have are smoking guns (George/Alex, outsider POV, 600 words)
“It was so funny,” Lando tells them all, “I went over to Williams earlier to say happy birthday, and it literally sounded like they were having sex. It was all moaning and grunting, I actually thought Alex had a girl in there until he said George’s name.” 
Kimi hasn’t really been paying Lando too much attention, more focused on debating whether he still has time to pee, but maybe this is something he could use on George. Maybe they were fighting, maybe George will be distracted in the car. 
“That would give it away, yes,” Alex says. He’s sipping from his straw like he doesn’t care, like he’s happy to stand here and listen to Lando tell his little story to half of the grid. 
“Except,” Lando keeps going, “it was more like Georrrrge” — he throws his head back and moans dramatically. Netflix aren’t here this weekend, Kimi doesn’t think, but they’d have loved that one. Might even have made the trailer.  
Alex laughs, so Kimi lets himself snigger too. He stops when he sees George coming. Alex doesn’t. 
“Chaps,” George nods as he steps in behind Alex. There’s not much room where they’re huddling behind the barriers until they absolutely have to go out for the parade. Not much room, but probably enough to accommodate George in the circle. He doesn’t move. 
“We were just talking about you,” Alex leans back into him. It makes him lose some height, makes it so that he has to look up at George. They probably aren’t having a fight then, just wrestling over something. Damn. 
“Oh yeah?” George leans in, obviously interested. 
“Lando here was just telling us how he overheard our life-changing shag earlier in my room.” 
“Woah, woah, woah,” Lando cuts in, “nobody said anything about life-changing, don’t give yourselves too much credit.” 
“I wasn’t life-changing?” George gasps, one of those little faux-shocked things he loves to do when somebody makes a joke about him in a meeting. It always works—Kimi’s been thinking of trying it out, but it probably won’t land the same for him. 
“Eh, you were fine,” Alex wiggles his hand in a so-so gesture. 
“Fine?” George’s voice is higher now—he’s good at this. “I come all the way over to Williams to give you a birthday seeing to, and all you can say is fine?” 
“Hey, I could have been seeing to you,” Alex has been doing a good job at keeping his voice steady before, but now even Kimi can hear the smile seeping through.  
“Not likely,” Lando snorts. 
It devolves from there until they’re finally called outside. Kimi manages to get up next to Max as the parade starts, nice. He isn’t half as much of a dick as George likes to paint him—whatever’s going on there isn’t Kimi’s problem. Honestly, he likes talking to Max anyway, but he especially likes the little wrinkle between George's eyebrows whenever he catches them talking.  
Speaking of, where—oh, George is over talking to Nico. He looks happy enough, giving little waves out to the crowd every now and then, as if anyone is looking at him when Lewis is in red beside him. George’s face changes as Kimi watches, flowing from bland politeness to something warmer. Nico might not have noticed, hasn't had to spend as many excruciating meeting room hours with him, but Kimi can tell. Besides, it's only Kimi at the correct angle to see Alex’s foot, small in his boot, run along the back of George's leg. They're lucky Mercedes aren't in white this weekend, or there'd be a mark. Though, he supposes, even in plain sight probably nobody would notice. 
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tiredeg · 2 hours ago
not lying when i say most important thing on earth is the boundary-blurring mentor/protege relationship in sports rpf . does more good for society than solar panels and wind turbines
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tiredeg · 2 hours ago
double penetration + lando/carlos/oscar, preferably w carlos being penetrated but tbh everything u write is so hot so it doesn’t even matter really lol
lmao anon you and I are on the same wavelength bc:
set all my tongues upon you - oscar/carlos/lando, rated E, 2.5k
“—since Oscar’s up for anything.” He hears Lando say it in slow motion. When he turns back to them, they’re both staring at him: Lando smirking, Carlos with his usual stunned expression, eyes huge and dark.
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tiredeg · 7 hours ago
All I have are smoking guns (George/Alex, outsider POV, 600 words)
“It was so funny,” Lando tells them all, “I went over to Williams earlier to say happy birthday, and it literally sounded like they were having sex. It was all moaning and grunting, I actually thought Alex had a girl in there until he said George’s name.” 
Kimi hasn’t really been paying Lando too much attention, more focused on debating whether he still has time to pee, but maybe this is something he could use on George. Maybe they were fighting, maybe George will be distracted in the car. 
“That would give it away, yes,” Alex says. He’s sipping from his straw like he doesn’t care, like he’s happy to stand here and listen to Lando tell his little story to half of the grid. 
“Except,” Lando keeps going, “it was more like Georrrrge” — he throws his head back and moans dramatically. Netflix aren’t here this weekend, Kimi doesn’t think, but they’d have loved that one. Might even have made the trailer.  
Alex laughs, so Kimi lets himself snigger too. He stops when he sees George coming. Alex doesn’t. 
“Chaps,” George nods as he steps in behind Alex. There’s not much room where they’re huddling behind the barriers until they absolutely have to go out for the parade. Not much room, but probably enough to accommodate George in the circle. He doesn’t move. 
“We were just talking about you,” Alex leans back into him. It makes him lose some height, makes it so that he has to look up at George. They probably aren’t having a fight then, just wrestling over something. Damn. 
“Oh yeah?” George leans in, obviously interested. 
“Lando here was just telling us how he overheard our life-changing shag earlier in my room.” 
“Woah, woah, woah,” Lando cuts in, “nobody said anything about life-changing, don’t give yourselves too much credit.” 
“I wasn’t life-changing?” George gasps, one of those little faux-shocked things he loves to do when somebody makes a joke about him in a meeting. It always works—Kimi’s been thinking of trying it out, but it probably won’t land the same for him. 
“Eh, you were fine,” Alex wiggles his hand in a so-so gesture. 
“Fine?” George’s voice is higher now—he’s good at this. “I come all the way over to Williams to give you a birthday seeing to, and all you can say is fine?” 
“Hey, I could have been seeing to you,” Alex has been doing a good job at keeping his voice steady before, but now even Kimi can hear the smile seeping through.  
“Not likely,” Lando snorts. 
It devolves from there until they’re finally called outside. Kimi manages to get up next to Max as the parade starts, nice. He isn’t half as much of a dick as George likes to paint him—whatever’s going on there isn’t Kimi’s problem. Honestly, he likes talking to Max anyway, but he especially likes the little wrinkle between George's eyebrows whenever he catches them talking.  
Speaking of, where—oh, George is over talking to Nico. He looks happy enough, giving little waves out to the crowd every now and then, as if anyone is looking at him when Lewis is in red beside him. George’s face changes as Kimi watches, flowing from bland politeness to something warmer. Nico might not have noticed, hasn't had to spend as many excruciating meeting room hours with him, but Kimi can tell. Besides, it's only Kimi at the correct angle to see Alex’s foot, small in his boot, run along the back of George's leg. They're lucky Mercedes aren't in white this weekend, or there'd be a mark. Though, he supposes, even in plain sight probably nobody would notice. 
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tiredeg · 10 hours ago
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tiredeg · 10 hours ago
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not sorry in the slightest
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tiredeg · 11 hours ago
All I have are smoking guns (George/Alex, outsider POV, 600 words)
“It was so funny,” Lando tells them all, “I went over to Williams earlier to say happy birthday, and it literally sounded like they were having sex. It was all moaning and grunting, I actually thought Alex had a girl in there until he said George’s name.” 
Kimi hasn’t really been paying Lando too much attention, more focused on debating whether he still has time to pee, but maybe this is something he could use on George. Maybe they were fighting, maybe George will be distracted in the car. 
“That would give it away, yes,” Alex says. He’s sipping from his straw like he doesn’t care, like he’s happy to stand here and listen to Lando tell his little story to half of the grid. 
“Except,” Lando keeps going, “it was more like Georrrrge” — he throws his head back and moans dramatically. Netflix aren’t here this weekend, Kimi doesn’t think, but they’d have loved that one. Might even have made the trailer.  
Alex laughs, so Kimi lets himself snigger too. He stops when he sees George coming. Alex doesn’t. 
“Chaps,” George nods as he steps in behind Alex. There’s not much room where they’re huddling behind the barriers until they absolutely have to go out for the parade. Not much room, but probably enough to accommodate George in the circle. He doesn’t move. 
“We were just talking about you,” Alex leans back into him. It makes him lose some height, makes it so that he has to look up at George. They probably aren’t having a fight then, just wrestling over something. Damn. 
“Oh yeah?” George leans in, obviously interested. 
“Lando here was just telling us how he overheard our life-changing shag earlier in my room.” 
“Woah, woah, woah,” Lando cuts in, “nobody said anything about life-changing, don’t give yourselves too much credit.” 
“I wasn’t life-changing?” George gasps, one of those little faux-shocked things he loves to do when somebody makes a joke about him in a meeting. It always works—Kimi’s been thinking of trying it out, but it probably won’t land the same for him. 
“Eh, you were fine,” Alex wiggles his hand in a so-so gesture. 
“Fine?” George’s voice is higher now—he’s good at this. “I come all the way over to Williams to give you a birthday seeing to, and all you can say is fine?” 
“Hey, I could have been seeing to you,” Alex has been doing a good job at keeping his voice steady before, but now even Kimi can hear the smile seeping through.  
“Not likely,” Lando snorts. 
It devolves from there until they’re finally called outside. Kimi manages to get up next to Max as the parade starts, nice. He isn’t half as much of a dick as George likes to paint him—whatever’s going on there isn’t Kimi’s problem. Honestly, he likes talking to Max anyway, but he especially likes the little wrinkle between George's eyebrows whenever he catches them talking.  
Speaking of, where—oh, George is over talking to Nico. He looks happy enough, giving little waves out to the crowd every now and then, as if anyone is looking at him when Lewis is in red beside him. George’s face changes as Kimi watches, flowing from bland politeness to something warmer. Nico might not have noticed, hasn't had to spend as many excruciating meeting room hours with him, but Kimi can tell. Besides, it's only Kimi at the correct angle to see Alex’s foot, small in his boot, run along the back of George's leg. They're lucky Mercedes aren't in white this weekend, or there'd be a mark. Though, he supposes, even in plain sight probably nobody would notice. 
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tiredeg · 12 hours ago
world building is fun bc you get to create your own world anyway you want and go crazy but then you only probably mention half of the details in the story
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tiredeg · 12 hours ago
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McLaren x Loop Earplugs
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tiredeg · 12 hours ago
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Franco Colapinto posing for Esquire Magazine Spain. March 2025 (Fernando Roi Hearst)
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tiredeg · 12 hours ago
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(Channel 4)
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tiredeg · 12 hours ago
I think I speak for a lot of people when I say this:
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tiredeg · 12 hours ago
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Chinese GP 2025 — Oscar Piastri
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tiredeg · 22 hours ago
Even Liz Truss lasted 49 days.
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tiredeg · 1 day ago
of course it goes without saying that i am hopelessly dependent on the chickpea
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tiredeg · 1 day ago
the things i would do to have sports betting recriminalized
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tiredeg · 1 day ago
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