#every time i remember they are canon brothers i forget to be sad
unnecessary-dinosaurs · 11 months
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halloween at the bowmans!
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rexecutioner · 2 months
Every time I remember that it’s been about 3 years since Vylad has seen Travis and Aphmau in person (and by extension his brothers but this is a Not Alone Buddies post) it makes me genuinely so sad. The last memories he has of them are quick snippets and the rest are from when they were in high school. He’s like canonically 28. That’s got to fuck with his brain a little bit once he sees them again and they look (and probably act) completely different after Season 6.
These two are his best friends. I know they don’t canonically hang out on screen very often, but the Not Alone Buddies title has to mean SOMETHING to them. In a post 6 mini-game, Travis mentions that he is currently in contact with Vylad and will tattle on Garroth to him after Garroth forgets about Vylad when bringing up siblings, and Aphmau and Travis immediately start mentally correcting Garroth on his mistake of only mentioning Zane.
That action alone makes the found family lover in my heart happy. When Vylad’s own brother forgets about him, the other Not Alone Buddies are there to correct him immediately, even after so long of a time passes without seeing Vylad in person. They all care about each other, which makes me believe it would hurt so much more when they all see each other together for the first time since Season 1.
Poor Vylad has so much to catch up on. Werewolf brother? His other brother can’t remember his name anymore? Weird patches of empty space in his memory that came out of nowhere? I think that is a lot of changes to process (being an affair child in an all Ro’Meave family in Minecraft had to have caused some relationship strains on their own, not even considering that Zane and Vylad have a more tense relationship canonically, and if we go off of MCD logic to fill in the gaps, well..) added to the fact that both of his only close friends nearly died multiple times, and that countless people DID die, including Travis’ dad, his only family left.
My heart aches when thinking of their reunion. Vylad just got into town and caught up with his brothers and mom, having to process that his best friends are both still in the hospital with almost no explanation other than “it’s nothing you need to worry about, also we legally aren’t allowed to tell anybody”. When his Buddies are finally back in town after months of recovery, they are so different from what Vylad remembers.
Travis’ eyes weren’t always grey, they were an unusual shade of green not possible naturally. Aphmau is also a Werewolf now, and both Not Alone Buddies are plastered in unusual scars unexplainable by his limited knowledge of the situation. They both seem less cheerful and more depressed due to Aaron’s conditions and Terry’s death. Vylad hates that he missed so much, and while he knows there was nothing he could do to help, it hurts him to see the ones he loves in pain.
Jess NEEDS to bring him back season 7. He cannot just have no closure. I don’t give a fuck what kind of trips he was on, I’m pretty sure if you got the news that everyone you know and love almost fucking died you’d return home, too. Vylad has two main characters for siblings, and even if Jess forgets that she made Vylad a Not Alone Buddy too, he at least needs to get to see his brothers on screen. I can NOT rate S7 over a 7/10 if Vylad isn’t even mentioned. I’ll consider giving it a 10/10 if he appears for more than four episodes this time around lmao
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jui-imouto-chan · 3 months
One Kid's Trash (Full Fic)
(Or, read it on Ao3)
He approached the mushroom beasts and—huh? Red Guy fell off the screen with a “Waaah,” that drew a surprised and delighted laugh from Sakura, one that startled him enough to look around like someone else made the sound and snapped the DSi closed. From it, he heard a “Bye-Bye!” When he was sure again that it was just him, he flipped it open again, eyes sparkling even as he jumped. “It’s-a me, Mario!” the device proclaimed. “H-Hi, Mario…-san,” he greeted back, bowing his head minutely. He tried again to punch the mushroom, this time, but it turned away before he could get to it. He hit a button while he was moving and Mario leapt into the air, arcing up and then landing on top of the mushroom, crushing it. “Mario-san! You beat him up!” His eyes sparkled.
Seven year-old Sakura found a DSi at the playground and played New Super Mario Brothers. He never forgets it.
a little Suo/Sakura if you squint, A look at what I imagine Sakura's childhood could have been like, sad childhood, self hatred, a little bit of food rationing if that is triggering for you, Hurt/Comfort, Sakura Haruka Needs A Hug (Wind Breaker), Ostracization, Quote: It's-a me! Mario! (Super Mario), Sakura & Mario could unironically be a tag in this fic, Game: New Super Mario Bros. DS (2006), DSI, Coping, some present shenanigans, Suou Hayato is a Little Shit (Wind Breaker), References to Super Smash Brothers, Sakura's empty ass apartment but even in childhood, still no pillows, i cant believe he canonically sleeps in the fetal position, child sakura haruka, seven year old sakura
Sakura found an interesting toy near the slide. It was blue, shiny, and it flipped open to show screens on the inside.
He thought he’d seen one of these before. He wracked his brain to try to remember what it was called, but it was no use. He knew some of his classmates had them—usually pulling them out at lunch time and when they’d skip cleaning duties.
(He’d usually have to hide that he was curious about them—if he showed that he was interested, they’d hide them away and whisper to themselves. The best way to avoid that was to pretend he was reading the posters on the classroom walls of color-coded hiragana. If he wanted to listen, he’d pretend to doodle in his workbook with his ears perked.)
There was a light sheen of dew over everything, a drizzle accompanying Sakura to the playground; when the other kids saw him, they scattered. Their parents muttered to themselves as they packed up and left, sending scathing looks his way when they thought he wasn’t looking.
(Sakura was always looking, always listening. There was nothing else to do, no other senses that he could engage with his peers, not unless he made to touch and all that could connect was a punch.)
It’d been an hour since then, and Sakura took to wandering the playset mindlessly. What was so fun about a slide? He could understand the jungle gym—he loved climbing every which way—but there was nothing waiting for him at the bottom of a slide.
(He said this, but he never stopped going on it. Listlessly making his way back to the top and hoping every time he came back down that he’d find someone there.)
It was there, right at the entrance of the slide, that he had found this thing. The bright screen lit up his face from below, casting shadows across his face, shining through and illuminating white hair.
Then he heard a few voices. He flipped it closed and tucked himself in to the slide, out of view.
“Kouji said he couldn’t find his DSi. You think it’s around here?”
“Dunno, but we can look later. He already has an XL that he shares with his sister so it’ll be fine.”
Sakura poked his head out as the two kids walked away.
So this thing was a DSi?
Sakura resisted the urge to look at the DSi for the rest of the day. It sat on his desk, the only item in his barren room besides a few plastic water bottles, two towels, and his futon. The pop of color in the cold neutral tones of the room pulled at his vision, though it was only after he brushed his teeth and turned off the lights that he finally let his curiosity win.
The screen was a beacon in the dark, almost blinding.
On the bottom screen, there was a colorful image of a rotund character with a red hat and a brown moustache.
Sakura pressed a few buttons. The ones on the left side of the screen seemed to move through the applications, which was a little annoying since all he wanted to do was see what this red guy was. He tried the buttons to the right side, and on his third button, labeled with some foreign, non-Japanese letter, he was finally able to select the red-guy-thing.
More foreign letters came up—underneath, the katakana to read it. It took him a few minutes to sound it out.
“Ni-yu.. Niu Su-pa Ma-ri-oh Bu-ra-za-zu…?”
New Super Mario Brothers.
He saw the red guy—the one that caught his attention—in front of a castle, beside him a blonde girl in a pink dress. He walked ahead to the castle and then—what!? Some kappa-thing just stole the girl!
The red guy chased after it. Sakura accidentally, in his impatience, rapidly tapped a button and the scene disappeared, replaced with the red guy on a big circle. The screen went black as the red guy jumped into the background.
“Where’d he…”
Then the world loaded in, and there were these mushroom creatures that came in his direction. He hit another button, hoping he could punch them. Take that, you stupid vegetables. Nothing happened. He tried a few other buttons, then went to the buttons on the left side that annoyed him earlier.
Oh! That’s how he moved.
He approached the mushroom beasts and—huh? Red Guy fell off the screen with a “Waaah,” that drew a surprised and delighted laugh from Sakura, one that startled him enough to look around like someone else made the sound and snapped the DSi closed. From it, he heard a “Bye-Bye!”
When he was sure again that it was just him, he flipped it open again, eyes sparkling even as he jumped. “It’s-a me, Mario!” the device proclaimed.
“H-Hi, Mario…-san,” he greeted back, bowing his head minutely.
He tried again to punch the mushroom, this time, but it turned away before he could get to it. He hit a button while he was moving and Mario leapt into the air, arcing up and then landing on top of the mushroom, crushing it.
“Mario-san! You beat him up!”
His eyes sparkled.
Sakura didn’t get much sleep. He was a zombie walking into class the following morning, squinting eyes appearing like a glare to his classmates. They kept further away from him, but it was okay.
He had Mario-san waiting for him, so it was okay.
(When he fell asleep, the DSi was pressed to his chest. He curled around it like there was a tiny Mario-san in his arms. Then, in his dreams, there was a giant Mario-san, one that ate a big orange mushroom. Sakura was big too, big enough to stomp through all of his problems.
Mario-san said, “Wa-hoo!” and Sakura copied him, back and forth like a conversation. He isn’t sure when the last one he had was, but this was how they went, right?
Together, they jumped through the clouds, and for once, Sakura felt like a superhero.
He had to remind himself once he woke up that he wasn’t made for a role like that. That all he was ever made to be was a villain.
A monster.)
There wasn’t anyone in his class named Kouji. Sakura checked the roster twice over, but to no avail. He’d have asked his classmates, if it weren’t for the fact that everyone would shrink away at his approach.
Maybe he’d come to the playground again today, he hoped.
(But really, he hoped he didn’t. There was no use lying to himself—who better would know his evil nature than himself?)
There was no one named Kouji at the playground. Not from the yells of kids’ names across the park when he walked up. And of course, when it cleared out again at his presence, there were none then, either.
Sakura got through a few more hours of the game before the screen turned black, and nothing he could do would turn them back on. There was a red light pulsing at the hinge of the device.
Tears filled his eyes, but he quickly swept them away with his sleeve. He considered hitting the device to get it to work, but he immediately thought about Mario-san—that would hurt him, so he put his hand down.
He checked the clock: 5pm. Gingerly, he put the DSi and all his money in his hoodie pocket and made for the convenience store around the corner. Before he went through the doors, he pulled up his hood and tucked his white hairs in more than the black ones, mussing his bangs enough to cover up his right eye.
The clerk at the desk peered at him suspiciously. After grabbing a few non-perishable pre-made meals and some snacks, Sakura walked past him to go toward the electronics area, where a few different cords hung neatly from hooks.
From what he remembered, these things needed to be charged. He wasn’t super familiar with the concept, but he’d seen enough things plugged into the outlets of his classroom to know that.
Of course, there were a few different cords to complicate things. He pulled out the DSi and tried to fit each one in, frustration growing with each failure.
He turned as he heard footsteps approaching, and then the clerk was kneeling beside him.
“This one should work,” he said, grabbing a gray cable with a plug block at the end. He scooped up Sakura’s items and brought them to the counter. When the cashier was ringing up the other things, Sakura pressed the cable against the hole in the back. It fit!
“Yes!” he said, hopping giddily.
The clerk stared at the register as he read off, “Your total is 1200 yen.”
Sakura fumbled around his pockets to dig out his coins and one 1000-yen bill. He went to hand it over—the exact amount, with a few coins remaining in his hoodie—when he noticed the clerk staring at him in disbelief.
What was he—oh.
Sakura’s hood had fallen off.
The clerk’s face was unreadable, but he knew what that meant. Sakura dropped the money on the counter, scooped up his items, and raced out of the shop, lips pursing tightly. Usually he’d at least have a bag to hold everything in, but in his haste, he ended up cradling everything. He struggled with the knob of his room when he got back.
He scooted his futon close to an outlet—he’d never needed to use it for anything other than the small A/C that was currently tucked into his closet. He plugged the DSi in, brows furrowed as he watched the red light change to a pulsing yellow.
He wasn’t sure how long he was supposed to wait, or if he was allowed to even turn the device on before it finished charging. His knees bounced and he kept looking back at the light every few seconds.
Maybe if he closed his eyes, it’d charge faster.
He pressed them together tightly, his face scrunching together.
One, two, three…
“It’s done!” he yelled, opening his eyes to find that it was—still charging. He pouted. One minute should have been enough, how could something take so long? “Mario-san… hurry up…” I miss you.
When a few more attempts at closing his eyes and counting didn’t work, he finally gave up and nibbled on some chips, careful not to eat too much of the bag at once. As long as he ate exactly what the serving sizes on the back said, he could make it last about five days.
Ten chips later, he was… not satisfied, per se, but he already indulged in having one extra chip (It had extra seasoning on it! It was begging him to eat it. It tasted so good, even if the flavor was already dissipating), so he downed half a bottle of water and went to brush his teeth.
Impatience got to him at the forty-five-minute mark. “Sorry, Mario-san,” Sakura said, preemptively. The light was still yellow, but he couldn’t wait any longer.
The screens didn’t turn on when he flipped it open. Sakura bit his lip, tears already pooling. He fiddled around with the buttons he didn’t touch while playing.
Heavenly light flooded from the screens. Sakura bounced on his heels, a wide, open-mouthed smile spreading across his face.
“Let’s-a go!”
“Welcome back, Mario-san!”
(Sakura didn’t need a pillow. In his head, the floor was grass, the clouds were fluffy, and there were turtles with wings.
Peach-hime wasn’t far out of grasp right now, but he was in no rush to get to her. Mario-san kept looking into the distance, in the vague direction the little kappa ran off in. Sakura held onto his glove.
He hadn’t held anyone’s hand in years—the last time was in kindergarten, when it was mandatory so they wouldn’t get lost. It was so warm, but so foreign, those intrusions between his fingers. Sakura chimed, “Mamma mia.”
Mario-san was silent.
Sakura looked down at their hands, slowly coming apart.
“Mario-san, what are you looking at?” Still no response. “I-I’m sure Peach-hime will be okay. We’ll beat up that stupid kappa together and rescue her!”
Why wouldn’t he say anything?
Why wouldn’t he look at him?
Please look at him.
Couldn’t someone please just—)
Kouji was at the playground that day.
Sakura knew, because he snooped through the DSi and found a photo app. The most recent photos were there, two brunet kids smiling wide with their parents’ tired expressions in the background. Kouji, he assumed, was the one pulling on some girl’s pigtails—probably that sister those other kids mentioned. The picture was so warm to look at, but Sakura was dowsed with an icy feeling that tore into his chest.
(It was like last winter, when he slipped in some ice and scraped up his legs through his thin sweatpants.
Most other kids cried when they bled—Sakura knew firsthand—but he knew his tears would only make his cheeks colder and bring more dirty looks his way.
He just had to throw the pants away, bloodstains and all, and smear some spit into the snow caked on his wounds.
He was fine.
It was fine.)
Sakura had his hoodie on today. He stopped by his room after school before coming by, putting on a beanie someone left in the lost and found. This time, he tucked his white hair into that, then put the sweatshirt over.
With the beanie, there were no worries of his hood slipping. His black bangs were perfectly arranged, and no one would know that he was a freak.
He didn’t give himself enough time to turn around and forget about all of this. He just took a deep breath and marched over to the boy at the top of the playset.
“H-Hey. Kouji, right?”
“Hm? Yeah, that’s me.”
“Um. I f-found this. A few days ago…” (Two weeks ago. Liar. Selfish.)
It took a Herculean effort to pull the DSi out of his pocket and proffer it to the boy, hands shaking.
The boy looked confused for a moment, before his eyes brightened up. “My DSi! I’ve been looking for it everywhere—I thought I lost it! Thanks for finding it!”
Kouji stepped closer to Sakura, ecstatic.
“We should play on it together sometime! What’s your name?”
A half-familiar feeling bubbled in his chest, creeping up his neck to his cheeks and his ears. Pink seeped into the edges of his vision, and his face was unbearably hot.
His mind was fuzzy, he was floating on this warm cloud that brought tingles to his fingertips. He answered without thinking. “Sakura—”
The boy stepped away quickly.
The color drained from Sakura’s face—from the world—as realization and fear occupied both of them.
Kouji’s eyes were wide, blood rushing out of his face as he recognized him.
“K-Keep it. Just stay away, don’t hurt me.”
(Don’t look at him.)
Sakura stepped closer, pushing the DSi toward him, opening it to show his picture. “It’s yours, I’m giving it back t—”
“I don’t need it! Get away from me!”
Kouji slapped the DSi out of his hands.
Sakura watched in horror as it soared over the edge of the playset, smacking along the bars of the monkey bars on the way down, the hinges snapping and the device making a cracking noise as it hit.
(The sound of bones breaking sounded similar, he realized, when he kicked someone in the ribs, years later.
It sent a chill down his spine, but he was used to the cold, so he kept kicking.)
“Why did you do that?!” he cried, grabbing Kouji up by the collar of his shirt. He snarled in his face, vision blurry with moisture. Why couldn’t he just accept it? Why did he destroy it?
Why couldn’t things just be simple?
As quick as the anger came in, it dissipated.
Sakura deflated, head falling forward as he grit his teeth. Kouji, with shaking legs, bolted across the playset, jumping off the ledge into his father’s waiting arms. The man stared at Sakura with disapproval.
(Don’t look at him.)
(Was he just made wrong?)
When he went to pick up the battered DSi, the top hung backwards and flopped with any movement. The screens were partially blacked out, with green cracks crawling across them. Sakura couldn’t even see Mario-san’s face through the damage anymore. He dragged his feet as he headed out of the park, his fingers beginning to bleed as the rough, scuffed plastic on the outside tore through his skin.
Near the entrance, he gently set the DSi into the trashcan and pressed his red-smeared hands together in a prayer.
(If there was a god, it hated him. If there were multiple, they must’ve all felt the same about him.
That was fine. He hated them, too. If he had access to the heavens he’d go and throw a few punches around. Let them hit him back. Maybe it’d feel better to feel those blows directly instead of all this indirect crap.
Even so, he still goes to the shrine at New Years.
He still wishes for better luck.)
Sakura stares at the weather app on his phone, trying to figure out if he should wear a jacket tomorrow or not. Suo and Nirei fiddle with the TV in front of him, all of them lounging in Nirei’s living room. Nirei’s parents are still at work, and Kiryu and Tsugeura are on their way over, having been sent out for patrol that day.
Nirei tries to get a cable through the back of his TV stand to connect with his console—he called it a Switch, which doesn’t sound all that cool to Sakura beyond being an English word—but every time he pushes it through and asks for a different cable, Suo sends the same cable back through the hole and undoes Nirei’s efforts, the plug sailing behind the TV stand and into a narrow space that Nirei struggles to reach. Then, while Nirei is fishing for the cable that fell, Suo pushes the other cable through and swings it around like he’s impatiently waiting for Nirei to grab it.
“Nirei-kun, I don’t think we’ll get this set up before the others get here if you keep messing around.”
Sakura snorts to himself. Sadist bastard. “You really have an awful personality,” he says.
“That’s so mean, Sakura-kun. Umemiya-senpai said I was a kind gentleman.”
Nirei gets the cable, begging Suo to grab the right one. Suo, feeling merciful after all the torture, swaps cables with him and they finally get the Switch plugged into the TV.
“We’ve gotta play Smash, right?” Nirei prods.
“I don’t mind playing until Kiryu-kun and Tsugeura-kun are here.”
“Hm, Suo-san, I didn’t expect you to be the type to play video games at all.”
Oh, it’s gonna be 24° tomorrow. No jacket should be fine.
“I don’t do it often, but I’ll join if friends are playing. I’m not entirely un- tech-savvy.”
Suo sends a pointed glance at Sakura, which gets his attention up from his screen. The smile on his face makes Sakura hiss.
“The hell’re you looking at, bastard?”
Suo laughs. “Now, now.”
Nirei dispels their banter quickly, before he’s caught in the middle. “Sakura-san, do you wanna try playing?”
Sakura finally looks over at the TV, where there’s a big menu of characters displayed on the screen.
“What is it?”
“It’s a fighting game,” Nirei says, glowing at the interest sparking in Sakura’s sun and moon eyes at his favorite word. “It’s not as graphic as Mortal Kombat, but I think you’ll like getting to try all kinds of fighting styles. Here, I’ll even pick your character for you—you’d probably like playing as Kazuya, since he’s from Tekken—that’s another fighting game you’d probably like—or maybe a lighter character like Starfox or Captain Falcon since you tend to fight in a very—”
Sakura tunes Nirei out partway through, eyes glancing over the characters and then catching, in the far left…
Sakura shoots up. “Mario-san!”
“-san?” Suo snorts, which devolves into full-blown snickering. “I’ve never heard you be so polite before, Sakura-kun! How cute!”
A blush flies from Sakura’s shoulders, up his neck, all the way past the tips of his ears to the roots of his hair, even managing to color his white strands with a light wash of pink. Steam must be erupting off his head.
Suo laughs harder, holding his belly. There isn’t enough blood in Sakura’s body to make his blush darker than it is now. His hands twitch into fists.
…Yelling at Suo isn’t enough, he needs to kill him.
Nirei wraps his arms around Sakura’s waist to keep him from fully lunging at the redhead, who is quickly up and striding around behind the sofa, dodging just as Sakura manages to get out of Nirei’s grasp and pounce.
“Sakura-san, you can’t commit murder in my house! My parents just redid the carpets!”
“Fuck the carpets, he’s dead!”
It takes a while for Sakura to be placated, only calmed by Nirei getting some snacks in his mouth in between mad leaps at Suo. Eventually the food seduces his tongue enough for him to absentmindedly nibble on whatever items Nirei gets in his mouth’s proximity, and he melts back into the couch cushions like he’s never sat on anything so comfortable in his life.
Nirei pointedly sits in the middle of the two and keeps the Pocky they have in his hands, feeding them into Sakura’s mouth himself so Suo wouldn’t get any ideas that could jeopardize the safety of his home. Suo pouts at him slightly, but there’s no budging the blond once he makes up his mind.
Sakura agrees to still play with them, a little red climbing back into his cheeks as he selects Mario, making a small noise of intrigue when Nirei shows him how to change the skins.
Nirei and Suo hold their breath at the roundness in Sakura’s usually-sharpened gaze. There was this childlike wonder that softened his features, a quiver to his grin that tugs at something in them, this need to smother him and show him everything he’s ever missed almost overbearing in its intensity.
Suo feels a little bad for making fun of him earlier. That’s a subtle apology to be made later, though, because all he can do now is let his eye soak in this image and try to replicate its splendor again and again in the future.
They’re drawn back in when Sakura looks at them, puzzled about what to do to proceed to the fighting part of the game.  
They pick their characters—Nirei has Meta Knight and Suo picks Bayonetta, hitting start and snagging a map before Sakura can even begin to process Suo’s choice.
The round goes long—mainly between Suo and Nirei. Sakura falls off the map once or twice before he commits to button-mashing for his third life. He’s not great at getting Mario to move the way he wants him to; he’s caught in the crossfire of one of Suo’s attacks and he is out, scowling at the screen and flipping Suo the bird. Suo takes his hand off the controller to blow a kiss for half a second, which Nirei uses as a chance to hit him with his Ultimate.
Suo laughs airily and starts his next life in stride, continuing where he left off with a strategy that suits him perfectly: dodging, taunting, blocking, and spamming his B-attacks until Nirei flies off the stage cleanly.
“Suo-san, I thought you didn’t play video games often.”
“I don’t, but I never said I’m bad at them.”
Nirei has a fire in his eyes. “Well, I won’t lose!”
He doesn’t. Suo is not the best at getting to the Smash ball, and Nirei is able to tear through his last life.
“That was awesome, Nirei-kun. Good job.”
Sakura mumbles his compliment. “That was kinda badass, I guess.”
Nirei sparkles. “Sakura-san…”
Sakura looks interested in playing again, but seems reluctant. Nirei knows Sakura is a little sad when he realizes, after Nirei explains a few things about playstyle, that Mario isn’t really the best character for him. Suo is able to distract him a little by explaining why he likes some of the specific characters he plays, to which Sakura listens attentively.
They don’t really get it, but that goes for a lot of things about Sakura—they don’t really need to.
Sakura is relieved that they don’t ask.
(Sakura was 15 when he went into a game store with his classmates and found out that devices can be repaired.
Nirei told him he’d give him his old consoles, asked if he wanted to play anything specific.
Sakura said no, but Nirei gave them to him anyway. He tried to leave the bag behind at Nirei’s desk, but Suo snuck the bag into his apartment, so the decision was made for him.
When the floor felt too hard and cold and he couldn’t sleep, he grabbed the WiiU and tried to play a game.
It was the most normal Sakura had ever felt.
It was the best gift ever.)
This is the first fic in a series :)
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baradesign · 1 year
please please give me background info from AAZW that isn't in the fic! and any other AU you have!!!
Here are 5 backgrounds info that you won’t ever see in the main story but are 100% canon!!
(Disclamer: some of this might have been mentioned in the main fic, tho, but I’m a fishbrain who tends to forget what she wrote before :VVVVV )
1.- When he was little Link went through a long phase where he refused to eat his greens, because Mipha didn’t eat them and if she doesn’t then why would he? His father convinced him that he needed to eat his veggies to grow big and strong and protect Mipha, and that’s the only reason he started eating them. His mother was extremely grateful with his dad, because she was starting to get white hair from his son eating nothing but fish for an entire month.
2.- Ezil and Rivan met each other when he was first learning how to ascend waterfalls. He did a wrong turn, went flying away from the water and promptly fell right on top of her.
3.- Link gets easily startled by lightning, not so much because he is afraid of it, but because he has learnt that it is deadly and his first reaction is to think “Where’s Mipha?!…. oh yeah… back in the Domain.”
4.- Link gifted Sidon a book about Stories and Legends from around Hyrule. It’s the little Zora’s favorite thing ever because 1) it has a lot of action stories, and 2) Mipha always reads it to him before sleeping. It’s a THICC book.
5.- Dorephan has caught Link sneaking in and out of Mipha’s bedroom, and he always pretend to not see him.
From “Word in the Domain”
- Mipha IS alive, and she helps Link remember their relationship once he arrives to the Domain. It take time and patience, but he falls in love with her again, and she falls in love with this new - and happier - version of Link.
- Sidon tries to pull the Big Brother front over Link once, not so much because he thinks he should be protective of Mipha, but because he heard someone saying that’s what a good brother is supposed to do, and he wants to be the best brother. Mipha was more annoyed than angry, tho.
From “His Children”
- Link and Mipha never let anyone take the triplets away. The three grow happy in the Domain.
- Redon, his oldest son, went through a very difficult time once he heard Link was not his bio dad. He was afraid Link was lying about being okay with the triplets not being their bio children, so he lashed out and said hurtful things to Link, like “You can’t tell me what to do. You’re not even my real dad!” Link understood, even if it hurt a lot. The phase didn’t last long, but Redon always felt guilty about being such a brat, and made sure to tell Link how much he loved him every day.
- Remi was the one who took it the hardest once Link died. The triplets were still quite young when it happened, because of old age, and he refused to leave Mipha’s side for months. This actually was a great bonding time for them, even if it was a sad time. Remi does end up becoming a militar healer, finally being as cool as both his mom and dad. He ends up moving to the Ocean Kingdom, but visits regularly.
- Silfa grows up to become suuuuuuper beautiful, and since Link is no longer around to give all her suitors the “if you hurt her…” talk, it’s up to Uncle Rivan and Uncle Bazz to extend the warnings. Not that they need to, tho. Silfa is a weapon master and can protect herself perfectly fine. One of her suitors laughed at the though of an Hylian being so idiotic for thinking they could father a Zora pup, not realizing she was standing right there. Let’s just say said suitor can no longer swim well.
-The siblings have this very cute tradition where each year they make a special visit to Link’s tomb and leave garlands made of flowers found all over Hyrule, along with some of Link’s favorite dishes. They sit down, eat and talk about their lives and things they have been doing - thinks they don’t even dare to tell Mipha - hoping that Link will hear them and be happy for them, wherever he is.
:V I hope this wasn’t too sad!!!!
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blaintism · 2 years
this morning i decided to rank every episode in which blaine appears or is mentioned by the merit of their blaine content. because, i don't know, i'm very neurodivergent or something. so here is, in my opinion, the best to worst blaine episodes:
1. 3x15 “Big Brother”: has a micro celebrity older brother, gets very upset about everyone pointing at him, skips skip day, gets a stuffed animal from his boyfriend, doesn’t feel good enough with his brother around, and reconciles
2. 5x07 “Puppet Master”: has an autistic meltdown, gets gas poisoning, imagines everybody loves him, wants to share his core wounds, gives jake strange advice, steals, and sends puppets to new york city
3. 4x07 “Dynamic Duets”: creates a superhero alter ego, meets evil warbler #2, does autistic stuff, and wants to stop feeling like he’s a bad person
4. 2x12 “Silly Love Songs”: makes a fool out of kurt accidentally, makes a fool out of himself in a gap, becomes a part of a ‘when harry met sally’ situationship, and sings two solos
5. 4x03 “Makeover”: becomes a huge nerd and the president, makes a friend, lies to artie, and realizes he is sad and alone
6. 2x20 “Prom Queen”: delivers part three of his traumatic backstory, is very afraid, makes his solo story relevant, and saves the prom!
7. 4x17 “Guilty Pleasures”: likes wham, is a swiftie in the alternate universe of the promo, sings sam a strangely emotional song, and sam is not homophobic to him
8. 3x17 “Dance with Somebody”: tells everybody that it’s not right but it’s okay, doesn’t want to talk about new york, and has weirdly tan hands
9. 2x16 “Original Song”: forms blaine and the pips, ignores mourning a bird in favor of love, conceives of the worst duet idea of all time, gains +1 boyfriend, and sings two solos
10. 2x06 “Never Been Kissed”: shifts the tectonic plates by making his first appearance, sings teenage dream, delivers part one of his traumatic backstory, and thinks that karofsky isn’t coming out anytime soon
11. 4x16 “Feud”: has cement hair, has his identity stolen, is on the bottom, and is forced to join the cheerios again by nicki minaj
12. 6x07 “Transitioning”: gets hit with some eggs, has a serious case of heart eyes, and cheats but in a cool way this time
13. 5x14 “New New York”: cheers up sam, becomes elliott’s facebook friend, has a good talk with kurt, and moves in with mercedes
14. 3x05 “The First Time”: gets virgin shamed, canonically masturbates, meets evil warbler #1, makes out with kurt hummel drunk, and has sex
15. 2x14 “Blame it on the Alcohol”: thinks it’s cool that kurt and finn are brothers, makes out with rachel berry drunk, defends bisexuals, and is 100% gay
16. 3x11 “Michael”: wants to be starting something, gives the warblers sensitive information, and could lose an eye!
17. 4x11 “Sadie Hawkins”: gets asked out by a girl, has a crush on a boy, and finds out the warblers are taking steroids?!
18. 6x04/05 “The Hurt Locker”: forgets his mom’s name, finds a bear in his house, remembers fettuccine alfredo, and sticks his tongue right in someone’s mouth
19. 4x14 “I Do”: gets groped in a prius, has his honor defended, has sex in a hotel room, and knows he and kurt will not be just friends
20. 5x16 “Tested”: has body image issues, watches porn, admits that he’s scared kurt will stop loving him, and is misinterpreted by the entire fandom
21. 4x04 “The Break Up”: screams, cries, throws up, sobs, falls to his knees,
22. 2x09 “Special Education”: helps kurt out at his new school, doesn’t audition for the solo at sectionals, sings the solo at sectionals, gives kurt bird advice
23. 4x10 “Glee, Actually”: who’s blaine? ice skates and has a mature talk
24. 3x01 “The Purple Piano Project”: joins the new directions, unknowingly blows up a piano, and tries his best to be friendly
25. 4x15 “Girls (And Boys) On Film”: sings three duets with three different duet partners, and has a starring role in kurt’s imagination
26. 4x21 “Wonder-ful”: understands kurt unlike anyone else, and wants to marry him
27. 5x01 “Love Love Love”: sings the best duet with kurt, gets back together with him, is more asian than sam and ryder, gathers every show choir in the state, and proposes
28. 6x02 “Homecoming”: gives us some information on his depression, wears curly hair until he remembers people are racist about it, and attempts to solve misogyny
29. 2x15 “Sexy”: takes advice from sue sylvester, is very cringe, and delivers part two of his traumatic backstory
30. 3x02 “I Am Unicorn”: #juniorgate, is the only person respectful of kurt, and gives great audition #1
31. 4x06 “Glease”: continues to suffer, breaks character, and stands hollow eyed in the hallway
32. 3x08 “Hold on to Sixteen” fights sam, fights finn, and does what his father said and let his mother mold him
33. 5x06 “Movin Out”: visits new york, considers being a doctor or a teacher, and is the piano man
34. 2x11 “The Sue Sylvester Shuffle”: sings a banger solo, mercedes and rachel talk at him while he eats, and he attends a mckinley football game
35. 4x01 “The New Rachel”: tells kurt to leave (affectionate) and is the titular character
36. 3x14 “On My Way”: has an emotional breakdown in front of god and everyone, and then raps
37. 4x05 “The Role You Were Born to Play”: cries and sings his best solo, which is great audition #2
38. 2x18 “Born This Way”: sings somewhere only we know, which should make the top but it’s his only scene
39. 6x13 “Dreams Come True”: becomes a father, and loves kurt very very much
40. 3x22 “Goodbye”: is now in ‘the notebook,’ shares a lot of meaningful looks, and wears a lobster cardigan
41. 6x08 “A Wedding”: he gets married i guess. points for his vows
42. 4x22 “All Or Nothing”: is insulted by brittany once again, buys a ring for kurt, and sings a duet with marley
43. 3x09 “Extraordinary Merry Christmas”: is kurt’s best friend and holiday roommate, and gets some good gifts from rachel
44. 4x08 “Thanksgiving”: doesn’t exist until kurt calls him on the phone, and yet it’s such a good phone call that it beats the episodes below
45. 5x11 “City of Angels”: is too gay to lead the glee club, reads the show choir blogs, and has sexual tension with skylar astin 
46. 4x12 “Naked”: becomes santa, gets an unnecessary spray tan, and is a supportive friend
47. 5x20 “The Untitled Rachel Berry Project”: is given kurt’s trust, doesn’t want to sleep with brittany fictionally, and defeats a homophobic old lady
48. 2x17 “A Night of Neglect”: he gets taken on a date to a high school and pushes some people around
49. 6x01 “Loser Like Me”: has been in his flop era since Kurt broke up with him, but he does have a new boyfriend!
50. 2x10 “A Very Glee Christmas”: he sings a flirty christmas duet with kurt, who is much better than that girls gonna be
51. 6x03 “Jagged Little Tapestry”: sings in kurt’s imagination about how much he misses kurt, and gets a bad home makeover
52. 3x03 “Asian F”: gets flowers and a leading role
53. 2x22 “New York”: loves kurt
54. 5x19 “Old Dog New Tricks”: likes seeing kurt so happy
55. 4x09 “Swan Song”: joins the cheerios
56. 2x07 “The Substitute”: sees a purse fall out of kurt’s mouth, and is discussed by kurtcedes as if he’s kurt’s boyfriend 
57. 5x17 “Opening Night”: knows a good gay club
58. 3x16 “Saturday Night Glee-ver”: loves dancing and otherwise disappears
59. 3x13 “Heart”: is back from the dead and more cute and compact than ever!
60. 4x02 “Britney 2.0”: sings my favorite mashup
61. 3x18 “Choke”: is a supportive boyfriend
62. 3x20 “Props”: wonders what a guys gotta do to get a little candy situation, and gets a hot pretzel at the mall with kurt
63. 5x04 “A Katy or a Gaga”: is obviously a katy
64. 4x13 “Diva”: points for him being a guy diva, singing don’t stop me now, being cute when he’s sick, being gay, and liking asian representation, but a huge subtraction for the non consensual touching from tina and him apologizing to her at the end
89. 3x19 “Prom-asaurus”: experiences discrimination, but at least he watches lesbians on tv, is an expert on the bill of rights, and has a very sweet boyfriend
65. 5x09 “Frenemies”: people are mad at him for having good grades, but he’s actually really cool about it and offers for them to share his valedictorian speech
66. 5x05 “The End Of Twerk”: unfortunately causes the entire twerking situation
67. 3x04 “Pot O Gold”: sings last friday night, to the dismay of people who usually sing all the time and will not sing any less in the future
68. 3x07 “I Kissed A Girl”: sings a corny duet to my delight, and otherwise has no thoughts about the difficulties of being gay suddenly
69. 5x02 “Tina in the Sky with Diamonds”: is as always a good friend, hits a really high note
70. 3x21 “Nationals”: is simply present, sings come on! hold tight!, and is the only person who isn’t kissed after they win
71. 6x12 “2009”: has stopped living a lie, but starts living a plot hole
88. 5x15 “Bash”: is strangely sidelined in an episode where his fiancé is attacked, but at least he reads star wars fanfiction
72. 5x13 “New Directions”: gets into NYADA, and makes out with kurt in tina’s mind
73. 5x12 “100”: gets his song stolen, and is given a gift for his wedding night sodomy
74. 6x10 “The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester”: is very very sad dalton burned down
75. 4x20 “Lights Out”: gets mostly cut from the episode, and is still a cheerio
76. 3x06 “Mash Off”: looks like a time traveler with quinn
77. 6x11 “We Built this Glee Club”: thinks glitter is pretty
78. 4x18 “Shooting Star”: is scared and sad, BUT PARENT MENTION???
79. 3x10 “Yes/No”: does not say a word but gives kurt a cute look
80. 5x03 “The Quarterback”: is understandably not in this episode very much
81. 6x06 “What the World Needs Now”: certainly appears as some point
82. 2x19 “Rumours”: doesn’t appear but is the subject of rumors, rachel thinks he’s better than sam
83. 3x12 “The Spanish Teacher”: burt wants to tell him kurt got a NYADA audition
84. 6x09 “Child Star”: he’s on his honeymoon off screen, which kinda rocks
85. 5x18 “The Back Up Plan”: is a lying liar
86. 5x08 “Previously Unaired Christmas”: gets told to shut up, and does
87. 4x19 “Sweet Dreams”: gets yelled at for not being responsible for a group of traumatized children by Mr. Schue, the teacher
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aviles2003 · 1 year
Never Forget the Lives!
(We are closer to 9/11 in 2 days, but i know it's not or it is canon to the Mario Movie, but you all might get the idea what I have)
After the massive chaos On Brooklyn dealing with Bowser trying to conquer everything, Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Toad were enjoying the Best times of Brooklyn, when the sunset came and the sky started to turn down dark, Peach noticed two beacons shining on the dark sky, she was confused to ask, " Um Mario, Why are the lights Shining on the night sky? " she said to Mario, Mario noticed what it was, and he and Luigi explained to toad and Peach, " Those are "tribute in light" to honor the building we lost of the twin towers, but also remember the people's love ones lives they lost." he explained "twin towers?" She added "The Tallest Twin towers, That were standing for many years as the biggest ones in New York, but then many years ago, things were,....... about to change that we call 9/11. Every year" Luigi said to them, Toad spoke "What do you mean 9/11? Is it something that you care for others? or something that was shocking to hear what happened?" Mario and Luigi looked at each other and looked uncomfortable and gulped to show what they will shock both of them, Peach and Toad Shared a Kind caring face to the brothers, Mario and Luigi told peach and toad what happened to the towers
Once they Finished, both were very shocked, Peach's face was only being with sadness having small tears coming out, but toad, well let's say he was sobbing through the entire story tragedy, Luigi patted his mushroom head "I know it feels toad, many people lost their lives, their love ones, and especially our heroes" he said giving him a Hug to calm toad down, Peach Didn't spoke word, that story she listened and heard reminded her back in the Mushroom kingdom from Bowser arriving and asking his proposal when she Never wanted to marry him, When Kamek Was torturing toad with his magic, the flashback voices just went inside her head "No! Wait Stop! I'll marry You, Just don't hurt my Toads!" That little panic attack made her heart beating when Bowser was threatening, when he Launched a "Bomber Bill" To destroy her Kingdom for not marrying her, and knowing how much people from Mario's world Suffered so much when so many lives we're lost from the terrorists in 9/11 Years Ago, "That explains we need to remember those who risked everything for us" right?" She asked Mario "Precisely peach, we will always remember those who lost love ones" he said "And Thank everyone that were all Okay and safe from the wreckage" Luigi added saying with caring words, toad stopped crying to calm down, peach Wipes her tears off with a a tissue, "I'm sorry for those humans, but gladly to see it's still being *sniff* being here now every year or So" peach said in a soft voice to the brothers, Mario said to her "Thank you peach, we will make sure your kingdom is safe with us, and No one cannot terrorize your home, no Matter What!" Mario granted with a Small speech to Peach
All of them Made a group hug to have heart filling with comfort And Shield from the events that happened
(For Everyone that saw and read this, We want to Remember those People who lost their Lives from the September 11 that happened 22 years ago, Let's honor for the heroes in New York who risked their lives to save Everyone ❤️)
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meluene · 2 years
Yes both ichiruki and destiel were used by TPTB to sell their product than at the end were done dirty. I wonder do you ship anything else, or only ships that were sunk ? Me, for example I'd be surprised if any of the ships I really love would ever be made canon, but I despise baiting of any kind; I mean you're either honest to yourself and your vision from beginning to end, even if might hurt your sales, or you listen to the feed-back from your fans, give them what they want and make money. And fans should stop supporting, authors/studios that lie to them.
Hi! Though I sometimes ship other pairings, there is no other that bring me so much pain as ichiruki and destiel does xD. I do not regret shipping both, but to this day I suffer greatly about The Endings TM. To be totally honest with you, I think the truth about Bleach ending was bit different than the whole "case" of Spn.
I believe the Ichigo/Rukia pairing was originally meant to be, but Kubo changed it at some point, and as the result the Bleach ending does not make any sense. It is true not only for ichiruki, but for basically everyone in the story - we've got so many unresolved issues and plot holes, characters are just seem to be made unhappy, that it is hard to believe it was not intentional. Because I was at this point actively reading manga every week to the very end, I remember vividly how even in Japan people (both readers and people somehow invested in the Bleach franchise) did not react well to the ending - the story pointed for so many years that Ichigo/Rukia was endgame, that the whole ending was fiasco. In fact, the ending was so bizzare that they had to promote the franchise with Rukia and Ichigo stickers to sell anything at that point. Even the Bleach film on Netflix was focused only on OG squad and the early story of Ichigo and Rukia because it was the only time when the whole story made sense lol. Let's not forget the super awkward/sad Rukia during her wedding and shitty story how Ichigo supposedly fell in love with Ori.
In manga industry, the mangaka is the one person responsible for the story and Kubo sank his own work - I believe he could be pushed to some extent (there were rumors he had the time limit to finish the story and he was bitter mf at the end), but still I think he did change the ending and it did not rhyme with the OG plot of the manga. Bleach suffered greatly, the anime was cancelled for many years and it was marked as a story which started super strong (as one of the great three) and ended poorly. Kubo did this, shame on him, I hate him, he can suck bag of dicks.
In SPN story, as we all know, Cas was not meant to stay at the show at all. The whole romance between him and Dean somehow happened, I think it was the result of brilliant writing of SOME of the screenwriters AND Misha & Jensen acting. It started at some point of the story and some of the cast and crew started to support it (bless their souls) not to mention the destiel fans. The pairing though was not warm welcomed by everyone and I do believe people responsible for the show were scared to go with it despite the clear romance going on. Bob Wess did brilliant "Deep Dive" series about it (and yes, I've seen it all in one day because I'm not well on my brain) and I trully think in the SPN case, we've got much more people to blame for the the shit ending. There were actors, writers, producers AND some fans that did not want Dean to be bi and at the same time wanted the only bro ending. The story was pushed in some bizzare corner where we end with two dead brothers, despite the 15 years of journey, progress and FAMILY they made in between. I think that in those circumstances, with so many people working on the show and being against the pairing, allowing Castiel's confession was miracle itself.
To conclude, I believe the film industry is still not in the good place and in case of SPN we witnessed strange fight between screenwriters/actors/producers and others insiders that had different idea for the show itself and how it was supposed to end. Unfortunately, the "winning" team was the one of "let's kill gays, Eileen, and forget progress" and as the result, the ending is not fulfilling - there is no peace we were promised. Open ending would've been better than offing everyone, the whole family that was supposed to not end with blood was shattered and gone from the screen. The creators of SPN were scared of bi Dean and any gayness that occured in the story - shame on them for that. And yes, people responsible for the ending should suffer - but I don't think they do realise the shittness of their decisions, just like Tr*mp doesn't realise he is crazy.
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ladyclwriter · 2 years
The name
BatFam!AU! Angst
BrucexDiana married, Damian canon, Dick Grayson, dead Jason Todd
Prompt: Grayson couldn't deny, he's an intense soul. And that would be his excuse for releasing his emotions in front of Y/N, the guest, exposing to everyone on the table that he would never let anyone forget about his brother's death — and Bruce wouldn't let it pass.
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“I'm adopted.” his friend got quite a scare. You looked at him instantly, visibly shocked. The young man soon tried to calm you down. "What, you thought Diana was my mother?"
Understanding the intentions, you blinked your eyes, trying to clear the shock. “You look alike. All of you. Before Damian mentioned his mother I thought he was a Prince.”
“Well, we're certainly all Wayne.” Diana finished the subject with a smile, holding her husband's hand at her side. It was an attempt to appease and end the matter before bloods would boil.
“Some more than others.” Richard commented, bittersweet.
“Whatever that means, Richard, I'd like to say it's a misconception.” Bruce glared at him as intensely as his wife did to her husband. “Once Wayne, always Wayne.
“Blood and surname are the same thing.” Damian argued, his most serene gaze toward his brother. “In the end, what matters is the soul. And ours have always been and always will be connected.”
A sarcastic joke hung on his lips, but Richard decided not to respond.
He wanted more. He wanted to argue, to scream, to say everything he felt. His hands curled into fists in his lap, taking a deep breath. He felt all eyes watching him, felt the shame and the anger and the sadness.
“As much as I want to” he whispered. “Something in me will never feel at home. Something in me will never be Wayne. It is impossible to be like you. Jay said that every day.”
A question tickled your unnaturally quiet tongue. You didn't have time to think, Bruce's fist against the table made you shrink — Diana turning in her chair, back to her guest in a protective posture. It was deeply contradictory and offensive, but everyone in the room had the same attitude; set out to protect you from whatever Bruce did. However, the host's cold, sharp eyes were fixed on his son. “Don't you dare mention him again.”
“ Or what?!” Dick raised his tone, looking at him with tears in his eyes. “It pisses me off the way you pretend nothing happened! The world should know the name Jason Wayne Todd. His name should be constantly remembered, mentioned. He doesn't deserve to fall into the ignorant oblivion of his own father!”
“That's enough, Richard!” Bruce stood up, the chair he was sitting on falling back. Diana did the same, her back to you, who didn't even blink. Alfred was alarmed, quietly asking the boss to calm down.
“No! It will never be enough. We will never honor him enough.” He got up too, Damian soon after, his back to his father. “We'll never free ourselves from that guilt, Bruce. You know that very well. And that's why you can't even hear his name.”
Damian touched his brother's neck and shoulder, calling his name and almost begging to sit down.
“But I won't stop. I will say the name as many times as I want” Dick leaned over his brother, toward his father, only the Al Ghul holding him back. “Jason Peter Wayne Todd.”
It was enough. Enough for Diana to nearly jump over the table, for Damian to push his brother away while his stepmother stopped his father from advancing. Bruce was holding back tears, gritting his teeth like a rabid dog. Prince didn't have to do anything but stop him from passing with her hands on his arms, looking him in the eyes.
The guest was paralyzed, scared and shocked at the same time. Questions merged with terror and you couldn't even think about moving. Alfred gently and carefully lifted you from your seat, saying something polite about having to leave for a moment.
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Yeah, quick shortie for you guys. It's a cut from a Portuguese fanfiction of mine. Tell me your thoughts 💙 see ya
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moonlit-orchid · 2 years
Okay for the character ask meme, Yugi!
Favourite thing about them
What is there not to love about this boy?! He's just so soft and sweet! Sometimes when I write him I get worried that he's getting ooc, but then I watch a clip of him talking to Yami and I'm like "oh my god it's canon you can't make this sweetness up!"
I think my absolute favourite thing about him is his strength. Like, this kid was already having a hard time before he ended up in duel monsters and dark magic related traumatic events. He was constantly bullied and literally had no friends except from Tea, and even then they weren't close. And he's such a gentle kid too. But he survived it all. He kept going. Even though he has a sweet and gentle nature, he isn't as fragile as he seems and was able to carry on.
Least favourite thing about them
He and Yami separating. I refuse to acknowledge that happened, ok?
Favourite line
I can't remember any of them :( except for when he was saying that he was sure he could trust Yami Yugi in episode 13, "I don't know what it all means but I'm pretty sure we can trust him, whoever he is".
Also him telling Joey it was his decision to sacrifice himself to save him during that duel during battle city.
Him and Yami/Atem! They're just so sweet with each other, and it's really wholesome to watch them just get along, and protect each other! I just fully see them as brothers, and they're just so damn sweet! I also like to imagine Yugi and Kaiba having a sort of brotherly relationship, with Yugi reminding Kaiba of Mokuba 24/7 because Yugi is a)small b)got them big ol' eyes and c) Yugi can be very sweet to him. Also let's not forget Yugi and Joey! They are the definition of best friends ok?
I don't really have one. Him and Tea are kinda cute but I'm not big on shipping.
Yugi x Yami x Atem. Just NO. Yami and Atem are the same person what the heck are they doing in one ship? That's my absolute NOtp.
Random Headcanon
Yugi knows every single classic Disney song off by heart. He watched every single classic Disney movie countless times, and when he's sad he'll rewatch his favourites. His absolute favourite is The Lion King.
Unpopular opinion
I'm glad the dub censored Yugi's mother out. I've seen people bashing the dub for it, but I think it actually was a good decision. She only appeared in a single scene, and honestly her appearing in that one scene makes little scene considering she is fully absent for everything else. If you didn't see that one scene you'd assume Yugi lived with just his grandpa, which makes more sense as said grandpa is genuinely involved in Yugi's life while his mother just isn't. So the dub making out that Yugi lives with his grandpa only makes more sense than the sub showing Yugi lives with his grandpa and a mother who only shows up once.
Song I associate with them
I don't really have one X)
Favourite picture of them
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self explanatory
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catamaurrr-star · 1 year
maur's super duper awesome list of Some of his ocs!!! celebrate!!! (note: some are missing because. i am layzy)
PLEASE ask me about my ocs PLEASSEEEEEE (explanation for the world [number] thing here)
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my comedy relief/intense angst little guys (world 1)
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name: umbra chrono age: 23 pronouns: he/they info: my favorite oc (dont tell the others).... time travelling catman who really misses his parents and is having a horrible time at college. is tormented by sadness every now and then BUT he's also good friends with maur and gude so that helps. oh yeah also haunted by the narrative i guess fun little fact: he's a siamese ragdoll!! he dyes his hair black though to try and hide that. this doesnt work as he has the brightest bluest eyes on the planet
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name: MAUR !!!!!!! age: 15 pronouns: he/she info: technically not my sona. but they do look VERY similar. anyways so this guy can turn into a cat whenever he wants and was raised in apocalyptic warzone australia (just go with it) but escaped on a boat onto the rest of the world and now steals from places as a homeless stray cat. he likes to annoy umbra as often as possible and steal food from him when he's not looking fun little fact: his eyes light up REALLY FUCKING BRIGHT in the dark. like led lights
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name: gude normal age: 19 pronouns: they (but he and she are also accepted. they mainly preferred though) info: most mentally stable oc. they're half elf and they only got the ears from their dad. they love monster hunter and its their favorite thing in the entire world. oh yeah their brother is also kind of a god. OH YEAH ALSO they have a Power!!!! they can make chair arms out of nothing. there is no limit to these chair arms but it gets more and more physically draining to have too many of them for too long. they can disappear whenever gude likes fun little fact: they only wear shorts. not a single set of pants. also striped shirts or tshirts with really stupid designs on them that they thought were funny.
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name: jimmy falenhardt age: 10 pronouns: he/him (he;s a cis girl though) info: other most mentally stable oc. he's just a little guy who likes doing postal service and is OBSESSED with cats. like he brings cat food and cat treats with him everywhere. he's very very silly and makes cat puns at every single opportunity he gets. other than that he's very adventurous and a little bit cocky. fun little fact: he picked his own name. he didnt even have a name beforehand everyone just politely referred to him as The Child
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name: iron age: ???? pronouns: any info: no one knows what their deal is. no one knows where he came from but apparently she's australian. they rarely ever talk and when he does its the most ominous confusing or just frankly bizarre shit ever. she has So Many scars its crazy. resident little freak fun little fact: yes they look like that in canon too. bright pink hair and paper white skin. so much wrong with her ❤️
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not in world 1 2 or 3 ocs
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name: nil age: ???really REALLY long though pronouns: any info: MY FAVORITE GUY. used to be an all powerful god but got a little too silly (did something Bad(i dont know what it is either)) and then was punished for it by being eternally trapped in The Void with no way out ever. they also cannot die. so as you can tell this has been driving him Crazy. can also make clones of herself and some objects as well but after a while the objects just disappear if null doesnt actively keep them there. i like to make them sad fun little fact: if the design looks familiarthats just cause he was originally grian but then it got a bit too ooc so i made her an oc. null's basically grian adjacent. the lore reason for this is they took the form of a fictional character he remembered fondly to cling onto what she remembered before null forgets it all
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genshin ocs time (i barely talk abt them anymore though)
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name: pyre (not his real name) age: mid to late 50s pronouns: he/him info: sumeru pyro claymore 5 star. somewhat possessed by a flower and lives in the sumeru desert. used to have a wife and a kid but his wife died in a sandstorm and he got separated from his kid and doesn't remember either of them anymore. due to the flower possessing him. he just kills people now and is the #1 enemy of cyno fun little fact: at some point he gets free from the flower and has to deal with The Horrors of losing like. 20ish years of your life
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name: qamar (no last name idk) age: late 20s pronouns: she/they info: sumeru/mondstadt anemo sword 4 star. got separated from her family by a sandstorm basically wiping out her home in the sumeru desert and she got lost and adopted by rhinedottir who happened to be in the area. grew up with albedo and is on a mission to find out what happened to her family and friends and if all of them truly died or not. also mentors sucrose sometimes and is unintentionally Very Mean fun little fact: she REALLY likes dragonflies. there are several dragonfly motifs on her design (if i actually ever draw it ...)
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name: FELIX!!!!!!! age: 40ish pronouns: she/her info: fontaine pyro catalyst 5 star. was part of an ancient race that died out and is basically the last of her species. performs as a popular actress in the opera epiclese for plays and stuff and works with lyney sometimes but SURPRISE!! she's also an UNDERCOVER REBEL!!! she goes by the name "Rouge Résistance" while trying to show all the cracks and flaws in the fontainian justice system by graffiti and stealing stuff to give out to others later . and also arson. kinda like robin hood but with fire fun little fact: her weapon? these fucking hands
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au name: pope!maur (i thought it was funny) info: was adopted by the church after escaping australia and is now a tyrannical pope at age 15... very insane everyone hates him. he uses his position to do Not Swag things. somewhat of an infamous celebrity fun little fact: originally i made him (and incel umbra) as just maur and umbra in different outfits but then i gave them different persoanlities and origins and boom!! different characters
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au name: incel!umbra info: after his parents mysteriously disappeared he went on the internet . and got ruined forever because of it. now hes a really fucking mean nihilist who's generally draining to be around and one day wants to burn down the entire world fun little fact: he and christian!maur DESPISE each other and will go out of their way to annoy each other at every single opportunity. not in the friendly way either they genuinely hate each other
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au name: time god!umbra (usually shortened to tg!umbra) info: basically just works for the higher time gods in the world. makes sure everything in time goes well and can vaguely control it. also doesn't follow linear time it's kinda wild. doesn't follow the normal umbra lore either he was just made like this and he just has to accept it fun little fact: he does get paid. just not a lot though. like very little payment for his work
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au name: space god!maur (usually shortened to sg!maur) info: like tg!umbra, he works for the higher space gods and he makes sure everythings position isnt getting weird and fucked up. he can teleport wherever he wants and he can work outside of 3 dimensions. thats how silly he is fun little fact: the gods have forced his face to be smiling forever. he is actually not happy with this
thats probably all of them for now
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huntinghornenjoyer · 1 year
Lucatiel Ramble, number one out of... a lot.
Every time I play ds2 I make sure to do Lucatiel’s entire quest even if it makes me sob uncontrollably when she..... y’know..... spoilers for a game that came out in 2011
Begs you not to forget her name and says that she may not even remember herself, and then gives you her equipment, basically the only possessions an undead would ever have and the only means of guaranteeing your survival in Drangleic, bc she trusts you that much, even when she remembers nothing. I love her sm and she deserves so much better than that run-down shack in Aldia. Also, the item desc on her mask in DSIII hits me like a goddamn truck. Lucatiel canonically was a part of the Bearer of the Curse’s journey and they made sure she was remembered until the very end of the world itself. She is literally my favorite soulsborne npc and I wish we got more of her. I would always be so happy to find out I can summon her somewhere which meant that I could talk to her a little bit. And the fact that she tells you she’d kill you if it meant getting the cure, but then later entrusts the legacy of herself and her brother to you alone. It’s so sad, because I don’t even know if she remembered her brother by that point. She said that her oldest memories were fading first, but I feel like it was more along the lines of the memories that had the least meaning. Why? Because while she remembers her  past in mirrah and her brother, she doesn’t remember why she came to drangleic, which is much more recent than any of those other things. So, if my theory is true, and she only remembers the most important things, then her remembering your character while on the brink of hollowing means that you were of great importance to her, likely due to the lack of friendly faces in ds2, making your character stand out to her, especially since she recognizes you no matter what you’re wearing or if you’ve completely changed everything about your character (stats, using the funny trans coffin, etc.).
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artemis32 · 3 years
Platonic Yandere Yuta Okkotsu IV
!!!! Major Jujutsu Kaisen 0 spoilers !!!!
So fun not so fun fact, I had this piece completed, then I accidentally deleted it. Never in my life have I felt such great disappointment.
Please let me know what you think, and if you want me to continue these, or write for other characters from the movie. :))
Jujutsu Kaisen Masterlist
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So Yuta canonically has a younger sister.
You're truly the light of his life. His sweet little sister who looks at him like he hangs the stars in the night sky. He'd do anything for you, get you anything your heart desires.
Some people might find his love for you strange, borderline possessive. In his mind, he dotes on you, showering you in all his attention and affection.
That being said, he expects the same of you. He constantly wants to be the centre of your attention, the only person you focus on. If he sees you with someone else, his jealousy threatens to consume him.
He has no qualms about getting rid of anything or anyone that acts as a distraction, and he's sure to capture your attention whenever he can.
His attention is always focused on you. Therefore, Rika most likely doesn't like you. There are only two reasons she doesn't like people.
She doesn't like those that try to hurt Yuta, much like the bullies she viciously disposed of, and she doesn't like those who steal his attention from her.
Now clearly you'd never even think about hurting your loving older brother, but you do take up an awful lot of his attention.
Rika doesn't like that. Not one bit.
She thinks about scaring you away, frightening you enough that you leave and never come back. Or maybe she'd hurt you a bit, break a bone or two, maybe draw some blood. If you landed up in hospital, that would give her plenty of time with Yuta.
Or maybe she should just get rid of the problem entirely. Killing you would ensure that Yuta's attention would be focused on her forever.
But she doesn't want to make Yuta sad. No, she won't kill you unless she absolutely has to.
So she scares you. Badly. She roughs you up a bit. And Yuta is so worried, so concerned about you and your wellbeing that he distances himself.
It's painful at first. He goes from being around you every day and every night, to not having any contact with you for years.
Rika is satisfied, pleased that she gets all of Yuta's attention.
It's probably for the best, Yuta leaving you alone. He leaves for years, longer than you'd thought he would be. Six years.
Then one day, he reappears. Its been some time, and he's finally gotten rid of Rika, he's joined the world of jujutsu sorcerers and now that everything is right in the world, he wants to see his sweet little sister.
You're older now, much bigger than he remembered. Do you remember me? He thinks to himself.
Of course you do. How could you forget your older brother, the person who loves you most in the world.
He tells you everything, from Rika's death, to finding out about the world of jujutsu sorcerers, to the bloodline the two of you descend from.
He leaves out the things that he thinks would upset you. Like the fact that he got beat up more than once. And the fact that he killed someone. He has a feeling you wouldn't like that.
And then he asks you, somewhat nervously, if you want to join him, if you want to join the jujitsu sorcerers and be with your brother again, like it had been all those years ago.
You say yes, eager to have your brother back.
Yuta pulls some strings, asks Gojo to convince the higher ups, tells him that you need to be with him, with your older brother.
After all, you're his younger sister, and that means that you're a descendant of Michizane Sugawara as well.
Words spill out of Yuta's mouth, desperately he tells Gojo about how you might also be a powerful sorcerer, how your life may be in danger. He says that the safest place in the world is here, with him.
And miraculously, they manage to do it, manage to convince the higher ups that you'd be a valuable asset. So you move in to Jujutsu Tech.
Meeting all of Yuta's friends is incredible. You take an immediate liking to Maki, despite her somewhat aggressive demeanour, and in turn she seems to grow a liking to you.
Panda likes you too, giving you the name Little Okkotsu.
Gojo teases you, often picking up on your brother's strange behaviour around you. But he never says anything, opting to act as an older brother to the both of you instead.
And Inumaki. It's clear to everyone that you have a crush on him, you stumble over your words the first time you meet him.
Yuta isn't happy about it, but there's nothing he can do. As much as he hates the idea of his little sister having a crush on someone - especially his one of his best friends - he likes seeing you happy. And Inumaki makes you happy.
You seem to have a knack for decoding his language of ingredients, and he takes a small liking to you too, after a while.
Eventually you meet Megumi, curtesy of Gojo. The two of you are around the same age, and Gojo is shocked to find that you're able to get a smile out of the serious child.
Megumi may or may not have a small crush on you, not that he'd ever admit it.
Overall, Yuta wouldn't be a crazy, aggressive yandere as your older brother. He'd treat you very kindly, as if you were a princess. And he'd respect your decisions. Mostly.
He wouldn't become violent to any of his friends either, because they make you happy and he wants to preserve that.
He'll never admit it, but he feels extremely guilty for leaving you all alone for six years, so he'll do everything in his power to make it up to you, whether you blame him or not.
The only time he'd become violent is with strangers, people outside of his little group, and those that aim to hurt you.
And whenever he leaves for longer than two weeks, he tries to find a way to bring you with him. He vows to never be apart from you for too long ever again.
He'd be a mild yandere as your brother, unless of course someone threatens you.
Or worse, if someone approaches you romantically.
But he'd treat you with reverence, and he do absolutely everything in his power to make sure you're happy.
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maileylikesducks · 3 years
The Hashiras When They’re Drunk
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The hashiras when they’re drunk! They are all aged up so they’re all 21+
TW/CW: alcohol, mentions of violence and knives, suggestive content 
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SHINOBU KOCHO: The Clingy Drunk 
(picture credits to u/V3CTR4 on reddit)
- Shinobu doesn’t get drunk a lot, but when she does she turns into a giant sloth
- She’ll come home and just lay on you
- what are you going to do? move? no, you can’t move. Shinobu Law. 
- She’ll just want to hold you in some way 
- You’ll probably have to walk around with a Shinobu on your back until she either sobers up or you guys go to bed 
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- This boy has a very low alcohol tolerance- so when he goes out drinking he’ll always come back drunk 
- He’ll come home all smiley and laughing
- He’ll find literally anything funny, you could probably hand him a glass of water and he will laugh about it for at least 10 minutes
- And not the just little giggles, like the can’t breathe, crying, on the floor laughing
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IGURO OBANAI: The Sleepy Drunk
- Good luck just getting him out of the bar 
- You’re going to have to carry him the whole way home, but he isn’t that heavy so you’ll be fine (he’s canonically only 53kg)
- He’ll just be in and out of sleep the whole time
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KANROJI MITSURI: The Emotional Drunk 
(picture credits to @tatsuya_glenn on twitter)
- Like Muichrio, she has a very low alcohol tolerance 
- She’ll two drinks and she’ll be so drunk she’ll cry about e v e r y t h i n g
- And I mean everything. 
- Obanai will be on the table half asleep and she’ll start crying thinking he’s dead
- And then when Obanai “wakes up” she’ll get really fucking happy 
- So she’s not allowed to drink 
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(picture credits to 1c0n-wonderl4nd on devianart)
- Oh dear
- The only time you’ll really see Giyuu cry cry is when he’s drunk 
- He doesn’t drink very much, but when he does he always comes home ugly sobbing
- He’s usually sad about Sabito and his sister so that’s why he cries so much 
- He won’t remember any of it in the morning 
- His eyes will be so puffy from crying so much he’ll think he’s sick
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RENGOKU KYOJURO: The Forgetful Drunk 
(picture credits to @Falkunn on twitter)
- When he’s drunk he probably won’t be able to recognize you 
- You’ll be trying to get him home and he’ll be like “nO I’M WAITING FOR Y/N” 
- Then when you finally get him home he’ll be so confused 
- He won’t remember that he lives with his father and brother so when he sees Senjuro and Shinjuro he’ll think they’re mirrors and then get scared when they don’t move like him
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(picture credits to @thedzona on twitter)
- Oh dear
- You’re lucky if you get out of the bar without any accidents happening 
- He’ll try to fight everyone and break e v e r y t h i n g 
- You’ve had to pay for at least 3 tables at bars before because he breaks them
- He’ll also try to do the knife hand thing and any other dangerous thing he (uzui shows him) can think of 
- So Sanemi isn’t allowed to drink anymore 
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UZUI TENGEN: The Horny Drunk 
(picture credits to u/sorapie on reddit)
- Oh boy
- When Uzui gets drunk he just wants to touch every single part of you in a sexual way
- Uzui is a horndog normally, but oh my god when he’s drunk it’s so much worse
- He’ll come home and start rubbing up on you, kissing your neck, touch every part of you to start something 
- Of course when you say no he’ll respect that and stop, but he won’t let go
- If you say no to his advances he’ll just turn into a koala to you and his other wives
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HIMEJIMA GYOMEI: He Doesn’t Drink 
- Yeah that’s really it
- I can’t imagine him drinking
- He’d be more of the friend that would carry all his friends home
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The Next Generation
Just how gay are they?
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PROPERTY OF Q <3 - He and Q desperately need to bang. In TNG he made the prime directive into his own personal god complex, so he needs to get topped by an omnipotent being to get put in his place. Also every woman he dated deserved better.
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DOWN TO 'BONE - I don't think it's possible to be straight after wearing this outfit. And Riker is just overall so horny that I don't think he cares about gender. Him and Deanna are canonically polyamorous, so I think he'd make sure that other men were involved in some of their Jamaharon. Also I think Troi/Worf/Riker would've been a solid throuple.
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THEATRIC GAY - If he wasn't gay before he started performing Shakespeare and his cat poetry, he definitely was after. And his het relationships went very poorly; the only woman he slept with was a lesbian. Besides, him and Geordi are clearly and tenderly in LOVE.
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BLOOD BROTHER - Very strong evidence for bisexual. He has the tendency for the warriors bond, which is such a classic homoerotic theme. And I mean, he had a bisexual bob for YEARS. Plus - no straight person could ever be capable of marrying Jadzia.
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DATASEXUAL - Disaster gay. His romantic interactions with women are a stone cold atrocity. He was just trying not to think about his feelings for Data. The costume designer made that visor specifically so we couldn't see Geordi making eyes at his android boyfriend in every scene.
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DOCTOR FEMME - Her romantic history reeks of a woman who can't accept how gay she is yet. She only dates dudes if they are weird fucked up aliens. The way she just SHUT DOWN after Odan was transferred to a Trill woman, and the tension she had with that dyke doctor that fixed Worfs spine...babe that's internalized homophobia. And remember this leotard stretching scene?? Case closed.
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(using that same scene bc jesus christ)
STRETCHES BOTH WAYS - Like I said with Riker, she's definitely polyam. Her and Tasha were *this* close to kissing in the Naked Now. Plus with her mommy issues, she didn't have a chance of being straight. And that aforementioned leotard scene?? Her flowy dress uniform?? What a bisexual goddess.
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GAY SWEATER-CURIOUS - He absolutely had a crush on Geordi and Data at one point bc he didn't hang out with other kids. But then he went to the academy and started crushing on the other boys in Nova Squadron. And when he just up and left everything to go beyond space and time with some guy in a silver jumpsuit??? Queer with a capital Q. (And don't forget how he shared one of his gay little sweaters with a fellow cadet ;))
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LESBIONIC - An honorable mention, since she was there for such a short time. What a wonderful little lesbian, so sad we were only graced with her beautiful face for 1 season. She was the only one to pull off that early TNG jumpsuit, and that's gay.
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DIVINE ENTITY - She is God and therefore her being is beyond any mortal comprehension.
(But yeah she's kissed a lady).
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writersmilex · 3 years
Skittles : Head-canons
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- (some time ago, I saw a fanfic where Skittles is Hank's little brother. And i really like that concept)
- "Big brother!" A chipper voice is heard from the entrance of the place the team has taken re-fudge in. Everyone in the room perks up at the new voice. whoever it was, he knew somebody in this team.
- Hank groans in annoyance, he crushed whatever he had in his hands. Big Brother? Hank has a sibling? The sound of footsteps gets louds as the mystery visitor gets closer.
- Then a person arrives in the sort of living room. A guy with a very friendly attitude, wearing a light blue shirt wrapped in colourful ribbons. He smiles and waves, holding a teddy-bear in his other hand.
- this cheery guy walks up to Hank and fearlessly wraps his arms around him in a hug pinning Hank's arms to his sides, shocking everyone else. The colourful guy nuzzles into Hank. "I missed you!" he mumbles into Hank's chest.
- As expected, Hank roughly pushes the cheery guy away. Him stumbling back a falling to the floor. "Owie!" He cries.
- "Damn it Skittles, I left you at the bakery for a reason!" Hank sneers at Skittles. Skittles looks up at his older brother, a brief moment of surprise on his face before shifting back to a grin.
- Your nice enough to walking over to the cheery guy and help him off the ground. Skittles dusts himself off while you bend down to grab his teddy-bear and hand it back to him.
- "I'm not mad at you for forgetting me, it's okay though!" Skittles waves his hand dismissively. Then he turns to you.
- "My name is Skittles. What's yours?" He introduces himself with a big smile. "I'm (Y/n)." You reply. Skittles' grin doesn't falter, "nice to meet you."
- Hank grumbles something, it's to muffled by his mask to understand, "guys, this is Skittles; my... my younger brother." He gestures to his brother. Skittles turns to Hank and giggles. "You remember me!"
- Hank wanted nothing to do with his little brother, ignoring him and continuously pushing him away every time Skittles tried to get close to him.
- But that didn't stop Skittles from chasing his older brother around like a duckling. Big eyes of admiration while following Hank.
- "who the hell is this?" 2Bdamned says, gesturing to Skittles who got Hank in a tight hug yet again.
- "Apparently, it's Hank's brother." Sanford answers. Doc hums and taps his chin while thinking. Doc explains that as long as Skittles doesn't touch anything, he can stay. Hank disagreed, wishing his little brother get rid off right away.  
- Skittles meets Sanford and Deimos, and he seems to be surprised that Hank actually has friends, claiming that he always scared everyone away when the brothers were young. Hank got offended at that.
- Sanford tries to stay nice, but he finds Skittles a little annoying and doesn't understand how this guy can be so happy in Nevada. Deimos simply doesn't like Skittles, he wouldn't say why.
- 2Bdamned doesn't mind Hank's little brother, but finds him a bit annoying at times. Because even when told off, Skittle is still touching his stuff!
- You don't know who this Skittles person is. Al you can say right now is that you're greatly surprised but this guy's cheeriness. And you're willing to get to know him more.
- Hank is already attempting to abandon his little brother somewhere, hoping he'll actually gets killed this time. You try to stop him, you really don't understand why Hank has such a grudge on his family member.
- Hank wants nothing to do with his brother. Deimos, Sanford and 2Bdamned find Skittles annoying. So that means that Skittles gets dumped on you, he's your problem now.
- "Are you one of Hank's friends?" Skittles asks as he follows you everywhere you go. You explain to him that you're more or less Hank's ally. Skittles seems happy with that answer.
- Skittles told you that when the brothers were young and in school, everyone always wanted to be friends with Skittles and not with Hank. That made Skittles sad back then.
- Seeming that he has nowhere else to go, you made Skittles a place to sleep in your loft. Hank got mad at you for letting him stay. But you think that Skittles deserves a chance.
- Skittles is overjoyed with the sleeping spot you made for him. He hugged you tight as a thank you.
- The first night he spend in his new place was like a sleepover together. Skittles wouldn't shut up until he was to tired. He's a nice guy really, but you wish to go to bed by now.
- The next morning, Skittles was out before you. And for a moment you thought you had dreamed yesterday's situation completely. Until you hear screaming a few room ahead.
- Hank screaming at his brother, he had probably hoped that yesterday really was a dream. Apparently, skittles has attempted to make breakfast. But the thing is that Skittles can't cook and almost burned the kitchen down.
- Once you showed yourself to the rest of the team, Skittles got dumped on you again. You have to entertain him for the rest of the time he remains here.
- Even for you, Skittles' cheery and overall happy nature weirds you out as well. You've gotten so used to the violence and bad things by now. You haven't experienced someone so nice and soft in a long time. However, you're the first to warm up to Skittles and he views you has his best friend.
- And as his best friend, he takes you around to meet all his other friends. That's when you realized that most of his friendships are one-sided. You discovered that when you and Skittles visit the Sheriff, the Sheriff greeted the two of you with open firearms. You had to pull Skittles away to safe him from being shot.
- With all this unwanted friendships that Skittles makes, you wonder if how Skittles doesn't feel lonely. Or perhaps he does and hides those feelings from the public. As far as you can tell, Skittles has grown on you and you don't wish any harm on him. If Hank doesn't want to protect his younger brother, you will.
- You give Skittles so much attention to the point where he doesn't leave you alone. Which every body seems to be fine with, for Skittles doesn't annoy everybody else.
- Skittles does have an influence on you too. You've grown softer, and found a new hope is the cheeriness that he brough to your life. It didn't take you long to grow feelings for the cheery man.
- Skittles wants to stay with you. As you seem to be the only other person in the world that returns his kindness. For him, home is not a place. But a person, you in fact!
- by this time Skittles has started to open up to you about his feelings. It's surprising to realize that such a happy guy as him, holds so much sadness. He has told you that once the improbability drive shifted Nevada. Skittles has felt like a defect, and nobody else wanted to be friends with him. Many have tried to kill him. He felt alone in an insane world. He has spend his days wondering Nevada aimlessly until he discovered his older brother is still around, and set his goal to reunite with his family member again.
- The sadness on Skittles' face wasn't right. His tear filled eyes that caused you pain in your heart. You didn't think twice when you wrap your arms around him in a warm and comforting embrace. You can feel Skittles hug you back tightly, his face pressed into the crook of your shoulder as he weeps. Tears of happiness however, because his friendship with you feels real.
- Since Skittles is an obvious pacifist, you have taken it upon yourself to protect him from any danger. While he is happily chasing butterflies, you fight off the zeds that were nearby. However he isn't in danger all the time. Skittles can easily charm and disarm most enemies with friendly gestures, unfortunately Skittles' charm doesn't work on everybody...  
- Your friendship with Skittles is as strong as ever. He loves to be close to you, usually with his arm hooked around yours clinging tightly.
- It is around this time, Skittles is aware that you like him enough to stay friends. That's the time when he has fallen in love with you. One of the few people that actually like him, and want to be with him. He wants to be with you!
- The rest of your team rarely see you, as you spend most of your free time with Skittles. And if they see you, Skittles is there right with you clinging on your arm.
- When Skittles became aware of his love for you, he got more dorky around you. Blushing madly when you're being nice to him, oddly tapping his index fingers together sheepishly.
- Hank got really suspicious when you spend more time with his little brother, rather than the rest of the team. Not that he's complaining, he doesn't have to deal with his annoying brother.
- Skittles has been even more affectionate towards you than ever before. always has a hand on you, rather hanging on your arm like he usually does. If he wants your attention, he will grab your hand without second thought.
- He gives you a lot more gifts than any other person, candy and toys galore. He loves seeing you happy, it's almost what he lives for.
- When the moment when you confessed your love to him, is when Skittles got injured while on a mission with you. Skittles tried to charm an enemy, but instead got his in the arm with the blunt weapon that the enemy held. Effectively breaking his arm.
- Skittles cried in pain, catching your attention and you murdered the enemy in a heartbeat. No body hurts your friend. You got rid of all the enemies in the area before tending to your friend. Poor Skittles was hiccupping and sobbing while holding his injured arm.  
- You try your best to calm him down, wiping away his flowing tears. Helping him up and take him back to base. You hated seeing Skittles so sad and in a attempt to comfort him, you confess your love to him. That got his crying to cease into small sobs. A quivering smile makes it's way up his face as he returns your feelings. "I really love you (Y/n). You're my best friend!" He says.
- At base, Dr Skinner put Skittles' arm in a cast so it can heal properly. Skittles was really upset the whole time, but Skinner got his spirits up after offering a candy-bar for being a good patient.
- Later that evening, you spend that evening cuddling with Skittles. Being mindful of his injury, he lays on your chest almost falling asleep.
- Skittles nuzzles into you as close as he can. You hold him close, rubbing the short fluffy hair that sticks out from between the colourful ribbons tied around his head. At last, your precious beloved is safe in your arms. And Skittles has found a place to feel at home and accepted, he feel like he's the happiest man alive. _________________________________ Oh dear, oh dear... Precious baby >.< Thanks for reading. - Smilex
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coquelicoq · 3 years
i'm going through your yunmeng bros tag (which is, may i say, IMPECCABLE) and it's amazing because i just recently read a fic that got me thinking about how much i love the platonic version of mutual pining (ESPECIALLY SIBLINGS) and that flavour of yunmeng bros is just.... *chef's kiss*. and you, YOU GET IT
like come ON, watch them gaze at each other across the courtyard and tell me it doesn't scream "mutual pining" to you! i just want more of this at every opportunity (including a version where they both know that the other one wants to be family but they're holding back for Reasons)!
i know you only mentioned mutual pining, but now you've got me thinking about how i want fraternal versions of every single romance trope for these guys. consider:
forced reveals
nonconsensual honesty is always great for any sort of mutual pining situation, especially one so rife with miscommunication, but it hits extra hard for these two because of the reciprocity yet unevenness of the whole canon golden-core-swapping thing, in which they both made a similar sacrifice but only one of those sacrifices is still a secret. but it doesn't even have to be about that particular secret, because they're also both too insecure to recognize how important they are to the other person, so there's lots of room for a more standard reveal of that nature. some examples:
animal transformation: have one of them transform into an animal unbeknownst to the other so we can get that classic "oh no he's missing and i'm worried about him, i guess i'll tell this random small cuddly animal my deepest darkest secrets about how much i love and care about my missing brother" shtick going.
hanahaki: speaks for itself. i am not the only person thinking about fraternal hanahaki.
in vino veritas: the great thing about this one is always 1) plausible deniability on the part of either the person who reveals something or the one to whom it is revealed (e.g., jiang cheng getting drunk and crying to wei wuxian about how much he wants him to come home, and wei wuxian telling himself he probably didn't mean it or thought he was someone else), and 2) the possibility of either the revealer or the revealee forgetting all about it in the morning. this is especially juicy for these two in particular because wei wuxian's alcohol tolerance may have changed in the second life without either of them being aware of it. so imagine jiang cheng pouring his heart out and expecting wei wuxian to remember in the morning because he didn't drink THAT much, and then the next day wei wuxian acts like nothing has changed. yowch!!
honesty curse: i'm obsessed with wangxian honesty curse fics but where are the yunmeng bro honesty curse fics?? jiang cheng in particular has a HUGE SECRET he doesn't want wei wuxian to know!
contrived schemes
also known as "excuses for them to work as a team, which is good because that's secretly all they want to do," to which you can add "but they both think the other one is doing it for purely practical reasons and that makes them sad" if you want some angst. very versatile category which includes:
arranged fratrimony: they have to become sworn brothers, for ~Politics~
(arranged fratrimony + jealousy: this isn't really about them working together, but i would be remiss if i didn't mention this arranged fratrimony variation.)
fake hating: the mock duel in canon!
fake relationship escalation: they keep one-upping each other in their fake relationship, but instead of getting engaged, it's jiang cheng making wei wuxian his heir :D
heirage of convenience: i just came up with this pun. please clap. and please see here for more on the heirage of convenience concept.
undercover as brothers: imbo (in my biased opinion) this is the best way for undercover brothers to happen.
a mainstay for obvious reasons. bonus points if they're each trying to rescue the other one at the same time and getting in each other's way, or they've gotten kidnapped together and they're each trying to persuade the kidnapper to let the other one go. for best results, combine with:
emergency contact: maybe wei wuxian gets injured on a night hunt and the villagers search him for flares to call for help and the only ones he's carrying are yunmeng jiang flares (probably jin ling gave them to him). maybe jiang cheng has set up the wards around lotus pier to specifically notify wei wuxian if anything happens to them. (there's also the possibility that wei wuxian's old core can still communicate with him somehow, maybe through suibian, but that's not really equivalent to the emergency contact trope because it's not a manifestation of jiang cheng's trust in wei wuxian (kind of the opposite, lol). it's still very good though.)
protectiveness: jiang cheng protecting wei wuxian from dogs, obviously, but also remember at the second siege of the burial mounds when jiang cheng loses his spiritual energy and wei wuxian is immediately standing in front of him blocking a sword from hitting him? yeah. more of that please.
the great thing about hurt/comfort for these guys is that whenever wei wuxian gets hurt, jiang cheng can always feel indirectly responsible for it because he's the reason wei wuxian is no longer indestructible. add in some wound-tending for that special vulnerability/intimacy touch and the "gruff scary man has a soft side" element. or, you know, think about how not wanting jiang cheng to be hurt was the motivation behind one of wei wuxian's most drastic decisions. or try:
amnesia: one of them gets in an accident and wakes up thinking it's pre-sunshot times when everything was hunky dory. the other one goes along with it but it's just tearing them up the whole time because obviously it's all going to end when they get their memory back. bonus points if the one who retains their memories feels responsible for the accident in some way.
bodyswap: i'm putting this in this category solely for the golden core drama. jiang cheng losing a core again and panicking about it, then remembering this is how wei wuxian feels all the time and hating himself. getting up close and personal with the actual capabilities and limits of his brother's body without any of wei wuxian's smokescreens obscuring everything, and then using this opportunity to take care of wei wuxian's body as long as he has it - healing and pampering and training and just generally being tender in a way he can't allow himself to be directly to wei wuxian because of his fear of rejection. plus wei wuxian's strategy of "just don't think about it (tm)" not working very well when he can feel his old core spinning away inside him again.
sickfic: yes i've seen a million yunmeng bro sickfics and yes i still want more. what about it.
waking up in the hospital: this exact thing but yunmeng bros. it's so them, i assume i don't even have to explain it.
physical intimacy
bed sharing: i've already given this some thought and here's how i think there was only one bed would go down. please also see here for the lead-up to them both sleeping on the floor.
cuddle for warmth: a great way for jiang cheng to feel guilty (because wei wuxian never used to get cold) and for wei wuxian to assume he's only doing it because he feels guilty, all wrapped up in the confusing nostalgia of being close in a way that was once unremarkable to them and is now fraught with obligation and perceived rejection.
hair brushing: idk man, they run into each other on a nighthunt, wei wuxian gets guts in his hair, jiang cheng drags him back to an inn to wash them out and then he braids his hair the way yanli did when they were kids or something.
hug pollen: wei wuxian will literally die unless he gets a hug, but he wouldn't want to force that on someone who hates him. meanwhile jiang cheng would love an excuse to hug his brother without having to be emotionally vulnerable first. eventually he finds out what's going on and is super hurt that wei wuxian would rather die than hug him :((
Do It For Them (the nephews)
baby trapping: i hate baby trapping in a romantic context, but in the yunmeng bro context suddenly i'm all about it.
fake dating but brothers: this isn't exactly "pretend to be brothers even though you're not" but more "pretend to be brothers who get along," probably because jin ling's therapist took his two remaining uncles aside like "listen. it would be really good for him if you guys could model a healthy, loving familial relationship," and they were like, "so, put on a happy face and pretend we're normal brothers with no baggage. got it."
kidfic: literally just one of them getting a kid and the other one being the kid's uncle. i've seen so many takes on this already but i can never get enough.
uncle trapping: jin ling and sizhui go to summer camp together and discover they're cousins. the swapping doesn't actually happen because they don't look anything alike, but at least they get jiang cheng and wei wuxian to run into each other in the parking lot.
never moved on
jiang cheng never getting dogs and preserving wei wuxian's old room is like a widower always sleeping on the same side of the bed and keeping their spouse's clothes hanging up in the closet and jiang cheng disbanding the first disciple position so he doesn't have to give someone else wei wuxian's title is like a widower never getting remarried and wei wuxian finding out that he's still listed as a member of yunmeng jiang is like in sweet home alabama when reese witherspoon finds out her ex-husband never filed the divorce papers!!
as you can see the possibilities are endless! the sky is the limit, the world is our oyster, and we are manifesting fraternal tropes out the wazoo tonight. thank you for joining me in this journey.
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