#every time I put on something anime like or subtly cosplay I go to him to give him a fashion show
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broken-freedom · 1 year ago
Being a working adult has its perks. While I suffer from a shitty boss on a daily basis, I get to buy all the shit I want!!
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jasthelazyelf · 4 years ago
All the Obey me! boys discovering MC has kosmemophobia
Turns out I really have to write overly specific scenarios myself, so here I am. This was my first time writing headcanons, it’s more difficult than it looks like, but I managed! It also turned out way longer than I thought it’d be.
Kosmemophobia: a “fear” of jewelry. People with kosmemophobia will either not wear any jewelry at all, or may be comfortable with wearing non-metallic jewelry. Touching or being touched by jewelry makes these people feel somehow dirty (even though we know majority of jewelry is sanitized), uncomfortable, and will make people want to wash that part of their body it touched. People (dare I say mostly afab) usually notice it early on in their childhood. It is not known what makes people kosmemophobic atm, considering people have it since early childhood.
If you have further questions about it, feel welcome to ask. :)
Total word count: 4800-ish 
Gender of MC is not mentioned
Slight season 2 spoiler alert in Simeon’s part
Warning for verbally abusive parents in Belphie’s part
You have been warned.
He wanted to make the shopping trip enjoyable for the both of you, but especially for you
 He just wanted to take you on a date somewhere where his brothers wouldn’t constantly interfere, even if it was only for a few hours
You two were just window shopping at the mall when Lucifer decided to take you into one of the stores
 It was a store with magical items, from stones to a number of different trinkets, including jewelry
Somehow this was the part he was most interested in in the whole shop
Watching him look over it, especially necklaces made you feel uncomfortable and you had a feeling you knew where this was going
With what little hope you had, you subtly tried to nudge him away, but he wouldn’t budge
He finally took one of the necklaces out of the display and turned towards you
"What do you think? Wouldn’t it suit you?“
en he saw your eyes widen and you taking a step back, a shiver running down your spine, he was taken aback. Did he do something?
"Is something wrong? You don’t like it? It’s fine to just say so.“
 Oh well, you would have to tell him one day, right?
"N-no, that’s not exactly it, it’s just that just the thought of wearing jewelry or even touching it is making me uncomfortable. I know it’s weird, but please don’t make me do this…“
Well this he did not expect at all. He put the necklace back and putting one hand around you, he turned you around and moved to a part of the shop with crystals and rocks of all different colours instead
 "I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. Let’s look over something else.“
You smiled at him and nodded. You had him curious about this fear of yours, he might have asked later on to give you more details on it.
Whether you are comfortable with sharing information about this with him or not, he respects your fear and does his best not to make you uncomfortable in the future
-          Chaotic snuggle boy was all about protecting you and also hugging you, especially when in private where none of his brothers could see
-          It dawned on him pretty quickly that something about you was strange when you sometimes flinched every time he touched your skin
-          It wasn’t every time, and he just couldn’t understand the pattern
-          One day he had had enough, he just couldn’t wrap his head around it, it was driving him absolutely crazy
-          He finally mustered enough courage to ask you
-          "Oi, human, what is it with ya flinchin‘ when I touch ya?“
-          Damn… he noticed after all. You were trying to hide your phobia as much as you could, but you couldn’t help yourself. Well, better come up with the truth now
-          "Hah, w-well it’s not you, I swear. It’s gonna sound weird, but it’s your rings. The feel of them on my skin feels… uncomfortable.“
-          You tried to explain the feeling as best as you could, mostly how touching jewelry just makes you… want to wash your hands and the feeling appears also on other parts on your body
-          First he blinked in surprise, but listened to your explanation
-          Suddenly it all made sense. He only wore his rings on his right hand. You only flinched when he touched your skin with his right hand. How could he not notice this detail sooner?
-          Well, now he knows. He asks you if you’d rather he didn’t wear them near you.
-          If you say you’re going to hopefully get used to it over time, he will keep wearing them, but sometimes takes them off on his own
-          If you state that you’d rather not have to touch them, he will keep in mind to take them off before going for snuggles
-          Doesn’t really think much about it afterwards, he just takes it as a fact
-          Your birthday was getting closer and Leviathan wanted to get you a gift, but didn’t have many ideas
-          So he decided to invite you over to his room to watch some anime and play games, so that he could subtly take the conversation where he wanted and get an idea of what you might be interested in
-          When watching anime, he saw that you really liked the main character
-          Well what a coincidence! He totally imagined you cosplaying the main character and him cosplaying the character’s best friend. Duo cosplays are always the best!
-          "Oh! I once saw a set of their pendants and bracelets as a set on Akuzon! Wouldn’t it be a nice beginning of another cosplay?“
-          Your face completely changed its expression and you tensed when he mentioned it
-          This, of course, didn’t go unnoticed. Was he wrong all along? Did he assume wrongly that you liked the character? Do you actually not like the character at all?
-          Panic intensifies
-          "Oh no, I am sorry, if you don’t like the character, maybe we can cosplay another duo? Forget I said anything about it-“
-          "Levi… calm down, it’s not that I don’t like the character. It’s just the jewelry I am uncomfortable with.“
-          Oh
-          OH
-          Just like- nevermind, even though he probably watched the majority of anime in existence, he couldn’t remember a character who’s trait this would be
-          You tell him it’s okay, it’s a very rare phobia and not even that known
-          May ask a few questions about it and if there is a loophole for it
-          Either way, the idea of getting you jewelry gets thrown out of the window
-          For you birthday, he gets you and him matching hoodies
-          They‘re so soft
-          That day, Satan invited you on a date to his favourite bookstore
-          You were totally up for it, who knows, maybe you’d find something really interesting
-          Or something that is SO stupid that you just wouldn’t be able to not get it (Yes, I have one such book, I love/hate it so much)
-          He decided to také you to a bookstore you haven’t been to yet. Yay, more adventure! New store layout! So many possibilities!
-          You were browsing through bookshelves, Satan sometimes told about a few books he has in his own room that this bookstore also had
-          Suddenly he spotted someone and got rather excited
-          It turns out it was one of his aquintances and he wanted to introduce them to you. It was an elegant demon, by the looks of it quite rich
-          You were soon told they were one of the best selling authors of the Devildom, with a rather original, but easy to read writing style, which was probably how they got so famous
-          They wanted to shake your hand as a sign of politeness
-          When you saw the massive rings and bracelets on their hand, you gulped and widened your eyes
-          You didn’t want to be impolite, though, so you decided to shake their hand anyway
-          You couldn’t get the feeling of metal out of your hand and you wanted to go to the restroom to wash your hands real quick
-          Satan noticed you were getting tense as you tried to subtly rub your hand with your other hand and ended the conversation smoothly and took you aside
-          "Is there something wrong? Did they hurt you? You can ask for an apology if they did.“
-          You had to smile at this assumption. It warmed your heart to know Satan cared about you
-          "No, it’s just… have you seen all that jewelry? I am not saying they shouldn’t wear it, it’s their choice, but for me that was a living nightmare.“
-          Well he was glad they didn’t hurt you in any way. He was a bit surprised by your explanation and truth be told, he got very curious
-          After you quickly wash your your hands in the nearby restroom, he wants to know more about your phobia.
-          How long do you have it? How much does it affect your life? How did you find the right term? Do you personally know other people with this condition?
-          And so many more. Feel free to tell him there have already been too many questions answered and that you could continue another day in this interview. He’s already thrilled.
-          You both planned the perfect spa day together
-          After all, who’d know more how to make you completely relaxed, if not Asmo?
-          You end up having lots of fun and you feel SO GOOD and relaxed after you’re all done
-          You hair has never been so very well taken care of, no matter you lenght or type, he probably gives you some useful advice you’ve never heard of yourself, bt it seems to be working, so why not?
-          And your skin is finally properly moisturized
-          All right, what now? Asmo doesn’t want this moment to end yet, he loves hanging out with you and you still had time
-          You end up visiting Majolish and trying on different clothes, even if it’s just for fun. Asmo loves picking out clothes for you and he really does have a good eye for what would suit you
-          You ended up putting on your 20th outfit. Asmo looked at you and thought for a bit. Something was missing.
-          Yes, sure, the outfit was nice and all, but it was missing something… but what?
-          He suddenly got an idea. He ran off for a bit and soon returned with something in his hands
-          When he got cloce to you again, you realized it was a set of small thin elegant bracelet and a metallic necklace to go with it
-          Your blood froze and you started to back away slowly, putting your arms up in defense and shaking your head
-          "What’s wrong? Do you think it’s too much? Maybe even too little?“
-          Before he could run off again for something different that could be to your taste, you quickly stopped him before he could do so
-          "No, wait, the jewelry… is pretty and you’re right it would go well with this outfit. But I am not willing to wear any jewelry. At all. It’s a very rare phobia and I can’t do much with it.“
-          You were surprised this hasn’t come up sooner, but oh well, it happened now
-          Asmo looked a bit disappointed at first, but upon hearing it’s a phobia, his expression softened and he gave you a little smile
-          "O-oh! All right, back this goes, then! The outfit looks good even without it, I just thought it would be a nice touch, that’s all!“
-          You smiled and nodded in acknowledgment
-          He would definitely question you later if it bothered you on others as well and how much. He’ll make a note to himself to wear as little jewelry as possible when spending time with you, depending what you’re comfortable with
-          You were just meeting everyone in the human world for the first time
-          You were so excited, you had no idea you would ring the bell and Asmo would open the door
-          Everyone started greeting their favourite human like they haven’t seen you in years, when it’s probably been just a few weeks at most
-          These babies
-          Beel wasn’t home at the time, so you decided to surprise him and wanted to make his favourite human world food
-          Luckily, they already had enough ingrediants in the kitchen, so you didn’t have to go shopping as the first thing you’d do
-          Just as you finished, Beel came home. He got very excited to see you again
-          He took off his jacket and- oh no
-          He wanted to hug you, as was his habit even when in the Devildom, but upon seeing that heavy necklace, you had to move up your hands in defence
-          He got confused. Did he sweat too much and stinks now? Did you not like him anymore for whatever reason?
-          The biggest baby made confused puppy eyes, he just wanted to greet you
-          „Ah, I am sorry, could you please take the necklace off? Jewelry and especially jewelry like that makes me uncomfortable when I touch it.“
-          He sighed in relief. You didn’t hate him after all.
-          He quickly ran off, presumably to his room and came back in a minute, now without the chain necklace
-          You smiled happily and opened your arms, an invitation for him to hug and greet you
-          And he sure did!
-          He was just happy he could hug you again without you feeling uneasy about the situation
-          Doesn’t really ask anything else, just in case you’re not okay with talking about it, but he keeps that fact in mind and is now rarely seen with the chain on
-          You were once more taking a nap together. It became a pleasurable habit of yours to join Belphie. After all, you didn’t have to do anything and got some sweet sweet cuddles. What could be better?
-          Well, you finally managed to fall asleep
-          And Belphie got curious about your dreams, so he decided to visit your dream for once.
-          He was really there just to observe, he didn’t want to interfere with anything
-          He wondered what you’d dream about
-          Was it something really sweet? Would you go on an adventure to find the root of youth? Would you be enjoying a swim in a pool? Maybe you’d meet your friends from the human world
-          The posibilities were endless
-          What he didn’t count with, though, was the possibility of you having a nightmare
-          You seemed to be having a fight with two older humans. Maybe they were your parents?
-          You tried to persuade them not to make you wear the massive necklace the woman was holding
-          They had absolutely none of it
-          "Please, just don’t make me wear it. It’s not like it’s mandatory, nothing will really happen if I don’t put it on!“
-          „Nonsense! You need to! We chose this for you before you were even born, how dare you not want to wear it!“
-          "This youth, I swear, what is it that you want?! That it’s not made of silver?! OF GOLD?! Huh? Is that it? Are you really that spoiled?!“
-          "You don’t understand, I wouldn’t wear it even if it was made of the rarest metal ever! Why is it so difficult to understand it!“
-          Belphie was taken aback. He had no idea you were dealing with a struggle like that. When he thought about it, he realized you never wore any jewelry to anything, you always kept it simple with fabric patterns
-          He wondered if this dream was inspired by real life events
-          Why couldn’t some humans understand the boundaries of others was a hard thing for him to grasp
-          He decided to leave the dream and wake up for a bit. He felt you shivering and when he raised his head, he saw a pair of tears running down your cheeks
-          He hugged you tighter and fell asleep again, joining you in your dream
-          You were now alone, angry and upset at your parents
-          He came up to you and started to calm you down. You appreciated it. He couldn’t deny his curiousity and asked about the situation
-          Truns out talking about it helped you calm down more than anything and he spent the rest of the dream with you
-          Diavolo invited you over to hang out
-          He normally doesn’t have much time off, but since he took a liking to you, he managed to persuade Barbatos to give him more free time to be with you
-          Or he just straight up slacks from his work, he doesn’t really care
-          After sitting in the garden for a while and just catching up with each other, you suggested making anouther castle tour
-          Seriously, the castle is huge, you couldn’t fully enjoy it in a day or two, it took a while
-          He hapilly obliged, he knew the whole castle like the back of his hand
-          And there were so many stories connected to different parts of the castle
-          You loved listening to these stories, it was almost like a proffesional castle tour
-          Private, and for free and told by the actual owner
-          By now you at least vaguely remembered some of the more important royals except for Dia, Barbatos and the brothers. Maybe not in detail, but you can at least say you’ve already heard the name before
-          Today he decided to show you the treasury. You were curious what you’d see and if it also held some interesting stories to be told
-          Once the guards let you inside, you found yourself in a huge room with display boxes. Some of them were open
-          Inside the boxes was… jewelry. All different kinds, sizes and colours. You started to look over them
-          You admired the pieces for the fine craftmanship, you really did. Some of them were beautiful and breathtaking
-          Dia saw your awe and wanted you to experience as much as you can
-          "If you want, you can try some of them on, it’s okay.“ He beamed happily
-          You had to laugh a little. You got a bit nervous, but decided to calmly deny his proposition
-          "Don’t get me wrong, there are some beautiful pieces. The composition of some looks really nice! Some look so mild, yet they still say royalty. It’s almost as if it were engraved on them. But I am happy to just admire from aback, wearing jewelry makes my skin crawl. It’s something I’ve been dealing with my whole life.“
-          He nods
-          "That’s perfectly fine, too. I wouldn’t want to make you upset.“
-          He wonders if it is perhaps a common human thing and when you explain it’s extremely rare, he gets excited because he gets to experience something through you that is not common.
-          The rarity of this phobia makes him curious, so he may have some questions, but not as many as Satan
-          He needed it. He wouldn’t have ever admitted it, but he got slightly clumsier that day, which didn’t go without Diavolo noticing
-          He protested at first, but had to accept his fate anyway, because Diavolo insisted he take the day off
-          You wanted to spend the day in the mall and visit different shops to observe the differences between the Devildom and the Human world
-          You were supposed to write an essay about differences between these two worlds for the Human studies 101 subject
-          Why you had to take THAT class was completely unknown to you, but you attended anyway. I mean come on, those were some easy grades for you, since you were brought up there
-          And so Barbatos joined you on your adventure through the mall
-          Although there were some differences, most of the shops were similar to what you knew
-          Restaurants, cafés, boutiques, wine bars, adult toys stores, book stores, you name it
-          What you didn’t have in the human world was obviously magic tool stores, potion stores and potion igredients stores
-          Barbatos seemed to really enjoy talking about some of the peculiar potions that caught your eye, be it for their vibrant colours or the fact that some seemes to have sparkles in them
-          At last, you managed to come by goldsmith’s. When you saw this shop, you acted like you didn’t and went on your way to a tea house Barbatos suggested visiting after your tour
-          This surprised barbatos, since you spent some time at least writing the name of the shop down to make a note of it, but you weren’t even acknowledging the existence of this one store in particular
-          Once you both got yor tea in the tea house, he couldn’t help but ask why you just did that
-          "Oh, me and jewelry are old enemies. I don’t like wearing or even touching it, I just always want to wash my hands afterwards. I guess it’s sort of like your relationship with rats.“
-          When you mentioned rats, a shiver ran down his spine and immediately understood what you meant. He just took it as a part of you, the person he adored so much and didn’t qestion it any longer
-          He just suggested if you ever needed to vent, he’d be there for you
-          You two made plans to bond together in his room in Purgatory Hall after school to let off some steam and vent to each other like human to human
-          This became a semi weekly tradition for you two, you both enjoyed it and you were glad you could relate to another human being
-          You were also staying for dinner that day, luckily for everyone, it was Simeon’s turn to cook
-          Don’t think he didn’t try to swap with him just so he could "impress“ you, though, he totally did
-          You were glad Simeon didn’t budge
-          After eating your meal, you both just flopped onto the couch and just decided to relax a bit
-          In silence
-          He enjoyed these silent moments, the joy of doing nothing together
-          You two soon drifted off to sleep on the couch, so when Simeon was about to tell you it was time to get you back to the House of Lamentation, and found you two asleep next to each other like that, he let Lucifer know you’d be staying the night with them
-          When you woke up and checked your D.D.D. you  almost jumped out of your skin, but then saw the message from Lucifer knowing about your situation through Simeon
-          You decided to scroll through social media, while Solomon was still sleeping
-          He soon woke up when he heard you looking through memes and trying not to laugh. You were failing miserably, though
-          Oh well, what’s done is done, now he is watching you scroll and when you find something funny, you both laugh, but not too loud, to not wake up Luke. It was around 11PM after all
-          Whenever you scrolled past an ad that was advertising jewelry, Solomon noticed you were furrowing your brows every time you found one
-          What’s more, you even hid the ads, hoping you wouldn’t get another one, but they just kept coming
-          You groaned
-          "Do they really bother you that much?“ Solomon asked sleepily
-          "I normally don’t bat an eye when I see an ad, but I do not and have never worn any jewelry, since I have kosmemophobia and touching or wearing it makes me uncomfortable. But even if I keep hiding these, they just keep popping up like they want to change my mind about it. I would much rather have ads for overprized pencil sharpeners.“
-          Well that was something he didn’t know about you. And he couldn’t even say he knew people that had the same problem as you, since he either didn’t notice it or he really just never met anyone like that
-          He asked a few questions about it, since he didn’t know anything about this phobia, and was glad he could learn something new. Even better that it was about you
-          You decided to have picnic in a park
-          Not the most private setting but it’d do
-          You were just chatting about your lives, you mostly telling stories from the House of Lamentation, him mostly talking about his ideas for a new story
-          You were his huge inspiration and sometimes he straight up wrote down one of your stories. He assured you he would mention you as a co-author if he ever decided to publish those
-          It was getting rather late, so you packed up, carefully put all the plates and bowls back into the big basket and folded the blanket you’ve been sitting on the whole day
-          When heading back to the Purgatory Hall, he mostly talked about Luke’s different pastries. Just the description made you hyped up and you wondered if he was making something at that moment
-          You know he did. When you got back, your nose was hit with the lovely smell of cinnamon and apples and you couldn’t wait to try whatever he made
-          You had to put the things on their places first, though
-          Simeon asked you to put the basket to its place and you agreed. What you forgot though, was that its place was in a cupboard… too high for you to reach
-          Lucky for you, you knew a few spells and levitation was one of the first ones you purposely learned
-          Once Simeon saw you looking at the cupboard, he wanted to suggest you to take the folding stairs to help you, but you declined
-          "I want to do this alone, I know I can do it.“
-          He smiled and nodded, he knew he couldn’t change your mind
-          First you managed to open the doors and then you carefully levitated the basket to its place. While you were directing it where to go, your mind momentarily lost its concentration at the basket as you stared intensely at the Ring of Light on you hand
-          The name described it perfectly. It was literally a small band made out of pure light hugging one of your fingers. It was othwerwise incorporeal and only visibly showed when you used your magic
-          It took you a second to regain your concentration and you finally put it to its place
-          However, Simeon definitely noticed your momentary loss of composure there
-          "What made your mind wander off so suddenly?“ he asked, genuinly curious
-          "Oh it’s just… I am still not used to seeing the ring on my finger. It’s so weird, it doesn’t feel like anything, it just shines and what’s most surprising, I don’t feel like washing my hands constantly. It’s what would happen with normal jewelry. I am just not used to it, it’ll probably take some time.“
-          Huh! Okay then! He was just glad it wasn’t something you couldn’t handle
-          In all his long life he never met anyone who would openly speak about being disturbed by jewelry, so this was new experience to him
-          Will have questions, but reassures you you don’t have to answer any questions that might make you too uncomfortable
-          You two were assigned to find some rare herb that was supposed to be growing in the field
-          Fortunately it wasn’t far from Purgatory Hall so even if you somehow got lost, there was a high chance of actually finding your way back
-          While you were at it, you took it as the perfect time to bond with the young angel
-          So while you were searching, you both started weaving flower crowns
-          It was a fun activity and you even got to tell each other stories
-          You were reminiscing about the time you learned how to weave flower crowns and Luke was telling you things about the Celestial Realm and Michael
-          Once you were both finished, you put on each other’s flower crown and continued looking for the herb
-          Somehow it didn’t take too long for the two of you to find it
-          When you were picking it up, you flower crown fell from your head, but you managed to catch it… and not break it
-          Luke almost shrieked, but sighed in relief that nothing happened to it
-          "I have an idea, what if I transform these to not wilt! You know, like real crowns!“
-          With the mention of that, you just had to ask this question
-          "What would they then be out of, though? Metal? Plastic?“
-          He didn’t understand the intention of your question, so he straight up asked what you meant by that question
-          "Ah, excuse me, I’ll explain. I am kosmemophobic and especially metal jewelry makes me uncomfortable. I they were ot of plastic, though, I wouldn’t mind.“
-          Oh, well that explains it. He reassured you they would feel like out of resin, so you didn’t have to worry at all
-          Now you both have matching flower crowns and you can always remember Luke when you look at it
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sorenvaxana · 5 years ago
FHS Headcanons
have fun reading
-Freddy wants to grow his hair out, for absolutely no reason at all. He just wants to have rlly long hair and occasionally wears it in other styles other than a simple ponytail. He's probably asked Chica to put his hair in a braid before and it ended up being a rlly stiff and small braid cause his hair isn't that long for one yet
-Since Puppet kissed Mai on the cheek in Canción Marionette, I hc that in Puppet and Mai's family, they share a lot of various kisses w/ meanings of their own(platonically ofc) A kiss on the cheek means comfort, a kiss on the forehead means forgiveness/sorry, and a kiss on the temple means goodnight. (I like to think that Freddy would be feeling upset one day so Puppet kisses him on the cheek and Freddy is like WHAHHNDSNK,MGGATGAYGAY I'M GSY)
-So I wasn't planning on putting my design hcs here, but pleas let's all appreciate Joy w/ a split tooth for at least 5 seconds it's literally my aesthetic
-Felix has probably only watched 1 or 2 animes when he was younger, yet he's still somehow Spiritually seen every anime in existence. Abby will go to him crying over how her favorite died, by dramatically saying, at first; "FELIX!! FELIX IT'S HORRIBLE. FELIX OH MY GOD" and Felix will just be like "Oh you're at that part where [name] died aren't you" and it confuses the everloving fuck out of Abby
-Speaking of anime and Abby, imagine Bonnie and Abby being friends and bonding over anime!! And then Fox joins them later on. At first he kept saying anime was stupid or something until Bonnie let it slip that the new season of an anime was coming out in a few weeks and Fox immediately goes WHAT so he gets invited to watch anime w/ Abby and Bonnie and now they're. all friends who bond over anime. They probably cosplay occasionally too and make shitty joke tik toks
-Speaking of Bonnie being friends w/ Abby, I like to think that Bonnie can easily befriend literally any girl. The only ones he's not that close w/ are Meg, Toddy and Maggie but he still somehow manages to be on good terms w/ them. He also likes to have!! Sleepovers w/ the girls and he owns like 20 friendship bracelets and has his nails painted 24/7 
-Okay so I'm basically just projecting but: What if Bonnie had autism. Whereas he has some social anxiety, and generally just sticks to his current friends. Takes a lot of jokes too seriously sometimes(still has a sense of humor he just starts getting worried cause he can't tell if someone was being for real abt a particularly harsh joke they made) 
Rocks back and forth 24/7 and swings his arms back and forth when standing, occasionally clapping his hands in front of him and behind him when he does that.(if you don't know what I mean I'll try and draw what it looks like) Generally rlly silent w/ a group of people all having a conversation. Used to have a lot of trouble holding eye contact but when he realized he did that he started making a lot more eye contact than he needed to. Sticks to a specific schedule and starts getting worried if something prevents him from following this schedule. Starts brushing his fingers through his hair rapidly as an attempt to ease anxiety/stress 
-srry I projected like. A Lot There. anyways what if Loon had social anxiety. he's seen as a rlly shy character but like. idk man he comes off as more socially anxious to me instead of just simple Shy
-Also Freddy being sensitive to loud noises, he hates using public restrooms cause when you flush the toilet they always go HHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHGHGH and whenever an object looks like it's abt to fall but he can't like. get to it to put it somewhere else he'll immediately start sweating and mildly hyperventilate as he tries to mentally prepare himself if it falls and causes a loud noise. he can do better w busy restaurants and concerts but he still prefers quiet places 
-I found this hc somewhere else but like. Onnie w/ abandonment issues. that is all 
-I also found this hc somewhere else but like.    Bonnie just steals all the coats from his band members when he's bored. Their coats are Not Safe From Him. They Will Be Stolen. 
-Back to Bonnie, Abby and Fox, they all like to play mc together but they can never fucking find Bonnie when he's playing w/ them and they always see him saying the weirdest fucking shit in the chat. one time they saw "BonnieTheDestructer fell out of the world" while they're all in survival w/ no commands and Fox n Abby are just like what the FUCK 
-Fox and Bon never considered eachother friends at first, but since Fox was the only other person who knew of Bon's feelings for Bonnie, Bon always seeked help from him since Fox was close friends w/ Bonnie. Fox was slightly annoyed by this but him and Bon started getting closer and closer and Fox unintentionally became a wingman for Bon so like. no getting out of this now
-One day Bon decides to seek advice from Felix and Fede, as Fox and Joy's advice isn't helping and he's afraid of asking for help from anyone else. What he didn't know was that Bonnie was also seeking advice from Felix and Fede for the same thing, so Felix and Fede are trying their very best to get Bon and Bonnie together but also doing it at a slow pace bc it's funny seeing Bon and Bonnie gush over eachother while still oblivious to the others' feelings 
-On the same topic of that, I like to think Felix is the one giving Bon advice. Whereas he gives flirting tips and pickup lines to use on Bonnie while a very flushed Bon denies that he will use ANY of those 
-can't forget Fede giving advice to Bonnie, where he gives tips and hints on how to remain cool around Bon, and even giving advice on subtly flirting w/ Bon just to see how Bon would react. Also explaining the signs on someone liking you so Bonnie can look out for these signs w/ Bon 
-Felix giving advice to Bonnie and Fede giving advice to Bon is cool too tho
-Joy likes to make flower crowns!! She always makes flower crowns for Meg and Bon, and when she becomes friends w/ Fox and Bonnie, she makes flower crowns for them too!! 
-On the topic of that, Joy used to be rlly into arts and crafts when she was younger, so that's how she learned to make flower crowns. 
-Deuz considers himself a 100% straight man but he has. had gay thoughts before. he had gay thoughts like One time and it never happened again and he is still very confused abt it 
-Fox owning a gaming channel that he Occasionally does covers on, Bonnie having a channel that he posts shitposts on and guitar covers, and Abby having a channel where she posts reviews on anime, reaction videos and occasional covers too. Fox invites them to play a game w/ them one day that isn't minecraft. chaos ensues 
-When Freddy and Fox accidently kissed on Freddy's first day of school, everyone at the school definitely did Not let them live that down. They targeted Freddy mostly, calling him gay and the f slur, which slowly started to get to him and started making him question. "Wait, do I like guys?" cause he noticed that he's shown signs of liking guys before other than his accidental kiss w/ Fox. 
 So, w/ the help of his friends and Fred, Freddy managed to realize he was bi. All bc of his accidental kiss w/ Fox 
 -on the topic of Freddy being bi, he has chaotic bi thoughts 24/7 every time he meets someone attractive 
-ON THE TOPIC OF FREDDY BEING BI AGAIN, since he gains a crush on like every person he sees, Fred tries to be a wingman for him and it literally never works out. If Freddy ever decided to be a wingman for Fred tho, then he'd actually manage to get Fred a date somehow which would leave Fred flustered and Utterly confused. 
 also when they're both attracted to the same person? all hell goes down. 
aight hope y’all had fun reading all that
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rebeccashideout · 8 years ago
The Geeky Corner of Society
Summary: Y/N get’s a job in a geeky merchandise store were she meets a handsome Jensen Ackles look-a-like called Dean.
A/N: Lau from @dancingalone21 has reached 2,000 followers! Congrats babe! So to cellebrate that she made the “Lau’s AU Funny Quote Challenge”. My quote is “Honestly if I had a nickel for every time I hear a girl say that…” from Dean. And as AU I choose a geeky merchandise store (SPN excists in this AU)… 
Yeah wish me luck you guys…
Warnings: Swearing (you know my writing by now, I hope), a bit of fluff I guess…
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1.8 k
Bae Tag: @cupcakequeen1999 
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Your friend Jo wanted to go shopping with you on her day off from work. She said it was great shopping weather and that you really needed to get out of your apartment. You accepted her offer even though you really didn’t like shopping because everybody is running around, trying to find that one perfect thing they are looking for. You didn’t like the stress and rush of shopping. You wanted to take your time to decide things while all the other shoppers are in a hurry.
You planned a rendez-vous with Jo at the Starbucks at the beginning of the main shopping street. Whilst waiting you decided to drink a coffee and spend your time on Tumblr. You ordered a Java Chip Frappe and a little snack. A barista yelled your name and you went to get your order and thanked the barista.  When you got back to your table at the window you felt your phone buzz in the pocket of your jeans. God I need a pair of new ones you thought to yourself when you pulled out your phone. You had a text from Jo.
Sorry can’t make it. Fam buzz. I’ll call later!
Fucking great! Now you came all the way out here to shop with Jo and she just bailed on your shop date. Well since you are already here it wouldn’t hurt to do a bit of shopping.
You found a nice outfit. You fell in love with the plaid dress and the matching green jacket. You planned to return home an start binge watching yet another show online that was on your list when a store caught your eye. It was a little shop on the corner of the main shopping street. It was called “the Geeky Corner of Society”. You chuckled and started to make your way over to the store to check it out. When you entered the store your moth fell open from surprise. It’s just perfect… Almost every fandom you could think about had its own little section. There was a section from Marvel, DC, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Star Trek, Disney, The Walking Dead, Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts and where to find them, all kinds of Anime and Manga stuff, Gaming merchandise and last but definitely not least Supernatural. Every section was neat and decorated in its theme, there were even little sceneries made with Funko dolls of every fandom. 
You were just admiring the view that you didn’t even notice when a employer walked towards you to see if they could help. They just stood next to you as they watched your reaction. 
“I know right. My boss … She put all of her efforts and money into this. She really turned this into a geek  heaven.”, someone pulled you out of your trance. You closed your mouth and turned around to see who was talking to you. You got greeted by a pair of lovely apple green eyes. The mystery man was rather tall and wore a Supernatural t-shirt and a pin with his name on it. Dean. 
“Wow, she must be awesome”, you muttered under your breath. “It must be nice to work here I guess.” 
“Yeah, she is. She does so much for the people around her, she just keeps on giving but doesn’t get anything. That’s why I am helping her out here, she was planning to do this all on her own… Well yeah, working here is fun ya know. Most people that enter the store are constantly walking around with this huge smile plastered on their faces. That makes me happy too I guess.”, he replied. 
You saw a lady walking towards another costumer to ask if they needed any help. She also wore a Supernatural t-shirt. Instantly Dean slid in front of you and put on a bright smile. His sales smile you guess.  “Hi and welcome to ‘The Geeky Corner of Society’! My name is Dean, can I help you with something?”
“Is she your boss?”, you ask. 
“Yeah, ‘ve gotta work too instead of talking to a lovely lady like you…”, he whispered back. 
“Uh… Um, thanks… I guess”, you reply shyly. Dean coughs awkwardly while clearing his throat. 
You took a better look at him while you walked over to the Harry Potter section with him right behind you. You were looking at all of the wands that were displayed while something popped up into your head. 
“Hey, you kinda look like Dean from Supernatural! Oh goodness I thought I recognised you from somewhere!”, you said as you turned towards him. You almost bumped into him because he stood much closer then you expected. 
“Honestly if I had a nickel for every time I hear a girl say that…”, Dean replied. 
“Oh, so I am not the first one to say it either! You just look like twins! And you even have the same name! It must be so easy to cosplay as him!”, you practically squealed.
“Well uh… Yeah I cosplay as him but nobody has ever seen that”
“You don’t have to be ashamed! You uh, look good”, you felt the heath rising to your cheeks as you started to blush. You turned around to the t-shirts so Dean wouldn’t see that you were blushing. You dropped the conversation about his resemblance to your favourite one of the brothers, since you sensed that he didn’t feel comfortable.
“So how did you get into Supernatural?”, Dean asked.
“It’s kinda a funny story. I just did. I was binge watching another show and I just stumbled upon it, well I heard about it before on Tumblr so I decided it wouldn’t hurt to start watching it. I must say, I was hooked from the first 15 minutes.”
“So you really are a big fan, huh?”
“It’s in my blood! But how did you get in to it?”
“Uh, I never got your name…” Dean subtly changed the topic from him to you.
“Y/N.”, you replied shyly.
“Well, it’s nice to meet ya!”, he says while his cheeks seemed to get a little bit redder.
“Likewise!” Seriously? Likewise? This isn’t the ’40, Y/N!
“Um, you… You have something on your cheek, wait a sec…”, Dean said while he came closer to you. He cupped your face with one of his hands while he gently rubbed your left cheek with his other hand. All of the sudden it felt like the two of you were the only one on the whole planet. You just stayed there staring into his eyes. It just feels like you’ve landed it one of those fluffy fanfictions you read on Tumblr.
“DEAN! You are giving that poor girl a heart attack! We can’t afford that!”, Dean’s boss yelled suddenly.
“Son of a bitch”, Dean muttered under his breath while you stood there giggling. It had been a long time since you felt that way around a guy. Dean made you feel like a teenager with raging hormones, and you didn’t even mind it. Because of him your hearth farted rainbows and you started to giggle. Like full on giggling. You tried to stop it but the looks Dean’s boss was giving him didn’t really help. You thought your laugh sounded awful but Dean liked the sound, wait… scrap that, he loved it.
“I heard that!”, the lady replied while sticking her thumbs in the air and winking at you.
While you were shopping Dean staid at your side and helped you. You made some small talk for 10 minutes and started to get to know each other. Sometimes you would get bold and you would flirt a little bit. You picked what you could afford. Your shopping basket was filled with 2 Harry Potter t-shirt of your house, Gandalf’s Funko, a Sherlock mug, a Doctor Who piggy bank, a bloody metalic Dean Funko and a bloody metalic Sam Funko. You needed to get rid of one of the things because you couldn’t afford all of it. You walked to the cash registers, you still couldn’t decide which thing you would drop. Dean saw the frown on your face when he took his place behind the cash register and got an idea.
“Hey Y/N. I’ll pay for the thingy you want. Think of it as a gift.”, Dean said.
“Wha-, no! That’s… No? I can’t accept that!”, you replied.
Dean’s boss popped up behind him and looked at you. “It’s on the house.”
You were dumbfounded: “No! That’s too sweet, I can come back later and buy it you guys…”
As if planned Dean and his boss spoke in sync: “I insist!”
“If you won’t just accept it as a gift…”, Dean started.
“… We can make a deal if you want to.”, his boss finished.
“Am I at a crossroad or something, do I need to kiss a demon?”, you asked.
They both just looked at you with wide eyes and you wished you could have Susan Storm’s powers right now. After a while the friendly lady threw her head back as she started laughing: “Oh God, that’s a good one! No you don’t have to kiss a Dean-mon, well if you want too you can go ahead…” You started to blush as the lady winked at you and wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. Dean didn’t hear the pun and you were kinda glad he didn’t.
The lady continued: “We can make a deal. You get one of the Funko’s as a gift…”
“We could use some help in the store, well if you don’t have a job at the moment…”, she said with a serious face. Dean stared at his boss with wide eyes and she just looked back at him and flashed a big ol’ smile.
“Oh I would love to work here! You guys are so lucky I am unemployed right now!”, you squealed. “Yes! Absolutely, sign me up! Ahem, so my name is Y/N.” you said while you stretched your arm. She didn’t shake your hand but just gave you a fist bump.
“My name is Becca but you can call me ‘tha Boss’”, she introduced herself while she threw some glitter and confetti around her. “’ve been waiting to do that forever!”
Dean started chuckling and turned to Becca: “ You really haven’t changed at all, did you now?”, he then turned to you as he whispered: “That’s the same line she used when I got ‘oficially’ recruted”
“Why would I? So Y/N, your shift starts tomorrow at 10 a.m., if that’s okay for you. Can I have some personal information so I can send you the details?”
She handed you a paper and a pen. I have a paper, I have a pen… Nghh. Paper-pen. You mentally face palmed yourself for doing that and going there. You wrote down your personal information. You were really glad Jo ditched you, otherwise nothing of this wouldn’t have happened.
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allofusandco · 7 years ago
Merry little Christmas
Christmas with Nik and Ronnie.
With @moonoverbourbon
Veronica felt a sudden cold sweat across the back of her neck.
“I’m having traumatic flashbacks to the Sadie Hawkins dance in middle school,” she said. “Jimmy Patterson. It didn’t go well. I don’t really get the whole Sadie Hawkins thing anyway. It’s not the fifties, you know?”
Alright, this was stupid. She rubbed her fingers over her temple.
“It’s just we’re so new, and maybe it’s too much. But I spoke to my dad. And despite the fact that he’s been a Sheriff and a private investigator and he’sactually solved actual murders, he’s going on a cruise with his new girlfriend, who’s young enough to be my… okay, my mother but a young one, to solve apretend murder. In twenties cosplay.”
She tucked her hair behind her ear. “So I thought, maybe – you know. We could do Christmas together? Honestly, I’m not a bad cook. I do pea hens. Unless you prefer something else. We could even go out, I just don’t want to do it by myself. I can’t sit at home and pretend it’s just another Friday.”
Nik stepped out of the doorway with a smile, inviting her in without saying a word. Behind him, the floor of his living room was a scattered mess of tinsel, ornaments, and pieces of artificial tree limbs that looked as if they’d seen better years.
“So I was going to surprise you,” he began sheepishly, shutting the door behind Veronica. “And have the place all decorated when I awkwardly asked you to spend Christmas with me, but I think my tree has seen its final days. I was just about to head to the tree farm out on Route 6 to pick up a little one this year.”
Shaking his keeps in his hand, Nik gave her what he hoped was a flirty smile (and not just totally goofy) and jerked his head toward the door. “Want to go with me? Help me pick out a tree, and then come back here to decorate?” He waited a beat before answering the question she’d initially asked, “And of course we can do Christmas together. I’d, uh, I’d like that very much. I’m even off work Friday and Saturday, so we don’t have to end the festivities early.”
They could stop by the store on the way back, pick up a few things for Christmas dinner. It was still a couple days away, but Nik was suddenly ridiculously excited for the first time in a long time. Perhaps this Christmas was going to be better than he’d originally thought.
Veronica stepped in side, a grin stretching over her face.
“You were decorating? It looks like a bunch of elves got drunk and had a party.” She lifted one of the mangled limbs. Much as she endorsed the environmentally responsible artificial tree, Nik was right. “I can definitely help. All I planned to do today was some shopping. I want a fedora for my dad. A bald man on a murder cruise needs a fedora, don’t you think?”
Veronica slipped her hand into Nik’s – alright, this whole new beau thing was sweet as pie and Veronica was definitely enjoying every cute moment of it.
“Let’s go elbow old ladies out of the way to get the last perfect tree, alright?”
In the car, Veronica slipped a CD out of her bag, subtly.
“I just don’t think Christmas is Christmassy enough until there’s Christmas carols playing everywhere,” she said, turning it on. Yeah! Boy bands were awful until they hit a point in their careers low enough to have them record a Christmas album. All I want for Christmas is you was always a staple, allowing said boys to do a video clip moment where they looked right at the camera. Good place to start.
“So, food. Pea hens look adorable, but to be honest, they’re overrated. And pumpkin pie or pecan pie? I know they’re just a little off season but I forgot to cook at Halloween.”
He couldn’t disagree. A bald man on a murder cruise most definitely needed a fedora. He did, however, raise an eyebrow at her drunken elves remark. “I’ll have you know the elves were not drunk. I was drunk; they were completely sober.”
Nik grabbed his coat, slipping it over his shoulders as he led her out the door and locked it behind them. In the car, he didn’t even argue with her choice of music. It was the season for it after all, and it wasn’t like all the radio stations weren’t playing it anyway. But this…this was torture on an epic level.  He was pretty sure it was New Kids on the Block, or some other horrible boy band.
It was a good thing that he cared so very much for her.
The department store was first up. No sense running around town with a tree strapped to the roof his car. If Veronica needed a fedora, then a fedora they would get. He’d already bought her gift, and his family didn’t speak to him, so Nik considered his shopping done. “I figured we could get your father’s gift first. Less chance for someone to steal our tree.”
“As for dinner, we could cook a small turkey. I found a recipe online for a citrus brined turkey, thought it might remind you of California.” Okay, so maybe he’d been planning on asking her to spend Christmas with him for a while, and maybe he’d just given himself away. Nik didn’t care. “And it must be pecan pie. Pumpkin should never be put into a pie shell.”
Veronica grinned as Nik blanched but left the music on – wow. He really was something special.
“I feel a little guilty,” she said, with a mournful sigh. “Taking the last gentleman all for myself. Millions of girls all over the world fighting ESPN Classics for the attention of men that aren’t worth a half of you. Not guilty enough to hand you over to be shared around, but a little guilty.”
She reached over to gently pinch Nik’s cheek.
“Might have to get you microchipped in case of theft. But that seems like more of a New Year’s conversation, don’t you think?”
Citrus brined turkey. That sounded amazing. Veronica had never brined anything before. But wait…
“Hang on, buster,” she said. “You’ve put a lot of thought into this. You were going to ask me?” She grinned, biting the tip of her tongue a moment. “Wow. And here I was worrying this was too soon. I’m glad I asked you first, though. Lets me keep up the whole tough girl persona. I do a mean pecan pie. But what’s wrong with pumpkin? Oh.” She slapped her forehead. “I forgot. I had a British colleague back in the city who said pumpkin was mostly animal feed back home, couldn’t even stand the smell. So weird. Christmas without pumpkin pie. Or Halloween without pumpkin pie!”
Veronica had been back in California over Halloween, sadly. Testifying.
“Anyway, here we are,” she said, climbing out of the car as they parked. Straight and tall, she tucked her arm into Nik’s as they headed into the store. “One fedora, coming up.”
Nik didn’t know how to respond to her words. He didn’t think he was all that special, nor did he think he was particularly gentlemanly. The right thing was simply easier for him to do that the wrong – and it caused less guilt in the long run. Giving Veronica a shy smile, he decided that discretion was the better part of valor and simply said nothing. If she only knew that he felt completely unworthy of her – of whatever this was between them – she might be quick to change her thoughts about him.
“I was,” Nik conceded, sparing a second to glance her way as he pulled into the parking lot. “Going to ask you. I was. I, um, hadn’t heard you mention any other plans, so I assumed…” He trailed off, letting her speak so that he didn’t embarrass himself further. “But I am more than happy with letting you be the tough girl in our relationship.”
Such a funny word…and one he didn’t think he’d ever hear associated with himself.
He waited until they were in the store to address the pumpkin comment, managing to get it out as they dodged one persistent last minute shopper after another. “I just don’t like it,” Nik shrugged, side-stepping a mother with a screaming toddler arguing over the last Mickey Mouse doll on the shelf. “It is used as animal feed back home, but once I came here I had a sweet old lady make me a pie for Christmas one year. I couldn’t stand the bloody taste of it, bless her soul.”
Finally. Clothing and outer wear.
Nik pointed to the men’s hats, ducking under a large sign proclaiming everything 40% off for TODAY ONLY. “It takes a special sort of insanity to be out shopping this close to Christmas,” he grinned, “and an even more special sort to go out to the stores with someone shopping this close to Christmas.” He shot her a wink, the grin turning to a teasing smirk as he led them closer to the spot she needed for her father’s gift.
“That was dad,” Veronica said, dropping her phone on the corner of the coffee table. “I think I’ve ruined him for life. He wanted to know if he was supposed to take the hat ironically or post-ironically. I feel almost guilty being the reason he even knows to ask.”
She slipped into the kitchen, eyeing Nik’s progress with interest, and launched herself up on tip toes to kiss his cheek.
“I told him post-post-ironically, so, like, sincerely,” she finished, with a nod. “I hope somewhere along the line there’s going to be a bowl I can lick.”
It actually seemed unlikely, given the menu, but never mind. Things had gotten busy and Veronica still had a tree to finish decorating.
“Oh!” she said, reaching for her oversized handbag. “Forgot. My reindeer decoration. I made it when I was five. The googly eyes aren’t what they used to be, but Christmas isn’t Christmas without this little guy.” Yes, he was made from three popsicle sticks and a red pompom and yes the googly eyes were looking a little rheumy, but it was tradition. She gave him pride of place. [x]
The tree was definitely approaching professionally spectacular; even if Nik’s original plan of somewhat understated elegance had been obliterated by Veronica’s preference for as much bling as possible (strictly a Christmas thing). It was almost at the stage where the fire marshalls might object.
“I think I’m done,” she said, crawling on the ground the reach the power point behind the tree, to turn on the lights. Voila! “Do I get a treat?”
The tree was beautiful, if a little…over decorated…for his taste. Nik was stirring the last of the pecan pie filling, and just about to pour it into the crust, when he looked up to see her reindeer decoration. He tried not to laugh, but could suppress the grin that stretched half-way across his face. In the entire time he’d known her, Veronica never ceased to stop surprising (or amazing) him. Shaking his head with a chuckle, he turned back to the pie filling to pour it into the shell and stick it into the oven. “You can lick this bowl if you’d like. It’s the filling for the pie, so nice and sweet. Your reindeer, by the way, is spectacular. I can think of no better place for it.”
So what if it was a little…less than stellar looking? The look on her face as she put it on the tree was more than worth any loss of aesthetic.
He wanted to see that look on her face all the time.
Nik looked back in time to see her crawling along the floor to turn the lights on and tried really hard not to let his eyes drift along the curve of her body. It was proving increasingly difficult the more time he spent with her.
“A treat?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. “I suppose if the bowl isn’t enough…” Taking a few steps into the living room area, he waited until Veronica was standing and wrapped her in a tight hug. Pulling back just slightly, Nik angled his face to press his lips slowly to hers. The kiss was soft, slow – patient – not pushing for anything more than that moment. His fingers trailed down her cheek, up through her hair, pulling her just a bit closer as he deepened the kiss with a nudge of his lips against hers.  When he pulled away, his eyes remained closed for a moment, savoring in the memory of the kiss. “I’ve no treat other than the bowl you requested, but I can pour you a drink if you’d like.”
Completely over the top. Exactly the way Veronica liked it. She smiled, letting her arms slip up over Nik’s shoulders to wrap around his neck as he pulled her close, one foot lifting off the ground as he kissed her so thoroughly – wow, was it ever time for this polite adult nonsense to end. Veronica wanted to find out what else that mouth could do. Stat. Whatever unspoken agreement they’d come to, which seemed to be, in sum, ‘not just yet’ – Veronica was putting an official end date on it right now. New Year’s Eve. She wasn’t going to look back on this year as the year she fell in love and completely failed to get even the teensiest bit of nookie.
Calm, Ronnie, she thought to herself as the kiss ended, and she finished with a little peck to the corner of Nik’s mouth.
“Nice,” she said, as she unlaced her fingers from around his neck, and dragged her hands over his shoulders, over his chest, settling at his waist for a moment. “I’ll take that drink – and the bowl as well.”
Pretty sure there was eggnog in the fridge, and even if this was much to warm for a real Christmas (would she ever get used to New Orleans?) eggnog sounded like just the thing. She followed Nik back to the kitchen, and scraped the blade of one finger inside the pie bowl, bringing it to her lips to taste.
“This is amazing,” she said. “I don’t know what you’re planning to have for dessert tomorrow, because I might eat the whole thing.”
After Christmas sales, expensive underwear, down to the garter belt – Nik was in for the seduction of the century, after just enough champagne to loosen them both up, and some very adolescent making out on the couch. Did it count as a New Year’s resolution if it was supposed to happen before midnight?
“Anyway. What else can we do tonight, or does the rest have to wait until morning?”
If he’d been raised with even a modicum of self-worth, Nik would have already tried to take her to bed. He was so blissfully infatuated with her that he couldn’t half see straight, but there was still that little voice in the back of his head that whispered ‘not good enough for her.’ It sounded remarkably like his father, and every time he thought he might tell her how he felt it echoed louder than gunfire in his head.
And Veronica would probably never understand it if he tried to explain.
“One drink coming up, and help yourself to the bowl.” Nik made his way over to the counter where he’d set up his make-shift bar. A few moments and a great deal of mixing later, and he was back with a spiked eggnog that would knock her socks off. “Careful with that; it’s potent. I was a little heavy handed with the brandy.” He passed it over, returning to the pie that he’d been working on prior to the kiss that still had his head reeling.
“I’m going to bake this pie,” he smiled, shooing away her fingers, “and then everything else will wait til the morning. The turkey is in the brine. The vegetables are cut. The stuffing put together. It all just needs to be cooked.”
He poured the filling into the pie crust, lined the top artistically with pecans, and shoved it into the oven. Forty minutes later and it would be heavenly. “It’s late. If you want to finish your drink and go to bed, I understand. I’m not expecting you to drive home after that.” He grinned a little mischievously, proud of the drink even if it was strong.  “You can have my bed. I’ll need to wait up a bit longer for the pie to finish, lest I burn the house down around us.”
Veronica sat up sort of primly at the counter – okay, fine, not primly, she had a glass of eggnog in her left hand and the index finger of her right hand was still stealing leftover batter from the bowl. But she was prim enough. After all – she hadn’t suggested forgetting the pie altogether ad licking the filling off each other’s naked bodies for the rest of the night, had she?
Pretty fucking prim.
But she watched him arrange the pecans, as artistically as he ever did anything – and how could someone not fall in love with a man who just wanted everything to be beautiful? – and slip it into the oven.
Why on earth had he not taken her to bed yet? She was going to figure it out sometime in the very near future and fix it. She ached for it. Ridiculous and adolescent as that may have been. She watched him tidy the bench almost absentmindedly.
Maybe not New Year’s. She didn’t want to break the poor man. He obviously had things he needed to work through – she could continue to cherish every kiss.
“I’ll stay,” she said. “But I’d rather share. It’s so cold.” Cold, ha! It was seventy degrees. But that was cold enough. “I promise not to get inappropriate. And this way we don’t have to politely get out of bed in the morning, e can just roll over and…”
She pushed herself up on the bench and leaned across it, meeting his lips just barely enough to tease.
“… kiss,” she said, and to be perfectly honest it had been one of the best Christmases she’d ever had, so far. And it hadn’t even started.
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