#every thug needs a lady
papas-majadas · 7 months
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This literature is off the chain.
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locura-azul · 1 year
But I will follow anyone who brings me to you. For now, forever, for on and on and on.
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meguwumibear · 2 months
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Purged Without Exception
A quick trip to the store gets you into some trouble. Suo is there to bail you out.
thank you @/acidbeats for commissioning this piece for the @ficsforgaza collaboration.
cw: attempted sexual assault and minor injury
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You’re not supposed to be out this late. You know this. You know better. The streets of Makochi are unsafe for a lone woman like you, for a woman without any sort of fighting prowess. They used to be, anyway, before the Bofurin boys took it upon themselves to bloody their knuckles to keep the place clean.
The initiative has been going on for quite a few years now, and crime has been on a steady decline ever since. The students have made it their mission to protect your humble little town from all sorts of illicit activity, violent or otherwise. Whether they’re responding to petty theft or physical assault, the Bofurin boys handle each and every job with a violent sort of grace. It’s been some time since a random street thug could stand a chance against the gang of delinquents.
Perhaps that’s why you felt so comfortable running to the store at this hour. The odds of any sort of crime of late are slim to none. Violent crimes in particular are less popular than ever. Who’d risk provoking the ire of any of the current Bofurin students, let alone the alumn? An idiot maybe, or someone suicidal.
You didn’t think to grab anything other than your phone and wallet for the outing. All you needed was to restock on toilet paper, and the market is only a few blocks from your shithole apartment. Four years ago, you would never have ventured out without some sort of self defense aid on you. The protection of the Bofurin boys has made everyone so careless.
That’s why you aren’t prepared to fight off the first pair of hands that wrap themselves around your wrist and yank you into a dank, dark alleyway. There are three men in total hiding out in the shadows, and soon there are hands wrapped around your forearm, your neck, your waist. The attack is uncoordinated; the men trip over themselves trying to grope at you. You do what little you can to fend them off.
Untrained. Defenseless. Your head throbs and it connects with warm brick. Skin splits at the contact, cleaved open by the abrasive clay. There’s a strong grip on the nape of your neck preventing you from moving. Cold, calloused hands hold your face flat against the wall.  
Despite your earlier lapse in judgment, you are not in fact stupid. You know what kind of attack this is. You understand its purpose and goals of the hands that bind you.
It’s hard to hear much over the roaring in your ears, but you’re just lucid enough to pick out an eerily calm voice.
“Excuse me,” the man asks almost cheerfully. “Have I interrupted something?”
The hands attempting to undress you stall.
“Fuck off, eyepatch. Four’s a crowd.”
The grip on you loosens a smidge, and you turn your head to survey the scene.
The guy with the eyepatch is standing with his hands held in mock surrender, a coy smile on his face. There’s something familiar about him. You’ve seen him around town before. He pals around with a few of the Bofurin graduates. Which means…
“Easy,” he says, “I just want to escort the lady home.”
“You deaf?” one of your attackers asks. “We said fuck off.”
The man moves so fast your brain hardly registers it. One moment he’s standing at the edge of the alley, the next he’s flipped the man pinning you to the wall over his shoulder. The dude lands with a harsh thud on his back. From the way he’s flopping around, you venture the impact punched the air from his lungs.
The fingers of the remaining two clench into fists, but they seem hesitant to assist their friend. They sway unsteadily back and forth on the balls of their feet, looking at you, their friend, and finally at your rescuer.
“Run along, now,” your savior smiles. The corners of his mouth are pulled tight, sharp like a knife. “I just had this shirt pressed and I’d hate to sully it.”
The two still on their feet exchange a final glance at one another and decide to cut their losses. They back out of the alley quickly, clearly afraid your rescuer may change his mind about dirtying his freshly pressed shirt. The third staggers after them, limping along, wheezing for breath.
Once he’s certain you’re alone, the man bends over to pick something off the ground: the toilet paper that started the whole ordeal. He approaches you slowly, like he’s nervous one wrong move will scare you off. When he’s close enough, he offers the roll to you.
“I hate guys like that,” the man offers conversationally. The smile he flashes you now is warm and inviting. “Some people just never grow up. A bunch of petulant kids. It’s hard for them to imagine themselves in your position. I enjoy helping them broaden their minds.”
The hand that reaches for the toilet paper is shaky. The palm is red with blood. His eyes don’t miss the tiny droplets that spill onto the plastic packaging.
“That looks like it hurts,” he says, features schooled into a calm grin. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
He leads you back to the convenience store. The lady at the front recognizes him immediately—even calls him by his name—which isn’t unusual; the Bofurin boys are a bit like celebrities around these parts.
Suo exchanges pleasantries with the worker and attempts to purchase some first aid supplies, but the woman insists he takes what he needs, on the house. There are perks, it would seem, to purging the town of those who would cause it harm.
The bathroom of the shop is small and poorly lit. A lone, fluorescent light flickers above you as Suo gently dabs an antiseptic wipe along your palms. The disinfectant bites. The wounds sting despite Suo’s tenderness. You fight your instinct to flinch and fail.
“The cut isn’t deep,” Suo notes once he’s certain the lesions have been properly sterilized. He drops your palm to brush a tendril of loose hair out of your face. “I’m more worried about this.”
You wince as he touches a fresh antibacterial wipe to your forehead. Fresh tears pool in the corners of your eyes. You try to blink them away, but they insist on falling. They slide down the slope of your cheek bones and pool underneath your chin.
“I can walk you to the nearest clinic,” he offers. “Just as an extra precaution.”
You shake your head and immediately regret it. The motion aggravates the injury, and your vision blurs from the pain.
“Can’t afford it,” you tell him.
He frowns as he continues to see to the wound. His movements are slow, precise, like he’s used to treating these types of injuries. You watch his face as he tends to you. His features are knit in quiet contemplation.
“It looks like you hit your head pretty hard. I’m no doctor, but I’m worried they may have given you a concussion.”
You shrug as he pulls his hand away. “I’m tougher than I look. My friends always say I have a thick skull.”
He hands you an ice pack from the pile of first aid supplies he’s brought. “For the swelling,” he says. Then, once you’ve pressed the cold pack against the growing bump, “You should take better care of yourself. If not for you then for your friends. I’m sure they’d hate if something were to happen to you.”
You let out a long, slow breath. Suo isn’t wrong. Your friends would be devastated if you got yourself into some sort of trouble.
“Bofurin boys are good for more than just fighting,” you say, pondering his advice and admiring his first aid.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he smirks, lips full of promise. “You have no idea.”
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cherrrydragon · 3 months
➤ find something worth saving (it's all for the taking)
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SUMMARY ↳ You're adjusting well, comfortable with your new life. Too bad your spidey luck came with you to this universe. He offers his arm to you, but you hold out palm. “You’re nice and all, but I’m not letting you know where I live just yet.” He gives you confused puppy eyes. “You’re cute, but not that cute,” you pat his cheek as you walk past him. He watches you walk past him, before remembering himself and calls out. “What’s your name?” “Not that cute!” You remind him. pairing: jon kent x gn!reader x damian wayne warnings: cursing, mentions of discrimination based on financial situation, a vague-ish sex joke wc: 2.7k
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Setting up an identity for yourself is remarkably easy. Natasha taught you just about everything you need to know. To the world, you are now [Name] Stark. Tony Stark is an eccentric recluse from Queens, with a mysterious inheritance allowing for travel around the world. And you, his curious child are now old enough to find her own way in the world, starting in Gotham. It’s messy, but hopefully it can keep people off your ass for a while.
Hacking into the wealth of Gotham’s elite is easy enough, stealing little by little every day so that they don’t notice (they probably wouldn’t, anyway). You steer clear of anything and everything Wayne related. For now, at least, it wouldn’t hurt to get ahold of some of his tech down the line.
Walking down the streets of Gotham is something your sense may never get used to. It’s easy to hide feeling threatened by everything, but it’s not easy to stop feeling threatened by everything. While you are certain you can handle a few common thugs or muggers, you are not excited to face your first round of fear gas. If it comes down to it, you’ll rely on your suit to protect you from it… hopefully it can.
Getting to East End is easy enough despite all the leers you get. Selina Kyle’s territory is riddled with crime and misdemeanor as much as the rest of the city, but it’s one of the cheaper areas. You’re legally old enough to get your own place, and with the money you take and a job you can hopefully find, you’ll be able to get by alright. As a hero, you should probably feel bad about stealing, but it’s not like millionaire’s and billionaire’s need a couple hundred dollars.
You walk into the rundown building, surveying the interior. It’s certainly seen better days, if the ripped up wallpaper and stains in the carpet are anything to go by. There’s no one at the front desk, so you ring the little bell and wait. Tapping your foot, your thoughts wonder.
You’ve been thinking about enrolling into Gotham Academy. It’s risky, since Robin goes there (you looked it up earlier, he’s around the same age as you), but you know that school has damn good funding, and good funding means a good lab. A lab or workshop is essential to you as a Spider.
A hobbling old lady stumbles out towards the front desk, her smile is sweet. “How can I help you, dear?”
You put on your best unassuming smile. “I’d like to sign a lease to rent out an apartment here.”
“Sure, hun. Just give me the deposit and it’s yours.”
You’re taken aback. “Surely it’s not that easy, miss…?” You prompt.
“May. Listen kid,” she leans in. “We don’t ask too many questions ‘round here. I can spot a troubled kid from a mile away.”
Of course her name is May. You smile, awkward. “I’m eighteen.”
“Eighteen is nothing on my years, girl.”
You inhale and grasp your hands together. “Well, I know better than to look a gift horse in the mouth. When can I move in?”
May grabs your arm and leads you up the stairs. “First door on the right, third floor.”
The apartment is in one piece, only some cracks in the walls. There’s a distinct smell in the air, but you’ll make yourself used to it. There’s some furniture left behind by the previous owner (a bed too, but you’re definitely replacing the mattress). It’s quaint, for Gotham.
“I should warn you, a lot of stray cats come and go. Don’t be afraid to feed ‘em, they’re already coming back anyway,” May huffs.
You smile discreetly. “I got it.
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“I would’ve thought you’d lose interest in those things by now.”
Growing up you dabbled in one thing to the next. Gymnastics, volleyball, cheerleading. At one point you wanted to go to space camp, but didn’t want to be away from your aunt and uncle. Your interests come and go, never staying long, but your love for comics has always been constant.
“I’ve been fighting for my freedom since day one,” you jest.
Aunt May sits down next to you. “You know how rich I’d probably be if I got all the money back from buying you those things over the years?” She leans in, whispering, “richer than Tony Stark.”
You snort. “No one’s richer than him.” You pause, thinking. “Actually, Bruce Wayne might be.”
“Is that the Manbat guy you’re reading about?”
“ Batman , May.”
She kisses your head, grabbing the comic out of your hands. “Well, you know what they say. Bad kids who don’t go to sleep at bedtime get snatched up by Batman and his bird sidekick.”
You lean back against your pillows, wrapping yourself up in your blanket. “No one says that.”
“I do. Goodnight, tiger.”
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The past week you’ve been making moves. You land a job as a waitress in a nice little cafe around the corner, and you’ve settled in nicely into your apartment. You find out May likes her coffee 2 cream no sugar and she religiously watches telenovelas. On top of that, you’ve made friends with a black cat you’ve affectionately named Nari.
“Alright K, show me past entrance exams for Gotham Academy.”
Uploading Karen into the laptop you bought allowed for you to multitask much more efficiently. You’re trying to emulate an environment you’re familiar with, like FRIDAY back at the Tower, but you have nowhere near the same budget as Tony does. You sigh. The entrance exams for GA are in a week, but you’re not too stressed. You started taking online classes when you moved into the Tower, and breezed past them like it was nothing. You graduated high school 2 years earlier than normal (you could’ve done it in one, but Tony insisted on human interaction (even if you only got it at dances and other school events)).
Looking over the options pulled up, you scoff. “This is shockingly easy for such a prestigious school,” you murmur.
“Perhaps you are just more gifted than them, [Name].”
You coo, “always my biggest fan, K.” You close the laptop, not before transferring Karen into an earbud formed from your suits nanites. “I think I got this in the bag.”
The bells on the cafe’s door ring as you enter. “Hey, cutie,” you flirt at your manager, a woman with 3 kids and a husband (but damn if she isn’t fine).
[Name],” they greet dryly. They put the spoon they’re cleaning down. “Sam’s gonna be late, some lunatic died on the tracks and their ride’s been delayed.”
You hum, having gotten used to Gothamites and their disregard for the weird shit that happens in their city. “What an asshole.”
The morning passes slowly. You spot some stressed folks hunched over their laptops and an old red-head guy reading through the morning paper. The door chimes, signaling somebody’s entrance.
“Welcome to Carrie’s, what can I get you?” You drone, not looking up from the game of Crossy Road you’re definitely not supposed to be playing while on shift.
“Just a small vanilla latte, please.”
You hum, typing it up. “And a name for that?” you question, grabbing the small cup. The young man has wind-swept black hair. He’s got big ole blue eyes, the type that remind you of childhood innocence. His stature is casual and unassuming, but you can see the strength he hides under that big sweater he wears. He almost reminds you of–
“Jon,” he smiles kindly.
Jonathan motherfucking Kent goddammit.
You muster every ounce of will you have to prevent your heart from speeding up, lest he hear it. You scribble his name with tactically careful hands. “It’ll be right out, sir.”
Jon huffs goodnaturedly, waving his hand. “Please, you don’t gotta call me sir. Jon is fine, if you’re comfortable.”
You smile, “sure thing, Jon,” and let your eyes widen when you turn around to pass the order to Sam. They look at you odd when you hand them the cup, but make it without a fuss. They’re weirdly good at seeing through people. “Is he real cute or something?” They ask.
You’re not sure if Jon always uses his super hearing. You imagine he doesn’t out of respect and not wanting to intrude, but you know he’s probably always got an ear out for trouble. Even so, you’ll be caught dead before he has the chance to hear you geek over him.
“Mid,” you scoff, like a liar.
Stupid spidey luck, you swear. Maybe this universe is sentient and is out to get you for real. Jon Kent is, by all means, a cute nerd, but he’s also Superboy . With super strength and laser eyes. Maybe you should, like, break into LexCorp or something. Having kryptonite on hand doesn’t sound like a bad idea.
But maybe you’re just getting ahead of yourself. You take a deep breath, relax , you. You’ve got training from the goddamn Avengers . You got this in the bag! No need to jump the gun. 
Sam takes the order to the front and calls out, “Small vanilla latte for Jon?” Said Jon walks up to the counter, taking the cup and his eyebrows slightly quirk up. Your super hearing picks up his mutter of, “spelled it right…” as he walks off.
“Nervous for the exam?” Sam hums, messing with your earlobe.
“Nah,” you scoff. “It looks like real easy stuff.” You’re more worried about the kind of kids that go there. You’re not foolish enough to think that everybody will be welcoming to a scholarship kid. You’re just thankful you can afford to not look like you’re living on the streets, ‘cause you’re sure at that point you’ll get bullied relentlessly. Nevertheless, your feelings aren’t so easily hurt.
Sam points a finger at you. “Don’t let nobody bully you, those good-for-nothing rich kids wouldn’t last a day out there in the real world. They probably wouldn’t have gotten in without their parents' money anyway.” They grab your shoulders, looking you in the eye. You raise your brows. “I’ll never forget that you did my college level algebra work for me. Seriously, I’ll start paying you to do my work.”
You take their hands. “It’s not a good idea to cheat through college when you’re trying to be a Vet. Probably.”
“I’m saying that you’re way smarter than those losers. They got nothing on you, babes.”
You smile, winking. “I know.” Their smile is sharp. “What’s your beef with the rich anyway? Besides the fact that they’re cheating at life.” You ignore the fact that you technically were rich, in this life and the last.
“Until Bruce Wayne pays my tuition, rich people are useless. All of ‘em.”
Carrie lets you off early to take your exam, and you’re sent off with encouragement all around. Karen guides you along the way, speaking into your ear. Humming a song under your breath, you almost miss the hand reaching out to grab you. You grip the offender’s wrist and whirl around to face them.
It’s Jon. He’s looking at you with wide-eyes.
You furrow your brows. “The fuck, man? Don’t go grabbing people in Gotham.”
His eyes widen even further, hastily removing his grip around your arm. “I’m sorry! I’m really sorry. I just heard you talking about the entrance exams. For GA right? I know the way, I can show you.”
You look him up and down. “You were listening to my conversation? How? You were, like, across the cafe.”
He sputters. “I didn’t mean to, I swear! I just thought I could…” he hesitates, now realizing how weird this is, “...help. And I have really good hearing. Normally good, anyway.”
You stare at him. How is this absolute loser (loving) Superboy? You chuckle. “You’re definitely not from Gotham, are you?”
He relaxes at your smile. “No, is it obvious?”
“Very.” You hook your arm around his. “Lead the way, hero.”
His face flushes, but ever the gentlemen, he doesn’t shove you off. He actually seems to lean into your touch. “So,” you tut as the two of you begin walking, “where are you from, then?”
“Metropolis. I grew up in Smallville for a while though, know it?”
“Kansas, right?” He nods.
“So, was it my dashing good looks that called your name or a biological need to mate?”
He chokes on nothing. “I mean, normal people don’t approach like you did. I know you’ve never seen a beauty like me, but seriously, this whole thing is kinda creepy,” you hum.
He kind of just stares at you. You stare back, and he breaks and chuckles breathily. “I mean, you are pretty cute,” he flirts. Your brows raise in surprise, smiling pleasantly in surprise. “I don’t know, I just like helping people. I’ve always felt the need to do so.” He trails off in thought. “It’s just… who I am.”
It’s fascinating to see the very essence of Superboy in the flesh. You cough and turn your head away. “Pretty corny, if you ask me. But…” you turn back and look at him. “I get it. I like helping the little guys myself.”
“Little guys?”
“Little guys.”
You stop upon the gates of the school, looming above you dauntingly. You turn to face Jon. “How do I look?” He gives you a scrutinizing look before motioning for you to do a spin. You’re wearing a simple hoodie and sweats with slightly beat-up sneakers. Your clothes don’t have to impress anyone, just your score. He thinks seriously, before nodding.
“Looks good to me.”
You chuckle, walking towards the entrance. “See you around, hero.”
“Your heart is racing, [Name].”
“How about we stop talking for a while.”
He watches you walk off. His eyes watch the sway of your hips before he shakes himself out of it. Then, he groans.
“I forgot to get their name.”
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The room is cold and only filled with a few students. Their faces are nervous, and if they aren’t, their demeanor is. They’re obviously middle or lower-class kids. You root for them in your head. They’re also in nicer clothes than you are, whoops.
Like you thought, the test is super easy. You finish it far before anyone else, and sit in silence as the clock ticks. You flick the pencil in your hand around, twirling it. Sooner or later, you’ll have to start finding a way back home. You regret not paying attention when Miguel explained things to you. There’s also that whole particle accelerator thing. You sincerely doubt you’ll be able to build something like that yourself. You don’t have access to that kind of money or material, so you’ll find a way to build a watch. Hobie did it, why can’t you?
“Time’s up.”
You blink. The test proctor makes her way around the room, picking up tests as she goes. She gives you a subtle stink-eye when she makes her way to you, and you look her head on. She huffs and makes her way to the front of the room when she’s done.
“You’ll receive a letter of acceptance or denial in a week’s time.” She emphasizes denial and looks straight at you when she does. What a hater.
You walk out the school feeling light. The sky is still cloudy, as it always is. Then, you’re eyes spot a figure waving at you from outside the gate. It’s Jon. What the fu–
You pause in your tracks as he walks up to you.
“So? How’d it go?”
He meets your incredulous stare. “...what?”
“Were you waiting here the whole time?” The test was 2 hours long!
His eyes widened. “No! I went and did some errands. I just came back like five minutes ago.”
You huff in disbelief. “How’d you know when it would be over?”
“My friend has taken it before.” He probably means Damian.
He offers his arm to you, but you hold out palm. “You’re nice and all, but I’m not letting you know where I live just yet.” He gives you confused puppy eyes. “You’re cute, but not that cute,” you pat his cheek as you walk past him.
He watches you walk past him, before remembering himself and calls out. “What’s your name?”
“Not that cute!” You remind him.
He chuckles in disbelief. He’ll find it out.
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notes: i didn't plan for jon to kinda be whipped with reader but i couldnt stop my hands. apologies if he's ooc bc i have not read a single dc comic and all my characterization of him comes through fanfics ive read LOL. i imagine he'd be a little flirty once he get's comfortable with his Superboy mantle.
also he's not like immediately in love with reader or anything, he's just being a teenage boy. he'll get a grip eventually. probably.
karen: why does superboy call you babygirl
reader: how about we stop talking for a little while - jon: how did you know who to spell my name without the h? most people spell it 'john'.
reader: *nervous sweating*
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I'm Your Man
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banner by @/cafekitsune
Pairing: John Price x fem!oc (3rd person pov)
Word count: 3.5 K
Warnings/tags: mask and glove kink, praise kink, dirty talk, pet names, cunnilingus, unprotected sex, p in v sex, established relationship
A/N: this skin awoke something in me. Written with only slight description of the oc, but better safe than sorry to not mark it as an x reader fic. Title based on the Leonard Cohen song.
Step by step she moves through the house, checking that each light is switched off, windows are closed and locked, doors too. It's a ritual she's used to now, one that keeps her safe. Secure. Of course she knows if someone did try to break in, some thug in a ski mask, she could easily take care of the fucker. Pressure points, weak spots, faster reflexes – she was no weak link. However, it was always better to be safe than sorry. 
In the bedroom, she peels off the restraints that bind her to society. In the safe haven of her home, in its heart, she no longer needs to keep up appearances. Stripping herself down to the woman underneath and not the elegant mask of a lady. The cool sheen of the silk robe she slips on gently grazes over her flesh. A soft rose-petal pink that makes her glow in the warm golden light of the bedside lamps that cast shadows in the room. 
There's a serene comfort to this room, one she feels more than in any other in the house. It's the place where she is most firmly protected. The confines of her bed are a kind reprieve from the stressors of the day and the madness of the world outside. The sheets are freshly washed, the comforter is thick and warm, it's an embrace she looks forward to as the moon rises higher in the night sky. 
Padding into the en suite to wash off her makeup, truly baring herself before bed, she turns on the faucet. The water runs, the constant stream blocking out the noises of the city streets below. Another step in the process as she massages the cleanser on her face, starting with her cheeks as a froth collects. The splash of water that comes next rejuvenates her tired eyes for a fleeting moment. Each drip down the contours of her face taking with it the remains of the day. Skincare, like everything else in her life, had an order. Something that gave her a sense of control in a world that often proved that was a concept that rarely ever truly existed.
The silence of the house seemed to follow her as she went about her business. A quieting blanket like the hush from fresh fallen snow. Her bedroom left exactly as it was when she returned. The curtains at the balcony doors fluttered. Thin, phantom-like sheers drifting and dancing in the breeze. Shutting the doors, locking the latch, the antique brass chilled from the night air sends a shiver through her starting with her fingertips. 
Taking a moment, she gazes at the world outside steeped in silhouette, the lights in the windows mirroring the stars in the sky. She's lost in thought. A hundred plans and expectations spinning through her mind at once. Grocery lists, dinner plans, the odd chores she needs to take care of before she has to go back to work. Her hand drifts through her hair, pushing back the silken strands as she sighs wearily. Even when she's given time off she still finds ways to fill every ounce of her time. It's easier that way, it keeps the memories at bay. 
When she turns back around, she doesn't notice the dark shape in the corner of the room at first, there's just enough shadow to obscure and enough on her plate to dull her senses. That is, until she's grabbed, tugged into the imprisoning grip of two strong arms that clamp around her like an iron vice.
Her heart races, she yelps out a choked squeal, her eyes wide like captured prey as she chastises herself for being caught off guard. Until she recognizes the all too familiar scent of smoke, heady and thick. The pungent aroma of tobacco seeping from every fiber of clothing. Whiskers rasp against her cheek leaving a prickling trail before plush lips purr into her ear. 
“Did I scare you, love?”
She rolls her eyes, unimpressed by the antics. Her heart rate steadying, flattening out to its usual beat and she relaxes with a huffed laugh. “Bloody prat.”
Elbowing him in the stomach, she finds herself colliding with padding, pockets and straps. Hard ridges and stiff plates. He's in his gear? 
The low, rumbling chuckle that graces the tight space between them fans warm breath over her face tinted with a hint of whiskey and she glances upwards. Her brow lifts in surprise and, to be honest, mild bewilderment. 
He's not just wearing his gear, tac vest, leather gloves, and all. He's wearing a mask – half his face is covered in black, something near resembling a skull, but not quite. A hood covering his head like he's the bloody grim reaper. 
“What the hell’s all this?” A quiet little giggle bubbles out of her at the sight. John’s arms loosen just enough to allow her to turn and face him. “Are you dressed like a comic book villain's henchman for a reason?”
A heavy hand swats the round rump of her making her jump once more as she continues to laugh, dimples carving into her cheeks. 
“Bloody cheeky,” he rasps, gripping her arse and squeezing. “For an op,” he adds as if it was perfectly normal for military men to dress like that on any given day.
“And who decided on the outfits?” Her eyes roam over his figure with a playful gleam. “Riley?” she snickers. “Almost happy I'm on another assignment.”
His piercing eyes narrow from behind his mask, a mischievous glint in them she knew all too well. The only parts of his face revealed are his mouth and jaw which quickly stretch into a wry smirk. 
“Can't tell me it doesn't do a little somethin’ for ya, darlin’,” he drawls.
She sighs and tuts her tongue, shaking her head. “Not even in my top ten fantasies, love.”
Leaning down towards her, the shade of his hood blanking out the light of the room, his smirk transforms into something damn near wolfish. Cold, blue eyes as hungry as a predator. “Is that right?” His voice, husky and deep, is a taunting whisper that leaves her mouth going dry and a heat beginning to bloom in her core.
“Perhaps you’d like to change my mind,” she murmured softly, breathless with the arousal gathering inside her. 
A growl builds in his chest, as thunderous as the ocean in a hurricane. His eyes becoming just as stormy, the grey flecks seeming to flare with his own desires. 
“Tha's my good girl.” 
She swallows thickly as he stalks towards her, guiding her back to the bed with a hand gripping her hip tightly. His calloused fingers toying with the silk material under his touch, the only barrier between him and his prize, kneading at the flesh below. 
“Is the gear staying on too?” she asks with a lift of her brow.
“You bet your arse.”
His smirk damn near makes her melt once more. Her chest rising and falling with short, sharp pants. The flush rising up her skin from her chest to the tips of her ears, floods her with warmth that radiates outwards. Her doe eyes half-lidded as her lips part and she wets them before biting down on the full lower pout. 
“D'you have any idea how much I've been wantin’ you, sweetheart? All soft and sweet and laid out f’me. Draped all pretty across the bed. Been thinkin’ about that gorgeous little cunt o'yours all day.”
She moans softly, a quiet whimper slipping past her lips. The little twist in her gut is the only warning before she knows her thighs will be slick with her need. 
“Get on the bed, darlin’.” He directs her with another gentle tap to her arse. “Want you nice and comfortable.”
Settling onto the mattress, her head resting against the pillows, she focuses on him. Watching as he climbs up and the bed creaks with his weight, concaving under the strength of his hands and knees. He moves with practiced measure, slow, unbothered. It's clear this effort isn't for him, so much as it is for her. There's no need to rush what's about to come. 
His hands slide under the silky garment, climbing up her thighs and increasing the anticipation that flutters in her core, the rough leather leaving a trail of goosebumps behind as he spreads her legs wide for him. 
“So goddamn gorgeous, you know that? Absolutely perfect,” he purrs, lunging forward as if to pounce but instead meeting her mouth in slow, deep kisses. Encouraging her lips to open with a sweep of his tongue along their seam. 
His mustache tickles her lip. The stubble on his chin burns her soft skin each time it rubs against her. It's the stark difference of sensations that leaves her breathless, head spinning as she moans into his mouth. Tongue sliding against his, it curls with each pass. The spice of whiskey and the richness of his cigars spreading over her taste buds and filling her with his essence. 
Her hands, so used to roaming over his body in moments like this, grazing over scars, muscles, and freckles, don’t know what to do with themselves met by armor and tactical clothing. She can’t feel him the way she wants to. The cold carbon of the mask pressing against her forehead throwing her for a loop. 
“John,” she mewls against his mouth, her hips starting to roll and grind against him. The opening of her robe having split open, her bare cunt rubs over rough material and the hard press of the zipper that strains against his stiffened bulge. 
He shushes her, his words a low, throaty whisper as his mouth finds its way to her ear and nibbles on her lobe sending a thrill down her spine, “Lemme take care o’you, darlin’. You know I know best. Just sit there and be your pretty self f’me, love.”
Facial hair pricks her sensitive skin as he scours a trail down the column of her neck, taking the time to suck her salty-sweet flesh and lavish her in open-mouthed kisses leaving red marks from his attention behind. He groans against her, nuzzling into the crook of her neck as much as his gear and mask will allow as his hands begin their ascent along her waist. 
Deft fingers pull the neckline of her robe open and reveal the swells of her breasts. Her nipples pebbling with the growing heat between them, hardening into stiff buds as leather clad digits pinch and twist at them with just the right amount of friction and force. 
Back arching in reaction, whining, growing desperate and needy as he draws out her sweet torture, getting her ready to surrender, she grips at the straps of his vest, holding on for dear life as he begins to dry hump against the wet folds of her mound.
“Christ,” he mumbles, “Love those bloody sounds you make, sweetheart.” His tongue drags against her pulse point before he nips her gently with his teeth, grazing them along her skin to make her shiver.
Slowly working his way down, he nibbles on her collarbone, pressing kisses to the hollow of her throat. The vibrations of the deep purrs that emanate from him travel through her skin right down into the marrow of her bones. 
Lost to him, completely his.
He leans down, glancing up at her from under his hood, eyes glinting. Something primal stirs within him as she lays there at his mercy. His hot breath warming her flesh as he calms himself, regains control. His tongue teases her nipple, circling the areola, before wrapping his lips around it and suckling. Alternating between gentle and rougher tugs on her stiffened bud, biting down gently to make her squeal and grip him harder.
The dark chuckle from his lips makes her eyes flutter shut, she'd think he was being cruel and teasing her if she wasn't so sure of what he was building up to. 
Undoing the waist tie of her robe, it fell away from her like the petals spreading on a newly sprouted flower, opening her to him. All smooth, soft skin for his eyes to feast upon, dragging over her like he was a starving man as ragged breaths crawled up from his lungs.
“Never gonna get tired of that sight. Bloody perfect.”
She didn't think she could feel any more flushed. However, even with the simple compliment, her ears began to burn and her cheeks grew warm. A bashful grin curling her lips.
“Oh, darlin’. Now if that ain't the prettiest sight.” His grin was downright smug, barrel chest puffed up and proud at the way he could still get her to blush like a schoolgirl.
“Shut up,” she giggled, covering her sheepish face with her arm.
His gleeful smirk, darkened by the mask and hood, revealed pearly whites. The hunger in his eyes is all the more prominent as he settles between her thighs, gloved paws wrapping around them, maintaining their distance, keeping them spread wide as he maneuvers each leg over his shoulders. John licks his lips, pink tongue darting out, tasting her in the air like a serpent. 
Breath hitching, she bites her lip, waiting for the inevitable. Time slows to a halt, lingering in that moment like staring down the barrel of a gun. 
Sharp eyes snap to her heaving chest and the shuddering breaths that make her breasts lift and fall, staring at the soft peaks with the attention of a sniper waiting for the perfect shot.
And then the moment strikes –
His tongue travels over her inner thigh, his saliva mixing with the glint of her arousal that has spread over the skin. The small offering imparted to him, gifted to stoke the pangs that have burrowed deep inside. He groans once more as he kisses her slick flesh, the bristles of his beard burning her as he tests her folds with his tongue, licking a long stripe through them before pursing his lips together and blowing softly against her mound. 
She mewls, gripping the sheets on either side of her, sparks shooting through her nerves. Fire and ice tickling every synapse in her brain. 
Flinching, her legs shift as her hips buck and he coils his arms under her thighs, gripping her hips and pulling her back into position. “Stay right there, darlin’,” he orders, a strictness to his command that shoots through her and causes her cunt to clench in response and her body to freeze.
“Tha’s better,” he purrs. “Always such a good girl f’me.” His focus shifts back to the glistening cunt before him and he delves in once more with an unforgiving hold on her thighs, suffocating himself between them. Tongue teasing her clit before wrapping his lips around it, sucking, making her grind against his mouth, moaning and whimpering. He growls against her, and once piercing eyes turn glazed, the lids growing heavy with lust as his tongue drifts through her folds. Pulling every little whine and mewl from her that he can as he sinks deeper into his drunken state on the taste of her. 
“Taste so fuckin’ good,” he mumbles, words slurred and almost incoherent with how far he’s drifted, letting his control fall away before returning to his duty. Her hands reach out, pushing back the hood he wears and burying her fingers into his hair. Nails drag over his scalp, massaging at his crown as she finds herself slipping and falling into the pleasure he delivers her.
The room fills with obscenely wet noises as his mouth works her cunt, his tongue slithering, lips sucking. Building her up to the very edge, and bringing her over it, again and again. A man on a mission, aching to make her as much of a begging, weak mess as he feels burying his face in her delicious core. Stomach fluttering in conjunction with her breathless pants, she writhes under his constant touch. Fisting his short hair and trying to pull him away so she can have just a moment to get a hold of herself. She’s losing the ability to think, to speak. Words won’t form, just nonsensical moans as she stumbles into an ecstatic delirium. Her cunt clenches around nothing, walls fluttering as heat pools in her core and at the base of her spine. Clutching her tighter in response, he’s a dog with a bone and he’ll never let it go. Lost in his own moment of peace. A man whose whole life has been defined by his loyalty to his work, his persistence to defeat every obstacle in his way, and here – in this bedroom, between her thighs – he only has to worry about one thing: giving her every ounce of perfect pleasure he can reward her with. 
John ruts against the bed, the friction against his clothed bulge enough to make his eyes roll back in his head as his tongue sinks into the tight entrance of her cunt. This is the only home he needs, doesn’t matter where he is as long as she’s there too. And as she starts screaming, crying out, her voice damn near hoarse with how many times he’s brought her to completion, that coiling knot in his gut makes itself known, tightening like a noose. Their eyes meet, vision hazy, blurred by satisfaction and drunk on the high. The entire lower half of his face is soaked. His beard slick with her juices, mustache glistening in the warm light as he lifts his head and pleads, desperate to relieve the ache in his groin. 
“Please, darlin’...” Blue eyes beg her for release. His ragged breaths are the only evidence of the way he’s worked himself up. The sweat, the reddened face, hidden by his mask. “Please,” he mumbles, flicking his tongue against her swollen, pulsing clit. Her puffy cunt is sensitive, overstimulated. Her thighs covered in her arousal, and the bed covers below her are wet with her slick and his spit. As his tongue grazes her, barely touching the skin, she gasps and moans once more, too weak to make a louder noise. She nods her head, catching her breath, her chest straining to collect enough air as he unbuckles his belt and unzips his fly, his throbbing cock springing free, drooling with precum. 
It’s a sight that always brings her back up to the heights of desire. Even when her mind is a foggy mess she can still recall just how good it feels when he stretches open her velvet walls. While his tongue can work wonders, and his fingers know exactly where to stroke, it’s his cock that she dreams about when they’re apart: the way it fills her with each demanding thrust, the heavy drag of it. 
She collects his chin in her hand and pulls him up towards her. The smirk on his face is intoxicating, his dimples driving her crazy as she cradles his jaw and kisses him, tasting herself on his lips. 
“You’re bloody amazing, love,” he rumbles against her mouth, his hand curling under her, holding her tight to him as she wraps her legs around his waist. 
His cock slips into her easily, she’s so wet there’s barely any resistance at all. Grunting with each pistoning of his hips, John has to close his eyes as he presses his forehead to hers. He’s so close already, it’s easy to tell with each stuttered drive into her depths. There’s no rhythm – as much as he tries – the heavy gear he’s wearing is a burden, slowing him down, adding to his work load. It doesn’t take long however, before he can’t hold out and his eyes squeeze shut, his body tensing. 
“It’s okay, love,” she moans softly, her voice a breathy whisper as she strokes her thumb through the drenched bristles of his facial hair.
He groans, panting heavily, and he can’t stop himself as his come escapes him in hot ropes. His thrusts grow shallower, riding out his orgasm before slipping out of her, leaving a trail of their mixed fluids behind, collapsing beside her on the bed.  
“Fucking hell,” he drawls, pulling off the mask he was wearing and putting it on the bedside table. Puffing out heavy breaths as he rubs a hand down his sweat-drenched face. “That was… something else,” she breathes. Rolling over, she curls up beside him, resting her head on his chest and wrapping an arm over his stomach. “What in the hell gave you the idea to do all that,” she asks, gazing up at him with her large doe-eyed stare, as pretty and sweet as can be.
“You know how I feel about you, sweetheart.” He nuzzled against the top of her head, brushing his nose through her hair as his big hand cupped the back of her head, fingers carding through the soft strands. “I’d do anythin’ for you.”
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n3ptoonz · 8 months
hellooo it's okay if you choose not to write this!! but like im going thru it rn & was thinking how would the mk men be with someone who thrives off of being validated? i'm thinking raiden, kung lao, smoke, but anyone else you want too! kinda like some fluffy pick me up content :(
ofc i can do this, seems easy enough and i hope you're doing alright anon <3 if not at the moment, this feeling won't last forever!
mk1 hcs: how raiden, kung lao, smoke, and rain give praise/validation to their s/o
no warnings just fluff, more bullet points than usual since i'm doing four characters (and writing for them har har har) i use praise and validation interchangeably here if that's okay
hope this is good!
raiden is almost always giving you praise and validation for just about anything
your skill, how well you cook, if you don't cook how well you help him out, to even how well your cleaning is
a swift "wow, you're amazing" "do i tell you i love you enough?" "how did you do that? impressive!" are in order whenever he deems fit (literally all the time)
don't let him find out you're down about something, because you're not leaving this house until he sees that smile
he holds you close more often and whispers cute things to you. some jokes, some things are more personal/targeted comments of validation
"you do know that i love you, right?" "you're the best thing to happen to me." "whatever has you down, we're in this together."
don't be surprised when you wake up one day and there's baskets full of freshly picked fruit on the dining table too. he hates to see you frown, so he does everything in his power to hear your laughter again
Kung Lao
as much as he loves receiving validation and being told he's the best at any given moment, he loves giving it too
for him it's usually on occasions where he really means every single word he's saying. like if you were to finally get a move you've been trying for like a week, he's your number one cheerleader
"i saw that out there, you're doing so well!" "shit, where'd you learn that from?! teach me!" "i am so proud of you"
if you're down, he's dropping everything to be by your side, if he can. whatever plagues your mind is an enemy of his now
he holds your hand(s) and is surprisingly very patient with you. well, is it really surprising when he professes his love for you every chance he gets?
"i'm here for you, love" "whenever you're ready, i'm always listening" "do i need to beat anybody's ass? just say the word."
he would also bring fruit (yes, he stole raiden's idea) and offer to train with you more for comfort or to tease you to take your mind off things (code word for endless flirting)
when it comes to tomas, contrary to the popular belief of him being a smug thug that beats up old ladies, he's from shy boy city. population: him
on both ends he doesn't know how to react/isn't that good at giving praise. he'll either stumble over his words or do something else to show you he cares. it's really only when it comes to you cause he has to be confident around everybody else
he'll give an enthusiastic thumbs up from across the room, walk past you and whisper "great job!", or wait until it's just you two in the room so he can pepper your face with kisses (i need him so bad)
but hold up...you're feeling down? nah, that simply won't do. his shyness is gone and he's a little too ready to bring someone's head as a treasure if someone hurt you
"are you alright? i've got your back." "i would do anything for you" "i love you so much, don't forget that."
he would try his best efforts to spend more time with you and do more things around the house. hell, if he really had it his way you would never lift a finger ever again
rain is a man of few words. the way he operates is he doesn't really feel the need to keep saying the same thing over and over again, but that changed with you
now it wasn't a huge change, but he definitely had no opposition to letting you know when he noticed you, and he knows you'd do the same if not more
"i like what you did there, keep it up" "how did i get so lucky?" "you make me great at what i do"
he finds out you don't feel too hot? prepare to know what royalty feels like, because that's how he's going to treat you. technically you have a walking water-cooler at all times, so now you're definitely never doing anything yourself again
"i've got it taken care of, don't you worry about a thing" "your wish is my command." "if someone did something to you, they will regret it. i promise."
behind that calm and cool demeanor he was lowkey freaking out because he doesn't like seeing you down. he'd offer to make all types of natural medicines or potions, and when you tell him you just need him around, he's fine with putting work off until you feel better
a/n: i found out a few weeks ago charles from rdr and rain mk1 share the same va. i KNEW he sounded familiar mm mm mm
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dailydccomics · 2 years
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every thug (Harley) needs a lady (Ivy) Harley Quinn vol 4 #27
733 notes · View notes
fichubbieslvrrr · 1 month
💢 Pay Up! 💢
pairing: Taiju x Fem!reader
cw : nsfw, repaying debt, oneshot
a/n : ugh why did he have to be so fine!!! cross posted on ao3
wc : ≈3k
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Once again you're in this mess.
Twenty thousand dollars in debt due to your gambling addiction.
Life really is funny...you despised your father for wasting every ounce of money he got on slot machines, roulette, poker, all sorts of nonsense.
Yet, here you are...in the same position.
"Emma, what should I do!?," you ask your best friend desperately.
She gazes up at you with a bored expression...you can't blame her though...she's probably tired of seeing you get yourself in these situations.
With a slow blink, she drawls,"Uhh...well...you gotta pay it back..."
You give her an unimpressed expression.
"Yeah I know that much...but how?"
She looks at the ceiling for a bit before looking back at you.
"Well you could ask a loan shark for money..."
You stare at her for a moment...
"Emma... girl...I love you but...that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard."
She scoffs in offense," How!? It's a good idea!"
You shake your head, " No...it's not...I'll just be going from one debt to another."
She pauses before speaking, "Well..yeahhh...but there's more at play here than just that..."
You listen intently.
"Those casino guys are hardcore, if you don't repay them...they could kill you...or worse..."
"What's worse than getting killed...?" You ask genuinely.
"Well...truth is they might not kill you, because then they won't get back their money...so...the next option would be to sell you...to make back up the money."
You freeze. Your face going pale as you imagine something like that happening to you. Your blood runs cold thinking about it.
You swallow thickly, "Um...so how's the loan shark thing gonna work...?"
You stand in front of the imposing Shiba nightclub. It really comes to life as the sun goes down. You've passed it a couple times before but never went in...it just seemed, out of your price range.
But today, you'll have no choice but to walk through those doors to meet with...𝘩𝘪𝘮
You shudder at the thought.
From what Emma told you, he's an ex gang leader, who opened a nightclub after his little brother passed away. He still runs some sketchy businesses though, using the nightclub as a way to clean his blood money.
Owing him won't be fun but at least you'll be able to get those casino thugs off your back.
You walk through the messy crowd of sweaty, sticky bodies, grinding and swaying against each other. It takes everything in you not to vomit. Finally you're met with a staircase but as you walk up it, a firm grip lands on your hand.
"Where the hell are you going darlin'~?", A man dressed in all black asked.
"Um...I need to see...uh...Mr. Taiju Shiba please."
"The boss?...You a hooker?"
You shake you head quickly. You didn't think you gave off that impression especially when you're dressed in a crew neck sweater and ankle length skirt.
𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘴 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴?
"No, I'm here to um... ask for a loan." You raise your voice slightly to compete with the blasting music in the club.
The man nods, smiling at you which revealed his gold tooth before sending you upstairs.
As you reach on the flat the noise gets quieter, you look around at the aquariums filled with exotic fish decorating the room. The scent irritates your nose, it reeks of alcohol and cigarette smoke.
As you walk deeper into the room, you notice two guards stationed on either side, they do nothing but look at you closely.
Eventually, you face forward, your eyes landing in a large man sitting in a circular couch and he swirls a glass of whiskey in his hand. He's not paying much attention to you, instead he's busy looking at paperwork.
One of the guards notice this and call out to him. "Boss...the lady."
It tears his attention away from the stack of papers as he looks at you.
Holy shit this guy is scary! His hair slicked back with a tattoo running up his neck. His face a bit scarred and a harsh gaze. Plus...he's huge.
He stands up, slowly walking toward you... he's got to be at least 6'4.
You fidget where you stand as he halts in front or you, a menacing expression on his face.
"You gonna answer me or not!?" His face contorting in anger.
You clutch your purse with shaky hands as you try to answer him.
"U-um...I ...I need a loan... please..." You managed to get those few words out, barely making eye contact with him in fear.
He suddenly erupts in laughter resting his heavy hand on your shoulder.
"You look like you're gonna shit your pants!" He jokes crudely, "I haven't seen someone look at me like that in a while!"
Roughly, he wraps an arm around your shoulder as he walks back to the couch, tugging you along.
You sit in silence as he lights a cigarette, putting it to his lips.
"So...what's the deal with you now...?" He stares straight into your eyes as he blows a puff of smoke in your direction.
Blocking your nose discreetly form inhaling the toxic air, you answer.
"Well, I need to borrow twenty thousand dollars."
His eyes widen before he laughs in your face.
"Twenty thousand dollars!? What did you get yourself into to be needing that much money!"
You look to the ground feeling embarrassed, "...it's complicated."
His face goes serious again...god this guy is crazy...
He sighs before taking another puff. "Well sorry little lady, I don't give out that much money to first time borrowers."
Your face drops, you feel like you've been pushed into a bottomless pit of despair. If he won't give you the money...how are you gonna pay off your debt...
"Sir please," your voice trembling, "I really need this money, I promise I'll pay you back if you could just—"
His hand goes up ,signaling for you to stop talking. He pushes the cigarette butt into the ashtray as he leans back on the couch, watching you...
"I don't run this business on promises...but since I love helping out a desperate woman..." He chuckles coldly, "I'll loan you the money."
You want to smile and be glad that you got what you wanted but the expression on his face only shows that you've gotten yourself in more trouble than you bargained for.
'𝘐 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘢 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘯' The words repeat in your mind...and they don't sound good
But nonetheless, you can't be picky right now so you listen to his terms.
"I'll give you the cash, then you'll have 2 weeks to pay it back to me, with five thousand dollars interest."
𝘍𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘥𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵!?...𝘑𝘦𝘴𝘶𝘴 𝘊𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘵.
"O-ok, got it." You hesitantly agree.
He laughs bitterly, "If you don't pay it back in time...then you'll have to show me what that little body of yours can do."
This time you can't contain the scowl that appears on your face. You're not naive, you expected something along those lines but at least it'll be with him alone and you won't be sold into prostitution...hopefully.
But either way, you won't let it get to that point. Come hell or high water, you'll pay this man back his money.
Clearing your throat you reply as confidently as you can.
"Alright, deal."
—2 𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙠𝙨 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧—
You've cleared your casino debt and haven't gambled since, making you feel quite proud of yourself.
As for the money you owe Taiju...well a perfect solution fell right onto your lap.
You had been struggling to think of ways to pay him back (without having to sleep with him) but you came up with nothing. Even the ideas that you did have wouldn't be able to get you twenty-five thousand dollars in such a short amount of time.
Then it happened.
Your grandmother passed away and left you and each one of your cousins, fifty thousand dollars.
You couldn't believe your luck, although it's a shame half of that money had to go to a loan shark but still it's a much better situation than you were in before.
And you weren't that close with your grandmother anyway so...you definitely weren't in mourning or anything.
You put the money in a backpack and head to the nightclub.
Having this much cash on you at night is not enjoyable but you remain calm...no one knows you have it so you'll be fine.
You can see the lights of the nightclub ahead but as you pass an alley, a figure emerges.
You freeze as you hear a click close to your head.
"Drop the bag." The voice orders as he points a gun at you.
With tears threatening to fall from your eyes, you take the bag off your shoulders and let it fall to the ground.
Swiftly the man picks it up, chuckling quietly as he runs past you.
And you swear...just for a split second...
You can see the glimmer of a gold tooth under the moonlight...
But you're in too much shock to focus on that right now. You stand still as a statue as you contemplate what to do next.
Should you still go to the nightclub and tell Taiju you were robbed?...Would he even care?
Obviously not.
Should you go home and get the remainder money you have?
Ultimately, you decide to go to the club and explain the situation to him and maybe ask him for another week.
You tread up the stairs weakly, dreading seeing him.
He's waiting for you with a large grin on his face...
"Well look who's here! But...I don't see my money on you?"
You slouch onto the sofa, gazing at him with an exhausted expression before you muster up the words.
"I...I was robbed...I had the money...I swear...if you could give me more ti—"
You try to plead with him but he interrupts you, his voice low and serious.
"I don't do that, I gave you two weeks...and you agreed to it," He continues, "So either you make magic and the money appears in front of me right now or..."
You rest your head in your palms, feeling defeated and hopeless as he speaks to you.
"Aww don't look so upset...I'll fuck you real good, I promise." He laughs mockingly.
The two guards stationed immediately leave the room, and that's when you know...it's getting serious.
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He tugs at your long accordion skirt, pulling it all the way down.
"Oh you got some pretty legs..."
He rubs the plush skin, pushing his thumb firmly against your inner thigh.
"But you dress like an old church lady."
You remain silent just watching him with a scornful frown.
"Aw don't pout those glossy lips..."
He leans close to your ear, whispering.
"...maybe they'll look better wrapped around my cock."
Your breath hitches as he roughly pressed his mouth against your neck, sucking hard enough to leave marks.
His hand grabs your shirt, pulling the buttons open and pushing his hand into your bra.
You gasp, holding onto his hand to try to slow him down.
He lifts up from your neck, slapping your hand away as he rips down your bra.
𝘎𝘰𝘥 𝘩𝘦'𝘴 𝘴𝘰 𝘢𝘨𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘷𝘦...
He puts his mouth on your soft breasts, flicking his tongue against your sensitive nipple.
Your head tilts back, quiet whimpers escaping your mouth.
"...ah ...hah...ah ..."
You feel him smile smugly against your breasts.
"Ah~...you're enjoying this aren't you~"
He stands up in front of you, his hand swiftly unbuckling his belt.
Your eyes widen as he pulls off his pants...
...It's so big...
You can't help but stare at the imprint of his cock straining through his boxers, the head tucked to the left with his heavy balls between his legs.
You feel your face heat up, turning away in embarrassment.
"Take it off for me doll~..."
He puts your hands on his waistband, urging you to pull down his boxers.
Despite your reluctance, you're still very curious to see his size, without anything in the way.
You do as he says, letting his boxers drop.
You gasp slightly as his thick, hard cock springs free, twitching in your face.
"Come on~, you gonna look at it all day..? Y'know what to do~" He grins down at you eagerly.
You hold the base firmly...god it feels so heavy in your hand.
Slowly, you begin giving the tip kitten licks, tasting the salty precum that leaks from him.
His hands grip your hair tightly.
"As cute as this looks, if you're gonna make me cum..."
"you'll have to use the back of your throat~!"
Suddenly he pushes his cock down your throat, bucking his hips in your mouth as you choke.
"Ahh~ that's—hah— much...better,"
Your eyes water as you look up at him, too stuffed to protest, plus his hand keeps your head steady on his cock.
You suck as much as you could as he hammers your throat.
Until finally you feel that warm liquid fill your mouth.
He releases his grip on you, letting his glistening cock slip out your mouth.
You pant for air, coughing as you swallow every drop of his cum.
He lifts your chin to look at him. "Mm that taste good~?"
You ignore his question as you wipe your mouth, trying to get the bitter taste of his cum off you...must be all that smoking and alcohol....
You lean back on the sofa, eyes closed, breathing heavily to catch your breath.
"Don't relax too much doll face..."
You open your eyes to see him looking at you hungrily as he strokes his cock, drops of precum forming at the tip.
"But you just came!?" You groan in disbelief.
He chuckles bitterly,"So? ... I'm not satisfied until I can pound that tight pussy of yours~"
Abruptly, he pushes your legs up on the couch, making the wet spot on your underwear visible.
"Ah~ so you're liking this much more than I thought..." He teases, tracing his thumb over the spot.
You cover your face in embarrassment as he takes off your underwear, leaving you very exposed to him, just as he wanted.
But your arms quickly fall to the side as you feel his broad tongue swipe over your wet slit, making a moan slip out your mouth.
You gaze down at him teary eyed, watching as he spits and suckles on your clit, slurping up every bit of liquid that oozes out of you.
"O-oh god~ ...wait...not...so rough..." You whine, yet you're grinding against his tongue.
He chuckles at your movements, then lets his tongue delve into your gummy walls, swirling around as he laps up everything inside you.
Tears roll down your cheeks as your legs start shaking, your hands tangling in his hair as he pushes the firm muscle in more.
"Mmhm...god yes~ keep going~..." You moan out while writhing against his face.
To your dismay, he pulls out his tongue, a string of saliva following it.
Your half lidded eyes gaze at him as he kneels on the couch pushing your legs up to touch your shoulders as he positions himself at your achingly needy entrance.
Grinning at you, he leans down close to your face.
"Let's see how much you can take pretty girl~..."
Your mouth hangs open as he pushes in, not giving you time to adjust to his size.
Desperately you grab onto his arms digging your fingers into his skin as you let out raspy moans.
You see stars as he bottoms out, his cock throbbing inside you.
"Hah...fuck you're so tight~..."
He pulls out halfway before slamming it in again, pounding you relentlessly.
"But I'll fuck your pussy till it's loose~"
You make desperate, incoherent sentences as he hits your sweet spot over and over and over again.
Pressing his forehead against yours, he quickens his pace, fucking you hard as you scream a string of curse words.
You look down at the fast movements of his cock sliding in and out of you. You didn't want to enjoy this but it just feels so good...
And your body doesn't lie...
He places his thumb your clit, rubbing the puffy, swollen nub as he pummels you.
Your legs on his shoulders giving him full access to fill your greedy pussy that just keeps sucking him in.
You put your arms around his neck, holding onto him tightly as your body peaks.
"Yeah ..hah...that's it...cum on my cock."
Your vision goes white as you climax intensely, your pussy squirting sweet juices on him.
He laughs at your blissed out expression but not letting up on fucking you.
"Be good and let me fill you up nicely doll face~ alright..."
You bite your lip as his hips stutter, cumming deep inside you.
You gaze up at his face, low grunts and groans escaping his lips.
God he looks...so fucking hot...
Slowly, he pulls out, grinning smugly as he watches his cum spill out of you, slapping your pussy lightly.
"Mm, you did very good~" He rubs your cheek, pinching it gently.
You look at him with tired eyes, his intense gaze staring back at you.
Breathlessly, you whisper to him.
"Taiju...can we...do this again sometime?"
He grins.
33 notes · View notes
simp-ly-writes · 2 months
The City
─────── · · THE SERIES: PART TWO
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PAIRING: Enver Gortash x fem!Reader, Wyll Ravengard x fem!Reader
─ · · SUMMARY: Across the seas you are studying to finally cement yourself as a high lady and 'worthy' of being beside the Duke's son in the publics eye. Yet as time slips through your fingers, and you have had no word from your lover- a face from the past decides to make their presence known once more after going through hell.
─ · · WARNINGS: contract marriage, child abuse, bullying, anxiety attacks flashbacks, overall angst with fluff
─ · · A/N: I have to start making chapters shorter- my computer begs me.
─────── · ·
“Anger, resentment and jealousy doesn't change the heart of others-- it only changes yours.”
 Shannon Alder
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When Gortash resurfaced, contract burned to the ground and an echoing voice shattered his mind with great ill intentions. He listened to the life the voices promised, that he realised he wished upon himself and strived to mould it into reality. Taking back to the Lower City and its sewers, his heart felt heavy with memories that the voices dampened with his mission they provided. 
He infiltrated the underground network, mingling with Guild, Zhentarim, and Thugs alike. He carefully observed their trade networks and studied their trade secrets as he temporarily acted under their needs before running back off with the information to the now abandoned factories on the shoreline. 
Hands running with memory, he used the metal scraps and various stolen powders to craft numerous weapons of destruction. He looked at himself in the gleaming metals, felt the various nicks and bruises across his hands from the work before turning the market on its head. Exporting his work to make numbers, he took hold of the unsuspecting and thrusted them to make his ultimate designs. 
Mere weeks into his developments, various characters of his past both from hell and sewer came back with contracts in hand and meetings to be scheduled as he charmed and dined their offerings to build himself up more. Soon enough, Enver Gortash was making lucrative business as a black market arms dealer, sending a thousand ships full of weapons and bombs to neighbouring wars without a blink towards the headlines and the various zeros that followed. 
Using this newfound income, Enver looked to legitimize his business, exploring other avenues and sectors. Combing his way back into the light, his eyes winced at the harsh sunlight casting judgement across his pale skin before shaking hands with misters and misses to dukes and duchesses alike. But with surface level interests came newfound dangers brought into light as many looked to take down the approaching tidal wave of Envers overtaking of the manufacturing scene, especially those connected to the Knights of the Shield as many attempts at his life were made over glasses of wine, the occasional bathhouse, or underground dispute. 
He looked for a bodyguard and found himself back in searching the hells like the devil himself did to him. Casting up a contract to a young tiefling named Karlach, she protected the supposed businessman with her life and fiery passion. Often casting jokes to try and catch a sliver of a smile she thought to be imagining, or the slight twitch to his eye. The facade Enver put up was perfected as his signature gilded across multiple pages and shook hands with the upper echelon of society. 
It was during one of these events that the whispering wind had caught his breath and taken his life back to an old one he thought to have forgotten long ago. He watched as a striking young woman in an equally lavish gown practically skipped down the cobbled streets, a dashing young man chasing after her, a sword swinging by his waist with every step he took. 
Your face caught him standing there in the street as you simply overlooked him and took around a corner. The young man seemingly out of breath gripping his knees as he called out your name that had Enver feeling weak himself. Gripping his hands into fists, Karlach raised a brow- this was the most emotion she had ever seen her boss possess as she quickly looked over the square for a possible association. 
“Is everything alright boss?” Karlach asked tentatively, hands beginning to reach around her back to draw a weapon as Enver began to walk forward with large strides without another word. His heart was racing, his eyes begging to cast upon your form again as he wondered if you would remember a boy like him. 
His mind then flooded as a foreign weight fell upon his right shoulder, he remembered your head falling against it during the early morning hours after you patched his hand. Next, a memory of you pulling him into the very factory he worked out of now. Sneaking around the various guards and filling your bag full for the next day where you spent all day trying to make his drawings a reality and then you were at school. Him seeing you for the first time, reading with you on the bench behind the church and holding you as the children screamed. 
When he looks down the alleyway you went down, he finds it empty- as if you were only a figment of his imagination, a ghost of an older life. He looks down to the ground, confused as he asks the voices in his mind if he had truly lost it only to receive no response. Karlach waits for him, guarding the small space as she silently understands what her boss had seemingly lost but was increasingly distracted by his sudden display of emotion. In the end, she had not readied herself for the onslaught of it as a heavy heart soon turned to anger and ultimately her destruction. 
Feeling the after waves of his own enslavement, for catching a glimpse at what could have been you and him. He was taken back to the hells from a portal supported by Helsik and struck a deal with Zariel. The Crown of Karsus for a pivotal role in the new world alongside a new product offered now that he had been working diligently on for many years now, an infernal engine- the test subject? Karlach. 
Lost in the need for his pain to be felt, he used it on the only person he was able to call a friend in the past decade they had been working alongside one another as the voices demanded it, only to mute and combine in the sound of one, Use those weak to build yourself stronger. 
Who speaks? Enver asks himself as the roaring fires and the woman's screams are left behind as he emerges from the portal once more. 
You are to be my Chosen, the voice disregards the question at first, only leaving a lingering presence in the back of his mind as he beds a red-headed lady to gain himself more notoriety in the higher circles. Weapons at their throats, hidden by words as he looked towards politics as he pulled out to finish and hastily takes himself out of the bed as the woman gasped for air, her eyes still closed in bliss before snapping to the sound of the door slamming closed. 
Enver walked outside the estate, still adjusting his long coat against his body before entering the dying streets. Walking back towards the factories, the voice revealed themselves to be Bane, the God of Tyranny and Lord of Darkness as the sun fell upon the shores. On his path he looks back to see the hill where he first met you, the marks the woman left across his back still aching as he feels bile run up his throat as he crashes into the side of a building for support. 
“Lady Jannath,” he whispers to himself, testing the name for he didn’t care to remember earlier but knowing he is not alone he asks the voice ever present. Will she see me- love me enough to hate me- to lothe me? My actions and desires?
She left you, remember chosen? You were rotting in hell as she was begging for the Duke's boy. Do not forget that you are bettering this world by rebuilding it. We have no need for the girl-
You speak in such absolutes… 
As you will learn to force them. 
─────── · ·
Enver Gortash would become a common name discussed in every home from within the gate- his popularity overshadowing any dirt to be found in the scraps he did not already erase. Bane led Gortash to acquire more power and influence within the political inner circles surrounding Baldur's Gate as he became referenced to be the future military advisor after his connections in the weapons industry. Driven by his growing ambition with the Crown of Karsus in hand, the knowledge of this artifact set in the hands of another slipped within the underground and underdark as Myrkul and Bhaal also wished to play house with the city. 
Cornered one day in his own factory, a blade thrusted in between his ribs by the Chosen of Bhaal and the barking dog of Ketheric Thorm, the Chosen of Myrkul, in his face. He was left with little room but to ensure a favorable alliance with his compliance. Showing the wicked two the power the Crown could offer within ancient Netherese texts they searched to enslave an Elder Brain to support their deities alongside their own personal desires. Splitting the crown within three Netherstones, unleashed sins were planned to swarm the coast. 
Sins plagued the man as desire soon overtook. Gortash had people keeping tabs on every moment of your life. He read upon your family's new estate, the friends you networked with, the first apprenticeship you gained under Ravengard to your training with the flaming fists before discussions of you being sent away to learn under foreign education. Rage would be too small of a word to withhold the pure fury that raged through Envers veins. 
The little boy within him crying out to see his only friend betrothed to another. A sick jealousy plagued his mind as he kept photos of your graduation, set your favorite flowers by his bedside and had even stolen your couple's portrait of you and Wyll from the Dukes estate. The son's face was ripped apart, leaving you alone on the canvas to shine beautifully with the fresh oil paints. Gortash would find himself sitting in front of you many nights as he told you his wicked plans- as if trying to gauge a reaction from your unmoving character. 
He would silently await your answer before looking at the various sculptures surrounding the room that silently judged the lord to be. And in a moment of great weakness, watching from one of the balconies of Wyrms Rock fortress as he temporarily visited as a guest. He watched your ship sail away. You running away, just as he was finally getting everything he ever wanted. In this moment of bitterness, of weakness and hurt pride; he decided to show his strength and took tadpoles to the instigators of it all. 
─────── · ·
The cobbler house was quiet on a weekend night. Oil lamps threatened to flicker out as Enver moved effortlessly under their light. Bane praised his forward thinking, of gaining the purest image from highly supportive parents- parents that would never speak down to him, beat him, torment him so horribly. These people would no longer sell him out, cast you aside. 
His mother was frozen in a silent scream as Enver gripped the woman by her long brown hair with a fist. He tilted his wrist, applying more tension to her scalp as he presented the wiggling tadpole in front of his mother. Not a smile, tilt of the eyes or breath exited Gortash as he watched the worm wiggly its way in behind her eye. She trashed and groaned, nails digging into her son's wrists as red blood dripped to the floor to show his humanity. 
His father laid there still, his insides casted upon the floor as he chanted your name in a silent prayer before Gortash calmly strided his way across the rickety old floors that creaked and groaned under his weight. He dropped his mother to the floor with no further regard, her head slamming against the warm rugs as she laid their limp. Eyes wide, breaths shallow, mind searching for answers to only curse the devil of her own son. 
His father made no protests, his fate sealed as the tadpole slithered up his neck. Gortash leaned against the countertop. His long black coat swayed slightly in the cold night air making its way through the lofty space as he watched the insertion take place, watching as both of his parents kissed his boots as he slammed the store door behind him before taking into view your boarded up storefront. 
A few books were still visible in between the planks as Envers' heart clenched in his chest. He craved the pain of feeling you- even the loss of you. It was in this pain Gortash first found his path, his deity, and yet he still prayed thankful to having met you. He wished to have you hear everything you made him realise, to have you see the perfect city of people he commanded, and he would command you to stay rather than leave. 
─────── · ·
Salty sea air wafted into your senses as you strolled across the white sand coast line. Your head was full of recalling teachings and notes you studied the night before in your dormitory. Looking up at the sun, you still had time before you were to meet with your peers at the Library. You were counting down the days to your final written exam.
Chuckling at yourself, or to the picture of self you keep in your mind. You wonder what home will look like in your return. If the same restaurants you love and remember are still in business. If your few school friends have returned from their studies as well. Some had gone off to Bards College while others chose to study among the druids or with the Society of Brilliance in the Underdark. A shiver runs across your spine at the thought of traversing such lands after you learned of the great diseases that had coated the lands. The text brings a tear to your eyes as you rubbed them in equal tiredness. 
Yet nevertheless, you would miss your fellow students, your mentors and coaches. You were one paper away from being a qualified court member and would hold enough dignity to take Wyll’s side- Wyll. Your heart echoed with a few painful aches, you wondered what he would look like now. It had been years since you had seen him as you looked down to your bare left hand, the emptiness of it holding weight as you rubbed at your ring finger, tension only growing with festering fear of what if? 
You wonderdered if the young man you had left was already holding court meetings, dancing with other young beautiful women and orchestrating deals for the city. You pondered if he still enjoyed taking walks around the garden, sneaking off into the lower city for a semblance of normality- or had the new reality already overcome that? Your mind was a storm of wild thoughts and fantasies as you bumped into your fellow students in the halls and stumbled into the library with a shy smile once realizing you were late. 
The tables were filled, nearly every seat taken as one of your classmates moved their bag for you to take its place. Books were strewn across the table, empty tea cups littered the jackets of books as you found space to open your notes and started to review while doing your best to shake your thoughts of the beach. 
─────── · ·
Darkness soon painted the skies, the room filled with candlelight as you wrote your final sentence and signed off your name. “Are you ready for the closing ball this weekend, (name)?” one of your peers asked as they helped you to pack up your belongings. Taking a pause, your books floating over your bag, you raised an eyebrow in question towards them- a silent ask for them to continue. 
“There are spokespeople coming from neighbouring continents to hire us after graduation, surely one of your professors has spoken to you about this?” they continue, eyes growing wide as you shake your head, “No, I have not but I already have work for me back at home.”
“Oh, do not tell me it is with that ‘betrothed’” your peer makes quotations around that final word as they make a big display of looking at your hand. A sad yet knowing look casting over their features. “You must know that without the ring or paper, they are merely words and just that.”
“But I do believe it to be true,” you hold strong, eyes unwavering in their own even as your voice tilts, the lack of Wylls replies to your letters over the past three years eat away at your belief as time progresses. 
“I just don’t want you to lose your future, that is all. But please, do speak to at least a couple of employers… you never know what can happen,” they grab your hand with these parting words. You can only offer a small nod before watching them leave the library as you continue to pack up your belongings. Maybe I shall talk to a couple, no harm in conversation… you think to yourself before walking back to your silent dormitory. Doing your best not to wake the other students by the creaky floors or heavy oak doors as sleep soon overcomes you. 
─────── · ·
Flowers wine themselves up every bannister and set upon every table as you make your way into the ballroom. Your paper sits safely in one of your crates already making its way back to the mainlands. Suits and Satin has your back feeling cold and missing Wylls warm touch that led you around events like this. A pleasant smile coats your face in a mask as you take a champagne flute and turn to raise it towards your headmaster. Cheers erupted throughout the room as you swallow down the liquid before settling the empty glass back upon the try. 
Music breaks the words as you stand at the refreshments table, picking away at the snacks and delicacies that sit in the shapes of animals and famous sculptures. Taking a laugh for yourself, you steal the middle finger off one of the food displays and place it on your plate as you look to find an empty table.
You watch as your classmates talk with their dance partners. A thousand ages and backgrounds fill the room as the spilling of fresh ink catches your intrigue. Your friend appeared to be correct as you watched them leave with a well dressed man towards one of the offices, a paper sealed in their hand as they cast a wide smile before exiting. Exhaling a breath, you pick at your food and observe the floral decorations at your table with false intrigue. 
Soon, overwhelming sadness finds your reflection in the various glasses sat atop the table. Wyll had not shown up, you had an understanding that he would not but the hope for a surprise was soon overshadowed by its lack of presence. A sudden hand has you startled as it presents itself in your face. A handsome young man stands before you, his smile a bit crooked by the chip in his left large tooth, yet by the well trimmed golden hair he presents and the tailored clothes across his back- he comes from a good background. 
“A dance for the lonely?” he asks, fingers stretching winder as you place your hand in his own and are hoisted up into the life of the party. Various gowns sound like waves crashing against the polished floors. The music comes crashing over every laugh and conversation as you allow your years of practice in the Ravengard ballroom to lead you through the dance. 
“Penny for your thought, my lady?” the man asks with a curious tint to his gaze but before you can reply, your partner is being switched as you spin into the arms of another. “The colour suits you,” they simply state. The lack of polish in their voice catches you off guard- the same tones that you worked hard to make your voice forget. 
You notice the long black coat they wear near the bottom signs of obvious wear and tear are sound as stitches are coming undone. Their top is hastily buttoned, their shoes dull, and their hair- your breath catches in your throat as you feel them grip your waist tighter. Your cheeks flare up with warmth upon recognition as you rack your brain for a name- Enver Gortash. 
They smile, looking down to your lips as you whisper their name. “So you do remember me,” he comments, seemingly to himself as he pulls you away to a large twirl before slamming you back into the privacy of his arms. “Of course I would remember my childhood friend,” you say back. Your head starts to feel heavy from all the memories that flood in as you press your forehead to his shoulder. 
You hear the small gasp Enver takes in, feeling the familiar weight of you on his shoulder and he has never felt such comfort. Taking one of his hands from your waist, you feel how his hand hesitates before gently stroking up and down your back. His touch has your shoulders dropping and you would not stop the smile that spreads your cheeks. A laugh of disbelief is shared between the both of you. The music eventually fades as you open your eyes once more, you go to bow, picking up your skirt but he takes your hand and drags you out of the ballroom and into the study wing. 
The hall remains empty besides the few staff that run trays to and fro. Your eyes cast upon his broad shoulders and the hair he still has not styled since his youth. His smile is genuine when he turns around and casts you a wink before holding a door for you to enter. You hesitate to turn around until the sound of a click before taking the sight of him in full. 
“You look so…” words fail to come to mind, your hands still shaking as tears threaten to spill from your eyes. You struggle to feel everything in this moment as he tilts his head and raises a brow, asking you to continue with a wave of his hand. “...so old.” Your hands grasp your mouth, shock holding you still as you yell internally. His laughter fills the small room as he takes large strides over to you, pulling your hands from your face to hold between his own. 
“How you wound me,” he responds, a playful tint to his brown eyes, “and here I thought to find a beautiful and reputable young woman.” You scoff at his words, pulling your hands gently away with a shake of your head. “Alright and like we didn’t steal from half the population of Baldur’s Gate.”
“But look where it has placed you, exactly with my words…” his sentence trails off as he twirls a strand of your hair before looking outwards at the window behind you. You look at the side of his face, taking notice of the tens of scars that litter his jaw and cheeks. Your fingers brush against the raised skin, you feel him twitch away before pulling himself back to your touch, allowing you to observe. 
“Where have you been old friend?” you ask quietly, a part of you scared to know an equal part of you burning with curiosity. “Where haven't I been,” he responds coldly before remembering his company and releasing a large sigh. He leans against a desk nearest to him as you watch his movements, holding onto every word he speaks- his voice deep and captivating to your senses beyond belief. 
“When you left, my parents soon realized their mistakes. We were struggling and there was only so much a boy could carry those nights and every night the weight increased as I looked for a way out. But when I received one, it was never one I could have begun to imagine. To face such hardships, torments, and then utmost cruelty… it took hold of me in the hells-fire and I burned so much of myself in those years.”
“Enver-” you start to speak, hands looking to comfort as he settles them back at your sides. He refuses to meet your eyes as he turns to observe his shoes. Your heart aches at the sight of that young boy sitting behind you, picking away at the edges of his, or well your books. 
“I was put under contract and under lashes. I bled and bruised, I worked for my life and with the lives of others. I put souls onto paper, took notes with their blood and found a way out years later. I thought of you, on the tiled floors. I often pictured your presence, heard your voice, I searched for you in the Lower City upon return- I had never thought you would move so far or remembered you to.”
Tears stream silently down your face, guilt rises with the treats you feasted on earlier. You beat yourself for not thinking to take him with you- for not thinking over one action versus the years you spent together. “Why did you cast me away then? If I had known-”
“No.” His voice is cold, his eyes snapping to you as you feel like that small girl within the trinkets and wires once more. His mother’s voice ringing in your bones as your eyes plead for answers for a forgiveness for what you do not understand but your own humanity. Enver continues, “You got the better family, the better spoils, you deserve the better life. I could not take that from you- even at times a part of me wished I did. Wished that I did not have to suffer alone but then I would be forgetting the old you. The malnourished, the angry and spiteful. I never wanted to forget her as it seems you never have forgotten me.”
“I thought of you too, you were all that consumed my thoughts at every dinner I attended- at every sparring session I went through. Surely if you are here tonight… has there been some semblance of good?”
He stands to full height, picking up your chin as his thumb brushes away your tears. “Good things do not come to men like me, we must chase them against the better judgement of others or else we will never see them. I am what I need to be, I worked for this, worked to see you once again. And here I hope, before I tell you more that you see me the way I do you?”
You drop your head into his hand, your own raising to play with the various gold designs intertwined with his collar. “Of course, you are my dearest friend of all- for all time.” And then hurt flashes in the man's eyes, he drops your head once more, his hand flexing before closing- his legs carrying him towards the exit. Your eyes grow wide, watching as the man departs without another word. Your head spinning for answers, for an explanation to his answers and just as you turn back down the hall. Enver Gortash had vanished and a staff member was placing yet another glass of champagne in your hand as you headed back into the ballroom. 
─────── · ·
27 notes · View notes
fandomgirlz01 · 2 months
Courageous Gift Pt. 1
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Greg Sanders x Reader
Imagine on my fandom Instagram?: Yes/No  
Prompt or Request or Requested Prompt?: Yes/No
Style of Writing: Mini Series 
Rating: PG-13 ~ For fluff and cuteness, but more adult commentary or even some triggering content.
Edited: Yes
Word count: 4,820
Post Date & Time: August 16th 2024 at 2:32 AM
Warnings Here 
Listen to the story be read out loud here {coming soon}. 
Summary:  Based off of S7 Es4 & 7 When Greg becomes victim to a gang of street thugs that have been beating people all night, the reader is forced to fear the worst for her best friend. 
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Reader’s Pov:
I get into work and walk down the many hallways from the parking garage and to the locker room, quickly changing into my work clothes. Just as I start to put my old clothes away, Sara walks in and opens up her locker.  
“Hi, y/n,” she greets me and I smile at her. 
“Hi, Sara,” I greet her back as she turns to smile back at me. 
“Are you doing okay? You look a little tired,” she observes and I sigh, shaking my head. 
“Nah. I’m good, just didn't sleep much last night,” I respond and she purses her lips as I pull out my gun and clip it to my hip. 
“Are you good to work then? I could talk to Griss, see if you can get a bit more sleep,” she wonders and I shake my head, closing my locker. 
“No. It’s okay. He already knows. I called in before and asked if I could come in later. Hence why I’m here now,” I inform her with a shrug and she nods. 
“Okay. Just let me know if you need anything,” she offers to me as she rubs my shoulder. 
“Oh yeah, of course. Thank you,” I give my appreciation and she smiles at me. 
“Anytime,” she replies with her own light smile. 
“Okay. Well, I’ll see you later. Gotta get to work,” I inform her and she nods. 
“Yeah, see you later,” she agrees before I walk out of the locker room. 
I walk through the lab’s endlessly long, winding hallways, looking for Grissom to talk to him. I just so happen to catch Greg, who smiles when he sees me and starts to walk up to me, making me smile as I start to walk towards him too.
“Way to go,” our coworker congratulates him as they pass each other and give one another a high five. 
“Thank you,” Greg replies before walking over to me and I smile at him. 
“Well, hello, Mr. Spiffy. Don’t you look nice in that suit and tie,” I remark, crossing my arms and giving a knowing smile. He grins as he pops the side of it. 
“Thank you. I had court today,” he comments with a smug look crossing his face and I nod as I look him over. 
“I know. Your first trial with a jury, how’d it go?” I ask and he grins more if that’s even possible, which with Greg it always is. 
“You remembered,” he practically gushes and I roll my eyes. 
“Of course I remember, Greg. We’ve only been best friends for how many years? Oh yeah, 20 plus years,” I sarcastically remark and he chuckles, shaking his head. 
“It went great. I did so good that even the nice lady prosecutor took me to dinner,” he playfully boasts as he beams at me with a grin brighter than the sun as we slowly start to walk again. 
“That’s great, G. I guess I owe you dinner now too,” I offer with my own sly grin, even though there’s a pit of boiling jealousy running through me. 
“Actually, by the time we’re both off you’d probably be buying late breakfast,” he jokes with an eyebrow raise and I giggle. 
“You know what I meant, dumbass,” I deadpan as I lightly hit his arm. 
“Yeah, I did…” he sheepishly admits as he rubs his arm. 
“No, but really. You don’t have to buy me breakfast. If anything, I’ll buy you breakfast,” he argues and I shake my head. 
“Greg. How would that even make sense? Please, just let me treat you?” I beg him, giving him my best puppy eyes that I know he can’t say no to.
“Not the puppy eyes… and you bought the pizza on Friday,” he groans out in displeasure, shielding his eyes and I grin. 
“Yeah, but it’s not every day my best friend survives his first day in court with a jury,” I joke with him and he shakes his head as he finally looks at me again while letting out a sigh of relief. 
“Greg… y/n. Good, I need both of you,” Grissom calls out to us as he comes out of his office holding a clipboard and we look at one another before walking over to him together. 
“Lose the monkey suit, you’ve got a scene: liquor store robbery. Here’s the address,” he informs Greg, looking him up and down before handing Greg a paper. 
“Awe man, I like the monkey suit,” I playfully whine and Greg lets out a chortle, shaking his head. 
“Well, too bad. He can’t go on a scene like that,” Grissom notes in humor as he looks at me over his glasses. 
“Is it related to the earlier 415s?” Greg inquires as he looks at the address. 
“Could be— Sofia’s got one of the suspect’s sweaters,” Grissom answers as he scratches at his ear. 
“I need you to seal it, bring it back here and anything else you can find,” Grissom explains, pointing at Greg, who nods as he listens intently. 
“All right. Who’s my wingman? Is it y/n?” Greg asks in excitement as he smiles at me. 
“You're a big boy, Greg. You don’t need a wingman for this,” Grissom pointedly answers, giving him a judgmental fatherly look and I turn to Greg with a grin. 
“Y/n, may I please see you in my office?” Grissom asks and I nod at him before he turns around and walks into it. 
“Primary. Nice,” Greg comments with a light smirk as he hits the paper against his hand like he always does. 
“Good luck out there, G. Be safe, yeah?” I ask him and he smiles, nodding. 
“Of course. I promise,” he replies before opening his arms for a hug. 
I smile back, taking a step forward and wrapping my arms around his torso, squeezing him affectionately. He wraps his arms around my waist and lays his head lightly on top of mine. I turn my head and nuzzle my nose into his neck, melting into him for a moment as all my tiredness comes flooding over me. 
“Hey. You doing okay?” he asks as he starts to pull back from the hug, but I pull him back in. 
“Just hold me for a second,” I mutter out, holding him a little tighter. 
“Sure, I can do that,” he whispers softly as I relish in the tranquility that he provides me with. 
“Are you sure you’re okay, fruit loop?” he asks me when I finally pull back from the hug and I purse my lips. 
“I’m fine, poohbear. I just…” I pause, biting at my lip and he grabs my hand. 
“Hey. It’s okay. I’m here for you through whatever, you know that,” he tentatively rubs his thumb on the back of my hand and I sigh. 
“I’m having sleep problems again…” I relent hesitantly and he reverently nods. 
“I figured. Why didn’t you tell me?” he asks and I shake my head. 
“I thought I could handle it…” I admit while refusing to look at him and he sighs. 
“Well, now I’m definitely coming over and you're buying me breakfast,” he jokingly remarks and I look up at him in shock before smiling softly when I only see care written all over his face. 
“You got yourself a deal. I’ll see you in the morning then?” I ask him in a hopeful tone and he smiles, nodding as he gives my hand one last squeeze. 
“I’ll meet you at your apartment?” he questions with another raised eyebrow and I squeeze his hand back. 
“Okay. I’ll see you then,” I agree, nodding and he gives one last nod before backing up while slowly letting go of my hand. 
I shake my head as I feel a blush coming on, but I do my best to hide it. He walks away all the while walking backwards and I shake my head, holding back a giggle as he snaps his fingers before giving me finger guns. It’s only when he disappears that I let out a sigh before turning and walking into Grissom’s office. 
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Third Person Pov:
After saying goodbye to y/n, Greg quickly went to change out of his suit and into his work overalls before heading out to his SUV to drive out to the scene. As he drives down the streets of Las Vegas, following the directions on his GPS, he passes an alleyway and sees a glimpse of something strange. In confusion, he stops his car and backs up to look in the alleyway. He rolls his window down and hears grunting and groaning coming from the end of the alley as dark figures all seem to stand over another. Quickly, he picks up his radio and holds the button down for a moment. 
“Control, control. This is CSI Sanders. I need some help,” he speaks into it before letting go of the button. 
“Control, go with your information,” the dispatcher replies and he quickly turns his head back to the scene. 
“Okay. I got an assault in progress. One alley south of Casino drive, cross street Shane,” he recites as he leans forward a bit to look at the sign. 
“How many suspects involved?” The dispatcher questions as she gets ready to take the information down. 
“Multiple, could be the guys who’ve been doing it all night,” Greg continues to relay information and he pauses as he waits anxiously. 
“The closest unit has a five-minute ETA. Rolling code three. Are they armed?” she asks. 
“I don’t know. I don’t know. Ma’am, please, listen. You got to get here quicker than this,” he begs into the walkie talkie as he helplessly watches the group beat the poor person. 
“Copy that. We’ll roll two additional units ASAP. Wait for backup,” the dispatcher replies and the radio goes silent. 
Greg takes in a breath as he thinks for a split second before putting his SUV back into drive. He quickly backs the car up before pulling into the alleyway and driving down it while honking his horn. 
“Move!” he shouts as he gets closer to the group while still honking his horn. 
He hits his siren a couple of times while honking as he gets closer. It’s not until he gets a little closer that a lot of the suspects start to move away from the person on the ground, all running in different directions. 
“Hey, get out of here!” he yells out at them as he waves his hand. 
One of the suspects stays and continues to kick the victim on the ground. Greg comes to a stop and gives a long honk of his horn at the suspect, but the man just keeps kicking. Finally, he turns around and looks Greg right in the face. Greg is in shock when he sees the guy's eyes are stark white, before fear races through him as the guy quickly rushes over to his right and picks up a rock. At first he moves his hand back like he’s going to bash the victim's head open, but then he turns to Greg and starts to run towards him. 
He pulls his arm back as he runs at Greg, who watches in slow motion as he gets closer and closer, seeming like he’s going to throw the rock at Greg through the windshield. Greg makes a split second decision and puts his foot down on the gas ever so slightly, revving the engine just a bit to make the car jolt forward. The guy continues to run at Greg and the car meets the guy in the middle. The guy and the car collide, making him hit the hood before falling to the ground as Greg stops the car to take a moment to calm down. Then all of a sudden, the back window breaks with a resounding crash, making Greg turn to look behind himself, but he sees nothing behind him so he calms once again. 
The calm is short lived though, because his driver's side window is next to be broken. He doesn’t have time to turn and find the source seeing as arms reach in. He fights the arms for a good minute, but he loses the battle and gets pulled out of the driver's side window. He continues to fight the one attacker off, but all the others that he’d chased off come back. He continues to try and fight back, but the group is so big that they easily overpower him. 
They slam him up against a fence and then suddenly in a blur he’s on the floor. He tries to crawl away, but they’re relentless and just keep kicking and hitting him. Slowly everything starts to become distorted and the world spins. One of the suspects turns him over onto his back and all he can really tell is that they laugh before one of them spits on him. Even in his hazy mind frame, Greg still tries to think of anything he can do to make it easier to find them, so as one of them steps over him while going to walk away, Greg reaches up and scratches his ankle. The last thing Greg sees before blacking out is a car side swiping his as it drives away. 
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Reader’s Pov:
After my talk with Grissom, I shake my head as I go on a hunt for Sara. Grissom decided that until I can get my insomnia in check, I’m not allowed in the field alone so he’s assigned me to her side or Nick’s side seeing as they’re head senior CSIs. Admittedly I’m not too thrilled with it, but I totally understand why and at least I’m still allowed in the field. It’s only a few minutes until I find her right where Grissom told me she’d be. I find her in the recreation lab standing at one of the tables, writing something down.
“Oh, hi. Long time no see,” she jokingly greets me for the second time today as she looks up from some paperwork on the table. 
“Hi. Did Griss inform you?” I ask her and she pauses as if to think. 
“No. I don’t think he did,” she answers my question with a shake of her head and I sigh. 
“I’m on suspended duty,” I inform her and she gives a small “ahh.” 
“You’re officially on babysitting y/n duty. Well, you and Nicky. I’m not allowed to go to any scenes without either of you,” I continue to explain and she smiles softly. 
“Don’t think of it as me babysitting you. Think of it as just two girls working together,” she remarks with a reassuring smile and I shrug. 
“Still don’t like not being able to work on my own. I’m a level three CSI. I should be okay,” I begrudgingly tell her as I cross my arms and she chuckles, shaking her head. 
“Griss is just looking out for you. You know that,” she points out and I sigh. 
“I know, I just—” I start to confide, but cut myself off. 
“You know what, forget it. What are you working on?” I ask her as I shake out of my daze and walk around the table. 
“Okay…” she skeptically agrees as she seems to watch me closely for a moment. 
“I’m trying to find out how many different shoe patterns we have,” she explains as she finally turns back to the table and lifts a shoe imprint up. 
“So far I’ve found about three shoes and matched them in the solemate database. Griss wants me to see if I can match any of the others,” she finishes explaining as she holds up a paper with the shoe print and all its information on it. 
“Want some help?” I ask with a timid smile and she smiles, nodding. 
“You know what? That would actually be so great. I have over ten more to match,” she grins as she picks up a pair from the side of the room and holds them out for me to see. 
“Get kickin,” she jokes as she hands me the pair and I laugh. 
“Aye aye, captain,” I jokingly salute her before sitting on one of the stools to switch out shoes as she laughs, shaking her head. 
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“Phew, I could use some water,” Sara comments through labored breath after we finish the last three kicks. 
Together we worked on each taking different pairs of shoes and kicking the dummy. So far we’ve each done about three pairs of shoes and seem to be half way done. 
“I know. That was so much work,” I pant out as I walk over and grab a towel off the table. 
I long ago discarded my top and now stand in only my tank top along with a pair of sweats I’d gotten from my locker after the first set of shoes. I start to wipe at the nape of my neck as she walks over and picks up her water bottle.  
“Tell me about it. I haven’t worked out since—” I start, but she holds up a finger as she picks up her ringing phone from the table. 
“Hold that thought, it’s Sofia,” she informs me as she answers the phone. 
“Isn’t she with Greg?” I ask, but only receive a nod in response. 
My brows furrowed in confusion as she talks to Sofia for a few minutes before her face falls and she’s quickly nodding while promising we’ll be there soon. She quickly hangs up before slowly looking at me and something feels off about her look. 
“Go get your safety vest and gear,” she commands in a very serious tone and I give her a confused look. 
“What? Why? What’s wrong?” I ask her and she sighs, putting her phone in her pocket. 
“Okay. Ahh. Here, sit down for just a second,” she tells me as she pulls the small stool out from underneath the work bench. 
“Ah, okay. Sara, please just tell me what’s going on. You’re scaring me,” I beg her and she sighs, squeezing her eyes closed. 
“Listen. I’m not going to sugarcoat it for you. I’m just going to tell you straight, okay?” she asks with a questioning look on her face. 
“Okay. Just tell me…” I reply with a light nod and she sighs again. 
“Greg’s been hurt in the field,” she blurts out and immediately everything comes crashing down. 
“Woah. Woah. Woah. Okay. It’s okay,” she panics as I lightly fall back and she catches me. 
“Bad idea to sit you on a stool,” she sarcastically comments more to herself than me as she rolls her eyes. 
“I’m okay. I promise. Is he okay? Sara, tell me he’s okay,” I beg her while squeezing her hand and she sighs. 
“Honestly, I don’t know. I just told Sofia that you and I would be there as soon as we could get there,” she informs me and I immediately hop off the stool. 
“Let’s go then,” I declare as I rush past her, not giving her a moment to reply. 
I quickly race to the locker room with Sara right behind me and open my locker as fast as I can. I pull my vest out and slip it on over my tank top, not caring to change, pulling the velcro straps tight. Then I grab my gun and clip it into its holster before turning to Sara, who now has her vest and gun too. 
“Ready to go?” she asks me and I nod. 
“As ready as ever,” I mutter before we both quickly make our way to her car. 
After we get into the car, she turns it on and makes quick work of pulling out. She turns on her sirens, making the drive much quicker. Soon before I know it, she pulls up just at the edge of the alley way and I’m already unbuckling. She doesn’t even fully get out herself before I’m rushing forward, pushing through all the people that officers hold off. I see Sofia as she talks to some lady. 
She looks up at me for a moment and my heart drops when she gives me a frown, making me stop in my tracks just as Sara catches up. I stand frozen, my mind going a hundred miles as Sara lightly grabs onto my arm and squeezes for a moment, effortlessly breaking me out of my practically catatonic state. She starts to continue her walk, almost pushing me along and we meet up with Sofia. 
“Hey,” Sara greets her as we push past the scene tape with Sofia now following us. 
We finally make it around the ambulance and find three on the ground. I let out a quiet gasp when I see Greg laying on the ground, almost peacefully, and for a moment the world starts to spin. 
“Why isn’t there a medic on Greg?” Sara asks Sofia as she grabs onto my arm to stabilize me when she sees me sway a bit. 
“He’s been stabilized, Sara. Y/n, he’s going to be okay,” Sofia promises as we continue to walk over to him and she splits off from us. 
We both bend down next to him and Sara grabs onto his hand. I reach forward and rub at his head as tears make their way to my eyes. As I touch him, he breathes out and I choke back my tears. 
“Y/n… Sara,” he faintly speaks to us and I nod at him. 
“We’re here, Poohbear. We’re right here with you,” I tell him as I comb through his hair with my fingers. 
“I didn’t think you could see us,” Sara softly adds with sad humor lacing her voice and more tears well up in my eyes. 
“I can’t… but I know y/n’s touch… and that Sidle scent,” Greg replies and I let out a wet giggle as tears start to fall now. 
“I’m going to take that as a compliment,” she replies to him with a light chuckle before looking at me and I continue to try and hold my tears at bay. 
“I scratched one of them…” Greg coughs out and Sara lifts the hand she holds when he moves it ever so slightly. 
“And you should check my vest. I think the same guy spit on me,” Greg continues to explain and I rub his head more in hopes of comforting him while frowning. 
“And one of their cars crashed into the Denali,” he informs us and Sara looks up for a moment as I choke back more tears. 
“I guarantee there's transfer on it,” he adds on through his slurred, tired words and I continue to rub at his head. 
“You should process the scene now. Me later,” Greg mutters out to us and I shake my head as I hold back a sad chuckle at the thought of him still being a CSI at heart, no matter what. 
“We came here for you, Greg,” Sara tells him as tears make way to her eyes now too. 
“Oh, Poohbear. You don’t have to be a CSI all the time,” I giggle out though my tears as I shake my head and Sara shakes her head, chuckling herself. 
“Leave it to Greg,” she comments and I smile softly. 
We sit with him for a few minutes and the whole time I have to remind myself I can’t move Greg until he’s processed. It’s hard when I just wanna cuddle and hold him in my arms. Nick soon shows up and Sara stands to go talk to him. I'm assuming she relays what Greg had told us before she walks back over to us, bending back down. 
“Okay, Nicky’s going to get the evidence around us started. I’m going to collect evidence from Greg, then the paramedics will take him to the hospital. I’m assuming you want to go with him?” she informs me before asking her question and I nod, sniffing. 
“Umm, yeah. I'm gonna go with him,” I reply as I continue to lightly scratch at his scalp and she nods, rubbing between my shoulder blades lightly for a moment. 
“Ok. I'm just going to get some stuff from Nicky’s kit. I’ll be right back,” she informs me and I nod at her, not having the will to speak as my throat gets tighter and tighter. 
“I’m okay, fruit loop. Promise,” Greg whispers out, giving a small wince of a smile after she leaves and let out another wet laugh. 
“I’m supposed to be the one comforting you, doofus,” I snarkily reply as I sniffle, reaching up to wipe at a lone tear that falls. 
“Yeah, but I hate when you cry,” he whispers out again and I choke back more tears. 
“G. Don’t think about me right now. Stop talking, save your energy,” I insist as I continue to rub his scalp and he gulps a bit before nodding. 
I sit with him for another few minutes before Sara walks back over. She has a few things in her hands as she bends down again. She opens one of the swabs, using it to get some of the spit off of him before pushing it back in the tube and closing the lid. 
“Okay. The rest of processing will have to be at the hospital. So I’ll, uh… meet you there I guess,” she informs me with a shrug and I only nod at her. 
“Okay. You guys are good to take him then,” she calls out over my shoulder and soon the paramedics are walking over. 
I stand up and Sara holds me in a hug as I keep my stare locked on him. They roll a stretcher over and they quickly but carefully move Greg onto it. He groans for a moment at the initial movement, but soon he’s calm again. They start to roll him to the ambulance and Sara lets go of me. 
“Fruit loop?” he calls out almost meekly as he moves his head, looking for me. 
“I’m right here, Poohbear. I’m coming with you,” I softly promise him and he reaches his hand out to me. 
I hesitate, not wanting to ruin any evidence that might be on him, but I feel a hand on my back, making me look at Sara. She smiles softly at me for the millionth time today as she rubs my shoulder ever so slightly. 
“You can hold his hand. It’s okay. It won’t ruin any of the evidence, I promise,” she tells me and I shake my head, letting out a quiet choke and she nods at me. 
“It’s okay. Really,” she continues to prompt me, lifting my arm to his. 
I hesitantly grab onto his hand and it seems he relaxes ever so slightly, making my hesitation quickly fade. I squeeze his hand, letting him know I’m there and look up to nod my thanks to Sara as she just smiles softly back. 
“I’ll meet you there, okay?” she asks in a very calming tone. I only nod as I watch over Greg’s face that’s full of black and blue bruises as everything seems to fade out of my mind. 
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The ride as well as the arrival to the hospital is all hazy now as I sit in the main lobby. I wait anxiously for Sara and Brass as they finish processing and questioning Greg. I groan, bringing my hands up to rub my face as my leg shakes in anticipation. Finally after what seems like forever, Sara and Brass turn the corner and start down the hall. 
“Y/n. He’s ready for you to go on in,” Sara tells me as she comes up and sits down next to me. 
“He’s actually asking for you,” Brass adds on with a light smile. 
“I can take you to his room before going to help Warrick and Nicky if you’d like,” Sara offers as I blink up at her before nodding. 
She holds an arm out for me and I stand on shaky legs. Brass gives me a warm fatherly hug and rubs my head before saying a quick “bye,” as well as promising to catch the guys that did this. Sara and I start to walk, her leading me mindlessly through the halls. 
“His room is just around this corner,” she informs me and I freeze, making her stop to turn to me. 
“Y/n?” she asks and I stay frozen. 
“I don’t know if I can go in, Sara,” I tell her with a gulp as tears well up. 
“Y/n. He’s okay. You’re okay. Everyone is okay. He needs you. He needs your comfort,” she sympathizes with me and I sniffle before standing straight. 
“Ok. You're right, take me to him. I’m ready now,” I tell her with a determined nod and she smiles softly before turning to start walking to his room again. 
To Be Continued…
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 years
Meeting Jake Kim for first time
You start working on Big Deal street
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You're a fashion student at Jaewon High, and unlike most of your classmates, you have a genuine interest in fashion.
However, you're not learning much these days and all you seem to have are self study sessions. The teachers never turn up half the time.
Trying to gain some actual work experience, you've applied to some of the bigger fashion houses all the way to dinky back street stores but you never get very far.
Luckily, there's a friend of a friend of the family that said they know somewhere that could help you. There won't be any pay but you'll pick up some skills in no time.
You come out of the tailors with a spring in your step. The interview went well and they said you can start next week! You happily make your way back to the bus stop.
The commute is a pain and Gangseo is a bit far from your house, but you need the experience.
"... Erm, I think I have nice eyes..."
"Yeah Jerry!! You do!"
"Girls love nice eyes!"
"You know what they say, they're windows to the soul."
You overhear the 4 guys talking in front of you.
"Well I don't think I have a best feature," A pause. "I'm perfect everywhere."
You hear that and scoff immediately. This person has no shame.
He notices your reaction and turns to look at you.
"What, you don't agree?" He flashes you a smarmy smile and you notice the scar over his mouth. "Well what do you think it is?"
"Your shamelessness!" you blurt out.
That's one way to get them to notice you. All 4 thugs now turn their attention on you and you realise that your big mouth has gotten you into trouble again.
They look intimidating and strong as shit. Fuck, there's no way you can fight them off and if you run they would definitely catch you.
The street looks empty.
There's no one around to help you.
"Well sometimes it's good to be shameless," The 'perfect' guy gives you a wink right before noticing your nervousness and fearful expression.
"Sorry miss, just making conversation... Come on guys let's go," he signals at them. "Let's go get some noodles."
"Again, Jake?! I'm so sick of noodles!" one of them moan as they walk off.
You're working another shift in the shop today. It's been a month since you've been employed at the tailors and you've picked up some basic dressmaking skills.
A nice patient old lady owns the shop and she likes filling the silence with stories about the history of the street and Big Deal.
You have since learned who Jake is and cringe every time you think about how you 2 first met.
The door bell jingles, signalling a customer.
"Oh hey, it's you!" Speak of the devil. In walks the leader of Big Deal.
It's the first time you've seen him since then, and you're surprised he still remembers you. You were hoping he had forgotten your face and how rude you were.
"H-hello! How can I help?"
"Oh I was just wondering if there was anyway to loosen this area here?" Jake turns around, "I think my butt has gotten bigger and it's a bit uncomfortable."
It's a bizarre request but you don't have the luxury of being able to turn away business.
"Erm, that is a difficult area but I can have a look..."
You check out his behind, purely for professional purposes of course.
"Huh, it is pretty perky... " you mutter to yourself, "...maybe this is your best feature-"
SHIT. Blood rushes to your face. You can't believe you actually said that outloud. You quickly look at him, hoping that he didn't hear you... and find him staring back.
You seem to have caught him offguard, his eyes widen as your words sink in.
You're on the receiving end of another wink, "If you think so, then it must be true!"
Dear god, just let me die.
"...So I'm Jake. What's your name?"
"Y/N..." You were pretty sure you are as red as a tomato. "Erm, I know who you are..."
"Don't believe everything you hear, Y/N." Jake gives you a soft smile. "I'm looking forward to seeing you around."
331 notes · View notes
💔the financial abuser - kingpin!touya todoroki  x black! wife!reader
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warnings: modern au/no quirks, drug family business, mention of past child abuse (y'all know the story), family illness (not touya or y/n), oral (m! receiving), car sex, pre-marital sex, dacryphilia, degradation, breeding kink, size kink, pregnancy, coercion, controlling/obsessive behavior, stalking, angry outbursts, choking (not in a sexual context), drug use, gaslighting, manipulation, verbal abuse, emotional abuse, mental illness, serious injury/hospitalization. read at your own risk!
☠️: some dialogue/actions inspired by true events.
💔: banner images from pinterest
💔: banner made by me with canva
💔post themes: ain't about the money  - t.i. ft. young thug
                           soldier - destiny's child
                       throat baby (remix) - 
 brs kash ft. city girls
                           baby by me - 50 cent ft. neyo
                           whatever you like - t.i.
                           what you know - t.i.
                             superman - eminem
                           papers - usher
                    roses - outkast
                           gold digger - kanye west
💔9.7k words!
💔read in dark mode for best experience!
🖤yo. 🖤series. 🖤iida.
If you ain’t no punk, holler,
“We want prenup!”
“We want prenup!”
Yeah, that’s something that you need to have
‘Cause when she leave yo ass
She gone leave with half
You met your husband, Touya, at a hair salon in your neighborhood. 
In the "hood", so to speak. You grew up in an impoverished neighborhood in one of the roughest cities to live in in the nation, with an 80% black population and a violent crime rate 95% higher than the national average.
Although it was dangerous as hell, the living conditions were less than desirable, and you were constantly surrounded by sketchy people, this was your home.
You'd grown up in this city and attended school here from elementary through university. Now at age 26, you're a successful chemical engineer, working as a consultant for the city's power plant. 
Your parents are both deceased unfortunately; your father died in your childhood and your mother passed away after a long battle with breast cancer just after your senior year of university, so as far as family went, you only had your dear aunt, who was getting up in age.
She's your father's sister, having supported you throughout most of your academic life by helping you get back and forth to campus, attending all necessary parental conferences when your mother was too sick to, and finally, attending all of your graduation ceremonies. You are extremely thankful for her.
Present day, all you do is work, pretty much. 
With your work, you usually have to keep your hair pulled back in a tight bun and covered with a protective hair cap. It was always a relief to be able to get your hair done and have your stylist rub her long, acrylic nails against your scalp while she lathered your natural tresses with sweet-smelling shampoo.
The soft ding of the bell hanging over the door alerted you to a newcomer's presence while you sat underneath the dryer reading one of the old Jet magazines that every salon always seemed to keep on hand. 
"Good afternoon, ladies."
You looked up from your magazine and your dark brown eyes fell upon the most handsome man you had ever seen. 
Tall, muscular frame, skin the color of freshly churned milk and hulking arms a collage of black ink. He was no shorter than 6'5'' at the least. You could tell by the way that he had to duck under the door frame to come inside the shop. 
"Heyyy, Touya~" Your eyes moved around, pupils enlarging as you realized that every other woman in the shop had stopped whatever they were doing to greet this man.
Just who is this guy?
He walked further inside the small salon, his small, narrowed, turquoise eyes roaming over each and every feminine face before stopping at yours.
Oh no, he's walking over here!
Your face began to heat up; you hated being put on the spot and this man was just too gorgeous, you might faint! 
He smirked at you and dug his big hands into the pockets of his black joggers.
"What's up, pretty? I think I would remember seeing a face as gorgeous as yours around here. What's your name?" 
Your stylist came over then, smacking her lips at Touya and motioning for you to come over to her chair.
"Leave her alone, Touya. She wants nothing to do with the likes of you. She's a good girl, she's not interested in thugs."
That made your blush worsen and you lowered your head to the tiled floor, hoping that he'd just move on and bother one of the other women.
Touya laughed loudly. He brought his arms up to rest behind his hair, which you now noticed to be a brilliant white, just like freshly fallen snow. 
His big biceps bulged and you could see that they were also covered in tattoos. He even had them all along his neck, trailing upwards to just under his chiseled jawline and then downwards, disappearing into his white V-neck.
"How do you know what she likes, Tisha? And I'm not a thug, I'm a well-respected businessman, I'll have you know."
The entire shop cracked up at that, making your anxiety lessen just as you looked up to further examine this man.
Unfortunately, he caught you looking and bit his lip at you. Usually, the gesture would've made you cringe, but it was different when he did it. It was sexy. 
His lips were a little plump and when he bit them, you could see two glints of silver: a tongue stud and a lip stud.
"Y/n is my name." You said simply. 
He smiled this time and squatted down so you didn't have to crane your neck to look at his face.
"Y/n, huh? Pretty name for a pretty girl."
You almost wanted to roll your eyes, but instead, you smiled.
"Thank you….Touya…"
He nodded slightly. More glints of silver when he made the gesture; he also had his right eyebrow pierced, three stud piercings in his nostril, and multiple silver hoops in each ear.
“God had no business making this man this damn fine.”
A deep chuckle broke you out of your thought process.
"Well, I appreciate that, beautiful. Tisha, don't charge her anything for her hair. I'll pay for it."
Aw, shit, did I say that out loud?! Nice going, Y/n!
"What? No! You don't have to do that, I can pay for myself!" You huffed. You knew this game all too well.
If he paid for your hair, he'd feel like you owed him something. Not a chance.
"Oh, girl hush and let that man pay for you. Keep that $750 in your pocket, shit." Tisha chuckled as she began to install your wig.
Touya handed her the money out of his wallet while grinning. He held his hands up, palms facing you in a gesture of surrender.
“I promise I don’t want anything in return, but maybe you wouldn’t mind grabbing breakfast with me one day? I know this great spot right down the street from the salon.”
You scoffed, now finally rolling your eyes at him.
“That’s still wanting something, pretty boy, even if it’s only a meal.”
Touya shrugged. “So that’s a no, then? Too bad. I won’t keep bothering you, though. See ya around, pretty girl.” He teased with a smug look on his face before turning and walking back out the door of the salon.
A few hours later, Tisha was done with your hair. She handed you a mirror so you could look at yourself.
“Thanks, Tish, it looks amazing!” You dug in your purse for your wallet so you could give her a tip, but she stopped you.
“Girl, what are you doing? Touya already paid me.” Eyebrows scrunched, you pushed the $20 bill into her hand anyway and got up out of the chair before she could protest.
“Just take it. Maybe next time I come I can get a discount on my lash installment.” 
“Girl, you crazy! Get on out of here!” 
You left the shop smiling to yourself. The bell tinkled over your head as you walked out into the bright sunlight. 
Your smile immediately dropped when you walked over to your car and noticed that you had a flat tire.
“Oh no, what the hell?! When did that get there? Aw, man…” 
The offending item that had punctured your tire was a long, rusty nail sticking out the side of it. 
“Dammit, now I’m going to have to call a tow truck.” You sighed and pulled your iPhone out of your purse.
“Need some help, pretty?”
It was Touya - he’s still been here all this time?
He casually leaned up against a smoke-gray Range Rover with black rims. The brake calipers had been spray-painted a deep purple.
“Oh, Touya. There’s a nail in my tire, but it’s fine, I can just call-”
“I can wait with you for the tow truck and then take you home.” He offered. Getting up off the truck, he stalked his way over, taking long strides. In a second, he was standing right next to you, so close that you could smell his expensive cologne.
You didn’t know how to react, just kind of looking up at him with a stuck expression on your face. 
“Uh, you really don’t have to…I could just call someone..”
“Why do that when I’m standing right here?”
A perfectly arched eyebrow raised. “Because I don’t know you? You could be a serial killer.” 
You know now that he’s most likely a drug dealer, like that was any better…but yeah.
Touya just laughed at you and shook his head. 
“Not gonna make it easy for me, huh? I like that. Keep it up, baby doll. I’ll get you sooner or later.” He walked back over to his truck and opened the driver-side door.
“At least come sit and chat with me until the tow truck comes?” You couldn’t continue to resist him, no matter how much you wanted to. Especially when he looked at you with those turquoise eyes.
And that’s how your whirlwind romance began.
Now I ain’t saying she a gold digger
But she ain’t messing with no broke niggas
Now I ain’t saying she a gold digger
But she ain’t messing with no broke niggas
Cutie the bomb, met her at a beauty salon
With a baby Louis Vuitton under her arm 
She said, “I can tell you rock, I can tell by your charm
Far as girls you got a flock
I can tell by your charm and your arm”
But I’m lookin’ for the one, have you seen her?
After that day, you and Touya began somewhat of a friendship.
Whenever you came to get your hair done, he’d somehow always be there and he’d always pay for your hair, nails, and lashes. Turns out that he owned the beauty salon, the diner that he offered to take you out to, and pretty much everything else on that strip.
One day after you got off of work, you were surprised to see his truck out in the parking lot.
He was waiting for you.
“Touya! Funny meeting you here, what’s up?” You put your hands on your hips.
“I want to take you on a date tonight.” 
Your eyes bulged slightly, probably making you look like a fool, but Touya didn’t waver in his proposition. 
"What do you say, pretty? Go out with me?" 
You began weighing all the positives and negatives of going on a date with him. He could have a gaggle of jealous exes just waiting to catch him with another woman and raise hell, or one of his opps that was waiting to catch him slipping so they could blow his head off.
Tough decision, but eventually you folded and agreed.
After your first date, you saw Touya more and more, seemingly everywhere you went.
The grocery store, the mall, restaurants. You even saw him across the street from your dentist's office one day while leaving an appointment.
Despite all of these seemingly random pop-ups, you found yourself undeniably attracted to Touya, which may have clouded your judgment just a tad.
So over the next several weeks, Touya would continue to show up at your job and surprise you with flowers, food from his diner, and lavish gifts.
This is how you would end up kneeling underneath the dashboard in Touya's Range in the parking lot of the industrial plant, hours after your shift had ended.
His black sweatpants were pulled down his thick, muscled thighs and pooled around his ankles while you struggled to take his huge cock into your mouth.
He regarded you with those cool, turquoise eyes, one large hand planted firmly on the top of your head as he guided you up and down on his hard shaft.
"Just like that, pretty. Such a perfect, slutty mouth. Yeah, you like being slutted out outside of your job? Not the perfect, innocent little scholar right now, are you?" 
You hummed around his dick, saliva spilling from the corners of your mouth while you breathed steadily through your nose. 
Touya's degradation never failed to turn you on, but sometimes you felt like he was just being mean intentionally.
His hands pressed down on your head harder, forcing you to take him further down your aching throat. Once he started, Touya wouldn't let up until he fucked your throat raw and tears streamed down your beautiful face, ruining your expensive makeup.  
He loved to see you cry.
"There you go, baby. That's my good girl. Take my cock like only you can." 
You moaned around him as best you could, but your jaw was aching and you felt like you'd pass out from lack of oxygen any moment now.
Suddenly, you were being pulled off of him by the roots of your hair. Touya dragged you over the center console into the backseat with you sputtering and trying to catch your breath.
"Down." He ordered and you immediately obeyed, getting on your hands and knees.
He clambered over you clumsily, his height preventing him from being able to get into the exact position that he wanted, but this would have to do.
Tattooed hands came down to hold your lower hips as soon as you arched your back.
You were already wet from sucking him off, but due to the sheer size of Touya's dick, it wouldn't be enough.
Hiking one foot up, he removed one hand to guide his dick into your hole. You immediately felt the burn. 
"TOUYA! It's too much…" You moaned with your head turned slightly to the side to look over your shoulder at him.
"Not too much, baby. Never too much for you, my sweet girl. Take me, baby. Take my big fucking dick in your tiny little hole. I know you can do it."
Your freshly done acrylics scraped against the car door while Touya grabbed your expensive bundles up in one hand and forced your head completely flat on the floor with the other.
His pace was hard and rough, but he knew you were loving everything that he was giving you judging by your moans.
"Shit, pussy's so good baby, sucking me in so nice…fuuuccck!"
Of all of the women that he's fucked, you were the only one that had been able to take all of him without passing out.
It was a shock to you as well, how you hadn't passed out already from Touya's deep stroking. No doubt his fat tip was hitting your cervix; you could feel him in your damn stomach.
"Touya, I'm going to cum!" Your words were muffled, but he could just make out what you were trying to say and feel you clenching around him.
His eyes watched your ass move in waves as he pounded into you with everything he had, no doubt making the entire car shake from the sheer force of his thrusts.
“Come on, cum on this dick, baby. Make a mess on me, baby doll,” He cooed softly, leaning over you to press you against the floor as he rolled his hips into you.
"Yes, scream my name, girl! SHIT!"
The next thing you knew, you were waking up in the front of a large mansion with a high, wrought-iron gate around it. It was surrounded by acres of land, all to itself off in the countryside. A soft, fleece blanket covered your naked body.
"Where are we? Is this your house?"
"Fucked you so good you lost your memory, baby, but yes, this is my house." 
"Why'd you bring me here?" 
"Why wouldn't I? Why, you'd rather me fuck your brains out and just leave you passed out, only to wake up alone in a fucking parking lot in the dark? Come on, Y/n." You could see him roll his eyes through the rearview mirror.
Remaining silent, you just hugged the blanket tighter around your shoulders.
"So where do we go from here, Touya? What's next for us?" 
He hit a button and the doors unlocked. Touya came around to open your door and then scooped you up into his strong arms, holding you close to his chest.
"I brought you here in hopes that you'd agree to be my girlfriend."
"What if I say no?"
"Then I have to kill you."
"I'm just playing, girl. Damn. So will you? Will you be my baby?"
Touya and you began dating that night, and not even six months later, he asked you to marry him.
And you said yes.
Now, you believed that you were in love with Touya. He treated you like a princess and showered you with expensive gifts: jewelry, cars, designer clothes, shoes, and bags. Whatever your heart desired. Not to mention he was sweet, attentive, caring, loving, and amazing in bed.
Little did you know that Touya had another side to him.
Stacks on deck, patron on ice
And we could pop bottles all night, and, 
Baby, you could have whatever you like
I said you could have whatever you like, yeah
Late-night sex, so wet, it's so tight
I gas up the jet for you tonight 
And baby you can go wherever you like
I said you can go wherever you like, yeah
While you were planning your wedding, many of your friends and family members came to you with concerns about your fiance. Including your beloved aunt.
“That boy is no good, Y/n. I’m telling you. Just look into those cold, soulless eyes of his. That boy is not right in the head.” She would rant as you sat on her living room couch with wedding books opened up all around you. 
"Please, Auntie. Touya is a good guy. Sure, he's in the streets, but he'd never hurt me." 
"You don't sound too sure of yourself." 
Rolling your eyes, you had heard enough of the negativity. 
Gathering up the books and magazines, you threw them into your new Louis Vuitton tote bag and pulled it onto your shoulder. 
"I have to go, Auntie, or I'll be late for my dress fitting. I love you." You leaned down to give her a hug and kiss on the jaw. 
"I love you, too, baby. Just please think about what I've been saying before you rush into this marriage, alright?" 
"Alright, I hear you. I'm gone."
You stepped out of her house and closed the screen door behind you. Your black BMW M3 with the custom purple wheels sat pretty in the driveway. Touya had it custom-painted for you, said that everyone needs to know that you're his woman.
As you were backing out of the driveway, you heard your phone vibrating in your bag. 
🖤🫶🏾Husband💜 would like to FaceTime…
You declined the request and hooked your phone up to the car mount, immediately calling him back on the phone.
"What the fuck, Y/n? Why are you declining my calls? Where the hell are you at? I've been calling you all damn day!" He barked through the receiver, making you cringe.
"I-I just got in the car, I'm leaving Auntie's house, on the way home now…" 
You could almost hear him rolling his eyes on the other end.
"Yeah, and what did she want now? Still bitching about you marrying me?" He scoffed.
"Touya, stop that. She's only concerned about me, that's all."
"Yeah, whatever you say, Y/n. I know that your whole fucking family despises me, not that I give a fuck, though. I'm marrying you, not any of them."                
"That's true, Touya, but it would be better if you at least tried to get along with them."
"Well, maybe they should stop judging a book by its cover and try to get along with me since I'm about to be your husband."
"I don't think that's how it works, but okay, Touya. I'll be pulling up in a little bit."
"Are you trying to rush me off the phone? I called because I want to see you before I leave tonight. Gotta fly to Tijuana for business."
Of course, 'for business' meant, to pick up a "shipment".
Ayy, don't you know I got kis by the three
When I chirp, shawty chirp back
Louie knapsack where I'm holding all the work at
What you know about that? 
What you know about that? 
What you know about that? 
I know all about that
"And by 'see me', you mean get your dick wet. I have wedding stuff to do, baby. I have to fly to Paris to pick up my dress and how am I supposed to do that if you're taking the jet?" You complained. 
"Just send your assistant to get it. I need you here to take care of me, baby doll, just like how I take care of you. Come on, now."
You wanted to retort that you needed to be there to try it on, but there was no arguing with Touya, especially when he wanted sex.
"Okay, I'm almost there. Tell the guards to open the gate."
"Ohh shit, Touya, baby, give me that dick~"
"Yeah baby, you like that?" 
And that's how the two of you went along for the rest of the night, Touya putting you in all different types of positions, beating your shit in.
He was always rough, pulling your hair and smacking your ass until it was raw and red.
He made sure to leave marks all over your neck and titties as well, marring your brown skin so that whenever any man looked at you, they'd KNOW that you were getting dicked down by a real motherfucking king.
"God Y/n, how do you keep this shit so tight? I'm gonna bust my load in you, fuck around, and get you pregnant tonight, girl."
"Mmm, if we don't stop now you're going to miss your flight."
"Fuck it," He chuckled, "I'll call Shoto to handle it." 
Shoto, his younger brother who'd just finished college a semester ago. Touya had taken him underneath his wing to train him to be next in line for the family business.
His other siblings, Natsuo and Fuyumi, wanted nothing to do with this life and just worked everyday blue-collar jobs.
"Here, get on top of me. Ride this dick while I make the call."
You sighed but complied nonetheless and crawled up onto his lap as he reclined against the head of your shared California king bed.
"Hello?" You heard Shoto's bland, emotionless voice come over the receiver.
"Hey Sho, I need you to go handle that for me. Jet's already loaded and ready to go."
"What? Why can't you do it?" 
"Because I told you to do it and I'm the boss."
"Yeah whatever, you're probably too busy fucking. Hey Y/n." He snickered, causing your cheeks to heat up. He knew his older brother too well.
Touya hung up on him and tossed the phone to the side, grabbing your hips and slamming you down onto his thick cock.
"You gonna let me get you pregnant, huh, baby? Gonna let me breed this little cunt, stuff you nice and full, and make you fat with my seed?" 
You weren't quite sure that you were ready to have a child, but you were starting to get up in age and you and Touya are getting married, so what's the harm? You nodded.
"Yes, Touya. I love you. Make me a mommy."
Have a baby by me, baby, be a millionaire 
Have a baby by me, baby, be a millionaire
Have a baby by me, baby, be a millionaire
Be a millionaire, be a millionaire, b-be a millionaire  
I don't play no games (I don't play no games)
So when I'm in that thang (when I'm in that thang)
Come see what I mean (see what I mean)
See what I mean, see what I mean, oh
I said lil mama put me on (baby, put me on)
Bet I'll have you gone (bet I'll have you gone)
Come see what I mean, see what I mean
See what I mean (see what I mean)
New music, new mood, new position 
New erotic sounds, it's going down, now listen
I can hear your heartbeat, you're sweating
I could paint a perfect picture 
I get deeper and deeper, I told ya I'd get ya
I'd work that murk that, just the way you like it, baby
Turn a quickie into an all-nighter maybe
Yo, I need you to be what I need, more than liquor and weed
I need you to maybe give me a seed
I need you to give me reason to breathe
I need you
Time Skip, Wedding Day
"Are you sure that you want to do this?" Fuyumi asked you while she was putting your veil in your hair.
You only giggled softly, rubbing a hand over your small baby bump.
"I think it's a little too late to back out now, Fuyumi." She shook her head, making her white and red curls bounce.
"It's never too late to change your mind. You're not his wife, yet. Y/n, I love my brother with all of my heart, but honestly, you deserve so much better than him."
It was hurtful to hear, but you weren't shocked by the young woman's words.
Natsuo and Fuyumi were like your family; they also didn't think that you should marry Touya.
"I'm pregnant with his child, Fuyu, and I don't want to be a single mother. I love Touya with all my heart as well, and whatever he went through in the past, we can get through it together. I'll be there for him, til death do us part."
Fuyumi just let out a long sigh and tried to put on a smile.
"I can't say I didn't try, but okay. If this is what will really make you happy. Just please take care of yourself and the baby, no matter what. Protect yourself."
She handed you your bouquet just as the wedding music began playing. 
"I'll see you at the altar."
She left, leaving you alone. You peeked out the door and saw the flower girls and ring bearers go down the aisle. 
Taking a deep breath, you exhaled and tightened your hands around your flowers.
"Hey, beautiful."
Your head whipped around so fast you almost gave yourself whiplash.
It was Touya, standing there in his all-white suit with a purple silk dress shirt opened up to show off his tattooed chest. 
"Touya!? What are you doing here, you're supposed to be at the altar!"
"Hmm, the wedding can't start without us, baby. I just wanted to give you something really quick."
He reached into the breast pocket of the suit jacket and pulled out a folded piece of paper and a pen.
You watched him carefully.
"What is this?"
"A prenup."
"A what? Touya, I'm not signing a prenup minutes before our wedding! Why are you just bringing this to me now?"
He furrowed his white eyebrows, not liking the tone you were taking with him.
"I'm sorry, but who do you think you're talking to, Y/n? You should know not to ever raise your voice at me. Not even my own mother yells at me, baby doll, and you're damn sure not about to start. Now sign the goddamn prenup or I'm calling all this shit off." 
No way! He wouldn't actually call the wedding off, would he? Not after all of your hard work, not after everything you'd been through in the past couple of months.
Your dear aunt had been diagnosed with coronary artery disease a few months ago and hadn't been doing too well. She'd been in and out of the hospital frequently and even had to leave her job because of it.
You begged Touya to hire an in-home nurse to care for her and, after much disagreement, he finally let you.
Why would he do this to you now? Moments before your special day? 
With your lower lip wobbling and tears beginning to spill out of your eyes, you took the paper with a shaky hand and signed your signature on the line, initialing where it directed you to.
Touya chuckled darkly once you were done and took it back from you, stuffing it into his pocket.
Why would he make you sign a prenup? You didn't know much about this type of stuff, but usually, prenups weren't good.
However, you couldn't fathom losing Touya or your fairytale life. You were finally getting everything that you ever wanted.
A family.
"Hey, don't cry, baby doll. You know I'll always take care of you, right?"
He moved in to kiss you, his hand covering your bump and rubbing it softly. With his pinky, he swiped the tears from under your eyes, careful not to smudge your face makeup.
You nodded slowly and he smiled at you. 
"I love you, Y/n." 
With that, he left the room.
Five Years Later 
Being married to Touya was not at all how you expected it to be.
After quitting your job and becoming a full-time housewife, your life seemed to go into a downward spiral.
While you were dating, you’d found out that Touya and his siblings had grown up in an abusive household where his father beat him, his siblings, and their mother. His mother had had a hard time coping with what she'd been through, so the four siblings had agreed to have her committed to a mental health care facility.
During their childhood, in a fit of psychosis, their mother threw a pot of boiling water on Shoto, disfiguring the left side of his face. An ugly, red-marred patch of skin now covered the once-perfect porcelain. 
After that incident, Touya left home and never looked back. 
He talked very little about his father, so what you did know, you had to find out from Fuyumi, who still maintained limited contact with their father. Neither Natsuo nor Shoto talked about the man. 
Many times, you had tried to persuade Touya to get therapy in order to deal with his past traumas, but he never listened. If anything, he would become completely enraged whenever you would broach the subject.
It also didn't help that Touya was now even more deeply involved in the drug lifestyle. 
At first, it didn't bother you as much as it should have, but as time went on things just got worse and worse.
Your son, Takuya, was now five years old and you really didn't want him exposed to the people and dealings that Touya was involved in.
Takuya would ask you many questions:
Mommy, why is Daddy never home?
Who are these strange people in our house?
Why can't my friends come over to spend the night?
Why does Daddy have flour underneath his nose?
Touya had been abusing cocaine ever since your third year of marriage.
He said that it helped ease his mind. Made him forget the past. 
A knock came on his office door, causing the turquoise-eyed man to look up at it.
"What, Y/n?" He asked in irritation once he looked up and saw you standing there, just staring at him.
"Are you seriously getting high in the middle of the day?"
Spread out over his desktop were multiple, identical lines of freshly chopped cocaine. With a rolled-up hundred-dollar bill, Touya closed off one of his nostrils while he used the bill to snort the white powder into the other.
He did it effortlessly, almost elegantly. 
"Touya, really? What if Takuya ever walked in and saw you doing this shit? You know he's getting older now, and he's started asking me questions about your…habit."
Touya didn’t seem deterred; better yet, he most likely hadn’t heard a word that you’d said as he focused on the feeling of the drug entering his system.
“Did you fucking need something, Y/n? If not, then kindly get the fuck out. I’m busy.”
You gave him an incredulous look but bit your tongue and nodded.
“I need you to sign the check for Takuya’s school tuition so I can mail it off today.”
Touya sucked his teeth and sniffled. With the back of his tattooed hand, he wiped his nose roughly.
“Of course, that’s what you always need. Money. “
With a soft sigh, you prepared yourself for one of his rants. On top of abusing drugs, Touya had been diagnosed with, post-traumatic stress disorder, dissociative identity disorder, and bipolar disorder. 
You’d seen him dissociate firsthand, especially when he was high. You figured that the alternate personality that he’d created stemmed from his traumatic childhood. This persona’s name was Dabi, and Dabi was not nice by any means. He was awful, much worse than normal, agitated Touya.
If it wasn’t for you insisting on having genetic testing done while you were pregnant, you’d have never found out what mental ailments your husband had been suffering from. 
“Well…if you hadn’t taken my name off of all the accounts, I could have done it myself and not have to disturb you while you’re taking care of business.” You finally snipped. You’d had enough of Touya’s drug abuse, verbal abuse, and emotional abuse.
You had gotten sick of him always taunting you, downplaying you, and making you feel as if you were less of a person because you had left your job, your family, and everything that you knew, in order to cling to him and become his wife.
He made you feel low, lower than the earth beneath your feet, and you had had enough of him.
To pour even more salt into your stinking, infected wounds, Touya treated you like a child. 
You had an allowance, you had to call and check in with him anytime you left the house, and he didn’t let you go anywhere without him or one of his guards. 
It hadn’t always been like this. No, this behavior only began once you attempted to leave him the first time.
You’d tried to leave Touya many times over the past five years, but your efforts were always in vain. No matter what you did or where you tried to go, he would always find you and bring you back, literally kicking and screaming. After a while, you just decided to give up, telling yourself that you’d never be able to get away from him.
You high, baby? (Yeah)
Yeah? (Hahaha, talk to me)
You want me to tell you something? (Uh huh)
I know what you want to hear 
The veins in his neck bulged and he turned on you, turquoise eyes flashing with lightning.
“Did you just talk back to me?”
The blood froze in your veins as Touya stood up, calmly pushing his desk chair back. The wheels screeched eerily across the wooden floor. Touya stomped towards you like a panther, waiting to attack and kill its prey.
“T-Touya- I…”
One hand was all it took to constrict your breathing. Touya held you up like a doll, the muscles in his arm barely flexing as he slammed you against the wooden double doors of the office entrance, making them rattle violently. Your little legs thrashed as you moved your body, attempting to get Touya off of you, to no avail.
“Bitch, how dare you disrespect me, after all I’ve done for you. I took you out of that shitty neighborhood you were living in, took care of you and that fucking brat, took care of your whole fucking family despite them cursing the very ground that I walk on. This is how you repay me? Flapping your fucking lips at me? HUH?!?!”
He yelled directly in your face, making you squint your eyes as spit flew from his lips. His face was so close to yours that you could see up his nostrils, see the white residue from the hit he’d just taken.
If he didn’t let you down soon, you’d pass out. Touya soon realized this, and he let you go, let your body drop to the ground with a ‘thud’ while he stepped back and regarded you without a smidgen of concern.
Your hands flew to your throat as you coughed violently. Your chest burned as you tried to regain the precious oxygen that your lungs had been deprived of for far too long.
You know you want me, baby
You know I want you, too
They call me Superman
I'm here to rescue you 
I wanna save you, girl
Come be in Shady's world
(Ooo, boy, you drive me crazy)
Bitch, you make me hurl
"You act like…," you wheezed, then halted to take in a few more deep breaths, "you act like I wasn't somebody before I met you. Like I wasn't on my own, living independently and happily before you came along and messed it all up!"
He must have found your lamentation amusing, because he chuckled, deep in his chest.
"Oh Y/n…when have you ever been independent? Your whole life you've always depended on someone. Your aunt, your family, your friends, and then me. You think you're so special, because what, you went to school and got a degree?"
Said degree was displayed on the back wall of his office. He'd let you hang it there after buying an expensive, mahogany wooden frame lined in real 24k gold for it. A gift for your first year wedding anniversary.
Now the object seemed to offend Touya. He made a beeline for it and snatched it off the back wall before sending it hurling across the room, narrowly missing you before it went crashing against the wall next to the door and shattering.
You whimpered in fear as he began walking back over to you. 
Kneeling down so that he was eye-level with you, much like he'd done at your first meeting in the salon, he glared at you with eyes colder than Antarctica. 
"How's that degree working for you now, Y/n? You're nothing more than a stupid slut willing to open her legs for the first man that showed her any shred of attention. You're pathetic, and I can't stand the fucking sight of you." He said lowly, the baritone of his voice rumbling in your ears.
You buried your head in your hands, the tears flowing freely down your firearms as you tried to shield yourself from him, from his rage. His hatred.
It wasn't like Touya had never yelled at you before or threw fits when he was high, but this was the first time in five years that he'd ever put his hands on you.
And it would be the last. 
"That's it, Touya! I've had enough! You're impossible and I'm finished dealing with you and your issues. I'm leaving for good this time."
Touya laughed at you again. He just kept laughing for a long time.
"That's really funny. Have fun trying to leave me with no money and nowhere to go. You'll be back. You always come back, Y/n, because you can't survive without me."
Your tear-soaked face curled up in disgust; you couldn't believe what this man was saying to you right now.
"Since you're so adamant on leaving though, you can go ahead and get the fuck out." 
He stood to full height again.
"Did I stutter? Get the fuck out of my house, right now, Y/n." 
"No! We're married, which makes this my house, too! You can't just put me out!"
He must have thought that you still weren't getting enough oxygen to your brain, because Touya grabbed you by the arms and hoisted you up.
You kicked, screamed, and clawed at him all the way, almost causing him to drop you a few times, but finally he made it to the large ornate doors leading to the outside of the estate.
They call me Superman
Leap tall hoes in a single bound
I'm single now
Got no ring on this finger now
I'll never let another chick bring me down
In a relationship? Save it, bitch
Babysit? You make me sick
Superman ain't saving shit 
Girl, you can jump on Shady's dick
Thank goodness Takuya was at school and not here to witness the scene of his father throwing his mother out of her own house.
"I hate you, Touya! You hear me?! I HATE YOU! You won't get away with this!" 
Was the last thing the snow-haired man heard before he slammed the door in your face. You heard all of the locks and the deadbolt click.
With fury, you kicked at the closed door with all your might.
You were kicked out now, with nothing. Not your purse, wallet, clothes, phone, or anything. Only your Apple watch on your wrist, which you guessed might be a bit of help.
Looking down at it, you noticed that it was charged to 75%, which was good. You'd have time to get to a charger. 
With an indignant huff, you rushed down the many stairs leading from the house and into the driveway where your car was parked.
It would be a dumb idea to get in and try to drive it, because Touya more likely than not had a tracker installed into it. However, you had an idea.
Don't put out, I'll put you out 
Won't get out, I'll push you out
Puss blew out, popping shit
Wouldn't piss on fire to put you out
See, though you had been quite gullible the past five years, believing that your sham of a marriage was pure and true, and that your bastard of a husband was your Prince Charming, you were still a college-educated woman and had plenty of good sense to use.
When Touya started getting high every other day, you began stealing his money and putting it away when he wasn't looking.
Small amounts here and there that you passed off with simple excuses that Touya found to be believable. No way his dumb little housewife would ever think to steal from him.
How wrong he was.
You had accumulated a good amount over the last three years, but when you first tried to leave Touya, he became suspicious of you, thus limiting your access to the money by taking your name off the accounts and giving you a weekly allowance. 
How stupid of him.
You took a portion of that money and stored it away every month, in case you ever needed it. In case you finally got the courage to leave Touya and never look back.
The day had finally come.
Pulling up to your sister-in-law's house, you waited for her to come to the door. Looking down at your Gucci slides, you felt embarrassed about the situation that had just occurred. 
"Y/n! What are you doing here? What's happened?" 
With the look on your face, she immediately knew that something terrible had happened and that her elder brother was more than likely the cause of it. 
She moved aside so you could come inside. You sat on her couch and put your hands in your lap.
After swallowing down the lump in your throat, you began to speak.
"Touya…he, um, he locked me out of the house."
You had to cover your ears slightly from the sheer volume of her exasperated voice.
"Yeah. We got into an argument and he tossed me out onto my ass like Jazz from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air."
Fuyumi didn't laugh at your joke; instead, she gave you a look of sympathy. 
"Y/n…I'm sorry you had to go through that…" Her voice began to crack and you gave her a questioning gaze.
"Was he…?" She couldn't even finish the question. 
You immediately understood and nodded.
"Yes. He was high." 
"And where was Takuya?"
"He's at school."
A sigh of relief from the white-haired woman. "Thank the heavens."
Fuyumi moved from her spot on the opposite couch to come over and give you a tight hug. You sank into her warm embrace and hugged her back, more tears bubbling up as feelings of shame, stupidity, and anger came to the surface. 
"It's okay, Y/n. It's all going to be okay. I feel like this is my fault. I should have tried harder to get you to leave Touya. I should have-"
You stopped her from talking by pulling away from the hug and giving her a small glare.
"Don't you dare try to blame yourself for his actions. He's a grown ass man, yet he acts like a child. Don't worry, Fuyumi. This time I'm done with him for good. It's time for me to move along in my life with my child and leave Touya's miserable ass behind. I tried everything to help him and all he did was treat me like shit for five years."
Fuyumi was a bit stunned to hear you speak with so much initiative, but she nodded, nonetheless.
"If you need anything, anything at all, don't hesitate to call me or Natsu. We want what's best for you and Takuya. Always." 
After talking with Fuyumi for a little while longer, she ended up calling Natsuo over, who works as a mechanic.
With a little trial and error, he managed to remove the tracker from your car. Touya had hidden it meticulously, but he was no match for Natsuo's years of experience with machinery.
You finally bid your brother-in-law and sister-in-law goodbye so you could go and speak to your lawyer before picking up Takuya from school.
I can't get to work on time
Can't believe the words to him I just said
Who the hell argue and fight 
Like dogs at six in the morning?
I know it's gonna be some more shit tonight (oooh) 
Our pastor's calling, telling me I done went too far, 
And I'm sitting round town and my friends can't recognize me
Cause I took a chance on love 
It's like, I'm dying (ooo dying)
For you, I gave my heart
And turned my back against the world
Because I was your girl, girl, girl
I done damn near lost my mama
I done been through so much drama
I done turned into the woman I never thought I'd be
I'm ready to sign them papers, papers 
"I'm sorry, Mrs. Todoroki, but the prenup that you signed is very much valid. According to this, he really doesn't have to give you anything."
You blew out a frustrated breath. How could you have been such a fool? If Touya wanted to call the wedding off because you wouldn't sign, you should have just let him. 
It would have saved you a world of heartache and headache, that's for sure. 
"So, there's absolutely nothing that I can do?" You asked the well-dressed man in front of you. 
You fiddled with the rose gold, 5-carat diamond aquamarine pear-shaped ring set on your left ring finger. 
“What about our son? Did he say anything about providing for him?”
The brunette man pushed his glasses from the bridge of his nose up to his eyes. 
“Despite his trying to implement a clause in which he wouldn’t have to pay child support since the child was conceived outside of the marriage, as the child’s biological father he’s still legally responsible for providing for Takuya. Though he could contest his paternity and ask for a DNA test.” He set the paper on the desk and looked at you.
“That slimy bastard…he did everything in his power to make sure that I’d never try to leave him. He’s sick….”
“Again, I’m very sorry, Mrs. Todoroki. I wish that there was more that I could tell you.”
“I just can’t believe this…Touya had all of this planned from the very start. He came to me in a moment where he knew I couldn’t refuse him. He knew that I needed to lean on him at that time and he took advantage of me.”
“What do you mean by 'took advantage of you'?” The man in front of you sat up straighter in his chair, slightly leaning his body towards you.
“Well, I never expected that Touya would ask me to sign a prenup. He never made it a priority to discuss how we’d do finances; he just always said that he’d take care of me. Which is why it was such a shock that he made me sign the prenup minutes before I was about to walk down the aisle to marry him.”
“He asked you to sign a prenup minutes before your wedding? He coerced you and didn’t even give you time to seek your own legal consultation. I’m glad you told me this, Mrs. Todoroki; this changes everything.” 
Could this be it? Could this finally be your way out of this marriage?
“And that’s not all! I was pregnant with Takuya at the time and my hormones were all over the place. My aunt…she’d been very sick as well, and it was just an overall bad time for me. I w-wasn’t thinking straight…I-I just…I just wanted someone to be there for me. I didn’t want Touya to call off the wedding.” 
You cursed yourself for crying over this again, but speaking about it out in the open really made you realize how badly Touya had manipulated you. From the very beginning of the relationship he tried to break you down and make you weak for him, and you let him. Your lawyer handed you some tissue from the box on the desk.
No more weakness. No more vulnerability. It was time to be strong; you had a child to raise and he needed his mother.
It was time to fight for what was rightfully owed to both of you.
“Coercion and signature under duress; oh, he’s done for. I’ll make some calls to get this in front of the judge as soon as possible. Don’t worry, Mrs. Todoroki, I’ll handle everything from here.”
You left the law office with a massive weight lifted off of your heart. 
Takuya's private school was only a few minutes away if you took the interstate, so, after picking him up, you'd probably just go back to Fuyumi's house for the night.
"God, I hate this bend in the road, it makes me feel like I'm going to fall off into a ditch." You grimaced while holding the steering wheel carefully.
When you were almost around the corner, a black SUV flew past you at top speed and caused your car to lose control and spin in circles several times before crashing into oncoming traffic. 
You had to have blacked out from the impact - were you dead? 
No, your hearing was still intact. You could hear something in the distance: footsteps.
Your head was bent at an odd angle and you could feel the blood dripping down your forehead.
"Well, would you look at my little broken doll, all bent out of shape. It's a miracle you aren't dead, huh? That was a nasty accident you had."
With you not being able to turn your neck to the sound of his voice, Touya had to step into your line of sight. He looked down into your eyes, his own turquoise ones shining with mirth. They seemed darker, more sinister.
Then it dawned on you. 
This wasn't Touya.
It was Dabi.
"W-w-what's wrong…with you…? You're…. you're insane…"
That was the final thing you said before slipping into unconsciousness.
Dabi just watched your unmoving form with an evil grin plastered across his face. He reached into his pocket, pulled out a pack of cigarettes, and lit one.
With his free hand, he reached out to stroke your face while his eyes glowed.
"I know you want, me baby. I think I want you, too. I'm here to save you, girl. Come be in Shady's world.  I wanna grow together, let's let our love unfurl. You know you want me, baby. You know I want you, too. They call me Superman, I'm here to rescue you."
With a flick of his wrist, he threw the cigarette down and the entire car caught on fire.
You want what you can't have
Ooo, girl, that's too damn bad
Don't touch what you can't grab
End up with two back hands
Girl you just blew your chance 
Don't mean to ruin your plans
 911, what's your emergency?
"Yes, my wife has been in a terrible car accident! Her car caught on fire and she was trapped inside. I-I pulled her out, but she's unconscious and I think her neck might be broken!
Okay sir, I'm going to need you to get her to a safe location and wait for help to arrive. Avoid moving her anymore and try to keep her neck supported.
Three Months Later
You ended up with three severed vertebrae in your neck. The doctors still don't know how you didn't end up paralyzed or dead, but at this point it must have just been a miracle from God.
Touya brought you to the hospital under the guise of the distraught husband and no one seemed to suspect anything.
Except for Natsuo, Fuyumi, and your lawyers.
Your family was just grateful that you were alive and didn't think to question how the accident may have occurred, though Touya didn't get away completely scot-free.
Your lawyer was the number one accusatory figure when your divorce case went to court. He argued that Touya had been following you, tracking your phone, and was angry that you were finally filing for divorce from him.
That you were going to actually leave him this time.
Touya had an amazing defense lawyer that continued to play him up as the distraught husband; Touya knew what he was doing when he decided to stay at the scene of the accident and "help" you. Your other lawyers and Touya's went toe to toe in the courtroom for days.
Caroline, Caroline
See Caroline, all the guys would say
She's mighty fine, mighty fine
But mighty fine only got you somewhere half the time 
And the other half either got you
Cussed out or coming up short
The jury was at a deadlock.
It wasn't an easy fight. More days in the courtroom with you sitting there in a neck brace, your body bandaged beneath your clothes from the burns you sustained in the fire.
A miracle that you were even alive. 
Finally, after two weeks of court, Touya was convicted of attempted murder.
His defense lawyer tried to go for an insanity plea which was supported by him staying at the accident scene and bringing you to the hospital afterwards.
The prosecutor argued that Touya, though aware of his mental illness, never sought the proper help and continued to mentally and emotionally torture and abuse his wife.
These claims were supported by Natsuo and Fuyumi, who both agreed to testify on your behalf since you couldn't speak up for yourself due to spousal privilege. 
More deliberation, more waiting.
At last, there was a breakthrough.
The insanity plea fell through and Touya finally decided to just plead guilty.
Regardless, we don't want to get involved with all them lawyers
And judges, just to hold grudges in the courtroom
I wanna see your support bra, not support you 
He was called to the witness stand, where he told all the grueling, gritty details of the past five years of your marriage. As much as he didn't want to let you go, he just couldn't bring himself to drag this battle out any farther. After hearing his testimony, the jury found him guilty and he was sentenced to fifteen years to life in prison.
So now, here you are, sitting in front of the man that you once loved with all of your heart.
Dressed in an orange jumpsuit, wrists and ankles shackled, Touya regarded you with a downtrodden expression. 
"Y/n… I'm sorry for everything that I put you through. I just want you to know one thing: I'll always love you and my son." 
With a dry chuckle, you shook your head.
"I don't think you know the meaning of the word love, Touya." 
You pushed the divorce papers with your wedding rings situated on top of them towards him and nodded up at the guard standing behind him.
The elder man unlocked Touya's wrist cuffs so the inmate could sign his name where required. He didn't even read over it.
The shackles went back on immediately, and, with one last look, the guard escorted Touya out of the room and back to his cell. 
The sunshine was bright on your face as you walked out of the prison. A funny thought crossed your mind and caused you to giggle out loud.
For years, you'd felt like a prisoner under Touya's watchful gaze.
Oh how the tables have turned.
I know you like to think your shit don't stank 
But lean a little bit closer, see
Roses really smell like booo-booo-ooo
Yeah, roses really smell like booo-booo-ooo
a/n: i feel like i was starting to drag this out, so I just had to hurry up and end it 💀 i still think it came out pretty good though! i had to do a lot of research for the legal part and i still don't think it's all correct, but oh well! i ain't no damn lawyer/judge!😂 
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wandamyconfort · 1 year
if I were you.. | CH.2
wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
summary: y/n is best friends with vision, who ironically, is the boyfriend of his worst enemy, wanda maximoff. until one night, when the clock struck midnight, they are both struck by something mysterious that completely changes the fate of their best friends, including a certain redhead… be careful what you wish for.
sorry for any translation errors, english is not my first language
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You woke up at 6:00 a.m. sharp as usual. I did this every day even on weekends so as not to lose the habit. Soon went to the bathroom to do his facial skin cleanse followed by 30 minutes of elliptical bike. a relaxing shower to soon after get dressed. a black blouse, jeans and white sneakers. you went downstairs quickly and ate breakfast.
Punctually at 8:00 a.m. you was at school, ready for another day that was already promptly scheduled; First class in history, Biology, Physics II and Mathematics. Then about 10 minutes to clear yourself of the likely scratch cards that were yet to come from Wanda, Valkyrie, Sam or Bucky. Then would perform his solo at the club leaving everyone else dumbfounded and dying of envy of his talent. Not to forget, of course, Mrs. Miller who would try to ruin his life. And later after school would go home to Vision to help him with his subjects which he was still struggling.
Vision left his girlfriend's house before the sun came up. Wanda's parents liked her boyfriend, but didn't find it at all pleasant for the boy to enjoy the moment. Since they had to spend the night out for work reasons.
Natalya and Erik worked together because they were two successful entrepreneurs. They had to always be traveling to conferences, meetings, outreaches, and partnerships with other companies. The trips were sometimes to cities closer but also distant, requiring them to stay up to four days away. That was one thing Wanda and vision had in common: the absence of her parents.
But Mrs. Agnes was the one who rescued the girl's parents. A very nice lady who bordered on 70 years old, gray hair and expressive blue eyes.
Wanda had her as a grandmother, or rather a second mother.
The lady who lived alone, despite having a granddaughter who lived in New York with her father, had been caring for Wanda since the frauds. She had a huge affection for the girl that only tended to increase.
Her house was close by, next to her own. To be sure. In her room, the girl was near the window that facilitated communication between them without having to go to the other's house.
- Banana and... Bacon? - asked moving closer to his bedroom window.
The woman nodded with her infectious smile as she stirred the pot.
- Are you coming for coffee or need a formal invitation? - Agnes asked, raising her gaze.
Wanda didn't think twice about running to her grandmother's house. she would never turn down bananas and a good bacon.
- Your clothes... I don't know what classification to put them in. - She said, as she analyzed you from head to toe.You just rolled your eyes.
- Y/N, l mean it... I've offered you a redesign but I don't know why it costs to refuse... Look at me. - Took a turn for you to analyze the look. - I'm from Celine today. - she said with a proud smile referring to the brand of your clothing as you looked at it as if it had three heads.
- Get out of the way, freak. - Insulted Bucky followed by a scratch card by one of his friends.
-Thug! - she let go as he took a deep breath covered by the newly scratched card.
- I think your Celine outfit is a lot better now. - You can't help it, trying your best to hold back the laughter.
Natasha ignored it.
"My eyes are burning," she paused for a moment and went back to talking still static. - My clothes will stain and my hair that took me hours to tidy up... And now see how it is! - She let out a scream tapping her foot angrily.
-Comes... Let's go to the bathroom. I help you.
It was exactly 7:30 p.m. when you arrived at the vision house. The boy opened the door and made a funny grimace.
- Punctual, huh? - Smiled letting you walk past him.
- As always. - she added and smiled when saw his mother in sight there.
- Good evening, Mrs. Stark.
- Hey, good night, Y/n! - Smiled friendly at the girl. - I already told you it's just pepper. Without that Mrs.
you blushed in agreement.
"Son, I'm going to have to be on call again today. It was an unforeseen event, Patricia asked me to replace her and I could not deny it... But I've already prepared dinner. - Argued for vision while fiddling with something inside the bag.
The boy sighed shaking his head in agreement.
- Feel at home, honey. - she said goodbye to the two of them by placing a kiss on each other's foreheads. Already near the door she looks at the vision and smiles.
- Mom Loves You.
Vision just gave a half smile listening to the door of the house closing.
- You should tell her. - You filled the silence that had become.
- Say what?
- Vision... Don't make a fool of yourself. To say that you miss her, her company. Saying you wanted her to spend more time with you. Who loves her!
- I don't know what you're talking about. - He tried to disguise himself while looking at the ground.
-Let's go... Stop. I know you very well. - Got close to him stroking the boy's arm.
"I'm your soul sister, remember?" I know you like the back of my hand.
"So let's go, my soul sister, take my math questions because I'm completely lost. Since the teacher arrives saying "Good morning, class!" I get lost. - he tried to change the subject by making her friend laugh.
He led you into the living room where there were several books on the table.
"And there we go," - you whispered.
The night quickly followed. You tried to help him with all the doubts without realizing that the hours were passing. He looked at the time on his cell phone and almost had a heart attack when he realized it was 11:27 p.m.
- My parents must already be worried, I have to go.
- Yes, of course. I accompany you. - He said already getting up and screwing up his whole body making a grimace appear on his face when he heard several streaks that to you, were agonizing.
- No need. I'm walking and it's not even that far, just a few blocks...
- I'm not crazy about letting you go alone, especially at this time. Not even thinking. - Grabbed his coat that was on the couch and put it on.
"Okay," rolled his eyes. - I'd really be scared to death of going it alone.
-I know. I know you like the back of my hand. - Smiled repeating the same phrase she had used hours ago.
It was cold and You ran his hands over his arms to try and warm himself in vain. When he realized it, he instantly took off his coat and gave it to you, who smiled thankfully. You both traced the path by talking about trivial things without being able to avoid spontaneous laughter until you stood on your feet staring at something. The boy frowned looking at you and followed gaze. There was a fountain with a large gray statue in the center, very beautiful. you who adorned that huge almost empty square. had never noticed that source there, so you assumed it had been placed recently. Without holding back, they came closer, exploring her.
They just watched her for a while until her voice broke the silence.
- Vision... Why are you with wanda? I swear I don't understand. - It's been a while since you've wanted to ask that.
-Why not? I like it, simple. - Said friendly.
- I honestly don't understand how anyone can like wanda maximoff. She's so... urg. - He shook his head in disgust.
- You say that because you don't really know her. -Retorted. You snorted looking at him.
- I also don't understand how I can be friends with Sam and Bucky's idiots. They're disgusting!
- I'm not friends with them! We're just teammates on the same football team and that's it. You don't see me talking to them, do you? - He shrugged. - And it wouldn't go down well either, since they threw scratch cards in my face when I was a rookie.
- You said it. - Retorted sarcastically
- I don't know what you're complaining about so much, Y/n. Your life is perfect! - you laughed incredulously hearing that.
- No kidding, right, Stark.
- i'm serious. You are decisive, you don't care what others think of you. You know where you came from, where you're going, you have two parents who love you and who will always be by your side. you has an amazing voice for just a seventeen-year-old girl. you has a bright future as a singer, always knew what you wanted and fights to achieve it tooth and nail... And me. He looked at himself letting out a nosey laugh. - I'm a guy who has no idea what he's going to do after high school, I don't know where I'm going... What good is this 'popularity' now, if in a few years it will be worth nothing?
- What are you talking about? - She asked incredulously. - My life sucks! Everyone sees me as a loser and deep down I really feel that way. I'm not as determined as you think, I try to show myself like this to camouflage my insecurities and not feel like garbage like everyone makes me feel. You are the Quarterback of the team, handsome, popular, all the girls die of love for you. Date the most beautiful and popular girl there, everyone loves you there and... - You rambled and Vision rolled his eyes.
- that's enough!. - He snorted, interrupting his speech. - Don't fuck, Y/n...
- Your life that's perfect here! - You finished by tapping your foot.
- It's yours. -Insisted.
They began a discussion about the perfect life monologue between them. you turned your back on him crossing your arms with a frown ending the argument, Vision did the same. Their breaths were flawed from the debate. They stayed like that for a few seconds, not knowing each other's next move, they both turned forward screaming together:
- I wish I had your life! - They shouted in coincidence, actually ending the discussion.
The pole light flashed instantly and shattered startling you who took a step back. All the lights in the square began to flicker as they broke soon after, leaving the two of them staring at each other in the total darkness of the night.
you woke up early, at the usual time, slowly opening your eyes, still sleepy you headed for the bathroom when you stopped on your way looking at the bedroom.
What the hell am I doing in the vision's house? -you thought out loud looking around recognizing he friend's room.
- I remember going home and... - Murmured thoughtfully to herself. - Oh, shit! My parents are going to kill me... Sleeping here unannounced, they'll have the marine guard after me by now! - You raised your voice.
- You frowned. - Damn, I've gone hoarse. - This time you whispered, and choked, noticing that your voice was thick.
You didn't think twice and left the room, stunned and sleepy. You went down the stairs looking for the exit, you had to leave urgently and you would get out of there without waking anyone.
It was then that her reflection caught her attention in the mirror that adorned the wall in the large room. you frowned more and took a few steps back. The first thing she did was to widen her eyes, petrified, and cautiously observe if what her eyes stubbornly showed her was just a dream.
Slowly you moved hands up to his face, feeling it, now was sure that this was not a dream? It was a nightmare! You opened your mouth in horror and began to scream sterilely. Your eyes were still on the mirror that showed you the reflection of your friend Vision.
You screamed, screaming louder and louder.
- Son, what happened? Are you okay? - Questioned Pepper, newly awakened by the screaming, walking down the stairs in her pajamas, almost tripping over her own feet, totally frightened.you still had your eyes wide open. you didn't answer, just stared at your reflection in the mirror.- Son? Why are you screaming?
- she approached me, evidently concerned, touching the shoulder that was supposed to be your son. There were no answers to your questions.
- This can't be happening? - you hissed almost inaudibly. Hearing that thick voice, which was not her own, made her even more terrified. - If I'm here then vision is... - you whispered thoughtfully, and without finishing reasoning, walked quickly to the door with quick steps. you just didn't expect to fall. you wasn't used to those long legs.
you stood up again, grabbing the first pair of pants saw on the way. pepper stared at the scene in confusion.
- Where do you think you're going at this hour? - The woman asked as she saw him open the door.
- Don't worry, Mrs. Pepper, everything is fine! - you replied at last unconvincingly, his voice shaking terribly. you tried to calm himself by walking out the door, leaving the stunned and even more confused woman in the middle of the room.
- Mrs. Pepper? - she murmured confused.
every evening after dinner, scott and hope would sit in the living room in front of the fireplace and talk about banal things, accompanied by a good wine, which always made them go to bed later, which resulted in: they always woke up later the next morning.
you always reproached them for this. always saying that we should all get at least eight hours of sleep. But today you were grateful for that. You entered the house very easily with the extra keys that your parents left hidden in one of the flower pots in the garden.
she closed the door, trying not to make a sound. Her parents were completely unconscious on the living room floor. She walked cautiously up the stairs on her new long legs. If they woke up, she would be dead because she had been caught in the act. After all, what was the boy doing there at that time? She arrived in front of her door and began to knock, trying to make as little noise as possible.
- vision, open this door. - She whispered and knocked again.
You cursed yourself for always sleeping with the bedroom door locked, since you liked privacy, but at this moment you really wanted to break the damn door down and you were sure you could.
- Vision… Damn it, vision, wake up! - You increased the frequency of your knocking, realizing that you wouldn't wake the other one up.
The boy frowned, his eyes still closed.
- Y/n? - he asked lazily, still getting out of bed.
- Open the damn door! - Despair was already taking over his body when he heard a pair of footsteps downstairs.
- What are you doing here? - He didn't finish his sentence after opening his eyes and observing the place.
- Hey… What am I doing in your room?
- Vision, will you please open this fucking door?! - I was getting more and more nervous, impatient, scared, and afraid of what was going to happen behind that door.
- Hey, calm down, I'll be right there… - He speech died after opening the wooden door, now the two were face to face looking at each other in terror.
- You… but I… what?
Vision couldn't formulate a sentence so he limited himself to screaming. you entered, locking the door behind you and covering the boy's mouth to stop the screaming.
- Damn it, don't scream. You'll get my parents' attention! - you whispered.
- Will you be quiet? - vision shook his head frantically.
- W-what happened? - He managed to speak in a stutter, his eyes opening wider and wider as if it were still possible.
- I don't know. I have no idea, when I woke up I was like this. - She spoke quickly, apprehensive, looking at her body.
- If you are me and I am you, then… - He looked stunned at his new body and his eyes widened. - damn y/n… I HAVE BREASTS! - The boy shouted hysterically, running his hands over his body.
You, who hadn't stopped to notice this derealization, turned red, and became hysterical again.
- Oh, holy shit, I have too much volume between my legs.
Unlike Vision, you didn't dare to put your hand on the new body, you just looked down and even though you were wearing sweatpants you could feel it.
- Y/n, honey, is everything okay? - Scott's voice made itself present, knocking on the door, and you widened your eyes.
- Answer! - you whispered to vision remembering that you couldn't do it with that man's voice.
- Yes... Everything's fine baby! - The boy murmured in a shaky voice, trying to sound natural with that feminine voice. He scratched the back of his neck nervously at the girl's gaze on him.
- Everything's fine baby? - mumbled Scott, confused by his daughter's slang, but shrugged. - Come down, coffee is ready. - He said as he walked down the stairs to the kitchen.
slapped Vision on the head, who was now smaller than you.- Everything's fine, baby? Everything's fine, baby?
- I didn't mean it. I was nervous!- It's okay... - He sighed, running his hand through his hair and soon missed his long hair.
- Y/n, what are we going to do? I can't go home like this... - He spoke angrily on the edge of the bed.
- Calm down ... First let's think about what could have caused this. - Reasoned a little trying to keep calm walking from side to side with his hands in his hair.- Maybe it was something we ate...
- Don't be an idiot. No food, no matter how bad it was, couldn't have done such damage.
- Sorry, I'm nervous... - He stood up, tapping his foot on the floor at every moment without taking his eyes off the body he now occupied.
- Or maybe... - You looked at him who now occupied your body.
- Last night... When we came from your house... - You said thoughtfully pausing the words and Vision seemed to understand.
- In the square... - He followed your reasoning.
- The fountain...
- We wished...
- To have each other's lives! - They concluded together.
- No, no, not this! This can't be happening… I didn't mean it, and how is that possible? I was happy with my life, I want my body back! - The young man spoke in agony pacing back and forth in the middle of the room.
- I didn't mean it either, I was just trying to be nice. And this is all your fault, if you hadn't started with the 'Your life is perfect, y/n, blah blah blah' talk, none of this would have happened.
- My fault? It's your fault that you came up with all that monologue about the perfect life and 'Your life is perfect here, Vision'. - he imitated in annoying little Y/N voice, a perfect imitation, by the way, since the voice was her own.
You looked at him with a frown and went on. A small fight started between the two of you, who were now rolling on the floor of the room.
- Give me my body back! Give it back! - Vision shouted, his small body on top of the other as he squeezed what had been his face the night before as if he wanted to get her off him.
- No! You give me back my body! - you shouted, now taking control of the fight and standing over the other, pulling the brown hair that used to be his.
- Ouch, ouch, enough! - he pushed her. - This way we won't get anywhere! - Vision put an end to the fight.
- You're right... Instead of fighting let's try to find solutions to solve this. - she stood up and helped the other soon after. - And I think I already know where we start...
The two went out the back door without being seen by Scott who was watching TV. Hope was still asleep, now lying on the sofa. You, who now occupied the boy's body, were dressed in a blue tank top that made the blonde's statuesque body clearly visible. A pair of black sweatpants and sandals. Vision who occupied your body was wearing his pink pajamas and put only a jacket on top, they drove to the square where everything started.
When they arrived at the place they were surprised, for there was no fountain anywhere. But there was a huge hole where it used to be, with pipes in sight and some bricklayers assessing the place.
- What happened here? - Vision asked, approaching one of the bricklayers involved in the work.
The same one stopped his work looking at the two young people, immediately looked at Vision drying him, seeing that the unknown girl was wearing a baggy pink shorts leaving her legs showing. You, who was behind Vision, noticed this and made a face of disgust, clearing his throat.
- Ah, there was a problem with the plumbing, some pipes burst, that is, a disaster! We'll have to replace everything.
- And the fountain... where is it? - You in the friend's body asked, checking all around without any trace of it.
- It had to be removed while we fixed everything.
- But you don't know where they took it?
- Um... No. But if you go to the city hall, I think someone can tell you. - The youngsters didn't waste any time. The town hall was right in front of the square.
- Can you give us some information? - The person who occupied the Y/N body turned to the old receptionist, with a face that said 'I hate my job'.
- It's about the fountain that used to be in the square. We want to know where it is. - You who occupied the boy's body asked, already impatient.
- I don't know. - answered automatically while you were messing with the computer.
- What do you mean you don't know? For God's sake, it's a fountain with a huge statue right in the center.
- Calm down. - interrupted the boy next to her. - You'll have to excuse her... I mean, he! - He corrected himself when he noticed the confused look on the woman's face, who was now looking at them with an arched eyebrow. - It's just that that fountain was of great sentimental value to us... So if you would be so kind, could you help us, please?
- she rolled his eyes at the girl's plea. - not in town, I don't know exactly where are. There's no information here. - she said while his dark eyes checked the computer screen. - But it says here that he will be back. Well, let me see…
Your eyes scanned the screen and you started tapping your foot on the floor impatient with the delay.
- Ah... Here it is. In a month it will be back.
- ONE MONTH? - You shouted and some people who worked there looked at him. Vision, occupying her friend's body, elbowed her in the rib.
- Okay. Thanks! - Vision resigned himself. he knew she had nothing else to do but wait. He pulled his friend's strong arm and left the place to spare themselves from further humiliation from the stares and whispers of several people who were in the place stared at them for not being dressed appropriately. Especially you, who was now him and tentatively wearing pink pajamas.
- What are we going to do now? - You groaned, putting your hands through your hair. You were visibly worried as you stared at the road in the passenger seat and at the driver's seat occupied by the body that now didn't belong to you.
- I don't know. - You looked at her and saw your own worried brown eyes. - I guess we'll have to wait... I still don't understand how that fountain could have caused us this. I mean, what kind of fountain was it? Fountain of desires? - he exclaimed sarcastically, making quotation marks with your fingers without looking away from the road.
- I don't understand it either. But now that you told me that, I remembered something… - you was trying to remember. - Just below the central statue of the fountain there was a small metal plate with some words… Do you remember?
- I think so… - he wrinkled his forehead, thoughtful. - Yes, there was but it wasn't in English so it didn't hold my attention much. It seemed to be in Italian, or Russian or German… I don't know. - He was also trying to remember.
A brief silence flooded the car and Vision decided to go home, and as the clock was eight o'clock he assumed that his mother would already be in the hospital.
- Wait... Fare Attenzione a ciò che si desidera! - you tried to pronounce the words that were now invading his mind.
- What? Speak our language, Y/n! - That was the phrase. - And what does it mean? - he asked confused.
- I have no idea? but we can find out. - You answered, getting out of the car and following the boy who had already opened the front door. They confirmed that the boy's mother had already left for work with the typical notes that they used to leave her, this time on the coffee table in the living room.
"Son, I won't be on call today, Patricia is already better and will be taking over my shift as a thank you, I was worried about how you were this morning. You looked dazed. I'll be early, don't be late for school.... Mommy loves you."
Vision was reading that note as You already took hold of the small laptop, which was sitting on top of the couch. To search for those unknown words that now could not get out of your head.
- Be careful what you wish for... - You whispered, seeing the meaning of that phrase, still keeping your eyes fixed on the computer screen in your lap.
- So... That's it. I guess we'll just have to live each other's lives. - murmured the boy, coming closer.
- Are you crazy? - you asked incredulously. - We have no other way, you heard that lady. The damned fountain won't be back for another month, what are we supposed to do between now and then?
- Let's tell someone what happened. - Maybe someone can help us. - You said.
- Do you think that's a good idea?
- It costs nothing to try. - you frowned and remembered something, looked at the clock on one of the walls. - Damn, Vision, it's going to be almost nine o'clock, we're already late! - you whined, crying. Yes, you were crying, but not because you were going to be late, that was just a pretext. You were crying because you were terrified of everything that was happening.
- Stay calm. It's okay if we're a little late, everything will be fine. I'm here, we're in this together.
He knew you better than anyone else and knew you were afraid so he wrapped you in a tender embrace which resulted in you both feeling strange, embracing yourself was indescribable
- Besides, I'm horrible at crying, so stop. - He said in a humorous tone, separating from the hug and looking at the face that until yesterday belonged to him.
You couldn't help but draw a small smile at the comment.
- Have I ever said I have a nice smile? - Vision asked smugly, causing you to slap him. The boy looked at you with a pained expression, it had hurt.
you chose not to take a shower, you really weren't ready for that yet. You couldn't imagine cleaning a body that wasn't yours, even though you knew it would happen at some point. You still needed to assimilate all this, so you just changed clothes trying to keep your eyes closed with the help of Vision who showed you what to wear: a pair of beige jeans, a white tank top, and a green plaid shirt over it, and sports shoes.
- Y/n, I don't even think I'll need to go to your place to change. - You had slept a few days ago at your friend's house because of a double work and decided to stay there. you should have forgotten that sweater and a pair of jeans that had already been washed.
- Great. Then get dressed and let's go.
- I think I should take a shower first. - he said expectantly with a humorous sideways smile.
- Don't you dare! - You gave him a murderous look.
- Okay. The one who spoke is no longer here. - He laughed lightheartedly and started to change his clothes.
In less than ten minutes by car they arrived at the school. In the end neither of them had been late, because the first class was geography for both of them and it had been vacant. Then they walked, as if everyone in the hall knew it, towards the lockers to get the books for the next class.
- Are you ready? - sighed the boy with all his belongings in hand.
- I think so.... I mean, no! - She closed her eyes for a moment and then opened them, she was nervous.
- And you?
The image of Valkyrie and Sam appeared in the hallway with the usual scratch card in their hands. The tall girl smiled with amusement as she saw Loki picking up his books from the floor, freshly knocked over by a basketball player. As the boy stood up with everything in hand, the girl knocked the scratch card right into his face, who now dropped all the books again to wipe his eyes.
- You immediately closed your eyes tightly as you saw Sam come close. But the cold scratch never came.
- Damn... I had forgotten how it burns. Poor Loki. - muttered the boy, his eyes closed with anger.
At the same moment you opened yours and found your friend's face all soaked and squeezing his eyes, at that moment you mentally thanked for not being in your body.
- You'll have to get used to this. - You helped him clean himself up.
- This is supposed to be the moment when you are supposed to help me look on the bright side of things. - He opened a small smile still scratching his eyes. Vision quickly remembered something and opened his still red eyes and looked startled at you.
- What now?
- Damn, what are we going to do with Wanda? - You widened your eyes.
- Oh... Oh, shit! - You cursed.
- Vision, why didn't you call me yesterday?You said you would call me but I didn't get any call from you. Why didn't you call me? - questioned the redhead who had approached the two of them.
- I'm sorry... - She interrupted herself realizing the situation she was in. The girl who had her hands on her waist dropped them when she heard the other's voice. She turned her eyes away from Vision and looked at the girl, seeing how soaked she was, she tried to hold back her laughter.
- Your house ran out of water and the only way was to take a shower with a scratch pad?
- You hunchbacked ass...
You couldn't continue with the insult as Vision glared at you with his big brown eyes followed by an elbow in the arm subtly so that Wanda wouldn't notice.
wanda was surprised that Y/n didn't retort to her insults. But she paid no attention to it and turned her gaze back to the boy. He looked as if he was having an epileptic fit because he was so restless in his seat. Tension took over. Vision didn't know how to act in front of his girlfriend and you just wanted to get out of there as fast as possible.
- Wanda I-I'm going to class now... - You tried to be as natural as possible in front of the other's attentive gaze on you. - Talk to you later, okay? - You improvised, slowly walking away taking Vision with you.
- Vision. - called him in a velvety voice making both of them stop their way. - Aren't you going to give me even a kiss?
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win-writes · 2 years
𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘗𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘎𝘪𝘳𝘭; Chapter 1
╰⸻༄ؘ ˑ Who is she?
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༶ The Perfect Girl masterlist
༶ contains: mentions of violence, blood, kidnapping, teasing jouno, reader being a badass
༶word count: 2,245
༶ previous chapter ༶ next chapter
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Almost a month after your recruitment, you finally got used in your new lifestyle. Most of the missions you got assigned to, were easy enough to take on your own, so you didn't work with the rest of the Hunting Dogs that much. But that doesn't mean that you didn't get to know them a little.
Tetchou, being the gentleman he is since the day you met him, always makes sure you get back safe from your missions. He even reassured you that if you ever need help, he'll try his best to lend a hand.
Teruko, as odd as it sounds given how hostile she was towards you at first, likes you very much. You were shocked to see her get so excited that one time Fukuchi assigned you two on a mission together. Not that it bothers you, she is the vice-captain after all, it's good that you won her that fast.
You even got to meet Tachihara in that little span of time, when he returned for his monthly surgery at the HQ. He was really nice to you and he seemed really dependable to work with.
And then there's this one person that's impossible to get close to.
Jouno Saigiku.
It's not like he avoids you or anything. Far from that, he makes sarcastic remarks in every chance he gets to get under your skin. But aside from that, you haven't really talked with him ever since you got here.
That was until today.
"Jouno, you'll pair up with y/n for this one" declaired Fukuchi without taking his eyes off the mission sheet, "We've been informed that an underground auction will take place in a hidden facility tonight in a nearby city. Our mission is to retrieve a very important girl they kidnapped and capture all members of the ability organization hosting the auction, dead or alive"
Jouno sighed at his captain's last words. It was easy for the sharp man to conclude what kind of monstrosities these criminals have commited for them to have the option to take their lives. It's not the first time he got assigned to a mission like this, he knows he's up for it.
But are you?
The young man carefully took notice of your heartbeat. He can hear your blood rushing through your fingers and your pulse pounding in your wrists. As he thought, you may be unfit for this mission. Until, he heard your voice, "Where do they hold the auction, sir?" Oh? That was a rather quick reaction from you that he didn't expect.
"It's all written right here", your captain replied while passing you and Jouno the mission sheet. "You'll have to go undercover and it would be best for you not to be seen together. We don't want those thugs to suspect we'll be there, or put any innocent lives in danger. Now go! And best of luck!"
You quietly followed Jouno outside the meeting room leading you to the supplies closet, wasting no time to get on with the mission. You've never seen him so quiet before, not to mention how odd it was that he had yet to try mess with your head for the day. "Go ahead, say whatever is on your mind already", you broke the silence, no longer standing the awkward feeling that took over you ever since you left the meeting room.
"Actually, I'd like to know what's on your mind, little lady" he turned around, now facing you with his whole body, "I could feel how nervous you got by the way your blood pressure skyrocketed the second Fukuchi was done talking about the mission" you were taken aback by how exposed you felt by Jouno's words, "The interesting part is that you didn't move a single muscle at the same time. Your face remnained expressionless" Jouno has you cornered now, trapping you between him and the wall behind you, "Who are you y/n? Former spy? A lowly actress perhaps? What is it that makes you put on a brave face?"
"Why do you care?" you answered back with a question of your own, slightly pushing him back, in order to put more space between you "And I don't appreciate you making assumptions about my past like that". Even without his eyesight, Jouno can practically feel your eyes burning holes into his face. You took a deep breath to calm yourself down "Let's just forget this ever happened and get on with our mission" Jouno giggled at you reaction, "Forgive me, I guess I misjudged you little lady" he apologized as he turned his back to you, ready to exit the room "Make sure you wear something nice tonight, but not to eye catching. It's important we blend in with the crowd"
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9:45 pm
You arrived at the location the auction is held, 15 minutes before it begins. The plan is somewhat simple, you and Jouno will attend the auction as part of the guests, using the fake invitations you got from Fukuchi. You cannot be seen together with Jouno, so you agreed to arrive at different times. Then, just when the clock strikes 12:00, you'll make your way on the back, looking for the girl. By that time, Jouno will have already closed all exists, not allowing anyone to leave and making sure no backup comes for them.
You entered the big hall after giving your invitation to the security outside "Please follow me ma'am, I'll lead you to your seat". You followed the gentleman, carefully observing your surroundings in the way, looking for anything suspicious. You almost froze in place when you saw Jouno sitting across the room. He's wearing a jet black tuxedo, his hands covered by a pair of white gloves and his hair nicely framing his face. He looked so handsome all dressed up like that, hell you even wonder if your superior looks this good is in his uniform, but you failed to notice until now. You lightly shake your head to snap out of it. Come on now y/n, what the hell are you thinking. You're on a mission, focus.
Meanwhile, you look just as stunning (if not much more). You're wearing your long strapless red dress with a side split, slightly exposing your right leg. On top, you're covered by a white coat matched with a pair of black full length gloves. You decide to pick clothes that make it easier for you to use your ability, without having to strip too much.
You took your seat, making yourself comfortable. "And here I was thinking you got cold feet", you hear Jouno's voice through the bug device in your ear, and you can already picture him with that sly smile on his face "I just might literally, it's freezing in here" you reply while covering yourself with your coat as much as you can. "Maybe if you wore something less revealing you wouldn't be complaining now". You were left dumbfounded by his comment on your appearance. Can he really tell what I'm wearing? You didn't say anything more, not wanting to draw unwanted attention on you, concentrated on the auction that was about to begin.
11:55 pm
The auction is almost over. You didn't notice anything weird being in shown during the biddings. So far the only things being sold were guns and other high technology weapons, all illegal of course. The presenter on stage mentioned that the grand price would be a surprise, demonstrated right after a 10 minute break.
"Time to shine little lady" you heard Jouno's voice once again, almost cursing him under your breath for keep using this stupid pet name. You walked outside the building, looking for any opening leading behind the scene, spotting a door right outside the back of the stage room that the auction was held.
Alright, here we go..
You carefully opened it and inside you found a room full of boxes and all kinds of prizes displayed in glass containers. "Hey who the hell are you? You're not supposed to be here!" you turn around and you're faced with 3 armed men. You assumed they're part of the organization you're here to arrest, "Oh, please excuse me.. I think i got lost and i somehow ended up here" you put on your best act while raising your hands to show them you are not a threat. "Run a body check, I don't like this chick" the older one ordered and the other two did exactly as he said. The moment your coat got taken away from your body, the room was filled with your scent. "I'm sorry, I'm afraid the feeling is mutual", the previously aggresive men, were now ready to submit to your command.
You stopped to think for a moment. Asking for information now would be too risky, the others might escape during that time. So you decided to take the quick way and deal with everyone at once "Pretend to capture me, summon the rest of your group closeby and take me to them" and as you said, they led you into a room behind the stage, all 3 of them calling their partners to get them there.
Not a minute passed and 7 other men entered the room with a girl around 17 tied down, her mouth and eyes covered. All of them were armed, except for the one you assumed to be their boss with an ability to protect himself. "Boss we.. we found this woman wandering around the.. the prize room" said one of the boys who brought you here, too drunk on your smell to speak properly.
The Boss walked towards you, placing his hand on your chin to make you look him in the eyes. "It's really inappropriate for a little lady like yourself to walk around places she shouldn't be in all alone. Who are you?" you got nauseous just by hearing that pet name coming out of his mouth "I.. I told you I got lost... I have no idea how I got here.."
"Is that so?" he moved his fingers to your hair and played with one of your h/c locks "How about we add her as a bonus prize?" Bonus prize? Which means, they plan to sell this girl as the "grand price"? "With a pretty face like yours, i'm sure everyone would bet everything they own to get you" words cannot describe how sick his words made you, but you have to keep up with your role, until you hear from Jouno.
Taking a better look at the girl, you noticed how red her cheeks were, probably from crying, and spotted bruises in every place her skin was exposed. "What did you do to her?" you asked without taking your eyes off the girl, "If she didn't resist so much, we wouldn't have to be so harsh with her" one of the men laughed, making your blood boil in rage. "At least we managed to bring this one alive, right boss?"
"y/n" you heard Jouno's voice at last "I've already called for backup to arrest everyone. Just make sure the girl is safe until they get there" you really wanted to listen to Jouno, but you don't know for how long you can contain your anger.
"I say, we have a little fun before the night ends" the boss smirked to himself and a sudden breeze hit you with great force, smashing you against the wall. "As you can see, I can manipulate the air. I have the upper hand so don't try anything funny, okay? Now, how about a little dance for us?"
You stood up from the floor and stared the boss in the eyes. He took a step back, clearly frightened by the wrath your eyes were filled with. Soon enough, the whole room was heavy on your natural fragrance. After that, they were at your mercy.
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Jouno quickly followed the signal of your tracker, guiding him right outside the room you were kept in. Outide the room, he found the "grand prize" girl unconscious. He checked her vitals with his sharp hearing. Good, she's just sleeping. Moving closer to the door, he was almost nervous to see what's inside. Before he even got to this area, all he could hear was the agonizing screams of pain, coming from whoever was inside with you. Before he got to touch the doorknob, you exited the room, shaking up all of Jouno's senses.
Fainted heartbeats, barely heard breathes, reek of blood and of course, your scent dominating his senses above everything else. Whatever he was about to say, was interrupted by your fall. Unable to even stand anymore, you let yourself completely relax at the sight of Jouno waiting for you behind that door. The boy was quick to catch you in his arms, with all kinds of questions running in his mind.
What the hell happened in there? What made you think you can take them all on your own? Why didn't you wait for me to arrive? You aren't injured, so what made you provoke them like this?
Jouno took off his gloves and gently caressed your face. He could feel how relaxed your muscles were, but it was nothing like that expressionless face you had in this morning's meeting. You were actually calm. He chuckled at your vulnerable state, erasing every question flooding his brain, but one.
Who is she?
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writingescapades · 11 months
The Third Adventure
A/N: Just reader being a badass again. Also me dealing with my perception on romance and relationships. You can read this as a stand alone or read the other Ayato fics for some context.
You waited inside Lady Kiku’s house, eyeing the wealth that exuded from every object. Lady Kiku belonged to a distinguished family within the Yashiro commission, and their dedication to the Kamisato family had clearly repaid tenfold. Ayato had introduced the lady to you as a possible client for your trades business. Lady Kiku specialized in elegant cloths that could be made into any type of clothes the wearer preferred. Certainly, her objects would be more pricey, but you knew there were many people who would pay triple for such finery.
Lady Kiku was an eminent lady and her dedication to her art clearly announced her as skilled weaver. However, her dedication consumed most of her focus. Sheltered since birth, she was unaware of what lengths her family, and now her husband, went to to support the Yashiro commission. You however, noticed immediately. In the five days you spent at the Kamisato house, you discovered that the house was armed to the core. Every object was a weapon disguised as decoration. The more objects a house had, the more weapons it hid. It was easy to notice, mainly because your family once did the same thing. Though you could not wield a sword like Ayato and Ayaka, that didn’t mean you had no means to protect yourself. You knew the plates Lady Kiku served dinner on were heavy enough to cause concussion, and you saw how many plants hid a small handle.
Had it not been for the actions of the Yashiro commission a few days ago, you would have placed your observations in a far corner of your mind. Ayato planned a raid on a local gang that was harassing merchants, scaring them into refusing to set up their stalls at the upcoming festival. Although Ayato spearheaded the attack, the mastermind of this plot was Lady Kiku’s husband. When Ayato returned to the Kamisato estate, you noticed the increased security and how you were almost always accompanied by someone, even within the house. Now you were at Lady Kiku’s house, alone. The anxiety of anticipating an attack did not leave your system, even as you smiled at Lady Kiku and discussed business with her. Your precaution did not go unrewarded.
As you discussed your terms with Lady Kiku, a sudden noise banged against the estate door. Lady Kiku slowly rose, but you shot out and peeked around the corner. Five armed thugs stood at the door, each figuring out a way to break the lock. You turned and looked at Lady Kiku. You saw the face of a woman who only knew how to make the world beautiful, and you understood that under no circumstances was this woman to sacrifice her life for a commission.
“What’s the fastest way to get into contact with your husband?” you asked.
“He, he informed me to put a specific lantern in the outer room. He said he would be able to see that light from a good distance,” Lady Kiku trailed off.
She ran to where she knew the lantern was and hurriedly ignited it. In all her life, she never had to use it once. The realization shook her. While she did that, you ran to the one spot Ayato cautioned you about. He told you that if you ever needed to hide, every family in the Yashiro commission had a bookshelf that led to a hide out. You had to move the books into a certain order to unlock the door, but the room inside was secure enough to keep you in until someone from the commission could get you out. Unlocking the door now, you grabbed Lady Kiku’s arm and tugged her towards the hideout. To your surprise, the Lady was resistant to the idea. Her adrenaline wore off and fear set in. She exclaimed that she had no idea what was happening, who these people were, or what her husband had gotten his family into. Curses of why she had to pay the price clamoured against the thuds of the men outside. You could tell that they had gotten inside and it was only a matter of seconds now. As you slammed the door shut, Lady Kiku yelped,
“My daughter is sleeping in our room”.
The room was in the back of the estate, and you two were in the front. You smiled reassuringly, said, “Nothing will happen to her,” then shut the door.
A shout came from your left and you ducked as you just made out a short blade coming for your head. You quickly reached for the nearest object, a vase, and smashed it against your attacker. The man fell. You yanked his short blade out and rammed it into the heart of the next attacker. As you made your way to the entrance, you saw a few men near the estate door and one coming straight for you on your right. You braced yourself and kicked the man back. As he stumbled back, you reached grabbed his hand, inverted his dagger, and pulled the attacker onto his own weapon. As he took in the shock, you grabbed his head and twisted, only letting go once you heard the confirming cracks.
The men now hesitated. They were armed and in plenty, but you had just killed three of them. Taking advantage of the situation, you lifted a western style chair and noticed the small blades jutting out from the chair legs. You ran towards the men and rammed the chair, digging the blades into the nearest attackers and pushing the rest back. Near the entrance, you saw more men arriving. Quickly dropping the chair, you ran back to a plant and pulled out a dagger. You flung it right into the eye of the closest attacker. As he dropped, a woman ran towards you with a long sword. You grabbed the first thing you saw, a standing lantern. Using the base as an extended shield, you charged at the woman allowing the lantern to bear the brunt of the woman’s attack. As she stumbled back a few steps, you flipped the lantern and rammed the candle into her face. Suddenly a flash came to your right and you dropped the lantern. Hot, burning sensations scorched up your right arm and you yelped in pain. You could make out blood. Before you could do anything, you were thrown against a wall and crumpled to the floor. The impact caused objects to shatter near or on top of you. You could hear footsteps and found yourself being yanked up by your hair. The fool. Suddenly the attacker loosened his hold on you, his eyes bugged out as you slowly rose, pressing your glass shard further into his neck. Backing the man against the wall, you eased his short sword out his hands and jammed it into his neck, then you turned to greet your next set of attackers.
Ayato and Ayaka ran towards Lady Kiku’s estate. Lady Kiku’s husband had run up to them frantic. He had seen her distress lantern. The siblings quickly inquired and received reports about a gathering of attackers, former members of the gang. It was impossible for Ayato to capture every single member of the gang given their numbers. That was why he kept security up for the entire Yashiro commission. After a weak passed and no attacks were made, Ayato relaxed a touch. Despite their reputation, the gang was not known to enact revenge after a long period of time. Yet he realized, as he and Ayaka ran towards the estate, that having no leader also meant rules and expected behaviours were not being followed anymore.
When the Kamisato siblings burst through the estate, armed, they saw a bloodbath before them. Bodies littered the estate and at the centre of it all, decked in blood was you. Ayaka widened her eyes, shouted your name, and was about to run towards you.
“Be careful,” you barked. “Some of them are only unconscious”.
Ayaka nodded and slowly made her way towards you. Ayato followed her.
“Lady Kiku,” Ayaka began.
“Is safe,” you assured her. You then told her about the child. Ayaka ran towards the back estate. She returned with a sleeping toddler and walked over to the bookshelf.
“Before you open the door,” you advised. “We should get this place cleaned up”.
It was Ayato who escorted you back to the Kamisato estate. It was Ayato who took you to his room, a secluded area where even the staff knew they could only enter if something was urgent. It was Ayato who insisted on drawing you a bath, leaving out clothes for you to change into. You slowly washed yourself, hissing as the hot water met bruised and bloody skin. Once clean, you exited to find Ayato waiting with a medical kit. He insisted on tending to your wounds himself.
“I take responsibility,” Ayato began.
“I made the decision to fight,” you interrupted. “I could have hid with Lady Kiku, but I chose to fight instead”.
“Yes, why did you choose to fight?” Ayato asked. The was a slight tone of annoyance in his voice. Exhausted by work, by the raid, and by the tense atmosphere as everyone awaited retaliation. He had expected to see your dead body upon arriving at the estate, a thought that unnerved him more than he cared to admit just now.
You shrugged. “Because I could”.
Ayato could tell from your voice and demeanour that there was more behind those words, but he was more concerned with your wounds just now. He tugged at your hand and urged you to sit down near him. Silence entered the room as he gently dabbed each wound on your arms and bandaged them, taking special care with your right arm.
“Do you have any wounds on your body?” he quietly asked.
You nodded. You had numerous cuts on your chest and back.
“Would you prefer if I got Ayaka or a female staff member?” he inquired.
“Would you prefer it?” you asked back.
Ayato hesitated, then shook his head. You turned around and loosened your clothes, his clothes you realized.
“Whenever I’m around you, my clothes always get ruined,” you grumbled as you dabbed at your chest.
Ayato flatly chuckled, understanding your attempt to lighten the atmosphere. Yet, he couldn’t bring himself to experience joy. Not when he saw the numerous marks on your back, many of which would leave scars. By the time you were bandaged up, your entire torso was covered. Before you could cover yourself once more, Ayato stopped you. He got up and sat in front of you, gently pulling the kimono over you, taking care to keep it firm but loose over your bandages. Then he hugged you.
“I don’t know what to say or what to feel, but thank you,” he whispered into your hair. Thanks for standing up for yourself. Thanks for protecting others. Thanks for holding on till he got there. Thanks for making it out alive. Thanks for still allowing you to be in his life.
He knew he should have let you go after that, let you lie down. But he could not let you go just then. Instead he found himself gently placing you down on his bed, while he laid next to you. His arm covered your torso, keeping him near you.
“You got a lot of nerve to take me to bed, Kamisato,” you whispered. “You’re not even my lover”.
You kept a pleasant tone, but Ayato could make out a trace of unease by his sudden behaviour. You watched him, even as he gently drew his thumb across your jawline. Love was an unfamiliar feeling for Ayato. He honestly did not know what it meant to be in love. Everyone seemed to have their own understanding. He couldn’t confidentially say he loved you, and yet.
“Stay,” he whispered, not fully understanding how long he wanted you to stay.
“You make life fun again”.
A childish response, from a childish man. You saw how excitement bubbled in his eyes during the five days you stayed at the estate. The pranks, banter, riddles, and laughs you shared at night working while no one else was awake. You enjoyed eliciting such an automatic response in a man known little beyond his title. You would not have accepted any other answer from him.
Watching the man beside you, fast asleep, exhausted from the events of the past few days, you scoffed at the words of the poets. The grandeur they went to describe love. None of their descriptions and words ever resonated with you. You did not know if you loved Ayato, and you were relieved that he too found such an emotion to strong for whatever bond you created. You sighed, feeling the day’s exhaustion creep up on you. You moved your hand and laced it with his.
“Good night buddy”.
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hoshinoyozora · 2 years
The Lady and Her Musketeer
🖤 Pairing: Yandere! Deuce Spade x Female! Reader
💛 Word Count: 1,4k+
❤ Warnings: -
Do not re-upload my writing to another website or use it without my permission. Also, don’t ask for a sequel unless I like the story enough to write one. Please reblog so other people can see my stories!
Deuce’s masquerade clothes reminds me of a musketeer ngl, so sorry if there’s some mistake! I’ve never written a musketeer before, but this idea is too good to pass up.
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It was a one-time mistake.
A moment of negligence, fooled by the darkness that you thought would cover you well from the dangers lurking nearby. It wasn’t a baseless assumption, for you’d gone home from waitressing every night without any harm so far. But Lady Luck couldn’t favor one person eternally, and under the silent yet pitying shine of the moon, a thug intercepted you in an alleyway.
Panic set your mind to a frenzy, and you feared he’d use the momentary opportunity to cut you with his knife if you screamed. Yet Lady Luck wasn’t entirely heartless, it seemed, for a sword suddenly stabbed his stomach from behind. The thug coughed and choked, dribbling blood from his chapped lips. He soon collapsed the moment the sword withdrew and lay in a pool of crimson.
Looking up, you saw your savior was an average-height man with fierce cyan eyes and navy hair as dark as the sky above. He wore a black and blue musketeer uniform trimmed with gold. His chest was checkered, while his hat was decorated with a playing cards pattern. His sword, once a cold hard silver, now angry wet red. He was a picture of chivalry and justice, until he met your eyes and was reduced to an earnest yet a bashful boy.
“A-are you alright?”
The sudden transformation warmed your chest that once hammered from alarm, and you found yourself smiling half bemused half grateful.
“Yes, thank you. You’re my hero.”
The title flushed his cheeks, and he immediately turned his head and coughed.
“It’s nothing. I was merely doing my duty to protect the kingdom and its people.”
“And you’ve done well.” said you. “May I know the name of my hero?”
“I-It’s Deuce. Deuce Spade.”
“That’s a nice name.”
His cheeks glowed brighter.
“What about you?”
“[Name] [Last Name].”
“It’s… it’s a beautiful name too!”
You beamed at the compliment, while Deuce coughed again. He extended his hand.
“So, shall I accompany you to your house?”
You stepped forward and interlinked your arm with his.
“You shall.”
Perhaps it was due to you being older, you couldn’t help but consider Deuce as the younger brother you never had. Every day he visited the restaurant you worked on, and on days where he was particularly busy, he’d still come either late at night or early in the morning and left a tip bigger than you usually received. His kindness even extended to him always accompanying you home, and while you appreciated it, you worried about whether he overexerted himself when it came to you. But Deuce dismissed it with a careless statement of him liking to help you. This favoritism didn’t go unnoticed by your coworkers and boss, most of whom teased you relentlessly. Your boss – a quiet, perceptive old man – excluded himself from the banter and warned you.
“Ensure that you assert your boundaries, [Name], or else he might just assume you need his help and protection even in the safest places.”
As foretold, Deuce started to encounter you outside of your workplace. On the streets, in the market, and even in the public park. Your worry for his well-being now redirected its course to you, who eventually stopped him when he appeared in your house uninvited with a bouquet one day.
“But why?” he asked. “I thought you appreciate my help.”
“I do, but this is going too far. You’re not my personal knight, Deuce. There’s no need for you to care so much about me.”
“But you are precious to me!”
Deuce panted from his passionate declaration, while you were left stunned. It was when you realized this confrontation was still happening on your doorstep, and fearing unwanted attention, you quickly ushered him inside.
“Since when have you been harboring feelings for me?”
With that musketeer uniform, Deuce stood like a sore thumb in your humble house. Still, his attitude around you very much resembled any shy kid around your neighborhood.
“I’m so sorry for shocking you! I was planning to confess to you today but–”
“Deuce, answer my question.”
He sighed, “Truthfully, I don’t know when or how. Ever since I saved you in that alleyway, I began to fear for your safety. What if someone harms you when I’m away? What if you die without my knowledge? So, perhaps that concern eventually bloomed into… love.”
Blushing, Deuce bowed his head. You followed his gaze to the rose bouquet in his hands, and your mind unhelpfully deduced its romantic meaning.
“Forgive me, Deuce, but I don’t see you in that way.”
His gloved hand stopped fiddling with the red petals.
“… Why? Is it because you’re older than me?”
Your eyes widened. How did he know that? Did your coworkers tell him about your age? Maybe they didn’t. He was a musketeer, after all, and you didn’t doubt his vast network of information.
“I know you might equate ‘young’ to ‘immaturity’, but I’m far from it. I swear! My mother can attest to that. At least, I hope she sees me that way.”
You didn’t hear his muttering on the last part and were more focused on how to convince him to stop pursuing you and leave your house for good.
“I’m so sorry, Deuce. Truly. But nothing can change my mind. We can still be friends, if you’d like.”
The hopeful gleam vanished from his eyes, and what replaced it was fleeting darkness that sent chills down your spine. Then, he blinked and his eyes returned to their normal piercing cyan.
“O-of course, I understand.”
Deuce excused himself, bringing along the vibrant bouquet that contrasted with his sadness. You lamented his tacit rejection of your friendship offer and shook your head, opting to rest for now.
It was better this way, you thought, for Deuce deserved a woman who would love him out of sincerity rather than pity.
There was a chill in the air; the kind that forebode danger.
Your hair bristled, and you cursed yourself for neglecting to wear a coat this morning. The streets seemed deserted at night, and although the job paid you well, you began to dislike how late you went home every day. For once, Deuce didn’t come to the restaurant and your coworkers instantly crowded around you for an interrogation. Still, you persisted in your lie that you didn’t know where he was. They were skeptical, of course, but your boss came to the rescue and ordered them to return to work. You thanked him, and it only occurred to you how unsafe you felt without Deuce’s security once you stepped out of the restaurant.
Regardless, you persevered for you hated to depend on him too much. What if he mistook it as you conceded to his constant surveillance? It was enough that you dismissed your boss’s warning once. You didn’t want a repeat and suffer a worse scenario.
Yet, the worse just had to happen.
A large, gloved hand clamped your mouth from behind and dragged you to a nearby alleyway. Your scream was muffled, but you heard the perpetrator talking to another person. Two men, and you, a woman without a single fighting skill, were overpowered. Your tearful eyes stared longingly at the shining exit ahead of you, so far yet so near, hoping for anyone to save you.
You thought it didn’t matter if Deuce were to rescue you again, but a blunt force hit you on the head before you could pray for his arrival and knocked you unconscious.
For a split second, you expected to wake up in a dark and dingy place. Perhaps a shack in the middle of the woods, or a storage room. And dark and dingy it was, yet the pool on your feet was certainly out of your prediction. The stench was metallic, and when you looked up, you could make out the silhouette of a hand lying on the floor.
A severed hand.
Was this a torture room? Were you about to be tortured? For information, or pure sadism?
“I’m sorry…” Someone whispered behind you, and you felt them untie the ropes on your wrists. “… was about to save you… but too late…”
Your body slumped forward, still too dazed to react.
“… Saw them drag you away… I followed…”
A pair of arms propped you up to a heaving, warm body.
“… Got angry and… all died…”
You glanced up. Piercing cyan eyes greeted you.
“I’m sorry. I can’t stay away from you.”
You succumbed to another dreamless sleep, and this time, you woke up somewhere worse than that dark and dingy room.
For Deuce’s bedroom was comparable to a torture room, indeed. Silk bounded your wrists to the bedposts, and his treatment, although lacking in harshness typical of kidnappers, still retained the ignorance of his vice.
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