#every thing- trying so hard to balance back to zero
kanizsacollage · 6 months
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jintaka-hane · 1 month
The Eagle and the Hummingbird
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Img: Silver mechanical bird with blue crystals By Coolarts223
Summary: Kid likes you. And he's been wanting to give you a gift for a while now. The problem is, for all his mechanical know-how, he's got zero emotional intelligence. Word count: 1000
“Really? They can fly backwards?” Heat propped his elbows on the dining table, hanging on your every word.
“Yes, they’re the only ones who can,” there was a note of pride in your voice as you shared your knowledge with your crewmates. “When they’re done feeding, they fly backwards to get their long beak out of the flower.”
“Pff, a dumb thing that sucks on flowers,” Kid’s voice came with a scoff from his spot, arms crossed as he leaned against the doorframe.
“Yeah... it’s not a dumb thing, Kid. It’s a bird.”
You locked eyes with your captain for a moment, your frown lingering as you tried to suppress a smile. It was impossible for you to stay mad at him for long, especially when he crinkled his nose like that, giving him a look you’d describe as a disgruntled eagle.
“And that’s your favorite animal?” Killer was holding his glass with both hands, peering at you through the small holes in his mask.
“Yes! They’re amazing, only 5 cm long and they flap their wings between 50 and 80 times a second—”
“I wish I could move my hands that fast,” Heat said, lost in thought.
"So you could flap your 5 cm little bird?" Wire chimed in as he strolled into the mess hall.
There was a moment of silence before the men erupted into explosive, raucous roar.
Wire cracked up, nearly doubling over at his own joke; Kid slammed his hand on the doorframe, laughing so hard he almost fell over, and Killer wiped tears from his mask as he raised his beer to toast with Heat, who was trying to keep up with the chaotic cheer.
“You guys are hopeless,” you let out a frustrated sigh, giving Wire a playful nudge on the forearm. “I’m off to bed.”
As you made your way through the door, you had to maneuver around Kid, who stayed put, watching you leave with a peculiar glint in his eye.
“Good night, Cap’.”
The next morning, you had barely stepped into the galley for breakfast when the captain welcomed you by angrily tossing a small metal object in your direction.
"Take it," he snapped, his face twisted in a sulky pout.
“Wha–”, the object landed on your chest, and you quickly brought your hands up to catch it before it fell. As you looked at it, your eyes widened in surprise at the sight of one of the most finely crafted and beautiful mechanical pieces you’d ever seen. 
It was a tiny hummingbird made from pieces of iron and steel, with some parts joined by tiny screws and others carefully melted and welded together. It was incredibly light, standing on its own in the palm of your hand on two exquisitely thin legs with detailed toes and claws. The beak was perfectly polished, and a tail made of fine metal sheets, shaped like feathers, served to balance the weight backward.
Totally awestruck by the extraordinary craftsmanship, you glanced at Kid, who was intently watching your reaction from across the room with a scowl under his protective goggles.
“Kid… this—”
“It’s just some fucking crap I found the other day while cleaning up the workshop,” he cut you off bluntly, turning his back to you to pour himself a black coffee. “Ain’t got room to keep shit like that.”
You observed the beautiful mechanical bird, running your thumb over the delicate engravings on its metal surface.
“Whoa! No way!” Heat’s voice rang out as he walked into the room, rushing over to see what you were holding. With a look that silently asked for permission, he took the object from your hands and lifted it to eye level, scrutinizing it closely. “Is this... a hummingbird?!”
You nodded, unable to take your eyes off the small metal figure, and how Heat turned it around to get a better look.
“Does it flap its wings?”
“Of course it flaps its wings,” Kid snapped, immediately crossing the distance between you in just three strides. He snatched the hummingbird from Heat's hand and, with an unexpected gentleness, carefully placed it back in the palm of your hand. Then, he pressed a few tiny buttons, and you heard the soft click of gears syncing perfectly as the little bird gracefully unfurled its wings. Slowly, it began to flap, its speed increasing until the metal feathers blurred before your eyes.
"It beats its wings exactly 75 times per second," his painted lips stretched into a wide grin of pride as he heard you gasp in awe.
"Can you make it fly?"
The bird gracefully lifted off from the palm of your hand, hovering effortlessly in the air above before moving a short distance forward.
After a few seconds, its tiny wings rotated symmetrically, adjusting to the perfect angle to catch the air from front to back, and the bird flew backward.
"I can make anything out of metal fly," he chuckled at you, full of himself.
“Kid…” you said, your voice barely above a whisper as you shifted your gaze from the hummingbird to the captain’s honey-colored eyes, “it’s perfect.”
“Yeah... whatever.” His heart swelled with an unexpected warmth as he watched your face light up with that adorable smile, but unsure of what to do with the feeling, his expression settled back into a sour pout. 
“A-anyway," he scratched his neck awkwardly, "I ain’t got time for this shit. It was just taking up space in the workshop, so I was gonna toss it. Keep it if you want... or throw it away, I don’t fucking care.”
At that moment, Killer walked in, his inscrutable gaze sweeping over the scene before landing on the extremely strong coffee the captain had poured for himself.
“Kid, how many hours of sleep did you get? It was 5 AM, and the workshop lights were still on.”
Kid shot him a murderous glance, his cheeks radiating warmth as they flushed a light pink.
“Huh? No, they weren’t–”
“Yes, they were. And I was starting to get worried with all those curses and banging and—”
“KIL, shut th—” Kid gritted his teeth in warning.
“—hammering at that hour.”
Heat and you exchanged glances before turning your attention to the captain, who was now burning as red as his tousled hair.
“Fuck, Kil!” he barked, trying not to meet your gaze. “WILL YOU JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP?!”
Taglist: @fanaticsnail <3
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lavendertom · 11 months
The Neighbor Across the Street pt. 1
Mike Schmidt x Babysitter!f!Reader
part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6
wc: 1.9k
warnings: none! maybe small age gap (reader is 20, mike is like 23/24 ?) lmk if there’s something i missed by chance
summary: the neighbor across the street needs a babysitter, so you take the job, not knowing what’s in store for you as you grow closer to the siblings. pt. 1 of a multi part series!
could be seen as a prequel to my first work My Favorite Prize, but wasn’t written with the intention :) hopefully this doesn’t feel too long, i promise it gets better in pt 2! mostly exposition here 😌
College was not the experience you’d expected at all. You lived at home deciding to attend community college, and you didn’t have many friends or the ‘college experience’ everyone else was having. You were lonely, but at least you went to bed in your own room every night rather than sharing a tiny dorm with an annoying roommate and zero privacy.
“I think I found a job for you, y/n.” you heard your mom say as you walked in the door, barely crossing the threshold.
She had been begging you to find a job for months now. You had an agreement with your parents that freshman year you would focus on your studies, but sophomore year you had to step up and start helping balance the burden of college tuition. It was now spring semester of sophomore year and you still had no job.
“Don’t hand me another McDonalds application, please.” you said with a sigh as you placed your keys and bag on the dining room table.
“You know the neighbor across the street, Mike?” you felt your heart drop with the mention of his name. How could you not know the neighbor across the street.
He immediately caught your attention the day he moved in with his sister. You knew he was a few years older than you, he wasn’t in school and he was constantly working. He was nice. Although, you’d never truly spoken to him besides introducing yourself back when he initially moved in and you were just a junior in high school. Your parents often helped him keep up with yard work when things got especially hard. Everyone knew they were struggling, it wasn’t that hard to tell.
“Yeah, I remember him.” Of course I remember Mike. He’s the neighbor that I’ve found a little too attractive since he moved in.
“I saw him this morning before work, he was telling me they’ve been in a really bad place lately. Abby’s babysitter quit, so I might’ve offered for you to stop by and help a few times a week.” your mother said, saying it as fast as possible so you couldn’t object.
“Really, mom?” you said sounding annoyed. “You couldn’t have talked to me about this before throwing me into it?”
“Listen, it won’t be that bad. I told him you’d stop by after dinner to just try it out, no commitment. He’ll be there while you just hang out with Abby for a few hours, you know how she is.” Abby was a sweet kid, just a little quieter than other kids her age.
“Okay fine, I’ll go. No promises this will work out.” You replied as you walked to your room, mentally preparing yourself for the evening ahead of you.
An hour later you found yourself at the doorstep of the Schmidt’s. You hesitantly raised your hand to knock on the door. You waited a moment until the door swung open.
You saw Mike standing in front of you and he honestly looked like a mess. His dark hair was all over the place and his eyes looked tired as can be. He was wearing a black hoodie, the front pocket was falling apart, and jeans that had dirt stains all over the front.
“Hey, y/n, right?” he said.
“Yeah, my mom told me you needed someone to help look after Abby.” you said, getting a good look at his eyes. This was the first time you’d ever seen them in detail. They were brown with a few specks of green and hazel in them. They were actually pretty nice to look at.
“Yeah,” he said with a chuckle, “I didn’t intend on accidentally hiring you for this. Sorry about that.”
“No, it’s totally fine.” you said chuckling yourself, looking down at your hands. “I’ve been needing a job, so it’s kind of a blessing in disguise.”
“You’re in college right? You’re studying… what was it again?” your mom must’ve really given him the rundown.
”Cybersecurity, second year.” you said with a small smile, blush creeping up on your face. You never got used to people complimenting your accomplishments even though you had been an honors student since 3rd grade.
“Right, that’s impressive.”
“Thanks.” you said, smiling sheepishly.
“Anyways, feel free to come in, Abby should be somewhere around here.” he said as he moved out of the doorway, welcoming you into the home.
The house looked cleaner than you’d expected, given the state of the outside of it. It was pretty ordinary and plain. He walked towards the living room, where you could see Abby laying on the ground. There was a TV in front of her playing some kind of old cartoon. An assortment of crayons, markers, and other art supplies were sprawled all across the ground.
“Hey Abs, I want you to meet someone.” Mike said to the young girl. You walked over to stand beside him. “This is y/n, she’s going to hang out with you for a bit today, okay?”
“Hi Abby, it’s nice to meet you!” you said with a smile.
Abby looked at Mike as he spoke, then looked at you, back at Mike again, before finally going back to whatever she was drawing earlier.
“She’s gonna be a little shy at first.” he whispered to you. “Once you start talking to her she should hopefully open up a bit. I’m gonna catch up on some stuff around the house if you need anything.” he gave you a reassuring smile before walking away.
“What kind of drawing is that?” you said in an attempt to start conversation with the girl. She looked at you for a moment before looking back down. This is going to be a long night.
You decided that your initial approach wasn’t going to work. So, you got down to her level. You sat down next to her on the ground, grabbing a piece of paper and marker.
“I like drawing too, you know. Give me the name of any cartoon character and I can draw it for you.” you said softly.
She gave you a side eye, before turning her head towards your face. “Any character?”
“Yup, any character.” you said with a smile.
“Felix the Cat.” she said just before turning her attention back to the paper in front of her. This girl knows her stuff.
After a few minutes of sketching the character, you set the paper down in front of her. She paused her own work, taking the paper into her hands. She looked at you again.
“Can you draw Yogi Bear?” She commented while still looking at the sketch in her hands, sitting up just a bit straighter.
“Sure.” you said before grabbing more paper and markers.
Before you knew it, there was a large stack of drawings from the two of you featuring all sorts of characters ranging from Mickey Mouse to the Powerpuff Girls. The two of you had been doodling for almost 3 hours now, pausing every so often to talk about why they chose the characters they chose. The two of you were now discussing your favorite drawings of the night.
“I think my favorite is…” Abby began before thinking for a moment, “Courage the Cowardly Dog.”
“That’s a good one. Look at how good your drawing is!” you said to the young girl as you both laid on the ground flipping through the pages of art.
“Not as good as yours y/n!” Abby said to you, holding a stack of her favorites in her hands.
The two of you continued your conversation as Mike returned back to check in on you guys. He was genuinely surprised at how quickly Abby opened up to your company. He stood out of the girls sights for just a moment longer, taking in the sounds of laughter coming from both his sister and you.
“Hey Abs, it’s getting late, you wanna get ready for bed?” he said as he walked into the room.
“Mikeee!” Abby whined. “I’m having so much fun with y/n. Please can I stay up a little longer?”
“It’s okay Abby, I’ll be back again soon and we can do it all over again.” you reassured the girl with a smile.
“Do you promise?” she asked you.
“I promise.”
“Pinky promise?”
“Of course!” you said with a laugh, pinky promising that you’d be back. Mike watched the interaction unfold with a smile.
“Alright, go get ready for bed, I’ll come tuck you in soon.” Mike told his sister.
“Bye y/n!” Abby shouted as she made her way to her room.
“So, how was she?” Mike asked you as you stood up from the floor, attempting to tidy up some of the mess you both made.
“Great, actually. I thought she adjusted fairly quickly. You’ve got quite the picasso on your hands.” you said as you quickly gestured to the now extremely messy floor.
“It’s one of the only things that keeps her entertained.” he said with a small chuckle. “But in all seriousness, I can tell she really trusts you. She hasn’t had a babysitter who actually cared for her like this in a while.”
“It was fun, I’m glad it seemed like she had a good time.” you said with a smile. “So when do you think you’ll need me here again?”
“Is tomorrow too soon?”
“No that’s perfect. Already looking forward to it.”
“You know you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, y/n.”
“Seriously, I’m happy to help. I really did have a great time with Abby.”
“Tomorrow it is then.” he said before shuffling through his pockets for a few dollars, attempting to hand you them. “Here, take this for coming on such short notice.”
“Mike, it’s fine. I really don’t mind. You need it more than I do.” you said with a small smile.
“You sure?” he said, almost as if he had to convince himself it was okay.
“I’m sure.” you said as you headed towards the front door. “I think I’m gonna head out now.”
“Thanks again, y/n.” he said through the door as you walked out, the cool night air hitting your face.
“Of course, anytime. See you tomorrow.” you said with a small wave. You walked home with a different feeling inside. You knew taking this little job to help out the neighbor you never attempted to truly get to know was gonna be fun.
Mike shut the door after making sure you crossed the street safely, making his way to Abby’s room.
“Y/n is really fun, Mike.” she said as she pulled the covers over her body.
“That’s good, Abs.” he said as he grabbed one of her favorite teddy bears, handing it to her.
“I think we’re going to be best friends.” she said smiling at the new assortment of drawings she already managed to tape to her walls.
“You be nice to her, okay Abby?” he said to her. “I know how you can get, don’t screw this one up.”
“Okay Mike.” she said groaning, rolling her eyes slightly.
He shut off the lamp next to her bed, giving his sister a small kiss on the forehead. “Goodnight, Abby.”
He shut the door to Abby’s room, making his way back to the living room floor to clean up the mess that was still there. He grabbed one of the left over papers, admiring the assortment of characters on the paper. Right in the middle of it all were two stick figures which could only be assumed to be you and Abby.
He smiled at it, recognizing he had a good feeling about this babysitter. Not only because of how it could help Abby, but because he finally got the neighbor girl to break out of her own shell. Maybe it could even help him too.
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nilolemillion · 16 days
Let’s get one thing straight (very unlike me): Batman loves his kids. All of them. He’d die for each one in a heartbeat (of course not kill for them, cough cough Jason). But if you think for one second that Bruce Wayne, the guy who regularly dresses as a bat and fights crime at 3 AM (cough cough insomniac furry.), has a favorite BatKid, then clearly, you’ve never met his children. He doesn’t have a favorite, not because he loves them equally, but because none of these potatoe pie pumpkin cutie-headed chaos gremlins deserve to be his favorite.
Let me explain.
Dick Grayson (WOOP WOOP that’s the sound of that police. Yes Karen, I know he’s no longer an officer, NO KAREN I DON’T GIVE A FUCK.):
The first pancake. The golden boy. Everyone assumes that Dick has a special place in Bruce’s heart because he was the first Robin. He’s charming, he’s capable, and he smiles like he’s got a fucking sponsorship deal with Colgate. But let’s be real, this guy left the nest the second he could, started his own superhero gig in Blüdhaven, and still occasionally shows up to remind Bruce that he doesn’t need him (yes king, show your independence, love that for you.) And you know Dick is the type to throw that ‘you’re getting old, B’ line out there just to twist the knife. Bruce loves him, but how can he be the favorite when he’s busy playing Batman-lite with better hair?
Jason Todd (My personality favorite zombie, resuscitated character in the whole world, I love him so much and all the Outlaws.):
Oh, Jason. The problem child. The one Bruce failed, died, and came back with a vengeance (literally). You’d think after all that tragedy, Bruce might go a little easier on him. But Jason? This kid shows up at family dinners with guns blazing, ready to debate the morality of lethal force like it’s Thanksgiving dinner conversation (and it is, I did it and it was quite fun.) Sure, Bruce would die for him (again), but Jason pushes every button Bruce has like it’s his job. One minute he’s trying to be the better vigilante, the next, he’s making Gotham’s criminals wonder if Batman has gone completely off the rails. If Jason’s Bruce’s favorite, it’s in the ‘how are you still alive and not in jail?’ kind of way.
Tim’s the brainiac of the family, the kid who deduced Bruce’s secret identity with zero help. Naturally, you’d think this would earn him some serious brownie points. But here’s the thing, Tim works way too hard. He’s got all the signs of a caffeine addiction (which is completely and absolutely understandable, he’s just a little silly and caffeine addicts are hot, yes I am too), zero concept of work-life balance, and is always trying to out-detective Bruce. Yeah, Bruce admires his dedication, but let’s be honest: Tim’s the kid you have to physically shove into bed because he thinks sleep is a myth. Bruce is just trying to prevent this kid from burning out before he’s 30. How can Tim be the favorite when Bruce spends most of his time making sure he doesn’t turn into an insomniac vigilante-zombie?
Damian Wayne (I’m literally making my birthday party theme of him, that should explain enough.):
Ah, Damian. His literal blood son. You’d think that alone would give him a shot at favorite-child status, right? Wrong. Damian is an adorable, pint-sized murder machine with a superiority complex the size of Wayne Manor. Bruce loves him fiercely, of course, but Damian’s idea of father-son bonding is training in deadly combat and arguing about why his assassination techniques are totally valid. Plus, he’s got that whole ‘I’m the heir to the world’s deadliest league of assassins’ thing going on. Sure, he’s Bruce’s kid, but you know he’s never going to let Bruce forget it. Not exactly favorite material when he’s constantly plotting world domination during family movie night. (Dw, he won’t act on it, Alfred made very clear that the batkid who dares dominate the world will be banned from his pastries. Besides, he’s too busy scratching Titus’ belly, he doesn’t have time to dominate the world. PRIORITIES BITCH.)
Cassandra Cain (I stan her more than I stand my own life. Help. I literally crocheted a plushy of her.):
Cassandra is probably the least rebellious out of the bunch, which should give her an edge, right? Wrong again. Cass may be quiet and respectful most of the time, but when she does go rogue, it’s on her terms, and it’s not just a small rebellion. No, Cass will disappear for weeks on end, take down a crime syndicate by herself, and then show up like it’s no big deal. Bruce can’t even stay mad because she’s so good at what she does. But Cass’s habit of ghosting the entire family and dealing with things solo? Yeah, it keeps her out of the running for favorite. Plus, she’s secretly the most dangerous one, and Bruce can’t play favorites with someone who could take him out without even blinking.
Duke Thomas (He’s was the sunshine I was midnight rain. DC DROP ANOTHER CANON ILLUSTRATION OF ISABELLA WITH DUKE AND MY LIFE IS YOURS!):
Duke the daylight protector of Gotham, which is cute and all, except that Bruce has no idea how to parent in the daylight. Duke brings this bright, positive energy to the BatFamily, which sounds great in theory, but this is Bruce we’re talking about. The guy who lives for darkness and brooding. Bruce loves Duke’s optimism, but it’s like trying to teach a vampire to enjoy the sun. Plus, Duke has a habit of questioning everything, and sure, Bruce appreciates his independent streak, but do you really want a favorite who keeps making you reconsider your life choices?
Stephanie Brown (My sweet dear and beloved purple queen, I love her so much.):
Not an adopted batkid, her mom is alive I think… But I don’t give a duck KAREN. Stephanie is the wildcard, the one who does whatever she wants, whenever she wants, and somehow gets away with it. She’s staged fake deaths, gotten fired from being Robin, and still keeps coming back for more. Stephanie’s whole existence is an exercise in chaos theory. Bruce loves her resilience and her ‘never-say-die’ attitude (literally), but how can she be his favorite when her middle name might as well be ‘Loose Cannon’? She’s the kind of kid who’ll fight crime while live-tweeting it. Yeah, Bruce loves her, but he’s not rewarding that kind of energy with a favorite child title. (I’m still confused about her age thingy.)
So no, Bruce doesn’t have a favorite. Because how could he? His kids are walking, talking disasters, each one a different flavor of chaos. Bruce loves them all more than anything in the world, but picking a favorite would be like trying to choose between different natural disasters. Earthquakes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, they’re all beautiful in their own destructive way, but you wouldn’t want to pick one to live through. In the end it’s about Bruce somehow surviving all of them.
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necrotic-nephilim · 1 month
for the ask game, an AU where (somehow…) jason and tim (begrudgingly) team up in the search for a hero/battle for the cowl era (either when jason says tim should work with him on the gang stuff or when batman jason asks tim to be his robin) :]
for the ask game!
god, Search For A Hero my beloved. for the Search For A Hero version of their team-up, I think I'd write it something like this
I think the biggest reason Tim says no when Jason asks him is Jason asks Tim too early in the arc. as the storyline develops, Tim gets more and more desperate to best Ulysses, which is what pushes him to make the mistake that gets Ulysses' siblings killed. he's in a tight spot and he misjudges the situation. (i think the guilt he carries from that moment is one of the biggest inciting incidents for becoming Red Robin) so, i'd introduce Jason to the plot just a little later. just as Tim is on the edge of desperation. Tim isn't entirely adverse to working with villains if he thinks he can stay on top of them. so instead of sending Jason to prison, i think if Jason came to Tim at the right time, Tim would begrudging accept Jason's help
part of Tim's plan would be leveraging Jason's power with the mafia/mob scene in Gotham. they'd agree that topping the gangs would just cause a power vacuum (i'm pretty sure that's actually addressed in SFAH but i could be misremembering) so it's more about a balancing act, which is where Jason thrives. Tim is right on the cusp of being willing to do more morally questionable things, so it'd be a fun internal war for him to second-guess himself at every turn.
there would be such a delightful lack of trust in their partnerships. TIm has *zero* reason to trust Jason, and while Jason likes Tim enough, i don't think he's naive enough to put any trust in Tim. so there'd be moments where they don't fill each other in on aspects of the plan. Jason kills people behind Tim's back, Tim keys in his cop friend behind Jason's back. it builds the tension between them with a lot of hot arguments that get more and more charged.
the jealousy. there would just have to be a scene where Jason gets wildly jealous over Ulysses' complex over Tim. Ulysses tries so hard to pit himself as like, Tim's biggest adversary, his opposite. and Jason would *despise* that. sure, Jason is working with Tim, but part of the fun is that they're still enemies as they do it. i think it'd be sort of fun to have the moment where Ulysses blows Tim up be something Jason witnesses and he raises unholy hell about. because if anyone is going to kill Tim Drake, it's going to be him. and that angry possessiveness is what makes the romantic/sexual tension something neither of them can ignore anymore.
Tim deciding to put on the Red Robin suit to fight Ulysses would be where Jason just. goes full tilt possessive "he's mine i marked him that's my suit. see. mine. i said so." and Tim would push back but. what ground does he have to stand on bc he could've picked any suit with any cowl to protect his head after the blast, but he did choose Jason's. it was his own open invitation to Jason in a way. and well. they fuck nasty about it. and then Damian becomes Robin, so why not Tim keep the suit and just maybe, keep Jason in his back pocket.
and!! for the Battle for the Cowl version. man on one hand i love "Tim accepts Jason's offer to be his Robin" fics but i feel they lack a bite to them, so this is personally how i would try to pull it off, while being relatively in character.
so the biggest thing for me is, TIm agrees to be Jason's Robin not because he trusts or likes Jason, but for the same reasons he became Robin in the first place: to keep Batman stable. being Jason's Robin isn't about wanting to work with Jason, it would be Tim knowing there's no world Jason is ever going to stop and seeing Jason slowly tip over the edge of madness and well. if Tim was self-sacrificial enough to do it for Bruce and attempt to do it for Jean-Paul, he can do it for Jason.
him agreeing would i think startle Jason. like, Jason's offer was never particularly serious because he's at the point he knows Tim wants nothing to do with him. so when Tim says yes it sort of. snaps Jason out of the rage BftC puts him in. he's so startled but enticed by the thought, he willingly agrees to stipulations Tim sets, like no murder. like even if just to see where this goes, Jason jumps on the chance.
i'd really want to keep Dick and Damian as Batman and Robin, and the weird divide that would exist with Dick/Damian and Jason/Tim both running around as Batman/Robin and how off kilter that puts Gotham. like Gotham is so baffled by it, it actually makes criminals easier to handle. because they have no clue if they're getting the Batman who needs Robin to keep him in line, or the Robin who needs Batman to keep him in line. people know there's two Batmans, two Robins and no one knows quite what to do with that information. who's the "real" Batman? who's the "real" Robin? and on the personal level, the divide between Dick and Tim would be unmistakable. Dick would know what Tim's doing and try to convince him Jason is a lost cause bc well, Dick at this point *really* believes Jason is a lost fucking cause. So Dick's genuine care and concern for Tim just drives a further wedge between them.
i think there'd need to be a scene where Tim flat out asks if Jason even *wants* to be Batman. in a sort of attempt to slowly ween Jason off of being Batman, but also because i don't think Jason ever really wants to be Batman, he just wants Batman to be what his vision of justice is. and it'd be the first real heart to heart they have, discussing the legacy of the Robin and Batman mantles and how it's affected them. it'd be heated, but it'd be their first real conversation as just. Jason and Tim.
to me, i think the end goal of this AU would be Tim successfully "taming" Jason, and not in like a soft way, but in like a manipulative way, where even Jason knows that's what Tim is doing, but he just goes along with it because it's the first real human connection he's had in a while. also, i would work in Scarlet, Jason's sidekick in Batman & Robin (2009) as like. a pseudo daughter figure for them to help Jason find his humanity a bit. so it's not just Tim as Jason's rock, but also this misguided girl they'd both try to help. and well, then they ride into the sunset and all that, but still have a complicated, toxic dynamic they're both aware is unhealthy, but as balanced as it can be.
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hottiehiei · 6 months
- Slow burn romance with Hiei PART TWO
After months of mutual attraction, Hiei will ultimately confess— out of anger.
gender neutral. sfw. fluff. angst. (also, cliff hanger bc i literally blanked)
PART 1 is not required for this, but I highly recommend reading for more fluff ! <3
𓆩⟡𓆪 After Hiei finally realizes he is utterly smitten, he finds himself stuck in a weird predicament. He's kind of like, "Okay, what now?"
𓆩⟡𓆪 At times, he often wonders why you aren’t intimidated by his cold demeanor. What did you see in him that others didn’t? Or rather, what did he see in you that made him so attached? Trying to put all the pieces together only made him think of you more, and he can’t seem to come up with any sensible answers. It was an insufferable cycle.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Most people would give up and accept their fate. Not Hiei. He won’t welcome these feelings with open arms. No, he’d rather fight and conquer!
𓆩⟡𓆪 But….every time you greet him with a smile or wave him goodbye, he feels content. Such an ordinary interaction would make his sour mood disappear. It didn’t matter if he remained silent in response. You were persistent, unmoved by his rudeness. Were you able to tell that he actually liked the attention? He hoped not.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Hiei naturally gravitates towards you, oddly feeling the need to stay close. His Jagan Eye can easily keep track of your whereabouts, but he prefers close proximity. He basks in the feeling of your body heat. Dare he say it was therapeutic. With little effort, he is in tune with every part of you.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Whenever you’re engaged in conversation, he picks up little details of your daily life (another perk of staying close by). Don’t be too flattered, though. He’s still searching for something that’ll make him dislike you, even if he fails every time.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Hiei is a wild card. Just as you begin to think he feels nothing for you, he does something unexpected. One night, you accidentally found yourself separated from the group while on a mission. It was rather chilly, and you were shivering from the harsh winds. Hiei randomly showed up beside you, tossing his cloak over your head. “I can hear your teeth chattering from miles away. Don’t you humans know how to check the weather?”
𓆩⟡𓆪 No matter how unconcerned he appears to be, Hiei is always watching out for you. With his fast reflexes, he prevents you from losing your balance before you can even stumble over your feet or bump into something. He usually grabs your forearm or sleeve to stabilize you. The physical contact sends sparks between you two, but neither of you comment on it. His hand feels strangely warm after touching you. He can’t even bring himself to tease or scold you for nearly falling.
𓆩⟡𓆪 As mentioned, Hiei can be unpredictable. The romantic pinning is stronger than ever, but he’s still annoyed by it. For someone who has never experienced love before, he is taking it pretty hard. His feelings have festered to the point of frustration, and he feels vulnerable.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Hiei is so fed up with the back and forth that he ultimately decides to ignore you for good. Out of nowhere, he started acting like you didn’t exist. He put zero effort into holding a conversation, and sometimes, he was just plain rude, telling you to go away or walking right past you.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Kurama notices the awkward tension and tries to bring it up, but Hiei dismisses his concerns immediately. He figured that if he kept his distance, he would eventually forget about you. Or at least, that’s what he told himself. Acknowledging his feelings would make them real, and that’s the last thing he wanted.
𓆩⟡𓆪 While Hiei did all of this to protect himself, you’re left hurt by the abrupt change. He treats most people rudely, but you thought he at least tolerated you to some extent. Now, he couldn’t even be bothered to spare you a passing glance. You decided to confront him one day when you two were conveniently left alone (thank Kurama)
𓆩⟡𓆪 Initially, he was hostile, glaring at your figure. “If you truly believe there’s something between us, you’re sadly mistaken.” His words cut deep. He never spoke to you so harshly, but he sounded completely serious.
𓆩⟡𓆪 When you mentioned how much pain he caused you, it surprised him. He assumed he loved you far more than you could ever love him. But as you continued to vent, voice cracking and tears spilling, Hiei was incredibly confused. It wasn’t his intention to hurt you. He simply wanted to detach himself from you and return to his normal ways.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Witnessing your break down caused him to snap. He couldn't hold back his emotions any longer, and everything came out at once.
“You think I wanted to fall for you, a foolish human who can’t even tell when someone cares for them?”
“Your face is constantly invading my thoughts. I can’t even focus on anything else, but you’re the one crying? Ridiculous.”
“Just being away from you torments me. You couldn’t possibly understand. I’m doing this for my own sake.”
“Stop looking at me like that…”
Even after this intense confession, Hiei still avoids you like the plague.
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wiltkingart · 1 year
Do you have any advice on how 2 not overwork a drawing? Over-detailing my art (to the detriment of the final result) is a big weakness of mine, and ive been working on it lately, but simplifying my art is way harder than I thought itd be. I keep getting stuck in a mentality that less detail = less effort, even though all my struggling should prove that isnt true lol. & I almost always like my simpler drawings better, even though that makes me feel kinda lazy…as long as it’s fun tho, right? [1/2]
I’m asking here bc one of the things I adore about your work is how confident and striking your paintings feel. I really admire the way colors and shape language interact in your art…I always want to keep looking to see what I can find hidden in the details, but they don’t take away from the main focus of the image. How do you manage to strike that balance? [2/2] (sorry for the long question lol)
honestly this is still something i struggle with at times! but some things that have helped me are:
- identifying which parts i tend to overwork the most. for me thats faces so i have made it a conscious habit to render faces last. that way i can match my level of face rendering to the rest of the piece.
- working on all parts of the painting at once. some artists are able to work on a painting from section to section. this is not me, regardless of detail level. jumping around all over the place keeps me from focusing too hard on one section above others. i even take this one step further by working on 2+ paintings simultaneously but there is something wrong with me for this one i'll admit.
- staying zoomed out for as long i can. this goes in hand with the previous point but when you're zoomed out its easier to lay down the biggest/primary color blocks without the temptation to detail. once the main color blocks are nicely balanced its easier to pick out a few points of interest to add spots of detail to, and restrain myself to them. (easier said than done! but i try!)
- getting comfortable with backtracking / deleting overworked sections and layers. this might seem scary but this has saved my ass more times than you might think. i always save a version of my drawings before i merge everything / start rending so i can always copy over earlier sections if needed.
- cold turkey removing details from the equation for a while. i did this more from necessity than choice, because i was struggling with my health a few years back and had zero energy to sink into art for long hours. but looking on the bright side it helped me realize what details are/aren't necessary and how to build my features from big -> small. this progression of my patho art shows pretty well how i introduced details back into my work over time.
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but yeah! sometimes i do still find myself creeping a little too close to overwork territory for comfort, even with all these safeguards in place. in that case i have to accept that not every piece i put out will be my 'best' and that perfection has no place in art. that's not the point of it!
simplifying forms isn't easy, the same way abstract art isn't lazy. but with all things it can be learned with enough practice. and if you decide at the end of it all that you still like drawing a lot details, it might be a matter of readjusting how / where you implement them. best of luck <3
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colibrie · 7 days
Uncharted Territory, Part 2
Hello all! Sorry for the delay in updates. As always art credit and eternal gratitude to @trilobitepunch for her amazing art and her incredible patience.
Yakai system: 6 hours later
Mikey liked to think of himself as a turtle with many talents. With so many interesting things to do and experience in the universe, he’d never seen the point in limiting himself to just one hobby. He was a chef, an artist, and an acrobat. He was a jedi in training. He knew the importance of timing and strength. He had worked hard to cultivate balance, and perhaps most essentially, patience. Patience was the difference between a masterpiece and a disappointment. Patience was the difference between peace and agitation. Patience was the foundation of all things…
But his patience was three seconds away from socking Leonardo in the face.
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“There’s a rock…and another rock…and, oh look, there’s even more rocks!”
“Thank you, Leo.”
“What? I’m just admiring the fascinating scenery,” Leo’s obnoxiously sour-sweet tone matched the sarcastic show of teeth in the smile he flashed. “You take me to the nicest places Angelo.”
Mikey pulled in a slow and subtle breath, fighting the urge to clench his jaw or bite his lip as he carefully maneuvered their ship around a small asteroid at the edge of a medium sized cluster. He knew what his elder brother was doing. He’d been doing it since he’d woken up crabby from his far too short nap, mood souring further when Mikey had refused to move from the pilot seat. He was trying to get under Mikey’s shell to provoke a reaction. Which really wasn't that unusual. There wasn’t a creature alive who could out petty Leo when he was in the mood to be difficult. The taller turtle seemed to have a sixth sense for spite, an innate talent that zeroed in on the most obnoxious and annoying elements of a situation then dialing them eleven.
It didn’t help that the environment beyond the view screen was the definition of desolation. The Yakai system was indeed comprised of a massive asteroid field, large chunks of dull grey rock stretched in all directions, dust and debris hanging limply in the space between. Two small planets sat lifelessly in the center of it all, surfaces dyed the by gas clouds of the sickliest yellow, green and cream. They were hues he would have immediately rejected from his palette, their image as appalling as they were disheartening. To top it off, the absence of wakes or other disturbances in the area suggested that no one had transversed the asteroid field in a long time.
Mikey was loath to admit it, but the hope that had burned so brightly inside him after their success with the holocron was slowly shrinking. The connection to that bonfire at his core was dwindling, heat leeched away by the seemingly ever-growing black hole of unanswered questions and unaddressed baggage trailing them. The violent introduction to his “deceased” brothers, the unsettled conflict between Leo and their father, the unusually vague details of their plan, and the anxious insecurity of meeting someone who had played such a pivotal role in their childhoods, but who’s image he could not call to mind, no matter how far back he dug in his memories. It was all starting to feel…heavy.
“Hate to say it baby bro, but it looks like this was a waste of-”
“We haven’t even checked half of the cluster!” Mikey snapped, cringing slightly as Leo locked onto the irritation in his voice.
“Running down every speck of dust isn’t going to make someone not here magically appear,” Leo argued, flashing an edged smirk that made Mikey want to kick him in the teeth.
He forced himself to relax, to soften his next words into something closer to a gentle tease. “Don’t count your smooka’s before they hatch Leo. I’d hate to have to embarrass you in it in front of Master Karai.”
George let out a happy chur from his place wrapped around Mikey’s neck, little head rubbing encouragingly against Mikey’s cheek.
“See? George thinks so too!”
“I don’t care what George thinks! George is a dumb animal who will do anything for a treat!” Leo snapped suddenly, the mood in the cabin plunging as an oppressive weight settled over it. Something alien was churning behind his brother’s irises as he struck them with a glare, something that made every nerve in Mikey’s body jolt. George cringed back, tail tightening as he chittered fearfully and under Mikey's chin for safety.
“Hey!” Mikey bristled, one hand coming up to protectively cover his friend as he returned Leo’s glare with one of his own. “You know who else doesn’t get a vote, the annoying raincloud who has contributed literally NOTHING to finding a solution to our problems! At least, I am trying! At least I am doing something other than whining “that’s not how it works!” repeatedly! And George didn’t do anything to you, so quit being a jerk!”
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The tension grew as they stared each other down, metaphorical hackles rising as the siblings sized one another up. Mikey kept his face frozen in a stern scowl, pushing down the sympathetic twinge in his chest at how bloodshot his older brothers’ eyes were, how hollow they’d grown, lined with dark bags that were beginning to look like bruises. He wasn’t stupid, or blind. He knew how active his elder brother’s demons had been since leaving home, how the weight of their situation pressed down on Leonardo.
He’d wished a thousand times he knew how to help, but he didn’t. Usually, he could guess what the issue was, or prod the answers out of Leo after giving him some space and time. But those tactics weren’t working now. Up until recently, he'd known little to nothing about the missing half of his family. He still didn't know much about them, and Leo had remained frustratingly tight lipped, even though the past was clearly eating him alive.
The seeds of doubt were quick to bloom as the dark energy pressed in, a weed that threatened to choke off his inner fire as thoughts he’d pushed away for hours returned with a vengeance.
What if they didn't find anything? What if Master Karai wasn't here? What if he really was wasting their time and resources? What if he was wrong? what if....
What if he was just making things worse?
A soft coo broke the tension as George butted his head into Mikey’s throat, tiny body thrumming soothingly against his suddenly unsteady pulse. The gossamer soft sensation of unwavering trust and love poked at the edges of the bonfire inside of him, coaxing it to burn brighter in defiance against the darkness. It gave him the strength to push the doubts away again, to take another deep breath and focus only on the now.
Leo wanted a fight, but Mikey was not obliged to give him one. Maybe he couldn’t take away whatever was hurting his brother, but he could help keep things level until Leo was ready to share it. He pulled in two more breaths for good measure before speaking, careful to keep his tone calm but firm.
“I get that this has been stressful. I get that you are tired, and you don’t really want to be here. But that doesn’t give you carte blanche to be an ass. Especially to someone who can’t fight back. You’re better than that Leon.”
He kept face blank as that thing behind Leo’s eyes slowly faded away, the pressure lifting to be replaced by the lighter and more familiar signs of guilt. He kept himself still as Leo cringed and turned away to look out the viewscreen.
A strident chime from the radar cut him off. The strain of their argument was swiftly shelved as they both leaned forward, foreheads nearly colliding in their haste to huddled in and study the steadily pulsing blip on the screen.
“There’s something over there! It’s in between those two big meteors!” Mikey exclaimed, pointing vigorously towards a cluster of oblong rocks off to the left of their view screen. “It has to be her, there’s a life support system attached to it!”
“Barely,” Leo huffed, squinting doubtfully at the readouts scrolling across the adjacent screen. “For an energy reading that low, life-support would have to be set to the bare minimum. Not great atmosphere for long time occupation.”
“But it could totally…” Mikey blinked, then groaned as Leo flashed him a tentative smile. “Omigosh, Lee that one was awful.”
“I think you mean awesome Miguel,” Leo shrugged, propping his chin on one fist as Mikey tried and failed to hide a snort. “I know, I know, my humor is a breath of fresh air. You’re welcome.”
“You are…so dumb…” Mikey spluttered in reply, any residual hard feelings clinging on from their spat offset by his own smile. Shell, Leo made it hard to stay mad at him.
“Thank you, thank you,” Leo said, sketching a half bow before blowing kisses to an imaginary audience. “I am here all week. And the week after that, and the week after-ack!”
“Nobody cares!” Mikey cheered as he pushed one hand into Leo’s face, laughing as his big brothers’ arms flailed in a comedic bid to maintain his balance. “Not when they can watch me, the daredevil Michelangelo, seamlessly thread the gauntlet of insane asteroids to investigate that signal!”
“Oooooh okay. Feeling bold today, are we? That looks kinda tricky,” Leo noted, casually leaning over to brace one forearm on the pilot’s chair.
“Absolutely! I’ve got this!”
“Alright big man,” Leo nodded slowly, gently tapping his knuckles against Mikey’s shoulder in a gesture that was both equal support and silent apology before sitting back. “Give it a shot. I am here if you need me.”
“I won’t,” Mikey replied, bouncing a little in his seat as he turned the shuttle towards their target. “Hold on to your shell!”
The engines roared under his touch, rocketing them towards the targeted cluster at heart pounding speed.
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“WHOAHOHO!” Leo yelled, gripping his seat with white knuckle strength as Mikey banked hard to avoid a chunk of debris.
Adrenaline fizzed in his veins, delight bubbling in his lungs as his heart started to dance in time to the thrum of the thrusters. This. This was the part of flying that Mikey actually liked. No fiddly procedures to remember, no gravity to pull or push him in ways he didn’t want to go. Space was like the ultimate acrobatics’ playground, open and empty and waiting to be filled with his amazing razzmatazz. Weaving and banking around corners, dipping down and rising up to avoid obstacles, even a spin or two thrown in for sheer flare, it all felt natural. It was fun!
Watching Leo slowly turn the same color as his arms stripes wasn’t bad either.
The radar pinged louder, and he eased the shuttle back into a steady cruising pace as Leo sat forward, sharp eyes scanning the surrounding asteroids in search of their target. Small stones tinged gently off the view screen as they drifted past, the only sound within the cockpit the increasingly strident bee-blip of the radar.
Mikey’s head whipped around, eyes following Leo’s outstretched arm to their prize. Tucked into the shadows of a deep, craggy canyon was the faint outline of a structure surrounded by six smaller lumps.
“There’s a possible landing area on that ledge above the target, but there’s not a whole lot of room for error. Probably why the smugglers-”
“-or Master Karai-"
“-smugglers, chose this spot for their hideout. We’ll have to be careful with how we approach landing. Move over.”
“Nope, I’ve got it,” Mikey, pointing the shuttle nose towards their goal before pressing the controls down.
He ignored his brothers’ objections as the shuttle responded to his command, nose dipping down sharply to aim towards the ledge. He did not need to be told what to do. He did not need to have his hand held. He could land the ship. Sweat gathered on his palms as the empty vacuum of space swiftly disappeared behind the craggy lips of the canyon walls.
“That’s a really steep approach, maybe pull it back a bit buddy….”
The engines whined as the ship sped onwards, outboard lights throwing jagged spires previously hidden by the gloom in into sharp relief. Sharp pricks of pain burst like fireworks as he dug his teeth into his lower lip, spine curving as he blocked Leo out and threw every shred of concentration into running the maze in front of him. He could do this. He could get them to the target. He could land the ship…
“Mikey, seriously…”
He could find Master Karai. He could become a Jedi. He could get his brothers back. He could …
“Michelangelo that’s way too steep! Pull up!”
The camp was in sight, the ground was growing, but somehow the ledge was shrinking. More rocks bounced off the viewscreen as the walls of the canyon closed in on all sides. Something cold and hard lodged in his throat as his hands slipped, skittering over the buttons as alarms started to shriek. His spine locked, limbs freezing as fear obliterated his thoughts with spikes of jagged grey.
He…He couldn’t…
Blue burst through the grey as something slammed into his shoulder, forcing him halfway out of the pilot seat as iron hands clamped down on the controls. He gasped in shock, then scrambled to grab whatever he could as Leo hauled back hard on the yoke. The world spun as the shuttle jerked, banking into a tight vertical spiral as something hard screeched across the belly of the ship. Metal groaned and shuddered under the sudden strain as his big brothers’ hands danced lightning fast across the consul, shooting them back up into the void above.
“WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Leo whooped, slumping back in relief once they were hovering a safe distance away from any debitage. “Now that was a rush!”
Michelangelo stayed on the floor, chest heaving and body shaking as he stared at the ceiling. Everything felt surreal, like he was only connected to his body by a heart that felt like it was trying to jump into hyperdrive. His lungs felt shriveled, unable to take a full breath. When had it gotten so cold? Was the air truly that thin? Had he compromised the hull in his stupid stunt? Were they in danger of collapse?
“You going to stay down there all…Angelo?”
His eyes stung as they filled with salt, and no amount of blinking managed to clear them. He had messed up. He’d dragged them out here and nearly gotten them killed and…
"Hey, c’mon bro, don’t make that face," Leo cajoled, gentle hands lifting Mikey up to stand on somewhat wobbly legs. Bright green fingers softly grabbed the lip of Mikey's plastron before giving him a gently encouraging shake. "So, you almost spectacularly whiffed a landing that could have majorly damaged the shuttle or injured us, leaving us stranded in a force forsaken asteroid field in the middle of nowhere..."
"Oh wow, thanks Lee. I feel so much better, " Mikey mumbled thickly, shooting a halfhearted glare that turned into a fully affronted scowl when Leo responded by flicking him between the eyes.
"As I was about to say, so what if it almost happened? It didn't, and it won't, because I'm here."
Leo was smiling at him when Mikey chanced another glance up, a smile that oozed confidence and compassion as he slung a sheltering arm around Mikey's shoulders.
“We’re okay Angelo."
"I really thought I had it this time. I thought I could…I just wanted to help…Why is it so hard?!" Mikey groaned, leaning into the comfort as Leonardo pulled him into his chest. Leo's heartbeat was strong and steady under his tympanum, its slightly elevated rhythm methodically walking Mikey's own heart back from its attempts to escape his rib cage.
"Can't be good at everything big man," Leo consoled, planting a gentle kiss on his baby brother’s forehead. "And you help in so many ways! Believe me, I could not do this without you Mikey. You’ll figure out flying eventually, I have no doubt. In the meantime, maybe listen to your talented, brilliant, and handsome big brother, yeah?"
"Yeah, yeah," Mikey sighed, leaning back. "Thanks for letting me try Leon."
"Any time. Now, I’ve gotta to run some checks and land us, but why don't you go get the oxygen masks out and prep them to go for a spin."
"Will we need them? Life support still reads as active," Mikey asked as he absently shook the remaining adrenaline from his limbs.
"Trust but verify Michelito. This face is far too pretty to trust to some jury-rigged smuggler set up," Leo replied, breezily tossing his mask tails over his shoulder with a wink.
"Please, it would be an improvement!"
"Rude! Jealousy is not a great color on you Mikey!"
"We'll let Master Karai be the judge of that once we find her!" Mikey shot back, smiling slightly as he made his way to the back of the ship.
He had to stretch to his tiptoes to open the cabinet and retrieve the masks Splinter had jury-rigged for them ages ago. “For emergencies” their father had said, voice as worn as his robes when he'd held their little squirmy bodies still to adjust and ensure the blue and orange straps fit. Though the thick coating of dust on both masks attested to how little use they’d received, colored elastics faded and muted with age, the sight of these little tokens of their fathers’ love was like being wrapped up in one of his warm hugs.
“She’ll side with me.”
“Keep dreaming kiddo.”
Their banter was as familiar and comfortable, jokes and sly digs baniahing the shadows of tension and doubt with bright laughter as Leo carefully brought them back into the confines of the canyon for a smooth landing on the ledge.
“Alright, here is the plan,” Leo called, swinging out of the pilots chair and moving back to the back with an easy swagger in his step. “We are going to pop out, give the place a quick once over in full stealth style. We don’t find anything, or if we find anyone who isn’t Master Karai we book it back here, get the shell out, and try somewhere else. Capiche?”
“Capiche,” Mikey agreed, bending his head to allow Leo to check that his mask was secure before handing his brother his own and returning the favor.
“Alright, then lets jet!” Leo proclaimed, hitting the button to open the back hatch.
The air within the life support bubble was cold enough to send gooseflesh erupting over Mikey's arms and shivers down his shell. The buildings were equally cold and dark, filled with the stale sensation of a place long abandoned. Cabinets doors hung open on broken hinges, while much of the rickety furniture had either been smashed or collapsed on itself.
“Dang,” Leo whistled, flicking on a flashlight to banish the shadows clinging to the interior, “whoever was here last must have left in a hurry. And they definitely haven’t been back to clean up.”
“Maybe she’s been using one of the other buildings? You know, to stay inconspicuous?” Mikey offered, heart sinking as he accidentally kicked a piece of broken chair.
“We can check,” Leo indulged.
None of the outbuildings turned up better results beyond broken crates, and Mikey could do nothing but drag his heavy, bruised heart back to the ship.
“Come on,” Leo ordered, voice oddly gentle as he sealed the back hatch and helped Mikey out of his mask, “let’s get out of here. There are other places we can check.”
"I just...I don't understand," Mikey mumbled, staring hard at the ground as Leo moved to the front to bring their shuttle back online. "Why would the force send us on a wild goose chase? What was the point?!"
"It's like I said man," Leo shrugged as the engines whined to life, "it's just not how the force works."
"Except in this case," a soft voice said from behind them.
The two of them shrieked and jumped, limbs flailing as they spun around to face the invader. A figure stood at the back of the shuttle; body covered by a drab gray cloak with a deep hood that hid their face from view. An extra breathing mask sat innocently on one of the benches, along with two pistol sized blasters.
"Who the shell are you?!" Leo barked, fingers fluttering anxiously as they groped along the consul for something to use as a weapon. "A smuggler?!"
"Of sorts, I suppose," the figure replied calmly.
"We don't want any trouble, but believe me, we can bring the pain if you cross us!" Mikey blustered, waving his fists.
"Says the boy who once cried at the idea that someone might not want to be his friend."
"I wasn't sure, when I first started having the visions," the figure continued, moving further into the cabin. "It seemed impossible after all this time. And the results were clouded, without direction. To many possibilities. But two motifs were repeated over and over. Sun and lightning. Blue and orange. And then, just a few hours ago, the visions became clear. This place, the Yakai system. I had to take the chance. I had to…"
"What are you talking about?! Who are you?!" Leo spluttered.
Mikey blinked, arms slowly dropping. "Wait... are you..."
"I was afraid I wouldn’t make it in time… and you've both grown so much, I hardly recognized you at first. But I could never forget my boys."
The figure reached up, pushing back their hood. Stands of black and grey hair framed dark eyes and a pale face marked by fine lines of stress and age. A slim but fit figure lay beneath the cloak’s heavy edges, dressed in a worn green tunic, pants, and weathered leather boots. Empty holsters sat on either hip.
"Do you still like to paint Michelangelo?"
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"OMIGOSH! YOU… YOU'RE MASTER KARAI!" Mikey shrieked, reserve giving way as he began jumping up and down. He threw himself forward, crossing the distance to wrap her in the tightest hug he could muster. "I KNEW IT! I KNEW YOU'D BE HERE!"
Karai laughed softly as he lifted her off her feet. Her small hands patted the sides of his shell, doing their best to hold him back even with her arms pinned to her sides.
"I KNEW THE FORCE WOULD HELP US!" he shouted again, plopping Karai down before whirling around in triumph.
"WE DID IT LEO!... Leo?"
Leo did not look at him or show any indication that he'd heard Mikey at all. His gaze was riveted on Karai, blatant shock mixing with so many other emotions in an expression that was almost painful to behold.
Leo's throat worked furiously, mouth opening and closing fruitlessly as words seemed to fail him. Finally, one word managed to work its way free. Small and faint, a short word nearly crushed by the weight of all it carried.
"Leonardo," Karai murmured, squeezing Mikey's shoulder before stepping forward to stand before his brother. Her hands rose to cup his cheeks, thumbs softly tracing the lower arc of his red crescent markings as she quietly studied his face.
"You've grown so tall, my little blue. You've survived, and I am so, so proud of you."
Mikey blinked hard against the threat of tears as Leo sniffed and melted into Karai's arms. Despite being the same height as the woman, his older brother seemed to shrink until his head fit neatly beneath her chin, face hidden in her shoulder as his hands came up to desperately clutch at the back of her cloak.
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"I have so many questions," Karai murmured thickly, gently rocking on her feet as she cradled Leo close with one arm while reaching out to Mikey with the other. "But first, let me hold my brave boys."
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transhoverfish · 7 months
so a few days ago, krafton (their publisher), apparently had this like presentation of their plans over the next like 2 years. and during that they talked a bit about sub 3!
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and this obviously creates a LOT of questions. not to worry, though, because unknown worlds added on to this:
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im honestly not surprised by this. iirc, when below zero released they said it would be a WHILE before the next game, and they only announced this back in like... january? now, the first game's release was in january, and bz was in may, so it's definitely possible early access with be in spring of 2025. those games did not have multiplayer aspections tho! its possible we'll wait until mid 2025, and full release will likely not be until 2026. but who knows? the first game took like ten to be fully finished!!
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and honestly. THANK GOD. i can't imagine any subnautica game having BATTLE PASSES or LOOT BOXES. i would have just straight up ignored this game 😭
i do wonder what these updates will entail! "many years to come" is definitely something interesting to me, because other than bug fixes... i dont remember sub or bz getting many updates post full release. is this referring to bug fixes, or is it implying that it will be in a state of early access for much longer? are they going to just keep adding new things (like the building update for sub1) and taking fandom suggestions? very interested!!
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maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but i actually,,,, dont want multiplayer. now i do like bz, and these games arent really intended to be horror games, but also bz is very noticeablely less scary than sub1. and some of it i think definitely has to do with all the extra characters and dialogue. its hard to feel isolated when you know al-an and marg are nearby. so im very happy that it's optional, bc i know i will probably enjoy single player a lot more enjoyable!!
so now... SPECULATION.
so the first thing im curious about that the development team didnt mention:
"uncover the mysteries on an entirely new alien planet"
apprently we are NOT returning to 4546b. which im kind of sad about!! ik the story is very obviously done there, but it feels weird that its going to be some other planet this time around. THERE WONT BE PEEPERS!!!! (well there could be but it would be weird if some other random planet had the exact same lifeforms)
now my next immediate thought is: is this a direct continuation of below zero? my opinion is: no. probably not.
mostly because it mentions up to four players, and robin and alan are, if you look very closely, only two people. now they COULD just create two new characters to go alongside them (my fanfic brain loves the au idea of marg and ryley 🥺) but im just going to assume that with the addition of a new planet, we're going to drop the old storylines. which means no more degasi, sunbeam, aurora, or ayou sisters. we might move away from architects/precursors altogether! (my basis on this is absolutely nothing and i could be wrong, this is 100% just theorizing)
also, i imagine that it would be difficult to keep the plot the exact same with two established characters and then two new ones, depending on how this multiplayer aspect works. if its another crash, it would be a lot easier to just have the extra players die/survive, then try to work in a balancing act of one guy playing al-an.
(also i like keeping the ending of bz vauge. if they show up again, they would have to mention what happened to the rest of the architects, and i think it's much more fun if thats a mystery!)
((also also, im gonna drop a bomb on u all for a second. i actually,,, dont like al-an. i have a deeper connection to probably every single other character in bz. i think they really fumbled al's character and story and he is so incredibly bland to me. it feels like they go nowhere with how he was responsible for the kharra outbreak because the game ends immediately after he confesses! it would be nice to give him another chance, sure, but i personally dread the idea of even more al-an. sorry everyone for this horrible news))
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i hope they bring back some cut content creatures for this!! i noticed this new area looks VERY similar to the safe shallows, and several of the fish seem to be variations of ones we've already seen (im already seeing bladderfish and hoopfish color pallettes, and the shark resmbles some early concept art for the shadow leviathan, but with the ice worm's colors...)
will there be more land areas?? is it going to entirely underwater?? more kharra?? NO DISEASE AT ALL?? AAAAAA!!!!
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decks-writing-blog · 7 months
Whatever the Fuck Benrey is: Chapter Six: Lonely
Chapter One
Previous Chapter
[A/N] I'm super far ahead on where I'm writing vs. where I'm uploading (more than the 7 chapter lead I started with) so I've decided occasionally I'll start uploading twice a week on Tuesday in addition to Friday when I feel like. Which might be every week, I don't know yet, but I felt like it today.
The initial plan had been to salvage any of their possessions that they could and search the living area for survivors and call that a good enough rescue effort. They’d already been through the hell of traveling through a large chunk of the facility, surely they could be forgiven for not wanting to do so again. But once there, it felt like a cop out. Chances of anyone still being alive in the parts of the facility where shit had really gone down weren’t great but not zero and there were still other places not hit too hard. With the military gone and the aliens no longer coming, their portals all firmly closed, rescue efforts would be less dangerous. And in hopes of keeping the military from trying to wipe knowledge of the incident off the face of the planet again – hopefully they thought they’d succeeded – they couldn’t shunt such work onto Tuefort’s emergency services.
Luckily, the living area not having been hit particularly hard meant there were a decent chunk of people willing to go on that rescue mission, had already been planning to in fact, and thus Gordon didn’t have to be a part of it. Instead he volunteered the team to bring the wounded back to Tuefort – they’d run out of health packs and such a while ago – and then bring back more fresh supplies – they’d brought some with them but, thinking they were going to do a half-assed rescue mission, it wasn’t much. Bubby groaned about the long drive but Gordon told him to suck it up. After all the chaos, violence and murder they’d partook in, they could at least try to balance it out by doing some good too. … And it would help keep Gordon occupied and not thinking about things he didn’t need to thing about. And it would give him a bit more time before he needed to decide what he was going to do next.
And so they decided to spend the night and head out in the morning. They’d have multiple cars this time too as several had been brought over from car park that had once been only a tram ride away but was now apparently a whole adventure to get to. But Gordon didn’t care because someone else had gone on it, bringing several cars back for transport. Meaning he’d get to drive this time.
One more night in the facility wouldn’t even be so bad because his old living space wasn’t nearly as trashed as he’d feared. The combined living room and kitchen area was a mess. It had been ransacked and even a little gooed, no corpses or corpse stains though which was a big win. And the bedroom seemed to have been left alone, meaning it was clean, safe, and thus good to sleep in.
Upon finally heading to it for the night, he wasn’t too surprised to find it’s where Benrey had disappeared again to. He’d made himself at home, playing Gordon’s Xbox 360 – it had been stored inside the rather sturdy TV cabinet and thus had been spared whatever violence had occurred here – seemingly uncaring about the crack in the corner of the TV’s screen or the massive goo stain on the couch next to him. The power in the remaining generators was limited so maybe he should be scolded for that but really, what else did he have to do? Lest he be recognized he needed to avoid the rest of the Black Mesa personal out there. Asking him to just sit and stare at a wall would’ve been unfair.
“Yo,” he said, not looking up from the screen as Gordon closed the door and set the deadbolt as the proper lock and doorknob was broken. “You only got three games, none of them that good. Why is that? I thought you were a gamer.”
“Work took up a lot of time so I didn’t have much time to play or keep up with which games were good or not.” Looking back he’d let work take up more of his time than he should’ve. “But at least you got something to do, right?”
“Yeah, guess so. Didn’t you say you also have a son? Josh or… something like that? Where’s he at?”
Damn, Gordon had hoped everyone forgot about that. “Uh… Joshua is technically a real person but he’s my nephew, not my son. And I haven’t seen him in person ever and haven’t talked to my sister in like… five years. She’s the one who sent me that picture… back when we still talked, obviously.”
“You lied.” How much it was a accusation versus just a statement of fact was hard to tell, especially with Benrey’s eyes still glued to the screen.
“Yeah… I lied. But look, I’d been lying about him for a while, okay? So I didn’t stop to think about lying to you guys too. Not that I had any idea we’d become…” he cut himself off before saying ‘friends’ he wasn’t ready to voice that word about Benrey yet. “I just lied out of habit and didn’t think anything was likely to ever come of it.”
“Why’d you lie about it so much?”
“Because… I wanted my coworkers to think I had more going on than just work stuff. So I made up a story about having an ex-wife and a kid. Everyone else had family and friends outside of Black Mesa and I wanted people to think I did too so they wouldn’t think I was a weird freak who only worked and occasionally played video games alone in the dark.” No way was he going to admit to how much effort he’d put into figuring out the exact story. His personal laptop, once left on the coffee table had become a casualty of the violence following the resonance cascade and thus he at least didn’t have to worry about Benrey snooping on it and finding the shitty story he’d wrote to keep his lies about his fake life in order. “It’s pathetic I know but… no one was ever supposed to know it wasn’t true.”
Benrey finally took his eyes off the screen to look up at Gordon. “That’s kinda sad, bro. You’re a real lonely boi, ain’t’cha?”
“Shut up, asshole. Lots of people are lonely, it’s normal. And there are way worse ways of handling it so you’re not allowed to tease me about it. Now, I’m going to bed. It’s much smaller than the one at the hotel so when you’re done gaming you can sleep on the couch, it’s since obtained a mystery stain though so, I guess you can…”
“I could sleep at the foot of the bed, next to your little feeties.”
“First off, my feet aren’t little, you should fucking know that. Second, there’s not enough room for that, I’m too tall. And third,ew, no, absolutely not, stay the fuck away from my feet. You can sleep on the couch or, if you would rather not because it’s gross, you can sleep next to me. Just don’t be weird about it and try not to wake me. Good night.” Before Benrey could respond, Gordon marched off to his room, closing the door firmly behind himself.
He’d didn’t lock it though because… wait, there were plenty of empty living spaces some of which had to have serviceable beds, he could’ve told Benrey to go find one of those instead of offering to share his. What the fuck was wrong with him? … They were in his old home and he’d committed to keeping Benrey around earlier so he’d defaulted mentally to this being a space they had to share. And Benrey had been being annoying and he was tired, making it hard to think.
Whatever, it was too late to easily take back now. But Benrey would probably fall asleep on the couch anyway. Either intentionally or because he stayed up too late playing video games. It’s not like he seemed to care that it was nasty. So probably Gordon’s blunder was fine.
Even if Benrey could entertain himself for a while playing even the worst video game, there was still a limit to how much he could bear and he was quickly reaching it. These couldn’t be the only games Gordon had though, right? If he was really a gamer he had to have more and maybe a whole other console somewhere. After turning the Xbox and TV off – if there was nothing else to play, Benrey was done with it for now – Benrey set to searching the space.
Such a small area, it didn’t take long search every inch of it. If there’d ever been any more games or another console, the headcrab zombies had got it. Or more likely someone had stolen it because the place had clearly been busted up and raided for stuff. But it was funny to imagine headcrab zombies sitting around a TV and playing something like Resident Evil or some other zombie killing game. Or perhaps when sorting through his stuff earlier, Gordon had moved the good stuff somewhere safer. Regardless, Benrey was out of luck here.
He moved on to the bedroom. To make sure his steps would be quiet – it’d be rude to wake Gordon on accident – he slipped his shoes off before phasing through the closed door. It was dark inside but adjusting his eyes a little to make them work better in the dark, he could see just fine. Gordon lay on the bed, his back against the wall. … Next to him was indeed enough room for Benrey to lie down as Gordon had invited him to.
After spending so much time phasing through so many large chunks of earth and rubble earlier, Benrey was a bit tired. Nothing major and he hadn’t been planning to sleep yet, he could easily keep going for a little while longer before he truly felt the need for a nap. But that first night in the hotel bed, when they’d lain back to back had been comfortable. Gordon was pleasantly warm. A general human trait; Benrey had been touched by them before, though not often and never in ways that were easy to enjoy the way his casual contact with Gordon had been so far. So maybe he could lie down and bask in the warmth Gordon’s body gave off while he napped for a little bit. It was pretty cold in here after all; deep underground and made of concrete meant the facility was often rather cold, especially at night without anything running to regulate the temperature.
He crept closer and before he could second guess himself, lifted the blanket and crawled underneath it. With Gordon facing him, he didn’t dare press directly into him but he did get as close as he could without actually touching him, made easier by the fact that Gordon was curled up in a ball under the blankets. Even not touching him, it was pleasantly warm so close to him where his heat sank into the softness around them. Rather nice except… he was tense, his expression scrunched up as he mumbled under his breath. Muffled by the pillow his face was partially pressed into, it hadn’t been audible by the door but certainly was when so close to him.
Another nightmare. Damn, that meant Benrey had to wake him again, huh? No basking in his warmth for Benrey. … It had been a kind of weird thing to want anyway though. Probably best to not indulge it.
With a sigh, Benrey started to sit up but stopped as Gordon, seemingly still sleeping but sensing his presence so close anyway, uncurled a little to reach for him. Like in the car, he found Benrey’s arm and pulled on it, gently enough that Benrey could’ve resisted but… curious to see what sleeping Gordon intended to do with his arm, didn’t. He pulled it to his upper chest, forcing Benrey’s wrist to bend under his chin. It… seemed to sooth him, the tightness of his curl easing a little as he quieted. Interesting. Perhaps Benrey could enjoy his warmth for a little bit after all.
He shifted a bit closer so that their bodies were touching. Gordon opened himself a little more, his lower arm moving to wrap around Benrey’s shoulder, the gun hand right next to his head, pulling him the rest of the way over so they weren’t just touching but Benrey was pressed into him. … Wow, okay.
Gordon had relaxed, his breathing deep and steady. Nightmare apparently over. Benrey was so good at this fixing nightmares thing he’d done it just by letting Gordon touch him.
Carefully, Benrey shifted a little so he could use his free hand to pull the blanket back up. Shifting a little more, putting his face against Gordon’s chest, he pulled it up and over his head, hiding himself under it. … Not that he was going to stay here the whole night and thus possibly get seen by someone else but… Gordon was so soft and warm.
Benrey had never been this close to someone before; so close he could hear the breath in Gordon’s lungs and the rhythmic beat of his heart. It was new and weird and… he liked it. So much so it seemed to simultaneously fill him with energy, making him need to do something with it, while also making the idea of lying here forever sound pleasant. He resisted the urge to do the former, pressing it down until he was just relaxed and comfortable; doing anything more than lying here quietly would be bad. But he could stay for a little bit, maybe even indeed take a nap. It’d be nice to nap in a spot so warm and cozy. He could easily be up and out before Gordon woke. No one but Benrey ever needed to know about this. … Gordon’s reaction to it might be funny though so maybe he’d stay until Gordon woke after all. Not an excuse to stay longer but to enjoy annoying Gordon.
A loud wretched but familiar blaring woke Gordon from a blessedly dreamless slumber. Never had he hated his alarm more. How dare it still be set? He should’ve unplugged the foul, evil thing before going to bed last night.
“Make it stop,” Benrey whined, sounding more upset than Gordon had ever heard him before as he pressed himself more into Gordon’s chest. “Why’s it so loud?”
More concerned with silencing the damn alarm than why Benrey was pressing into him, Gordon reached over him and, with the familiarity of reaching over to shut it off more times than he was proud of, unerringly smacked the snooze button. He held it long enough to make sure it turned off instead of just going to sleep to torment them in twenty minutes because fuck that.
Blessed, peaceful silence restored, Gordon relaxed with a sigh, his arm going limp around Benrey as the tension left his body too. Prior to Gordon freeing his hand to reach the alarm, he’d been all the way under the blanket, his face resting against Gordon’s chest. His arm was draped over Gordon’s side, their legs tangled together.
“Bro, why’d you set your alarm?” he asked, a slight whine still in his voice. “It’s sucks. And why’s it so horrible? You should change to… to music or something.” If he was at all bothered by their current position, he made no move to remedy it.
“I forgot to turn it off last night. Why are we cuddling?”
“Because you said I could join you and then uh… you hugged me.”
Gordon should push him away. He hadn’t agreed to cuddling, just sleeping next to each other, there was room to do that without being this close, but… that would take so much effort and he was tired. Benrey was soft against him and not particularly warm. Gordon ran pretty hot and thus during the handful of other instances in which he’d found himself cuddling someone, the heat the other person gave off was a bit much and thus had always quickly grown uncomfortable. Such wasn’t an issue with Benrey, he was just soft.
So instead of pushing him away, verbally and/or physically, Gordon moved his hand to touch his face. A bit awkward with the way Benrey lay against his chest but he did it anyway.
Benrey flinched away from him. “Whoa, hey, bro, what?”
“We’re literally cuddling, dude. How can you possibly have a problem with me touching your face?” Despite his words, Gordon did withdraw his hand. Him being the one making it weird would be awfully hypocritical… and it was rude to touch people in ways they didn’t want to be touched.
Benrey relaxed again, adjusting himself only slightly. Seems he didn’t have any more desire to move than Gordon did. “Why you wanna touch my face?”
“Uh…” How did Gordon explain he wanted to know what Benrey’s skin felt like without it sounding like he was a serial killer thinking about skinning him to make a purse or something? Probably it wasn’t possible and so no need to be honest about that. “I just want to. So can I?”
“Hmm… all right, only ‘cause you’re warm though.”
Gordon returned his hand to Benrey’s face, this time he leaned into it a little instead of flinching away. He ran his fingers down from his forehead to his cheek to slightly under his jaw; an almost caress but he was just feeling. His skin was unnaturally smooth, the texture not like human skin at all, which might’ve made it creepy except it was fairly pleasant, almost a little like running his hand over the surface of a toy slime. Which brought with it the sensation that if he were to press his fingers into it hard enough, it would deform and that was a bit creepy. It was also fairly cool, as expected given that the whole of him wasn’t giving off much, if any heat, despite how close they were. The forehead down to about where the preternatural shade over his eyes ended could even be described as cold. Outside of the danger and hectic chaos of the resonance cascade’s fallout, Gordon could finally start to appreciate how odd and interesting of a specimen he was. He might have to take a thermometer to him later. For now though, he was satisfied.
He pulled his hand away and draped his arm over him again instead. An almost hug but really, with Benrey pressed so close, where else was he supposed to put his arm? “I think you might be cold-blooded.”
“What does that mean in uh… sciencey terms? ‘Cause it means something different, right?”
Given that this wasn’t Gordon’s field of scientific expertise, he perhaps shouldn’t have drawn a conclusion based off so little evidence. But did it really matter that much? “It means your body doesn’t produce much heat.” Obviously it was more complicated than that but Gordon was way too sleepy to try to explain better.
“Is that why warm stuff feels so nice?”
“Maybe, yeah. So… I guess we can stay like this.” It was a bit of an awkward position to cuddle someone in but most of the discomfort it would cause was on Benrey’s part and he didn’t seem to mind.
“Just don’t tell anyone ‘bout this.” After the assumptions the others had made upon Gordon complaining about sharing a bed, he didn’t want to know what they’d say if they found out he’d willingly cuddled Benrey.
“’Course not. It’s uh… our little secret.”
“Good. Want me to pull the blanket back up?”
Benrey hummed an affirmative.
Gordon pulled the blanket back up to his chin, encasing Benrey in his arms under it. He then shifted, curling around Benrey a little more, entangling their legs a little tighter. Nothing weird or strange about this. The dessert got cold at night and the heaters and air conditioning had been turned off to save power so he was just helping his cold-blooded buddy keep warm. Yeah, temperature probably couldn’t harm him in any substantial way but that didn’t mean the cold wasn’t unpleasant. So this meant basically nothing other than Gordon felt bad enough for him to put up with cuddling him. He could relate to being lonely after all.
Over the next few minutes, Benrey’s breathing deepened as he went lax against Gordon again. Had he ever had anyone fall asleep so easily in his arms before? … Not that he could remember. The last time he’d even cuddled anyone had been a boyfriend he’d had in his first year of college. Cuddling had never lasted long though; too warm and they were both too busy with school work to have much time to lounge around in each other’s arms. The latter being what ended their relationship and why Gordon hadn’t been in serious relationship since, work taking the place of school once he’d got hired on at Black Mesa upon graduating.
This was nice though. When awake, Benrey was an annoying, dangerous bastard. Asleep, he was soft, cuddly, and quiet. Gordon could get used to this. He probably shouldn’t let himself sleep though. The alarm had been set to go off at 5am, way too early to be up, but the drive back to Tuefort was long, an early start would be wise. So probably he should get up in maybe an hour or two? Surely he could…
An odd rumbling sound interrupted his thoughts. He blinked opened his eyes to look around the room for its source, not that he could see much in the dark without his glasses. But as it grew stronger and louder he didn’t need to see to tell where it was coming from.
Benrey, still snuggled in his arms under the blanket. Him snoring? … No. Even if it followed the rhythm of his breathing, it was too continuous to be snoring no matter how weird an animal he was. Gordon could feel its source in Benrey’s chest and back where his arm touched. Having grown up with cats, it wasn’t the exact same sound or feel but it did have some very familiar vibes.
“Benrey, are you… purring?”
No response of course, Benrey was fast asleep. One wasn’t needed though because what else could it possibly be? Given that he wasn’t a cat, his reason for purring might be totally unrelated to why cats purred. Maybe it just meant he was in a specific stage of sleep; instead of REM, he purred. But while they were cuddling? And he’d made it very clear he liked how warm Gordon was. So maybe it was because he was comfortable and content.
Regardless of why though, it was something Gordon could tease him about it later. … Unless he didn’t find it embarrassing. But he had to, right? He liked to come off as cool and purring was far too adorable for anyone to ever find it cool. So yeah, Gordon would tease him about it later. For now though, it was soothing, pulling him back towards sleep. Maybe not a pull he should listen to but… he didn’t really have much choice in the matter.
Next Chapter
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divine-misfortune · 1 year
* busts through your walls with a banana gun*
You know exactly why I'm here.
Mountain fucking rain with his tail, rain is so whiny and needy and he just wants more, make it sloppy, make it gross, make it oh so wet boy Wednesday.
*pats drywall dust off your shoulders * oh and uuuhh, sorry about yur wall.
*backs away slowly disappearing into the darkness*
I write you mean mountain and what do you give me? Property damage? You cruel beast.
Also I know it's not Wednesday, I just took too long to write this.
The cool embrace of the tile against his burning skin was the only relief Rain could find like this. It was the kindest thing he could ask for, and he knew better than to try to ask for more. The fact he had even a fraction of Mountain’s attention could be considered charity. Even if he was almost entirely occupied by the book balanced on his knee, he still had Rain absolutely unraveled. 
Taking him apart wasn’t hard. Rain was haphazardly woven together. He had been since he’d blinked into consciousness that morning, wracked by a fictitious inferno in his gut. Every part of his body cried out for reprieve from the heat rippling beneath his skin. The remaining smell of honeysuckle and pine on his sheets fuel to a growing fire. Mountain’s presence lingered on the fabrics that surrounded him. Every shallow breath only served to further drink him in. 
And Rain was weak. 
He'd sought Mountain out, body trembling, tears welling, and the earth ghoul had barely looked up from his book. He'd licked his thumb and turned the page with a noncommittal sound. Mountain peered down at him when he dropped to his knees, nuzzling his face against his inner thigh as he tugged at Mountain's belt. His hands were swatted away with a sneer. 
All it had taken was one word and Rain felt his cock kick, trapped in his boxers now entirely soaked and clinging to his body. 
It was all Mountain needed to say before Rain was shamefully shimmying his sweatpants down to mid thigh. Color burned in his cheeks as he had to practically peel his underwear off. So wet already. He'd fumbled over himself to position onto his hands and knees, the way he knew Mountain liked to have him and held his breath. Rain waited to hear Mountain’s book snap shut, to hear the jingle of his belt buckle being undone, but the only sound he could hear was another page being turned.
And now his arms were barely supporting him, shaking and threatening to give as the spade of Mountain’s tail dragged along his ass. The copious amount of slick leaking out of him started to drip with the motion. His tail withdrew for a moment before snapping against Rain’s thighs like a whip. It sounded sharp in his ears. Rain yelped and his elbows buckled, upper body sagging against the floor, hips arching further. 
“You’re too stupid to even undress yourself properly,” Mountain sighed, “you’re no better than an animal when you’re like this.”
A whimper bubbled out of Rain as Mountain forcibly pulled his pants the rest of the way off. He nudged at the water ghoul’s knee with the toe of his boot and Rain buried his face in his arms as he spread his legs further apart. He was fully presenting himself now, truly no better than a dog. 
The spade of Mountain’s tail returned to nudge against his waiting hole and without looking he could feel precum beginning to bead at the head of his dick. He was already clenching around nothing, still worked open from his time twisted up in the sweet musk haunting his bed. The earth ghoul clicked his tongue and Rain felt the weight of his eyes rake slowly over his body with a cold indifference. 
Feeling the tapered tip of his tail push into him punched a full body sob from Rain. It almost immediately zeroed in on the spot inside him that made his eyes go cross, rubbing mercilessly into it. Mountain’s tail couldn’t carve out a place inside of him like his cock could have but his cock also couldn’t abuse his prostate like this. 
There were spots at the edges of his vision. He would’ve moaned unabashedly if he could catch his breath enough to do so, instead left gasping out little raspy whines.
Rain felt that little bead drip from his cock and if he picked himself up off the floor, he’d have looked between his thighs. Rain didn’t need to look to know there was absolutely a small pool of his pre growing between his knees, added to by the slick spilling over his rim as Mountain’s tail digs itself further - pressure against his prostate only growing. Rain’s own lubrication dribbled out of him, down his balls, and was only an added stimulation along the length of his neglected cock. 
“Mount, Mountain, f…fuck-” His voice came out strained and reedy, trying feebly to push himself off the tile. 
Mountain didn’t let him get far. The weight of his boot, cold leather and all, settled on his back. Easily pushing his chest back to the tile with another sigh that almost seemed to trail into a growl.
“You’re too loud, it’s distracting me.” 
“Shut up,” he dug his heel into his back in warning and Rain winced, skin burning hotter at the sudden irritation. He instinctively began to apologize but thought to clamp a hand over his mouth before the words could tumble out. 
There was a tugging feeling deep in his gut and Rain felt tears pricking in his eyes. Relief was so close, he was so close. His head fell forward against his forearm, panting through his short strained sounds. Drool trickled off his tongue. It took far too much restraint not to reduce himself to shameless begging. 
He wanted to hear Mountain’s voice, praise or degradation, anything. Mountain could have started reading his herbology book aloud and Rain wouldn’t have been able to last. 
Rain bit his cheek and screwed his eyes shut, barely stifling his pleas but introducing the taste of blood into his mouth. His balls felt heavy despite the alarmingly large puddle beneath his hips. He’d only make the mess worse when he finally came. Part of him wanted to reach for his cock, to fuck into his fist with a wild abandon, but his body wouldn’t budge. Too heavy all over, too much static between his ears. 
The sound that’s torn out of Rain is embarrassingly pitched and feminine, loud and slutty enough you could hear it across the entire west wing of the abbey. The small spots that had formed initially at the edges of his vision grew to obscure it almost entirely. His cock pulsed angrily as his orgasm crashed into him, hips stuttering forward in time as ropes of cum just seemed to keep leaking and spilling out of him. 
Mountain’s tail didn’t falter throughout the water ghoul’s climax and only seemed to slow when his spent body began to slump entirely onto the floor. He collapsed and grimaced at both the feeling of his softening dick trapped between his hips and the floor as well as the still warm pool of his own cum. 
His break in pace lasted all of a minute and Rain mewls pitifully when Mountain nudges against his prostate again. At least this time his movement started slow. 
“Hh…” Rain couldn’t even move to retreat from the stimulation causing his pleasure to bleed into something far more overwhelming. “Mountain-”
“I’m not done” the earth ghoul said, irritated, and Rain heard another page turn. “I’ve still got two more chapters. You’re not done.” 
“Can’t, c-can’t,” he whined. He could feel his pulse behind his eyes. “‘S too much,” Rain slurred. His cock was already starting to fill out again despite his protest. 
“You cum your brains out and forget how to listen, raincloud? I said I’m not done so shut up, and be grateful I’m giving you what you wanted in the first place.” 
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chalkrevelations · 1 year
So, I had to go back and watch the forehead flick and Sailom’s little admonition of “no Thai” with his wagging finger about five times before I could move on, and part of that is because the comedy was on-point, but part of it is how much weight that moment carries. It really is so very reminiscent of correcting a recalcitrant puppy, while at the same time being very casually boyish horseplay and one-up-manship, and I think those things combined do a ton of load-bearing as we start moving into the next stage of their relationship. On a meta level, the comic aspect of it breaks some of the tension we’ve been carrying around about them and the previously established tone of the relationship between them. And it also really establishes that - despite the way what’s happened between them in the past can reverberate for Sailom – he’s not afraid of Kanghan, he’ll treat him casually, he’ll take the lead, and there can be some balance of power in this relationship, despite outside power disparities. This is an interaction of equals, and both of them are fine with it.
Kanghan has all his previously established socioeconomic power, sure. But here, Sailom has a kind of institutionalized power, as the tutor in the relationship. But also, that’s only because Kanghan has allowed it, has ceded power to Sailom. All Kanghan has to do is say he doesn’t want to do this, and it would be over, and there would be zero consequences for him - and on some level, they both know that, already, even though Sailom still doesn’t really know anything about Kanghan’s dad yet. Kanghan has clearly demonstrated that he could walk away, and the only reason he’s showed up – as far as Sailom knows at this point - is because Sailom insisted, and he maybe wants to make his Grandma proud of him, he guesses, shrug. Meanwhile, sure, Kanghan dragged Sailom into unfamiliar territory with the steak-dinner date, but he also demonstrates here that he’s perfectly willing to follow Sailom into Sailom’s own territory, onto unfamiliar ground, lit. and fig. He puts himself in Sailom’s hands, he follows Sailom’s lead – explicitly, he follows Sailom’s lead, instead of bribing the bouncer to let them into the bar/restaurant. Sailom just kind of casually takes Kanghan into his own world, into his own life, to the open-air market in an area where he’s done a lot of helping people with their English, and Kanghan just. Follows him. Doesn’t even think twice about it. (Except for complaining that he’d’a dressed up if he’d known this was a date.)
Plus, he then completely humiliates himself for no real reason other than to get Sailom’s approval. Come on, do any of us really think there would be any real consequences if he performed badly on his English exam? (NO.) But Sailom has set him a task, and by god, he’s going to do it, no matter how hard it is for him. (PRAISE KINK ENGAGED.)
And my god, Kanghan. Ohhhh my godddd. Nobody’s stomped on my embarrassment squick this hard in a long time. I’m literally cringing watching you try to pick up strangers get strangers’ Instagrams. I realize part of the bit is that your English is supposed to be bad, but could you not come up with some kind of cover story here, like, “ha ha, I made a bet with my friend, who could get the most Instagram connections, he’ll owe me a beer” – something, anything so you look the slightest bit less like you’re inappropriately hitting on every single person you approach? Or at least try to talk to them a little bit, first? MY GUY. PLEASE. You do approach this whole thing with the same determination and lack of reservation you used when you pulled a gun on the goons who were beating up your boyf bullying target, so I have to give you that, I guess – once again, your feckless, reckless rich-kid confidence carries you through. Or are you just determined to do a good job for Sailom so you can continue to get praise and belly rubs? Because I think that may be a big part of it.
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inkblot22 · 1 year
Shattered Glass
I have been putting zero effort into these titles lmao help me
TW for yandere, captivity, sadism, physical abuse, condescending behavior. Yandere punishments are something I'd like to write more of, so this is what that is.
You hate it when he takes off his glasses.
You don’t even know what you did wrong this time. Why is he upset? He always does the same few motions, same few things before he “disciplines” you, and you always hate it.
First, he takes off his glasses and places them calmly by his side. He always does so, never faltering once in his tradition. Is it because he doesn’t trust you not to break them when you inevitably fight back, or is it because he doesn’t want to risk them falling off of his face or getting fogged up or something similar? You don’t know, and you’d argue that you don’t want to know.
Trey slips them off of his face and tucks them in his pocket, giving you a wan smile, his eyebrows furrowing ever so slightly as he takes a few steps closer to where you sit on your makeshift bed in this dumb gardening shed.
His voice is neutral when he speaks, “Honey…” That’s the other thing he does. Step two. Trey uses some pet name to refer to you, his voice betraying no emotion as he steps closer towards you. It makes you feel tense, triggers that primal fight or flight reflex into freeze. When he crouches before you and cups your chin, that thin smile falling into a disappointed frown, you do the same thing you’ve always done.
You shove him away and try to run. You would imagine after however many months you’ve been here, you would have learned your lesson on trying to fight back or get away, because it plays like it was rehearsed. You kick backwards after shoving his hands away from you, sprawling out onto the thin mat you’ve called a bed for the past three or so months before you regain your balance and swivel your body so you can run.
Trey is sweet. Trey is sweet and kind, he has this warm, brotherly personality and a generous heart. But Trey is also a sadistic asshole, which is why he always waits until you’ve taken one step, only one step away from being out of arm’s reach, to grab your ankle and yank backwards as strongly as he can.
Trey isn’t a small guy either. When he does it, every single time it plays like a twisted slapstick cartoon, with you crashing to the ground with a resounding thud, rattling the old rakes and shit in here. And every time it happens, he always makes this smug little face, especially when you start kicking at him.
“Aw, c’mon, honey, don’t do that. You’re only gonna hurt yourself.” He says it like he’s talking to a child.
When he says you’ll hurt yourself, he typically means that he is going to hurt you, but it’ll be your fault. You learned that the first time you had an “argument,” but you suppose you are lucky because he isn’t brutal. He doesn’t derive sick pleasure from the simple sight of you in pain, he derives pleasure from the broken look in your eyes when you give up for the moment. 
With his hands clamped around both your ankles at this point, he smiles briefly and step three begins. He yanks you closer in one swift movement and slaps you hard across the apple of your cheek. It’s always so loud, and you imagine to an outsider you just look more like a married couple in the 50s when it happens. His hands are solid, likely as a result of kneading dough for basically his whole life. You usually have to fight back the tears after it happens, often failing miserably.
As you recover from the blow, that single, stinging blow, he pulls you up by the shoulders and leans close to your face, close enough so you can feel the breath puffing out of his nose on your face. He smiles again before step four in the punishment process occurs.
He calmly explains what you did that caused him to get upset. 
“Why did you think that freshman would help you?” It was a one in a million chance. The gardening shed you’ve been holed away in has been abandoned for a while since Heartslaybul got a much larger, much nicer one, but sometimes the freshmen get the two mixed up, especially since they’re both fairly easy to find and look near identical, the only true difference in peeling paint and other weathering.
Trey’s eyes are sharp when he asks the question. It isn’t why you asked for help, since his denial of the situation he has put you in is nonexistent, and it isn’t how could you ask for help, because he doesn’t expect you to be so irrational that you think you belong here yet. No, he wants to know what you expected would happen, why you thought that your plan would pan out.
His glasses are still tucked securely in his pocket, he’s cupping your chin, and you think you’re out of luck. Because despite all, despite him being a sweet, kind man by nature, Trey is a sadist, and he won’t stop until you break.
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Can the Redacted Characters Skateboard
Hi and welcome back to bullshit that I wrote while on a hiatus to avoid actually working on WIPs and then shoved into my scheduled posting so i didnt have to worry about it. 
Also if this has already previously been done, can someone please tell me so I can delete it because i dont wanna be a content thief. That always fucking sucks. (I say as I make up things about characters that Erik made up.)
Redacted Masterlist
Starting off strong with the Shaw pack and their respective partners.
David: Man had zero interest in actually learning to skateboard. He preferred learning to drive or ride a bike if he needed transportation. But he learned it with Asher when they were kids. Since being able to drive though he stopped practicing and now he’s rusty. He can skate and do basic ollies but that’s it.
Angel: No. They are clumsy. They get on a skateboard and immediately fall over. Wrap them in bubble wrap because they will get hurt but they will continue trying because they’re stubborn as all hell.
Asher: Yes. I headcanon he’s a skater boy so fucking hard you don’t understand. Man got obsessed with skating when he was in fifth grade and begged David to learn how to skate with him. He got so many injuries, Marie told him that she wouldn’t heal him for his skating injuries anymore. But he kept at it and when David started driving, he would be skitching to David’ car/truck all the fucking time. He also knows how to make his own boards and do a bunch of cool tricks.
Baabe: Baabe started to learn skating in middle school but then stopped. Asher taught them when they got together and now they go to skate parks and go on skating dates every now and then. it’s very cute. Asher made them a matching board to his.
Milo: No. This man sits on a board and uses both his feet and hands to make it move. He can at least balance on it unlike Angel but don’t ask him to push. He will fail and he will fall into traffic.
Sweetheart: They were able to skate in middle school but then stopped because they kept going invisible while on the street and people would try to stop a runaway skateboard. It ended up getting them and others injured so then they stopped. Now they’re too busy to see if they still retain any of their basic street skills.
Darlin: Abso-fucking-lutely. This is their main mode of transportation when they aren’t running. They continuously try to skate through the woods and fail every time because it’s not a stable enough surface. However they are a longboard user since they view street boards as hella cliche and they refuse. Also they like asking Asher to make longboards since he dislikes making the fuckers.
Sam: Yes. Especially post-turning. Man has reflexes and can make the skateboard go zoom with his vamp speed. But he doesn’t do it anymore because skateboarding at night can be kinda dangerous due to low visibility and he doesn’t like drawing attention to himself. 
Arden: yes. I just get skater girl vibes from her. I can’t explain why. But I could see Asher making her an eggboard cruiser.
Christian: No. He tried to learn so he could be better than Asher but he fails harder than Angel. Everyone thought it wasn’t possible, but he proved them wrong. Congrats Christian.
Amanda: No. She didn’t have any interest in learning.
Now onto the Solaire vamps!
William: I wanna say yes simply for the mental image of this fabulous man skating down the street while Vincent and Sam stare on in shocked horror, but Imma have to say no. He will finance skateboards, but he doesn’t know. Darlin did try to teach him how to skate with a longboard but he looked at the board then at them and politely declined.
Vincent: Are you kidding me? Of course this flamboyant fucker knows how to skate. He only got better when he was turned. He prefers driving cars, but he likes skitching to one of his cars while Lovely is driving. It’s very fun. But he continuously tries to do tricks with a longboard and fails every time since that’s not what they’re made for. He’s too stubborn to stop though. His streetboard is so scratched up please get it some TLC.
Lovely: They’re in the process of learning because Baabe and Asher told them about their skate dates and they think that’s cute. Vincent is a horrible teacher though so their learning is going very slowly.
Alexis: No. This is commoner activities and therefore below her.
Adam: No. He’s missing a head. Usually pretty important when one wishes to skate. Thoughts and prayers dude.
DAMN squad!
Huxley: FUCK YES! This dude is a skateboarding king. He has a cruiser though since he just likes the chill vibes of cruising everywhere. It’s especially helpful on campus.
Damien: No and it frustrates him to no end. Huxley has tried teaching him, but he’s not able to pick it up. And everytime he gets frustrated he ends up damaging the deck so he stopped trying.
Lasko: No. He’s way too anxious to be confident about his balance so he always falls whenever he tries to put his foot on the back deck. He’s content with just walking, thank you.
Lasko’s listener (Kinda excited to see what pet name they get.): Yes. The confidence that is dripping (heh get it?) from this being is tangible, even from just one video. They seem pretty confident in their abilities, so that would serve them well for skating. Whether I think they do skate or not is still kinda up in the air. I can kinda see them being like that on tiktok teacher who skates around in the building ona  cruiser. They give off a really chill teacher vibes (They literally wanted to start up a workplace romance, that seems pretty chill to me) so I could see them cruising down the hall with a stack of graded papers in their bag. Also they would totally skate during a storm. They’re a water elemental so they can probably control the element enough to make sure their wheels don’t slip too much. Lasko did say they were pretty good at their magic, so I could see them having that level of control.
Freelancer: Yes. Huxley taught them, so they only know about cruisers, but they’re okay with this. They get to cruise around campus and everything and it makes them feel cool. 
Gavin: He has no need for it, but Freelancer has been begging him so he relents. Huxley and Freelancer are teaching him right now. It’s slow going since he would much rather just tease them both though.
Caelum: No. He can’t. But he’s very energetic when following after Freelancer when he can. He’s happy they found another activity that helps loosen the knots inside them. He’s a hype-boyo. 
Meridian and Sovereign storyliners!
Vega: No. It’s a human custom so therefore he has zero interest in it. Also it holds no purpose to further his goals so why would he bother learning?
Warden: No. They were too busy to learn how and they also didn’t really care. It’s just a skateboard, but there are people that need their help. Also they’re too busy trying to fight off the never ending hunger.
Avior: He’s wanted to learn but has been a bit busy the past several months/hour. 
Starlight: They know the basic push and ollies so they can easily get around but that’s it. They’ve been a bit busy too. Plus they like walking. It’s good for them.
Cam: (he needs to be here for organization sake) He has a cruiser. It’s nice to be able to to take a small break and just go past some flowers or parks and soak up how everyone is having a pretty good day. He doesn’t get the chance very often though sadly.
Asset: Yes but only because they know everything and have the ability to go through with it. They have never stepped foot on a skateboard and don’t have any plans to.
Marcus: No he’s a whiny little baby bitch. He would fall into traffic.
James: No, he’s a runner not a skater. But we respect him for it.
James listener: Yes. They don’t wanna be a marathon runner like James, but they wanna be able to go with him during his runs so they have a cruiser and they know how to use it. That’s it though.
Anton: Yes. I can feel it in my bones, if the workplace was more chill he would have an eggboard and that would be how he’d get around within the facility.
Anton’s listener: No. I get a gentle plant parent vibe from them. But they like seeing how content Anton gets when he gets to skate.
Brian: (i think that’s his name) No. He just wants to go home to his family bro. Plus he plays tennis (hc). Being a tennis player makes him above skaters. (lovingly said.)
Blake: Yes and he’s annoyingly good at it. He impresses his listener every time he does because they always think he’s not gonna be any good and then he proves them otherwise. Whether they’re dreaming or not when they see this and are impressed is unimportant. What’s important is that he impresses them and has their attention. What, are you not feeling drowsy? Don’t worry about that, look at this cool flip he can do.
Blake’s Listener: They have a skateboard that they have not touched since 3rd grade. So no, they cannot. They don’t remember and they didn’t practice long enough as a kid for it to be in any kind of muscle memory.
Elliot: Absolutely. This is another born, raised, and bred skater boy. He loves putting stickers all over the underside of his deck. It looks like someone vomited the definition of multi-fandom all over it. He also needs to get a new board before his deck snaps in half, but he’s too attached to it to do so.
Sunshine: Yes. After their accident, they were a bit scared to drive again so they learned how to skate in an effort of alternate modes of transportation. It was a necessity. But they met Elliot at a skate park when they were practicing turning and he helped them out. They became friends and then you know how the story goes.
Brachium: No. He has no access but Sunshine has told him about skating and he’s happy for them.
Aaron: He got interested when Elliot got obsessed and he tried it out but then decided against actually dedicating time to learn. But he gave Elliot stickers to put on the deck.
Smartass: Aaron mentioned that he gave up learning while Smartass was half-asleep. The next morning they went out and bought a board to prove that they were going to learn and be better than Aaron. So they’re in the process of learning and everytime they feel like giving up because it offers nothing for them besides bragging rights, spite makes them continue. We wish them luck on their spiteful journey.
Ollie: No he doesn’t. He was more into playing board games inside then going outside to learn how to skateboard or anything. He knows his name is related to a skating maneuver but that wasn’t enough to make him have any interest.
Baby (Ollie): No. They’re content with playing board games with Ollie. They like being indoors instead of outdoors anyways.
Ivan: He learned but never put his skills to use. So theoretically he knows how to skate but we aren’t sure.
Baby (Pre-Vega’s Ivan): Yes. They learned with Ivan, and actually put the skills to use. So they do know how to skate and it’s a fun hobby for them to learn new little tricks.
Baby (post-Vega’s Ivan): No. They don’t. They didn’t have any interest and still don’t even after being freed and memory modified. Skateboarding isn’t for everyone and that’s fine.
Guy: yes and he’s horrible at it. He knows how but he likes messing up because then he can go to Honey about his “boo-boos”s and try to convince them to kiss the scrapes and bruises better. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.
Honey: Yes and they’re good at it. Their favorite thing to do when just skating around is a Dragon flip (also known as the 360 dolphin flip) they think it’s fun and they would do it continuously if they could. But every chance they get, they’re at least doing a dozen of them.
Geordi: He’s too anxious to actually be confident (like Lasko) but he really wants to learn. It seems less exhausting than running. He also thinks it looks cool.
Cutie: No they can’t, and street boarders thoughts are a bit too intense for them to even want to learn or try. They know Geordi wants to try, but they aren’t going to mention skateboarding because then they would have to worry about Geordi’s thoughts getting like the street boarder’s. 
Regulus: He’s invisible, we will never know if he’s a secret skater boy. He’s very good at doing flips inside your mind though.
Regulus Listener (Precious I think they’re called? Getting Gollum vibes ngl): Why do you need to go outside? Inside you can be with Regulus. That’s all you want, not to see if you can skate. Inside with Regulus, safe from those who want to take him away from you. To separate the two of you. Why are you crying? Oh, he understands. Those are tears of joy aren’t they? Don’t worry, he’ll wipe them from you as he makes you lay dormant to his every whim. Isn’t this the life you wanted?
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surgepricing · 4 months
That RWBY retrospective was a great read. Would you be willing to share the rest of your deep dive? I would love to read it
Thought long and hard about what I wanted to show off next; very rarely did I get into discussing RWBY in later volumes without stepping on some toes. I decided I'd post one of the more tame chapters from the Volume 2 recap, just to see what people have to say. I hope you enjoy it.
I won't be able to do this with every recap while preserving the images and gifs I used, since there's a limit of 30 and sometimes my posts went well beyond that, but I can always try other options.
Title: RWBY 09 – Volume 2, Second Arc (Part I) Original Posting Date: Dec 19, 2020 Episodes Covered: Volume 2, Episodes 5 & 6
Alright. So far, Volume 2 is not taking me to happy places. But why stop now?
We ended on a gigantic fight between four girls and a robotic mech.
V2E5, “Extracurricular”
The first thing I get to recap to you is a fight scene, right out of the gate. We open on Pyrrha, seeing her gear up for combat, spliced inbetween flashes of the fight itself. Now, for once, since this fight is neither the focus of the episode, nor that important overall, I’m not going to slavishly transcribe it, but rather give you the rundown:
It’s Pyrrha versus the entirety of Team CRDL (Cardin, Russel, Dove, and Lark, in case you forgot). Cardin’s packing his big giant mace, Russel’s armed with dual knives with what look like dust rotors, Lark is swinging around a halberd that looks completely unaltered, and Dove is armed with a slim double-edged blade that can fold into a pistol. If you want to see the fight that badly, I have good news: it’s easy to gif, since it’s brutally short, a mere minute and a half (1:40 to 3:14). So here, my treat:
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As you can see, Pyrrha is completely untouchable here, even four-on-one. She sends CRDL’s members flying with precise strikes and sweeps, and deflects Dove’s and Russel’s blades with only the shield braced on her one arm without even going off-balance. Sky and Cardin hit a bit harder, and Cardin gets points for being the only one to take more than three seconds to demolish, but she trounces him, too, the minute she sees an opening. All in all, she was in complete control of the battle and it showed.
You might be wondering how Pyrrha could so skillfully dismantle four attackers, some of whom have clear advantages on her in size and weight and who were attacking together. Don’t worry—you’ll see.
The lights come on in the arena, and Glynda’s voice again announces the end of the match, complimenting Pyrrha and mentioning she’ll have no trouble qualifying for the Vytal Tournament. She turns to the stands, asking any of the attending students if they’d like to fill one last match. RWBY, who are in the stands, appear uninterested, but we can see two familiar faces sitting just behind them. Glynda zeroes in on Blake, who hurriedly snaps some book shut, accusing her of being rather ‘docile’ in recent classes, but before she can volunteer her, a hand is raised and Mercury’s voice pipes up.
Glynda makes to select an opponent for him, but he stops her—he wants to go a round with Pyrrha. Glynda, clearly a tad peeved at having been interrupted twice, tries to tell him that she’s already finished a match, but Pyrrha welcomes another fight, very happy to take him up on it.
Mercury, legs greaved in black metal and showing off glinting silver bullets loading the chambers, slowly struts onto the field to meet his opponent, and in the background, Emerald glances at the back of Ruby’s head, then at the match, with a pointed focus on her eyes. Mercury takes a kickboxing stance, while Pyrrha stands with shield and xiphos at the ready. The two of them rush to meet each other, and Mercury throws a kick that meets Pyrrha’s shield before she sweeps his other leg out from under him. He makes distance with many an unnecessary backflip.
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The two fighters clearly appraise one another, before Pyrrha runs forward and presses him. Mercury goes on a fantastic defense, deflecting her strikes and trying to get around her shield, but this enables Pyrrha to just butt him in the chest and send him skidding back.
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Mercury nods, as if to say ‘eh, pretty good’, and in the stands, Ruby turns to compliment Emerald on how well her ‘friend’ is doing, who smiles and then rolls her eyes as soon as Ruby turns back towards the match. The two in the arena continue:
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Mercury launches a fast and furious series of strikes with the goal of bringing a heavy boot down on something that gives, and Pyrrha performs the sickest move ever, throwing her sword into the air behind her and then just catching Mercury’s next kick with the back of her arm. Mercury undercuts the coolness of this just a bit by answering her next series of slashes with the re-equipped sword and knocking the xiphos out of her hand and some distance away. Pyrrha doesn’t look too concerned about this.
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When Mercury makes to pounce on this advantage, she raises her free hand as if to catch his boot, but it doesn’t make contact. We the viewer see a very faint black outline around her hand and his boot as she does it. Mercury is sent off-balance, and takes a moment to absorb what just happened. Pyrrha rushes him, and he gets back up in time to meet her shield with both legs and fire his greave-guns, sending him shooting off of it and a good distance away, just in time to say the magic words before she can press her assault.
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M: I forfeit.
Pyrrha is thrown off, and skids to a halt, surprised and rather annoyed at this turn of events. Mercury dismisses her—she’s a world-class fighter, and they’re obviously leagues apart. Glynda understandably shares her irritation, given that Mercury chose to fight her in the first place. Mercury and Emerald are both grinning.
Glynda reminds everyone that “the dance is this weekend” and their first mission is on Monday. RWBY file out of the arena, Blake’s nose buried in a notebook and Emerald watching them as they go. Mercury dryly remarks, as he comes up to Emerald, that learning is “so much fun”.
Now before I pounce on the words that I just bolded, which the next scene that we cut to would like to elaborate on, let me draw your attention to something:
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Do you see this overhead shot of Beacon’s courtyard? To the right of RWBY, heading out, you will see Sun’s team, SSSN (pronounced “Sun”)—himself and Neptune, plus Scarlet and Sage.
That is their—Sage’s and Scarlet’s—only appearance this volume.
No, they do not actually interact with anyone nor are they involved in this scene whatsoever, they’re literally in the background and stay there. I don’t feel bad about spoiling that. Better we got it out of the way now. Do any of you remember something I highlighted in my Volume 1 Final Thoughts?
I said that slow pacing wasn’t something we could afford when this show only runs for 25% of the year and is on hiatus the other 75%. It’s not like live-action dramas, either, able to make up for that by running for 50 episodes at a time or packing 30-45 minutes into each episode. It seemed, at the time, an astounding feat of juggling to introduce so many new characters in the very last episode and then even more in the Volume 2 trailer and opening—but now we can see that it evens out, because they don’t intend on using any of them.
By this point in time, RWBY fans had been sitting on the knowledge that Sun had his own team, salivating in the aftermath of his glorious first impression, and hungering for some details on his crew for quite a while, and have at this point gone five weeks with nothing but scraps. They will go the rest of the volume—ten more weeks, what with the World of Remnant introduction—and then the rest of the Volume 2-3 hiatus with yet more nothing to go on.
Release date of Volume 2 Trailer: July 4th, 2014 Release date of Volume 3 Episode 2: October 31st, 2015.
Fifteen, almost sixteen months. Over a year. Not a year in which consistent content was coming—a year in which an official entry to the series’ collective body came and went. If you were actually interested in these characters as a team, any sparse involvement of the remaining two, or anything deeper than a petri dish from Sun and Neptune, you were absolutely not going to get it. Sucks to be you.
Love to Be a Part of It Someday: 10
*idly twirling a foil scraper* That’s not good. That is, in fact, pretty fuckin’ bad. Dickish, even. A point each for Sage and Scarlet, plus a point for the lack of unit behavior with Sun and Neptune—plus another for the conspicuous amount of time spent ignoring these dudes whose names haven’t even been said in-show. Fairest arrangement I can think of.
But that’s all I can say now. I will be bringing this back up later, near or at the end of the Volume. The same goes for the hair-ripping Exit Stage Left from last post that had me so bald.
So let’s move on to the issue actually comprising this scene.
Blake is lagging behind her team, head still buried in her notebook. Sun breaks off from his own team to catch up with her.
S: Hey, Blake! You, uh, doin’ okay?
B: I’m fine.
S: *clearing his throat* So I hear there’s this dance goin’ on this weekend… Agh, sounds...pretty lame, but you an’ me, I’m thinkin’, not as lame? Huh?
B: ...What?
S: The dance, this weekend! You wanna go, or what?
B: ...I don’t have time for a stupid dance. *turning and walking away* I thought you, of all people, would get that.
In case the tone of this conversation is not clear to you, here’s a gif, so you can see their body language like I can.
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Sun is being his usual chill and somewhat dorky self, if a little nervous, not pushy or rude. Blake, who has suddenly developed noticeable circles under her eyes since leaving the school arena, responds in a much rougher tone than we might have expected given her previous characterizations. Sun is visibly deflated and her teammates eye her as she walks off. Ruby spares sad boi Sun a glance before we cut to the next scene.
B: You what?
Ruby answers that they want her to go to the dance. When Blake calls that ridiculous, Yang mentions that they’re worried about her. This investigation, she says, is starting to mess with her head.
Ohhh, the investigation! Yeah, that was a thing that happened last episode, wasn’t it?
Wiess mentions that Blake can’t sleep, hardly eats, and her grades are tanking. Blake wants to know why she should care about grades when lives are at stake! Yang responds that they know, and they’re still trying to find out what Torchwick is up to.
Ruby mentions that thanks to Blake and Sun, they know that he and the White Fang are operating somewhere outside of southeast Vale, and Weiss follows up that Schnee records indicated that Vale was clearly the primary target of dust robberies over the last month.
Not to interrupt yet more blossoming angst from Blake, but yeah, this is our reward for following that three-episode ‘arc’ that culminated in the Paladin fight. Weiss lists that last bit off as if it’s useful information—it isn’t, because the characters live in Vale, among the robberies, and the viewers have so far only been shown Vale, and robberies happening there. It gives them nothing to go on besides “hey, at least the plot isn’t operating outside of our reach, like in other countries!” and that is why I remain firm in my decision to award it the Road to Nowhere point.
But seriously, think about what’s going on here. Blake’s grievance about lives is that they’re at stake, not that any have been lost, just in case you don’t believe that all those massacred people on the interstate really last episode didn’t matter. They don’t even register here. As if to underscore the fact that we just hit the reset button—on everything, including Blake’s inner turmoil over Torchwick that seemingly got resolved in Episode 2—they’re even back in their standard outfits, with the cool, unique, badass outfits that they wore for an episode and a half completely ditched, forgotten, and never brought up again.
None of that mattered. We went nowhere.
Alright, now that I’m good and mad, let’s continue with the scene.
Y: Don’t forget about their missing military tech, too.
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I’m fine! I’m cool, I’m calm, I’m fine!
(for reference here, the recap before, I had gone into an extended rant about how Torchwick just having a gigantic military mech made no sense, since it's not feasible for him to steal it undetected with his level of resources, and how barreling down a public interstate in it with the White Fang emblem stamped on it pretty much broadcasted his location and claimed the carnage so that it couldn't even be used to sow distrust against Ironwood).
When Blake protests that there’s still unanswered questions, Ruby responds that she won’t find any answers if she can’t even stay awake. Yang reiterates that they want her to relax a bit for one day, and Weiss insists it’ll be fun—because after all, Weiss and Yang are going to make sure of it! You see, they’re planning the whole event!
Yes, Yang said that verbatim. They—two girls—are planning a school event comprising not just the hundreds of students living at their campus, but hundreds more students coming in from three other countries! Sorry, I’m not letting you get away with that.
Ill Logic: 16
It isn’t alleviated by the fact that the event was originally being managed by four students instead of a mere two. Weiss mentions that upperclassmen team CFVY (pronounced “coffee”) aren’t back from their mission yet, so she and Yang were asked to pick up where they left off. Weiss promises that after the dance, they can return to their regularly scheduled business, nose in Torchwick’s business and all.
B: I think this is a colossal waste of time.
She gets up and strides out, mentioning that she’ll be in the library, with her team bemoaning that she can’t keep going like this.
But enough about that! There’s a knock on the door, and Weiss answers it. Guess who it is!
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What he’s here for is obvious before he even says it. Weiss shuts the door in his face, and he knocks again, begging that she open it, and promising not to sing.
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J: I lied!
W: [facepalming]
J: Weiss Sch-nee! ♪ Will you accompany me? ♪ To the daaaaance on! ♪ Sunday? ♪
W: Are you done?
J: ...Yes?
W: No. [she shuts the door in his face, then turns to her teammates] ...What?
Y: And that, is why they call you the ice queen.
W: All my life, boys have only cared about the perks of my last name. [crossing her arms and turning away] Besides, I already have a date in mind.
R: Date or no date, none of this will matter if we can’t get Blake to go.
The scene here ends on a zoom-in towards the sky outside the open window. But first…You didn’t think we were going to escape this shit without a little commentary on boundaries, did you?
Mkay. We’re not quite done with this issue, but we may as well do this—you may be flashing back to the first interaction Weiss actually had with Jaune, and his very pushy and rude flirting in the same scene. I mentioned there that it translated worse when written than watched, and could easily be brushed off as harmless even though it wasn’t. There is no such allowance here.
We’ve already established, through that scene and through the recent cold shoulder she gave him in class, that Weiss has no interest in Jaune’s time. Trying to ask her out to a dance, therefore, is a bad idea, but not necessarily a full-stop no-bad-wrong. Once she made it clear via door slam that she still wasn’t interested, that was the official cutoff, and any further pursuit should’ve been given up. He continues to pester her, and then she still gives him the official “No”.
If, like me, you mis-remembered this as Jaune asking her out like four or five times past a clear “No”, don’t worry, there’s still more to talk about. Because while Jaune is still over the line—
Jaune: 8
—what the real issue here is, is the framing of Weiss’ answer. See, it’s not because Jaune has qualities that turn Weiss off, or that his behavior is bad, or even that she simply doesn’t want to go to the dance—it’s that she assumes that Jaune only wants her because she’s the illustrious Schnee heiress. It is framed as though Weiss’ ‘no’ to Jaune is simply one of caution rather than actual disinterest in him—as though he ‘deserves a chance’, and the only reason he isn’t getting one is because a) Weiss made the wrong assumption and b) she already has the spot filled.
The problem is that Weiss doesn’t need a reason. She may hate Jaune’s guts, or may be head-over-heels with him. She may simply find him unattractive, or may simply not enjoy his company. She may not enjoy dances on principle. She may already have a date, or may not. She may have no reason whatsoever to say no to Jaune.
And she can still say no to him, and deserves to have that respected. Because a girl doesn’t need a ‘good’ reason to reject a guy. The ‘no’ is the beginning, middle, and end. She says no, and that’s that.
Fauxminism: 6
There’s shades of this with Blake, too, mind, what with her team trying to push her to go to a dance she has no interest in. Blake may, like myself, simply not find dances enjoyable and want to skip it, regardless of whatever turmoil is causing her to lose sleep, but this passes just a tad more easily because her physical health and mindset are clearly not their best.
Back to the next scene. We are shown Jaune training with Pyrrha. Both of them are wielding their swords with both hands and have gone shieldless, so Pyrrha seems to be teaching him the basics. He presses her into a couple of sword locks, before she sweeps his legs out from under him with her own. She laughs, and compliments how much his swordplay has improved, extending a hand to help him up (while a very creepy but un-commented-on green glow emanates from the headmaster’s tower in the background).
She asks if he wants to go ahead with Aura training, and Jaune hesitantly wonders about skipping that for tonight. She recommends he keep at it, and that she’s sure they’ll discover his Semblance in no time (hinting for the audience that one is attached to the other). Jaune dismisses this as the problem, saying “It’s dumb”. Pyrrha presses him when he clams up, and he admits he wants time to lament about Weiss.
What about her, Pyrrha asks, and he confesses he asked her to the dance and she promptly shut him down. Pyrrha, quite stiffly, mentions that there’s plenty of fish, as the saying goes. Easy for her to say, he says, since she probably has guys falling over themselves in line to hit that up. She subtly hints that this isn’t the case, only to be blown off. If she doesn’t get a date to the dance, he says, he’ll wear a dress.
Wait for it. I’ll comment on it in time.
Pyrrha gives Jaune’s retreating back the solemn gaze of the unrequited crush, and all I can do is question her taste, which I will do in detail soon enough.
The next scene we cut to is the dorm room where Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury are staying. They’re commenting on ‘the invincible girl’, Pyrrha Nikos, who Mercury appears to have figured out. He and Emerald explain that her semblance is ‘polarity’, but she hides it well, using it to manipulate combat in her favor in subtle ways that won’t be noticed if you aren’t looking. In this way, she creates the impression that she really is untouchable in combat on skill alone, rather than because most fighters would realistically be helpless against her.
We will ask a question now: if Pyrrha’s so good at being subtle about her abilities, why did she magically wave Mercury’s foot away from her face rather than simply catching it? She proved she was capable of doing just that. One looks significantly less suspect than the other, and likely wouldn’t have actually been caught by Mercury’s oh-so-clever analysis!
Ill Logic: 17
Your Fight Scene Sucks: 10
C: People assume she’s fated for victory, when she’s taken fate into her own hands. Interesting. Add her to the list.
How very ominous. Mercury mentions that Cinder should be able to take her easily, and she adopts a more serious demeanor as she declares that it’s not about overpowering the enemy, but taking away what power they have. How different those two things really are, in this context or any, is something I’ll leave up to readers.
When Mercury bemoans more waiting around, Cinder mentions a ‘fun weekend’ in store for them, while holding up a needle she’s using to sew something. The episode ends.
Before I move on to the next episode, I need to air an issue I’ve been saving since the beginning of this one, and I will preface it with an apology, because one last time, I’m about to use the j-word: juvenile.
It took me a while to find that word, you know, when I was first outlining a spork of this animation, and when I was searching for and finally settled on it, I was thinking of this plot point right here, and nothing else. It didn’t occur to me until I was actually writing the recaps for the preceding episodes just how many times I could, and would, apply that word.
And it does occasionally hit me that I may come off as snobbish or elitist for that, and I apologize if so. I promise that’s not my intention. I’m not some fun-hating asshat that takes issue with a show being accessible to kids and not being filled with blood and gore and sex and f-bombs. I’m not trying to put RWBY ‘beneath’ me.
But there is nonetheless a problem with how this show is treading its water. There are certain things the audience is expecting, was expecting, and some they most certainly weren’t—and probably didn’t welcome. And as for me, I would call this one of them. Let’s lay our cards on the table here: we now have a dance arc to sit through. Dance arcs are restricted, generally speaking, to a few different settings, and it’s rather difficult to make most of them cross over with the dramatic, monster-slaying world of Remnant. And failing the one, rather more flexible type of dance arc—the whole ‘regal, fancy high-society ball’ type—we instead are being handed the other type. Say it with me now, what we’ve really got is a prom arc.
I cannot fucking stand the prom arc.
Suppose for a minute that I did enjoy high-school shows, of which the prom arc is the most standard, inseparable staple. Regardless of the fact that I detest them in general, there are interesting things you can do in a high school setting, especially if there are fantasy elements involved. If binging Supernatural doesn’t scar me deeply enough by the time I’m done, hell, the one I’ll probably move on to is Teen Wolf, in which I understand this problem to have reared its ugly head. The prom arc is emblematic of both high school shows and what ends up being wrong with most of them, in that it’s the least interesting thing you can possibly show me.
Absent any monster-slaying or teens with superpowers, maybe on occasion I can still get invested in a plot about how some chick is trying to hide her pregnancy, about how a bully gets his due (one we had in this show, as it happens!), or how some kid getting in with the wrong crowd tries to get out before it destroys his life. To say nothing of the oft-ignored or mishandled potential of trying to watch teens struggle through things like sexuality or gender, which more and more of us could relate to and want to see. And yes, even that is relevant to what I will say later on.
The fact of the matter is, ‘who is taking who to prom? Tee-hee! Ooooh!’ is the plot point that is both the least interesting and the one that often takes up way too much time and attention. It’s tired, annoying, endlessly-retreaded, boring…and now we have one right here.
Coming right off the heels of Torchwick chasing gun-and-sword-wielding teens down a crowded freeway and the large-scale implications Blake keeps babbling about, why should we disagree with her assessment of this? Why on earth would we care about some freaking prom? Do we not have a million more interesting things to look at?!
And don’t think that it ends with me calling this farce for what it is. There’s also the fact that it doesn’t make sense. This prom is happening on the heels of a bazillion exchange students arriving to stay on campus.
Really? You want to ask hundreds of people who are unfamiliar with the city and have never been here before to try and find dates, ostensibly with people from other countries that they hardly know, when they barely know their way around? That makes sense to you? Someone should bitch slap Ozpin upside the head for thinking that’s a good idea.
Ill Logic: 18
It’s not getting Reliable Leader points because I can’t prove it was him that organized it, but it’s still a terrible idea nonetheless. Whatever, let’s move along.
V2E6, “Burning the Candle”
We open on Ruby sitting at a table when set upon by Weiss, asking her opinion: which tablecloth should she go with? But they’re both the same, and Weiss leaves in a huff when this is pointed out. Yang is carrying a huge amp and sets it down with a colossal thud. She asks if Ruby has picked out her dress yet, and Ruby, incredibly down in the dumps, asks what the point is if Blake isn’t going.
You have a weird fixation on Blake attending a very pointless event, you know that? Do you have some terminal inability to enjoy anything if it isn’t being done with your whole teeeeaaam? I’m gonna start calling you Esme.
Yang waves this off: don’t worry, Ruby, Blake’s going! Said with a confident smirk, which given Yang’s track record with coercion so far, does not make me think the things I imagine Rooster Teeth wanted me to think, so great work there. She then snaps at Weiss that she doesn’t want doilies everywhere. No doilies, no fog machines, Weiss answers.
This leads to a comment from Neptune, who walks in with Sun. Lovely to see you two again, did you ever find your missing two team members? No? Sorry to hear that, keep at it! Neptune thinks this might be pretty cool, and Sun asks if the ladies are all ready for ‘dress-up’. Ruby is not as enthused as Yang and Weiss are at the idea of getting all dolled up to turn heads. So what are they going to be wearing, the latter asks?
S: Pfft, uhhh, this?
Before I can point out that this is yet another detail implying that Sun is poor, Neptune tries to wave him off, but Sun will not be ignored. He mentions that, despite having moved to Mistral, he grew up in Vacuo, which viewers will by now understand to be a desert nation and rather dangerous.
S: It’s not exactly a shirt-and-tie kind of place.
Y: Yeah, we’ve noticed.
Holding my tongue here.
Sun, visibly uncomfortable, asks what Blake thinks of all this, and if she’s still in her ill mood, and they confirm that she is. Yang, again all a-smirking, says to just trust her, because Blake will definitely be at the dance tomorrow. Whatever could she mean?
She means racism, of course! See, in the next scene, she’s got a laser pointer, and interrupts Blake’s time poring over a library computer by bothering her with it until she gives in and tries to follow it to the source. It is an extended sequence and very uncomfortable. Remember: this would not matter if Blake was just a cat person, and cat people and humans coexisted with nothing else said about it. But the faunus in this show are explicit stand-ins for people of color! So this joke is unfunny and offensive by default. Imagine if some black kid was hanging out on the computer and some rudeass white kid started trying to dangle fried chicken or watermelon in front of them, ‘cause black people love that stuff, right? Ha. Ha. Ha. So very funny.
RSVP: 22
When Blake finally finds Yang holding the laser pointer, the latter drags her off by the arm, claiming they ‘need to talk’ and no, it’s not funny. Cut to the next scene!
Lie Ren walks out of the JNPR dorm’s bathroom wearing only a towel. In the exact same manner, Jaune comes out of nowhere and grabs him by the arm, claiming they need to talk. Ha, funny, hee.
J: Ren…I’m just gonna come out and say it. You…are one of my best friends. These past few months, I feel like we’ve really bonded! Even though...you don’t say much. I mean, you’re really quiet. To be perfectly honest, I don’t know that much about you personally...but darn it, I consider you to be the brother I never had!
R: [still in a towel and visibly uncomfortable] ...And I you.
J: Which is why I wanted to get your advice on...girls!
I love when racism is followed by good old-fashioned homophobia! Because yes, that’s what this is. The fact that Ren’s in a towel and Jaune starts by using language like “you’re one of my best friends” and the ever-suspect “come out and say it” make it clear that this is obviously a funny joke meant to make the audience laugh because oh, he sounds like he’s about to confess his love to another man! Isn’t that funny?!
*icily* Miles Luna, you see this big fat dick? Eat me. It’s fucking scary as hell for gay people trying to approach love and you don’t get to make us the butt of your jokes.
And for the record, no, I don’t think that was a one-off. See, people watching RWBY had, before Volume 2 even aired, asked about the topic of sexuality within this show. They wanted to know...well, mostly whether their favorite ships were gonna happen, but beyond that, they wanted to know whether Rooster Teeth intended to display non-heterosexual identities and how they felt about doing so. Monty went on record and assured them the characters would figure that sort of thing out under their own power and on their own time, and that it would not be brushed aside but also wouldn’t be a huge part of the story. So by this point, Rooster Teeth are already aware they had an LGBT audience...and this little scene still got greenlit.
Malevolent? Malicious? No and no. But abso-fucking-lutely in poor taste? Definitely so.
Jaune eventually says that he wants to know how Ren and Nora got together, only for them both to uncomfortably clarify that they’re not a couple. He urges her to put her headphones back on, since obviously he wanted Ren’s opinion on this and not hers. Dick. Ren asks him what this is about.
J: It’s Weiss. I’m completely head-over-heels for her, and she won’t even give me a chance. She’s cold, but…she’s also incredible. She’s smart, graceful, and talented...I mean, have you heard her sing? I just wish she’d take me seriously, you know? I wish I could tell her how I feel, without messing it all up.
Yes, we are still not done with this tiresome matter.
First, this was clearly an attempt to back up what I said above: it’s all a misunderstanding! Jaune doesn’t want her because she’s a Schnee, (or just because she’s hot), he’ll have you know! It has nothing to do with superficial qualities like her money (or her hotness). It’s all about those other not-at-all-superficial qualities like how graceful she is, what a beautiful voice she has, and uhh, what was that last one? Oh yeah, how smart she is! Notice that Jaune said nothing that actually indicated he knows her. Is she a kind person? Does she have passion or drive? Does she care about others? Does she put forth effort to be the best she can be and make every day great? What are her interests and hobbies? The best you could say is that ‘smart’ technically isn’t superficial, but it’s one short step away from ‘aw yeah, she’s got a brain to go with those hot titties!’
This was clearly a transparent attempt to smooth over burgeoning distaste for Jaune and his interactions with women, so it’s getting two points, and one of them is our very first!
Jaune: 9
Band-Aid Brigade: 1
Moving on. Pyrrha cuts in, telling Jaune that if he really feels that way about Weiss, he should just tell her. No schemes, no pick-up lines, just honesty.
P: Jaune. You can’t get it wrong if it’s the truth!
I beg to differ! He can get it very wrong! He’s gonna show us that much very soon!
But Jaune likes this advice and hurries out, leaving Nora to sadly advise Pyrrha to practice what she preaches.
Now we cut back to Blake and Yang. They are occupying some unused theater classroom, with Yang sitting cross-legged on the teacher’s desk and Blake pacing back and forth with her arms crossed. Blake insists that they can’t afford to slow down, while Yang says that taking a break isn’t a luxury, but a necessity. At Yang’s invitation, Blake reluctantly sits down to listen to her story.
Cuz it’s story time!
Y: Ruby and I grew up in Patch, an island just off the coast of Vale. Our parents were Huntsmen. Our dad taught at Signal, and our mom would take on missions around the kingdom. Her name was Summer Rose. And she was like...Super-Mom. Baker of cookies and slayer of giant monsters. And then...one day she left for a mission and never came back. It was tough. Ruby was really torn up, but…I think she was still too young to really get what was going on, you know? And my dad just kinda...shut down. It wasn’t long before I learnt why. Summer wasn’t the first love he’d lost. She was the second. The first was my mom. He wouldn’t tell me everything. But I learnt that they had been on a team together with Summer and Qrow. And that she’d left me with him just after I was born. No one had seen her since.
Yes, this is belated Yang Time. Pay careful attention to what she said here. I’ll be talking about it in just a minute.
Blake asks why Yang’s birth mother left. Yang answers that it’s that exact question that ate at her as a kid and drove her to find out why. We transfer to art deco as Yang delves deeper into her backstory. She found a clue, she describes, while the art deco shows us a picture in a broken picture frame, that she thought would lead her to her mother or answers thereabouts.
Y: I waited for Dad to leave the house, put Ruby in a wagon, and headed out. I must’ve walked for hours. I had cuts and bruises, was totally exhausted…but I wasn’t gonna let anything stop me. When we finally got there, I could barely stand. But I didn’t care. I had made it. And then I saw them. Those burning red eyes. There we were. A toddler asleep in the back of a wagon and a stupid girl too exhausted to even cry for help. We might as well have been served on a silver platter. But, as luck would have it...our uncle showed up just in time. My stubbornness should’ve gotten us killed that night.
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The bolded material, this time, is for me. First, I know a lot of you will expect me to comment on Yang’s parents and what they’re like, and on this matter, one in particular. But please wait. Give it time—there is an appropriate moment to talk about this, and you need the full effect. For now, let’s just focus on the first one: Ruby.
In addition to Yang Time, we now have our very first details about Ruby’s mother, Summer Rose! Fans had been itching to hear about this ever since that extremely loaded song, Red Like Roses Part II, debuted in Volume 1. A dark past, trauma, a desire to know why her protectorate left her...and then we find out Ruby was too young to understand Summer dying. That handily puts a stopper in any of that juicy development we were kind of relying on for Ruby, not to mention any development of it in the future, too. It’s not as though it doesn’t make sense for Yang to angst about a missing mother as much as Ruby, but this kind of locks it onto Yang and away from Ruby. And with Yang focusing on her birth mother over Summer, that means Summer will continue to be unexplored. And Rooster Teeth will continue to fumble this going ahead.
At the end of this story, Blake makes a very good point: these situations are not the same, and she is not a child with no sense of scope. Yang, gripping the desk rather hard, reiterates that she isn’t telling Blake to stop. After all, she herself hasn’t—she’s still looking for details about her birth mother. The difference is, she doesn’t let the search control her, which is what she wants for Blake. Blake insists that she doesn’t understand. That she’s the only one who can fight this. Why…? I’m not sure. Perhaps you guys need to see how this goes down:
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Y: No, you don’t understand! If Roman Torchwick walked through that door, what would you do?
B: I’d fight him!
Y: You’d lose!
B: I’d stop him!
Y: You can’t even stop me!
I’m not of the opinion that Yang shoving Blake necessarily constitutes abuse, or even just an unhealthy scenario. Certainly I wouldn’t do it, but Yang is supposed to personify ‘tough love’, and she’s right: Blake is literally running on fumes and would suck ass if the time came for her to get what she wants. That said, this is another one of those Yang ThingsTM that looks way worse when considering prior missteps surrounding her. Fortunately, I think this is one Rooster Teeth actually caught onto in time—but that’s for later.
Yang gives Blake a hug, reiterating one more time that even though she supports what Blake wants, the way she’s going about it is self-destructive. And that’s why they want her to get some rest, for both her and the people she cares about. And...maybe try and head to the big event tomorrow, if she feels up to it? Yang’ll save her a dance, she says. They both leave, allowing us to get a good look at the winged gear emblem Yang was drawing on the chalk board.
(I will, even with what I said earlier, condemn anyone that, like Certain People Back in the Day, has the audacity to say this would’ve been a perfect time for them to kiss or for Yang to ask Blake to the dance. That turns what is framed as a gentle suggestion into the sort of thing that you do not do to an emotionally unstable and hurting person. You wait ‘til a person is stable and in good health to put the moves on them or you face my fiery wrath.)
That was pretty okay. A bit belated, and a bit of a forced fit for Blake’s problem, but we did indeed get two things I said we needed in my Volume 1 Final Thoughts—in-depth Yang characterization and one-on-one interaction with her team members. Here, have a cookie.
We cut to Jaune strolling down the sidewalk with a big ol’ smile on his face, holding a white flower and yes, he is doing exactly what he shouldn’t be doing—!
Jaune: 10
Pyrrha, I gotta pin this one on you. You were in the room when Jaune said he got turned down, why did you encourage this?
Yes, he’s off to go announce his feelings for Weiss! On...the night before the dance. And unless I’m just dumb, hoping to get a date with her. But his attempt is, as we already know, doomed. Jaune passes an alleyway, only to hear Weiss’ voice...calling Neptune’s name. Peeking around a corner, he (and we) watch Weiss catch up with the man himself, who asks what’s up.
W: I know this is a little...unorthodox, but…I wanted to ask you something. Would you...like to accompany me to the dance tomorrow?
Neptune’s hand is behind his head in apparent recognition of how ‘unorthodox’ this is. Jaune, crushed, backs away from the alley and goes back to his dorm, the flower discarded, and since he didn’t stick around to see Neptune’s answer, neither do we.
We cut to the very next night, where the dance is happening indoors. Yang, in a very untypical plain white dress and heels, is hosting, and yes, before you ask, every single one of the couples in view behind her is visibly a man/woman pairing. The latest visitor Yang welcomes is her very own sister Ruby, who she gushes over for having gotten all prettied up, including heels. Ruby would like to complain about those in particular, lampshading Weiss’ uncanny ability to fight in them. We then cut to Sun.
Sun is wearing…black? His tail is swinging behind him and we see that he’s swapped out his white jacket and lack of shirt for an identical jacket in black, this time buttoned up just high enough to let him display his necklace, and that he’s also wearing a white tie, which he is very unfamiliar with and struggling in. Behind him, a quiet voice reaches him:
B: I knew you’d look better with a tie.
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She takes his arm, and he asks if this means they’re going, yanno, together. Technically yes, Blake says, though her first dance is spoken for.
Cutting back to the dance, we get a lovely view of all of those cookie-cutter heterosexual couples dancing, before...
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…Blake finishes one dance, and starts another.
*tapping a foil scraper on the desk* Yes, I know I was a tad snide about the background characters, but we got the important bits here with the main characters. Via Blake dancing with Yang, we are being shown that it’s not a stigma for people of the same sex to dance together, even if they’re not there as a date, so to speak. I’m not going to call that an accident, because that was the purpose of the scene and that’s what it did. I am going to call this dangerous, because even if the intent was clean and hit the mark for once, this also adds potential energy to a burgeoning fandom war.
See, what they aimed for was “Same-sex couples can go to the prom dance!” And they got that. They did. Laud them for it. What they also got was “Blake and Yang went to the prom dance—right before she got together with Sun!”
Yang bows out, Sun steps in. I’ve already commented on the...particular energies of certain shippers in this fandom. I also mentioned that, with the somewhat-too-close relationship Rooster Teeth have with their fans, and the way they like to eat away at what gap there is between them, they can invite bad things. A lot of people were not happy with how Sun, the resident love interest, was still ‘getting the girl’. And yeah, that’s entirely on them—shippers take things too seriously and get very up in arms over shit that doesn’t matter. We know that, that’s what they do. But things like this stoke the eventual fires that break out. I, personally, would’ve had Blake dance with a woman that wasn’t the other half of the biggest ship in fandom at the time—Pyrrha or Weiss, perhaps—but I’m not going to berate RT for not thinking to do that.
Enough about that, though. Sun and Blake are very cute dancing together, as commented on by the others, who are very happy that Blake is happy and is going so far as to laugh, apparently having gotten some rest and improved.
When Ruby asks what they do now, Yang just tells her to have fun before walking off, as does Weiss. She’s left alone to complain about her dumb stilt heels she can barely walk in. The music takes on a twinkling tone as Ozpin shows up, asking if she’s not enjoying herself.
They talk about nothing. No, I’m serious, nothing of any importance is being said here. Ozpin and Ruby bemoan that life is more than just fighting, Ozpin says fighting and dancing aren’t that different, and then muses on bonds becoming stronger. I think he showed up just to give this closing line:
Oz: Nights like these are ones we’ll never forget.
Yang then welcomes in two more guests—Emerald and Mercury.
The episode ends. And so does this post—unfortunately, this arc has to be split in two as well. Like the last one, it’s a bunch of little annoying fails leading up to a huge fail-fest that will get me absolutely furious and chatty about it. Then we’ll do the World of Remnants, and then the last arc, which will take...three posts? Maybe four?
Jaune: 10 It Was Right There: 3 Fauxminism: 6 Hypocrisy: 1 Ice Cream Queens: 0 Reliable Leaders: 4 Prowling Wolf Fallacy: 0 Threatening Enemies: 2 Love to Be a Part of It Someday: 10 Your Fight Scene Sucks: 10 + 2 Evisceration Evasion: 2 Ill Logic: 18 Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Veil: 4 + 1 Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge: 0 Band-Aid Brigade: 1 RSVP: 22 Road to Nowhere: 6 Y.A.S. Queen: 3
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scattered-winter · 2 years
Yeah, we all know why Bobby's "canonical biological" children are surely not in his firehouse lol Dad of the year.
I genuinely can't tell if you're serious or not but I've been itching to reblog a reply to the other ask so I'll just do it here (thanks for the convenience 😘)
never have I said that bobby is perfect. never have I said that he hasn't made mistakes. and yes, accidentally starting a fire that results in hundreds of deaths (including his family) is a pretty fucking huge mistake. owen certainly doesn't have that much blood on his hands. but the difference between them, the thing that makes bobby a more interesting and likeable character, is that every minute of bobby's screentime since the very first episode has been showing him trying to make amends for his mistake. he had his notebook in season 1, that he explicitly stated was the "ledger" to balance out the scales: he took 148 lives in that fire. he dedicated his life to save 148 by being a better firefighter and a better man (he started battling his addiction as well, if you remember).
owen on the other hand, has never once shown any ounce of this. he's made mistakes, both as a parent to tk and as a person. normally this wouldn't be grounds for me to hate him so much, since mistakes are what make the characters human, but the thing about owen is that there's no follow-up. there's no trying to fix his mistake or make amends. there isn't even a fucking apology. every single one of owen's mistakes are swept under the rug and treated like some Big Heroic Thing (tm) because owen can't do anything wrong and thus can't be shown apologizing for anything because he Was Never Wrong In The First Place.*
*admittedly this is more a result of the writing itself than owen's actual character, since all of lone star has this narrative of owen being The Coolest Perfectest Guy Ever. but in my eyes that makes it even worse, because there's nothing more frustrating than seeing this guy who has canonically done Some Shit receive zero accountability for it, even from characters who are the most prone to point things out/be blunt (such as judd, marjan, or paul). not only is the writing affecting owen, but it's affecting everyone else by literally making them act ooc when it comes to owen.
bobby, on the other hand. his whole arc in season 1 involves him coming to terms with his past and slowly opening up to new opportunities for love (both with the 118 family and with athena). he's struggled and fought and reconciled every step of the way to get to where he is now, and it hasn't been easy. and even now that he has the 118 and a family with athena and her kids, he's still doing everything he can to make amends for what he did to his family years ago.
the episode "may day" comes immediately to mind as one of the biggest examples of this. may is trapped inside the burning call center, and bobby is finding himself reliving the worst night of his life. (this seems to be the theme of the episode, as chim and albert went topside to vent the roof---exactly how kevin died years ago.) but bobby straps on his gear and runs in after may. he even goes so far as to shield her with his body as the roof collapses, but they both make it out safe and relatively unharmed.
in my opinion, may day was the episode where bobby finally made amends and found peace. yes, he lost his family to fire. yes, it was partially his fault. but for 5 seasons he's been scraping and fighting to make amends and "balance out the ledgers," and now he finally had, by saving may.
even more than that, the reason why I love bobby as the Firehouse Dad so much is that he's been shown to be the firehouse dad. he comforts and supports them when they need it. he teaches them how to cook (which is how he shows love imo but that's a topic for another post). he clearly cares so deeply about every single firefighter in the 118, and it's hard not to love that.
and back to owen. he has his moments (such as supporting marjan in "human resources"), but for the most part it's hard to see him really filling that role (especially when the narrative is TELLING us that he is, but not really SHOWING us). he's so self-centered and egocentric that he overlooks and sometimes even downright ignores things inside his own house, and yet the narrative still paints him as a perfect fire captain who has never made a single mistake his entire life. despite the entire show glaringly pointing to the contrary.
tldr: the reason I love bobby so much more than owen is because, while they've both made mistakes, bobby is the only one who has fought for redemption for those mistakes throughout 5 entire seasons of the show's runtime, whereas owen's mistakes are overwritten and ignored by both him and the overall writing and there's no effort from owen to apologize or try harder to fix things.
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