hop-and-malt · 3 months
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maaarine · 6 months
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Sarah Everard: The Search of Justice (Lottie Gammon, 2024)
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shadelyn · 1 month
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Slowly getting inspiration
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yoselin-uyu · 4 months
@cherry-pop-elf YOU WERE RIGHT, I spent a lot of time looking through my email for any sign of my old account and I found it, we saved Everard 🙏🙏
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He sends hugs 'couse I ain't letting my Baby go anywhere soon
And hearts too why not
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khamoise · 9 months
`𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑦 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠´
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(I'm sorry if the pic doesn't look that good but I was too lazy to adjust the quality 🥲 Just open the image to see it hd!)
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kaelio · 5 months
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the never ending digs at Marius in this chapter lmao
guess how we DON'T traditionally greet one another? (Eyes Blood & Gold)
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las-microfisuras · 1 year
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Isabel Rawsthorne 1933
John Everard.
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starfirebird · 8 months
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chin rest
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frenchcurious · 7 months
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Everard Court à Everard Park, Australie du Sud. Conçu par Ron Golding en 1939. - source Casey Dunham via Art Deco.
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fenicenera83 · 7 months
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𝑽𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒄𝒍𝒆𝒔: 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑺𝒌𝒆𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒔 -𝑨𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒅 -𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒖𝒔 -𝑬𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒓𝒅 -𝑳𝒐𝒖𝒊𝒔
[pencil on paper]
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luverofralts · 2 months
Arkhelios Adventures
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"I'm so glad you could make it, Lauren. It feels like it's been forever since I've seen you."
The youngest Durant sibling smiled at her sister. "College has been intense. I mean, I'm still in my first year, but with exams coming up, everyone is going a little crazy."
"That's how I remember it. I thought Nathan was going to burn down the student union building one exam period. I mean, he didn't even end up writing the exam, but he still went crazy with the rest of us."
"I'm so glad you met Trent," Lauren replied, looking over her shoulder in case Nathan suddenly showed up. She wouldn't put it past him. "Nathan creeps me out. There's something not right about him."
Cindra laughed, despite her sister's worry.
"Nathan likes people to think he's dangerous and scary, but he's a sweetheart deep down. Very deep down. Don't worry about him. He's harmless."
Lauren gave her sister a skeptical look but didn't push the subject. Let Cindra have her creepy crush. Lauren wouldn't be caught dead anywhere near Nathan Helios.
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Everard and Luci tossed a baseball back and forth to warm up. They were about to start the official Siew family games and baseball was the first event. Luci was naturally athletic and had no doubts of her ability to lead her team to victory. Her little brother on the other hand....
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At least Everard was trying to practice. Etienne was about to go swimming in the pool, and Fiolett was working on a drawing she refused to abandon. Who knew what Rien was up to? Luci had learned long ago not to count on her twin sister to do anything with her. If she had to guess, Rien was probably off talking with Adam about weird ghost sightings or something crazy like that. Ever since Theo had been sent away to school, Rien had been speaking to Adam an awful lot. Luci would normally assume that this meant that her sister had a crush on Theo's boyfriend, but this was Rien they were talking about. She was probably just telling him that he was being haunted by spirits.
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"Rien? Honey, I thought you were playing baseball with your brother and sister? Did they finish playing already?"
Adrian approached his daughter reluctantly. It was obvious that Rien had no intention of playing with her siblings or being social. At least this time, she wasn't alone. Adrian had nearly tripped over Travis Maricourt scribbling furiously in a book by the hot tub, completely disengaged with the barbecue.
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"I'm sorry, Dad, but I'm needed elsewhere," Rien replied cryptically. "Baseball seemed like a waste of time, considering how little of it is left."
"Uh...huh. Well, where are you needed? I can help you and then you can go play with the other kids here. I saw Travis Maricourt writing over by the hot tub, maybe you two could play alone together."
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"Thanks for the offer, but it's not me who needs to socialize. You need to talk to people at the party," Rien insisted. "Hang around Queen Maura to help her. You'll know what to do when the time comes. I have my own role to play. Have you seen Princess Georgiana?"
"Are you going to play with Her Highness, or continue your cryptic riddles with her?" Adrian asked wearily, already knowing the answer. "Please don't say anything that would scare the princess. She's younger than you and scares easily."
"I'll play nicely, Daddy. I promise."
Adrian tried not to wither at the glare his daughter was giving him. Of course, she'd inherited Roman's patented stare, the same as Theo. Whenever the kids were angry, it was like being surrounded by little Roman clones. Thank god that most of them seemed incapable of scowling like their father, aside from Theo.
"Rien, you know that I love you very much," Adrian tried. "Go play with the princess and have fun. Maybe you and I could play cards with your siblings later. That would be fun, wouldn't it?"
"Yes, Daddy. That sounds like fun."
The tone of her voice very clearly conveyed that playing cards would be the worst thing that could happen to her, despite her ominous words. Adrian bit his cheek to keep from groaning or reprimanding his daughter for lying. There wasn't a parenting book out there that could help him parent Adrienne.
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"I'll see you soon," Rien declared suddenly, wrapping her arms around her baffled father. "Remember, hang around the queen. There's a collection of heirloom swords in the second bedroom upstairs. Do you remember how to use them?"
"Yes, I remember how to use many weapons. I studied all of that in military school. How the hell do you know about a collection of swords? Have you been playing with them? You're too young to-"
Rien let go of her father and gave him a sad look. Her eyes didn't look like she was twelve. They held secrets and sorrows well beyond her years in a way that Adrian would never understand. He'd never met Roman's grandparents, but Roman often mentioned how similar Rien sometimes looked to his grandmother. Whoever she looked like, there were times that Adrian stared at his daughter and didn't recognize who stared back.
"Remember, the queen needs you," Rien said again, skipping off to find Georgiana. As usual, Adrian made a mental note of this behaviour to address with Roman and despite his skeptical nature, went in search of Queen Maura.
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"I heard there was a barbecue here, but I don't smell anything cooking. Don't tell me that I missed Dad's famous burgers."
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"Oliver! You made it! I thought you had exams to study for." Claudia ran to embrace her little brother, excited that he'd actually kept his promise and came to the family gathering.
"Yeah, well, we're not all monarchs wealthy beyond imagining," Oliver laughed. "I'm a poor college student. An offer of free food doesn't come along very often."
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"Oh, you're impossible!" Claudia teased, tickling her brother like they were still children. "A poor college student whose tuition is covered by his very rich sister, along with a generous fund for personal expenses."
"Well, I still eat a fair amount of ramen regardless. I won't let your money take away from the college experience."
"Well, maybe I'll withdraw my tuition support next semester if that's how you feel," Claudia laughed. "Then you won't have to fake the 'authentic' experience."
"Ah, who can say what's authentic?" Oliver replied, his eyes dancing with amusement. "Maybe I'll accept your charity for a few more years after all."
This was a dance Claudia and Oliver performed seamlessly over the years. She'd offer whatever Oliver could possibly need in life and he'd playfully decline, only to accept it moments later. He'd been too young to understand his sister's change in rank when she took the throne, but he'd never been jealous of her. She was the queen and he was free to live as he chose. Claudia had frequently offered her brother a royal title and estate of his own, but Oliver had turned her down every time. Apparently, the monarchy was a "Claudia and Dad" project, while the "Oliver, Travis, and Mom" project was perfectly content away from the throne.
"Speaking of charity, where are the hamburgers I was promised? I'm wasting away here."
Claudia rolled her eyes.
"Blame Dad. He was supposed to be here to barbecue after work, but I guess he got busy. You know how obsessive he is about grilling things. God forbid someone other than him gets to touch the grill so we can eat."
"Well, where's Uncle Travis? I've seen Dad let him grill before and I'm starving. Let's just start grilling and apologize later. He can't be mad when we've waited this long."
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Ewan Traver watched as his uncle, Ewan Goldman, arrived in a shower of sparkling light just in front of the front entrance of the cottage. It was a relief to see him, especially since Ewan's own son, Oliver, was currently leading a rebellion among the family to replace his father with anyone else who knew how to use a grill. The family was currently split between honouring the original plan and replacing Ewan with his reluctant brother, Travis.
"Uncle Ewan! Finally! Everyone's been going feral waiting for food. You're late."
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"Uncle Ewan?"
Ewan Goldman made no attempts to respond to his nephew. Instead, he stared at the ground, unable to meet the younger Ewan's eyes. A shiver ran down Ewan Traver's spine. Something was wrong here. Dangerously wrong. This intuition was confirmed when dark, glossy wings emerged from his uncle's back, wrapping around a body that had gone from looking normal and healthy to a sickly hue that radiated an unnatural cold that Ewan could feel from several feet away. When his uncle spoke, it wasn't his usual cheerful voice, but one that sounded hollow and deadly.
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“I’m not here to join in the festivities. Unfortunately, I’m here for work. I’m so sorry.”
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henk-heijmans · 2 years
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Portrait of a model Londres George Routledge & Sons Ltd, ca. 1939 - by John Everard (1900 - ?), English
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vincekris · 6 months
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John Everard
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yoselin-uyu · 3 months
Before pride ends, here goes my favorite gays 😭🫀 @khamoise
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khamoise · 7 months
Spicy Love!!
Everard tends to be quite impatient whenever he shares some time with Tristan. He just can't keep his hands still 🥰
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[Everard Knut belongs to @yoselin-uyu]
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Overall, 1,483 unique allegations were reported against 1,539 police officers. There were 1,177 cases of alleged police-perpetrated violence, including sexual harassment and assault, reported between October 2021 and April 2022, according to data from the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC).
Almost two-thirds of the complaints from the public were about the use of force, for example handcuffing or arrest, while 9% concerned harassing behaviour, 6% related to assault and 5% abuse of position for a sexual purpose.
For the conduct allegations, 48% concerned discreditable conduct carried outside working hours, while 19% related to sexual assault, 13% to sexual harassment and 6% to abuse of position for a sexual purpose.
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