#ever since finishing part 1 a week ago i've been stuck
dhwty-writes · 10 months
the entire latter part of my nano project can be summed up by "local wizard is forced to work with a witch. shenanigans ensue"
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arc852 · 2 months
First Meetings 1/3
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Summary: How Jimmy met Grian and Joel.
Warnings: anxiety, being/feeling trapped, and hunger pains
Word Count: 2295
AO3 Link
It's finally time! Let's see how Jimmy met Grian and Joel in the BBBCAU!
This is gonna be a slightly longer story, which is why I'm splitting it up into three parts! I'm still working on part 2 though so it might be a few days until the next chapter. It took me a while to figure out how I wanted their first meeting to go but I think I'm quite happy with what I've come up with! So I hope you guys enjoy!
 Jimmy opened his wall entrance slowly, peeking out and taking a look around. His entrance was hidden behind one of the humans’ desks, so he was safe to check and make sure there were no humans in the room.
 Once he deemed the room empty, he came out of the walls fully and prepared for a quick raid of the dorm room. It had only been a week since classes had started up again, which meant things were still a mess in a lot of the dorm rooms. Especially the ones used by freshmen. Humans who were fresh to college, still learning and getting all of their stuff together. These were the rooms where Jimmy found the most things and he was always excited about what kinds of things he would find.
 He adjusted the strap of his bag as he came out into the open, glancing warily at the door for a brief moment. He should be fine, it was still early enough that if the humans weren’t here, then they were still in class. He should have plenty of time to borrow and then get out.
 Confident in his reasoning, Jimmy’s gaze left the door and wandered around the room. There were some clothes strewn about but with them on the floor like this, Jimmy stayed away from them. He couldn’t be sure if they were dirty or clean and he would rather be safe than sorry. Besides, humans usually noticed when clothes went missing. Jimmy really only felt comfortable taking clothes if they were already lost.
 That’s how he had gotten his current bed, a sock that had fallen between the bed and the wall as the human was trying to fold their laundry. They never noticed it missing and so Jimmy had dragged it through the walls and back to his home. That had been years ago now, and the sock had been good to him. 
 It didn’t look like he was going to get anything like that out of this room though. He’d probably do well to focus on getting some food. He was running really low, so some crumbs, maybe a full chip if he could manage it, would be great.
 So Jimmy walked around the room, looking behind the piles of clothes and underneath the nightstands for any food that would have dropped. So far, there wasn’t anything but Jimmy still had a lot of the room to go. He headed over to the opposite desk, heading underneath to see if any crumbs had gotten stuck in the carpet. The desks and beds, both under and on top, were most likely to have food, since that’s were he noticed the humans eating the most.
 But as he made it to the desk, there was a sound that made Jimmy’s blood run cold. The jingling of keys and the turning of a knob. Wasting no time, Jimmy ran the rest of the way underneath the desk and hid himself behind one of the far legs. Just in time too, because as he settled the door fully opened, revealing two humans. They were just legs to Jimmy from this angle but that did nothing to lessen his fear.
 “--try to finish it all tonight.” One of the humans spoke, in the middle of talking already as they had entered the room.
 “How much did you get? Aren’t you only taking three classes this first semester?” The other one asked. Jimmy tried to peek out more, to try and get a better look at the humans in order to see what they were doing. He wasn’t afraid of being seen from here, he knew humans barely ever looked down, let alone in the corners and underneath their own desks.
 The human who had just spoken was wearing a red sweater and just threw his backpack underneath his desk. Jimmy winced a bit and then was thankful when the other human, one who appeared to have a green streak in his hair, placed his backpack at the edge of his bed. 
 “Yeah, and two of them aren’t super homework heavy. But my other class definitely makes up for that.” The green-streaked human said, letting out a sigh. “I want my weekend free though, so if I focus I can probably get it done before dinner.”
 The red wearing human hummed and Jimmy watched him nod. “Yeah, I’ll probably do the same. I’ve got no more classes today either and having the weekend off sounds great.”
 Jimmy bit his lip. That did not sound good. Both humans seemed to plan on staying in the rest of the day and since Jimmy’s exit was currently on the other side of the room, he had no choice but to wait. Hopefully they would both leave for lunch or dinner. Otherwise he had to wait until they both fell asleep.
 And knowing college students, that could be a while.
 Jimmy sighed and started to settle into his spot, only to jump and just barely hold back a yelp as the chair in front of him got pulled out. Jimmy slammed a hand over his mouth and pressed himself back into the wall. The human was just taking a seat but the suddenness of it had caused Jimmy’s heart rate to spike.
 The human pulled himself forward but Jimmy was still far back enough that he was still at least a foot away from the human. Still, he was no longer comfortable staying here to hide. One wrong swing of the human’s foot and he was as good as dead. Or caught. Either one was very bad.
 Thankfully, the desk was pushed right up next to the bed and so Jimmy shimmied along the wall until he was out from the desk and hidden under the darkness of the bed instead. Jimmy let out a little sigh of relief, no longer feeling cramped from having the human so close.
 He stayed by the wall and took a seat, leaning against it. Might as well get himself comfortable with how long he would have to wait. He ducked his head a little and watched as the other human’s feet disappeared, probably getting into his bed to do his homework there. Both backpacks were still where they had left them, so Jimmy could only assume they were doing their homework on laptops.
 “Alright, let’s get this done.” The human with the green-streak said. He heard the other human hum and then the air was filled with sounds of typing and clicking. 
 Jimmy sighed and waited.
   Nothing interesting had happened and no opportunity for escape had presented itself throughout the rest of the day. Grian and Joel (he had learned their names as he sat there waiting) had continued to talk with one another as they worked on their homework. He had perked up when they had talked about getting something to eat but was disappointed when only Grian left to go pick something up for them.
 As the humans ate their food, Jimmy’s stomach growled, reminding him that he hadn’t eaten since early that morning. He pushed the feeling away though. Even if the humans made some mess and dropped something, he couldn’t go get it right now. Not without being seen.
 He settled back in as they had continued to work, until finally, after many hours, Joel let out a short exclamation. “Done! Finally.” He heard Joel close his laptop and the human leaned back in his chair, stretching. His feet hit the back wall and Jimmy was glad he had moved.
 Joel pushed the chair back and stood up, stretching again once he was standing. He heard Grian chuckle. “It’s about time. I’ve been done for an hour now.”
 “Oh good for you.” Joel said, his voice taking a mocking tone. Grian laughed.
 Jimmy placed his head in one hand, leaning against it as he watched (though all he could see were Joel’s legs at the moment) and listened. These humans were interesting, that was for sure. He hadn’t been as bored as he could have been, listening to them talk and go back and forth with one another.
 But even so, no matter how interesting a pair of humans appeared to be, he would much rather be back in the walls and away from the threat of being caught. He didn’t expect to be seen, he was careful and in a spot a human wouldn’t look in, but the longer he stayed the more his anxiety began to grow.
 Unfortunately, it looked like he would have to wait longer. “Want to celebrate with a movie night? I’ve got some popcorn in my bag.” Grian said and Jimmy barely heard Joel’s reply of yes as he sighed in frustration. He knew this would be a possibility though. From his time in the dorms and watching many college students, he knew they tended to stay up way later than they probably should. It was one of the things that made borrowing here hard, which was why Jimmy tended to go out and borrow while the humans were in class rather than at night.
 He heard them shuffling around, talking as they got the movie set up. The smell of popcorn filled the air and once again Jimmy’s stomach reminded him how long he had gone without food. And once again, he pushed it back down.
 The two humans settled into bed and the sounds of the movie began to play. Jimmy leaned his head back against the wall and closed his eyes, listening to the sounds of the movie and imagining what could be happening on the screen. Despite his want to get out of there, it was kind of nice. He had never been this close to actually watching a movie before. It sounded fun.
 Eventually, the movie ended and the humans went to their own beds. The lights turned off and he heard the shuffling of blankets but Jimmy still waited. After maybe another hour or so, Jimmy finally felt confident enough to try and make his way back to his entrance into the walls.
 He stopped short of the edge of the bed, looking up and at Grian, since he was currently the only human he could see. His eyes were closed and his breathing was even. He was definitely asleep.
 He then stuck close to the nightstand and rounded the corner in order to peek up and look at Joel. He was the same, steady breathing and closed eyes. Jimmy let out a little sigh of relief. He wasted no time in running back across the room, back to Grian’s desk where his entrance was located. 
 Jimmy grinned, relieved he would finally be able to get back home. Grian’s backpack was still there but he went to the side of it to get to his exit. His smile turned into a frown, however, when he realized the bag was too close to the wall in order for him to get through. “No…” Jimmy let out a little noise of frustration, going over to the other side of the bag to see if it was any different over there.
 It wasn’t.
 The bag was too full, making it a heavy roadblock. Meaning, despite how small Jimmy was, he couldn’t push his way behind the bag. He tried, he really did, but it didn’t so much as budge and Jimmy quickly got scared at how much weight it held. He backed away, wondering what he was going to do now.
 This entrance was the only one he had in this room and going out into the hallway was definitely not a good idea. It didn’t matter how late it was, there was always a chance some human would be walking down the hall and then Jimmy would be as good as caught.
 No, he was well and truly trapped within this room.
 But that was fine. He would just wait until tomorrow. Grian would pick up his backpack to go to class and then there wouldn’t be…a…problem…
 Wait, today was Friday, wasn’t it? Friday was the last day of the week for classes. He knew that and Grian and Joel had just been talking about it earlier too. Tomorrow was the weekend and both humans had already completed their homework. Which meant…
 Which meant there was no reason for Grian to pick up and move his bag for at least another two full days.
 Jimmy leaned against the wall, slowly sliding down it until he was sitting against it. He threw his head back and let out a quiet noise of frustration and worry. He was trapped in this room for the rest of the weekend at least. 
 Honestly, he felt like crying a little.
 He shook the feelings away though. Crying wouldn’t help him.
 He stood up and went underneath Grian’s bed. He didn’t want to stay underneath the desk, just in case Grian did need his backpack before the weekend was over but staying underneath his bed at least left him on the right side of the room. Once the bag was lifted and the humans’ backs were turned, he could take the opportunity to get back into the walls.
 For now though, he let himself lay down, using his bag as a makeshift pillow as he tried to get some sleep. He wasn’t sure he would be able to, but he at least had to try. Just because he was trapped in this room, his anxiety growing more and more at the thought, didn’t mean he could forgo his rest. He needed it more than ever in this situation anyway.
 He closed his eyes and tried to ignore the way he could hear the humans’ breathing and shifting.
 Eventually, he did fall asleep.
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one-piece-aus · 4 months
Unbottle Your Emotions
Eutass Kid x Reader (Part 1)
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Ahoy readers! Some of you who read my Whumptober works know I made two short whumps of Kid in a highschool AU and I can tell you enjoyed those angsty works. I've dug around in my drafts and found this, I wrote it a few years ago but nonetheless, it's the beginning of this story so I thought why not post it? Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Enjoy ^-^
"Alright, class," Makino addressed you and your classmates once she finished attendance. "I have a partner project for you to work on for the next two weeks. Before you ask, I have already assigned who you'll be working with."
You glanced over to Hawkins, if you were lucky you'd be partnered with him. The two of you were loners who stuck together. You found it easier to work with him since you kinda were on the same level when it came to that. He made eye contact with you and knew you wanted him to check his chances of being paired with you. He drew his cards under his desk before looking back to you and shaking his head. You sighed, pulling up your hood and resting your head on your arms, you continued listening to your English teacher.
"You'll be choosing a topic to write about, whether it's a review of a movie or a poem about birds, I want the two of you to make it together. This will be a presentation assignment so make sure to capture your listeners' attention and practice what you'll be reading." Makino paused, going over to her laptop, and clicking a few keys before turning on the projector. "Here are your partners."
Once the screen had been displayed your eyes scanned over the list to find your name. You saw Hawkins got paired with Cavendish, you almost felt bad for him until your eyes landed on who you paired with. The person Makino assigned you to work with was Eustass Kid.
He was the most hostile guy at school, it was no secret the guy had anger issues and was completely obnoxious. You avoided him like the plague for two reasons: 
1. You were a good student and just wanted to learn, obnoxious kids disrupt the silence and your ability to learn. 
2. You could only tolerate someone directing their anger at you for so long before crying; not that they made you feel sad, but because you felt anger at them and wished to shout back at them to defend yourself, yet you held your tongue back since you didn't want to cause further trouble; that bottled up emotion stressed tears out of you. 
You hated crying because that made you think you appeared hurt and weak when in reality you were angry and frustrated, the more you felt it the more the tears came. That's why tried to quickly get out of the predicaments if you were ever in them.
The quickest way you dealt with someone's anger and got out of the problem was ignoring them if they were just insulting you or apologizing respectfully if you did something to piss them off. Since you pulled off these things well without appearing to be phased and having acknowledgement of the issue with genuine respect, those in school weren't aware you had a limit. However, you witnessed how Kid gets whenever someone pisses him off, you knew there'd be no way you could keep the bottle closed if he directed his anger at you, so that's why you always duck away when you saw Kid coming.
Internally you panicked when you saw you were assigned to be his partner. You didn't know how you managed to get this far acting as a ghost while being in the same classes as him this semester. You usually weren't in a corner or by the window, you were near the front of the room, second row and just two desks away from being in the center of the class, great for viewing the board. Perhaps you were a ghost to Kid since he sat around the back near the window.
Kid raised his head and looked around, searching for you, you pulled your hood further over you and lowered your head to face away from Kid. "Oi, Teach! Which one's the one I'm working with?" You heard Kid ask, I guess he really didn't know who you are.
You listened to the footsteps of the teacher, drawing towards you just as a brush does to the paints on a pallet. You feel her gentle hand rub your head, maybe thinking you were asleep, you did come in class yawning. You hesitantly lifted your head, looking up at Makino and seeing her smile. Oh, bless her heart for being kind and welcoming, wishing to create a pleasant and welcoming place for her class, but that's what's going to bite you in the ass because it meant you couldn't get out of this since she wanted her class to be comfortable with each other. You sighed, making it a sound like a yawn, and sat up but still kept your hood on.
"This is [L/n], Eustass," Makino told Kid, gesturing to you before she went to another student who had raised their hand.
You didn't say a word, instead, you took out your notes and reviewed them to see which ones you needed for the project. The daunting sound of Kid approaching your desk only made you read through your notes more frantic until he sat down in the chair in front of you with a scowl on his face. You looked away from your notes, masking your uneasy state as you finally spoke to him.
"Hi! Sorry- I was searching for the notes we'll probably need!" You apologized then glanced back at the papers and began putting the ones you didn't need back in your binder. You just needed to get on his good side, if you didn't irritate him you two could get this project over with and never have to speak to each other again, that's how classmates go.
"At least you seemed to know what you're doing," Kid responded, eyes gazing over the many notes you've jotted down as you slipped them away in the binder.
"Uh- you can pick whatever you wanna do for the project if you want," you told him and put your binder into your bag. "I'm uh- fine with whatever unless you wanted to ask the teacher to work with a friend instead, then I'll find a topic to work on by myself."
"None of my friends are in this class," he shrugged and folded his arms. "Besides I know Makino wouldn't change my partner even if I asked, I'm just glad it's not strawhat I'm working with again."
"Strawhat? Luffy?" You tilted your head, not recalling Luffy being in your class.
"He was in one of my classes last semester and we had Makino as our teacher," Kid explained as put his arms on your desk, taking up half the space.
"You know the guy?" Kid inquired, raising a non-existent eyebrow at you.
"Not really."
"Good, he's annoying and so are his friends."
You sweatdropped unsure how to respond to his complaint. Normally you'd let some continue their rants until they were done, especially if they had anger issues you didn't want to trigger them, but you wanted to get everything figured out before class was over.
"So did you have something in mind?" You asked getting back on topic.
"We're not writing poetry, that's for damn sure," he grumbled, pushing his cheek onto his knuckled fist.
'How ironic, that's probably what Cavendish and Hawkins are,' you thought to yourself as you glanced at the two blonds. Cavendish seemed to be boasting about myself again, maybe being partnered with Kid wasn't so bad.
"Have you listened to any metal songs?" Kid inquired, throwing his idea out there.
"Really?" he questioned, not believing you.
Kid's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, really?!"
"Uh yeah." How many times were you going to have to repeat yourself?
"Huh, I didn't think you'd listen to that kind of music."
You shrugged. "My dad got me into metal and rock when I was younger. Better than what plays on the radio."
"You don't have to tell me twice. Idiots that listen to what they play on there now don't know what real music is."
You chuckled, agreeing with Kid, maybe he wasn't so bad. "I guess we found our topic. Now we need to figure out how we'd be writing it." You flipped over one of your papers and started writing down a few methods. "Fan letter to the artist, a review of the song, analysis of the lyrics-"
A loud buzz rang throughout the school and repeated itself, you cringed at the obnoxious noise blaring in your ear. Someone must've started a fire in the bathroom again. Your class filed out of the room, merging into the sea of students exiting the building. You wanted to cover your ears as the noise became louder in the halls but you didn't want to appear like a weirdo using your hands, you had wireless earbuds but that wasn't something to take out in the stampede you were in since you could drop one. You just had to suffer internally.
Once outside, you went and stood by Hawkins while waiting for the fire department to find the fire. You rubbed your ears now that you were away from the crowd and just had your fellow loner next to you.
"Acting like a cat again, [Y/n]?" Hawkins asked, seeing you paw your ears. He often compared to his cat, Faust.
"Yeah, my ears just hurt from the noise." You despised noise.
"You should listen to some soothing frequencies after instead of your regular choice of music if you want your ears to recover properly," Hawkins advised.
"Ehhhh... I might have to this time."
"Oh?" Hawkins glanced at you, inquiring you for further details. You didn't usually listen to him when he advised you to give your ear a break from your music, hence why he grew curious to understand why you were thinking of taking his suggestion.
"I might be hearing more noise today at school but once I get home I'll probably be able to listen to it."
"And what makes you think you'll be hearing more noise?"
"I don't know, maybe-"
"OI! [L/N]!" Kid shouted to get your attention as he marched over to you.
You flinched at his voice in that tone, and the irritated expression on his face made you think you did something wrong. You turned to him and held your arm behind your back.
"Sorry, what did you need Kid?"
"Give me your phone."
"What?" You feel your chest begin to burn and you know your forehead will begin to paint itself red.
"I need it to put my contact in your phone."
You were going to push back but you folded your tongue seeing the impatient scowl Kid wore. Not questioning him further, taking your phone out of your pocket. Unlocking it, you hastily clicked over to your contact app and handed it over to the redhead before you could see him grow more impatient.
Kid, just about to add a new contact, couldn't help but notice how you only had five contacts on your phone. Only three out of the five weren't family-related. Did you just not add people to your phone? He scoffed the thought off, it wasn't his business. He began typing his number into your phone.
You wanted to ask why Kid needed to put his contact in your phone, however, your bottled emotion prevented you from speaking your question. Kid seemed pissed enough, you weren't going to attempt to do anything that might push him off the edge. You shifted your footing, the expression on your face displaying your unease.
"Perhaps you should tell why you're adding your number to her phone," Hawkins spoke up for you.
"Fuck off Basil, it's not your business," Kid barked.
"It may not be mine but it is [Y/n]'s business to know since it is her phone," Hawkins stated unphased by Kid. Oh, how you wished to be as stoic as Hawkins. Granted, you did a good job ninety percent of the time but it crumbled easily in the presence of hostile or authoritative anger.
Kid glared at Hawkins for a moment before he handed you back your phone, his attention now on you. "Send me a text," he instructed you and pulled out his phone.
You weren't sure what exactly to send so you just typed 'Hi' into the chat. A ding came from Kid's phone and he checked the message to make sure it came from you. Comparing his screen to yours, you felt your hands brush against each other. The chills surfing across your body turned your body pale from how uncomfortable you felt to Kid standing this close to you. You wanted to isolate yourself in your room, though when Kid moved away you couldn't help but be grateful.
"Alright, I got it." Kid put his phone in his pocket and started walking away. "Text me about our project later."
You stood there confused with the hidden parts of your head burning red. You didn't understand why Kid confronted you like that when he could've easily asked when the two of you got back to class. You stared in the direction Kid left until a concerned hand rested on your shoulder and you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. Glancing over, you met Hawkins' crimson eyes.
"The cards said you needed a comforting hand," Hawkins said unsure if he helped. "There was an 80% chance you would've shed tears if not."
Right, Hawkins is the only one who knew of your bottled frustration; he saw it happen when he walked in the middle of you being scolded by a teacher. Anyone else would've thought you were upset and sad but he could read the frustration and anger written on your face, and he drew the cards to double-check. The two of you never spoke of it at first, but after you began to hang around, and he saw it a few more times, he offered to be there for you if you ever needed a quiet place and a listening ear.
"Once the firemen are done we'll be in second period," Hawkins informed you, shifting the topic away from what just happened. He knows you don't like to stay stuck in your conflicted emotions.
"So that's why Kid did that..." You glance at the phone in your hand to see the time; English is over. Slipping it into your pocket, you groaned, realizing something. "Hhhhh, that means we still have to get our stuff from English... We have drama next class, right?"
"Hmm." Hawkins nodded.
"Can you please get my stuff, I don't think I can face Kid again at the moment."
"Very well, [Y/n]."
"Thanks, I'll treat you to lunch."
"Does that mean we'll go to the vegan restaurant?" You've known Hawkins long enough to tell the subtle delight in his monotone.
"For doing this-" You turned to him, a grateful small smile drawn on your face. "Yes."
Tag: @lil-skelly-bones
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thecodeveronica · 2 months
3, 8, 22, and 27 for the ask game :3
Hi, thanks for the numbers!!
3. 1-3 games you’ve played in the past 12 months that you really enjoyed Ooo I'll keep this to games I only played for the first time:
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth A wild ride to the end, but that's what I've enjoyed about Remake and Rebirth and the excitement of seeing the differences from the original FFVII, and seeing how the games toy with the concept of a "remake." I demand playable Rufus in part 3, I looooove him and the little adjustments they've made to his character.
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (remake) I played the original (several times actually, years ago) but I think the remake does almost everything better. Just a fantastic remake all around. Gorgeous visuals, fantastic redone soundtrack with only a few stumbles, the same classic Paper Mario battle system and exploration that I love so much... No joke, I finished this two-ish weeks ago and I've been empty ever since, I miss it already. Koops is my ride-or-die partner, and I feel like the fanbase doesn't talk about TEC enough? I adore him and always have, I kinda love his feelings for Peach and how he wanted to protect her 😭 8. A series you haven’t played but are interested in trying The Red Dead series has always intrigued me, and I'm always so close to picking up RDR1 and RDR2 when they go on sale. Look like fun to play and I think I'd enjoy the plot in both, I'm just afraid of the time commitment to play them and can't bring myself to play 2 without 1 first lol.
22. A game ending that’s really stuck with you Can't say much about this because it really is a game that deserves to be seen as blind as possible for the full effect, but lets just say SOMA's ending is ingrained in my mind forever and... yeah. Wow. Highly recommend that game to any horror fans btw. Had no expectations for it going in and only played it since it was a PS+ monthly game a few years ago and was blown away.
27. A game you love the atmosphere of Gonna list more than one because I'm a cheater and I have Chronic Rambler Disease: Resident Evil: CODE: Veronica Aesthetically my favorite Resi game and favorite overall and I actually like the non-prerendered backgrounds a lot! I know they may not have aged as well as in some of the other games in an objective sense, but I LOOOOOOVE Dreamcast-era visuals and the game has a perfect mix of being colorful but also dreariness. The Ashford Residence is the big standout! A dimly lit, creepy old house with a half-finished large doll hanging from the ceiling, bats everywhere, all the antiques... *chef's kiss* delicious
Paper Mario The N64 one!! The only one that was more of a crayon and storybook-themed aesthetic over the more overt "paper" of later games. It's so comforting, it's literally like video game chicken noodle soup to me. Everything is so cute, even the enemies. Charming as charming can be.
And thanks again, hope this wasn't too long lol
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forabeatofadrum · 10 months
Not-Weekend WIP - Ask Game
Rules: List your WIPs below (if you only write one fic at a time, feel free to include future WIPs/ideas!) then answer the following questions. Then, tag as many people as you have WIPs (or more).
I was tagged weeks ago by @bitbybitwrites!
1. WIP List
I have too many WIPs to count, but I am using the ones that I am """actively""" working on right now, which are
Just Some Guy (the Matty Chris D. story)
The Klaine Secret Santa story
A fic where Bitty pranks Jack by pretending he can't skate
This fleeting idea for my Klaine Advent fic which isn't set in stone at all.
The good ole "racism fic", aka Dancin' on this bamboo ceiling, which is about me exploring how Asian-American identity was handled on Glee.
2. Which of your WIPs is currently the longest?
Probably Just Some Guy. I've been working on it for a while. It already has multiple finished chapters, so I have considered posting what I already have, also to hopefully motivate to continue. But I am just too stuck on it. The whole point is that MCD is the most bland person ever, and yes, I notice. He has nothing going for him.
3. Which WIP do you expect will end up the longest?
If my idea for the Advent fic will work out, then I think that one, because I am planning a multichapter fic. It's just... not working out and it's almost December. Oh boy.
4. Which WIP is your favourite to write/the most enjoyable to write? Why?
Right now? The Klaine Secret Santa fic, but I will not go into why, because ya know, the whole secret thing.
5. Which WIP do you find the most intimidating to write? Why?
Dancin' on this bamboo ceiling. It's a heavy subject and I am only one (1) person and I don't want to sound like I am writing a fic for the whole Asian Gleek community or anything, but it is... something.
6. Which WIP do you experience the most self-doubt about. Why?
Dancin' on this bamboo ceiling, for the reason mentioned above.
7. Which of your WIPs will you seek out a beta/sensitivity reader for? Why?
I have mentioned that the stuff that I am writing about for Dancin' on this bamboo ceiling is based on my own experiences, but also on experiences of other Asian people, Gleeks and non-Gleek. Does that count? And yet I am still afraid I will make it too me-centric.
8. Have any of your WIPs been struck by the curse of writer's block?
9. Which WIP has your favourite OC? Tell us about them?
All my fave OCs have published stories, hehehe, so guess it's once again Matty Chris D. Really, he has nothing going for him. He's the most basic person ever. He's besties with Check, Please!'s John Johnson. He's part of chess club.
10. Which WIP is the sexiest?
11. Which WIP is the angstiest?
Dancin' on this bamboo ceiling, cause, you know, racism. And if my Advent fic works out, then there will be some internalised homophobia in there.
12. Which WIP has the best characterisation (in your humble opinion)?
Maybe not the best, but the idea of Just Some Guy is that it's the canon Snowbaz story from an outsider POV so I am very interested in showing how Matt sees these two fuckers.
13. Which WIP has the best scene setting (in your humble opinion)?
Honestly, none. It's just basic New York, Samwell, Ohio, Watford, etc.
14. Which WIP have you worked the hardest on?
I've been working on Dancin' on this bamboo ceiling on and off since 2017, so that one.
15. Which WIP do you have the highest expectations for? Why?
The Klaine Secret Santa fic, because I hope the giftee will like it.
16. Do you dream about any of your WIPs?
Yes... which... oh dang... does "unreleased Paradiso stuff" count as a WIP then?
17. Do any of your WIPs have particular complexities that your other fics don't?
Everyone is (mostly) cutesy and fluffy........ and then there's Dancin' on that bamboo ceiling.
18. Which WIP is the funniest or has the most humour?
I think the whole idea of Just Some Guy is just very funny. Like... John Johnson is here. Why is he here?
19. Do any of your WIPs contain outside POVs or a deep dive on a character other than the main ship? How are you finding that process?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH MATTY CHRIS D!!!!! I am enjoying it a lot, but again, giving MCD a story for himself is just hard because he's not an interesting person.
20. Tell us one thing we don't know about one or more of your WIPs.
The Advent fic idea is a sequel.
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dorefasolsido · 3 months
43. Omg it's been a while
10 HOW’S
How did you get one of your scars?
Two years ago I was rollerskating with my sister and a tiny rock got stuck in my wheels, so I basically flew forward and slid headfirst into some debris. Luckily, I have plenty of experience falling on rollerskates, so there was no significant damage, but my elbows were hella scraped. So I still have a scar on one of them.
How did you celebrate your last birthday?
I didn't do anything for my birthday, really. I wasn't feeling it anyway, and one friend was celebrating her move to Germany on that day with a picnic, so I just went to that instead. But I am planning to do something for this one! I haven't received any presents in two years lol
How are you feeling at this moment?
Pretty good right now! I finished all my work for this month, so I can take a bit of a break, and thank god for that.
How did your night go last night?
Well I was working my ass off until like 1:30 AM lol. It's not that I had to, but inspiration hit hard, and I couldn't let it go to waste.
How did you do in high school?
Pretty well in the academic sense, that was never too difficult for me. Very poorly in the social sense, though I did have some friends, only one of which I am still in touch with today.
How did you get the shirt you’re wearing?
I think my mum bought it for me ages ago, it's probably from my high school days.
How often do you see your best friend?
I saw her last in 2018 since we live in different countries, and lots of things came up in the meantime that prevented us from visiting each other. I want to do that soon, though.
How much money did you spend last month?
I feel like I was more thrifty in June? Aside from the Scandinavian trip I paid for, I think I tried to contain myself a bit.
How old do you want to be when you get married?
I don't want to get married.
How old will you be at your next birthday?
I'll be 29 very soon.
What is the most important part of your life?
Hmm, my family and my writing. I do a lot of the latter, but mostly not for myself, which is something I want to change.
What did you do last weekend?
I was working throughout the weekend (the joy of end of the month deadlines), and aside from that, nothing special. For the past week I barely even left my house because I am on a socializing break, and it's been so wonderful.
What did you last cry over?
I don't really remember tbh. But I must have cried recently because June is somehow always such a bad month for me. So I was in a pretty gloomy mood before I went on my socializing break. But that has been really healing.
What are you worried about?
About the book translation deadline lol. I'm not even halfway through, and they already asked me when I am going to deliver it. At the same time, though, I can't force myself to work on it now.
What is your mother’s name?
I'm too paranoid to answer that.
What always makes you feel better when you’re upset?
Run BTS or any BTS content really, driving around aimlessly while blasting music, those awful sweaty dance cardio workouts. And like, renewing my hair colour.
What would you rather be doing?
Right now, nothing. I'm happy I finally got to do this, since I either wasn't in the mood or was too busy for months.
What’s the most important thing you look for in a significant other?
I guess what would be the most important is just understanding and respecting each other. Everything else can fall into place if those two things are there.
What did you have for breakfast?
Have you ever done something outrageously dumb?
Oh for sure. Just recently I've texted someone I know I absolutely should have no contact with. But eh, so far so good.
Have you ever had sex on the beach?
Have you ever been backstabbed by a friend?
I don't think I've ever been outright backstabbed, but I've had moments when I realized, yeah, this person is not my friend.
Have you ever been out of the country?
Have you ever dated someone younger than you?
Have you ever liked someone who already had somebody?
Well yeah, I sometimes get these platonic crushes on taken people lol. I would never do anything about it, and I genuinely think it happens because I know they are unavailable and therefore are "safe".
Have you ever been brokenhearted?
Sure have.
Have you ever read an entire book in one day?
Oh yeah, Stephen King's Carrie just last year. It's a short book and it hooked me right in, I spent the whole day in my room just reading.
Who is the last person you saw?
My sister.
Who is the last person that you texted?
My best friend.
Who called you last?
My dad, I think? But I missed the call, and he talked to my sister instead.
Who is the last person you hung out with?
Aside from my sister and grandma, no one in particular in almost two weeks. But I've had more than enough hanging out at the beginning of June.
Who did you hug last?
No idea, maybe my parents when I came home?
Who is the last person that texted you?
My best friend.
Who was the last person you said “I love you” to?
Oh I have no idea, I don't say that very often.
Where does your best friend live?
In Lithuania.
Where is your favorite place to be?
Depends, but right now, I enjoy nothing more than being right here in my childhood home alone.
Where did you sleep last night?
My bed.
Where did you last hang out?
Two weeks ago I met two of my friends at one lake in Belgrade.
Where do/did you go to school?
Elementary and high school in my hometown, university in Belgrade.
Where did you last adventure to?
Well, I did quite a bit of mountain climbing at the beginning of June.
Do you ever wish you were someone else?
Yup, quite often. Not because I hate my life or anything (well, most of the time lol), but because I would like to experience how it is to be, I don't know, a famous singer, or an astronaut, or an explorer, or all these other things. I can't do all that in this one life, I've chosen my path and I don't regret it, but still, it would be cool to have all these other experiences.
Do you think anyone despises you?
I'm not really sure. I don't think anyone full-on despises me, but I can think of at least one person who might dislike me. Yet, at the same time, she does like texting once in a while.
Do you like someone right now?
Does the future scare you?
Eh, sometimes. It depends, sometimes I feel like I can take on anything, and sometimes I have no idea how I'll make it past 30.
Do you have any secret powers?
Not that I am aware of.
Why are you best friends with your best friend(s)?
We've been there for each other through good and bad, it's easy to talk to her about anything, and we are both very different but also match really well.
Why did your parents give you the name you have?
I have no idea lol. I think my dad wanted to name me after my grandpa if I was a boy, my mum was against it, but it didn't matter anyway, because I turned out to be a girl. I mean, Mila can be seen as a shorter version of my grandpa's name, soooo, maybe that's why?
Why did you get a myspace?
I actually never had it lol.
Why are you doing this survey?
This looked fun! I like surveys that have some kind of a theme or a special style or something like that.
If you could have one super power what would it be?
Teleportation because ho boy, I could spend a 15-minute break literally anywhere in the world.
If you could go back in time and change one thing, would you?
I wouldn't after all.
If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
Germany (probably Berlin) or maybe Lisbon. Japan is high up on my list of countries I want to visit, but since I haven't gone there yet, I can't say if I'd like to live there.
Would you ever shave your head to save someone you love?
Yeah, why not. I mean, hair seems like a small price to pay for someone's life.
Would you ever get back together with any of your exes if they asked you?
Hopefully not.
Are you happy with how your life has turned out?
I'm okay with it
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shardkeeperwip · 9 months
New Year's Eve, end of 2023
An old year ending is meant to be a time for reflection, right?
On the positive side, I finished draft 2.5 of Shardkeeper Book 1 (which is going to be called Changeling unless I come up with something else). I even got my sister to read it - still working on Dad, though.
I keep going back and forth about a fairly significant detail with one of the characters, but since that point will be a more central focus of Book 2 I'll hopefully resolve my doubts during the writing process.
I'm excited about ideas for three other WIPs too, if I ever find the time.
On the negative side...
I'll be honest, I've been in a funk for a while. I could say it's the weather but I know I'd be missing a lot of key points.
It is the weather in no small part, of course. Climate change and the domino effects thereof (rising racism in response to migration in response to places becoming unlivable) has been a heavy weight on my mind. That the year struggling to be born tomorrow is an election year is not lost on me.
It's things on smaller scales as well. A long commute to and from a soul-sucking job that chews up most of my week is a big one on that more personal scale. Everyday I watch my manager destroy her health, both mental and physical, to appease the temperamental CEO while Cruella in HR tries to sniff out any little misstep she can report back to him. I haven't gotten a raise in years. No one there has.
I'm stuck in a rut there but I feel guilty about the thought of leaving. We have such a tiny workforce as it is that my manager can't find time to let me train the other person in my department on everything I do.
And I'm finally admitting to my introvert self that I'm lonely. I've never been good at socializing. I really don't have irl friends outside my immediate family. I haven't seen my two friends from school in years (I am spectacularly bad at keeping track of time and somehow even worse at being the one to initiate a conversation out of the blue). I haven't really socialized at all since Mom died. That'll have been a whole decade ago in a few months.
So what do I DO about this in 2024?
I guess I start with job hunting. Losing an hour of my day to the commute alone and feeling the stress of how unfairly the job treats its hardest workers is one of the biggest things draining my energy to do anything else. I know from way too many years of working there that it's not getting better than this.
I was there at its worst. Things are miles better than the first years I was there. I saw Manager take the helm in all but title and pay to stop the ship sinking and make the place functional after the worse management got axed. I saw ideas I'd suggested finally, finally be implemented and things become fairer on the production floor. But the salaried Manager is still being worked to death. Raises are non-existent. The most vacation I can use at a time is a day or two because we have a skeleton crew.
I've been holding myself back, telling myself that it wouldn't be fair to leave Manager with a massive workload from losing half her department if I bail. But if I'm honest I'm sticking in my rut because I'm scared: because I know what to expect there and I don't know what another job might throw at me. I can't keep watching Dad worry about how little money I'm making or how miserable my job is making me either. And, of course, my own mental health. I am beginning to acknowledge that as something important, too.
Minor shout out to blind-the-winds' The Infinite Sadness AU for helping me put that into coherent thoughts.
The socialization is going to be harder. I've been using the ongoing Plague as an excuse (as well as losing a lot of my time to my commute and my energy to the job), but I think I actually do need to do the people thing. My social battery is low, so I know I'd have to start with something flexible, with the ability to bail if I get overwhelmed (so, like, not looking to restart my taichi classes because I don't feel like the obligation that comes with something I'd pay to attend would really work for me right now. At least not while also buckling down to job hunt).
So, I guess the first step there is learning how to socialize to begin with. Wish me luck.
Anyway, I'll start with job hunting. Gotta do it eventually, right?
If I do end up getting enough energy back from all that, I hope to find more writing time, too. Shardkeeper's second book isn't writing itself (I refuse to let creative endeavors be replaced by AI).
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devillexi · 2 years
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Alright, screw it! I've been working on it for freaking weeks and its still not finished but I have a direction! And so I have decided to share what I have been working on. A sneak peek into the ideas I've been frothing over!
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So here you guys go and I hope you will look forward to the first chapter of the stories and headcanons I've been slowly preparing.
Jujutsu Kaisen
The Yakuza Babysitter
Note: This here is something I've been working a solid month on. New ideas just kept popping up with this scenario with mostly poly undertones. The men who I wanted to include are Gojo Satoru, Toji Fushiguro (I mean, come on! You can't have babysitter without this man!), and Sukuna Ryomen. Originally, I planned to have Nanami and Geto as well. And I thought, is that too much???
Answer is...
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Hah! It's never enough! They'll appear in later chapters...when I fucking get to them!
But heres the summary:
You are the adopted daughter of a Yakuza boss who passed away when you were 16. All the members of the gang have grown and cherished you ever since you were a baby and instead of having you assume the title of your deceased father, they wanted you to enjoy your life as a normal teen/woman until you felt ready to assume that title.
A few years later, upon finding yourself in need of a job and some quick cash, you decided to go for a babysitting job after seeing an ad that had offered a reasonable amount of money. That's when you met two gorgeous and hot single fathers and an older brother needing someone to care for their kids/younger siblings.
You thought it would be easy enough, but you unknowingly found yourself back into the scene you had left years ago and 3+ men pining for your heart.
Warnings for the smutty part of this series: rough sex, threesome, beach sex, spanking, cunnilingus, fingering, bdsm undertones, reader being tied up, anal sex, pet names, etc.
Moving on!
Having A Higher Libido Than Them
Now this one is my favorite and right now, I'm stuck on Gojo's part! I might show his part early and do everyone's later. But this one is a headcanon/drabble on you having a higher libido than the JJK men and actually wearing them out instead of them wearing you out. I hope you guys enjoy this one when its finished!
Video Games And Blowjobs
This one is pretty self-explanatory. It's another headcanon/drabble where you suck them off during a game session. Who do you think loses their cool and just has you gag on their cock? I'm 1/3 of the way done with this one so it should be up pretty soon.
Roommate AU Headcanon/Short Story Series
Currently working on the next line in the Roommate AU. First the guys have fallen in love with you and now a confession!? Stay tuned for this one!
((These are all the ideas I had for this anime. Just wanted to get it out since I haven't posted in a while. I've mostly been focusing on a lot of things and there's one thing in particular that's been needing my attention lately. So sorry I haven't been on!))
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theji · 3 years
Things Yizhan Made Me Do
It's BXG Day today! 🐢💛
To commemorate the occasion, I thought of making a list of 13 out-of-character things that I've done since falling into the fandom. (OK I'm a bit late I meant to do this sooner, the day is ending soon in a couple of hours).
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1. Start a blog
And a public one, no less. I had a blog when I was in my teens but that was private, like a personal diary. My day job already involves writing so off-work I would usually like to indulge in mindless activities. Now, here I am, maintaining a Yizhan blog. I have not even used Tumblr prior to this but I'm enjoying it now, rambling about our fav boys. Writing is not a chore if it's about them.
2. Join a fandom
I joined a boy band fan club once upon a time, some 15 years ago, but I was never as invested in it as I am now with Yizhan. Back then it was just buying some merch, attending their concert/autograph sessions, listening to their songs. Apart from work, dog mum duties, personal relationships, other hobbies like kombucha brewing, most of my free time is now spent on the fandom. My Netflix account is crying. There is just so much to do and catch up on (I'm not complaining). I also enjoy interacting with and learning from other bloggers here. Antis are no fun and some industry news/developments/hate messages are upsetting but ultimately, you curate your own fandom experience. And I choose positivity and rationality.
3. Indulge in RPS
I don't ever 'ship'. What is 'ship'? 😆 I was always a dutiful audience, just enjoying whatever drama series and moving on after that. I started with CQL like most people and I didn't even notice/like GGDD until much later. Didn't even set out to 'ship' anyone but now I'm a self-professed turtle. SZD is SZD, and anyone can see something special between them if you keep an open mind. I wrote about my SZD reasons here previously. That said, GG & DD are individuals, each with their own successful careers. They come first, the ship comes second. That I'm very clear of.
4. Use Chinese apps
Gosh, my phone and tablet are now full of Chinese apps. I used to have only WeChat cos I needed it for work but now I have Weibo, Oasis, Douyin, WeTV, MangoTV, Youku, etc. Some of them are not even available in the app store so I had to find alternative sources to download them. haha..I even have paid membership for some of these apps. And now, browsing Weibo daily becomes a routine. If you wish, you can just get stuck browsing Weibo for a long long time. It's entertaining.
5. Read fan fic
I only started about 6 months ago but now I'm hooked and fics are largely the only thing I read these days, apart from news. But I only read Yizhan or WangXian fics (p.s. calling for fic recs of other pairings!) I know some might have different feelings about fan fics but to me, I really just see them as fiction, with characters (and sometimes traits) bearing similarities to GGDD. Similarly, I separate the platform from the incident so I have no problems going to A03 despite GG's incident. I just enjoy seeing the characters named XZ/WYB having happy endings in many different timelines and universes. While most of the fics I read are explicit (by design), I don't use them as tools to play out certain fantasies or to think of GGDD in a sexual manner. In fact, I really hate fics that have little substance and just go into the explicit parts without plot development. I like those with interesting premises too, like one I read recently where XZ is a serial killer and WYB is a police officer investigating the case but also in love with him. I do have plans to share my list of fav fan fics some time down the road so keep an eye out for it!
6. Willingly read Chinese
Yes, Chinese may be my mother tongue but I don't use it much in daily living unless I have to. I also find it tedious to read Chinese cos the characters are just so squashed together. If I have a choice, I will always pick English. But now, I read so much Chinese from my daily weibo browsing. I even read fan fics in Chinese! Who am I? On the plus side, I think my Chinese comprehension and translation skills improved. I also picked up some internet lingo used by Chinese netizens, which are pretty interesting like doi, 🐮🍺, 🖍. My all-time fav is yyds.
7. Act like a cougar
In real life, I have always maintained that younger men are childish. At least those I have encountered. But look at me now, fangirling over two younger men (I am closer in age to GG, but still..). I even jokingly call them my 'China Boyfriends'. I look at them very respectfully most of the time.
8. Buy merch
Seriously, once you start, you can't stop. At least that was what happened to me, although I'm still quite selective when it comes to supporting their endorsements. I usually go for consumables like food, cosmetics vs collectibles cos I'm more practical. Also, GG says to support their merch within reasonable means so that's what I'm doing. Just buying things that I'm interested to try and not because it has their faces or names slapped on it. In a way, this suits me cos I like trying new brands and stuff anyway.
9. Keeping a Yizhan archive
Photos, weblinks, videos, songs, fan fics list..my phone is full of these things now. I think my Yizhan photo gallery is only second to the folder with my dogs' pictures. But how can you resist when we are blessed with new pics of them almost every week?
10. Camp for livestreams
I'm lucky I live in the same time zone as the boys so I don't have to wake up in the wee hours of the morning just to watch something. But that's the thing, being in the same time zone sometimes make me feel like I HAVE to watch that thing live because, why not? Why wait? Not shy to admit that I once watched a live programme in the middle of work but I made sure I finished what needed to be done. I think so long as we don't let these livestream schedules run our lives, there's no harm in camping for them.
11. Watch c entertainment
I am one of those who used to pass over Chinese productions, simply because it's a Chinese production. Not in a scoffing manner but I'm just genuinely not interested in them nor the celebs. I was more of a US/UK production kind of person, occasionally Korean/Japanese. Now, I'm learning to enjoy them although I just watch those with GGDD in them. No energy to follow other Chinese celebs anyway. The other programme I'm contemplating watching even if it doesn't have them in it is Who's the Murderer (GG was only in one of the cases) cos I like the premise. On the flip side, now my sis and partner keep making fun of me cos to them, all I do now is "watch China shows". That is so not true. Or is it?
12. Write fan mail
I wrote a letter to GG once. A long-ass letter. I hope he read it. That's all I'm gonna say. 🙈 hahahahaha
13. Desire to visit China
China was never on my list of to-visit places. Just wasn't interested. I have been to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou a few times in the past for work but even then, I never felt the urge to revisit for leisure. Now, I wanna visit GG and DD's home town, visit Chongqing to see the graffiti wall with Bobii Zanbii on it, eat mala hotpot and try out their sauce recipe, attend BXG events, dine at the CQL restaurant... Watching TTXS also made me realise that there are many beautiful places in China with natural landscapes and all that. I used to be clouded by my disdain for the regime and some behaviour of its citizens but now, I recognise that the country is separate from the regime or a smaller group of poorly behaved citizens. China is a beautiful country and I would love to visit some day. I will fly over immediately on my own if someone gives me tix to ADLAD!!
Well, I hope some of these things resonate with you. Feel free to share the OOC things that Yizhan made you do.
Once again, Happy BXG Day! 🐢💛🐆🐇🐷����🦁🍑🐶🍍🛹🎋
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sarahlevys · 3 years
For your clueless au!
1-15 thanks love u❤️❤️
you're so extra 🤪❤️
Rollin' With the Homies
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
it just happened! haha. i knew the movie had a first person narration and i expected to just do that for the very beginning and end, and then it felt weird to stop and suddenly switch to third... so i kept with it!
i also did some backwards math, assuming that alexis is 30 in 2018, and decided to set the fic in the 2000s instead of the 1990s, like the movie, because that's when the characters would've been this age.
2: What scene did you first put down?
i outlined and wrote everything in the order of the fic, so the beginning's the first!
3: What’s your favorite line of narration?
Between you and me, a lot of people like to treat me like I'm stupid. And I don't know why, since I'm perfectly smart! I just don't care to, like, worry about stuff that doesn't matter. But Twyla looks at me like the things I have to say actually are important, and that they aren't dumb. It just means a lot.
i thought a lot about how alexis would describe her relationship with twyla, since the fic was written in first person. i didn't want the narration to feel forced, like something she wouldn't say, and i also wanted it to ring true with the theme of 'being clueless' from the movie. i really like how this turned out.
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
"The truth is that I have been in love with you since that first weekend we spent together, when Mutt came into the picture but then you came home with me. I am so crazy about you, Twy, I swear I can't stop thinking about you. You make me feel like – like I'm not totally clueless, you know? Like I could be better. Like I could be the way you see me."
in the movie, cher doesn't really have a big romantic declaration to josh, but twyla's the tai character in this AU and part of alexis' journey in SC is how she learns to be brave with her emotions. so i always knew i wanted to write something like this. i like how it ties into the snippet from #3.
5: What part was hardest to write?
honestly, i wrote this fic super fast and it flowed really easily... it's probably the fastest i've ever written a fic. i think basing it off of a movie i knew really well and having a pretty detailed outline helped. i was writing 700+ words in 15 minute sprints 😅 that said, it was also exhausting to write so quickly, so i'd say deciding to take on a new fic and writing almost 10K in one week, while the fest was going on, was the hardest part.
6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
the first person narration! i don't think i'm going to do it again, but i'm really happy with how it ended up.
7: Where did the title come from?
the classic brittany murphy scene from the movie, of course! given that twyla's tai, it was a no-brainer.
8: Did any real people or events inspire any part of it?
i based a lot of miscellaneous details about this fic on being in high school during the early 2000s, just like alexis and the gang.
9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
10: Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?
why not?! haha. @schittposting requested this au a long time ago and it always stuck in my mind. and i'm a sucker for a happily ever after with a/t, d/p, and s/r, so it had to happen.
11: What do you like best about this fic?
i think it's fun to read! i wanted to write something fluffy and light and hopefully this delivered on that.
12: What do you like least about this fic?
i wish it was shorter, because i was busting my butt to finish it, lol, but i'm glad it turned out the way it is. i also wish i had more alexis and david moments in it.
13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
anything from the early 2000s!
14: Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?
that alexis and twyla are meant to be? 😌
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
movie aus are fun!
(ask me questions about any of my fics!)
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mrsseverussnape · 3 years
Love Is You - chapter 11
A/n: hopefully this is gonna be posted… It was very stormy and the power is off for hours because of it. I tried to create a moodboard and i am trying to post it but even my own data is not working very well, the storm was that bad and probably damaged something… I deserve some comments after trying that hard to post that😂
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    Christmas was around the corner, but Scarlett wasn't as excited as she used to be even it was her favourite time of the year. She was planning to celebrate it with her kids but apparently, they had other plans which she found out quite late. Sirius has invited Leo and Remus over for a boys Christmas celebration and Carina would celebrate it with her boyfriend's family this year. Actually both of the kids have offered to stay with her but she didn't want to ruin their plans for her own enjoyment. Then Scarlett thought to spend the day with her parents just like the old days but it turned out they have already booked a holiday, they would be in Switzerland during Christmas week. So this plan has cancelled too for her. Normally she wouldn't mind staying alone but on special days she would like to have a company, especially this year she needed it more. Scarlett thought if she could invite someone over for Christmas but she didn't have many friends and the ones she had already married and would celebrate it with their families or they were living in abroad. Then one possible person came to her mind but she wasn't sure if he had someone special to celebrate the Christmas with. But she wanted to give it a try and wrote a letter to Severus and invited him over for dinner.
    Christmas had a special place in their relationship. They have started dating on December, couple of days prior Scarlett's 18th birthday then she has invited him to her house for Christmas break when she found out he would stay at Hogwarts and with that he could meet with her parents. And the best memory of that Christmas was the present that Severus gave to her. He has got her a white British long hair kitten that she fell in love with immediately. Severus has gotten that idea since Scarlett was such a cat lady and actually she was a cat herself as an animagus, also she has told him about her late cat who passed away a year ago. Scarlett has named the new kitten Pearl and she has become basically their baby and in the summer of the same year they got another kitten together and named him Paul. The warm feeling of the memories made her smile, these happy memories has become her comfort zone lately.
    It was the Christmas evening and the kids were ready to leave while Scarlett was busy decorating a cake. Leo and Carina came to the kitchen to say goodbye to her.
"Mum the cake looks delicious but isn't it way too big just for you to eat?"
"I will have a friend over, i won't be alone."
"Oh you didn't mention that. Now we don't feel as guilty for leaving you alone. Who is coming?"
"Professor Snape."
The kids exchanged looks for a moment. They still haven't said anything to her about the trunk so she had no idea that they know about her past relationship with Severus Snape.
"It will be great for you two to remember good old days, I am sure you have missed them. Have fun!"
Scarlett looked at Carina rather suspiciously after what she just said. She was asking and talking a lot about Severus and her lately. "Thank you... Are you leaving?"
"Yep, take care and don't drink much mum."
"Okay mother." Scarlett rolled her eyes at her daughter. "You two have fun and say merry Christmas to everyone from me." She kissed their cheeks goodbye. "Love you."
"Love you too mum, bye!" Carina and Leo both apparated at the same time, leaving Scarlett by herself.
She did the final touches on the cake and put it in the refrigerator to set. Now she needed to get dressed before he came. Scarlett decided on a velvet bodycon dress which is off shoulder and its emerald green colour was complimenting her copper red hair beautifully. She brushed and styled her wavy hair and finally put her signature red lipstick. Scarlett looked herself in the mirror and enjoyed her view truly for the first time in a while. She hasn't dressed up fully for a long time and she has missed seeing herself like this.
    The knock on the door took her away from her thoughts. She rushed to the door and took a deep breath before opening it. When she opened the door and saw him standing there with a winter bouquet and wine bottle in his hands. It was such a coincidence that he has picked a velvet emerald green jacket to combine with his black trousers and shirt.
"Welcome Severus, come in! It is snowing outside."
"Hello." He smiled and entered the house once he lived in together with her, handed her the bouquet and the wine he brought. “These are for you.”
"Ah thank you, the flowers are so pretty!" She inhaled the flowers’ scent.
"Not as pretty as you..." Severus couldn't take his eyes off of her, Scarlett has aged like a fine wine.
She blushed lightly at his statement and looked away from him. "You can directly go to the dinner table; we better eat them before they get cold. And you know what, i cooked everything by myself, no help from the house elf!"
"Today is the big day then huh? You are showing me your improved cooking skills?"
"Oh yes today is the day!" Scarlett giggled while they were taking their seats.
He looked at the small feast that she prepared for them. It wasn't a classic Christmas feast since both of them were vegetarians but everything was looking more than perfect.
"I must say, i am already impressed Scarlett. Everything looks and smells splendid."
"Everything tastes splendid  too, i guarantee." She winked at him. "Help yourself, bon Appetit!"
    After the dinner they moved to the couch with their drinks in hands. Severus has really enjoyed the foods even he admitted that Scarlett's cooking skills have moved from 1 to 5 point. Scarlett was more than happy to hear that because cooking wasn't her best skill at all.
    Hours have passed and they have talked little bit of that and little bit of this, ate the cake Scarlett has baked and listened to some music from the record player. After 4 glasses of wine, Scarlett had an unnecessary amount of courage and suddenly asked him if he had anyone in his life even though she wasn’t sure if she wanted to hear the answer. Severus wasn't expecting that question at all but he had the answer.
"No, i don't." Severus finished off the wine in his glass. Starting a new relationship didn’t even cross his mind after their breakup. It was either Scarlett or no one for him.
"How come you are still single? You would make a great husband, i am sure."
Severus sighed and shook his head. "Scarlett, you are the only one who value me, every part of me that i don't even like myself... And i am so stupid that i let you go..." He wasn't planning the say those things but they did flow from his mouth, apparently wine has affected him too. But he didn’t care, if they had to do the talk they would now.
"I didn't want to go, you left me..." Scarlett whispered while playing with the wine glass. He hasn't even given her a proper reason, just left her. "Why did you leave? I deserve an answer Severus... It has been years, won’t you tell me still?”
Severus still didn't want to tell her the reason, he was sure it would make Scarlett very upset but he knew he should eventually. The reason has made sense to him at the time but the moment he broke up with her, Severus has regretted his decision deeply but he couldn't turn back because he has thought she wouldn't want him back anymore after how much he hurt her.
Severus took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly, this talk wouldn’t be easy at all for both of them. "I will tell you but please let me finish it before saying anything… You remember that nightmare-like times between us and Sirius… I have visited Sirius when he was at the hospital after his suicide attempt, this was before your dad informed you about it. All he talked about was you and how much he loves you, how much you mean to him. And i thought maybe he loves you more since he tried to kill himself after you cut the ties with him, because of me... Scar i don't know, i just thought that he could give you more things than me and you deserve the best so i decided that you would be happier with him than being with me... Don’t look at me like that…"
Scarlett couldn't believe the things she just heard. She has always thought that he fell in love with someone else or he didn't love her anymore. "Severus, that is the stupidest thing i've ever heard from you... Didn't i show you enough that i was in love with you deeply and i was so happy with you...? I didn't want anyone or anything else but you Severus. I loved you… but apparently you didn’t love me enough…"
“That’s not true…” He couldn't dare to look into her eyes or say anything else, the words stuck into his throat. Now he knew it is a stupid reason but as a young boy it made sense to him. Severus has never thought a beautiful and rich girl like Scarlett would be his friend, let alone be dating someone like him. And there was Sirius, Hogwarts's most handsome boy and Scarlett's lifelong best friend, plus he was in love with her like crazy. Sirius looked like a better fit for Scarlett rather than himself, he never felt confident against Sirius, Severus didn’t have the looks nor the money while Sirius had both. But now looking at Scarlett and Sirius's divorce, it was clear that his thoughts were nonsense because he would never cheat on Scarlett, ever.
Scarlett’s trembling voice brought him back to reality from his thoughts. Severus looked into her tearful eyes, she always told more with her eyes and Severus liked that silent communication but now her eyes had an effect of a dagger and stabbed his heart. Then his eyes moved to her red lips and unconsciously he leant into them ever so slightly but he pulled himself back in the next second he noticed what’s he doing, he shouldn't have kissed her even he wanted nothing else. Scarlett was the same; her heart was wanting to kiss him but her brain was saying it's not a good idea at the current situation.
"I better go... Thank you for the dinner." Severus stood up to leave suddenly;  If he stayed any longer, he was scared that he wouldn't control himself and the conversation had a tool on both of them.
Scarlett just nodded, she still couldn’t process the things Severus revealed. "Good night..."
"Good night Scarlett..." And he vanished in the air.
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lousimusician · 5 years
Sex Pollen Part 1
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Summary: You and Peter decide to break into your dad's lab when Peter comes across an interesting plant.
A/N: This is me aggressively ignoring the events of endgame by writing something with Peter. Also I think that movie fixed my writers block because I've been writing nonstop this whole week.
Warning: Language, smuttyish(kinda)
[Peter and the Reader are both 18]
Peter quietly observed you while you were hunched over your desk in the corner of your room, playing around with a piece of technology you stole from your dad.
Peter was currently on the ceiling, looking down at you. He was incredibly bored and as much as he loved to just admire you while you concentrated, he couldn't stand the silence that came with it.
He watched as you quietly got frustrated and leaned back in your chair, head back and eyes closed. Peter took this as his que and slowly lowered himself, upside down from the ceiling by a web. He stopped once his face was leveled to yours. He watched as you took in calming breaths, and the little furrow in your eyebrows form, telling him that you were thinking.
To say he was completely and utterly crazy for you was an understatement. Peter was head over heels for you and was pretty sure he'd die for you if it came down to it.
He felt his cheeks redden as he realized he may have been gazing for a little too long and realizing how creepy that was, decided to break the silence by saying, "I'm bored."
Your eyes shot open as you sat up quickly, banging your head against Peter's. "Oww." You whined. You pushed your chair back, putting some distance between the two of you so you could see him better. "Peter! Don't scare me like that."
Peter smiled sheepishly, rubbing the spot on his forehead that you bumped. "Sorry but, I'm bored." He said again.
You shook your head, fighting the smile that tugged on your lips. "Then go do something."
"Like what?"
"I dunno, be Spider-Man. I'm sure there's someone that needs to be saved." You said, maneuvering around him, to pick up the tech you were playing with. "How do you do that?" You said, referencing his position, "Doesn't all the blood rush to your head?"
"No." He said simply. "I don't wanna go out. I want to hang out with you."
"Aren't you literally doing that right now though." You smirked. As you admired the wiring you were staring at. 
"Ha ha ha." He said sarcastically. "I mean, I want to do something fun."
You looked into his puppy dog eyes and immediately found yourself giving in. "Fine," you sighed. "How 'bout a movie?"
"I dunno, we always watch movies."
"Okay then do you wanna go out or something?"
"No." He said shaking his head. "Whenever we go out together you get too much attention."
You paused. "...Well, my dad has been working on a new suit for you, if you wanna check it out."
"Wait really!?" Peter suddenly exclaimed, jumping up, which caused him to fall down on the ground, making you laugh loudly. "Shut up." He grumbled.
"Anyway, how does sneaking into Tony Stark's lab sound?"
"It sounds great, let's go!" He said, excitedly jumping up and grabbing your wrist, pulling you with him.
While the two of you were scheming on how to break in. Bruce Banner had currently been the only occupant of the lab.
He stood with a gas mask on his face as he studied a plant in front of him.
A week ago, the Avengers had gone on a mission after a few aliens landed on earth and claimed they wanted to "Take over the planet". It had been pathetic really, the aliens were wiped out in half an hour.
But while on this mission, after Hulk had finished "smashing" the last of the aliens, he had reverted back to himself. Finding that Hulk had taken him onto one of the alien ships.
Bruce looked around at the strange tech, while he stood up, already heading for the exit. That was until something had caught his eye and started to draw him in like a moth to a flame. 
It had been a plant.
It stood tall, about seven feet in height. It was absolutley beautiful. It had pink flowers that mimicked the shape of a heart and it was quite literally glowing.
Bruce touched the plant, his fingers coming back covered in a pink dust, which he naturally assumed was the flowers pollen. He leaned in, realizing it smelled familiar.
But the strangest thing happened after.
His heart started to practically beat out of his chest and before he knew it Hulk had come back.
Once he had calmed down and turned back into himself an idea struck him. He quickly plucked a flower off the plant and stuck it in a box that he found in the corner of the ship.
Not a single Avenger questioned why he now carried a box with him on the ride home.
And now a week later, Bruce stood in front of the plant which had grown two feet after it had been replanted, running tests on what exactly it could be.
"Ah Banner." Thor's booming voice sounded, as he stepped into the lab. "I was wondering if you would like to accompany me to-" Thor stopped, eyebrows furrowing in confusion as he looked at the plant that sat in front of Bruce. "Why do you have that plant?" He asked genuinely curious.
Bruce looked up at Thor, surprise written all over his face. "Wait, you know what this is?" He said, voice muffled by the mask. He stepped around the table to approach Thor.
"Of course." Thor said, mildly offended. "Where did you get this?"
"Found it after the mission last Friday. It made me turn into Hulk, so I figured it could be useful if Hulk ever chickens out on me again." Bruce quickly explained. "What kind of plant is it?"
"It's called a Sex Pollen Plant." Thor said, stepping around Bruce to approach the plant. "It belongs to that specific race of aliens we fought. The plant helps the aliens to breed since they find it very difficult on their own."
Bruce scrunched his face in shock. "What does it do?"
"The pollen arouses the alien that breathes in the pollen- that may be why you turned into the Hulk, it raised your heart rate. I'm immune to it of course."
"Wait- I brought a sex plant into the compound." Bruce asked in shock, utterly horrified of his own judgement on the situation.
"Yes and I suggest you get rid of it. I have heard the affects of the pollen on a human could be very severe."
"H-how do I get rid of it?"
"Hm, I suppose I'll do it then. How have you been able to contain it?"
"I had this box I took from the alien ship, but it's too big now, so I've been putting it in one of the quarantine rooms just in case."
"Alright, come with me. I may have something that can help dispose of it safely." 
"Okay, let me just lock up the lab." Bruce said.
The two of them stepped out of the room and Bruce pulled off his gas mask once the lab was locked.
Thor and Bruce headed towards the elevator, walking through the living room where the two spotted you and Peter sprawled out on the couches. They shot you two a greeting before leaving.
Peter's head snapped towards you. "I can't believe sending in Thor actually worked. Do you think either of them know what we're planning?"
You smiled, shaking your head. "No, I was too vague when I told Thor to get him out of the lab, and I love the guy but he isn't exactly the smartest person I've met. Now let's go, I don't know how long we've got." You said, trailing ahead of him.
You easily unlocked the lab, Peter following behind you.
As usual the lab was filled with tables with piles upon piles of weird tech, ranging from projects your dad or Bruce had been working on to discarded scraps that should've been tossed or moved out.
You immediately got distracted from the task at hand when you spotted one of your father's latest projects, "Alright, go find your suit." You muttered, walking towards the table.
Peter looked around the lab, trying to find some sign of the new suit he'd hopefully be getting soon. But to be honest, it was a bit of a wreck. With two scientsist's working there, the lab got a bit messy. So instead of Peter being able to locate the suit, which actually was placed nicely in the back of the room, his eye was drawn towards something else.
And it was beautiful, and definitely something he's never seen before.
Off to the side was a plant that had stood at two feet. Pink and glowing. And it was as if he couldn't control his movements while he walked towards the plant.
Now standing in front of it, his finger traced the petals of the glowing flowers, making his index finger come back with a pink dust on it, which he could only assume was its pollen.
He leaned in, breathing in it's scent.
He expected a normal flowery smell but, instead it smelled like you.
He pulled away for a second, and narrowed his eyes at the plant in confusion. But only for a few seconds, before being compelled to smell it once again.
Peter's eyes fell closed as he let the scent dance around him. There was no other way to describe it other than it being completely you.
Sweet and calming. It smelled like lavender and jasmine, with a hint of peaches, your perfume, your body wash, your shampoo, and that very specific scent that belonged to you and only you.
Peter was completely lost in it, breathing in deeply, treating it as if it was a drug he could never get enough of. The different layers of your scent completely engulfing him, making him feel warm and content.
His chest blossomed with warmth that spread down all the way to the tips of his fingers and toes and to the very crown of his head, that made his whole body feel like it was buzzing.
But he snapped out of the trance he was in when he felt a rush of blood travelling south. He tensed up, quickly turning around to see if you were still distracted.
He turned back around and backed away from the plant. And that was when he had noticed his spider senses had been going haywire. The hair on his arms standing up straight as goose bumps rose.
And whatever the plant had did to him was getting worse.
He felt warm, too warm. Like he'd start to melt soon.  
He leaned on the table behind him, panting. A flood of arousal coursing through him. 
From the end of the lab you heard Peter's panting breaths, causing you to look up and see his hunched over form leaning on the table behind him, sliding onto the ground.
"Peter?" You asked in concern. "You okay?"
He groaned at the sound of your voice, his eyes shut tight, trying to gain control of himself. But it wasn't working, inappropriate thoughts flooded his mind immediately wandering to what you would sound like letting out high pitched whines and moans of his name with that same voice, while he bent you over one of the tables and pounded into you hard.
He moaned at the thought, your eyes widening in shock at the sound not quite sure if he was in pain.... or if it was something else.
You stared at what was in front of him on the table, and knew whatever it was was the cause of Peter's state right now.
You quickly ran over, crouching down next to him.
You gasped, "Oh my God." His face was bright red as a thin layer of sweat collected on his skin. He was out of breath, eyes screwed tightly shut. But what caused your own face to turn red was the very prominent buldge in his pants. You cleared your throat. "Peter can you hear me?"
He slowly opened his eyes but immediately wished he hadn't, his pupils blown wide at the sight of you. Eyes trailing over every bit of exposed skin on your body, just picturing what it would feel like pressed against his own.
"(Y-Y/N)." He stuttered out a whine. "I-I-...S-something's...happening."
"Oh, shit." You cursed.
Peter wanted nothing more in that moment to pull you down into a kiss and pin you to the floor, grinding his hips into yours, but he still had enough mind to know how wrong that would be.
"Okay, alright, okay. This is what I'm gonna do." You said frantically. "I need to find Bruce-"
"No... d-don't go.." He didn't know why but he knew that if you left, it would only get worse. That even just your presence made him feel a little better and that he might just go insane if you left him. "Please... s-stay.."
It was too overwhelming, instead of his senses being dialled to 11 it felt like they were at a fucking 20 now. Hyperaware of you and only you, every movement, every breath, the beating of your heart, everything.
"What? B-but Pete-"
A gasp cut you off. Your head snapped towards the doorway, where Thor and Bruce stood.
"Thor, the kids got in." Bruce said in terror.
"B-Bruce!" You yelled in relief. "I- I don't know what's wrong with him- he just sorta collapsed, and he's acting really strange."
"Oh no, oh no, oh no, this isn't good." Bruce said rushing over to Peter. "Thor how do we fix this."
Thor looked down at him in pity, standing next to Bruce who was crouching on the opposite side of where you were. "The only known cure for someone who has been contaminated by a sex pollen plant is, well..sex."
Your head snapped towards Thor. "W-What?" You shrieked. "Is that what that thing is?" You started yelling angrily.
"Yes, and it must be with whoever's scent he smelled on the plant."
"Oh for fuck's sake, who brought a sex plant into the tower!"
"F-fuck, (Y/N)." Peter moaned loudly, eyes training on your figure. Getting more aroused at just how fucking hot you looked when you were mad. 
"Ah," Thor said, coming to a conclusion. "And it would seem that it would be you Lady (Y/N)."
You cleared your throat, opting to ignore Thor's last comment. "Okay what are we gonna do?" 
Thor looked at you in surprise, "Lady (Y/N) do you not know what sex entail-"
"Shut up Thor. I know how it works- but there's gotta be another way to help him." You gulped, looking down at him.
Bruce sighed, "I think- I think I'm gonna have to tell your dad. I'm pretty sure this isn't something I can fix in an hour by myself."
You huffed. "Fine, but we can't leave him here. Let's take him to his room."
You reached out and grabbed his arm, but at the loud moan he made due to the skin to skin contact you let go.
"I probably should have mentioned." Thor started. "That you shouldn't touch him."
"W-what? Why?"
"(Y/N) Please." Peter whined, trying to grab your wrist but you quickly pulled it out of reach.
You looked up at Thor. "It'll make him," Thor paused searching for the right word. "Eager? And you don't want that if you plan on looking for another cure- see he's trying to touch you now." 
Thor was right, just that small bit of skin to skin contact seemed to have sent Peter into a frenzy. Your head snapped down at him, as you realized he was just about to put his hand up your skirt. You quickly grabbed his hand, holding it in a tight grip so he'd stop getting handsy. Your other hand quickly grabbing his free one too as it came nearer.
"Fine, then Thor take him to his room."
"N-no." Peter stuttered. "Please, I-I need you." He said as Thor picked him up, making you let go of the hold on his hands. "No! Let go!" He yelled at Thor. "(Y/N)!"
Thor headed for the door while Peter began struggling violently in his hold.
Bruce shook his head. "Tony is not gonna like this."
You scoffed. "Y' think?"
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juviaafullbuster · 4 years
Genre: Angst and fluff
Relationship: Gruvia
Summary: Gray is determined to apologize to Juvia and win her back after realizing what he has done and what he is losing.
This is the second part to my story "Breaking her" which I wrote for Gruvia week. Its dedicated to @amrentheangel since it was supposed to be a one-shot but she asked for another part. Hope you like it, let me know what you think :)
Here is part 1 if you're interested:
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A few weeks had passed since the group had returned back to Magnolia. The whole guild was working hard on rebuilding the guild hall. It filled Gray with pride, seeing that things didn't change between the guild members and everyone was putting their all into it. Fairy Tail still meant a lot to every single one of them. If only every thing could go back to the way it was..
He looked around for the water mage that would usually be hiding somewhere near, trying to get closer to him, but he couldn't find her. He hasn't been able to for the past days. He wasn't sure whether she was gone on a mission or just locking herself up in her dorm. He knew one thing for sure though. She was avoiding him ever since their last conversation. Thinking back, he could still hear her words clearly. Every single one she threw at him.
You only saved her to break her heart all over again.
It was a stab to his heart. Every damn word. The more she talked, the more he broke inside. But he deserved it. He deserved to hear it, deserved to feel the pain. If he was honest with himself, he never deserved Juvia in his life in the first place. She was always too good for him.
It's over. Juvia is done.
He could see the hurt in her eyes, the way she was holding back her tears and forcing her chin up, trying not to show weakness. She had reminded him of the Juvia he met that day on the roof. The phantom lord Juvia. Cold, calculating, distant.. He remembered that day like it was yesterday. It was were everything had started. He was amazed by her power, admittedly a little freaked out too. But that wasn't what stuck in his memory the most. It was her fall. The way she just accepted it. She didn't scream nor did she try to hold onto something. She just kept falling, empty eyes looking into the sky. She was ready to leave, ready to lose her life. It was a quick reaction, but he had caught her by her wrist and pulled her up. And somehow he had broken the curse that had been following her. They both sat on the roof, still drenched from the rain that had been pouring over them just minutes ago. It was gone now. He let Juvia see the clear sky for the first time. That day, it changed her completely. He had saved her. At least that's what Juvia always told him.
You brought the rain back, Gray.
It was the words she had last said to him, before parting ways. The words that kept coming up in his head, showing him how much he had messed up and how badly he had truly hurt her. Juvia had left after, not seeing the way he broke down, how he couldn't hold it back anymore. The tears kept flowing and his heart was aching. He was praying to wake up, praying that it was all a bad dream, that it would be over soon and he would see his Juvia again, the one with the brightest smile and the purest heart. But it never happened. Juvia was gone and he was left alone.
The days kept passing and no matter how hopeful he woke up, reality would always catch up to him very quickly. He still didn't see Juvia anywhere around and the worry was eating away at him. He missed her. He missed her smile, the way she would greet him, the way she called out his name. He missed it all, every little thing about her. His thoughts had kept him up all night and after a lot of turning and tossing, he had finally made a decision. He would fix this and win her back, no matter what. Juvia was his girl and he wasn't going to just give up so easily. Gray had truly messed up this time, he was aware of that. But he will do anything to make it up to her. That was a promise.
Gray walked up to Gajeel, determination in his steps. If anyone knew where the water mage was, it would be her best friend.
"Hey Gajeel, you got a minute?"
"Look what we have here. If it isn't the stripper."
"Gajeel, be nice.." Levy gave him a pointed look, able to feel the tension between the two boys.
"You don't happen to know where Juvia is?"
"So now you care?"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing. I can't help you so go bother someone else."
"Seriously?" Gray was growing impatient. He needed to know where Juvia was, the sooner the better. This iron head over here was no help whatsoever. Why did he bother asking him in the first place?
"Look, I really need to talk to her. It's very important."
"You plan on fixing things?"
Gajeel didn't show it openly, but he had a good heart. Gray being one who doesn't like to show his emotions either, knew that. And he knew that Gajeel would do anything for Juvia, despite always calling her the annoying rain woman. They were best friends after all.
"Juvia went on a mission."
"With who?"
"By herself. She insisted on going alone."
The way Gajeel said that didn't sit well with Gray at all. And by the way the dragon slayer was looking at him, he wasn't too fond of it either.
"I don't know what kind of mission it is, she didn't really say much. She's been pretty distant lately, avoiding almost everyone and staying silent on every trip. But going alone on a mission is a new one, even for that crazy woman."
It really was a new one. Even back in her Phantom Lord days, Juvia wasn't one to work alone. So heading out on a mission all by herself definelty was a warning sign that shouldn't be ignored. The worries Gray had kept growing. But there was nothing he could do now besides waiting for her to come back and praying that it wouldn't be too late.
The sun had set already when Juvia arrived back in Magnolia. The job had taken longer than expected, but she had finished it successfully. Although she had to admit that it wasn't the best idea to go by herself because it made everything much harder and also gave her too much time to think and that wasn't doing her any good lately.
Juvia approached Fairy Hills, desperately longing for a hot shower and her bed but stopped in her tracks when she saw a certain someone sitting on the bench in front of the building. It had been days since she last saw him and weeks since she last talked to him. He looked like a mess. There were bags under his eyes that indicated that he hadn't slept in a week. His hair was messy, like he had run his hand through it several times. Despite that, he still looked handsome, the most beautiful man Juvia laid eyes on. She considered turning around and walking away, but he spotted her before she had time to react, his dark eyes locking with hers and paralyzing her on the spot.
She couldn't avoid him forever, she was aware of that. She was angry, sad and hurt.. but she missed him. She missed him so much. Taking a deep breath, she prepared herself for the conversation that she could no longer postpone.
He had already stood up in a rush and was now standing in front of her. For a moment, they both stood in silence, looking at each other before Juvia nervously averted her gaze, looking anywhere but at the man in front of her. She couldn't bring herself to look him in the eye and opted for keeping her head low, eyes focusing on her shoes.
Gray wasn't sure where to start. There was so much he needed to say and yet no words came out. He wanted to punch himself. He had prepared for that moment so many times for the past weeks, overthinking every sentence and training in front of the mirror and now that he finally had a chance, he was messing it up. He needed to get it together. He scratched the back of his head, before taking a deep breath and deciding that he should, in Elfmans words, be a man.
"Juvia, I- I missed you." Gray wasn't going to hold back on his emotions. He promised he was going to be honest with her and he was going to keep this one at least. Juvia didn't give him an answer, but she didn't try to leave either so he took that as a sign to continue.
"Listen, I've been thinking about every thing, about what happened, what I did and what you said and.. I understand it. I understand why you feel this way, why you avoid me, maybe even hate me. You have every right to be angry with me. I messed up.."
Juvia wanted to interrupt him. I don't hate you. I could never hate you. But she bit her tongue. She had to stay strong, she couldn't just run back into his arms and pretend everything was good, not yet at least. Although that was exactly what she wanted to do.
"Juvia, I am truly sorry. I have done a lot of things in my life I'm not exactly proud of, things I regret. But leaving you, hurting you, that is the one thing I regret the most, one thing that will haunt me for the rest of my life. My excuses for leaving you don't matter, what I did was simply wrong. I should have never left you all by yourself, without a word. You have been on my mind the entire time. I wanted to come back so many times, to check on you, but I didn't. I was a coward and I don't deserve you."
Taking a deep breath, Gray put his hands on Juvias shoulder. When the water mage finally looked up, it broke his heart all over again. The tears were running down her cheeks and she looked so hurt, so broken. But he couldn't stop yet, couldn't comfort her, he had to finish first and see where things would go from there.
"But I am selfish. I'm too selfish to let you go, to let you move on. I will do whatever it takes to earn your forgiveness. I won't give up. I need you, Juvia. I need you by my side. Not seeing you this past weeks, it drove me crazy. I didn't realize how attached I had become to you, how big your role in my life had become. You broke the ice around me, pulled me from a darkness I wasn't aware I was in. You always used to say that I'm your hero, that I saved you. But it's not true. You are the one that saved me. I can't let go of you, Juvia. You are my world and I need you. I'm sorry I didn't give you an answer sooner. I'm sorry you had to get hurt for me to realize how stupid I am. I was being a coward. I'm not good enough for you, but I promise to do better, become a man worthy of you. I'll do whatever it takes. Because I think-"
Gray took a step closer and put his hand on Juvias cheek, wiping away a tear that was rolling down. He took her hand in his, bringing it up to his face and placed a kiss on the inside of her wrist.
"I think I love you. No, that's not right. I don't just think so, I'm sure. I'm in love with you. I can't stay away from you because I'm better when I'm with you. You make me happy, the way I feel when I'm with you.. it's different. It's good. I- I love you, Juvia."
He wasn't holding back anymore. If there was anyone he'd pour his heart to, it is Juvia. And no matter how she'd react, he won't regret being honest with her. For a moment neither of them said anything, just gazing into each other's eyes. His heart was hammering against his chest and Gray was sure Juvia could hear his heartbeat.
"Juvia missed you so much."
Juvia was done trying to be strong, trying to hold back. Gray had told her everything she wanted to hear and more. He was honest and showed her a side of him noone else was allowed to see, his vulnerable side. The tears were now falling like water falls and Juvia practically threw herself at Gray, hugging him tightly and burying her face in his chest. She had missed this so much, his scent, his warmth, him. She felt his arms coming around her and pulling her even closer. Gray leaned his head on hers. And after so long she felt like she was finally home.
"Please don't leave Juvia ever again."
"I won't, I promise you."
"Good. You know, Juvia wanted this for so long, but.. I thought you didn't want me."
"I do, I want you. Only you."
They stayed like this for a while, just enjoying each others presence before Gray let her out of his embrace, instead putting his hands on her waist and leaning his forehead on hers.
"Can I kiss you?"
"Juvia was wondering what you were waiting for.."
Gray flashed her a breathtaking smile before leaning in and finally locking his lips with hers. The kiss was slow and careful, like he was testing the water first, but they both melted into it soon and the kiss became deeper instantly. It was as if they were pouring every emotion they felt now and for the past weeks into it, the ache, the longing. Juvias arms went around his neck and Gray pulled her even closer, not leaving any space between their bodies. They didn't stop kissing until they were forced to, both being out of breath. Even then, they stayed close to each other, neither willing to let go.
"You know, your lips are very soft. I could kiss them all day."
Juvia giggled and give him a quick peek on the lips, teasing him. "Juvia wouldn't mind that."
Gray was grinning like a child that just got candy. He didn't remember ever being this happy. He finally had her back, Juvia was by his side again and this time, she knew how he was feeling. There was nothing more to hide. Juvia was his, just as much as he was hers and there was nothing in this world that would make him let go of her ever again. He had meant every word he said, he'd prove himself to her and become a better man. For her, he'd do anything.
"Juvia, I love you. I really do."
"Juvia loves you too, Graysama."
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songbookff · 4 years
Hi, I just came off your Ao3 page. I've started your Elusive Spirits series and I'm just in absolute awe.
Your writing is just so moving. And in all seriousness, can I pick your brain on your process? How do you even start? How long does it take you to finish a story? Do you follow an outline? Tips or tricks you use for a better creative does?
I have these sporadic ideas that I want to bring to life as well as you have. And I'm finding that my work apparently lives and dies with dialogue. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I've just started writing fan fiction, but I would love to be even close to your level!!!
Keep up the amazing work and thank you!
Hello! I’ve been so happy reading your reviews all day! (I see you’re almost to the end)
I absolutely love to talk to people about anything, especially my writing. So I’m going to try to answer everything you’ve asked here, but if you want to discuss more, just dm me or send another ask! 
1. How do I start? So specifically, with Elusive Spirits, I wanted a Lin story, specifically a Kyalin story that was an entire overarching plot. There are great fanfics out there, but at the time, I had read most everything there was for Kyalin, so I decided to write my own. I plan out the main points in my head for the most part and then once I steadily have the same plan for a while, I’ll start my outline. 
2. Do you follow an outline? Yes. Very much so. When I first started writing fanfiction in high school (prob jr high if I’m honest), I did not use outlines. I just wrote whatever came to mind, sometimes one-shots, sometimes chaptered fics. I didn’t care too much, I just loved writing. However, I didn’t always finish what I started and I HATE when I have a WIP that is never finished. So, I made myself promise that I wouldn’t publish anything anymore without knowing how it ended and how I was going to get there. 
That being said, there is definitely something to just free writing. I find that when I’m in need of inspiration or am stuck on a chapter, I write something I don’t have planned out. Sometimes those end up as oneshots, sometimes tumblr prompts, or sometimes the world never sees them. And I highly encourage people to start writing this way. Just write what you want to. I use outlines because I can’t stand not finishing something, but that’s not for everyone. 
I also write out of order sometimes. This can be tricky when you are writing a large chaptered, plot driven fic, as you have to make sure that your writing style and the plot points line up. So even if I think I have a chapter written, I will often do heavy edits or even re-write entire sections. But because I suddenly have ideas for specific scenes, I will write them as they come to me. 
3. How long does it take you to finish a story? So this depends. If you noticed, I posted Elusive Spirits back in 2017 (although I probably started messing around with the plot in 2016-ish). I didn’t officially finish it until this year. Years ago, it could take me a year or two to finish a long chaptered fic, mainly because I didn’t use outlines. Recently, life is what gets in the way sometimes. Which is what happened to Elusive Spirits. That being said, I’ve written 20 chapters of the prequal/sequel Spirits Intertwined since July. And there are approx 10 more, I think. 
How long it takes me to write a chapter varies on my mood. Some days (or more likely nights), I can do an entire chapter at once. Others, I’ll work on for weeks, slowly piecing it together. 
As far as one-shots go, most in the Kyalin Collection (Or the Spirits Universe), I did in a day or two and then spent some time editing. I like to write something, leave it alone for a day or two and then go back and reread it. That’s not a general rule though: sometimes I get excited and want to share it right away. 
(I also have an entire folder of unfinished WIP from various fandoms that will probably never see the light of day...but they’re fun for me to write and read again)
4. Tips and Tricks. So as I said before, I like to randomly write things. I found that prompts are a great way to do this. Sometimes I take suggestions, other times I just give it a go. And I don’t spend a lot of time on them. Maybe an hour or two. This helps me to focus on the important plot points sometimes, or some other aspect such as dialogue, mood, or description. 
Lastly, I’m a scientist by nature and trade. Writing has been my creative outlet for years. I have fun. If it feels forced, I stop writing. Because as much as I love the people who read & review my fics, I write for myself. I have struggled with anxiety disorders for years and through it all, writing is something I can rely on. I like to write, but I don’t like writing to be a chore. And I stopped trying to judge my own work years ago...I write what I want to read. And I write what I love. And some days (and some chapters) are better than others. But at the end of the day, I got to express myself and that’s what matters to me. 
Advice for you...I know a lot of people say that the only way to become a better writer is to write. Unfortunately that’s true. I’ve been writing fanfiction for a lot longer than I care to admit. Pre-dating A03, that’s for sure. However, you can burn yourself out. If you feel like you’re forcing the words out...it’s time to take a break. 
If you’re worried about your dialogue, or really any other part of your writing, read it out loud. Sort of act it out. Use your own voice to put feeling into it. (You’ll also catch typos this way). As far as your sporadic ideas, just write a few. Even if they aren’t finished or no one ever sees them. Write just a few paragraphs or  line of dialogue. Sometimes you’ll know that you don’t really want to pursue it any further. Or maybe you’ll find the inspiration to keep going. 
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Previously you said that you didn't think Nina delivered a very strong performances of Katherine/Elena, and since I've seen other people comment about that too, it would be interesting if you could dive deeper into that? I haven't watched the finale, except from the SE scene (who I personally think was just as good as all scenes between Paul and Nina / Stefan and Elena) and Stefan and Lexi's scene, so I can't really make a stand point on the matter
To be honest, it’s difficult to distinguish between the performance being poor and the writing being poor, because I do feel like Katherine and Elena didn’t have enough adequate screen time for us as viewers to be able to reconnect with them. Bringing them both back for just one final episode seemed so rushed and I think that partly plays into the reason why the performances felt so poor. I mean, I’m pretty sure Katherine only got three scenes and Elena a few more than that, but still barely any real screentime or dialogue. Her main scene was basically the final scene where we had her voice over as she wrote in her diary, but to be honest, after the direction the show headed in after Elena was gone it felt kinda wrong to have her finishing the show, even though she was the one that opened it and was always the main character.  But to delve deeper into this I’ll analyse Katherine and Elena separately, because it’s just easier that way. I also won’t really discuss how the writing affected it, because I’ve already explained that I do feel the poor writing contributed to it, but you asked specifically about Nina’s performance, so that’s what I’ll focus on. 
Katherine: Her portrayal of Katherine was so much worse than her portrayal of Elena. I’m assuming it’s because Katherine is more of a challenge to play because she’s so different than Nina, which Nina herself has even said in the past. It didn’t even remotely feel like the same Katherine to me. I have to admit, that the small details did affect my perception of her being Katherine and by that I mean her appearance. I understand that Nina is a real person off-screen that has changed and aged since she last played Katherine in season 5, but she just looked completely alien to me. Firstly, what was that hideous wig!? I’m still in shock at how bad it was. Her hair line was like 10 inches further forward than it was supposed to be and apparently there’s hairdressers in hell, cos her hair was a damn lot shorter than it was when she died. Even her make-up didn’t look right. I know Katherine’s signature look is the dark eyeliner and red lipstick, but it just looked so trashy. Then there’s the issue of Nina’s body language. The walk, the hand gestures, the posture, it was all wrong and none of it felt like Katherine. Katherine stands up right, when she walks she struts in an almost seductive and arrogant manner but there was none of that. The exaggerated facial expressions are one of the main things that have always separated Katherine from Elena. Usually I can tell just from seeing a gif whether it’s Elena or Katherine based on the way Nina is moving her lips when she speaks, because with Katherine it’s much more pronounced and dramatic. Nina did try and do that, but she didn’t go far enough. Her face looked stiff a lot of the time and the expressions were just lacking. Katherine has always been a character that communicated a lot physically, so through her expressions, her gestures etc. and all of that was stripped back completely. Then there’s the eyes and the smile. That vindictive and cunning smile Katherine had was no where to be seen and the glint in her eye to go along with it was also gone. Basically, Nina put on a deeper voice and did a more pouty face than she would as Elena and that was it. But everything that we know Katherine Pierce to be was gone in that finale and I wish they would’ve just left her alone instead of resurrecting her for absolutely no purpose. 
Elena: Again, the first issue I’m obviously going to mention is the same as Katherine - her appearance. The wig was atrocious and that alone was enough to make her look nothing like Elena to me. Nina’s strongest performance throughout the entire finale was by far the scene she had with Paul. There was real emotion in that scene that felt genuine. Other than that, I can’t really criticise her performance of Elena much more than that, because she didn’t particularly do anything wrong, it just didn’t really feel like Elena to me and I do put that down to the writing and time. 
I know I said I wouldn’t talk about the writing, but I can’t help myself haha. I understand the writers wanted to bring Nina back for the finale since she was a part of the show for so long and played two of the most important characters, but in a way it didn’t fit for Elena and Katherine to come back. In regards to Elena’s character, she was already up in the air anyway, because she’d been pretty poorly written since she became a vampire. It’s like the writers got confused between vampire and human Elena and she lost her personality and identity because of it. She was one person in season 4 when she first transitioned, another in season 5 and another in season 6, then in the last 2 episodes they made her human and did a complete 180 on her character by trying to make her the exact same Elena she was in season 1. Then she slipped into a coma and suddenly woke up in the finale, so we had all of 5 minutes to try and get to know who she was again and it just didn’t work. To be honest, Nina did ruin the show by leaving in season 6 and we all know it. The ending we would’ve gotten if she would’ve stuck around until the end would’ve been a million times better for certain. The writers have basically just winged it for these last two seasons to squeeze the final bit of money and life they could out of it before bringing it to an end. But Nina should’ve never left and this finale just proved why. 
As for Katherine, her character’s story ended a long time ago. They already unnecessarily dragged it out by making her a passenger in Elena’s body, which really served no purpose but to bring her back again for that pitiful finale was just wasteful and pointless. Katherine’s story had already had closure and although bringing her back could’ve been epic if it would’ve been done correctly, it really sucked. 
In the end, I basically think Nina’s return ruined the finale. I could write a million alternative endings I’d prefer to see, but this is just one of them: 
A villain (not Katherine) threatens Mystic Falls for who knows what reason (the writers always find some pathetic, small reason and turn it into a big one). Stefan, Damon, Caroline, Bonnie, Matt and Alaric all work together to defeat the evil. 
The person that dies is Elena. 
Right after they’ve defeated the villian everyone comes to the realisation that Elena is really gone and they’re all grieving for Elena 
We get a sweet Defan moment where they confess their love and cry over Elena being gone, but we can clearly see their relationship is finally on track and stronger than ever
At the same time we get a sweet Baroline moment where the girls grieve for Elena too 
After that, Stefan and Caroline come together and just sit together in front of the fireplace taking comfort in each other
In the meantime we cut to a Bamon scene, they’re maybe watching Steroline from a distance and Damon comments on how lucky they are to have each other. They basically chat about losing Enzo and Elena and their shared grief of simulatenously losing their partners and best friends. 
Some time after, maybe a week or two, we see Steroline go on honeymoon to distract themselves and just get a break 
Bamon decide they should go on a roadtrip to deal with their grief and just rediscover themselves. We see them driving off in Damon’s camaro. 
We jump forward 10 years or so and get a similar montage to what we got in the actual finale, of Matt being sheriff with Vicki and Tyler watching over him, Bonnie is with Ric and Caroline and they’ve set up a school for magical kids because of the girls and because Bonnie is inspired to use her magic for the purpose of teaching other witches. Damon arrives in his camaro with Stefan, who is dressed in a doctor/paramedic uniform. Damon goes right up to Bonnie, slips his hand around her waist and kisses her, whilst Stefan goes to Caroline and does the same. 
Like honestly, I would much rather have seen that than what we actually got. I just feel like despite all the constant Elena mentions, the show actually outgrew Elena in those two seasons that she was gone and the characters that stayed until the end deserved to be the ones that got the happy ending and were there to see it out. It kinda felt cheap that the characters that essentially carried the show for the last two seasons were completely cast aside and Elena who had been back for all of two seconds stole the show and took front and center stage. The show basically reinvented itself during seasons 7 and 8 and I do completely understand why the writers wanted to go back to the roots and try to recapture the essence of season 1. I thought I’d want to see that myself, but I can’t shake the feeling of how wrong and out of place it all felt. With how things developed and progressed, to go back to Elena at the end felt like taking a thousand steps back. Watching the finale really hammered home to me that it wasn’t about Elena like I first thought. It wasn’t even about Stefan either. It was about all of the characters that were left, the ones that had been on the show since the beginning and been on the complete journey. Elena wasn’t one of those people. 
And I’m aware that I’ve gone off on so much of a tangent, so I’m going to end it there. But my main point is that Nina’s performances were so terrible because the writing was terrible and the writing was terrible because there was just no room for Elena (or Katherine) in the finale and the writers forced it. How could Nina perform to the best of her ability when she hadn’t played those characters in years, the material she had to work with was so bizarre and OOC and when she was basically stepping into a completely different world of TVD than what it was when she was on it way back in season 6? 
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