#ever after by marianas trench my beloved!!!!
makingqueerhistory · 1 year
Spooky Queer Books
Since spooky season is starting, I thought I would share a list of my favourite queer books that are great for this time of year.
Some of these links are affiliate links.
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It Came from the Closet: Queer Reflections on Horror
Joe Vallese
Horror movies hold a complicated space in the hearts of the queer community: historically misogynist, and often homo- and transphobic, the genre has also been inadvertently feminist and open to subversive readings. Common tropes--such as the circumspect and resilient "final girl," body possession, costumed villains, secret identities, and things that lurk in the closet--spark moments of eerie familiarity and affective connection. Still, viewers often remain tasked with reading themselves into beloved films, seeking out characters and set pieces that speak to, mirror, and parallel the unique ways queerness encounters the world.It Came from the Closet features twenty-five essays by writers speaking to this relationship, through connections both empowering and oppressive. From Carmen Maria Machado on Jennifer's Body, Jude Ellison S. Doyle on In My Skin, Addie Tsai on Dead Ringers, and many more, these conversations convey the rich reciprocity between queerness and horror.
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Into the Drowning Deep
Mira Grant
The ocean is home to many myths, But some are deadly... Seven years ago the Atargatis set off on a voyage to the Mariana Trench to film a mockumentary bringing to life ancient sea creatures of legend. It was lost at sea with all hands. Some have called it a hoax; others have called it a tragedy. Now a new crew has been assembled. But this time they're not out to entertain. Some seek to validate their life's work. Some seek the greatest hunt of all. Some seek the truth. But for the ambitious young scientist Victoria Stewart this is a voyage to uncover the fate of the sister she lost. Whatever the truth may be, it will only be found below the waves. But the secrets of the deep come with a price.
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The Devouring Gray
C. L. Herman
After her sister's death, seventeen-year-old Violet Saunders finds herself dragged to Four Paths, New York. Violet may be a newcomer, but she soon learns her mother isn't: They belong to one of the revered founding families of the town, where stone bells hang above every doorway and danger lurks in the depths of the woods. Justin Hawthorne's bloodline has protected Four Paths for generations from the Gray--a lifeless dimension that imprisons a brutal monster. After Justin fails to inherit his family's powers, his mother is determined to keep this humiliation a secret. But Justin can't let go of the future he was promised and the town he swore to protect. Ever since Harper Carlisle lost her hand to an accident that left her stranded in the Gray for days, she has vowed revenge on the person who abandoned her: Justin Hawthorne. There are ripples of dissent in Four Paths, and Harper seizes an opportunity to take down the Hawthornes and change her destiny--to what extent, even she doesn't yet know. The Gray is growing stronger every day, and its victims are piling up. When Violet accidentally unleashes the monster, all three must band together with the other Founders to unearth the dark truths behind their families' abilities...before the Gray devours them all.
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Tell Me I'm Worthless
Alison Rumfitt
Three years ago, Alice spent one night in an abandoned house with her friends, Ila and Hannah. Since then, Alice's life has spiraled. She lives a haunted existence, selling videos of herself for money, going to parties she hates, drinking herself to sleep. Memories of that night torment Alice, but when Ila asks her to return to the House, to go past the KEEP OUT sign and over the sick earth where teenagers dare each other to venture, Alice knows she must go. Together, Alice and Ila must face the horrors that happened there, must pull themselves apart from the inside out, put their differences aside, and try to rescue Hannah, whom the House has chosen to make its own. Cutting, disruptive, and darkly funny, Tell Me I'm Worthless is a vital work of trans fiction that examines the devastating effects of trauma and how fascism makes us destroy ourselves and each other.
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amiiancasselmanyet · 3 months
Fix Me is a Mid 2000's Classic, You're Just Not From Canada
before I start this essay series, I would like to clarify that this is NOT a series of reviews but just me genuinely expressing my feelings I have towards the albums in question because I’m a highschool dropout…bon appetite or whatever
also tw for eating disorders, self harm, general mental illness and addiction but this is fix me, you probably knew that
When most people think about early to mid 2000s rock albums that became staples and bands that became household names, there's a few that genuinely come to mind. Let’s get the “emo trinity” out of the way; From Under The Cork Tree was Fall Out Boys sophomore album from 2005 that is still widely loved for good reason. The songs are good and the lyrics hit when you least expect it. Every. Single. Time. Then, of course, we have The Black Parade. I cannot express my love of this album enough, it is quite literally my all time favorite and while Three Cheers has a more solid concept (man kills other men to try and get his lover back, homosexual antics ensues), there's a reason it’s arguably their most well known and beloved by the kids who used to bully you in middle school. Of course we have A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out coming in right after this, there’s not much I can say since this album truly deserves it’s own essay that I won't manage to write (Ryan Ross please come back the kids and I miss you) but, like the other albums, it's a STAPLE at Emo Nites and Emo Nite knockoffs (shout out to Sneaky Dees in Toronto). There is, however, an album among them that's a hidden gem due to the fact that . Fix Me was the debut studio album from Marianas Trench, arriving in 2006. This album stands out from the others in a lot of ways, its sound, its vulnerability and its general lack of a concept. This album was a shot in the dark and a testament to taking chances. Let's talk about it. 
If you’re even a little bit familiar with Marianas Trench (you definitely are because you are on a blog dedicated to the drummer, my beloved bias Ian Casselman), the sound you’re used to most likely isn’t here. This album is gritty, it’s production is grungy. When you look at the other albums at face value, it stands out as nothing like the rest. If you dig deeper, however, you realize that this album truly was the foundation of what was to come. The guitar heavy sound continues throughout the discography, even if it feels less clean than its successors. It adds to the aggression a lot of the songs have, it makes the lyrics hit harder. It was too rock for the pop charts but too pop for the rock charts.(I’m pretty sure Josh said that but this thing isn’t getting a bibliography, this is a more sophisticated shit post on a blog that, again, focuses on the silly drummer with mutton chops) While the sound is incredible, the true core of the album lies in its vulnerability.
Fix Me is essentially an auditory diary, with each track feeling like a new entry. There are themes focusing on the actual struggles Josh Ramsay dealt with at the time. There’s a lot about addiction (specifically heroin), self harm, eating disorders (specifically bulimia) and general depression. It's angsty. It's difficult  to hear at times. You're not supposed to get personal during essays but this is literally on a blog where I refer to the followers as “casselman nation”, it’s a lawless land and fuck you I’ll do what I want. This album, at its core, felt like it was almost a diary entry from a younger me. 
14 year old me was very different from the current me, I had a different name entirely, a different outlook on life and a lot of things that shaped me today had not happened yet. I was unmedicated and everyone else's problem. If you ever scroll down on the personal tag of my main (you WILL NOT, you DO NOT need to see my digital footprint and angst), you'll notice that there's a lot of themes on this album that pertained to me at that time. I was VERY depressed, undiagnosed bipolar 2, bulimic and…doing things in school bathrooms I shouldn't have with items from my art class I shouldn't have had access to in that state (not going to elaborate, I’m sure you get where I’m going). When you deal with those things head on, you tend to, from experience, seek out public figures, whether it be musicians or celebrities or youtubers (shout out to Dan and Phil lmao) who have similar experiences that you had. For me, a big one from the get go was Marianas Trench. There’s something oddly comforting in not only knowing you’re not only alone but that you’re ALSO going to survive. I truly wish I was able to hug 14 year old me but I also know that they’d be proud that I DIDN’T do the thing I wanted to do before I turned 17.
There’s another reason Fix Me is truly removed from other albums and it truly feels like the biggest component; there's no concept. Fix Me has its own identity but it's not through a story or through successful singles, it's through the fact that it has none of it. It shines through its simplicity, its impact is through the way it can stand alone. It’s an album by the band that could be, and should be at times, put on shuffle. It’s an album where you can pick any song, off the top of your head, and listen to it when you’re feeling angry or sad or full of unbridled angst. Sure, you CAN listen to other songs on other albums one at a time, Masterpiece Theatre is the first on I can think of off the top of my head, however, would you want to? Would you want to listen to The End of An Era and have it followed up with a song like This Means War? It 100% kills the immersive nature that the band has carefully crafted over the last 20 years. (yes they’ve been a band that long considering the fix me bsides are from 2001, yes it makes me feel geriatric) I think the biggest reason that it personally hits every mark imaginable for a grungy punk record is the fact that there is no secret meaning hidden in each song, its open and honest from the get go. It’s raw, real and does exactly what it needs to do.
Through its sound, its ability to be honest and vulnerable in its writing and the easily accessible material, it's a staple. Shake Tramp belongs in an Emo Nite just as much as something like Sugar We’re Going Down and more than Welcome to the Black Parade (I love that song but it doesn’t fit the vibe as well as House of Wolves or The Sharpest Lives, Emo Nite is just catering to the normies and preps). Decided to Break Its video should be as beloved as I Write Sins Not Tragedies. Marianas Trench deserve their flowers for being such a staple in the lives of canadian teens who are struggling, the adults who want to comfort their inner teen selves and those who, in general, are feeling small.
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catty-words · 2 years
because my ever after (2011) list helped me find the marianas trench corner of tumblr and i want to celebrate being among my people and also because i simply cannot resist the allure of this format as one ideal for expressing my appreciation for music on which my brain likes to chew,
a non-exhaustive list of things i love about masterpiece theatre (2009):
- themes!!!! this album’s exploration of performance vs authenticity is its beating heart and like, i’ve gotten the sense that it’s the work that really carved the band’s name into the tree trunk of canada’s popular music scene - nevermore to leave there (heyooo) - which makes the bitterness that runs through the album’s veins so so potent. this album is biting me biting me biting me and i never want it to stop
- how the title functions as a mission statement. one of the identifying characteristics of the band’s work following this album, and arguably* including this album, is that it’s serving at least forty percent theatre at all times
“masterpiece theatre i”
- first of all, the fact that this album includes a piece that has three separate movements (and the way this makes ‘symphonic rock’ the objectively correct way to sort marianas trench into a genre thank you very much)
- the tune-up is such a nice touch, why lie? yes kings, i am on the edge of my velvety seat, i am at the theatre!!
- please note that when i mentioned captivating prologues being a hallmark of the band’s work, i was thinking of “masterpiece theatre i” as the next best example to “ever after”
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like, a thesis statement for an album what could be better?? the performer (i am consciously separating the art from the artist, josh ramsay et. al., but i am also kissing you directly on the mouth) feels the curse of the performance as much as he can’t live without it.
- the line every word is calculated because the closer i look, the more i see the loving care with which every creative choice in the band’s discography was made so like. say👏 that👏
- the soft plosiveness of this is just a part i portray and how it makes the refrain really fun to sing along to, as well as all the more powerful as the performer’s greatest plea to his audience, that they recognize the divide between authentic self and performance
“all to myself”
- the punch to the face that is the transition from “masterpiece theatre i” to this song
- how it belongs among the ranks of the band’s most danceable numbers, i never can sit still listening to this one
- i’m half asleep, and i am wide awake because, yeah. constantly, forever.
- ostensibly, the way it’s about a romantic relationship, but like.
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you can just as easily read the chorus in the context of the performer speaking to his audience. the push of “isn’t the very act of creating art asking for attention, we’re only giving you what you want”, the pull of “if i’m constantly performing for you, when does the mask end and my truest self begin?” we - audience - are literally making the performer feel like someone else.
- this isn’t what i wanted but / i can’t keep my filthy fuckin’ mouth shut firstly because it fucks!!! but also because of how it fits into the album’s larger theme. fame isn’t what the performer wanted, but quite literally he’s not keeping his fucking mouth shut! he is in the act of making music for us! biting me biting me biting me
- chorus variation to round out a song, my beloved
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“cross my heart”
- the way this song bewitches me into doing some bastardization of the hand jive every freaking time
- however you would describe these three bad bitches and their contributions to the structure of the song
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- just the whiny, slutty energy of this one in general and how well the little bursts of guitar string feedback build up this feeling throughout the number
- the way and i do want to show you, i / will run to you, to you, til i / can’t stand on my own anymore sets the stage (theatre!!) for the speaker/performer/narrator’s pervasive attitude toward relationships and how he’s constantly swept up in the capital R-Romance of this conception of love while simultaneously having to unlearn it for the sake of his beloved, album in and album out
- how the clapping and then the music phases back in during the bridge
“beside you”
- y’all ever croon?
- this is not going to be accessible to anyone else but it’s my list so. the lyric when it’s in your spine like you’ve walked for miles because so much of my logged marianas trench time has taken place while i’m working, moving between my silly lil dog walks and i’m literally walking for miles and do occasionally very much feel it in my spine
- the words you want are out of reach, but they’ve never been so loud for the way it captures something so small and yet so profoundly true about being a person
- nostalgia!!! and how this song is the album’s first attempt to unpack the authentic self in the performance vs authenticity dynamic. is who i was when my childhood home was my one and only home my one and truest self?
- just like. the way i wonder about the names dropped and how my curiosity necessarily plays into the album’s theme. if they’re real people the performer knows, then he’s shilling out something intimate in an attempt to heighten his art - though, to be fair, he’s doing it in a way that’s not completely accessible to us, there’s only so much to a name itself - but if the names are completely made up, then the performer is merely playing at authenticity to bait us into reading intimacy in his art. and doesn’t that make your brain want to eat itself?? biting me biTING ME BITING ME
- god, the way this song is so well-accomplished at bottling nostalgia because like every memory comes on / when i hear that old song / that we used to sing / with the words all wrong immediately evokes thousands of moments that have tied me back to my childhood. this song really said ‘the power of music!!’ and then repeatedly knocked me on my ass with the truth of that screaming crying throwing up etc.
- not to keep harping on this, i know you guys get it, but like, the way ran out of gas on the highway / we walked there, and i gave / drunken speeches / on sobriety makes me feel like i’m part of this anecdote! i’m there, recalling that stupid speech alongside the performer. stop pulling me so close if you don’t want more kisses directly on the mouth!!!
“masterpiece theatre ii”
- the way the first verse reads as a direct response to “acadia”
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after giving us so much of himself, the performer’s inclination is now to draw back
- the way the whole movement feels almost bashful compared to its powerhouse counterparts because more than the other two, “masterpiece theatre ii” is about the performer considering his performance from the audience’s perspective, about his understanding that he’s beckoned us closer but, regrettably, still can’t bring us all the way inside for how that’d destroy him.
- the refrain i’ll burn out and slip away posing the questions to the audience: can we forgive the performer when, eventually, he no longer has more art to offer us? can we turn around and recognize his humanity like he’s acknowledging ours?
“sing sing”
- how the brash opener - can i have your attention? - reads particularly cheeky coming off “masterpiece theatre ii”, where the performer just cautioned us that too much of our attention causes him to slip further and further away, and sets the bratty tone of the whole number perfectly, perfectly
- nothing captures the performer’s feelings about his relationship with his audience as succinctly as the “sing sing” chorus
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this is destroying his health, but he still wishes that he were an endless well for us, full of freshness and vitality and all that we need
- just, obsessed with hear the sad little sounds as they fall from my mouth because i DO i AM
- the way the song’s brattiness comes out especially in the bridge. i’m partial to the whininess of gets very hard to drink to my continued success because like, boo hoo. i can’t toast to how popular i am :( it comes at the cost of being adored by you :(
- don’t you ever tell me i’m not loving you best because i WOULDN’T you DO
“good to you”
- GOD but the way they literally invited an audience member (i.e. a fan) to join the performance?? the way that heightens the tenderness this song has for the performer-audience relationship, even as both parties are actively getting a lil messed up by it?? gonna just drape myself on a fainting couch for a minute
- the way the chorus reinforces this read, especially when the performer and the audience sing it as one
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- the way looking at the song through this lens literally just reframed the lyrics i thought i saw a sign / somewhere between the lines for me. here we are, experiencing recognition of the self in the performer’s art and thereby forging an intimacy he has no access to. AHHH!
- so yeah, every love song on this album is actually about the complex love between performer and audience. we are the object of our favorite band’s affection!! we are corrupting each other with our codependency!! ain’t love grand?
“celebrity status”
- they didn’t have to make our return to bitterness for the way performance muddles identity so sexy, but they did and they did it for me, to make sure this album never stops BITING ME
- the PANTING and how evocative it is and, like, yeah, you got me josh ramsay et. al. put me in horny jail, i am once again fuckstruck by your music. but you’re the ones who made it this way so do not pass go, do not collect two-hundred dollars
- the lyrics trading in who i’ve been for shiny celebrity skin / i like to push it and push it until my luck is over because once more with the succinctness of this album’s theme but also because it builds on the drunken speeches on sobriety moment in acadia by making me feel like i know the performer being invited as i am to share a wry laugh over how Much he is at any given moment
- the way i wonder why, why, wonder why, why i oughta / let you wreck, resurrect whatever you wanna tastes
- for all the sexy sardonic tone of this number, there’s a beautiful little ray of hope in the line there’s a piece of me they’re throwing back at us if only for the way it builds on fix me (2006)‘s refrain of the speaker losing bits of himself (see: “say anything”, “september”) by implying that the performance, despite the sea of inauthenticity he sometimes finds himself drowning in, offers the performer the chance to know himself better. it’s a refracted image because of the audience, but he does get to experience recognition of the self in his art, too.
- the way hope also lives in the i’m trying refrain. overwhelmed and cynical about the odds, the performer is still putting forth the effort to be authentic, still putting forth the effort to create art. you gotta keep running up that hill, bitch!
- the seamless fade of “celebrity status” into this song
- if the point’s to never disappoint you / somebody’s got to tell me what to do because it’s very real and it makes me want to pull my hair out in chunks!!!
- i love how pointed the inclusion of this bit
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feels because, on one level, “perfect” is about cultivating your image and your art until it’s as appealing as it could possibly be to the masses, and so borrowing a line from the far less polished and palatable (affectionate) “sicker things” builds on that in a delicious way
“lover dearest”
- first of all, shoutout to their ‘live from inside’ concert for unlocking the power of this number for me and, like, i am once again unwittingly roped into active participation in this album’s theme but!! can we grapple for a sec with how watching a performance - seeing the performer laid raw, specifically - is what woke me up to the emotional core of this number?? 😬
- so. you know how some words can be used often enough in a sexy enough context that you can’t help your pavlovian response to them? they lowkey get you hot no matter how they’re brought up? josh ramsay et. al. are responsible for making ‘taste’ one of these words for me (this time that we waste, but i still love your taste)
- the way i’ll just try to hide it, or i could slip into you / it’s so easy to come back into you builds on the “masterpiece theatre i” refrain of you’re beautiful / can i hide in you awhile? and how in general this song really shines a light on the codependent nature of the performer-audience relationship. the fact that this song is also about struggle with addition is like - woof - the performer traded his old vice for the thrill of the performance and amassing an audience and have i mentioned lately? BITING ME BITING ME BITING ME.
- the leave me wail. reblog, you agree.
- how the bitter in you and the quitter in me / is bitter in you and the quitter in me being reminiscent of the “shake tramp” bridge makes my brain go brrrr
“masterpiece theatre iii”
- the way the tinkling xylophone (??) intro automatically brings the drama. i am once again on the edge of my velvety seat!!
- the i’ll wreck this if i have to / tell me what good would that do / i’ll wreck this if i have to refrain being followed-up by a creeping couple bars of i’d be so good to you and how it’s a call and response between the performer and his audience. consenting to the wreckage of the masterpiece is how we, the audience, can be good to the performer. it’s how we could show our most unselfish love.
- how weaving “celebrity status” into “cross my heart” continues to highlight the album’s interest in the act of creating art being essential to the performer’s personhood while the audience’s act of consuming the artist alongside the art turns around and cheapens the performer’s identity all in the same breath
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- and then also how the outro makes explicit the connection between “lover dearest” and “masterpiece theatre i”
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and the way it all adds up to acknowledge the codependence without resolving it??
- and then these motherfuckers have the audacity to sprinkle on a dash of “say anything” (that’s the thing i’m sensitive about!!!!!!)?? the way i never took you for a trick but sometimes i don’t know what you want serves as the performer’s last acknowledgement that he needs to hold the audience at arm’s length because our want for his art is so monumental that it threatens to overshadow him???? the way i could take it if you need to take this out on someone beckons us closer one last time, invites us to use the art as a mirror????????? UNFAIR, I AM GNASHING MY TEETH
*in conclusion: all these songs being in conversation with one another gives the album a really satisfying cohesion and sets up what’s to come in the band’s later works, though it ironically lacks the rising and falling action that’d convince me to count it among the more theatrical pieces in their discography. it’s my rotten soldier, my sweet cheese, my good time boy, and either my second or third favorite marianas trench album, depending on what day you ask me.
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jalapenobee · 2 months
For the music asks!! :D I have a few because the prompts are really good! tbh I would ask all but that seems unreasonable
9: A song that makes you happy
20: A song that has many meanings to you
26: A song that makes you want to fall in love
27: A song that breaks your heart
30: A song that reminds you of yourself
MARRY ME ANON i would not have minded TvT
9: the sun from the east - bmsg east (HYPE. VERY FUN. LOVE THIS)
20: dry heave - tiger really (my beloved........)
26: stupid for you - waterparks (also fun) OR ever after - marianas trench (<333)
27: last resort reimagined - falling in reverse (i cried this song is SO FUCKING- MPFHSJDHKASG)
30: happy - nf (obsessed with this one when it first came out, still so sentimental)
this took me too long bc i spent half the time staring at the ask and grinning like an idiot tysm TvT
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cokehead-zeroed · 1 year
3, 5, 7, 9 for the fic asks? as a treat??
Always a treat! I am so pro-treat!
3. Do you have a favorite scene you’ve written from 5 times Tyler and Taylor had wicked bad sex (and 1 time they got it together)? 
Ooooh, I'd probably say the entire final chapter? If that's not cheating? It was great to write them essentially unpacking their emotional vulnerability and I really tried hard to layer it in their words, their actions, and the morning after. It's not just about them having good sex for the first time, it's about them opening up to one another, and I wanted it reflected in how they make eye contact, have sex face to face, and kiss/cuddle a lot more tenderly. And, of course, the intro of my beloved Mr. Snugglebug.
5. Do you listen to music when writing? 
Sometimes! It depends on what mood I'm in. Sometimes I'm big into lyrics I feel fit with the theme (like the new FOB album for some of my current WIPs, The Boxer by Simon and Garfunkel for my Marcheron WIP, and Honey by Lovers Electric for my Winner's Room verse), but a lot of the time I listen to Christmas instrumental piano music or Christmas ambiance? I find it really helps me get in the writing zone for some reason.
7. What story/headcanons do you feel the proudest of? 
A tricky one! Obviously I was super proud of publishing my first ever fic in 2021 after decades of being too scared to post anything fandom-related, so that's a kind of pride. But I'd change a lot about that fic now, to be honest. I love all of our headcanons and I hope to make them fic someday, but I feel really different about headcanons than fic (probably because I feel like it's so much easier and more fun to write headcanons than it is to write fic – no pesky editing). I think maybe overall proudest is either we can't accept (what we do not get to choose) or the tide is high (but i'm holding on) because they're two fics where I think I really kind of found my voice as a writer outside of strictly porn without plot – they're definitely porn with plot/feelings.
9. If you had to assign a theme song to 5 times Tyler and Taylor had wicked bad sex (and 1 time they got it together), which would you assign? 
From a pure hilarity point of view, Haven't Had Enough by Marianas Trench. From something a little bit softer, Can't Help Falling in Love With You by Elvis.
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ennaih · 7 months
Last Song Listened To: Mariana Trench, Bright Eyes, cos it was weird pseudo twin's birthday the other day and I wanted his warm beloved voice in my head again
Currently Reading: Goodnight, Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian cos I watched the movie last month and it was so good and so totally my thing I had to check out the original novel. Turns out that was a better adaptation than I realised cos it cut out all the boring bits and the tedious detail but still retained the most harrowing and heartbreaking and beautiful bits of the novel.
Not a huge fan of Magorian's sentences which are a bit staccato for my liking or her slightly amateurish way of handling setting and descriptions. But her emotional insight is excellent. My head nearly exploded with rage at a certain character the same as it did in the movie so it was good to see that hadn't been exaggerated for the screen. If anything, there's a detail in the movie that I really liked about that character that isn't in the book.
Haven't finished it yet so I'm waiting to see if a death in the movie actually does happen in the book, I hope it doesn't.
Currently Watching: Catching up on a lot of Law And Order: SVU and just started season 19 which I'm already a lil sad about cos I know it's the last season for Barba my fave. I hope he has a good farewell and not one steeped in disgrace. I'm gunna miss him and his snark and his clipped quick speech and his bristling brows so much. He might be my fave Murrican lawyer character ever and you have no idea how much I love to hate lawyers and am baffled by Murrican law. Though I have to admit SVU is portraying it much better than I expected. (also omfg Raul Esparza singing Chess just like killed me dead on the bus.)
Currently Obsessed With: crocheting myself a garment that fits. I just finished a tank top using organic cotton that I don't hate but I don't love either. And now I've got my sights set on a bamboo/mulberry silk yarn that's being dyed to a specific blue by an indie dyer I know, which I'm going to make into a v neck tank top suitable for Australian summer that I'm really hoping will not be bottom heavy and not stretch the straps or the stitches over the boobs. Crochet is not kind to those of us who have actual flesh on our bones.
Also waiting to get another lot of hand dyed yarn from another indie dyer to make into a super textured cardigan for the working from home winter months. My gauge/tension for that is already too big so I'll try for the smaller size and hope that fits.
And I'm currently working on my first all over beaded shawl which is going perfect after I did half and unravelled and redid it to get one edge as straight and even as possible. The beads are so tiny and translucent I love them so much but also I should have gotten deeper colours. Oh well, lesson learnt for next time.
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backslashdelta · 3 years
Gifs Masterpost
Some gifsets might show up in a couple of places if they fit in multiple categories. I try to update this list regularly, but you can always check out my gifs tag to see if there is anything new.
Kurt Hummel
Kurt Hummel in every episode
Porcelain - Marianas Trench
Kurt’s prom outfit
Kurt + shaking boys' hands when he meets them
Kurt in Fashion Hero, a fashion design competition TV show
White woMan's Instagram - Bo Burnham
Kurt Hummel + his soulmates
Spotlight (Oh Nostalgia) - Patrick Stump
Do It For Him
Porcelain - Marianas Trench
Kurt Hummel my beloved
Sebastian Smythe
Sebastian as Warbler captain
(Fic: ACITW) Beautiful, Dirty, Rich - Lady Gaga
I Bet You Think About Me - Taylor Swift
Do It For Him
Sebastian Smythe my beloved
David Karofsky
Boys - Lizzo
OUTRUN MYSELF - Jack Kays ft. Travis Barker
I Wanna Get Better - Bleachers
Blaine Anderson
(Fic: ATOG) Reasons to move to New York city
Do It For Him
Noah Puckerman
The Archer - Taylor Swift
Noah Puckerman and all of his solos
Lauren Zizes + extracurriculars
Becky Jackson’s war on xylophones
Things To Never Say To Someone Who Just Came Out
Rachel Berry / Eat Your Salad -  Citi Zēni
Tina as Prom Queen in 5x02
Hunter Clarington / Not Even Remotely Bi-curious
Elliott Gilbert my beloved
Every Klaine duet
I’m with stupid/I’m stupid
Disloyal Order of Water Buffaloes - Fall Out Boy
Friends In Low Places Netflix series
Come What May
Kurt and Blaine in The Hurt Locker, Part 2
Klaine proposal, blue/yellow moon/sun
Louder Than Words - tick, tick...BOOM!
Come to Your Senses - tick, tick...BOOM!
Right Where You Left Me - Taylor Swift
Heal Me - Snow Patrol
I Lost a Friend - FINNEAS
What If This Is All The Love You Ever Get? - Snow Patrol
(Fic: Solid Gold) Solid Gold - Tom Chaplin
Red - Taylor Swift
Solid Gold - Tom Chaplin
First kiss and Kurt's hands
Oh god no. No more candles.
(Fic: ACITW) as a novel
willow - Taylor Swift
Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve - Taylor Swift
A Matter of Distance as a Netflix show
Cruel Summer - Taylor Swift
cardigan - Taylor Swift
Mr. Brightside - The Killers (inspired by It Was Only A Kiss)
(Fic: ACITW) Summerboy - Lady Gaga
(Fic: ACITW) Fourth of July - Fall Out Boy
illicit affairs - Taylor Swift 
The Name of the Game - ABBA
Gorgeous - Taylor Swift
(Fic: ACITW) Begin Again - Taylor Swift
Look What You Made Me Do - Taylor Swift
All Too Well - Taylor Swift
High Infidelity - Taylor Swift
I could fix him/make him worse/rail him
And Why Is That?
Night at Scandals
Puck+Sam / How many tennis balls?
Season 2 (collab)
Klaine + Kadam / performing for Kurt
Sill / Hump Day (old version)
Pizes in Original Song
Kurtofsky / Prom King and Queen
Worst rated songs in the Glee Soundtrack Rating Project
Submissions to the Glee Playlist Project
Kelliott Google edit
Quinntana / august - Taylor Swift
Kelliott edit
Hudmels before and after Finn's death
Seblaine / cardigan - Taylor Swift
Walter is Sebastian’s Dad AU
Jesse/Finn/Brody / betray, belittle, boytoy
St Sambastian / manipulate, mansplain, malewife (+ bonus manslaughter)
Sebkelliott / bestie, beloved, bastard
New Directions / "This is your Glee club..."
Hevans / The World Has Its Shine (But I Would Drop It On A Dime For You) - Cobra Starship
Quinntana / Shake Tramp - Marianas Trench
Pucktana with sparklers in 6x02
The Scientist
Klaine x Kadam / Only The Lonely Survive - Marianas Trench
Edge of Glory
Other Fandoms
Fall Out Boy’s **** Live in Phoenix - Gabe Saporta
Fall Out Boy’s **** Live in Phoenix - Grand Theft Autumn/Where Is Your Boy Tonight
Klaine x Gallavich kiss compilation
Klaine x Gallavich / proposal and wedding parallels
Barry Allen dancing
Fringe Intro
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bluejayblueskies · 3 years
rules: spell your url with song titles and tag as many people as the letters
tagged by @f0xesand0wls - thank you! 💕
b - bad blood | bastille
l - lent | autoheart
u - untouched | the veronicas
e - easy thing | dom fera
j - john my beloved | sufjan stevens
a - anniversary | novo amor
y - young blood | the naked and famous
b - beat the love | autoheart
l - lies | will jay
u - unbelievable | owl city, hanson
e - eleonora | marianas trench
s - stray italian greyhound | vienna teng
k - king | lauren aquilina
i - iscariot | the vassar devils
e - ever after | marianas trench
s - shoulders back | honest men
16 letters is,,,, a lot, so I'll just tag @judesstfrancis, @thewrongshop, @illbefunnylater, @ombreblossom, @cobalt-knave, and anybody else who wants to!
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zeawesomebirdie · 2 years
Marianas Trench album Ever After my beloved
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ongreenergrasses · 3 years
i was tagged by Mary @spacegirlsgang thank u my beloved 💖💖💖 to spell my username with songs!
Once I Was Loved by Melody Gardot
No Time to Die by Billie Eilish
Golden Age by Ethel Cain
El Regalo by Novalima
El Canto de Una Ballena by Chambao
No Choir by Florence + The Machine
Ever After by Marianas Trench
Repeat Until Death by Novo Amor
Going Up The Country by Canned Heat
Right on Time - In Harmony by Brandi Carlile
Alabas by D33pSoul, Amine Naami, CHAAMA
Song To The Siren by Wolf Alice
Say Your Prayers by Blithe
Etazalt El Gharam by Majida El Roumi
Shim el Yasmine by Mashrou’ Leila
i made this completely bizarre collection of songs into a playlist too, come be my friend on Spotify ✨✨
tagging @rhubarbdreams @anosrepasi @salzundhonig @alessandramortt @ragequilt @unintentionalgenius @ripmacbeth bc why not and ofc no pressure
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I've been listening to the Marianas Trench album Phantom on your recommendation (and the vibes are exquisite!!!!), and may I ask: do you associate any of their songs with TVD?? particular characters? couples?? or some other songs from the band I should listen to?
You LISTEN to Phantoms? You listen to the recommendation? oh! oh! love and appreciation for Cate, love and appreciation for One Thousand Years!!!
The vibes are! so wonderful! What songs do you like? (what are your thoughts on the second half of Echoes of You, because I just die every time I hear it. The layering! The pitch!)
For Phantoms, I Knew You When feels very season 6 Delena. The reminders of what they used to do reminds me of Damon telling Elena of all the places they went over the summer! I'm sure you're wondering, is this a new beginning or the start of another end??? But if you want to try again! Honey, I'll know, I'll know, I'll know you then!!!
Also, Only The Lonely Survive is a very both Stefan and Katherine and Damon and Katherine in 1860s song.  “A love like this will end in tragedy.”  “Yeah I'm sure you've thought of someone else, a somebody not as complicated as myself. he'll never scar you like I do, no.”  (I’ve been gravitating towards thinking about Katherine for some reason, and her importance.  I’m not able to really explain why).  
The Killing Kind (my beloved) gives me Alaric vibes when he first turns up, for some reason.  The search for Isobel, the obsession, the guilt and anger when he realises she chose to leave, the loss of a woman, the references to drowing your sorrows.  I think it fits very well!
My other favourite album by them is Astoria, which I would very much recommend! It’s spectacular! The whole thing is good, it’s got quite a retro feel which I love.  Shut Up and Kiss Me is a BOP (and also imo one of The Delena songs, it’s about the way they pull themselves towards each other when they kiss, instert Ben Wyatt meme). 
Who Do You Love is wonderful, Forget Me Not is so beautiful, and End of an Era is another massive ending track, but this one is about finally facing and ending a situation with courage and defiance.  It’s amazing (and you can actually hear the Astoria riff from it in The Killing Kind! They reference it there!).
(And actually I associate End of an Era with Stefan’s ending and sacrifice, because I feel it showed a courage that he didn’t tend to show before.  He wasn’t a coward, but so much of his motivation comes from different kinds of fear and then! at the end! it feels very Come and face the music Astoria! “Can you find forgiveness for a dear old friend,” “I hope you know that I don’t blame you!”)
The whole album though is amazing.  I haven’t listened to the others as much, and not in a long time, so I don’t have any specific recommendations, but while Phantoms is a loose ghost story, and Astoria is a loose adventure film type story, Ever After is a loose strange type of fairy tale with some good songs in it, although I don’t really enjoy it as much.  The other two albums, the first they did, are much more traditional pop punk.) 
Please! tell me what you think! and if you listen to the others tell me too! and if you associate any of them with TVD I’d be so excited to hear it! I’m so glad you’re enjoying it. 
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sscrambledmeggss · 3 years
meg my beloved <3
how are you?
what are your top 5 songs that you consider lyrical masterpieces?
This is incredibly hard 🤚 but thank you for the ask! :) these might not be all accurate because I’m indecisive, and have forgotten literally every song I’ve ever listened to 😭
5. I Hear a Symphony - Cody Fry
This one is at the bottom, because although my brain is like “yes lyrical I like.” It’s also saying, “you only chose this for that sick piano” which is probably true </3
4. Pierre - Ryn Weaver
Idk?? Theres just something so refreshing about it? I’m very profound claiming these as lyrical masterpieces I know <3
3. Stoned At The Nail Salon - Lorde
Screaming, crying and growing up
2. Sick of Losing Soulmates - Dodie
Amazing, wonderful, throwing a tantrum 🤚 it’s just so good I love it
1. Loser Like Me - Glee
Lyrically this one is just?? Wow, “L. O. S. E. R. I can only be who I are!” Breathtaking, and very well thought out 🥰
Okay but for real </3
1. The Lakes - Taylor Swift
THE LYRICSSS, I love it so much 😭😭 like its so beautifully written sjdjdj 😭
Honorable mentions because I’m indecisive:
Distance - Christina Perri (is it because of acitw? 🤨), Pork Soda - Glass Animals (lyrically not really, but it makes me feel emotional so it’s here), Ribs - Lorde, When - Dodie, just all of folklore, evermore and All Too Well (10min) 🦧, Wildfire and Ever After - Marianas Trench, People Watching - Conan Gray
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sasorikigai · 3 years
psssst ,, how are you after sex ? would you feel like you're betraying harumi if we fuck ? do you like my boobs ? 🥰💕
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Ask my muse any three NSFW questions, and they must answer them truthfully! || @rahge || accepting
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1. An inquisitive ascend of brow only accentuates the penetrating intensity of his stare; Hanzo Hasashi’s words only accompany his actions, as his candor honesty slips from his alcohol-saturated tongue. “I find post-coitus to be an ideal time to strengthen my connection to my beloved, for we are in one of our most vulnerable emotional and physical states when we are sexual with another person, especially when there are strong feelings with that person. The time after sex provides a critical opportunity to build intimate bonds, not emotional walls. Thus, I enjoy to cuddle and have meaningful conversations until either of us drift to slumber.”
2. “Nothing we do will lessen or demean the complex emotions I still harbor for Harumi Hasashi, including any sexual endeavors I may partake,” the gaping maw of his heart and lungs may continue to bleed saturated sanguine, but Hanzo Hasashi has long moved forward, never on. All Commander Hasashi yearns is to love and to be loved with no bounds or ends; it should not have a bottom, not even eventually, as the mariana trench does. What Hanzo gives love, he makes love, and when he makes love, he pulls in from nothing; love itself for him is an act of creation, perhaps the only perfect act of creation there ever would be. “I may never forget the fact that I have loved and I will forever love her no matter what, but I now have finally realized that I could grasp dreams of tomorrows and make into a tangible reality.” 
3. “Your... what?” It is such a rarity that Hanzo ever stammers with his words, as the chiseled sculpture of his handsome complexion furrows in disquietude and displeasure. “I think I have already mentioned this before, but physical assets only make up a partial importance when it comes to what I seek in a potential lover. Besides, I’ve always had more preference of the beauteous voluptuousness of the feminine curvature rather than the boobs, but as long as you have no artificial... things in you. I love you as how you are sculpted. It’s what is inside that all matter, Akina.” 
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catty-words · 1 year
Drive by hello! I've been listening to a lot of marianas trench for the first time (mostly ever after) and it made me go pull up some of your metas. Anyways! Thought you should know
my masterpiece theatre (2009) meta is something i'm way prouder of as a piece of writing, but ever after (2011) is my most beloved album of all time so. GOOD that it's mostly ever after.
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ahmedmootaz · 4 years
For the writing, How about some fluff between Donald and the kids? :)))
Dear Anonymous,
Hello! I did it! Hah! Take that, laziness, I wrote the thing someone requested!...Yeah, sorry about that. The whole delay. Both to you and to everyone who kindly sent me requests. As said before, short things aren’t my style, so I hope you enjoy this!
Do share your thoughts with me, if you would so kindly do that. I like receiving feedback.
Oh and for those of you that don’t want to go to Archive Of Our Own, here’s the magical Read More button:
Ah, McDuck Manor. It was a wonderful place, really. Its rooms were almost endless, the hallways spanned on for miles, and the collection of mostly lethal items and antiques that got expanded every other day certainly made it unique in a sense. It was where Donald Duck had spent most of his childhood, and it was often a pretty, if empty place.
Perhaps this was how monarchs envisioned their castles. Spotless, massive, elegant. Or perhaps this was...this was...oh, forget it! He wasn't good at descriptions anyway. What mattered was that this manor was large, expansive, eye-pleasing, and basically was everything Donald never had for the last twelve or so years. Though it was rather lonely at times.
Not the current times, however, as now it was privy to the footsteps of little paddles running around in it all the time, and Donald couldn't be happier about it. After all, who wouldn't be happy seeing his favourite little nephews running around happily in their new home? He still used his house-boat, admittedly for no real reason other than how hard he worked to get it, but the children were more than happy to stay in their new home, a castle in comparison to where they lived before.
Of course, Donald didn't get to see the kids much these days, what with their mother returning and all. He still couldn't believe it. Twelve years. Twelve years stuck on the moon because of a giant termite just had to rattle a dust storm. He honestly had to admire his sister's ability to not murder the thing and whatever hellspawn it had the moment she could. He would've. Maybe. Probably. He was still prone to fits of rage, but he felt the rage would've been justified at that moment.
Disregarding that, it was truly miraculous how the triplets loved Della so much. Duh, she was their mother, but they never saw her for twelve years. Not one single time. To them, she was the ghost they never asked questions about or he'd just remain silent and give whoever asked a glare. He truly feared that they may never get used to her as family. Luckily, however, a few near-death experiences and some adventures later, they learned to love her as what she truly was: Their mother.
At first, it alleviated some stress off of him, but then he realized he still needed to remain as mentor, not to the children, but to Della. She was doing a fine job, learning when to discipline and when to let things pass, but he still had to intervene to stop her from convincing Huey that crossing a piranha-infested river wasn't all that dangerous.
Still, whatever critiques he gave Della, his beloved sister had grabbed the boys' attention for the time being. He couldn't blame them; both as someone new and the person they longed for their entire lives, she was certain to outshine Donald as the parental-figure for the moment, something that he absolutely had no issues with. No issues at all. Nuh-uh. What, was he fifteen? He could handle being outside the lime light for a few weeks. Months. Whatever it took.
-"Yep...no issues whatsoever...", he mumbled to himself, listening to his distorted voice as it plopped unceremoniously with no echo. He was sitting in his house-boat's living room, situated in Scrooge's pool. He had to swallow quite a bit of ego to bring the boat this far, not because it necessitated Scrooge's help, oh no, that was the easy bit. The difficult bit was seeing the fact that his uncle's swimming pool was bigger than the boat he struggled to purchase.
Well, whatever. He could handle that. He handled many other situations that jabbed at his ego and you didn't see him crying. Not on the outside, anyway. He tapped rhythmlessly on the couch he sat on, sighing as he did so. Today was a slow day. A very slow day. No adventures, nothing that needed fixing, and Della seemed like she wasn't intent on putting herself in a life or death scenario, oddly enough. He was supposed to be happy about that, but honestly, it just bored him to death.
It wasn't as if the kids somehow left him and only sent him greeting cards, either. They, alongside Webby, saw him everyday, talked with him, but somehow...he felt like a third wheel. He didn't want to force himself in, but even if he wanted to, what would he do? He never had to go to the kids, they always went to him. He was watching something on his T.V. and trying to focus on it. It wasn't Ottoman Empire, surprisingly enough, it was something about...Uh...The African Penguin's migration to the island of Mayotte to save the world from the evil Lepoard Seals...? He rechecked the program. Ah. It was a movie. And here he was thinking it was a documentary.
Donald was a fan of movies. He really was. But today, he wanted to move and do something. Anything He thought about that last sentence for a split-second before deciding he'd do anything that isn't life threatening. Last thing needed was for Scroo- sorry, Unca' Scrooge to somehow read his mind and send him down the Mariana Trench to search for some old treasure. He still needed to remember that he was living with his uncle again, and as such, politeness was due. Even in thought, because you never know when you'll think out-loud.
 Knock Knock KNOCK!
He suddenly jumped. Well, not quite, he still ended up on the couch again, but he turned off the television, wondering if Mrs.Beakly was going to tell him he accidentally put an omelette on the mansion's cooker and then headed for his house-boat. He really didn't need to spend the afternoon putting out a fire before it reaches some mysterious artefact that shouldn't be touched. Not again. But at least it'll be something to do. He took a few quick steps, turned his door knob and opened it as quick as he could.
-"What is it, Mrs.Beakl-", he started, having thoroughly convinced himself that this was the situation before noticing nobody was in front of him.
-"Down here, Unca' Donald!", huh. How odd. She lost height and lost her deeper tone. He moved his head down, suddenly realizing the past conclusion was probably made by some part of his brain that decided intelligence is for losers. The red hues immediately told him all he needed to know. It was Huey, accompanied by Webby, an overexcited smile on her face and her eyes practically glowing. She was cute, but also...unnerving?
-"Oh, Huey.", he brought a hand to his forehead, suddenly feeling very relieved he was not going to spend an afternoon putting out a fire. "What brings you here? Do you need more information on the Marines? The Navy?", he asked, bringing a smile to his beak.
Admittedly, his time in the Navy was cut short because his sister suddenly disappeared into space, swallowed by the unknown dark abyss, and so he never really got to experience most of the...fun action the Navy got itself into these days. Still, he had enough knowledge to satiate Huey's thirst for information, and Webby's too, if the way her pupils dilated was any proof. He felt smug; he still had it in him.
-"Well, not really, I needed some help inside the mansion. I need someone to hold me some test subjects so that I can confirm whether or not the temporal anomalies the building sustained throughout the time changed the surrounding gravity or not. It would certainly explain why I've been having difficulties with liquids far more often now.", the younger Duck started, losing himself in an explanation that Donald tried to simplify into simpler terms. Huey's intelligence was most certainly gained from his mother's side. It wasn't that Donald was dumb, per say, it's that Huey was smart. Too smart for any duck his age.
-"Okay then.", the older Duck replied, happy to be of help. He took a few steps forward, closing the door behind him. Expecting a nod of acknowledgement from Huey, it was Webby instead who started speaking.
-"Hello Mr.Duck Unca' Donald sir!", she jumped in front of him, somehow managing to stick the landing and continue on walking backwards. Donald loved Webby. He truly did, as any responsible adult would love a girl her age with such a bubbly personality, but he couldn't ever shake off the feeling that there was something a little...off in her. He always shrugged it off as her superior training, and so he did at this instant. He wasn't one to make the poor girl feel alien, she already had difficulty with everyone else. "While we're on our way to test the stability of the mansion, do you mind telling me what the world's greatest adventurer did in the Navy? How many bad guys did you beat up? Did you have to stop Glomgold or Magica in the Navy? Did you fire guns? Are dreadnoughts still in action?", she shot question after question at the overwhelmed sailor as they entered the massive house.
-"Well...uh...I mean, they still have battleships. We don't have dreadnoughts.", he began, following Huey to the triplets' room. "As for my work...I had training. Aim-improvement firing sessions. I think I had an encounter or two with those chumps in The Navy, but it didn't really change anything; they still lost, after all.", he boasted, taking in Webby's amazed glare as he entered Huey's room, having gone up the stairs that lead to it.
-"Alright Unca' Donald, hold this tube for me, alright? Tell me if anything happens to the water inside it.", the cap-wearing duckling handed the former-sailor a tube of water. He was expecting it to be a bit more...interesting, but as he stared at it, he found nothing. Just a tube of water. "Now this could take anywhere from an hour to two, so if you think you can't do it-"
-"What? Pffft, of course I can do it! I can do anything!"
-"That's mom's catchphrase.", a lazy voice announced from his bed. It would've made Donald jump had he not been used to it. It did, however, ruin his dramatic affirmation.
-"Well, yes, but since I'm her twin, I have the right to use half of the things she says, Louie.", his uncle answered, not without some dignity. The hoodie-wearing duckling slowly rose from his bed, laying his laptop beside him as he stared at the sight unfolding in front of him.
-"Do you have legal documents for that? Because I believe you may have just broken a copy-right agreement, which could allow one to sue for monetary compensation...", of course, con-man that he is and trying to be sharper than the sharpies ever since Unca' Scrooge told him he can be, would find a method to make money out of this. Well, he was certainly impressive, Donald gave him that. In fact, every one of his nephews was impressive in his own way. But Donald also had methods to impress people.
-"Your mother still doesn't know why the gas pipes exploded two weeks ago.", he bluntly stated, and yet his nephew kept a wide, if forced smile.
-"Yep, that'll be all the documents I need. By the way, do you really want to teach your cute little nephews how to blackmail?!", he obliged, feigning shock at the end of his sentence.
-"Louie, I have literally learnt how to blackmail from you. Also, isn't it blackmail if you threaten me with a lawsuit for a catchphrase? I don't really think that has much legal basis.", came the reply, shutting down the last argument the cunning duck could hold onto.
-"Yeah, okay, fair point.", and that was that. For the moment, anyways, Louie would always fund something to argue with, and Donald would just have to find a counter-argument. Somehow. It has gotten a bit difficult these days, but Donald loved a good challenge. Well, actually, he didn't, but he dealt with them all the same.
-"Any new results, Huey?", the perky, energetic voice of Webby asked as she ran around, fixing some tubes and...balls attached to ropes? It was only now that he realized how unconventional the contraptions Huey set up looked. It was basically gears, nails, and various building materials cobbled up together to make a sort of...measuring device? And that was the least worrying one; the entire room was filled with makeshift machines of all shapes and sizes.
-"Nothing yet...If you could steady your hands Unca' Donald, that'd be great.", he said absently, prompting Donald to turn the tube in his hand a few centimeters. Well, he went from doing nothing and watching T.V. to doing nothing while watching his nephews. That had to amount to something.
-"Wow, you're really just going to stand there for Huey so he can prove that it wasn't his super shaky hands that made him spill the milk this morning, aren't you?", the smugly lazy voice of Louie called out, now under Donald. He'd heard him going down from his bed.
-"My hands are *NOT* shaky, Louie!", the older triplet yelled, outraged by such preposterous claims.
-"Okay, Doctor Butterfingers.", his sibling teased, keeping a neutral face. Donald knew that was what got to Huey; the teasing, he could somewhat handle, but Louie's lack of expressions simply made his mockery get to Huey more easily. Luckily for the inhabitants of Duckburg, Duck War One-Thousand and Whatever could wait, as Donald was there to interfere. For now.
-"Actually, I will. It's a bit unwieldy, but I'll do it for the greater good!", there. A nice, dramatic statement, that should prevent the 'Do you really want to say that' ultimatum. Man, he really had to be a diplomat someday.
-"I don't think you'll call it the greater good when Huey realizes he just has butterfingers.", the little schemer whispered to his uncle, and suddenly, a very dark future flashed in front of his eyes. Well...all in time, he supposed. "Still, I guess you must really have one heckuva patience to just keep holding this tube.", he continued, this time a bit louder before adding under his breath 'uselessly'.
-"Well, yes, I am the most patient person in the world, no? I couldn't dream of starting fights with even the most annoying of people.", the older duck proudly claimed before making an expression that clearly told Louie to shut up about the four-digit number of times he lost his temper. It was better than being five-digits, at least.
-"Yeah, yeah, whatever.", the green-wearing duckling dismissed without second thought before picking up his sentence. "Still, I guess the mad scientist over there has reason to trust you; you are pretty reliable."
-"Aw, Louie-"
-"Extremely reliable in fact!", Huey intruded on their chat, lifting his head from the calculations he was calculating. "I mean, really. Unca' Donald was there for us the entire time; remember that one time in the house-boat when the plumbing stopped working all of sudden and you tried going to the-"
-"Please, for the love of all that is Holy, remember any other time I was useful. Just not....that!", the once-calm sailor begged, his voice filled with dread and his eyes going blank. Well, that's untrue; he still had pupils, but he just wasn't...there. Lost in his flashbacks. The Great Toiletening. The horror.
-"Oh, right...forgot that we don't talk about it...well, either way, all I'm saying is that we really do appreciate what you do! Even if we never really talk about it. Or thank you.", the smarter duckling reflected, bringing a hand to his beak.
-"Well, it's the thought that counts!", Webby chimed in, positive as always. She was right. To an extent. A lot. Okay, maybe she was right, but Donald didn't have to let her know. He wasn't a mind reader, and so he appreciated whenever people spoke their mind to him.
-"I mean, yeah, she's got a point, doesn't she, Unca' Donald?", ah, Louie. Every time Donald thinks he cannot get any more smug, he goes and proves him wrong. "But I guess I should say thanks for everything. Even though you didn't buy me that self-refiling can of Pep Gyro offered...Hey!", he objected as his uncle ruffled his head-feathers with his free hand, a smile on his beak.
-"It was going to go evil and try to strangle us in our sleep and you know that.", he bluntly stated, keeping his smile.
-"I still think it was worth a shot.", the con-man replied, moving towards the room's door. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a new method of getting richer than Uncle Scrooge, and I'll be accomplishing it by six in the evening.", he declared, opening the door to a beaten Dewey. "Dewey.", he nodded, passing by him.
-"Louie.", his brother nodded in return, waiting for him to close the door behind him. He looked horrible; a few scratches scattered on his face, his feathers were pointing in all directions, and his left eye felt less...firm than the other. "How much to you guys want to bet we'll have to save Louie from a demon or something by six?", he asked, pointing with a thumb to the door behind him.
-"What on earth happened to you, Dewey?! It's not even three in the afternoon and you look like you crawled out of the grave!", Donald yelled, heading over to the energetic duckling, almost spilling the water in the tube. "Are you okay? Can you see with your left eye? Did you disinfect the wounds?", he shot question after another, trying to judge the severity of the injuries with his free hand.
-"Yeah! What happened to you, Dewey?! Don't you know that the demon-scheme was last week? This week it's the 'Try-to-trick-a-rich-man-scheme'! We'll probably have to discuss some silly law-whatchamacallit with a bunch of angry lawyers by five at most!", Webby happily corrected him, looking just a teeny bit oblivious to Donald's source of worry here.
-"I'm fine, Unca' Donald. It's nothing big, mom was just...y'know. Doing mom stuff. Teaching me how to fight with the wilderness of the forest. It's no biggie.", the daring duck tried to deflate his uncle's worries, waving his hand nonchalantly, as if this was some regular occurrence he had to deal with. He failed.
-"Your mother took you to fight the wilderness?!", he repeated, grabbing his nephew's shoulder with his spare hand and trying to keep the other tube balanced.
-"Oh, come on, Unca' Donald, it's just basic stuff to learn!", he argued back, trying to shrug his shoulder before he winced from the act with an 'Ow!'.
-"Wha- Is your shoulder hurt? Did you encounter bears? How did you fight them?", he kept asking, barely giving the self-proclaimed adventurer any time to breathe.
-"I-It's nothing, just a bad landing, that's all. I mean, we were fighting bears, wolves, and flying beavers with nothing but our wits and bravery, the Heros of the For-Hey!", he tried to finish his sentence, only to be dragged by the sailor to his bed and forced to sit on it.
-"Oh, what am I ever going to do with your mother!", he grumbled, taking the first-aid kit they kept under the bed for emergency situations and trying to manipulate it with his one hand. "She just...she just thinks it's some jolly old fun to bring you over like it's nothing! Like you'll just bounce back from a fifty-meter jump and be okay!", he kept ranting himself as he took out some bandages and started unpacking them before heading to Dewey and starting to cover his wounds.
-"Heeeey! I told you I was fine, Unca' Donald.", the duckling huffed, unable to resist his uncle's medical aid as he kept putting bandages wherever he could reach. "And...Mom's trying her best, you know. No reason to get all mad, y'know...", he added, looking both offended and embarrassed.
-"I know she is.", Donald softly mumbled, putting the last of the bandages. Dewey's face wasn't too far from a mummy at this point. "It's just...sometimes her best isn't the best for everyone, and it's not her fault but...I'd rather you don't get mauled by a bear, Dewey.", he explained, taking a step back and paying attention not to let the tube in his hand tilt. Last thing he needed was to stand there again holding a tube full of water because the first one got spilled.
-"Yeah...me too, I guess.", he conceded, rubbing his arm and trying to chuckle. Donald responded in kind, trying to make his nephew be more at ease. "But she's so cool whenever she does it. How she kicked that bear and then it just turned over and winced in pain.", he dreamily recounted, looking to the ceiling before coming back to reality.
-"She kicked a bear and it just turned over?", Donald repeated, baffled; he knew his sister was strong, but weren't bears made for fighting harsh fights? Layers of fat and all that?
-"Well, I didn't get to see the fight in all its glory, but all I saw was that she flipped over the bear, managed to go behind him, and then she...kicked...", the young adventurer clenched his fists, enthusiastically recalling what his mother did until the realization dawned on all of them. 'Oooooh', was all he and Donald could say for a minute.
-"I don't understand. What did she do?", Webby asked, tilting her head as she carried some machines around the room.
-"O-Oh, it's nothing, Webby. Nothing at all.", he was lying through his teeth. Donald knew she knew. But as long as he wasn't the one who needed to tell her, all was going to be fine. "Ahem...Regardless of her strategies, you're not going to be your mother in one day, Dewey. De-, uh, sorry, your mom is an extremely talented person, but she also...slips. She needed years of broken bones, internal injuries and other injuries to reach where she is now. All I'm saying is that you can learn it all from her the easy way without breaking your neck. I know, not very fun to you,", he paused to add under his breath 'somehow', getting a glare from Dewey, "But it's what I think is better. You don't have to prove anything to us, you know.", he finished both talking and applying some extra bandages, looking at his nephew.
-"I can't promise anything; I can and probably will dew anything.", the blue-shirted duck began, receiving a sigh, "But it makes enough sense. I guess I don't have to be the star of every adventure, but...eh. Maybe I can sit back sometimes. The world needs a break from my awesomeness from time to time.", he finished, flashing his titular proud smile and forcing Donald to hold a smile, making the former's smile drop a bit. Oh, the world needed a break from Dewey alright. Just not for those reasons.
-"Yeah, Unca' Donald has a point, mom means well, but a bear's teeth are stronger than good will.", Huey added, though almost absently as he kept tinkering with the various machines throughout the room and re-reading his notes, as proven by his late response. "This just...this just...It doesn't add up! NONE of these numbers add up! The conclusion...it's wrong! Incorrect! It...It...", he yelled, almost unable to form a coherent sentence at the end. Oh, no. He was going into another rush of his. "Show me the tube, Unca' Donald!", he ordered as he made his way over to his older relative, who tried to remain calm. He did not succeed too well.
-"Uh, Webby? Did...did Huey take some sugar? What's going on in here?", Dewey asked the enthusiastic young duckling, who followed Huey to the triplets' bed.
-"Oh, it's nothing. Huey's been researching the surrounding gravity of the mansion to make sure it didn't change gravity or anything after it nearly got destroyed a couple dozen of times with us inside it!", clenching her fists and raising them to the air, her enthusiasm would've been infectious if Huey didn't look on the brink of a meltdown.
-"Riiiiight...", the blue-shirted triplet processed as his brother practically ripped the tube from his uncle's hand. "And he's doing this becauuuuse...?"
-"Oh, well, he spilled his milk this morning.", she immediately answered, reflecting on her words. "Yeah, not the best incentive, but it's for the greater good!", she confidently boasted, turning to her research-partner. "Right, Huey?"
-"The...The water's okay? How is it okay?! WHY IS IT OKAY?! I NEED TO KNOW!", said research partner was currently yelling at a tube of perfectly okay water, as any great man in history did. His eyes bulged and he ground his beak, looking ever so close to that breaking point.
-"Uh...Listen, Huey, I wasn't there this morning...but is a spilled milk cup really worth all of...this? Your hand probably just slipped. I spilled my milk last week, too.", well, that wasn't exactly true, but Donald didn't have to let them know that he mixed up which hand was holding the cup and which one was holding the brush. In his defence, he'd just woken up and...yeah, that was the only thing he could say for himself.
-"No, you don't understand! I've been pouring myself a glass of milk every morning for three years! I mastered a technique of holding the bottle and the cup for three years! What if I needed this technique for a dangerous artefact...or...or...Or maybe so Scrooge's keys don't fall down a drain! What if I needed to fly a plane with this knowledge and it fails me like it did now?!", ah, how Donald loved Huey's rants. He was just so passionate about the things he did. If there wasn't a chance of him picking up a knife or some other dangerous object and going around on rampage with it, he'd have encouraged him to do it more. No pent up feelings and all that jazz. It was also threatening that his left hand had a screwdriver that looked just a bit too sharp to be waved around.
-"Well...when the time comes to that, you'll come up with a solution. I know you will.", he smiled encouragingly, making his ranting nephew look at him and eyeing the screwdriver in his hand. "But sometimes, a glass of milk is just that. A glass of milk. There's no bigger meaning behind it most of the time and you don't need to beat yourself over it.", he argued, slightly snapping Huey out of his momentary madness. "And that's uncle Scrooge to you, Huey."
Well, yes, there were times when knowing how to play the guitar saved him and his family, and screwing that up would've killed them all, but in the end, you need to prepare yourself mentally for when the time comes, and not by beating yourself for every small or big mistake. There are times for that, but this was certainly not one of them. Donald would know. He did it as an emo teenager. Man, he missed those days. Why did going emo fall out of fashion?! It's all about gothic movements these days, and he wasn't about those clothes.
-"I...Yeah, you're right.", the mad-scientist in Huey gave the wheel back to his rational self. Thank goodness. No new paint-coats for this screwdriver. "Sometimes a glass of milk is just that. Milk.", he repeated, taking the tube out of his uncle's hand and letting the water fall. "Thanks, unca' Donald. I needed that. Don't know what came over me there for a moment.", he too smiled, allowing the houseboat sailor to pat his shoulder.
-"Bah, don't sweat it, Huey! We all had this moment when we went on an insane scientific adventure to prove something that's probably unreal because we...uh...Yeah, I can't dig myself out of that one.", Webby admitted, slumping near the end of her sentence as she suddenly looked a bit tired. Helping Huey all day on his quest probably wasn't the easiest thing to do today. The quadro of ducks shared a laugh.
-"C'mere, Huey.", the older duck held his arms out, allowing his nephew to nestle in for a hug. He gestured to the two other ducklings.
-"GROUP-HUG!", taking advantage of the situation, Webby grabbed Dewey's arm and threw the both of them onto the sailor, who felt the air get knocked out of him for a moment as the two ducklings slammed into his stomach. Regaining his breath, he wrapped his hands around the three duckling around him.
-"Okay that's enough.", Dewey was the first to pull out, never one for too much emotional content when he didn't need it. The other two slowly pulled out, looking satisfied.
-"Welp. I guess it's time to clean this mess up.", the former mad-scientist in Huey was now firmly dead, it seemed. He let out a sigh, looking at the various contraptions he had set up in the room.
-"Don't worry about it, Huey, we can help you out. Not like I'll be doing much like this, anyways...",  his brother gave him a pat on his back, pointing with his other hand to the various bandages that covered his face.
-"And I can help you, too! I want to get back granny's knives and laser guns, you know.", the young Vanderquack chimed in, looking cheerful as always, but a bit more down-to-earth now that the experiment she was assisting in turned out to be a bust. She pointed at a strange device that was, surprise surprise, made with various knives and what looked to be laser guns tapped together. What was even the point of that thing? To look science-y?
-"Ah, goodie, I think I'll help, too.", Donald added, trying to encourage this little aide-circle. He didn't really want his nephews to live in what looked like a madman's dump, which...for a few hours, it was.
-"Actually...I think you'd better prepare to try and bail Louie out of a lawsuit.", Huey suggested, starting to pick up the papers and small machines that covered the floor.
-"Oh, come on, Huey, I'm certain Louie is smart enough to not get himself into much trouble!", even before the older Duck finished his answer, the room's occupants began laughing. Oh, what a scenario that would be. Louie, not getting himself into trouble while searching for fortune. What a joke. "Yeah, okay, you're probably right.", he finally concluded, heading to the room's door and opening it before turning his head back, "Now, if you kids need anything, you can tell me, alright?"
-"Yes, Unca' Donald.", the three ducklings replied in unison with their usual boredom to his patronising acts. Ah, how he loved that tone of theirs.
Closing the door behind him, Donald started going down the stairs, taking in a deep breath. Well. This wasn't really the way he thought he'd be spending his afternoon, but you know what? It wasn't like he was complaining. A small bonding session with the boys was as good as any, after all, and the little motivational speech at the end? Mhmmmm, peak uncle performance right there.
Good job, humble Donald, you did well. What, he was allowed some sort of internal pride, wasn't he? If Gladstone could do it externally because he's lucky, then he could feel some pride for being a good uncle. He hoped. Well, thinking about it now...a good uncle wouldn't have let Louie go get himself into trouble...Hmm...
Well, maybe he wasn't a perfect uncle, but with his uncle and sister promoting this adventurous life-style, there was only so much he could do. Besides, people learn when bad things happen to them. He just had to hope nothing too bad happens, which, luckily, it doesn't. Most times.
He shielded his eyes as he got out of the building and had his eyes blinded by the sun and thought back to the smiles Dewey, Huey, Louie and Webby gave him. What he would do to have them smile like this all the time. Take that, Della, today, Donald had won the...uh...race? The contest of who's a better parent-figure? Well...all of them were good parent-figures but...Oh, forget it! What mattered was that he felt he did something good today and that was it.
He basked in that feeling of pride for a moment, opening his houseboat's main door before noticing a small green figure running towards the mansion from an enraged older man. What worried Donald wasn't the situation; it was that whatever Louie did, it made this man, who couldn't have been any younger than eighty, manage to wake his dormant muscles.
Well, he thought, guess it's time for more uncle-business. Ooooh, that was good. Maybe he could make it a catchphrase and actually copy-right it.
Whenever he calmed this older gentleman, of course. He took a step forward, readied his mind, and mentally prepared to save Louie from a butt-kicking. Yep. Typical Tuesday, alright, and he couldn't be a happier uncle about it.
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January 2, 2018
A Quick Update:
So I’ve only recently been active on Tumblr for a few months after a year or two, aside from a few stray posts every once and awhile when I would log on out of extreme boredom, or the occasional cry for help when my depression got bad and I had nowhere else to vent. So here’s a quick update of my life in the last year. 
Probably the biggest news is that I dropped out of college. For those that don’t know or don’t remember, I was attending Millikin University pursuing a degree in music. I just did not excel and my depression kept getting worse and worse. It was to the point I was having several anxiety attacks a day and was rarely - if ever - showing up to class. I guess you could say I flunked out of school, despite it almost being a mutual farewell... though if my family were ever to ask, I definitely dropped. 
During my last semester, I was enrolled in a bariatric surgery program (aka weight loss surgery). I’m at my highest weight right now. Which I’ll get into later. At the time my mental health was too terrible to continue, so I was in therapy. During therapy, my mother had an absolutely terrible time with the workers in the program and so we both decided to drop it. We’ve been in pursuit of a different one, but being in such a rural part of the state, there aren’t many options nearby.
After I left college, I was hired on full-time as a shift manager at Sbarro. I learned a lot there. I feel like I grew as a person and I’m thankful for that insite to real, everyday life. Not that I haven’t had jobs before, but they were always just part time, during the summer jobs for some spending money. I had a lot of issues there with higher management. I and my family both feel I experienced a sort of emotional abuse there. It was almost like I was a kid on a playground again. Suffice to say, I completed a full year there as of December 5, 2017, and am no longer employed there. 
I adopted a cat!! Well.. sort of. Last April a stray cat showed up around the yard and he just sort of chose the family. My grandma and mother don’t want another indoor cat, so we made him a home on our front porch with a heated cat house, plastic to block the wind and keep the cold out (it comes down during the winter so he doesn’t get hot), and plenty of water, food, and loves. He is a orange tabby that I named Butters (Mr. Butters, Bubs, Bubbers, etc.). His story is strange, we have no idea where he came from. Originally we thought he was a female because he didn’t have balls (lol I’m sorry to be so blunt), but when we took him to be spayed, they told us they couldn’t spay her because she was a boy that was ALREADY neutered!! I love my Butters. 
I’ve fallen for so many people... which is hilarious and strange because I don’t fall for people easily. I mean, like... it’s really hard, almost. I find that I have to have a lot in common with the person and really really enjoy their company and conversation. Three boys and one girl have broken my heart to pieces. I don’t want to specifically name names but... Richard you’re a tremendous cunt and the boy scouts would be much better off if you had never been a part of them. And Nick... we  bonded over love of Marianas Trench. The band that absolutely is the soundtrack to my heart. I let you in and you deceived me. You can kindly kiss the fattest part of my ass. As far as the other two, you broke my heart but there really wasn’t anything that could be done about it, as it was out of both of our hands. Best wishes to you.
Concerning my weight... some of you may know that I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). If you’re not familiar with this it’s basically like my ovaries are at war. With what I’m not sure to describe... each other maybe?? My body is more likely. In short, I produce too much testosterone, my ovaries (may or may not) have cysts on them at any given time, my period is out of whack (to be accurate I haven’t had a natural period since I was probably 13, all other periods since then have been induced from medicine), I have extreme trouble loosing weight, ect. If you’re that interested you can look it up. But this chronic disease makes my life a living hell and I’m very displeased to have it. Honestly I just want to be a regular woman. I’m extremely overweight and obese at the moment. Other than this my health is good, but things have to change. I’m considering taking up the keto diet, which a lot of cycters  (PCOS diagnosed nickname) have. I suppose we shall see. 
We almost moved back to North Carolina this summer. There was a perfect little house not far from our beloved island that we even had pending on purchase. But my grandmother decided not to go along with it. Which broke my heart because I absolutely loved the place. The backyard looked out on Slew Point Road that my Pap-Pap (Great-Grandpa) grew up on. It was in a beautiful neighborhood and was in just such a perfect place... I fear that I’ll never end up leaving Illinois. Though, I do have many fears about actually leaving. I fear leaving all my friends behind. As a little kid I always fantasized about our children being friends and growing up together. Though, since most of my friends and old classmates have already begun to have children, and I’m not even looking at being in a serious relationship anytime soon, I doubt that will happen. If I ever end up having a child it will probably be 10(+) years. 
I’ve attended a great deal of concerts... From 5 Seconds of Summer (I might have still been on Tumblr regularly when that one happened), to seeing my favorite island man, Jimmy Buffett (TWICE!!), childhood favorite, Alan Jackson, My heart, Marianas Trench, A rained out Panic! At the Disco/Weezer concert (That one was terrible, we stood in the rain for 3 + hours just for them to end up canceling the concert on us at the end of the third hour), to a kick ass Foo Fighters concert this past November and finally getting to see ED SHEERAN in concert!!!! ... I’d have to say my list of live music events is something I could pretty much die happy with right now. 
Well, I’m sure there’s plenty more I could elaborate on and inform you of, But I’ve been typing for like 40 minutes so I’m just going to leave this as my update. I may potentially write more updates in the future. We’ll see. 
Have a wonderful day/night wherever you are! <3
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