#eventually they're probably gonna start yelling at me to just do things
scientia-rex · 11 months
Wound Care
Ok so, take this with a BIG grain of salt, because I may be a medical doctor BUT you need to know how much wound care training we get in medical school: none. Zip. Zilch. There may be medical schools where you do, but mine wasn't a bozo factory and there was NO wound care training. Everything I know I learned from one of several sources: an intensive 2-day wound care course I did in residency (highly recommend), the local Home Health wound care nurse (highly recommend), a completely batshit insane old white male doctor who started our learning sessions by yelling Vietnam War stories at me (do not recommend), a hospital wound care nurse (highly recommend), and experience (oh god do not recommend).
The first thing you need to know is that wound healing varies dramatically across the course of a lifespan. Kids? Kids will heal. If they don't, get their ass to a pediatrician because there's something genetic going on. Young adults will heal. Middle-aged adults will heal. You know who doesn't heal for shit? The elderly, and people with severe illnesses, and people with uncontrolled type II diabetes.
Your body needs several things in order to heal. It needs macronutrients, so you need to be able to EAT protein, fat, and carbs. If you are on total parenteral nutrition, aka TPN, aka IV nutrition, you are going to be worse at healing. If you are starving yourself, you are going to be worse at healing. If your body is desperately funneling all the calories you take in to surviving your COPD or cancer, you are going to be worse at healing.
It also needs micronutrients. If your diet sucks, you won't heal. Take a multivitamin once in a while.
There are two CRITICAL skin components to healing: collagen and elastin. Guess what we stop making as we age. Promoting collagen isn't just good for "anti-aging," it's good for NOT ripping your skin apart. Taking oral collagen is probably bullshit because your body is going to have to disassemble it to get it across the intestinal membranes to absorb, but it's also harmless, and if your diet REALLY sucks, who knows. Give it a try. Collagen is made of amino acids; think protein.
Another absolutely crucial component is blood flow. As people age, they start to develop cholesterol plaques lining arteries that eventually pick up calcium deposits. This makes blood vessels less elastic, which is a problem, but eventually also blocks them off, which is a much bigger problem. If someone has the major blood flow to their feet decreased by 90% by arterial stenosis, they are not going to heal for shit AND their foot's gonna hurt.
One component of blood flow I hadn't thought about before going into medicine is fluid retention. The way your body works, blood exits the heart at a very high velocity, but slows to a crawl by the time it gets into capillaries, the smallest blood vessels in the body. Water is a very small molecule and can leave the blood vessel, especially if there aren't big, negatively-charged molecules like proteins like albumin in the blood vessels to hold the water there. And we're built for this--some water is supposed to leak out of our blood vessels when it gets to real little vessels. It gets taken back up by the lymphatic system and eventually dumped back into the bloodstream at the inferior vena cava. But if you aren't making albumin--for instance, in liver failure--you may leak a LOT of fluid into the tissue, so much that your legs get swollen, tight, the skin feeling woody and strange. This isn't fixable by drainage because the fluid is everywhere, not in a single pocket we can drain. And because it puts so much pressure on the tissues of the skin, it often results in ulcers. Congestive heart failure, liver failure, kidney failure--these are all common causes of severe edema, aka swelling due to fluid in the tissues. And they're a real bitch when it comes to wound care, because we have such limited resources for getting the fluid back out, which is a necessary first step to healing.
Pressure is another common cause of wounds. Pressure forces blood out of those little capillaries, so you starve the cells normally fed by those capillaries, and they die. It's called pressure necrosis. Very sick people who can't turn themselves over--people in the ICU, people in nursing homes--are especially prone to these wounds, as are people with limited sensation; pressure wounds are common in wheelchair users who have lost some feeling in the parts of their bodies that rub against those surfaces, or diabetics who don't notice a rock in their shoe.
So, if you're trying to treat wounds, the questions to ask are these:
Why did this wound happen?
-Was it pressure? If it's pressure, you have to offload the source of the pressure or else that wound will not heal. End of story. You can put the tears of a unicorn on that thing, if you don't offload the pressure it won't heal.
-Was it fluid? If it's fluid, you have get the fluid out of the issues or else it won't heal. You can sometimes do that with diuretics, medications that cause the body to dump water through the kidneys, but that's always threading a needle because you have to get someone to a state where they still have juuuuust enough fluid inside their blood vessels to keep their organs happy, while maintaining a very slight state of dehydration so the blood vessels suck water back in from the tissues. You can use compression stockings to squeeze fluid back into the vessels, but if they have arterial insufficiency and not just venous insufficiency, you can accidentally then cause pressure injury. The safest option is using gravity: prop the feet up above the level of the heart, wherever the heart is at, at that moment, and gravity will pull fluid back down out of the legs. Super boring though. Patients hate it. Not as much as they hate compression stockings.
-Was it a skin tear because the skin is very fragile? This is extremely common in the elderly, because they're not making collagen and elastin, necessary to repairing skin. If this is the case, make sure they're actually getting enough nutrition--as people get into their 80s and 90s, their appetites often change and diminish, especially if they're struggling with dementia. And think about just wrapping them in bubble wrap. Remove things with sharp edges from their environments. I have seen the WORST skin tears from solid wood or metal furniture with sharp edges. Get rid of throw rugs and other tripping hazards. I had somebody last week who tried to a clear a baby gate and damn near destroyed their artificial hip.
The next critical question: why isn't it healing?
-Are you getting enough nutrients? Both macro and micro?
-Are you elderly?
-Are you ill?
-Do you have a genetic disorder of collagen formation?
Fix why it's not healing and almost anything will heal. If you're diabetic, find a medication regimen that improves your sugars and stick to it. If you're anorexic, get treatment for your eating disorder. If you have congestive heart failure, work with your doctor on your fluid balance. Wear the damn pressure stockings. Prop up your feet.
If, after those two unskippable questions are done, you want to do something to the wound--apply a dressing, do a treatment--that's a whole other kettle of fish. I'll write that later. The dryer just sang me its little song and I need to put away the laundry.
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
(Thank you for reading this and have a great day!!)
I definitely see dad Miguel treating reader like a child, no matter what age you are. You could be a strong, independent woman, and to Miguel... you're a baby🥺 Everytime you get frustrated when he tells you no, or doesn't allow you to do what you want, he thinks you look absolutely adorable, your brows furrowed and your nostrils flared, and Miguel just has to just lean down to your level and you think that he's gonna offer you an explanation and in his mind, he does, but all he really says is-
"I know what's best for you, mija."
And if you dare to say "you're not my dad!", he won't say anything because yeah, you're right, but he will stare at you intimidatingly until you either take your words back or change the topic.
I think Miguel is not someone who talks much (but he still expects you to converse with him regularly) and so when he doesn't wanna argue with you, he may or may not shoot a web to seal your lips shut, just so that you give him enough time to explain (which again he doesnt), but he does use this time to tell you that you're grounded and then again, uses his strength against you to pick you up like a little bratty kitten and drop you back to your room.
I also think that Miguel definitely sees you as this helpless creature that would absolutely DIE without him. It doesn't matter if you're a spider-person like him, no. To him, you're just a frail kitten that needs papa Miguel's help to shelter her from the pouring rain and bubble wrap you and cuddle you and just- protect you from this all too harsh world.
And you could be trying to break free from his grasp, going of about how he didnt need you to pull you from your universe, how you had your life under control and what not, and Miguel would just sigh and shake his head and mutter "Teenagers🙄" EVEN IF YOU'RE AN ADULT.
Miguel isnt someone who talks about his feelings, definitely not at first, he just bottles everything up until the lid pops off and someone else has to face his fury. BUT that doesn't he doesn't expect you to talk about yours. He's super observant so the moment he notices the slightest change in your mood, or the way you breathe, oh he's bugging you to tell him whats wrong. I mean he's breathing down your neck, which as you already know isnt great because he is the only person you're allowed to talk to (minus Peter B Parker and Mayday), and eventually, he may even tie you upside down with his web to make you talk. And he's just nodding and offering up solutions/therapeutic advices (not really, they're just compromises) while you're getting blood rush from hanging off the ceiling for so long.
Also going back to the "you're not my dad!" thing, I think if you say it enough times, it does start to hurt him and eventually he reaches a breaking point where he does end up getting mad and bares his teeth at you as he yells "I AM, NOW! AND IF YOU DON'T START LISTENING TO ME MIJA, YOU WILL REGRET IT! NOW, MARCH OFF TO YOUR ROOM!" And sure, you get spooked enough to run off, but not before you yell like a very cliche, angsty teen "I hate you!" and you slam your door close before he could scold you again. He still comes right up to your door, probably to ground you even more, but he doesnt have the heart to open the door when he hears your sobs. Damn, now you just broke his heart. So, Miguel leaves, deciding its best that you two get some space to cool off.
Now I see Miguel as the type of dad who doesnt really apologise (mostly because he doesn't feel like he's done anything wrong) but instead offers a parley or a white flag of sorts in the form of food (like some cut up fruits and veggies, or even your fav takeout) and sure, his heart is still heavy with guilt, even more so when he sees your swollen red eyes indicating how you've been crying for days, so he clears his throat, maybe shifts in his seat a little and asks about your day or something random, heartbreak intensifying 100X when you refuse to talk to him, making him resort to something thats... uncomfortable for you both.
A hug.
I mean this has to be the most awkward hug in history, because Miguel just swoops you up and places you in his lap, pulling you to his chest and telling you that he's not letting go until you talk. STILL NOT APOLOGISING, I mean there is a greater likelihood that you may end up apologising to him but Miguel sure as hell isnt saying the word "sorry" (unless you're dead, specifically if u die in his arms hehe).
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AITA for giving a friend tickets to a concert that I originally bought for a different friend?
This kind of petty drama tbh but my friends are divided over this whole thing and I worry that the way I acted was wrong.
I (16) bought 4 tickets to a concert that I really wanted to see, intending to ask my friends to go with me for my birthday. Because I was the one who wanted to go, and I know none of my friends are super into this artist, I thought it was only fair that I bought the tickets. They were like £70 each and I spent some of the money I got as gifts to buy them.
I asked 1 friend who has kind of been my on and off best friend for the past 4 years, we'll call her E, to go with m. She asked if we could also invite someone she's friends with, who I don't know that well- let's call her O. I wasn't super happy with the idea but I really wanted E to come and I thought maybe it could be a good way to get to know O more. The asked a few of other friends if they wanted the last ticket but they were either busy or didn't know if they would be allowed (the concert was happening in another city) so the last ticket wasn't claimed for a while.
The week of the concert arrived and I ended up in hospital because I dislocated my knee. I was told I probably shouldn't go to a concert because I should be on rest for a few days. I was pretty upset but there wasn't really anything I could do about it. I let E know I couldn't go anymore and that I was just gonna post the tickets for sale online. I told her she could buy hers if she still wanted to go. She didn't reply so I had a feeling she was pissed about it. On the day of the concert, the tickets hadn't been bought. I was home from school all day but a few of my friends came by after to see how I was doing.
This is when I learned that E had told everyone that I had given her all four tickets and that she had told two guys from the year above that they could have my ticket and the spare one for free if they gave her and O a ride to the concert. I tried calling E but she didn't pick up or reply to texts. I'll admit I was kind of angry. The girls who came to see me after school said they would buy the tickets from me and go to the concert if the tickets were still available. So I sold them the tickets for £50 each (that was all the had on them at the time and I was fine with getting at least some of the money back versus giving them to E and some random people for free) and they went to the concert.
A few hours before the concert started, E showed up at my house and asked for the tickets. I told her I had sold them to some other friends and she kicked OFF. She said I had given her at least her and O's tickets as a gift and that I couldn't just take that back. She had the guy from the year above come up to my house and ask where the tickets were too, though he seemed confused about the whole thing and was pretty understanding when I said I had bought them for my birthday but got injured so I decided to sell them. Eventually my mum had to ask them to leave because E was just yelling at me, saying that I was a shitty friend, and I was pretty upset.
Things have been so tense in school since the concert. Some of my friends don't believe that I never promised E all of the tickets after I got injured, so they're really mad at me and the friends who went to the concert. The whole thing is really awkward and I'm starting to feel like maybe it was an asshole move on my part. I don't know. E basically hasn't spoken to me since. I knew she had made plans with the tickets so I guess it was bad of me to sell the tickets to those other friends. I just feel like she shouldn't have assumed I would give them all away to her for free? Especially when I told her ahead of time that she could buy the tickets, otherwise I was gonna try selling them. She never replied to let me know she wanted them. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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svltzmans · 11 months
boxer! hope mikaelson headcanons
a/n: i've been thinking about this hc for weeks guys i'm in love!
warnings: nsfw content (18+), mention of minor violence/injury, as always not edited just a bunch of thoughts
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boxing is one of hope's favorite ways to exercise, and also one of her coping methods when she gets upset or angry
most of the time, hope uses a punching bag for her workouts
(something she knows won't get tired)
she boxes until her fingers blister, and her hands are too sore to continue
when hope works out, she pushes herself as hard as she can
and she doesn't mind getting a few badass injuries in the process
hope has definitely broken a few boxing bags, not realizing her own strength
she gets so enthralled with her punches that she doesn't think about it
she'd be an hour or so into her workout session, and the bag would just fly off the chain holding it up
the first time this happened, she just stared at it for a minute and burst out laughing
hope also sometimes likes to spar, and she'll usually get another supernatural to train with her
but one day you'd ask her if she wanted to spar with you
and she's honestly shocked, because you had never shown any interest in boxing before
she'd absolutely agree to train you
but not before teasing you a little
"i'm gonna go easy on you baby, don't worry"
she'd help you wrap your hands to protect them from getting blistered
she'd be super homoerotic about it, of course
"such pretty hands, baby. gonna show me how you use 'em?"
she'd let you pick out a pair of her gloves to borrow
(but you'd end up keeping them)
hope would start by having you punch the bag so that she could "see your skills"
but she actually just wants to watch you
because she thinks it's so hot that you're doing this with her
hope knew you were strong
but she didn't know you were that strong
she's in awe of your every move, watching you (seemingly effortlessly) throw punches
eventually she can't help herself and starts shouting praise your way
"there you go baby, that's it"
"such a strong girl, you're doing amazing"
"beat the shit out of that thing, pretty girl"
hope is too focused on you to notice that the chain holding the bag to the ceiling is starting to weaken
and eventually, the bag flies off and across the room
"oh shit!" you'd yell, thinking you'd owe the salvatore school a new punching bag
"damn love, you're too strong for the bag."
hope manages to fix the bag, hooking it back onto the ceiling
"think you're ready for me?" hope says, wrapping her own hands
"bring it on."
you and hope would start sparring, dancing around each other
and it would be almost impossible for you to focus, seeing the passion and intensity in hope's eyes
hope wasn't lying when she said she would go easy
her hits are gentle enough that they're not the slightest bit painful
she'd stop to check in a lot, double checking that she's not being too rough
and you'd do the same, even though she always had the same response
"i like it rough."
while trying to dodge a hit, hope loses her footing and lands on the gym floor below her
laughing, she pretends to collapse and just stays on the ground
instinctively, you'd straddle her, hovering above her
"knockout," you'd taunt, finally leaning in to kiss her
"seeing you about to beat me up is pretty hot," hope would mutter between kisses
"there's more where that came from," you'd say, pretending to throw a punch jokingly
you'd lay down next to hope, both of you staring at the ceiling
you'd just enjoy each other's company for a while
and hope would help you take off your hand wraps and gloves
(and probably kiss your hands because duh, she's a romantic)
i need to box with hope rn and exercise with her more after iykwim lmao
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h-harleybaby · 2 years
can you do stan,kyle and butters hcs for when their s/o falls asleep on them or cuddling hcs for them please
Omg thats so fucking cute
Watch that have priority over literally all my requests (now that I'm coming back to this thats a lie I have no brain juice for any of my requests)
This totally isn’t in specific order of who I like most to who I don’t know how to write for
Also I already wrote for Butters cuddling hcs so it's gonna be a lil short than the other ones
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• You and Butters cuddle really often because ya know, he's touch starved and you like physical touch
• So you cuddling him in public (or really anywhere) isn't a surprise to him
• I mean he might turn a little pink but that's just because he thinks you're really pretty
• You falling asleep on him tho???
• He thinks your adorable, and he doesn't have the heart to wake you up
• You falling asleep on him means you really trust him, right?! Now he definitely can't wake you up because what if you never fall asleep on him again
• Butters definitely shushes people if they're being too loud around you while you're asleep, he wants you to sleep >:(
• If you start stirring he's probably gonna rub your back and say go back to sleep IN THE SOFTEST TONE EVER
• He loves when you fall asleep on him in general-
• Anyways, he's always willing to cuddle you and be your pillow
• He might even jokingly start calling himself your pillow and he holds that title proudly!
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• Kyle's stiff when it happens, but he always eventually gets comfortable
• In his brain he's panicking, and whenever he starts panicking he starts sweating
• A lot
• He really likes cuddling tho, just not much in public
• But I mean at least he's kinda warm so that makes him better to sleep on
• He's actually pretty comfortable to sleep on if you're not under his arms because jesus christ he sweats so much there
• Although he does like it when you sleep on him, his limbs often get really numb without moving so he's not the best to sleep on
• He definitely tries not to wake you up, you probably need the sleep
• He always tries to shake his arm or something without waking you up but he usually ends up doing it anyways
• But did you not sleep last night??? He's gonna bug you about it because you need to sleep more >:((((
• If he's gonna wake you up (if him shaking himself doesn't), he does it really gently because he doesn't wanna startle you or anything
• Cartman definitely makes fun of Kyle for letting you sleep on him, according to Cartman Kyle's whipped for you
• If they end up having the big argument they always have, he's definitely gonna whisper yell as to not wake you up
• And if Cartman doesn't get the memo, he's gonna start throwing shoes at him
• "Shut up fat ass, she's sleeping!" "Why do I care??"
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• Stan also really likes cuddling! But you definitely have to show him how... I don't understand how he doesn't know how BUT HE DOESN'T
• He probably also smells like liquor but it's fine it smells good-
• Falling asleep on Stan tho?? He's a lil weirded out but he's fine with it
• Cartman probably makes fun of him too but he's just ignoring him and using his phone
• He's nervous but not Kyle nervous, in his brain is like "Well, I gotta be careful. It's not that easy to screw this up anyways"
• Stan's probably also fighting the urge to throw up the entire time
• I hc that he got a lot better with the throwing up thing when he's in love... just please don't kiss him till he's ready unless you want it in your face which believe me, YOU DON'T
• He probably has his arms around you with his head on top of yours, who knew this would be so comfy??
• You did, that's who
• Stan's also the type to fall asleep with you and not want to let you go
• He's probably a light sleeper so you trying to get up would wake him
• Doesn't matter if you guys have class or you guys have to go home, he wants you to sleep with him a lil more
• If you say that y'all can cuddle and take a nap together in a bed instead of the floor later it definitely motivates him
• If you can beat his throw up tho, you could probably kiss him awake
• It's actually his favorite way to wake up, it just takes a bit of time to get used to it
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sailing-ever-west · 9 months
had a nonverbal episode yesterday and naturally am coping with autistic blorbos so it got me thinking about nonverbal Luffy and how that would affect the plot, especially with a character who is typically, well, yelling all the time.
like canon Luffy can't really keep his mouth shut and this causes many problems but I fully believe that he would be able to wreak just as much havoc if not more without ever talking.
him using sign language is super cool for a starting place, but
1. I'm honestly not sure who would've taught it to him because he didn't have a consistent education or guardian so what he knows is probably somewhat incomplete/rudimentary. Garp would've made a solid attempt I think but he probably would've tried to do it in like a strict lesson format and Luffy's brain would just ADHD straight outta there, but I think he still learned the basics.
2. Signing wouldn't always work to communicate because not everyone knows it so he would still often have to find other ways to get across what he's saying. The crew would learn sign and just get used to his various other ways of communicating but people all over the world when they're traveling can't be counted on to know stuff.
Random ideas I have
keeping a little flag with a jolly roger on it in his pocket and just pointing to it to tell people he's a pirate
just not bothering to try to communicate with people who have oficially pissed him off. sorry loser your privileges have been revoked I'm just gonna punch you now
marines getting really annoyed at first because they think he's staying silent to snub them and then realizing he just can't talk but by the time they figure that out he's already down to fight them anyway
stretching his arms into shapes of things to get an idea across
quickly drawing illustrations (not terribly helpful because he's awful at it, but he continues to do it anyway)
Zoro/someone else on the crew explaining things to a new person and Luffy just nodding proudly like yep that's my crewmate they get it :))
still makes Noises. nonverbal =/= quiet and boy does Luffy prove that
He used to sign "food" at Sanji but eventually he just Shows Up in the kitchen or approaches him with big eyes and Sanji knows what he wants
there's a rumor going around that he communicates with his crew telepathically because people cannot figure out HOW the ideas are getting across
asks people to join his crew by just showing them the little flag and motioning to follow him. once you come with him there's no going back he's like ok you're my best friend forever and within like 24 hours you're like well I guess I'm on a pirate crew
doesn't say gum gum when he does a move he just starts screaming. it's like far more terrifying and villains have no idea what's happening until they're being punched in the face by a nonverbal teenager in flip flops
basically take how abrupt and confusing Luffy already is to everyone else in the world and then imagine he doesn't announce anything before doing it
Thinking of doing some little fics or mini comics of major scenes in this AU idk
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kiolvrrlv · 10 months
Idk if u write hcs but if so,
Reo and nagi (seperate) with reader in a bad mood and genuinely raging, screaming into a pillow, throwing the pillow on the bed and just being aggressive.
And now they have to calm her down/comfort her but they're still scared to worsen things
Do you have a masterlist? if not, could you make one so i could avoid making mistakes?
Thank you! Love and kisses
( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
YESYES I WRITE HCS, also ill make a masterlist soon i promise!!! (idk how to write a masterlist but i’ll try ☹️)
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he’ll be trying his absolute best to calm you down, buying your favorite sweets, offering hugs
poor guy is trying not to get yelled at by you
speaking in the SOFTEST tone he can manage
trying to give you hugs and kisses while also trying not to irritate you even more
“darling— my love, my world, the prettiest girl— please tell me what’s wrong.”
literally him: 😓
will literally tell you ANYTHING but to calm down, he’s scared to make you even more upset
eventually gets your tantrum to a stop with a bunch of pleading and trying to save your pillows from getting ripped into shreds by you
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literally first thing he’s gonna tell you is to calm down
“calm down, it’s probably not even that big of a deal..”
makes your tantrum even worse than before
eventually starts apologizing cause he doesn’t wanna get hit by a pillow
unlike reo, he isn’t trying to give you hugs, he IS giving you hugs
he’s scared of making you more mad like before so he starts watching his words
doesn’t do much to comfort you as he might make you frustrated again, so he waits until your tantrum tires you out
starts giving you kisses and cuddles after you calm down
sweet boys trying his best, dont be mad at him 😞
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
Dazai, chuuya, fyodor n sigma with their teenage daughter coming in their and s/o's and saying that she has a boyfriend and they (bsd characters) literally scream with a "WHAT". 💀
i've prepared for this exact scenario (i watched buddy daddies and cried a lot)
When their daughter tells them she has a boyfriend
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♡ characters: Dazai Osamu, Chuuya Nakahara, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Sigma (+ gn!Reader and their daughter)
♡ synopsis: How do these men react upon learning that their teenage daughter has a boyfriend?
♡ cw: Protective dad moments, swearing, mentions of sex and religion, Fyodor is kinda toxic (damn...even dad!Fyo is toxic, friggin' oof)
note: I didn't wanna fall into the overly protective dad trope because it's pretty toxic but...I think I kinda did T-T Apologies for errors and I hope you still enjoy x
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He calms down after a second and asks her when she started dating her boyfriend lmao
Dazai is a bit hypocritical. He was a playboy once upon a time himself, but he lowkey isn't too thrilled with the idea of his daughter dating yet
He's just not really looking forward to possibly having to tolerate any rebelliousness that comes from his daughter (especially in favour of some random teenager)
He tells your daughter that she needs to be very careful with dating at her age because teenage boys can be cruel and whatever. But he also gives some good advice about infatuation and romance, and how if it doesn't last then it's not her fault, and stuff like that.
He promises to be nice if she decides to introduce him to her boyfriend one day (she had to nag him a little first lmao)
He also promises to deal with her boyfriend accordingly if he ever breaks her heart, which he'd play off as a joke afterwards but like...c'mon.
He'd be alright though, like he'd ask her (nice) questions about him, how did they meet, what's he like etc. because he does actually feel better when he sees that his daughter is happy :)
Dazai is honestly surprisingly chill about the whole thing despite his initial reaction, but he's ready to be less so if necessary
This man trusts his daughter to carry out assassinations and infiltrate enemy gangs and shit, but teenage boys are different because they're far more evil
He lowkey starts interrogating her about him ("What's his name? Where does he live? What's he like? When did you start dating? What do his parents do?" and so on)
You have to tell him to give her the benefit of the doubt and that he can't just assume her boyfriend is a prick without any evidence
It's not that he thinks that at all, he's just super protective of her (it's ingrained in him, being a mafioso and all) and he knows teenage boys can be wicked sometimes
It's not like he's gonna kill your daughter's boyfriend if he breaks her heart or anything like that, but he'll definitely have a talk with him (talk = like, screaming at him probably)
You'd need to ease his nerves and remind him that you guys were also in the same spot as your daughter and her boyfriend once. When Chuuya thinks of it that way he's more alright with it
He does apologise to her eventually for kinda freaking out at first and reminds her that he respects her autonomy and stuff, but he also says to come straight to him if her boyfriend even looks at her the wrong way lmao
Chuuya was just surprised is all, but he's doing his best <3
After his outburst, you and your daughter are just looking at him like...this is the first time you've yelled in your whole life
He apologises for it, and tells her that her news just caught him off-guard (and she's just as surprised as you are), and that he's actually happy for her.
He immediately starts looking into this guy and he'll find out everything about him (including blackmail) to make sure he's good enough for his daughter (Fyodor honesty seems to me the type to protect and spoil his kids a ton)
Fyodor is religious, but he's not like 'no premarital sex' religious, so he's not super strict about her dating boys as a teenager on its own
THAT BEING SAID he is so cautious and will definitely be the father who threatens their daughter's girlfriend. You have to tell him that uhh...it's not cool to threaten a teenager
Her boyfriend would probably honestly be too worried to hurt your daughter after meeting Fyodor because...holy shit, imagine having Fyodor as a father-in-law.
If Fyodor does end up approving of her boyfriend, his mind probably immediately goes to the future and grandchildren and stuff omg (he momentarily forgets that they've been dating for what, like a week? AND THEY'RE KIDS FYODOR)
Overall, he's...exactly how you might expect him to be. Calm on the surface but secretly freaking the fuck out about it.
He's SO worried oh my god. He couldn't handle it if some stupid boy broke his daughter's heart
Like he's actually really happy for his girl because she seems to really like her boyfriend, but he can't shake off his worry. He's not necessarily the most trusting person, y'know?
He kinda forgot that yeah, his child would eventually get to the age where she'd start dating too. He's not ready for it at all and that's why he kinda panicked T-T
It's not really the dating part itself that he minds, it's more a question of who she's dating. He'd be open to meeting his daughter's boyfriend and getting to know him, but if he doesn't like him he probably still wouldn't say anything lol
However, if this boy hurt her, then...ohhhhhh no. We've seen how protective Sigma is of his casino- imagine him having a whole ass kid. He'd let the world burn for her!
Would he kill the boyfriend? ...I honestly don't know man. It's not like Sigma's well-adjusted and knows how to deal with these things
You'd need to remind him that even if she and her boyfriend do break up then it's not the end of the world, and she'll be fine if she has him around when that happens
Sigma's main priority is his daughter's happiness, but he needs a minute to process this news is all
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my back hurts so much please manifest my back pain away friends
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Hear me out on this one you guys, I know it's long but bear with me here.
Keith has been captured by a Galra fleet in hopes of drawing out the rest of Voltron; it's been a couple hours since the crew found out, but no one has showed up yet.
Meanwhile at the Castle of Lions, everyone is arguing over what to do, and most everyone is siding with Shiro and Allura who are saying they need to wait and carefully think of a plan, Hunk feels bad about it, but agrees because he knows they can't go in there without a strategy, Pidge thinks it's logical and that they need all the data they can get, and Coran is always on Allura's side. Lance, on the other hand, is furious that they're even hesitating, especially Shiro, "WHILE YOU GUYS ARE HERE TRYING TO FIND THE EASY ROUTE, KEITH IS IN GALRA CHAINS PROBABLY BEING HURT! I'M NOT GOING TO WAIT AROUND WHEN THERE'S SOMETHING I CAN DO!" He yells before running off.
Eventually he makes it to the Galra cruiser and busts his way through with his bayard and the strength of pure rage until he makes it to the place where Keith is being held. Keith, who has clearly endured a couple blows and half expected to be left for dead, picks his head up and gasps when he sees Lance running towards him. Unfortunately before he can reach Keith, Sendak attacks from a blind spot, and a blade is sent clean through his armor, but he doesn't stop moving. Sendak says things like, "Give up" and "Struggling will kill you faster" and "You'll never succeed" all that good junk. But he just keeps moving towards Keith, determined to save him.
Sendak leaves the room, thinking that Lance is going to die or give up before he can free Keith, however with the very small amount of energy that he has, Lance uses his bayard to form the Altean Broadsword and cuts Keith's binds.
Keith falls to his knees, bringing Lance into his arms, "Are you okay?" Lance asks, "Am I okay?! Lance, you were just stabbed! Oh, god, you're bleeding too much, I have to-" (I know i do a lot of cut off things but they're so fun i cant resist.) "Hey, mullet. I say Vol, you say Tron, 'kay?" Keith, at this point, has a couple tears running down his face, "Lance, don't you dare give up. We're gonna get you out of here!" Lance ignores his pleas and continues with his sappy ways of saying something like "I can't make it but you can" and he reaches up to cup Keith's face, and he smiles, "Vol..." he starts, hoping Keith will finally get it, "Voltron." Keith says it firmly, knowing that he's doing it wrong so that Lance will keep talking.
Keith hauls him onto his back as they start heading towards the exit, "Paladins!" he calls through his intercom, "This is Keith, Lance has been seriously hurt, I need help!" and Lance is wearily explaining, "Keith, dude... The... The rules are in the chant, man... I say Vol... and then you say..." Keith consistently replies with Voltron.
Soon enough they make it back to the ship, Lance is put in a healing pod, blah blah blah. ROMANCE TIME!
When Lance wakes up, the first thing that happens is, Keith runs up to him and pulls him into a tight hug, then grabs both sides of his face, forcing Lance to look at him, "You are seriously so stupid!" Lance opens his mouth to apologize but he doesn't get the chance, as Keith has already brought him into a kiss.
I got nothing else to add, The End.
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starbvrr · 1 year
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𐃘 sanemi shinazugawa x fem!reader
When saving a girl in the forest became something way more for Sanemi
series masterlist 
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You run as fast as you can. After seeing that moment when your family was on the floor. Nothing could erase that from your mind. You couldn't believe that your family was attacked. This was the last thing you expected to come home to. You look over your shoulder to make sure that the demon wasn't close enough to catch you. You suddenly bumped into someone. You look up and see a man with white hair.
"Help me, please help me" you beg.
"What the hell" he looks down in disgust.
He sees a demon in the back running towards you. He grabs your arms and drags you through the forest at this point you don't care that the branches of the trees are cutting your skin. you want to be as far away as possible. even if that means leaving with a couple of scars.
Suddenly you trip over a branch and fall on top of him.
"I'm so sorry please don't leave me to die" you cry grasping his robe.
"Hey get off me! Get off me!" He starts pushing her away  "Don't think you can trick me into helping you! I'm the wind, and the wind doesn't care for dead leaves like you"
You feel his hands pushing you and feel the power, they're hard like rocks, and his muscles are tough, if you're not careful he might end up hurting you.
"Hey, you're hurting me" You wince in pain.
"I thought you'd help me and get me out of here." 
"You're gonna get yourself killed, it's people like you who make me want to kill demons more than anything" he was getting more and more angry as he yelled at you.
"Why are you yelling at me!" you yell
"You're acting like an ass right now"  you murmer to yourself
He eyes the mark and returns his focus to you. he chuckles "Oh you shouldn't have done that, look around, what do you see? We're miles from the nearest village and demons are everywhere! Who's gonna help you now?"
You glare at him. which sends a shiver down his spine. "I'd rather die, I have more of a peaceful death by a demon than being killed by you."
He rolls his eyes "You have 2 options, you either come with me and I guarantee your survival, or you can stay here and I'll watch you get eaten alive by demons, make the smart choice". he was starting to get annoyed by your attitude.
suddenly a gust of wind passes through the woods, which causes you to jump and look around.
He lets out a sigh and pinches the bridge of his nose "Are you sure you want to come with me? You should probably be scared of any person who's willing to help you after trying to attack them. I won't hurt you don't worry, I'm a demon slayer, not a psycho. But this is your last chance to make the smart choice."
you reach out and grab his hand to make sure he doesn't leave you "Is this fine, I know you're not a fan of physical touch but I don't want to get lost and die." tears begin to stream down your face "I'm really scared"
He looks down and blushes, he doesn't remember the last time he's held another person's hand let alone a girl "Uhmmm... okay fine"
He then helps them up and then holds their hand tightly, he starts walking with them still holding hands and walks in silence, it looks like his hand is a little sweaty, and he seems to be nervous.
after a while of walking in silence you decide to say something "Thank you so much again for helping me, I appreciate it". he turns back to acknowledge what you said "Of course, I can't just leave you here to die, now can I"
You continue to walk and talk for a while, the night begins to get dark and the trees start looking scary. But he just keeps walking, talking about random things you don't care about, and holding your hand. Eventually, he starts to relax and doesn't seem mad anymore. Maybe what they needed was some company?
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marley-manson · 1 year
I am grateful for your Mash Metas, your BJ ones for sure. They are much more closer to what I think of him, and I was starting to think I was not understanding his character properly because I think he's mean to others, especially Hawkeye.
But I think it makes him more interesting. Hawkeye's best friend who doesn't like him, but wants to be liked by him. He loves Hawkeye, but he does not like him. Do you think this would eventually bother Hawkeye? After the war when he thinks about it? Or would he never notice it?
Thank you, I'm glad you've been enjoying my takes! And thanks for your interest in my opinions!
Ohhhh man I love how you put that, doesn't like him but wants to be liked by him, loves him but doesn't like him, it's so good. Now that's the kind of interesting dynamic I'd read 1000 fics about.
This got long lol so it's under a cut
To be perfectly fair I think I probably go a step beyond what the writers intended wrt the flaws in BJ and his friendship with Hawkeye. I think we have clear demonstrations of resentment, taking his negative feelings out on Hawkeye, passive aggression, tearing Hawkeye down to build himself up, etc, but I think we're meant to take most of it in good comedic fun, and sympathize with BJ even when the show's painting him as genuinely cruel, because he's sad and misses his family etc. This behaviour isn't really meant to significantly darken the vibe of their friendship, probably.
But yk, to me it does lol, I don't think the writing/acting threaded the needle successfully. Maybe it would've worked for me if I saw more chemistry between Hawk and BJ, idk. But yeah the way you describe them is def the impression I get, and that's the headcanony angle I'm gonna discuss them from here. Basically BJ and Hawkeye's friendship being uneven bc Hawkeye genuinely likes BJ while BJ usually likes being around Hawkeye and does love him in a way, but dislikes/resents a lot of things about him, and shows it in cruel ways.
So to actually answer your question... idk lol. I mean I can see a few possibilities. Like I feel like it does bother Hawkeye in canon a little, but not enough to cause an actual rift. Like, reasserting himself once after one of BJ's intense prank schemes by mildly revenge-pranking BJ fixes things for him. When they argue, they eventually just agree to stop arguing without resolving anything because they're stuck together and they need each other. In Wheelers and Dealers he's alternately exasperated with BJ and soothingly placating, and it's Margaret who has to come in and yell some sense into him. In Heroes Hawkeye goes out of his way to try to make BJ feel better after several jealous digs BJ makes at his expense, by trying to get some limelight on him. He's vocally upset about the punch in Period of Adjustment but he's ready to be a shoulder to lean on as soon as BJ apologizes. In Picture This he drops the petty fight instantly when he's led to believe that BJ needs his support. He often gets upset with BJ, but never truly puts his foot down and always capitulates.
So yeah I get the vibe that Hawkeye knows that their friendship is uneven and he gives a lot more than he gets, and that BJ resents him in a lot of ways and lashes out because of it. Plus in addition to how he responds to a lot of BJ's bullshit, he also just generally is pretty emotionally intelligent and tends to understand people imo.
And I don't think Hawkeye puts up with it because he lacks self esteem and doesn't think he deserves better, I think it's because a) he's empathetic and sympathizes with BJ and the war's effect on him and b) he doesn't have much of a choice but to put up with the negative side of their friendship, because he relies on that friendship too much. Plus I think while he has a mostly realistic view of himself, he does see himself as a little more more resilient and capable than other people, and therefore willing to put up with more. Like to an extent I almost see him tolerating BJ's lashing out as indulging him? Like, 'okay get it out of your system, I can handle it.' I don't have concrete reasoning for this lol, but it's mainly his behaviour in episodes like Dr Pierce Mr Hyde or Dreams where he doesn't sleep because he's the best surgeon and he's needed, even while sending others off for breaks, combined with always being a shoulder for BJ to lean on no matter how shitty he's been (eg Period of Adjustment, GFA), and like, the end of Fallen Idol lol where he basically says 'whatever pedestalize me i guess, i can take it.' And the way he never gives as good as he gets in the prank episodes, which narratively is because the show likes it when Hawk is a victim, but lbr it makes sense if it's partly bc he knows BJ can dish it out but can't take it.
So I feel like post-war Hawkeye would be aware of BJ's weird contradictory feelings about him, because I like to think he's aware during the war, but he wouldn't really resent it? He'd probably still have fond memories of the friendship and he'd see it as kinda messed up but so was everything else while he was drafted and it was better than most aspects of living in a war zone. He knows they were stuck together and probably wouldn't have been friends outside the war, and they made the best of it. And if BJ kind of sucked at holding his end up, well, the war was hard on him and Hawkeye sympathizes. I don't think he'd ever really frame it like, "Hey wait, I was the one who had a breakdown actually, so why was I BJ's emotional support and punching bag combined?" I think he's just automatically very tuned into other people's pain - not to the extent of ignoring his own, but in a way that's like, he'd rather help someone else than wallow in his own misery.
But if he saw BJ again post-war for any length of time and BJ fell back into those old patterns, I don't think he'd put up with it now. If BJ was like, going through a messy divorce or something he'd be sympathetic and probably give BJ some leeway, but he doesn't need him now, yk? He'd walk away if he needed to, imo. I don't imagine him giving a whole cathartic speech to BJ about toxic friendships exactly lol, but I think he'd say something about how they're not in Korea anymore and BJ needs to deal with his shit constructively or they can go their separate ways.
Note that my post-war take on Hawkeye is that he's happy, largely mentally healthy, and has a big network of friends. If he's miserable and isolated and borderline suicidal like in a lot of fanon maybe then they could fall right back into weird toxic vibes and Hawkeye would be like 'w/e this might as well happen.' But honestly I don't really vibe with that version of Hawkeye. Considering how many friends he made while falling apart in a warzone I think there's about a hundred percent chance he has a good support network of people when he's back home.
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ghetsis · 7 months
y'all are gonna hear about my day, because boy has it sure been a Day™️
so I'm up in northern Nevada to help my sister move the stuff from her storage down to where we live in New Mexico. halfway through the flight she asks "did you grab my storage key?" ................no??? I thought she had it?????? well, that fucking sucks, but we can't do anything about it until we land.
the flight gets super turbulent which isn't such a problem for me, but she was lowkey panicking. we survive, get our rental car and head to town which already takes forever to reach, but was no even worse because they're tearing up both highways. whatever, we eventually reach our shitty hotel and start working through the storage situation. the owner won't answer and local locksmiths at least need them present in order to cut the lock. we call our neighbor who's housesitting and have her overnight us the key, but it's too late so it won't be here until wednesday. that sucks, but it's better than nothing since we leave on thursday.
while dealing with all this I hear a scary popping noise. the fucking electrical cable to the heater shorted out and was now on fire... my sister goes for water and I yell no, because water + exposed electrical = bad, and look for something to snuff it out while it's still small.
thankfully I brought my ceramic travel mug because, as it turns out, small fires and large spiders can be dealt with in much the same way.
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fig. 1: fire roasted coffee mug
I go tell management I probably just saved their building. I didn't get an award for stopping this fire, but we did get upgraded to deluxe rooms. settling in, trying to calm our nerves, finally the storage owner texts back that he can cut the lock in the morning.
things are starting to work out, but if I had a nickel for every time I had to put out a literal fire within the last year, I'd have two nickels. which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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dating-agoti · 11 months
Horror Movies got me to Second Base - Agoti x Fem!Reader
You're having a horror movie marathon with all your friends and you're uncomfortable about a few things. This story is obviously a little nsfw. Just a smidge.
"BOOBS!" Pico yelled that every time there were some on screen. Considering this was a horror movie night, that happened a lot. You sighed, rolling your eyes at the gratuitous nudity and leaning against the arm of the couch. Girlfriend was next to you, giggling at her boyfriend's reaction to the screen. "Nice- Those are fake as hell."
"Still nice." Carol commented. She took a fistful of popcorn from the bucket Whitty was holding and he snickered. "Whitty, check out those knockers."
"Yeah, I see them... Yeah, they're fake-"
"She's Hollywood Approved to be naked on screen."
"Yeah, she has those preapproved titties," Aldryx commented. The digidevil had his own popcorn, not sharing it with his brother who was on the loveseat with him. You glanced over at Agoti, particularly interested in his reaction. "They're still hot. Fake or not, I support the queens who are comfortable with their body. I couldn't do a nude scene."
"Men are pigs." Girlfriend joked, immediately getting nudged by her boyfriend.
"Any gender can appreciate a rockin pair of tits." Carol defended, further amusing her boyfriend. "Ayana, back me up here."
"I'm dating a woman-"
"That's how I know you'd back me up-"
"I have no gender and think they are lovely!" Hex added. Whitty pursed his lips to avoid being a dick about that. "I wish I had some."
"I don't know how girls can have boobs, man," Pico started, muffled by his mouth full of junk food, "I'd be touching them all day."
"Carol does that," Whitty ratted out his girlfriend, immediately getting a playful push in the chest, "It's apparently therapeutic."
"Quit calling me out, you big meanie."
"Kiss me and I'll think about it-"
"Will you two shut the fuck up? Some of us are single." Agoti scoffed, earning some snickers from the 'theater'. You even managed to smile. The movie was taking too much pleasure in its well-endowed actress and you tried not to watch. "She's gonna die. No one with nice tits survives."
"Probably," You mumbled. You shouldn't have even spoken. Agoti glanced at you and an uncomfortable heat rose to your cheeks. Agoti was going to comment but your discomfort was seen by someone else.
"See, Y/n likes the titties." Pico's comment made some of your friends look at you and your nerves got some snickers and chortles. They would never hurt your feelings and didn't mean anything by it. They were just having a good time. You offered a strained smile and everyone was back to looking at the movie soon enough.
"I'll be back," You only looked to girlfriend when you spoke, even though this movie night was at Whitty's house. He was too busy dumping popcorn in his mouth.
You headed to the kitchen, relieved when you rounded the corner. The kitchen was dark and you didn't bother turning on the light. The only light was coming from the hallway that connected this room to the living room. You were so accustomed to the dark and the dim hall that the light in the fridge blinded you as you reached in. You winced, grabbed a soda and quickly shut it.
"Hey, grab me one." Agoti caught you off guard and you stood perfectly upright. Once you registered his request though, you dug back into the fridge.
"O-Oh, yeah, okay-"
"You alright?" He leaned against the fridge and when you handed him his soda he just placed it on the closest counter. When you closed the fridge, you lost his features in the dark. You couldn't tell what the point of this was. "You seem kinda out of it."
"Um... Just, not feeling it."
"You can tell me anything Y/n. We're friends. I'm here if you want to talk."
"Nothing...I'm just a little uncomfortable with how much nudity they cram in horror movies these days..." He could tell that wasn't all and the way you avoided his gaze confirmed that. He kept staring you down and eventually you relented with a click of your tongue. "...Okay, I'm a little jealous of how insanely hot horror movie sluts are-" His laughed cut you off and he physically cut you off before you could storm away. He composed himself quickly.
"No, no no, Please. I'm sorry- You caught me off guard. I didn't mean to laugh, it was how you said it-"
"Just drop it okay-"
"You don't have anything to be jealous of." He whispered. You stopped trying to escape his grasp, which quickly turned into a hug. He sighed, a little smirk growing on his face. "You're... You're really pretty, okay? You don't have to look like they do to be hot... I uh," He was less confident, stepping away a little to give you some space. "I... think you're already pretty hot..."
"....I don't know. I mean, did you see them?"
"I mostly just saw boobs, that's what the movie wants you to focus on," He admitted. He was already poised to say his next point and his brain couldn't stop him before he said it. " I mean, you've got a nice rack-" He bit his tongue and the digidevil promptly shut the fuck up.
"...Agoti... when have you seen my chest?"
"N-Never! I swear- I mean, I look at them all the time but uh- Like- Not bare or anything. I swear." He was stumbled, taking a few steps backward. "I mean, I'd like to one day- I should just stop talking right?" He devolved to nervous laughter and you were busy taking in his confession. You were sure he was telling you that you were hot just to make you feel better but this encounter was undeniably genuine... and you were sure that if you didn't make a move now you would never get another chance.
"...Do you want to see them?" The invitation broke him. He opened his mouth but nothing came out. He didn't even know how to accept that invitation. He coughed and tried to play cool.
"Uh- I mean... Only if you want... I'd... love that, yeah." You bit your lip. You looked back to the hallway for a second. He glanced over too. "...Maybe seeing them is too risky right now... but... uh." You leaned on the counter opposite of him and he switched so that he was right next to you. He took in a deep breath before snaking his arm around you. His hand slid up your shirt, groping your bra so quickly that you squeaked. You leaned against him. "I can't believe you're letting me touch them. They're probably so fucking gorgeous."
The digidevil couldn't get over the feeling of your skin on his fingertips and tried to think of a comfortable way to get your bra out of his way. He licked his lips just thinking about it.
"Did you mean what you said? That you look at me all the time?"
"I... Yeah... I mean.. I've always really...liked you." He looked back over his shoulder one more time before his fingers slid underneath your bra. Feeling the chill of his skin on yours made you scoot a little close to him. His eyes practically turned to hearts as his fingers grazed past your nipple. "H-Holy shit."
He wanted to say more. So many praises were clogged his head. However, you were out of time. He could hear someone else coming. He broke away and you got it immediately when Whitty came in with a bunch of empty sodas and bowls in his arms.
"Oh, here's where you two went. Everything alright?" He was mostly asking you. You offered a sweet smile before kissing Agoti on the cheek. His tendrils curled and he felt weak as a result.
"I'm alright... thanks to Agoti."
"huh, I didn't know you two were a thing."
"It's new."
"This is the greatest night of my life." Agoti sounded so out of it and after depositing all the trash Whitty just shook his head and laughed. As he left you both in the kitchen you and Agoti looked at one another. "...So...Do you want to... get back to the movie? We can sit together."
"...I don't know," You looked away, hugging yourself. "I mean... just because other people think I'm attractive doesn't mean I don't still feel weird seeing those beautiful people."
"Look, actresses are, like, professional naked people. Shit, I'm sure I'm not as hot as those guys with 20 abs."
"Of course you are-" You surprised him with that and all he did was smirk. He poked your nose as he continued.
"See? It's a matter of taste. You're more of my taste... and thank fuck I'm yours... If you don't want to watch though, we can bail. I'm sure we can think of... more fun things to do."
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ink-on-the-brink · 1 year
Obsessed Engie x GN Reader ~ Dark Nights Come With A Cost [PT 12]
Chapter Selection
Darkness had fallen on the winter roads, streetlights starting to pop on as the air temperature dropped further. The only thing keeping you warm was your thick coat and moving body, your pocketed hands a reminder that you had forgotten your gloves before you left. However this mild annoyance faded into the background as you took a deep breath in, relishing in the calm silence of the night. You wished you could see it more, though the thought of ever doing so alone felt like a death sentence in itself.
"So, how's your studies goin'?" Dell's voice finally spoke as he ended the silence.
"They are uh...well they're going. You've certainly helped if that's what you're asking," you responded naturally before taking a second to untuck your hands to blow warm air into them.
"Well that's good ta hear. Ya said you were graduatin' this year right?" He asked, his eyes turning over to you. In the distance you heard a small flutter before spotting a bird flying just a little bit past its bedtime.
"Yeah. What about you?" You asked, his face slightly scrunching at the question.
"Me? Well I ain't too sure. Was hopin' ta maybe get a few more studies in before quittin' college altogether. There's a lot ta learn y'know? Though I don't think I'd be doin' it full time. Probably just do it online or somethin'," he responded genuinely, so he was surprised to hear a small snicker from you.
"Right. Because nine PhD's isn't enough," you teased in a lighthearted but slightly mocking tone, quickly catching his attention. Upon seeing the small smirk on your face and a light roll of your eyes he found his own smile growing, seeing that you were now in a better mood than before.
"Well now a man can't know too much can he?" He retorted, only to earn a tsk from you.
"He most certainly can mister Conager. I've seen it with my own two eyes," you responded just before turning to him, a light chuckle falling from him as you did so.
"That's Dell ta you sweetheart," he quickly replied, his brain mildly short-circuiting at having let the nickname slip out. Though the poorly hidden look of minored shock on your face made it almost worth it. It was short-lived as you quickly turned back to looking in front of you. However he was surprised to hear a quiet laugh from you afterward.
"Yeah? And what are you gonna do about it mister Conager?" You emphasized the name this time, taunting him with it. A wide smile broke on his face as you did so, his eyes lighting up at the fact that you felt comfortable enough to be this playful with him. Even with this sudden joy he was also very aware that he couldn't let you get away with this. And, glancing towards the snow that laid on either side of the sidewalk, he knew just what he had to do. He swiftly dipped down, grabbing a handful of it before he stopped walking. You didn't notice for a few seconds, taking those extra needed steps away before you realized he wasn't there and, in almost a panic, you turned around.
Only to be met with a snowball to the chest.
The world paused for a moment, your mind trying to register what just happened. That was before you looked over to Dell, a wide grin plastered on his face and a second snowball in his hand.
"Oh. So we're playing dirty now huh?" You quipped.
"Well s'only fair. Considerin' I asked nicely the first time," with his grin only growing he wound up the second throw. Seeing it coming this time you ducked behind a nearby fence, the packed snow disintegrating on contact.
"Oh, what a gentleman!" You mockingly yelled before picking up a ball of your own, appearing for just a split second from the fence before throwing your newly made weapon. Disappointment was all you felt when it hit the ground.
"Gonna have ta try harder than that!" He retorted, sending another set of white flurries your way, eventually compromising your position. So you went further down the street taking shelter behind trash bins and lampposts as he continued advancing, though not without a few hits of your own. You could never have contained your joy upon having actually hit him, especially as he turned with a feigned look of shock. You found yourself laughing, genuinely full-on laughing, for the first time in years. You had never been in a snowball fight before, yet now you wished you would have grown up doing so.
As this one-on-one middle of the night snowball fight between the two of you continued he began to inch closer and closer, gaining more ground than you could keep between before, eventually, he stood only a little more than an arms length away, snowball in hand as you found yourself without one.
"Seems like you've met the end'a the line," he teased, his small step forward sending you a step back, your hands slightly raised, a pretend mark of surrender.
"Awww come on we can talk about th-" before you could finish your sentence you took another small yet unwise step backward, your balance immidiately lost on a thick sheet of ice that covered a decent chunk of the continuing sidewalk. With widened eyes Dell dropped his snowball, both hands reaching out to catch you, only to lose his own balance. It wasn't even a full second before you both met the earth while just barely managing to keep your head high enough to not hit it on the ice that you both almost comically slid down before coming to a complete stop a few feet down the sidewalk.
Silence enveloped the world for a moment, the shock running through your system before you slowly opened tightly shut eyes, revealing how he had landed on top of you. He went into an immediate panic.
"You alright?!" He asked as he pushed up just enough to not have his full body weight laying on you, leaving inches between his face and yours. You took a few seconds before you allowed a deep breath to fill your lungs, the world coming back to you. Besides having the wind knocked out of you and a bruise that future you would have to deal with, you felt relatively fine. Nothing felt broken at least.
"Yeah, just lost my breath," you finally spoke, his panic dissipating with the response.
"You okay?" You asked with slight breathlessness. He took a second to make sure but besides bruises he was also perfectly fine.
"Yeah. I think so," he answered. There were another few seconds of silence as you further caught your breath before speaking again.
"It uh...might help if you get off," you pointed out, knocking him back to reality as a look of embarrassment took hold. He quickly rolled off to which you finally sat up. You winced, another shock of panic rolling through his system at the sound. Though when nothing came from it he calmed again.
It was then that both of you turned to look at each other, smiles creeping onto your faces before being followed by at first small but soon howling laughter. The both of you shared the same moment of pure joy as if nothing in the world could be funnier than this. Surrounded by cold snow in the isolation of the night, both of you couldn't have felt happier in each other's company.
When the laughter died down and the quiet crept in, peacefulness fell. The stillness was no longer able to produce discomfort around each other. You both locked eyes, your smiles smaller now.
Staring at Dell you felt your worries disappear. Not a single thought of the past crept into your mind while around him, just the joy of the moments he always seemed to bring. And it was then you felt your heartbeat a little faster in your chest, though you quickly explained it away as a slowing of your adrenaline.
You were taken away from this peace when you lost Dell's eyes as he turned to stand. Upon making it to his feet he turned back to you, outstretching a hand.
"Best get back to movin'. Gettin' a lil' too cold out here for my taste," he suggested, his smile still visible. You took his hand to which he pulled you up almost effortlessly.
"Woah!" you exclaimed, surprised at the sudden speed that you were pulled to your feet. His smile fell back to poorly hidden worry.
"You okay?" He asked again, his eyes looking over you for any injury you might not have spotted the first time.
"Yeah no I'm- I'm fine. You're just stronger than you look," you pointed out, your eyes turned to your hands as you brushed off bits of snow and dirt, unaware of the wide grin that showed on his face at the compliment.
"Well movin' metal boxes might do that to ya" he pointed out, to which you nodded in agreement as the two of you continued on with your walk. Though there wasn't much of it left.
Less than ten minutes later the two of you finally arrived back to your apartment and as you did your reality was slowly coming back to you. A few steps away from the complex you turned to Dell with a question.
"It really is getting cold out here. You should uh, come warm up a bit. Wouldn't want you to freeze on the walk back," you offered, your eyes not looking at him even though you had tilted your head his way. Turning to you he almost immediately caught your apprehensive eyes, your wavering smile and tense posture. It was enough for him to know what you were really getting at.
"Sure. Though chances are I probably will anyway," he spoke in a flippant tone, trying to keep the mood light. Something he knew he succeeded in when you couldn't force away the small smile that tugged at your lips.
"Yeah well we can at least make sure you make it to your car as a slushy rather than an ice cube," you responded, another small chuckle falling from him.
Walking into the complex the soft ding of the elevator swiftly caught your attention, your eyes falling into a group of people filing out of it. Not recognizing any of them you continued walking, only noting their matching black clothing and baseball caps. Dell gave a passing hello to the group who didn't so much as turn to him. You were more focused on getting into the elevator though, Dell not far behind. Once he made it in you clicked the button, not noticing how his eyes narrowed towards those you had passed.
"Up we go," you whispered to yourself as the doors slowly closed, both of you soon ascending up the floors. It was quiet again and, though you weren't sure why, something didn't quite feel right. You looked over to Dell, his expression not too different than before, though you noted that he stood a little taller. You gave a smile that he returned but it did little to comfort the sudden unease that you felt. Even as the two of you left the elevator and began your short walk down the hall, silence remained.
Suddenly though you were stopped, Dell ceasing your movements as he laid a hand in front of you. To help come to a sudden stop your hands grabbed his arm, slowing the inertia of your body. Unable to move further confusion crept onto your face before you looked over to him, a suddenly serious stare consuming his features.
"Your door's open," he pointed out. Your eyes immediately turned back to the door, utter terror falling on your features when you noticed it was held slightly ajar. Your hands tightened onto his jacket as your stomach dropped. You both didn't make any other move for a long while, instead staring at the door, waiting for anything to leave. When nothing happened Dell then went to take a quiet step forward. Your sudden vice grip pulled him back.
"What are you doing???" You whisper yelled in an obvious panic. He turned back to you, now seeing the fear held in your eyes which only led to his furthering need to keep you safe.
"I'm gonna go see if someone's in there," he stated quietly, though your tightened grip didn't loosen in the slightest
"Are you insane?!? Dell what if- what if there is someone in there!? What the fuck then huh?!" Your voice held deep worry, your eyes now begging him to listen. And in those pleading eyes he found guilt bubble within him as he knew he wouldn't be able to listen. If he learned one thing growing up it was how to deal with scenarios like this and right now he either had to one, call the police (which wouldn't happen in any world what so ever) two, call someone from his family (which he truly did not want to do and would likely seem strange to you) or three, go see what it is. The third seemed like the most reasonable option. After all, it wasn't as if he was defenseless.
"M'just gonna look alright? Ya might'a just left it open on accident. I'll be right back," he tried to calm you with an explanation as he gently pulled away once again. This time your grip only gave slight resistance before you finally let go, instead watching him walk closer to your door from a few feet down the hall.
Making it to the door he situated himself to the side of it, slowly pushing it open and remaining ready to bolt at a moment's notice. The door creaked slightly, the sound almost ear-piercing in the silence. Looking in through the small opening he had made, his eyes widened at what he saw.
Flipped furniture, holes in the wall, shattered glass from sources he couldn't quite identify, flipped chairs and torn apart tables, it was all in a huge mess around your apartment. Curiosity and dread drove him to open the door further, soon finding that everything within sight was trashed, as if whoever did this aimed to leave nothing behind.
"Mary above," he muttered, catching your attention.
"What?" You asked, his head turning to you as his hand moved to his lips, his pointer finger held to silently shush you. You went silent again and so his head turned back over to the door, pushing it open the last bit out of the way and taking slow, hesitant steps in. His hand found its way to his hip as he readied himself for anything that might happen. He continued to slowly walk, staying near places he could quickly duck behind as he scanned for any sort of movement. He continued like this further into the apartment, his senses on high alert. His breathing slowed and his eyes sharpened into icy daggers as he didn't let a single crevice of place go unchecked. What felt like hours to you passed in minutes as he realized there truly was no one here. Even with that comfort his posture didn't change, nor did he let his guard down in the slightest, but he was at least sure that no one was here at the moment.
Unable to take waiting any longer, you slowly poked your head around the corner into your apartment, your jaw dropping and your stomach churning at the sight in front of you.
"What the fuck," you whispered to yourself, both fear and devastation fighting for the expression that fell on your face. Dell looked back, his eyes softening slightly as he saw you look around the room, taking in the damage that had been done. He gave a sympathetic stare. He couldn't begin to imagine what was going through your mind right now. He moved the hand on his hip to make his grip look a little more natural in hopes that you wouldn't notice or draw attention to it as he took a few steps toward you.
"Don't seem like no one's here, though I ain't sure if anyone's comin'," he spoke, the loud echo of his voice in the deathly silent room almost unbearable to his ears. You slowly began to step in, your head turning to look at what had once been your home, now lying in pieces around you. Your eyes welled with tears, the pure sense of loss and weeks of piled-on stress breaking you down further. You didn't look at him, in fact he felt almost as if you had forgotten he was even there as your eyes passed him.
As you moved you began to slowly wander into the kitchen, the heaps of glass under your feet recognized as every breakable item that had laid in your cabinets. Though among the wreck you found that your eyes drifted to the place your photo had been, only to find that it wasn't there. Instead it sat among the shattered glass, its frame ripped apart, its see-through covering lost among the piles of similar material, and the photo barely visible under certain piles of it. You slowly crouched down, carefully pushing the pile away before pulling the photo out only to notice it had been singed. The faces were burnt out, a black color covering most of what was left.
You felt the wet streaks of tears begin to fall down, the overwhelming situation taking you over. You felt almost unable to think, to even fully understand what was going on. All you could register was the destruction of it all.
After a little while Dell followed you into the kitchen, his senses still on full alert. This didn't feel safe. Even in the silence and with no current discernable threats he didn't feel at any sort of ease here. And with that feeling bubbling its way up his body, he knew one thing rather clearly.
You couldn't stay here.
"It's uh..." He started, your face staring at the photo for a second more before turning to him.
He almost couldn't talk once you faced him, the radiating pain of your expression almost silencing him.
You looked so tired. Not the type of tired you get from an all-nighter or a busy social event, no. It was a look of pure exhaustion he couldn't begin to describe. The type you would expect to see when an immovable object finally loses against the unstoppable force.
Yet somehow he was able to eventually find his words, his deep concern and general paranoia winning against his immediate thoughts of falling with you.
"It ain't safe here..." He spoke up, his body standing only a step into the kitchen. You looked back to the photo, its state irreparable and irreplaceable. You eventually sat it back on the ground, knowing that keeping it would be useless. Silently you stood, your arms held against you in a self-soothing hug as your eyes stared at the floor.
"What am I supposed to do Dell? What...what do I do?" You asked, resignation found in a now hollow tone. You were at a loss, completely and utterly defeated. You had given everything you could, there was nothing left in you to fight anymore. There was no spite or anger or even thoughts of self-preservation. You had nothing. No knowledge of when or even why the world had decided you were deserving of this, no power to fight back against it. You were a leaf of pain set to sea in a hurricane. It was inevitable you would be torn apart, your soul splayed in broken pieces the world would forever ignore. How futile fighting had seemed now, how fruitless.
It would have been less painful to have let the storm take you...
Dell didn't move, didn't speak, didn't act. Your voice had explained even when your words didn't. He could only stare as you lost yourself, asking him to solve what you had failed to. He didn't know what to say, what to feel. There was a swirl of so many meanings in your words. To choose one was to choose wrong and to remain idle was to let you fall apart in front of him- but there was no answer! No solution, no problem he could solve. There was nothing he could say, no righteous way to act.
There were only pieces.
"Y/n..." He started, hoping that any words would come to him, that his tongue knew something he didn't. He instead found that it fell dead in his mouth, vowels of answers nowhere to be found. He stepped closer, the glass on the ground further breaking at his feet. You finally looked back to him, streaks of hollow agony flowing down your face. And it was then, with nothing else he could think to do, that he slowly pulled you closer, his arms wrapping around you, hoping that he could bring any sort of comfort. That somehow his arms could pull against the waves of stormy sea and find your lost pieces.
You froze a moment, your body tense under his touch. Slowly, almost apprehensively, you returned it. Your arms wrapped around him, your hands soon balling up the fabric of his clothes as you fell into him. You didn't crumble in his arms as you had done before. Not a sob left your lips as you held him. There was nothing left to crumble, nothing more to break. You could only hold on to him in hopes that he somehow held a piece of you with him.
However you didn't find yourself in his arms. Instead your focus fell onto the light smell of oil and pine that surrounded you, the texture of the worn jacket that wrapped him, the natural warmth his body freely gave to you. There was no judgment in his eyes nor annoyance in his hold. He didn't dismiss you, he didn't ask you to pull yourself together, to push your emotions back into the dark void you usually kept sealed. No, he held you. His arms didn't hang loosely or ask for anything from you. He held you. And even as the shattered glass began to resemble your lost will, he held you. He- He felt...
"S'alright...you're gonna be okay," he mumbled just as he began to rub circles on your back. You squeezed him a little tighter, trying to remind yourself that he was real. That in your desperation you hadn't just imagined such kindness. Afterward you took a deep breath, calming down from the strange state of mind you had been in only seconds ago. His words ingrained in your head, your body relaxing as you took his word for truth, his arms for comfort, his presence for safety.
"Thank you," you whispered back, a response that caused him to relax as well, knowing now that he had somehow helped, if only a little bit. After that realization he slowly pulled away, each other's hands hesitating to let go, but doing so in the end. A few tears had streaked down your face once he did, though you quickly wiped them away, taking another deep breath to further calm yourself. Silence lingered for an extra second, Dells eyes a mixture of unease and worry
"My-..." He started again, his thoughts not fully collected and his apprehension for the idea he was about to propose slowing him down a moment. But with a quick glance at the surrounding area and flashing images of your shattered state, he didn't feel like there was another option.
"My family's got a house 'bout fifteen minutes out from here. We got a couple'a spare rooms. You can stay there for the night if ya need to," he finally offered, an incredibly serious expression on his face. Your eyes once again averted from his as you thought on it, hesitance found in the moment of silence you prolonged.
Then again, it wasn't like you had anywhere else to go.
"Yeah um...If you- If you think they would be okay with it," you accepted, your answer greatly relieving to hear, though the relief didn't outshine the doubt that was beginning to grow in his chest, especially with the words you had chosen to respond with.
"Course...we should get goin' then. S'gettin' a little late and we gotta walk back to get my truck" Dell pointed out to which you nodded along.
The two of you left the destroyed apartment, standing closer to each other than you had previously. Dell looked over to you, only one thought repeating through his head as he did so.
'Ain't no one allowed ta treat you like this'
Next Chapter
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shortpplfedup · 2 years
My School President Episode 8: Don't stop believing
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So was it just me or was this episode PERFECT? My #1 Glee episode of all time is season 1's 'Sectionals' and this gave me the exact same vibes and feelings. This week, in the most episode to ever episode Gun is a menace, just like I knew he would be, and count Tinn in as gleefully horny about it; Win starts doing boyfriend tings for Sound, because he is at heart a big ol' softy and wounded warrior is his specific jam; and Chinzhilla finally get to the preliminary round of Hot Wave and CRUSH IT...
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...but not before first having a true one-braincell moment of the kind I've been missing for a few episodes.
Verse: Don't stop til you get enough
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I have a dream, a fantasy To help me through, reality And my destination, makes it worth the while Pushin' through the darkness, still another mile
ABBA | I Have A Dream (1979)
It's the nature of the beast that is rehearsal that eventually somebody is gonna get pissed off and start yelling about how much everybody sucks and nobody is taking it seriously. Repeating the same thing over and over striving for perfection is one of the most frustrating things a human being can do. Chinzhilla going into a week of basically nonstop rehearsal was always going to be beset with frayed tempers. Throwing Gun's desperation, Sound's bum wrist, Por's hamster-wheel chef brain and Kajorn's...Kajorn-ness into the mix was a weird powder keg that was bound to get set off somehow. Luckily the explosions were minor and contained.
Tinn has preternatural emotional intelligence for such a young man. Or maybe he's just been paying attention to Gun for so long, and listening to him so intently, that he knows exactly what Gun needs when he needs it. Breaking the tension by shoving Gun into the pool, suggesting he scream out his frustrations underwater, acquiescing to being dunked himself, just generally giving him an outlet that isn't shouting at the friends who have walked this entire journey with him; that's exactly what Gun needs when he needs it, and without Tinn being there, my guess is that things would have escalated quickly.
Chorus: Dream a little dream of me
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'Cause you know I've got So much that I wanna do When I dream I'm alone with you, it's magic
ABBA | Take A Chance On Me (1977)
Also showing up this week: the horn. Tinn's fantasies are becoming sexier, and also less private, as he's openly zoning out now to envision Gun in all manner of adorably racy situations. I appreciate that the horny teenagers are actually allowed to be horny in this, and also to let each other know that horny thoughts are being thunk. Gun can tease Tinn with a promise of allowing him to 'give orders' for a week because he knows Tinn's probably going to be into that shit, and it gives him a little tingle as well. In return, Tinn can tease Gun with last second swerve to a forehead kiss and a bold statement that it won't be his forehead that he kisses next time. I just love watching people realise in real time the sexual power they hold over somebody they're also into, because that leads into my favourite BL trope: gay chicken.
Bridge: Mama said
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I used to think I was sensible It makes the truth even more incomprehensible 'Cause everything is new And everything is you And all I've learned has overturned What can I do?
ABBA | Lay All Your Love On Me (1980)
In other news, Tinn's mom returns to the picture this episode, and that feels right because I don't think we could have gone on much longer without carrying on the runner that is Tinn's soft rebellion. Tinn brushing off his direct examination study and then the meet up with the interviewer to help and support Gun are choices that his mom is not at all pleased with, and that's got to be coming back around soon with only 4 (!) episodes left to go. Tinn does have to find a balance between supporting Gun's dreams and pursuing his own, that's something that Gun understands clearly if their conversation on the basketball court is any indication. In his head, Tinn knows that too, knows that his mom and Gun are both right about meeting the doctor being more important than going to the show. But his heart Anita, but his heart!...ok ok no more musical references today.
Outro: Defying gravity
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People everywhere A sense of expectation hangin' in the air Givin' out a spark Across the room, your eyes are glowin' in the dark
ABBA | Voulez-vous (1979)
Say what you want but the moment Tinn busts through the doors just as the guitar solo ends and then Gun starts the bridge to 'Just Being Friendly' is fucking movie musical perfection. It was beautiful, it was joyful, it was sexy, it was EVERYTHING. It's no wonder Gun wanted to kiss the stuffing out of him after that, but Tinn is a man with his eye on the prize. He's waited this long, he can wait a little longer to make sure Gun will never regret his feelings for him. He wants Gun to come to him triumphant, not before time, and not defeated.
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First episode without a new OST or cover. A fabulous a cappella arrangement of Come Closer though!
Gun unlocked something very specific in Tinn with that whispered "Mr. School President, don't you want to give me orders?"
Drunk Gun was absolute perfection. Who among us hasn't been either the drunk friend or the sober friend trying desperately to keep the drunk friend from being rumbled? Also, drunk Gun silently flirting with Tinn via hand signals while also ready to throw hands at Kajorn at any moment gave me excellent chaos.
"Shit, the cops!" GUN PLEASE!🤣
Win offering to be Sound's hand, kinky! I loved absolutely everything Win/Sound this ep, and I love even more that it's happening right under everybody's noses but nobody will even think of putting it together.
The return of PaTinn the interviewer!
Tinn called himself Gun's boyfriend, and Gun did not correct him.
The in media res opening for the episode was effectively tense.
Beach episode next week!
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After reading your posts involving Allen it made me curious about what you think about Skye because regarding hm bachelor's he's always been one that people either really hate or love
honestly i never played ds (as much as i really want to, but i should probably finish ttott/si/gab before i start another game 😭) so i don't exactly have any strong opinions on skye one way or the other....but i can say he doesn't give off the same vibe allen does at ALL. in fact based on the events i've seen i think he's fucking hysterical. he really radiates the energy of your average "mysterious suave bad boy womanizer" from literally any other early 2000s media and then 20 years later you look back at that hunk of a man you fell for at 13 and realize he is the biggest fucking LOSER to ever exist. i absolutely love that for him.
gonna be real for a sec, but i promise i'll get back to skye lol- i honestly totally understand why some people like allen, and i hold nothing against them as long as they aren't actively trying to defend that aspect of his character (and yes, i have actually seen someone do that before...huge red flag yall). i see where they're coming from, too, i think allen's line about your cow dying was hilarious and i think i would've LOVED him as a character if they just... didn't make him a raging misogynist AHHSDHHFHASHD
allen has some funny ass dialogue on a surface level and the bewilderment you get from finding out about it is definitely hysterical. but the fact that its a real thing that real people do unironically just,,, isn't something i can look past LMAO. to me it's like.... rewatching icarly in the modern day. its funny and the shock factor is entertaining but you have to take a break from watching eventually bc otherwise after a while it just Hurts.
skye on the other hand....absolutely nothing he does is threatening at all. he just seems like hes trying too fucking hard. nothing he does is something any real person would do if they had at least 3 functioning braincells.
and the fucking.... "chick beam"........the way he can supposedly make women stop in their tracks for a good 30 seconds by yelling it out like it's an anime special attack.....the way it's literally NEVER explained or elaborated on at all....that is comedy gold. that's classic harvest moon to me.
unlike allen skye doesn't make me feel like he'd call me a homophobic slur. do you think the chick beam determines off of one's sex assigned at birth or just what skye assumes (or knows) someone's gender to be? i feel like if skye met a trans woman he'd be like "oh, you ARE a lady, then? well in that case, i suppose today is my lucky day😊" and then he'd fire his chick beam at you and steal your wallet and run away
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