#eventual Chreon
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sparkie96 · 2 years ago
Kinktober Day 16: Aphrodisiacs
Where Leon and Rebecca both get captured, Rebecca is creepily hit on but rejects Arias, and Leon gets nabbed by Arias’s men during the highway chase scene and drugged up once they find out he’s an Omega.
Arias decides to take out his frustrations on the agent…as well as deal with his case of blue balls at Rebecca’s rejection.
Leon is only partially into it because it’s been a while since he’s gotten laid.
Rated M to E for Suggestive Themes, Language and Canon Typical Violence.
(I decided to make Prompt 16 the Aphrodisiacs one because I couldn’t for the life of me think of anything for the previous ones there so I decided to move and change those. Enjoy.)
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harmonicshadows · 8 months ago
Chreon fic idea that has been living rent free in my head for a while now:
Hanahaki disease, Leon caught it after New York. He refuses to get the surgery done, because his love towards Chris is one of the few positive feelings in his life, and he will cling to that even if it inevitably kills him. (And he won't tell Chris about it, because surely he will turn him down, and he doesn't want Chris to feel guilt over the hanahaki killing him).
(Also sadly ironic, that Leon finally feels hopeful about something in his life, and then that thing turns out to be what is killing him.)
But the thing is, no matter how much Leon researches, he can't find out what kind of flower is growing in his lungs. The irregularly shaped, red-yellow petals don't belong to any flower he has ever seen, and he can't find out anything about them.
Of course, Chris eventually finds out, and he pieces together who the petals are for pretty quickly. Because the petals belong to the Sonnentreppe flowers, and he is one of the only people alive who knows what they look like.
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serrennedyanonwriter · 8 months ago
POLYEVIL?? I love it i need you to share more of your hcs on those four /nf
I’m glad you love the nickname, but I really need to come up with a different name for it or something SVKBJDKN the nickname, although funny, is both a reference to the “polycruel” meme and Resident Evil’s own name (aka I need to come up with something else).
I don’t have MANY hcs, but here you go:
The relationship first started with Leon and Luis being together, Carlos was welcomed into the relationship afterwards, and Chris was last (kind of, he was dating only Leon but later started dating both Luis and Carlos).
Carlos, Luis, and Leon live in an apartment together while Chris lives in a house. They all refuse to move out into the others’ home (Chris because he loves his own house while the other three happily enjoy their apartment). They alternate between having dates at each others’ houses every weekend they can spend together.
Based off of the only I already said, eventually, after Luis retires to his ranch, the other three also retire to his ranch.
I believe in a world where Carlos works for the B.S.A.A., and Luis is a professor at some college nearby, so for that reason, Luis is often home alone a lot as his boyfriends are busy. After Chris gets custody of Rose, he’s not as much alone (he’s such a girl dad, and he absolutely spoils her whenever he has the chance).
Between the four of them, they have a pet Wolf (Leon’s) named Dapple, a fluffy cat (Luis’s) named Rocinante, a horse (also Luis’s) named Babieca, and a small dog (Chris’s) named Toby. Carlos doesn’t have a specific pet since I like to hc he brings random animals he’s rescued inside (it freaks his boyfriends out).
Only reason Luis’s horse isn’t named “Rocinante” is because he had no idea he’d get a horse. Also, “Babieca” is a reference to another book ft. a horse.
Carlos and Luis love not speaking English just to fuck with Chris and Leon.
Because they have trauma, they all have nightmares from time to time, and most of the time, when one is having, at least one other person is up to help them calm down.
Leon can’t cook (He’s been banned from the kitchen), Chris and Carlos can cook decently, and Luis can cook the best (It’s mainly due to him being home more than the others + he does what I do, “cook out his anger” /hj).
And that is all. Like I said, not a lot.
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citrine-elephant · 1 year ago
ok but i make a whole goofy sketch idea of "mechanical baptism" with a greasy palm bcuz it's fun to make metaphors
but after yesterday and today and how hard my ass has gotten kicked, i think this might be the actual baptism wtf
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funniestpersonalivefr · 9 months ago
pretty girls
vaguely based off of the song by renee rapp 🫶. claire and you are in a weird situationship, mentions of cleon (they are just friends but reader assumes). mentions of chreon (they are together). suggestive content also claire is drunk so mdni. female reader bc its pride month baby. (not proofread kinda shit i wont lie).
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claire had you sitting on her bed, she was next to you with her hands between your thighs. her lips had found yours, you could taste the alcohol of the night on her lips.
you and her had a very complicated relationship. she'd invite you to parties, eventually you would find yourself back at her place with her kissing on you, having to stop her before she ended up doing something she regretted by morning.
"claire, you're drunk," you mumble, pushing her off you, moving to get off her bed. she grabbed your arm, pulling you back towards her as she giggled.
"come on, you look so good tonight," her words slurred together a little. you pulled back, sighing.
"go to bed before you do something you regret," you said to her. you moved towards the door as you looked back at her, her face suddenly serious.
"you think i regret anything i do with you?" she asks, she's looking down at her hands.
"claire, i know you do. just get some rest okay? i'll be here in the morning when you wake up."
sure you had a crush on claire but as far as you could tell she had found a boyfriend in leon kennedy. you came over and tucked her into bed, brushing her hair out of her face.
"besides, you've got leon," you say softly before exiting her room and turning the light off.
in the morning when claire woke, she found a glass of water and ibuprofen on her nightstand. she smiled knowing at some point you snuck back in to place these, you knew she'd have a hangover in the morning. she quickly took the pain meds to help with the pounding headache as she brushed her hair, thinking of your words last night.
she hadn't realized that she was leading you on, she was so in love with you. she didn't know when it had happened but your caring nature had managed to make her fall head over hells.
she found you right where you said you'd be, curled up on her couch. you were quietly watching tv, always so mindful not to disturb her. you smiled up at her when you noticed her.
"hey sleepyhead, hope you slept well. pancakes for breakfast sound okay?" you ask her, your tone was caring. claire nodded, you immediately stood up and moved to the kitchen. claire followed as she sat at the counter watching you cook.
"i'm in love with you," claire blurted out suddenly. she looked at you, her eyes were wide. for the first time with you, she was scared. she was terrified as she awaited your response.
you stopped dead in your tracks as you looked back at her. you figured you'd turn to see her giggling, this all being a joke. you could tell by her face she was serious.
"what?" you asked breaking the impossibly long silence.
she swallowed dryly, repeating her words.
"i'm in love with you."
"really? what about leon?" your mind was racing with so many thoughts.
"leon's more into chris," she said chuckling a little.
"oh?" you said laughing with her, feeling slightly embarrassed, before adding, "you have no idea how long i've been wishing you'd say that to me."
she moved towards you, her hands resting on your waist.
"so does this mean you feel the same?" she asked you, her normal confidence was gone. you kissed her forehead before answering.
"god claire, yes, i'm so in love with you. now, i've got some pancakes to finish pretty girl."
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vizishereig · 7 months ago
Chreon Week: Hair Washing (Day 3)
There’s a familiar numbness that makes it’s home in his bones as he opens the door to his apartment. He feels filthy, worn. His body is caked in soot, dried sweat, and blood.
His apartment isn’t empty, he realizes faintly, hearing heavy footsteps shuffling in the kitchen. He makes his way over there in a numb haze, blue eyes landing on Chris’s familiar figure. The taller male is leaning against one of the kitchen countertops, cradling a small mug of what Leon assumes to be coffee in his hands.
Brown eyes meet his gaze, scanning his body, eyes widening with what Leon thinks is concern at the blood on his body. Most of it isn’t his, except for the patch that’s caked into his hair. He had been slammed against a wall, hit his head. He’s probably concussed, but he’s fine.
He’s fine.
Chris obviously doesn’t think so, or finds something on his expression that indicates he isn’t, because he’s setting the mug down and stepping forward, enveloping him in a warm hug, and oh. That’s nice. Leon tenses at first, because of course he does, he can still see reaching, rotting hands reaching for him when he closes his eyes, but he relaxes quickly. Large hands rub circles on his back, making Leon melt a bit more, tucking his head against Chris’s shoulder.
“Bad mission?” Chris murmurs, voice soft from where his mouth is pressed against the crown on his head. Leon doesn’t answer, can’t really find the words to, so he just nods a little. Chris makes an understanding humming sound, soothing.
“C’mon, let’s get you cleaned up. You’ll feel a bit better then,” Chris says, pulling away just a little, trying to gauge Leon’s reaction. He just nods, letting Chris pull him towards the bathroom.
Actually getting into the tub is a bit of a blur But he’s there, warm water surrounding him. Chris had deemed a bath easier, and Leon agrees now that he’s in it, body feeling almost heavy with exhaustion.
Chris bathes him, which would be more embarrassing if he had the mind to feel more than the fuzzy numbness that plagues him. As it is, it takes a lot to focus on the warm water and warmer hands that scrub at his body.
His a bit more himself by the time Chris starts on his hair, wincing as warm water runs over the area that had been hurt. Chris mutters a soft sorry, taking more care around the area. It feels nice, though, short fingernails scratching at his scalp gently when the other male shampoos his hair. He sputters a bit when water falls in front of his face, huffing at Chris’s gentle laughter.
Eventually, they’re done, though, Leon stepping out of the tub and drying himself down with a towel. Chris had exited the room to grab Leon some clothes, so Leon bundles himself in the towel and enters their shared bedroom.
Once he’s dressed in a soft T-shirt and sweats, he’s settled on the bed. Chris fusses with the wound in his head a bit more, but there’s not much left to do and Leon feels exhaustion weighing him down even more. He doesn’t want to sleep, not yet, knowing nightmares will plague him tonight. Still, his eyes are fighting to stay open, and Chris notices as usual, the ever attentive bastard that he is.
So Leon is being gently tipped sideways, laying on the bed. Chris curls around him, arms coming to loop around his waist, but the hold is loose. Leon would be able to break out of it if he really wanted to. He didn’t.
“C’mon, go to sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up,” Chris hums, Pressing a kiss in between Leon’s shoulder blades, and he relaxes a little, letting his eyes close.
“Thanks,” Leon replies sleepily, letting himself go. He barely registers the tightening of the arms around his waist before he falls asleep.
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resident-rats · 5 months ago
For my next fic would people rather Chreon cowboys or Chreon trans Leon?
Honestly I have an idea for both, and I’ll probably end up writing both eventually. And they’ll each have multiple chapters. Originally it was going to be the cowboy fic, but then my post the other day (linked above) gained a bit of interest?? Very happy to write either so power to the people and whatnot 🫡
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sapphire-weapon · 2 years ago
Chreon is so underrated. The way their relationship could be so DEEP and meaningful and healing for both parties. I'm in my feelings tonight god damn.
I went through this like last week or someshit, where I just got slammed with Chreon feels and had to go lie down for a bit.
In DSC, Leon geeks out at Claire several times about how it's so cool that her brother is in STARS, and he must be really smart and dedicated and all this other stuff, and it's so goddamn cute. Imagine if the two of them had actually gotten a chance to work together for a period of time before everything went to shit. Babby Leon all starstruck (no pun intended) and Chris, being Chris, would almost definitely take the dewy-eyed rookie under his wing. 🥺
So much potential for a traditional romance story between them, with Leon just crushing hardcore but not wanting to screw up their professional relationship -- until it finally comes out that Chris's affections for him in return are less than professional, as well.
But even apart from that, with the way they've actually been written -- Hunnigan basically says it was love at first dork between those two.
Though, that's only like. Half of the story. There's no way of knowing just how long Leon and Chris had actually been friends before meeting face to face. They first canonically spoke all the way back in 1999, so for all we know, they could've had a long-distance friendship not unlike so many other people do via the internet. (Can u believe that me and @godtier have never met irl but we have been staples in each other's lives for over 15 years?)
I would really like to see RE become self-aware about the relationship they've built between these two -- because I don't think that the writing staff over at Capcom is consciously aware of certain things that have been set up and implied between the two of them. I don't think they realize that they've been writing these stories to show Chris as trusting Leon more than he trusts Jill, in some ways. I also don't think they realize that they've shown Leon to be consistently comforted by Chris's presence.
I'm not saying that Capcom should make Chreon canon -- I know that they'd sooner let Leon canonically marry Ashley before so much as suggesting an actual romance between Leon and Chris -- but I'd like to see some acknowledgement of just how deep their friendship seems to run.
But on the headcanon-y side of things, if only the two of them were also more self-aware and were at all the types of guys to actually, like. Think about their own emotions a little bit (as opposed to not at all). How much better off would the two of them be if they were cognizant enough to spend nights together in a way that matters?
Just a quiet night with the two of them together on the couch, not really watching whatever's on TV because Leon is falling asleep while leaning against Chris, who has one arm slung lazily around his shoulders so that his hand dangles uselessly against Leon's arm. Chris knows that he's going to eventually have to make the decision to either drag Leon's sleepy ass to bed or lay him out properly on the couch -- assuming that he, himself, doesn't fall asleep right there along with him.
Anon I want to fuckihng die why did u do this to me
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totallynottinsel · 2 years ago
Warnings: none. Just some tooth rotting fluff for the soul. and maybe a little angst
Ship: Chreon (+ some Jill x Claire sprinkled in for fun)
Ty to my wonderful mom for this whole idea of the gang getting to have a chill day out for once, she's amazing so all credit goes to her for the prompt (: (i've dragged her into the Chreon cult)
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Finally, with the world saved once again by the skin of everyone’s teeth, there was that silent, open void left over; it was a bit funny how these top tier government agents and so on had a hard time figuring out what to occupy themselves with when not stopping bioterrorists or shooting zombies. Though most of them had gotten used to that same empty space by now. 
After Dylan had been successfully put to a stop, as well as the events on Alcatraz Island settled—the near exhausted group of friends wanted to at least spend a little time all together before each of them had to return to their own set of work again. Yet the question was…what would they do? None could seem to agree on one thing throughout the various ideas and suggestions spat out, though at least someone had a decent choice. Rebecca ended up saying they should simply go out for ice cream, to which they all happily agreed to. Who wouldn’t though?
They all decided to carpool to make the trip easier. “I’m calling shotgun!” Claire exclaimed as she dashed to the side of the car, sitting herself inside right next to her brother, who’d already been the chosen driver—whilst Jill and Rebecca got stuck with the backseats. But at least it wasn’t too squished for the two of them, or so they would think for a good minute. 
“Hey, can I ride with you guys? I’ve kinda lost mine” A low, unsure voice kindly asked the rest of the group, which was quick to catch everyone’s attention. It belonged to Leon of course, who stood just a few feet away from the vehicle, arms crossed as he patiently awaited a response.  
“What happened to your bike?” Chris asked with curiosity towards the other, his arm resting on the rim of the car’s open window. 
“I…don’t really wanna talk about it.” The blond replied in an underlying tone of remorse, his gaze fluttering down to the ground below him, almost in a shameful manner. 
"Not again…" Claire murmured from her side, leaning forward to try and get a better look out her brother's window, not all too surprised by the revolution. Especially seeing who it was coming from.
"What does she mean again? Jesus, how many bikes have you recked?" Jill raised an eyebrow to the topic, staring at the apprehensive man outside the car with a slightly distasteful, yet nonetheless intrigued look on her face. 
"Too many for my liking." Leon mumbled under his breath as it was mixed with the tiniest tinge of annoyance, which was fair in his defense. He made his way over to the car, and slid himself inside the backseat alongside the other two—who were now stuck being squished next to each other. 
"So what I got from that was, is that I get to sit next to the guy who's known for wrecking bikes and or vehicles? Just my luck." She remarked straight back, her tone riddled with sarcasm as she kept on trying to lean far from him, making their limited space even worse no doubt. "Wanna swap seats?" She asked the woman next to her.
"I'll pass." Rebecca gladly declined, knowing fully well she wasn't about to be the human shield in case the curse of the vehicle wrecker was real all along. 
"Don't worry, we'll get you a new one, again. It's no big deal." Chris didn't hesitate one bit to put up an offer towards the other man, his usual warm and inviting smile coming across his face as he started up the car, one hand leisurely placed on the wheel.
"You don't have to do that, Chris—really. I can get my own this time, eventually…" He denied the gracious offer with hesitance; it wouldn't be the first time he's said no, yet came home to a snazzy new bike regardless. 
"He just likes finding any excuse to buy you things." Claire couldn't help but comment with a grin towards the two, shifting to look back at Leon, who rightfully was trying to avoid direct eye contact. Even if everyone was staring at him with intrigue. "You know he'll get it for you no matter what you say or do." He sank right into his seat after hearing that. 
"Are you going to pick or just stand there?" Chris asked with a gentle sigh, waiting for Jill to finally order whatever flavor of ice cream she was so deeply contemplating for what seemed like years. At this rate, she'd been holding up the line of impatient kids—whilst Claire and Rebecca had no issues ordering and taking a seat outside the place.  
"Give me a break! It's been awhile since I ordered anything, let alone ice cream." She gave a snappy response before eventually making her decision out of the bajillion flavors this place had, and was glad to leave the devilish gazes of all those kids waiting for their daily sugar intake. 
"Did you order anything yet?" Chris directed his attention back to the silent man standing off to the side, seeming a bit fazed out—as if he'd been distracted this entire time, which might've been true. 
"Huh–? Oh, yeah… I'll just have whatever you're having, I'm not really that hungry." Leon merely shrugged his shoulders, stuffing his hands down into the pockets of his leather jacket, having his laid back demeanor as always. 
"You sure?" The older wanted to confirm, though a hint of concern was noticeable in his voice towards the other. 
"Yeah, like I said, I'm not super hungry or anything…but if I do I'll just steal some from yours." He at least had a half smile going, which was better than nothing at all, but something still felt a bit off. 
The two men returned back outside within no time, ice cream in hand as the sun was shining, people out and about, no blood curdling screams of terror. Or big tyrants stomping around. All in all it was…well, a normal, average day, by anyone else's standards. But for this group of pals in particular? This was like a dream.
"Looks like we've been ditched." Leon snarkily remarked at the supposed other three friends who'd left before them, now nowhere in sight. So…that left the both of them, alone once again to either sit in cricket filled silence as they stood on the sidewalk, or attempt at striking up a decent conversation. What the hell would they even talk about at this point? That was always the question when this scene played out, with no mission to swiftly coordinate with one another, or battle to face. Though in all honesty, neither one totally hated the silence—it was almost nice of sorts to just be in each other's company, no words needed.
"You doing okay?" Chris finally spoke up after at least five minutes of just head nodding and gestures of acknowledgement, having already taken notice of the other's odd quietness, and how he kept on resting his eyes nearly the whole time. "You've been pretty quiet all morning." 
"I'm fine, just real tired. I barely got any sleep last night…actually, scratch that, I haven't got any sleep all damn week. I guess it's catching up to me." The fatigued blond rubbed his drowsy eyes with his hand, leaning his back against the concrete wall next to the store. "I can't seem to figure out how to stop having nightmares, and I feel like I've tried everything, you know?" 
"Yeah, I do." Chris gave a weary nod in return; he definitely had similar experiences with dreams throughout his entire life, though he wasn't sure if his were as frequent, and as bad as Leon's. He's heard about them in detail before, and it didn't sound like a pleasant sight to see. He also wasn't an expert when it came to comforting people, so he gently leaned his cup of ice cream towards the other, offering it up with a kindhearted smile. 
Leon let a short chuckle go as he spotted the ice cream, decided to accept the treat, even if it wasn't a flavor he preferred—he didn't mind at all if it was coming from Chris. He pulled out one of the plastic spoons that sat in the side of it, and popped a spoon full into his mouth, pleasantly surprised by it. 
"You'll always have my shoulder to lean on, just know that." The older said whilst taking a bite of his own, happy to have seen his offer of ice cream be taken up. 
"Good, 'cause I'm beat." Leon didn't hesitate much to carefully rest his sleepy head on the side of the other's shoulder, not exactly being able to reach the top due to their slight height difference. He obviously chose to take the Chris's words more literally than figuratively—but hey, the man was exhausted, so what's the harm in it? 
The two decided to stay there, taking in the scenery; sounds of speedy cars rushing by, or the sounds of distant voices and footsteps. It was honestly quite relaxing, and with how tired Leon already was, he was struggling to even keep his eyes open as he took a long awaited rest—which no doubt wouldn't be happening if Chris wasn't here. They made each other feel safe enough to put their guards down for once. It was sort of like having a big fuzzy blanket you could hide yourself under, and you felt as if nobody could touch you. 
"Hey, Chris?" 
"You really don't have to get me a new bike." 
"I want to." 
Leon sighed in defeat, eyes still closed, knowing there was no way he'd win this argument. 
"Maybe Claire was right when she said I use it as an excuse to buy you things, but it's also an excuse to get to see you. Without having to fight bioterrorist's in the same day."  It was true, he was always looking for little ways to try and see or talk to the agent away from anything work related, and it'd become painfully obvious to everyone around that he was trying so hard to spend time with him, well—to everyone but Leon. 
“All you have to do is ask, y’know? It’s no trouble if you ever wanna call me up and hang around, or something. No need to spend your entire life savings on me, Redfield.” He mentally cursed at his own words after some thought over them, wondering if ‘hanging around’ was the right thing to suggest, should he have recommended going out to dinner? Or perhaps another group activity? He was unsure, and the room was a bit hard to read…so, all he could really do was hope for the best. 
“I might just take you up on that, then.” Well, Chris definitely seemed up for it, so…at least he was doing something right. 
"That's a keeper." Claire said with a smile of her own as she snapped a good photo of the two men from round the street corner, knowing it was a rare sight they were ever that close in a public setting—and she couldn't wait to see the look on her brother's face once she showed it to him later. 
"How have neither of them asked each other out?" Rebecca asked with absolute disbelief, shaking her head as she finished off her scoop of ice cream.
"Honestly, I thought Leon would be making moves left and right on him, but I realized he talks a bigger game than he's actually got. And that's just based off a few days knowing him." Jill summed it up fairly well as she watched the two, arms crossed with a small smile before she moved her gaze to the other women beside her. "You Redfields are awful at flirting too." 
"She's got a point, I've been around those two long enough to get the feeling that Chris…isn't necessarily great at flirting…" Rebecca chimed in with reluctance. 
"Hey, we're not awful flirters! I can do it just as well as anyone else, and maybe Chris…struggles, but he gets there." Claire defended the both of them with confidence in her voice, one she'd soon come to regret as she attempted trying to come up with a flirt, or pickup line, yet—she found herself stuck with infuriated embarrassment by the end of it. 
"Alright, stop— look, this is how you do it." Jill set her empty cup of melted ice cream down onto the ground, rolling her shoulders back as she stepped a few feet away, then turned around and walked up to the younger Redfield again, who was still speechless. "Hey, wanna go out some time, beautiful?" 
In all honesty, it wasn't that great of a line, and really shouldn't work on anyone. Yet the way Jill said those words—the way she walked with absolute confidence, and her voice was as smooth as ever—it lit something inside Claire that she suddenly couldn't explain, and all she could say was…
"Uh, sure–?" She uttered out with a mix of confusion, surprise, and…an interesting dose of excitement. 
"Great." Jill accepted it, and was content with her work for the day enough to begin walking back—with a flabbergasted Claire and semi entertained Rebecca following—towards the two men who were practically in their own little world—which would soon come to a speedy crash. "Is he asleep…?" She asked in a low voice. 
The sound of Jill's harsh, sudden questioning was enough to jolt Leon awake from his relaxed and peaceful state, swiftly leaving his claimed spot on Chris's shoulder and very quickly deciding to pretend as if that was the last thing he was doing. And totally was not taking an extremely enjoyable nap on his quote on quote ‘friend's’ arm. Yet now he just looked plain freaked out instead of cool and collected. "Where the hell did you all come from–?"
"We were hanging around the corner, just to let you two have some quality time to yourselves.” Rebecca answered with her usual soft tone,  though it was as clear as day she was in on whatever the three of them were conspiring over there. “Well, until Jill had something to say to you, I believe."
Chris audibly sighed, a bit bitter by the fact his moment was abruptly interrupted, but tried in his best efforts to keep calm about it, just for the 50\50 chance that whatever she had to say was important in some way, shape or form.
“What is it?”
“I asked your sister out, and she said sure.” Blunt as ever.
“You what?”
The silence had gotten so thick, you could cut it with a knife. And that soon faded into mindless staring—just waiting for someone to awkwardly cough, or say any sentence at all. Nobody was entirely sure if this was all a planned joke or quite literal. 
“Jill what do you mean? Don’t walk away!” He threw his hands up in utter confusion as he chased after her down the sidewalk, itching to get a straighter answer and much needed context he clearly missed, whilst Rebecca kept on telling them not to banter so close to the busy road. Far too many times.
Leon didn’t give many words to the whole ordeal, and instead chose to simply watch in saddened disappointment as Chris left his side; he had a blatant frown as he put his hands back in his pockets, returning to the same state he’d been in all morning within the blink of an eye. Although he did have one question that took him a bit aback, out of everything that went down. 
“I didn’t know you…well, you know, were into women–?” He tilted his head towards Claire with uncertainty to his own question, even if they’d been close friends for years now—new information still seemed to pop up out of the blue. 
“I didn’t know you were into my brother.” She didn’t even have to look back at him to get her point across, and held back a large smile while doing so. She’d noticed his sudden spring of dismay the moment Chris walked off right away, of course, and couldn’t help but comment on it if no one else would. 
The blond didn’t deny her accusation by any means, and simply took a stand by her side, a chuckle escaping his lips as they watched the other three repartee all across the street, a true sight for sore eyes getting to see them have a bit of fun. 
“I don’t think he knows either.”
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sparkie96 · 1 year ago
New Fic: “Son of a Devil”
“…you said a bad word.” The little boy suddenly said in a little voice, drawing Nero’s attention, “The f-word.”
Nero looked at the little boy with a softened look, giving a little smile followed by a chuckle, “I did. Very good. The F-word is a bad word and you should never say it. I’m sorry. Do you need help? Is that why you snuck in here?”
The little boy visibly hesitated but then gave a little nod, “Mama told me to run. Find help. Said Papa’s bad friends were coming to hurt us.”
Nero saw Nico look at him with a curious look through the rear view mirror, Nero looking back to the boy, “Do you know why?”
“Papa owed them money.” The little boy admitted, “Mama said he stole it.”
Nero looked at Nico once more, “Still think we should call the cops?” He asked.
Nico admitted that she had already, but maybe he had a point about not leaving the kid behind, “Then, I’m going to grab some stuff. And then we’ll head home. I’ll call Kyrie and warn her ahead of time.”
“Good. But if any cops show up asking questions, you’re talking to them.” Nico said, “Now buckle up.”
Nero gave a little nod before turning back to the little boy in front of him, “I’m Nero. What’s your name, kiddo?”
The little boy canted his head at him, “Leon,” He replied shyly, “Leon Kennedy.”
The drive to Redgrave had been a quiet one for once, Leon staying awake the whole time despite it being past the boy’s bedtime. He stayed in his spot on the couch, allowing Nero to buckle him in for his safety. There was a little duffle bag and a stuffed raccoon sitting on the seat between them, the bag holding all of Leon’s clothes, or as much as Nero could grab. He put the family photo on top, but Leon flipped it over, not wanting to see the picture.
Which was understandable considering what had just happened over an hour ago.
Nero kept an eye on him, and so did Nico, whom Nero caught looking through the rear view, but he knew better than to say anything. Leon was nodding off to sleep, though every time his head sank, he would jolt up and blink with a little noise of annoyance, not letting go of the raccoon while he did so.
“If you’re tired, you can rest, bud.” Nero said, “We’re not gonna let anything happen to you. Promise.”
“Not tired…” Leon insisted before a yawn left him, Nero shaking his head with a smile, “…Dun…wanna…”
“If you want to nap, that’s okay. Go ahead.” Nero insisted, “I’ll wake you up when we get there, okay? You’re safe, Leon.”
(Reverse AU: How Nero Found Leon
Prompt: Age Reversal AU where Nero and Nico are out hunting demons one night and find something else instead. Or rather, someone else…
Meanwhile, five year-old Leon just barely made it out of a terrible and terrifying situation that led to him becoming an orphan. Luckily, he finds safety in a strange van parked on his block.
Rated for Language, Canon Typical Violence and ABO Things.
Sidenote: There will be NO Vergilleon in this for obvious reasons.)
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phoenixmetaphor · 5 months ago
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oct 2 (ish) - ripple
he’s shy 🥰
we’ll save the rambling for a day when i don’t draw a full page in one day like a moron.
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charcuteriecrab · 2 years ago
in my dreams, we're far away from here (Part 5)
A Resident Evil fic request
For @wisecrackingeric-2
Rating: M
Contains: blood, strong language, gore, injury
Tags: Chreon, Major Character Injury, Romance, Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 3174
Part 5/5 Part 1 <- Previous
Leon woke to the sound of an incessant beeping and the low drone of electrical equipment. The smell of generic disinfectant entered his senses and he furrowed his brows, groaning. Leon’s eyes fluttered open as he tried to look around, confused. Wasn’t he…
Forest. BOWs. Lab. Chris.
Where was Chris?
In an instant, Leon flew upright, the quick action sending pain through his arm. “Chris?” he said, his voice cracking. Chris Chris Chris where was he— Leon was gasping now, close to hyperventilating as his eyes flew wildly around the room, looking for his boyfriend. He couldn’t be dead—no. The beeping skyrocketed in speed, and it made Leon even more stressed, sweating now and becoming lightheaded. Multiple voices suddenly registered, and hands were on him, trying to get him to lay back down, and he cried, pain and panic fogging his mind. He kicked out his feet and swung his arm around, trying to buck off the people on top of him, tears streaming down his face— no, no, no, no. “Chris!” he cried out, memories of tyrants grabbing a hold of him flashing past his vision. The door slammed open again, Leon barely able to hear it, then a familiar, feminine voice yells, and the hands were gone in an instant. Leon trembled, curling in on himself, grabbing at the sheets as he clenched his eyes shut. It was too much—
The voice speaks again, this time softer, and he realized that whoever they were was talking to him. “Leon? Hey, it’s okay. You’re okay.” Leon breathed, still quickly, but less so, and he tried to open his eyes again. He spotted red-brown hair and a red jacket in his blurred vision, and immediately knew that it was Claire next to him. Their eyes met and she came forward, reaching for his hand. He latched onto it, squeezing tight, and slowly calmed down, unwinding from the sheets and letting his muscles relax. The room was blessedly quiet around him, and he noticed that the beeping was even gone. Once able to speak, he immediately asked her, “Where is Chris?” voice soft and scared—scared of her answer.
Oh God. What if he had turned? What if Leon’s failure got him killed? His heart dropped and his fingers turned cold. A million scenarios rushed through Leon’s drug-hazed mind, his heart pounding in his chest but the heart monitor was silent now, unable to scream his vitals. 
Then Claire gave him a small, reassuring smile, and she patted his hand. “He’s okay. You saved him. He’s in the room next door, still sleeping. You woke up sooner than we thought you would.”
Relief flooded his body and he visibly deflated, sighing. He was alive. He felt like crying—he didn’t know what he would have done if he had died. “Can I see him?” She looked at him with sympathy. “The doctor’s said you’re not allowed to get up yet—you’re still recovering from blood loss and hypothermia.”
“I need to see him, Claire,” he said, voice broken, emotion thick despite his dry throat.
There was a pregnant silence for a while, Leon letting his head hang against the pillow, his bangs falling into his face. He wouldn’t be able to rest unless he saw Chris for himself.
“...I’ll see if I can convince the doctors,” she eventually conceded with a sigh. “Don’t get up while I’m gone or I’ll revoke your Chris-visiting privileges.” ~o~
Claire managed to convince the doctors to let him see Chris, just as long as he took a wheelchair and brought his IV pole with. They apparently had him on warmed saline and blood to try and combat the lingering effects of both his now-stitched up licker wounds and the hypothermia. Normally he would have refused being taken in a wheelchair, but he was too desperate to see Chris—and he felt abnormally weak, his legs trembling as Claire helped him into the chair. Now sitting, he swallowed, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath to help calm himself, and let Claire push him to the next door room. The hallway was empty, which Leon was grateful for, the silence much preferred over the beeping of the monitors in his room. They came to the door, and instead of Claire pushing him through the door, she stopped. The younger Redfield then placed a small box in his hands, and he immediately recognized it as his. 
“I’m not telling you what to do,” she said, “but I think you should do it.”
Leon blushed, but also felt a wave of nervousness. He fiddled with the ring, brushing his thumbs over it, hands shaking slightly. “What if he says no?”
“Like I told Chris months ago, ‘Why’re you so sure he’ll reject you?’” she asked, and Leon wasn’t able to see her expression, but he could tell she was smiling. “He loves you. Anyone can see that.”
“Yeah but—” he stopped, emotion bubbling up. “I couldn’t even save him. I failed. Why would he want me after that?”
“Leon. You did save him. If you hadn’t gone for him and met up with the team, he would have turned—he would have been too far gone to save.”
Leon’s face blanched. What? Images of him carrying Chris through those frozen woods came to mind and he was suddenly hit with how close it had been. He almost lost him.
“You saved my brother. There’s no reason to believe he would tell you no.”
Leon was silent for a long time, then swallowed. Nodding, he gestured for Claire to open the door. 
The wheelchair squeaked as the rusting wheels turned, and the door swung open with a creak from the hinges. Leon inhaled as he crossed the threshold, then held his breath, scared to see Chris. What if Claire was wrong? What if Chris was dead? What if the vaccine didn’t work and he turned into an infected?
As he panicked, Claire brought him over to the side of the room he was scared to go to, the room around them feeling cold and utterly cavernous. What was an eternity for Leon was in reality a few seconds, and in an instant, he was somehow pulled up so his shins were touching the side of the hospital bed.
And there was Chris. Breathing. An IV attached to the crook of his elbow.
Leon exhaled, finally able to breathe. Chris was alive. Claire wasn't lying—Leon suddenly felt weak and he hunched over, leaning over his thighs and nestling his face into his arm. Relief flooded his chest, and the leftover panic and anxiety from before finally fell away, replaced by a dull pain, a reminder that he was also injured; his arm throbbed, and his legs shook despite sitting down.
Probably noticing his reaction, Claire spoke up, putting a soft, grounding hand on his shoulder, and Leon fought to keep his tears at bay. “You okay?”
“I am now.” ~o~
Eventually, Claire left the room to grab something to eat, confident that the two of them would be okay on their own for a little while, and then it was just Leon, looking down at Chris’ sleeping form, unable to do anything but stare. Leon assumed Claire left so that Leon could have a moment with her brother without her listening in. He was happy for the privacy, but being alone with just his thoughts wasn’t doing him any good either.
According to Claire, after Leon collapsed from his wounds in the forest, the BSAA team sent after he left arrived in Norway and found them, Leon half frozen and nearly dead, and Chris infected and near turning into a BOW. She had said that him getting Chris when he did, and giving him his jacket were what saved him, but in doing so, it nearly killed Leon.
Leon shuddered, not wanting to think about how close it had been.
He focused his attention back to Chris and sighed. His boyfriend’s face was pale and slightly skinnier, deep bags under his eyes looking wrong against his skin. There was a slight pink dusting across his upper cheeks, and Leon assumed it was the fever he had before running its course. According to Claire, Chris was starved while captured, and he was dehydrated. Leon guessed that was to be expected, but it still made his skin crawl all the same. Looking at his boyfriend’s IV, he noticed without too much surprise that he had one fewer bag than he did, only having the saline fed into his body while Leon had one final blood transfusion to go through, his bag halfway full of the crimson liquid.
Leon fiddled again with the ring box before reaching over to grab Chris’ limp hand at the man’s side, and squeezed tightly, but not enough to cause discomfort. He brushed his thumb over his boyfriend’s calloused fingers, comforted by the warmth. He was warm. He was alive. The infected were ice-cold, their rotting flesh without need of their life-giving fluids anymore, and Chris was far from the familiar chilled skin that usually grabbed at Leon. He traced each feature of Chris’ face, a thick glob of guilt, fear, and self-depreciation settling in the back of his throat. 
“I don’t know what I would have done without you, Chris,” he eventually said, letting his fringe fall into his face as he hung his head forward, not expecting the man to respond. They had only been dating for six months, but Leon was head over heels for him. He couldn’t imagine living in a world without Chris—and he wanted to marry him. He just hoped Chris would have him…
It was another ten minutes before Chris made a noise. It was a soft, low groan, nearly a hum, and it made Leon perk up, watching his face for any movement. He was happy—but nervous. What would Chris say to him? He almost didn’t want to know, but the alternative made him feel sick.
His boyfriend made another noise, this time louder, and he clenched his eyes, moving his head back and forth slightly. The fingers in Leon’s hand twitched and latched on, and he smiled, emotion making his eyes glassy. In the background, the beeping of the heart monitor quickened to a normal rate, indicating wakefulness.
“Chris?” he asked softly, rubbing the back of the man’s hands again before pressing a kiss to the dry skin.
As if prompted by his words, Chris’ eyes fluttered open, gaze distant before settling on Leon, recognition flooding his expression. “...Leon?” he said, voice gravelly from not using it for so long, and it sounded like music to his ears.
Leon smiled, laughing wetly. “Hey, Chris,” he said, unable to say much more from the overwhelming emotions coursing through him.
His boyfriend grew more aware, his eyes widening and looking around, probably realizing he was in the hospital, then he turned to Leon again, spotting the wheelchair and IV pole. “Are you okay?” he asked, still groggy from sleep, but growing panicked as he realized Leon was hurt. “Why’re you in a wheelchair?”
“Licker,” he replied, waving his hand to imply it wasn’t a big deal, not wanting to worry the man. “It got me on my way to rescue you.”
“What? Rescue?…What happened? I can’t remember anything but vague images.” Chris looked distressed, eyes wide and fearful, looking at Leon like he was going to keel over and die right in front of his eyes.
Leon swallowed, nervous to put his failure into words. “You…were kidnapped by terrorists while on an op. You were missing for ten days before Hunnigan was able to tell me where you were. I went to save you…” he stopped, breath catching. “They were experimenting on you, trying to make you turn. I got you out and carried you, but collapsed on the way back.”
Chris’ hand tightened around his as he took in Leon’s words, mouth open slightly. His face morphed into something screaming both pain and empathy and Leon didn’t know how to handle seeing his boyfriend like that.
“I thought you were dead—” he broke off with a strangled sob, the dam he was so desperately trying to keep standing breaking in a single moment, tears falling down his face, as he hunched over again. “I thought I was going to find and have to bring you corpse back home—”
In the blink of an eye, Chris sat up and moved his legs over the bed, grabbing Leon and pulling him close, and Leon only sobbed harder, grabbing onto Chris like it was the last time he would ever see him. “I’m here. It’s okay,” Chris said, and Leon could hear tears in his eyes too. “You saved me—and got injured in the process.”
At the mention, his arm twinged, but he chose to ignore it, hugging Chris harder and pressing into Chris’ still overly warm body. In response, Chris held on tighter as well, resting his chin on top of Leon’s head.
Chris hummed unhappily, his throat rumbling against Leon’s face. “I keep getting you injured. First, New York, and now—you almost died saving me. What kind of boyfriend am I?”
There was an immense wave of guilt radiating from the man, and Leon was quick to shut him down. This was far from Chris’ fault. “No,” he interrupted. “It isn’t—and wasn’t—your fault. I would do it again and again to save you—I can’t imagine my life without you, Chris.” 
Tears began to fall onto Leon, falling from Chris’ face in earnest, and Leon moved to look at him, cupping his face and using his thumb to wipe away the tear tracks. 
“And I can’t imagine my life without you.”
They sat in each other’s arms for what felt both like an eternity, and the blink of an eye, the both of them relishing the other’s company—they were both alive, but they very nearly weren’t. They could have both died out in the snow and left everyone they love behind, the BSAA recovering their bodies. Leon shuddered, and Chris hummed. Then Leon pulled away, inhaling before moving to grab the box he concealed when he came in.
Leon had to ask him—their luck might run out someday, and if one of them died before the other…he would forever wonder ‘what if’.
Chris looked at him with confusion, and Leon was quick to return to him, speaking up before his boyfriend could say anything. “Chris.” he started, hands shaking from nerves. “This probably isn’t the right time, but I want to do this before something happens…because there will never be a right time.” He inhaled, watching Chris’ expression shift into realization. “You’re so important to me—and I’ve never loved anyone like I love you.”
Leon opened the box, pulling out the black engagement band lined with small diamonds around the edges and intricate designs engraved on the outside, and showing it to Chris. “Will you marry me?”
His boyfriend leaned closer in an instant, kissing Leon so fiercely he gasped, and he melted into the man’s grasp. Their lips pressed together as if they were made for each other and Leon tried not to start crying again.
“Of course I will, Leon,” Chris said, pulling away only enough to talk, his warm breath fluttering against Leon’s skin and as he looked up at him, he saw more tears falling, his boyfriend beaming at him, hand still cupping his face.
Leon smiled then, happier than he ever remembered being. “I love you,” he said, looking deeply into his eyes.
This time Chris kissed his forehead and said, “And I love you too.” ~o~
They were finally home, the two of them being released after only an additional day of monitoring with instructions to rest. They had a week off from work, and they planned to spend every moment of that time with each other. Claire was spending a couple days with them as well, using the guest bedroom before planning to head back to work. She dropped them off before heading to a nearby pizza place to grab them dinner.
Their apartment, filled out much more compared to either of their old apartments, was a pleasant site, and as they stepped inside, they stood next to each other at the entrance, breathing in and out. Nothing was said, and after an amount of time he didn’t keep track of, they moved further into the loft, Leon going first.
They sat on their black, leather couch, and Leon melted into the cushions, immediately snuggling into Chris as he sat down next to him. 
“You know,” Chris said, “we’re gonna have to get you a matching ring.” 
Leon scoffed. “I’m the one who proposed.”
“Well then consider this my proposal. I want to marry you too.”
Leon shook his head with a laugh, letting Chris win. “Fine. We’ll get me a matching one.”
They put a movie on and waited for Claire to come back with the pizza, the younger Redfield knocking before opening the door, food in tow, and they ate together on the couch. Chris had to eat slowly, his system still not used to eating very much, so the others ate at his pace as well, not in a hurry. Leon made sure that Chris didn’t overeat either, not wanting him to be sick. Hopefully he could gain the weight he lost back fairly quickly, as long as he was careful.
The movie continued, and the leftover pizza was put into the fridge, Claire heading to sleep after a while, leaving Chris and Leon alone in their living room. Chris ended up leaning on Leon, eventually moving to lay on his lap as they watched the TV, and he brushed his fingers through the man’s hair, starting a slow rhythm. Leon was becoming drowsy as they sat, yawning every few minutes. 
The movie’s credits started to run, and he looked down to Chris to ask him if he was ready for bed soon, only to find he was passed out, mouth open and drooling slightly.  Leon smiled, fondness overwhelming him. It was time for bed.
Carefully moving Chris out of his lap, he got up off the couch and moved to pick up Chris, only struggling for a moment before settling him into his arms bridal-style. His fiance—Leon’s heart fluttered at the word—hummed, his eyes cracking open slightly.
“I’ve got you,” Leon murmured. “Go back to sleep.”
He took him to their bedroom and laid him down, stripping him of his jeans and socks before doing the same to himself. Leon eased himself into bed, dragging the comforter over the both of them and snuggling into Chris. He exhaled, relaxing into the warmth and closing his eyes. 
Chris reached over to his waist and pulled Leon closer, pressing him to his chest, and Leon hummed contently, sleep beckoning him. He wished they could stay like this forever.
“...love you,” Chris murmured sleepily, slurring his words, and Leon smiled.
He wanted to be with Chris for the rest of his life.
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somnicordia · 2 years ago
4 5
by TheHangedMan
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IV. The Foundations of Decay
[[ chreon, rated m, 4/?, 7.8k ]]
"I got shot." There was an air of unreality to the statement. It had always been the possibility he'd prepared himself for as a police officer, but never had he imagined it happening like this.
As it turned out, Chris was shit at being quiet.
It felt like karma. Leon actually had the choice of hiding from Mr. X now, but it was impossible. Chris’s footsteps were confident, heavy, loud. He was slow to hide and fast to pull his gun on the undead. Leon had to practically beg him to use his knife instead of the shotgun before Chris began to think before aiming. He had so little fear —walking with a straight back, chin held up high— just like Claire.
But he had far less discretion. He moved like a man used to being at the top of the food chain. Which was true; he was powerful. Deadly. When comparing him to ninety nine percent of the undead Leon had seen, Chris would come out on top every time.
But that was not the number Leon was worried about.
It took convincing, but Chris eventually began to follow Leon’s lead, letting the smaller man scout out a few steps ahead before he followed. Loud footsteps, imagined or not, were always dancing at the edge of Leon’s hearing, trailing them like a wolf on the hunt. Sometimes it was easier to stop, hide, and wait them out rather than risk Chris alerting him.
Still, even with the added liability, Leon could not express the relief that came with having someone with him again. This was what it must have felt like to be a cop— to have a partner. Claire had been sharp, a good shot, reliable. But she moved like a civilian, not his superior officer. Chris acted the part perfectly.
Everything about Chris was perfect.
◇ read here
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citrine-elephant · 6 months ago
chreon but
leon can't fuckin relax. he just wants to keep moving, can't get his mind to stop.
chris, in an effort to get this man to relax and sit tf down, challenges him to a lil wrestling. one of those, "can you just sit down?" versus "make me" situations. oh, the tension.
leon won't make it easy, of course, as fun as being dominated by chris would be. you seen the re6 fight, it'll go on awhile.
but once chris eventually wins, maybe leon's too tuckered out and accepts his fate. maybe, just maybe, chris pulls a move and ties his ass down.
alternatively: chris can't relax, so leon decides to test the big guy's stamina and agility by playing keep away with some important nonsense of his.
cat man climbing up and over walls so that chris ends up giving up out of exhaustion.
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otteli2000 · 2 years ago
Okay so my Resident Evil Chreon! AU
Here's some world building:
-Chris and Leon met at some point through Claire and it was love at first sight. They ended up in the bathroom of bar they were in and they haven't let go of each other since. They moved with each other within a matter of weeks and got married soon because life is too short to not be with the one you love
-Jill was never controlled by Weskher. She and Carlos got married after Racoon City and later had twin girls (Because Carlos is such a girldad). Jill is still working with Chris at the BSAA while Carlos, after the death of his whole platoon, decided to retire. He's now a househusband and a stay-at-home dad and he LOVES it
-Claire and Rebecca also are together in this universe because I said so
Now, onto the actual story, during a mission, Leon gets hurt, bad, and almost dies. Of course, he survives but he messed up his leg and the doctors force him to retire which leads him to basically being a caged lion in his and Chris' apartment; pacing around with nothing to do because he already cleaned everything. Twice.
Chris, obviously, is pretty worried about his husband and talks about it with Jill who suggests for them to move into the house next to her and Carlos. It's already up to sale but it's pretty and cheap so it won't stay on sale for long so Chris buys it right away without talking to Leon who is pretty pissed once he tells him. They argue but when he finally, and reluctantly, agrees to visit their new house, he agrees it was too good of an opportunity to pass on.
Of course, right next door, Carlos is basically vibrating with excitement because he finally got someone to bother and he fully intends to show Leon that staying home isn't such a bad thing.
So as soon as Chris and Leon are settled in, Carlos starts dragging him to all kind of activities; taking the twins to the park, local football matches, community events like barbecues.
And at first, Leon complains everytime because that's just who he is but eventually, he's the one who takes the initiative to go over to Jill and Carlos' house to ask him what they're doing today (Carlos tackles him into a hug, laughing like a maniac).
So Leon takes on some hobbies like gardening which he doesn't suck at as much as he thought. He's even pretty good at it, enraging the local Karen when his garden wins a prize in the neighborhood contest.
Leon comes to realize that being a civilian again doesn't suck as much as he thought and that retirement might be the best thing that could have happened to him (Beside Chris of course)
Chris is super grateful because it finally feels like he's getting the old Leon back (He buys Carlos the most expensive bottle of whiskey on the market)
And then one day, as they're getting to bed, Chris can see something is bothering Leon so he asks him what's wrong.
"What do you think of having kids?"
And Chris absolutely did NOT see this coming. At all. Leon had never been much of a fan of kids before (Except for Jill and Carlos' daughters because they're just too cute to resist) so he's pretty surprised by his husband's question but he can't deny how warm and fuzzy the image of the two of them makes him feel inside.
They start looking into adoption the very next day and Carlos burst into tears a few months later when they ask him to be their son's godfather (He doesn't even deny it unlike Jill who pretends she didn't tear up when they asked her to be the godmother)
Claire complains to Chris that as his sister, shouldn't she have had dibs on being his kid's godmother? The next year, Chris and Leon adopt again, a girl this time, and they name Claire their daughter's godmother
So this is it. Sorry for clogging the tags with this fluff-fest, I just needed to get it out of my head ❤️
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silvercap · 1 year ago
Here we go...
Strange waters, monsters from the deep, and an age-old magic better left alone. Mind your sails. -~- A single, glowing green eye fixes him with a glare, diamond-shaped pupil blinking sideways as another gust of wind buffets Leon's hair through the gap in the hull. It is the depths of the ocean itself brought to life, a gleaming gaze filled with the tempests and unforgiving waves of a storm; ancient and far too powerful for any mere human to defeat.
Tags: Rating May Change, Hurt/Comfort, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Pirates, Sirens, Alternate Universe - Pirate, Sea Monsters, Drowning, Blood and Injury, Canon-Typical Violence, Angst, Action & Romance, PIRATE AU GUYS IT'S HAPPENING!!, Magic, Sailing, tags to be added!
Chapters: 1/?
Past Chreon, eventual Nivannedy, eventual Nivannedyfield
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