#event task 001
stardomiscalling · 8 months
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Rachel decided to bring her love of the theatrics to the ball. She selected a nearly sheer low cut glittery black dress. The floor length dress is held up by two delicate spaghetti straps. For further dramatic effect she wore a long black overcoat which was removed upon arrival.
Her date is the handsome, @brodywcston.
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rosewmu · 8 months
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Marley selected a floor length pale pink satin gown. The sweetheart neckline dress reveals a little skin on the back and arms, showing off her delicate yet fit features. Her hair was in loose waves and her make up was done by her gorgeous and wild date, @elliottgilbert-wmu.
One a side note, if you look at her ankle, you will notice her sporting a faux tattoo that complements her date’s.
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papaflynn · 6 months
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julietahernandcz · 7 days
╰ › tag drop ! 
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farrahfields · 1 month
╰ 💋 › tag drop ! 
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adrianaferreyra · 3 months
╰    ❤️‍🔥 › tag drop ! 
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riverwclker · 5 months
╰    🐚 › tag drop ! 
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riverwclker2 · 5 months
╰    🐚 › tag drop !     
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wmuhummel · 8 months
Kurt hasn't moved from the same spot he had been standing in for the last twenty-minutes. Arms crossed, eyes narrowing in contemplation as he looks over the accessories he had laid out on the middle unoccupied bed in the middle of his and Finn's dorm room. While the roommate in question was video gaming in peace and leaving Kurt alone, it wasn't stopping the idle twitch in his eye every time he would hear Finn shout in frustration at the laptop. He had debated taking his things and deciding it in the common room a few times, but knows that's an easy way for something to get stolen or lost.
So here he continues to stand.
Gloves weren't even a contender to his list of possibilities at first. Instead he had debated using a fancy, wooden walking cane to give the aristocratic appearance of higher class than the rest of his peers. It was beautifully crafted, but only used once last year at the Halloween Masquerade Ball. He had purposefully used it to whack Finn on accident in passing at the end of the night, so it had been a successful event in that regard. But as his roommate was not going to be in attendance, and he didn't want to accidentally harm Blaine, he tucked the cane back in its respected corner.
There had also been a debacle on wearing a crown, shoes with heels to make him even taller than his date but really highlight the length and curve of his legs, a kilt, a top hat, and even a brightly colored tuxedo to really stand out. All got vetoed and replaced back in storage, as tonight wasn't about making a spectacle of himself.
Tonight was about this being the first time he got asked first. And there was no way in hell he was going to go out of his way to intimidate Blaine Anderson of all people in being too flashy and making it all about himself. There would be other times for that, but tonight wasn't it.
As he dresses, he goes over planned out scripts in his head about what could possibly go wrong with the night. Outside of the obvious floods, fires, and a winter tornado blowing all of Lima away of course. Sanitizing wipes, extra pair of socks, napkins, and a small bottle of breath spray are concealed in his jacket pocket, along with his phone and keys. Something could be spilled on him looking like this, or worse, he could accidentally spill something on Blaine and make a fool out of himself - cause the guy to regret asking him at all.
What if they kissed tonight? And his breath was more savory than the food and it leads to being shamed in shared whispers among the jocks after Blaine tells Sam in disgust that it was the worse kiss he ever experienced?
What if he fell and hurt himself? What if Blaine fell and hurt himself? Would that make the front page of the Muckraker to be pointed and laughed at for the rest of semester?
What if he got a blemish?!
A quick check over, for the umpteenth time, in the shared mirror in the room, tells him that his face is clean and clear. His hair looks more chaotic than the usual put-together coif, but he wanted to try something new. Maybe a push for himself to look somewhat attractive past the insecure thought that he just wasn't Blaine's type. Was he anyone's type, really?
'Don't do this', he chastises himself in his head, straightening up and turning subtly to check himself in the mirror from all angles. 'You're only the type to those with taste in the first place. He's lucky to have you on his arm tonight. But you're also lucky to have him, and don't fuck this up.' Hands smoothing over his jacket, he turns to Finn with baited breath.
"Does anything look wrinkly or off to you?" He asks, spreading his arms and giving a half-turn for his roommate. Not that Finn's input was completely trustworthy, he was a straight guy who wore a greased stained t-shirt to class today - Kurt saw it and was horrified. But before Finn can say a thing, there's the knock and Kurt drowns his roommate out entirely.
Here goes nothing.
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( @wmublaine )
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discar · 6 months
HZD Terraforming Base-001 Text Communications Network
Chapter 5 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
Aloy: Varl, Erend, you two ready to go?
Varl: Yeah, just shaving goodbye to Zo.
Erend: [FaroFails.mp9]
Aloy: Erend, are you READY?
Aloy: …
Aloy: Okay, fine, that's hilarious.
Kotallo: We would likely all find it funnier if we hadn't seen such machines rise from the ground to slaughter our friends and loved ones.
Varl: I'm ready.
Aloy: Onward to ELEUTHIA, then.
Aloy: Zenith. Stay low, stay quiet.
Varl: Understood.
Erend: GOT IT.
Varl: All-Mother's mercy, Erend, learn how to type without speaking.
Zo: Wait, you ran into Far Zenith already? Get out of there!
Kotallo: They are in the middle of a mission, soldier. It is their duty to judge their next step, not ours.
Zo: Sigh. Fine.
Kotallo: ...there has to be a better way to convey emotions in a text.
Aloy: We see them!
Varl: Coming up with an extra passenger!
Aloy: I'll deal with it! Varl, just keep her safe!
Zo: Keep who safe?
Kotallo: Did you capture a Zenith?
Varl: I'd like to clarify for everyone that Erend is actually yelling now, and if he keeps doing it THIS SPECTER IS GOING TO KILL US.
Varl: Zo, get ready for medical treatment. She's got a wound in her head, if nothing else.
Zo: Understood. But who?
Varl: You're going to need to see this for yourself.
Aloy: Specter's down.
Varl: We're coming over.
Aloy: Zo, Kotallo, we talked it over. Varl and Erend are returning to base with... someone who needs help. I'll follow soon.
Kotallo: Understood, commander.
Zo: Understood. I have everything I need to heal most moderate injuries.
ADMIN [GAIA]: As long as she is not required to perform surgery, there should be no issues.
Zo: By all the songs, please never ask me to perform surgery.
ADMIN [GAIA]: Unfortunately, I cannot perform the task for you. You may have to learn.
Zo: I'll... look into it. But don't expect miracles.
ADMIN [GAIA]: I have records of many miracles my predecessor saw. Do not underestimate yourself.
Varl: Okay, we're riding.
Varl: Uh, GAIA?
ADMIN [GAIA]: Yes, Varl?
Varl: How do you define a miracle? Because I was always taught that a miracle was the direct intervention of the All-Mother. Who either doesn't exist, or is... you.
Aloy: She's not the All-Mother.
Zo: Aloy, I understand your position, but being dismissive of the beliefs of others helps no one.
Aloy: Scoff.
Aloy: We really need a better way to handle emotions in texts.
Kotallo: I am looking into something.
Varl: So, miracles? If you're the Goddess, then everything you do is a miracle. If you're not...
ADMIN [GAIA]: A miracle is an event that seems inexplicable by natural or scientific laws and is accordingly attributed to some supernatural of praeternatural cause. Various religions often attribute a phenomenon characterized as miraculous to the actions of a supernatural being, (especially) a deity, a magician, a miracle worker, a saint, or a religious leader.
Varl: Right. So a miracle is something from a god, or someone like that.
ADMIN [GAIA]: Correct. However, by the nature of the events in question, it is impossible to conclusively prove the existence of the supernatural. If sufficient proof is accrued, then it simply becomes another documented phenomenon of nature. In this way, a miracle is best summarized as an extremely unlikely, advantageous coincidence, one that statistically should not have happened, or at least not in quite such a fashion.
ADMIN [GAIA]: Several years ago, the second son of the Mad Sun-King, a young man who grew up with empathy and compassion despite the insanity and paranoia of his father, met a young woman with connections among some of the most powerful Oseram. Together, these two toppled a king. Was that good luck?
ADMIN [GAIA]: Almost a year ago, a young woman found a door that was designed to open only for her, only for the door to fail to open because it could not identify her. And yet, she found a way to open that door anyway. Was that good luck?
Aloy: That's REALLY skipping a lot of context.
ADMIN [GAIA]: My predecessor trusted in a miracle, Varl of the Nora. There was no reasonable chance for the world to be saved; she could not even follow a chain of causality that would lead to such an event in the most unlikely of scenarios. But she trusted in a miracle anyway. And she was, in the end, correct.
Aloy: ...I'm heading back now. I'll be at the base soon after the boys arrive.
Chapter 5 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
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indigo-grimoire · 2 years
Hi-Fi RUSH theory rambling time
I was writing this for a wiki but why the hell not post it here too -
Chai's music player deliberately chooses songs that fit his emotions at the time. The game already implies that the music player's grafting to Chai affects more than his physical abilities and reacts to stress (like when The Rush starts playing when he's hit by the SBR-001), so it's entirely possible that this includes picking the song that would be the most personal.
With the streamer mode songs, that might even include the lyrics; even before the surgery, Chai is listening to "The Beacon" which is about being rescued from a dark, lonely place (possibly his own life prospects and hope about Project Armstrong), so it could be emulating the same habits. Notably, that song in specific could be suggesting he had depression or some sort of breakdown before the events of the game, but since Chai never shares about his life before this, no way of knowing.
(spoilers under the cut, to go into the songs individually:)
"I Got This", which only starts playing after he's started his escape, is about Chai's euphoria in getting freedom and attention, and having no intention of letting his new arm be taken away from him.
"Too Big To Fail" is similar, focusing on Chai's determination to fight anything that wants to take away his newfound freedom.
"Captive Normals" adds an extra layer to the ableist angle that being called a "defect" seems to have on him, as it insists on not submitting to anyone just to be "normal", even if that means acting well out of line. The lyrics have a LOT of ableist imagery mentioned (asylums, being shoved out of conversations, being “bed bound” and forgotten) further supporting that Chai has a lot of restrained anger about it.
"Buzzsaw" is Chai's first genuine act of teamwork instead of being mostly self serving, and the lyrics reflect a need to make it count despite the odds.
“This’ll Be Rough” speaks for itself; climbing Wing 2 is a pain and a break would be nice, but Chai is gonna do it anyway; fits his character well.
"My Heart Feels No Pain" seems to specifically relate to Mimosa's contribution to Chai joining the project. The female vocals insist it can't be a lie if he took the risks knowingly, while the male vocals have a realization that it was a mistake but it's not too late; culminating in the duet talking about Chai being truly free from her propaganda as the last bit of truth about Vandelay was fully revealed in the previous Track - not even Project Armstrong was Kale's idea in the first place, and his "coolness" was all manufactured through altering the truth about his family.
"Surfacing" is a reply to "The Beacon", having realized that a miracle wouldn't turn his life around, and instead Chai had to make the best out of his situation through effort.
"In a Blink" starts out mild as the music player is malfunctioning, describing a moment of hesitation leading to being manipulated (much like SPECTRA, but with the song playing at all, it’s clear Chai still had a little resistance left in him); but once 808 breaks him out of it, the song kicks in at full force, repeatedly telling himself to "snap out" as there is too much at stake, and face Kale head on.
EDIT: I saw a different interpretation of In a Blink’s lyrics that doesn’t match up at with the previous, so putting this alt here: assuming the themes use the vampirism allegory, it actually changes the context to something far more gay I mean vengeful. Kale put Chai in a world of lies set up to be a tool; but now that Chai is part of it, “it's my turn to feed”, as in, he’ll make full use of it to turn the tables instead of becoming the puppet. No seriously the vampirism angle only makes this more gay
In constrast, "Negotiation" and "Reflection" have no lyrics whatsoever or a licenced counterpart, as Chai is focusing on the task at hand fully.
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rainmustfallts4 · 3 days
Rain Must Fall (Reaper’s Rewards Special) ◇ #001
⊶⊰Information & Index⊱⊷⊶⊰Ep. 1⊱⊷⊶⊰Chronological Tag⊱⊷
Reaper's Rewards Special: ⊶⊰Latest⊱⊷ ⊶⊰From the Beginning⊱⊷ ⊶⊰All Reaper's Rewards Posts⊱⊷
Nobody panic, it’s finally here!!
Okay so I stayed up until nearly 9am waiting for the event to start – if my calculation was correct, which it should be since I used a website and not my own brain, it should have started at 7. I wanted to stay up longer but I was soooo tired.
BUT! It was here when I woke up c:
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This is what popped up as soon as I loaded into my save. Of course I had to use my Super Sim! If his memory is really getting that bad… can I just say we’re married even though we’re not? >.>
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The tasks for week 1! There’s two different ones, which I didn’t realize at first haha
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Here are the first three tasks we need to complete. She already has a bit of gardening under her belt so this should be easy peasy.
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I planted three of each c:
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And by doing so, I unlocked my first two rewards! The first one is a book which, lame~ I don’t think I can use it because my level is too high in gardening. But I want to collect all the books anyway so I don’t have to buy it later.
The freezer boney, though? SO COOL! I adore it ❤
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Look at how cute it is ;_;)
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Next, we had to research a plant – which my dumbass forgot to screenshot the task of c: I already had a snapdragon growing so I went ahead and researched that.
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Oooo this looks fancy 😮
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I really like the black variant, it’s so cool!
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Next, we had to read the newsletter from the Ambrosia Society. I’ve seen a few people have an issue with this but, thankfully, I was bug free for this event (subtle flex who.)
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She’s far too happy to have earned a cookbook lmao
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There’s a new option to research Ambrosia so we headed over to the computer. She had this thought bubble a few times during this and it was SOOO cute so I had to add it c:
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Now, I spent too much time on this but I regret nothing.
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Here’s a closer version if you have trouble reading small text like me c:
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And here is the actual popup. They don’t mention the price and that’s how they get ya shaking my head.
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swiss-mrs · 8 months
Welcome to EVERMORE
Stranger Things AU Series - Directory
"Hello, students! Here at Nevermore Academy, our purpose is to provide you with the necessary knowledge and strengths that you will not only need to survive in the human world but also as a member of the supernatural one. For the most part, they coincide, but there are plenty of things you will learn with us that you will not find anywhere else. We strive for our academy to be a safe haven for students to learn and grow no matter who you are. We sure do hope you find yourself welcome with open arms. Welcome to Nevermore." - Principle Larissa Weems
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Welcome All! Here is where you will find some introductory information you may need to know about our universe and what lies beyond. This is Evermore.
"Founded in 1791, Nevermore Academy is an academic institution that nurtures outcasts, freaks, and monsters. Our mission is to help each student master their extraordinary abilities through world-class academics and unique extracurriculars."
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Nevermore Academy is a school for the supernatural. The expansive campus is nestled in the secluded outskirts of Jericho, Vermont. Here, you will come across creatures and talents of all kinds. Our main focus is to teach young Arcane to master their abilities, learn new skills, and create a sense of community amongst the youth of our world. We currently teach ages 10-19 but are hoping to expand this range to include young adults and adults by introducing the upcoming Nevermore College Program.
First Year Class Schedules
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As new students, in addition to the traditional math, science, language arts, and social studies, your class schedule may include the following courses:
Intro to More (MORE 001)
This course is for those new to the world that lies beneath the average. Some topics taught and discussed in this class include but are not limited to: Terminology, Supernatural Beings, Supernatural Activities, and Separating Truth from Myth. Instructor: Professor Gardnal Shaw
Intro to Transmutation (TRNS 101)
This course is for werecreatures that have either never transmuted or may have transmuted previously but have not done so willingly. In this introductory class, students will be taught the technicalities behind transmuting. Upon completion of the course, students will have mastered the ability to comfortably change form on command. Instructor: Professor Mira Safierto
Intro to Occult Practices (OCCP 101)
This course is for Arcane interested in studying and practicing the art of magic. This course is available to all students. In this course, students will be introduced to beginner friendly spells and potions. Upon completion, students will have mastered the basics of occult studies. Instructor: Professor Jennifer Oldek
Specializations (SPCL 001)
This course is for Arcane who have existing, specialized powers but have yet to master or control said power. This course is typically a one-on-one class. Students will be matched with a teacher who can best fit their needs. Upon completion of this class, students will have successfully passed the beginning stages of safely controlling and practicing their powers. Instructor: [Student Specific]
General Information for New Admissions
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Upon arrival, all students will go through an initial orientation, be provided with a Nevermore Academy uniform, and will be assigned to a mentor. Mentors are long-time Nevermore students deemed fit by staff for the task of taking new students under their wing. They will be responsible for ensuring each new student is equipped with the proper learning tools and also carry the responsibility of walking new students through their schedule.
Along with getting a uniform and schedule, new students will also be provided with student housing. All students are expected to remain on campus in the supervised academy dorm rooms.
Quiet Hours are between 8:00PM - 7:30AM. Campus Curfew is 10:00PM with the exception of select school events, field trips, sporting events, and/or approved club events.
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Nevermore Academy offers a wide range and variety of extracurricular activities and clubs, including but not limited to:
Marching Band
and More!
As we believe in the importance of community, new students are welcome to join clubs and sporting activities as seen fit.
Enroll Now!
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Thank you for your interest in our school. Please contact our admissions office with further questions regarding campus tours, enrollments, and other general questions.
See you soon!
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monomythic · 5 months
SEPT. 02, 2005.          dominic's flat, oxford, uk. late evening ( 9:30 pm ).                    //  TASK 001 — HOW DOES YOUR MUSE REACT TO LEARNING OF RICHARD'S PASSING?
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dominic checks his mail between nine and nine forty-five p.m. every evening, barring any social or professional events keeping him out of the house at that specific hour. there's no particular reason behind the habit, but if he were pressed to justify it, he'd probably say something like this: snail mail implies a certain amount of consideration, but not urgency. it follows, then, that it just makes sense to set aside time to look at the mail, preferably at a time where there are unlikely to be interruptions and distractions, and if that time happens to be in the middle of the night, well. that's just the way things are, aren't they?
but i digress. this is all to say that mrs. tristan's letter sits in dominic's mailbox (courier-delivered, though dominic wasn't there to know this) for a little under thirteen hours before he even knows it's there. it takes him five minutes to walk from the mailroom to his flat, one minute to fumble for his key, two minutes to flip through his correspondence, twenty-eight seconds to consider the familiar loop of mrs. tristan's handwriting, and thirty-four seconds to read the letter.
dominic sits, silent, for much longer.
well, shit.
he does the math in his head: eight hour flight to get to new york. ( four years since he's last seen richard in-person. ) two hours to pack, wheedle his way onto a red eye, and haul ass over to the airport. ( he doesn't even know how many years it's been since he's seen the wards all together. ) a week following the funeral—and it will be the whole week, dominic intuits, because time and distance can't detract from the fact that he knows these people and their inability to come to a consensus on . . . anything, really. he'll need to find someone to cover his tutorials—maybe jacalyn, if she's free—and he'll need to tell his team that he won't be able to make pub trivia night this week and he'll need to . . . he'll need to . . .
he sighs. reads the letter again. sighs again. wonders, briefly, if his s—if the other wards will kill him if he asks to interview them about their feelings about richard's passing. fuck. the funeral's on sunday. it's friday. who has a funeral two days after someone dies? that means richard died on a weekday. inauspicious. which weekday? who discovered him dead? dominic hoped it wasn't mrs. tristan. that'd be fucked up. he can't remember the last phone call he had with richard. it was a little over a year ago, right?
dominic rakes a hand through his hair, sets the letter down, and goes to smoke a cigarette and make some calls.
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darkskiesrpg · 3 months
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Task 001: Tell Me Your Story
Welcome everyone! As noted in our opening post, we’re giving everyone a bit more time to work on their bio since we’re beginning with an activity. So that’s going to be our first task - bring us your bios, tell us all about these muses you love!
Things to think about as you put your bio together:
Especially for the characters from the future, what has their life looked like? Were they part of the resistance against Triad? Were they in hiding? Were they one of the resurrected? There’s so much to play with there, and we want to see everything you can all come up with!
For our past and present characters, what are they most excited or scared about by the idea of these eras coming together? What will they do in this new twinned city of Mystic Falls/New Orleans?
Tell us about their family connections, their lives, whatever feels like it’s most important for you to share! We can’t wait to read them.
Note that this task should be completed within one week, and will count as one post towards activity for each character, if you needed any extra incentive! Thanks so much everyone, and welcome to the RP! We will be officially opening at 12 pm EST with a small event drop!
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lgcmanager · 6 months
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RESTRICTIONS: any trainee muse who joined the roleplay before JANUARY 6, 2024 and have not submitted their career path form/casting call 002 to the actor OR modeling path.
starting in the middle of MARCH, certain trainees were called separately to have a one on one meeting with their coaches ( SEO YOUNGJAE, KWON SOYI, OR JANG INSUNG ).
( important note: if you have done this task/is currently a part of workshop opportunity 001, please skip this bit and refer to the section near the end of this post. and as a reminder, for the new trainees doing the interview part, there is also a chance that they might not be selected for the workshops due to the number of workshops available and/or the events that will happen in Q2. ) during the meeting, the coach will inform the trainee that with the end of the quarter approaching, they want to discuss with them their current performance so far based on their training progress and give a chance for the trainee to talk about any concerns or comments they may have. for this task, you must answer the following questions ( and these questions will be asked by the coaches at some point during the meeting ):
what do you think are your strengths right now? ( please include at least 3 skills out of the ones suggested: singing, dancing, rapping, performance, acting, modeling, mcing/hosting, variety, music/lyric composition, instruments [ please specify ], and languages [ please specify ]. )
what are three skills that you would like to work on in the next few months? ( please include at least 3 skills out of the ones suggested: singing, dancing, rapping, performance, acting, modeling, mcing/hosting, variety, music/lyric composition, instruments [ please specify ], and languages [ please specify ]. )
if given a chance, what types of gigs would you be interested in participating? ( please choose two out of the following and explain why: acting [ specify if it’s drama and/or musicals ], modeling [ cfs, endorsements ], mcing/hosting [ youtube shows/podcasts, red carpet/concerts ], variety [ variety shows, youtube shows/podcasts ]. )
during your time here in legacy, what are some of the lessons that you’ve learned about yourself? ( either as a person or as a performer/trainee )
each question must be answered through the trainee’s perspective and be around 100+ WORDS per each response. the post should be done as a SOLO and if you complete this, you will earn +6 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE ! when the trainee is done answering all of the questions, the coach will inform them that they will have another meeting sometime around APRIL to discuss further details. make sure to use the hashtag lgc:workshops for the task. you have until MARCH 23, 2024 at 11:59PM EDT to complete the requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog.
MUSE NAME ∙ WORKSHOP OPPORTUNITY 002 - MEETING: +6 ( skill points distribution )
for the trainees that are participating in that and haven’t moved to a career path ( actor/model ) please send the form below to the LGCMANAGER blog:
MUSE NAME ∙ WORKSHOP OPPORTUNITY 002 Are you interested in participating in the next workshop opportunity? YES/NO ( pick one )
as a disclaimer, the trainee MAY be assigned to a workshop different from the one that they were assigned in this term. they may ALSO be excluded from WORKSHOP OPPORTUNITY 002 depending on the events that happen in Q2 and the number of workshops offered for the following term. if you DO NOT send the above message to us before MARCH 23, 2024 at 11:59PM EDT we will consider it as the muse not interested in participating in the workshops for the next term. the trainee can do the workshop opportunity again in Q3 if it is available during that time.
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