#even when they're imagining a Black character's psyche
magaramach · 2 years
why is every single character playlist on spotify 90% taylor swift. i promise you none of those characters listen to taylor swift.
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huntersrequiem-if · 10 months
Hunter's Requiem
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demo [HERE] | forum [tba]
dark fantasy, horror (?), romance
You are a minor deity of the Hunt, known by your followers as The Hunter, used by the other Higher Beings as The Hound. The All-Seeing Sun had given you countless tasks over your existence.
Yet one day, while on a mission sent out by him, you were summoned and judged for treason. The punishment left you mangled; your magic ripped off.
Cast away, you went into a deep sleep to recover.
After centuries you awoke to find your name spoken in whispers in the darkest nights. The Traitor. The world has changed, yet you still have true believers who await your awakening.
Will you be successful in your revenge? Will you be able to topple the gods or will you try to live in peace?
Play as male, female, nonbinary.
Your choices will affect the fate of your followers.
Befriend, romance or even antagonize a wide cast of characters.
Have a loyal shadowy companion by your side.
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Astaroth [M]
"And to think I hated you. Now I can’t imagine living a single day without you.”
Your “other half”, attached to your psyche. He is content to stay in the backseat and offer comments. Tall and lean with gray skin. His face is sharp and angular, eyes with black sclera and white iris. Long black straight hair parted only by his antlers. His hands are black, tipped with long claws. The gradient loses color the closer it gets to his elbow. When he grins at you, you see beast-like teeth glinting in the light.
The Beloved Moon [F]
"That was the worst mistake I ever made. Please, I will do anything you want for you to forgive me.”
Moon has a curious interest in you. Since the moment she saw you, she had sought any chance to talk with you.
A short woman with deep blue skin and freckles that shine like stars. Her skin is shifting between deep blue and purple. She has a round face with full lips and a button nose. Round eyes with black sclera and bright blue iris stare at you with curiosity. Her long curly hair is white with pale blue streaks. Massive white feathered wings cover her back, sometimes used to cover her body like a cloak. Her smile might be gentle but the sharp fangs showed less so.
The Eternal Night [NB]
“I have turned a blind eye to the world far too long. I will no longer allow anything to happen to you.”
The Eternal Night is a distant person. Even more towards the other gods, yet for you they show a kinder side. They are tall and slender. Their sharp face is softened by full lips and expressive eyes. They have dark grey skin paired with stark white hair, that reaches their chin. The wavy strands frame their face nicely. Their eyes-- black sclera with crimson iris—are often covered by their mask. Massive black wings sprout from their back, and then the light catches the feathers right they look more blue than dark.
Santana [F/M]
"Why is it that every time I look at you I feel that I have known you for lifetimes? Why does my soul yearn for you?"
A priest you met in your past, a rather interesting person with a stubborn brand of kindness.
Tawny skin sprinkled with freckles. Golden hair is kept in a braid, far away from their face, yet a few strands escape and frame their heart-shaped face. Expressive eyes look at you, their blue gaze shining brightly.
They stand at an average height, donning the white and golden robes of the priests of Sun. Over that, they wear a chainmail.
You thought you lost them to the sands of time.
??? [F/M]
“Do you have any idea how long I prayed to see you, to hear your voice?”
Every day, they're slipping farther, their grip on the edge of the chasm growing fragile. Can you drag them back or will you shove them off?
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missfreija · 3 months
You have to love the hypocrisy of the show acting as though being a pimp is so much better than being a slave owner; like it isn't still human trafficking, and as though in that time and place, black women wouldn't have suffered the most from it. It's a seriously disgusting thing to pretend that it's this cutesy, morally fine thing to do: if they're fine with Louis being a sex trader, than they should have been fine with portraying the actual story of the books - he's meant to be a passively bad person. The story is about evil deserving empathy. It would be different if they used the fact that he's a pimp to explore the fact that he's always profited off of human lives and was passively evil in life, that would have been different (though that's exactly what the books do, so it still would have worked with the original story and then the show might have been good), but it was used as a way to make Louis a morally fine uwu baby. I fucking hate it. It's disgusting for the show runners to pretend sex trading is okay and doesn't harm people, it's dishonest to pretend the show is a discussion about the legacy of race in America without actually discussing the way in which black women suffered as a result of misogynoir and how they were sexualised and their sexual exploitation was ignored (but we all know how the show feels about black women given what they did to Claudia), and it's ridiculous to pretend that it's a gothic story when it veers away from the moral complexities inherent to the gothic genre. It's a poorly written, malicious, badly developed show with subpar actors, and I hate how popular it's become. It feel as though it's defiling the legacy of the books. And apparently Marius is a pimp now too. I hate even engaging with it, but I had to vent. I hope it gets cancelled as soon as possible and the fan base dies down, in the meantime, I'll try to enjoy the books and the circle of book fabs that remain here. Of which your blog is a wonderful example. Love to you, hate to AMC.
I absolutely agree with every single word lol. As a woman and as a iwtv fan i am disgusted by the treatment of women in this show, but apparently the show writers and the majority of audience don't care about women representation, neither black nor white. Also the fact that they portrayed the sex workers (in the few scenes where they appear) as 'relaxed' women that seem to have a friendly attitude towards Louis (who in this show possesses a strong ambition for business) is weird and gives to the viewer a distorted view of reality. The narrative focused a lot on the issue of racism, so why not showing briefly the suffering of black prostitutes? Because the male gaze doesn't want to recognize it? I don't know. And don't get me started on the other female characters.
What happened to Claudia was completely avoidable and unnecessary and still rj opted for this version and said that the r4pe was 'a horrible thing that happened to her, but it has toughened her up'. I guess it is a self-explanatory sentence. I can't even imagine how SA victims felt while hearing him say it. It completely downplays the trauma of SA and implies that women get something positive out of it. I felt that episode and the scene in one of the first episodes where Louis burns the tapes of the '70 interview (the book….) were disgustingly disrespectful towards Anne Rice and her fans.
Last year I got into a heated argument with some show fans on twitter because they kept reiterating that 'at least prostitution gives more freedom to women/people than slavery', 'louis is a good pimp, he treats his girls with respect', 'he defends the prostitutes from cruel men' , 'at least he didn't enslave my ancestors unlike book louis', it was annoying and i was astonished of reading all their statements, very misogynistic.
Regarding pimp Louis: not only this is a way to avoid probing into the character's psyche/moral (and not include one of the most important themes of the novel), but it is a way of de responsabilize (and deny) the past. Louis is a man of his time and, with an accurate work of writing, it would have made sense to contestualize his privileged position and explain what it meant for him to be in charge of a plantation, it would have been interesting to show what it meant to be a landowner and slave owner at the time and the consequences of his actions reflected on his slaves, maybe introducing some of them into the narrative in a more concrete way (or do the same with the pimp/brothel storyline in the show, because it's equally evil), since it is a topic basically not explored in the book. But the showrunner decided that nowadays one should not represent these issues on tv and you have to disregard the past. It is extremely hypocritical.
And it's awful that for this reason they chose another historical setting, changing century and not addressing the fact that there were just as many issues in 1910/20 as well; apparently for the writers the XX century was a historical period with minor social problems where no difficulties existed (aside from racism, it was pretty much the most prominent theme in s1). And I doubt that the reconstruction of the New Orleans society of the time is faithful lol (and where is the voodoo?). All this imo denotes great laziness in the writing.
And clearly this series does not belong to the gothic genre, it's more a teen drama. Beyond the surface level thrills, the gothic literature holds a profound mirror to the complexities of human psychology that here are totally absent. I also doubt that the show writers did extensive research on the figure of the vampire in literature.
We were all eagerly waiting for the cancellation of this garbage that is NOT iwtv/tvc and the immediate disappearance of the show fandom ahahah but unfortunately it has been renewed for s3 😔
Thank you for the compliments mwah! hugs!
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scoonsalicious · 6 months
OKAY I'M HERE. Sorry, I'm late. Funnily enough, we're on opposite sides of the world so your update time is waaaayyy too early in the morning for me so I usually read it when I wake up (shocking I know, digesting this traumatic but amazing masterpiece early in the morning) but since school has started up again and I have morning classes I haven't been able to. So do expect my reports to be a lil later than usual. ANYWAYS ENOUGH ABOUT ME.
Let's start with Steve and Pocket. I totally forgot that both of them were under the influence during that time and while they did get a little frisky (I also find it so funny how Pocket doesn't have much of a reaction. it was all Steve. It was as if she already knew she could never orgasm with this man. like homegirl was dry during that I just know it) I'm glad they didn't go far and were able to actually realize how much of a mistake it would've been because not only for obvious reasons like that's your ex's best friend but also the intoxicated thing. It wouldn't have done any good to Poxket's mental state es; especially knowing Steve's feelings. But hey, he stopped it. Literally the bare minimum for any man but the bar currently in hell (looking at you Benson) so. Good on Steveioli.
Now with the heart-to-heart, I'm so glad Pocket was able to unload all that and actually have a good cry for once. And, for Steve, as much as I still find him kinda fishy (I still do think he has a hand in ruining their relationship, that he isn't as innocent or this knight and shining savior that he's showing. I just know Steve did something and pulled some strings so i don't trust him fully yet), he made some very good points. I do agree with what he said about Bentley. We can only really imagine what he went through with Hydra. And the point too where there are some parts Bison himself doesn't remember at all but his body and psyche do. We can sympathise and everything but we never truly understand it. Do I think Josiah is the only person who understands? I don't think so either. Not to discredit her experience or whatever but I don't think what she went through was entirely the same or close because I still do think she's still a spy got them (maybe that's me not liking her lol). But the fact is, she's the closest person who could understand, in Brennon's eyes anyway. Does that excuse everything he's done? Absolutely fucking not. But does that information change how I judge him? Of course. I still truly believe that there's more to this onion (because layers ha ha) than meets the eye. He still fucking fucked up and he still has so much work to do on himself before he can even have the chance to earn Pocket's trust again. But I can give him some grace, and understand that his mind probably wasn't in the best place at that time which led to bad decisions.
I saw some people claiming that Blair never truly loved Pocket, and while I can see why that seems to be the fact because he does have a shitty way of showing it, sometimes, we can't stop ourselves from hurting the people we love (to an extent obvs. if they cheat & are abusive & toxic etc. leave their ass. but again, in the context of the fic, it's definitely more complicated than that). That's just reality. But what truly matters is what we do after the fact. Not that it makes it okay, I'm not saying that at all. It's still not an excuse to hurt people and be a shitty person. What I mean is that not everything is as black & white as it seems. In this case, there's no such thing as 100% evil and 100% good (except Judas who has a special place in hell). These are flawed, broken, and complicated characters, and you the amazing writer has shown that greatly. So we should all take that into account instead of just saying this person is 100% wrong so he deserves to die, or This person is 100% right so I'm just going to support everything they're doing no matter the consequences even if it hurts other people. So I do think he truly and utterly loves Pocket with everything that he is, but when you've got someone who's out of his time, has so many issues, isn't in the best mental and emotional state, has been through so much trauma and has self-destructive tendencies, do we really think he knows what to do with such a powerful emotion? Better yet, he does love her, but in this case, it's just not enough. Love isn't the only thing that keeps a relationship healthy after all. But I will say, that love will also be the one that will push him to do better.
Now, with Mr. Bunana and his Audacity to barge onto Pocket like that. The hypocrisy is outstanding. Gold medal worthy. But then again, he did see them leave the party after basically humping each other on the dance floor, he did see Steve leave her bedroom and he did see Pocket in Steve's shirt. When you're already insecure as hell and have fucked up one too many times, I can't blame him for jumping to conclusions. I also can see how distraught he was though, and not to be mean, but he does kinda need this for him to wake the fuck up. And again, the audacity to cause a whole scene about it too as if he has any right. But, unpopular opinion, I don't see an asshole at all. I see a broken man who's spiraling out of control and is hitting rock bottom as we speak. He's grasping at straws, he has no idea what to do with himself, and he's lost everything, and for a man who's been at war for the last 70 years, what's the one thing he knows best? Fighting. So, he fights.
The toxic masculinity was so on point. When Pocket picked up the water I was cheering this whole time lmao. Absolute wild animals these men sometimes. She honestly should just have a spray bottle in hand, spray them when they act up. Also, that line about where's Steve hand was made me CACKLE. Like yes queen. They deserve to break each other's face a lil for thinking they can decide for Pocket and what she does with her body honestly.
Lastly, because goodness me this is long. We're off on this mission, and I really do share Tony's concerns (and he's so sweet and caring about Pocket. I'm glad he's by her side. Also can't wait to see how they met!) This mission is going to take a toll on Pocket more than she's going to expect. She's using this as a distraction with what's been going on recently, and that's not good. Because I don't think she fully realises the gravity of what she's about to go into. I'm thankful that Sam is there. But I just know, something about this mission is going to go so bad for Pocket. Maybe not physically, and the mission would end up a success, but mentally and emotionally? ESPECIALLY when she's already on a fragile state right now? Sigh. I won't like it, but shit about to hit all the fans.
Anyway. You're amazing as always. I always enjoy getting to pick at the details of your writing and it makes me giddy with excitement that I actually manage to nail some points hahaha. Keep doing what you're doing and don't forget to take care of yourself!
P.S. I love Sam and Pocket's friendship. I need more of them being best buds please and thanks.
— Jnon 🤍
Beloved Jnon, Please do not apologize for being "late!" It actually worked out in my favor, as I have been staying up too long into the night to respond to you, so this actually works well, because it's mid-day here and I actually got some sleep. Not enough, but I'm working on it lol. Reading Unwanted first thing in the morning sounds like a rough way to start your day! All the angst!
Yeah, Pocket had absolutely no reaction with Steve, lol. It was seriously all the MDMA, making her crave physical touch, and when she kind of came down more to herself and realized it was Steveoli who was doing the touching? Well, let's just say it was dryer than the Sahara down there, lol. Ah, the little details that don't make it into the finished work! I can confidently say though, that if Pocket hadn't stopped it, herself, Steve most definitely would not have. Steve needed to hear Pocket break down in front of him, to see how she was affected by all of this. It was a wakeup call for him, and it allowed me to say some of the stuff I wanted to say about Bucky's state of mind without having Bucky say it himself (because who could believe him?!?) In later chapters, we'll get some first-hand insight into what kind of experience Juggalo had with Hydra, herself, and how those experiences shaped her connection with Barnstormer (intentionally vague wording here). I so fucking love how you are on the same page with me re: Bucky's mental state and motivations. Fucking love it.
And he is 100% flawed in this fic. He's trying to navigate this new world he doesn't understand, with all these sexual and social rules he doesn't understand. And I'd like to take a moment to point out that, in my timeline, Bucky has maybe spent a fraction of the time in Wakanda that he does in the MCU. Like, right now, in the story, it's about 2019-ish, meaning our Bucket left Wakanda sometime in 2017, probably less than a year after the events of Civil War, meaning that our Bucky has not done NEARLY as much mental healing as Canon!Bucky. So, when Canon!Bucky tells Cap that he's a "semi-stable 100 year old man" in Infinity War (which I just rewatched last night for Unbroken research!), our Bucket is even less so.
Right now, if there's one thing he's absolutely sure of, it's that he loves Pocket. But you're right, love is not longer enough here. Not for the two of them, not any more. Pocket's already realized that, and Bucket's just starting to.
Let's talk Bucky Barnes and the Audacity of this Bitch! When he barged into Pocket's room to accuse her of sleeping with Steve, he definitely wasn't thinking about what he'd done. He was thinking about confronting evidence of the worst thing he could imagine. It was one thing for him to conjure up the idea in his head, but it's driving him absolutely crazy to see physical evidence of it with his own eyes (even if its just circumstantial physical evidence!). I want to say, though, that even after he thought they slept together after her party, HE DID NOT go running to Jackrabbit for comfort-- I think that's progress! :D Right now, all he knows is how to fight, and how to hurt-- himself, and other people. It's all he's done for 75 years. Pocket was beyond livid over the two of them fighting about her, without really seeming to care about her-- just who got access to her body. Girl lived that life too long as a child; she was done with it long ago. I do like to imagine, though, that after she and Sam left, Bucky and Steve started fighting again, but this time they're all wet from being dowsed in water, so their shirts are sticking to them, and the fight is very homoerotic.... Finally, Tony's concerns for Pocket are very, very valid. He's kind of forcing her to regress, and he's really scared about what that might do to her mentally. Not to mention, she's putting herself in a dangerous position where women are being kidnapped and trafficked. He's got the utmost faith in her; it's just everyone else he doesn't trust. I love getting your messages, I love discussing the story with you! It makes me so happy! I promise there's one more good Sam/Pocket scene!
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mio-nika · 2 years
I was rewatching a Lindsay Ellis videos about movie adaptations of musicals and why they usually don't work. Diegetic and Non-Diegetic narratives.
And it organically started this line of thought about Legion and how hard is to recommend it. So I wrote a giant post.
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Like, yes. It's a very lose adaptation of marvel comic. The forgotten spin-off of X-Men universe about a powerful but insane mutant. But, let's just say, it took me three seasons to understand that it was a marvel property. I'm quite slow and only when I heard the last name Xavier I started thinking that I heard it somewhere else. It works great as a stand alone story where some characters just has this paranormal abilities and government are kinda not having it. So I don't think that marvel fans would be very interested in watching. Daredevil is not a good show, but at least Daredevil has Daredevil in it (sorry for fans of dardevil, I also like whump but let's be real here).
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And for other people... It's extremely weird show? When I was talking about it with my friends and acquaintances I usually compared it to Voices, a 2014 thriller/black comedy film staring Ryan Reynolds who kills women and talks with his cat. But I also don't think that it's a good comparison? Voices is a black comedy and even if it takes some of the parts of living with schizophrenia realistic it downplays it for comedic purposes.
Fuck. I should have started from explaining that Legion is. As I already wrote, Legion is a TV series loosely based on the series of marvel comics by the same name.
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It starts with David, our main protagonist, who is living in a mental hospital, because he's a menace of society, hears voices and let's just say. A little unstable. In the course of the first episode he finds himself a GF and finds that the reason why he hears voices is not because he's sick, but because he's a powerful mutant, a telepath, who hears other people and gets tangled in their minds. And he's a god's child and saviour that that will defend mutants from oppressive politics of humans.
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So it's a story about telepaths. And showing epic battles between telepaths are kinda hard? I mean, they can throw big blocks of concrete, cars, control other people minds but it's all are happening outside of their minds. To show things inside their heads, you need to go deeper, you need to be creative. And weird. The magical and terrifying world of human psyche.
In the exact first episode we are granted with a complicated choreographic scene of all of the mental patients in the clinic... How else would we understand that the main character is in love with a girl of his dreams?
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And it's only the starting point. The show blurres the boundaries between reality and unreality, where every event is both real and theatrical because in the mind of the main character. It is.
And this is the problem. For example. I have a friend. And they told me, that they don't like musicals because it's hard to them to take seriously the moment where everyone just starts singing all of the sudden. And like. Valid. So let's imagine that the people in the show, not only start singing for no reason, they start a complex dance-off to show their mind power? And you don't even know if they're really dancing, or they just. Doing something else, that for the audience looks like a dance? Anyway, yeah, the second season starts with a dramatic dance-off between three powerful mutants and you just. Sitting there. And I refuse to tell you about rap battle. There was a rap battle. I'm an old wizard who lives in the shoe...
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Every episode of Legion starts with a retelling of a previous one. And where all the other shows says "previously" Legion says "ostensibly". Ostensibly in Legion. Who knows that is happening? Not me.
So let's get back to the Voices. Why I'm so torn up when I'm comparing Legion to Voices. Because, well. I think that Legion tells a story about mental illness and it impact much more seriously. Yes, it's a quirky show, with dance and songs, but... "может ли бог быть сошедшим с ума?"
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Have you ever watched "They Look Like People"? It's an indie horror film from 2014 about a guy who hears voice of God telling him about incoming apocalypse and alien monsters who are taking people's bodies. I don't like horror movies where mental illnesses is a main story point. They are usually tacky and mean. "This person is ill, so he's scary and dangerous!" And all that. But at the same time, illness is dangerous. Not only for people around sick person, but to the person themselves. Main character in They Look Like People is not evil, he's sick and he needs help. He's suffering much more than the suffering that he inflicts. But where the main character in They Look Like People has a way out, the Legion does not. So what will you do? What you could ever do, if you have an insane god in your hands who are untreatable. And even if he was, he would refuse help because of the years of medical abuse. Both he and people around him have no way out. No happy ending.
So. It's hard to recommend Legion. But I would ask you to try. It's a salad of beautiful horror hiding in colourful clothes of the fairy tale.
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Милый, имя тебе легион...
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onstoryladders · 3 years
the thing about gramblack is like. why would they give us the note and the figurenes and the talk with the yok and the study hour strip tease if they were gonna be like psych. gram and black are strictly platonic and actually in love with the same girl. like WHY would you show me that if i can’t have it?!
The study hour striptease 😂 but yes, anon, that would make absolutely 0 sense!
They're definitely NOT going to say Black and Gram are strictly platonic and in love with the same girl, like-- I'm 100% sure that's not possible. Gram is in love with Black, no question – the narrative made that abundantly clear with all the scenes you mentioned and more.
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And since this is a queer show in the strongest sense of the word (because its queerness is not only there for the sake of the love stories) I can't even imagine they would queer-bait us.
So that's not what I'm worried about.
The thing is: we don't know much about Black. He seems to have a soft spot for Gram, because he keeps his figurines on his bedside table and we can guess (from the way Gram behaves around White) that when they're together Black lets him act and talk in ways he doesn't accept from anyone else. That's pretty telling.
But in that flashback we've also seen that Black dumped Eugene to protect her. To be honest, he didn't look so sad about that lol so maybe he doesn't care about their relationship all that much, but we can't be sure. So what if he truly cared about Eugene? What if he loved both?
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From what I've read around, Mond said that Gram will confess his love for his “secret” (lmao yeah sure) crush in the series. So we know that a confession is coming, but how will Black react?
We don't know because we have no idea what's going on in his head! Does he even love Gram that way? I wanna believe he does because that'd set such a good dynamic, and it would make so much sense, and-- honestly, what's the alternative?
They gave their whole storyline a lot of screen-time, and since Black is out of the picture, we followed it through Gram's side of it. Why spend all this time establishing his feelings if they didn't wanna give them a positive resolution? Why get the viewers attached to this relationship if it's doomed from the start?
It wouldn't make sense.
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And yet, we don't really know what the plan is. We don't have the full picture, we can't be 100% sure of what they're gonna do with this.
And it's. Driving. Me. Insane.
These are the possible scenarios I thought about:
Gram and Black get together: 10/10 would recommend;
Gram and Black get together SOON and they give us a make out scene to compensate for all the pain they put us through: 1000/10, amazing, show-stopping, totally unique, etc;
it's implied that Gram and Black will eventually get together in the future: 6/10, not the best ending, but not the worst either;
Black rejects Gram: -70/10, the absolute worst thing ever, I will personally fly to Thailand to slash some tires if it happens;
some variation of Black/Gram/Eugene is established: 3/10, I'd be glad for the poly rep at least, but it would devastate me.
That is, if we don't think about the worst that could happen to the characters in general, but I decided I don't believe in tragedies so I'm not even gonna think about that.
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This is all from Clown Town, come visit us again soon! 🤡
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imo-chan-imagines · 4 years
『 Haikyuu!! Week 2020 | Day 3 』
· Sept. 27th → Irresistible Force ·
Characters: Karasuno team
Prompts: A. favourite team + B. crossover/AU
Tags/warnings: Haikyuu!! (anime), PG, fluff, crack, a teensy bit of angst (because who doesn't love a sad superhero backstory), headcanons, AU, superheroes, HaikyuuWeek2020
A/N: Again, I love all the teams and didn't want to pick, but life is cruel, so here I am. This is headcanons about my fav team (Karasuno) in an AU (superheroes). I was thinking of a Hero Association, kind of like in 'The Boys'? But less corrupt... Maybe more like in 'One Punch'? I think you get me.
All of my Haikyuu Week 2020 posts will be SFW, but I have NFSW content on my blog if that butters your biscuit. Feel free to check it out! Thanks for reading! Please enjoy ♡ Imo~
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Karasuno / Superhero Association AU
☆ Sawamura Daichi ☆
Powers: nigh invulnerability, super strength, enhanced healing
If he's not the ordinary cop that somehow befriends the heroes I was tempted then he's definitely the leader of the superhero group
Kind of like Superman in the old-school Justice League, just not as OP lol
Looks damn good is spandex those thighs *sweats*
Cape!! so ✨majestic✨
Probably wears dark-ish, neutral colours with a dash of blue
A bit serious. Not the kind of hero to go around making quips all the time, but will make light of his own suffering like Captain America
Takes younger heroes under his wing like the true Dadchi he is
Strong moral compass. Unbreakable
Won't hesitate to lay down his life for others
Who am I kidding. He's basically Captain America with a cape
Poster-boy for the Hero Association
☆ Sugawara Koushi ☆
Powers: telekinesis
A soft, pearly aesthetic with his suit, hair and skin. Lots of white and silver
A favourite among the ladies he's just too pretty, damm it T T
Very plucky and adorable
People in the vicinity will literally faint when he goes all serious to concentrate and use his powers
Has a duo move with Daichi where he literally throws him like a missle YEET
Has the most followers on Twitter and TikTok and his fans can be pretty nuts
Has a perfume line named after him and models for the adverts
Will smile like an angel right before bringing a building down on top of you fuck, I find this one really funny
☆ Azumane Asahi ☆
Powers: regeneration, enhanced stength
Kind of like Wolverine or Deapool but, like, much, much softer on the inside uwu
Wears green and black
Messed up big time back in the day and dropped off the grid out of guilt some people died :(
Was convinced to come back when his old teammates finally found him again because they needed his help in a crisis
Literally shed tears of relief when heroes and citizens alike welcomed him back instead of hating him mah heart *sniffs*
Can withstand seemingly anything and fully heal within a matter of days
Doesn't know the full extent of his powers himself. How exactly do one test it? 🤔
Still has to psych himself up for a fight, though big softy, really
☆ Shimizu Kiyoko ☆
Powers: electrokinesis, flight
Powers like Storm from X-Men, and kicks ass like Wonder Woman
Refuses to wear a revealing suit, but looks bomb af anyway
Kiyoko = absolute queen
One of the most powerful heroes, but doesn't throw her weight around unless she's kicking bady-guy booty
Stella gynamast, and has mastered several martial arts
Can literally throw a guy three times her size, all without any strength powers Tanaka: 👁👄👁
Somehow has perfect hair all the time secret superpower??
Is active on the political stage as a human rights activist, headlining women's rights yes, yes yes
Will strike you with lightning for sexual harassment
Comes up with really good mission plans
Is a soothing balm for Tanaka when he loses it
Black and gold aesthetic✨
Asymmetrical cape! super fashionable
Poster-girl for the Hero Association
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☆ Tanaka Ryuunosuke ☆
Powers: fire generation and manipulation
Tanaka brings the heat literally
A bit of a chaotic-good, but what's new there?
Can get out of control if he loses his focus, so his friends have to keep him grounded Kiyoko is a literal angel when that happens
Kiyoko: Sun's getting real low...
Bonus points if you get the reference
Is terrified of hurting innocents if he gets out of control
It rarely happens, but if he loses his self confidence, his powers don't seem to work
Shouts cringy lines at the villains before roasting their asses lmfao
Wears a black and orange flame-retardant suit, and actually looks pretty fine in it 😌👌
Literally head over heels for Kiyoko just imagine it. Biggest hype man
☆ Nishinoya Yuu ☆
Powers: animal metamorphosis, enhanced speed
Think Beast Boy from 'Teen Titans', but less green he's more likely to be yellow or orange, lmao
Handy in lots of different situations. Very versatile
Incredibly cheeky and joins in with Tanaka's cheesy jokes and one-liners
Absolute maniac, but the people love him, especially schoolkids lmao
Has his own energy drink flavour, and he's STOKED about it
Yellow and black suit, kind of like his hair
Has a surprisingly large following of fans
Laps up the attention, but it doesn't really go to his head
Quiet and serious when he's on a mission/fighting
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☆ Hinata Shouyou ☆
Powers: self replication, super speed, levitation
His powers took a while to properly manifest, which left him feeling isolated as a teen
Was pretty lost until Ukai helped train him
Got into a fight with Kageyama in an alleyway when he first met him MET HIM IN THE STREET, LMAO
Argues with Kageyama a lot at headquarters, but they work together like a dream when taking down bad guys
Has a heart of literal gold precious baby
Is contantly amazed when he helps significantly
Was inspired to become a hero by his idol, the Little Giant and it's his dream to inspire someone else 😭😭
Uses his replication ability to confuse the bad guys ULTIMATE DECOY
Levitates around the room when he's excited like Aang from ATLA, hahaha
Wears an orange, white and yellow suit with little wings on his heels cuuuute
☆ Kageyama Tobio ☆
Powers: water/ice generation and manipulation, breathing underwater, superhuman reflexes
I was tempted to give him fire/ice powers like Todoroki, but I didn't want to detract from Tanaka
Has problems focusing his powers, and can be quite turbulent in the heat of battle
Finds it hard to work well with others initially, but really makes an effort
Has hurt people close to him by accident before and never wants to do it again it would tear him apart
Becomes a power duo with Hinata when Ukai helps train them, even though they don't seem to get on well at first
Broody boi on the surface, but a cinnamon roll deep down
Wears a dark blue and deep purple suit that has fins to assist in underwater escapades which are his forte
Freezes Hinata's feet to the floor when he pisses him off or anybody's feet, tbh
Can dodge almost anything because of his reflexes don't ever try to punch him. You'll look stupid
Is surprised by the number of people in his fan club especially the number of women asking to marry him??
☆ Tsukishima Kei ☆
Powers: telepathy, superhuman intellect, mind control on weak-willed individuals
Prefers to outwit his enemies rather than getting into a brawl
But his self-designed gadgets and tech help him out if he has to a bit like Tony Stark, wink wonk
Sometimes makes you question if he's really a hero or not Tsukki, please
Doesn't take orders well
Baits villains by insulting them and getting the better of them with his words it's hilarious
Comes up with good plans, but improvises well with whatever he's got
Probably wears suits over his spandex most of the time fancy shmancy
Is prepared to die to protect Yamaguchi waahhh
☆ Yamaguchi Tadashi ☆
Powers: invisibility, force fields, teleportation
Susan Storm with added teleportation, lol
Often finds it hard to value his powers because they're not as visually strong and impressive as other people's
Rather than squaring up to a battle, he often has to 'hide' from it by literally going invisible
But he gradually becomes aware of how vital his powers can be, and learns to control them and make them as advantageous as possible
Is a highly important and valued member of the team
Soft bean that gets nervous and throws up before a fight
But he's hella determined and won't back down
Honestly, just wants to protect Tsukki and make him proud PROTECT HIM
☆ Yachi Hitoka ☆
Powers: size manipulation
She can shrink and enlarge herself and objects she touches at will, including other people
Sometimes shrinks really small to avoid social situations she doesn't want to be in samez, honey
The clumsiest and least experienced on the team
But she tries her best, gradually getting to grips with her powers
Sometimes uses her powers by accident, like when she's nervous
Once touched a watermelon slice on the refreshment table and accidentally blew it up to the size of a car Hinata, Kageyama and Noya fully dug in with their faces 😭😭
Nearly passed out when Daichi, the literal god of the Hero Association, told her she had great potential
Don't worry, Yams teleported and caught her
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☆ Ukai Keishin ☆
Powers: laser vision, metal mimicry
The has-been hero who lost his enthusiasm for hero-ing and retired some years ago
Was really cool back in his hayday. Big hot-shot with a fan club
Has been working as a convenience store attendant to pay the bills and is bored out of his mind but refuses to admit it
Was convinced to get back in the game when he found Hinata and Kageyama fighting, both struggling with their abilities. He broke up the fight and agreed to coach them
Doesn't do much of the flashy hero stuff anymore, but will occasionally get stuck in when he's needed must protecc his children
Is only, like, ten years older than the other heroes, but they treat him like some fossilised sensei out of Natuto, or some shit
Tbf, he has the back problems of one 😭😭
☆ Takeda Ittetsu ☆
Powers: power absorption
Transferred from being a hero to hero management after having having issues with the effects of his powers he has a conscience :(
He felt guilty and responsible for permanently taking the powers of others, even if they were criminals
It was like removing a piece of their souls it kind of broke him
These days, he makes sure nobody knows about his powers, so it can't be used against him
He helps in any other way possible
He would only use his powers again in dire circumstances he knows he'll eventually have to
Is generally chipper and good natured, though
If he was ever captured by a villain, they'd probably send him back because he talks too much omg, hahaha
Helps gather info for the team and direct them on missions and in fights
Gives bomb inspirational speeches ✊
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© imo-chan-imagines 2020
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lightns881 · 3 years
every time i see your name i always think of light yagami which is so funny bc now whenever i imagine you writing i always think you're furiously scribbling in a black notebook
i love how we get see how smart george is, and how much he's emotionally matured. there's a large contrast between his character in AL and Elysium. he's still impulsive and rash but isn't as doubtful of himself. he almost has this aura of confidence around him but not in the sense that he thinks he's better than everyone, but in more of a "i don't tolerate bullshit anymore" kind of way, it's very intriguing to read! also, he thinks so quick on his feet and he's gotten so good at manipulating and deceiving people, AL!george could never smh. smart and morally grey characters are the best characters change my mind. bonus points if they're OP as fuck. george could probably take over the world if he wanted to
ALSO I LOVE HOW WHENEVER GEORGE FEELS A RESURGENCE IN HIS POWER HE STARTS GRINNING i got so many chills while reading that bc the image of him hovering in the air with glowing white eyes while grinning like a madman seems so scary BUT ITS SO BADASS LIKE YES PLS UNLEASH YOUR POWER AND DESTROY EVERYTHING IN YOUR PATH
when george was in ranboo's head, he mentioned that his psyche kept telling him to "take... take... take..." but what does that mean? take his power? cuz last time i checked, george can't do that lmao (or can he??????)
doesn't quackity wear a necklace and not cuffs? or is that only for trials?
what's been your favorite part to write so far?
the direct parallels between george's powers being depicted as 'light' and 'glowing' as opposed to ranboo's powers being derived from darkness is so cool btw
OOH I HAVE A THEORY quackity mentioned that he has a whole group of friends, and i'm assuming that some of them are metas. SO, one of the members of that group will be jack manifold and he's gonna be an electromental bc his old name used to be thunder1408 and thunder is associated with lightning (lightning = electricity) this sounds kinda dumb now that i've typed it out but it's a theory nonetheless
do you have anyone who betas your fics? bc if you dont i will be amazed bc i have yet to see a single grammatical error in this work
also george being able to lift two boulders that are 1,000+ lbs each???? at the same time????? while actively being subdued and nearly dying???????? my boy has gotten so strong and i'm so proud of him for it. he could barely even lift a 10-pound rock and now HE CAN LIFT THOUSANDS OF POUNDS AND FLY AND HOLT SHIT THATS SO COOL POP OFF KING
i am CONVINCED that george's pretty privilege was the whole reason why dr. mitchell lowered the power of his cuffs bc ain't no way she gon' do that for anyone else, no matter sad their sob story is. even quackity was surprised.
also how long is george's hair? it's been like two years since he's gotten a haircut. and his hair grows pretty fast irl, so i'm just imagining him having majestic, wavy, brown hair that goes down to like the middle of his back. DOES HE HAVE A BEARD WHAT IF HE LOOKS LIKE GANDALF
i have a headcanon that all EM types have like a distinct trait that makes them stand out from each other. for example: each elemental has an emblem of their element marked onto their body; geomentals who specialize in plant manipulation (niki and karl) have green fingertips, while pyromentals have black fingertips from ash; aeromentals are unusually light, even if they look really heavy; etc.
this is random but aeromentals can fly, right? that seems like a pretty obvious question lol but whenever i think of aeromentals i think of airbenders from a:tla and they can't fly, they can only glide. also, i dont think skeppy has ever been shown to fly, only create gusts of wind that make him jump really high.
i find it kind of ironic that agatha is conducting trials on george to actively find ways to incapacitate psychics, but as a result, they're indirectly training george to become even more powerful. ngl it kinda seems like they set themselves up lmao george was less of a threat when he was living at the AGE than when he was imprisoned in Elysium.
quackity's hilary clinton jokes are so funny, especially knowing that this is set like 100 years in the future, which means that quackity probably just learned abt her in some ancient history textbook and immediately took a liking towards her.
ALSO I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE YOU SNEAKY BASTARD (/lh) WHEN QUACKITY TOLD GEORGE THAT THEY WERE "SHADOWTRAVELING OUT" hmm i wonder who else can teleport and call it 'shadowtravel' *cough* nico di angelo *cough*
is quackity able to only shift certain parts of himself? (NOT LIKE THAT) bc i'm wondering if he's ever tried to specifically alter his vocal cords and impersonate ppl or have irl autotune (i'm tryna make the quackity button happen if you couldnt tell lmao)
george has so many different powers and i CANNOT keep track of them, i just reread AL and i cannot believe how much i forgot. like george can see the future????? and can hypnotize ppl?????? sign me tf up
i am so stoked that we're getting so much qnf content. it's kind of refreshing to see george not have to worry so much abt his pining for dream and the somewhat awkward sexual tension they had. that's not to say i didn't like it (awkward but sappy romance ftw) but it's certainly a nice change. george had so many things on his plate during AL and the poor boy was still pining for dream during most of it. but now we get to see george just simply get to mess around with quackity and not have to worry abt any love troubles (for now). altho he's still got a shit ton of other things to worry abt.
i really just typed this whole thing in one sitting, didn't? oh well *shrugs*
anyway, have a wonderful day! sending good vibes your way :)
no because that's literally how I feel smts when I have an epiphany during my writing sprints haha
"I don't tolerate bullshit" is the best way to describe George in Elysium! he's had a lot of growth and I can't wait to see how his interactions with his old friends will look like later on :]
I lowkey need to add the tag BAMF!George to Elysium because that's basically George in a nutshell now
I don't know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ can he take Ranboo's power?
Quackity wears a collar! if you're referring to why he said "yellow like mine" I literally have no idea seeing because he pointed at his collar when he said it lmaooo
so far, my favorite part to write has definitely been George's and Quackity's conversations!!! especially the "you're gonna put it in my ear?" conversation lol
good catch!!! I love contrasting EM abilities like that
that's actually a pretty cool theory! we'll just have to wait and find out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
besides the occasional help I get from my irls on certain dialogue lines and when they listen to me endlessly talk to gather my thoughts, I am unfortunately carrying this story on my own, which is why it takes so long between updates
im so proud of him too! apart form the growth, he's really gotten so much more comfortable with his powers!
George's pretty priveledge getting him everything smh
lmao that's not something I've thought of, Elysium is still a facility so I imagine they do have someone to give the residents hair cuts and basic necessity things haha, but I do see his hair being like cc!George at his longest! though it'd be cool if he had long luxurious hair like Gandalf lol he'd look like a wizard
and that's such a cool headcanon!!! I haven't really thought of it but it does make a lot of sense for different EMs to have different little physical traits
aeromentals can't fly like just fly on their own, they can just control the wind and some of them are advanced enough to use it to fly for extended periods of time!
I agree, they really are just training him to be a powerbomb and then also telling him crucial info that he could use against them smh, but then again, idk if i believe Agatha would've helped him get out even if he had helped
the way that never ever crossed my mind haha I forget they're in the future sometimes, but you're right! now it's canon that Quackity likes to read history books lmao
AND HAHA I really hope the term shadowtraveling isn't copyrighted, but you caught me!
that would be a super cool power for Quackity to have! can't confirm for sure if he does, but we'll be seeing more of his powers in the future :))
Psychics are so OP smts I remember that anon who asked if they could become gods and it legitimately had me thinking like huh, could they??
I was worried that readers weren't gonna like the amount of time dnf has spent a part on screen, but it makes me so happy to see people enjoying these other non romantic relationships be developed! I just looove qnfs dynamic, and I can't wait until he meets George's old friends... it's gonna get real good!
thank you!!! it was so fun to read through this and you brought up some good points I hadn't even considered so thanks for making me think haha, these always help me see what people take notice of! sending good vibes right back!! <3
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