#even when it farts like this haha
frownyalfred · 4 months
i gotta ask because I keep doing this to myself [and i am not procrastinating i swear] but how often do you write yourself into a corner?
I don't mean like into a plot hole but like you write and write and then like you realize what you wrote doesn't fit the tone of the scene or its irrelevant or its a plot point that came up too soon or the characters are taking the story in a direction that doesn't serve the plot?
Do you just delete it? do you save it as a snippet idea somewhere?
I am deep in the delete it and occasionally save a snippet if its not trash era myself
Oof, yeah it definitely happens sometimes. I absolutely hate it. It ruins my mood for several days and I have to go walk it off when I realize what's happened.
I think the sooner you realize you're veering off course, the easier it is to salvage. I usually delete and start over, but I've started doing a mini post-mortem on why it isn't working -- that's essential so you don't do the same thing all over again.
Usually big parts of that chunk are salvageable, especially dialogue! Or they're useful elsewhere and just not in that spot in particular. Sometimes I save stuff for a future chapter or I add it into a little elseworld fic (see my ASOH spin offs) so it's not wasted.
A good example of this for me was the ending to borderline. I wrote a whole sideplot about Gotham, Bruce, and Damian that didn't really end up serving the main plot and actually negated the conclusion of the fic. But I really liked what I'd written, so that was a tough moment. However, a lot of those lines ended up being repurposed in the dialogue for Gotham later on in that same chapter, so I didn't feel totally foolish.
But yeah, big take away is -- it happens, I've done it, and usually your brain is trying to help you! Don't throw it all away unless you really have to. Utilize those pieces or lines or ideas elsewhere. Use them as unreleased backstory in your notes. Chuck them into a sequel once the plot is wrapped up. Etc.
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ganondoodle · 1 year
me: finally im able to cope with how much i hate totk and can fuel that energy into other things :)
nintendy: the shiekah tech just dissappeared and no one knows why or cares enough to investigate it lol. lmao. its gone bc the calamity is gone or something even tho it literally isnt bc ganondorf is right there haha lol, stop asking, why do you care. just forget it existed and look at that sexy goatman and glue instead!! glue! isnt that wild?? also its totally a direct, 100% same universe and exact same characters, despite them act totally out of character, sequel to botw-
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nalpurex · 6 months
i got souyo brainworms again and i gotta share some thoughts i have
this ones a long one so ill put a 'keep reading' thing here just in case yall dont wanna scroll past a wall of text
basically some headcanons about a healthy mix of chad narukami and normal yu, injecting loads of gap moe into this guy
(and it eventually devolves into some weird semi-story because my brains really spiralling here)
okok so, hear me out, chad narukami isnt that bad as an idea...? maybe as a more calm iteration, just another layer to yu
in the p4 manga, we get to see some of yu's backstory. (its been a while since ive read it so i might get some details wrong but) his parents are very busy people, always working and moving around, so yu's always moving around with them
because of this, hes a very independent but also lonely kid. poor guy doesnt talk much with his own mom and dad, and he never really have a good enough chance to form lasting friendships
so when he moves to inaba and starts making friends there, hes like 'oh i really want to keep these guys around...' so he starts putting up a bit of a persona (hah), some cool, unfazed guy that everyone can rely on thinking thats what people might like more. to his credit, it works pretty well, but its a bit stifling for yu himself. hes never had this many friends though, so he'll keep it up
we all know yosuke admires him quite a fair bit as is, just as a dependable friend and a strong leader. he looks up to yu in these aspects, thinking hes basically the perfect guy. (and lets never unpack that thought.) talented, charming, 'gets all the ladies', that kind of stuff
at some point its just the two of them, maybe walking home from school or something, yu gets pretty comfortable and his facade slips a little. maybe he says something completely silly, or heavens forbid theres a stray cat along the road! ("awww look at the little guy, cmeree, pspsps- oh- ahem- uh, its pretty cute...") it surprises yosuke quite a bit. he's thinking about it a lot as they part ways, it was... definitely a new side to his partner, but its also not a bad thing...
after that, yosuke starts noticing more small things about yu. whenever he invites anyone to share his lunch, its always something they like. whenever the IT are talking, he makes sure no one feels left out. he likes cats, a lot more than hes willing to show, and he loves nanako a whole lot too. his partner's... a bit of a softie under that calm and collected vibe, isnt he?
(alternatively, it'd be really funny if the entire IT knew? like "yeah, hes got a straight face all the time and sparkles fly around him whenever he strikes a pose, but hes got a dedicated schedule for hanging out with us and hes always asking when we're free. hes a big puppy, really.")
anyways, yosuke tries to encourage him to show more of this other side of him. stuff like "c'mon, we'll think you're cool either way!" and yu at first is a little hesitant, so yosuke suggests he just try it out with him
he feels some pride about it, because hes the first to learn about this side of yu! his partner trusts him the most, hes the most comfortable around him! (whats this strange other feeling? hm. dont like that.)
yu takes a little more time with the others, but theyre very welcoming about it nonetheless. specifically, they find it very charming! (making cute shapes in your bento? sewing cute stuffed toys with kanji? playing with literally every single stray cat you lay your eyes on? hell yeag.)
of course the facade doesnt completely shatter, because some parts of it are still true to yu. its just that he'll now crack the dumbest joke youve heard in your life with the same old straight face
(aaand now to derail for the sappy stuff huhuhu)
because yosuke's usually the first to be exposed to whatever new shenanigans yu's up to, eventually he starts getting some... weirder things. he brings some of it up to the other IT members and he looks insane, like:
"what? he hasnt been giving you guys origami?"
"why would he? i mean itd be cool, but thats just his part-time job isnt it? hes probably sick of paper cranes!"
"cranes... haha, yeah..." (as he thinks about the row of stupid paper animals sitting on his windowsill)
yu over time starts getting real sweet with yosuke, and he kind of gets the feeling he should just... keep this to himself...? especially when he doesnt see him acting this way with anyone else, and a small part of him wants to keep it to himself. all of this, just for him.
but that would be kind of gay, wouldnt it? hes not gay, is he...? he gets pretty happy whenever yu smiles at him, whenever he does something for him, but its just because he appreciates him as his partner... right?
eventually it all comes to a head when yu invites him to that... that spot high up in inaba. (ykno the one, its got the railing and shit.)
yosuke's climbing the hill, wondering whats yu gonna tell him, and at the top he sees him already waiting there as the sun's about to set on a nice breezy day
he kinda jokes a bit about it, like "damn did you ask me to come here now for the atmosphere?" but yu's strangely quiet
so they kinda just stand in a bit of an awkward silence before yu clears his throat... and confesses to yosuke.
they just. stare at each other for a bit. yosuke's at a loss, heat slowly rising in his cheeks, because what the hell?
and then yu explodes into a flustered mess, bumbling about "hey yeah man you dont have to accept if you dont wanna, i was just saying things yknow? you dont really have to-"
yosuke cuts him off, sighing a little. he tells him its okay, hes kinda had a feeling he felt the same way but he wasnt ready yet... and now his partner's confessing to his face, he cant really put it off anymore, can he?
("by the way, did you plan this? like, the timing and everything?"
"i... had a hard enough time saying 'i like you' with a straight face as it was, i kind of had to..."
"... ah.")
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waluigisgaybf · 10 months
every time my brother re-sees and remembers my tag of posts to show him is “show billiam” he gives me the SAME narrow eyed annoyed look and I love it.
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personasintro · 7 months
Romance Is Not Dead | jjk
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; it’s valentine's day and you're single
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: brother's best friend!jungkook x reader
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff, angst (?)
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit language, mentions of sex (it's mentioned quite a lot), reader's brother is kinda dick, alcohol usage, men (that deserves a warning alright), drunk people (it's a party), angst (?) honestly I'm not sure if there's any angst but it's a story with a few realistic topics that are kinda sad if you think about it, it's not your average fluff story lol
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 7.7k+
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a/n: happy valentine's day! mind you this was supposed to be a short drabble like around 2k lol, I had no proper idea of where this will go and somehow I ended up with quite a long story haha. but I'm happy I got more into writing, I wasn't expecting writing this much. if there are any mistakes, please ignore them hehe. I rushed to post it so I could make it on february 14th. I don't know what even is this story but i hope you enjoy it hahah don't forget to like and reblog ♡
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“Argh! Who even invented Valentine's Day?”
The groan that leaves your mouth – or more like a loud complaint – rolls around the room, not stopping you from tossing your bag on the kitchen's table to show your annoyance more than actual anger.
“Hello to you too, sis.” Your brother throws a peace sign your way, not particularly fazed by the lack of greeting on your side.
From your peripheral vision you could easily tell they're right there. Your brother and his best friend have been best friends since high school, they go way back and somehow, they've managed to stay super close till now. It's quite admirable, you have to admit. You don't think you've ever seen or heard them fight. Overall, their friendship seems to be more relaxed in this sense than most girls' friendships.
Yes, that mostly happens between guys. They're not as dramatic or bitchy as some girls can be. God. None of your current friends are your friends from high school. You've parted ways eventually.
However, the amount of drama free that's clearly not present in their precious brotherhood is equalized with loud burps, unfiltered talks about girls and sex through male eyes. You would've mentioned farting but luckily, you haven't heard your brother's best friend to be that nasty in front of you. Which can't be said about your brother but well, that's a part of having a sibling – regardless of their gender.
It's quite cliché.
Your brother's older, therefore he's protective yet loves to embarrass you at any chance. He thinks he's all that and sometimes, it feels like he thinks he's your third parent. That's what's more annoying – perhaps even more than overrated Valentine's Day. 
“Did someone decline you on Valentine's Day?”
There he goes again.
Teasing you. It's a never-ending circle. Luckily, you've grown resistant to his pathetic attempts to embarrass you – especially when his friends are present. Yeah, your brother can be a dick and you're not afraid to tell him.
Though, you don't stick to the names and curses and instead turn it into something more powerful. 
Scoffing, you swipe your hair back and give him a look. “Please, look at me.”
“I am, that's why I asked.” 
You waste no time in grabbing one of the stupid empty cans he always has laying around and throw it at him. Did you mention he can be a pig sometimes?
Your aim has gotten way better throughout the years and when he curses at you once it hits the side of his head, you smile happily. His friend chuckles at the two of you, lifting the can that has fallen onto the floor and sets it on the table.
“Yeah, and that's why you chase every man that comes my way.” you comment, knowing well damn you're right. 
He frowns, “Those men can hardly be called men, sis.”
“Well, bro, I wouldn't know since you like to be the pain in my ass.” you smile at him tightly, seeing him looking before he goes back to playing one of his stupid video games. “Not that I have a man to look up to in the first place.”
They've been doing that a lot. Lame. 
His best friend's snort turns into a laughter that he barely gets to hold in. That makes you smile because you see it as a success in getting back at your brother. And perhaps your little crush you've had on him has something to do with it. But we don't talk about it.
Your brother glares at him but he's not affected, not even a bit. It's hard to put it into words or make any definition, but he's always been slightly more… intimidating? He has an aura around him that makes you appreciate even a little reaction from him. 
It's humorous. You've known him for years, merrily just from always seeing him next to your brother (because there were never other opportunities), yet it feels like you barely know anything about him. Even though he used to occupy your living room almost every day. And today doesn't feel much different. The only difference is that none of you live at your parents' house. 
“Who hurt you today?”
“Don't be a dick. I can be a bitch too.” you remind him sweetly, leaning forward against the kitchen counter and grab a grape that lays in a single bowl. Probably the only healthy thing he has in this kitchen. 
He flips you off and frowns once he doesn't win the game. Karma. “Anyway, are you gonna tell us why you came here so annoyed or you're gonna eat?”
“I can do both,” you shrug. “I just don't get the hype about Valentine's Day.”
“Oh, you asked who invented it? Probably a pair of groupies in love.”
You roll your eyes, “I don't think that's it.”
“It's about romance. It's romantic, sis.”
You snort, “And how would you know anything about romance?”
He chuckles cockily as if the next words he says is something to be proud about; “I don't. But the girl I fucked said something about it.”
“Ew!” you gag, stopping yourself from reaching for another grape. “You're gross sometimes.”
“You don't talk about sex with your friends? C'mon, it's normal.”
“Yeah, with my friends. Not in front of you.” you justify. 
“Jesus, we didn't have to hear that.” Your brother scolds you, clearly uncomfortable at the thought of you talking about sex. 
You sometimes make sex jokes in front of him just to mess with him. It's pretty funny and it never gets old. You don't do it often though, but perhaps you should. 
“I hear only you complaining.” you sign out, pointing out the obvious and for the first time since you've arrived, you give proper attention to his best friend. 
He's been awfully quiet. What's there for him to say anyway? You and your brother bicker most of the time, no matter how old you are. He's pretty much used to it by now. He just stuck to playing the game and other than cackling at your previous comment, he's been quiet. You hate that you're slightly annoyed by the lack of attention he gives you. Not that you're an attention seeker or desperate for his attention.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out he sees you as his best friend's little sister. Even though you're not as little as when he first met you. 
“JK is the last person who wants to hear your complaints.”
“Why don't you let JK speak for himself?” you question, a little edge to your tone as your brother huffs out, muttering something under his breath – obviously aimed at you.
“Chill out, you two.” he mutters, voice slightly deeper than you remember it even though the last time you've seen him was last month. It has a little rasp to it and you wish your eyes wouldn't glue to him automatically. 
He lays comfortably on the couch, man spreading with a game controller sitting in his lap while his big thumbs rest comfortably against the buttons. You might've mentioned you are not friends with people from a high school anymore, but you have friends. One who would kill for a moment to spend with your brother's best friend. Just to be in his close proximity.
Though, it's no secret he's not any better than most guys his age – including your own brother. In a weird way, you love your brother (even though you wouldn't probably ever say it out loud because he's a weirdo and he would just make fun of you), but you can easily tell he's not someone you would ever want to end up with. Personality and morally wise, of course. 
He surrounds himself with people with the same values, or the lack of. 
And perhaps, it's one of the reasons why you suddenly got annoyed because of today's day. February 14th. You're the type that simply brushes off any guy who comes your way that you don't have any interest in. There's no need for your brother. He's a dick and he chases the ones that might not be husband material, but they're hot and charming. You're not necessarily looking for a marriage. God. You're too young. You don't want to be the one that gets locked in a marriage with someone they just met. 
Definitely you don't want to get knocked up either. Fuck, they're so many scenarios that run inside your head. Ones you don't want to live in. 
Regardless of your current stance when it comes to your life and relationships, you're still romantic. All of your friends have dates today. Any other day or year, you wouldn't even think of it – but you've seen everything in the shape of a heart today. Not mentioning there's everyone kissing and hugging at every corner of the street. 
And you didn't get a discount on your cake because you were alone with no partner around. Who does that? That's discrimination!
Valentine's Day is overrated. Maybe you think that way because you're single. Have been for too long. And while you don't necessarily miss it, you kind of crave for someone's affection and touch. It's not even about sex. 
“Listen, we're having a party tonight. I wouldn't normally invite you–”
“Wow, thanks.”
He shoots you a glare again before he continues, “But seeing you so miserable, maybe you could come too.”
“Party? Is this another one of your gangbang parties?”
“I have never been a part of that, stop calling my parties that.”
“There are literally hundreds of people who are there to hook up.” you inform him.
He snickers, “That's like every party.”
You lift up your eyebrows, not quite believing him. It's like every party he hosts or is invited to. People his age make parties slightly less wild. Not that he's too old but still. He's acting and living too wild for his age. 
“I'm not hosting it.”
“Who is?”
“JK here.” His brother says, head motioning toward the man next to him. “I'm sure you don't mind that I'm inviting her.”
The said man looks at his brother, shrugging. “I don't.”
“Well?” Your brother looks back at you. “Are you coming?”
“Are you gonna chase everyone that comes my way? Y'know, my friends are all having dates and if I don't wanna spend tonight alone, I would rather have fun.”
“You're allowed to come. And yeah, probably I will.”
“You're a douche. I'm an adult, stop treating me like a child.”
Your brother sighs, already knowing what argument is about to come. It's about the same stuff every time. 
“I'm doing it for your own good. The people that are gonna be there, guys that are gonna be there are like us, sis.”
There's a certain softness behind his voice, though it still stays vigorous as if he's trying to get something through your thick head. You know all of that, though. You know he doesn't hang out with the best people. But they're just dicks. And they're thinking with dicks. But you can take care of yourself. Besides, he's going to be there as well. 
JK, or Jungkook like you refer to him in your head, briefly looks at you. But you spot it and stare at him as his eyes drift to your brother. “You can't protect her forever.”
“That's something an asshole would say.”
“I never said I'm not one. But let her have her fun.”
“You know what? Don't come. I don't want you there.” Your brother stands up and shoots you a glare before he walks away. 
God! He's such a dick!
JK chuckles and you realize you've been frowning this whole time. You hear the door slam close and you scoff. “He's such a child.”
You eye him with no embarrassment whatsoever, tracing all the tattoos he has gotten throughout the years. The white shirt fits his torso perfectly, even though it's oversized his muscles peak through. 
Your friend told you he's at the gym almost every day. It sure looks like that. 
He suddenly stands up and you straighten automatically, watching him make his way toward you but not before tossing the game controller on the couch. He stays on the other side of the table, reaching for one of the grapes while still staring at you. 
God. He's doing something purposely.
For the first time today, your confidence slightly falters but you do your best not to show it. You stare as he pops one of the grapes into his mouth and chews on it. 
“You're still invited. That's if you still wanna come.”
You blink, “But my brother–”
“Is like a child sometimes. You're gonna be fine there.”
Gulping, you mutter; “How are you so sure?”
He doesn't answer but there's a small smirk playing on his lips. “You would still come, wouldn't you? Just to piss him off.”
That causes you to let out a soft chuckle because yes, he's right about that. Your brother needs to understand you're not a child. “I would.”
“Alright, then come.”
You poke the inside of your cheek with your tongue and lift your brow, “I will.”
You will go to the party. Even if your brother would burn down the city.
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One of the few things you've learned about your brother's best friend – Jungkook – is that he comes from a wealthy family. You know he got his own place in the city center, that alone tells you he's got money. Whether they come from his parents or by his own hard work is unknown to you. Either way, it's quite clear he's always been slightly privileged than most kids your age.
You've never been to his parents' house. There was never a reason for you to go there, plus, you're not your brother and he didn't exactly bring his little sister with him whenever he went somewhere. The only time he would have to spend time with you alone was when he had to babysit you. But you would always stay home and he would let you know how annoyed he is because of that.
A typical teenager who wanted to chase girls and experience his first hook-ups rather than having to babysit his little sister who was born with sharp tongue and big mouth. You're probably his karma for all the hearts he already managed to break. 
Anyway – you know JK's parents' house is settled up the hill, away from the city and in a rich area where all the big houses were built. You've never seen it, hence your first reaction when you spotted a huge gate and a house that looks more like a mixture between mansion rather than a small family house.
Before he parted ways a few hours ago when you last saw him, he gave you the address. Seems like you've arrived just in time. There are many people, outside and inside – everywhere. It looks like the college parties you get to see in movies but more upgraded.
The thing about you is that you would never go to a party alone. Even if two people you know are here. Well, your brother still doesn't know you're here and he's about to get pissed once he sees you. Suddenly, the idea to piss him off doesn't seem so alluring.
But this house – or mansion or whatever this building is called – is the only place that is not filled with heart balloons. They might be couples and strangers that are glued to each other, the romance is simply not present. It's nasty and explicit to a certain extent. 
A part of you is disgusted at how easy some people seem to be, letting themselves to be groped by strangers, but there's something alluring. Perhaps even more than doing this just to prove a point to your brother. 
You don't get a chance to look around the place, since it's crowded and you're trying not to get shoved into, you're looking for a bigger space and maybe something to drink. You make it into the main room it seems. A huge couch in the shape of U looks massive but it fits into the big room perfectly. There are people everywhere and there's not a single space on the couch. However, once you make it closer and spot a tiny space, it's all forgotten and your vision naturally travels to the couple sitting there. 
You would spot those tattoos everywhere.
Jungkook's there. And a woman sitting on his lap as you see them making out explicitly, tongues brushing against each other. Alright, a part of you envies the woman but looking around and seeing more of them staring in slight irritation and jealousy, you're not alone. You scrunch your nose at them not caring and just making out with each other in front of everyone. There's no way they don't know everyone's eyes are on them. The guys ignore them though. It's mostly women.
The one that sits on his lap and seems to be ready to jump his bones, is wearing a tiny top and mini skirt. You can see her panties and you feel embarrassed to witness the tiny piece of underwear. Well, she doesn't seem to care.
His hand is on her waist, gripping it tightly as he pulls away and mutters something into her lips. She giggles, all her attention focused on him. 
Despite knowing him for years, you've never seen him in this element. And maybe that's what your brother didn't want you to see. Not even Jungkook but everyone here. You've witnessed a few parties, but this one is completely on another level. It looks straight out of a movie and perhaps completely out of your comfort zone. 
But you don't leave. You stick in your spot and just stare at your brother's best friend flaunting his charm all around him, but mostly aimed at the woman on his lap. 
Since your brother that eventually came out of the bathroom told you to get out, you've decided to come after all and give him a taste of his own medicine. Maybe not exactly the same but that's why you chose one of your tight dresses. They're not special. Just a dress that almost every woman owns. But this one has thin straps and you don't get to wear a bra in it, that's how tight it is. It's the only clothing you're wearing, minus the panties of course. 
You look good. You know you do and that's why you chose this outfit particularly. You thought the heels are perhaps too much, but luckily you opted for them instead of your sneakers. Everyone seems to be dressed like they're in a club. Not even one outfit on a woman here looks completely comfortable. And they show more skin when they wear clothing. Not that you're judging. You're not the one to talk.
And you know this choice of clothing is not only a magnet for eyes, but for unwanted touches you were counting on eventually. It's sad but it's the truth. That's why you never come alone to these things. You always have your friends with you. You would kick asses for each other and overall, you feel more protected and safe. 
The hand that slaps your ass – that definitely looks good in this dress – causes you to turn and twist your face in anger. You spot a wasted man that smiles stupidly as if he did something cute. You shove him in the chest causing him to stumble into a few people who start to curse at him and complain.
“Touch me one more time and I will fucking kick your ass.” you spit at him. 
Your ass might look good but that's not an open invitation for strangers or anyone to touch you unwillingly. 
He gains his balance and his drunk features twist into anger. You see it. He's angry because you're not all over his dick because he touched you. First of all, he's not even hot. And he's wasted out of his mind. There's nothing hot about it. 
He doesn't make it too close because you push him again, causing him to fall this time.
“You bitch!” he yells, having a trouble to stand up and you cover your mouth to shield the giggle that makes it out. 
One of the guys that he stumbled into turns around, ready to curse. But as your eyes lock, all the amusement fades away and your eyes widen in a sudden fear. Shit.
It takes a moment for your brother to register that it's you – perhaps the exposed skin causes him to widen his eyes too before they twist into anger.
“What the fuck.”
“I was invited.” you automatically argue, yelping once he makes his way toward you and grabs you by your forearm. He kicks the bastard that still tries to stand up and starts leading you elsewhere. No, he's not leading you but dragging you with him.
It's not the initial reaction you had in mind. You wanted to smirk, to show him that you're here and there's nothing you can do about it. But that's out of the picture because in the end, you're just a little girl that maybe loves to piss off her brother, but once you truly piss him off you back away.
That realization causes your anger to come back and you dig your heels into the wooden floor, trying to get out of his hold. “Stop squeezing me like that!”
“Would you like to be squeezed by strangers?!” He yells over the music, both of you stopping next to a staircase.
It already happened, you wanted to say but decide to stay quiet.
He couldn't see what the stranger did to you. He only saw the man falling and stumbling into him. So the fact that he's this pissed off to see you here without even seeing what happened just minutes ago, makes you think he needs a psychiatrist. What would he do if he saw what happened?
“Maybe I want that!” you yell at him. “And there's nothing you can do about it!”
He pinches the bridge of his nose and tries to calm down. “What are you doing here.”
“I told you. I was invited.”
“I uninvited you.”
You scoff, “It's not your party, you moron.”
“JK invited you?”
“Yeah.” you shrug just to piss him off some more.
He stares at you for a moment, glaring but you glare back before he shakes his head and takes a deep breath. “Fine. But you're not leaving my side.”
You scoff but he grabs your shoulders tightly. 
“I mean it.”
“Stop touching me.” You slap his hands away, his touch fading away as you're about to open your mouth to curse at him some more.
Before you can do it, someone nudges him from the left side. Your brother is about to pounce but once he sees his best friend in the flesh, he stays down but not before he's reminded of what you told him. 
“What are you doing.” He questions your brother but he just scoffs in return.
“You invited her?”
Jungkook rolls his lip piercing as he shrugs, “I did.”
“Are you out of your mind?”
“Me? You invited her first if I recall.” 
Your brother stares at his friend in disbelief before he glances at you. You shrug, lifting your brown. 
“You two are fucking unbelievable.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes, probably thinking your brother is just dramatic. Which he is. While they're too busy arguing, you don't pay attention to anything that's being said. You shamelessly eye Jungkook, spotting how blurry his lips are from the make out session you witnessed a while ago. He's got a similar outfit like you've seen him during the day. The only difference is that he's wearing all black. 
“Listen you two, I will stay out of your sight, okay?”
“No fucking way!” Your brother argues while Jungkook sighs in exhaustion. 
“I'm just gonna have a few drinks and meet new people.”
“These people are not for you to meet or be friends with.”
“Who said anything about being friends?” you mutter, causing your brother to curse at you once more.
“No–” He stops you before you can interrupt him, “You invited her, so you will look after her.”
“Me?” JK frowns, disliking the idea. While you would be slightly offended by the lack of interest when it comes to you, you're also irritated that your brother here is acting the same. Only this time he's giving the responsibility to Jungkook. 
“Yes, you! You invited her, so you'll watch over her tonight. If anything happens to her, I will personally kill you,” 
God. He's so full of himself. If Jungkook wanted, he could knock him out with one punch. But you don't say it to hurt his male ego and boost Jungkook's one. It seems they're full of ego. 
“And I'm not joking.”
He brushes past you two and leaves angrily. To probably shove his tongue down to any first girl he sees. 
And from the looks of it Jungkook looks like he would rather much do the same. But then he looks at you, reminded of his current responsibility. You. 
“Listen–you don't have to look after me–I can handle my–”
“Are you okay?”
He stares you down, not in the creepy way to stare at your body but almost looking for anything that could give him answers to his question.
“I've seen what happened.”
“You've seen it?” you breathe out, “I'm fine.”
“You sure?”
“I handled it.” you grit through your teeth.
“You did,” he agrees much to your surprise. “Or maybe you were just lucky.”
“What's that supposed to mean?” You trash with your hands, but he catches your wrist. Gently. But he has his hold on you and your breath catches in your throat. He pulls you closer.
“What if it was someone who wouldn't be so wasted? Hm?”
You gulp, glancing at his lips for a split second before you find his dark eyes on yours. “It happened with people around us. Someone would step in.”
He scoffs, “Don't count on it too much.”
“They would–”
“Some of them. Not all of them,” he informs you. 
You're reminded that he knows these parties. He knows how it's going. And while no one would mess with him personally, it doesn't mean everyone is as safe as him. Let alone any women. That much you've realized and you haven't even been here for a half an hour. 
“What if he waited until you're drunk to take you somewhere else?”
You breathe out shakily, “Stop.”
“What if he dragged you upstairs? And that's just the start of what he might've done.”
“Fucking stop.” you warn him with your eyes but he doesn't budge. 
He tames you like you're a fucking dog.
“Your brother's right. You're staying with me.”
“And staring at you making out all night?”
You shut your mouth as soon as your response gets out. Jungkook tilts his head tiniest bit to the side and the corner of his mouth lifts up. “You were watching.”
“It was hard not to. Everyone was watching.”
“That's not an excuse.”
You inch closer, licking your lips. “It wasn't supposed to be.”
He stares at your lips before his touch disappears and so its warmth does. “You're not leaving my side.”
You scoff but he glares at you which surprisingly shuts you up. 
“I can give you alcohol, you can have fun. But you're not leaving my side.”
“You're worse than my brother.” That's a stretch and you both know it, but you've never seen Jungkook acting like this. He never really cared. He never had to in the first place. That's what your brother was for. 
He inches closer, hovering over you like only his presence can. “I can be worse.”
And somehow, that sounds like a promise. Once he motions for you to follow him, you do like a lost poppy with gritted teeth and anger bubbling inside you. But you don't disobey. Perhaps it's the shock or the weird feeling in the pit of your stomach that makes you buzz with excitement. 
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It's not hard not to have a crush on someone like Jungkook. He's hot, he's confident but not in the way where he's full of himself. He has every reason to be confident.
And just like he promised, he has managed to give you drinks that surprisingly taste good. They're not too strong and something tells you he purposely picked those out for you. You don't complain. They don't cause you to make grimaces at every gulp and you can feel yourself relax. In the corner your brother watches you with glare, reminding you of something that should feel like punishment. 
Perhaps it does.
Jungkook has you seated next to him, back on the couch. The woman he made out with sits on the opposite side, sending daggers next to you. You roll your eyes very publicly, scoffing and making sure she sees you. 
“JK, can we go somewhere else?” You hear her annoying sweet voice, while Jungkook himself looks slightly irritated that he has you on his watch. “Upstairs?” she suggests.
“Sorry, love, can't.”
She huffs out, “Why? Because you're babysitting?”
You move sideways to face her, leaning through Jungkook as you glare at her. “Maybe he just doesn't want your tongue shoved in his mouth.”
Jungkook sighs, lifting his hand to your collarbones to move you back but you don't budge. 
“Oh yeah? He wants more than that.” she informs you. 
“God, you're so desperate.”
“Excuse me?!”
“Behave.” Jungkook warns you, pushing slightly harder and finally, you plop back onto your spot and fume with arms crossed. 
“Tell your bitch to behave.”
“Y/N.” Jungkook warns through his teeth. You stop, realizing that this is the first time he said your name. Still fuming, you give him a glare before standing up.
“What did you just call me?”
“Come on.” Jungkook stands up too before you can make things worse and he's going to be caught up in a girls fight. This is not the night he planned.
He doesn't drag you like your brother did. He still rests his hand against your back and leads you in a direction. You don't protest. You want to but anything's better than being in the blonde's presence one more second. 
When you realize you're standing next to your brother who's leaning against the wall, watching the two of you with a knowing and quite pleased smirk. 
“Dude. That's enough.”
“Are you having any issue with my sis, JK?”
Jungkook rolls his eyes, “You made your point.”
“No, I don't think I have.”
“You two are annoying.” he sighs, closing his eyes.
“Excuse me? What have I done?” you exclaim, hand on your chest as he gives you a knowing look that shuts you up.
It's more than clear. Jungkook has brought you to your brother, so he could deal with you rather than he has to. It bruises your ego, but only slightly because you don't let any guy do any permanent damage. But you have to be honest. It's slightly embarrassing how he wants to shake you off. Clearly his plans for tonight have been different and watching the blondie still waiting for him patiently makes your night even worse, knowing what exactly he had planned. 
“You made me a huge cockblocker, bro.” you interrupt their bickering. It feels refreshing not to be the one bickering with your brother. 
Which reminds you that for the first time, you actually see them in some sort of argument even though it's not exactly a fight. Your brother as always is a pain in the ass and Jungkook's now experiencing it. You don't understand why Jungkook just doesn't let you go? Why did he insist on having you by his side at all times? 
Most likely, he doesn't want to piss off your brother.
Jungkook throws you yet another glare, but you brush him off pretty easily. “It's not about that.”
You give him a look which makes him groan.
“It's not just about that.”
And then they continue again. Your brother complains about your presence here, blames Jungkook rather than your own decision to come. He knows you. He knows you've done it to mess with him and it worked. But he expected better from Jungkook. 
You don't want to hear any second of it any longer. You don't wait for Jungkook's response, not even when you see his frown deepen and you know he's getting angrier by every word your brother spits in his face.
Using the tiny chance where they don't pay you any attention, you distance yourself from them. When you're in a safe distance and are not stopped by one of them, you make a run for it. Grabbing a wine bottle from someone's hold, ignoring them complaining, you make it upstairs and try to find a place where you can be alone. Before they find you.
You know once they notice you're not there, they'll be looking for you. Well, your brother will for sure. Even though he can be a dick, he's worried. But let him. That's what he gets for not letting you enjoy tonight. 
Passing by people who either mingle or make out, you try a few doors that are locked. Wise decision. Another reason why Jungkook seems to know how these parties go. It seems almost impossible to find a place where no one is. 
Just when you become tired and desperate, you make it to the quieter part of the house. It's weird because there are people everywhere. It's impossible to find somewhere quiet and empty. 
Luckily for you, you end up in a room that seems to be some sort of office. It's medium sized, definitely not one of the biggest rooms in this massive house, but still bigger than your kitchen and room together. 
It seems Jungkook has forgotten to lock this room. There's nothing special about it though. But he definitely doesn't want anyone to have sex on the wooden desk you pass by. There are a few shelves with books and a lamp, but other than that it's pretty empty. Oh, and there's a small couch. It looks expensive but it seems like they've brought it here just to put it somewhere. Not that it doesn't fit in here.
But it definitely doesn't look as expensive as the furniture you've managed to see in your short stay here. What has it been? Two hours? Two awful hours and no fun. 
Making it onto a small balcony, you sigh in relief when you find it open. It's facing the back of the house and your mouth drops when you see a fountain, pool and a garden in the distance. He's filthy rich. His parents are.
Sitting on the cold ground, you take a sip of the wine. Your features scrunch in disgust but you force yourself to drink. It's more from the whole annoyance and anger you've been feeling ever since you came here.
Maybe they were right.
This place is not for you.
You have no idea how long you end up sitting there. 
You just stare, hearing the blasting music in the distance and the chatter of people. You wonder if any neighbor called the police on him. But they're in the distance, probably they don't hear it as much.
There's a forest around you. There are no cars, no barking and no city noise. You wonder how this place feels like when there's no party. It must be calm and relaxing.
“Here you are.”
You hear it as soon as the balcony door slides open, ignoring the hint of annoyance in his voice as you take another gulp.
“You can't disappear like that!”
You chuckle, “Really? Watch me.”
“Your brother went crazy when you disappeared.”
“Sounds like a him problem.” you shrug.
“Are you drunk?”
You give him a look, a lazy smile making it onto your face.
“Where did you get that?”
“You know this is the most you've spoken to me since I've known you.” you take a note out loud.
He ignores you though. “You're gonna have one hell of a hangover tomorrow.”
“Sounds like a me problem, no?”
“God, you're such a brat,” he groans, “And get off the ground, you're gonna get sick.”
Snorting, you shake your head. “You're acting just like my brother.”
“You're irresponsible.”
That causes you to get a whiplash from how fast you glare at him. “I am not. Y'all act as if I can't do things on my own. Not only does my brother try to control me and watch over my shoulder every goddamn minute, you started doing it too!”
“He's worried about you.”
“Whatever,” you grumble, “Go back to blondie and leave me alone. Or snitch to my brother about my whereabouts, I'm sure he will get me out of here.”
He stays though. He doesn't move and doesn't speak for a moment. Instead, he sighs and sits next to you. 
“I wanted you to have fun.”
“Well, that didn't work, did it?”
“Look at you,” he chuckles, nudging lightly on your shoulder. “You seem to have fun on your own.”
“Yeah, spending Valentine's Day alone on the balcony of my brother's best friend is just so much fun.”
He laughs. He actually laughs and gives you an approving nod once he realizes you're right. “You're not alone anymore.”
You give him a look but before he can elaborate, he motions toward the bottle in your hand with his head. 
“Give me that.”
“No, this is the only fun I have.”
“C'mon, I will drink with you.”
Your surprise comes out before you give him a suspicious look. “You will?”
“Yeah.” he agrees and takes the bottle you hesitantly give him.
He takes a small sip, not a few gulps as you expect him to. “Is that all you got?”
“For tonight, yeah.”
“Why?” you question.
“I will take you home.”
You scoff, but then he continues. 
“After you decide you wanna go home.”
“Really?” Your surprise makes it out again. “You're not gonna kick me out?”
“I would never kick you out.” 
You make a face, “But my brother–”
“Your brother can be a dick sometimes.”
“Don't act like you don't know it.”
“I do, but I'm just surprised you're the one saying it.”
He sets the bottle on the other side of him. It doesn't go unnoticed by you but you decide not to fight with him, especially once you feel the alcohol doing its job. 
“Well, I've seen it from his side and I gotta be honest, he's protective. Sometimes overly but he's not doing it because he hates you, y'know?”
“I know he doesn't hate me,” you inform him. “It's just annoying sometimes.”
“But now I've seen more of your side and he should just let you live.”
You nod in appreciation with lips pursed, “Wow, thank you.”
He smiles, “You still do a lot of stuff just to get back at him. You're not making it any easier, huh?”
You laugh, “It's my rebellion.” 
You sit there for a moment in complete silence. Jungkook stands up and leaves. You act as if you're not disappointed but before you can reach for the bottle that Jungkook has left here, the door slides open again and Jungkook wraps a blanket around you. 
“Don't look so surprised.”
“Wow, JK does something nice for a girl?”
“I can do a lot of nice things.”
“Is there a double-meaning or?” you trail off, causing him to laugh as he shakes his head.
“Not like that.”
Yeah, because you're his brother's best friend.
Not that you would ever want something with him. Only in your most secretive dreams but that's beside the point. Jungkook is not boyfriend material. You've seen it today more than ever. But you can't deny that he attracts you in the weirdest way possible. You have never experienced that with anyone. 
He's your type. When it comes to looks. And you're slightly ashamed to admit that some of his behavior attracts you. Basically, it's a red flag but what do they say? I'm color blind?
“How are you not freezing?”
It's February and you're sitting on a balcony. 
“I'm drunk.”
God, you're going to end up sick. Even your drunk self scolds you. 
“You wanna go home?”
“Not yet.”
He nods, not protesting as you both stare ahead. Your thoughts run wild, even in their slow pace because of alcohol flowing in your system.
“I was so annoyed because today's Valentine's Day,” you start, chuckling at yourself. “At first I thought I was just annoyed because everyone's in love and everything about today is about love. I do think it's overrated though.”
“I don't know, I never cared about it to be honest.”
You laugh, “Did you make today's party for all anti-romanticists?”
“No, I would've done it either way.” he chuckles. 
“Did you ever make something romantic for Valentine's Day?”
He makes a face, frowning but silently laughing amusingly at the thought of it. “No.”
“You know what? I think I was more annoyed that secretly maybe I crave for something romantic. Not necessarily a relationship.”
“Or maybe you just feel the pressure of today's ridiculous holiday and people around you.”
You snort, “You're just saying that because you're not in love.”
“Love's not for me. Not that kind at least.”
“And what kind?”
“I loved our family dog.”
You laugh, “That's different. I'm not talking about that.”
“I know you don't. Just sayin', love has all forms.” 
You hum, sighing before you start shivering. 
“Come on, let's go inside. You're freezing.”
“We don't have to go home.”
“Or maybe I should. I'm getting tired. And I think I'm gonna throw up.”
“You were mixing hard liquor with wine. You will.” he agrees and once you nudge him, he laughs at you. “C'mon, you little brat. It's time to go home.”
As he makes sure you don't fall on the stairs, giving you the support you almost stumble when your brother makes his way toward you, breathless and relieved once he sees you.
“Where the hell have you been?! I've been looking for you everywhere. We've been looking for you! Why do you have the blanket?”
“Found her on the balcony.”
“What were you doing there?!” He screeches.
“Don't worry, I wasn't going to jump. But if I'm gonna have to keep up with your annoying ass for one more second, maybe I will.”
“You're drunk.” He scoffs.
“And honest.” you add.
“And where are you going?”
“I'm gonna take her home.” Jungkook answers, helping you with the last step as your brother stares with mouth wide open. 
“Like the hell you will! You were drinking.”
“I wasn't,” he responds. “Not since I was with her anyway.”
“Doesn't mean you don't have alcohol in you.”
“I don't. I'm fine.”
You didn't even realize he wasn't drinking anymore. God. You really can be a pain in the ass too. But that's your brother's doing though. He should've never ordered Jungkook to look after you. 
“You're the one who reeks of alcohol,” Jungkook informs him calmly, “Or you want someone else to take her?”
He shakes his head, still hesitant. He walks closer to you and wraps the blanket tighter around your form. “Are you gonna be fine?”
“Yeah, I trust Jungkook. Don't you?”
“I do.” He doesn't hesitate. 
He gives one final nod to Jungkook as he leads you out of the house. As you're walking out of it, you spot blondie with a group of what seems like her friends, glaring the shit out of you. You stick out your tongue when Jungkook's busy opening the door for you. The look on your face causes you to smirk.
Jungkook gets you inside his flashy car and you're kinda doomed that you're too drunk to look around and appreciate the expensive type of vehicle. You're drifting in and out of your consciousness. But you notice Jungkook stopping in front of a convenience store, informing you he'll be right back. And he is. It seems like he's been gone for a minute because you close your eyes, open them and he's already there.
The drive and walk to your home is quick. You get to walk on your own, much to your embarrassment there are no accidents of stumbling or falling. As soon as you make it past your doormat, you make it inside your bathroom and throw up in the sink. It's embarrassing once you hear Jungkook behind you, helping you with your hair. He doesn't say anything, just letting you throw up everything that's currently in your stomach. 
“I should take a shower.”
“Fuck that. Go lay down. I will lock the door.”
“Your brother gave me his spare keys.”
After a few minutes of bickering, you still insist on taking a shower. Jungkook sighs and lets you do your own thing, patiently waiting in the living room. Once you make it out in your pajamas that consist of your brother's huge t-shirt, you find him scrolling through his phone. 
“You gonna be fine?”
“Yeah, yeah.” You're seconds from passing out. You might've stumbled in the bath a few times but you hope he didn't hear that. 
You drag your feet to your bedroom and fall onto bed. You'll cover yourself later. As soon as you lay down, you ignore your spinning head and the disgusting taste of vomit that is still present, even though you've brushed and rinsed your teeth even in your drunken state.
The night is wild.
You throw up a few times, finding a prepared bucket beside your bed but unfortunately, you don't make it into it the first time. Once you wake up with a messy and aching head, you notice vomits on your floor and you cringe at yourself. Disgusting. 
You wake up around twelve, finally in a better state to leave your eyes open without having to vomit everywhere. You're about to reach for your phone, knowing you're going to have at least a dozen messages from your brother. But you stop yourself as you stare at things that weren't on your nightstand before.
There's a glass of water. A box of painkillers and a chocolate bar wrapped in a package filled with pink and red hearts. 
There's a note stuck to it. 
'Happy Valentine's Day, JK'
You stare, reading the note over and over again. 
And they say romance is dead.
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borathae · 2 months
BTS Reaction to: Period Sex
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Genre: Smut 
Gender: female
Warnings: period sex, mention of period blood, individual warnings per member if necessary
Wordcount: 2.2k
a/n: there was a time where i couldn't imagine period sex because of 🤪trauma🤪 now i'm over here eating it tf uppp 🧡
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cw: subbish!Joon, guilt, idk why this got a lil angsty haha
He’d be the kind of guy to pull out instantly and then panic. “Baby, this is bad. This is really bad. You’re bleeding, oh god. What do we do?” 
“I’m bleeding? But I don’t feel anything.”
You’d sit up to check and Namjoon would be a mess, gripping his own hair and staring at the blood soaked sheets in horror.
“I knew that this would happen one day. Stupid Namjoon, why can you be careful once? Everything I touch, I break. I tried so hard to be gentle with you. Stupid Namjoon, I’m so fucking rough.”
“Huh? Joonie, don’t say that. I think it’s just my period.”
“Your period?”
“Yeah”, you’d touch your own folds, “yeah, that’s my period. It feels like it. Kinda gross, isn’t it?”
Namjoon would shake his head instantly. 
“It’s not gross. You’re not gross. Nothing about you’s gross”, he’d assure you with kisses to your neck and shoulders. 
“And you’re not stupid or rough”, you’d whisper with scratches to his scalp, “slip it in like this, Joonbug. Me sitting by the edge and you standing up. Wanna have my big boy all inside me as I hug him close.”
“I want to, I got soft though. Sorry, I panicked.”
“That’s okay. Look at me.”
Namjoon would gaze down at you, sighing dreamily as you slid his softened cock back inside.
“Let’s look at each other till you’re hard again.”
Namjoon would shudder and grip you as gently as possible.
“It, it won’t take long”, he’d promise you breathily.
“Good, that’s good. My handsome Joonie. You treat me so gently.”
“Baby…holy fuck…ahm…”
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He’d be so mature about it, but in a funny way because he knows that you are really embarrassed about it. Some people in your past were assholes about it, which made you insecure about the entire deal. So when it’d happen, he would be mature about it. You’d be on top, riding him with your head rolled back in bliss. One of his hands would be on your tits, playing with them, the other would be on your hip with his thumb on your clit, rolling slow circles. He wouldn’t notice it at first until hot, wet slick started to smear all over his thighs and crotch. So he’d lift you for a moment, looking up at you instantly to check if you had noticed. You wouldn’t because he’d have gotten you so far gone in bliss.
“Are you hurting, darling?” he would still check up on you just in case it isn’t your period.
“No, feels good…so good…”
“That’s good to hear. You feel so good too.”
“Oh god, Jinnie…”
He’d make you cum first and then would catch you as you fled into his arms with giggles. 
“Do you feel good? My darling, do you feel good?” he’d check up on you as his hips thrust up into your tightened heat. Honest confession, he’d be really into period sex because you get so wet and fucking warm and his cock would just LOVE to be inside you when you’re like this. So he’d definitely keep going after your orgasm ‘cause he’s pussy drunk for you.
“Yes”, you’d whimper and grip his hair, “please don’t stop.”
The confession would happen during aftercare, once he made you cum too many times to count. He’d make sure you’d be giggly and happy and only then he’d drop it.
“I want you to know that there is nothing about you which would ever gross me out.”
“No? Not even my nuclear stink farts?”
Seokjin would laugh with you.
“Okay maybe those, yeah.”
And you would laugh even harder and he’d be assured that it wouldn’t trigger you anymore.
“I’m just telling you because I noticed that you started your period.”
“I did?” you’d gasp and tense up just a little.
“It’s no big deal, we can wash it off.”
And he would be nervous for a moment until you relaxed again and chuckled.
“Oh god, no wonder it felt so slippery.”
“Mhm, yeah. It’s so hot. You were so wet.”
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Based on Suchwita and him confessing that he passes out when seeing blood, I feel like he’d be a mess lmaoo. If he knows that your period is coming or that it is already there and you fuck, he doesn’t get squeamish around the sight because he knows that it’s not technically blood blood. But if it comes as a surprise and he thinks that he hurt you to the point of bleeding? Boy will probably drop next to you all passed out and with a fainting-victorian-lady level of whimper. It’s honestly a little funny to imagine him dropping all xOx with his boner all bloody and his thighs all messy. You’d be the one having to keep him company until he wakes again. Once he does finally wake up, he’d instantly want to apologise (with tears and on his knees) but you’d stop him with a fond “it’s just my period, you little baby”, followed by a kiss and a chuckled, “how are you? I lost you for a moment.” 
“Not gonna lie, I’m a little traumatised. I thought that I’d hurt you.”
“Nope. You just fucked me so good, you fucked my period outta me.”
At that Yoongi’s cheeks would flush blood red and he’d stutter and mutter his words.
“Don’t say, say that oh my, my god.” 
To which you’d giggle and smooch him, “you’re such a cutie, Yoongi love. Let’s hop in the show and get clean, yeah?”
“Yeah, uh, fuck sorry for passing out. That was embarrassing.”
“It’s fine. I know you’re a big baby.”
“Hey! Not cool”, he’d whine with a pout, pouting harder when you tried to kiss it away just so you would try again.
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cw: fingering
It would happen during foreplay. You’d be making out, he’d have two of his long fingers buried inside you and you’d pump his cock slowly. Tension would be at its breaking point, you’d both wanted the other abysmally. And so you gave in. Hoseok’s slickened fingers would grip the pillow.
Too late, the mess was already on the fabric. You’d both be staring at the red spot, then ogle your middle.
“I, uh…” you’d begin, feeling nervous and a little insecure. Hoseok is a lovely, wonderful boyfriend but it’s still a little embarrassing to randomly start your period in the middle of something as sexy as intercourse. 
“I mean, the mess is already made. What bad is gonna do a little more?” he would instantly assure you because he’d sense your discomfort. He is honest. It happened before that you started your period during sex and he doesn’t think it gross. He’d actually be really excited about it because you are so much warmer and wetter when you’re on your period. You are also a lot more sensitive, which finally explains why he accidentally made you cum during foreplay. 
“Are you serious?” you’d gasp, but with an excited tingle in your stomach.
“Very. I won’t let a little blood stop me. Are you down too?”
“Yeah, uh, holy fuck Hobi. Yeah I am.”
“That’s my girl. Now spread those sexy legs of yours and let me fuck it out of you.”
You would follow instantly and seconds later he would slip his engorged cock into your dripping cunt while his fingers slipped to your clit and your name left him through gritted teeth. 
“So fucking wet. Gotta fucking love your pussy, fuck baby…”
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He’d be such a worried bean. It would happen during the soft, romantic kind of sex. You and he had been tangled up in missionary for a while. Body heats were raised, lips puffy from kissing and breaths sped up. He would have to break away for a moment to give his arms some rest. His hand would slip down to your middle to rub your clit, his eyes following his touch. “Baby, you’re bleeding!” his exclaim would be instant, his worry obvious in his voice, “holy shit, are you okay? Did I hurt you?”
You would sit up as best as possible to check it out yourself. You wouldn’t be in pain, so hearing his words would be confusing to you at first until you’d see his blood coated cock and your messy thighs.
“No, I uh, I guess I started my period. Fuck, this is embarrassing.”
At that Jimin would instantly jump into caring mode. He’d cup your face and kiss your lips as he’d whisper sweet words of encouragement.
“Don’t be embarrassed. You’re so beautiful, my sweetheart. You’re not in pain, right?”
“No. No pain at all”, you’d sigh and grasp his hair because his hips would roll into you slowly and gently to distract you and get both of you back into the mood. His skilled hips wouldn’t be able to stay still now that he knew that the mess was natural and not made because of him being too rough.
“No pain?”
Jimin, who would feel you clench and tighten around him and who would taste every single one of your sighs, would lie you down gently again and slide his thumb back to your clit to rub her.
“Does this feel good to you?”
“Yes Mimi…so good…”
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cw: Dom!Tae, loving degradation ("my slut")
He wouldn’t say anything about it because he would have already had a gist. You get a certain way when your period is close, so he would have picked up on the signs. It would still come as a surprise because there would be far more blood than he imagined there to be. You’d be on your side with one leg bend around his waist as he fucked into you. He’d be kneeling, your thigh under him and between his own meaty thighs. His hips would be colliding with your ass with each deep, passionate thrust, his big hands would claim your soft body in strong grips and tender touches. You’d be moaning so much, shaking in his hold as he’d fuck the period horny out of you (you’d have been moody yet horny all day until he finally decided enough is enough and took care of it). One moment his cock would be glistening in your pleasure, the next it’s a deep red. The red would begin gushing out of you instantly, spreading all over his crotch and your ass and Taehyung would smirk, admiring it with blown out pupils and a throbbing cock. He fucked you good enough that your body finally gave up. That’s the kind of remedy he wanted to be for you.
“Am I fucking you good, mhm? Is my little slut finally satisfied?”
“Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!”
“Of course you are. That’s my pretty slut. Keep moaning for me. You’re such a good girl”, he’d growl and pound into you harder, gritting his teeth as you wailed for him in pure ecstasy. 
He wouldn’t mention it until after he drew multiple orgasms out of you and you’d be dripping in his seed. You’d be all cuddled and snuggled up and he’d kiss your face thoroughly with his strong arms around you.
“You started your period, by the way.”
“I did what?!”
“Mhm, don’t worry about it.”
“Oh god, this is so bad, I-”
“I said; don’t worry about it. I had a gist, I laid out a towel. Nothing’s gonna get dirty.”
“You had a gist?”
“Mhm, you get a certain way.”
“I do?”
“Mhm, you get cranky but horny. I know I can make you happy again with a good dicking down. Kinda wanted it to happen, which is why I fucked you like a slut.”
“You’re actually so annoying sometimes, oh my god”, you’d whine, making him chuckle and kiss your lips.
“Mhm, love you too.”
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cw: Dom!Kook, strength kink
Another candidate for worried bean, but he would try to be polite about it. The sex you and he would be having would be a little rough. You’d be on all fours, drooling all over the sheets as he’d rearrange your insides with skilled thrusts. He wouldn’t notice it at first, too preoccupied with having his head thrown back and moaning with closed eyes as your puffy cunt was milking him oh so good. His big hands would be gripping you, leaving marks and tender spots. It would honestly be so passionate and hot. Then he’d start feeling it. You’d get wetter and wetter and wetter. He’d just have to see for himself. He’d be cocky at first until he’d see the bloody mess all over his cock and thighs. Even your ass would be covered in it. He’d stop instantly, which would earn him your fingers gripping his hips in an attempt to get him to move.
“Don’t stop please, please.”
“Baby, I wanna tell you something.”
“What?” You’d move your head just enough that you could gawk at him, “now??”
“It’s really important. You should really know.”
“What is it?” you’d sound out of breath and a little annoyed. 
“I think you, uhm, started your period.”
“Really?” you’d tense up, move and squirm in an obviously embarrassed way. And Jungkook would instantly feel bad because he didn’t want to embarrass you. So he’d lie his muscular body over yours and kiss your neck and shoulders, intertwining his hands with yours so he could pin them into the sheets.
“That’s not gonna stop us, right?” he’d rasp, feeling you clench around him.
“You’re not grossed out?”
“Not in the slightest. You’re still comfortable, yeah? Nothing hurts?””
“No…just want you to move please.”
“Everything my babygirl wants. Mhm, I’m so lucky, I’ve got the prettiest girl in the world.”
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gassyandnasty · 6 months
The Jock Formula - 1.1
This scene is an extended part of Drew waking up an discovering that he became a jock.
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After feeling ill, Drew wake up with everything turned upside down. The formula made a number on him, leaving his stomach aching, and everything got even crazyer when he saw that the clothes he was wearing got completely ripped.
Drew got up fast and chased after the first mirror he could find. Without believing it, he saw his ripped body and rumbling muscles for the first time.
His flail arms and chicken legs started to be a memory, with his first move, he flexed his biceps and they looked huge! He felt he could carry ten 'Andrews' with them.
"Awesome!" Drew admired how strong he looked, and quickly gained control of his body. "Always wanted to try this out..." he said to himself while he tried to bounce his pecs. It worked! He laughed as his pecs bounced in sync, left or right, the order he wanted.
He turned around to see his new toned back, and something big and plump got his attention: his ass looked amazing! His buns of steel ripped the shorts he was wearing. He caught himself thinking on how heavy they would feel on someone's face... must be the formula emptying his thoughts.
But the stomachache didn't pass yet. His belly rumbled like never before.
"I might have to relieve myself... HNNGG" Drew scrunched up his face and grunted, relieving himself in the form of a loud and deep fart, the biggest he ever ripped
"Aaaaah...that was WICKED!" Drew laughed as he saw his fart almost ripping the rest of his shorts. "But damn, that smells bad." Very bad, he got some facefulls when he was a nerd, and nothing was like it.
Even after the big release, his stomach was still giving his trouble. "C'mon, is it going to kill me?" Drew says as he pats his belly, and that dislodges a very loud and gurgly belch.
"I feel so much better, this is fun!" Drew swallows some air, and brings more gas to be released:
"One more..."
"Damn haha I'm a master already! Will win all the burping contests!"
Drew never thought of burping contests before, he only cared about his grades, but now, ace al the exams didn't feel as wild and awesome than ripping beasts like those. He couldn't wait to blast, I mean, show that to his friends.
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dansformations · 5 months
"This is life"
Tags: Male tfs, dumbification, IQ loss, fart kink, burp kink.
"Now this Is life" i said to myself while entering to my apartament. Since i gave that potion to my big brother, im living like a man should.
See, my big brother was always too polite, to strict, like an adult, i Guess he took the dad role since my dad leave us, so even when were just us two, it was like living with an stric dad.
"Dont leave the dirty clothes in the floor" "Dont Belch at the table!" "No marihuana!" "Clean the toilet seat, u gross!"
I was so sick of It. So i check and check in the weirdest places of the internet until i found a site that said that rigthfully could change peoples personality. It looked like a scam... But was worth trying. Just 3 days after a package arrived.
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"Only put this oil in a drink, put some scent of the person you wanna 'the turned' be like, and then make sure 'the turned' drink It" - said the handmade intructions.
I put some soda in a glass, the oil and... Why not? I take my undies off and dip it in the drink for half of minute, then just left the wet undies in a corner of the room.
I gave it to my brother saying it was an 'Peace offer', he was surprised, and took it with an smile. First sip. All ok. Second sip. Confused face. Third sip...
- It tastes a little bit fu-UUUUURRRP - his talking turned into a big, deep, belch, he got Blushed - oh, excuse m-EEEEERRP AURRRP- You little fuck! What did You put in my drink!?
- Just something... To relax you
He tried to get up from the couch but when he bend, a Big, rumbly and smelly fart came out from his ass, he was looking shock.
- Good one bro! -told Him.
- Haha i know - he said, then he realiced - wait, what? No! That was gro-UUUUUAAARRRRRRRP - He Belched again- that was a combo! - he laughed
- Exactly! Why don't you finish your drink? Full that Tank of combos, big bro
He looked confused for a moment, like trying to remenber something, but at the end he shrugged and drank the rest of his drink, sealing his new personality.
- The first one is coming lil bro - he said with a lower tone, then he Open his mouth and...- UUUUUUUUUARRRRRRP -lifted his leg and- PFFFFFFRRTRTTTTTFFFRT
We both laugh together, which wasnt usual. Since that day things changed, no more scolding, no more laundry or cleaning, deliveries instead of cooking, gym and no showers, weed and beers everytime we want, burping and farting on the table or any other place, even each other faces. I never tough we could get a long this good... And i Guess we couldnt, my new brother is basically a copy of me, thats why we finally get along but... Who cares?
"Now this Is life" i said to myself while entering with wings for lunch to our messy, smelly apartament, the familiar stench says hi to me and i breath it happily.
- Finally broski, i was hungry so had to eat pizza while waiting - he said
- Still have room for the wings?
He lied on his chair, lifted a leg and rip a a lot of farts out, the stench quickly take over the room, and i just laugh while fan away the stench with my hands.
- Now i do - he said with a smile
Man, this is life.
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rebouks · 7 months
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Previous // Next
Hey Bird Boy!
I promised I’d write didn’t I? I’m missing you already, which is kinda stupid and cheesy, but true! There aren’t any other kids around now the holidays are over, so it’s just old people and super outdoorsy people who walk really fast with weird sticks and stuff, lame! Daddy lent me his crappy polaroid he uses for work so I can send you pictures and stuff so at least I’ve got something to do, they won’t be as good as yours but it’s better than nothing.
I tried to get a good picture but it’s hard to hold this huge thing with one hand and this is the best I could do but my teeth are totally starting to grow back so maybe I won’t look so dumb soon.. you can’t really see em but I can feel em poking through!!! It kinda hurts but I suppose we only have to grow em once so it’s not so bad. Growing teeth as a baby doesn’t count cos you can’t remember it.. how many teeth does your little sister have?!
I’m super looking forward to getting to know you properly since I can ask you stuff now! I’ll try n remember to ask you things instead of talking about myself the whole-time cos that’d be annoying to reply to, wouldn’t it?
By the way.. I took a bunch of pictures of my dad until I caught him laughing just to show you that he can be fun and nice, not always grumpy! He thinks he looks cool with his gold teeth but I think they make him look goofy, like a wannabe pirate haha!! YARRR!
I set Amber free cos I started to feel bad about keeping her cooped up in that tiny plastic box and I don’t think I’d like it if I were her, like how I’m starting to hate this stupid tower! I miss looking at her but I decided to start collecting fancy rocks instead since they’re not alive and don’t have any feelings. Dad digs up stuff for work sometimes so it makes total sense!! He said I’m not allowed to join him for that but we can do it on our own instead.. he bought me a big pretty one to start my collection, even though it’s kinda like cheating it still counts!
We found a birdwatching book stuffed in the back of the bookshelf looking for this notebook and dad said we should put some food out to see which ones we could spot.. they attacked him whilst he was putting the seeds out though so he said it was a stupid hobby and that he didn’t want to do it anymore. GET READY FOR THIS!!!
Ahahahahaahaaa I almost dropped his camera laughing at him and he took it off me for a couple days but it was totally worth it, please please pleaaaaase keep this picture cos I almost didn’t wanna send it to you so I could laugh at it forever and ever hahahaha!!!!
Oh, and I told daddy to take some pictures of me whilst I wasn’t looking like you do cos I thought it’d be neat, but I forgot I asked him to do it and got mad at him cos I was in my pj’s and my hair was all crazy.. it’s kinda funny I GUESS!! Plus, he said it made us even for me sending you the picture of him with the birds so here you go BUT DON’T KEEP THIS ONE!!
I got carried away and forgot to ask you stuff so here’s a list!
How old are you?
When’s your birthday?
Do you have any pets?!
What’s your favourite food?
Do you have all your big teeth yet? (it totally looked like it but you never know!!)
I was gonna think of more stuff to ask you and now the back of this page looks really empty but my brain farted and I really wanna send you this so you can send one back! I’ll think of more I promise!! I’m looking forward to “talking” to you so I guess you can write about whatever you want.. and I wanna see your house!! I bet your pictures will be way better than mine!
Yours excitedly, Alex :]
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kwinnieppang · 6 months
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𝐈 𝐁𝐞𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐨 𝐒𝐨𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐝 || Kim Da-yeon x Fem!Reader
I Bet You Are So Soaked || Kim Da-yeon (Pyramid Game)
Starring : Kim Da-yeon (Pyramid Game) x Fem!Reader
Synopsis : You and Dayeon have been friends for a long time. You are Dayeon's most comfortable place, you could say that your relationship with Dayeon is more than just friends. Even though you're both women, the way Dayeon treats you is like a man. Pyramid Game is not an obstacle for Dayeon not to be with you. Only you can make Dayeon feel calm.
Warning : Fluff, Lesbian, NonVirgin! Reader, PWP, Smut (Oral!Reader receiving, Overstimulation!Reader, Pussydrunk!Dayeon, Dub-con ⟶ Con, Degrading), Typographical Error
Author's note: I'm not normalising the things that happen here in the real world, this is all just for stories and not for the real world! Stay safe for you all out there and I'm sorry if this story is triggering you!
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You and Dayeon have been friends since childhood. You already know each other very well. Your parents also know each other. Dayeon's arrogant and stubborn nature has become your daily bread. You also can't deny that your family is slightly below the Dayeon family.
Wherever you go, Dayeon will always follow you.
You could say that you are a little bored with Dayeon. But, what else can I do?
Dayeon is the friend you can trust the most.
"How? You do still feel the pain?" You asked casually.
“Well…” Dayeon winced slightly in pain as you treated her.
Dayeon grew up in an abusive family.
All problems are solved by venting using violence, especially on Dayeon.
"I told you, don't do anything." You're nagging.
“I've been trying not to fight, ___. But, that old fart is the only one who is sensitive.” Dayeon grumbled.
You didn't respond, you just focused on treating Dayeon.
"Haha… ___."
You started to become suspicious of Dayeon's behaviour.
"What?" You stopped for a moment to look at Dayeon.
Dayeon brought her face closer to you.
“Want to drink wine with me?” Dayeon asked with a soft intonation.
"I don't like-"
"You have to try it, ___. If you don’t try it, how will you know if you don’t like it…?” Dayeon moved her index finger from ___'s chest towards ___'s stomach.
You could feel her amusement, you held Dayeon's hand.
“You are out of your mind.”
Dayeon pouted for a moment.
“Then… If you refuse…”
Dayeon grinned.
"I can drink your juice, right?" Dayeon asked with a grin.
You can't refuse Dayeon's request. Just say that you're afraid Dayeon is threatening you with terrible things. You know that in fact, Dayeon could go berserk at any time. You don't dare to fight Dayeon, you don't understand Dayeon very deeply. You don't feel like living with a family of bastards.
You took off your pants and underwear.
When you leaned against the edge of the bed, Dayeon positioned her head between your legs. Dayeon immediately grabbed both of your inner thighs and opened them wide. Dayeon licks your clit, playing around there. Makes you sigh and feel uncomfortable. Your body squirmed and shivered, you could feel your nipples harden under your shirt.
“Dayeon… Ahh… Don't play there…” You clenched your fists.
The cold floor of the room makes you even more carried away by the atmosphere.
“Uhm… I want you so wet…” Dayeon was still licking her clit.
“Haa… Ahh…!” Your body convulses.
Dayeon stopped.
Followed immediately by pulling your hips and sucking your already wet vagina.
“Ahh~! Uhm… No…” You covered your own mouth again.
You just remembered, there is someone else in your house.
“Ahh… Dayeon…” You moaned her name.
Dayeon keeps licking and sucking your pussy.
“Hmm… Ahh…”
Dayeon's tongue started to poke at your hole. Your clear liquid is getting more and more and it's all being sucked up by Dayeon. Until finally, you reach the point of enjoyment. You orgasmed and Dayeon stopped. Dayeon saw you trying to neutralise yourself.
Dayeon was very happy.
“I really like you.” Dayeon moved closer to you.
Dayeon hugged you and buried her face in your shoulder.
“I wish I were a boy.” Dayeon whispered.
“I want to make you mine, I… Like you.”
You were quite touched to hear her words, but you thought again.
‘I like you better if you are who you are now.’
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In the end, you both entered as students of Baekyeon Girls High School. At first you thought that you would separate classes, but it turned out you didn't and you were still in the same class as Dayeon. The two of you are in class 2-5, a class that can be said to be special. Luckily, Dayeon is starting to get away from you. Dayeon made some new friends, and so did you.
“___, I have the latest information.” Dayeon sat next to you.
“Huh?” You're clearly confused.
“Do you like caste games? Me, Harin, and Doah will make a game about caste.” Dayeon smiled proudly.
“Ah, if it's just a game—”
"Listen first~ If you are in the highest position, you are free to do whatever you want! But, if you are at the bottom, you will be—”
“Bully?” You reply curtly.
Dayeon nodded, she didn't seem to understand the situation yet.
"How? Cool, right?" Dayeon smiled casually.
“It’s not cool, really.” You don't agree with Dayeon.
“Hey, if you're angry… You can take it out on the lowest ranked person…”
“That's not cool.”
Dayeon put her arm around you and poking your cheek.
“Hey, don't be like that... Ah, what's your opinion anyway? Not used either."
You were a little annoyed with Dayeon's behaviour, so you pushed Dayeon's hand away.
“That's enough for me. Whatever happens, I will follow the flow. If it really comes to that and i can't stand it... I'll leave."
“But, you will tell—”
"Don't interfere." You replied coldly.
This was the first time you were cold to Dayeon.
“___…? You… are just annoyed, right?” Dayeon asked doubtfully.
You ignored Dayeon and walked out of the classroom.
Now, you have other friends besides Dayeon. Lim Yerim and Sim Eunjung are your new friends. The differences in character and way of speaking between the two of them are very significant. Yerim tends to be friendly and sweet, while Eunjung tends to be cold and quiet. But, you think it's okay, humans are unique.
The Pyramid Game is still being implemented.
Although, you don't know whether the people around you agree to play the game or not.
You wonder why Dayeon can always be in A with Dayeon's new friends. You also felt a change in Dayeon's attitude. You thought maybe it was the Pyramid Game that put you in position C. Dayeon's attitude towards you also changed, she became more indifferent and arrogant. You don't care, you think it's normal.
"Isn't her family a bit unique?" You mumbled, talking or mocking Dayeon's family.
"___, What is it?" Yerim asked.
"I feel like burning down the house... But, I know... I can't do it." You wore a gloomy expression.
“On what basis do you want to burn down the house?” Eunjung asked.
You put your head on the table.
“Ahh~ I don't have any enthusiasm today…” You grumbled to yourself.
"Maybe she needs some time alone." Yerim said to Eunjung.
"Yeah, but there's no need to burn down the house." Eunjung replied.
“Why are you focused on burning down the house? ___ is just frustrated and just talking nonsense." Yerim said.
The day goes on, the game continues. But, you were never at grade F. Luckily, Eunjung and Yerim loyally chose you. For others, you don't know who chose you. At least, you're not in F and that makes you feel safe. Your ranking always goes up and down, B and C.
“Who voted for me…?” You always mumble like that after the game is over.
You've talked about this to Yerim and Eunjung.
“It would be good if you could equal B.” Yerim said.
“But, I was—”
“Ah— No, no!” Yerim shook her head while telling you to be quiet.
“You survived F, for me that's enough. You get more votes, for me that's very good!” Yerim gave both thumbs up with a smile.
You looked at your cellphone which was vibrating because someone was calling.
"Who's that? Hm?” Yerim was curious.
You immediately refuse and your smartphone screen display returns to normal.
“No, no one.” You smiled back at Yerim.
You also started to reject calls from Dayeon.
A revenge would be nice, isn't it?
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“Why do you rarely answer my calls? Am I no longer important? Your behaviour has changed, ___.” Dayeon scolded.
You were talking to Dayeon on your cell phone.
“Stop it, Dayeon.” You reply wearily.
“Stop? Huh! Very funny. You don't like me? You don't care about me anymore, right? Yerim and Eunjung made you forget about me. Am I-"
“Don't try to hurt them, Dayeon-ah.” Your tone is very harsh.
"What's that?" Dayeon held back her laughter.
“You are the one who has changed. If you really want to remain friends with me, come to me. But, in fact it's not. You're noisy, I'll just turn it off.”
"Yah, ___! It is you-"
You end the one-sided conversation, you've had enough.
You think that this way, Dayeon won't bother you.
But, you are wrong.
Dayeon was already in front of your house and asked to come in. Of course, you forbid it. But, Dayeon wouldn't be if she wasn't stubborn. On the other hand, you are afraid that Dayeon will report strange things to her family and destroy your family. Reluctantly, you let Dayeon into your house.
"Very funny... In the past, you were very happy when I was around. Now, you are rejecting me.” Dayeon grinned.
“I am a typical person who is always changing. Whatever it is, my thoughts will always change from time to time. Including… People who are accepted and those who are not.” You explained flatly.
“Hm, that's exciting… Look at you, trying hard to look like me. Oh, are you maybe inspired by Doah?” Dayeon brought her face closer to you.
You just kept quiet while looking at her flatly.
“Then will Yerim and Eunjung be thrown away and I will be accepted back?” Dayeon asked with her confident nature.
"Who knows…"
Dayeon grinned.
"But, it could be that you will really be thrown away by me later." You continued.
Dayeon didn't accept the answer, she pushed until you were pinned against the wall.
“What did you say just now? Repeat."
“I'm not afraid of you, Dayeon. I'm just afraid for your family.”
“I could ruin your life right now.” Dayeon replied arrogantly.
“You are nothing but a schoolgirl—”
“Self-awareness is important, Dayeon.”
Dayeon threw you to the floor and you collapsed.
“My dear dog seems to be getting cocky. I have to give her training.” Dayeon grinned.
The dog is you.
You just gave Dayeon the middle finger.
Without further ado, Dayeon removed your lower clothing. Dayeon also misses your juice. Your legs were spread wide and Dayeon's head was between them. Her tongue licks your wet pussy mercilessly. Makes your body limp and sensitive.
“Ahh~! Stop it! Haa…~!”
You grabbed Dayeon's hair.
Dayeon squeezed your thighs even more and pushed in opposite directions.
“Ahhh~! No, I don't want to be with you anymore..."
Inevitably, you orgasm.
But, Dayeon still wanted more.
"You said you didn't want to be with me anymore. But, in reality you are still wet with me."
You felt annoyed and grabbed Dayeon.
“You think it's funny? You are playing with my feelings!”
“Playing with what?”
“You think all that is funny? You walked away from me and ignored me. You only come if you need it! Oh, damn!” You cursed at Dayeon.
You pushed Dayeon away and put your clothes back on properly.
You intended to leave Dayeon, but she held you back.
"Wait a moment, ___!" Dayeon grabbed your wrist.
"You are jealous?"
You are silent.
'Should I be honest or not? Will this be detrimental for me or not?’ You think.
“Yes, indeed I am jealous! Your crazy family is stressing you out and I should be your comfort place. But, you just go and have fun with the people who are in Grade F! Once you have friends who are the same frequency, you forget about me. Don't you remember anything we did together? You're crazy, Dayeon!”
"If you really want to end our friendship, then just end it! But, don't ever look for me again!” You tried to let go of Dayeon's wrist.
"Yah!" Dayeon held you tighter.
"If you dare leave me, I will tell my father that you are a bastard."
You glared at Dayeon.
Dayeon hugs you tightly and smirks.
“Is it unclear? You are mine. Whatever it is, you are still mine. No one can take you from me.” She whispered.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
Since that incident, your relationship with Dayeon has become more intense. It's quite a question, but you can answer it and give logical reasons. Especially with Yerim and Eunjung, you played a little fact with them. Your friendship with Yerim and Eunjung is still running smoothly. Now, you have to divide your time to be with your friends and for Dayeon.
Like now, you and Dayeon went to the warehouse during an empty hour or self study hour.
“Mmhhh…” You let your mouth be explored by Dayeon's tongue.
Dayeon's fingers also groped your womanhood.
“Ahh… Really, is this okay…?” You asked.
"Don't worry, it's free time."
Dayeon had an idea, she lay down on the floor.
"What are you doing…?" You asked in confusion, an innocent look.
“Take off your panties and sit on my face.”
You obeyed Dayeon and you sat on her face. You can feel Dayeon's tongue playing on your pussy. You could feel your clitoris being attacked by her tongue. Your hole is poked by Dayeon's tongue. Really, Dayeon's tongue makes you almost crazy.
“Ahh~! Your tongue… Ahh… Hmm… Dayeon… I'm going to cum…” You orgasm.
Dayeon grinned, he still continued licking your juice.
"Haa... Shh... What if the teacher knows...?"
"Just tell me the truth.
"Mmhh... What about your papa...?"
Dayeon stopped licking for a moment.
"Does he care about me?" Dayeon continued licking you.
“Ahh… It's okay, Dayeon… You… Nghh… Ahhh… Slow down…” You grabbed Dayeon's hair.
“Uhm…” Dayeon slurped up your juices that kept coming out.
“Let… Ahh~! I'm talking…! Ahh…”
Dayeon doesn't let you talk by continuing to attack your womanhood using her tongue.
“Ahhh~! Uhm… Dayeon… Enough…” You grabbed Dayeon's hair more roughly.
Dayeon ignores what you want. Dayeon instead grabbed and pulled your waist to keep sitting on her. Basically, Dayeon is addicted to you. Dayeon thinks it's okay, Dayeon thinks you need it. At least, your lust is also channelled.
You like it, right?”
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The End
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smellystars · 6 months
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Credit: @theleomarspt2
“He looks so perfect” I thought to myself as I looked at him
Sebastian and I have become incredibly close over the time I started working in the chemistry department. I was just an undergrad trying to get some experience under my belt and maybe make some money on the side. Sebastian, on the other hand, was a pretty well-rounded PhD student. He was making a good living with his research and teaching, and was pretty well liked within the faculty. And yet, somehow, he decided to ask me out. Of all people that fawned over him this confident stud decided to ask me if I would be down to go on a hike with him.
“how you feelin’?” He asked, the sweat making his biceps glisten.
“Good…” I said, the puffing in my breath betraying and showing how out of shape I truly am.
“Haha wanna rest for a bit?”
I sighed, threw my bag on the ground and proceeded to simply drop onto the floor. After catching my breath and taking a swig of water I took a second to look at the scenery. It was gorgeous, we were not too far from a small stream with a very slow flow.
“Hey, you want to see something cool?” Sebastian asks.
“Sure” I answered. Sebestian’s face lights up with glee as he starts to move towards the stream. Reaching the stream he squats, the water grazing his cheeks. “Ready” he asks with a smile. “Yea……” before I could even finish the word an ear ringing sound exploded from Sebastian.
The once slowly moving stream began to fill with bubbles, Sebastian creating his own personal hot tub. Thou a bit away I could feel the vibration of his gas causing small pebbles and stones to jump around. I watched as the stream began to shrink slowly drying out with his minute long quake. The stream now nothing but a barren ditch, no water to be found.
“Did you see that? Impressive right?” Sebastian asked with a hearty smile. I stood up, amazed at what I had just witnessed. “Wow, I’ve never witnessed something like that.” I said. “How can such a hot guy rip ass that strong”, is all I thought to myself as I watch Sebastian flex in the dried stream. He takes a step out raises a leg and let’s rip another loud but shorter fart.
“Sorry when the gate opens it’s hard to close.”
“Seb how is that possible?”
The proud smirk morphed into a puzzled face at first, but his confidence came back as he smiled.
“You got a superhuman boyfriend, promise I will keep you safe though” He said, with the charming deep voice I was so in love with.
We continued to walk for about 20 minutes, talking about the chemistry department and what each of us were doing in our program. As we walked, Sebastian was ripping burps and farts throughout but seemingly holding back. I am not sure if I should be thankful or not. On the one hand I am in love with how manly he is, his huge biceps, his dark beard, to have a man capable of such destruction was quite a dream when I think about it. And yet, in reality, it was intimidating to think that one fart from him was capable of dying up a creek. Would we be able to share a living space? What if one night he farted strongly enough it shattered the windows? What if nightly the bedsheets flew away from his farts? I guess I was lost in my thoughts and wandered ahead a little bit.
A loud fart took me out of my trance. I turned to see Sebastian bending over few feet behind me. Though the I turned around within the first few seconds of the fart, Sebastian seemed to want to make it a point how strong he was as he let the fart rip for a little over forty seconds. As the fart went on the leaves behind him were blown, and the pungent smell, something akin to spoiled beans, seemed to envelope us, some birds even beginning to fly away to escape.
“Now don’t go leaving me behind again” He warned with a sweet smile, as he trotted to catch up to me.
He took my hand and said “Hey, I have a little surprise for you. There’s a clearing a bit off the path ahead, we are so close let’s go”.
We walked over about two hundred feet till we reached the clearing. He let go of my hand, threw his backpack on the ground and kneeled. He took a picnic blanket out of his backpack, a couple of beers and he sat down with his muscular legs extended.
“Come on” he said “the ground is comfy I promise”
I followed his lead and laid next to him, he passed me a beer. We started drinking and talking, he would start burping after every swing too, and I think he noticed how excited it got me cause they only started getting louder.
“So…. what’s the surprise?” I asked
“Two in one deal actually” And saying that, he raised his knee to his chest and winked.
“For one I wanna give you a little test you see” He said as his fart made the blanket flutter and the ground shake enough for me to feel it. He proceeds to lead to his left, his round ass facing me now.
“You see you caught my eye since I first saw you walk into the chem department” His fart was strong enough to push back my hair. The smell hit me instantly and I started coughing.
“I mean look at you pretty boy, you got an angelic face and a cute slender body” Though shorter, this fart packed a punch, enough that it pushed me back a bit. I could also see a cloud of dust and leaves forming as the winds kicked them off the ground. I ended up lying face up, eyes closed at first, but when I opened them I saw Sebastian standing over me. He squats, crotch to bring his face close to mine, a grin drawing across his face.
“And I know you like me too, have watched how you watch me” He said flexing. It felt as though I was laying right next to a radiator. “But pretty boys like you can’t handle dating a human with superfarts” He said “You though, you are holding just fine”.
He let out one last fart before he stood back up and extended a hand out to me. Coughing, I took it and proceeded to stand up with shaking legs.
“Well you passed your surprise test, and with extra credit too” Said Sebastian as he pointed to my crotch, which betrayed me as it showed my excitement. “So it’s time for your second surprise”. He grabbed my hands into his and looked me in the eyes.
“Know you know what my farts can do….. You still want to go out with me?”
I took a deep breath, his still lingering gas burning my lungs. Through the coughing fit and red eyes I gave my answer.
“Yes. Your volume of gas will take some getting used to but why would I ever give up this opportunity.”
Sebastian brimming with joy, says on thing, “to commemorate this occasion I’ll show you something extra special.” He takes a few steps away and lays on his stomach arching his back, his butt aiming towards to sky.
“I don’t want any clouds, ruining our first pic together.” And with that the loudest and strongest fart I ever experienced erupted out of Sebastian. The trees closest to us bend either their leaves getting ripped off the branches blown in his foul winds. Animals the vacuity scattering from fear of being enveloped by the stink cloud. A force so strong that trees a mile sway from his winds. I look up to see the few clouds in the sky swirly break apart and dissipate into the atmosphere.
Sebastian gets up with a sigh of relief, “ahh, okay let’s take a picture.”
I walk towards him my eyes beginning watering, I steel myself accepting that this is going to be my life from now on. A smile forming on my face. I reach Sebastian and hug him taking a picture in-front of the clear sky.
“I couldn’t be happier”
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ganondoodle · 15 days
since i have seen this argument pop up again and again and now its used to defend the minecraft movie
i really hate the argument that something, be it a movie or a game, can be as shitty as it wants when its primarily aimed at kids (or people THINK it is aimed mostly at kids) bc its 'just for kids'
like children are lesser an stupid? like they arent incredibly impressionable and deserve good movies? im not saying they should only watch critical acclaimed drama movies, but you can make a movie 'for kids' AND make it good, its been done before, sure there will always be shit movies, and thats fine, but dismissing any kind of criticism towards them bc "its just for kids" feels so unecessarily mean spirited towards children, like they are little people in wildly different stages of development!! they can think too!!
'kids' itself is such a wide range that i feel its not very useful as a category anyway, a 5 year old isnt the same as an 11 year old, both of them should get good things, and both can watch or play things they may not completely understand yet! i grew up with shrek, and while a big parody and haha fart humor movie, they (1+2) have an incredibly strong core, i didnt udnerstand them fully when i was little, so what? i still enjoyed them, i felt more connected to them than any disney movie (bc hey .. the monster is the main guy and no they dont all turn into conventionally pretty humans as the ultimate reward- i felt othered throughout my life too) and i still do, theres jokes and themes and meaning i understood fully only when i was rewatching them as an adult, i still enjoy them even at 27
and like, shouldnt it ESPECIALLY matter what children watch? (not in the puritan brain worm way) bc they are ... people in development?? do you think if they just sit down and watch shitty movies and play games that dont challenge them at all, be it thinking critically or emotionally, all day it wont have an affect on them??
(im sorry to bring up totk again, but that 'its for kids' argument has been used to defend it so much too, and its so incredibly annoying to me, ah yes, its puzzles are all skippable or easy as shit bc its main target are kids and children are stupid and shouldnt be challenged ever, the story is a simple fairytale type deal maybe to you, but contains alot of harmful stereotypes that have led to real world harm and its repeated unquestionably while offering nothing intersting to think or engage with, theres a reason alot of childrens media contains alot of stereotypes to propaganda even but its just for kids of course its not propaganda bc kids are stupid and cant understand that lol BECAUSE they are so impressionable, if a series 'for kids' only lets the girls be in frilly pink dresses and do 'girly' stuff do you not think that wil affect how they think about themselves??
if they keep seeing the light skinned blonde heroe stab the unquestioned evil arab stereotype bc he wants to take over your holy land bc hes just 'evil' and is never ever humanized in any way and only presented as a monster, while the good little maiden princess does everything she can to support her hero in shiny armor with big sad doe eyes and pretty little white dress- do you not think it will affect them? if it were an isolated incidence perhaps not much, but its a stereotype perpetuated to such a degree that you think its just 'how fairytales go'? yeah, you have been influenced by these portrayals, they are working as intented- and if they are used as such in media without the writer intending to influence you that way? thats even worse bc it means it has been so normalized to think that way people dont even realize it- while alot of real people in the world are ganondorf, they are demonized and dehumanized, others think of them as inherently evil.. but its just a "simple fairytale"
yes i know children can also question things on their own, but you shouldnt assume that comes naturally and then also in just the correct way, i questioned why i was just doing whatever the talking boat told me to do when i first played windwaker as a kid, but more bc i liked how ganondorf looked and hated being told things to do without a good reason being given (autism much?), 'evil' didnt do it for me, but that doesnt mean i knew he was an evil arab stereotype, i didnt like tetra turning white as zelda, bc i thought she looked cooler before and i didnt like 'girly' things myself, not bc i knew it was whitewashing
-not saying media should be free of anything 'problematic', the problem is how its presented and never questioned or engaged with critically and then that stupid argument being used to dismiss it like children are both unable to think and not influencable somehow-)
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echotums · 9 months
Your Shameful Indulgence
CW: Weight gain, stuffing, bloating, extreme humiliation/degradation/teasing/bullying, fat shaming, force feeding, slob, gas, burping, farting, mentions of nausea, indigestion, male reader, 2nd person POV.
You come back from a get-together with friends completely stuffed and humiliated. Little do you know, your boyfriends have plans to worsen your state.
You moan, squirming in discomfort on your bed; the bed frame creaks worryingly under your weight. Your belly throbs and aches, gurgling angrily as it tries to digest the enormous meal of greasy, fatty foods you'd just binged publicly on. You keen, hands rubbing the bloat of your gut, sinking into a layer of soft fat before meeting tight resistance. It rumbles and burbles ominously, fighting against the feast you had forced down. You burp loudly in response.
The tight jeans you’d squeezed yourself into are digging into your fat gut, several sizes too small. If they were tight before, they are a second skin now. You can hear the waistband creak warningly around your massively bloated belly, rumbling and swelling as the junk food sloshes around inside.
After a while of not seeing your friends, you finally found time to spend with them again. and, well… you may have gorged yourself on the junk food that was laid out for everyone.
With closed eyes, you hum nauseously as you hold the sides of your sensitive belly. You can feel it, all that food churning inside you, making you expand, slowly melting into thick, wobbling blubber. God, why did you eat so much? You're going to get so fat. How many calories were in your meal? How much weight will you gain? You shake your belly and dislodge a burp. The skin of your tummy is vibrating with the intensity of the cramps and noises it is making. It sloshes with every jiggle that ripples through it, constantly shifting and wobbling.
“My tummy hurts so much, ngh…”
Brown eyes cloudy with need, you look down at your gut, unable to see over the massively bloated crest of it. It’s thick and swollen, skin blushing and stretched thin, feverishly hot to the touch.
Your shirt has ridden up, resting above your belly button where your jeans cut into your softened flesh deeply, making the skin red. Your blubbery muffin top is perfectly visible, seemingly wobbling with every deep rumble; plump love handles squishing into the thin denim ridiculously.
You shift, feel your plump thighs rub together, creating a shameful warmth between your legs, right under your engorged tummy and swollen fatpad. As you whine, you become increasingly aware of your ass straining the seams of your pants, asscrack visible.
Biting your lip, Nicholas blushes and slaps the top of your sore gut, watching as it jiggles. It’s as tight as a drum, no room left. God, are you full. You look ridiculous, a fat hog unable to control yourself, so lost in your insatiable hunger, the craving to overindulge; your want for more, more, more. And look where that got you; stranded on your bed, vulnerable under the weight of your grossly fattened gut. Nicholas burps unattractively as your stomach lets out a sickeningly wet squelch, feeling the zipper and button of your jeans constrict further.
All your friends were there when you binged, when you pigged out on food that would wreck even the thinnest of waistlines. They jeered and judged you, snidely watching this shameful fatass stuff himself senseless. And after, when you were a moaning, bloated blob, an embarrassingly desperate fatty with a noisy gut, the teasing continued. God, it was mortifying.
“You used to be so bitchy.”
“We thought you didn't want to hang out with us!”
“What happened to your body?”
“Yeah! you used to be so skinny!”
"Haha, holy shit. this is hilarious!"
"Wow, you blew up like a balloon, dude."
Round cheeks go red and warm, your multitude of chins squishing as you try to look down. You remember gorging yourself on the fattening, greasy and sugary foods that were laid out. You just couldn’t control yourself, you had to eat. One bite led to two, two had suddenly led to plates worth of oil-soaked and sugar-filled junk. Which soon led to guzzling cups of calorie-dense drinks. Before you knew it, you were stuck in your chair, belly engorged and roaring angrily, protesting all the calories being poured into it so quickly. At that point, all you could do was eat, eat, eat.
Everyone was looking at you in disgusted awe, watching your stomach bloat outward with each morsel of food you scarfed down. You distinctly remember someone saying, “I think you’ve had enough, Nick… you’ve… kind of gained a lot of weight… and this will only make you fatter.” You had denied it while shoving more food in your face, clothes tightening against your overfed body, stomach and intestines disagreeing loudly.
You remember how near the end of your binge, everyone watched in sick fascination as this fat hog kept gorging, stuffing yourself full of food despite looking like you might burst. They were watching as you gave into your sinfully hedonistic desires, seeing the consequences of every bite and gulp; becoming rounder, fuller, bloating into a disgustingly obese, overindulgent fatass.
As you laid back, groaning and rubbing your engorged gut, they laughed at you, pointing fingers and forcing you to guzzle more down, making you even bigger.
You remember them laughing at the repulsive gurgles your burgeoning belly made with every bite, at the way your clothes were obviously too tight. Your constant burping and farting was another laughing point. All the food and drink had left you a gassy mess. They smacked your gut and shook it, laughing in mockery at you as the oversized mound of fat wobbled comically. You shudder as the words ring in your bleary mind.
“How the mighty have fallen! You've really let yourself go."
"Ohh, your belly's mad. You hear that, guys?"
"Desperate fatty, you look like you need more."
"He's gonna explode out of those clothes!"
"The extra weight’s made you nicer… I like you better fat!"
That had earned some joyful, humorous cheers and a renewed effort to fatten you up even more. You hadn't fought back, didn't see a need to. In fact, halfway through, you felt a carnal, tantalizing warmth spread through you.
Whimpering breathily, you roll over onto your side, hand rubbing the side of your distended middle. It bounces as the swollen mass hits your bed with a thud, groaning loudly, the contents sloshing and squelching around as it tries to digest all the pounds of thick, calorific food and drink jammed into it. All the movement dislodges a deep, watery belch, a little moan following after.
You slap the side of your plush potbelly, eyes angry at your own lack of self-control. God, why did you eat so much? You just can’t control yourself. It’s so easy to indulge and give in to your deepest desires… desires you refuse to acknowledge are coming to life. You can’t be into this, right? You rub deftly at the side of your hugely bloated gut. It's sore at the top and sides, pulled painfully tight from the weight of the unhealthy foods and drinks you'd gorged yourself on. The fat roll that connects your back to the side of your paunch has been stretched to its capacity, seemingly no longer in sight. The only “roll” to be seen is your unflattering muffin top.
Maybe they were right, maybe you are nothing more than a fat glutton…
You let out a heady whine, wobbling onto your back again, clutching at your unhappy tummy; it churns, forcing out a long, deep belch. You whimper and pants open-mouthed as your belly begins to bloat and swell with gas, pent up from indigestion. You burp over and over to help alleviate the pressure, but it seems endless. You let out a long fart like the slob you're becoming, the slob you are. But still, your gut is tight. The button on your jeans feels like it’s about to pop… and so does your belly. It’s confusingly erotic, feeling yourself get fatter with every humiliating gurgle. You can barely breathe, all the pressure in your gut weighing you down, the headiness of the moment making you pant like you're in heat.
A quiet creak of worn-down wood echoes in your ears, most likely the bed, it’s been making those noises often when you're around. Floors creak under your thundering steps and furniture groans under your weight. The little bungalow is probably older than you and your long-term boyfriends, Jace and Nick, had thought.
God, imagine if the twins saw you like this. Stranded on their bed, back arching toward your bloated, aching belly; face scrunched up in agony…. or is it pleasure you're feeling? The pleasure from fulfilling a deep, hedonistic desire to just let yourself go, gorge on all the food your sensitive, soft belly can handle. To become the spoiled, fattened little piggy you're always been meant to be.
Writhing and moaning, you lavish in the sweet lust. Tears begin to bead in your eyes as little whimpers and burps escape rosy lips, tongue peaking out lewdly. Your swollen belly is gurgling and sloshing non-stop, pants moments from snapping off. You let out a burst of gas. God, how embarrassing it would be for you to be seen like this-
“You okay?”
It’s Jace and Nick.
Deeply blushing, you squeak and try to sit up, rocking from side to side, bed creaking and fat jiggling. You get halfway up before yelping as your belly cramps and gurgles. You let out a loud and sickeningly wet burp and fall on your back in a pathetic heap, fat bouncing and rippling around you like a wave of softness. Your tummy wobbles most, burgeoning with fat and endless calories, settling on top of you in a blubbery heap.
You're literally too fat to get up, oh, God.
Mind racing, Nicholas pushes a hand down over the center of your inflated midsection while attempting to pull your shirt down, gasping and pulling away when the slight pressure causes a sharp ache and a wave of even more angry gurgles, stomach clamping desperately onto the food bubbling inside. You feel yourself swell further from the wobbling movement, taut skin turning even hotter with pressure. You try to fart out some of the pressure, but at the rate you're bloating, it barely makes any headway. You're blowing up like a balloon and your boyfriends are watching. Seeing you get fatter.
“Please!” You cry as your saggy arms flail. Your stuffed belly twinges with pain as it loudly tries to digest and keep everything from coming back up. You feel your skin stretch and creak with pressure, your gut bubbling as indigestion causes it to bloat and swell into a painfully distended, obscenely large mound. And even worse? You can’t stop burping and fucking farting.
The twins are watching like hawks, eyes wide and cheeks flushed. Nick seems upset, but you always do when he’s… turned on. And Jace looks worried, but also somehow aroused.
”Don’t look!” You wail over the monstrous sounds your gut is making, fervently rubbing at the fattened flesh of your underbelly, fingers digging into the softness, desperately trying to quell the embarrassing noises. You lick your lips, fluffy, dark hair sticking to your forehead as you find your fattened body overtaken with a breathtaking heat. Your quivering belly settles finally after, of fucking course, it rumbles monstrously and forces out a grossly loud belch, relieving some of the agonizing pressure.
Gripping your engorged gut on either side, Nicholas smacks and shakes it angrily, pleading, “fuck, stop it!” To which you receive an endless cacophony of embarrassing digestive noises. Thus, you sob in utter humiliation, closing your eyes as you pass gas, long and high. You listen to Jace and Nick come closer, desperately rubbing your belly. You're hot all over, your body buzzing in anticipation.
“God! It’s… you’re huge! What happened?” Jace speaks disbelievingly, striding over to your blubbery, soft body.
Another voice follows, Nick. “What did you do, Nicholas?” Nick steps to the opposite side of Jace, leading to the twins surrounding your beached body.
Moaning, you slowly open your wet eyes, chubby hands still massaging sensitive, plump flesh. You can only imagine how you look, a fat hog trapped under the weight of your own gluttony. Only able to satisfy the needs of your gut; stuffing yourself silly until your belly literally has to burble sickeningly at you to stop… and even then, you laze around in too-small clothes on a creaking bed, aching and bloated, waiting for all those calories to melt into thick, gelatinous fat. Your belly churns forcefully and you have to swallow back a loud gag.
Gentle, cold hands are placed on your feverish skin. You shudder at the contrast, eyebrows furrowing further as you moan in surprise. Twin laughs echo in the room. It makes you look up into their vibrant eyes. With a gentle pat on your belly, you are reminded that, oh, they asked you what had happened.
“I…I think I ate too much,” you moan, wiping your eyes on a pudgy hand. You place it beside your boyfriends’, looking up at them both. Their strong, commanding forms contrast wonderfully with your plump flesh.
This shouldn’t be as erotic as it is.
The twins share a look filled with intent. Nick looms over your prone form, moving his hand slowly, fingers pressing meanly over the bloated flesh. Jace’s leaner but no less strong form leers at you, hand teasing over your dome of a gut. Your belly rumbles at the tickling and deep caresses before quieting a little. You sigh at the temporary relief.
However, after a good look at the two, you quickly become hyper-aware of how horribly mortifying this situation is. You feel massive, starfished on the bed, your bloated, aching gut vulnerable and sensitive. You imagine yourself as some spoiled and overfed prey, looking into the jaws of agile, deadly predators waiting to strike. And judging by the mischievous glints in their eyes, they seem to be running through a similar trail of thought. You are truly defenseless, immobilized by your vast expanse of jiggly fat.
“You think you ate too much? Or you did and don’t want to admit it?” Jace presses, raising a delicate brow. He charmingly pushes his bright blond hair out of his eyes as he firmly settles his hands on your belly; his nails and fingers pressing into the squishy bloat.
Whimpering breathily, you arch into his hand, I… I don't know. I-“ You're interrupted by a long, sickly burp followed by Nick’s intimidating laughter. You blush profusely, looking down at the burgeoning mound of fat taking up your entire middle. A moment later you fart and the twins laugh. They’re working hard to get the gas out and it’s fucking mortifying. With a deep belch, he brings your hands to the sides of your gut, massaging where the skin is cramped and thin.
“I spent some time with some of the guys and…” You bite your lip as a sharp ache radiates from the center of your rotund belly. “Oh, fuck! That hurts.” You watch through half-lidded eyes as Nick gracefully scoots around your ample body, barely creating a dent in the mattress. He settles on his knees beside you, thin hands tickling the quaking fat of your gut.
“And?” Nick places his hands on yours, stopping their furious kneading. An angry rumble echoes through the room, causing you to shift and whimper in embarrassment. You need belly rubs so badly right now. Your belly is swollen and aching, growling furiously; it’s clearly not happy with the lack of attention it’s now getting.
“Blondie, please-“
“Come on, tell us what happened, or we won't be able to help you,” is Jace’s quick reply.
You huff needily, looking away. The gurgling has increased in volume, making your belly vibrate. It sounds sickly and wet, clearly struggling with how overfull it is. You swallow thickly at a burp trying to come up, making your tummy cramp up and bloat that much more. You keen as you explain, “I-I went to spend time with some of the guys and-“ you hiccup at another intense groan from your belly before continuing. “There was a lot of food and so I… said I would only have a little, but then…” You shudder as shame washes over you, warming your body.
Gurgling nauseously, your gut quivers restlessly, causing you to attempt to massage it again. But Nick just tightens his grip. Jace catches your eyes, head tilting innocently. You can feel your belly churn and groan under your chubby palms as it attempts to digest the greasy and sugary junk you pigged out on.
“And then? What could have possibly happened after?”
Eyes pleading with the twins, you sigh when all you get in return are matching grins. You whimper as you continue the shameful retelling of your impromptu stuffing, “I ate a bit and I tried to control myself; honestly, I did!” Jace nods in faux empathy, eyes glimmering. Nick then puts pressure on you and your joint hands, pushing deeply into your rounded gut. You shudder, blushing hotly as you say, “but after a couple of bites… I couldn't help myself, couldn’t stop. I was so hungry and it tasted so good! I just needed to have more!” Your tummy rumbles as if reliving the subsequent gorging that followed.
“And so I ate, and I ate, and I ate… God, I just… I couldn't control myself, I had to keep eating!” You shake your head at the memory, licking your lips, recalling the feeling of pure gluttony and wanton need that had rushed over you. “It tasted so good, felt so good…” You remember the junk food, dripping with grease, the drinks saturated in sugar; waiting to fatten you up.
Lost in the inebriation brought on by hedonism, you continue lustily, “I could feel myself get fuller, my belly getting bigger and bigger… stuffed full of fattening foods that would just make me fatter and fatter.” You lick your lips and take in a shuddering breath, looking at your bulbous gut, “I lost all control and made a complete pig of myself.” Your stomach lets out a loud, sickly groan, as if agreeing. You mewl needily, thick thighs rubbing together as you listen to your stuffed belly bubble noxiously.
“And then the guys, they… they started to feed me.” Biting your bottom lip, you look up through your thick lashes at the twins, eyes flitting between them. “They force-fed me the rest of the food. There was still so much left. They watched as I ate and laughed and made fun of how fat I looked, even though I'm not that big!” You feel the need to defend yourself, to deny just what your endless binging has done to your waistline. In the back of your mind, you know you're not fooling anybody, not even yourself. Especially not your boyfriends.
“Wow, just how many calories are packed away in this big gut of yours?” Jace laughs, bouncing your gut in his slender hands.
You look up just in time to see Nick lift and harshly smack their hands on the sides of your bloated midsection, roughly jiggling the fat and fatty contents rumbling inside. You feel helpless and can only manage a surprised gasp of masochistic pleasure, spreading your legs to accommodate your wide girth.
“I honestly don’t know how many calories we forced in me, more than I should have had. It was so embarrassing!” Your hands dig into the dome of your burbling belly, making a gentle imprint in your fat before meeting bloated resistance from your stretched insides. Jace’s brows are furrowed, his pupils dilated as he fiercely urges you on. Nick is looking much the same, eyes intense and expression sharp.
“They laughed at how fat I was getting, how big my belly was bloating! It kept gurgling and making me burp and… and fart as I ate, like it was trying to stop me from stuffing myself, it was so loud and embarrassing!” Your voice has taken on a reedy, whiny tone, warm cheeks a deep red as you relive the most humiliatingly erotic thing you've ever experienced.
Nick looks wickedly pleased with this, wolfishly grinning as he says, “you’re telling us,” he gives your pudgy wrists a warning grip, “that all your friends watched you make a complete pig of yourself.” He quickly maneuvers himself behind your head. You continue, “Watched you bloat up and stuff yourself…” You keep your hands where they are, listening to Nick’s silent command. “And helped make you fatter?”
Jace joins in on Nick’s teasing then, “and like the pig you are, you let them.” Their words bewitch you, trapping you in their truth. Jace trails his hands over your soft jowls, multiple chins, and plump chest… before he diverts his hands quickly to your arms, where the shirt is tight and causing the supple flab on your arms to puff out. Jace presses his hands into the squishy fat, gently maneuvering your blubbery body as you respond.
“Yeah. I was too full to move! My belly was too big! Too heavy… too fat and bloated.” You pant heavily, watching your fat wobble and ripple with the movement, fabric shifting as your clothes strain with the weight of your new position. And to your embarrassment, your stomach sloshes and jiggles ridiculously at the movement, the bed creaking and dipping as well. Your love handles seem to spread out with the new position, sagging from where they protruded gently. The movement dislodges a monstrous belch, low and bassy and gross.
While Jace’s face remains smug as ever, he is struggling to get your fatass to sit up. 350+ pounds of oversized lard is nothing to scoff at.
Finally, Jace places you between Nick’s legs and up against his torso; soft back rolls squishing into his strong chest… and plump ass aligned with his sharp hip bones. Jace squishes against your front between thick thighs and against your belly and fupa. As they all settle together, you watch with bitten lips as your belly quakes and wobbles before plopping unattractively onto your lap with a fleshy thump. You moan quietly as you feel your pants press deeper into your stuffed stomach, muffin top protruding hugely over the waistband; tight shirt accentuating the blubbery overflow. You know your spare tire has left you with a nasty plumber’s crack, can feel the supple skin burst over your tight waistband. God, you're such a fat slob.
Looking down at yourself, at how fat you are, you are overwhelmed with red-hot shame. You fiercely cup either side of your round dome of a gut, kneading into the firm bloat before harshly hitting it with a resounding slap, the fat rippling grossly. “Fuck! I felt so fucking fat,” you moan hotly, legs spreading as your midsection wobbles back into place, pants button shifting. You whimper when Jace says,
“You say that like you already aren’t.”
And suddenly, Jace and Nick’s cold fingers are faintly tracing over the bloated dome of your belly again, causing it to quiver and slosh with your nerves. You're keening and writhing in… arousal.
As Jace’s fingers snake their way to the edge of your shirt, they stop, tracing the thin edge where cotton meets soft fat. Your hands have fisted into the sheets as you take in big and heady breaths, your cramped stomach hindering your breathing.
“Your stomach really is huge. no wonder they made fun of you; you’re fucking fat,” Nick growls. He must be seeing your belly from your view. Nick laughs. Probably at how ridiculously big it is; sticking out hugely from your torso, shirt unable to cover it and pants barely holding on.
You are fucking massive.
A moment passes in which the twins look at each other, Nick can tell from the way Jace is looking beside you, eyes intense. A sadistic smile tugging at his lips, Jace grips the soft blubber of your muffin top… and shakes.
“Jace! What are you-“ You are quickly interrupted by another bassy belch. It feels like it rattles the walls with how powerful it is. All the jiggling is making your gut slosh loudly, the contents inside churning louder and louder, clearly upset with being treated so roughly. You gag, the mountain of food and drink inside you threatening to come up with your next burp. And another after that. “Fuck I can’t,” another burp, “stop!” You finish with a long, airy belch this time.
Nick smacks your oversized muffin top, feeling how firm and distended it is. You massage into the doughy fat, and your belly lets out a hollow-sounding gurgle in response, forcing out a strained burp. “Shit, you’re such a slob, Nicholas. Can’t even get through a sentence without burping, hm?”
You whimper in response. You do your best to hold more in, but all the shaking, even though Jace isn’t doing it anymore, has dislodged so much gas. And so you can only belch nastily in response.
Subsequently, Jace faintly pulls your shirt up and over the thick crest of your full belly and tucks it under your tits, setting the engorged flesh free with a dramatic jiggle, plump fat rippling fluidly. You stop for a moment, looking at the swollen flesh pouring over the sides of your jeans. You're dripping in soft, supple fat.
“Nick’s right. You’re a fat slob! So soft… and no manners at all!” Jace chimes in, kneading into the flesh like a cat.
Sucking your teeth, you hedge, “I'm just a little bloated, right? And I have manners! I just ate too much. It’s… I can't really be… that fat, right?” You look to Jace, who just smiles faintly and shakes his head. He places his hands on the bloated underside of your gut, pressing out a low, long fart. You look humiliated.
Nick rubs the top of your sick belly firmly, intensifying the horrifying noises your bulging gut is making. You wail softly, gingerly cradling the sides of your swollen belly. “oh, God…” Jace raises his brow, rubbing more gently at a painful-sounding blast of gas, carefully caressing your inflated midsection.
“It's so big! And it hurts so badly. Ooh, I'm gonna get so fat…”
Looking at Nick, they exchange a bemused look. “You already are, though,” Nick muses, pressing down harshly and forcing out a watery burp from you. “This past year, you’ve blown up like a balloon,” Nick states matter-of-factly.
“It’s not like I gained much weight… maybe a couple of pounds…” You mewl, wincing as your stomach emits a burbled, high-pitched moan, tensing over the mountain of food forced inside. You burps and hiccups unattractively as a result, moaning pathetically.
“These pants are way too small for you! Look how they dig into your big belly.” Jace argues, slapping it and listening to the tight smack and repulsively loud gurgle. You gasp in pain, mouth wet and open as you look down at your quivering gut. “It’s not that big…” You blush as Jace laughs, hitting it again, “right, which is why it looks like your fat stomach will pop the button off these pants at any moment.”
You huff, “I’m not that fat!”
The twins chuckle when suddenly, they hear a deafening, wet whine, louder than before. They look down, where all anyone can see is your belly. The top of your gut is bloated beyond belief, taut and packed, swelling with the consequences of your overindulgence. The underside faring much the same. It's thick and rumbling, still bloating slowly, forcing your jeans to their limits and your shirt closer to your wobbling breasts. You feel overfull, debouched; a greedy pig pinned down by your own weight and gluttony. So humiliating, so disgustingly fat.
Yet you remain in willful denial of your current state and how they fulfill your deepest, darkest fantasies.
The twins will just have to show you just how fat you have gotten, and what a pig you are… but they also want you to feel better. They just can’t stand to watch their fattened boyfriend steep in denial any longer.
Kneading their hands into their boyfriend's bloated tummy, they rub quietly for a bit, listening to the gross, unhappy roars it emits, smothered beneath layers of thick, doughy fat. Jace takes a moment to think before, sharing a look with Nick and saying, “how about I get you something to drink; to soothe your angry belly.” He looks so innocent. Little does you know, they’re about to ruin you.
Settled between sausage-like thighs, Jace presses out one last fart from you before saying, “okay, I’ll be right back. Promise.” Jace pats your gut like a pet and leaves. You jiggle on the bed, stranded like a beached whale. Nick is slowly massaging the entirety of your belly now, hands skilled and strong. All you can hear is the disgusting, embarrassing gurgles of your swollen belly. And all you can feel is the bloating of your gut, swelling over the waistband of your jeans. How shameful.
Jace returns in a hurry, hands hidden behind his back. You have barely even noticed you entering the room. You're too engrossed in sloshing and touching your stuffed gut, smacking and jiggling it around despite the heady, pained moans he, and your belly, are making. Jace sets something down, hidden between the night table and bed. Nick smiles at you; an evil, sadistic thing.
Jace smirks, smacking the bloated crest of your stomach, listening to the resounding squelch as your gut lurches, cramping in agony. You hiccup a short burp before you mewl. Jace teases, "can't get enough of your own stuffed gut, can you?"
You blush hotly, shivering as both twins press in, belly rumbling a deep, monstrous gurgle. Your limbs flail uselessly, held down by your heavy blimp of a belly.
Jace's smirk sharpens into something mischievous. “Here, sit up properly.” Jace commands. The twins lift you so you're sitting up straight rather than half lying down, the new position forcing out a little toot. You blush even more as your boyfriends simply smile at you.
Now sitting up, you watch Jace warily. The twins are up to something. And watching as Jace pulls up a gallon of whole milk, you realize your gut is in for a nasty surprise. Although slightly intolerant, you can’t help yourself around dairy. It makes you a repulsive, gassy mess, but you can’t help but eat and drink it. With a belly as full as it is now, you know most people would turn their nose at this… but you aren’t most people. You are greedy, a glutton at heart with no self-control. And so instead of turning away, instead of refusing the drink like you should, you lick your lips. Your belly groans in fear.
“Maybe this will help settle your tummy down,” Jace croons, all faux sympathy and mischief. You get a piggish grunt in response. You try your best to sit up a little straighter, hands reaching out for the gallon, but Jace holds it just out of reach. All the shifting causes a thick blast of gas to come out of your ass, to which you groan in embarrassment. The twins simply laugh. Nick, the devil he is, moves his hands to your lower belly and presses, causing more, comically loud farts to come out. But even so, you continue to struggle for the milk. You just can’t help it.
“C’mon, big guy, you can do it,” Jace encourages sweetly. Your hands are shaking, struggling to hold the gallon up as high as he is. But clearly, the prospect of teasing you outweighs the discomfort.
Another minute of struggling, another minute of grunting, burping, and farting before you gives up, plopping back against Nick’s muscular chest; groaning as Nick massages out a long, deep bit of gas. You feel like such a nasty slob.
Cheeks red with embarrassment, you pant, hands going to your rumbling belly and forcing a burp out. “I can’t reach,” you groan.
“And why is that?” Jace asks, innocent. He places the milk on top of your gut, delighting as the pressure dislodges a belch.
You mumbles quietly in response.
“What was that?” Nick asks, still massaging the bloat of your gut.
The situation is so… humiliating. You literally can’t sit up because you ate so much. And yet here you are, trying to drink something calorie-dense and thick. As if you aren’t full enough. But you're just so hungry, a deep ache in you that is always longing for more.
In the spirit of wanting to consume, of wanting to glut yourself further, you perk your voice louder and admit, “my belly’s too big, can’t reach. ‘m too gassy.” As if to prove your point, Nick presses out a hot fart from you.
Jace seems to think for a moment, pulling back as he says, “that’s one reason. Why else is it hard for you to sit up, hm?” At the hesitation he receives in turn, he shakes the gallon on your belly. “Come on. We all know the answer.”
You do. You know they know it too. Everyone who was at your little get-together is well aware of the fact as well. You, face red and blubber jiggling, say, “I’m too fat.” The twins let the answer hang in the air, let it sink into your lard-shrouded ears.
“That you are, piggy,” Nick rumbles, voice low and possessive. He keeps massaging fart after fart and burp after burp out of you. You're a balloon of rancid gas and calories and fat.
The twins look at each other and Jace nods. “Good boy,” he croons, pulling the jug to his own lap in order to uncap it. A quick twist and crack and the lid is off. With a dexterity few can hold a candle to, Jace throws it into the trash. “We won’t be needing that,” he says. You gulp, your gut churning at the implication.
Nick continues rubbing your belly as Jace settles between your chunky thighs. Uncapping the bottle, he holds it tight and leans down, pressing a chaste kiss to your gut. You lean back again as it grumbles violently, a teeth-rattling belch following afterward from you. You look at him, mortified. God, could your gut just calm down?
“God, you’re gross,” Jace sighs. “Ready, fatty?” Jace places the bottle near your face, waiting for the go-ahead to feed you. You hesitate a moment, tensing up and grunting. You can feel gas building in your lower belly. Nick presses just right and a long, deep fart comes from you. You sigh and find yourself clenching afterward, making sure nothing… else comes out. You really want to drink this milk, and don't want to do anything else in the interim. And so you nod, feeling your double chins wobble with the movement.
“Good boy.”
Jace presses the milk to your rosy lips and tilts, the bottle at a very steep incline. Your eyes widen, not expecting the absolute flood of milk. Quickly, you busy yourself by gulping it all down as fast as possible. You wait for your cheeks to fill before gulping the huge mouthful. On each swallow, you can feel your belly bloat, swelling out inch by greedy inch. Your tummy groans and churns loudly, upset with the contents being quite literally poured into it.
You hear yourself groan nauseously, your belly feeling sick all of a sudden. So overfull and getting bigger, filling up with milk and gas. Nick is quick to try and help, whispering, “I got you,” as he rubs at the painful cramps riddling your poor stomach. It helps for a bit. The deep rubs work out every tight cramp, allowing for the pleasure of slowly bloating bigger and bigger to take hold. Your insides are stretching slowly, getting tight and full, weighing on you heavily. You feel like a balloon being inflated with every swallow, each second leading to your insides aching wonderfully. You find it hard to breathe, the weight of what’s inside your tummy restricting you in every way.
But after drinking about a quarter, you raise your chubby hands and place them on the bottle, feeling sick all of a sudden. The feeling of slowly blowing up leaves you nauseated, your belly aching and bubbling terribly. Your belly is overfull, and being topped off with whole milk, of all things, isn’t helping. Even if you really like it. Jace is quick to listen, pulling away and cooing sweetly at you.
“Feel sick, ulp,” you whisper, both hands placed gingerly on your gut. You lets out a wet burp, gagging violently after. Your tummy jumps at the wretched noise and tensing, wobbling to and fro. And suddenly, the kindness the twins were showing disappears. Nick swiftly covers your mouth and pulls your head back a little.
Jace is quick to sneer at you, “don’t. We’ll make you drink what you throw up, too.” You whimper in response, gulping something down as you shake your head. You take deep, steadying breaths, moaning nauseously. Your gut is churning loudly again, akin to a heating kettle. Airy burbles fill the area as your belly bloats with gas and rebels against all the dairy and grease and sugar inside it. You whimper and whine, feeling something building. You lift a leg slightly in anticipation. Lo and behold, a moment later, a huge, rattling fart leaves you. It’s long and bubbling and so fucking embarrassing. You moan in relief afterward, lowering your leg and leaning against Nick. Said man just sucks his teeth and smacks your belly, shaking it like a toy; its contents slosh loudly.
“Dirty slob,” Nick reprimands. You let out a hot belch against his palms as a response. Nick is quick to pull his hands away, admonishment on his tongue. He wipes his hand on your shirt. He seems to avoid the grease and sweat stains. “Don’t you feel even the slightest bit of shame, fatass?” Nick gets another burp in reply, this one airy and topped off with a relieved moan. you literally cannot stop burping or farting, just a gross, gassy bum. You're grateful, too. Sometimes, when you get too full, especially on something heavy like this, the gas gets stuck and bloats you terribly.
The twins cringe at you. Nick continues rubbing your belly with both hands while Jace sways the bottle and teases you with what you have yet to consume. Another sick groan, an airy belch, before you feel less like you're going to be sick and explode, and more like you can finish the task set out for you. The belly rubs help, mostly. Nick’s skilled fingers and palms relieve each cramping ache.
“I’m, mh, ready… More,” you groan. Your voice has changed since you're… gotten softer, you're noticed. A lot deeper and more muffled, less sensual than it used to be. You're so shy about it, wishing you could, well… be hot again. But with the way you eats, and the way you're being fed, you doubt you ever will be again, try as you might to deny it. You feel yourself grow warm at the thought.
Jace gives you a look, silently asking if you're sure. As mean as the twins can be, they care for your comfort above all else. You nod and open your mouth, jaw falling into your cushioning triple chins. They prevent your mouth from opening very wide, and you can feel the soft resistance with every mouth movement. Your face really has ballooned. Hell, you even have stretch marks underneath your chins. You remember them appearing after your obsession with deep-fried butter began. The marks on your belly and fupa had doubled that month, too.
With a toothy, predatory grin, Jace begins feeding the milk into your mouth again. He starts slowly this time, easing you into the quick pace he was going at before. “There’s a good piggy, drinking what you’re told,” he hums. The milk settles heavily in your mouth and in your belly, thick and delicious in every way. Each swallow pains you, however, leaving your brows furrowed and a little moan trailing after each loud gulp.
The jug tilts at a steeper incline, increasing the flow of milk to something quite a bit faster. Your eyes widen, milk spilling out the sides of your mouth and down your chin. Nick stops the tender rubbing of your belly to smack it. The harshness leaves a red mark and you whimper, gagging around a mouthful. “Messy bitch,” Nick says, low. “We want every drop inside of your greedy gut, not outside.”
You can only nod frantically, praying that he doesn’t jostle your belly like that again. Your wish is headed, as you take extra care to not waste a single drop of milk.
“Good pig,” Jace says, and you want to guffaw. You want to spit and snarl that you're not a pig, you're not fat, nor are you greedy. But with the way you're gulping down the milk, the way you've been eating recently, you know it’s futile. And you like that. You shouldn’t, but you do. And for some reason, that just makes it all the better.
“All these calories, sloshing around in this big gut of yours, “ Nick laughs quietly, shaking your belly, listening to the milk ruin your insides even more. It jostles out a deep fart, another tiny one following after. “Making you into an even fatter slob.” Your pants creak dangerously.
Jace hums in agreement, meeting your desperate eyes as he says, “your friends were right to make fun of you. You’re a fat fucking mess. You never used to be like this, what happened?” His voice drips with faux sympathy, as if he really feels anything but vindictive amusement at what his boyfriend has become. And he’s right. You used to be thin and pretty, smart and well-mannered. You were everything everyone wanted to be. And now look at you. Chugging down whole milk after binging on junk food, having your belly rubbed and passing gas like it’s no one’s business. Disgraceful.
You whimper at their words, feeling your belly cramp. You're past the halfway point now, and as much as you want to keep going, nausea is showing its ugly head. Your swallows are slower, the moans after each one getting woozy. You feel like you might puke or explode, whichever comes first. You rub at your belly desperately, trying to make the feeling vanish, but no matter what you do, it just gets worse. Your stomach roars loudly suddenly, wet and wretchedly loud. Jace pulls the milk back on instinct, and Nick is quick to clap a hand over your mouth again as you gag, swallowing profusely and moaning miserably.
“Mmm, too much,” your gut curdles loudly in agreement. Your voice is muffled behind Nick’s palm, but the thick nausea is clear as day. Your pants are cutting in painfully, and with each airy gurgle, they stretch louder and louder, muffin top protruding further over the waistband.
There’s a little less than half of the jug left, and you're genuinely unsure if he’ll be able to finish. You place both hands on your belly, feeling it rumble dangerously beneath your bloated palms. It sounds akin to a washing machine with how noisy it’s being. Jace visibly cringes. “That sounds… bad. And really gross,” he looks you in the eye at the last part, poking your belly like one would a sleeping beast. You get a nasty groan in reply.
Nick is quick, and squeezes his hand over your mouth even tighter. “Don’t you dare throw up,” he snarls. You can only nod frantically in reply, desperate to feel both of Nick’s hands on your belly again. Nothing feels better than the twin’s belly rubs.
You swallow audibly, letting out a quiet fart the moment Nick’s hands touch your sensitive tummy again. “Ooh, too much. So full,” you pant out, letting out a string of small burps, unsatisfying and barely relieving the pressure. “Feels like I’m gonna pop.” And it looks like it, too. Your belly has a red blush along the crest of it, shining and tight. Nick’s hands barely sink into it like they usually do. It all causes the button on your pants to dig in deeply, holding on for dear life. Any more milk or even gas and it will surely pop off. Jace, who is watching the whole thing, joins in to help. You are massaging the sides, Nick the top, and Jace, with the jug between your thighs, massage your lower belly.
With every rub, you can feel something building, something that won’t come out, blocked by the veritable lake of milk inside of you. You whimper, squirming as your tummy cramps further at your movement. There’s gas building from both ends that refuses to come out, pushing it is too painful, but it feels like there’s no other way for you to get this… ball of gas out of you. “Ow, oh, please!” You pleas, begging for something to give. You missed when the gas was leaving you freely, suddenly.
“What’s wrong, pup?” Nick whispers, sweet. He always uses that name when he’s trying to soothe. You love it.
“It’s stuck! Won’t, ngh, come out,” you whine. The frustration causes you to press down particularly hard, but all it earns you are a sharp cramp and more gas bloating you up. You sob at the ache.
“What, the milk?” Nick’s voice hedges on a warning, then.
“N-no! Gas… so bloated!” Your breaths are heaving, trying to get air in around the monstrosity of things packed in your belly. It hurts so much, yet a part of it feels… good.
Nick kisses your right jowl and Jace kisses the crest of your tummy, despite his earlier cringing at it. “Poor piggy,” Jace says, looking up at him. you can barely see him because of how big your belly is. From how much bigger it’s getting.
“Oh! It’s getting bigger, I can’t,” you can’t take much more. You can feel yourself bloat rounder, can hear it too. It’s slow and noisy, inflating with more gas by the second. The twins seem to be noticing the same thing, if the way they look at your gut with alarmed expressions can be trusted.
“Oh, shit.”
“He’s blowing up like a balloon!”
There is a hitch in your breathing as you try to burp out some of the air trapped inside you, but nothing happens, just a tiny hiccup escapes you. It causes a terrible cramp and wretchedly wet gurgle to sound around them. “Mm, make it stop!” You yelp, pressing down on your belly, as if to press it all back in and deflate it. You try to push out air from the other end, but all you get are more aches. “Ohh, tummy hurts. Feel like I’m gonna pop,” comes another whine. It’s childish, in a way; seeking a solution from them, asking for saving from the situation you drank and ate yourself into.
Jace and Nick share a look. Jace is quick to break into a fit of giggles as he recalls, “it’s like that game we used to play as kids, Pop The Pig!” He wobbles your belly like jelly, watching the fat ripple, the bloat of it causing it to sway cartoonishly.
You can hear a suppressed snicker from behind you and mewl, your cheeks heating in embarrassment. You especially feel that shame when Nick pats your gut, trying to get the burps out as if you were a child. As much as it seems like he’s helping, you can tell he’s amusing himself. His slaps elicit a tight smack with how bloated you are, the layer of fat overtop wobbling.
All the shaking and slapping seem to be causing something big and painful to bubble in your belly. Your gut is expanding still, causing your pants to make a terrible creaking noise, threads snapping one by one.
“Come on, tubby, you can do it,” Jace coos. He is pressing his hands in a long swipe along your lower belly, coaxing gas to move through your insides. Nick continues patting, shaking, and rubbing deeply. It makes your belly roar, suddenly, and it inflates rapidly for a moment. You can feel something in your chest, agonizing and as full as your stomach. You pat a hand along the plump softness there, and for a second you feel you really will pop.
A terribly loud, watery gurgle echoes in the room. Then, the sound of something tearing follows as the button on your pants finally flings off, hitting Jace in the chest.
Piles of doughy fat flood forth, sloshing and jiggling as it settles on your thighs with a soft noise, your fupa shoving open the zipper. A red band is present, showing where your pants were digging into your supple fat. There is the sound of something churning viciously, everything inside you having shifted. Then-
“Oh, I-!”
You belch, a horribly loud, almost violent thing. It’s deep and rattles its way from your gut, to your chest, up your fat neck, and out your greedy mouth. It hurts and it happens so fast, that you can’t even feel shame. You choke halfway through it on another burp. Bubbling and gross. It eventually dies off, leaving you a gasping mess. You moan in relief, your stomach emptier than it was. Simultaneously, more pressure accumulates below. A moment, and then you fart disgustingly loud. A wet, bubbling expulsion that leaves you open-mouthed and whimpering. Fuck, it feels so good. Your insides now seem less like they’re about to pop, though still overfull.
You lean back against Nick’s chest, patting the side of your belly as your mind refocuses on the moment, on what just happened. The twins seem to be on the same wavelength, both having been caught in the line of fire in some way or another. Nick from behind and Jace up front. A moment passes in which only your churning insides can be heard. Then-
“You dirty slob!”
The twins flinch away, clearly disgusted at what they’d bore witness to. Jace’s face is twisted into a strange thing. His pupils widen and his cheeks blush, yet his brows furrow and his lips snarl. A concoction of disgust and arousal brewing on his very face. Nick seems to be faring much the same, if not a little more intense. Nick’s always like that. His poker face giving way to emotion is always shocking. There is, however, something hard poking into your cellulite-ridden ass. And a similar hardness poking your lower belly.
As much as you want to tease about that, want to be the confident, sly man you used to be, you find you are too deep in your embarrassment, absolutely drowning in it. You do your best to hold more gas in, despite the pain it clearly causes. And despite the fact you were letting loose so easily before. You just can’t bear the thought of humiliating yourself further. Even if it makes you warm between the thighs.
Jace makes a show of waving his hand in front of his face despite the lack of smell. “God, you’re so gassy! What a mess you are, pig.” His words end with a giggle, openly delighting in the mortification on your face.
Gulping loudly, you swallow back a burp and cringe when your belly rumbles angrily at you. Nick accuses, “and now you’re holding it in? We already know how disgusting you are, hog. There’s no use in hiding it.” He shakes your tummy, sloshing it to and fro.
“It’s embarrassing,” you grit out, clenching your ass and whimpering at the ensuing cramp.
“That’s the point,” replies Jace easily. You blush. “You should be humiliated, you’re a gross, obese slob with no manners who can’t help stuffing yourself fatter. In fact,” he pauses as he tries to close the two flaps of your broken jeans, “you’re so fucking greedy, you ate yourself out of your clothes. You deserve to be shamed for what a fatass you are.” Your belly plops down from where Jace tries to squeeze it into your jeans. His expression is dire. He presses down on your lower belly harshly. “Let go, piggy.”
And finally, you do.
The hand on your buttery soft lower belly causes you to rip out a hot fart, multiple high-pitched ones following after. “Fuck,” you sigh out, “so gassy… feels so good, ugh.”
Nick starts rubbing at your belly again and smiles when he gets a growling belch in return. “Good pig. Let it out. You need to make room to finish the milk.” The reminder makes you groan tiredly. Fuck, you're so full, so fat. You raise your leg and let out more gas, burping a moment after.
It goes on for a couple of minutes, the rubbing and patting; the burping and farting. You is a gassy mess that the twins cannot seem to get enough of. You're akin to a deflating balloon, in all honesty. The thought shouldn’t be as arousing as it is.
The pressure in your belly slowly leaves until it’s manageable, no longer filled to the brim with gas. Your belly has visibly gone down, losing the pained roundness of its swelling. You're left with a pleasant fullness now, the edge of aching need slowly drowning you.
Looking down, you are treated to the sight of the mass of fat overtaking your lap and hanging out of your jeans. You gather the two flaps and pull them as close together as you can. Which is not far at all. You watch as your gut wobbles onto the open flaps, settling defiantly on your lap. Your cheeks burn, “mmh, I’m never gonna get these on again.” The realization sends a shock of pleasure down between your chunky thighs. You're outgrown, no, you've eaten yourself of these clothes. And with all the calories packed in your gut, he’ll genuinely outgrow them by tomorrow, anyway. “Ah, I’m getting so big.” Your words are quiet, reverent; as if finally allowing yourself to think these thoughts, much less say them. It’s heady and rich, overwhelming in how the heat of it all overtakes you.
“Damn right, you are,” Jace says, bringing the milk jug back to your lips.
“And at this rate, you’ll only get bigger,” Nick finishes, smacking the swollen mass of your gut. you moan, breathy and sweet before wrapping your lips around the lip of the jug, slowly chugging the milk again. You let out soft noises at every large gulp, hands caressing your tummy.
Your hands have found a kind of joy in playing with the fat of your lower belly. While it is bloated there too, there is still enough flab for you to pinch and bounce. The way it’s just sitting on top of your open jeans is so… erotic. You feel lazy and sloppy, having your gut hang out of the pants you ripped open. Yeah, you have a habit of walking around with your pants undone, as they seem to grow tighter by the day. But this is different. You drank and ate so much your jeans busted open, you had no choice but to have them undone like this. And to your dumb hog brain, that makes all the difference. And so you play with the open flaps, touch at your expanding sides, and delight in the fact he’ll never get them closed again.
The twins continue playing with your belly. Nick is slowly rubbing at your inflated midsection, one hand above and the other below.
Little by little, your belly swells outward, each loud gulp sending your insides churning and billowing outward. You whimper and Nick is quick to shush you, pressing deeper and forcing gas from you.
You’re nearing the end, you can feel it, but your insides feel like they’re stretched to their limit again. Your gut feels like it’s creaking from the pressure inside, slowly stretching outward inch by painful inch. Your tummy rumbles in warning, lurching a moment after. You pull away and you are quick to slap your hands over your mouth as you force yourself to swallow, gagging violently seconds later. Your belly is cramping, trying to force the excess out, but you resolutely swallow it, refusing to give in to what your body desperately wants.
Another throaty swallow fills the room as your stomach rumbles. Nick rubs in circles along the sides, witling out the tenderness there. Your belly rumbles ominously then and you place your hands upon it, as if trying to soothe a wild beast.
“Ough, I-“ A monstrous belch is forced out, long and deep and rattling. You choke on another burp, letting out a flurry of smaller ones afterward before laying back on Nick’s chest.
“My belly,” you whimper, looking down at its expanding mass. “So full…” And it is. It sticks out horrendously far from your soft body, looking painful and pregnant. Jace pats it in the appraisal, humming to himself and watching the fat jiggle around the overindulged organ.
“You’re getting so big, doing so good for us!” Jace says. He shakes your belly and dislodges another airy burp, a queasy moan following after.
“Feel sick,” you say miserably. And your stomach sounds it, too. All wet churning and deafening roars.
“I know,” says Nick. “But look.” You look up with a moan to see that Jace is pointing out the tiny quarter you have left. “You’re almost there, piggy. You can do it.”
Despite feeling like you're going to either hurl or explode, you lean forward, hands squeezing your lower belly as a form of support. It makes a little toot come out, but clearly, You is far from caring. When Jace places the milk jug against your lips with a soft, “there’s a good piggy,” you can only sob.
The last little bit feels like both heaven and hell. Your stomach is stretching out with every swallow, weighing down and pulling your body forward. You know when you lean back, you will hardly be able to breathe with the weight of what's in your belly. You mewl pathetically, cheeks going rosy with each faux-sympathetic coo you garner. You swear you can feel yourself bloating up beneath your chubby hands. You can sure hear it.
Most of your energy is being spent on trying to not be sick, and it’s all so… surprisingly erotic. You're so vulnerable like this; big, sensitive stomach between them all, getting bigger and more tender with each second that passes. You're letting your boyfriends do this to you, is trusting them to make sure you don’t get sick, trusting them to soothe your aching belly. You're weak and soft as a newborn fawn and the twins are handling you with due care. Rough, yes, but in a way they all know you can take. In a way they all know you like.
You barely notice when the jug goes light and empty, getting pulled away from your milky lips. Instantly, you let out a slurry of belches, filled with air and coming from deep within. You open the eyes you don’t remember closing and whisper, “am I done?”
The twins are quick to reassure you.
“Such a good piggy!”
“Good job.”
Sighing in relief, you lean back. And sure enough, just like you expected, you can barely breathe from the weight of what’s inside you. It hurts so badly, each press of fingers makes you cry out in both pain and pleasure; soothing and exacerbating in tandem.
“Oh my God,” you pants, you're achingly tired, mind fuzzy with your own gluttony. “So full, I can’t…” You clench your teeth and a long fart reverberates in the area. “Feel so gross.” And you really do, your ass feels warm with how much gas is coming out and your throat is like the neck of a shaken soda bottle, waiting to erupt. Your belly aches and gurgles nastily, overflowing your clothes completely.
“You look gross,” Jace laughs. He places the empty gallon bottle on the floor and brings his attention to the giant ball of lard in front of you, slowly beginning to rub. “Look at this thing,” he pats it, laughing when it lets out a bubbling whine at him. “Normal people don’t eat and drink as much as you do!”
Nick huffs a laugh behind you, he stretches his hands to encompass your middle as best he can. “Normal people don’t have stomachs this big, either. Or so loud, shit.”
Looking down, you feel your triple chins squish as he observes your belly. The shirt you're wearing is a bra at this point, tucked under your tits, letting your belly spill forth unimpeded. Said gut is resting on your fupa, blushing red and shiny from how over-expanded it is. You've never seen it this big, covering everything in sight. Nick and Jace’s hands seem so small compared to it. Even your own hands, fat as they are, seem tiny.
Nick pats the side as if disapproving of it. “Does this thing ever shut up?” You can only groan, throwing your head back to swallow something thick in your throat. Your stomach rumbles in anger.
“I guess not,” Jace laughs, shaking it like a water balloon.
You feel something lurch, your insides cramping as everything inside you sloshes around. “Mm! No, no. Too full, don’t-!” You let out a low burp. “Fuck, ‘m gonna be sick. Ate too much.”
Nick simply shakes your head. “No, you’re not. You know the consequences if you do.” And you do. The twins will make you drink more to make up for what was wasted. Their entire trio seems to have something against wasted food.
“Ooh, I know. Please don’t make me.” You sob then, hands frantically rubbing the apex of your stomach, where the light catches brightly. “Tummy hurts, please…” Face scrunching, you let out a long fart, crying out when another seamlessly blends into the last.
The twins rub the swollen mass of blubber between them, letting you release burps and farts, snide comments volleying between them.
“Such a gassy pig.”
“Fat slob, you disgust me.
“Fuck, you’re like a blimp!”
“Never thought this would be where you ended up.”
And isn’t that the truth? You were rail-thin when they got together. Your curves came from your bone structure. But little by little, through constant encouragement and hedonism, you really blew up. It’s only been a few years since they’ve gotten together and already they’ve ruined you.
Nick snorts, “yeah, you look like you ate your old self.”
Jace agrees in the form of laughter. “Yeah, ate him and then some.”
Fuck, that’s the truth. You were underweight when they met. Now look at you! A morbidly obese blob.
You simply belch. Your body really hates dairy.
Jace pushes down with his full weight and gets a fart out of his overweight boyfriend. He smiles, a devious thing. “And such a slob, too. The old you would never be caught wearing such a sloppy getup.”
“The old you would probably laugh or run away in disgust.”
“Ha! Yeah. Remember he used to be embarrassed about using the bathroom? Imagine what he'd say if he saw what a gassy hog you are. Shameless.”
The teasing is distracting your dumb brain from the pain, pulling it into a warm haze of humiliation and arousal. “Ngh, he’d say I looked like an ugly funhouse mirror. That I let myself go so badly, such a nasty, fat pig.” You throw your head back and moan.
A rumble of a chuckle vibrates against your roll-filled back. “And he’d be right.”
“Such a shame, how you turned out,” Jace flashes his teeth, like a predator eying its prey; or a grinning Cheshire cat. “And to think, it… No, you will only get worse.”
“And you like it, don’t you?” Nick whispers into your ear, fingers circling your belly button like he does your hole, dipping in to lift and drop your belly.
Mewling quietly, you try to say, “yes,” but a burp interrupts you, making it come out as a disgusting slur of gas and your voice. The twins cringe in unison.
Your stomach has slightly calmed down, though you are still ridiculously gassy. You are softly ushered to lay on your side, your pants pulled down under your love handles, ass crack peeking over. You lift a leg slightly and put extra pressure on your insides to force some gas out. The twins have laid around you. You're farting onto Nick’s front and burping on Jace. The two tease you for it but ultimately let your slobby display continue while rubbing your gut. It's still loud and you are honestly really horny, but the pleasure in your belly and mind are enough to sate you for now.
“Guess I can’t deny how big I am anymore,” you pout, eyes fluttering closed.
“Ha! I don’t know how your denial has lasted this long, considering how you look,” Jace’s voice is smug, he and Nick are always happy to knock you down a peg or two.
You simply sigh. “And I’m never gonna be small again, am I?”
Nick huffs as you finally doze off, “not a chance.”
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general-nerdy · 9 months
Jesse Cromeans/Chromeskull NSFW Alphabet
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I had a lot of fun getting these all down, and thank @sinfulwrites for being my editor haha! Go read her Asa NSFW alphabet. It's fantastic!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Jesse couldn't care less about your comfort if you're laying in one of his coffins. He relishes in your discomfort. His camera gets a fantastic view of the tears streaming down your face, and your soiled body is a work of art. He'll go back and watch the footage again to see you squirm.
When you are someone he is closer to, Jesse is more of a gentleman. You are held in his massive tattooed arms, though you will be subjected to waggling eyebrows and suggestive, teasing messages about your time together. When you regain some energy you are free to use his elaborate bathroom, his multifunctional bidet and huge walk-in shower making it more than a pleasure to clean yourself. He will follow you in and watch. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He's not picky. Jesse can admire every part of you, though he has a weakness for thighs. Your face however is something he will watch intently. He loves to watch your expressions change through it all. 
Jesse loves every part of himself. He's great and he knows it. You don't need to tell him. 
After his incident at the market, he's much more sensitive about his face. But he took it like a champ after some therapeutic mental breakdowns and property damage. It's okay, he can pay to replace the mirror. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Jesse has a bad habit of cumming inside. Why should he sacrifice his pleasure, after all? Does he not deserve it? He also loves to have you swallow his load, again watching your face as you do. Though if you're one of his victims he probably wouldn't risk putting his penis in your mouth. He doesn't want anything happening to Lil' Jesse. 
If you are a victim he might force your mouth open and cum inside, or just cum on your face. That makes a great phone background. Yes, he would do that. Your memory would live on in his home screen. At least until he finds another piggy. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Believe it or not, Jesse would love it if you played with his ass. If you topped or pegged him, even better. His late wife never indulged him. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Jesse had quite a few partners, both men and women, before marrying his late wife. Even after the fact he had encounters outside of his marriage. So he's very much experienced. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Overtop of you with your legs in the air. That way he can see everything; his cock disappearing in and out of you, your body moving with him, and your face of course. His camera also captures more from there. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
When Jesse likes you he's quite the funny guy. He teases and plays with you in a humorous way. If you farted or queefed during sex he'd double over in his wheezing laughter. Jesse is here to have a good time. 
When you're a captive, he's brutal. He makes you look into his camera. He makes you look at yourself reflected in his mask, watching yourself be violated. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Jesse is completely bare, save for his eyebrows. After the incident at the market and his surgeries he doesn't even have those. He likes being hairless, and he's spent a lot of money to get laser removal done. Sliding into his satin sheets smooth as the day he was born is one of his great pleasures. 
He doesn't mind at all if you have hair, wherever it may be. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Jesse's ability to take anything seriously is severely inhibited by what I'd call 'affluenza'. He has so much money he can do what he wants, when he wants. Sex is a fun time for him, sure, but most of the time that's just it; a fun thing to do. Unless you're someone he really, really cares about. Then he will make more of an effort to take things seriously and be more romantic. 
When he makes that effort, he goes all out. Expensive dinners. Trips to foreign countries on one of his private jets. Rose petals on the bed. New lingerie for you. He will spare no expense. You will be wined, dined, and dicked. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Jesse loves to watch his tapes and jerk off. He basically has an addiction, but it's limited to his own recordings or live footage of you. Yes, he's always watching. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Filming: He's got a camera on his shoulder for a reason, and he saves every single tape. He makes backups too. 
Phone/Cyber/Video Sex: Jesse does all three. You're getting dick pics. He will ask for nudes and videos, even if he already has them. There is never enough in his collection. You will receive some in return. He will barrage you with dirty texts. He feels no shame. He doesn't know what it is. More than once he's FaceTimed you, only for you to open the call and see him with his dick out. It's a common occurrence. 
Mirrors: He has huge ones across the way from his bed, just so he can watch your face when you're in a position where he can't see it. Jesse also likes to make you look at your reflection, whether it brings you shame or pleasure.
Period Sex: Jesse does not fear Aunt Flo. Only cowards do. He'll eat you out too. He thinks it's fun to show you your blood all over him. 
Bondage: Keeping people trapped in his coffins watching them squirm is a huge turn-on. Jesse will get right up on the lid to watch through his camera screen. If he's riled enough he will grind against it. He will also use ropes to restrain those he's got his eye on. 
Public Sex: Jesse will shamelessly pull you away to bang. He'll reach under the table if you're at a restaurant. Is it a fancy one? Even better. His fingers will play with you as you try to order from the waiter. Sometimes he'll even reserve the place so you two can have your fun in peace. In the car? He'll unzip his fly, pull out his cock and gesture to it while he's driving. Or he'll just pull to the side of the road and throw you into the back seat of his Chrysler. Did someone see? Good, Jesse wants to show off. 
Necrophilia: IT'S TRUE. NO I WON'T CHANGE MY MIND. We all saw him lick Princess's corpse in the second movie. He was keeping the bodies all around. He humps coffins. Jesse will have his way with his victims just after killing them. The poor interns from his organization have to clean up the mess. It's not a great job, but it pays very well and the benefits are outstanding. 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Jesse loves his mansion. He had it built to his own specifications, and his bedroom has a massive California king-size bed. He loves to show off himself and his affluence. Where else better to do it than there? His car is another favorite. Give him some road head or a handy and he's on cloud nine. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
You exist. He exists. You have holes, he has a penis. That's really all Jesse needs. 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Poop. He likes to be clean. Even psychopathic murderers have standards.
No vomit either. You can gag on his weiner, but please don't puke. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Jesse loves receiving oral. He could sit there for ages and watch you suck his dick. It makes him feel like a king, which he is. 
If he likes you, he will more than happily attack you with oral. Being cute? Being a brat? Bent over? Spread those legs because he's going in. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Jesse does not rush. He is slow and powerful. His size doesn't let him jackrabbit into you, but he doesn't need to. By the time he's done, you'll feel like you have no bones. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Of course! Jesse may be slow, but he is more than willing to whip out his cock and slip in and out. He knows just how to touch you, so making you cum quickly is easy. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Jesse fears nothing. He could buy off anyone if he got into trouble with you. He has public sex for a reason, and that reason is he doesn't give a single shit. He's willing to try most anything if you're down to clown. He's here to have a good time. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
This man can go all night. No problem. He may need a break, but he'll pick right back up in no time. As long as you're willing he's ready. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Jesse has plenty, though not as many as other people he knows. He prefers quality over quantity. They're not competition. They're for enhancing the experience. He'll happily use them on you, and let you use them on him. He has a prostate massager that he loves. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Jesse is actually not that much into teasing when he likes you. He'll do it playfully, but never to deny you pleasure. Though if you're being bratty he just might to teach you a lesson. He'd rather not wait to have his fun with you. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Jesse can't speak. His vocal cords have suffered some kind of damage during his life and left him mute. The only noises he can make are raspy grunts and groans during sex. Though he is limited, Jesse is not shy about making these sounds when fucking you. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Jesse is good friends with Asa Emory, the Collector. The type of friends with benefits. Asa is more often than not the top, despite their size difference. Jesse doesn't mind at all. He finds it quite cute, but he'd never say that to Asa. 
He often helped to fund many of the Collectors endeavors. Jesse thought that Asa's traps were hilarious. 
Jesse is more than willing to have a threesome between you and the Collector, if Asa is feeling agreeable. He might even just sit and watch…
Jesse's late wife was a huge Karen. He hated every minute with her and dreaded becoming a father. 
If you do marry him, he actually is a doting husband. His late wife wasn't lying about that. 
He does not want children. Ever. He'd rather die. 
His aesthetic is very important to him. If there's something with skulls or skeletons, he wants it. Even better if it's chrome or silver. We all saw his cute little skull briefcase. He has cute skull slippers. Skeleton boxers. All of it. 
His late wife hated his aesthetic. She made him stop wearing a lot of it. Once she died Jesse had a field day putting back on all of his skull themed jewelry. The man has rings for days. 
Jesse has a difficult time going to places he considers low-brow or 'poor'. He was raised rich, so he was never exposed to such things. 
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Seven inches and uncircumcised.
Large low hanging balls. 
The tip of his dick is pierced with a Prince Albert. And yes, it has a silver skull on the end.
He named his penis Lil' Jesse. He will never stop calling it that. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Jesse always wants you. All you have to do is look at him suggestively. Or just look at him. He'll ask if you're ready to bang. 
The epitome of "So we fuckin' or what?" 
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Jesse will fall asleep with you. He's not one to pass out as soon as he nuts. He's too proud for that. His ego couldn't handle the shame. 
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piplupcola · 2 years
Perrito is seriously one of the best side characters I've seen in an animated film in a long time
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When I first saw Perrito in the trailers I like many probably reading this probably thought "oh man I guess he's the mandatory dumb side character in the movie like so many other animated films here we go" BUT INSTEAD we get Perrito who is such a well written character and seriously one of the best side characters in a film in a long time.
He isn't just there to be the butt of jokes, he is an integral part of the team, and it is his influence that drives the entire film. So SO many movies the side character is just there to say a few dumb lines or fart jokes and just be there for blank comedy but Perrito does it in the most important way possible. NOT ONCE does he say a dumb line NOT ONCE is he just a stupid character in fact he's actually really smart and is what helped Puss and the team win the final fight.
What makes him funny isn't him being stupid but the sheer contrast of him versus literally everyone else in the film. Throughout the film a big theme in it is trust, which literally every single character in the cast except Perrito lacks. Puss can't trust Kitty, Kitty can't trust Puss, Goldi can't trust her family to tell them her secret and Jack Horner cant trust anyone. But Perrito trusts his friends entirely, his purity despite everything that happened in his past is what drives the film and the contrast between him and the rest of his team makes him funny. He isn't stupid, being a good person and stupidity are not the same. When Kitty tells him that trusting others leads to "a rock, a sock and a river" you can see he clearly knows what happened to him wasnt just a haha joke he just is able to look past what happen to him and see the good that occured because of his tragic past. His family tried to FUCKING DROWN HIM. Yet he didn't spite them and still believed in the good and trusting others, wanting to be a therapy dog so he can help others as well.
Yes there are moments where the things he do like try to do the cute eyes thing or asking Puss to rub his belly could on the surface seem like him trying to be dumb but he was the one without anybody else telling him to use that to his advantage to distract Horner enough to save the day, and is able to calm Puss when he was having a panic attack. Every moment in the film Perrito is there in the side but he is never shadowed by others and still shines as a character in the film.
So many side characters are literally just there as fodder or a easy marketable mascot and nothing more, you see it Disney, Pixar, even live action movies where characters are there to do like maybe one thing say some stupid stuff and the rest of the film they're completely useless. Even good movies have side characters that are completely forgettable and just a fodder to the team. But a good side character can make people laugh and still be integral to the plot and the team just like how in a group you don't have to be the leader to be important to the team. Without Perrito the story wouldn't have happened the way it did. Not everyone can be a leader, but everyone can be a Perrito.
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crackedpumpkin · 9 months
ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ ᴄᴀɴᴠᴀꜱ || ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴇɪɢʜᴛ ||
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Author's note: Sick on Xmas, but hope y'all out there celebrating and staying safe <3 have been incredibly busy lately my calendar has been BOOKED so im super super sorry for not getting back to anyone regarding tumblr; just havent had the time lately;;; in happier news, im travelling tomorrow! (haha still sick.)
[ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 ] | [ 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ] | [ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ]
Sunday | 11.30 AM |
“The birds are chirping, the trees are tree-ing, dogs are barking, and my brain is farting.”
“That was so poetic.” Michael nods, clapping slowly as he moves away from the streetlight he’d been leaning on while waiting for you to arrive. You had texted the group chat the night before, asking if anyone wanted to grab lunch before meeting up with the rest for bowling.
“Is Nicole coming?” He asks, pulling out his phone to check. 
“She’s probably still sleeping.” You shrug, tugging off the thin lavender cardigan you’d put on before leaving the house. You sense Michael’s raised brow, looking up to see his incredulous stare at your outfit. 
“Dude, it’s like, hot.” 
“It’s for the fit,” You defend yourself, adjusting your jeans and tank top. 
“Some fit,” He snorts. He doesn’t even get a moment to defend himself before you sock him in the arm. He winces, rolling his shoulder back and massaging his arm with a grin. “Seriously though, it’s like sweltering out here. I don’t know how you’re going to survive bowling.”
“Watch your words, you’ll just end up being left in the dust anyway.” You cross your arms smugly, holding out the cardigan. He instinctively takes it from you, helping carry it in his arms while you check for lip balm in your bag. Luckily, you grabbed it just before you left the bedroom, stuffing it into the depths of the unknown black hole that is your purse.
“In those jeans?” He scoffs in retaliation. 
You pause in the middle of the sidewalk, glancing down at your jeans in case there was any stain you had missed in the wash. “What’s wrong with my jeans?” “...Everything.”
Michael laughs when you move to pummel his stupid face, shielding himself until your punches subside. “Are you excited to meet Miles?” He asks, running a hand through his hair and checking his reflection in the passing shop windows. 
“W-why would I be excited to meet him?” You ask, stammering only slightly and disguising it as a cough. The reminder only serves to make you more aware of the growing pit that begins to form in your stomach. Suddenly you aren’t so hungry anymore. “I mean, it’s great to meet him and all. Maybe we’ll be best friends, who knows? No one can resist my charms.” As if to prove your point, you flash a bright smile at Michael who hums absentmindedly. “Right, because that’s exactly how we became friends.”
“Yeah! Remember when you walked down the hallway and tripped over my foot, then I helped you up?” 
“Uh, wrong. I tripped over Nicole’s foot and you stood there while she laughed.” Michael corrects with a shake of his head. “The audacity to claim to be a saint.”
“I was shy and it was my first day!”
“I saw that smirk on your face, pinto. And it’d already been a week since you transferred to our school at the time. I knew it was a bad idea for Nicole to be your buddy. See, if we were paired up on the other hand, we could’ve gone and gotten some gazpacho.” He nudges your shoulder with raised brows, smiling suggestively. 
“You’re disgusting,” You laugh in response, shoving him away as he grins. The day had gone just as Michael described, but it was mainly because of how funny Michael’s face had looked when he processed the large white stain on the side of his shirt when he stood back up and dusted himself off. The dismay soon faded once he processed your presence, offering a friendly smile and fist bump before proceeding to flirt shamelessly with Nicole. 
Their dynamic confused you at first, but you soon came to the realisation that they were in fact, crushing heavily on each other. Nicole would never admit it though, but she definitely treated Michael differently from other people. The moments were rare, but on occasions when you did witness it, they were sickeningly sweet and oblivious to the point you wanted to puke (politely, of course).
“Is Nicole already there?” 
Speak of the devil. You pull out your phone, subtly glancing at Michael’s slightly eager expression as he waits. “I think so. She read my message two hours ago, so I think she’ll be reaching earlier than us.”
“She was up at ten? Is she sick or something?” He frowns, trying to hide his worry. However, the way he cups his chin and scrolls through his phone for homemade remedies suggest otherwise.
He really isn’t subtle at all.
“Yeah, I think she mentioned needing lozenges the other day.” Simply pushing them together isn’t enough. You need something solid, something more concrete to gently nudge them. “Didn’t you mention a brand you liked the other day for lozenges when you were sick with that flu?” 
“I did?” He pauses. “I did! I’ll be right back.” He calls out, entering the convenience store right next to you. Hiding a chuckle, you choose to lean against a wall, pulling out your phone to check for notifications.
aCT on it AcT on it [ 11.45 AM ]: a little birdy told mike that ur sick
Mother is mothering [ 11.45 AM ]: what did u do and why
aCT on it AcT on it [ 11.45 AM ]: he asked, i replied. He has the problem, i have the solution.
Mother is mothering [ 11.45 AM ]: this is the opposite of hlpeful. Why r u doing this
Mother is mothering [ 11.45 AM ]: helpful*
aCT on it AcT on it [ 11.45 AM ]: r u at pepercino’s?
Mother is mothering [ 11.45 AM ]: yea why
Mother is mothering [ 11.45 AM ]: u didn answer my question
aCT on it AcT on it [ 11.46 AM ]: see u there babes &lt;3
You ignore the next few notifications, shoving your phone back into your pocket with a satisfied grin. Michael exits the shop just as you do, holding a small red plastic bag. You lean over as he opens it to show you what he bought, raising a brow at the bottle of honey lemon tea inside along with two boxes of lozenges.
“What? Why? Do you think I got a flavour she didn't like? I knew the grape one was better.” He mutters, only for his entire body to stiffen when he remembers that you’re there. “I mean, it’d just be a waste of my money if she doesn’t take it,” He rolls his eyes with a scowl. 
“Right,” You nod your head, playing along with his little charade. “Wouldn’t want your money to go to waste.” 
You spot the sign for Pepercino’s up ahead, grabbing the cardigan back from Michael and wearing it over your tank top once again. He doesn’t question it, already knowing your intentions. Upon entering the restaurant, the air conditioning’s cool relief hits you with full force as if someone rammed a truck against you. 
You loved it. 
Bounding over to a tired Nicole slumped against the window in the booth seat, you slide in right next to her with a bright grin. “Like the fit?” 
She blinks, registering you and Michael’s presence, the latter arriving at the table and sitting down opposite the both of you. She scans your outfit, nodding in approval. “The lavender was a nice touch,” She admits. 
You laugh delightedly, leaning your head on her shoulder. Surprisingly enough, she allows you to do so without complaint. “Here.” You glance up at Michael who places the red plastic bag from earlier in front of Nicole, whose eyes widen slightly at the sudden gift. She opens it and pulls out the bottle of honey lemon tea, a grateful smile ghosting across her lips. 
“Don’t waste my money. I could’ve used it to take another girl out.”
Moment? Ruined.
“Whatever,” Nicole scoffs, her gaze hardening as she opens it with brute strength, chugging it down and slamming it back onto the tabletop. You automatically move away from her shoulder, shaking your head at Michael’s baffled expression. 
“I already ordered for us,” She informs you, proceeding to ignore Michael’s presence. 
“With bacon on top.” She nods. The server arrives just as she finishes her sentence, placing three hot plates down on the table and giving Michael a fist bump which he slowly returns, his gaze still trained on Nicole. “Here.” She shoves Michael’s plate toward him, and he snaps out of his thoughts before beginning to shovel the scrambled eggs into his mouth at the speed of light.
You and Nicole both dig into your own plates, and you hum happily at the soft, yet fluffy and perfectly cooked pancakes drenched in maple syrup and whipped cream. A single bite has you reeling in pleasure from the mildly sweet tinge of strawberries cutting through the richness of everything else. The whipped cream melts on your tongue as if you just bit into the softest cloud. 
There’s only one word to describe this: Euphoria.
You blink, looking down at your empty plate, fork and knife poised and ready for more. Michael had already placed some of his scrambled eggs and toast on Nicole’s plate in exchange for some of her pancakes, taking the last bite with a satisfied smile.
She pops a lozenge into her mouth, glancing briefly at the flavour before sticking out her tongue. “Lime?” 
“The superior lozenge flavour of them all.” You nod, taking one for yourself before handing the server twenty five dollars. He takes it with a smile, waving goodbye to all three of you as you exit. “I think it’s about a ten minute walk from here.” You pull out your phone to check, Michael absentmindedly taking the cardigan you hand to him once more.
“This way.” Nicole instructs, navigating through the streets without worry. A short while later, you stop in front of a tall building, relishing the moment of shade it provides, shielding you all from the sun. 
Right. This is it.
You take a deep breath, straightening your top and posture, adjusting your jeans and subtly checking your reflection.
“You coming or what?” Michael calls out, raising a brow at your strange behaviour. Nicole is already inside, talking with the receptionist. You plaster a smile on your face, trying to push aside the sudden nerves that have your palms clammy with sweat. 
“Coming!” You reply cheerfully, though you're feeling anything but. This is the moment you finally meet the elusive Miles Morales. Not as Ray Paynt, not as his kidnapper, but as you.
You, your raw, unfiltered self. You with your trusty sketchbook that doubled as a weapon in times of need. You, with the very contract that basically had freaking spiderman bound to you stored safely in the locked drawer of your bedside table.
Everything will be fine, you reassure yourself, though your smile is uneasy as you grab the bowling shoes Nicole hands to you. You can’t help the way your gaze darts around as if being chased, trying to spot him before he has the chance to find you.
“Yo,” Michael greets a group of people clustered together, and you grin when one of them holds up his fist for a fist bump. You tap it lightly with your palm, grinning at them. 
“Glad you could make it,” Ally says happily, taking your bag and placing it on the bench. She holds out her arms, the many bangles dangling on it making a little jingling sound as she waits for a hug. You wrap your arms around her briefly, pulling away with a hug smile. 
“You kidding? I wouldn't miss this for the world.” You reply enthusiastically, noticing a stray fleck of dust on her cheek and using your thumb to gently wipe it away before looking around to see who else had arrived. 
“I wonder why.” Michael says sarcastically, narrowly making his escape by darting away to the snack counter with Jeremy who snickers under his breath, giving him a fist bump.
“Where’s Morales?” You overhear Nicole asking, pulling out your phone to check the time. “He’s late. He better be coming, or I’m gonna drag his ass here.”
“You called?” 
Oh. Oh no. Not now. Hide. You need to hide.
“Hey guys,” Miles says, giving an ecstatic Ally and nonchalant Geoff a quick hug each and pretending to block Nicole’s punches with a playful grin. “What’s good…?” His smile fades once his eyes land on you, his words trailing off. 
“Right! Miles, meet our little pinto.” Michael introduces you cheerfully, Nicole murmuring your real name into his ear. “She transferred into our school a while back. Fair warning though, she’s more capable than she looks.” He laughs, oblivious to the way Miles’s shoulders tense, fingers curling into a fist as they rest at his sides.
“Yeah, I know.” Miles mutters under his breath.
“Bless up,” You greet weakly with a small smile, your high five going unreciprocated. You awkwardly lift your other hand up, high-fiving yourself instead as the group stares at the both of you. You slowly lower yourself down into your seat, clearing your throat and pretending to not notice how very, very tense the atmosphere had suddenly become.
Good save, you mentally compliment yourself on the sheer nonchalance of the action.
“Have you met before, or…?” Ally glances between you both with a clueless smile.
“Uh, well-” Miles spots the subtle shake of your head, “No. This is our first time meeting actually. Nice to meet you.” He draws out your name, the angry glint in his eyes enough to make you look away. 
You never knew bowling alley lights could feel so much like one of those police interrogation rooms you’d only ever seen on TV. But hey, that’s what you get for manipulating the city’s superhero, you suppose.
Okay, so maybe the entire situation is your fault indeed. That much you can admit. 
You look back at him when he scoffs out a sigh of disbelief, sitting down opposite you as the surprise in his eyes shifts to betrayal. You avoid looking him in the eyes, focusing on anything and everything around him instead. You’re pretty sure he’d love to sit anywhere but here, but it’s the only seat available.
Pressing your lips together, you risk a glance and immediately regret it. He’s already looking at you, arms crossed and the corners of his lips hinting at a frown. You gulp, pulling out your phone.
abuelita [ 01.30 PM ]: hi :) ?
His phone chimes with a text and you lift your head. He checks the notification, raising a brow and glancing momentarily at you. 
You gesture to his phone with a sheepish smile. “You gonna get that, or…?” 
bug [ 01.31 PM ]: what
You wince at the hidden bite in his text.
abuelita [ 01.31 PM ]: i was gonna tell u, i swear
abuelita [ 01.31 PM ]: i just didnt kno when…?
bug [ 01.31 PM ]: who even is ray paynt then
abuelita [ 01.31 PM ]: repeat that to urself 3x 
He quickly mutters the fake name you gave him under his breath, eyes widening in realisation once it hits him. 
“Spray paint.”
“Don’t you already have some?” Michael asks, suddenly making an appearance and choosing to sit next to Miles with a grin. “If you need some, I know a guy.”
“I don’t need spray paint. I need answers,” He mumbles the last part, Michael shrugging and grabbing one of the bowling balls. “Do what you gotta do, dude. But know that you are going down today.”
He chuckles slightly at that, his jaw tense and shoulders stiff. You allow your gaze to trail over him, observing every nook and cranny that the shadows of his face settle in, the lighting of the bowling alley casting a light neon that reflects in his eyes.
Your fingers itch for your pencil and sketchbook. 
You flinch when he turns back to face you, locking eyes. Your first instinct is of course, to smile. 
Besides, only a lunatic would get angry at someone smiling at them.
The lunatic sitting across from you suddenly stands up, moving over to grab your wrist and tug you up as well. You stumble, balancing yourself and about to question him when the look in his eyes makes you fall silent.
“Where’re you guys going?” Geoff calls out, and you glance up at Miles who makes no move to turn around.
“It’s nothing, we’re just gonna get some nachos!” You call out with a nervous chuckle, Geoff nodding in approval at the prospect of his beloved snack and oblivious to the fact that you’re being dragged away. 
He finally stops at the snack counter, queuing up for the aforementioned nachos. He drops your hand and turns around with the most anger you’d seen in his eyes. There was also wariness, but it’s overshadowed by the tight-lipped smile on his face. 
“Okay, what’s your angle?”
“What angle?” You purse your lips into a frown, trying to make sense of what he’s saying.
“Your angle! Everyone has an angle. Look, when you made me sign the contract I already knew this isn’t gonna end well. I thought I could’ve persuaded you to rip it up or something, but you keep somehow venturing away. I take my eyes off of you for one minute and bam! You’re gone!” Miles rants, running his hand through his hair in irritation and sheer frustration.
What happened next is definitely not your fault. Not even in the slightest.
“Are you saying you’ve been following me, Morales?” You gasp, holding your hands up to your mouth as your eyes widen in playful shock. The words and actions were instinctive, and happened faster than your brain could process.
There’s no choice now. You have to follow through.
“Do you have a crush on me or something? I mean, I’m flattered, but damn, at least ask me out first,” You laugh, patting a very, very stunned Miles. His lips are parted but no words escape, wide eyes trying to comprehend the utter ridiculousness of your very sentence.
“What would you like to order?” You glance at the chirpy cashier who waits patiently, then back at the boy who’s still clearly in shock. You take one look at the menu on the counter, making a quick decision when you realise you’re the next ones to order.
“Nachos and some popcorn chicken please.”
“Would you like the nachos with or without beans-?”
“I do NOT have a crush on you.” Seemingly recovered from his earlier dumbfoundedness, Miles hisses the last part of his sentence with some venom, hands curled into fists as he shakes his head, trying to gain some semblance of calm.
‘With beans’, you mouth at the cashier who’s watching this exchange with an awkward smile. She nods, moving to prepare your order even though there’s already staff behind allocated to making the food. You didn’t blame her for waiting to move away from this, wishing desperately that she’d take you with her.
Unfortunately, luck isn’t on your side today it seems.
“Dang, that’s too bad. I was gonna turn you down nicely too.” 
“Is this a joke to you?” Miles crosses his arms. Now that you have the chance to observe him up close without his mask, it’s intriguing to see how much of an open book he truly is. His tone is laced with disbelief, and is that a twinge of hurt at the end you hear?
A hint of distress flits across his features, disappearing as quickly as it came. The corner of his lips is twisted downwards, his brows furrowing as he waits for an answer. 
“I’m not trying to joke. I’m sorry,” You sigh, letting your arms fall to your sides in defeat, “I just thought that like- I just kinda- Look,” You wring your head in your hands for a brief second, trying to formulate the right words to say. “I’m sorry I lied to you about my name, okay? I didn’t even know I’d ever meet you as myself. Not in this situation, anyway.” You add the last part, gesturing to the bowling area where the rest of your friends are.
He takes a moment to contemplate your words, and you notice the cashier’s not-so-subtle gaze from afar, not wanting to be a part of whatever the conversation is, but still curious nonetheless.
“I’m sorry I lied to you.” You repeat once more, taking out your wallet in preparation for the nachos that are slowly making their way over in the hands of the reliable cashier. Miles stays silent, chewing on his bottom lip in thought as to whether or not he should even accept your apology. You hope he would, seeing that it’s not half-assed after all.
“That’ll be 8.50.” You pull out a ten-dollar bill, handing it to the cashier who places the plate of nachos down on the counter. She’s about to ring it up and hand you back the change, when Miles takes two packets of M&Ms, glancing briefly at you as he mutters, “She’s paying.”
You happily nod, spotting his slightly more relaxed shoulders, though there’s still some tension in his jaw. “Does this mean we’re good?” You ask, the both of you walking back to the group.
He pops a few M&Ms into his mouth, taking his time to chew before side-eyeing you. “You better increase my pay, and I want a full explanation next time.”
“Of course,” You breathe, relieved that he’s not as angry as you thought he’d be. Sure, the fragile bond that you’d gradually developed with him is definitely back in it’s starting stages now, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t become civil again.
Cheered up by the thought, you hand the nachos to Geoff who immediately starts inhaling them piece by piece, Tiff smacking his arm and scolding him to make sure there’s enough for everyone.
Taking a seat next to Nicole, you lean your head on her shoulder. “You good?” 
“Yeah,” You nod, your eyes following one specific person who’s interacting with everyone else. “I hope so.”
It’s silent for a while between you both, before Nicole realises who you’re looking at and snorts.
“Y’know, you didn’t hear it from me, but he has cooties.”
— — — — — 
Mother is mothering [ 09:45 PM ]: sent a file [selfie1.jpg]
Mother is mothering [ 09:45 PM ]: sent a file [selfie2.jpg]
Mother is mothering [ 09:45 PM ]: sent a file [selfie3.jpg]
aCT on it AcT on it [ 09:46 PM ]: god ur naming skills have gotten so much worse
Mother is mothering [ 09:46 PM ]: u literally named your vacuum ‘roundy’
aCT on it AcT on it [ 09:46 PM ]: touche.
— — — — — 
abuelita [ 09:55 PM ]: sooooo u good? U free next week?
abuelita [ 09:55 PM ]: was thinking of going to the bowling alley again i kinda like the lighting
bug [ 10:00 PM ]: we just went thr today?
abuelita [ 09:55 PM ]: yes but like lighting and i didn have my sketchbook with me :(
bug [ 10:00 PM ]: idk hv to c
abuelita [ 10:02 PM ]: betbetbet, sweet dreams
abuelita [ 10:02 PM ]: try not to follow me tmr if u can help it :) 
bug [ 10:05 PM ]: ok
— — — — — 
@oh-kurva @queerponcho @sleepingnova @1theestallionyas @horologiumwise @ken-zah @sockgoblin @itstooearly-its3am @anuncalledbridge @ditto737 @sophipet @mirophobic @dilucpegg3r @urmotherswhor3 @arraxthatsonjah @ameliabs-world @superiorbyfar @swaqlover @janyiahsucks-blog @choco-malk-blog @akemiixx01 @a-cult-leader @berryunderscore @scarletrosesposts @stargirlhayven @bellstwd @edgyficuselastica @psyche404 @sukisprettyface @brunnetteiwik @axeoverblade @amo-a-los-postres
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