#even when I’m looking at them I get happy and radiant of myself
salehasposts · 8 months
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emiliehornby · 7 months
when you get me alone (it’s so simple)
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pairing luke castellan x fem! child of aphrodite! reader
synopsis while luke is known for making people’s heads turn at camp, you finally give them a reason to stare after learning how much everyone seems to want him
warnings implied sexual content, descriptions of a make out session
author’s notes happy valentine’s day everyone!! the voices in my head were louder than usual, so i figured we could all use a sweet treat today!! mwah!! i hope y’all enjoy these headcanons
On a particularly slow day, the Aphrodite, Athena, Apollo, and Hermes kids decide to spend their free time around the lake. In a glimpse, Luke can be seen laughing with Chris. A radiant smile is plastered upon his lips while he takes in the sight of you. In the distance, Annabeth sits with Grover on a towel, letting her toes wiggle into the warm earth. She watches the water intently, making sure none of her siblings are in any imminent danger when the giggles from Apollo kids, Sadie and Caroline, drown out her thoughts.
“Gods, what I’d give to be in his arms right now.” Annabeth’s ears can’t help but pick up on the conversation taking place beside her. “It’s no surprise he’s taken. But you’d think as a Hermes kid, he’d go for someone more like…us.” Sadie sighs.
Grover leans in closer to Annabeth, his interest piquing when she rolls her eyes. He fears that the daughter of Athena is going to give them a piece of her mind when she stands, but Annabeth merely picks up the frisbee that lands near her feet. She throws it back to where it came from and sits back down to hear Caroline encouraging Sadie, “Come on, it’s only a matter of time before you’ll get your chance. The Aphrodite charm has to wear off eventually. I mean, it always does.”
This time, Grover can’t stop her from turning to them. “Look, you don’t know how things seem to work around here, so I’m going to explain something to you.”
“What Annabeth means to say is that-” The satyr attempts to soothe the situation, but she cuts him off amidst her stubbornness.
“Now, I know not all the Aphrodite kids are palatable, but Y/N is easily the sweetest one I’ve ever known. And there’s a real reason as to why Luke is so in love with her. But I guess you’ll never find that reason for yourselves if you continue to act like this at camp.” This effectively humbles Sadie and Caroline, who mumble to each other while they make their exit.
As if on cue, you walk up to Grover and Annabeth. You’re laughing with a Hermes kid that soon leaves to join the game of frisbee, but it dies down when you notice Annabeth’s hardened stare. You place a hand on her shoulder, “What’s wrong?” 
Grover stands and hands over your towel while insisting it’s nothing. But Annabeth cuts Grover off again to explain, “Sadie and Caroline were saying things about you…and Luke.” You understand what she’s trying to imply and give her a squeeze.
It was no secret that Luke was well admired among his peers. Most of the time, it isn’t even an issue, but there were campers who thought they could change the course of your relationship every now and then.
Sadie and Caroline easily fall under that category, seeing as they completely ignored your existence when Luke decided to take you with him during their initial tour around camp…then there was the time Caroline pretended to lose her way at camp as an excuse to get Luke away from you and alone with her. And just two weeks ago, Sadie feigned hopelessness during a sword skills session. As the instructor, it was Luke’s job to adjust her form. However, it was glaringly obvious the Apollo girl had an ulterior motive, especially when she threw a snarky smile in your direction when she thought you weren’t looking.
“Oh…You don’t have to worry about that, Annie. I can handle myself just fine.” You reassure Annabeth to the best of your ability. She nods and stands to settle herself into your side.
In your peripheral vision, Luke is jogging over to you with his shirt in hand. You don’t miss the way Sadie and Caroline ogle at the thin layer of sheen coating his flexing muscles and the lines running down Luke’s back that aren’t actually sparring scars, despite what you tell the curious kids that help him out in the infirmary. You smile when he pats Annabeth’s arm and leans over to press a kiss to your forehead. “Hey, is it time to head back already?” He asks, putting his shirt on as Annabeth checks her watch.
She huffs, “Unfortunately. We should get going if we don’t want to be late. I still have to grab my dagger.”
It’s a comfortable walk back, and when you reach the Athena cabin, Annabeth bids you two goodbye and runs inside. Luke’s hand is loosely intertwined with yours as you lead him to the Aphrodite cabin. He raises his eyebrows, asking, “Did you need something from your cabin? I thought you were working on archery right now.”
You push the door open, sheepishly admitting, “I am, but I was actually thinking of skipping out on lessons today.”
Luke’s tone is suddenly laced with concern, “Are you okay? Did something happen at the lake?” He drops your hand to check you over, but his touch doesn’t stray far from your waist to prevent you from moving away. But the gesture is welcomed and you take a step forward, a shy smile peeking through the corners of your lips.
His worry for you falters, mirroring your love struck expression, “Oh,” Luke pinches your side. You shove his chest with a shriek. “You’re awful.” He tells you, but he’s already got a hand tracing lightly over your cheek.
Your gaze switches from his dark eyes down to his lips, “You love me.” and that’s all it takes for Luke to dip down his head and meet you halfway. Your hands reach down under his shirt, feeling the warmth radiating from his toned torso. You bite down on his lower lip, and you know you’ve sent Luke’s head spinning when he lets out a short whimper. He attempts to deepen the kiss, but you pull away before he gets the chance.
Your eyes flutter open, whispering, “Do you want to skip lessons with me?”
Luke’s lips are lingering above yours when he responds, “Did you even have to ask?” and pulls you onto your bed. He settles his back against the wall and hums in content when you begin to pepper pecks on his jawline. 
After a moment, you pretend to move off of him, “I don’t know…you were pretty excited for combat training earlier. Maybe I should just let you go.”
In retaliation, Luke’s blunt nails dig into your waist, “Don’t you dare.”
A warmth flutters through your stomach when you hear the desperation in his voice. Your fingers itch to tangle themselves in Luke’s ravenous curls, lightly pulling so he can look up at you. A deceptively innocent smile paints your lips and you don’t skip a beat to get him back on you.
Heavy breaths. Discarded shirts. Whispered promises. This is how you spend the next hour in between your skipped lessons and the nightly bonfire. It’s nice, but you know it’s your cue to take a step back when the crowd of kids crawling outside the cabin becomes heavily audible.
You’re still on Luke’s lap when you say, “You look so pretty like this.” Your eyes flicker from his own to his kiss swollen lips and rowdy hair. There’s an urge to run your fingers through them, but you settle for lightly tracing over the fresh love bites that are scattered across his neck and collarbone.
Luke smiles dopily while you admire your work, “I think we should skip lessons more often.”
You finally get off of him, throwing his shirt to his chest while you smooth yours out, “Don’t be such a bad influence, you’re a camp counselor.” You can’t help but stare again when the marks heavily peek out near his collar, fading in between the orange fabric.
Luke notices your longing gaze and walks over to you, “You know, you’re not the only one with charm in this relationship. I’ll be fine.”
“Yeah, okay. Let’s go, lover boy.” You roll your eyes and take his hand. You stumble on your way out, but Luke is there to catch you. He chuckles and lets his arm rest over your shoulders while you reach up to hook your hand with his. He helps you find your footing until your legs wake up on the way to the amphitheater.
“Wait,” You halt just before you reach the steps. You grab Luke’s necklace, gently pulling him in. You let your hands rest on each side of his marked up neck and he hisses at the feeling of your fingers gently pressing on his sore skin. Luke bites down on your lip in response, savoring the hint of watermelon that seeps through until you pull away, “Just wanted one more.”
You’re satisfied once you see the hint of pink gloss smeared at the corners of his mouth. He takes your hand again, guiding you inside. You spot some of your sisters, greeting them with a wave. They giggle at you two in response, whispering frantically to each other while you find an empty space at the front of the bonfire.
“Hey, is anyone sitting here?” Luke asks Sadie, who happens to be standing to his left alongside Caroline. Chris, who’s sitting a step above them, unashamedly howls with laughter at the sight. He leans forward to clap Luke on the back, catching the attention of Grover, who sighs in embarrassment, and Annabeth, who’s trying her best not to giggle at the sight of a gobsmacked Sadie. She and Caroline shake their heads frantically, broken words bubbling from their throats as they take in Luke’s glossy, blissful smile that he throws at you.
They finally give you the time of day, noticing that the reason for his contentment comes from your own swollen lips. You look back at them with a smile and take your rightful seat next to Luke, who wraps an arm around your waist to pull you closer, watching as they go back to their siblings to start tonight’s singalong.
If the fire glows a little greener as Sadie and Caroline lead the singalong, no one comments on it. They all know better than to mess with the insatiable charm you hold on Luke. After all, you are your mother’s daughter.
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cumikering · 1 month
F1 John Price x reader 4
2.8k | fluff, mentions of cheating John Price and the 50 billion other Johns of the UK (part 1) (part 5)
The bed shifted. A rustle, a thud. Distant whispers.
“… Yeah, sorry, John’s here now… Yeah? Okay, see you, love.”
John looked up with a soft groan when the door cracked open. “Sweetheart?” he croaked.
He squinted in the late morning sun, but he didn’t miss how wonderful you looked in his shirt, all soft skin and a radiant face as you climbed back into the comfort of his arms.
 “Sorry for waking you.” You kissed his cheek. “Harley wants to meet for lunch instead. That fine? We’ve got nothing planned, have we?”
“Of course, but I thought it was supposed to be dinner. Is she alright?”
“Yeah, her tattoo appointment got pushed back so she figured we should meet before.”
He remembered the photos you showed him, of your good friend from school with the pink hair and an array of colourful tattoos. You said she made the best cupcakes.
“And she just told me- I guess it’s a little silly.” You pulled a face. “But we were huge fans of this singer back in the day, and he just got exposed for cheating on his wife. I know it’s none of our business, but it’s just really sad to see. People are saying if a supermodel gets cheated on, us regular women stand no chance.”
He hummed. “You believe that?”
“No, it just depends if you’re faithful or not, but all cheaters are liars. And it doesn’t help that powerful people always have options lined up, but that’s just something you avoid, right?”
His body tensed. “W- what do you mean?”
“Just don’t be with someone who’s famous or away a lot. I mean… This is probably my insecurities talking, but it’s not for me.”
“There are plenty who are just as happy despite the distance.”
“That’s true.” You paused. “I didn’t tell you, but there was this bloke a while ago, had always been upfront about how difficult it could get with his job. I thought I could handle it. He didn’t hurt me or anything, but I don’t think I want to put myself in that situation again,” you said wistfully. “Dating celebrities must be even worse. On top of that, losing your privacy, being compared and criticised endlessly…”
“No, but do you really think it won’t work out?” He sat up, gripping your shoulders. “They’re just normal people behind all the drama, probably don’t even want any of it. Don’t you think they deserve a fair chance?”
“Why are you so riled up, John? Are you famous?” you teased. “You surely are handsome enough to be a model.”
He lay back down, avoiding your gaze as heat crept up his neck.
What the bloody fuck just happened? He was supposed to tell you everything, arrange a meet with his mates and maybe have you stay the night at his, but the very first conversation you had for the day turned out to be an atomic bomb.
“Well, you’re up now. I know it’s closer to lunch, but I’m still making you pancakes. I need you to try the blueberry jam I got you.” You kissed his forehead before making your way out the door.
A lump formed in his throat. Fuck, he was being a hypocrite. He hated that life and there he was trying to drag you into it too.
What had started as him trying to be cautious, innocently laying low had escalated into something else. This was going to look horrible, like he tricked you, especially after last night - it had meant the world to him. But it was never his intention to fool you.
The tide had turned in the blink of an eye. This had been his life for many years, but why the fuck didn’t it occur to him that being with him wasn’t ideal for most people? That no one dreamt of being with someone who was barely home, that this could very well be deal-breaker? If he had been waiting to trust you and let you in, now he was in danger of being left entirely.
“John, you okay?” you asked at the table.
He looked up from his plate and forced a smile. He wanted to throw up. Your pancakes were wonderful as always, but he could barely stomach them with these thoughts running through his head.
“I’m sorry, did you want to do something today?” You placed your fork down. “I should have asked you before saying yes to Harley.”
“No, no. It’s not that. I’m just… Thinking, is all.” He reached across the table for your hand. “I can drop you off if you want?”
But all was not lost. Telling you now would only make the situation appear more disheartening than it was. He just had to prove to you that a relationship with him - no, he would be different. When he eased back into the season in a few weeks time, you wouldn’t even feel anything had changed – he’d make sure to show you the distance was nothing to worry about. He’d tell you then, and you’d be far less apprehensive.
Yeah, he could do that. If three weeks apart for Christmas was not a problem, being apart 4-5 days, twice a month would be a child’s play.
You agreed to him driving you to Harley’s, but even then he white-knuckled the steering wheel and barely spoke a word.
“John, did I do something?” You turned to him when he pulled up.
“No- sorry I’ve been distracted.” He chuckled sheepishly.
“Are you sure? You know you can tell me, yeah?”
“Yes, I promise.” He pressed your hand to his lips.
You have him a small smile before you exited his car, hesitation in your eyes.
The little voice in his head knew he was stretching his façade. It was selfish, perhaps devious - he didn’t want to admit, that he still kept you in the dark even after you expressed your aversion. He had no excuse, but he wasn’t about to let this end, not before he tried his absolute best.
You wouldn’t be mad, would you? His heart was in the right place - he just wanted to save you the heartache. How he was going to make this work was his burden to carry. He just needed you to sit back and be patient with him while he figured things out.
Let me know if you want me to pick you up. Enjoy lunch x
The cold of winter mellowed as February inched closer to March. John had been counting down the days to the start of the season. He’d missed the ecstasy of speed and the itch to get behind the wheel only seemed to worsen.
He started ordering cookies for his team again weekly. He would take any excuse to see you one extra time, especially when you’d send him off with an off-menu drink and a kiss in front of his car.
What he severely underestimated though, was how cramped his schedule was going to be in preparation for the season with never-ending meetings, tests and interviews. He still made time to see you of course, but more often than not he’d be late to pick you up with impromptu events getting in his way.
That night was one of those times again.
“John, you know you can tell me if you can’t make it, yeah?” you said as you locked up your shop. “I really don’t mind going home on my own.”
“No, I want to, really.” He gave your hand a squeeze. “It’s just work has been ultra busy.”
You smiled. “Should I just come to yours this Friday? Let me return the favour.”
He shook his head. “Don’t worry about it, love. Like I said, I don’t mind the drive.”
You’d been asking more often, and John was only a few more questions away from breaking entirely. He couldn’t keep doing this to you. The lump in this throat was palpable each time your smile flickered when he gave you yet another excuse to not visit.
Despite the delay, John took you out for dinner at the place you’d wanted to try. You enjoyed yourself regardless, even that it was too late to catch a film after like he’d promised. Instead, you shared an ice cream and strolled along the streets among the thinning crowd.
At the end of the night, as he held the door open as you slipped into his GTI, someone yelled out his name. He turned to the source of the voice, and it was then the consecutive camera flashes stunned him. He quickly shut your door, jumped to his seat and drove away.
“Did someone call out for you?”
“To be fair, half of the men in the UK are called John.” He shrugged, making you chuckle.
With the thick beard, cap and face mask, the chances of paparazzi recognising him were slim to none, but there he was. The man had been a few metres behind the car - he must have only caught John’s side and your back. Regardless, he prayed the photos were shit enough to not make it online, let alone to anyone who might recognise you, and therefore him.
He swallowed and peered at you. “Love, I’m, uh… Heading to Bahrain for work next Wednesday.”
“Oh, how long?”
“I’ll be back Monday.”
“Okay.” You patted his thigh with a smile. “If you need anything for the trip, let me know if I can help.”
He breathed a sigh of relief. At least that went fine.
John held off shaving until the very last night before he left London for pre-season testing on the last weekend of February. It was always bittersweet to erase the months of effort, but this time it symbolised more than the beginning of the season.
Things weren’t going to be as easy with his schedule back in full swing, but he was confident. Everything would be alright and he’d be able to come clean in no time at all.
John called you at the end of each night, to make up for barely responding during the day. You’d tell him about your day, send him pictures of your meals and the new cookie flavours you tried baking at the shop.
On Sunday, you had JP with you at breakfast. ‘He asked for pancakes,’ you said. You served him a stack of tiny pancakes topped with a singular blueberry on an upside down teacup with a shot of milk on the side. He’d grinned at the photo, but most of all, he wanted to cry at how precious you were.
See, distance was not a problem for you and him – everything was fine. So on Monday night at your dining table, what you said caught him off guard.
“John- I just,” you began, moving your food mindlessly with your fork. “I don’t want to be clingy or demanding, but it’s been over three months. I don’t know where you live, I’ve never met any of your friends.” Your eyes met his. “Tell me I’m not unreasonable for wanting to know.”
“You’re not unreasonable at all.” He sighed. “I’m sorry, love. It’s not that I don’t want to, but for now I’m uncomfortable showing you where I live.”
“You know I don’t care whatever it looks like, yeah?”
“Could you give me some more time? I promise to take you when I’m ready. Please give me a few more weeks.”
You smiled, but it didn’t reach your eyes, and rightfully so. He had turned down each and every attempt to ‘know’ more of him.
Guilt continued to singe him. It was true that the coward dies a thousand deaths but the valiant one. He’d only hurt once for telling the truth, but now that the truth could drive you away from him, he couldn’t risk it.
“Also,” he winced. “I’m flying to Bahrain again on Wednesday.”
You frowned. “You literally were just there today.”
He couldn’t have picked a better time to tell you, could he? Did he have to keep breaking the news to you every week and watch the smile fall off the face of his favourite woman?
“Well, the team stayed there, but I thought I wanted to see you for a bit. I mean- two nights, that’s better than nothing.”
You laid your fork down and gave him a sympathetic look. You sighed before getting out of your seat. For a second he thought you were going to leave, but you went over and wrapped your arms around him as he was still seated.
“You don’t have to do that, John.” You held him against your chest. “I know it’s your job, and I’m not trying to make a fuss about it.”
“I want to,” he mumbled, closing his eyes.
It was silly to admit it, but he’d grown terribly used to seeing you almost every day, sharing meals with you, waking up with his arms around you. He didn’t have the strength to be apart for so long.
Slumber inched closer and the rise and fall of his bare chest slowed under your cheek. He kissed the top of your head, pulling the comforter closer over your exposed shoulders.
“I enjoy seeing more of your handsome face, but I miss your beard already,” you muttered sleepily.
He let out a soft chuckle. “Goodnight, sweetheart.”
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“First race of the season, eh!” Gaz slapped John on the back before plopping down onto the couch next to him. “Will we finally meet her?”
In the hospitality suite, it was the first time they had some quiet since he arrived in Bahrain.
He sighed. “Not yet.”
“Aw, thought it’s official now with your public appearance.”
“What?” He whipped to his teammate. “What are you talking about?”
“The photos. Have you not seen?” He pulled up an article.
Incognito John Price spotted with an unknown woman
The McLaren driver was recently seen strolling hand-in-hand with a mystery woman, sparking speculation among fans on social media. Though nothing is confirmed yet, John has been spotted multiple times with the same woman around the city, adding to the intrigue surrounding their relationship. For the outing, the Scouse opted for a casual ensemble as he’s often seen in, donning a black baseball cap and a matching face mask…
“Who the bloody fuck cares what I’m wearing?” he muttered under his breath.
He scrolled further down, finding photos of the both of you taken in bursts. A set were of you holding hands while walking down the street, the bloom of your laugh at something he said perfectly captured in the photographs. Some where he pulled his mask down to kiss you with an arm wrapped around your waist as you clung onto his bicep. And the last few were of him looking absolutely aghast in the flash as he held the car door for you before driving away.
“You look like shit in the last one though.” Kyle winced. “Like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“Yeah,” he answered dryly, tossing the phone back to Gaz. “You’d probably look the same way if someone howled out your name and took your photos in the same second.”
John didn’t bother going through the sea of comments, not wanting to know what unsavoury remarks he was only going to find. He didn’t even realise the man the other day took so many photos. His heart melted at how lovely you looked in the candid pictures with your radiant smile - his favourite state of you, but his stomach churned at the same time.
How long hid he follow you? Spotted multiple times - did that mean there were other photos of the both of you floating around online? At least half of your face was obscured in the shots, but someone who knew you could very much recognise you regardless.
John Sloane was running out of time. There was only one way this was going. The truth had to come out, and it was his choice if he wanted it to explode and destroy what he had with you, or come from him, wrapped as best he could.
But he had time. He only needed a few more weeks to step up his game and get you used to the schedule, to make the transition as seamless as he could for you.
As always, he texted and called when he could, but he had to admit, he felt it. It wasn’t the same if he didn’t get to hold your hand or wrap his arms around you, because two days were not enough at all to let the craving for you melt away.
His confidence flickered, but it didn’t matter. It was his forte after all – his whole life had revolved around relentlessly pushing forward despite how painful it was.
And so he wasn’t giving up. Not on you, not this soon.
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the-blue-fairie · 10 months
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Art by @shes-an-iso – commissioned by me and posted here with permission
It is ten years ago and I am watching Frozen.
It is ten years ago and I am watching Elsa transform herself into her truest self, watching her spin threads of blue around herself, seizing power for herself – radical self-actualization.
The glint of Elsa’s ice dress reflects in my eyes as I watch Elsa strut into the sunlight – and I do not have words for why I am so moved.
I do not have words, but the shimmer stays.
It is ten years ago and I am choosing to become a part of the Frozen fandom.
I have lurked in fandom circles before, but never posted a thing, never made an account.
It is my first time being part of an online fan community – and, as awful as fandoms can be at times, this fandom – for me – ten years ago – is truly a community.
I begin to make friends in the Frozen fandom.
Some of these friends are trans.
The gleam of Elsa’s hair in the rose-gold dawn shines again in my eyes, and shyly, I begin asking questions of my friends.
Realization is nothing without the words to process it – and my friends give me words, my friends help me to understand.
I am a trans woman.
It is in this online space that I first take the name Liza for myself, since this online space is the only place that I can allow myself to be.
I build for myself. My blog is my own ice palace. What I cannot sculpt in daily life, I carve within online spaces – offering my writing, my thoughts, my edits, my soul to the world.
Everyone here knows me as Liza.
Even as I’m in the closet to my family for years, in here, I am Liza. My friends know me as I am, and as Liza is all they will ever know me.
But I am in the closet. For years.
(It’s why Do You Want to Build a Snowman still breaks me.)
In the closet more out of some misplaced sense of duty to my family than out of dread, though I am scared. Always scared. And then in the closet because I feel it’s better if I bury this. Not better for me, but for them. If I’m bleeding inside, it doesn’t matter. I can put on a show. I have fine-woven gloves. Well-taught decorum. Be the good girl you always have to be, etc.
(Maybe it’s my fault I’m in the closet for years. Anons on this site have told me that in the past. I don’t have it as bad as others in the closet, I’m just a coward, the fault is mine, the fault is mine…)
Fuck off.
(People blame Elsa for the thirteen years in the same way, placing the blame on her and not the tutelage that trained her, because her parents loved her, you see, and love becomes a convenient means of shifting blame to the victim.)
In June 2016, after the Pulse shooting, I make a post about how I’m never going to come out. I am terrified, heartbroken, mangled by grief – but my friends are there for me. My friends send me messages of support, of compassion.
I still cherish the memory of those.
Years pass. When I finally come out to my father, I can barely say the words, barely look him in the eye.
It is ten years since Frozen and I have come out to my family – far too late. I have been on HRT more than a year now.
(My dad still misgenders me when he thinks I’m out of earshot. He resents when I get frustrated with him over this.)
It is ten years since Frozen and I am Elsa on the North Mountain, staring into the whirlwind of an uncertain future, defiant and scared.
And I know – I know – that I didn’t process I was trans because of the film – it was because of the friendship of fellow trans people, trans people who happened to be Frozen fans a decade ago – but my journey of self-realization, my time in the closet, my creation of a sense of self, are so entwined with memories of Frozen that I can’t help but think of it when thinking about my own transition…
Can’t help but think of Elsa, hips swaying, arms outstretched, flashing, radiant –
Happy tenth anniversary, Frozen.
And thank you. Thank you.
(This is okay to reblog. In fact, please do. It is a sliver of my soul that I offer to the world.)
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ax-cx · 8 months
Luke Castellan x Fem!OC
slight Pervy!Luke and Toxic!Luke
Warnings: swearing, heavy make out, mentions of slight stalking, super obsessed Luke, mention of drugs, flirting
Just pure fluffy love really
“You can’t keep dancing with the devil and ask why you’re still in hell.”
- (of alcoholic drink or a drug) liable to cause someone to lose control of their faculties or behaviour.
- exhilarating or exciting.
- "an intoxicating sense of freedom"
Laila was intoxicating. Just looking at her made my mind run miles. Her beautiful brown hair, falling down over her shoulders. Her beautiful green eyes, glinting when she looks up at me. Her beautiful smile, contagious and bubbly.
Fuck man, I’m so done for. The way she says my name, gods help me.
“Luke.” soft, sweet and silky. Just imagine how it’d sound beneath- no shut up Luke. She’s perfect. Don’t ruin her.
“Yes sweetheart?” oh gods, stop looking at me like that dollface. Can’t you see me melting here?
“I need your help.” her cheeks reddened. Like strawberries and summer sun.
I can’t be this crazy for a girl, right? I’m just Luke. I’m the best swordsman at camp, son of Hermes, and a silly little Demeter girl can’t make me feel this way. Even though she picks flowers everywhere she goes, and the roses greet her like an old friend; even though the shrubs and plants seem to bloom brighter when she walks past, nature pouring from every pore of her pure soul.
“Of course Laila, what do you need?” my voice was shaky, of course it was. She was so fucking stunning my heart hurt. She gave me a headache and a high I couldn’t chase anywhere else. So I was her little servant instead.
She wanted help? Always. Can’t choose an outfit? Sweetheart you look perfect in blue. Someone giving her a hard time? I’ll fucking kill them. She wants food? I’ll get her anything. That bracelet’s cute? Bought it already.
I followed her like a wolf trailing behind a little lamb. All I wanted was her aura, her devilishly inducing soul. I’d do anything she asked. I’d burn the goddamn world to the ground. Just to make her happy. Anything to see her smile.
Chris told me I was obsessed. Maybe I am. Just a little. Just a lot. She takes up my every waking thought, tying up my mind in flowers and thorns, sweet smiles and sugary sounds. The way she walked. The way she talked.
I found myself hidden outside her window, looking in on her dressing once. Like a child outside a candy shop, my face was pressed to glass so hard I nearly fell through. The curves of her body, the scars on her knees, the freckles across her shoulders and clavicle. She rivalled Aphrodite, the fucking beauty she is.
“I need a new bikini and I don’t know which one to get.” fuck. How am I meant to hold myself back now? Surely she’s trying to kill me.
“Laila you look great in anything. But-“
“Blue’s your favourite colour, I know Luke, I know.” Laila I’m begging you, don’t put a blue bikini on, I might fuck up this perfect relationship. “So I picked out two blue ones but I don’t know which ones better.”
Oh god. I could feel my blood going south already. I watched as she slipped into the changing room, drawing the curtain, metal scraping metal. I listened as she shuffled, watched her clothes hit the floor and the shadows of her curves pulling the material on. I hated how long I waited, I was dying to see her.
I was dying to see my girl.
Metal scraping metal, and a soft whisper. “Luke?” my eyes met perfection.
Shamelessly letting my eyes wander, the blue fabric was tastefully perfect on her sun-bronzed skin. I’d forever be grateful for Apollo for how he made her shine. Her hips, her breasts, smattered with freckles and battle scars, marred in its most perfect form. Glowing and radiant. A princess in its finest definition. My beautiful drug. Little shells and gold trinkets were looped into the mesh, woven into the blue and trailing down her ribs and thighs.
Her hair was tucked behind her ears, her face on full display. Strawberries and summer sun dancing across her cheeks. Playful freckles smeared on her skin, full lips pulled into a meek grin. I stood up, and took her chin by the finger, lifting her embarrassed eyes to meet mine. I saw her curl in on herself.
“Laila you don’t need to be ashamed. You look great.” great. A disgusting understatement for how ethereal she looked. Aphrodite worked her magic and worked hard on her. The word felt filthy on my tongue. A princess like her needed to be praised and showered in the filthiest compliments, degraded by affection and ruined by attention. She glowed, and the world stopped.
I couldn’t hear a thing but my heartbeat. Racing, trying to tear from my chest and embrace hers. Her eyes gleamed, and I felt my resolve crumble. My confidence, my senses, my mind and soul falling to bare parts of who I am.
A man so effortlessly infatuated with a woman.
Losing all my thoughts, all my being, I melted into her. I gave up, finally leaning into my instincts and pressing my lips to hers.
They say your first kiss with a person you love is like fireworks. Your lips ignite and everything feels right.
It’s a lie. It’s like a fucking war. Winning and losing, fighting and failing. Kissing the girl I’m completely besotted with. Fuck. Her lips were heaven on earth, soft and plump, the perfect fit to mine. Gods this girl was meant for me. I truly must’ve been blessed, for finding a girl that just fits effortlessly, lips the missing piece to my fucked up puzzle, is a one in a billion girl.
I reluctantly pulled my lips from hers, immediately missing the warmth that bloomed in my chest, the warmth of her lips.
“Laila I’m so sorry.” she blinked, once, twice, still processing what is just done. I’d fucked it, I’d royally fucked it. “I couldn’t, I just couldn’t help my-“
My breath cut short, her fingers pulled on my belt loops, pulling me in, roping me further into her spell. She kissed me. Crashing our lips together, all teeth and tongue, all love and war. My perfect girl perfectly kissing me. My eyes were shut so tight, sight a pathetic sense when compared to her taste, her smell, her feel. Like the world was put right.
My hands swallowed her hips, kneading the supple bronze flesh. She was gold personified. Glowing, valuable and just stunning. Her skin was putty in my hands, the perfect golden feeling against my calloused hands. Soft and untouched. All mine to ruin.
I almost felt bad. Touching something so celestial, with my broken and damaged hands. With my plans and my anger. With my disgust and falsified details. With my wrath and rage. With my betrayal and my suffering. But I didn’t care. My care was out the window as soon as she kissed me. I finally got to be selfish for once. Thinking only of myself for once.
She was pure sugar. Addicting, intoxicating. Like my own personal cocaine.
Her hands were woven into my curls, like the soft curves of a tapestry twisting a timeless tale. This is a moment to remember for as long as I live, something I don’t ever want to forget.
She pulled her lips from mine, and my lips ached for the contact again. “So this one?” she grinned, her beautiful beautiful smile on her beautiful beautiful lips.
“I’ll get you both princess.”
My beautiful drug.
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frozenjokes · 25 days
PUSSY UP CUBFAN‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ cumbo cannibalism win💥💥💥
‘I’ve had an idea! Are you around?’
Cub got Mumbo’s message two days after the three of them brought Mumbo home. Given the length of time, neither he nor Grian was actually waiting in the moth ball anymore; everyone needed to eat and sleep among other obligations, so after day one, the two of them checked in for an hour or so at a time a few times a day. Apparently, Grian was not there now. Cub considered calling him, but from what he could tell from the tone of the message, Mumbo didn’t seem too fussed about being asleep for multiple days. Anxiety gripped Cub at the thought of responding- maybe he should call Grian- but Mumbo didn’t sound upset either, did he? The message was too vague to tell, but if Mumbo was in good spirits and wanted to tell him something, he should go, shouldn’t he? If he called Grian, would Mumbo be willing to say the same things?
Cub steeled himself, responding, ‘I’ll be there in a minute.’ He could call Grian afterwards. So he set off, checking his communicator religiously on the way, but Mumbo only acknowledged him with a smiley face.
Cub didn’t even get to ask if Mumbo was okay before he was grabbed, hauled through the floor of the moth ball and nearly lifted off his feet until Cub thrashed and was let go.
“Cub! I had a thought. I have an idea.”
“I-yeah?” Cub stumbled back a little bit, half because Mumbo had unsteadied him and half because he didn’t particularly want to be touched, but Mumbo wasn’t bothered at all, Cub didn’t even think he noticed.
“I don’t have to hurt anyone, Cub, I don’t have to hurt anyone. I just have to kill them, right? I don’t have to hurt anyone. It’s just easier because I can control it, it’s consistent, but not necessary.” Mumbo was so bright and excited that Cub didn’t want to point out the oxymoron, but he was also entertained, amused maybe, and he did not have to ask Mumbo to continue, “So I was thinking right, people get upset on their own. It happens all the time! A build isn’t working out, spilled water on a redstone project, getting hit with a particularly nasty prank or just being plain upset with each other! I could take that. Truthfully, I don’t know how helpful this would be or if it’d even be close to enough, but I want to try! I think this could work. If I got frequent enough meals like the one you just gave me, I might be able to sustain myself on just that!”
Cub was starting to understand what Grian meant when he was speaking about the happier Mumbo; truly, he was radiant. Still, the content of what Mumbo was saying left Cub gaping.
“This. So you’re- Okay. Two hermits are really upset at each other, right? Hypothetically. They’re really tearing into each other, they are not happy. You want to get between them, break it up, then eat them?”
“Oh, no, I wouldn’t ask. Deescalating would take away from the pain, you know? I would just drop in and kill the two of them instantly.” Mumbo blinked, backpedaling at the look of disbelief on Cub’s face, “I mean, everyone would know! They’d know I’m not human, what I need to do to eat- I wouldn’t start doing this out of nowhere! I’d just be taking advantage of pain while it’s available. Do you not think-”
“Mumbo.” Cub stopped him, and Mumbo looked up, eyes wide and dark and startled, “This is the funniest fucking thing you could chose to do. This is awesome.”
“It- It’s not funny!”
“It is extremely funny. Just imagine it, right? You’re working on a build. You hate it. Everything is going wrong. You are having the absolute worst day. Suddenly you are dead. Just dead. You wake up in bed, extremely confused, then you look outside and there’s Mumbo Jumbo, swallowing your dead body whole. You go huh. Maybe I should take a break. That is hilarious. This is great. Please do this.”
“I-” Mumbo was flustered, waving his hands like this would stop Cub from speaking words, “I was going to! I was going to, but now I don’t know if I should!”
“It’s good! I think it's a great idea! I think it’s even better if you don’t tell people. You should just start doing it. Never address it.”
“I- no! You’re horrible!”
“No, it will be awesome. It would be hilarious. I bet they wouldn’t even care, they’d be so confused. Hey Mumbo, whatcha doing? Why. Why are you doing that? Doc would Lose His Mind. In fairness I think that would be particularly terrifying for him. That’s a whole- I- creeper? Goat? Big. Lots of limbs. That can’t feel good, swallowing something that big. Does it hurt? It looks like it hurts.”
“It- I probably wouldn’t- no, it doesn’t hurt, it’s just efficient most of the time. I don’t know what it looks like either, but-“
“You don’t know? It’s horrific! I have to show you.”
“Please don’t.”
“I just can’t believe it doesn’t hurt. Grian said you eat cows-“ and then before the mortified Mumbo could interrupt, “He knows everything by the way. Everything everything. Partially because he’s a pest and partially because he was there when I told Scar after you-“ Cub remembered suddenly, then shrunk in on himself, “I- I’m really sorry about that- just the whole debacle.”
Mumbo removed his head from where he had buried them in his hands, confusion gently furrowing his brow, “You left that note, didn’t you.. I couldn’t think what you were referring to.”
“You- Seriously? The whole last bit of our conversation?”
“What did you say?” Mumbo cocked his head, so genuine, but Cub still could not shake the feeling he was being majorly fucked with, though luckily, Mumbo filled the short silence on his own, “I.. Well, I remember most of it, and I’m sorry I kinda threw all that on you I guess. I wasn’t well, and I think you know. And I know you didn’t want to be there because I.. you know. And you kept working yourself up, and you weren’t speaking super clearly and I wasn’t paying much attention because the- it’s not a smell, fear isn’t a smell, but I don’t know how else to describe it to you. It was distracting, is all.”
Ah. Hm. Yeah. Mumbo was too busy salivating over him to realize what was working Cub up in the first place. That. Okay. On the one hand, he wasn’t sure how much he loved the idea that most of his friends took great pleasure in his discomfort. On the other hand. Cub had been so appetizing that Mumbo couldn’t think straight enough to hear about how that exact thing made his brain short circuit. Mhm. Yeah. Cub had normal feelings about that.
“Was it not okay?” Mumbo cut through Cub’s thoughts, suddenly distressed, “I thought- You were just so adamant about being eaten, but I didn’t ask and I really should have, I just-“
“No, it’s fine, perfectly fine, you don’t have to ask. I was just thinking.”
“Oh!” Mumbo blinked, then nodded, like this made perfect sense, “You think slow, I forgot.”
Cub snorted, laughing despite himself, “If you say so.”
“Well.. What did you say, then? What did I miss?” Mumbo asked, and while Cub probably should have seen this coming, while he wanted a second chance, he wasn’t expecting this to go down right now like the first chance hadn’t happened. Cub got the sense that Mumbo was seeing straight through him as his face heated up, anxiety prickling under his skin and raising the hair across his arms.
“Well.” Cub breathed, “I may have over exerted myself the day in the labyrinth, so I spent most of the two days after sleeping and-“
“Wait- Days? How long was I asleep?”
Cub blinked. Guess there was no way for him to know, was there. Had he not checked the date? “A little over forty-eight hours. Has this not happened before? Is it not normal for you to sleep like that after a big meal?”
“I- Well sometimes. It’s not uncommon with humans, but otherwise it’s not a frequent occurrence. I always assumed it was just a few hours though, not that I kept track of the time or would have done so if I had the means. I had no idea. Boy, that’s a little disorienting..” Mumbo looked back up to Cub, refocusing, “Sorry- Didn’t mean to interrupt. What was it you were saying?”
“Oh, I forgot.” Saved.
“No, no,” Mumbo furrowed his brow, “Something about you being tired, right? Sleeping a lot? And- and something else?”
Cub pursed his lips. This was his moment. This was it. No backing out. Time to impress. Say something sexy. Something suave. Be cool. Pussy up Cubfan.
“Masturbating.” God damn it.
“Uh,” Mumbo was clearly taken aback, a hand drifting awkwardly to the back of his neck, looking side to side like he was trying not to say something rude. “That’s awesome, mate. I.. I do that too, sometimes.”
“You what!?”
“Ah!” Mumbo startled hard, fright which turned incredulous, “Is this suddenly not a safe space!?”
“You- You think about me?”
“What!? That’s- No! That’s not what we were talking about at all!” Mumbo covered his face, “What- What are we talking about!?”
“I was talking about you!”
“Me what-?”
“You with your hands in my stomach and wrist in your mouth wanting to kill the hell out of me while I jerk it, man, that’s what I’m talking about!” Cub thought he might literally explode, every part of him red and molten under the surface.
“..what?” Mumbo practically squeaked, and it was Cub’s turn to bury his head in his hands. He was half convinced Mumbo would kill him right here and take the meal, or maybe Cub just wanted that, because being dead would be about a thousand times better than standing here like a blithering maniac.
“You said. You don’t do anything but hurt people.” Cub said, though not without a shake to his words, “And I said that isn’t true. Because I. Happen to find those parts of you. Incredibly attractive. And I think. Selfishly. It would be very sad if you never wanted to regroup in the labyrinth. Because I really want to. And while I’m digging a deeper and deeper hole for myself I’m dying to know if the flesh eating part of you also has a sex drive. For science. You don’t have to answer that. But. Yeah. I do think about you. In that way.”
“Oh dear,” Mumbo said, which seemed appropriate. He was normally so pale, it struck Cub how nice he looked with a little flush, though, this was definitely more than a little, “You know, I think I kind of remember that. You saying that. Yes. I think. Yes. I understand now.”
“You can say no.”
“I’m not saying no.”
“Please just say no.”
“You want me to say no?”
“I just want this to end. I suffer so much at my own hand.”
“Well.” Mumbo stopped short, and the two of them were suspended in a thick silence that lasted at least three thousand hours, “I,” and Mumbo continued to pause excruciatingly awkwardly between nearly every word, “tend to not.. I don’t. I’m not the kind of guy that ends things quickly, am I?”
Cub gaped at him. “Did you do that on purpose.”
“Do what?”
“Draw it out. Talk like that. Slowly.”
“Oh, no. I’m just nervous. Unless that’s the smart, hot thing to do, then yes, pun intended or- or whatever.”
“If I think about it hard enough, anything can be sexy.”
“Please do that then,” Mumbo looked genuinely relieved, and something about that was so sickeningly sweet it made Cub’s heart pound in his throat. He was at a loss for words then, though he was thinking an awful lot about Mumbo’s tongue, and maybe he was being a little obvious with his staring, because Mumbo did him a massive favor and let him taste.
The kiss was gentle and sweet, an awful lot like Mumbo himself, or the way he preferred to present himself anyway. Cub had quite a few ideas of his own on how this could go, but he did not chase them, far more interested in what Mumbo wanted this to be. Mumbo’s lips were chapped, likely from two whole days of mouth breathing in bed, but Cub’s were as well, typically in bad shape one way or another; he had a habit of picking he just couldn’t quite shake. But Cub had long retired the notion that a kiss was some angelic, butterflies and rainbows exploding out of your ears experience. It was nice, it was comfortable, and in a world of fast paced high energy bordering on desperate making out, Cub found he had forgotten what a kiss like this could be, that it didn’t have to be anything at all. He liked it. He liked how Mumbo held his hand. He would like very much to do this again.
Mumbo pulled away first, and Cub found himself satisfied, lingering, but only to watch. Mumbo chuckled, looking away, maybe finding Cub too intense, which was fair.
“Was that okay?” Mumbo asked, a little meek, fiddling with his mustache as if he thought it might have gotten in the way.
“I thought it was great.” Cub squeezed Mumbo’s hand, pleased that he hadn’t let go. “Now, I’m not in any kind of rush, but I would like to know what your thoughts on sex are, just so I can set my expectations.”
“Ah,” Mumbo said it in the way that made Cub think he probably should have waited, but he hated that lingering uncertainty between intimate interactions, he just wanted to iron things out now. But Mumbo looked thoughtful, if not a little nervous, “I mean, I don’t know if I’m looking for any commitments right now, but if you’re thinking something more casual, I would be open to a thing like that.” Mumbo stopped himself, amending, “Well- I guess it depends actually. I don’t- I don’t know all of what you’re expecting of me-”
“Casual is good, casual is better,” Cub agreed, “I’m not overly concerned about recreating fantasies, I have a perfectly active imagination to use in my own time.”
“Well what’s the point then?”
Cub snorted, caught off guard, “What do you mean?”
“You’re interested in me physically because of what I am, right? You like that.”
Cub stopped, shifting his weight as he thought how to answer. He hadn’t meant to give Mumbo that impression at all, but yeah, Cub could see how that had happened. “Well sure, but that’s not the only reason. I’m gonna work on wearing you down enough to get back in the labyrinth with me, but that’s not really about sex either, these are just things I do for fun. I have to get you in with Scar as well, or both of us at the same time. We could see who survives the longest, sabotage each other or work together, it would be incredible. I just also happen to think being hunted is sexy. These two things coexist.”
Mumbo grimaced. “I think I might just struggle to understand how being slowly tortured to death is a fun activity for you- for both of you.”
Cub shrugged. “I dunno. Sounds fun. If it’s not fun and you don’t need it for your health then I won’t do it again. But it will be. I can’t wait to try and stop you. You’ve seen Scar, he’s a lunatic. I’m worse. We also already do basically that in the labyrinth like.. all the time. Faster paced for sure, but that’s because we have to be, we know each other too well.”
“Well- I’ll think about it. How’s that?”
“Yes!” Cub pumped his fist. “You’ve made a man very very happy today, Mumbo. Someday soon I will take you home and thank you personally, but not now, because if I don’t call Grian immediately I will not live to see the light of tomorrow. However, you’d better believe I’d love nothing more than to bend you over my finest strap, got it?”
“Grian-? Oh dear, I know he- oh,” Mumbo finished processing, flushing prettily, then covering his hand with his mouth, a gesture that sparked a moment of violent cuteness aggression in Cub that he promptly forced down. “Oh dear.”
“Is that okay with you?” Cub couldn’t help a small chuckle, but the question was genuine.
“I- Yes. Perfectly.”
Incredibly pleased, Cub moved to open his communicator, finding Grian’s contact. He lingered for a moment, mildly disappointed, but called regardless, figuring he’d rather not be caught making out with Mumbo by a furious Grian who had just happened to check in at the wrong time. Cub hardly got two words out before Grian confirmed he was on his way, hanging up promptly. Cub sat down on a chest, sighing contentedly.
“To uh, answer your question..” Mumbo started, and Cub didn’t entirely remember what he was talking about, but was enraptured regardless, “I share most basic tenets of every species whose shape I take. Obviously, there are exceptions and spectrums in every place, though I usually fall somewhere in the middle everywhere. All this to say, I mean.. Yes. I have a sex drive. If I had my way, I would always be hunting, but there are moments of downtime where I share the same kinds of desires of whatever I am. Mice, birds, wolves, people. If I am a social animal, I want to be around others of my kind. If I am a dove, I’d like to find a mate, raise a family. These are passing desires, they fall below the need to eat, but they are still there, so. If things work out for me here on Hermitcraft.. If hunger isn’t so much of an obstacle, which I can’t promise it won’t be.. Well. Make of that what you will.”
Cub stared. He stared for a very long time. “I am making.”
Mumbo laughed, mostly out of concern, but Cub saw amusement there as well. He could live with that. He could very much live with that.
Cub’s shoes skidded on the honeycomb floor as he took a sharp turn, and he nearly wrenched his arm out of the socket as he grabbed Scar by the jacket, hauling him in the right direction. The hallway was long, the worst kind of way for it to be when it came to Mumbo; he got confused on too many turns, and if the two of them were smart, they could loop him around and continue without getting caught.
“He’s close-” Scar panted, “Nearly saw me around that last corner,” and indeed, Mumbo was very close, his footsteps louder than the sound of Cub’s and Scar’s combined.
“If we’re fast we can confuse him in the next part of the maze,” Cub tried, but Scar only scoffed, rolling his eyes.
“We are not that fast.
Indeed, just moments before Cub’s lab coat whipped around the next corner, Mumbo screeched, the surefire sign that the two of them had been spotted. No coming back from that. One of them was going down. Cub was in front right now, but Scar was faster, strong enough to shove ahead of him, though when he was alone, tended to lose time by paying less attention and making wrong turns. When Cub and Scar were together like this, Scar usually managed to squeak out alive, and it was no accident that they ended up together most days.
“One day,” Cub breathed, “He’s going to catch me. And it’s going to be in the sexy way.”
Scar snorted despite himself, “Uh huh, yeah, maybe today’s your lucky day?” Cub felt Scar’s breath on his neck, ready to push past Cub in the narrow hall, so Cub reeled around, shoving hard and catching Scar off balance. But Scar had too much momentum, tumbling forward instead of back, managing to catch Cub’s leg in both arms before Cub could slip away. Cub fell nearly flat on his face, unhelped by Scar yanking him backward and using the momentum to help himself to his feet. Dazed, Cub just barely caught Scar’s pant leg as he dashed past, but lost his grip when Mumbo’s weight slammed over him, crushing him flat to the ground. God damn it.
Cub felt Mumbo’s claws in his back, lifting him by the neck of his clothes before Cub could even struggle and whipping him into the opposite wall. His back cracked squarely against the deepslate, and beyond his daze Cub was immediately certain something was Wrong, though he couldn’t exactly place what that was as he crumpled to the floor. He couldn’t sit up. That was something. He couldn’t run either, which was mildly alarming, since he very much would have liked to. Luckily, Mumbo was the gentlemanly sort, lifting Cub into a sitting position when he couldn’t do it himself.
If Cub didn’t know him any better, he’d think Mumbo was angry with him. But no, Mumbo was definitely more irritated. Darn fragile human (-esc) body! So easy to break! Cub had to agree, he would much rather be running right now. He really got an edge up on Scar when they got to the parkour sections, though they rarely got that far. But even at the first one with the trapdoors, if Scar fell enough times, Cub could lose him in the key mazes, then he’d really get ahead.
Cub attempted to commiserate with Mumbo so he knew they were both on the same page here, but instead of actual words, mostly blood dribbled from his lips. Hm. Yeah, he might be dying. Mumbo was not the only person here who was disappointed, that was for sure.
And then Mumbo jerked forward, snatching something affixed at Cub’s belt and tearing it back, oh! He remembered! That was great, he didn’t remember the last two times this was a relevant issue. Mumbo was not gentle with the splash healing, shattering it into Cub’s stomach, which, with the glass, kinda ruined the point, but Cub suspected that was extremely on purpose. Cub heaved a shaky sigh, feeling the life bloom back into his limbs. Still trembling, Cub took the second and last splash healing potion off his belt, smashing it against the ground beside him. He needed it. Mumbo watched him carefully, those beady eyes narrowed in a scrutinous attention.
“What?” Cub mumbled, a hint of a laugh sneaking through despite the great ache that still wracked his back and limbs. Yeesh. If he hit that wall a little harder he might’ve just outright died. “Want some kinda reward?”
Mumbo snorted, animal-like, but he released Cub, getting back to his feet and turning away.
“No, no, wait. One second, I’ve got something for you.” Mumbo stopped, eying him suspiciously. Cub dug at his belt for his third and final potion, speed, one he’d been saving for the second part of the maze, though given he hadn’t made it out of the first section unscathed, he didn’t think he’d be making very good use of it. He threw it weakly, nearly missing, but Mumbo understood when the effect took place.
“Go get that bastard.”
Mumbo might have smiled. Either way, he didn’t have to be told twice. Cub got slowly back to his feet, taking a few deep breaths before he too plunged back into the labyrinth.
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enterpris · 1 month
Trials and Games
Pairing: Reader x Gojo
Summary: After training your whole life and making it to the Olympic Games, you are finally able to compete with the most elite athletes from around the world
You finish your event and are looking to celebrate- with the help of a handsome, white haired athlete of course
Warnings: Bad flirting, bj, fingering, v*aginal sex
Ao3: PlaidSparrow
Gojo's leaning on the table behind you. 
“Hey, you didn’t mention that you’d finished your event yesterday! Congrats on the gold.” He give you a rakish smile.
“Yeah, everything’s been kind of a blur honestly. I’m glad to have it over with though. Is it difficult having your event at the end of the games?”
“Nah, it leaves plenty of time before the event to check out the competition and get some more training in. Plus, it also gives me time for some extracurriculars,” he looks you up and down again. 
Maybe it’s the high that’s leftover from the winning, but there’s something intoxicating about being desired so blatantly. If he doesn’t think some casual sex will throw him off his game for the event, you’d be more than happy to take advantage of his advances. 
“I happen to be looking for some extracurriculars myself. I think we could find something to do together.” You return a flirty smile of your own. 
“Oh perfect! You’re good at swimming, too, right? I've been wanting to get in the pool and do some laps, it's a great full body workout.”
If it weren't for the glimmer in his eye when he says it, you'd probably assume you had completely misread his interest. As it is, it seems Gojo is interested in verbal sparring as foreplay.
“There’s plenty of ways to workout the whole body. But I’m happy to show you the training pools.”
He seems to be pleased with your answer, that you’re willing to play. 
“Oh you're bold, huh? Maybe after the pool we can try out one of those other ways. What do you say we put some work on?” His smile is radiant. 
“Well they did hand me like 30 condoms, I wouldn’t mind using them,” you shoot back.
“I bet we could do some damage to one of our cardboard beds. Tomorrow then?” The accompanying finger guns are equally dorky and charming. 
“Yeah, sounds good.” You give him a quick wave and set off towards your building- gotta make sure the room will be empty tomorrow.  ~*~
You’d spent the morning in one of the training pools warming up, swimming some laps and showing Satoru the training building allocated to aquatic events, then returned to your respective buildings in the village to freshen up. You shower and thank your past self for deciding to live a little while you’re at the Games.  
Watching the way Satoru’s body moved in the pool, pulling muscles tight and his face flush to catch his breath, thinking of all you'd like to do with him, was an hours-long exercise in self control. You’d like to touch his skin, be the reason his cheeks are pink and breath is short. 
You wait for him outside your building, absorbing the sunlight that filters through the branches of the trees. A few moments later, you lead Satoru back to your (empty) room on the third floor. For all of his talk, Gojo is surprisingly non-initiatory when you walk into your room. 
He looks around at the slightly messy room- there’s luggage on your floor and the unpacked clothes hanging on the back of your door- before looking back at you. In your defense, there’s been a lot going on, and pretty much everything is more interesting than unpacking the different uniform options. 
You raise an eyebrow, and Satoru shrugs back at you.
“Just thought I should know a little more about you before we dive right in.” He smiles at you impishly, and it ignites your need for him even more. You take a single step towards him. 
“Is there anything else you’d like to know?”
“I think there’s a lot I’d like to learn about.” 
You take another step towards him. 
“Let me show you then.”
Satoru waits for you to take the last step between you, bringing you nearly face to face. He’s taller than you are, and he looks at you heatedly for a moment. 
You stare into his dark eyes for a moment and your heart is already beating faster. Then the tension snaps. He pulls your body to his own, and you can feel the firm muscles of his chest through the thin uniform shirt. He’s exuding heat, and as he brings his lips to yours for an open-mouthed kiss. Satoru’s lips are soft but insistent, and he sensually runs his tongue along your own. He tastes just slightly of mint, fresh and a little sweet.
His strong arms are still pressing you into his chest, and you maneuver one of your hands under the fabric of his shirt. His skin is burning there, and his abs flex when you press your hands against him. The wet heat of his mouth on your own intensifies your own want, pulsing through every inch of your body. 
You break the kiss and peel the shirt off, revealing his superb body once again. The small room is filled with your pants, catching up on breaths lost to each other, and you admire his physique. He’s got incredible definition, and you can tell the muscles have been built up for strength and power, not just looks. Under the bright shirt he's pale everywhere, an expanse of clear skin and fine hair trailing down the v of his hips. 
“Like what ya see?” 
Satoru puts his hands on his hips and then jokingly poses, flexing his arms and then turning to give you another angle. He’s stockier than you had originally thought, but is lithe and light on his feet. It’s easy to see how he could out-maneuver an opponent, and you’re halfway hopeful he’ll be able to take you down in a similar way. 
“I do.”
Your eyes are hooded as you watch him preen. Satoru continues to peacock until you corral him toward the bed. His own hands find their way under your shirt, skirting around your bra. His fingers are thick and rough from his own training, they're pleasantly coarse on your own smooth skin. 
It's starting to feel uncomfortably warm in the small room, and you're ready to divest yourself off some of your clothing. You help him tug off your top, and he immediately palms your breasts, your nipples already peaked under the thin lace. 
He leans down to kiss you again and you run your hands over his torso. His warm hands continue circling your nipples and he sucks your bottom lip into his mouth. When you reach the waistband of his shorts, he groans into your mouth and you can taste his neediness.
You're up against the low mattress now, and you push Gojo to a sitting position. The small cardboard bed frame doesn’t give you much to work with, but slowly, teasingly, you get onto your knees before him, placing open mouthed kisses down his chest and stomach before painstakingly pulling his trousers and underwear to the floor.
His cock is flushed and smacks against his stomach, already beaded with pre-come. 
“Just a sec” Gojo reaches down and pulls a condom out of a pocket in his shorts. “I know you said you had plenty, but it seemed more gentlemanly to bring my own.”
Then he bites the package open and easily slides the rubber down the what of his cock. He tilts his head and pumps himself a couple times.
You grasp him and replace his hands with your own, maintaining the steady rhythm he had begun. Achingly slowly, you lower your lips to his member. You take just the tip into your mouth, and his cock jumps. 
The taste of the latex isn't your favorite, but as you take more of Satoru into your mouth, his breath hitches and you can feel him grow even harder. You explore him with your tongue, running over the veins, and with your hands, one closed over the base of his shaft while the other cups his balls.
You continue bobbing your head, slowly increasing the speed and you can feel his cock pulse in your mouth. 
There are spots of pink on his cheeks as you look up at him. You maintain eye contact as you dip back down to the base of his cock and slowly pull back up. Gojo leans his head back and sighs as you push your tongue along the thick vein on the base of his shaft. “Jesus.”
His legs are tense now, and the movements of his hand are erratic as he cups the back of your head. HIs breaths are coming faster now and he’s watching every one of your movements carefully. You flick the tip of your tongue across the head and then descend again. You can’t quite take all of him into your mouth, so you manage what you can and then suck gently.  
Satoru sighs above you. 
Knowing that you've got him on the edge of coming leaves you breathless and wanton. You can already feel the slickness between your thighs. 
Before you can do any more, Satoru gently moves his hand to your jaw and lifts you off of himself. He pants a couple beats and then partially rises, allowing you to join him on the bed. Before you recline he slips your shorts off, leaving you in only your matching lace underwear. 
He takes your prior place on the floor and traces his hands up the defined muscles of your legs, lingering on the bulk of your quads and calves, and his eyes sinful in their appreciation of your physique. He spreads your legs farther. 
“God, do all divers have legs as delicious as yours?”
His blue eyes linger on the valley where your legs meet as his fingers find their way to the top of your lacey underwear. 
“Maybe all Olypian divers do.”
You’d meant to be a little flirty and teasing, but it comes out breathier than you meant when he runs the pad of his thumb over the fabric. It’s already soaked, you know, and his first touch slides deliciously against you. 
“I dunno, I think what you’ve got is special.”
He strokes you again, licks his lips, and then returns his hands to the top of the underwear, slowly sliding them down and exposing you. Once the garment is out of the way, He runs his finger across your bare sex, gliding easily through your folds. 
You inhale sharply and he locks eyes with you as he slides a finger into your dripping pussy. His eyes are aflame and his attention is glued to you as he slowly pumps into you, watching for any change in reaction. He adds another finger, stretching you just slightly. 
Besides your heavy breathing, the only other noise in the room is the lewd swash of his fingers pumping in and out of you. When he lightly rests his thumb on your clit you jerk, and when he begins to rub soft circles on it you moan. 
Your eyes flutter shut to absorb the sensation, but you realize that you miss the intensity of Satoru's eyes on you. You look back down at him, and trace his body as he continues to touch you, cataloging the way his abs clench when he pants out breaths and how his cock twitches.
Knowing he's so hard and ready for you pushes you closer to the edge, your legs tense with the prospect of release. Satoru analyzes your responses with the keen eye he would turn to an opponent, but he's not looking for an opportunity to pin you, but to bring your pleasure wide open. 
Satoru nips your bottom lip, moves his other hand to unclasp the bra behind your back. Now uninhibited, he palms the breast in his huge hand then rolls your nipple.
The pleasure in your body is fluid, rising and pooling between your legs. You pulse around Satoru’s fingers and a moan slips out. He keeps his fingers deep inside you and the thumb on your clit moving steadily, it's enough for the waves of pleasure to break over you. 
Your vision whites out for a moment and then your whole body is liquid, melting in the aftershock of one of the most intense orgasms you've had in a while. 
Gojo looks down at you, pleased, then climbs back into the bed next to you. He lets you continue to catch your breath laying down, but drapes your legs over his thighs as he rests back on his haunches. The position will give him plenty of access to your body. 
“Is this ok?” 
You nod, and then he lines up his cock to your entrance. 
The first couple thrusts are shallow, as he watches your breasts bounce every time he pumps into your slick cunt. The position affords you quite the view too- the exertion has left Satoru with a sheen of sweat on his skin and a pleasing pink  On his chest that wasn't there when you started. 
He grips your hips now and pulls himself deeper, increasing the rhythm between your bodies. This angle is reaching deep within you and building a mounting pressure that could build you back to another peak. 
Clearly the training you've each done for your sports is paying off in the bedroom too- your appetite for Gojo is voracious and he seems to have plenty of stamina.
Watching him pump his hips languidly, his cock disappearing into you, you reach down and hold his wrists where he's clinging to your hips, taut and aching.
Using the leverage from your handle on Satoru’s arms, you lift yourself to meet each thrust. The extra pressure of your weight on his arms doesn't seem to bother Gojo, if anything, his soft moans seem to get more frequent the more you touch him and use him to chase your pleasure. 
“I want you like this,” Satoru groans and then unfolds his legs, resting his forearms on each side of your head and bringing you nearly face to face. 
As you adjust he pushes the hair out of his face, which displays the long line of muscle down his bicep and torso. The modem disrupts the roll of his hips into your own for a moment, but he's quick to resume.
Now you're close enough to taste him- you lick a stripe up his corded neck, relishing the salt of the sweat you've put there, before whispering in his ear. 
“I’m close again.”
The words galvanize him, and Satoru crushes his lips to yours, messy and lustful and frantic.
“What do you need?” His voice is breathier now. 
“Keep this pace, God, you're so deep.”
He nods and glances down your body, then licks his thumb and returns it to your clit.
He circles the nub again, but his motions are disjointed and jerky now. You can tell he's close to his own high. 
“Come first one more time, you got a gold, chase this too.”
You shatter for the second time, pulsing around Gojo, who's buried deep. His steady pace starts to feast and he ruts into whole biting his lip before he comes apart with a sigh. 
The two of you share another kiss and gulp in air, then Satoru pulls himself out of you and nimbly climbs off the bed. Instead of feeling spent from your prior orgasms, you're left invigorated. You breathe deeply and can hear Gojo tie off the condom. 
Is it narcissistic if remembering the elation of winning sends you over the edge? Gojo's lips on your ear certainly helped, and either way you're grateful for the second high. 
You look back up at him when you feel the mattress shift under his weight. 
“So, you ready for round two?”
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rainbowcomet · 28 days
Rainbow Comet: Gay, Fantasy, Feeder Fanfiction
I'm posting excerpts here from my gay, full-length, fantasy romance novel featuring feedism!
I will be posting excerpts here, and you can read more for free on my website, Rainbowcomet.com! I posted the first chapter and will be posting more shortly. The fic is complete.
Boreas (Brett to humans) is ready to ascend the throne, and that means BIG changes to his body. After all, his weight reflects his people's love and respect, and he's the only fae prince who can take this throne, with his ever increasing girth.
Flint (Flynn to humans) has a secret, and his wife is ready to let him go free to have his secret desires for men and fat men at that. When he gets a request from an old penpal to come bodyguard him while ascending to the throne, he accepts but never expects his old friend to be the embodiment of his wildest, most far-fetched fantasies. Between homophobic norms, a crazy culture that feeds their princes, and families coming betwen them, will the two have a happy ending? Or is the likelihood of their love coming true like wishing on a rainbow comet; almost impossible?
Trigger warnings: Probably everything. Heavy discussions of r*pe, homophobia, mind control, brainwashing. The characters have heavy pasts. Some consent is dubious due to one being an incubus who can read desire. Read at your own risk!
Rainbow Comet: Chapter 1:
"Boreas Everfrost the Third is just Hugely F***ing fat."
A foot steps out of the portal, clothed in fine, pearlescent leather. A finely shaped foot, followed by a leg. The calf, first, then the thigh. My breath catches, and light beams forward, so bright I almost can’t see straight, as Brett steps fully out of the portal. And there he is. Boreas. Still so beautiful I can’t even think straight. His hair has a blue sheen I’m not sure it had before, and it effervesces in rainbow, shimmering as he moves. His face is so handsome, and it lights up in a grin as he sees me, and my whole body goes tight as I take him in. He’s wearing a light blue tunic and pants that are made of pearlescent material, and a fine belt covered in tiny jewels that look to be diamonds. They encrust his collar and cuffs and the tops of his boots as well. He looks like one big sparkling diamond, and he puts his big arms out in welcome as he sees me, expecting to pull me in close. He always was affectionate.
But I just stand there, rooted to the spot, as the rainbow portal keeps swirling behind him, slowly starting to dissipate as I stay there, my feet locked in place, unable to move, my jaw slack and frozen at the same time as I take him in from head to toe, as his body jiggles as he comes closer.
He’s the same, he really is. It’s in the face, in the fine features and the gorgeous body but…
I can see why no one knew how to describe him, and also hate them for not warning me, for not allowing me to prepare.
I’m trying hard not to laugh, more from nervousness at my body’s reaction and fear of being given away in my deepest secrets than because his form is funny.
His handsome face hesitates, and he looks from me to the portal, and I hate myself as he lowers his hands, looking lost and somewhat disappointed.
Move, Flynn. Move.
But he’s a walking wet dream. There’s no way I’m going to survive this.
I’ve never seen anything like this. Outside of my dreams. And he surpasses even those.
He’s radiant, he’s effervescent, he’s…so big. He’s—
He looks at the portal, which is shrinking, shakes his head and waves a hand. A big hand. It grows again, swirling with rainbow light. He clears his throat. “Are you ready? We’d better go.” His cheeks are flushing and I hate that I’ve made him self conscious.
I flinch, then shake my head. I’m glad I didn’t touch his body, even if he did find it offensive. I couldn’t have controlled myself if I did.
The fae emissary looks from him to me keenly, then gets a little smile.
Then he steps into the portal. “I’ll be waiting for you, majesty, and getting things ready for the banquet.”
I put a hand to my face, hiding the obvious embarrassment there, and step forward. Reluctantly, I put a hand out for Brett.
He looks down at it, pouting. “You don’t have to touch me if you don’t want to. I heard it, that you don’t want to.”
“What else did you hear?” I ask sharply.
“Nothing,” he says. “I’m told I have very selective hearing. I don’t hear what people don’t want heard, usually.”
“Good,” I say.
He ducks his head slightly, and I hate myself a little more inside for making him feel that way. But I just…can’t.
I’m still reacting. I’m still processing. Someone should have warned me. Someone should have told me, customs be damned.
But they couldn’t have known what I’m like. My particular fantasies…
If they did, they would have told me. They would have had to.
I can’t stand this. How can I take this job, now? How can I just pretend things are normal between us?
My wings feel like they are going to burst out. The only thing that dampens the extreme energy ready to burst out of me, looking at his handsome face, is the shame I see emanating at the edges of his expression, as he puts a hand to his waist and looks down at himself.
“Ah…well, it might take you a while to adjust to my kingliness.” He frowns. “You will learn more about our customs at the banquet. I assure you, this is my sacrifice to the universe.” He turns to the portal, waving for me to go in. “I will ensure you travel safely, and then follow after.” He gives me a somewhat hesitant, sad smile. “It is good to see you, Flynn.”
I just walk forward, rictus straight, wishing I had a good fucking response for him.
Hoping he doesn’t hear my swearing, like that little mushroom person did.
Because as I walk into the portal, still dazed from arousal, the only thought echoing in my mind is that this can’t be possible, this can’t be real.
Because Boreas Everfrost the third is just hugely fucking fat.
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kosije · 1 year
Can I request a Hirugami Sachiro fluff wherein the reader accidentally/unintentionally confesses her feelings >^<
I rlly love your writing!! I dont see much hirugami posts so id rlly appreciate it if you wrote this!
a/n: so so so sorry for my absence ^^; thank you for your support and im happy you enjoy my writing! Lightly edited, feel free to lmk any mistakes :)
Spring just might be your favorite season. The cool wind, flower blossoms, and calm days at the park with your best friend, Sachirou, and his pup make it hard for other seasons to compete.
“I’m gonna take her for another lap around, wanna come?” he asks, beckoning the playful Maltese puppy, who’s the same shade as his hair with two taps on his thighs. The only word you can think of to describe him is perfect. The bright blue cloudless sky and green flower-dotted grass seem like they’re only as radiant as the man standing in them in front of you. His smile is dazzling and his white tee tight and khakis show off his physique.
You say you're still short of breath, hoping he couldn’t tell that you were gawking at him.
he nods, turning his focus to the Maltese and grabbing her leash.
Only once he’s out of sight do you smoothen out your floral dress and take a swig of the ice-cold lemonade he had packed in the basket holding the rest of your snacks. It’s one thing to find your best friend attractive. It was a fact that he was gorgeous. Whether it was you two walking through the halls, attending his volleyball games, or going to the park for a picnic, Sachirou always seemed to draw the attention of everyone around him. And just a light brush to his curly hair would have any girl falling for him. But in love?
You can tell you’re pushing it. Even if your diary has his name written on every page with hearts around it, you know he’s not yours. You’re his friend, and friends are only meant to be friendly.
So how come when you see the two run back a few minutes later, your heart skips a beat and you let yourself pretend the two- or three of you are on a date? After hours pass of talking, running, drawing, singing, dancing, and eating, you both decide to wine down at his apartment.
“I just feel that she’d be much better with the side character. I mean, they have way more chemistry.” You say in between snacking on a random bag of chips you grabbed from the basket.
“You’re better than me. If she ends up with the bad boy as a cliche, I might shit myself,” He says, laughing when you scrunch your nose to him and let out an airy laugh. You think you see his cheeks go pink, but before you can ask about it, his dog jumps between you two.
“Hey! Down girl!” He says leaning back to avoid being hit by her tail while you hide your chip bag and move to cuddle her, giggling over how Sachirou shouldn’t be so mean to her.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d believe she’ll to steal you away from me. Am I not cute enough?” He coos with a fake pout. Even if he is teasing, you can still feel your heartbeat spike.
“How could anything be cuter than you, Sachi?” You say subconsciously, still playing with his dog. It’s only after a couple beats of silence that you realize that was definitely not said in your head, and you feel a wave of embarrassment.
“I don’t know why I said that...” You mumble, not daring to look up and see his reaction. No matter how many excuses you tried to think of, none of them negated how obviously unfriendly you meant that.
“Listen I’m so-“
“Do you mean that?” His voice is soft, and against all of your reservations, your head turns up to face him. His lips are slightly parted, and his cheeks are flush.
You can’t find it in yourself to lie to him when he looks at you like that. So against the butterflies threatening to escape along with the chips, you breathlessly say yes.
His dog jumps from your lap, running off to somewhere you can’t bring yourself to focus on because his body is getting impossibly too yours. To the point where your fingertips are ghosting each other.
“How do you feel about me, really?” He asks his face now close enough that you can feel the shakey breath he lets out after the question. His eyes are steady on yours, but only for a beat does it flicker to your lips and you try your best to swallow the lump down your throat.
“I......What I feel for you is stronger than friendship. It has been stronger than that for a while now,” you confess, leaning into him with a rush of courage. “Is that... okay?”
“Is that okay?!” He squeaks, his voice cracking before tackling you down on his couch in a hug that almost knocks the wind out of you.
“Can’t... breathe,” you gasp, making him spring up and apologize profusely.
“A simple ‘yes’ would’ve been good,” you say, not being able to hide the elated grin pulling at your lips.
“It’s more than ‘okay’, stupid. Oh my gosh, do you know how long I’ve been waiting for this? Being in love with your best friend is a bigger cliche than that movie we were watching.”
If the hug didn’t make your heart skip a beat, his confessing he’s felt the same way as you make your heart feel like it’ll stop right here.
“Tell me about it.” You say, watching his breath hitch before moving his hand to your cheek, pulling you closer to him by his feather-light touch moving to your chin.
Wordlessly, his lips catch yours, and you feel your head spin. His kiss is soft and intoxicating, but so passionate you’re left gripping on his shirt. You both pull back for hair, and his eyes glint like he’s looking at the stars.
“I love you.” The words are easy and flow effortlessly from your lips like they’ve been said countless times before.
“I love you too.” He says, with that same smile that’s always lit everything around him up.
Softly, he pulls you into his chest, reviling in the realization that all of his feelings have led up to (what was) his wildest dreams coming true.
And when you hear his heart hammering against his chest as he presses his lips softly on your forehead, only then is it obvious that there is no better season than spring.
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writingwhimsey · 6 months
Married to the Enemy- Shingen Ch. 10
Chapter 10
I spent the next couple of weeks happily working on the commission during the day, putting in my best effort to make the clothes my best work. I really wanted to impress the client and the people of Echigo who would be seeing these clothes at the festival. I finished the order the day before the festival.
“These are of superb quality.” Kanako commended me, as she looked over the finished pieces. “I am sure the customers will greatly appreciate them.”
“I hope so.” I said. “Will they be coming by or do I need to go deliver them?”
“We have a runner who delivers the goods and collects the fees.” Kanako answered. She was then summoning a young boy, he couldn’t have been more than ten.
He bowed to me. “Don’t worry my lady, I will get these delivered.” He was then leaving.
“He’s so young.” I remarked once he had finished.
“Due to the nature of the times, there are many orphaned children.” Kanako said. “Lord Kenshin and Lord Shingen employ many of them for such tasks. It is a way for them to earn some money to keep food in their bellies and a place to stay.”
It broke my heart that children had to have such rough lives. In my time there were more options and children weren’t in danger of being orphaned so easily. Yes some children still lost their parents, but not as often or easily as here. It did warm my heart though, to know that Shingen and Kenshin both did what they could to help these children. “It’s sad that they’ve lost their parents, but I am glad that Shingen and Kenshin are helping them.”
Kanako smiled. “Yes. They are truly kind lords and we are lucky to live under their rule.”
“Is there any other work that needs to be done?” I asked.
Kanako smiled. “Yes, we have plenty of work to go around.”
I spent the rest of the day getting started on another commission. During that time the young boy returned and gave me the news that the nobleman had enjoyed my work and also gave me my portion of the fee. He was then leaving to take more deliveries into town. The seamstresses and I all worked till late in the afternoon before they were leaving to head to their homes. I headed to my room, an extra spring in my step as I went.
I was definitely excited to have earned my first “paycheck” here. Though I knew Shingen was likely to buy me anything I needed, just as I was offered to have anything bought for me by Nobunaga and the others when I was in Azuchi, I still preferred earning my own money. It was a source of pride for me to be able to earn money on my own. Though that wasn’t the only reason I was so happy.
Shingen had made it a habit of coming by my room every night after we had both finished up our days. We would share a meal or sweets together and view the moon. We chatted about things…Shingen flirted with me. Sometimes we would be up late, other times our nights would end a bit early…either way I always looked forward to them and enjoyed my time with Shingen.
The sun was just starting to set when Shingen knocked on my door. “Are you ready for our evening, Ava?” Shingen asked as he poked his head into my room.
I smiled at him. “Yes, come in.”
He smiled as me as he slid the door the rest of the way open. He had a package tucked under his large arm. “You are looking lovely even more radiant tonight.” He said as he came to sit beside me on the tatami mat floor. “You have a glow about you.”
I felt myself flushing as usual from his compliments. “Oh, I guess I’m just excited about having finished my first commission here.” I replied. “Even though I didn’t get to meet my customer… but it does feel nice to have my own money for the festival tomorrow.”
“I see.” Shingen replied. “You know when we attend I will buy you anything you wish.”
“I had a feeling you would say that.” I told him. “But I don’t want to rely on your kindness all the time.”
“You like to be independent.” Shingen stated, observing me.
I nodded. “Yes…when I was young…well my father left. My mother struggled to become independent, but eventually she figured things out and provided for herself and me…in the process she taught me that it was important to have a skill to fall back on and that just because a woman gets married that she didn’t have to give up her independence.”
“It sounds like your mother is a strong woman.” Shingen replied. “Who raised another strong woman.”
I nodded. “Yes, she was.” I replied. I could feel my eyes getting misty so I mentally shook myself. “Anyway, what is that you have there? Did you bring some new sweets?”
Shingen could sense this was a difficult topic for me so he didn’t press further. He smiled as he held out the package. “Actually, a present for you.” He said, holding the package out for me.
“I couldn’t possibly…Shingen you’ve already gifted me so much.”
“Please, accept it?” Shingen asked. “I actually would love to see you wear it to the festival tomorrow.”
I didn’t think it was possible, but Shingen was giving me puppy eyes…and there was no way I could say no. I accepted the package and opened it to find a very familiar yukata. “YOU were my mystery customer?”
Shingen gave me a sheepish smile. “Yes…are you upset with me over it?”
I shook my head. “No…I’m flattered in fact.” I replied, my cheeks reddening. “So…you’ll be wearing…”
“The matching one, yes.” Shingen replied with a smile. 
I flushed further thinking about matching Shingen for the festival. The thought he had put into this…it was so sweet. On impulse, I leaned towards him and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you, Shingen.”
If I wasn’t mistaken, I thought I might have seen a flush on Shingen’s cheeks as well. “If it earns me kisses, I’ll happily continue to commission your work.”
I giggled and blushed. “You don’t have to do that…”
“Hmm, then what else can I do to earn more of your sweet kisses?” Shingen asked, smiling warmly at me, as he lifted a hand to caress my cheek.
I felt my face heating up beneath his palm. “W-well…I mean you…don’t really have to do anything…I just…I just wanted to…”
It was then that I felt his soft warm lips on my forehead. “You’re far too adorable, Ava.” He murmured.
My heart was a jackhammer in my chest. “Th-the sun is still…setting…why don’t we go watch it together?” I suggested, trying to get the focus off of me.
“Whatever you wish, my goddess.” Shingen replied, standing up and offering his hand to me.
I placed my hand in his and allowed him to help me to my feet. Then we walked out to the veranda and sat down to take in the sunset. My heart was able to calm down by getting to focus on the beautiful colors of the sunset sky.
“I can see why sunset is your favorite color.” Shingen said, calling back to our conversation on our first date.
“I’m surprised you remember that. It feels like that conversation was so long ago now.” I replied.
“I remember every word you tell me, Ava. Especially when it’s something about yourself.” Shingen replied.
I turned to look at him and he was looking right back at me, his gray eyes soft and full of honesty. It seemed he really did want to make this marriage work and make me happy. It made me wonder if he was starting to feel the same way about me as I was about him. “I…I think the same about when you tell me things.” I replied.
Shingen smiled. “I am glad to hear that you find me just as intriguing as I find you.”
We soon fell into a companionable silence as we both turned back to the setting sun. Night was soon falling and we were completely in the dark as the moon shown above and all of the twinkling little stars. The sky was so gorgeous here with no light pollution to block its natural beauty. It was peaceful, sharing the night together with Shingen. I hoped we would be able to enjoy more nights like this together.
The next night…
During the day Shingen had some work he had to finish up before the festival. So I spent the day with Saki getting ready. “So, are you excited?” Saki asked me as she helped me put up my hair.
“Yes.” I answered. “It will be fun to spend the festival with Shingen…and I still can’t believe he was the one to order the yukata from me…and making a matching set for the both of us…”
Saki giggled. “Do you like the fabrics?” She asked.
“Yes, they’re stunning.” I answered.
“He asked me to pick them out.” Saki said as she was pulling my hair up into a braided bun.
“Really? And you didn’t tell me?!”
“I didn’t want to ruin the surprise.” Saki replied. “Besides, I thought it was very sweet and I was happy to help.”
“Well, thank you.” I replied.
Saki was finished with my hair and then moving to sit in front of me and do my makeup. “So, how are things progressing with you two anyways?” She asked. “You think you’ll be inviting Lord Shingen to your bed after the festival tonight?” She asked with a giggle and suggestive wiggle of her eyebrows.
I couldn’t help but to giggle. “I…we haven’t even kissed on the lips yet!”
Saki clucked her tongue at me. “Well then you’ll just have to remedy that. You kiss him at the festival and then invite him back here.”
I felt my cheeks flush. “I…I don’t know about that…”
“Do you not want to kiss him?” Saki asked. “Or go to bed with him?”
“It’s not that.” I replied. “I mean…we’re still getting to know each other…and stuff.”
Saki gave me a look. “What stuff? Come on, we’re friends. Talk to me.”
I sighed. “I just…there’s just no need to rush things.” I replied with a shrug. “And… it’s nice… to be romanced like this.”
Saki smiled. “Well, I can see how that would feel nice…just saying I get the feeling other things would feel nice with Lord Shingen.”
I giggled. “I have no doubts.” I replied. “But I mean…it just feels nice to be romanced, wooed, even.”
“I understand.” Saki said. “And you SHOULD enjoy it. You deserve it.”
“Speaking of romance…you have certainly been spending a lot of time with Yukimura.” I told her, my tone taking on a teasing lilt as I did my best to get the subject off of me.
Saki shook her head. “We just happen to work closely together considering he serves Lord Shingen and I serve you.” She replied. “He is cute…a bit of a moron at times though. He’s fun to argue with…of course ninja boy is cute too.”
“Oh? You like Sasuke?” I asked.
“He’s cute, but he says a lot of strange things I don’t understand, even more than you do.” She replied. “But I don’t see anything happening there other than friendship.”
“Why not?” I asked. “Sasuke is a perfectly good guy.”
“Oh, he is, I agree.” Saki replied as she put some rouge on my lips and at the corners of my eyes. “But I just don’t feel it.” She answered with a shrug. “No spark.”
“That makes sense.” I replied. “What about with Yukimura?”
Saki frowned at me. “No.”
I giggled. “I think you’re lying there.”
“I said he’s fun to argue with.” Saki replied. “There is no way I could be with someone like him. He has ZERO tact. Boy is blunt as an anvil.”
“I’ll give you that.” I replied laughing. “But you know, I think you’re protesting a bit much…”
Saki gave me a look. “Just remember I AM currently applying your makeup. My hand could slip VERY easily.”
I giggled. “Alright, alright.”
Saki finished applying my makeup and helped me into the yukata. By the time she had finished, there was a knock on my door. “Ava, are you ready?”
“Yes.” I answered as I made my way over to the door and slid it open to reveal Shingen standing on the other side. Instantly I regretted not preparing myself for how handsome Shingen was going to look in the clothing I made. Of course, a lot of that had to do with how he wore it… with the top half so open, revealing his perfectly sculpted chest.
“You look even more beautiful in that yukata than I imagined.” Shingen said, smiling at me as he reached for my hand, bringing it to his lips.
I felt my cheeks flushing instantly…he seemed to always reduce me to a blushing mess. “Thank you.” I managed to get out. “You…you look amazing as well.”
“How about I just go ahead to the festival and leave the two of you alone?” Saki suggested. She was then winking at me as she walked by and whispered to me, “I am sure no one will miss you if you miss the festival.”
“You did a splendid job on this.” Shingen told me, gesturing to the jinbei I had madam which matched my yukata. “It is comfortable and fashionable.”
“I am glad you like it.” I replied, smiling from his genuine praise.
“Are you ready to go?” He asked.
I nodded. “Yes.”
Shingen took my hand in his and led me out of my room. “I am looking forward to this festival with you tonight.” He told me as we walked from the castle and headed towards the town.
I smiled. “I am looking forward to it, too.” I replied. “Of course, I think you’re really looking forward to all of the festival sweets.” I teased.
Shingen chuckled. “And hopefully Saki is keeping Yukimura busy enough that he won’t come near me to lecture me.”
I giggled. “Oh, I am sure she will.” I had a feeling we were in for a fun night. I couldn’t help but to feel excitement bubbling up in my chest in anticipation for this night.
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soulofapatrick · 1 year
Feel the Same Way - Tommy Miller x Reader
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Summary: “Tommy fucking the reader from behind at the tipsy bison behind the bar counter”
Words: 1.9k
Warning: Smut (p in v) oral F!receiving; fluff; somewhat established relationship
Notes: requested by the lovely @thesapphirequeen​
Jesse and I are make it through the gates, the snow pelting us and prickling our skin as if we weren’t bundled up in layers. Everything aches and burns as I slide from Indiana’s back, my gelding snapping his hooves into the icy snow as if telling me to hurry the fuck up and get him to his stable. He does what I call his happy ‘tippy-tappies’ when I pull his rein from over his neck so I can lead him to his stable where he can be untacked and bedded down for the night by Charlotte - our head stable manager. 
Other than Jesse, Ellie and Dina I’d say Charlotte has to be one of my best friends. We’ve grown close as I like to spend my free time helping her in the stables which is how I got my drama queen of a gelding, I helped birth him and voila he’s now mine. Charlotte helped me integrate into society after being somewhat quite feral when arriving to Jackson. I liked spending my time with the horses as I found them predictable and Charlotte wouldn’t engage me in conversation unless I asked first. She’s a hard to miss figure, being around 5ft 8 with red, shoulder-length hair that gently hangs over her round, radiant face. Lidded blue eyes, set deep within their sockets, always watch delightedly over the horses as if this is the only place she really feels at home. She’s got a scar reaching from just under her right eyebrow , running towards the other eye and ending on her left cheek and she wears it with pride. There's something different about her, maybe her bravery or her sense of camaraderie but people will boast about how well they know her. 
Charlotte takes one look at me and Jesse, letting out a sympathetic sound before she takes our horses off of us and sends us on our way into town with a gentle goodbye. The cold tries to push her way through my layers upon layers of clothing, clawing at any bare skin she can find as the town has begun to quieten for the night. 
Usually I’d head straight home and fall into bed but the dimming lights of the Tipsy Bison seem to draw me in and I’m turning to my best friend, “I’m gonna get a drink, I’ll see you tomorrow?” 
“Alright Birdie, see you tomorrow.” Jesse hugs me tightly, pressing a kiss to my hair as I lightly grumble at the nickname. Everyone started calling me Birdie not long after I arrived to Jackson as they realised how much of a flight risk I was, always getting past the walls to be found not too far away. It was Joel of all people who gave me the nickname and it seemed to have stuck so to everyone in Jackson I am Birdie and not Y/N. I should be upset that no-one uses my real name but honestly? I’m just happy I’m close enough to people for them to even think about giving me a nickname. 
The Tipsy Bison is empty when I step through the swing doors, the fairy lights dimmed and the music playing softly in the background. It’s past closing time so either of the Miller brothers are probably closing up which means they won’t mind if I grab myself a drink from behind the bar. My footsteps seemingly echo as I drop my pack and coat to make my way around the bar, grabbing a glass and pouring myself some whiskey. Fuck, the members of Jackson know how to make their whiskey: it’s rich and full with hints of vanilla and something smokey, it’s smooth and slides down easily as it heats me from the inside out. I pour myself a second glass, not hearing anyone until a familiar body is pressed against mine and that low southern drawl is sending shivers down my spine, “Who said you could just help yourself now darlin’?”
“Tommy,” His name is like a breath of fresh air as it falls from my lips, his large hands planting themselves on my hips and pulling my back flush against his chest. I lean my head back on his shoulder, tangling my fingers through his messy and loose curls while bringing my lips close to his before whispering, “I missed you.” 
He seems to soften, a gentle smile sliding onto those pretty lips that I have missed before he’s closing the distance and kissing me. It’s slow and sensual, not what I was expecting from him with where we are and how hard he feels against the swell of my arse, a growl slipping out when I press my hips back into his. He swipes his tongue against my bottom lip, asking to deepen the kiss so I part my lips for him, tugging at his curls and drawing a low groan from him. One of Tommy’s hands is moving around my hip to pop the button on my jeans with ease before he dives his hand in with no warning. The rough pads of his fingers are swiping through my wet folds until they bump against my clit with a gasp that he swallows. 
I should be telling Tommy to stop when he breaks the kiss to tug my jeans and underwear down my legs, telling him to wait until he’s finished closing up as anyone could technically walk through those swing doors but I can’t. The protest gets stuck in my throat when he sinks to his knees, helping me step out of both before planting himself on the floor between my legs. ‘Fuck me this man is going to be the death of me’ I can’t help but think when he parts my glistening folds before delving in and eating me like a starved man. Tongue swirling around my sensitive nub before he’s shoving it as deep as he can into my aching core, a small scream escaping my lips as my hands fly to his hair. I think my eyes roll back into my head when he wiggles his tongue and his nose bumps my clit, eating me out like there’s not tomorrow and that familiar pressure is already building up. 
“T-tommy!” I’m moaning, tugging on his hair almost painfully but by the sounds that are leaving his throat and vibrating up my spine, leaving me lightheaded, I’d say he enjoys it. The smirk on those pretty pink lips has me wanting to smack him but all my body can do is grind down onto his face as his hands grip my ass tightly, keeping him buried between my legs. His hands on my ass also means I can’t squirm away when it starts to all feel too much, the tightness in my core snapping and I’m gushing. Tommy’s tongue not stopping once until I’m whining from oversensitivity. 
“Fuck darlin’, didn’t know you could do that.” I can hear the smirk in his tone as he pulls himself to his feet while I’m leant forwards, letting my forehead rest on my arms against the bar as I try to catch my breath and stop my legs from giving way. His belt clinks and the familiar sound of his zipper has me wet again at the thought of him hard and how wrecked he looks. Those calloused hands are gripping my hips tightly and pulling me backwards, a sharp gasp leaving me as I’m suddenly full, my hands flailing and knocking my empty glass to the floor. His body covers mine, lips pressing sweet but sloppy kisses to my shoulder as he bottoms out, giving me time to adjust as no matter how many times Tommy and I hook up I will never get used to how big he is. 
The tip is already brushing against that spongy spot inside and his hands find mine on the bar, intertwining our fingers together as he begins to slowly, teasingly, roll his hips in a circular motion. I’m pushing back against him, needing more and he’s chuckling before he pulls his hips back and slamming into me, causing me to cry out. His lips begin leaving hickeys across any bare skin he can get to as he sets a steady rhythm, hitting that spot that makes me see stars with every thrust. I feel like I’m floating, the hard wood of the bar barely felt where it’s smacking against my hips with every thrust, knowing it’ll leave a bruise but that’s for future me to deal with. 
“T-tommy,” I’m whining, the coil in my core beginning to tighten, and he’s soothing me, hands moving to my hips and chest leaving my back so he can speed the pace. We’re close, my walls fluttering around his twitching dick buried inside of me as he returns to grinding his hips instead, leaving me breathless and oh so close to the edge. 
“That’s it sugar,” Tommy coos, one hand moving around my hip to find that sensitive bud and I’m jerking backwards, pulling him even deeper than before, “Oh shit, fuck darlin’!” I can feel him pulsing and he’s trying to pull out but I’m clenched around him so snug and tight he doesn’t have enough will power to do it. I should be worried and angry that I’m currently full of his seed but when the rough pads of his fingers begin circling my clit all thoughts leave me, my legs clamping shut and my body falling forwards against the bar again as the coil snaps and I’m clenching around him. He’s holding me in place despite the hiss of pain that leaves his lips until I’m spent and the only thing holding me up is the bar and Tommy’s hands. 
I feel so empty when he pulls out, unable to move as the mixture of our orgasms begin slipping down my already slippery thighs but gentle hands are cleaning me up with a warm rag. Then I’m being helped back into my underwear and jeans, turned to face the raven haired man who is smiling softly as me, cupping my face in his hands before he ducks his head to kiss me. The kiss is gentle and full of emotions I don’t want to try and decipher so I just sink into it, feeling his broad and strong chest under my palms and the pillowy softness of his lips on mine until we have to part for air. Tommy’s leading me back around the bar, sitting me on one of the stools before beginning to finish up closing the bar. 
“You know I think me ’n you should date Birdie,” Tommy speaks from behind the bar where he’s sweeping up the shattered glass. 
“Really?” I think I stop breathing as I’ve been in love with the younger Miller since he introduced himself to me. I was willing to take these hook ups as it was the closest I’d ever get to being his in my mind, “You want to date me?”
“Y/N,” He uses my real name, coming around the bar to stand in front of me, cupping my cheek in his hand and making me look at him, “These were never just hookups to me darlin’.” 
“Hell nah. So…?”
“Will you me my girlfriend?” 
“Hell yes.”    
TAGS: Tag List Form
@princessmk21 @iraot @gemimawrites @zynbsblog @twopercentmilk @urnewghostfriend @sonhee-a @dizzyforyou-blog @grooveandshit  @canpillowscry @jell0buss-37 @androgynousgaz @not-a-unique-snowflake89 @certifiedhunter @miya-park @emmulus22 @mediocrewallflow3r​ @itsmoonchik @kalllistos @thesapphirequeen @randomhoex @fariylixie0915​ @marvelsimps​ @mydailyhyperfixation @thesapphirequeen​
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viilpstick · 5 months
I low-key lost track of time and idk when her birthday is but happy birthday regardless go queen!!!!!
Anneliese sniffled, trying to dry her tears even if they just kept falling. She had ran away from Pomefiore, ran away from the attention that she knew she’d get there. She was already ugly, crying would make everything worse, and she didn't want people looking at her like this.
Why did it have to be her birthday? If it was any other date she wouldn't have run away from the festivities at campus. She wouldn't have to hide from the people who were constantly trying to get a look at her horrific face.
She didn't understand why her mother decided to be especially cruel today. Telling her such harsh things, making her feel like she didn't matter… she didn't even remember it was her birthday.
“Get yourself together, Annie. You're even uglier when you cry…”
“I would very much disagree with that statement, mademoiselle.” Anneliese jumped, quickly running behind a tree in a worthless effort to hide herself. “Ah, I apologize, have I frightened you?” She peaked behind the trunk, her eyes widening at the sight in front of her.
Anneliese had never seen such a man before. His blond hair was a mess tied in a ponytail, a weak attempt at trying to force it to behave. He looked dirty, his cowboy hat seemed old and his school uniform looked very worn down.
The complete opposite of Pomefiore.
“W-who are you and what do you want?”
“I was merely passing by and heard your soft cries. I came close out of curiosity.” He explained, his smile wide. He seemed to shine like the sun, contrasting his appearance, his eyes looked at her with interest and delight, as if she was a rare animal to be studied.
She guessed she was just as ugly as one.
Anneliese frowned, turning away and resting her back behind the tree. She dried her tears and sniffled one last time.
“Then go. You already saw this hideous girl cry, you should be satisfied by now.”
“Hardly!” The boy said, walking closer to the tree and peaking behind it. Anneliese turned away, not wanting him to look at her face. “Ah, just as I thought.” Anneliese laughed sarcastically, feeling her eyes sting. Of course. She didn't need a random stranger to remind her just how ugly she was, she already– “you're truly beautiful.”
Anneliese flinched.
She slowly turned towards him, her head tilting as her cheeks went pink. She frowned.
Did he– no. What? Was he insane?
“You're cruel for saying that.”
“How so? I’m simply stating the obvious, mademoiselle!” The blonde expressed, a radiant smile on his face. She couldn't hear a single ounce of lie in his words. It was as if he was being genuine. “I’ve never seen such deep purple eyes before, and with those tears they shine so wonderfully!”
“You… think I look beautiful like this?”
“Oui! A lover of beauty such as myself knows how to recognize the beauty in everything. Especially on a crying woman.” His eyes seemed to follow his lips as he grinned. “It is a sight to behold.”
The ginger girl held back a smile. She didn't fully believe in him, but regardless of if he was lying or not, his compliments certainly warmed her heart.
Maybe that's what she needed today. A simple compliment.
“I… don't quite believe you… but thank you.” She looked down at her feet. “I appreciate it.”
“I'm merely saying the truth! Oh, how rude of me–” he held out his hand. “what would your name be?”
“Anneliese!” A fellow dorm mate spoke, making both of them flinch from surprise. “Our housewarden is looking all over for you, hurry up!”
“Oh, uh– I'll come!” She said, then, she quickly glanced at the boy near her. “Thank you again. I'll see you around, uh…”
“Rook Hunt at your service, mademoiselle.” He grabbed her hand, gently kissing her knuckles and making her blush. “I look forward of seeing more of your beauty around.”
She giggled, a horrible sound coming out of her mouth. She covered her lips as her cheeks reddened and Rook widened his eyes at it, but instead of being displeased by it he smiled, a gentle laugh leaving his lips.
“Coming!!” With that, the ginger slightly bowed and ran off with her dorm mate back to Pomefiore.
Now, back to the present, Anneliese was brought back from her thoughts as Rook, the now 3rd year, the face she’d never say would belong to Pomefiore, lit up the candle on her cake.
“What is it that you wish, mademoiselle beau?”
Anneliese smiled, blowing out the candle.
“It's a secret.”
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i am not crying you are
you all are
i am
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breaking news: his future wife used to thinks he stinked, understand the case
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i want to hug her so bad :((( baby you are gorgeous (i was the one who gave her trauma)
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tanetime · 1 year
As part of my eternal war against nonproductivity I've decided to start journaling about what I've been up to while modding Don't Starve Together.
So - modding! I've been working on both Wyneer's mod and a new one: Winslow (and Tobin)! I've been in Sprite Hell drawing hellish sprites and that's where all my artistic energy is going.
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Look at my horrible boys!
A lot of rambling (and some WIPs) about my progress on them both under the cut. (Seriously, you do not have to read this!!!)
What's going on with Wyneer's mod?
Wyneer has been getting play-tested regularly on some servers with some friend groups. Mercifully he has behaved very well: while I’ve had to fix a couple of bugs, he's been stable even in worlds with other mods enabled. Yay!
I’ve mostly been pulling back from finishing his remaining unfinished assets to focus on bug-fixing and balancing him and his masks. He’s not quite at a spot I’m happy with yet, but I feel close enough that I’ve started adding in the mask missing from the beta version of his mod – Radiant Face!
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Ray has a lot of work to be done still (he has triple the amount of sprites of a normal mask – which is why he got held back to begin with!) but I’m very happy with him so far.
I’ve set up a pipeline for adding new masks to Wyneer’s mod, which has been a huge help.
However, I’ve been taking a break from Wyneer recently to work on a certain somebody...
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What's going on with Winslow's mod?
I started working on Winslow (and Tobin) a few weeks ago, but very recently I’ve been WORKING working on him.
I decided to begin with his sprites – as I usually tell people to start with that but never actually do myself – and he’s coming along great! Once his face and chest sprites are done he’ll be able to pass convincingly as a finished character in motion. (Right now he only passes in screenshots.)
While I’ve actually gotten the functionality to swap between Winslow and Tobin working, I’m waiting on Winslow’s sprites to be completely finished before I start on Tobin’s art. A lot of their assets are going to be very similar and it will be easier to keep consistency between them this way.
Other than coding, I've mostly been doing concept art.
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Making Winslow real has predictably led to his perks getting adjusted or outright removed in places; I made Winslow himself back in 2020, but only decided to mod him in back when I made Tobin in October of last year. Tobin already had perks and quirks, but Winslow didn’t! So I made up some stuff that sounded appropriate and forgot about it.
‘Appropriate’ doesn’t always mean ‘feasible’ - sometimes it doesn’t even mean ‘fun’ - so now I am trying to wrangle the nebulous idea of who he is into a tool* who accomplishes a task that feels rewarding.
(*Admittedly Winslow is already kind of a tool.)
The main gimmick of his character is of course that he can turn into a character who is much stronger than himself, but I want there to be a reason for him to be himself sometimes.
Still, he does have some perks from his ref sheet that made it in, and some have begun to get added to his mod already.
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Once him and Tobin are done, I'd like to swerve to adding in his finalised items and refining the concepts for some new ones, as Tobin needs those items for his own perks to function.
I also thought of a cool gameplay hook to go with Winslow and Tobin's ability to swap between one another, but I'm still ironing out the details and this post is long enough.
That's all!
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darkhighness · 1 year
Good Omentober Day 1 - Pre-Fall
Prompts by @disaster-dog
Crowley's name pre-falling is Caphriel and uses she/her pronouns. I was really unsure of what to make her name for this one-shot but I feel like this works well enough. I've seen a few sources that believe that Caphriel could mean something akin to honesty or truth but I know there are multiple meanings.
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Somewhere amongst the stars was a young angel holding a scroll out in front of her.  Illustrated were the most fantastic nebulae and individual stars. The paper was alight with various calculations and diagrams and Caphriel couldn’t help but stare in pure wonder.
It was a design she had been working on for a long time and while it was a small aspect in the grand scheme of things, she took a moment to marvel at its beauty. She eventually moved the scroll to the side and sat absently twirling the ends of her warm-toned hair. It was her usual thinking position and she’d often been accused of day dreaming too much. She would reason that her ‘day-dreaming’ is what allowed her to work so well. No other angel could see things the way she did.
She was entirely interrupted though until another angel zipped past, running into her and rather abruptly snapping her out of her daze.
“Oh goodness I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean-” The angel stammered.
Caphriel was stunned by their glow. The angel in a fluster in front of them was positively radiant and she couldn’t take her eyes off of them. Their hair was simply the most perfect shade of white, even if it did look rather dishellved and spiky at this moment and Caphriel was entranced by the gorgeous wings that had now folded up behind them. She almost forgot to speak.
“Oh-oh! It’s okay. I was a bit out of sorts myself.” She chuckled slightly before making sure the other angel was okay. “You seem to be in a rush. Is everything okay?”
The angel nodded quickly before offering a timid smile. “Sorry, just want to impress God. I simply must be in the good books when she selects the guardians of earth.” 
Caphriel hummed slightly. Earth wasn’t something that usually excited her. As far as she was concerned, it was just God’s little pet project and everyone had to run around to help out. She’d done well enough at avoiding any real responsibility so far, happy to keep her head in the stars.
“I’m sure a little break wouldn’t go astray.” Caphriel smiled warmly, reaching out to straighten the collar of the other angel’s robe. “Can hardly be your best if you’re always rushing everywhere. Plus, what’s the good of being on earth if you never see what everyone’s doing up here?”
The white-haired angel was positively stunned by this statement. It was unheard of to not be enamoured by the home of God’s proudest creation, her humans. Caphriel sighed softly as she watched the face of the other angel fall. There was a reason she never talked about her opinions on Earth. All the angels loved it. She should have loved it too.
In all honestly, she wanted to have the same excitement but she had taken it rather personally. Before all this, she would talk to God regularly to show off her work. She was almost confused with the archangels she would talk to the Almighty that much but she simply found someone who loved the stars as much as she did. It hurt, to not have that connection anymore. It hurt to not feel the love of the Almighty. The only thing God loved anymore were her humans.
“Anyway,” Caphriel continued, “Would you like to see what I’m working on?”
There was a tiny glimmer behind the young angels eyes. This is what made her whole. Talking about her stars filled her whole body with joy and she was almost bursting. She summoned her journal that was brimming with ideas and had many loose pages strapped into it’s form. The journal had seen a lot of love and it had every idea, every sketch and every calculation Caphriel had ever produced. 
“This one, this was when I worked out how to get the stars to stay super close without them interrupting each other’s cycles. Did you know that if you put stars that close together, it almost looks like-”
“-they’re one star.” The other angel finished softly.
Caphriel nodded enthusiastically before closing the book. “It’s amazing. It’s like drawing but with lights. That’s what the Almighty used to say, at least.” 
The white-haired angel was enamoured with the book, surprised at how much work went into one aspect of the Almighty’s plan. “This is amazing. Wow, I never thought that someone could even come up with all this. I can’t wait to see it once you’re finished.” 
“Hopefully not too long now!” Caphriel chirped.
“And I’m sure her humans will love them.” The other angel added, smiling up at Caphriel who gave a curt nod in response. 
Without another word, the angel zipped off and Caphriel looked as they disappeared once again into the expanse. Caphriel, finally breaking from their angel-induced trance pulled her hair away from the curl she’d been fiddling with. Surely she couldn’t have been messing with her hair that whole time. 
That comment about the humans was bothering her though. They didn’t even exist yet and she was already living in their shadow. Her creations weren’t just something for these…things to look at. They were complicated and each nebula, each individual star had a story. She could hardly expect God’s little pets to understand. 
It was something beautiful and something much bigger than her. She pulled out an old unfinished sketch. She’d made stars that were close before but this, this was something fantastic. The type of stars that the angels would gush over. So close they looked like one. Inseparable. Like she used to be with the Almighty.
That was one thing the humans couldn’t possibly compete with, Caphriel reasoned. They could never come up with something like this. As he imagination ran wild, the page filled with colour. All she had to do now is make it work. If she could make sense of all the numbers it would be her perfect creations.
“Alpha Centauri.” She stammered, breathless, “Maybe then she’ll love me again.”
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cerberus253 · 1 year
Alright Hugging Gostoc Time Let’s Go
What I find funny to me is that I was neutral about him at first, but I knew, I just knew, that he would eventually grow on me. And so he did, like I expected, and now I daydream about hugging that Rat Man, which was unexpected.
So anyway, this is set up after meeting him, finding out he stalks you for your Runes but you’re like “eh, he probably needs them more than me, and I can just get more,“ you rejoice with him about defeating Godrick and also kick the shit out of him with Gostoc, then you eventually leave for however long it takes to finally complete Nepheli’s Questline because you go back to see how his “free-man“ business is going and you kind of miss him because you’re weird (don’t worry, I’m also calling myself weird here and I’m proud)
Returning to the scene of the crime, where Godrick was finally taken down with the help of Nepheli, your favorite Rat Man is no longer kicking and stomping his former-king’s stumpy corpse.
“Well, I hope he’s okay, wherever he is. Hopefully not getting into too much trouble, since he sounded a little...questionable when he said he’s finally free,” you think, as you gloss over the surroundings and eventually decide to head into the throne room. Might as well look and see if anything different has happened.
Upon entering the room, you are surprised to see Nepheli Loux, and Kenneth Height, no less. Long time no see! Anyway, you catch up with them, being informed that Nepheli has taken the throne here and Kenneth supporting her. But by any chance...
Feeling embarrassed, you ask, “Hey, uh, have either of you seen--,“ but you are cut off by seeing a familiar head poke out from the tall back of the throne. “Gostoc!” Of course you meant to smile, because this is who you were looking for, but you didn’t mean to smile with such enthusiasm. Your eyes grew wide with surprise, and your mouth curved and open in such joy, making your face radiant with happiness. Look, you didn’t know you would be this happy to see him, alright? And neither did any of the three before you, especially Gostoc himself, flinching at your apparent... delight? At seeing him??
Before your consciousness could stop you, leaping from your position and towards him, you completely ignore the “personal space“ guideline, and gave him a big, warm, passionate hug. he smelled really bad, but you were too elated to care.
“Ooooooo I’m so happy to see youuu,“ you exclaim, squeezing him more, “and I’m so glad you’re alright! I was really worried about you!“ Lightly shaking him side to side, you are unaware of the looks coming your way, especially from Gostoc. He was immensely startled,
“’Ey, what are you--?!“ Gostoc sounds confused and a bit annoyed, but continues to just stand there, since technically he wasn’t being harmed, but still, this is very weird to him. Looking at Nepheli for a response to this sudden event, she states you are simply hugging him. Kenneth makes an bewildered huff as to say, What?! Really? You’re hugging him?? Nepheli quickly shoots him a glance to not be so judgemental.
“Oh, I, er... never ‘ad one of those before.“ Reluctantly, he awkwardly pats you on the back with his hand, but even after that you still hold onto him tightly.
“You can stop that now, ya know.“ You don’t. You breath in and out slowly and heavily, cherishing the moment you apparently wanted for the longest time. Really burying your face into him, you noticed he didn’t have that neck shackle around him anymore. That’s good, not only does that symbolize his self-imposed freedom, but it was easier to hug him. Hearing and feeling his heart beat rapidly was making you grin even more. Was he getting a little warmer or is that just you?
Anyway, you look up at him and catch the look of fluster about him, asking how his “free man“ business is going.
“Er, it wasn’t worth squat. Besides, I like it ‘round ‘ere. I’m Lady Nepheli’s official attendant now.“ He’s kind of relaxing now.
Sighing with either relief or pleasure, or both, “That’s good to hear. Nepheli’s a good person, so you’ll be alright.“ You stare up at him with those doe eyes you can muster, still warmly smiling. It’s hard to tell, but you could swear you saw Gostoc flushing red in his grey cheeks, but he turns to break your loving gaze out of nervousness.
“A-Alright, I think that’s enough that, you.“ Gostoc half-hardheartedly tries to push you away, and you somewhat give in playfulness, but quickly whine about how you want to keep holding him.
“Quite rude to deny a lady’s passionate embrace now, isn’t it?“ Nepheli teases him, to which he disquietly groans. Immediately going back to hug him, you make a satisfying and adoring little “mm~“ at the continued experience.
“’Ere, if I show you something that may be of your interest, will you stop hugging me?“
“Hmm, no.“
“For the love of--“ This bartering argument continues for a bit, but Nepheli comes in.
“Alright, I think that’s enough for the poor man. Off.“ She signals for you to let go of him, to which you begrudgingly did, sadly.
After some shopping and buying that sweet sweet Dragon Smithing Stone for a cheaper price by threatening to hug him again, you were finally off to continue your adventure. Waving and saying, “Bye Gostoc! Bye Nepheli! Bye Kenneth! Bye Gostoc!“ You said ‘bye‘ to him twice because you like him.
You didn’t hear nor see this, but Nepheli glances over to Gostoc and asks, “Gostoc, did you enjoy that hug? Do not lie to me.“ Embarrassed to respond, he quietly said maybe.
“Maybe. A little. I-It was rather nice.“
“And ff she wants, let her hug you again.“ Gostoc groans at this seemingly “command“ she gives him, but deep down he really wanted to feel that warm embrace again and see the absolute elation from someone to see him. Nobody was ever that happy to see him, but you were, and that made his heart flutter a bit. Great, now he’ll have to hide his eagerness to get hugs from you again, it’s going to be humiliating.
And then throughout the time apart he thinks about the warmth of your body and the beating of your heart against his frail form, how wonderful it would be to always be that close to you, feeling you, and blah blah blah he probably gets horny because he’s never been touched affectionately before :V
I’m really tired
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luxmaeastra · 1 year
Nazarius had been clear, he'd flee before he did something stupid. But Raelyn trusted that Rhysand and his mate would hear them out. That they'd be accommodating.
He looked up at the House of Wind, the way it had been carved from Sandstone. He didn't see the motif of wyvern here, perhaps it was built after they'd left. Another way to erase his family's lineage from this place.
Tisiphone laughed ducking away from Rhysand and the batter on his fingers. He smirked at her and winked waving a hand to start some music and darted after her.
She gasped when he winnowed behind her and caught her. She tilted her head back crinkling her nose when he brushed the batter on her nose.
"You cheated!"
He grinned against her neck and she refused to melt that easily. He stepped back, their children laughing and giggling behind them.
He held his hand out to her now cleaned.
"Dance with me Tisiphone?"
She took his hand letting him twirl her along the room. She beamed, her hair loose, and her face radiant. Rhysand flushed and shut his eyes tilting his head back.
"You look beautiful."
"Yes, I know. You've acted on that a couple times already today."
He wound her arms around his neck tapping his neck to make him look at her. She brushed the tears back.
"I told you, I will keep telling you. You deserve all the happiness in the world. You -"
"Auntie Raelyn!!"
She kissed him hard, smiling when he finally pulled her closer. She couldn't follow him into the darkness of this last month but she wouldn't let him dare think she wasn't there for him.
She exhaled and followed where the children had gone to meet Raelyn. She stilled at the doorway, her vision focusing on the male next to her.
She didn't hear what Raelyn said, didn't really take in the smile and the way she touched him. She only saw his eyes, the way he watched her as if she was about to snap.
Did he know? Did he know and dared to come to her home?
She wouldn't blame Raelyn, hadn't she fallen for those eyes? Hadn't she -
She moved dragging Nesta away from them stepping between the children and them. She slid the dagger from her thigh to his throat.
He didn't defend himself, didn't move from where he took her in, dagger and all. His eyes lifted to hers and he pulled his teeth back. He stepped back trying to de-escalate things.
"You're Tisiphone. You - Cithaeron -"
"Don't you dare say his name! He -"
"You are the ones who killed him! You - do you even know who he left behind? Do you even know what happened to the family he left behind? I - "
"I don't care. Get out of my home."
"We nearly starved! I had to sell myself just to meet -"
Tisiphone finally moved Nazarius just having enough time to block the blow. Her eyes were cold, he was just trying to keep from loosing the last bit of her control.
"You want to know what I think? His entire bloodline should have died with him."
Nazarius sneered stepping closer.
"Says the murder. Says the one who so easily fell for his charm. He wrote about you, called you the most blind princess he'd swindled. We did wonder when you'd figure out just how much he was taking from your family. Or when you learned he was bedding your mother -"
Tisiphone disappeared and he exhaled. He shot Raelyn a look of horror, the entirety of his words slamming into him. He dropped the blade and stepped backward.
"I'm sorry. I - you know where to find me. I can't - fuck, I'm so sorry Raelyn."
He dissapered.
Raelyn beamed as she moved to pull them into a warm embrace, how she had missed them since she had been away. The time she had spent with her nieces and nephews had been some of the happiness she had had before now, watching them grow up and seeing how they changed.
“You have all gotten so big, before long you’ll be ready to go to the balls.” Her attention was only pulled away when she saw Tisiphone appear, with Rhysand not far behind her. “I’m sorry we came here unannounced; I would have sent word if I could.”
She rose to a stand, moving back towards Nazarius’s side as she gently took his hand, offering him a promising smile. She trusted her brother; she trusted him enough that she believed he would listen to her. Though it wasn’t along until she began to notice the change in atmosphere, especially when Tisiphone had dragged Nesta away and stood between then.
The dagger at his throat caused her to freeze, her eyes wide as she looked towards Rhysand.
Rhysand just stood back, his expression wasn’t readable beyond a cold emotion hidden in his eyes. He recognized the same thing Tisiphone did, he connected it but stayed quiet. It wasn’t his place to reveal that secret, to expose her past.
“Tisiphone, what is-?” He knew her, he knew her and. Everything seemed to descend quickly, everything seemed to twist into a world of chaos as she looked between her mate and her sister-in-law. The weight of what was being said was pressing down upon her, her throat tightened.
Then as quickly as it seemed to erupt, Tisphone was gone. Raelyn could only stand there with her eyes wide as she turned and looked towards Narazrius, everything that was said sinking in as she struggled to make sense. Had his family been involved in something to do with Tisiphone?
The shared look of horror made her understand, made her realize his actions were not of choice but of something ingrained in him from before she met him. She knew his words were not fully him, but she also recognized his error. She stood in silence for a few moments once he too had gone, her body slumped a little before she turned and looked to her brother.
Rhysand stood there, his focus upon her with a frown. “Raelyn-.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know. I…I thought we could come to you for help. You don’t need to say anything, I’ll leave.”
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