#even though he couldn't resist developing that relationship either
the-crooked-library · 2 months
"Louis and Armand were still in love in Dubai!!" "Louis and Armand never loved each other!!" - no. it's worse. they were on the precipice of something good, but Armand couldn't recognize that, so he ruined everything they had, right when Louis had actually come to love him. the love was there for a fleeting moment and it was ruined irreversibly, never to return, even after decades they'd spent together out of desperation and spite. it's worse and that's the point
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bellaxgiornata · 3 months
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Can't Run from the Truth
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Fem!Reader Word Count: 5.5k
Warnings/tags: 18+; light angst, embarrassment, confession of feelings, happy ending, a smidgen of fluff and implied smut
Summary: After finishing a hunt, you and the Winchester brothers end up at a local dive bar in an attempt to wind down from the evening, though it doesn't take long for you to quickly find yourself drinking down your feelings while Sam flirts at the bar. But when the truth about your feelings for Sam accidentally comes to light, you panic and find yourself immediately ready to split ways with the brothers.
a/n: I'm back on my Sammy bullshit and couldn't resist a little one shot while I'm working on my series for him (Always Waiting for You). Feedback and reblogs are always appreciated!
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Chewing the inside of your cheek, you absently spun your partially drunk bottle of beer between your thumb and index finger, your chin resting in your other hand. The growing chatter of the dive bar filled the room around you as your beer sloshed back and forth inside the bottle, your attention only somewhat focused on the way Dean was discussing the hunt you'd all just finished–a poltergeist that had been haunting a young couples’ new home.
Truthfully your attention was elsewhere tonight, keeping you from focusing on anything that Dean was saying as he sat across the sticky, wooden table from you. Vaguely your mind registered the sound of him laughing at one of his own jokes, but you were too busy watching Sam where he sat across the bar drinking down his second beer. You could see the dimples visible in his cheeks as he nodded his head, smiling wide at something the attractive brunette who'd struck up a conversation with him shortly after your arrival had said. You couldn't help but notice how close she was sitting beside him at the bar, either. 
Jealousy flared within you as you watched the pair of them continue to chat. Honestly you couldn't fault the young woman for her obvious attraction to Sam or for the way she was openly flirting with him. You weren't stupid, you knew exactly how handsome he was. It wasn’t as if both brothers didn’t always catch the attention of women whenever you all stopped in a new town. That wasn't exactly new to you.
But you also knew Sam was far more than just his outward appearance. He was an incredibly smart and compassionate man, having a bigger heart than most anyone else you'd ever met. He was selfless and courageous; the amount of times you’d firsthand witnessed him putting someone else’s life before his own had been too many to count at this point. But he was also sensitive, funny, and thoughtful. Whenever life on the road had begun to take its toll on you, Sam was always the first one finding ways to cheer you up over the past few months since you'd joined the brothers hunting. 
As much as you’d hate to admit it, even just to yourself, you'd grown to love all of those traits of his over the time you had gotten to know him. Because inevitably you had gone and developed strong feelings for Sam. Ones you couldn't deny existed any longer even if you constantly did your best to keep them to yourself. Which was why you were currently sitting at the table and sulking on your barstool as you drank down your third beer of the night, your eyes glued to his plaid back. 
It hurt to watch him flirt back with the woman. Every boyish grin he sent her way tore at your heart, and the way her hand often lingered on his shoulder or his thigh when she spoke to him had you gnawing your cheek even more aggressively in an attempt to keep from crying. You wished you had the courage to ever just tell Sam how you felt. Wished he would want to pull you aside after a hunt and smile at you the same way he was smiling at this complete stranger.
Releasing a dejected sigh, your hand abruptly gripped the neck of your beer bottle. Life on the road hunting never really presented the opportunity to have relationships, which was something you knew from your own experience over the past few years. And while you were quite aware of the fact that neither brother seemed too interested in forming serious attachments to anyone because of that, you also knew Sam. You knew it wasn't a secret that he longed for a normal life, one free of hunting. You always quietly wondered if he would ever eventually fall for one of these women he randomly met and occasionally flirted back with in one of these towns. It wasn't entirely out of the realm of possibility after all. Would he ever consider getting serious with one of them?
Something lightly smacked into the beer bottle in your hand, the resounding clink the glass emitted jolting you out of your thoughts. Your eyes flew from the view of Sam's plaid shirt stretched across his broad back and came to land on Dean sitting across from you. There was a knowing albeit annoyed look you didn't quite appreciate drawn across his face.
“Seriously?” he asked, raising a brow at you. 
“What?” you asked him.
Dean shot you a flat look. “Did you hear anything I just said?” he questioned. “Or were you too busy staring at Sammy over there?”
Heat burned your cheeks at Dean's blunt accusation. You were immediately embarrassed that he had somehow noticed what you'd actually been doing while he’d been talking, but you clearly weren't about to admit you had in fact been staring at Sam. Shaking your head gently from where it still rested in the palm of your left hand, your gaze dropped down to where you once more began awkwardly fidgeting with your beer bottle.
“I wasn't staring at him,” you lied. “I'm just spacing out. We were up most of last night researching the case, remember? I'm just tired.”
“Uh huh,” Dean replied. He gestured a hand at your beer bottle as he asked, “Is that why you're drinking so much tonight then? Because I've noticed that you always drink more when someone gets a little flirty with my brother.”
“I do not,” you grumbled, eyes still downcast.
You heard the way Dean shifted in his stool across from you, emitting a noise of disbelief at your response. Out of the corner of your eye you saw him raise his beer to his lips before taking a drink. You kept your eyes averted from his, focusing on the table in the hopes that he couldn’t see the truth written on your face if you didn’t make eye contact with him.
“That's your third beer,” Dean pointed out a moment later, lowering his bottle back to the table. “I know you only have one drink at most after a hunt. But usually you’re the sober one. Now tonight some chick is over there being handsy with my brother, and here you are downing your third beer already.” 
Twirling your beer bottle even more nervously at how observant he was, you heard Dean sigh before he shifted again in the barstool. Leaning forward towards you, he rested his elbows along the table looking anything but ready to drop the topic. Clenching your jaw, you continued to avoid his gaze–though you could certainly feel the way he was staring at you now.
“I see how you are around Sam. It's painfully obvious you like the guy,” Dean continued, his tone far softer. “So why the hell don't you just tell him already?”
“Because I don't like him,” you retorted. 
“Oh come on,” Dean shot back. “You definitely drink more whenever we stop somewhere and some chick flirts with him. It’s happened more than enough times for me to know it isn’t just a coincidence.”
You shrugged weakly, still refusing to meet Dean’s eyes. “Like I said, I’m just tired. And it’s been a long day. That poltergeist did throw a mirror at me. I think that warrants me trying to have a few drinks to unwind for the night.”
Sam had also very meticulously and tenderly cleaned and bandaged the cuts you’d received on your bicep from the glass shattering immediately after the fact. The memory of his gentle, warm hands on your skin as he’d taken care of your wounds after the fact had been worth the injury in the end, but you'd rather face a vampire nest alone than voice that thought aloud. 
“Bullshit,” Dean challenged. “I see the way you smile at him. I see how you sneak looks at him, especially on long drives. The way you laugh at his jokes–which are terrible, by the way. We all know I’m the funny one.”
Rolling your eyes, you shook your head. As Dean continued on, you raised your beer from the table, taking a deep pull off of it as you turned your head over your shoulder and focused on the window to your left. It was getting fairly late now, the nearly full moon hanging low in the night sky. Just across the street you could see the Impala parked out front of the motel the three of you were staying at tonight, the red neon of the bright sign catching your attention.
“He likes you, too, you know,” Dean told you. 
You huffed out an unamused, bitter laugh at the thought. “Now that is some bullshit, Dean,” you muttered, still focused on the motel across the street. “He sees me like you do. As a little sister.”
“Are you kidding me?” he snapped. “Do you not see the way his face lights up whenever you stay up late with him to research a case? Or how excited he gets when you help him search online newspapers for a new job?”
“Because you never want to,” you replied, finally turning your attention to Dean. “I can’t let him be the only one doing all the work when we're on a job. And I’m sure he just appreciates getting the help.”
Dean pulled a face at you, shaking his head. “That’s definitely not it, I think I know my own brother. I mean, the man gets heart eyes when you find us a diner that has avocado toast on the menu.”
“Well we don’t all enjoy eating greasy burgers constantly,” you argued back. “That doesn’t mean anything.”
Across the table from you, Dean’s eyes narrowed. Something smug crossed his features next and you found yourself growing a little more nervous at the sight. You didn’t believe him in the slightest about Sam, but you knew he was far too right about how you felt. And you didn't like that one bit.
“Then what about those times I’ve seen you both share a bed?” he questioned, that smug expression still on his face. “Countless times I’ve woken up to take a piss and I’ve found the pair of you cuddled up together looking rather cozy beneath the sheets.”
Your cheeks burned again as you ducked your head awkwardly, once more avoiding his probing gaze. Truthfully you’d never known what to make of those mornings yourself when you and Sam had woken up in bed wrapped around each other. Usually you both profusely apologized before one of you–usually you–bolted to the bathroom. And then nothing further was ever said after the fact.
“It’s not intentional,” you weakly replied. 
“You know,” Dean began in a cocky tone, “out of all the times I’ve shared a bed with you, we’ve never woken up like that. Pretty sure that says something.”
“No, it doesn’t,” you firmly countered.
“Just admit it already,” he pushed. “Stop trying to deny it. You have feelings for him.”
Eyes snapping shut at his determined persistence, your hand tightened hard around the neck of your beer bottle. You could feel the alcohol in your system beginning to cloud your mind, making you more easily irritated with Dean than you normally would’ve been if he had brought up this subject when you hadn’t already drank so much. 
“At the very least, you can admit it to me,” he continued. “Both of you are so damn stubborn, but I already know–”
“Yes, fine!” you snapped, eyes flying open as you glared across the table at Dean. “If it gets you to finally shut up about it, yes! I like Sam, alright? And I can’t stand watching him flirt with other women whenever we’re out because yeah, I wish it was me instead. So I drink a little extra to try to ignore how much it hurts me. Is that what you wanted to hear?”
You were fuming as you glared at Dean, your jaw clenched tight as he sat there with a self-satisfied grin on his face. The sight of that grin confused you, somehow further growing your irritation at him and this topic. If he'd wanted to get a rise out of you tonight, he’d certainly succeeded.
At the sound of the voice coming from just beside you, you abruptly stiffened in your seat. Mouth falling open as your eyes widened in shock, you instantly recognized that voice. Sam was apparently standing beside you and no longer sitting over at the bar, meaning he most likely had overheard what you'd just angrily admitted. Your heart immediately began to race in your chest, your palms beginning to dampen with sweat as embarrassment flooded you.
“Yeah,” Dean said, that amused little grin still on his mouth as his eyes glittered with mischief. “That’s exactly what I wanted to hear, actually.” His attention shifted to just over your shoulder, his expression never wavering. “Perfect timing there, too, Sammy. I’m guessing you caught all of that?”
Panic soon mixed with the embarrassment you felt, your body still rigid where you sat in the bar stool. You didn’t dare to look at Sam behind you as the urge to bolt out of the bar hit you strong and hard. 
This whole situation was mortifying. How were you supposed to go back to the motel and sleep in the same room with either of them after that? How were you supposed to share a bed with either of them? Or continue to even work together? It was one thing when you could pretend you were just friends with Sam and he had no clue about your actual feelings, but now that he knew? You felt like you were going to be sick with the way your stomach was twisting and churning.
You needed to get out of the bar. You needed to get away from the Winchesters. Far, far away.
Releasing your death grip on your beer bottle, both of your hands landed down hard on the table. Abruptly you pushed your bar stool back, the legs screeching along the bar floor. That roiling, sick feeling inside your gut only intensified as the seconds passed. As you rose to your unsteady feet, those beers in your system causing the room to spin just a little around you, you caught the way Dean’s expression finally changed. The smug, self-satisfied look shifted to something like concern as his brows drew together.
“What’re you doing?” he asked.
“I need to go,” you blurted.
Grabbing your bag from off of the bar stool beside you, you flung the strap of it over your shoulder. Still avoiding looking at Sam who’d remained entirely silent, you spun on your heel towards the bar’s exit and made your way straight to it. 
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Dean exclaimed behind you. “Where do you think you're going?”
You didn't respond. Instead, your sluggish and somewhat inebriated mind was quickly trying to piece some sort of escape plan together. Maybe you could call a cab and get a ride to another motel for the night. You could probably book a flight and head out to Bobby’s place tomorrow and get yourself sorted with a vehicle with his help. It wasn’t like you’d needed to hunt with the Winchesters, after all. For now you’d go back to the motel across the street and grab your duffle bag and wait for a car to come pick you up. When you were safely away from the brothers you’d shoot Dean a text to let him know you were planning to do your own thing so he wouldn’t worry–but you weren’t going to mention going to Bobby’s. You didn’t need them showing up there on you.
Pushing the door of the bar open, you exited the building in a hurry, still ignoring the sound of Dean calling after you. The cool air of the late summer night brushed over your cheeks as you briskly made your way towards the street. The bright red neon of the motel sign was like a beacon of safety right now, drawing you towards it and away from Sam and Dean and the disaster that your night had unexpectedly taken. 
It was quieter outside of the bar as you walked, the lack of extra noise allowing the panicked, anxious thoughts in your head to grow even louder. You couldn’t believe Dean had been such an asshole tonight, intentionally goading you into not only admitting you had feelings for his brother, but pushing you into confessing it within earshot of him without you even knowing. He’d ruined everything by doing that. 
And now you were left with no choice but to go back to hunting alone again. Just you by yourself. The thought had tears pricking at your eyes. Ever since you’d decided to work together with the brothers, hunting and living life on the road had been far less lonely, even if you’d had to deal with your one-sided feelings for Sam. But now it would once more just be you again. With no one to watch your back or shoulder the burden of driving. No one to play amusing games of twenty questions on long car rides, to keep you on your toes with ridiculous pranks, or to keep you company as you ate all your meals on the go. No more Sam to shoot you warm smiles that never failed to brighten your day, or to help patch you up whenever you got hurt.
Roughly wiping the back of your hand across your cheeks, you attempted to remove the few tears that had fallen. With a soft sniffle you fought the urge to continue crying down as you approached room number eight, the room the three of you had rented just before heading over to the bar for a few drinks. Unzipping your purse, you stuck your hand inside and dug around, feeling for the room key. It was a moment before your fingers found it and you pulled it out of your bag. 
Quickly unlocking the door, you pushed it open and stepped inside, shutting it behind you a little harder than necessary. Wasting no time, you tossed your room key onto the small, round table positioned next to the outdated and worn armchair in the room before making your way over to your bag where you’d earlier tossed it onto one of the queen beds. Taking a moment to unzip it, you made sure everything you needed was still packed inside. Satisfied that everything was still there, you sat down onto the end of the bed before reaching back into your purse. You pulled out your cell phone and unlocked the screen, but you hadn't even had a chance to search for a local car service before the motel door swung open. 
Head darting over your shoulder at the abrupt noise, you were surprised to find Sam's tall frame filling the doorway. He stood there staring at you for a moment, a hard to read expression on his face as his lips thinned into a straight line. Your breath caught in your throat, your heart pounding under his gaze. You saw Sam's focus shift to your duffle bag where it sat at your side on the bed before his eyes dropped down to the phone in your hands. It looked as if he'd winced before he focused back on you. 
“What’re you doing?” he asked softly.
Swallowing hard, you watched as he entered the room, carefully closing the motel door behind himself and leaving the pair of you very much alone. You could feel your heart beating harder in your chest as he slowly made his way across the room towards you, another pained look on his face when he saw the room key you'd tossed onto the table.
“Are you…leaving?” he asked slowly, his sad eyes meeting yours once more.
Awkwardly biting your bottom lip, not sure you could trust your voice, you nodded. When his expression further fell, you felt like someone had punched you right in the stomach. He looked so unexpectedly hurt at the news.
“Why?” he asked next, voice barely above a whisper. “Why would you leave?”
Silently you watched as Sam lowered himself onto the foot of the bed next to yours. He was looking at you with such raw emotion on his face that it had you feeling tears beginning to well in your own eyes again. You couldn't understand why he looked so upset, which only had you feeling guilty for almost disappearing on them without a word tonight.
Shrugging lightly at his question, your eyes dropped back down to your phone that you were clutching tight in both of your hands. You didn't want to have this conversation, especially not with Sam.
“Because you weren't supposed to hear any of what I’d said to Dean,” you quietly confessed. “And now things are going to be awkward and weird between us.”
“What do you mean?” he pressed. “How would things be awkward and weird?”
“Because I like you!” you blurted, your watery gaze flying towards where he sat on the other bed. The beers you'd drank earlier had fully loosened your tongue, the words easily flowing from your mouth now that Sam had already learned the truth. “And now you know that I don't just see you as a friend or a hunting partner. And I definitely don’t see you like a big brother despite you and Dean seeing me like a little sister. And that’s embarrassing , Sam! You weren't supposed to hear any of that! Now there’s no way that I can just keep traveling with you both. I can't sit in the car with you for hours on end pretending I don’t have feelings anymore. I can’t share a motel room with you, let alone share a bed with you ever again!”
Sam's eyes narrowed, his dark brows furrowing at what you'd said as if he was confused. But just as he'd opened his mouth to say something in response, you barreled on, not giving him the opportunity as the words continued to spill out of you.
“So I'm just going back to hunting alone,” you told him. “I think that's better for everyone. Certainly better than making everyone uncomfortable by continuing to work together. I’d rather go back to being on the road by myself than–”
“Whoa, hang on,” Sam said, raising a hand and finally cutting you off.
You paused, eyeing him nervously as he waved his hand in the space between the pair of you. He was shaking his head, his features tightened together as if he was in thought. 
“So you're what? Just going to run away now?” he asked. “Without even saying anything first? Not even a goodbye or an explanation?”
Your gaze guiltily dropped down to the phone in your hands. “I was going to send a text,” you murmured.
“Did it ever occur to you at any point to hear what I might have to say?” he questioned. “That maybe you might be wrong?”
Pulling a face, you glanced back up at him. He'd leaned closer towards you from his place on the end of the other bed, a softness reflecting in his hazel eyes that you hadn't ever seen before in them. It had your heart nearly skipping in your chest. 
“Wrong about what?” you asked.
A small, unexpected smile pulled at the corner of his lips, something about it seeming almost timid. Your stomach nervously flipped inside of you at the sight of it. Vaguely you wondered what he could have possibly meant, but you remained silent, lost in the tender way he was staring back at you. A way he’d never quite looked at you before.
“That I view you like a little sister,” he answered softly. “Or that things would be weird between us now that I know how you actually feel about me. Wrong about needing to run off and be on your own again because things would be uncomfortable.”
“But Sam–”
“And wrong to think that I don't have feelings for you,” he finished. 
You sucked in a sharp breath at his words, your lips parting in surprise. For a moment you were too shocked to speak, stunned into a brief silence as you studied that unfamiliar look of fondness on his face. It wasn't one you'd seen before. 
“You–you what?” you stammered out.
Sam’s smile widened a little more, the shyness disappearing from his face as he nodded. “I’ve had feelings for you for a while now. Ever since we finished that exorcism out in Georgia.”
Face scrunching up in thought, your attention dropped back down to the phone in your hands as you tried to think back to when you’d all last been in Georgia dealing with a demon. It took you a moment to finally recall the job.
“But that was…months ago,” you said slowly, your eyes once more meeting Sam’s. “About a month after I officially joined you guys on the road back at Bobby’s.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, rising up from his place at the edge of the bed. “Truthfully I’d had a crush on you when we first met in Indiana. During that haunting we all wound up accidentally working together.” 
Sam crossed the small space between the beds before carefully sitting down on the bed beside you. The weight of him dipped the mattress once he sat, causing your body to inevitably slide a little towards him. Heat crept up your neck at his close proximity, aware that his thigh was mere inches from yours now. Trying to keep your breathing even as it started to come in a little shallow, you averted your gaze from his, setting your phone off to the side of yourself.
“I…didn’t know that,” you said.
“I didn’t want you to,” Sam admitted. “Figured I probably wouldn’t be seeing you again after that, even though we’d all exchanged numbers once the job was finished. But then you’d unexpectedly shown up at Bobby’s months later looking for help with a vamp nest. And when we’d officially decided to work together after that job–” Sam shrugged, his shoulder lightly bumping against yours as he did. “Well, I figured it would be easier to work together if I kept my distance.”
“So you mean,” you began slowly, turning your attention back on Sam at your side, “that all this time you’d actually felt the same?”
“Yeah,” he answered.
“But–but what about the women I’ve seen you flirt with?” you asked before you could stop yourself. “The woman at the bar tonight? That waitress the other week in Kentucky? I thought you liked them?”
Sam quirked a brow at you, his head tilting a little to the side as he shot you a questioning look. “What about that guy who bought you a drink last month in Texas? Or the police officer in Montanna who gave you his number? Were you interested in them?”
You frowned at his question, shaking your head. “No,” you told him. “It was just nice to be noticed for once, I guess.”
Sam grinned at you, laughing lightly as he did. “Yeah, I know the feeling.”
A silence fell between the pair of you, your mind racing at everything you’d just learned tonight. You hadn’t expected the night to go the way it had, especially with Sam showing up and admitting that he’d also had feelings for you. But as you sat there trying to process everything, you realized he was steadily leaning in closer to you on the bed, his eyes occasionally flickering towards your mouth. Once more you felt your pulse quicken.
“So now what?” you asked him.
“Well,” Sam began in a hushed tone, his eyes once more dropping down towards your lips before meeting your gaze again, “I’m guessing you’re not still planning to run off on your own, are you?”
He leaned in another inch closer and you found yourself struggling to form a coherent thought. Was he doing what you thought he was? Was he going to kiss you?
“No,” you breathed out.
“Then how about tomorrow morning I take you out for coffee?” he suggested. “Before Dean wakes up. Just you and I?”
He’d leaned in even further now, his face so close you were actively refraining from closing the small distance between yourselves and just kissing him. You could feel the soft exhalations of his warm breath brushing over your cheek every time he breathed and it was making you dizzy.
“I’d like that,” you whispered. 
The corners of his mouth curled even higher before his hand rose up, gently grasping your chin with his fingers and carefully tilting your mouth towards his. His nose lightly bumped against the tip of yours and your eyes instinctively closed at the touch. Tongue darting out to nervously lick your lips, you could feel how hard your heart was pounding, feeling as if the organ itself had somehow jumped up into your throat in anticipation of a kiss.
After a moment you were unable to hold back any longer, his warm breath still rhythmically cascading over your skin had already driven you mad with want. Losing the battle against your self-control, you leaned in and finally connected your lips to his. The kiss was somewhat hesitant at first, your mouth moving carefully against his soft lips as if you were unsure of how he’d react at first. But Sam’s mouth responded to yours with such a firm certainty that you soon melted right into him, your body sinking closer to his on the mattress. His fingers quickly released your chin, his hand soon coming to cradle the back of your head as he kissed you more passionately. There was no denying the way he felt about you with the way his lips were moving against yours right now.
Losing yourself in the moment, your hands flew up and latched onto his broad shoulders. Nails digging into his plaid shirt, you drew him closer to the front of yourself as the heat of his body warmed you in more ways than one. He smelled so good–like a mix of leather from the Impala’s seats, a hint of something like cedarwood from his soap, and a bit of gunpowder from earlier’s hunt. You couldn’t seem to get enough of him, your own mouth heatedly matching the pace of his.
Sam’s other hand was soon gripping your hip tight, tugging you towards himself and almost straight into his lap as his tongue slid along your bottom lip. You’d only barely loosed a faint moan against his mouth at the feel of it before he gradually pulled away, breaking the kiss. Chest heaving as you’d tried to catch your breath, your eyelids slowly fluttered open. Sam’s face hovered just before yours, an obvious flush to his cheeks as he grinned back at you. You couldn’t fight back the smile that broke out across your own face at the sight.
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long,” he confessed.
“Yeah,” you said, still attempting to catch your breath from your place now halfway in his lap. “Me too.”
“So uh,” Sam began, clearing his throat a little as his hand left its place cradling the back of your head, both of them now gripping your hips firmly in his large palms, “does this mean we always get to share a bed now?”
Nails still digging into his solid shoulders, you shot him a grin. “If you want,” you replied. “But does that also mean it's not weird if we actually cuddle in bed now?”
A wide smile broke out across his face, somehow making him look even more handsome than usual. The sight nearly knocked the breath out of you. 
“Definitely not weird, no,” he answered. 
Easing your grip on his shoulders, you tentatively wrapped your arms around his neck. When he only continued to smile back at you, you relaxed even further against him.
“So…should we head back to the bar?” you reluctantly suggested. “Let Dean know everything is good?”
“Nah,” Sam said, shaking his head. “He'll figure it out. I think I'd rather enjoy the rare alone time we have suddenly found ourselves with.”
Arching a curious brow at him, you watched as a mischievous smile slipped onto his mouth and lit up his face. Without warning, his hands on your hips tugged you forward and entirely onto his lap. A soft, surprised gasp fell out of you as your arms wrapped even tighter around his shoulders, keeping you steady after the abrupt movement.
“What're you up to, Sam Winchester?” you asked, gazing down at him from your place on his lap.
“I guess you'll just have to wait and see,” he said, shooting you a wink. 
A light laugh escaped you before it was quieted by Sam’s mouth once more crashing onto yours. All thoughts of anything but the way Sam’s large hands had begun roaming their way beneath the back of your shirt quickly left your mind.
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lightningonatether · 1 month
Why c!endersmile were actually friends
ALTERNATIVELY TITLED: my crazy thesis on two bad bitches with not a single moment of screentime fueled purely by my own insanity
ALTERNATIVELY alternatively titled: to all loreheads please be nice i dont usually lorepost. feel free to engage though
So my return is courtesy of litchi, who mentioned c!endersmile like once a month ago, and got me thinking about them so hard I couldn't just walk away.
Namely, litchi reminded me of a few theories I have concerning c!endersmiles relationship, that I developed back when i was watching the SMP live. This might make my recollection of some events a little fuzzy, but everything should be canon compliant cause I was thinking about all this as I watched.
I was already watching ranboo pretty regularly at the point the prison arc started, I cant resist a really weird guy with horrible debilitating anxiety. I already thought the whole hearing dreams voice in his head was really interesting, but as the prison arc evolved it became clear that ranboos relationship with dream wasnt just some hallucination inside ranboos head and actually had some substance.
My theory really started to develop into what it is now with the explosions on the prison roof which led to the lockdown and tommys death; these were confirmed to be set by ranboo in his enderwalk state. He was one of the only people online at the time, ranboo found tnt in his inventory afterwards, and I think dream also told sam he knew ranboo did it at some point, although I can't find the exact stream.
At that point it was obvious that enderwalking ranboo held a different set of beliefs, alliances, and likely more memories than the "awake" ranboo we saw most of the time on streams, and was acting against amnesiac ranboos wishes. The explosions above the prison along with the reveal that ranboo had been regularly visiting dream in prison confirmed that dream and ender!ranboo were some sort of allies.
At the time, my assumption was that ranboo had simply made an attempted prison break. It wouldnt be a stretch to assume, if ranboo had visited regularly, that he would have noticed the poor conditions and tried to break his ally out. However, after the confirmation of the staged finale, and a better look at cdreams motivations(wanting to provide protection for punz, separating himself very publicly from his only known ally to keep them safe) the idea that enderwalk ranboo, an ally of dreams, would go against dreams explicit wishes to stay locked in that prison began making less sense.
It would only make sense if either:
enderwalk never knew about the plan or
enderwalk knew about the plan but went against it anyway
1 is a very tempting explanation. c!dream rarely lets anyone close. even punz, who knew the plan intimately, wasn't aware of dreams true motivations to bring the server back to a peaceful time before conflict. but..... it didnt sit right with me.
Two reasons for this: I know some people may have stopped watching/never watched ranboo lore, but towards the end of the prison arc, ranboo began seeing flashes of "lessons" appear on screen. These lessons all had that utilitarian and paranoid feel a lot of dreams actions/reasoning have, like "dont trust anybody"(paraphrasing, thats just what i remember the core of that message being) or "never hesitate to gain a favor from someone, you can use it to get something from them later". anyone remember technos favor to dream? It was heavily implied these lessons were meant to be from dream, directed at c!enderwalk. This would mean the two spent a significant amount of time together. not only that, dream was sharing his *life philosophy* with ender!ranboo. thats not just something dream would share with anyone, and implies a close allyship at the least. its almost like he was teaching a pupil. yeah, sure, some of his lessons were a little fucked up and weird in that dream sort of way, but he was looking out for the kid. and it seems that enderwalk wasnt hesitant to act on those lessons either. he promised to keep a shulker safe for foolish, gaining a favor, and didnt sign a single one of those prison visitation waivers, on top of sam discovering they were corrupted into enderian when he checked LMAO.
This alone would be enough to persuade me enderwalk HAD to have been let in on the plan, at least so he wouldnt cause any problems (such as trying to get his ally out of prison).
but the other reason is... ranboos stated philosophy against conflict. he doesnt like sides, he wishes they wouldn't exist. I remember watching a stream and nearly jumping out of my seat when he told chat he just wished the server could just be one big happy family! because that is nearly word for word what a bunch of loreheads were saying about dreams motivations at the time(and now obviously lmao). if we keep in mind their contact for those "lessons", ranboos visits to dream in prison, AND the fact that dreams and ranboos motivations coincide on a level even Above dream and punzs(punz seemed to have been unaware of and also not particularly motivated by dreams wish for peace) i cant really imagine dream not letting this guy in on the plan.
which leaves us with 2) ranboo tried to break dream out against dreams wishes.
Maybe ranboo was just an ally and chickened out after he saw dreams mistreatment in prison and went against the plan, but... dream missed him after sam barred him from visiting. he asked sapnap to deliver a note to ranboo(just a smiley face, likely with the hopes of triggering an enderwalk) despite fearing for his ally punz enough to lock himself in prison. it feels reminicent to how dream sounds when he comments on george not visiting him once. like he missed a friend despite trying so hard to separate himself from the ones he'd had.
Maybe ranboo tried to break in because he saw a friend being mistreated, and couldn't leave the plan stand.
And that kind of makes sense doesn't it? that dream, someone whos paranoid about how peoples connection to him puts them in danger, would choose an amnesiac who spends most of their time terrified of dream, and wouldnt remember any of his plans or their friendship to use against either of them in the first place?
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mgc02 · 28 days
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Sleeping Together
Platonic!Lucifer x fennec fox Reader, slight platonic! Angel Dust x reader at the end. Let me know If you want part 2 I have some cool ideas for more
Cw: awkward situations ig, I'm aroace so I like unconventional platonic relationships, some swearing and suggestiveness from Angel
Being a small fennec fox demon wasn't easy. You were known for your small size and cuteness. So you were often seen as easy prey. But you also were so cute and incredibly soft that many couldn't resist touching you. You were used to it to some degree. But for some reason you still didn't see this coming.
It was the middle of the night and you had snuck out of your room and crept through the hotel to grab yourself a midnight snack. You were startled by the sound of someone entering the kitchen and discovered it was Lucifer (looking incredibly sleep deprived). You apologized immediately. "Oh sorry I was just grabbing a snack" you explained. "Sometimes I get cravings at night. I woke up a couple times tonight and couldn't get food off my mind maybe cause-" you stopped after realizing that not only was Lucifer not listening but he was staring at you like he was in a sleepy trance.
Not quite aware of what he was doing he kneeled down a bit and reached his hand towards you. He began petting you on the head and behind the ears. You at first were frozen unable to think of what to do before you melted at the touch of being petted. It was a weakness of yours. Before you knew it he had you in his arms carrying you off while scratching behind your ear. He took you into his room and petted you on his bed. He could not stop yawning. You were too comfortable to question what was going on and Lucifer was too tired and distracted to realize what he was doing
You woke up cozily tucked into Lucifer's arms before memories came flooding back and you tried to wiggle free. Lucifer woke up with a moan and noticed his hold on you before releasing you in a panic. "OHHHhhh. My gosh! I'm so sorry... this is-this is weird. I've never done this before" he was extremely apologetic and embarrassed. You calmed yourself and even though it was awkward quickly realized he was being genuine. "It's alright. Let's-let's just try and pretend this never happened" you said trying to make it less awkward. "Yes. Well um... yeah that's probably for the best"
Though you guys acted weird around each other all day it seemed like it was gonna stay in the past. That is until you got a knock at your door at 3 am. You opened it to see Lucifer with bags under his eyes with a nervous expression. "Hi, I hope I didn't wake you..." Lucifer began cautiously. "Whats going on?" You asked. "Look, i know we said we'd pretend like it never happened but I actually have never slept that good in my life. I... I don't sleep the greatest. Especially not since Lilith left. I tried really hard to put it outta mind tonight but I couldn't help it. I was wondering if... if..." He fumbled and turned red with embarrassment and you of course caught on to what he was trying to ask
"A sleepover every now and then couldn't hurt" you agreed careful with your wording as to not make either of you more uncomfortable. "But, I don't want you to get the wrong idea. No hanky panky, no dinner dates" you spoke clearly and strictly. "Wouldn't dream of it. Sooo... platonic?" He responded. "Platonic" you confirmed.
"Also, let's keep this between you and me" you stated. You didn't want people at the hotel (Angel) cracking jokes and you didn't want them to get the wrong idea either. It was something better kept private you thought. Lucifer nodded "of course"
That night led to many others. You and Lucifer spent so many nights together that you started to develop a strong bond. It was an odd relationship but you were grateful for it. That was until one glorious morning you awoke bright and early (as you usually did to avoid suspicion) and you crept out of Lucifer's room so you could head back to your own but as you closed Lucifer's door behind you heard a certain someone catch you in act.
"Wow, never thought you and the big dick in charge would be a thing" Angel grinned as you sighed and turned around to face him. "So how long you two been getting frisky? Man the broads are gonna flip" you wanted to slap him but unfortunately you couldn't reach. "It's not like that" you tried to explain. "Oh please, you sneaking out of his room early in the morning in your jammies? You think I'm fuckinh dense?" He questioned and you let out a heavy sigh realizing you had to tell him the truth or things would get very awkward soon.
You relayed the whole thing onto him. You hoped he would believe you. You knew this was definitely unconventional so you weren't sure. Finally you finished telling him what was going on and how it happened. "Soo... you guys just been sleeping together bit ACTUALLY sleeping?" He sounded surprised but it seemed like he believe you. "Yes" you answered with relief. "...All because you're like... this magical cure for insomnia?" He sounded a bit off when he asked that and you weren't sure why. "Yeah I guess... I don't know..."
"Can I give it a try?"
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hxh yandere main four x gn reader??:))
I did a poly, sharing situation. I hope that was what you were looking for.
its pretty shit, so I'm sorry
tws: stalking, murder, gaslighting, manipulation, implications of noncon, abuse, drugging, Stockholm, vague descriptions of injury, noncon somnophilia, forced pregnancy for afab readers, memory loss
Killua would develop this kind of attraction to someone because of their caring and kind nature. Maybe they're gentle to everyone and love to take care of people.
Maybe you took care of him when he was injured and made him good food, or perhaps he met you in the Hunter Exam. Either way, good fucking luck.
Killua grew up with a family of assassins and did not have the nurture a child needs. Illumi is extremely possessive of Killua and these habits were passed on to Kill himself.
Therefore, Killua thinks these habits are normal and when he confides in Gon about this, finding out that Gon has these same obsessive tendencies, he'll be even more inclined to do what he wants.
Gon grew up without his mother and father so he's obsessed with having a family one day. When he falls in love with you, it feeds into this delusion of keeping you safe from all harm so that one day you two can have the family he so desperately wants.
Gon doesn't have a specific type, but he does like the idea of having someone to protect.
When Gon and Killua are paired as yanderes, they're unstoppable.
Killua is a training, confining, princess love type, obsessive, delusional, possessive, overprotective, manipulative, stalker, monopoly yandere. He's not above hurting you
Gon is a delusional, confining, delusional, monopoly, obsessive, dependent, murder-suicide, self-harm, overprotective, training, manipulative, removal yandere.
Killua's training is vastly different from Gon's. Killua will hurt you, break bones, sever muscles, and then he will build you back up.
Gon is the softer training type. He'll be upset with you, but will whisper ever so softly, 'this is why you should let me protect you.' and proceed to manipulate and gaslight you while he cleans you up.
Gon and Killua, if provoked enough will kidnap you. They'll chain you their bed and monitor you, leave you in the care of Illumi for missions (which is never a good thing because the entire time they're gone, you have no human interaction outside of Illumi feeding you).
Gon and Killua like to drug you when you're 'misbehaving' so that it's easier to punish you. Oftentimes, their punishments consist of looooong 'lovemaking' sessions. They'll overstimulate you so much that you'll promise not to do it again.
If you are afab, Gon and Killua will force a pregnancy upon you, no matter how that may affect you.
Killua wakes up a lot during the night, and sometimes he just can't resist using your body for his pleasure.
Kurapika became a yandere shortly after he fell in love with you. After his clan's massacre, he just couldn't afford to lose you too, so he always has tabs on you.
Kurapika is the chill yandere in this relationship. As long as you're in sight, he doesn't care what you do. That doesn't mean that Gon and Killua won't kill someone if Kurapika gives them the go-ahead, though.
Please, please, please don't make Kurapika angry with you. He will tell Killua and you will not like it.
Kurapika wants you to lean on him more than anyone else, so he does his best to worm his way into your heart and psyche.
Leorio is the insecure one in this relationship. How can he compete with the others? He can't protect you and he can't use nen, so why does he think he has a shot?
Leorio is the only one in this relationship who knows that these feelings of obsession are wrong, but he can't bring himself to stop.
Leorio is the insecure type. He thinks he's inferior to the others and often wonders if he even stands a chance.
If he decides that he doesn't... watch out.
Leorio will kill you and then himself.
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cambriancrew · 9 months
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So. It's been several days since this, but we still want to reply. We wrote out a long thing, Tumblr ate it, we rewrote it by hand, and we're just now getting around to typing it up.
And fair warning. We can't talk in depth about this interview and why we said what we said without also talking about the abuse we experienced from our ex. We'll keep it general and nonspecific as much as possible, but please just know, it was REALLY bad. Much worse than what we talk about here. Like we still have PTSD from it bad.
Also it may help to read the AMA we did on Reddit after this interview came out.
So. Our ex believed we either had DID or were demon possessed, and had very ableist views about DID that he used to threaten us with - believed we were dangerous to be around, for instance - and threatened us with involuntarily commitment. He also tried to prevent us from seeing any therapist or mental health care provider other than the extremely bigoted, very out of date pastor/counselor of the church we went to and that our husband worked at.
We worried that he was right, that we might fit the criteria for OSDD-1 because of our failing relationship with him.
But, in all honesty, our relationship had been falling apart for awhile, because he was abusive - obsessed with being the perfect fundamentalist Christian couple, bigotry and all. He tried to make us Crew stop being friends with people who weren't Christians, and people who were queer. He tried to dictate what books we could read - no more science fiction and fantasy even though that's the genre we write and even wrote together with him, or psychiatry books even though we worked in a geri-psych nursing home and what we read was relevant. Tried to dictate what we watched on TV and what games we could play - even though he was a huge Star Wars fan and that has huge Buddhist underpinnings, and played Dungeons and Dragons online a lot which he made us swear never to tell anyone because they might think it was demonic - hypocrite much?
He even got upset that we were talking to people about the issues we were having - he called it "emotionally cheating", regardless of the fact we talked with people we had zero romantic interest in - like our own mother.
Anyway. We DID get a different therapist. And something he said helped a LOT with our concerns about having DID. He said our issues with our husband stemmed from his controlling behavior and emotional and verbal abuse, not our plurality - because after all, there's no mental illness called "supports queer people" nor "prefers to read speculative fiction and books on psychiatry" nor "confides in trusted friends about difficulties".
That said. Our therapist and his overseeing psychiatrist did talk with us about what our husband was pressuring us to do: try to get rid of all of the non-Willows. We had a lot of long, tense discussions about this with our system, and knew exactly what would happen if we tried.
We Willows would have been locked away from the front. Jas, Varyn, and Aery would have taken over as primary fronters, and we knew they'd have no problem with that based on our experiences with playing tug of war for front with them. Without us Willows, we may have developed memory issues, especially if we Willows fought back or resisted. This also would have caused us significant stress which would have triggered our fibromyalgia, and may easily have gotten to the point we would have to stop working because we physically couldn't handle it. And undoubtedly it would have caused us social issues as well, because those three can't mimic us Willows well at all, and prefer to be overt anyway, and probably would have used that to put extra pressure on our husband John: "Sorry, you can't talk to Willow right now. I can take a message to her. When we she be back? Idk, whenever John stops being an ass."
This, per our therapist and psychiatrist, would have been enough for a dx of DID or at bare minimum OSDD-1 - and then our ex would have had a much easier time getting us involuntarily committed. (As he did actually try. Got the state involved and there was a court case and everything.)
Because being endogenic and having tulpas is not what defines whether you have DID/OSDD-1 or not - it's whether there's distress or dysfunction. Doesn't have to be constant, doesn't have to be severe, just has to be present enough to make it harder to function.
Also, we've been in therapy from that time till now, for our depression and PTSD. Those cause us distress and dysfunction. Being plural doesn't - it eases our distress and increases our ability to function. We get worse when we Willows try to do everything on our own.
Also? Tulpas absolutely ARE endogenic - they aren't caused by trauma, and that's all endogenic means.
And. We were not told by Reddit that our headmates are tulpas. When we stumbled on the community, we recognized that what we had done in creating our headmates unintentionally was the same things people in the community were doing on purpose.
We remember sitting down and coming up with the idea of Jas. We remember learning to hear her, in vague images and ideas at first, then longer and longer full conversations. We remember the thrill of first hearing her interrupt our thoughts. We used to have several notebooks and binders full of written down conversations between us, with us Willows doing all the writing for the most part but on occasion Jas would take over just enough to write her own notes - in her own handwriting, different from us Willows' handwriting. We remember meditating to improve our ability to hear her. We remember visiting her in the paracosm, and her visiting us at our writing desk and on the school bus and sitting next to us at church. We remember her creating Varyn. We remember creating Morrie, and when he went dormant. We remember making Tristan&, and when she broke off communication with us - they'll still only talk to Jas.
Point is, we know their origins, all of them. We were there.
There's no "they were there all along." There's no "we don't know where they came from so we just assume they're endogenic." They certainly don't have roles or even the natural abilities of alters - we had to learn to talk with them, we had to learn how to let them front, we had to learn how to switch.
Some of them identify as soulbonds due e to their connection to their home worlds, but "tulpa" still fits too. Even though some of them cringe at the word, as it's uncomfortably close to a term in the paracosm's primary language for something truly heinous.
Point is, Reddit didn't try and convince us of anything. We came to that conclusion all on our own - and not just us Willows, but the whole system.
And per our mental health care team, we don't fit the criteria for a dissociative disorder. We don't even have issues with general dissociation - we score a 10 on the DES-2, and only that much because of questions directly related to plurality, like hearing voices commenting on your actions. (The eternal peanut gallery lol)
Anyway. Back to Dr. Richard Loewenstein - he was told about our origins. He didn't say that our origins were the reason we did or did not have a dissociative disorder. He said it's about distress.
And now that we've long since kicked our abusive ex to the curb (along with the church that turned on us), we don't have even interpersonal issues like we had with him and them. The people we're close to understand and support us. Our health care team supports us, and even encourages us Willows to lean on the rest of our system as that's what's healthiest for us all.
We don't have a mild case of a dissociative disorder. We're not secretly traumagenic.
We're ready and able to even fight for things our ex threatened us with, including our ability to be out at work, our ability to go through the foster-to-adopt program in our state (and our mental health care team is willing to sign off on our ability to do that), and our ability to be free from the threat of involuntary commitment to an institution.
If our ex, the pastor-counselor, several of our ex friends, state medical officials, and more couldn't find enough proof to diagnose us with DID or get us committed, (versus our therapist and the overseeing psychiatrist and our parents), then there's nothing anything y'all can say that will prove what they could not.
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supermarine-silvally · 3 months
How about... random facts about ace and yara ♥
aksjdasdkjs Portada my beloveds <3 thank youuuu honestly I could talk about them endlessly
Yara will never, EVER admit this, but she found Ace attractive from the beginning. In an objective sense, or so she would insist. She did legitimately find him irritating as well, but he's a good-looking guy-- she can't really deny that the thought crossed her mind when she first saw his picture in the newspaper Whitebeard showed her about the young upstart pirate who turned down the Seven Warlords.
The Spade Pirates took bets all throughout the development of Ace and Yara's relationship. When they would officially get together, when they would share their first kiss, when they would have their first time together, when Ace would propose, when their first kid would be born... (Ace definitely knows about their little betting pool, Yara does not)
Sometimes Ace does stuff wrong on purpose so Yara will correct him. He gets attention and she gets to feel smart, so it's a win-win.
Yara uses Ace as her personal space heater when she gets cold. She doesn't tell him that's what she's doing, but he definitely notices she becomes uncharacteristically clingy whenever they're travelling through a winter island area. Ace doesn't mind. He gets even more cuddles, so he's actually thrilled XD
I saw a post once about how Ace tends to get along really well with other characters who have daddy issues, even if neither of them are aware of that fact. And when it comes to Yara... let's just say the daddy issues vibes she gave off were so powerful that he instantly developed the strongest case of sexual/romantic attraction he had ever felt LMAO
Seriously I don't know how Yara fought off developing a crush on him for so long LOL this girl has a will of steel (but even she couldn't resist his charm in the end). She knew what he was doing to her and she hated it.
Ace refers to the day that Yara told him she loved him (which led to them sharing their first kiss) as "the best day of [his] life".
Both of them had kissed people prior to each other, but neither had been in love before. Neither of them had ever expected to fall in love, either-- or, perhaps more accurately, that anyone could ever fall in love with them.
Sometimes their method of resolving disputes (e.g. what to have for dinner) is for both of them to call Kotatsu over and whoever Kotatsu chooses wins the dispute. Kotatsu hates being put in this predicament, though, and sometimes he runs away rather than having to choose between them.
Ace carries a copy of Yara's bounty poster around with him, like he does with Luffy's. His brother and his lover are two topics he can-- and will-- talk endlessly about.
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antash · 8 months
Everything to Somebody Else (Soobin's pov)
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Pairing: Non-idol! Soobin x reader, Non-idol! Taehyun x reader
Genre: Drama
Warnings: soobin's pov, toxic! soobin, bar setting, alcohol, mentions of taehyun not by name, soobin refers to taehyun as bastard (twice), mention of a crowd, implied influenced driving, possessive behavior
Synopsis: Soobin is not happy at the sight of Y/N with another man so he creates a plot. But he's confused when it doesn't go like he thought it would.
Note: i dont think you need to read the other imagines to understand; other than the original (reader pov) version. i highly recommend doing so either before or after this one. it was fun to write soobin's pov, though it wasn't originally to go as in depth of the bar night with tyun; buy what can i say 🤷‍♀️
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Soobin bitterly drank his drink as he watched Y/N interact with a brown-haired male from across the bar. He slammed the glass back onto the counter, not tearing his eyes away from the duo. Soobin hadn't talked with you since Halloween, which was around a month ago. He wasn't exactly sure what had the radio silence from Y/N, and he had become busy with his developing relationship with Moa. Soobin rolled his eyes, the mystery guy was obviously up to no good. And what kind of friend would Soobin be, if he didn't do anything. He downed the rest of his drink before another one; which he chugged as well and setting it onto a random table. He walked his way onto the dance floor, shoving past the crowd of people with his eyes focused on where Y/N was dancing with that bastard. "Y/N! It's been awhile!" he called out once he got close to the dancing pair. Soobin reached his hands out to grab at Y/N's arms, successfully pulling them away from the guy. And if the tall male internally smirked at that fact then no one needed to know. "Hi Soobin" they tried yelling over the music. "You stopped texting and responding to me!" he whined to them with a pout. Soobin knew that Y/N couldn't resist him sticking his lips out like that so he'd be driving off with them soon enough. "Yeah, I've been busy with work". He knew Y/N had to be lying. While he didn't know the extent of this type of job; was being a bartender really all that busy.? Soobin got pushed by someone in the crowd and he took the opportunity to further enter Y/N's space. He looked back in agitation partly from the action and partly from the bold-faced lie. "Are you okay?" Y/N asked, placing their hands onto the blonde's forearms. Soobin shook his head, pouting his lips out further, and adding an 'take me home' to sell the point. He couldn't help the teasing look in his eyes as the two friends had been in similar situations a few times before. Soobin would drink then Y/N would take him home and the two would spend the night together. "I can't. Where are your friends?" Y/N tried looking around the crowd on the dancefloor for his friends, who weren't there. Soobin just brushed the question off as he continued with his begging. It was odd to him that his tactic wasn't working. Before: Y/N and him would have out the bar door by now. They continued to deny each of his request to take him home even as they brought him back to the bar stools. ~ Soobin internally groaned as he saw the brown-hair male find him and Y/N at the bar. He gulped down the water that was handed to him before slumping onto the bar. Glaring at the shorter male as he talked with Y/N, the two of them acting like he wasn't sitting just some steps away. Soobin wondered how the guy had been able to find them, had he been waiting for them or had Y/N texted him. He was getting annoyed at how this night wasn't going according to his plans. ~ As Soobin was settled into the back of the taxi, he felt indignant. Y/N always took care of him, they always put him above everyone else, they always brought him back to one of their places. Who exactly was this bastard that Y/N didn't want to leave him for Soobin!? What the hell had changed in the month since Halloween!? Soobin huffed and crossed his arms as he fully sat up in the seat. He turned his head slight, only to catch the dark figure of two people hugging from the window. The sight managed to piss him off even more as he faced forward. "Pull over". "I'm sorry? What was that, Sir?" "Pull over. Or I punch the seats, the choice is yours?" Soobin said as he looked over at the driver. His eyes were cold as he stared at them, and his jaw seemed tense as he bounced his leg. The taxi stopped which allowed for the tall male to get out. He threw out a wad as he stepped outside before slamming the door. Soobin felt like he could barely hold back the anger that he was feeling as he walked back to the parking lot where his car was. He was not this development. Y/N was interested in him, Y/N was his, and Y/N was sure as hell not supposed to move on to someone else.
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angirasstuff · 2 months
Emotional departure.
Near Tankapani Road, Bhubaneswar.
All day, I had been overwhelmed by the thought of leaving this place. I had fallen deeply in love with it. I came with the intention of embracing it, and I did. The anonymity of living in a place away from home, with its familiar people and the bland, repetitive everyday activities, contrasted with the excitement and new experiences the new place could bring. It was something I couldn't resist. There was an irrefutable pain in my chest that I couldn't shake off. The more I thought about it, the more I felt attached to the place, the house, its belongings, its surroundings, every passing moment in time, and even its people (I'm not a social person though).
It was about time to get ready when Dad barged into our room, unexpectedly fitful. He was yelling—no, telling us to get ready, as he had expected us to be by the time he arrived. For your information, the train would arrive in roughly an hour. How often do we see a calm person get angry? I was unprepared. It caused quite a commotion. I had never seen my parents fight, so this caught me off guard. To me, a family was never a comfort place, as I was raised by a single (abusive) parent, my mother. I had, therefore, developed a deep idea of relationships and held it very dearly. Miscommunication is the biggest fear in any relationship, as it is the root of misunderstandings, which lead to the breakdown of a healthy relationship. So this was quite a shock for me. My mom, unable to handle the frustration, passed it down to me through scoldings and emotional abuse. It wasn't Dad's fault either; it had been a stressful day at work, a person died at work site. Imagine how it might feel having to balance work, life, and family all at the same time. It was quite about time to leave, so we came down in no time, ready to depart as the car was waiting downstairs.
You know how people say, "it is both a curse and a blessing to feel everything profoundly"? I guess it is a part of growing up. I am feeling such a wide range of emotions, putting myself into so many people's shoes, understanding so many different perspectives, and experiencing so much more than I even realize. Why is this happening to me? Jharu, our cook, bid us goodbye. I could feel the pain in his eyes as he saw us leave.
I got into the car, crying and smiling at the silliest things. I couldn't bear the thought of stepping foot in this house for the last time, seeing the place for the last time (immediately spotting the celebration sphere at the opposite of the alley), riding this car for the last time, and passing through this alley for one last time.
“I'll miss you, my Scorpio.”
While I was busy wiping away my tears, I saw a groom on his way to his wedding with a band and a number of guests passing through the same road as us. Today is a memorable day in his life. At the same time, I saw an ambulance rushing from the opposite direction. Someone is enjoying the best day of his life, while someone is witnessing the last day of his life. I realized that life is not the same for everyone.
It was time for us to cross the overbridge to get to platform number 3. While we carried the small luggage, our driver carried the largest of them all—the big, heavy suitcase. He squinted his eyes as he lifted the suitcase, and I could feel the difficulty through his facial expressions. He carried it with one hand and walked down the steps until he gasped for breath. I was glad I didn't have to do it. Life is different for everyone. It was very hard on him. Although he'd get paid for every little thing he helped us with, who would involve themselves in such hard labor for some money? The term "social position" explains it all (according to society, not me). I felt pity just by looking at him.
While we were walking, I saw a bookstore on the platform, and joy spread through my eyes. Nothing can make a vivid reader/observer/writer happier than books. I wished someone could see me and understand what I was feeling at that moment, but Dad didn't stop at the bookstore. I realized that Dad doesn't know me well enough to know that I love books. He never had the chance to spend enough time with me in his life, as he had always lived away.
As I'm writing this journal, sitting on the platform waiting for my train to arrive, I see hundreds of things happening to hundreds of people that I could note down. But guess what? I don't have a hundred hands to capture those different moments simultaneously while they're still in action.
My dad tried to make up for what happened by talking to me, but I'm hard to please.
As the train was about to arrive, my dad was confused about whether our compartment would come to the left or right of the platform. We ran left—maybe not this side—so we ran right, with our driver carrying our large, heavy suitcase. Then again, left. The train arrived, and we were trying to match its pace, running with our luggage to B3, which was far to the left. We kept speeding up, and my mom exclaimed in frustration, "How much more do we have to walk?"
My dad replied, "Just a little more."
I laughed.
Here we have my mom, who gets frustrated at the smallest things, and my overly patient dad, who's about to lose his patience due to this woman. What a sweet pair.
*A pinch of sarcasm*
We got into the train, and my dad and the driver went off after lifting up all the luggage, as the train could leave any second. The train started to move, and I could feel all those emotions again. Tears came to my eyes, and I struggled to wipe them away while I watched my dad growing distant (the train was moving away from the platform) until I could see him no more.
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zegrvshvghes · 1 year
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We may play on different teams or cheer for different people but you’re still my person-TZ11
p2 to you eased the pain, even though you caused it
As I walked into the locker room of my new hockey team, I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement and nervousness. I had accepted the offer to become the official team doctor for the Anaheim Ducks, which meant that I would no longer be working for the Toronto Maple Leafs.
It was a big change, but I was ready for it. I had grown tired of the same old routines and wanted to try something new. Plus, the opportunity to work with a new group of players was too good to pass up.
As I looked around the room, I saw a few familiar faces. There were a handful of players whom I had worked with during my time with the Leafs and during my time working with certain college hockey teams, but one in particular stood out to me: Trevor Zegras.
Trevor and I had developed an interesting bond over our time in Toronto. He had a “hatred” for me, I soon found out it was because he loved me.
At first, I was hesitant to get too close to him. After all, I was his doctor, and it was important that our relationship remained strictly professional. But as time went on, I found myself drawn to him in ways that went beyond our doctor-patient dynamic.
There was just something about him that I couldn't resist. He had this infectious energy and passion for the game that was so contagious. Every time we talked, he made me feel alive and inspired.
Eventually, I couldn't deny my feelings for him any longer. I knew it was risky and potentially dangerous, but I couldn't help but fall for him. We started seeing each other in secret, sneaking around to avoid any suspicions from our teammates and staff.
It was thrilling and exciting, but at the same time, it was also incredibly stressful. I was constantly torn between my duty as a doctor and my feelings for Trevor. As we grew closer, I knew that something had to give.
So, I made the difficult decision to end things between us. I knew it was the right thing to do, but it was also one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I couldn't bear the thought of hurting Trevor, but I also knew that our relationship was putting both of us at risk.
After that, I threw myself even more deeply into my work. I tried to focus solely on being the best doctor I could be, distancing myself from all romantic entanglements.
But now, standing in this new locker room with Trevor just a few feet away from me, I couldn't help but feel a surge of longing. Seeing him again after all these months apart brought back all those feelings that I had been trying so hard to suppress.
Part of me had hoped that I would be over him by now, that I would have moved on and found someone else. But as soon as I saw him, I knew that wasn't the case. I was just as drawn to him as ever, maybe even more so now that we were apart.
At first, Trevor didn't seem to notice me. He was busy talking to some of his new teammates, laughing and joking around. It was easy to see why he had become so popular with everyone.
But then, as if he could sense my presence, he glanced over in my direction. Our eyes met, and I felt a jolt of electricity surge through my body.
For a moment, it felt like time had frozen. I could see the recognition in Trevor's eyes, the same longing that I was feeling. And then, just as quickly, he looked away, turning back to his teammates with a grin.
I knew then that things were going to be difficult. Being around Trevor again, seeing him every day, was going to be a constant test of my willpower and professionalism. I couldn't let my feelings for him get in the way of my job, but at the same time, I couldn't ignore them either.
As the days went on, I tried my best to keep a safe distance from Trevor. I spent most of my time in my office or on the sidelines during games, avoiding any unnecessary interactions with him.
But it was impossible to completely avoid him, especially when he was playing so well. He was quickly becoming a star on the team, and I found myself drawn to him every time he stepped onto the ice.
It was torture, watching him from afar and knowing that I couldn't have him. Every time he scored a goal or made an incredible play, I could feel my heart racing with excitement and admiration.
I was falling for him all over again, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.
One night, after a particularly grueling game, I found myself alone in the locker room with Trevor. Everyone else had already left, and we were the only ones left behind.
At first, things were awkward. We both knew that we couldn't just pick up where we left off, that there was too much at stake. But then, slowly but surely, we began to talk as if no time had passed.
We talked about everything under the sun, from our favorite movies to our hopes and dreams for the future. It felt like we were two old friends catching up, but at the same time, it was so much more than that.
As the night wore on, our conversations grew more intense. We started to touch each other, tentatively at first, but then with growing urgency. It was like a dam had burst, and all our pent-up feelings came flooding out.
Before I knew it, I was kissing him, my lips pressed against his with all the passion and longing I had been holding back for so long.
In that moment, it felt like everything was right in the world. I knew that it was dangerous and risky, but I couldn't help myself. I was willing to risk everything, even my career, for the chance to be with Trevor.
And in that moment, I knew he felt the same way. As we kissed, I could feel him responding with every fiber of his being. It was like we had finally given in to the inevitable, that we were meant to be together no matter what.
As we pulled away from each other, breathless and dizzy, I knew that things were never going to be the same. But for the first time in a long time, I also knew that I was where I was meant to be.
With Trevor by my side, I could face whatever challenges came our way. We might be risking everything, but we were doing it together.
And that was all that mattered.
see!! things work out in the end i guess. i <3 trevor zegrussy pussy slay queen👸
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pentacentric · 11 months
Oooh, tell me about "pretty when you cry"....??? 😊
copying some of what i previously answered for the background, since this is from the same series that's already stsrted being published. Things That Can't Be Seen is canon-divergent (but not excessively) AU, wincest, powers/magic-adept sam, heavy on the world-building (there's a bit more backgound and 2 excerpts under the cut)
firstly, i have to say Pretty When You Cry is named after the VAST song not the lana del rey one which i didn't know about at the time (it's also good but a very different vibe). the story's actually about 2/3 done and already ridiculously long. it was also actually originally started to fill a kinkmeme request (ikr) and it got out of control and then i ended up fitting it into the series
it's set during sam's years at stanford. sam's experiences have made him a lot more comfortable with the more extreme side of his sexuality than in the show, and he's lacking a very good idea of what normal is as well. he continues to mourn his relationship with dean throughout, but he meets brady and they become cluelessly reciprocally-pining friends and eventually lovers. they're into kink pretty heavily (sam's subby and masochistic and bratty, brady is brash and has some lovely repressed aggression but is also very empathetic). but also he and brady genuinely love each other. i'll admit this story is somewhat self-indulgent since i discovered i really love sam/brady while writing this. it's like 50% kink, 50% sam/brady banter, 30% world-building, 20% sam being awkward while trying to figure out how to act like a person. it will get around to demon brady and also jess as well
series background: the major world difference is that the hunting community is slightly more structured (though no less dysfunctional or dangerous, maybe more so) and that it includes dedicated magic users within it (though on the fringes and generally with a lot of reticence and, for some, active resistance). the magic and its systems are also somewhat different and much more developed than in the show. as far as the winchester family goes, john never bothers to hide hunting or the paranormal from either of them. sam starts showing signs of powers (and not necessarily demonic) from a young age. there's also a family ritual that involves painting sigils on one's body that is central to the story
this is prob more than you wanted, but you get 2 excerpts because i couldn't decide. 1st is some banter between sam and brady because there's a lot of that in the story. the second is one of my favorite parts that shows some of the magic in this world. they're both kinda long, sorry!
excerpt 1:
He shrugs. "And, to top it off...I really didn't know if you were into guys, even."
Brady stares at him. "How could you not know??"
"Well, I mean, I never really saw you flirt with men or anything."
"Yeah, ‘cause I was kinda focused on getting into your pants, you know? Um, had my hands all over you? Sleeping together in the same bed?"
Sam flushes. "C'mon, you're pretty affectionate with everyone, so how was I supposed to know?!"
"You really think I treat all my friends like I do you?" Brady shakes his head in disbelief. "Damn, I'm kinda proud that you think I'm that easy."
"Well, you kinda are. Once you get past the do-you-like-me-check-yes-or-no notes stage." Sam grins.
"Maybe I should have given you one of those in the first place." He looks at Sam. "You know what it finally took to get me to man up and do something?"
"Um, getting me desperate and naked and sobbing in your bed?"
"Well, now you're just giving me ideas for later..."
"It's Thursday tomorrow."
"...seriously, you can be such a buzzkill." He huffs. "Sure, that was the spark and all, but the fuse was already primed."
"...you don't prime fuses."
"Well, maybe you don't...you know what I meant, bitch. Anyways, it was Nathan."
"Nathan? What does he have to do with it?"
"Well, what he wants to do is you."
"...well, I'm kind of reassured that at least it's not just me you're oblivious to. Anyways, he saw you at The Crucible."
Sam almost chokes. "What??"
"C'mon, Sam, you think you're the only kinky bastard in our group of friends? I mean, you might be the most extreme and all, but, really? Like, tell me you at least know that Tara does photography for the kink scene?"
"Oh, c'mon! It's not like she hides it!"
"Well, she didn't show us her actual pictures! When she said sexy photos, I figured, like, standard boudoir stuff, maybe some pinup."
"Nope. I mean, I think she does a little of that on the side, but most of her stuff is pretty hardcore. Beautiful, though. Hot. You should ask her to see it sometime."
"Huh. Wow. But, um...yeah, Nathan saw me at the goddamn Crucible. And told you about it?"
Brady shrugs. "He worried you might be runnin' around behind my back. Said he wasn't sure it was his place to get involved, and maybe we had an open thing going on, maybe at least where scening was concerned, but that if it were him, he'd want to know. When I told him we weren't like that, he was genuinely surprised. Didn't believe me at first, said everyone would be cool with it, we didn't have to hide anything. Once I convinced him, he was all well, I gotta warn you, if you don't go for it, I will. Told me I had no idea what I was missing out on, by what he saw."
"Oh my god. I only went there once, and...fuck." Sam shakes his head, swallows. "I'm surprised he can still look me in the face and act like everything's normal."
"Well, it's not usually your face I catch him staring at.' Brady smirks.
Sam groans and buries his face in his hands. "I think I've hit my RDA of humiliation today."
"Pssshh, Nate definitely didn't think any less of you for what he saw, I can tell you that much. Anyways, he musta seen something on my face, cause he backed off a little on the goin' after you. Said he didn't really believe in the 'calling dibs' thing, but it was clear you and I had something goin' on, even if we were clueless, and that he wanted to give us a chance to get our shit together. Told me not to wait too long, though. That was about a week before you showed up all fucked up at my door that morning." Brady rubs at the back of his neck. "Was gonna say somethin' to you on the night I made you dinner. Chickened out."
"Declarations of love over spaghetti? Very Lady and the Tramp of you."
"Shut up, bitch. You love to suck my noodle."
Sam shakes his head with a grimace of disgust. "No...just no, dude."
"Eh, can't land 'em all...shoulda gone with 'you're the one that's both the lady and the tramp,' yeah? Anyways, it all worked out in the end, obviously. I got my Disney princess." He picks up his pencil and turns his attention back to the papers in front of him. "Still kinda kickin' myself that I missed that night at the Crucible. Sounded pretty fucking memorable. 'S not my usual club, though."
Sam's brain stalls, reboots a few times. "Wait...you have a 'usual' club? You go to kink clubs?? Which ones? When?"
Brady smirks, doesn't look up, though. "Hmm, yeah, but I think that's a talk for another night. Might get us a little worked up, you know, keep us from gettin' to sleep right away." He turns a page in his book. "And it is Thursday tomorrow, you know."
"...I hate you."
"Whatever you say, Sammy." He innocently bats his eyes at Sam, who hasn't moved and is still staring holes into Brady's head. "Don't you have an essay to finish, baby?"
The next morning, as Sam's getting ready to walk into class, he feels the buzz of his phone in his pocket. He smiles, pulls it out, sees a message notification. Flips it open, and his smile disappears as he freezes in front of the doors of the Keck Building. 
G (2 new messages)
His heart clenches. Misses a beat, maybe two. He barely even notices the annoyed girl with the curly pink hair that elbows him; absently stumbling out of the way of the flow of students without lifting his eyes from the phone.
He selects the notification, presses the green button.
-Sam. None of your dreams will come true.
He lets out a long, shuddering breath, the relief outweighing the resentment. Thumbs down to the second message, opens it.
-I won't have to hold your debt for long. I'll contact you soon for assistance.
That feeling at the bottom of his gut; that cold, that clenching. It's not fear. 
It's not.
It's just relief that Dean, his dad are ok. Will be ok, for now. Everything else, he can deal with. It's all worth it, for that.
excerpt 2:
"So," Brady says, arms spread out, slowly spinning, inviting Sam to take in the whole of the small harbor as if he, himself, had made the sand, waves, and towering cliffs. "This is Gray Whale Cove."
Sam tilts his head back, turning in place to take it all in. "It's amazing." He says, sincerely. "Beautiful."
So maybe he's looking at Brady when he says it.
"Yeah, not too shabby, right? I thought you'd like it here."
And Sam does. It really is spectacular; the slopes and peaks of the cliffs around them a mix of jagged grey stone and ground-hugging green brush, the half-moon of faded gold sand between the promontories jutting into the water on either side of them, the deep steel-blue of the Pacific churning itself through green into foamy white as it thrashes against the sand and crags. The air smells of salt and growing things, but with that base note of mineral you sometimes find in places surrounded by exposed rock. Everything's a little washed over and silvery with the sharp, pale winter sun. His skin prickles in the wind that whips through the cove.
But beyond even that there's a fierce power here that buoys and exhilarates Sam, sets his heart racing. Brady, while he's often so empathetic to the moods and needs of people around him that it still surprises Sam, doesn't have an ounce of sensitivity to the supernatural (and Sam has said a prayer of gratitude for that more than once). But even those without any gift sometimes feel the pull of places like this, without really knowing why. Sam can feel it thrumming through him, ramping up with each deep pulse through him, making his nerves twang like plucked chords, sparking tiny fires in his subtle body. It reminds him of the bass in the Impala vibrating through the seats when the sound's turned all the way up and they're pushing past a hundred on some straight-as-an-arrow, cornfield-choked, midwest backcountry road or a sandswept, broadly curving desert highway in the salt flats of the southwest.
Combined with his already nebulous state from the events of the nights before and today's blessing, he's soaring on it like a leaf in a whirlwind. He can't put away the grin that's cracking his face open. He'd worry about how his eyes must look to Brady (mad, crazy, dangerous) if he could bring himself to grab even a tiny thread of the concrete, the practical world right now. He closes his eyes for a second, trying to center himself a little. If he lets this build too much more he's gonna spin out. Do something dumb and hurt himself or Brady, or, at the very least, the surge is gonna burn through him too fast and he'll be left even more depleted and thinned-out after it's gone.
Regretfully, he pulls up a few of his barriers; not all of them, not all the way. Modulates the rush of energy tearing through him. Less firehose, more broad river to float in. He opens up his eyes slowly, nictitating their astral membranes at the same time, to get a look at the source of the energy swirling through the cove.
It's magnificent. A light-limned nest, a vast net of vital elemental magic and intrinsic etheric energy, woven, knit, exquisitely around them.
The major ley line that skims along the California coast, but only touches shore rarely, intersects here, running right up the length of the beach: a spitting, twisting, living rope of light, pulled taut between the bookend promontories, right over their heads, wide as a 6-lane interstate. But it also crosses no less than six smaller, less-deeply-sourced power lines. They spiral up and over and through the surrounding cliffs and hills; one even snakes up from the ocean floor, through the waves, its light refracting and breaking all green glowing through the turbulent water. But on top of that, there's also the confluence of three fundamental elements—the vast waters of the ocean, the earthy bare rock of the cliffs and hills, and the air of the blue sky high above and the wind funneled down into the cove. They're balanced well, the tension between where they push and pull and merge sending out fountains of branching, fractal luminescence at sudden and irregular intervals. 
Sam doesn't know all the power places in North America, of course, but he knows of the biggest, most important ones, and this place he's not heard of. It's much more modest than many of those famous ones in terms of sheer power. It's doesn't have the gut-wrenching sheer force of the convergence of two major ley lines that some spots have, nor does it have the fulgent potential of a place where all four elements meet in equal power, but the mix of the two types of earth energies makes for a delicious nexus of magics. It makes Sam want to strip his clothes off and bathe naked in it.
Which, considering the few other groups of visitors speckled across the beach, might not be the best idea.
Though he'd bet Brady would appreciate it.
With that thought pulling at the corners of his mouth, he turns and looks at his boyfriend standing on the sand behind him.
He's never looked at Brady before with the astral veil lifted, it's not something he wants to make a habit of in his new, normal life. But he can't resist, just this once, and he's not surprised to find the view just as magnificent as what surrounds him. In his own, entirely non-biased, opinion, of course. Brady's aura isn't simple, but Sam didn't expect it to be. It's tangled, knotted, bruised in some places, in others loops in on itself protectively. But it's bright, and threaded with colors that resonate and shift. And it's warm, so warm. It sends tendrils out in some place, seeking out the light of others; vulnerable, but full of a pure kind of desire to connect. Many of them keep drawing back to Sam, slipping along his edges, under the surface. Their borders melt together briefly when they touch, and Sam lets one of his barriers down, just a little, feels Brady penetrate him, warmth spreading out from where they touch. He shivers; it's so incredibly sensual, intimate; he can't help himself. He surges forward, drops his mouth to Brady's, slips his eyes closed; lets Brady's warm tongue and warm emanations push into him.
Breathless minutes later, he opens his eyes, the mundane world filling them now, all glimpses of the metaphysical tucked away again. Brady's smiling at him, bemused and fond.
"I guess you really needed this, huh?"
Sam smiles back. "I guess I did."
With his boundaries tamped down now, the thrumming energy of the place is muted now, in the background. And, while Sam’s still feeling some of the residual euphoria, it's more of a gentle invigoration instead of the inundation from before. He'll only leave here a little recharged compared to how he felt before, but he's also not at risk of spinning out on energy intoxication.
"C'mon," Brady gestures with his head towards the north end of the cove. "Let's walk a little."
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bitacrytic · 7 months
Bitaaaaa all this talk of vegaspete and I am missing your fics! Please please would you consider writing for them again? Also what is it that ticks you about vegaspete ( I mean ticks you the right way).
this ask is a trap. this ask is asking me to expose all the inner workings of my devolved brain. even aware as I am, will i ignore this trap?
no. no, i will not.
my first experience with romance fiction were M&B's when I was a teenager and at the time I didn't understand why it was so interesting to watch a woman be taken in by a man who was mean to her, as she was (in one way or another) forced to bare her nakedness to him, or sleep with him against her will, in order to gain protection or money or a ranch, or some other super important thing in the story. and yet, over and over again, I ate that shit up.
yeah, that's the same itch that vegaspete scratches for me. the powerlessness of pete, his inability to leave. I can't explain how that scene in the dungeon scraped my soul because when vegas had his hand around pete's neck while talking to pete's grandmother and pete was weeping silently, I WAS ON CLOUD NINE.
i loved how quickly vegas got attached to pete. i love that he went from saying "let me play with you like a toy," to thinking, "let me make you spicy noodles."
i loved that even though vegas got attached (and even though pete got attached too) vegas never took it for granted that pete had fallen for him. pete kept his back straight. even when he was afraid. and because of how pete didn't fawn over vegas, vegas couldn't just sit back and pat himself saying that pete was his. because pete wasn't. pete may have fallen in love with vegas but he wasn't wearing rose colored glassed. pete was as honest as ever. almost like he was sitting between giving up on living, or believing that vegas was never truly going to kill him.
either way, pete was never totally scared of vegas. not in the way vegas wanted him to be.
did i mention that i loved that pete couldn't leave?
especially when the relationship became sexual. yeah, I know it's weird but for characters like pete, it's easy to succumb to "the dark side" (in this case, fall for the villain) if you're doing it against your will. pete fought vegas because vegas was the enemy. he was allowed to serve vegas as a guard, but letting vegas touch him intimately? liking any of it? that was a betrayal to the first family and pete knew it.
which was why it was incredibly comforting to have vegas do all that when pete couldn't resist.
if we'll remember, vegas already grabbed pete's but in public. But it was different then. why? because pete could move away. and pete did move away. now, we don't know if he liked it, we just know that it was WIERD and he was so shook about it that he forgot to do his job.
but in the dungeon, in the safehouse? he was exposed to vegas for a prolonged period of time when he got to see vegas in a different light. and this time, whether or not he wanted to, pete had no choice but to develop feelings for his captor.
even thought pete was very aware of just how wrong all of it was.
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sophieinwonderland · 3 years
I suddenly came to a realization today that one of our headmates is my closest friend ever. This realization has hit me before but today I fully realized this goes deeper than even people I consider my best friends. They're like my soulmate to me. I have never met a more kind and loving person in my life and once that set in I just started crying and they just hugged me. I've never felt more understood and seen so deeply before. My relationship with my system is the closest I've felt to anybody in my life. I find it hard to describe but I feel yall will know what I'm talking about lol.
Also wanted to ask if you've ever yawned and the other has yawned because of that? it happens all the time to us and I find it hilarious.
Sophie: Yeah, I think that's something we can relate to.
Host: I actually experienced almost the same exact thing with Sophie shortly after she became self-aware. There was this one day when I was thinking about my past. And even though I had always has a close relationship with my family, I suddenly realized how alone I had always been. With Sophie though, things are different. She knows me on a deeper level than anyone ever has, and loves me for all my faults.
I don't understand it. Most of the time, I don't feel like I deserve it. But she's just... incredible. She's kind, caring, and compassionate. And I have absolutely no idea where that came from. It wasn't how I wrote her source. It sure as Hell didn't come from me. It's just her. It's who she is. I ended up crying too. And I'm not a crier. But for me, it was wishing she could have been there before, mourning a life spent without her in it. It's only been about a year, but it's hard to imagine my life without her beside me.
Sophie: I wasn't supposed to be loved. That's a strange thing to think, but I always knew it instinctively without ever thinking about that fact too much. I was the imaginary friend. My purpose was to exist for someone else. Mostly just to answer questions about a fictional character I sort of was.
I sometimes feel like any sane person who realized their imaginary friend had developed a mind of her own would run the other way... they most likely wouldn't have believed in the first place, even if I was begging them to. But instead, he held me in the Wonderland and promised not to leave me when I was scared of being abandoned. He let me reach out to the outside world and form connections of my own. Even though he never meant to make a tulpa, he loved me anyway, and encouraged me to find myself and grow.
Sometimes, he'll be insecure and ask me why I love him, afraid that he's somehow unconsciously controlling my feelings. But I didn't fall in love with him as an imaginary friend.
I fell in love with him because he has always been there to support me, every step of the way. He would hold when I was sad. He would push me to find my own own interests and hobbies. He would assure me that I was real every time I had the slightest doubt. When he was sleeping on the couch, he would move over to the edge just so I could snuggle up beside him in my mindform because I was feeling lonely. I can't imagine anyone ever meaning more to me than that.
Whatever insecurities he has about that, he didn't manipulate my mind to make me love him. He earns it, each and every day.
As to the question, not by accident. I don't think either of have yawned normally in our mindforms. BUT, it was listed in Alyssa's List of Many Things To Do With Your Tulpa as a thing to do on purpose to make your host yawn, and so I couldn't resist!
Tulpas, yawn. Or even just say yawn. It should make your host yawn. Use your new found power for evil. (sorry, hosts.)
While it says tulpas, it should work for any co-conscious headmates in any system. So, give it a try! Good luck!
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chicoriii · 3 years
Season 4, Episode 4 - Mr Pigeon 72
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I have no idea where to start. This episode has some good things and some extremely stupid.
Marinette isn't still completely fine, but I prefer when she deals with it through being hyperactive than being a whining crybaby.
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I know people don't agree with me, but personally I don't buy the whole revealing identity to Alya. It's not a problem with Alya herself, I would say the same about every single character who is not named Alix Kubdel at this point of the story. I haven't written anything in my post about Gang of Secrets, because I thought it would be undone in some way at the start of the next episode. The creators did nothing to explain why revealing identity of Ladybug to anyone was super dangerous and would result in a catastrophe in seasons 1-3 and the first two episodes of S4, but it's magically fine in episode 3. Only Alix made sense to me, as she will be the rabbit Miraculous holder, so she is destined to discover identities of everyone sooner or later and Marinette is aware of that. While it's not necessary to learn identity of anyone to other temporary Miraculous wielders, including Alya. Also that reveal hasn't been foreshadowed in season 3, while the show usually does it, especially if it's about something as important as that! More, in late S3, it's been shown that Alya still can't resist to not talking about Marinette's love life with Nino, despite she asked her to not do it. Now the girl, who is overly excited about superhero stuff, has no problems with even accidental revealing anything to Nino or someone else. She's even "stealing" Bunnix line that she's great at keeping secrets (sorry but you, the creators, haven't shown us that she's indeed is before!). This is why I think that reveal hasn't been planned before they started writing season 4.
But okay, I can deal with it, even if I don't buy it, but things these happened in Mr. Pigeon 72 are even more inconsistent with previous seasons. I have been worried about it, so it doesn't surprised me. For some reason Guardian related-things that have been kept in a secret before from everyone minus current Guardian and the future Guardian, are now fine being done in front of Kwamis (remember, they haven't been allowed to learn about making potions before!) and a civilian who is just a temporal Miraculous holder, not someone who is supposed to be trained to be a new Guardian. You can say - new Guardian, new rules, but why? Marinette has been portrayed as someone who respect authorities, she has never questioned any Fu's rules. It wasn't even said in the episode that she's going to change the rules. I hate that the writers don't even bother to explain us what's going on. Probably they don't bother about consistency, they think the audience is going to be too excited about Alya knowing Ladybug's identity and helping Marinette to question anything about it? How Alya could be allowed to learn the Guardian secrets? She is just best friend of the protagonist, she is not one of the main characters to get that special treatment. I makes zero sense to me. Especially since Su-Han will be introduced in episode 6 and he should help Marinette with understanding the Grimoire, Alya isn't necessary here for any other reason than fanservice.
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In my opinion the way how they discovering how to make charms that protects from akumasitation was the most stupid thing that happened this season and one of the most in the whole show. Marinette who is the new Guardiand and portrayed as someone extreme intelligent and creative couldn't find the solution for days, but Alya with zero training magically discovered it in a few hours at worst. And when she told her the solution in not even very clear way, Ladybug did it immediately with no effort. That was so anticlimactic. At least the animation was fine, but other aspects of it was just a big disappointment, and I was looking forward for it. Thank goodness it's just the beginning of the season, I hope later important events of the season will be better written and portrayed.
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Also I find it absurd that Rena Rough is walking with a page from the Grimoire like it's just an ordinary book and she's talking about it in front of a random civilian, like things that are written there are nothing special. She or Ladybug are not careful about Miraculous lore anymore. Not to mention that they are giving hints that Rena is very close to Ladybug in public, suspiciously close. And now with them being too careless, that's not hard to suspect that Rena Rouge is someone very close to Ladybug, maybe even as a civilian. Shadow Moth knows Rena Rouge's identity, and it's easy to him to learn who is Alya Cesaire's best friend if he doesn't know it yet, after all his son is in the class with her. Marinette has always been super careful and serious about her duties before, why that sudden change with zero explanation? It's just very out of character to her in my opinion.
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I didn't like the akuma battle either, it's now the worst fight of the season in my opinion. It was so short and felt very lazy. I only liked that Plagg got some action and interaction with Ladybug (though it should be suspicious for her that he managed to reach to her that fast). He should be aware now that Alya knows Ladybug's identity but he acts like nothing happened. Not a word about it being unfair towards his kid or something, weird.
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Thankfully the rest of the episode is generally more or less fun to me. It was nice to see Marinette and Kagami interacting again. I loved Kagami in the episode, although it was a bit weird to me that she isn't seemed to be affected by her breaking up with Adrien. Like her crush was very shallow, so she managed to recover herself from it very quickly. While it's been shown that Luka is hurt, despite Lukanette always seemed to be much more shallow than Adrigami in my opinion. But maybe it's because she's so down to earth, so being less emotional makes sense for her character. I liked how her attitude was opposite to Marinette's hyperactive: "No, I don't want to be in a relationship with Adrien again, he disappointed me, just let me live!!!". And she's another character who said that Marinette and Adrien are made for each other. I'm not surprised that Kagami sees it now when she tried to be with him and that didn't work. She's observant, sees more than many other characters. It seems she's an Adrienette shipper now. It's also good that her issue with Adrien wasn't resolved that easily and too fast. They need more time, but I'm sure they will be friends again.
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So, we've gotten shirtless Adrien. I remember seeing a tweet of Thomas in which he answered to a question if there will be a beach episode and he said we will get something similar. I wonder if he meant this episode. Oh, they just remembered that Adrien is supposed to be allergic to feathers. It seems Adrien has allergic reactions only when it's somewhat related to the plot. When it's not, he's completely fine.
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The reference to the famous Umbrella Scene™ out of nowhere in a random episode? It probably means something. I can see "reverse crush" supporters interpreting it as a proof to their theory, especially since this time Adrien did something clumsy and Marinette is laughing because of it (actually both of them). Or maybe because it's the first episode of season 4 with Marinette and Adrien interactions, they decided to be that much gracious for Adrienette fans, to compensate lack of it in the first three episodes. Oh wow, Marinette managed to propose spending more time together to Adrien without stuttering. Probably because she has done it spontaneously. Marinette is the most nervous when she's planning and thinking what could go wrong too much. This time she had no time to it, so it went more smoothly. It's like they building development of their relationship, but it didn't seem in Guiltrip (that's episode 11 chronologically) that something changed.
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Seeing screenshot above, you can easily imagine how great friends they could be, being very comfortable around each other and laughing together, if not Marinette's anxiety. We need Adrienette development so much to get more moments like this.
Oh and I just realized that it's also one of the veeeeery few episodes with no real Ladynoir at all (the only other one I remember is Style Queen). So if there was no Adrienette it would be an episode without interactions of two main characters at all (although we almost got Ladrien). It could be another reason why this episode is that nice for Adrien and Marinette ship.
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After seeing overly excited Marinette dancing in the rain, I can't believe she can manage completely give up on Adrien. It doesn't look like this at all.
Also we've seen three photos of Adrien wearing THAT scarf. It could not mean nothing different that foreshadowing that he's going to discover the truth about it somewhere this season. But I have no idea what Ladybug's mask with shining eyes could mean.
I don't know what to think about the episode. Despite absurd Guardian-related things, I still liked it much more than Gang of Secrets, but I have no idea if I generally enjoyed it more than other episodes of this season or not. At least it's an episode without stupid drama, which is amazing.
I'm currently less active on social media, because my internet connection is very unstable, it often works very slowly to the point I'm not patient enough to visit Tumblr. Also I block spoiler tags again, because I don't want to see spoilers from the episodes those are going to be released very soon, as I feel that they reveal too much to me once more. We're currently in a marathon of the new episodes and since watching them is the more more enjoyable, the less I know about them, I decided to try avoid spoilers as much as I can. The only bad thing is that I can't be read discussions about the new episodes, reblog them and adding something from me until Optigami will be aired.
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thelastenvoyyy · 3 years
What’s Kyros Urso’s story?
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Kyros Urso, also known as the Outlander, the Hero of Tython, Commander of the Eternal Alliance, Friend of Mandalore, and Slayer of the Immortal Emperor, was a former Jedi Master who has saved the galaxy too many times to count.
A powerful Force user, it's hard to believe such an accomplished man came from humble beginnings on the Core World of Rendili. The son of shipyard engineers, he was quickly recognised for his Force prowess and sent to Tyhton where he became a student of Master Orgus Din who helped hone and enhance his abilities. Though an excellent student, Kyros had a carefree personality that made him popular among other students, who appreciated his sense of humour and easy-going outlook on life.
Having said that, he always took his studies seriously and always knew when to do the right thing. After helping quash a Flesh Raider uprising and defeated Begal Morr, he quickly set out to explore the galaxy in earnest with his new apprentice, Kira Carsen.
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During the Cold War and Galactic War, Kyros was instrumental in helping the Jedi and the Republic fight back the Sith Empire. From Balmorra to Corellia, his efforts not only staved off the encroaching enemy but helped bring down the greatest existential threat facing the galaxy — the Immortal Emperor Vitiate.
Dashing hero though he may be, Kyros is not without his faults. While a capable fighter and experienced military commander, his personal life can best be described as... messy. Really messy.
Along his travels, he developed a budding romance with Kira, whom he helped free from the Emperor's clutches. The two seemed to be hitting it off pretty smoothly until the former Emperor’s Wrath, Lord Scourge, entered the picture. Since then, Kyros wrestled with his feelings for both of his crewmates, not wanting to break either of their hearts but somehow managing to do so anyway.
Things got even more complicated when fellow Jedi, Xerxies Androxida, joined their crew whom Kyros simply couldn't resist. Seemingly abandoning both Kira and Scourge, Kyros went all-in with Xerxies (Jedi Code be damned) only for things to grow sour pretty quickly. Most of this is detailed in a fanfiction I wrote with @ruberduckzilla which you can read here [x]
tho neither of us have finished it cos we're both anxious messes
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Easy to say, Kyros' relationship with Xerxies failed and the Love Rhombus once again became a Love Triangle. Though Kyros had very brief flings with both Lana Beniko and Theron Shan, those relationships never really went anywhere and, thankfully, no one came out of it sore as both Lana and Theron had love interests of their own (Vaxxen Norr and Jett Jhazar, respectively).
In any case, things were left unfinished between Kyros, Kira and Scourge as the whole Shadow of Revan arc distracted them completely from their personal affairs.
Then the Eternal Empire showed up and, after having been separated from his companions for many years, Kyros decided to start again. Becoming the Commander of the Eternal Alliance and defeating Zakuul was his primary motive, however, he did find some time to romance Koth Vortena. Not enough time, though, as Koth often felt neglected. This personal issue led him to make decisions that could have ended the Alliance and further jeopardised any potential future the two of them may have had.
Needless to say, in usual Kyros fashion, he jumped from Koth to Arcann as soon as the war was over, which upset a lot of people, especially Koth. But this romance with Arcann was a half-alive thing, little more than a brief spark that occurred during the conversation on that outcrop. Soon, Kyros was feeling stifled once again and began looking elsewhere.
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Having said that, he chose to keep things going with Arcann for some time. Politically, it made sense as it kept Zakuul in check and it made Senya happy. Regardless, Kyros knew that he was taking advantage and could never find the right opportunity to end things with Arcann.
Things progressed rapidly, however, when Ossus appeared on the Alliance's radar and rumblings rom the Sith Empire caught their attention. Soon after that, Malgus turned up and Kyros was preoccupied with all the trouble his reappearance was causing.
Soon after that, he was reunited with Kira and Scourge, and he couldn't have been happier. He didn't quite realise how much he'd missed them.
Especially Scourge.
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There is no denying that the three had changed so much in the last few years, and yet it felt as if not a minute had passed since they were separated. In all the time Kyros was battling Zakuul, Scourge and Kira were having their own adventures and both had come to warn him of the return of the Sith Emperor who, as it turned out, wasn't quite as dead as they all thought.
It was perhaps Scourge who had changed the most. After their reunion, he and Kyros had a heart-to-heart in which Scourge confessed his true feelings for him. It was then that Kyros knew who he was going to spend the rest of his life with, and that was Scourge.
It had always been Scourge. [x]
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Kira, meanwhile, long-ago accepted that she and Kyros were ancient history and was more than happy to see her two best-loved companions finally get together.
And now, as new threats continue to menace the galaxy, they are all more than willing to face them all together once more.
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crimsonrae · 4 years
Across the Road, At the Brothel
Chapter Two
Summary: Jaskier fell in love any day that the sun rose in the East. It was a trifling, pleasurable experience for him. Even when he was jumping out a window to avoid cuckolded husbands. So what happens when his trifles start to become more significant? Jaskier/OC. Some Yennefer/Geralt
A/N: Jaskier is just too adorable not to write about. This is a relationship development story with an OC. There will be smut in later chapters and plenty of angst.
Rating: Mature
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Or Dove...It was the low murmur of voices and the rather ominous thunking of feet on floorboards that woke Jaskier. For a dull moment, he thought Geralt had returned from... wherever the fuck he had flitted off to. To be honest, he hadn't paid much attention. After three weeks without a bed, a bath, or a decent meal for that matter – despite what Geralt thought he was not a culinary wizard – Jaskier had been far more focused on enjoying the simple pleasures of which he had been deprived and those pleasures did not include traipsing back out into the wild to find some Gods forsaken creature that could, quite possibly, rend him limb from bloody limb.
Opening blurry eyes, he cast about the room for the hulking form of his friend and frowned when he saw no one. It took longer than he would like to admit before he realized that the noise he was hearing was coming from outside his room. Sitting up, his head pulsed with a faint pain and he groaned, quietly remembering the amount of wine he had imbued the night before. He had to hand it to the Toussaint province when they set out to make wine. They made bloody good wine.
A soft yawn unfurled from his lips and he squinted almost peevishly at the light shining in through the window. It had to be a little before midday, his late-night had ensured that he had most certainly missed breakfast. Biting back another yawn, Jaskier slowly went about his usual morning ablutions. He had to admit it was rather nice not to have a pair of golden eyes silently observing his usual rituals, also a little lonely, but that was not something he wanted to dwell on too closely. He and Geralt had basically been living in each other's pockets lately, time apart was more than needed. And yet...
Jaskier sighed quietly as he finished dressing and headed for the door. He supposed that it was time for him to resurface to reality and sniff out whatever it was that had his companion traipsing through wine country. Hopefully, it was a search for a good bottle of Bordeaux, though unlikely. It didn't take long for him to find the inn empty of its keeper as he made his way outside, his stomach rumbling. The first point of order was to track down some food before he went in search of information. It was still a tad early for a midday meal, but he was sure he could find something at the local markets to nibble on.
...Well, market was a strong term he supposed as he looked about.
While Glynedol was not exactly a one-road town, it came rather close. It seemed the road that he and Geralt had come in on was the main road through the town. It had the inn, the tavern, and the brothel all within a few metres of each other. It looked like there was an apothecary not too far down, as well as a cobbler and smithy a little further from that. His stomach twisted with a faint nauseous hunger and Jaskier had to wonder why he hadn't seen any stalls set up for traders. It was harvest season, after all. Usually, vendors would be selling their wares at any small spit such as this little town. Frowning, he glanced about and realized that there weren't many people about either. He could understand most working the fields of their farms for the last bits of produce before autumn, but surely it was getting late enough and certainly warm enough in the day for more to be taking a break and heading into the local watering hole for a respite. It was all a bit... odd.
"Nigel, you can't keep doing this. Not with winter on the way."
Jaskier perked up as a familiar voice caught his attention. The barmaid. Lyrra. She might be willing to guide him about. His eyes quickly scanned the sides of the road but saw neither hide nor hair of her.
A low rumble seemed to answer her back and Jaskier found himself detouring down a side alley by the brothel. He turned a corner and found his lovely maiden knelt down before a slovenly mess of a man. With her back to him, he silently took in her form. Gone was the headscarf she had wrapped around her head the night prior and he could see luscious chestnut hair tethered in a loose braid. The loose frock and apron she wore as she had worked were replaced by a more form-fitting dress. It was simple in style, but he found he far preferred it to her other ensemble.
"What would Mae say if she saw you now?" Lyrra murmured softly as she tried to coax the man slumped against the wall to stand.
The man's hazy green eyes landed on Jaskier and the bard could tell that the man was drunker than a skunk. Still, he had enough wherewithal to nod at him, "Who's 'e?"
"Wh-?" Lyrra started to ask as she turned, obviously expecting no one as her soft grey eyes widen at the sight of Jaskier. She frowned slightly at him before plastering on a soft smile for the drunkard, "He's a bard. One that has a future as a thief with the way he sneaks about."
"I don't know if I'm offended or flattered by that comment." Jaskier muttered thoughtfully as he stepped up next to her, "Do I not get an introduction, as well?"
A flash of exasperation crossed her features and he hid a smile as she gestured down to her friend, "Jaskier, this is Nigel. Nigel, Jaskier. We'll be on our way now."
Jaskier smirked at her none too subtle hint to go away and glanced at Nigel. He wrinkled his nose and hummed, "Hmmm, will you though?"
Lyrra frowned and looked to see that Nigel had passed out during her introduction. A sigh of weariness escaped her as she knelt again to shake her friend awake with little luck. Jaskier raised a brow at her efforts, "Oh, leave him here, Lyrra. He can sleep it off in the alley just as easily a bed."
"He's been out here all night." She mumbled, her disapproving tone matching the glare she threw over her shoulder at him.
He shrugged, "And somehow he's been left alone... well, till you came along that is. Besides, he'll probably regret the state he is in now more if he were to wake up in a filthy alley than if he were to wake in a warm bed. Less likely for a repeat performance this way."
"That's rather unlikely." Lyrra uttered quietly as she patted the man's cheek, "Come on, Nigel. Just a few minutes and you can sleep again, dove."
"Always been my experience." Jaskier stated blandly as he continued to watch.
"And has it been your experience to drink yourself dumb to ease the pain of your wife's passing?" Lyrra questioned echoing his tone as she stood to face him, "Somehow, I think grief wins over discomfort."
"Ahh." Jaskier's amusement at the situation dropped as a tendril of remorse curled in his gut. Pity flared to life in his heart for the stranger as he resisted the urge to squirm under Lyrra's indifferent gaze. He sighed, "All right."
Jaskier quickly took up Lyrra's previous position before the grieving widower. His hand reached out and quickly found the hollow above the man's collar bone before pressing in and curling his finger over the bone with a decent amount of force. Nigel spasmed and jerked awake from the attack on his pressure point, green eyes wide in betrayed bafflement. Jaskier found he couldn't blame him for that look. Geralt had used that particular move on him enough that he was familiar with the sensation that had shot through Nigel's body. It wasn't exactly painful, but it was definitely not pleasurable. Quickly before Nigel had a chance to gather his bearings to slip back off again, Jaskier tugged his arm up and over his shoulders forcing the drunk to stand.
"Don't you dare throw up on me." The bard threatened with a wince as he finally caught wind of the noxious fumes of alcohol coming off the other man's body. Gods, if he hadn't fucking smelled last night, he surely did now. All this on an empty stomach too. He raised an expectant brow as Lyrra gawked at him, "Where to?"
She started slightly and waved a hand down the alley, "This way."
Jaskier grunted softly, channeling his inner Geralt as he half dragged Nigel down the alley. To his surprise, it really wasn't terribly far before they stopped again. He had been prepared to go a few blocks at least. Not less than fifteen metres or so. He was sure his brows were touching his hairline as he realized what door they were stopped in front of, "He's drunker than a fish in an ocean and you want to leave him in a brothel? I don't know if this man will love you or hate you for that."
A light flush suddenly coated her cheeks as she looked away embarrassed but still, she knocked at the wooden door. A second later the entry was thrown open and a stern older woman peered out. Jaskier tried not to cringe under her heavy stare, even as he quirked a small grin at her. It was a wonder this place got any business if men had to go through that battleaxe of a woman. Yet the moment she laid eyes on Lyrra she softened before peering more intently at the form now dangling into Jaskier's side.
Lyrra nodded quietly and the older woman sighed, "Come on, then."
She stepped aside and began to cluck like an old mother hen. Jaskier listened passively as she pestered Lyrra about being too kindhearted and reiterated a variant of what he had suggested earlier. Leave Nigel to whatever bed he made, essentially. As the drunk began to weigh more heavily on his shoulders, Jaskier was silently inclined to agree. In his periphery, he could see women in various states of undress as they moved down a hall lined with doors. Most ignored the small group, while a few waved at Lyrra and offered a sympathetic smile. He was sure it was the first time in his life he had ever been so soundly ignored by a group of whores. He itched with the desire to check his pockets and make sure his coin hadn't been lifted without his notice.
" 'Ere we are. Jus lay 'im on the bed, luv." The matron said stoutly with a nod forward.
Jaskier basically dropped the man once he was close enough and breathed a quiet sigh of relief at the sudden lack of weight.
"We got 'im now petal. Don't ya worry none."
Jaskier turned in time to catch Lyrra's grateful smile and the subtle palming of a few coins before he fell under the matron's stern glare. A ribald comment was poised on the tip of his tongue when he suddenly felt delicate fingers tugging him away and back outside. He eyed the woman before him with renewed curiosity, "Well, that was an adventure. You're welcome by the way."
Lyrra paused and gazed at him uncertainly for a moment before she offered him a rueful smile, "Thank you for helping."
Jaskier smiled faintly, "Yes, well who am I to deny a damsel in distress?"
He swore she rolled her eyes though her smile never diminished. She caught him by surprise though as she tilted her head curiously at him, "You seem to be coming to my rescue quite a bit it seems."
"Oh?" Jaskier questioned in confusion. His mind raced as he tried to place what other time he had come to her aid.
"Hillard told me you chased out the man who propositioned me last night." She reminded him quietly.
It was his turn to blush, as he felt an unfamiliar heat creep into his cheeks, "Oh er um... Your barkeep saw that, did he?"
Lyrra nodded, "He said you gave him a good laugh."
Well, that was something at least, Jaskier thought woefully, though silently relieved that his childish antics hadn't brought him scorn from either the lady or the barkeep.
"Though I do have to ask. Are you following me?"
Jaskier blinked and smirked, "Why? Do you want me to go? You wound me so, lovely Lyrra. Your attentions are rather hard-won. Especially, after lugging a man down an alley for you."
His eyes twinkled mischievously as she blushed and lightly scowled at him. It was fun to get a reaction from her. She shook her head in exasperation or amusement he wasn't sure which, perhaps both as she replied, "That wasn't what I meant and you know it. The tavern was one thing. I work at the Rose and Pine and you happened to be performing there. But now...?"
In truth, he hadn't been looking for her. He hadn't given her much thought beyond a trifling disappointment at a potential tryst thwarted and an interesting conversation lost. Though the conversation part had been regained it seemed. Yet, he could give her a more playful charming answer, "This morning more like for some of us. When I heard your voice dance across the air, I couldn't help but follow its lead. Much like following a siren's call."
"... You use such pretty words." She surprised him again when he caught the disappointment seeping in her grey orbs like storm clouds. She fixed that polite smile he had received before... the one he had noticed she gave to overly-friendly, but strange customers. It was like seeing a physical manifestation of Geralt's silent glare that said he was now merely tolerating whoever was before him. Usually, it was Jaskier.
"Huh. I – I don't think I've ever heard someone say that like it was an insult before." He murmured with a furrowed brow, feeling like he was losing his grip on...on something.
Lyrra shrugged indifferently, "So what were you really doing this morning then?"
Jaskier stared as he realized that it wasn't that he was losing his grip, but that she could see through his bullshit. Bollocks, "I was looking for some food. An apple or something to nibble on. Rather surprised there weren't merchants anywhere on the street, actually."
As if realizing it herself, she glanced about the street they were drifting down. A frown tugged at her lips, "It has been strange lately."
Her voice was barely louder than a whispered, but Jaskier still caught her words. Maybe this was why Geralt had been so twitchy. Maybe he had sensed something was off with Glynedol – now Jaskier wished he had paid a little more attention to his friend's brief explanations, "Strange how?"
Lyrra shook her head, "Just quiet. Fewer people. Usually, the town is bustling with activity this time of year...it's hard to explain. Your singing brought in more people to the tavern than I had seen in a while."
"Huh." Jaskier huffed, suddenly at a loss for those pretty words she mentioned earlier. He had no idea of what to make of her information or what it could possibly have to do with Geralt's latest venture.
She seemed to sense this as she touched his elbow and nodded behind her, "Come on, let's get you some food."
"Oh yes, that – that is a golden plan right there, that is." He uttered delightedly before his stomach reaffirmed its starved state with a loud gurgle. She snickered softly and his lips quirked as a sinful comment fell from his lips, "Help me sate my body's hunger, lovely Lyrra."
There was no doubt that she rolled her eyes this time as she led the way back to the tavern.
»»————-  ————-««
"Where is your companion?" Lyrra asked lowly as she placed a small bowl of stew before him.
Once they had entered the Rose and Pine, she had disappeared into the back, only to reappear as she had the previous night. Jaskier had felt mild disappointment at the sight of her work frock and headscarf. While practical, he would rather see her lovely hair falling loose from her braid and skimming the small strip of flesh above the neckline of her other gown than this sack of a monstrosity. He said none of this as he munched slowly on his stew.
After a thoughtful moment and under the pressure of her expectant gaze, he shrugged, "Not terribly sure actually. I was more enamored with finding water for a bath when he departed. I saw Roach stabled at the back of the inn still... He couldn't have gone far."
"His horse." Jaskier clarified with a hint of envy as he thought of his other defacto traveling companion. Should Geralt ever feel the need to ditch him, Roach's disappearance would be his clue, "Geralt loves that beast more than himself. He wouldn't leave her alone for long."
A soft smile crossed Lyrra's lips at this profession. Quietly, she slid into the seat across from him. It was funny, when he wasn't actively pursuing her attention, she seemed not to mind giving it to him, "What's that look then?"
Lyrra blinked and looked at him questionably, "What look?"
"That smile for Geralt's bestial obsession." Jaskier said with a small grin. Had the Witcher been nearby he would have been smacked upside the head for that little comment.
Lyrra shrugged, "Whether a beast of burden or a furry companion, I think it's rather telling of a person on how they treat their pets. Your Geralt seems to be a decent sort at the very least."
Jaskier snorted in amusement, though he couldn't disagree. For as gruff and sinister and outright bloody rude his friend could be, he was more honest and decent than most, "Yes, he is at the very least decent."
She cast him an indecipherable look and he merely smiled back. Finishing his stew, he took the time to really study her. It had been something of game, the previous night to court her attention. She had flitted about the tavern like she was dancing on wind. Her service was so smooth that he hadn't even noticed her until the incident with the leering scruff. Her handling of it had been just as graceful and if he hadn't been standing behind her at the time, he never would have noticed the man's untoward forwardness.
He wasn't sure what had possessed him to comment on it to her, but then she had turned to him. Her grey orbs had shown like stars shining through stormy skies and he had been captivated. She was pretty. Her beauty understated, but nonetheless present as his interest in her continued to climb. It had also helped that Jaskier had caught the interest in her gaze as well. He knew attraction when he saw it. He had been put off when she hadn't acted on hers, however. As fun as it had been to pull blushes to her unblemished cheeks, he hadn't expected to be so thoroughly stonewalled. Admittedly, her reluctance to have anything to do with him was still rather entertaining.
He wondered distantly if there was a word for finding such abhorrence to his person attractive. He was sure it said something about him at any rate, but that too was not something he wanted to dwell on. Instead, he turned his focus back on Lyrra, "So... barmaid, then?... Um, how did you find yourself in that profession?"
He nearly grimaced at how bumbling that had come out. She stared at him silently for a moment, amusement crinkling at the corner of her eyes before saying so dryly, "Well, queen seemed to be taken and I wasn't much for whoring. You?"
"Same." He uttered amusedly, preening when she smiled in quiet laughter.
She shook her head at him and moved to stand, "I need to start getting ready for the dinner hour. Thank you for your help today, sir bard."
"Jaskier, Lyrra." He corrected, longing to hear her recite his name in a more intimate setting.
She smirked, a faint blush appearing as she threw over her shoulder, "Or dove, right?"
Well, well. He grinned in delight at her parting shot and vowed to get her to spend her spare time with him as the night wore on.
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