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Absolutely obsessed with this new lady on display in the renovated MET museum's European collection (my photo)
Duplessis, Joseph Siffred. Madame de Saint-Morys (Eléonore Elisabeth Angélique de Beauterne, 1742–1824). 1776. MET Museum, New York.
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it's okay to be fat and like to eat. it's okay to be fat and enjoy cooking, baking, grilling, canning, drying or preparing foods. it's okay to be fat and work a restaurant or bakery and enjoy what you do. it's okay to be fat and not ashamed of eating in public. it's okay to be fat, but it's especially okay to be fat and have a positive relationship with food. people are supposed to enjoy eating, it's where we get our energy from, it's a very positive and nourishing experience for our bodies, it's okay if it's positive and nourishing to your mental health, too. fat people are allowed to eat, and we're allowed to enjoy doing it, too.
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fat culture is thinking you're super fat before getting into fat acceptance but now having huge impostor syndrome and thinking you're not actually that fat.
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fat culture is hating moralising terms like "junk food". it's food.
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fat culture is being incredibly hot/beautiful/pretty/handsome/good-looking.
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fat culture is wearing skirts and dresses in the summer because you can't find shorts that don't look weird on you.
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fat neurodivergent culture is being extra stigmatised because you're fat and eat "bad" food for sensory reasons.
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fat culture being annoyed by people saying (in a grossly enthusiastic tone) you've "lost weight": no actually it's been a while since i've eaten of course my tummy's flatter
fat culture is
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fat culture is having to see your very existence and talking about your experiences be treated as inherently dangerous for people with EDs when you know that most people with EDs are actually fat themselves. my mere existence and my asking for rights and basic respect is not a trigger and it's fucked up to use mad people as an excuse to silence fat people.
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fat culture is being excluded from gender because you're too big to be female but too curvy to be male.
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fat nonbinary culture is not knowing what fashion for you could even look like because fat fashion spaces are dominated by cis women and some nonbinary people dressing in a conventionally feminine way.
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fat culture is feeling unsafe in most spaces that aren't about fatness because conversations around weight loss are so normalised and all you hear is "i don't want to look like you because looking like you is bad".
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fat culture is never being able to find information about medical issues that typically affect fat people because the health system hates us too much to look into it. :|
fat culture is
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short and fat culture is being unable to find clothes that actually fit you because they're always too long or too tight!
short fat culture is
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fat culture is fucking loathing the BMI scale!!!
fat culture is
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fat culture is finally finding a fitness app that has other things besides weight loss as a possible goal just for the next question to be what your ideal body type is and none of them are "my body is fine the way it is".
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Fat culture is watching your little sister literally almost die from ED induced starvation, and being told "at least she isn't like YOU" by members of your own family. Fat culture is people preferring a dead daughter/granddaughter/niece/etc to a fat one.
fat culture is
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