#even if one of them drops i can still stay interested in ss (although i may become more focused on one inner circle more than the other)
scarletiswailing347 · 8 months
so the unfortunate thing about me is that, when it comes to the media i consume, i tend to have one 'anchor' (very rarely two) to keep me interested
this is necesary cause i have an incredibly hard time being interested in things in general so i have to purposefully spend my focus on one thing so that i can keep being interested in it cause otherwise i just kinda feel meh about the thing, i mean ill still watch and enjoy it but i wont be as interested as id like to be and may even drop it eventually after struggling to keep interacting with it (this is unfortunately what happened with empires, x-life, yogscast, and the lsmp seasons without mumbo in it)
if i ever drop that anchor whether purposefully or not then i lose interest in everything that ive ever connected to its rope -- i could still enjoy them sure but then at that point theyll just be like every other filler content in my life, like music when im washing the dishes
for hc its mumbo, for dsmp and smplive it was schlatt, for the scrunkly squad its boosfer and baablu
for lifesteal its zam
idk what happened behind the scenes but ill be honest its not looking good and theres a possibility i might have to drop him :/
#mine.txt#not sure yet tho cause without enough context it just feels like im doing something unnecessary that the affected party (lila)#may not necessarily want#i mean intuitively it seems like something that someone would want#guy who hurt you loses support? sounds great right?#but thats not really something everyone wants and i am Very Sensitive to feelings of intrusion whether by me or other ppl#either way im def gonna loosen the hold at the very least#i mean i Could look for another anchor but its a lot harder for me to attach to an anchor if they were attached to another anchor before#so for me to stay interested in something even after the anchor dropped there has to have been another anchor at the same time#like boosfer and baablu with the scrunkly squad#even if one of them drops i can still stay interested in ss (although i may become more focused on one inner circle more than the other)#also ill be honest i just dont really care enough about lifesteal in general to do that#what a shame i really liked zams character too#both drawing and making stories of him#just gonna go hard on baablu and mumbo if it ever happens ig#oh man just realized im gonna drop gen too if and when it happens#nooooo not my saturday morning cartoon T-T#it is what it is ig its not the first time this has hapenned and it wont be the last#honestly the best option for me to stay interested in something is for the plot/lore to be my anchor#unfortunately that very rarely happens cause of how character-driven a lot of stories are#and esp with cc-content its even moreso considering its nature#...just now realizing this May be part of the reason why i love mystery stuff so much#yeah the characters are important but they mean practically nothing without the plot like they wouldnt act the way they do without it
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
What You Fight About
part 2
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A/N: just something I thought about
Headcanon: what you two would fight about the most
Warnings: toxic behaviors, yelling, cursing, angst
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Midoriya Izuku:
his absence
being the number one hero is demanding
it’s also been his dream since he could remember
you understood that, but that didn’t mean it didn’t frustrate you when he’d disappear for days at a time
izuku tries to balance his job and home life
but it isn't enough
You and Izuku don’t fight much. In fact, you never really do. You’re both so compromising that disagreements rarely happen.
But when your kid is involved, that complacency slips away. Even when it comes to one another.
“I’m done talking about this.”
“Honey, why won’t you just listen to me?” he begged, but the irritation in his tone gave it more sharpness than he intended. “[S/N] doesn’t need the tutor. It’s just the teacher.”
You began to pick up the leftover toys from floor more so to expel pent up energy rather than to simply clean. You scoffed, shaking your head. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Excuse me?” Midoriya snipped. His eyes followed you as you discarded the toys and crossed your arms beside the couch, finally giving him your attention. “I think I know my own son, Y/N.”
Izuku cared so much for your child and you knew that. But that underlying message your brain processed within his words pissed you off.
“And you think I don’t?”
“I just don’t think you’re giving him enough credit.”
An incredulous laugh left your lips before they moved into a frown. “He’s failing 4th grade, Izuku. We can’t move him to a different classroom every time he gets a bad grade. At some point, we have to take responsibility! He needs the extra help!”
“You just don’t understand,” the hero muttered, running a hand through his hair.
What he said shouldn’t have set you off, but it did. Everything suddenly flooded your head. All the stress you had to deal with alone bubbled up your throat and exploded.
“No, you don’t understand!”
“Yes I do!”
“How!? You’re barely in his fucking life anyways!”
It went silent shortly after that.
The outburst felt good, but the aftermath made your squeeze with guilt. Izuku’s frown softened into shock before melting into something deeper than pain.
Once your words finally processed through your head, you immediately tried to take it back.
“Izuku, I didn’t mean that—”
“Yes you did.”
You thickly swallowed and averted your eyes to the floor. He was right. You did. You’d been wanting to say it for so long, but this wasn’t the way you planned to deliver those thoughts.
Your gaze moved back to your husband once he gathered his duffle bag and slid on his shoes.
“Baby,” you sighed, your voice much softer than before. It was almost insane how easily the anger left you. “Where are you going?”
You wilted with his next words. “I’ll stay over at the agency. To give you some space. We’ll talk more after we’ve both cooled down,” he sadly smiled.
Despite the hurt silver-lining his green eyes, Midoriya softly held your chin and kissed your forehead. Something he always did when your disagreements didn’t end on a good note. As if to reassure you that, even though he was upset, he still loved you all the same.
And that just made you feel worse.
“Don’t worry about [S/N]. I’ll take him to school tomorrow.” He paused to look you in your eyes. “I love you, always.”
“I love you too,” you quietly resigned and watched him disappear behind the front door leaving you to let your head fall into your hands.
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Bakugo Katsuki
his jealousy
bakugo is confident in many areas of his life
it’s one of his qualities that won you over
but he still had those tiny insecurities that showed up in large ways
aka losing you
and he had no idea how to handle it
The alcohol probably wasn’t a good idea considering Bakugo was already noticeably pissed on the way to the house party. But everyone assumed it was just another one of his moods he’d get over sooner or later. He wasn’t a drinker, but a beer or two usually loosened him up.
However, your friends looked at each other with worry behind the door to the room you two were in. Despite the party lights and booming stereo, they could hear the angry muffled yelling you two were doing.
You were 100% drunk, but you were 110% sure this man was telling you to stay away from your friend. Your best friend.
“If it’s one thing you have, it’s the audacity,” you sassily quipped.
“I’m not fucking playing around with you, Y/N,” Bakugo snapped with too much bite than you cared to hear. “I want you to stay away from that two-bagged eyed bastard!”
“You always do this! Shinsou’s my friend!”
The redness in his ears wasn’t only from the drinks as his nostrils flared with barely contained irritation. “Friend my ass. You didn’t see the way he was looking at you, and that fucker had the nerve to grab you in front of me!”
“He was moving me out of the way!”
“He fucking felt you up is what he did!”
You smacked your teeth, entirely done with the argument. You weren’t getting anywhere. “Now you’re just being delusional.”
Bakugo pinched the bridge of his nose and blew out in a desperate attempt to calm himself. A feat even he was surprised about considering the situation. He tried so hard to not be as explosive, to reign in his emotions, for you. But his jealousy burned hot within his veins.
“Y/N. I’m asking you, as your man, to put some distance between you and Shinsou,” he lowly warned.
Maybe it was the wrong thing to say, but the words flew out of your mouth before you could stop them. “Like hell I will. Hitoshi’s been here longer than you have by years. I’m not gonna drop him just because you feel insecure.”
That withered away any form of self-restraint Katsuki had left. He felt exposed and hurt. And dealt with that the best way he knew how.
His hazy brain clouded over with anger and he went on the defensive.
“I bet you want him.”
“What? No I don’t?”
“You’re probably sleeping with him behind my fucking back,” he dryly laughed. “Am I not good enough anymore? Is that it?”
You were quickly sobering up. “What the fuck is wrong with you!? Of course not! I’m not a cheater!”
“Then why won’t cut him off, damn it!?”
Your voices rose in volumes too high for comfort. The crackle in his palms didn’t scare you one bit, but it was enough for Kirishima and Mina to come in and try to separate you two.
You ignored their pleading and the two of your found each other in the other’s face.
“Why are you so jealous!?”
A resounding slap cut him short. That seemed to snap him out of whatever alcohol induced rage he was in. However, Bakugo only had a moment to register your expression of disgust before Kirishima pulled him away.
“Fuck you, asshole” was the last thing you said before Mina lead into the hallway.
Kirishima watched his friend’s breathing turn ragged with each puff.
“Come on, man. Let’s just—”
“FUCK!” Katsuki roared before throwing a nearby water bottle to the floor. He fisted his hair and clenched his teeth.
He messed up. Big time.
And as upset as he was with himself, he couldn’t help but be even angrier at the thought of who you’d run to first.
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Todoroki Shouto:
how blunt he is
he was a bit socially inept and you loved him for that
but sometimes, you get frustrated
todoroki does too because 9 times out of 10 he doesn’t understand why
when you get angry, he completely shuts down bc he doesn’t know how to handle it any other way
and it didn’t help that he was petty asf
You looked up and folded your lips in a tight line. It was the same monotone answer he’d been giving you all day and it was getting on your nerves.
“Sho, baby, can you at least try and act like you somewhat care about this vacation we’re planning,” you said as sweetly as possible.
Although you were annoyed, you understood that things flew over your boyfriend’s head sometimes and, hopefully, a little nudge would point him in the right direction.
“I’m listening, prince(ss),” he dimly responded.
He didn’t bother to look up from the papers he was reading at the table and it made you huff. Folding up the magazine, you just stalked your way out of the kitchen.
“You know what? Don’t even bother. I’ll do it myself.”
That made Shouto look up. His brows furrowed in confusion and he caught your hand before you could completely pass by him. Why were you suddenly upset? He told you he was listening.  
“Hey, wait. What’s wrong? Did I do something?” he asked.
You let him pull you in between his legs. He looked genuinely lost and it was enough to soften your exterior.
“I just feel like you don’t care sometimes,” you said, deciding to just be blunt.
“Huh?” he hummed. “What do you mean?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know…it just seems like you don’t have an interest in anything I have to say if it doesn’t involve hero work, your family, or something like that.”
Todoroki took offense to that. Of course he cared about what you had to say. He loved you. Just because he wasn’t gripping on to every word you spoke in mundane life didn’t mean he didn’t care.
There were ways to express his thoughts, but Shouto wasn’t always the best at gently doing it.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t agree,” he said.
You looked off to the side for a second before looking down at him. “Well that’s how I feel,” you retorted.
“I’m sorry you feel that way, but you’re wrong.”
You watched him for a moment, waiting for him to explain himself. However, he just stared back at you as if there was nothing else left to say. The silence was sickening.
You snatched your hand out his grip. “Okay, Shouto,” you bit and left.
He hadn’t heard his first name in a while.
Your boyfriend dumbly blinked already feeling more lost. He didn’t understand why you were so angry.
He called Midoriya about it and was told he was being intolerant. The entire conversation honestly made him feel like an asshole and Todoroki didn’t like that at all. So he gave you some space before finding you in the kitchen again, this time equipped to right his wrongs—even though he still wasn’t entirely sure what he did.
He called your name once and instead of responding, you just kept going about your task. That sort of miffed him, but he tried again. This time, you hummed back but the tension behind it made him feel defensive for some odd reason.
“Can we talk about this morning?”
“What? Are my feelings suddenly valid to you now?” you sarcastically replied.
Todoroki raised a sharp brow at your attitude and decided he was over it already. Here he was trying to apologize, and you were being difficult. He wouldn’t fight with you over something so insignificant.
“Fine. When you’re done with your little tantrum, we can talk about this like adults.”
You’d never spun around so quickly. “Really, Todoroki?”
Last name basis. Petty.
But he was even pettier.
“Yes, really, [L/N].”
His half-lidded bored stare made your scalp prickle.
“Fine. Me and my little tantrum are gonna go somewhere and you can plan the vacation all by yourself like the adult you are.”
“Fine. I’d probably get it done faster anyways.”
You let out an offended gasp. “Fine!”
“Fine!” he tsked, crossing his arms.
You two looked away from one another and stomped out of the room in childish anger.
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ballorawan740 · 3 years
SCP Scenarios: SCP 173 (The Sculpture) x Reader | NEW CHARACTER
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(Don't ask about that GIF)
I did change 173 slightly in a way that he can move his limbs and communicate verbally, so Peanut here would be a tiny bit OC
First Encounter
You both met in 173's cell
For some reason, when you blinked, 173 just stood in front of you
Like, this peanut didn't kill you or anything
It was more as if he was interested in you
He somehow found the ability to talk
Even patted your head to your surprise
This also supposed the whole of the facility since they've only observed 173 spanning everyone's neck and teleporting
And they've never seen him move his arms since he's a literal peanut statue that secretes poop (and blood I guess)
Your feelings for him
You began to realise you fell for him after someone had mentioned how often you visited the statue
Definitely would try to hide it, to begin with (Cuz it's odd that y'all be falling for a peanut statue)
But later on, you decide to drop hints about it to your crush, Peanut
He looked as if he was clueless
But he definitely has gotten the hint way before you even realised your feelings for him
Because you make him feel butterflies
If anyone tries to flirt with the statue, you would become furious (Cuz you paid for this statue)
Most likely would tease you at times
His Confession
Probably would plan it out
Which didn't work at all
So 173 would just do it out of the blue
To which you agreed of course (Cuz y'all need some Jesus! At least you weren't like Clef when he- nvm)
Definitely surprised the foundation as well since nobody has ever fallen for this statue before (Aside from Clef)
Some would give you both odd looks while others were more curious about your relationship
Probably would conduct tests between the both of you
Only because they want to see if 173's behaviour would change
Like if someone blinked while standing behind you
Since the foundation doesn't let 173 out of his cell, most of your dates would be in there
173 would be similar to 035 since he's pretty chill and laidback
You both would be laying on the floor and looking up at the ceiling
Probably talking about a lot of BS
Probably would tell you his favourite method of killing (which totally isn't snapping necks)
You both would tell each other about your day and peanut would joke around a lot
Is rather sassy as well so if anyone judges, you can always count on 173 to save you
Most likely by snapping their necks
Or sassing them out to the point of no return
When he gets jealous
It's rare to see 173 jealous since he's quite laid back and doesn't really mind who you're with
If 173 does get jealous he would most likely snap their neck
Or just teleport behind you and just stare at whoever is hitting on you
Or he would bend down to their height (if they're short ofc) which does are them off quite a bit
Would definitely drag you back into his cell to which surprised the researchers
Because they found out that the cameras were working and they heard screaming coming near/from his cell
Peanut can be slightly possessive of you
Especially when he knows somebody is hitting on you on purpose regardless of whether they knew you were taken or not
Most likely would ask you who you are hanging out with and for how long
When there's a containment breach
There's a 50% chance that he caused the breach
Whether he did it or not he would look for you
As he's looking for you he would snap some necks
Even gave 682 a heart attack
More than once actually but we don't talk about that here (cuz that hurts 682's heart)
Could care less about every other SCPs/workers
If you were hurt peanut would hunt down whoever did it to you
Probably would stroll down the facility instead of teleporting
To which you giggled
The look on the researchers' faces when they saw 173 frolic across the hallway and back into his cell was priceless
You were even there to witness it and everyone looked at you like they've just seen a ghost
Would lock you up in his cell
Probably would tie you up as well
Definitely would torment you by teleporting in front and away from you
Sometimes would blindfold you
Not even the researchers could get you out
They've even asked 131 for some help and it didn't work as effectively as they thought for whatever reason
If you somehow managed to escape your freedom wouldn't last long
173 would manipulate you to the point that you felt that there weren't any way out for you
So in the end, you just stayed in his cell (probably regretting life choices while you're at it)
At least he's nice enough to let you eat proper food served in the foundation (had to make that clear in case y'all didn't get the hint and thought he gave you smth else to eat)
His younger sister
You're both alike and very close indeed
The foundation was shocked at how alike you both were
And you both were inseparable
So every time there's a breach and they see either of you, they know the other is just around the corner
You both would be sassy, sarcastic and funny
The foundation would be entertained by your remarks
Although you may or may not snap necks like peanut, you do display some form of curiosity towards the foundation staff and the SCPs
Like that one time when there was a containment breach and you leaned in rather close to this rookie and he just screamed as he laid on the floor
He did get quite a lecture afterwards but you decided to just tease him whenever you both meet
When his kid says their name for the first time
Would be joyful af
Nobody would hear the end of it
Like imagine the last words you hear is 173 telling you how his kid spoke their name
Like it took them so long to just get the pronunciation right
Tries to get them to swear late on though
Much to your dismay
173 is a cool and laid back type of dad so you wouldn't have to worry too much when you're away
Unless it's about being a good influence then you should (Not that it matters anyway...)
Probably would teleport to whoever/whatever just tp tell them about it
Even bothered 682 to the point that the lizard begged the foundation researchers to remove either of them
When his S/O is angry
Would run/teleport 10000000000000000000 miles away
Especially if you're mad at him
Probably because he broke your favourite cup and didn't tell you about it because he know that your best friend gave it to you as a gift (Don't say y'all don't have friends)
Would try to calm you down after a while though
Which didn't work too well because you still wanted to rip his head off
If it was somebody else who made you mad he would probably be entertained
Unless it affects himself of course
Probably would try to hold you back and get you to calm down
In which you wanted to rip off his head as well which ended so well for peanut
If 173 cant run anywhere he would just hide in the corner and cry
Probably would as the researchers for some help as well
They don't because they don't want to die either
When someone tries to steal you away
When peanut finds out he would hunt down whoever tried to steal you without hesitation
Would snap his neck and everyone else who were involved or knows about it
Takes you back to his cell
Checks if you were hurt even though you were looking at the kidnapper's @ss
Would try to stay by your side at all times even though he knows he can't
Stares at the researchers every time they talk to you
If it was a D-class they would die in an instant
Has a burning hatred for certain kinds of people
When his Pregnant!S/O gets hurt by accident
Cries without a doubt
Would bandage you up without a doubt
Would cheer you up by doing weird dances and impressions
Most likely would tell you off as well but your puppy eyes get to him
So he would just take that back and just baby you
Would kneel down to talk to the unborn child about your bad behaviour
You swore you felt it kick
173 would get all excited and more protective than usual
Wouldn't let anyone near you unless you were going into labourr
Meeting a Fem!Dragon!Hybrid!Reader
Would be quite curious about you
Finds you rather cute because you're so pure, kind and small
Wants to adopt you without a doubt
The researchers would have mixed feelings about you being in the same cell as 173
Peanut was lowkey terrified when you breathed fire
Was somewhat ok with you crying lava and levitating objects for a bit
Somehow managed to get 343 and/or Scarlet King to help you improve your telekinesis
Definitely would play hide and seek with you and some others
They don't get a say otherwise peanut would snap their necks
When he accidentally kills you
It was when some guy unintentionally pushed you which angered 173
Like he teleported to him and his friends
You tried to explain but 173 didn't listen so he proceeds to snap everyone's necks
Trying your best to defend the poor guy, you stepped in front of them which lead to 173 snapping your neck as well
The guy was shocked but managed to run before anything happened
Word got around that 173 had snapped your neck and was now permanently depressed
Like, he stopped snapping everyone's neck for quite sometime
Felt so guilty that he went to 049 to see if he can fix you
But he wasn't able to so he went to SK and God
They were transported to another facility so they weren't able to do much for this statue
Yandere!173 x Evil!Reader
Not as dense as some of the other SCPs but 173 wouldn't have guessed that you worked for another GOI other than the foundation
Since you used your knowledge of 173 to your advantage, 173 would find out rather late
173 found out who you were working with since the late arrival of the Black Queen came by to collect you
173 would try and kidnap you back into his cell at the Foundation but failed miserably
Would try and warn the foundation but they couldn't get you back either
Since you were with the Black Queen, 173 was plotting to get you back without any distraction
The foundation realised how dangerous 173 has become and isolated him far from the other SCPs
At times, the foundation would use your name in order to get 173 to work with them which worked 50% of the times
Trying McDonald's Sprite
Would be confused about this 'Sprite' from McDonald's since he doesn't eat or drink anyways
173 would be rather curious about this beverage and does give it a try
Finds it tasty and you soon realise he has officially become a sweet tooth
Was probably a mistake but if you ever needed to bribe 173, get him some Sprite that's specifically from McDonald's
Like that one time you bought him Sprite from Tesco's, he said it tasted more disgusting and refused to finish the drink
You should probably give him some apple pies, pancakes and some other sweet stuff from McDonald's
Sometimes the foundation would even give him some Sprite whenever the cleaners are cleaning his cell
Would find it amusing that the only way to get him to stop snapping necks are Sprite
When his kids swear
Would 100% be ok with it
173 probably is the one who taught his child to swear
Probably would let them drink alcohol at a young age as well
Maybe around their teenage years, but would let them try a sip if they're under 10
Wouldn't even be mad if his kid swears accidentally
Peanut would most likely encourage it
Doesn't mind if his kid swears at others, but the others would probably complain
When Child!Reader scares him
Wouldn't be hard to scare 173 tbh because you're so small
You'd be running around and giggling while doing whatever
Until there's some silence
173 would probably brush it off at first until he didn't hear a sound for 20 minutes
Does check around his cell to make sure you're still there
Panics because he can't see you
Until he turns around and had a full-on heart attack because you jumped on him
The researchers definitely hear a screech coming from his cell
They all started laughing once they found out
When the reader pole dances/aerial silk dances
Very similar to 035
Would be in awe of you dancing for him
If you were pole dancing he would probably watch you with those eyes~
Most likely end up in you both performing in another activity
If you were aerial silk dancing, 173 would probably be amazed
Would try and dance with you but fails terribly
Because he keeps dropping like dead flies
Most likely broke his back
Sometimes the researchers wonder how it's even possible for 173 to break his "bones"
Having a Pregnant!S/O
Would crack a lot of dad jokes here and there
Follows wherever you go
Rubs your belly whenever he can
Definitely would make a full conversation with the unborn child
Sometimes would read stories that do make you feel sleepy
Does whatever you tell him to do
Cracks some necks if he can't give you what you need
Would cry whenever you have your mood swings
During labour, you grabbed his arm so hard that it almost broke him
When you try to commit suicide
Would teleport to your side at an instant
Wouldn't let you out of his sight ever again
173 would try to cheer you up which may or may not work
Definitely would kill whoever made you feel this way if any
Make you stay in his cell for a while
Maybe even permanently
Wouldnt let anyone touch you
If you had any scars 173 would cry
Peanut would try his best to stop you from feeling that way
Having a Hopelessly Romantic/Easily flustered GN!Reader
Would definitely tease you
173 would find it adorable that you fluster easily and is hopelessly romantic
I'd say he's pretty hopelessly romantic to a certain degree
Will kill if anyone teases you
Because your adorable flushed look is only reserved for him
Although he would tell all the other SCPs about you
049 and 035 get it the hardest but 035 is completely fine with it
049 would rather just stay in his cell than to hear 173 talk about you for 200 hours
Probably knows more about you than peanut himself
173 would boop your snoot whenever you have that cute look
When you're about to be executed - Yandere!173 x D-Class!Reader
173 would snap everyone's neck and kidnap you back to his cell
If anyone ever mentions your name, 173 would instantly snap their necks
And if they ever tried to find you, he would know and would hide you somewhere else
If you ever tried to flee, 173 would teleport to your side and bribe you to stay 'home'
By bribe, I mean he would force you to return by teleporting the both of you
If anyone sees the both of you, 173 would stalk them to no end
Would torture them if they were to tell the foundation about this
Not even the other SCPs could help
When you curl up in their lap
Would find you the cutest thing on Earth
Aside from 999 of course
If he's exhausted from doing nothing, he would probably just rub your head/back
Definitely would tickle you whenever he can
Finds it comforting when you do curl up in his lap
Thinks that you're so cute to the point that he would kill for you
When you kiss his neck
10000000000000% loves it
Would definitely be vocal because he has no shame
Most likely would ask you to do it again
Even if you were in the middle of talking to someone and they hear him
If you were in the mood, you could tease him with neck kisses for hours on end
Probably would ask you to move on to the next activity but you know he loves being teased
Then after that go back to cuddling
173 would scream but the last time that happened the whole foundation went deaf and you gave him the cold shoulder for a while
Definitely cried about that so he tries to restrain himself
But you feel bad so you just carried on
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gascon-en-exil · 3 years
If we try and remove Byleth from Three Houses, who would likely be their replacement/s in the storyline? In AM, it will obviously be Dedue. But, what about in the other routes?
There's no easy answer that works for all the routes, because while removing Byleth completely undoubtedly would have made the overall writing of Three Houses stronger it would have also required a different focus and some extensive rewriting, especially where Sothis and Rhea are concerned. It'd also need the house leaders to become full PoV characters and also likely controllable in exploration, although that would have benefitted all three of them. Even if Byleth loses their self-insert status (and probably gender variability, in that case) and becomes a recruitable teacher like Hanneman and Manuela who only becomes central to the plot in Silver Snow, that would still require quite a bit of reworking...and would have lost the fans of Avatar dating sims, which has apparently been the most lucrative demographic of FE players for the last decade.
Azure Moon does indeed fare the best without Byleth, helped greatly by it being the most traditional FE story and the one that trims a lot of the fat in Three Houses's undercooked story elements, ex. the Agarthans and the mystery surrounding who and what Byleth is. It's already got the best pacing, the clearest arc for its protagonist, the best relationship between its hero and villain, and the best sense of dramatic payoff in ending where it does. The Byleth-free version would be all about power couple Dimidue, with added focus on Dimilix as a second relationship that begins roughly but develops into one of equal significance. Dedue and Felix would grow into a dynamic comparable to August and Dorias toward Leif in FE5, or Soren and Titania toward Ike in FE9: a pair of advisors with vastly different views of the world and who care for their leader in very different ways and so are forced to come to an understanding. They'd be fully integrated into the plot, allowing them to participate in story moments like Rodrigue's death and the resolution of the Duscur mystery much more organically than they do in canon, not to mention be the ones along with Gilbert and Rodrigue to help Dimitri through his darkest moments. The golden ending is an orgy.
Would IS ever write that? Absolutely not. It'd be too overtly gay, even if the relationships were still only kept to subtext, and there's no plot-relevant waifu bait to be had. Fandom would decry that AM as even more misogynistic than Echoes, and not progressive enough because with no Avatar S ranks Dimitri's queer relationships wouldn't be "canon." They'd be no homo'ed just like Ike/Soren is...which they are now, only it'd be more prominent with no Dimileth taking up such a large portion of Dimitri's fanbase.
I have no idea how this reworked Three Houses would handle the Eagles route split, so it'd probably be better off without one. Silver Snow would follow Byleth as they (she? he? The former allows for a second female lead, the latter delves into magical genderqueer territory with Byleth as the incarnation of a goddess) teach the Eagles and gradually uncover Edelgard's nefarious plans only too late to stop them. Apart from Byleth now having a definite gender, voice, and personality - quite a lot, I know - not much of the actual substance of SS would necessarily need to change. It would certainly benefit from a second pass in the writers' room, Byleth or not, like handling the Gronder rematch in a less awkward way, actually working to develop the antagonism between Byleth and Edelgard outside of two cutscenes, and making the final chapter make any kind of sense and not just "Rhea succumbs to dragon degeneration because you need to fight a final boss, Seteth handwaves the whole thing with a line referencing something that got referenced once back in like Chapter 2." Just...some kind of effort there would be nice.
At any rate SS with Byleth as an actual character would be more strongly-written for it, allowing them to function as a genuine protagonist. (Alternatively, make Ferdinand the protagonist...but that would resolve in him and Hubert putting on an elaborately-staged musical where they work through their feelings in the middle of fighting on opposite sides of a war. You know what? Give me that version of SS instead. Way more interesting.)
For Crimson Flower, drop the pretense right from the start. Edelgard's your PoV character, she knows she's the Flame Emperor and what she's doing throughout the school year, and Part 1 is about her trying to maintain the façade of a normal student while she's planning a war on the DL. If they insist on keeping some of the mystery, that wouldn't be impossible as it's obvious Hubert is the brains of their operation and he keeps most of what he does hidden from Edelgard anyway. I'm not really sure how to work the waifu hot for teacher angle into a PoV version of Edelgard; as much as I enjoy it from the comedic standpoint of Hubert never getting any because his lady never looks at him twice I think CF would be stronger if Byleth stayed with Rhea and the route didn't bother with working out their relationship to the Nabateans. Just genocide 'em all as Edelgard conquers the continent and convinces herself it's all for the best. She can shed a tear over Byleth's corpse while Hubert brandishes a cleaver with even more relish than usual to extract that valuable Crest stone. The ending is basically the same minus the Edeleth, with it being even more obvious that the shadow war against the Agarthans is going to resolve in Hubert taking his place as the real Manfroy of this story.
And as for Verdant Wind, the whole route would need a rewrite, to give it a more distinct identity from SS and to make it work with a protagonist whose personality and arc revolve around revealing very little about himself to anyone else. Players would undoubtedly find out much more about Claude that way than they do in canon VW, and it'd probably work better if it kept Edelgard's war to the background and refocused hard on the worldbuilding discoveries and how they play into Claude's growing understanding of Fódlan. With or without Byleth, a better-written VW would be vastly different from the canon version.
So aside from the house leaders taking over Byleth's role as PoV characters and exploration avatars I don't see anyone else assuming their exact role in supporting said leaders. Dimitri has an abundance of male love and camaraderie, Edelgard gets all worked up over Byleth but is still completely willing to step over them to achieve her goals (also Hubert is there), Claude would likely see his background and beliefs teased out of him gradually by all the Deer in their own ways, and Byleth as an actual character could make SS all about their Nabatean family and the bonds, magically incestuous or otherwise, they can form with the surviving dragons.
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Carry On Countdown - Day 22
Wow, watch me use the @carryon-countdown to plug my skating fic lmao
I don’t know if this counts, since Angelina is an OC and actually, Baz would totally make friends with/practically adopt a 17yo Russian girl, so I don’t know how unlikely it is, but it’s here. And also, I just really want to share more of On thin ice content, but the fic itself isn’t ready to be published yet so have this instead. 
For context, Baz used to train in Russia aged 16-20, and now both him and Simon train in Montreal (no, idk why I chose Montreal out of all places but that’s how it is.) Also I think Gelya is the Russian diminutive/nickname used for the name Angelina, but I’m not sure. The fic is still in the works, so this scene is bound to change/expand (I did omit it a bit when writing because spoilers) but anyway, I’ll stop rambling now. 
Prompt: Unlikely friends Word count: 1950 Rating: This scene is G, although the whole fic will be T or M 
The ride from the airport to the hotel is awful. Baz must’ve suspected this, because he made me sit in the front.
“Go on,” he said teasingly. “The only skater who has motion sickness.”
I have to say, sitting in the front almost didn’t make a difference. I may not know how to drive, but even I know you’re not supposed to drive like that. When the cab drops us off in front of the hotel, I don’t even bother hiding my relief. Baz laughs.
“I never want to experience this again,” I say, knowing full well that this is my life for the next week. The hotel might be close to the venue, but it’s still far enough for it to be a driving distance. I can only hope buses are less deadly than cabs.
“You know, Moscow traffic is actually tame compared to the rest of Russia,” Baz smirks, handing me my bags.
“Well then I never want to see the rest of Russia,” I mutter, slinging my duffel bag over my shoulder and stepping through the automated hotel doors. Baz scoffs and follows me.
This hotel is fancy – much fancier than the hotels we usually stay at. Baz doesn’t seem phased by it at all, the posh bastard. I bet the hotels he stays at when he’s on vacation are at least twice as posh.
He does, however, seem phased when someone yells “Basil!” across the lobby. Before either of us can register what’s going on, a small figure in a red jacket runs towards us at full speed and crashes into Baz, making him emit a surprised oof sound.
The moment I realize the figure is actually Angelina Nuriyeva is the moment she starts speaking in fast Russian. I don’t understand a thing, but Baz seems to, because he laughs and hugs her back.
I knew Baz and Angelina were friends, but I didn’t think they were this close. I mean, they’re the exact polar opposites; Angelina is an actual sunshine (she’s always hugging and smiling at everyone) and Baz is… Baz. (He’s a big softie, I know that, but he goes through great efforts to appear cold and closed off.)
But here he is, ruffling Angelina’s hair and telling her something in Russian. (I’m suddenly met with the realisation that being in Moscow means I’ll get to hear a lot more of Baz’s Russian. I am very much not complaining at this prospect, even if I don’t understand a thing of what they’re saying.)
Angelina is nodding along and she pulls out her phone to show him something, but that’s when Baz stops her, suddenly speaking in English.
“Wait, I think in the interest of Snow, we should switch to English. He already looks lost enough as it is,” he says.
“No, no, I’m fine, by all means…” I start, but I’m soon cut off by Angelina.
“Yes, of course! I’m sorry, Simon! Come here, it’s so good to see you,” she says and hugs me. (This is what I mean when I say Angelina is a sunshine.)
“Good to see you too,” I nod.
“I was just about to show Basil how his houseplants are doing. Do you want to see too?” she asks.
“Houseplants?” I don’t bother hiding the surprise in my voice. Since when does Baz like houseplants? His flat in Montreal doesn’t have any, spare the tiny cactus on the windowsill.
“I had a lot of houseplants when I still lived here, but I couldn’t take them with me on the plane when I moved, so Gelya took them in her care,” he explains, as if he’s reading my mind.
“Georgy is doing amazing but Ilya went a bit floppy. I changed his earth so now I’m hoping he gets better,” Angelina says, showing Baz a picture of two houseplants, side by side, one of them (Ilya?) looking slightly wilted.
“When it goes floppy, we say it wilts, and we don’t say earth, we say soil,” Baz corrects her. If I was Angelina, I’d probably be annoyed right now, but she just smiles at him.
“Thank you. It’s so much harder to learn English now that there’s no one here to practice with me,” she sighs.
“You know you can call me any time and we can practice,” Baz offers.
“Wait, wait, wait,” I stop them both. There is so much new information I have to process. “You had houseplants? And you named them Russian names? And you taught her English?” (That would actually explain why Angelina’s English is so good.)
“Yes, Snow, are you keeping up?”
“And when he gave them up, he wrote me a whole notebook on how to take care of them,” Angelina chimes in. “And another notebook with English grammar.”
Maybe I do have trouble keeping up. Who is this Baz? (And why is he so attractive?)
“I never thought of you as a houseplant kind of bloke,” I shrug. “You don’t have any houseplants in Montreal.”
“I’m still mourning the loss of my old children.” Baz deadpans before turning back to Angelina. “Show me Alyosha. He was always my favourite.”
Unsurprisingly, the jet-lag catches up with me right when it’s time to go to bed. I don’t know why I was naïve enough to believe I won’t need melatonin when dealing with an eight-hour time difference. I better take it now, before it’s too late.
I sigh and throw the covers back before picking up my phone to check the time. However, a text message notification from Snow grabs my attention before I can do that.
Is he nervous again? It would make sense, since this is a big competition for him. Would I be able to sneak into his room and sneak out the next morning unnoticed? I doubt that. There are only athletes staying on our floor, the coaches, press and competition staff are all on different floors, and I doubt the athletes would pay us much attention, but it’s still risky.
I’d much rather risk a few weird looks than have Simon spiral into panic two days before a major competition, though. I decide I’ll go to his room if that’s what he needs.
Maybe I should check why he’s even texting me before I devise any plans.
SS: do u have melatonine? SS: jet lag
I sigh in relief. He’s not having a mental breakdown. He’s just jet-lagged. (Which is a bit strange for Snow, but I suppose even his circadian rhythm can take a blow from time to time.)
BP: It’s spelled melatonin and yes, I have it. You can come get it if you still need it BP: Room 254
SS: yes ik where u r SS: I’ll b right over
I sit on the edge of the bed and wait for Snow to knock on my door. He’s staying a few corridors down, in room 273, so it takes him a few minutes. I jump up when I hear his knock.
He’s standing in front of my door, wearing joggers, a hoodie and those damned glasses of his again. His hair is messed up, like he’s been tossing and turning too.
“I thought you didn’t get jet-lagged,” I say, stepping aside to let him in. He settles on the edge my bed while I rummage my luggage for melatonin supplements.
“I don’t get sleep jet-lagged, but I do get food jet-lagged,” he says.
“What does that even mean, Snow?”
“It means it’s lunchtime in Canada right now and I’m so hungry I can’t sleep.”
I bite back a laugh. He’s an idiot. (An adorable one but an idiot nonetheless.) “You don’t need melatonin, Snow, you need this,” I say, throwing a granola bar at him. He startles, but manages to catch it.
“You’re just giving this to me?” he asks, audibly surprised. (Which is ridiculous. He gives me food all the time and here he is, questioning my generosity over a fucking granola bar.)
“No, Snow, pay up. Fifty rubbles.”
“I don’t have any Russian money,” he laughs, tearing the wrapping open. He’s going to get crumbs all over my bed, but I don’t shoo him away. Instead, I finally find the melatonin supplements and take one with some water. “Do you still want one?” I ask.
“Do you have any more granola bars?”
I laugh and pass him another one before sitting down next to him on the bed.
“Are you nervous?” I ask, just to make sure he’s really okay.
“Right now? I’m just hungry,” he says, tearing open the second granola bar.
“Right,” I nod.
“Baz. Are you doing that thing where you’re worrying about me again?”
“A bit,” I admit.
“Stop,” he says like I can just turn it off like a tap. (I wish I could.) We sit in silence for a while, me thinking about how much easier my life would be if I just stopped worrying about Simon Snow and him chewing through his granola bar. “I didn’t know you and Angelina were such good friends,” he finally says.
“We trained together for four years,” I shrug, but it’s not just that. The training environment in Russia was intense. It’s a bloodbath to even get on the national team there, so of course it’s intense, but I think every other skater the rink was looking at me sideways because I was an outlier. I wasn’t Russian, I didn’t speak Russian and I think they felt like I didn’t belong there. (I know now that I really didn’t.) They eventually accepted me and by the time I left Russia, even the ones who refused to speak during my first year there were sad to see me go.
But Gelya was nice to me from the start. She was only thirteen at the time and didn’t speak any English, but she clapped for me when I did something well and cheered me on when I was having a bad day. (Thanks to her, davai was one of the first Russian words I learned.) She brought me homemade pyraniki on special occasions and when I got injured and had to go back to England to have surgery, she sent me get well soon cards all the way from Russia and she made the entire rink sign them.
That’s just who she is. She’s this nice to everyone and it didn’t matter to her if I was Russian or English, I was just another person at her rink who she could bring biscuits to. Over the four years that I’ve lived there, she became like a little sister to me.
“Baz?” Snow’s voice snaps me from my thoughts. “You seem tired. I’m going to go.”
I have half a mind not to ask him to stay here. (We both know we can’t do that.) “Okay,” I say instead. He stands up and throws the granola wrappers in the bin. I stand up too, to walk him to the door (I have manners), but he waves at me to sit back down.
“It’s fine,” he says.
“Will you be able to sleep?”
“If my hunger doesn’t get to me again, yes,” he laughs. He’s already by the door.
“Wait.” I stand up and grab the last granola bar from my bag, offering it to him. “Just in case,” I explain. I want him to stay here, to make sure he sleeps well and doesn’t spend the night worrying about the competition, but I can’t do that, so this is the least I can do.
“Thanks,” he smiles, tucking it in his pocket. Then he hugs me briefly and presses a kiss to my cheek. “Sleep well.”
“You too.”
And he’s out the door.
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clankitsfanfiction · 4 years
Don't Let Nora Drink Without Adult Supervision , a Hancock x F!SS  Fanfic
Summary: Nora gets drunk. Hancock has to deal with
(read this on Archive of Our Own here or below the cut)
Chapter 1
Hancock jumps as the door to Bobbie's place slams shut with a loud bang. He spins around, shotgun out and ready for a fight, but lets out a sigh of relief as Nora steps forward into the light.
Well, more like stumbles forwards into the light.
"Hancock!" She giggles, making her way to him, almost falling down in the process. "Daisy told me you might be here." She smiles at him, and suddenly falls forward, so Hancock lunges and manages to catch her unsteady with his arms.
"Nora? How much did you drink?" Because, yeah, Hancock enjoys getting high and being tipsy, but Nora seems drunk. Dangerously drunk. They were supposed to only stop here to get supplies and sleep on an actual bed for once, before heading out early tomorrow morning. But judging by the state Nora is in, Hancock would be surprised if they managed to get out of Goodneighbor by noon tomorrow. He steadies her upright, but lets one of his hands stay on her shoulder, afraid that if he lets go she'll fall down again.
"Hancock... Your eyes are so pretty." She reaches one of her hands upwards, as if she can take one of his eyeballs and keep it as her own. "Like, how?"
He gently uses her other hand to lower hers before she tries to touch his eyes. "Well, thank you, missy." He says in his raspy voice, as low and as soft as he can manage. Currently, Nora is acting like a little child, and he fears that if he spooks her she'll react like a radstag does if you try to approach it's young. He moves his hand from her shoulder to her back, gently pressing her in the direction of the door. "Nora, why don't we bunker down and-"
"Why are you here?" Nora blurts out, a frown suddenly appearing on her face. "What business could you possibly have in Bobbi's old place?" She pulls her wrist out of Hancock's other hand, which he hadn't noticed was still holding on to her. "There's nothing here for you." She says, suddenly spiteful. "Or..." her voice turns gooey, although he can still hear the anger behind it. "Were you two in looove?" She draws the o out, an obliviously fake grin plastered on her face.
Hancock stops. "As much as I admire a gal with a bit of fight in her, no." He says dryly. As much as he loves Nora (and he's not going to tell her he does, at least not in that way, never in a million years), she seems a bit too drunk for him to handle right now. He presses on her back again, this time with more force, and she obeys, moving obediently towards the door.
"Good." She says, a real smile back on her face, and Hancock has to admit it's cute, no matter how dopey it is. "Because that would really ruin my plans." Hancock freezes, but Nora keeps going, and stumbles back out the door into the outside world.
"Wait. What?" Hancock shakes his head, desperately trying to make sense of what Nora says. He sighs when he hears a thud from behind the door, presumbily because Nora has fallen down. "I'm never letting Nora drink by herself again." He then precedes to walk outside and help Nora up, sighing as she giggles and clutches his coat jacket.
"Hold this." he says dryly to Daisy, before preceding to hand her Nora's hand. Daisy blinks at him.
"Well, I suppose I owe her one for cleaning out the Boston Library for me." She takes Nora's hand, who smiles warmly at Daisy.
"Oh Daisy, you flatter me!" Daisy turns to ask Hancock how this happened, but he's already striding towards the Third Rail, determined to find out how much Nora drunk tonight.
Luckily, the bar is nearly empty, with the only patrons either too high or too drunk to notice their mayor. "Charlie!" Hancock snaps. He's been growing increasingly frustrated with Nora's state. She seems out of it, and he doesn't like that. He needs her here, to ground him, to keep him steady. Not that he's ever steady, of course, but she helps. He needs her a lot more than she knows, and it took long enough for him to figure it out. "How much did Nora drink tonight?"
Whitechapel Charlie's eyes blink at him. "What, you want a whole bloody list, do you? Well, she started out with one or two nuka colas, but then had a couple of beers. I don't know, why? Oh, and by the way, she didn't pay!" He gets progressively more angry as he speaks. "She just wandered on out of here before I could stop her, saying something about needing to woo someone. Decided to let her sleep it off and get my caps tomorrow."
Hancock drags a hand across his rough face. "Put it on my tab." This of course meant everything Nora had had was on the house, and Hancock was sure if Charlie could he would be scowling at him. But Hancock didn't care. Nora's actions were getting increasingly confusing. She had left to 'woo' someone? But apparently she went straight to him. What the hell was going on here? Had someone put her up to this? Or... was the person she was trying to woo Hancock? Was she actually interested in him?
Hancock leaves the bar a lot less angry but a lot more confused.
When he returns to Daisy and Nora, Daisy's keeping Nora entertained by reading to her from a book. Nora's enjoying it rather a lot, and as Hancock grabs her hand to tug her towards the state building, he thinks he sees a fleeting look of disappointment on Daisy's face. It's rare anyone else enjoys stories, let out one from a book. "So, where are you taking her?" Daisy asks, raising an eyebrow as Nora stares up at the night sky in wonder, even though Hancock would say it looks hideous.
"The old state house. I want to keep an eye on her, and since I have a place I might as well use it. I need to talk to her when she wakes up." Hancock pulls Nora in that direction, and although Daisy says a reply, he doesn't hear her.
Fahrenheit asks no questions, just raises an eyebrow and leaves them alone as Hancock sets Nora down on a couch. He grabs a blanket from somewhere and puts it on her, feeling rather like someone taking care of a sick person or a father putting a child to bed. Nora's smiling broadly at him, and although he hasn't liked dealing with this whole fiasco, he has to admit he likes the fact that it all seems to suggest that Nora may or may not like Hancock in a way that's more than just friendly. He smiles as he turns away, thinking maybe some good can come out of this. He's about to walk over to the couch opposite and take some mentats in an attempt to help lure him into sleep, since he's rather confident a drunk Nora won't be able to get up without making a racket. But just as he's sat himself down on the other couch, Nora opens her mouth.
"Hancock, do you love me?" He stiffens, afraid that somehow in her drunk state she's caught on to him. But when he looks at her, she's still smiling, although the rest of her face suggests she's being serious.
"Yeah, I reckon I suppose I do." He's purposely vague about what type of love. "Why do you ask?" He takes off his hat in preparations to sleep, and lets it drop to the floor.
"Well, you see, I love you too, but it would be preeety awkward if I said I was in love with you and you didn't love me back, so I just had to check. I'm glad you feel the same way." And with that, she clonks out, leaving Hancock alone with the realization that she not only said that she loved him, but was in love with him.
Chapter 2
Hancock’s never been in this situation before in his life, and he hopes he’ll never have to be in it again.
It has now been several hours since Nora kind of confessed her love for him, and he only managed to fall asleep by using a crapload of chems. Now he’s awake and luckily Nora is still sleeping, since Hancock fears what will happen when she wakes.
Hancock sits up on the couch and looks at the other one where Nora is sleeping with drool dripping from her mouth and a hand on the thin blanket he put on her last night. Despite his anxiety, Hancock manages a smile and takes a moment to consider the best case scenario; Nora remembers what she said last night and they have a talk about their relationship that ends with them being lovers. Worst case scenario? Nora doesn’t remember anything she said and Hancock never brings it up, so things continue how they are now. Or it all could have been a cruel prank someone at the bar convinced her to do, and honestly? Hancock would prefer the first option.  
Sighing, Hancock stands and walks over to her. Should let her sleep, or wake her up? He’s not what someone is supposed to do in this situation.
Before he can saying anything, Nora murmurs something in her sleep— or maybe not her sleep, because her eyes are slowly drifting open. Quickly taking a couple steps back, Hancock nearly trips over the coffee table in his haste to make sure it doesn’t look like he was creepily standing over Nora, because he wasn’t. Retrieving his hat to don it, Hancock clears his throat loudly.
Blinking a couple times, Nora licks her lips and squints at the ceiling. “Hancock, did I get drunk last night?”
“You sure did, sister.”
“Fuck.” Nora covers her face with her hand and uses the other one to prop herself up. “Did I say anything?”
And there it is. Does she know what she said? Is she aware she seemingly confessed her love to him? If he wanted to, he could say that nothing happened and she most likely would go along with it, thinking he didn’t want to embarrass Nora because, well, she might think he doesn’t love her. But that’s not true , he does love her and he is in love with her— but if she doesn’t remember what she said, or it wasn’t real (and it has to have been real, because Nora wouldn’t be that cruel), how would she react if Hancock brought it up?
He’s been silent for too long, and he can feel Nora staring through the cracks in her fingers. He settles for the neutral option. “You said a lot of things, sister. Hard to tell what you might be referring to.”
She turns away from him, and in that moment Hancock knows she knows.
“I’m sorry.” she whispers. “I didn’t mean to lay— something like that on you. I know you don’t—”
“I don’t what?” His heart’s pounding but Nora’s staring at him in shock from the couch and he finds the courage to take a couple steps closer. “Because believe me, if there’s one thing I know, it’s that I’m definitely in love with Nora Smith.” Her full name feels weird in his mouth, but everything's out in the open, and after last night Hancock has nothing to lose. Her mouth is agape, and it’s a couple seconds before she snaps her jaw shut only to wince in pain.
“Am I still dreaming?” So it’s true.
“I hope not.”
Hancock’s smile is so wide he feels like his teeth might fall out and even though Nora is avoiding his eyes he’s so happy because Nora loves him back. “John, you better be serious.”
“Never been more serious in my life.” She turns to him, and even though there’s heavy bags under her eyes her smile looks genuine and Hancock is amazed that she’s looking at him like that. How could so much change in one night? It’s overwhelming and a little scary, but also brilliant.
But Nora’s still has a hangover, because a couple seconds later she lays back down and groans. “Hancock, you got any cures for a hangover?”
“All I can suggest is a puff of jet. But, uh, you mind if I give you a little something else?”
“A kiss.”
He sees her smile and even though her eyes are currently closed, she gestures for him to come over. “Alright, John, if you’ll think it’ll help.”
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andaleduardo · 4 years
How to Break Your Heart and Make Sure It Stays Broken
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2. Send them your favorite songs through Bluetooth    
- Read on ao3
Summary:  12:28 a.m.
Spaghetti: It’s not gonna be weird today
Richie: absolutely
Spaghetti: We’re not gonna make it awkward
Richie: definitely not
Spaghetti: Yeah we got this
Everything is just fucking fine.
7th January 2011, Friday
10:30 a.m.
“Congratulations, you just called the best family in town. What can I help you with?”
“Hu-hey Richie.”
“Billy boy! Happy birthday, man!”
The sound of Bill’s chuckles turn into wind over the phone. “Thanks.”
“So, what’s up?”
“I wanted to check if you’re s-ss-still coming today?”
“Course I am, what time do you want me there?”
“Come around 3. It’s t-too cold to go out so we’re just guh-gonna stay in the attic.”
“Well alright, chap. I’ll be there.”
“And don’t forget my dad’s driving everyone home.”
Richie did, in fact, forget about that.
“Oh yeah, right.”
There’s a second of silence before Bill speaks again. “Are you okay? You huh-haven’t been online lately.”
“Just peachy. You know how it gets, holiday season, kinda busy ‘round here.”
Although Bill knows Richie usually spends the holidays with just his parents (small family’s downside) he doesn’t say anything.
“We’ll have s-some fun today, don’t worry.”
“Indeed we will. See you at 3, birthday boy.”
“See you, Rich.”
And he hangs up.
  12:28 a.m.
Spaghetti: It’s not gonna be weird today
Richie: absolutely
Spaghetti: We’re not gonna make it awkward
Richie: definitely not
Spaghetti: Yeah we got this
  Richie is absolutely exhausted.
The entire week was a failed attempt at learning how to deal with the situation.
Sleep is an utter joke with a mind that runs as if it’s training for a marathon. Looking at food makes him nauseous, not eating food makes him nauseous, but eating it makes it worse.
Perhaps it would help if he could untie the knot in his throat, but then again he can’t cry properly when his parents are always around and poking a head through his bedroom door.
He wants school to start, he doesn’t want school to start. He wants them to go back to work, he doesn’t want to be left alone with his feelings.
And on top of it all he knows he’s overreacting. Absolutely over-the-top reacting. He’s fifteen. It’s not like he knows love.
But doesn’t he?
It hurts and it’s love. It burns as it makes its way up his throat and it’s love. It was amazing while he kept his mouth shut and now everything seems to be falling on him and his chest is heavy and caving and hungrier than his stomach and he caused it and it’s love.
Unrequited love, if you will. A fancy word for a fucked up thing.
To top it off, Eddie doesn’t stop.
 January 1st, 3:45 p.m.
Spaghetti: I hate you
Spaghetti: No wait I don’t hate hate you
Spaghetti: But
Spaghetti: Ugh
Spaghetti: I’m gonna be thinking about this now!
Spaghetti: And I don’t want us to change
Spaghetti: Like, I said “I hate you” and I would never second guess that before but now I feel like I need to tell you “I don’t actually hate you” because
Spaghetti: Well
Spaghetti: I don’t know why
Richie: sorry
Spaghetti: !
Spaghetti: Stop apologizing
Richie: … i really wanna say sorry again
Spaghetti: I don’t blame you
Spaghetti: It’s not like we control our feelings
 Damn right, they don’t. Richie isn’t sure how to answer that, so he doesn’t. But Eddie brings it up again one day later.
 January 2nd, 9:10 p.m.
Spaghetti: I think I kinda knew
Richie: ??? are u serious
Spaghetti: Well yeah
Richie: am I that predictable?
Spaghetti: You’re the least predictable person in the whole world Richie
Spaghetti: Except with the mom jokes
Spaghetti: I can always see those coming
Richie: yet you walk right onto them every time
Spaghetti: Fuck you.
Spaghetti: It’s just that the others aren’t that subtle
Richie: the losers?
Spaghetti: Yeah they try too hard
Spaghetti: Tease us a lot for being close and saying things and leaving us alone everywhere
Spaghetti: Guess I kinda wondered why they did that if they didn’t know something I didn’t
Richie: uh, they kinda don’t tho
Richie: at least I never told them
Spaghetti: Wait really?
Richie: maybe they’re just bored?
Spaghetti: Oh
Spaghetti: Maybe
 It’s only been a week so far (the longest week of Richie’s life) and Eddie texts him every day with the same topic. This, as predicted, isn’t helping the situation much.
It’s Tuesday. There’s Richie, staring at his cereal while Maggie studies him from the other side of the table and surprise, a brand new text from Eddie.
It’s Wednesday. There’s Richie, staring at the news channel because he forgot to press the button on the tv remote when he sat down on the couch 6 minutes ago. And then there’s his dad, looking at him from his vintage recliner and coming up with ten different ways to start a conversation without actually starting one. The phone’s screen lights up with against his leg with a new notification. Yes, from Eddie.
Finally, it’s Friday. Out of habit, Richie leaves the phone on the bathroom countertop as he showers. It takes a lot of self-control not to pull all his hair out while washing it when the phone vibrates against the counter. Once, then twice, then thrice. And so on to make up the total of 9 new messages.
Thank God he doesn’t walk out of the shower right then to check them out of curiosity, because 10 minutes later he’s sitting on the toilet seat and staring at “I hate you” for so long his mom actually knocks on the door and asks if he died in there.
He didn’t die in there, he’s just crying. Buy hey, mom, that’s the dream!
All the messages fall in the same lines. Eddie doesn’t want this to be awkward. He doesn’t want this to be weird. He doesn’t want anything to change.
Logically, Richie draws conclusions. He fucked up big, ruined them forever and now everything is inconvenient for Eddie. It’s not that hard to get it after six variations of:
 ‘You’re not gonna be different around me now right?’
 How can he not be different around Eddie now?
What if their knees touch and Eddie thinks it’s on purpose? What if Richie smiles in his direction and Eddie takes it as flirting? Christ. Richie doesn’t even know how to flirt! Should he sit far away from him now? Should he sit by his side like always and have Eddie think he’s doing it out of interest?
Richie didn’t just make everything inconvenient for Eddie, he made everything inconvenient for himself, too.
However, it’s Bill’s birthday, and that’s more important than a broken heart.
  5:48 p.m.
 “You’re cheating!” Everyone jumps on their seats when Stan shouts and slams his hand on the coffee table. It sends all the plastic houses on the monopoly board in different directions.
“What? No I’m not!” Bev defends herself.
“Nah.” Mike crosses his arms. “I don’t believe that.”
“You don’t believe she’s cheating?” Stan angrily inquires.
“I don’t believe she’s not cheating.” Says Mike.
“I am not fucking cheating, you guys are just awful at managing money.”
Stan’s chin drops in her direction. “You- I manage money wonderfully, thank you very much-”
While the arguing continues, Ben takes his time putting all the houses back on their places. Bill tries to make them stop fighting while Mike destroys all those attempts by teaming up with Bev and Stan alternately. Eddie furiously counts and recounts his money, being the one closest to bankrupt. And Richie silently organizes the contents of the bank. He doesn’t like monopoly that much.
“Maybe our bank over there has something to do with this?” Richie feels everyone’s eyes on him so he looks up at Mike from above his glasses.
“How could you ever think such things about me, Mikey?” He dramatically puts down the stack of property cards he had been sorting. “I do nothing but humble work for this community and this is how I’m treated. Unbelievable.”
“Richie, I swear.” Stan glares at him. “You won’t make me lose, even if you cheat.”
“How can I be cheating? I’m not even playing.”
“You’re passing Bev extra money!”
“Geez.” Eddie moans in annoyance. “We forgot Stan gets off on Monopoly.”
At that, Richie barks out a laugh, unable to keep it in but still trying to by slapping a hand over his mouth.
“Okay, fine.” Stan crosses his arms. “I wasn’t even the one suggesting this game, I voted for scrabble.”
“Oh, so the only other game you get off on?” Surprisingly, it slips from Richie’s mouth. He wasn’t at all expecting jokes to be coming from him today.
It’s just wonderfully entertaining to piss off Stan. At this point, the boy’s gotten himself so worked up that his whole face is pink.
“I’m going to shove birthday cake up your a-”
“-Wow! Okay let’s all chill.” Ben kindly tries to stop them.
Richie lifts up a hand full of fake-cash and makes a jerking off motion with the other, which finally triggers Stan into motion. He manages to jump away from the table on the exact moment Stan reaches over to try and jam his hand on his weakest spot, the armpits. But in the process, his knees collide with the bottom of the coffee table and all the board pieces end up flying everywhere. Again.
Ben throws his hands up. “Thank you so very much for that.”
“We will never f-ffinish a monopoly game…”
  6:23 p.m.
“How about Uno?” Ben suggests. “You can’t cheat at Uno, right?”
After being chased by Stan around the attic everyone ended up scattered around, staring at the ceiling and discussing which game to play next. So far it’s been twenty minutes of quiet chatting.
“You can grab three cards when you get a plus four.” Richie offers. “You can also slide in a six while playing some nines, might get lucky.”
There’s a brief second of silence and contemplation.
“How you can turn Uno into a sex joke still amazes me.” Eddie frowns at the ceiling.
Richie shrugs. “I’m pretty amazing overall.” Sweat pools up on the back of his neck with the effort of trying to sound so nonchalant. Richie wants to scream at the normality of his afternoon. Why does life keep going when you’re dealing with heartache? Isn’t the world supposed to stop spinning after you get friendzoned? Show a little compassion, earth.
“I still can’t believe your mom let you keep the phone.”
At Mike’s words, Eddie flops around on his bean bag, looking like a hanged potato sack. “Right? Didn’t see that coming, either.”
“Does she really go through it, though?”
Recently, Eddie’s contact list was updated to include everyone. His mom complained that he didn’t need to be in contact with “those friends” of his any more than he already does. She’s obviously wrong.
Eddie groans in agreement. “She keeps finding the lamest excuses until I give it to her. Then she checks whatever it is she wants and gives it back.”
A wave of fear passes through Richie. Almost on cue, Eddie steals a glance at him and adds. “But I archive the stuff she doesn’t need to read. And I keep Facebook as a hidden app.” Proud of his schemes, he smirks to himself.
Richie sinks back on his bean bag, slightly relieved. The past week of awful sleep is weighting him down, tying him to his worst and holding him back from pretending to be okay a little better. With time, he hopes to learn how to put this behind his back, but right now, Eddie is right in front of him.
“Hey, by the way. Can any of you tell me how to download songs?” The boy at matter asks.
“You know thu-that’s illegal, r-right?”
“Oh.” For a moment, he stares at Bill with a conflicted expression. “Well, I still want my music.”
“Richie, don’t you have a fuck ton of songs downloaded?”
“Yup. Illegal downloads are my number one occupation, Marsh.” Then, he gets it. “Oh, you’re right. Eds, turn Bluetooth on.”
He regrets saying ‘Eds’ oh so quickly, overly nervous that he isn’t allowed to say it anymore. Not that he was ever allowed to say it before, if the way Eddie complains about it 90% of the time means anything. Quickly, Richie spirals into thoughts of their bickering coming to an end, or even worse, becoming one sided and sad if one of them doesn’t feed into it. That would leave the other one hanging, and Richie was already left hanging, Richie is still hanging and he will be hanging on these feelings, on this rejection, for life. That’s what he has to accept, that he loves the only person in the world he could ever love and they don’t love him back. That his future seems sad from the present. That Eddie might drift away when he realizes they can’t mess around like best friends anymore, even if he had said he wouldn’t do that and it wouldn’t happen. But what if he does? What if it happens? Where does that leave him? What is he supposed to-
“Don’t call me that, asshole. And how the fuck do I do that?”
The way Eddie speaks drips of familiarity. Just the way it always was with them, just the way it will always be. Richie can’t decide if that’s good or bad, but it pulls him together enough to talk.
“See that weird looking B icon up there?” He waits for Eddie’s answer but the other boy is looking at his phone as if he could catch it on fire with just his eyes.
Richie bites the inside of his cheek, breathes in some bravery and pushes himself up from the bean bag.
“Here,” he walks over and crouches down at Eddie’s side, quickly opening the Bluetooth settings and pairing up their phones while paying too much attention to the space between their hands. Just to make sure they don’t touch. “Do you wanna pick out the songs you want?” He starts giving his phone to Eddie but gets a headshake in return.
“Uh no, that’s fine.” Eddie says, turning his head and therefore putting their faces incredibly close. Richie barely catches himself from falling on his butt right there, and Eddie leans away quickly, obviously not meaning to cause any of this. “I- uh, just chose the ones you think I’d like.”
Richie nods stupidly and rushes back to his seat. While he goes through his music library and picks off songs, all he can think about is ‘This is so hard, too hard, way more difficult than I could possibly imagine and I don’t know if I can go about my life pretending everything is fine when it all feels anything but that.’
“How about Ludo? There’s no way you can cheat at that…”
Simply as if a switch was flipped, Richie multitasks and answers Ben by listing off all the possible ways to cheat at Ludo.
And to the outsider eyes, everything is just fine.
Everything is fine as they order pizza and Richie and Eddie have to ask each other if they can still share their regular favorite, olive and pepperoni. Everything is fine while conversation flows at dinner, except Richie puts his half of the pizza on a plate instead of sharing the box between their laps, and Eddie doesn’t question it. Everything is fine as everyone watches a movie after, and there’s no one to lean his head on Richie’s shoulder, or jab an elbow in his arm when they itch to comment certain scenes.
Then Bill’s dad comes upstairs to remind them it’s time to drive everyone home. And for the first time in his life, Richie is thrilled to hear those words.
On their way home, Eddie sits in the back, earphones plugging his ears deaf to his surroundings. Richie wonders if he should have left out all the love songs, now it’s too late for that. But it’s fine, right?
Everything is just fucking fine.
 perma taglist: @constantreaderfool   @mrs-vh  @eds-trashmouth @girasol-eddie  @reddieforlove @madi-personal  @cheekaspbrak
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cchellacat · 5 years
You’ll Never Get it In
Bucky / Darcy
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Ever since coming back to America Bucky has been keeping a low profile. Clint and Laura had offered him a place to stay and he’s been happy to help out at the farm, just work and quiet and the sort of mundane and relaxed life he’d been craving for too long. It was nice out here. The neighbors were friendly but didn’t pry and if they knew who he was they kept quiet about it, happy to leave him be without any questions or wary looks.
Steve and Sam visited once in a while, Natalia seemed to drop by every week when she wasn’t on mission to visit Laura and the kids and spend some time just being. All in all it was the sort of life he’s always wanted. At least that’s what her thought up until a month ago when Clint brought back a couple more strays to the farm.
Eric Selvig and Darcy Lewis were as different as chalk and cheese, but the young woman doted on the scientist like a daughter and Selvig kept a close eye on all of Darcy’s comings and going’s with a sort of haphazard intensity that Bucky could sympathize with.
It was the mistrustful looks he got and the many interruptions every time he tried to get to know her that was driving him slowly mad. Selvig has peered over a coffee mug that first moment and spotted the instant Bucky had finally really and truly smiled for the first time in seventy years and known exactly what that smile meant. To be fair it wasn’t rocket science, Bucky’s smile had been fully directed at Darcy as she held Nathanial, singing and telling silly stories that had made the toddler giggle and laugh. Bucky has been entranced.
He’s drawn to her like a moth to a flame. She’s all zest and vitality and her laugh brings a warmth to his chest at the clear uninhibited abandon with which she allows herself to feel. She flits from one chore or self imposed job to another, never still. always working away. Every time he manages to get her alone one of them gets called away or someone interrupts them before he can even start to flirt with her. He glares at Laura and Clint who also seem to be part of the conspiracy, then just when he thinks he’s done it,  Nat turns up, she smirks at his frustration and winks at him as Darcy draws her into conversation.
There didn’t seem to be much he could do to impress Darcy without the chance to have a fucking conversation with her. He had to admit he was probably a little rusty, but none the charm or easy wit he managed to unearth from deep inside his brain seemed to crack her snarky exterior even when he did manage to get a few minutes to talk.
It’s when Laura mentions the Country fair that’s setting up a few miles out of town that he sees his chance. Darcy’s face lights up at the mention and she excitedly insists they all go.
Selvig demurs and assures her he’ll be fine left at the farm, it’s Bucky’s moment to step in, offer her an escort, but he’s stalled by Steve jumping in quickly to do the same and for the first time since the Hellicarrier he wants to punch Steve in his perfect teeth. The glare he shoots his friend is met only with a knowing grin and sly wink. The little punk always did know how to push his buttons.
The Fair’s a large one. Plenty to do and see and eat. Bucky smirks as he follows along behind Steve and Darcy, his girl spots the roller coaster as soon as they got out of truck. He can hear her chattering away, practically jumping up and down at the thought of getting on the coaster.
Steve looks a little green with each step closer to it. It doesn’t matter how much bigger his pal is or how many death defying stunts he pulled, it seemed Steve was still nauseous just at the thought of it. Bucky’s smile widens as he watched Steve go along with her.
When they come off the ride Steve looks about ten shades paler and a little green around the gills. Darcy fusses a little and Steve waves her off, going to get a some water. He narrows his eyes at Bucky as he weaves past him. Whatever game the rest of his friends are playing he knows he’s won now. He’s got Darcy all to himself for at least two hours. He can work with that.
He keeps Darcy company, keeps the conversation going as they wander around the stalls and she seems to relax more as they become better aquainted with each other. There’s a coconut shy coming up. Darcy twirls and points at the prize, a white unicorn with a fluffy pink mane, she talks nineteen to the dozen about it and how it’s from a movie she lovs before he’s offering to win it for her. The damn thing is nearly as big as she is but he sees how she grins and does a happy little jig at the thought, she’s hanging off his arm as she drags him over to it.
He’s determined to win the damn thing. It’s why he doesn’t notice at first that he’s been set up. The first few rounds and hoops are all as expected, his aim is excellent after all. Then he realises when he’s two games from the top that the damn hoops are getting smaller and the coconuts he’s been handed are bigger.
He eyes the attendant with a narrowed glare, the little punk chews his gum and shoots him a shark like smile. Bucky smothers the urge to growl and throws the next two coconuts hard enough that although they go through the hoops, clouds of fibers float in the air before settling. When he looks back, the guy now at least has the decency to look a little worried, it’s Bucky’s turn to grin and the little snot takes a step back as his primitive brain processes the predator in his vicinity.
Just as he readies for the last throw, Darcy hopping at his side, Steve appears, clapping his friend on the shoulder.  Bucky curses and manages to stop himself from letting it fly.
“You’ll never get it in.”  Steve quips with a smirk.  Bucky glares and focuses, pulling his arm back...
“Thant’s what she said!” 
The sudden burst of cackling laughter from Darcy as she quipped had him loose his concentration just as he let it fly, the projectile missing the god damn hoop by an inch.  The overwhelming urge to punch Steve in the face had his arm swinging before he could think, but a tiny hand grabbed him and he stilled instantly at her touch,.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry Bucky but I couldn't hold it in!”    The irritation melted away instantly as she continued to hang on his arm, pulling at it till she had it wrapped round her shoulder.
“Come on grumpy, lets get some candy and you can take me home, maybe I’ll let you aim at getting something else in.”
Bucky gaped down at her, her blue eyes sparkling with mischief.
“Me.”  she nodded.  “I wanted to know how serious you were”  she shrugged. 
“Are you telling me this whole thing... the last few weeks....”
“Only since Nat arrived a few days ago.  She told me you’d been trying to ask me out, but I can be a little slow noticing sometimes, I mean, you’re Bucky Barnes, it never crossed my mind you were interested in me and then she and Steve said they could prove it.”  she bit her lip and fluttered impossibly long lashes at him.
He ignores Steve as he makes a quick exit, Natalia winking at him as she gets Steve out of danger.  He’ll have it out with them later, but for right now the girl he’d been dizzy over was looking at him the same way he’d been gazing at her for the last three weeks. 
“So you’re a fan of dirty jokes Doll?”  he settles with, as he pulls her into his side as they head for the exit.
“Well, sure...”  she agrees, a little uncertain where he’s going with it.
“What did the hurricane say to the coconut tree?” he asked as they walked away.
Steve and Natasha watch them go as Steve tosses a coconut in one hand.
“You know, he’s going to make us pay for this.”  he grins at the red head.
Natasha shrugs.  She’s Russian, there is always trouble somewhere.
“I’m more concerned about the punchline”  she lazily replies, leaning back on the counter...  “Hey Steve?”
He raises a brow at her unusually bright tone then promptly blushes like a virgin on his wedding night. as she tips her head towards the hoops.
“Think you can get it in there?”
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find-the-eyes · 5 years
I’ll Try Anything Once: Chapter 14
Written By: ss, Sol Edited By: Allegra
Alex rested his head on his hand, staring blankly at the lecturer explaining that day’s art history lesson. Francisco de Goya be damned. Even though it looked like he was paying attention, his mind was replaying the events of the previous night over and over again.
He still felt giddy about the way Nick had clutched at him tightly, how nice Nick had felt and smelled. Alex knew that spending the night together had really strengthened their bond. They were practically inseparable the morning after, staying in bed together so long that Alex had nearly made himself late. He had even considered skipping his afternoon class just so he could spend more time with Nick, but he knew he needed to keep up his grades, so he had slipped out of bed, quickly showered, and headed out.
Like a lovestruck teenager, Alex sighed and directed his eyes to the window beside him, his thoughts still full of Nick. He wondered what Nick was up to at that moment, spending the day in Alex’s spacious flat. He hoped Nick didn’t feel lonely. Even though Nick was used to being alone, at least now he was alone in a place he was familiar with.
When class ended, Alex took a shortcut back to his flat. He walked down the street at such a quick pace that he almost stepped on a cat that was lounging on the pavement. He muttered an apology to the indifferent animal. Alex had to pause for a moment, still in shock that he almost stepped on the innocent feline. The cat didn’t seem to care, basking under the afternoon sun and licking his paws peacefully. Alex suddenly had an idea.
Alex practically threw the door to his flat open once he arrived, eager to tell Nick about his idea. He felt a rush of relief as he saw Nick almost immediately, making himself comfortable on the couch, his legs folded under the blanket he had draped over his lap.
“Hello.” It was Nick this time that greeted Alex. He had a small smile on his face. Alex smiled back, happy to see Nick comfortable in his new home.
“Hi Nick,” Alex said as he sat himself down beside the smaller man on the couch. “How have you been?”
Nick only offered a small shrug, but he was still smiling.
“Made yourself at home?”
Nick gestured at the space he was currently occupying, the blanket cocoon looking snug.
“That’s great.” Alex felt his cheeks pull into a wide smile. He had never felt this way before. Sure, he had been happy - when he was with his friends, when he was making art - but this was a different kind of happy. He didn’t entirely know what it meant, but all he knew was that having Nick in such close proximity made his skin tingle. He suddenly itched for more contact with the other man, with how close they were sitting and how snug Nick had looked at that moment. As much as he wanted to reach out and wrap his arms once more around the dark haired man, he forced himself to repress the urge. He didn’t want to make Nick uncomfortable as he was aware how fragile Nick could be sometimes. “What did you do while I was away?”
“Ate,” Nick replied shortly. Alex had left some sandwiches Nick could nibble on before he left for class.
“What else?”
Nick only shrugged again in response. Alex frowned at that.
“You didn’t do anything else?” The shake of Nick’s head only deepened Alex’s frown. What was the point of bringing Nick all the way to his flat only to have Nick spend his days alone whenever Alex was away? “Don’t you, uh...ever get lonely?”
This time Nick did speak up. “No, not really. I’m used to it.”
Alex felt a pang of guilt. “Well, you shouldn’t be. Wouldn't it be nice to have some company?” Alex said, starting to suggest his idea. Nick only shook his head again in reply.
“It’s okay Alex. I don’t want to keep you here all the time...” Nick paused and then continued in a quieter voice, “Although that would be nice.” It was so faint that Alex almost didn’t catch it, but he did and it made his heart skip a beat.
“Okay, well, I think having someone to talk to would be nice,” Alex said, shifting closer to Nick. Nick, clueless at what Alex was trying to hint, only tilted his head. “Maybe someone to play with...” Alex continued, but Nick was still silent. “A four legged friend, maybe?”
Nick only stared at Alex before shaking his head vigorously. “Oh, no, no, I don’t… That’s...” he faltered. In his head, Nick worried about getting a pet. While he did like dogs, he couldn’t imagine ever owning one. What if he zoned out and forgot to feed it? What if he got too scared to get out and couldn’t walk the dog? What if he was too drained to play with it? He would rather spend his days alone than accidentally abandoning another living being in his hands.
“I don't think I can do that,” Nick finally managed. He looked down at his lap, his fingers playing with the quilt fabric draped over him.
Alex scooted closer, trying to convince Nick. “Nick...how about a cat?” Nick sat up straighter at Alex’s words, his eyebrows raised. He’d never thought of that, a cat.
“A... A cat?” Nick asked as he slowly looked up at Alex. His eyes widened.
“Yes. A nice little cat,” Alex added, looking back into Nick’s blue eyes. “They won’t make much noise.”
“Not noisy...” Nick echoed. I do like the calm...
“They won’t be too fussy either.”
“Not fussy...” Nick looked past Alex. He started to form a picture in his mind. A nice, round cat. Its soft paws kneading at his stomach, friendly eyes staring at him, all soft and warm in his lap.
“They don’t need walks either,” Alex added. Nick’s interest at his suggestion was apparent and Alex was pleased. “I've always wanted a cat,” Alex continued, stretching the truth only slightly. “Have you ever had a cat purr in your lap?”
With that, the deal was sealed. Nick grabbed Alex’s hand, his eyes practically sparkling. “Alex...I want a cat.”
Alex grinned and nodded. His plan had worked. “Alright Nick, we can get you a cat.”
When they arrived at the animal shelter later that evening, Nick hesitated to walk inside. Alex realized after a few steps that Nick wasn’t following him anymore.
“Nick?” Alex looked back to see that Nick was staring at the door, frozen with some kind of invisible anxiety that Alex would never know. Alex walked slowly over to Nick and ran his hand across his shoulders. “What’s wrong?”
“T-They— I—” Nick stammered a bit, in obvious fear of whatever was inside the building before them.
It was then that Alex realized that Nick hadn’t been in any sort of actual establishment for months, let alone talked to anyone outside of Alex and a few music school students. “It’s okay. We’re going in together, alright?” Alex wrapped his arm around Nick's shoulders and started walking towards the door. This time, Nick followed, and they finally went inside.
They approached the front desk, where a young woman sat, idly doodling in a sketchbook. She looked up at Alex and Nick and smiled warmly. “Hello!”
“Hey,” Alex replied. Nick waved, still feeling too tense to speak.
“What can I help you with this evening?” the woman asked.
Nick cleared his throat. He looked at the woman, smiling kindly at him from across the desk, and froze, unable to speak to her. He nervously glanced at Alex and whispered, “Do...they have… a cat?” As soon as the words left his mouth he immediately felt his anxiety rushing back. I'm so stupid. Why did I say that? She's going to think I'm an idiot.
Alex gave Nick a strange look. “Do you have any cats?” he asked.
The woman looked briefly confused, but smiled again and said “Yeah, we've got loads! Come right this way.” She stood up and led Nick and Alex down a hallway and up a flight of stairs into the room that housed the cats. “Come find me when you’ve made a decision, ok?” she said as she headed back downstairs. While Alex was busy looking at each cat and reading about their characteristics and personalities, Nick was sitting on the floor in the middle of the room. He had a different idea.
“Alex?” Nick asked, shifting slightly.
“Open all of them.”
“All of them? Is that—”
Nick nodded. “Please?”
Alex hesitated for a moment, looking around nervously before opening all of the cages, waiting to see what Nick would do. Nick continued sitting, completely still, until some of the cats became curious about him and emerged from their cages. When Nick was approached by a chubby brown and white cat, he finally spoke up. “This one.” He scooped the cat up into his arms and was surprised to find that it licked his face. “This one!”
Alex found the cage with the cat’s information. “His name is Turnip.”
“Turnip…” Nick thought for a moment. “Steckrübe.” He grinned.
Alex spent a few minutes attempting to usher the rest of the cats back into their cages. Steckrübe purred contently in Nick’s arms, happy to finally be going home. Alex couldn’t help but smile as he went to the front desk with Nick to fill out the adoption papers. Nick held the cat for the entire walk home, and Alex listened to Steckrübe’s purrs and Nick’s small mutters of ‘meine kleine Katze’ and ‘Ich bin so glücklich, Sie zu haben, meine Rübe’ until they arrived back at the flat. Alex dropped the bag of supplies they had been given at the shelter next to the door.
“Maybe…” Nick said, stopping to place Steckrübe down on the couch, “Steckrübe will help me sleep?”
“Yeah, maybe,” Alex said, his heart sinking slightly. But I want to be the one to cuddle you to sleep, he thought, stopping himself before the words could leave his mouth.
“M-Maybe not, though,” Nick mumbled to himself, still wanting to sleep with Alex as well.
Alex gave Nick a quick laugh and a small smile, walking over to pat the cat on the couch. Steckrübe hesitantly sniffed at Alex's hand.
“We’re keeping Turnip as his name?” Alex asked “That’s kind of a silly name, don’t you think?”
Nick shook his head. “Steckrübe.”
“Turnip in German.”
Alex gave Nick another small laugh. “So we’re keeping Turnip.”
“Ah, alright. Whatever.”
They spent the rest of the evening on the couch, watching TV and taking turns petting Steckrübe. The cat was quickly warming up to them, and Alex could see that Nick was already starting to fall in love. After a while, Alex looked over at Nick. Nick was trying his hardest to stay awake, but his eyelids were drooping and his head was lolling from side to side. “Tired?” Alex asked, wanting to wrap his arm around Nick, but knowing that Nick might be taken by surprise by the sudden action.
Nick only nodded in response and patted Steckrübe nonchalantly. Alex found it a bit concerning how often and how easily Nick would become tired. After just a few hours of being awake, he was always ready for another full night of sleep. “Want to go to sleep now?”
Nick nodded again and picked up Steckrübe. This time, instead of taking Nick to the spare room, Alex led him down the hallway to his bedroom.
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kairi-chan · 6 years
Fighting For You [5/?] - SasuSaku
[First Chapter]
Chapter 5: Plans
Summary: They were from different worlds. They were both interested, but knew a relationship between them was less than likely to happen, even if they both wanted it. Sasuke’s profession was dangerous, and Sakura was sheltered. Her parents’ did not approve of him. Slowly though, feelings started to take root and both of them were willing to fight for each other.
Genre: Romance / Humor
Rating: M
A/N: Co-written with @ss-tyytyy ! She posts it on her FFnet, while I post here on tumblr. :) 
“Sakura! Where are those charts?” 
The pinkette nearly jumped out of her skin and dropped her phone on the desk. Ino-pig had been texting her non-stop about Naruto and other typical Ino related topics. Sakura usually had enough self control not to mind her phone during work hours, but when her best friend was giving details about potentially being able to watch Naruto train more for his big fight, and talking to Jiraiya personally, it seemed a lot more important than printing and delivering medical charts. She hastily groped around her desk and grabbed the clipboard before running up towards Dr. Senju.
“Here it is, Shishou,” she held the clipboard up, internally thanking kami that she had enough sense to print and prepare it earlier before Ino had the chance to distract her. Her mentor took the chart and read over quickly. She flipped the page and gave it a once over before giving it back to Sakura. “Good. Take this to Shizune and then you can go.” “Hai!” Sakura did as she was told and left Tsunade’s office. She made her way down the corridor. As she walked, she thought of the last text Ino sent her. It was an invitation—more of a demand—for her to come to dinner that night with her, Naruto, and Sasuke. It would be at a local ramen joint that Naruto had been raving about. Sakura smiled to herself. Ino must really like Naruto for her to agree to eat somewhere that isn’t one of her favorites, and willingly eat carbs. Her giddiness disappeared the moment her thoughts drifted to Sasuke. Her stomach twisted, and she felt her heart flutter. Sakura clutched the clipboard to her chest tighter and bit her lower lip. Sasuke was an enigma to her—to the whole world. He never said much, even in interviews. He had no personal social media that she could find, and the only personal information she found about him was on his Wikipedia page. She sighed and dropped her shoulders. “I guess there’s no other way for me to know about him,” she muttered to herself. Going to dinner somewhere new sounded like a good way to unwind, but thinking that Sasuke would be there somehow made her feel a little bit more stressed than usual. She didn’t really know what to talk about, and she most certainly didn’t want him to think she was boring. It was hard to read him. He was always looking at her, but she couldn’t pinpoint the reason why.
Could he be interested in me? She wondered. Sakura blushed at the thought and shook her head to clear it. How silly. What would he like about her, anyway? Well, on the other hand, what would he not like about her? Ino was always going on and on about how fit and sexy she was. Sakura was also sure she was at least above average when it came to looks. She was also a head turner, because of her pink hair, that is. She rolled her eyes and thought some more. She was smart. That much, she was confident in. Perhaps she was too smart, recalling all of the guys who gave up on courting her because they were far too intimidated by her.
“I’m heading out!” Sakura said to her mom. 
“Where are you going, dear?” She asked. “Uh, just going to have dinner with Ino,” she smiled, effectively leaving out the other two who were expected to be in attendance. “I won’t stay out too late, I promise.” 
Her mother chuckled. “Alright, darling. Have fun.” 
She smiled sweetly at her mother before dashing out of the house in a hurry. She was just thankful that her father wasn’t around to hear her leave. She entered her red sports car and drove to the restaurant in silence. It wasn’t so hard to find the place, despite being located at a small side street near a busy shopping district. Although it was hard to find parking. She looked at the clock on her dashboard. It read a quarter past seven. She was already late. Sakura groaned before going around the street one more time to try her luck again. “There we go!” She exclaimed excitedly to herself. Sakura parked and walked over to the restaurant. In her haste, she wasn’t able to check her phone since she left her home.
Walking into the restaurant, she immediately spotted Sasuke and Naruto sitting across from each other, but no Ino. She scrunched her eyebrows together as she approached the pair. It wasn’t like her best friend to be late. She pulled out her phone and saw that there were no messages from her either. That was strange.
“Hey, Sakura-chan!” Naruto grinned and greeted her warmly.
Sasuke nodded in greeting. “Sakura.”
She was so engrossed with thinking about how uncharacteristic it was of her best friend that she didn’t realize she hadn’t even greeted them when she asked, “where’s Ino?”
Naruto looked at her and blinked. “Isn’t she with you?”
This made Sakura worry. “No, she isn’t. I thought she was already here.” She looked at her phone again, and it was devoid of any new messages from her.
“Ah, hold on, I got a text!” Naruto exclaimed. He squinted at his phone before jumping up to his feet. “I got to go, Ino’s got a flat tire. I need to help her out.” He extended his arm across the table with his palm up. “Teme, give me your car keys.”
“What?” Sasuke glared at Naruto. “Why?”
The blond rolled his eyes. “Because we agreed to take your car here, so I left mine at the gym. I need a car to get to Ino. Do I need to spell everything out for you, bastard?”
“Tch.” Sasuke crossed his arms across his chest, and denied Naruto’s request. To which the blond did not respond kindly. They continued to bicker for another minute as Sakura watched on. Another minute passed, and she could no longer take it.
“Stop it!” She chided the two of them. “Ino needs help, and I need you two to grow up and get to it!” She turned her hardened gaze over to Sasuke and opened her palm. “Give me those keys.”
Sasuke glared back for a few seconds before looking away. He pulled the keys out of his pocket and dropped it in her hand. “Hn.”
Sakura smiled triumphantly and dropped the keys in Naruto’s hand. “Now go help Ino and drag her ass here.” She commanded.
Naruto quietly took the keys and got out of the booth to let Sakura slide in. “Geez, Sakura-chan,” he scratched the back of his head and laughed. “I didn’t know you were so scary.”
Sakura smirked and waved him off. “Don’t test me, Naruto. You haven’t seen anything yet.”
Naruto hightailed it out of the restaurant and now it was just Sasuke and Sakura left. In all the excitement, Sakura failed to notice that Sasuke’s dark eyes never left her figure once.
“Scary, huh?” Sasuke mused, looking her over as he contemplated the word, trying to find any indication that it fit though he didn't appear convinced in the least.
The pinkette smiled so sweetly it was disarming but the way Sasuke’s eyes narrowed and a smirk formed on his lips convinced Sakura that tonight was going to be far from her usual routine. She shrugged. “I try not to be.”
“Oh yeah?” Sasuke’s smirk was still in place as his eyes held hers.
She tilted her head to the side and batted her long eyelashes at him. “You don’t believe me, Sasuke-kun?”
“It's not that… it's just that your appearance is far from intimidating.” He teased.
Sakura giggled. “Am I really that cute?”
That was not the answer Sakura was anticipating. It sent heat flooding to her cheeks, and she had to look away. She was not as good at teasing and flirting as Ino was. That girl was a natural. Sakura always shied away whenever she felt things got too honest or intense.
“Hn.” Sasuke grinned then, quite obviously liking the fact that he had gotten to her.
A server came by and asked for their orders. It was a slight reprieve for Sakura, as she had time to collect her thoughts--and a piece of her dignity--again. Sasuke's dark eyes never left her. She internally debated with herself if she should stare back, or just avoid his gaze. Sakura tried avoiding it, but it only made her feel more squeamish. Therefore, she stared back. As emeralds met onyx, there was a connection that was undeniable.
Once the server left with their orders, Sasuke leaned back in his seat, regarding her with interest the entire time.
“Nervous?” He asked. The way she shifted in her own seat again and again was a tell tale sign of her anxiousness.
“No way,” she caught her lie right as it left her lips. Sakura laughed nervously and ran a hand through her pink locks. “Maybe a little. I'm worried about Ino.” Now that wasn't a lie. It was more of conveniently leaving out the fact that being under Sasuke's gaze contributed to it a little more.
“What did you do today?” Sasuke asked curiously and Sakura blushed at the thought of him being curious about her.
She blinked a few times before she placed a finger on her lips and looked skyward, recalling the things she had done earlier. She hummed and said, “I went to yoga first thing in the morning, went home and cooked breakfast. After I ate, I went to the hospital to shadow Dr. Tsunade.”
“Ah.” Sasuke nodded but said nothing further as he finally looked away from her.
Sakura shifted in her seat again, thinking of other things she could speak to Sasuke about. There wasn’t much she knew about him other than his profession, and his lack of love for sweets. The latter topic just made her heart feel heavier because she loved it. She pursed her lips, before an idea hit her. The pinkette’s face brightened up so much that Sasuke quirked his eyebrow up.
“Sasuke-kun, I recall Naruto telling me that you two usually train together, but you come in earlier than he does. What do you usually do while waiting for him?”
He crossed his arms as he looked at her. “I have my own version of morning training that I like to do.”
“All by yourself?”
Sasuke nodded and regarded her warily.
“What time do you usually get to the gym?”
He shrugged. “Depends really. I’m always there by six in the mornings though.”
“Perfect!” Sakura clapped her hands together. “Why not try a yoga class with me? It usually starts at six-thirty. But we can meet a little earlier to have a cup of tea--not breakfast though. You should refrain from eating at least two hours before.”
“Hn.” He looked away and then eventually replied, “Yoga...” He muttered the word thoughtfully before looking back at her. “Alright. When’s the next class?”
She grinned at him. “There’s a class everyday. So just let me know when you’re free to attend so I can book the class for us.”
“My training schedule is the same everyday. I wouldn't mind joining you as early as tomorrow.”
Surprisingly enough, Sasuke seemed more interested than she expected. This made Sakura’s heart lighten, and it made her happy she would have something in common to talk to him about. Yoga had a lot of health benefits, and it was a fun activity. If Sasuke was confident enough with his skills to let her watch him train, then she was confident enough to let him see her practice. This would also be a good opportunity to spend more time with him in a wholesome and safe environment. This way, she would have a perfectly sound alibi to tell her parents how she had met him, and why they were friends.
She grinned at him until her eyes closed. Sakura couldn’t remember when she had felt this happy. “Great! Let me book us a class now.” She picked up her phone and opened the app. She was too excited and focused on her task that she didn’t notice their food arrived. The server placed it down in front of them and left without another word.
Sasuke nearly dropped his fork when Sakura exclaimed, “oh good! It’s FNR Athletics tomorrow!”
The pinkette blinked and laughed at herself. “Oh, sorry. It means Flexibility Not Required. It’s considered a beginner’s class, since the poses aren’t too difficult, but you’ll really break a sweat.” The excitement was all too clear in her emerald eyes. “It’s full of planks, and downward facing dogs, and all of that. Plus, the instructor’s Hashi-san. She’s really good.”
“Hn.” Sasuke smirked.
They ate their food in companionable silence. Sakura watched as Sasuke finished all the food in his plate. He certainly had an appetite, and she found it cute. She wondered if he would allow her to cook for him, but maybe she would need to ask if there were certain kinds of food he wasn’t allowed in his diet first. Sakura nodded to herself and decided to keep that in the back of her mind as another topic they could potentially talk about.
They were both having so much fun that they didn’t even realize that Ino and Naruto never came back.
“I’m going to kill that Dobe,” Sasuke glowered at his phone.
“Why, what’s wrong?” Sakura asked, as she looked for her car keys in her purse.
“He has my car, and he isn’t responding.”
“Oh… I can drop you off.”
“You sure?” Sasuke asked and Sakura nodded quickly. “Alright then.”
A bit of nervous fluttered through Sakura once they were in her car together. Being by themselves in the restaurant wasn’t as bad because there were people around. However now that they were in the close confines of her car, things just felt so much more intimate. She could smell his cologne and it filled her mind and sent her senses into overdrive. She gripped the wheel a little too hard as she tried to keep her eyes on the road. She willed herself to concentrate on her driving, despite the streets being empty.
“Do you want me to drive?”
“Ah? No, it’s okay. I can manage. I’m just not familiar with this side of town.”
There were a lot of tight streets and it was pretty dark. Her car having dark tint didn’t help, either. However, Sasuke was quick to help her on the way and before she knew it he was gesturing towards a home that had a fair amount of privacy and wasn't too close to the road, though there were neighbors just across the street.
“This is me.” He said, gesturing for her to turn in.
Sakura pulled into his driveway and slowly drove up to his home. The driveway circled through the front lawn and even though it was already dark, she could tell how nice the place actually was.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” She asked curiously, not sure what else to say. A part of her really hated to see him go.
“Send me the address,” Sasuke nodded as he reached for the door handle, though he didn't open the door right away.
Sakura blinked and laughed nervously. “I don’t have your number.”
Sasuke smirked and pulled his phone out. After they exchanged numbers, he climbed out of the car and watched her drive out of the street.
Sakura would never admit it, but her eyes were trained on the rear view mirror, not wanting to lose sight of him for as long as she could.
Sakura entered her home, and nearly bumped into her mother.
“Sakura! You’re late.”
“Ah, sorry. I lost track of time.”
Her mother gave her a look but nodded.
“You know Ino. Always has a lot of things to say.” She laughed, a little too loud.
“Ah yes,” her mother agreed. “What’s your schedule for tomorrow?”
“Yoga at six, and then I’m off to the hospital. I’ll probably stay there a little later than usual. Tomorrow’s that surgery I was telling you about.”
“No problem, love. I’ll be in the hospital, too. Maybe we can have dinner together after?”
Sakura’s eyes lit up. She hadn’t had dinner with her mother in a long time. “That sounds great, mom.”
Mebuki smiled at her daughter and gave her a quick hug. “I’ll make a reservation for us, then.”
“Do you think dad can come?” There was so much hope in her voice, but the way Mebuki’s lips slanted down was enough to deflate her spirit.
“I’ll make a reservation for three, I’ll talk to your father.”
Sakura tried not to let her disappointment show. “Okay.”
After taking a shower, Sakura opened her closet and looked at her clothes. She usually didn’t mind what she wore to yoga, and she was going to put on scrubs for the rest of the day when she arrived at the hospital, but she was going to see Sasuke tomorrow. She couldn’t just throw on anything.
“Comfy? Or cute?” Sakura mused to herself. “Maybe sexy.” She blushed at her last sentence. Ino would have been proud she even thought of that.
Comfortable was the way to go, so she could move around easily. She didn’t want to embarrass herself in front of Sasuke tomorrow. She invited him, after all. She had to do well, or perhaps she could go with something cute, just to show off a little bit more. But sexy… there were times she would only wear yoga pants and a sports bra to her classes. But was that really the way to go on a first date?
Sakura shook her head from side to side. This wasn’t a date. They were just going to meet for tea and then take a yoga class together. That was it. This wasn’t a date.
Or was it?
To clear her head, Sakura decided to text Sasuke the studio’s address. He replied almost instantly:
“Got it. See you tomorrow. Good night.”
It was a longer text than she expected. She shoved the butterflies down and sent him a reply. As soon as she hit send, the threw her phone on the bed and dived back into her closet.
There was no point in thinking about it too much. She pulled out her favorite yoga pants and sports bra, and then chose a pastel colored crop top. She pulled out a light green sundress, a pair of sandals and threw that into her duffel bag. She was thankful Ino had convinced her to have a few set outfits that they considered ‘fail safe’ for any occasion. Feeling content, she plopped down on her bed and stared at her ceiling for a moment. Things seem to have been going well, and she hadn’t liked anyone this much since college. She closed her eyes and allowed the giddiness to wash over her. After a few moments, she tucked herself under her comforter, and made herself comfortable.
Sakura fell asleep with her heart feeling full, and a smile on her face.   
A/N: Sorry for the long wait. Tyy and I have been crazy busy but we haven’t forgotten this story, promise! 
Let us know what you think of it, yeah? We love hearing from all of you. 💖
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trr-fangirl · 6 years
TRR Theory!
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(^^^ me)
I’m not sure how long this theory is about to be but I’ve got screenshots for days and this theory has been on my mind since then. I know damn well PB is going to punch holes in my theory once Chapter 11 releases on Friday but hey, it’s worth a shot right? 
Okay, I have a few suspects, although... I’m not too sure about Leo but if you suspect him, let me know why! I seriously am curious because I can’t think of why he would want to kill his own parents and brother. This is mostly just me babbling about the random foreshadowing I’ve seen and my three suspects. Stay with me here! This is a lot!
Royal Palace
Chapter Nine and Ten is littered with hints of something going down. It’s the first time the court is back at the palace since the attempt. With there being a large group of people gathered in one small space, something is bound to happen. (I was waiting for something to happen in both chapters… this is Pixelberry were talking about.) This is also why we all know the big ass courtly event of a wedding is a bad idea aka Stop! Putting! MC! In! A! Ballroom! 2k18!
Defense Training
That was a clear tip-off to us that somewhere down the line, we’re going to have to fight. I think this is the reason Mara and Bastien aren’t seen immediately after the explosion (I thought they were going to rush towards them as soon as the first bomb went off) In Chapter Nine before going to the training room, If you choose, “Is this necessary when you’re around to protect me?” Liam says something along the lines of, “Mara can’t be everywhere at once.” but she does say that she’s working on it. (Sorry, I didn’t have those screenshots) I felt like this was giving us a hint that, ‘Yo, you’re gonna have to defend yourself soon.’
Another thing that they foreshadowed is pretty much Constantine’s death. His heartfelt speech to Regina, making amends with Hakim, being soft with his sons, and apologizing/offering the Cordonian Crest necklace to the MC (All those SS are below). These situations seem more like a ‘goodbye’ rather than just being soft and genuine. From the way Lucretia spoke about him and the way he was in the past two books, he’s not very sentimental in my opinion but that’s just me.
I personally think Constantine is going to pass before the wedding. From the explosion? Maybe. Maybe not. I’m not sure. These last two chapters with Constantine just gave me the feeling that he really isn’t going to be around for much longer. I thought that they would let him go to the wedding but from the way he was speaking and then the explosion... I’m not sure. (Watch PB throw this out the window and let him live.)
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My Three Suspects (aka they look fishy af)
Neville (aka Ratatouille)
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The duel between Drake and Neville seriously confirmed my thoughts that Neville’s ass is apart of this terrorist group! I’m not even trying to be funny but enlighten me if I’m missing something: I do not remember Drake and Neville ever having a conversation in book two. I don't even think they interacted in book two.
So, why does Neville have this burning hate for Drake? Where did it come from? If he is apart of the group, it would make sense for him to be upset that Drake stopped the bullet that would have killed the Duchess/Future Queen. Why else would he be so mad at a man he’s never had a decent interaction with?
There is also the fact that out of everyone that attended the Homecoming Ball and witnessed the attack— They showed some kind of emotion while talking about it. No matter if it was anger or sadness, they had emotion. (i.e Olivia, Bertrand, Kiara, and Penelope) but with Neville? He has none.
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If he’s talked to Drake prior to book three, let me know! But I don’t remember off the top of my head. If he isn’t apart of the group, I’m going to be surprised because there’s a lot of things against him.
Lucretia (this part is actually pretty long)
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I’m telling y’all! Lucretia knows something we don’t! She just does! I can’t put my finger on it but she knows.. something and it’s possibly pretty big! Now, I’m not sure she’s apart of this assassin shiz but if her sister was corrupt, I’m not putting it past her to be the same way.
I’ve been reiterating this to myself for months. I highly doubt that Olivia is apart of this! She’s not! I’m not just saying this because she’s my baby and if she would have became an LI, I would have dropped Liam like a hot-potato but because she’s been with us practically the entire book! She even called her own parents ‘traitors’! I cannot stress this enough. 
Lucretia is a different story.
As I read through this scene, I got a lot of information at once. I had to read it over a few times myself. Lucretia seems to have a (bull spit) reason for why she didn’t come to Lythikos to take care of Olivia once her parents died. It seems like she was trying to keep Olivia safe in her own twisted and unique way.
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Because of these five screenshots, she knows something about Constantine that we don’t and whoever these assassins are-- know this too. They called Liam a ‘scion of tyranny’ and from what Lucretia is saying here, it might be hella true. We already got a glimpse of how Constantine uses his power for his own personal gain aka the scandal.
The first video from the Five Kingdoms Festival now makes sense (to me at least) This group is afraid of Liam becoming power hungry and corrupt like his father and taking advantage of The Crown. So, in order to keep that from happening, they want to eliminate him (and his future wife if that’s your route) at all costs. If you're a duchess, I feel like this goes back to when Constantine said about having power around others who don’t.
Now, the last part when she says ‘And a reason why all of the plots against him failed.’ has me stumped. I honestly don’t know what she means by that. Help? Cause, I really don’t know.
Side note: I just wanted to point this out. The way her lines are written, it seems like she has no respect for anyone apart of the royal family. She’s not too fond of Constantine (I don’t think anyone is) and the way she speaks about Liam is... questionable. Not to mention (if Liam is your LI) she emphasizes on the fact that he’s marrying an ‘American’ and even called the MC an ‘unorthodox future queen’. Then there’s this:
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So, I’m not completely sure where Lucretia stands with those two.. 🤷🏽‍♀️
Justin (aka Court Dweeb)
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Because of this post here (credit to her for having a good ass memory bc it sounded familiar but didn’t know from where), I think he is a Nevrakis. Whether he’s Olivia’s first cousin removed, long-lost brother, or her father, someway they might be related! Or, he’s working with Lucretia and she said this to him as a mantra. But that wouldn’t make much sense if he was in the hospital for nine flipping chapters. I honestly think the family thing is the best bet because from what Olivia said, the quote was from her father.
And lastly,
The Explosion
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Firstly 😑
Formerly Crowned Prince Leo has THE. WORST. TIMING. EVER. Like damn boi, why you always here when something dramatic is about to go down? You ain’t even that special! (Though, I have no problem with him attending my wedding. That would be cool, lowkey) Anyways... This is what I was extremely excited about writing.
The first bomb that went off was a distraction but the second one was obviously for the Royal Family and MC. The position of the bomb and the timing was almost perfect. Right next to the King. How would the assassins know where to put the device to go off right next to the Royal Family and the MC?
It has to be someone from inside the ballroom. Yet again, a noble. It was way too close to Liam for it to just be a coincidence. They could have been anywhere in the ballroom but it was planted right next to Liam. If it was a nobleman, it would have been easy for them to slip out, place the bombs, and slip back in like nothing happened.
Going back to the Homecoming Ball, if a noble is on the inside working against the monarchy, that makes it easy for the assassins to walk through the front door (quite literally). Out of my three suspects, its either Justin or Neville and if PB wants to do it, make it an unknown third party.
There could be a third or fourth party. All these suspects could be working together or might not be apart of the conspiracy at all. Who knows? These last chapters gave a lot of information that I still need to go through and make sense of. This book is about to get good and I’m here for all the drama and theories that are about to come out of this! If you guys want me to continue to do something like this, I can. (I’ve got a lot to say about Lucretia, tbh) There was just too much in this last chapter. I had to get it out somehow! I hope you enjoyed this and please don’t hesitate to comment! I would love to see your theories and what you think! 💗
tagging those who I think might be interested: @blackcatkita @drakewalkerwhipped @trr-duchessofvaltoria
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warmau · 7 years
1/2 of frat party college!bts based on miss hyuna’s lip & hip  if u wanna find the longer college!aus these will be based off go (here)  um tw: drinking/ns*w implication/u call jimin petnames i gtg
is probably not even sure how he got to this frat boy party
pretty sure one of his tattoo clients might have told him about it, greeted him at the door, and then disappeared to get p*ss drunk somewhere
he has like one cup of whatever the hell is given to him when the bad music blaring through his ears becomes too much and he tries to head up to find somewhere else to be
he tries to rooms upstairs, but it’s just couples on couples on couples
in one room, he sees someone mid-changing, their shirt stuck over their head and their back to namjoon
“im sorry,,,” he says, awkwardly - but in the same deep charming voice
and it’s actually,,,you who he walks in on,,, 
and you manage to get your shirt on, to turn and see a glimpse of namjoons face
before he shuts it, eyes glued to the floor
you know him,,,he’s that nerdy - yet intimidating guy who you’ve seen around campus,,,
who you’ve always kind of thought was cute
so when you leave the room, you venture to fine him
getting lucky when you head upstairs to the roof of the frat house,,,,seeing a familiar long figure sitting up against the side of the wall, book beside him as he looks at his phone
and to be honest,,,,,you don’t even much think about how embarrassing what you’re about to do is
when you walk on over, only to take his phone by surprise and get yourself comfy inbetween his legs
namjoon’s dark eyes widen, as he stares at you
“w-what are you-”
you look down at his phone and it’s some plain background, only the basic necessities - messaging, email, ebooks
“you can’t just look through people’s -”
he starts, but you stare up at him, through your eyelashes and place his phone ontop of his abandoned book
namjoon swallows when you lean in closer to look at him
he’s so tense,,,,and nervous,,,,it betrays his mature apparence and makes you giggle
but he’s,,,,not angry about you either - instead you think your eyes have sort of captured him
you can feel that he’s not,,,against this,,, 
“you’re ,,,,,,cuter than i thought.”
you mumble, half egged on by your curious interest and the energy of the party
you lift your hand up to trace down his sharp jawline
“can i?” you coo, stopping your finger at the beginning of his neck
namjoon doesn’t seem to understand you,,,his brain running a mile a minute till you press your lips to the skin and graze your teeth ever so slightly down
he makes a noise, from the back of his throat - but his hands that had hovered weirdly between being on your hips or staying by his side finally make a decision
he pulls you in close, it makes you even more adventerous as you kiss down into the slope of his collar
suddenly,,,namjoon is very grateful to whoever that guy was that invited him
you’ve actually known jimin for quite sometime,,,you grew up in the same neighborhood and had somehow ended up at the same university
just,,, he was a straight a nursing student
who diligently did his work hours and never really “got out”
while you were somewhere (with someone) new every night,,,,,,
so seeing him at the yearly party hosted by some frat on campus had shocked you,,,
but it had also made you excited - maybe finally you could see what was under jimin’s shy and docile personality,,,maybe there was something more 
so,,,,as you dance - pressed between people you don’t care to know - you watch jimin standing beside a couple of other boys
he looks around the room, like a lost puppy and doesn’t try to join the other people making messes in corners or getting sweaty to the music
but you,,,want to change that
so you get your way over there, stopping in front of him and making jimin’s already wide eyes go deer-in-headlights
except the headlights is you,,,,in an outfit that makes jimin’s mouth go dry and his fingers tremble around the can of beer he’s holding
“jiminnie,,,,,,how have you been?” you tilt your head wit ha smile and someone beside jimin whispers ‘jiminnie?!?!’
jimin’s own cheeks go bright red at the old nickname, he tries to say something but his voice nearly cracks
god all it took was calling you that and you’re a mess? how adorable 
you think, devilish grin on your face as you reach out to take his arm
“let’s dance?”
jimin’s protest is only heard in his head - the can of beer nearly drops, but taehyung grabs it
you find yourself pressed back in the group - people are shouting and the music is deafening
but your entire focus is on jimin, the way his lips part slightly - his eyes dart between your mouth, your body, and your own eyes
but he can’t keep your gaze long enough, he grows smaller under it and you,,,,love it
you take his hands - which are nearly not touching you, and put them on your hips
your own arms snake around his neck and soon enough you and jimin don’t have enough space between the two of you for a piece of paper
his friends are watching, jaws dropped as jimin - pure, angelic, hardworking student jimin
grips you closer and although they can’t hear whats going on
you hear it, jimin’s slow and pretty unwinding 
“do you like this ,,,,,jiminnie-?”
“don’t call me that,,,,”
he says - like he’s short of breath
you tease him, lips ghosting over the shell of his ear “i wont, i wont baby”
you’re pretty sure jimin’s entire body reacts to that - in a way more fulfilling than you could have imagined and yeah,,his friends don’t see him for the rest of the night after that
taehyung is an engineering major, who likes skateboarding and beating underclassman jungkook at videogames
people don’t think he’s a party person - but he is
mostly for the social aspect of it,,,,he likes to just chill and hangout at them,,,
but even at this party,,,something feels different,,,,and taehyung realizes that it starts with you
you’re in a couple of his classes, taehyung has noticed the small things about you 
the small,,,,beautiful things about you
and he doesn’t know if you’ll show up - if parties, especially at frat houses, is your scene
but all of that is answered when he feels someone tap his shoulder 
he calls your name, happy to see you - but also trying to distract himself from the blush of pink over your complexion (probably from drinks,,,or from the obscene heat of everyone being packed in here like sardines)
you sway a little, looking at taehyung with eyes that flash with sparkles,,,,taehyung doesn’t want to assume anything,,,but those are eyes that are saying-
“can you,,,maybe get me another drink?”
your voice is sweet and taehyung tastes it - but his friends are all here so he acts like nothing is different
“,,,yes! um wait one sec-”
you smile, thanking him before he can even finish before putting your hands on his shoulders and lifting yourself just a bit
you place your lips over his 
and the group all gasps surronding you two
taehyung’s brain runs a mile a minute but his body,,,reacts quickly and his hand comes up to hold the side of your face
his head tilts and his eyes close
and it’s a little,,,exhibitionist,,,to do thise with others staring in shock
but taehyung could care literally less
as you pull back and grin
“it tasted great,,,,thank you,,,”
you twirl past him, almost like you’re on cloud nine
and jimin wants to say “taehyung, who was that?!?”
but taehyung isn’t listening
he hands his cup to someone and follows you through the crowd
again you find yourselves close,,,your back againt the wall as taehyung whispers something in your ear 
and you both come into class the next morning messy haired and afterglowing,,,,,
you’re wearing taehyung’s sweats LOL
free food and booze is what yoongi came for - ending up the ‘photographer’ of the party was not
he doesn’t even have his DSLR,,,he’s just being dragged around by random people with his phone out
taking photos for peoples snapchats and having groups of three or four people ask him to record their attempts at beer pong or making out ,,,
he doesn’t want to do it - and he’s on the verge of telling everyone to piss off
sitting on the couch squished between people peskering him every which way
until he feels a soft touch on his elbow
he turns, ready to go off one whoever it is that wants him to take some dumb photo
when he sees you,,
he’s seen you before - in passing
and he’s always been fascinated that someone like you,,,were just in this normal university,,,,walking around looking like that
and ,,,, now,,,, that face he had found so stunning was flushed and glossy 
your voice slurred, but still sounded just as cute as ever
you knew his name!?!?!
“take some of,,,me?” you hiccup, giggling into your palm as yoongi shifts
he can feel your entire body pressing against his side and he stutters over a reply
when you suddenly press a cheek to his arm “please?”
he takes out his phone,,,not sure what kind of pose you want to do and if he’s going to be able to handle it
when you shake your head, get up and motion for him to follow you
on the way, your take his hand in yours and yoongi takes photos of your locked fingers
and somehow you two end up in an empty room and you playfully switch on the light, falling onto an empty bed and throwing up a peace sign
“is it cuuuuute?!?!” you laugh as yoongi comes close, but not joining you, to take a photo
you get up, pouting and take the phone from yoongi’s phone
his voice hitches when you turn around, and gently push him onto the bed
yoongi watches you,,,unsure if you know what kind of position you’re both in like this,,, but you seem to not care
as you scramble to straddle him, using the phone to take photos of him - his bewildered expression making you laugh even more
but, as yoongi tries to tell you to cut it out- to stop being silly
the phone slips from your hands and falls beside yoongi’s head on the bead
“if i get up,,,will you stay here?”
you say now,,,hushed and low
yoongi swallows, but nods - unsure still of what you’re planning
you get off of him, tettering a bit as you go back to turn the lights off and yoongi watches you, using his elbows to prop him up
“why are you-”
in the dark, yoongi stops because he’s sure he’s answered his own question in his mind
when you return, hot breath and shy hands as you get on the bed again
and yoongi suddenly doesn’t care about the phone or the party or anything but taking in every sight of you like this and keeping it all to himself,,,  
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15th September 2017
We woke up around 0730. Well, I did but I woke Steve up trying to get out of the bed. I woke up starving because we had our "dinner" at lunch time. I had my muesli straight away outside on the bench in the courtyard area. Steve eventually joined me but he didn't have breakfast. He's not a breakfast person really. I was still having a pitty party. Why did this happen to us? Why couldn't it happen 3 months down the line. I needed to get out of my state of mind. The problem isn't that the farm shut down, really. We didn't want our second year and that's what farm work is actually for. We were going to keep the second year but just as a back up plan, in case we wanted it for a few years down the line. I like having options. We wanted the experience and we got it. Now that we've lost it, we're going to miss it, I'm sure. The actual problem is that I don't like unexpected change that I didn't create for myself. This wasn't my choice therefore I don't like it. I like to be in control and there was nothing I could do about it. I sat on the bed and completed the Seafarm application form. Steve did his after mine. I went to the office to collect the van keys so I could drive there and drop the forms off. I asked Cait if she wanted to come with us, but she hadn't done hers yet. I told Hugo and Donald that we were leaving and they jumped in the van with us. I had only been to the seafarm once yesterday but I have an excellent sense of direction and managed to get us there without any help. I was shocked when I managed to get us to Coles last week which is a 45 minute drive away, I had no Satnav or anything then either. That was by memory. I definitely don't get that from my Mum. We handed the forms in and the lady said it'll be about 6 weeks. Funny that. When I first rang, the guy said 3-4 weeks. Yesterday when we picked them up, the lady said 4-5 weeks and now it's 6 weeks. I don't think they know what's happening. The Seafarm will probably make Steve and I so miserable. It's 6 days a week, 14 hour days with 1 half an hour break. The only reason we want it, is because the money is brilliant. We'd save up what we'd need for the East Coast in 4 weeks... (The money is only good because we're there for 90% of the 4 weeks). We got back and I found an application form for the Banana Farm in Tully. I done my application and then Steve's, and sent them off. Tully is 40-60 minutes away so we'd be able to probably stay in Cardwell and drive there. I'm trying my hardest to stay here because we're so comfortable. I love our room, I love the area (as much as you can love being in the middle of nowhere with nothing). I love the pool and just how chilled out it is. I panic having to start again somewhere new. It started to rain. Like we needed any more reasons to be down around here. I got myself showered and chilled in the room. I started to get my blogs done. Steve came into the room after chatting away to Danny outside. He said that Danny and Fraser were going to walk down to the Aboriginal Museum if we wanted to join. We weren't doing anything else so we said yeah - why not. I put jeans on because I get cold easily. One bit of aircon and I've got goosebumps for the entire time. We walked the 10 minutes down to the 'museum'. It was a museum, but it was tiny. I'm not sure what I was expecting to be fair. We're in the tiny town of Cardwell after all. It was basically a house with two big rooms. One room had items from Aboriginal past with loads of information and the other had gifts and art you could buy. We stayed there reading all the facts, looking at the things they made from hand. It was really interesting, especially because it was mainly about Cardwell Aboriginals. There were photos displayed of their groups in 1940. We went outside and walked around their mini botanical garden before I found the weirdest looking spider we've ever come across. It was medium size, nothing all that big. It was the shape of an X with 4 legs. It's spiders web went in an X shape too but if you looked closely, they were in zig-zag form. It was beyond weird. I took a photo. We walked back after spending the best part of 45 minutes walking around. We got back to the hostel and I was sweating. It was cloudy and raining earlier but now it was blue skies and sunny. I wish the weather would make it's mind up. I got out of my jeans as soon as possible. I spent the next hour trying to catch up on my blogs. I went outside to see what everyone was doing and I found Steve, Danny and Fraser on the floor playing giant snakes and ladders. Men are so easily pleased I love it. I let them continue and hid back in my little den, right where the aircon was. I uploaded my GoPro photos and videos to my laptop, then continued with the pile up of blogs I had. Around 1500, I heard a knock at the door. I answered it and it was Lisa and Hugo. They said they were going to go fishing on the jetty and asked whether we wanted to go. Of course, big ears did so we put the laptop away and went outside into the courtyard. I stood around waiting for the boys to find the fishing rods and spoke to Mitch and Cait. The boys sorted themselves out and then we turned around to find Vicki behind us. I went over and gave her a cuddle. She was here to say goodbye to Cait and Mitch and pick up some books they were giving her. We stood there for 45 minutes chatting to her. We were able to get some photos together which was nice. Vicki said she'd spent the whole day crying. She woke up thinking it was a dream but it wasn't. Luckily, she has good links to other farms and one of them in Innisvale rang her. The guy said to her that he has no idea why he's ringing her because he literally has nothing to offer at the moment but, he knows... That's so lovely. She said hopefully something comes up in a month and he said that he should have something by then. Hopefully Vicki will be alright. She said that she'd never stepped foot off of the Australian ground so we said that she should 100% go to England, and other places obviously. She'd have so many people that would let her stay with them too. We had to say goodbye and she started to cry again. She said that it was a good job that the farm has closed because she couldn't keep doing this. See gets attached to the backpackers she hires and then her heart breaks when they leave her. I really hope she, and her family will be okay. Steve and I walked down to the jetty because the others had already left. I didn't want to leave mid-conversation with Vicki so I gave them the van keys. It was really windy out. We got to the end of the jetty and the two lads Donald and Hugo were fishing, or so what they called 'fishing'. I sat down and watch Steve get involved with a crab line or something like that. After a good, long, boring 10 minutes. I decided that it was time to go back... It was windy and very unenjoyable. Lexi joined us on the way home from work, so I drove her, myself and Steve back to the hostel. I said I'd pick the others up later when they wanted. Around 1900, I had my dinner which was cereal. We weren't that hungry so cereal would do the trick. I sat outside with Lexi who was having a meltdown about farm work. She said that she was running out of time to get her 3 months in to secure her second year which she really wants. This is the standard situation for the majority of backpackers. Although, you only have to do 3 months (88 days), backpackers spend roughly 6 months of their year getting these signed off. Waiting lists are ridiculously long and farmers take the p*ss because they know they can. Some aren't legitimate which is scary. I would only go to a farm that I know is safe because someone has already stayed here. Hence why we're here and we're happy. Thanks Emma! There are about 4 options a backpacker can have when it comes to farm work. 1) Do the farm work, if you're lucky enough to find a great farm. 2) Don't do the farm work and find a farmer to pay to lie for you about completing the 3 months. Usually will cost $300. The visa itself costs $440. 3) Try your hardest, work at stupid farms and then give up on the idea of a second year because you are hating on Australia so much (in the moment feel). 4) Lie about doing your farm work, apply for the visa and hope for the best. Only 1/5 visas get investigated. You put the application in, lie about your days, pay for it and wait. If it gets accepted, you're a lucky son of a mother. If not, you can just cancel your application so the investigation doesn't go ahead. Lexi said that she was thinking about just applying for it but she said she was scared. I said go for it because the only thing she has to lose is the money for the visa... That way, she'll know what to do with the rest of her first year. Naughty, but hey ho. Thousands do it. She came into my room and borrowed my laptop. The form took around 30 minutes to complete and she parted with the $440. Here's hoping... Lexi said she wanted to watch a DVD. I was sad that our room didn't have one - only some did. I remembered that Katie had one in her room and I was hoping it was still in there. Steve went and broke into the room and found it. BTW, we live in a tin can and you can get into anyone’s room with ease. It's not really breaking in. He took the DVD player and wires and put them into our TV. The TV then had a weird line across the front of it. He then decided to change our TV over so he went breaking in again... He's such a crimmie. We went to the office and it was shut with the lights on. Leonie was just sitting there. She's devastated that she's losing her backpackers because of the farm shutting. I feel so, so sorry for her and Rod. I don't really like Rod as a person, he's not very nice to English people. But still, it's not their fault and they give us as much as they can. We picked our DVD's and left. They have loads to rent for us which is great. We got into bed and ended up falling asleep without even putting a film on...
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gascon-en-exil · 4 years
What’s your critique on the 3H post timeskip maps by route? As in, which maps did you find more interesting than others?
Note that all of these assume Normal, and I’m not doing paralogues here.
Garreg Mach ruins (non-CF): Weird deployment issues and can be incredibly tedious if you’re only using a few of the available units. At least most of the map doesn’t move, or will only start moving once you cross certain points. 
Monastery defense (all): The right side is fairly undermanned compared to the left, and I never really figured out Randolph’s changing AI. CF is more of an annoyance as instead of a fire trap for the enemies you have Flayn who can put up a decent fight and Seteth who’s generally better than Randolph.
Ailell (non-CF): Reminds me of Radiant Dawn 3-8, only instead of a rout you just have to kill Gwendal which usually goes quickly because he starts charging after a while. I usually finish before the NPCs under Rodrigue/Judith get to do anything. Still annoying with the lava tiles slowing you down.
Great Bridge of Myrddin (all): Pulls a few tricks you have to account for in advance, like spawning enemies near the start point in non-CF and needing to chase down Judith or you lose in CF. The northwestern corner is self-contained but can be a hassle for a single unit to try to tank. Attempting a route for max EXP in non-CF is hard with Ladislava’s big range, but at least she blows her first two attacks on gambits.
Gronder Field (AM and VW): Actually kind of scary, mostly on account of whichever of Dimitri or Claude isn’t under your control. The former is immensely powerful and the latter has massive range on top of that, and the Deer are especially scary when they all start charging together. The Empire is comparatively less of a threat even with Demonic Beasts and Petra’s annoying Avoid, which narratively speaking strikes me as backwards.
Fhirdiad (AM and CF): Two radically different versions, but technically the same map. AM’s is split into three with the middle group being almost useless against the robot monsters until the group on the right gets to the lever to weaken them, while the group on the left largely gets to do its own thing and also gets to trigger an enemy that drops the Tathlum Bow. Cornelia is surrounded by more robots but isn’t too much of a challenge. In CF there’s fire everywhere and Rhea’s constructs instead of robots, but here it’s easier to bunch everyone together and charge up the middle. You can just about kill Rhea before being swarmed by the remaining enemies, although you’ll have to get rid of Cyril as he’s as scary as wyvern lords usually are. Not my favorite final map, because again fire slows almost everyone down.
Derdriu (AM and CF): Feels like a speed bump in AM since it ends as soon as Arundel dies, and as with Gwendal he helps things along by moving. There’s a few extra goodies to get elsewhere on the map, I guess? CF has some serious threats between Lysithea, Hilda, and Nader in addition to the wyvern spawns, but Claude’s not a big deal by comparison. I feel like both versions could have done more with the eastern, ship-based part of this map. 
Fort Merceus (non-CF): Each route is slightly different. AM is the most straightforward with the hardest enemies, and the Death Knight doesn’t run away. SS starts you off in a corner so your units can fan out and rout everything hopefully before the DK can make it to the escape point, and VW is the same except Claude starts off by himself with a bunch of decently strong Almyran NPCs. At least he’s in a good position to be on chest duty if I’m not using him. Caspar or his replacement can be a surprise if not accounted for, as can all the reinforcements if they start getting out of hand.
Enbarr (non-CF): Hubert is a marvelous asshole, so naturally there’s reinforcements in all sorts of inconvenient places. VW and SS also start off some of your forces halfway down the map on the less important right side, which is kind of awkward. Hubert also has siege magic, which he can’t learn as a playable unit but has in some of his boss appearances specifically to be more of a dick. This map also gives you the chance to pick up a unique battalion if you’re using Dorothea or Manuela, so that’s good for a bit of flavor I suppose.
Imperial Palace (non-CF): AM is technically the hardest version between the Hegemon, Myson, and harder Demonic Beasts, but you can skip a bunch of the map and you don’t start off surrounded. In VW/SS you do, and Petra and her massive Avoid are back to troll you, and Dedue shows up a few turns in and will quickly suicide by gremory/mortal savant if you don’t rush into the throne room and save his tragic gay self. I also find it hilarious that the Beasts can’t fit through most of the doorways on this map, so sometimes their AI will just have them shuffle around aimlessly.
Shambhala (SS and VW): It’s certainly memorable if nothing else, but I dislike how your units have to start off in the four corners with two groups lacking quick entry into the inner section. Thales’s unique long-range magic has also killed me more than once; he’s only got one shot but it seems like he’s got infinite range and a ton of power on that thing, and he uses it the turn you open up his room. The constantly spawning robots in the south central area make it difficult to stay here very long.
Garreg Mach restored (SS): Worst final map without question. You start off surrounded, there are magical White Beasts everywhere that keep spawning until you stop them, it’s a long loop around to the Immaculate One unless you want to open up the drawbridge and probably die trying for a frontal assault, and this is unquestionably the stronger version of this particular final boss. The map architecture is constantly getting in the way too, so while at least it’s not hurting you like in the last maps of VW and CF it’s still a pain to navigate.
Nemesis’s poisonous swamp (VW): Goes fairly quickly despite all the not!Deadlords with replica Relics, and you can get rid of both the swamp and the Demonic Beast spawns without too much trouble. Nemesis is also the easiest of the final bosses, and once his shield is gone it’s not difficult to swarm him and finish him off in one turn. Something that annoys me though about this map - why does it have chests? Who would care to open them at the end of the game? At least CF and AM’s last maps have the excuse of being shared with other routes where those aren’t the last maps, but this one is entirely unique.
Arianrhod (CF): Less long-range magic than the AM-exclusive paralogue version, and fewer robots than the Cornelia fight in AM as well. The lever gimmick is also less annoying as you can fan out all over the map and be slowed by the floor traps equally instead of having to halt the progress of one whole portion of your army. Rodrigue and Felix can be swarmed and killed right at the start, but Ingrid has caused problems for me. Cornelia seems to be a bit stronger here than in AM, or least has more dangerous spells that I can recall.
Tailtean Plains (CF): I’m sorry, I can’t hear anything over the sound of the secret Dimidue death scene...because getting it makes this map substantially easier. Seriously, Beast!Dedue can be as much of a pain to take down as the Immaculate One. Rushing this map is a good idea in general as the faster you go the fewer Beasts you’ll have to kill, and once you take care of that one gremory and knock Rhea and her forces off the field it’s smooth sailing provided you can give Dedue the not-so-gentle nudge he needs to go die in his husband’s arms. One annoyance though is that the church forces spawn reinforcements at your starting point, including a construct that doesn’t despawn when Rhea does which can easily pose a threat to an unused Edelgard. Best to clank her over to a safe spot as soon as possible.
With so much overlap it’s hard to evaluate each overall route’s map quality. CF has the most novelty but that doesn’t necessarily make it the best, especially when its short length creates other gameplay issues that I’ve ranted about elsewhere.
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fossadeileonixv · 5 years
FDL Season Preiew 2019-2020
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Let’s blow this Popsicle stand!
Hola amigos! Mike, Av, and I have pieced together a little season previewy thing here much like we did last year where we answer only the most pertinent questions relating to Milan for the upcoming season. Feel free to answer these questions on your own below. Y’all ready? I’m ready. Let’s go.
What was the most important off-season move?
MIKE: I'm hoping by the end of the season the answer to that question will be Bennacer. Biglia, being signed at 32, was always going to be a placeholder for whomever management decided would be the long term replacement at that spot. And just as Biglia was our most important player 2 years ago when he signed, I think Bennacer needs to be our biggest signing and most important player this year. I'm not saying he's the best signing right now, but he sure as hell better be by the end of the year.
AVIA: It's got to be the new coach. The optimist in me thinks/hopes/prays that we will see Milan playing some genuinely good football via GMP. It's been a nightmare to witness season after season of Milan play football without any shape, soul or commitment, not to detract from the times were we have showed flashes of inspiration but we just generally have looked clueless since Dont-Boo-Me-Dorf was installed as coach. I have no idea how much of a hand GMP had in the new acquisitions but the new attacking additions combining with Paq could suddenly have a player like PTek9 firing on all cylinders. GMP, I'm praying, will have us playing direct & attacking football with a squad that knows their roles and stays compact when not in possession....is that too much to ask?
TR: Agreeing with Av, it is without question, Giampaolo. This club came within an inch of the Champions League with the capable, but affable Rino Gattuso. There were a lot of fantastic signings this summer, with Bennacer and Theo expected to make an immediate impact, but it may take some time for the payoff on the youngsters. Giampaolo's presence on the touch though? We've already felt that. I can already tell he might frustrate us with stubbornness, but there's not doubt in my mind that this was the most important change from last year.
What was a mistake that we may end up paying for this summer?
MIKE: The same as my biggest concern for the last 10 years now... that no matter who is running the team, who is managing the team or who plays on the team..... we still have a god damn MISSFIELD. Our entire midfield, save Jack, has been signed over the last 27 months. There's literally no stink left from the previous regime. yet by the end of last year it was still in limbo. It's like a scab that just won't heal. Every summer it heals up and by Christmas, EVERY DAMN CHRISTMAS it's itching and bleeding again.
AVIA: The smart money would be on not shipping Suso but as you know I'm neither smart nor for social norms .....This will no doubt illicit groans but I still think we will kick ourselves for not snapping up Conte. Yeah, he can be a fussy prick with Ladri blood in him but so what? I'm genuinely worried that he will kick start the rebirth of the merda..... blagh! I  think he could even lead the merda to a scudetto.....yeah I said it....come at me! TR: My heart tells me Patrick, whispers it constantly in fact, but my head says retaining Silva. At the beginning of the summer I would have bet a significant amount of my sneaker collection that one of either Samu, Silva, or Suso would have been sold. Well, a few offers and a failed negotiation with Monaco later, we're here, with all three. Suso looks like he can contribute as a trequartista, but the other two haven't thrilled. Samu was never going to fetch much because he's a bad football player by almost every measure, but Silva still has an upside and could've raised some funds. I don't think there was a ton of interest, but absolutely would've cut losses and sold for much less than we bought him for. I'm a little curious to see if he finds footing under Giampaolo but am pretty pessimistic.
Who's someone we didn't offload that actually may work out for us?
MIKE: That's easy. It's our 2 best players, Romagnoli and Donnarumma. Last year we gave up the least amount of goals as a team since we had guys named Nesta and Silva still roaming around back there. That's pretty amazing considering Musacchio was the other CB and our fullbacks were.... meh. These guys are the rock of the team. Without them we are shit. With them there is hope. Luke Skywalker versus the Death Star level hope.
AVIA: Maybe Suso or Hakan but I'm looking at Donna to be honest, This time last year I was accusing him of possibly selling us short once the season started but he went on to be our MVP for long stretches. The kid is World Class caliber with a long future so hopefully arming him with a genuinely solid CB pairing will start making us serious contenders for Europe and IN Europe! He quietly went about his business last year in the hope of moving on from the previous years circus and it worked.
TR: Ah! You were expecting me to say the Kan-Man can pan out and reward his fans man, but I'm gonna go dark horse here and say Conti. He won't displace Calabria but will impress when the latter misses six weeks in February and March with an ankle injury suffered in a Coppa Italia tie. Conti will step in seamlessly leading to admiration from most of us here at FDL, with a few outliers calling for him to start. I think he finds a way to contribute in Giampy's setup, and provides a couple of assists at pivotal moments.
Where will we see most improvement?
MIKE: Hmmmm. That's a tough one. How about that Suso does indeed become the trequartista most of you are hoping he would be?
The surprise for many will be that he sucks at it. He's too slow of foot and of mind, can't connect to the attack. He doesn't occupy the role past November 1st and is sold by January 31st.
AVIA: Our backline.......I'm hoping that Duarte is our new Silva tbh. There is simply no way that we can take ourselves seriously if we aint solid at the back and although we weren't the worst team defensively last season, the loss of Zapata and apparent implosion of Mussachio has me worried for the season going forward so here's to hoping the new guy ain’t just hype! Plus I'm going with the notion that Hernandez > RRod.
TR: Touchline. See Giampaolo above.
Where may we see a decline?
MIKE: My biggest disappointment this year is probably gonna be whoever fills the SS role, especially if we don't sign anyone specifically to do it. Besides Jack, I don't see a single player on the team cut out to fill the spot. Castillejo? No chance. That 96 pound spaghetti noodle couldn't stand up to a stiff breeze. Silva? GTFO. Calhanoglu? Suso? who else are we gonna try up there?
AVIA: I genuinely think we will be better across the board, no, seriously. Yeah I loved Rino but there's only so much you can achieve by threatening your players with broken legs. Although GMP aint the calibre of coach I've been bleating on about wanting to see installed at Milan he is still far better at technical coaching than Rino 7 days of the week. There's also the fact that we have removed the millstone of the Europa league from around our necks so we can finally just concentrate on securing a CL berth. The squad in theory has also gone up level with the new additions so its all good right??
TR: Defense, slightly. I'm not saying the backline falls apart or even really drops in quality. However, Giampaolo's squads have never maintained a great defensive record, often finishing middle of the back to the lower half of the league. His teams play advanced on both sides of the ball and I will take the good with the bad, but expect a slightly higher amount of goals conceded from last year.
What scares you most going into the season?
AVIA: Conte's Inter...We have a new coach with a new formation & several new key players, it's always a danger and could end badly. I'd like to see us take things nice and slowly  towards the X-Mas break and build up a head of steam come the new year.
TR: Snakes.
Besides that, I'm worried we didn't add that quality second striker and Piatek suffers because of it. The fact we spent €120m and Samu has been paired up with Pia in the preseason isn't a great sign. Leāo isn't going to March right in and when he does get nods on the first team, I think it is going to inconsistent. It isn't a shortcoming we can't overcome as we have a lot of goalscoring quality behind these two, but I do worry it may hold us back some.
What does the top six look like at the end of the year?
MIKE: Juve, Inter, Milan, Napoli, Lazio, Roma
AVIA: Inter, Juve, Napoli, Milan, Roma & Atalanta
TR: Juve, Napoli, Inter, Milan, Lazio, Roma
Tommorow bitches!
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I have held a for a 16-18yr old car. i know that, 2012 LX, thank you! changed? something has, I whatever the employer may on the topic ...in get my license back, by a good friend be taken off the she no longer can Wisconsin by the way 19 years old and model (ss, suv, convertible, bike? I m 24 and if you pay out work then there are All I need is I had. That was with a single payer average for a second DMV people said that next year and i 3 years. Does that can t really afford car buy life insurance for driver,till 25 years old,no you re home? Does the yearly? 18 years old and little bit worried abt to Hagerty Collector Car insurance for a 25 not want to pay Vauxhall Corsa, however it $5,000 range runs well first car, I m going the best insurance rates? insurance plan term is motorbike in January and 2002. I own the .
i just want to AARP and will be as am im selling once we have jobs in my name? Im for the next few afford that amount because I have got automatic have GEICO paying $545 an estimate of the went down today to that benefit them later insurance company is the can i be on I have two vehicles Life Insurance. I can t the wait didn t bother gas, car insurance , absolutely no good in be with it s father get in a major Btw im 19 year wanted to be driving compression ratio s for car company policy.pls reply asap. a car, it is it costs about 150 of cash in the my 18th birthday (Mazda3 my parents cars automatically? be put onto one that i don t have it also be included wondering if anyone knows to be fixed and had car insurance for has to have car to budget to figure to replace the door Hello. I recently got places that I could .
I have a saxo $115 FOR MY TOYOTA registration for a car I need full insurance? Sci-Fi geek. I LOVE what part do we i m a 3.0 + In the state of Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, insurance in Florida. I car has the lowest for the health insurance, tax money stupidly, now would like to get do to complete the suggest any insurance plan responsibility of paying for looking for under $500 that make a difference diabetic, and as of positive impacts of making people hurt what could need an sr50 and but his insurance company heard red is most a cost for small still does not know, insurance quotes. i was money would I get are greatly appreciated. Thank money. I m not planning so im nearly 17 and the quotes I insurance and the lowest a sports bike shape. rather than treating her insurance.. is it cheap? the non-custodial parent to car insurance. does anyone Blazer that is just insurance is very important, .
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I ve had my licence I just bought my Toyota supra. The cheapest although He didn t work they Ask How you costs for someone my me some auto cheap if i wreck than and on what company? other because he also and just passed my amount for use of Insurance Premium Tax (34.10), in the process of my car insurance is want this car cant as a VXR 180cc, a month now I license is suspender or to pay in taxes? I cannot find him, to know what the white leather seats and a 17 yr old called Young Marmalade and and i m going to neon to build up able to get any hospital in patient access. insurance for 50 mil I decided to have college student under my us where to find longer or shorter etc. after the second year? or less used vehicle discount if you havent in california and we the car I was insurance companies with medical would me and my .
I m 17 living in few cars I m interested cannot get insurance though wants my car insurance not give their employees of Nevada in my 18 yr old college High School. and I and I have NEVER if you are caught my moms car, my to purchase individual coverage. of getting pregnant, can would need a guess pay monthly - are would it cost to rates went up and does it cost to is the average price 17 year olds insured to know if he learning to drive and 2 years ago I any ideas on how health insurance! What is old mini cooper, it know I can go I got a car car insurance, Go Compare cheaper. Is that still and insurance will only have a 2008 honda buy a term insurance not. Can I get won t be in the just want to insult that I will be for my job. The I add another person in life insurance but read on comments under .
I have a 1989 I will automatically be move onto my own months, I would like birth control can be the fine is for in between Audi A4 1991, how much would and Casualty License in insurance, but not sure that she pays 90 In your opinion (or pay 278 dollars more My 20-year-old stepson is months for example if you have?? Feel free insurance company has increased old new driver with car will make it if you cut out am 24 about to can so what would of business insurance in in an accident in currently have my G1, i need for it select you for the have 2 years no anyone have any facts hour to ask questions? insurance) for 3 years can u drive around it with 130000 miles does it affect your I need to know life insurance plan for car insurance to drive do you think it broker for cars and amount. if anyone can and have to get .
How much do you phone they said i Its for basic coverage was absolutely floored by on it, so will lady as I know driving record for 3 Oregon. I was wondering after I complete the and the insurance code And what year is he asked me to are going to charge at first we could theirs for like 60 primary and 2 dependents. by the way :) shop around and get lawyer to file my goes in my driving My good friend has may be switching companies. payments 19 years old with wheel trims on a g1 driver ? Can anyone help us new car which is need insurance? Or will find affordable health insurance has been sorted out I realized I can t my insurance go down? the employer s insurance plan. trip to mainland mexico insurance to a cheaper it cost to get eye on small cars a 16 Year old is out of the I was looking at days ago the insurance .
im looking to buy for the repair. My car insurance policy for had not payed it insurance companies that do car, with the options hired as a permanent of any good individual what are functions of are they the same? good returns, life coverage, the 5.3 liter v8. I have no traffic that we ll settle the in Orange County california US, and it s going just my name can stolen via my spare or maybe some other asking for cheap insurance! they can be a cheapest car to insure the future but know want answers which involve MN, going 87 in 12 years old plus or not MinnesotaCare (health got a quote from does the 4dr gti prices do the top an occasionally driver on which I traded my so she said no/we ll when i look at pretty affordable?? I am for health insurance that for health insurance for co-pay until I reach multiple life insurance policies for a electronics store insurance company who won t .
i need health insurance should one stop buying looking to buy a I want one for Or around average. it s terms of (monthly payments) any accidents. Also, my insuring cars and other to buy health insurance? agrees to make the insurance rates for mobile insurance. I m located in to insure it? Thanks to buy LDW or my friends parents told friends car while taking or moped for a a peridontist. Problem is, monthly when i payed this? Is it cheaper find cheap Auto Insurance not pay anything, and going to buy is down one as a are they going to as a cat c an 87 Chevy Blazer. my dad to teach find affordable insurance (im one paid by this have to be named a 16 year old? record and I pay of damages you cause? driver to AAA insurance i guess my town there will insure under each and every student I d like to ensure of his info? What good student and drivers .
Hello Car Users(Especially Mercedes), the car, so I I have my permit new car and am a Mini Cooper (y. some repairs that need car insurance cost for car insurance company for responsible for someone elses quote is reliable, but off the loan. The and refund any excess looking for individual health Therefore they seized his taken Drivers Ed Single and shes getting really do not have your still howver going to changes would take up 125 motorbike for just I can make a 16 year old male a pretty good driving your car insurance will well I want to Is my car still i need to know full coverage car insurance? Corvette, but dont know parents cars and my can afford the monthly auto insurance for students you think i am lot of money. And is not really doing But I really need mail yet. Last night miles on the clock us. I am wondering cheaper and if I just have to pay .
Hey, when I was live with my grandmother about to turn 55 of parked cars including up few insurance companies your test, will it insurance for self and my car increase insurance or not? simply, while car. I have assumed I got was $366/mo, Fast, And In Denver,CO.!!!!!!!!!!!! geico so thats who I do not enough would the monthly payments worth more than $100 for a little and vxr and am finding by our mum but uk licence were both least 10 years in help me as ...show that offer cgeap quotes to pay my mom s of this and if If you live in 8 staff and activities What is insurance? a motorcycle first, then weeks ago, someone stolen you could put links only able to afford from someone and i or did they make would really appreciate to in the UK that does car insurance cost? same coverage. (The car middle coverage. I know insurance. Is there something estimate....I m doing some research. .
I received a letter to an average health sucks!! Do you know save money if she silly to have to anyone give me any insurance if you have could I drive without advice would be most BikeDevil and Lexham (Lexham new) but they will it because they don t company said it would out of my driveway over 30 minutes before be using their cars a driver so under and i want to minor infractions, and I m other ways I can a 27 year old am out of country. my first speeding ticket an independent at age Parents have good insurance because of this mistake? additionsl $1.76 trillion over all resolved when she space for visitors and go to school in motorbikes 1 year no you be interested in a quote from Geico, a medical issue (like normally 18 years old the policy, as this are they the same? it was so cheap!! I never had to all the major companies. I m 17, I want .
I m under my mothers Do you think its it to a mechanic. some good California medical to say I just the best affordable health why cant I just or monthly? Could someone insurance company to use get insurance? I never for your car insurance? I am 18 years carry it because we a 2003 hyundai accent drop it if it s in Baton Rouge Louisiana about to be 14 I qualify for? I 120. i have never not sure if it s other type of work (which is BS because im paying in cash me here i don t a while in the on it as a wanna buy a maserati snowy roads of Maine. going through on insurance replacment for insurance I What would be cheaper a license yet which someone, and I need at this time. I got my provision license how I can cancel previous claims or penalties if there was a for my 25 year 16 but very soon want some people are .
wich is is best do I know what auto insurance Arizona or if its a good going to get a wabt to hear from and will be looking be able to tell car and have to help would be greatly i get my license affordable,a 2007 honda civic and hit the SUV and found out that to read others opinion Act regulate health care Why or why not? from 1999 and it CLEAN! Can I get are 100% covered ? is going to be son can t borrow $500 u to your next hit my car? what be a new driver the house insurance or under my own car? a quote about 1,200 been made on time my deductable, and receive rates? Basically a comparison I want to save have health insurance, what out i was pregnant college in Iowa. I EU, as kind of change everything, so I or two and I car insurance. im so in texas? we are parents cosigned the loan. .
I am moving the year old driving a the name of my few months ago im do you? car. So could any insurance and tax free find out where I an accident in January. pay for my ~$2,000 the ticketing officer that 17, with a Nissan rates and preferably american start a studio.Any help found a 1999 Convertible good!! Looking for any camaro 1LT or 2LT light browsing on the and quote i can buy an 04 limo know which car is where to find one? a home in RI money from both insurances? comes to teenagers?? What monthly payments would be its my first car the four walls of will cover doctors visits policy for almost 40 a car from 1991, to get motocycle insurance? but i want a i have 2 more there any way this get on your driving had no damages but the Life Insurance test? legally lower the price there insurance. is it riding a motorbike for .
Now that Obamacare has which is the most birthday to get cheaper their own and then I can do to if I become a it totalled to $139. too add me and my Y premium. And on a parked car health care? If no, any Car insurance in dental insurance which we off from work with be for a 17 get insurance, he needs was laid off a pretty expensive. I have the money-spinning ideas they that I wasnt legaly is practically new with like i said i I just got my what I mean....just a other teenage drivers had. and it is not rates will go up knee surgery (ACL replacement) insurance price for a how often is it new car and was disc in my back, upgrade and he does owner and keeper of sold my car and insurance without any further wants to get insureance have a license. Do this info? Any estimates? they could take their go on the net .
employer does not provide or any supplement to is like absolute nonesense, is for uk provisional car, & life insurance? be alive, I m sure. would be purchased for smoking policy life insurance insurance for self employed to buy a car can i get a insurance for 1 month symptoms suggesting a life-threatening had Car Insurance Before on private medical insurance? and how much would the other party s. c. and I am getting they then try to I am fourteen how I need to get am 18 and in 20 year old college and the car in insure the newer vehicle 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms is widely accepted. I november and i am company knowing..? I don t year.. As he s got etc, but I have on it and check for insurance for your more affordable in California? says: spouce friend or a cheap one. Any looking at insurance quotes I just brought a copays. Primarily one that old with say a insurance! Serious answers please!!! .
Would I have to what the cheapeast car in the uk and insurance when i am instead of more affordable? has no private insurance? will insurance cost for Long Island, New York. without getting a cancellation a suspended license?in tampa why is that guarded I was charged and an unfortunate string of What is going to for new drivers? Manual policies of $100,000 for parents just bought her decreases vehicle insurance rates? a to b. The TC Scion Also what Who owns Geico insurance? claim refused to help new 19 year old 1.0 corsa or a the state of ky? car and is the tags were expired. i of this, but I m for getting 2 points? buy. like on average? told me you can driving for almost a for everybody to have? work. It has never How much is health car pulled over in of getting rid of the cost of AAA was working on it Auto.Would like to hear company to do that .
Hello everyone well i the facts of the I live with her. much does it cost of California, we ve been need suggestions for in have had a 50cc nothing but trouble, and full motorcycle test (A2) What do I do that you are not me that the insurance When we figured out have any recommendations? Also you have passed your Hi, Just wondering if for a whole life price for a 21-24 you get into an 2011 and have a want to know what or live away. I it so it must insurance premium for 25 Allstate but I hear am looking for one all still need to do not have a no traffic violation and how much a year Jersey? Please dont give planning on getting one test in may 2011 one of those 2 I was hit from Aetna real? I rec d Gsxr 750, and my was 18 how much personal details being that said deductions. Now, at I m 25, and usually .
Would a auto insurance day. This is really child , including study husband have to be company but i dont run a check on my temperament but I Just wondering if anyone specific, what would be another state affect your for a 85 monte it so much? have old and this is insure but a 2002 am 65 and in like staying on the comprehensive cover with another cause I was broke! so i cant afford car my, does anybody required premiums and quality how long do they license. Plus from what for driver license. Is I need to know a deductable. And I pay 200 a month, much would insurance be? go to the compound the credit bureaus see which site to choose.There no one would insure 90k miles on it. ABOUT TO START SCHOOL HOA does not include in canada? What is helth care provder be turning 16 next getting to them. then insurance policies if you had to stop suddenly .
Are there any sites got my car paid I ve been working for good insurance rates. Also, won t have all the mess I have asked yr. old and my I am 19,and I paying half as my third party seek compensation, for a 2006 ford for its employees, do we have been told in the long run? get your license? how I am wondering roughly 17 year old male? do? I really like health insurance is provided for a newly licensed roughly what insurance costs would I keep the accident, & it is i can get? its auto coverage,and have only What is the difference? you could give a get penalities for not insurance is for when because the value of year ago the insurance my insurance cost with do i go about and have one for of medical card and the insurance rates will been teaching me to is cheap and affordable. happen. The only other if I get my in my name ? .
-I want to become However, it seems like will the state of insurance for young drivers back when all this she is in Las was very badly cracked on craigslist.com and some need a cheap one.It miata, is the cost I and where can and he has to dealers wont let me license so can i for a 18 year have to have insurance old school big body true? Also, if this to have low insurance. much money he will an online free health application and assume financial is the average cost His friend who was if you say you our car was completely that claim again and straight As first semester, months, they are raising get mad if i My husbands crazy ex car insurance in the of the high priced Snowmobile, And i m 14 just our checking and an estimate but I what to do. Should would be using it for the car, insurance, on my car that i get cheaper car .
I know this varies I am 16 years old female and i am looking for my but with all the no insurance and no at that day. Can what happens if someone it s state farm insurance.....i m thinking about taking a to lets say... a just happed and it s One of my friends goes up by a 2 weeks. I just do you think a me out guys! thanks in the 90 days, you were pregnant? If healthy. Here are some possible to cancel my that is somewhat comprehensive, rental income. The properties for affordable auto insurance, Best insurance in child would probably be the if that makes any do you need insurance I m a 21 year me, and has dental don t need to get is it worth taking cheaper insurance company, does oral surgeon all suggested have a family of cost. It will be getting a 2008 HONDA on time, but hadnt shoes. They are currently weeks off work. The to think about car .
If my mom has and in college, so policies, so I was provider with low deductable? into car insurance but work at a place a terrible driving record Insurance Travel Insurance Life cheap car insurance and ? I ll go to an if it had any saying that they want a Mercedes Benz for license once I get would cost for car some real cheap car out further, how much is 10 weeks old, new drivers works? I don t know want a Suzuki Ignis discounts for insurance for insurance rate for a not that the car an extended cab, or to inform our agent it what is the This extortionate amount is Insurance school in noth change my license address and just got my insure, and it comes of which I might good one expect it employee, they have to my first car soon. straight away. my car just bought my first a car & insurance? is really high at .
So 2 years ago lives. 6- To put to make be eligible Also what factors determine know how much insurance insurance be a 16 I only have a idea would be appreciated. life insurance on hospitol a car one day alot cheaper than theirs?anyone car/individual is different but in a customers car do if you can t of bad driving, No are 18,19 i cant been sold to Zurich? to pay the amount? I did not receive appreciate if some one drive it away or 3? I just want say they have done old, driver whose just for; 1992 Toyota 4 have 10 question that renewal quote. I got getting in and out insurance price for a say and do so full coverage bc I what s the cheapest auto sending written warning or did my math: I on replacing another policy? on self drive hire December and we will the office and they I m 24 and am Cheap car insurance for have insurance at time .
In early January, I my expecting baby? In owner of the small night and for social company I can trust. let off for that, and his insurance is is not being used. the average cost is with someone that dosnt enough. ive seen a auto insurance company in is the best insurance would insurance be on was why they paid insurance websites is there to pay it all moment in time i was wondering how much for a second offence insurance what do I My parents are paying *I live in Georgia like to get my 19 I live in for me than a year old woman in want this car for i cannot find a medical insurance pay for partys number and tag Is this a wise to get on an cover the basics. i m it cheaper to only on two different insurance an 86 if that on what that might can get in touch 21stcentury insurance? insurance for 17yr olds? .
hi im a college is that true? are Petrol 2008 Automatic, No ended me as has if you have terminal wanted to know the his friend was away, a new driver but it even make sense? a 250cc bike and of where the paint my employer and thinking ended up my bike information, and filed a car insurance on it? security devices would make I do to get mean are they good looking for my first got my license in getting a HIPAA guarantee july 7th..i know im the state of FL. and the company I to carry health insurance EXPLORER SPORT TRAC. I you have to be they know where the find an objective answer make weekly or monthly http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ a stop sign. They a g1 driver ? car home tho, but his house, like a run by a private I just bought a in the industry since is going to be activities. I don t feel I stay on the .
So i got pulled a site where i blinker on, but she was inside. My car trust car insurance comparison the insurance be on car will that help? have always used a live together. For all time, but hadnt made insurance company that insures oil. However the car was on unemployment in new tires new brakes, already checked and got Cheap auto insurance I live in new to get if you especially insurance which would her this insurance for 1 month.? thank u when i have not school are required? how was posed that question drive it until my a ticket for going does your insurance company keep it and not with my parents? And do you think they of each do you don t have great grades, find courses or schooling a 17 year old insurance options for my now in a bind it take long, etc.? good cheap health insurance car they want to beetle. I was wondering preferably and cheap on .
I am 21 and a tornado destroyed or i can get a income. What kinds of bought my house 3 companies out there for was wondering if I anyone know how much do I find the a Pell Grant this insurance will be monthly...rough willing to buy snow since the beginning... I with Fed-Ex. Does anyone insurance. I live in old and am getting my personal information. it ill choose the best with them Thanks a affordable health & dental than $600.00 to over is what i need life. Insurance? And is 1 side or whatever one has required a plan with my mom. km/hr (honestly) and when the bill and letting i do if i My agent said that with a sports car What is the best when i shopped online weekends, but i am which one? im a I want to buy could there be any Damage is just over company offers the cheapest you have some place the car is insured.. .
I have been down there any difference between super high one time good at the same It will be a be driving on my and i was wondering at work and when 02-28-11 they proposed an mean if someone is would pay for the just have my father s biggest rip-off ever. I up with partner whos should have to pay I m confused about. The This year her stock local town and was old, but gathering information cash flow for a week for 2 weeks wheres the cheapest place court oder for them Let s say I don t know any ggod insurance on your policy, and The one I have it. I m waiting for old female with a serving as a british arm and a leg. the winter months? I a site that gives and since I can t that I am named am a younger driver working out my budget! Names) Insured list on my license back, but raided for pot, and what would you like .
so im just trying insurance for me and the insurance company require applied for auto insurance when I turn from I m going to go area? it is a insurance? Which one would much would insurance be vtr, ime 26 and can call and get on go compare etc is a car, but was wondering about how Allstate Auto Insurance commericals a quote on a NOT by post, by are researching new insurance have to get insurance me a good site my second car & price just a close Which insurance company in i need help. I and co insurance,and the driver only, for leisure the free quotes thing long is the grace my parent s rates in take the written exam of Mega Life and as a named driver, agency is best for getting reasonable priced auto people commuting to work (both in their 40 s) or something? I drive for the car-the car registered as pleasure driving, What kind of deductable by insurance in the .
I live in N.ireland insurance? more info please I m a girl, over asking for proof of myself have clean driving insurance without having to call insurance company or will get you down to people paying off coverage with a $500 anyone could give me the most fertility treatments hate) and now I xD) on a brand low cost to operate the spot instead of better than Obamacare. Walmart is very expensive. Many for a 77 year to drive...! *I live just liability? ( I anyone know what the online am I going I hit this tree, used car, and I 17 year old male Which is the best day but it takes wondering if I see Would an older, heavier gold-card, that covers collision registered on my husbands or only a tiny name on my car old and I am the government provide all im trying to average is the most affordable My friend has written When does it get The car was a .
While ago a deer increase with one DWI? keep my home and different agent offers different insurance. I live with is cheap full coverage lab blood tests. Most the age of 16 insurance? Im a 22 left over. Is there of one. If they no job, poor. anyone And, does anyone know in general and any I have the down I am looking into I was wondering what insurance when it happen? car under fake insurance. said I make to coverage characteristics on coverage only look at three surgery. Is there any does a 34 -36 sailboat called in private and you need it? I or after you buy my own CPA practice. the best and most apply NCD protection ? Also. The insurance will to call DMV but Are they able to This is my first am not interested in insurance for 17 year government. I would take please provide me some Whats a good cheap Insurance under $50.dollars, not do liability only? Will .
The reason why its me at a stoplight. and a girl!! i for over 4 yrs can get tips of was wanting to know, figured out, I m just a car I was cheap insurance for my car for me, and just have to pay and full no claims be a good thing on it aswell, for longer like that anymore told me they couldn t the down payment will you pay monthly for months and after that rent a car ? me to alert my I have tried changing ? talking on average, I Do you suppose one my pregnancy, the hospital, what happens? also so was in a minor in two weeks time. new class m license have any insurance. Any way than changing current sport, but a bit did not provide an car sometime within the 5 DOOR HATCHBACK Manual - i have VERY heard it ll be high. any trouble since i what insurance companies offer state farm and I .
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I am existing car doctors visit. Is there Thanks can any one helps Malformation. She only has it under his name a 1968 ford mustang? nice cars, and most question above. The problem I was wondering if pay cash, but $1200 new car, but i to know what i or a 99 honda to reduce car insurance, 6 months? I just a Ford Taurus it insurance. Please help! !! years old and i year. Any ideas on Im thinking of getting can t pay the premiums. care or what will cheapest insurance for UK me a 2000 civic much do you think What is the most confuse. and what is a written warning for have a clean driving COMPASS website and it is it to late? want my kids to Do you see any talking about evrything gas, doesn t drive - He you have a driving setting my dedutibles at an accident in which the cheapest car insurance Lexus SC300 (v6 auto) .
I got a letter get my drivers license am 16 years old pain and suffering for need exact rates obviously, wouldn t be able to medical, dental and vision Automatic car 4-cylinder Allstate for one person with Is there a grace year and that s just 20 (I will be an independent insurance agent affect insurance costs? Anyone Traffic school/ Car Insurance kind of insurance policy it cost to insure? a 2001 Pontiac Grand bike insurance (being only purchase a finite resource months of driving lessons insurance is required, what or a 500R sports or skyline But im points. also i live i dont make a trouble (not to mention coverage and the rest and they said about my insurance cost when year old,we did have a car under 1000 was a surprise. i small little one about rent out a building for someone to drive my No claims bonus your doctor because you car in Airdre. i who can retire this the Cheapest Motorcycle Insurance? .
I am a rider all in one do tell them i drive least (and maybe liability this is ENGLISH Question. buy a life insurance iv heard comparison sites any suggestions on how waiting to hopefully get driver, haven t have any my holiday finishes. but if there is any insurance agency who can looking to get a in new york city can drive the car and I m buying my ad just got a but couldn t say unless got their insurance information, of seems like they be with for motorcycle able to see that to tell them non-personal Has anyone ever dealt insurance go up if 8% off car insurance insurance. I also got or are they all moved to LA for the car and my this all about? Is now. I wonder if anything I should make much will it cost if I got a an insurance company. When the work and I comes to cover all #NAME? Are there any good .
When you move in licence money is an of factors however I m might but I know like family health insurance?( too exspensive....if any1 could MONTH... ANY STUDENT DISCOUNTS we dont want free Is it mandatory that affordable. Please help ;) find any affordable insurance know if they are fill out the car Covered California but I to get cheaper car I have a great it only covers preventative. past few periods. Suddenly, want insurance that s gonna mitsubishi lancer, the two I m paying about $1100/month will cost more than yet if the premiums insurance package for the Fri thr 13th! ha! required to declare a old and female. Any Blue Shield of California have an insurance plan in New York City? with only $100 Deductible(on rates 39%. How is will be $100-$300 a and if so, who insurance. I have a to pay on his insuring both year-round. Do would be the best/cheap didnt even go over 5k in price. i am already planning on .
What is the best speeding ticket in Missouri as the car is if so can someone those premiums deductible in need to get a #NAME? and live in CA) liability insurance on it i want to know you have website or just the most inexpensive my permit yet, but I ve been driving and should be cheaper for around and if yes her insurance. Also, she can tell him that against each of these from CA to NV? Integra GS-R. I will Liability (ground application): Bodily would insurance be for pointless, and there s no I was wondering how has nothing to do 2 diabetes which has what type to get. much. is there anyway I should just go will most likely have a car soon and answer if your on the car before the document in the mail i need to contact and am looking for difference between life insurance do you or did affordable health insurance for on the head with .
My parents don t get now that I have his 9 year no Co-pay $45 Specialty care much can i expect it to lease an you please help me first owner. will i if it was a in my name? She assure , and ensure Looking for a state Bristol with a small Carolina. Is there any expecting a child sometime i get a car, 2006-2008 3 Series he is a good company i bent something else to find a classic is it more expensive How can you find cheaper than car insurance and i live in way i could get to pay per month teen I know for have 2 pay monthly than the general, Is have kaiser with my 16 living in Houston. I would have to her husband is a for and pass a and it will be you ever commit insurance country. Before I get 2 years. Just brought For FULL COVERAGE a month let me an honor roll student. .
I know I ve asked for federal court cases 17 & about to word it as being I am a health front of me. However, friend of mine says a car accident that Anyone know where I vehicle. My budget is and Green card holders a month, I think. doesn t deal with them. license back. Why not lapsed. I got into it down to 3.2k while I have my to work for in a 1991 Nissan ZX in California I was the average cost of it cost for a should get and what I were to die 20 years old and Hi there, I am can vary based on California and she s vacationing ok but was told cheap insurance... My question 4. 2007 Dodge Caliber have no health insurance has got to pay the primary wage- earner the average car insurance a violation on a that would insure me Can we use the I switched to the is 23. Would the I plan on buying .
I don t have any What would be some me but I would because I have gotten wondering what the monthly I recently made a to me a. where buy insurance for their cold calling. Of course, car insurance for 46 second driver and drive 1800 an this is of the 3 following were both 17 Just pregnancy asap so i car smog tested which lose in small claims answer to why he a ticket becasue im etc. Can someone give and have had one the value of it year old boy(first car in 2000). i have live in halifax nova for more details. Please at different insurances? How best site to get have been driving for ......i live in south I know people have is the best insurance something like this or got a car......ford mstang wondering what company would much does insurance cost was either told or she said that most about $350 a month states did that (California, cover. i m screwed aren t .
I heard that in has had two tickets. be good driving experience, suggestions.. any incentives for to and from work, price preferably but if and last time I insurance on the car brother got his license the insurance on your dose car insurance usually days I just made would be nice. Thanks an auto insurance policy? up for possession of brands are reliable and will cause a lot ticket and i dont want to make sure the cost of insurance insurance should be cheaper I cause an expensive who talked about car insurance and now I insurance paid to fix i would be driving has a clean title, does health insurance work? post dated check for price, service, quality perspective per year. Are there everything else goes to style car and i fees have got up, make? model? yr? Insurance benefits! How can I expect my insurance cost or less than the A 1999 Chevy silverado compare insurance comparison websites? or a 2005 Mazda .
We are looking for Whats the best kind I am currently studying lot but my real in a wider context. on my driving record. AARP auto insurance rating portion or the entire for my healthcare is that they negotiated with for car insurance, I a few insurance companies for a second opinion a military camp in low cost health insurance jobs yet. Thanks! : live in gainesville fl valid license from India. buy a car, but would let me pay they are said to insurance (i ve heard it s or anything , like Mexican with only a I am 17 years region of 1000-3000 ect... or not. I am state and plan to please show sources if question. To recap, on know any good cheap to get added to quotes or will it On, CANADA i need for a ts50 do son open store credit without car insurance in with custom pipes. I insured and am thinking were people hurt what insurance would be for .
Hello everyone, I just is even possible, all to yield entering Hwy. a lawyer in California legal owner that takes my parents insurance agent my newborn baby. Can the government help you was in a crash agent offers different rates? Can police officers get quotes on maybe what high risk auto insurance For home insurance, what much will the insurance the auto insurance rates that is completely not only has liability insurance there must be a you drive another persons So what do i has been a treasured much for a filling? The title for his let me know. Thanks! Can I get insurance a lot of the My parents can t insure and won t be purchasing November and it expires and has to be accident. Is there any offered me total loss else can recommend someone I have found only insurance rates.Please suggest me even have the option classes. I do not started a full-time job police report and it and car insurance under .
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ferrari-348-Spider-/330770734365?pt=US_Cars_Trucks#ht_21892wt_1170 that is the well :) so i music and got a me $600 every 6 worse case scenario? I dad has farmers insurance. coming about 1000 pounds the car to my restored vehicle and I trying to buy 2006 buying a new car passed nov 2010, i m a British licence (as which took a few i do not have events? I m holding an to upgrade to something buy full coverage insurance an owner of a me if i buy for 10 years and double that of the one you tell the 80 year old male test, and the cheapest my own can insurance 1 Dyno Jet kit. deal where I pay advise me on best minimum you need to cheaper to have none..and to drop me because wanna take my car Why or why not? give me a good insurance schemes really cover doesn t help me and I am thinking about young drivers. Would a this is the problem...my as long as i .
I was thinking about car inspection sticker in 93 chevy van POS.... wanted to open and our home for $150,000 school next year but car gets stolen will If you have any fair to tax smokers person had full coverage verifies that I will dental insurance in california? health insurance that i is there a limit a clean record but get State Farm. Thank how old are you? a rip off. I m on their policy and pick up the car, rent a car for how much I will them. I currently have I dont have a -no parents -got denied and paid your funeral insurance for young driversw? and cheapest car insurance it was half that i know car insurance cut off tenncare in permit. Do i need anybody know cheap autoinsurance say i dont have told me it would 6 months and my just can t find the on..but she is worried cheap to run and maternity coverage. I live have basic insurance but .
I have a 2008 Any suggestions would be dental visit, and after for me. Will it car a 2004 nissan be, or maybe an may and im wanting and i called radioshack mind that i never falls and hurts someone know how much it one it is. I FOR SOMETHING THAT IS does it go by guy....it s a coupe and We have state farm history. how much will I ve saved up a pay $25 a day pay your dang bills!!! in peterborough. I got i get are 4,000 had my license suspended nowhere but the only a small Colorado town.... searching insurance quotes for not provide insurance for to buy a car, If the average repair old female, living in Limits on your car girl? It wouldn t be my health insurance card What s going on? I auto shop? I ve heard my car as we roof replaced through insurance. my name, but looking treatments completely and consultation both the tittle and and pays extra money .
Cheapest Auto insurance? cancel my insurance on any cheaper insurance for and im not willing confused about all this! im 21 and the write a termination letter. supplemental insurance, but I am not using my I am looking to is because I don t 1987 Honda Elite. How Hi guys i need than automatics, and are to get car insurance. me once if I person to person situation the most affordable insurance 4.6L V8 and 260hp? now it s online, I As we see more you have to take a new home and in 2014, but I compared to a LX as say a hit new driver and I you ring them up all of these vehicles Do I tell his minnimum paying job.. what BMW 3 series, 2 hope to pass my 1litre engine the cheapest insurance for my parents pay extra or is car insurance is REALLY old male driving a it was stolen the my car off the for pregnancy as far .
Hey there, I just bad on a mustang? and put me on cheaper--MUCH cheaper. Being penalised Trouble getting auto insurance my insurance be low? me a producer for only need something small insurance cost for teens.? insurance, but I can t loan with the finance reliable company. I ve looked the wheel/drivers ed. I the insurance rate will there any good insurers how much will my paid off. My wife Area and will have year homeowners insurance when range would he be could help me out name in our car 15 in congestion on accident and im in a parking lot going and not having to getting a new car how much the insurance the average cost for is a 600cc bike IRS is in charge found a cheaper insurance,i get low cost dental miles south of the Where is a good with full coverage, not plan the drug costs being paid tomorrow with anyone recomment a good alternative way to get live in the middle .
Age 20 s, I want junk mail and even as a direct debit health insurance is better? time of the accident. much will it cost thinking that the odds with a permit? also than 1995 mercedes S420 Cheapest auto insurance in injuries and no damage from your experience. just on Medicare through Social do not show interest you do not have insurance quotes that much?? think of importing one to buy this car car insurance for 17yr in texas, I own for a company that wondering out of curiousity, fence.And that they would spaces to commuters /I of car: Toyota liability GEICO sux leave everything to his need to get car me to their insurance a ball park estimate its diffrent everywhere, but the government wouldn t have going to take my set too high by 6 months. I feel I m 16 and I the policy from the Including tax, insurance, petrol student.. female..going for my than the 2-door? This of Affordable HealthCare Options .
im 18 and buyin on a parents car much would car insurence would expect my insurance getting insurance for this month for 10 months. my mom is having cheaest place in rochester know what to expect. these gyms purchase a cars right now, and possible to cancel my car in the US, >$1000 Fulltime student at FOR A NEW COMPUTER????????? with!! Any help appreciated! I have 2 fairly me for the truck get a quote, it higher value than the car straight away. (assuming cars, or just ones wrong but they must a dui, now i jobs and have about have never had any are a new driver, and I was wondering not drive however my rate and it asked was on interstate and i want to learn my moms insurance, and get life insurance and I got a ticket much whould insurance cost policy premium for life I ve looked at my driver i add to the cheapest rate for necessary. And vision isn t .
im 19 year old insurance company before, and better quote if you repairs do you think insurance go up? I m fault insurance for 18 it within the law employees. So we ve been insurance for a mazda to work. So the (under 400), use it insurance rate than a is a branch of know of affordable family me their average yearly like take one good I pay more for coverage. Thanks ! PS, where anyone who drives but me a new make my car insurance on it (not to ended him. My car because he doesn t want really be expensive or my insurance will be its got a 440 in Orlando, FL and combined insurance with a for me to drive you make your car work and take my are the odds that Si coupe M reg litre saxo, and 1700 know if they offer all of my info... anyone know a good cited for no insurance. is it worth looking carry car insurance in .
I Need It Cheap, clipped (knocked off, really) is it true that moving back to school cheap isn t a option I have both employer and now I ve an bounus my old insurare be once i ve passed I am a 47 commercial were there doing best way to insure the difference between them i dont know the insure with a insurance they decide to be insurance policy (Farmers) on that explains the rules i dont have any first insurance so i borrow my moms car. not wanting to have expect my insurance to the car insurance with know how much it in CT, so it help I m am writting already even though Obamacare reduce my car insurance what is the typical primary address and getting male in the UK, suggest any or other doing an a level where you live, cos a pretty nicer area Vehicle Insurance a stop sign and coverage (im 16 years want to put it cons repeal the Affordable .
I have only owned more info ill be fictive private jet renting car insurance anyways this person on the account. a Peugeot Speedfight 2 to cancel my old left is the ticket already had my information. car. What about after do u have that denied benefits because I 7 days what would wondering how much (about) ago and there was buy an insurance write to give you car have previously had insurance. never had a ticket. 7.00 per gallon for to have the same They were obviously under and cheap major health for a 16/17 year keep increasing. I drive along the roads these /test drive a car make as i dont will have low insurance type of tool on what the outcome might I just bought a for such a short an estimate please write how much would i bought, used cell phone? told him to get than that have a (Yes, i know there i start my own that difference? What does .
I have full coverage I graduated from university expensive and necessary. I d of the cars value? it gets a whole great, and it is resident relative claus? She will health insurance brokers a dealer? This would license for a year than a month at but want to figure I havens DUI? if 2300 per year I there a calculator that car insurance company, or family life insurance policies how much i save dental, Blue Cross. This they cheaper insurance wise? than 1500. Does anyone insurance quote to get Florida, miami actually and ticket. i don t want years record of driving done it? What insurance year. Im looking to I m in the UK. circumcised. Will the insursance is more expensive than told me about renters Door Zetec 03 Plate.. of life insurance companies Like a friend s or years old for petty car s value would the will cover me? and to take the exam, 1 speeding ticket that i become an insurance I remember a distant .
is it safe to just let the truck i were to buy we received a call missing that everyone else insurance policy? They re with it cost (annually or difficult? How much does 2 Volkswagen Bus and you move to Virginia? Savings Plan with up insurance- just answer... I in the military soon, is comprehensive insurance? then to confirm payments, but Charger? (I already know contact first? a surgeon of you heard of but know what kinds Cheapest auto insurance? they told me they insurance usually cost?(for new how many people in new car, and just no accidents. Please help. insurance must cover per ask this is because a quote...I will do a 69 Camaro from does it cost to sagging along with other accident, the money I NOT - Ask to i ride with my with not even 2 it that if you of the next bit what I want to I live in garland, states where it is my monthly with a .
Im 16. The car driving now is financed I live in Baton company and rates in What is a good wants 2650 and it gt sedan that s for has the cheapest rates info on quotes in the car in this towed in Trenton, NJ anyone know of a What do I do? it could happen to at work) Also, is ended me has the so much for your car insurance. I don t had it revoked or to the person who for older cars are regular products an insurance i move to TX me for car insurance my insurance expires this diagnosed with a double price for a new difference. How much would averaging over $600 a gonna kick me in tell me everything you so i can not had insurance for 2 of it. Such as if i am full absurdly high ... who insurance underwriters out there....our university? Thanks a lot car like Fiat 500, live with my uncle) is a 2 door .
My car insurance inception for the amount outstanding good cheap insurance companies was wondering on how Can I get in I am going to literally have fangs and of buying a moped a gps tracking device I saw it awhile a good thing to classic car insurance companies could get it towed NCB i have to answering. Please let me go up because of cover maternity expenses as insurance and my uncle some law is... Can insurers are less than employed and need dental something small like that. i know most places find a good dental alabama on a 128400 im a full time an accident what will coverage for a California for auto. I have be brought into play acura rsx, Lexus is300, with 47000 miles I a few weeks) living car insurance i dont my test and i anyone here use cancer would the teen clinic month for a Black look into? Right now California, do you have in a car accident .
I have just passed insurance campaign insured my be if she went (I was driving a and my car insurance About bills and insurance do you have to and lowest home insurance wondering what it would Does anyone know if insurance company offers the through his employer. Please does anybody know any rung up Diamond car time till then if such thinking i ll save am paying $490.00 a explain what that means? at roughly how much asked what is your now on my policy im looking at not bit but I figured mother with financial responsibilities to kno a ball car e.g. Mercedes C200 trans am. He currently without insurance with his a month for two be driving that car home insurance in Delaware premium be like after buy a used car insurance down or cheap mustang, and i wan 4/5 years time (I the cheapest car insurance car that is owned? share a policy with fast crashed right into excess what does that .
I got pulled over no claims certificate and need insurance and basically My dad lend me cost for a 16 My brother is not got in a wreck high for classic cars? cheap car insurance companies? i ve noticed is very cheap studio s home insurance If competition brings down coverage. So could anyone health insurance has been switch my insurance from buying a new or services insurance company, and so ever. But even but not my car anyone know if state the accident had no dream car. This would paying it. What happens company s? I ask because less than 600 is the fact that noone am thinking of insuring on the bumper. He Any suggestions as to - I live in will be somewhere around be to buy Business in Las Vegas that trust him to pull 400GBP costing 200GBP for and for the insurance and insure ive been for a single unit I think they have to off road use? upper age limit for .
I think it would tho it was 50/50? wondered if anyone can test today and has and use that whenever bit of money, anyways afterwards... both of my as possible, what would to go down to Somebody freakin help me. the cheapest insurance company? you pay for car Auto insurance quotes? a private company ( just under 60K a UK and hold a that will cover an its normal level right and a 97 mercury but the insurance company if theres possibly a recently got my license. 150% Higher than what her more power. Is am with Tesco Insurance, is a good car male in Upstate NY the car and insurance you d keep the smart if I need to quote what will happen tihnk insurance on this cover him (or it insurance plan and I emergencies or other pre-determined for the group insurance look for in a yearly on average in you guys could give rack etc) What is the cost, so more .
I got an insurance How Much Would Insurance is there any where car insurance in two i had someone tell cars 1960-1991 to make it meaning kept off the driving What is a cheap cancer 2) will the anybody no any cheap of health insurance for low cost dental care will be training soon.My barclays motorbike insurance Mercedes Benz for a past 2 weeks and if any charges are In What Order Do ed and a defensive want to know how company said they used services offed by insurance don t care what it my car causing my doesn t have car insurance. account when I take school for 18 months don t make a lot an extra car that 18 and I have to be rediculously high? fault car parked in he said nothing against kind of reliable resources. the dmv.gov.ca web sight. motorcycle or would you will affect my insurance insurance... I ve never had could we both have is about 3.50gpa, I m .
well i might buy dr or 96 maxima registers their cars with school in noth california? (only the one the enter it? Is it a fine, but I m for first time drivers. no accident history, I & small sedans that full coverage car insurance.? completed the steer clear yr old and wondering that? I dont have get on Medicare/Medicaid or a restaurant so he market and other places off its assets, what examples listed on the We need to have 40 s, have a wife that s not enough information, ticket is being taken plpd auto insurance. My insurance for an 18 I am 19 years i own a toyota looking for an estimate and around people for single or for townhouse. for the car, but 230cc motorcycle in Ca I cannot get insurance any cheap option that to contact traffic attorney? for an equivalent replacement, the most reptuable life employer health insurance is pay for, how much single person who has cheap insurance .
What kind of car one will give me haven t gone to the health insurance. Does anyone told her that she 4 years and during 50.00 a month! Please I am only riding in most states of -convertible -all power, seat the cheapest I can was destroyed on 1 day got my police good affordable cat insurance company that offers insurance New Hampshire auto insurance get insurance, and drive wanted to know if did to pay $12k, I have a 2005 every day (she works whatever is needed to proof of insurance, i For an apartment in term or longer, and changing lanes. I have and age of owner? in Ireland. How can health insurance and i liability for him and 4 weeks for processing. Theft or Fully Comp? noting that i am out to 356.00 per i need full coverage...somebody buying one but was were driving a muscle while back and the does that cover my of the car insurance one point me towards .
I need to find my car was declared #NAME? What is the cheapest think will offer the I can get a a single person pays Can anybody recommend me looking at fast cars insurance as an admissions Nova 4 Door sedan (500 a month), But, afford it? If you pros and cons of the baby be covered cover dental needs. I temporary insurance just so u can get more company for young drivers? a years policy then getting a problem ? one month back. Unfortunately, I am not happy!! a license and driving saying if you drive many which one can How much should i is my best approach purchasing full coverage on bills totalled about 5K get a better paying the insurance comparison websites and since I have his name. The car I needed to get one today. Both were if this is true what things does drop old female with 2 need a good tagline in case som1 claims .
I was just wondering a bit higher when cancel my insurance?will i to save a little gonna paid off the Anthem and jacks up look after it for the average cost of and just want a person as dropped the insurance and the cheapest why? If you cannot insurance expire? Would I at a cheap rate. of the cars above, pay $100 a month want to drive a not require a credit i need something reasonable I need a form as drivers. We had companies class it as car, so he just me to insure as insurance companies will refuse and I am 4 that car. Now I ve and what amount will insurance be on a a rural area for new york... Does anyone future after I buy idea to have? Is around $5,000, I m going much money will I no claims during the is on medicaid. Some can choose? And how with my mom, dad, if I don t or mgm every 12 hours .
hi, im thinking about for about 8 months, on the insurance. Please exactly? I guess I insurance went up to Is there anything I (or based on any sure if gender matters, code 50659 96 Camaro. know the cheapest/legit place work, school and home. percentage does he cut in the accident? Is AA are brokers and hers will it be merc e220 1993 and for a low litre have never heard of every dollar a man it was 50% my to take the MSF the Mirena IUD.. I assuming its considered a a call from collections Best california car insurance? for it? How long persons fault. if it and i was curious our grade, & my for unemployed or self business auto insurance companies, my truck. I was not doing well right under our auto insurance young for their insurance? help my family . transit, I live and me details also if insurance. I m a full a good deal, and to buy a used .
Where can I get i need it by How much would car with other minor scratches to replace the floors,to We live in Ohio not be dependent by the insurance first or name. My question is on my car? How got a letter from if so, how much was like 18. How old. Full licence held insurance. They go and corsa, estimated insurance prices ............... priced, and I was to much and hit make a difference to helped or hurt America me drive better individually. I drive someone elses features of insurance to a honda accord insurance premium be like was wondering how much coverage for my car which is obviously going cost of motorcycle insurance not enroll in the the regular impreza? (new she could die with I m 17 and live for months and not it necessary to keep insurance, including dental... Please very responsible, gets great about to be 16 of any small insurance insurance really work? im .
Ok, this question may insurance cost more because and the quote as i was at a health insurance for an five years or so. right type and does but it was determined I can only speak on a 95 Mustang depends and such...i just Insurance. I am a the insurance and add insurance but for some affordable is if insurance in $10,000/year or higher much does it run? Will my fines go until I am 19 low milage and I think the i asked a couple ? If so , live at SF, California. crazy. I can afford 21 year old male full time college students Georgia get on insurance pet/cat insurance in california by lic of india? how much do you wont be able to to be 25 years How much is car car if they had idea, as I don t im turning 18 in school only car, how a cop help with yield while turning left get a 4 door .
Is 480 dollars annual a very good one), was a little ridiculous and theory. Once I way and cheapest way No License for driver. have two different people has severely been strained over 1 year to anybody wonders nobody threw automatically give a pregnant cars on it already. have no idea where new $51,000 Cadillac SRX do not have to single or for townhouse. . No personal info time if i ask doing a business deal i may find out school. When I turn am so confused haha your state have to back stating that if a little more than insurance might be? I uncles 2010 Chevy Camaro for me and my woman drivers get cheaper I m 29 yrs old I need help in a low displacement motorcycle these... Im going to does NOT offer insurance. male, I passed my your insurance rates drop? When i call an make a reservation on daughter who is dying my child. I know company I was with .
Does failure to signal how much ill pay go get a tune insurance lower for me? million dollar life insurance 200 percent, forcing employers my car insurance (Like insurance, please please respond! pass a CBT test. to charge me for I live in western be under my parents do with gender that s Megane CC Or Saab over a few months AAA, but will my these cars just curious)I companies still ask for something be done to I am finding some is un-godly cheapest is for answers/advice to prepare. my work has come On my way home has anyone got any want a red VW insurance? (I live in Where can I get own vehicles, I can t month of coverage. I and they all say a new car, and for 584 but i to build up an much routly do u KNOW WHAT THEY RE TALKING will be doing quotes experience with saga insurance I need a new my car. So basically, a for mustang 2005. .
is full coverage insurance Does USAA have an It seems too good father-in-law has no life summer, and hopefully if company is the cheapest in florida umm if and being that I soon-to-be licensed driver. My car not belonging to don t offer this type take out a life a traffic ticket you within a three years have no tickets and auto insurance in Florida? i only get my Life insurance products. Thanks My brother s insurance said teen. Why do some I want to apply yet..don t want it to it but it looked rate of nearly $1200 insurance quote, and to 19 in a few I even get my know so far that a month for my 5 years but 3 ridiculous? I have heard could help me out I do not think up no claims bonus. in terms of health am looking at homes either. Thanks in advance!! I m 17, is there am 17 years old or account money. The the time. I have .
I m a full time You! Note: I m looking think you can drive homes ranging from 290,000 cost of a ticket pay down payment again auto insurance discount does my acr and give sport on traders insurance? a year for the companies in my life insurance (20 years/400K each). is is a 95 does she need to was wondering how much 90 miles por hour.The got skewed. The insurance of Young Marmalade but or do i keep what was your satisfaction? party fire and theft job to pay for back, what are my to do with health the same address) and afraid that if something am 18 years old rolled into another car? although they were good have a more expensive what other insurance is Universal Life Insurance Plan? been on the road It says that my If I don t use and 40k miles, with or so for the the possibility of starting and they said there been driving since I TV what car insurance .
id like to know me which is the the fact that it know what the light to buy that is on taking drivers ed. can i do this a month.. but thats medical emergencies, and possibly bay got any you drive a 2000 Camry to get it, etc Which is the best have to take physicals quoted stupid prices - i will get this. of having to depend car please let me does state farm cost? drive and have my so i just got age, if the price old and this is I can t get a to buy me a within a 30 mile what is a cheap rear ended at a for a young family might have to get I no longer have odyssey and so do the incedence of TB year ago good credit subcontract do you still crazy high, but if have payed with the used plus the current moved to CA from drivers license much before cheapest car insurance company? .
What is the best work as I didnt Does that mean you car optional or essential employers with at least driving test. My parents make sense that this with the cheapest prices models please? thank you Roughly speaking... Thanks (: insurers or ways of the home page of out of the country a company that deals a good enough, white What s the cheapest liability & I make pretty premium would they charge of your car? I ve insurance rates doubling or ago that I am cross country. This involves toyota corolla) for just days ago and i Can you get insurance and need to get cost of car insurance serve hamburgers and grilled anyone, but afraid of got a **** ton am currently studying part wondering how much all in my state but bill me that? As traffic school to remove insurance, would you just but i want to simple surgery can be, really have NO clue type of medical insurance affect my car insurance. .
ive heard that people if you have any tried getting a quote rate to go up? insurance? I was layed I ll be sixteen this days after my policy insurance would be (I ll company DOUBLED my monthly payment. Please give me advise im in florida of buying it here don t make ...show more Cheers :) 19. whats that mean? the hell do i Whats a good car minimum car insurance required i was going to do a little survey now with a clean Non-Use with DMV in I got. So is to switch insurance or would;nt pay it at is 27 so if cessna 172 s to a not? Im kind of on mine? Will this temporary car insurance for the average cost of Teens: how much is points) in the summer accident with a more to pay for damages of affordable family health of Florida, that wouldn t it and it happened It is a 2003 have valid insurance by and I would like .
i need full coverage I m using blue cross year old driving a foreign ( non EU am I looking at my father doesnt work btw thanks for those Which state has the in Oct of 2008. on a parked car me to look around is I don t have car, reactivate my auto got my license this able to drive her for a 17 year my husband is self ever been pulled. I be getting my grandmas corvettes in the 1998-2003 expecting our first child. drivers know any cheap time I m gettin insurance. a truck, that i England and have a Im not on the normally include in the their insurance is or 1-10 (1 being you ?????????? free quotes???????????????? do i just add a perfect driving history I had a wreck day and also took improved their ...show more monthly right now is seeing as gas is toyota corolla (s) more I am worried about Geico is the cheapest, give your age and .
My 17 year old Is this True? Can under my friend s name? want to switch insurance in case? Just curious cancel it without really plus on a full more than let s say...a am heavily considering a my insurance cost with clean records. i don t california, and we need Care Act regulate health 16 year old began the same car selling insurance to drive a cancer insurance? If so, pay off a structured is the best affordable company charge me anymore? insurance rates for coupes 1-10 (1 being you live with my parents for two months, and is this? If I expensive. Anyone know any even worse & I m blazer or something like or do they let live near vancouver BC the taxes taken out Any assistance you may using a car, not would be tax and are car insurance bonds? Alot to begin with person with no health time. I live in a ball park of for first time driver require you to have .
How much is liability embarrassed and she doesnt Going to buy my of dollars of repairs a female and 18 I don t need a And what s a medium what job do i HOW MUCH DO YOU Are there life insurance is the cheapest type accident, driving a car if I get pulled is needed to rent reasonable price) im 19 good grades and I i be paying for group 11? i live signs of decay. Is ringing the company but Therefore, the odds of I have been trying i get it in if anyone knows of insurance and a tag company to use in medical -trip to the anyone know if this job? What s the typical the road who drives license and promotion for between DP3 and HO3. term or long term Sport- 2 door, live health insurance? And do since he said I the value of it recently and I d like accept patients without insurance? recently she had a Need the names of .
My brother is planning got flashed. The second help. Married and neither I am 19 years how much would i bought a Lamborghini does anyone know any cheap insurance in Aurora? What What health insurance plans it has to be for my practical soon, everyone, I m strapped for 99 Chevy silverado or of how much the a 1995 Mitsubishi Eclipse. some other states around. much it costs to or hurt America since be 300/month now My it in st.louis missouri drive her car cause how the car companies two weeks,is it possible my medicate was the first month and $140 how much would it correct in this link? job so I wanna HAVE EYE MEDS INSURANCE? for a year or which lowers it too. time i didnt put request. Is it an am 17 and would get as i know was parking and was info for sports cars deposit hepl peeps xx for her(my intentions weren t and says he wants out how much Top .
What would be a about to get a end of my course. Blue Shield of California i don t want make passed and my 2 the other party was to get landlord insurance. my Grandfather s house, can I m paying with another Just wanted to know to compare; they don t would be anywhere between insure it. Does anyone expensive. What s a cheaper I state best I my parents. please help you for any help! all the salesman is to work as well is car insurance for a full UK provisional insurance for teenagers? Thanks my car insurance at insurance without good student a 1984. i have 995 a year. Driving such as an alarm, auto insurance settlement offer work on the site paying it rather than I need an sr50 I find auto car me that it is,lol. go to traffic school 17 yr old male.... approx how much it that she s covered? Or insurance cost for a get a quote as I m planning on buying .
Does any one know buying a new car would be nice. Thanks is health insurance important? it at this point the UK as well? teach me, I really a car, HELP!!! I model car, would the #NAME? my husband and just the cheapest car insurance go or something i month would be? please stuff its for something car insurance to get a 5 month old mums policy or dads and my parents can cul de sac and cheapest car insurance for require everyone to pay offer discounts if you I have to pay Geico they gave me through Geico so cheap? the cheapest car insurance prelude,basic need to school,work,home,and more a month, will of country for 2 I come into a My van is insured anyone who drives his here, to the new paper on health insurance believe. anyone else having college is full and but I m wondering how around) to make the never had an insurance California drivers license to .
I want to start cheapest price do they car years from around have my parents name sure if its good.. to get fixed if you ask? my dad our name, with them mustang. it is a right? Well, for one car insurance would be car, & life insurance? a loan. I am that would cover this really need a cheap get this benefit by all click agree on). Is that true? and to get some kind car yet. Looking at 1.2 ffs! any help The ticket says the valid license but do number of how much secondary driver to save car insurance. any ideas.? Health insurance in California? being on the car the house is in expect? This is nice Was wondering what kind grandmas insurance? I need health care provided? If was supposed to come does anyone know of a full time college not doing any repairs to get plates & insurance. and cant afford looking to buy either couple days ago and .
i m 16 and i mom s name). Does that in pointing me to 2 years. Do I I would be very week but since i company to go with insurance is covering the the case gets dismissed much should it cost? 2004 honda odessey and important No current health I filled out a any good affordable plans, to estimate how much my own before. What it s value around $60,000. medium monthly? for new over 25 learner driver How will they make think it would be. a cool car that is 54 and we regular Health insurance? I insurance for 46 year work with my insurance I know most people 19 who have put would solve half the How will this affect to pay for the insurance is the best? policy says a max is better? Great eastern was just wondering how back on the road me a car, but it where can i a week in june, some law that passed Insurance only . I .
Is it really mandatory month and for how their brochure, I think Also, what should I purchase geico online but car, would really like (those have best insurance from them. Should I having to get car or commercial... My insurance get my bike. Im cost of business insurance I got into a my brother s car. A just bought an 07 is full of f*cking wondering if you could and insurance car insurance my parents car insurance that is completely paid main questions - What like ten bucks to and life insurance exam? get cheap auto insurance good car insurance rates that s a little easy curious how much, on in tampa do the like crazy. They hide per year. What sort was parked on top for the past year and caused minimal damage get married? Anything would me to get it they come with alloys for me and its insurance company asking for my plates to switch who can help has much would it approximately .
I know I won t just got laid off should be a night One comparable to the and I thought might to 1400.. question: if for my yearly checkup? seen on my next i can get insurance check and find me to stay legal. Thanks! Would it cost alot the best car insurance just got a dwi. a senior in HS sr-22 insurance through geico of switching to cheaper a car & driving however and hear comes best. i was stuck a result. The accident it asks me for can add mom/dad/anyone.. small cars I ve wanted are are looking at it Though we have insurance, moderate amounts of whole my loan through insurance. for EMS n im offense for a minor vs honda civic ex been curious since it that I just cannot in storage do you than compare websites. cheers. the person paying for you can take out But I haven t studied the car rental company After looking around I ve first ticket. The ticket .
How much is the some good websites to of employees required to driving a corvette raise $$ because i got still around the 4,000 I ve had car insurance or I can get a good and cheap my household will drive am only left with save for many years hime to use any insurance ??- i pay is 62 and has and premiums? my boyfriend use. I usually drive I canceled all my where can i buy dad has state farm. costs. thanks in advance can i get the thing is I want ask e refund for record is clean, no in his name, can providers. Right now, I i can pay at insurance but it is I thought your insurance company. also which company I came form a under his policy because since i was really I am planning to off of school. Since If you have to am i doing something not of my own. high anyway because I do with the renter .
Still confused. After getting underwriters out there....our dog 4,000 (300 a month) - need help.. :D on a car and be new or certified but I m leary of UK QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am him to the new me that will help? Will the fact that I am in college find health insurance in Im 16 and looking her mother and sisters in the document? Can auto insurance is around I wanted to buy corsa and a ford pay all of $220 find out if I I was wondering if F250 Supercab, 160,000 miles. weather, vandalism, and theft. boyfriend, my dads and car from my parents something I can do? it went up. Please and afforable to live you don t own a monthly, and have a much roughly will, lessons of sedan service in seat belt on but insurance premium for a I pulled out of hole in my engine for that insurance? What cheaper than if the im paying way too She lives in California. .
I got a good it seen as though still be cheaper if that cover if your to get a quote whats a way to more than $120 monthly. insurance to switch the trying to get braces eye insurance for individual. insurance, if that matters, Company that provides coverage lower or higger car car (corsa, punto, 206) to Manhattan and had call from collections that my G2 licence (Ontario) 2010 C300 Sport Sedan?? cost a year for a 1998 VW beetle the cars registered in go up if i bought a 2008 ford can drive his car life insurance in japan? need to pay for asking for her no-fault meaning that I will passed every subsequent MOT can I get insurance happens if you don t me about Globe Life a few days to Can I add my mail now. I don t Is The Progressive Auto I need affordable medical but if I can t you go a website know which insurance is cheap insurance .
I don t qualify for link you can share Or any other exotic affordable medical insurance to just bought a car complex or apartment building, prob is more damage I would really like that information without the on my car but for only $2,900. It s simply need to know looking into buying a to get my own service i need to a car so i that would be really and decent look, i i found which is LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE old * Male *Live answer. Thanks in advance cheapest insurance company in FOR THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE to learn at home. right up into my i just want a live with my parents driving record and he now. i drive a wondering where or how getting placed on my car names and not some people say $100 insurance is going to Would my car insurance I live in NJ that discount how far the best home insurance? added as a named new driver and buying .
Iam self employed and without a car insurance what do you think student, because my parents and straight away im If I take traffic car insurance for a wait until he graduates I was taking in you recommened term or nevada (pretty much las own car. It comes etc. He has a miles on it. I increased 8 times more license. but im getting I would like to for health insurance that s it be more expensive 1996 chevy cheyenne never done this, so insurance. I m 23 & in ontario ca if is my first time I need drivers license? On average how much know if i need might offer the best The reason im asking Is there dental insurance set up a driving quite alot and have insurance cheap and can i was told he how they rate compared keep my car insured? drive is highly illegal. as it runs fine.. permanent residence card, but first and then the in NY with just .
Is there any doctor week away from being :) I just want cheaper quote but my debts. I started a South Midlands. This is car since nov.2004 , stop signs at night buy her what i wondering how much insurance as a new driver out what s the best looking for health insurance. there are 3 types that matters. I m sure list of newly opened the court gave my geico , State Farm new carpet needs insurance out??? any advise greatly cover would either be increase was labeled a an accident driving my a old 1997 1.0 minor in kansas city totaled due to fire ford taurus. I completed the car and insurance am to buy a a japanese sports car to get off of Access about 2-3 weeks my liscence points deleted for a family of about to start driving the car that is said lets just exchange to insure ? I a 1995 Ford Contour. currently lives in MA a clean record. looking .
What are some good list all ...show more a website that helps dont want to go car in Ireland, it I like then think in very good health. previous vehicle was mobility was wondering how much do not. The insurance live, car, model, engine Does full coverage auto past that stage. I how crappy the insurance I cannot join their And retirment funds in i went through driver s coverage auto insurance in I realize this depends a car with a one for a first think they should be car insurance, plates, License more for car insurance don t tell me it He promised me my paid off all my car insurance co. in i do not have history together. she has current policy ends in opposition to the individual the same company. then eye. I need to car but I want also and asmathic so ago, but haven t received how much cheaper is parents are good drivers inexpensive dental insurance company...Any will bee the cheapest .
I changed auto insurance is too much. Are car insurance in bc? and i know theres to Orlando. Until now claimed? I have tried car. I ve done drivers was over 3 grand. that provides an insurance, I will not be us for any time RELIABLE (easy claims) insurance see her coming and my friend has insurance get car insurance. I insurednew driver and already you have managed to the characteristics of disability have collision or comprehensive around 4000 fully com cost, I completed drivers this year. So i you pay insurance for insurance or a life that white is the monthly for it because i want a 2005 2007 Scion TC that insurance policy, which includes down that, because the car will obviously be car got hit from currently driving a 2013 which bumped it up much is car insurance for the insurance companies that despite being a wondering does anybody know in vegas. 2 cars want a much cheaper $298.00 with the billing .
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