#even if cal wouldn't know who daisy is
avengerdaisy · 3 months
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I know I'm going away for good, but I was hoping... you might come visit... once in a while? I will. I promise. That would be...
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wildlife4life · 6 months
Seven (+) Sentence Sunday
Tagged by the super lovely @prosperdemeter2 @gayedmundodiaz @lemonzestywrites @rainbow-nerdss @devirnis @cal-daisies-and-briars @buddierights @disasterbuckdiaz @exhuastedpigeon @dangerpronebuddie @daffi-990 @tizniz @try-set-me-on-fire and @rogerzsteven Thank so much! Go check out all their snippets and works!
Well would ya'll look at that... I'm actually participating in a tag day with an actual wip and not a coda. Whoa. And even better... Its an NFL Buck snippet! WOOOOO! Want to see more NFL Buck? Please check it all out here!
"So." Karen begins, pulling Hen's attention from the book she's been trying to read for the past week. She quirks an eyebrow at her wife, "So?" "So my boss's son's, partner broke their leg Tuesday after tripping over their 15 year old terrier." Karen explains and Hen can't help but look back towards where Paisley is lounging on the arm chair (Hen's favorite seat that she has lost to that sassy fur ball) with worry. Her wife chuckles reading Hen's internal concern, "Babe, Paisley is as pure bred as they come. We'll be lucky if she makes it to 10." "That pure bred survived an earthquake and a collapsed building. I wouldn't put it past her to make it way past 10 out of spite alone.” Hen remarks, turning back to Karen. Karen rolls her eyes, but gets back on topic, "Anyway. Harris, that's the partner, got their hands on some passes to that super exclusive gay club, The Green Carnation for this Friday." "You mean the place that runs a background check rivaling the FBI, makes every patron sign NDA's, and will blacklist a person from every gay bar from here to Vegas if they break said NDA? The place that is rumored to host not only out celebrities, but also the deeply closeted, tilt the world on it's axis if they ever came out, big names? That gay club?" Hen questions, her excitement starting to rise. Her very sexy and somehow very connected wife smirks, "The very one. And poor Harris just can't fathom trying to hop around on one leg and not drink thanks to their newly acquired pain meds. So they had their partner-" "Your boss's son." Hen remembers, leaning towards Karen, who instinctually gets closer as well. "Karson, with a K, starts to asks around his dads work because you know, we're literal rocket scientist working on very classified information." "Who better to invite to a secret club than those who work on secret projects." "Exactly." Karen's smirk becomes wicked (and very sinful), "And wouldn't you know, the only non-straight and married person around is yours truly." Hen honest to go squeals, loud and bubbling with elation, "You got us passes to The Green Carnation?!" "With a pre-paid drink package. All we have to do is agree to the background check and sign the NDA." Karen replies with a broad grin. Hen can no longer hold herself back and practically tackles her wife with a teeth clattering kiss. Karen, as always, catches her and kisses back 110%. ("So, my 48 off falls on the weekend." Eddie states and he takes notice of Buck's sly grin forming, his boyfriend most likely on the same train of thought, "And since it's still your bye week..." "You want to dance the night away with other secret gays." Evan finishes. Eddie smirks, "And get a private room blow job." The quarterback's smile is almost feral like, "I'll make the reservation." And Eddie watches Buck tap on the contact Florists with the green clover next to it. The phone rings twice before a deep voice comes through the speaker, "State your member id." "Buckley, 201-09-18." "Diaz, 201-09-19." A quick moment of silence, then, "What can The Green Carnation do for you today Mr. Buckley and Mr. Diaz?")
Hmm... Is a certain run in going to happen???? We'll see!!! Hope you all enjoyed!
Tagging (no pressure): @hippolotamus @theotherbuckley @watchyourbuck @perfectlysunny02 @aroeddiediaz @loserdiaz @diazsdimples @jesuisici33 @fortheloveofbuddie @evanbegins @buck-coded @glorious-spoon @thekristen999 @spotsandsocks @sunshinediaz @lover-of-mine @hoodie-buck @elvensorceress @gayedmundodiaz @giddyupbuck @goforkinard @bekkachaos @thewolvesof1998 @eddiebabygirldiaz @spaceprincessem @eddiiediaz @honestlydarkprincess @doublecheekeddiaz @transboybuckley @nmcggg @monsterrae1 @missmagooglie @thebloomingheather @bigfootsmom
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rudikawhy · 10 months
It's been two months and five days since I've started Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Today, I finished the very last episode. (I know I'm making this more dramatic than it is, but idc)
So, it's been a lot. So many good, great things, but also a lot of weird, disturbing things. Characters I loved all the way through (Hunter, Piper, Davis, Sousa, every Koenig (I think)); Characters I almost loved all the way through, except for a few episodes where they made some choices I didn't agree with or so (Fitz, Simmons, Bobbi, Coulson, Daisy, May, Deke, Enoch); Characters about whom I wouldn't say I loved them but I still liked them very much (Mack, YoYo, Trip, Mace, Flint); Characters who weren't exactly the good guys but still were somewhat likable to some extent (Ward, Radcliffe, Cal, Gordon, Jiaying, Sunil Bakshi, Robbie, Kora), and of course Characters who were written to be hated (The Malicks, Garrett, Whitehall, Lucy Bauer, Ellen Nadeer, Ivanov, Kassius, the Hales, Izel, Sybil) and everyone who I don't know in which category to put, or what to name their category.
I am so glad, that the phase in season five where I couldn't stand Daisy, was over as soon as season six started. I was surprised by how MUCH I loved her in season seven.
Season six was definitely my least favorite (and of what I've read I'm not the only one with that opinion). But I can't say it enough, how much I loved the parts in space of Piper, Davis, Daisy, and Jemma (and later only Daisy and Jemma) searching for Fitz and Enoch. I can't think of one single moment right now from that space part, that I didn't like. But I really hated Izel and this whole shrike thing, and Sarge and his team, so I was really glad when season seven started.
Because season seven started off just absolutely great! I already said that I loved their clothes. Sending Jemma in as Peggy Carter in the 50s was perfection. Daisy saying she already has a sister to save, her name is Jemma Simmons. May falling through the ceiling, punching Sybil and saying "The Cavalry". Fitzsimmons naming their daughter after a star. Piper's wish from Jemma being getting Davis back. The team meeting up (at least) once a year to catch up and not losing each other. All of that is perfection.
There is so much more I want to write about, but first, I can't put everything into words (right now), and second, this post would be way too long.
I am so glad that I started Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and I'm even more glad that I continued watching even though the first five episodes or so didn't convince me at all, and at first I only stayed because of the characters.
I am thankful for everyone involved, but especially those who decided that these wonderful actors would get the role they got, because honestly? I couldn't have asked for a cast that was more fitting.
I will start re-watch soon (at least in parts), because friends of mine started watching, but I have yet to convince them that it gets better than it currently is (they are in episode four).
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charsawdeath · 2 years
when they lie on your lap (Valor/Daisy or PentNiss! From Gimme-A-Thrust!)
when they lie on your lap 
From Gimme-A-Thrust!)
Half brother Cal isn't to thrilled to see his half sister Daisy resting her head upon the lap of to-be Overlord Valor
I didn't see it coming.
I'd been too distracted by the beauty resting in my lap.
The purest treasure in all of Hell, resting at ease with me keeping guard~
My sweet Daisy~
The reason I learned to care and feel for others!
The reason I felt something other than a promos air when with my parents!
I didn't see this coming however because I looked upon a dream.
I was side swiped by someone behind me and yelped in surprise, nearly dropping Daisy from my lap.
I'd been warned about this brute! Daisy told me that his name was Calmylin or 'Cal' for short.
He was the half brother of my beautiful flower and one with an even harder grudge against my parents then me.
He DESPITED my 'Dad' Vox, fearing that he'd one day take out his Father Alastor and knowing him personally, I wouldn't put it past him.
Daisy and I fix ourselves as the young man stands where he'd struck me, ear tufts lowered with a snarl curling his lips.
The violent red of his eyes bore into me yet I stayed put.
I, however, didn't show retaliation. I showed I wasn't a threat and kept my eyes lowered.
"Who the hell do you think you are?" He snarls, bristled with anger as he remains cemented upon my person.
"Cal, he'ssss not hurting anyon-"
"Yet, Daisy! Yet!" I watched as he moved around the couch Daisy and I had been resting on and put himself before his half sister, four arms held out on either of his sides.
I lower my antennae and step back only to fall back upon the couch.
"Cal, pleassse?"
The hissing stammer emerged from Daisy's lips as she worried her six hands till they were raw.
She eyed me from behind her much taller half brother and shot me apologetic looks.
I only kept my eyes lowered, spying her looks from time to time.
"I'll give you a chance ta beat it before I beat the chance outta ya!" Cal hissed, body bracing as if he was already going to do so.
In the brief period of the half siblings looking at each other, a single action from Daisy let me know I was able to flee and I did so with heist. 
The bark of 'DON'T YOU FUCKING COME BACK!' Is stabbed into my retreating back and so I keep running.
That action had been made when her 'Mommy' and 'Daddy' caught us together and she distracted them enough for me to run-
Like a coward!
A flick of her unfurling hood was all I got before I was taken out by everyone who disliked our being together.
And showed those who had taken the distraction, how much of a puss I was in running instead of staying and taking it.
Like a failure-
Just like I'd been told by Overlords Vox and Valentino the day they kicked me out having caught me with Daisy one too many times.
If only she and everyone she knew that I'd chosen to be stripped of EVERYTHING for her not to be hurt! To keep her safe from any and all harm!
Maybe one day, when the trauma of that beating wasn't so fresh-
Until then, I was on my own outside once again, away from my treasure. 
Away from my Daisy!
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samanthaswishes · 3 years
Agents of SHIELD Rewatch Season 1B (ep. 12-22)
Here's my commentary on my rewatch of Agents of SHIELD Season 1 Episodes 12-22. This may not be the best commentary since these are just the thoughts and opinions that come to my mind as I watch the episodes rather than a full-blown analysis, but I'm just having fun with it!
1x12 Seeds
I don't know about you guys, but I've always wanted to go to the SHIELD Academy since I first watched this episode. Personally, I think I'd be in communications just cause I'm not good at anything physical or science. Plus, it sounds kinda fun. And it's the easiest to get into so that's probably the only one I qualify for haha😅
I like how Weaver just completely skips over Skye in introducing herself.
The Wall of Valor scene is so funny to watch now after Season 7 because Daniel Sousa's name is on that wall and like 5-6 years later, he's Skye's husband boyfriend.
The fact that May knew what was going on the whole time with Coulson while she was trying to draw his attention away from it.
I love how May talking at all means that some things is up.
Also, this is probably the start of May really caring for Skye. Even though she was doing it to take Coulson's mind someplace else, she cared enough about Skye to do this for her.
For someone who's been off-grid for 23 years, Lumley's still got it.
Also, the fact that he knew exactly what they were there for. He saw them and knew immediately that it was about Daisy.
Hearing the story feels so different after season 2 since we know that Whitehall had originally raided the village followed by Cal and Jiaying killing everyone in search of Daisy.
I get that the protocol was created to protect Skye, but it's honestly sad that none of them thought of the emotional ramifications it would have on Skye. Even though she learns that's what happened, that doesn't change the abuse and feelings of loneliness she grew up with. Again, THE SHOW SHOULD HAVE EXPLORED HER PAST MORE.
Also sad that the scene with Agent Tad (played by Zachary Burr Abel aka Elizabeth's fiance) was cut.
I honestly kinda feel bad for Donnie. Seth used him for money then he was later brainwashed by Hydra and unfortunately, had to be killed.
Skye thought she did something wrong when Coulson wouldn't look at her (Again, not to be protective about Skye, but damn somebody give her a hug.)
"I can get there." "Yeah, I can't get there"
"Who do you become?" UGH THE FORESHADOWING TO 2x10 OMG.
1x13 T.R.A.C.K.S.
May looks so good in this episode.
I also love Skye's outfit, but too bad it had to get ruined when she got SHOT.
"Wait, you told him?" "YEP" Oh, May I love you.
Does anyone else get kinda uncomfortable when Fitz speaks with an American accent? Like it's so unnatural to me. (Iain does an amazing accent. It's just weird to me that the accent is coming out of his mouth)
"Prostitutes? Plural?"
I love the Jemma and Coulson duo. So happy it came back in 7x03 with almost the same energy.
"My men are dead" Cause May got the best of you idiot.
The ICONIC holo table scene. We love to see it.
I love how in a matter of seconds, we see just how much of a badass May is while also showing how big of a heart she has towards the people she cares about.
We really got some Philinda action in this episode.
Fitz's comment to Skye is basically the right idea, but executed horribly (he said it to ease her nerves but it only made her more scared of herself) which you can't blame him for since he doesn't know what exactly she's referring to just yet.
On my first watch, I KNEW something bad was going to happen when Skye said she wanted to go in alone.
But props to Skye cause before she's cornered in that basement, she actually handles herself really well.
Here's the second Skye/Daisy choke out of the series, and what do you know, it's in front of Quinn AGAIN.
As soon as Quinn raised the gun in Mike's hand, I knew Skye was going to get hurt when I first watched it.
Oh god, Skye crying out for help always gets me.
Coulson goes into Protective Dad Mode™ as soon as he sees the blood on Quinn's hand, and he already knows it's Skye's blood.
Coulson holding Skye on the ground and just repeating "hang on" gets me every time too.
I love how much the team has grown to care about Skye over the past 13 episodes. Even though they haven't known each other long, her being on the verge of death affects all of them, and none of them can imagine their lives without her.
Leave me alone to cry😭
1x14 T.A.H.I.T.I.
The whole beginning of this episode feels so intense and heartbreaking.
I love how May's the one to bring everyone back in and say that none of them were at fault.
I will never not be sick of watching May beat the crap out of Ian Quinn. It's literally one of my favorite scenes ever.
We love Bill Paxton here.
I was low-key (but very much high-key now) rooting for Trip to win the little fight between him and Ward...
The whole giant file thing (echo chamber I think they call it) still makes no sense to me. Like how do you tell what is what and where you are in the files?
Honesly, if they went the Trip and Simmons route, I wouldn't have even been mad (even though I personally did ship him and Skye for a bit in s2.)
Ugh the whole Skye almost flatlining to the bunker collapsing to injecting Skye with the GH-325 is intense.
We love Protective Dad™ Coulson.
1x15 Yes Men
She's getting better😆
You did amazing Skye. Don't think so low of yourself.
Skye's got 'Welcome Wagon' catching on😉
LADY SIF!!!!!!
I love May's face when Sif explains how Lorelei's powers only work on men cause they have a weakness that women don't have.
I love that Sif already knows how to use the holo table. Coulson must be feeling do bad right now haha🤣
And the Night-Night Gun becomes the ICER.
When I first watched this, I didn't understand Coulson's reasoning, but now I am totally on his side. They didn't know what the drug was (well, he did but you know), but it was so protected that it must've been off SHIELD books for a reason.
Mulan moment with May and Sif's sword.
"He will not hesitate to kill you" I mean, in 1x19 he was pretty ready to kill her and he wasn't mind controlled then.
Yep. May's ready to murder Lorelei.
What's with Simmons and that fire extuingisher? It’s the second time this season.
May beating up Ward in this episode is very satisfying.
I don't know about y'all but I'm almost positive Ward pressed the trigger on the gun AFTER Sif put the necklace on Lorelei.
"I'm not saying you were weak. I'm saying ALL men are weak."
1x16 End of the Beginning
The start of the Winter Soldier tie in!
Ward looks like he’s not happy that she’s an agent now.
“I’m no clairvoyant” he says as he’s following the ‘clairvoyant’
Don’t wish Sitwell luck, Coulson. He’s Hydra and Bucky’s about to yank him out of a moving car and yeet him across the freeway.
How did Fitz and Simmons not think May was being suspicious. She’s good at hiding it things, but in that moment, she was acting so different and her tone was different as well.
“Are you scorpio?” Yes actually. Ming-Na Wen is indeed a scorpio.
“Don’t call me Vic. It’s condescending.”
I just now realized Garrett checking out Fitz’s golden retrievers. That probably when he decided he wanted to come to Hydra.
Garrett was probably down there making sure Thomas Bash was set up.
Coulson gonna protect his new daughter from harm.
Ward don’t act all heroic. You knew that guy wasn’t the clairvoyant. God I’m so happy the betrayal episode is next.
“DoN’t UsE mY nAmE jEmMa”
If I was Fitz and I was peeking into May’s line and she caught me, I’d shit my pants.
“I didn’t do anything”🙅‍♂️
Okay, but what was the point of the ICER? Like why was she gonna ice him?
I kinda believe that if Skye hadn’t came in when she did, Coulson may have actually figured Ward out.
And there’s the Victoria Hand fake out.
1x17 Turn, Turn, Turn
Okay but Garret just flying the plane and reading a book is a whole mood.
I was so scared that Trip was Hydra when I first watched this episode.
Garrett, Coulson’s a whole lot smarter than you thought.
*cue Among Us music*
I completely understand Coulson’s anger, but May was completely under orders and I feel like he would’ve done the same thing if he had been ordered to.
I completely missed the part where 2 different teams stormed the Bus, so that means both a shield and a hydra team were coming for them.
“You haven’t even taught me to hold up under torture yet” “We’ll get to that. It’s fun”
Hand is kinda twisting the events of what actually happened.
How did those agents that were running towards the closet not see the door open? Like it’s not hard to miss.
I did ship SkyeWard when I watched s1 for the first time. Now, I’m just counting down the days until Skye/Daisy’s lips will be touching Daniel’s instead of this murderer’s.
So Victoria Hand and that strike team just waited until the fight was done to enter?
I do wish I didn’t get spoiled that Ward was Hydra the first time I watched it. That reaction would’ve been amazing.
1x18 Providence
It's been a few weeks since I last watched haha😅
RAINA'S BACK. I frickin love Raina.
And suddenly Ward is all evil and shit. It's been what? 12 hours at most?
"You're not clairvoyant?" Well, Raina, guess who is going to be in a season.
Was I the only one who was annoyed by Fitz kinda getting on Jemma and Trip? He claims they're ganging up on him, but they're right. Plus, he's the one who told Trip to turn it on only to scream at him and get mad. I'm probably reading too much into this cause my likings of Fitz have gone down significantly since I first watched, but I digress.
I don't really like the side plot of Fitz being jealous of Trip and acting like he's the bad guy.
"We have internet" "Yayyy"
Just drop him already, Skye. He's not worth it.
No surprise to anyone but Grant Ward is an asshole.
I get he still likes her, but if he knew someone on the team was going to get hurt eventually, why the hell is Ward so mad about it? I guess I just hate that he still cares about her because it's so DISGUSTING!!🤮
Jesus Juice™
Poor Skye. She was only SHIELD for a day.
To be honest, I understand the team's reserves about the situation.
You're no one's type, Ward.
Him repeating what he said at the beginning of the season is so awkward idk why😂
She is concerned, Phil. I hate this whole Coulson and May conflict.
ngl May could definitely take Coulson on if she were to take his 'weapon'
These agents are so stupid. No Hand, no opening the door. Seriously? It's not that hard. If they were told to only open the doors with Hand, then that's what they have to do ESPECIALLY right now.
Skye has the cutest snow outfit with her little purple beanie💜
See, this part I can admit that I understand where Fitz is coming from. I, too, struggle so much with change. My mind is constantly thinking about ways things would be if certain things didn't change, and my mind kind of just feeds off of that.
Coulson's "agents of nothing" speech still hits hard.
We love the lanyards.
Funny how when he mentions 'brother' none of us knew he had 3 more brothers that look exactly like him (and a sister).
"At least the machine gun didn't start shooting at you." I WISH IT DID.
I too regret that Garrett didn't rip Quinn's tongue out.
And that's the last time we will ever see gravitonium until season 5!
1x19 Only Light in the Darkness
We finally get the story of the cellist.
Okay, but what happened to all the other criminals locked up in the Fridge? Are they still on the run?
Why does almost every bad guy have to listen to classical music?
Skye sounded so scared when she said Ian Quinn🥺
Was Koenig not informed Coulson had a whole team? He seems so mad that there are other people besides Coulson.
During this whole scene we learn that May was once married, Trip is the grandson of a Howling Commando, and Skye's name from the orphanage was Mary Sue Poots.
I’ve never watched anything Doctor Who related and know very little about it, but Jemma being a Doctor Who fangirl is adorable.
Why is this the only time Ward's sister is mentioned? Like, was she just never around?
Koenig should've shot Ward right then and there. If there were spikes, that's a major red flag. I'm sure the team would understand if he had said, "he was lying. He's Hydra."
Again, Fitz hating on Trip is pretty annoying.
And that's why you don't go jogging at night.
We love Skye hacking into government agencies.
And Simmons is still a terrible liar.
"It was like he came out of a movie." Haha.... ha
They were planning a trip to Tahiti🥺😩
"I wake up like he's watching over me." Haha... ha… HA
What made Ward think he could take out Melinda May?
Bye, Eric. It was nice knowing you.
I feel like Skye was truly sad when May left. Probably felt abandoned like when she was in foster care and masked it by being angry/annoyed.
AHH, THIS SCENE! The cello in the background with Skye finding out Ward is Hydra is phenomenal!
Chloe does such an amazing performance in this scene!
UGh Ward's obsession with Skye is WEIRD and CREEPY and I DON'T LIKE IT!
Lian May has canonically met Maria Hill, and I love that.
1x20 Nothing Personal
I love that Coulson finally came around on the May situation.
And that's when Coulson goes into Full Dad Mode™.
Skye is really doing such a better job at staying undercover and staying relaxed than Ward.
Hello General Talbot. Can't wait for the love/hate relationship we're gonna have for the next four seasons.
We love Melinda May going grave robbing.
Skye would have actually succeeded if Mike didn't come into play. She did so well.
Skye beating Ward for the small moment is my favorite thing in the whole episode.
Ward sympathizers always ignore this scene. WARD IS A BIG FAT FRICKIN NAZI.
"Sacrifices" BOY you haven't sacrificed anything for yourself. You sacrifice other people and things that are special to those people. Don't act like you've given up so much.
No one talks about the mental manipulation Skye went through in this episode, and we really need to.
I'd only want to go sky diving if it was done in Lola
Coulson giving Skye a candy bar from the vending machine always makes me soft.
1x21 Ragtag
The flashback parts of this episode enrages me for some reason. Like, are you trying to make me sympathize with a nazi? Cause it's not working.
You all will be in Bogota in about two years to pick up someone very special😉
I love fanboy Coulson.
May and Coulson pretending to be Fitzsimmons is one of my favorite things.
"May looks barely a day over... THIRTY! YOU'RE GORGEOUS!"
Sleepy Sleep Gun™
You never want to be stuck in an elevator with Melinda May. Or you absolutely do. Depends on the situation.
"DoEs YoUr SwEaTeR iTcH?"
Season 1 is a fun one to rewatch after having had watched the whole series because they set so much stuff up for season 2 in this season.
"Skye, Trip, get ready for a large file transfer." "How large?" Y E E T
^ Still one of my favorite scenes ever.
Again, this episode is not getting me to feel bad for Ward.
I hate how Fitz just ignores Skye's experience with Ward. He wants to prove that Ward isn't evil when Skye experienced firsthand what kind of person Ward is. It’s like her experience doesn’t matter to him. It literally takes until Ward has affected him personally does he see it.
Again, no one talks about the mental manipulation done to Skye in the last episode.
"We'Re GoInG tO cUbA😃"
"Garrett's dying!" GOOD
I do understand that Garrett manipulated Ward, but STILL. I feel like Ward could've redeemed himself before the finale but everything he's done after the turn is absolutely terrible (not excusing every terrible thing he did as hydra before the show btw). Once he reached the point of no return, it's honestly hard to even sympathize with him. Ward deserves nothing.
ANOTHER THING! People say Ward gave Fitzsimmons the best possible option for survival. HOW DOES THAT NEGATE THE FACT THAT HE THREW THEM OUT OF THE PLANE AND INTO THE OCEAN. And don't even get me started on people saying "it was supposed to float." Yeah, the containment pod can, which wasn't invented until SEASON 3!!! I'm pretty sure what they're in is the medical pod that Skye was in after she was shot. I'm almost positive that it doesn't have a floating feature (unless I missed a line completely, but I don’t think I did. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong).
1x22 Beginning of the End
That guy's first mistake was approaching May and immediately calling her the Cavalry.
Okay, but did Garrett immediately start writing, but Coulson needed to see the writing first?
^Nevermind. I answered my own question. Tahiti. The false memories. That's it.
Fitz breaking his arm in the same exact places he did when he was a kid reminds me of how my younger brother has been stung by a bee twice on the same pinky finger.
What's with this season and using the "Bob's your uncle" line?
"What will I become?" AHHHHHHHH
Hey! Jemma! I was miserable and upside down before I was born too!!
Oh, Trip I miss you.
"GoOd BoY"
And also I love Skye. I don't know if I've mentioned it.
"i LoVe YoU tOo"
I don't mind Fitz telling Jemma about his feelings. (Yes, I have issues with the situation he told her in, but in a generalized sense, I don't mind) What I do mind is how he acted after the fact in season 2 just because Simmons didn't reciprocate the feelings. She obviously still loves him, he’s her best friend.
"Hi John" *punch* "Hi Phil" *punch*
"You were never on top" I LOVE THAT LINEEEE
"What are we?" WE'RE A TEAM😭
Coulson's an Avenger!!!! Fury said so!
And there's Cal!
Ugh I forgot how good this finale is.
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scottsumrners · 3 years
Meanwhile tlj is bad and people not seeing how bad it is to this day is fucking denial..... I still dont get why people hate the fact that rey was born from normal people (before the nexts movie retcon) because like..... Star wars does a lot yet so little B U T making the force magic again and not just some shit that you can get for being the specialest person with sacred parents?? That's not a bad idea!!!! Not every person needs to be the sacred chosen one from a long lineage of saviors..... Tlj sucked so hard but I do think that the fact that rey was a normal person that was born with a random gift like....?? It was obvious that Finn was meant to be the same!!! Rey and Finn were opposites to k*lo who came from a line of specialest little bitches!! It is even implied that Rey and Finn were that capable because they were the light to counter k*los darkness......... But then it all got thrown into the trash and they only took the SHIT from tlj to ros
now, see, the thing about people hating on Rey being Just Some Girl is in the fact that, if rey had been Just Some Girl with no build up, it would've been fine! it would've been different from the last two star wars trilogies where a Special Person was born with a Big Destiny. but the problem is that the first movie established that she had a special connection with the Skywalker family! the lightsaber called to her! she heard all those voices! she was Han's protegee! she had this set up, and that was all thrown aside because.... i don't even know why. rain johnson went out of his way to undo everything that jar jar binks abrams did in the first one, ignored all the comments that the actors made about their characters (including fucking Mark Hamill himself!) and throw away any build up, and all because his wife wanted to make him be adam driver's cuckhold.
(and like, she wouldn't even be the first Some Guy/Girl in the Star Wars franchise. both Cal Ketsis and Ezra Bridger are literally Just Some Guys.)
the worst sin about the way they wrote Rey, however, is still in the fact that all evidence points to the fact that she was written in the story as damage control - to steal the focus away from Finn. like, she was probably originally the love interest/a side character who got rewritten into being The Main Character in the same way that Poe was rewritten to still be alive even though Jar Jar wanted him to die in the first act. the fact that John had to audition several times (but daisy only once or twice), that JJ literally told him he would be the star of the franchise, that all the important plot points are centered on Finn... like, if you look at the plot of The Force Awakens, it makes no sense that rey is the main character. Finn is the driving force from beginning to end. he is Kyle Ron's foil. he is LITERALLY THE ONE WHO AWAKENS THE FORCE when he defects. if you take Finn out of the movie, it falls apart. if you take Rey out... you literally only need to rewrite a couple of scenes lol the ONLY way for the trilogy to work was if Rey WAS "special" because otherwise.... homegirl has no beef in this fight. she was literally just some backwater scavenger. aside from the obvious "fighting against fascism", there was no reason for her to BE the main character when, again, FINN IS RIGHT THERE
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daisy116 · 4 years
Wtf is a Selfie??
some dousy fluff/ anst for my favs. it’s been sooo long since i’ve written but i worked really hard on this and i hope y’all like it!
please give it sum love and/ or feedback <3!
The team was getting ready for their goodbye dinner together. Just one last night of dinner and drinks, and then they’d go their different ways. 
Daisy was obviously feeling emotional, and Sousa knew this. He came to check on her in her room. 
He stood outside her door, took a deep breathe, and, in classic Danial Sousa fashion, knocked.
“Come in!”
When he opened the door, her back was to him, and she was struggling with the zipper on her dress. 
“Here. Let me help you with that.” he came to help her. 
“Oh. Thanks Sousa.” Daisy said. She felt her cheeks turn red.
Sousa hadn’t realized how nice she looked. Her blond hair was in loose waves down her back, and when she turned to face him, he saw she was wearing eyeliner and mascara that made her brown eyes pop. Blush tinted her cheeks. 
They locked eyes, and she looked at the floor shyly. 
“Thanks”, she practically whispered. Dammit why couldn’t she just act normal around him. 
There was an awkward silence. Daniel looked around her room as she studied the floor. 
After a moment, he brushed past her to look at the bedside table. 
“Who’s this?” he asked. 
Daisy followed his gaze. Sitting on her bedside table were three different picture frames and a jewelry box. 
The largest picture was a frame hanging on the wall behind the table, the two others sitting in front of it. One was a picture of Daisy and Coulson, beaming at whoever the cameraman (or woman) was. The picture looked fairly recent. 
Sousa had picked up the smaller frame. It was an older picture, evident by Daisy’s brunette and banged hair. The picture was obviously taken by someone else, and Daisy was looking at whoever might be to the left of the camera man. There was a man next to her, who was taller and older, and he was looking right into the camera. they were both wearing the same, almost sad looking smile. This is what first tipped Sousa to who this man might be. She took the frame from his hand. 
“Cal” and after a beat, “my dad”.
Sousa, in all honesty, didn't know what to say. Just a small “Oh.” spilled his mouth.
Daisy had never talked about her dad. She had told Sousa about her mom, Jiaying, but not much outside of the story that she had shared with him about her suffering at the hands of Whitehall.
“He um,” she was obviously trying to find the right words. Did she even want to go down this path with him? 
After a moment of thinking, she said, “he killed my mom… to save me”.
Another “Oh” from Sousa. 
“Daisy, I’m so sor-” 
“No, it's fine. I-” she quickly blinked away tears, “it was a while ago.” there was a beat, and then,
“Plus it was nice to talk to her again. And I wouldn't have without you… you  giving me a little push.” she was smiling fondly now. She put the picture back. 
“About that. I was going to apologize. i feel bad, i could tell it was hard for you and then what happened next-”
“No, no. i-” she turned to smile at him. “I was glad.” she reassured him.  
She hadn't realized how close they were to each other. “Thanks for that”, she said in a whisper. 
Their eyes locked, and she could feel herself blushing under his gaze. Her back ended up against the table, him facing her and the rest of the pictures. He was smiling at her, they were moving closer to each other, Daisy looked down at his lips, and- 
“Is that the rest of the team?” he wasn't looking at her anymore, but in fact the largest picture frame hanging on the wall behind her.
She sighed to herself and closed her eyes.
In it was a picture of the team, Coulson, May, Jemma, Fitz, Yo-yo, Mack, a taller woman, and another man were all beaming at the camera. Again, Sousa could tell the picture was older from Daisy's hair, which was now in a dark bob. She was standing in the middle of everyone, holding the camera.
“Uh yea,” Daisy smiled to herself about how awkward he was. What a dork. 
“That's Bobbi. And that's Hunter.” she said, pointing at the respective characters. 
“They were all part of SHIELD at one point. We were pretty close.” she was smiling fondly now.
She snapped out of her memories that flooded back to her to glance up at Sousa, who, to her surprise, was studying the picture intently. 
She looked at the picture, then back to him, then back to the picture again, trying to figure out what was irking him. 
“Whatt are you looking at?” she said, a teasing tone in her voice. 
“How was this taken? Are you holding the camera? Wouldn’t that be heavy?”
She tried her best to stifle her laugh. She felt bad giggling at him, but she couldn't help it, he was such an old man. 
“Uhh yeah. It's called a selfie. Here, i’ll show you.”
She took her phone out of her back pocket and opened the camera app. She held the phone up and moved closer to him in order to fit them both into the small frame. She blushed as she felt his hand snake around her waist. 
“Smile,” she told him 
With a *click* she had taken the picture. She brought the phone down to inspect the selfie to her liking. 
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Sousa do the same. Again, her face filled with heat as she felt how close he was. His hand was still around her waist.
“We look-,” he hesitated to find the right word, “we look good.” and a pause,
“You look good”.
She blushed. Hard. 
“Thanks”, she said, smiling up at him. Their faces were once again close to each other, and the spot where his hand reached touched a bit of skin on her waist seemed to be on fire. Again, they leaned closer. She wanted to kiss him so bad she could scream-
“Hey guys were about to- ohhh what's going on in here!?” Came a British voice from the door. Simmons. 
Sousa quickly ducked his head to hide his smile. Daisy turned to face her, embarrassment written all over her face. But she was smiling. 
“Yea uhh. We’re about ready.” she said as she busied herself finding her necklace on the table next to the picture she had just put down. 
Simmons backed out of the door to leave, sharing a smile with Sousa. He was also obviously a little embarrassed, but a quick wink from the doctor reassured him. 
He smiled at the floor. He was glad he had found some friends in this weird place. Plus he had met Daisy, which was obviously going well- 
“Do you think you could help me put this on?” Daisy asked him. 
“Course.” he answered. 
Even when their hands touched when slipping the necklace between them Daisy’s stomach flipped flopped. She turned around and moved her long hair out of the way. 
He clasped the necklace around her neck. 
She hurried herself with getting her shoes on, and Sousa struggled to put what he wanted to say to her in words. It took Daisy to get to her second shoe (white nike air forces, very practical) until he spoke. 
“I know you've been hurt and i- i just wanted to let you know that i'm here for you. To talk i mean.” he mustered out. 
She paused, still looking at her shoelace. Shit he thought. He had gone too far. Too fast. Too fast. 
She finally looked up at him. God why was it so hard to read her facial expression. He had overstepped, he felt it- 
She smiled. It was faint. But it was there. She stood and brushed herself off, shoelace forgotten. She paused before starting. 
“Yeah its- its been a hard run these last couple of years. I've lost-” she paused to catch her breath- “I've lost, i don't even know how many people. People I care about. People i- i love.”
He glanced away at this. Mack had mentioned a boyfriend when they were talking about his own ex, Peggy, the other day. Lincoln, he remembered. 
Before he could say anything else, she took a step closer. But instead of leaning in for a kiss, she put her head on his shoulder. A hug. That she desperately needed. 
He hugged her back and closed his eyes. He desperately needed this. They had both gone through a lot, their hearts were worn. But they had each other, and they were grateful. They stood there for a minute, but it felt like seconds until they were interrupted, again.  
A loud pounding came from the door, making them both jump. 
“Come on guys, no funny business. We need to go soon.” it was Mack. 
Daisy rolled her eyes and she pulled away. They both giggled, and she went to her closet for a purse. 
When she had gotten all her things together, she reached for the door handle. 
“Daisy, wait.” Sousa called after her. 
“Yeah?” she turned to smile at him.
“Uhh. your shoes untied” he smiled down at it. 
“Oh! Thanks.” she laughed in embarrassment. 
She swooped down to tie her shoe, and when she straightened up, he was standing closer then he was before.
Without a word, they leaned in to kiss. 
Their lips met softly, and she hardened it by leaning in. 
She got lost in his lips, his touch. She closed her eyes and forgot about the world, the dinner, mack and simm- shit. The dinner. 
She reluctantly pulled away. 
“That was nice,” she said, her eyes still closed, “but we need to go.”
They walked out of her room, hand in hand. Both with a giddy smile on their faces.
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galivantingg · 4 years
Alpha and Beta
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Waning and Warning
Cal didn't know what to think. He had stalked away from Alex, blinded by anger and hurt, and had somehow ended up in the forest. He was walking loudly, his steps quick and confident, but he couldn't hear anything. There was just that damn ringing in his ears. His fingertips still tingled. Why couldn't he have seen what was going to happen? He knew that his mate was close, in the pack, but he didn't stop to think about it. And then that argument? What was that all about? That wasn't Cal, or Alex. It was weird of that to happen, things were stressful right now, tense because of Daisy coming back, Cal could admit that, but he hadn't realized how bad it had gotten.
Cal never thinks!
He said some things he didn't mean, doesn't mean, and he already regrets it. He thought about turning back to apologize, explain why he did what he did, but he shook his head. He needed time to think. For once in his life, he needed to think before he did anything. Alex was, god he could even think the two things in a sentence together. Alex was. Alex. It was always Alex. Why couldn't he have seen that before? Why did it have to take until today for him to understand just what that meant? Why why why?
"Agh!" Cal shouted out, throwing his hands up in defeat. He didn't need to think, he knew what his decision was. He was going to continue hiding. It didn't matter that it was Alex, what mattered is the principle. He would not accept something that had been written in the stars for him long before he was born. He would not accept that his life partner had been chosen for him. He would not accept it. He would not allow it. Alex was his friend, bis best friend, but just his friend. Nothing more, nothing less. Although, right now it didn't seem like they were friends anymore. Cal regrets that. He regrets saying what he said. Not only was it horrible, it wasn't true. Cal didn't coddle Alex. Alex wasn't clingy. He had his reasons for being the way he is, and there's nothing wrong with that. In fact, Alex was the only one who had said anything true during that whole argument.
You wouldn't be here without me, you'd do best to remember that.
The words rang clear in his ears, silencing the ringing for a few short moments. He wasn't sure why there was ringing in his ears, but it seemed like it wasn't going away for a long time, at least not for now.
Meanwhile over at the Pack House, Alex was laying on Elizabeth's bed, staring up at the blank ceiling. Tears rolled from the corners of his eyes and media their way around and in his ears, some soaking the covers. Elizabeth was just sitting at her desk staring at him. She didn't know what had been said, she hadn't heard them, and she was wary of asking. She didn't want to make Alex think about it again. Not so soon after it had happened. Besides, he was probably already thinking about it, he didn't need someone asking him questions about it. They stayed there like that for a while, then Alex slowly pushed himself up into a sitting position, bringing his knees up and circling his arms around them. His feet were covered in navy socks with little pastas on them.
"I," Alex started, his voice dying quickly. "I don't know what to think. I don't know why he said what he said, I don't know why he was so irritable, I just don't know and I hate it!" He exclaimed. "I hate not knowing things. I hate it."
Elizabeth stood and walked over to him, sitting down next to him and gently embracing him. She rubbed his back, comforting him. "If he didn't mean it, he'll apologize."
"Why if he doesn't apologize?"
"Then he doesn't deserve to be your friend. Friends don't lie to each other."
The final few days of Christmas Holiday were incredibly tense. Alex and Cal still had to work together, they were Alpha and Beta, but they would barely speak. They moved around the Pack House silently, eventually being noticed by the other pack members. They knew something was wrong, but they couldn't figure it out.
Cal was out walking in the woods one afternoon about a month later, thinking about the fight, when he heard something. Someone. He heard snow crunch, more like a groan of pressure being put on it, and he whirled around. Nothing. "I know you're there," he called out, on high alert. "Come out now and I won't hurt you." Silence, then,
"Ah, but you will, Beta Calchas Edmonds." The voice drawled, seemingly coming from nowhere and everywhere at once.
Cal bristled at his full name. "How do you know who I am?" He kept turning in slow circles, scanning everywhere, but to no avail.
"You know who I am too, Calchas," the voice jumped around. Cal was starting to get nervous. How does this person know him? "You've just forgotten."
There was a moment, right after the voice spoke, where Cal could almost hear the air rippling. In that split second her had while the other was moving, he lifted his head to the sky and howled. A loud, long warning howl. Then the air was driven from his lungs as he was tackled, claws digging into his arm, ripping through his jacket and shirt. He collapsed into the snow, struggling to get air into his lungs and fight off the wolf attacking him. He shoved his hand up, punching the wolf in the throat. They made a choked sound and tumbled sideways off of Cal. He rolled in the opposite direction, coming up on his feet and crouching low, protecting his face. The wolf stood up quick, also getting low and snarling at Cal.
The wolf darted forwards, and Cal jumped to the side, spinning as the wolf passed him and kicking them in the side, knocking them into a tree. The wolf yelped, but would not deter from their mission, which was still unknown to Cal. Their fight was quick and intense, leaving Cal bleeding from several wounds, and the wolf with at least two broken ribs and a sprained paw. Neither one would back down. They stood there for a moment staring each other down, panting heavily.
That's when another wolf leapt out from between the trees, knocking the first wolf to the ground, and slashed across his throat. Cal stood to full height, recognizing Daisy's wolf. She stood there looking at him, or more accurately, behind him. Cal turned around to see Alex and Elizabeth running towards him. He couldn't help it, his heart soared at the sight of Alex and for a moment he forgot his entire reasoning for hiding. He took a small step forward, relief in his heart as he saw the worried look on Alex's face.
"Cal!" he called, getting closer. He sprinted even faster the last ten meters, swiftly coming to a stop in front of Cal, his hands moving up to cup Cal's face. "Cal are you okay can you hear me?" For a moment, Cal was weak. He drank in Alex's presence. He relished in the familiarity of the other boy in front of him. He almost allowed himself to melt into Alex's arms, but stopped himself. "Cal?" Alex asked softly. "Cal?"
Cal stepped back, Alex's hands falling to his side. "I'm fine," he said stiffly. He watched as Alex's eyes grew cold, his expression melting into a sheet of stone. His arms hung limply by his side, no longer having the urge to touch Cal. He nodded once sharply.
"What happened here?" All business.
"I was walking and heard this voice call out, they knew my name." Alex brushed past him and crouched down beside the dead wolf. In the time they had been talking, they had shifted back into their human form. Cal walked over to study their face. It was thin, looked underfed, and something about the eyes were familiar. Cal couldn't quite place it, and he couldn't smell the wolf over all the blood, but he knew this wolf. He knew this person. He didn't know where from or how, but he did. He would keep that to himself however, he didn't need to worry Alex without any proof. Something tingled at the back of his mind, telling him that his instincts were correct, he did know this wolf, but he shook it off.
"Get back to the Pack House and get patched up, Daisy go with him. Elizabeth and I will deal with this." Alex said shortly, leaving no room for argument. Cal couldn't stop the wave of jealousy that washed over him at how he had been dismissed so quickly for someone else, but then he deflated. He had done the exact same this with Daisy, he knew that Alex was justified. He also knew that nothing was going to get back to normal, not now, not ever, and especially not even in a false way, because Cal wouldn't back down. He had said what he said, and there was no explaining it away without telling the whole truth, which he would never do. He would never accept his mate. So he turned around and walked back to the House, Daisy trotting beside him happily. Cal didn't know why she was so happy, he'd ask her about it later, but for now, he needed to do something about his wounds.
Thirty minutes later he was all stitched up thanks the the Pack Doctor, and was sitting in the infirmary waiting for him to be dismissed by the doctor. She had left the room to grab something, and said she'd be back soon. Cal heard footsteps outside of the door and slipped off the bed, only to see Alex coming in. He had a long scratch on his arm that was bleeding heavily, and Cal rushed to grab gauze to staunch the blood.
"Thanks," Alex muttered, collapsing in the seat. He held the gauze to his would while Cal grabbed a pair of scissors to cut his shirt off so the doctor could patch him up properly. "I uh, I tripped while dragging the wolf to our burial site." The wolf wasn't a wolf anymore, it was a human. Alex was lying to him, but Cal wasn't going to push. He was keeping his own secret. He cut the shirt off, and that's when he noticed something was wrong. Alex was thin. Way thinner than usual. Thin enough that Cal could start to see some of his ribs. He backed away.
"What the hell Alex?" Alex looked up at him confused, then remembered. He frowned. "Why are you so thin?"
"It's none of your business," Alex snapped.
"Bullshit, you're my Alpha. Everything about you is my business. Why are you so thin?" Cal snapped back. Anger and fear started to build up inside him and he couldn't shove it down.
Alex growled. "Back down Calchas," Cal flinched but Alex didn't falter. "It is not your concern." He put some of his Alpha command into it, and Cal couldn't refuse. He bowed his head, anger sparking under his skin. "Leave, you're done here."  Cal practically ran from the room, wanting nothing more than to curl up under his covers and cry. He didn't want this, this isn't how he wanted things to go. Why was everything so screwed up now?
He ran back to his house, grateful for once that everyone else was gone, and slammed his bedroom door shut. He collapsed onto the bed sobbing, but of course, he could never truly have time to himself.
"Cal," came a whisper. "Cal!" It came stronger. Cal looked up and lo and behold, his deadbeat father was sitting in the corner of the room. Cal went to scream at him, yell horrible things at his father like his father had done to him, but then he noticed how haggard he looked. Henry was only in his mid thirties, but he looked decades older. His hair was long and grey, his beard stained yellow from god knows what, and his skin was wrinkled. He looked like he had aged sixty years since he had been gone.
"What do you want Henry," Cal said wearily. He wanted nothing to do with his father.
"Cal I need to tell you something important, please," the man was begging. This was serious. "Come closer." So Cal did. Henry had never begged for anything in his life, especially not from Cal. He couched in front of his father and Henry reached out and touched the middle of his forehead, sending a shock through Cal's body. Cal froze up as images and sounds flashed across his mind, coming so fast and intensely that it knocked him to the ground, and when he came to, his father was dead.
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