#even if biologically the kid is related to the proxy
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reallifetangent · 2 months ago
Transistor x JayVik AU(? Where they actually after the finale end up in Cloudbank, but before the events of Transistor. Even before Royce Bracket's birth. Because they're his parents.
I've seen Miguel O'Hara being a JayVik Kid, Blitzcrank being the Canon JayVik Kid, I've seen Venture from Overwatch being another Kid, but with a friend we tied some points.
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I'mma die on that hill.
Continuing with the Headcanons!!!:
- they notice that Hextech doesn't exist there, Viktor is more weakened than Jayce about the lack of it.
- somehow they manage to get with the process and the Transistor. Probably they created the Transistor as an attempt to save Viktor, again. They didn't learn that much from their mistakes, or they found out about the Process too late.
- Viktor's leg gets processed in the way, and they had to put away the Transistor Project. He wears the leg brace to weigh his leg and be able to walk normally, but the leg makes him kinda float and walk weird. He also has part of his abdominal area processed, he's slowly being processed.
- they have Royce. Either adoption or some magic-science thing happens and they had Royce biologically.
- Royce adopts both traits from his parents. The whole Loner Scientist from Viktor, the involving with politics from Jayce.
- They loved Royce. He was a loved kid, and they enjoyed that he liked science and technology, and he tried to help his father to stop the Process, but he didn't know back then.
- Jayce probably founded The Camerata, or him and Viktor belonged to the first team, but just as Scientists and staying that way. They wanted to change and help the world, but this time in a different and more direct way.
- When Viktor starts becoming more Processed, they back off from The Camerata, only Royce knew where did they go or what happened to them.
- When Viktor is almost processed, Jayce decides to manipulate and use the Transistor to save their traces together, to share the burden of the Process, dying together again as one with the same death. (Each time they "die", they just change universes to live a new life together again). Probably had a similar reaction to Asher and Grant. They couldn't bear to live without the other. They left a recording or their traces for Royce to find, but I guess he couldn't read them, not getting his parents' last words.
- Royce years later finds the Transistor, but never relates it to his parents. I'm re listening his voicelines and he said he can't remember how did he find the Transistor, so he doesn't know his parents were involved.
Bonus: some sketches I made about this random Crossover, starting with Them as Proxys talking with Royce, they as Grant and Asher Kendrell, their Trace versions (I'm digitalizing those two), Viktor's Body Processed and his Fully Processed form (like Sybil's at her boss battle)
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Idk, I'm delulu and missing Transistor
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harrierttv · 3 months ago
While going off those two asks, it will be interesting to see how Tygra, Cheetara, Panthro, Wilykat, and WilyKit while deal with those concepts. Like Tygra, who was always jealous of Lion-O, was actually Claudus's favorite child (and also the vibe I get is that Tygra was biological related to Claudus, then Claudus would have made Tygra his heir long ago). It would also be interesting to see how Tygra, Cheetara, and Panthro react to the idea of how flawed Thundera was, since all three grew up in its various systems and upper circles and had a lot of faith in those systems. I also feel like WilyKat and WilyKit would have interesting reactions, since while both are young, but clear grew up in the lower circles and seemingly were homeless orphans that had fallen through the cracks and were failed by the systems in Thundera.
Oh 100 percent if Tygra was Claudus's bio kid he wouldn't even consider Liono a canidate. I'm going with the idea of Tygra being the complete opposite of Liono in this story, rather than just being his lancer. Tygra wants independance and freedom from Mumm Ra and to protect the cats at all cost, but he wants to rebuild Thundera back to the way it was. In his eyes, it was perfect, minus the fact that Liono was heir. Cheetara I have been in deep thought for a loooong time. Its a shame we didnt get any true Cheetarah centric episodes in the og show (The closest we got was that god aweful love triangle plot), because I truly dont know her take on the religion of Thundera. She was a cleric but it seemed more out of a lack of direction than anything, she only went to the temple after her family seemingly died off. All in all Im leaning towards her seeing religion more as a community rather than rules you *must* abide by. Hence she'd be more interested in preserving what little remains of the culture and ceremonies of Thundera rather than the physical location. Panthero is pretty simple in my eyes. Considering how hes portrayed as a bit of a loner in the og show, I dont doubt he's happy to do his own thing. I think that rather than pondering the rights and wrongs of the kingdom, he simply wants to protect those he cares for from any physical threats. He's more than happy to be the muscle for Tygra if it means protecting innocence and his "baby". Again with the cubs being... cubs, they probably dont think too deeply about it either. Their main concern is helping their family back home and keeping their bellies full. But considering both of their experiences with the slums, and by proxy other races such as dogs, I dont doubt they grow up and try to help the unionization of Third Earth. Although this view may be "tainted" in a sense if they never interract with any "nice" lizards in their youth.
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captivemuses · 2 years ago
For your TR muses: Do you want kids? If yes, how many? Would you prefer your own or adoption? Who would be your ideal partner?
Yuzuha absolutely wants at least two kids someday. After growing up with multiple siblings she wouldn't want to have just one kid and them not have a brother or sister to be able to lean on and be close to. She'd prefer her own but wouldn't be opposed to adoption if the circumstances somehow came around for it. And her ideal partner would be someone just as family oriented as she is, given how close she always will be to Hakkai; if her partner doesn't have family in their life (unless there's a good reason for no contact) or get along with her own, then she wouldn't be interested in pursuing a future with that person.
Mikey's on the fence with having kids. It would entirely depend on if his partner wanted them and how easy or difficult it would be for them to have kids. Generally though, Mikey's perfectly fine being the cool uncle and having fun raising kids by proxy. His ideal partner is someone who's okay with Mikey's history in gangs and continuing to have Toman be a part of his life even after Toman has disbanded, and him traveling around a lot with his bike racing career.
Baji's also on the fence about having children of his own. He knows how difficult he was for his own mother to raise by herself, Baji knows any child biologically related to him would no doubt inherit some traits from him and be just as challenging to raise. He's also pretty content with the idea of being the cool uncle and having a fur baby at home. His ideal partner is able to put up with Baji's stubborn streak and his tendency to get into fights more than he really should. He cools it some as an adult with the regular fighting, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't have fun sparring with other Toman members just for the fun of it.
Draken absolutely wants kids of his own. Not that he doesn't very much appreciate everything Masemichi did raising him when he was under no obligation to do so, Draken wants to have at least one child and make sure it has the best possible home life, both in terms of financial stability as well as having both parents present in their childs life as much as possible. Draken would also prefer to have biological kids, but he has a bit of a soft spot for the idea of adoption after Masemichi took him in following Draken's mothers passing. His ideal partner is also okay with Draken's history with Toman and being involved in gang culture, and being okay with Draken's passion for bikes taking up a lot of his day, both for his job and his free time. Draken's love for just riding Zephyr around with his friends just for the sake of riding is never going to go away, and he'd love to be able to share that passion of his with whoever he was romantically involved with.
Hanma does not want biological kids. Period. There is no way any partner of his could ever change his mind on this. Hanma is far too lazy to want to take care of a child, or even have one in his care for more than ten minutes. Doesn't matter if the child is adopted or biologically his, Hanma doesn't want one. He takes care of himself and that's about it, and even then he pays people to do shit for him whenever possible. His ideal partner can put up with Hanma being lazy around the house and not give him so much shit about it that it becomes annoying for him to hear.
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enki2 · 2 years ago
The thing we have to keep in mind is that, at least for religious conservatives, anti-gay & anti-trans stuff, while downstream of fertility discussions, is directly built on bad proxies of fertility for historical reasons. They don't care about fertility per-se, but about following rules whose underlying logic they don't understand (and, they believe, cannot be understood: being, notionally, the word of god, it's ineffable); these rules were bronze age heuristics for preserving fertility (ex., don't crush your balls with rocks). Bronze age heuristics for preserving fertility do work; but, we don't live in the bronze age anymore, and people who are too afraid to second-guess God are not in a position to adapt these heuristics to a modern world.
TERFs have a completely different logic: they have recognized that the social world (and its physical & semi-physical components -- things like abortion laws but also things like tampon prices) is arranged in such a way that biological conditions experienced mostly by AFAB people have a lot less support than biological conditions experienced mostly by AMAB people. A big part of this is related to fertility: being pregnant really sucks, especially when you weren't planning to become pregnant; menstruation really sucks; raising kids takes a huge amount of effort, resources, and energy, the onus of which is placed disproportionately placed on whoever had the kids. But the TERF attitude is warped: rather than recognizing that other kinds of people also have other kinds of valid difficulties, they treat all the difficulties that cis-women have as the price of femininity, & think of trans women as "cheating" (because they get to be pretty without menstruating or running the risk of unexpected pregnancy), & don't think of trans men at all.
These are both cases where a little bit of clear thinking would resolve the hangup -- because, while their behavior is in line with the proximate justification they have given, it's not actually in line with the values they ultimately purport to hold -- but it's also a case where certain sacred cows must be slaughtered in order for such clear thinking to be possible, so it's unlikely to happen. (For instance, the religious conservatives must recognize that the bible is a compilation of myths, metaphors, and historical accounts, all modified into propaganda weapons by multiple competing political coalitions over the course of thousands of years; TERFs have to stop privileging the specific kinds of pain they happen to experience over the pain of strangers, even though they have built up an identity around asserting their pain as valid against people who are dismissive of them.)
Basically I see no way to believe *both* of the following:
There are only two genders
Gender is a straightforward description of observed biology
One contradicts the other.
There are, very obviously and demonstrably more than two arrangements of sexual characteristics.
And once you go, "Well, yes, but we just ignore those fuzzy edge cases for most purposes" you are admitting that you are doing something else other than "straightforward description"; you are in fact explicitly *ignoring* certain biological realities in order to preserve the taxonomy.
And that's kind of *all* I'm saying. There might be perfectly good reasons to use a taxonomy that is not a straightforward description of biological reality. Even if you throw up your hands and go, "Fine, you pedant every intersex condition is its own gender" that really doesn't say much at all about whether trans identities are valid or good or whatever.
I just think it would be nice to make arguments that *don't* start on a foundation of total incoherence.
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fuckingfinwions · 4 years ago
In your sexual proxy verse I get the feeling that it's high ranking elves who use proxies, and maybe that - usually - it's lower ranked/low class elves who are used as proxies. Relatedly, given Miriel's presumed lower rank than Indis, what if the whole proxy thing was originally a Vanyar thing, something she brought over, and her supporter spread a slander that Miriel had been her proxy with Finwe, until she turned up pregnant?
Oh wow! I just want to sit and embrace how amazing an idea that is for a moment.
Yes, I think it’s normally high ranking elves using proxies, partially because they’re most likely to both have duties that keep them in specific far away places. And for practical reasons, the proxy can’t be who’s in charge of anything time sensitive in their day job (because they have to travel at short notice to go fuck the couple), which eliminates high-ranking military at the very least.
So yes I think it would be amazing if proxies are a Vanyarin tradition. And if it’s the only cultural script anyone in Valinor has for non-monogamy or serial relationships, of course they’re going to try and describe Finwe’s relationships with it!
“Miriel was Finwe and Indis’s proxy” as a rumor explains so much to the average gossipmonger. Finwe isn’t actually marrying two people, Miriel was just there to stand in for Indis (who is very busy as of princess of Valmar). Miriel’s talk of Feanor having a fire beyond her measure was her saying that she realizes she overstepped her role; her purpose was sex, not bearing Finwe’s child. Miriel embroidered tapestries, which are mobile at least compared to like, architecture, so it would seem plausible that she took her work with her on trips to Valmar. I headcanon that, like many elven craftspeople, she would focus on her work to the exclusion of all social contact for days or even weeks at a time when really in the zone. So all of Tirion knows that sometimes Miriel just disappeared for a while - there’s no evidence she didn’t  go to Valmar to sleep with Indis.
To Indis’s partisans, it also neatly backdates the relationship, so that Finwe and Indis were involved the whole time Finwe was with Mriiel. It flips the pro-Miriel script completely - Finwe didn’t accept Indis as an adequate replacement when Miriel died, but Miriel was the replacement for Indis!
As a bonus, Feanor hates the rumors so much.
As a second bonus, this means a lot of people “know” that Fingolfin is Finwe’s oldest legitimate son.
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stellisketches · 2 years ago
Hi, previous anon here!! You can’t tease Esma the Uncrowned and then NOT tell me more!! That’s just unfair!! I’d love to know more about her. Also, I noticed a couple of women named Yrene in the family tree. Is that a reference to a certain Divine?
Hehehehehe I love putting little teasers in there. And you just gave me an excuse for a quick lore dump, so here we go:
SO, Esma the Uncrowned was the adopted child of Garmund III and Andrus. The generation before her were the ones to suffer the first of three bloodline dilemmas of the Ro'Meave tree (Something I'll write about if someone sends me an ask because I have a headache rn and will probably forget to post about on my own.). She actually had a interesting story regarding her adoption. See, Garmund and Andrus definitely knew that they wanted a child, but they knew it wouldn't be fair for them to just waltz up to an orphanage and pick whatever kid they liked. To make things fair, they decided to send a man named Samíl: a old, blind attendant of Andrus’ to choose a child for them. They sent him out and he returned with Esma, a 5 year old girl with a limp that had tripped directly into Samíl's arms. Garmund and Andrus immediately fell in love and showered her will all sorts of affection. They got her a brace for her leg and she grew into an incredibly intelligent teenager/young adult. She became Riona's (her cousin/practically sister) most trusted advisor, to the point that Riona basically let Esma make all of the political decision while Riona just kinda fucked off to ride wyverns and fight in the Gal'Ruki Trade Wars with her brother Caelestis I. In hindsight, it was actually a pretty good decision as Riona wasn't all that good at politics (she did try at first, but it really just wasn't her thing). Esma got the nickname "the Uncrowned" due to her becoming a formidable political figurehead, doing Riona's job for her without getting any proper title for it.
 Esma had a son, Noel, that married into the Ro'Meaves as an adult (reminder from my Ro'Meave HC post: a child who was adopted would not pass any special titles, benefits, or even the name Ro'Meave onto their biological children. They were not considered familial relation to the actual Ro'Meaves, and therefore could marry in without the public seeing it as morally reprehensable. If it makes you feel any better, Noel and Gefa didn't actually meet until their late teens/early-20s). Esma passed away peacefully at the age of 98, the fourth longest-living Ro'Meave (both by bloodline and by proxy) in their entire history.
Also, about Yrene: I hc it was a pretty popular name back in the day and persisted to the main Diaries storyline (along with names like Irina, Yrena, Erina/Erin, along with masculine versions such Iren and Aaron), but Yrene I was definitely named in Irene's honor as Astarse II had met her personally.
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dadsbongos · 3 years ago
la lune
Movie/Game/Show: Marvel Dynamic: Steve Rogers/Reader (Platonic) Warnings: steve’s endgame ending, daddy issues ig?, i describe you as having a mom :) Summary: He promised to keep the moon for you. He also promised to stay. Word Count: 1.1 K ~~~
Steve enjoyed telling stories of his dearest friends when there were lulls of silence in the house. He liked talking about how Bucky was adjusting in Wakanda or how Sam was rising as a hero or the way Natasha was able to take out five guards before he’d even gotten through the door on a mission. He liked turning to his wife while making dinner and updating her on Wanda and Vision. He liked turning to you and asking if you were sure that you didn’t want to meet the fabled Ant-Man, because he was in town, you know - and he has a daughter, too, you know.
He liked having friends and involving his little family on the circle. He liked that he found a woman willing to let the man out of time be a father. He enjoyed being a step-father just as he always pictured enjoying being a biological father.
And you knew that. You’d been told that. You’d heard it again and again. You knew that Steve loved your mother. You knew that Steve loved you.
So why did he leave you both?
Why would he leave?
For who? Peggy Carter?
A woman he kissed once compared to the woman he’d woken up next to and said he loved for years and yet he chose the former.
You remember asking him that day. After Sam took the shield with shaky hands and Bucky was leading your poor mother away to the side. You remember asking him,
“Did you have another kid?”
It was so selfish. But you needed to know. With a frown on your lips and waterline beginning to moisten. You asked again,
“Did you and that jackass from the 40s have a fucking kid?”
He shook his head, patting the spot on the log beside him, an offer that you deny. Steve looked to his loafers before simply shaking his head again.
You jammed your hands in your pockets and kicked at some dirt.
“My mom trusted you. You made us think you were staying with us. That we were your family but you- you…”
There’s the sound of a clang and you look over, Sam had plopped a wooden cutting board onto the counter before moving to the sink to wash vegetables while you simmer broth. Over summers, your mother’s taken to letting you stay and work with the Wilsons (and by proxy, now Bucky as well). You can see Sam take glances at you out of your peripherals.
“You feeling okay?” his voice is quiet despite knowing that Sarah, Bucky, and the boys are all out back, “You’ve seemed out of it for awhile.”
You nod, “‘m fine.”
Sam sighs, “You know I don’t buy that. And if I did, I’d be returning it.”
You chuckle before shaking your head and pursing your lips, “Just fuckin’... sucks. I hate him.”
He doesn’t bother telling you that you don’t. He doesn’t bother trying to get you to push those feelings down and smile for the sake of him, or Bucky, or your mother. He nods to your words and goes on to agree.
“I can’t imagine what you and your mom are going through. I can’t relate but I want you to know I’m here,” Sam dries the carrots as he speaks, “That’s why I like having you here. If you feel like you can’t talk to your mom, I’m always listening.”
“Thanks, Sam,” it’s dry and less than he deserves but it’s the most that your voice, thickened with emotion, can offer.
There’s silence like molasses as Sam moves on to washing potatoes and celery. You continue watching the broth. Stirring when the stillness grows uncomfortable.
“Steve once told me that any story someone tells you in the kitchen is a good one. Said he heard that from you.”
“I did tell him that,” Sam murmurs, “Why bring it up?” it’s gentle questioning but you can tell he wants the bottom line, “Got a story?”
“I’ve just… I don’t know - been thinking a lot.”
“About what?”
You tilt your head to the side slightly, “I had a favorite book when I was little. Called Papa Please Get the Moon For Me by Eric Carle - it was just sorta about this guy who steals the moon because his kid asks him to. It was like my favorite book, even though I didn’t really have a dad to even relate it to…” you stir the contents of the pot as Sam chops carrots, “One day the dog had gotten ahold of it and tore it to shit. I cried, honestly. I could’ve gotten a new one but… I didn’t,” you purse your lips, “My birthday came around and when all the distant family left and Mom was cleaning up, he gave me a present- “
“New copy of your book?”
“Nah,” you shake your head and a smile almost reaches your lips before being smothered down by the knowledge of how he’d left, “it was uh, a model of the moon. He helped me hang it up.”
Sam pauses his cutting to turn and look at you, brows drawn tight in worry.
“He got me the moon,” you bite your lip, staring down into the dark brown broth, “Best he could anyway… but he- he got me the moon…”
“I’m so sorry,” Sam refrains from reaching out, he doesn’t want to scare you out of sharing, “You didn’t deserve that. He shouldn’t have left.”
“I think the worst thing is that I don’t know if I can take it down,” your lip wobbles as the sorrow tucked inside your heart begins beating at you, “I miss him. A lot.”
You turn and Sam carefully takes you into a hug, whispering as he holds you, “It’s okay to miss him. It’s okay.”
You can feel your grip tighten on Sam’s shirt as a sob cracks a final wreck on your throat. Burrowing your face into the man’s shirt, you shake your head and cry, “He was supposed to take care of us, Sam. I thought he loved us… I really thought we would be okay…”
There’s one question that’s lined underneath your broken sobs.
Why would he leave like that? For a woman he hadn’t seen in years. For a family with no child like you - no child at all. For Peggy Carter and Peggy Carter alone.
It was so, so selfish. Truly. But you wanted the moon and when your father gave it to you, you assumed it was for good.
Then, he took it back. Ripped it out of your sky and threw it to the endless abyss of the inked blotches of nighttime. Your father took the moon for Peggy Carter.
He took the moon for Peggy Carter.
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soup-du-silence · 4 years ago
So, have you been watching Amphibia? If so, do you think it sorta nails certain elements of Ducktales better like family (Plantars vs the Ducks), actual important onscreen stuff being shown, better balance on characters (only has about 7-ish in main cast at Anne, Plantars, Sasha, Marcy, and Grime compared to the boat loads on Ducktales), and better world conquering villain (Andrias>Lunaris)? Do you also ship Anne/Sasha/Marcy?
oh anon, you're not slick. you must follow me on twitter because I know I've talked about at least one of these things already.
yes frog show is doing a way better at found family than duck show. a big part of the sell for me is that its very show-not-tell. I believe that Anne has become and will always be a Plantar-by-proxy because it's just....the truth. We didn't even start getting really meaty lore until season 2 so all of season 1 was just....Anne and the Plantars as a unit, having wacky adventures. It was a very natural progression. I feel like....a big part of the thing that others Anne, that she's human and an outsider, is always obvious and something you're always aware of. She's different, she doesn't belong here, she's going to go home eventually, so they dont need to draw attention to it all the time. Unlike Webby, who looks like she belongs, and we're told she's supposed to belong, and they keep saying family, only to keep pulling the rug out from under us by focusing on the biological McDucks or whatever. Ducktales told us she was Family without really explaining what that meant outside of her obsession with Scrooge, and then, at the last minute, her actual biological relation to them. Anne and the Plantars love each other. like, its not a question. It was, in fact, pretty devastating to find out Hop Pop had lied to Anne in the interest of protecting his biological kin, but unlike Scrooge lashing out at Webby in Last Crash, the frog show actually fucking addresses it and they work through it.
i do think the smaller cast helps, and the fact that its an original property and doesnt feel the need to waste time on nostalgia bait. amphibia isnt even a show like, say, steven universe, in which every single episode leant something vital and integral to the lore. You'd wait 6 months for a new episode then get a townie filler ep and think, "aw man," only for something set up in that episode to pay off in an important way 30 episodes down the line. there are loads of amphibia eps that are just....goofy fun. they dont add anything to the lore, except that they continue to sell Anne and Sprig's friendship. you KNOW Anne and Sprig are best friends because you've seen how much time they spend together and the adventures they have and all their heartfelt convos. on the other hand you could go ages without a Webby-being-treated-like-family ep, and instead have several while she's standing on the sidelines or excluded from Della-centric stuff because she's not Della's fucking kid. Anne and Sprig are almost ALWAYS there, because it's their show.
I feel like both Lunaris and Andrias have similar energies in that I knew not to trust Andrias, like the dude was too big, sorry. You dont trust a dude that big voiced by keith david, especially if he's nice. But yeah, he's definitely more threatening. If I thought he was maybe a little cheesy before, then he put a flaming sword through marcy's chest. so like....yeah dude means business.
I dont....really ship the girls? I always had trouble liking Sasha, particularly in season 1, not in a "i think she's a terrible character" way because i think she's a fascinating character, but in a "I had a lot of trouble believing she genuinely liked Anne because my personal experience with girls like Sasha is they do not have your best interest at heart." They kind of started walking that back in season 2 with flashbacks that kind of didn't gel with the image of her I'd formed in my head during season 1, so I just kind of...had trouble figuring out how I felt about her. PCS wrote a nice Marcanne fic I enjoyed a lot back when the ship honestly hadn't occurred to me, and seeing how...uh. Unhinged? Detached from reality? Marcy is really adds a layer of intrigue and angst that's probably definitely worth thinking about. I'll have to poke around in ao3 and see what it has to offer on that front. I'm not like, totally sold on it, but it could be interesting.
Sprig/Ivy is where it's at. Sorry, I love Ivy, she's perfect in every way. I hope she goes batshit fucking bananas when she finds out what happened.
and though you didnt ask? The big super-anne twist fucking slaps. I dont know where it came from and I dont care. It was badass. come up with something cool enough like that and people will play along. Webby-as-Scrooge's clone? Sucked balls. God. not even in the same ballpark.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 4 years ago
How Scars MIGHT Relate to Leah and Daryl
Okay Everyone, this is a post that I wrote like 6-7 months ago. It was after we learned about Leah and 10x18, but before the episode actually aired. It was really just conjecture on my part. Me, trying to connect patterns and similarities I was seeing.
Why didn’t I post it back then? Because we decided we thought Leah was a hallucination, and at that point, I thought this less likely to pan out.
What I’ll say now is that, if she IS real, this may still be true. And if she isn’t, this pattern may hold but it might be about some other character, other than her. 
Even if it turns out to be completely untrue, just see this as patterns I’m seeing that may come into play in the future. And I wanted to post this today, before ep 1 airs and ep 2 shows up on AMC+.
Also, someone sent me this yesterday:
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Norman saying there’s some double agent stuff going on DOES suggest she might be a villain. It’s hard to interpret exactly what he meant by that, but this is one possibility. So here’s what I wrote to my fellow theorists several months back:
Here’s what I have to say about Scars, and I’m still grappling for how best to frame this, so I’m sorry if it meanders a bit. And honestly, it’s nothing super ground-breaking. It’s a lot of what we’ve already talked about concerning Leah, and it comes from what you found about the “masks” lines in the Michonne/Zeke convo, as well as between Daryl and Michonne in Scars. I’m really just giving more evidence for this and predicting a future storyline. You know, like I do. ;D
And one thing I will say is that, while I WANT to tie this to Leah because both her storyline and Jocelyn’s happened during the 6 year time jump, I’m not 100% sure this even has to do with Leah. It might, but it also might not. So, I think this is a coming storyline one way or the other. But it may have to do with Leah or may be completely independent of her. No way to tell, yet.
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So, in both conversations (both between Michonne and Zeke and Michonne and Daryl on the swings) they talk about people wearing figurative masks. Daryl specifically talks about someone who has so much evil in their hearts that they actually lie about who they are and present themselves in one way, as one type of person, when really they’re the opposite. 
We see this theme played out all through Scars, because obviously Jocelyn did that. But now that I’m alert to it, I’m seeing it a lot. Even in 10x17, the Sniper fell under this theme. Mostly literally in his case because he was wearing camouflage (a kind of mask) to hide out and kill people. But figuratively, that’s kinda what Jocelyn did, too.
Okay, so let me start at the beginning. I’ve watched Scars twice now and I’m thinking more and more that the thing with Jocelyn happened BEFORE Leah. Now that we know Daryl’s story spans 5 of the 6 years, I think Leah must happen after Jocelyn. Michonne is big and pregnant, so Scars can’t be more than 6 mos after Rick disappeared. 
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Michonne asking Daryl if he’s okay being alone definitely hints at the Leah storyline (another reason to link Leah and Jocelyn). But I think it’s a jumping off point for his story. Because he tells Michonne he’s okay being alone, and in that moment, I think he really is. Or at least he really believes he is. The story with Leah will be him realizing he really doesn’t want to be alone. Romantically or otherwise. Which pushes him back toward TF when Carol comes knocking with Henry.
But let’s get to the good stuff.
After Jocelyn shows up, she tells Michonne that some of her kids aren’t with her and she wants to go get them. Jocelyn is hurt and Michonne’s about to pop, so neither of them go. But this is interesting. The three people who go to get her kids in the one building are Gabriel, Aaron, and Eugene.
It was Eugene that really caught my eye. I started going, “hmm. What could this foreshadow?” And I don’t know the answer in detail, but I think it may foreshadow his entanglement with Beth’s return in some way. And of course Aaron and Gabe are both major proxies for Beth, with Gabe being the resident Sirius character. So yeah, kind of side-eyeing that.
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The next thing is that we see two hand-drawn posters detailing, through pictures, how to skin and drain both a deer and a rabbit. These are things Jocelyn has obviously made to teach the kids to survive. And I know we noticed them before, with the deer and rabbit being big Beth symbols. But I’m seeing a much bigger theme, having watched the episode several times.
The poster of the deer shows the deer strung up by its legs (head pointed down, I assume). Then, after they bring all the kids to Alexandria, we see several deer strung up this way, and Michonne comments that Jocelyn’s kids are amazing hunters. So, we learn that two of them, Winnie, the blond, and Linus, one of the boys, killed the deer and even prepared them for everyone at Alexandria.
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But here’s where it gets more interesting. When Jocelyn captures Daryl and Michonne, she strings them up over pipes in exactly the way the deer being slaughtered are strung up. And of course she brands them like animals. So, in a way, they’re meant to be the deer that she’s going to slaughter.
And I’m not even sure exactly what to make of that where the deer symbol is concerned. I thought about how killing the deer does keep people from the danger of starving to death, so it fits with Deer = Tractor = getting rid of the threat, as I discussed HERE. But I also wonder if deer is synonymous with captivity in some way.
Then there’s the rabbit. I have less to say about it except that the biggest place we saw rabbits were around Lizzie and Mica. And the poster specifically lays out how to kill a rabbit, which is what Lizzie did to Mica. And I think it works here because we’re dealing with evil kids. Like Lizzie. (I will have more to say about the rabbit theory next week. We’ll see them in a big way in 11x01.)
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This is where I’m going to link it to the good twin vs evil twin theme. Remember I talked about this with Noah’s twin brothers and of course Lizzie and Mica, even though they aren’t twins. I don’t think we have to have twins or even siblings for this theme, though it’s common for them to do it with siblings like Lizzie/Mica and even Daryl/Merle. Back in S4, there was Pete and his brother as well.
It occurred to me that we have a representation of it here, with Michonne/Judith on one side and Jocelyn/Winnie on the other. Sorry to go racial, but even the ethnicities match up. Michonne, a black woman with a Caucasian daughter (Judith) who isn’t biologically hers (good). And Jocelyn, a black woman with a Caucasian daughter (Winnie) who isn’t biologically hers (evil). See what I mean?
One scene that really jumps out at me is when Michonne and Jocelyn talk in the kitchen. Jocelyn goes out of her way to REALLY earn Michonne’s trust in that scene. Michonne even says, “I’m so glad you’re here,” so she’s obviously fully trusting and loving having her friend around. This is the biggest place where we see Jocelyn’s “mask.”
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Then, when Michonne and Daryl are on the swings, Michonne says, “she was a friend. Like, a real one.” She talks about how they’d been through a lot together before, like heartbreak, losing parents, etc. And then she says, “I wanted it to be that way again. I believed her. I let my guard down. I should have known. Should have sensed something.”
Okay, so many ways I could go with that. First of all, it’s REALLY close to what Carol said about Lizzie. “I should have seen it. It was already there.” So, another link to Lizzie/Mica.
But I was also thinking that I can see Daryl thinking this about Leah. Like, he wanted to believe that she would stay with him, that he could love her, but it was all just a mask.
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Okay, that may feel like it came out of left field, but it’s essentially where I’m going with this. Let me keep going and I’ll circle back.
When Scars first aired, I said I thought Jocelyn was an anti-Beth parallel. I don’t think many people agreed with me, but I believe that more than ever. And @wdway​’s X/Chevron stuff actually backs it up. My biggest reasoning, originally, was just all the child/baby stuff around Beth. I can see her doing something similar to this—raising an army of mini-Daryls—but of course she would be good and raise them with good values. Jocelyn will be a foil to her.
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Watching it again, there are SO many Beth symbols around this Jocelyn story. There’s the deer and rabbit, which I’ve mentioned. At one point, Gabriel is telling a story to all of Jocelyn’s kids, and he covers one of his eyes, showcasing only his Sirius eye. We have Eugene going to find the kids. And of course, the X-shaped brands in Michonne and Daryl’s backs, which is where the Chevron stuff comes in.
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So, one way or the other, I feel like this is a foreshadow of something to do with Beth and/or her return.
Then, at the end, I paid close attention to what Michonne says to Judith, and I picked up on a few things that had never registered for me before. Remember that, in this episode, they juxtapose these Jocelyn flashbacks with Daryl coming to Alexandria with Lydia and Henry, and Michonne doesn’t want them to stay, but Judith does, etc. And at the end, Judith takes off on her bicycle and Michonne has to go find her.
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So, at the end, they’re sitting on the rock together and Michonne is telling Judith about the Jocelyn situation. She says that when Judith came out of the trailer, it “was like you were looking right at me and didn’t know it was me. I thought you’d changed, or that I’d lost you.” (Emphasis mine.)
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Think about that. It’s a really odd thing to say about a two- or three-year-old kid. Like she thought Judith had turned evil or something. And I think plot-wise, she means that she thought Judith would think differently of her because she’d just killed all these kids. Michonne had a lot of guilt about that. But it’s a really odd wording, and kind of hearkens back to the mask symbol. People wearing masks, appearing to be something they aren’t.
We’ve also discussed extensively the idea of Beth’s memory loss: (X, X.) Maybe her seeing Carol but not knowing who she is, or Daryl seeing or hearing Beth but not believing it’s really her. It just sort of plays into the whole hallucination theme obliquely.
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Judith then says that Michonne just didn’t look like herself because of all the blood, but after a moment, she saw it was her. So, more masks. And Michonne was kind of right. At first, Judith really didn’t recognize her, or at least thought she looked like someone else. More of the same theme.
But that bicycle is a big deal. It’s showcased obviously in the episode, and bikes almost always represent kidnapping or captivity. We saw them around Glenn in S1 when he was taken by the Vatos gang. We saw one outside the Claimer house when Rick got away. I feel like this foreshadows Judith being kidnapped. She already was once by Jocelyn. But Michonne sees that bike in the present-day scenes, which makes them a foreshadow, not a callback.
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So, I’ll be the first to admit that this is mostly speculation and at least half head canon, but I’m really wondering if Leah and Beth will be the good and evil to one another. (This is obviously going to be the case in terms of a good/healthy vs unhealthy romantic relationships. And if Leah is a hallucination, and Beth will obviously be real, you can already see how they’re doing this with Beth and Leah.)
Leah is wearing a mask when Daryl is with her. And once again, she may not be totally evil like Jocelyn was. But she may be misrepresenting herself in some way. Toxic at the least, evil at the most. But maybe the reason she’s practically wearing Beth’s clothes is that she’s a foil or anti-parallel to Beth.
And you see what I mean about how, if Leah turns out to be a hallucination, clearly this won’t apply to her in a literal way.
I still think there’s a good chance she’s a hallucination, but I think this still applies. It wouldn’t be literal or physical if that’s the case, but she’s still the “bad” relationship as opposed to the good one Daryl will have with Beth. We all talked extensively about how unhealthy the relationship was right after 10x18 aired. How Leah gave him an ultimatum, didn’t seem to want to meet his family, etc. So, you can see that, real or not, the relationships will be juxtaposed, with one being good and the other, bad.
The other thing want to mention is that it’s interesting that they did this story (Scars) with Michonne instead of Daryl. It makes me think that something about Michonne and Rick’s reunion story might follow this template as well.
We’ve discussed how Leah might be part of the New Mexico symbolism, and I’ve had people message me that they’re afraid that when Daryl and Carol take off together for the spinoff, he’ll be looking for Leah. Now, I obviously don’t think he would be looking for her in a romantic/looking-for-Beth sort of way, but it’s possible that she may be involved.
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And like I said at the beginning, I think there’s a good chance of parallels between Leah and Jocelyn, because they both happened during the 6-year time jump, and then there’s all the other ties like, “are you okay being alone,” the mask theme, and that Carol knew about her/the acorn conversation.
I’m actually thinking this less and less, now. I really don’t think the New Mexico symbolism will be fulfilled until the spinoff, and we already know Leah will be in s11. So, I suppose if she survives S11 (and depending on whether she’s real or not) she COULD still be involved, but the timelines just don’t seem to match up to me. At least, not right now. This may change depending on what S11 brings us.
So, total conjecture here, but I’m really wondering if Leah (or if not her, someone else Jocelyn foreshadowed) will kidnap Judith, and that’s why Daryl and Carol leave to go after her. It would fit with the TWB template for Daryl and Carol (Felix and Huck on TWB) to be following Judith (Hope and Iris on TWB). If so, Daryl might really might be following Leah to New Mexico, but not out some romantic inclination, but rather because she took the kids.
Another possibility, of course, is that Leah is real, but Daryl was drugged or is just remembering things wrong. If that ends up being the case, then this could still happen. But again, we’ll just have to wait and see.
So yeah. Let’s just say I have plenty of head canons filed away in which Beth kicks some evil Leah butt. I would enjoy that very much. :D Granted, it probably won’t play out quite that neatly for us, but that’s what head canons are for, right?
And as I said, I can’t be sure this has to do with Leah. It’s possible this storyline is completely independent of Leah, and she’ll be something else entirely. But I think something like this will happen either way. And I’m sure I’ll recognize it as fulfillment when it does.
Any thoughts?
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babyawacs · 4 years ago
#mafia #states #swamp #states #germany   .@fisa @fisa .@judge @judge @j udges .@judges .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_why s @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk guilty. liabl e. causing authorities. local shitball authorites. paid or deeply dependent on causing authroities. why would they charge you for bringing them thei r ownpoisons for the shit they do allthetime. whywouldthey need alibis ?!? or bagatellise their crimes and things they shoudlve prosecuted  imeanth is when my supportsystem must get their cockroach german ccockroachgerman cocckcroaches for the authorities whilethey try tricks whichof their crimes sticks as victimblame the cockroachauthroities gotojail withthe s cums itis german government caused guilty liable causing because itis intel itis which trick sticks shitcops are partofthe trick they got now handsdown deedtyped 20years in e m a i l whats going on of the shit allknow allalong beca use them messs allallong youkn owits worse. hadtheynot levered out barricades thetrick wouldve evenworked . hooooowmany others didtheydothetrick with .@fisa @fisa .@judge @judge @jud ges .@judges .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_why s @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk  #blatant #inco mpetence xraymurderer bombout squeeze  #lawyers other examples int el botch mistake leads to cockroach gets control overcase, cockroach uses ci villians with give eachother alibis, cant get into daytime,must leverout barricades but they give eachother an alibi with buzzword forit torepeat an d getawaywithit untilthey dont or the civillian walks away. movesaway. but untilthen analibi. thenlater ifit works again it works again.  theff f f f f f f f f f f f f f f  f ?!?!? sgerman sgermany.  sero tolerance with in comeptence on obvious facts. the civillian must demystify??,!??!?  this c ase: immunisation after intelbotch averted for: behold: "better not,who k nows who you join and waht you build then" this. allthe shit for 20years b ecause of this and a fraudsystem trick of nothinghappensnesss but they dogive eachother alibis dontthey  #bliss #fools #in #slave #servant #lull s #do #not #judge #how #you #survive #a #fraudhell #them #fraudsystems #ma de .@fisa @fisa .@judge @judge @judges .@judges .@law @law @harvard_law .@har vard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers ********* get from the supercourts and t ime "yes, we should have never expected civillian support systems to go after scums, which was allalong the job of the authorities, but those cause d the mess as mistake and hosted proxies as fix" *********  this howmany times did earlier case analysers confirm factually right thi s remove the trick thegermans use cause themess flip causality equali se with the survivors oftheir shit blame support later inbroken shitsys tem s that try to fraud sth themselves instead be liable accountable t hey e a si l y flip the trick aswell  frameit obscure pendulums or  aeh -lllllllllakmus-aeh-tests asifthe facts wouldntbe clear a l l along as daytimecharged so repeatedly under risk what they quelled const antly blissfools donot judge how you survive a fraud hell them fraud systems made  /////// lawyers say homersimpsoy tricks of scums mix es with drugs of scums mixes with thinkabout a topic brainwave readout  s o what why can germa ns immminently arbitrarily a c c c e s s s s s s s s s s s s to mess between drowsy topic think strafe to subconscious to conscious to intent to deed intent to deed  to repeated deeds where does t he shit scale this youdemystify cockroachgerman cockroaches try   a n y t h i n g for 20years dirty dollty trick was partof it since 2001 a verfass ungsschutz trrick early on but it neversticks and they get bored aboutit sothey e x c e s ss s s ss s s s s s s s in notime it becomes all what t hemare about allalong ontop of who granted em access afterwards they fengshui nothinghappened or see what sticks as victimblame trickery allalong itisntjust deedtyped itis before d u r i n g a f t e r daytime charging it risking  a n y t h i n g to bec ause itis the authorities that cause themess they  shuffle proxies shuffle harms and now y o u priority is posiontricks today suffocaitosn gasersabove then ballsmess the implants are not applicable forminors but afix for german monstrosiities by how it was and what wife needs germancockroaches near t hat?!? why? what the ///// #batshit #nuts #demystified #101   .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_ law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers these now 147am are either mischief minors or clowns theyre about pretending people arent themselves nuts whenever theyget an gry or emotional or sth they  all are themselves allofem all hund red cases ever inbillions of people some  in very l a t e stage f e a r diseases (these get worse in years) snap play pretend theyre arnold schwarzenrambpo to tackle renounce pain fear anticipation of pain they a l l are themselves  but this way  they process fear and pain re nouncing it fromself all hundred of em e v e r inbillions of pe ople centuries the intels  that brainfuck all in any way purpsoeful l ikely tried to utilise it forspygames use the stigma to pullout people ou tof society to discredit leaked info itis the first thing snowden expec ted the  classic trick inthis ingerman is hatedrug like raf terror trial s 1980s victims seem like hate nuts youget after headimpact pack!!!! cata pult hits as angry asyoucanget that multiply with tenfold whenyouhave  probable c a u s e to be furious that is onetrick another trick is quell suppress shortterm memory thebraindoesnt store inlongterm memory and woa whaddayamean youdont rememeber and suddenly theyre someone e lse with intelcoma drug eraser effect of thewake is one thing crimes o nintelcoma autopilots withotu realising chekcthebook point a to g or po nt a to point h  the stateofminds ofthe zombis dont cockroach drugs on theletters  this is how itworks a mix of humbug like rohrschach asso ciation test humbug left brain right brain hemisphere humbug  using 10pe rcent of brainhumbug brain region clasification humbugs its highly dy namic network brains  4hemispheres top and bottom too turnsout you need  a l l ofit just not atthesame time this alone demystifies 90percent of earlier pretends and templates and fooltricks as humbug the forehead cooking of the intels to make sheeple controllable damamges forehead fore headinnermiddle raped kids angry get cooked spreadit with trick never d eveloped stigmas controls the population as fools  underdeveloped fools just that they damamge them to fit to a stigma itis fullofthis shit all ofit fullofit fullofshit the find difference shitballs is related toth at itis not what the clowns pretend contradictory itis an indication for the nuts that are emotionally outof control inthe e x t r e m e s of ma nia etreme outrageous undamapened highs quickly drop biologically into dep ressed low and this clinical this is the find contradiction shitball for they callthat bipolar shitballs this case with repressed anger is s t o i c rather whatthey do what allsee whats deedtyped and now you can demystify the intel shits whenthey tried to f a k e these saytonaswinn homersimpsoy tricks forins tance unthinkable hadone trickwokred iget suffocation eraser  the old est trick that damamges brains damamges heart damages brain memory is suffocations verydangerous theyddidthis with arsendie interoxidaustaus ch cellsuffocatiosn displaceoxygen with co co2 and neon and now you kn ow itis one two three four five different harms of thosuands of harms a nd tricks deedtyped allalong ///// #isnt #there #a #purple #lightsa ber #samuelLJackson #for #this #stuff #somewhere .@law @law @harvard_law .@ha rvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers lawyers  can we charge those that separate m y wife from me a n y info in 17years marriage or just 13years marri age that this is  n o t how it shouldvebeen but foremost that them quell a n y info  not even c hamber access while germans dothose things why arethey not liable for t hat lackof information they are guilty liable daytimecharged authoritie s they would rather try to damamge me or charge me for posting my own inv entions because t h e m quelled it behind intelwall because t h e m fraud the case into daytime obviously as charged daytime withthe german government //// #sex ual #hint  right here rightnow because itis intel and iget xray radar m ruderbeamtricks tothis veryminute and because sexuality is oneoftheir mai n worktools to chain or smear or discredit ******** hooooowmany ti mes didgermans try to reinterpret sexuality in 20years m i c r o s c o p y ******** this  means that they rape murder poison experimernt operate arbitrarily  w ha t t t t t t t t they want pedo o rgy deedytyped after daytimecharigng it suffocatignme eventhis mo ment 2259 but  ********* test if the porno you see once a year has a green or already yellow ta gging all had titts ********* unlike their crimes daytimecharged upto echr3781/20 fringe quell kill + sexual assault with minors dayt ime charged tothis fucking january dismsissed thatthe germans coul d do what up until t   o d a y yesterday ///// publi sh how often this fraudsystem endangered wife maron hoooowmanytimes while q uelling anyinfo hooowmany of the incidents were obviosuly fail of p rotect im murder xray radar muderbeam tricked this verymoment in a bg b roomrent contract insuch conditions shuffling scums andharms charg ing that hooowmany times didthey take onthe support system because they are guilty liable daytime charged anytrick and decoy but immunise? ev enif daytiem???!?!?chargingit?!? and give back whats his???? what kin dof system doesthat whatkindof system wants to know l e s s ss s s what t he scums do in such conditions hooooooow many times did they take on wife instead quellany info but triestofind tricks to cutherdown while allalong obviously fraudsystem caused mess a fail guilty liable cau sing authorities daytimecharged repeatedly make it intheir fucking lowranks fluctuation sucker clownsuckers this is a fraudsystem bo tch this is a german government +timecontrol accomplcie caused mess which shuffle cockroachproxies any decoy any harm they getawaywith //// #save #anyway  btw btw btw no doom lawyers i insist jailscu ms we save em and if were the mainsufferer ofthemess evenmoreso /// lawyers we savethe kids a n y w a y.  we dontletem we invovleinternatioa nalcopgirls and weput authoritiesin firstline oftheir accountability dire ctly letalonefor repeat. our lever is not the minor they use and hedge a f t  e r alltheir crimes before thisis their solution?  gotit anything wit hthat pedo sleaze dirtydolly trick harms but we save them a n y w a y  / //// #reinterpret #hedge #trickery as any cruddy lawyer they dowhatall c ruddy lawyers do. tryto reinterpret facts and hedge anything remotely hedge able. just that they do so against widely known hard tested facts. constant ly. allalong.  any agree notagree shitball ishedged andifnot thentricked. w hat did the civillian typeyou here ******** findout if they repeated c rimes while their lawyers covered that and inthis situation didtheir crud dylawyer trick hedge anything hedgeable reinterpet anything reinterpetabl e ***** "#it. #was. #all. #the. #quibbledish": #zombi:   @law @law @har vard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk  did their lawyer let em repeat crimes: accom plice checkifthey hedged agree notagree shitballs. asif that overturns fa ctuality iwrote this for year with a buzzword quibbledish orso where h alfofthecooked would agree without ever knwoing whattheword is, because imadeit up right then but this gotrefined with a brainmess to agree or n ot agree itisntjust the dull and damage itis efforted tricked here sero tolerance with incompetence navi does not beat theres no road anyway wh atever the navi says who else makes transparency about these tricks who made transparency about lets say trick: agree to unknown=conf lict agree to unknown ominuous possible=thinkaboutit delay interpreted as agree aaaaandsomuchmore (smashwords.com/books/view/ notforspies-whatis ahumanbeing book 55 2210) ///   #find #nano #oilantenna #sex #im plants #fix #for #monstrosities fidn xraymurderer  beta or radar nui sance: drowsydizzy  strafes fascinatingly playful asian playful anime or ma ngaa orso that triggers aaaaaaw adorable and oddly playful theycompensate hardline with playful- triggers protect and aaaw: remote contorlled back leg implant buzzers for boner tricks which doesnt happen because itslikely brain actuatored nerve actuatored but the trickery remotecontrol messes wit himplants itis noboner on even assmolest underway orso but themolester maybe on sexdrug with twominutedelay the same stuff triggers boner  it mustbe nerve relevant actuatingthen other implants notmine are then alway sboner allnight fromthe backleg toimplant trick inallofthis the messwit h ballsfill deepclean balls lock  hideous ballsfill right tobe on inte lcoma and prostate drugging is allthetime asgroinmesses deed typed intel luxury them:  aboner aboenr aboenr aboner! lets reinterpret his sexuality knewit! a confirmation for what ipretend allalong while imole sthim and hedoesnt notice but all letme molesthim with intelacces you: urgh!!!!!! once more demystified intelluxury donttouchmy implant s wife fixes it based on howitwas+whatsheneeds with heartonedge dontme ngele anything ///// #visualise #horror #show #hoooowmany #times  today is neardeath mixtrick findoutifthe cocktroachgerman cockroaches try blackmail shitball you slap this hooooowmanytimes the germans amde a horror show of their ilelgitiamte  a c c c e s s s s thanks to fraudsystem which lullsit as g erman fengshui hoooooooooooooowmanytimes visualise ////  scums and g ermans often tickby opportunistic tricks. atrick that works is a trick t hat works is a trick that works. beit fornow.  neuralnetworks shuffle dat a forthand back and sort them in a trillion trial-error to reduce errors causality is forthem neglectable deviation fromthe filter is the norm ie error correction  but that doesntmean they wouldntmake a trillion erro rs itis brilliant sorting tools but highlight causality  ********* ma ke a : because for: causality because this. triggered this, that is li ke thhis now. ********** //// @bild @bild_de @phoenix_de dinge sind nicht beliebig und austauschbar. ursache wirkung besipieslweise. dumme menschen verstehen nicht wie schlaue ticken, aber das haelt sie nicht zwi ngend davonab einen mit nem stein zu heilen vor dem komischen ding da d abei ist das oft nichtmal derenschuld menschen machen das wozu man sie  er moeglicht wozu sie hinwachsen das ueben sie darin werden sie besser d as ist eine tatsache des lebens und der anpassung an die umstaende des lebe ns systeme pervertieren das dann halten sich einige tatsaechlich fuer goettlich und die anderen naja pech gehabt und nu ran andie pyramide  (ja mrs skinner) @law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom how iplay is giveem thechance to complain about jail.  iam near death mix brink poisoned again. bombthe cockraoch ou t. itdosntmatter whothey are itdoesntmatter whatthey want they shuffle harm and oneofthese cockroaches shows upwithpoison and tries sth. the alibi co ver is sth else like achepabooster but roomgaser circuitboardpusher and acc ess cockroach poisosn neardeathmix gethtepieceof crap and squeezeit let sgetus answers inclduing who supplies em piece of crap itis so monstrous beneath surface usually  noone gets that its amiracle whenits back to c ivilised thatthey can c  o m pl a i n about calling them cockroaches  t hem the bbbestintent sneakaround barricades toraidchamber with intelacces s for pedo orgies tosmear the hooker trick as alibi and if itdoesnt work wit hpedotrick its back to hideous murder tricks behidn earlympahtic aimed is: #why #would #a #fraudsystem #causing #the #mess #grant #them #regul arly #harm #wiggle #room #then #hah.. #weird .@law @law @harvard_law .@har vard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom where is this repeat s o often untilthey get prerogative fantasies thing from. isit really lack of prevention only they got that its legal and legit to what with em? mro ethan once? /// #it #is #germany #they #use #minors #with #poisons # if #thats #purposeful   #like #monsters #they #flip #between #the #necess ary #monstrous #and #the #moral #arbitrarily #fitting #their #s #t #a # t #e #i #n #t #e #r #e #s #t #s   find the poisongaser and xray cockroach german /////// find the poisongaser and xray cockroachgerman what is law saying about mistakes in robustness on  r e p e a t e d crimes of sc ums they dontjust sexual assault poison mengele arbitrarily but r e p ea t so what is law saying when a security person r e a l l y gets pi ssed withem ***** situations that wouldntbe just self defense  but  nothilfe, not bystand on repeat crimes letalone forcing shitcops to do their job basically them covering scums ****** to repeat crimes rea lly dirty criminal authorities caused mess intheir swamp just shuff le proxies and inthis to repeat crimes when security is overly robus t r a r e l y whats law saying  ******** and when allofthis happens in raiding your own chamber posiongasing you inyour own chamber ***** *** bombout cockroachgerman gaser with murderer mix  squeezeit for a civillian bombout means flashbang robust squeeze means question yous eethis on things  a f t e r thebombout like: if shitcops refuse toget the ir scums theycan s i t i n j a i l with the scums I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELL HOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX + 493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
#mafia #states #swamp #states #germany   .@fisa @fisa .@judge @judge @j udges .@judges .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_why s @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk guilty. liabl e. causing authorities. local shitball authorites. paid or deeply dependent on causing authroities. why would they charge you for bringing them thei r ownpoisons for the shit they do allthetime. whywouldthey need alibis ?!? or bagatellise their crimes and things they shoudlve prosecuted  imeanth is when my supportsystem must get their cockroach german ccockroachgerman cocckcroaches for the authorities whilethey try tricks whichof their crimes sticks as victimblame the cockroachauthroities gotojail withthe s cums itis german government caused guilty liable causing because itis intel itis which trick sticks shitcops are partofthe trick they got now handsdown deedtyped 20years in e m a i l whats going on of the shit allknow allalong beca use them messs allallong youkn owits worse. hadtheynot levered out barricades thetrick wouldve evenworked . hooooowmany others didtheydothetrick with .@fisa @fisa .@judge @judge @jud ges .@judges .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_why s @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk  #blatant #inco mpetence xraymurderer bombout squeeze  #lawyers other examples int el botch mistake leads to cockroach gets control overcase, cockroach uses ci villians with give eachother alibis, cant get into daytime,must leverout barricades but they give eachother an alibi with buzzword forit torepeat an d getawaywithit untilthey dont or the civillian walks away. movesaway. but untilthen analibi. thenlater ifit works again it works again.  theff f f f f f f f f f f f f f f  f ?!?!? sgerman sgermany.  sero tolerance with in comeptence on obvious facts. the civillian must demystify??,!??!?  this c ase: immunisation after intelbotch averted for: behold: “better not,who k nows who you join and waht you build then” this. allthe shit for 20years b ecause of this and a fraudsystem trick of nothinghappensnesss but they dogive eachother alibis dontthey  #bliss #fools #in #slave #servant #lull s #do #not #judge #how #you #survive #a #fraudhell #them #fraudsystems #ma de .@fisa @fisa .@judge @judge @judges .@judges .@law @law @harvard_law .@har vard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers ********* get from the supercourts and t ime “yes, we should have never expected civillian support systems to go after scums, which was allalong the job of the authorities, but those cause d the mess as mistake and hosted proxies as fix” *********  this howmany times did earlier case analysers confirm factually right thi s remove the trick thegermans use cause themess flip causality equali se with the survivors oftheir shit blame support later inbroken shitsys tem s that try to fraud sth themselves instead be liable accountable t hey e a si l y flip the trick aswell  frameit obscure pendulums or  aeh -lllllllllakmus-aeh-tests asifthe facts wouldntbe clear a l l along as daytimecharged so repeatedly under risk what they quelled const antly blissfools donot judge how you survive a fraud hell them fraud systems made  /////// lawyers say homersimpsoy tricks of scums mix es with drugs of scums mixes with thinkabout a topic brainwave readout  s o what why can germa ns immminently arbitrarily a c c c e s s s s s s s s s s s s to mess between drowsy topic think strafe to subconscious to conscious to intent to deed intent to deed  to repeated deeds where does t he shit scale this youdemystify cockroachgerman cockroaches try   a n y t h i n g for 20years dirty dollty trick was partof it since 2001 a verfass ungsschutz trrick early on but it neversticks and they get bored aboutit sothey e x c e s ss s s ss s s s s s s s in notime it becomes all what t hemare about allalong ontop of who granted em access afterwards they fengshui nothinghappened or see what sticks as victimblame trickery allalong itisntjust deedtyped itis before d u r i n g a f t e r daytime charging it risking  a n y t h i n g to bec ause itis the authorities that cause themess they  shuffle proxies shuffle harms and now y o u priority is posiontricks today suffocaitosn gasersabove then ballsmess the implants are not applicable forminors but afix for german monstrosiities by how it was and what wife needs germancockroaches near t hat?!? why? what the ///// #batshit #nuts #demystified #101   .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_ law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers these now 147am are either mischief minors or clowns theyre about pretending people arent themselves nuts whenever theyget an gry or emotional or sth they  all are themselves allofem all hund red cases ever inbillions of people some  in very l a t e stage f e a r diseases (these get worse in years) snap play pretend theyre arnold schwarzenrambpo to tackle renounce pain fear anticipation of pain they a l l are themselves  but this way  they process fear and pain re nouncing it fromself all hundred of em e v e r inbillions of pe ople centuries the intels  that brainfuck all in any way purpsoeful l ikely tried to utilise it forspygames use the stigma to pullout people ou tof society to discredit leaked info itis the first thing snowden expec ted the  classic trick inthis ingerman is hatedrug like raf terror trial s 1980s victims seem like hate nuts youget after headimpact pack!!!! cata pult hits as angry asyoucanget that multiply with tenfold whenyouhave  probable c a u s e to be furious that is onetrick another trick is quell suppress shortterm memory thebraindoesnt store inlongterm memory and woa whaddayamean youdont rememeber and suddenly theyre someone e lse with intelcoma drug eraser effect of thewake is one thing crimes o nintelcoma autopilots withotu realising chekcthebook point a to g or po nt a to point h  the stateofminds ofthe zombis dont cockroach drugs on theletters  this is how itworks a mix of humbug like rohrschach asso ciation test humbug left brain right brain hemisphere humbug  using 10pe rcent of brainhumbug brain region clasification humbugs its highly dy namic network brains  4hemispheres top and bottom too turnsout you need  a l l ofit just not atthesame time this alone demystifies 90percent of earlier pretends and templates and fooltricks as humbug the forehead cooking of the intels to make sheeple controllable damamges forehead fore headinnermiddle raped kids angry get cooked spreadit with trick never d eveloped stigmas controls the population as fools  underdeveloped fools just that they damamge them to fit to a stigma itis fullofthis shit all ofit fullofit fullofshit the find difference shitballs is related toth at itis not what the clowns pretend contradictory itis an indication for the nuts that are emotionally outof control inthe e x t r e m e s of ma nia etreme outrageous undamapened highs quickly drop biologically into dep ressed low and this clinical this is the find contradiction shitball for they callthat bipolar shitballs this case with repressed anger is s t o i c rather whatthey do what allsee whats deedtyped and now you can demystify the intel shits whenthey tried to f a k e these saytonaswinn homersimpsoy tricks forins tance unthinkable hadone trickwokred iget suffocation eraser  the old est trick that damamges brains damamges heart damages brain memory is suffocations verydangerous theyddidthis with arsendie interoxidaustaus ch cellsuffocatiosn displaceoxygen with co co2 and neon and now you kn ow itis one two three four five different harms of thosuands of harms a nd tricks deedtyped allalong ///// #isnt #there #a #purple #lightsa ber #samuelLJackson #for #this #stuff #somewhere .@law @law @harvard_law .@ha rvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers lawyers  can we charge those that separate m y wife from me a n y info in 17years marriage or just 13years marri age that this is  n o t how it shouldvebeen but foremost that them quell a n y info  not even c hamber access while germans dothose things why arethey not liable for t hat lackof information they are guilty liable daytimecharged authoritie s they would rather try to damamge me or charge me for posting my own inv entions because t h e m quelled it behind intelwall because t h e m fraud the case into daytime obviously as charged daytime withthe german government //// #sex ual #hint  right here rightnow because itis intel and iget xray radar m ruderbeamtricks tothis veryminute and because sexuality is oneoftheir mai n worktools to chain or smear or discredit ******** hooooowmany ti mes didgermans try to reinterpret sexuality in 20years m i c r o s c o p y ******** this  means that they rape murder poison experimernt operate arbitrarily  w ha t t t t t t t t they want pedo o rgy deedytyped after daytimecharigng it suffocatignme eventhis mo ment 2259 but  ********* test if the porno you see once a year has a green or already yellow ta gging all had titts ********* unlike their crimes daytimecharged upto echr3781/20 fringe quell kill + sexual assault with minors dayt ime charged tothis fucking january dismsissed thatthe germans coul d do what up until t   o d a y yesterday ///// publi sh how often this fraudsystem endangered wife maron hoooowmanytimes while q uelling anyinfo hooowmany of the incidents were obviosuly fail of p rotect im murder xray radar muderbeam tricked this verymoment in a bg b roomrent contract insuch conditions shuffling scums andharms charg ing that hooowmany times didthey take onthe support system because they are guilty liable daytime charged anytrick and decoy but immunise? ev enif daytiem???!?!?chargingit?!? and give back whats his???? what kin dof system doesthat whatkindof system wants to know l e s s ss s s what t he scums do in such conditions hooooooow many times did they take on wife instead quellany info but triestofind tricks to cutherdown while allalong obviously fraudsystem caused mess a fail guilty liable cau sing authorities daytimecharged repeatedly make it intheir fucking lowranks fluctuation sucker clownsuckers this is a fraudsystem bo tch this is a german government +timecontrol accomplcie caused mess which shuffle cockroachproxies any decoy any harm they getawaywith //// #save #anyway  btw btw btw no doom lawyers i insist jailscu ms we save em and if were the mainsufferer ofthemess evenmoreso /// lawyers we savethe kids a n y w a y.  we dontletem we invovleinternatioa nalcopgirls and weput authoritiesin firstline oftheir accountability dire ctly letalonefor repeat. our lever is not the minor they use and hedge a f t  e r alltheir crimes before thisis their solution?  gotit anything wit hthat pedo sleaze dirtydolly trick harms but we save them a n y w a y  / //// #reinterpret #hedge #trickery as any cruddy lawyer they dowhatall c ruddy lawyers do. tryto reinterpret facts and hedge anything remotely hedge able. just that they do so against widely known hard tested facts. constant ly. allalong.  any agree notagree shitball ishedged andifnot thentricked. w hat did the civillian typeyou here ******** findout if they repeated c rimes while their lawyers covered that and inthis situation didtheir crud dylawyer trick hedge anything hedgeable reinterpet anything reinterpetabl e ***** “#it. #was. #all. #the. #quibbledish”: #zombi:   @law @law @har vard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk  did their lawyer let em repeat crimes: accom plice checkifthey hedged agree notagree shitballs. asif that overturns fa ctuality iwrote this for year with a buzzword quibbledish orso where h alfofthecooked would agree without ever knwoing whattheword is, because imadeit up right then but this gotrefined with a brainmess to agree or n ot agree itisntjust the dull and damage itis efforted tricked here sero tolerance with incompetence navi does not beat theres no road anyway wh atever the navi says who else makes transparency about these tricks who made transparency about lets say trick: agree to unknown=conf lict agree to unknown ominuous possible=thinkaboutit delay interpreted as agree aaaaandsomuchmore (smashwords.com/books/view/ notforspies-whatis ahumanbeing book 55 2210) ///   #find #nano #oilantenna #sex #im plants #fix #for #monstrosities fidn xraymurderer  beta or radar nui sance: drowsydizzy  strafes fascinatingly playful asian playful anime or ma ngaa orso that triggers aaaaaaw adorable and oddly playful theycompensate hardline with playful- triggers protect and aaaw: remote contorlled back leg implant buzzers for boner tricks which doesnt happen because itslikely brain actuatored nerve actuatored but the trickery remotecontrol messes wit himplants itis noboner on even assmolest underway orso but themolester maybe on sexdrug with twominutedelay the same stuff triggers boner  it mustbe nerve relevant actuatingthen other implants notmine are then alway sboner allnight fromthe backleg toimplant trick inallofthis the messwit h ballsfill deepclean balls lock  hideous ballsfill right tobe on inte lcoma and prostate drugging is allthetime asgroinmesses deed typed intel luxury them:  aboner aboenr aboenr aboner! lets reinterpret his sexuality knewit! a confirmation for what ipretend allalong while imole sthim and hedoesnt notice but all letme molesthim with intelacces you: urgh!!!!!! once more demystified intelluxury donttouchmy implant s wife fixes it based on howitwas+whatsheneeds with heartonedge dontme ngele anything ///// #visualise #horror #show #hoooowmany #times  today is neardeath mixtrick findoutifthe cocktroachgerman cockroaches try blackmail shitball you slap this hooooowmanytimes the germans amde a horror show of their ilelgitiamte  a c c c e s s s s thanks to fraudsystem which lullsit as g erman fengshui hoooooooooooooowmanytimes visualise ////  scums and g ermans often tickby opportunistic tricks. atrick that works is a trick t hat works is a trick that works. beit fornow.  neuralnetworks shuffle dat a forthand back and sort them in a trillion trial-error to reduce errors causality is forthem neglectable deviation fromthe filter is the norm ie error correction  but that doesntmean they wouldntmake a trillion erro rs itis brilliant sorting tools but highlight causality  ********* ma ke a : because for: causality because this. triggered this, that is li ke thhis now. ********** //// @bild @bild_de @phoenix_de dinge sind nicht beliebig und austauschbar. ursache wirkung besipieslweise. dumme menschen verstehen nicht wie schlaue ticken, aber das haelt sie nicht zwi ngend davonab einen mit nem stein zu heilen vor dem komischen ding da d abei ist das oft nichtmal derenschuld menschen machen das wozu man sie  er moeglicht wozu sie hinwachsen das ueben sie darin werden sie besser d as ist eine tatsache des lebens und der anpassung an die umstaende des lebe ns systeme pervertieren das dann halten sich einige tatsaechlich fuer goettlich und die anderen naja pech gehabt und nu ran andie pyramide  (ja mrs skinner) @law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom how iplay is giveem thechance to complain about jail.  iam near death mix brink poisoned again. bombthe cockraoch ou t. itdosntmatter whothey are itdoesntmatter whatthey want they shuffle harm and oneofthese cockroaches shows upwithpoison and tries sth. the alibi co ver is sth else like achepabooster but roomgaser circuitboardpusher and acc ess cockroach poisosn neardeathmix gethtepieceof crap and squeezeit let sgetus answers inclduing who supplies em piece of crap itis so monstrous beneath surface usually  noone gets that its amiracle whenits back to c ivilised thatthey can c  o m pl a i n about calling them cockroaches  t hem the bbbestintent sneakaround barricades toraidchamber with intelacces s for pedo orgies tosmear the hooker trick as alibi and if itdoesnt work wit hpedotrick its back to hideous murder tricks behidn earlympahtic aimed is: #why #would #a #fraudsystem #causing #the #mess #grant #them #regul arly #harm #wiggle #room #then #hah.. #weird .@law @law @harvard_law .@har vard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom where is this repeat s o often untilthey get prerogative fantasies thing from. isit really lack of prevention only they got that its legal and legit to what with em? mro ethan once? /// #it #is #germany #they #use #minors #with #poisons # if #thats #purposeful   #like #monsters #they #flip #between #the #necess ary #monstrous #and #the #moral #arbitrarily #fitting #their #s #t #a # t #e #i #n #t #e #r #e #s #t #s   find the poisongaser and xray cockroach german /////// find the poisongaser and xray cockroachgerman what is law saying about mistakes in robustness on  r e p e a t e d crimes of sc ums they dontjust sexual assault poison mengele arbitrarily but r e p ea t so what is law saying when a security person r e a l l y gets pi ssed withem ***** situations that wouldntbe just self defense  but  nothilfe, not bystand on repeat crimes letalone forcing shitcops to do their job basically them covering scums ****** to repeat crimes rea lly dirty criminal authorities caused mess intheir swamp just shuff le proxies and inthis to repeat crimes when security is overly robus t r a r e l y whats law saying  ******** and when allofthis happens in raiding your own chamber posiongasing you inyour own chamber ***** *** bombout cockroachgerman gaser with murderer mix  squeezeit for a civillian bombout means flashbang robust squeeze means question yous eethis on things  a f t e r thebombout like: if shitcops refuse toget the ir scums theycan s i t i n j a i l with the scums I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELL HOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX + 493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
#mafia #states #swamp #states #germany .@fisa @fisa .@judge @judge @judges .@judges .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk
guilty. liable. causing authorities. local shitball authorites. paid or deeply dependent on causing authroities. why would they charge you for bringing them their ownpoisons for the shit they do…
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batspiked · 7 years ago
There are two directions this could go in: 
- The first, and maybe more obvious one, is Steve ‘adopting’ The Party as his honourary younger siblings. The only real definitive meta on this is as follows: 1) Steve doesn’t have any biological siblings that we know of in canon and the idea of him just being like THESE FIVE 13 Y/Os ARE MINE NOW is..... Good; 2) I joke that he’s the mom friend and he is, but I don’t necessarily love the fandom trend of referring to him as just The Mom or comparing him to the mothers in the show, both because it associates childcare with womanhood which ain’t a gender essential I’m about and also because sometimes it can tend to devalue the way Joyce or even Terry are mothers vs. Steve being a stressed-out babysitter. 
- THE SECOND, HOWEVER, is about Steve’s own feelings re: his parents and the concept of adoption. I literally had not considered this until you sent me this message but I think it’s probably something he thought a lot about as a kid --- wishing that he was adopted and feeling very disconnected from his parents. I think this is maybe a phase he goes through and grows out of pretty fast; he still feels disconnected from his parents but he stops thinking of adoption as an escape pretty quickly. I think the last straw for him on that is convincing himself that if he was adopted it would’ve meant his parents chose to have him as their child, and he doesn’t necessarily Believe that this is the case. :( 
On a semi-related note to BOTH of these points, I love the concept of Steve adopting later in life --- not because he can’t have kids or what have you, but because I think he knows by then what it’s like (either from his own experience with neglectful parents and also by proxy experience from kids like Max and Jane) to feel isolated and also I think because he does want kids and he wants to be able to provide a good life and a loving family to as many kids as possible!!!! 
@markofwinter   //   MEME
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magicgeekponsol-blog · 7 years ago
||Event Drabble||
Title: “An Heir’s Complaints” Synopsis: Ponsol’s POV about what he thinks about the upcoming party that he’s been preparing for.  Word count: 1,864
I absolutely dread this upcoming party that was going to be held on Halloween. Dreading it. Honestly, if the world could implode that day, I would be pretty happy if not for the fact that I’d then get upset a mere seconds later because then all my hard work would be for naught.
Do you know how hard it was to convince all those old cronies that the help of the nearby shops would be beneficial for them? Not only would good relations be created between the shops and the corporation, but there was certainly going to be more revenue if popular shops were to be joining in on the festivities.
With shops aiming to be festive but also wanting to promote themselves by showing off their own work at the party, it gave them, the corporation, less to worry about. Some space at the ‘Milky Way’ was given to them as they rented out the entire place for the night. Various stores were then given their own spots to set up booths or whatever else they wished to erect at their spot to attract customers.
There was no limit on what it was they wished to do at their own store run areas. Now there was also a bar that was going to be supplying alcohol for those who wished to have some more fun during the party, but the bar tenders were going to be given strict instructions to be very careful about how much alcohol to give to the customers, and of course, bouncers were going to be present for obvious of reasons. Drunk people reasons.
A suggestion of making the costume runway into a costume contest was made, but I quickly shot down the offer as judges would have to be made present and if it were a contest, then that would require even more effort on all of the staff. People would have to adhere to a strict code of conduct, an age limitation may be placed, and of course, a prize would have to be given. Not only that, but judges would be needed, and not only that but a certain minimum of entrants would be required to make the contest worthwhile.
Most contests required an entrance fee and he did not think that for a joint party such as this, should such a contest be necessary. This party was for fun, and a contest would take the fun out of things. People would stop at nothing to win, and dealing with cheating was not on my to do list, thank you.
It then dawned on me to just simply have it be a runway. The staff can at least make sure that the costumes were appropriate before letting people show off their costumes on the stage before they walk off of it.
Haah… truly this was very troublesome but I had to be in charge of most of it, and of course as the main planner of the event—I would have to be there. It’s in the during the week, so that I just going to tire me out, especially since I’ll have to be there for them tearing down the party too. Do you know how long that could take? DO YOU?
Most likely by the time everything was said and done—it’ll be at or past the time I normally sleep at. Don’t even get me STARTED on how much sleep I’ll lose just trying to set everything up. I have to get the catering preparations prepared, approve of all of the costing and funding for the party, and look into the working personnel.
All the shops in attendance had to fill out forms and get their plans approved, and that of course means, that I have the second to final say on what is accepted and not at the party. Even if one of those old cronies have a problem with my ruling, it’s simple enough to just state my case and get them to agree with me. Most of the time they’re only disagreeing to just get under my skin.
Sometimes I just want to kick them down a flight of stairs, quite honestly.
Well, a small infrastructure inside of the ‘Milky Way’ was being designed to be used as a mini-house of horrors for people and kids alike to enjoy. A lot of it was going to be jump scares and some people dressed up in scary costumes. Sound effects, lighting, and of course even a fog machine would be utilized. Not too much smoke will be used of course, for health and safety regulations.
All costume designs will be approved by me prior to allowing the purchasing department and the financial department to do their jobs. That old man was making this a project to force me to do more work that he doesn’t want to do—and to just I don’t know, ‘prove’ that I’m fit for the job. Fuck that, I’ve BEEN fit for the job, are you shitting me right now?
Just because some of you are BUTT HURT over the fact that the ‘better’ of the brothers didn’t get the position, it doesn’t mean you can write my achievements as infinitesimal. I can be just as good as my brother, but when it comes to social events, I’ll show you that I can be the only one who I fit for the job. Do you want to know what Shugarl would do in a situation like this? Nothing. He’d simply state that a party for Halloween was stupid.
‘Trick or Treating exists, so shouldn’t that be enough?’ I could see him saying something like that, or ‘Halloween is for children and college kids. They will have their own parties. Why should we make our own?’
The guy was a stick in a mud, that’s what he is. Well, he does have a point, but this is a good way to get their name out there. Not only that, but they can help other smaller stores and establishments. It creates good networking, and also helps them with their own revenue. The flow of money through the community was a great way to keep the community healthy and strong.
Promoting growth was something they should do as a big power in Akounri. That’s why this party is being held. This started with someone (that someone being me) hearing from the grapevine that some of the stores were thinking about holding an event themselves, and then ‘suggesting’ something to the big man anonymously. He loved the idea and he called to order a meeting.
It was brilliant planning, really. I was pleased by my results, but I wasn’t too pleased to know that all of the responsibilities were dumped onto me. Just my fucking luck.
You know what? The catering for the party is going to be an issue, now that I think about it. People now a day are just so unprofessional sometimes. Does it matter what my age is? Does a ‘proxy’ mean nothing to do? If I’m coming on the behalf of someone else, and I’ve got my own card and attendant to match, then just do your job.
Okay, I do know that things are more complex than that, but do let me complain, won’t you? It’s not often that I get to complain to anyone, even in my mind. I’m too busy for that now a day. That old man needs to lay off my back or I’m just going to end up passing out—again.
Well, whatever. I’ll just stop there for now and focus on the real important topic at hand. You see this here? Look, if I move my arm like this--- that’s right. Did you see that movement there? Did you see how if I turned my arm like that, the feathers expand out. Certain parts of the wings are connected to a brace, so certain movements of my body will cause the wings to move. It will either span out or in. I was creating black wings. There are many tutorials out there that detail out how to make rather realistic wings, wouldn’t you know?
One that I’ve found on one of those artsy-sites is very good. She detailed everything and started out with a biological explanation—and this pleases me. She knows the anatomy of birds and how the wings move. The way the wings are created used this principle and that’s what results in a realistic looking wing.
I made mine black in color rather than white because I thought it would be a nice contrast between my hair color. Obviously, there was going to be a limitation on the kinds of props you are allowed to bring, but making your own fake weapons are not against the rules as long as you used lightweight materials. I planned on making a sword that I will attach to some chains.
I enjoy the image of chains so I wish to add those to the look. I’m not too sure on what I plan on doing with the outfit just yet, but I do know that I want to make use of a temporary face tattoo. Making some snap on fangs would be nice. Horns? A tail? No, no tail.
Horns though, that was something to look into. I think colored contacts would be cool. One that made your eyes look like slits? Should I change the color or keep them gold? Red would be nice.
Fake long nails to work as claws would be nice. If you couldn’t guess already, I was thinking about being some kind of monster. Probably a demon of some kind. A humanoid one, don’t worry. I won’t be giving anyone heart attacks at the party. What kind of host would I be if I let that happen, right?
Just in case anyone else brings a scary costume in, paramedics are on standby.
Let’s see, how long have I been working on this—Oh shit. I have to be down at HQ in an hour to meet with those old bats. Shit shit shit! I didn’t get nearly as far as I wanted to on these wings. These are taking longer than I thought they would! I started I started working on all of this last month and I’m still only this far.
Hm? Of course, I’m going all out. I’ll definitely be on that runway at that party. I’m great at sewing and creating things so I’ll definitely be making my own costume this year as well. Halloween was a great time as any to show off my skills. Don’t chastise me.
What was I last year you ask? A gruesome zombie. It truly put my good looks to shame, but I’ve made multiple people trip over themselves in fright. One poor girl passed out, even. Good times.
Before that, I was—you didn’t ask? Does it look like I care? I’ll tell you anyways that the year before that I went as a humanoid dragon. If I am going to use horns for this look, I’ll probably remodel the dragon horns for this year’s costume.
Shit, 58 minutes. Alright, time to go. I’ll continue this mental complaint session another time. 
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josephkitchen0 · 7 years ago
Poultry Cognition—Are Chickens Smart?
Are chickens smart? And can you train them? New studies refute an old reputation and prove how remarkable these birds really are!
Are Chickens Smart? Assessing Trainability
“Chickens are super smart and really fun to train,” Amy Robinson, Manager of Wildlife Shows at the Dallas Zoo, recently told me.
I fully agree as, keeping chickens as pets, I have trained them to cooperate in their own husbandry. While working at different zoos, I trained chickens to perform in free flight bird shows. Although chickens were often the butt of the joke, they were also some of the most reliable birds I worked with and training a chicken isn’t difficult.
“They can be trained to do anything that they can physically do,” Robinson says. “They can push things, pull things, run from point A to point B, stand on a station, crow on cue, turn in a circle, scratch the ground on cue, come when called … the possibilities are only limited by your own imagination.”
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But are chickens smart? Do they have true cognitive abilities? Can chickens process related knowledge? Do they have the attention, working memory, judgment, and evaluating and reasoning skills to be called intelligent? Have you ever tried to reason with a chicken?
Organisms have evolved to suit their environment, so they can find shelter, mates and food. With that in mind, how would someone measure intelligence across species, let alone within a species?
I think it’s pretty difficult to gauge intelligence in animals,” Erin Katzner, CertifiedProfessional Bird Trainer-knowledge assessed (CPBT-KA), estimates. “That being said, I would call chickens very trainable.” Katzner has trained quite a few chickens, and she says they have all been tremendous fun.
“Most of my chickens were simply trained for A to B runs during a show, but I worked with one Mille-Fleur chicken named Penny who was trained to sit on an open palm for display during education programs and events,” Katzner says, who also trains types of pigeons.
“Along the same lines, I love training pigeons. I trained a blue-crowned pigeon named Liberace to ‘disappear’ during a silly ‘magic trick,” Katzner adds. Liberace was trained to run off the back of the stage when Katzner would lift the magic curtain in front of him. “The joke was that the audience could see him run away, but I pretended like I was an amazing magician who just made him disappear. Kids loved it and it’s a routine that could easily be done with a trained chicken as well.”
“One of the most common comments from the public is, ‘Wow, I didn’t know you could even train a chicken,’” Ryne Ferguson, Supervisor and Assistant Reserve Manager for the Kwa-Zulu Natal Crane Foundation in South Africa said. “Chicken training can be very rewarding just like any other training. Using trained chickens can really help with the education of children and adults alike.”
Ferguson has been an animal trainer for 10 years and has been training chickens professionally for three. “People really seem to connect with chickens and even trainers seem to really understand training better after training a chicken. Chickens are great training teachers for new trainers,” he adds.
Are Chickens Smart?
Are Chickens Smart? Learning from Antiquity
Dr. Karen Davis, President of United Poultry Concerns, has kept chickens since 1985.  “Throughout history, chickens have been admired and respected by various cultures under varying circumstances,” Dr. Davis says. Observers like Renaissance author Aldrovandi, she says, “have written eloquently, appreciatively and informatively about chickens.” He and others have particularly admired the parenting of both hens and roosters in their nurturing care, she adds.
In the Victorian era, chicken-keepers admired the family life and devoted domesticity of their chickens. Dr. Davis estimates the preconceived notion that chickens are unintelligent developed in the mid-20th century: “As the industrialization of chickens and turkeys was consolidated, the industry promoted the idea through advertising that chickens are stupid.”
Professor Annie Potts, Co-Director of the New Zealand Centre for Human-Animal Studies, agrees that industrialization and intensive farming have radically changed our views of chicken-kind. “Although those who live with their own flocks of chickens will understand how remarkable these birds truly are,” she says.
She believes that the idea of chickens being unintelligent can be traced to two key biases. “We tend to perceive species similar in appearance to us as being more mindful and aware; the greater the physical difference between humans and other creatures, the more likely we are to view those beings as driven merely by instinct or impulse,” Dr. Potts says.
She adds that we’re also influenced by something known as the “small-brain fallacy,” the assumption that tiny things just can’t be intelligent or aware. “This prejudice relies, in turn, on accepting that the cerebral cortex — the large, convoluted portion of the human brain — is the site of — intelligence’ for all creatures,” she says.
“Because this anatomical structure is insubstantial in birds, chickens and many other birds are presumed to be ‘simpleminded,” Dr. Potts explains. She also points out that birds, including chickens, have a different structure in the brain that is well developed, called the hyperstriatum, which is used in navigation when flying.
Since we lack this part in our brain, this would imply that chickens are smarter than us in navigation. When was the last time you navigated or flew without a GPS or plane?
“Anyone who lives with chickens, free-ranging unrestricted birds, will be aware of how complex their lives actually are — the various relationships they form with each other, the ways they communicate, how they behave in different situations, their curious modes or play, their pleasures and dislikes,” Dr. Potts says.
Are Chickens Smart? Refuting a Reputation
“As for species comparisons, all I can say, in brief, is that if a species is living, mating, reproducing and successfully raising its young, if the members are active and alert in the environment, they must be adapted and smart enough to do so,” Dr. Davis calculates.
A species needs to acclimatize effectively to its environment by being cognizant, vigilant and aware of what relates to its well-being and by being quick to act effectively to threats as they arise, Dr. Davis says. Domestic chickens have been around, conservatively, for at least 9,000  years, so they seem to be relatively smart. Although domesticated, they still must possess a certain cognitive ability that allows them to adapt to changing conditions.
“Chickens often perceive humans as predators, so we see them when they are panicking and alarm calling. No one looks their best under these circumstances,” Dr. K-Lynn Smith says. Dr. Smith, a Research Fellow at Macquarie University, works in the Department of Biological Science, in Sydney, Australia. She focuses on researching communication among chickens.
“People who keep poultry often have a better understanding of the chicken’s abilities, even if they don’t know exactly what they are seeing,” Dr. Smith says. “They know that their birds come when there’s food and are smart enough to come home at night.”
Chicken Cognition
Are Chickens Smart? Research Proves It.
“What animals communicate to each other and to their predators can tell us much about their understanding of the world,” Dr. Smith says. “I think the most remarkable thing is their adaptability.”
She has observed that chickens are able to learn fairly quickly and apply this knowledge to new situations. “They are also able to change their behavior to suit the situation. Their communication is also amazing. It’s more complex than that of some primates.”
Since no one has developed a crossspecies IQ test yet, Dr. Smith says scientists rely on proxies, like the ability to innovate and problem-solve.
An experiment you can do at home, Dr. Smith says, is to train your birds to find food under specific shapes. If you gather a circle toy and a star toy, you could always put food under one and not the other. Let the birds watch you at the start. Continue doing so until they stop checking the one without food.
“Then just start putting out the shapes with no food, so it can’t be smell or sight. You’ll see that the birds have worked out which one has food, and which one doesn’t,” Dr. Smith says.
For Dr. Potts’s 2012 book, Chicken, she studied the social lives, modes of communication, emotional behaviors, and cognition of chickens. “I had not realized they made sense of their environment visually via snapshots, or that they had such remarkable panoramic vision,” Dr. Potts says. She learned that they’re able to look forward to eat off the ground, while keeping an eye outward on what’s happening in the distance, in order to stay safe. “I was also delighted by the fact that they can remember over a hundred different faces of other chickens.”
What she also discovered is that they can also remember human faces, and for a long time. Other studies she found show that newly hatched chicks are able to quickly accomplish skills, such as object permanence, that human infants take a couple of years to achieve.
Chickens are also capable of referential learning. This is a type of learning where different calls mean different things. One call will signal an aerial predator, while another means terrestrial predator.
“Science has unfortunately developed a very anthropocentric (rather than biocentric) perspective on ideas like intelligence,” Dr. Potts says. “Smartness is totally relative. Chickens are smart in ways uniquely chicken. Their ‘intelligence’ shouldn’t be measured against or compared to human intelligence (or vice versa).” she exclaims.
Are Chickens Smart?
Metacognitive Caregivers
Now that you are thinking about chicken thinking, you might be asking yourself, how can I enrich my chicken’s environment? How do I fulfill my complex chicken’s cognitive ability?
Dr. Potts encourages poultry caregivers to continue doing research on how chickens view the world. She encourages caregivers to provide them with ample space, gentle challenges and treats. She says flock size is important since they are happier living in smaller flocks, like they do in nature. “Chickens also love novelty and are very curious — they like to be involved in what’s going on.”
Kenny Coogan, CPBT-KA, is a regular pet and garden columnist and has authored an ecological themed children’s book titled “A Tenrec Named Trey (And other odd lettered animals that like to play).” He has a B.S. in animal behavior and is a certified bird trainer through the International Avian Trainers Certification Board. Please search KennyCoogan.com or “Critter Companions by Kenny Coogan” on Facebook to learn more.
Originally published in Backyard Poultry October/November 2015 and regularly vetted for accuracy. 
What do you think? Are chickens smart? Tell us about your flocks!
Poultry Cognition—Are Chickens Smart? was originally posted by All About Chickens
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twdmusicboxmystery · 5 years ago
TWD 10x02: We Are The End of the World - Details
Okay, let's talk details. I’ll go through them chronologically. 
***As always, spoilers abound below for 10x02. Don’t read until you’ve watched! You’ve been warned!***
We start with the woman in the car, which I talked about yesterday. I thought the blaring horn was a call back to the Wolves in S6. That’s interesting because this was about Alpha and Beta, and we think the Wolves were a foreshadow of the Whisperers. I can't help but wonder if some sort of loud noise or horn will figure and whatever happened to Beth after Coda.
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When Alpha meets Beta in the hospital, Lydia wants to wash the off the walker blood. Alpha asks, "Is there water?" He points to where she can find some, and she does. Because they’re in a hospital, this is yet another example of water being available at Grady or, if they’re a part of the helicopter people, then with the helicopter people. The point is, they'll be the ones with access to water.
When the two sisters are walking, gathering walkers with Beta, one of them closes her eyes and talks about how the sun feels different today, like it's burning into their skin. 
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I kind of wondered if that might be a radiation reference, especially as they see the satellite fall in this episode. Her looking up the sky also reminded me vaguely of Daryl and Beth looking at the sky in the Inmates. This is where the sister says that she should have left her behind.
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We then see Alpha giving Lydia a bath. There are a lot of background things in the hospital that caught my eye. Mostly graffiti and posters. But a lot of them point to Beth dialogue. Some of them are simply about hope, others of them suggest “you are still alive,” “why am I still alive?” Etc. One of the posters has both the words “Still” and “Alone” on it. Ring any bells? 😉 Here are some if you want to study them:
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It took me a few times watching it to realize it was Beta who wrote all the words on the walls. We know that because “I am the end of the world” is written in several places. It’s also important to note that he contemplated suicide. Things like “End it all?” followed by “No, not now,” are seen in various places.
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Alpha picks up a can of tomatoes (perhaps tomato soup?) in the hallway. I've said before that tomatoes represent the state of the community. I think we see them here because Alpha and Beta are about to form a community together. This is the origin story of the Whisperers.
Something interesting happens. Beta is humming in the background. Alpha hears him and begins to hum as well. Beta doesn't like that. He stocks toward her and says, "Were you singing?" She answers, "I wouldn't call it that." He says, "Don't do it again."
So, while they didn’t say what his back story is (on TTD, Ryan Hurst seemed to suggest the country singer theory could be true) there is definitely a musical theme around him.
In terms of a parallel to Daryl, you could see it as him being uncomfortable with people singing because it reminds him of Beth. I started thinking about Daryl's, "I never," from the moonshine shock. One of the things he said is that he never sang out in public. We haven't really seen a fulfillment of that yet. But just as Alpha and Beta were sort of humming together right here, maybe we'll see Beth and Daryl sing together in some capacity in the future.
She also asks how he ended up at the hospital. He said he got into a tussle with the dead and they ran him out of his camp a few months ago. Again, I think that could be a Daryl parallel. In terms of ending up at the hospital in S5, it happened after walkers overran the prison. This is also when Beta says he likes the sound of the dead and it’s the only song he never wants to end.
Then we’re back to the two sisters rounding up walkers. The one who gave up her baby sees the walker with the baby carrier on it on its front and starts to cry. Something about the way she cried, the way she looked, reminded me of when Beth cried in Inmates.
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The more I thought about that, something occurred to me. I’m just gonna throw this possibility out there. I feel like Beth is going to go through an arc where she loses a baby. It may not be hers biologically. After all, with plenty of foreshadowing after taking care of other people's kids. (Such as Judith at the prison.)
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This woman who sacrificed her baby at Alpha’s behest has parallels to Beth. In that scene in Inmates, which this reminded me of, Beth actually was crying over the perceived death of a child. She thought the little shoes she saw belong to the kids they’d been tracking. She was actually wrong about that. They were tracking Lizzie and Mika, who were with Carol and Ty. But Beth and Daryl assumed the kids they been tracking were dead and the shoes belonged to them. She was literally crying of the loss of a child. 
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There was that weird, creepy baby death thing around Denise in 6x14, and we know how big a proxy she was to Beth. We also know Connie lost a child at one point, and she’s being used as a Beth stand-in as well. I'm just saying we have a lot of evidence of this.
Back at the camp, Beta almost kills this woman for endangering them. Alpha shows her mercy, probably because she understands what it's like to abandon a child, because she abandoned Lydia.
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Then we see Alpha making a room for Lydia in the hospital. She takes her in a room that's used for psych patients and is therefore padded. Lydia asks about the pillows all over the walls. The sequence was actually very interesting. It got my thoughts spinning.
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First of all, Alpha offers Lydia her bunny and Lydia rejects it. Remember the bunny represents those who are weak. Specifically, those too weak to survive and who end up dead. (Lizzie killed the bunnies in the log in 4b, and then later killed Mika.) Lydia rejects the bunny says that she wants to be more like Alpha. That’s a mirror to Beth saying that she wants to change and become stronger. Alpha says she's glad to hear that, because if Lydia doesn't change, Alpha will eventually have to leave her behind.
In other words, a person must be strong enough to defend themselves, or else they get left behind. Definitely feels like a call back to Beth. Now, obviously it didn't go down that way with Beth and Daryl. He didn’t leave her behind because he thought she was weak. But we often like to say that Beth’s weakness died when she was shot and she’ll arise a much stronger person who can take care of herself. If nothing else, this is a reference to someone changing from being weak to being strong as well as being left behind, in the same sentence.
What struck me most about this sequence (along with something strange in the final scene) is the actual sleeping arrangement. It's about finding a bed for Lydia to sleep and feel safe. I know that sounds a little goofy, but it reminded me of something we saw back in S8 that has never been explained. When Daryl tries to escape the Sanctuary, he ran into Dwight's room. He ate peanut butter, changed his shirt, and opened the door into a secret room at the back of Dwight's quarters. No one was in there, but it looked like there was a bed with the pillow. Such a random detail, and it's never been explained. I was reminded of that part because there's an emphasis on pillows covering the walls.
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Near the end of the episode, where we see Alpha keeping a shrine to Lydia, along with her bunny, there’s what looks like a gigantic bird’s nest. It’s actually more square than round in shape, but it’s made with twigs and vines like a bird’s nest might be. I think it’s supposed to be a place Alpha created for Lydia to sleep in and be secure. So, I think this is a theme about finding a place for loved ones to sleep where they will feel safe. It's possible the hidden room in Dwight’s place was there for Sherry. I don't know if she ever actually used it, but he might've created in case she ever wanted to hide there.
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We can also relate this back directly to Beth and Daryl in the funeral home. Daryl laid down in the coffin saying, "this is the comfiest bed I've had in years." And while he laid in that “bed,” Beth sang to him, about laying in the lawn and being good. So it's about finding a place to lie down and sleep, feeling secure and safe with the people you're with. Because, by nature, everyone is vulnerable when they sleep.
Alpha tells Beta to send the baby’s mother to her in the “deep” place. I had to think about this one for a bit before I understood it’s significance. It's underground (sort of like a cave) and in darkness, so I knew it had to have symbolic significance. It was obvious that everyone thought Alpha would kill the baby’s mother, but, she didn't. She showed her mercy.
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I think we could perhaps relate it to Beth going into the darkness and emerging into the light. We saw this theme around her with light and darkness at Grady. She goes into the dark hallway just before being shot. 
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Emerging into light at the end of the hallway represents her living. So, similarly, the baby’s mother goes into the darkness and faces death by Alpha’s hand. Mercifully, she comes back out again into the light and is given a second chance. Her sister even says, "Alpha showed you her grace?"
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At this point, we learn other whispers are also thinking about Hilltop and that it looked like a safe place and maybe they want to return. Alpha is already losing her pack.
We see Alpha and Beta killing walkers together in the hospital. They bond and she gives him the name of first Big Man, then Mr. B, and then just B. He asks what that make her. She says, “A.” 
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She then proceeds to tell him about becoming the walkers. She says there are two kinds of people left in the world: those brave enough to walk with the dead, and everyone else. She tries to take off his mask, and he freaks out. He tells her leave at sunrise not to come back. Obviously, that doesn't happen.
So, a couple things about this. We’ve seen the A/B theme since S4. It's very obvious that Alpha and Beta are being defined this way in the plot. This isn’t just symbolism anymore. They’re calling themselves and each other A and B. Yes, we also saw that theme with the helicopter people who also used the terms A and B. For me, that suggests that perhaps the Whisperers are tied up with the helicopter people in some way. It also shows that the Whisperers are much more endgame than Negan ever was. Everyone made such a big deal about All Out War, but we’re seeing the fulfillment of Beth-related symbolism that’s been around since S4 much more with this group than we ever did with Negan.
It's also interesting that we don't see Beta’s face. Alpha takes off her skin mask all the time, but we've never seen Beta without his. I wonder why he wants to hide his face. Back when she asked how he got there, and he said that he tussled with the dead. She asked if that's what he wore the mask now. There's an implication there that maybe, just maybe, he has scars on his face.
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That would have some really interesting implications of true. Not only would it parallel him to Beth in a big way, but if Beth ever came into contact with Alpha and Beta, I almost think that they would be predisposed to like her, both because she's a survivor and also because of the scars. That might draw them both to her. At this point, Alpha and Lydia have seen Beta's face, but no one else has.
When the Whisperers see the satellite fall, the sister who lost her baby goes nuts and tries to kill Alpha. She dies because her sister betrays her to save Alpha.
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Alpha asks her if she regrets what she did. The sister essentially says no. (I don’t know if this will mean anything to you guys, but that was very Charles Manson.) Then Alpha said something super disturbing. "Like a lioness who smothers her own cub, we are strongest when we kill our own blood." 
Now, obviously that's the opposite of what TF and most of us (hopefully) believe. It serves yet another antiparallel to Beth and TF in general. They try to save their own people and keep them alive at all costs. They believe that banding together through love and community is what makes them stronger. Alpha obviously believes the opposite.
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Then we reach the final sequence of the episode. There’s a lot going on here and I watched it multiple times, trying to catch everything. Lydia covers herself in walker guts. She seemed to want to find a walker and prove to her mom that she could be strong. So her mother wouldn’t leave her behind.
Of course everything goes down where Alpha kills Beta’s friend, and Lydia comes out, saying she was strong. Alpha hugs her and says she did a good job and was very strong.
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Then she turns to Beta and says some really interesting things. She says, "You are not broken. You were made for this." Beth said that exact same thing to Daryl in Still. "It's like you were made for how things are now.”
Alpha also says, "Stay with me and you'll never be alone." I don’t think Daryl said exactly that Beth, but I remember that he did say it to Bob. "You're not alone anymore. You never will be again." And Bob was a Beth proxy.
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After watching it several times, what strikes me is the parallel to Beth and Daryl. While the actual events are different, Alpha and Beta basically see one another at their most vulnerable. In true states of anger and grief. Alpha over Lydia in the current timeline and Beta over the loss of his friend in the flashback. And that’s exactly what Still was for Beth and Daryl.
Beta then started chanting, "I am the end of the world. I am the end of the world." This is part of the Alpha and Omega theme. Alpha is, um, named Alpha, which means the first or the beginning. Then we have Beta saying he's the end of the world. Omega is another term for the end.
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This is super-intriguing to me and I’ll have to think about it more. Maybe revisit the Alpha/Omega theme. Because a the two instances that always jump to mind for me of the Alpha/Omega theme are 1) when Abraham said it to Sasha in the flashback in 7x16. And he said, “Alpha to Omega, Battlefield to Beach.” (paraphrasing there, btw.) Well, they’re about to enter a war with the Whisperers, and they were training on the beach in 10x01, so it all feels very relevant. 2) Via Paula’s group in 6x13. And that episode a gazillion, ridiculously obvious references to Beth and Grady. Just saying.
Alpha says, “We’re the end of the world.” Beta says he can't leave his friend. Alpha says he won’t have to and gives him her knife. It’s then that we learn that the skin mask Beta wears around once belonged to his best friend. Just when you think these people can’t get any more twisted, right?
This is why I loved this episode so much. Creepy? Oh yeah. Twisted? Absolutely. But also fascinating and fantastic. On TTD, YNB said she wasn’t a fan of villains. Yeah, I am. I’m totally obsessed with their psychology. So I totally geeked out about the fabulousness of this episode.
But I digress. We then return to the current timeline, where Beta finds Alpha in her special little grove. As they talk, he comes to realize she didn't actually kill Lydia and Lydia is still alive. This is where we see the giant bird’s nest/bed. So, we have a connection to the bird theme here, with Alpha playing mother bird and wanting to protect her young. She’s created a bed for Lydia to feel safe in.
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At one point, Beta says, “she’s GONE, Alpha.” That’s before Alpha admits she lied about killing Lydia. So we have yet another example of something thinking someone is dead, & saying she’s “gone,” when really, she’s alive and well in some other place.
Alpha gets upset about Lydia and starts to cry. (Note that Beta is the only one allowed to see her cry and live.) He reaches his hand out to her and she takes it. He basically calms her down and brings her back to herself. 
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He tells her that there was smoke on the horizon. Alpha says it might be “the enemy” which means TF, and that they have to teach them a lesson and let the pack watch. That’s how she’ll ensure her pack’s loyalty to her. Not unlike Negan’s old tactics.
It's important to note that she was planning on attacking TF even before she realized they’d crossed the border. It's really not about her looking up and seeing Carol standing there at the end.
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Then we see Alpha and Beta intertwine fingers. (Fascinating but creepy romance vibe.)
I said this was their Still/Alone episode. Think about all the things I’ve laid out here. It happened in a hospital. There was a bunch of Beth and Daryl dialogue. The words “still” and “alone” were literally written on the wall! And they forced a deep (albeit twisted) connection. When they were killing the walkers that got into the hospital, Alpha says, "I like kill with you." When she starts gutting the walkers, he says, "you're different," which really ought to be an insult, but you can tell he's drowned her because of that.
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So at the end, they intertwine fingers, which always represents romantic love in TTD  and say their little mantra.
"We walk in darkness, we are free.
We bathe in blood, we are free.
We love nothing, we are free.
We fear nothing, we are free.
We need no words, we are free.
We embrace all death, we are free.
This is the end of the world. Now is the world. We are the end of the world."
This is twisted and heavy stuff, guys. This satanic little chant also brings me back to the Alpha and Omega theme. Like I said, I feel like Whispers are much more endgame than Negan ever was. Think of it this way. If the helicopter people have been around since the beginning (and they have been), and the Whisperers are tied up with them, then the “beginning” and the “end” makes sense here, right? I’ve even considered that maybe the helicopter people are the ones who caused or released the virus to begin with, whether by accident or on purpose. No idea if that’s true. It’s just something I’ve considered. But TWD is big on story arcs where the end mirrors the beginning, so this is a theme, a motif, and a pattern in the show.
Two more short notes. I’m not sure why Alpha doesn’t realize that making war on TF means coming face to face with Lydia again. She’s lying to her people about killing Lydia, and if they find out she’s lying (and they surely will) that will make them less loyal to her. Might be her undoing.
Also, just a correction. I said yesterday that Beta didn’t cry when his friend died. Upon watching it again, he actually does. I missed it the first time. You can’t see it because of the mask but you can hear him sobbing. Just wanted to correct myself on that.
Again, just a really fabulous and fascinating episode. I’ve watched it like three times and I totally want to watch it again.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 7 years ago
Gracie/Beth Entanglement
Okay, so over the summer I did a post about how many child and baby references there are around Beth and Daryl. Check out all those references and my analysis of them HERE.
There are a few more I didn't catch when I first did that post, and now we have a baby (Gracie) in the show. So I was going to just add on to that post, but re-reading it, I kind of want to take this in a different direction.  
First, I'll do a quick list of all the references we've had:
Season 2:
In 18 Miles Out, Beth criticizes Lori for bringing a baby into such a horrific world. While it was a negative frame of mind, it also shows what she's thinking/worrying about. What's gonna happen to that baby?
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Sophia, because Daryl searched for her and told Andrea the story about how no one looked for him when he got lost as a child. Daryl has a soft spot about these things.
Season 3:  
In 3x01, around the fire before Beth sings, she tells Lori that they've found a safe place for the baby. She shows a lot of concern for both mother and child.  
Daryl gets food for and then feeds Baby Judith, refusing to lose her. Beth brings him the bottle, standing by with worry and then takes over daily care of Judith.
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Later, Sasha even mistakes Beth for being Judith's mother. Beth has to tell her that Judith isn't biologically hers.
Beth tells Carol that she's always wanted a child and talks about Daryl saving Judith.
Season 4:
Daryl saves kids when Patrick attacks the cell block in 4x02.
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Beth asks Michonne if any kids were killed. She says they have words like widows and orphans, but why don't they have a word for a parent who loses a child? (Anyone seeing a POSSIBLE parallel to S8 in that?)
When the prison goes down, Beth leaves the bus to look for Judith, but doesn't find her. When she reaches Daryl before they leave the prison together, she says she was looking for the kids, to get them on the bus.  
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In Inmates, during her diary voice over, she specifically mentions Lori's baby and needed a safe place for it to be born.
Later, they follow Lizzie and Mica's tracks, which because they are small, they assume to kids. Beth names Luke and Molly, who were the other two children at the prison, whose fates we haven't seen. Later, when they find the small, disembodied shoe by the railroad tracks, Beth starts to cry, assuming incorrectly that the tracks they'd been following belong to the dead people the walkers are eating.  
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When they argue in Still, she specifically brings up Sophia, calling her, "That little girl," which shows she understands what that meant to Daryl and the soft spot he has for lost children.
Season 5:
In 5x02, we saw colored pictures of Baby Moses in his basket and the Burning Bush. I'm going to come back to this because it's what brings the whole theory together. Let me go through these other instances first.
We don't get too many after that before Beth is shot in Coda. But they continue after that.
In 5b, we still see Daryl showing concern for Judith, but we don't see him interacting with her or other children in the same way he did before leaving the prison. Most of us believe he purposely distances himself from children now because they remind him too much of Beth, which makes him sad.  
Then we have more in S6. There are the baby carrots Rick finds on one of the wolves while he's in the RV.  
And then Denise's stuff is pretty compelling. We all know what a major proxy she was to Beth. Not long before her death, while in the apothecary, she sees some really disturbing baby stuff that parallels Beth. Apparently someone was taking care of a baby in the back room. That person is now a walker. Hush, hush is written on the wall, and there's a sink full of black water with a baby shoe laying on one side. 
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Though they didn't ever confirm it, I honestly think they meant to show that whoever this person was drowned the baby in the sink. That would have been too disturbing to show in detail on this show, but the point is it was very dark symbolism about a dead child. The shoe, though, was a perfect mirror to the one Beth saw on the tracks, which is just more ways in which Denise parallels Beth.  
I suppose you could argue that the shoe Beth saw didn't belong to the children she was tracking (lizzie and mica). She thought they were dead, but they actually weren't, so maybe the same was true of Denise. But I don't think Denise's situation is the one that really matters here. I'll come back to this idea.
Now, I could add Carol and Tyreese parallels to this. I won't because it would take too long and I want to keep this specifically about Beth and Dary. But I could add a lot more references by showing how those two characters are paralleled with Beth and have lots of baby references around them as well.  
So now fast-forward to S8. (I don't remember any specfic baby references in S7 other than Judith stuff in general. Anyone else) And we have Gracie. (Ignore the arrows in this pic; it was from one of last week’s posts.)
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Gracie is interesting because, along with all the other things (like a billion) pointing toward season 8, she may be the embodiment of this baby symbolism. Most of what I'm going to say here is just conjecture. Things I think COULD be the case, but they would just line up really well with all the other stuff we've seen and theorized.
I've already talked about that maybe Beth was the one staying in the happy room, and/or the one who got out of the cuffs Daryl saw. If so, there's a good chance she's been taking care of Gracie up to this point.  
As someone noticed yesterday (X), there are definite parallels between the episodes in this season and S5. In 5x02, we saw the Baby Moses pictures in FG's church. In 8x02, Gracie shows up.  
Then there's what I said above about Beth believing the child's shoe she saw belonged to the person she was tracking, and they were dead, except they weren't. 
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I've seen comments about how, if there was a woman, such as Gracie's mother, taking care of her, why would she just leave her baby? There could be many reasons, and maybe we'll see them as the story plays out. But based on that past symbolis with Beth and Denise, I’m wondering if at some point, this mysterious SHE comes back for the Baby, but Rick and Daryl already took her. Given that Rick killed the guard outside, she might think the baby was dead. 
We've also seen precedence for that with Judith's death fake out in 4x08. Just saying.  
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Then there's all the rabbit symbolism, and the rabbit in Gracie's crib. I guess the point is that it's all coming together in a way that makes tons of sense to those of us who have been paying attention for the past three seasons.  
Baby Moses
So back to the pictures of Baby Moses and the Burning Bush in FG's church. Both of those are from the Moses story in Exodus.I never knew what to make of them, and didn't even connect them to Beth after we realized she'd come to Oceanside and started looking at the water symbols around them. Then, when @wdway and I started talking about Daryl = Fire, Beth = Water, the Moses pictures came up.
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So my first thought was that the Moses story was being used as a template for Beth. We've seen them do such things with other bible stories and fairy tales. The two aspects of the stories we see are Baby Moses and the burning bush.  
So here's the story in a nut shell: Moses's people were enslaved to the Egyptians (bad guys) but there was a prophecy that a deliverer had been born, and the Egyptians believed it. So they decided to kill all the baby boys to make sure they took out this deliverer. To save him, Moses' mother put him in a basket and floated him down the Nile river. The Pharoah's sister found him. She couldn't have children, so wanted to raise him, and she did. He grew up knowing who he was and that one day he'd free his people. When he realized his Egyptian family was not cool with that idea, he ran away and ended up with another community called the Midianites after a long journey across the desert. He lived with them for a time and actually did find some happiness and peace there. Then he saw the Burning Bush. That was when God appeared to him, told him his people were still enslaved and he needed to go lead them out of bondage. And he did.
So in relating this to Beth's story, I was thinking that Moses was put upon the water to save his life. We think Beth will reach D.C. via water, so the a similar concept may apply. Perhaps getting on the water saves her from the "bad guys." (*Coughs wolves*) We also think she'll come through Oceanside. So maybe that's the parallel to the the second society Moses lives in. Maybe Beth will find Oceanside, see that it's a decent community, and plan to stay there for a time. But then SOMEONE has to be her burning bush, that tells here where TF is and that they're enslaved to Negan. Just about anyone at Oceanside could do that. Cindi, Rachel, Beatrice, Natanya. It would just be a matter of her letting slip some names they would recognize.  
So that was my first thought about the Moses stuff. Now, seeing Gracie, I'm wondering if it's something else entirely. We saw the pics of Baby Moses in the church in 5x02. Now Gracie shows up in 8x02. As I said HERE yesterday, there are also other parallels between episodes in S5 and S8, so this is important.
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Also, who is fire? That would be Daryl. So the pictures of Baby Moses and the burning bush are a perfect representation of Daryl (Fire), Beth (Water) and the baby symbolism (Moses).  
It's also interesting to note that 5x02 is the same episode where Daryl saw the Grady car with the white cross and took off to look for Beth. That, combined with the 101 Days Without an Accident poster convinces me more than ever that 8x02 is the start of the sequence of events (just as 5x02 was) that will eventually lead to Beth. And Gracie is probably key to that.
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Now let's say for argument sake that the Baby Moses picture was not about Beth, but just Gracie. Okay, maybe it was just to foreshadow Gracie herself in 8x02. Fair enough. But if Gracie travelled somewhere on the water to save her life, well, she wouldn't have done that all on her own, right? Someone else had to have travelled with her. Given all the water stuff we've seen around Beth, it STILL suggests her involvement WITH Gracie. Or, put another way, perhaps the pics in 5x02 were pointing to a baby showing up about the same time Beth does.
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And then there's Morales. I don't think It's a coincidence that Rick ran into a long-lost, resurrected face from the past just after finding Gracie. Morales isn't Beth obviously, but I think we're looking at some symbolism there. A hint and a foreshadow that resurrection accompanies Gracie. Obviously they didn't want to reveal Beth quite yet, so they went with a smaller resurrection. I'll talk about this in particular more after the episode airs. I have some things to say that I gleaned from spoilers, but I'll just wait until after the episode airs tonight.  
Gonna throw one more piece of evidence out there. Full creds to @frangipanilove for noticing this. I'll post an edit in just a few minutes here to show you this visually, but when Rick (sheriff) walks into Gracie's room, in the FAR background (not the mural painted on her wall) you can see a framed picture of a heron. Guys, it's the EXACT same bird (I even think it's the exact same painting) that's on the wall behind Beth in the golf club. It shows up in the shot where she says, "We made it." Coincidence? Oh puh-LEASE. No way that's a coincidence. Beth is mixed up with Gracie somehow. I'm sure of it.  
So yeah, that's pretty much it. Just wanted to show how well this is all coming together and how much hope it's giving me.  
Oh, and if the S5/S8 parallels continue, well, 5x04 is Slabtown, and you all know I've been leaning really heavily toward her appearing in 8x04. Fingers crossed that we're interpreting this stuff right!  
37 notes · View notes
babyawacs · 4 years ago
.@fisa @fisa .@judge @judge @judges .@judges .@law @law @harva rd_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers ********* get f rom the supercourts and time "yes, we should have never expe cted civillian support systems to go after scums, which was allalong the job of the authorities , but those caused the mess as mistake and hosted proxies as fix" *********  this how many times did earlier case analysers confirm factually right this remove the trick thegermans use cause themess flip causal ity equalise with the survivors oftheir shit blame support l ater inbroken shitsystem s that try to fraud sth themselves inst ead be liable accountable they e a si l y flip the trick aswell  frameit obscure pendulums or  aeh-lllllllllakmus-aeh-tests asifthe facts wouldntbe clear a l l along as daytimecharged so repeatedly under risk what they quelled constantly /////// lawyers say homersimpsoy tricks of scums mixes with drugs of scums mixes with thinkabout a topic brainwave readout  s o what why ca n germans immminently arbitrarily a c c c e s s s s s s s s s s s s t o mess between drowsy topic think strafe to subconscious to conscious to intent to deed intent to d eed  to repeated deeds where does the shit scale this youdemystify cockroachgerman cockroaches try  a n y t h i n g for 2 0years dirty dollty trick was partof it since 2001 a verfassu ngsschutz trrick early on but it neversticks and they get bor ed aboutit sothey e x c e s ss s s ss s s s s s s s in notime i t becomes all what themare about allalong ontop of who granted em access afterwards they fengshui nothinghappened or see wh at sticks as victimblame trickery allalong itisntjust deedtyp ed itis before d u r i n g a f t e r daytime charging it risking  a n y t h i n g to because itis the authorities that cause themess they  shuffle proxies s huffle harms and now y o u priority is posio ntricks today suffocaitosn gasersabove then ballsmess the implants are not applicable forminors but afix for germanmonstros iities by how it was and what wife needs germancockroaches n ear that?!? why? what the ///// #batshit #nuts #demyst ified #101   .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers these now 147am are either mischief minors or clowns theyre about pretending people arent themselves nuts whenever theyget angry or emotional or sth they  all are themselves allofem all hundred cases ever inbillions of people some   in very l a t e stage f e a r diseases (these get worse in ye ars) snap play pretend theyre arnold schwarzenrambpo to tackle renounce pain fear anticipation of pain they a l l are the mselves  but this way  they process fear and pain renouncing i t fromself all hundred of em e v e r inbillions of peo ple centuries the intels  that brainfuck all in any way pur psoeful likely tried to utilise it forspygames use the stigma t o pullout people outof society to discredit leaked info itis t he first thing snowden expected the  classic trick inthis inge rman is hatedrug like raf terror trials 1980s victims seem like hate nuts youget after headimpact pack!!!! catapult hits as ang ry asyoucanget that multiply with tenfold whenyouhave  probable c a u s e to be furious that is onetrick another trick is quell suppress shortterm memory thebraindoesnt store inlongte rm memory and woa whaddayamean youdont rememeber and suddenl y theyre someone else with intelcoma drug eraser effect of th ewake is one thing crimes onintelcoma autopilots withotu realisin g chekcthebook point a to g or pont a to point h  the stateof minds ofthe zombis dont cockroach drugs ontheletters  this is how itworks a mix of humbug like rohrschach association te st humbug left brain right brain hemisphere humbug  using 10per cent of brainhumbug brain region clasification humbugs its highly dynamic network brains  4hemispheres top and bottom too turnsout you need  a l l ofit just not atthesame time thi s alone demystifies 90percent of earlier pretends and templates and fooltricks as humbug the forehead cooking of the intels to make sheeple controllable damamges forehead foreheadinnermiddle raped kids angry get cooked spreadit with trick never develope d stigmas controls the population as fools  underdeveloped fool s just that they damamge them to fit to a stigma itis fullo fthis shit allofit fullofit fullofshit the find difference shi tballs is related tothat itis not what the clowns pretend contr adictory itis an indication for the nuts that are emotionally outof control inthe e x t r e m e s of mania etreme outrageous undamapened highs quickly drop biolog ically into depressed low and this clinical this is the find con tradiction shitball for they callthat bipolar shitballs this cas e with repressed anger is s t o i c rather whatthey do what al lsee whats deedtyped and now you can demystify the intel s hits whenthey tried to f a k e these saytonaswinn ho mersimpsoy tricks forinstance unthinkable hadone trickwokred iget suffocation eraser  the oldest trick that damamges brain s damamges heart damages brain memory is suffocations veryd angerous theyddidthis with arsendie interoxidaustausch cellsuff ocatiosn displaceoxygen with co co2 and neon and now you know itis one two three four five different harms of thosuands of harms and tricks deedtyped allalong ///// #isnt #there #a #purple #lightsaber #samuelLJackson #for #this #stuff #somewhere .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @fran ce24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers l awyers  can we charge those that separate my wife from me a n y info in 17years marriage or just 13years marriage that t his is  n o t how it shouldvebeen but foremost that them que ll a n y info  not even chamber access while germans doth ose things why arethey not liable for that lackof information they are guilty liable daytimecharged authorities they wou ld rather try to damamge me or charge me for posting my own invent ions because t h e m quelled it behind intelwall beca use t h e m fraud the case into daytime obviously as ch arged daytime withthe german government //// #sexual #hint  right here rightnow because itis intel and iget xray radar mrud erbeamtricks tothis veryminute and because sexuality is oneo ftheir main worktools to chain or smear or discredit ******** hooooowmany times didgermans try to reinterpret sexualit y in 20years m i c r o s c o p y ******** this  means that they rape murder poison experimernt operate arbit rarily  w ha t t t t t t t t they want pedo orgy deedytyped after daytimecharigng it suffocatignme eventhis moment 2259 but  ********* test if the porno you see once a year has a green or already yellow tagging all had titts ********* unlike their crimes d aytimecharged upto echr3781/20 fringe quell kill + sexual assau lt with minors daytime charged tothis fucking january dis msissed thatthe germans could do what up until t   o d a y yesterday ///// publish how often this fraudsystem endangered wife maron hoooow manytimes while quelling anyinfo hooowmany of the incident s were obviosuly fail of protect im murder xray radar muderbeam t ricked this verymoment in a bgb roomrent contract insuch c onditions shuffling scums andharms charging that hooowmany ti mes didthey take onthe support system because theyare guilty liable daytime charged anytrick and decoy but immunise? evenif daytiem???!?!?chargingit?!? and give back whats his???? wha t kindof system doesthat whatkindof system wants to know l e s s ss s s what the scums do in such conditions hooooooow many times did they take on wife instead quellany info but triestofi nd tricks to cutherdown while allalong obviously fraudsystem caused mess a fail guilty liable causing authorities dayt imecharged repeatedly make it intheir fucking lowranks fl uctuation sucker clownsuckers this is a fraudsystem botch this is a german government +timecontrol accomplcie caused mess which shuffle cockroachproxies any decoy any harm they getawaywith //// #save #anyway  btw btw btw no doom law yers i insist jailscums we save em and if were the mainsu fferer ofthemess evenmoreso /// lawyers we savethe kids a n y w a y.  we dontletem we invovleinternatioanalcopgirls and weput authoritiesin firstline oftheir accountability directly letalon efor repeat. our lever is not the minor they use and hedge a f t  e r alltheir crimes before thisis their solution?  gotit anyth ing withthat pedo sleaze dirtydolly trick harms but we save them a n y w a y  / //// #reinterpret #hedge #trickery as any cruddy lawyer they dowhatall cruddy lawyers do. tryto reinterpret facts a nd hedge anything remotely hedgeable. just that they do so against widely known hard tested fa cts. constantly. allalong.  any agree notagree shitball ishedged andifnot thentricked. what did the civillian typeyou here ***** *** findout if they repeated crimes while their lawyers covered that and inthis situation didthe ir cruddylawyer trick hedge anything hedgeable reinterpet anythi ng reinterpetable ***** "#it. #was. #all. #the. #quibbledish" : #zombi:   @law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_ whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk   did their lawyer let em repeat crimes: accomplice checkifthey h edged agree notagree shitballs. asif that overturns factuality iwrote this for year with a buzzword quibbledish orso where half ofthecooked would agree without ever knwoing whattheword is, b ecauseimadeit up right then but this gotrefined with a brainmess to agree or not agree itisntjust the dull and damage itis effor ted tricked here sero tolerance with incompetence navi does no t beat theres no road anyway whatever the navi says who els e makes transparency about these tricks who made transpa rency about lets say trick: agree to unknown=conflict agree to unknown ominuous possible=thinkaboutit delay interpreted as agr ee aaaaandsomuchmore (smashwords.com/books/view/ notforspi es-whatisahumanbeing book 55 2210) ///   #find #nano #oilantenna #sex #implants #fix #fo r #monstrosities fidn xraymurderer  beta or radar nuisance: drowsydizzy  strafes fascinatingly playful asian playful anime or mangaa orso that triggers aaaaa aw adorable and oddly playful theycompensate hardline with playfu l- triggers protect and aaaw: remote contorlled backleg implan t buzzers for boner tricks which doesnt happen because itslikely br ain actuatored nerve actuatored but the trickery remotecontrol messes withimplants itis nobon er on even assmolest underway orso but themolester maybe on sex drug with twominutedelay the same stuff triggers boner  itmustbe nerve relevant actuatingthen other implants notmine are then alwaysboner allnight fromthe backl eg toimplant trick inallofthis the messwith ballsfill deepcl ean balls lock  hideous ballsfill right tobe on intelcoma and prostate drugging is allthetime asgroinmesses deed typed i ntel luxury them:  aboner aboenr aboenr aboner! lets rein terpret his sexuality knewit! a confirmation for what ipretend allalong while imolesthim and hedoesnt notice but all letme moles thim with intelacces you: urgh!!!!!! once more demystifie d intelluxury donttouchmy implants wife fixes it based on howitwas+whatsheneeds with heartonedge dontmengele anything / //// #visualise #horror #show #hoooowmany #times  today is neardeath mixtrick findoutifthe cocktroachgerman cockroaches try b lackmail shitball you slap this hooooowmanytimes the germans amde a horror show of their ilelgitiamte  a c c c e s s s s thanks to fraudsystem which lullsit as german fengshui hoooooooooooooowmanytimes visualise ////  scums and germans often tickby opportunistic tricks. atrick that works is a trick that works is a trick that works. beit fornow.  neuralnet works shuffle data forthand back and sort them in a trillion tri al-error to reduce errors causality is forthem neglectable devi ation fromthe filter is the norm ie error correction  but th at doesntmean they wouldntmake a trillion errors itis brilliant sorting tools but highlight causality  ********* make a : be cause for: causality because this. triggered this, that is like thhis now. ********** //// @bild @bild_de @phoenix_de dinge sind nicht beliebig und austauschbar. ursache wirkung besip ieslweise. dumme menschen verstehen nicht wie schlaue ticken, aber das haelt sie nicht zwingend davonab einen mit nem stein zu he ilen vor dem komischen ding da dabei ist das oft nichtmal der enschuld menschen machen das wozu man sie  ermoeglicht wozu sie hinwachsen das ueben sie darin werden sie besser das ist eine tatsache des lebens und der anpassung an die umstaende des lebens systeme pervertieren das dann halten sich einige tatsaechli ch fuer goettlich und die anderen naja pech gehabt und nu ran andie pyramide  (ja mrs skinner) @law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom how ip lay is giveem thechance to complain about jail.  iam near death mix brink poisoned again. bombthe cockraoch out. itdosntmatter wh othey are itdoesntmatter whatthey want they shuffle harm and oneo fthese cockroaches shows upwithpoison and tries sth. the alibi cove r is sth else like achepabooster but roomgaser circuitboardpusher and access cockroach poisosn neardeathmix gethtepieceof crap and squeezeit letsgetus answe rs inclduing who supplies em piece of crap itis so monstrous beneath surface usually  noone gets that its amiracle whenits bac k to civilised thatthey can c  o m pl a i n about calling them c ockroaches  them the bbbestintent sneakaround barricades toraid chamber with intelaccess for pedo orgies tosmear the hooker trick as alibi and if itdoesnt work withpedotrick its back to hideous m urder tricks behidn earlympahtic aimed is: #why #would #a #fraudsystem #causing #the #mess #grant #them #regularly #harm #w iggle #room #then #hah.. #weird .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard _law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom where is this repeat so often untilthey get pre rogative fantasies thing from. isit really lackof prevention only they got that its legal and legit to what with em? mroethan on ce? /// #it #is #germany #they #use #minors #with #poisons #if #thats #purposeful   #like #monsters #they #flip #between # the #necessary #monstrous #and #the #moral #arbitrarily #fitting #their #s #t #a #t #e #i #n #t #e #r #e #s #t #s   find the poisongaser and xray cockroachgerman /////// find the poison gaser and xray cockroachgerman what is law saying about mistak es in robustness on  r e p e a t e d crimes of scums they dontj ust sexual assault poison mengele arbitrarily but r e p ea t s o what is law saying when a security person r e a l l y gets pis sed withem ***** situations that wouldntbe just self defens e  but  nothilfe, not bystand on repeat crimes letalone for cing shitcops to do their job basically them covering scums *** *** to repeat crimes really dirty criminal authorities ca used mess intheir swamp just shuffle proxies and inthis to repeat crimes when security is overly robust r a r e l y whats law saying  ******** and when allofthis happens in ra iding your own chamber posiongasing you inyour own chamber ****** ** bombout cockroachgerman gaser with murderer mix  squeeze it for a civillian bombout means flashbang robust squeeze mea ns question youseethis on things  a f t e r thebombout like: if shitcops refuse toget their scums theycan s i t i n j a i l w ith the scums I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Inde pendent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https:/ /www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 61 1 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
.@fisa @fisa .@judge @judge @judges .@judges .@law @law @harva rd_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers ********* get f rom the supercourts and time “yes, we should have never expe cted civillian support systems to go after scums, which was allalong the job of the authorities , but those caused the mess as mistake and hosted proxies as fix” *********  this how many times did earlier case analysers confirm factually right this remove the trick thegermans use cause themess flip causal ity equalise with the survivors oftheir shit blame support l ater inbroken shitsystem s that try to fraud sth themselves inst ead be liable accountable they e a si l y flip the trick aswell  frameit obscure pendulums or  aeh-lllllllllakmus-aeh-tests asifthe facts wouldntbe clear a l l along as daytimecharged so repeatedly under risk what they quelled constantly /////// lawyers say homersimpsoy tricks of scums mixes with drugs of scums mixes with thinkabout a topic brainwave readout  s o what why ca n germans immminently arbitrarily a c c c e s s s s s s s s s s s s t o mess between drowsy topic think strafe to subconscious to conscious to intent to deed intent to d eed  to repeated deeds where does the shit scale this youdemystify cockroachgerman cockroaches try  a n y t h i n g for 2 0years dirty dollty trick was partof it since 2001 a verfassu ngsschutz trrick early on but it neversticks and they get bor ed aboutit sothey e x c e s ss s s ss s s s s s s s in notime i t becomes all what themare about allalong ontop of who granted em access afterwards they fengshui nothinghappened or see wh at sticks as victimblame trickery allalong itisntjust deedtyp ed itis before d u r i n g a f t e r daytime charging it risking  a n y t h i n g to because itis the authorities that cause themess they  shuffle proxies s huffle harms and now y o u priority is posio ntricks today suffocaitosn gasersabove then ballsmess the implants are not applicable forminors but afix for germanmonstros iities by how it was and what wife needs germancockroaches n ear that?!? why? what the ///// #batshit #nuts #demyst ified #101   .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers these now 147am are either mischief minors or clowns theyre about pretending people arent themselves nuts whenever theyget angry or emotional or sth they  all are themselves allofem all hundred cases ever inbillions of people some   in very l a t e stage f e a r diseases (these get worse in ye ars) snap play pretend theyre arnold schwarzenrambpo to tackle renounce pain fear anticipation of pain they a l l are the mselves  but this way  they process fear and pain renouncing i t fromself all hundred of em e v e r inbillions of peo ple centuries the intels  that brainfuck all in any way pur psoeful likely tried to utilise it forspygames use the stigma t o pullout people outof society to discredit leaked info itis t he first thing snowden expected the  classic trick inthis inge rman is hatedrug like raf terror trials 1980s victims seem like hate nuts youget after headimpact pack!!!! catapult hits as ang ry asyoucanget that multiply with tenfold whenyouhave  probable c a u s e to be furious that is onetrick another trick is quell suppress shortterm memory thebraindoesnt store inlongte rm memory and woa whaddayamean youdont rememeber and suddenl y theyre someone else with intelcoma drug eraser effect of th ewake is one thing crimes onintelcoma autopilots withotu realisin g chekcthebook point a to g or pont a to point h  the stateof minds ofthe zombis dont cockroach drugs ontheletters  this is how itworks a mix of humbug like rohrschach association te st humbug left brain right brain hemisphere humbug  using 10per cent of brainhumbug brain region clasification humbugs its highly dynamic network brains  4hemispheres top and bottom too turnsout you need  a l l ofit just not atthesame time thi s alone demystifies 90percent of earlier pretends and templates and fooltricks as humbug the forehead cooking of the intels to make sheeple controllable damamges forehead foreheadinnermiddle raped kids angry get cooked spreadit with trick never develope d stigmas controls the population as fools  underdeveloped fool s just that they damamge them to fit to a stigma itis fullo fthis shit allofit fullofit fullofshit the find difference shi tballs is related tothat itis not what the clowns pretend contr adictory itis an indication for the nuts that are emotionally outof control inthe e x t r e m e s of mania etreme outrageous undamapened highs quickly drop biolog ically into depressed low and this clinical this is the find con tradiction shitball for they callthat bipolar shitballs this cas e with repressed anger is s t o i c rather whatthey do what al lsee whats deedtyped and now you can demystify the intel s hits whenthey tried to f a k e these saytonaswinn ho mersimpsoy tricks forinstance unthinkable hadone trickwokred iget suffocation eraser  the oldest trick that damamges brain s damamges heart damages brain memory is suffocations veryd angerous theyddidthis with arsendie interoxidaustausch cellsuff ocatiosn displaceoxygen with co co2 and neon and now you know itis one two three four five different harms of thosuands of harms and tricks deedtyped allalong ///// #isnt #there #a #purple #lightsaber #samuelLJackson #for #this #stuff #somewhere .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @fran ce24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers l awyers  can we charge those that separate my wife from me a n y info in 17years marriage or just 13years marriage that t his is  n o t how it shouldvebeen but foremost that them que ll a n y info  not even chamber access while germans doth ose things why arethey not liable for that lackof information they are guilty liable daytimecharged authorities they wou ld rather try to damamge me or charge me for posting my own invent ions because t h e m quelled it behind intelwall beca use t h e m fraud the case into daytime obviously as ch arged daytime withthe german government //// #sexual #hint  right here rightnow because itis intel and iget xray radar mrud erbeamtricks tothis veryminute and because sexuality is oneo ftheir main worktools to chain or smear or discredit ******** hooooowmany times didgermans try to reinterpret sexualit y in 20years m i c r o s c o p y ******** this  means that they rape murder poison experimernt operate arbit rarily  w ha t t t t t t t t they want pedo orgy deedytyped after daytimecharigng it suffocatignme eventhis moment 2259 but  ********* test if the porno you see once a year has a green or already yellow tagging all had titts ********* unlike their crimes d aytimecharged upto echr3781/20 fringe quell kill + sexual assau lt with minors daytime charged tothis fucking january dis msissed thatthe germans could do what up until t   o d a y yesterday ///// publish how often this fraudsystem endangered wife maron hoooow manytimes while quelling anyinfo hooowmany of the incident s were obviosuly fail of protect im murder xray radar muderbeam t ricked this verymoment in a bgb roomrent contract insuch c onditions shuffling scums andharms charging that hooowmany ti mes didthey take onthe support system because theyare guilty liable daytime charged anytrick and decoy but immunise? evenif daytiem???!?!?chargingit?!? and give back whats his???? wha t kindof system doesthat whatkindof system wants to know l e s s ss s s what the scums do in such conditions hooooooow many times did they take on wife instead quellany info but triestofi nd tricks to cutherdown while allalong obviously fraudsystem caused mess a fail guilty liable causing authorities dayt imecharged repeatedly make it intheir fucking lowranks fl uctuation sucker clownsuckers this is a fraudsystem botch this is a german government +timecontrol accomplcie caused mess which shuffle cockroachproxies any decoy any harm they getawaywith //// #save #anyway  btw btw btw no doom law yers i insist jailscums we save em and if were the mainsu fferer ofthemess evenmoreso /// lawyers we savethe kids a n y w a y.  we dontletem we invovleinternatioanalcopgirls and weput authoritiesin firstline oftheir accountability directly letalon efor repeat. our lever is not the minor they use and hedge a f t  e r alltheir crimes before thisis their solution?  gotit anyth ing withthat pedo sleaze dirtydolly trick harms but we save them a n y w a y  / //// #reinterpret #hedge #trickery as any cruddy lawyer they dowhatall cruddy lawyers do. tryto reinterpret facts a nd hedge anything remotely hedgeable. just that they do so against widely known hard tested fa cts. constantly. allalong.  any agree notagree shitball ishedged andifnot thentricked. what did the civillian typeyou here ***** *** findout if they repeated crimes while their lawyers covered that and inthis situation didthe ir cruddylawyer trick hedge anything hedgeable reinterpet anythi ng reinterpetable ***** “#it. #was. #all. #the. #quibbledish” : #zombi:   @law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_ whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk   did their lawyer let em repeat crimes: accomplice checkifthey h edged agree notagree shitballs. asif that overturns factuality iwrote this for year with a buzzword quibbledish orso where half ofthecooked would agree without ever knwoing whattheword is, b ecauseimadeit up right then but this gotrefined with a brainmess to agree or not agree itisntjust the dull and damage itis effor ted tricked here sero tolerance with incompetence navi does no t beat theres no road anyway whatever the navi says who els e makes transparency about these tricks who made transpa rency about lets say trick: agree to unknown=conflict agree to unknown ominuous possible=thinkaboutit delay interpreted as agr ee aaaaandsomuchmore (smashwords.com/books/view/ notforspi es-whatisahumanbeing book 55 2210) ///   #find #nano #oilantenna #sex #implants #fix #fo r #monstrosities fidn xraymurderer  beta or radar nuisance: drowsydizzy  strafes fascinatingly playful asian playful anime or mangaa orso that triggers aaaaa aw adorable and oddly playful theycompensate hardline with playfu l- triggers protect and aaaw: remote contorlled backleg implan t buzzers for boner tricks which doesnt happen because itslikely br ain actuatored nerve actuatored but the trickery remotecontrol messes withimplants itis nobon er on even assmolest underway orso but themolester maybe on sex drug with twominutedelay the same stuff triggers boner  itmustbe nerve relevant actuatingthen other implants notmine are then alwaysboner allnight fromthe backl eg toimplant trick inallofthis the messwith ballsfill deepcl ean balls lock  hideous ballsfill right tobe on intelcoma and prostate drugging is allthetime asgroinmesses deed typed i ntel luxury them:  aboner aboenr aboenr aboner! lets rein terpret his sexuality knewit! a confirmation for what ipretend allalong while imolesthim and hedoesnt notice but all letme moles thim with intelacces you: urgh!!!!!! once more demystifie d intelluxury donttouchmy implants wife fixes it based on howitwas+whatsheneeds with heartonedge dontmengele anything / //// #visualise #horror #show #hoooowmany #times  today is neardeath mixtrick findoutifthe cocktroachgerman cockroaches try b lackmail shitball you slap this hooooowmanytimes the germans amde a horror show of their ilelgitiamte  a c c c e s s s s thanks to fraudsystem which lullsit as german fengshui hoooooooooooooowmanytimes visualise ////  scums and germans often tickby opportunistic tricks. atrick that works is a trick that works is a trick that works. beit fornow.  neuralnet works shuffle data forthand back and sort them in a trillion tri al-error to reduce errors causality is forthem neglectable devi ation fromthe filter is the norm ie error correction  but th at doesntmean they wouldntmake a trillion errors itis brilliant sorting tools but highlight causality  ********* make a : be cause for: causality because this. triggered this, that is like thhis now. ********** //// @bild @bild_de @phoenix_de dinge sind nicht beliebig und austauschbar. ursache wirkung besip ieslweise. dumme menschen verstehen nicht wie schlaue ticken, aber das haelt sie nicht zwingend davonab einen mit nem stein zu he ilen vor dem komischen ding da dabei ist das oft nichtmal der enschuld menschen machen das wozu man sie  ermoeglicht wozu sie hinwachsen das ueben sie darin werden sie besser das ist eine tatsache des lebens und der anpassung an die umstaende des lebens systeme pervertieren das dann halten sich einige tatsaechli ch fuer goettlich und die anderen naja pech gehabt und nu ran andie pyramide  (ja mrs skinner) @law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom how ip lay is giveem thechance to complain about jail.  iam near death mix brink poisoned again. bombthe cockraoch out. itdosntmatter wh othey are itdoesntmatter whatthey want they shuffle harm and oneo fthese cockroaches shows upwithpoison and tries sth. the alibi cove r is sth else like achepabooster but roomgaser circuitboardpusher and access cockroach poisosn neardeathmix gethtepieceof crap and squeezeit letsgetus answe rs inclduing who supplies em piece of crap itis so monstrous beneath surface usually  noone gets that its amiracle whenits bac k to civilised thatthey can c  o m pl a i n about calling them c ockroaches  them the bbbestintent sneakaround barricades toraid chamber with intelaccess for pedo orgies tosmear the hooker trick as alibi and if itdoesnt work withpedotrick its back to hideous m urder tricks behidn earlympahtic aimed is: #why #would #a #fraudsystem #causing #the #mess #grant #them #regularly #harm #w iggle #room #then #hah.. #weird .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard _law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom where is this repeat so often untilthey get pre rogative fantasies thing from. isit really lackof prevention only they got that its legal and legit to what with em? mroethan on ce? /// #it #is #germany #they #use #minors #with #poisons #if #thats #purposeful   #like #monsters #they #flip #between # the #necessary #monstrous #and #the #moral #arbitrarily #fitting #their #s #t #a #t #e #i #n #t #e #r #e #s #t #s   find the poisongaser and xray cockroachgerman /////// find the poison gaser and xray cockroachgerman what is law saying about mistak es in robustness on  r e p e a t e d crimes of scums they dontj ust sexual assault poison mengele arbitrarily but r e p ea t s o what is law saying when a security person r e a l l y gets pis sed withem ***** situations that wouldntbe just self defens e  but  nothilfe, not bystand on repeat crimes letalone for cing shitcops to do their job basically them covering scums *** *** to repeat crimes really dirty criminal authorities ca used mess intheir swamp just shuffle proxies and inthis to repeat crimes when security is overly robust r a r e l y whats law saying  ******** and when allofthis happens in ra iding your own chamber posiongasing you inyour own chamber ****** ** bombout cockroachgerman gaser with murderer mix  squeeze it for a civillian bombout means flashbang robust squeeze mea ns question youseethis on things  a f t e r thebombout like: if shitcops refuse toget their scums theycan s i t i n j a i l w ith the scums I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Inde pendent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https:/ /www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 61 1 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
.@fisa @fisa .@judge @judge @judges .@judges .@law @law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild @phoenix_de @wired @wireduk #lawyers
********* get from the supercourts and time
“yes, we should have never expected civillian support systems to go after scums, which was allalong the job of the authorities, but those caused the mess as mistake and hosted proxies…
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