#even getting to the closest bus stop would be a long struggle
lilyaceofdiamonds · 8 months
Thank fuck for the cabbies being able to drive my ass to work in the ice hell that it is outside. I feel so bad that they’re driving in it but the sidewalks are impassable ice sheets.
0 notes
woneuntonzz · 7 months
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𝐬𝐧𝐚𝐩 .ᐟˎˊ˗
📞 ; “left twix or right twix?”
𖹭 : like-a-big-brother!sungchan x afab!reader x partner in crime!wonbin
💭 wherein wonbin chose you to be his ride or die and sungchan, well he just loved sharing his twix with you.
⤷ contains: fluff, cussing (very light), humor, mention of other idol
names for world building, twix lmao
⤷ warnings: none :))
⤷ wc: 8 . 4 k !!
not proofread >:)
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under the cut .ᐟ ✂ - - - -
There are things in life that are just as beautiful as the twinkling lights of the city at night. Sometimes these things are salvageable, say, like a butterfly. most butterflies would live for two to four weeks, too short. That’s why with every butterfly that flew by and over the bushes of azalea outside your home, you made sure no one would come and ruin the very little time it had on this earth.
Your young self would have a daily routine of just sitting at the front porch of your house and just watching the flying critters flit their wings. To the pair of eyes that watched through their living room window, you looked lonely. You’d beg to differ though, butterflies were the closest you were gonna get to fairies, and every moment with them is fantastical at most. 
The eyes that spied on you from the confines of their house would soon join you, but he would never get too close. He just stood near your lawn, not even daring to take another step. 
Your conversations were of very frivolous things, you were children after all.
“What are you doing?” —he would be blunt the first time around. 
“Watching the butterflies” his eyes would shift around a bit, and after some struggle, he was finally able to spot them.
At that point he could’ve said anything else at all, but his reply was very arbitrary, “I can swim very well.” 
“That’s cool, I guess.”
“You should be my friend, do you wanna?”
He’d learn that your name is Y/n, you lived just across the street and you went to a different school. Every day, you would be at the bus stop with your mom, sometimes it was your grandma, and he was there too but he couldn’t talk to you with the presence of an adult. You went to a different school, to his dismay, so really he could only idle around with you during those mornings at your front porch.
Overtime, he’d see you less and less at the bus stop. Instead, while he took his steps out of their house, he’d see your dad’s car taking you to school. The next morning, he finally mustered up the courage to sit next to you, and he’d ask, “Why is your uniform different? Did your school change the uniforms?”
You giggled, he seemed genuinely concerned about the sudden change. “No silly, I go to a different school now.”
And in a blink of an eye, you were away from him. He thought it was traffic’s fault that it was taking you so long to get home, but after the fourth day, he’d resort to a different excuse. She’s probably on a vacation, with lots of butterflies —it made enough sense for him to start waiting for you to show up every morning at their front porch too, until they too had to move. 
At first he opposed the idea and felt particularly betrayed by his parents for hindering his quest to await your return, but after some time of staring at your deserted house, he thought maybe they were moving to where you moved, or at least close enough for him to end up at the same school as you. 
Perhaps his expectations were too much of a major leap. Still, he kept his hopes up, maybe one day he’d stumble into you again. 
He would walk to the bus stop a little earlier than thirty minutes before the bus arrived. He stared at the stop across the street, and he wished everyday that ‘one day’ would be today. 
The day would come where he could no longer wish. Bearing only his dwindling hope, five years later he was almost running late he had to catch the second bus. Whilst he ran, he could hear bells ringing like christmas eve —a boy with black boxy glasses and a girl with a ponytail tied with a yellow silk ribbon, both on bicycles would speed past him.
He almost missed the bus again, because the yellow silk ribbon belonged to you. He would think that recognizing your face through the years of growing apart would be nothing but an impossibility, but the innocence that embellished your eyes and the lines that drew on your face when you smiled, he could recognize them like it was yesterday when he first saw you on your front porch admiring butterflies. 
What he definitely couldn’t recognize was the four-eyed kid that you cycled with to the bus stop. He’d just watch since your stop was the one across from his, so every morning, he would be across the street sitting on the wait —he not only waited for the bus, but he waited for you too. He’d observed the kind of relationship that you had with that boy, and he’s admittedly grown jealous of the way he could make you laugh and how close he would be to you all the time —or at least when you were at the stop.
It’d be like that, and you’ve always thought he looked familiar, but you never really came around with who he actually was. Highschool came around, and you would never know that one kid that always hung around every after breakfast at your front porch would be your classmate. 
“Can I have some? I’m really hungry.” you were eager to get a bite of something since your activities for that day were particularly tiring —in this case you eyed an unopened packet of twix bars. 
“Hmm, okay.” 
The chocolate was freed from its packaging, and you were expectant, and very evidently so. Your eyes followed one bar being held up, and —snap.
“Here.” —you would receive the shorter half of the right twix bar.
“Wow, thanks Jung Sungchan.” a playful smirk would play on his lips.
“You’re welcome.”
It wasn’t much, but you’d try your best to maximize the bites you would take. Three bites, and it was gone. The last bite felt like you were being snapped out of the universe, fading away into nothing and willed to the state of inexistence.
Luckily your best friend was there to save the day. And there he was, carrying two quantities of the infamous cafeteria sandwich. 
With a smile, he’d hand you one of the sandwiches. You were inspecting its edibility when you asked him, “Wait, were you saving these?” 
“Yeah. p.e. hit me real hard today.”
“Wow, coming from the Park Wonbin?” 
He was a track runner but eventually he’d move on to join the school’s dance team. Still, he had the stamina like that of a wolf. 
“Hey Wonbin, seniors told us to meet for practice.” —Sungchan is in the dance team too.
You definitely thought he was one with the typical cool guys of your high school. He’s a football varsity, and got pretty decent grades, but he was more atypical than anything really. Other than being extremely talented, he was deemed to possess a high sense of responsibility and was appointed to be a protocol officer by the supreme student government. You called him the school eagle —his eyes sealed the deal. He was such a watcher, sometimes you felt like not moving at all fearing that moving at the wrong angle for even just a few inches might get you in detention. 
Somehow, though, you never got sent to detention. You weren’t a troublemaker per say, but you’ve had your fair share of late arrivals, and under cloudy weather your teacher might just announce your detainment to the whole class just because you stood from your seat a little earlier than everyone else when class was dismissed. 
Sungchan was in charge of taking people to detention, but when it was time to turn in the transgressors, he’d just go on to tell you, “Meh, not really in the mood to send people in there today, besides, detention should be illegal, don’t you think?”
Now who wouldn’t agree to that? “I think so too!”
A faint chime of bells —a sigh would leave Sungchan’s lips, one you wouldn’t catch for yourself because all of your attention would lie on your best friend who rode his pure black bicycle. 
“Hi Binnie!” you’d wave your hand and exclaim like a child.
“Hi Y/n-nie, I thought you got detention?” Wonbin was genuinely surprised to see you out of school, the humiliation your teacher put you through would've been enough to kick you straight into the disciplinary dungeon —students liked to call it that. 
“Oh, that? Sungchan got me out, ain’t that right Channie?” 
Sungchan nods at you like a puppy, with strikingly excited eyes. He finally got himself a nickname. It didn’t even matter if it sounded like Binnie that he hated hearing so much, it was from you, and that was all that mattered. 
Your next stop —the bus stop. It was the same one you and Wonbin always cycled to every morning since you became each other’s ride or die, the same stop Sungchan stared into whilst he wondered if you could still remember. 
Whether you remembered or not, it was certain you moved on. You were just children anyways. That swimmer kid was cute, friendly, and funny for being his outlandish self. But you couldn’t even remember his name, Susan? Sangchin? —whatever it was, he would be just another memory you’d grow apart from. Either way, you already had Wonbin.
Yet, Wonbin was so hard to love. You’ve heard it all before, never fall in love with your best friend. He was once a timid boy that wore thick frames and was a bumble-borne. You befriended him because you thought you could be that one nerdy duo since you were so nerdy. You’ve both had your handful of friends, but in the end you would end up being there for each other when outcasted from the rest. It’d be easy to say you’re attached to each other, it’s already been a good seven years of rushed bike rides and chasing each other in empty spaces. Your friendship would be the foundation for your shared felicity and solace. 
The prime of your wretched feelings would root from your middle school days. 
“Do I look okay?” you heard Wonbin ask from behind you. 
You turned around, and it would take you a while to actually look at him because you were busy fixing —or trying to fix— his glasses which hinges went loose causing its temples to break off. “You look great.”
“You haven’t even looked yet.”
“Okay drama queen, hold up.” you set aside his poor glasses and the roll of tape you had worn on your wrist.
When you finally spared him your eyes, suddenly your glands were producing double the hormones. “Ew.” is what you’d utter, contrary to what you truly felt. Smitten, suddenly your best friend was too attractive for your eyes. 
You would try to forget about that embarrassing moment —embarrassing for it was one-sided. You’d feel mortified over your own shenanigans and the fact that he never even knew you did karate with the air in your room later that night by the sheer thought of him. 
You’d think that was it, that it was only your man’s journey to self-discovery —but he was just so attractive when he ran the track. You are what you eat, and everyday you’d feed yourself with your delusions. Your practice of being touchy and soft with each other with your sudden upsurge of attraction for him was not a good combo at all. 
Hand holding, side hugs, linking arms, resting your head on each other’s shoulder, it all used to be in your best friend etiquette, but because he couldn’t stop your heart from pumping a thousand beats per minute, there would be a shift. Boundaries were established later on, it felt just right since you were both changing and heading towards the confounding parts of your adolescence. You would be less touchy, perception growing as quickly as your bodies changed. 
Now he’d let his hair grow a little longer, would occasionally get a trim to follow school regulations, and he’d get rid of his glasses, though would still have them on when he needed them. He definitely got dapper, more charming. Eventually, you wouldn’t be the only one subjected to his attraction, and he’d hold his title as a ladies’ man. 
His timidity was long gone for sure, but if he were being honest, your attention was all he needed. He didn’t need, nor asked for the love notes stuck on his desk, or the letters stuffed in his locker. Still, he’d go through all of them, thinking maybe one of them might be from you. 
Him catching feelings for you was an absurd idea, but every day you’ve spent with him felt like a spark, that maybe would ignite the flames of your affinity. He saw the way tables have turned —then, he used to be the one to shy away from physical contact, more than often blushing even, and of course you'd just be your enthusiastic self. Now, he was the one who’d usually initiate skinship, smiling at your inept attempts of seeming unbothered. You’d gulp and inhale thick air whenever he gave you compliments also, and in his eyes you’d be his cute, little best friend —little, because he was a few inches taller but wouldn’t want to be discredited for only being a little loftier. 
Even then, your bond would only grow and it thrived with your little escapades like staying out after school till curfew, making shameless excuses to your parents that convinced them enough that you were just really studious and preferred after school till curfew group studies. For that though, you were obligated to maintain above average grades, it was hard, but it was crucial to mask your leisure.
You’re a fairly active student, the type to not feel anxious over giving the wrong answer because you believed redemption could be achieved by anyone who knew the right steps to take. School was definitely not easy, but it shouldn’t be made complicated. You’d learn to sort your priorities, separating academics from the twists and turns of your life. 
“Left twix or right twix?” —school would still encompass such interesting encounters nonetheless. 
It was the first time Sungchan would raise this offer, and you tittered at him for being a believer of the left twix versus right twix agenda. “There’s no difference anyways.” 
He took his time, basking in your sweet, sweet laughter before he replied, “No, but just imagine—” he takes out both bars from its packaging, holding them out with both hands. “This is me—” he’d bring the left one forward a little, “—and this is Wonbin.” then the right. 
Under a frolicsome mood, you wore a grin as you reached for the right twix, but he’d move it away. “Hey!”
“Wow, I’m giving you my chocolate and you still hate me.” 
“It doesn’t mean I hate you, but I like Binnie more.” —way more. With a bitter smile, he gave you the right twix, but not without snapping off an inch. “Sungchan.”
“What? If i’m a full twix bar and this is Wonbin, it should at least be accurate and Wonbin’s definitely not as tall as me.” you broke into a chortle from his unserious justification. 
“Wonbin is still tall though, besides, you probably want more for yourself just to spite me.” 
“Untrue.” he took the piece he snapped off and held it close to your lips. “This little piece can be you then, have it.”
“Are you’re trying to say I’m just about an inch of your height?”
“More like a foot, but yeah.”
He fed you the small piece, eyes following the movement of your lips as you bit on it. “Thank you, Channie.”
There truly was no difference between the left and the right side, he just wanted to test something out, to check how likely you were to pick the left twix —to pick him. 
You would wonder why he seemed to always have a packet of twix with him, and why he always hit you with the left or right question. You always answered right, and he always snapped it to the same length, giving you both pieces. You thought maybe instead of left and right, he thought of it as him and Wonbin still, like the first time he asked you. It was such a bold assumption to make, especially when you treated him like an older brother. He was waggish, not much of a prankster, but he knew how to turn a smile upside down and at the same time, he was dutiful, and caring at times needed.  
It was something about him you thought you didn’t have to second guess. Well, while he did help you stay out of detention for all the times you were sent there, you figured he might’ve done that for his friends too. 
“Dude, please, I can’t get detention today. I don’t have any other excuse for getting home late again.” 
“Bro, you know I have to turn you in, if not I might get in trouble.”
Okay, maybe not all his friends. Overhearing their smalltalk made you think back on all the times he’s gotten you out of trouble. Shouldn’t he have been kicked from the supreme student government if he really faced any consequences for never taking you into the disciplinary dungeon?
“Hey Channie?” 
Sungchan had never stood up so fast in his life. “Yes? Is there anything I could do for you?”
“Oh, no, I just wanted to ask you something, is it okay?”
“Yeah! of course, go ahead, hit me.”
“So I heard you and your friend talking the other day…” Sungchan anxiously swiped his tongue over his top lip as he waited for you to continue speaking. “Did I get you in trouble for saving me from detention?”
He profusely shook his head and would briskly reply, “No, not at all. Don’t you worry about it.”
You kept your eyes locked with his, and you’d furrow your brows and squint your eyes in jest, displacing your doubt with a playful scowl. His eyes would widen in the slightest bit, chuckling at your mien. 
“You know I always got your back.” —he meant it as a sign that you’d hopefully pick up on, but you learned to just not question his sweet gestures, all the big and all the small.
But from that day forth, you haven’t gotten detention, not even a single warning. Sungchan wouldn’t acknowledge your efforts till one the day you would be waiting for the early morning bus beside him, and you weren’t with your best friend like you usually were. 
“Y/n, you’re early today. Where’s Wonbin?”
“Still asleep probably. I already told him I wanted to go to school early, but he didn’t meet me at the exit street.” you yawned, carefully ridding the water in your eyes with your fingers. “I waited for him there for thirty minutes, but I just went ahead. Can’t miss the first bus.”
Sungchan blinked a couple of times, trying to process what he was hearing. The morning haze was quite strong, and it was getting to his head. If she chose to not wait for him, she wanted to ride the bus with me, right? —his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of you clearing your throat.
“How about you? you seem pretty early too.” your query had left him flustered for a second.
Truth be told, he would come that early in the morning to wait for you, and unfortunately for Wonbin too. However, in all of those mornings, you’d assume he had just gotten there like you have, and for that, he deserves an oscar. Though, there were mornings where he wouldn’t he wouldn’t be there, it was the days you got detention for arriving late at school. Sungchan could take the risk, but would rather not get himself in any trouble as a part of the student government.
“I ate some good breakfast today so I was in the mood to go to school a little earlier.” He sounded convincing enough, so you’d just shrug your shoulders.
The first bus was less full, with one or two vacant seats left at the back, and you sat next to him somewhere in the middle. Before you were sat though, he would place a hand on top of your head, anchoring you where you stood and rushing past you —and you thought he did that so he could have the window seat to himself, but instead he got himself settled on the aisle seat, giving the seat next to him a little tap, signaling you to sit down. 
“You’re unbelievable.” your words came out in an exhale as you sat down, struggling a bit because his lanky legs were in the way. 
“And you're just so cute!” he’d do that thing where he’d shake his head, pointing a pout at you. 
His supposedly teasing little gesture would cause your mouth to fall open, just enough to express the cringe you caught from his tomfoolery. “Ew, what the hell.”
“What?” he’d laugh at you —quietly, for the sake of paying respect to the other people in the bus— and for a second, would wear a smirk on his face, “But seriously, you’re really cute, you know.”
Your brows would lift itself along with the dilation of your eyes. He did sound genuine, but it was just a sheer compliment, one you didn’t hear often, but still, you took it as words he pulled out of the kindness of his heart. 
That day, Wonbin got to school eight minutes late.
“Sorry, I forgot we were supposed to be early today.” he’d tell you during lunch time, barely having touched his food.
“It’s okay, be sorry to yourself. You’re being sent to detention today —eat your food Binnie.” you watched his hasty movements, taking a bite out of his already lukewarm food. “You should practice being early too.”
“Is that why you wanted to be early?” he’d reply as soon as he got the food down his throat. “Sungchan kept you out of detention, didn’t he?”
“Yeah but, he might get in loads of trouble if he kept covering for others.” 
Wonbin only nods. “I guess I better be careful then.”
When Sungchan took him to that horrid room, he’d reflect on  —not his actions, but rather, Sungchan’s. Wonbin could tell that he stuck around you often, so often that there was no way you couldn’t discern his mellow doting, but you didn’t notice at all, did you? And from the very conversation you had with Wonbin at the cafeteria, he’d conclude that maybe, you like —or at least was starting to like Sungchan as well, he took it as if you were only staying out of trouble just for Sungchan. 
But there’s no way, Wonbin had only ever seen you with a rosey shade on your cheeks when you were with him, him and not Sungchan. He would be awakened from his nap by the detention monitor, and he would wake up with a new purpose. Like track and field, he was determined to stretch himself far enough to be able to reach you, to earn you once he pushed through the finish line tape. 
For the next following days, he’d wake up before the chickens could cluck, and he got to the exit street first and waited for you. He kept up the routine, even when he was tired from p.e. or dance practice the previous day, he’d greet you with a sheepish grin like he was telling you that he beat you to being the proficient early bird. 
When it had all started, Sungchan was utterly bewildered —but even more let down, but he’d never show it, to you especially. He had no reason to feel perplexed even, you saying that you waited for Wonbin the previous day on which he failed to show up should’ve been a hint that the four eyed kid —now not so four eyed— would stick around. For a while you would think he was excited to see Wonbin because he got more fired up, fired up in a positive way it seemed. 
Little did you know, they’d softly scoff after one of them spoke. Now they were sure of their competition, and you would be oblivious of it all. Fortunately for Wonbin, you still had heart eyes for him, which Sungchan would catch up to quickly. He’d try to contest it by helping you with anything and everything, humorous pick-up lines evolving into actual and genuine compliments, and when he had the chance, he would approach you when he sensed the gloominess in your demeanor and turn your frown upside down. If there was anything that didn’t change, it was of course, the never-ending left twix or right twix query. 
“Left twix or right twix?” he held the half-opened packet to your face. 
Without sparing him an answer, you’d snatch the right twix. Sungchan’s bittersweet chuckle subsided quickly when you snapped the bar yourself, popping the shorter piece into your mouth first. “You never run out of twix bars huh?”
But he was surely running out of time. Perhaps his practice of splitting the bar in uneven lengths was foreshadowing, if you and Wonbin came from the same twix bar that he split up, that would mean you two are each other’s halves. Stupid —he felt stupid in love.
He had a twix bar and a dream, but Wonbin had you close already. Besides, what could a split bar of chocolate do? Everytime Wonbin saw that pathetic excuse of a conversation being pulled out of Sungchan’s bag, he made sure to bring you a nice and cold bottle of honey ice tea to wash down the sugars. It was your favorite too, now how could a twix bar ever compare to that? 
Their antics would persist with time, still no one made any substantial efforts. And by the time you were in your senior year, you would think the two have just gotten closer, but with that they’d confront each other —prom night hung by a thread, and it was getting close. 
“What’s your plan? gonna pull out a giant twix bar?” sickly was all it sounded to Sungchan. 
“I already asked her. She said yes.” Wonbin’s assertive facade would break when he heard the certitude in Sungchan’s voice. 
“She did?” 
“Yeah, funny I used a twix bar too.” 
A quick and defeated exhale would fall off of Wonbin’s lips that would soon display a weak smile, “Good for you.” he had lost races before, practically got used to the feeling, because he knew there was always room for improvement, and that there would be another race for him to win. 
However, this race would have him limping. He does admit he was a little careless sometimes, still giving away his time to talk to a previous admirer before politely rejecting them, it wasn’t for a long time, it lasted for a good two days, but after those two days, it would take a while for Wonbin to win back your laughter —a while being a little over a week. For a minute he thought you were bound to grow apart by the end of highschool, but he’d almost go crazy over your shy glances and the slight stutter in your voice whenever he said something out of the best friend zone.
“You should’ve joined the school band, or the choir.” he says moments after he voiced out to you his concerns for college.
You sat up, lifting your head from his shoulder to answer him. “I considered, but I got too... scared.”
“How about this, promise me you’d be more open to showing off your talent to people —I know you love to sing, you’d love it even more when you realize through others how wonderful you actually are.”  his hand would slowly move close to yours. “Performing might help you love yourself in some way.”
“Okay, okay, I promise.” you held out your pinky, and he’d intertwine his own with it. 
“You have a beautiful voice. So, so beautiful.” you weren’t certain if he had intended for you to hear the last part, as it would be a little faint, but you heard it. 
In a hospital, you’d be close to the state of losing life just by how rapid your heartbeat was going and how hot you were, matching the crimson spread across your face. Wonbin kept your pinkies intertwined, who knows, that might be the last one you’d have.
Prom night inched closer, and closer, and a week before you were growing anxious. Then news would fly by of a lucky girl, so lucky that she got Park Wonbin to ask her out to prom. 
Let’s just say, you weren’t lucky at all. Devastating, heart wrenching, you had used every word in your mind’s dictionary to describe how you felt, at that point you couldn’t really run to your best friend to cry when he was the sole reason for your heartache, so to whom do you go to?
You sniffled, expelling a weak laughter through your stuffy nose before you’d say, “I want the left one.”
“Really? why?”
“Cause he left—” sniffle, “—he left me.”
Sungchan was only now realizing just how much you actually liked Wonbin. His guilt would arise, and he would look back on the moment he had deceived Wonbin to believing he already had you as his prom date when he hadn't even composed a proper plan to ask you out.
“Take it.” He gave you both bars. 
“Do you not want any?”
“No, I want you to have it.”
You ate your heart away, tears dissolving into nothingness once you’ve had a sweet bite of his succor. Sungchan offered you his water bottle, and it was half full of warm lemonade. You’d never expect him to carry around a bottle of hot lemonade, still you’d drink it. It was perfectly tart and sweet, like comfort in a cup. Soon enough, you were feeling a bit more lively and somehow felt like you needed to pop him a question. 
“Who’s the lucky girl you’re taking to prom?”
You were flustered to hear him laugh a bit as he spoke, “I don’t have one, actually.”
“Wait, really? not even one of the girls who held up those big signs that said ‘marry me jung sungchan’ in your football matches?” 
“I’d only take a girl I actually like. I don’t want to pretend to be enjoying myself around someone I’m not familiar with.”
You didn’t know what was in the air that day, but for a while you’d glance out the window, there was a butterfly —you used to love them so much, as a kid you’d always be there to accompany them, it was his fault you’d grow out of it —that little boy. Your glee that was once those tiny fairy-like creatures soon took the form of that little boy, but why were you suddenly just reminiscing about that childhood crush you had? it wasn’t like you’d meet him again, he could be an olympic swimmer for all you know. 
“I wanna be your lucky girl.” six small words were enough to make a mess of the big guy that he is. 
The next thing you knew, he was picking you up from your house. “Shit.” he’d only seen a glimpse of you through your living room window but he was already fumbling, sweaty palms and all. And when you finally stepped out of the door, all eleven organ systems in his body would start malfunctioning. You were even more beautiful than those azaleas or the garden butterflies that flew over them. He was so lost in your grace that you had to snap him out of it. 
“These looked like the ones we had back at my childhood home. They’re beautiful Chan, thank you.” you held the bouquet close enough to get a whiff of its scent.
They were azaleas, other than butterflies, it was these flowers that reminded him of you. Did he know what flowers they were the first time he saw them? no, but did he remember its appearance clearly enough for him to spot it within an array of several other flowers? Well of course he did. 
“They remind me of you.”
“Wait, really? how?”
He wanted to say it —I used to swim very well— but for some reason, he held back. “Cause you’re beautiful, Y/n.” 
It was the first time you’d actually feel your face heat up because of his compliments. However, this one sounded different, and soon you were shying away from his gaze, trying to hide the ridiculous color spreading throughout your face.
That night, you saw Wonbin with his date. For a while, you’d convince yourself that you were in the stage of acceptance, it was time to let go. But then, your efforts of avoiding him were vanquished, he only seemed to be appearing in your sight more and more throughout the night. He looked so… happy, happy like he was with you, but you were a couple meters apart, only giving each other abrupt glances. 
The night would end, with your eyes brimmed with tears, face to face with Wonbin at the back of the gymnasium where no one else could see. 
“I like you Wonbin.” was not what he expected at all. 
He was already shaken by your watery eyes when you had asked him to talk for a while. “But, why’d you say yes to Sungchan?”
“Because you had already asked Lia out.” and I thought you would ask me —you could only finish it in your head, too afraid that you might just be going crazy.
“Wait, Sungchan told me you already were his date before I asked Lia.” 
Suddenly, your tears would dry up. Your brows furrowed, feeling a great sense of betrayal. “I wasn’t. He's only my date now because he didn’t have a date either.” your voice became a little more stable, your anguish diminishing, and in its place would surface, the feeling of being misled. 
“Y/n, I liked you too.” Wonbin, for a short while, would look out into the lights of the gymnasium that seeped through the ajar door. 
Lia was waiting for him. While he had his moments of sorrow, he’d be by himself, and he’d find that she, a beam of sunlight, gave him enough motivation to look a little farther into the future. His feelings for you, while it did linger, would eventually dwindle from the thought that maybe you had been more fond of Sungchan after all. Now that it was refuted, all he really felt was confusion. His worries would lie with you, but mostly it was for the girl who he had told to wait for him, the one he had already made promises to. 
“Let’s stay best friends, yeah?”
Just a little later, you'd be back at the table where you had left Sungchan, and he was still there, his doe eyes lighting up at the sight of you. “How’d it go?”
“Why would you do that?”
He instantly knew what you were talking about, and with an anxious breath of air, he said, “Y/n, I didn’t think he’d take it seriously.” 
He was being honest though, he thought Wonbin would’ve double checked with you, he thought, if Wonbin really wanted to have you as his date, he could’ve had you instead of some other girl, right?
Now, there could be a billion ways to apologize, but chose to play safe, saving his confession for some other point in time. Forgiving him wouldn’t come as easy as he thought it’d be —what a man, too sure of himself for his own good. He took his time, being extra cautious and keeping his tranquility to take care of yours. You’d be nonchalant with him, something he’d never get used to, but even then, he was the same —if not more altruistic. For a while you’d feel bad for shunning him when he gave you most of his energy every day for you to reconsider his apology. But the whole ordeal at prom night was cauterized into your soul. Wonbin would only and quite literally be your best friend forever, not even really forever. 
You wouldn’t really say your friendship with him was at the verge of falling apart, but you most certainly weren’t spending as much time as you used to with him. You wished you could bring the old times back, you wished you had asked him to prom yourself. But the chances were long gone, you were already in college, still with a handful folks you’ve gone to highschool with —and the most notable of the few, Sungchan and Wonbin.
Much to your dismay, Wonbin would stray a little further from you, taking a major that was way too different from yours. Though, you made sure to make time for each other whenever you could, in the meantime, you’d have your moments with the only person you felt comfortable enough to stick by. 
“Left or right?” 
Your first instinct has always been to grab the right bar. “I’ll be on my way, Wonbin just texted me that he’d been in the mall since five. I’ll see you for group study tomorrow!”
You were in a hurry because it was already five-thirty. You chose the right one again, but at least you weren’t rejecting his offer anymore, unlike when you haven't forgiven him for his deception. You’ve come to terms with just letting it go, and you believed he deserved your forgiveness because he treated you so well, maybe too well even. You saw a shift in Sungchan, he was a lot more —sincere? genuine? honest?— honestly, it’s quite hard to pinpoint which one it is, but he was all that and more. 
Just letting it go was a painful process, especially when you still had to maintain your friendship with the very man that pulled on your heartstrings and cut them off. After everything that went down that night, you two became evidently distant, but only for a considerable while. Getting back to bff terms just came naturally and there was no actual talk about what happened that fateful night in your old highschool’s gymnasium. 
At this point, you were so close to accepting the fact that you’re only fated to meet a friend just to be a friend and nothing more if you wish to be nothing less. Maybe the best friend rule was right, maybe you should’ve been more rational. 
Your movie night with Wonbin would end with him giving you a very light hug, and words that would trigger your past misgivings, “I’m meeting Lia again tomorrow, just catching up, she’s at the neighboring campus, are you free tomorrow?”
You gripped tightly on the the straps of your bag, trying to look for something, anything that could possibly affect him the same way. “I’m pretty packed tomorrow, Sungchan and I are preparing for multiple tests coming this week.”
“Oh, that’s cool. Goodluck! and tell him I said good luck too.”
His unfazed visage left a stinging in your heart. Why did he have to grow his hair out to a length that made him look so alluring when he’s choosing to act unbothered by your sly hinting? sure, he wasn’t as beautiful as a bouquet of azaleas but still, it was unfair.
“You good? you seem very down today.” 
You were thankful the group study was not just a blatant last-minute excuse even though it might’ve sounded like one when you spoke it. 
“Did something happen last night?” Sungchan would quickly catch up with the shift of expression on your face, so he’d add, “I’m sorry. You don’t have to tell me anything.” 
“I look fine, right? like, just okay?” he was taken aback with your question and your voice that just sounded so tired.
You just had your eyes on each other, after a while his eyes would move down slowly as he said to you, “I don’t know about everyone else, but I think you’re really pretty.” his eyes would shift back to yours that fluttered with his dulcet words. “I really love your eyes.” 
He really did, he always have. He loved your watchful orbs that glistened against the harsh sunlight, lashes flitting with the morning breeze as your irises followed the butterflies.
That day was suddenly not so bad. 
The times you’ve met with Wonbin to catch up would be a time for revelations. You’d learn that he’d made a lot of friends —quite a friend group they are, just a group of pretty and talented people. Wonbin seemed to be handed opportunities left and right, and you were happy for him, it’s just that when it was your turn to share the events of your life, you’d be empty handed, and occasionally would tell him that you’ve been busy with projects, tests and whatnot. You’d feel mortified, having him feel bad for you when everything was going well for him. Those meets would lead to gruesome mornings the following day, but luckily, Sungchan’s always there to mend you. 
“Say ‘ah’” you’d part your lips, just enough for Sungchan to feed you a twix bar.
When the chocolate in your mouth was almost gone, you ask him, “Why didn’t you ask me if I wanted the left or the right one?”
“Well, did you want a specific bar?”
“Hmm, maybe? I mean, I would’ve chosen the left bar.”
It wouldn’t take you a while to familiarize yourself with Sungchan —him and his everything, his routine, his favorite things, his little habits, his comforting patterns, he was unlike any other guy you’ve met despite him appearing to be on the surface. He’d give you a sense of hope every time you felt like closing your eyes and falling into an eternal slumber, and eventually, he would become a reason for you to wake yourself up everyday.
While he’s explained to you the things you could still observe with your own eyes, you wanted to know more, to understand him a little better like he did so well with you. You were hesitant to go past standard questions, but he’d encourage you to continue asking him whatever. He answered every question, from his highschool life to his very upbringing. You’d learn that he wasn’t always a football player, he used to be a very well-equipped swimmer, and that the place his family used to live where you used to live, and that— wait, he was a swimmer? —you’d interrupt your train of thoughts. Sungchan wasn’t even there anymore, but you were still thinking about everything he had told you earlier that day. 
You’d take your time to think again, about that little boy that lived across from your house. He was a swimmer, and what are the chances he’d become a football player? What are the chances that that little boy is now the not so little Jung Sungchan? 
“Left or ri—” you’d bite the left twix from his hand, locking it in between your lips. “Oh, okay. Do you want the other one? I’m not really hungry right now.”
“No, no—” chew, “Have it. And while you’re eating, can I ask you something?”
“Yeah, anytime. There’s no need for you to ask if it’s okay.” he took a bite out of the twix bar he held.
“What do you think of butterflies?” —he’d stop chewing for a while and his eyes would light up like a night sky of constellations. 
“I’ve always thought they’re very pretty, but I know I could never love them as much as you did.” —so it wasn’t Susan or Sangchin, it’s Sungchan.
“Oh, so you didn’t become an olympic swimmer?”
Relief and felicity, there was nothing else in Sungchan’s mind and soul —nothing else but you. His butterfly-loving Y/n whose beauty surpassed even the most well-nourished of azaleas, everything about you, to him, was the closest God had ever gotten to perfection. 
From then on, you would tell each other stories, the hows and whys of your detachment. 
“We moved because of my dad’s work, but I was sad because I thought I'd never see you again ever —but you’re here now. I gotta admit though, I kinda forgot most of what we had then, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, I understand. All that matters to me is you still love butterflies —I mean, that you’re still happy.”
“Thank you Chan. How about you? Why did your family move?”
“Well, I spent like, what? four years maybe? —I was practically begging my parents to move me to a better school, y’know, because…”
“I wanted to be with you. I love you Y/n, I always have, haven’t I told you?”
His confession was something you didn’t foresee, but he didn’t either. It was all unplanned, but he just felt like it was the right moment. Just you and him at the most tranquil site on campus. He wanted to lean in, to just close the already little distance that separated the two of you, but he didn’t. He wanted you to be willing, to give him an avowal that you felt the same. It was only then that you’d start seeing him beyond his brotherly demeanor.
Tomorrow would be the first day that Sungchan would fulfill his duties as your suitor. 
First thing in the morning, he’d pick you up, three rhythmic knocks on your door was all it took for your heart to start tumbling and jumping from your chest. And everytime he opened the door, you’d be met with a pair of lively eyes that would become fervent when he finally had you close to him. You two were always together, so much so that it was hard to spot the two of you in two different places at the same time. At hectic times, you’d confine yourselves in each other’s presence. A twix bar and a smile was all and everything that could relieve the two of you of your frustrations.
Your birthday, unfortunately, was an exam day —something both you and him can’t miss for your life. You studied all morning, and before you could snooze away, he’d start to randomly play songs and dance around, dismissing the judgemental eyes that watched him caper. If that wouldn’t work, he’d lay his weight on you like a baby, pushing his nose against your cheek or shoulder. You just hoped you didn’t look too annoyed, because if you were being honest, you thought you would’ve never been able to answer anything on that test at all if it weren’t for him and his foolish, but sweet pokes. 
After such a long day, you two would be sat next to each other at an empty stairwell in campus, somehow, for you it felt like sitting at your old front porch all over again.
“Happy birthday!”
“Not really happy, I feel like I got half of the answers wrong.”
“Oh? birthday!” once upon a time, Sungchan could only hope he’d be the one to evoke your sugared laughter through your hardships, but now, he had it all to himself which was more than he could ever ask for. 
You watched as he fished a packet of twix, and with a cheeky smile, you’d snatch it from him. “Oh.” was all he could utter, dispensing another guffaw out of you. 
You opened it, holding both bars with two hands. Holding out the left bar, “So imagine this is you.” and then the other, “And this is me—” he takes that bar out of your hand using his lips, munching away as you laughed, “Hey! I wasn’t done yet!”
He could only laugh with you, coughing slightly from the sudden sugar attacking his throat. “Okay, o—” cough, “Sorry.”
“What I was meaning to say was—” you took a minute to admire the boy in front of you who stared at you with such fondness and anticipation. “We’re like twix bars. This is gonna sound so cheesey…”
His chortle would make you shy away from his gaze, but he was quick to assure you, “Go ahead, cheesey or not, all that matters is that you mean it.” it was all jested words for encouragement, but he’d soon realize that his jovial advice would apply greatly. 
“Well, I was gonna say, we’re like twix bars. Say one twix bar is you, and the other is me. If you break it in half and misplace it, you might just confused which half belongs to which half, so, technically speaking, no matter the consequence, we’d be each other’s other half.”
He had his lips pressed together, like supressing a laugh, but what it truly was is him fighting the urge to just jump you and shower you with all his affection. 
“Don’t laugh!”
“I wasn’t gonna!”
“Yeah you were.”
“Were not, you’re just really cute, that’s all.” he’d gently pinch your cheek, but you remained expressionless, so he’d start poking it, progressively becoming a little more pushy, until— “Y/n—”
It took a lot of your power, but you were able to grab him by the wrist, the hand that poked on your face would now be linked with yours, not only that, but your lips were locked too. 
“I love you too Sungchan.” “Your lips tastes like twix.” —you’d spew at the same time after pulling away from each other. 
Your own laughters were the only thing you could hear, nothing else but each other would matter as your lips would soon attach to each other again. 
“Wait, Sungchan, don’t you think we should be somewhere more, I don’t know, private?”
“Sorry, your lips just really taste like twix, I can’t help it.”
It wasn’t really because of the remnants of chocolate on your lips, he just wanted to go all in, as if he already hadn’t gotten you all to himself at that point. 
Though, it would be quite an interesting story to tell. Jung Sungchan, who used to swim very well, met a girl who loved to watch butterflies from their front porch. He fell in love, but she wouldn’t reciprocate after a few fifty twix bars. Maybe Wonbin was the one who’d been foreshadowing with precision, because Sungchan had a twix bar, and a dream in the form of you. And he hoped that maybe, some time in the future, you’d be watching butterflies at the front porch of the house you would share in morning and bask in each other’s love for the rest of the day, and maybe forever too. 
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cloudbersoo · 11 months
love letters|lee sohee
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synopsis: you wished to find out who your secret admirer is. 
tags: lee sohee x gn!reader, high school au, fluff, troublemaker x class president, slight misunderstanding, happy ending
word count: 1.8k
my playlist while writing: good enough by chanyeol, spring day by bts, tomorrow today by jj project and here always by seungmin
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another day, another letter. since last month you’ve started receiving mysterious love letters from a secret admirer. they always appear on your locker when you least expect it. sometimes it’s a cheesy pick-up line, and other times it’s a heartfelt poem. one thing common with each letter was its horrific handwriting. some days you struggled to read what your admirer had written because of how messy the writing was. but in the end, you wouldn’t have it any other way.
if you were a song, you’d be the best track on the album.
a smile rose to your face as you walk into the classroom. the day seemed a little brighter, the weight of your shoulders felt a little lighter. but the moment was ruined quicker than it had started, when you heard one irritating voice coming from the back of the room. “good morning class president!” lee sohee shouted with a big grin on his face. 
one day lee sohee was going to be the death of you. he was the so-called ‘troublemaker’ of the class, and he made sure to make your life a living hell. sohee interrupts classes, asks stupid questions and then makes you explain things to him like he’s some type of baby who doesn’t understand anything. 
“morning,” you answered in a monotone voice, sitting down on your seat. you turn to your friend seunghan, rolling your eyes out of annoyance. the boy next to you gives you a knowing look, a teasing smirk rising to his face. “don’t” you whined, pointing your finger at him. you turned back to the letter in your hand, your mind calming almost immediately.
“another letter? i swear you have admirers left and right,” seunghan laughs.
“haha, sadly i only care about one,” you said, sinking your head into your arms. if only there was a way to find who your secret admirer was.
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meet me at the gates after school? can’t resist you anymore ;)
you were bubbling with excitement when you found the latest letter in your locker. today was finally the day when you were going to meet the love of your life – or so you thought. you were happily packing your stuff when you heard anton’s voice coming from the classroom door. “y/n, are you ready for the meeting?” his quiet voice asked. right. you completely forgot about the student council meeting. your secret admirer must have to wait.
the council meeting lasted a lot longer than you had expected. you were now rushing towards the school gates in the hopes that the person who has been sending you letters for months would still be there. but you were too late. the only other people around were the other student council members, none which looked like they were waiting for you. 
you missed them. 
you can’t believe it. after all this time, you still couldn’t meet the person who has lightened your days for so long. you wished that by finally meeting your admirer you could pay all the kindness back to them. disappointed, you started making your way to the bus stop closest to your school. you didn’t think your day could get any worse, but the universe was ready to prove you wrong. the only other person at the bus stop was none other than lee sohee himself, probably ready to make your life a misery. 
but he didn’t even seem to notice you. sohee ran his hand through his hair, a deep sigh leaving his mouth. you’ve never seen him like this. sohee was never quiet, but then again, maybe you didn’t know him as well as you thought. 
finally sohee senses your presence, his gaze moving to you. his eyes widened in surprise as his body jumped off the bench. you gave him an awkward wave, but it didn’t seem to go too well with sohee. the boy walked away before you could say anything. as sohee left in a hurry, he failed to notice the notebook he had forgotten on the bench. you heard your bus coming from behind as you picked up the book. quickly getting into the bus, you took a seat next to a window. you took a closer look at sohee’s notebook and you couldn’t help but to get curious on what’s inside of it.
sohee wouldn’t mind if he never finds out, right?
you opened a random page somewhere in the middle of the notebook. the page was filled with what seemed to be song lyrics. 
don’t wanna waste all these meanings hold tight and dream on it’s what i love the most you with me, our memories
that’s when it hit you. “this handwriting is familiar,” you mumbled. opening your packbag, you searched for any of the letters you have received. reaching one of them, you put the letter next to sohee’s notebook – the handwriting matched. 
sohee was your secret admirer?
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sohee was a mess. what a fool he was, thinking that you could ever accept his love. maybe staying as your secret admirer would’ve been a much better choice. but it was too late now, after you saw him yesterday after school. you must have been so disappointed to see him waiting for you at the gate. you didn’t even have the guts to come and reject him!
sohee never thought about love before. he felt like it was a waste of time at this age. he could worry about relationships later, but then he laid his eyes on you. well, the two of you had known each other for years, but something changed a couple of months ago. sohee was going on with his day like normal, waiting for you to enter the classroom so he could bother you as usual. and then you walked in…
it was like time had stopped. the sun peeked through the blinds and the light shined on you. sohee’s heart skipped a beat, red colour creeping to his cheeks. you looked utterly beautiful. had you changed your hair? or did you put on some makeup? the boy didn’t know what had come over him. how did you suddenly make him feel this way? or had he always liked you and just didn't realise?
but now he’ll have to put those feelings aside and move on. that meant no more letters for you, as much as that hurts him. 
class was ending and sohee hadn’t really seen you around all day. you must be busy with student council stuff like you usually are, which for once was good with him. the boy had no idea what class he had just sat through, as he had not paid any attention whatsoever. 
so much so that he had failed to notice you entering the class. it wasn’t until you stood in front of him that his eyes spotted you. his eyes widened, like a deer in the headlights. you placed something down on the table, but sohee couldn’t see what as he was unable to tear his eyes off of you. you were gorgeous, and he could feel heat rise to his face. you were the only one who had this type of impact on him. too deep in his thoughts, he didn’t realise you had started to speak.
“earth to sohee?” you waved your hand in front of his face. “can we talk for a moment? i get if you’re busy, but i think we have some things to discuss,” you spoked, nervousness peeking through your voice. 
sohee couldn’t possibly resist you, how could he? he stood up immediately, getting ready to leave the room with you, but your arm stopped him. “your notebook, it’s yours right?” you said, pointing at the book on his desk. 
“oh right!” sohee laughed, grabbing the notebook and following you out of the classroom.
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silence fell between the two of you as you sat down at the schoolyard. you were nervously playing with your fingers, finding the right words to say. sohee wasn’t saying anything either, which was very unlike him. you decided to take a closer look at him, something you’ve never done before. his eyes were soft as they wandered around, not quite sure where he was supposed to look. he was biting on his pouty lower lip, and there were a couple moles on his left cheek. his short hair was messy, pointing in different directions. sohee was nice to look at, he was cute even.
“are you just gonna stare at me all day? i mean i get it, i’m quite the catch” the boy finally spoke, his eyes meeting yours, a smile rising to his lips.
a blush made it to your cheeks. “so… you wrote me all those letters?” 
“yeah, sorry to disappoint you,” he mumbled while lowering his head again. 
“what do you mean?”
the boy scratched the back of his neck, his sweet smile long gone. “that it was me, i mean, you didn’t show up yesterday and i thought-” he started, his voice weak.
“i had council stuff to finish and couldn’t make it on time” you interrupted the boy, wanting to finally explain yourself. “then at the bus stop you were all weird and you forgot your notebook… and i took a quick look and your handwriting matched the letters but at that point i was already on my way home…” you went on. maybe you and sohee had started on the wrong foot, but now that you knew he had this softer side to him, you were starting to see him in a new light. 
you moved on your seat, shifting a little closer to the boy. “i’m glad to know it was you,” you confessed, smiling at him. sohee’s head snapped towards you, face full of surprise. a shy smile rose to his lips, his cheeks hueing pink. 
“really?” he asked shyly. you took his hand to yours, as you nodded as conformation. “oh wow, this is not what i expected to happen,” sohee giggled, squeezing your hand. he looked deep into your eyes, his own ones conveying all the feelings he had carried inside him all this time. his hand came up to your face, moving away a few strands of your hair. his palm was warm, just like him. like magnets, the two of you started to lean into each other. 
“is this when we kiss?” he said with a teasing smirk on his face. your face dropped, of course sohee would say something to ruin the moment.
a sigh left your mouth. “just kiss me already,” you replied, grabbing into the collar of his shirt.
“gladly” he answered and finally your lips connected. his lips were as soft as they looked. both of sohee’s hands held your face, slightly squeezing your cheeks due to the boy’s excitement. he smiled into the kiss, a small laugh leaving his mouth. 
you backed down a little, wanting to have a look at the boy. “what’s so funny?” you asked, voice filled with amusement.
“just happy, that’s all” sohee said, giving you the brightest smile you’ve ever seen. one that you wouldn’t mind getting used to. “now give me another one!” the boy in front of you said excitedly. 
and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
- end
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notsocooljess · 3 months
Head doctor vs headphones?
ooo this one i think about somewhat daily but i’m have major struggles with exactly where i want the story to go, how long it should be, and some plot points to make it more interesting and generally a good read.
here’s a snippet! (from Katniss’s POV)
I’m the only person waiting for the bus, and this sparks more ideas in my definitely-normal-and-not-at-all-going-insane brain. To add on to the list of thoughts that have plagued my consciousness the past few weeks, my mind realizes that I would not even need to be waiting for the bus as a senior if my car didn’t get totaled. And my car wouldn’t have gotten totaled if I left a few minutes earlier. And if I left a few minutes earlier, Prim would still be here.
Before I can have a complete spiral, the bus pulls up to my stop. I saunter on, and the stale, humid air of the late-August heat trapped in the vehicle provides some distraction from any other thought my brain can conjure up. I find the closest spot to the back of the bus still available and spread my items across the seat. I don’t plan on meeting anyone today. I don’t plan on meeting anyone period. I’m here to graduate and move on with whatever “moving on” means.
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dystini · 2 months
For the August prompts: 14 - suffocatingly tight jeans! Writer’s choice: either James with whomever or Josef/Alex bc I just read your fic and I’m fascinated by this pairing (and I could see either of them being the right jeans wearer)
xoxo firestoneslicks
This was more fun to write than it had any right to be. I don't understand why Josef/Alex works but I'm going with it.
Josef yanked his jeans up, wriggling to get them over his thighs, growling the whole while.
“Problems?” Alex drawled from where he lounged on Josef’s bed.
“No.” Josef snapped, giving the jeans a vicious yank, his fingers slipping off the denim.
He flailed as he lost his balance. Alex barely scooted out of the way before Josef fell onto the bed.
“Looks like a problem.” Alex smirked, looking down at him.
“Fuck off.” Josef snarled. “I don’t understand. These jeans fit the last time I wore them.”
“And when was that?”
“Not that long ago.”
At least Josef was pretty sure of that. He’d been in a hurry when he was packing, tossing clothes from his dresser into his suitcase without really looking at them. He hadn’t gotten laundry done so he’d been digging deep into the drawers. Maybe these jeans were older than he thought. He struggled to his feet and tugged on the jeans. Fuck, they were tight. He managed to get them closed and stood up straight to assess the situation.
“They do make your ass look good.” Alex purred.
Josef snorted as he tried to take a step, then another, waddling like a penguin.
“On the other hand, that’s not attractive at all.”
Josef sighed, or tried to, the jeans cutting off the attempt. This was not going to work. His balls felt like they were being crushed. Fuck it. He could get away with sweatpants today. His breath gusted out of him when he got the jeans open again. He pushed them down, growling when they got stuck on his thighs. He pushed and tugged, twisting back and forth. They didn’t budge.
Alex chuckled on the bed behind him. “Need some help?”
Josef growled, hating the word about to come out of his mouth. “Yes.”
Still chuckling, the bastard that Josef thought of as one of his closest friends leisurely got up, sauntering around the bed. Alex paused, looking Josef up and down, before pushing on his shoulders.
“What the fuck, man?” Josef yelped as he fell onto the bed.
“It’ll be easier this way.”
Alex wedged his fingers between the denim and Josef’s skin, working the jeans down Josef’s thighs fractions of an inch at a time.
“How did you even get these on?” Alex huffed, moving to the backs of Josef’s thighs to work the jeans down to match the front.
“I don’t know.” Josef’s whined. “You were there. You saw.”
His ankles rested on Alex’s shoulders, the man’s nails scrapping Josef’s skin as he finally got the jeans to Josef’s knees. Alex stopped, looking at Josef over the jeans wadded up between then, the most evil smirk Josef had ever seen on his face.
“This gives me ideas.”
Alex stood, grabbing Josef’s ankles and pushing them toward his head. “All helpless, aren’t you?” he snickered.
“No!” Josef swiped at his friend but Alex just leaned back a bit and he missed.
“You look pretty helpless to me.”
“Alex, I swear to god…”
“Fine, fine.” Alex lowered Josef’s legs, extending a hand to help him up. “But I’m remembering that for later.”
Josef held onto Alex’s shoulder for balance as the man knelt and shoved the jeans to Josef’s ankles and helped him step out of them.
“Toss me those sweats, would you?”
Said sweats smacked Josef in the face. He didn’t even bitch, swiftly pulling them on.
“I gotta go.” he said.
Alex caught him with a hand to the chest. “Shirt?”
Shit. Josef turned and snagged the first one his fingers found, yanking it over his head.
“I suppose.”
Alex followed Josef through the bus, both of them pausing to put on their shoes.
“Dinner tonight?” Josef asked as they headed out the door.
“See you later.”
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hinatastinygiant · 2 years
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Chapter Twenty Six
Clamantis Papilio
Pairing: Haikyuu!! x Fem!Reader
previous | next | 2099
When you, Kuroo, Bokuto, and the Miya twins arrive back at your bus, Kuroo is the one to break the bad news to the others. A panic then breaks out with the whole group accusing each other until their voices are tired of screaming. Everyone is suspicious of each other and you have no idea what to even think. They're already jumping the gun to Tsukishima's death being a murder, but you struggle with the idea that anyone would do that to him at all.
After the sun disappears behind the trees, you and your pounding headache walk down to the lake where Kuroo and Tsukishima used to go fishing together. You sit there alone, pondering what could have happened. Tsukishima did have your gun and the others knew about it, but Osamu also had one with him as well. So maybe it was Osamu? There's just no way.
Just then, you hear the crack of a branch behind you. You whip your head around so fast that your headache intensifies. You clamber to your feet and face in the direction of the noise.
"Who's there?" you call out. "I heard you!"
"Sorry," Bokuto replies as he hobbles through the forest without his crutches. "I didn't mean to scare you, Y/N. I just saw you come out and I thought I'd make sure you were okay."
"If you were suspicious of me you could just say that," you scoff as he walks closer to you.
"Of course not. After all, you've done for me... actually, after all, you've done for all of us, how could I possibly accuse you of that? Besides, I know you and Tsukishima were close."
"Yeah, I guess so," you sigh as you sit back down in the same pile of leaves as before. "What do you think happened then?"
"I'm not a detective or anything, but Tsukishima and Osamu were the only ones with a gun," he says as he lowers himself to the ground beside you. "I don't think Osamu did it. As much as it seems like he'd be the perfect suspect after everything that's happened, I know you were right in what you said earlier today. So that just leaves-"
"Suicide," you finish with a sigh. "It's just so unlike him, Bo."
"I know, but don't forget the world we're living in. It isn't normal. We don't know what was going on inside of his head." he reminds you.
As Bokuto talks, your eyes begin to swell up with tears. You simply nod in response as he tries to decipher what seems the most logical. However, all you can do is quietly cry beside him. It doesn't take him long, though, until he notices your silent sobbing. He wraps his arm around your body and pulls you close to his side. You lean your head on his shoulder and close your eyes in an attempt to calm yourself down.
"I'm sorry," you whisper to him, "I just don't know what to think. I hate accusing anybody about this. I just don't see how it could have been Tsukishima."
"Me neither," he admits as he rubs your shoulder. "I don't get why someone would do that. What's the point? Tsukki never hurt anyone. I mean, sure, he was kind of a dick sometimes but he was a good guy."
"Yeah," you nod weakly. 
"You know," he then breathes deeply, "sometimes I wish I could just run away."
"Maybe we should," you chuckle as a small grin pulls at the corner of your lips. "We could go right now. Nobody would notice for a while."
The two of you then pull away. Bokuto looks down slightly to meet your gaze. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to recognize the tension between you both. You can almost feel a magnetic pull drawing you to him for some reason. Of course, it's probably the worst feeling you could have right after your closest friend dies, but you just can't get the thought out of your mind.
When Bokuto's eyes glance down at your lips, you feel a bitter sting just below your chest. You really wish someone would come along and stop you, but it's quite possible that it's already too late. You've made up your decision, and by the looks of it, so has Bokuto.
Though you've only known him for a little bit over a month, the wrong feels so right. You don't dare stop him as he reaches his hand to your cheek. However, you do lift your hand on top of his in a moment of hesitation.
"Tell me to stop," he whispers as he leans his forehead against yours. "I know I'm making a bad decision. I always do."
"Sometimes bad decisions make for the best stories," you reply back incapable of stopping him. Almost immediately after, his lips reach yours. Your whole body is immediately filled with goosebumps. His lips press up against you desperately, as if making up for all the time he lost not kissing you for the past month. Your mind goes completely blank. You can think of nothing but the sensation of Bokuto's lips against yours. 
When the two of you pull apart, gazing at each other in utter shock that you went through with it, he smiles at you quietly. As much as you feel guilty, you also think that perhaps he's what you've been needing this whole time.
Bokuto kisses you once again, less desperately but equally as rough. You know you shouldn't be doing this, but you hardly care as you reach your hand up to his hair and pull him in closer. This time your tongue meets with his. Of course he states sweet, as though he had just gotten through eating most of your fruits from the garden.
Somebody will come looking for the two of you soon, it's getting very late, but you are in the middle of the forest where nobody should be able to find you. 
Bokuto bites down on your bottom lip, not hard enough to draw blood, but close. He then pulls away, leaving you craving way more than just that little taste he's granted you.
"I've been wanting to do that for so long," he tells you hoarsely. He then pulls his hand away, lingering his middle finger on your chin for a moment before finally letting go.
"You're a tease," you smile, shaking your head at him.
"What? Are you going somewhere?" he smirks. "I've got all the time in the world. I don't plan on rushing anything with you."
You can help but laugh at his cute answer as you throw both of your arms around his neck. "Well then," you smile up at him, "until the next time we're alone."
Bokuto hums and nods in agreement. "Until then. But for now, let's head back before the others start getting even more suspicious."
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bisluthq · 5 months
Hey, you might not remember this, but a few months ago, I sent in an ask about me and my best friend from high school and I growing apart since heading to college. I decided to send in another ask because how the situation has progressed is really weighing on me but it's not really something that I can get into with other people because...
1) it's not really their business
2) they know her and I would never want to say something that might create issues for her
3) I can talk to my mum about it😭
ANYWAY, I don't remember exactly what I had said to you in my last ask, but the brief run-down is
1) we met year 7. Became proper friends end of year 8. Became best friends year 9. Maintained that through year 10 (with some slight exceptions).
2) year 11 rolls around. Things are weird. I get upset. We talk about it over text. She basically tells me to get more out there. Fuckall changes. She texts me like a week or two later saying she "needs space" because she's gone through something traumatic and can't be a good friend to me right now. We stop hanging out but keep in minimal contact.
And I think that's where things had been at last time I sent through. Since then, we've broken contact completely. It was my doing. I was watching One Tree fucking Hill and they had an episode where Peyton and Brooke were growing distant and I felt a little targeted. I unadded her as a friend on snapchat, and removed her on instagram (those were our only forms of communication besides yk.. actually talking lmao).
Like an hour or two later she sent me this LONG message over instagram apologising. She said A LOT of stuff, but the gist of it was
She hadn’t been completely honest about why she "needed space" and that it did in fact have something to do with me (no shit)
That she had sabotaged things because she fears people will disappoint her otherwise (she specifically specified that she didn't think I would)
That she hadn't acknowledged these things until starting therapy (which is a WIN because the shit that girl has gone through...)
That I was an INCREDIBLE person, and a GREAT friend, and that she didn't expect me to forgive her for "stabbing me in the back after I'd been there for her so many times"
Then she ended the conversation by saying if i ever felt comfortable talking to her again that I could tell her shit that I couldn't say to other people
Since then we haven't spoken. The only class we have together is Maths (which was already the Worst but is now... the WORST), but I still see her a bit around school. The particularly upsetting way in which I see her is when I'm walking to my bus stop and she walks past without a second glance (which i can't exactly be pissed about. I actively try to avoid so much as making eye contact with her as much as possible). Or when I'm driving home and I see her alone, or with the other girls in that old friend group.
I have other friends that I really enjoy the company of, and I would LOVE to move past the whole thing, but I can't. I keep getting really sad/mad about it. It's really hard not to be. She was the closest friend I've ever had, and as much as this whole thing has distorted what used to be my perception of the situation, I know that was mutual (at least at some point).
We told each other shit we'd never told anyone else. We bonded over our eerily similar life-experiences. When something bad happened, I was the first person she called. When I started crying in the middle of lunch she was the person who comforted me. WE HAD THE SAME FUCKING BIRTHDAY (something she consistently forgot about, which would be a much bigger red flag if she didn't have the memory of a fucking gold fish).
Going from being That close to a person to not speaking to them is really hard, even if I can recognise it's for the best. I've always struggled with maintaining friendships, especially close ones (a mutual experience we discussed MANY times over the phone), so this is sort of a new experience for me. My mum compared it to a breakup of sorts which is... definitely accurate (I might’ve been the tiniest bit into her. She's hot and vaguely queer. Can you blame me?)
I'm not necessarily submitting this in the hopes of advise, since I'm fully aware there's basically fuckall I can do about it besides
A) talking to her (NO)
B) moving on
I just kind of needed to vent. But hey, if you DO have any advice, I would more than appreciate it.
(Also sorry for the long ask xx)
found it! Okay, listen to me: friend breakups suck absolute balls. They hurt more tbh than romantic breakups because when you're going through a romantic breakup, everyone is so lovely about it lol. My partner and I are taking a Break at the moment (which I have previously sworn never ever to do and just do clean breaks but that's what's going on lol because he wrecks my plans all the fucking time lmfao and I guess that's part of the problem) and like all my friends are super super nice about it and have let me come and cry and get all upset and shit lmao. But when you're going through a friend breakup, absolutely no one seems to understand - even though we've all been through one or two - and you can't talk to anyone because then you're just badmouthing that person and also you always have mutuals and it's all just... messy and horrible and shitty.
I do think in your case, you've got to just keep moving on and making new friends. Over time, it'll get easier. I know with my ex friends like... it really hurt at the time and it was hard and I tried to hold onto a couple dead friendships and resuscitate them a few times - make coffee plans or reach out and send them things I think would interest them or whatever - but like now I... actually still have both those girls on Insta and I don't feel sad about it anymore and I have no desire to talk to them, even though we all live in the same town. I am glad they're doing well seemingly and that's all I really think about them. But it took me a long time to get there.
It really, really sucks. I'm sorry I don't have any better advice for you. You've just gotta keep on moving on dude and making new friends and keeping busy. Start a new hobby, seek out new people, just... focus on you and like getting into a better space.
There's a chance you'll reconnect idk but I wouldn't count on it because as I say all my ex friends are very much just people that I used to know, including one who was like a sister/wife to me but it just wound up... not working out.
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rrxnjun · 1 year
stress is deff a bitch but i feel like me and stress are the same now so🤡🤡
it's the 20th of august🤭 nooo that's a bit sad that u couldn't add urs but ur still a king for adding three birthdays in there🫡
WELL I HOPE THAT WONT HAPPEN AGAIN!!🤣 whaaattt that's such a long time oh my but the fact that u still had it is jaw dropping tbh
i don't understand why middle aged women have to be so rude sometimes☹️ wait i completely forgot that accents exist oh my god now thats even worse🥲 YEYY U SHOULD ARANGE ONE IN OCTOBER AS WELL COME TO THE 5SOS SHOW WITH ME/j (i'm heartbroken i have no one to go with so i probably can't attend) (i hope this doesn't break ur heart more cuz i saw ur posts about them sorry if it does☹️☹️hope i didn't cross a line with this joke☹️)
NOT TELLING ANYONE🫢 i look up to u for that cuz i'm still pretty much unable to do i suck💔 SO TRUE THE BEST DESCRIPTION I HEARD OF THEM JUST SOME GUYS!! i was so sad when yedam and mashiho left and i understand the soft spot he is such a lovely guy🥹 being a treasure stan is fun and a heartbreak but glad u admit now that ur a teume 🥲😌 ofc ofc we are sharing😵‍💫 HE IS SUCH A MENACE AND ITS SO FUNNY tbh he was the reason why i came back to tumblr cuz i wanted to see more content and things about him then i ran into the same problem as u that there are not that many writers in the fandom here tbh (or i just can't find them)💔 (sooo if u end up writing something for jihoon i will be waiting🫣)
IT SHOULDNT BREAK UR HEART IM SORRY IT WAS A CRY IN A POSITIVE WAY!!! i think it just means u portray emotions well (?) cuz every time there is a good sad scene in movies or books i just have to fight the tears back even when i was in a good mood before💔 AND THANK U FOR BEING AN AMAZING WRITER AND JUST BEING LOVELY AND READING MY LONG ASS REPLIES LMAO U ARE JUST TOO NICE OF A PERSON💖💕💝 (liebestraum anon💕)
omg 20th august is such a good bday to have im noting it down!!! 😌😌
IT IS the fic was originally supposed to be a part of collab but the writer deactivated and cancelled it but when i asked if i can keep the idea they were ok with it!! so yeah hopefully one day 💓
LOOK lets go to the concert together 😭😭 im like,, half serious and half joking 😭😭😭 i keep telling my mum about it and like the bus tickets to budapest are only 7€ and then i can find a cheap hotel and shit and i have money saved for the tickets 😭😭😭 like. budapest is objectively the closest stop to me ((even tho im still salty there is no vienna then i would go for sure) and i wanted to visit anyway 😌 but my mum doesnt wanna go w me and my dad doesnt either and i have no friends that would wanna go w me either and i am not allowed to go alone so. theres that 😭😭 i dont think ill get to go tbh im still kinda heartbroken but oh well its not the first time :// if i didnt live in such a shitty ass place this would all be easier 😭
girl i think its a miracle tbh but i got the names down. thanking my hyperfixation tendencies 💓💓💓 when i saw it i was so shocked tbh and now i keep getting sad mashidam edits on my tiktok fp and living through the pain LMAO. GIRL my crush on jihoon is getting out of control like genuinely what the fuck is happening to me- WHY IS TEUMEBLR SO DRY THO WHERE ARE THE FICS ??? i found like 3 fics and the rest are like 2 years old headcanon posts its such a struggle 😭😭 do i really have to do everything myself on this site.... (dont feed my delusions but give it a few months and if i dont fall out of them i can see myself creating a seperate treasure blog.....got a jihoon drabble idea the other day but. i will contain myself. so far he's the new main side character of the mark fic im writing 🥴)
awh you are too sweet 😭😭😭😭 thank u so so much !!!! this means the whole world to me 💓 once again was happy to hear from u, hope youre doing well ily xx
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byjwn · 2 years
박성훈 envy of you
sunghoon x fem! reader .. fluff, popular boy and unknown girl au. minimal cursing. she envied the life that he lived and wanted everything that he had, without knowing that he felt the same way.
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you hated park sunghoon. you hated almost everything about him. but you only hated him because of how much you admired him and the life lived. you watched him and his best friend, nishimura riki, laugh and tease each other as they sat at the front of the class. you always wondered what it was like to have a super close friend like that. the last friend you could recall was in kindergarten, but she moved away to the states not too long after you had befriended her. ever since then, you have been alone. nobody ever really noticed you. you were practically non-existent to everyone at school, or so you thought.
sunghoon on the other hand was the most known guy in school. everyone loved him and would throw themselves at him just to get a single “hello.” you’d be lying if you said you couldn’t understand why people liked him so much, but you did understand. just looking at him was an honor because of how beautiful he was. he was also one of the nicest guys you have ever come across. you haven’t spoken a single word to him and he hasn’t spoken one to you either, but overhearing all the conversations he has with other students, you can tell how genuine he was. park sunghoon was the closest to the definition of perfect you can get.
you averted your gaze from the duo to look at the blank piece of paper on your desk that was supposed to be filled with notes. you frowned, tapping your pen repeatedly on your desk. as you continued to stare at your paper, you had an odd feeling that someone was staring at you, so you looked up. your eyes examined every student in your class, but they were all too busy to pay attention to you in the slightest.
the school day had finally reached its end and you were making your way to the bus stop. you were typically the only one who rode the bus to school and back home since everyone else got a ride from their parents or friends. you finally decided to look up from your feet when you noticed a muscular body standing at the bus stop. the closer you walked, the more you recognized this figure. park sunghoon. ‘what is he doing here? he never takes the bus.’ you thought to yourself, reaching the bus stop but keeping a decent distance between you and him. you stared back at your feet to avoid him looking at you, not that he would even think to anyway.
“do you usually take the bus?” you heard his kind voice ask you. your breath hitched as you struggled to spit out words in response. you took a quick glance at him, and he gave you an inviting smile, before nodding yes. he shook his head in agreement, “that’s cool. this is my first time taking it actually.” you stayed silent, hoping that he wouldn’t make any more small talk so you could escape this confusing dream.
the bus finally showed up and you quickly made your way into the bus, sitting all the way in the back. little did you expect that park sunghoon would sit one seat away from you. he turned to look at you, again with that beautiful smile of his, “you’re y/n, right?” “how do you know my name?” you questioned him back. he let out a soft chuckle, “i know not many people talk to you or anything, but don’t think anyone doesn’t know you exist.”
"well i wouldn’t really expect someone as popular as you to know i exist," you responded with a frown, twiddling your thumbs in your lap. "it’s really not all that great being popular, you know. your friends aren’t really your friends. they just want that status too." you furrowed your eyebrows, "what do you mean?" "i mean, they just want to be popular and have this big group of friends. it almost makes them feel cool. in all honesty, i’d rather be like you. quiet and reserved with nobody to bug me." you were shocked, to say the least. park sunghoon said he wanted to be like you rather than experience the life he has right now. "you really don’t, sunghoon. i want friends like you do. nobody even pays attention to me but everyone loves you."
“you don’t.”
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you haven’t spoken to sunghoon since that day you rode the bus together. you’ve seen him multiple times in school, but he hasn’t even attempted to spare a single glance at you. you couldn’t help but feel sad at how she could say such a thing and then never even look at you again.
you sat at an empty lunch table, picking at your food with your fork but not having a big enough appetite to eat it. all you could think about was park sunghoon and that conversation you two shared. “is this seat taken?”, you heard the familiar voice say from above you before being accompanied by another body sitting next to you. speak of the devil, park sunghoon. “why are you sitting here?” you asked him, going back to picking at your food. “well it doesn’t look like anyone else was sitting here, so why not?” he said before digging into his average lunch meal. you looked behind you to spot sunghoon’s usual lunch table where he eats and hangs out with his other friends. all their eyes were on you with a glaring look.
“your friends don’t look too happy that you’re sitting with me.” “fuck them. i want to feel normal for once” he said with his mouthful of rice before chugging down half the bottle of his water. you chuckled at the cute bunny looking boy and began chowing down on your own food.
ever since then, you and sunghoon became closer and closer every day. you could tell that you were starting to fall for him and you liked to think that he felt the same way. “what are you gonna do now? since your friends don’t like you anymore.” sunghoon raised his eyebrows at your sudden question, “hang with you, of course. i prefer it this way anyway.” sunghoon smirked as he saw the blush start to creep on your cheeks as you tried to hide your smile. he began to speak again, “i think this is what i needed. i needed you. i feel so more alive when i’m with you and i never want that to change”
you looked up at sunghoon before nodding your head, agreeing that you felt the exact same way. sunghoon grabbed the side of your face and caressed your cheek as he observed how beautiful you were, “and what if i told you i wanted to be something more?”
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authors note ; i cant really tell if i like this or not lol but let me know what you guys think. i’m gonna try and be more active just because i really want to write more as it’s a fun hobby of mine. requests are open btw so feel free to send some or even just can’t with me through my ask box !
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starks-hero · 4 years
What He Doesn't Know Won't Hurt Him
Pairing: Loki x Stark!Reader
Summary: You and Loki had been doing a fairly decent job at keeping your relationship a secret from the other members of the team, specifically your father. But what happens when word finally gets out?
Word Count: 4,480
Warnings: fluff, implied smut, angst
a/n: This gif, that is all
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You had your music playing at full volume as you worked your way around the lab, your latest suit laid out on the table. It was almost finished and you were more than impressed with how it had turned out.
Grabbing one of the many tools strewn out on the tabletop, you got to work assuring each circuit was in place.
It was fair to say that whilst you were in one of your zones, you could easily get lost in your work. Which was probably the reasons you hadn't noticed Loki make his way into the lab.
You jumped slightly when two slender arms wrapped around your middle. “Loki,” you scolded, not taking your eyes away from your work. “I'm busy.”
He chuckled. “I can see that, dove,” he purred. “But I'm bored.”
“You're welcome to stay here as long as you stay out of my way,” you offered, smirking when Loki rose his hands innocently.
“You won't even know I'm here.”
You managed to steal five minutes of peace. And then Loki's ability to sit still and not cause trouble seemed to reach its end. He started simply, standing ridiculously close, running his hand along your side. Your frustrated sigh and visible struggle to focus on your suit only egged him on. He re-positioned himself behind you, hands resting on your hips and lips finding your neck.
When one of his hands began to trace down your stomach and towards the waistband of your jeans you drew the line.
“Loki, stop.” you chided urgently. “Not here.”
“Why not?” he asked, nipping at the exposed skin of your neck. “It's as good a place as any.”
“Someone could see,” you pressed on.
Loki’s kissing ceased but he didn't remove his arms from around you. If anything he held you tighter.
“And would that be such a bad thing?” he asked after a beat of silence. You sighed and turned in his arms, now facing the god. His eyes said it all, he wasn't hurt, but he was tired of keeping up this charade.
He hated having to wait till you were both alone to show his affection, having to settle for stolen kisses and subtle glances all in an attempt to keep your relationship a secret from the rest of the team. Loki was growing sick of it. He wanted to hold you, kiss you, mark you, to show everyone you belonged to him. He hated having to hide his feelings as if they weren’t acceptable.
“Loki, we've talked about this. If the team finds out, especially my dad, it'll cause nothing but trouble.” You frowned at Loki's defeated expression. “I want to tell them, I do. I love you and I want everyone to know that. But only when the time is right.”
Loki nodded, a smile tugging at his lips. Slender fingers wrapping around your wrist and he placed a kiss to your hand. “As you wish, darling.”
Loki turned to leave but you gently grasped hold of his sleeve and tugged him back. “Where do you think you're going?”
Loki tilted his head. “You said-”
“I said I wasn't ready to tell them,” you clarified. “I never said anything about you leaving.”
A devilish smirked spread across Loki's lips as he stepped back towards you, hands grasping your waist. “Why of course, my dear.” He pushed you against the cool steel of the table. “How may I be of service to you?”
You pulled him into a hungry kiss and he practically moaned into your mouth. Grasping hold of your thighs, he hoisted you up onto the table and slotted himself snugly between your legs. Truth be told, this wasn't what you had in mind. You were serious when you said the lab wasn't a good place to start something but Loki was just too irresistible. His kisses trailed from your jaw down your neck and you couldn't help the whimper that left your lips as he sucked on the sweet spot just above your collar bone.
Your hand tangled in his raven hair and he laughed breathlessly against your skin as he pulled you closer to him. “That's it, pet.”
The sudden sound of someone clearing their throat caused both of you to almost jump out of your skin. You turned towards the lab door and found a rather unimpressed Natasha standing in the threshold, arms crossed and glare seething into a certain god.
Your heart jumped into your throat as you hurriedly pushed Loki away and scrambled to your feet.
“Oh, no. Don't stop on my account,” Nat snarled and the venom in her tone was enough to send shivers down even Loki's spine.
“Nat! We were just-”
“Don't bullshit me, Y/N. You know it doesn't work,” Nat stated plainly and you swallowed. She was right, it was near impossible to successfully lie to her. “Does your father know?”
“No, no, no. Nat, you can't tell him,” you begged. “He'll kill us.”
Natasha scoffed, pointing an accusing finger at Loki, who was still standing sheepishly behind you. “He's lucky I haven't killed him myself.”
Loki shifted uncomfortably. When it came down to it, he was a god and Nat was human. She probably couldn't do much damage to him. But she was certainly intimidating. Loki wasn't so much upset over the fact that you'd been caught, if anything Loki found it rather exciting. His only worry was how this situation would pan out for you. And your relationship.
“Natasha, please. You know how my dad overreacts.”
“I'm not sure I'd count ‘getting pissed that your daughter's dating a criminal’ as overreacting.”
You felt helpless. With Tony as your father, the team were the closest thing you had to family. Nat had always been important to you, she was an older sister, a cool aunt and in some cases, a understanding mother all rolled up into one. She wanted what was best for you, and you knew if that meant throwing Loki under the bus, she wouldn't hesitate.
Noticing your struggle, Loki decided to intervene.
“Agent Romanoff, if you'd allow us to explain. I-”
Nat turned to Loki with a glare that stopped the god mid-sentence. “I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to Y/N.” She turned back to you. “Tell your dad.”
“Tell Tony about this.” She clarified, gesturing between you and Loki. “Or I will.”
“Nat,” you started but as she raised an eyebrow you knew she wasn't bluffing. She was dead serious.
“Okay, okay, fine. We'll tell him. But just not yet-” you hesitated. “Just give us a little more time to figure it all out.”
Natasha seemed unconvinced, to say the least, but when she noticed the genuine worry in your expression she backed off and her voice softened.
“Fine. But if he finds out beforehand, I had no idea about any of this,” she ordered. “And you,” Nat glanced at Loki who was still standing behind you. “Are on thin ice.”
Nat turned to leave, shooting one final glare Loki’s way. “Oh, and a bit of advice. Next time lock the goddamn door.”
You both sighed in temporary relief as the door slammed shut and you were left alone.
“Well, that went well,” Loki commented sarcastically, rubbing at his temple.
“And that was only Nat. How do you think the others are going to react?” You took a seat on the workbench and Loki joined you.
“Were you serious?” he asked. “About telling them? Telling him?”
You sighed, dropping your head into your hands. “I suppose we don't have much of a choice now, do we?” You murmured and Loki chuckled slightly.
“I suppose not.”
“You're enjoying this.” You growled as Loki’s mood seemed only slightly diminished by the situation you’d just been landed in.
“Yes, I find being threatened by a world-class assassin immensely enjoyable,” he noted nonchalantly. Loki sighed when the fear remained evident in your expression. He gently caught your wrist and pulled it away from your face, lacing your fingers as he did so. “Honestly, my dear. There's no need to worry. It will be fine.”
“You sound awfully sure.”
“That’s because I am,” Loki smirked, his tone reassuring and soft. He placed a harmless kiss against your cheek, but couldn’t resist the urge to continue down to your jaw.
His nose grazed your neck as his breath fanned out over your skin. His voice fell to a low whisper. “Now, what was it we were getting to before we were so rudely interrupted?”
You couldn’t help but laugh in slight disbelief. “You never learn, do you?”
Loki flicked his wrist as he began to plant kisses down your neck. “Do you take me for a fool?”
 You glanced at the labs' door to find the keypad had turned red. Locked. Smirking, Loki pushed you down and picked up where he'd left off.
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It had been a little over a week since Natasha had found out about your relationship with Loki and thankfully, she hadn't said anything as of yet. She was giving you a generous amount of time to build up the courage to tell both your father and the rest of the team, but it was courage you were yet to find. The stress of the whole situation had been getting to you, something that was becoming more and more apparent to Loki.
In some desperate attempt to help you blow off a little steam, the god had dragged you down to the training hall. You and Loki often trained together, though since the beginning of your relationship, training seldom actually took place during your sessions.
But you needed it today, and after less than fifteen minutes of sparring, you could already feel some of the stress dissipating.
“Let's try that again,” Loki stated, helping you up from where you'd fallen back onto the training mat. He steadied you before pacing back a few steps as you both prepared for another round.
You made the first move, Loki easily blocking your strike. He caught your other arm as you tried to hit his shoulder and he only barely avoided a knee in the groin by spinning you around and catching you in a gentle headlock.
“Fighting dirty today are we, darling?” He purred in your ear and you smirked. Leaning forward, you used the momentum to throw Loki over your shoulder, straddling him to assure he stayed down.
“Problem with that?”
Loki chuckled, staring up at you. “Certainly not.” Throwing his leg over and shifting his weight, he threw you off of him and you landed on the floor beside him. He then took up his position on top of you. “Two can play at that game.”
He used his new vantage point to lean down and kiss your shoulder. “And I do enjoy it so very much.”
You turned your head to the side to grant Loki better access as he kissed up your neck, but your blood ran cold when you noticed a familiar figure standing dumbstruck at the halls entrance.
“Shit, Steve!” You pushed Loki off of you and for a moment he thought it was an attempted diversion until his own eyes locked with the captains. “Steve, wait!”
He was already turning to leave and you took off after him, Loki right behind you. You barely caught him before he reached the door. “Steve, hear us out, please.”
He turned to look at you with slight disappointment, his cheeks still tinted red with embarrassment given what he'd just walked in on. “Why didn't you tell us, Y/N?”
“I swear I was going to. I should have sooner and I'm sorry.” You rushed. “But please, Steve. You can't tell my dad, not yet.”
Steve hesitated. He'd taken you under his wing from day one and he'd be lying if he said he saw you as anything less than family. He didn't want to put you in a situation where he knew you'd face hardship. But he also didn't want to put his relationship with Tony on the line. He knew what that could lead to.
“I won't lie to Tony.”
“Then just don't say anything!” You tried. “Not saying anything technically isn't lying.”
Steve sighed, glancing between you both, his eyes lingering on Loki a moment longer. Loki seemed to have read the captains mind.
“Captain, I understand your concerns. But I can assure you my intentions are completely good-willed.”
Steve shook his head, questioning his sanity. “Does anyone else know?”
“Natasha, that's it.”
Steve seriously pondered the dilemma he was being faced with. Part of him wanted to march off and tell Tony, part of him wanted to strangle Loki for even putting his hands on you and the other part was still hung up on how upset you’d be if he chose either of the latter options.
“Alright,” Steve said after a moment of silence and relief flooded your expression. “But if your father asks-”
“I understand.” You nodded, still breathing a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Steve.”
You counted your lucky stars as Steve left the training hall, the whole conversation having gone way better than you could have possibly imagined.
“You know, my dear,” Loki stated from behind you. “We really must stop picking the worst possible places in the compound to make out.”
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You'd been peacefully working away in the lab, adding the finishing touches to the suit you'd been working on. A few more final touch-ups and a test run and it would be ready for missions.
The door slamming opened behind you immediately caught your attention as a severely pissed off Loki stormed in. His jaw was set and his hands were balled into fists. This couldn't be good.
“Loki, what's wrong?” you asked, rounding the table and approaching him. He was already pacing.
“Thor knows,” he growled and your heart stopped. “He was asking ridiculous questions about you and I and he knew I was lying.”
You inhaled sharply and did your best to avoid groaning in frustration, unable to grasp how Loki of all people had gotten caught out lying. “Loki, you're the god of lies.”
“And Thor's a persistent bastard!” He bit back.
You grappled with the little composure you had left and sighed. Loki was still clearly fretting and at least one of you had to start thinking straight.
“Okay, well what did he say?”
“That he wouldn't tell anyone,” Loki murmured, running his index finger along his top lip, something he often did when nervous.
“Alright then, what are we worried about? He said he wouldn't tell.”
Loki scoffed. “It's Thor! He struggles to keep the simplest of secrets, he's going to let it slip!” Loki took a seat and wrung his hands. “Your father is going to kill me.”
You stepped towards him and ran a comforting hand through his raven hair. He sighed and wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his head against your stomach.
“You're a god, Loki. I don't think he could kill you even if he wanted to.”
“He'll find a way,” Loki moped, tightening his hold on you.
You huffed at Loki's dramatic antiques as you continued to run your hand through his hair. One thing was now painfully clear, you needed to tell your dad. Before anyone else found out.
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It was all planned out perfectly. The team was set to have dinner together in an attempt to bring some normality to your crazy lives, and you figured it would be the best time to break the new. You'd wait until everyone had finished eating and you and your dad were alone and then you'd tell him.
Not only did you think it would be better to have the conversation one on one, but Loki not being there also lessened the likely hood of your father trying to kill him if he didn't take the news kindly.
The only major challenge now was making it through the dinner itself without losing your nerve. Loki assured you that he'd be by your side right up until the moment he had to leave, and he meant it. Your father sat at the head of the table, because of course he did, and you sat to his right. Loki was seated beside you.
Most of the dinner passed as they usually did when the team ate together. Clint complained about the take out choice, Nat downed an impressive amount of wine whilst somehow remaining sober and a philosophical debate had broken out despite their being no indication as to what had started it.
For once, you and Loki remained silent, too nervous to offer any input should your worrisome tone give you away. You had spent most of the dinner toying with the food on your plate with your fork.
Loki's hand gently held yours beneath the table. It was risky, but no one had noticed and it was currently the only thing keeping you sane.
“You alright, kiddo?”
You glanced up to find your dad staring at you. He motioned to your untouched plate of food.
“You haven't touched your take out. It's your favourite.”
“Oh yeah, I- uh,” you stumbled over your own words and cursed yourself for being caught off guard. Most of the team were still chatting amongst themselves, but Steve and Natasha were now watching the exchange between you and Tony attentively. “I guess I'm just not that hungry.”
He seemed entirely unconvinced and leaned in slightly, away from the prying ears of the table. “You sure everything's alright?”
You gulped. Your father was no idiot and he knew something was eating away at you. From the corner of your eye, you could see Nat nodding her head and Steve smiling supportively. This was the perfect opportunity to bring it up and you decided it was now or never. “Well, actually-”
“Nice going, Clint!”
Both your heads snapped up to see that a knocked over wine bottle had stained both the end of the table and Bruce's white shirt.
“Hey! It's not my fault. Who even drinks this stuff anyway?!”
“What the hell is that suppose to mean, bird brain?” Sam yelled, possessively grabbing what was left in the overturned bottle and dunking it into his glass. Bucky hid his smile behind his bottle of beer.
Everyone else's attention had turned to Bruce, who seemed to be doing an excellent job at not hulking out and sending Clint through the nearest wall.
You bit your lip.
“Dad, is it alright if I leave? I'm not feeling up to eating right now.” You asked. Now clearly wasn't the best time to bring something up and you decided waiting till after everyone had turned it in for the night was probably best.
“Sure thing, sweet pea,” he smiled as you stood and pushed in your chair behind you. Loki followed you, rising to his feet.
“I think it's time I also take my leave.” No one paid much attention as Loki mimicked your actions and prepared to leave the table.
“Leaving already?” Wanda asked politely and you smiled back, already prepared to answer with ‘Yeah, I'm just tired.’
“Of course they are! I'm sure my brother and Y/N have much to do and discuss,” Thor smirked, winking and raising his glass to the both of you in a not so subtle way.
Silence fell over the entire table and you and Loki grew rigid. Natasha and Steve turned to glare at Thor, who lowered his glass, realising what exactly he'd just said.
“What?” Tony said, turning to Thor with a shocked expression. Loki quickly stepped in.
“I think my brother may have had a tad too much Asgardian ale, I-
“No, what did you say?” He asked again, voice raising. All eyes were now either on Tony, Loki or you.
Thor seemed to shrink into his seat, taking interest in the bottom of his cup as he attempted to backtrack and fix his mistake. But it was too late.
Your father's gaze turned to you and then Loki, who was cautiously standing behind you. 
“One chance.” He was livid. “You get one chance to tell me the truth.”
“Dad, can we not do this now,” you asked quietly.
“The truth, Y/N.” You couldn’t recall the last time you’d seen your father so angry. And as terrified as you were, you knew lying would only dig you a deeper hole.
“I was going to tell you,” you started, wincing as he ran a hand down his face. “I just didn't know how and then Nat told me I should just-”
Your father's glare turned to Natasha who choked on her wine at your words. You mentally grimaced as you realized what you'd just said.
“Oh, so you knew!” Tony yelled, pointing an accusing finger at Nat. He turned back to you. “You told Thor and Natasha before you told me!”
“I didn't tell her! She just sort of found out...” you fumbled and Tony laughed humorlessly.
“Did anybody else know besides Nat and point break?” he asked, addressing the whole table. Steve fidgeted awkwardly in his seat and Tony immediately singled him out.
“Steve.” He crossed his arms as he glared at the captain. “Something on your mind?”
Steve sighed. “Look, Tony I-”
“Don't bullshit me, Rogers.”
Steve nodded wordlessly and Tony bit the inside of his cheek, looking as though he was prepared to rip into each member of the team. You cowered back slightly and Loki stepped infront of you, shielding you from your fathers rage the best he could.
“Great! Awesome! Did anyone else know my daughter was dating a psychopath and just decided to keep that information to themselves?”
Everyone awkwardly shifted in their seats, some clearing there throats and others offering you sympathetic glances. Natasha mouthed a ‘sorry’ and Thor seemed to still be beating himself up for letting it slip in the first place.
Loki stepped forward. “Stark, I can assure you-”
“Zip it, Reindeer Games,” he warned and for once, Loki did as he was told. Tony pointed to you as if he were scolding a child.
“You are grounded,” he stated. “No more missions, no more lab privileges, nothing.”
You scoffed. “I'm not a kid!”
“Yes, you are! You're my kid.”
“Dad, will you please just listen to me.” You begged as you stepped towards your father in hopes of reasoning with him. He rose from his seat to meet you.
“No. This,” he gestured between you and Loki. “Ends now. End of discussion.”
You took a step back, feeling as though an arrow had hit you in the chest. Tears were brimming your eyes and you couldn't find it in you to meet anyone's gaze. Seeing how upset you'd become, Loki refused to bite his tongue any longer.
“Stark, with all due respect, I won't allow that. I understand your disdain for me and it's more than warranted but do not take that anger out on Y/N. You have no reason to trust me but I can assure you that my feelings towards your daughter and nothing but sincere and genuine.”
Loki's sudden statement seemed to have surprised Tony. He opened his mouth to argue but Loki didn't give him the chance as he continued.
“She has given me a second chance and I love her dearly for doing so. And I would never do anything to harm her. I love her unconditionally and all I ask is for a chance. Allow me to prove myself.”
Loki's speech had left you teary-eyed with a warmth spreading in your chest. A smile pulled at your lips as Loki turned to you. The genuine and loving look in his eyes spoke volumes and it took every ounce of control you possessed not to launch yourself into his arms then and there.
“Tony, I don't know about you but that seemed pretty convincing to me.” Nat voiced from the table and Thor immediately agreed.
“My brother may be the god of lies but he has spoken nothing but the truth tonight.”
Steve, ever the diplomat, offered Tony an encouraging nod. “All he's asking for is a chance, Tony.”
“It's pretty sweet if you ask me,” Bucky murmured from beside the captain, Sam and Wanda nodding in agreement.
Tony watched as the table seemed to take Loki's side and he battled with himself until his eyes landed on you. You were standing side by side with Loki, whilst he smiled at you in adoration. The glances you shared were nothing short of loving and Tony couldn't help but notice how genuine and mutual it truly was. Loki's hand was brushing against yours, desperate to grasp hold and comfort you but not wanting to overstep the line the tension had drawn.
Tony sighed as he realized what he had to do. You were his daughter, his everything. And he just wanted you to be happy. Even if it was with someone he didn’t initially approve of. 
“You love him?” he asked nonchalantly and you nodded.
“And you, Frosty,” Tony motioned to Loki who tried not to frown at the nickname. “You love her?”
Loki glanced at you, smiling softly. “Wholeheartedly.”
Tony swallowed down the lump in his throat as he watched the both of you, not completely ready to accept that you weren't a kid anymore.
“Well then, I guess that's that.” He smiled at you softly. “Leave it to you to fall for the God of mischief. You always were a troublemaker.” 
Your father pulled you into a hug, muttering a quiet ‘love you, sweet pea’, before pulling back to look at Loki.
“You hurt her,” he started and Loki cut him off with an amused chuckle.
“You'll kill me?” He guessed.
“Oh no, not just me. They'll kill you.” Tony smirked, pointing to the table full of avengers.
Loki nodded. “Understood.”
Nat sent you a wink and Steve and Thor smiled whilst the rest of the team seemed to congratulate you with supportive, and in some cases embarrassing, comments.
You and Loki smirked at each other, slowly turning to leave the dining room when your father's voice called you back.
“Woah, where do you two think you're going?” he asked. “Cats out of the bag now so no need to run off and hide. Sit.”
Seeing no point in arguing, you both took your seats, Loki holding your hand atop the table for everyone to see. Things quickly settled back into a comfortable conversation, you and Loki feeling freer than you had in months. The domesticity of it all was enough to make your heart burst.
“So,” Clint, who was slightly tipsy at this point, yelled. “When's the wedding?”
Tony turned red. “Don't push their luck, Barton.” He partially joked, glaring daggers at his teammate as the rest of the team laughed. As for you and Loki, you couldn't help but smile at the possibility.
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tag list: @leftperfectionmoon @doozywoozy @bakerstreethound @miraclesoflove​ @Kealohilani-tepise
895 notes · View notes
Is there somewhere - BTS royal / bodyguard au Drabble part 4
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So after this I was thinking of writing some prequels to the Drabble series before moving ahead with time and the challenges these lovely characters would face ongoing. Same with the CEO drabbles, as always let me know what you think {angst and fluff ahead}
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You hadn’t seen them for a month. You told yourself you were glad, that it didn’t hurt you that they gave up. You asked them to leave, you would stick by that, and this proved you right.
These things happened for a reason, you tell yourself, and while life was still a dense cloud hanging over you, it didn’t rain. Since that night trouble stopped following you, no one approached you in the clubs, the paparazzi stopped following you, you felt safe again, by yourself without any bodyguards.
“I haven’t seen you in so long Y/n,” your childhood friend sat across from you at a little quaint cafe in the town closest to your castle. You would have invited her to your place but the mess increased tenfold, that being said, you think your father must be sending people to clean while you were out. He hadn’t said anything about it, you were grateful he hadn’t, you weren’t ready to have that conversation with the King. He was always too busy for you, so this gesture came as a shock.
“I’ve missed you Y/n,” Sana says taking your hand in hers and squeezing it earnestly. “I’ve been worried about you.”
“You don’t need to worry I’m okay,” you say reassuringly.
“Y/n it’s a cloudy day and you’re wearing sunglasses,” you take by her sarcasm she doesn’t sound convinced.
“I’ve got a headache that’s all,” you bury your head behind the brunch menu, pretending to look over the options as she hums in response. It had been years but she still knew you well, and this was nothing like you were.
“Who hurt my friend?” She asks reading through your behaviour like she read the newspaper articles about it online, hence the impromptu visit from half a world away despite her own busy schedule.
“Doesn’t matter, it’s in the past,” and yet it’s still so present. The wound might be healing but it was leaving a red swollen scar in its place.
She lets the subject drop noticing how your shield goes up.
“Your bodyguard is really hot, if you wanted to invite him in to join us I wouldn’t mind,” she wiggles her eyebrows playfully, trying to lighten the mood but her words have the opposite effect on you.
“My what?” You breathe, you don’t have bodyguards. You turn to face where her eyes are set behind you and sure enough, outside the glass windows trying to look conspicuous is a man in a suit you’d recognise anywhere. You hate how your heart starts to ache as it beats faster, how there’s a hum of electricity starting to burn under your skin.
“Is that not your bodyguard? You used to talk about them so much, that’s....” she squints her eyes at the male, who bows his head in panic realising he’s been caught. “Jin! Right?”
Every time you FaceTimed Sana one of the boys would be with you, not on the screen unless it was Jin or Jimin but professionally standing out of the cameras range staying with you trying not to smile as you gushed about them with her, begging one of them to say hello. Yoongi and Taehyung were the only ones to ever give in. They would say hello shyly before standing at their post, Jin and Jimin on the other hand would sit on the bed or sofa with you. Jimin would make you blush and tease you while talking to Sana, Jin would tell her all your bad habits and complain about you playfully. Namjoon and Hobi never gave in, you were close to breaking Jungkook’s resolve before he left.
“I’ll be right back,” you say to her, rising from your seat to walk to the guilty looking male who’s ears have turned red. He says something in his sleeve and you realise the others must be close by or at least contactable. It all suddenly makes sense, you hadn’t seen them, but that didn’t mean they weren’t there. The house, your father was far too busy to burden himself with your mess, the sudden calm around you where normally there’d be a bustle of cameras and people.
“Princess,” he greets you bashfully, embarrassed for getting caught and complicating things. “Funny seeing you here, I was just waiting for a friend...”
“Liar,” you whisper, but it’s loud enough to shut him up.
“I can explain,” his cheeks are going red like his ears, you don’t know what you feel. There’s an emptiness that presents its self in his presence, like your body is trying to protect itself by going numb, even though your heart is begging you not to.
“I don’t want to hear it right now,” you close your eyes at the wave of sadness that overwhelms you. “I think you need to leave.”
You repeat your words from a month ago and it still cuts through him the same as it did then.
“I can’t...” he shuffles awkwardly from foot to foot.
“Jin you’re not my bodyguard anymore, this is harassment,” your cold eyes pierce through him but he stands strong against your onslaught.
“Actually...” he tries to chuckle but it dies as soon as it leaves his mouth. “Well you see, w-we- no your father... the king,” there’s a pause as he clears his throat and his hesitation irritates you.
“We’ve been reinstated as your bodyguards by order of the King,” a new voice behind you saves the stuttering man in front. You can’t help the fists form at your side as your mouth sets itself in a line. You turn to face Namjoon with a stern expression.
“No.” He knew you’d be stubborn, he knew it was a little underhanded of them, but after that day they couldn’t leave you like this. They would give you space, hope they could redeem themselves slowly, but they also had to keep you safe. They didn’t care you were next in line for the throne, they didn’t care their feelings for you were inappropriate in their line of work, you meant the world to them, you were their friend, and they couldn’t leave you again.
“I’m really sorry Princess, but the decisions been made,” he answers you sincerely. “We won’t get in your way, you won’t know we’re here, bu-”
“I said no,” your lips are tight, eyes enraged as you clench your jaw. He sighs, but he knows it would take time to heal the rift between you and the seven men.
You were right when you thought the rest of them were close behind, Yoongi and Jimin walk into your field of vision behind Namjoon, blazers buttoned, Jimin’s hair jelled back, Yoongi’s hand in his pocket. The sight takes you back and it knocks your confidence a little.
“Well that’s treason Princess,” Yoongi reasons with a small smirk forming on his face. “I guess that would get rid of us for you, being beheaded by the King.”
You shake your head is disbelief, a big sigh leaving your lips as you close your eyes to gather strength.
“I can’t do this right now,” you walk away back to your friend who’s eyes haven’t left the interaction. “I’ll deal with this later.”
You wonder what happened to their promise to stay out of sight and out of mind the following Saturday.
Maybe you walked through the bad part of town on purpose, maybe you wanted to piss them off or put yourself in danger, maybe you just wanted some control. A man that looks like trouble wolf whistles as you walk in his direction, and you smile like he’s your salvation. You don’t make it another two steps as a hand grabs your arm forcefully. You turn to find an angry Hoseok glaring at the man now cat calling you before turning his glare to you, nostrils flared like a bull about to charge.
You physically have to stop yourself from gulping at his aura, you know if pushed Hobi would cause harm to anyone that disrespected you. His grip on your arm tightens as the man doesn’t stop yelling profanities at you, he’s obviously intoxicated not that it excused his behaviour. Hobi hadn’t spoken a word, you can see him trying to ground himself and his anger, starting to lose his control, trying to regain his cool.
The guilt washes over you at his gaze, your smirk long gone as you struggle to keep eye contact. He hasn’t seen your face soften like this in so long, a glimpse of the old you coming back with concern.
“Hobi I’m sorry,” you whisper. “Let’s just go.”
His eyes are shut and he’s shaking with fury, at the man, at you, at himself.
“Hobi please,” you cup his cheek with your palm, stroking your thumb against his skin, feeling panic rising in yourself. The man is in front of you both now and you feel shame for making such a stupid decision. You press your forehead against his jaw as he stares daggers at the man.
“Your boyfriend giving you problems sexy?” He wears a shit eating grin as he speaks. “You looking for a bit of fun?”
Your touch calms your bodyguard enough to clear the haze of anger that threatens to attack the man where he stands. He releases a big breath before taking your wrist and walking you both away, pace unforgiving.
He still doesn’t say a word as you both get to the car, he pulls open the backseat door aggressively, looking at you expectedly. You don’t argue, you don’t scoff, you don’t walk away. Your eyes are round, looking up at him, begging for forgiveness. How the tables turn.
You get in without complaint, flinching as he slams the door shut. He gets into the drivers seat, putting his seat belt on before staring at you through the rear view mirror, jaw still clenched. You look lost, he hasn’t started the car and he hasn’t stopped staring at you.
“The seatbelt Y/n,” it’s a low growl and you quickly move to lock yours in place at his tone. Your heart is beating so fast you think it’s trying to escape. You don’t blame it, your hands are curled on your knees like a child ready to be scolded and you can’t look ahead as he pulls off.
You didn’t say a word the whole journey, scared a single sound would set him off. His grip was unrelenting on the wheel, you don’t think he cooled down at all even though he made sure he wasn’t driving recklessly with you in the car.
He doesn’t take you back to the castle, he takes you to their place. They rarely used to be at home when they worked for you, the castle was large enough for them to stay and they had no reason not to. You hesitate to leave the vehicle when Hobi opens the door for you, he’s patient even through his fury. He holds a hand out for you to take like they used to.
You want to ask him what you’re doing here, why he’s brought you, but you decide to take his hand and let him lead you indoors.
“Princess?” It’s odd to see Jungkook in his normal clothes, to see any of them in their casual wear, it looks homely. They all stare between you and Hobi, looking confused as you both walked into the living room.
You were staring at the floor as he explained where you were when he was on duty, the others now looked at you in shock and disappointment. It was hard for you to hear too, like he was talking about someone else, another girl, you wished the ground would swallow you whole.
“Princess this really has to stop,” it’s Jimin that breaks the silence after Hobi’s speech. His usual sweet disposition was wiped away with worry. “I get it, we messed up, but you can’t keep doing this to yourself Y/n.”
You don’t raise your head to meet his words, you stay with your eyes down and feet cemented where you stood. There’s a finger under your chin but you move your head to the side to avoid it bringing your face up.
“We’re really sorry,” Taehyung whispers beside you.
They blamed themselves for everything you had been through since the moment they left, but how could they undo it, how could they make this okay? His words don’t comfort you, they hurt you, they bring up the night they left all over again. But you feel the sincerity in his words, how hoarse it sounds, filled with every desire to turn the clock back. It brings tears to your eyes, it makes you choke on the emotion rising in your throat. You want it to be okay too, but you couldn’t erase the abandonment they left you with.
There’s a hand rubbing your back soothingly as your bottom lip trembles and your shoulders shake trying to keep the sobs down.
“It’s okay,” the hand on your back moves to your hair, and Taehyung rests his lips on your temple as he speaks. “We hurt you Princess, shout at us, let it out, cry, just stop holding it in.”
If you did as he said it would make you vulnerable again, you’d be letting them in and you don’t know if you’re ready for that. But he wasn’t wrong, holding all the pain down without a healthy form of release was making that gaping hole in your chest erode the rest of you away.
“I’m-m s-so a-angry-” you struggle to get your words out, having to take a shallow breathe with each word as they came out in a sob and it physically hurt you to speak. “At all o-of you.”
Tae’s crying too, Jungkook’s behind you but you can hear him sniffle. You lean into the Taehyung, pushing your face into his neck as you close your eyes and break down, he doesn’t hesitate to bring his arms around you when you think you’re about to fall.
“You had each other,” you wail, not caring at how deranged you sounded. “I had no one, you left me when I was injured!” Your head drops to his chest as you bang your fist against Taehyung’s chest finally letting it all out, and he takes it without bracing himself for each hit. “I needed you and you guys broke me.
Who was I supposed to talk to? Do you know how ridiculous it sounds to the people of my world. My bodyguards abandoned me, so fucking what? Get new ones.”
You grip his top that’s stained with your tears, you’re so angry, so heartbroken and the only people that would listen and help where the ones to cause you this pain.
“But you weren’t just my guards, you were my friends and I thought you all felt the same.”
There’s a whisper of “we do” but you ignore it.
They’ve never seen you like this, not when Taeyeon revealed her true colours, not when Sana moved away, you had said goodbye to people before, it was a part of life but nothing compared to when they left you, and you knew why, you just didn’t want to admit to it out loud. You didn’t want their pity, the pathetic Princess who had no friends who fell in love with her knights in shining armour, the people who were employed to ensure your safety. Misplaced feelings because you had no one else, you could hear Namjoon’s lecture already. They had never see you that way, if they had they wouldn’t have left.
If only you knew the thoughts running through the rest of their brains, how could they tell you they were compromised, that they broke your trust by falling for you, that every protocol dictated to them in their training stated they couldn’t keep a charge safe if they had feelings for them, they had to resign. Looking back it was the worst decision they ever made, but at the time it seemed like the most appropriate.
You scoff through your tears, “if you felt the same you would’ve at least come to see me, but you didn’t, you would’ve at least called or texted but you blocked my number, I tried to contact you everyday for the first two weeks and it was like you all didn’t exist anymore.”
There’s a grasp softly pulling you out of Taehyung’s hold and he whines as you’re taken away. Namjoon’s eyes are red, he looks like he’s on the brink of tears himself, but he holds it together.
“We’re so sorry Y/n,” he could never stop saying it, even if he did earn your forgiveness it could never assuage the guilt that weighed on them. “We honestly thought it was the right thing to do, if we kne-”
“On what planet was that ever the right thing to do Joon?” You cut him off, you didn’t want excuses.
“We made a mistake, leaving you was a mistake but we made one before that,” you frown at his words, what mistake? He contemplates his words but there’s no way mince them, no way to make what he’s about to say any easier. He’s not trying to make excuses, he’s not trying to justify his behaviour he just wanted to be honest. “We fell in love with our charge, the biggest offence we could commit, the biggest threat to your safety was us.”
He watches your eyes go wide as tears streamed down your face, he waited for your disgust, your displeasure.
“We are so in love with you Princess, it killed us to leave you but you have to believe me when I say we thought it was for the best.”
You can’t breathe. He wants you to say something, he needs you to say something, anything. You just stare at him in disbelief until you find the words to speak.
“Are you so stupid?” You gasp, gaze flickering to all their faces, theyre holding their breaths. “Are you all so blind that you couldn’t see that I was in love with you too?”
It was Namjoon’s turn to stare at you in disbelief, their jaws dropped.
“How stupid could you be Namjoon! Did you even think for a seco-” your voice is muffled by his chest as he pulls you into him, and he finally lets himself cry. You were right he was so stupid, he always prided himself on his intellect but look at the mess he made. He holds you like he’d never let you go, tight like you’d disappear in his arms.
“I’m so sorry Y/n, I’m so sorry,” he whimpers and it breaks your heart, you’ve never heard the leader sound like this. You sigh deeply in his arms, warmth finally starting to fill the hole.
“It’ll be alright Joonie,” you hug him back and he’s so grateful for you in that moment. “We’ll work through it.”
You have to believe that you will. More arms wrap around you both, tears of relief, tears of hope mixed with apologetic whispers, words of comfort. You feel the warmest you have in months.
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wewatchthesameshows · 3 years
Hi, just wondering if you have any advice dealing with dyspraxic fatigue. I’ve looked online, but of course everything is directed at parents and children. I wish the world realised that dyspraxia is a life long disorder. Thanks
Hello! Unfortunately this is very common and I too struggle with this regularly and I wish that people would believe us when we try to explain how hard it is too. It is super irritating the lack of information for people trying to manage their dyspraxia when the main resources have it totally wrong or act like by the time you’re not dependent on a parent it just shouldn’t affect you’re life anymore, it’s absurd! I’d also just like to say I’m not a specialist just a fellow dyspraxic so if this is unhelpful I’d recommend maybe getting professional advice from a doctor (but I really do hope I can help).
There’s not a whole bunch of things I could say I’m afraid bc it also impacts me on a daily basis but just taking every day one at a time and breaking things down into smaller tasks helps, accept that some days you will need to take breaks and you might get less done sometimes which is totally okay, I’m heavily reliant on caffeine but that’s a route I definitely don’t recommend. If the physical exertion then I’d recommend taking time to strategise and think about the easiest way to complete a task or get to a destination, especially if travelling a far distance on a train or bus plan you’re routes and find the closest stations and stops to you.
Ask for help and be kinder to yourself. You may be a little reluctant but it can relive a lot of exhausting frustration if you get a helping hand or forgive yourself for not being as fast as other people as it is not your fault.
There’s the obvious things I can recommend like getting enough sleep, eating well and regularly, staying hydrated, etc and I know that that can be hard but please do your best! Don’t be ashamed to take shortcuts or the ‘easy way’. There is no ‘easy way’ just the way that’s best for you. Know that you’re absolutely not alone in this and it is something more people should be aware of. It is not you’re fault and it does not make you less of a person or less of an adult. The best ways will be individual to you and lots of trial and error. I’m sorry there’s no one size fits all answer as we’re all unique even though we have the same disorder.
Thanks so much for the ask and if you have any other questions or want me to be more specific I will do my absolute best to answer. I really hope this was helpful x
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apinktrashworld · 3 years
The Camp
Jungkook x reader | angst,  fluff | friends to lovers au
wordcount: 2.4k
You and a few friends are going to a camp for a month, you find yourself growing closer to Jungkook though he’s your best friends ex.
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For a long time, you and your friends had signed up for a camp to help volunteer. Works that needed help such as the environment, the old and homeless, hospitals and different orphanages etc. The list went on of what you could do to help. Wanting to help out as much as you can, you signed up for every possible thing on the list. The camp was set for a month. You scanned the brochure the camp had given out, you saw food was provided and the food schedule was written on the next page. There were pictures that showed people working and smiling, scanning every smile you could see you hoped to feel the same and to have a constant smile on your face throughout the camp. You had always cared about stuff like this and you wanted to help out as much as you could. You wanted to make a difference in the world and make it a better place. 
When you had told your four friends about the camp they looked like they were about to laugh, not quite thinking you’re being serious. You just stared at them waiting for them to finish so you could explain your reasons. As you did, they seemed to get more and more interested and wanted to come along with you. Now it was your time to laugh. Knowing them, they didn’t want to leave our little small town for an entire month to do volunteer work when you finally were free from school. You stopped laughing and stared at them with a smile on your face, meeting eyes with Taehyung looking dead serious. When no one said anything you made the biggest grin ever, in which they all returned. You yelled out how excited you were for this and they all started jumping and screaming with you, hugging and dancing in excitement.
That was two weeks ago, and now you had finally arrived at the camp. You and your friends stepped off the bus with your luggage and stood in a row, staring ahead. You felt ready for what was to come and looking to your side, you saw Jungkook, Jimin and your best friend, Irene gathering their luggage. Jungkook and Irene used to date a few months ago but stayed on good terms in order to keep the group together. You especially were thankful for that since you had grown so close with Jungkook and not wanting to choose between your best friend and Jungkook. 
The boys knew each other since childbirth and had stuck together ever since. Jungkook and Irene met through a mutual friend and grew close. As time went on, Irene dragged you with her to meet her new friends and Jungkook did the same with Jimin and Taehyung and just like that you hung out everyday. You thought you had found the best group you could ever find and would constantly thank them in your head. They made you happy and you could trust them with all your secrets. The more time the group spent together, the more did Jungkook and Irene take interest in one another and the two eventually started to hang out alone. One thing turned into another and suddenly they were a couple. You could tell how much Jungkook liked Irene and you were all for it, shipping them like crazy. Then Irene got in one's head and started telling you how Jimin had started to like you and tried to set up the two of you. It worked. Before you had never seen Jimin more as a friend but ever since your friend pointed out his interest in you, you suddenly noticed those quick glances he threw at you from time to time and his attempt in trying to flirt with you. Suddenly, you found yourself to like Jimin back, although not being as obvious as he was, you did not dare a single look towards him, being too afraid to meet his eyes and him seeing you blush. You did not dare talking to him more than a few words and a few attempts of flirting (though the flirting did not land whatsoever) in fear that your voice would shake or stutter. Irene noticed this too and practically forced you to talk to Jimin. You two agreed on a date and you shared a kiss or two, however the romance died pretty quickly after that, still, you care deeply for each other. Irene and Jungkook dated for three months before they broke up, Irene made the decision. She felt as if she wasn’t in a relationship with Jungkook alone and instead felt like she dated the whole group. When she told you this, you felt extremely guilty, you felt as if you were to blame for the relationship not working out. Irene is not one to open up about her feelings and prefers to keep them to herself in order to remain strong. Although Irene didn’t show her heartbreak, Jungkook however, got heartbroken. He loved Irene, and sometimes you think he still does. Wanting to help, your own heart breaking upon the sight of him, you tried showing him that you’re there for him. He refused to meet up with the group and started drinking up his feelings. This went on for a month. Irene broke him out of his bubble, talking out and listening to him, both crying and hugging and agreed to remain friends. It was hard for both of them at first, but soon it grew easier for the entire group.
Now, three months later, we’re here, standing with our hands full, Taehyung’s struggling to hold onto his bags but insisting he should take some of yours too because “a fine dame like you shouldn’t carry such heavy stuff”. Looking away from Taehyung, looking straight ahead to see where you’ll spend your life this month. Seeing people walking and laughing as they talk. Some are picking up trash and others are carrying boxes from a place to another. A huge smile spread across your face as you take the place in, you were happy you were to do this. Gathering your luggage you call for the others to get going. You all started walking towards the huge building that most likely was the barracks and the reception. It was a big white building with what seemed to be three floors. Walking up the stairs to the entrance you hear as the rest of the group are struggling to walk. Going in, you are welcomed to a group of men smiling and greeting you all. They’re wearing blue t-shirts with a text on the chest that says “Helping Hands”.
“Hi, welcome to Helping Hands!” one of the boys said with a big smile on his face, handing out four identical brochures as you had looked at before. Taking them, you hand out each of the brochures to your friends. “I suppose you are checking in?”
You nodded at his question. “Yes, it’s me, Taehyung, Jimin, Jungkook and Irene, we’re signed up for a month here” you say with an uncontrollable smile. You feel the rest of your group's eyes on you as they silently laugh at your excitement. 
“Alright, I just need all of you to sign this paper and then I will show you to your rooms” the boy informed you, gesturing to you to follow him. He stopped by a desk and placed papers with a lot of text on it. Quickly scanning through it, you signed it and handed the pen to Irene. You all signed the papers and moved on to get your rooms sorted out. Walking through a long white corridor with several doors on each side, you thought to yourself that it looked like some kind of mental hospital due to the empty walls. Not thinking too much of it, you walk through the corridor. The man stopped by one of the doors to your right and gestured for you and Irene to go inside. Inside you saw three other girls standing by each bed.
“This is your room girls, the boy’s room will be a few doors down the hallway.” the guide said and continued his walking.
The boys looked at each other then at you and Irene, thinking all of you were going to share a room. You simply shrugged your shoulders at them before turning around, catching a glimpse of Taehyung and Jimin who are both watching the girls behind you. When you turned around you saw the girls blushing and smiling. One of the girls snapping out of it, stepped forward and greeted you. Her name was Jiwoo and has a smile as an angel. Her hair was long and brown that framed her face in a way you never succeeded with, dark brown eyes which almost looked black and a voice which could make birds sing along with her. She was absolutely stunning. Jiwoo then introduced the two blushing girls behind her, Sun-hee and Mee-yon. All of them are beautiful and you found it hard to look away, your chin almost dropping at their beauty. Irene got you back to reality and introduced you to the girls. 
Getting to know each other, you learned you were all the same age and had a lot in common. You and Mee-yon especially loved taking trips and finding new places, Irene and Jiwoo got along due to them having the same major. You were really thankful for getting roommates such as them rather than girls who won’t share a single glance with you. You and Irene chose the bunk beds closest to the door, you being on the bottom bunk and Irene on the top.
A few minutes later, there were a few knocks on the door, opening up you see it’s the boys, all of them trying to squeeze through the door to look inside. Almost falling in, they stumble on their feet, smiling. Jimin and Jungkook turn to you and Irene while Taehyung gets busy trying to get acquainted with your roommates.
“Why did you get a much nicer room than we got?” Jimin whined as he turned to investigate your room again. “You even have flowers!” he exclaimed, pointing at the vase full of flowers on the table in the middle room.
“You should see ours…” Jungkook finishes as he looks down at you. Looking up at him and letting out a little chuckle. Not breaking eye contact, you quickly turn to Jimin who’s still scanning every inch of the room. “How are your roommates?” you ask, shifting your eyes between Jimin and Taehyung. Taehyung’s smoothly flirting with all three of the girls without them noticing. Jimin sits down on your bed, getting at home immediately. “It was empty when we arrived, have yet to meet them.” he says.
Looking out the window you see the sun is shining. Now that you’re here you’d like to get to know the place. So you suggest that you all take a stroll around the camp, in which Irene says she wants to do that later since she wants to sleep, Jiwoo, Sun-hee and Mee-yon agree with her, claiming they want to unpack their belongings. That brings you to Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook, looking eager at each of them as they look back at you. “I’m down.” Taehyung shrugs and Jimin and Jungkook nod towards you.
Walking outside, the sun hits your skin. You’re wearing a white crop top with blue jean shorts that go down to your knees. Feeling the breeze pass through your legs you take some steps until you were stood on the grass. Turning around, you see three boys fanning their hands on their face, all three of them wearing black sweaters and hoodies with jeans. Sighing, you silently judge them for wearing such warm clothes in this weather and predict all the complaints that will come.
After the walk, you return to your room. You had met a few new people that joined your stroll and showed you around, telling you how stuff works around here and so on, hearing heavy breathing and small complaints about the weather here and there from the boys. They can only blame themselves for that. It had now become dark outside and a little cooler so you wanted to fetch a sweater. While back at your room, Irene and your roommates were sitting on opposite beds playing cards and talking. You greeted them and told them you were going out to the beach with the beach and asked if they wanted to come along. They said yes and now you all headed towards the boys room. Knocking at the door and opening it the same second, you were greeted with the boys along with two new unfamiliar faces. They all turned their heads towards you. You apologized for stepping in since you thought only Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook were inside. The two new people just smiled looking at the group of girls which just entered their room. “No worries love, I’m Hoseok and this is Namjoon” one of the men said and pointed at his friends next to him. Not gonna lie, they both looked rather attractive and fun to be around so you asked them if they wanted to come along to the beach. When you did, Jungkook, and Jimin snapped their heads towards you with a stern look on their faces. Confused, you looked away from them and met eyes with Hoseok and Namjoon, seeing their pretty smiles. “We’d love to,” Hoseok said, seeming thankful for your invite. Returning the smiles with an even greater smile. Then you headed out, all of them grabbing a sweater to drag on, the boys oddly quiet while Hoseok and Namjoon tried getting to know you and the girls.
Arriving at the beach, you all sat down on the sand, kicking off your shoes in order to bury your feet in the cool sand. Namjoon and Hoseok sit on either side of you, perhaps a little too close but you didn’t mind. You talked about your life and they did the same. Leaning back on your arms, you look straight out into the water. Seeing Taehyung teasing Jiwoo and Mee-yon by splashing water on them, hearing them laugh made you chuckle to yourself. Jungkook and Jimin sat in front of you whispering to each other, every now and then glancing back towards you. It didn’t seem like Jungkook and Jimin liked their roommates very much, you had yet to figure that out but for now you just wanted to enjoy the moment and look ahead of what was to come this month. 
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Warnings: Dub-con, breeding kink, Human sacrifice
The winter had been harsh and long. The snow was thick over the fields, making sure that no crops would grow. The village was down to its last few animals; even the ones that had perished due to the harsh conditions had to be used up and eaten. The winter rations used up long ago, when the people thought it would be a normal cold season. No one had suspected that the ice would remain for this long. Spring should have started by now, the fields should have been lush and green, lambs and calves should have been dotted around the meadows and pastures. But here you were, cocooned in all the furs the family owned, ignoring pangs of hunger, and wishing to feel the warmth of the sun once more. Clearly this was the anger of the gods, and something had to be done in order to appease them or else your entire village would perish. A decision was made. A sacrifice was needed. It couldn’t be livestock; you were already struggling. The village elders had decided that there were already too many mouths to feed, so a human life it would be. It couldn’t be one of the boys, because obviously strong young men were needed to do what little labour was needed in the village. Elders were needed to pass on knowledge. Mothers were needed to raise the children. And this particular entity did not accept the lives of children. That left the girls of marriageable age. ‘Typical’ you thought to yourself. Something in the back of your mind told you that it would be you. Your family wasn’t particularly important, you had no elders to vouch for you in the council, and as much as they cared about the ‘good of the people’, they were not prepared to let go of their own granddaughters. When the decision was announced, you were not surprised. You hoped it was quick, whatever it was. //// For some morbid reason, you were dressed like a bride. The ceremonial garb was far too thin for the temperature. Maybe you were to freeze to death. Whoever this god was, his temple was located in the mountains near your village. It was, however, a surprisingly short trek. You assumed you would perish along the way seen as you were barefoot, without furs and not well fed. The people of the village could not even extend those courtesies to you. You looked around at the entrance of the temple, it just seemed like a dark and icy cave. It had gone unused for so long. The Jotun god, Loki had fallen out of the people's favour long ago. Mischief and chaos were not welcome by the people. Instead, his brother, Thor remained as the favoured god of the region. Maybe the harsh winter was revenge and punishment for forsaking him. A harsh reminder to the people that he still existed, and that his anger was not to be taken lightly. An elder spoke to you as your hands were tied, you weren’t really listening. A bitter drink was given to you, it burned on the way down, but it was the most warmth you had felt in a while. A thick veil was placed over your head, apparently you weren’t allowed to see what was about to happen, a small mercy. You were led into the temple, the lack of harsh wind making things a little more bearable, but the pure ice on the floor made your bare feet hurt. You were pushed onto your knees, the cold seeping into your bones. The elder walked away. You listened as the voices of the men drifted away from the entrance, leaving your fate in the hands of something unknown. Your only company was the constant dripping, echoing from somewhere in the cave, and the sound of your own thoughts. You hoped it was worth it. A numbing sensation began to take over, probably caused by the drink from earlier. //// You jolted awake at the sound of total silence. The wind could no longer be heard, and the dripping had stopped. You still couldn’t see anything. Yet somehow the room seemed a lot bigger, you felt more exposed, missing the strange comfort of the enclosed space you were supposedly left in. Had you been moved? As your eyes began to grow heavy again, you heard a shuffling from in front of you. The noise causing you to sit up straight. Whatever it was, its presence was suffocating. “Now what do we have here?” The voice was like velvet. Otherworldly even. It seemed to descend, getting closer to you. “A shivering little lamb, all for me.” This must have been Loki. You fought the urge to run out of wherever you were. “Well, it seems like the people haven’t been able to forget me, no matter how hard they try.” He grabbed your tied wrists, the rope falling away like water. His hands felt so big compared to yours. His cold touch made you tingle. “Oh you poor thing. Freezing, aren’t you?” You could only nod. He responded with a light chuckle. “Are you going to eat me?” you blurted out, not thinking about what you were saying. He moved away from you. You could feel him staring at you. You knew he was grinning. “Of course, I am,” he got closer again, “it is up to you how,” he whispered. You gulped. There seemed to be innuendo in his statement. He moved again, this time directly in front of you. You gasped as you saw his fingers hook under your veil. Big and blue was the only way you could describe them, with raised ridges. You wanted to trace them with your fingers. Your thoughts were cut short by the tugging on your veil. Your hands shot up to cover your scrunched up eyes. You felt the veil come off, the cool air hitting your head. “Look at me, Y/N”, his voice boomed around the space. You never told him your name, you were sure of it. His tone left no space to argue. How could you defy a powerful god anyway? You knew what his wrath could bring first-hand. You lowered your shaky hands first, placing them on your thighs, gripping your knees. You slowly opened your eyes, letting them adjust to the new light. Your eyes fell to the bottom of the dais you were kneeling at. Ever so slowly your gaze travelled up, taking in each individual, intricately carved step. Finally, your eyes landed on the being sprawled out over his crystal throne. His head rested on his hand, a bored expression on his face. The only way you could describe him was ‘magnificent’. A beauty like no other. You could see why mortals would fear him, but he was not the grotesque creature you expected him to be. He seemed amused at your expression, raising a brow at you, causing you to blush, you wanted to be back behind the veil to hide your own embarrassment. “I expected a little more screaming, mortals usually can’t handle what they cannot understand,” he finally spoke again. You could do nothing but owlishly blink. “Stand,” he commanded. You scrambled up, your legs resisting after kneeling for so long. “Come here,” he made a ‘come hither’ gesture with his finger. You slowly made your way up the icy steps, becoming painfully aware of your bare feet. You tried to look away when you stood directly in front of him, even sitting the god dwarfed you in size. His icy hand reached forward, gently holding your chin and making you face him. Those red eyes seemed to study your face intensely. You stared right back, taking in all his features. High cheekbones and a sharp nose, all accented by the same ridges he had on his hands. You followed the patterns to the column of his throat, stopping yourself from letting your eyes wander further down; you knew he was covered in the lines. You wondered if they were natural in Jotuns, or if they were burned into the skin, like a rite of passage of sorts. You had heard other tribes in your area had similar traditions. Your thoughts drifted to mapping them out with your own hands. “Such a curious little thing you are,” he said. He must have caught you staring, your eyes darted away from him as he chuckled. You caught a glimpse at his teeth, pearly white and sharp. He pinched your cheeks as you tried to turn away, thoroughly enjoying the heat that rushed into them. “I forget how soft and delicate Midgardians are,” he mumbled. He pulled away from you, looking you up and down as he thought what to do with you. “Your people want salvation, yes? They want the winter to end?” he asked. You quickly nodded; it was the reason you were here. He hummed, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of your hips. A grin spread across his face. The room around you began to spin before you fell back onto soft furs. A fire crackled nearby, you sighed at finally feeling warmth after so long. Loki stood above you, staring you down, the light from the fire making his features sharper than before. You felt like a mouse at his feet. You almost screamed as he got down, hovering above you on all fours, engulfing you with his body. Your noses touching. “I will offer your people reprieve from my winter,” he started. “Th- Thank you,” you stuttered. “However,” his grin became more malicious, “If you do not provide me an heir by next spring, the winter will plague your lands until you do,” he whispered in your ear, placing a cold hand across your belly. His tone left no room for question, the future of your people depended on this. You were pulled out of your thoughts when Loki carried you to the furs next to the fire, warming you up even further, you hadn’t noticed you were shivering until you stopped. “I am a cruel god, but I will show mercy to those that deserve it,” he mumbled. His cool hands trailed their way down the column of your throat, you gasped as his lips flowed close behind. Stopping along the way to mark and nip you with his sharp teeth, the marks would scar. This was the closest anyone had ever been to you. His hands made quick work of the cord holding your dress together. He peeled the thin fabric away from you. You tried to cover your bare skin, but your hands wouldn’t move, held down by some sort of magic. His hands found your soft skin again, making you groan as he paid attention to your breasts. “What sweet sounds you make, little maiden.” He made eye contact with you as he took one of your nipples into his mouth. Your hands broke free and buried themselves into his hair, your head falling back in unfamiliar pleasure. He smiles with his wet lips, before moving onto the other. You felt like you were burning up inside. He let go of your nipple with a ‘pop’, the cool air brushing over them. “I hope these will be full soon.” His lips travelled down your abdomen to the tops of your thighs. His hands ran up your legs until they met his lips. In one swift movement he held them open, your legs over his shoulders as your wetness was exposed to him. You covered your face in embarrassment. His fingers ghosted over your sensitive flash, causing your hips to jerk at the sensation, wanting more. “Is your cunt dripping for your god?” His mouth was so close to your heat. He used his magic to remove your hands from your face, making you look at him again. His red eyes burned into yours as his tongue liked a stripe through your folds. You sighed at the feeling, tightening your thighs around him and wanting more. He continued to noisily suck, distracting you from his finger that began to enter you. The intrusion was so foreign to you, but you couldn’t help but give in. Wanting more. You felt so greedy, you had never felt this sort of wanting before. You didn’t think your mother would be happy with you if she found out. Loki began sucking at your sensitive bud, bringing you to the edge of whatever this was. “Please...” you breathed out. You looked down at him with teary eyes, you didn’t know what you were begging for. With one final suck, Loki had you seeing stars, finally falling off the edge you were headed towards. Your legs jerked around him, keeping him where he was as he looked up at you with amusement in his eyes. You looked down at him after coming down from your high, his face wet with your release. You let your legs relax, allowing him to move up to you, this time capturing your lips in a searing kiss, tasting yourself on his tongue. He broke away, leaving you breathless. Using his magic, he quickly got rid of what little clothing he was in. You were right about the ridges being everywhere, your hands were loose again, and you reached for his chest, finally getting a feel of the cool skin. He growled as your fingers traced the ridges down to his stomach. His hands stopped yours as you reached his hips. You let your eyes wander down, they widened at the size of his cock. He chuckled at your reaction. “Mortals are quite adaptable are they not? I’m sure your cunt will be able to accommodate me.” He brought your hands to feel his ridged and velvety skin. He sighed at the feeling of your warm hands. He shuffled you around again, spreading you open for what was to come next. He rubbed his cock along your folds, the temperature difference already making you hiss. You didn't think he would fit. With one hand on your hip, he guided the tip to your entrance. Slowly, he pushed in, stopping to let you stretch around him until he bottomed out. The only way you could describe the feeling was ‘full’. You knew no mortal man could ever fill you like this, they wouldn’t even get the opportunity to. His hand pressed down on your stomach, “Can you feel me here?” he groaned. All you could do is nod, no coherent words forming any time soon. Both hands found your hips this time, he began to thrust in a steady rhythm, slowly picking up the pace. You knew you’d never get used to his size, however long you were here. The room filled with the sounds of skin on skin, you moaned anytime he hit that spot inside you. Loki moved you so effortlessly, as if you were simply a toy, made for his pleasure. The coil in your belly began to tighten again, you didn’t know how much longer you would last. “Please, My King… I…” You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to fight the feeling.
“You want to cum again? So soon? Aren’t you being a little greedy mortal?” he taunted. His words made you clench around him a little tighter. You looked up at him with teary eyes, hoping he would show you this one mercy. “Pathetic little thing,” he grumbled, his fingers reaching for your clit, letting you tumble off the edge again. He kept on thrusting through your aftershocks, heightening the sensations. He fully sheathed himself inside you before his head fell back in ecstasy, pumping you full of his seed. You went limp on the furs, trying to catch your breath. The heat of the fire felt too much for you at that moment. Loki pulled himself out with an obscene noise, inspecting the aftermath of his work.
“Your people are lucky to have sent you, little mortal.” He effortlessly carried you back to the bed, letting you sink into the covers. “You were strong enough to last through receiving my seed, and you’ll be strong enough to carry my heir,” his hand rubbed your tummy, seemingly deep in thought, “Not many would have survived.” He climbed in behind you. You groaned as his fingers found your sensitive cunt. He speared you back onto his already hard cock, you whimpered at the stretch. “I’ll let you rest for a little while, but you will keep me warm until we can start again. You have a purpose to fulfil, remember?” “Yes My King,” you whispered back, trying to adjust to the foreign sensation.
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seijorhi · 4 years
hello, i love your writing and was hoping if u could write a yandere kuroo x reader where he corners her in a corner and kenma is there and is getting off from it 😳 thank u !
Asdfghjkl this was supposed to be posted on Sunday I’m sorry, bby!! I hope it’s worth the wait! 💕 also, loved this request so thanks for sending it in 😊
Kuroo Tetsuro x Female Reader, Kenma Kozume x Female Reader
TW dub con, coercion (kinda?), stalking, humiliation
Helping Hand
There’s a certain peace you find in the looming stacks of the library after the sun sets. It’s quieter then, less people milling about. You don’t have to fight for space or books, and considering you have midterms soon and essays coming out of your ears, that makes it the perfect study environment.
It’s only a little after eight, the library’s still open for another two and a half hours, but on the fourth floor it’s almost a ghost town - just how you like it. There’s a professor tucked away in the back corner, piles of books built up around him, an older librarian with her trolley, slowly re-shelving books, and two other guys around your age sitting huddled at a table a few down from yours - the textbooks and highlights spread across their desk having been long since abandoned in favour of literally anything else.
Honestly, you’d wonder why they’d bother coming to the library at all if it wasn’t an almost daily occurrence. Most days you were there, so were they - usually together, although it wasn’t uncommon to see just one of them camped out between the stacks as you made your way to your desk. The duo, one tall and lean with a shock of messy dark hair that always looked like he’d just rolled out of bed, and the other smaller, more reserved, with bleached hair and dark roots in serious need of a touch up, seemed to prefer this time to study too - not that they ever seemed to actually do all that much studying.
Usually the blonde ends up absorbed in his switch while the other casually thumbs through whichever book is closest.
So long as they were quiet and didn’t disturb you, who were you to judge?
You don’t really remember when they’d started to appear, only that they’d quickly become a fixture in your refuge - distantly familiar presences like strangers travelling on the same bus to work each day. They smile (well, the dark haired one does) and nod whenever you happen to look up from your notes and catch their eye, and while you’ve only spoken a handful of words to the both of them, they always seemed nice. 
Nicer than the clearly overworked professor muttering away in the corner at any rate, which makes them the logical choice to approach when you find your bladder uncomfortably full halfway through your self imposed study session. Realistically, you know at this time of the night nobody else is likely to make their way up to the fourth floor, much less have any interest in your shitty, old laptop or the five whole dollars in your wallet - yet you find you making your way over to the twosome’s table anyway, a faint blush dusting across your cheeks.
“… don’t want to,” you overhear the blonde mutter, his attention wholly focused upon the game in his hands. “Things are fine, why change that?”
His friend sighs, “Because you can deny it all you want, but I know you better than that. I know I’m not the only one who wants more. You can’t just sit back and…” he trails off suddenly, hazel eyes flickering over to you in surprise. 
Confused by his friend’s sudden silence, the blonde lowers his game and glances up - only to still at the sight of you.
You swallow down your nerves, plastering what you hope is a friendly enough smile across your face, “Hi, uh… sorry to interrupt you guys, but would you mind watching my stuff for a few minutes while I go to the bathroom? I won’t be long or anything, I just don’t like leaving my stuff out in the open,” you say with a sheepish laugh, well aware that you’re rambling like an idiot. 
It’s the dark haired one who answers, a wide grin breaking across his face as he nods, “Yeah, no worries. We’d be glad to.”
You smile back, ignoring the faint fluttering in your stomach (he does look kind of cute grinning like that), thanking him again before rushing away in the direction of the bathroom.
It doesn’t take long for your thoughts to drift away from the duo back to the essay you’re mid-way through drafting. You have a sinking feeling that the argument you’re trying to use in the fourth paragraph is essentially a just rehash of the point you made in the first. By the time you unlock the stall door and make your way over to the sink to wash your hands, you’re starting to debate the merits of scrapping the whole thing and starting fresh with new ideas.
You still technically have time, it’s not due until the end of the month, but you just kind of want it done so you don’t have to think about it anymore. Then again, that’s kind of your feelings towards the semester as a whole. 
Who are you kidding? University’s kicking your ass this year.
The ancient hand dryer’s almost deafening as it clicks on - it masks the sound door swinging open and the footsteps that echo out from the tile floors.
It’s only when your eyes flicker up to mirror that you see that you’re no longer alone-
Standing right behind you is the guy from before; the tall, dark haired one. 
- and jerk in surprise, stumbling backwards with a choked yelp.
It doesn’t hit you right away - no, that’s relief that has you drawing a hand over your chest and letting out a shaking laugh. “You scared the hell out of me!” you say, bracing yourself over the sink to try and calm your breathing.
No, it doesn’t hit you quickly. Realisation is slow - creeping through your veins like ice as your eyes flicker back up the mirror. 
He hasn’t moved. 
He’s smiling, grinning really, but there’s something… something off about it. It doesn’t quite meet his eyes… Why isn’t he saying anything?
W-why isn’t he moving away?
Your heart, still hammering from his shock of his sudden appearance, squeezes uncomfortably and your eyes slowly widen.
A rough, calloused palm slaps across your mouth, smothering whatever words you’d been about to speak. “Ah, ah. Gotta keep it down, sweetheart.”
He winks at you in the mirror, taking a tiny step towards you and you squeak, breathing in sharp, shallow pants through your nose as a warm, muscled chest presses against your back. “You’re a nervous little thing, aren’tcha?” he chuckles. “Relax a little - promise I don’t bite.”
With one hand wrapped around your lips the other creeping across your waist, his words don’t exactly bring you a lot of comfort. 
It makes no difference either way - you’re paralysed, shaking and trembling, but utterly unable to move as he noses at the column of your throat, his warm breath tickling your skin.
You could scream, but there’s no guarantee anybody would hear you. You could try and fight him off, but he’s taller than you, and you’re willing to bet stronger as well.
Will he hurt you if you try and resist?
Is he gonna hurt you anyway?
You’ve heard the stories before about men who follow women into empty bathrooms and the awful things they do, but you never...
Those things don’t happen in places like this. The library is supposed to be safe, he- he’s been-
Your stomach drops.
He’s been visiting the library with his friend, sitting across from you for weeks.
His eyes bore into your reflection in the mirror like he can hear every terrified thought that passes through your head, and with excruciating slowness you’re forced to watch as his lips brush a kiss against your cheek, lingering and sweet - a mockery of tenderness. 
A scared little whimper is all you can manage, and even that is swallowed up by the sound of the bathroom door squeaking open once more. 
Your heart skips a beat, eyes widening.
A faint burst of hope flickers to life.
You might not be a fighter, but this might be the only chance you have. You shriek again, the sound woefully muffled, and writhe against your captor’s tightening grip as slow footsteps round the corner.
Please, you think as tears stream silently down your face. Please help me.
What little hope you have is quickly - brutally - extinguished as your would be saviour steps into view.
Your legs shake and you’re almost positive that if it wasn’t for the strong arms wrapped around you, you would have crumpled to the floor.
It’s his friend, the blonde, hands shoved into the pockets of his hoodie, watching the scene before him - you struggling against an iron grip, gagged and terrified - like it’s nothing out of the ordinary. 
Your captor chuckles, relaxing his grip as his hand drifts upwards to palm at your breast and you want to die. “Glad you finally decided to grace us with your presence.”
“Shut up, Kuroo,” the blonde groans as he makes his way over, but he barely glances at his friend before his catlike eyes come to rest on you.
Your cheeks are burning, a potent mix of shame, nausea and dread churning in your stomach as you’re crudely felt up, but under the blonde’s attention you freeze.
While his face is a blank mask of apathetic disinterest, those golden irises are piercing in their intensity as they study you.
The glint in his eyes is as unmistakable as it is stark; anticipation - like a house cat watching a golden canary flit restlessly in its cage.
The hiccuping sob comes unbidden, choking at your throat as you wail against the palm at your lips. You’ve never wanted to disappear so badly in your entire life, to slap yourself awake and realise that it’s nothing but a stress induced nightmare because this can’t be happening.
Why you?
What could you possibly have done to deserve this?
“Relax,” Kuroo repeats, leaning down over you again, “we’re not gonna hurt you. Just wanna have some fun, that’s all.” You think he’s going to try and kiss you again, but instead his tongue darts out and he licks at the silvery tear tracks, groaning softly.
You shoot the quiet blonde a desperate, pleading look. He hasn’t lifted a finger to stop what’s happening, hasn’t done anything other than stare at you, but even as his lips twitch into the faintest hint of a smile you hold out on the shadow of a prayer that maybe, just maybe-
Kuroo follows your wide, panicked gaze and almost snorts. “You’re barking up the wrong tree there, baby. Kenma’s not gonna help you. He wants this just as badly as I do.” His thumb slides across your cheek, brushing away more tears, “C’mon, on your knees.”
He doesn’t give you a choice - the hand on your shoulder forces your shaking knees to buckle and you fall down to the bathroom floor.
The tiles are cold against your bare legs, but the shivers that wrack through you have little to do with the temperature. It’s far too late to regret the short skirt you’d thrown on that morning.
Kuroo hums appreciatively, lifting his palm to tap it a few times against your cheek like you’re an adorable little puppy who’s just learned its first trick, “It’s a good look for you, baby, but I think it’d be even better without this-” his fingers tug at the collar of your top and his grin widens, “- in the way.” 
Yet he makes no move to take it off for you. One look into his eyes, the glittering amusement darkened with lewd desire and you know that he won’t.
He wants you to do it, to play along in their fun - to be an active participant in your own humiliation.
And really, what other choice do you have?
It’s impossible to ignore the bulge straining against his jeans as your trembling fingers grip the hem of your top and reluctantly yank it upwards. There’s a sharp inhale - Kuroo you think - and a whistle as it comes off, baring your lacy bra and the soft skin underneath to their hungry gazes. 
Only for a moment. 
Staring resolutely at the floor you’re quick to try and cover what little modesty you have left, bringing your arms up to wrap around your chest-
Except a hand catches at your wrist and tugs it back, and when you glance up you find it’s Kenma’s. 
“… Don’t,” he murmurs. “I want to see you.”
You let your arms drop, hands clenching into shaking fists in your lap, fingernails biting into your palm.
The sound of a zipper being pulled undone is almost deafening in the quiet bathroom. Fresh tears sting at your eyes, but you can’t bear to look at either of them as Kuroo reaches inside his pants and frees his cock.
The hand that cups your cheek is surprisingly gentle as he coaxes your face back towards him and the achingly hard member in his grip. “See Kenma, I told you - change ain’t always a bad thing.”
His dark eyes flicker back to you and he grins, “Open up, sweetheart.”
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thran-duils · 3 years
Was Ich Liebe (P.3, Final)
Title: Was Ich Liebe (Part Three, Final) Summary: Fem!Reader x Dark!Tony Stark.  Tony becomes enamored with a stripper at a club his hedonistic friend Thor owns. A casual sexual relationship quickly becomes possessive and the reader sees more of the underground mafia life than she would like to. The cherry on top is that Tony is married and so is she. Him to a woman who has no intention of losing her throne at any cost and the reader to a deadbeat alcoholic. Feeling trapped by both her previous life and the suffocating hold Tony is trying to put on her, the reader steals away in the night, which is not going to go over well. Words: 4,647 Warnings (for whole fic, more may be added): Dub-con, smut, infidelity, stripping, vaginal fingering, public sex, possessive behavior, angst, degradation kink, violence, physical abuse, domestic violence, language, drug use, alcoholism, death Warnings for this chapter: Mention of abortion! Author’s Note: As usual, this is 18+.
Part Two || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
Tony was calling. He must have gone to the apartment and found you gone by now, especially since you had not been answering him via text or by phone. You sent him to voicemail letting your music start again. You had rented a car to drive away from the city.
The jewelry he had given you came in handy to get cash that you were using for gas and hopefully a down payment on an apartment somewhere. Stripping joints were abundant, and you were sure if you found a sizable city, you would find work without an issue. You were thinking about Milwaukee. It was far enough away from NYC and there was a college there too.
Your phone beeped with another voicemail from him. Signing, against your better judgment, you reached forward to press play, it coming over the car’s speakers.
He was pissed. Unsurprisingly. He had been tight on the last one he had left, wound up that you were not answering him. But this was a whole different level. He was practically shouting.
“This better be a goddamn joke, Y/N. My patience is already up with it though. Did you think I wouldn’t notice you had snuck out? Where the fuck is all the jewelry? Huh? Your clothes? If I find out you left and you’re cheating on me, I’m gonna kill them.”
You did not doubt him when he said that. And he confirmed he was at the apartment if he noticed your stuff was gone.
“And were you planning on telling me about the pregnancy?” Your eyes widened and then you swore remembering you had not emptied the trash in the bathroom. “Or were you just gonna keep that to yourself? Listen very carefully to me, if you do something drastic, I’m not gonna be nice about it. Not in the fucking slightest. You best believe that and take that to heart! Don’t be fucking stupid! Call. Me. Back.”
The voicemail ended.
Yes. The pregnancy. You were already thinking about which office you could go to. You had left a note for Thor about quitting and you wondered how quickly your health insurance was going to stay in place. Before after leaving a job, it had stayed on until the end of the month, but you were unsure, and you were not about to call him and ask. An appointment at a clinic though, that was something you needed to deal with quickly. You were sure there was a facility you could find when you got yourself established.
“You’re a psychopath,” Carol said to Tony, smirking.
She was watching him put up security cameras around Y/N’s apartment, hidden from the normal eye with his technology. And when he had taken the lock apart on her door to install tech he could control himself from his cell, she had shook her head.
“I prefer creative,” Tony responded, as he tested it out. It worked perfectly. “Little bitch isn’t going to be leaving without trying extra hard.”
You found a hotel in Columbus. You made sure to put a chair underneath the door handle on top of using both locks. It was scary to be traveling alone. And especially when you did not know the area.
The next morning, you woke up to another voicemail from Tony. You had reached over to silence it while you were sleeping, knowing damn well who would be calling you at 2:30am.
He sounded sloshed.
“Do you remember me telling you I was never going to let you go? Cause I said it multiple times. That hasn’t changed, Y/N. It’s been almost 24 hours since you answered to me!” Slip up there with that ‘to’ added in. “It’s really fucking frustrating, and you know goddamn well I don’t like being frustrated. It’s…you’re being disrespectful!” There was a slight pause and you heard him take a drink. He let out a humorless laugh. “You won’t run away from me. I’m going to find you.”
He hung up.
Hearing how mad he was, your stomach was twisting. He was not a man that liked to be thwarted or feel like he was being disrespected. Not to mention that he was a fucking mafia member. If he got his hands back on you, he was not going to be kind. And the time he told you he would never hurt you would be tested, you worried.
Why did you let yourself get so far involved with such a dangerous, jealous man? Again?
Forcing yourself to get up from the bed, you went to take a shower to try to relax in the hot water. Afterward, you walked across the street to the coffee shop. You wanted to get on the road again to put some more distance between you and NYC and ultimately between you and him.
You drove around the edge of UW-Milwaukee, stealing glances at the campus. A city like this with a college surely had good clientele for the clubs.
Pulling over and parking, you opened your phone beginning to search for an apartment and a job. There had to be an abundance of apartments available around the college since it was summer and a class had just graduated.
He kept calling and kept calling. He was not going to stop. It had been two weeks. You had been trying to convince yourself to answer him and tell him to leave you alone and that it was over. You thought about changing your number and you would, but after the conversation you needed to have.
Piqued, you answered, “Tony, I’m busy—"
“Oh, you’re busy? So busy you couldn’t fucking answer me? Over the last two weeks, you’ve been ‘busy’. Too busy for me? That’s hilarious! You should have your own fucking stand up show.” His tone was dripping with condescension.
Sighing, you said, “I’m getting ready for work! This needs to be quick.”
“Work?” Tony chuckled darkly. “Now you care about work? You fucked Thor over by quitting on the spot. How were you even able to get a reference?”
“I danced. That was reference enough.”
“Of course you did. Of course you’re stripping. Where are you?”
“I’m not going to tell you, Tony!”
“Y/N, baby,” he started, sounding like it was taking everything in him to keep his voice even. “If you just apologize and tell me where you are or just come back, I’ll be able to let this go easier. You can come back to me, and it’ll all be okay.”
You mustered out a strong, “No! I am not going to do that.”
His leash was back off. “Why are we playing this stupid game, Y/N? I can handle you being bratty — cause I love fucking it out of you — but this is really pushing me over the edge!”
“I’m not being a brat! You were suffocating me!”
“Suffocating you? I worship you!” He was so easily able to confuse his possession with love. He continued on irritated, “I shower you with gifts! I make sure you’re well taken care of! I’ve treated you better than anyone else has! And you’re coming at me like this? What is your fucking problem, Y/N? What? Is being on the phone instead of in person giving you some fake confidence? Don’t think I’m not keeping track of this ungrateful bullshit just because you’re not standing in front of me!”
He was quickly losing his temper. You had never made him this mad, had never pushed back.
You were shaking as you tried to stand up for yourself, “I’m not the one with a problem! I didn’t force you to move anywhere or—"
Tony interrupted you furiously. “Do you understand how much that apartment cost? How much that car cost? You barely drove it!”
Frustrated he was steam rolling you as usual. you said fighting to keep tears back, “Sell it then!”
“If that was supposed to be a joke, it was an awful one. This shit isn’t fucking funny, Y/N! When I find out where you are, I’m gonna drag you back by your goddamn hair!”
“Good luck!” you spat, it slipping out before you really thought about it. Your eyes widened at what you had just done, and you quickly hung up as he started to snarl something back.
He was immediately calling you back and you sent him to voicemail again.
Tony let out an aggravated shout, throwing his phone down on the desk when she did not answer him back.
Good luck was right.
She had stayed on the line long enough to give him time to trace her down to the general area. Milwaukee. Near the university. He would find her, and he was gonna find her quick with getting eyes on the ground to spot her leaving her place wherever that was in the area. And she was not going to like it when he came knocking to collect her.
The bag from the closest grocery store was heavy with groceries for the week. You had returned the rental car when you signed your lease, able to use the bus system until you bought your own car.
You noticed there was a man watching you across the street and you slowed in your pace, narrowing your eyes. He did not look away and you swallowed sharply before resuming your pace. You felt like you could still feel his eyes on the back of your head. You had felt like there had been eyes on you earlier this morning too. A foreboding feeling was creeping; you wanted to get inside and quick.
Entering your apartment, you kicked the door closed and struggled to lock it immediately. The bag crunched as you walked over to the kitchen and placed it on the counter.
You put the few groceries away and walked around the counter, tearing your shirt off and tossing it on the back of one of your chairs. It was hot since you were on the third floor and you had not been able to buy an air conditioner yet.
“This place is a shithole.”
You screamed, startled at the voice, whipping around, your eyes searching wildly.
Tony was sitting in the end of your bed in your room.
He had surprisingly not called you for the last few days, not after the conversation the two of you had. Not hearing from him had set you on edge just as much as him calling you did. You knew he was not going to give up easily and the silence was a trap if you fell into it thinking that it was done.
Your eyes flicked to the door, and he chastised you in low, dangerous tones, “Y/N, you’re already in enough trouble. Don’t make this worse for yourself. Carols outside. So is Rhodey. And a handful of other people I brought along in case you were gonna cause more trouble.”
The man outside. So, you had been being watched.
Tony stood up from the bed and came out of the bedroom, and up to you. You took a few steps back and he tsked you. You stopped immediately, knowing what he wanted. He closed the rest of the space and raked his eyes up and down you.
“Why did you have to go and cause trouble in the first place? You think I was suffocating you? That’ll seem like a cakewalk compared to when you come back with me. See, we’ve lost trust. I can’t have you running around when you know as much as you do. And you running off looks like you were going to squeal.” You opened your mouth to protest but he rose his voice, shutting you up. “And I can’t have that. Not when I have other people to answer to on the team. I will not be the weak link in the chain, which means you are not going to be running off in the middle of the night. Even if it’s not what you planned to do, it looks bad.”
His hands came to rest on your biceps, squeezing in tight, causing you to flinch slightly. His eyes were hard. “You could have had the world and you threw it away.” His thumbs caressed, his tongue slipping between his lips. “But I can be a forgiving man if you make me believe that you’re sorry. Just do that for me, beg for forgiveness, and I’ll take care of you and that baby.”
You gulped at the mention of the baby, and he noticed. His eyes narrowed. He leaned in, searching your face and you looked away, but he forced you to look back at him, his hand holding your jaw tight.
“Y/N, baby… you got something to tell me?”
You were silent, your heart starting to hammer.
“Y/N, you know I don’t like repeating myself.”
His grip tightened and you felt tears pricking, apprehensive of how he was going to react.
Your voice warbled, “I…I had an abortion.”
Tony was frozen, his eyes wide and incendiary. His grip on your jaw loosened and you took a step back away from him. His jaw clicked, eyes not leaving you. You saw he was going to explode.
Raising your hand shakily, as if that was going to hold him off, you started, “Now, Tony—"
His backhand sent you stumbling. He caught you before you could do it yourself and slammed you up against the wall.
“You’re lucky I didn’t cold clock you!” He snarled, his fingers digging in painfully to your arms.
“Tony, don’t—”
“Don’t? Don’t what? Be fucking furious that I told you not to do anything drastic and then you went and did just that? Without even consulting me? I have a goddamn right to be furious! How fucking dare you!”
You were sniffling now, terrified.
He gave you a rough shake before demanding, “What’s the lease on this place?” You took too long to answer. “Answer me!”
“Month to month,” you whimpered.
“Smart. Makes this easier.” His nose was practically brushing yours. “Look, you’re gonna be good and listen to me about exactly what is going to happen—"
“You can’t—"
“Did I tell you that you could talk? No! I told you you were going to listen. Keep your fucking mouth shut!” Tony lashed out. You closed your mouth, your lip warbling. “You’re coming with me. And I haven’t decided yet if I want them all to listen to you beg for forgiveness on the plane or if I’m waiting until we are alone. Not doing it here. Don’t wanna alarm your neighbors and have to injure any of them if they try to interfere. I don’t want, nor need that type of mess.”
He shoved you as he let you go, and you wiped at your eyes.
“I can’t fucking believe you. Can’t even follow simple goddamn directions. What are you? A child?” he snorted angrily. He snapped his fingers at you and pointed at your room. “Get your shit. We are leaving and going home. The jets at the airport.”
He had not punished you on the plane. You instead had sat, curled in as tightly as you could to yourself in the chair across from him under a blanket, looking out the window as much as possible. You felt him watching you intensely the whole two hours. You could only imagine the deranged ideas going through his head about what he was going to do to you when he got you alone.
The moment you stepped into your apartment, he ordered you, “Get yourself done up. I want you to look nice for me. I’ll be out here watching the game.”
His goons brought in your suitcases and put them next to the kitchen table before leaving at his order. Tony grabbed the remote and turned the TV on. He saw you were still standing there, and he glared.
“Y/N��” he said dangerously. “I don’t see you moving.”
You grabbed your suitcase with your clothes and trudged down the hall, feeling his hard stare at your back until you disappeared into the bedroom. You had left a lot of your clothes here but there was a dress you had brought with you, one that he liked specifically. Which shocked you a little bit because it was loose and free; still short though.
Taking the time to shower, blow dry, do your makeup, and dress, you felt the anxiety rising about what he was going to do. You thought the extra time would calm you down, but it was doing the opposite because it was giving you more time to think.
When you walked back down the hall, your black wedges announcing your arrival, Tony looked over the back of the couch. You saw the bottle on the coffee table. He had been drinking, not a surprise. He gestured you over and you walked around the couch, coming over to him. He ran his eyes up and down you, taking you in.
“Well, don’t you look just perfect?” he asked, an edge underlying his tone.
He stood up from the couch and you stayed still. He pulled his phone out and took a picture of you without giving you time to prepare. He turned his phone around and you looked dumbstruck in the photo.
But he complimented, “Look at that. Pristine. That’s what good girls look like.” A cruel smile flashed across his features, and he tossed his phone down on the couch. “But you’re not a good girl are you, baby?”
You only had a moment to react before he was forcing you down to your knees. You hissed in pain as your knees slammed against the hardwood.
“You brought this on yourself. You think I like punishing you?” Tony asked, working on his belt with one hand as the other held you by the back of the neck. Your hands came up to grip his thighs, pressing back against the hold he had on your neck. “Ah ah, stay where you are.” He stroked himself with purpose, his hand moving at a steady pace. “Look at you. A pretty little slut that needs to be taught a lesson.”
He was hard now, the head of his cock pressing against your lips.
“Open your damn mouth!” You clenched your teeth, knowing he was gonna be rough and not wanting to choke. He let go of you to slap your cheek and sneered, “Don’t make me ask you again!”
You opened your mouth reluctantly, and he grabbed you by the back of your neck again and shoved his dick in all the way, your nose brushing his pubes. You gagged before he pulled back out, running his head around your lips. He groaned at the sight, slipping back in and using your mouth.
“Tell me you love me!”
“I love you!” you got out around his width.
“Look at me!” You forced your gaze up to meet his and he thrusted faster, hitting the back of your throat. Your hands gripped tight onto his thighs, eyes begging for him to slow down. But he was not relenting, and your throat was aching. Another groan left his lips as he demanded, “Tell me you love me, you little bitch.”
It was hard to say it, you choking now, tears stinging your eyes. “I love you!”
He pulled away roughly, his hand wrapped around your hair tightly, keeping you in place. Your saliva was stringing messily between him and your lips. Your chin as well as his pubes were glistening with your drool. You gasped for air, thankful for the reprieve from your jaw aching from being open so wide.
The reprieve was short lived though and you cried out in pain as he began walking, dragging you by your hair.
“Forgive me that I don’t quite believe you. But I’m gonna make sure I do believe you. I’m gonna get a genuine one out of you before I’m through.”
Tony sat on the edge of the bed and held you tight. “Give me a show. Take that dress off and let me see you. Let me see what I’m going to take.”
Shakily, you stood up as his grip laxed and he was watching you like a hawk. You wiped at your lips, knowing there was little to do about your eye makeup since he had made tears come with how hard he had been choking you. You started to sway your hips, trying to find a rhythm amongst the excitement. You turned away from him so he could not see your face as you struggled to calm down enough to dance.
It was sloppy, unconfident. But that did not seem to bother him. He pulled you into his lip and his hands slipped up your dress and into your underwear.
“Don’t get to tell me now that I can’t touch,” he husked against your cheek, his fingers slipping into your pussy. “All mine.”
He was stroking you, getting you worked up, making you lose focus on grinding. You bit your bottom lip, a strangled moan escaping.
Tony chuckled, nuzzling your cheek. “I know you like that. Gonna get you good and wet for me, sweetheart. Spread your legs further.”
You were falling so easily into his touch, your core wanting more. You were getting wound up and he was loving it. He worked quicker, his breath heavy as he felt how aroused you were, wetting his fingers.
“Maybe you are a good girl. Look how well you are behaving for me. Is this you apologizing?” He pulled away just to lay a hard smack on your cunt. You bucked, crying out and he did it again. You whimpered as his fingers entered again, focusing on your bud. “You’re a needy little slut, aren’t you baby?” You nodded and he sucked at your neck. “You’re repenting so well… but you’ve got a long way to fucking go.”
You were so close, but he suddenly shoved you away roughly, causing you to stumble in your heels.
You did as he asked, pulling the dress up and tossing it behind you, leaving you in just your underwear. He rose his brows expectantly and you turned around, bending over slowly. You pulled your underwear down, feeling how wet they were at the crotch. You heard him hum at the sight of them and your glistening pussy. They fell to your ankles, and you turned around, kicking them off.
Tony stood up and pointed at the bed. “On your stomach.” You did as he asked and heard him getting undressed. You peeked over your shoulder at him undoing his tie as he walked towards your closet. He emerged again with a scarf, his eyes fixated on you. “Did I tell you you could look at me?” You turned back around quickly, butterflies swarming.
He grabbed one of your ankles and yanked you down the bed. You felt his tie around your ankle, and you tensed as he tied you to the bed frame. He was at your opposite ankle and tied your other leg with your scarf tightly.
“Tony…” you said hoarsely.
He did not answer you and you laid there, spread wide. The bed creaked with his weight and his thick thighs straddled you, holding you even tighter in place. You felt him pressing in and your fingers dug into your quilt. Each inch filled you up more and he exhaled as he reached his base.
“That’s the gentlest thrust you’re going to get, sweetheart. Enjoy it.”
Tony was not lying; he was pounding you into the mattress and you were not being quiet about the intrusion. You were already so wet, and he was adding to the sensation the way he was working you.
“You’re gonna remember who you loves you the most,” he groaned. The bed was shaking with how hard he was driving into you. “You’re gonna remember to behave!”
Pulling out of you, he smacked you hard against your ass. “Get up on your knees. Now!”
You obeyed, maneuvering with the restraints and his fingers replaced his dick, rubbing your clit. You keened, your back arching at the intense contact. You were ashamed that as usual you fell to the arousal, letting him take you over completely even when he was being as mean as he was.
“Fuck, you little whore. Look at you. So needy for cock. Why did you leave me in the first place? You were never going to find anyone that would love you like I do. You hurt my feelings, baby. And I don’t like having my feelings hurt.”
“I’m sorry,” you gasped without any prompting.
Tony’s fingers fell from your sex, and he was up, holding you by the throat. His breath was hot on your ear. “I might just leave you here on the bed right now. Tie those delicate wrists up too. Keep you on display for me. I’ll just walk by and see you stuck here, just dependent on me to come back to release you.”
You shook your head, begging pathetically, “No, p-please.”
“You want me to finish?”
“Do you deserve it? Cause I don’t think you fucking do.”
You shook your head, “No. I don’t. But, please!” He brushed your pussy lightly with his fingers, teasing and you broke down even further. “I love you! I love you! Please!”
“You’re not gonna leave me again.” It was a statement, not a question.
You shook your head furiously again, gasping, “No! No, I won’t leave you!”
He yanked you up painfully by your hair again and new tears stung your eyes.
“I’m gonna make fucking sure of it. You’re gonna be on house arrest until I see fit to let you out! Face down,” Tony snarled, pushing you roughly down by the shoulders. He was behind you again. “You’re gonna be full of my seed when I’m done.”
Your chest hit the bed as the room filled with skin slapping skin loudly as he ravaged you. It did not take long for your body to tense up and a shriek left you as your pussy clenched around him. Tony’s breath was erratic as his pace lost control, his fingers digging into your hips. Broken husks were falling from his mouth, you could not make it out over the buzz in your ears. You felt the warmth though when he filled you up, his cock buried deep. He was making sure it was up against your cervix. His groan was long and loud, his hands squeezing your ass tight.
When he pulled away, you laid out flat, feeling worn. You heard him leave the room, the hardwood in the hall creaking with his footfalls. Your body was covered in sweat, heavy pants leaving your lips. For a moment, you forgot you were tied and tried to adjust and let out a sigh of disappointment when you felt the tug of the restraint on your ankle.
Tony was back with his phone. He cooed, “Oh, sweetheart. You’re so tired. Look up at me.” You lifted your head and saw him snap a picture of you. His lips curled into a smirk at the photo, and he turned it around to show you. Your makeup was ruined, tear trails on your cheeks, mascara and eyeliner smudged. You looked like a mess.
“Look at this lovely sight,” he purred. He flipped to the last photo of you looking made up and then back again. “Look how dirty you got pleasing me compared to before. I’m going to keep these.” A malicious glint flashed in his eyes, and he said, “I’ll give you a few to recover. But baby, there’s gonna be round two and no, I’m not going to let you clean up. Let’s see how much dirtier I can get you.”
Marvel tags: @coconutqueen21 @undecidedsworld @holl2712 @agustdowney  @biiskuitx @buttercupfangirl
Fic tags: @buttercandy16
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