#even around people who dont like swearing you can often get away with it. which is crazy if you think about it.
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valtsv · 1 year ago
i think it's so fun that "damn" is such a casual curse word now that it's basically become divorced completely from its original meaning. like oops i dropped my phone, time to invoke the wrath of god about it in the most mildly annoyed tone of voice imaginable.
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calamarieater · 1 year ago
Daves ENTIRE PERSONALITY revolved around being just like Bro he never had the time to develop his own personality because from day ONE he wanted to be JUST like Bro he thought Bro was so cool to the point where he even ignored the abuse and just considered it normal, it's so common in abusive households for the abused kids to want to be JUST like their abusers because they've never seen like a normal household, and like most kids you tend to look up to your parents, which is what Dave was doing. Daves entire personality all his interests like everything were branched off from what Bro liked, he never got into things that Bro DIDNT like the only thing he didn't like was Bros puppets but dave wanted to be JUST like Bro he looked UP to him and people seem to completely ignore Bros abuse because of how dave reacted to it but ? what Bro does is still abuse and often when kids are introduced to abuse early in life they dont know that its abuse and they consider it normal which is why Dave reacted the way he did because he WASNT AWARE THAT IT WAS ABUSE WHICH IS NORMAL IN ABUSIVE HOUSEHOLDS AND ABUSED KIDS OFTEN THINK LIKE THAT which is why it comes off as such a SHOCK when you tell a kid they're being abused and whats going on isn’t normal and it seems like most of the fandom just ignores Daves abuse and everything and the fact that he never really developed his own personality until later on just because of the fact that he never really reacted or talked about it which annoys me SO badly I get its like hard to understand what abused kids are like and their bebehavior and stuff but!! you gotta understand like all his interests and everything came from Bro, his entire life until Sburb he wanted to be just like Bro he looked up to Bro so much to the point the abuse wasn't even something he considered abnormal because he thought Bro was just trying to help him be stronger and have a better reaction time or whatever but that's not what was going on and dave didn't know because he hadn't ever seen a normal household/this was his entire life this is what was normal to him so he considered it normal even compared to his friends lives, especially considering all the kids have semi abnormal lives other than john for the most part so dave was just convinced his life was normal because it was what he was used to and his friends also had odd home lives so he was just convinced that his life was the same gah I love Dave. I just think people should TRY and understand Dave’s character more, and it also just irks me how people see him as some flirty dude when thats not how he is, hes a wannabe cool-kid who has no idea how to behave and just mimics his Bros behavior!!! He WANTS TO BE JUST LIKE HIS BRO!!! HE SPENDS SO MUCH TIME TALKING ABOUT HOW COOL HE THINKS HIS BRO IS and you guys i swear he would NOT be a flirty little shit. He lives for bickering so he can come up with cool comebacks so people think “Wow this guy is REALLY fucking cool” when they're talking to him. So many of you guys seem to forget hes 13 in the beginning, his behavior is just a direct copy of how he saw Bro. He did not develop his own personality until later in life, and even then he still had a lot of Bros traits. Most kids dealing with abuse dont even know that its abuse until way late in life, because again, ITS ALL THEY KNOW!! If you lived your entire life not knowing what you were going through was abnormal, or even unhealthy, you would consider it as “the usual” WHICH IS WHY DAVE NEVER HAD A BIG REACTION TO IT, BECAUSE HE WAS SO USED TO IT. HE DIDNT KNOW IT WASNT NORMAL. Dave was a 13 year old boy dealing with an abusive father figure. From his interests to his personality, he just wanted to be like bro. that's all he wanted.
But, towards the end of his arc, we DO see him start to turn away from that desire to be like bro. We see him slowly realize, he isnt like bro. He doesnt want to be like bro. He isn't a "hero" like bro was, he doesnt WANT to be like bro was. But his entire childhood circled around being like bro, and it wasnt until bro died that he finally realized that wasn't what he wanted. But, as it wasn't until late in his life that he realized, he wasnt really able to form his own personality.
In conclusion: Dave is NOT some coolkid flirty boy, hes an abused child with no personality of his own. He is so much more than most of you guys let him be, and its so irritating to me.
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shun-nie · 1 year ago
Hii!! If you dont mind writing something dark. Can you write satosugu with reader who often gone because she is sort of depressive and just want to run away. Reader is cool and collected in outside but never really expressed anything about herself. Thank youu in advanced
SatoSugu x reader
->You're a grade 1 sorcerer, and literally bestfriends with everyone. The problem is, you never smile. Nah, that's not your thing. But you can understand everyone, and look from their perspective before comforting them. You're a close friend of theirs, but how come they don't know anything about you??
Warnings!!!! Dark themes, gn!reader, mentions of suicide and death, swearing!!!!
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"Man, where is Y/N? It gets boring when they're not around." Satoru sighed and pouted, not liking the silence in the room.
"That's for you to ask and nobody to know." Shoko replied with a bored tone, she was used to you disappearing out of nowhere. Now, don't get her wrong. She is worried about you, and she actually tried to search for you one time, but couldn't find you even if she was looked around for 3 hours.
Suguru was looking at the floor with an unreadable expression, the trio was just sitting around and doing nothing other than joking around with eachother. But Suguru felt off, one month ago, as everyone was hanging out together, Haibara said he never saw you smile. You just shrugged and told them "There's nothin' funny.", then Satoru and Haibara teamed up to make you smile, making dumb expressions and making Nanami sigh out of disappointment. ((It didn't make you smile at all.))
Suguru started to notice; how you would look out of window deep in thought, how you would disappear after the missions, how you would stare with an unreadable gaze when Suguru and Satoru laughed at their own jokes. Suguru opened up about this to Satoru, and he said he saw you sitting with your head down with fists clenched once. Now, Suguru was a smart man, he could connect the dots but he couldn't understand you. Not when he doesn't even know when your birthday is—
"Do you guys know Y/N's birthday?" Suguru suddenly asked, Satoru and Shoko shared a look before opening their mouths to reply—
Wait, did you ever mentioned your birth date?
"...I..don't.." Shoko felt ashamed, beacuse you knew everything about her. How she liked her coffee, which foods she prefered, the clothes she liked to wear, the movies she liked to watch..and she doesn't even know your birthday? Satoru was wearing a similar expression, he actually opened up to you about his problems. How everyone was expecting him to be the best, how he felt too much pressure on his shoulders, how people didn't see him as Satoru but as Gojo. You comforted him, you put yourself in his place and both of you talked shit about higher-ups for the next hours. Then you turned to him and said :
"People sucks, the only thing they know is how to talk. You could feel like you're the only one and nobody is there for you, but you're not alone Satoru."
Oh how great he felt after you said those words, he noticed you were actually very good at empathizing. Probably the only thing he knows about you besides your name and age.
"I can't believe after all these years, the only thing we know about them is that their name and age." Satoru said, looking at the ceiling. Suguru sighed and texted you for the 28th time, you didn't respond, you never did.
"I think we need to confront them about it, maybe there is something going on that they can't bring themselfs to tell us." Suguru said, looking up from his phone to see his friends. Shoko sighed and shook her head.
"Maybe If you two are the ones confront them, I think they're closer to the both of you than us." Shoko said, lighting up a cigarette. Suguru and Satoru shared a look before nodding, they were going to talk about this when they had the chance.
"Where were you yesterday? We called you like, 40 times?" Satoru frowned, slightly glaring at you as he poked your cheek. Suguru nodded, wanting to hear your excuse too.
"My phone was on silent, I didn't really notice it." you said, clearly avoiding the real question. They both frowned, the three of you were sitting at a table, eating some snacks that you paid for. You came back after disappearing for 10 hours and they took the chance to talk about your problems, but there was an issue, you refused to tell them anything about yourself.
"And? Where were you when you were not at school? We even searched for you." Suguru said, watching as you sighed and took a sip of your cold water. You were clearly thinking of a way out of here.
"Does it really matter? Why are you asking me questions anyway, I thought this was a date and not an interrogation." you said, trying to cover yourself with a flirty sentence. To your surprise, it didn't work this time.
"Tell us the truth or I'm really going to use my cursed technique on your liar ass." Satoru said and rolled his eyes, you never saw him this serious. Ugh, these questions are really overwhelming you.
"Why the fuck do you want to know about me? It's really starting to get annoying."
They both stared at you with a 'don't give us that shit right now' stare, you groaned and looked at the ceiling. Thinking if you really should tell them, you really don't like to talk about yourself, and about your own problems? Ah, hell no. You don't want to open up to anyone until the day you die.
"After I use my cursed technique, well, it hurts me both physically and mentally I guess. I don't want to show that side of me to you guys so I just...hide. Where I go is none of your business." Their eyes widened, so that's why you always disappear after missions? Suguru was in deep thought, so that's why you didn't want to fight curses if not necessary. And why you always had a painkiller in your pocket. This was bad, why didn't they notice you were hurting? Were they that blind?
"Then why are you a jujutsu sorcerer you dumb fuck? You—You're an important friend to everyone in that damned place! What if you die beacuse of it, huh?!" Satoru shouted, he really wanted to punch you in the face so you would realize that—
"Do I look like I wanna continue living?" you asked, looking away from them. Fuck, you were not supposed to say that. Now they'll blame themselves beacuse they didn't notice it earlier or some shit like that.((they were actually blaming themselves))
There was a silence at the table for the next 2 minutes, both Suguru and Satoru looking at you with shock. Suguru wanted to speak, but he didn't know what to say. How could they help you in any way? You clearly didn't want to talk about it any more than it is. Satoru was having a hard time understanding what you meant, you always pushed people to not give up and talk about their problems beacuse 'It would hurt more if you bottled it up.'((your words, not his.)) So how come you made them fight for their life when you already gave up your own? Why did you lie?
"Idiot. You're a total idiot." Satoru said quietly then raised his hand and smacked your head, you were actually surprised, just as you raised your head to tell him to fuck off Suguru smacked your head too.
"What the-"
"And you still have the audacity to face us? Shit head." Satoru rolled his eyes and hugged you, his hold on you very tight. Suguru held your hand and squeezed it to give you comfort.
"You were there anytime we needed you, so let us do the same alright?" Suguru said as Satoru let go of you, you noticed his eyes were a bit teary. Suguru was smiling but you could tell he was sad you didn't told them anything. What was this? Were you actually feeling loved? Nah, that was not your thing. Then what was this warm feeling in your chest? Damn it, why did you felt like crying?
To both Suguru and Satoru's surprise, you laughed. You had a nice laugh, they thought.
"You both are—really making me feel fuzzy and soft." You smiled and hugged them both, Suguru chuckled and hugged you back as Satoru felt nice you ruffled his hair while you hugged him.
Everything was good for now.
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crazylittlejester · 10 months ago
the fandom has felt kinda quiet to me for a few days now (which might totally be my fault i dont think im using this app correctly) and i kinda feel like im standing with a group of people where everyones done talking and no one know what to say next so im gonna do what i do then too: Yap ‼️ (its my one talent)
if you’d like to yap with me feel free to hop in my ask box and say whatever you like, headcanons, theories, whatever, but for now here are some random little headcanons I have:
(disclaimer: my apologies for weird spelling errors or oddly autocorrected words im dyslexic lmao)
- Wild loves to do fun things with his hair! He loves braiding it up in new styles or putting pretty things in it or buying fun clips to keep it out of his face. Sometimes one of the others with shorter hair who can’t do their own fun hairstyles will ask Wild if they can do his, and he almost always says yes
- Legend is the most likely to buy little gifts for the others. He’s not as likely as the others to verbally say he cares, and he can come off as a bit standoffish, but he really does love the others and gifting them little things is how he shows it. He bought Sky a beautiful new carving knife once, he loves giving Wild earrings (and Wild is not above just poking new holes in his ears so he can wear more of them at once), he gave Warriors a new journal one time, etc.
- Four is a HUGE fan of rain at night. He loves the sound it makes on roofs, it’s calming to him. It’s less fun when he’s sleeping outside, but he just loves the sounds and smells of rain. Warriors does too, and the two of them have sat out in the rain together silently, just enjoying each other’s company
- Twilight loves the occasional pet as Wolfie, as long as the others still hold the same respect for his physical space they do when he’s a hylian. He loves hugs, he loves the occasional pet, and he loves bonking the top of his head into the backs of Warriors’s legs to trip him before he innocently runs off to Time and acts like he’s done nothing wrong in his life ever
- Sky wakes up every day and chooses peace. He chooses kindness and love, and he seems so very calm and sweet on the outside, but if someone dares to lay a finger on someone he cares about he will explode and there will be serious consequences. He’s genuinely a very loving person, but he does have a side of him that’s just full of rage that he occasionally unleashes on monsters that deserve it. He one time let a sliver of that anger loose at a monster that knocked Wild unconscious and the others stood their with their jaws open, and then of course Sky turned back around after he calmed himself down and looked at them all like “:3”
- Hyrule cuts his own hair and because it has a good amount of curl to it, it ends up looking fluffy and it’s hard to see exactly how uneven it is. When Legend found him just trimming his hair in the dark with a knife he was like “what the fuck” and ever since he’s at least tried to help Hyrule make his hair a LITTLE more even (its still an absolute mess, but it looks fine on him)
- Wind gets under stimulated a LOT, it’s hard for him to just stay in one place or walk super slow or not be doing something with his hands, so Warriors taught him how to finger knit so he can do that while he walks as a sort of mindless activity. He doesn’t really make anything in particular, and he ends up unraveling it at the end of the day so he can keep reusing the same ball of yarn, but it helps him stay with the group and it gives him something to do as they walk
- Time is the biggest prankster of the group and he gets away with it every single time, and Wind, Wild, and Hyrule often end up taking the blame for it. The only ones who know it’s really him are Warriors (though he never actually catches him in the act, he just knows) and Twilight, who’s seen him do it several times and had to swear his silence. He’s too scared that Time will be disappointed in him if he reveals who the true prankster is, but he does feel genuinely bad every time someone else gets yelled at for one of Time’s dumbass pranks. On their last day together Time does reveal it was him all along, and then he literally leaves and disappears before the others have a chance to yell at him for it. When he arrives at the ranch alone with tears in his eyes, laughing his ass off, Malon somehow knows EXACTLY what just happened
- Warriors is usually the one who helps mend the other heroes’s clothes. They all have SOME ability to sew (some of them are better than others, like Wild and Legend, and some of them refuse to fix the holes in their clothes until it gets so bad there’s no fixing it and they literally just have to buy another tunic, *cough* Wind), but more often than not Warriors gets asked to do it, and he does it gladly. He does a wonderful job every time, and sometimes he gets to embroider little patterns, which is a lot of fun for him. When he gets bored he’ll just do that on his own spare tunics
again feel free to come talk to me in my asks or add ur own headcanons to this post :) i like to yap and i’ll gladly yap with you if you send me things
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trekkele · 6 months ago
I recently saw the post about Jason and Cass not having to get along, and how that adds to their dynamic.
So I was wondering, are there any other interesting facts/headcanons about relationships in the Batfam?
Your own or some you simply stumbled across?
Because what frustrates me is the absolute lack of nuance in relationships in a lot of in most of Batfam centric fan-works.
The extent to which people write Bruce as either an absolute peace of shit, or as someone who will kiss his kids feet and beg them for the slightest bit of attention
(this being the supposedly "good" parenting- which… No? That ain’t it)
Because something I find incredibly compelling about their dynamics is the absolute loyalty Bruce often on the receiving end of.
Even when they are on terrible terms, if Bruce calls, they answer. (Usually, of course there are exceptions)
Some interesting facts/ideas about their relationships I saw were;
Dick hating Jason back when he was Robin. (Because they all a bit possessive of the Bat/insecure about their place at his side)
Tim not being Jasons fan even before the murder attempt (I read somewhere that DICK was the Robin Tim admired, and that made much more sense to me)
Cass and Dick having a tense relationship because Cass can read and understand Bruce so well, when Dick was the one who knew him best for so long.
Alfred and Bruce having a slightly more complicated relationship (I‘m so sick of 'perfect Alfred makes no mistakes' I swear. If Alfred had been as good a parent as everyone pretends (in comics or fandom) Bruce would at least be a SLIGHTLY more well adjusted individual)
Sorry for the rambling- I kinda got away from what I was asking 😅
So yeah, anyone else you feel has a more difficult relationship than fandom would have you believe?
All the kids with the justice league, and specifically Clark.
No listen hear me out, Bruce’s big possibly life changing injuries? They happen with the league most of the time, because thats when he’s fighting a minor god or a sentient star or whatever. But thats also when all his allies are super powered people, thats when he should be safest. Instead he keeps coming back from league missions with close calls and broken bones.
And Clark especially, what do you mean your best friend is Superman and your arm broke in the three places on that last mission. Where was he??
Alfred and Clark having a 😒 relationship is always fun too, because while kids wont see it or realize it Clark has absolutely witnessed how Alfred parents Bruce and how … less then ideal it can be.
Kate and Alfred, because of backstory reasons (did Alfred do nothing to keep the Kanes in contact with Bruce?? Why??) and also because it would be funny.
Cass and Jason is a good one and it makes so much more sense then the usual “cass loves her big little brother uwu” because i think what Cass would love about Jason would be stealing his weapons and hiding them and watching him lose his mind. Stop bringing guns into her dads house he doesnt like them and its his house.
I think. Oh this is going to be a hot take. I think Bruce resents when Tim tries to patronize or parent him. You know exactly what i mean right, that very specific flavor of infantilization you see in Tim-and-Bruce fics where Tim is a genius brilliant boi and Bruce is just led around by the nose? Hate it and i think Bruce hates it and knows exactly when Tim is trying it. Does he look like Jack Drake?? No?? Good because he was getting worried. (Bruce loves Tim. He loves how much Tim cares. He does not love how Tim thinks caring means permission to run his life).
Another hot take, i dont think Alfred and Jason got along as well as they did until after Jason resurrected. I think baby Jason treated Alfred the way Alfred treated him, so more like two people living in the same space who mutually respect each other them like grandparents. I think Jasons death and his anger at Bruce and Dick made him want/need a neutral person to project his happy memories onto, and Alfred was that person.
Duke being wary of Jason and Red Hood - because he remembers how many people lost people to Red Hood when he first arrived, and i dont care what comics told you there is no way he did what he did without collateral damage.
Damian and Dick should have a messy, complicated, resentful relationship. Damian wanted his father, no matter how good a replacement you write Dick as that isnt what he wanted. Dick also wanted his dad, and he didnt want to be Batman or a parent or any of it, and the fact that Bruce was actually alive and if hed only moved faster, if the JL had only been smarter, if someone had been paying attention, he never would have had to do any of it. And im going to he so honest right now the way fandom writes their “good” relationship is so bad sometimes. I hesitate to use the word toxic because yaknow its been done to death but seriously.
Anyways i think i hit enough hornets nests here, but will leave with, good parenting does not always look like you think it should. Allowing your children to violate your boundaries, always taking full responsibility for mutual miscommunications and misunderstandings, and never letting them suffer consequences for actions they take is just setting them up for failure.
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darlingpwease · 2 years ago
ok, ok, shi mei being manipulative towards his beloved and tricks them into thinking that he is the best option and that you dont need others and you just have to follow him, him who always looks out for you.
but imagine he asks you to join him on his journey or well, plan, and you REFUSE. so he puts on a little crybaby show, sobbing and crying pathetically and begging you, saying that hes nothing without you, how he just means well as his golden tears fall down his beautiful face, even getting down on his knees and clinging at your waist.
best actor in shisheng peak? hell yeah
and you give in, your sweet little boy and swear that you will follow him. his plan worked. he decided to play the innocent and helpless facade a little longer. after all, being cradled by his beloved just because hes crying?
he would cry all day if it meant you not leaving him.
♡ unhealthy behaviour (emotional manipulation), pet names; yandere!reader implied if you squint, used 'shixiong' for the reader, shi mei is my little butterfly prince!!! he's done nothing wrong in his life!!!
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SHI MEI has timid smile, soft face, small palms and peach blossom eyes that glow with something gently smoky in the glow of the night, like the tongues of a bonfire, but the shade is not at all like scarlet or gold — closer to blooming violet flowers that can stupefy the mind of anyone who looks too long. It's dark outside; the rain pours like a bucket, flooding the usually dark blue sky even more, making it completely black, even without a hint of white spots, the same spots as in SHI MEI'S eyes when he is happy.
But now his eyes are stringy, darkened, as if the rain has an effect on him, making his usually flexible and light figure heavy and clumsy, unable to even move to snuggle up to you, which he often does when you are alone, as if looking for protection and support from the whole world in you. As if your body is a bastion or a nest where he can hide, knowing that he will always be welcome there.
But now, while large spots are falling from the sky, breaking on rocks, cutting into many small water fragments, SHI MEI is silent — although he has never been sociable or extroverted, one glance of his eyes was enough for people to want to reach out, even if his face is always a blurry spot in someone else's memory.
His voice sounds like rain, although SHI MEI himself smells of something pleasant, not at all damp or wet — but still like water, and when misty dark eyes rise from the flowers nailed by raindrops on you, you can't help but feel that something is about to happen.
Raindrops beat with the same force with which your heart beats, as if your subconscious itself finds out that before even scarlet lips have time to say, looking into his black pupils, not letting you look away even when a delicate fragile palm touches your shoulder — and slides down to the palm, covering it with his cool and narrow.
“I have something to tell you, shixiong... Shixiong, you... you'll always be on my side, right?”
His voice is like the murmur of water in a cave — not at all like the rain outside, and for some reason you feel strangely airy and grounded, listening to the sound of almost inaudible breathing, merging with a glimmer in his beautiful eyes, like light in a lake, even when it is dark and gloomy around.
“Shixiong, my shixiong... you are the most precious thing I have... I, I can't imagine what my life would be like without you— this shidi can't even imagine how lonely he would be if shixiong didn't exist... if shixiong had discarded this weak shidi, if shixiong would not have looked after this shidi...”
But you can't open your mouth — even when you desperately want to, seeing how he lowers down his eyes and thick black eyelashes, like a rare beauty in a moment of sadness, from which you want to hug him tighter, letting him know that you will always protect him — but before you do or say anything bright eyes are looking at you again, like two lights in the dead of night.
“Shixiong... You know what I want to talk about, right?”
Of course you know,
and of course you would prefer to avoid this conversation as much as possible; his fingers easily wrap around your wrist, squeezing while the deceptively fragile body jerks forward, like a taut string waiting for the slightest tension to burst.
“You can't avoid this forever, shixiong... Just give me the answer...”
His eyes shine like the surface of a wide clear lake under the rays of an unbearably bright sun — for the first time, the smoke, as if coming from a bright fire, dissipates, allowing the flowers in his eyes to bloom, showing you everything inside him, as if the once black lake dispersed, and all that he used to hide dissolved in the waters.
And then they are filled with a golden luster, shining in the night like a liquid sun — and just as scorching when you hurriedly reach for his face, managing to touch one drop remaining on your fingers like wet pollen — only for SHI MEI to move away, wiping the drops with a trembling sleeve of clothes, soaking the fabric with a sparkle like a sparkle from the Tianwen, and even the pain that remains in you is felt even more acutely than the blows of the whip.
“Shixiong... Shixiong...”
How pathetic and plaintive his voice sounds, breaking and trembling, but at the same time making you feel butterflies, from which everything inside curled into a knot, finding something perversely beautiful in the way tears flowed from his shiny watery eyes, leaving golden lines on beautiful innocent face, while the fragile body trembling with sobs, which he tried to restrain, but could not.
Even his white sleeves, stained with gold spots, seemed for some reason to emphasize even more how soft and tender SHI MEI was, like a bud that had not yet blossomed, which was looking for you to survive.
“Why? Why?... Is it because I'm a demon? Is it because I'm weak?”
New sobs made him tremble while he pressed his hands to himself, almost curling up into a ball, as if hiding from you, afraid that you would hurt him even more.
“No, no, shidi, I- it's not...”
“Then why?!”
He asked in desperation, looking straight into your eyes while thick big tears flowed down his ruddy cheeks and nose.
“Why?! Why don't you want me?! Why are you rejecting me?! Why am I not good enough?! Why don't you want me?!”
Your hands react faster than you, desperately clutching the sobbing body to yourself; the rain intensifies, as if reacting to his tears, as if SHI MEI is that pure fairy who can influence nature itself with his emotions, innocent and gentle, and you can't help but hold him tightly to yourself, forcing him to open his hands and nuzzle his nose into your neck.
“I'm ashamed, I'm so ashamed... It's all my fault... It's my fault that you don't want me... It's my fault that you hate me... I'm so sorry, shixiong...”
He hiccups while muttering apologies and sobs indistinctly, accusing himself in a stinging voice, saying something hoarsely that he did not want such a fate and that he was not to blame, he did not want to, he really did not want to, — but in your head everything is drowning in streams of water and his voice.
“I'm so sorry that I can't protect you, shixiong... I'm so useless... I just want to bring peace to my kind, but I can't even protect you... I'm so pathetic, I'm so clumsy, I'm so useless, I'm so stupid, I'm so—”
What else can you do but hold him tight?
“No, no, shidi, you're wonderful, you're capable... It's okay, shidi, it's okay... shidi... I, I will always be there, shidi, please don't cry...”
The rain falls in a squall on the ground, destroying weak flowers and plants, like water knives falling from the sky, breaking on strong soil — and such a defenseless, weak, needing you shidi, looking for you because he never has anything but you, so strong but forced to look for a support, a bastion that could hide him — what can you do other than rock him, stroking him until his breathing becomes calm, while his face, ruddy from sobbing, rests cheek against your cloth wet with golden drops, finally finding peace, even if through his sleep you still hear him hiccup, trembling in your hands.
Your cute shidi.
Your precious shidi.
After all, what can you do? If he needs you, your help, what can you do? After all,
you are his shixiong.
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When you fall asleep, leaning your back against the wall behind, still tightly but lovingly hugging the figure of your beloved pure shidi, SHI MEI can't resist enthusiastically, puppy-like rubbing against your shoulder, keeping himself from happy squeaking, squinting with pleasure.
If he had a tail, he would wag it, — but now his body is only slightly trembling while he tries not to move restlessly, trying to get as close to you as possible.
So that's your weak spot, huh?
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oddvanilla · 6 months ago
kinda pray for monkeypox not becoming a big deal
like our world going NUTS we dont need it too THO very often i think about how everythinh that happens is part of future's history and it makes me kinda less paranoid because people been thorught worse and it wont be a big deal for anyone
ALSO GOT REALLY OFFENDED BY THE APPLICATION THAT CPVID MADE PEOPLE STRUGGLE WITH ASKING FOR KETCHUP for me it qasnt covid i swear i jusy became insane and now try to get more like a human
(upcoming yap session put Ur seat belts on)
I often think about how back then it was way worse. Like ah yes, I'm a Victorian child born into a lower class family and I'm forced to labour all my life living in the streets of London or something. Of course, you don't have food or water or any source of hygiene to begin with. The worst part is..water quality was so bad back then that if you don't have drinking water; people just drink beer instead.
Imagine your 6 year old daughter working her life off mining in a cave with starvation since yesterday and you have to just give her MORE beer to fill her stomach 😭 like oh GOD that's miserable..
and after all that, im surprised the diseases we get now are more "dangerous" than back then. Mind you, people in the 1800s or 1700s had like NO technology to even think of finding a cure. Like damn you didn't even invent a microscope YET. <- I'll educate you a bit about history..the first microscope as a CONCEPT was made by a Dutch man named Zacharias Janssen all the way back in 1590!!! But the first MODERN microscope that we know nowadays with all the different lenses and even coloured was in 1774. That's like almost 2 centuries later...and incase you haven't focused in your 7th grade science class, the first atomic theory was in 1804. If you understand where I'm going with this, we humans are slow as HELLL.
I'm mentioning all of this saying dude...you're telling me people back then had some deadly diseases, couldn't cure it, DIED on streets, and didnt even GET quarantine.
Talking about generation...which I bet everyone is sick of me talking about..but like dude would our generation survive if we just got a time machine to the 17th century. Although I dont believe in the evolution theory because we are NOT monkeys but I believe over time humans learn new skills, which changes their life styles therefore their bodies change too because every creature adapts. Cool!!
You ever see those articles about how nowadays we stay on our phone all day and that'll make our bodies lazy and not used to work blah blah blah,, at first I was gonna say if we go back to the time the Spanish flu for example started we would PROBABLY survive because we have better education, better immune systems due to actual healthcare and we could definitely survive with just common sense. Like wtf?? I'm NOT going to visit by rat filled basement bare foot..
HOWEVER compare the average human who sits on bed all day scrolling and laughing at a glowy rectangular shaped decide called a phone...we would not last a day without internet...at least I know I wouldn't 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
So like...think about it. Why is corona so dangerous?? It's only borderline to older diseases. Or maybe it's the other way around. Corona itself is DEADLY, but it's just the situation and life style we have today that makes me wonder why it's harmless. Like cough cough I got covid oh no!!! I can just stay in my home all day.. like you get what I mean?? I'm sure you would just get back to work if you were unfortunately lower class victorian child and had covid..and dying probably gives you more peace than working a lifetime for 10 cents..
So that's it!!! Silly lil rant about Victorian children, diseases, Humans Adapting, science and history, and of course generations. MY ALL TIME FAVOURITE TOPICS TO TALK ABOUT!!!
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sidesteppostinghours · 11 months ago
9 and 25 for all of them !! :)
evening gideon!! thank you for the ask :]
9. Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
ok. so. the thing about me is that i dont actually listen to music all that often??? its mostly when i draw digitally, and im primarily a traditional artist so i dont really know that many songs. i also have shitty memory so its hard for me to remember quotes. aka this is a pretty hard question for me to answer, but i will try my best:
Caine-"Oh, captain, make up your mind/Before the salt burns your eyes and you run out of time/'Cause you're popping the cork, you get lost in your brain/And you lose touch with all the things that made you feel sane" - Ship in a Bottle (fin)
honestly ive never really associated this song with him before but i looked into the lyrics just to see whether it had anything i could think of them with and theres??? actually a bunch of lyrics there that fit???? like to the point i was struggling to decide which one to use for this. but i think this one, the second chorus, really encapsulates the biggest parts of their character. hes the decision maker out of all my steps, the one that knows how to make the logical choices and think his way out of a problem. but hes on a time limit. he doesn't know when it will end, just that it will at some point, and they cant stop if they want everything done in time. also sight and eyes is something i associate caine with a lot, especially closing your eyes/refusing to see. "you get lost in your brain/and you lose touch with all the things that made you feel sane." COUGHS. coughs. caine has the most gates open out of all my steps. i also fully intend to make them the source of hb 2.0. yeah.
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look him in the eyes and say this to his face. he will look like he got hit by a freight train.
Cecilia- another quote!
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im just gonna go ahead and put my own tags to this one because thats where i put it best:
#thinking about this again with ceci#the best part is the bullet hole#like yeah shes not ready to face the fact that everything shes been doing up till now#was just to distract herself from the absolute misery life became after heartbreak#she has FRIENDS she has people she CARES about and they even seem to like her back!!!!#she even has a girlfriend!#isnt that enough?#tell her thats enough#cecilia rider
theres a reason shes a thrill seeker yall.
Cynthia- "I swear, I'm so fucking sorry/I'm not a good person, I'm barely a person at all/But someday I'll be perfect, and I'll make up for it all" - Against the Kitchen Floor (Will Wood)
uh. *looks at cynthias relationship with ortega* uhhhh. *looks at cynthias relationship with sidestep*. uhhhhhhhh.
this song was also difficult to choose lyrics out of, but there is just something so special about girls who simply have to be the best they can to make up for the sin of being. there is something equally as special about girls who take their past selves as judge, and their lover as executioner. also "im not a good person, im barely a person at all" kills me. the regene flavouring on that line??? utterly insane of mr wood to make a song just for her.
25. What is your favorite thing about your OC?
THESE BITCHES ARE SO CONTRADICTORY!!! THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING CLASHING ABOUT THESE FUCKERS AND ITS DELICIOUS. not even just trait wise, but with their themes? their core ideals? their relationships???? its always some sort of fucking fundamental difference shaping the way they act and i am Obsessed with it. also all of them are dangerous and it makes me vibrate a little bit. rangers you are so lucky that none of them are interested in leaning into being a full blown villain. but this question is,,, also difficult to answer because idk how to pick just one favourite lmfao. i will attempt it though.
Caine- he is the normalest guy around. there is also something Deeply Wrong with him. my favourite thing about caine would probably be how fun it is to dive into his psyche! ill often have times where i get bored of them and wonder why i got so interested in the first place, and then i get hit with another round of it and i remember "oh right! its because hes insane." his whole character revolves around what is going on inside their brain, from their high subterfuge to their connection with heartbreak and his relationship with the puppet. theyre the most fun to play with in their mind.
Cyrus- god. my favourite thing about him is a tie between his stubbornness and his surprisingly strong sense of empathy. both of those were the things keeping him from becoming a villain in the first place, and now its whats stopping him from going back to being a hero. i want him to confront what hes become so bad yall dont understand-
Cecilia- cecilia is just. a breath of fresh air. shes easy and super fun to play, and while she certainly has her moments (i am looking directly at the checkpoint three mortum reveal scene), shes mostly lighthearted fun cruising through the game as nothing more than a silly guy. i think the next game will actually dig into her character more deeply and allow me to showcase the parts of her shed usually keep hidden, but for now im having a good time getting her to kiss argent and embarrass her friends.
Cynthia- somebody come pick her up please before she starts crying in this club. she is crying because of me but lets not talk about that. i think my favourite thing about her is the contrast between her general wimpy sad lovergirl disposition and her revenge scar, and how she chooses to cope with it! because like,,,, it is just so so tasty watching her fumble with the overwhelming emotion, Especially since the emotion is hurting people. she never learned what to do with the anger! she does not want it! she wants to be as kind to other people as possible! "im not a bad dog, i dont know why i bite" etc etc. eventually she might figure it out, but Definitely Not Now lmfao.
questions from here!
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We can confirm Papyrus for most mistreated just by the sheer fact that you, poll runner, put him up against Hunter in the first round (pensive emoji) To be fair to him (and us, the Papyrus enjoyers) he put up a hell of a fight. The difference in Hunter and Papyrus' fandom experience is night and day. Hunter is beloved. Hunter is celebrated. People HC he is neurodivergent and it is used to elevate him.
Papyrus, intentionally or not, is written like he's neurodivergent and the fandom took one look at him and for the last nearly 8 years has decided he need to be murdered to further his brother's angst-overfilled storylines, or that he's too stupid to live and is taken advantage of, or that people aren't allowed to swear around him or telling him his poorly cooked spaghetti is bad because otherwise Sans Will Kill You. Like as someone who reads Papyrus/reader inserts, it drives me fucking nuts, it's ALL reverse harems focused on Sans. The ones that don't are shit like. Fucking. Sans threatens to kill you if you even date Papyrus. Sans threatens you with his eyes from across the room if you dare even THINK to suggest Papyrus' spaghetti could be improved.
A trope I have seen on more than one occasion is these shitty reverse harem fics tagging it for Papyrus/reader romance and then they have Papyrus say he's ace and he just fucking ceases to exist. Horrortale Papyrus is meant to be the same as UT Papyrus but he gets a different ending that goes wrong. On at least one occasion in these terrible fics where Papyrus says "I'm Ace" and then ne does the peace sign and fades away, horror Papyrus is also there and even though the FIC ACKNOWLEDGED THEY SHOULD BE THE SAME, THEY SAID HORROR PAPYRUS WASN'T ACE "ANYMORE" which just proves people put often make classic Papyrus ace to kick him out of the big kids romance room, which as an ace person pisses me off.
One of my favorite fics ever involves the world being reset after the reader develops a relationship with him and suddenly it's a murder run and reader remembers Papyrus exists so they go into the mountain and are helping SANS FIGHT FRISK???? And there's like one fucking chapter left and we don't even get to see the reader rebuild their relationship with Papyrus after the reset, it's just "That was fun NOW TIME FOR SANS GLOWY MURDER EYE WEEEEE"
And that's one of my favorites. One of the most popular fics in the fandom is literally Papyrus being tortured by Flowey to make him "less innocent" so he can get into the royal guard.
I did a count of all the major endings in UT and out of roughly 18 major endings 9 of them involve Papyrus being dead or very sad (two sad, 7 dead)
Papyrus deserves to return.
no need to blame me. i do not hate papyrus so much that i put him against a character in the first round i knew he would lose to. dont know what you're getting at here but see what i did was put some unpopular fandom characters against popular fandom characters and some popular fandom characters against other popular fandom characters. so undertale, popular, against the owl house, also popular. im not an undertale fan so i knew nothing about papyrus, i also new nothing about hunter. i knew "popular fandoms" and put em against each other. sorry bud. root for papyrus in the redemptions.
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maxeiil · 1 year ago
often times, I think about my Kairos time. From what I understand, its the period of waiting and praying until God calls you for something that can change you or someone else's life. Ever since I found God, I've always wondered when my time would come.
I have a lot of religiously influential people in my life, who seem to do amazing things, like my friend, Iraklis. He's just a kid like me, but whenever I see him, he's always praying and he mentions the Goodness of God any time he finds. He has a whole page on tiktok dedicated to Christianity, which is quite normal, but he's turned people to Christ. And he's just a kid.
I looked up to him and wondered what I could do to turn people to Christ as well, or at least open their eyes. But I realize, God doesn't call all of us in the same way to do the great things He has planned for us.
I tried to make efforts of showing people Christ by posting a lot of Bible verses and other Christian things on this blog, despite it being a fine art blog. (Well, its supposed to be one lol)
I wanna show people the true Goodness of my Lord. God saves people every day, man. He saved me when I almost died in February from a sickness nobody at the time knew I had.
I was miserable at the hospital. I slept all through the day and never got out of my bed. When I woke up, I always wanted to cry because it was still light outside. I remember always telling myself, "Child, day isn't over." all the time. My auntie came to stay with me for the night once so my mom could go home after staying with me all week. She prayed and prayed for me, practically yelling that my sickness wouldn't take over my body. And she was right. I remember when she told me to get up and when I did, I literally felt the weakness slip away. I'm not exaggerating my testimony because thats exactly what it felt like.
I came out of there after two weeks, not being able to run and barely able to jump, but I still jumped for joy, best as I could. I praised the Lord and I cried because I would have died without his Grace.
I used to be an evil child, already on my way to hell. I can't hide my sins from everybody and say I was perfect. I disrespected God, even in church because I didn't care. At those times, I had a lot of angst. I was only like 8 or 9 and I wanted to k-11 myself. I thought my family hated me and I started sh'ing in the 6th grade. But when I came to God and started reading the Word, every hardship in there, I could apply to my own life; Heartbreak, temptation, sadness, fear, and anxiety. They're nothing when you've got God. Bring your burdens to Him and He will take them away. Thats what He did for me and I love Him for what He's done. He's blessed me and my broken life, and turned everything around.
If I could swear as a Christian, I would swear that God will never let you down if you're willing to give your life to Him. He loves you. You may think everything in the world is for you, but it's really against you. People want to brainwash you and tear you down and conform you inro their ways. They'll tell you its the good life, the fun life, but they dont know crap about what they say. You'll never find happiness hooking up with people, doing drugs or bullying others. And you'll never find it worshipping the devil. The devil tried to take my soul, and thought he had it, but failed. Dont let him take yours. It will never be worth it.
God is patient and open to anyone and everyone. If you are truly willing to give your life to the Lord, I'm telling you, It will be so worth it. We get slandered by the people of this world because they dont see what we see and they think we are bigots who take the "fun" out of everything. We really aren't. God won't hate you for being an addict, or a homosexual, or a prostitute. When you believe in Him and repent, all of it will be forgiven. He doesn't hate you, but the bad things that the world tries to pressure you into. It's hard to preach that in a world of people who are too sensitive and think anyone who goes against them in the slightest is attacking them. Its real sad. I hope one day people will wake up and see His power, His rule over this earth.
I'll say it one more time. No matter how much you deny it, no matter what you do or say, God will always be willing to take you into His arms. Turn to Him, and He will make your paths straight. He will protect and guide you. Once you grab His Hand, He'll never let go of you. He loves you. He loves you all. Please. Why don't you turn to Him and love Him back?
This message wasnt really focused on one thing and I just typed as testimonies and such resurfaced my mind. But I hope this reaches out to somebody. God really does love you.
God Bless <3
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finitevoid · 3 months ago
my syntax + your vocab = gundham
people having a weird fascination with me but my complete inability to form meaningful relationships with people is a gundham point. He seems a bit tortured with whether he wants to have friends or not as well. ultimately pushes people away but still feels bad when he doesnt get to hang out. He cant figure out where he wants to be in regards to maintaining character and his own tolerance for other peoples presence
Sonia point for you. People really dont find me attractive (in this country. I got hit on in argentina and. That time in the plane heading to el salvador i was getting hit on by the woman and the man sitting on my sides. What the fuck? i am also attractive in europe in an exotic way for them ! Lol! White americans dont fetishize me as much because they are actually rather tired of seeing my people whereas europeans travel to cusco for sex tourism. Now if we’re talking colombian women thats another situation with american men. it is not the type of latina beauty i lean into) ive only ever gotten like one hermosa from a (non hispanic) individual walking past, one pedophile on the metro, creepy looks from older latino men, and two human trafficking moments that dont necessarily mean the people trykng to get me in the car with me want to be with me . it means i am potentially profitable. If i shaved my hair my non existent attention would be the same. Otherwise yes i … ahh maybe sonia point for me because the people interested in me are kind of kazuichi. But they tend to be somewhat private with me about it. Its not externalized in the way i think your admirers tend to? Besides perhaps dilo but that was more in a way to contact me in the first place through creative means which was not kazs case. Sonia for you
Actually now that I think about it like this we kind of had a sonia gundham moment in tati vore. Like you were the weird one and I was seen as comparatively normal but being with you brought forth such a drastic shift in weirdness that people almost couldn’t wrap their heads around it. Like they weren’t sure I could contain the multitudes to be weird with you but normal-er with them . Do you get what I’m trying to say. Like I was always weird but being around you makes this obvious. So that’s a sonia gundham point respectively
White supremacy affects beauty standards . How often would you say you got hit on in Argentina vs europe. And yeah the fact that you can count the number of times you’ve been hit on is. Yeah I couldn’t even begin to. What’s interesting about this is that I get hit on a lot less than I used to think I did. Back when I was crossdressing a lot and my hair was long there was a really noticeable uptick in the amount of (cis) male attention I got, and at the time I was so vexed like I was saying I was getting hit on all the time?$!? but I realized recently that compared to people who perform femininity better than me I didn’t hit on much at all. Emily swears up and down she gets hit on Every Day by at least one customer and that sounds fake as hell to me because even in my most conventionally attractive era I was only getting the creepy old man treatment maybe once or twice a week. my friend lexi does get hit on at least once a day and I know because I hear it. all the guys who hit on me seem to be into the fact that I look 8 . All the guys who hit on her are super weird. all the guys who hit on emily are in their 70s. What does any of this mean
My admirers are definitely more open about it. Rather than pursuing me directly (which is definitely what yours do) mine like to stake weirdly public claims of possession (like josh). whereas you get nerd guys who confess to you in discord dms. I get nerd guys too but I get the ones who want to groom me for some reason . But I still feel like you get more dogged pursuers than I do. Or at least more persistent ones . Kaz reminds me more of shima than he does josh . But there is still the publicness of kazuichi’s pursuit. So idk
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pussyboys-blog · 2 years ago
Write out the flustoration write it out write it out
So I have a bit of a problem if you could call it that its like--it is a problem but I just ughhh
So the thing is I have my two really cool really fun friends that I love and cherish more than anything and anyone, honestly I would kill for these two but aside from that, I have some mildly concerning abandonment issues, that also goes with posessiveness over people that are important to me and a fairly annoying infiriority complex. From these thing I can most of the time look aside from and just have this small sting in my chest but not think about it and it goes away,, but thist time--- OHH this time it hits like a train,,
Thing is that I have this roommate/classmate for over 2 years now and, we are not compatible as roommates who see eachother 24 7 so we had our fair share of fights which resulted in shouting and swearing and hurting eachother,,, and in the past shoolyear Ive had it pretty rough and (even tho we talked about it and realised it was just kind of a misunderstanding) she hurt me a lot and made me close up around her. Im not mad at her im simply scared and unable to act my normal self around her cuz even tho she really wasnt she still was my abuser and made my condition last year a lot worse
So yes this person has always been really friendly and apealing and extroverted to most of our piers and that is fine we have our seperate friendgroups which gives me ease, I mean gave me ease until not so long ago she decided to talk to my friends more and more often, until its kind of bacame a thing that she hanging out with my two friends (spesificly one of them) outside of school which makes me feel really fucking shit my blood boila every time I see them hang out or talk with eachother and my heart leaps with the fear of feeling alone and abandoned. It makes me wanna cry, it makes me question my friends' intentions and feelings toward me, I fear my status in the our small closed trio dropping, I know im really annoying, whiny, not as smart as the others, not as funny and not as pretty as my roommate, and I just think these ppl can find anyone better than me
So I explained to this to one of my two friends (bc of course I have to go out of my way and whine about annoying shit, expose myself as someone who questios thier loyalty for me and once again cry and whine about it like a pathetic little spoiled brat) and of course she tried to reassure me that its okay its nothing like that and even tho they dont know what our other friend is thinking, but probably also that, that yes she is fun to be around and all but they wouldnt like to get to know them more personal, since shes not the kind of person they would befriend, which means a lot to one side of me, but the majority in my mind still rejects all that my friend said, I always felt infirior to all of my friends and my roommates in 84% of the things making me unable to cope with this.
Not to mention I also feel also about telling this to one of my friends (and fear telling it to the other) since I its non of my fucking business who are they talking to and befriending with, and its very wrong of me to have so much hate and fear inside of me for this but i just cant get myself together, and I dont know what will I do
Ill probably end up explaining this to my other friend too since its going to be just the three of us this thuesday afternoon and weekend, cuz maybe if I heard my other friend tell me the same (I dont know what to expect from him, this is something I dont think he can fully understand bc of his low empathy and avoidently attached mindset)
So yeah I wish this woudl all go away and leave me be since its also making my amgerissues resufice and I wont see my psichologist for a fucking month now and summer is fasr aproaching and I dont wanna throw up bc of all the feelings when one of them Will tell me that they met up with my roommate over the summerbreak
so yeah
Good to have a rant page with noone in here
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fagsex · 2 years ago
tell me about the women you invented 🎤
I FORHOT ABOUT THIS HALP!! hold on i only have old sometimes semi inaccurate refs bc all my good ones were lost in the fire (read when my phone was stolen) (more under cut, these r the only ones i have pics of atm but theres more women) (i swear) (also asid only cuz im in asid Mood) so
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here is my sweetest princess in all the land Abi(ah) Nimr ! shes the main character one could say of And Simon Is Dead, a curious new adult trying to discover who she is with the people shes been told are who friends after suffering amnesia ! she can control liquids, aka not limited to water, and can act as a dowsing rod as well to find it :] shes rather soft spoken and probably the most mild mannered out of the main four, but she wont take shit and she especially wont let anyone give it to ppl she cares about! her bday is nov 1st, shes bi, her favorite color is black, her favorite food is chicken samosas by someone that she just cant remember, and shes been sadako from ringu for 6 non consecutive halloweens
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riz ahmed-doyle ! not quite a woman but moreso than not, they're an orphaned fairy kid who can barely remember their father, especially post amnesiac incident, and occasionally spores sprojt from their head but like it's no biggie. head of three athletic clubs at their old school, and an active member of even more, they dont really see it necessary to wear anything but loose tanks and above the knee shorts. standing over 6 feet tall when not leaning into their friends (which is frequent), riz is very touchy and bonds with others like nothing else, their loud and carefree spirit attracting people like bugs to a light, even with dragonfly wings jetting out from their back. their bday is may 1st, their favorite sport is soccer, they want to take up cooking soon, and theyre so durable itd put a tardigrade to shame
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eileen doyle, selkie extraordinaire who ran away from home at a very young age, leaving her seal skin in the only hands she could trust, that of her then baby brother. the pair reunited in her new home when he was old enough to figure out how to lie his way on a plane, and the two are inseperable. while working in HQ, she met young riz ahmed and when the kid got attached to her after losing their father, she took them in 'temporarily' until they found a more permanent family, which has lasted the past oh decade or so. being terrekinetic, one of her favorite hobbies is rolling dirt up like snowballs and launching them into peoples faces from a distance and holding back her laughter when they get worms in their mouth. her bday is march 17th, she has since sewn her cloak into a badass cardigan for her little brother, she enjoys making horrible food, and wont turn her nose up a nice drink while you're at it
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kira(bo) nimr, older cousin of abi and longtime sufferer of her family's actions, from minor to murderous. originally a very powerful mageic user, she accidentally was drained of nearly all of it in order to save her brothers life, before being separated from him for a decade and left on her own in the pacific northwest. she found herself and her way home of the spanse of many years, rising the ranks in the HQ despite her lack of abilities besides a Nya here and there. a very competent office and at times field worker, she still finds her stomach in knots around kind women and doesnt know if she can even forgive her mother. her bday is dec 1st, her defining verb is headstrong, shes been taking adult karate lessons at the age of 24, and had an extensive avril lavigne phase to where she relearned french (pictured)
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picture is rather out of date but one of my longest time ocs, morimoto natsuko is her name, 'california girls, we're diabolical' is her game. people often think the mouth coming from the back of her head is likely her closest friend, but her and helena have certainly seen better days. where she prefers american football, her long tongued symbiote likes a young brad pitt, despite only sharing ears, thoughts, and a stomach with her ever patient host. natsuko is known campus wide for winning a hotdog eating contest against the bottomless pit that is helena, and once had an all night rager with riz's basketball team that ended up with everybody in a dungeon on campus that was sealed by concrete in '72 with no cell signal. her bday is, as she says, 'blowin in the wind', her hobbies include making her best friend beau feel small, she can be technicality sing all of american pie in one breath, and she tells everyone who will listen every year for a decade shes never seen snow (liar)
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less heroically inclined than some of our other friends here, maria would like to eat you for brunch and whine how hungry she still is. she has split custody with her boy best friends hellcat, her highschool superlative was hellcat, and she was valedictorian with a solid 2.3 gpa. her wings are too small to allow flight, but that wont stop her from trying and beating your ass with them on (mostly) accident after you buy her a couple drinks at the bar before she goes home to her girlfriend. her bday is whenever she thinks is funniest and will be most inconvient for you, she owns her own horn decoration business, her own bus centered uber style rideshare company, and your wallet.
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more tatted than your dad and probably smells more, amiriah takes the stage! not quite a siren, not quite a demon, shes all cold blooded hatred and salt water. she secretly has a soft spot for feline creatures, and literally melts when they run from her due to, yknow, the whole, being water thing. marias girlfriend she runs home to after escapades, that shes tried to become a giant beer spirit for more than once (never successful). her bday is none of your business, earhaver, she enjoys nothing except jailtime (we have to assume), her girlfriends boy best friends cat, and poking at her own organs like slim goodbody.
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dollmoth-productions · 3 years ago
Yan encanto family with villain (cuz why not? Or normal if dont write villain reader) reader whos a power like naagin (a person who can shape shifting into a snake)
I could not find any good GIF so I hope this is good
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The darling is more mischievous than evil
💙 Isabella is very showy for you she especially loves it whenever you do turn into a snake she purposely likes to put you in the sun on one of her many plants so you will heat up she thinks it's absolutely adorable when you are completely healed up you normally try to leave her room and she usually just try to stop you by putting a Vine around your leg sometimes even with thorns
💙 Maribel does get tired of your shenanigans because of your constant pranks or lack thereof which means you're planning but she truly does love you even though sometimes it becomes too much when her jealousy does show
💙Julieta and agustín are more of the sickly sweet pipeline she will make you food and maybe when you're even in your steak from catching mice for you even though you don't really eat sometimes the food is even poison so you are too sick to take care of yourself. Agustín is accident-prone as you see but that doesn't change the fact that he cares about you he's a lot like his wife in some ways maybe less obsessive so he commonly just plays the piano for you even if you're crying after a punishment or chained up by Casita
💙Luisa very strong but very dangerous it's coming for you even if you try to leave the 
Casita tries to force you to stay here but if you ever follow the rules and play nice 
she's an absolute sweetheart a darling even but it doesn't help because she's the strongest she's often the one that has to bring you home even if you try to Slither away she holds you down by the neck or where she believes your neck is
❤ Abuela it's probably the most tame but also the most dangerous to make angry she is a lot more less stressful on you than the others but that comes with more helicopter parenting if you ever are close to window she's always three feet away if you ever try to get out of the Casita she's always two inches away she's the most dangerous to make angry because she will make sure you get punished
💛Pepa  and Felix the helicopter parenting was Abuela then they are complete watch dogs always watching you always checking up on you always making sure you're okay and that would be nice but wasn't every 5 minutes it comes to the point where you sometimes even hide but they normally know where you are they think it's absolutely adorable that you can transform into this think even more when he tried to bite them normally that leads to Pepa thundering through even though Felix is more laid-back here does have his limits his limits come whenever you try to escape and he doesn't the Show punishment but he does give you a firm talking to where he threatens to break your legs
💛 Dolores the person who can hear everything is possibly the only chance that you'll ever be to normalcy you were never able to truly Escape her she can hear you slithering away she can hear you whenever you stub your toe and you swear and beneath your breath and you expect the girl who knows everything about everyone to actually help you because they might understand you but nope you have to stay here it's scary.
💛 Camilo the light-hearted jokester you have lost all hope of anyone ever letting you escape which also lead you to be kind of depressed and sad so Camilla was there to always cheer you up which was usually than my mocking the victims that they've usually got done rid of he loves it whenever you turn to snake whenever you're scared because it really depends on your mood what type of breed you are she does miss your shenanigans with him whenever you would prank people with him but it's safer for you to stay here and not do anything too dangerous
💛 Antonio he's the less of your worries he doesn't even understand his feelings on the matter he understands you whenever you turn into a snake so that's good or he even lets you pet his pet Jaguar so you would feel better watch me yet again he doesn't really allow you to escape but you can easily overpower him because of how young he is but you would never hurt him if you were given the chance he's the lesser of two evils
💚 Bruno is definitely more of a danger for you he will start doing his Visions again especially when he's accepted back in the family so he can see if you would ever escape so he can plan it out normally the family gives you to him whenever they have to do their normal chores so it's definitely an uphill battle with you and him his hugs are so crushing and tight that you commonly can't even escape and you even fall asleep in them they're not even comforting anymore they're more dangerous especially after you tried to escape multiple times he hate it whenever you turn into a snake he's scared that you might hurt his rats so he often punishes you so you won't really turn into a snake as much otherwise he's completely calm
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nora-xox · 3 years ago
Heyy! I have a request! You dont have to do this but some headcannons about how would Caitlyn,jinx and vi would react to thier S/O being a really joyful person who is more than half of the time smiling and laughing. Even in situation where they shouldnt be. If not then its fine! I hope you have a good one,sugar <3
Yesss I love this!! As a person who is smiling often and or laughing even in instances I shouldn't be I found this exciting to write!
This is headcannons so they are shorter I hope that is alright
As always I am new to writing but i love it! I am trying my best and I hope you enjoy!
I may make a part 2 to this with other characters as well!
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Caitlyn's pt.
Warnings : uhhh pfftt idk
· First off Caitlyn loves your smile, your laugh, your seemingly endless energy!
· Caitlyn is happy she gets to see that smile so often.
· She loves trying to keep up with you as you seemingly have an endless excitement for any little thing from a small shiny rock to birds in the sky.
· Caitlyn the first time she saw you smiling and laughing in a situation that was less then ideal. She was confused.
· She figured out quickly which laugh was what and could tell when you were uncomfortable or nervous just by listening closely and looking.
· Caitlyn does her best to keep your genuine smile on your face.
· When instances occur where you are laughing in a situation that isn't the right time. Caitlyn will first do her best to alter the situation and also get you away from prying eyes if she can.
· if she notices people are starring well then she figures it's better if it's both of you. Making jokes and laughing at the peoples reactions.
· She Never judges you for any of this and always tries her best to comfort you if the people start to get to you and she for sure doesn't let her parents put any harsh criticism towards you.
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Jinx's pt
Warnings: boom
· Jinx loves when you smile when you smile she's smiling and staring at you.
· Your laugh brings Jinx's attention straight to you wherever you are in the room. She wants to hear it and know what you're laughing about.
· She laughs in inappropriate situations too so she will point out that it's normal.
· You both laugh together at the worst possible times sometimes even causing each other to laugh harder. Even to the point where you both are laughing so hard you're crying.
· People staring? Pfft Jinx will take care of it (boom)
· Jinx loves your constant energy if you ever aren't smiling she would know somethings wrong and she will try and make you laugh in her own way.
· Silco is driven crazy by the two of you endlessly making each other laugh. Though he doesn't mind because Jinx is more productive when you're around because she is happier.
· Your smile and laughter brings Jinx's mood up in an instant.
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Vi's pt
Warnings: swearing
· Vi found it strange at first the seemingly endless smiles and cheerfulness.
· Though she didn't mind it. Vi finds it refreshing a change of pace to the usual rough demeanor of the people around her.
· Vi is always looking at you when you smile so basically she finds herself always looking at you.
· Your laugh makes Vi's heart melt she loves to hear it.
· because of how much she listens and watches you similarly to Caitlyn she automatically notices when the sound of your laugh changes.
· though you're still laughing and smiling even in awkward situations Vi does question you about why you would laugh when it doesn't seem like the time.
· After explaining how it's just instinct and or habit. That you can't help it she understands and leaves it at that.
· If someone criticizes you for this Vi will tell them to fuck off, flip them off. Sometimes it leads to fights but Vi is willing to fight for you.
· Vi loves to hear your genuine laugh and will make you laugh as often as possible.
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thefanficmonster · 3 years ago
Interesting Encounters
Corpse Husband *& Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Paranoia and Fear of Invasion of Privacy
Genre: FLUFF, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Corpse has an interesting run-in with his regular delivery girl, having the chance to talk to her for the first time despite her having been delivering to his door for months. It’s a big step in overcoming his anxiety and paranoia when talking to strangers.
Requested by Anon. Hi darling! Thank you so much for your wonderful request! Hope you come across the final product of your request and give it a read and if so I hope you like it! Sorry for the wait, I hope it was worth it though! Love, Vy ❤
It’s a regular Monday morning, close to 10AM and Corpse’s face is practically glued to the sound editing app he’s downloaded, playing around with some cool effects to add to his voice in the background of the new song he’s been working on. He hasn’t been able to sleep a wink thanks to the immense excitement, not that he would’ve been able to regardless, but the tune and the lines have been stuck in his head all throughout the weekend and he knows they’ll be bothering him until he turns them into something other people will be able to listen and give an opinion on as well. So far he’s done plenty of work but there’s plenty more to go until it’s done. He’s at that point he usually needs feedback and wants to ask for it but would rather not to avoid either too harsh judgement or fake praise.
He slides the headset off, deciding to take a break for the sake of his sanity before he drives himself to insanity with the intensity of his focus on this new piece. His brain just so conveniently sends him a reminder that his groceries are probably waiting for him outside the door. He has, as of the last half a year or so, had someone deliver his groceries to him to avoid trips to the grocery store with both the whole pandemic situation and the growth of following which translates to growth of the risk of him getting recognized. That’s the main reason - and maybe the only one - as to why he doesn’t interact with the people who deliver to him either. He always gives his delivery person the instruction to leave whatever he’s ordered at the doorstep and if it’s not takeout to not even ring the doorbell. 
That being said, the deliverer of his groceries doesn’t ring the doorbell to give him the kind reminder to be responsible, but luckily he hasn’t forgotten to collect them yet in the six months he’s been practicing this delivery technique.
Going to the front door and looking out of the peephole, he confirms there are several full plastic bags waiting to be picked up on the mat. With the person who brought them not in sight, Corpse unlocks the door and steps out to bring in the groceries for the week. Taking them to the kitchen, he unpacks the goods in the three bags. At first glance he would’ve been fooled, seeing as how it seems that all he has ordered is there. But, each Monday, he receives exactly four bags of groceries. One is missing. He rolls his eyes thinking he didn’t see it outside and left it there while he was hurriedly collecting the rest so he gets up to go grab it real quick.
While in the meantime...
Y/N looks through the remainder of bags in her minivan, making a route in her head for what roads and shortcuts she can take to deliver the last of the groceries to the respective homes they need to be taken to. Upon looking through them, however, she sees a bag labeled ‘MM’ that she uses short for ‘Mystery Man’, aka the guy who never opens the door to greet her whenever she delivers him anything. She works for several delivery services such as takeout, groceries, clothes even and has delivered to that apartment hundreds of times but has never met the resident, giving her the right to call him Mystery Man, aka ‘MM’.
“Ah, shit.“ She mumbles under her breath, realizing she failed to grab the fourth bag when on her way up to MM’s apartment.
Coming to terms with the fact that she’ll have to lose another five minutes going back up to his floor, she grabs the bag and takes off running back inside the building and up the stairs, deciding it would be quicker than taking the elevator.
Just as she arrives to the floor, heading straight for the door, it opens, freezing her in her tracks as her eyebrows shoot up.  At the doorstep stands a guy with an eye patch who looks more surprised and maybe even a little terrified than her. Taking in that Mystery Man is not such a mystery anymore, she returns to her professionalism, remaining at a distance and outstretching the hand holding the bag towards him.
“Sorry, forgot to drop this one off as well, I’m a bit all over the place today.“ She says in her most professional voice.
Corpse too regains his composure and takes the handed bag from Y/N gloved hand. Before he can think twice about it he says, “Thanks, uh...”
“Y/N.“ She says, “I’ve delivered to you countless times, it’s funny you don’t know my name but it’s to be expected since I’ve never seen you. This would be a good time to tell me your name so I don’t have to call you Mystery Man anymore.“ She laughs, cutting her own laughter off barely a second later when she realizes what she’s said, “Oh, fucking shit...”
Corpse chuckles, clear amusement in the sound, “Mystery Man? Interesting, interesting. If I ever become a superhero I’ll make sure to pick that name.” He fails to even pay mind to the fact that he’s spoken a lot more than he’d usually feel comfortable with.
Y/N laughs a little awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck, “Yeah, sorry about that. I promise to come up with a better one if you’re not willing to tell me your real one. Like....Pirate, for example?” she suggests, raising her shoulders.
He can’t help but let out a laugh, “You’d be surprised, but my name is not so far from your mark. It’s, um....” He’s not looking forward to the judgmental look or the questions he might receive in response to his statement but he succumbs to the expected disappointment, “My name’s Corpse.”
Surprisingly, she just smiles - a smile he cannot see due to the surgical mask she’s wearing but the crinkle at the corners of her eyes gives it away. “Cool! Well, I better get going then.”
Just as she turns to head for the elevator this time, seeing as she’s still out of breath from the run up the stairs, Corpse gets an idea he’d probably not be too fond of if he gave himself time to think it over. Which is exactly why he didn’t.
“Hey!“ He calls after her, gaining her attention immediately, causing her to turn around, “You got a minute? I need a little help with something...“
Y/N’s eyebrows raise a little, a moment before she shrugs her shoulders, “Meh, I’m already behind schedule, what’s an extra minute gonna do?” And just like that, they strut their way back towards his apartment.
He can’t help but chuckle, taking the opportunity to crack a joke, “This is how people often get killed. You don’t just walk into a stranger’s apartment like that.”
She scoffs as she passes the threshold, “Believe it or not, you can learn a lot about a person based on the groceries they buy. And trust me buddy, you’re not a murderer.” Earning herself a laugh and a nod with that remark, she continues, “You do appear to be an artist with all the cheap food you’re buying though.”
Corpse laughs yet again, a hint of nervousness is sensed in his laugh this time around though, “Yeah, well, I don’t know if you’re still gonna call me an artist when you hear this song I’ve been working on. Not even out of the box yet.”
Y/N stops in her tracks, “Well, well, well, aren’t I honored to be one of the lucky people hearing this before its release.”
“The first hearing it before its release.“ He corrects her with a pointed look, not missing the excitement that arose in her eyes.
“Let’s hear it then!“
Of all the friendship stories that exist, no one can say this ain’t a unique one.
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