#evangelo back 4 blood
ethanneverwillbe · 2 years
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and as lil welcome back heres 2 Evangelo W.I.Ps I doubt I'll finish but I wanted to post anyways because I love this man to bits and felt sad burying these with the rest
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moonage-gaydream · 7 months
Some goofy shit that hapened while I was playin' Back 4 Blood offline with bots. Of course when I'm playin' by myself I like to use an app called WeMod (which is a fun little cheat trainer for single player games that doesn't disable achievements, but I digress) I was usin' the cheat trainer for B4B, when this funny little thing occurred. I pressed a button or... somethin'... and suddenly Holly just drops dead, and I'd revive her with the defibrillator, but then she'd die again. Oh, and every time she fell she'd drop a pipe bomb, hence the repeated explosions.
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spacecadetdana · 2 years
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1/2 cleaning crew
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kapanbenernya · 7 months
Back 4 Blood -- It is Now Literally Left for Dead
As I have touched in this post, this is one of the games I still play, and for good reason. It has huge replayability, it's easy to pick up, it can fit all of my friends, and most importantly: it's fun. Yes you heard it right here folks, I like Back 4 Blood despite being aware of all it's faults and imperfections because it's still fun. And because of that, I will spend what free time I have to talk about this game and what I appreciate from it.
First, let's talk about the apocalypse
As we all know from the Left 4 Dead comparisons everyone throws around, the setting to Back 4 Blood is a plague apocalypse. Notice that I use the word "plague" instead of the straight "zombie" apocalypse because there are almost no zombie apocalypse in mass media anymore. Ever since the year 2010-something everyone just shied away from it like last month's fast fashion.
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And with the traditional undead zombies declining in popularity, rose the new hotness that I can only describe as scientifically induced zombiefication, in which the "zombie" is caused by a scientific phenomenon like fungus, virus, bacterial infection, etc. Popular examples including 28 Days Later, The Walking Dead, and of course, Left 4 Dead. In the world of Back 4 Blood, the cause of the zombie mutations is an entity called the Worm which is said to proliferate in the waters and could mutate human flesh into all sorts of malformed abominations. And it's up to us, the cleaners of Fort Hope to thin their numbers and save the future. Or at least our group's future
But who is our group? And what are the Cleaners?
As mentioned before, we play as Cleaners. Essentially a ragtag group of survivors from Fort Hope sent out to execute missions such as community outreach, resupplying, and more often than not, blowing shit up. The characters available to us ranges from a soldier, a doctor, a delinquent, a prepper, two war veterans, and two nutjobs each with their own unique craziness. The variation is more than just salad dressing mind you, as each character comes with their own character and party skills. Such as the doctor that affects how well you can heal and how resistant the party is to long-term health damage, The prepper that can somehow turn the zombies into pinatas of ammo and grenades, and a young man whose only purpose is to annoy me every time he opens his fucking mouth.
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"No seriously, Jesus Christ, just shut the fuck up Evangelo"
On top of the skills that comes with each unique character, you also have to build your own personal skill with the Skill Card system. It's essentially buffs in the form of cards that you form into a 15-card deck filled with multiple buffs and/or debuffs that will combine to fill a certain role within the team. The cards are unlocked via an in-game currency called copper (boy am I glad they didn't charge us micro-transactions for those) and you earn copper by playing the game. The system sounds pretty okay on paper, since you unlock your skills quite organically and slowly build yourself up as you play. But as you know things that sounds alright on paper might just be fairy farts in the real world, and the skill card system is no exception. The downside is that the skill cards are unlocked via packs that will randomly spawn on the shop. So if you're in a hurry to unlock certain cards, you can take a cactus up the arse and get fucked.
Wait. We've veered too much into gameplay territory now. Let me actually switch the topic to gameplay
It's no secret that the gameplay is very much similar to Left 4 Dead, so any attempt to explain the gameplay is a waste of time because everyone knows Left 4 Dead at this point. Its simple formula of "move from the starting point to the finish zone while dodging obstacles in the form of zombies" has been tried and tested for so many years now that it can almost vote. Attentive readers might have realized that I didn't put the words "killing zombies" in there because it wasn't really the main objective in L4D. They're more nuisance in the form of very bitey assholes, not unlike a teething baby that just learned to run.
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"Yeah, not so tough now are you?"
Aside from them however there also the special infected that are so famous that they don't need an introduction. What I need to emphasize however is how good their designs are. I'm talking about each of them are so visually and audibly distinct, and how their roles are so synergistic with each other that they are still downright terrifying to face even with a tight 4 man group.
As the self-proclaimed "spiritual successor" of Left 4 Dead, and how the tagline for the game is "From the creators of Left 4 Dead", one would rightly assume that the game would at least maintain such quality. A thing that they unfortunately, did not manage to do with this game. Dishonorable mention goes to the special infected that can be very hard to discern unless the game spells it out for me. Not to mention that their roles aren't very distinct from one another that they all just blur out into "collective nuisance" for me. Overall, such a letdown from the people that made L4D.
Before we go to the final say, let me list the good things I really like from this game
Oh my god, it's the weapon system. The way the weapons handle, the customizations, the brutal melee weapons, the satisfying OOMPH some of the weapons have, and aiming down the sights? Good lord killing zombies haven't been this cathartic since COD Zombies. This is one of the reason why I think this game is still fun despite all it's shortcomings. The other reason? Nothing else except the fact that it's very much competent. It already has a satisfying gameplay loop that could carry the game by itself. All we need it just for the devs to keep this putrid ball of cadaver rolling.
And as we are now in the current future of 2024, we know that the Developers have pulled out like a couple of teenagers fucking on a risky day. This post by the Developers (almost exactly a year ago, by the way) has cemented the death of this game. The lack of community modding means that the game will stay the same as it was until the servers inevitably close. It truly has been the final nail in the undead coffin. The devs did say that they were gonna "be Back, bigger, bolder and better than ever!", but seeing how they treated this promising IP? Might as well get the phone ready to call CPS
In Brief
I'd still play it. No matter how much shit the community says about this game, I'd still play it given the chance. I still truly believe it's a competent game that just need a few fixes. I dare the developers to get off their ass and actually put community modding and/or map maker to the game. If that happens, I'm willing to bet one of my testicles that the game will re-flourish and we're going to start seeing a lot of new fan-made content and fixes it sorely needed.
But we will not get it of course. Not because the devs are lazy or incompetent, but I'm thinking it's because there is no money to be made in implementing it. We still remember the backlash about "Paid mods" back in 2015 so monetization is a very tricky issue. Apart from that, the devs will just look greedy by doing so. And trust me, Turtle Rock Studios cannot afford to tarnish their reputation any more than this. Not after Evolve
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cxdemistake · 1 year
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—Time slips away!
Burn out, don’t fade!
Dance on my grave!
I will never be them!—
Indie multimuse, multifandom blog.
Canon and OC muses present
Currently mobile-only
Semi-selective, semi-active
Open to asks and messages
More info (link to OCs, list of canon muses, writer info, and rules) under the cut.
OC Links
*Note: A few characters’ appearances/voices have changed, so make sure to check out the tags on the blog. OCs are tagged with “; (name)”— for example, my character Myarel is tagged with “; myarel” (no quotations).*
Canon Muses
*Note: Many of these muses aren’t listed on my muse page due to being unable to update said page from my phone. Muse tags vary. Some are tagged with fancy tags but I may switch between those and regular tags. They’re listed here in alphabetical order by fandom.*
**Edit: I’ve also marked which fandoms/muses are most active. Very active fandoms will be bolded, semi-active italic, and dormant/needing some time before interaction are regular text. I’ll also put an asterisk after new muses/muses I haven’t played yet. I beg that if a fandom isn’t bolded or italicized that you discuss it with me before sending something in or making a starter— I have a lot of muses and it takes time to get into the swing of new ones when I’m not in the right mindset!**
The Arcana: Asra Alnazar*, Julian Devorak, Portia Devorak*, Faust
American Gods: Mad Sweeney
Assassin’s Creed: Ezio Auditore da Firenze*, Aveline de Grandpré
Avatar: The Last Airbender: Zuko*
Back 4 Blood: Karlee*, Evangelo*
Baldur’s Gate 3: Astarion*
Boondock Saints: Murphy MacManus*
Call of Duty: Simon “Ghost” Riley*, Johnny “Soap” MacTavish*
Chappie: Chappie*
Columbo: Lt. Frank Columbo*
Dead Island/Riptide: Sam B, John Morgan*
Detroit: Become Human: Connor, Markus*
Dirty Bomb: Vassili*
Disturbed (band): The Guy*
Dream Daddy: Damien Bloodmarch*, Robert Small*
Dying Light: Kyle Crane*, Rahim*, Karim*
FNAF: Cupcake
Hazbin Hotel: Alastor, Angel Dust, Charlie, Husk, Lucifer
Homestuck: Gamzee, Calsprite
I, Frankenstein: Adam
Into the Badlands: Baron Quinn*
Jet Set Radio Future: Yoyo*
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Jonathan Joestar*, Joseph Joestar, Jotaro Kujo*, Josuke Higashikata*, Giorno Giovanna*, Jolyne Cujoh*, Caesar Zeppeli
Kingdom Hearts: Axel
Left 4 Dead 2: Ellis, Nick
Marvel: Nightcrawler*, Moon Knight*, Eddie Brock/Venom*
Monster High: River Styxx*, Operetta*, Frankie Stein*
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Jack Skellington*
Obey Me!: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Diavolo
Onmyoji: Yasha*, Hiromasa*, Susabi*
Pirates of the Caribbean: Captain Jack Sparrow*
Portal: GLaDOS
Red Dead Redemption: John Marston*, Arthur Morgan*
Rise of the Guardians: Jack Frost*
Skullgirls: Valentine
Stardew Valley: Shane*
Steven Universe: Garnet*, Ruby*, Sapphire*, Sunstone*, Sardonyx*, Rainbow Quartz 2.0*
Spiritfarer: Gwen*
Suicide Squad: Diablo
Undertale/Deltarune: Papyrus, Sans, Susie*
Until Dawn: Chris*
The Village: Ivy Walker
Walking Dead/Fear: Negan Smith, Daryl Dixon, Morgan Jones, Shiva, Victor Strand*, Qaletaqa Walker*, Crazy Dog*
Warframe: Excalibur Umbra*
Warm Bodies: R, M
What We Do In The Shadows: Nandor the Relentless*, Viago*, Vladislav*
Info About The Writer
Hi! I’m Alistair— you can call me that, or you can use my username for pretty much everywhere else, TheetyPie/Theety. I don’t mind either way.
I’m a trans guy, I use he/they pronouns. I’m panromantic/asexual, and I’m 27 years old.
I have 3 cats, they’re my babies. I also (as you can tell from above) have a lot of OCs, and the number is still growing. I want to turn my ideas into a bigger creation someday, still not sure exactly where I want to go with it.
I do more than write. I do art, I like video games, music, and just collecting stuff. Current obsessions are Monster High, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, makeup, crystals, and jewelry.
The most important: I do not RP smut. In the past I’ve used the fade-to-black method, but I’m not entirely comfortable with that with most of my muses.
In the same vein, DO NOT FORCE SHIPS. I love ships as much as the next guy, but I would prefer to discuss it first, or for us to agree on it. It’s cool if your muse has a crush, totally fine— mine get crushes all the time! But make sure if you want to ship, we discuss it first.
In a similar vein to that one as well, no god-modding/powerplaying. If your character is strong, an immortal being, or whatever, cool! I have some of those too. But there should always be a limit. Don’t say your character is moving mine unless we’ve talked about that. Attempt to move them. Usually I follow along as long as boundaries aren’t pushed.
Don’t kill or seriously injure my muse without permission. Fights happen, of course, but again: discussion. I’m up for threads where my canon muses are injured or killed, but not where it happens to my OCs, unless we’re getting into a backstory and another OC that’s already deceased dies. Non-serious injuries are alright to come out of nowhere with, but if it’s a first meeting, I’d prefer to plot it out.
I’m semi-selective. I’m kind of particular about who I follow and who I thread with. I prefer us to be mutuals to thread, but you don’t have to be mutuals to send me things.
I’m very bad at keeping up with people. If you message me and I don’t respond, it’s usually bc I’m shy, I forgot, or I’m busy with work. It’s not you, I promise. Usually I don’t message first bc I’m nervous.
Back to shipping: I’m also multiship. Usually my ships are in different universes, unless discussed with all parties beforehand. The exception is a few of my OCs that are partnered together— ask about their availability. I love random ships, just talk to me about them!
I love duplicates of my muses. Whether it’s “x meets self” or I find someone I share a muse with, I love RPing with just about everyone. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if we have a muse in common!
One of my other most important statements, not really considered a rule, but it’s still important: if you want to know something about any muse, canon or OC, please tell me— ask or message me! I haven’t been able to write down a lot of info about any of them because I’m on mobile, but I will infodump for you if you need/want to know something. I love talking about my children, they’re precious to me.
If you send something in or make something for me when we haven’t even spoken, I might not feel comfortable responding. I’m very shy and nervous about not having any discussion beforehand. 😭
If there’s anything I left out or you need to know, just ask!
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elias243499 · 1 year
I recently started playing Back 4 Blood again.My favorite is Walker, so I want to tell you a couple of facts about him.
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•He is the oldest of 5 children in the family
•He is a war veteran and former ranger
•Height 6'24 ft, weight 202 in(since he is taller than Evangelo(his height is 6'1 ft)and his weight is because he is a strong military man strong and muscular build)
•A great leader, will never quit
•It seems he has a love relationship with Sharice
•Master of hand-to-hand combat
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findroleplay · 2 years
Hi there! 🍎 I am a 25 year old looking for literate, 3rd person 21+ writers to do MxM romance set in fandom universes! At the moment, I am still searching for the following roles to be filled:
ATLA/LOK: Sud or the next avatar original idea I have (can explain)
Back 4 Blood: Evangelo
Big Time Rush (showverse): Carlos
Dachabo: Bo
Danny Phantom: Kwan
Game of Thrones (show) Jon Snow
Gravity Falls: An OC x OC concept
Hunter x Hunter: Zepile
Inuyasha: Koga’s son (an OC-ish concept I have)
Komi Can’t Communicate: Mono
Let’s Play (Webtoon): Umed
My Dear Hatchet Man: Stu
My Hero Academia: Hanta, Shoji, Ojiro
Pokémon: Brock
Scott Pilgrim: Wallace, Todd, Matthew
Something’s Wrong With Sunny Day Jack: Jack, Joseph
Star vs the Forces of Evil: Tom
Stranger Things: Eddie
Teen Titans: Beast Boy
TMNT: Raph, or Swift (from the Streetpunk AU)
Total Drama: DJ, Rodney
Yugioh: Mako, Bastion, Chumley, Crow, Gong Strong
All characters will be aged 21+
I am OCxCanon and double friendly, so if there is anyone you’ve been hoping for, run it by me! Though I am fine with NSFW, I do not want it to consume the entire plot. My focus is on romance and plot.
If interested, heart this post and we can exchange discords! 🎃
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askthechrissquad · 2 months
Meet the Chris Squad!
Chris Perkins (He/Him) Age: 15 Height: 5,4ft Species: Human/Cat Hybrid Sexuality: Bisexual (Preference for Women) Alignment: Neutral Good
Headcanon Voice: Evangelo From Back 4 Blood
Dave Grey (He/Him) Age: 34 Height: 7,5ft Species: Partygoer (Once Human) Sexuality: Pansexual (Preference for Men) Alignment: Chaotic Good
Headcanon Voice: Angel Dust From Hazbin Hotel
X Ore (He/Him) Age: 32 Height: 5,9ft Species: Fireborn (Once Human) Sexuality: Straight Alignment: Neutral Good
Headcanon Voice: Dandy From Space Dandy
Ike Grey (He/Him) Age: 26 Height: 5,4ft Species: Human Sexuality: Asexual/Straight Alignment: Lawful Good
Headcanon Voice: Mizuki From AI: The Somnium Files - nirvanA Initiative
Frosty (He/Him) Age: 57 (In Dragonlance Years) Species: Dragonlance Sexuality: Pansexual (Preference for Men) Alignment: Chaotic Good
Headcanon Voice: Bar Master From The Way of the Househusband
Zer0 (They/Them) Age: 43 Height: 6,7ft Species: Partypooper Sexuality: Gay/Demisexual Alignment: Lawful Good
Headcanon Voice: Joel From The Last of Us
River (She/her) Age: 43 Height: 6,11ft Species: Partypooper Sexuality: Lesbian/Demisexual Alignment: Lawful Good
Headcanon Voice: (Pilot) Charlie From Hazbin Hotel
Logan (He/Him) Age: 367 Height: 6,1ft Species: Demon Sexuality: Straight Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Headcanon Voice: Spawn From Spawn The Animated Series
Tom (He/Him) Age: 104 Height: 5,10ft Species: Beetle/Frog Hybrid Sexuality: Panromantic (Preference For Men) Alignment: Neutral Good/Chaotic Neutral
Headcanon Voice: Tank-Top Black Hole From One Punch Man
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englishpolaris · 2 years
Dead island 2 storyline
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While she makes her disdain of Phillips clear, she also knows that he's right in believing that the Ridden need to be destroyed for humanity to truly survive. Renfrick tries appealing to Back 4 Blood's Chris, the playable character known as Mom, because Phillips somehow is responsible for the death of her son Jason. But Renfrick explains he's " done playin soldiers for him," encouraging the others to do the same. Walker informs Renfrick during this meeting that if he wants more supplies, then he must work with Phillips again. General Phillips is the leader of Fort Hope, home base for these Cleaners, and Renfrick seems to have worked with him before. Related: Back 4 Blood Claps Back After Being Called Cheap Left 4 Dead Copy By KFC
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This group is sent to meet with a man named Renfrick at a bar in the nearby town of Evansburgh, which has managed (thus far) to hold off the Ridden. This particular group is made up of Walker, "Mom," Holly, and Evangelo - an ex-Army Ranger, a battle-hardened woman, an orphan with a penchant for baseball bats, and a wisecracking newbie. "Cleaner" is the term given to those who leave settlements for supply drops, scavenging, combat, and so on. The events of the game begin when the settlement of Fort Hope sends out some soldiers to meet with a nearby town, beginning the Cleaners' difficult campaign in Back 4 Blood.
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The parasite spread at an unprecedented rate and quickly turned the Americas into a collection of settlements struggling to survive against what they have dubbed "the Ridden." Black 4 Blood's Campaign Story Story Setup The worms turned out to be activated by water, but the scientist had little time to process the discovery before the worm lunged at him. The parasite, now known as the Devil Worm, burrowed into the scientist and immediately took over his body in order to spread itself to more hosts. However, while testing some solutions on the worm, it began to wriggle around in the petri dish. Since the mid-20th century, scientists and geologists have made many expeditions to study the crater and the lake within it for clues about the past - but the last expedition was different.Īs the group of scientists and geologists were gathering samples from the crater, one of them found something particularly interesting. It was the perfectly preserved body of a strange worm that no one could identify, the kind of discovery most scientists might dream of making. With the possibility of introducing a new class of lifeforms to Back 4 Blood's world, the worm was carefully placed into a sample container and later studied at a lab in Québec City. Today, the impact crater is known as the Pingualuit Crater and its surrounding area is the Pingualuit National Park. Back 4 Blood's Devil Worms Came From SpaceĪbout 1.4 million years before the events of Back 4 Blood's story take place, a meteor crashed into the northern region of Québec, Canada. A great deal of its backstory has come from developer Turtle Rock's prerelease content. But the game doesn't key players in to quite as much background information about the Ridden and their nature (or origins), dealing more with the on-the-ground story of its Cleaners. Related: Back 4 Blood Review: A Faithful, Fun, & Imperfect Mutationīits and pieces of Back 4 Blood's story are strung together over the course of the campaign, and with a few conversations and scattered cutscenes included for good measure, there's a fair bit to explore. With the game's more extraterrestrial and even occasionally Lovecraftian take on the zombie menace, they've got their work cut out for them. With full cutscenes and a 4-act campaign, Back 4 Blood goes further, in terms of storytelling prowess, than its spiritual predecessor, Left 4 Dead. However, given the somewhat fractured nature of the game's multiplayer, where players may not play through the story in linear fashion, a full breakdown of the story may help players better understand the Ridden zombies and their history.īack 4 Blood focuses more on gameplay than plot, with its characters, known as Cleaners, working together to fight the invasion and take back the planet from the horde. Back 4 Blood has garnered considerable acclaim for its zombie-shooting gameplay, but it also features a full story with its own interesting twists on zombie apocalypse fiction.
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ethanneverwillbe · 2 years
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some older semi finished pieces that knowing me I'll never finish but deserve to be seen anyways ig
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morguebqbe · 2 years
I keep forgetting that I be having Tumblr 💀 hopefully I'll commit and start posting here more.
But anewayz,,, I started playing b4b with my friends and It's so mf fun 😻🥴 and I may or may not have a crush on Evangelo 🙇🏽‍♀️ finna grind for all his skins 😻
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otherwindow · 3 years
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The men's leggings cosmetics in Back 4 Blood  😳
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violetanastasia · 2 years
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Prophet Dan ❤️🥺
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b4bbrainrot · 2 years
that’s my cringe boyfriend your honor
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triplethreatt · 3 years
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The Cleaners
Precision Kills Increase Accuracy +Damage +Team Health
Low Health Heal Bonus +Healing Efficiency +Team Trauma Resistance
Senses Hazards +1 Quick Inventory +Team Use Speed
+ADS Speed +Team Weakspot Damage Precision Kills Increase Damage
Spawns Ammo with Kills +1 Offensive Item Slot +Team Ammo Capacity
Breaks Out of Grabs +Stamina Regen +Team Movement Speed
Instant Revive +1 Support Inventory +1 Team Extra Life
Recovers Stamina with Kills +Damage Resistance +Team Stamina
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findroleplay · 2 years
Hi there! I am a 25 year old looking for literate, 3rd person 21+ writers to do MxM romance set in fandom universes! At the moment, I am still searching for the following roles to be filled:
Aggretsuko: Haida, Shirota
Back 4 Blood: Evangelo
Big Time Rush (showverse): Carlos
Danny Phantom: Kwan
Game of Thrones (show) Jon Snow
Hunter x Hunter: Zepile
Inuyasha: Koga’s son (an OC-ish concept I have)
Komi Can’t Communicate: Mono
My Dear Hatchet Man: Stu
My Hero Academia: Hanta, Shoji, Ojiro
Pokémon: Brock
Scott Pilgrim: Wallace, Todd, Matthew
Star vs the Forces of Evil: Tom
Stranger Things: Eddie
Teen Titans: Beast Boy
TMNT: Raph, or Swift (from the Streetpunk AU)
Total Drama: DJ, Rodney
Yugioh: Mako, Bastion, Chumley, Crow, Gong Strong
All characters will be aged 21+
I am OCxCanon and double friendly, so if there is anyone you’ve been hoping for, run it by me! If interested, heart this post and we can exchange discords!
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