#evangelicals love Netanyahu
Netanyahu is clearly dragging this out to divide Democrats and help Trump’s chances. I feel for the people of Gaza and regularly contribute to relief efforts. But my priority will always be defeating Trump and the Republicans. There’s no way in Hell I’m living through another Trump reign of terror.
I’m not putting my life, the lives of my family, friends, neighbors, and countrymen in danger from Trump’s fascism. I’m not going to give the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, III%’ers, Patriot Prayer, etc the chance to patrol the streets of America beating, killing, and dispossessing people like me. And I’m certainly not going to do Trump’s campaigning for him by trashing the Democratic candidate for president or other offices. Once we get Trump defeated the Dems will put more pressure on Netanyahu to cut the shit. A Trump presidency would mean the expulsion of Palestinians from Israel and very likely a literal genocide against them.
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Put them in the same cell. Neither truly wants to win as they can only convince the people to support them by carrying out an endless struggle against the other. Peace would make them both politically irrelevant.
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hazel2468 · 4 months
You know, to get political for a second.
It hasn't escaped my notice that every time someone brings up the presidential election. There is ALWAYS an early 20-somethings queer person in the comments or replies going on and on about how Biden won't help Palestine, about how Biden is doing a genocide, about how "Israel this and that" and like...
You're all fucking idiots for falling for this. You are. Because those people saying that shit are either the morons we see protesting who can't answer which river and which sea they're screaming about or who don't know what Hamas' charter says, OR they're the same fucking bots who appeared all over tumblr back before the 2016 election to try and convince all of us, using the hot political topics at the time, not to vote Dem. Because they had a vested interest in us not voting Dem.
And just to speak on the whole Palestine thing here... Do you really thing. That Trump. The racist fascist who openly wants to be a dictator. Who is buddy-buddy with Netanyahu, the other racist fascist who wants to be a dictator. Is going to do anything other than give Bibi the fucking green light to do anything he wants? If you think that Trump is going to be better for your "Pro-Palestine" movement (which, btw, is in quotes because the vast majority of the idiots supporting it don't know jack shit about what's going on and don't actually care about the Palestinian people, seeing as they have a habit of cheering for the terrorist organization that uses them as human shields, steals their money and aid for their own devices, and they have a lovely habit of attacking actual Palestinian peace activists who call them on it and ignoring what they say they actually need so...) than Biden? You're out of your fucking mind.
Holy shit I am not going to sit here and watch people fall for the same BS they did back in 2016. Israel and Palestine is the hot-button topic right now. Every time you see someone talking about how Trump has promised to roll back all the protections that the Biden/Harris admin has put in place, every time you see someone pointing out that the Republicans LITERALLY have a plan to fucking turn our country into an Evangelical hellscape, there is some fucking numbnuts in the notes, probably with a pride flag in their bio, wailing about "Genocide Joe".
And you all need to ask yourself why the hell there are all of these nearly-identical blogs. All doing the exact same thing every time someone tries to point out that another Trump term would see people literally dead and our country fucking torn apart, possibly forever. Use your fucking brains.
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opencommunion · 7 months
since zionists want to act obtuse about why we're criticizing a superbowl ad, here's an explanation from before the ad even aired. it was openly designed to act as pro-genocide propaganda. fighting antisemitism is a worthy goal but that's not what's happening here:
"The New England Patriots’ 81-year-old owner, Robert Kraft, writes seven-digit checks to the right-wing Israeli lobbying machine AIPAC, but his personal, political, and financial ties to Israel run deeper than the occasional donation. The multibillionaire married his late wife, Myra, in Israel in 1963 when Kraft, then 22, was older than the nation itself. Together they set up numerous business, athletic, and charitable ties to Israel, a record of which is proudly proclaimed on the Kraft company website. In particular, the Kraft Group boasts of its 'Touchdown in Israel' program, where NFL players are given free, highly organized vacations to see 'the holy land' and come back to spread the word about 'the only democracy in the Middle East.' (Not every NFL player has chosen to take part.) Kraft also attends fundraisers for the Israel Defense Forces, currently—and in open view of the world—committing war crimes in Gaza."
Now, as Israel wages war against the civilians of Gaza—more than 25,000 Palestinian have been killed with at least 10,000 of them children—Kraft is again flexing his financial and political muscles in order to defend the indefensible. His Foundation to Combat Antisemitism (FCAS) will be spending an estimated $7 million to buy a Super Bowl ad titled 'Stop Jewish Hate' that will be seen by well over 100 million people. Under Kraft’s direction, the ad’s goal is to create a propaganda campaign to counter the reports and images from Gaza that young people are consuming on social media. 
... The content of the Super Bowl ad is not yet known, but FCAS has afforded Kraft the opportunity to make the rounds on cable news saying things like, 'It’s horrible to me that a group like Hamas can be respected and people in the United States of America can be carrying flags or supporting them.'
This is Kraft enacting the mission of FCAS: fostering disinformation. He is far from subtle: A Palestinian flag becomes a 'Hamas flag,' and people like the hundreds of thousands who took to the streets of Washington, D.C., last month to call for a cease-fire and end the violence are expressions of the 'rise in antisemitism.' Without a sense of irony or the horrors happening on the ground in Gaza, Kraft says he is giving $100 million of his own money to FCAS, because 'hate leads to violence.'
Let’s be clear: What Kraft is doing politically and what he will be using the Super Bowl as a platform to do is dangerous. He appears to think any criticism of Israel is inherently antisemitic. For Kraft, it is Jews like myself, rabbis, and Holocaust survivors calling for a cease-fire and a Free Palestine that are part of the problem. Kraft seems to think that opposition to Israel, the IDF, and the AIPAC agenda is antisemitism.
... Right-wing Christian nationalists, with their belief in a Jewish state existing alongside their conviction that Jews are going to Hell, are welcome in Netanyahu’s Israel and Kraft’s coalition. Left-wing anti-Zionist Jews are not. The greatest foghorn of this evangelical right-wing 'love Israel, hate Jews' perspective is, of course, Donald Trump. Kraft, while speaking of being troubled by events like the Charlottesville Nazi march and the right-wing massacre at the Tree of Life synagogue, counts Donald Trump as a close friend and even donated $1 million to his presidential inauguration.
No one who provides cover for the most powerful, public antisemite in the history of US politics should ever be taken seriously on how to best fight antisemitism. No one who funds AIPAC and the IDF and opposes a cease-fire amid the carnage should be allowed a commercial platform at the Super Bowl. But given that the big game is always an orgy of militarism, blind patriotism, and big budget commercials that lie through their teeth, perhaps that ad could not be more appropriate. We can do better than Kraft’s perspective on how to fight antisemitism. Morally, we don’t have a choice."
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apollos-olives · 10 months
I think Netanyahu is very much aware of how many evangelical Christian Zionists are in America + the UK. Whenever he addresses the western masses, he refers to Bible a lot, even though he’s a secular Jewish man who doesn’t believe in the bible.
There was one time when he referred to this verse in Ecclesiastes, “a time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.” Ecclesiastes 3:7-8.
Here: https://allisrael.com/full-text-the-bible-says-that-there-is-a-time-for-peace-and-a-time-for-war-says-netanyahu-this-is-a-time-for-war
Ecclesiastes is in the Old Testament and I’m pretty sure that very same verse in the Tanakh. The Book of Kohelet is where you would find this very same verse.
But why does he not refer to the Tanakh and instead chooses to refer to the Bible?
To appeal to the evangelical Christian community that has a shit ton of Zionists.
yeah.. he's doing the whole "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" sort of thing, even though the enemy hates him too. he's corrupt to the core
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Christopher Mathias at HuffPost:
As Israel’s siege of Gaza raged on in March, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made time for a meeting in Jerusalem with a delegation led by Mario Bramnick, a Florida-based pastor with close ties to former President Donald Trump who has become a leading figure in a theocratic movement dedicated to bringing forth the end of the world. Bramnick may not be a household name to many Americans, but he’s an “apostle” in the New Apostolic Reformation — meaning members believe he was anointed by God to lead and receive prophecies and is imbued with spiritual gifts, including the ability to prophesy, heal and speak in tongues. He and the NAR, a burgeoning network of charismatic evangelical churches, believe in the biblical prophecy that the return of Jews to Israel will hasten the return of Christ.
Netanyahu likely knew he was meeting with an End Times evangelical pastor: The prime minister has long been invested in currying favor with such radical American Christians. What’s unclear is if Netanyahu knew just how radical the Christians in this delegation were, and just what their beliefs about Jewish people consisted of. Bramnick is what some scholars call a “Christian supremacist,” owing to his prominent role in the NAR, which believes in the existence of the supernatural, including modern-day prophets and apostles. He sees Trump as prophesied to rule over the U.S., and wants to transform America, and then the world, into a Christian theocracy, all to hasten Christ’s return to Earth and to begin his followers’ rapture to heaven. Part of that project, per the NAR’s interpretation of scripture, is unequivocal support of Israel. While millions of American evangelical Christians have long been fervent supporters of the Jewish state because of End Times prophecies, most have been content to allow Jews to be Jews until Christ’s return, when the Lord would convert them to Christianity and allow their entrance to Heaven. This is a form of end-days theology that scholars call “premillennialism.”
But Bramnick and the wider NAR network represent a major shift in evangelical support for Israel. They are “postmillennialists”: They want Jews to convert now. “They want to turn Jews into Christians, and ever since the Crusades and earlier, that kind of Christian opposition to Judaism, that Christian desire to annihilate Judaism, has been a large part of the antisemitism Jews have faced,” said Ben Lorber, a senior researcher at Political Research Associates and author of the book “Safety Through Solidarity: Fighting Antisemitism and Winning a Just World.” “It’s very kind of unnerving to see Christian Zionist leaders who say they support Israel now, but they hold that kind of intense agenda kind of under wraps,” Lorber said. “But that’s really a large part of what’s motivating them, and it’s very disturbing.”
[...] Israel has now killed over 37,000 Palestinians, 70% of whom are women and children, in a siege that the International Court of Justice has ruled a “plausible” genocide. Netanyahu and others in his far-right government often cast criticism of this mass slaughter as antisemitic. Meanwhile, in America, leading figures in the NAR have held demonstrations at universities leveling the same accusation at pro-Palestinian students.
On May 8, a couple of hundred such Christian nationalists gathered outside the University of Southern California in Los Angeles to declare their love for Jews. It was a sometimes garish display of affection, with people waving Israeli flags and American flags and “Don’t Tread on Me” flags as a plane circled overhead trailing a banner that read: “Israel is Forever, Jewish Lives Matter.us” The always-smiling Sean Feucht, a wealthy MAGA musician and pastor with curly blond locks hanging down over a black leather jacket, looking like the final boss of American youth ministers, had organized this “United For Israel” demonstration. He strummed a guitar as he led the crowd in worship songs like “Our God Is An Awesome God,” interspersed with renditions of the U.S. and Israeli national anthems, plus chants of “U-S-A!” and “Bring them home!” — a reference to the Israeli hostages still held in Gaza by Hamas, the militant Palestinian group that on Oct. 7 killed more than 1,100 people in Israel and abducted some 250 others.
Then Feucht took hold of a megaphone to announce the next speaker: his good friend, Ché Ahn, pastor at Harvest Rock Church in Pasadena and one of the most powerful American religious figures you’ve probably never heard of. Also considered a modern-day “apostle,” Ahn heads up the Harvest International Ministry (HIM), a network of more than 25,000 churches and nonprofits in more than 65 countries.
[...] The USC demonstration came as Ahn and Feucht positioned themselves as the vanguard in the fight against antisemitism which, in their worldview, is largely synonymous with criticism of Israel. The alleged antisemites who concerned them were the pro-Palestinian students at USC — many of whom are Jewish — and at campuses across the country, who were setting up encampments to demand their schools divest from Israel over its ongoing bombardment of Gaza. Prior to his rally at USC, Feucht also led a rally against pro-Palestinian students at Columbia University. But there are many reasons to be skeptical of Christian Zionists’ claim that they are good-faith arbiters of what constitutes antisemitism, and to look warily upon their loud professions of love for Jews. After all, if Ahn, the NAR and Feucht really do love Jews, it’s a kind of love that demands that Jews ultimately abandon their faith and traditions — to be everything that they are not. It is, according to some scholars, many of whom are Jewish themselves, fundamentally antisemitic.
[...] He also counts among his friends prominent right-wing influencers with histories of antisemitism. He has called Jack Posobiec, the notorious “pizzagate” conspiracist and neo-Nazi collaborator, a “good friend”; he’s also friendly with Elijah Shaffer, who earlier this year hosted a podcast roundtable with some of America’s most virulent antisemites, laughing along as Gavin McInnes, the founder of the Proud Boys, called Jews “fucking k***s.” Shaffer allowed white supremacist Nick Fuentes to hold forth, unchallenged, as he falsely claimed Jews used to poison wells in medieval Europe. More recently, Schaffer himself said Jews have “subverted and sort of destroyed our Western civilization.” Feucht doesn’t appear to have spoken out against his friends’ antisemitism, but he’s been eager to speak out against the purported antisemitism of pro-Palestinian college kids. And he seems to be making a buck or two in doing so. [...]
An American Apostle In Jerusalem
Carter, the Fox News contributor who interviewed Feucht, was part of the small delegation that traveled to Israel this past March to meet with Netanyahu. The group, led by Bramnick, also included Tony Perkins, the anti-LGTBQ+ preacher who heads up the Family Research Council; Ellie Cohanim, who served as deputy special envoy to monitor and combat antisemitism during the Trump administration; Danielle Mor, the director of global philanthropy for Christian Friends of the Jewish Agency for Israel; and Donna Jollay, the Christian relations director at Israel365, an Orthodox Jewish group that does interfaith work with evangelical Christians. The group arrived in Israel angry that President Joe Biden had started to mildly criticize Israel’s siege of Gaza. In a hot-mic moment, Biden expressed frustration with Netanyahu, saying he and the Israeli prime minister needed to have a “come to Jesus” moment. Biden, while advocating a two-state solution for Palestine and Israel, was still refusing calls from his left to cut military aid to Israel over the staggering death toll in Gaza. But for Bramnick and his delegation, any criticism of Netanyahu amounted to heresy.
[...] The NAR’s zeal for Trump is also tied up in a theology of dominionism, Taylor said. Adherents believe it’s their duty to conquer the “seven mountains” of societal influence — family, religion, education, media, entertainment, business and government — and reshape them according to a fundamentalist Christian worldview. It’s an anti-democratic theology that was central to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, where many of the rioters, who sought to overturn the results of the election, believed Trump was prophesied to be president. Bramnick served on the Latino advisory board for Trump’s 2020 campaign, and before that was named a special envoy for the Trump White House’s Faith and Opportunity Initiative. In that role, Bramnick claims to have met with eight heads of state to convince them to move their countries’ embassies in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem — a move widely regarded as an anti-Palestinian provocation.
[...] “Their basic view of Palestinians is that they don’t have a view of Palestinians,” Lorber said. “Their view is very much in line with the settler colonial idea that animated Zionism — not to mention the settler colonial idea that animated the U.S. — where they see the indigenous population of the land as basically an impediment and obstacle, you know, to the fulfillment of their desire to support the settlement of the land.” Taylor agrees. He argued the evangelical vision for Palestinians is either a greater Israel in which they have no rights, or one in which they’re altogether expelled, ethnically cleansed from the land their families have lived on for generations. “Because it’s not about the people and their rights,” he told HuffPost. “It’s about fulfilling prophecy … And who cares about human rights if you’re trying to fulfill prophecy? Who cares about rights if you see Israel as a linchpin in inaugurating a global revival?” For some Christian Zionists, Israel’s siege of Gaza is a sign that the End Times might come sooner than later.
HuffPost’s Christopher Mathias takes a deep dive on Evangelical Christianity’s support for Israel based on Christian Zionist principles and End Times prophecies.
The NAR subset of Evangelical Christianity has a very aggressive postmillenialist worldview of wanting to convert Jews immediately, in contrast to the premillenialist worldview of converting Jews to Christians at the point of Christ’s arrival.
Read the full article at HuffPost.
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greeneyedsoandso · 4 months
Hind's Hall
Hind's Hall song is a banger and props to Macklemore for putting it out, but damn it does he really think that not voting for Biden will stop the suffering?
You can make that threat but when the chips are down, it has to be empty. Not because I believe that it's acceptable to ignore what is happening but because not voting for Biden (wether abstaining or choosing a third party) will have a worse outcome. It is basically a vote for Trump, who loves Netanyahu and is racist as fuck. I guess you could hope that the anti-Semitic Trump lobby is stronger than the Evangelical Christian "bring on the end times" Trump lobby? What the actual fuck
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xcal1bur25 · 9 months
Y’know. Speaking as someone who’s said things in defense of some of his and his administration’s choices, it’s not like the culpability of Biden in regards to the Israel/Gaza situation is zero, but it is telling just how many bad actors would benefit from American voters considering the level of that culpablity to be high.
To briefly summarize the core of the arguments I’ve made, for context:
As far as I understand Biden and his administration are trying to stay on Israel’s good side under the belief that doing so gives them more ability to affect the situation than just openly condemning Israel. Also people vastly overestimate the degree to which the US, and especially the president specifically, can actually effect things.
There’s almost certainly more to the logic than just that, but viewing things though this lens does cause a lot of the actions that have been taken to make wayyyyyy more sense. It makes sense why they haven’t laid this out, too. The entire gist of the strategy is that if we’re Israel’s “only friend” during a time when they are a) whipped into a frenzy by an attack on their national security and b) hated by everyone because of their extreme response to point a, then the voice of the only ally standing beside them will carry a lot more weight than just being the largest voice in the big group of people criticizing them that they’ve already chosen to not listen to. That doesn’t work if we openly say “we’re only being nice to you because we actually agree with everyone mad at you and we want you to listen to us”. Overall, I respect the logic of this strategy, it makes sense why they chose it, and I can see the arguments for why openly condemning Israel would probably just make things worse, make them more desperate with no trusted voice telling them to exercise any restraint.
It’s also a strategy with objectively shit optics, even if it does work, and it’s a strategy borne of the outdated belief that supporting Israel is the politically necessary public stance to take, without properly adjusting for changing attitudes. And, while I do respect and understand the logic behind it, that doesn’t mean I’m totally convinced that it was the best call, or that a harsher stance wouldn’t be more effective in terms of both optics and results.
So by no means do I think that the tactics chosen, or their implementation, is above criticism. They are, emphatically, not.
However, at the same time, much has been said about how the Israeli propaganda engine is out in full force, and Netanyahu and his cronies would absolutely fucking LOVE for the the American government to be run by batshit insane evangelicals who would give them unconditional support to quote unquote “make clean the holy land”. They’re well aware of how their actions are perceived. There’s a reason they keep trying to push the whole “criticism of Israel is antisemitism” angle, even though all it does is piss people off and raise the rate of actual antisemitism. It’s because global antisemitism justifies Israel’s existence and creates an external threat that Netanyahu’s facist administration can use to bolster its support. They know what they’re doing is turning the world against them - that’s the entire point. Which means they’re also well aware that they can try and drag Biden and the democrats as a whole down with them, giving them the republican administration they want.
This is all to say, I don’t think we should give our politicians a free pass, or stop criticizing US support of an imperialistic and currently genocidal country, and I am genuinely worried that Biden’s choice to prioritize effectiveness over optics is going to backfire, badly. We need to hold our leaders accountable for their actions, and while I do think Biden gets a lot of undeserved shit in general, he is far from perfect and has made a number of mistakes. But at the same time, I think we should all take arguments trying to paint him as fully culpable for Israel’s actions, especially ones to the effect of “therefore you shouldn’t vote”, with a grain of salt, and to take a moment to think about exactly who benefits from those arguments being made.
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whyyoualwayssoradical · 11 months
are many aware of how large and deeply rooted the evangelical zionism in the US is? i did not know the term zionism growing up, but what i did know was numerous songs about mount zion, numerous sermons about the end of times and how it would start and how it would play out. i didn't know of palestine growing up, i was taught israel's (and by proxy, god's) enemies were constantly attacking israel in the middle east and that's why the US built the iron dome to protect israel. no mention of settlers, no mention of 1947/1948, none of that, just jerusalem is the holy land and it must be "taken back" and the process of reclaiming all of the holy land kick starts the end times.
the US has essentially backed this insane plan for however long the US has been funding israel, not sure when it started, i think most people know that the US funnels billions into israel though. it was extremely surprising to me to actually hear biden change his language around the situation, especially as quickly as he did, because historically the US rarely changes it's language around israel. biden changing his language terrifies me and makes me think israel with netanyahu and the likud party in charge is fully prepared to commit a samson operation and take everyone out with them depending on how things transpire and this is why the US started to try and calm israel down.
if the indoctrination i experienced is what israel plans to carry out, they intentionally want to involve all the arabic/mena countries. they do not want to share the land, they do not want to share jerusalem (cept with evangelicals) or any of what is referred to as the holy land, they want to eradicate their (god's/israel's) enemies and seize all the land for themselves. they likely truly believe causing all of this will trigger the rapture ascending them all to be with god - this is the main reason the US evangelicals support israel so much, they literally want to cause as much death and destruction as possible and kill as many non-christian non-jews as they can because they literally see it as "destroying god's enemies".
i mean i probably sound crazy but like this is what i was taught to believe growing up. the church i went to and my mom fully fully believe all of this completely without question. those beliefs extend well beyond just the church i went to, most evangelicals are zionist to some degree and most of the old republicans in the US govt have held firm zionist beliefs for decades.
it makes me sick they preach and sing about all this love all of gods supposed love but then they condemn anyone not them as evil and enemies. so much hate has festered for so long and they're finally ready to unleash it on everyone who disagrees.
i feel so awful that these hateful people that raised me wanted to instill into me the same hate they harbor in their hearts, the same draconian dogma where they can tolerate no differences. it's a modern evangelical crusade they want to prove their righteousness yet they only prove their wickedness and leave nothing but death and destruction in their wake.
i dont know the right way to say things. what i do know is that what israel is doing and has been doing is wrong and palestinians and palestine should be free and not occupied and currently israel essentially operates as another extension of US imperialism and colonialism. there is a lot i don't understand and i'm working hard to understand it as best i can.
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automatismoateo · 11 months
Netanyahu admits that he is trying to fulfill the Doomsday Prophecy of Isaiah via /r/atheism
Netanyahu admits that he is trying to fulfill the Doomsday Prophecy of Isaiah 🤦 Evangelicals gonna love this Submitted October 26, 2023 at 11:10AM by M_N_H_E (From Reddit https://ift.tt/KI6EuCg)
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opedguy · 2 years
Jews in Pennsylvania’s Governor’s Race
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), Nov. 3, 2022.--Caught in the middle of Pennsylvania’s governor’s race, the question of Jewish loyalty to Israel presents a problem for the American Jewish Community. In America since before the American Revolution, Jews found a home in America, hundreds-of-years before Israel became a country in 1948.  Yet the debate rages on about why some 71% of American Jews are registered Democrats, largely the party of immigrants or at least that’s how it was with American Jews migrating in large numbers through Ellis Island in New York Harbor, where some 12 million immigrants processed between 1892 and 1954.  So, depending on how long Jews were in America, it affects political attitudes, especially toward Israel.  So when former President Donald Trump asked why more American Jews don’t register Republican, it probably has to do with the long history of immigration to the United States.
In the Pennsylvania governor’s race, it features 58-year-old Doug Mastriano of Italian ancestry against 49-year-old Lt. Gov. Josh Shapiro, of Jewish background.  When it comes to campaign issues, the Jewish question is irrelevant for Jewish politicians because they consider themselves Americans, like every other ethnic group immigrating to the United States.   During the governor’s campaign, Mastriano and his wife, Rebecca, raised the Jewish question as it relates to Israel.  “As a family, we’re so much in love Israel,” Rebecca said.  “In fact, I’m going to say we probably love Israel more that a lot of Jews do.  I have to say that,” making a divisive statement.  Former President Donald Trump made similar statements, questioning why more American Jews don’t vote Republican when he was Israel’s best friend while in office, giving the Jewish state everything it needed during his time in office.
For American Jews, there’s a large range of mixed opinions, largely because of sympathies to Palestinians.  Entire organizations like “J-Street,” are built around pursuing a two-state solution with Palestinians.   Organizations like the American-Israel Public Affairs Council [AIPAC] take a hard line on Palestinians, seeking peace but not a two state solution, especially if it weakens Israeli's National Security. Since Sept. 11, 2001, Israel became an integrated part of the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency, working day-and-night to provide seamless intel on terrorism, giving the Pentagon unlimited access to Israel ports.  So, when it comes to former President George W. Bush working closely with Israel, it was a matter or life-and-death after Sept. 11.  Obama’s presidency did little to continue the same closeness to Israel, with Obama having more sympathies to Palestinians
Then Trump came along and essentially gave former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, soon returning to Prime Minister, a blank check to reinforce Israeli national security.  American Jews have loyalty to the United States, not to Israel.  Most don’t know any Israelis, nor if they do, can't relate to them, except possibly with religious rituals because Jews practice, whether in Israel or anywhere else, with the same bible. But when it comes to issues like the economy or foreign policy, American Jews, like anyone else, want what’s best for America.  “No President has done more for Israel than I have,” Trump wrote.  Trump gets confused about historically liberal Jews, an integral part of the Democrat Party, and those Jews supporting Israel.  Trump gave Netanyahu all the support needed to advance Israeli's national security and seamless Pentagon activities.
           Trump confuses long historic Jewish traditions in America to Israelis backing a strong Jewish state.  “Somewhat surprisingly, however, our wonderful Evangelicals are far more appreciative of this than people of Jewish faith, especially those living in the U.S.  Those living in Israel though are a different story—Highest approval ratings in the World, could easily be P.M!  Jews have to get their act together and appreciate what they have with Israel—before it is too late!” Trump said, conflating American Jews political involvement in America with their interest in backing Israel.  Jews have been part of America’s industrial revolution and the civil rights movement.  Those largely Democrat Party Jews are concerned about the Constitution, equal rights under the law and freedom from discrimination.  American Jews have worked tirelessly to improve the lives of all Americans, regardless of race, ethnicity or religion.
Evangelical Christians like to make pilgrimages to Israel and the West Bank to see all the holy sites where Jesus used to live and preach.  Since the 1967 Six Day War, Israel has had custody of Jerusalem and the West Bank, creating a safe tourist environment for Evangelicals visiting the Holy Land.  When it comes to Jews supporting Israel, there are diverse opinions, especially when it comes to Palestinians.  Trump and politicians like Mastriano conflate American Jews with Zionists primarily backing Israel.  American Jewish opinion runs the gamut but still sides with progressive Democrats whose open-door immigration policies are more consistent with an earlier time when the U.S. put out the welcome mat for primarily European Jews.  American Jews, like any other group, aren’t necessarily embroiled in domestic or global politics, but are concerned about their own daily struggle living in the United States.
About the Author  
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.
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The Republicans have always been in bed with conservative Israelis. If Trump gets back into the Oval Office he’ll persecute Muslims in America and bomb them in the Middle East.
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That war criminal Netanyahu has two goals and neither one involves defeating the Hamas terrorists.
1. He wants to prolong the war to keep himself in power.
2. He wants to tarnish Biden’s image so Trump and other Republicans will get elected and give him unlimited support.
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lascapigliata · 3 years
i think it’s also important for ashkenazi jews to confront that israel literally also does not care about the diaspora of ashkenazi jews lol. literally zionism is “virgin diaspora and chad israel” meme except... evil. i doubt gentiles get that they use “self-hating” and “diaspora non-hardline-zionist” as the exact same term but keep an eye out; that’s coded language. not even getting into netanyahu’s holocaust revisionism & love for holocaust deniers & his son’s antisemitism (he is literally loved by the daily stormer!)
most importantly..... they could make all diaspora jews safer with a ceasefire. that’s all! easy! stop bombing > less international misguided blaming of random jews for bombing. and they do not, bc they are INVESTED in global antisemitism against ashkenazi jews to incentivize financial support for israel and making aliyah, to strengthen said white supremacist state. zionist jews put money and effort and compromise their morals for a state that sees them basically just as cash cows who can only prove their faith by supporting israel.
and we know this FOR a fact bc the former israeli ambassador literally said that with growing jewish skepticism towards israel they should court evangelicals more than diaspora jews ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
this is obviously not equivalent ethnic cleansing of yemenite jews and racism against jews of color (just as two examples). don’t mistake my intent here; i’m not trying to equate them. but given that a ton of support for israel (& therefore those things) comes from ashkenazi jews we need to confront this. further proof that white jewish solidarity with jews of color is better For The Jews than solidarity with an apartheid state, which sounds obvious but isn’t clear to some people apparently!
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What Stands in the Way of Closer Ties between Brazil and Israel?
In Latin America’s largest nation, Christian  evangelicals are a political force. They love Israel, and currently  have a president who does too. What’s holding Brazil back?
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Jair Bolsonaro’s unexpected election to the Brazilian presidency in 2018 appeared to herald a major reorientation of the country’s foreign policy. A self-styled nationalist inspired by Donald Trump, Bolsonaro has associated himself with the American president’s former advisor Steve Bannon, the philosopher Olavo de Carvalho, and the political scientist Filipe Martins (currently a counselor to the Brazilian president on international relations)—all of whom see Israel as a model of successful nationalism. To them, the Jewish state is to be emulated for standing up to the “globalism” and “imperialism” of the United Nations and other international institutions which they see as engaged in the destruction of the Judeo-Christian roots of Western civilization. In parallel, pundits and professors have lumped together Bolsonaro, Trump, and Benjamin Netanyahu, along with a disparate group of other leaders, as examples of the supposed rise of right-wing populists.
Such comparisons obscure more than they reveal. Nevertheless, Bolsonaro has, in practical terms, cultivated friendly relations with Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu, breaking with his country’s longstanding coolness toward the Jewish state. In this he may be motivated less by anti-globalist ideology than by the growing electoral strength of the traditionally Catholic country’s evangelical Christians. Brazil is home to some 40 million evangelicals, approximately 20 percent of the overall population. Bolsonaro owes his election in no small part to their support. To win them over, he has made the promotion of traditional values—such as the defense of the family and the legal restriction of abortion—key parts of his platform. And he has embraced something that heretofore has had little purchase on the Brazilian right: Christian Zionism.
Appealing to what seems to be very real pro-Israel sentiment among his evangelical supporters, Bolsonaro promised in 2018 that relocating his country’s embassy to Jerusalem would be a high priority. Yet two years later the embassy has not been moved, although five bilateral agreements have been signed between Brazil and Israel, establishing cooperation in national defense, cybersecurity, science, technology, and other important areas.
Why hasn’t the newfound friendship between Bolsonaro and Netanyahu brought more results? Are such results yet to come? And, perhaps most importantly, will the reorientation toward Israel outlast Bolsonaro, or will his eventual successors revert to the old attitudes?
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dragoni · 5 years
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Benjamin Netanyahu was fine with allowing 2 known Anti-Semitic Evangelicals into Israel AND deliver prayer while he was sitting in the front row with  Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump in 2018.
Except now. Netanyahu has a problem allowing 2 U.S.  Members of Congress — Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib into Israel.
Israelis, Trump, Robert Jeffress and John Hagee only love you as a means to an end.
“Dispensationalists believe Israel will play an important role in end-times prophecy. They teach that the return of the Jews to their homeland will be a sign that the end of the world is near.”, John Fea
Israel and America have their own #RacistInChief
Robert Jeffress, Pastor Who Said Jews Are Going to Hell, Led Prayer at Jerusalem Embassy, NYtimes
U.S. Pastor Apologizes to Jews for 'God Sent Hitler' Comments, Haaretz Newspaper in Israel 
Trump and the Apocalyptic Visions of the Oracles Jeffress and Hagee, Watching America 
The Christian apocalyptic theology behind Trump’s controversial US Embassy move to Jerusalem,  Vox
In case, people have forgotten #TrumpApocalypse.
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