#evan ramsey
loukaiitis · 11 months
Evan Ramsey: 1997 Bethel Regional High School
Summary of the 1997 Bethel Regional High School shooting committed by Evan Ramsey. Note: this is for informational, educational purposes only. Post is below the cut.
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Evan Ramsey was born on February 8th, 1981, in Anchorage, Alaska to Don and Carol Ramsey. When Evan was five years old, his father was arrested and sentenced to 10 years in prison for attempted kidnapping, aggravated assault, and reckless endangerment at the Anchorage Times building. The incident occurred after Don Ramsey’s attempts to speak with government officials about his family’s poor living conditions were unsuccessful. This failure led Don on a campaign to slander government officials in hopes that they would be removed from office. One part of this campaign included a full-page advertisement against Senator Frank Murkowski, which was paid for by Don. The advertisement only ran for a short period of time before being redacted from future publications. On October 21st, 1986, Don Ramsey entered the Anchorage Times building with guns, grenades, and other hand weapons with the intent of killing Robert Atwood, the publisher he deemed responsible for the removal of his advertisement and a fire that caused extensive damage to the Ramsey’s apartment a few months prior. He was subdued by employees in the building and arrested. 
After her husband’s arrest, Evan’s mother spiraled into a severe case of alcoholism and began dating abusive men. As a result of neglect, Evan and his brothers were placed in the foster care system. The Ramsey brothers lived in ten foster homes in the span of two years, many of which ranged from unsuitable to violent. In one of these foster homes, Evan and his brother faced severe physical abuse from their foster parents. The biological son of these parents would also torture Evan and his brother; being attacked, urinated on, and sexually abused were common occurrences. After a school nurse noticed signs of physical abuse on Evan and his brother, the Department of Youth and Family Services was notified, and the boys were relocated to the home of Sue Hare. Evan described Sue as a positive role model for him. When he told her about the bullying he faced at school, she encouraged him to report the instances of bullying and to not retaliate. However, his problems in school persisted.
“Well I can tell you that the Superintenant Sue Hare has been the nicest person I’ve ever met cause she took both William and I in and didn’t get any money for it, and she like was a mother for William and me.“ - excerpt from Evan Ramsey’s suicide note written shortly before the shooting (1997)
Evan had been dealing with depression as early as the age of 10, and even attempted suicide (possibly multiple times) between the ages of 10-16.
School Life:
Along with his ever-changing and abusive home life, Evan claimed to be frequently teased and bullied at school. He has stated that this was likely due to him being mixed– he was targeted by both white and Indigenous students, and he did not feel accepted by either group. Students nicknamed him Screech after a character from the television show Saved by the Bell. Former friends of Evan described him, along with the rest of their friend group, as outsiders. Despite being a target for physical and verbal bullying, Evan was described as an empathic and funny friend. 
Around two weeks before the shooting, students at Bethel Regional High School had heard of Evan’s plans to bring a gun to school. Reports claim that at least 15 people knew of his plans. In fact, some students encouraged these plans and helped him. Two of Evan’s friends, James Randall and Matthew Charles, helped Evan organize a “hitlist” of people who had bullied him. James also taught the inexperienced Ramsey how to load and shoot a gun. Instead of taking the threat seriously and reporting it, students planned to bring cameras to school to record the event.
On February 19th, 1997, Evan Ramsey concealed a Mossberg 12-gauge shotgun in his pants and walked to his normal bus stop. He made small talk with others while waiting for the bus. After arriving at Bethel Regional High School, Evan entered the commons area and shot three students. Although the other two students survived their injuries, Fifteen-year-old Josh Palacios, who was shot in the abdomen, succumbed to his injuries shortly after. Art teacher Reyne Athanas and another teacher pleaded with Evan to stop three times. Instead of surrendering, Evan continued the shooting in the main lobby, where he fatally shot principal Ron Edwards twice. He returned to the commons with the intention of killing himself. After shooting one round at nearby police, he positioned the shotgun under his chin. However, Evan did not shoot. He abruptly decided to not kill himself and was quoted saying “I don't want to die” as he placed the gun on the ground and surrendered.
“I don’t know who came to the school that day, but it wasn’t my friend. It wasn’t Evan, and I think whoever that person was that came must have killed him too.” - a friend of Evan Ramsey, interviewed for “Bethel, 20 Years Later”
Evan wrote two notes prior to the shooting: 
“I have thought to myself, what kind of damage can a 12 gauge slug do to a human’s internal organs or their head? Well today I found out, and so did everyone else that is in school . . . No, I am not on drugs . . . ciggerettes, that’s all. I am not really depressed just that the fact that I want people, the world, or maybe just Bethel, to know how [expletive] and cruel the world is or can be. This school has got to get its [expletive] together ’cause there are too many deaths this past 2–3 years. Well I can tell you that the Superintenant Sue Hare has been the nicest person I’ve ever met cause she took both William and I in and didn’t get any money for it, and she like was a mother for William and me. But anyway I’m dead you guys are living, you should be happy.“
“Hey Every body!! I feel rejected, rejected, not so much alone, but rejected. I feel this way because the day-to-day treatment I get usually it’s positive but the negative is like a cut, it doesn’t go away really fast. I figure by the time you guys are reading this I’ll probably have done what I told EVERYONE I was going to do. Just hope 12 gauges don’t kick too hard but I do hope the shells hit more than 1 person because I am angry at more than 1 person. One of the Big [expletive] is Mr. Ron Edwards, he should be there, I was told this will be his Last year, but I know it WILL BE HIS LAST YEAR. The main reason that I did this is because I’m sick and tired of being treated this way everyday . . . By the way every one allways told me “Don’t Judge A Book By It’s Cover.’’ This saying is true because I was told that my teachers say that “He’s Such A Good Kid.’’ But they Say that About everyone. I don’t think I’m a good-Hearted person. LIFE SUCKS in its own way, so I killed a little and killed myself. Jail isn’t and wasn’t for me, ever”
During the trial, the defense argued that Evan’s understanding of guns and murder were based on video games such as Doom. Specifically, he was under the impression that people could not die from a single gunshot wound. Because of this, the defense claimed he could not have foreseen or understood the effects of his actions. It was also argued that Evan was suicidal and never intended on killing anyone but himself, but one of the notes he wrote prior to the shooting implied otherwise. The letter also implied that Ron Edwards was a main target, leading to first-degree murder charges. The defense wanted to use Evan’s history of abuse in the foster care system as evidence, but this was opposed.
On December 2nd, 1998, Evan Ramsey was found guilty on two counts of first-degree murder, one count of attempted murder, and fifteen counts of second-degree assault. He was originally sentenced to 210 years, but this sentence was later changed to two 99-year sentences with the possibility of parole in 2066. James Randall and Matthew Charles were charged and sentenced as juveniles for their involvement in the shooting, but both have since been released.
Appeals and Recent News:
In 2002, Evan Ramsey attempted to appeal his case. The primary reason for the appeal was because Evan’s defense was not allowed to introduce past physical and sexual abuse as evidence. However, this appeal was denied.
In 2005, Evan Ramsey appealed his sentence, which led to the sentencing of 2 99-year sentences with the possibility of parole in 2066.
Although apathetic during the shooting and trial, Evan’s mindset towards the event has since changed. He stated in an interview that the death of his mother gave him perspective as to how drastically his actions changed the lives of others. He has stopped trying to appeal his sentence, as he realized it would only cause more pain to the families affected.
"I would tell them the situation they're in now is not half as bad as the situation they're going to be in if they do something similar to what I did. It will only get worse." - Evan Ramsey, when asked what he would tell potential school shooters (2001)
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enamoredwithbella · 2 months
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tveitertotwrites · 21 days
Series: Open Heart (Post Series)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey X F!MC (Claire Evans)
Rating: General
Word Count: 771
Summary: One night, Claire is not able to get the kids down for bed and Ethan helps and comforts her
A/N: Little note, I mostly wrote this while recovering from eye surgery and decided to leave it as is (I could fix it but I'm good), so just letting you know, this was written post anesthesia, not really thinking 100% straight. Anyway, enjoy.
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Ethan was just getting home from a long day at work. While he no longer had to deal with interns on a regular basis, he still dreaded the days where he had to meet them and answer their questions, most of which he thought were stupid.
He knew it was late so the kids, Oliver and Sienna should be asleep when he walked in the door. When he walked in, he heard cries from Sienna as well as some yells from Oliver. Ethan then quickly set his stuff down and ran upstairs to the kids rooms to see what was wrong.
He looked into Oliver’s room and saw the almost two year old running around in his room by himself. Ethan picked Oliver up into his arms.
“What are you doing running around instead of sleeping?” Ethan asked. 
“Si won’t go to bed and I’m not going to bed if she’s not.”
Ethan sighed and set Oliver down on the bed.
“Stay here.”
Oliver nodded and played with one of his toys as Ethan quickly walked over to Sienna’s room. As he walked into her room, Ethan saw Sienna in Claire’s arms crying. He also noticed Claire on the verge of tears. He walked over to the two of them and gently placed a hand on Claire’s arm.
“Sorry. I was trying to get them both in bed before you came home.” Claire said
Ethan looked at her before gently taking Sienna into his arms. He then kissed Claire’s forehead.
“I’ll take care of her. Can you try and put Ollie to bed?”
Claire nodded and went to Oliver’s room and put him to bed. After a minute or so, Sienna calmed down and he put her down in her crib for bed. Ethan then kissed her forehead and rubbed her cheek before turning off the light and exiting her room. He took a quick peek in Oliver’s room to see him sound asleep. 
Ethan walked into the living room to see Claire sitting on the couch with Miles on her left and Luna on her right. He walked around to sit next to her and noticed Jenner laying on the floor near Claire’s feet, waiting to be pet. Ethan quickly rubbed Jenner’s belly before moving Luna over a little and sitting next to Claire. 
“Is everything okay?” Ethan asked as he placed a hand on Claire’s shoulder.
Claire sniffles and leans into Ethan and he rubs her shoulder. 
“I don’t know what’s going on. Sienna didn’t want to go to bed and then I couldn’t get Oliver down for bed either until she was going to bed.”
Ethan continued to rub Claire’s shoulder. “It’s okay. She’s still a baby and you’ve been with her all day, every day for the past month.”
“I know but I hate that I couldn’t get her to sleep.”
Claire and Ethan just sat on the couch together and he rubbed her shoulder.
“I get that but sometimes you both need a break from each other and that is okay. You don’t need to be hard on yourself.”
“I guess.”
Ethan sighed and then scooped Claire up into his arms. Claire looked up at him as he started carrying her to bed.
“What are you doing?”
“Taking you to bed. Since I think it is almost time for you to sleep too.”
Claire laid her head onto Ethan’s chest as he continued walking upstairs and down the hall towards their bedroom. Ethan carefully opened the door to their bedroom and pulled back the covers to the bed. 
He then laid Claire down on her side of the bed and pulled the covers back over her and kissed her on the forehead and then the lips. Ethan then walked off to their shared closet and got changed for bed.
After changing and brushing his teeth, Ethan finally got into bed next to Claire, who rolled over towards Ethan’s side of the bed. Ethan then pulled Claire onto his chest and started playing with her hair as they both took deep breaths.
“You’re still a great mom you know. That one moment doesn’t define your abilities.”
“I know. I just think about if there’s a night when you’re working overnight and she won’t go to bed unless you put her to bed.”
“While I doubt that will actually happen, you should be able to reach me. And if you can’t, we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.”
Claire sighs and closes her eyes. Ethan then looks at her and kisses the top of her head. He adjusts in bed and then closes his eyes as well. 
Perma: @crazy-loca-blog @driverstveit @rookiemartin @zahrachoices
Open Heart Only: @coffeeheartaddict2 @jerzwriter @liaromancewriter @rafasgirl23415
Ethan Only: @cariantha @zealouscanonindeer
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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Being in a fandom is so strange. One minute you can be going about your day, not having any content from your fave for a while and then BAM 💥 💥 💥 INTERVIEWS, PHOTOSHOOTS, FAN SIGHTINGS, INSTAGRAM POSTS, NEW TV SHOWS, NEW MOVIES, PROMOS, NEW FAN FICS 💥 💥 💥 and then you go back to your life. It’s mad
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dekaohtoura · 6 months
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Pedro’s Emmy post
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aerialtaluniverse · 2 years
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My top 30 hot men of the year:
Declan Rice
Vito Coppola
Anthony Harding
Tom Prior
Dan Goodfellow
Matty Cash
Owen Warner
Jonathan Bailey
John Stones
Jack Laugher
Rupert Penry Jones
Ben Chilwell
Aaron Evans
Andy Robertson
Thomas Inge
Ryan Prescott
Joe Bryan
Aaron Ramsey
Adam Peaty
Reece Noi
Jack Grealish
Phil Dunster
Ross Barkley
Theo James
Mason Mount
Max Parker
Carl Cashman
Rob Holding
Dominic Thiem
Taron Egerton
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encisthings · 6 months
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stardestroyerss · 6 months
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1/16/24-So cute ✨✨✨
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tournament-of-x · 1 year
The Tournament of X
Fun Fact!
There are 12 contestants in this tournament who share their codename with another character, of whom 2 pairs have codenames that only differ by a “y” versus an “i”! These codename-sharing contestants include:
Benjamin Deeds and Kevin Sidney, AKA Morph
James “Logan” Howlett and Laura Kinney, AKA Wolverine
John Proudstar and Neal Shaara, AKA Thunderbird
Genesis and Evan Sabahnur, AKA Genesis
Douglas Ramsey and Alisa Tager, AKA Cypher and Cipher
Evan Daniels and Gary Walsh, AKA Spyke and Spike
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siremasterlawrence · 11 months
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y2kbbie · 2 months
Which Keanu's characters you don't likes?
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kevin lomax (the devil's advocate, 1997)
this mf was way too aggressive w/ mary ann while she was sick & needed him. it made me low-key despise him until the end. even then, tho, i wasn't too fond of his character throughout the movie. i don't hate him, but i definitely don't like him.
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richard ramsey (the whole truth, 2016)
everything w/ this guy was honestly alright until he began pushing his intern away. it's been a while since i've seen this movie, so i forgot all of what happened. but, what i do remember is that the ending specifically is what got me to actually hate this guy. dw, i won't give spoilers.
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evan webber (knock knock, 2015)
i am aware that this is low-key unfair to the character, but when he gave in to the two girls i literally had to shut the movie off. left in shock, i went to search the plot of the movie...boy, am i happy i didn't waste my time w/ this garbage. like, i don't hate him as a character, but i absolutely despise the choice he made if that makes sense lol
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enamoredwithbella · 4 months
Angst no happy ending you WILL be caught
Just had a stress shit cause I read one like wtf
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tveitertotwrites · 7 months
Carriage Ride
Series: Open Heart (Alternate Universe)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Claire Evans)
Rating: General
Word Count: 1514 words
Summary: After a little incident, Claire and Prince Ethan take a ride in a carriage. A rewrite of a scene from the Hallmark film, One Royal Holiday.
A/N: This fic is for both the @choicesprompts Holiday Rewrite Challenge and for @choicesficwriterscreations CFWC Holidays 2023.
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Claire and her father were outside of the family inn along with the head chef/Claire’s father’s best friend (who each other are very much interested in) packing up a bunch of presents on sleighs while waiting for the Queen and Crowned Prince Ethan of Gallwick as their bodyguard Tobias was nowhere in sight. As they were finishing up, the Queen and Ethan came out and were ready to head to the Kentsbury Christmas Parade. 
“Oh, I see Santa came early.” The queen said.
“Well, kind of. Everyone who comes to the parade donates a toy for Santa’s sleigh.”
Once they’re all done packing up all the presents, Claire looks at Ethan and realizes he is wearing a gray suit, black dress shoes, and a long black coat.
“Oh, you can’t walk in the snow in those shoes.”
“I’ll be fine. They’re waterproof.” Ethan says as he puts his weight onto the heels of his feet.
“Well, if you slip and fall, be sure to do it after we leave the property.”
“I’ll do my best.”
They start to leave the inn when Claire grabs one of the sleds and her father tries to grab the other when Ethan steps in.
“Mr. Evans, allow me.”
“Oh, thank you, Ethan.”
The Queen, Claire’s father and his friend were already heading towards the parade when Claire giggled at Ethan as he took the sleigh. 
“Hey where’s Tobias?”
“He’s close. He likes to keep a low profile.”
Not too far up the road, Tobias pops out of the snow looking towards Ethan and Claire.
“Wow. That’s not creepy at all.” Claire says, which makes Ethan stifle a laugh as they start walking towards the parade.
The queen, Claire’s father, his friend, and Tobias stay ahead while Claire and Ethan trail a few feet behind them with the sleighs as everyone says hi to Claire, who waves back at them.
“Everyone here seems to know you.”
“Yeah, this town is like one big family. It must be strange to walk down the street and have no one know who you are.”
Ethan tilts his head slightly. “I rather like it.” 
Claire is then greeted by an old family friend who immediately thought that Ethan was a “special guest” that Claire brought home for the holidays. The family friend then goes to hug Ethan who then just stiffens in place as Claire corrects her, in which the family friend apologizes as Claire and Ethan make their way to the parade.
As the Queen, Claire’s father, his friend, and Tobias get to their seats, they run into Mayor Adelaide Barnes. Tobias then introduces the Queen to Adelaide.
“It is so nice to meet you. Wow, you are more regal uo close.” Adelaide says while shaking the queen's hand.
“What a lovely compliment. And congratulations on your success. The more women we have in charge the better.”
The queen walks off as Claire rushes over towards Adelaide, who looks lovingly towards Tobias. Claire then slowly pulls Adelaide away to talk privately.
“Adelaide, be careful.”
“With what?”
“You know what. They’re leaving soon. It can’t possibly work.”
“People also said I can’t possibly become mayor. I’ll take my chances.” Adelaide says while taking glances over at Tobias before the two of them walk back over.
Ethan then pipes up. “Claire. What should we do with the gifts?”
“Well, Santa goes last in the parade, so there’s just enough time for us to load these gifts onto his sleigh, which is down by the church.”
“All right.”
“We can go do that and then come back.”
The two of them make their way down to Santa’s sleigh in which Claire sees the person playing Santa getting ready. She gasps which makes Ethan scoff.
“What, you don’t get excited when you see Santa Claus?”
“When I was growing up and Santa came to the palace, we didn’t ask for gifts. It would be untoward for a family that had so much.”
“Wow. You don’t have to ask for things.”
“Well I know that now. But Santa doesn’t come to the palace anymore.”
“Well, then, this will be perfect.”
The two of them then quickly load up the gifts into the sleigh before heading back over to their seats to watch the parade. They watched as many trucks and carriages came by, including the one in which Mayor Adelaide was in, waving to the crowd. Once the parade was over, the carriage that Adelaide was in came over to the group and Tobias helped her out of it.
“You were great out there. Extra points for the wave.” Tobias said.
“Why thank you.” Adelaide then turned towards the queen. “I don’t know how you do it. My arm is so tired.”
“You’ll get used to it.”
The queen, Claire’s father, and his friend all started to walk towards the inn. Adelaide and Tobias started to walk together and Ethan went to follow when he stepped into a big puddle of water and snow.
“Sir?” Tobias said.
“I’m fine.” Ethan said with a huff. Adelaide and Tobias continue walking as Claire laughs and walks towards Ethan. “Well.”
“Well what?”
“I’m waiting for you to tell me I was right in your poor choice of winter footwear.”
Ethan huffs again. “Fine. You were right.”
“I know.” Claire turns and looks at the coachman of the carriage. “Hey, Stan, you think you could give my friend a lift back to the inn?”
“Absolutely.” Stan says.
“I’m fine to walk.”
“And I’m sure you’ll get frostbite.” She then points to the carriage. “Get in. Nurse’s orders. Come on, you have no choice. You’re in my domain now.”
Ethan looks at Claire, “Well, a carriage is my domain, and it would be incredibly awkward to ride alone, so…” he then lifts Claire into the carriage, “... in you go.” The two of them just stare at each other lovingly for a second before snapping out of it and sitting down on the carriage before it pulls away towards the inn.
Claire shivers and then grabs a blanket and begins to put them over Ethan’s feet. “”Whew. Here. Put your feet under this so they don’t become footsicles.”
“You never stop, do you?”
“Stop what?”
“Looking for ways to help people.”
“Sometimes it’s just easier to focus on other people’s needs.” Claire says with a sigh as she looks away from Ethan.
“You just described the life of a royal. Except the easy part.”
Claire then looks at Ethan as he looks away from her. “Must be a lot of pressure taking over for your father.
Ethan then looks towards Claire. “He was a great man. He did so much to bring Galwick together. The people loved him.”
“I’m sure they’ll come to love you too.”
“Not if I give another address like last year.”
“Come on. It couldn’t have been that bad.”
“I allowed my staff to post my speech on the internet.”
“And then I read the comments.”
Claire winced. “Oh. No. You can’t do that. Never read the comments.” 
“Well, I know that now.”
Claire giggles. “So, this speech is your… second chance.”
“That’s why I have to get it right.”
Claire looks at Ethan. “Can I be honest with you?”
Ethan looks at Claire and nods, “Mmm-hmm.”
“If you want to connect with your people, show them more of this side of you.” Ethan Faces forward and Claire leans her face closer to him. “As it turns out, you’re not half bad.”
“Ah, the insult disguised as a compliment.” He turns towards Claire. “It’s a very advanced technique.”
Claire laughs. “You know what I mean.”
The two of them then face forward as they reach a couple taking pictures, which makes Ethan turn away from them. 
“Oh no. Don’t worry. They’re not taking pictures of us, just the carriage. It’s very quintessential New England.”
Ethan turns back around. “Yes but, convincing the people of Galwick I care about them is going to be a hard sell if they see me frolicking about in Connecticut.” 
“I doubt anyone could accuse you of frolicking.” 
At this point they catch up to where Adelaide and Tobias are walking and are about to pass them. Adelaide and Tobias then turn to watch as Claire and Ethan pass in the carriage.
“Really? You hired transportation? It’s not that long of a walk, guys.” Adelaide said.
“I had a footwear malfunction.”
“I see.” Tobias said.
“I could have gotten frostbite.”
After they had passed, Ethan turned back around. “Oh god. Tobias is never going to let me live this down.”
“No, I’m sure he won’t say anything else. I mean you are his boss.”
“I’m also his best friend from boarding school.”
The carriage comes to a stop in front of the inn. Ethan hops out and helps Claire get off of the carriage before thanking Stan for the ride, who then quickly pulls the carriage away. The two of them slowly pull their hands away from each other and glance at each other before heading into the inn.
Perma Tags: @crazy-loca-blog @driverstveit @justyourusualash @zahrachoices
Open Heart: @coffeeheartaddict2 @jerzwriter @liaromancewriter
Ethan Only: @cariantha @zealouscanonindeer
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grimcovesarchive · 1 year
males pt. 1
#[ ✿ ]     :     𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗦   ➜   fields thebado   •#[ ✿ ]     :     𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗦   ➜   ridge castro   •#[ ✿ ]     :     𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗦   ➜   holiday ' ollie ' dunbar   •#[ ✿ ]     :     𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗦   ➜   rohan dasgupta   •#[ ✿ ]     :     𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗦   ➜   callan freeman   •#[ ✿ ]     :     𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗦   ➜   rylan hopper   •#[ ✿ ]     :     𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗦   ➜   rhys hopper   •#[ ✿ ]     :     𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗦   ➜   linden abernathy   •#[ ✿ ]     :     𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗦   ➜   hugh christensen   •#[ ✿ ]     :     𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗦   ➜   prescott jones   •#[ ✿ ]     :     𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗦   ➜   evander crites   •#[ ✿ ]     :     𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗦   ➜   leif ehrsman   •#[ ✿ ]     :     𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗦   ➜   evan ramsey   •#[ ✿ ]     :     𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗦   ➜   cody hepner   •#[ ✿ ]     :     𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗦   ➜   jasper redford   •#[ ✿ ]     :     𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗦   ➜   quint sartori   •#[ ✿ ]     :     𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗦   ➜   parker levitt   •#[ ✿ ]     :     𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗦   ➜   cedric teller   •
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jackbatchelor3 · 2 years
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SU2C Gogglebox
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recklcssblues · 1 year
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