#fenris only count as one contestant and as such are not included here
tournament-of-x · 1 year
The Tournament of X
Fun Fact!
There are 12 contestants in this tournament who share their codename with another character, of whom 2 pairs have codenames that only differ by a “y” versus an “i”! These codename-sharing contestants include:
Benjamin Deeds and Kevin Sidney, AKA Morph
James “Logan” Howlett and Laura Kinney, AKA Wolverine
John Proudstar and Neal Shaara, AKA Thunderbird
Genesis and Evan Sabahnur, AKA Genesis
Douglas Ramsey and Alisa Tager, AKA Cypher and Cipher
Evan Daniels and Gary Walsh, AKA Spyke and Spike
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ragnarokhound · 11 months
tagged by @hardlycats! :D
name: Elizabeth! I've also gone by Fenris while online, haha - old username habits die hard :)
pronouns: she/her :) also down with she/they
where do you call home: the pacific northwest owo
favorite animal: a toughie, because I like Many, but zebras were my favorite when I was a kid, and wolves are a big one (...clearly >.>) Dragons tho. If we include mythical animals then dragon hands down, no question
cereal of choice: REESES PUFFS REESES PUFFS (peanut butter chocolate flavor) this was for the joke (insert kombucha girl meme here) fr fr I like rice krispies/choco krispies, if I eat cereal at all
visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner: kinesthetic probably haha - often people will show me and then tell me a thing, but I really have to just. Try it myself to really Get It. In one ear out the other with me sometimes OTL
first pet: Smokey the goldfish O3O I think...I may have been responsible for Smokey's untimely demise. 4 y o me dumped a little too much food in the aquarium :') RIP Smokey 😔
favorite scent: hm! I don't usually think about this - probably sandalwood, or pine. Fresh cut sawdust :)
do you believe in astrology: I am versed enough to get by with the folks who do lol i'm a libra sun, gemini moon, leo ascending u_u and i kind of know what that all means lmao
how many playlists on spotify/apple music: oh no. ohhh nooo. don't. don't look at me-- oh god. oh no look i've dropped them oh god now i'll be here all day *starts shoving them back into my backpack
(if we don't count other people's playlists that i follow. 285)
sharpies or highlighters: sharpies no contest
songs that make you cry: i don't cry at a whole lot of music! but if we want the same vibe then Little Fall of Rain, On My Own & Empty Chairs At Empty Tables from Les Mis (the london cast recording, not the movie lol) and Vagabond by Misterwives, Andra by The Ghost Of Paul Revere, Liar by the Arcadian Wild, Id by Charlie Allen, I Need My Girl by The National...listen I have a playlist for this lmao
songs that make you happy: Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go by Wham (reminds me of my little brother :)) & Cardiac Arrest by the Bad Suns, Talk Too Much by COIN, Almost (Sweet Music) by Hozier...Listen. I Have A Playlist For This
do you write/draw/create: i write fic! I also went to school for art education and am endorsed to teach art (to high schoolers when I get the chance lol). I was a girl scout arts and crafts specialist for a camp two years in a row, and recently I subbed for a high school ceramics teacher for the last quarter of school and made a bunch of ceramic stuff, it was really fun! I also paint, draw, crochet, cross stitch, and if I had a sewing machine I'd probably sew haha.
I am at the whim of ADHD brain tho (probably >.> squints in undiagnosed) and only post things online sporadically. My JayTim phase is actually the Most active I've been and also stayed in any online activity that involves me making things and also posting them lol
tagging but no pressure: oh yes um! only if you want to! @shineyma | @beanboop | @listen-to-the-inner-walrus
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