#eva ossei-gerning
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How HOTD films Team Green vs How HOTD films Team Black
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Aemond & Aegon being interrogated vs Jace & Luke having their parentage publicly discussed
First off, the moment where Viserys interrogates his sons on the rumours is in many ways a fantastically shot and tense scene. As an ensemble scene, the camera primarily focuses on Viserys, Rhaenyra, Alicent, Aemond and Aegon as we watch the emotions and suspense play out. We feel Aemond and Aegon's hurt and complicated relationship with their father, we wait with Rhaenyra and Alicent to see what the boys will say, how Viserys will react, just how will this interrogation unfold.
What we do not get is any attention on the kids whose parentage is under discussion.
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This is what we briefly get of Jace just before the interrogation begins. We get a quick shot of him shouting on Baela's behalf, a quick shot of him telling his mother they were called bastards, and we see him by his mother's side as she goes into action. But he's rarely at the centre of attention, and what attention the camera does give him is only brief. There aren't many frames of Jace - the camera just doesn't focus or linger on him.
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Compare this to the multiple close up shots and clear prolonged focus on how Aemond and Aegon feel while their father is shouting at them. There are multiple frames giving them plenty of attention (I could only fit a handful of them on this post), letting those micro-expressions sink in for the viewer. But no focus on how Jace feels watching the rumours being spoken out loud, in front of everyone. No focus on how he feels watching his grandfather, waiting to see what he will say and do.
Will the King protect his grandson? Is Jace about to be officially labelled a bastard and have his life destroyed? How anxious is Jace watching this exchange? How upset is he when his uncle, who he used to follow around like a shadow, says for the room to hear 'just look at them'? And Luke? Does he know what's going on?
Now I am not an expert on cinematography or directing or editing etc. But I don't think it takes an expert to notice when the camera sends such a clear message to the viewer. Alicent's children are main characters whose emotions you are invited to be invested in, while Rhaenyra's children are not given equal weight. Alicent's children join her as main characters, Rhaenyra's children do not.
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Even Otto and Daemon get to react where Jace and Luke do not
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When Viserys threatens to cut out the tongue of anyone who mentions the rumours again, we keep the focus on Aemond and Aegon. We get to know intimately how they are feeling during this scene. But how are Rhaenyra's kids feeling? Is Jace relieved? Is Luke still confused? If the goal of making the Greens sympathetic was so the audience would feel their hearts torn two ways, then the camera is failing miserably, because it is only directing us one way.
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Aemond's reaction to Alicent demanding Luke's eye vs Jace & Luke's reaction
Am I against Aemond having a close up here? No. The moment is about his mother seeking retribution for his eye after all, the close up makes sense. But it is one of many he (and Aegon) have in this scene, and again the camera is very uninterested in how Jace and Luke feel. Aemond got to respond when Rhaenyra suggested (bluffed) that he be 'questioned sharply'.
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It isn't a close up, but he doesn't exactly lack for close ups. And he is still in the centre of the screen. The camera waits on the back of the chair to see him turn around and glare at his sister.
Are we going to cut to little Luke's face when a grown woman wants to cut his eye out? Or Jace when his little brother is threatened? Apparently the original draft had Luke yell "I didn't mean it! I'm sorry" when Alicent demanded his eye, and then try to hide behind his mother in fear. So at one point it seems there was some attention to how Luke feels, some effort to invite the audience to feel it too. But in the end we get the Aemond close up followed by a distant group shot of Team Black reacting, inviting the viewer to feel very little.
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When Alicent attacks with the knife we do at least get a brief cut to Luke screaming. And I like the little detail of Luke holding Rhaenyra's arm afterwards, if you can spot it. Jace also appears to be present behind him, hello Jace. How do you feel about your mother being hurt? Have you realised now the danger you are in? Is now the moment you decide you have to be very grown up for your mother? It looks like it is for Aemond.
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Again, I am not against Aemond receiving attention in this scene. He did just lose an eye. But this is an ensemble scene, about a family getting irrevocably split, about the next generation inheriting the conflicts of the previous generation. The rest of the ensemble are given attention - Viserys, Rhaenyra, Alicent, Daemon, Otto, Criston, Corlys - but when it comes to the next generation of characters there is a clear disparity. Would the viewer be invested in Rhaenyra and Alicent's conflict and relationship at all if the camera only ever focused on Alicent?
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The camera should be inviting us to care about the conflict between the next generation - not just one side of the next generation. We get a bit more focus on Luke in the following episode and the final episode - primarily because he is about to die and the writers at least understand that we should probably care about him first.
But Jace should have been set up from episode 6 as a main character - a character who gets equal screen time and the same emotional weight as his uncles. We should have followed him dealing with his parentage, with the scrutiny and rumours, with Criston bullying him, with the burden of being both the perfect heir and the knowledge that he needs to help his mother and protect his little brothers. The camera should be inviting us to care about how he will feel when he loses Luke.
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We only get rare crumbs where the camera is interested in Rhaenyra's children. While proving my point I trawled through frame upon frame of Aemond's face in this scene to find the rare shot where Jace is in the centre (at the very beginning of the scene, before the drama starts to really play out), where he isn't at the side or in the background, where the camera lingers just a little bit. I wanted more of this.
For a further illustrative example, see how differently the relationship between two sets of brothers are filmed.
Also what are Baela and Rhaena up to? The previous episode introduces us to the idea that Daemon ignores Rhaena. A scene of Daemon hugging his grieving daughters was deleted, and replaced with a scene of an emotionally distance Daemon walking away from his grieving daughters. Ok then, if you're going to introduce that idea, maybe actually do it justice? We have close ups of Daemon lurking and watching the argument at the sides - how about a shot of Baela and Rhaena looking for their dad? How about a shot of Rhaena, needing comfort, looking crestfallen that her father isn't showing any concern, that he's more interested in watching the argument than looking for his daughters? I mean if I have to watch Aegon the rapist and his daddy issues...
If Daemon is supposed to be ignoring his daughters... well there is a way to communicate via the camera that characters are being ignored without the camera actually ignoring them. The show does it with Alicent and Viserys all the time. I mean, here's how we are introduced to the girls seeking comfort from their grandparents. Distantly, beginning with a shot of Corlys and Rhaenys coming down the stairs from behind, and relegated straight to the background where they will remain for the rest of the scene.
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Why add Baela and Rhaena to the fight if you're not going to do justice to their presence? Especially considering how much the dynamics of the fight have changed in addition to their presence. Initially it was an older bully hitting a toddler and then beating up little kids who came to their baby brother's rescue. Now it's kids closer in age, punching out their grievances, and it's 4 against one. This tilts the sympathy towards Aemond - who already has all the damn close ups anyway. To compensate, you have to invest in the emotions on all sides. Especially Rhaena - she just lost the last link she had to her mother, and what she probably figured was her chance to get her father's attention. So give her a damn close up. And Jace - if you are going to have him pull out a knife instead of a wooden toy sword like in the book then you better earn that moment by inviting us to feel just how much the word 'bastard' hurts him.
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princesssszzzz · 2 years ago
Phoebe Campbell 🙏 Phoebe is harder to find info about than Ewan and Bigfoot combined. The pretty lady in orange is acting coach Adele James she interviewed Harry Collett last year and played Pheobe’s sister in this play.
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backjustforberena · 2 years ago
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You can bargain with me all you like; bring my granddaughter with you to soften my resolve...
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maleficarem · 1 year ago
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Rhaena Targaryen, played by Eva Ossei-Gerning House of the Dragon, Season 1 Episode 6, "The Princess and the Queen"
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anonymoushuman2 · 8 months ago
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Another dress for the lovely Laena, as an adult this time. I cannot stand this dress, in theory it’s pretty, but for some reason it just looks off. I think it’s the way the cut of the dress meshes with Nanna Blondell’s proportions, because it somehow makes this stunning woman look less attractive, but I don’t really know. On a side note I love this bts photo, I’ve cropped it but it has Nanna Blondell, Eva Ossei-Gerning, Shani Smethurst and Matt Smith as Laena, Rhaena, Baela and Daemon. It’s a very cute photo of the 4 of them
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horizon-verizon · 2 years ago
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Rhaena Targaryen (HotD) [Dedication]
Played by: (Young) Eva Ossei-Gerning; Phoebe Campbell
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gameofthronesdaily · 2 years ago
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0ynes · 2 years ago
Viserys made them do this.
this kids were great in their roles.
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pedropcl · 2 years ago
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HOUSE OF THE DRAGON S01E07: Driftmark | dir. Miguel Sapochnik
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westerosiladies · 2 years ago
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Rhaenys and her granddaughters
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cptrs · 2 years ago
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backjustforberena · 2 years ago
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I don’t want mother to be gone...
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aliferousdreamer · 2 years ago
here's my rhaena targaryen playlist... for my sweet, romantic and gentle girl ☀️🌅
thanks to anyone who listens!! ♡♡♡
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conandaily2022 · 2 years ago
13 most beautiful 'House of the Dragon' Season 1 actresses
13 most beautiful ‘House of the Dragon’ Season 1 actresses
“House of the Dragon” Season 1 premiered on HBO on August 21, 2022. It is an independent prequel to “Game of Thrones“, which aired on HBO from April 17, 2011 to May 19, 2019. Both series are based on George R. R. Martin‘s series of epic novels titled “A Song of Ice and Fire“. The novels were published by Bantam Books in Canada and the United States and by Voyager Books in Australia and the…
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movies-tv-more · 2 years ago
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HOUSE OF THE DRAGON 1x07 “Driftmark” airs tonight at 9pm on HBO
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love-tv-freak · 2 years ago
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House of the Dragon
Baela x Rhaena - 1x07 Driftmark
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