chimerical-daydreams · 2 days ago
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whatever. go my head horsemaiden.
(original sifdile horse here)
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444names · 2 years ago
imperial from tes, french and quenya names all with diacritics removed
Acarne Adarier Aduralba Aesterel Aevus Alactaridi Alauron Alcan Alendia Aligna Alleonius Alpina Amarier Amaris Amounil Anderme Andes Angulio Aquettus Arany Ardsmint Arindrius Asilil Asius Assea Astisian Ataminis Atian Atontius Atreld Audidan Augeon Aurohedrio Avesse Axille Balinque Banar Barius Bellana Belley Belloio Bendedge Benwenden Betinvex Bited Blinathis Bracato Briania Brodianus Brome Bruthan Buion Burca Cabenia Cadius Caecia Caele Calain Calaurius Caleociro Caleof Callus Canchan Candi Caphirre Caphori Captius Carcia Carion Carus Casanus Castilust Cense Chalvinie Chancelle Citus Cladfarius Clana Clander Clixtus Clomiered Coliele Colixus Coloof Comengdia Comenter Cossan Daller Dambro Deria Dessic Devinysi Diusk Dolun Doregur Dostarna Drent Druing Dulus Dustiond Eadors Eatitia Edestalan Elaentami Eldess Eldilen Elendume Elleo Emius Enirdia Entuma Eptia Erius Ertea Esahang Escuna Estarth Etius Etundus Eudil Fabers Fabestir Fabson Falburen Falius Falontur Falova Fandesne Fanien Fantatye Farryarsus Farstelle Fatcha Fatin Final Finanur Flaelvar Flaire Flogeme Flucilmo Folambrin Foria Forto Frianuscht Fronna Gaechar Gaudius Gavatar Gavria Gemmar Ginarde Gleyna Gratoul Guncaprana Handele Harcome Hards Harius Hastorius Hatiner Hedolan Hereles Heris Hermosto Hettic Hilin Hipius Hitiust Horna Hossynain Houia Howvalius Hrattus Hrine Hrinie Hugus Hyarde Ickwentius Iloger Imbarcel Imbarto Imono Inces Indil Indormore Initia Irius Irmere Iscedrier Isius Ismande Istia Jacia Jacquagrus Jeacatir Jeaurgiana Jeren Jeride Jessaelvo Jesta Jirinius Josaeudia Jucas Kirstarvie Krass Lacarand Laelde Lairatius Lator Laudent Leconde Lendece Lentia Letiling Licinius Ligus Limeanis Limegina Liste Liveren Lodoronia Loirbea Lotents Lundius Lupicennin Maccilanus Macolie Magil Mandius Manice Manna Manollimus Marasus Mardi Margesos Maruccus Mauguenyan Mendefta Menincie Mergio Metius Miele Miestar Miromelia Mirtius Mitius Mituria Miuser Monorus Motelinus Motinortas Murus Nabnus Nacalor Nagly Nalest Natumus Niandus Niefure Nientus Nolca Nosinan Notia Oamildo Obeas Ohienrius Olinus Ollaquesta Ondua Onick Onindre Onius Ontorma Oramaxiust Ordexius Ottorionee Pamis Pands Papolam Pards Pargia Patanine Patar Patchronis Pattata Paurcorien Peesdria Pelit Perius Pertiang Pioran Pirene Pisse Pistius Piulp Plaundius Plius Porne Pornia Pottel Prane Pricele Prius Prote Quenia Quitina Raccard Racia Raforil Ragin Ranuron Rasio Ratia Reals Rende Reniancus Renus Reyndius Rhers Riseren Risongwang Roade Roambarne Rolkirge Rondrie Rossellius Rotelex Ruliennia Rullisleo Saber Sador Salace Salannus Sauretio Scaren Scasseina Scelemiln Sebeius Seced Seius Senderpus Sephis Serian Sibarine Siligna Silivine Silmarne Singiving Skielia Skinia Skylvionte Sominwe Sondexim Sonus Soregentus Sossossius Souivie Soukonia Sperucaind Spiendenna Spius Stele Steras Stius Storone Strattinia Sulissonta Sulup Sundomee Suroges Suspiendo Sylvia Synerfle Taboria Taeruciry Tanar Tanconds Taregaecan Tarlaldo Tasseque Tasta Tellientia Terienta Tertarital Tesse Thang Thellaccus Therte Thier Tintinse Trimout Trixtiny Tulunce Turbaulis Turus Tyattius Tyenia Ulianne Ulnus Umanged Undius Unelus Valal Valiver Vallus Valma Valvus Vanca Vandre Vanth Vanus Vardexio Vardinas Vards Vartetwome Vaspus Vedmin Vence Veran Vianamaley Viango Vianius Videna Viendac Vingwell Viorack Vircalia Vivundur Vlius Vocto Vyhasine Walla Watius Westing Whode Woryartus Yafors Yandorine Yaran Yarius Yeanus Yelin Yernia Yvorome
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ylkcheeeks · 2 years ago
What if a new version of Sailor Moon S where the witches 5 are legit grad students and they are aliens from Tau and their specific fields are their theme for their plans. EG Tellulu is not just plant themed but her plots attack the local flora because her thesis is based around getting Tau flora to thrive here.
Alternatively I would enjoy a “new” anime that was the witches 5 as a workplace sitcom with the numbers filed off, and also the above adjustment.
Eudile, geology/terraforming, hotrod hobby, allowed to be butch if she wants
Mimette social sciences/social media influencer spreading positive sentiment for the Mugen Integrated School System (it’s totally work omg u guys don’t understand longitudinal studies show…)
Villuy is perfect, can remain a sexy hacker, steals people’s energy through Alexa or whatever
Cyprine & Ptolil (spelling that is beyond me rn): one is studying string theory and the other is a PEI reconstructionist and the other witches are constantly mixing them up. They can affect the area around them creating a bubble of distorted language or distorted time (superimposing earlier events on now, basically) and combine into one purple witch and it’s great
Kaori Nite is the head of the math department and Souichi Tomoe’s peer, not secretary. Both because that makes his seduction into the dark side better for me- she appeals to his intellect and his desire to save Hotaru, not just his 🍆 ego- and because there’s the number sub theme with mistress 9, pharaoh 90, each witch having a power level, etc. it implies Tau are a very number forward culture
Concept: Tauians as evil sexy Vulcans. Kaori is a brainwashed Sailor Romulan? Too far.
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cey-artsy-blog · 6 years ago
Heyall this is for all of my loyal followers who followed me when i was new in instagram and all of my content is Narley😂 this is all for you! Got inspired to do this animation by: @eudille UwU Thank you all so much! #harleymobilelegends #harleymlbb #harley #nanamobilelegends #nanamlbb #nana #narley #nanaxharley #harleyxnana #animation #gift #thankyou #yie #harna #mlbb #mobilelegendsbangbang #harleymobilelegendsbangbang #nanamobilelegendsbangbang
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