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martiestudies · 5 years ago
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hi, hello, long time no see. i’m (almost) done with my first week as an uni student and recycling pictures because it’s been hectic and i haven’t even thought of taking some.
so! first week! it’s been,.....,,,........ an experience. i’m all moved in in my new aparment, i suffered through the first few days without AC (and believe you do NOT want to be in this hellish city with its unbelievable temperatures and humidity levels in the middle of february) AND without a proper kitchen 🥵 but that’s all sorted out now. classes are nice! chemestry and my professor are both awesome, and i made a new friend in my university problematics course that i think will keep around for a long time. living on my own is N I C E even though is pretty boring sometimes, but my kitten made everything so much better (u guys she’s definitely a demon but she behaved SO well while traveling and transitioning 🥺). i love her SO MUCH you have no idea, it actually brings me to tears. uhhhhh what else. i think that’s pretty much it? my faculty is GORGEOUS and the coolest in the whole university tbh. it’s old af (it turns 101 years this year!!) but i already love her.
chemical engineering here i GO 👊🏻💥
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writerworks · 5 years ago
Congratulations! What a great opportunity you get to participate in. Please keep us updated on your journey, it was nice to read ☺
Internship Update 7.7.2020
Hey hey! It’s been a hot minute since I lasted updated because wow it’s been a jam-packed couple of days. Sunday I drove 3 hours solo to get to the internship location from my home, got settled in with the family friends I’m living with for the next six weeks and prepared for my first day of work! I’m going to put this under a cut because it got kinda long…
Keep reading
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ettawritesnstudies · 5 years ago
Important Announcements
My friends, with the way this semester is going as far as workload, and the fact that uni isn't giving us any breaks or long weekends until November, it looks like I'm also just going to Not Write until November, or probably December after final exams, either! There's just not enough time for everything so I have to prioritize irl stuff, and this is a decision I've had to make in the past but it doesn't make it any easier.
To account for this lack of content and ability to interact regularly, there's going to be a few changes to this blog at least for the time being, until I can figure out a better way of managing my time:
1. Weekly posts will be going up on my website. A lot of them will be reposts as I move the contents of my WIP Page over to there, but I also have some special content like the Gallery and an interview with @maxgraybooks coming up this Friday! If you'd like to write a guest post or do an interview feel free to reach out! I'm always looking for new content and want to keep in touch with writeblr as much as possible.
2. If I can't post my own work I want to boost others as much as possible! If you've seen/participated in any of my queue fill up events you probably know how this works.
Reblog this post and leave a link to pieces of writing, art, moodboards, or any other recent original creative work you're proud of! I will like it to let you know I saw it, and add it to my queue. This is open to anyone, especially if I missed your taglist because it got buried in my notes!
Please don't just "like" this post, boost it to others who might like to share their work, and please don't leave links in the comments, because it's harder for me to get to them.
3. I will not be participating in weekly writeblr events like STS, MGM, WBW, or any of the other new ones going around. They look like a ton of fun and I really want to meet everyone who’s jumped on them as they’re gaining more traction, but at this point I just do not have the time to spend on answering asks when I don’t have enough time to write to begin with :/ The inbox is closed, but you can still reach me through tags and DMs
4. I’m still active on tumblr on my studyblr @ettasschoolstuff where I rant about my classwork and share interesting informational posts and stuff like that, so if you want to see the science and engineering stuff I’m up to, feel free to interact with that sideblog.
whew. Sorry that’s so long. I tried to highlight all the important parts, but it looks kind of a mess, so if you’re still around, thanks for reading! I’m looking forward to seeing your work!
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tbhstudying · 4 years ago
'Antares' for the space asks? Hope you're doing well :) - @ettasschoolstuff
antares: think of a movie which means a lot to you, now describe the first scene that comes into your mind!
i think the movie that first comes to mind is pride and prejudice (the version w/ keira knightley) and it’s the penultimate scene when she’s walking through the meadow at dawn 💕💕💕 combined with the music in the background and the way the morning dew and wildflowers and fog frame her as she begins to walk is just so beautiful :”)
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aesthetic-funk · 5 years ago
20 Questions Tag
Thank you @ettasschoolstuff for the tag 💕
Name: I go by 'amazing human being'
Nicknames: queen of the universe
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Height: 5′5
Orientation: is it related to what I study?
Nationality: white and privileged
Favorite Fruit: orange and persimmon
Favorite Season: Spring!
Favorite Scent: is food a scent tho
Favorite Color: white and yellow
Favorite animal: cat
Favorite book: I really don't know :/
Favorite Flower: sunflowers and daisies
Coffee/tea/hot chocolate: hot chocolate
Avg hours of sleep: 8
Favorite fictional characters: Iron man and Batman
Number of blankets you sleep with: what is this lol?? A LOT
Dream Trip: South East Asia! 
Dogs or cats: both but catttttttts win.
Blog Created: Only a couple of days ago!!
@tbhstudying @latetothestudygame @latetothestudygame @catstudyblr @betterself join if you want to!
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stepstofluency · 5 years ago
18 and 50 for the quarantine ask game! Have a good day :) - @ettasschoolstuff
thanks for asking!
18) What is your favorite musical?
I loooove frozen!
50) Thoughts on Greek mythology?
I haven’t started studying yet but I really want to know everything about it. My surname (Şimşek) means “the lightning” in Turkish and my friends call me Zeus’ grandchild haha
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abalonetea · 5 years ago
@ettasschoolstuff​ thought some of this might interest you!
This Is How You Actually Take Notes In College, Bitches
it’s occurred to me that nobody fuckin knows how to take notes in classes and most advice about it is bad. What the fuck are “key words?”
So anyway here’s how I’ve gotten a’s in all my classes in college so far
I’m not gonna bother too much with telling you to take notes in class. Everyone knows that shit. But most people’s note taking skills suck ass and there are two main types of sucking ass I have observed
The first is the one where your notes look like a list of key terms and words. Sometimes they are underlined or there are dashes that connect them to other words. So if your prof was talking about Henry VIII you’d write down something like
Henry VIII
Church of England—divorce
DON’T DO THAT. Those words are gonna show up on the test, sure, but writing them down isn’t gonna help you with the test. What the fuck does any of that mean? High school is shit and your “key words” can’t help you now.
Here’s the other type of bad note taking:
It was necessary for Henry VIII to have a male heir who could succeed him, but his wife was unable to conceive a son. The Catholic Church
I stopped writing there because your professor moved on to something else. But, tbh, even if you can write fast enough to keep up with the content of the lectures (and you can’t for the entire lecture) it’s not helpful to have a solid wall of Everything That Was Covered In The Lecture, in grammatically correct complete sentences. Are you gonna read that shit again? No!
And honestly most people have like, sentences here and there that look important instead of the whole lecture. Which is also bad.
So what’s the not shitty way to take notes? It comes down to these principles:
Show Relationships of Things
These kind of go together
I cannot emphasize enough that you don’t need to write sentences like a normal person. Shorthand everything, and I don’t mean some fucked up studying shorthand you just came up with like “AmR” for American Revolution, I mean like...fuckin text/memespeak. Don’t write complete sentences, completely abandon formality. Abbreviate anything you would in a text message, you know what it means.
HOWEVER: You Must Show How Things Are Related To Things
To understand broad concepts you gotta understand how the things in them are related to other things.
That’s why writing down “Henry VIII” and “Church of England” isn’t gonna help you, because you’re not learning that there is a Church of England.
Did Henry VIII burn the Church of England? Cheat on his wife with it? Who knows? Definitely not you.
This is why you have to connect stuff like
Catholic Church says no divorce
Henry VIII—starts Church of England
But ya know you can make that more memorable AND more clearly show how one thing caused the other
Henry VIII: divorce >:)
Catholic Church: no
Henry VIII: fuk u *church of england*
I’m completely dead serious about this, this kind of slang is very good at indicating exactly how things relate to things in zero time and you know exactly what it means and you’ll remember it
But furthermore
You have to come up with shorthand to quickly indicate how things are related. Say you write down the definitions of two terms for like, opposing theories on government in class. That’s great but you’re leaving it to yourself to work out the opposing part later from what you write, and your brain’s a flaky bitch.
Like part of what you’re doing it giving yourself help with HOW to study your notes later.
So like. Do something like write a jagged line in between the definitions, indicating conflict. Write “OTOH” or “HOWEVER” in between in big fuckin letters. Writing down “Catholic Church” and what that is and “Church of England” and what that is, is fine. But like, if the main theme is the contrast between the two, “Catholic Church HOWEVER Church of England” immediately tells you the basicest basics. It’s like a tiny outline, telling you what to expect. Sure, you can figure it out reading your notes but I’m telling you how to write skimmable notes that you can glean stuff from even when you’re half spaced out and shit, okay?
Same thing for like, dates and sequences and cause-and-effect and stuff. Even if you’ve got the dates down...be sure to put arrows or something so even at a glance you’ve got basically what’s going on.
Also i know it feels like wasting paper but DONT scrunch all your notes together into small space on the paper. That lil dialogue between Henry and the Church of England is spread out over 3 lines which means if you have ADHD like me you can actually fuckin read it. Turn things into bullet lists. Indent things with little arrows to show things leading to things. If there’s a clear move to a new topic, new page. If you’re actually filling up the paper all the way that shits hard to read and it’s even harder to pick out the Big Important Stuff.
Last word of advice: If you end up like writing down two things and can’t tell what they’re for or how they’re related to each other...ASK QUESTIONS. Like “I’m sorry can you explain how the Church of England is related to the Catholic Church? I didn’t quite catch that.” If talking in class makes you feel like you might be percieved badly, you can frame it like a Nerd Question “So, what kind of relationship would you say the Church of England and the Catholic Church had?” or just play it off like you didn’t hear it like “I’m sorry, what was that last thing you said about the Church of England and the Catholic Church?”
Or just make a mark on your notes to remind yourself that you need more info and to go to your prof’s office to ask questions. I would really not be nervous about that, professors normally really like it when students show that they really want to succeed in the class and that they care. Unless they’re like, a complete dickhead, in which case, fuck what they think, right? You’re gonna ask questions and it’s their problem because you’re essentially paying them for your presence in the class.
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look-for-fairy-tales · 5 years ago
20 Questions Tag
I was tagged by @ettasschoolstuff​  ! Thank you!
1. Name : Giulia
2. Nicknames : I don’t think I have a nickname
3. Zodiac Sign : Pisces
4. Height : 5′1
5. Languages Spoken : Portuguese is my first language, I speak english since I was 15, and I can somewhat understand spanish 
6. Nationality : Brazilian
7. Favorite Season : I think the only season I dislike is the winter, because I dont do too well in the cold
8. Favorite Flower : I never know wich one is my favorite flower, I guess righ now is roses
9. Favorite Scent : Vanilla
10. Favorite Color : Blue, but I’m really liking purple/lavander right now
11. Favorite Animal : birds, any bird, I love all birds 
12. Favorite Fictional Character : aaaaaaa I can’t choose just one
13. Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate : Again, I cant choose just one, I drink coffee almost everyday, I really like tea on the winter, and hot chocolate on cold/rainy afternoons 
14. Average Sleep Hours : I sleep a lot, like a lot, I can sleep up to 10h everyday if I dont have anything to wake me up. This is the avarage Im getting during this lockdown 
15. Dog or cat person : cats, I like dogs but I think the demand to much atention
16. Number of Blankets you sleep with : normal days only one, in winter time it can go up to 4 blankets if its too cold 
17. Dream Trip : Italy, Switzerland, Norway and the northen lights, Australia to see the cockatoos, Cuba.... I can never choose just one 
18. Blog Established : I have had this blog since 2011, I’ve spent too much time in this place 
19. Followers : 896
20. Random Fact : if I havent studied fashion I would go for a history degree, and I often wonder how diferent my life would be 
Tagging my friends! @nicokita @almostluzia
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ettaseverythingelse · 5 years ago
Studyblr announcement!
I have a studyblr! I was intending for this blog to be an even mix of both when I first started it but that kind of didn't happen so I decided to make a clean split before I'm too far gone. If you like my ramblings about educational endeavors and occasional mediocre #aesthetictrash study pictures go check out @ettasschoolstuff
@northofnowhere4 we were talking about this the other day so I thought I'd tag you so you know that I'm doing this :)
Thank you! You can continue with your regularly scheduled blogging now.
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studyingchemeng · 5 years ago
@ettasschoolstuff I couldn't agree more! Thank God for older students and tutors because I would be still struggling if it weren't for them!!!
Tbh I am so tired of shitty entitled professors with unreasonable expectations.
How to do well in a class taught by a crappy teacher
We’ve all been there at some point, and it especially sucks if you’re interested in the subject. Sorry this is long but I really hope it helps!
These are some things that bad teachers have in common, in my experience.
Qualities of a crappy teacher
relies entirely on videos to teach lessons
rarely, if ever, gives notes
doesn’t give reviews for tests either or any clues as to what is actually on the test
if they do give notes, they are disorganized, scrappy, and ultimately meaningless
doesn’t give straight answers when asked questions / answers questions with questions that don’t even make sense
loses your homework/essays all the time
they are genuinely surprised when their students actually do well
tells students not to study a certain thing because it won’t be on the test. Then it’s on the test and you’re screwed.
when showing how to do a problem, they only do the easiest examples ever. Honestly. You would be blessed to get a problem that easy on the actual assignment, where there are now super complicated problems that you have no idea how to do!
the homework assignments they give don’t help you understand the lesson better, it’s just a bunch of busy work.
they hand out a sheet, no explanation whatsoever, and say “alright. go do this” what? Go do what? Rip out my hair? I don’t even know what stoichiometry is and now I have 55 minutes to do it. Fabulous.
if someone does something wrong, the teacher just makes them do it over again and again, without helping the student understand or explaining anything
they hand back your tests five decades after you actually took it. What was the test even on? Same deal with homework and worksheets
They often have a condescending behavior towards students and make students feel stupid when they get something wrong or ask questions
Now that you’ve verified that you indeed have a crappy teacher, here are some tips to actually do well in their class. Impossible? Nope. But it will take more effort to get a good grade in this class and understand the material because you are now both the teacher and the student. (Sorry I talk about Khan Academy a lot, but at the same time, not that sorry because it’s a life saver).
Teach yourself lesson by lesson. If they won’t, you will. Make sure that you are learning the right material, so that you can ace your quizzes/ tests. Yes, it takes time, but it will be worth it once you can finally understand the class, I promise. You can teach yourself by relying on other sources to learn the material, such as the textbook you already have for the class, Khan Academy, and other online resources and study aids.
Don’t rely only on their notes, study materials, or worksheets to study off of or understand the material. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use them, you should definitely pay attention to them, as it might give you a clue as to what is on the test. However, you should probably invest some time into making your own notes and study materials outside of class, whether the material is from your class textbook or online resources. 
Khan Academy!!! (It’s completely free and amazing) I honestly can not stress how many times Khan Academy has saved my life and my grades, especially in math and science subjects. If there’s a lesson (or, let’s be honest, an entire class) that you’re having difficulty understanding, just go to KA and find the lesson and they will have videos that take you through it step-by-step. Also, you can pause and rewind the videos if you need to understand something better (unlike crappy teachers) and they do plenty of examples (unlike crappy teachers). I swear I’m not sponsored by them or anything, it’s just a life saver! You can take classes on there in your free time too. For example, I couldn’t fit a personal finance class into my school schedule, so I’m taking it on KA.
Use online sites and resources to help you understand the material. Quizlet is an app for creating sets of flashcards. In my opinion, they are way more helpful than notecards, because they have games using the terms you put in and different methods of studying the material (by spelling, term, definition, etc). Duolingo is great for learning languages and maintaining your vocabulary in a language you are taking in school. You can use SparkNotes to better understand literature and poetry (they also have great studying/ test prep materials). Shmoop is another great resource for poetry. Khan Academy has lessons on math, science, art, music, history, and economics. The Purdue OWL is a life saver when it comes to writing essays; it has everything you need to know about grammar, writing techniques, format (especially MLA format), and mechanics. Basically, it has all the info your crappy teacher failed to give you. 
STUDY. Good teachers go over the material enough to ensure that their students understand the material and they make sure the students are familiar with it. They will also usually go over the same materials in different ways, so that students with different learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) can benefit. Crappy teachers? Not so much. Therefore, the material is not ingrained in your mind, so you need to work harder than in other classes to familiarize yourself with the material and make sure you understand it enough to recall the information and be tested on it.
Practice what you’ve learned. Try to find practice quizzes and tests online on the subject and material you are learning. Sometimes there will be mini quizzes at the end of chapters in class textbook. Also, some of the online resources above have quizzes on the specific material.
Talk/ study with other people who are taking the same course or people you know who have taken the class in the past. If your friend is taking the same class as you but they have a different teacher, study with them and ask them for help and notes. If you know someone who has taken the class a previous semester or year, as them for help with the material and advice on tests and passing the class with a decent grade. You can also study with other people in your class, because it is likely that they are in the same position as you and you can all help each other out.
Good luck in your class and thanks for reading, I hope this helps somehow!
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ettawritesnstudies · 5 years ago
Update - mini-hiatus
Hi! I’m going to be pretty absent on here over the next week because I’m moving tomorrow and starting a new job as a chemical engineering intern on Monday. I’m really excited about this but it’s going to take some adusting to and I might not have as much time to write/participate in writeblr activities like MGM, WBW, and STS. If you’ve tagged me in games or sent me asks, thank you! I’m going to do my best to respond to those as soon as possible, but I just wanted to let y’all know that’s what I’m up to in the meantime.
I’ll also probably be more active and posting daily detailed updates on my studyblr @ettasschoolstuff so if you’re interested, you can go check that out too! 
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ettawritesnstudies · 4 years ago
About Me Tag
Thanks @kittensartswriting for the tag! 
Pen Name: Etta Grace
Gender: cis woman
Star sign: is this like zodiac? I’m an aquarius I think idk
Height: 5′5″ (165 cm)
Time: 9:20 pm
Favorite band/group: Don’t Ask Me This Question 
Favorite solo artist:  Don’t Ask Me This Question (my music taste is all over the place and I refuse to organzie it)
Song stuck in your head: “Four Hours” by The Longest Johns, which I’ve had playing repeat since yesterday afternoon
Last movie: idk maybe something christmas
Last show: I don’t watch TV that much. Voltron probably? Do podcasts count? In that case, The Magnus Archives S3
When did I create this blog: Summer 2019
What do I post about? My original writing mostly and general rambling
Other blogs: @ettasschoolstuff​ and @fandomsofadistractedwriteblr​
Do I get asks: sometimes
Why I chose my url: I’m Etta, I Write and I Study and that is all lol
Average hours of sleep: 8 when my parents are around to enforce bedtime, 5 when I’m left to my own devices 
Lucky number: don’t have one
Instrument: Piano, self taught guitar and some hammered-dulcimer
What am I wearing: My pyjamas - mismatched colorful patterned pants and a flowery shirt from two different sets
Dream job: Full Time Author and local eccentric inventor
Dream trip: Touring Europe
Favorite food: Soup, fish dinners with my grandparents, and ice cream
Nationality: American
Favorite song: currently,  “Four Hours” by The Longest Johns
Last book I read: I read multiple books at a time so I’m currently rotating between Mort by Terry Pratchett, Warbreaker and Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson, rereading Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson as research for my new fanfic, and rereading The Book of Three by Lloyd Alexander to my younger siblings who haven’t heard it yet as read aloud
Top three fictional worlds: Prydain, Middle Earth, and Roshar
open tag for this one! Introduce yourself and tag me and I’ll check out/boost your blog! 
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ettawritesnstudies · 4 years ago
As some of you know I've been crazy busy this month, (has school already been in session over a month?? wow) and I've not been posting as much on here. This post is a bit of a look at the writing I've been working on behind the scenes. I've found keeping goals is super useful for me, and I usually post a summary on my studyblr @ettasschoolstuff every month too, so you can check that out to see everything that's not writing I've also been doing.
Do you keep goals? Feel free tell me all about your accomplishments in the comments/asks!
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studyingchemeng · 5 years ago
Thanks for the tag! @ettasschoolstuff
Name: Nikoleta
Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 1.75 m
Sexuality: Straight
Star sign: idk?? I think I’m an Cancer ...
Hogwarts house: Slytherin
How long do I sleep?:  I aim for 6-8 hours 
Current time: 9:16pm
Dogs or cats: Cats
Blankets: one 
Why I made this blog: quarantine had me feeling unproductive and I always wanted to make a studyblr....
Reason for my URL: I'm studying to become a Chemical engineer so...
Tagging: @studysoc @studyburst @entropyne (if you want to, of course)
Get to know me tag
@lattesandlearning tagged me to do this tag game!! Thanks so much! :) 
Name: Hannah 
Pronouns: She/her
Height: 5″4.5
Sexuality: Pan
Star sign: 
Sun: Scorpio 
Moon+Rising : Taurus
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
How long do I sleep?: Two weeks before finals? 3-5 hours, if I’m lucky. Ideally? 7-10…
Current time: 9:30pm
Dogs or Cats?: Cats mostly, but I’m not opposed to dogs per-say
Blankets: It’s finally warming up, so 2, one fuzzy soft thingy I got from Target and my heavy quilt, once it’s summer I’ll exchange those for a thinner blanket and my summer quilt. 
Why I made my blog: Starting this semester at college I wanted something to hold me accountable and to encourage me to do my studies…essentially in my mind if I’m not studying than I can’t post and I knew I wanted to keep up with my blog so I thought it would be a good incentive…
Reason for my url: I’m a student…and I like studying (most of the time), which makes me scholarly, so a scholar? And I’m very chaotic? My mind’s constantly a mess and I tend to do things in a non-linear fashion most of the time sooo thechaoticscholar? Idk, it just came to me…
I’ll tag @averageicewitch @studiesofamarinebiologist @gremlin-studies @peachyteastudies @foretude @dwaladin-studies @hannistudies @bard-studies and @yourstudyfriend if any of you guys would like to do this! :) 
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ettawritesnstudies · 5 years ago
Hey y’all! School starts for me this upcoming week, and I’m moving to a new position within the company I’m interning at, so the next few days are going to be a bit hectic. I might not be able to get to tags right away but the queue is running and I’ll hopefully be back by next weekend once I’ve got my courseload sorted out. In the meantime, I’ll be posting updates on my studyblr @/ettasschoolstuff if you want to check that out! :)
Take care, and happy writing!
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ettawritesnstudies · 5 years ago
Lumpy pillow and restless for the writing ask?
Lumpy Pillow answered Here!
Restless: What are your writing goals? What are you striving towards?
End goal: self-publishing Storge, then eventually the Laoche Chronicles and having a sizable writing platform that can do some good in the world, both through spreading the messages I work into my stories, and through doing community service stuff like fundraisers for charity, giveaways, and boosting other authors.
Of course, that’s a huge ideal, and I’m sure once I meet that point, the end goal post will just change again, so I keep very specific monthly goals to benchmark and make sure I’m constantly working towards that in one way or another. I post about these on here and on my studyblr @/ettasschoolstuff, but for now, my writing goals for the immediate future are
Finish Storge read-through which I did last night!
Stay one week ahead of publishing my newsies fanfic, Lost and Found Again (which means writing up a backlog to keep me covered when school starts. This is a job for this weekend!)
Outline chapter 1-10 of the first book in The Laoche Chronicles
flesh out character outlines for Seth and Madelyn
Outline AI-Lia Antares in detail (maybe work on some drafting too)
Thanks for the ask!
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