#ethnic jewel
timelessfineries · 4 months
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Bijou africain avec pendentif Massai ::: Timeless Fineries
Collier africain composé d'un ras de cou agrémenté d'un pendentif aux couleurs et motifs ethniques Massai décoré de disques métalliques.
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silverravenstudio · 9 months
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✨𝘐𝘕𝘚𝘗𝘖✨ Kurdish Amulet Necklace
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ngsmasters · 2 years
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tacejewelry · 1 year
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theethnicjewels · 2 years
Bail Drop Dangle Nose Stud - The Ethnic Jewels
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Buy Bail Drop Dangle Nose Stud from The Ethnic Jewels with more customized options for nostril piercing and wire gauge sizes. Available in all sizes.
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fiddles-ifs · 11 months
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Rated 18+ for violence and sexual content. Trigger warnings will be provided at the beginning of each chapter.
The king is dead. Long live the king. Alandria is scarred from six long years of war. After a chance encounter in the field, heir-apparent Lisandro hires your mercenary band as security for his upcoming coronation. Now, you find yourself in the nebulous web of lies, schemes, and murder that make up Alandrian politics. When the future king falls deathly ill, it's your job, as the mercenary band's only healer, to figure out what's killing him. The king is dead. Love live the king.
Customizable MC. Play as male, female, or non-binary; trans or cisgender; inter or endosex; customizable pronouns. Customize your appearance, and personality. Tailor your approach to patients -- do you rely on science and surgery, or magic and faith?
Four unique ethnic backgrounds. Alandrian -- the kingdom you find yourself in after ten years. Iskarian -- the expansive empire to the south, and the jewel of the world. Mani -- the nomadic people unwelcome in the north. Ruz -- hailing from the frigid, barren archipelago across the northern sea.
Who were you in your past? A peasant? A former noble? A monastic? Part of a cult? Each ethnicity has four unique origins to choose from -- each origin will impact the story in different ways.
Romance. Or not! Four romance options, two gender-selectable. Play as gay, straight, bisexual or asexual; allo or aromantic.
Solve a medical mystery. Save the king however you can.
Change the course of history. Your proximity to royalty puts you in a position to play the great game -- in fact, you have to, to stay alive.
POV Switches. See some parts of the story from the point of view of the ROs and other characters.
Keep your secrets hidden. They cannot find out.
Sibir Temyurinkai. [She/her, he/him, they/them] Your best friend for more than a decade. A mercenary warlord many people can't read. You have a lot of history. Maybe even too much. You make them vulnerable. Flavor of romance: friends-to-lovers, love epiphany, UST, shippers on deck.
Lisandro Abarcas. [He/him] The young king uncrowned of Alandria. He's hired Sibir (and therefore you) to be extra security for his upcoming baptism and coronation, but a mysterious illness forces you to play doctor. Flavor of romance: courtly love, Uptown Girl, savior complexes
Idali Abarcas. [She/her] Duchess of the northern province of Baqueria, second in line to the throne, Lisandro's older sister and vicious rival. A cunning, calculating opponent -- but she might be willing to work with you. Flavor of romance: Uptown Girl, Defrosing the Ice Queen, #girlbossmode, dancing with danger
Tesias. [She/her, he/him, they/them] A very mysterious masked traveler. They offer advice and information -- for a price. As a spy, you can't trust anything they say -- but you know they want revenge. And they want it now. Flavor of romance: [INFORMATION CORRUPTED]
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wyourias · 8 months
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✦ : fem reader , fluff but kinda short , written with latina reader in mind but no specific ethnic background is mentioned
mike loved you since you two were in middle school the way you would walk around the halls laughing with your friends talking about boys and talking about songs you all enjoyed but it wasnt until highschool you two began talking you two had the same math class and cause he was one of the only people you recognized you decided to make friends, “hey, mike right?” you said sitting next him as he nodds nervously feeling like hes in a dream seeing his dream girl sitting next to him. It became his favorite part of the day seeing you walk in fresh manicured nails with your hoops in wearing a comfy tracksuit that had cute jewels on the back and eventually you started falling for him and two became offical. mike loved how you never grew out of your style even though you two were still young seeing you wearing the same tracksuit you had in highschool around the house made him smile the way abby would talk about how she wants to look just like you when she grew up made mikes heart flutter knowing he has the perfect person in his life and the perfect role model for abby seeing how you two go shopping together and you buy her some small lipgloss tubes perfect for a girl her age while you let her play around with your makeup when she wants but also reasuring her shes beautiful with or without, he couldnt have imagined someone better to be in his life.
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angelsstranger · 1 month
everyone can hate me for tjis but i started reading the locked tomb in 2018 so i have had more than enough time to realize i really find the fandom so so annoying and almost all my criticism for tm as a white author dipping her toes into writing about Maori people and their relations to colonialism have never been adressed after years and the fans still can only compare it to baru another speculative fantasy about colonialism written by a white author. the books are powerful but please i think there is something to be said of white authors making up genocides as allegories for real ethnic cleansings instead of simply platforming indigenous authors. i am willing to do a reread on baru to give it another chance and i love tlt. but i think a bit too much credit is given to Tamsyn Muir as an author for taking the typical approach of never confirming in text the race or ethnicity of her characters beyond a few vague mentions of skin tone and a tumblr post she made after the publication explaining things that should have been adressed straight on in the narrative.
and seth dickinson is clearly very educated and well-read but also my read of baru kind of had me thinking about how i never hear fans of the locked tomb raving about authors like Octavia Butler, Carmen Maria Machado, Andrea L. Rogers, Benjanun Sriduankaew, Jewelle Gomez or any other related fiction authors of queer stories born from their cultures and of their people.
as a white reader writer and creative, i want to encourage other white people to broaden your horizons and read lesbian and queer stories that weren’t written by white people and read new perspectives outside of your ethnicity. I have found deeper narratives that challenge colonialism here and without the need to invent fictionalized indigenous people and fictional brutalizations. Enough subtext ! Read something explicit!
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timelessfineries · 6 months
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Collier africain à motifs ethniques zoulous ::: Timeless Fineries
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borathae · 7 months
I dont know if this is weird butttt I dont think Bts members dont have huge dicks as we image them to have 😂😂. I know this is all ficton but my mind just wonders. There is this Asians have small dick talk and we see them wear skinny jeans and their dicks are just gone??? How do they do it???
I wanna use this opportunity to first of all say that if I write them saying stuff like "yeah take my huge dick" it's just dirty talk. Most of my men on this blog I imagine to have dicks between 12 and 15cm. Except for the Sanguis boys when they have their vampire dicks out, but that's literally supernatural anyways and not anywhere near reality lmaoao like hello growing dicks, besties this is just fantasy. But even them I imagine to have dicks somewhere between 11 and 15cm if they're just human.
I also wanna say that we won't generalise an entire ethnicity based on stereotypes. Okay? We're so much better than that.
Now that this is out of the way, I would like to give a few explanations as to why dicks dissapear in tight jeans/pants. Dicks are very squishy. I am talking very squishy when soft. You can squish them right against a leg, tummy, between hands and it basically gets all squished up and small (to an extent. It's still very delicate, so don't think you can just squish it like a stressball. Be gentle with it). That's why you can comfortably lie on your tummy or sort of sit on it when you're soft as all of it sort of goes like "squish".
There is also a big majority of dicks which are very small when soft to begin with, so that makes it easier to hide them in tight pants as well.
Now imagine skinny jeans. You're wearing good briefs which keep the jewels where they're supposed to be, already squishing it a little, then skinny jeans appear, you slide your lil friend to one of your legs and the tight material does the rest. Squish, squish. And your dick is gone.
That's why grey sweats are known as slutty pants because there is no squish squish and the dick just seems bigger 'cause it can flop around freely.
So yeah that's why dicks seem to suddenly dissapear in tighter pants and why they seem so much bigger in wider pants.
Example given:
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As you can see on the left the squish is happening while on the right he is wearing softer pants which don't squish as hard.
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The same with Tae. On the left he's all squished in there while on the right he is only wearing flowy shorts and his lil tete can flop around freely.
It's all depending on clothing really.
And to end it all. Size doesn't matter at the end of it. Just because someone has a big dick, doesn't mean he can automatically fuck better than someone with a smaller dick. It's all about the technique and how you use it AND how you listen to your partner AND also how you include other sexy stuff (hands, mouths, toys etc.). So yes. Big Dick does not automatically equal good lover. Technique, respect and communication does.
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soul-of-vengeance · 10 months
Cooler, Better Drow (and Lolth)
So this is a re-write of drow culture and the Lolth cult that I've had in my head for several years, ever since I played a Lolth-sworn drow in a friend's campaign. This is the first time I've refined it enough to write down. Hopefully someone will find it as fun as I do!
(A note: this is not part of my Anchored Worlds campaign setting, as Lolth technically doesn't exist anymore in that setting.)
The drow are not a "dark perversions" of surface elves, but merely another branch of the elven family tree. They are not as numerous as the elves above, but still number in the hundreds of thousands. Their population is fairly evenly divided among seven massive city-states in the Underdark, with a small number living in the world beyond and even, in a few special cases, above their brethren. How so many elves came to live beneath the surface is lost to history, a history most drow have no inclination to uncover. Even the oldest matriarchs remember only the comforting dark and hardship of the Underdark.
The four Lolth-sworn city-states are: Menzoberranzan (the “City of Spiders,” and the largest Lolth-sworn city,) Ched Nasad (the “City of Shimmering Webs”,)  Orlytlar (the “dark jewel”,) and Ust Natha (“the first.”) The three “free” drow city-states are Haundrauth, Erydndlyn, and Sshamath (the “City of Dark Weavings”.)
Drow Physiology
Drow at first glance resemble elves with their uniquely fey beauty, but with starkly different coloration. Drow skin tones range from jet black to light grey among one ethnicity, and from pale blue to pale purple in another. They typically have white or purple teeth. Their hair could be white, black, pale yellow, or occasionally coppery in color. Eyes could be various shades of red or pink, and some shades of near-white blue, lilac, or silver were not uncommon. 
Drow, having been so magically altered by their surroundings, cannot thrive in light. They are extremely sensitive to sunlight, so much so that only a day on a relatively cool day can cause painful burns. Those who must go above ground have specially-made balms to protect their skin. Their magic is weaker in the sun, and drow-enchanted items tend to lose their magic if they are above ground for longer than a week or two. Being in the sun too long can also cause "sun fever," which can be fatal if not dealt with.
Lolth-sworn Drow have been magically altered. They almost always have white hair and red eyes. This is a show of magical favor from their goddess, who has a fondness for those colors. They also typically have black or grey teeth, and bright red gums, tongue, and throats. Lolth-sworn women are also taller and stronger than their men. They may also rarely have some other interesting features.
Drow Culture
Drow are, of course, elves, and like all elves they are uniquely in tune with their surroundings. The Underdark is cold, harsh, dangerous, and unforgiving, and so too are the drow. The flora and fauna do not respond as kindly to elven magicks as those aboveground, so the drow have adapted without what is typically a cornerstone of elven culture. Cruelty is not seen as such, for their very circumstances are cruel, and so it is seen as perfectly normal. Softness and kindness are weaknesses that will get you killed in the wilds of the Underdark, and are discouraged even in civilization. 
When introducing themself, a drow will state first their House name, then their family name, and lastly their public name. Unlike other elves, drow do not have child and adult names, though they may change their given name if they dislike it. Drow have "public" names that are based on their true given names. Perhaps a remnant of their fey ancestry, they do not give their true given names lightly. For example, my drow character's given name is Shyam, and his public name is Sam.
Drow culture is matriarchal in nature and has a strict authority structure that begins with the family unit. Every family has a matriarch whose word is final in all matters. She may then have favored daughters who may make decisions in her stead. When she dies, her daughters will contest her position, in battles that can be physical, magical, or mental in nature. In the event that a family should ever be without a matriarch, the family name is recorded as being a "dead line," and the remaining men will petition to be adopted into another family. In the event that they are not adopted, slavery or exile to the surface are a man's only option.
Their culture is functionally caste-based, though the castes have no official names. The "castes" are, in order of authority: those of high religious standing (Houses), those of magical genius, those of artisanal prowess, those adept at combat, and those who make up the foundation. The entire family would be elevated (or lowered) to a caste depending on the skills and standing of their matriarch and her favored daughters.
Drow society is divided into Houses, which are headed by religious-caste noble families that take other non-noble families under their banner. Each House has its own distinct insignia, style, banner, and rules. Technically speaking, every drow belongs to a House even if they are born into a lower-caste family. Very rarely, a House may trade a family to another, either by choice of the House matriarch or, more commonly, by petition by the matriarch of the family. This is usually done to strengthen or elevate one's position, and requires proof that the family deserves the move.
Authority is very important to drow. They have absolute loyalty to their House matriarch first, family matriarch second, and blood mother third. Beyond that, the only other authority a drow will acknowledge is their god, if they worship one. They have no obligation to obey any other House matriarch, any other family matriarch, or even any female family member besides their mother. They will acknowledge no other law or order, even if they are in another city or country. Being in a king's country is not reason enough for a drow to follow his orders, especially an order she dislikes. A drow may play along simply to make her life easier, but she will make it clear where her loyalties lie. Even exiled drow will typically choose one individual to place their entire faith in, and will answer to no one else.
It is believed that every drow and every family has a "true place," or a "true calling," and that they are always born below their calling so that they can fight for it. In this way, the individual, and the family, become strong enough and cunning enough to survive. It is believed that eventually you will feel a sense of "divine contentment" that means you have found your place. Drow are in a constant struggle against one another to elevate themselves, and the harsh environment of the Underdark has made them harsh in turn. Violence, torture, extortion, and scheming are a drow's expected tools to advance in society.
Drow culture is, to outsiders, oxymoronic. On one hand, it is encouraged to view the drow around you as competitors to your true status in society, and it is encouraged to eliminate or humiliate them by any means necessary for your own advancement. However, there is also a strong importance placed on kin. A drow might view her sister as a bitter enemy for their mother's favor, but would still defend her from an assassin from another family. Similarly, a drow would always defend another drow from another species, but in the safety of their insular city-state, might stab her in the back in the street.
Artistry in all its forms is highly prized in drow society, and families will often strive to cultivate a favored child into an artisan worthy of elevating their family. Tangentially related to this is the hedonism that pervades drow culture. In the harsh environment of the Underdark, life and pleasure are not guaranteed, so it is said to take it wherever you can find it and enjoy it to its fullest.
Marriage is not very common, for loyalty to the family trumps other loves. Many drow may have one or even a handful of committed partners, but exchanging vows and names is extremely rare, and often seen as a betrayal of your birth family. The culture is extremely heteronormative. Due to the high mortality rate in the Underdark, having as many children as possible is encouraged, and to that end anything besides heterosexuality is frowned upon, if not punishable by religious law.
While a child will always be cared for by its mother's family, there is still good reason for the father to stay in the child and mother's good graces. A mother may pay a "child tithe" to the father of her child, which is usually based on the talent, beauty, potential, and magical ability of the child. A man who has exceptionally talented progeny may increase his family's wealth in this way. A mother will usually cultivate all of her children's talents, even her sons who cannot elevate the family. It is still a source of pride to have all your children be talented and worthy of praise.
Morality among drow is an interesting subject. The ruthless competition of their society lends itself to what a surfacer would consider deeply immoral behavior: political conniving, assassination, torture, and other "unsavory" behaviors are common. On the other hand, some things are forbidden by cultural norm. Rape and sexual violence are considered a disgusting act, as is desecration or disturbance of a dead (drow) body that has been laid to rest. Impersonating another drow by name or pretending to be of another House, even for the lauded purpose of elevation, is outright illegal and punishable by death at the hands of the slighted party.
The drow body is considered a masterwork of divinity, and extreme body modification is frowned upon. Tattoos, piercings, and dying one's hair are all seen as a form of desecration to the holy, and the punishment may be severe depending on how strict one's matriarch is. Hair is especially important to a drow. For one, hairstyle is an easy way to distinguish one's House. For another, their long hair is one of the vanities drow allow themselves. To cut one's hair dramatically (trims and accounting for style are permitted) is seen as cutting oneself off from the House. A drow will never cut her hair except under two circumstances: exile or certain death. The reasons to do so when exiled are obvious, but to do so before certain death is a superstition. It is believed that cutting your hair before facing your death is to ensure that the death doesn't creep into your family via your hair.
Slavery is one of the "unsavory" pillars of drow society that those within consider completely normal, and even natural. Their caste-based thinking extends past their selves and includes other species, which drow consider themselves above. That said, even drow (of lower caste) can be slaves. Slaves are considered part of a family's wealth, and can be obtained a number of ways. It is generally understood in the Underdark that to lose a fight against a drow is to forfeit your freedom to them. Slavery to a House is also a potential punishment for crimes against them. Slavery is a lifelong sentence, and slaves are given a magical tattoo that identifies them as such to drow. The tattoos are not House-specific, because slaves change hands as easily as currency.
The Dark Seldarine
The Dark Seldarine "pantheon" is not a true pantheon, but simply a group of gods worshiped by the drow.
Eilistraee is the most widely worshiped drow goddess, who oversees beauty, song, dance, freedom, moonlight, swordwork, and hunting. While she is typically thought of as a good-aligned goddess, she seems to have no issue with drow culture, which as stated is typically seen as deeply immoral. By contrast, she deeply loves her drow worshippers, whose love of life and pleasure aligns with her domain. 
Vhaeraun, the elder twin of Eilistraee, is a god of thievery and magic, and is seen as a patron of drow men. He is generally worshiped alongside his sister, though he prefers his followers to be more ambitious.
Selvetarm, also called the Son of Lolth, is a god of warriors and battle. His worship is chiefly among those who leave Lolth's cult and find sanctuary in other cities. He despises Lolth, and encourages those who leave to take up arms against her followers.
Kiaransalee has some small churches in the Underdark. A goddess of revenge and necromancy, her worship is controversial, as some of her followers will raise drow corpses, which is seen as desecration of the beloved dead.
Zinzerena is not usually openly worshiped. She is the goddess of lies and illusion, and shares patronage of assassins with Lolth, whom she despises.
Lolth is a lesser deity associated with the Trickery and War domains. She is, by her own reckoning, a goddess of darkness, spiders, and chaos. She is the patron of weavers and assassins. Lolth is one example of a being that was raised to godhood. Originally a tanar'ri demon, she manipulated and schemed her way to such power that she was elevated to a god. This ruthless ambition and endless drive became the center of her divinity, as she demands the same qualities of her worshippers. She pulled her original fortress in the Abyss into its own divine realm known as the Demonweb Pits. She still has demons in her employ, the Yochlols, but is now chiefly concerned with spreading her worship.
Her former demonic nature is obvious in the way she approaches her followers. Though she does need them as any god needs worshippers, she views them as more like playthings, finding great amusement in all they do in her name and at her behest. Her tenets are almost similar to a demonic deal, as she offers power and protection in exchange for worship. To the educated, her priestesses are more akin to fiend-pacted warlocks than holy woman.
Lolth introduced herself to the drow (comparatively) recently, targeting priestesses at the head of powerful Houses to let her doctrine trickle down. She slotted her own worship neatly into existing drow culture, exaggerating what she liked and downplaying what she didn't. The Lolth-sworn city-states grew even more xenophobic and closed off than they already were, so much so that they do not even allow more than minimal trade with non-Lolth-sworn cities. Four of the seven drow city-states are Lolth-sworn.
Lolth is not as capricious or actively malicious to her worshippers as in D&D 5e canon, but she is by no means pleasant. She positioned herself to the drow as the ultimate matriarch, mother of the dark and chaos in which they lived. By allying themselves with her, the Lolth-sworn gain allies among other creatures living in the Underdark.
Lolth has extremely high standards and rigid rules that her worshippers must follow. She does change these rules at times, often waiting for someone to break the unknown tenet and making an example of them to spread the news. She encourages paranoia and sadism, and found the drow society structure one that fit nicely with her tastes. She amuses herself with the machinations and ambitions of her subjects.
Lolth's goal is to spread her influence as far as she can. She is currently looking to subjugate the entire Underdark, and then she plans to turn her gaze to the world above. She plans a two-pronged attack: invasion on the weaker nations above and indoctrination of the stronger.
The Cult of Lolth
The Cult of Lolth (though they call themselves a Church) is widespread, being practiced in over half of the drow city-states. Under Lolth's rule, some aspects of existing drow culture are magnified.
For instance, far past being matriarchal, Lolth has an active disdain for men due to several drow heroes who directly opposed her takeover…and were all, coincidentally, men. For this, she punishes all drow men. This bleeds through to her followers. In ordinary drow society, sons are not favored but are still cherished and allowed many of the same rights of women, but little authority. Under Lolth, however, men are close to second-hand citizens. A man is considered to be a caste below the women in his family. Men on the lowest class are essentially slaves. Though they cannot be traded as slaves can, they have little rights and are entirely at the mercy of their matriarchs.
To distinguish her drow from "the rabble," Lolth changed her earliest followers physically, and the changes slowly spread as worship did. Those in the Underdark can tell a Lolth-sworn from a mile away, and know to avoid them. Lolth is also far less strict on body modification and hair length, allowing tattoos, piercings, and even cutting one's hair. She delights in the inner conflict this causes, as the drow's cultural sensibilities clash with the freedom their goddess allows.
Another aspect she magnifies, which was the primary reason she chose the drow as her first worshippers, is the ambition. While drow culture believes everyone has a "true" place and your life's goal is to achieve it by any means, Lolth encourages her followers to always strive to go above and not settle, even if you feel what the drow refer to as "divine contentment" with your place. She delights in the sadism and chaos she sows among her followers.
While typical drow culture views violence as another art form to be perfected, Lolth favors brutality, sadism, and even desecration, pushing her followers to the brink of their sensibilities and beyond. Her followers have a reputation for treating those they kill and capture with a uniquely twisted form of sadistic torture.
Lolth is the patron of weavers, fiber crafters, and metalworkers. She placed a high importance on those particular crafts, and had a love of woven beauty. Of course, spiders and webs are a large motif that can be found in Lolth-sworn art, as well as the colors red and white. She favors these, and may even punish someone who creates a masterpiece that doesn't meet her preferences. 
Lolth desires to one day have all drow under her rule, and her followers sometimes attack other drow to be brought back as slaves and indoctrinated. Drow captured in this manner are an abnormality in society. These individuals (and only them) may be freed from slavery by marrying or being adopted into a House or family, only after swearing fealty to Lolth and passing a trial of faith. These drow are especially favored by Lolth and her worshippers, who sees them as the ultimate triumph of their faith.
One interesting, and potentially tragic, quirk of drow born into Lolth's cult is that, unlike all other elves including drow, they do not see their past lives when they meditate. It is unclear whether this is because they do not reincarnate or if Lolth is somehow suppressing their connection to their past lives. Some of the opponents of Lolth's cult believe that she takes her followers' souls when they die, though for what purpose is unclear.
As stated above, Lolth frequently changes the rules of her cult. However, three rules have never changed:
Worship only Lolth, and put her first. (Worship or fealty to any other god is forbidden, and Lolth demands total obedience. She even asks her worshippers to put her above even their mother and matriarchs, a challenging concept for many drow.)
Second to Lolth is the brood. (Protect kin at all costs. House first, then family, then all drow. She also demands they protect and cultivate spiders, including a demonic breed she created for this very purpose.)
Dig deeper into the darkness. (Be ruthlessly ambitious, do whatever it takes to survive and thrive. Take every avenue of power available to you.)
Driders are created when a faithful drow fails Lolth in a very specific way (more than simply not adhering to her tenets) or fails a test set by Lolth. They are transformed into a being that is extremely Lolth-like, a drow's upper torso with a spider's body below. It is a truly ironic punishment: although they now resemble their beloved goddess, the drow consider their body to be a sacred and beautiful thing, and any permanent transformation is a perversion of it. Worse, they are cut off from their family and exiled to the Underdark alone.
Driders are simultaneously pitied and reviled by Lolth-sworn and regular drow alike.
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saddayfordemocracy · 8 months
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10 films on Palestine that everyone should watch
Explore the tales of Palestinians who have suffered atrocities at the hands of Israeli occupation forces for 75 long years.
ith the Gaza invasion dominating headlines around the world and Israel carpet bombing the Gaza strip, killing scores of civilians, we have complied a list of films that highlight the plight of Palestinians so that people remember the human stories behind the statistics.
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, in a Security Council meeting held on October 24 to discuss the Middle East situation, asserted, “It is important to also recognise the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum. The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation. They have seen their land steadily devoured by settlements and plagued by violence; their economy stifled; their people displaced and their homes demolished.”
His powerful statement rings true as Palestinians have been suffering under the apartheid rule of Israel for far too long. Palestinian people have tried various ways to raise their voices and tell the world about Israel’s atrocities, which have been ongoing since the Nakba in 1948. One of the most successful methods has been telling real stories through films, dramas, and documentaries.
Here are 10 films that depict how the people of Palestine have suffered for the past 75 years.
Farha (2021)
The film depicts the true story of a Palestinian girl who survived the Nakba of 1948, when thousands of Palestinians were expelled from their homeland. The hopeful young girl who wanted to study in the city watched silently from the pantry of her house while Israeli forces ethnically cleansed her neighbours and other fellow countrymen slaughtered by them.
The movie, directed by Hassiba Freiha and Kenton Oxley, is available on Netflix.
Tale of the Three Jewels (1995)
Set in contemporary Gaza, the movie is the story of a Palestinian boy, Yusef, who becomes entranced with a beautiful Gypsy girl. The children explore nature, mysticism, and their future while learning to live amid the surrounding brutality. To escape, Yusef sets off on a journey to the North American dreamworld with his blind neighbour.
Directed by Michel Khleifi, the movie is available to watch online on various sites.
Children of Shatalia (1998)
Farah, age 11, and Issa, age 12, are two streetwise children living in Beirut’s Palestinian Shatila refugee camp, located in the city’s “belt of misery.” The centre is home to 15,000 Palestinians and Lebanese who share a common experience of displacement, unemployment, and poverty. The two children are given video cameras; they use their imaginations and creativity to come to terms with the realities of growing up in a refugee camp that has survived massacre, siege, and starvation.
Directed by Mai Masri, the movie is available on Netflix.
Omar (2013)
Omar is a young Palestinian man living in Israeli-occupied West Bank where he must navigate a steep separation wall and checkpoints to visit his friends. Omar sees his horizons diminish after he carries out a sniper attack with his two childhood buddies. He’s captured, imprisoned, tortured, and coerced into becoming an informer for the Israelis but finds he’s not the only traitor.
Directed by Hany Abu-Assad, the second film from the Palestinian territories to be nominated for an Academy Award is available on Netflix.
Pomegranates and Myrrh (2009)
The film tells the story of a Palestinian woman who uses Dabke (a traditional folk dance) to cope with the loss of her husband, who is taken away by Israeli authorities. The story talks about the political climate of Palestine and the internal and external sufferings of Palestinians.
Directed by Najwa Najjar, the movie is available on Netflix.
Eyes of a Thief (2014)
The film’s central plot-line is a father’s search for his daughter. As he searches, he not only has to fight against the lack of freedom under occupation but also against social boundaries. Having served a 10-year prison sentence for an attack on Israeli border soldiers, Tarek sets out to find his daughter Malak. When he eventually finds her in Nablus, however, he discovers that she has been adopted. He can’t reveal himself publicly as her father, so he takes a job nearby working as an engineer for the official in charge of water at the Palestinian National Authority to be able to approach her in secret.
Directed by Najwa Najjar, the film is available on Netflix.
The Time That Remains (2009)
This semi-autobiographical film tells the story of a father who fought in the 1948 war and chose to stay back when Israelis took over. It depicts the life of Palestinians living as a minority on their own land. The film is divided into four parts.
Directed by Elia Suleiman, The Time That Remains is available for streaming on Apple TV.
3000 Nights (2015)
The film illustrates the plight of political prisoners in Israel. Set in 1980, Nablus, 3000 Nights follows a newly-married school teacher, Layal, whose crime is giving a ride to a teenage boy who is accused of executing a lethal attack on a military checkpoint. Layal is sentenced to eight years in prison, where she spends her pregnancy and gives birth to a boy.
Directed by Mai Masri, the film is available on Netflix.
The Present (2020)
A father-daughter duo living along the Palestine border sets out to buy a fridge. The pair has to cross the checkpoint, segregated road, and armed soldiers, which involves a stringent checking process to cross the border. The movie depicts the life of Palestinians who can’t do basic daily routine things without facing harassment by IDF soldiers.
Co-written and directed by Farah Nabulsi, the BAFTA Award-winning film is available on Netflix.
When I Saw You (2012)
This story focuses on the heartache of a young boy, Tarek, who wants his father and his state back. He is displaced in a grim camp, with no one to turn to, and proceeds on a journey to turn his life around.
Directed by Annemarie Jacir, the movie is available on Netflix.
If you are interested in the historical context of the Israel-Palestine conflict, take a look at this list compiled by Al-Jazeera.
As Israeli forces bomb Gaza relentlessly to ‘punish’ Hamas, killing thousands of innocent Palestinians, it is important to remember their stories.
Words courtesy of images.dawn.com
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desires-of-chain · 6 months
He's big. He's always more than a little too big for her. Even for her age and ethnicity, she's small. The Fierce Deity loved to declare her as a travel-sized wife, even if she was concubine. Only a concubine. He can't marry a mortal and make her his equal unless tempt the wrath of prideful things who loath to have something little more than writhing worms in the red earth of Din, and for all the Fierce Deity would definitely fight for her honor and place, she'd rather not stir things up with things bigger than her.
Gods, in their wrath and pleasure, tend to affect the world in ways one cannot predict. And often in huge ways.
This is why she ties him up when he's angered and soothes his anger away with her embrace. This is why she ties him up as she pleasures and teases him. She's his concubine but they're equals and she would be the only mortal he'd ever surrender to, to be weak to. Fierce Deity is not a being one would envision gasping and grunting as a small, frail thing like her would whimper and moan as she moves her hips and forcing him into her tight, wet warmth and his ass filled with an ivory dildo she knew would nudge against that lovely spot inside men with every rock of her hips. Taking him like he's no more than a war trophy and, drenched in the jewelries and ornate robes of rich fabricshe gifted his bride, she looks like an Empress indulging herself with conquering a handsome warrior like she had conquered his kingdom. Fierce Deity is a war deity, it wouldn't too out of character, surely, if he also embodied what happens off the battlefield, right?
She always liked to test his limits, and he always liked to be overwhelmed -- whether it be on the battlefield or in bed -- and they truly are a match.
She rocks her hips. She hears his broken moan, an incoherent plea for her to either stop or for more. A pause, and she keeps going, he didn't use the safeword after all and she immerses herself back into it. Big, so big. It was a practice in patience, learning to take him fully, but it was worth it like any siege upon a prized jewel of a city, making the ever stoic war deity break and try to breal her in turn for the audacity. By now, he knows better.
She hums, contemplative, as she kept riding him, her palms and fingers still exploring the divine flesh like she hadn't explored it, hadn't worshipped it, hadn't littered with marks of love and ownership before. And he could do little more than (fail to) writhe in his binds and keep taking. As much as she is his, his is most undoubtedly hers, in ways that he could not have imagined his tiny bride would make him hers. Not that he'll regret it. Not that she'll ever let him learn to regret it, no, he will relish in her worship and her control over him.
Only the best for her husband and beloved.
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theethnicjewels · 2 years
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The credit for the popularity of the nose ring goes to the Hollywood celebrities who aced the nose piercing look.
Let's look at the top 10 Hollywood celebrities with a nose ring, hoop, and stud at different events. Read till the end to know which celebrities' nose ring style will steal your heart.
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wonder2realities · 3 months
this time i want... (illit dr intro 𖹭)
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ILLIT (아일릿; also stylized as :ll:+) is a 6-member South Korean girl group under BE:LIFT Lab. The group was formed from R U Next?, the survival show that was a collaboration between HYBE and JTBC. The members are Yunah, Minju, Moka, Suha, Wonhee, and Iroha. They made their debut on March 25th, 2024 with the mini album, SUPER REAL ME.
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my profile
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name : suha (سُهى / 수하 / 𐒈𐒚𐒔𐒖)
age : 17 ('06)
position : main vocalist
zodiac sign : scorpio
mbti : intp
nationality : somali-emirati
ethnicity : somali
representative emoji : 🐚
training time : 6 months
ranking in r u next : 2nd
born in sharjah, uae — lived with my aunt whos a jeweler
went to a prestigious art school with hopes of being a designer, did harp, choir & violin lessons on the side [aunt is mega rich]
found out about kpop through snsd & kara & gained a passion for dancing
went on holiday in korea in dec 2022 & got casted
languages : somali, arabic, english, french, korean
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performance : bad boy (red velvet)
level — M
performance : attention (newjeans)
mid-b , position 4
points — 532
1st performance : the boys (snsd)
position 1 , killing part
points — 632
2nd performance : money (lisa)
postion 4 , killing part
points — 605
performance : bang (afterschool)
position 1
points — 938
new level — H
performance : monster (redvelvet)
position 3
level change — 8
1st performance : scrum
2nd performance : feel special
sub-vocal 3
1st performance : aim high
sub vocal 2
2nd performance : R.U.N
position 6
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line distribution
my world :: 15.2 seconds
magnetic :: 23.7 seconds
midnight fiction :: 32.5 seconds
lucky girl syndrome :: 20.1 seconds
🫧 credits on all songs for songwriting
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