#ethics in tech
When there’s innovation every few days, how do we know if a new technology is likely to serve humanity well?
We’ve thought about that a lot at CHT over the years, and we’ve come up with some principles that you can apply to many different products and situations, even novel ones. This talk covers 8 key questions that put these principles into practice:
1) Does the product help humanity in this pivotal moment?
2) Where will prevailing systemic forces naturally take the product?
3) Does the product have a clear definition of thriving, and does it help users thrive?
4) What values does the product claim to center, what does it actually optimize for?
5) How do economic forces affect products, and how can product teams reduce harmful effects?
6) Does the product respect or harmfully exploit human nature?
7) Does the product enable shared understanding, information processing, and collaboration?
8) Who is being left behind, and how can we do better?
Subscribe to our podcast Your Undivided Attention: humanetech.com/podcast
Take our free course on ethical technology: humanetech.com/course
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xntrek · 8 months
Web3 and the Dark Patterns of Design
Understanding Design Ethic choices as a way forward. Preface With the recent wave of “new” technologies that are becoming popular as part of the “web3” surge that is being promoted as societally transformative, the questions of ethics and design should once again be at the forefront of our minds. To be clear, when I speak of design, I don’t mean a constrained definition of graphics, visuals or…
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debbiewho · 2 years
good news: the scrape has every BTS_twt tweet found in search
bad news: not convinced every tweet shows up in search
more bad news: there is no way I can manually get all the context from the account’s start in December 17 to January 14 (SUGA reveal) by the end of this week since I’m basically MIA due to the US Thanksgiving holiday. Which is probably for the best, my right shoulder blade is killing me. 
possible silver lining: there should be a way to scrape any tweets to the boys within a certain time period, match by date and time and keep only those. 
it would be neat to get an overall monthly or weekly count just to get a feel of fan activity during predebut . even in the first month there’s a shift as to who the boys respond to regularly. i’ll have to think about it though because i feel like i’m already on the ethical boundary trying to find context in a response. 
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alwaysbewoke · 10 months
Stolen childhoods, stolen innocence. In an industry rife with so many ills, child labor is certainly amongst the worst. Perhaps the #BigTech makers of the smart phones and tablets and electric vehicles at the top of supply chain are unaware of the misery being caused at the bottom. Let's do our best to make them aware 🙃
This is the new "sweatshop" fight.
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the-badger-mole · 10 months
So we all know that that there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, and to a certain extent, we have to acknowledge that our way of life is dependent on the suffering of others. Fortunately, it seems there are people who are pushing against that. If you're in the market for a new phone, I urge you to check out the Fairphone 4. It's made using ethically sourced materials and designed to be modular, so you can make repairs at home- which means if you crack your screen, or the battery stops working, you don't have to buy a whole new phone. I know the world is becoming more and more aware of the horrific conditions being suffered by people in places like DRC to make our smart devices. You can use your buying power to make a change.
I am personally not in the market for a new phone just yet, but if you are looking to get a new phone, I encourage you to look into ethically sourced phones and other tech. If you already have a Fairphone, please reblog this and talk about your experience. Be honest. Give the pros and cons so people can make informed decisions. We can't immediately stop all of the horrors that capitalism has brought on the world, but we have the power to make smaller choices where we can to mitigate the harm done.
Fairphone's main company seems to operate in Europe (website here), but if you are looking to buy in the US and Canada, check out their partner site, Murena (website here).
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psionicblades · 1 year
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Altered Carbon Season 1 Was such a great time.
I just watched Altered Carbon season 1 again, the references, the cyberpunk looks, the thematics, and the feel of learning something after ending it. Such a great watch
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purpleblip · 4 months
Thinking about how no matter who wins or loses the fight now- sorcerer society will lose.
Thinking about how jujutsu sorcerers are trapped hurtling down to their inescapable doom. Fight, or no fight. Doom is inevitable.
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adastra-sf · 3 months
Wetware Is Here: Human Brain-Matter Computing (not fiction)
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Swiss tech company Final Spark now offers Neuroplatform, the world’s first bioprocessing platform using human brain organoids (lab-grown mini-brains) to perform computational tasks instead of silicon chips.
The first such facility uses 16 human-brain organoids, which the company claims uses a million times less power than their silicon counterparts. 
These are not sentences we expected to write non-fictionally in this year of our world 2024.
news source: X
paper: X
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luckystarchild · 4 months
If you're going to use AI to generate "art," and you hide the fact your product is produced by AI, you need to ask yourself why you're using AI in the first place.
Because if you "created" something, you should be able to talk about your methodology. You should be able to discuss your techniques, your inspirations, your influences. If you hide how you made it, and if you won't talk about anything but that end product, why did you even make it? What was the point?
Oh, right. You can't talk about most of that with AI art, because you're not actually "creating" anything at all.
The fact that you hide that your product is AI is a dead giveaway you're not actually proud of your work and didn't put much thought and effort into it, AND that you realize it's inferior to the real thing. You just wanted the attention it could bring to you from those who don't realize it's AI. For you, AI is a shortcut to attention and validation and you take no real pride in it. It's just clout-farming to you, and that reveals your thoughts on art and artists: That art is just "content" and artists are just content machines, history and beauty of art bedamned.
Ask yourself again why you're using AI.
And when you still choose use it to farm that clout you're so desperate to taste, tag your "art" as such, because I'd rather give clout to people who learned their skills themselves, even if their end product isn't as slick as yours.
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1o1percentmilk · 8 months
Inside, the supercomputer loomed over me, thrumming like a waterfall. Seventy-four sleek black cabinets were arranged in rows; each contained six hundred and forty processors. Pestian and I ambled among the cabinets. Above us, thick cables delivered enough electricity to power a town. Below, hoses carried six thousand gallons of water per minute for regulating the computer’s temperature. I opened a cabinet and felt heat on my face. from The New Yorker - "Can A.I. Treat Mental Illness?" by Dhruv Khullar
that was its pussy
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dooplissss · 11 months
it'd be really nice if they made a volunteer AI where people can opt in to help the machine learn thru submitting writing and your own art/photos, obvi shit would still get fucked eventually but it's better than the current option of straight stealing and surveillance
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alwaysbewoke · 11 months
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Last summer, as a spike in violent crime hit New Orleans, the city council voted to allow police to use facial-recognition software to track down suspects. It was billed as an effective, fair tool to ID criminals quickly. A year after the system went online, data show the results have been almost exactly the opposite. Records obtained and analyzed by POLITICO show the practice failed to ID suspects a majority of the time and is disproportionately used on Black people. We reviewed nearly a year’s worth of New Orleans facial recognition requests, sent for serious felony crimes including murder and armed robbery. In that time, New Orleans PD sent 19 requests. Of the 15 that went through: 14 were for Black suspects 9 failed to make a match Half of the 6 matches were wrong 1 arrest was made While it hasn’t led to any false arrests, police facial identification in New Orleans appears to confirm what civil rights advocates have argued for years: that it amplifies, rather than corrects, the underlying human biases of the authorities that use them. U.S. lawmakers of both parties have tried for years to limit how police can use facial recognition, but have yet to enact any laws. Some states have passed limited rules, like those preventing its use on body cameras in California or banning its use in schools in New York. A few left-leaning cities have fully banned law enforcement use of the technology. For two years, in the wake of the George Floyd protests, New Orleans was one of them. “This department hung their hat on this,” said New Orleans Councilmember At-Large JP Morrell, a Democrat who voted against lifting the ban and has seen the NOPD data. Its use of the system, he says, has been “wholly ineffective and pretty obviously racist.” (NOPD denies that its usage of facial recognition is racially biased). Politically, New Orleans’ City Council is split on facial recognition, but a slim majority of its members — alongside the police, mayor and local businesses — still support its use, despite the results of the past year.
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kenyatta · 1 year
Tech seems to be the dominant force in our economy, politics, and culture, not to mention a daily obsession that can increasingly look like an addiction from which some might plausibly seek the help of a higher power to recover. Tech culture has long been known for its prophets (Jobs, Gates, Musk, et al.), and tech as a whole is even increasingly oriented around moral and ethical messages, such as Google’s infamous “Don’t be evil.”  The tech-as-religion comparison I’ve found myself drawing is often unflattering to tech leaders and institutions. Techno-solutionism and related ideas can function as a kind of theology, justifying harm in the here and now with the promise of a sweet technological hereafter; powerful CEOs and investors can form the center of a kind of priestly hierarchy, if not an outright caste system; high-tech weapons and surveillance systems seem to threaten an apocalypse of biblical proportions. 
- MIT Tech Review: The rise of the tech ethics congregation
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psionicblades · 1 year
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My neocities Website! Im making a blog. Trying at least. give it a look
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'Into the Techiverse' is back, with ETHICAL ARGUMENTS!
"Oh, golly gee willikers, Dr. Meat Muffin! My life is void and without meaning since I can't yell at people about proper subject protection matters! I need an IRB training, maybe a CITI review! I AM SO EMPTY INSIDE!"
My poor little dumpling DARLING has Dr. Meat Muffin got the prescription for YOU!
The latest chapter has lots of it! Plus a nice chat between Tech and a Jedi. Check it out here.
Indeed, Tech is rescued, has a nice conversation, but meanwhile, his rescuers, namely, the Belter...
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gets to butt heads with the Mandalorian...
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And different ideals, including different types of intergenerational trauma, are flung angrily at each other.
Characters used here belong to @wrenkenstein @moosethren @ilikemymendarkandfictional and @techs-stitches.
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alxfsl · 7 months
Apparently Matt is not trustworthy as I thought
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