PurpleBlippin all over the place
276 posts
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purpleblip · 5 months ago
In case anyone is having a bad night:
Here is the fudgiest brownie in a mug recipe I’ve found
Here are some fun sites
Here is a master post of Adventure Time episodes and comics
Here is a master post of movies including Disney and Studio Ghibli
Here is a master post of other master posts to TV shows and movies
*tucks you in with fuzzy blanket* *pats your head*
You’ll be okay, friend <3
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purpleblip · 7 months ago
Snoop Dogg watching the Skateboarding finals with an unidentified man
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purpleblip · 7 months ago
last year i was eating in a fancy, large restaurant when i began to hear a rumble and the distant sound of people chanting ‘potassium, potassium’ and suddenly hundreds of people dressed as bananas flood this restaurant chanting potassium over and over and we were trapped there for a very long time because the bananas would not leave and they were everywhere
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i wasn’t joking
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purpleblip · 7 months ago
to anyone who needs a hug right now, I've imbued this post with a hug. in other words after I wrote this post I hugged my phone for 5 minutes, so that energy should cover about 5,000 people
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purpleblip · 8 months ago
hey so this venn diagram is niche but. laios/kabru and house/wilson. discuss.
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purpleblip · 8 months ago
the thing is. the thing is. most of the time im all normal and jokey about hilson like yeah lmao the doomed medical malpractice toxic yaoi we've all heard of it and then I remember how the music fades in when they laugh together, moments no one else will know about, no one gets to see except them, the secret meeting of eyes, the words left unsaid, and when wilson can't look him in the eye when he asks house 'i need you to tell me that you love me' but doesn't he remember when house looked him dead in the fucking eye and said 'if you die, i'm alone' and doesn't he remember the amber necklace lodged like a thorn in house's heart, doesn't he remember that shattered mirror back in New Orleans. And do you think he even realised that night - the night of heartbreak and arrests and new friendships - do you think he knew, when he stared into those blue eyes for the first time - that this would be the last thing he ever saw, as he died twenty or so years later in a cheap motel by the roadside. maybe they walked out of prison together, that first night out of many countless to follow. maybe house casually invited him for a drink at the bar. maybe he made a joke about strippers. maybe wilson fell into step with him without even realizing.
could he have known this would be the rest of his life.
could they have known this would be the rest of their lives.
and could they have known it would become necessary. Not even important, but necessary - like a beating heart? like breathing? a friendship so essential to their being they will probably die without it, and most probably did?
house and wilson, wilson and house, but never one without the other (what do you mean you're done with wilson? if he's not dead you're not done with wilson) - and that is how the show began, and eventually that is how the show ended.
not in house's death, not in wilson's death, but of both of them together - and maybe they'll die. but this isn't about that.
it's just about house and wilson. and it always has been. it always will be.
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purpleblip · 8 months ago
Someone commented on a fic “did you ever notice House lets Wilson be cruel and Wilson lets House be gentle” and now I need to lie down for thirty years
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purpleblip · 8 months ago
Have you heard about the secret Beach Episode 🏖️
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purpleblip · 8 months ago
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saw the template on twt and thought abt them
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purpleblip · 8 months ago
The funniest thing about House MD to me is that all the shippers are right. House and Wilson really are just Like That. I'm so used to big ships being completely noncanon or distant subtext at best. Not Hilson. They have a fake dating episode. In the episode where House mocks a gay man for being in denial, the multi-episode-long subplot is about him trying to break up Wilson's relationship because he's jealous and wants him to himself. Wilson, his best friend and person whom he lives with. This show is insane.
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purpleblip · 8 months ago
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wilson and house, respectively
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purpleblip · 8 months ago
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they are 12 year old boys
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purpleblip · 8 months ago
what in the gay sitcom nightmare
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purpleblip · 8 months ago
think the great thing about house md is that the characters really are just like that, not even exaggerated. house does not shut up about sleeping with wilson even though he claims they’re just bros, foreman complains about medical malpractice while stealing bone marrow and switching thirteens’s placebo, cameron marries a dying man and then sleeps with chase after she’s been on meth. then they sleep together again because they’re bored of watching their patients sleep patterns. chase is a blonde australian catholic, he’s one of the best surgeons in the hospital, he also kills a dictator. wilson is just some guy who’s been arrested before. he loves monster trucks, he’s had three failed marriages, he’ll give out his organs and blood at any given moment. something so wrong with them all but i love them very much.
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purpleblip · 8 months ago
love House MD because House is the MAIN CHARACTER at that hospital and there's no attempt to hide this. as the viewer you are fully aware that those nurses in the elevator are just extras. the boss's entire schedule consists of yelling at him. the head of oncology would rather prescribe him controlled meds and flirt than practice oncology. his team's only desires are to fuck him and strangle him, often at the same time. every other doctor at the hospital might as well be a cardboard cutout.
the walls are glass, the better to see him through. he limps around, commits malpractice, and serves cunt.
long live mid-2000s TV.
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purpleblip · 8 months ago
truly nothing about house md prepares you for wilson. he's fucking insane. he's been divorced three times. he's the only person who can scheme just as well as house. he gives a patient his own liver bc he felt bad for him - a patient who didn't even know wilson's name. btw. he noticed a patient had depression bc he never mentioned his grandkids. he starred in a porno. he dosed house with antidepressants for several weeks. he allowed his boybestie and his gf to share custody of him and didn't even try to stop it. house told him to buy a piece of furniture that represented who he was, and he bought a $4000+ organ for house. he was gonna torpedo his career to talk abt euthanasia bc one of his patients suffered longer than he had to. he let house move into his 1 bed apartment bc his therapist thought it'd be a good idea. this man would do anything for anybody if they let him. he'd fucking quit his job to save a snail off the sidewalk. bro is not normal in the slightest
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purpleblip · 8 months ago
obsessed with how my mom watches house md because she's a professor of oncology and pharmacy + she likes to see how they diagnose and treat things, whereas i watch house md for the old man queerbaiting
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