#etheria answers
etheriumart · 2 years
Did you ever do other fanart of the female Trunks fic? I saw the one fighting Vegeta, the one hugging Gohan and the one hugging bulma right?
Yeah, that was me!!
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Here are the drawings in question!
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more-or-less-people · 9 months
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So um. I love Etheria's design? She's got such a cute face, and those sparkles on her skin remind me of stars.
I've been meaning to draw her for a while, and finally got around to it. Hope you like it <3
Holy fucking shiiiiiitttt!!! I am losing my absolute mind!! I’m at D&D right now and I’ve shown all my friends and I am screaming and I’m tearing up she’s beautiful!!!!! Thank you with every fibre of my being!!! This has never happened before and I literally can’t describe the emotion I’m experiencing!
You are so talented! Youve made her look absolutely beautiful please never ever stop drawing because you’re adding so much beauty to the world, like I genuinely think I’m about to cry I’m so flattered from the bottom of my soul ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much this is the best day of my life. You’re incredibly talented
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Last Night
A Glimmadora Fanfiction
It was midnight. Glimmer was not sure how she knew that it was, considering how most of Etheria's lights had been snuffed out for a while now. But she knew it was midnight. And she couldn't sleep.
From where she lay, Glimmer could see the faint glow of the Failsafe on Adora's chest. A mark of approaching end. Based on how still Adora was, Glimmer reckoned she was probably awake too. She whispered to Adora, careful not to wake the others.
There was a pause. Then Adora's voice reached her. “Yes?”
In that one syllable, Glimmer could pick apart at least three emotions. Uncertainty, fear, sorrow. Adora was already mourning herself. Her inevitable death.
Glimmer quietly got up from her sleeping bag and walked across to Adora's, sitting next to her.
“Why are you still awake?”
Glimmer could now see Adora's face in the Failsafe's glow. Adora always looked somewhat tired, Glimmer had noticed it a long time ago. She acted peppy and energetic, she always tried to cheer up and inspire her friends. But there was always that look of fatigue and some faraway sorrow that you could catch when she wasn't completely aware of herself.
And now, what with dealing with Catra and the threat of world destruction looming over them, Adora looked more exhausted than ever. She shrugged in reply to Glimmer's question.
“I don't know. I just couldn't sleep.” Adora glanced at Glimmer and sat up quickly. “Are you okay?”
Oh, Adora. Even when it was her life that was on the line, she still always cared so much about everyone else. Too much, maybe.
“I'm fine, don't worry,” Glimmer reassured her quickly. “What about you? How are you feeling?”
Adora sighed. “Does it matter?”
Glimmer took Adora's hand in hers. “It does. It matters to me. And Bow. And everyone out there who loves you and wants you to return safely.”
“I just—” Adora gave a slight ironic chuckle that was somehow even more chilling than her previous depressed tone. “I don't want to get your hopes up. Whatever happens happens for a good reason. Etheria will be safe again.”
Everything was silent for a while, except for the soft chirp of the cicadas. Glimmer tried not to think about the implications of that sentence. She squeezed Adora's hand as she willed herself not to break down into tears.
It took her some restraint and a deep breath to get her next words out, even though her voice was giving up on her.
“Does it always have to be you, Adora?”
She saw a shift in Adora's expression in the Failsafe's glow. “Doesn't it? Isn't that what She-ra is for?”
“Maybe.. but what is Adora for?” Glimmer met Adora's steady gaze. “What do you want, Adora?”
“I—” Adora's voice faltered as she failed to come up with an answer. She looked away. “It doesn't matter. I have to do this.”
A sudden thought struck Glimmer as she grabbed Adora's other hand and looked at the girl earnestly.
“I'm a lot more powerful than I used to be. I- I'm in total control of my powers now. Maybe I can handle the Failsafe, I could take it to the Heart of Etheria instead!”
Adora covered her mouth, surprised at her own ferocity. Lowering her voice, she continued. “No. You're not the one who needs to do it. You have a kingdom to rule. You have people who care about you.”
“So do you, Adora,” Glimmer's voice caught in her throat, tears pricking the corners of her eyes.
Adora smiled sadly and touched Glimmer's forehead with her own, tears trickling down her cheeks. “Don't worry about me, okay?”
Glimmer didn't reply. She pulled Adora into a tight embrace instead.
Glimmer doesn't know how long they stayed that way or when they finally dropped off to sleep in each other's arms, comforted by the thought of spending their last few hours together.
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n7punk · 5 months
Pairings: Adora/Catra (Catradora). Fandom: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018). Series: somewhere between the sand and stardust (Part 1)
Rating: T. Chapters: 1/4 (Ongoing). Words: 24k.
Summary: Most people are trying to find themselves in their twenties, but Adora is just trying to find out what she is. The internet is supposed to bring the world’s knowledge to their fingertips, but it isn’t helpful for finding what magical species goes through this many weird incidents in their lifetime. Adora’s journey leads her across Etheria, but nothing falls into place until she spots a mysterious kitten that looks familiar but always stays out of sight. Following it finally brings her the answers she has been looking for, but it’s only the beginning of a new quest: to learn how to use her magic without accidentally blowing up a bus stop. It doesn’t count as property destruction if she didn’t know she was doing it, right? (An ethereal magical realism AU in modern Etheria)
Part of the SPOP 4th Anniversary Big Bang with my illustration partner @karo-lynn!
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jatsaro · 1 year
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Pirates of Etheria Masterpost 🏴‍☠️✨
(aka the AU where i venture to ask the brave question of “what if i shoved SPoP and PotC into a blender and made it my whole entire personality and never shut up about it?”)
probably gonna use this post as a place to link comic updates and other silly little thoughts about it but if you’ve seen me be insufferable abt my Blorbos on Twitter you are more than welcome to see me struggle with uploading it all over again, and if you’re new you’re welcome to stick around for the Pirate Agenda wooo >:3c
FAQ i just made up on the spot:
What is PoE/What’s it about? —It stands for Pirates of Etheria, which is a play on the Pirates of the Caribbean title,,, i am not very good at titles but i was too lazy to change it so that’s what we’re sticking with atm, but basically i like SPoP and i like PotC and my brain said teehee and combined them and i have never recovered from that high, it’s self-explanatory this is just what if lesbian pirates,,, i am a clown of simple taste
Where can I read it?—it’s in comic format bc i woke up one day and chose to torture myself! so it’s still very much a work in progress but the first chapter is gonna be uploaded and linked and so is the second, which is halfway up on my twitter and will be here as well as soon as it’s finished :]
Is there an age rating/any content warnings I should know about?—My plans for PoE is for it to mostly stick along both the plotlines and the maturity rating for PotC, which is generally inclusive of some PG-13 content (not recommended for children due to suggestive scenes, violence, you get the gist). Each chapter will include a content warning for any sensitive content, though generally speaking i’d wager it will be a relatively SFW read :^]
When will you finish it?—bro i am just doing this for The Vibes idk i’m rly slow
So is it a crossover or just a pirate AU, or…?— ……yes (longer answer: it's not really a crossover AU in that you won't be seeing PotC characters gallivanting around and interacting with the SPoP crew, but there are elements from both sides of the source material that form the plotline for this one, as well as references/maybe the occasional Easter Egg,,, but yeah it's kinda just a mix!)
Why is [insert page(s)] in [language other than English]?—1) bc i'm super cool and bilingual and Latine, therefore a Latine Catra (and a couple of other characters) Truther >:^} and 2) bc it's my AU and i'm being entirely self-indulgent mostly
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loganofthenorth · 8 days
As promised, I present Glimmer for my Shera Swap AU!
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This is the design I’m most excited about because Glimmer has the most changes to her origins out of all the characters
In this AU, Lord Hordak sent both Angelica and Michah to Beast Island, but attempted to use Angelica’s dna to make an immortal clone of himself. Instead he wound up with an accidental daughter that is extremely headstrong and loyal to him.
Hordak is basically like: God fucking dammit. Guess I’m a dad now.
But if anyone harms Glimmer he will annihilate them.
Glimmer becomes besties with Adora and Bow, which solidifies their loyalty to the horde.
She fights constantly Catra and competes with her over everything, which solidifies Catra getting shunned and outcasted by the Horde.
Shadow Weaver’s manipulation doesn’t work in Glimmer because she out manipulates her.
Glimmer puts the fact that she’s theoretically immortal to the test. Constantly. Her father is incredibly stressed out by this.
Laudie, Rogelio, and Kyle don’t like Glimmer because she’s a huge snitch, she constantly picks fights and competes with people, and she treats Kyle like an errand boy.
Out of respect for Adora and Bow, she hasn’t killed anyone…
When Catra betrays the Horde, Glimmer is unphased.
Glimmer: It was bound to happen eventually. She has the loyalty of a thief.
Bow: Actually thieves tend to be really loyal to their team…
Glimmer: I- well… Sometimes, I guess, but you know what I meant.
Glimmer is the only one of the Best Friend Squad that never questions the Horde or its motives. Not in the beginning at least. It’s only when she learns about Queen Angelica and King Micah that she considers betraying the Horde, but that won’t be until a long way off.
She’s also the reason Entrapta betrays the Horde and joins the Rebellion, since she constantly abuses Entrapta’s loyalty and talks badly about her, then blatantly doesn’t care when Entrapta gets captured during the first invasion of Bright Moon.
Glimmer: Oh my gosh! This is amazing! Now Bow gets to be promoted!
Bow and Adora: Glimmer now is not the time. We are grieving the loss of a friend.
Glimmer: But she was so annoying
Laudie: (sarcasm) Hmm. I wonder why people keep betraying us.
Adora and Glimmer: Not now Laudie!
When Glimmer discovers a connection to the Moon Stone, she doesn’t form her connection yet. Mainly cause I realized if she does connect with it that activates the huge mega weapon. She just senses the connection. However it’s enough that she starts getting ill afterwards, and Hordak allows a second invasion to steal the moon stone so that it can be studied.
Shadow Weaver tries to prevent the research of the Moon Stone because she doesn’t want the Horde to find out about the weapon built into Etheria. This is what results in her imprisonment.
Glimmer’s really just going to be at the core of everything that goes wrong for the Horde, but she makes up for it by being a power house after she connects with the moon stone.
That is until she tries to go to Beast Island and Adora knocks her out to stop that from happening
But I think I said she ends up on Beast Island anyways?
I don’t remember how but yeah. She will end up there and Bow will join the Princess Alliance in order to save her, since it’s not like Adora can go to Hordak and be like: So, hey, uh… Your daughter got sent to Beast Island. Whoops.
But yeah after Glimmer reunites with Queen Angelica and King Micah she sides with the Alliance and tries to form a bond with her technical mother. Unfortunately Angelica is very hesitant about this artificial child of herself and her worst enemy and also just naturally gets along with Adora more when Adora switches sides.
This of course makes Glimmer angy
Then eventually Glimmer and Adora try to steal back the Moon Stone for the Rebellion so Angelica and Glimmer can be at full power.
Glimmer fully connects with the Moon Stone while Catra is trying to get answers from Light Hope and this activates the Weapon
Then when Catra destroys the weapon Adora, Glimmer, and Hordak (who tried to kill Adora at this time and technically capture Glimmer) get kidnapped onto the ship.
The only reason Glimmer isn’t killed instantly by Horde Prime for being an abomination is because Adora reveals that Glimmer is a key part of the weapon. From there Glimmer is able to advocate for both herself and Adora.
When Catra saves Adora, Bow saves Glimmer. At this point Glimmer tries to convince Bow that she can’t go back to the planet because she’s part of the weapon and Horde Prime can’t have access to it. She believes that Angelica will never care about her and that she needs to stay here with her father because that’s where she belongs, assuming she can convince Horde Prime she isn’t an abomination and is useful to him.
Bow tells Glimmer that it doesn’t matter what Horde Prime or Angelica think. That Glimmer has a family in Adora and himself. He tells her that if she’s nicer to others, that if she treats them with respect, she can find a family in Catra, Scorpia, Entrapta, and the rest of the alliance too. Glimmer agrees to go and Bow helps her figure out how to apologize to everyone for how she’s treated them.
I’m thinking Glimmer will have a really deep ark over the course of the war against Horde Prime where she’s slowly trying to rebuild her relationships with everyone. At some point I think it will be too difficult for her, and she’ll lash out, which will cause Bow to snap at her. The risk of losing her friendship with Bow snaps Glimmer out of her stubbornness, and her attempts become more genuine and vulnerable.
As she slowly grows more patient and more open minded, people start to form genuine friendships with her. Once she becomes her best self and has found strength in kindness and sincerity, feelings develop between herself and Bow.
At the end of the AU’s ‘Season 5’, Angelica will tell Glimmer how proud she is of her, and accept Glimmer as her daughter. Micah, who got along with Glimmer from the get go despite not being her biological father, is happy with this decision and essentially adopts Glimmer as his step daughter.
Hordak still remains her co-dad due to his own redemption ark, but since I’m not sure whether or not I’ll keep Entrapdac since it doesn’t work too well with my plans for Entrapta in this AU, I’ll have to figure out who his ark is centered around. It could be that rather than someone actively pulling him out of Horde Prime’s influence, he fights on his own to reunite with his daughter and protect her.
Yeah, I like that. I think that will be a good story.
So yeah! That’s Glimmer for this AU.
I was thinking of doing Entrapta next, but designing her in Hero Forge would be hard because they don’t have really long pig tails.
I’ll probably do Catra since she’s like, the main character in this au.
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ari-kari · 1 year
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Winter, 1996. It’s the semester before graduation, and Adora is bonding over drinks with a few soccer teammates. Out of nowhere, one of them brings up a game that Adora’s never heard of before - “gay chicken.”
Naturally, Adora has questions.
(Catradora Modern AU, 18+ high school setting. Falling in love in the 90s. One shot. Explicit)
Friends With Benefits
Catra has been struggling in the lowest rungs of the Vegas cocktail scene for about a year when she comes across an interesting offer online - $100 to get fed on by a vampire. Sure, Catra’s never actually met a vampire before, let alone gotten her blood drawn by one. But she’s done worse things for less money, and shifts at the casino are drying up fast. Why not let some Craigslist rando suck on her neck for a few minutes?
As it turns out, there are quite a few answers to that question. They’re just not the ones Catra was expecting.
(Big Bang longfic in progress. Catradora Modern Vampire AU. Smut heavy, but fluff coming soon 💕)
Option Two
There are many ways to seize control of a human mind. Hate, envy, thwarted desire - all are powerful tools, and all have been wielded by Light Hope to great effect in the past.
But not this time. This time, Light Hope chooses differently.
(Catradora canon-divergent AU - alternate “Promise” fic. Angst with a happy ending. Non-explicit. Not actually centered on Light Hope she’s barely even in it 💀)
Catra flees through the Whispering Woods. Adora chases after her. And instead of grabbing her by the wrists in their final encounter, Adora pushes Catra a bit further.
Things diverge quickly from there.
(Catradora canon-divergent oneshot set immediately following their confrontation in the Whispering Woods. Fluff, angst, and boatloads of sex. Explicit)
As the war reaches its final days, Catra and Adora struggle to define the boundaries of their newly-restored relationship.
(Catradora missing scene - prefinale. Spiritual successor to “Don’t Go” by annacharlier. One shot)
Vague Notions
When Adora’s lifelong battle with anxiety tips from “manageable” to completely out of control, she winds up in the last place she ever expected; a mental health treatment center, smack dab in the middle of nowhere. And she’s far from the only client here in desperate need of assistance.
(Catradora AU with full ensemble cast. Journal format from Adora’s POV. Very long fic, but worth it. Explicit.)
The war is over. Horde Prime’s death has ushered in an era of unprecedented peace in Etheria, with She-Ra and the Alliance at its helm. And against all odds, Adora has feelings for Catra - loves her, even. Catra’s never had more to be grateful for in her life.
Somehow, it’s still not enough.
(Catradora post-canon. Very fluffy “first time” fic. One shot. Explicit.)
Next on the docket: Big Bang 2024, Despara Au, Interdimensional AU longfic.
Thanks for reading ❤️
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birindale · 10 months
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Adventure of the Blue Diamond
Frosta learns about stranger danger, Catra blots out the 'daystar', and She-Ra smashes a priceless gem for no discernible reason.
Transcript/Image ID below the cut
[Image Description: A cover and 14 comic pages from the She-Ra mini-comic, “Adventure of the Blue Diamond”.
Cover: She-Ra stands in a snowy field, staring at something. Double Trouble, Frosta, and Bow stand behind her, none of them dressed for cold weather. Bow has an arrow nocked, and his embedded ‘heart’ is situated low on his torso, more where a belly button would be. All parties look vaguely concerned. The ‘Princess of Power’ logo stands in sharp contrast to the indigo sky, while the title ‘Adventure of the Blue Diamond’ is a washed out azure with insufficient lining to read well against the lighter purple background and blue of Bow’s pants.
Page 1: A yellow text box reads, “The duties of the day behind her. PRINCESS ADORA indulges in a rare moment of quiet reflection. But her sweet peace is to be short lived… For all is not well in Etheria… ”
Adora is looking into a mirror, brushing her hair despite still wearing her crown and high-collared cape. She’s smiling peacefully.
Adora notices something in her reflection, pausing in her brushing. 
What appears to be a window glows gold in the reflection of the mirror, and she stares at it with a concerned frown. 
Kowl bursts into the room, frantic, calling, “Oh, fair princess, woe is me! DANGER! DANGER… all I see! QUICKLY! You must follow me! HOOT! HOOT!” Adora whips around to face him. 
“Good heavens, Kowl! What IS the matter?” she asks. The words ‘Adventure of the Blue Diamond’ appear on a title scroll at the bottom of the page. ‘Blue Diamond’ is rendered as though made of cut gems.
End Page 1.
Page 2: “Just look and listen!” says Kowl, leading her to the open window of the Crystal Castle. A strong and ominous wind hisses outside.
“CATRA! Up to her old tricks! I’d recognize that voice anywhere!” says Adora, looking out into a gathering storm. 
“She’s gone too far I fear! Etheria’s DOOM is all too near!” says Kowl. 
“Not if I have anything to say about it!” says Adora, with a confident smile. 
“BY THE HONOR OF GRAYSKULL… I AM SHE-RA!” she yells, holding the Sword of Protection aloft. Magic swirls around her, and the word ‘BOOM!’ is printed in big red letters. Her crown inverts, but does not cover her eyes as a mask. 
“I must find the source of this dark trouble at once! Kowl, summon BOW and DOUBLE TROUBLE… quickly… I’ll need their HELP!” She-Ra says to Kowl.
End Page 2. 
Page 3: A yellow caption box reads, “Moments later…” and we see that it’s begun to snow. A large vehicle with lepidopteran wings, somewhere between the Butterflyer and the Flutter Plane in design but colored to match Double Trouble’s outfit, is parked in front of the Crystal Castle, where She-Ra meets with her allies. 
“Brave Bow, far greater is the force of Catra’s folly this day than I have ever seen it! I know not the SOURCE of her dark powers, but we must NOT let her EVIL TREACHERY SUCCEED!” says She-Ra. 
“Never have I seen Etheria look more DESOLATE and DREARY! Whatever Catra’s up to… It must be a vile TRICK indeed!” says Bow. 
“She-Ra, surely you must have some sort of PLAN!” says Double Trouble. 
“Indeed I do and much of it depends on you, Double Trouble., with your SPY DISGUISE you can make it into Catra’s camp UNDETECTED! GO NOW and discover for me just what wretched scheme that fiendish feline has up her sleeve!” says She-Ra. 
Double Trouble stands with her hands on her hips, wind buffeting Bow behind her. “And when I have your answer?” she asks. 
“Then send a SIGNAL skyward. The FLUTTER PLANE will bring Bow and me to your side in a but a moment!” says She-Ra, so apparently that is in fact the Flutter Plane, just riffing on the earlier two-seater concept art that Filmation discarded and Mattel never produced. Cool.
A yellow caption box reads, “A clever scout, Double Trouble soon finds herself on the evil Catra’s trail…” and we see Double Trouble slogging through the snow, following a very neat and precise course. 
“FOOT PRINTS! Catra has been here all right!” she says, following them as it continues to snow. The ground is now completely covered.
End Page 3. 
Page 4: “... and up ahead… a CAVE!” says Double Trouble, trudging through even deeper snow, approaching, you guessed it, a cave. “If I don’t miss my guess, the SINISTER FELINE seeks shelter from the storm inside!” 
“Just as I suspected! BUT WAIT… What’s this? The fiendish feline holds a PRISONER!” Double Trouble thinks to herself, peering into the cave to see an exultant Catra, wearing a silver fur cloak, gloating over a woman with long blue hair tied to a stalagmite. 
“AT LAST! The treasured SNOW CAPE and its powerful SECRETS are mine… ALL MINE!” says Catra.
End Page 4.
Page 5: “HELP! Somebody HELP ME!” yells the prisoner. Catra smiles dismissively and pulls out her mask and says, “FROSTA, my dear, you are a FOOL! There is no one to hear your cries, nor anyone to interfere with thissss…
“My most diabolical plot to SEIZE CONTROL of all Etheria!” she declares, putting on her mask. 
The space between panels reads, “Unleashed by Catra’s evil threats, Double Trouble CHANGES into her SPY DISGUISE - a face that Catra recognizes as a FRIEND!” followed by a four-panel sequence of Double Trouble shifting into evil mode. 
“CATRA! What have we here?” she asks. 
“WHA…? Oh it’s you, Double Trouble!” says Catra. “This foolish girl has given me her precious SNOW CAPE, and with its secrets, Etheria will soon be MINE!”
End Page 5.
Page 6:
“HOW? What secrets? Tell me your plan!” says Double Trouble. 
“I took Frosta’s powerful WAND and FROZE ETHERIA!” says Catra. “But its freezing effect is only temporary! Fear not, friend—I’ve discovered a MAP in her cape that will lead me to the BLUE ICE DIAMOND! And I will have the power to freeze Etheria FOREVER!” 
“Double Trouble, guard Frosta until I return!” says Catra, running from the cave.
A yellow caption box reads, “Above Etheria’s moonlit horizon, Bow and She-Ra watch… and wait…” and we see the Flutter Plane flying over a snow-covered landscape.
“LOOK THERE! It’s Double Trouble’s SIGNAL!” says Bow, pointing at a flare of magic from the pilot’s seat. 
“GOOD! Let’s take ‘er down…” says She-Ra. 
End Page 6. 
Page 7: “She-Ra, Etheris is in the greatest PERIL! Frosta, QUICKLY, you must tell She-Ra everything you know!” says Double Trouble, as she emerges from the cave, supporting Frosta. Bow and She-Ra run towards her.
“So LONELY have I been here, in the frozen north, for Catra’s TRICKERY I was an easy mark! A day ago, she befriended me… but it has COST me DEARLY!” says Frosta, beginning to cry. Double Trouble holds her closer in support.
“Go on, tell her about the SNOW CAPE!” she urges. 
“Foolishly, I GAVE my snow cape to Catra in exchange for her company! Inside the cape, there is a map that will lead her to the Blue Ice Diamond!” says Frosta, dripping tears. 
“THE BLUE ICE DIAMOND! Catra will use the gemstone’s powerful magic to turn Etheria into a frozen wasteland FOREVER! We must STOP her!” says She-Ra, evidently horrified.
A yellow caption box reads, “With Frosta in the lead, She-Ra and her stalwart cohorts race across the Dreaming Mountain! But can they reach the Blue Ice Diamond in time?” 
The Flutter Plane flies overhead while Double Trouble and Frosta (who has been mistakenly colored to look like She-Ra) ride in another vessel. It’s a sailing sledge (an iceboat meant for dry land) with an unstayed mast & single lateen sail, long and narrow in the style of a stereotypical viking ship, complete with an ornate figurehead of a bird of prey. The entire ship is a similar shade of green to Double Trouble, including the sail, which is feather-patterned. There are struts visible in later panels which confirm this is a sleigh and not a magical land-ship of some kind. The whole thing is reminiscent of the Sea Harp in shape, but that hasn't been designed yet.
End Page 7. 
Page 8: A yellow caption box reads, “... or does Catra ALREADY hold Etheria’s fate in her grasp?” as Catra gloats over a gem, which glows a vivid green. 
“CATRA!” shouts Frosta, now colored correctly, “HALT! Or I shall FREEZE you where you stand!” She climbs from the sailing sledge and brandishes her Snowflake Wand (which is really more of a staff). 
“You’re TOO LATE Frosta… TOO LATE!” Catra calls back, lifting a faceted gem to her face as she smiles in evil glee.
End Page 8. 
Page 9: “LOOK! Etheria’s bright daystar DIMS even as I speak, and a CLOAK OF DARKNESS SWEEPS THE LAND!” she yells, gesturing at what I think it’s safe to assume is a sun and not the planet Venus because it’s flipping huge, “Soon I shall rule FOREVER!” 
“WHISSSSHHHH,” goes the Snowflake Wand, which now more resembles a scepter, then “ZZZAAA,” in a spidery, electric sort of style. Sparkles emerge from the wand and Frosta looks pretty pissed.
“--KRAKK!” finish the onomatopoeia, as we return to Catra, who’s surrounded by sparkles as the sun darkens behind her. 
We zoom in closer to reveal she’s frozen solid, still cackling. 
The focus shifts to the sun, now completely dark. 
End Page 9. 
Page 10:  Frosta falls to her knees in despair, burying her face in her hands as Double Trouble tries to comfort her. In the background, the Flutter Plane lands and She-Ra leaps from within. 
“Oh She-Ra, I have FAILED! There is NOTHING we can do to save Etheria from darkness… it’s all MY FAULT!” sobs Frosta as She-Ra lays a supportive hand on her shoulder. 
She-Ra doesn’t respond immediately, trudging over to Catra as Bow reaches the sledge. 
“Perhaps there is MORE to this blue ice diamond than meets the eye!” She-Ra says, plucking the gem from the frozen Catra’s grasp. 
“BOW! Stand fast and make ready an arrow! I have an idea!” she calls back over her shoulder. Bow moves forward obediently. Frosta is still kneeling in the snow and Double Trouble’s still in the sledge. 
End Page 10.
Page 11: “The SECRET of this gemstone’s POWER may lie WITHIN…” says She-Ra, setting the blue ice diamond atop a rock. 
She lifts her sword. In this panel and the next, she’s shown with her inverted crown functioning as a mask. “... so, if we CRACK it…” 
She brings the Sword of Protection down with a huge “SMASH!” 
“... we can set its magic FREE!” she finishes, revealing that there was a second, smaller diamond inside the first diamond, matryoshka doll style. For some reason. 
“Now, let your arrow FLY!” she says to Bow, as he ties this smaller diamond to an arrow. It glows a soft yellow. She-Ra’s crown is no longer a mask. 
End page 11. 
Page 12: Bow aims directly at the darkened sun. 
We get a close-up of his face, deep in concentration, as he releases the arrow with a loud “SPUNGG!”
The arrow sails towards the sun. 
Double Trouble, Frosta, and Bow look on. Bow lowers his bow. 
The arrow disappears from sight, leaving only the darkness and the blotted daystar. 
Double Trouble, Frosta, Bow, and She-Ra watch in silence. 
The sun remains dark 
End page 12. 
Page 13: “BULL’SEYE!” hollers Bow, lifting his bow to the sky in jubilation as the sun goes “BUH WHOOM!” and begins emitting light once more. He slings a celebratory arm around Frosta’s waist, like he means to hug her but is just too excited about archery to bother. 
Catra begins to defrost beneath the heat of the sun. 
She comes to staring at her now-empty hand, startled and soaking wet from the melted ice, the snow cape falling from her shoulders. We see that beneath the snow, this was some kind of arid plain, which contradicts its earlier description as being the “Dreaming Mountain”, as the Dreaming Mountains are the home of Castle Chill (and thus, chilly) from Filmation. 
“CURSES! FOILED AGAIN!” shouts Catra, sprinting into the distance. 
End Page 13. 
Page 14: “YOU’VE DONE IT! The daystar glows brighter than ever!” says Frosta, clapping her hands together in delight. 
“Etheria is SAFE once more and I am FREE at last of Catra’s EVIL MAGIC!” she says, holding her snow cape over one shoulder like a jock with a letterman jacket. 
“Yes—Etheria is SAFE and BEAUTIFUL once more!” says She-Ra, walking over to her. 
“Bow, Double Trouble, time to go! The CRYSTAL CASTLE and NEW ADVENTURES await!” says She-Ra, looking over her shoulder to her friends. 
“But WAIT! How can I ever REPAY your kindness? Perhaps my coat…?” says Frosta, holding the snow cape out to She-Ra as Double Trouble and Bow climb into the Flutter Plane. 
“Fair Frosta—haven’t you learned a moral after all that’s happened? REMEMBER THIS!” says She-Ra:
“FRIENDSHIP can’t be bought or sold… it must come from the HEART! And from OUR hearts to YOURS—a friendship that’s EVERLASTING!” says She-Ra, in the traditional red text they use for morals. Everybody smiles at each other. 
The End.
End of Page 14.
Back Cover: The “Princess of Power” logo, with the text “Collect Princess of Power (trademarked) Dolls & Accessories! Each Sold Separately.
Cardback illustrations for She-Ra the “most powerful woman in the universe”, Bow the “special friend”, Double Trouble the “glamorous double-agent”, Frosta the “Ice Empress of Etheria”, Catra the “Jealous Beauty”, Castaspella the “Enchantress who hypnotizes”, Kowl “The Know-It-Owl”, Angella the “Angelic winged guide”, and Glimmer the “Guide who lights the way”. 
Illustrations copyright Mattel Inc., 1984. Hawthorne, CA 90250 U.S.A.
PRINTED IN TAIWAN. All Rights Reserved. 
End of ID]
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spopsalt · 9 months
Spop fans:
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Me: correction. I think you wanted to say " two whole years since I and the C//A shippers love incest and abuser x victim ships who don't care that it's actually disrespectfull in history ", idk why you guys wanted two sisters kissing that's literally disgusting!!
spop fans:
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Me: etheria's heart is pink because it means that she's close to the thing that Horde Prime has so Adora can kill it. Also not everything is about C*tr*, you guys include her like if she joins the bfs wasn't enough you wan't her include her at your friendship group or your relationship like ?! I understand being obssesed being a fictional character because i'm obssesed with some but we are talking about a horrible person who kill and hurt innocent people and abused her sister for years and didn't apologize
friend, i recently check twitter just for find this digusting C//A shippers trying to romantize two adopting sisters and being obssesed with including C*tr* at everything, sometime i think that C*tr* and C//A stans don't deserve Adora because they treat her as shit like C*tr* and don't appreciatte her for her actions and how hard she tries no matter what they always like " c*tr/ this " or c*tr* that " there is never an " how is Adora ? " " Adora is the best character ever " " i love her so much " it's always about her abusive sister and not about Adora and she's the protagonist of her series. WHat do you think about how C*tr* and C//A treat Adora ? do you agree with me about my answer to this tweets ? also are you tired too that people love C*tr* more than Adora ?
For the first post, the owl house is much better with it's representation, also the main two love interests aren't sisters, and they actually have a healthy cute relationship, the secret one isn't even true, I do not understand what they mean.
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slobby-shera · 3 months
When the Best Friend Squad departed Bright Moon, none of them were looking forward to their trip to visit Entrapta. Adora, Bow, Glimmer, and Catra were all dreading what would come about of the inventor’s poorly-thought-out experiment to explore other worlds. They had yet to see what results she got but not even Bow was feeling optimistic.
The four landed on the outskirts of Dryl far from the princess’ mountain castle/lab. What they found was worse than they thought. A green portal stood in the clearing roughly the size of a house. Robots were constructed a metallic arch around it with a platform at the base being built. Overseeing it was Entrapta and Hordak, with Emily carrying over some tiny food on a platter.
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Hordak turned when he heard their footsteps draw near. “I was wondering when you’d show up.” His tone as disapproving as ever.
Catra scoffed. “Sorry to disappoint, FORMER Lord Hordak.”
He growled but his irritation was snuffed shortly after. “My…apologies. I have much to work on.”
“No kidding,” said Adora. They went through a lot of trouble to keep his true identity a secret. With Horde Prime defeated, peace had arrived to Etheria. However, many wanted Hordak’s head of a stick. Entrapta convinced the princesses to let Hordak stay with her as her prisoner/lab partner and tell everyone he was one of the many liberated clones. Adora was reluctant but willing to give Entrapta a chance. Just one.
“Isn’t it riveting?” Smiled Entrapta. “By my calculations, I should be able to establish a connection to another universe by the end of the year.”
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“That’s part of the reason we’re here,” said Glimmer. “Before you try reaching out to anyone, we want you to ensure that nothing can come through until we are ready.”
“Why would I do that?” Entrapta seemed oblivious to the very obvious risk glowing in front of her.
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“So that whatever comes through doesn’t try and KILL US!” Catra grunted.
“Highly unlikely. I’ve been monitoring the communications of the other Entrapta’s and they’ve yet to mention anything that dangerous coming through.” She grabbed the tiny cupcakes from Emily’s platter and stuffed them in her mouth while her hair calibrated the console. “I doubt the alternate me’s would overlook something like that.”
“Unless the threat is another you.”
Entrapta paused and thought this over. “Possibly but that’s just one of infinite possibilities.”
Catra was ready to tear her hair out again and leaned against Adora. “Someone else talk her out of this before I have an aneurysm.” It took all of Adora’s strength to keep her oversized girlfriend from toppling her.
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Bow stepped forward and asked, “Is there anyway these other universes could find us?”
“Theoretically, yes,” answered Entrapta. “But if they had such a method, I wouldn’t know how to conceal ourselves from it. Hopefully, that won’t be the case.”
This did nothing to assuage the visitors. “We should probably warn the other princesses about this,” suggested Bow.
“I will inform you of any developments,” said Hordak.
“And keep her from destroying reality,” added Catra.
“I will do my best.”
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TheStaryGayzingEtherian Fic Masterpost
Hello everyone and if you are reading this, you have probably found my Tumblr blog. I present to you a big long post of all my multichapter stories that I have posted. This will be updated with every new fic I post/complete.
My AO3
My AO3 (One Shots)
My Twitter
My Bluesky
My ongoing She-Ra extended universe stories featuring the rest of the MOTU cast as well as featuring the continuing adventures of all the She-Ra characters we know and love.
We Have The Power - Rated T - Canon - 4/? - 26k words so far
It has been six months since the defeat of Horde Prime and Etheria has mostly rebuilt following the end of the war. Adora has been spending much of her time finally getting a chance to rest... yet, strange dreams plague her, dreams of horrible events yet to come. Meanwhile, on their travels through space, Catra, Glimmer and Bow meet a man named Adam and his friends. Adam is soon revealed to be He-Man, a magical warrior similar to She-Ra and as such, the best friend squad invite Adam to visit Etheria to meet Adora. However, this little visit sparks off quite the adventure, as He-Man's arch enemy Skeletor sets his sights upon Etheria... and Adora discovers the family she never knew she had. All the secrets of the universe shall be finally revealed! (Catradora, Canon, Part of She-Ra: Beyond The Heart)
My collection of She-Ra AU stories, These stories will be ordered from most to least fantasy/sci-fi. Stories in a modern setting will be in the middle, full Sci-fi at the bottom and fantasy/historical at the top.
Defender Of Dragons - Rated E - Medieval Fantasy AU - 7/? - 35.8k words so far
When brave young knight Adora and her mentor Mara receive a mysterious message telling them to come to the Whispering Woods, they find themselves reunited with an old friend, Catra, Princess of the Magicats. Catra has sought out their aid on an important quest to save the last of her people. However, this will not be an easy quest, as vicious enemies seek to destroy Catra and her people. Taking up the quest, Adora will have to brave great hardship if she is to succeed... and maybe, she and Catra will find some love along the way. (Catradora, Medieval Fantasy AU)
A Wolf In The Fold - Rated E - Modern Werewolf AU - 9/9 - 41k words
After a painful tragedy, Catra has found herself retreating from the world, isolating herself in a cabin owned by her friend Glimmer. One day, however, Catra hears a loud howling from the nearby woods, rushing out to find a rather large wolf caught in a trap. However, this is no ordinary wolf… and this beautiful creature's secrets will change Catra’s world forever. (Catradora, Modern/Werewolf AU)
Darkness Among The Stars - Rated E - Sci-Fi Space Opera Bounty Hunter AU - 3/? - 17k words so far
Adora Darkstar is one of the most renowned bounty hunters in the galaxy, for her noble nature and wanting to see justice in a lawless part of the cosmos... and also because she's a living killing machine hell-bent on finding the monster who ruined her life. After receiving a tip that her worst enemy is on the space station Despondos, Adora finds more questions than answers about her past... and a strange alien catgirl who crosses her path. Little do either of them realise that what lies ahead of them could very well change the galaxy forever. (Catradora, Sci-Fi Space Opera AU)
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etheriumart · 2 years
who are vuya and lala??
Vuya and LaLa are my Majin OCs! They’re twins, and they’re shitheads hehe.
Majin LaLa:
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Majin Vuya:
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I love the hell out of them, they’re the WORST /affectionate
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swearyshera · 1 year
Given your Melog is intelligible to the audience, I wonder if you're going to carry on canon's choice of not giving us one straight answer what the hell Melog actually is. That's not a criticism, I actually like that basically everything about Melog is a mystery. Is it a construct or just some weird familiar-species? Was it's humanoid form a "holding pattern" until it bonded with a new "master", or was that it's form from it's last master? Did it ever have one? Was it controlling the illusions because it saw the team as intruders, if so why did it bond to Catra after she interferes? How autonomous is it with a master vs without one? Does it really have a mind of it's own and can make it's own judgements about what's best for their master, or does it just push them towards their true desire (a healthier relationship with Adora in both cases)
Best guess I have is it takes the form their master needs and became a therapy pet for Catra. Maybe it saw guarding it's home as it's purpose but saw Catra was so profoundly screwed up it decided this was a bigger issue and reprogrammed itself on the spot. Tells you something Catra had to learn how to communicate better from something that literally can't speak.
I'd assume Catra's own species created Melog, since I always assumed Catra wasn't "native" to Etheria just like Adora, but HP absolutely would've bragged about wiping out her civilization at some point, even if he left out it being a pyrrhic victory.
Also if I had a nickel for every time one of my fave pieces of media had some sort of shapeshifting, psychically resonant pseudo-automaton that is sole survivor of it's culture and attaches itself to (one of) the lead character via psychic link that bypasses verbal speech I'd have two nickels. (The first being Torment: Tides of Numenera's Oom)
I really would love to know, but I think part of the charm is in not knowing.
My personal thought is that Melog is the remnants of the magic left behind after Horde Prime slaughtered the inhabitants of Krytis. As such, it's not really a 'species', but a concentration of intense magic that can take a corporeal form and communicate mentally with Catra.
But I don't know if that's really the case here. I'm probably not going to give any answer as to what Melog is because I just don't know.
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I remember seeing a C//A fan comic a while back. Catra was being super defensive and possessive of Adora after the war ended. And everyone (civilians) got mad at Catra. So Adora stands up for her saying “Why are you all hanging up on Catra?!” And they all answer ‘Because she did a bunch of shitty things.’ Only for Adora to throw it back in their faces with “In case you haven’t noticed, there’s a bunch of Horde clones around here who were just as bad as she was. And you’re not mad at them!”
And here’s where the comic REALLY lost me. Yeah, the clones fucked up. And yes, they have to work hard to have people trust and respect them and help Etheria as well. But Jfc, at least the clones didn’t KNOW ANY BETTER. I mean they were kinda, I dunno, BRAINWASHED AND IN A CULT. Catra, on the other hand literally committed atrocity after atrocity, KNOWING FULL WELL she was doing something evil.
that's so fucked up?? see, this is exactly what kind of mindset this show fosters. "the show says catra didn't do anything wrong, so she didn't do anything wrong!" not to mention, real-life abuse victims do tend to be defensive over their partner and it's not a good thing. adora had actually realized how toxic catra was, so to have her not only forgive catra but also protect her from the consequences of her own actions is.. depressing, to say the least.
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n7punk · 5 months
Pairings: Adora/Catra (Catradora). Fandom: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018). Series: somewhere between the sand and stardust (Part 1)
Rating: T. Chapters: 4/4 (Complete). Words: 25k.
Summary: Most people are trying to find themselves in their twenties, but Adora is just trying to find out what she is. The internet is supposed to bring the world’s knowledge to their fingertips, but it isn’t helpful for finding what magical species goes through this many weird incidents in their lifetime. Adora’s journey leads her across Etheria, but nothing falls into place until she spots a mysterious kitten that looks familiar but always stays out of sight. Following it finally brings her the answers she has been looking for, but it’s only the beginning of a new quest: to learn how to use her magic without accidentally blowing up a bus stop. It doesn’t count as property destruction if she didn’t know she was doing it, right? (An ethereal magical realism AU in modern Etheria)
Part of the SPOP 4th Anniversary Big Bang with my illustration partner @karo-lynn!
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dearladynightmare · 9 months
If you're answering those questions, then I want to know your answer for questions 9 and 17
17. Which Entrapdak fic, comic and/or fanart is your favourite?
Ohh I think this question is tough one. Over the last few months, I've read the works of so many artists and authors and I've marveled at everything! So it's impossible for me to pick just one Entrapdak artist or fanfic author, let alone a specific work.
Therefore, I would like to tag a few authors or artists who have absolutely enchanted me with their work!❤️✨ (I just wish I had the time to finish reading all the fanfictions on my list because there are so many more authors whose works I unfortunately haven't had the chance to read yet...)
Fanfic Authors: @solcaeruleus @madgirlmuahaha @pennamesmith
Artists: @kuurankaiho @abneyart @maireadralph @niuniente @alexologyart
9. Do you think they would have kids, and if so, how would they achieve it?
Yes, I can well imagine the two of them making the decision to have at least one child.
I think the question of "how" is more difficult to answer. I think they could try the spicy traditional way to achieve. And they probably would tho... But from another (let's say: "purely logical") point of view, they are both completely different species, which could actually make a natural pregnancy impossible. And even if it would work, the pregnancy could carry risks for the child (I know, a very realistic point of view for this being a fantasy seriesXD)
But after all, we're talking about the two most intelligent scientists Etheria has ever seen! So I'm convinced that they have no problem having a Lab Baby with the help of science. ✨ Anyway, Hordak managed to create Imp with the help of cloning technology, so creating a lil descendant shouldn't be a problem. I'm certain it would definitely be an exciting experiment for them!!! :D
Moreover I really have to say that I think Hordak and Entrapta would be great parents!! Accepting, loving and very supportive ones.🥰 I imagine Entrapta as the craziest mom ever which always supports her children and Hordak as the proudest, most caring and softest father (I means he's already a great Dad to imp!! So!!:3
Thank you so much for asking!! And sorry for the delayed answer❤️
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